#also fun fact these gifs have the same frame number and so you just get an endless loop of james flipping you off one after another
humbledragon669 · 3 months
S1E3 – Hard Times Write Up P5 - Friday (One day to the end of the World) up to "the break up"
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So, here we are, more than halfway through the episode yet only just getting to the credits. That really threw me the first time I watched this episode! I do think it’s a very clever way to handle the format of this episode though – you couldn’t exactly break the flow of the historical scenes to make way for the credits, and those scenes definitely don’t belong nestled in amongst the main storyline, particularly as all of those scenes were additional material written specifically for the show (as described by Neil in the introduction to the Script Book – this was do with ensuring consistency for seeing Crowley and Aziraphale in every episode of the season). Despite the fact that the storyline covered in these scenes is newly created, the information we learn from them is crucial to understanding the motives, emotions, and thought processes that the angel and demon show throughout the show, and I genuinely don’t think the rest of the episodes, or our relationship with the two main characters, would have been the same without them.
I also think the crazy-fast montage of scenes that we see immediately following the credits is a great way of bringing us back to the main storyline of the show, picking up right where we left off at the end of episode 2, which in fairness does seem like an awfully long time ago – after all, we’ve just been through a whistle-stop tour of 6000 years of history.
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The entire sequence takes 5 seconds and appears to use a different image for every frame of film, which means it consists of approximately 130 different tableaus, in chronological order of their appearance in the season. Some editor had fun doing that I’m sure.
Knowing that I should be looking at any instances of writing whenever it’s used, I paused my rewatch of this episode at the point where we’re shown Aziraphale’s little planning board. Whilst most of it makes perfect sense (a map, notes about Adam’s name, relevant prophecy numbers), there is also a sheet of paper covered in writing that, to me at least is completely ineligible:
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If anybody knows what this writing is, or even if it’s just made-up scribblings to look cool, I’d love to know the answer.
The conversation between Adam and Anathema has always struck me as slightly odd. I mean, it’s nice that Adam stops to ask if she’s OK (when she clearly is not), but there doesn’t appear to be any recognition from either party that they actually met just the day before. And forgive me for imposing modern-day suppositions on to work that was written a few decades previously, but a fully grown adult inviting a kid into their house for something to drink just feels creepy to me. We know she’s perfectly fine to be around though so we’ll let it go. What I do like about the conversation is that there’s an echoing of the exchange that Crowley and Aziraphale shared as they were leaving Tadfield Manor (about angels not being occult but ethereal) but this time the labels in contention are “witch” and “occultist”.
ADAM: Are you a witch? ANATHEMA: No, I’m an occultist.
It’s a nice nod to the notion that words have power. Both parties are describing the same idea but choosing what connotations they want to associate with it. And what’s really important to note on that matter is that changing Anathema’s label completely changes Adam’s opinion of her immediately.
Side note: anybody else find the juxtaposition of some manky old thumbscrews right next to a colourful birthday candle to be a beautifully accurate summation for what an oblivious shitshow the Witchfinder’s Army really is?
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I find the choice of location for Crowley’s meeting with Shadwell to be an interesting one. The café they meet in proudly declares itself to be the “Best Café in Wandsworth”. Wandsworth is a long way from Crouch End, where we know Shadwell lives, and Mayfair, which is where the book states Crowley’s flat is located. And just so we’re covering some of the other possibilities, it’s nowhere near Soho and Aziraphale hasn’t set up the meeting at the 3rd rendezvous point yet for it to be a precursor location for the meeting on the bandstand. Why Wandsworth?
There are a couple of Easter Eggs in Crowley’s newspaper here, and perhaps one on the TV playing in the background. Let’s start with the newspaper. It’s no surprise that Crowley would be reading the Infernal Times, but who knew that demons would consider a bit of hiking for their holidays:
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It’s a bit hard to make out, but I’m pretty sure that the headline reads something about walking trails. And it’s a pretty pathetic sounding front page headline:
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In case you can’t read it (again, it difficult to make out), it says “SOUL MUSIC: Catalogue your collection of Souls?”. As a headline it doesn’t make a great deal of sense, but I think this is probably a reference to Crowley’s soul music collection mentioned in the book.
He was very proud of his collection. It had taken him ages to put together. This was real Soul Music. James Brown wasn’t in it.
The last of the headlines I can actually make out is the following:
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Again, if you can’t quite make it out, this one describes some latest research that suggests exorcisms are on the rise in Wales. Just who has done the research, and why specifically concentrating on Wales, remains a mystery. Now let’s have a look at that TV in the corner of the room:
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This was really tricky to get a clipping of something that made sense but the footage on the screen looks like it’s set in Puritan times. The guy on the right in this image is even wearing a costume reminiscent of Adultery Pulsifer’s clothes in the previous episode, so perhaps this a witchfinder? I couldn’t get anything concrete, but I think it’s probably a little Easter Egg nonetheless.
It’s nice that we have an acknowledgement of Shadwell’s involvement with Crowley going back decades during the conversation where we discover the demon is sponsoring the Witchfinder’s Army. We know, from the 1967 historical scene, that Crowley has been dealing with this dense oaf for 50 years by this point. I suppose in a show where character recognition, or rather the lack of it (see previous scene with Adam and Anathema, or even the use of the same actors to play different characters as we see in season 2) happens regularly, it was probably necessary to script something that explicitly states that these two characters are aware of the “resemblance” that Crowley bears to someone Shadwell knew many years previously.
Moving back to Anathema and Adam now (this episode does fair rattle through the sub-plot development doesn’t it?!). What’s with the whale obsession please? This isn’t the first time we hear about how whales have big brains (Crowley already raised this point when he was very drunk in episode 1), and it won’t be the last. I mean, I’m not denying that they do have huge brains, I just didn’t realise it was a thing that so many people thought about. I wonder if it’s one of those questions you supposedly can ask men about to get an unexpected response, like how often they think about ancient Rome? Regardless, the whale comment is just one of a bunch of foreshadowing Clues in this scene for later on.
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They’ve got it all covered – ley lines, nuclear power stations, the Kraken, Atlantis, and Tibet, all mentioned or seen in a very short space of time. There’s even mention of the destruction of the Brazilian rainforests, something Adam tries to resolve in the book.
Up in Heaven, which looks like an incredibly boring place in my opinion, Aziraphale is busy telling his superiors things they’re either not interested in or already know. I don’t know whether Uriel’s line “what’s happening” is a little reference to Jesus Christ Superstar (the song “What’s the Buzz” uses this phrase repeatedly throughout), but if it is it would effectively put Aziraphale in the role of Jesus, with the archangels being disciples. Not exactly fitting with canon, so maybe this is a little Easter Egg. Or maybe it’s nothing at all.
Whilst I was doing this write up, I noticed that Aziraphale is the only one of the angels to be wearing a patterned garment – his trademark tartan. It’s a nice way to subtly distinguish him, or more precisely his relationship with the concept of free will, from the other angels, and whilst we know he has been exercising his own free will for centuries, his addition of a non-standard item of clothing to angelic attire would suggest he is becoming more comfortable with his stance. Looking back through the historical scenes (including the ones from season 2 we are yet to see), I think the tartan first makes it appearance in 1862, but I’m happy to be corrected on that.
It's a good job that the archangels are a somewhat dense bunch because Aziraphale does not do a good job of hiding when he’s hiding something here. He has a tendency to overact when it comes to the discussion around Crowley, and the pause he puts in before his non-committal answer to Gabriel’s questioning is almost painful.
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It should be obvious to them that he’s covering something up but luckily they’re totally oblivious and Aziraphale actually manages to buy himself some time. Credit to him here – he went to Heaven with preconceived ideas of how this conversation was going and he not only manages to adapt to the deviation from his expectations, he also considers what this means, how it changes his plans, comes up with a plan for how to achieve his new objective, and executes that plan very convincingly. There’s a lot of talk about how Aziraphale can often be pretty dense at times, but this little scene should tell you that that’s only really true when it comes to Crowley – outside of the blinkers of friendship and love, this is one quick-thinking and intelligent angel.
We’ve had a couple of mentions of Crowley being “fallen” before now in the show, but I think this is the first time we get any clues as to why that might have been. And surprisingly for such an important piece of information, it’s delivered in an almost nonchalant way.
There was war in Heaven, long before the Earth was created. Crowley and the rest were cast out. Not nothing was ever really settled.
We already knew that Crowley wasn’t the only fallen angel (see Hastur’s comments in episode 2) but this is the first mention of him being involved in all-out war against Heaven. Hastur talks about rebelling in the previous episode, so we can only assume that these are two puzzle pieces that fit together. I don’t know whether season 3 will bring us a fuller answer for Crowley’s fall, but I hope so. I feel like it’s a huge part of his history and who he is; as a fan it would be nice to be able to put it all together for an even better understanding of his character.
Gabriel’s comments about the war and Armageddon make for some interesting discussion points. He says that even though the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven, nothing was settled. What exactly were they hoping would be the outcome of that war? If it was the destruction of those who rebelled, why only cast them out? Why not destroy them at that point? And why exactly does Earth have to get tied up in all of this? His parting line about Earth’s destruction offers little to the debate about what Earth’s role is in the whole Heaven/Hell war, only that Heaven is determined to destroy it, regardless.
The Earth isn’t going to just end itself, you know.
Charming. And unfortunately for Aziraphale, his lack of enthusiasm for another war has triggered the suspicion of the archangels – it’s interesting that he was able to cover his intentions through his talk of Crowley and poorly disguised buying for time but what really makes them think he can’t be trusted is that he clearly isn’t fully on their side when it comes to war.
There is a line in the book about anybody who meets Aziraphale believing him to be “gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide”. I can see how this might have been a little difficult to get into a TV show, but I think the double entendre delivered by the following exchange probably serves as a suitable alternative:
AZIRAPHALE: Do you have any men free? I need them to poke about a bit. SHADWELL: Poke, eh? And where exactly do you want them poking?
And if it wasn’t clear what Shadwell’s thoughts on Aziraphale were, calling him a “great southern pansy can probably fill in the blanks for you.
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Remember what I was saying about Aziraphale not being dense earlier? Well this is one of those moments when he proves the exact opposite. He genuinely appears to believe all the stories Shadwell has fed him about the soldiers of the Witchfinder’s Army. I suspect he simply can’t bear to think that somebody would lie to him for financial gain, something which Crowley appeared to be fully conscious of when he dismissed Shadwell’s presentation of the ledger in the café earlier on. Whatever the angel’s reasons for this gullibility, we as the audience can now see that both of our hero pair are not only funding the Witchfinder Army (for the paltry combined sum of £500 per year according to the Script Book) but making use of their services, and hiding the organisation from the other for fear of reprimand. How very Shakespearian.
There are a few little things I’d like to show appreciation for in the Famine scene. First off, and I did have to look this up, but the word “sable” can be defined as “black”. So Famine’s chosen name consists of 2 words that describe black. Given that one of War’s alternative names is Red (or Carmine, which means crimson, as well as her chosen surname of Zingiber, which is another name for ginger – a word you might use to describe a red-headed person), this is hardly surprising. Next up. I love how beautiful the plate of non-existent food in the fine dining restaurant is. I have eaten at a Michelin starred restaurant and I can assure you, that isn’t far off the mark at all.
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Next little Easter Egg – there’s a picture of the Bentley, albeit in red, on the wall of the burger joint that Famine and his assistant go to:
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And how many times have we heard/read terms and conditions that sound very similar (scratch that, there are some phrases that are word-for-word perfect) to the ones for Chow for any/all new health product that comes to market with the sole purpose of making money out of gullible/vulnerable people. Neil really nailed the wording and delivery in the script there. Elvis’s presence in the restaurant is a cute bit of humour too, and halfway makes up for one of the lines in the script that didn’t make it to the final cut but made me guffaw like a loon – it’s Death’s response to a question about the year of Elvis’s death from the quiz machine:
Lastly, I’d like to think there’s another instance of script mirroring in the use of the word Chow here. Cast your mind back, all the way to episode 1…
LIGUR: Wassat mean, “Ciao”? HASTUR: It’s Italian. It means “food”.
Except to anyone actually eating Sable’s prized invention Chow isn’t food at all, but eating it might result in you having to say “goodbye” to a lot of things like “hair. And skin tone. And, if you ate enough of it long enough, vital signs.” Beautiful word play.
Side note for the next scene: the Witchfinder Manual actually has a price on the cover (I can’t quite make out what it is, but it’s “old” money), which means at some point that sack of crap was actually sold to people.
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One last tiny note: Crowley tells Aziraphale to meet him at the 3rd alternative rendezvous. Not the 3rd rendezvous or the alternative rendezvous. And Aziraphale can’t remember which location it maps to, though he can list off three possibilities, much to Crowley’s annoyance. I’d quite like to know how many formally named rendezvous locations they have, and why they think that referring to them in “code” prevents their respective superiors from knowing they’re meeting in the first place.
I am going to call it on this part of the write up at this point. I had intended for this part to be the last one for this episode, but I’m already at nearly 3000 words and I haven’t covered the “break-up” scene yet. I think I’m partly just putting off the inevitable by not including it here because I find the last scene of this episode very difficult to watch. Nevertheless, I hope you’ll forgive me. I’d hope I can give that scene the attention it deserves if I split it out into its own write up. So for now… comments, questions, discussion, all welcome, as always.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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james being a rude shithead™ while kendall's just trying to be his usual sweetheart self on logan's instagram stories: the continuing saga
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sandibullock · 4 years
I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on this gifset that you did i really like ittt
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Thank you for sending this in, anon! I’m glad you liked it and wondered how it was made :) Fun fact: the day before you sent this, I had just started working on my next set in that “Select Filmography” series. I hope you like that one too when it’s ready!
I think I should start by saying I’m pretty new to giffing myself and there might be more efficient ways of getting to the same result. However, the point here is to show you the process I went through to make this gifset and hopefully help you understand how to make a similar one.
To follow this tutorial, you will need some version of Photoshop and some giffing knowledge. I know there are multiple ways of making gifs so I’m just letting you know I’m using the timeline and the “Convert for Smart Filters” option (I don’t really know how else to call it).
Now let’s get started!
It might sound obvious but, in my opinion, this is the most crucial step. It’s also the one that takes the longest (along with step 7, aka the coloring).
At this stage, you need to have a general idea on how you want your set to look like so you can choose the scenes accordingly. In my case, I knew I needed two types of shots for each movie: one close-up for the main gif and one mid shot for the shape. I also needed to take two other criteria into consideration: the movement (because of the shape) and the lighting (because darker scenes are such a pain to color). Last but not least, I didn’t want the characters to be talking (but that’s just a personal preference).
With all of that in mind, you can start saving a few screenshots of scenes that meet your criteria (or at least some of them). In the end, there won’t be that many to choose from so be prepared to make compromises.
Now that you’ve preselected a few scenes, you can make a first draft. This will help you turn your general idea into something more concrete.
Basically, this is your opportunity to organize your thoughts. What size do you want your gifs to be? What shape are you going to use? On which side do you want the close-ups to be? Do you want all of them to be on the same side or do you want to alternate from one gif to the other? Do the scenes you chose work together (gif-wise but also set-wise)? Are you happy with the way it looks, overall?
By answering all of the questions you might have now, you’ll save yourself a lot of time, trust me. Of course, you can totally skip this step if you already know exactly which scenes you’re going to use and how you’re going to present them together.
To give you an idea, this is what my draft looked like for Atomic Blonde.
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Once you have a clearer view on how you want your set to look like, you can finally start giffing like you usually would (i.e. importing, cropping, resizing, etc.).
It should then look something like this.
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The important thing to mention here is that you want both of your gifs to be the same number of frames (32, in my case).
Ideally, you should also aim for the ~same~ coloring (especially for the skin tone, since both gifs will be so close to each other). This bit is particularly difficult when you chose scenes which have opposite lighting (see my two uncolored gifs below). Remember how I insisted on steps 1 and 2? It was to help you avoid this. So my advice would be not to choose these types of contrasted scenes, unless you can’t do otherwise and you’re ready to suffer!
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To make your shape, you can click right on the Shape Tool (U) and select the last one, Custom Shape Tool. From the Shape menu appearing on top, you will be able to choose the shape you want from the drop down list and start drawing on your gif.
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To be more precise with the dimensions, you can manually adapt the length and height from the Shape menu itself. I decided to go with the same ones as my gif.
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Once your shape is positioned like you want it to be, you can drag and drop the shape layer under your gif. Next, you will have to click right on the gif layer/smart filter and select Create Clipping Mask. The result is as below. Note that if the size of your shape was smaller than your gif, you would still be able to reposition your gif with the Move Tool (V).
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You can now export your shape gif, reopen it in Photoshop and convert it again to the video timeline and to a smart filter. This is where I’m not sure it’s the most efficient way of doing things but it’s the only way I found to keep the coloring of each gif separate. I also find it easier to work with a smart filter.
To add your shape gif to your main gif, you can simply click right on the shape gif you just reopened and select Duplicate Layer. You can then choose the project which contains your main gif to duplicate it in there. Now go to your main gif and reposition your shape gif where you want it to be (how many times did I say gif here?). Finally, you can draw a new shape, using the same dimensions as in step 4, reposition it and choose any color you want from the Shape menu.
Since you will be repeating this process with your following gifs, I suggest you add a few guides so you know exactly where you should place everything to make all of your final gifs look the same.
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(In case you’re wondering, the “Base” folder contains my adjustment layers/basic coloring for the main gif.)
This step is pretty simple: go on the web and type “[name of the movie] title”. Download the png you like most, open it in Photoshop and resize it to a length of about 150-200 pixels. Next, duplicate the layer to your main gif and reposition it. In case you need to resize it again, select the title layer and go to Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl+T).
This is optional but in case you want to change the way it looks, know you can always duplicate the title layer and play with the blending options (see below). The good thing with a png is that you can also add some effects by clicking on the “fx” button.
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To be honest, I had not planned on coloring my gifs. But I had already spent so much time on them and I was still unhappy with the way they looked. I mean, see how grey-ish they are? Not great...
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So the only thing left for me to do was to add some colors. Now, since coloring is worth a tutorial on its own and it already exists, I suggest you read through becca’s mega coloring tutorial (and especially steps 3 & 5). Seriously, shoutout to her for making this incredibly useful tutorial. She is so talented and I love everything she makes!
My Atomic Blonde gif barely even needed coloring so I’ll show you what I did for my Tully and The Old Guard gifs.
For the first one, once I had found which colors to use with which blending option and opacity level, I only had to remove the colors from the left side of the gif because there was barely any movement in that scene (phew!). For the second one, on the other hand, I decided to color frame by frame because there was way more movement, in comparison. This is quite a tedious process, which is why you want to limit yourself to a certain amount of frames.
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I’ll conclude by saying there are so many things you can do with coloring and what works with one scene might not work with another. So experiment with it: try different colors, play with the blending options and opacity levels, add some gradients and/or gradient maps, etc. Just know it will take some time to get to a somewhat satisfying result!
And that’s it... I hope this tutorial made sense and was somehow helpful. Of course, don’t hesitate if you have any questions! Also, if you do end up making a similar edit, pleeease send me the link or tag me in the replies or something ‘cause I would definitely love to see it!!
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scalproie · 2 years
bi-han for the ask meme? ^__^
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So fun fact I rb'd that meme in hope someone would ask about Bi-han or let me have the opportunity to talk about Bi-han. So.
favorite thing about them:
He is kind of a pretty tragic character isnt he? His original story in mk1 has him dying just as he planned to turn his life around. Then nowadays he didnt even DID the horrible thing he gets killed for, he pleaded for his life with "That is not me!" in his final living moments, he was framed for it and you cant even fully blame his killer. And even when he DID do it, its just. The Lin Kuei is an awful place to grow up in, huh. ...
least favorite thing about them:
I love Bi-han I hate Bi-han actually I love Bi-han I just hate Noob "wasted potential" Saibot ACTUALLY Noob is so fucking hilarious I love Bi-han but actually I hate Bi-h
favorite line:
*heard you were talking shit* "Will not [kill me]? Or cannot?"
also *monologues to you in chinese even tho I very clearly spoke japanese, a language you actually understand, a few minutes ago*
will sound weird but. With Sektor. Now hear me out, Bi-han has no friends. But I think, out of the named original Lin Kuei, Tomas & Cyrax arrived later at the Lin Kuei, so for quite a few years of their childhoods, it was Bi-han, Kuai, and Sektor. And Bi-han was the best assassin in the Lin Kuei, and Sektor is the Grandmaster's son. So obviously those two hated each other I know it. But in his round taunt against Kuai, Sektor tells him "You shame Bi-han." , and of course theres multiple ways to interpret this but I THINK. there was some begrudging respect bewteen the two there. Fun to think of that.
But no for real the real brOTP is of course with his little brother. Their actual brotherhood is the core of their characters. I just wish we could. Gngngh. Yknow. Actually See it...
so I was looking at everyone's round taunts in mk11 and against Skarlet, Bi-han had a line that said "You are like Sareena..." and then I got reminded of Sareena's cameo in mkx where she offered revenant Kitana help to escape Quan Chi "just as Bi-han aided me" and Kitana replied that she became too familiar with Bi-han and allowed emotion to corrupt her and Sareena said that emotion freed her. And then I got reminded of that dumb tone of voice he took to talk to her in mythologies, like he sounds so angry 99% of the game but oooh pretty lady shoves Quan chi to help him and hes like "Why did you saved me?🥺" and THEN I got reminded of the blooper when his costume breaks as hes catching her because shes been shot in the back. Idk its PAPER THIN but it CAN be cute. Not too serious about it but if you put a gun to my head to put Bi-han with someone, then Id say Sareena. I think she'd laugh at him too. goth4goth idk.
Not fond of bi-hanzo ngl. Literally how could I when almost every single flavor of the enemies-to-lovers dynamic is covered by (and more interesting with) hanzo and bi-han's own little brother kuai liang. Like my friend once said, sometimes two people hate each other and it's not even sexy, and as another one of my friend said, there is NOTHING funnier than a guy killing a dude and then that dude coming back to see that the guy who killed him is now dating his little brother. And it being okay because the dude who died is a massive asshole.
random headcanon:
oh I refuse to believe Bi-han alive was the same as Noob is now. Yes he was always a cunt, but really Quan Chi and the netherrealm did a number on him, if he even is himself at all. Im desesperate for them to confirm that Noob is barely Bi-han at all but like, something made with Bi-han's soul as a basis, which is why he is such a bastard (derogatory). Which would be why Kuai has such trouble at identifying Noob (all. Two times, I know hush) and keep on insisting that "Bi-han died long ago.". It will not happen but still... Also Kuai took Noob disowning him very badly if he held onto that grudge for like 25 years.
