#also i considered tagging ppl on tumblr but that makes me anxious so
celestiallyslimy · 1 month
dear systems(?) of tumblr; (a genuine ask/vent)
i've been showing signs of dissociative identity disorder, and would like to know what people who do have the disorder see my experience as. disclaimer; i have not done much research on dissociative identity disorder, and i am tagging this with tags related to the content of the vent to reach an audience with actual knowledge on dissociative identity disorder, not because i think i have it. i hope that the way i tag doesnt offend people.
buffer for s/a(?), gaslighting, and ed mention also in case you dont wanna hear my sob story and want to know my actual ask, the actual ask is highlighted. the tldr is in red
so, when i was not even ten, my younger sisters would lick my boobs and try humping me and holding me down to slap my bare buttcheeks. my parents didn't help me at all, they said that they're too young to know it was sexual and i should set my own boundaries. i've had dreams about it but im unsure whether i should actually label it as s/a since my sisters are younger than me and less mature. i've also been told small things like "this song is called (example)" only to be told "i've never heard of that song, no it's called (example 2)" since i was 5. this has led to me questioning my identity, and not in the "im not cishet" way, and more of the "how old am i? am i even fourteen? was i even born as (deadname)?" way where i dont know my surroundings. until i was 6-7, i would assume everything i believed was a dream and end every sentence with "but yeah it was probably just a dream and not real". and then, there's my sisters body shaming me AT EIGHT until i started showing signs of bulimia and anorexia (although, my experiences have only aligned with certain systems and i have never seen a therapist, im NOT saying im diagnosed). they would make fun of my for my boobs, stomach, arms, etc.
i've been having multiple "personalities"? not really identities. i mean, the ones i make a distinction with (such as my blogs; i have three blogs right now) use different names and pronouns. but there are other ones with different habits and typing quirks. they never really manifest irl (other than my names, but all the ppl irl know (not my family) is that i go by salem, millie, and eris). sometimes, i dont want to speak at all, sometimes i talk way too much, other times, "i talk liek thizz :333 X333". my main blog, starrinymph, (even tho i dont use it much) goes by ambrose; but i go by ambrose a lot online. this blog (celestiallyslimy) goes by orion, daughterofnoridoorman, for fictionkin content, goes by sage, uzi, and v. it feels weird to put my names/pronouns that i use on one blog on another but i've been doing it anyways because i want to be consistent. but, even when im using a different personality than my basic one, i dont have gaps in my memory. i can switch between these identities voluntarily, but once it happens subconsiously (i dont know a better word), it doesnt really go away. and if i purposefully try and suppress it, then, i start getting anxious, and get the need to pick at my skin and hair. its also sometimes like i can hear different "people" in my head. if it helps, i've also shown signs of other disorders from many quizzes (i would get a professional diagnosis if i could), such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, borderline personality disorder, adhd, and more.
tldr; i've had experiences at the age where i was supposed to develop that many would consider to be "traumatic". i am wondering if me having multiple personalities (which i can choose to act as, but can not actively switch out of if it happens on its own, and usually only has changes in typing/ minor changes in personality) may be a sign of dissociative identity disorder.
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whenisitenoughtrees · 4 years
Do you have any fic recommendations? I really like how you write in this fandom so if you have any of your own favourite fics or authors I'd like to see them!
sorry this too me so long lol, i was hardcore procrastinating, and then i realized that i tend to forget to save a lot of the fics i like so i had to track some stuff down. i tried to narrow down the list, but it still ended up being pretty long, so i put favorite fics under the cut
all links go to ao3!
Favorite Authors:
teacupfulofbrains is definitely among my favorites, bc both her writing style and the way she writes the characters are just so, so good. personal faves include living in the real world (ain’t it fun), lovely, dark, and deep, and her avatar au, the crossroads of our destinies
patentpending is one of those writers who you would not be surprised to hear has something published because she is just that good. i think a lot of people in the fandom know Powerless, but my favorite of hers is her recent mociet divorce-and-remarry fic Bother Me a Little Bit Longer
RandomSlasher has got some really good stuff and their fluff and h/c is always completely on point; they’re probably one of my favorite authors for virgil overall. i particularly like Starved and Snow Day, and they’ve also got a bunch of really great oneshots
peachsneakers has written literally so much fic, mostly short and sweet ficlets, but they’re all so well-written and there really is something for everyone. i’m particularly fond of their series preservation of the self for that good good dark sides angst
delimeful writes a lots of aus, mostly fantasy and/or supernatural, and there’s a lot of cute g/t stuff if you enjoy that. his fic how easy you are to need was one of the first fics i bookmarked for this fandom, and i also especially like his alien au series sit back and watch the world go by
greenninjagal is fantastic, i don’t think there’s a single fic of hers that i’ve read and not enjoyed, and i am in love with the way she writes all the sides (particularly the dark sides, but i’m a bit biased). i particularly love Deja Vu and her recent space au Space and Everything In It
Favorite Fics:
A Game of Vice, in which remus locks roman up in a tower like a stereotypical damsel in distress and everyone else goes to rescue him. i love this fic because a) everyone gets a chance to shine and b) remus is very much the antagonist but he’s still sympathetic? which i love
Self Love is just, nine chapters of emotional catharsis and thomas getting to know his sides better, and i love everything about it. i think character!thomas is criminally underused in a lot of fics, and this fic in particular has one of the best characterizations of character!thomas that i’ve ever read
The Gold of Your Heart is a roceit classic, i think, but if you like roceit and haven’t read this one yet, i would absolutely recommend it because it’s so well written and it’s also really long, which i’ve found is kind of rare in this fandom. my only reservation is that there are parts that you could interpret as being u!patton and u!virgil, but everyone has a reason for acting like they do and everything gets resolved by the end, so i was still able to enjoy it a lot even though u!sides are typically a major turn off for me
chivalry is dead has some of the best roman angst i’ve ever read-- he literally splits into his own sides, and everyone else is trying to get him back together again, and it’s just literally so fantastic. also, the endgame pairing is dlamp, which i am always weak for
That’s Just How Siblings Are is literally 10k of roman and remus-centric whump and h/c, and i am weak for creativitwins anyway but this fic really hits all the right buttons. it also features an interesting take on light vs. dark sides relations, which i really liked
Remy Sanders and a Bunch of Idiots is one that i just read recently, and i’m putting it on here for the fact that it made me care about remy? which is not to say that i don’t like remy, because i do, but when i see him in fics i’m rarely all that invested in him as a character. but this fic, hoooo boy. it’s exactly what the title says, with the added angst of remy trying to take care of all the others while being completely convinced that they hate him, and it’s just so frickin good
Falling Together is everything that i look for in a lamp fic-- it takes that trope of patton and roman and logan being together and they all want virgil to join them and virgil also wants to join them but communication issues and virgil’s low self-worth get in the way, you know, that trope? and it plays it out to absolute perfection
Tyndall Effect is one of the cutest dukeceit fics i have read in my life, just, pure fluff. it’s an urban fantasy au, deceit is cursed, and remus falls in love instantly. i literally couldn’t stop grinning the entire time i was reading
the feelings in my headspace rearranged is a wip, if that’s a deal-breaker, but it is absolutely worth the wait for new chapters. it’s centered on the idea that virgil doesn’t intrinsically have a name, and as such, canon goes differently, starting with accepting anxiety. it’s so emotional and well-written, and i love it so much
like copper and gold is loginceit, or logiroceit, or whatever the ship name is for logan x roman x janus, and it is a 30k word rollercoaster. it’s also the only explicit fic i’m including, and it definitely earns that rating, so if you don’t want smut, skip this one. but i’m putting this one on here because usually, smut holds no appeal for me, and i tend to skip smutty content in fics i otherwise enjoy, but this fic is so well written that i read every word and enjoyed it. even though the smut is such a big part of the premise of the fic, it really feels like the smut isn’t the point so much as the emotions behind it, and overall i really can’t recommend this one enough
aaaaand that’s what i’ve got! i hope something in here appeals!!
