#also i do the bed and closet check thing several times in a row
useryoongis · 10 months
tw paranoia??? i’m not sure what to call it
#it’s probably not normal to check under your bed and in your closet every single night before sleeping right#and i check every time i go to the bathroom in the middle of the night too because what if someone snuck into my room and hid there#what if someone broke into the house#and i sleep with a night light at the brightest setting so i can see in my room at night#and i make sure my window is locked every night#i know there’s nobody there but i check anyways because what if there is#and i don’t know what this is#like this isn’t normal right#is it paranoia#or is it like anxiety or something#also i do the bed and closet check thing several times in a row#like i literally search through every piece of clothing hanging in my closet even though i know it’s not possible for someone to be hiding-#-there (the shelf wouldn’t support that weight and also how would they even get up there because there’s a whole chair and a bunch of shoes#in the way#and when i check under the bed i check the underside of it and then the ground#i account for everything under my bed and i scan around in fragments#i’m like ‘ok that part is clear and that part is clear so there’s no one on that side’#even though i can clearly see there’s no one there#i don’t know how to describe it#like i can see that nobody is there but i have to keep checking for some reason#it’s not a habit sort of thing it’s just that i don’t feel right if i don’t 100% make sure that i’m safe#there’s also the being somewhat paranoid about my phone/laptop/ipad recording me but i think a lot of people have that thought every#once in a while#like i’ve seen that around and i’m not too worried when it comes to that#i mean i am scared that i might be recorded or whatever but i don’t think that’s going to happen so i don’t really care about that#snow.txt
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Regeneration Potion (Plat!C!Tommyinnit x Witch!F!Reader)
TW: Mentions of Dream's actions during Tommy's exile INCLUDING his un alive moment. YES I KNOW TUBBO CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE FRIEND. SHUSH. PLOT.
Reader wears a dress most of the time. Also Tommy is around 17 (I forgot his canon age sorry)
I might make this a series!
☆Tommy P.O.V☆
His hotel was taken over.. His house was practically empty.. He was stared at everywhere he went.. His best friend replaced him instantly without much of a second thought.. His brother was dead, his other brother probably wanted to spill his guts for switching sides... He had... Nothing...
He had died for God's sake! Sure, he didn't expect people to immediately bawl their eyes out at the news, but he didn't expect to be brushed off so damn quick! He didn't expect the person he betrayed his brother for to replace him so quickly! He didn't... he... Was... Tubbo really his friend? He exiled him without checking up on him... He... He moved on so.. quick..
Standing over the giant crater once known as L'manberg, now covered with a thick sheet of glass... He wrapped his arms around himself and gave a sigh. In the distance, he could see Ranboo and Tubbo running around, most likely gathering materials for Sam Nook...
Gritting his teeth tightly, he felt a familiar burning behind his eyes before he stood up from a pile of dirt he claimed as a temporary chair. It took all of his power not to scream in emotional agony as he stormed away from the sight of his old best friend with someone else who he claimed as his new bestfriend.
Don't turn back...
With a few iron ingots and a low durability netherite sword to his name, Tommy walked as quickly as he could away from the memories. The sacrifices. The pain. The lonely feeling...
He had easily walked for a few hours, trying his hardest to find an area completely secluded from everything and everyone.
If they moved on once... They can move on twice..
He wanted to hold on.. He wanted to keep every little memory and object that he found comforting... But now... Everything he looked at caused a sharp pain to jolt through his heart...
He glanced up at the biome around him, only to frown slightly. It was a Dark Forest... But there was many problems..
He knew there were some large mushrooms, but he had never seen massive flowers bigger than a mansion! Everything... Felt weird... Somethings were incredibly varied in sizes! He spun around in awe as he stared at the different sized flowers and mushrooms scattered around him. Then... fear struck into his heart again...
Wilbur... He told him a story about a forest far to the north of L'manberg... Trees bigger than the eye could see, mushrooms taller than a house or smaller than a fingernail, flowers being anywhere from a millimeter tall to miles high into the air, all because of the land was protected by a Witch.
In the story, Wilbur said that only the lost and lonely would find that forest out of desperation to find salvation...
The Forest of the Forgotten...
His lips parted in surprise and he spun around to exit the land, in fear of upsetting the witch... Only to find a silhouette standing against the light a few inches away from him.
A not so manly scream tore from his throat and he hurriedly threw himself backwards, raising his arms above his head as he landed on the ground, "I'm sorry, Dream! I promise not to wander off again! Please don't take my stuff! Please I don't have anything left! Please...! Please!" He begged, tears spilling from his eyes as he scrambled backwards until he hit a tree. Tommy didn't even hear the foot steps wandering closer until a purple light rose into view.
He took a few gasps for air as he slowly lowered his hands. 'Dream's in prison. He's not here. He's not gonna hurt you again..' He carefully rose his gaze, only to see...
A young woman... She looked... Around his age!
She was kneeling on the ground a few feet away from him, just... Watching him. A black pointy hat was balanced on her (h/l) (h/c) hair that was nicely framing her (s/t) face. Her eyes were analyzing his every movement as they surged with purple flames... But they weren't threatening or violent... They were curious but calm..
He stared at her for a solid few seconds before realizing that the soft purple glow was coming from a ball of coloured fire in her hand. Mesmerized by the energy, Tommy hardly noticed when a dull pink glow appeared in his vision, only when the woman made effort to talk, did he notice.
"I... Don't know who Dream is.. But, I'm not here to take your stuff. That's a promise." She smiled softly, and moved her hand that held the pink glow closer to him. It... Was a Regeneration Potion. "Here, you look a little... Uhm... How do I say this nicely... Torn up...?"
Tommy couldn't hold back a frown as he rubbed his eyes free of tears. He forgot that his injuries from Dream hadn't healed yet... And probably wouldn't be healed for a long time. "Thanks... I guess.." He grumbled in an attempt to save whatever dignity he had left.
While he was considered naive, he wasn't stupid. He knew not to trust strangers immediately, so he uncorked the bottle and smelt it as he analyzed the colour to make sure it was really regeneration potion. At first, he wasn't going to drink it, but he quickly remembered that it wasn't like he had anything to lose, so he took a small sip.
It was dangerously sweet, much sweeter than Phil or Techno's potions, but it definitely wasn't awful and it for certain wasn't poison. He rolled his shoulders as he continued to sip at the potion while she stood up.
Dusting her black robe and dark (f/c) dress of any dirt, despite them being already dirty and a bit tattered, the (h/c) woman stood up and continued to clean the dirt off. "It will be getting dark soon... I'm not much of a fighter, so I will not be able to fend for the both of us if need be. Do you have a shelter nearby or would you like to seek refuge with me for the night?"
Did this crazy woman not know the meaning of stranger danger?
☆Your P.O.V☆
No matter how much you threw yourself into your studies, the looming loneliness never seemed to leave you..
Keeping to your daily routine, you begrudgingly lifted yourself out of bed and sat down at your vanity, glaring at your reflection that bared knotted hair and sleepy (e/c) eyes. Your non dominant hand stretched out towards your closet and watched as your irises lit up a bright surging purple, activating your magic. Your dominant hand began to run a brush through your hair while your other hand controlled the magic that was currently being used to sort through the row of clothes in your closet. Once you found an outfit that you deemed adequate, you made a quick gesture with your hand that caused the clothing to float onto your bed.
It didn't take very long to get ready, I mean, come on, you were in a large forest miles away from the closest village! It's not like you were going to be seeing anyone for a few more centuries.
Your house was cozy and rather small, but it housed you and your black cat Salem comfortably. It was nice and quiet where you lived.. Albeit dark and lonely..
The trees often covered the sun and prevented you from knowing what time it was, but you had stopped caring about the date long ago. It never mattered to you anyway.
"Yeah, yeah. Quit meowing. You act like you haven't eaten in a year." You rolled your eyes at the dramatic feline as you prepared your own breakfast first. Salem kept meowing loudly, standing beside her food bowl and swatting it every so often until you used your magic to toss a fish to her. "You done with your whining now? Big baby."
You rolled your eyes as you sat down with your bowl and quickly ate the fruits you had sliced up. Downside to living here, you primarily survived off of fruits and berries because animals rarely wandered into the forest, and if they did, well you kept them for their resources like milk or eggs or wool.
With a small sigh, you got up and washed your bowl, via magic so you didn't have to feel the burning sensation of the water on your skin, as you contemplated what you were going to do today.
Eventually you decided on going to walk through the forest to find more animals or scavenge for more fruits. Throwing your bag over your shoulder, you double checked that it was stocked up with healing and regeneration potions just in case, only to throw your shoes on. Waving good bye to your lazy annoying cat, that you still love regardless, you shut the door and walked down the path.
The silence was normal... But god it was deafening when something stepped on a branch or when one of your chickens decided to give a particularly loud squawk, but it did indeed heighten your senses.
Giving a sigh, you rose your hand and a purple pulse flew from your hand then trailed down your body and travelled through the forest. Your magic didn't detect anything out of the ordinary except for once thing near the entrance.
"Ah.. God.. Please don't be a zombie.. I'm not a fighter.." You whispered under your breath before setting off towards the untouched and overgrown entrance of the forest.
Arriving to the main path, you looked over a little bit to see a tall blond male spinning around in absolute awe of the forest.
He then took a sharp breath and spun around, almost immediately coming face to face with you. The loudest scream you had ever heard left the boy and he quickly stumbled backwards until he fell to the ground and hit a tree, "I'm sorry, Dream! I promise not to wander off again! Please don't take my stuff! Please I don't have anything left! Please...! Please!" He practically cried apologies while he curled into a wall.
'What kind of reaction was that?!' You thought curiously as you kneeled down a few feet in front of him. Assuming that the dark had freaked him out, you summoned a ball of fire and held it out, using the time to study the strange boy. His dirty shirt was ripped and torn in several places, his skin was decorated with mud, soot, cuts, bruises and scars and his cheeks were damp with tears. His breath was turning into gasps as his thin frame shook violently.
"Hey... Are you okay?"
He didn't seem to hear as he began murmuring quietly to himself, rocking back and forth a small bit to calm himself down. After a few moments, he lowered his arms and stared blankly at the magic in your palm.
Seeing the injuries on his pale skin, you dug into your bag and pulled out a glowing pink potion before holding it out to him. He didn't seem to notice it until you cleared your throat. "I... Don't know who Dream is.. But, I'm not here to take your stuff. That's a promise." You smiled as politely as possible, and moved your hand that held the potion closer to him. "Here, you look a little... Uhm... How do I say this nicely... Torn up...?"
The male grumbled a bit under his breath but looked genuinely thankful as he took a small sip of the potion. After deeming it wasn't poisoned, he began to take larger drinks of it.
"It will be getting dark soon... I'm not much of a fighter, so I will not be able to fend for the both of us if need be. Do you have a shelter nearby or would you like to seek refuge with me for the night?"
Honestly... The face he made amused you quite a bit...
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Her Special Day
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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Jensen wants YN to have an incredible birthday, but when his plans start to fail he's worried he ruined her special day. Luckily, YN is very understanding.
Warnings: Mega Fluff, Slight Cursing, Anxiety/Panic
A/N: Happy Birthday @mlovesstories​ I hope your day is filled with laughter and joy. Here's a little something from me. (I also had to add a JA gif from yesterday, lol) Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom One-Shot Masterlist
As he pulled into his driveway, Jensen looked down at the clock on his radio, "Okay, she should be here in about an hour. That's plenty of time to get everything set up."
Today was YN's birthday and Jensen was determined to make it an unforgettable one. After all, the two have been dating for 3 years now.
And Jensen believed it was time to take that next step.
Early that morning, he called a local flower shop to deliver a bouquet of roses to YN's office as a surprise for her birthday. Then he made a plan and got ready for the day.
His first stop was the jewelry store in town. It took some time to find the perfect diamond, but after 3 hours of careful looking, he had found it. 
He didn't even flinch at the price when he swiped his credit card, especially since YN's happiness was worth more to him than any amount of money he ever had.
His next stop was the floral shop that he had the roses delivered from. He decided to buy a couple more bouquets of roses and use the petals as a romantic decoration around the house.
Finally he popped into the grocery store to pick up ingredients for YN's favorite meal: chicken parmesan. He also grabbed a chocolate cake mix, frosting, and candles, deciding that a semi-homemade birthday cake was better than having someone else make it in a bakery.
After he purchased everything, Jensen climbed back in his truck and drove to his house. He pulled into the driveway, checked the time, and got to work.
Jensen managed to get everything inside, including the ring, and into the kitchen before setting up a plan of action, "First things first: I need to get that cake made so it has time to cool. Then I need to get everything decorated. I should probably get dinner at least put together while the cake bakes."
In his entire life, Jensen had never been this nervous. He wanted YN's special day to be memorable, but he also needed this proposal to be perfect. She was the love of his life and he wanted her to always be happy.
So everything had to go right and be perfect.
After a half hour of mixing ingredients, Jensen popped the cake in the oven and got to work preparing dinner. Since he's made chicken parmesan several times over the years, mainly at YN's request, it was second nature to him.
He set the dish aside and started decorating the living room and kitchen for YN's birthday. He put one bouquet of roses in a vase and set them on the counter, then he set the table for himself and YN.
A little while later, the timer for the cake went off and he pulled the pans out of the oven. He set them on the cooling rack and slipped the chicken parmesan into the oven.
As he was cleaning up the kitchen, his phone started to ring on the counter. He picked it up and saw the picture from his and YN's first date at the water park.
He smiled as he answered, "Why hello, birthday girl."
Her giggle on the other end made his heart skip a beat, "Hello, love. Guess who got off work a half hour early?"
Jensen pulled back his phone and noticed the time, "O-oh, wow that’s...great," he had to think of something to keep her busy a bit longer, "Um, hey why don't you stop by the store a grab a bottle of wine? I spaced getting it when I was at the store earlier."
"But don't you have like rows and rows of wine in your house?"
"Y-yeah, I do. But I want you to have your favorite and we drank the last of it a week ago."
"Oh, uh, okay then. Sure, I'll stop by the store. Is there anything else I could grab?"
"Nope, that should be it. I'll see you in a bit my love," Jensen sighed in relief.
"I love you, Jay."
"Love you, too," he hung up and set his phone back on the counter, "Great, that bought me some time, but not a lot."
After grabbing the ring box from the kitchen counter, he jogged into the bedroom and swung open his closet. He looked around until he spotted the royal blue dress shirt that happened to be YN's favorite on him. He also grabbed his black slacks and dress shoes to match.
He set the ring on the nightstand by his side of the bed and changed rather quickly before walking into the bathroom to fix his hair, spray some cologne, and make sure he looked as handsome as the first time YN fell in love with him.
He took a long look at himself in the mirror and sighed, "You're all right. You can do this. You're Jensen Ross Ackles. Just a simple question: will you marry me? It's not that difficult. Just take a deep breath and relax."
He walked out of the bedroom and back towards the kitchen. As he stepped into the kitchen, he heard YN's car pulling into the driveway and he panicked.
"Shit!" he whispered, "Nothing’s ready. What do I do?"
He had to think quick on his feet, so he bolted out the front door and over to YN's car. He yanked open her driver door, which startled her.
"Jeez, Jay. Are you trying to scare me to death?" YN sighed.
"N-no, sorry. I...um..." he trailed off, trying to figure out what to say.
YN stepped out of the car and shook the bottle in her hand, "I got the wine."
"Oh, right," Jensen nodded, "I'm sorry I scared you."
"It's okay, love," she kissed his cheek, "Let's go inside and chill. I had a long day and I just want to have a nice relaxing evening with my love," she started walking towards the house.
Jensen panicked, "YN, wait!"
"What for?" she turned to him, "Awe, are you wearing that shirt because it's my birthday? Or just because it's my favorite?"
"Both, I guess," he walked up to her, "But you can't go inside."
YN rolled her eyes and smiled, "Why not?"
"Because...because..." Jensen stood behind her and covered her eyes, "It's a surprise! No peeking, okay?"
"Okay," she chuckled, "You know I'm not one for surprises, Jay."
"I know, but...trust me," he breathed, "This is a good surprise."
He kept his hands covering YN's eyes as they walked into his house. He guided her away from the kitchen and living room and towards his bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind himself, took his hands off YN's eyes, and spun her around to look at him.
"Whoa, okay. Now that I can see, what do you have up your sleeve, Jensen?" YN asked.
"Whatever do you mean, my love?" Jensen smiled, "Now, why don't you get out of your work clothes and take a long, hot bath?"
YN sighed, "That does sound nice."
"And while you do so, I'll get dinner ready."
"What's for dinner?"
"Your favorite."
YN smiled, "You're the best."
Jensen turned her around and walked her towards the bathroom, "I'll take that title for sure, but since it's your special day, I think you should take it back. All I've done is put chicken and sauce in a pan. You, m'lady," he kissed her cheek, "do more for me everyday just by breathing."
YN sighed in content, "You're going to be the death of me, Ackles."
"I love you, too," he smiled, "Now, go take a bath and meet me in the kitchen when you're done. Take as long as you need."
YN nodded as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind herself. Jensen let out a long sigh of relief as he walked out of the bedroom and back to the kitchen.
The cake had to be cool enough to ice by now, so he took them out of the pans and layered them on a plate. He grabbed the frosting and a spatula, and got to work on the cake. It wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but Jensen made it himself.
He added the candles to the top then stood back to look at his handy work, "Not bad, Ackles. Not bad at all."
After setting the cake on the counter next to the vase of roses, he walked over to the dining table, picked up the last bouquet, and started pulling off the flower petals. He scattered them around the dining table then started walking back towards the bedroom while scattering more petals as a path.
When he reached the bedroom, he could hear YN's music coming from the bathroom. He smiled as he thought of how the rest of the night was going to go.
First, she'd walk out of the bathroom, her towel around her body and hair, and relaxed from her long soak. Then she'd get dressed and notice the rose petals around her feet. She'd walk out of the bedroom, down the hallway, and towards the kitchen. She'd see dinner on the table, her birthday cake, and more roses waiting for her.
And Jensen would be there, knelt down on one knee with the ring in his hand. He'd pop the question, she'd say yes (hopefully), and they'd live happily ever after.
It was perfect. Well, hopefully it would be that perfect.
Suddenly, a beeping could be heard coming from the kitchen and Jensen could smell smoke. He went into a panic as he ran out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen.
He abruptly came to a halt when he saw black smoke pouring out of the oven, "Shit! I forgot to set a timer for dinner!"
He ran into the kitchen and pulled the oven open, causing more smoke to pour out of it. He blindly reached around for something to douse the small fire and rolling black smoke.
Unfortunately that thing happened to be the vase of roses. He grabbed it and tossed it on to the flame, which ruined the flowers but extinguished the fire.
When he realized what he had done, he felt himself panic more, "Oh, no. No, no, no. This is bad. The flowers...dinner...they're both ruined."
He took a few steps back from the oven, trying to figure out a quick plan to fix this. When he moved backwards, he ended up bumping into the cake and knocking it to the ground.
He whipped around and gasped at the sight, "No! Not the cake too! What am I going to do now?!"
Just then, he heard the bedroom door squeak open and footsteps approaching the kitchen.
"Hey, uh, Jay?" YN's voice echoed in his head, "Do you, um, do you want to tell me what this is that was sitting by your side of the bed? And why there are rose petals all over the floor?"
She walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, but paused when she saw the devastating sight in front of her.
There was Jensen on his hands and knees trying to somehow salvage the cake that had dropped. YN took a few steps towards him before he looked up at her with tears in his eyes.
She gasped when she saw his face, "Jensen? Honey, what happened?"
Jensen wiped his eyes, "I-I messed everything up. The chicken parmesan is burnt to a crisp, the flowers went up in flames, a-and I knocked over the cake," then he noticed the box in her hand, "Oh, no. Y-you didn't...open that did you?"
"No, not yet," YN shook her head, "I assumed it was a birthday gift that you wanted me to open with you."
He sighed, "Well, the entire night is ruined anyway. You might as well open it."
She glanced down at the box then back at Jensen, "Honey, the night isn't ruined. So dinner got a little burnt and the cake is on the ground and the flowers are toast. So what?" she knelt down next to him, "It doesn't matter."
He blinked up at her, "But your birthday-"
"Is just another day, love," she interrupted him, "You could've just popped in a movie, ordered a pizza, and we could have cuddled up on the couch. Just the fact that you tried to hard to make it perfect let's me know how much you really care about me. I love you so much."
Jensen smiled, "I love you, too, YN. And I'm sorry about all of this."
"Don't worry about it," she kissed him, "How about I help you clean up all of this then we'll watch a movie, drink some wine and relax?"
"I like that idea," he nodded, "I'll handle the cake if you want to try and get the pan of food out of the oven."
YN and Jensen stood from the floor and got to work. After YN placed the ring box on the counter, she walked over to the oven, grabbed potholders, and pulled out the dish. She placed it in the sink and started running water on it to cool it down enough to clean it.
Meanwhile, Jensen pulled the trashcan over to start cleaning the cake off the floor. He grabbed cake by the handful and tossed them in the trashcan.
It took roughly a half hour or more to clean up the mess in the kitchen. Jensen and YN had to change their clothes once they finished as Jensen was covered in cake frosting and sweat while YN was covered in burnt chicken parm and soapy water.
Once back in the living room, YN collapsed on the couch with a heavy sigh, "I could use a glass of wine."
Jensen chuckled, "I think I can handle that."
"You sure?" YN asked.
"Hardy har har," he rolled his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, "That was so funny."
He poured two glasses of wine and moved to walk out of the kitchen when the ring box caught his eye. He had completely forgotten about proposing to her after everything had happened.
Jensen grabbed the box and took a breath, "It's now or never."
He walked back into the living room and handed a glass of wine to YN. She took it from him and immediately took a satisfying sip.
"Wow, who knew wine was the key to your happiness," he chuckled as he sat next to her and put his glass on the table.
"Well, not exactly. Just a long day," she sighed and took another sip.
Jensen took a breath and held out the box, "YN, um-"
"Oh, my birthday present," she set the wine glass on the table.
"Sort of," he smirked, "Look, I know that I'm not a perfect guy. I know that I mess up from time to time, and it's mainly from my nerves. Things like tonight, I know it won't be the last time they happen. But out of all the things I know, there is one that tops them all: I know for a fact that I love you and that you love me back."
YN felt tears welling up in her eyes, "Oh, Jay."
"I've done a lot of thinking lately. And I've come to 3 conclusions: 1) I am a huge dork who's dating the most beautiful and amazing woman on the planet. 2) That amazing woman has had me wrapped around her finger from the first moment we locked eyes. And 3) The finger needs a little something more to make it official," Jensen opened the box to reveal the ring.
YN gasped, "Jensen..."
He smiled at her with tears in his eyes, "I love you, YN YLN. Would you do me the incredible honor of becoming Mrs. YN Ackles?"
"Oh my gosh, Jensen. Y-you're being serious, right? This isn't some prank o-or some cruel joke, right?" she was shaking from shock.
"No, baby. This is real. This is 100% real," he took her hand, "So, what do you say?"
YN chuckled, "What do I say? What do you mean 'what do I say'?" she leaned forward and kissed him, "Yes, Jensen, of course I'll marry you."
"Really? Yes?!" Jensen smiled his mega watt smile as he took the ring out and slide it on her finger.
YN took a long look at the ring, "This is gorgeous, honey."
"I couldn't find the exact one that you wanted, but I hope you'll love it just the same," he kissed her hand.
"It's perfect," she reached for her wine glass, "To my handsome fiance. He has his quirks, but he always keeps a smile on my face."
Jensen lifted his own glass, "And to the birthday girl, my gorgeous fiance. There's not a single flaw about her, well maybe except her small phone addiction-"
"Hey, now," YN interrupted him, "I am the owner of a company. I kind of have to be on my phone from time to time."
"But regardless of that," Jensen chuckled, "she's always there for me no matter how clumsy I get."
"To us," YN clinked her glass against Jensen's.
"To the future Mr. and Mrs. Ackles," Jensen nodded.
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​​​ @smollestbean-2​​​ @kitwithnokat​​​
@idksupernatural​​​ @desiredposion​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​ @let-me-luve-you​​​
@obsessedwithfandomsx​​​ @mangueweaschester​​​ @starchildwild​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​
@spnbaby-67​​​ @unicornmadness2444​​​
@emery--nicole--morrison​​​ @spnfamily-j2​​​ @akshi8278​​​ @avocadogirl216​​​
@imthedoctorlove​​​ @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x @lyarr24​​
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unabashegirl · 4 years
“Wear something noticeable”(II)
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Author’s note: HELLO EVERYBODY! I hope you all have a wonderful day! I know this is long overdue! I read all your request asking for the second part.
If you have read the first part then STOP 🛑. Click on my masterlist, scroll all the way down and check out the first part! (or just click here)
I also remind you that the REQUESTS ARE OPEN for all of your HARRY concepts, imagines, fanfics! Just let me know!
Enjoy! 💛💕
The task was easier said than done. She stayed up hours, rummaging through her closet looking for the perfect outfit. She tried on every single outfit and pretended to dance in front of the mirror just to get a notion of what she could potentially look like. At some point, she even managed to tear up, sitting on a pile of clothes that she classified as too basic. At some point, she considered calling Harry and canceling. She cursed at the day she stopped shopping in abundance and keeping tabs on the latest trends. Eventually, the closet ran out of choices for her. She had to make an executive decision with what she had laid out in the bed.
At seven o'clock, a black suburban showed up at the front of her apartment complex. She felt eager and very nervous. It was her first proper concert. She had gone to see the Jonas Brothers when she was younger, but she could hardly remember it. Plus, it's not the type of concert that you gloat to your friends. Y/N had also never attended a concert on her own. On top of everything, she didn't know anyone aside from Harry. Nonetheless, he was a sufficient reason for her to attend. She enjoyed every passing second by his side. Harry made her forget her fears and the hardships of life with a single look and simple conversations.
The arena was smaller than she foresaw. As soon as the car pulled outside the back entrance, she was able to hear the boisterous cheers from his fans.
”Welcome” A woman a bit older than her greeted her. Aside from the big smile, she wore a headpiece attached to the back of her ear. ”Y/N, right?”. She responded by giving her a small nod. She felt intimidated by the multitude of people around them. ”I am Alice. I am at your service. Whatever you need — just let me know”. By the time that Alice started leading the way into the arena, the car that had brought her had driven away.
They quietly walked down a wide, grey hallway with the black boxes of equipment piled on the sides. Every step they took made the volume of the cheers more intense. She was glad that she had opted to wear sneakers. Who could stand in a crowded room with heels on for almost three hours? — an actual masochist.
It took them a few seconds until they finally came across two double doors. It was behind the doors where most people hung around. Y/N kept her head down and ignored that evident gazes from others. Alice led the way into a smaller room with a more cozy atmosphere. The room was carpeted but had a smaller, printed one over it. A coffee table was placed on with several, crinkled bottles scattered over it. It reminded her of her nightstand at home and how she needed to clear it out before inviting someone in.
”Harry will come back in a few” Y/N smiled at Alice and once again she nodded. ”please help yourself to any drinks or snacks on the table,” She said pointing to a large table at the end of the room covered with them.
”Thank you, Alice. You are really kind” Y/N finally said before she was left on her own. She was relieved that she would get to see Harry before the show started. Seeing him had the potential to make her anxiety and nervousness come to an end. She just needed a few seconds with him, maybe a hug too, even a kiss if she was lucky.
She walked around the room and came to halt when she came across a rack of clothes. She wasn't oblivious to Harry’s notorious good sense of fashion. It was actually the reason why she was so nervous when she chose her outfit. He made his daily life a runway show. He served looks.
Y/N reached out to run her fingers over the fabrics but stopped herself before she could. Her hands suddenly felt dirty and not worthy of touching the expensive material. She stared at them for a few minutes before taking a water bottle and settling down on the edge of the couch. A few minutes passed by and her social media wasn’t enough to keep her entertained for so long. Every time someone walked passed or heard a loud voice, she would sit up straight and block her phone. She only stopped looking at the door when her social media scrolling came to an abrupt halt by an incoming phone call.
”Hello” His rough, heavy voice was enough to put a smile on her face instantly. ”I hope they are treating you right” Harry stared out of the window of the car, on his way to the arena. His previous commitment had taken longer than expected. He was late for the show.
”They are. Alice is wonderful” Y/N kept smiling. She was infatuated with him. It all seemed so silly to her, but it felt right. Harry also kept smiling, hiding his happiness from the rest of the crew in the car.
None of them said a word; they just listened to each other's breathing.
”It's all a bit intimidating — isn't it?” Harry addressed the elephant in the room. He knew she probably had a million questions about his life under the spotlight and his work.
”It’s just hectic,” She answered truthfully. Y/N had observed multiple people running pass the dressing room a million times in the last half an hour.
”I’ll answer all your questions after the show, ” He wanted transparency before everything. He was tired of keeping his significant others in the dark with the fear that they wouldn't be able to handle the baggage that came with dating him.
”After the show? I am not going to get to see you before?” Harry could sense her small frown from miles away.
”My radio appearance took longer than expected. I had every intention of seeing you, ” Harry revealed. Last night’s kiss hadn't been enough for him. Most of the night, he rolled around in bed, replaying the events in his mind. He couldn't get over the way her lips tasted or the tingling that she left on his. He craved her. ”what are you wearing?”
”That is highly inappropriate, Styles, ” Her cheeks turned crimson red as she bit down the inside of her cheek attempting to prevent a smirk from forming.
”Just for me to know what to look out for” Harry felt nervous. He had a respectable experience with performing for millions of people. It was Y/N presence that made everything much different.
”I am not giving anything away, ” She wanted him to look for her.
”that’s unfair, ” He states. Harry’s initial intention was to keep an eye on her all night. He wanted to see her unravel and let go.”I guess I'll just have to look hard enough, ” However, he enjoyed the chase. It made the concert even more entertaining.
”I guess so, ” Just as she said that Alice marched her way into the room; interrupting the intimate conversation between the couple. ”Alice is in here,” She tells him.
”That’s my queue to hang up” Alice was there to take Y/N to the front of the stage. ”Tell her that I’ll be there in 3,” He was just pulling up to the front of the arena. ”I'll see you out there, ”
” Okay” She smiled as she rose to her feet and slowly walked to his assistant. They said quick goodbyes and hung up. It was showtime.
Noisy was an understatement of what the cheers for him were when he walked out with all his pride. Y/N strategically placed herself slightly left to where his mic stood. She was within the ten first rows in between a group of girls, younger than her. They even had a small heart attack when he first stepped out.
Y/N was delighted that she had declined Alice's offer to stay within the VIP area. She would have missed the incredible euphoria that the crowd provided. Everyone danced and sang with the stranger beside them. His music and presence were enough to break the distrust that one stranger felt toward the other. They all felt like a big family for three whole hours.
Y/N was more than mesmerized by the energy that the beautiful man on stage brought to every single song. He was confident, fearless, and funny on stage. The tone of his voice was enough to make a shiver run down her spine and for her skin to cover with goosebumps in a matter of seconds. She was captivated by him.
“How are you?” He smiles as he reaches over for a guitar. The crowd roared for him as he strapped it over his shoulders and refreshed himself with a water bottle. “I hope yeh like the next song” It's the last thing that he said before To Be So Lonely started to get played.
While everyone in the area was captivated by his voice, he was too distracted by searching for her. His eyes first scanned the front of the stage. There were a few times he had to do double-takes before he moved on to the left side.
A soft light shined over the crowd, illuminating the faces of the first few rows; and that's when he spotted her. It didn't take him much time to find her. Her beauty singled her out of the bunch. Their eyes connected as a smile grew on his face. He felt instant relief knowing that she was safe and wasn't getting trampled by the other fans. Alice had let him know about the change of plans. She was kinda embarrassed and disappointed that she hadn't been able to convince her. Her stubbornness made him like her even more. She was the cause behind the big smile that he wore at the beginning of the concert. As he watched her from the stage, he didn't regret changing the setlist at the last minute. Playing a relatively slow song had allowed him to find her quicker.
There wasn't much any of them could say with words to the other, but their eyes and smiles spoke millions. Harry couldn't stop smiling and chuckling as she gave him thumbs up from the crowd. Mitch — who stood close by couldn't ignore their intimate interaction among the chaos. It was cute.
