#also i am very sorry this took so long to answer it was lost within the drafts šŸ˜ž i live in shame
katsigian Ā· 7 months
drop this sunfloweršŸŒ»into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! let's spread some sunshine ā˜€ļø mutual of all time!!
Ahfjdhs thank you so much! šŸ’› and likewise, I'm always happy to see you and your OCs on the dash šŸ„¹
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britneyshakespeare Ā· 1 year
i have a lot of dreams where i 1) impulsively adopt an animal i shouldnā€™t be adopting and/or 2) have already adopted an animal i have forgotten about but suddenly remember and/or 3) an animal i have not had for a long time is dusty and sick lying behind or underneath some large object in my house and i take it out from under there, itā€™s on the edge of death and i have to save it while coping with the fact that iā€™ve been such an irresponsible animal owner
#i had these kind of dreams since BEFORE my dog died violently and traumatically in november 2021 jsyk#i never have dreams where ive forgotten about raider under the washing machine#i do have these dreams about real pets ive had though. like my guinea pig phil who died in may of 2009#in real life i took very very good care of him and cared about him a lot. in a recurring dream he is a dust-covered frail lost cause#i also had that dream before about my childhood dog maxie who died in 2016? at 10 years old? of diabetes?#she CERTAINLY never would've gone missing in the house let me tell you that#tales from diana#the impulse-adoption dreams are usually smaller animals like ferrets and bunnies that i just buy like a bag of chips#and then i get home and im like OH NO I HAVE TO TAKE CAREĀ  OF YOU????#why do i have these i-am-irresponsible-with-animals dreams#this is coming to mind bc within the last week i had a dream where i had like. a 10-year-old dog i somehow FORGOT ABOUT#but i got it when i was in middle school or smth. it stayed most of its life w my uncles family for some reason???#and its name was. suho. like kim junmyeon. from exo.#i would love to name a dog after suho lol#i would not like answering the question 'where did you get that name from?' 'none of your business' >:(#it was a little black dog that looked a lot like raider but not quite. it had a rounder head and whatnot#certainly an unidentifiable terrier-ish mutt like my sweet prince was#i was very happy to be reunited with. suho. but i felt bad that i hadn't been taking care of him in so long#i'm sorry suho
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hattersarts Ā· 2 months
hi! ;_; i come to you seeking wisdom: do you know of any f/f ships featuring mothers/mother figures? I know persephone/nyx or hekate/selene but i was trying to find others and can't think of any. There's no way there's only two. So i thought I'd ask you since it sounds like something you might know about?
Hi!! sorry this took so long to respond, i wrote the answer out once and then my web browser refreshed on me and i lost all my paragraphs šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
Im going to assume you mean strictly mother/mother pairings (i don't know hekate/selene so don't know what those dynamics are)
Emma Swan/Regina Mills (Once Upon a time) These guys were the top f/f ship on ao3 for years for a reason, they literally share a son BUT ARE MORTAL ENEMIES AS DECREED BY A MAGICAL CURSE. AND THEN THEY HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER. the show is often batshit insane but when you get 13K fics that cover a massive range of plots and are so well written i cant complain. s1 is recommended watching to get into the fic but honestly even just the first half of s1 is probably fine and then a plot summary of the rest. Grace Hansen/Frankie Bergstein (Grace & Frankie) i mean am i not supposed to root for the two women who's husbands cheated on them with each other to then get together?? fic pool has a lot of established older writers in it so the quality is so good and grace is the best non-canon comp het character to ever exist (yes even within the the text of the show, some of the things she does are CRAZY) lmao i guess i can also suggest alicent/rhaenyra from House of the Dragon, but the depends on if you enjoy GoT/HotD things (its milfs with shared history i enjoy them a great deal)
I've a few others that are very minor (lol Queen Lillian/Fairy Godmother anyone) but these are the biggest mother/mother pairings that come to mind that have somewhat of a fandom. I've a few that are single mother/single character that have kids as an important part of the ship but not sure if thats what you're looking for.
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copperbadge Ā· 2 months
Hi Sam! I wanted to ask if you feel lately like you've been getting anything positive out of your therapy, because a lot of your initial thoughts about it kind of mirror mine. I'm very logical (except when I'm upset at myself) and very skeptical, so I feel like a therapist either isn't going to tell me anything new, or that I'm going to just disregard it because I can't trick myself into believing things that I just plain don't believe.
But I'm also starting to come to a realization, two years after my ADHD diagnosis and letting go (without therapy!) of most of the executive dysfunction-fueled self worth issues I was having, that I'm kind of Not Okay in other ways. I'm safe ā€”going to work every day and doing my job so I won't lose my livelihood and have never had a self harm urge in my lifeā€” But I'm not really okay. I'm having major self esteem issues related to my personality separate from the executive dysfunction that are putting me in a bad place. I don't want to take antidepressants for reasons I won't go into but that means my other option is therapy and... I don't know if I'm a person that therapy will actually work on. I found a lot of validation in some of your perspectives, about affirmations being bullshit and "mindfulness" exercises feeling impossible and useless, about not having an inner monologue and how that might be causing issues with traditional methods. So I was just wondering, do you feel like therapy is working now that you've been in it longer?
I've wasted a lot of money on "elective" (and ultimately useless, back to square one) medical nonsense this year and I'm not eager to waste more, but I've also met my insurance deductible so it's the best time to try it if I'm going to.
I mean, it depends on the modality a little but I don't think trying basic talk therapy can hurt, as long as you find a decent therapist. And it's better to try it now when you're feeling Mostly Okay than waiting until you are Really Not Okay. But this entire paragraph comes with a lot of context so....
A lot of what I talked about in terms of struggling with mindfulness, etc. was less related to the therapy I am still in than it was to the DBT class I took at Therapist's suggestion. We were both aware that she was basically throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck, and while it was an interesting class I don't think for me it was helpful. As you mention, I struggled with affirmations and visualization since neurologically I'm not really set up for those; I don't think they're objectively bullshit but I do think there's an assumption within the mental health industry that they will have function for everyone and that's simply untrue, and the expectation that it will is very damaging. I also struggled with the physical-intervention aspects (called TIPP usually) which didn't work at all for me and felt frankly like doctor-approved self harm. DBT can get very culty, which set off a ton of red flags for me -- possibly false flags, but they still waved real big.
And that's because I also have a lot of trust issues surrounding therapy. To the point where, the minute one of the people running the DBT class made actually quite gentle fun of me for asking a question he couldn't answer, I checked out on anything he said. We were learning about a DBT concept called Wise Mind and I asked, "If wise mind is an identifiable mental state, how do we know if we're in it?" and when he couldn't quite answer beyond "It's different for everyone" I said, "But if we know it's real there must be some kind of common denominator, a measurable data point," and he said "Well, Sam, you're not going to levitate" and the rest of the class laughed. Sorry bud, this is almost certainly an over-reaction, but I'm me and you lost me when you came at me instead of just admitting you didn't know. (Also it turns out I just live in Wise Mind like 80% of the time which is one reason I couldn't tell.)
But basic talk therapy outside of DBT is just...you talk at someone about your problems and come up with ways to try and solve them, which is a lot more straightforward and way less frustrating. You have to be an active participant, you have to both have a goal and be willing to discuss reaching it, but that goal can be as simple as just "figure out what my mental health goals should be" at first. You don't have to learn like, vocabulary for it.
The thing is, while I have seen some improvement in regulation issues, I also struggle with basic talk therapy. Most people, and this blew my mind, see measurable improvement in nine to eighteen therapy sessions. A lot of people don't go long-term, they just are having a moment and get help getting through the moment and then can disengage, with their therapist's approval.
I was in therapy consistently from the age of nine to eighteen and only stopped because I reached legal majority and physically refused to go.
Not one minute of those nine years did I want to be there. And, because none of the three therapists I saw across those years actually explained to me why I was there or how therapy worked, for me it felt like "Your punishment for having feelings is to speedrun every feeling you had this week in an hour, to a stranger." There was also what my current therapist believes to be some extremely unethical behavior going on, which didn't help.
So it has taken actually a lot of time to get to a place where I would even allow her to understand what help I need. I've been in therapy for about a year (generally weekly but there have been some gaps) and it has only recently gotten deeper than very basic interpersonal problem-solving.
Like, two weeks ago I told her, "I had a thought this week that I couldn't tell you about something I was doing because then you'd have material on me" (meaning blackmail material) "and that's a fucked-up thing to think." And once I'd actually identified it as fucked up I had zero issue telling her about it, wasn't even nervous as I did so. Who's she going to tell? She's literally legally constrained from telling.
I think well over half of what she does is either validate that whatever emotion I'm having is normal, affirm my reactions so I don't keep believing I behaved weirdly, or praise something I've done that was a positive act. Does this work? Not always, because I'm unfortunately very aware that it's part of her job to do those things. But yeah, sometimes. Even if you don't fully believe it, "Hey that was a really smart move" is nice to hear. Sometimes she helps me come up with a plan for stressful future events or (rarely) behavior modification, and sometimes she either provides me with research or points me towards research I can do on my own. We don't do meditation or affirmations or stuff like that.
Like, last week I brought up the fact that I hadn't really ever thought about how if I have a disability that causes emotional dysregulation and I got it from my parents, they also likely had undiagnosed emotional dysregulation when raising me. So she said I should look into research on children with emotionally dysregulated parents. I was pretty annoyed by what I found (the ONE TIME adults are the focus instead of the kids is the ONE TIME I needed to learn about the kids, really?) but it led to something that was both informative and upsetting, so we discussed that. And when I was stumped about how to move forward with the information, she suggested that my general coping mechanism of writing about it was probably a good plan.
(At which point I just silently advanced my powerpoint presentation to the next slide, where I had a series of quotes from the Shivadh novels where Michaelis, acting as a parent, repeatedly does the exact opposite of the upsetting thing, because I realized even before the meeting that it's an ongoing theme in my work whenever I deal with people being parents. It's a good thing she has a sense of humor and also that I do.)
So yeah. Going into therapy you have to be ready to reject a therapist if you don't like them or if they get weird and pushy, you have to be ready to be a self-advocate, but you are the client; it shouldn't be super difficult to find someone who can at least walk you through what you want from it and agree not to do the stuff you don't want, and if you want to stop going you just...stop going.
Good luck, in any case! I hope you get what you need, whether or not that ends up being therapy.
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walkingstackofbooks Ā· 3 months
DS9 4x23Ā The Quickening thoughts (Iā€™m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [8 Sept ā€˜23]
How does this episode start with something as silly as Quark's stupid advertising stunt?! XD
"And believe me, I will have fun." Yeah, Kira is scary. I love it.
I actually adore that shot of Julian and Jadzia transporting down, and the panoramic view.
"I slept in a bed for the first time on my life." That is devastating
"I'm sorry I don't understand. I- I thought you said you could help her." Juliaaaan <3 <3 <3
I love that both Julian and Jadzia have discarded the Prime Directive straight away, with their "we've got sophisticated equipment, we can help!" mindset!
"I thought you l this was a hospital. That you were a healer?" "I am. I take away pain." I have so much respect for Trevean, honestly.
"Well, there's nothing for us to do here. We should go." That's so unlike Julian. Gosh. He's so frustrated by this all!
"Come back for us within a week. With any luck we should have a cure by then." So optimistic! I can see why people would say he's arrogant, and he's definitely naive... but if they have cured a plague in three days it's also not baseless?? And the other two aren;t exactly saying "hah, that's impossible/unlikely, Julian".
Ekoria is so cute. "How would you like to see a picture of your baby?" Her smile!!! :3
Julian's excitement and inability to not use medical words XD
"Ekoria, where did you get all this food?" Jadzia being the gentle emotionally intelligent one next to Julian's unthinking "starving" <3
"I was saving it for my death, but something tells me I'm not going to need it anymore." Her faith from the outset makes this all so more devastating.
Julian doesn't have a problem with people not liking him -- but when people say they don't need a doctor? He needs them to need him -- and he needs to be allowed to help.
"What if I told you there was a chance you didn't have to die. I'm a doctor." It is SO much of his identity. (Feeling some DBIP feels for when he thinks he's gonna be stripped of that part of him.)
"Fixing a broken bone and curing the blight are two different things." "I know that." šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”
"Others have come here with promises of a cure, and stirred up hope, took food and clothing in exchange for their elixirs." I'm so curious about this, were they actually trying to help and failed and gave up, or were they scammers - in which case, I guess it's an easy planet to scam but for what, really? You do definitely understand Trevean's point of view though.
"I'm not making any promises." At least you know that much, Julian.
"Maybe my people don't deserve your help." "Oh they've just been suffering for so long they've lost hope that things can be better." Now that's the Julian I know and adore -- I love how these two together build up each other's hope and faith in other people šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
"I suppose you're gonna wanna bleed me?" "Oh, um, a little." Welp XD I assumed the answer was going to be no šŸ˜‚
"I cancelled my death for you. I was really looking forward to it." Oh no. I know what's coming. He gets a worse death. Oh, this is all so sad
"Think of it. She may well be holding the cure in her hands. Do you think we should tell her what she's giving them?" "She's nervous enough about using the hypo. It's better we wait till we're positive." He's too eager, just can't wait - I get that Julian, but good work on listening to Dax even if you're disappointed, because she's right.
It's the Kukulaka conversation!
"Trust me." "I do." Ohhh šŸ’”šŸ’”
"I was watching you. You're very good with patients." HE'S SO SWEET
"But death comes to everyone in the end." "Except Kukalaka." How did that come to your mind as the next thing to say?! This is the most ADHD, such a random thing XD I'd forgotten how he'd brough Kukalaka up šŸ˜‚
"Help me, Bashir!" fuuuuuuck
"Come on, breathe. Breathe. Breathe." "Julian..." "Breathe." This scene is everything. All the feels. This is my favourite sort of emotion.