Also obsessed with him being a good bad big brother back then. Best intentions. Terrible terrible execution. Frustration building up and him then feeling immense regret when he acts on it. Him protecting as much as hurting and loving as much as looking down on his baby brother.
unpopular opinion:
I dont want him to be redeemed as he is now! As long as he keeps being mr. 2edgy4u and as long as they dont put the amount of focus needing on him and Kuai to make it... idk actually dramatic and tragic, well Im content with him being a jobber. As long as hes ironically funny and gets his ass handed to him.
song i associate with them:
favorite picture of them:
mr. CEO😳 but fr he looks like the knife cat here
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🥺Also see he has them too.🥺
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and of course
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breakyeol · 4 years
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You don’t like Doh Kyungsoo. Especially not when he’s got his fingers buried knuckle deep inside of you and your seeing stars —goddamn stars!— but can’t make a sound unless you want the entire library to know exactly what he’s doing to you under the table.
┗ Pairing: Tutor!Kyungsoo x Reader
Genre: college au, tutor au, enemies w benefits au, smut
Words: 4.7k 
Rating: 18+
Warnings: strong language, sexual acts in a public setting, fingering
A/N; tomorrow is going to be my 1 year anniversary as an EXO-L!! oh my goodness that feels so crazy, time really flies. so here is a little present from me to you, enjoy lovelies!!
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“These are all wrong,” Kyungsoo mutters blankly, “start over.”
A loud groan is ripped from your throat, the sound earning you more than a few sideways glares from the surrounding tables but you can’t really bring yourself to care. You’ve been here for two hours, studying one of the most intolerable subjects in the world: Calculus. The mere mention of its name made you shiver in disgust.
To be blunt, you’d always been shit at math. Numbers and equations were never your strong suit, not in high school and definitely not now with the added complexities of derivatives and differential equations (neither of which made even the slightest bit of sense to you). You much preferred the gentleness of literature and history to the strict logic and rules of mathematics and science. Unfortunately for you, the latter subjects were just as vital a part of your education, and opting out of them was not an option.
“Can’t we take a break?” You almost whine the question, pressing your fingers into your throbbing temples. “My brain feels like it’s going to explode.”
You scowl at the bluntness of his rejection. “I’m paying you.” You point out, stabbing a finger into his bicep for emphasis. “Shouldn’t I have a say in when we take a break?”
He rolls his eyes, swatting your hand away and shoving the paper back in your direction. “I’m giving you your money’s worth. Do it again.”
You let out a noisy huff of air, slouching over dramatically in the stiff plastic chair until your chin is pressed against the cold table. “I hope you know I am deeply regretting some of my life decisions right about now.” You grumble, shooting him an icy glare that you hope conveys the absolute loathing you feel for both him and the set of problems laid before you.
“I thought that was a daily thing for you.”
Scoffing, you bury your mouth in the thick sleeve of your hoodie. “Your face is a daily thing for me.”
He doesn’t even bother to look at you, though you could almost feel the intensity of his deadpan. “I think that was the shittiest comeback I’ve ever heard.”
“Your face is the shittiest comeback I’ve ever heard.”
“You do realize that that makes absolutely no sense.”
“Your fa—”
“Shut up and do your work.”
He either doesn’t hear or consciously chooses to ignore the colorful array of curses you grumble spitefully in his direction, though simultaneously resigning yourself to the fact that you won’t be able to put off your work inevitably. Kyungsoo was a stickler for proper time management. If he had an agenda set in place for your tutoring session (which he always did), then you better believe he’d be checking off each item within its designated time frame. And if you don’t cooperate— well then, your best bet is to pray that there isn’t a mechanical pencil within his reach.
He might not always be able to reach the top shelf, but Kyungsoo had ways of getting what he wanted. Usually, that chilling glare was enough to get those around him to bend to his will. He could be a scary little shit when he wanted to be. You’ll admit, even you had been the tiniest bit intimidated when you first met him. He was quiet, reserved, strict in manner, but also the dangerous unpredictable type, you gathered that much quickly enough. Maybe that’s why the two of you didn’t get on too well.
Where he was cool and standoffish, “a man of few words” some might say, you were more vocal about your opinions, social by nature, always eager to meet new people and make new connections. You had a tendency to speak loudly when excited and talk with your hands when passionate about a subject. That was something most people learned about you very quickly. Unfortunately, upon your first official meeting at a party in your freshman year with your mutual friends, Kyungsoo had no idea just how emphatic you could be until you’d knocked his drink clean out of his hand and spilled it down the front of his brand new shirt.
It was an accident, of course. You’d apologized profusely and he’d accepted it (albeit somewhat begrudgingly), but that was probably the first of many missteps in your... unique relationship.
With such conflicting personalities, it was understandable that you got into frequent arguments about one thing or another. Petty disagreements would often grow into something larger than they really needed to be. Mostly because despite having such contrasting personalities, you shared the trait of innate stubbornness, neither of you willing to admit when you were wrong. It was easy to argue with him, and you liked when you proved him wrong. You liked the way his brows furrowed and his cheeks flushed. You liked the way he glared, the way his lips pouted. You like the challenge he presented you with every time he opened his mouth. Above, you loved to win. Especially when it was against him.
So you pushed, and he pushed right back. And before you knew it, you found yourself a proper ‘frenemy’, though you aren’t sure that that’s quite the right word to describe whatever it was you two were.
But that’s just how the two of you are, how you’d always been. If you were being honest, riling him, seeing that usually so stoic, so controlled expression crack when you pushed just the right buttons— it was fun. You thoroughly enjoyed fucking with him, discovering new and creative ways to get under his skin. And you knew he got just as much satisfaction from doing the same to you, rendering you speechless with witty comebacks, flustering you with his sharp tongue and impressive rebukes.
So really, was it such a terrible thing?
Not to mention, a number of not-so-terrible things occurred as a result of one of your many arguments, such as hiring him as your calculus tutor. One that started out with you claiming he would probably be the shittiest teacher to ever exist (which seemed a valid argument at the time considering how short tempered and impatient he could be *cough* with you *cough*) to which he rebutted with the claim that he could “teach a goldfish advanced calculus” if he set his mind to it, and considering that you “had an IQ equivalent to one”, he could without a doubt teach you. His words, obviously.
It just so happened that you had a calculus exam coming up that next week, so to prove his point, he tutored you for the three days preceding said test. Even though you loathe being proven wrong, you ended up getting one of the highest scores you’d ever gotten on a math test in your entire academic career.
Putting your pride aside, you made the suggestion that he continue to tutor you. He only agreed when you offered him green in exchange for his troubles and admitted that he was right (it took a few extra hours to convince yourself that your grades should be held above your ego before you could bring yourself to verbally admit defeat).
And now here you are, not flunking out of calculus. You’d consider that worthy of the bruise to your pride, even if only by a small margin.
“Kyungsoo, why’d you mark this one wrong?” You frown at the large red X marking problem two as incorrect. You’d been glaring at your scribbled work for almost two minutes, running over the problem in your head, but you couldn’t seem to figure out where he thought you’d gone wrong. It looks right enough to you.
Kyungsoo shifts over to get a better look, his arms pressing against yours in the process and you are briefly stunned by the sudden, unexpected closeness, wholly unable to stop yourself from noticing the faint, woody scent of his aftershave that caresses your senses. Fuck. You can’t tell if you hate or love the fact that he smelled so good. Partly love it because good hygiene is always something to admire in a man (even if that man was Doh Kyungsoo), partly hate it because dammit it’s Doh Kyungsoo and you loathe finding anything that has to do with him attractive. Plus, it’s distracting. You’re here trying to learn and he has the audacity to go around smelling like pine trees and fresh moss after a rainfall. Unfair.
“Right here.”
The scowl you don’t realize you’re wearing immediately drops away as the low baritone of his voice thrums through the cavity of your ribcage and you lean forward to see exactly what he’s pointing at.
“You multiplied straight through instead of distributing.” He explains further upon seeing the uncertainty on your face. A few seconds of further inspection and you finally see what he’s talking about.
“Fuck,” you hiss, “I’m so stupid.”
“It’s an easy mistake to make.” He reassures.
“Yeah, but I should know that by now, I should’ve—” you turn your head, only to nearly choke on air as you discover that any space that once existed between the two of you has virtually disappeared, “... seen it.”
He’s close, so close that you can feel the cool rush of his breath against your skin as he exhales, goosebumps bristling across your arms in response. He’s close. Too close. You can’t think straight, can’t even breathe. The moment that surrounds you feels fragile, like even the slightest disruption would rupture it completely.
Frozen, you can only swallow around the sudden dryness of your mouth as your treacherous eyes drop to trace the plush line of his lips. Who even has lips like that? They’re just so big and so pink, that dark, kissable kind of pink that every girl just wishes her lips could be. You, included. They look soft, and you can’t help but to wonder if they’d still taste like the strawberry bubblegum he’d been chewing on at the beginning of your tutoring session.
“Careful, ___.” The sound of Kyungsoo’s voice, raspier than you recall it being before and laced in a faintly taunting pitch, is enough to break you from your trance and, once freed, you whip your head around fast enough to give yourself whiplash.
“Fuck off.” You cough, jaw clenching as you attempt to drag your mind out from the gutter and back onto the calculus problems you have yet to correct. But for whatever reason your brain refuses to cooperate, instead filling your head with images of his pretty mouth and everything it could be doing instead of rambling on about something as uninteresting as calculus. Damnit.
No doubt seeing the distress written clearly across your face, Kyungsoo chuckles, the sound low and smooth where it drips from his lips, and a familiar heat blossoms in the pit of your stomach.
You can feel his eyes on you now, every cell of your being suddenly hyperaware of his presence beside you. The pressure of his knee where it nudges against yours, the teasing curl of his lips as he watches you struggle to focus, the warmth of his palm caressing up your thigh, the— wait what?
Your gaze whips down, breath hitching at the sight of Kyungsoo’s hand gently gripping the lagging clad flesh just above your knee. It’s another few seconds before you’re able to find your voice again.
“W– What’re you—?”
“Focus.” He cuts you off smoothly, fingers soothing over the inside of your leg, squeezing gently. When you don’t look away from him, he smirks, jerking his chin forward in a manner you can only interpret as challenging. There’s a familiar glint in his eye, a dangerous glint that doesn’t fail to provoke your competitive side. You know that look well. He’s challenging you.
And you don’t back down from a challenge.
Especially not from Doh Kyungsoo.
Determination flairs up inside of you, your jaw clenching as you strike him with a single, heated glare that read plain and simple ‘you. are. on.’ before honing all your attention onto the worksheet in front of you. It’s not too difficult to focus at first, to disregard the tingles that erupt across your skin where his hot touch sears into it. You manage to find and correct your error in one of the problems (impressive for you even if Kyungsoo wasn’t feeling your leg up under the table).
But whatever pride you find in doing so is quickly quelled when his hand suddenly shifts higher, and you feel the faintest pressure against your heat. It’s a sensation that robs you of your ability to breathe entirely for a handful of seconds, and you can’t stop the shiver that ripples down your spine.
This, you see, is one of the more recent developments in your oh-so complicated relationship with Doh Kyungsoo. Yet another that began with a disagreement at a party, over something you can’t even remember anymore thanks to the haze of alcohol that clouded both your minds at the time, that spiraled way out of proportion. You remember yelling at him, insulting him, stabbing your finger into his chest, feeling the sting of his lethal glare. God, he’d looked so pissed off, and you just fed off of it, fed off the rage and the frustration that festered like lava in those dark brown eyes. The angrier he got, the harder you pushed, until he finally snapped.
You’re still not sure what you expected to happen. What you expected him to do. But you sure as hell hadn’t anticipated him grabbing you by the throat and pulling you into one of the hottest, most mind numbing kisses you’d ever experienced.
Next thing you remember is being in a bed. Whose bed it was, isn’t important. What is important, however, is the fact that that night you had the best sex of your entire life with the man you thought you couldn’t stand.
Hate sex with Doh Kyungsoo opened your eyes to a whole new world of mind boggling pleasure that you’d never experienced before. Pleasure that no other person had ever been able to give you. God, the things he did to you. No one had ever touched you like that before. It was like he knew all the places on your body that made you unravel. He honestly ruined all other men for you that night because none have even come close to comparing. Which was beyond frustrating especially considering that, at the time, you thought it was a one time thing.
The morning after you both pretended that nothing happened. In the two weeks following as well, neither one of you mentioned it. You tried to erase the memory from your brain, tried to go back to normal, but it was hard considering every time you needed some sexual release (which was more often than you care to admit), it was his hands, his mouth, his cock that you imagined while you touched yourself. You replayed his moans in your head, his deep, rasping voice growling your name, and fuck, you never came harder.
But it was still nothing compared to the real thing.
As time passed you only grew more and more frustrated. Worst of all, you could tell he was feeling it too. It was obvious in the way he looked at you, with fire burning in eyes, in the way he spoke to you, with a pitch of something hot and wanting in his voice, in the way he lost his cool far quicker and far more often than he had in the past, your arguments fiercer and more frequent than they’d ever been. The tension between the two of you was palpable, thick enough to be cut with a knife. It got to the point where even your most oblivious of friends started noticing it as well, though they knew better than to voice their curiosity.
The second time it happened, you were both sober and, somehow, it was even better than you remembered. The pleasure was more intense, more overwhelming, a feeling you can’t even put into words. Then it kept happening. Late at night when he’d show up unannounced at your door. Early in the morning when you had an important exam later in the day and you needed some pre-test de-stressing. Between classes in the back seat of his car just because you could. At parties when your friends were too shit faced to notice the two of you slipping into an unoccupied bedroom.
Just sex. That’s what you both agreed to when it became blatantly obvious that your little ‘arrangement’ wouldn’t be coming to an end any time soon. No strings. Just sex. Just really, really good sex.
And that was perfectly fine by you.
Exhaling shakily through your nose, you try to block out the feeling of his thumb as it begins to caress gently up and down your clothed core, suddenly very grateful for the layers of fabric that separate you from his intoxicating touch. But it’s a gratitude that’s short lived. Just as you manage to adjust and scribble down a correction, he cups his hand over your mound and squeezes. A gasp escapes you, and you try to cover up the sound with a series of short coughs, the sting embarrassment intertwining with the warmth of pleasure as a few eyes briefly glance in your direction.
“You’re such an asshole.” You hiss under your breath, thighs tightening around his hand, locking it in place.
He throws you a lopsided grin, brows lifting and you don’t miss the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. “I’ve been called worse.” What he means is you’ve called him worse.
Your lips part, but any intelligible words die on the tip of your tongue as he grinds the heel of his palm down, directly against your clit. Your head drops, eyes squeezing shut, teeth locking down firmly on your lower lip in order to silence the soft moan that threatens to break free.
“F- fuck.”
You hear him coo tauntingly beside you at your slip, the tips of his skilled fingers easily locating your entrance and prodding experimentally. At this point, you don’t doubt he can feel the fabric of your leggings growing hot and wet with your arousal.
Despite being used to the quick effect he had on your body, you can help but to feel the slightest twinge of shame at how he was able to rile you up this much with little more than a few well-placed strokes of his fingers. But fuck, it felt so good. You’d already been feeling somewhat deprived since you’d both been so busy this past week with exams and projects and what not. This is the first time you’re spending time with him since almost a week ago.
And you are in need of a fix.
“You look like you’re having a bit of trouble on that problem. Do you need my help?” Kyungsoo leans into you, his face right up next to yours, and you have to resist the sudden urge to kiss him right then in there in front of everyone in the stupid library.
Instead, you grit out an unconvincing, “I’m fine,” and force yourself to stay focused on the dizzying mess of numbers and letters on the worksheet in front of you and not on the delicious warmth of his hand where it is applying just the right amount of pressure to keep you teetering between pleasure and the insatiable need for more.
“You sure?” There’s a certain lightness to his voice that tells you he is thoroughly enjoying watching you struggle. Sadistic bastard.
And just like that, he’s gone. You almost gasp as a rush of cold air fills the places he had been, and you can’t help the frown that tugs at the corners of your lips, disappointment and irritation coloring your features before you can reel them in. From the corner of your eye, you chance a glance in his direction. The smug, knowing little smirk staining his lips sends a wave of heat pulsing into your cheeks, and you grit your teeth in frustration.
“So what, you’re just going to stop?” You whisper sharply, not making any attempt whatsoever to hide your annoyance.
A look of feigned innocence overcomes his features. “You said you didn’t need my help.”
You grit your teeth, glaring at him as hard as you can manage with how incredibly turned on you are. But he remains unfazed.
“If you want my help,” he continues, voice dropping an entire octave, “you’re going to have to ask for it... nicely.”
Nice wasn’t a word in your vocabulary when Kyungsoo was involved.
Seeing the resistance you are still putting up, he feathers his fingers over your thigh, tracing slow designs across the thin, black fabric. You swallow, unable to look away as they trail dangerously higher, teasing closer to where you both knew you wanted them most.
“You do want it, don’t you?”
Fuck, you want it so bad.
You know that he knows you want it. It’s just the getting yourself to actually say it out loud part that proves to be a challenge. But that’s exactly what he wants you to do, he wants to hear you say it, wants to see you cast aside your stubborn pride and beg for it. Beg for him.
Lifting your eyes, you glance unsurely around the library. It isn’t overly crowded anymore since most of the other students have begun to trickle out as late afternoon approaches. Plus, the table you were seated at was tucked into the far back corner of the room, secluded and out of the way. But still, your nerves buzzed at the thought of someone seeing. Though maybe — just maybe — there was a buzz of something else as well. Excitement, perhaps?
Grip tightening around your pencil, you chewed on the corner of your lip, refusing to meet Kyungsoo’s penetrating gaze as you let out a soft murmur. “...ease.”
He leans closer, mirth shimmering in his eyes. “What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
Groaning, you shoot him a scowl, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Please help me, asshole.”
Laughter bubbles at his lips, the genuine kind that makes his cheeks lift and his nose wrinkle. You like it when he laughs like that. Makes him look a lot less like a serial killer.
Sinking his teeth into the pillowy flesh of his lower lip to stifle his laughter, he shoots you a lazy grin, “that’s all you had to say.”
Next thing you know, his hand is slipping beneath the elastic of your leggings and into the soft cotton confines of your underwear. Your mouth fell open, a sharp inhale filling your lungs with cold air as his fingers slid through your slick folds.
“I knew you were wet but shit.” He hisses, thick brows furrowing at the feeling of your heavy arousal coating the length of his digits. “I must say, I’m flattered.”
“Don’t be,” you breathe, eyes fluttering, “even Chanyeol can get me this— ngh!”
Without warning, he plunges his middle finger inside of you, and the remainder of your sentence pitches into a strangled moan. One look at his face, jaw clenched, nostrils flared, lips down turned, tells you he isn’t all too pleased at the mention of another man’s name, especially when he’s the one buried knuckle deep in your greedy cunt.
A hazy smirk curls onto your lips and you let out a low hum of pleasure, walls squeezing around him. “You’re sexy when you’re mad.”
“Is that why you enjoy pissing me off so much?” He questions, tone biting and low, and you shutter involuntarily as he rolls the pad of his thumb harshly over your aching clit.
“Partly.” You admit, somewhat breathless. “But you’re also just a really fun person to piss off.”
He chuckles dryly in response, though the sound lacks any genuine amusement. “You are such a brat, you know that?” He emphasizes the word by stretching you around a second finger, and you have to drop your pencil in favor of clasping your hand over your mouth, unable to swallow down the soft whimpers that tremble up your throat.
“You love it.” You manage to get out before you’re forced to bite into the tender flesh of your palm to muffle a desperate cry when the slow thrusts of his digits suddenly picks up speed. Your thighs squeeze around his hand, hips jerking up to grind your throbbing clit against the heel of his palm. Electricity ricochets through your veins, and you feel that distinctive tightening in the pit of your stomach. Kyungsoo also feels the way you throb and clench around him, and makes sure to grind down hard against your swollen clit.
Heat immediately spreads through your core, the intensity of the pleasure becoming more than you can handle. “Oh god, Kyungsoo.” Your voice comes out louder than you intended, and you quickly duck your head, doing your best to make it seem like you’re focusing on your work and not the fingers drilling relentlessly into your g-spot, praying to god that no one had seen the blissed out expression on your face. Still, you can’t help the quiet whine that escapes you when his ministrations slow.
“Are you trying to get us caught?” He asks in less than a whisper, breath hot against the shell of your ear. “Ever hear of subtlety?”
“Ever hear of suck my dick?” You snap back without missing a beat, only to jolt as his fingers curl inside of you, pressing directly against that sensitive bundle of nerves. Every muscle in your body tenses, and fuck you’re so close you can almost taste it. Frantically, you thrust your hips, desperately trying to fuck yourself down on his digits.
“Sit still.” He growls, and you quiver when he sinks his teeth into the lobe of your ear, obeying only because you really don’t want to get banned from the campus library if someone happened to catch on.
“Soo— fuck,” the force with which you bite into your lip is nearly about to break the skin, but you can’t be bothered by the pain, not with how quickly your orgasm was approaching. Sensing as much, Kyungsoo goes the extra mile of drawing hard, fast figure eights over your clit with his thumb while simultaneously thrusting his fingers into you so fast that you swear you can almost hear it.
All at once fire roars through your veins, euphoria consuming you as your high crashes over you. Your walls spasm around his digits, painting them with your release.
He doesn’t withdraw from you until you go slack, thighs spreading, body slumping back in your chair, eyes fluttering as a hazy, blissed out smile touches your lips. You can only watch through hooded lids as he brings his glistening fingers to his mouth, sighing in amazement as he sucks them clean. There’s a twinge of arousal in your core as he moans softly at the taste of you on his tongue, a downright lethal sound that somehow manages to rouse your positively spent pussy.