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gohyuck · 4 years
A few months ago I saw an author say “likes don’t mean shit” (verbatim) & I get that they were imploring ppl to rb fics, but it made me feel a way bc, it parallels the paranoia I have that my appreciation or feedback isn’t good enough. If I “like” a post, that’s “not good enough” to some writers. yeah I can be rb’ing it, but if I rb to share to my literal 3 followers, but don’t add tags gushing abt it, that’s also not enough. So then it feels like anything short of a huge post isn’t good enough
& no this isn’t about me but I have major depression and I don’t want to be the reason someone else is depressed so I WANT to give fb but sometimes (most of the time) it’s overwhelming to make the aforementioned big post & specify this part makes me think or feel this or etc, but I feel like nothing short of that is good enough to be considered worthwhile to author & they’ll still get upset esp if they check my blog & see what I rn or post after I feedback-ed their so I haven’t posted anything
in about a month? so then I feel bad cus I’m hiding from everyone even my mutuals who are writers & essentially pretending I’m not online bc reading is how I cope but I don’t want anyone to be bad if I like a post or rn with no tags in a just-to-share way so even tho I read like 50,000words a day I’m too anxious to where even if I kinda enjoy smth I don’t “like” it at all so they don’t get mad at me for it not being enough If they don’t know about me to begin with & I thought this would fit in 3
but it didn’t & it feel like I’m rambling but basically I just felt like giving an author the insight to know that there are a couple more reasons your work may not get as many notes as one would think..ofc u guys have the right to vent & make posts reminding ppl that u like fb but that one author made me so anxious abt how much appreciation is acceptable that now I just use my web browser’s bookmarks to keep track of what I’ve read bc I’m an insecure fraid-y cat 😔 ok that’s all, bye 🚀
i mean... okay let me compose my thoughts. 
when that author said “likes don’t mean shit” they mostly meant that a like is not usually representative of someone’s approval. as writers on a platform like tumblr (or ao3, or whatever), we provide a source of entertainment for free. it is a type of service, and it is freely available to others. i’m kind of in agreement with them, honestly: a like is not entirely equivalent to any kind of review. however, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to reblog work if you personally are not comfortable with doing so. 
you not leaving feedback on a post will not give someone else depression. if they say their mental state rests on the responses of others’ to their work, they have other things going on and it is likely their mental state rests on many shaky things, and that’s okay, because mental health is different for everyone. do not let anyone make you think that you not reblogging their work on tumblr dot com is going to push them over some kind of edge. most writers on this site are well aware that, because we provide something for free, we cannot always expect feedback. it’s really nice to receive some, yes, but it isn’t a necessity. this is a public forum. you get what you get. 
a reblog with tags is great. a reblog is good. a like is fine. however you want to show your appreciation, do so. that being said, if you don’t want to reblog or don’t feel like you’re up to leaving tags or even liking, you can always drop an anonymous comment in the author’s inbox about how much you enjoyed their work. i assure you, i look forward to those messages just as much as i like seeing reblogs/tags. there are many ways to show authors you appreciate them, and you do not have to do so at a negative impact on your own mental health. 
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kadywicker · 5 years
okay quick poll. so I got briefly terminated bc tumblr is a very functional website and I was using the xkit tag replacer. I got my account back clearly but while I was gone I remade at @retrotrans and am considering moving there permanently anyway.
considerations: this blog has almost 6.3k followers and the idea of losing that makes me a lil anxious. BUT I've also had this blog for 4 years and been through a Lot and have ppl that genuinely Hate Me for dumb shit like headcanons over here which would be a lot less if I started over.
please vote bc I'm terrible at making my own decisions and need constant validation bc I have a terminal case of Bad Brains
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q-unsolved · 5 years
your art is so nice and good. it's really fun to talk about your aus and characters too! have you ever considered making a discord server or something related to them so we can discuss em more/meet each other/etc??
hhhhh thank you!!!! 💞💕💖 and oh yeah that’d be very cool except... i don’t use (don’t know how to use) discord and would be a terrible manager for a channel/server/etc. i mean, this is my personal blog and i still take ages to get to answer ppl / post and stuff & it sometimes makes me anxious to uh... i suppose discuss aus in detail? aside from sparks of random inspiration? because that’s what they usually are, just flitting thoughts
but you’re always free to talk more about it (with me, or among other friends) and make your own stuff with it (been absolutely in love with every art/writing tagged my way, again thanks to you lovely people) !!!
also i do remember tumblr having a kind of... group chat??? now tho i heard it’s garbage ...... i guess we could... do that...? but i’m not sure of anything yet!
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pooklet · 6 years
unaesthetic asks (anon edition)
i usually use a psd for asks to make them look nice and transparent and number them but tbh it’s just keeping me from answering asks quickly, having to shift layers around and stuff. so this is me literally cutting and pasting the text of some asks into a text post instead, sry.
if i did not answer yr thing here i lost/never got the ask, need a separate post to answer it (community lot anon), or worked myself into an anxious lather when i did not have an immediate response at the ready and fled into the woods to hide inside an old damp log and mutate slowly into a creature composed entirely of moss.
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1) hey friend i think i can actually help with this one! slig did my poor lover for momma lisa, and has a few of my other skins linked to different body meshes in this tag here. @asimplevampire​ also did rehash for androgyny. those are the two i know off the top of my head but if anyone else knows any others pls reply to this post!
i don’t personally make showerproof skintones for body meshes because i a) am lazy and b) don’t usually take pics of my sims in the shower or naked in general so the occasional floating head just gives me a lil chortle when it does happen.
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2) yis, it is the second to last one in this post by @magpieplayssims​ with a bunch of face masks piled on.
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3) i use a personal edit of gunmod’s 3.1 A camera which alters the, like, central pivot axis so i can swing the camera underground into any basements i might be using. as a result, whenever i load the lot, it starts me off zoomed inside the floor, you just gotta zoom out with the scroll wheel to get above ground and it works normally from there. i haven’t figured out how to mitigate this while still being able to access underground rooms. which is why my edit never got its own post, but i did share it here.
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4) nah, not really. i mean i have an outdated one at the back of my catalogue but my face is boring to me cuz i see it every day n stuff & i’m less and less interested in making human features now that custom sliders have let me go absolutely mad with power.
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5) ye sorry i put that on my to-do list and promptly forgot about it cuz my brain seems to think that putting something on a list means it’s done forever now!!!! but now it’s actually done and i’m fixing the other links too.
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6) yr phone is a craven liar and i will not stand for this libel. earlier today i was genuinely bewildered by a discussion about channing tatum cuz i thought his name was tatum channing. i sat there for minutes, convinced that there were two guys in hollywood one named channing tatum and the other named tatum channing and wondering if that ever got confusing for them.
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7) u would be surprised, friend! my memory is a lawless wasteland but i do not end up chatting back and forth w/ many ppl b/c i am a seething pit of social anxiety. if we talked, like, more than twice, i probs remember u!
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8) omg i was about to be like “nah i never made nosemasks for those” but that is a fucking lie of the highest caliber, i totally did make one (1) set and then forgot entirely about it. i will post them with the next batch of bodyshop content which should be Shortly (and if i don’t just yell @ me and i’ll just lazily put them on sfs and link them in a reply).
also thank u anon i am glad u like my content! :D
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9) omg thank u so much anon that is so sweet of u to say!! truly i don’t feel like i have accomplished a whole lot beyond managing to snag @resurrection-failed​ but that is definitely the Best thing i could accomplish so i am 100% fine w/ that
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10) oh ts4. i want to play it real bad but i have discovered that playing games that are still being updated and could break at any moment due to a new patch or ep gives me hives. esp when it’s sims games b/c those are held together exclusively w/ wishes and prayers as it is. they’re like the bottom panel of an expanding brain meme on spaghetti coding. at least when the game is Done there nothing else for EA to break (... right?). plus i only have base+pets and no money to throw at the other expansions so i could maybe download 1/10th of the cc available out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but i am excited to be late af to the party. lemme tell u. thank u for saying such nice things, anon!! i hope u have a good day also. like, lots of ‘em.
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11) hey anon! it’s built into tumblr’s text editor. u type the text first, highlight it, and click on the fourth button that looks like a slouchy figure 8 to insert yr link. i’m not sure if it’s the same on mobile, tho, cuz the tumblr mobile app is self-elected torture.
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12) i do not right now but i can make one. idk if it would interest you but i am also doing a big ol’ blend of the hq eyes and wifezaya’s favorite ephemera mist eyes and will make a default version of those too when they are done.
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13) nah i am still using my v3 texture for straight hairs and for waves or natural hair i just use nouk’s originals. i’m old-fashioned and boring. if u need help w/ making yr own, tho, i would suggest checking out @furbyq​’s tutorial here!
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14) hey friend! i did have plans to do that, in that vague way where i have plans to do many things but most of the time end up taking a five-hour nap under a cat instead or watchin game grumps. luckily, @digitalangels​ is a doll and did it for me so consider this my official endorsement. i am pooklet and i approve this action.
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15) hey anon. when did i call it that?? i think usually i just call it marriage or equal marriage if i need to specify (or gay marriage if i’m feelin Spicy cuz nonbinary-for-nonbinary is pretty gay). if i did say same-sex it was probs w/ implied air-quotes since that was the term du jour when we got married, which was 3+ years before the supreme court mandate, when it was only legal in some places and everyone was still ‘‘‘‘debating’’’’ the ‘‘‘‘issue’’’’ of queers gettin all married.
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16) i been gatherin’ links for u anon but lemme look around a lil more. i will either give this its own post or add it as its own section in the resource post that is like .... five years overdue. meanwhile if anyone reading this has anything they either know is made for dark skin or works well universally or knows of a list like this that already exists, i would appreciate links!
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shirotanis · 6 years
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ok so i was looking forward to doing this and i’m glad it is done eventually ! to make long words short, i recently hit a great follower goal and the number keeps increasing and i’m ??? bc its weird but i’m thankful to everyone following me nonetheless💕💕💕 i’ve had this blog for a month and something but i’ve met a lot of wonderful people whom i grew to love and care for!!!!! some i havent interacted as much as others but i hope to get to know you all in the near future 💖💖💖  
if your url is bold go take a look at the very end where it says ‘read more’ bc there’s a few words for you 💖💕💞💓💖💓💞💓
also i’m pretty sure i have more mutuals but they are sideblogs and idk whats their main to check if they follow me or not but pls know that i didnt forget or that i didnt want to include you!!!!