"These people believed in me and look where that got them." šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
"You know what worries me Julian, is that without me you won't have anyone to translate for you." Oh that was so soft :3 just a quiet lil joke. I adore Dax ā¤ā¤
Him just carrying all that equipment by himself! :o
"Oh not a task. A privilege. Can you show me how to make it?" "I was hoping you'd ask that." Not me crying. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”
"Good work." "Thank you, sir." He just shuts down with Sisko's praise. My HEART. Oh, Julian.
"But their children won't." "That's what I keep telling myself, sir." He says that so quickly, you can tell he doesn't believe it. That whole scene is just... I think it tells us so much about Julian. Yes, he's too brash and loud and naive sometimes, but everything comes from a place of caring so, so much about everyone... I love him, you know?
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alj4890 Ā· 2 months
Repeat Performance
(Thomas Hunt x OC) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries drabble.
With the quote: "Thank god I have no idea what you're talking about." He took a sip of his wine. "When you start making sense I am going to panic."
@hopelessromantic1352 came across this quote a while back and we both thought it screamed our favorite director. Sorry this request took so long to answer my sweet friend šŸ¤—
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Golden Globes After-party...
"What can I get for you?" A bartender asked.
Thomas eyed the selection of bottles behind the woman. Not seeing his favorite brand of scotch available, he decided to have a glass of wine.
"Cabernet Sauvignon." He responded.
With glass in hand, he turned around to observe the crowd of the rich and famous, mingling around the pool at the Beverly Hilton. He saw many of the usual faces he'd come to know through his years as director. He saw all the usual actions of flirting, rivalry, friendship, and those finagling to secure the next award winning hit.
Normally, he'd make an appearance at one of these events, then discreetly slip away for a quiet evening at home. This night's event though had something that made him want to stay, or more specifically, someone.
That specific someone was one he had not set eyes on, at least in person, in over a year.
Thomas had nearly faltered when he stepped on stage to present the award for best director and saw her in the audience. Since he'd won the award the year before for The Last Duchess, he was unable to get out of coming to this year's event. After his film swept the award's circuit, Thomas had lost all inspiration for another project.
He'd also become somewhat of a recluse once he left the country he'd filmed in.
Cordonia was a great many things. It had a vast array of landscapes that could be beautifully captured on film, along with a wealth of mansions and castles perfect for period pieces. The permits and such were a studio's dream in how easy and cheaply they were to obtain. The people were welcoming and eager to cultivate the relationship between Hollywood and their country.
It also was the home of the woman he'd had a three month fling.
Had it been a fling?
Thomas grimaced as he thought back. The moment he met Lady Amanda, Duchess of St Orella, he'd been instantly smitten. He decided not only to begin a relationship with her within minutes of meeting, but to also tell her from the beginning that it would only last until he finished filming in Cordonia.
After all, it was nearly impossible to maintain a long distance relationship, much less one spanning different continents. He was usually so busy in both filming and teaching and with her diplomatic schedule, court duties, and maintaining her various estates; finding time for each other would be nearly impossible.
And being a long term bachelor set in his ways, Thomas didn't believe that he would want to put forth the effort to have something lasting.
Or so he'd originally believed...
Amanda's agreement and understanding made it perfect. Neither expected anything other than what they were given in those moments. Nothing was planned beyond what they might like for dinner or which movie to watch. No expectations. No worries. No heartfelt discussions.
Nothing at all for Thomas to concern himself.
And yet...
He fell in love.
It was ridiculous. Here he was, a man who knew his own mind, how his bachelor life should go...and he fell in love with a young woman who was completely wrong for him.
No. Not wrong. Inconvenient.
She fit him perfectly. She listened to his concerns with his film, gave intelligent suggestions, and lavished him with the affection he craved from her. Her quiet disposition meshed with his own.
She was somehow the woman he'd been searching for his entire life.
He kept such thoughts to himself. After all, he'd been the one to set the parameters of their relationship from the beginning. He couldn't very well turn around and demand that she remain his. He was leaving her country. She was leaving shortly thereafter for a tour of Cordonia's allies that would possibly take months to complete.
A real relationship was impossible.
So, he left her. No promises given to keep in touch. Nothing more than a friendly goodbye and a final kiss was exchanged.
He tried to keep busy. He succeeded for a while with editing his film. He traveled with friends. He even sat down to begin work once more, only to find that all inspiration had mysteriously disappeared.
For the first time, Thomas didn't have a plan. He wasn't certain if he would ever make another film. He honestly didn't know what to do with himself.
He also realized that he was lonely.
He found himself doing searches of Amanda to see what she was doing, where she was, whom she might be seeing. His depression grew to see various men escorting her to dinners and events. Her warm smile directed on one of her many escorts cut to the quick. Thomas knew he could have easily been the one receiving such attention.
If only he'd said something...
It didn't matter. What was done was done.
He forced himself to stop thinking about her. He quit conducting the many late night searches. He even avoided international news stories just in case her name was said or her image appeared. In short, he tried to move on.
He was absolutely miserable.
To be dragged away from his home for the award's ceremony took something he couldn't ignore. Many of his friends had taken part in the movies that were nominated for best picture and best actor or actress. He couldn't let them down by refusing to attend. Plus, he would take great pleasure in seeing their hard work be recognized for the great films and acting that were presented.
He should have remembered that The Royal Romance would most likely have its author, Lord Maxwell Beaumont attending. Ryan Summers was up for best actor and Tommy Phelps was nominated for best director. Their table was nearly overflowing with the talent that took part in bringing King Liam's love story to life.
If Maxwell was there, then he would bring the one woman Thomas both wanted to see again and dreaded to at the same time.
Seeing Amanda sitting there beside Maxwell almost made Thomas trip during his walk across the stage. It took all the willpower he had to focus on reading the names of those nominated. His attention darted towards her when Tommy's name was announced as the winner.
Amanda's delight over the win brought a reluctant smile to Thomas's face. He watched her laugh as Maxwell jumped out of his seat to engulf Tommy in a hug. The rest of the table beamed at yet another win for their film.
And then, Thomas stood aside while the director gave his thank you speech. Standing in the shadows, he was able to study the young woman who still had the ability to make his heart race. As if feeling his attention upon her, her eyes flickered over to him. Her happy smile turned tender as she met his steady gaze.
He returned it, wishing he could bridge the gulf between them. He'd give anything, to find a way to speak to her alone.
The music starting pulled him away from such thoughts. He followed the winner off the stage and faced the horde of the press along with other famous people stopping him here and there for a conversation. He wasn't given a moment to try and steal his duchess away.
What would he say to her? He couldn't go to her and hope she'd forgotten the year or so they'd been apart. Could he ask her for another chance?
Shouldn't he try, at least for his own sanity?
It didn't matter. By the time he made it back into the main room, people were already leaving. He saw that Maxwell and Amanda had already left along with Ryan. The others were gathering their things together.
Seth and Jessica were lingering behind with Chris Winters and his wife Shannon.
"There you are!" Jessica exclaimed. "Ryan insisted we make certain you come to the after-party."
Given what he knew about Maxwell Beaumont, he didn't doubt for a second that the fun loving noble would make certain to be there and that he would force Amanda to attend as well.
"Where is it being held?" Thomas asked.
"The Beverly Hilton." Chris responded. "Worked out great for Maxwell. He's staying there."
"I see." Thomas became even more hopeful for a chance encounter.
The Beverly Hilton...
Music drifted through the night air. The crowded ballroom of The Beverly Hilton opened out to the pool area, allowing those who didn't wish to dance a chance to mingle in the cool night air. Intimate seating arrangements were set here and there both around the pool and across the hard, clear pool cover. Fire pits were lit for the ladies wearing gowns that did little to keep them warm. Three fully stocked bars were also set up outside along with buffets of various appetizers.
Thomas escaped outside the moment he encountered the crush of people inside. The loud base from the deejay's music choices mingled with shouts of various conversations from those celebrating. He didn't bother to search the dark room with its flashing lights for the woman he hoped to bump into. It was foolish of him to think he would be able to find her in such a madhouse.
With a glass in hand, he turned his attention to those few who had also escaped.
"Found what you're looking for?" Ryan asked from behind him.
Thomas nearly choked on his sip of wine.
"What?" He asked.
"You look like a man who is desperately searching for a lost treasure." Ryan teased.
A slight smirk formed on his handsome face.
"Shall I help you find said treasure?"
"Thank god I have no idea what you're talking about." Thomas took a sip of his wine. "When you start making sense, I am going to panic."
Ryan chuckled. "Fine, but you do look like you're looking for something."
"I assure you I'm not." Thomas grumbled. "I was merely taking in the party." He patted Ryan on the back. "Congratulations, by the way. Your performance in The Royal Romance deserved to be recognized."
"Thank you." Ryan clinked his glass against Thomas's.
The two fell into a companionable silence.
Thomas coughed. "So...is everyone here celebrating all the wins for The Royal Romance?"
"I think so." Ryan gestured with his glass. "Phelps is over there talking to Rami and Nolan. They're both too polite to walk away while he's gushing about his directorial talents."
He then motioned towards the ballroom. "Seth, Chris, Jess, and Shannon were doing some kind of dance off with Maxwell earlier." He nudged Thomas with a grin. "Probably passed out from exhaustion. That man can dance for hours without breaking a sweat."
Thomas nodded. He was hearing about everyone except the only one he truly cared about.
"And as for your lost treasure," Ryan turned a shocked Thomas towards the right, "she came outside about ten minutes ago."
Thomas could only stare at Amanda. She was sitting off by herself near an abandoned fire pit. The flames lit up her face revealing an expression of deep thought. Her attention was directed on the fire as she sat with her head propped up on her hand.
"How did you know?"
Ryan patted his back in commiseration. "I think after all our years of friendship I deserve some credit for knowing you."
Thomas grimaced. "True."
"Go talk to her. Perhaps she has the ability to pull you out of this slump." Ryan gave him a friendly shove forward. "It can't hurt."
"It most definitely can hurt." Thomas argued. "I'm the one who denied us a future from the beginning." He took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Amanda has every right to treat me with disinterest and disdain."
"She's never appeared to be the type of person to hold a grudge." Ryan argued. "In fact, she complimented you whenever your name came up in conversation."
Thomas whirled around, sloshing half his wine in the process. "What did she say?"
"Just what a talented director you are. Your vision for stories is unparalleled." Ryan ticked off on his fingers. "How you see past things and get to the heart of the matter. How your passion in life is reflected in every scene you shoot."
He shrugged. "The typical compliments someone gives when they're a fan."
Thomas felt his face flush. It wasn't like he hadn't heard similar compliments before. Hearing them come from Amanda though meant more, so much more, than anyone else's.
"If you don't go talk to her, I will." Ryan told him. "After all, I have played the man who is best friends with her. It is my duty to make certain she isn't left alone to fend for herself amongst these wolves of Holly-"
Thomas handed him his glass and quickly walked towards Amanda.
Where is he?
Amanda searched in vain for Thomas the moment she entered the party. She knew he wouldn't be out on the dance floor, yet couldn't easily escape Maxwell. She adored her best friend, but good heavens he could be tenacious at the worst possible times.
She knew there were no feelings or anything Thomas might feel for her, which was why she desperately needed to see him. She needed to see, in person, just how foolish she was to love a man who harboured nothing but a simple fondness for their fling.
She'd spent months longing for him. She picked up the phone, preparing to call and confess her feelings, only to throw it across the room so temptation wouldn't get the better of her. Foolish didn't even begin to scratch the surface of how she felt about herself. How had she fallen so deeply in love with a man who wanted no part of her heart?
She tried to move on. The various men she went to formal court events and such were pleasant, kind, some even highly interesting. Yet, they couldn't possibly begin to touch a heart that recognized another as its owner. The kisses she endured did nothing to stir her desire. The fleeting brush of their hands left her cold.
No one had any effect, but the mere thought of Thomas could make her feel everything.
Seeing him step out on stage tonight had made all her senses light up with recognition. It was as if she was coming back to life after a year of being dormant. Hearing his deep voice once more while her gaze greedily took in his handsome form set her heart racing. Her imagination began to think of what might happen if she could get him alone.
And then, he returned her smile. It was sheer heaven to have his attention solely upon her even if it was for a few seconds. A warm flush infused her body.
I have to speak to him, she thought in that moment. Maybe we could have dinner one night before I leave. Maybe make it a date. Maybe end up back at my hotel and we...
When he left the stage, she dropped her head in her hands.
Maybe I'm a masochist who forgot why she came on this trip!
Amanda sighed as she slipped her shoes off and tucked her feet under her skirt. Having finally found a quiet nook at this after party, she was debating on whether or not to leave it.
Thomas hated parties and told her he usually made an appearance and left before getting dragged into too many conversations.
Why stay here when he's probably already come and gone?
"Mind if I sit down?"
Amanda whipped around so fast towards the voice that she adored that she half slid off her chair.
Thomas reached out to steady her.
Once she was back sitting upright, he sat down beside her.
Amanda hoped he thought her face was red because of the flames and not over her embarrassing herself with her clumsiness once again.
They sat there completely at a loss for words.
"May I get you a drink?" Thomas asked.
He cursed himself for not thinking of any other way to break the ice.
"Yes, please." Amanda grasped on that mundane question like a lifeline. "Anything will do."
Thomas waved a waiter down and gave their order. He then searched for a topic of conversation that could lead towards admitting his feelings.
"Hello." She said.