This man is going to be the absolute death of you one of these days.
“Fuck.” You chuckle airily, heady gaze flickered over him lazily, only to do a double take when you notice something standing upright beneath the zipper of his jeans. The corners of your lips twirled into a mirthful grin, eyebrows raising slowly.
“Need some help with that?”
“Yes.” He answers shamelessly and without hesitation, grunting softly as he adjusts himself in the tight confines of his jeans to make the raging hard-on he’s sporting somewhat less obvious. “But not here.”
“I figured. So... your car or mine?”
“Didn’t you just get a new one with reclining seats?” He questions, running the tip of his tongue over the seam of his lip at the mere implication.
You strike him with a wicked grin, already beginning to shove your things into your bag. “I did indeed.”
“Then what are we— wait.”
“You didn’t finish correcting the worksheet yet.” He points out, drumming his fingers across the paper that had completely slipped your mind.
You pull a face, pausing in the act of gathering your belongings long enough to cross your arms pointedly over your chest. “No offense, Kyungsoo, sweetheart, but I’d much rather suck your dick than do one more of those stupid fucking calc problems.”
His brows leap to his hairline, and he offers a single nod of acceptance, in no position to argue with such a valid point.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
growing pains (d.m.)
prompt as requested by anon: after the war and settling down with draco, the time comes for your children to attend hogwarts.
pairing: draco malfoy x fem! reader
warnings: recollection of pregnancy, recollection of the war, crying, lots of cute fluff though :)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: i cried writing this. have fun.
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Never did you think that you would have a normal life with Draco after everything that happened. The war took so much life away from you both; it showed you how truly ugly and vile the world could be. Especially Draco.
After the war, Draco refused to allow himself and his future family live in a world that was so cruel and unforgiving. Draco wanted to undo all of the wrongdoings he had done and work harder for a better future for himself, for you, and your family; it’s what you deserved, he told you. Draco wanted to give you the world and he would rest at nothing to do so.
Draco left his past behind him and moved from Malfoy Manor to settle somewhere new. A new start, a new life. You two were married immediately after the dust had settled from the war. The ceremony was very private just the two of you, professing your undying love for each other, Draco promising profusely that he would do anything and everything to keep you happy.
Life, for the first time, felt ordinary. And you thanked Godric for that. The two of you worked your jobs, supported yourselves, and were happy. And that’s all you could really ask for. You had everything you needed, a job, a roof over your head, and Draco by your side.
Although life was ordinary for the first time in years, Draco would do special things for you here and there to show you just how much he loved you and adore having you as his wife. During work, he’d send you three dozen roses to your desk, earning you strange glances as you just sat there, smiling like a school girl. Or when he knew you had an awfully long day, he’d draw you a bath and pour you a glass of wine and let you be for a few hours, letting you decompress. Or it could be something as simple as leaving you a love note on your pillow when he woke up before you. Draco was so thoughtful when it came to taking the time to appreciate all that he had. He had taken it for granted so many times in the past and with the war, it was all threatened. Draco learned quickly that he needed to recognize his blessings and take a moment each day to really show you how much he cared.
This was more than enough for you, just you and Draco living your lives together, relishing in this new life you created together. 
But soon enough, Draco started casually tossing around the idea of having children. You had been married for a year when it he started toying with the idea of having your own kids. You were in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes from that night’s dinner, Draco wiping down the table.
“(Y/N)?” he spoke from the dining room.
“Yes, my love?” you called back.
Draco walked into the kitchen, leaning on the door frame his arms folded across his chest. “Do you think we should move?” he asked, searching your face for a reaction.
Your eyes furrowed. You had been living in this house for a little over a year and you loved it. It was a symbol of your freedom away from the mess of your pasts and your renewed love and dedication to each other. Why would Draco want to leave this place you so fondly called home? You spoke your thoughts that swirled around your head, “Move? Why would we move?”
He peeled himself off the door frame and took a few steps towards you as you shut off the water and turned towards him to give him your full attention. “I think we’ve out grown this home,” he speaks. “Think about it. With my new business starting and with your promotions at work, we’ll both need a home our own offices. Not to mention, we’ll need a nursery soon and that means we’d have to covert the guest room into one, but where would your parents stay when they visit us. Besides, I want to move somewhere were my commute is shorter to work,” Draco shurgs, dancing around the fact that he just mentioned having a nursery in your home.
You stop him in his tracks, “Hold on there, lover boy,” you tease him with the nickname you’d given him back in your sixth year at Hogwarts. He smiles at the name, lightly laughing. “A nursery? Why would we need one of those?”
Draco inhales a deep breath and takes a step closer to you, placing a hand on your hip, pulling you close to him. “I love you, (Y/N). I always have. You are and will always be the most important thing to me,” he tells you as you smile, him kissing the tip of your nose. “I want to start a family together. We have more than enough money to move into a bigger house,” he refers to his hearty inheritance along with the money he’s made from his booming company, “we are both mature and ready, and don’t try to tell me you wouldn’t want a little Malfoy running around,” he teases.
You hated to admit when Draco was right. He saw the way you watched children play in the park around the corner from your home. How children giggled and played, their small feet running around, tiny voices speaking childish phrases, getting excited over new discoveries. Having a child with Draco would be a blessing. But you didn’t know if you were ready to be a mother yet. It was a large step, and one you wanted to take, it was just a matter of if you were ready for it.
Sighing, you brush your fingers through Draco’s blonde hair, a familiar feeling to the both of you. Draco lets his eyes flutter closed as he hums as you do so. “You’re right, Dray,” you admit as he smiles widely. A child. For the both of you. “But,” you interrupt, “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mother just yet. I’m doing so well in my job and I love working. I’m not ready to give it up. This is only the beginning for me. And it’s not fair to ask you to leave your job to raise a child.”
Draco lets out a breathy laugh as he cups your cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb as you lean into his touch. “I’m not asking you to drop everything for our child, sunshine,” he tells you. “Besides, we can always take leave from our jobs temporarily on maternity and paternity leave. When you’re ready, you go back. I run my own company, darling. My own. I call the shots. If I need to work from home to raise the child we created, so be it. I’ll enjoy every moment.”
Your heart flutters as Draco speaks. He really was perfect.
And in nine months time, you had created the most perfect thing you could have ever imagined. Celeste Frances Malfoy. Celeste...your star. A gift from the heavens. Your family was as complete as the sky; Draco, the moon, you, the sun, Celeste, your star.
Watching Celeste grow up was like watching a movie unfold before your eyes. Your beautiful baby girl held the universe in her eyes. And boy, oh boy, was she her father’s child. Identical grey eyes and silver hair, but she had your smile and laugh that made Draco’s heart swell with so much love. She had Draco’s love of mischief and often found herself in sticky situations.
Once you had found Celeste sitting quite literally in the toilet, red lipstick from your make up bag smeared across her face and chest, along with the toilet brush. You gasped as you found her and stared in shock. “Cel, what did you do?” you laughed.
She simply smiled, that mischievous smile at the age of two, and spoke, “It’s my wand! Just like mummy and daddy!” She waved the toilet brush around, making small mouth sounds that replicated those of magic and your wand. 
You laughed at the antics of your toddler. Instead of getting her out of the toilet bowl, you called out for your husband and called that he get the camera. This would be a memory you would love to keep. 
Draco ran in and saw his baby girl in this predicament and burst out laughing. “What mess did you get into, my star!” he laughed as Celeste giggled along with him. “Merlin, I need to tell your Uncle Blaise about this!” he wiped his eyes from laugher. 
The years past and Celeste grew and grew before your eyes. The more she grew up, the more she grew into her features. Her long blonde hair grew out and her eyes only grew to look more like Draco’s. But it became evident that your daughter possessed the same ruthless nature as you did. Celeste was bold and clever and wise beyond her years. She really was a perfect blend of you and Draco. 
Knowing that you could make such perfect children, that only encouraged Draco and you to have more children. Draco insisted that he wanted five children, but you stared at him with wide eyes. “Do I look like Molly Weasley?” you laughed as he chuckled to himself. “How about three?” you suggested as Draco rolled his eyes.
“I don’t like odd numbers. What if two are very close and the third one feels left out. I can’t do that to our children,” Draco pleaded as you groaned. “Four? Four and I’ll never ask for anything else!” he begs as you roll your eyes, knowing damn well that him not asking for anything else was the biggest lie. “Okay, maybe not that, but four! Four is a great number!”
And in typical Draco fashion, he got what he wanted. Four children. Celeste, your oldest, your leader, your star. Xander, your second, the jokester, the pot-stirrer, but also the empath of the family. Sage, your third, the free spirit, the humble one, Miss Independent. And last, Nicolas, your last, the baby, the soft-spoken one, but incredibly defensive of your family and its honor. Your perfect family. 
Each of your children all bore that same striking Malfoy hair, warning children to know who they were messing with. The girls looked much like their father, same hair and eyes, making your heart swell as you looked into their eyes. The boy, on the other hand, had Draco’s platinum hair, but your eyes and smile. The perfect combination.
Having such a large family meant chaos in the house. Celeste would often squeal about how Xander was bothering her while Xander tried to blame Nicolas for his pranks. Sage would quietly sit and observe before telling you the truth about what happened before going back to coloring. You laughed as Xander yelled at Sage for throwing him under the bus, but she just shrugged. The house never being silent always brought you a comfort that you never thought imaginable. The blabbering mouths of your children, the laughter, the fatherly voice of Draco booming over it all, catching your children’s attention. 
Draco was a phenomenal father. You didn’t think he could love anything as much as he loved you, but you stood corrected. Draco loved you fiercely, but Draco poured his heart and soul into the needs of his children. Each child had a different relationship with Draco but each so beautiful and lovely. Celeste, being the oldest, idolized her father and how he treated you with such love and compassion. Xander insisted he wanted to be just like his father, smart, funny, and successful. “What more do you need?” Xander would shrug as you laughed. Sage loved Draco something wild, she would draw him little pictures that he’d tape to the walls of his office, she slept with his old quidditch jumper as if it were a blanket. The sight was heart warming. And Nicolas was the baby, Draco’s baby. Nicolas was Draco’s shadow, following him room through room, staring up at him with wide eyes. Your children loved each other and that was all thanks to how you raised them.
From a young age, you told your children that family was everything. You needed to protect and love each other because if you didn’t, who else would. From then on, your children were fiercely close and loyal to each other. You remember clear as day when Xander got into a fight on the playground and word got to Celeste. Celeste then gathered the other siblings and walked up to the child and scared the living shit out of the poor kid who thought to lay a finger on Xander Malfoy.
As your children grew up, you and Draco knew very well that a Hogwarts letter would arrive in the mail soon for Celeste as she approached her eleventh birthday. Your children knew of magic and magical abilities; you wanted them to know the powers that they would posses rather than shield them so they grew to fear it. Each child had a different reaction when they found out about magic, but all fears dissipated when you showed them each your wands and old robes. (Of course, Draco revering his time as a quidditch team member, Xander immediately yelling that he would also be a Seeker like his father.)
Soon enough, the eve of Celeste’s eleventh birthday rolled around and like you expected a letter dashed through the front mailbox and landed perfectly on the breakfast table as you sat down to drink your morning coffee. The pale beige envelope was addressed to Miss Celeste Frances Malfoy. A small smile grew on  your lips as you sighed and looked towards your husband. Draco’s eyes laced together in confusion, but soon recognized the slip of paper you had in your hands. The two of you smiled at each other before Draco called out, “Cel! You have an early birthday present!”
Almost immediately footsteps sounded down the staircase before Celeste arrived in the kitchen. “What is it?” the almost eleven year old asked excitedly. You handed her the envelope with a beaming smile as she looked at you quizzically. She tore into the envelope and unfolded it to read the words scribbled onto the parchment. Soon, joy and excitement filled her eyes as she squealed out in excitement. “I’m going to Hogwarts?!” she yelled as you and Draco laughed. 
You engulfed your eldest child in a tight hug as happy tears flooded your vision. She was growing up far too fast for your liking.
The start of school eventually rolled around the corner as Celeste happily pushed all of her luggage through the train stations, veering around different platforms. Draco carried Nicolas in his arms as you held Sage’s hand in yours as Celeste walked ahead with Xander, blabbing about Hogwarts, smiles on both you and Draco’s faces.
Your eldest child was about to embark on the greatest journey of her young adult life and you couldn’t be more excited for her. You had no doubt that Celeste would excel at Hogwarts, taking after both you and Draco. 
“Mum,” Celeste calls from ahead, “What house do you reckon I’ll be sorted into?” she asks.
You smile and look at your husband speaks before you, “I have my guesses, but I don’t want to influence you in any way, my star.”
Cel groans and speaks, “Come on! You reckon I’ll be a Slytherin like you?”
Draco laughs and tells his oldest child, “It doesn’t matter to me or your mother what house you’ll be sorted into. We know whatever house you are in, you’ll make us proud.”
Celeste smiles wide before looking at her surroundings realizing its come to the part she’s heard so much about. You look to Draco who nods as you sigh. Walking to Celeste, you place your hands on her shoulders. “You ready, star shine?” you ask, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Celeste gulps and looks at you, excitement and fear laced in her eyes. “We’re gonna run through together,” you aim the luggage cart at that all too familiar wall. “On the count of three,” you tell her.
Your daughter takes a deep breath in and huffs, “On three.”
“1, 2, 3,” the two of you speak before running directly at the wall, passing through with ease as another world appears before your eyes.
Multiple wizard families bustle through Platform 9 3/4, mothers calling to their children as fathers carry bags here and there. A smile forms on your face as Draco slides his hand in yours. “Looks familiar, doesn’t it?” he laughs as you roll your eyes teasingly.
You grab Celeste’s hand, “Come on, darling. Xander, push the cart for your sister. Sage, hold Daddy’s hand. She’s got a train to catch!” 
Your family starts walking to the platform where the train awaited the loading of multiple new and returning students. Draco loads Celeste’s luggage onto the train with the help of Xander as Nicolas holds onto your leg and sucks on his thumb in wonder at the scene before him.
Turning to Celeste, you see watch her anxiously bite on her lower lip as you did when you were nervous. You place a hand on your daughter’s shoulder. “Cel,” you speak as she turns towards you. “This is going to be the greatest journey ever. Enjoy every minute of it because it goes by in the blink of an eye,” you comfort her as you see tears well up in her eyes. “Oh, sweetheart,” you pull her into a hug, tears forming in your eyes. You hold onto your eldest daughter, pressing kisses onto the top of her head. “I’m so proud of you, star shine. You are going to be incredible. I have no doubt about that.”
Draco places a hand on Celeste’s back and rubs gently. “Your mother is right. When is she ever wrong?” he teases as Cel laughs and hugs Draco’s torso tight. “My star...” he gets choked up before breathing in. He squats to her level and speaks, “Have fun. Make friends. And don’t forget to write us.” Cel giggles as Draco smiles widely at his daughter. “My first born...go kick some ass.”
Cel laughs and hugs you and Draco tightly. You wished you could stay in this moment forever. It was so bittersweet. Watching your baby grow up before your own eyes, but doing everything you’ve ever wanted for her. “Okay, my star,” you pull away, letting her know it was time. “Kids, give Cel a hug goodbye.”
You smile, wiping your tears away as Draco wraps an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. Your kids embrace in a tight group hug, telling each other how much they will love and miss Celeste. “I’ll be home for Christmas! I love you guys and I’ll see you soon!” Celeste waves as she climbs onto the train. 
“Come on, Cel!” a voice calls out that you recognize as Tanner, Pansy Parkinson’s eldest daughter.
She’ll be just fine. 
Celeste looks at you and Draco as you both send her a wink, letting her know she’ll be just fine. And there she goes, disappearing into the train car.
Slowly, you watch the train pull away from the station, waving at it, watching Celeste embark on the journey of her life. You turn to Draco, watching him gently wipe away the tears that escape his eyes. “Where did time go?” you whisper to him. “I remember being on that train.”
Draco smiles and looks at you, “I remember flirting with you on that train. And then you stomped on my foot and told me to piss off. Didn’t expect to be by my side years later with four children, did you?”
You roll your eyes, “You really know how to ruin a moment, don’t you, Malfoy?” you laugh. “Alright, my lovelies,” you call to your children. “Reckon we should get some ice cream to celebrate, shouldn’t we?”
Your children all cheer at the prospect of a treat as you scoop Nicolas into your arms, kissing his plump cheeks as he giggles. Sage jumps into Draco’s arms and Xander leads the way out.
With one final look back, you sigh out. This wouldn’t be the last time you did that. You still had three more children. But part of you wished it wouldn’t come as quickly as that just did. “One down, three to go, eh?” you tease Draco who laughs.
“Yeah! I’m next! One more year!” Xander exclaims as Draco tickles his sides.
“Yeah, a whole year! Don’t try and leave us too quickly,” Draco laughs as you join in. 
It was almost surreal. The life you and Draco had built with each other. A life of love and beauty; beautiful and healthy children, successful jobs, a beautiful home to call your own, and all your loved ones safe and sound. You thanked your lucky stars that you had this life and that Draco was so adamant on giving it to you.
Draco looked back at you and noticed how deep in thought you were. As you walked through the train station, Draco took one of your hands in his. “I wouldn’t want to go through any of this with anyone else. I love you,” Draco squeezes your hand.
You smile fondly at your husband, brushing his cheek with your thumb. “I love you. Forever and always, my dear,” you whisper before giving him a sweet kiss in the middle of Platform 9 3/4 just like you had done so many times before.
Times flies when you’re having fun.
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Speechless- Nolan Patrick
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AN: Is the ending literal trash? yes, do i care at this point? also yes, but not enough
Word count: just over 3k
TW: none that I can think of, but let me know if i need to tag something:)
Nolan is definitely bored at the bar. He is out and supposed to be celebrating a win, but third wheeling with Tavis and Karly, simply is not fun. Not that it ever has been, but as he watches them laugh at each other on the dance floor.. well he takes a deep sigh and an even deeper swig of his beer. Some of the team is gathered around the bar ordering another round of drinks, and as he is scanning the crowd a woman walks in front of him, making him look up at her. 
And stop dead in his thoughts. 
She is wearing jeans that cling to her curves just right, a deep magenta top that seems to wrap around her stomach, before it reveals a little more than he can handle, and he looks up at her and sees the ghost of a smile on her lips. She isn’t looking at him though. She seems to be looking into the crowded dance floor, and Nolan desperately wants to know who she is looking for. 
In any other situation like this, he would have swept her off of her feet and wouldn’t have put her down until they’d reach his bed. But her obliviousness to him has knocked him off balance it seems. 
“Hey Patty, me and Karly are gonna head home. Want a ride?” 
Travis comes up to Nolan, Karly in tow and the mysterious girl moves with a quiet sorry and a fleeting smile. Nolan can feel his eyes drift after her before he meets Travis’ eyes, which are brimming with amusement. 
“Nah, I’m good.” 
He answers, and Travis bursts out laughing. 
“What, so you can sit here and stare like some kind of creep the rest of the night?” 
Nolan sees Karly gently shoving on Travis, also having noticed Nolans lingering gaze. 
“As opposed to going home in the same car as you two rabbits? No thank you.” 
Travis and Karly bid their goodbyes as the rest of the team and their significant others appear back at the table. Nobody seems to take notice of the Nolans distantness though, pinning it down as just his Philly personality. Nobody really sees him staring at this girl dancing in vans and a pink top. 
As the song ends he watches her go up to the bar, so in normal Nolan fashion he gets up and heads in that direction. He takes a look down at his watch and in a second, a split fucking second, she is gone. 
He’s so fucking tired. The game last night had been decent. They’d won in overtime and Nolan had the assist, yet he keeps going over the chances he had and the chances he missed making in his head. Driving to the rink is dreary but even more so than usual. It’s not until he stops at a red light that he wakes up. He’s supporting his head on his left arm and looking out the passenger seat window. His eyes widen when he sees who is in the beaten up truck next to him. 
The girl from the bar three weeks ago. She has her hair down her shoulders and is looking at him through her own window. When she catches his eyes, she gives him a wink. As if she recognizes him. And if this was anyone else he might have given her a half smile, or even a wink back. But no. He can feel his cheeks heating up and getting rosy. God how he wishes he could be as confident as he usually is. The girl in the other car seems to be laughing a little, a smile on her lips. Nolan swears she starts slipping away from view, and in that second he remembers. He’s at a fucking red light. Except it isn’t red anymore, made obvious by the boisterous truck behind him, basically laying on his horn. 
Quickly he presses his foot down on the gas pedal and looks for the beaten up truck, which is nowhere to be seen. 
It’s still winter and Nolan for some reason unknown to him decides to take a walk in the park not far from his apartment. He blames it on his restlessness, which stems from sitting inside the entire weekend. It’s nearing Christmas time and the main section of the park is covered in fairy lights and christmas decorations. There’s even a stand that sells hot chocolate. 
He buys a cup, puts in his earbuds and starts walking. It is nice out, he decides, with all the people out enjoying the snow on the ground. There are even some kids out rolling big snowballs, which turn into snow men and women. He feels a sudden wave of content roll over him. And a smile subconsciously finds its way onto his lips.
Nolan walks a little further, and doesn’t really stop, until a ball of golden fur is at his feet, almost making him trip. The wagging tail is making the entire body of the dog move and he catches himself smiling and taking out one of the earbuds. Immediately he hears the voice of a girl shouting. 
The dog at his feet, looks around eagerly as her owner sprints up to him. And Nolan can hardly believe his luck. It is the bar girl. 
“I’m so sorry, she usually doesn’t run off like that.” 
And judging by her attire she is out for a jog, which would explain how out of breath she is. Quickly she pulls a leash out of her pocket and hooks it onto Akira’s harness. 
“Oh there’s no worries.” 
Nolan manages to stutter out. He sees a little smirk on her lips and curses his reddening cheeks for being so obvious. He bends his head a little and scratches Akira behind her ears. The golden retriever leans into his touch and a soft chuckle escapes the girl standing in front of him. 
He is just about to ask the girl her name when a phone starts ringing. It’s hers. Quickly, from another pocket, she pulls out a phone and answers it. He watches with steady eyes as a frown starts to grow on her face. 
“Fuck, okay yeah, I’ll be home in a few.” 
She hangs up the phone and pockets it, before she turns to look at him again. With a wink she turns around and Akira follows. 