After finding her, he was able to fully enjoy the concert to its maximum capacity. That is not to say that he didn't try to impress her with her voice or terrible jokes. Watermelon Sugar was the closing track for the night. Harry tried his best to join the fun, but it was difficult to pay attention to something else than her.
Y/N danced around with her arms in the air, raised above her, and her hair flying everywhere. She had even danced with the other young woman beside her. It was always refreshing to see someone enjoying the music rather than trying to get a picture or a video of him. He even caught her at one point singing along. He was rather surprised that she had taken the time to learn one of his songs.
Before Harry sang the last verse of the song, someone gripped Y/N’s forearm. It was Alice— escorting her back to backstage. In order to prevent her from getting lost with the large crowd. Y/N gave Harry a small smile before following Alice back.
She was back in the dressing room when he strode in with all his glory. He was slightly sweaty and the buttons of his shirt popped open, giving her a clear view of his chest tattoos. Harry held a hand towel and a brand new water bottle. She immediately stood up when she saw him.
He basically had to shut the door on everyone’s faces for privacy. He even locked the door before walking towards her. Harry took the time to observe her and take in her appearance without any disruption before he said anything. She wore a suit like his except she had omitted a shirt. It was sage with a low cut jacket, singed at the waist, showing a modest cleavage.
”a suit, huh?” He finally said as he stood before her. His hands ached to touch her. ”very clever” He adds. There was something oddly attractive about a woman wearing a suit and dressing just like him.
” I thought if I wore something similar to what you wear then you would find me quicker” Harry nodded as he leaned down and finally eased his craving.
”You look beautiful” he whispered against her lips as he settled on the couch. He spread out his legs, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
”You looked amazing out there” She sat down close enough to have their thighs touching. ”You were born to do this. The energy out there was insane and your voice is just— wow” Harry’s heart warmed up at her kind words. He reached out and touched the side of her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb.
”I’ve got to talk to a few people and then we can go,” he usually hung around the arena until everyone left. Mostly because he had nothing to go home to only an empty house. Now with Y/N around, he just wanted to be in the privacy of his own home with her — alone. ” I hope you don't mind”.
”That’s okay. I understand," Y/N leaned towards his touch and placed a soft peck on his hand for reassurance. She wasn't as nervous as before. His kiss and gentle touch had been enough to ease her mind. Harry kissed her delicately and took his time tending her lips. His ringed fingers gripped her hips, pulling her over his lap. Y/N's finger tangled on the hair of the back of his head. Just as she settled comfortably on him, a knock disrupted their makeout session.
"Yeah?" Harry yelled loudly with his eyes closed, he kept his forehead against hers, as they tried to catch their breaths.
"Harry— there are some people that would like to meet you" It was Alice behind the door. She had been making sure that Harry's car was ready for him and that security was holding up when they came looking for her. People were looking for Harry and for the first time, his dressing room door was shut and locked.
"I am coming!" He leaned back, smiling at her red, swollen lips. He cupped her face and pecked her lips. "Where have you been all this time?" Y/N shrugged while smiling, proceeding to get off his lap.
Harry sighed before opening the door. Alice nervously walked into the room, her gaze instant fell on Y/N. She was still awkwardly sitting on the couch, running her fingers through her hair with swollen, fresh kissed lips. Alice quickly connected the dots and felt embarrassed to have interrupted her boss's rendezvous. Alice shyly waved at Y/N from afar before leading the small caravan of people that wanted to see the great Harry Styles.
"Since when do you lock yourself in here? What's goi—" Mitch hits the breaks as soon as he sees Y/N, shyly standing beside the couch. She had quickly fixed her outfit and had made sure that nothing was popping out of her cleavage. "Hi" He smiled walking past Harry with his hand stretched out for her to take.
"Hello" She gently shakes his hand.
"This is Y/N" Harry introduces her to Mitch as he walks around the coffee table towards the drinks.
"Mitch. It's so nice to finally meet you" Harry had told him about her. In Harry's defense, he had to force it out of him after he persisted in changing the setlist.
"You too" Mitch could see that she was more of an introvert than the other girls that Harry had dated. She defiantly was unique, truthful to what Harry had said about her.
Before Harry could say anything else and spark conversation between the girl that he liked so much and basically his best friend, he was pulled by Alice to meet a few celebrities and their children. He kept an eye on Y/N, even though she sat across the room with Mitch and the rest of the band.
He was talking a few pictures when he heard her soft laugh. She was surely having a great time. He felt jealous that he wasn't part of the conversation. He felt jealous that he had to work and couldn't enjoy her company like any other couple would.
Thankfully, he went through the group of people quickly. Eventually only leaving him, Alice, Y/N, and the band in the room.
"Your car is ready whenever you need it, Harry" Alice said before leaving. Her job for the night was over. She could finally leave and get off her feet.
Harry grabbed his blazer that hung on the back of the couch before approaching the small group.
"Pasta is so much better" He heard from Y/N as he walked up.”There are no buts”.
"Ready to go?" Harry interrupted their conversation.
"Pasta or Pizza, Harry?" Mitch asked, trying to put an end to a quick debate that they had tumbled in.
"Pasta without a doubt" Harry didn't think it twice. He could eat it every day and wouldn't have a problem with it. Whenever he visited Italy, that's what composed most of his diet.
"Told you" Y/N stuck her tongue out at Mitch as she stood up.
"He is only saying that because he likes you," Y/N blushed while Harry's hands found their way around her hips. "I hope he brings you back and doesn't keep you only to himself,".
"No promises" Harry rested his chin on top of her head as a smile grew. He was happy that his friends and the people closest to him liked her.
"It was really nice hanging out with all of you tonight. Also, the show was amazing. You did a tremendous great job" Mitch smiled at Harry as he gave her a kiss at the top of her head in response to her sweet comment.
"You are germ, Y/N," Mitch said before turning to Harry. "I'll see you tomorrow?". Harry nodded before he intertwined their fingers and pulled Y/N out of the room.
"Where are we going?" Y/N asked as she buckled herself.
"I am starving. I thought we could get some take out and stay at mine? So, we could talk and watch movies. Would you like that?"
"I would love to" She smiled as Harry leaned in and pecked her lips.
Harry picked up an order from their favorite restaurant, the same where they had first met. They sat on his carpeted, living room floor for hours. They stayed up until the sun came back up — talking about everything including his music. Y/N asked about SHE and what had contributed to the end of their relationship. He answered with all his sincerity and revealed his biggest secrets to her. She had something that made him feel comfortable and safe. He felt like he could be his authentic self. He could be as goofy or as silly as he wanted and he knew that she wouldn't leave or turn his back on him. Harry just knew that this relationship was going to last long. So it did. He never let go.
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vegetacide · 4 years
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Veggie art’ing Part II complete…  This is a continuation of THIS 
Also for something a bit new as I had several notes asking what was going on with the previous pic I wrote a little something to accompany this.  It took a rather unexpected direction on me as I had ordinally intended for this to be a reconciliation picture..   Just were my mind veered for some reason.. I blame these two idiots…
I have spent far too long plunking away at this so bare with me if its absolutely crap. 
Anyway.. if you wish to read it.. look check out below 
Working title: …haven’t come up with one yet.. meh. Sue me
Blanket warning: Hints to adult subject matter that some might find offensive or triggery..mentions of past trama…. etc etc
Rating: Teen.. I guess
Word count: 2726 words 
Characters: Virgil/Kayo
Fandom: TaG’verse A/U
Location: My made up beach house located somewhere on Tracy Island..  
Veggie notes:   Any errors are completely my own and I am sure I will catch them at some point on one of my obsessive read throughs of self doubt.  :D
Damn, how in the world had it come to this? 
Virgil watched as she padded on quiet, bare feet across the beach house deck.  Retreating again and effectively shutting him out.  Her slender shoulders so small under the too big flannel of his shirt, were hunched as she protectively wrapped her arms around herself. Closing off like she always did when things got too close and too real for her to deal with. 
His chest hurt, a dull ache behind his breast bone and he rubbed at it subconsciously.  Like his heart was too big and in its floundering it was trying to break through the meager sack of flesh that housed it.
Cursing, he rubbed at it again and resisted the urge to drive his fist in the plastered wall of the beach house.  The effort wouldn’t serve any meaningful purpose anyways other than splitting his knuckles. There was no detracting from his present circumstances and potential broken bones wouldn’t change that. 
He should have taken more care with his words instead of letting his thoughts run free as he did and he kicked himself for his short sightedness,  not that it fixed anything.  He’d been too caught up in his own little world,  completely forgetting the reality they were living and now here they were. 
On opposing ends of a vast chasm.  Him holding on with all his might to keep his family whole while Kayo fought against it. The horrible twisted image of family that a mad man had imprinted on her at too young an age warping her view on things to the detriment of them both.    An idea she had been fighting her whole life to make different and one she couldn’t escape, it seemed no matter how hard they tried to.  
The old doubts and worries were always just beneath the surface just waiting to spring forth to bugger things up. The present being a prime example.  
The morning had started out completely different and felt almost like a dream to where they were now.   Warm and lazy with a vague like quality one found just upon waking.   
Kayo had been snuggled in his arms. Her legs tangled with his among the rumpled sheets. A sweet ocean breeze blowing through the gossamer curtains and dancing pleasantly over their satiated bodies.  Wicking the dew of sweat from their skin as their pulses slowed and their minds drifted back from the bliss of carnal sensation. 
His fingers had been lazily tracing up and down her back, over the sinewy grace of her shoulders and down the curve of her spine. Paying homage and mapping every glorious inch to his artist brain. 
He’d been lost in a day dream of what could be. The gentle rise of her hip, the varied valleys of her ribs  directing the course of his thoughts.  A picture was forming of a future, one that stretched out before them like a blank canvas, waiting for them to take up the brush and fill it with colour and life. 
A story in images had started to sketch itself  in his mind’s eye.  The two of them, together.  Healing, growing and evolving with a world of opportunity before them and nothing to hold them back. 
Not being able to contain himself as he lazed with her, Virgil had voiced his thoughts. Letting loose all that he’d hoped for.   A tumble of words spewing forth that had Kayo suddenly growing still and stiff to his touch. 
“Virgil,  stop…”  Had been all she’d uttered before she’d turned from his embrace and slipped from the soft comfort of their bed.  Her hair a tumble of love tousled ebony, hiding her face. 
“It would be a nice picture to paint.”  He’d replied, mind still on other things and not on the present.   “Go anywhere, wherever we want.  Take in the sights for a change instead of just jetting by them.  Go to that little cabin by that lake I told you about… it would be a perfect spot to..”
“Enough! …” The abruptness of her raised voice had him snapping his jaw shut.  
With jerking motions, she’d grabbed up his shirt.  The match to his favourite pair of lounge pants.   The one she loved to cozy into and entice him with. A glimpse of flesh here as it rode up her thighs, a flash there as supple mounds peaked out between the row of loosed buttons. Now though it covered her in a different manner entirely.  Like a shield, she clasped it tightly 
He’d pushed up to his elbows, brows dropped low with concern as he’d finally taken note that something wasn’t quite right..  “Kay?"  
She’d cast her gaze back at him then.  The briefest of looks had been enough for him to catch the shadow of disquiet in them.  Their usual vibrancy muddied by brewing clouds of anger that had him sliding from the sheets and reaching for her. 
“Don’t.” Was all she said, shaking her head as he’d risen and moved towards her.  Her hands held aloft to hold him back as she’d strode from the room.  
“What… Tin,  what’s going on?”  
Grabbing up his pants Virgil had stumbled after her, hopping as he yanked them on amid a  litany of colourful words. 
“Shit… Wait..”  
Steps later he was confronted by a fury he hadn’t expected considering where and what they had been doing mere moments before.  
She had been pacing like a caged animal,  across the expanse of the living room and back again.  Rage flowing from her with each hurried step. 
“What…?”  Was all he managed to say before she turned on him.  Fire in her gaze,  colour high on her cheeks.  
“You know what?”  She seethed, poking a finger in his direction as she did another circuit of the room.
He’s own anger bubbled to the surface,  “Actually, I don’t. So would you enlighten me to whatever erroneous infraction it is that you think that I’ve done?”  
“Oh, don’t give me that.  You know exactly what the problem is.”
Virgil’s brows shot up as her words had struck a chord in his grey matter. “Problem? You really think…”
“What in the hell were we thinking?!”  She growled out, shoving a chair out to the way and knocking it over with a crash. “Selfish..Stupid.”
“With the lives we lead….You can’t ask this of me!”   
Her words had been like a physical blow and Virgil had taken an involuntary step back. She’d wanted her words to hurt and she’d succeeded.  She never did pull her punches and her aim was as impeccable as ever.
He’d seen the realization of what she’d said flicker through her gaze but she’d quickly buried it. Instead of saying more, she shook her head, turned  her back on him once more and walked out the open sliding doors putting more than just distance between them. 
And he’d let her go,  his shoulders slumping at the writing between the lines of what had been said. In his mind there was only one option open to them but maybe for her that wasn’t the case. The implications of those options was something he couldn’t dare to fathom…but it was a road he wouldn’t let her travel down alone.  
He had a responsibility to uphold,  as  her husband and as the man he prided himself on being.  A rescuer in dark times, when there was no one else capable of the job and sometimes those that needed rescuing were closer to home.
Squaring his shoulders he went after her.  She was begging for a fight. An obvious distraction from the core reasoning behind her lashing out at him but he wouldn’t take her up on the invitation.   He wouldn’t let her push him away to deal with whatever this was on her own. 
Passing through the doors,  his eyes scanned over the deck and his breath had caught.   
She looked so small, fragile and it had brought him up short. Slumping,  he braced himself between a support post and the beach house wall.  An uncanny exhaustion suffusing him as he saw the uphill battle of the task ahead.  A task he was determined to see through to the end, no matter the outcome. 
He hated seeing her like this and despite her best efforts to push him away, Virgil knew her too well.  Had spent most of his life knowing her.  He could read her nuances, gestures and mood even when she tried to close off from him like she was trying to do now under a mask of anger.  
“Tin,”  He said carefully, dropping his hand and pushing away from the post.  He drew in a breath and let it out slowly, letting the tension slip from his shoulders.   Approaching her with all guns blazing would only crank her defenses up higher and wouldn’t get them anywhere.
He watched her stance with a practiced eye as he stepped closer.  She was like an abused animal.  Even with all of her training, when she was emotionally compromised as she was right now the scared little girl she had been came to the fore.  The one they met when she’d first came to live with them, hiding behind her father’s leg.   
He hadn’t known her history then,  the actions of her uncle and the effect that it would have on the rest of her life.  How it would shape her into the strong, determined woman she was today.  Never letting anyone get close enough to see the frightened child she closeted away inside.  Virgil though had managed to find his way inside,  found the cracks in her apparent impenetrable armour and had broken through to  the core of the woman inside.  The one she tried desperately to hide from the world in a shell of fierce resolve and purpose.  
Under it all was a woman, who had seen too much.  Abused, battered, basically orphaned by her absentee father and desperately afraid.  To top it all off, she hated the weakness and fought tooth and nail to hide it from everyone.  With the exception of him,  she didn’t have a choice there. He’d wormed his way in and he wouldn’t stand by and let her retreat from herself or from him.  
Gently he placed his hands on her tight shoulders,  cupping their slender, wavering strength and he whispered her name again.  “Tanusha…”  
Her head bowed further,  a meager attempt to hide in the fall of her hair but he could feel the quiver in her body now,  hear the soft stuttered intake of her breath.  She was crying and trying oh so hard not to be. 
Pain and love swelled through his chest, and an undeniable protectiveness.  
Virgil pulled her back into his embrace, encircling his arms around her waist and with little resistance she melted.  
“I’m sorry,”  He whispered over the curve of her ear,  brushing his lips across the elven-like arch of it.  “I’m so sorry.”  
He put all his love he could into the words, hoping that by apologizing for something he wasn’t wholly the cause of would help alleviate her suffering in some way. 
“I wasn’t thinking and it was insensitive of me.”  He tightened his hold on her,  reassurance imbued into the gesture and slowly began to rock giving her the time to pull herself back together again. 
The slight tremor slowly dissipated,  her breathing settling into a somewhat normal rhythm and he knew that she was ready to hear. More so when she dragged in a ragged breath and exhaled a long drawn out sigh. He could almost hear her counting to ten in her head.  A method she used to reign back in some of her control and a calm he knew well creeped back in. One that camouflaged a great deal of hurt. 
He did the same,  his warm breath stirring her hair and ghosting across the smooth column of her neck which peeked out from the drooping collar of his shirt.   
“You know we’ve got this, right?”  He questioned though he wasn’t expecting an answer.  “Yes,  he’s out…”  She stilled once more in his hold but Virgil couldn’t stop now,  Kayo needed to hear this even if it was just a band-aid to the problem.   He couldn’t sit by and let her lose herself in fear so he pushed on. There was too much at stake.
“Yes,  he’s upped his game in a big way.  Dad knew he was capable,  your Dad knew….” A flinch at the mention of the absentee man but again he pressed on.  There was no backing down now.  What he had to say, needed to be said.  
“We were unprepared but we know better now and I promise you, Tanusha Kyrano Tracy;  just like I did on the day you said ‘Yes’.. That I will never,  ever let that man hurt you again.”  
He slipped a hand down,  between the soft folds of flannel,  across her silky, soft skin that concealed honed muscle and deadly skills. Brushed the edge of fine lace and stilled, cupped and shielded that which was only known to the two of them.  
With strength of purpose his chest swelled,  a determination unlike any he had ever known bulked up the threat behind his next words.  “I’ll do everything in my power to protect both of you, I swear it or the Hood will regret the day he heard the name Tracy.”
She turned, taking his hand in her own and lightly brushing her lips across his knuckles. “You’re too good for me Virgil Grissom Tracy and I don’t deserve you.”  
The brief storm of anger has fled from her eyes, leaving behind only doubt and fear.  “But I don’t think it’s as easy as that. You’re too good a man to stoop to such levels and I don’t think I could live with myself if you made that sort of sacrifice on my behalf. 
Besides,  what sort of life could we offer with him out there.   He’s already been the cause of so much pain.  You and your brother’s have suffered for years because of it..I don’t think I would have the strength if he was to get you or….” 
Virgil’s frowned.  “Tin,  I married you.  All of you and everything you brought with you. I knew full well what I was marrying into but that man,  that bastard… he can’t come between us and what we want unless you let him.”  
Her gaze dropped and with gentle fingers he lifted her chin and waited for her to meet his pleading eyes.  “Don’t let him win… not in this. Please God, not in this.”  
“We may not have a choice…” Came the whisper of her response, her forehead resting against his own as a lingering tear slipped from her lashes. 
“Tin, please….”
“Virgil, I love you.  God, how I love you but I can’t tell you what you want to hear.  Not right now. If the Hood found out…. 
Just then the island klaxon blared  and Virgil’s comms started to ping with urgency.
Kayo took a step back from him and he stared after her. Brain going a mile a minute with words he wanted to say,  emotions he wanted to express.   
“Go…” She said with resignation, her arms once more crossing over her frame.   “You’re needed..” 
“I’m needed more here.”  
His comms buzzed again followed by the voice of his star loving sibling. “Virgil, you’re needed in Ops. A.S.A.P.  Please confirm.””  
Conflicted, Virgil stood unmoving,  his fist clenched at his side.   Trapped between the woman he loved and the life they’d chosen.  
“Go,  I’ll be here when you get back..”   
His brother’s voice sounded again from his comms, pulling him in two directions at once.  The hint of stress he picks up in it though had him unfreezing and heading for the underground access to the hanger.  
Passing through the automated door and hitting his comms to reply to John, he looked back at Kayo.  His heart sinking and doubt filling him as he watched her turn away from him.  
Uncertainty prickling across his skin as he questioned the validity of her words but there was nothing he could do right now.   Lives were at stack…more so than just those that needed rescuing and his hands were tied… 
“FAB John,  on my way…”
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nekojitachan · 4 years
Hmm. So... the last week or two (two?) have been... interesting. Work go kablewy (that a word?) because of... things... (nothing bad for me, just... things... life is strange), head has been very owwiie, and have had some not very good days, to be honest.
But getting a lot of writing done! Including this - another part of the Raven!Andrew soulmate story that doesn’t exist.
Uhm, past sexual abuse is referenced, Nathaniel/Neil’s past is vaguely referenced/hinted at, Andrew’s past is vaguely referenced. Think that’s it for the warnings. Oh, and Andrew’s violent thoughts.
I should come up with a title for this at some point.
Oh, and rest of the story can be found here.
Andrew stared at the visage on his laptop’s screen; the smile on Nathan Wesninski’s face was slightly smug as if he knew a secret that he wasn’t willing to share, his glacier blue eyes devoid of emotion. According to various internet searches, Nathan was a self-made man who owned several businesses in and around Baltimore, who gave regularly to charity, and had a wife and a son.
He also had persistent rumors of being connected to some unsavory individuals, but nothing that could be substantiated. Most people put it down to simple jealously – Wesninski was a man who’d built his own fortune, married his soulmate and had a talented son. People loved to find something wrong with a man so ‘blessed’.
Except he was somehow tied to the Moriyamas, whom Andrew was slowly learning weren’t entirely on the up and up, his lovely soulmate had a dead look in her eyes which Andrew knew all too well, and his son bore multiple scars, had a strong distrust of soulmates and was being treated as chattel.
‘Blessed’ wasn’t the first word which came to Andrew’s mind when he thought of Nathan Wesninski.
He closed the browser and forced himself to work on his class assignments; university wasn’t much of a challenge, but one of Tetsuji’s assistants checked to make sure he (and the rest of the Ravens) turned in their work and that they weren’t failing any classes.
There was almost half an hour of ‘study time’ left when he finished with assignments for the day (for the rest of the week, actually); he got up from his desk, which made Ben look at him. “You done already?” his partner asked, tone a bit envious.
Andrew nodded as he headed toward the door; Ben appeared surprised that he’d received some sort of answer and turned back to his statistics book with a slight smile.
There weren’t many people wandering about the Nest at that time since the players usually took advantage of any break they were given, so Andrew wasn’t surprised to not run into anyone along the way to the Black Hall nor to find Riko and Kevin all snug in their room. Kevin opened the door when he banged on it, expression confused when he saw Andrew smiling out in the hallway.
“Uhm, is everything all right?”
“I came to chat,” Andrew said as he shoved his way inside. “Not with you, #2.” He ignored Kevin calling him an asshole and strode toward Riko, who was reading an economics textbook. “With the man who can make things happen.” Or so the prick liked to think.
“Hmm, now that sounds interesting,” Riko drawled as he set the book aside and sat up straight. “What does white trash like you want? An early taste of Nathaniel?” He tsk’ed while waving his right index finger about as if chastising a naughty child. “Not until you live up to your end of the bargain on Friday.”
Andrew had to focus on Aaron, on keeping his brother safe, to prevent himself from bashing the bastard’s head in with the book on the bed. “It’s about the game on Friday,” he said as his grin widened, as he thought about using his racquet to eviscerate Riko and a good bit of his own team. “I want you to turn a blind eye to something for me during it.”
It was Riko’s turn to appear confused as he studied Andrew. “What? The refs can’t ignore you pulling something stupid out on court.”
“Not them.” Andrew reached into the right pocket of his track pants to pull out the bottle of his detested pills. “I’m going to play unmedicated,” he said as he gave the bottle a shake.
“That doesn’t sound like a good-“
“Why?” Riko asked as he cut off Kevin’s protest, his gaze intent on Andrew.
Andrew’s lips twitched even wider as he rattled the bottle some more. “Because it’ll make me play better, make me fight harder to win.” Because he wanted a few hours where he could feel his own emotions without the manic taint of the damn drugs, could be free of them, even if it was on an Exy court.
An Exy court with his soulmate nearby.
Riko studied him for a few seconds then grinned. “I’ll be disappointed if Rutgers scores a single point in the second half on Friday,” he said before he laid back down on his bed.
And Andrew would be disappointed if the prick didn’t get his throat crushed by a racquet to the neck during the game, but one couldn’t have everything, could they?
Taking that as a sign of both approval and dismissal, Andrew turned around to leave without saying another word. While he was in the Black Hall, he stopped by the break room there and snagged the good granola bars (chocolate chips) and a few energy drinks.
Moreau was back to full practice that day, but Andrew didn’t get a chance to talk to him; the backliner was never far from Nathaniel’s side, lately. Andrew suspected that last Friday night had something to do with it, especially when he was given virulent looks by the French bastard. He’d be offended by the obvious dislike, but he didn’t give a damn what Jean Moreau thought about him.
He didn’t give a damn about much, and wished he could include a certain redheaded backliner in that statement as well.
Still, while he spent too much effort studying the Scarlet Knights’ statistics and past games (any effort was too much), he noticed that the bruises on Nathaniel’s too pretty face were fading and that the rest of the Ravens (except Moreau) were giving the young backliner adequate space.
Hmm, it seemed that no one wanted to end up like Lev Federov.
Andrew also noticed the narrow looks Nathaniel cast his way from time to time, as if his soulmate was trying to figure him out. Every now and then he would grin widely at Nathaniel, which would make the redhead mutter something in French and stomp away with his dour shadow trailing along. There would be a pain, sharp and deep, inside of Andrew’s chest as he watched them leave together, until he reminded himself that Nathaniel was his soulmate, not Moreau’s.
Then he’d be so disgusted with himself he’d stalk off to the exercise room so he could hit a punching bag until the urge to destroy something finally eased.
Friday arrived, and Andrew made a game out of thinking up a different ways to kill everyone he saw wearing a #1 Ravens jersey as he went to his classes; he considered it a worthwhile mental exercise. He was distracted from imaging the guy in front of him two rows down in Biology class being slowly whittled away by razor sharp vegetable peelers when Aaron interrupted him by dropping into the seat next to him.
“Hey, real quick, hope you win tonight and Nicky sent this along for you in the monthly care package. Give him a call, okay?” He dropped a plain box in front of Andrew then left, headed to where his friends were seated.
Andrew frowned at the ‘care package’ since Nicky sent one to each of them (and why did he have to talk to the pest?), ready to throw it at his negligent brother until he picked it up and sensed the contents sloshing about inside. Finally, Aaron had come through for him; he slid the box into his backpack then proceeded to ignore the lecture.
He made sure to stash the two bottles of whiskey (cheap, but beggars weren’t about to complain) in his closet when he got back to his room and Ben was distracted, then joined the rest of the team for ‘game-prep’ (going over stats yet again, Tetsuji’s wonderful ‘win or be known forever as scum’ speech, endless warm-up and drills, and then the damn game).
He was half-tempted to drain one of the bottles dry first.
Instead, he clenched a hand around his bottle of pills before he took half a one, just enough to get him through the next couple hours, for the manic buzz in his veins to fade before the start of the game. He wished that he could flush all of them down the toilet, but he’d already tried in those first few months to go without them and failed miserably.
There was no coming off them while locked up in a bathroom for a few days, like he’d done with Aaron.
He didn’t feel the insidious, awful artificial euphoria begin to bleed away until well into the first quarter of the game, as he sat on the bench and watched the Ravens run the Scarlet Knights ragged out on the court. Rutgers might be one of the better ranked universities, but they were late in putting together an Exy team; they had a few good players, but not enough yet to be a serious contender.
Ivanova was able to keep the score low, especially when she had Hebig and Moreau helping her with defense. As much as it annoyed Andrew that the tall Frenchman was Nathaniel’s partner, the man was a good backliner and meshed well with the others, and was near perfect when Nathaniel was out on court with him.
Andrew had hoped that as the drug burned out, he’d be less fascinated with his soulmate, would realize how foolish he’d been to be drawn to him, to think that he could- to think anything about Nathaniel. Yet as he sat there, slightly numb but no longer filled with false emotions, he couldn’t help but be conscious of the lean figure dressed in black and red a few seats way on the bench… conscious of his presence and how the young man made him feel.
It was something so powerful yet fragile at the same time, such a protective, overwhelming urge, and it was all for Nathaniel.
Andrew was so fucked.
He sat off by himself during the halftime break, mentally reviewing how Rutgers had played during the first half, while Tetsuji berated players for their mistakes on court and reviewed plays for the last two quarters. Feeling the sensation of being watched, he glanced up to find Nathaniel gazing at him; his soulmate turned his head when Andrew met his eyes.
Riko clapped him on the shoulder before he stepped out on court and nearly got a racquet smashed down on his head. “Remember, shut the goal and he’s all yours.”
Andrew bit back on a retort that his memory was fine, mostly because he couldn’t help but add ‘unlike yours, you useless prick’.
Rutgers must have spent their break being yelled at, too, since they came back on court determined to redeem themselves, not that it did them any good. Andrew thought of Nathaniel bruised and held down, about him being a ‘reward’, then let his world narrow down to the ball and who had control of it. As that person approached his end of the court, his memory, usually a curse, pulled up their stats and playing style to help him prepare to defend the goal.
That was, if he needed to defend it; Loiseau and Bautista did a decent job of driving away the Rutgers players in the third quarter, then Moreau and Hebig took over for the last one. As always, Moreau put his size and strength to good use to block the opposing players from reaching the goal, and coordinated the defense with Hebig. Andrew didn’t exactly relax for the last part of the game, but he allowed himself a deep breath and the thought that his deal with Riko might not have been so insane after all.
That he could actually keep Nathaniel safe.
He was exhausted by the end of the game - exhausted, sore, covered in sweat and beginning to feel the first twinges of withdrawal, but he’d held up his end of the bargain: Rutgers hadn’t scored a single point in the second half. The crowd roared in victory as the final buzzer rang, and all he wanted was to go shower then find someplace quiet to curl up.
First he had to suffer through the stupid post-game handshake (touching all those people) then the locker room; at least Tetsuji saved the game review for the next day and everyone already knew that Riko and Kevin would do the post-game interviews. All he cared about was washing off the stink and some of the soreness with a bunch of hot water, and was one of the first in the large wash room.
When he came out, it was to find Riko talking to an upset Moreau (with no Nathaniel in sight); Riko flashed him a ‘thumbs up’ gesture before the prick sauntered away. Intent on reaching his locker so he could change, Andrew figured he’d deal with the backliner later and went to walk past him, only to lash out when Moreau grabbed his shoulder.
“Listen, if you touch him I’ll-“
Andrew spun around and fisted his hands into Moreau’s sweaty jersey then slammed him into the nearest wall; he had to yank on the material to pull the tall bastard down to somewhat face level. “Did I touch him last time?” he gritted out in a low voice so none of the Ravens gathering around them would overhear. “Did I?” When Moreau gave a reluctant shake of his head, Andrew tugged some more on the damp, black material. “I’m doing this so no one else gets him.”
Moreau appeared stunned by that claim, then quickly resumed scowling. “I will gut you if you hurt him.”
There was a slight bit less venom in the words that time, so Andrew took that to be a general warning for show.  He clicked his tongue as he pushed away from the backliner. “You’re spending the night in my room,” he called out as he walked over to his locker to get dressed, aware of the other Ravens staring at them.
For once ‘glad’ of the attention, he figured let them find out that Nathaniel was ‘his’ so he wouldn’t put up with anyone disagreeing on that front.
He was given a lot of sideway glances while he changed then walked out of the locker room, but no one said a word. He pushed aside the growing sense of nausea from withdrawal as his body clamored for another pill, for a hit of artificial mania, determined to face Nathaniel as himself.
When he reached Nathaniel’s room, he knocked twice then entered; Nathaniel sat on the bed in a defensive huddle, his arms wrapped around his long legs, dressed in one of Moreau’s jerseys and an impressive scowl on his face.
“And you said you’re not like the others. Liar.”
Andrew arched an eyebrow at the amount of scorn and hatred directed his way right then, impressed despite himself. “All I did was walk through the door.”
“You made a fucking deal with Riko for me!” Nathaniel shouted as he unfurled enough to snatch up a book from his nightstand and throw it at Andrew; of course he had good aim, Andrew barely managed to bat it aside in time. “For every week!”
“Every week I manage to nearly shut down the goal,” Andrew confessed.
Nathaniel produced a ragged laugh as he tucked himself into the corner of his bed. “Yeah, now you take playing seriously, when it gets you something, huh? When you get to act like the mark on your arm means you own someone when it doesn’t, it doesn’t mean anything other than you’re an asshole and the Fates hate me and I wish I could just burn it off and have everyone leave me alone!” He’d started out yelling at Andrew but ended up practically tucked into a ball with his arms wrapped around his head, his tone one of misery.