Her smile was once again tender as she looked at him.
"Forgive me for not greeting you properly when you first came over."
Thomas found himself relaxing. "Hello again."
He allowed his attention to take her in. The low cut of her off the shoulder gown teased his senses. She was still just as lovely if not more so as she was when they were together.
"It's good to see you again." She said.
"It's been too long." He added.
She inwardly grimaced. Amanda wished she could just blurt out what she needed to say to him. Her fear of his rejection made her continue in this pointless small talk.
Thomas clasped his hands and leaned forward. He believed it was now or never to finally tell her all the things he wished he had when he had the chance.
"Amanda, I should tell you that I--"
A small group of party goers came over to sit in the empty chairs near them.
Their laughter and talking left little chance to have a private heartfelt conversation.
He narrowed his eyes on the group when they recognized him. They began to pitch a few ideas they had for his next picture. His irritation grew that they were interrupting his first chance to speak to the woman beside him.
Amanda felt her heart drop. She should have known that she wouldn't be able to easily talk to him. Her hesitation alone would make this difficult. Now that this was literally a party meant to encourage the next year's crop of award winning films, talking to Thomas would be impossible.
She quietly slipped her shoes on to leave. She didn't think she could remain here and listen to scripts being bandied about while her broken heart yearned for his attention.
Standing, she smiled at the group before whispering goodbye to Thomas.
He caught her wrist to halt her leaving.
"Where are you going?" He asked, completely turning his back upon the others around them.
"To my room." She explained. "I think I've had enough excitement for one evening."
Thomas held onto her while he stood up.
"May I escort you?" He asked.
Amanda blinked in surprise. "Of course, but you don't have to." She nodded to those behind him. "I know there are others needing to talk to you."
He couldn't care less about anyone else at this party, much less what people wanted from him. All he wanted was right in front of him.
Tucking her hand within the bend of his arm, he led her out of the crush without another word to anyone.
Amanda kept her mouth shut. Normally, she would insist on not needing an escort. This was the one rare instance where she was actually holding the arm of the one man she wanted.
Neither attempted to have any conversation as they navigated their way to the lobby. Once they reached the elevators, they both relaxed now that they were free of raucous party goers.
"I haven't been to an event that crowded in years." Amanda told him as they waited for the elevator.
Thomas frowned somewhat. He glanced over his shoulder at where the party was being held. He couldn't imagine any sane person being comfortable in that environment for hours on end.
"It's awful." He grumbled, following her into the elevator. "One of the few aspects of Hollywood I despise."
Amanda leaned back against the wall to study him. Thomas was leaning on the opposite wall, hands in his pockets, and his lips in a firm, unforgiving line.
"Then why did you come?" She asked.
He looked up at her. Frown easing, he took a few steps towards her and placed his arm above her head. His eyes darted down briefly to her mouth before meeting her startled gaze.
"I came because I thought you might be here." He answered.
"You did?" She breathed.
He nodded, leaning closer towards her.
The elevator dinged with doors opening to her floor.
Stepping back, Thomas allowed her to lead the way to her room.
Hands slightly trembling, she unlocked her door and opened it. She took a deep breath and asked if he'd like to come in.
"We could finish that drink we started downstairs." Amanda added, a little unnerved having his attention solely upon her once again.
"I'd like that." Thomas followed her inside.
He was finally where he'd hoped to be when he saw her at the awards show. Alone. In her room. No distractions.
He could now test the waters before revealing what had been in his heart for so long.
Amanda waved over towards the sidebar.
"Please, help yourself. If you don't see anything you like, I can call room service."
She excused herself then disappeared into the suite's bedroom.
Locking herself in the bathroom, she took some deep breaths to get her nerves under control.
You can do this, she reminded herself. He's just a man you happen to know every inch of. Breathe and get back out there and enjoy having him near once more.
Perhaps for the last time.
When she returned, she felt a deep sense of panic set in to find the room empty.
Her heart sank over the thought that he'd decided not to stay.
"Join me." He called out from her balcony.
She jumped, twirling to see the balcony door cracked open. Twisting her hands in the skirt of her dress, she forced herself to walk at a normal pace.
Thomas leaned against the railing. He sipped his scotch as he considered seeing just what Amanda would accept flirting and touching wise.
He handed her a drink.
She smiled her thanks, eyes lowering from his.
He settled closer beside her, elbow brushing against hers as they turned their attention to the Los Angeles skyline.
"It's beautiful out here." Amanda murmured.
"Yes, it is." Thomas said, sliding a step closer.
She looked up at him and noticed he was only looking at her.
Blushing, she turned back to the city.
"How have you been?" She managed to ask.
"Awful." He replied, setting his drink down.
Startled by that answer, she looked up at him.
"Why?" Her breath caught when he slid his arm around her waist, pulling her against him.
"Did," her voice trembled, "did something happen?"
"Yes." He lowered his head and placed a kiss on her cheek.
Her eyes closed as he kissed along her jawline.
"What, um what happened?" She managed to ask.
"I left you." He whispered, lips brushing against her ear. "And I didn't tell you I was in love with you."
Her eyes flew open. Her heart raced with not only his touch but hearing the very words she'd once dreamed of hearing from him.
Gripping the lapels of his jacket, she struggled to get her thoughts in order.
"You were in love?" Her breath hitched. "With me?"
He lifted his head. His dark eyes held her shocked hazel. Lips quirking some, he shook his head, no.
Before she had a chance to panic, he quickly reiterated his confession.
"What I meant to say was that I fell in love with you and am still in love." He said softly. "You have been all I've thought about from the moment we said goodbye."
"Thomas, I love you too." She tugged him down and kissed him.
He groaned the moment her tongue brushed against his. Clutching her tight, he showed her just how much he missed her.
They somehow got through the balcony doors and ended up in her bedroom. The only light illuminating the darkness was from the city lights creeping through the sheer panels.
Lips barely left the other's skin as they struggled to remove the clothes hindering their attempts to kiss each part of the one they loved.
Once free of all barriers, the two fell upon the bed. Murmurs of love were gasped as they relearned all the different parts of each other. Thomas paused in the midst, smoothing Amanda's hair out of her face.
"Say it again." He pleaded, breathless from holding himself back.
"I love you." She wrapped her legs around his waist. "I fell in love with you from the moment I met you, Thomas."
His mouth crashed against hers. The moment he heard her moan, he broke away only long enough to tell her all that she meant to him, the life he dreamed of having with her, and the future he yearned for.
He then asked the question he knew would only give him all that and more.
With tears in her eyes, she gave him the answer he hoped to hear from her.
"That's all I want." She kissed him tenderly. "Yes, I'll marry you."
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gurlbesimpin Ā· 10 months
Hello, it has been a while but I'm back with another Anduin request if that's okay! Could I request him having his first time with his s/o? If your requests aren't open, then just ignore this! I hope you are doing well and have a good day āœØ
Am so sorry it took me awhile to answer, there was a long list of requests lol. But I'm back for some Andiun content!!ā¤ļøā¤ļø
I'm writing this for a gen! Neutral reader, but if you'd prefer a specific gender, just let me know!ā¤ļø
CW: smut (obv), handjobs, nearly getting caught, first time, some cheesy lines, andiun being a sweetheartā¤ļø
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You didn't expect the night to go this way... King Anduin has been gone for awhile, so naturally when he returned his thoughts immediately drifted to his dearest back in Stormwind city. He treats you well, often pampering you with lavish and thoughtful gifts, the gift of his loyalty and love being your favorite. Therefore he decided to take you out to one of the many bars in Stormwind as tonight, tonight is the night he plans to make you his. The very night he returns from his journey. When finally you both meet again, his lips trail along your cheeks and jawline as a silent yet powerful reminder of who he lives dearest. When you later arrive at the busy bar, head turn to stare at their very King who normally spends his free hours within his castle. But today he's attending the many festivities in Stormwind city instead. Not only does it give him the opportunity to see all of his people once more, but it also serves as much needed distraction form his battles he just faced.
To the public of Stormwind, it was unknown that their King had a darling; this secret now fully revealed for many eyes to see. Andiun sits you down at one of the tables in the corner, hoping to avoid prying eyes and listening ears as he tells you about his most recent adventure. Soon, your drinks are brought to your table, the King himself settling for one of the most popular brews the Dwarfs of Ironforge have created. You on the other hand, settle for a glass of elven wine instead. As you pour yourself a sip, Andiun pulls you closer to whisper to you with his eyes full of passion "let me show you what I've missed." A slight nod is all he needed before his strong hands started kneading your fingers, gently massaging your knuckles, then the inside of your palm. Andiun hesitates for a moment, seemingly deep in thought as he suddenly speaks:
"My dear, I wish to show you something. However, privacy would be more suitable than a full bar of drunk dwarfes and humans* He chuckles lightheartedly, gently rubbing his thumb over your hand. You had an idea of what he meant, but weren't entirely sure of his intentions. Regardless, the two of you sneak away to one of the upstairs rooms. The wooden door closes, and Anduin gently cradles you in his arms, slowly but surely moving you over to the bed. You didn't realise until you stumble backwards into the soft mattress. With a subtle smirk, King anduin carefully makes his way onto your body, his hands resting in your waist as his lips trace your neck.
After spending a few moments lost in each others' embrace, his mouth follows the curve of your shoulder down to your collarbone, he kisses ever so lightly up the center of your chest. In the middle of your shirt, he traces his tongue along the sensitive skin, your breath caught in your throat. Before he continues, he looks up at you for a sign of approval. A subtle smile Is all he needs before his hands quickly undo your trousers, pulling them down to reveal your undergarments. Anduin can barely control his excitement, his desire burning through his entire body.
When finally his long, slender fingers pull down the material, revealing your eager sex to his eyes. A shiver of pleasure runs through you. Your heart flutters as Anduin's fingers begin to tease your sensitive sex. Soft moans and gasps leaving your lips as he revels in the sweet sounds of your pleasure. Before you could reach climax however, he retreats his movements, instead working on undoing his own slacks as he readies himself for this intimate encounter.
His erection was throbbing and hard against his pants. His blue eyes gaze into yours, desire written all over his face. Your hands roam over his shoulders and down his back as he unbuckles his belt. The sound of metal scraping against the fabric filling your ears as finally his cock is revealed. Slowly, he sinks into your welcomin body, a soft moan of your name passing his lips. It's perfect, you thought. Not too long or thick, but enough to make you feel full and satisfied. His thrusts are gentle and slow, but not inexperienced. Each thrust is enough to inch you closer and closer to release.
"S...so tight dear~"
He whispers gently, hips hips still softly bucking into you as you feel your climax approach faster than you had desired. His large hand moves down to pleasure you as his thrusts speed up by a little, finally allowing you to come undone on his cock. Anduin closes his eyes, sharp bursts of warm breath hitting your neck as he stills within you, his hot seed spurting out in this ropes.
Not even a few seconds later there's a knock at the door. Your mind was still fucked-out, however Anduin half recovered as he shouted for the person to go away. Likely, it was a maid or someone curious, though the feeling of getting caught was somewhat enticing.
"Welcome home, my king"
You whisper gently, kissing his temple as his blonde hair perfectly falls to frame his face. His blue eyes radiate happiness as he leans in to press a gentle kiss to your lips..
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wowzah2nd Ā· 6 months
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
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Concealed emotions p2
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5
word count:2.4k
Within Hogwarts many secretes and mysteries were held some solved and discovered. The castle may hold many secretes but within those wall were student holding their very own secrets. Y/N potter being one of them holding a secret that would shock not only her brother and friends but the whole school it self. What is that secret you may ask well. She was dating non-other the Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy
As me and draco made our way towards the class I noticed other students heading that way as well but as they were walking past I heard a conversation about Sirius black. They must have talked about it after we left.