“See you around Shy Guy!”
And just like that she’s gone. His chocolate is no longer hot, so he tracks back to his apartment, with discouragement sitting in his chest like a rock.
The Starbucks is so full, the line goes through the door and that’s the reason why Nolan doesn’t even consider entering it. He turns and treks back a block until he sees this quaint little cafe he’s never really noticed. Which is no surprise, because it seems to be mostly inhabited by students. With the amount of computers and books up at the cafe tables and its location closer to UPenn it should come as no surprise. 
And maybe he gets a little hopeful that the bar girl will be there, so despite his logical mind, he enters through the glass doors and goes straight to the counter. The boy has to be around his own age, but a fair bit skinnier and with glasses on. It makes him look a bit too young in Nolan's eyes, but it doesn’t really matter. 
“Hey, what can I get you today?” 
The young boy asks as he wipes down the counter. 
“Ehh, just a large black coffee, please.” 
Nolan says and pulls out his wallet. He doesn’t completely register the bell over the door ringing, not until the gust of cold air washes over him. Instinctively he turns and spots a smaller frame entering the cafe. A hoodie over their head and a black jacket, lightly dusted with quickly melting snow.  And a pair of beaten up, black vans on their feet. His hopes rise, and yet again he is rewarded with the presence of the bar girl. She shakes out her hair a little as she pulls the hood off of her head. Nolan could swear his heart stopped right there. The evening sun shines through the window, making her hair appear as a halo around her. 
She hasn’t noticed him yet. So he turns and tries to calm his blush. The guy behind the counter has begun making his coffee so he doesn’t really know what to do. The bar girl comes up behind him. He can tell by the way the barista nods at her with a smile. 
“Hey Dylan, how are you today?” 
And Nolan is instantly a bit jealous of this Dylan, who gets to hear his name falling from her lips. 
“I’m good Rory, thanks, how are you?” 
Dylan answers, and it feels like his heart is in his throat. Her name is Rory? It suits her. 
“Could be better to be honest, this paper on existence due next week is really kicking my ass.” 
She answers as she comes closer, and Nolan moves further up the counter to give them room. 
“Tell me about it, you want the usual?” 
She nods and slings her backpack off one shoulder to unzip a pocket, and pulls out a card. Dylan finishes Nolan's order and places it on the corner of the counter. Nolan can feel his chance slip through his fingers and begins to panic a little. 
Until he spots a pen on the counter near his cup. Quickly he grabs it and scribbles his name and number on the cup. And he couldn’t have cued it better for AV to call him. He puts the cup down again and picks up the call. 
“Nolan, have you looked over the videos yet?”
Alain, straight to the point as usual. 
“Yeah, saw them yesterday, and I have some ideas in mind for me to improve.” 
He speaks into the phone, while he puts a hand on the back of his neck. 
“Good good, I will see you tomorrow then?” 
“Yes, sir. Bright and early.” 
And then they hang up. He sees that another cup has appeared beside his. He throws a quick glance at Rory, who is still talking to the barista,  and turns his cup the other way so the writing isn’t visible and grabs her cup. Then, he nods a goodbye to Dylan and exits the door. 
He’s almost half a block away when his phone rings. He hasn’t drunk out of the cup, but it smells a little sweet and enticing. He looks at the phone and sees an unknown number. He lets it ring twice more before answering.
“Hey, this is Nolan?” 
He tries to sound nonchalant. 
“Hey, Shy guy. This is Rory. You didn’t by any chance grab my coffee on the way out?” 
Despite the fact that he doesn’t actually know her, he swears he can hear a smile over the phone. And he is a little bit shocked by the nickname. 
“Oh, so this is who it belongs to?”
She lets out a little chuckle, before she answers. 
“Yeah, mind returning it?” 
He smiles at the laugh. 
Nolan is different, not that he will admit it, but the team can tell. He seems to be more patient, more focused on practicing drills and getting them right, and also for some reason, more ready for practice to be over. At first it’s a subtle change, but after a while and two games where he plays over all very well, it seems to be more than just determination. It seems like he wants to impress someone. 
At first they shake it as him wanting to prove himself to.. well everyone. But one day when Oskar asks him who he is texting so frequently, Nolan can feel his cheeks and ears tint even more than usual. Damn her and the effect she has on him. He tries to play it cool with a casual shrug, but half the locker room seems to burst out laughing. Quickly he puts his phone in his pocket and heads for the door. 
“Have a good weekend guys!” 
He calls out behind him out of habit, as it is a weekend without games and he is taking a short trip home. Various chirps get called out behind him, but Teeks seems to be the loudest one. 
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” 
And all hell breaks loose as they all start on chirping Travis about how he can do anything then. With a fond smile, Nolan heads for his car, where he has a pre- packed bag as well as his passport and a carryon. 
He parks his car in the airport parking lot and he swears, there is something familiar about the truck beside his car. He shoves it to the back of his mind and starts crossing to the terminal. He’s late tho, and only half an hour to get on his flight, so as he anxiously stands in line for check in he pulls up his phone and sees a new text from Rory.
Hey, I’ll be gone for a couple of hours, text when I can:)
It was sent five minutes ago, and he groans a little at the fact that he has to wait faster, very bored. Finally he has checked in his bag and been cleared to enter the airport all the way to his flight. 
In a half jog, half sprint he manages to make it just shy of ten minutes before the gate closes. He pulls his cap further down on his head and puts his ticket and passport on the desk. The hostess scowls at him but lets him enter the already boarded plane. 
The smell of too many people and bad flight food smacks him in the face as he enters the plane with another nod to a different flight hostess. 
34B seems too far away, but he bites his tongue and keeps walking. He looks at the bald man in 34C and the hooded figure in 34A. He swears, there is something familiar about this too but his mind is a little fuzzy and he can’t quite place it. 
“Scuse me.” 
He mumbles to the man and he politely moves so Nolan can find his seat. The girl in the seat next to the window turns and looks at him, and finally it seems that he has steady ground under his feet. 
“Well, seems like I won’t text you in a couple of hours then.” 
Rory smiles at him. And he smiles back. 
“Nope you’re stuck with me for the next five and a half hours.” 
He teases and plops down in his seat. 
“What the fuck are you going to Winnipeg for though?” 
Nolan asks as he fastens his seatbelt and ignores the security instructions completely. 
“Oh I haven’t told you? My family lives there.” 
He feels flabbergasted, how in the living hell has he forgotten to ask? He always assumed she was from Philly.
“Why are you going there anyway?” 
Rory asks, but he sees the twinkle in her eyes, she’s just joking with him.
“I’m visiting my girlfriend.” 
He decides to reply dead serious. And the twinkle in her eyes disappears, a frown begins to form between her eyebrows and he instantly feels a little bad. 
“I’m- sorry, that was a really bad joke.” 
This time it seems, it’s her turn to get embarrassed. Neither of them get time to think it over though, because the plane starts accelerating and her hand immediately lands on his. He sees her jaw tense and feels her hand tighten around his knuckles. Nolan doesn’t want to comment on it though, and just lets her hold on. 
As they lift off the tarmac her hand slowly starts easing up and when they level out in the air, she seems to have realised that she’s holding his hand. Quickly she lets go, and Nolan already misses it. 
“Sorry about that, I get a little nervous about the take off.” 
She seems a little nervous to admit it, but he asks anyway. 
“How come?” 
“Oh, ever heard of the irresistible force paradox?” 
He shakes his head no, and that launches her into an explanation of what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. It’s obvious she loves theories like this, with the way she talks and moves her hands. 
“- which stems from both a chinese and a roman legend. The roman is about Zeus and how he fixed the Teumessian fox, who can never be caught, and the hound Laelaps who never misses what he hunts to the sky in constellations.” 
She stops, and Nolan really wishes she wouldn’t. Her voice is so calming yet enchanting at the same time, he could listen and learn every day for forever. 
“But wouldn’t that mean that the fox wins? because it never gets caught?” 
He questiones. 
“Exactly! I’ve been thinking about it for days now.” 
And the plane ride goes on like that, until Rory has heard of most of the flyers and Nolan knows the name of almost all her professors. It’s closer to night time when she starts to slur her words, because of tiredness. She ends up with her head on his shoulder and his hair a little bit in her face. But the weight of his head leaning against hers is priceless.  
Nolan wakes up a little bit before her and sees that they’re landing soon. So he shakes Rory awake with a promise of a date in the morning. Since they don’t live too far away from each other. And she agrees. 
They step off the plane together, collect their luggage together, Nolan’s arm slung around Rory’s shoulder, and hug each other so long, before departing to their own separate families. 
“Hey, see you tomorrow shy guy!” 
She winks at him, rendering him speechless in front of his family. His sister glances at him with a questioning look as she watches the other girl walk away. Usually few people render Nolan at a loss for words. 
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Meant to Be
Chris Evans Oneshot
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Summary: In which you and Chris are meant to be, in one life or the other
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of an age gap, angst, mentions of death, this is so sad but listen to this song while reading to have your heart ripped out
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you glared at the back of chris’ head, or rather the back of his plane seat.
you were mad, and you were mad because you didn’t even have the right to be mad.
he hadn’t done anything wrong, technically. if you subtracted the fact that he had broken up with you months ago and had started dating a new woman shorty after then yes, chris evans had been perfectly innocent.
but no, instead it had been you that messed up. it had been you that couldn’t keep her fat mouth shut, word vomiting all over chris just before the plane ride.
you still cringed as you remember the moment.
you were standing outside of the airport, all cast members of the avengers headed to tokyo for press and interviews.
chris had been standing alone and for some reason, you had decided to take your final shot. you walked straight up to him, puffed out your chest, and blurred out how you were still in love with him like an idiot.
honestly, if you could have picked a time for an asteroid to suddenly destroy the earth then that would have been it.
there were no words to explain the awkwardness of your words, and how chris’ face looked as he gently explained to you that he was with someone now.
someone that wasn’t you. someone that wasn’t twenty years younger than him, someone more mature and most importantly, someone that wanted all the things he wanted.
you had to admit, it stung.
it stung bad that the only reason he broke up with you was because of your age.
“we’re too different,” he had said, “you’re only twenty and i’m almost forty. we just don’t want the same things anymore.”
what he meant to say was that he just didn’t want you anymore. and it killed you, it tore you apart everyday that you had lost the love of your life over a damn number.
what was a couple years when you had a romance like yours and chris’? you were so happy together. you had so much fun. there was never a dull moment and you loved each other so passionately, so deeply, that everybody you met would comment on it.
or, at least that’s what you thought.
but months later you were still left with a bitter taste in your mouth when you remembered that wasn’t your reality anymore.
he wasn’t yours anymore.
“you okay kid?” rdj looked at you worriedly as you bit the inside of your cheeks to keep from crying.
“no,” you whispered lowly so that chris or anyone else couldn’t hear you. “i did a stupid thing today. before we got on the plane, i...”
“ah. that,” robert winced as he reminisced the moment, and the awkward silence that followed.
“yes, that,” you sniffled, still staring at chris’ head. “i-i can’t believe i did that. i’m so stupid. chris was right — how would he ever want me back when i keep acting like a child?”
“hey,” rdj frowned and shook his head. “you’re not stupid. you were emotional. it happens to the best of us.”
“does it really?” you wonder, not believing it. “because right now, it seems like i’m the only one suffering.”
it was true — chris seemed absolutely fine. you never saw him crying in the tabloids after the breakup. you never saw him posting sad quotes on social media or shutting down completely.
in fact, it was the opposite. he seemed happier without your relationship. happier without you.
a sob bubbled up in your throat. you quickly ran for the bathroom.
chris and rdj both frowned at your disappearing figure, but chris also felt a pang of sadness.
he couldn’t help it, — how could he? you were once upon a time the absolute light of his life. for two years, you were his anchor. his rock. his pride and joy, the reason he wanted to come home every night.
chris had loved you with everything in his being. more than any woman he had ever before. you were the love of his life, but you were also someone he had let go.
to this day, he still didn’t know why he did it.
he didn’t know why he left you in hysterics that faithful day, begging him for an explanation. begging him not leave.
it still hurt when he thought about it. it still haunted his dreams, still caused him to twist his face in pain.
he hated hurting you. he always did.
but in a way, letting you go was to help you more than hurt you.
he knew that you were significantly younger than him. but still, he had tried to fool himself into thinking you could both work when it was clear you wanted different things.
chris wanted a family. he was ready to settle down, ready for you to get married and have children.
but you weren’t.
like any twenty year old, you wanted to party and see the world and maybe adopt a dog. but kids? marriage? you had barely experienced anything. you wanted more time, you had begged him to give you more time, but time wasn’t something chris had.
he wasn’t getting any younger.
but you were. you still had a young and fighting spirit and chris didn’t want to dampen it by forcing you into a life you weren’t ready for.
so he ended it.
he met another woman. they talked, they wanted the same things.
chris was happy. or at least, he tried to tell himself that. he tried to tell himself that he loved his girlfriend, loved that she wanted everything he wanted. he loved that he could finally have the life he’d always wanted.
only...it wasn’t.
because you weren’t in it.
the plane rocked vicicously as you stumbled back to your seat, eyes red.
thankfully, nobody decided to comment on it but you could see the frown on scarlet’s face and the concern on jermey’s. you could feel anthony wanting to say something, but he was right by chris and he didn’t wanna risk any drama.
not now. you all were supposed to be happy — you were promoting the biggest movie of your lives!
but excitement hardly reached you at all. hardly touched you at all, sadness blocking away any positive emotions.
“you okay?” robert asked again as you sat back down.
you stared at the floor for a moment before letting out a small nod. “i will be,” you said, not bothering to hide your voice this time.
chris frowned at this. he gripped the seat a little tight as the plane shook again.
“why don’t you relax?” rdj suggested, “have some water. try to get some sleep. we’ll be in tokyo soon.”
“where are we now?” you asked, trying to distract your mind.
“i think maybe...somewhere over indonesia? i dunno, the pilot didn’t specify. she just said—”
robert was cut off by the plane shaking again, but this time, it was more deadly.
you jolted to the left, a scream escaping your lips as you went flying out of your seat.
it had seemed you had forgotten to put your seat belt back on once you got back to your seat, and you tumbled into the aisle as the plane tilted in a deadly position.
“y/n!” oxygen masks were quickly administered to everybody on the plane. anthony had to fight chris to put on his, stopping him from taking off his seat belt and helping you.
“chris, no! you need this!”
“like hell! y/n needs me!” chris panicked as he saw your frame go flying.
scarlet screamed as the plane began to twist, the terrified voice of pilot administering the worst news possible.
“the engines have failed! the plane can no longer support itself! we’re going down!”
robert tried his best to reach out for you; to grab you and pull you to safety.
but it was as no use. the plane hit something hard and in a split second your body disappeared as the plane was literally torn apart.
the last thing he remembered was chris screaming for you before it all went black.
chris didn’t know how long it was before he finally woke again.
all he knew was that when he did, everything hurt like hell.
he groaned as the aches began to spread in his body, slowly peeling his eyes open to face the bright sunlight.
“h-hello?” his voice was horse. weak. “i-is anybody there?”
he cried out as he tried to move and felt pain emitting from his side. but as painful as it was, he knew he had to get up.
several frantic voices called out his name, gasps echoing throughout the air. he moaned as someone dropped down beside him, the embrace that they pulled him into causing pain to shoot all over his body.
“oh my god, he’s alive!”
the voice belonged to scarlet. he could vaguely make out her blonde hair, and her figure as she stood over him.
anthony sooned joined her. “is that you buddy? can you hear us?”
“loud and clear,” chris moaned out. “w-what happened? why does everything...hurt?”
the only thing he remembered was seeing you run to the bathroom. and then, it all just went blank as if someone had erased his memories.
anthony’s face was as serious as he had ever seen it. but even more than that, it was grim. full of worry and hurt.
scarlet was the same. she had tears in her eyes and dirt on her expensive clothes that didn’t belong there. chris furrowed his eyebrows.
“we...” anthony swallowed thickly. “we were in a...crash. the engines — they stopped working. we barely had time to prepare before the plane...”
“oh my god,” chris was suddenly alert, panic filling very inch of him as he sat up.
he remembered now. he remembered seeing your figure flying all over the plane because you didn’t have a seat belt on. he remembered reaching for you, yelling your name and screaming for you.
he remembered begging any god that would listen to spare you before he blacked out.
his eyes widened in horror. where were you?! he searched the premise quickly.
you weren’t anywhere sight. along with robert, jeremy, and hemsworth you were missing.
chris felt a feeling of absolute dread wash over him.
“no,” he whispered, quickly standing up. he ignored every pain in his body. he ignored scarlet and anthony’s warnings to take it easy.
he didn’t care. he didn’t care about himself anymore. his focus is was on you, and where the hell you were at the moment.
“y/n!” he yelled again, shaking his head frantically. “where is she? WHERE IS SHE?!”
both scarlet and anthony flinched at his tone. never, and they meant never, had chris yelled at them before.
“she’s alive,” scarlet answered immediately, trying to calm a frantic chris. “she’s alive, but...”
“it’s not looking good, pal,” anthony’s voice cracked, causing chris’ stomach to sink. “we found her but...she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. and when the plane crashed...she got stuck under some rubble.”
“oh god,” chris felt he was gonna be sick. “can i see her? where are the others? are they helping her? take me to her!”
“robert, jeremy and chris are all alive,” scarlet said. “they’re trying their best...”
scarlet’s voice fell on deaf ears as chris decided to just go see for himself. he was tired of them dancing around it. he wanted to see you. he wanted to know that you were okay, that you were alive.
scarlet and anthony yelled after him but he paid them no mind, running through the rubble to find you.
the entire plane that they rented for you guys was in pieces. the wings had been ripped off, the cockpit was miles away, and the back of the plane, where you were sitting, was scattered everywhere.
“y/n!” chris tried again, his voice nearly going hoarse from yelling so loud.
but then this time, he did get a response.
he whipped around as someone called out his name, but disappointment filled his veins as he saw that it was only jermey.
“chris, buddy...” rdj and chris hemsworth ran up to him, holding him back.
“chris, you don’t need to see this,” hemsworth told him grimly.
so that meant you were nearby. but where?
scarlet said you had been trapped under some rubble. but what chris expected time was maybe a seat, or a small piece of metal.
a strangled cry left his throat as he saw that you were trapped under one of the plane wings.
“y-y/n,” nobody could stop him as he fell to his knees by your head, the only visible part of your body.
you didn’t even know what to say as the love of your life came into view.
you wanted to say everything — so much — but your body was on fire.
if chris thought he had it bad, then you were ten times worse.
not only were your legs pinned, but also your ribs and your left arm. the only thing that hadn’t been trapped was your right arm, which was completely numb, and your head.
you were still conscious, but not by much.
you could feel it.
the sensation everyone always talked about. the tingling in your brain. the white light behind your eyes.
you were close.
“c-chris,” so help you god, you were not gonna leave this earth without speaking to him one last time. you had said your goodbyes to everybody else. as soon as they realized that they couldn’t get the metal off of you — that they weren’t strong enough, and that help wasn’t coming — you had decided to make peace with your remaining breath.
but not with chris. with chris, you didn’t want peace. you wanted love and the happiness of seeing his eyes one last time.
“y/n...” the strangled sob that left his lips wasn’t human. it was gutural, animalistic. chris was crying out for you, he was in pain. “no!”
“i don’t...have much time,” you sputtered out pathetically, blood spilling out of your mouth. “i-i’m dying.”
the revelation was clear to see, but chris still refused to accept it.
“no!” he repeated the word once again. “no, you’re not dying! y/n, you can’t die!”
“c-chris please,” black spots began to cloud your vision. but chris didn’t give up.
“what are you all just standing there for?!” he glared angrily at his friends. “help me! help me get this shit off of her!”
everyone stared at chris with a gutted look in their eyes. they turned away as he tried to lift the wing, as he tried to accomplish what they already failed at hours ago.
“mate, we tried...” hemsworth sniffed. “it’s not coming up.”
“no!” chris turned to him with such fury, such denial that it actually made hemsworth stumble back. “no, you don’t get to decide that! you don’t get to just stand there while she’s dying!”
“we didn’t!” rdj quickly stepped in. “we tried to help.”
“well then try again!” chris snapped again, pushing against the metal. scarlet sobbed as it stayed in the same place.
“t-they know it w-won’t help,” your sad voice whispered out, causing chris to pause. “t-they know i-i’m a goner anyways.”
“don’t say that,” chris sobbed as he dropped to your side again, hands reaching out to stoke your numb cheek. “don’t say that you’re dying. you’re gonna be fine...you’re gonna be f-fine.”
you could tell that even he didn’t believe it. the damage was too extensive. there was no way you were getting out of there alive.
“t-tell my family that i l-love them,” you mumbled, coughing up blood. “and sebastian a-and tom and—”
“don’t,” chris cut you off. “don’t do this.”
he wore the expression of a man being burned alive. he was in pure agony, pain clawing at every inch of him. consuming him faster than it was taking you.
“r-remember that,” you ignored him, the ringing in your ears getting louder. “remember that i love...you.”
there it was.
chris finally broke upon hearing these words. so painful for you to spit out, but yet they were important enough to waste your last breaths on. he was important enough.
“i love you too,” chris broke down, sobs racking his body as he held your hand. “i love you, so much. more than you’ll ever know. i love you for everything that you are. you’re the love of my life. i can’t live w-without you baby.”
“y-you don’t have to...s-say it back...” you gave him a pained smile. “just because i-i’m dying...i know you love h-her now. s-she’s your f-future. i-i’m just sorry we never h-had a chance,” your eyes began to flutter.
“no, no, no, no!” chris whimpered. “it was never her, baby. i don’t love her. it was always you. you’re my future. p-please y/n, you’re the mother of my kids. you’re my wife. it was always gonna be you, no matter what,” he shook his head. “always and forever, we’re meant to be.”
“m-meant to be,” you stuttered out, a ghost of a smile on your face. if you had to die again, you’d happily go out with those words being the last thing you ever heard.
chris bawled as he watched the light finally leave your eyes and your body slump. you almost looked peaceful, as if you were smiling in your sleep, but he knew better.
the love of his life was gone.