A misery which Andrew understood, considering all the times he’d wished much the same about his soulmate mark, after all the grief Drake had caused him over it, after believing no one would want him because of Drake and the others. Then what did he find? A lovely young man bearing terrible scars on his body and soul who was so much like him that it hurt.
Andrew had hoped he wouldn’t feel anything as he stood before Nathaniel with the drug (temporarily) out of his system, but he’d been deluding himself on that front. The protective urge he’d experienced earlier returned so strongly that he moved before he became aware of it, was kneeling on the bed before he could tell himself to stop.
Nathaniel reacted to his presence immediately; he began to sit up, to move his arms (to lash out), but stilled when Andrew cupped the back of his neck, his blue eyes wide with a mix of panic and fear.
“Nothing but this,” Andrew assured him, angry at himself for causing that fear. “I swear. Okay? Yes or no?” He just wanted to calm Nathaniel down.
His soulmate was quiet for a couple seconds, enough to make him begin to pull away. “Yes,” Nathaniel breathed out, his expression now wary as if he waited to see what Andrew would do next. Despite the strain on his tired muscles from leaning forward, despite the urge to sink his fingers in Nathaniel’s thick hair, despite the growing sense of nausea and dizziness, Andrew remained still and focused on the slowing pulse beneath his thumb.
“Why are you here?” Nathaniel eventually asked as he continued to gaze up at Andrew. “What do you want?”
He ignored the second (dangerous) question. “If I’m here, the others aren’t.”
“Are you serious?” Nathaniel scoffed, then frowned when Andrew remained quiet. “You’re really going to try to shut down the goal every game then come here and only sleep, just to keep Riko from handing me off to the others?”
He didn’t need to sound so doubtful about everything; if Andrew was the sensitive type, he’d be offended right then.
“You don’t snore like Ben does,” Andrew drawled as he forced himself to let go of Nathaniel and move. As he walked away from his incredulous soulmate, he motioned toward Moreau’s bed. “Tell your partner to get a spare set of clean sheets for me so I don’t have to sleep in his smelly bed.”
It took some effort, but he managed to make it into the bathroom without walking into the door or tripping over his feet; once inside with the door closed, he fumbled for his pills and choked one down, then slumped against the sink with the water running until the nausea was under control. He hated having to take the damn medication again, but Nathaniel might object if he spent the night puking his guts out.
When he finally left the bathroom, it was to find Nathaniel beneath the covers and facing the wall, and what appeared to be a set of clean sheets folded on top of Moreau’s bed. Andrew only spent a moment regarding what he hoped was a peace offering of sorts before he worked quickly to strip and remake the bed, tired and more than willing to fall asleep.
Maybe it was from working so hard during the game, maybe it was because his soulmate was nearby, but Andrew slept without any nightmares that night. He woke up when Nathaniel rose early and left the room, then got half an hour more sleep before he had to get up for another ‘fun’ day at the Nest.
Moreau caught up to him later in the day, when he was fixing a coffee to take back to his room after their morning practice; the other Ravens in the break room (including Ben) were quick to leave, obviously expecting some sort of fight between the two of them.
Andrew gave him a grin as he hopped onto the counter to sit. “Got any croissants on ya, Valjean?”
Moreau sighed as he fetched two mugs from a cabinet. “Do you try to be so annoying or is it natural?”
Andrew gasped and clutched his free hand to his chest. “Me? Annoying? I guess I’ll have to really lay on the charm now.”
“God forbid,” Moreau muttered as he glanced toward the door as if to ensure they were alone. He was quiet as he made two cups of tea (hmm, who might the other be for?), then approached Andrew with due caution. “You’re protecting Nathaniel,” he said, his deep voice quiet and expression serious.
“Why would I do a thing like that?” Andrew asked as he kicked his feet back and forth, uncaring about the heels of his sneakers hitting the lower cabinets.
Moreau frowned then set the mugs down so he could tug on the left sleeve of his sweatshirt to reveal the fleur de lis and wave pattern of his own soul mark – the mark which was only revealed when he showered. “Because it’s what we do, we protect them.” His black eyebrows drew together as his frown deepened. “Well, most of us.”
Hmm, not people like Nathaniel’s father, maybe? But one thing at a time. “You know your soulmate,” Andrew accused as he held his mug of coffee beneath his chin, curious to see if Moreau would tell him the truth.
The backliner was quiet for a moment then nodded. “He plays Exy,” Moreau whispered with a gleam of fear in his eyes. “I can’t let Riko know.”
No, or Riko would use Moreau against the man, much like he’d used Nathaniel against Andrew (had he suspected they might be tied together because of their pasts?). “What does Riko have against you?” Andrew asked as he leaned forward. “You and Nathaniel? Who’s Nathan Wesninski, really?”
Moreau shook his head as he tugged down the sleeve of his shirt. “Not here,” he hissed out as he once again glanced toward the door. “That’s… not here.” He picked up the mugs and stared at Andrew as if searching for something, then nodded. “But if you’re serious about Nathaniel….”
“I want answers, so tell me where ‘not here’ is,” Andrew commanded as he poured his lousy coffee onto the floor while he held Moreau’s gaze.
Moreau nodded again as if answering an internal question. “Later. Riko and Kevin will be gone to play for their professional team, and Nathaniel to work on translations. I’ll let you know when to stop by.”
“Ooh, it’s a date,” Andrew drawled as he jumped to the floor and splashed coffee everywhere. “Just so you know, I don’t put out, I’m not that kind of guy.” He sauntered out of the break room to the sound of Moreau muttering in French.
They were going to be besties, he just knew it.
Oh boy is Jean in for it now.
So... I’ve being going back and forth on this, but I’ve set up a discord channel (have had it for a while, actually). Don’t know if people would be interested in it as a place to get a look at fics, stuff in progress and things like that?
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mariinara · 4 years
TWENTY - TWO (Sam Drake x Reader) ANGST |PART 2|
A/N: Aaaand that's a wrap on this one, ladies and gents! This was all sorts of emotions rolled into a single one-shot but HEY it is what it is and y'all know how I am by now so :") HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY THIS ONE.
Tags: @easy-and-steady , @the-winchesterboys , @the-drakeboys , @missdictatorme , @psg-for-life , @elledrake , @samdrakeftw , @s4mdrake , @ghost-of-the-oldwest , @writersblockincoming , @purplezebra68 , @hrgnm
Request for anon: '14, 18, and 19 for angst prompts with Sam? 👀👀 I also really really adore your work!!!'
Prompts: "Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask.." + "Don't make this harder than it already is.." + "It's better this way."
Warnings: ANGST. Just ANGST, okay?
Word count: ~ 4.8K
(Part one here!)
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Your fingers tapped away on your keyboard, your eyes flickering from the screen to your fingers as you filled in a resume for a teaching job in Boston. You wanted to quit your job in Philadelphia to spend as much of the summer vacation as you could with your mother. When she’d come back from Jersey, that is.. 
Avery was completely supportive of your decision and thought that you and your mother needed to squeeze some bonding time into your tight schedules. She wanted to keep her job in Philly, though because it paid pretty well and she wanted to gain her independence as quickly as possible, which Sam pretended to be proud of when it caused him severe anxiety, despite knowing fully how capable his daughter was. However, she was his only daughter and he liked when she counted on him for everything, but as she grew up, she became less and less dependent on him and it upset him to some extent but he hid it well.
You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him, your cheeks heating up as memories flashed through your head of that night. The images were so vivid that you felt the same sensations tingling you, causing every hair on your body to stand up and a shiver escape your parted lips and, suddenly, you were no longer focused on the resume and were only swimming in your pool of that night’s memories. God, it was so good. How he had no control over his actions. The look in his eyes that so clearly displayed his hesitation-- his debate on whether to take the next big step. And once you reassured him that it was okay and that he could do whatever he wanted, he took you hard and fast, his hand clamped over your mouth or his lips against yours to silence you and nothing in the world mattered at that point.
You inhaled sharply before chuckling lightly to yourself. The best thing about what happened was how you casually put your clothes back on and continued to play video games all throughout the night and laughing like nothing ever happened. To some women, that could’ve been a bad thing, but to you, that was the equivalent of cuddling. And he stayed charming and funny up until he passed out right next to you, which made you smile, pull a blanket over his body, and plant a quick kiss to his cheek. Next thing you knew, you were out of the shower and sleeping next to Avery, who was passed out and snoring softly like the heavy sleeper she was.
That was almost two weeks ago and you hadn’t seen or heard from Sam since you entered your empty home, but you didn’t question it. You reckoned he was probably busy with finding another gig with Sullivan. You and Avery called everyday, though, and she’d tell you how absentminded and distracted her father seemed. She’d be talking to him and he would be in another dimension and would snap out only when she alerted him, apologizing and asking her to repeat what she’d said before he’d do it all over again. She was complaining about it to you and you couldn’t help but wonder if that was a good or bad thing. For all you knew, you might’ve had him finally wrapped around your finger.. Or he was completely regretting what he’d done. 
Your cell phone suddenly started ringing, startling you out of your thoughts. You realized that you’d been staring at the blinking cursor aimlessly for the past ten minutes. A sigh escaped your lips as you reached for your cell on the nightstand, expecting it to be your mother checking up on you, but when you looked at the ID, you raised your brow. 
She usually didn’t call you more than twice a day and you didn’t know why she was calling again after you rambled on to each other for two straight hours but you decided to pick up with a smile: “Hey, Av--”
You frowned deeply at her tone. The way her voice cracked and the sniffles and little whimpers alerted you, causing you to sit up straight and push the laptop off of your lap, “Ave? What’s wrong?” You asked, causing her to let out a small sob, “Talk to me. What’s goin’ on?”
“It’s dad.” She croaked, her voice still broken. You found your heart sinking at her vague response and a million things popped up in your head, but before you could say anything, Avery continued, "He's going to Vancouver.." 
Your brows pulled together in confusion and you shook your head, "Wait, but– He travels all the time, Ave, what–"
"No, no, I'm goin' with him."
Your mouth snapped shut and you shifted on your bed a little so your legs dangled from the side, “H-Hold on, Ave.” You closed your eyes with a soft sigh, your fingers rubbing your forehead, “Slow it down for me.”
You heard her sharp intake of air and her shaky exhale shortly following, “Dad.. got a job in Vancouver and we’re gonna move there for a while.” 
Your eyes snapped open again and you felt your breath hitch in your throat, “What’s “a while”..?”
You heard a short pause on Avery’s end and your heart sank with each passing second. You were going to prod her to speak up, but what she said next almost made you double over: 
“A year and a half..”
Your blood ran cold and your eyes widened. And suddenly, everything around you started falling apart. Your whole being began to crumble. Your breathing started getting heavier when you asked yourself: 'If it's just work, why would he take Avery this time?' and you realized that he was probably planning on staying there for good and Avery knew it as well.
Your hand flew to cover your mouth to muffle a cry.
"I don't know what to do. He told me so suddenly and I pretended to be happy just because he seemed happy and I–" Avery paused to gasp for air, "Sully got him this job all of a sudden and he's been packing for the past twelve hours and–" She sobbed. The sound broke your heart to a million pieces and you wanted to just apologize to her. For all you know, you might've been the cause of what was happening. Maybe he wanted to leave because of you, "I dunno what to do and I'm runnin' outta time, (Y/N)."
You let out a shaky breath and squeezed your eyes shut, your jaw clenching as you cursed yourself before getting up to your feet, walking over to your closet, "It's okay; Calm down– I'll be here in a few."
"There's literally no time– The moving company came for our stuff and we're headed for the airport in a few."
You frowned, "Moving.. company?" 
"That's what I asked but he said that he needed everything in case the job took a little longer than he expected." She croaked and sniffled again, "I don't fucking know what he takes me for or if he's being an idiot on purpose."
"No– Listen to me: Your dad is not an idiot." You defended in a calm tone, "You shouldn't blame him for this; he, uh.." You stared down at your feet, biting down on your bottom lip in contemplation as you swayed back and forth on your heels and soles, "He–He hasn't worked in a while and he needs this, so just.." You looked up again, your shoulders slacked in surrender and your eyes glossy with tears, "Just see where this'll go.. You're all he has, Ave and he loves you so, so much." You slowly breathed out, not wanting her to hear how you were trembling– not wanting her to detect how you were one minute away from breaking down. 
You closed your eyes again as she spoke, letting your tears slip freely down your cheeks.
"I know." She sniffled, "He's been so strange and I feel like he's not telling me something."
At that, you mentally smacked yourself about three-hundred times in a row. It hurt you so deeply how you've betrayed her trust like that. And again, with your eyes closed, memories flashed before your eyes, but the narrative completely changed. 
Sam's groans and words of praise filled your ears, his chest hot against your arched back and his hand clamped over your mouth while you let out muffled cries. But you imagined Avery, standing there, watching you in horror, drowning in her tears, traumatized by the sight. And you made eye contact with her at that very moment, maintaining it, as if to taunt her– to highlight just how selfish you were. You imagined her staring back, betrayal written all over her face, her cheeks burning from the salty tears and her hand clutching her chest and her other covering her mouth. With one snap of Sam's hips, you were pushed over the edge and your vision blurred with white light, your brows furrowing and your heart furiously pounding in your chest as you let out a scream into his hand, but when your eyes readjusted, Avery was no longer there. And neither were her pictures that once filled every corner in the living room. They were white sheets in pretty frames. And the ones she had with Sam only had him in them. And somewhere, from afar, you saw your father, laughing as he sent you a wink and walked away from you, only to dissipate into thin air. 
You snapped out with a sharp inhale, your brows arched and your eyes wide with terror as your fingers ghosted your lips before you covered your mouth, hoping that she didn't catch that sound that slipped you. 
"You still there?"
"I-I'm here." You quickly replied, your hand dropping from your mouth to rub your chest, trying to ease the feeling of immense discomfort, "I'll be right at the airport, okay?"
There was a short pause and then, you heard him call out for his daughter, followed by a "We gotta go, baby!" and you didn't think it was possible for your heart to sink any more than it has, but it did. 
"Coming, dad!" Avery called back, her voice completely different, as if she hadn’t been bawling for the past hour, “I’ll stall him at the airport cafeteria, okay?”
You nodded, trying to catch your breath, “O-Okay. I’ll be right there.” 
“I will.” 
You quickly hung up and put the phone on your dresser before hurrying to put on anything. You opted for a hoodie and a pair of jeans, pulled your hair back with whatever hair band you could find into a low bun, slipped on whatever sneakers that were next to your door, grabbed your car keys and phone, and hurried out of the house, trying to keep calm so your drive there wouldn’t be a complete disaster. 
You wasted absolutely no time. You kept your eyes on the road, had a steady foot on the gas, but your chest bubbled with anxiety. The kind that made you let out a small, suffocated whimper from time to time. The kind that made your hands tighten around the steering wheel. The kind that made it extremely unbearable to listen to anything from the radio, which caused you to reach out and turn it off quickly. You rolled down the window after the light turned green, immediately speeding down the road, the wind ruffling the stray strands of hair that fell on either side of your face and drying the tears that rolled down your cheeks. Your eyes caught a sign that made you nervously chew on the nail of your thumb, your heart beat quicker, and your stomach churn with jitters. Your head was so empty and you were so fixated on getting to your destination that you haven’t even rehearsed what to tell Sam or Avery. 
You were filled to the brim with sadness, nervousness, and a tinge of anger. The street lights that rushed past you and the sound of the wind had a hypnotic effect on you. The sound of cars zooming by on the smooth asphalt put you at ease somehow. 
When you parked in the airport’s garage, you didn’t even pause to think about your next step. You were out of your car and running towards the entrance, pushing past families and couples, absentmindedly muttering ‘sorry’s and ‘excuse me’s, getting looks in the process. 
You were stopped at the first checkpoint at the entrance by a security guard, who thoroughly searched you while you looked ahead, getting on your tiptoes to look past his shoulder for the cafeteria, but your eyes only saw several ticket booths and passport checks next to each other. 
“Free to go.”
You closed your slightly open mouth and got to your feet, swallowing your nerves and flickering your eyes to look at the guard, “Uhh, excuse me, but is there a cafeteria close by?”
“There’s more than one, but--”
Your phone rang in your back pocket and you quickly pulled it out and checked the ID, letting out a shaky sigh before answering, “Sorry..” You mumbled to the guard, “Ave? Where are you?”
“We’re in Peet’s coffee and Tea.” She sniffled, her voice a bit above a whisper, “I’m in the bathroom but I’ll come back in a bit, I just, uhh..” She huffed, “I needed a little time for myself.”
“O-Okay..” You nodded, “I can wait for a bit..” You squeezed your eyes shut and pressed your lips together, dreading the fact that it meant you’d have time with Sam. Alone. 
“I love you, Sparrow.”
You nodded your head, smiling softly, “I love you, too, Salazar..”
The line went blank and you looked up at the guard with a sheepish smile, “Peet’s tea and coffee..” You shook your head, your brows pulling in confusion as you scratched your forehead, “Er.. Coffee and Tea..” He chuckled at that.
“Uhh, you’re gonna continue along this path and find east Terminal B. You’ll continue past Starbucks and the vending machine and you’re there.”
You huffed softly and nodded, “Okay, thank you. Thank you so much!” You ran past him and made it through the crowds of people, apologizing and mumbling your way through people, your eyes fixated ahead. The sign above your head displayed ‘Terminal B’ and your stomach did flips as you ran past Starbucks and the feelings that bubbled up in your chest caused you to slow down. It was only then that you realized how out of breath you were.
How unprepared you were.
Your hand reached up for your fingers to gently brush the silver, heart-shaped pendant around your neck, with the letter 'A' engraved in beautiful cursive. 
You looked down at your feet as you walked, your hand clutching the silver heart.
Avery had the same one around her neck, with the initial of your name engraved. You'd had those since you were fourteen, but never in your life did you feel like you didn't deserve her love or trust. 
Again, you found yourself at your destination, with no semblance of an idea of what you were going to tell Sam. 
The chattering noises around you started dying down and were replaced by your loud heartbeats as you stepped into the café, your eyes carefully searching for a familiar face. Normally, the smell of brewing coffee and cold club sandwiches would draw you in but at the moment, you felt like you were growing sick. 
You looked around a corner, scanning the tables, only to see couples sitting and talking, teenagers being a tad louder than the rest of the people around them, or businessmen, sitting along in their fancy Tom Ford suits and their open macbooks, sipping on their typical cold brew. 
You sighed, but didn't know if it were from relief or frustration and just when you were about to search your head for how to approach Sam while you turned on your heel to look in another corner, you bumped into someone much taller than you, causing you to stumble back with a groan.
"Fuck." You cussed lowly, raising your hands in defense and backing away, scared that the person might be holding coffee, "Jesus, would you–" Your eyes flickered up and the aggressive furrow of your brows melted into a mildly surprised arch as you blinked, your eyes softening.
Sam pursed his lips and pushed one hand into the pocket of his Levi's while the other rested at his side, fiddling with a fraying thread in the side of his jeans. His eyes wandered from yours for a second before he looked deeply into them and his shoulders sagged, "Hey, kiddo.." He breathed out, giving you a tiny, awkward wave.
You blinked again, taking in a deep breath and crossing your arms, "Hey." You responded, swallowing down the lump that formed in your throat, "Did you know I was coming?" You asked, your hand quickly flying to wipe a stray tear from your cheek before you crossed your arms again with a small sniffle.
"Yeah. Yeah, uh.." He looked down for a second, as if he was ashamed of something. And you knew exactly what, "I figured Avery would call."
Your brows pulled together and your lips trembled slightly, "Why didn't you?" The bitterness that you tried to hide to no avail made him look up at you with a frown. 
He knew where this would go. It was inevitable. 
Sam reached out for you, "Okay, let's just sit down for a sec–"
"No." You sternly said, flinching away from his touch. The raise in your voice caught some attention around you, making Sam sigh softly and retreat his hand, "I want to know why you're doing this.." You whispered, your voice laced with heartbreak and disappointment. 
"Doing what?"
"Escaping me..!" You responded immediately, looking into his eyes as you took a step towards him. He ripped his gaze from yours and shook his head.
"I'm not escaping anything." He let out a mirthless chuckle, "I am trying to provide for Avery–"
"Oh, spare me the bullshit, Samuel." You venomously replied, narrowing your tearful eyes at him, "You are a coward." Your arms unfolded so you could push him away, which did nothing but make him take half a step back from you, "You're a fucking coward–" Your voice got louder as the lump in your throat grew more unbearable as you pushed on his chest again. He was quiet but his jaw was clenched. When you went to push him again, Sam grabbed your wrists to calm you down, knowing that both of you would be escorted outside if anyone from management took notice of the scenario.
"Get– offa me." You yanked your wrists away and took a step back, staring at him with wide, bloodshot eyes as you wiped your nose with the sleeve of your hoodie, "Don't fucking touch me.." You croaked, pointing an accusing finger at him, "You are just like that fucker."
He paused to narrow his eyes at you, "What..?"
"You're gonna leave me just like he did!" You let out a broken sob, your shoulders shaking with every quiet cry that broke through you.
Sam closed his eyes and shook his head slightly with a soft sigh, "Sweetheart, don't make this harder than it already is–"
"Please, stop.." You begged weakly, "You used me. Do not talk to me about things being "hard" because while you have a fucking escape, I do not!"
He scoffed, offended, "I did not use you–"
"Then why are you acting like that?!"
"Because what?!"
"Because what!?–"
"Because I have feelings for you!" He snapped, making your breath hitch in your throat. You took a step back, feeling a little unbalanced as you frowned at him. His nostrils flaring and his eyes burning holes in your soul, his brows pulled together.
"What..?" You sounded confused. Or maybe hurt. Did you hear that right? By the look on his face, you seemed to have heard it right. Did it make sense? No. Absolutely zero sense, "Why did you.." Your brains froze on you, the gears not spinning properly, just lagging at every dent.
He took a step to make up for the distance you made between the two of you, "And I don't want to feel like that.." His hands were on your shoulders, then your upper arms, his thumbs drawing back and forth in comfort, "I'm pulling myself from the equation because I do care for you.. If we stay around each other, Avery's gonna notice and you're gonna lose her. I know that for a fact.." He searched your eyes for something. Anything. But it still seemed like you were at a loss for words, your mouth hanging open a little. It made him smile softly, his eyes gleaming with the sort of warmth that brought you a feeling of safety, "I don't want us to get in trouble. This could cost us everything and it is not worth it–"
"But it is." You refuted, hopeful. Your eyes brimmed with more tears at his words.
"No, no– Sweetheart, listen." His hands quickly cupped your cheeks so his thumbs could wipe away your tears, "I.. am not worth it."
You felt a sting in your heart. One that your face slightly contort in pain, "Sam–"
"You deserve someone who'll love you unconditionally without being a threat to every single relationship around you, and.." He shook his head, trying to search for the right words, "I love you unconditionally, but you and I've been through enough.." He breathed out, "You should be comfortable with the guy you bring. You should be with someone to bring home to your mom. Not lead a dangerous, tiring lifestyle. You don't need that." 
God, you hated how right he was. It made you love him all over again. His sincerity and tenderness with you contrasted the rough touch of his hands that you leaned your cheek into, your face shifting into one of complete pain as you let out a small sob.
"It's better this way.." His own eyes began to gloss the more he blinked and it took you back to that same night when he was completely vulnerable to you, "Trust me, sweetheart." He gave you a warm smile, tucking your stray strands of hair behind your ears, "C'mere.." He pulled you into a tight embrace, his chin on the dome of your head and the side of your face pressed against his chest. You felt his hands rubbing circles on your back. Slow, comforting, very familiar ones, "And I'm me.." You felt his chest vibrate and his cologne filling your nostrils, "I'll always be me; I'm not him.." Your fingers curled to clutch onto the front of his red flannel shirt, your eyes squeezing shut as you cried quietly against him, "I'm never gonna really leave you." He pulled away from you for a second to look at your beautiful crying face that you used to make when you'd fall off your bicycle when he taught you or came back from school and straight into his arms when you'd have a rough day of bullies. It made him smile with a wistful sigh from his nose, "Not if you ever forget me." He flicked your nose gently with a teasing smirk, making you chuckle unexpectedly with a big grin. 
"Never." You replied, smiling up at him with that glimmer in your eyes and for a minute, it was only you two in the entire airport and it didn't matter how many eyes were on you. And there it was again.
That spark.
And again, your mind convinced you that he was leaning closer to kiss you, but you shook your head profusely, getting your vision straight before looking down at your awkwardly shuffling foot, "Can I, umm.." You clicked your tongue and scratched your cheek with your forefinger, clearing your throat, "Can I ask for a favor?" You mustered enough courage to look up at him, your hands clasped behind your back.
He shrugged a little, "Shoot." 
You bit down on your lip and your eyes traveled to his, "Can you just kiss me?" You quickly asked, afraid of wasting any more time before Avery would get back, "One last time..?" His shoulders fell and his eyes flickered to every corner of your face, as if he was mesmerized by you, thinking 'Oh, man..' at the angelic look on your face that he couldn't for the life of him resist, "That's all I ask.."
He let out a shaky breath and glanced around. No sign of Avery. He then looked back at you and reached out, gripping the front of your hoodie and yanking you forward, making you yelp and stumble a little, but he caught you with a firm arm around your waist, pressing you against him before capturing your lips in a soft kiss, relaying his utmost care and love for you. For a second you were taken aback but when it clicked, your eyes fluttered shut and you kissed back with a soft exhale from your nose. God, it felt so right. So good. 
It wasn't fair.
How something could feel so perfect but be so wrong in every aspect.
Sam slowly broke the kiss and the sound brought you back from paradise, causing you to slowly bat your lashes to adjust your eyesight, gripping onto his strong, muscular upper arms for support, "Oh, wow.." You muttered, swallowing thickly afterwards.
Sam let out a light, breathless laugh, still looking into your eyes. You smiled warmly up at him, wishing that you could take him and keep him forever, but it wasn't up to you.
His arm loosened from around you and his hand was now on your hip. When you backed away from him a little, his hand went back into his pocket and the lack of physical contact from him almost pained you.
"(Y/N)!" You heard Avery's voice, causing both you and Sam to look to the side, but before you could say anything, she ran into your arms, making you stagger back a little, "(Y/N).." She whimpered, her arms tightly wrapped around your neck and her face buried in your shoulder. Your arms slowly snaked around her and you held her close, closing your eyes. 
"Hey, Salazar.." You tried to lift her mood, your hands comfortingly rubbing her back. Sam looked down at both of you with a thin smile.
"I'm gonna miss you so.. so much." She breathed, her voice muffled in your hoodie, but you heard her loud and clear and it caused you to smile sadly.
"Hey.. There's still college.. And we'll video chat every day, okay?" You suggested, but your voice cracked with both uncertainty and hurt, "It'll be like.. like I'm right there with you." 
She nodded against you, hugging you tighter, "I love you, Sparrow.." 
"I do, too.." She pulled away from the hug to smile at you, tears staining her rosy cheeks, "So much." You returned her soft smile, sniffling a little. 
Sam's hand was on Avery's shoulder as he stood behind her, giving her a few squeezes.
'Flight to Vancouver in thirty minutes. Please head to Gate 15B.'
All of you looked up as the feminine voice broke through the speakers.
"Well.." Sam sighed, "That's our cue.." His eyes locked on yours and you pressed your lips and swallowed to prevent yourself from crying. Sam stepped forward and towards you, and again, you were in his arms and he hugged you close as you stood on your tiptoes, "You take care o' yourself, alright..?" Came his deep, raspy voice, making you feel safe again. But all you could do was wordlessly nod, afraid that if you talked, you'd cry again.
And as they walked away, stealing glances over their shoulder at you with smiles and small waves, you kept it together. 
You held your own until they disappeared in the large crowds of people, and suddenly, you felt hollow again, as if something sucked all air from your lungs, and suddenly, you hand was clutching your hoodie as if it burnt your very skin while you let out small sobs and gasps of air, trying to keep as quiet as possible. 
You squatted on the floor, not caring how many people stared at you or circumvented your body. You quickly pulled your phone from your back pocket and with a shaky hand, you dialed the only person you could think of and pressed it against your ear, trying to keep your emotions at bay.
Finally, she picked up, her sweet voice filling your ear with a gentle "Hey, sweetie."
"Mom.." You sobbed, "Mom, please come home." 
"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?!"
"Mom.." You sniffled again, your whole body shaking as you debated yourself on what to say, but if you kept it to yourself, you’d feel like you'd explode, "I need to tell you something.."
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 4, Ch. 9
I was giving the group some space this year when it comes to studying. Especially Nova, that poor thing. It was so hard to watch her be in so much pain and I am so happy that she is her normal self again and smiling and laughing.
We do have moments when we are in the Library together and she starts talking to me about her dad. I could listen for her for hours if need be, she is such a sweet angel!
She needed quite some time to catch up with all her homework and studying and I have been working extra hard in classes to make things easier on her.
However, exams are approaching and it's time to start nagging people! I waited until the very last possible minute, I mean it is the last week of May!
This year has been particularly hard as teachers started to up the pace when it came to the material as we have O.W.L.s next year and they want us to be ready! I can't believe we are going to be in Fifth Year already and I can't help but be nervous about how hard next year is going to be if we were barely keeping up this year.
Speaking of keeping up I have to say that not the most perfectly brewed potion makes me as proud as the fact that I have managed, for the second year in a row, not to fall asleep in History of Magic and take notes! Not that it does anybody any good as none of my friends want to read them. They say it's just too much boring information and as much as I like to act mad when they say it, I silently agree with them.
Potions, however, are by far my favorite subject, even if our dear Professor Snape is not so keen of me or of any other student for that matter. I wonder what is his story.
My mum being a Potioneer and the fact that I simply enjoy the art of potion-making are not the only two reasons why I love Potions so much. This Summer a Ravenclaw boy by the name of Andre wrote to me that despite all our efforts in June he didn't pass the exam. I was mortified and I offered him help at once. I have been sending him material and notes and extra explanations all Summer and I was glad to help and it gave me an excuse to reread all my Potions books and talk about them!
What I didn't expect, however, was the fact that after I taught him everything I could, he kept sending me letters. We started to talk about what we are doing and how our Summer has been so far. We talked about Quidditch and our families and I told him stories of what me and my friends, that spend August with me, have been doing. I caught myself a few times waiting for his letter, wondering what he was going to write next or what interesting topic he will pick for our conversation.
Then one day in August, I got a letter where he wrote just how much fun he was having writing and corresponding with me and I felt my cheeks getting warmer. That night I couldn't sleep as I kept rereading the letter and thinking just how sweet he was. I knew, at that moment, that I fancied him. At first, it was a surprise because in our Third Year I had the biggest crush on Charlie's brother Bill.
I have embarrassed myself on several occasions, not standing to be in the same room as him, thus I spent more than half of last year in the Library. It wasn't until I talked to Nova that she made me realize that having a crush is not your choice and that it's not such a big deal. That's why I was so excited when I blushed with every letter Andre sent me.
And I know it might sound selfish, but I couldn't wait to tell my friends! Well, how they found out was a different story and I think Charlie has never wished to be in a different compartment more than when we were talking about crushes.
Oh, and speaking about Charlie and crushes! It's the end of May and my little darling sister still fancies him. She wrote me a letter every week where, besides our usual correspondence, she always asked how he is and what is he doing and if he asked about her. To her last question, I always answered 'yes' because I knew how much it meant to her and I didn't want to break her poor little heart! Charlie, however, felt very uncomfortable every morning when she was staring at him while he was eating cereal. Poor lad, what must he have thought of her and I think it is safe to say he is never coming to visit me again.
That won't do him any good as next year my sister is coming to school! I can imagine now, her following him everywhere and Charlie just losing it and being awkward. She didn't even mind when all he did was talk about Dragons to her so you have to know she is not easy to get rid of!
To go back to the most important thing...exams! I woke up on a beautiful Sunday in May and I couldn't wait to go down for breakfast and see my friends rolling their eyes as I mention the exams. I know I was nagging them and that they have been sick of me doing so since our First Year but I know that they secretly appreciate it because otherwise, I don't know what grades they would have.
I decided to be more cautious with Tonks this year. She has started asking me questions about Herbology just a few days ago and perhaps she is ready to study. I am so proud of her and how well she is doing in Herbology! Which, sadly, I can't say for Tulip, me, or Nova so Tonks will get the satisfaction of teaching us again!