As we made it to the door of the class room I noticed Harry and the other waiting by the door. The classroom was clearly open but I guess he was waiting for me. As soon as he noticed me he made his way to try and talk to meĀ 
Harry: I am so sorry you felt neglected for the past three years y/n i really had no idea i also wanna apologise for making everything about myself and never thinking of youĀ 
I looked at him surprised that he apologised so fast. I thought he would have sulked or felt too proud to apologise but maybe I was wrong. I decided to give him a hug to show him i forgave him
Y/N: thank you for apologising harry that really mean a lot to meĀ 
Harry then looked at me happily and excitedĀ 
Harry: does that mean we can go back to normal againĀ 
Y/N: yes harry we canĀ 
I was excited to go back to normal until he had to say something so stupid that i was lost for wordsĀ 
Harry: does that mean you'll stop being friends with draco cause ill-
I cut him off immediatelyĀ 
Y/N: Are you seriously asking me that question right now? NO i won't stop being friends with him he has literally done so much for me and to just drop him like that is so unthinkable. You asking me this is so unthinkableĀ 
Harry: B-but I thought you were only friends with him because you needed attention. I'm trying to say that I'll pay better attention to you so your really donā€™t need him.Ā 
I scoffed i cant believe that he somehow turned my problems back on to him how typical of the chosen oneĀ 
Y/N: I didn't become friends with him because of that. I became friends with him because he was a genuinely kind and caring person. I'm friends with him because he knows how to trat me as a human being. I'm friends with him because he is genuine unlike you who only come to spend time with me if you need something or if i'm being nice to draco
I took a long deep breathe before continuingĀ 
Y/N: you know what harry i take back what i said i don't forgive and i don't think i will for a while not until you understand that i'm friends with draco cause i want to and not cause i needed attention or to get back at youĀ 
I grab draco hand and head into class
Y/N: let go draco i don't wanna hear anything else he has to sayĀ 
Just as we entered the class had began and we decided to stay at the back with the slytherins they lookedĀ  at me and draco confused as to why we were together
Pansey: what are you doing here potter shouldnā€™t you be with , the mudblood, the povo and your ugly twin brotherĀ 
I was about to lunge at her when draco grab my shoulders i looked at him and was about to ask why he stopped me but then he answeredĀ 
Draco: PANSEY!! Shut up and don't say shit like that again especially around her
Pansey: B-but draco why do you even care huh, we say stuff like this all that time
Draco: Cause shes my friends and she'll be hanging out with us for awhile soi if i hear that shit again youā€™ll be sorryĀ 
She looked shocked but agreed. Sheā€™s always had a crush on draco but he was never interested in her not once at one point i was jealous at the amount of time sheā€™d tried to touch him but lucky me he always pushed her off and he always reassured me that there was never anything there and it was all one sidedĀ 
After that interaction we look towards the front the the class to listen to Professor lupin he was the new defence against the dark arts teacher and honestly i've only heard good things about him, every year level love him and how he taught the class it made people actually pay attentionĀ 
Professor Lupin: intriguing isnā€™t it
Everyone stared at the moving cupboard scared at its erratic movementsĀ 
Professor Lupin: does anyone want to guess what's insideĀ 
Dean: that a boggart isnā€™t itĀ 
Professor Lupin: that correct Mr Thomas
The cupboard moved again cousin everyone to jolt due to the loud sounds it kept makingĀ 
Professor Lupin: now can anyone tell me what one looks like
Hermione: no one knows sir, boggarts are shapeshifters and take the shape of whatever the person fears most. That what makes them most-
I wondered when did she get her i could have sworn i would have saw her enter the classĀ 
Ā Professor Lupin: terrifying yes yes yes, luckily there is a charm for that to repel the boggart and let practice it nowĀ 
Everyone was about to get there wands but were told to practise the charm without it firstĀ 
Professor Lupin: after me, RiddikulusĀ 
Everyone else repeated what he said then the boggart shock again causing everyone to move back a bit
Professor Lupin: again please and a little bit louderĀ 
Everyone: Riddikulus
I think draco knew i was still a bit upset at what harry said so he decided to pop a joke
Draco: This class is Ridiculous
At that i elbowed him in the side
Y/N: Draco shhhhĀ 
He looked at me with a smile knowing he got me to stop thinking about harry for a bitĀ 
The class went on as normal and professor Lupin decided to ask Neville to be the first one to demonstrate how the charm works.Ā 
Which was a hilarious experience to see, when asked what he feared the most he had answered professor snape causing everyone to laugh and Professor to joke about how he frightened all. After that he was told to imagine professor snape in his grandmother's clothes.
Once Neville had done that professor Lupin released the boggart which then turned into professor snape which scared neville, Professor lupin reminded him to think then neville spoke the charm, the next thing we saw was professor snape in neville's grandmother's clothes.
After that Professor Lupin put on some music to lighten the mood a bit more and make the class more fun with everyone lining up to take turns. Some people in the class had normal fears such as spider, clowns but there were a few odd ones such as a duck. Once it was Harry turn everyone was waiting in anticipation thinking it would be voldemort but was mistaken once a dementor appearedĀ 
Lupin then jumped in front of Harry causing the dementor to change into a moon, this puzzled you why would he fear the moon. But soon after class had been dismissed, He then asked everyone to collect their books before leaving.
As you were collecting your textbook with Draco and his group you decided to look back, you saw Harry staring at the cupboard, you wanted to talk to him and tell him not to worry too much but you were still very angry at him.
It was now the weekend and you were excited till you remembered your permission slip hadnā€™t been signed due to some arguments with uncle vernon. As you were sitting near the exit to the castle look at everyone who had their permissions signed head off, Draco saw you and was confused why you were going with everyone else
Draco: Hey y/n, why aren't you going off with everyone elseĀ 
Usually he would use his pet name for you but since you were out in public he probably opted out of using itĀ 
Y/N: Cause i didnā€™t get my permission slip signed my brother and i kinda had a fight with our uncle so we never got him to sign itĀ 
Draco: oh the sucks, is there anything i can do to help
As he finished his sentence his friends came by to see what was happeningĀ 
Crabe: hey draco what are you doingĀ 
Goyale: Yeah what's taking so longĀ 
Before Draco could speak i decided to speak for him
Y/N: Hey you should go dont worry about me ill figure something outĀ 
Draco: are you sure i donā€™t have to go i can hang out with you in the castleĀ 
You smiled at the kind gesture
Y/N: Draco itā€™s fine really go have funĀ 
Draco: okay if you say so ill see you aroundĀ 
Draco wasnā€™t usually sweet in public with you but since the word had gone out that you were now friends he decided to act nicer. Heā€™d always express his hate about having to act slightly mean to you but you always told him it was fine.
But ever since people found out you were now ā€œfriendsā€ he's been much happier being able to be nice to you in publicĀ 
While everyone was at Hogwarts you decided to get some work done in the library. After a while it got pretty boring for you so you decided to take a walk. Somehow your walk caused you to end up at the bridge and there you saw professor Lupin by himself. For some reason he felt familiar to youĀ 
Y/N: hello there professor
Lupin: Ah Miss potter, i just spoke with you brother not a bit agoĀ 
That made you a bit tense hearing his nameĀ 
Lupin: I heard you two are having a bit of a tiff
Y/N: More than just a tiff, he thinks just because draco is friends with me that his using me to get to harry
You take a deep breath before speaking againĀ 
Y/N: why doesnā€™t he just understand that draco really just wants to be my friend, and also that not everything is about him
Lupin laughed which ticked me offĀ 
Lupin: you remind me so much of your mother you know, especially when she would complain about james bugging her, you two are quite alikeĀ 
Thinking of my mum made me very happy even though i never met her i always feel her in my heart watching over us
Y/N: did you know herĀ 
Lupin: yes i knew her well she was a prefect just like me and we did patrols together, but you father would never shut up about her either. He was indeed smitten with your motherĀ 
You then imagine what you family would have looked like if they were still alive, causing you to be a bit sad Lupin then decided to go back to talking about harryĀ 
Lupin: Harry is just being protective, look at it this way the boy who has been bullying him and his friends suddenly wants to be friends with his sister. It does sound suspiciousĀ 
You quickly defend draco
Y/N: but it's not like thatā€¦his not like that,even thought he seems like a jerk at time hes really kind,sweet and caring once you get to know himĀ 
Lupin then looked at me with a knowing smirkĀ 
Lupin: maybe there more to things your not tell meĀ 
Damn this smug Professor
Y/N: well everyone may be coming back soon so i'm gonna head off, thanks for the talk professorĀ 
Lupin: Please call me Remus, but only when there's no one else around i still am your professorĀ Ā Ā 
As you were walking back into the castle you noticed students were already back, so you decided to make your way back to the common room but noticed there were people gathered around the door.
You then see your brother and his friends then ginny running down the stair towards the groupĀ 
Ginny: Guy the fat lady is goneĀ 
You were shocked where or what happened to her. YOu then decided to speaking you needed to know what happenĀ 
Y/N: what happened ginny? Wheres the fat lady?
Before she could even answer me percy was already making way to get past the students allowing you to see the fat lady's portrait it was torn like a beast had scratched itĀ 
Dumbledore and filche then came up the stairs to investigate and have a look at the scene, you and everyone else just stood there looking at what had happened.
Dumbledore: filche find the fat lady
Filche: i dont think we need to sir
He then points of a painting right up another set of stairs causing everyone and dumbledore to run over the questions herĀ 
Dumbledore: Who did this to you?
Fat lady: eyes like the devil, here I say, the one everyone has been talking about. Sirius Black
This was a name you were familiar with when you saw his picture on the night bus in a newspaper the man was reading. You didnā€™t know much about him but only that he was a murderer. Every one was murmuring thing about him you couldnā€™t quite hear still in shock that a murderer could be on the school grounds. This was the safest place he could have gotten in.
Dumbldore: the rest of you to the great hall
Everyone headed to the great hall most likely staying safe in numbers, you then heard they were locking down the castle which scared you. Nothing like this happened before.
Once you all entered the great hall you were still mad at hair so you decided to sleep near draco as you were walking towards draco harry stopped you grabbing my arm.
Harry: where are you going?
Y/N: i'm going to sleep near dracoĀ 
Harry: you can't do thatĀ 
Y/N: why not? Hmm
Harry: cause his in slytherinĀ 
Y/N: well watch meĀ 
I then pull my arm out of this grip continuing my way towards dracoĀ 
Y/N: hey, is it okay if i sleep here, i'm still kinda mad at my brotherĀ 
A few of the Slytherins looked at you weird, some even gave me threatening glares especially pansy who was near her girlfriends you presumed.
Draco gave you a smile without a care if people thought it was weird then tapped a spot next to him. You then set up your sleeping backĀ 
Y/N: thanks Draco
You gave a smile
Draco: no worries, what are friends for right?
At that comment you laughed which caused him to laugh too
Y/N: yeah what are friends for
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katyspersonal Ā· 1 year
I am feeling so ill. My mental pain keeps translating into physical one, like something that keeps poisoning me from within, and it can last from very morning to very evening at times. I wish I stopped being reminded of the backstabbing, of how much that person has been lying to us, and how she threw away her empathy and common sense in an instant, as soon as she got enticed with the prospect to feel like a """victim""". When everything was explained and even forgiven prior.
For a Christian, she sure is a terrible one, and really should pray to her God for forgiveness. Because that's sin of vanity if I've seen one. Her sorry pro-lifer ass that can't even use they/them pronouns because it is "not correct in English" and has been following Mico herself before he deactivated must be satisfied with people around with whom she has to censor her true opinions, I suppose? She had all context, she had explanation and apology, she faked having accepted that apology too, lied about not really caring about the "drama", faked patience and lied about always welcoming me back - only to latch at the first chance to backstab me and my friends she got. And the way she conveniently ignored how I took my words back, too.. I don't know what is WRONG with people who think that when a person that has been stalked and harassed for a year lashes out upon feeling threatened - they've shown their """true face""". Nobody is more alien to normal human emotions and reactions than Americans. I guess for them you are either physically incapable of anger, fear and fucking up OR you are a vile dangerous monster.
But the real question - what did she want to ACCOMPLISH? She didn't really feel like a star and gain sympathy like a victim of the """horrible mistreatment""" that me lashing out when she defended my STALKER was - that I also TOOK BACK. From my knowledge, she kept herself anonymous. And of course instantly blocked me, because like a coward she could not answer for her lies. She also lost other friends too - one HATES liars and hypocrites more than anything, another has similar emotional problems to mine so no longer feels safe, third straight up was harassed by that person as well.. "They are still lovely people" she says. And I am not a "lovely" person, of course. Because "lovely" people just smile and shrug off being stalked, harassed and talked untrue shit about for a year, I suppose? Because "lovely" people don't become clingy for someone defending them so loud and proud?
My only theory is that she just secretly harbored hatred towards me all along but was forcing the facade of patience and understanding, until one day finally came what looked like a good justification to drop it. But then why sending me all that emotional support when I fell for suicidal road back in spring? Why write at least two essays to Alfred-chan about her right to interact with me and about how I deserved kindness and compassion? Why acting flattered when I said I loved her (platonically) when in reality she was creeped out? Why bothering to explain me how she did not blame me and always would welcome me back in the blog? Following me for a decent time and all that interacting. Was feeling like a poor victim that fell under attack of the "monster" for like 5 minutes without even revealing her name to the world and losing more likeminded people worth it? Was it worth it? How? How mad you should be at someone for getting attached more than """acceptable""" and for lashing out before learning why you'd defend someone that harassed us, that you'd resort to backstabbing and break all your prior promises? She even told me stuff like "ratting someone out is very condemned in my culture and I'd never do that". Then what DID she do, when she showed the moment of weakness I had 40 days ago, to a deranged ableist that has been condoning harassment and canceling for hell knows how long and she could tell wished me harm?
I want to ask whether it was worth it, but clearly she didn't lose anything of value. One of those "but internet connections are not REAL uwu" people.
I so badly want to say that this is my fault for trusting someone who is not only American but also a Christian, double combination of hypocrite and all you know. Because I just want to find a reason. I want to know WHY, even if the answer is something as shallow as nationality and religion. But this is just not fair to people who are one or both of these things but have common sense to not lie and not be cut throats. I guess the real reason is that some people are just too easily enticed with the chance to feel like the "good" guys, to mark category of people that do not deserve any empathy, human bonds and understanding because they are "evil and dangerous". It is just easier. You feel justified to mistreat a certain category of people because they are "bad" - all while the criteria for why they're "bad" is growing progressively absurd. But this coming from a person that preached kindness and acceptance. Yet she sided with the people that punish me FOR having shown that kindness and acceptance to someone else, and never intend to stop. Why following Mico yourself, then?
I have no skill of forgiving people that do not feel remorse, I am not that kind of a person. It just hurts until I forget or find another thing to worry about. I don't know where to turn to, what superior power to pray to for faster healing from this, because betrayal like this is the worst thing you can do to me. It is fine to refuse to forgive someone's mental breakdown, but why not tell me off in private? Why run under the skirt of the person with bad faith that only supports neurodivergence in the form of being quirky about one's special interests and not for what problems it really brings? Does she really think it is victim's fault when they develop bad trust and abandonment issues upon a creepy stalker trying to ruin their life? The cunt would've doxxed me if they could only over the fact that I said I was gonna reblog from who I want - again, something she herself kept getting harassed over. So was that okay, then? She never meant her words, then, and only flexed her "I interact with who I want" for weird flex of herself as a hero, and not for our friends group?