“chris? chris? look at me!” robert grabbed chris by the shoulders as he started hyperventilating, pounding at the soil with his fists. “look at me, buddy!”
“she’s gone,” chris cried as robert held him in his arms, “s-she,”
his eyes began to flutter close as he struggled to get the words out. suddenly, it became harder to breathe. black spots clouded his visions and chris’ body began shutting down with every breath, unable to cope with your death.
“what’s happening?!” anthony yelled as chris painfully slumped over, his body going limp in robert’s arms.
shakily, the older man held two fingers to his neck and prayed that he wasn’t gone, too. he prayed that the universe didn’t take chris and you, all in one day.
but they knew.
they knew the minute he pulled his hand back, dropping his head lowly in defeat. they knew before he even opened his mouth. they knew as he pulled away, resting chris’ body gently next to yours.
“he’s gone.”
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blu-joons · 4 years
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He loves to tease you with his affection, the greater reaction he can get out of you the better. However, once he’s done playing, he’ll love to use his tall frame to wrap around you and make sure you feel safe and loved with him.
Jae’s not shy when it comes to confidence, and he’ll be more than happy to approach you and say hello. He’d probably introduce himself with some sort of smart comment, he wouldn’t quite know how you’d take it, but when you responded with a laugh, he knew that you were someone he could definitely get along with.
It took a little while for Jae to confess to you, he wanted to be sure of his feelings before rushing into anything. When he did confess, he decided to do it in his room in the dorm out of the way of all the others. It was the first time you really got to see a shy and quiet version of Jae, for once he was a little lost for words as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say. But when he did, he made sure he was absolutely clear to you about his feelings.
Your dates with Jae were usually quite lowkey, he wasn’t someone that was into fancy trips and huge events, he much preferred to just spend time with you in the dorm and do your own thing. Your dates usually consisted of playing a game of his choosing whilst you got to decide what the two of you ate. If there was one place, he did enjoy taking you to, it would be a gig, he loved live music and having someone beside him who he could dance along with certainly made the experience a lot more fun and enjoyable.
Being with you was the first time Jae had been in a relationship, he was old enough to know how to act in a relationship, and knew he wasn’t getting any younger to start settling down. He’d dated casually before you, but no one caught his attention quite like you did. He’d seen what had happened to colleagues of his over the years who started dating, so he’d be a little bit apprehensive at first, but Jae wasn’t afraid to stand up to the company if he needed to, and if he needed to stand up with you, then he definitely would.
At times, Jae can be a little bit stubborn, he likes for things to go his own way, and firmly believes that he’s right on most occasions. It can sometimes lead to a few squabbles between the two of you whilst you try to prove that you’re right too, but after a little while, you’ll mutually agree to disagree. Jae hates arguing with you, even though he knows he’s stubborn, sometimes he just can’t help himself. It’s a quality in him that will definitely get better as your relationship goes on, he’ll learn to bite his tongue a lot more and accept that as much as he’d like to be, there are actually instances where he might be wrong.
You only got to meet his family whenever he called them, which was never the same as in person. The first opportunity he got to go home, Jae made sure to take you with him as he was desperate for you to meet them all properly, and they were just as keen to meet you, if not a little more excited to meet Jae’s loved one.
He was very content and comfortable at the dorm, it would take a lot for him to move out. When the other guys started to enlist, he began to think a little more about moving out and finding a place for you. He enjoyed the company, and when he didn’t have the boys around, he realised how important it was to him to have you around.
The first ‘I love you’ came from Jae, he’d been having a particularly bad few days, barely leaving his room or taking care of himself, but you were there. You supported him through it all, and when he began to feel better again, he made sure to show you how appreciative he was of how kind you’d been to him.
Jae was quite prone to feeling jealous, he just couldn’t help himself. He tried to come off as confident to most people, but deep down you knew that he had quite a few insecurities. You would always be able to tell when he was feeling jealous as his face would give it away, he’d look glum and down the second he felt jealous, but you’d always be quick to make things right. He loved how reassuring you always were towards him; he always knew that you would make him feel better whenever he was feeling doubtful.
It took a lot for Jae to be serious and talk about his future, you’d heard the most about his ambitions for the future from listening to the podcast. The first time he mentioned children on it made your heart swell, and when he came home that night you were sure to ask him all about what his thoughts were and question him properly on how he exactly saw his future going, children, and even his future with you.
Jae laughed to make you laugh, but he also loved to be around you too as that was when he’d laugh the most. There were definitely days for you both when you didn’t feel like laughing but being around each other really helped you both. The two of you would talk about absolute nonsense sometimes, but it would be the perfect trigger to get you both smiling and laughing. He’d love to tickle you and poke you if you weren’t smiling, he could be very annoying when he wanted to be, but only in the best possible way.
He really struggled not having you around when he was on tour, he relied on the boys, especially Younghyun a lot. He was incredibly open about how hard he found it to be away from you, and when it was just the two of you on a call, he wouldn’t be scared to tell you how hard he found things too. It would break your heart whenever you saw him struggle, all Jae wanted sometimes was to be able to reach out for you, but on the other side of the world that was simply impossible. When the time came to go home, he would be an excitable mess, no one would know how to handle him, he’d be desperate just to get on the plane and get off again, being able to see you at the end of the terminal was all he looked forward to.
Like his affection, his nicknames would also be very teasing. ‘Titch’ was one of his favourites for you, he loved to mock you for the height difference between you both and make sure that you felt small beside him.
He was obsessed with your laughter, it was a bit like a key to his own happiness, whenever he could hear you beside him, it would always make him smile a little more.
Jae isn’t huge on PDA, he’ll do enough to know that you’re with him, but that’s about it. Being affectionate in public usually makes him quite shy, he doesn’t like people staring at the two of you, he’d much prefer to be subtle and shut the rest of the world off so that it could always just be the two of you together.
His questions would usually be when he wanted help, if he was having a difficult time or needed someone to talk to, you were always the one he’d turn to. He never wanted to burden you, so he’d always check on you first.
The first time you went to the dorm and played some games with him, you noticed Jae had already set everything up for you. He’d made you your own character, getting your features spot on. It definitely surprised you, but when he told you how happy it made him to log on and see the two icons next to each other, you went along with things. It didn’t take long before you had your own account on every single game Jae owned.
Jae’s very much a switch, at times he likes to dominant and prove to you that he’s a man and can take care of you, but if he’s feeling down or craving a bit of attention, he’s more than happy to sit back and let you take control. You tend to work off of his mood rather than your own, you’re happy taking on either role, the two of you have a strong enough dynamic that you can understand each other’s needs very well.
His questions are usually his texts, he’ll usually check in to see if you’re busy or have five minutes to talk to you. He’ll patiently wait for a response, but once you tell him that you’re free, he’ll ring you within seconds.
He relied on people a lot, he enjoyed company and having someone to talk to, and when he did, you were always his number one. He would talk to you about anything because he knew you’d always be there for him.
As soon as the opportunity came for some time off, he was desperate to take you to America so that you could meet his family. As much as you wanted to travel, you knew how important seeing his family was to Jae, and secretly, you were really looking forward to finally getting to meet them and find out a bit more about Jae.
He’d sit and pout if he didn’t have your attention, he wasn’t afraid to make it clear when he wants your eyes on him and listening.
His lips would press against the top of your head more than anything else, he really enjoyed emphasising the height difference between you both. He loved making you feel small and would often smother you in kisses against your cheeks and the sides of your head. He wouldn’t stop until he felt you squirm in his arms and beg him to let you go so you could go back to doing whatever it was that you were doing.
You were his confide, he knew that you always had his back and supported him.
Jae often talks in his sleep, which will definitely wind you up from time to time. You’ll often jab his side to try and get him to stop talking, but if he’s talking about you, you’ll make sure to record it and play it for him in the morning.
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pretoriafics · 4 years
Adopting Derek (in a dog body)
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Okay, I'm so inspired today! I really needed to write about this idea. What if Derek was turned yourself into a dog, and the reader adopts him?
It's funny, it's cute, and this headcanon is so long! I'm sorry about that. Maybe I should do an entire imagine series about this idea? I don't know, tell me what do you think, pleeease.
Remember: My requests are open. Remember²: English is not my main language, so I'm sorry if my writing maybe sounds bad for you.
Let's read, then?
Word Count: 1.682 Warnings: None Portuguese version here
Hale and the pack were working on a case involving a powerful sect of witches. The pack managed to invade the sect's headquarters, but to everyone's panic, one of them cursed Derek, turning him into a dog.
In the confusion of the fight, he ended up getting lost. He was walking along the road in the city, looking for a way to find the rest of the pack when you found him.
You were the daughter of one of Alan's best friends from the college. He was almost like an uncle to you.
You immediately stopped the car when you saw the dog. It was large, with dark fur, and its foot was injured. Derek had been hurt during the fight, and it appeared that his body was not healing as fast as it should have.
“Aww, are you lost? Come on, I will take care of you."
Well, what else could he do? Since his body was not healing as it should, he had no choice but to go with you.
But if you kept talking to him in that childish voice, which we do when we talk to babies, he would freak out.
You took him home and took care of the injured paw. You set aside a pot of water and a pot of dog food, which you had earned a little bit from Alan.
Ah, what a slow death! Derek refused to eat that thing.
You were worried when you realized he was not eating. As there was nothing else at home, you ended up exchanging the dog food for a piece of steak.
Okay, now we're talking about real food!
"Which name should I give you??" You drummed your fingers on your chin, thoughtfully.
Lucky! It was the perfect name because he had been so lucky to find you, or that little paw injury could have become worst.
You could hear your newest pet snort. Derek was clearly not liking that, despite being grateful for the healing you did on his paw.
You continued to take care of him. You saw your favorite Netflix series with him, took him for a walk...
He always growled when other dogs came over to smell... well... his parts.
“Lucky, don't be so rude. They are your little friends, to play with you! ”
And all Derek could think of during those hours was a “For God's sake. "
He met your boyfriend, and he thought he was a complete idiot.
And okay, Derek was starting to think you weren't that bad. But you still needed to change about talking to him in a childish voice. Still, he needed to find a way to find the pack.
And then, at the first opportunity, he ran away.
You freaked out! Your first action was to call Alan, crying, saying that your best friend had run away from you. He suggested that you split up in the city to look for him, and so it was.
But the moment he opened the clinic door there was Lucky, or rather, Derek. He flew into the clinic and started tapping his paws on the computer keyboard.
All he managed to write was "PSkPSKminpwrnIDEndneUNklew".
That was definitely not what he wanted to write. However, knowing that Derek had been turned into a dog and was missing, Alan got the message.
It wasn't long before the whole pack was at the clinic. It wasn't long before you knocked on the clinic door, so upset that your pet ran away.
But when you saw him at the clinic, you were so relieved! Your first action was to hug him, and fill him with kisses.
He lowered his ears, letting out a low whine. Seeing you so worried ended up making him feel a little guilty.
“Oh my God, I was so worried, baby! Never do that again! ”
Damn, you called him "baby". And in front of everyone.
Stiles was the first to scoff.
"Yeah, baby, don't do this anymore!"
Now, one more person was involved in all that mess: You. Everyone felt they were walking on eggshells. You didn't even know that there was a supernatural world around you. The only thing you wanted was your pet back.
The care about you needed to be double, as a way to protect you against all that mess.
Alan came over to your house to talk about Lucky.
“You need to leave him at the clinic with me, he was on the street. He may have an illness. ”
You refused to be without your friend.
“We are going to do some check-ups and apply the vaccines, but he stays here with me. "
This was going to be more difficult than everyone imagined, but as they started looking for some answer to get Derek back to his original form, things started to get fun.
You did an entire Instagram just for Lucky and bought him several outfits.
You took him for a photo shoot!! And published all the photos on Instagram.
Lucky dressed as a Disney prince.
Lucky dressed as a guard.
Lucky dressed as Superman!
He wasn't happy at all in those pictures, but you loved them so much because they were so cute!!
Scott saved each of the photos.
Peter framed them all. They would render great jokes!
Derek, on the other hand, just wanted to die of shame. He didn't want to imagine the number of stupid jokes that everyone would have to put up with.
But despite all that, he even liked you. Except when you talked to him in a childish voice. He hated you in those hours.
You talked about everything with him. When you got home, you always told him how your day had been. Derek was always there to hear you.
When you were on a bad day, he gave in: he took a ball with his mouth and made you go in the yard to play with him. It always made your day better.
And then you started to distrust your boyfriend. He was distant and rude, and sometimes you caught yourself talking with Lucky about it.
“Did I do something wrong? "
You and your boyfriend fought one day. Derek watched all the arguing, of course. He never wanted to punch someone as much as he did that day.
You cried all night, Lucky with you.
And when you decided you were going to work things out with your boyfriend, Derek just shook his head briefly, disappointed. You deserved better, but you couldn't see it yet.
You have bought several models of lingerie.
“I need help to see which one looks better on me. "
Ok... He was seriously divided now. Obviously, he wanted to see you try them all! But at the same time, he felt that staying and just seeing you trying different styles of lingerie would be wrong. You didn't know that he was a real man.
He concluded that staying and simply watching you try on all those lingerie would be taking advantage of you. So he chose to be on the sofa in the living room, away from your bedroom.
However, his imagination was quite fertile that night.
Despite your best efforts, your boyfriend simply remained distant. You found out that he was cheating on you.
The fight at your house that night was unreal.
And right in that bad time, the pack finds a way to break the curse. Derek was relieved to stop being Lucky, but he also felt his heart crush in his chest at having to leave you.
At least, all of that was fun.
Alan had taken your pet to the clinic, for a check-up and to give all the vaccines. At least, it was what you thought he was going to do.
In fact, Alan took Derek straight to the pack. They would bring their original body back, finally!
But then Scott brought the news that one of the witches sect, who had fled during the attack, had captured you for a sacrifice.
Fortunately, Derek managed to get back to his real body in time to rescue you with the help of the pack.
Your head almost exploded when you saw that man, with all of that size, with a red collar and a bone-shaped pendant written "Lucky".
Oh, damn... He had so hurried, that he forgot to take it off.
The pack gave the time you needed to recover from the scare, but your head was bubbling with it all. After all, what had really happened?
Alan and Derek met with you and the pack. That's how you knew that, yeah, Derek was really your Lucky.
“Oh my God, I tried to make you eat dog food! I gave you cookies, a bath, and an anti-flea powder!! ”
Things were finally clear, and you were embarrassed. On the other hand, the pack was grateful for the bank of jokes you offered them.
And you ended up being part of them. You and Derek were together all the time. After all, not having you around ended up being weird to him.
Returning to his original body made him tell you everything he always wanted to say...
"Your ex-boyfriend is an idiot."
"You should go back to using that perfume."
"That friend of yours from work has great advice."
"You should use red more often. You look great with this color."
... and also everything he always wanted to do with you.
He picked you up from work to go get the ice cream he knew you loved so much.
He hug you all the time.
Derek even answered your door when your ex-boyfriend came to apologize to you. And let's say your ex ended up scared...
He gave you a new pet. It was a cat, which you called Nora.
And finally, he took you on a first date. It had been a while since he made you feel butterflies in your stomach.
You were willing to take a chance. After all, he was still your best friend.  What harm would it do if your relationship evolved?
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Hi! Could you do whole alphabet for Echo too? I'm so inlove with your Rex one. So soft
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A/N: Sorry, I couldn’t find a nicer gif of my boy. Also, REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS! These take just as much time as a drabble or one-shot to finish. Spread the love.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Echo pre and post-Citadel is a cuddler.  He cuddles, and talks, and tries to stay awake for as long as he can, because he doesn’t want to lose a second with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your legs. King of looking respectfully whenever you wear something with a short hem line. 
Pre-Citadel, he liked his hands.  They’re steady and true.  Not to mention dexterous fingers which you seemed to appreciate.
Post-Citadel, he likes his eyes.  They’re different from before, a bit paler, sunken, but still undeniably human.  He needs to remind himself of that fact every now and again.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Pre-Citadel, he loved cumming inside you. Nothing felt better than the feeling of his cock buried in your cunt as you milked him for all he was worth. He could stay inside you forever. 
Post-Citadel, cumming on his part isn’t really an option, but he be damned if he doesn’t try to make up for it by having you cum again and again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wanted to have a three way with you and Fives.  He wasn’t interested in having sex with Fives, rather he wanted to share you with someone he trusted.  He thought about he and Fives taking turns with you until you were sex drunk and covered in each of their cum.
He’d never dare bring this up with you or Fives.  All the same, even post-Citadel, he still thinks about it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not a lot.  He gets nervous around people he’s attracted to and often ends up repeating the last sentence they said on instinct.  Some people find it endearing, but it hasn’t gotten him laid that often.  He’s had sex once, maybe twice before meeting you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Pre-Citadel, you on top and riding him into the sunset.  Save a horse, ride and ARC Trooper.
Post-Citadel, you laying on your back allowing him a perfect view of your face as he fucks you with a vibrator. Bonus points if you dig your finger nails into his arms until they sting.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s the same both pre and post-Citadel. He puts all his attention on you, but every now something awkward happens. This makes him nervous, which means he rambles and says something that gets you laughing and then him laughing until you’re a mess of giggles. So a sweet balance of tender and silly.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Pre-Citadel, pretty close shaven down there.  He generally tries to keep all things neat and titty and that includes his private parts.
Post-Citadel, well there isn’t anything to worry about.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Pre-Citadel, a nice balance of sweet and tender to just for fun. He called you beautiful every time you were together and tried to show how much he cared.  But, there were times when it was just for fun.  A pleasurable way to spend what limited time with you he could.
Post-Citadel, he’s still sweet and loving, but there’s more of an edge there.  A quiet desperation, as if he’s trying to prove something when you’re together.  The praises come more raggedly and a storm of unspoken emotion takes over him.  It’s more intense.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Pre-Citadel, he didn’t do it that often and honestly a little embarrassed when he did. He can’t help but be paranoid he’s brothers will stumble in on him and he knows the ragging he’ll get if they do.  Plus, it feels...well, a little childish when he knows you’re just a phone call away.  At the very least with phone sex, you’re with him in some way.
Post-Citadel, there’s nothing to jack.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Pre-Citadel: Fuck, he loves it when you call him a good boy.  There’s just something about that little endearment that drives him wild especially with you fucking yourself on his cock like you own it.  Add in some hair pulling and biting and he’s lost. 
So, needless to say, total sub.
Post-Citadel: Still likes to be called good boy, but gets a different kind of satisfaction in pinning you to the bed.  Has started experimenting with tying you to the bedpost and finding that he likes it.  Developing some dom tendencies.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Pre-Citadel; your apartment on Courscant.  Just a little home away from his brothers, completely your own with no chance of either of you having to do the walk of shame and getting shit for it.
Post-Citadel: same thing, but has expanded to his room on the Marauder.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pre and Post Citadel; seeing you in a short tight skirt giving him a perfect view of your legs and proper framing of your ass. Pair this off with a few dirty words in his ear and he’s checking the clock every five seconds for his shift to end.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pre-Citadel: Pegging.  You tried it once, he wasn’t into it, moving on.
Post-Citadel: No restraints for him.  Nothing to take away his senses or any kind of agency.  He needs a way out at any given moment.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Pre-Citadel: split right down the middle between giving and receiving.  He was an absolute mess every time you went down on him.  His rambled and groaned and begged until his climax hit him like a train.  He’d be a trembling mess once you were done with him. 
On the other hand, he loved giving. If you decided to ride his face, he was a happy man.  Maybe a little too enthusiastic and messy, but damn if it wasn’t satisfying.
Post-Citadel: It’s all about the giving and his technique has improved considerably.  He has learned how to tease it out, make you squirm and even make a smug remark or two before finally letting you cum. This pacing also will keep him down there for hours.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Pre-Citadel: Fast and enthusiastic.  He wanted to make you feel good, feeling energizing thrill when you were together and that meant wanted to make you cum fast and frequently.
Post-Citadel: He’s more willing to take his time.  He wants to enjoy every second that he can with you and that means slow and steady, absorbing every little twitch and moan your body produces.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Pre-Citadel: More often then you’d think.  He wants to give you what you want, but if you guys ever worked together he feels like he needs to be ready to go at a moments notice.  So that means a lot of quickies in supply closets and empty locker rooms.  It was against regulations, obviously, but he did gets a kind of thrill in breaking the rules with you.
Post-Citadel: Not as much his thing.  He really, really wants to take his time with you and he’s more than willing to wait.  Honestly, seeing you so pent up for him sends it’s own kind of trill down his spine.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Pre and Post-Citadel; He’s willing to experiment.  You guys do your research and properly talk about it before hand, setting boundaries and safe words, if needed.  If there is one thing you guys have always been good at, it’s communicating.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Pre-Citadel: The rounds didn’t last so long (10 to 15 minutes), but he had a great recovery time.  Number of rounds averaged about 2 to 3 per night.
Post-Citadel: Literally as long as you can stand, and maybe a little longer.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Pre and Post Citadel: Plenty of toys and frequently used; vibrators, dildos, handcuffs, cock rings, the works.  If anything post-citadel, the number has expanded.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Pre-Citadel: Terrible at teasing.  Just the worst. Cannot tease to save his life. Needs to give you everything the moment you ask for it.
Post-Citadel: Has learned how to tease and is an asshole about it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Pre and Post-Citadel: Talks a lot during sex.  Rambles about anything and everything that comes to his mind. It’s like a filter has been removed.  It starts as desperate breathy whispers and end with loud declarations and pleading.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Pre-Citadel: He actually considered turning deserter for you.  He never told you or anyone, besides Fives.  But there were moments with you laying quietly in his arms, he wondered what would happen after the war.  He didn’t know if he would have to say in the GAR or if he would be free to leave.  And if he was forced to stay, would he? He couldn’t imagine keeping this up forever; meeting in dark corners, sneaking out to your apartment, as if what you were doing was wrong. If the war ended and the Senate decided to keep them as soldiers, he would leave.  He would leave for you.
Post-Citadel: He still wonders about the war and how it will end.   He wanted to be your husband.  To give you children and a quiet life somewhere warm and safe.  But, given what he was now, normal would never be an option. It eats at him in the dark with you pressed quietly against him.  If he were a selfless man, he’d let you go.  But he won’t.  He can’t. He doesn’t want to.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Pre-Citadel: Standard issue thick clone dick.  Can and will fill you up until you’re bursting at the seams.
