#also fuck better help it’s a shitty company try not to use them if you have the resources to use another company/therapist
Winter Nights (Vere x gn!Reader) (Touchstarved)
content: verex reader, gender neutral reader, I tried to write this so any origin will work with this fic, SFW but Vere makes his usual jokes, cannon typical swearing, reader bullies Vere just the smallest bit but he does the same.
summary: Vere has a horrible day, not enjoying the ice-cold weather at all. you decide to help out your favorite sassy fox boy.
word count: 5.5k
A/N: In honor of us getting VERE LORE i made this little fic of him. ngl i just saw how much he hated snow and ran with it. im so obsessed w this bitch yall i love him sm.
part 2 here
Vere had had a shit day. In your first few weeks of arriving in Eridia you probably wouldn’t have noticed it. That demon Fox was notoriously good at hiding his feelings when he really wanted to. He'd misdirect your attention, complaining about how shitty the drinks are in the Wick when he was really upset about something else entirely. Something deeper he didn't want you to know about. Honestly, in the first few weeks here you probably didn't care much to know what he was upset about anyways, you were too busy trying to survive. But life in Eridia had settled down a bit after the first month or so. You had stable lodgings, you had picked up some odd jobs, using your specific set of skills to give yourself some income. You even had allies of sorts. 
Leander had shown you the ropes of the cities and how to fit in with his Bloodhounds, Kuras had welcomed your assistance at the clinic (even if your help just amounted to laundry or organization), Ais enjoyed your occasional company in the red spring, and even Mhin had gifted you a well made dagger, their face blushing red as they insisted it was simply so you wouldn't be as useless as you had been that night they had met you. You'd even consider some of them almost friends now.
Yet out of all the characters you'd met since entering this city, Vere had been the one you had chosen to align yourself with in the quest to cure your curse. There was something dangerous beneath the surface of all of your new acquaintances, yet with Vere it was different. He knew more than he was letting on. He was more than he was letting on. Vain people like him usually loved to flaunt just how wealthy, powerful or clever they were, but he had always slyly dodged the topic. He was putting on an act, a performance where he was simply a beautiful face, and you knew it was bullshit. You’d be lying if you said curiosity was not a catalyst for choosing Vere as your closest companion, but you also had the sense that staying close to him was infinitely safer than opposing him. Something about keeping friends close and enemies closer. 
But that was the other problem. Over these months, you saw Vere as less of an enemy and more like-
-Well, Saying friend was probably inaccurate. You kept your secrets close to your chest and Vere was far too fake with you for you to assume he trusted you. Yet, you found yourself genuinely enjoying his company. He'd try to get a rise out of you by being an asshole and you'd reply with something snarky, clever, or just downright outrageous and Vere would let out a surprised bark of laughter. Real laughter, a high pitched guttural cackle, not like the fake laughter he uses around most, that breathless smooth chuckle you'd quickly figured out was fake as fuck. 
Getting closer to Vere also meant learning things like that, when he was being fake or when he genuinely meant something. And although you'd never admit it, you loved that. Getting to know Vere better and getting rewarded with a real moment with him was like having a stray cat you'd been trying to get to trust you finally approach and sniff your hand before hissing and running off again. You knew that cat would be an asshole the next day, but you also know you'd be back the next day to see if you could get that cat to trust you a little more. 
Though said cat (or more accurately fox) had been in a worsening mood recently. The months were getting colder, and when the first snowflake fell Vere’s scowl became more frequent, plus leander had been trying to get closer to you lately, and that man's mere presence could put Vere in a pissy mood for hours. You didn't quite understand his hatred for Leander, but you also had the feeling leander was just a little insane, so it might be genuinely good judgment on Veres part instead of him just being an ass to people for fun, like what he did with Mhin and Kuras. The real icing on the cake to complete Veres' bad mood was his hunting session that happened today. The Senobium had dragged him out at the crack of dawn to kill monsters and only loosened his leash late into the night, after the light snowfall had become more of a brutal sleet, the ice cold rain coming down in sheets. The temperature in Eridia always drops much lower in the nighttime, so by tomorrow you'd put money on the outside either being a slushy mess with ice coating every road, or be covered in a dusting of snow. Though you weren't too sure how likely either of those realistically were to occur, it was your first winter in Eridia. You hadn't even realized that you'd been here for so long the seasons had begun changing around you, but it was clear Vere had hated the colder months. 
Your persistence in getting to know Vere, for reasons even you couldn't really explain, along with all these reasons, was why you knew he was going to be in the worst mood yet when he got back. You were by the bar, nursing some hot mulled wine when the door to the Wet Wick slammed open, Vere stomping in (probably to knock some of the slush off his boots and also because he was angry) and taking a seat at the bar next to you. 
He didn't say a word to you, silently seething as he gave the bartender a silent look that meant “make this drink strong or i'll make your life miserable”. 
Thankfully, the bartender was as reliable and quick on her feet as ever, ignoring Vere’s death glare but pouring him some non-watered down liquor. You were ever grateful for her ability to deal with the people of this city. 
Veres' long scarlet hair was slightly plastered to his cheek, wet and freezing, with snow and sleet mixed in, tangling the long strands. You wagered a quick look at his tail, and it was just as bad, if not worse. A bit of mud had caked on the bottom of it, along with the blood of whatever monster they had had him hunting that evening. And the fine fur was drenched to the bone. He looked absolutely horrible, and hadn't said a word to you the entire time, just bitterly drinking his liquor and motioning for another pour.
That's how you knew this bad day was different from the rest. Usually when Vere was upset he'd let you know somehow. Whether it was turning up his nose at you to let you know your presence isn't wanted nor needed, or sometimes he'd rant for hours on how much he hated the Senobium or whatever else was bothering him. And no matter how mad he was, he'd never let you see him in such a disheveled state. It was hard for you to remember even a handful of times where Vere looked less than perfect. 
But now? Looked like an absolute mess, and even stranger, he was just-
-just quiet really. If you didn't know better you'd almost think he was a little defeated. Like a person at their breaking point. 
You couldn't help but feel sympathetic. Not too long ago you had felt that way, the face he wore now was like the one you wore on the caravan on the way to Eridia reminiscing about how you were betrayed, how your former life and everything you had up until that point was basically nothing but ashes now. It was not a good feeling. 
You wanted to do something to help. For some reason you really wanted to do something to help. Luckily you had an idea. Well, hopefully luckily. You knew people who looked like that usually wanted to be left alone to seeth for a while. Or cry, depending on the person. But you wanted to help. If he didnt like it, then he could always leave, it's not like you'd force him to accept your help. 
While he sipped what must have been his 3rd or 4th strong drink, you quietly slipped upstairs to your room, and began filling up the tub. A while back you had splurged and purchased a small mesh bag of a few bathing items, all of them lavender scented. You dumped them out to see what exactly you had to work with
A small bar of lavender soap
A single vial of Lavender bath salts
Some lavender hair oils 
Lavender shampoo
And a small white comb, most likely made of some mid tier material, enough to do its job, but nothing stunning. This seemed like a passible amount of stuff for Vere right? You knew he was fancy and he probably had much higher quality items in greater amounts back wherever he lived, and what if- 
Wait a damn minute. You were doing this out of the kindness of your frickin heart. If it wasn't nice enough for his stuffy ass then you'd just use the items yourself. Hell you already were a bit disappointed you didn't get to use this stuff yourself, more for you if he decided he didn't like it. 
With that settled in your mind, you turned towards the now full tub and a smaller basin next to it, both filled with clear water, and began to use a simple spell to heat the water. Almost all humans had some potential to learn magic, and being able to heat water to steaming hot was an extremely basic magic, almost anyone could perform it if they knew what to do. You finished it off by pouring the bath salts into the tub and grabbing two towels out from your closet, one large one and one suited for drying hair, and laid them to the side along with the assortment of small lavender products you had gotten out. You then lit a few candles set on the sink, considering it was dark outside, and candles were now the only source of light in the bathroom. With that prepared and the bath still steaming hot, you headed back down to the tavern.
Vere was still there, still drinking some strong amber liquid. At least he was no longer shooting them back, but instead nursing the drink with slow sips. He was definitely at least a little buzzed, judging by the way he slightly tilted off the barstool. 
You walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Vere. Hey Vere, are you still with me? Or are you more drunk than you look?”
The fox glared up at you for a second before he fixed his scowl, a look of boredom and slight amusement painted on his pretty face in an instant.
Fake bitch. 
“Well, well, well. Here to keep me company now? I'll be honest, my standards are lowering with every glass I down, so keep trying and maybe you'll get lucky.” a lecherous smirk spread across his face as he spoke. 
Sigh. he was so going to take this the wrong way.
“Lets go to my room”
“W-” Vere momentarily stumbled over his response. Probably only because he was drunk. Any other time and he would have absolutely dominated this situation easily, poking and preening about how you were not immune to his charms. And yet up till now he didn’t think you were the type to fall for his flirty act so easily.
And he was right, you were smarter than that. If you hadn't been he probably would have killed you by now. 
“Hey.” you practically scolded. “Get your mind out of the gutter. Not for those reasons. Come on, up we go.” you said while grabbing his elbow gently to steady him as he got off the stool, just in case. 
Mercifully, he let you lead him upstairs without complaint, probably out of curiosity on what the hell you were thinking. 
When you opened the door to the bathroom, Vere was momentarily stunned looking at the steaming bath, but quickly put two and two together. It seemed this unexpected scenario had sobered him up a little bit. He instantly became more alert and aware of his surroundings.
Fair. it's not like you two were very soft and caring to each other. If anything you got along best when you were trying to out-snark each other. This was definitely out of character. But regardless his mask of calm indifference didn't falter a bit. 
“Oh I see” he drawled. “Set to join me in the nude aren't you? My goodness you could have just asked if you were this desperate to see me undress, I might have only made you beg a little.” 
His smugness was palpable at this point. Why were you doing all this for him again? Bitch-ass sad soggy fox. 
You pushed your annoyance to the side. If you reacted to his bullshit he'd get what he wanted.
“Actually yes I was planning on joining you. But not in the bath.” you responded.
“Oh? And what exactly are you planning on doing?” his questioning was genuine, as if he actually had no idea what you were thinking. 
You held up the comb that came with the rest of the bath items you planned on using. 
“I'm going to rip those knots out of your hair if it kills you.” you deadpanned.
The look of genuine fear on Veres' face for a split second when you said that was worth all the effort. 