Well, yes. It has to be that. Until she saw an opportunity to switch sides and find a more compelling "enemy" to stand against. The final punch in the gut is that she assumes my friends are okay with the betrayal either, just goes around as though nothing happened, as though having betrayed someone and still writing them down as vile and unremorceful even after they apologised to her two times was nothing. Yeah, why? If a person failed to meet her personal mark of forgiving, tolerating and shrugging off harassment - then they deserve to be backstabbing and thrown to those cultish ableists. That's her logic.
And I just want to vent all this in a sorry effort to remind myself: "See, she is so petty and callous that she doesn't deserve crying and hurting over! People like that are below you, Kat, just forget it and move on!" But in the end, I just can't stop asking myself why. She did not feel like that type of a person. My other mutual also said it was not expected, since she had that 'wise', thoughtful exterior all along and acted as though she was trustworthy. At this rate I was right in my accusation of her being brainwashed, I guess... The only thing I was wrong is the TIME when it happens.
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iwillstabyou Ā· 10 months
WELCOME to pick 3 fictional characters to survive the apocalypse with, GHOSTS addition! (but in this case any ghosts are alive)
First pick your characters, and then answering the following:
a. which one accidentally attracts zombies the most
b. which one are you gonna get romantic with
c. which one ends up being the designated cook?
d. which one goes to gather supplies the most?
e. which one has no survival skills and is purely mooching off the rest of you but you love them anyway
f. which one has the map
g. which one borrows the map and loses it
h. which one almost gets killed early on
i. which one adopts a wild animal and what animal is it? (can include lost pets)
j. which one leads you all to safety
Oh my god this looks so fun! Thank you so much for sending me this anon! You are the best! Sorry it took me so long to answer, I just kept forgetting to do it (adhd yayyyy)
Right so Iā€™m gonna pick Robin, Julian & Pat (yes it did pain me to not pick the Captain. I chose not to only because I am literally so similar to him that thereā€™s no point having us both) Okay soā€¦
a. Probably Julian. Heā€™d just never shut up, even though heā€™s fully aware that heā€™s probably attracting zombies with the noise. He just canā€™t resist talking. Robin is loud too, but he has enough experience hiding from bears that he knows how to shut up when he has to
b. Pat for sure (I mean, Iā€™m basically the captain and I 100% ship Patcap so it just makes sense)
c. Definitely Pat. This oneā€™s a no brainer - the guy literally runs food club. Plus, I donā€™t think Julian is capable of cooking anything more complicated than beans on toast (heā€™s a spoiled rich kid - you really think he knows how to cook?). Also, even though Robin has experience in foraging, Pat knows how to make it actually taste good
d. Robin. Heā€™s got the most experience in surviving out in the wild after all
e. 100% Julian. Like, look at that guyā€¦ there are absolutely zero survival skills in that man. He is absolutely useless in the practical sense, but he keeps us all entertained, which is honestly just as important because weā€™d all die of boredom without him
f. Definitely Pat - he just wants a chance to relive his scout leader days. In fact, heā€™d probably treat the whole situation like a scouts activity
g. Julian. I feel like he wouldnā€™t even know what the symbols mean but heā€™d pretend he does so Pat would let him hold the map (BIG mistake). He would then lose it within 10 seconds
h. Hmm. Idk. Maybe Pat? It would be for a stupid reason though, like a tree almost falling on him or something like that
i. Robin would adopt some mice (yes, the mouse family are getting a mention. And yes, they survive the apocalypse). They are a very important part of the group and he treats them like his own children
j. Itā€™s really close between Pat and Robin, but I think Iā€™m gonna have to say Robin. Pat is important for the navigation aspect, but Robin is the only one with good survival instincts, so itā€™s thanks to him that everyone is still alive - thereā€™s no point in knowing how to get to safety if youā€™re all dead
That was so fun! Please send me stuff like this more often, I really enjoyed that :D
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sentfromwolves Ā· 2 years
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(is any lifetime lived a true failure? how fucked up are these guys)
SCREAMING SOFTLY SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER I WROTE A WHOLE ESSAY AND THEN LOST IT BUT UGHHH YES I am always here to tell people more about my reincarnated celestial gods... some might recognize them from my currently shelved project CARVE THE STARS aka that damned space novel.
It's on the docket to get a whole rewrite because it's my baby mammoth and it's always going to be getting rewrites until I'm happy with it... try number 5, baby! but I think it'll be good either way and I could write them forever tbh... ANYWAYS!!!! Putting this all under a spoiler because it is A LOT
There is actually a whole group of them--Wren, Marek, Juno, Marsden, KB, and Yeongbi--who comprise the latest cycle of reincarnation. To them, a lifetime lived is a failure when they end up fucking the universe up more than they already had when they got into the current iteration.
See, the thing about them is that they are the children of the twin Creator Gods who gave birth to the whole universe and made everything within it at the very start of...well...existence, as we know it. And don't get me wrong here: the Creator gods don't really have any sentient care or understanding of mortal emotion, right and wrong, law and justice. For a few hundred millennia they floated around the void, watching atoms do some funky stuff, lifeforms begin to toddle around on distant planets, early early alien civilizations begin to form.
But then something, something that had been in the pitch black of nonexistence before they'd come along and said "alright, let there be light" or at least, lmao, something in that vein, started eating everything that had come into creation since then. It nibbled on the outer edges. Then it ate stars. Then it started swallowing whole planets and species. That's when these gods decided to create something to combat that--again, not out of any sense of moral justice or protection. Like gardeners, they just wanted to introduce something new to the sprawling ecosystem of the universe to prune out the filth seeping in along the corners, through the roots.
They planted seeds of their magic into mortal bodies--magic that was connected back to them, even when they left the physical plane for another to avoid the dark entity trying to eat everything that had sprouted up where it had once slept. That's how their children, celestial gods, came to be. Three from each progenitor god. Because their whole reason for existence, seeped into their very core, was to "prune the garden" so to speak, effectively fight off the malevolence snuffing out stars and eating asteroid belts, at the start of their existence, their lives were pure and simple and easy.
They were drawn to the work. It was natural instinct for them, and so early on, it was easy. Save a planet, coax a star back to life. But through early cycles of reincarnation, the rest of the galaxy was evolving too. Culture budded, religions formed, and often enough, because of what they did and where they went, they came to be at the center of those faiths. And eventually, that became a problem--despite the natural draw of them to their work, because they were also always half mortal, they stoked their prides, they grew their own ambitions, and they lost sight of their purpose.
All the while, that throbbing darkness they were trimming back over the centuries was learning. After all, it didn't just eat things. Like rot, it could get inside of them, weaken them, devouring from the inside out. So eventually, it got smart enough to get inside of these celestial gods too.
There's a single god of this group that could not be corrupted by this entity--Gaia, the Verdant King, who's current iteration is Yeongbi Seo. There's an insidious nature to the rot--unknown even to the celestial gods, it can seep into the soul, follow them through iterations. Some shake it off, like a body naturally purging a toxin, because they're more stalwart and less likely to be corrupted. Ira, who's current iteration is Juno, has been corrupted before, but became self-aware of it and killed himself to stop it from taking over him in that life cycle and harming the rest of the universe.
At first when this all began too, none of them knew they were being corrupted. They thought mortal folly was at play, and in some iterations, it got so bad that they were on opposite sides of galactic wars, destroying entire planets over each other. For as much as they were revered as deities, they also began to be feared too, and inside of that fear, rebellious planets began to grow in a desire to separate from the religion that put these violent gods at the heart of worship and obedience. When these rebellious planets began to rise up... well, something really bad happened.
In fact, it was so bad that the souls of the knights were damaged. The memories that carried through each life cycle degraded as time went on with the souls in effective purgatory, unable to regenerate into new mortal vessels. A thousand years passed until they finally grew strong enough to try, and by then, they were barely embers of the cauldron fires they once had been.
The thing about the cycles of reincarnation too is that there are parameters to how they work. The first is that generally speaking, all of the new vessels will be of the same species, and physically close to one another (within a star system). The second is that one specific gods new vessel has to awaken before the others can--that's Soheil, who's current iteration is Wren. All of them will feel an incredible intrinsic pull toward each other until that happens. It will literally feel to them like a destined fate to be together, and go against their own innate desire to be apart.
CTS takes place as soon as Wren awakens as Soheil, and realizes that the celestial deity inside of them has been gone for over a thousand years. Not only that, they left the universe in ashes and ruin back then, and now what remains is determined not only to rebel against the celestial gods but to destroy them so that they can never come back.
Not to mention that of all of the celestial gods, the one most prone to the corruption is Soheil. And despite the terrible damage to their soul in those thousand years, the rot is still inside of them like a seed. Eventually, it'll start to grow again.
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yesterdayiwrote Ā· 8 months
Hi! Iā€™m still pretty new here and so wanted to get to know those I follow a lil better so thought Iā€™d ask some qā€™s!!
Feel free to answer šŸ˜Œ (or ignore.. thatā€™s fine too heh)
Whatā€™s your fave ice cream flavour?
Whoā€™s your fave driver?
What is it about your fave driver that makes them your fave?
Face holiday destination youā€™d like to visit?
Fave driver pairing?
Dream job when you were a child? Is it your job now?
Dream f1 team driver pairing?
Do you have a special talent?
If you could decide an f1 track anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Fave animal?
Top prediction for the 2024 season?
Hey, sorry it took me a few days to answer this! For some reasons questions about me are harder to answer!
Whatā€™s your fave ice cream flavour? My favourite ever Ice cream flavour was a Ben and Jerry's one called Birthday Cake but they discontinued it and I'm devastated! It was a cake batter ice cream (so vanilla basically) and had cake pieces, a strawberry sauce running through it AND a pink frosting ripple and it was DIVINE. I'm always partial to a mint choc chip though, it's usually pretty fool proof.
Whoā€™s your fave driver? It's between George and Alex. George is more of my ride or die but Alex has been making serious catch up strides recently. Lewis was kinda my first 'fave' out of the current drivers so I'll always have a soft spot for him. (My first ever fave was Jacques Villeneuve though, lmao. Young me wanted to marry him and got very jealous of Dannii Minogue at one point when it looked like she might. Older me... not so much)
What is it about your fave driver that makes them your fave? Sakhir was when I really looked at George and had a real 'I shall call him fluffy and he shall be mine and he shall be my fluffy!' Moment and jumped feet first back in to fandom. I kind of relate to the awkward, maybe slightly repressed, brit vibe he gives off? Which I think Alex also possesses but in a different font? The sarcastic, dry sense of humour that also gets misconstrued. Their friendship is also very dear to me. Idk that you always choose your favourite driver as much as they choose you!
Face holiday destination youā€™d like to visit? So I am a terrible traveller to the extent I kinda hate holidays. I'm a bit of a homebird and just get in an anxious mess when I travel. I see loads of things to do online or on TV and then I get there and get put off by the price or the effort and so do nothing šŸ¤£. In an ideal world where none of that happened and I was an effective traveller though.... I'd like to see Sydney in Australia. I've also wanted to go to Amsterdam for the longest time and it's not even that far, I just never have for some reason?
Fave driver pairing? In terms of combined ability, I still think it's George and Lewis. I don't know that they're always my favourite to watch interact, lmao, but if I was a TP, I think that's still the lineup I'd go for.
Dream job when you were a child? Is it your job now? When I was younger I kind of desperately wanted to work in TV as a TV presenter, not even for the fame aspect, it just looked like a really fun job and I was obsessed with TV and the media and just wanted to work within it. I studied media obsessively for quite a long time, then I hit my late teens, lost all my confidence, realised the TV industry could be fkn hell to get into and needless to say it is NOT my job now.
Dream f1 team driver pairing? From a purely selfish perspective it would be George and Alex, although I fear I'm headed for an Icarus type fate by wishing for that. VERY cursed by the narrative.
Do you have a special talent? Talking shit? Overthinking things? Lol, I'm not sure I have a definable talent? I have things I'm quite good at, but nothing that would make people go wow!
If you could decide an f1 track anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere affordable with decent facilities, good access for fans and a good circuit that makes for interesting racing! I think it would be great to have a GP in Africa, but I think they're still a long way from anywhere being suitable and really the only viable place right now seems to be Kyalami or somewhere within South Africa. That said, given where the FIA gala is this year, I'm fully expecting some kind of Kigali street circuit to suddenly be announced... /s
Fave animal? I am decidedly not an animal person I'm afraid. Not sure why, they just freak me out. I love a cute animal photo or video, but actually being in the vicinity of them I always get a bit... tetchy?
Top prediction for the 2024 season? Boringly, I'm expecting more of the same, although f1 is one of those sports where you can't predict much until the first race and you've seen where everyone stands. I'm hoping for a second George win. I'm kind of expecting Lando will finally break his victory curse this year too at some point, although I kind of think it's funnier if he doesn't?
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hi! I hope youā€™re good :) if itā€™s okay, Iā€™d like to ask for a reading. itā€™d be more like a general reading, I think? I know usually itā€™s best when weā€™re very specific with our questions but thatā€™s the thing lol Iā€™ve just been so so lost lately. and itā€™s super weird, cause I am in the place I wished to be, I have around me the good people I wished to be around, I have the opportunity to do basically everything I wanted for a very long time but it feels like somethingā€™s missing. I know this is not a therapy session lmao and Iā€™m sorry if I sound like this but itā€™s just being confusing, drenching, super weird. I donā€™t even try to pick up on signs anymore cause I just know Iā€™ll get them twisted. so maybe some guidance? messages from anyone up there? something I donā€™t see coming? I usually get signs from songs a lot, so if itā€™s easier and anything pops up? literally anything would be perfect. wanna thank you already and wishing you the best!! šŸ•Šļø
Itā€™s not best to ask specific questions because youā€™re trying to control the information the universe wants you to know. What if you decided to make peace with yourself and accept that you will know what you are meant to know, when you know it?