This time around I have decided that I will find a different way to force them to study. I have stayed up all night for the past two days so that I could make them all notes on the subjects I knew they needed them for. I got out of bed and checked my bag, just to make sure I had everything ready. I went through notes for Nova, Tulip, Tonks, Charlie, Jae, and Andre, of course, and I had Bill's Potions notes as well as I am sure he will appreciate them.
I know it was nothing unusual for me that I was excited about exams but this year has been extra special because it meant I would be able to spend more time with Andre.
Since he first invited me to Hogsmeade for a Butterbeer, we have done so 7 times, which is such a magical number! I loved how I could talk to him about everything and I kind of understood Nova being such good friends with Charlie except that I am not sure if she fancies him or not. I still don't know who her crush is!
On our fifth unofficial Butterbeer date, he invited me for a stroll around Hogsmeade. We were looking at shop displays and talked about our Third Year when we all came here for the first time. We went to Honeydukes and he bought us some candy which I thought was really sweet because I love candy!
What was even sweeter was when we went back to school and just as we were going to pass the Courtyard our hands brushed together and he gently grabbed mine and our fingers entwined. I can't even start to describe how much I blushed and my heart was racing like never before. I still haven't told my friends about it and for the first time I wanted to keep it to myself. At least, until Andre and I talk about it, for which there is no rush!
Besides helping my friends and spending time with them, having my head in the clouds or reading, I have been spending most of my time down in the Dungeons in the Potions classroom. I thought Snape was joking when he wanted me to stay one day after class and told me that perhaps I wasn't a complete failure which in his language meant I was brilliant!
And when I thought that nothing can get better than getting a compliment from Snape he told me that if I wanted to use the classroom to study Potions on my own, I could do so. I was about to explode, however, I tried hiding my excitement from Snape as I knew he could take back his offer immediately. And that's not everything! He also said that I could use ingredients from his own personal closet. As long as I don't overuse them or use them to brew potions that could get me in trouble and I had to give him the list of the ingredients I used every time we had Potions. If that isn't a dream come true I don't know what is!
Back to my Sunday morning! I put the notes back in my bag and rushed to the Great Hall where all of my friends were having breakfast.
“Oh, no.” Said Tulip when she saw me. “I know that look.” She frowned.
“Yes.” I said and slammed my bag on the table. “It is time for me to start nagging you about exams.”
Tonks, as expected, stood up and left the Great Hall. Charlie started to pretend he was snoozing on Nova's shoulder, which made her giggle. If those two weren't just the most adorable thing you can ever see!
Tulip hid under the table and Jae followed her. Can't wait for their first official date!
“Come on! She lasted almost the whole year without talking about exams. Give the girl some credit.” Nova chuckled.
“Thank you, Nova!” I started taking notes out of my bag. “Now, I think you are old enough to be responsible for your own grades so I am just going to say this: the exams are coming, beware, and here is everything you will need to pass.” Charlie lifted his head, intrigued.
“Wait, this is all you are going to do this year?” Asked Jae, still under the table.
“Yes.” I sat down and put my head under it.
“No nagging us every single day?” Charlie asked, perplexed.
“No nagging.” I grinned. Nova narrowed her eyes but said nothing.
“Oh, and I almost forgot, if anyone does want to study together, I'll be in the Library most of the time.” I offered.
“Is Andre going to be there?” I looked under the table and Tulip was making a kissy face.
“Yes, he already asked me for help with Potions and History of Magic.” I showed her my tongue and got back up.
“Oh, then we wouldn't want to interrupt.” Nova winked at me.
“Yeah, we don't want to disturb you when you are gazing deep into one another's eyes.” Charlie widened his eyes as much as he could and blinked at me. Nova chuckled.
“Ha-ha, how mature of you!” I crossed my arms on my chest and stuck out my tongue again. We all started laughing.
What wasn't funny was the fact that just a week after exams started, I couldn't find Tonks anywhere. As every year since the First Year fiasco, we have all been keeping an eye on her. Last year she did pretty well, the year before that wasn't so bad either and this year she wasn't showing any signs of being nervous or running away.
I went down to the Great Hall and found Tulip and Jae studying out of the Kitchens for once. I asked them if they saw Tonks and they shook their head. They offered to search for her and we split up. I went to all the courtyards and down to the Lake where I found Charlie and Nova practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts spells with Bill. Nova almost stupefied me.
They haven't seen Tonks either and at this point, I was getting worried. They said they will start searching for her as well and we agreed to meet in the Great Hall in 15 minutes.
Just as Charlie, Nova, and Bill appeared on the one side of the corridor, Tulip and Jae did on the other one. They searched the Library and the Owlery and she wasn't there. I went back to our Common Room just in case she came back but wasn't there either. At this point, we all started to panic. We even went knocking on Filch's door to see if she accidentally locked herself in while trying to prank him. When he opened the door, we each ran in different directions while Filch was shouting something after us.
We were all sitting in the Courtyard, thinking of places we haven't looked at yet. We thought of the Greenhouses and the Transfiguration classroom but when Nova and Charlie went to check, she wasn't there. We felt defeated. We were so good for 3 years and now she slipped right between our fingers.
Suddenly, Nova, who was laying on Charlie's jacket, having her head on his legs, rose.
“Yes? What did you remember?” Tulip and I said together. We all got closer to her.
“Hogsmeade! This is the first official year where we can come and go from Hogsmeade as we please.” She talked so quickly that I needed a moment to follow.
“That is brilliant!” I beamed at her. We all got up at once and started making our way there.
We practically burst into the Three Broomsticks and there she was!
“Tonks!” We all called her name at the same time and also turned every single pair of eyes in the Three Broomsticks on us.
“Bloody hell!” Tonks rolled her eyes. We sat next to her.
“Tonks, what is going on?” Nova asked placing her hand on Tonks' back.
“I'm panicking again. Don't want to study and I won't!” She looked directly at me. “So don't try to persuade me, it won't work!”
“But you are doing so good with your exams so far. Only three to go.” Tulip tried cheering her up.
“Nope. Do not care. Not doing it.” Tonks shook her head.
“What are you so afraid of?” Charlie was asking a good question.
“Of failure. I don't want to be like Andre to study all Summer long because I wasn't smart enough to pass the exam.” She buried her face in her hands.
“Failing an exam doesn't make you stupid. It can happen to anyone.” Everybody turned to me as I am positive they couldn't believe that came out of my mouth. I just wanted to defend Andre.
“Right, says the smartest witch in school.” Tonks talked through her hands, her head still in them.
“I know what would cheer you up.” Beamed Tulip. “Let's take you to Zonko's and you can get anything you want on us.” We all nodded and that gave me another idea.
“You lot go to Zonko's while Charlie and I go make her a Calming Draught. I think that would make her feel better.” Nova and Charlie, however, bestowed me with a confused look.
“Why me? I want to go to Zonko's too.” Charlie asked.
“And you want to fly on a Dragon, we know.” I playfully rolled my eyes. He blinked at me. “I feel like I spent the least time with you this year and I want to catch up.” Which was true but that was not the main reason why I wanted to get him alone. We might not be close and come to think of it, I don't think we were ever really alone together except perhaps on rare occasions at breakfast. The real reason why I wanted him to go with me was because I needed to ask him something.
Now the whole lot was looking at me like I was losing my mind, not just Charlie. Nova then giggled and shrugged her shoulders at him, indicating that she has no idea what I am up to. They finally gave up on questioning me and I dragged Charlie to the Dungeons.
I told him which ingredients he should bring while I prepared the scales and the cauldron. We were brewing the potion in complete silence for at least 20 minutes. I only spoke when I needed a certain ingredient or when I needed him to get something for me.
“Charlie?” I finally spoke as I knew the potion needed to brew without stirring for 15 minutes.
“Yes?” I couldn't help but giggle at the sound of his frightened voice.
“I was meaning to ask you something since the beginning of this year but I never got the chance.” At this point, I swear I could hear his heartbeat.
“I know it's not really my business and we're not that close,” I continued, “and if you don't feel like answering the question, you don't have to.” Charlie glanced at the door and back to me. He had to be terrified, thinking what was I going to ask him, poor lad.
“Do you like Nova?” He stiffened.
“Of course, I like Nova. She's my best friend.” He tried to sit more upright to make me think he was completely oblivious about what I asked him.
“Charlie, you know what I mean.” I sat next to him and rested my chin on my fist. “Do you fancy Nova?” His cheeks turned so red that I could barely see his freckles.
“N-no.” He stuttered.
“Say it one more time and I'll believe you.” I winked.
“No.” He repeated and cleared his throat.
“Okay, whatever you say. Just know that it's okay to talk about it, that's why I wanted you to come with me. I have been watching you since you were with us in August. The way you were looking at her. Admiring her every move. Snapping out of your imagination every time someone spoke to you. Getting your cheeks red every time she walked into the room.”
“Is it that obvious?” He bowed his head.
“A little bit.” I giggled. “But I think I am the only one who noticed and your secret is safe with me.” I patted his shoulder.
“I could imagine that you needed some time to realize what was going on?” I asked after a few seconds of silence. He nodded.
“And you probably didn't talk this through with anyone?” He nodded again.
“Well, now is your chance to talk about it.” I gave out a friendly smile. “When did you realize you have feelings for her?”
“That night we sneaked into the Forbidden Forest.” Wow, he was really oblivious.
“And how does that make you feel?” I tried to catch his eyesbut he kept avoiding mine.
“Terrible.” He sighed. “I don't want to have these feelings. I don't want to be red in the face whenever she's around. I don't want to feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest and I definitely don't want to do anything about it.” He frowned.
“I understand. I was in a similar situation last year.” He looked me in the eyes for the first time.
“Who did you fancy last year?” I blushed and knew I made a mistake. I was not prepared to tell him that I had a crush on his big brother.
“Nobody you'd know.” I lied. “Listen, Charlie. What you are feeling is completely normal. It happens to everybody when we get to this age.”
“Well, I don't want it happening to me. I have more important things to do.” He got mad.
“Like read about Dragons?” I chuckled. “Exactly!” He grinned.
“You can read about Dragons, study Dragons, work with Dragons, fly with Dragons for all I care and you can still fancy someone and hold hands.” I winked.
“Woah, woah! Hold hands? Didn't you hear what I said?” He got defensive. “I don't wish or plan to act on it.”
“Oh, I heard you. I just chose to ignore you.” I pursed my lips.
“Perhaps you might not want to do anything about it now, but in a few years you might feel ready to do something about it.” I ruffled his hair. Nova was right, it is soft.
“A few years?” He jumped on his chair. “It's not going to last that long!”
“Whatever you say. It might, it might not.” I shrugged.
“I can't do anything about it, Penny. She's my best friend. You're not supposed to feel like that about your best friend. It ruins everything.” He gave out a deep sigh.
“I know that's probably the main reason you needed so long to figure it out and I understand that you think this might ruin your friendship with Nova but just imagine holding her hand.” I closed his eyes with my fingers. “Are you going to deny that you don't secretly want to do that?”
“I do.” He buried his head in his hands and let out a little cry.
“It's okay if you feel you're not ready to do anything about it, just don't deny your feelings because it only makes them stronger.” I lifted his chin.
“Penny, something that you are forgetting is that I don't know if she feels the same way.” He leaned over the table, his palm making a hole in his cheek.
“Look at how long it took you to realize you fancied her. For all we know, she might just be as oblivious as you.” I winked at him and he bestowed me with a little smile.
“Thank you for talking to me, Penny. I do feel better knowing I am not alone in this.” He hugged me. He was just the most adorable thing ever!
“No problem, Charlie. And if you ever need to talk about it just say that you have a Potions question.” I giggled. “It will be our little secret.”
Once we finished our heart to heart and our potion we hurried back to Hogsmeade and made Tonks drink it at once. The lot already calmed her down a bit, her carrying two large bags filled with Zonko's products. Charlie and I couldn't help but laugh.
We kept an extra eye on her for the rest of the week until the exams were finished and just like that, we saved Tonks yet again as she passed all her exams and to be completely honest, didn't do that bad on them either!
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soudam-appreciation · 4 years
A Special Kind Of Lamp? (3)
TW:: this chapter contains depression and brief/vague mentions of s*icide. Stay safe loves!
. . .
Gundham knew he should get up. His mother had left hours ago for her job, and he felt hunger gnawing at his stomach. Heaving a sigh, he rolled his feet off the edge of his bed and let his body follow. He sat there for a moment, on the floor. The random assortment of objects that lay scattered across his room did not make his position any more comfortable. He contemplated sitting here all day doing nothing, or maybe cleaning up the mess that had been gathering for months, or perhaps even taking a shower (since gods know he could use one). Groaning, he decided against all of those things and stood, trudging out of his darkened cave without even putting on pants.
He glided down the stairs, kicking up a cloud of dust and animal fur with every sullen step. Like a ghost, he wandered through his household, barely registering the pristine condition of the place. Winding his way around the bright Victorian style living spaces, he reached his destination.
He rifled through the pantry, then the fridge, grabbing a single can of soda. Then, opening the freezer, he removed a bag of frozen tater tots and an entire tub of ice cream. Dropping them on the countertop quickly, and shaking the cold from his hands, he pushed the freezer shut with his sockless foot. Not bothering to get a plate, he pulled a spoon from a drawer somewhere and a towel from another and wrapped up the bag of frozen tots. Picking up his items, he began to leave. However, as he took a few steps, he caught a glimpse of a note on the countertop.
"Happy 21st birthday, love!" the note read. "I know you haven't felt right lately, but I thought maybe today you could go out around town! I've left some money for you, in case you want to go out and get anything!"
Gundham sighed. It was sweet of her, for certain, but he didn't know if it was alright to take her money. He certainly had enough of his own, for the time being. But then, on the other hand, was it now expected of him? Was he supposed to go out and about because his mother had both suggested and paid for it?
Lifting his frozen items, he tromped into the main living room and sat on their plush rose sofa. He opened the bag of tots, popping one into his mouth as he contemplated.
He must have spent around 20 minutes munching the solid, ice-cold chunks of potato before halfheartedly making up his mind. Standing, he briefly wondered if that meant his mind was, in fact, not made up, but he brushed that aside and wandered back to the kitchen. When the leftover frozen goods were replaced in the freezer, he scooped the money and note from the counter. Now that life down here was back to the norm, he retraced his earlier steps and returned to his room.
He switched on the light, wincing at how utterly disgusting everything looked when one could see it. The room was quickly returned to darkness.
Snatching a pair of jeans and a ratty band tee from his closet, he changed quickly and tugged on his boots. He didn't want to bother with a shower, he knew he'd lose all energy far too soon. Cold, stiff fingers ran through his greasy, tangled hair, and he considered a hairbrush. No, too much. He had to get outside, spend whatever money he had been given, and return. No need to look nice.
Shoving his arms into a dark jacket that smelled slightly of mildew and was probably a size or two too small, he trotted back down the grand staircase. He grabbed his (majorly unused) car keys from a dish by the door, checked to make certain his phone and the money were both stuffed into his pockets, and opened the door.
The light shining in his face almost made him shriek, but he caught himself and threw his arm before his eyes instead. A sudden and steady hiss pushed from his lungs, and it took far too long for him to snap out of his haze.
When he lowered his shield, he glanced at the too-bright world and rows of houses. He also caught the eye of a small group of children that had probably been playing in the street, before they noticed him. He took a moment longer to understand why he must seem so strange, and why the children were likely staring. To test his suspicion, he bared his teeth and hissed once more, this time at the kids. They scattered, screaming.
Of course, how were they to know he wasn't a vampire?
Already feeling far too strange after this interaction, he stepped fully outside. The warmth of the sun washed over him, and the soft scent of flowers drifted in the breeze. He took a long, deep breath, and closed the door behind him.
He hadn't driven in so long he wasn't sure he remembered how. After a few failed attempts at reversing, thankfully none of which ending in property damage, he finally got out of the garage. Gundham was on the road again.
For the first several minutes, Gundham's average car speed was around 10 mph. He wasn't sure he could keep the car in control if h went much faster, and he had forgotten his wallet and ID at home.
After he had been out and about for about half an hour, the sun was becoming more bearable and he could finally get nearer to the speed limit. He pulled into a parking lot at the local superstore, ending this extra-long car trip with the world's worst parking job. Whispering an apology to whoever may need to park near to him, he locked the vehicle and wove his way into the store.
Entering the building felt like an enormous undertaking. He had to get in, exhaust as much of the money as he could, and get out. Unfortunately, this also meant he had to force himself through aisle after aisle of bright lights and items he had no need for.
He spent twenty minutes simply looking for things to buy, eventually encountering the pet section. Looking only briefly, a deep unease and upset coiled in his chest. His hamsters were the only part of him that he had taken above excellent care of, and even then they had not lived past a few years. He hadn't managed to breed them at that time, and the absence of his always-present companions dampened his spirits considerably.
He pushed on, reminding himself that this was not about his Devas. This was about buying what he could and going home.
Scooping up some shampoo, he wormed through personal care and clothing aisles, ignoring nearly everything on the shelves. He made a beeline for the electronics aisle, certain he could pick something up for a fairly high amount. Unfortunately, he wasn't precisely sure where that was and got turned around quite quickly.
Somehow, he ended up in a deserted and dusty section of the store. The rows of shelves seemed nearly empty, despite being stocked full. The graphics on the packages were mostly faded as if they were quite old compared to the other items in the building. Glancing around for a hint of where he had found himself, a sign hanging above the aisles caught Gundham's eye. Upon it was printed, Old and Discontinued Stock.
Intrigued, he continued through the packed shelves, passing rows of what seemed to be ancient exercise equipment. Rows and rows of items advertising their 'as seen on TV' status in bold red (or rather, pink) spiked bubbles filled his line of sight, and remembering stupid infomercials from his slightly younger years almost made him smile out of sheer annoyance.
As he turned a corner, a slightly different item brought his attention. In large, curly letters, the banner across the front of the box crossed an image of a fairly nondescript lamp, sporting the words LoveLight™. He approached, sliding one box off of the shelf. Turning it around, he hoped to read what exactly it was supposed to do on the back of the box. Fortunately for him, that is exactly where such a description was found.
It seemed to claim something about... connecting soulmates? He wasn't sure how well it could work, but he thought he might as well buy it anyways. It was right about the amount he needed to max out the gift from his mother and return home. He didn't care much about what color the lampshade was, so he carried to the checkout the box he was already holding.
. . .
Tromping up the stairs, he dumped the bag of lamp onto his overcrowded desk. He groaned as a few stray papers slid to the floor. They gathered around the edge, adding to the steep piles of clothes and garbage that littered the area. 
He threw himself onto his bed, wrapping his favorite comforter around himself. Today had been longer than expected, and he was exhausted from his excursion, even if it was only an hour and a half. Pulling out his phone, he opened YouTube and began the first video in his feed. He didn't even try to focus as his eyes drifted shut, and sleep overtook him.
. . .
When he stirred, it was long past dark. He groaned, twisting his body sluggishly to be freed from his cocoon-like prison of the blanket. Propping himself up on his elbows, he tried to blink the sleep from his eyes. When this attempt was unsuccessful, Gundham rolled back over and tried to return to sleep. 
Unfortunately, his blankets were still too tight, and he was made painfully aware of two things. The first was how hot it was; the second was how badly he needed to pee. 
He squirmed yet more, struggling to free his arms. When he had at last accomplished this, he slowly peeled the comforter away layer by layer, until he was sitting fully clothed, shoes and all, on his bed. He tugged off his boots, exhaustion numbing his fingers, and slowly began to make his way to the bathroom. 
. . .
Sitting on the edge of his bed, he yawned and looked for something to do. The night was often when he was "productive", but tonight he still felt ready to collapse in on himself, like a dying star. What a worthless waste of space he was. 
Tonight was certainly not the first night he felt ready to give up. This was, in fact, a near-daily occurrence. However, he knew that his mother would be left alone and that he, too, was far too afraid of what lay beyond, so he instead searched for an occupation for his hands.
He settled upon the plastic bag that contained the boxed “soulmate lamp”. Lifting it, he noted that it felt a bit heavier than before, but attributed this to his cold and tired limbs. Once the box was freed from its thin plastic containment, he searched for an opening.
He examined it, locating the circular sticker that secured the cardboard. Picking at the edges with his overgrown nails, he managed to peel up the side (with great difficulty). The packaging from there was not too difficult to decipher, though it still caused mild annoyance.
Only when the lamp sat undisturbed atop his bedside table did he begin to feel the stirrings of excitement. Before, it had merely been a vessel for assuaging boredom and returning home as quickly as possible, but now it seemed to radiate a faint... hope.
He plugged it in, wincing as the bright light flicked on. Snatching the instructions from their perch beside the lamp, Gundham wrestled with the folded paper to find the directions to dimming the damned thing.
Said directions were fairly simple to find, so when he had saved his eyes from the caustic sheen, he began the calibration process.
The process was long and bothersome, it seemed. First was simple, imputing the kinds of personal information every internet-connected device needs. Each answer was written against the shade with the "specialized" pen, and submission was accompanied by a pleasant blip sound. Then came the long series of questions that needed answering, a process by which the lamp was to determine one's soulmate. This step took the greatest time of the setup, costing him nearly an hour total. If he had had anything else to do, he simply would have given up.
Finally, however, the setup was complete, and he was alerted to this by another small electronic noise. Gundham tossed aside the instructions, groaning audibly as a loading circlet began rotating against the shade. He replaced the pen in its slot at the lamp's base and leaned back against his plush comforter. The loading process took several minutes, as it ran through the extensive database of other questionnaires (or so he assumed, this was never stated in the instructions). It took quite a few minutes, long enough for him to begin to drift off to sleep.
He was awakened by yet another blip sound, this one likely stating that the final stage was complete! He bolted upright, watching the shade warily for any signs of writing.
And then, something appeared.
A hasty message scrawled in sloppy and nearly unintelligible print. It seemed rushed, letters running together on the mesh shade.
"Hi! I just got this thing and I'm super excited to talk to you!!!"
It worked.
He blinked, quietly astonished, amazed that such a device could do much of anything at all. As he sat in the dark, bewildered, another message began to appear.
"I can't wait til you get these. I'm so excited to talk to you!!"
He shook his head, strands of grimy dual-colored hair falling out of place. His chest felt tight, the sensation of someone other than his mother even speaking to him so foreign. Even if the messages did sound as if they were written by a child.
"Hey again! I hope your getting these!"
Fists tightened against wrinkled sheets. Gundham felt his stomach churn, yearning for another message.
"Today was fun! I got to hang at the Skate park! What did you do today?"
Tears pricked at his eyes, the sweetness and innocence in each message rushing over him.
"I don't have many friends. I think when we get to meet we'll be real good friends! Right?"
A lump formed in his throat, and he swallowed hard.
"Good morning! I hope you respond soon!"
One single tear dropped from his face, hitting his exposed skin.
"Hey, just seein if youre ok! I had a weird day today :("
They kept coming, messages appearing faster and faster. Was it a backlog? Were these old messages? Gundham wasn't sure.
"Guess what today is? It's my birthday! I'm 14!! How old are you?"
The tears kept coming too, streams of salty liquid flowing freely across his cheeks. He couldn't have stopped it if he tried.
"I wonder what kinds a things you like?"
Messages appeared faster and faster, quickly filling available space across the lampshade.
"I hope ya feel alright today! I still can't wait to talk to you. :)"
Gundham's vision blurred, too much to see the individual messages. Hundreds of letters blurred to nothing but glowing gold clouds, soft light filling, and obscuring, his vision.
The years of isolation began to crumble. He had tried so hard to harden his heart, to erase this feeling of crushing loneliness, and the facade he had so tirelessly built with shaking and scarred hands had started cracking from the pain. He hadn't understood how much he craved this, how desperately he had needed someone to talk to. For someone to ask if he was ok.
His body shook with sobs, ribs splintering under the pressure of the world as golden light flooded his room. Messages poured in, the light now nothing less than a glowing orb in his eyes, but he couldn't look away. He watched as more and more scribbled notes filled his mind, the emptiness usually stored in his chest now replaced with intense hurt. Love was what he needed, friends and company and care were the things he desired so desperately, the things he had never allowed himself to want.
The light began to fade, the most recent messages having used their allotted minutes. He sniffed, scrubbing tears from his eyes with harsh hands, and squinted at the lamp. Choking, he continued to press against his eyes. Perhaps if he tried, he could stop the next wave.
He caught another flicker of light, quickly leaning back toward the device to read whatever was there. Then he watched as, in real time, more words scrawled across the shade.
"Just wanted to say I still love you."
His last chance at holding back was ruined, and again he began to weep. Pushing away just enough to reach for the pen, he grabbed it with shaking fingers and raised it to the shade. Slowly, he pressed the tip against the mesh fabric and began to write.
"I'm so sorry."
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apriorisea · 4 years
BTS Imagine Series: Don’t Leave Me, Pt. 3
Hoseok x You
For the millionth time in the last 5 minutes, you look at your watch, then look at your phone.       Surely the plane is landed by now, you think, pulling up your text conversation with Hoseok and staring at it. Maybe if you just stared hard enough, you could will a message into existence.     But nothing.     Exhaling dramatically, you drop your phone to your lap and slump back against the couch, refocusing on the TV screen. Frowning, you reach for the remote and, for the millionth time since you’d started the show 30 minutes ago, go back 15 seconds: you (once again) had no idea what was happening. The only thing you could focus on was Hoseok. Hoseok and the fact that he was going to be home soon. Today. Finally.     3.5 weeks had felt like an absolute eternity. Even though he had called you every night and FaceTimed you after every concert, even though the Snaps were endless, you still missed him so much it hurt. Not even nightly phone calls could change that.      But now it was almost over. He’s almost home.      And safe, a corner of your mind whispers. That was the most important. Though Hoseok had been relatively open about his condition---admitting how exhausted he was after a weekend of 3-in-a-row concerts, showing you the marks left from a cupping therapy session---you had also been regularly checking-in with your secret spy, and Namjoon never had anything terrible to report. They’re all fine.       Now if he would only get home.      You look at your watch again. But this time as you grab your phone, it buzzes in your hand. Feeling your heart jump into your throat, you nearly drop it in your eagerness to see the screen:       MY HOPE: Angel~~~ I’m coming. See you SOON<3<3<3<3      The grin that spreads across your face is automatic and unstoppable. Now that you’d heard from him, you’re able to focus on the show, knowing that it truly wouldn’t be long now.       In fact, you’re so engrossed in the drama that you don’t even hear the sound of the lockcode being entered, so when he pushes open the door it takes you a full second to recognize him.      “Hobiiiiiiiiiiii,” you squeal, unabashedly scrambling off the couch to get to him. He barely has time to close the door behind him before you’re there, wrapping your arms around his neck.       There’s a loud thunk as he drops his bags to the ground and pulls you securely into his arms. Burying his face in the crook of your neck, you feel him brush his lips against your skin before murmuring your name.       If there had ever been any doubt that he had missed you it would have been obliterated by how tightly he was holding onto you, the slight hitch in his breath as he said your name a few more times.      It’s an eternity before he releases you, but it still doesn’t feel like long enough. Stepping back, you look up into his face, unable to keep the goofy grin off yours---and are surprised to see tears in his eyes. Inhaling sharply, you instantly cradle his face in your hands. “Baby,” you say, searching his face, “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you okay??”      He smiles, looking slightly embarrassed. “It’s okay,” he says, then repeats it when you don’t look convinced. “Really, angel, I’m okay. I just...I missed you so much. I’m glad to be home.”     “I’m glad, too,” you say, then lean up to kiss him.      He responds immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you closer. After a few minutes, you feel him carefully start to move you out of the doorway, never breaking the kiss until you reach the couch. With a small laugh, you sink down onto the couch and pull him on top of you.       Brushing a strand of his wavy hair out of his face, you grin and say softly: “Don’t leave me ever again, okay?”     He responds by kissing the tip of your nose. “Okay.”      “Promise?”     Instead of grinning and making a joke back, you’re surprised when he looks seriously into your eyes and murmurs, “I promise” before bringing his lips back against yours.      It’s a long time before you break apart. 
    You crawl into bed and reach for your phone, checking the time quickly: nearly 9:30pm. I’m sure he’s still awake...      You open your texts: Hey Joonie^^ Are you glad to be back? I’m happy you guys are all safe. Did everything end okay?     As you put your phone down, you hear the sound of the shower turning off, which brings mixed feelings.      You and Hoseok had spent every single minute together since he’d gotten home: you’d eaten delivery chicken tangled up on the couch together, unpacked his things together, dumped his clothes into the washing machine together, shared the ice cream cake you had bought for celebration of his return together, and, finally, locked the front door and turned out all the lights in the kitchen and living room together. As silly as it was, it felt like you were whole again. Everything was easier now that he was back, and you relished in the way the apartment wasn’t silent now that he was home. It was essentially for this reason that you’d sent him to shower on his own, volunteering to switch his laundry to dry but really just hungry for an opportunity to hear the sounds of him humming and setting the shampoo bottles down too heavily from where you sat on the bed. He’s home, he’s really home.       But....      Starting with the uncharacteristic tears in his eyes at the door, you couldn’t help but feel something was...off. You couldn’t even describe what exactly it was: his behavior wasn’t that different. You were still beyond thrilled to have him near you again. The two of you had immediately settled back into your normal routine without a hitch. And yet...      Throughout your reunion, you’d tried to slip in a few questions here and there; nothing too deep or serious, and though he’d answered, you couldn’t help but feel there was more to the story. It worried you.       The bathroom door swung open, and the familiar smell of Hoseok’s shampoo washed over you, automatically alleviating some of your worry.       “Hey, little fish,” you say with a smile, watching as he wandered to the walk-in closet to find some clothes. “Started to worry you’d drowned in there.” Your smile grows a little bigger at the sound of his laugh from inside the closet and grows to a grin when he finally reappears, dressed in a huge, oversized white t-shirt and gray sweats.      “No way,” he says, giving you a wink. “My swimming skills are too good.”     “I’m relieved.”     He laughs, and the sound is so real it lifts a little more of the worry away. Even so, he can’t completely get rid of the lines of exhaustion on his face.       “Time for bed,” you say more quietly, your eyes locked on his face. “Even little fishes must be tired after almost a month of touring.”      “Mmm,” he agrees, but instead of coming to the bed, he stops to crouch down and hunt through one of his bags. After a moment, he straightens and gives you a little smile. “Close your eyes.”      Pretending to be suspicious, you only narrow them instead. “....Why?”      “Don’t you trust me?” he asks, widening his eyes innocently.      “Oh, stop.” You close your eyes. “It better not be something gross.”      When he laughs, the sound comes from directly in front of you. “Gross? Like what?”      Folding your arms over your chest, you shrug. “I don’t know. Like...a bug. Or a spider. Or a worm!”      “You think I routinely keep live insects in my travel bags?” he deadpans.      “I don’t know. Don’t little fishes like bugs??”      He brushes a kiss to your forehead. “Not as much as they like silly little koalas. Okay. Open.”      You open your eyes slowly and see him holding a delicate silver-chain necklace in front of you. Hanging from the chain is a tiny, silver “H” intertwined with a sapphire-colored gem stone---your favorite. “Oh!” you gasp, looking at him. “Hoseok...it’s beautiful.”      He’s grinning. “Do you like it?”     “So much!” you say as he sits on the bed next to you. “Baby, I really love it.”      “I’m glad. Here, lean forward.” When you do as he says, he reaches to carefully put the necklace on you, moving your hair out of the way so he can fix the clasp.      You catch him as he tries to sit back, giving him a long kiss. “Thank you,” you say sincerely.        He just tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear---and that’s when you notice the other thing in his hand. Noticing your attention, his smile softens a little and he displays the other item: it’s another silver chain, but this one has the first initial of your name intertwined with emerald stones (his favorite). Before you can offer, he reaches up and puts the necklace on himself. “Now we match,” he announces, the tips of his ears going just a little red.       You grin and reach out to kiss him again. “It’s perfect, my hope. I love it. I love you.”      “I love you too,” he says, a lazy grin on his face when you pull apart, and you can once again see how exhausted he is.       “Now,” you announce, reaching up to fix a strand of his still-damp hair, “It’s time for you to get some rest.”      Jumping to his feet, he gives you a ridiculous salute. “Yes, ma’am!” Winking playfully, he turns off the lights, closes the door, and then climbs around to his side of the bed. Once he’s under the covers, his eyes immediately droop. “I am pretty tired,” he admits, his voice soft and small.       Your heart melts a little. “I know.” You lay back a little, still propped up by several pillows, and smile as he automatically curls towards you, resting his head on your chest and cuddling around you, exhaling a long, content breath when he’s settled. “Just rest, baby,” you say softly, brushing your fingers through his hair. “You don’t have a schedule tomorrow, right?”      He shakes his head sleepily. “No...”     “Good. You can sleep for a long time,” you say, your voice slipping into a soothing tone. You hesitate for a moment, then breathe, “Are you sure everything’s okay?”     He’s so close to sleep that it takes him a moment to answer. “Yes...” he says quietly, already drifting off. “Now that...I’m here with...you....Angel, everything’s wonderful...again.”      You don’t entirely believe it, but you decide that right now it doesn’t really matter. “I love you, Jung Hoseok,” you say, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. “I’m so glad you’re home.”      “Mmm...” he answers, and then he’s gone, off into an exhausted sleep.       Once his breathing has settled into the even pattern of someone who is sleeping deeply, you reach for your phone again: Namjoon hadn’t messaged you back yet.       It’s fine, you reassure yourself. I’ll find out tomorrow. For now, he’s home. He’s here. Everything will be okay. 