After assuring him that you wouldn't actually rip out any of his hair (on purpose at least) and then additional promises that you would be gentle, Vere finally relented and began to strip down. As soon as he did you turned around, waiting until you heard him submerge himself in the tub before turning back around. You knew he thought about making a comment about you turning around to let him undress, but thankfully he seemed too worn out to poke you any further. 
He let out a slight gasp, and then sigh of contentment as he sank into the waters. When you had left to go fetch Vere from the bar the water was basically boiling, but it had cooled in the time it had taken you to get him up here, so it was just a little too hot to be perfect, but that meant a longer time in the warm water. Something Vere definitely needed, it was going to take a while to detangle and clean this mess. 
You handed him the soap, then took the smaller basin and poured a gentle stream over his head before grabbing the shampoo and lathering it up into a froth in his hair. If there was one thing you had learned, it was how to make a little supply last a while, so you only used about half the small bottle on his hair, making sure to massage all the way down to his roots and ensuring every inch of dirt would be rinsed out. You also made a conscientious effort not to disturb the chains around his neck. Tonight was not the night to try to sneak a peek at them. Not that it would do much good with how low the lighting was in here. 
True to your words, you tried to be gentle for the process, and you could feel Vere eventually relax under your touch, taking a break from scrubbing himself with the soap to lean back and close his eyes while you continued to work the shampoo into his hair. You were glad he was relaxed, but the last thing you needed was him falling asleep in the tub, especially after all the booze he'd had. You grabbed the basin and poured another stream of water on his head to wash out the shampoo, the water in the smaller container now closer to mildly warm than hot. 
After the shampoo was out it was time for the oils. And the comb. As you Began to massage the oils in, you felt Vere tense up once again. It was like he was fighting between exhaustion and being on high alert. Was your presence really this stressful to him?
You leaned down right next to his velvety ears and tried to keep your voice as quiet and non-stress inducing as possible as you spoke.
“Hey. I promised I would be gentle. Relax” you whispered, the fur of his ears slightly brushing up against your lower lip as you spoke. 
For some reason when you said that Vere went completely still for a second. 
Seriously? Was your entire presence just so annoying to him that he absolutely could not relax around you? Honestly that felt a bit hurtful. You could be so nice when you wanted to! Just look at what you were doing for him now!
You shrugged off the sting of rejection at Veres discomfort at you and began to massage the oils into his hair. 
First you gently felt out the knots with your bandaged fingers, taking care to rub the oils into each one and loosening the knot. Then you started to comb them out. Taking extra care to go slow and try not to tug too much, Vere eventually relaxed again and finished up using the bar of soap on his skin, saving his face for last so he could dunk his head under to rinse out the soap and hair oils in one go. 
It took a hot second, but Veres' hair was smooth as silk once again. A selfish part of you wished you could run your fingers through it without the bandages, but that wasn't likely to happen anytime soon, if ever. 
Satisfied with your work, you fully stood up and handed Vere the remainder of the shampoo, oils and comb. 
“For your tail” you said as you passed along the objects. “Do not fall asleep” 
Just before leaving you tested the waters' warmth. Lukewarm. You quietly summoned the magic needed to add a little more heat to the water. Just enough so he’d have enough time to properly wash out his tail. With that you gathered up his pile of clothes and headed out of the bathroom.
Usually you just washed your clothes in the basin in the bathroom with a cleaning solution and then left them to dry on the very, very small balcony your room hosted, but Veres clothes were of infinitely higher quality than yours, so doing that might ruin them. Not to mention your modest balcony was currently being blasted by the cold weather. 
There wasn't anything you could really do, so you just folded up the clothes and opened your closet to see what other options there were. You could let him borrow something of yours, but something told you he wouldn't appreciate that, not even considering the fact that it definitely wouldn't fit him perfectly like all his outfits did. His clothes were definitely custom made. 
Then, something caught your eye. Last time you were helping at the clinic, someone had kindly gifted some linens and basic white clothes to the patients who might need some (like you had), and in the mix there had been a few fluffy bathrobes. Kuras had kindly gifted you one considering there wasn't too much use for that in the clinic, and it had been sitting in your closet ever since. It wasn't fancy by any means, but it was good quality. And as long as you didn't tell Vere you got it from Kuras he probably wouldn't protest too much.
You walked back over to the bathroom door and rapped your knuckles on the door twice. 
“Hey I’m going to hand you a bathrobe. Are you out of the tub?” You called through the door.
You heard the faint sound of bare feet on tile and the door open as vere stood before you, the smaller towel currently in his hands being used to dry his hair while the larger towel was draped over his now clean tail.
Needless to say, you kept very strong eye contact as he took the robe from your hands and slid it on. 
You watched him feel the plush of the robe, a very tired but somewhat satisfied look on his face. The quality of the fabric had met his standards apparently (probably just barely). Then he turned towards your bed, walked over, and flopped down on said bed. 
Well, you weren’t exactly expecting him to go back out in this weather, but still. You really wanted to sleep in your bed tonight. 
Veres' muffled voice snapped you out of your thoughts, his words muddled by the pillow he was currently face planting into.
“What???” You responded. 
“I said brush my tail” he huffed before nodding to the comb from earlier he left on the other side of the bed, which he had left untouched, seemingly content with just half the bed.
Well, this kinda meant he was willing to share right? No floor for you tonight, and all you had to do was preen this peacock of a Fox. 
You situated yourself on the bed and began to gently brush out the mountain of damp fur in front of you. Luckily he had done a solid job of washing his tail, it was a lot easier to brush out than his hair had been. 
He flicked it occasionally, the fur brushing up against your nose more than once. His normal spiced scent was now overpowered by lavender. You involuntarily inhaled the scent, remembering it was known to relax people into sleep. (Kuras had told you that once).
“Please, try to contain yourself.” He cooed at you before flicking his tail at your face once again. “I always smell incredible, no need to act all enamored” 
You let out an annoyed huff.
 “Sure you do.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Excuse you” Vere turned on his pillow to look at you through half lidded eyes. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” You quipped, focusing on his tail to look busy.
You were avoiding the question instead of bantering with him, that’s how Vere knew you were being honest. You actually thought he smelled bad.
“What?” His eyes narrowed as he spoke.
“What do I smell like to you?” 
You avoided eye contact and continued to really focus on brushing his tail.
“Hey!” He sat up now, and looked ready to wrestle the information out of you. “What do you think I smell like?”
“Well-“ you conceded, “you kinda smell like a Fox.” 
Vere looked at you unmoving, mouth slightly open. 
“It’s not like it’s super noticeable! Or like an inherently awful smell!” You assured him. “It’s just- once you notice it under all the fancy perfumes you usually wear it’s  kinda hard to not pick up on it.” 
Vere grabbed the pillow from beneath his head and smacked you with it. Hard.
“How dare you!” He seethed. “I smell incredible all the time! Take back what you said.”
He finished his sentence by wacking you with the pillow again. 
After receiving the second pillow smack, you gave Vere a quick glare, but your annoyance quickly gave way to amusement, and you were now struggling to hold in your giggles. A slight blush had graced veres normally stoic face, along with a look of affronted shock. He was embarrassed. Oh this was actually too funny. 
Normally Vere would never let himself look embarrassed in front of anyone. But he had a shit day. He was exhausted, and his mask of arrogance  had washed away with the lavender soap. 
You began laughing. Quietly at first, but after those first few giggles an enraged, red-faced Vere had gotten up from his longing position and was now attacking you with your own pillow. The slight giggles on your part has turned into full on laughter, occasionally muffled by a repeated pillow to your face.
*Smack smack*
You knew you would get noise complaints from the other tenants tomorrow, because you were absolutely overcome with laughter. Genuinely, you could feel your stomach start to cramp from how hard you were cackling at Vere. 
You looked up at him, towering over you with a pillow at the ready. You could see the tips of his fangs. He was smiling too. He was so pretty when he smiled. 
“Ok, ok” you conceded. “I take it-“
“Vere wait!” You squealed. “Wait, I said I take it back!”
“Not good enough anymore.” He responded. “You owe me a compliment, for telling me I smell like a wild animal.”
“So get with the complimenting asshole.” he smirked, readying his pillow for if your answer was not satisfactory. 
“I’m not going to-“
“Alright, fine! Your hair looks great!”
“Your eyes are stunning!” 
“Hey those were good! Stop attacking me!” Your smile was so wide you thought your face might split for a second. 
“Try harder~” he cooed. “You’ll need to get creative in order to earn my forgiveness” 
Right as he was about to bring the pillow down to your face once more, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you. 
He let out a yelp as you did so, but you knew he let it happen. The truth was if Vere didn’t want you to touch him, you’d never get close enough to even think about it. He knew the second you began reaching for his wrist, and he let it happen. He let himself fall against your chest, still heaving with laughter.
Chest to chest you looked at eachother, faces close enough that your noses nearly touched, both of you still smiling like idiots. 
“Vere, You have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my life.” 
Vere smile shifted at your words. He wasn’t  cackling to himself anymore, instead he was looking directly at you. Studying you almost. 
You didn’t mind. You knew he wasn’t one to trust. Neither were you. But at this moment you didn’t particularly care. 
“I feel like it’s rare to see a real smile from you,” you continued. “It feels rewarding, knowing I can make you smile. I want to see it more, but-“ 
You couldn’t finish the sentence, but you knew what you wanted to say. 
But I selfishly want you to look at just me like that. Not anyone else. 
“Well. I like seeing it regardless.” You finished.
You saw the look on Veres' face. Most would call it indescribable, but you knew exactly what he was thinking. You had said something real just now. Real in a way he didn’t want to respond too or process right now, and he wasn’t sure how to proceed. 
“Was that a good enough compliment?” You asked, an easy smile falling over your face. One that said you were willing to brush off what you had just said as nothing more than a game if he was. 
The tension seemed to melt from his face as he playfully rolled his eyes and flopped down next to you.
It amazed you how expressive he could be when he was exhausted.
“Fine, I suppose I’ll forgive you. Just this once.” He mumbled.
Speaking of exhaustion, sleep was overtaking him quickly now that the fun had died down. He turned around and  pulled the covers up to his shoulders, fur and hair now dry. Despite this, you could tell he was still cold. It seemed this weather didn’t agree with him.
You pushed yourself out of the bed and went back over to your closet. In the bottom was a thick scratchy fleece blanket. Not comfortable, but great for keeping the heat in. The perfect blanket to lay over someone already covered in other blankets. 
You walked back over to the bed and draped it over Vere before waking back to your side and getting under the covers yourself. 
A few moments of silence went by, and you were sure he had fallen asleep, until you heard him whisper, so quiet you might have missed it-
“I hate the snow.” 