When we get the things we thought we wanted, we are gifted with the new perspective of having those things. Often times we realize that is not what we wanted or that the things we thought would make us feel a certain way do not. Why? Because you must feel that within. Energy first. You pursue what makes you feel good now, not what you think will make you feel good years from now. The thing is, in the process of pursuing what you want, you may outgrow the end outcome or destination before you reach it which is why when you reach it, it feels unfulfilling. Thatā€™s why they say itā€™s about the journey, not the destination.
Itā€™s apparent to me that you donā€™t trust yourself. You cannot misinterpret signs from the universe. You can only understand them from your vantage point. Hindsight is 20/20 for a reason. That reason is that you can look back from the space of growth.
If you donā€™t see something coming, itā€™s because you arenā€™t meant to. What if instead of asking for answers you asked for acceptance of whatever that is? Stop asking for what to do, and be still and listen. Asking is only listening to yourself talk instead of hearing the quiet guidance within.
Also let go of control. Through your whole ask you apologized and over explained yourself as a way to try to control my perception of you. You didnā€™t want to seem demanding or overbearing etc. So instead you sent in a long ask that makes you come across as unsure of yourself. Stop trying to control how people see you and instead express yourself directly. How other people think of you is not your business and itā€™s taking time and energy trying to control things that could be going into your life mission.
Spirit, what else do you want to say?
Youā€™re rushing through your life trying to get from each best point to the other. You are afraid to go to the trenches, to dredge yourself through the mud. You like to do the right things and not make mistakes but youā€™re missing the scenic route. Itā€™s not about who gets there first itā€™s about all the detours that showed you beautiful things. We all will reach our end point no matter what so why are you rushing down the straight line to get there? If you keep rushing through life you will never feel fulfilled because you are not sitting with how far youā€™ve come. Life is about exploring, not following a set plan. You want to go from A to B efficiently, instead of looking for the most fun way to get there. Lighten up and loosen up. Life is for living, not barreling through.
Card Pullā€” Work Your Light Oracle
Yesā€” just say yes!
You already know this. The way the cards took a minute to come out shows me that. You just need to sit with yourself and stop barreling over your own insights with your mind. You feel confused because you take everything to your mind instead of your soul. Go to your soul, say yes. When you feel random urges to go places or reach out to people, say yes. Thatā€™s the key to taking the scenic route.
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killingsboys Ā· 2 years
Hi again ā¤ļø I do want to apologise for the flood of suicide tw messages you got because of me because I know it can be overwhelming and even though you offered to share the burden, which is very kind of you, you need to take care of yourself. On the other hand I'm so glad so many people feel comfortable sharing their stories, sharing their stories with you.
And I hope this doesn't sound weird but the thing you said, that your friend made you kinder, that will stick with me. If there's anything we can learn from our friends or family dying from suicide it is to be kinder, to others and ourselves. To forgive ourselves for not doing our best all the time. To not expect others to be happy all the time, to ask for help, to offer help. To have hard conversations. And so on and so forth.
Your friend sounds like an awesome kid, and I'm sorry you lost him so young - I have seen you talk about him before and I thought it was a relatively recent thing and now it feels so much worse, knowing a bit more. It also gives me hope because you seem to be coping better with it and I hope I'll get to that stage some day.
I hope the world overall will be a kinder place some day, so that suicide victims don't feel ashamed and hopefully it doesn't even come to the point of suicide. I know that's a stupid thought, highly unrealistic but that's my wish.
Hugging you back ā¤ļø
hi anon, sorry for answering this so late šŸ’›
suicide tw
you definitely donā€™t have to apologize - even though neither of us intended to start a larger dialogue, i truly donā€™t mind people sharing their feelings & stories in my askbox. iā€™m glad people feel comfortable sharing these things with me and i hope that i can help somehow. and i appreciate you worrying for my well-being and i hope it will put you at ease to know that i am (finally) at a point in my life where i can allow myself to hold boundaries for my own mental health & wait to answer heavy messages until i have the time and the space to do so ā¤ļø
that doesnā€™t sound weird to me at all. i have learned so much from my loss, especially about forgiveness. i donā€™t think that grief necessary has to be a learning experience, but it has been for me. maybe thatā€™s just me trying to find something good here, some sort of silver lining. maybe thatā€™s another thing that iā€™ve learned. i donā€™t know. i donā€™t want to frame this as a lesson i learned, because the price was much too high and iā€™d rather have my friend than any amount of wisdom. but i think you get what i mean.
i wish i could be more of a source of inspiration, but i would be lying if i told you that i wasnā€™t a mess for a really long time. i mean, just completely fucked up. i had very little support after my friend passed & the way that it was handled in our school and community made everything way harder for me & our other friends. it took me years and a lot of solo self-reflection to be able to look at everything without overwhelming guilt or shame or anger. longer still to be able to talk like this. i hope with all of my heart that you have a support system and that you can find peace, or something close to it. i donā€™t know if it will help you any, but iā€™ll tell you the thing that i have thought to myself nearly every day for the past nine-ish years: it may not get easier, but you will get stronger.
i donā€™t think thatā€™s a stupid wish at all. i truly hope that one day we will understand suicide better, without shame or embarrassment, and make huge strides in preventing suicide, both systemically and within our communities.
sending you love and light in the new year šŸ’›
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ekaterinatepes Ā· 3 years
Nothing but the Best
Authorā€™s note: hello my dears! Sorry for not updating the past few days. I travel a lot for work and the circumstances lately made it difficult for me to update as much as I wanted. Although I did get enough inspiration to write this chapter. I come back to you with some juicy lemony goodness ;)
Minors DNI
Warning: NSFW content, mildly non con at the beginning, emotional sex, hurt, comfort and angst.
Blinding jealousy was the only thing that could describe how Satoru felt. Boiling in his blood, licking flames of rage through his body.
Betrayalā€¦ his best friend, holding his wifeā€™s hand as he walked her back home. Not only that! Suguru went in with YOU! In your apartment! As if this was the most normal thing in the world!
Did you invite him to stay the night? Did you both plan this ahead of time?
Warping to the top of the building next to yours he continued to watch from his position as you turned on the lights in your apartment. Setting your bag on the counter, taking off your shoes and jacket. Suguru followed you in taking off his shoes and walking into the kitchen after you.
Gojo saw you both laughing and talking like you always did. You were at ease, immersed in your own worldā€¦ completely forgetting about Satoru.
Did the kiss from last night mean nothing to you?
ā€œWhat the fuck is going on?!ā€ He groaned removing his blindfold; now fully observing and analyzing every single detail of what you two were doing using his six eyes.
Gojo didnā€™t want to miss a thing.
He focused on you, your reactions, the way you smiled, the way you acted, your heartbeat, the tone of your voice andā€¦ that bright and warm halo of happiness surrounding you while in Suguruā€™s presence; the same halo that last night was cold for Satoru. All of your smiles, all of your warmth and kindness were dedicated to Suguru.
Satoruā€™s frayed nerves and chaotic mind debated wether he should warp there and steal you away (ā€¦ of course then proceed to fuck your into oblivion, fill you with his cum to the brim until you knew there was no other man for you other than your husband) OR keep watching and see how far you would go.
As angry as he was right then, he had to remind himself that Suguru and you had always been very close. It wasnā€™t uncommon for Geto fo visit you and have dinner with you to keep you company whenever Satoru wasnā€™t around due to his work or even have dinner together all three of you. This wasnā€™t ā€˜abnormalā€™ per say. The difference was that NOW you ā€˜thoughtā€™ you were not Satoruā€™s anymore (the operational word being ā€˜thoughtā€™)Getoā€™s presence never bothered him beforeā€¦ until now.
Taking a deep breath Satoru saw you walking towards your bedroom. His hands trembled in anticipation.
Were you going to sleep with Suguru?
He walked along the edge of his rooftop following your movements inside until you stopped in front of your room. Suguru moved closer to you and Satoru almost snapped. Lifting his hand to use his cursed technic against his best friend he saw how you both hugged and after you placed a kiss on his cheek you bid him goodnight. You pulled back and Satoru sighed in relieve but then Suguru was the one that leaned in and kissed your lips. Satoru was as shocked as you were but you managed to recover faster than he did since you returned Suguruā€™s embrace for what felt like an eternity. Finally when you separated, Geto and you exchanged a couple words and after another hug he walked out of your room closing the door behind him.
Satoruā€™s eyes had been open like saucers while the exchange took place, he released a breath he didnā€™t know have been holding. He saw you turn around and touch your lips with a blush on your cheeks.
He lost his fucking mind right then.
After coming back home Suguru and you talked about the latest shows you were watching and the movies you wanted to watch so you could catch up. A couple jokes about your gory tastes in movies and series after and you were both ready to turn in for the day.
ā€œSo! You wanna do a ā€˜The Walking Deadā€™ marathon?ā€ You asked with a smirk ā€œsure doll, we can do that tomorrow. You have the morning free right?ā€ Asked Suguru. Sunday mornings were your ā€˜meā€™ time since your instructor didnā€™t work on Sundays ā€œyes I do!ā€ You answered with a big grin. You felt like a kid and the sensation filled you with happiness.
Now that Suguru was here you felt so different, as if you had been numb but now you could feel again.
A yawn cut your next sentence making Suguru chuckle ā€œcome on sleepy head, you and I are both whippedā€ you complied with a sleepy smile and walked down the hall.
Geto stopped in front of your room and gave you one of his characteristic big bear hugs. He was so tall and muscular, you felt surrounded by warmth and muscles everywhere. The fresh and crisp scent of his citrus cologne and detergent made your stomach do a little flip. The intimacy and trust you felt with him reminded you that you were not alone.
It had been easy to bury yourself physically and emotionally in your work but now that Suguru was with you, it reminded you that despite of how tough things got, you would always count on him.
Reluctantly you both pulled back, his Adamā€™s apple at eye level with you made you swallow. When you looked back into his eyes you found his trailing on your lips before they moved up to meet your e/c eyes.
There was a growing tension between the two of you, too strong and obvious to ignore.
Before, when you were with Satoru; Geto and you had ignored it but now there was nothing stopping either of you from acknowledging it. Sooner than anticipated your lips connected in a tender kiss. He was soft and kind, not demanding. He just wanted to comfort you but also let you know he wanted you, all in his sweet particular way.
You returned the kiss. It was inviting like a balm, it didnā€™t mean to mark and conquer but to soothe. His plump lips still tasted of wine. It made your mouth avid to taste more.
When you pulled away a blush covered your cheeks ā€œgood night Kittenā€ Suguru tells you with his deep baritone making a very pleasant tingling sensation run down your spine ā€œgood night Suguā€ only then Geto leaves to go to his room across from yours.
The door closes behind you, all you can hear is your heart hammering away from within, you actuallyā€¦.enjoyed that kiss. It was so sweet, so tenderā€¦ so soothing. Everything that Suguru was to you was poured in that single action. Touching your lips you start debating whether this was something good or something you should wait before pursuing.
Satoru didnā€™t sign your divorce, technically you were still married. Suguru didnā€™t deserve a half assed relationship with someone who doesnā€™t have her shit together.
You were still healing it was true, butā€¦ when Suguru kissed you, it made you feel safeā€¦. Like you could let go and trust him.
Feeling guilty about it, you compared it to Satoruā€™s kiss from last night. It was impossible to deny there was still passion between you your husband and yourself. But then again physical intimacy was never the problem in your former relationship.
The thrill of the danger, of knowing nothing good would come out of it and despite it all your stubborn desire to immerse yourself in the ocean that was Gojo Satoru. Was what terrified you.
Noā€¦ you couldnā€™t think about him that way. Not anymore.
With a sigh you decided it was time for bed. You turned around to head to the bathroom but your body connected with something hard and warm. Looking up you saw Satoruā€™s crystal blue eyes but before you could scream he covered your mouth with one hand while wrapping the other one around your waist. ā€œOh no no no no my loveā€¦ none of that, we are not going to alert sweet Suguru about me, princessā€ the smirk that pulled at his lips made you shiver, it was predatoryā€¦ maniac even.
Before your senses could register the change in the atmosphere you were warped away with Satoru. You screamed, but it was too late, you were not in your home anymore.
The lavish interiors of an elegant dim lit suite received you ā€œwhat the fuck are you doing!?ā€ You asked when he let you go, taking a step back breathing heavily ā€œare you insane!?ā€ You asked the white haired sorcerer who in answer only moved closer to you. The more you tried to get away the closer he got, until you were trapped between the wall and his towering 6ā€™4 frame.
ā€œNow princessā€¦. Just what were you and Suguru doing?hmm?ā€ He asked with a terrifying grin that poorly attempted to disguise his anger. Moving his hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
ā€œNothing of your concern!ā€ You answered glaring at him, had he been spying on you? You tried to drop your body against the wall to escape from him but before you moved further than an inch down Satoru completely crushed your body with his ā€œI am not done talking to you yetā€¦ my wifeā€ he remarked making you ball your hands in fists. It annoyed and revolted you how he tried to use your ā€˜unfortunateā€™ marital status for leverage ā€œI am your wife only on the paperā€¦ I donā€™t care what you think or say!ā€ Satoru didnā€™t like your answer but his grin only broadened; grabbing your wrists and placing them on top of your head he held them with one of his large hands of dexterous fingers ā€œyou are rightā€¦.ā€ He started, giving you false hope ā€œmaybe it is time I remind you of your marital dutiesā€ your eyes opened wide but before you could attempt anything he kissed you. Fierce lips and teeth demanded your submissionā€¦ this wasnā€™t a tender requestā€¦ it was a display of dominance and possession.