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quickspinner · 4 years
Second Chance - Ch 7 Why Wait
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
“Wake up so I can kiss you goodbye, you jerk.”
“It’s the weekend, where are you even going?” he mumbled. 
“Brunch with my parents. Are you sure you don’t want to come?”
“Marinette,” he moaned. “Your parents are amazing, you’re amazing, you’re gorgeous, I’m so in love with you, but that concert last night killed me. I’ll beg their forgiveness later, but please, please, please just let me sleep.”
He couldn’t see her pouting, but somehow he knew she was. Too tired to question whether one could hear a pout, Luka raised up with only one eye open, pressed a kiss in the general vicinity of her mouth, and then buried his face in the pillow with a groan. Even so, he smiled as he felt her soft lips on his bare shoulder.  
“I love you too, vampire boyfriend,” she teased. 
“Love you,” he muttered as he pulled the blanket over his head to hide his grin. He was too tired to be this happy, damnit.
Having Marinette there when he woke was one of Luka’s favorite things about the weekend, so he may have done a little pouting himself when he dragged out of bed. Luka had tried adjusting his hours a bit to make more time with her, and had been moderately successful until his next round of scheduled performances, which quickly put him back on night owl hours. 
Still, they made it work, and the last few months had seen a great deal of improvement in Luka’s life, even with Marinette now working more standard hours. She’d declined to work with Adrien at Gabriel, and had negotiated a very favorable contract with another major design house, but she still had to work when everyone else was working. Luka had plenty to fill his time when she wasn’t around, especially with tour season quickly approaching, but he’d also taken Marinette’s advice and devoted more time to his personal life outside of her.
He’d started getting together with Ivan every few weeks, and he’d been drawn into Marinette’s circle of friends as well. Adrien has been by to see them a few times with minimal awkwardness. They’d had dinner several times with Alya and Nino, and as Nino also had a career in music that frequently meant he worked odd hours, he and Luka had struck up the beginnings of a friendship outside of their girls. Anarka was back in Paris, and she always had time to see him when he was bored or frustrated, or when he just wanted to get away from the reporters who’d been dogging him ever since his relationship went public. Luka secretly loved watching his mother tell off the paparazzi who had the audacity to set up around her boat, just before she cast off and left them on the bank as she sailed them out of reach, her booming laugh echoing across the water. 
He’d found more of a balance, just as Marinette had suggested, and Luka felt much better for it. Lucille took the dip in his efficiency in stride, even though it made managing his schedule more work. “You couldn’t keep the pace you were on forever,” she’d said briskly when he’d apologized. “It’s fine for you to be human, especially if it means you’re writing more songs.”
He was, he had almost a full album’s worth of tracks at least partially written, and the ones he’d demoed for the producers had been well received. At home, Marinette had helped him turn his apartment into something more personal and comfortable for them both. The windows now sported curtains Marinette had sewed herself, dark blue in his bedroom and cheerful red in the living room. There were throw pillows on the couch and leafy, living plants here and there (Marinette promised to help him keep these alive). A knit blanket lay over the back of the couch whenever they weren’t wrapped in it. Framed prints of Luka’s album covers were artfully hung in the living room, and pictures of friends and family were scattered on the walls of the hallways and bedroom. 
Technically, Marinette didn’t live with him, but the distinction at this point was a fine one. His spare bedroom was littered with her projects. The clothes she wore most often were in his closet and dresser. Her cosmetics competed for space with his in the vanity and there was a neat row of sweet-smelling bottles with pictures of flowers and fruit on them lined up along his bathtub. His kitchen cabinets housed at least half her collection of mugs that she had picked up in the various places she had visited, most handmade or hand painted and all far more colorful than anything he owned.
Most importantly, Marinette slept in his bed almost every night, allowing them to take advantage of every mutually convenient moment in their very different schedules. Maybe he couldn’t wake up with her and maybe she was almost always asleep when he came to bed, but Lucille worked his schedule to keep their overlapping hours open, or at least booked with tasks he could do at home. 
Luka sank down on the couch, leaning back into the soft blanket, and tried really hard not to think about the tour starting in...crap, it was barely a month now. He sighed and let his head fall back with a little groan. He got homesick on tour at the best of times. It was going to be even harder now. He smiled at the ceiling. At least he’d have something really worth coming home to.
Luka perked up at the sound of a key in the door.
“You haven’t even gotten up the energy to make coffee yet?” Marinette teased when she saw him. “You really are tired. Fear not, your savior has arrived.” She waggled a large to go cup at him.
“God, I love you,” Luka sighed, reaching his arms toward her. She came to him and perched on his knee, kissed him, and offered him the coffee. 
“I have pastries too if you’re hungry.”
“Mm,” Luka took the coffee, but nuzzled into her neck. “I’d rather have woken up with you, but I’ll take it.”
“I gave you the chance to wake up with me and you begged me to let you sleep.”
“You know what I meant. How are your parents?”
“Same as always,” she smiled brightly. “How was the show? You were too wiped out when you got home to tell me. This was the benefit show for the children’s hospital, right? The one Rose works with?”
“Yeah. It was amazing,” Luka shook his head. “So much energy in the crowd, it felt fantastic. Pretty emotional, though, with the speakers and all, so I really just had nothing left when it was over.” He sighed. “Those people are amazing. There was so much strength—“ he stopped, choked up, and cleared his throat. “It was a lot,” he finished thickly.
Marinette kissed him softly, giving him a tender look, and then got off his lap, heading for the kitchen. “We can take it easy today if you want. Do you have to work?” 
“First weekend of the month is fan mail weekend,” he reminded her, accepting the plate and napkin she brought him. “So, yes, but I can work around whatever else we decide to do.” Marinette put the box of pastries on the coffee table near him, and then pulled out her sketchbook. She settled with her back against the arm of the couch and her feet in his lap. 
“I don’t mind. You know I think it’s great that you make time to answer your fan mail.”
How is this my life? Luka wondered as he selected a pastry and put it on his plate. It was good, it was comfortable, it was right, and Luka was suddenly struck by the thought that he never wanted it to end. 
Luka didn’t realize how he was staring at her until Marinette spoke. 
“What are you thinking about so hard?” Marinette asked him without looking up from her sketchbook.
“I want to marry you.”
Marinette straightened and set her pencil down to look at him. She didn’t whip her her head up and stare wide-eyed, which he took as a good sign, so he set his plate down on the coffee table and continued.
“I love you and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re the one I want to be with. I want this—“ he motioned between them, “—all the time, forever. So I’d like to know how you feel about it. If it’s something you think you might want someday too.”
Marinette rapped a fingernail on her sketchbook. “Someday?”
“Or today.” Luka quipped with a shrug. “I’m sure we could make that happen.” He was mostly kidding, but his eyes widened slightly as Marinette frowned and pulled out her phone. He waited, a weird feeling curling in his stomach as she swiped and scrolled and chewed her lip. 
Then she looked up at him and his pulse shot up so rapidly that he nearly didn’t hear her over the pounding. 
“I’m sorry, can you say that again?” he managed. 
“I said I don’t think today will work, but we can do next Friday. I think everyone we’d need is free.”
Luka could barely breathe as he stared at her. “You want to get married next Friday?”
Marinette smirked at his expression. “Yep.”
Her smirk softened at the smile that bloomed on his face. Luka leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “Who are you and what have you done with Marinette queen-of-overthinking Dupain-Cheng?”
She mimicked his pose, leaning in until her nose was nearly brushing his. “She doesn’t live here anymore. Meet the new resident, Marinette not-stupid-enough-to-miss-her-second-chance Couffaine.” 
He nearly tackled her in his enthusiasm to kiss her. Marinette shoved him off, laughing. “We don’t have time for kissing, we’ve got phone calls to make.”
“Right.” He whipped out his phone. “Lucille! Hey, listen, Marinette and I are getting married next Friday. Call her in an hour and whatever she wants, you make it happen. If you get stuck on anything, call Penny. In fact, call Penny anyway and tell her she and Jagged are invited.”
“Oh,” Lucille said blankly, and then “Oh! Yes, okay. Um, budget?”
“Break the bank, I don’t care. Just don’t kill anyone, don’t get anyone fired, and try not to make too many threats. Okay?” He grinned at Marinette, who had her own phone to her ear but still heard enough to wrinkle her nose at him.
“You take all the fun out of everything.” Lucille drawled.
“You’re the best, Lu, I’ll call you later and check in.”
“How much does she hate me?” Marinette asked in a whisper, holding her own phone at arm’s length while Alya screamed. 
“She wasn’t even phased. She lives for stuff like this.” Luka grinned. “It’s good for her resume. And I’ve been so low maintenance that I’ve earned a few outrageous demands.” He kissed her temple. “I’ve gotta go.” 
“What? Where are you going?” 
“Gonna grab Juleka and go find a ring.”
“What? Luka, you don’t have to do that, it’s barely two weeks, I don’t need a ring.”
He leaned in and kissed her, caressing her face tenderly. “I’m gonna do it anyway. Unless you want to come pick it out?”
“No,” Marinette said faintly, “No, whatever you pick is fine, just—don’t go overboard.”
He kissed her again. “Okay. But when Lucille calls, you tell her what you want and don’t worry about the money.” Another kiss, and Luka giggled against her lips. “I’ve never been able to say that before. I want you to have the wedding of your dreams even if it is on short notice.”
“Isn’t there anything you want?” Marinette asked, looking concerned.
“I want you, Marinette,” he breathed, and then grinned. “I want to dance with you. I want my guitar and an amp handy. I’d really like to not wear a tie, I hate those things. But mostly I just want you there and as happy as you can possibly be. Everything else is negotiable.”
“Oh my God, girl,” Alya screeched over the phone. “I take back everything I just said, marry that boy pronto.”
Luka laughed. “Hi Alya! Bye Alya!” He kissed Marinette one more time, grabbed his jacket, headed out of his door and straight over to Juleka’s, and pounded a little more forcefully than was probably necessary. Rose opened the door, looking surprised. 
“Luka, what's going on? Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, Rose,” he said, smiling like his face would split. He leaned past her and hollered, “Jules! Get decent and get out here, I need to go buy Marinette a ring and you’re coming with me.”
Rose squealed, covering her mouth with her hands. Luka winked at her. “You’re welcome to come too, Rose.”
“That’s amazing Luka, I’m so happy for you!” She threw her arms around his neck. “Oh! Have you planned how you’re going to ask her?”
“Already did. We’re getting married next Friday.” His brow furrowed. “Shit, I better call Maman.”
Rose just gaped at him with her mouth open. Then she screeched and ran back into the apartment, screaming for Juleka. Luka chuckled and stepped inside, shutting the door. He pulled out his phone and called his mother. Anarka sounded simultaneously exasperated and delighted, but she promised to be there and that was all Luka cared about. By the time he was off the phone with her, Juleka had emerged, dressed in nondescript black without her usual lace accents, her hair pulled back in a knot that hid most of the color and her purple tipped bangs tucked under a hat. She said nothing, just wrapped her arms around him. He folded around her and returned the hug. When they separated, she reached up and smacked the back of his head, then walked out the door without looking back to see if he and Rose were following.
“The press is going to be all over you,” Juleka mumbled as they got in the car. “They’ve been staking out the building ever since that premier. They’re going to follow us.”
Luka made a face. “Yeah, I know. I’m hoping we can make it look like we’re shopping for you, but if they do, they do. Lucille will have to find a way to keep them off my back.”
“With the tour about to kick off, they’re going to say it’s a publicity stunt,” Juleka persisted, looking sideways at him.
“I don’t care what they say, never have.”
“They’ll probably dig up whatever they can about Marinette. Probably your old girlfriends, too.”
Luka shrugged. “Everyone has a past, it doesn’t matter. As long as none of them show up at the wedding I couldn’t care less.”
“Marinette might care.”
“I’ll talk to her about it when we get home.” He hesitated. “Although I guess we didn’t really talk about—” he stopped and pulled out his phone.
Marinette picked up immediately. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he replied, unable to help smiling at the sound of her voice. “Listen, before I do this I just wanna make sure, you know the press is going to get wind of this right? Even if I manage to cover up what I’m doing, something is bound to leak if we do this in a hurry.”
“I suppose you’re right, but at least they’ll only have a couple weeks to freak out. Better than planning a wedding for months under that kind of scrutiny.”
“You’re right. We should probably just make a statement,” Luka mused. “I’ll talk to Lucille about putting one out once you’ve talked to everyone you need to. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything because the second I walk into a jewelry store, there are going to be rumors, even if we try to make it look like we’re shopping for Juleka.”
“I told you you didn’t have to.”
“You’re not cheating me out of getting to do this just because you’re impatient,” Luka told her, laughing. 
“I didn’t expect you to be so traditional,” Marinette giggled. 
“I’m not,” Luka chuckled. “Keep the traditions that make you happy, throw the rest out, I don’t care. But this one makes me happy, so I’m doing it and you can’t stop me. I mean, I guess you could decide not to wear it, I’d survive. But I still want to pick one out and give it to you. If you don’t want to wear it I guess we could frame it and hang it on the wall or something.”
Marinette’s laugh was rich and full and brought a dopey grin to his face that he knew he would catch hell for later. “I’ll wear it,” she giggled. “I will. Whatever makes you happy, Luka.”
“You make me happy,” he told her, ignoring his companions as Juleka made gagging noises and Rose shushed her, giggling.
When Luka got home carrying a tiny pretentious bag full of fancy tissue paper, he found Marinette waiting on him with a strange looking box on the coffee table and a “we need to talk” expression. His excitement turned to ice in his stomach and he came into the room a little warily. “Hey. Something up?” 
Marinette smiled tightly. “Nothing disastrous. Just a conversation we need to have before we go through with this whole thing. I figured we’d better do it now before we let Lucille loose on Paris.”
Luka frowned. “Okay. You know, I’m ready any time, but I can wait, we don’t have to rush into this if you’re not—”
“I am,” Marinette interrupted him. “But I need to make sure you are too, and that can’t be true until we’ve talked about this. Come sit down.” She patted the couch next to her.
Luka sat, eyeing the box on the table. “Please tell me these aren’t the ashes of your enemies. That would be a little creepy.”
Marinette laughed and patted his hand. “Not hardly.” Marinette leaned forward and did something to the box. A series of compartments opened seemingly on their own, revealing...jewelry? He glanced at her, still puzzled, until she lifted a familiar green bracelet from the box and his eyes widened.
It had been nearly seven years since the defeat of Hawkmoth—not a terribly long time in the span of global history, but Luka found now that trying to remember those days was like trying to remember a dream. The bracelet Marinette held was the one point of clarity. Luka remembered what it was and what it did, but had a hard time remembering why it mattered.
“The Miraculous magic,” Marinette told him matter-of-factly, watching his expressions shift. “It doesn’t actually erase anything that happened, or any record of it happening, it just makes it hard to think about. If you tried hard enough, and long enough, you would still remember everything.You’d just be easily distracted and constantly wondering what the point is of trying to remember. It’s been a real blessing for people whose akumatizations were especially difficult, and even more so for Adrien.”
Luka blinked at her for a moment, and then gasped. “Adrien’s father was Hawkmoth.” 
Marinette nodded, and then shrugged. “Thanks to the magic, people forget. Or rather, as I said, they just don’t think about it. He hasn’t faced nearly as much persecution as he would have otherwise. Here, it’ll be easier to have this discussion once I give you this.”
She put the bracelet in his hand and he was nearly blinded by a flash of blue-green light. The slight fog in his mind cleared instantly, the clarity suddenly flooding back into his thoughts. Luka remembered everything now. He blinked away tears from the light and the rush of memories and stared into familiar yellow eyes. “Sass,” he breathed.
“Ssssalutationsss, Luka,” the snake kwami smiled, showing his tiny fangs. “My how you’ve grown. Humansss change ssso quickly.” He put his flipper hands on Luka’s finger. “It isss good to sssee you, my friend.” 
“Luka Couffaine,” Marinette intoned quietly. “I present to you the Miraculous of the snake, which gives the power of Second Chance. You will use it for the greater good, and for the protection of the Miracle Box and its Guardian.” She smiled and shrugged. “That would be me.” 
Luka looked up from the bracelet in his hand. “Thank you, Ladybug.”
Marinette’s smile widened. “You knew the whole time, didn’t you?” 
“I guessed,” he admitted. “I wasn’t ever totally sure, but I figured it was safer that way.” He rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know how I’d forgotten until now.”
Marinette raised her hands slightly. “Magic.” 
“Right.” Luka shook his head. “Weird.” He slid the bracelet over his arm, watching in mild surprise as it flashed and turned into a silver band decorated with Celtic knotwork. “It’s different,” he observed.
“The disssguise adaptsss,” Sass agreed. “You are different now, so the disssguise isss different.”
“Huh. That design, though, it’s almost as if—.” Luka reached into the little bag full of tissue paper he’d left at his feet, and pulled out a small box. Marinette’s eyes widened, and, regaining some of his earlier enthusiasm, Luka felt a goofy, lovesick smile spread over his face as he opened the little box, and held the wrist bearing the snake Miraculous up next to the ring. The little platinum ring had a repeating Celtic knot pattern around the band and a small but beautiful channel-set sapphire in the center. The Miraculous bore a similar knot pattern repeating across the bracelet.
“Oh,” Marinette gasped lightly. Luka took the ring out of the box and took Marinette’s hand. 
“May I?” he asked tenderly, and she beamed at him. 
Luka slid the ring on her finger. “I thought you would prefer something flat.” He grinned at her. “See, I’m not as traditional as you think. I liked it so much that I had them reserve the matching wedding bands for us, but you don’t like them, we can go pick something else together.”
“It’s perfect, I love it,” Marinette breathed, smiling up at him. “And this is a good thing,” she added, picking up his arm to look at the bracelet, and then holding her own hand next to it to compare it to her ring. “Since it matches, if anyone asks, it was my engagement gift to you. That gives you an excuse to always have it on you.” She smiled. “It’s sort of true, anyway.”
“Sort of true?”
“Well, like I said, I figured I needed to talk to you about this before we really went through with things,” Marinette sighed. “And Tikki and I agreed that if we’re going to make a home and a family together, you should be protected, and empowered to protect us, so...” She waved a hand at the bracelet.
“Tikki?” Luka asked, feeling rather overwhelmed.
“Tikki,” Marinette called, and a tiny red kwami zipped up from her side to haven between them. “Luka, meet Tikki, the kwami of creation,” Marinette gestured. “She’s the source of that energy you kept noticing, by the way.”
“That’s only partially true,” Tikki interjected. “Marinette has a strong creative spirit on her own, which makes her very well suited to be Ladybug. The resonance you feel is because we’re so closely attuned.” She smiled, zipping close to examine Luka’s face. “You wouldn’t be able to sense it at all if you weren’t a true creative spirit too.”
Sass hissed a quiet laugh and perched on his shoulder, tail curling around Luka’s neck. “Don’t get greedy, Tikki. Thisss one isss mine.” Tikki rolled her eyes, giggling, and zipped back to Marinette.
“So, if you haven’t changed your mind after learning about all this unexpected craziness that comes attached to me,” Marinette was trying to be positive, he could tell, but there was still an edge of apprehension in her smile. “The bracelet is yours.” 
“Of course I haven’t,” Luka exclaimed, putting his hand on hers. “I mean, I’m not saying this all isn’t kind of heavy, and it makes me nervous that we’re—that I’m in the public eye so much. But if you’re okay with this, then so am I. I trust your judgement.”
Marinette flipped her hair. “I plan to be famous with or without you, mister rock star, so don’t go playing the martyr.” She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “We’ll make it work. Just like everything else. The butterfly and the peacock have been recovered and repaired, there’s no reason for anyone to come after the Miraculous now that the magic is nudging people’s thoughts away from it, and no one but Adrien knows I was Ladybug, so no one would even know where to start looking. We should be fine, this is just a precaution.”
Luka blinked at her for a moment, putting things together. “Adrien is Chat Noir,” he said after a moment. Sass chuckled from his shoulder. 
“Yep,” Marinette smiled. “It’s the only Miraculous not in my possession. I couldn’t bear to take Plagg from him after everything that happened. Most of the kwamis prefer to stay in the Miracle Box unless they have a bearer, but sometimes they like to come out and have a chat and they’ll probably all want to meet you sooner or later, so just be prepared and try not to scream.” She narrowed her eyes slightly and pointed a finger at Sass and Tikki. “And you tell them the bedroom is a kwami-free zone, got it? Divine being or not, the first kwami that interrupts us is going to find themselves sealed in their Miraculous and dropped to the bottom of the Seine.”
Luka blushed as the kwamis tittered.
“So, uh…” Luka rubbed a hand through his hair, dropping his chin to his chest as he tried to process. “You got any more bombs to drop on me?”
“This was the big one,” Marinette giggled. “Nothing else but the usual stuff left. Money, living arrangements, future plans, kids.” She paused. “You’re okay with kids, right?”
Luka’s head snapped up and he stared at her, wide-eyed. “You want to have children...with me?”
Marinette sat back slightly and she blinked at him. “I mean, not right now, but in a few years, yeah. Is that...not something you want?”
Luka was having trouble processing. “It’s...honestly not something I thought I could have.”
She tilted her head. “Why not?”
“I’m...I didn’t...I mean, I haven’t exactly had the best example. Or...any example, really.” Luka rubbed a hand through his hair sheepishly. “I mean it sounds kind of stupid when I say it out loud, but I guess that’s always how I felt in the back of my mind. I guess I’ve never been serious enough with anyone to give it any real thought.” 
Marinette relaxed a little, and though there was still tension in her forehead, her eyes were soft. “Why wouldn’t anyone think you’d make a great dad? You’re kind, thoughtful, committed, gentle, respectful, supportive, protective. I could go on. Any daughter would be lucky to have you for a father,” she said, taking his hand and squeezing it. “And I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have teaching my sons how to be kind, compassionate, respectful men.” 
Shit, he was going to cry and he still couldn’t look away from her. 
“And if it helps, you’ll have a father now. My father. I know he’d be thrilled if you asked his advice. Most importantly,” she said, leaning in, “You have a huge heart and so much love to give. I know you’ll be fine. And when the time comes, we’ll figure it out together.”
Luka was reminded of his own words to Ivan and smiled faintly.
“But is that what you want, Luka?” Marinette squeezed his hand. “That’s kind of an important question.”
“I—yes, absolutely,” he breathed. A little girl with his eyes and Marinette’s smile and a too-big guitar in her arms, or a little boy covered in flour as he learned how to make bread from his grandparents—he’d never thought about it before but now that he had, he absolutely wanted it. 
Marinette relaxed, and her smile turned blinding. “Good.”
For a moment, they just looked at each other, and then Luka took her face in his hands and kissed her—or started to, before realizing his abrupt movement had tumbled Sass off his shoulder. Luka had completely forgotten the kwamis were there. He’d also forgotten they could float, he nearly knocked Marinette in the face as he scrambled to catch Sass, who caught himself and levitated, chuckling at Luka’s floundering and apologies.
“He’s fine,” Marinette reassured Luka, laughing, and then she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him back to her lips. “And so am I. Come back here, already.”
The tittering kwamis made a discreet retreat as the newly engaged couple embraced.  
The rest of the day was consumed with phone calls and a lot of screaming. The next day, Marinette wasted no time getting moved in for good. Luka had a stupid grin on his face the whole day and didn’t make even the slightest effort to hide it.
“I don’t know why you’re so excited,” Marinette giggled. “I practically lived here anyway. The only real difference is now I have to find somewhere to put all my crap.”
“It’s an important difference,” Luka protested. “And I know even though I told you to feel at home, you still think of this as my place.”
“It is—was your place.”
“And now it’s really our place, and that’s why it matters,” Luka told her, and then he sighed. “I almost wish we could get a new place that we picked out together,” he mused. 
“Luka, this apartment is amazing, it’s perfect for what you need, and you love it,” Marinette said practically. “I’ll fit myself in, you’ll see.”
“You shouldn’t have to fit yourself in around me, though.” Luka rubbed the back of his neck. “It doesn’t seem fair.”
“Stop worrying about it, Luka,” Marinette told him, picking up a pile of clothes and carrying them into the bedroom. “You’ll be gone on tour for months, remember? That’s plenty of time for me to get rid of your stuff.” 
Luka huffed a laugh at that. Nope, there was no wiping the stupid grin off his face and it was pointless to try.
A knock on his door startled him, and he and Marinette looked at each other. 
“Juleka?” Marinette suggested.
Luka shook his head and got up to answer the door. “She’s shooting a new cosmetic ad this week, and Rose always goes with her when she’s got to be on camera. Maybe a delivery? Usually security calls me first though.”
Marinette shrugged and picked up another pile of clothes to carry to the bedroom. 
Luka opened the door and blinked, momentarily speechless.
“Hey,” Adrien grinned, hands in his pockets. “I brought Marinette a wedding present.” There was a small knot of people behind him with expressions of longsuffering and a bright red ribbon tied around the whole group with a big bow. Luka glanced over them in puzzlement, and then, recognizing a couple of faces, he turned and called into the apartment.
“Marinette? I think you’d better take this delivery personally.”
“What?” Marinette’s voice came from his bedroom. 
“Come on out here.”
She came, but pouting. “Luka, I still have so much to do.”
Luka just stepped aside and opened the door wide. Marinette stopped and went pale as she took in the scene. Then she looked at Adrien. “What did you do?” she asked flatly.
“A little bird told me you were making an exception on your stupid polciy about wearing your own designs for the wedding,” Adrien said with a flicker of a smile. “I thought you might need a little help with your dress, given your frankly insane timeline.” Marinette stared at him, and Adrien quickly added, “And before you go off on me, I’m paying them, and they volunteered.”
“They won’t even all fit in here!” Marinette gasped, and Adrien chuckled and tossed her a key. Her hand snapped up to catch it, proving her superhero retirement hadn’t diminished her reflexes in the least. 
“They come with a workspace,” Adrien said smugly. He raised a cautionary finger at Luka. “You’re not allowed. No peeking before the big day.”
“I think I can handle it,” Luka said wryly. He smiled at Marinette’s still gobsmacked expression and kissed her cheek. “I’ll go in the bedroom so you can haul out all those supplies I know you bought without me watching.” He held out a fist to Adrien. “Thanks Adrien.” 
“Congratulations, Luka.” Adrien bumped his fist with a bittersweet smile that Luka couldn’t really fault him for.
Luka looked at Francis in the middle of the group. “Make sure she takes breaks to eat for me, okay?” Francis nodded vigorously.
Marinette made a few more inarticulate noises that ended in a huge hug for Adrien and as Luka retreated to the bedroom, he could hear her giving orders to get that stupid ribbon off those poor people, what is wrong with you, you big dork?
The next few days were...weird. Luka was walking on a cloud most of the time, going through the motions of his everyday routine with giddy disregard for what he was actually doing, only really tuning in to answer questions periodically from Marinette and Lucille about wedding arrangements or preferences. Even the press mobs didn’t bother him as much as usual, as tedious as it was to have to have his bodyguards follow him around everywhere he went just so he could get in the door. He made time to have dinner with Marinette and Tom and Sabine, letting the warmth of their happiness flow over him. He took Marinette to have breakfast on the boat with Anarka, too. They got on as well as they ever had in that ‘live and let live’ way that both of them shared. 
However, having little tiny flying creatures pop up at random was a little unsettling even when he knew it was coming. Most of them were perfectly pleasant little...god-things. Some of them were more eccentric than others. The ones who hadn’t gotten out of the box much were zipping all over the apartment, fascinated especially with Luka’s music gear. He shared a cup of tea with Wayzz and Sass, and Wayzz answered some of his questions about what it meant for Marinette to be the Guardian. Trixx was perfectly pleasant to speak to, but rearranged Luka’s pick collection while no one was looking. Duusu popped up in his studio and they had a little jam session, Duusu dancing manically in the air while Luka shredded. Kaalki examined Luka’s album covers and awards and proclaimed him sufficiently exceptional. Sass and Tikki together had to chase Xuppu back into the Miracle Box, and that was a trip and a half, watching them zip around phasing through anything in their way, before Tikki had sufficiently intimidated Xuppu from causing any further chaos. One afternoon he opened his eyes from his meditation and found a small circle of tiny gods gathered around him, mirroring his meditation pose.
“They like you,” Marinette confided in him one night, sliding behind him on the couch and draping herself over his back. “They say you have good energy, and they like your music. Kwamis sing, you know?”
“Really?” Luka lifted his eyebrows slightly.
“Yes, when they’re separated, they do some kind of magic singing to connect with each other.” She nuzzled his neck affectionately. “The novelty will wear off in a while and they won’t be around so much.”
“I don’t mind,” Luka said, picking a few notes thoughtfully on the guitar. “They’re cute, and mostly they’re just...there. It’s a bit strange, but I’ll get used to it.” He leaned his head back to press his cheek against her hair. 
He’d grown to love playing with her wrapped around his back. Sometimes he played whatever she requested. Sometimes he played her the sappiest love songs he could think of, until they lost themselves in laughter and kisses. But her song was still his favorite, being tuned in completely to her, playing for the sheer joy of it, with her pressed close against him, silent and still except for her quiet breath and soft touches against his skin.
“I love you,” he said softly, smiling as he played.
“I love you too.”
“I’m gonna marry you, weird entourage of tiny god-fairies and all.”
“I’m so lucky,” Marinette sighed, and he sensed the shift in her emotion even before he heard her voice go rough and her arms tighten around him. “I’m so lucky, Luka. I love you so much. I almost wish I could just marry you in the morning, but my parents would kill me and Lucille would probably have an aneurysm if we changed the plans at this point.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Luka sighed contentedly, turning his face to nuzzle and kiss her cheek. “We can make it.” 
The next day, Sass was asleep on Luka’s amp in a small nest of soft fiber scraps pilfered from Marinette’s workroom. The snake kwami found the vibrations soothing, which was convenient, Luka thought, since he spent so much time playing. Suddenly Sass stirred and sat up, and gave a smile that was somehow gentle despite the fangs. “Nooroo. Welcome, friend.” 
Luka looked up but saw nothing. 
“There isss no need for fear,” Sass said soothingly. “Pleassse join usss.”
A small purple face peeped around the door frame. The kwami eyed Sass, and then turned his eyes to Luka. He shrank back behind the door when he saw Luka’s gaze on him. The edge of a butterfly wing visible over Nooroo’s shoulder explained a lot, and Luka’s eyes widened slightly.
“Hello,” Luka said as gently as he could. “You can come in if you want. You’re very welcome here.” Nooroo didn’t move, and Luka went back to his guitar, playing something soft and soothing, watching out of the corner of his eye but trying not to be too obvious about it. 
“I know you can sssensse him,” Luka heard Sass say. “You know you have nothing to fear. But if you are not ready, we will not take offenssse.”
Another moment, and the butterfly kwami slipped inside, skirting the wall toward Sass’s nest.
“He feels gentle,” Nooroo said, very quietly, as he settled next to Sass.
“He isss,” Sass soothed, curling his tail protectively around his friend. “Ressst, if you like. You are sssafe here.”
Nooroo cuddled up next to Sass, his tiny expression enough to break Luka’s heart. “Safe,” he murmured, a little doubtfully.