Post-Citadel: The dick is gone and the Techno Union did not deem it necessary to get him a replacement one. Technically they do exist, but they’re ridiculously expensive and most won’t sell to Clones.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pre-Citadel: Surprisingly high.  Before he met you, he was convinced he was the horniest virgin in the GAR. So, when you did get together you guys were going at it like rabbits.  Call it years of repression finally letting loose.
Post-Citadel: The drive isn’t what it was, but he still wants to give you pleasure.  More like 2 to 3 times a week as opposed to every night.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pre and Post-Citadel: Can and will stay awake for as long as he can.  Even if you can see his eyes drooping, he’ll force them open for as long as you’re awake, rambling long into the night.  He wants to be with you as long as he can.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
GOT7 vs. their s/o’s affectionate/flirty friend
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: -
Requested: by @marrymeleoxxiu​
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Basic scenario:
Particularly wouldn’t really mind the fact that you’re affectionate with your friends. He’s had his fair share of cuddles and hugs from his own friends, so it wouldn’t really bother him that much whenever he hears you playfully flirting with your friends while you’re on a call or whenever they come over to hang out. 
What does bother him is when one of the newer additions to your circle is particularly touchy with you. She’s younger than you, and he knows she’s new since he’s spoken to your friends about once or twice. You know that Nova’s a bit handsy whenever you hang out in person and a bit flirty over call, but you never pay it much mind. 
When you’re meeting up with her for lunch, you invite him, and though he’s happy to be included, his eyes would immediately go to how Nova’s hand is resting on your thigh. He’s a bit concerned as to why you’re not reacting to it, but he also takes it as a reason to not worry. It doesn’t help. Jaebeom’s mind is going through different things and he’s just watching the way she slings her arm over your shoulders and squeezes you against her frame. 
You fail to notice his sudden shift in emotions, but he’ll bring it up the moment you’re home. 
“I just think that maybe she shouldn’t be touching you like that,” he mutters out sheepishly as he takes off his coat.  
“Huh?” you give him a questioning look. 
“I don’t like the way her hand was resting on your thigh,” Jaebeom blurts out. You stare at him for a moment, letting the thought process in your mind. When it does, your eyes widen.
“What? Oh! No!” you quickly take his hand in yours, “Nova’s like that. It’s nothing you should worry about, I promise.” You give him a reassuring smile that does little to lift his spirits. 
“Is she really?” Jaebeom’s still unconvinced. You nod, your hand reaching up to ruffle his hair. 
“You’re adorable when you’re jealous—and no, that’s how she acts around her friends.” He gives you a doubtful look that you brush off by pressing a soft kiss to his nose. 
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In the same setting as Jaebeom, Mark would hide it. He wouldn’t want you to realise that he’s suddenly feeling negative towards one of your friends. As someone who runs his own Discord server, Mark knows how chaotic some of the younger members can get. He doesn’t want to be that boyfriend who wants to tell you who you can hang out with and who you can’t. 
Although he’s hiding it, you notice the moment his mood shifts. As soon as you leave the restaurant and it’s just the two of you, you’re questioning it immediately. 
“She’s just… a bit touchy,” Mark shrugs. 
“Honey, it’s not a problem, I promise.” You gently hold onto his bicep, “Nova does that with her friends—she really doesn’t mean any harm.” He nods silently as you continue walking down the pavement towards your shared apartment. “If you want, I can invite you to our discord server tonight and you can talk to her,” you suggest.
“I don’t want to seem possessive,” he quickly shakes his head. 
“Mark—honey—you won’t. Now that you mention it, I do understand how it would make you feel a bit off.” You’ve both stopped walking and are standing at the side of the pavement, Mark just looking at you with an unreadable expression. It takes a moment before he nods. You stand on your tiptoes and press a chaste kiss to his lips. “Let’s head home. I’ll call her tonight and I’ll invite you into the server, yeah?” 
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Honestly, I don’t think Jackson would get jealous at all…? In a situation where he knows about your friend, I do see him getting jealous but playfully. I feel like he would understand that some friends are just more touchy and handsy than others. He might make it playful though. If you were to meet up with her and invite Jackson, she would most likely enjoy teasing him as well with how reactive he is. 
“(Y/n) unnie, Jackson oppa’s so lucky you’re his girlfriend,” Nova huffs. Jackson lets out an exaggerated gasp. 
“Is that an attempt at stealing her?” he narrows his eyes at her. 
“If you don’t treat her right, then I might!” she threatens playfully. Jackson scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest before he scoots closer to you. 
“(Y/n) is mine! You can’t have her!” He reaches out and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. You yelp at the sudden action, completely unprepared for the two of them to start bickering like so. 
“Unnie, who do you choose?” Nova crosses her arms over her chest and gives you a look. You look between the younger girl and your boyfriend who currently has you in a headlock, your cheek squishing into his chest. 
“Well, if Jackson doesn’t let me go soon, I might just choose you,” you say with a muffled voice. Jackson’s letting go of you at light speed, a pout on his face. 
“Baby, you know I did it because I love you.” You cock an eyebrow up as you scoot closer to your friend. “(Y/n)!” he whines. You giggle before scooting back towards him, turning to see a pout on Nova’s face. 
“I’m sorry, hun, but if I don’t choose Jackson, he’ll take it all the way home.” You turn to Jackson and pinch his cheek, “I’ll always choose you, okay?” 
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Like I’ve mentioned before, Jinyoung would react to jealousy in an instant. He doesn’t fail to hear the soft giggles that you let out while flirting with your friend while you’re on a call. He would stop right outside the door that’s left ajar, his ears picking on the way “babe” sweetly falls from your lips as though you’re talking to him rather than a friend. 
“Who’s that?” he asks after you’ve left the call, his hands resting on your shoulders as he stands behind your chair. You crane your neck up to look at him, 
“One of the newer girls on our server. She’s really fun,” you hum as you start putting away your headphones. Jinyoung’s in even more confusion. 
“I’m assuming the flirting is just playful then,” Jinyoung cocks an eyebrow. You turn to look at him and can’t help but let out a soft giggle. 
“Is someone jealous?” you tease as you reach out and poke his ribcage. He jerks away, clearing his throat to not seem so flustered before shaking his head. 
“N-not jealous,” Jinyoung stutters and you know he’s flustered. “I just don’t know why you would have to talk to her that way if she’s a friend,” he pouts. 
“Aww, Jinyoung, you’ll always be my number one,” you smile as you stand up from your chair and cup his cheeks. “She doesn’t mean it in a romantic way, okay? None of us do. Whenever she’s upset or feeling a bit down, we cheer her up by making her laugh. She thinks playful flirting is fun.” Jinyoung gives you a doubtful look that you wash away by pressing a kiss to his nose. The grin that creeps on his face is enough to tell you that he feels better. 
“If it’s to comfort her, then it’s okay,” he hums as he pats your head gently.
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Aww, Youngjae wouldn’t mind as much as Jinyoung, but he’d still be a bit jealous that your attention is on someone else. He knows that the new girl in your shared server is a bit flirty, but he hadn’t actually spoken to her directly before. It’s when you’re sharing the same channel with him and his friends who are playing League of Legends that he hears you flirting. It would take him a while before he would actually say anything about it though. 
“Awww, unnie, that’s so coy,” Nova giggles. 
“Yah, yah, that’s enough,” Youngjae huffs, his attention on the game. You would immediately look up from your phone to look at his desk where he’s gaming. 
“What do you mean that’s enough?” You slide off of your spot on the bed and make your way over to him, your hands on your hips as you stare at him. 
“You’re being so flirty, baby.” His eyes flick to look at you and he pouts, “you have to save your love for me.” 
“Oh god, Youngjae,” Mark laughs from his end of the call. 
“That’s so cheesy,” one of his other friends snickers. Youngjae sighs before muting himself, slipping his headphones off and hanging them around his neck. You take the hint and mute your call from your phone. 
“I don’t like the way she’s flirting with you,” he huffs out, glancing away from the screen for a split second to look at you. You blink a couple times before it registers in your mind. 
“Oh Youngjae, are you jealous?” you coo as you bend down slightly. When he avoids looking at you, you already know that he is. “Youngjae, honey, it’s nothing you need to worry about okay? You know how the younger ones get—they get really excited when older gamers add them into their servers.”
“I know, but she’s so—” Youngjae’s hands let go of his mouse and keyboard to emphasise how he feels, “you know?”
“Does it make you jealous because she has more of my attention?” you question. It takes a moment before he nods sheepishly. “You’re so precious,” you giggle as you ruffle his brown hair. “If it makes you uncomfortable, I won’t act so flirty okay?” Youngjae glances up at you with bright brown eyes. “But you have to stop flirting with Jun Hee oppa.” His smile drops and he gives you a pout. 
“That’s not me flirting! Jun Hee hyung just does it to make me flustered!” 
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Whoooooo okay. We’ve reached the light of my life, the chaos energy I love, and my king: BamBam. If he gets the wrong signal, then he’ll probably be hopping on her ass immediately. In a scenario if your friend comes over to just hang out, he would come out of your shared bedroom to see you two cuddling on the couch while watching a movie. 
“Ahem,” he stands over the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. The clear of his throat makes the two of you look up at him. “At least leave some space for the mister,” BamBam grumbles as he gestures to how close you both are. 
“We’re just cuddling, you fart,” Nova huffs. You know she’s teasing him and you have no intentions in stopping her; you’re interested to see how it turns out. She’s a year younger than BamBam and you’re curious to see whether that chaotic energy is a thing that comes with a certain age. 
“Excuse me?!” BamBam scoffs, “you’re in my apartment and you call me a fart?” Without any hesitation, he climbs over the back of the couch and squeezes in between you two. His arms wrap around your waist and his face is resting on your chest. “She’s my girlfriend, I should get cuddles too,” he grumbles. 
“That’s not fair! You’re disturbing our movie time!” Nova gasps as she glares at him. 
“My apartment, my girlfriend, my rules,” he huffs. 
“BamBam oppa!” she whines before turning to you. “Unnie, he’s being unfair!” You only watch in disbelief at the way they bicker. You’ve seen the way BamBam acts when he’s jealous, but you’ve never seen him act so petty before. 
“Maybe we can improvise,” you suggest after a moment. You push BamBam off of you gently—earning a whine—before moving to sit in between them. “Now, I can cuddle both of you at the same time.” They both stare at you before looking at each other as though they’re making a silent agreement. After a moment of them just staring at each other, they silently snuggle into your sides. “I didn’t think that bringing Nova into this house would make you act this petty,” you tease BamBam, your voice soft enough that Nova wouldn’t hear you. 
“She called me a fart,” he grumbles. 
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Lil baby would be so confused honestly. He’d wonder why you were acting so flirty when you’re in call, and his mind would go straight to the worst possibilities. After telling himself to stop overreacting, Yugyeom would approach you shyly and ask you about it. 
“Aww, Yugs, I was talking to one of the new girls,” you say as he sits on the bed beside you. “She talks to her friends like that. I promise it’s nothing to worry about,” you reassure him as you hold his hand in yours, your fingers squeezing his hand reassuringly. 
“You flirt with her like how you flirted with me when we first started dating,” Yugyeom pouts. You feel your heart swell at how cute he looks, your right hand reaching up to cup his face. 
“It’s all just friendly, okay? It’s nothing romantic.” You give him a soft smile. He’s still pouting. “Baby, she doesn’t mean any harm. We’re all just joking around. Nothing romantic at all.” 
“I promise,” you nod and pinch his cheek until Yugyeom’s swatting your hand away. “Maybe you should join our server and talk to her. I feel like you’d find her fun to talk to.”
“Really?” His interest is piqued. 
“She reminds me of BamBam when he was nineteen; young, chaotic and full of energy.” You laugh when Yugyeom laughs. 
“I don’t know if I can handle another teen BamBam,” he jokes, “but I wouldn’t mind joining your server.” 
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butgilinsky · 4 years
babysitting // ph
warning; alcohol ig
summary; where you and pope meet at a party, completely sober and looking for your drunk friends.
word count; 2.1k+
this is for @popeheywards​ pope appreciation week! i gotta give my bby all the love he deserves, so here’s day one (fluff) of pope week(: 
prompt from this list: A and B met at a party, completely sober, and they hit it off super quickly, but everyone else is drunk, so after getting everyone home safely, they exchange numbers, promising to meet up next time they’re both invited to a party
thank you to @mdlyncline​ for convincing me to post this  (:
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you had just finished pouring yourself another cup of cranberry juice, opting out of the alcohol for the nth time tonight with a heavy sigh. you didn’t mind not drinking, but being at a party full of drunks while you were practically the only sober person was anything other than fun. 
you don’t know how many cups of juice you’d had, but you were sure that it was a considerable amount less than the number of vodka sodas your friend had thrown back throughout the night. you just hoped that she was in the same place you left her five minutes ago. 
it took you all of ten seconds after leaving the kitchen to realize that you had no idea where she was. you checked the living room, both of the downstairs bathrooms, and even made it all the way out into the backyard before you’d even gotten a whiff of where she had run off to. 
“you look stressed.” a voice rang through your ears, catching your attention quickly. 
your eyes followed the voice and landed on a boy that looked to be around your age, cup grasped firmly in his hand despite his sober demeanor. you could tell he wasn’t drunk, which surprised you but also brought you a sense of relief. he didn’t have any fraternity memorabilia, not a single greek letter anywhere on him, which was slightly confusing but definitely not disappointing. 
you’d never seen him before, you were sure. you would’ve given him a second glance on any day, using the faded print on his hat as an excuse as to why you were looking a little longer than what was deemed appropriate in a glance. 
“i’m on mom duty for the night and i lost my child.” the boy laughed softly, raising his cup to his lips as he closed the distance between the two of you, only to face the same direction you were facing. 
“which one’s yours?” you laughed gently, feeling like two single parents on the bench of a playground while the looked for their toddlers. though it didn’t feel much different, looking for your drunk friends. 
“her name’s morgan. she-”
“freeman?” the boy gasped playfully, only to earn an eye roll and a soft shove from you. “sorry, sorry, i couldn’t help myself. morgan, though? she’s pretty tall, probably 6′ but refuses to say anything about 5′11?” your eyebrows pulled together in confusion, something that the boy picked up on easily. 
“she was in my intro to forensics class last semester. we study together sometimes.” you let out a noise of realization as you nodded slowly, deciding maybe this guy wasn’t some stalker that happened to know everything about your friend for no real reason. 
“well, she’s my roommate and my best friend, unfortunately.” the boy’s eyes lit up, a smile stretching across his lips at the newfound information. 
“you’re y/n then?” 
you’d never loved the sound of your name more than you did when it fell off of his tongue. the lilt in his voice gave you a head rush and goosebumps all at the same time. you felt yourself nodding, letting him know that that was your name and you hadn’t forgotten, though you were sure you would have had he not told you seconds prior. 
“i’m pope.” he held out a hand, the one that wasn’t gripping a cup filled with whatever he chose to get him through a party sober. his skin was soft, though you tried to not focus on that. 
his eyes were soft, holding a sense of comfortability in them. you didn’t know who this person was, despite the few facts you’d picked up on in the short conversation you’d had with him, but you wanted to know more, that much you knew. 
“well, pope. since we can’t find my child at the moment, which one’s yours?” he hummed softly, shifting his weight from the balls of his feet to his heels, and back again. 
“jj maybank.” you hissed softly, watching pope’s lips turn up in a wide smile at your reaction. 
you let out a soft laugh, smiling brightly when pope’s followed soon after. he was beautiful, truly. his laugh filled your senses, somehow taking over every thought that previously inhabited your mind. everything was replaced with the boy in front of you, smiling, laughing and talking with you. 
“you’ve got a long night ahead of you then.” pope nodded, clicking his tongue softly in anticipation to see what the night offered him. 
he’d babysat jj more times than he could count, which is something he told you shortly after. he’d grown up with the mischievous boy, both of them taking their turns of pulling the other out of trouble. he told you about their third, john b, who didn’t go to school here. 
jj was here on a soccer scholarship, pope an academic, though that didn’t surprise you. the way he spoke alluded to his intelligence, and you remembered hearing morgan mention the name ‘pope’ a few times while she spoke about study group. you faintly remember the term ‘genius’ being attached to his name in most of morgan’s stories about the boy, though you weren’t sure if that was because of his intellect or morgan’s ability to expertly exaggerate one’s self. 
they were in the same major, you learned quickly. and because you had never seen pope before, you were surprised to hear that he’d been to your apartment a few times for morgan to grab her things. you had been out every time, and now pope found himself upset about it. you’d just missed each other multiple times before tonight, and pope would be damned if he let it happen again. 
“y/n! there you are!” you and pope both turned at the sound of morgan’s voice, facing the girl who could barely stand straight. 
pope offered to take your drink while you reached for morgan’s frame, holding her up to the best of your abilities. she sighed in content, folding into you more than you would’ve wished for, but you held her up nonetheless. 
“pope!” morgan smiled widely when she realized her friend from class was standing just a few feet away from her. they’d kept in touch loosely, studying for a class they were both taking when need be. 
“hi morgan.” pope smiled politely, now gripping onto one cup in each of his hands while he watched the two of you, making sure he didn’t need to swoop in and hold morgan up in your place. 
“pope! my main man!” and just like that, both of the sober parents had found their drunk toddlers without moving a single muscle. 
jj came stumbling towards the two of you, clapping a hand onto pope’s shoulder before smiling at you and morgan. his eyes lingered on morgan for a moment longer than they had with you, which earned a nudge to the ribs, courtesy of pope’s elbow. 
“this is morgan and y/n.” pope introduced you quickly, to which you two finger saluted jj, keeping morgan tight against you so her friendly drunk persona wouldn’t step towards the blond. 
“nice to meet you, morgan and y/n.” you looked at pope quickly, rolling your eyes at the tone in jj’s voice. pope snickered, looking back at your two friends that were clearly ogling at each other. 
“do you guys need a ride home?” you sighed but shook your head, not wanting to be a bother to the beautiful boy and his already drunk friend. 
“no, that’s okay. it’s not a far walk-”
“y/n/n, i don’t want to walk.” morgan whined loudly, earning a soft snicker from pope while you rolled your eyes exaggeratedly. 
“you promised you were fine walking tonight, morg. you swore you wouldn’t make me call an uber.” morgan smiled at you, doing her best puppy eyes while batting her eyelashes in your direction. 
“it’s really no bother. i’ve gotta drop jj off anyways, and he’s right around the corner from y’all.” you bit on the inside of your cheek, a voice ticking in the back of your head telling you that you’d bother the boy by accepting. 
“c’mon, y/n/n. popie’s nice.” you scoffed at the dumb nickname that morgan gave the boy, not missing the way he cringed at the sound of it.
“okay, okay. thank you, pope.” 
he waved you off gently, telling you again that it wasn’t a big deal. he made sure to rope jj in to leaving, discarding both of your cups in a nearby trashcan, ignoring jj’s comment about ‘kie would be furious with you’. you raised an eyebrow at pope, silently questioning what that meant, earning a ‘old friend. big environmentalist’ in response. 
you clung to morgan the entire way back to pope’s car, thanking him when he opened the back door for you to be able to shove her into the backseat. you sat in the back with her and felt her slump against you within seconds of leaving the house party. 
you complimented pope’s music taste after a few songs, sparking a quick conversation about the few songs you’d heard on the ride. you knew all of them, having a few of them on your own playlists. 
you were ignoring jj’s sly looks between you and his best friend, opting to focus solely on pope and on neither of your drunk friends. though, that proved to be harder than expected when morgan started to deadweight you after pope had pulled up to your apartment complex. 
“morgan, i can’t carry you up ten flights.” morgan groaned loudly, pushing you off of her. 
it didn’t take long for pope to offer up his help, claiming that he could lock jj in his car without much thought towards him being alright. jj would survive, according to pope, for the time being. of course, you denied him the first few times he offered, but when he asked once more, after morgan had gotten dangerously close to falling asleep, he unbuckled his seat belt. 
it took pope all of twenty seconds to swing morgan’s door open and lift her out of the car. she would be mortified the next time she saw pope, but you had exhausted every option in your mind. pope didn’t mind, finding excitement in being able to spend a few extra minutes with you, even if it was because he was carrying your drunk roommate up to your apartment. 
the walk was mainly silent, apart from the few times morgan would thank pope for carrying her, with a quick thanks thrown in your direction for holding her shoes. you and pope would laugh, and you’d smile at pope’s sweet ‘it’s no problem, morg’. 
you’d share side glances and bright smiles, but neither of you dared to break the silence. every giggle that threatened to bubble out was suppressed, either by self restraint or the back of your hand pressing against your lips. you’d lift your elbow gently into his side, filling the void of not being able to brush your hand gently against his due to his holding up your best friend. 
it wasn’t until the two of you put morgan to bed that you made time for the two of you, walking the short distance from her bed to the front door in a comfortable silence. 
“thank you, again.” he stood in front of your door, hands folded into each other while he smiled and nodded towards you. 
“it was nothing, really. if she ever needs an escort, i’m a call away.” you flashed him a bright smile and a simple nod while you shifted your weight from your heels to the balls of your feet. 
“i guess i should grab your number then. you know, in case morgan ever needs a lift upstairs.” you shrugged gently, not missing the wide smile that stretched across pope’s lips before he held his hand out, palm facing upwards. 
“that was smooth, i’ll admit it.” you laughed gently, watching him punch in his phone number before texting himself. “now you have to use it.” he winked at you while slipping your phone back into your own hand. 
“i’ll be sure to do that.” he nodded again, waving off your hundredth thanks of the night and reached for the doorknob. 
“have a good night, y/n.” he leaned forward, closing the small gap between the two of you by placing a kiss on your forehead before walking into the hallway.
he walked backwards, smiling just in time for you to stick your head out of the doorway and wave at him, fingers wiggling in a wave that had him swooning. you yelled out a gentle ‘goodnight’ just before he opened the door to the stairwell and disappeared. 
you laid in bed ten minutes later, grinning up at the ceiling above you with thoughts of pope swimming through your mind when your phone buzzed on your nightstand. 
pope♥ : i’m starting to think that babysitting jj isn’t so bad 
obx taglist: @rafej-cambanks​ @sportygal55​ 
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thevodkadidthis · 5 years
Bed Bugs.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Actress!Reader
Warnings: NONE! Pure fluff, also implied sex (sorry, I can’t really write mature stuff so I’m just gonna leave it like that) note: the ones in Italic are flashback scenes, so it won’t confuse you as you read.