You bit his lip trying to make him stop but Satoru took that as an invitation to grow bolder. His hand moved to your ā€˜Vā€™ cut long sleeve top and ripped it right in the middle making you gasp; giving him the perfect opportunity to plunge his tongue in your mouth and intensify the kiss tenfold.
His free hand moved to your left breast squeezing the globe of warm flesh underneath. Groaning against your lips on approval, Satoru moved both his hands to your hips and using his inhuman strength he carried you across the room faster than you could tell and then threw you on the bed.
ā€œSatoruā€¦ donā€™t do this! Are you mad?!ā€ You asked in a trembling tone while scooting backwards on the bed in a miserable attempt at escaping him.
ā€œYes! I am! As a matter of factā€¦ you are a good part of the reason why I am insane!ā€ Grabbing one of your ankles he pulled you closer to him. Spreading your legs he laid on top of your body, giving you no chance to escape ā€œSATORU STOP PLEASE!ā€ You screamed but Satoru only focused on destroying the fabric of your jeans. He wanted all the obstacles between you to be gone! He wanted your clothes, your pain and Geto to be gone! So he could have you all to himself.
You tried to kick him but when you are struggling with the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of his generation there was absolutely nothing your body could accomplish without his approval.
A part of yourself hated the fact that you were just as revolted as aroused at the moment. Was that combination even possible? On one hand you felt dirty because your husband was trying to force himself on you out of jealousyā€¦. But on the other partā€¦ the dark and twisted oneā€¦ you were aroused by his display of pure male dominance, by his suffocating desire to have you and only you.
It was hard to fight so many years of habit, of fantastic chemistryā€¦ of love.
You would have to be blind or stupid not to see that your husband had been obsessing over you since you left butā€¦.
What good could come out of it?
If you both gave into your primal desires and fucked each otherā€™s brains out. Would that change anything about your broken and unhealthy marriage?
His hot mouth moved to your neck to nibble and suck on that spot right bellow your earlobe that he loved to abuse. A big bruising mark was left in place, but he wasnā€™t content with just that. He wanted to leave the brand of his desire painted on your skin, like a beacon for him and a warning for others.
As the minutes went by his attentions became less frantic, instead they turned more purposeful and tender.
You stopped moving altogether, not fighting him nor corresponding his affections and careful treatment of your body.
Satoru pulled back for a moment to see youā€¦. Only then it hit him like a train.
What the fuck was he doing? He looked at you and saw the tear trails that dried on your cheeks. Your top ripped in half displaying the soft skin of your breasts only covered by a bra.
ā€œY/Nā€¦ā€ he whispered looking into your eyes. He caressed your cheek ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ loveā€ he mumbled trembling. ā€œIā€™m so sorryā€¦ā€ a sob broke through his lips.
Did heā€¦..? Did heā€¦. almost forced you to have sex with him? How far had he gone in his endeavor to get you back by any means necessary? The notion that he almostā€¦. Raped his wife made him sick.
He cried like a child. Wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face against your naked stomach; kneeling on the floor before the bed he crumbled to pieces. Repeating ā€˜Iā€™m sorryā€™ over and over again. He was horrified with himself; he had done many questionable things in his life but thisā€¦ took the cake. It made him a piece of shit! He didnā€™t deserve you! You were too good for someone as tainted as him. The dread that revelation brought made him cry harder.
He realized his obsession had been a result of the fear he was unwilling to admit having. The terror that made his insides coil. The absolute horror of losing yet another person he loved.
The fear of loosing you.
He had always been alone since he was a child. Satoru didnā€™t share much of his past with you but the few things you knew was that he had become an orphan at a very young age. He had to mature rapidly to overcome the obstacles of being a kid with so much power in the middle of a corrupt and outdated world of magic and intrigue.
Gojo always felt lonely, despite of how much he liked to mess around with people and play pranks on everyone. But youā€¦ had been one of the very few who got to see through his perfectly built facade and tell him the truth.
The night he told you he loved you was after you decided to stay with him in his apartment. He didnā€™t say or do anything particularly obvious but you somehow knew he didnā€™t want to be alone. He kept trying to fill the space with playful banter but you shut him up by hugging him and holding him tightly saying he didnā€™t have to explain anything all. That you would always be there for him, no matter what. It had been on the anniversary of the death of his parents.
Somehow, your empathetic and loving nature blindly guided you to stay with him and allow THE Gojo Satoru to be justā€¦. human in your arms.
As much as you wanted to hate him and resent him, seeing him in such a vulnerable state made your heart ache for him. Unable to stop yourself you caressed his platinum locks while he held onto you and cried begging for your forgiveness over and over again.
When Satoru calmed down he removed his head from your lap slowly, you have been crying along with him. Your fates leaded you both exactly where you were at. Every decision and mistake carved this painful path you walked now.
Looking into your eyes he moved closer as if he was afraid to scare you away, his face stopped just an inch away from yours, giving you the chance to reject his advances but instead of doing that you closed the distance that separated you both. You lips met and melted together in a desperate kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, making him moan recognizing the intimate and passionate gesture he had missed for so long. He laid you back down again, climbing on top of you. His hands moving down to your waist in an attempt to feel you as close as possible, as if you were going to disappear in any moment.
Your legs wrapped around his waist when your tongues laced together and caressed each other; moans and sighs left your lips, filling Satoruā€™s ears and making his hands wander over the expanse of exposed skin.
Making him stand before you and between your legs his long sleeved black shirt was removed quickly, your admired his perfectly sculpted pale torso, this man has always been soā€¦ perfect; as if the gods themselves had decided to carve every inch of his person. Although, he did look skinnier, you knew he had not been really taking care of himself. The sight send a pang of pain to your heart. ā€œToruā€¦.ā€ A little painful whisper abandoned your lips when you pulled him closer. Your mouth left a small path of kisses from his neck to the center of his chest, he gasped at the sweet and soothing action. Once more, your tenderness reminded him that he did not deserve you and yet he couldnā€™t come to make himself stop you. He needed you more than air to live.
Avid hands moved south of his stomach to undo his jeans and pull them down; a very vague part of your brain registered that you were now willingly doing this. Should you stop? Next to go were his boxers. He was standing naked in front of you.
His hardened cock stood between his legs with a small dribble of precum rolling down the reddened head.
He was an Adonis.
Looking into his eyes you saw the loving gaze laced with guilt in his cerulean orbs. You couldnā€™t stop, you didnā€™t want to.
He then helped you lay down to return the favor. His mouth kissed its way to the center of your breasts while his right hand undid your bra behind. Taking off the remains of your destroyed top along with your bra, next were the flimsy black lace panties that he rolled down your legs until you were fully naked before his eyes.
He was left speechless ā€œyou are so beautifulā€¦ā€ a goddess laid naked on his bed, with her inviting lips, glorious s/c skin, a halo of darker h/c hair around your head, perfect breasts and a pair of delectably shaped legs that he wanted wrapped around him.
How did he ever dare cheat on you? Not only your body was beautiful to him but your heart, you knew no boundaries when it came down to loving someone. You had given him everything and then some.
Kneeling before you he grabbed one of your legs and left kisses from the calf to the inner thigh. Placing it carefully over his shoulder he stopped for a moment to look in your eyes before his mouth delved between your thighs. He found your sweet pussy already wet and waiting for him to lavish his attentions. Like a starved man he licked your pussy, consuming everything you had to offer him. Your flavor coating his tongue made his stomach tight in delight, he recognized the addictive sweetness of your scent. Parting your lips with his tongue he penetrated your entrance with his tongue, going straight to the source. You screamed and he had to hold your hips so you wouldnā€™t pull away. He couldnā€™t let you go! Not now! Not ever!
Once he was satisfied he replaced his tongue with his fingers, pumping two digits in and out of your soaking entrance. His tongue looked for your clit and swirled around it, sucking at times and flicking at others. His reward were your screams, moans and sighs of pleasure. They were only for him and no one else.
ā€œTā€¦ Toruā€¦ Iā€™m gonna comeā€
ā€œCome for me princess, give me all of you my loveā€ Satoru asked quickly before his mouth returned to your slit and his thumb took care of the bundle of nerves at the top.
You screamed, arching your back when your orgasm washed over your body and completely overwhelmed your senses. Taking his time to taste and swallow your juices Satoru finally emerged from between your legs. Your eyes darkened with a desired that matched his.
Your arms inviting him to come closer encouraged him to lay on top of you after wiping his chin with his hands. Long legs surrounded his waist while you looked in each otherā€™s eyes. ā€œI love youā€¦ā€ he said at the same time he slid his cock inside you, slowly until he was fully sheathed and his balls slapped your ass, making you scream his name.
Satoru was not a small man by any means, taking all of his impressive length at once would have been impossible had he not prepared you beforehand. He knew it, so he moved slowly at the beginning, allowing you some time to adjust while he whispered sweet nothings on your ear.
The moment your legs pulled him closer and deeper he knew you were ready. Without a word he rocked his hips, retracting all the way until only the tip was left inside before he went all the way back in making you body jolt.
The rhythm was slow and purposeful at the beginning but as the minutes went by, the both of you became hungrier, more demanding, moreā€¦ needy. Your hips met his thrust by thrust. The slapping of your skins intensified as did the moans.
Your tight and hot walls squeezed his cock so deliciously the man was having a tough time not behaving like an animal and rutting you through the mattress like a beast in heat. He wanted to show you he loved you.
He held both your hands in his, pushing them against the bed at both sides of your head. Looking into your eyes he moved deeper ā€œI love youā€¦ā€ he said again and you couldnā€™t help but feel how the tears escaped your eyes ā€œI love you tooā€¦ā€ you admitted in a tiny voice that could barely be considered a whisper.
Satoru eliminated the distance between you both and kissed you, pouring his heart in that action. Your climax was close, he knew this so he angled his hips to continue pummeling your sweet spot while he drove you over the edge.
You came around his thick cock, your walls tightening around his member as if they never wanted go let go ā€œIā€™m gonna come princessā€ he moaned and then with a few hard thrusts he spilled himself inside you, painting your walls with his cum.
Your worn out, sweaty bodies stayed still. Trying to recover. Satoru refused to remove himself from inside you.. Not yet, he wanted to savor this moment, the intimacy and the love he felt.
You didnā€™t protest, instead you did what you used to do back when you both were still together. Cradling his head between your breasts you stroked his hair, lulling you both to sleep.
Your last coherent though before sleep claimed you beingā€¦ That once againā€¦ you fell for it.
Guilt settled in.
ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”-> Chapter 11
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aspoonofsugar Ā· 2 years
Hola, me gustan mucho tus objetivos, son muy interesantes. Especialmente cuando trabajas sobre RWBY. Mi pregunta es: ĀæcuĆ”les son sus alusiones y referencias favoritas de cuentos de hadas que RWBY ha usado y desarrollado? En concreto, la forma en la que han trabajado esa ilusiĆ³n dentro del programa.
Thank you for the very nice words and I am so so sorry it took so much time to answer you! You see, I was writing this super long Weiss's meta on her Snowhite allusion and I have a meta (hopefully shorter LOL) on Cinder's allusion planned. In my ideal world I wanted to finish them both before answering, so that I had more material and thoughts to share :''')
However, the Weiss's analysis took A LOT, so I decided to actually answer you before writing the Cinder one!
In short, I love RWBY's allusions! They go right to the heart of the source material and reference it in original and complex ways. The writers usually choose 1 or 2 thematic elements and repeat it multiple times throughout the story. At the same time, this repetition ends up alluding to the original pretty closely both in terms of structure and theme. Add some inversion, some subversion and some deconstruction/reconstruction and you get RWBY allusions :)
I'll share some of my favourites right away, but before that, I would like to quickly highlight how rich RWBY's motifs are.
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Many teams share a specific way their allusions are used. This usually reflects some thematic concept explored by the group of characters.
RWBY are fairy tales, but they are also built on duality. Ruby is both the Red Riding Hood and the Hunter. Weiss is both Snowhite and the Knight. Blake is both the Beauty and the Beast. Yang is both Goldilock and the Baby Bear (hence why she has so much brown in her outfits :P). This shows our heroines' complexity and richness. They embody both the feminine (Little Red Riding Hood, Snowhite, Beauty and Goldilock) and the masculine (the Hunter, the Knight, the Beast and the Baby Bear). Not only that, but their concepts all explore the idea of the shadow or the inner beast. Blake and Yang do so directly since they both have a "beast" inside them (the Beast and the Baby Bear). Ruby and Weiss do so through their allusions. Ruby faces the Big Bad Wolf, while Weiss the Evil Queen.
JNPR are legends, but their allusions also have a genderbender motif. They allude to people of the opposite sex, who all had to genderbend at one point. This fits their arcs, which are all strongly intertwined with the idea of anima (and interestingly all 4 characters are from anima or have family there). Jaune's arc is about aquiring the positive feminine traits Pyrrha embodies. Nora and Ren instead must integrate with each other and their story is focused on their relationship and complementarity.
Ace Ops are Aesops, aka stories with a black and white morality (most of the time) just like the Atlas Ace Operatives, who are unable to think with their own heads once the world is revealed more complex than just "good" and "bad".
WTCH are what ifs... they are bad endings for positive characters.... What if Watson worked for Moriarty (but also what if Watson were jealous of Sherlock)? What if the Scorpion killed the Frog, but survived? What if Hansel lost Gretel? What if Cinderella were not saved? Interestingly, Cinder fits both WTCH and RWBY's motifs, in the sense that the answer to... "what if Cinderella were never saved" is "she would become an evil stepmother as well". Hence Cinder is both Cinderella (victim) and the Stepmother (abuser). Obviously Salem too fits both the "what if" and "duality" rule. What if the princess from fairy tales could not stay with her prince forever? She would turn into an Evil Witch.