@4fnc // @4zammy 
@cryogonal-jonghyun // @daypjh // @dojooned // @dojooon // @dowoonhtml // @from-roses-to-dojoon // 
@howcaniwait // @ijustcantlie // @iwooseong // @jaeheyong //
@lipstick-chathao // @mirinae-x // @rxsewoosung
@saekkisongarak // @sangdoldol // @savageday6 // @shelovesjinyoung // @smolpil // @softwoonie // @tasteless-ratatouille // @tennisanon // @thedarksideofthewoon // @thedaysix // @ttherose // @theroseofficial // @wattela // @wonpixel // @woosung-is-my-aesthetic // @woosungs-blackrose // @woosammv // @younghyuuns // @youngks-smile 
@4fnc: oK GIA MY LOVE!!!!! i have sO much to say about you my best absolute perfect !!!! ok first of all we’ve been friends for like, 3 years??? this is the longest friendship i’ve had and it started out so weird like? i was a bts blog and you were an exo blog aND THEN I BECAME AN EXO BLOG AND YOU BECAME A BTS BLOG but over the years, we grew to stan other groups, i parkoured more than you and i admit ;;;;;;  ok but i still remember your most legendary post “my mom bought me cock heck yea - wAIT NO I MEANT COKE NOT COCK WHY WOULD MY MOM BUY ME COCK” and i’ll never let it die. you are such a beautiful person inside out i would have never thought i deserve you but !!! we’ve been together for so long and i hope we meet someday bc honestly? i wanna h*g you so much its a lil gross but,,, you mean so much to me honestly ok i’ll stop now i didnt even say everything i wanted to but i’ll keep that for another time ;)) i love our late night conversations about ??? whatever from memes to long appreciation hours about our faves to personal stuff its just so exhilarating to talk to you ily always gia 💞💞💞💞
@daypjh: oh oh oh my heart is turning into a puddle of joeliness rn thats how soft i am for you :(((((( honestly we have been talking for a few days but i feel like we’ve been friends for years??? when we started talking i was taken aback bc 1) shIT jo noticed me ok gotta act cool 2) it was So comfortable and So smooth and i had so much fun my fist conversations with people tend to be a little awkward and i’m always anxious but with you ??? i was so chill for some reason!!!! also you are the purest jae stan? the softest of them all and i know how much he means to you but you are a lil ho for the rest of day6 too i’m laughing you go all out with your trashiness;; i would have never thought i’d find someone with whom i share so many interests but here we are!! i’m so happy we started talking because i realised i was missing out on some gr8 stuff 👌👌 you are so funny our conversations never fail to make me smile whenever i feel down…i still wanna get to know you more tho but on another note i hope you stay happy !!!!! you deserve everything good i love you pls remember💓💞💓  
@howcaniwait: my fave charcoal 💞 i know we havent interacted that much but i consider you a friend, more than a mutual. you are so cute and funny too also youre so talented when it come to photography like ?? pure goals not even exaggerating!!! you love bri and sammy so much it makes my heart jump a lil :’’’) you also helped me with that friend issue when you didnt have to and i’m still thankful bc it helped me~ btw the way you interact with every single follower of yours is such goals yall like family asdjgldhs cute ;-; lets get to know each other more soon💖💖💖  
also a meme that is a very relative
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@ijustcantlie: alice!!!!!!!! one of my fave blackroses 💓💓 i don’t have a lot to say about you bc i don’t know you well yet bUt i want to!!!! anyways your edits are so great they always leave me speechless i wish i had them skills tbh :
@rxsewoosung: hello dora 💕💕💕 in actuallity, he have exchanged a few asks only and thats about it but (though i wish we talk more one day)!!! you are so cute tbh i havent seen you around in a while but that’s bc the rose is kind of dead atm but as i was stalking your blog i realised how adorable you are!!!!you love the boys dearly and i cannot express how happy that makes me also you say i’m your fave woosung stan and that my blog contains a+++ content but same goes for you ;) woosung would be so happy to know such a nice person likes him so much plus your gifs are most pretty in my opinion i aspire to be like you💕 
@thedaysix: MY FAVE DAY6 BLOG HANDS DOWN!!!! bethany ily so much not to be that person but i would have never thought YOU out of ALL day6 blogs would follow me i probably cried a lil on the inside when i saw you had followed me and liked some of my stuff as well askflghlsd ok so basically i have said it before i think but i love and appreciate you so much ik i’m repeating myself lol but you are one of the funniest ppl i follow and your tags are the cutest shit they make me xtra soft 😭😭😭 btw callie is the cutest cat i wish i could cuddle the floof sighs 💓💓
@ttherose: The Blackrose Mom aka Olivia 💞💞💞 I can’t express my appreciation enough tbh ??? without you i doubt we’d exist on tumblr and i’m not even joking!!! i used to be intimidated by you because you are the mvp of the fandom but talking to you in the group chat i???wow you are so interesting and hilarious plus i love how you ALWAYS do your best to update us with everything the rose related and make memes at the same time i’m laughing thats the definition of dedication so i wanna say a big thank you for your hard work bc other fandoms lack what we have (a mom; i mean you) 💞
@woosung-is-my-aesthetic: OH HI FAKE SNAKE JANA oops i mean uuugggh lettuce :))) tbh i thought you were one of those chill stans when i followed you but karma is a bitch i guess bc you are pretty wildt and i like em wildt ;)))) oK I THINK you are one of the most precious ppl i wanna protect with all my heart :(( i love every single meme you send and everything you say is hilarious in one way or another also ??? you are a little trashy prince for shinee and you know i love that about you plus i appreciate the mysme dose on my dash thanks to you my trashy ass wants to download the game for the 4th time :/ one thing i love about you is the mom mode you always like “whO DO I NEED TO FIGHT WHO HURT YOU MY CHILDREN” and that makes my heart blast into outer space and make a colony on mars askflghslahs i’m 2 soft 4 you always thanks for all the help i appreciate it, really!!! and no matter what you do or say i’ll never consider you ‘dark’ you are a lil kitty in need of affection uwu 💖💖 and i’ll only eat pineapple pizza for you but i know i’ll regret it :
@woosammv: 🗣️🗣️🗣️ THE CUTEST BROSE 🗣️🗣️🗣️ julia…you is that one person who is above the rest… like all the other normies are trash for the rose but you are the landfill and that makes you special aslgjhhlshaldhs ok but honestly you are such a great person, always making flawless gifs and keeping the fandom well fed sadly i dont have a lot to say bc we havent really talked but i hope we do soon but just so you know, ily and your blog  💕💕💕
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felixeslee · 7 years
92 q tag
hello this tag is highkey irrelevant now but it’s been in my drafts for ages so !! laskdgjasodigjsaldkgasodigjasdg which is why i wont b tagging anyone bc im so late but !! yeah !! ok !! !!!!!!!!!1111!!! lets !! go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
tagged by @hyuunjins @hyunjinh @straykiz and @dae-hwee from my w1 blog (lmaoo hi pindi this is sarah!! AIddgsdfk if youre aware of this blog but hope its ok if i do it here alskdg ) 
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. 
Drink: the water that I drank this morning!! Aka around 12 hrs ago asdgasdgoij pls stay hydrated kids 
Text Message: i texted my brother if he knew where my dad was lol,,,,,,, sldkjgaosidgj 
Phone Call: CALLED MY BROTHER BC HE WASNT RESPONDING MY TEXTS,,,,, he also didn’t pick up ldskgjsoidgjsldkgsjdg
Song you listened to: Goodbye My Love by Aileeeee <3 lovv 
Time you cried: TODAY ,,,, i was getting super anxious bc i didn’t know where my dad was ??? he was supposed to pick me up but he forgot abt me until like an hr later… sldkgjaosidgj 
Dated someone twice: no :00 lmao i’ve never dated… ever alskdjgaoijsdf 
Kissed someone and regretted it: i havent had my first kiss yet HEH 
Lost someone special: unfortunately, yes :( 
Been depressed: sdgksjadoiglskdfosdijgalskdfaosdigjaksdgoaisdjf idk 
Been drunk and thrown up: lmao i’ve never drank ,,, at all,,,, the smell of alchohol scares me,,,,, evn my little brother has had a sip once and he’s 5 yrs younger LMAO ,,, but im a noob and don’t wanna try sldkgjosidjgs 
Made a new friend: yay yes yeslgkdgsdf
Fallen out of love: i dont think i’ve ever evn been in love…. Sdlgksjdoigj 
Met someone who changed you: yes,,,,,,,,, 
Found out who your true friends are: uhhhh idk aslkdgjaosidjf i honestly can never tell when someone’s being a fake friend so!!!!!! Idk honestly lmao
Found out someone was talking about you: i did ! but it wasn’t for anything bad or anything……… they just criticized me behind my back?? But i agreed w their criticism so alsdkjgaosidgj  
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: ummm,,,, like 4?? We r mutuals evn though none of them r actually kpop blogs,,,, so i always feel guilty spamminig their aesthetic feed w my screaming tags and annoying shit LMAO but i lov them <3 
Do you have any pets?: NO :”( I WANT A DOGGO THO …. REALLY BAD…..