“Mhm.” You replied. “One of my earliest memories was about snow.”
Vere turned to face you once again, barely still awake. 
It was true. It definitely wasn’t your oldest memory, but you remembered being a child and seeing snow for the first time. The person who had betrayed you was there too. They had told you, “every snowflake is unique, no two are alike.” You had spent the rest of the day catching snowflakes and trying to look at the patterns before they melted in your palms. 
“Is it a good memory?” Vere asked. 
“I’m…not sure.” You responded. 
Something told you Vere already knew that would be the answer, he just wanted you to know the same. Sly Fox. 
“Goodnight Vere”
No response. 
That night your dreams were filled with snow. And when you woke you saw it was already late morning. You had been out cold.
You looked over to the other side of the bed to see it empty. Not shocking. What was shocking was the items on the bedside table next to you.
You unfolded the note. It was undoubtedly Veres' handwriting. 
“Mhin told me that bathrobe I used was given to you by that fucking doctor. I’m burning it. Here’s a replacement.
Sure enough there was a blood red bathrobe neatly folded underneath the note. It was definitely higher quality than the one Kuras had given you, but less fluffy. 
Besides that, there was also a black wicker basket placed on top of the robe as well. Replacements for the lavender set you had given him last night. But these products were far nicer than what you had used on him, and far more greater in quantity. 
You sifted through the many hair oils, heavily scented bars of soap, lotions, and vials of perfume. The whole set was probably worth more money than you had ever had at one point in your entire life.
You opened a bottle and inhaled, and immediately recognized the scent. This is what Vere normally smelled like. He’d given you some of his products. It was shockingly sweet of him to do so, you didn’t think he cared that you were basically dirt poor. 
Speaking of, it was time to get up. You had odd jobs to complete and were supposed to help Kuras later today. 
Over the next few weeks, what had become what you would assume a one time thing had now become commonplace. Veres work would often end in the lowtown in the winter months it seemed, the Senobium only leaving hightown after all soulless had been cleared out, then heading to lowtown to kill maybe just one for their reputations sake before letting Vere off his leash.
Sometimes he’d just flop down in bed and immediately go to sleep, other times he’d demand you pamper him a little. Sometimes with a whole routine like you had done before, other times he just handed you a hairbrush and his tail and expected you to get to work.
“Didn’t you say to me you’d never be caught dead slumming it in the wet wick like the first day I was here?” You teased him.
“It’s literally a blizzard outside shut the FUCK UP.” He replied, stealing all of your blankets as punishment. (After that you kept an extra one under your side of the bed just in case) 
Over time you had to make space in your closet for a few of his outfits as well. He’d made a joke about how if you didn’t want his clothes here he’d gladly walk around in the nude, and you had agreed to let him keep some things here just a little too quickly for his liking. 
You didn’t think it meant anything. Yes, if it had been anyone else but Vere you could see how people might perceive this as romantic or something but not with him. Vere would never see you as more than a means to an end, and you would never open up to him. That’s just how the two of you were
Or that’s what you told yourself, wearing the robe he had given you while wearing the same perfume as he did, as you brushed his tail in comfortable silence while the snow fell outside.
Vere hated the snow. He always would. But as spring began to arrive and he no longer had any excuse to spend the night in your room, he began to miss those winter nights. Vere still hated the cold, but somehow that time with you had been anything but.
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drdemonprince · 9 months
two separate people have now told me that my boss is trying to get me to quit my job. apparently I'm supposed to pick up on the hints and go away. the hints: tasks that she used to push entirely onto me because she didn't want to do them, she's now seriously restricting my access to because I'm "not good at them." after three years of my solely handling them and going through the whole process of getting better at them and consistently improving. she's also reduced my hours a lot.
the thing is, this is my second job, and I've responded by increasing the hours at my primary job, so this isn't impacting my income at all. I'm just really sad about it, because I like this job, and the closest other place I could go to work in this specific roll is an hour away. I also want to have this particular job title on my resume for the longest possible stretch of time I can manage, because it'll help me later in the specific field that I work in. so...my inclination here is to just not quit. but I was also taking her at face value that she was just erroneously under the impression I'd spontaneously become bad at my tasks, until it was explained to me. so my take may not be correct.
Hi! Yes, what you are experiencing is called Constructive Dismissal, and it is a tactic employers use to try and force employees to quit by removing job tasks from their plate.
It is quite common for disabled employees in particular to be constructively dismissed. Most people find it so painful and threatening to have little to do, apparently, that it affects their self-esteem and gives them anxiety and makes them quit. I call it a free pay day!
Don't let them manipulate you. Don't read in between the lines. Use this to your advantage. Collect the paycheck, do as little as is now asked of you, and project an oblivious, neutrally positive quality. If they want to fire you or fuck with you, they will have to have the nards to do it explicitly. Many companies won't.
I was constructively dismissed at my current job in the first month! I am still here five years later because I just... kept showing up and kept myself busy with my own projects. I figured if they don't want to give me work to do, I can't argue with that! Turns out a lot of places will eventually kinda forget you exist which can be a good thing. Check out the r/Overemployed subreddit to read the stories of many people who take advantage of situations like these to collect two, three, sometimes four paychecks from shitty fake jobs at a time.
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
wasting company time
for @corrodedcoffinfest warm up round prompt 'get a job'
rated t | 736 words | no cw | tags: they're idiots and i love them, especially gareth, he is my most special boy
If Gareth had to help one more person today, he was going to quit his job.
Which he couldn't. He was the only one in the band who currently had an income.
Eddie had been fired for missing too many shifts because of shows, Jeff was too busy with classes to also have a job, and Frankie was waiting for the right thing to come up. Gareth sucked it up and worked nearly full time at the diner.
He couldn't cook for shit so he was a waiter, and being a waiter was not his ideal position. The waitresses he worked with wore short skirts and flirted their way to decent tips. That didn't exactly work for Gareth, who worked the shift when mostly truck drivers came through with exhaustion seeping from their pores and gruff voices barely even placing an order before ignoring him.
The bell rang above the door and Gareth groaned.
"Have a seat anywhere!" He said from behind the counter, taking an extra minute to gather himself before having to help.
"Nah, you're gonna come with us."
Gareth looked up to see Jeff, Eddie, and Frankie standing at the counter, grinning from ear to ear.
"I'm clearly working. I don't get off for another hour."
"You don't need to work anymore."
Gareth was not gonna get his hopes up. They may be smiling and encouraging him to leave his job, but they all were irresponsible sometimes, even Jeff.
"Did you all get jobs?"
"We all have a gig. A decent one. One that pays," Frankie leaned against the counter. "One that requires us going on a little tour."
"You're telling me we have nothing for two years and suddenly we have a tour? With who? Where?" Gareth folded his arms across his chest, frowning. They were fucking with him.
"We didn't have nothing for two years, we had shitty gigs. Everyone starts with shitty gigs," Eddie argues. "And one of those shitty gigs had someone who works with a metal band who's going on tour in a month. They opened for Sabbath on their last tour. We're so fucking in, baby."
Gareth still couldn't believe it.
How did they land that? How did anyone see their Hideout show and think 'yeah, those are the guys we need'?
"I don't understand."
"Take off the apron, even though it's doing wonders for your hips," Eddie wiggled his brows playfully. "And come to the trailer. I've got everything there for us to look at with a lawyer."
"A lawyer? We can't afford a lawyer."
"Correct. But Steve said Nancy could take a look at it and make sure the language isn't trying to fuck us over," Eddie poked Gareth's cheek. "Jeff's mom said her brother could look at it, too, but he technically is an insurance lawyer so it may go over his head."
"Nancy Wheeler is gonna read a contract to make sure we don't sign our lives away?"
"Precisely," Frankie nodded.
"Anyone better for the job?" Jeff asked.
He had a ridiculous crush on Nancy, so of course he would think she could do it easily.
"A real lawyer maybe? Someone who is used to reading contracts?" Gareth was not quitting his job for this.
"Okay, well, do you have real lawyer money hiding somewhere in that apron?" Eddie threw his hands up.
"What's your obsession with this apron?" Gareth teased. "I just don't wanna end up jobless and then not even have this gig to fall back on."
"It's your damn hips! I said!" Eddie rolled his eyes. "If I promise to find a lawyer, will you please quit this stupid job?"
"If you can find a lawyer willing to work for free to look at that contract, I will quit this job and give you my last paycheck."
"Deal!" Eddie ran from the diner immediately, leaving Jeff and Frankie shaking their heads.
"He's never gonna find one," Jeff said.
"I know. I'll see you guys in the morning for practice."
Frankie waved and walked back out the door, but Jeff stayed for a moment.
"Hey, I know you're being cautious. But also, I think this would be good for us. We should probably give it a go."
Gareth looked behind him at the line cook shoving a french fry into his mouth, then at the one guy asleep at a table in the corner.
"Yeah, alright. Let's give it a try."
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lavendeerlesbian · 1 year
We get the bare minimum of people acknowledging we exist that's not pandering. Literally all most of us want is access to medical care and the right to live our lives without violent threats or harassment. Of course there are shitty trans people, there are shitty people in every group whether they're marginalized or not. No one should be harassed for just trying to live their lives, but every fucking day I have to have someone remind me that they think I should commit suicide and they think it's fucking hilarious. Some celebrities saying "trans rights" isn't helping my safety, medical care, or material existence.
"Bare minimum of people acknowleding we exist" and yet every major company acknowledges and accepts trans people (and if you disagree you can be fired), every job application now asks for your gender identity and acknowledges nonbinary identities, women's DV shelters are forced to accept transwomen or else risk facing defunding and being shut down despite the fact that most women there are traumatized and need space away from male people, males are legally allowed to go into women's restrooms and sports and prisons where they assault and rape female inmates and staff, and y'all are also allowed to undergo "gender affirming care" despite the fact that it violates the hippocratic oath and is not safe. Hell, many insurances will even cover the cost of transition so either you're lying or you're misinformed. Literal children having some restrictions being placed on transition doesn't count, as children aren't allowed to make many other life altering decisions and you don't complain about those (no smoking, no drinking, no tattoos, etc.). And I haven't even gotten into how the trans movement is inherently homophobic as y'all are trying to redefine homosexuality as "same gender attraction" and call any actual homosexual person a "transphobic bigot and genital fetishist" in much the same fashion as homophobic conversion therapists. Literally the guy who came up with the concept of gender identity, John Money, was a pedophile who did sexual experiments on twin boys which eventually caused both of them to commit suicide. Look it up. Also look up Alan Turing and the Aversion Project.