Luka swallowed hard. He couldn’t imagine what the kwami suffered at the hands of Hawkmoth. Luka was empathetic by nature and practice, and that could be painful enough in the wrong situations, but Nooroo literally sensed emotion. To be forced to feel out the worst emotions he could find day after day must have been incredibly painful. Not to mention serving Gabriel Agreste was no picnic. One only had to look at Adrien’s issues to imagine how much worse it would be for a creature Gabriel believed to be nothing more than a tool. No wonder Nooroo had preferred the quiet, passionless world of the Miracle Box for years after Gabriel’s defeat.
Luka wondered if the kwami could feel his pity, and tried to decide what would be the most soothing for him. After a moment of thought, Luka began to play an old Scottish lullaby from his childhood, one that he associated with warmth and safety and his mother’s boundless love. He darted a glance at Sass and the little snake gave a tiny nod of approval. 
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been playing before Marinette appeared in the doorway, looking concerned. “You okay?” she asked softly. “You usually play that when you’re upset.”
“Fine,” Luka smiled at her. “Just felt like relaxing a bit.” He flicked his eyes toward the kwami nest. She followed his gaze.
“Nooroo,” Marinette said, face lighting up. “I’m glad to see you.”
Nooroo shrank into himself a bit. “Thank you, Guardian. I felt it would at least be polite to meet your intended.” He paused, looking between Luka and Marinette with a thoughtful expression. “I have seen great love twisted into selfishness and isolation,” Nooroo said solemnly. “But this is a soft love, a...generous love. It makes room for many. It is...good.”  
Luka smiled. “There’s room for you too, Nooroo, whenever you feel the need of it. You’re always welcome.”
Nooroo nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it,” Marinette smiled, and blew him a kiss. Tikki slipped around her to join Sass and Nooroo. Tikki hugged the butterfly and Sass patted his friend gently. Between the two of them, he seemed to relax a bit more. Luka smiled to himself. 
Yeah, it was a little weird, but when in his life had he ever been “normal” anyway?
The two weeks somehow went slow and fast all at once. Luka remembered the feeling well; he’d felt the same in the last few weeks before his first tour. 
Friday morning saw their apartment invaded by a horde of women. Alya, Sabine, Rose, and Juleka took Marinette over to the girls’ apartment to get ready, leaving Luka to the tender mercies of his mother to make sure that he was ready and presentable on time. Luka rolled his eyes and refrained from pointing out that it was Marinette who had the reputation for chronic lateness, and that Anarka was the last person he would have picked to enforce order.
Still, he was glad Anarka was there. She went straight for his music studio and picked up his guitar, playing old tunes he remembered from his childhood. It soothed his jitters a little bit. It wasn’t that Luka was nervous or afraid exactly, he just...wanted to get on with it. He wanted to marry Marinette.
“It’s my wedding day,” he said softly to the mirror, just to make it real. “I’m marrying Marinette today.”
“You are,” Sass agreed, hovering beside him. “Are you ready?”
“So ready,” sighed Luka. “More than ready. Why can’t we already be married ready.”
It still felt surreal as he mechanically dressed himself. His suit had been provided by Marinette’s employer, as a bribe to let Marinette off work early for all the things that had to be done over the last couple of weeks, and for the wedding today, but Marinette had done the fittings herself, so it looked impeccable on him. It included a vest, but as he had requested, no tie. 
“All right, let’s have a look at ye,” Anarka said, stumping around him. “Can’t be having you looking sloppy for yer bride, eh?” When she had circled him twice, brushed some imaginary dust from his shoulder, she sighed and said, “Well, I guess yer grown up after all, me boy.” 
“I love you, Maman,” he said, smiling fondly at her, pretending he hadn’t seen her eyes watering behind her glasses. She returned the smile in kind, and then hugged him tight. 
“Come on,” she said. “Play with yer old Maman for a bit. Those girls’ll be forever getting ready, and you’ll just fret if ye do nothing.”
“That sounds great, Maman,” Luka said with relief, going to retrieve his old guitar.
They played duets until Juleka came to tell them that Marinette and the car were ready. The original Couffaines indulged in a quick group hug, and then Luka hugged them each individually again. 
“You’ll get wrinkled,” Juleka chided in a mumble. She looked up at him and he looked back at her and for a long moment they were silent. She didn’t need to speak for him to know how happy she was for him, and how relieved, and how much she wished for his happiness. He didn’t have to say anything for her to know how much he loved her and that he would always take care of her and that she would always be his sister.
“Come on,” she said at last, voice thick. “Let’s go get you married.”
Lucille took a step forward from where she stood by the door, clipboard in hand. “I sent everybody else down to the cars already so you two can have a moment. We’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”
For practicality’s sake, the couple and their witnesses were all going to City Hall together in the limo, while the others went ahead to the reception. Lucille ushered Juleka and Anarka our and to the elevator, leaving Luka alone. 
Well. Not quite alone. Suddenly there was a small floating rainbow of tiny gods stretched across his living room. “We give you all the blessings we can bestow on this day,” Wayzz spoke for them.
“Oh, it’s so beautiful!” cried Duusu, darting back and forth in her excitement. “Love is so beautiful!”
“Thanks, friends,” Luka smiled. “Really.” Wayzz nodded, and the kwamis zipped back out of the room, except for Sass, who took his place in Luka’s pocket.
Luka crossed the hall to Juleka’s apartment and stood there for a moment, just trying to breathe, outside the door. 
“She isss the sssame woman you loved yesssterday,” Sass said quietly, peeping out from his pocket. 
“Yeah,” Luka said with a lopsided smile. “But now she’s all dressed up and we’re getting married.”
The kwami chuckled. “Indeed.”
“Okay,” Luka said, feeling his breathing speed up in spite of himself. “Okay, here we go.” He knocked on the door, and then let himself in. 
“Marinette?” he called softly.
“In here,” she answered, and he went a little further into the apartment. She was standing in the light of the living room window, nearly glowing in her fitted white dress, her modest train artfully arranged behind her. Her hair was elaborately piled up and adorned with a tiara that he recognized as Rose’s. Her miraculous was in her ears, of course, and the blue seaglass pendant lay against her collarbone. 
Marinette smiled with trembling lips. “They posed me like a statue and made me promise not to move until you came in.”
“You look stunning,” he told her honestly. “I’m almost afraid to touch you.” 
She held her hands out to him and he quickly crossed the room to take them. “You’re shaking,” he observed.
“I’m going to lose my mind if we don’t do this soon,” she admitted, and they laughed together.
Luka raised her fingers to his lips and kissed all of them reverently. “Then let’s go, before we both fall to pieces,” he said, offering her his arm. 
The ride to City Hall was a blur. All he remembered was Marinette’s fingers gripping his as tightly as he held hers. 
Once they stepped inside, everything seemed to go in fast forward until he heard the mayor say, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” 
The words gave Luka a swooping feeling in his stomach and his knees went weak. He looked at Marinette and she met his eyes with the same awed look on her face. Then they both broke into huge smiles and threw their arms around each other. Luka sighed deeply as he hugged her, the butterflies in his stomach disappearing into a profound sense of relief that felt like stepping into his apartment for the first time after a three-month tour. ”I love you,” he whispered into her hair, and felt her snuggle closer. Then she lifted her face and he kissed her reverently. The mayor had to clear his throat before Luka could manage to let her go. As soon as he did, she was enveloped by her parents. Luka wiped his eyes discreetly as Lucille shuffled them off to another room, and chuckled when he saw Juleka doing the same. 
Heaven help them if the world ever found out what a bunch of softies the Couffaines were under their punk-goth-pirate exteriors.
Juleka hugged Marinette and gave Luka a wicked smile over his new wife’s shoulder. “Marinette’s my favorite,” Juleka told him smugly. Luka just laughed and put his arms around the both of them, kissing each on the top of her head, and then turned to give Rose the same treatment. The moment he turned away from her he was caught up into the most epic bear hug of his life courtesy of Tom. He’d have laughed again if he could get enough air. Sabine pounced as soon as Tom set his feet back on the ground, and damn if the small woman didn’t hug him almost as hard as Tom. 
“Whew,” Luka put his hand on his chest when Sabine released him and grinned at Marinette. At his wife. “I’m going to have to step up my hug game now that I’m part of the family.”  
Marinette giggled and moved toward him, but Juleka caught her arm. “Nuh-uh. We’ve got a party to get to and if you go over there now it’ll take a crowbar to separate you.” She spun Marinette towards the door. “Let me remind you that Maman is waiting, and keeping Maman waiting with nothing to entertain her is unwise.”  
Rose gasped and Luka winced. “She’s right, we better go,” he admitted, offering his hand—to his wife.   
“If we must,” Marinette sighed, but she was smiling brightly as she put her hand in his. “I suppose your adoring fans and annoying followers are waiting for us too.”
Luka grinned at her. “Just this once, shall we give them what they want?”
Marinette flashed him a grin. “Lead the way, husband.” He had to grab her up and kiss her for that, much to Lucille’s frustration, and it took another minute to get her smoothed back out and camera ready. 
Luka didn’t make the least effort to hide his joy or his love for Marinette as they emerged from City Hall into the bright morning light and cascade of camera clicks together, hand in hand. He wanted everyone to see it. They smiled and waved, and Luka bent Marinette back (not into a full dip this time, just enough to make the folds of her dress fall in elegant points toward the ground, like they’d practiced) and kissed her tenderly. Then he bent down and she jumped on his back, the two of them laughing as he piggybacked her through the path their security team cut to the limo, trailed by the long-suffering Lucille and the rest of the wedding party. 
Luka waved everyone else into the limo before him, and then turned and waved one more time to his fans, though he couldn’t see much past the cameras. Then he slid into the car next to Marinette and locked their fingers together. 
Somehow Marinette and Lucille had conspired to rent them a boat instead of a party hall. The Liberty was too small to hold all the guests, but Lucille had found them a boat with a stage and a largely flat deck made for dancing. It had the benefit of letting them have their wedding outdoors while keeping them secure from party crashers and reporters. The Seine had always been a huge part of Luka’s life, and he was glad to be on the water for such a momentous occasion. 
Most of the guests were already on the boat, and Luka made his grand entrance over a gangplank decorated in flowers and ribbons with Anarka on his arm, trailed by Juleka and Rose, and then Marinette’s parents escorted her across. 
The ship cast off and everything was a whirl for a while. They exchanged rings on the stage and spoke simple, sincere vows in front of all their gathered friends and loved ones. Luka danced with both his mother and sister, a three-person Scottish reel they’d danced together since he was a child, performed this time with so much gusto and at such a tempo that it left all three of them laughing and breathless (he had no idea where Nino had dug up that track but he was going to have to get a copy). Tom waltzed Marinette around the room with such enthusiasm that Luka wasn’t entirely sure her feet actually touched the floor at any point. 
Then Marinette was in his arms again, and he was so lost in her eyes that he missed Jagged beginning to play at the piano until her smile turned teasing and her eyebrows lifted. Luka wasn’t the best dancer, but it didn’t matter; all he wanted was to hold her close and let the music move them. Marinette seemed to feel the same, resting her head on his shoulder with a little sigh of contentment as the rest of the party was invited to join them on the dance floor. 
Luka gave her up to Adrien for a dance with only a little reluctance. Luka understood now better than he ever had how deep their bond ran. Before Adrien took Marinette to the dance floor, he leaned close to Luka and held open his coat for a moment. “Plagg wants to talk to you,” Adrien whispered, and a black blur shot from his coat to Luka’s. “Better find somewhere private, he’s not patient,” Adrien warned. 
Luka excused himself at the first opportunity to the men’s room, which was thankfully empty, and the black blur popped out of his coat and hovered in front of him, looking unimpressed. “So,” the little cat kwami said, more intimidating than anything that cute had a right to be. “You married my Guardian.”
Luka nodded warily. “I did.”
“I know Sass is all about second chances and that crap,” Plagg said, rolling to float on his back for a moment, and then sitting up to hover right in front of Luka’s eyes, his own cat-green eyes narrowed. “I’m just telling you now, I don’t go for that. I’m destruction, you got it? There won’t be any second chances with me. So you better take care of my Guardian, understand?”
Luka lifted his eyebrows. “Did you have this talk with Adrien?”
“One, that’s none of your business. Two, my kitten has extenuating circumstances. Three, you bet your ass we had words about what went down before. But I like him, so all I did was give him shit luck for a few months. You can ask him how much fun that was.” Plagg narrowed his eyes again. “I don’t like you. I don’t know you. If I hear from Marinette or Tikki that you stepped one single toe out of line—”
“Are you quite finissshed?” Sass popped his head out of Luka’s breast pocket. “Enough posssturing, cat. You made your point. The Guardian isss resssponsssible for much greater decisionsss than this. Do you trussst her judgement so little?” Sass huffed, and Luka would have said the kwami stuck his nose in the air if he’d had one. “Or mine?”
“Yeah well I’ve been around for a few thousand cycles longer than you, fangs, and even smart women can be stupid about the men they love,” Plagg spat. “So there’s no harm in making things clear from the start, right?”
“Fine,” Sass huffed. “You have done ssso. Now return to your bearer and leave mine to me.”
The little cat folded his flipper arms and did stick his nose in the air. Before the cat could say anything else, Luka interrupted. “Plagg—Thanks. For everything you and Chat Noir did back then. For all that I’m sure you do for Adrien now. And especially for looking out for Marinette. I really appreciate it.”
“Didn’t do it for you,” Plagg mumbled. 
“Even so. Come on, let’s get you back to Adrien. I want my wife back. No offense, but I don’t think this was a fair trade.” Luka grinned.
Plagg made a noise that might have been a chuckle if he weren’t trying to act tough, and zipped back under cover.
“Charming friend you’ve got there,” Luka commented as he found Adrien.
“Sorry,” Adrien shrugged. “I hope he wasn’t too awful.”
“It was fine.” Luka stepped close for a moment to let Plagg slip back, and then moved away. “All the same, I think you can keep him and I’ll go find my wife.”
Adrien grinned. “She had her ‘up to something’ grin on, so good luck with that.” 
“Oh boy,” Luka sighed, but he was grinning as he said it. He hunted through the crowd, stopping for handshakes and backslaps and congratulations. Really, considering the short notice they’d given, a surprising number of people had been able to attend. There were a fair number of industry people here that Luka had felt kind of obligated to invite, but the crowd was mostly friends and loved ones of friends, and that was perfect.
He finally found Marinette conspiring with Nino. “Now what are you up to?” Luka asked, slipping an arm around his wife. 
Marinette grinned up at him. “I just think we should take a quick peek back at where all this started.”
“Oh my God,” Luka laughed, as the big screen over the currently empty stage lit up and a familiar kittycorn logo flashed up on screen. “You didn’t.” 
“Of course I did,” Marinette giggled, as Kitty Section’s very first music video played, the one they had sent to Bob Roth’s contest all those years ago. 
“Wow, that brings back memories,” Luka sighed. He looked at the stage, and then spotted Juleka moving through the crowd near him. “Hey Jules,” he bellowed, more than loud enough to get her attention. She turned toward him with an exasperated expression and Luka nodded at the stage with a grin. “What do you think?”
Juleka grinned back. “I’ll get Rose.”
“Nino, tell them to get the mics live up there,” Luka instructed, and then he kissed Marinette’s cheek and headed for the stage. Juleka and Rose were right behind him as he picked up his guitar and slung it over his shoulder. He stepped up to the microphone and tapped it. “Turn me up guys,” he hollered, waving at the sound techs. They jumped to it and the microphone crackled to life. “There we go,” Luka grinned. “Adrien, come on up here. Hey Mylène,” Luka called. “Can I borrow Ivan for a minute?” Mylène smiled and shooed Ivan toward the stage. “Come on up here big guy.” Ivan rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, but the way he spun the drumsticks between his fingers told Luka he wasn’t too out of practice.
“All right,” Luka surveyed his former bandmates, every one of them grinning widely, even Juleka. “You ready, Rose?” At her thumbs up, he grinned back at Ivan. “Count us off, man. No, wait,” he held up a hand, and turned back to the crowd. “We’re still missing somebody. Marinette, get up here, baby.” He grinned. “You’ve always been my unicorn.” There was a chorus of “aww’s” and a few laughing “eews” as Marinette made her way to the stage. She came to stand beside Luka, and he put his arm around her waist and kissed her temple. “All right, let’s do this. Go for it, Ivan.” He released Marinette and slid his guitar into position. 
“YOU KNOW I LOVE UNICORNS,” Rose belted, proving the years had not diminished her lung capacity in the slightest. Luka joined in, improvising a harmony to the old but familiar vocals as he sang to a laughing Marinette. It wasn’t a perfect performance, they were all a little rusty, but it was more fun than Luka had had in years. 
Afterwards, Adrien and Ivan relinquished their places to Luka’s regular backup, and he had someone bring up a stool for Marinette so she could be comfortable. He wanted her close to him. She put her hands over his mouth in surprise as he played the opening riff he’d been working on, and he winked at her as he stepped up to the mic. This was his first ever performance of Lightning on the Water and he wanted it to be perfect. Luka knew how to play an audience, but this one time, he ignored them and sang just for Marinette. The crowd of guests was nearly silent as his guitar mimicked sparks dancing over the water, and he sang in low, smokey tones about the draw of deadly beauty, buzzing over his skin, the desire to dive deep and never come up again.
The silence lasted for a long moment after he finished.
He was still staring into Marinette’s eyes when a whoop came from the crowd that he immediately recognized as Jagged. “Now that’s a hit, kid!” the older rock star hollered. “I’m pissed I didn’t write it myself!”
Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere lightened. “You can go down if you want,” Luka whispered to Marinette, and she shook her head.
“Just this once, I want to stay up here with you for a while,” she whispered back, squeezing his arm. 
“Kiss her!” someone screamed (Marinette’s grandmother, Luka thought), and laughing, Luka did. 
“What do you want me to play next?” he asked her, and she pulled him down to speak in his ear. “Yeah, I can play it,” Luka chuckled. “Too bad Clara couldn’t make it, but we’ll make do.” He stepped back to the mic. “You guys remember this one, right?” He played the opening to Miraculous.
The guests remembered the song and the dance that went with it, and Marinette danced beside him as they belted the lyrics into the microphone together. Luka had to catch the stand once when she knocked into it, but he was well versed in keeping things rolling over those kinds of incidents, so aside from a little laughter, the show went on.
Luka hadn’t planned a set list, hadn’t exactly planned an impromptu concert at all, but this was who he was, and this was what he did. When his heart got too full, it overflowed in music, and it was pouring over today. And this wasn’t like the concerts he was used to playing. This was his friends and the people he loved, a party just like they used to have in the old days. They rolled through song after song, some he’d written and some of their old favorites from other artists, some that came to his mind and others shouted at him from the crowd, and he let his happiness and love shine through in all of them. He bounced with the drumbeat pounded behind him as he belted, “I don’t care what people might think, I got your name in permanent ink—” Marinette leaned up to sing the next line with him. “Baby this ship ain't never gonna sink!” they hollered into the mic together, and he went on as Marinette laughed, dancing with her hands over her head and the beads on her white dress sparkling in the sun, “Just kiss me like nobody’s watching! Yeah people are talking, it doesn’t matter what they say. Just kiss me in the middle of the street to let the whole world see that there’s nobody else for me!” 
Of course Jagged couldn’t stay out of things for long, but by the time he leapt up on the stage, Luka was ready to let him take over. He held his wife’s hand as they went back down for more dancing and hugs and congratulations, but it was all a haze to Luka after that. Playing had finally drained off all that excess buzz he’d been carrying around all day and tucked his soul back into his body, and he just felt...peace. Peace, and maybe a little bit of impatience to be back at home with the love of his life and the weight of this day.
Jagged relinquished the stage at last to Anarka, Juleka, and Rose, who sang a beautiful three part harmony of The Parting Glass as the ship came back into dock, and then it was a long string of goodbyes and la bise before they finally found themselves alone in the car back to Luka’s apartment—their apartment.
It felt intensely quiet after all the excitement, and Luka found himself grateful for it. He slipped his arms around Marinette’s waist and she lay against his chest. They cuddled in silence all the way home. As soon as they were out of the limo, Luka scooped her up. Marinette protested, laughing, as he carried her into the building, up the elevator, and all the way up to the apartment.
“You’re wearing yourself out for nothing,” Marinette told him as she dug through his pocket, looking for his keys. 
“All that time at the gym might as well be good for something,” he said as she unlocked the door for them. “You’re heavier than you look with all that superhero muscle, but you’re still pretty light.” Marinette pushed the door open, and he carried her inside.
Luka set her down gently on the couch, and then sank down beside her, stroking her cheek tenderly. They kissed softly for a moment, and then curled together again. Sass and Tikki zipped out of their hiding places, and with a quick cheek cuddle for each of them and a whisper of congratulations, the kwamis made themselves scarce. The hem of Marinette's dress was grey with dirt, her hair was coming loose, and when she smiled up at him he could see the exhaustion on her face. Luka smoothed the loose hair away from her eyes. “We’re married,” he said softly.
“Yeah,” she smiled up at him.
“Now what?"
“I don’t know,” Marinette put her hands under her chin on his chest and blinked up at him. “Never been married before. It was fun but I’m kind of worn out. Maybe you can help me get out of all this stuff and we can go take a nice warm bath and relax, and we’ll see how we feel after that.”
“That sounds amazing.” He nuzzled her temple. “My wife is a genius.”
Marinette giggled. “My husband is a sweetheart.” 
“God, say that again,” Luka breathed, putting his arms around her. 
“My husband,” Marinette murmured, smiling.
“My wife.” 
“Marinette D.C. Couffaine.”
“I love it.” He kissed her softly, and then couldn’t make himself pull away until he was out of breath. “Let’s get the bath running, and then I’ll help you get rid of all this stuff.” 
Marinette giggled. “I should warn you there are about fifty thousand pins in my hair. It might take a while.”
“Then the bath should be full by the time we’re done.” He cupped her face and kissed her. “I love you so much, Marinette.”
“Don’t make me cry before we get the makeup off, Luka,” Marinette smiled shakily. 
“You know I don’t care,” he scoffed. “Come on.” Luka pulled her up gently.  
Luka sat her down at the vanity, turned on the bath water, and then crouched beside her and helped her clean the makeup from her face. Together they found and removed all of the pins in her hair, and Luka brushed it carefully. One by one he unhooked the seemingly unending line of buttons down the back of her dress and helped her out of it, and he quickly became distracted with kissing and touching her, until she pushed him away, giggling, to turn off the bath before it ran over. Marinette slipped on a robe and left him, pouting slightly, to get undressed on his own. He forgave her though when she came back with two glasses of champagne and slipped into the bath with him. 
“I don’t think I told you with everything else that was going on,” he commented as she leaned back against him, “My album proposal was approved. They loved the demo tracks I did.”
“Of course they did,” Marinette sighed, laying her head back on his shoulder. “What are you going to call it?”
“Second Chance,” he told her with a smile. 
Marinette craned her neck to smile back at him. “Perfect.”
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a65232-joshywoshy · 4 years
  Colorado Crybaby
Chapter 5
     It was dark before they knew it. They had just sat and talked for hours. Halfway through the afternoon, they had ordered pizza and ate it. After eating and talking all afternoon the two were too tired to do anything else. 
     “I wish I didn’t have to go home.” Penny looked genuinely sad. She didn’t want to go back to her apartment. She really loved Rachael’s house.
      “Then don’t. You’re coming back over here tomorrow, right? Just stay here.” 
      “But I don’t have clean clothes.”
      “You’re about my size, right? You could borrow some of my clothes.”
      “Hmm.” Penny pretended to measure Rachael’s clothes, trying to guess if she could fit into them. “I guess so. So we can have a sleepover! Yay!”
      “Yay!” Rachael was excited. Her friend was going to spend the night. “Hey. I didn’t finish showing you the rest of the house yet.” Rachael had gone so long without a friend coming over to her place to visit.
      “I guess we got too busy talking.” Penny slowly worked to stand up. “I’ll definitely want to use that big bathtub you told me about, though. I am gross.”
      “Yeah. I can smell you from over here.” Rachael teased.
      “While we walk, tell me more about your ABDL side. We didn’t get into that very much. We kinda ended up jumping to other things.”
      “Oh. Well, um...” Rachael jumped up and showcased her kitchen.
      “You have a nice kitchen. You’re stalling, though. Walk and talk, girl.”
      “Okay.” Rachael looked at the floor. “I’m more on the AB side, I guess. It’s fun to be little. I spent this whole last week hating myself for this, but you were right. What exactly did you say? You said, like...”
      “Don’t hate who you are.”
      “Yeah. That’s it. Check out my office.” Rachael gestured to the empty room. 
      “I saw you hating yourself at work. And I still love that chandelier. I saw how… your light was out. You were just on full autopilot all week. ‘Yes ma’am’, ‘no sir’, ‘I’ll prepare that report right away’.”
      “It was great, right?”
      “Sweetheart, no. I know you. You always have that… that personality in your work. You have that flair in all your interactions. I didn’t see that. I’m so glad I’m here with you, getting to see you cheering up. Please don’t be a robot again.”
      “Oh.” Rachael thought back to the week previous. Every task was executed well, but Penny was right. She had lost her usual flair at work. Her week-long effort to be more adult had turned her into a drone. 
      “Kid, I know you hate what happened in Anaheim, and yes, you should probably be a little more careful with the things you bring to work, but… one bad experience should not extinguish you like that.”
      They stopped in the upstairs hallway.
      “Rachael Corsten. You are my best friend and I love you. Please, don’t beat yourself up just because some neanderthals can’t handle your truth. Yes, you’re ABDL. But you’re also a strong, confident, independent woman who knows how to handle herself.”
      Rachael wanted to argue about what her ABDL side has done to her over the years. But she knew that wasn’t fair to say about herself. There was a calm that swept inside her. It seemed to flow from Penny. As Rachael stood there in the hallway, she knew she should feel upset, but she didn’t. Still looking at the ground, she told Penny, “No one’s ever told me that before.”
      “Told you what, sweety?”
      The calm was slowly being replaced with something else inside Rachael. It was a positive feeling. Glee, she thought. Penny had complimented her and it felt amazing. Not only that, but Penny just reassured her that ABDL and proper adult behavior could coexist. 
      “No one’s ever told me that I’m an adult and ABDL in the same sentence. Like, I’ve always known that, but, hearing it out loud… makes it real, I guess. Like I have the ability to feel that way now. Like I’m not at odds with myself now.”
      “That’s right, girl. Yes.”
      They wandered into the master bedroom.
      “Can I get my pajamas now?”
      “Oh! Yes. Sorry.” Rachael laughed. “Distracted.”
      “That’s fair. Can I use your soap?”
      “Of course.”
      Rachael started searching for pajamas while Penny sat on the bed and looked around the room. 
      “Girl, you need a mirror in here. A full length mirror. That dresser mirror is too high up for you. I’m not even that short and it’s too high for me. Weird.”
      The mirror was mounted on the back of the dresser, but the dresser had 5 drawers below it, instead of the usual 3 or 4. It almost seemed like the dresser was designed with a taller person in mind. When Penny stood in front of it, her reflection stopped at her elbows.
      “There’s a lot of touches like that in this house. Weird furniture and features. Did you look in the closet in here? It’s some kind of work bench, apparently. I’m sorry. Your PJ options are either ‘Baby’ or My Little Pony.”
      “Ooh! My Little Pony, please.”
      “You’re not embarrassed to wear My Little Pony PJ’s? I know I’m embarrassed that that’s all I have for you to wear.”
      “It doesn’t bother me. Time for me to get clean.”
      “It takes a minute to get warm.” Rachael watched Penny walk into the bathroom, then thought about what exactly she was watching. She had been unintentionally looking at Penny’s butt. She didn’t mean to. Her eyes just naturally directed themselves towards it. Penny hadn’t noticed, and the door was closed now. Rachael was slightly embarrassed, having just stared at her co-workers butt. Even more so for staring at another girl’s butt. She was straight, she thought. She turned on the TV. It was still on The Weather Channel. Adult. I’m an adult. Cool. But also kind of a baby. Yes. Both. At once. Together. The weather was going to be nice for their shopping trip tomorrow.
      “Well, they’re a little snug on me.”
      Before Rachael had realized, Penny had finished her bath.
      “Your bathtub is AMAZING, by the way.”
      Penny opened the bathroom door and Rachael looked up from the TV. Penny had squeezed into the pajamas. The shirt wrapped snugly around Penny’s breasts and the shorts seemed shorter now, as they stopped at the top of her inner thigh.
      Rachael stared. Penny looks great in my pajamas. Her thoughts kept getting stuck, though. When her eyes traced over Penny’s chest or hips, her brain just paused. It took in every curve and stretched seam of the outfit. The last time someone wore clothes that fit this snugly, it may have been funny. This wasn’t funny to Rachael, but it wasn’t serious, either. The clothes… just looked great. Rachael’s attention was pulled back into the bedroom.
      “Yeah? What?”
      Penny snickered. “I said your name 3 times.”
      “What? No. You just said it once.”
      Penny noticed that Rachael’s eyes were once again focused on her chest.
      “Oh, sweetheart. This makes sense with what I’ve seen before, and it’s now confirmed.”
      “What makes sense?” Rachael fought hard to keep her attention on Penny’s face. She still didn’t understand why focusing her attention was so hard.
      “Rachael, you said you had a boyfriend before, right?”
      “Yeah, I did.” 
      “So you’re straight?”
      The implication brought Rachael’s attention back to normal. 
      “Yeah. I’m... oh... Oh.”
      “Sweetheart, I put on some tight pajamas and you just lost your mind.”
      Rachael started to get embarrassed. 
      “I, um, I… but you, I mean…”
      “And now you’re stuttering,” Penny laughed and went to sit on the bed. “Yep, I’m calling it now. You’re Bi.”
      “I mean, but,”
      “And it’s also been a long day, so why don’t we go to sleep now.”
      “Yeah, sleep... Why can’t I make words?!” Rachael was beginning to get frustrated that Penny’s body, the body she had seen for the last several years at work, seemed to be doing this to her suddenly. 
      “You’ll calm down in a little bit, I’m sure. I definitely want to learn more about this tomorrow. My girl Rachael is bisexual? Oh, yes. I am loving the front row seat to the inner workings of Rachael. Yes.”
       “Yeah. We go sleep now.” Great. Now I’m babytalking. Rachael was even more embarrassed.
       “Oh, yes. You are so adorable right now. You don’t even know. Are you going to change, first?”
      “Oh, right. Pajamas.” 
      Rachael started to take her clothes off to change. Her brain didn’t register that her co-worker was in the room still. She was given a task and an internal instinct commanded her to carry out the task above all else.
      “Whoa! I know we’re getting to know each other better, but…”
      Rachael’s mind caught up to the situation and her face turned bright red with embarrassment. 
      “I’m so sorry I’m so sorry.”
      Rachael rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. She quickly did her business and changed. A fog slowly started to lift from her head. She had just tried to strip naked in front of her co-worker! What was I thinking?!?! But she wasn’t. She couldn’t. After seeing Penny in such a form fitting outfit, a chain reaction had started in her head that turned Rachael into mush. She finished up in the bathroom, then slowly, sheepishly walked towards her side of the bed.
      Penny started to get under the covers and motioned for Rachael to do the same. Rachael had no hesitation about following Penny’s suggestion. It’s almost as if Penny was controlling her right now.
      “You’re so blushy right now, sweety.”
      Rachael slowly slid under the covers. She faced away from Penny. Penny’s attention was locked on Rachael now.
      “Are you okay, Rachael? I didn’t break you, did I?”
      “I’m…” Rachael cleared her throat and took a breath. “I’m good. My brain is super fried right now. Let’s just, uh, sleep. And forget any of this ever happened.” Rachael pulled the covers over her head.
      “Aww. Poor blushy thing. Get some rest. We have A LOT to talk about tomorrow. And these pajamas are mine now. They apparently have magic powers.”
      They both snickered at that and began to wind down to sleep. Penny was asleep in minutes. Rachael stayed awake just a little longer. She lay awake listening to Penny breathe while she slept. It was slow, quiet and rhythmic. Rachael felt like it was foreign, yet it was somehow also a soothing lullaby for Rachael. The two slept soundly all night long.