Do you want to change your name?: uhhh ik so many sarahs its not evn funny and my last name is hella basic too????? Theres 3 ppl that share my first+last name in my school alone….. So maybe i’d change it to my chinese name (yue) ?? also bc it sounds more sophisticated,, and i lov anything that makes me sound smarter than the reality of my dumb self LOL 
What time did you wake up this morning: LOL so my alarm rings at 6:40 but i get out of bed at 7:10 SLDGKJSODIF … and i need to get out of the house by 7:20 lsdkgsdoig 
What were you doing last night: physics and apush :SLDGJOSIDFJ the 2 most dreaded classes UGH
Something you cannot wait for: DINNER .. i love me some gud dinner
Have you ever talked to a person named tom?: thomas jefferson my mAN 
What’s getting on your nerves right now: when it’s so heckin cold i can’t concentrate + i hate taking notes when it’s cold??? Bc then my hands r like half numb and it HURTS WHEN I TAKE NOTES sldkgsoidjf ALSO WHEN I DRAW ,,,,, STIFF FINGERS R THE WORST WHEN DRAWING
Blood type: i think a????????????
Nickname: my most common ones r swisso + salad (i promise these make sense in context LOL ) 
Relationship status: return NullPointerException; //im a cs person,,, dont judge
Zodiac sign: capricorn!
Pronouns: she + her
Favorite show: i dont watch many shows but i love watching a gud studio ghibli movie when im feelin down
College: this QUESTION LSDKGJSODIGJ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i wanna go to college but will any accept me ??!?!
Hair colour: its naturally black but it’s currently dyed ombre from black → brown !!!!!!
Do you have a crush on someone: i havent had a legit crush in 3 yrs lmao……. 
What do you like about yourself: the fact that im a deep sleeper. Idk how light sleepers function omg like wouldn’t u wake up to like,,,,, everything??! :((( that makes me sad bc u hav no idea how much i lov a nice long undisturbed slumber
First surgery: okAY so like i've had 2 procedures done on my eyes lmaooo like (1) when i was a smol beb of like 1 yr old i rolled off my bed aaaannnnddd the corner of my eye hit the edge of the sharp corner of the bedside table!!! and then y1ke$ things got ugly loll (((yes, i wuz dum + clumsy since the day i popped from the womb))) its all stitched up now and i hav a tinie tinie scar aslkdgs okay and (2) there was something weird abt my tearducts LOL so u know when u get sad nd stuff ur nose gets runny and u sniff a lot??? well like that wasn't the case for me bc the passage way from my eyes to my nose was completely blocked off,,,,, which resulted in me lookin like i was full blown cryin like every 2 seconds... like if i kept my eyes open for too long my eyes would get watery and tears would flow out LMAO ,,,, i looked like i just never stopped crying,,, but it was just my eyes were just ALWAYS WATERING sdlgjsdif damn u have no idea after the procedure i was like 'do ppl live like this??? not having to wipe tears every 0.2 sec??? oh my god,,, i am livin THE LIFE' 
First piercing: i hav no piercings!!! Bc stabbing holes thru myself scares me sdlkjgsoidg but i love the way earrings look tho so :///// 
First sport you joined: dance or gymnastics???? I dont rly remember
First vacation: CHINA prob???? 
First pair of sneakers: i think sketchers LMAO ,,, the big thing  
Eating: nothing!!!!!
I’m about to: do som sketches for my AP art class 
Listening to: my dad sing som old chinese folk stuff behind me LOL 
Want kids: i already adopted all 9 members of stray kids tho ??? idk if im ready for more atm 
Get married: LOL This question just reminded me of smol story from my childhood: so like i used to b rly close w these 3 other kids,,,, one other girl and 2 guys,,, and our parents were all rly tight too,, and our four families would just go camping together and it was rly :’’D fun and so we all made a pact that I would marry one of the guys and the other girl would marry the other guy and we’d all go camping together forever but then KINDERGARTEN HIT,,,, we moved schools and yeah im still rly close w the girl but i miss the 4 of us dkgjsodigjsdlkgsdf LOL 
Career: waterbottle 🌙 
Lips or eyes: eyes? Eh idk i just never rly considered lips ?? LOL 
Hugs or kisses: hugs? I dont hav experience w kisses so sldkgjsoidgjsd yike syikes yikes 
Shorter or taller: TALLER
Troublemaker or hesitant: uhhhhh neither??? Like i just want someone playful + extroverted bc im quite introverted,,,,,,,,,, so if he was hesitant we’d just b super awkward and quiet,,, and i don’t like getting involved w sketchy troublemaker shit either LOL ,,, 
Older or younger: as long as they r in the same school grade level,,,, and i guess 1-2 yrs older is okaY? But lowkey freaks me out if too old 
Romantic or spontaneous: sldkgjsoidfj both? Like i lov someone who is unpredictable and spontaneous,,,, but on the other hand im lowkey a helpless romantic lasdkgjaoisdjf 
Sensitive or loud: both i guess too??? Its good to have someone understanding and sensitive but also someone who knows how to have fun  :) 
Hookup or relationship: hookups,,,,,,,, just dont make sense to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, like i get attached to someone p easily so even if i dont plan on being attached,,,, i’d probably get attached :(  
Kissed a stranger: YIKES no 
Drank hard liquor: nO 
 Lost contacts/glasses: UH I HATE THIS BUT YES….. 
Sex on first date: yikes * (6.02 *10^23) adkgaosidjgaslkdf no thaNK you 
Broken someone’s heart: i dont know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, like i might’ve but maybe im just not aware ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but on a sidenote i think my old comupter science teacher gets a migrain everytime he sees me LOLLLLLL sdlgjsoidgjsldf 
Been arrested: no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :0 
Turned someone down: yeah lmao i kinda feel bad tho bc they were all good ppl,,,,  lskjgosidjf but thankfully im still good friends and pretty tight w all of them ~  
In yourself: ocassionally i try to :’’D
Miracles: lol yes 
Love at first sight: i used to ? but not anymore,,,, like i believe u can be attracted to someone at first sight ?? but i feel like love cannot be attained thru visual contact only asldgjoasidjalsdg
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indieharry · 7 years
@eversince-newyork i’m tagging you but i’m gonna post my little two cents no one @ me this was just my experience. everyone’s was varied due to their own attitude and the time they got there, so keep this in mind. 
we were “allowed to start lining up at 8″ but San Fran taught us that lmao that’s a joke and ppl are gonna be there early...as there were in ATL. I got there at 9 cuz my ass had a paper to write the night before. anyway, imo the whole wait and all that was very organized and SUPER nice. since it was raining, they put us in the baseball field next door under the awnings where the concession is, etc. they opened food stands, let us use their restrooms and outlets to charge our phones. they set up a merch stand and were very organized getting a shit load of people in line to buy merch. the first wave of ppl were split into four groups by wristband color and according to your color you were first, second, etc to get merch and also go into the venue (very fair seeing as they were there first, n’est-ce pas?) 
there were a lot of people trying to weasel their way up or get special treatment throughout the day while waiting and moreso when we were let into the venue and i’m just not for that. like..be kind and fair to those who have sacrificed more of their time than you have. ANYWAY our GA section wasn’t very close to the stage at all, they had the handicap section in the front (let me tell you how many people tried to convince security to let them go in.............too many) but the crowd was intense and a lot of people didn’t feel well so here is where my advice comes into play:
If you’re lining up for/going to a GA for your Harry concert, consider these things:
1. The venue will most likely let you line up sooner than announced if there are enough people waiting, so don’t be mad if you get there at the announced time and they’ve already started. It’s for efficiency purposes so they can get everyone to a comfortable place to stay for hours and hours as soon as possible. 
2. Bring portable chargers, snacks (PLEASE EAT), and something comfy to sit on. Pavement/floors are uh...not comfortable. 
3. Bring something to do while you wait...yer gonna be there a long time, pal o’ mine. Homework, a book, card games, etc.
4. Wear comfy clothes and shoes for your sake. Because even if you’re comfy, you’re probs not gonna be by the time the concert rolls around. 
5. Make friends with the people around you and find tumblr friends! It’s honestly so magical to get to meet all the lovely people you talk to on a daily basis.
6. HYDRATE. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S GOOD, PLEASE HYDRATE. I don’t care if you don’t want to have to use the toilet so you can keep your place in the pit...you’re gonna regret it if you don’t. I pinky promise you’ll regret it if you don’t. 
7. You’re gonna run into some very not nice people. You’re going to witness people being very not nice. Don’t be that person. Be kind to the staff, as they are just trying to do their job and make sure everyone is safe. Follow their rules. Thank them for their time.
8. Be kind to each other. Take care of each other. It’s a long day before the concert and everyone’s just as on edge as you are about getting a good spot, and just as tired by the latter part of the day. Let short people in front of you in the pit, I promise they’ll be the most grateful. Don’t hold up signs for too long, as you’ll be blocking the view of a lot of people. Make sure the people around you are feeling well and having a good time. You know why? Because that’s what Harry would want you to do, honestly. The girls I ended up near, I made sure they weren’t anxious or thirsty and could see etc and it made me feel better because I knew everyone around me was having a good time. 
Anyway this was too long lajsdkfasdf I just want to make sure everyone’s GA experience is as nice as possible and it can be if we’re all nice to each other!