It's not just "some assholes", your entire movement is built on trampling on the rights of women and LGB people.
I'm sure you genuinely see yourself as a victim because you have been told BY OTHER TRANS PEOPLE that trans people will commit suicide if they don't get affirming care instead of just better mental health resources. You know what LGB activists told gay children? "It gets better", not "Affirm gay kids or they'll kill themselves". Like. Doesn't that rub you the wrong way at all? Why are your activists encouraging children to kill themselves?
Acknowledging reality is not oppression, either. Even radfems acknowledge that you exist and that you identify as trans, but the reality is men cannot become women and vice versa. Also, radical feminism the ideology has nothing to do with suicide baiting people, so if radfems have actually told you to kill yourself on the basis of you being trans (doubt) then I want to see receipts.
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Successful! Llewyn Davis AU headcanons
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Llewyn Davis x gn! reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst
Summary: what if Llewyn became a famous musician?
Warnings: mention of murder
Word count: 1088
It was just another slightly drunken, shitty night at the gaslight for Llewyn. Nearly empty bucket, scattered clapping that died out after a second. Except it wasn't. He didn't know it was the night that would change his life.
You were sitting in the audience. You weren't a regular at the gaslight, not at all, but tonight you were just craving a strong drink and company. The other bars in the neighborhood were too loud and bright for you that night, so you settled on the dim, depressing, "folk song playing" place.
You clapped politely for everyone, not listening, as you nursed your bitter drink and bitter mood. Until something caught your attention. A handsome (albeit a bit shabby) man with the voice of an angel, who you likened in your mind to a wet cat.
You didn't listen to the words he said. Not that you didn't try, but his voice awoke something within you. As a songwriter on a slump, you jumped the chance and started scribbling on a napkin from the table. Just whatever came to mind. Nothing would come of it anyway, but it's good for your writer's block.
When he left the stage, you downed the rest of your drink and hurried towards him. You slowed before he saw you, trying to maintain your cool.
"Davis, right?" You asked.
"Yeah," he answered and you extended your arm to him while introducing yourself. He shook it tentatively.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
Llewyn thought about it. He automated to say no, but reconsidered. He had nothing better to do, could definitely use that drink, and you looked pretty damn good. So he accepted.
After some conversation (he didn't remember anyone being that nice to him for a long time), you asked him what were his plans for the night. He told you that he was staying with a couple of friends, those Jim and Jean couple, and they happened to pass by.
Jim was nudged by Jean towards Llewyn and awkwardly told him that actually, he couldn't stay on their couch tonight. Jean made some plans. You could see Llewyn's face fall, and when Jim left he just stared downwards quietly, in embarrassment.
"Correction: I'm not staying with them tonight." He mumbled.
You took a deep breath. "You could stay with me, if you'd like. My boyfriend-" you cleared your throat, "Ex boyfriend, just moved out and took all his shit from the study with him. So I got an empty guest room." (Why were you doing this? He's a stranger for fuck's sake!)
He looked at you, surprised. A quick mental calculation showed he had no one else to turn to that night. What's the worst that could happen? You'd kill him? He'd been thinking of joining Mike anyway. So he accepted.
Suffice to say, you didn't murder him. A while has passed, and Llewyn has become your roommate, practically. Yeah, he couldn't help much with the rent, but he did make that up by cleaning a lot, which sometimes is even better.
(Also, it was the 60s, rent wasn't that fucking high. It was about less than half of what it is today.) ANYWAY
One day, while dusting around, Llewyn found a notebook of yours. He didn't mean to peek, it just fell open or something. It was your poetry and songwriting notebook. By the time you came back home he had composed 3 of the songs there and was flooding you with questions about the chorus of a fourth.
You never thought to show it to him, you were just writing to your drawer! They weren't even good, or complete! You wanted to snatch it away from his hands and tell him to forget about it, but you've never seen him so happy. So alive.
He begged you to let him take your songs to his agent. How could you say no to him? Especially to those puppy eyes.
His agent was glad to hear Llewyn has partnered up again. He heard him out, and set him up with some producer. Finally, Llewyn Davis seemed like a good enough investment. And that's how it started.
From then on, Llewyn's career blossomed. He recorded an album (didn't sell away the rights this time) and the money started flowing. He preformed in front of larger and larger audiences, and you were always at his side.
He often felt like he didn't deserve any of that. He was told, so many times, that he was absolute crap and he started to believe it. But you were there to remind him. He deserved the world. Little did you know the only thing he truly wanted to deserve was you.
You inspired each other, creating more music and flowing with good energy. It took him a while, but when he finally found the courage, finally deemed himself worthy, he took a risk.
He asked you out.
When you started laughing at him, Llewyn's heart dropped. He's fucked his life over, again, in the worst way possible. You're going to leave and everything will go down the drain.
"Of course!!!" You said. "I'd love to go out with you, I thought you'd never ask! But oh my god your face..." you giggled. He sighed in relief, clutching his chest. You came closed and hugged him. He held you very tightly, smiling at your laughter.
That night you shared your first (and long awaited) kiss. A few months later you put out an album very different than both your writing so far. It was passionate, sensual, romantic and warm. One of the songs from it became the hit of the decade, and was played at countless weddings. You thought it was a beautiful way to immortalise your love.
And your love was immortalised alright! With two rings, nonetheless. Your wedding was covered by every newspaper in the country. Llewyn didn't like the attention all that much, though.
His solution? Another, more quiet and private wedding. This one ended up being your real anniversary.
Ever since Llewyn started earning a reasonable income, he insisted on paying for everything. Doesn't matter that you both earned a significant amount from the music, and that you joined bank accounts. He wanted to thank you for all that time you took care of him. So no, lunch is on him. Finally being able to provide for you made him really happy and proud (not that you needed any help).
You were one of the only "celebrity couples" who were genuinely happy together. You truly, deeply, loved each other, and when things would become too much you would take a vacation. Just the two of you. As it always was.
Llewyn made it in life, that was all agreed upon. Yeah, he became a famous musician, but the only thing he cared about - was you.
No pressure tags:
@eyelessfaces @alwritey-aphrodite @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @romanarose @spider-starry
I hope you like it, everybody❤️
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walks-the-ages · 20 days
Hey nanowrimo, what the fuck does this mean. What is this article about.
Why do you have an article that sounds like an angry tumblr post that is *clearly* about some incredibly serious allegations, but you're trying to sidestep them by..... acting like people questioning your endorsements of clearly shitty people/company is somehow the same thing as belittling the romance genre or people who became published authors after starting out with fanfic??
Full text from September 2nd, 2024 so they can't edit it later:
"I can't believe NaNoWriMo is endorsing a person/company who does ______________!"
3 days ago Updated Not yet followed by anyone NaNoWriMo is not in the business of telling writers how to (or how not to) write, taking a position on what approaches to writing are legitimate vs. illegitimate, or placing value judgments on personal decisions that are a matter of free choice. Opinions about "correct" ways to write or "right" vs. "wrong" kinds of writers should not be brought into our spaces. Our priority is creating a welcoming environment for all writers. There is no place for that kind of virtue signaling within NaNoWriMo. This position extends to our partnerships with sponsors and affiliates, with authors who we invite to write pep talks or serve as camp counselors, and to people who we invite to participate in events. NaNoWriMo is a global community of more than 550,000 writers who we fully expect to have different values, different needs, different preferences, and different curiosities. Because Wrimos are not a monolith, we don't cater to a specific author archetyope or ideology.  We take this position firmly, and we take it seriously. NaNoWriMo is a 25-year-old organization with staff that has been in the writing community for a very long time. We've seen tremendous harm done over the years by writers who choose to pick at others' methods. We've seen indie authors delegitimized by traditionally published authors, highbrow literary types look down their noses at romance authors, fanfiction writers shamed for everything from plagiarism to lack of originality; the list goes on. Not only is this sort of shaming unnecessary and often mean. It's proven itself to be short-sighted. Some of the most shamed groups within the writing community are also the most successful (e.g., Romance is one of the highest-grossing genres; an increasing body of data shows that indie authors do better than trad-pub authors, and some of the biggest names in publishing started out in fanfic). NaNoWriMo's mission is to "provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people use their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page." We fulfill our mission by supporting the humans doing the writing. That means not judging them and not allowing judgmental dynamics to enter into our spaces. 
this just reads like an angry, desperate attempt to downplay a serious issue by pretending people are just being misogynystic or looking down on indie authors when clearly that's not what they're responding to lmao, considering probably 99% of Nanowrimo's participants are aspiring writers who probably started out with fanfiction and are probably going to be self published?????
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phantomwritezstuff077 · 6 months
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The Runt - Billy the Kid
Warnings for thic chapter: hints of PTSD?, slight violence, mention of blood, kind of sad Laurie at the end
Chapter Four
(Sentences written in italics are when the characters are speaking in Spanish)
The next morning, Laurie was gently shaken awake by Billy and she instinctively shot up, quickly getting to her feet. She had been classically conditioned to be up and at ‘em the second somebody wakes her up. Just another fucked up thing she was used to after living with Jesse and the gang for three stupid years. Laurie knew that Jesse must’ve figured out she had left, maybe he sent a search party out for her to bring her back? However she knew better than to think that. Jesse didn’t care about her enough to do that, he wouldn’t waste that man-power on someone like her.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Billy reassured, raising his hands in surrender. “Take it easy, kid.” He was shocked to have gained such a wild reaction from her just for waking her up. Once he’d seen that Laurie calmed down he spoke again. “We need to get moving.”
The traveling was long, but the duo made do. The rides were usually quiet, the two just enjoying each other's company and every so often pointing out wildlife that they thought was interesting. Laurie would get especially excited whenever they would run into deer. 
After a good few days of riding Billy and Laurie finally made it to the city of Chihuahua. An old man sat on the tall hill that Billy and Laurie were riding on and the two decided to approach and see if they had made it to the right place. Artax nickered, snorting as he tossed his head. 
“This Chihuahua?,” Billy asked as he pulled his horse, Brandy, to a stop as Laurie did the same with Artax beside him. The young red-head strained her neck, trying to get a better look at the old man that Billy was trying to speak to. However, there was no answer. Billy and Laurie exchanged looks before the younger girl shrugged and coaxed Artax into a lope, heading for the city.
The two of them did eventually find out that they were in the right place, checking into an inn and going up into their room. Laurie sat on the small chair in their room, drawing in her sketchpad while Billy looked out of the window. Both of their heads turned to the door when a little boy appeared, he looked to be about 9 or 10 years old.