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Each character plays multiple parts within RWBY. Many of them have their own allusions, but they also play important characters in others' stories. For example, Jaune is Joanne D'Arc, but he also plays Snowhite's Prince and Achilles's Patroclus. Moreover, there are some allusions that are so important that they kind of permeate the whole story. The Wizard of Oz allusion is exactly this.
Oz and Salem allude to the Wizard of Oz and the Evil Witch of the West. Qrow, Glynda, Lionheart, Ironwood and Theodore all play into this same allusion. That is not all, though. RWBY themselves can be seen as a new generation of Oz's characters.
Ruby is Dorothy with her personal silver slippers ("You have silver eyes")
Weiss is the Tin Man who has secretly more heart than anyone else
Blake is the Cowardly Lion (or the scaredy cat?) who is the bravest of all
Yang is the Scarecrow, who acts himbo-ish, but is really smart and subtle
In general, the whole plot builds on the Wizard of Oz one. The party goes around the world meeting their previous generation version only to finally go back home (probably the finale will be at Beacon). Not only that, but after the Wizard of Oz disappears (Ozpin's death), Ozma and Tip pop up (Oscar and Ozma).
So, meta-narratively, RWBY, Oscar and JNR are moving in an endless version of the Wizard of Oz. This is also why Ruby's character short in volume 4 has her going from wolves (aka Little Red Riding Hood's enemy) to this:
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A very intelligent monkey Grimm (Wizard of Oz's allusion) with only one eye (like the Hound... or Cinder) :P If that is not foreshadowing, I don't know what is.
Anyway, this is precisely why the heroes stepping away from the yellow brick road is interesting:
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They fall and leave the Wizard of Oz setting to enter Wonderland (Alyx's land). I am expecting next volume to reference the Alice novels and to be meta-narratively different from others.
So, now we arrive at some of my favourite allusions so far! Obviously this list may change as the character arcs progress, but also as I discover new things through analyses and metas.
Penny as Pinocchio
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Pinocchio is the story of a selfish and lazy puppet, who slowly learns to prioritize others and to work earnestly to obtain what he wants. At the end of the book, he is tested by the Blue Fairy, who asks for his help. Pinocchio immediatley gives her 40 pennies he had worked hard to gain. As a reward for his hard work and generosity, he finally becomes a true boy and the 40 pennies come back to him as 40 golden coins.
Penny takes Pinocchio's premise and inverts it by also combining it with some alchemy metal symbolism. She is a true girl since the beginning, but the world around her refuses to aknowledge this. Ironwood, Salem, Cinder and Watts all think of her as someone with no will nor humanity, that can be easily controlled or manipulated. Meanwhile some of her loved ones, like Pietro, tend to be overprotective and to treat her as a child. Penny's arc is then about affirming her own humanity and independence despite the world being hell-bent on getting in her way. Because of this, Penny's own story becomes a complex and beautiful exploration of what being human (and growing up) means. It is about confronting your feelings, thinking with your own head and making your own choices. However, even if you do all of this perfectly, things may still turn out wrong because having feelings means you can experience friendship and love, but also pain and loss.
When it comes to how Penny's allusion is used in the story, the thematic element she is asked to face over and over is that of the Blue Fairy. She meets her 3 times throughout the Atlas Arc. She appears as Fria (1st), Ambrosius (2nd) and Winter (3rd).
Fria and Ambrosius's roles is to aknowledge Penny's humanity through the worldbuilding. Fria can give Penny the Maiden power because she is a true girl. Ambrosius gives Penny a body that mirrors her interiority. She appears as a human because she is human and has been human all along. At the same time, Penny's experiences with Fria and Ambrosius teach her things about humanity itself. Being human in soul means you have to balance duties and wishes. Having a human body means you can feel pain and are left more vulnerable. In other words, being human is awesome because you have friends and wishes and feelings! But it is also painful and heartbreaking... So is humanity worth it? In the final moments of her arc, when she is already dying, Penny answers that yes, it is... So, she herself chooses humanity, creation and love by making Winter the third and final Blue Fairy (just look at the blue fairy dust ice surrounding Winter's Maiden form).
In the end, RWBY's Pinocchio creates the Blue Fairy and completes her arc from creation (passive/child) to creator (active/adult). This crowning (and tragic as hell) moment is highlighted by Penny disappearing into a golden cloud. No idea if there are going to be plot related reasons for this. Still, symbolically this choice hits 2 sweet boxes.
Shedding the green to reveal the gold underneath it conveys that Penny is leaving behind Pietro's aura color to embrace her own. She is not just her father's daughter/creation anymore, but her own person.
Going from green to yellow is symbolic of Penny going from copper to gold, just like Pinocchio's coins in the novel. It is also a nod to alchemy and to the metal motifs shared by many characters. Gold is the most refined of metals, so Penny becoming gold indicates she has reached perfection.
Apart from all of this, Penny's allusion is full of references or easter eggs. She fights with Lampwick (Torchwick), meets the Cat and the Fox (Em and Merc) and is almost eaten by Monstra. Finally, her song directly references Disney Pinocchio's Wishing Upon a Star.
1) Cinder as Cinderella
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I am planning a meta on Cinder's allusion, so I won't write much here. That said, I think it is clear why hers is among my favourites. It is a great exploration of Cinderella's story through the what if lens. What if Cinderella were not saved? What if she were not a good victim?
This question leads to a neat exploration of abuse, its consequences and how it is a cycle that perpetuates itself. Fitting to such a thematic core, Cinder's allusion plays on repetition in the sense that she keeps living it over and over again. It starts with Madam and Rhodes playing respectively the Evil Stepmother and the Prince/Fairy Godmother. It goes on with Salem playing both the Fairy Godmother/the Evil Stepmom and Ruby playing the Prince. Similarly, Cinder keeps going through dances, midnights and collecting slippers (the twin swords, the maiden power, Em and Merc). It is a cycle that needs and will be broken. Once this happens, the person Cinder really wants to be will emerge from the ashes and affirm herself.
3) Blake as the Beauty and the Beast
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The Beauty and the Beast is at its core a story about love, romantic relationships and the integration between opposites. So, Blake's arc explores these ideas in several ways. It is a reflection on love that starts with toxic love (Adam), goes through one-sided/immature love (Sun) and arrives to mature love (Yang). At the same time, it is also a story about integrating with those different from you (Faunus and Human) and how this co-habitation can be difficult.
Structurally, it works because Blake goes through the basic plot of her fairy tale twice, but in opposite ways. In the first scenario, Adam is the beast and it is an inversion of the original story. In the second scenario, Yang is the beast and the allusion is played straight. As a matter of fact, the Beauty and the Beast is about a young girl separating from the Father and finding a new love and family in the Beast. To be more precise, Beauty leaves her Father to go live in the Beast's castle, but after a while she begs the Beast to let her go visit her dad, who is sick. The Beast lets her, but asks her to be back in a week or he will die. Beauty meets her Father and loses track of time, so when she goes back to meet the Beast, she finds him already dying. By this point, she realizes her love for the Beast, heals him and so they marry and live happily together.
In the inversion storyline, Blake starts as a member of Ghira's group, but leaves it and her parents by choosing to be Adam's partner. After a while, though, Blake chooses to leave the Beast and goes back to Menagerie. Only by reconnecting with Ghira and his ideals, she grows strong enough to go back to Adam and fight him off.
Similarly, Blake leaves both Adam and Menagerie and meets Yang. They grow together, but at one point she chooses to leave her partner, which highly upsets Yang. After reconciling with her family and growing stronger, Blake goes back to Yang and is forgiven by her.
Finally, I find it neat that her allusion makes use of all the members of team RWBY. Ruby is Blake's new Rose that introduces her to Yang and reconnects her with Ghira's ideals. Weiss is Blake's Beauty when it comes to the Faunus plotline. She starts off as prejudiced against Blake and her people, but mellows with time and is now ready to help. Yang is Blake's Beauty when it comes to her romantic plotline. Blake symbolically becomes able to love again and to be herself again through their relationship.
3) Weiss as Snowhite
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Snowhite is the story of a child growing up and becoming a different person from their parent. When one is a child, they identify almost completely with their parent. However, once they start growing up, they discover they are their own person. This is what Snowhite appearing in the Evil Queen's mirror represents. In other words:
There's a part of me that's desperate for changes, Tired of being treated like a pawn But there's a part of me that stares back from inside the mirror Part of me that's scared I might be wrong That I can't be strong.
In the original fairy tale, Snowhite is the part who wants to change, while the Evil Queen is the part who refuses to evolve. The fairy tale can be seen as a metaphor for this inner process within an individual. This is also Weiss's story in a nutshell. It is a struggle between the Heiress (The Evil Queen) and the Huntress (Snowhite). They are just 2 sides of Weiss, who go through metaphorical parallel journeys and reconcile in the end.
On the one hand the Heiress has to face herself in the mirror. She has to struggle with her reflection and her undesirable parts until she grows strong enough to destroy the mirror instead of letting herself be controlled by it (so by Jacques).
On the other hand the Huntress has to tame the wild animals through her Glyphs. By doing so, she goes through Snowhite's iconic deaths and resurrections. The Heiress dies, but is reborn as a Knight (Arma Gigas). The Huntress is murdered, but comes back as a Queen (Queen Lancer).
In short, Weiss's journey through the Vale and Mistral arcs has her fo from a Little Spoilt Princess to a Wise Queen. Of course, then there are all the easter eggs and other references. Like The Finest of Them All Schnee Dust Company commercial, Klein as the dwarves and Jacques as the Evil Queen.
5) Ruby as Little Red Riding Hood
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I am sure Ruby's allusion will be at the top of my list once it gets more focus and development. As for now, the setup is excellent. Ruby is both the Hood and the Hunter and her journey is bound to be about meeting many Big Bad Wolves. It starts with simple Grimms, it goes on with the Hound and it will probably reach its climax with Summer and Cinder.
In short, Ruby's arc promises to be a story about grief and loss, but also empathy and complexity and I can't wait to have more.
6) Pyrrha as Achilles
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Pyrrha's story beautifully re-tells and re-interprets Achilles's journey in the Trojan War. Achilles is asked to choose between eternal glory and a normal life. Similarly, Pyrrha too is asked to decide if she prefers to be a normal girl or a maiden. Her answer is that she is both. She chooses to die a hero not to try and be more than what she is, but because that is who she is. Pyrrha Nikos is a Huntress and Huntresses do the right thing, even if it is hard.
Apart from that, her story is full of little details. Jaune being her Patroclus, but working in reverse, for example. Patroclus's death is what leads Achilles to fight, while in RWBY Pyrrha's death becomes Jaune's main motivation. Then there is the arrow hitting her heel obviously. Finally, the whole fight between Pyrrha and Penny can be seen as a nod to Achilles and Hector's battle. Achilles and Hector were the 2 strongest warriors of easch army, just like Pyrrha and Penny are for respectively Beacon and Atlas. Pyrrha shredding Penny apart can be seen as a reference to Achilles ripping Hector's limbs away, as well.
Honorable mentions
Yang as Goldilock: I have several ideas on Yang's allusion, but somehow I still miss that element which is gonna make it all click together and I wonder if it will be given to us in the next volumes.
In short, Goldilock is the story of a child lacking balance and not being able to fit in. This is the basic idea of Yang's arc. She is unbalanced initially and must learn that asymmetry and uniqueness are not the same as being extreme (hence Tai calling her out on her semblance).
Symbolically, she is initially too hot and needs to cool off (which interestingly she does thanks to Weiss aka the ice to her fire). At the same time, she also tries to be "too big" (hence people asking her both in the yellow trailer and in volume 4 if she isn't too young to drink). I wonder if the too hard/too soft dychotomy will play a part as well. Interestingly, everything seems to be going back to 3 key relationships: Ruby (too hot and too small), Raven (too cold and too big) and Blake (just right, but it would be interesting if they had a final conflict about too soft and too hard, but this is just a headcanon).
At the same time, differently from other allusions, Yang's seems to be cyclical and repeating itself over and over. It starts with her flashback in Burning the Candle, it goes on with the Yellow Trailer and it happens once again in volume 4 when she goes to meet Raven.
Hazel as Hansel: Hazel's arc was simple, but well done and so it's his allusion. Him getting a prisoner to the Witch without Gretchen, but finally being able to burn her up, like her sister does in their fairy tale is cathartic.
The Gods: Sorry, but them alluding to the Grimms Brothers is hilarious and well thought up :''')
Allusions for which I have headcanons I like very very much: Right now, I have theories and thoughts for Jaune, Mercury and Emerald. However, they are not canon as for now.
Allusions I am not sure that are there, but I still love: Emerald and Mercury as the Cat and the Fox, Winter as the Snow Queen (and so Weiss as Gerda), Emerald as Aladdin (I don't think she is meant to be Aladdin, but it is possible the popularity of this theory in the fandom made them consider integrating some bits of this allusion... I mean... only happy if it happens- as for now, it surely leads to some interesting thoughts about who the genies are in Em's arc >>> they are her abusers). I also like the theory of Oscar and the Little Prince, but I need more and tbh... I am fairly sure his allusion to Ozma and Tip too is a great one. It is just I don't know very well the source material tbh. Another one I don't dislike, but there is little evidence is Willow as the Swan Lake.
This is all as for now. I hope this answer brought some interesting thoughts even if it comes late and it is maybe not so well organized!
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