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pastelroses · 7 years
Thanks @watduidu ily but I hate u rn
1.Is a kiss considered cheating?
2.Have you ever faked orgasm?
3.If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
My gf asked me this and then called my answer (power to manipulate probability) boring and said she’d want a superpower where she would be able to make someone orgasm with her mind so that if she didn’t like someone she could embarrass them publicly
4.Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
Nah but I’ll be more rich than I am rn
5.Tell us some funny drunk story.
One time four of us danced to high school musical as two of our other friends basically shagged on the floor it was a fun night
6.Why are you no longer together with your ex?
Uh it just wasn’t right for us I guess
7.If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be?
Lauren Jauregui choking me to death
8.What are your current goals?
Get the grades to go to a good uni for psychology and also not to die in London since me and Robyn are going alone
9.Do you like someone?
I like my gf
10.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
11.Do you like your body? Sometimes and sometimes I hate it
12.Can you keep a diet?
13.If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
Be nice to people n stop breaking hearts
14.Do you work?
15.If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
Tofu katsu curry 💯💯 I’m obsessed
16.Would you get a tattoo?
Yeaaaah I want a few
17.Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
Poetry books
18.Can you drive?
19.When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
A couple days ago I think
20.What was the last thing you cried for?
I cried last night reading a story about a dog who went to live with a family for the last few weeks of his life and the kids threw him a party
21.Do you keep a journal?
My drawer is filled with themmmm I currently have 3 ongoing ones
22.Is life fun?
This is vague but lmao yea
23.Is farting in front of people irrelevant?
Wtf is this question
24.What’s your dream car?
I don’t really have one??
25.Are grades in school important?
26.Describe your crush.
She’s beautiful, kind, caring, intelligent, passionate and i love her a lot
27.What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?
The last book was ‘Our Numbered Days’ by Neil Hilborn and the last movie was 'Everything, Everything’ bc my wife is in it (and once the overpowering heterosexual storyline laid back a bit it was actually pretty good)
28.What was your last lie?
I have no idea I don’t remember the last time I lied
29.Dumbest lie you ever told?
Again idk I never really lie
30.Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
Oh god yeah
31.Something you did and you are proud of?
I’m proud of how I managed to get out of the dark place I was in like September/November/December last year
32.What’s your favourite cocktail?
I don’t remember it’s full name but the sunrise one is nice
33.Something you are good at?
Helping ppl
34.Do you like small kids?
Depends how annoying they are
35.How are you feeling right now?
Nervous and excited
36.What would you name your daughter/son?
Honestly I have no idea but I like the name Dylan
37.What do you need to be happy?
My dog
38.Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
39.What was the last gift you received?
@ma-ma-chete bought me a cactus mug and a cat purse 💞💞
40.What was the last gift you gave?
I gave my gf a mochi ball lmao
41.What was the last concert you went to?
Not rlly a concert but I saw Neil Hilborn a couple weeks ago
42.Favourite place to shop at?
Idk tbh I like shopping online
43.Who inspires you?
Lauren Jauregui & Sasha Velour
44.How old were you when you first got drunk?
15 I think
45.How old were you when you first got high?
I’ve never been high
46.How old were you when you first had sex?
47.When was your first kiss?
It was last year
48.Something you want to do until the end of this year?
Be happy
49.Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?
There are a lot of things
50.Post a selfie.
I will soon
51.Who are you most comfortable around?
My gf and my best friends
52.Name one thing that terrifies you.
Parasites 🤢🤢
53.What kind of books do you read?
Poetry books
54.What would you tell your 12 year old self?
Ur body isn’t too much of anything it’s totally fine
55.What is your favourite flower?
White Rose
56.Any bad habits you have?
Does laziness count
57.What kind of people are you attracted to?
Passionate, intelligent, artistic people
58.What was the last thing you cried for?
A dog
59.Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?
I don’t eat meat, & raw fish disgusts me
60.Are you in love?
61.Something you find romantic?
Really long cute messages out of nowhere, calling just bc they miss your voice, random 'i love you’s’
62.How long was your longest relationship?
It’s been 8 months
63.What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
This is generalised lmao
64.What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
65.What are you saving money for?
66.How would you describe your bad side?
V anxious and uncontrolled and snappy
67.Are you actually a good person? Why?
I think so? I insist on helping people even when I shouldn’t even talk to them
68.What are you living for?
69.Have you ever done anything illegal?
I drink underage
70.Do you like your body?
Haven’t I answered this??
71.Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?
Nope never
72.Ever sent nudes?
Yea boi
73.Have you ever cheated on someone?
Nope that’s disgusting
74.Favourite candy?
Ooh idk
75.Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!
Not really
76.Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
I do! And atm it’s The Last Guardian bc it’s just so aesthetically pleasing and calming
77.Favourite TV series?
The Bold Type, Rupaul’s Drag Race
78.Are you religious? Does God exist?
Nope and who knows
79.What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?
The Chaos of Longing and it did because k.y.robinson’s writing is beautiful
80.What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
It’s healthier both for our bodies and the world
81.How long have you been on Tumblr?
¾ years??
82.Do you like Chineese food?
83.McDonalds or Subway?
84.Vodka or whiskey?
85.Alcohol or drugs?
86.Ever been out of your province/state/country?
Yesss many times
87.Meaning behind your blog name?
I’m like obsessed with roses and idk I like the symbolism of fire
88.What are you scared of?
P sure I’ve answered this too but I’ll say more things; anything being inside me, the ocean, squids, spiders
89.Last time you were insulted?
I don’t remember
90.Most traumatic experience ?
My parents breaking up n all the arguments n shit
91.Perfect date idea?
Going to an abandoned place tbh like it’s just such a nice place to talk
92.Favourite app on your phone?
93.What colour are the walls in your room?
3 are white and one is grey
94.Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
Not often but I used to love Yogscast Hannah
95.Share your favourite quote.
'Sunrise will come. All you have to do is wake up.’
96.What is the meaning of life?
97.Do you like horror movies?
Not really
98.Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
Nope I haven’t
99.Do you feel lucky or special in a way?
100.Can you keep a secret?
@watduidu you have to do all 100 now !!
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yumikoflare · 7 years
wowie this is a loooong meme - thanks for the tag @wildricebear more like wild loser bear...........
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. (putting it under the cut bc it’s 100+ questions!)
1. What is your nickname? i go by yumi! my rl nickname has the same amount of letters 🤔
2. What is your zodiac sign? aqua sun / scorp moon
3. What is your favorite book series? not gonna lie i havent read any book series in a looong time but my fav manga series is fukigen na mononokean!
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? ofc, i believe in both!
5. Who is your favorite author? errr i honestly don’t have one ahaha but sunrisesongs has some reaaaally nice poetry if that counts
6. What is your current favorite song? rn i’m a huuuge fan of kenshi yonezu’s suna no wakusei, namely the soramafu cover!
7. What is your favorite word? uhh don’t have one.. but the word ‘warmth’ has always struck a chord in me?
8. What was the last song you listened to? i think it was ra ra rasputin b/c someone at band was playing it on his phone LOL
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? i don’t watch tv oops  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can’t think of anime recs either smhhh
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i don’t watch movies if i’m feeling down but i remember enjoying the intern?
11. Do you play video games? mmm a little bit.. i play overwatch and sometimes osu and ive played a couple of mmorpgs here and there 
12. What is your biggest fear? losing my purpose and passion
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i’m a good friend! i think that counts
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my lack of patience and intolerance to trials
15. What is your favorite season? winter!!!!!!
16. Are you in a relationship? nah
17. What is something you miss from your childhood? honestly? i don’t miss much in particular from my childhood other than that Sweet Naive Bliss™ because things have been getting better in my life since then so
18. Who is your best friend? nizh, swirl, mari, gil, noah, sam, laura, kayla come to mind
19. What is your eye color? dark brown
20. What is your hair color? dark brown
21. Who is someone you love? all my friends...........
22. Who is someone you trust? the friends i listed earlier!!!
23. Who is someone you think about often? honestly as of recently myself bc im working on bettering myself LOL but other than that, i think of noah kinda often?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something? uuuuhhhh not particularly
25. What is your biggest obsession? currently overwatch
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? probably spongebob aldsakdsla
27. Do you have any unusual phobias? mmmmmm not sure but my anxiety makes a lot of small things scary so
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both!!!!
29. What is your favorite hobby? honestly not sure... i like writing but recently i’ve been very into photo and video editing so!!!
30. What was the last book you read? probably the hiding place
31. What was the last movie you watched? goosebumps i think? watched it at home w/ my mom bc she hadnt seen it before
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? [[[the sound of me, panicked, aggressively slamming my mallets into a timpani can be heard in the distance]]]
33. What is your favorite animal? dogs.... i love dogs
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? hm i rly like yamiiino, kaiami, tofuvi, star-plasma, and zandraart!