“Do you two want me to clean your boots?,” the little boy asked in Spanish. Laurie got up, opening the cracked door fully with a soft smile.
“I just cleaned mine, but I’m sure my friend here would appreciate it,” Laurie replied, also using Spanish, her small smile faltered slightly when she noticed the boy was on a crutch but she quickly countered her reaction as Billy also handed the boy his boots before taking out a silver coin and giving it to him. 
“This is upfront,” Billy said, “You’ll get the rest when you bring our boots back later. We need them in an hour. You understand?”
“I understand, thank you, señor, señorita,” the boy said before hobbling away on his crutch, holding the boots in his hand tightly. 
An hour later, Billy opened the door to see if the kid who had taken his boots had left them by the door. And much to the outlaw’s dismay, they weren’t. And Laurie couldn’t help but crack up when Billy cussed under his breath and stormed downstairs to buy those shitty second-hand boots. Laurie followed, still hunching over a little bit as she giggled. She found it amusing that he had fallen for a scam, even though she too had been fooled by the boy. It was much funnier to laugh at the actual victim in this situation.
Billy and Laurie stepped outside, by now, the little red-head had calmed down from her laughing fit as she looked around the unfamiliar city. Hoping to find the familiar face of her mama, but to no avail. The city was very much alive, full of people smiling and laughing with each other, trading or buying items and other goods such as food that Laurie could have never even dreamed of having back at Jesse’s ranch. A grin spread across her face as she and Billy walked through the city.
She could definitely get used to this life.
Laurie went over to a fruit stall, taking an apple and handing the vendor some coins, smiling widely as she took a bite out of the fruit and raced back to Billy, basically dancing in excitement as her hands waved around a little bit. The apple was sweet as she took another bite into it. The fruit back at the ranch wasn’t very good, so Laurie never ate the fruit back there despite having a strange love for apples. So the girl was thrilled to find an apple that was actually good and that she could eat. Billy couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl’s excitement, he was a bit perplexed by the way she expressed her excitement but he didn’t stop her because it wasn’t hurting anyone.
However, when he caught sight of the little kid who had stolen his shoes now trying to pick-pocket another kid, he immediately ran after him, calling him a ‘little thief’ in Spanish. Leaving poor, confused Laurie alone with her apple before she ran after Billy, yelling at him to stop. The chase didn’t last long, just as Billy and Laurie ran into a laundry line circle, the two were ambushed. 
Laurie was socked in the face while Billy was being manhandled by a couple of other guys, he tried to grab his gun but that was quickly kicked away. Laurie was being pinned to the wall of a house as she struggled but to no avail. She wasn’t much of a fighter, given her size and how scrawny she was. And whoever had her pinned was using that to his advantage as he quickly pulled the scrunched up cash and compass from her pocket. He then pulled her away from the wall, throwing her to the ground. Laurie kicked him in the shin with a yell. 
A loud gunshot rang out, causing the group of muggers to scatter like rabbits, stealing Billy’s gun as they booked it. Laurie heaved, she could feel the blood drip from her mouth and run down her chin before dripping into the dirt. Billy saw this and stumbled to his feet, rushing over and helping her up, visibly concerned for the young teenager. The man who had helped them noticed that Billy was still struggling and he sighed, taking him and slinging his arm over his shoulder.
“You’re a tough kid. I could use someone like you. That kid with you could also be useful if we put some more meat on her bones,” the man said to Billy as he helped him walk. 
Laurie followed next to them and pretended like she didn’t basically just get called the runt again. It wasn’t anything new to her, but it hurt even worse coming from a stranger. 
But little did young Laurie know that this meet and greet would be the start of something much bigger than she was.
Literally and figuratively. 
Shorter chapter because I'm tired, comicon was a lotta fun tho
Again, constructive criticism is appreciated <3
Billy and Laurie are my loves
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batemanofficial · 1 year
look upon my reverse engineered cookie recipe ye mighty and despair
this is a dupe of these cookies because i hate the company that makes them. they're really snooty and quite frankly i think their sale model is shite (who the fuck makes limited edition cookies and won't publish the nutritional info. i'll kill you). they also charge $7 per cookie which is just highway robbery i think, especially considering that i figured out the recipe and made it better in my shitty little apartment kitchen. enjoy
frankenstein cookies
yield: 12 three-ounce cookies or 6 six-ounce cookies (sale size)
1/4 cup unsalted butter (room temp)
6 tbsp light brown sugar (packed)
2 tbsp granulated white sugar
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
10 ounces m&ms, divided
6 double stuf oreos
divide the oreos, separating the cookies from the filling. add the oreo cookies (just the cookie part. you should have twelve of them) to a plastic bag and pulverize with a rolling pin. set aside.
add the oreo filling to a bowl, along with both sugars and the butter. cream together using a hand mixer on medium speed or two knives, until mixture reaches the consistency of wet sand. tip: cutting the butter into cubes can help speed up the process.
add egg and vanilla, combine.
add flour, salt, and baking powder, combine. dough will be sticky but should be at a uniform consistency.
add 8oz of the m&ms to the dough and stir to distribute. tip: it's easier to use your hands for this part.
use an ice cream scoop or tablespoon to divide the dough into equal portions of the desired weight. i used a 3oz ice cream scoop, which makes cookies about 2" in diameter.
pour the oreo cookie crumble you made in step 1 into a bowl. roll each dough ball in crumble and set on a baking sheet or plate. press each dough ball into a disc using the bottom of a glass or your hands.
insert the remaining m&ms into the surface of each disc. chill for at least 30 minutes. meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375º.
remove chilled cookies from the refrigerator and bake for 10-12 minutes for 3oz cookies or 16-18 minutes for 6oz cookies. tip: if the cookies aren't baked all the way through, you'll be able to hear the liquid ingredients baking off, which makes a sizzling noise. once the sizzling noise quiets down, they're ready to be removed from the oven.
remove the cookies from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack. serve warm.
make-ahead note: at step 8, you can chill the cookies in the fridge for up to 4 days.
you can also incorporate additional, chopped-up oreos into the dough (this is what the original seller does), but this works best in the 6oz version. i've also been informed that pecans might be a good addition - unfortunately i'm allergic to pecans so you'll just have to try that one for yourself and let me know.
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kyluxtrashpit · 5 months
So I really want to get another cat. Thing is, there’s several reasons why it’d be a good idea (boy has a playmate, I think my ideal number of cats is 2, and give a kitty in need of a home a nice one) but also a lot of reasons I know it’s not a good idea *right now*
First reason is I’m not sure I’m fully ready for it. There’s still a part of my brain that hopes that this new new cat (I’m gonna need another system when I do get one lmao) would act more like old cat and I’ve had enough pets to know that’s a red flag that means you’re not ready yet. It just leads to disappointment when your new pet doesn’t behave like the old one when they were never going to, every animal is a unique individual and no two will give the same experience even when they are similar. And I know this. But the heart still wants
Also two cats, especially when one is brand new to the living situation and is still adjusting, is more work than one and for several reasons my energy lately has been pretty low. So. Am I up for that right now? I’m not sure. I’m sure I could rise the occasion if it’s needed, but like. Would it be a good idea to put myself into that situation at the moment? I’m not sure it would be. Even if I do miss having two cats a lot
There’s also the matter of living situation. Last year I was hoping to move, as I’m getting to the point in my life where it is time to Purchase a living space instead of rent. Which is terrifying tbh lmao, but it is a thing none the less. Plus I just really want a bit more space at this point, and certain conveniences (oh how I long for my own laundry devices) that I don’t currently have. But with old cat, that just didn’t end up being in the cards cause my babies are always my priority above all else (the financial hit also didn’t help - I’m only just recovering from it now). I was simply not going to move while she was old and fragile and dying of cancer
However, my province also sucks! And it recently decided it’s gonna suck even more! Not as much as most of the US, at least not yet, but. It’s not promising. And the long term prospects are also Not Great (both in terms of social things and economically as well like, things are probably going to get worse long before they get better, if they ever do get better). And my city isn’t *the worst* but it’s more expensive than ideal. So it’s like. Do I want to buy a place here? I don’t know. But do I want to move out of this province? I also don’t know
Cause moving adds a lot of factors, even if I stay in the same province but look at a cheaper city. And leaving the province, okay, which to go to? This one’s nice but expensive and has weather I don’t like, and that ones cheap but also there’s a decent risk things will get worse there politically. And then there’s a risk the whole country will get fucked politically next year but I am doing my utmost to not worry about it until it is actually an immediate problem
And then there’s factors like, all the people I know are here (even if I’m bad at seeing them a lot). Familiar grocery stores and restaurants, other amenities, hell, my internet company is not fully national last I checked - will I have to switch providers? Work isn’t an issue as I work from home and we have people in multiple provinces, but like. Literally everything else is. I’ve lived here my entire life. I don’t know what it would be like to move that far. I’ve never done it
(And there’s also like. A sort of political responsibility. I read a lot after the shitty thing was announced and like. Some people are leaving. Some are staying because fuck you, bigots will not drive me from me home, I will fight back. Some are staying because they can’t afford to leave. And some are staying because if everyone who can leave does leave, then who’s left to at least try to fight this shit for those at risk who can’t get out? Especially as while I’m not in the demographic currently at risk, I’m in an adjacent one so it’s like. No, I’m not at risk yet but it’s possible I will be some day, but I also do feel some level of responsibility to try to help those who are currently at risk because I’m not)
And my dad is planning to leave (though unclear how firm that plan is right now and unclear exactly where) and is like ‘well come with me’ and I’m gonna be honest I. Don’t really want to like. I’m in my 30s. There is a part of me that feels like it’s time to get a bit more space from my family. My mom moved already for other reasons, so I don’t physically see her often, but technology is a thing so. Quite frankly my parents are both really bad at having friends so being literally the only person one of them knows in an entire city is kind of a nightmare scenario for me lmao. I need my space. I get annoyed when I get texted too often, I am NOT going to be your sole social contact. And I know that’s what would happen if we both moved to the same place with no one else. And even without all that, we have differences of opinions in “ideal place to live” so. I know they’re (dad goes by they/them) going to try to pressure me but if I’m sure of anything, it’s that I don’t want that
And, to circle this all back, there is also my kitty boy: he does NOT travel well. At all. He has panic attacks in the car that leave him panting and screaming within about 1 minute of being in there. We are trying to work on it, given transport is important for vet visits, but progress is slow. I was thinking he might have to get the old gaba just for me to be able to move within the city. He’s an anxious little guy. It’s gonna be tough for him, both the general realities of moving and the driving to the new place part. And I originally wasn’t really thinking of moving anywhere out of a 20 min or so radius of where I currently live partly for that reason
So to move to another province (and please remember Canada is Huge, like, this would be several hours or even multiple days of driving), I don’t know if I can even do that in a way that’s safe for him. Drugs are an option, but depending on where, it could be an unfeasibly long drive to do that with. And god, planes, I can only imagine how much worse he would be on a plane (even though I’d NEVER let him ride in the cargo, I’d buy an extra seat if I had to). He could have a stress-induced heart attack and die and if this is in transit, I’d be powerless to save him and I’d have to live the rest of my life knowing I killed him
And so with all of that, I’m like. I really can’t get another cat until I know wtf I’m doing and implement that because it would be awful for the new kitty if I got them and then immediately moved somewhere, either close or far. I can’t do that, it would be cruel. So like. Idk, I just don’t know what to do
I’m also aware that like. There are two problems in this ramble and the one I opened with is not really the larger one lmao but like. Genuinely I do not know what to do and that’s scary so I’m just kinda frozen here thinking how nice it would be to have a second floof gallivanting around the apartment but also knowing I can’t really have that right now (unless the cat distribution system decides to give me no choice in the matter lmao but I’m not expecting that to happen)
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readingadream · 6 months
Be The Light
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Chapter 3
Word count 1,282
2 | 3 | 4
 POV Wooyoung
A week had now passed by since I’d agreed to join a group of strangers life style of fighting for a ‘New World’ and in a week I’ve grabbed most of my items from my apartment, I’d quit my job, and lastly I told Changbin about everything but at the same time I lied because he wasn’t technically allowed to know the truth. Though what I didn’t expect was that he’d be upset about it, calling me foolish and that I was so irresponsible. 