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fxkthatdairy · 4 years
The Principal’s Office: Part Two ~Grayson Dolan
Overview: (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) was the new 5th grade history teacher at The Dolan’s Private academy in New Jersey. She moved from across the country to teach at the school. On the first day, an unexpected visitor stops by her classroom to check in on her. What happened when they fall head over heels for each other? Check out to see.
Warnings: None in this chapter
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(Y/N)’s alarm began to ring at 5:30 in the morning. She rolled out of her bed and turned her alarm off. She stretched out before walking into her bathroom. Today was her first day teaching and she was excited and nervous at the same time. This was her first job as a teacher and she didn’t know how the kids would like her. Then she realized that Grayson would be there and her heart started racing. She snapped herself out of it realizing he would never be with her. Reason one was the fact that he was technically her boss and reason number two was the fact rarely did the hot guys fall for the history nerd who’s never even had a boyfriend before. She sighed and stripped from her pajamas and stepped in the shower. She took a quick shower and got out and dried off. She did her normal morning routine, curled her hair and slipped into her first day outfit which was a pair of dark green jeans with a white button down and gray sweater on top of that, a pair of nude flats and her purse(visual below).
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She grabbed everything that she was going to need including all of her lesson plans for the week, her laptop, her phone cord, her good pens that she specifically bought for grading, and a few little decors to make her room unique. She moved all her stuff to her car and began heading to work. The school was about 20 minutes away from her house and she used those 20 minutes to mentally prepare herself for this day. When she arrived at the school she parked in the teachers parking lot and grabbed all of her things and made sure to throw her lanyard with her ID on it so that she was able to get into the school. She scanned her badge and quickly looked to see what hall she was on and what her room number was: 319. She walked down the long hallway until she reached the 300 hall and walked down in finding room 319. She room was larger than the rooms that she remembered from her fifth grade classes but then again she attended a public school. The room had rows of desks, a large white board, a projector screen, plenty of closet space, a beautiful white desk with a fairly comfortable leather chair, and a huge computer monitor. She placed her bag down beside her desk. It was now around 7:15 and she had an hour and 15 minutes until school started. She began pulling out the stuff she had brought to decorate her classroom and desk. She placed her pictures in her desk that included the pictures from her graduation, her family pictures, a picture of her and her mom, and many of her at historic sites. She plugged in her essential oil machine and put in a slight bit of peppermint oil in. She began hanging her history posters and maps from every topic in the semester and wrote her name on the white board in cursive. She also set up the calendar that she had bought and arranged the desks how she liked them.
“You’re here fairly early. I thought I was the only one here this early.” A voice said from the door way. That voice belonged to the one and only Grayson Dolan; the principal of the school.
“Yeah, I wanted to make some personal touches and make sure I was prepared for the day. I hope you don’t mind.” She said as she noticed he was looking around.
“These photos are beautiful. You seem very passionate about History and your family. I find that very admirable Ms (Y/L/N).” He said. Her heart fluttered almost out of her chest.
“Thank you sir. My mom has always been there for me. History has been apart of my life since as long as I can remember.” She said and made sure everything was in order before she walked back over to her desk.
“Well I’ll swing by later to check on you and see how you are doing. Maybe I can bring you lunch around lunch time. Have a fantastic day (Y/N).” He said and with that he was gone. The one thing (Y/N) didn’t know was that Grayson Dolan was absolutely in love with her. He felt a connection with her that he’s never felt before.
It was now 8:15 and she had 15 minutes until her first class of the day would arrive. She sat down in her leather chair and turned the projector on and pulled up her welcoming PowerPoint that she spent a good three hours making. Her plan for today was to introduce herself to the class and get to know some of her students. She then went and stood in front of her door to welcome the children into the classroom. The school bell rang indicating that school had begun and she had five minutes before all her kids needed to be in her classroom. As all of her students filled her room she welcomed them with a warm smile and handshake. The tardy bell rang and she shut her door making sure that it locked in compliance of school rules.
“Good Morning and welcome back to school. I hope each and every one of you had a fantastic weekend and let me be the first to welcome you to fifth grade History. My name is Ms. (Y/L/N) and I’m so ready for this year with you guys. Now it’s time for role.” (Y/N) spoke and everyone was present so she sent in attendance and then grabbed the remote to change the slides as she stood to introduce herself to the class.
“So I thought instead of giving you guys work on the first day, that we would take this time to get to know each other starting with myself. If you can not tell, this is my first year here and by my accent you can tell I am not from around here. I actually moved here from Oklahoma and this is my first year teaching actually. I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma with my mom and sister and brother, I’m 25 years old and I went to school at Oklahoma University on a full scholarship ride. I’ve been to almost every historical monument in the United States and have met several past presidents. I also am a very hands on teacher and I’ll try and start bringing some historical artifacts that I’ve collected over the years next week but it depends on if I can get them out of my moving boxes. Now does anyone want to share anything about themselves.” (Y/N) spoke. About 10 kids hands shot up. She called on the first kid she saw. He was sitting in the front row and looked like an athletic kid.
“My name is Thomas and I played football and baseball all summer and I made the All Regional Leauge in town. Also why history?” He asked.
“Well I was never good at math so I knew that would not be an option. I liked English but I didn’t want to grade a lot of essays. The only science I ever really got into was medical science and I’m terrified of blood and needles so I fell in love with history. Plus everything has history, your family, your town, even your pets have history. History is all around us and it shapes the world today.” She said and a few more kids shared their stories and soon there was only five minutes left of class. She grabbed the packet of information to send home to their parents about the class and passed them out.
“Please get these signed and returned between tomorrow and Friday. Have a fantastic rest of the day and I can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow.” She said as the bell rang. The next three classes went that way and now it was time for lunch. She sat down at her desk and rubbed her sore feet from standing. There was a knock on her door and then the door opened revealing Grayson.
“I brought lunch. I hope you don’t mind. I brought some chicken salads.” He said with a smile as he handed her a salad.
“Thank you so much.” She said with a smile on her face.
“So how’s your first day been so far?” He said as he pulled up a chair to your desk so that he can eat.
“It’s been wonderful. The students have been so respectful and amazing. This job means a lot to me and it’s perfect. I’ve had no problems at all today except the pain in my feet from standing but I can get over that soon.” She said with a laugh.
Grayson laughed as well with one of his gorgeous smiles, “Well that’s good. I’m glad you’re enjoying this. Sometimes the students are a little too much to handle when you get into the higher grades especially. Apparently I’m almost every 8th grade girls crush and it’s honestly kind of creepy some days. I’m 30 for Christ sakes.” He said with a laugh.
(Y/N) laughed remembering her awkward phase in 8th grade when she thought she was going to marry Tom Cruise. “It’s just something they go through during that awkward transition in life. I went through it, my sister went through it, I’m pretty sure my mother went through it. That’s why I picked fifth grade, they have no clue or really no interests in relationships.”
“That’s true. Well lunch is almost over and I would love to get to know you more other than helping you move in. I would like to take you out to dinner this Saturday. I’ll give you time to think about it and no hard feelings if you say no. I’ll text you the details later. Have a great rest of the day (Y/N).” He said as he put his chair back where he got it and left the room. Her heart and mind were spinning. He has just asked her on a dinner date. Her BOSS just asked her on a dinner date. The man who stole her heart with a smile asked her on a dinner date. She couldn’t even fully function. She quickly shook out of it as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. She finished off the rest of her classes before 4:30 came and she was finally able to go home. She grabbed all of her belongings and made sure everything was off before heading home. She stopped and grabbed her something to eat before heading back to her house due to the fact that she has no groceries at home. When she got home she processed long and hard about her current situation. She went to bed that night replaying every possible outcome in her head whether she said yes or no. As she was laying down her phone buzzed: One New message from Grayson Dolan.
Hey (Y/N), it’s Grayson. I would love to take you to Juliane’s Seafood and Steakhouse this Saturday night at 7:30 to get to know you more. I really hope you come, I really enjoy hearing your stories and you intrigue me. Once again no harsh feelings if you don’t want to go. It’s only if you feel comfortable. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your night. Anyways have a good night and see you tomorrow 🙂
(Y/N) thought long and hard with her decision and finally responded....
That was part two! Sorry for the cliffhanger but hey it builds suspense ☺️ I’m really enjoying how this story is turning out and I hope you guys are too 😊 part three will be out in the next few days.
Tags: @pineappledols @frickin-bats @graysavant
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singledarkshade · 4 years
Rip Hunter Bingo Challenge
The RBACL Rip Hunter Bingo Challenge gave me the below Bingo Card:
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I couldn’t get five in a row but I did managed 5 fics from the above prompts.
1.       Rip’s Coat
 “Miranda,” Rip called as he searched the closet, “Where is my duster?”
“Where you left it,” his wife called back.
Sighing annoyed, Rip headed to check the other wardrobe. It was a long brown coat, and the house was not that big. Why couldn’t he find it?
“I don’t know where it is,” she said from behind him making him jump. She chuckled, “I fear for the timeline with your observational skills.”
Rip frowned at her, “Rather than mocking me, can you help me find it? I have to leave in the next ten minutes or Druce will start asking questions.”
“Well there’s two of us and one of it,” she grinned, stretching up to kiss him, “Let’s divide and conquer. Check the hall cupboard.”
Rip nodded and did as ordered, sighing that he still couldn’t find it. He knew he didn’t need the coat to do his job, it was not the uniform he was meant to wear, but to be honest he liked having it.
It gave him confidence to do all the things he needed to do.
“Rip,” Miranda called suddenly, “Come see this.”
Turning he saw her standing at the door to Jonas’ room. Moving to her side, Rip stalled to see their four-year-old son on his bed wearing Rip’s coat pretending to fly a timeship.
“I told you,” Miranda murmured, leaning against him, “You’re his hero.”
Rip smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his wife before he stepped into the room.
“Hey, Little Man,” Rip crouched in front of his son, “What are you doing?”
Jonas grinned at him, “Flying your ship, Daddy.”
Rip nodded, “Oh, I bet you’re a very good pilot.”
“Gid’on said I could fly to the moon,” Jonas reminded him.
“I know,” Rip stroked his son’s hair, “And I promise when I get back, we will go flying but I have to go to work now. And I need my coat.”
A small pout touched Jonas’ face, but he slid off the bed and out the duster. Rip pulled it on before he lifted Jonas into his arms.
“I don’t want to leave you and your mum,” Rip reminded his son, “But the work I do is to protect people. And I miss you every moment I’m away.”
Jonas tucked himself against Rip’s shoulder, holding on tightly while Rip gently rubbed circles on his back.
“Jonas,” Miranda joined them, “Daddy has to go now. Can you give him a big hug bye?”
Two sad blue eyes looked up at him before Jonas hugged him tightly, “Love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too,” Rip murmured, “And I’ll be home before you know it.”
Miranda touched his arm and Rip passed their son to her. Giving her a quick kiss, Rip then kissed the top of Jonas’ head and headed out to the Waverider.
He’d be home soon.
 2.       Young Rip
 Michael was sitting on his bed, arms crossed over his chest, anger radiating from him when Mary opened the door, after knocking as per their agreement.
“I see you’re sulking,” Mary noted as she stepped into the room, “Michael, I’m disappointed in you.”
Turning to her, Michael replied, “I didn’t fail the test. It was rigged.”
“I know, Michael,” she said gently, “It’s meant to be.”
He turned to her sharply, “What?”
“The test is designed so that you can’t pass it,” she explained gently.
Michael snapped, “That’s not fair.”
“I know,” she sympathised.
Mary tried not to smile at annoyance that crossed her son’s face. It was now two years since he’d come to her and he was in many ways so different from the feral child who had been placed in her care, but in others he wasn’t.
“Michael,” she rested her hand on his shoulder, “Are you coming for dinner?”
The annoyed look on his face answered her question. She had told Druce that the boy wasn’t ready for the no-win scenario. Michael was one of the smartest children she’d ever had at the Refuge. He had a way at looking at problems where he found answers in a way no one else thought of.
But he was still just a child, and one who took everything to heart.
“Alright, you know the rules if you don’t have dinner with the rest of us,” Mary told him, “There will be a sandwich in the fridge for you when you decide to eat. I’ll leave you to brood.” Leaning over she kissed the top of his head, “Try not to dwell on it, Michael.”
Leaving him alone for now, Mary let out an annoyed sigh.
Michael had made great strides since he had joined the Refuge two years ago, he no longer carried the penknife on him at all times It was now left under his pillow. He still had nightmares and having the knife made him feel safe.
He had managed to socialise with the other children and looked out for the younger children, while he devoured every piece of information Mary or Druce gave him.
She knew Michael wasn’t ready for the test but Druce had been adamant. And now she worried that this setback had knocked what little confidence he had gained.
Forcing it out of her mind, Mary focussed on making sure the other children in her care were fed.
As they started their meal a creak on the floorboard outside the dining room made her look up and she saw Michael standing there uncertainly.
“Oliver, Tara,” Mary said softly, “Move up and make room for Michael.”
As he slid into his seat, Mary smiled that the boy had come down.
He really had come a long way.
 3.       Magical Mishaps
 “This isn’t my fault,” John protested.
Wiping the slime off his face, Rip frowned, “I disagree.”
“I agree with Rip,” Sara noted, grimacing at the green goo in her blonde hair, “Do you think this will stain?”
Looking at his once white shirt and his precious duster, Rip sighed, “I hope not.”
“This still wasn’t my fault,” John told them.
Rip rolled his eyes, “And I quote ‘This is a simple spell.’”
“‘Nothing will go wrong’,” Sara added.
Rolling his eyes, John hunted his pockets for a cigarette, “I really hate when the two of you agree.”
“Does your communicator work?” Sara asked Rip, ignoring John’s complaints.
Rip frowned and tried to contact Gideon before sighing, “No.”
They turned to John questioningly.
“Not my fault,” John snapped.
Rip pulled out the mobile phone he’d modified for tracking the demon and checked it.
“Your spell created an EMP,” Rip told him, “Which means the courier isn’t going to work.”
Sara turned on John, “We’re miles from the ship and have no car.”
“We should start moving,” Rip said, “Gideon will send someone to check on us if she hasn’t heard anything soon.”
“Really?” Sara demanded, “Since when?”
Rip sighed, “Since day one. Why?” he asked, “She doesn’t do that to you?”
Sara shook her head, “Nope.”
“Lucky you.”
She chuckled before sighing, “Do you know which way the ship is?”
Rip looked around and grimaced, “I think there’s a pub a few streets behind us.”
“I’m in,” Sara said, she glanced at herself then the two men, “Assuming they let us in.”
John sighed as the other two started walking, “This is not my fault.”
 4.       Someone Gets Tied Up
“Sorry,” Rip said, “But I need to use the nail to cut through the ropes since someone lost my knife.”
Ray winced, “I’m sorry.”
“I know, Ray,” Rip sighed, “You didn’t mean to get captured, lose my knife or let the bad guys know we were here.”
Noise outside the cell made Rip look up and wince.
“Are the others coming?” Ray asked at the sound of yelling.
“I truly hope so,” Rip replied with a grimace.
After several more minutes of trying to cut the rope with the nail, Rip gave in and tossed it away.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he said, glancing out the door before he slipped out into the corridors.
It was supposed to be a nice easy mission, but then they were usually the ones that went to hell in a handbasket the fastest. Creeping along the corridor, he grabbed the guard in a choke hold and held on until the man dropped to the ground unconscious. Checking the man, Rip glared annoyed finding that he had Rip’s favourite knife. Retrieving the knife, Rip also grabbed the keys before dragging the body into one of the empty cells.
Creeping back to the cell Ray was sitting in, Rip cut the bonds before sliding the knife back into his boot.
“Let’s go,” Rip ordered, opening the door slowly he heard the sound of bodies hitting the ground. He turned to Ray, “The team are here.”
Ray grinned in relief, “Good.”
“Follow me,” Rip started along the corridor.
“Gideon can heal rope burns, right?”
 5.       Broken Time Drive
 Rip frowned as he stared at the mess in front of him. That was the last time he let Ray fly the ship.
“That does not look good,” Jax said from his side.
“No, it does not,” Rip agreed, glancing up he called, “Gideon.”
“Yes, Captain Hunter?”
He pulled out his tools, “What’s the ETA on repairs?”
“It will take seven hours to repair the engines,” Gideon replied, “But the self-repair systems will not be able to fix the time drive. You and Mr Jackson will need to do that yourself.”
“Any idea how long that will take?” Jax asked.
“Forty-Eight hours,” Gideon replied, “Assuming that you follow my schedule.”
Jax frowned confused, “Schedule?”
“To ensure we eat and sleep,” Rip replied, with a long-suffering sigh, “Gideon, put the schedule up.”
Jax stared at the screen in surprise, “That is detailed.”
“Gideon, I do not need five minutes to rant about the state of the components scheduled,” Rip grimaced.
“I have witnessed it many times, Captain,” Gideon retorted, “And five minutes is on the lower end of the scale. It was a full fifteen the last time.”
Ignoring Jax’s amused smirk, Rip asked, “How’s Miss Lance?”
“Awake,” Gideon replied, “I have her on pain medication for her headache. She has no injuries other than that and the now healed broken arm.”
Rip sighed in relief, “That’s good. Alright make sure she rests while Jax and I get to work.”
Removing the cover to get to the internal components Rip suddenly heard Jax cry.
“Why am I scheduled to go to the medbay in three hours?”
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Quiz: Which Desmond Hall Character Are You?
Last week, I was going to work on finishing my next review, but then my muse pulled me aside and ordered me to write a Desmond Hall personality quiz while threatening me with a conjure doll and silver pin. Not every Desmond Hall character is in this quiz, only the ones that I thought would be the funniest to write. Enjoy!
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1. You have just arrived at an ancient manor house enveloped in darkness that rests atop a sinister network of haunted caves. When you learn this, how do you react? A. Lie in bed for several days while writhing in agony. B. Accept it and keep myself busy while pining for my voodoo island home. C. Act insufferably smug, because soon the house will belong to me. D. Go search for creatures in the caves to alleviate my boredom and satisfy my compulsion to do random disturbing things. E. Barely react at all because the writers have forgotten that I have a personality. F. Swan around while talking to myself about how the manor looks like something out of a storybook. G. Wish that I could live there again, because I've been trapped in a trippy magical closet for months.
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2. The daily newspaper arrives and the headline reads, "GIRL BRUTALLY MURDERED.” What is your response? A. Retreat to my bedchamber and panic loudly about how I hope no one discovers that I’m the murderer. B. Get the body buried and all evidence concealed. C. Observe a moment of silence for my former doxy, then promptly forget she ever existed. D. Cut out the photo of the victim's face, suspend it from a papier-mâché gallows tree, and display it prominently in the foyer. E. Feel moderately concerned for my safety, but not too much. My ghost boyfriend will protect me...maybe. F. Scheme to blackmail the killer into marrying me. G. Wonder, "Was that my brother again?"
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3. Your hobbies include: A. Moping around the manor house in fancy suits and contorting my face as though trying unsuccessfully to relieve myself. B. Reciting dramatic monologues with bits of scenery caught between my teeth! C. Plotting murder, robbery, and the corruption of young maidens while sipping sherry. D. I wander. I visit. I'm here and there. I'm a kind of ghost of Desmond Hall. E. I used to enjoy rebelling, flouncing, and bickering, but I've lost my taste for those. Now I prefer hanging out with old people in a cottage that smells of strange spices. F. Talking to and stroking my sweet little snake. (By which I mean "reptile with no legs and a forked tongue." Get your mind out of the gutter.) G. Necromancy.
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4. Your favorite foods include: A. Bubbly eggs cooked in champagne. Definitely not kippers. B. The cuisine of my native island, before the evil of THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES made all the plants poisonous and killed all the animals! C. My spouse's hors d'oeuvres--but only when I don't have to eat them off the floor. D. Sugar, strawberries and cream, and the very best...*checks Teleprompter*...butter. E. Muffins laced with magical herbs. F. The delicious misery of the man who tried to strangle me and of all the other women who want him. G. I don't eat anymore. I'm a ghost. Food passes right through me--literally.
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5. What turns you on? A. A lover who is unpredictable but not murderously crazy, and who likes to wear lacy nighties. B. I would not know! I have not felt those urges in three hundred years! C. Money. D. Anyone from my preferred gender who actually wants to spend time with me. E. A ghost who behaves like Edward Cullen. F. Jean Paul Desmond! He is the sexiest male character in the history of television. G. Submission and unquestioning devotion. Also, lesbians.
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6. What is your signature look? A. Highly flattering mod suits combined with an unflattering combover. B. A long black Victorian dress. C. A stodgy gray/green suit, which is probably in desperate need of Febreze after being worn three days in a row. D. Turtlenecks. E. Bleached blonde hair and faddish early ‘70s fashions. F. Long pointed fingernails, false eyelashes, and a creepy grin. G. I once hung from the ceiling with my shirt torn open. Does that count?
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7. Everyone has a skeleton in their closet. What is yours? A. Although I want to reach out and help the beautiful young women who come to me, instead my hands reach out to kill! B. I single-handedly cursed my employer's family by signing his grandfather’s (misspelled) name on a pledge to the Dark Lord. C. I am a black widower. D. I used to participate in necromancy rituals with my dear cousin. E. I stole a piece of my mother's jewelry and sold it at a pawn shop. F. I am a priestess of the Serpent God. G. Funny you should mention skeletons. My closet has a literal one hanging in it.
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8. If you had to guess, which of these personages were you most likely in a past life? A. A freebooter possessed by the Devil. B. Myself. C. Henry Seewald--who looks exactly like a toddler version of me--transported back in time via the 49th hexagram. D. Someone named Claude. E. A young girl sacrificed by a priestess who looked like my mother. F. Ophelia, if she were real. G. My great-uncle with the same first name as me, who was allegedly disowned for being a poet.
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9. Your favorite Dark Shadows character is: A. Barnabas Collins. B. Magda Rakosi. C. Nicholas Blair. D. David Collins. E. Carolyn Stoddard. F. Angelique Bouchard. G. Quentin Collins.
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10. What from 1970 Dark Shadows do you believe was most likely inspired by Strange Paradise? A. The character of Judah Zachery, who is highly reminiscent of THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES. B. The use of a retcon to completely change Angelique's backstory. C. The name Desmond Collins. D. The implied reincarnation in the Summer of '70 arc that (sadly) never got explored as much as it should have been. E. The subplot about Quentin falling in love with Daphne's ghost. F. The Leviathan cult's use of snake iconography. G. The carousel in Tad and Carrie's playroom.
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If you answered mostly A, you are Jean Paul Desmond, richest man in the world and master of Desmond Hall. Tall, dark, and incredibly handsome in spite of his receding hairline, Jean Paul is the victim of two self-imposed curses, one of which causes him to strangle people when the Mark of Death appears on his hand (which is totally not a reflection of some repressed or hidden part of his personality, having formerly displayed megalomania and control freak tendencies on his island). When not under the effects of this curse, he is the living embodiment of charm and sweetness and attracts would-be partners like moths to a flame. Logically, the same must be true about you, because online personality quizzes are never wrong. ;)
If you answered mostly B, you are Raxl, daughter of the Priestess of the Serpent and winner of the Canadian 1969 and 1970 scenery-chewing contests. Far older than she looks, the Desmond family’s housekeeper may not be as loyal as she appears, depending on the whims of whomever wrote the plot outline for the final arc. She is an expert on all things occult and supernatural, from tarot cards to the Egyptian Key. Even after her retcon, she is awesome.
If you answered mostly C, you are Laslo Thaxton, husband of Ada (Desmond) Thaxton and master of Desmond Hall in the absence of Jean Paul and Philip. I would say that you are an unscrupulous, greedy Devil-worshiper like Laslo, but I’ve always hated those personality quizzes that make moral judgments about people just because they share some traits in common with the villain. Therefore, I’m just going to assume that you are most likely a decent person who only got Laslo because you happen to love money and Nicholas Blair.
If you answered mostly D, you are Cort Desmond, twenty-something cousin of Jean Paul and Philip. Eccentric and erratic but oh-so-adorable, Cort is a polarizing character loved by some fans for his good looks and (often unintentionally) funny lines, but hated by others for being somewhat of a spoiled brat. Like Hamlet whom he idolizes, he seeks justice for the death of his father, along with the inheritance his Dear Stepfather Laslo wants to steal from him.
If you answered mostly E, you are Holly Marshall--or, rather, what Holly has become since her creator Ian Martin left the show. Formerly a spitfire with a high IQ, a low boiling point, and a love for outdated slang, Holly has become a shell of her former self under the new writers. She spends more time unconscious and hypnotized than not; when she is conscious, she wastes her time pining after an unsuitable love interest who treats her like Edward treats Bella in Twilight. I hope this doesn’t describe you, because, if it does, you should seek help. Don’t be like Desmond Hall-era Holly!
If you answered mostly F, you are Agatha Pruitt, a young seamstress obsessed with Jean Paul. While the master of Desmond Hall has attracted many suitors, none are as strange or disturbing as Agatha, who blackmails him into letting her live at Desmond Hall after his failed murder attempt and proceeds to wreak havoc there along with the Serpent God (who may or may not be Raxl’s Great Serpent) whom she worships.
Finally, if you answered mostly G, you are Jean Paul’s brother, Philip Desmond (not to be confused with his cousin Philip Desmond, or either of the two Philippes des Mondes). A secretive figure largely mysterious even to his own brother, the handsome Philip dabbles in the dark arts and other mysteries, which ultimately leads to his disappearance into the caves beneath Desmondton and reappearance as a ghost. His character alignment is unclear--he may be evil, or just chaotic neutral--but one thing is clear: whoever messes with Philip has the Devil to pay.
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workofthediesel · 4 years
The Outcome of Honesty and Playing Along - Chpt 2
Read also on ao3!
(Chpt 1) (Chpt 3) (Epilogue)
Summary: Ever since the championship, Rusty has taken to avoiding CB and his permanent bad mood. But when CB wants to start dragging Rusty with him on all his crazy schemes, how can Rusty (safely) say no?
Word Count: 8747
Rusty stirred, pulled out of sleep by… he wasn’t really sure what. A sound, certainly, but still mostly asleep, Rusty couldn’t recall what it was or if he should be concerned. He waited a moment to see if it would happen again, but the room remained silent. Writing it off as part of a particularly vivid dream, Rusty snuggled back into his blankets, ready to go back to sleep.
Rusty jumped, his eyes snapping open. There was a shadowy figure leaning over his bed, the moonlight pouring in from the window highlighting a disturbingly wide grin and a few bright red details. Rusty couldn’t help it: he screamed, scrambling away until he’d backed himself up against the headboard.
The intruder giggled, and even through his panic, Rusty recognized the sound. He laid a hand on his chest, taking a deep breath to try to calm his racing heart. “CB,” he said sternly. He had half a mind to reprimand him for whatever mischief he was up to, but between his shock and his just-awoken fogginess, he was having trouble forming a coherent thought.
“What are you doing in bed, Rusty?” CB asked, still laughing around his words.
“What am I…? It’s the middle of the night!” Rusty said, struggling to make sense of the situation. “What are you… How did you get in here?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” CB said in the exact tone of voice that made Rusty worry about it. “Now, get up and get dressed. We have to go.”
“Yeah, go.” CB reached over and grabbed Rusty’s hand, giving it a tug to pull him out of bed. Still on high alert, Rusty jumped, snatching his arm away. CB let out a noise of frustration. “Come on, Rusty, quit playing. We have plans tonight.”
“Plans?” Rusty echoed, feeling more confused by the second.
“Don’t you remember? We’re going out tonight.”
Slowly, the conversation from earlier came back to Rusty: CB showing up out of nowhere to “comfort” him, his inexplicable excitement, insisting on bringing Rusty out no matter how many times Rusty tried to say no, Rusty eventually giving in because CB was starting to scare him. As the evening hours crept by and Rusty was left to his peace, he had started to hope that CB had forgotten about whatever he wanted Rusty for that night. Apparently, no such luck.
If Rusty didn’t want to go out before, he definitely didn’t want to go out now, in the middle of the night, completely alone with CB. “Oh, right. But don’t you think it’s a little late to be going out?”
“Not for this,” CB said assuredly.
“And, um, what is this?”
“Enough questions, Rusty.” He didn’t say it harshly, but Rusty flinched nonetheless. CB reached over and flicked on Rusty’s bedside lamp, filling the room with warm, yellow light. “Seriously, get up. We really have to go.”
Rusty stayed where he was for a few moments more, unwilling to leave the safety of his bed. But CB was still standing over him expectantly, and Rusty could only imagine that his patience was running thin. Reluctantly, Rusty slipped out from under his blankets, crossing over to his closet to grab something to change into.
He would have expected CB to leave the room while he got changed, but when he glanced over his shoulder to check, CB was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching him. Rusty bit his lip. He should have known that CB would have no concept of privacy.
Rusty took a deep breath as he turned back to face the closet. He wanted to say something to CB, to ask him to leave the room or at least turn away, but he knew that would be a bad idea—if he showed the slightest hint of being uncomfortable, CB would use it against him. He loved getting under other peoples’ skin, and Rusty knew that if he said anything, CB would watch him even more closely just to irritate him.
Just ignore him, Rusty told himself, forcing his arms to move steadily as he pulled his sleeping shirt up over his head. If he wanted tonight to be as painless as possible, he was probably going to have to put up with a lot worse than this. He’d just have to get used to it.  
When he turned around again, CB was staring pointedly out the window.
“Are you ready yet?” he asked, still not looking at Rusty.
For a moment, Rusty wondered how long he’d be able to stall under the pretense of getting dressed. Not long enough, was the answer he quickly reached. “I guess.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
Without another word, CB pushed himself off the bed. He grabbed Rusty’s hand and started pulling him to the door, leading Rusty through his own house like he owned the place. As soon as they were outside, CB pushed Rusty in front. For a moment, Rusty hoped that this might mean he had some control over where they went, but when CB grabbed on to his couplers with a grip strong enough to shatter stone and told him to take a right out of the yard, Rusty figured it would be unwise not to listen. He took the turn and rolled down the track, waiting for CB’s next instruction. In this manner—Rusty leading with no idea where they were going and CB in back, calling out the turns—they made their way into town. It was a slight reassurance to be on familiar ground, but that feeling evaporated as Rusty quickly lost track of where they were among the tangle of dimly-lit side-streets CB directed him down.
“Turn here.”
Rusty did as he was told, bringing them into a completely unremarkable back alley. It ended in a dead end, so without any other instructions, Rusty stopped. He looked around for a moment, trying to guess at what CB had brought him here for, as the caboose unhitched from him.
For a few terrifying seconds, Rusty’s mind jumped to the worst: that CB was planning on doing something terrible to him, that he was about to be attacked and possibly even killed, and that no one would even know what happened because he didn’t tell anyone that he was going out tonight.
He heard the quiet whir of CB’s wheels spinning as he moved from behind him, and Rusty’s heart raced, beating almost painfully fast. Then there were some scraping sounds he couldn’t identify, a soft click, and the sound of a door being opened. A few seconds passed, but he never heard CB move to approach him. Practically shaking, not even daring to breathe, Rusty turned to look over his shoulder at what CB was preparing for him.
The sight that awaited him wasn’t nearly as bad as what he was imagining, but it also didn’t do much to quell his fear. CB was standing there, holding a door open and watching him. After another second of silence, he said, “Well? Are you coming?”
Rusty looked past him into the building. It was pitch black inside; he wasn’t able to see a thing. Unsurprisingly, that didn’t make him feel any better. “I don’t… What…?” He was having some trouble trying to figure out what, exactly, he was trying to ask, eventually settling on, “What is this place?”
A sly smile slid across CB’s face. “Oh, you’ll see,” he said, reaching out to grab Rusty’s arm and give it a tug.
Before he was fully aware of what was happening, Rusty found himself inside the mystery building. In the dim light that filtered in through the doorway, he could just make out the shadowy shapes of a few rows of tall shelves and a table or two. Then the door swung shut, and he was as good as blind.
He swung his head back and forth, desperately trying to make out a single detail, but it was no good. He felt stranded in the darkness with no idea of where to go. He put a hand out in front of him, feeling around for anything that might help ground him but finding nothing.
Don’t panic, Rusty told himself, trying not to imagine what sorts of terrible things might be lurking in the dark. He wasn’t entirely successful.
Rusty just about jumped out of his skin when a hand touched down on his shoulder. “Relax,” CB’s voice came from the darkness, sounding almost amused, “it’s just me.”