35. What superpower do you wish you had? healing factor!!!
36. When and where do you feel most at peace? idk, whenever really, surrounded in my closest friends; either that or doing something i love alone
37. What makes you smile? my friends...... also getting praised......
38. What sports do you play, if any? FUNNY JOKE i cant sports
39. What is your favorite drink? hell....... i love lots of different types of teas (black, green, jasmine, honey, etc) and im also a sucker for matcha... and i also like ice blended drinks... and (virgin bc im underage) mojitos.... and smoothies.......... fdgkjkdf i love drinks a lot ok
40. Are you afraid of heights? yes 10000%
41. What is your biggest pet peeve? close-mindedness and intolerance to other ppl/ideas/etc + having to waste resources
42. Have you ever been to a concert? only one! was a mayday parade concert earlier this year
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? like everything LOL a singer and an author were prob my biggest ones tho
44. What fictional world would you like to live in? HONESTLY the fukigen na mononokean world would be cool to live in... 
45. What is something you worry about? i simultaneously really like and dread band asdlsakdas
46. Are you scared of the dark? yup orz
47. Do you like to sing? heck yea!!!! singing is so good.....
48. Have you ever skipped school? no bc im a goody two-shoes™ 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dunno! i don’t have one! the world’s so big there’s so many places i still have yet to go!!!
50. Where would you like to live? honestly idk i’m happy with where i am now LOL
51. Do you have any pets? i wish......... i want a doggo so bad but my sister and i are allergic
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? i don’t feel like either but i’m closer to a night owl
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? both..... the sky is a goddess and im in love with her.....
54. Do you know how to drive? i’m an anxious minor who is too afraid to get near the wheel LOL
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones bc earbuds always fall outta my ears and its a Pain
56. Have you ever had braces? nope B)
57. What is your favorite genre of music? ummmmm i don’t have a fav bc i’m kinda flexible but i like alt rock? and j-rock/j-pop?
58. Who is your hero? to be completely honest idk if i have one LOL im my own hero™ B))))
59. Do you read comic books? nah
60. What makes you the most angry? probably the same as #41 as well as like myself?? bc i get frustrated with myself v often and that concept makes me angry asdsa;ldas
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? nizh wrote “i like real books but i’m so lazy that i’m more likely to read digital” and i am in agreement
62. What is your favorite subject in school? errrrrrrrr i suppose la? but i’m abt to enter some new classes and learn under totally new teachers so idk it’s bound to change!
63. Do you have any siblings? ye, one older sister
64. What was the last thing you bought? a flowy cardigan from yesterday!!!! im lov it.... i might post a pic of it
65. How tall are you? 5′1′’ and 3/8 sdfkjsdijeiwjeje
66. Can you cook? yo i wish..................
67. What are three things that you love? my friends, music, food/drinks LOL
68. What are three things that you hate? same as #41 and a third thing would prob be conflict?? idk
69. What is your sexual orientation? as far as i know i experience no sexual attraction (asexual) and i experience romantic attraction to anyone and everyone (panromantic) so!
70. Where do you currently live? socal
71. Who was the last person you texted? probably nizh
72. When was the last time you cried? mmmm maybe a week or two ago... i cant recall exactly when so thats good
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? oooohhh.. im super mainstream but i love arikadou LOL also zylbrad, seagull, and etika
74. Do you like to take selfies? i do! i usually only take selfies like every once in awhile when im feeling cute and when i do i take A Lot
75. What is your favorite app? i lov line camera?? also google photos makes things mucho convenient
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? tbh i find my relationship with my parents to be closer than a lot of my friends’ so :0
77. What is your favorite foreign accent? i dunno! french accents are pretty cool
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan! also the philippines
79. What is your favorite number? idk but i like 5 and 8
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? both freak me out but the ocean is pretty interesting
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not in the slightest LOLOL
82. Are you allergic to anything? intolerant to eggs, pretty allergic to any type of nuts so that sucks, n i got those Seasonal Allergies
83. Can you wiggle your ears? NO I HAVENT READ HARRY POTTER
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? umm idk how often LOL whenever i think im wrong..?? which is somewhat frequently?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forests are lovely
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? honestly idk......... i remember my dad said smth about how you don’t always have to forgive everyone and by saying ‘it’s okay’ permits the other person to repeat the same action, so i choose my words rly carefully now bc of that :o
87. Are you a good liar? kinda half n half... depends on what i’m lying abt
88. What is your Hogwarts House? iiiiii forgot but it was either ravenclaw or hufflepuff... mightve been the former
89. Do you talk to yourself? YEAH especially when i’m practicing music or video editing
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
91. Do you keep a journal/diary? as of very recently yes bc my therapist recommended me to do so :0
92. Do you believe in second chances? usually in most circumstances
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? oh yeah definitely, anyone is capable of change, it just depends on their attitude towards it
94. Are you ticklish? yes i hate it
95. Have you ever been on a plane? yep, to san francisco and sacramento and i guess once to texas but that was before i could remember so
96. Do you have any piercings? nope and i don’t rly want any tbh
97. What fictional character do you wish was real? i have nooo idea there’s a lot of thought i’d have to put into this question LOL
98. Do you have any tattoos? nah but if i did they’d be veeeery simplistic
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? probably when i decided 1-2 years ago that i wanted to get my life back on track so i could become a person i could love and ive been making progress little by little ever since then
100. Do you believe in karma? mmmmm not reaaallyyyy..... like maybe a little bit but
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? its ya girl almost legally blind and wearing contacts
102. Do you want children? not sure yet but probably
103. Who is the smartest person you know? no clue omg there are lots of smart ppl in this world
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? sometime in grade school i was sitting at the edge of a playground slide pleading for my friend not to push me down bc i rly had to pee but she did and i literally just pissed all over the slide and we just stared at each other for a long time and that was just........ Very Bad - I HAVE ANOTHER BAD MEMORY THOUGH it wasnt even long ago kill me??? i was at my friend’s house for dinner and her parents asked what my sister was studying and my sister just recently got into college and i had a veeeeeeeery vague grasp on what she was studying so i literally said ‘food and tectonics’ and i wanNA MCDIE BC I MEANT DIETETICS NOT T E C T O N I C S
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? mmm not a real one.. most ive done is stayed up til 6amish with nizh before goin to sleep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like i’m definitely capable of doing it i just don’t want to
106. What color are most of your clothes? dunno? i have a fairly colorful wardrobe but i almost always wear something w/ black if i’m not going for an all light outfit
107. Do you like adventures? depends on where to bc im very cautious LOL
108. Have you ever been on TV? nope
109. How old are you? how old is ur moM!! dab dab haha xd
110. What is your favorite quote? one of my favs is “there are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start” by shel silverstein; i have a few others but thats the first that comes to mind
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory tbhhhh
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? umm not badly but ive been mildly disappointed by a few LOL
113. What is your favorite scent? that clean/fresh linen smell?? and also lavender and then light stuff like eucalyptus mint
114. Random fact you know? the duck-billed platypus can’t keep its eyes open underwater, so it finds its prey by using sensors in its bill that detect electrical impulses n then they strike! theyre pretty cool animals..
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? nizh said “hard. just, really hard. not sure if it’s worth it” and i also agree
IT IS OVER wow ok 20 ppl is kind of a lot and this is a loooot of questions so im only gonna tag a tiny bit of ppl (dont have to do it if u dont wanna!): @dunmerhealer | @aftertaste-of-memes | @inspiringnokias yeah that’s it LOL this is just Hella Long so idk how many ppl would be up for doin this so ye  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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timaltman · 7 years
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
tagged by: @hsinlvegas who has gotten me addicted to pinterest aesthetic boards and i’m mad at her for it but she’s still p rad. 
tagging: whoever wants to do it lmao idk it’s 2:30am here idek whats up or down rn i should probably be asleep but also like.... no.
LAST… [1] drink: water (i’m so exciting /sarcasm) [2] phone call: my mom called me while she was driving home from work  [3] text message: “oh my god no. not the kidz bop. pls no” - to my sister [4] song you listened to: reaching by audiomachine (which is so good pls go listen to it) [5] time you cried: last night thinking about steve irwin and how i owe him my entire life and career bc in 2 weeks i’m starting my first official zookeeping job and he was a huge inspiration for me as a kid 
[6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) all the fuckin time my dudes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no but i’ve gotten so anxious i’ve thrown up??