I was hurt, I’d felt this tightness in my chest when my best friend raised his voice at me.
“Are you serious, Woo?! What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you just drop everything like that when you have just started to really become successful? especially with 7 others who clearly just have no life and probably have a shitty past” Changbin’s hands were in fist, he looked more hurt then angry though but I didn’t understand why. Why was he so upset? Why was he so pressed on the fact I’d moved in with others that wasn’t him and his friends. “You are so stupid. Honestly Woo, I never thought I'd be this disappointed in you. Just remember who your true friend is okay? If they hurt you in any way… I swear to god I'll hurt them.”
Thinking of the fact Changbin had even threatened to hurt the others was surprising because he'd never been one that was violent towards others. At least that's what he'd always thought. Changbin was a gym rat, he was definitely fit and had learned how to fight, learned boxing and even once did a competition. 
Sitting down at the table I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Hongjoong and Mingi had been making a schedule for us all so we'd have time to train and so that they could teach me more about what they do. There were times where it was just Seonghwa and I who'd be going over paperwork of government officials or even just wealthy families in Korea. 
Honestly I was thankful they weren't too much in a rush to get me to learn everything, at times San, or Jongho would also join my lessons. They would explain things in different ways so that I could understand some of this information better. Since my role was to get the information for them I needed to not be seen much with the others out in public, Seonghwa and Yeosang had been trying to help me get into modeling since that was an easy way to hear all the gossip. Though I much rather just be a server or something for the parties. I wasn't that confident in my own body but the others would praise me telling me that I did look great. 
“I will send out some of your portfolios to the company’s I used to work with, Woo, you are definitely what they search for.” Yeosang said as he typed away on his laptop. I noticed that he usually would stick out the tip of his tongue when he was focused on something. I found his habit cute actually.
Nodding I leaned over to look at the photos we'd taken the day before, simple head shot photos, and some full body pictures that showed my body off a little better. I'd been wearing a tight white sweater and simple blue jeans, with very light makeup mostly just gloss on my lips to make them look a little more of a darker shade of red. I must admit the photos turned out well. “Man, who knew Jongho could take such good photos.” I praised the younger one as he just so happened to walk past us, going to the fridge he pulled out a banana milk.
Jongho smirks as he walks back, leaning down between us as he looks at Yeosang's laptop. “You are just good looking hyung, but for the record i enjoy photography but never really majored in it. I was almost a professional baseball player before meeting Hongjoong hyung and Mingi hyung.”
When Jongho left to go back to lounging on the couch I looked back at the screen, so much anxiety ran through me as I thought about the fact people would know who I was if I'd become a model and it was such an odd thing to think about as well. Knowing the boys meant good though I didn't voice my disagreement to their plan, though I swore that San knew by just looking at me. San had tried to convince them to let me work as something else like a chef since I'd done it before, or even as a private driver but sadly Joong didn't seem impressed. Hongjoong told me that being popular and well known will help their plans later on. Though I don't think he realizes the stress that I'd have due to it. For now though I just let it slide, I'll give it my best and work hard.
“Have you even eaten today Woo? You've been looking at the photos all day. Not to mention I can basically feel your anxiety from outside.” San was now pulling out the chair and sitting next to me. Out of everyone he and I actually are closest even though our first meeting he was a dick. 
Looking at my watch I noticed it was past 3pm, I'd been awake since about 6am and of course I've yet to take care of myself such as food and my usual morning shower. Honestly I was just nervous, I felt like I needed to diet or work out more now that I was being forced to be a model. “I haven't… I think I'm just too scared and nervous right now San… I didn't plan on putting myself out there to the world.”
“He tried to have Jongho do the same thing when he joined, but Hwa fought against it due to the fact he was only 19. Seonghwa was and still is very protective over the younger ones in the group.” The look San gave me made me realize he understood, patting my shoulder as he looked over to look at the youngest in our group. 
“I understand why Hongjoong thinks you are best for it out of us all. Wooyoung, no offense but you give off that type of vibe that you belong in an area that is very high maintenance. Out of everyone I think you, Seonghwa and Yeosang all fit that type of life. You are handsome and very easy to approach as well, so of course that just makes you the best to get information.” 
“If you don’t want to do it alone though, I’ll work with you. We could go to the events together. Make it where you and I could always be working together. Besides if we play our cards right most might think we are together. Trust me when I say this Woo, rich people love what they can’t have. Will do anything they can to get you.” Leaning back into his seat I watched as he fiddled with the silver ring on his middle finger as he sat there in thought. 
I liked the thought of San joining me, I didn’t like the idea of being alone without the others in the first place, I’d tried to explain that to Hongjoong but fuck was he so damn stubborn. So I nodded in agreement at his offer. 
“I’d feel safe if you were with me San” I admitted as I carefully leaned my head against the other shoulder, both of us just enjoying the quiet moment together.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Between Us Episode 6 Commentary and Review
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For my previous episode commentary can be found here.
If you aren't ready for the pain. Well, you're in good company because me either. Why do you guys do this to me? Why do you always want me to review the most painful shows? I think I'm surrounded not only by brats, but Sadists. I can't even take enjoyment in knowing that you all will suffer with me. No! Because all of you like this sort of shit. I hate it here.
Okay, enough eternal distractions. Let's do this. You ever wonder what it would be like to watch yourself on TV. No? Yeah, me either. Yes, this is absolutely me continuing to try and distract from what's about to happen. Ahhhh, no. Team. Oh, thank god for Win. It's the Hia that brings Win from concern to now angry. Oh, the chin grab is very Dom. It not only allows you to control the motion of the face, but dish out punishment as well. The bite of fingers into the face can be painful, but not necessarily overly harsh. It gets results and is something you can do in public with few recognizing what's going on. I personally am a huge fan of facial control.
I really feel for both of them At this moment. I get where are both coming from. Ah, there's that fist. I'm really glad that he didn't actually hit him, but I can for sure see why he was so pissed. Plus, being scared on top of that, who wouldn't lose control? But a Dom who fully loses control and actually swings on their submissive can go fuck themselves. You don't have what it takes to be a Dom then. The object is to have control, not lose it. It's like the shitty Doms who brag about making their submissive use their safe word. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works, shitheads.
The moment he is standing there with his fist up and team is just waiting, says so much about him as a sub. The way Win pulls him into a hug and then communicates through his pain. Ugh, my heart. Team finally comes out of his shock and hugs him back. "My heart is torn apart." "What would happen to me if something happened to you?" You guys are destroying me and that kissed did not help. Fuck, but the acting is top tier.
Oh, silence as punishment. Ugh, can't say I blame him, though. I hate using it for discipline, but sometimes it's for the Doms benefit besides being an effective punishment. Use it too often, and it's abusive, but so is saying shit out of anger. Sometimes silence is needed to figure out your own feelings. The first thought you think isn't just instinct, but it can also be about your conditioning and how you are raised. It's your thoughts after that first instinct that are actually you versus upbringing. So yeah, it's only natural that sometimes it takes longer to sort all that out.
Shit guys! We just started and I've written an essay. Sorry new followers. Run for the hills! Okay, not cool Win, you interrupted. He was trying to explain himself, and you really lost an opportunity to learn here. Are you listening, Win. Can you pull out of your anger long enough to hear? You're going to be a shitty Dom if can't. Because that boy is going to need patience and understanding. Oh look, he is. Good. Awe poor baby. All punishment and no kisses, but look at him bringing you to his home and caring for you.
Oh, you shithead. Telling him that you should have let him drown. If he has a full-blown panic attack, I'm not forgiving you!!! You better fucking apologize! Don't, nobody, give me shit. He is past the point in which it is acceptable to make painful verbal strikes. What Team did was wrong, but he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt someone, whereas Win is. He is lucky that Team is so damn forgiving, unlike him. They both love each other so much.
Oh boy, she just said friend. She told you that Win brought a friend with him, and you're just going to jump on the bed. 🤣🤣🤣 Poor Team, he is getting so abused. They were cuddling under those covers, I just know it. Team like, yeah, who am I. I’m dead. Their facial expressions are hilarious. Okay little bro, you really grew on me last episode but this episode, you are sliding home. You are such a little sibling. Not that I did this shit At All. Nope. Never.
Look at him showing off his grades, it's so cute. If not, fucking sad as fuck. You don't show your paper and grades to your siblings unless they are the ones to raise you. Bless it. Fuck, shit, I called it. I knew I did, but that's besides the point! Fucking episode, you could stop killing me any time now. Ohhhh, I love this kid. He is so fucking astute. He knows exactly who Team is to Win, and he just accepts him. Invites him to come too. Don't know Team as well as you thought you did, huh, Win. I did notice that he calls him P' Team.