Being alone with CB in a pitch-black room in an unknown building in the middle of the night was about the least relaxing scenario Rusty could think of. Still, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down just a little. Nothing bad had happened yet, and panicking was only going to cloud his judgement.
CB’s hand trailed down his arm to grab his hand, threading his fingers through Rusty’s and giving the steamer a gentle pull. Still blind, Rusty had no choice but to follow. CB, at least, seemed to know where he was going, leading them through the dark with total confidence.
After what felt to Rusty like several long minutes, though in reality couldn’t have been more than about fifteen seconds, CB stopped. There came the sound of a door opening, then Rusty could see the faint highlights of moonlight filtering through a few windows ahead. He relaxed minutely; it may not have been much, but at least he could see something again.
CB pushed him through the doorway and Rusty found himself in a long deserted hallway. There was a single window at the far end, and in the meager light that poured through, he could make out the edges of a few low benches and a handful of reflections glinting off of what appeared to be panes of glass set into the wall. He squinted down the hall, overcome with the feeling that he knew this place.
CB stepped out behind him. The door swung closed with a quiet click that seemed to echo in the silence of the hall. Rusty braced himself for the feeling of CB taking his hand again. Sure enough, just seconds later, CB’s fingers curled around his wrist and gave his arm a light tug. “Come on,” CB said, already moving down the hall and pulling Rusty along in his wake.
Rusty swung his head side to side as he followed CB, trying to figure out why this place was so familiar. It wasn’t until they emerged into the main entrance hall that everything clicked together.
“The museum,” Rusty said softly.
“Mhmm!” CB affirmed with a self-satisfactory hum.
Rusty shrunk back into the deeper shadows of the hallway. This was bad, he thought to himself. Very, very bad. He tried to peer around CB to see if anyone had noticed they were there, and from what he could tell, the entrance hall seemed deserted. It didn’t do much to calm him down—it was only a matter of time before someone caught them. Even worse than that was the fact that Rusty had no idea why CB would want to break into the museum. Or why he would need Rusty to come with him. “Why did you bring me here?”
“Why do you think? We’re checking out the art.” He unclipped something from his belt and held it out to Rusty. “Here.”
Reluctantly, Rusty reached out to take whatever it was he was being handed. His heart pounded for a moment, imagining all sorts of terrible things that CB might have brought with him for a break-in, but to his great relief, all it turned out to be was a flashlight. Still, it didn’t do much to answer any of the other dozens of questions racing around in his head.
Rusty stared at the flashlight in his hand, wondering where to start. “But…”
“But what?” CB broke in.
But everything, Rusty thought. “Don’t they have a security system or something?”
“Yeah,” CB said, not sounding at all worried, “but the power’s out. And most unfortunately, the backup generator seems to have gotten… damaged.”
There was a teasing hint of smugness in CB’s voice, and it made Rusty’s heart beat uncomfortably faster. “Did… did you break their generator?”
“That can’t be proven!”
Rusty shrunk back further, flattening himself against the wall. This might actually have been worse than if CB had just jumped him or something. At least then the repercussions would have only been physical. But this—breaking and entering, being made an accessory to whatever crime CB committed under the guise of “checking out the art”—was something that could mess up his whole life. Rusty swallowed back a whimper.
“Hey,” CB said softly, sounding somewhat concerned, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing. It’s just…” He swallowed thickly, glancing up at the security camera above them. “You know, I’m just not really in the mood for doing things tonight. I think I’m just gonna… I’m just going to go home.”
CB’s brows pinched together, and he frowned at Rusty for a moment before turning to follow his line of sight. He must have spotted the camera as well, because he was rolling his eyes when he turned back around. “The cameras are off, Rusty.”
“Even if they are, there still has to be night guards, right? With flashlights and patrols and… And if they noticed that the power’s out, they probably called someone in to fix it, which means it could come back on at any time. Or they might have another generator that they’re hooking up right now. Or—”
CB cut him off with a laugh. “What, is this your first time or something?” Rusty didn’t answer, and CB’s voice took on a teasing note. “It is, isn’t it?”
First time. As if this was a common activity. As if breaking and entering was something that normal people did regularly. “Well, I mean, I guess, but—”
“Aww,” CB cooed, voice dripping with sweetness. “You nervous?”
Rusty was a little more than nervous, and CB’s slightly patronizing tone wasn’t helping. “Yes, but—”
“You can borrow my bandana, if you’d like.”
“I don’t think that’d really—” Rusty started, but CB was already tugging at the knot at the back of his neck. Without another word, he thrust it at Rusty, draping it over the bottom half of his face and retying it at the back of his head.
If Rusty had been able to finish his sentence, he would have said that he didn’t think covering his face would really help much. CB had a fairly distinctive look, and if they got spotted, he couldn’t imagine him being too hard to track down. And if CB got caught, Rusty would be right there with him regardless of whether or not his chin was visible on any security footage.
“Better?” CB asked, letting his hands rest on the back of Rusty’s head.
Not really, Rusty thought, but it seemed like CB was actually trying to help. He might get upset if Rusty didn’t seem like he was appreciating it. “Yeah, thanks,” he said, forcing a smile even though CB couldn’t see it.
CB gave him a smile in return before reaching down and grabbing Rusty’s hands. “Now, come on!” he said, pulling him out from the shadows.
Rusty tried to resist, but CB was surprisingly strong for his size. Against his wishes, Rusty found himself in plain view in the middle of the hall, all but helpless as CB dragged him through gallery after gallery. He didn’t know what CB was looking for, but every so often he would pause and squint back at Rusty like he was studying him before moving on to another gallery.
Rusty followed as silently as he could, hardly daring to breathe. He poured all of his focus into what he could hear, listening out for the sounds of anyone else coming near them. CB might not have been worried about the possibility of them getting caught, but Rusty was. For as often as CB glanced back to look at Rusty, Rusty glanced back to look behind him—his eyes were getting adjusted to the dark now, and he was on the lookout for any nightguards in the building.
After just a few minutes, Rusty began to regret being on such high alert. Every statue they passed made him jump, and the sound of their own wheels turning echoing back to him through the wide hall made him so tense it hurt.
“What’s wrong?” CB asked, suddenly coming to a halt. A hint of exasperation colored his voice.
There were so many things wrong that Rusty didn’t know where to start. He wasn’t going to say any of them, though—complaining about everything CB had done that night seemed like a bad way to stay on his good side. “What do you mean?”
“You’re so quiet, so stiff. And you’re not doing anything. It’s like I’ve been pulling one of those statues around all night.”
“Are you not having fun?” He sounded so genuinely upset over the fact that Rusty wasn’t enjoying himself that Rusty actually felt a little bad.
“No, no, I am,” he quickly reassured him, but it didn’t do much good.
“I thought you liked art,” CB said, a tinge of frustration creeping into his voice.
A flash of panic jumped through Rusty’s chest. CB hadn’t done anything awful to him yet, but that could change in an instant if he got too upset. The only thing Rusty could think to do was placate him. “I do! It’s just…”  He tried to think of a good excuse, one that would be impossible for CB to take personally. “You know, I can’t really see anything very well. It’s too dark with all the lights out.”
It was hard to tell in the dark, but he had the sneaking suspicion that CB was looking at him like he was an idiot. “I gave you a flashlight.”
“I know, but… I mean, it’s not the same, right? I can only look at one part of a piece at a time, not the whole thing.”
“Oh,” CB said, as if that wasn’t something he had thought of. Which, Rusty supposed, he probably hadn’t. He didn’t know why CB had wanted to come here tonight, but he never pictured him as the type to appreciate classical art.
“I think it might be easier to appreciate everything in the day. You know, when the museum is open. With all the lights on, I mean.” He got the feeling that he was digging himself into a hole, and clamped his mouth shut to prevent himself from making it worse.
There was a long moment of silence before CB mumbled, “Maybe this was a bad idea.” It seemed like he was talking to himself more than Rusty, but still, Rusty was inclined to agree.
“Yeah. I mean, not a bad idea, but… why don’t we just go, and I can come back to look at the art some other time.” Sometime when it’s safe, Rusty finished in his head, and legal.
Silence settle over them again before CB sighed. “Do you really want to go?” he asked, and he sounded so upset again that it twisted at Rusty’s heart.
“I’m just tired,” Rusty said in lieu of a firm and honest yes. “It hasn’t been a good day for me, and I’d really like to go back to bed.”
“Okay,” CB said softly, and that one word was more relieving to Rusty than anything he’d heard all week.
It was, apparently, Rusty’s job to take them to the exit, but he had no trouble back-tracking through the galleries to the door they’d come in from. CB, hitched on to Rusty’s couplers now that he was no longer in the lead, stayed remarkably quiet the whole time. Rusty glanced back at him over his shoulder, trying to guess what he might be thinking and gauge whether or not he should expect any more trouble that night; it was hard to tell for certain in the dark, but he thought CB looked sad.
Rusty pushed the thought from his mind, trying to find his way through the pitch-black room they’d first come into. He didn’t want to turn on the flashlight CB had given him and risk drawing attention to themselves, but after spending a few minutes stumbling through the dark—with CB offering no guidance, or even criticism—he knew he had to. He flicked it on just long enough to get his bearings, turning it back off the moment he knew he could get to the door without it.
Once he was back in the alley, Rusty relaxed considerably. He’d made it out of the museum without triggering any alarms, so he was, as far as he knew, out of trouble. He didn’t let his guard drop completely just yet, however, as there was still the issue of getting home.
While Rusty knew how to get to and from the main entrance of the museum on his own, the alley CB had directed him to was in the back of the building, emptying out onto a completely unfamiliar street. This part of town was a bit of a maze, full of one-way streets and dead-ends. He wracked his brain, trying to recall the directions CB had given on the way there, but there were too many, and trying to put them all in reverse was near impossible. “I, um. I don’t remember how to get back to the yard from here,” he finally admitted. It felt like the first thing either of them had said in ages.
There was a long stretch of silence, and for a moment, Rusty began to worry that CB wasn’t going to tell him; that, as punishment for cutting his fun short, he was going to force Rusty to get lost, or wait here until the sun came up and someone came and found them; that he was going to make sure Rusty suffered before he made it home, if he could even make it home at all.
“Left out of here,” CB said eventually.
Rusty wasted no time following his command. He took the left and set off at a brisk pace, trying to get back to the yard as fast as possible. CB dutifully, albeit a bit reluctantly, provided the directions; this time, Rusty didn’t even bother trying to keep track of where they were.
When he finally caught sight of his house in the distance, Rusty could have laughed with relief. Even though it was little more than a shadowy shape outlined against the starry sky behind it, it was the most welcoming thing Rusty had seen in ages. Suddenly, nothing else mattered but closing the final gap back home. Rusty picked up speed, counting down the seconds until he could crawl back under the blankets and put all of this behind him.
He was already on the front path up to his door by the time Rusty remembered CB was still with him. The caboose lived on the outskirts of the far side of the yard; it wasn’t a monumental trek to get there, but it was still more than Rusty wanted to deal with right then. He knew the polite thing to do would be to bring CB home first, but his door was right there and the call of his nice, warm bed, shut safely away from the insanity he’d just been through, was irresistible.
He only spared a second’s thought to what he was doing, then he unhitched CB and continued his way to his door on his own. He didn’t look back to see CB’s shocked, slightly hurt expression.
“Good night, Rusty,” CB called after him.
Rusty already had his hand on the doorknob, and nothing was going to stop him from disappearing inside. He was going to go right back to bed and, with any luck, come morning he’d be able to convince himself that this had all been some awful, stress-induced dream. “Good night,” he echoed as he pushed the door open, not even turning around.
“See you tomorrow?” CB asked. His voice sounded an uncharacteristically small, a mix of sad and just barely hopeful, but Rusty hardly noticed.
Right then, Rusty would have said just about anything to put an end to this nightmare of a night. “Sure,” he said, barely aware of what he was saying. “Tomorrow.”
It wasn’t until he was back in his room that Rusty realized he still had CB’s bandana.
Rusty had hoped that, after the disaster that was their little museum trip, CB would leave him alone. With any luck, he would have gotten what he wanted out of Rusty that night, and Rusty would be able to continue his life in peace.  
With how his life had been going recently, he should have known better than to get his hopes up.
Rusty jumped. He knew that voice, and he wasn’t particularly happy about it. He had no idea how CB had found him—he’d spent the whole day pulling up some troublesome weeds that had sprung up on one of their lesser-used tracks that Poppa had been complaining about, and he couldn’t recall telling anyone that that was his plan. Still, when he glanced over his shoulder, anxiety fluttering in his chest, there was CB racing towards him with a bright smile and one arm in the air, waving at him like a maniac.
While seeing CB happy was much more preferable to having him be mad, it still wasn’t a welcome sight. After all, the last time CB had hunted him down with a smile like that, Rusty had spent the night being dragged around in the dark and forced into breaking and entering. Even now, almost a week later, he was still waiting for the police to show up at the yard looking for him.
A wave of nervous energy rushed over Rusty. He took a deep, steadying breath, trying to calm his nerves. He was tempted, as he so often was when he saw CB, to turn and run—or at the very least rush off with the cheap excuse of being busy—but he didn’t dare. CB was as stubborn as a mule—a trait he harnessed into determination when there was something he really wanted—and Rusty didn’t want to risk the possibility of CB chasing after him.
Ignoring his self-preservation instincts, Rusty stayed where he was. He was filled with the same sensation one might have watching a hungry lion charging toward them, but he didn’t let himself give in.
CB was still grinning wildly when he reached Rusty. “Come on!” he said excitedly, grabbing his hand. “I have a surprise for you.”
That sentence alone was enough to make Rusty’s nervousness double. His stomach swooped uncomfortably as he fought the urge to yank his hand back. “That’s… thoughtful,” he said carefully, “but, you know, I really don’t like surprises, so I don’t—”
“You’ll like this one. Trust me.” CB was brimming with confidence, but that didn’t do much to reassure Rusty. But there was something else shining in his eyes—pride and joy and eagerness—that Rusty wasn’t sure he could say no to.
Still, Rusty couldn’t shake the tremors of anxiety running through him. “Um. Maybe you could tell me what it is first?”
CB scoffed. “Of course not! It’s a surprise.”
“Right,” Rusty said absently, scanning the area for anything he could use as an excuse. But he’d just finished his work for the day, and there was no one else around, and in the pressure of the moment, he wasn’t thinking his best. “Okay, sure. Let’s go see this surprise of yours.”
CB’s smile stretched ear to ear, so wide that it was almost unsettling. Without another word his hand tightened around Rusty’s arm. He took off like a rocket back the way he came and Rusty had no choice but to be dragged along with him.
The two of them moved quickly through the yard, and for a moment Rusty let himself get his hopes up that whatever CB’s surprise was was still in the yard, that they could stay somewhere where there were others around who could keep an eye on them and step in if things went wrong. Then CB took a sharp turn to the left and brought them into the forest.
The forest itself didn’t scare Rusty; he’d spent quite a bit of time over the years exploring the well-trodden paths that Poppa said had been there since before even he was at the yard. What did make him nervous, though, was the fact that CB hadn’t brought them in on any path. Rusty knew his way around the paths well enough, but beyond those he had no clue how to navigate the woods.
They wound further through the trees, the weeds and grass growing on the forest floor doing their best to tangle themselves in his wheels and trip him up. He put all his focus into watching where he put his feet and wasted no energy trying to keep track of where in the forest they were, though after a while he did start to wonder if CB actually knew where he was going.
“Ta-da!” CB said proudly some minutes later, finally coming to a halt.
Rusty looked up and stared straight ahead, wondering what he was looking at. He knew where they were—the clearing CB had brought them to was frequently used for outdoor gatherings in the warmer months—but what they would be doing there was a complete mystery. There was what appeared to be a load of trash stacked up in the center of the clearing, and a few thick logs had been dragged in front of it.
Rusty cleared his throat. “Not that I’m not appreciative—because I am, don’t get me wrong—but, um… what is this?”
Thankfully, CB didn’t seem to mind Rusty’s confusion. “It’s a bonfire,” he said brightly.
“A bonfire?”
“Mmhmm! I know how much you always like the one Poppa puts on, and how bummed you were when it got rained out, so I made one to replace it!”
It was true: Rusty did enjoy the yard’s annual bonfire, with its rich light, pleasant heat, and the feeling of togetherness it fostered amongst the freight. He was a little surprised that CB knew he liked it, but then again, it probably wasn’t that hard to figure out: all of the freight team looked forward to bonfire night.
This, though, wasn’t a bonfire. It looked like a haphazard pile of furniture and wood scraps and large tree branches, torn pages from eviscerated books scattered loosely around the bottom. CB stood at his side, wiggling excitedly and watching Rusty closely for his reaction. But all Rusty could do was gape in mild horror.
He really wished CB was joking. Surely not even he could be reckless enough to actually light it? But Rusty knew better. He could see that CB had already pulled out a box of matches—he was pushing the match compartment open and closed repeatedly as if he couldn’t wait to use it. It was not, Rusty thought, a comforting sight.
“Um, wow,” he said once he was capable of forming words again. “This is really… something, but… are you sure it’s safe?”
“Sure,” CB said airily. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well, it’s just… with a fire like this, you don’t really know how high it’s going to burn. And it’s windy enough to blow the flames or embers, and we’re really not that far from the tree line.” While the fire itself was always located in the middle of a flat, dirt clearing, the clearing was surrounded by a ring of trees and grass. Poppa was always very careful to make sure the bonfire stayed reasonably-sized and contained, and he usually brought in a professional fire truck to supervise, just in case. Rusty was almost positive that CB had gone through none of the same precautions.
“It’ll be fine,” CB said, already stepping forward to light the pile.
The first things to catch were the papers at the bottom, the flames slowly spreading upward through the branches and wood scraps. They licked at the furniture for a few minutes before they really took. Soon the entire pile was alight, the flames roaring and spitting viciously.  
CB watched the fire happily for a moment before he pulled Rusty over to sit down on one of the logs. In a mild state of shock, Rusty came easily.
Rusty sat down next to CB, too preoccupied with his fears of the fire spreading out of control to be made nervous by CB’s close proximity. He just stared wide-eyed at the fire until his eyes stung, though whether that was from the brightness or the smoke he wasn’t sure.
The thought of smoke sent a fresh flash of anxiety through Rusty’s chest. The fire was far enough from the yard and surrounded by a ring of trees, so no one would be able to see the light from the flame. The smoke, however, was a different story—anyone who looked would be able to see it curling high into the sky, and anyone with an ounce of common sense would call the fire department on them.
The realization that the authorities could show up at any time and reprimand them for their stupidity, or possibly even arrest them for starting a fire without a permit, made Rusty feel almost sick. He glanced up into the sky to check how obvious the signs of the fire were. Thankfully, some low-hanging gray clouds had moved in, and the smoke was well-camouflaged. Still, anyone who looked close enough would be able to see that something was going on.
At least somewhat reassured that they weren’t too likely to get caught, Rusty turned his attention back to the fire. The wind had died down a little, but there was still enough of a breeze to throw the flames around. Rusty held his breath every time the flames slanted towards the trees, just waiting for disaster to strike. Eventually the wind died down entirely and the fire calmed a bit as the smaller pieces off fuel were burned up.
Unbeknownst to Rusty, the whole time that he had been staring at the fire, CB had been staring at him. “So, what do you think?” CB asked after almost half-an-hour of silence. “Do you like it?”
Rusty was surprised by the question. As the minutes ticked by and nothing around them caught fire, he’d started to relax just a bit. While he was still too on edge to enjoy the fire the way he did with the annual bonfire Poppa organized, he had to admit—rather reluctantly—that it wasn’t that bad. They were sitting close enough to feel the heat, but not so close that it was uncomfortable, and apart from the occasional terrifyingly loud pop, the fire gave off a pleasant crackle.
“Yeah,” he said, equally surprised to find that it wasn’t entirely a lie, “it’s nice.”
It wasn’t exactly glowing praise, but CB preened at it nonetheless. Of course he would, Rusty thought wryly. CB lived for attention; it only made sense that he would run so far with a compliment, even if he hadn’t really earned it. Although…
Turning back to the fire, Rusty began to realize just how much work CB had done to make this: there were a few heavy-looking desks and tables in the pile, not to mention all the large unwieldy branches and countless armfuls of sticks and wood scraps. In theory, as a member of the freight team, CB was used to heavy lifting, but seeing as his main jobs were braking and managing all of the radios—and with how much he complained whenever he was asked to do anything more than that—this almost seemed like too much for him. “How long did this take you?”
Rusty gestured to the fire. “It just looks like it was a lot of work.”
“Oh.” CB looked like he hadn’t been expecting Rusty to give any thought to his hand in setting everything up, and a pleased little smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Well, it was mostly just moving things around. I think it only took a couple hours.”
It was an oddly humble response for CB—Rusty had expected him to take the opportunity to really brag. But CB didn’t say anything else; he just turned back to the fire with what Rusty thought might be a hint of blush on his cheeks. He sat calm and quiet after that, wearing just a small smile instead of his usual manic grin.
Rusty stared into the fire, sneaking sideways glances at the caboose whenever he thought he wouldn’t notice. His behavior wasn’t at all what Rusty expected. Granted, CB had always been enough of a wild card that Rusty never knew what to expect of him, but even so, this somehow managed to fall outside the realm of “expect the unexpected.” It was completely bizarre, made even more so back the fact that it wasn’t even close to CB’s usual brand of wild insanity.
Despite the strangeness of it all, Rusty felt himself relaxing. CB seemed calm and the fire wasn’t entirely unpleasant—why not try to enjoy it? Of course, he did stay slightly on guard, knowing things could still go south at any moment, but he tried to block out all the anxieties swirling through his mind. He shut down thoughts of someone spotting them and landing them in trouble, and tuned out his fear that the fire would suddenly rage out of control. He didn’t even let himself worry about whether or not CB had a plan for putting out the fire, though he suspected he didn’t. He just let himself live in the moment, surprised to find that it wasn’t so bad a place to be.
The call of his name didn’t hit Rusty’s ears until after CB had already crashed into his back.
It wasn’t a hard or painful impact, but it did catch Rusty off-guard and sent him stumbling forward a few steps. He managed to stay on his feet, but he was dreadfully off-balanced, especially with CB hanging off his back like a limpet.
CB was still giggling by the time Rusty finally found his balance. “Hi!” he said brightly, right in Rusty’s ear.
For the briefest of moments, Rusty considered telling CB off for running into him like that. But this wasn’t the first time CB had done this, and no one had gotten hurt. And besides, Rusty thought, glancing at CB over his shoulder and catching sight of his smile—imagine how upset he would be if Rusty tried to ruin his fun.
“Hey,” he said instead. “You’re in a good mood.”
It was true, though it wasn’t anything new. CB was always in a good mood these days, especially when Rusty was around. No one could come up with any reason for the change, but Rusty, for one, was happy to see it. With CB seeming so much less dangerous, it meant that Rusty could finally relax a bit. Of course, it was still a fright when CB popped out at him in the hallways of his own house, or grabbed his arm to pull him off to some suspicious activity, but Rusty wasn’t fearing for his safety every second anymore. In fact, he actually found himself enjoying CB’s company from time to time, especially on the rare days when CB was calm and quiet and it was easy to forget the destruction he was capable of.
“Mmhmm,” CB hummed happily, finally letting go of Rusty to drop back down and stand on his own two feet. He swung around so he and Rusty could continue their conversation face-to-face, smile still in place. “Are you?”
Rusty returned his smile with a much smaller one of his own. “Good enough, I suppose.”  
CB seemed genuinely happy to know that Rusty was happy, which Rusty both welcomed and found to be a little hard to believe. It was almost as if all that drama at the championships, with CB cheating and crashing and revealing himself to be on no one’s side but his own, had all been some strange dream. Of course, Rusty knew better than to actually believe that, but it did leave him wondering which one was actually the real CB, or if it was somehow possible for him to be both.
“So I was thinking,” CB said, which wasn’t Rusty’s favorite way for him to start a sentence, “that I’m free tonight, and maybe you’re free too, so maybe you’d want to do something?”
The lack of detail in the question gave Rusty some concern, especially since the last few times CB had invited him to do something, it ended up being illegal. It seemed to be an established pattern that when CB asked Rusty to go out, it meant Rusty was in for some trouble.
But CB was still smiling up at him sweetly, his eyes still shining expectantly. And, despite being fully aware that agreeing would be a bad idea, Rusty had never been able to say no to him in the past. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, it’s supposed to be a really clear night tonight,” CB started. “There’s this scrapyard I know with the best view of the stars, and it isn’t too far away. I figured we could head out around sunset, maybe bring some drinks along…”
A scrapyard? A nervous flutter started up in Rusty’s stomach. He knew, of course, that there were some cars who liked to hang around scrapyards, and he wasn’t at all surprised that CB was one of them, but places like that always creeped him out. Besides, most scrapyards closed at night, which meant that CB was planning on having them break the law. Again.
CB was still talking, but Rusty wasn’t listening. He was running through his options in his mind. Maybe if he got CB talking, he might be distracted enough that Rusty could steer them away from this scrap yard without CB realizing? He could pretend he got lost, and then their evening would just consist of wandering the tracks for a while. That wouldn’t be a bad night at all, especially if Rusty managed to get them on one of the more scenic tracks.
He was almost considering just outright asking CB if they could do that instead—he didn’t think CB would mind enough for it to be a problem—when a call of “Rusty!” caught his attention.
Rusty looked in the direction of the voice and was pleased to see Pearl coming towards him. They were finally starting to get over the awkward strain of their breakup, and Rusty was glad for it; he’d missed her. He hadn’t realized it at the time, but even when they were dating their relationship hadn’t been the same. Now, they were finally getting back to the way their friendship had been years ago, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from Rusty’s chest.
Before he could say anything in return, he suddenly found himself with an armful of caboose. CB had launched himself at him, wrapping his arms around Rusty’s neck like he owned him. For a long moment, all Rusty could do was blink in surprise.
“Hey, Pearl,” he managed eventually, shaking himself out of his stupor. He patted CB’s back before gently trying to push him off. CB, however, only tightened his hold, resting his head against Rusty’s shoulder as he watched Pearl over his own shoulder. Since he was facing away from him, Rusty couldn’t see what sort of face CB was making at her, but he figured it probably wasn’t good. “Um, what’s up?”
“I was hoping I could talk with you for a minute,” Pearl said, eyes narrowing slightly as she glanced at CB. “You’re not busy, are you?”
Even though Rusty was fairly certain the question had been directed at him, CB answered before he had a chance to. “As a matter of fact, we are. We’re putting together our plans for tonight,” he said smugly, dropping one of his hands down to rest on Rusty’s chest.
Pearl gave a smile that was obviously forced as she looked back and forth between the two of them. “You have plans?” she asked politely, but Rusty detected a hint of disdain in her voice.
“Mmhmm,” CB hummed, still sounding quite pleased with himself. “Just the two of us, this quiet spot at the edge of town I know, maybe a picnic under the moonlight.”
“Won’t that be… nice.” Pearl was really straining—Rusty was sure in another few seconds, her eye would start twitching—but CB just giggled.
“It will be,” he said, voice getting even brighter.
There was enough tension in the air that Rusty felt the whole situation was liable to explode. He chuckled lightly, and it sounded fake even to his own ears. “Yeah,” he said, unhooking CB’s arm from around his neck and pushing him off as gently as he could, “but you should probably go and start getting things ready.”
CB looked at him, brows pinched in confusion. “Getting things ready?” he echoed.
“For the picnic. Start cooking and getting things together.”
“But we’re not going out for hours.”
“I know, but we want it to be nice, don’t we?” Rusty said, trying to think on his toes. “And wouldn’t you like to bring dessert along? All of that’s going to take some time.”
Suspicion began to creep into CB’s expression, and for a few stressful moments, Rusty was sure he was going to call him out on how he was just trying to get rid of him. Thankfully, though, CB left without another word, throwing Pearl one last smug look as he went.
As soon as CB turned the corner, Pearl’s face morphed into one of disgust. “Are you actually spending time with him? Dinah said you two were close, but I thought she was just making things up.”
The harsh judgement in her voice set Rusty’s cheeks aflame. “Um, I don’t know about ‘close’ per se, but…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He supposed he was spending a lot of time with CB, but it wasn’t like it was exactly his idea.
Pearl gaped at him, like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I’m sorry, what?”
Rusty shrugged helplessly. After all, what else could he do? CB was always so happy when Rusty agreed to come with him on whatever outing he had planned for them—how could he tell him no?
“You can’t be serious!”
“I don’t know. He’s always asking me to do all of this stuff with him and he’s so persistent and, well, I don’t want to let him down.” It was a perfectly reasonable explanation; a survival tactic.
Pearl shook her head. “No,” she said definitively. “You have to stop this.”
Rusty bristled, a small spark of irritation flaring up in his chest. He didn’t like being told what to do, especially in his personal matters. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you shouldn’t be hanging around with someone like him. Everyone knows how dangerous he is, and the last thing I want to see is you getting pulled into one of his crazy schemes, or worse. You of all people should know how bad of an idea this is.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Oh, really?” Pearl shot back. “So what have you two been doing together?”
Rusty kept his mouth shut. Quite honestly, he didn’t want to tell her—the truth, he knew, would only prove her point. He was aware that some of the things he’d been doing with CB were terrible, and they were nothing he’d ever willingly do on his own, but he didn’t want to admit that, especially when he wasn’t sure what other choices he had.
Rusty’s silence didn’t serve him any better than honesty would have. “That’s what I thought,” Pearl said.
“They’re his ideas,” Rusty said somewhat defensively.
“That doesn’t mean you have to go along with them.”
“Well, I can’t just tell him no!” That would be tantamount to suicide.
Pearl didn’t seem to see things the way he did. “Rusty, he’s insane! You saw what he did to Electra and Greaseball.”
“Exactly!” Rusty said. “And what do you think he’ll do to me if I make him mad? He’s the one who wants to spend so much time with me—don’t you think it’s a better idea to just go along with it?”
“That doesn’t matter. He’ll hurt you, no matter what.”
“Then what am I supposed to do?”
“Maybe not put yourself at risk by spending time in the company of a complete psychopath?!”
“It’s not that simple!” Rusty thought he heard a sound from over his shoulder, but when he looked back, nothing was there. It made him feel slightly unsettled, and he lowered his tone to just above a whisper, suddenly reminded that there were others in the yard who might be able to hear them. “If I was able to tell him to just go away, I would, alright?”
“I still don’t see what’s stopping you.”
Rusty shook his head, trying to tamp down his rising frustration. It felt like Pearl was deliberately refusing to see things from his point of view, and he wasn’t sure how much simpler he could spell it out. “Because he’s being nice to me. And as long as he’s being nice to me, he isn’t going to want to hurt me. But if I tell him I don’t want him near me, he’s not going to be so nice, and I don’t want to find out what happens to the people he’s not being nice with. Okay?” He had gotten a bit snappy by the end and had to force a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
Pearl looked hurt for a moment before she deflated with a sigh. “I didn’t come here to yell about this,” she said apologetically. “I’m just worried.”
“I know,” Rusty said, because he understood. He didn’t want to be fighting about this, either. “I’m sorry. I don’t like me spending time with him any more than you do. But I have to.”
It was clear that Pearl wasn’t happy with that conclusion, but thankfully, she let it go. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I will.”
For a long moment, Pearl just looked at him. Rusty was worried that she might try one last time to talk him out of spending time with CB, but all she did was step forward and wrap him in a hug. Rusty wasted no time in returning it.
Pearl didn’t say anything as she pulled back. She gave Rusty one last look, a touch of sadness sneaking its way into her eyes, before she left.
Rusty watched her go, turning things over in his mind. For a moment, he wondered if she was right: if going along with CB’s crazy plans was just putting him in more danger. Then he thought about how happy CB always was when he said yes—the way his eyes lit up and his smile stretched so wide it barely looked real. It was hard to imagine him hurting anyone when he smiled like that.
Rusty sighed. This whole situation was so much more complicated than he would have liked. He longed for the simpler days, before the championship, when he thought he knew where everyone stood in the yard; back when there was no subtle awkwardness between him and Pearl, and no one would bat an eye at CB dragging him along for whatever his day’s plans were. It would have been nice, he thought, to be able to enjoy CB’s company without having to worry about what they were doing or what everyone else would think about seeing them together. He let himself indulge in the fantasy as he turned and began making his way to Poppa’s, so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the little ball of red, curled up and shaking quietly, just around the corner.
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