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] teal [13] pale yellow [14] silver
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes! [16] fallen out of love: no [17] laughed until you cried: yes [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah i mean i’m sure there are like three people who bitch about me all the time lmao [19] met someone who changed you: yes~ (in a good way)  [20] found out who your true friends are: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ -bitter fucking laughter-  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: ye - my wonderful girlfriend~
GENERAL… [22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: i mean, i’ve met a lot of them after becoming friends on tumblr, but then i have some old high school friends and some internship friends on here, too.... so like 10 or so? probably a few more than that. [23] do you have any pets: my asshole cat, robin: the cat wonder, lives with me in my apartment. at home i have a beagle/terrier mutt named copper and a gray tabby named dusty. i’m hoping to maybe get a ball python this summer but i’m not sure yet! [24] do you want to change your name: yeah, i’ve considered it b/c trans but i’m not entirely sure what i want yet.... [25] what did you do for your last birthday: wielded a chainsaw, ate shitty walmart cake and watched step brothers with some classmates in a remote cabin in southern illinois? not my first choice but not terrible, all things considered. didn’t lose any limbs that day so i can’t complain. [26] what time did you wake up: robin woke me up at like, 5:30am to get fed, but then i went back to sleep again until 7:30, text billy to have a good day at work, and then i went back to sleep again until 9:45 b/c i didn’t have my 9am class today hell yeah [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: uh, pinterest-ing for my character aesthetic boards.... >_> [28] name something you cannot wait for: graduating college and being the fuck done with schoooooool. also mother fuckin wonDER WOMAN. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: april 23rd [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how far away all the ppl i care about are :(((( [31] what are you listening to right now: more audiomachine but i was watching friends in the background earlier [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ye my old neighbor was named tom he was real nice [33] something that is getting on your nerves: not in the angry way but in the anxious way- i have to give a presentation on my research project to the college board in like... 6 hours. [35] elementary: yes? [36] high school: done [37] college: sO CLOSE TO DONE I LITERALLY HAVE TWO CLASSES LEFT [38] hair color: brown.... it used to have a white patch and be fun, but i dyed it for superboy and now i’m battling with myself debating if i should dye it back bc “””professional””” for jobs but that’s so boring i want to look like shiro again :((( [39] long or short hair: short god please short, regardless of what gender i present, short is so much nicer since my hair is so thiiiiick [40] do you have a crush on someone: ye my a m a z i n g girlfriend uwu  [41] what do you like about yourself?: noncommittal shrug emoji? i like my eye color i think that’s pretty radical since it’s like a gray-teal color. i guess i’m a pretty good resource for random ass animal facts too [42] piercings: mmmm i mean, i don’t care for them or about them that much? [43] blood type: literally no idea which is probably bad [44] nickname: sunshine, sam, sammy, teddy, timmy, timtam, dad [45] relationship status: -heart eyes emojis @ billy- [46] zodiac sign: aries i think? idk all i care is my celtic zodiac is a fox, so [47] pronouns: he/him [48] fav tv show: f ri ck en brooklyn 99 [49] tattoos: not yet, but after i get top surgery and no longer run the disk of mutilating or stretching it, i wanna get tim’s robin symbol on my chest [50] right or left handed: left!
FIRST… [51] surgery: wisdom teeth were my first surgery, i think? [52] piercing: got my earlobes pierced when i was like, 12? idk i don’t wear them anymore so they’ve all but closed up [53] best friend: this girl on the playground in preschool named asya but after her was this girl named natalie that i was friends with from kindergarten all through junior high. she just got married like, a month ago and i feel old [54] sport: like to actually continue with was soccer - i started at 6 i think [55] vacation: that i remember? disney world b/c my dad had drill down in florida so my parents dragged my sister and i with bc we didn’t have to pay for the hotel lol [56] pair of trainers: wut
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothin [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: sleep maybe, hopefully?  [60] listening to: still audiomachine since they just asked this question like 10 questions ago..... [61] waiting for: my anxiety to calm tf down so i can go to sleep [62] want: foooood. i ate dinner really early (5pm) and now it’s 10 hours later so i want food again. [63] get married: -super noncommittal and also confused, disgruntled noises- ?? [64] career: dream career is a zookeeper, honestly. it’s what i’m doing, i’ve worked really hard to get to the place where i am, and i’m happy with it
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: no preference [68] older or younger: usually i get along better with ppl older than me- all my closest friends are older by 2 years or more except like..... amy [69] romantic or spontaneous: anxiety and spontaneity don’t mix lmao [70] nice arms or nice stomach: either or both or neither is fine idrc [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant only bc troublemaker makes me anxious lmao
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? nope [75] drank hard liquor? ye i’ve had like. one whole vodka and lemonade in my entire life because i am a raging party animal /sarcasm [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i lose my contacts in my eyeball sometimes [77] turned someone down? ye kinda. my ~best friends~ have this bad habit of ~falling in love with me~ and then getting pissed when i don’t return the feeling and treating me like crap :))))  [78] sex on first date? nope [79] broken someone’s heart? sure maybe idk. not on purpose. [80] had your own heart broken? no [81] been arrested? nope [82] cried when someone died? i’m a monster and have no feelings so no, not really. i usually go into emotional shock and stop processing everything [83] fallen for a friend: kind of
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? noooope [85] miracles? listen on friday i catered an event and the idiot who packed it up for us on their shift the day before forgot to put matches in the gathering. and the truck drivers loaded it onto the truck before i could check that everything was there. so we got to the location and couldn’t light the sternos for the hot food but somehow we found a box of matches in the kitchenette we were serving out of so yes i believe in miracles [86] love at first sight? maybe? idk not really i really don’t understand how anyone could love someone without knowing a bunch about them first [87] santa claus? billY AND I SAW SANTA ON OUR WAY UP TO C2E2 ON SUNDAY OKAY HIS CAR WAS RED AND SAID “MY OTHER RIDE IS A SLEIGH” AND HIS LICENSE PLATE SAID KRINGLE AND HE HAD A BIG WHITE BEARD IT WAS AMAZING OKAY. [88] kiss on the first date? maybe for ppl who aren’t like. super anxious about everything all the time [89] angels? no
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: marble, emma [91] eye color: teal-gray, which sounds pretentious and White Person af but like..... that’s the best way to describe them [92] favorite movie: i don’t knowwww that’s a hard one ;_; 
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dullanyan · 3 years
tagged by @motherfucker-unlimited​ !!! thank u <33
1. Why did you choose your url?
like u know. nya
(its after an old oc of mine!! a dullahan cat)
2. Any side blogs?
a few!! ive got @fairyoctopus​ which is a flight rising (dragon neopets) blog and @polteageistplush​ which was originally a splatoon blog but ive since changed it to an in-general vidya blog! ive also got @ghost-ttype​ which is just an aesthetic side blog. basically for me to scroll thru and not be anxious
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Oof i think. since 2012-2013? i made my blog and then didnt know how to use tumblr and didnt start being active til late 2013
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i used to but now all i do is come on here, maybe reblog one or 2 things and then leave so theres not really a point! but i do have like 35 drafts which im too lazy to go thru and actually post them
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
to see what the hype for tumblr was. and then i got into some... anime that i no longer like. the remnants still exist on my blog sadly but im too lazy to delete it
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
cuz that me -_-
its my vtuber sona!! you know, for my vtuber model and hobby ive yet to actually start. the icon is fitting tho <:3
7. Why did you choose your header?
i couldnt think of anything else and this gengar face was funny :3
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
apollo animal crossing birthday and  sans
9. How many mutuals do you have?
oh man... so many?? i cant rly count. and i imagine like only half of them are still active on this site now
10. How many followers do you have?
793 but most of them, once again, are inactive!
11. How many people do you follow?
303, i try to clean out my following count sometimes for inactive blogs, but other times i keep following them just for nostalgia!
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I Mean. I Guess
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
too much </3
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i mostly block people but uh.
to keep things brief, one time someone was... Weirdly Angry about art that i made of dragons on flight rising (the ice element dragon makes hot food, and the fire element makes cold food. you know, a cute little gimmick for ocs)
and when i talked to them about it, thwy came to an understanding that it was a very uncalled-for comment. thus making me have the most BIZARRE interaction ive ever had to date
Tumblr media
genuinely this haunts me every day. theres MUCH more to the conversation but they legitimately sounded like an anime antagonist
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i simply do not reblog them <3
16. Do you like tag games?
theyre rly fun!!!! i enjoy them
17. Do you like ask games?
those are also very fun!! i dont rb them much anymore but still :3
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
enecoo and lmaonade definitely. also motherfucker-unlimited i consider you tumblr famous! i see quite a few of your posts float around from time to time. and cornsnoot has a rly popular snake blog !!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
a really long time ago i did. fun fact there was a period of time i had a VERY slight crush on like 3 different mutuals, all at different times ofc (none of them even use this site anymore) and like within 2 weeks of me being like ‘woah theyre cute’ they got into a relationship. 3 separate times
its just my power i guess nhjfkdnhjdfk
and now im gonna tag some ppl!! u dont have to if u dont want to!!
and @ other mutuals i didnt tag bc i wasnt sure if u would enjoy this or not, feel free to do it and say i tagged you!!
@minatheangel​ @illumeow​ @sheepytina​ @cornysnoot​ @mangotigerr​
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lorax177 · 7 years
¤ nickname: lorax (not rly but im paranoid lol)
¤ zodiac sign: um, capricorn, i think?? idk lol
¤ height: im. perfectly average height. which is great bc i get to make fun of short ppl AND tall ppl lmao
¤ orientation:  sex-repulsed asexual, aromantic, and gay (aro n gay r complicated to me? but im both and also hecka ace)
¤ favorite fruit:  mangoes! also honeycrisp apples
¤ favorite season: summer, though I do love a good romp in the snow! haha
¤ favorite book: Watership Down, been my fav since 2nd grade! i reread it as often as possible. I also love jurassic park and the hitchhiker’s guide series.
¤ favorite flower: Succulent flowers are really cool, also orchids! and pasque flowers (the seed versions look like tiny green truffula trees!) and dandilions of course because i love blowing the seeds around!