Okay... The whole calling out Prince's name had me laughing. That shit was funny. That was super cute. Dean and Win's friendship is bro goals. I adore them. If you guys only knew the amount of distractions I have going on around me right now. Oh damn, Win dealing with some flashbacks. Oh damn, the fear of losing something you love. Oh damn, the insecurities. Tell him Dean!!! I mean, Win you are relatable in your stupidity, but damn. You think you wouldn't feel it if something happened to Dean or your family? And he left. You are going to be real lucky if Team isn't petty.
Okay now they are cringy. Is he really dancing around, why spraying that on himself? WTF. Okay Steve!!! Look at you finally not being a third wheel. Win picked you for support? Are we about to see some redeeming qualities? Oh, thank god, his brother came. We might actually get some decent advice. Sorry, Steve, I mean T. rex. You're back to being the third wheel. Look on the bright side, you get to stare at your crush.
Oh, you are a couple, dumbass. Don't go getting twisted just because your panties are. Look, Steve isn't so bad. At least he gives good caring facial expressions. Poor Win, though, he's so fucking relatable. Okay, I need one of you guys to pull some good advice out your ass. I know he is having a moment, but to not pick up when your sub calls is just not done. I like Dean and Pharm and all, but I'm going to forward because I comment a lot about them in my UWMA reviews.
Just the two of us. Look, no offense, but I don't blame him for ditching you guys. My homework assignment for the two of you is to find some friends and learn to give advice. And I mean friends where you aren't the third wheel to, Steve. filler, filler, and more filler. They pretty though. I'll give them that.
Oh, damn. I really didn't want to see that. I could have done without so much details. Now I'm a little grateful for the respite of the filler. "Yeah, do it, I like it." That was cute. I also like how they constantly looked at each other. That's one of my favorite things. Okay, so is the snuggling. NO! I'm not crying. Your crying. If anybody actually reads all this, I'm going to be shocked. Anybody else want to punch, Win right now? Like not really because he is still a favorite character, but damn! I'm all up in my feels right now.
The product placement video!!! Loved it!!! Well, hope that those of you who were able to get through this long ass thing enjoy. As a reward, I give you the link to my newest smut scene.
Enjoy 💜💜💜
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thenixkat · 28 days
and you punched the metahuman victim because?
Batman's a bigot let's just say it
like, asshole you coulda punched Luthor instead of Luthor's victim Batman claims he only joined Luthor to figure out what Lex had been doing with Captain Marvel
Batman's group was plotting to double cross the villains
hmm maybe knocking Billy the fuck out while you explained to the room what Luthor did to him wasnt the best idea Bruce
especially teh part with you chasing with a gun while revealing everything that he knows is a lie
ah the dehumanization of prisoners who are only prisoners b/c a bunch of unsanctioned vigilantes kidnapped them for not bowing to their top vigilante
oh no how dare the people you kidnapped and put in a reeducation camp kill one of the guards keeping them locked up. The savages
meanwhile the regular people, the US president decides to drop nukes on the brawl at the Kansas gulag of course SUperman's the only hope. Also its nice to see someone acknowledging that Captain Marvel can match Superman
Wonder Woman attempts to kill Batman for talking shit. B/c we need someone to make the bad guy, and that's clearly what they've been trying to do with wonder woman here
just trying to murder someone who is there to help quell the revolution and keep teh prisoners in this illegal reeducation camp just cause they have an attitude is the best behavior from a superhero
Batman and Wonder Woman decide to stop fighting eachother and take on the planes carrying nuclear bombs. Granted i doubt either of them considered what the president might do is the heroes stop him from bombing them and their illegal prison camp
its probably not the best thing to say that all metas need to die for the sake of the world company that's bread and butter is selling stories about super people doing shit. But go off, which yer shitty shitty morals
The SPectre plans to punish who ever survives, the humans or the metas for the genocide that occurs either way, b/c teh Spetre is a shitty shitty superhero and an even more shit angel
and it picked up the narrator cause it cant tell teh future and needed help with teh judgment call cause the only two options the writers have decided to railroad shit into is either the metas get genocided or the metas take up humanity with infighting nevermind any other potential options
and the narrator chews teh Spectre the fuck out for simply being an all powerful observer and doing shit for dick to make shit better
so Superman decides to murder the UN for deciding to bomb his illegal prison camp and all of his friends who'd kidnapped people from all over teh world and were fighting all out to keep those prisoners from escaping that could have resulted in countless regular people casualties
teh narrator talks Superman down from murdering the UN
again with the people seeing superheroes as gods thing. I assure you that it'd be more normal for the average person to think of superpowers folks as just some asshole rather than a god
man i dont like this story
but also i love how solving problems along side the common folk doesnt involve like stopping being vigilantes and working through official channels. And it definitely wont mean doing shit that reduces crime in general
Batman rebuilds Wayne manor and turns it into a hospital to care for the people harmed by the radiation but he's still got multiple death robots just in every room watching people and he continuously patrols said hospital
why the fuck does Wonder Woman deserve to regain her crown when she tried to st
art a totalitarian regime?
fuck her and Superman and Wonder Woman hook up b/c they cant just leave a woman unattached
I dont care for the story. I didnt even find out the info I fucking read it for
I will say that its well painted and that painting a comic is an ordeal, too bad its wasted on this story
and Wonder Woman's fucking pregnant! Of course b/c that's the only way to heal and move forward hook up and have babies
of course other heroes breeding is a problem b/c they just spawn amoral wild animals but its ok for Wonder Woman and Superman to breed
they want Bruce to be a godparent to the baby. Bruce is shitty parent thank fuck its over
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witheredtoashes · 5 months
The Mind of Reggie Might
fucking hell I got dragged into a new interest so here's my analysis
Basically, I was watching simo's most recent stream, and I noticed some things behind how he talks to Billy
I know.. a decent amount of Reggie's behavior and character from a friend, but this is also like my second stream I've watched so bear with me LMAO
Here we go
He’s challenging and pushing Billy by saying he’s incapable. Reggie works off of spite, he’s trying to do the same with Billy
“So why do you think if I give you this chance- that I don’t have some kind of faith you can pull it off.” Hes saying to Billy "You can do this, I know you can, but you need to show me you can, and you’re not."
Let's be honest, this entire project of Billy's is a challenge. Reggie/Simo has said it himself, Reggie is making this a challenge for Billy so he can go to the rest of the company and tell them that Billy is capable, and can handle more responsibility. He knows Billy is capable, but this is going to be tangible PROOF of that. It can't be argued.
Hes asking Billy why he isn’t like “fuck yeah, I can do this, this is what I need to do”, and that's his way of telling him about the challenge.
“Prove them wrong” Reggie knows he’s capable and smarter than this, but using the excuse and view of others to say that LMAO. Cause reggie will never say to Billy that he's doing good or capable, cause it gives the illusion that he WONT drop him if he fucks up. It makes Billy think he's safe and can fuck around, when he can't. He's not at that level yet. Again, Simo has SAID that reggie will never tell him he's doing good.
“Sink or swim” Part of the challenge is figuring out what he needs to succeed. If he needs a Billy, he needs to find and get one himself. Basically, no shit this is a lot of work and you’ll need help with it, but YOU need to source and find that help yourself to get it done.
Recognize the issue (needing help) and solve it (getting help) instead of relying on others to do it for you.
Its another part of the test, making sure he can problem solve and be self sufficient, and thrive when no one else will help him. Hes making him figure out how to get help himself.
Billy can use spite to work, and reggie saw that, so he’s using spite again to push Billy to figure it out. Even if it didn’t work out great the first time, cause Billy was thinking more out of spite and less “okay, this is what I need to do this right”. Hence the shitty Billy that didn’t help him- he needs to find people, or find out how, to command others and get them to work. Not just because he was told to, because then he’ll get shitty parts and it won’t do any good. He needs to think, then get the good pieces so he can make the entire machine run better.
Find the right people, the right pieces, to get the job done right.
Reggie is SMART, this is meant to teach Billy a shit ton of how to make it in this world.
He’s pushing his head underwater so Billy is forced to find a more efficient way to swim.
Billy can’t just do the task, he needs to find a way to do it EFFICIENTLY and make it better in the end. So, he gives him a super hard task so he HAS to find a better way, and it’s a skill he’ll learn to use in the future. He’s forcing him to learn these skills, because if Billy can’t, then he doesn’t have the resourcefulness or ability to adapt and address things in a smart way, and he’s not cut out for this.
It’s a trial by fire, and he wants to see him come out fireproof. He knows he can.
He's TRYING to tell him how to do it, he's hinting at it and practically telling him, but Billy doesn't get the point
Billy saying hes dissapointed in reggie and how he should have been handling this better is HILARIOUS, because its exactly what reggie is thinking and should be telling HIM. Reggie is dissapointed, because Billy should have handled this better.
"Youre not a project manager" he's telling reggie everything he should be telling himself. Reggie doesn't give a SHIT about what Billy is saying because he knows he can do it. BILLY still needs to prove he can.
Reggie doesn't need a title or validation, and Billy needs to learn that too. Billy looks for too much help, he looks too much at others, he needs to know how to do it HIMSELF. Like, how reggie gets it done.
Reggie works with tough love. He wants to see people succeed, he wants to help them, but if he just helps them, they'll never learn to take care of themselves. Only those that have proven themselves (like KJ) as people he can trust and that can handle themselves, he'll help freely.
So, he forces them to learn. He cares, but he forces them to learn themselves, and that's how he shows that care. By helping them get better. Otherwise, he won't spare them a second glance, because they aren't worth his time.
"Just say 'I've fucking got this, you dipshit." Reggie is TELLING him he can do it, but Billy needs to believe he can do it, then suit up and do whatever has to be done to GET it done. Whether that's putting the plants on hold to find a Billy of his own, or make a better spreadsheet.
Meanwhile, reggie can't resist a puzzle and got sucked into figuring out the plants himself. Which, the slow tiptoeing around the edge until he falls onto the rabbit hole was ALMOST as funny as his descent into madness towards the end of stream.
Thats all. Simo, if you see this, tell me how I did describing a character "more complex than you"
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Oh and another thing, forgive me if this rant is too long, but I’m sick and tired of those stupid ass memes of Steven Universe and Jack Horner about Steven screaming and Crying for Jack Horner to change into a good person, mischaracterizing the hell out of Steven. It’s so damn annoying. Most of these people most likely have not seen or watched the damn Steven Universe movie and or show.
Steven was less of a pushover when he grew into a teenager in Steven Universe Future. Heck I don’t even think he was much of a pushover to begin with. Steven just likes being nice to people which eventually caused him so much stress due to his constant need of wanting to fix things and not wanting to end up alone.