Word count: 3.1K
Summary: In which the director was given a green light at making a second film on Marvel, the casts were all excited and reader thinks this is where her career will surely grow! But then the huge tease with the name of Sebastian Stan kept getting on her way.
A/N: I know, I kind of ghosted this account for a while BUT I’M BACK?? And omg I miss writing for Seb and our Marvel bois so okay here goes nothing. ALSO, requests are open!! Hit me up with a prompt or something.
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2 weeks before, you had a call with the director from Marvel and that he sound so excited over the phone call, delivering the news to you that a second part of the film is very much confirmed and that the shooting will start very soon. You felt excited as well, thinking you formed quite an easy and great friendship with the other casts and texts and FaceTime isn’t really enough, but you are all grown adults who are busy with other projects so both parties really understand the lack of communication.
Now, you’re getting your hair fixed as Anthony Mackie dances around the room and was quickly joined in by Chris Evans, showing you a bit of his skills in tap dancing. You couldn’t help but to laugh and shake your head, these people are older than you and yet you feel like you were babysitting them at some point.
“How do you have so much energy in the morning, Anthony?” a deep voice was suddenly heard from your back. You couldn’t exactly turn your head to check who it was so you simply stared at the reflection of the man in the mirror in front of you. It was Sebastian, of course, you didn’t really have to check, you knew what his voice sounds like wherever you hear it.
“I don’t know, man. I just feel like today is a great day. Don’t you feel it, Y/N? The sun’s shining bright and all.” Anthony replied and took a sip from his coffee cup.
You rolled your eyes, “I don’t know about you, Anthony, the sun shines brightly everyday.” You shot back and Evans uttered a quiet touche before sitting down.
Sebastian chuckled as well, and you couldn’t help but to check for his reaction on the vanity mirror. Unfortunately, he was also checking on your face on the mirror, which made you lock gazes with him for a short while. Cheeks flushed and palm sweating, you looked away.
The whole cast decided to celebrate the success of the first film by having a drink on the nearby bar, you came with them, of course and had fun despite of not drinking much because you knew to yourself that you can’t handle alcohol well. So you sat on the booth pretty much the whole night and only had two glasses of beer, it didn’t bother you though, the little chats and Anthony’s loud laugh was enough.
The time quickly passed and it was the moment that everyone should go home and take a rest. You bid them goodbye, and didn’t forget to thank them for making the night wonderful and that you had a good time with them, even making promises to keep in touch. You didn’t need a cab home since you live nearby and a short walk wouldn’t really hurt.
When you got in your place, you sighed quietly as you place your keys on the table next from the door and headed straight to the refrigerator because you felt dehydrated. Feeling hot and tensed, you decided to take a quick bath to get rid of the smell of alcohol on your body. After that, you slipped into a pair of pajamas and a loose t-shirt. For some reason, you didn’t feel sleepy, so you walked out of the room and went straight to the living room, hoping to watch some T.V. shows but you heard a loud noise right outside your door.
You dismissed it, thinking it was meant to be for your neighbor and maybe they just accidentally hit your door. But it made a loud thud again, you didn’t know if it was a faint knock or someone fell right on your doorstep. Panic surged in, thinking maybe it was a thief that has been trying to pick on your lock, you quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen and checked on your door. You opened it for an inch, peeking on the other side of the wood to check if it was actually a burglar.
But to your surprise, it was the same man that was eyeing you all night from the bar.
He looked… frustrated? Maybe it was the drink he had, or the tiredness, but he definitely looked pissed. He was about to smash his head on the door when he noticed your eyes on the side of the door.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. I knocked on wrong doors, four times, since I didn’t really know where exactly you live.” He sighed and your mouth fell open, but you quickly recovered and opened the door wider to welcome him in.
“What are you even doing here? How did you even know where my building is-“
“I followed you, then I got lost for some reason, then I started knocking everywhere. I’m telling you, everywhere.“ he confessed, as you lead him to where the couch was and invited him to sit down with you.
“You know that’s kind of creepy, right? You should have called in first or sent a text, whatever.” You told him, checking his face and he definitely looked tired and tipsy.
He laughed to himself, “Yeah, I know right? Weird.” He brushed his right hand on his face.
“Do you want water or something?” you offered and he only nodded. When you came back in the living room, a glass of water in hand, he was already asleep on your couch. Mouth hanging open. You chuckled at his appearance before fixing his position into a much comfortable state. Then you picked out extra blankets and put it on top of him.
It all happened multiple times after the first encounter. Until one day, you ended up being naked, on your own bed, and on your side is a sleeping Sebastian Stan, unbothered with all his glory.
How can a man look so good while being asleep?
You didn’t talk about what happened, yet it did happen again, multiple times over. You were just scared to drop the bomb or to talk about the elephant in the room because you didn’t want him to disappear from your life. You overthink already that maybe sex was all he wanted and not the commitment so you kept your mouth shut.
The set director called out the cast that were supposed to shoot for the day, your hair and make-up is all done but you still asked for an extra minute to compose yourself. Everyone in the dressing room made their exit already, all except Sebastian.
“Hey.” He called out and you turned to him and stared, there was something about his eyes that you couldn’t lay a finger on, it was a kind of look you haven’t seen before.
“Hey to you too.” You replied, as casual as possible.
“You didn’t answer my texts.” He stared down, whether he started looking at the floor or his shoes, you didn’t know but he looked shy and maybe embarrassed?
“Oh,” you quickly thought of an excuse, you did got his texts, you just didn’t want to reply to them because it will be such a hard slap that you fell for him and he didn’t really feel the same way, “Yeah, I kind of changed my number for a while, but the old one is still with me, I just don’t use it anymore.. I uh, I’ll check it out when I get home.” You smiled sweetly to him and finally turned back to where the mirror is, to once again attempt to fix your appearance.
He sighed quietly and left the room. You finally exited the room and proceeded to where the other actors are.
The day ended quickly. A minute ago, you were finalizing the shots with the director and then he announced that it’s a wrap and that you’re all done for today. You wanted to go home and get a lot of sleep however, Anthony and Chris has other plans.
“I really can’t. I’m supposed to clean my place tonight.” You lied when Anthony invited you to come and have a drink with them.
“Come on, who cleans their room at night? That’s weird, you clean on either weekends or morning!” Evans butted in and convinced you even more to come with them, but you feel exhausted, and the fact that Sebastian’s also coming is no help at all.
You just gave them a smile before shaking your head, “Sorry guys, maybe next time? My treat.” You replied to them instead.
“You better!” Anthony said and then you bid your goodbye to them as they walk away.
After a bag of popcorn, cans of soda and about 8 episodes of a Netflix series, you turned the TV off and sighed to yourself.
Cleaning your place, huh? Nothing happened.
You stared at your phone and clicked on the messages that Sebastian sent, all of it were unopened, but now you finally took the time to read all of it.
Is everything okay?
I don’t know what happened but you stopped talking
“Idiot.” You can’t help but to whisper on your phone, as you were about to make a reply, you heard a knock on your door. Hesitating, your first thought is again, thinking it was a burglar but you knew better, only one person has the audacity to knock on your door at this hour.
You opened the door and it revealed a flustered Sebastian, with his hair disheveled and his arm is leaning on the door frame.
“You know what, I’m kind of hoping for a burglar.” You blurted out, like a whisper to yourself.
“What?” you copied him. He looks drunk, so there was no point to say something meaningful and stuff because he will definitely forget about all of this tomorrow.
“Alright,” he brushed his hair back and swallowed, “okay before you say something, or kick me out—wait, I’m still outside, can I come in?” he looked genuinely surprised when he figured out that he’s still outside of your place, you tried not to laugh at his reaction.
“Yeah, of course.” You took a step aside and allowed him to enter, he sat on the couch and noticed the bag of chips, sodas and tissue on the center table.
He looked at you with a puzzled look, “This is how you clean? I mean, okay, cool, no judgments.” He pursed his lips and nodded at the surroundings, “You did a good job, this room is spotless.”
“Alright, what do you want now? If you want a place to crash just lay there and sleep, I’ll bring a blanket.” You offered, arms crossed on your chess. It felt like you were lecturing him on something.
“Wait, no.” he sighed again, as if he’s mentally preparing himself on something, it made you think as well, and you wanted to know what was running in his mind. “Before you say something, just.. hear me out. Give me a couple of minutes to explain and just let this out, 5 minutes would be fine.” He blurted out and tried to fix his composure while sitting down.
The look of seriousness that washed and took over his face made you sit down on the chair beside the couch as well. You weren’t prepared for this, in fact, you never really thought that this moment will come along. So many thoughts are taking over your mind: will it be over now? Is he finally telling you to cut ties? Is he seeing anyone?
He opened his mouth and your breath hitched, “I.. know I made a mistake for not clearing out the things that happened after, you know, THAT moment.” He emphasized, “I don’t know what came over me and what I was thinking, I literally feel like a fucking idiot for not explaining this to you earlier.” He exhaled shakily, “But fuck it, I’m doing it now. You see, a lot happened recently, you know, with the success of the movie, with the other projects we’re taking on, all that.”
You were about to speak but then he held his hand up to stop you, and then you closed your lips, “I really like you, Y/N. For real, I don’t know why it took a while for me to fucking say it. I always come here, to you, to tell you how my days went, because I enjoy being with you, so much. I enjoy your company, your sarcasm, your witty remarks and all that. I would really like to experience it again and longer this time, instead of just the sex.”
By this point, your mouth suddenly felt dry and every swallow felt like sand paper on your throat. Your eyes started to well up and then you ended up chuckling at his confession, “Wow.. you really are a fucking idiot.” You replied to him before making your way closer to him and landed on his lap, straddling him. “You don’t know how much you cleared my mind.”
“Wait, what?”
“I like you too, dumbass. So much.” No words are left to be said because before he could even ask further or to clarify what you said, your lips already crashed on his. The kiss was passionate, calm and slow unlike the ones you shared before, the hungry, rough and needy—not that you’re complaining, you’re fine with either way.
After doing the deed, you snuggled on his side and breathed his scent. Despite of the reek of the alcohol, his distinct smell was still there and you admit to yourself how much you missed this. How much you missed him.
Your moment of peace was momentarily disrupted by him, “Hmm?” you answered him, feeling a wave of exhaust on your body.
“The things that I’ve said are all true, it’s not the alcohol. In case you’re wondering about it. I will remember this when I wake up.” He uttered.
You couldn’t see his face but you feel like his eyes are closed as his hands slowly caressed your hair and planted a soft kiss on your head.
“I know.”
You were supposed to attend on the set with Sebastian, but he needed to drop by on his place to shower because as much as he wanted to come with you, he doesn’t have clothes on your apartment. But he did promise you a lunch date later that day so you had something to look forward to during the day.
You were straightening your top when Anthony, of course with Chris, approached you. “Wow, Y/N. You look like you’re in a good mood today! It’s just, it’s radiating off of you, I wonder why.” You blushed at Anthony’s remark and wondered if he knows something. Maybe Sebastian told him something last night, when they were out for a drink.
“I’m always in a good mood, Anthony. What are you saying?” you replied to him and he only ended up giggling. Evans pointed out that you look pretty much the same to him, but Anthony still thinks there is something different about you.
“Seabass may or may have not spilled some news last night.” Anthony whispered to you and you ended up blushing even harder, “I almost knocked him out right there but instead, I urge him to come at your flat.” He winked and you smiled at him, without Anthony, you’re probably walking around glass flooring and eggshells right now, being careful around Sebastian.
“Speak of the devil.” Mackie announced, seeing Sebastian walking over and heading towards your way.
“You know what, Evans?” Anthony started again, facing Chris this time, “There must be some kind of rash going around people, do you think it’s perhaps, a communicable disease?” he said, Evans looked dumbfounded and genuinely clueless with what Anthony is saying.
“Rash? What rash?” Chris asked, you and Sebastian looked at Anthony, listening to what he is about to say because the rash topic came out of the blue. Sebastian stood quietly beside you and you feel his fingers brushing on your arm.
“See that bruise-looking rash on Sebastian’s neck?” Anthony tried to be as quiet as possible, even leaning towards Evans’ right ear but his words are heard from a distance. “It’s so weird because I have seen the same bruise on Y/N’s neck! But the ones on Y/N are much darker than Sebastian’s. Are you guys alright? Maybe, sick or something?” Anthony’s sarcastic remark and endless teasing has led you and Sebastian to cover your necks, at the same time, bearing the same crimson red cheeks as you try to laugh to hide the embarrassment.
“Mackie, one day I’ll kill you and no one will know.” Sebastian replied to him but Anthony ended up laughing louder, even holding his belly. Evans’ eyes are still squinted, trying to see the bruises on your neck and on Sebastian, when he finally landed on a conclusion.
His mouth made a perfect round shape, shocked at his own realization, “Oh, my god. You guys are…?” his trailed went off, but Sebastian ended up nodding on him.
“I fucking knew it. I knew there was something else behind those lingering gazes you both give to each other.. like, alright, the tension is there but damn.” Chris ended up shaking his head on the two of you.
Sebastian didn’t mind the teasing and Anthony’s additional comments as he planted a kiss on your forehead, tucking you in his arms.
“To answer the question, Anthony, no, we’re not sick. Just a bad case of bed bugs.” Sebastian told Anthony, even glancing on where you are standing, “A very cute bed bug though. The bites are painful but I kind of like it. Who knows? I might get another BAD case of bites tomorrow.” He teases you as well and you covered your face with your hand to hide the embarrassment and blush on your face.
“Thank God for make-up right? You can cover that up.” You told him as you walk towards where the set is.
Sebastian gave you a look and snickered at your comment, “Excuse me? Who told you that I plan to cover it up?”
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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heart under construction (06)
word count; 4551
summary; jake takes his little brother for a heart to heart, and gives him some harsh truths.
notes; oh, y’all are going to hate it and love it at the same time. it’s painful but it’s the sort of pain that you’re going to love, and then it’s just suuuuuper cute.
warnings; none. just adorable.
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With a huff, Sam squeezed his eyes shut tighter to block out the morning light that was threatening to wake him even more. With a sigh, he rolled over to move his skin from the rays of sun poking through the tall balcony doors, feeling the warmth spreading across his back as he reached out, slinging an arm over your waist. 
Except, his arm landed against the soft carpet, one of his eyes cracking open as he looked around for you. The sun was lighting up the room in a golden early morning hue, specs of dust floating through the air lightly as he blinked, rubbing at his eyes and the pounding in his head suddenly became apparent. Taking a deep breath, Sam cringed as his throat felt like sandpaper, the taste in his mouth making him feel like gagging as he tried to come to terms with his hangover. 
Glancing down, heat crawled up his cheeks as he lay naked, sprawled out on the empty bedroom floor. Grabbing is boxers, he tugged them up his legs, his body aching as he stumbled to his feet to scoop up his jeans. Not even your bag or coat remained, and the house around him was silent, confusion filling the man and a frowned pulled on his face as he redressed himself. 
The silence was cut by the shrill ringing of his phone, and the pounding in his head only seemed to intensify as he searched for his phone, finding it sitting up on the window frame as the picture of a redhead pouting at him filled his screen. In his panic to decline, his phone shut down entirely, and he cursed as he tried to start it back up again. 
His foot was tapping angrily against the floor, the loading screen showing a small apple and he glared at the fruit as it seemed to drag on and on. When it had finally loaded, the notifications began to spring in, and he nibbled on the nail of his thumb as he anxiously waited for them all.
[Jessie from Tinder] Missed Call (3)
[Rachel from Tinder] Hey handsome, when do I next get to see ya?
[Jake 👷] How’d it go? You haven’t called me yet.
[Jake 👷] I’m assuming it went either really well or really bad.
“Oh, fuck!” He ran a hand through his hair, ignoring the text from Rachel, before his phone was once again buzzing, the sultry picture of the fiesty girl he’d been seeing on and off for the prior couple of weeks and he groaned, running a hand over his chin before clicking ‘accept’. “Hey, Jess..”
“Hiya, Sammy. Been calling you all morning.” 
“I know.” He spoke the words through gritted teeth, swallowing thickly. “I was.. Busy.”
“Are you busy all day? Because I was thinking maybe we could have a lazy day together, you don’t even have to wear your clothes.”
Her voice passed over the words in a sing-song tune and he winced, his jaw dropping as he tried to fumble for a response. “I just got dressed, so..”
“Well, I could undress you, and I’ll let you undress me? I know how much you like to.” 
She was baiting him, and he knew it, but he was far too hungover to handle this conversation with any kind of dignity and his head dropped back, letting him stare at the ceiling for a moment before he decided on his words. “Jess, look, I need to be totally honest with you.”
“You’re a really nice girl, and we have so much fun. We do. These past few weeks have been great and-”
“Oh my God, you’re not asking me out, right?”
“No!” He headed toward the stairs, rolling his eyes at himself from his outburst, and he listened to her chuckle down the phone. “I’m trying to tell you we can’t do this anymore. There’s a chick. Another chick, and I really like her..”
“I really hope it works out for you, Sam. And hey, if it doesn’t, then you have my number.”
“That I do.” He laughed, relief flooding his system momentarily as he reached the bottom floor, and he placed his free hand on his hip, looking around at the empty kitchen and frowning. “Thanks, Jess. Bye.”
Looking down at the blank screen, he cleared the call log, sending a half-assed reply to Rachel before moving onto his brother and trying to work out what to say. The blank message was staring at him, calling him a coward as he worked out just how to face down his brother, how to confess what happened.
It went really well. Like mind-blowingly well, multiple times. And then, it went really, really bad. Like Richter Scale 9.9 bad. 
Finally moving his fingers across the screen, he hit send, rereading the text he had constructed as the little bubble at the bottom popped up, the three dots dancing as he waited.
[Jake 👷] Okay, 1st of all, gross. 2nd, what the FUCK did u do?
He practically pouted down at his phone, brows furrowed. 
[Jake 👷] Uh-huh. I’ll pick u up and take u for breakfast, and u can tell me all about what u “didn’t” do.
He grinned, at his phone, his stomach rumbling at the mere mention of breakfast food, and despite the twisting nausea in his gut, his mouth was practically salivating as he thought about the breakfast fry-up he would be getting within the hour.
You’re the best. I love you so much. I want coffee too.
[Jake 👷] Course, u do, I’m the best big bro there is. I need coffee to deal with ur fuck up.
[Jake 👷] Also ily2.
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The large plate was finally placed down in front of him, and Sam had his knife and fork in his hands before the waitress had even left the table. With a hurried thank you, he stabbed aggressively at his bacon, folding the entire piece up and eating the strip in its entirety, his brother giving him a disgusted look. Sam would have flipped him off, if there wasn’t a trickle of bacon grease dripping from his lower lip, and he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand quickly, chewing as he did.
“You disgust me.”
“Good.” His retort could barely be heard around the mouthful of food, and Jake’s eyebrows rose as he sliced off an appropriately sized chunk of his omelette and lifted it to his mouth carefully. 
“So, you wanna’ tell me what happened then?”
Sam’s chewing slowed, and he had to practically choke down the bacon in his mouth, before nodding slowly. “I kissed her, and she kissed me back. It was very, very nice. The best kiss I ever had, actually.” He glanced down at his plate, picking up a piece of toast and distracting himself by spreading the butter across it. 
“Well, that’s good. Right?”
“Yeah, it was amazing. It was hot, too, seriously. The kissing wasn’t the only thing that was the best I ever had.” Sam sighed, ignoring the grunt his brother let out as he bit into the toast, sighing as the tasty food touched his tastebuds.
“So, what happened?”
“I don’t know. When I fell asleep, she was all cuddled into my chest and we were happy. I was fucking elated!” He scoffed, picking his fork back up once the toast was finished and poking around the food on his plate before settling in chopping up a sausage. “When I woke up, I was alone. She was gone, and I had a text from Rachel and calls from Jessie an-”
“Who’s Rachel?”
“Tinder chick.” Sam waved his hand, Jake rolling his eyes as he looked at him and Sam felt silent for a moment as he continued with his food, his stomach finally settling as he filled it with the tasty food. “So, clearly, she saw the text, and all the calls from Jess, and she must’ve thought..”
“Thought that you played her, slept with her, and then planned to treat her like one of your other hook-up girls, especially based on your past history of ditching her for a hot night?” Jake subsidised, and Sam glared at him, pausing mid-chew.
“I was leaving it for a subtle understanding between us, but thank you so much for that ridiculously aggressive form of the truth. Nothing gets past you, huh?” Jake simply flashed him a sly grin, the two men continuing to eat in quiet as they considered their options, and it wasn’t until the plates had been cleared and Sam was sipping his coffee as his brother pulled out his wallet that either of them spoke again.
“Why don’t you just call her?”
“Oh, yeah. That’s a good idea. ‘Hey, I know you’re probably super mad at me, especially now that, like, two hours have gone by, but I do really like you, I just didn’t think I had a chance with you and I didn’t think to delete all my hook-ups as contacts,. But, now I’ve decided that I am, in fact, in love with you, so I’m sorry I’m such a jackass, wanna date?’, yeah, that sounds awesome, Jake.” Sam huffed, his brother staring at him with wide eyes and a soft smile. “What?”
“You’re in love with her?”
Sam’s own eyes widened, and he let out a long sigh, before slumping down in his seat, smiling politely at the waitress as she handed over their receipt and a card with her name on in hopes of a review. “Yeah. So?”
“You’ve never told me you loved a girl before, that’s all.”
“What? Yes, I have!” His frown only deepened, and he fidgeted in his seat, a stormy mood coming over him from where he had somewhat brightened up. “What about.. y’know..”
“Evelyn?” Sam winced at the name of his ex, but nodded, picking at a splinter on the table as his brother hummed. “You never once said to me that you loved her. Not even when you broke up. I know it sucked what happened, but-”
“She was angry at her fiancé for making her move across the country so she dated me, and then married him anyway. I thought it would be me and her! I really liked her, Jake!” The words were practically growled out, and his brother only continued to beam, nodding excitedly. 