¤ favorite scent: wow, that’s a cool question! I really lovemusky animal scents like cats and ferrets and geckoes and horses, and of course any food smell! and the smell of rain and dusty summers and the smell of a shoestore and dirty clothes and farts haha. im gross lol
¤ favorite animal: SHARKS!!!! my all-time favorite shark species is the scalloped hammerhead but i just love sharks so much!!! I’m also quite partial to parrots, corvids, cetaceans (especially orcas), elephants, cephalopods, anything even loosely considered a bug, and really any animal in general. I just love animals haha
¤ favorite color: Blue and green, though I just really love bright colors in general haha
¤ coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Depends on what mood I’m in and also if they’re decaf (caffene makes me anxious) I love passionfruit tea and really thick hot cocoa/drinking chocolate, and coffee is really tasty in any form!
¤ average sleep hours: Depends, i usually sleep way too much but the last few nights ive been anxious and only able to get like 2-4 hrs a night
¤ cat or dogs: I love both of them!! I grew up with cats and love them to bits but i also really love doggos!! They’re both great in their own ways.
¤ n° of blankets: as many as possible lmao i love the weight
¤ dream trip: researching resident orca communication on the puget sound
¤ blog created: 2015, but i went on tumblr for about a year before i officially got a blog
¤ favorite song: aaaa these are hard questions!! i really love Wicked songs, and a lot of different soundtracks, and also phantom of the opera and steven universe! I think the most recent song i listened to was this 
thanks @friend-fiction for tagging me! @nobbynobbs @ravenclawandcats @goopy-amethyst @polyglotplatypus @amusingmanyourfather @thethunderblade @458pinkie @amuzatempo @autiehawtie @tori-ayne @wishwriter @du-hjarta-skulblaka and anyone else who wants to!!!!! there are way too many people who I’d love to tag (basically anyone who follows me!) so if you see this and want to do it, you’re officially tagged!!! (i would literally tag my entire follower list but i dont want to make this post too long!! but yeah you guys are the best and i love each and every one of you and i want to know more about you! <3)
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slaivetanaka · 8 years
slaive character chart (it long)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Slaive Tanaka Reason or meaning of name: uh when i was 13 i made him and he was born into slavery so he just rolled with it when he broke out the storys dumb i gotta redo it lmao// or change his name Character’s nickname: Kitten Reason for nickname: bc hes a catboy what do you want from me.... Birth date: January 13th Physical appearance Age: 20 How old do they appear: 20 Weight: variable, current story hes a shape shifter so it depends on his mood but hes like never skinny. id say 140 pounds ish? at least. hes usually got a lil chub Height: 5 feet Body build: pear shaped, nice hips, thighs n booty Shape of face: quite round with it getting more pointed towards his chin but not by much Eye color: his right eye is always colored but his left eye is a slightly dark red Glasses or contacts: he wears glasses to be cute sometimes lol Skin tone: pale, like almost grossly pale Distinguishing marks: a mole under his left eye, stretch marks on the back of his thighs and his butt and his hips, and patchy scars on the back of his neck Predominant features: he has really sultry and soft lips so he has a nice smile. his skin is also super soft and squishy Hair color: black Type of hair: silky and only slightly thick. not very textured but he mooses the back to make it spike slightly like sasuke hair Hairstyle: bangs cover his right eye, behind where his ears would be is mused to be fluffier and slightly spiked Voice: very very sweet, but not childish or naiive sounding. feminine, relatively normal, maybe a little high pitched. intonation is slightly motherly, cracks when he gets nervous/excited Overall attractiveness: hes hot lets face it. hes pretty attractive! Physical disabilities: i mean hes a clumsy ditz but nothing like a disability besides his right eye going slowly blind being behind his hair Usual fashion of dress: at home - off the shoulder shirts/dresses, never wears pants at home. out n about casual - flowy dresses, stockings, cute socks, bibs (those are like the shorts overalls). out n about tryin too hard - he wears lolita sometimes lmao so like sweet lolita with lots of accessories and hair clips and ribbons
Favorite outfit: off the shoulder sweater dress with noooo pants and cute thigh highs Jewelry or accessories: he wears a red fleece collar with a gold tag with an S on it Personality Good personality traits: Kind, Generous, Perceptive, Motherly, Loyal, Determined, Studious. Bad personality traits: Overly generous, Naiive, Stubborn, Ditzy, Overzealous, Blunt Mood character is most often in: Peppy! Sense of humor: jyushimatsu makes him laugh... and things like shitty tumblr memes... Character’s greatest joy in life: his dead mom :) Character’s greatest fear: losing his little brother Why? why?????? uh because thats his lil baby brother hes 8 years younger than him he loves him  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? uh losing his brother lmao hes all he lives for Character is most at ease when: he’s in the bath with hot cocoa and candles lit Most ill at ease when: he’s forced into new situations with no warning Enraged when: someone harasses someone else or his baby brother is hurt Depressed or sad when: he thinks about his mom or on just bad days Priorities: taking care of his brother and gaining enough money to live without worry Life philosophy: Do unto others as you want done unto you If granted one wish, it would be: To be filthy stinkin’ rich Why? He would want his mom back, but knows she passed because she was sick, so he wants to focus on keeping his brother and himself safe and well taken care of Character’s soft spot: his broooother, animals Is this soft spot obvious to others? oh yeah aaaabsolutely Greatest strength: his determination, physical strength, and flexibility Greatest vulnerability or weakness: being deceived, pretty people, kids (he cant be mean to ppl hes attracted to or that remind him of his brother lol) Biggest regret: not spending more time with his mom Minor regret: not knowing what to do about his brother was being bullied Biggest accomplishment: getting an apartment for his brother and himself Minor accomplishment: getting hired at a maid cafe lmao Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: when he was little he couldnt understand why his bits were different from his moms and he cried about it, when he failed baking, when he went to a garden and tried to feed the ducks and was surrounded by them and had to be rescued by a group of strangers Why? uh bc its embarrassing lmao Character’s darkest secret: shhh thats private its a secret Does anyone else know? nope not a soul Goals Drives and motivations: mainly his brother Immediate goals: keeping he and his brother fed Long term goals: moving up in an art industry and becoming famous How the character plans to accomplish these goals: he has a few friends who are in college courses for art so he talks to them about it a lot to improve himself How other characters will be affected: he and his brother will be better off! Past Hometown: super countryside japan Type of childhood: difficult but happy Pets: none but he wants tons of pets First memory: smelling his moms pancakes early in the morning Most important childhood memory: learning to make those pancakes with his mom Why: he eats em all the time and it reminds him of her Childhood hero: his mommmmm Dream job: being an artist Education: none Religion: none Finances: self sufficient farm life lol Present Current location: outskirts of kyoto city Currently living with: his brother Pets: none Religion: none Occupation: maid cafe worker/chef Finances: uh i dont know what this means hha Family Mother: Karen Relationship with her: he loves her so much Father: none Relationship with him: none Siblings: Karin Relationship with them: he adores him, he was adopted and named after his mom Spouse: none :c Relationship with them: none Children: none Relationship with them: none Other important family members: Grandpa, Karen’s mom, who was like his dad but too old to do much.  Favorites Color: Red Least favorite color: None, but if he had to choose then green Music: J-pop, happy music, kikuo Food: mom’s pancakes, hearty soups and pastas, chocolate Literature: ehhh none Form of entertainment: drawing Expressions: Never give up, Do unto others as you want done unto you Mode of transportation: Biking Most prized possession: His collar Habits Hobbies: Drawing, singing, cooking/baking, biking around town Plays a musical instrument? Flute, piano, violin Plays a sport? nope How he/she would spend a rainy day: Huddled under a kotatsu with Karin drinking warm drinks Spending habits: junk food and clothes Smokes: No Drinks: Rarely Other drugs: No What do they do too much of? eat.. junk,... food.... What do they do too little of? socialize Extremely skilled at: baking Extremely unskilled at: sports Nervous tics: biting his lips, his ears lowering, tail twitching, shaking his leg Usual body posture: slouched and tired at home, but straight and hands together in public, arms are relaxed around friends tho but he stands very straight Mannerisms: playing with the bangs on the left side of his head, rubbing his arm with the other hand, blinking a bit too often, rocking on his feet or when he sits Peculiarities: uhhh i have no idea Traits Optimist or pessimist? Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat Prefers working or relaxing? relaxing Confident or unsure of themself? Unsure Animal lover? ABSOLUTELY Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: “Needs to be better, better, better” One word the character would use to describe self: “Cute!” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: PARAGRAPH UGH “About me? Well, I’m pretty hard working, and I like to think I’m nice! But you can always be nicer, yknow? I’m happy to meet new people and try new things but only when I have help doing so, haha. I work at a maid cafe with a lot of cute, sweet girls, they’re really nice! Oh, but I’m supposed to describe myself, um... I like sweets? I’m very flexible! And I love spending time with my brother! Nice to meet you!”
What does the character consider their best personality trait? “Perceptiveness!” What does the character consider their worst personality trait? “Stubbornness...” What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? “My thighs or my lips!” What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? “My stretch marks, they make my skin feel uneven...” How does the character think others perceive them: “A weirdo probably~” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “I want to be stronger!” Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Anxious but optimistic Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Not if they’re friends, but if they’re coworkers or strangers he might Person character most hates: his birth parents Best friend(s): Karin! Love interest(s): n/a Person character goes to for advice: :’) he prays Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Karin!! Person character feels shy or awkward around: anyone he finds attractive Person character openly admires: Karin~ Person character secretly admires: n/a Most important person in character’s life before story starts: uh his mom After story starts: Karin
HOLY SHIT THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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