And no Steven didn’t forgive the “space Nazis.”(kinda find it funny when people call the diamonds that and claim that Rebecca’s telling is to forgive our bigoted oppressors/Nazis when Rebecca themself IS JEWISH). He never completely forgave the diamonds. When they wanted him to come live in the palace with them, it made him extremely uncomfortable and he also felt a bit on edge around them when he went to go see them a second time.
Not to mention he almost shattered white diamond by smashing her head into a pillar when he was controlling her because of the fact that he wanted revenge for White diamond pulling Steven’s Gem out. And no a hug didn’t “fix everything” either at the end of Steven Universe future. When Steven went back to normal after being corrupted her didn’t “get better” he was a bit emotional even though he calmed down a bit. Like literally we get it you hate Steven and or the show Steven Universe in general. You want a cookie or something?
I’m tired of people using Jack to put down other types of villains especially sympathetic ones like lmao these are the same people who said that the whole “evil just because they love being evil” (especially Disney) trope was overdone and wanted something else. And when people were finally given something new like tragic villains or generational trauma(WHICH IS AN ISSUE THAT PEOPLE SHOULD TALK ABOUT) now it’s all like”What ew we don’t want this.” “The twagic villain twope is overdone.!!!11!!1 it’s been awhile since we’ve seen an actuwal evil viwain.” DUDE the evil just because they love it is a trope that has also been ran into the ground. And this is coming from someone who likes both villain archetypes. AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE STOP SHITTING ON TRAGIC VILLAINS OR GENERATIONAL TRAUMA LIKE IM SO TIRED. DISNEY ONLY MADE TWO MOVIES ABOUT GENERATIONAL TRAUMA AND YALL LOST YOUR DAMN MINDS. YOU ACT LIKE TRAUMA DOESNT CAUSE SOME PEOPLE TO HATE THE WORLD AND OR PEOPLE AROUND THEM CAUSING THEM TO WANNA GET REVENGE OR DESTROY THE WORLD OR SOMETHING. LIKE YOU CAN LITERALLY CRY ABOUT IT. Just gives people like me more comfort characters to relate to, to help us deal with our own issues along shitty people like you.🙃(not saying Disney doesn’t have their own flaws as a company though.)
Im tired of people mischaracterizing other characters for the sake of a stupid meme
Im tired of others using Jack to put down other villains archetypes
I’m tired of people using Puss in boots to put down Turning Red
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demonicintegrity · 11 months
Yknow with the fact that everyone my age is like “ah fuck we’re in a recession and the housing market might crash soon” and that General Air, I’ve kinda accepted it might just be a slim chance if I ever have a retirement. Part of it is the career I’m choosing, but part of it is the Everything.
Y’see a normal full time job has you put some money in for your retirement and then they put money into it. And should you be working for them for X years (and the number keeps growing) you can get the partial/full amount of it at age Y (number also fluctuates) and it seems like a lot of my parents generation has/had this. Something they will get if they don’t have it already.
But two problems are now present with the current model of retirement: one being that the money it gives you just isn’t enough to survive anymore. There was no accounting for how the cost of living and inflation would affect how far a dollar can go. So now we see people who had to come out of retirement and work a bit to make up for the difference. And two, how to build your retirement was never really taught in schools. My mother had to tell her coworkers how to maximize their plan in the current job they all have because they just didn’t know and reading legal/economic jargon is just kinda difficult for a lot of people.
Your other option for a/an additional retirement plan is working with someone who can invest your money in a portfolio. Stocks and all that stuff. But as far as I’m concerned that’s fake money earned through wizardry, I have no fuckin clue how the hell that actually does something.
So now say you’re 20/30 something and you wanna try and have a retirement. Your options is actually be able to work full time at a job that offers retirement benefits and actually stick with it for like 20+ years or invest money you don’t have in a portfolio. It’s not new that a lot of places deliberately don’t have you on for full time so they don’t have to pay those benefits. And the only two careers I know of that promise a full retirement in only about 20 years of work is the military and being a cop.
So what do you do? I think the options generally are morbid.
Wait for your parents to die, sue someone and win, or win the lottery.
For me at least, that is the only conceivable way I’ll ever get a large amount of money at once. (And even then, watch most of it go to student loans lmao)
And it’s morbid. Thinking your best bet into have a comfortable to retirement amount of money is your parents dying. And even that is coming from a place of privilege. But I’ve heard it before! Being upset that your parents are dead and it’s stressful planning the funeral but also feeling guilty because that chunk of change feels good to have. It’s morbid and rightfully taboo as shit to acknowledge but getting a significant amount of money when someone dies might actually help you outta a bind.
The second is suing. Americans in particular have a rep for being a lil trigger happy about lawsuits. And I think it’s for two reasons. 1) it’s the only way to truly guarantee someone has to be held accountable and even then it’s a hope and 2) we’ve romanticized getting a lot of money outta it. Because we need it.
Y’know that older but still prevalent joke that “hey if I get hit by a uni bus at least they’ll pay my tuition?” Yeah no they won’t. Not anymore at least. I’ve had several adults working at my college say they won’t, they’ll only cover medical costs from the incident bc it’s happened so much. Apparently you also have much better luck suing the bus company itself than the school. But it is textbook romanticizing a shitty thing because a lot of money would be nice.
Sidenote: maybe if we had a functioning healthcare system that wasn’t driven on profit we wouldn’t have to be entirely reliant on suing someone to have impossible medical debt not kill us
And it’s also because you don’t realize just how slow and expensive the legal process is until you’re in it. And how much of a difference having money to throw at a court case makes. But that’s why settlements outside of court are so so tempting. Again, it’s also a degree of privilege.
So here’s your last option: the lottery. Which is just gambling. It’s 100% gambling and hoping it works. And a 1 or 2 dollar lottery seems relatively low loss on you for a whatever billion win. Whatever that comes out after taxes is still enough to keep you alive the rest of your life provided you don’t blow through it.
(Side thought on the lottery. If the state has like, a lot of money set aside to give to a random lucky person, why not just actually divide it and give it to the people? Or put it towards the roads/a school/whatever program??
The current mega millions jackpot for 10/24 is $114,000,000. $114 million dollars. So that’s not a lot if you split it out to the population, but I still don’t understand why not put that jackpot money into the roads instead of the amount earned with people buying lottery tickets. Idk idk it just feels like the state is dangling money over you head sometimes. Heehoo look at this money that could quite literally save your life come dance for meeee)
So it would seem the only guarantees for getting enough money to live (cuz remember the minimum wage isn’t livable anymore even with full time hours) let alone retire is some combination of privilege and luck. Lucky us.
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mixingpumpkins · 1 year
Hi, I just graduated university recently and will likely be doing some remote part-time freelance proofreading and editing while I search for something more permanent. Because I believe I saw that you do similar work yourself, is there anything I should know that might help me prepare for early obstacles if I’ve never been paid for this work before? Any tips? I feel as though I’m a fairly talented writer and editor, I’m just wondering if there’s anything I should be looking out for outside of my own skills.
Hi! Congrats on your graduation. :)
Honestly, it depends on what kind of editing you're doing. Books? Resumes? Blog posts? Technical writing? Content mill-type articles from all the outlets that are putting things like "5 Reasons We Can't Wait to See the Next Marvel Movie (and 5 Reasons the MCU Should Die in a Fire, Actually)" on your Google feed?
Also, is this freelance editing like... you set up shop on your own site, you're on a platform like Fiverr, or doing contract work with a media company? They're all different animals, so I'll answer like you're applying for part-time contract editing work. (If it's one of the former, lmk.)
Overall tips...
You probably already know this, but have good samples both for things you've edited AND things you've written (and ideally, links to where they're published online). If you're applying to edit at a specific outlet, try to pick samples that are similar to their vibe. Don't stress if they're not a 100% match, but it certainly helps. (Do NOT send 5 million sample pieces unless the application asks for it. Just pick the best you have that's similar to what you'd be editing for the job.)
Don't stress about an interview. Chances are, they already feel you can do good work – they've already seen your samples. Now they just want to see how much of a fit you are for the people you'll be working with.
Generally, people who hire editors want to see 1) can you spot when a writer isn't following a style guide/other standards and correct them on it, 2) can you do this while meeting a certain productivity standard, 3) can you not constantly fuck up with any tech you need to use, and 4) can you be pleasant and communicative with anyone you're required to work with. If yes, you're in good shape. BUT...
...These are hard things to tell from an application and interview alone, so you'll probably have a probationary period to this end. There will probably be at least one other editor who looks over ALL your work during this period to see if you're meeting their standards. DO NOT DO THIS FOR FREE. Do not do anything "here, edit these 3 articles/these 5 pages as a trial" for free. Shitty companies and people do this to use applicants and trainees for free labor. If you're doing work while you're in training, they should be paying you.
Do some research on average pay rates for the kind of editing you're doing. If you can set your own rates, you'll know what to shoot for (adjust for your experience). If you can't and you're hunting on job boards, you'll have a better idea of which employers are trying to rip you off.
If you can, avoid working with people and companies who accept, encourage, or are interested in using AI in any part of their content generation or creation process. (The reasons why are a rant for a different day.) If you get to a job and your "editing" is to essentially fact-check and rewrite AI content to make it sound more human, fucking run.
Be prepared to check for AI-generated content if you're working in a circumstance where human writing is still valued.
Get very comfortable with giving and receiving feedback, if you're not already. Be kind, but don't stress too much about stroking egos. Most pro writers (well, outside the book publishing or screenplay world) won't fight you – they just want to get their pieces out there and get paid, especially if they work on a per-word basis.
Get REALLY comfortable with editing to strict word count standards. (My first book had +/- 3 words of wiggle room around certain sections' target word counts.) Yes, you will probably have to cut something that you love or reword it to something worse a few times. No, a publisher/printer/higher-up editor will not usually let you make an exception. Mourn these instances and move on.
Writers will sometimes get mad. Some of them will try to bully or steamroll editors they've never worked with before. Don't let them. Give them grace because you know what it's like to have to kill your darlings, but remember that you were hired to hold them to certain standards. It doesn't matter if they've been published in Forbes or the New York Times and you're a new face – if their current work isn't meeting the standards it needs to, hold them to it.
Try to develop a good rapport with any writers, editors, or others you work with, even if you're only doing this as a part-time, temporary thing. You never know what opportunities may come down the line if you cross paths with these people again.
Try not to do what I do on Tumblr, aka word-vomit all over everything every time I answer an ask. ^^^^^^^^
Best of luck!
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