“Exactly! You really liked her, but you never once said you loved her!”
“Never? Not once?” Sam clarified, sitting up in his seat, and leaning across the table a little. 
“Not a single time. You know what this means, right?” He shook his head, urging the older man to continue speaking. “It means we have to fix this, dude!”
“We do? We can?”
“You’re fucking hopeless.” He sighed, taking his coat and he followed his brother’s lead, as the two of them stepped out of the homey diner. 
“How, exactly, are we going to fix it?”
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Monday was screwed, Sam had waited the whole afternoon to see you. He’d been home, showered, and put on his best shirt, his hair flopping around his forehead in fluffy curls as he sat in the truck, listening to his playlist quietly as he waited to see you, hoping that you would pass by. 
He spent the time going through his phone, deleting his contacts and clearing out anyone who wasn’t important, his finger hovering over your name as he considered calling you, but he had to stick to the plan. The bouquet of beautiful flowers on the seat beside him forced him to do so. He had picked them out especially, spending over ten minutes staring at the colourful arrangements before settling on a pricey bunch of flowers that he thought were perfect. 
He had run over the speech in his mind several times, he had it all worked out, and now, he was chewing on his bottom lip and waiting for you to pass by. His eyes seemed to find the clock every minute or two, time only seeming to drag on even slower each time before he finally busied himself with cleaning out the truck of the car, and walking through the house, picking up the beer bottles for the night before and scrubbing the spilt lager from the floor.
When the sun was finally setting, he had given up hope, Jake driving him home as he gripped onto his flowers, assuring him that maybe you were just sick because of your hangover, and that he couldn't give up hope. 
Jake was right, he absolutely couldn’t give up. 
Not when he was this close to being happy.
Tuesday passed by in the same fashion, the flowers had been brought back, and he played with the stems gently, picking the thorns off of the roses and building up a small pile, until he stems were smooth and he had a small handful of spiky plant bits in the palm of his hand. Rolling down the window, he sprinkled them out onto the pavement, disposing of them quickly. His head snapped up when he noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye, sitting up straight as he gasped, but his mood came quickly plummetting down as he realised it was not you, it was simply one of the older neighbours, making her way up the road slowly. 
He watched her carefully, her husband locking the front door shakily before he followed after her, doing his best speedwalk to catch up to her, his arm held out as he neared. She had paused, linking her arm through his and pressing a delicate kiss to his cheek before they had continued on their way, and he waved at them as they passed.
His heart was racing, and his mind drifted back to you. He could picture the two of you together in your older age, looking after one another as you moved about the big house before him. The rooms would have been redecorated over and over, from baby rooms to kids, to teenagers, to teens that thought they were adults. When they were old enough, perhaps the rooms would have been changed back to baby rooms once again, as he revisited those years when he had grandkids to look down on fondly.
Wednesday was when Sam hit his low, the half week had pulled around and Sam had convinced Jake to message you when the middle of the struck. If you had been staying off because of your hangover, you had to have passed it by now, and you were avoiding him. 
He was familiar with this habit, you had another way to work and you had to be taking it. He had no idea how to find you, three days had no passed and Sm felt like he couldn't breathe. His flowers had begun to turn slightly brown on the petals, and the heat of the day and forced him out of the truck to sit on the front steps of the house because today was absolutely sweltering. He had convinced Jake to send you a text, something he had really hoped sounded light and breezy, the two had spent over half an hour trying to construct it carefully, and you had simply left it on ‘read’. Despite how much Jake had insisted it was okay, Sam could tell it clearly hurt him. Because of his own idiocy, he had now lost the woman he loved, and he had forced Jake to lose a good friend in the process.
He wanted to throw up.
He was still toying with just calling you, but now it felt like a waste of time. If you weren’t talking to Jake, you sure as hell wouldn't be talking to him, and you had probably blocked his number by this point. Jake had pulled him out of that little spiral by telling him to man up and stop looking like he was crying on the porch.
Thursday and Friday flew past in a blur, and new hope barely being enough to keep him cheered up but it was enough to keep him going. Jake had to drag him off of the porch when it had started to get cold, only the promises of a crate of beer and plenty of pizza had forced him up onto his feet. He felt like he’d been sitting in the car for far too long, and he looked down at the watch on his wrist, finding that Jake had now been in the pizza shop for over thirty minutes, and while they had definitely ordered a lot of food, it certainly wasn’t thirty minutes after being given a collection time’s worth of food. 
With a deep groan, he leaned back and kicked his feet up on the dash, resting his elbow on the edge of the door and balancing his head on top of his hand. Cranking up the radio, the same song that you’d first heard on your trip to Ikea was playing and he wanted to gag at the predictability of it. 
Of course, this song had to play. 
As if his week hadn't sucked enough already. 
Deciding he had most definitely had enough, he opened the car, snatching the keys from the ignition and locking it behind himself as he jogged down the road toward the pizza shop, ducking into it and finding Jake just as peeved as he was. Sensing his brother’s arrival, Jake glanced over scowling and shrugging his shoulders as they looked around the packed little entryway. 
Leaning against the wall next to him, Sam crossed his arms, looking out into the darkness over the evening outside and huffing. He just couldn't cat a fucking break, and now, even his cheer-up dinner was turning out to be a bust. He hadn't realised he’d zoned out until his arm began to ache, and he snapped back, looking to Jake who was hitting his arm forcefully. 
“Dude, why are you hitting m- Ow! Stop that!” He smacked at his brother’s arms, scowling as he turned to look at him, arms flying out to his sides in question, and Jake pointed back out of the window, across the road and into the dark.
“There!” He gestured, and Sam squinted as he peered out.
“Look over near the little clock towards and the cabs. That’s (Y/N), right?” Sam looked again, his jaw dropping, a shocked mumble falling from his lips as he watched you walking by, your hands rubbing up and down your arms and you took up a slight jog in the night air, and Sam was stumbling over his own feet as he raced from the little shop.
“(Y/N)!” He watched as you spun around, shocked slightly as you looked around, before you spotted him, sending him a short wave and a polite smile, before continuing your way after watching him for a second longer. He was thankful for the late hour, the roads fairly empty and Sam made his way across the road in a quick dash, following after you and hooking his hand into your elbow, spinning you to face him as he panted lightly. “Please wait.”
“You gave me your polite smile, and I hate that smile.” He mumbled, your face falling even further as your shoulders slumped, and you looked at him carefully before adjusting your bag on your shoulder, wrapping your arms around yourself in the cool evening. 
“You hate my smile?”
“No.” He shook his head lips pursed as he rubbed his hands together, trying to work out how best to say what he was trying to. “I love your smile. I love everything about you. But you have different smiles, okay? You have all these different looks, and I don’t like the polite smile look, because it’s the same look you give to someone when you don’t like them and you don’t want to talk to them, and I want to be someone you like and want to talk to.”
“I don’t get where this is going? The ball was in your court, Sam, you didn’t call!” 
“I didn’t think you’d want me to!” He exclaimed, the volume of his voice matching yours as the two of you stared one another down, and Sam narrowed his eyes, confusion etched on his features as he tried to work out what was going on.
“Why would I not want you to?”
“Because of Jessie!” He wanted to actually die, because he had never seen you look sadder than he did in this very moment, because you practically deflated before his eyes, and he panicked. 
“Who’s Jessie?” He shrugged off his coat, wrapping it around your shoulders and using his grip on the collar to pull you forward. 
“You’re cold, please put this on, otherwise you’re going to freeze.” He mumbled, licking over his lips as you pushed your arms through the sleeves, hs fingers moving down the front as he buttoned it up carefully to keep you warm, before pulling his hands back, respectfully pushing them into his pockets. “Jessie was this girl I was seeing for a few weeks, the last time I saw her was the night I left you to watch the sunset with Jake. I had a bunch of missed calls from her on the morning after we.. were together.. and a text from a girl called Rachel, I figured you saw them and thought I was playing you and so you left.”
“I don’t care about who you hooked up with before, Sam. I’m mad that you never called me. I don’t care if you used to be a ‘player’ or whatever, but I’m the kind of girl that likes to be with a guy in a real relationship. You told me I was special, and you made me feel like you wanted.. more!”
“I-” He choked, your gaze softening as you shrugged at him your gaze dropping to hide your expression and he whined, stepping into your space and risking the rejection as he placed his hands on your face, lifting your sights back up to his as he watched you carefully. “I’m in love with you. I’m so in love with you, it’s insane.”
“I was a player, and I liked it. And then, this super cute nursery teacher walked by one day six months ago and I hit her on the head and at that moment I think I fell way harder than she did.” He huffed, your teasing smile at his cheesy words making heat crawl up his cheeks, but he’d started now, and he had to finish. “You’re so cute, and I was damaged but I don’t care because all I want is to hold your hand, and kiss you in the mornings, and attend those functions every year as your date.”
“So, why didn’t you call?”
He gave you a little smile, his hands sliding over your shoulders to hold yours, your joint fingers almost swamped by the long sleeves of his coat hanging on your frame. “You left, I thought you were angry at me.”
“I left you a note!”
“You what?” You grinned, one hand leaving his as you dug your hands into the pockets of the coat you wore, pulling out his phone as you flicked through it and opened the notes app, showing him the latest draft there. 
‘got a call from work, had to dash. wish I could stay, call me and we can do dinner or smthin. I had a great time last night, it was amazing.’
You held the phone up in front of his face, lighting up the blush he sported as you watched him read the words out loud, and he sighed, defeated. “I didn’t see your note.” He felt angry, at himself, and he swallowed thickly, dropping his head. “I didn’t see the fucking note, I’m an id-”
Your lips pressed to his softly, and he hummed happily, his hands finding your hips and pulling you closer as you chuckled against his lips. Your hands found a home around his neck, and he pulled you impossibly closer, up onto your tiptoes as his arms wrapped around your waist to hold you as close to him as he possibly could. 
“It’s hard to kiss you when you’re laughing at me.” He muttered, only making you laugh more, and your forehead rested against his. He stroked a hand up and down your back, pecking the tip of your nose as he smiled, before letting you tuck your face into his neck, holding you in a tight hug. “You’re not mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you.” You mumbled, scattering kisses along his jaw as you trailed your lips back up to his, Sam’s breathing going shallow and he let out a low groan when you finally kissed him again. This time, you weren’t laughing and smiling. 
Your lips were pressed to his in long and slow movements, dragging together slowly as your body leaned on his for more support, and his own knees trembled as he let his tongue flick out to tease at your lower lip. Tilting your head to the side, you parted them for him, and he licked his way into your mouth happily, little moans falling from both of you in unison. 
“Fuck yeah!”
You squeaked at the loud noise, your body falling away and Sam looked over his shoulder, Jake cheering as he held onto the pizza boxes, practically bouncing on the spot as he beamed at you both from the other side of the empty road. 
“Tell her the thing!”
“I already did, Jake!” The man growled at his brother, feeling you poke at his arm.
“What thing?”
“The ‘I love you’ thing- Jake, stop staring at us!” Sam snapped at his brother again, his sour mood quickly fading as he heard you laughing, your face burying into his shoulder as you held onto his hand with both of yours. He excused himself from you for a moment, jogging across the road to take a pizza from the top of the pile and tossing his brother his car keys before making his way back to you, holding it up as an offering. “How about pizza? And kissing. Lot’s of kissing. Maybe a movie. It’s a barbecue chicken pizza.” 
He shrugged his shoulders as you rolled your eyes fondly, nodding at him as you held out your hand, fingers spread. With a racing heart, he laced his fingers with yours, kissing your knuckles before dipping his head down to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “Say the thing, again.”
“It’s a barbecue chicken pizza?” Your elbow dug into his ribs as you guided him back to your car, and he grumbled under his breath about the joke, smiling as you falsely pulled away from him, but his hand around yours tightened, instead, pulling you closer to him before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek, before raising up enough to brush his lips to your ear. “Oh, did you mean, I love you? I do. I love you, a lot.”
“I love you too, and I want first pick of the slices in that box.”
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young k - did i mention? part two
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«and i would give my kingdom for
just one kiss»
It had been two weeks since that night, and Brian couldn't forget about her. He tried his everything to see her around campus, but he wasn't lucky. He was also very busy with royal meetings, so that made it even harder to find her. And he, being stupid, forgot to ask for her number.
She was all he thought about. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes... he hadn't felt that way with anyone, so he had no idea what this feelings were. He just knew he wanted to be with her.
– Are you ready? – Sungjin stood in the door frame, arms crossed –. Because you should. We're leaving in five minutes.
Brian sighed. Today was the birthday of Lady Alexandra, the daughter of Earl Barrington. He didn't want to go, especially because his parents wanted them to get acquainted. And she wasn't a nice person either. But duty is duty.
On the other side of town, [y/n] looked at herself in the mirror.
– I don't know Jae. Is this really a good idea?
Jae was the son of the King's right hand. They met at a college party, the only party y/n went to. They kicked it off immediately. He didn't want to go alone to the party, and since it was allowed to have a plus one, he decided to invite her to spend some time together.
– Of course it is!! Brian won't know what hit him – and maybe to help her with her big crush.
[y/n] blushed and looked at her image again. She was wearing a satin ivory dress. The V-neck showed her décolletage, along with some freckles. It was a long dress, with a princess line. Her dark hair was down, wavy. For her makeup, her lips were a dark red, but the rest was very simple, since she didn't want to exaggerate it.
– And you look gorgeous – she smiled at him and hugged him.
– Thank you for this Jae, you're the best.
– Oh I know.
They laughed and made their way to the birthday ball. They were jamming to music, not caring about what their driver would think. And after a couple more songs they arrived at the building. [y/n] was mesmerized. It was enormous. There were people arriving in limousines, guards standing at the door, and the outdoor decorations were beautiful.
Jae showed the guards his invitation and both of them entered with no problems. There they met Dowoon and Wonpil. Wonpil was the prince of The Orville Kingdom, a neighbor country. He was also studying at the Lewis Lemore University and they met thanks to Jae introducing them one day.
[y/n] tried to see and find Brian, but she couldn't find him. She didn't know what she would do once she saw him, to be honest. It would certainly be awkward, for both of them. She shook those thoughts off and had some fun with the guys.
Brian was on the way to the party. Two hours later. The limousine had a problem, so they had to rent another one, and it wasn't easy considering almost everybody was invited. He just wanted to get there, see his friends and have some fun.
Once he finally arrived, all eyes turned to see him. Everybody bowed and Lady Alexandra went straight to greet him. He wished her a happy birthday and thanked for the invitation, while she was trying to get him to dance with her, to which he answered with a "maybe later". He wanted to excuse himself and look for his friends, but she wasn't letting him go that easily.
Then he heard it. That laugh. He thought he may be hallucinating, but then he heard it again. He turned around and saw his friends, Jae, Dowoon and Wonpil, even Sungjin was with them. And then he saw her. Their eyes met and it was as if they were the only ones in the room. She looked astonishingly beautiful, and Brian couldn't keep his eyes off her. [y/n] was so happy to see him again, but she had to control herself, since they weren't alone this time.
Brian excused himself and made his way towards her. He first greeted his friends, and then faced her. He took her hand and kissed it, just like the last time they met.
– [y/n], what a pleasure to see you again. You look beautiful.
– Thank you, Your Highness. You look good too.
Lady Alexandra was fuming. Who was her and why was Brian so attracted to her? She was sure she didn't invite her, and she wasn't going to accept someone stealing Prince Brian from her.
– I'm sorry, but I don't think you were invited. So please, get out of my birthday party – that took all of them by surprise.
– Look –Jae said. He wasn't going to let her treat [y/n] like that –. In your invitation was clearly stated that people were allowed to have a plus one, and she's mine, so she's allowed to be here.
– I meant a royal plus one, and she clearly isn't one. It doesn't matter how nice she dresses herself, she's still a commoner. And I don't want commoners in my party. People like her are way below us, and they don't deserve to attend glamorous parties like this one. I really can't understand how you can get acquainted with her.
Brian was shocked. How could she treat her like that? Jae on the other hand was ready to throw fists, but [y/n] put a hand on his shoulder while whispering "I got this".
– Lady Alexandra – she curtsied –. First of all, happy birthday. It's a great party – Alexandra rolled her eyes –. If you want me to leave that badly, don't worry, I'll leave.
– Thank god –she was ready to leave, but [y/n]'s voice made her stay.
– But with all due respect, Lady, you don't have the right to talk to people like that only because you're a royal. Wether you like it or not, we're all humans and we bleed the same. And your title certainly doesn't give you the right to mistreat others – Lady Alexandra was silent –. I wish you an amazing party. If you'll excuse me.
[y/n] left the ballroom with her head up high, glad to have told her off. But once she exited the building, sadness took over her. She was having a great night, and Brian had just arrived. She told herself it was destiny, it meant she didn't have to be there and that they weren't supposed to be together. Her apartment was on the other side of town, so she decided to call a taxi.
In the ballroom...
– Wow, that was badass – Jae was the first to react. He was really proud of her, she didn't let Lady Alexandra bring her down.
Brian's feelings were mixed. He loved how [y/n] told Alexandra off, but he was really mad at Alexandra for making her leave.
– She was right, you know? – Lady Alexandra turned to look at him –. You should not treat your people like garbage just for the reason they're not of royal descendance. I hope you learned a lesson today, Lady Alexandra. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Brian exited the building, looking for [y/n]. He wanted to reassure her that what Alexandra told her wasn't true, and that she didn't deserve being treated like that. She deserved to be treated like a princess. After a couple of minutes wandering off, he realized she must have gone home. He texted his friends to come out and once they did, they took a limousine to the castle.
They went straight to the bar. It was the place they met every Saturday to talk about their week and have some drinks. They all got comfortable and sat down. Brian took a shot straight away and then put his head on his hands.
– Hey, it's everything okay? – asked Dowoon, worried about his friend.
– No, it's not. I just don't know what to do – he said, frustrated.
– Why don't you tell us what's bothering you?
– We all know it's about [y/n] but tell us the details.
– That's the problem. I don't know what this is. I just know that since I met her I've been feeling happier, more alive. She's funny, down to earth, kind, and gorgeous. I have the feeling she understands me better than anyone else. I dream of her every single night, and I just want to be next to her. Damn, I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.
– Dude, you're in love with her – said Jae –. And you should do something about it soon.
[y/n] was in the library, doing some research for her homework. It had been a month since the ball incident, and she hadn't talk to Brian since then. Sure, she saw him around campus, but she hided every single time, too embarrassed to actually talk to him. She hadn't forget about him though. Indeed, she dreamt about him almost every night, which wasn't good for her. She needed to come to terms with the fact that he was a prince, and she was your average girl. She just wasn't good enough for him.
It was really cold outside. Christmas was just around the corner, only one week of college left and she could go home again. She used to think college would be fun, and it was, but it had been stressful the last couple weeks. So she really needed a break.
She finished her research, and told herself she would do the rest later. She put her coat and scarf and left the library. Outside, the sun was shining, making the snow glitter. She smiled and enjoyed the cold breeze in her face.
– Beautiful, isn't it? – she jumped at the voice next to her. She looked at the person and there was Brian, smiling at her.
– Your Highness – she curtsied.
– I thought we talked about this [y/n]. I'm just Brian for you. Now, I believe I promised to make it up to you after our spontaneous rendezvous in Alevine. So, if you'll allow me – he took her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers, making [y/n] blush.
They started walking. [y/n] had no idea where they were going, but she was excited to spend some time with him. She noticed people looking at them, and covered her face more with her scarf.
– Brian, are you sure about this? People are staring, and I don't want them to think bad about you.
– [y/n], I've never been so sure about anything in my life.
Her heart jumped at his words. His hand felt so warm against her and, to her surprise, they fitted perfectly. Maybe they could be together after all. She shook her head, she shouldn't get too ahead of herself.
They arrived at the town's skating rink. It was outdoors and it the center of town, near the castle. There were some people ice skating. [y/n] could hear the sound of metal against ice and the people's murmurs and that made her smile. Brian rented some ice skates and sat down. He first helped [y/n] get into hers, and then put his. They went together and he was the first to step on the ice. He glided across the ice with ease and grace, looking like a natural. It was as if he was meant to be on ice. [y/n] was looking at him with great admiration.
He glided towards her and offered her his hand. She took it and got into the rink. She tripped and took his other hand and he helped her stabilize herself, while both were laughing. They began to skate with their hands intertwined, and chatting away. They took different ways, skating alone for some time and [y/n] felt  beautiful and calm while skating. It was had been a long time since she last ice-skated, so she was really happy Brian brought her there. A while later, they decided to have a race.
– I'm totally winning this - said [y/n], being confident.
– We'll see about that – Brian said and winked at her.
At first, Brian was in first place. But after a while, [y/n] caught up. She really wanted to win, and skated a bit faster than she was used to, making her fall. She laughed hysterically while feeling the cold pain. Brian was laughing too as he helped her up. Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to her hip. It settled there and pulled her closer. She inhaled sharply. She was against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? His breathing quickened as did hers. His head was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to hers. Her heart fluttered inside her chest. He kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Time stopped, the people around them disappeared. It was just the two of them.
He drew away and rested his forehead on hers. That kiss was better than anything he imagined. Their lips fitted like two puzzle pieces. It had only been one kiss, but he knew he was addicted to her. She was the half that made him whole.
– I've been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you – he smiled and pulled away.
[y/n] was still on cloud nine. No reaction was coming out of her, making Brian anxious. She just couldn't believe what had happened. He took her chin softly and made her look at him. He smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back. It was a perfect moment.
He held her hand and they exited the rink. Once they took the ice skates off, Brian walked her to a nearby bench. They sat in silence for a while, looking at each other, until Brian spoke up.
– I really like you. No, I'm in love with you. You came into my world and rocked it. You made me happier. Love was something I only knew from fairytales, and my parents. But honestly, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me. But look at what you've done – he chuckled slightly –. I just want to be with you every day from now. I want to go on dates with you, I want to show you off, I want my parents to meet you - [y/n] thought she was dreaming. Was he really confessing to her right now? –. What I'm trying to say is, [y/n], would you be my girlfriend?
A big smile formed on her face, reaching her eyes. The love of her life had just admitted being in love with her and asked to be her girlfriend. And come on, we all know the answer.
– Yes, a thousand times yes!
And they lived happily ever after.
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