#also i forgot his left ear is round oops
vamqyr3 · 2 years
Speak your truth about ZSakuVA’s Xanthus 🖤
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NOTES// I’m so excited im gonna throw up idk how to format this. ALSO OOPS ALMOST FORGOT! I said I would tag you, @wistariq.
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Xanthus is a perv.
Scenting your clothes, fucking into them. Tickling the skin of your sleeping jaw. Eyeing you down soft and still.
He ruts into you from above, teeth staining your head and spine. Used his mundane strength to still you motionless, uses you like a toy.
Xanthus dosen’t care about the watching eyes and listing ears of roommates. Opting to mock them, laugh at your whines and strangled coughs.
His bite alone leaves you dumb. Barring his canines and growling, rolling into your stomach and lining red with his fingertips. His wobbling orgasm is chased frequently with a thickly hotted drink. He’ll kiss you after, strain your disgusted chin to move into him. Crack your lips apart and spit what’s left of it on his gums over your tongue and smile.
Corruption. He wants to ruin you worse than any other man. Leave you taped to him. Bear hugging you while fucking, trapping you. Pressing firm into your round tummy to feel the move of him. He’s a sadist, a monster. A sick man who swallows the fat tears on your cheekbone and babies your whiny eyes.
He could share, to a certain degree. Lets some other pillow your mouth while he’s asking who’s dick is splitting through you. Force your attention to his narrow brow line and snap at the others jerky movements.
It wouldn't matter if you slept happy in a relationship. He’d only hope the ugly fuck liked the look of his girl bent and breed by another man.
Xanthus loves you pathetic. Mocking your tattered cries and aching plush. Asking if it hurt, if he should stop. Saying you could take it more, you could do it, he knows you like it, dumbfucks like you are good for shit like this.
Strapping you motionless, vibe glued to your front. He leaves to kill, coming home dirty, wet and drunk on a spiked high. He fucks the adrenaline out of him in a mad dance.
Collars a thick belt over your thimble neck, pulling it to push into your mouth. The humiliation is only a bonus.
He loves the smell of sex. Ear flat over the crazed spark of your chest, twitching with sound beats, your heart. He drools over it, thinks about the warm milky stuff under his mouth.
I actually need him so bad.
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bizkitsnuggets · 6 months
main m.list
Walking through the busy and crowded city, a certain Tengu General came to stop upon seeing the horrendous sight. Papers on the bulletin board had been ripped into tiny pieces, it would take years and decades to even glue them all back together. It was as if a five year old had a tantrum because it's mother wouldn't buy the toy it wanted.
The General had an idea of who the perpetrator was, it wasn't that hard to figure out considering the marks he left while ripping those papers off. Not to mention a tiny note signed with "The One and Oni".
How childish he is.
The raven-haired tengu picked up the small note,
"HEY HEY, Kujou Chicken!! As you can see I did INDEED vandalise the bulletin board AGAIN. And this time I didn't hold back! Listen here Kujou Tengu, if you don't want me to vandalise your precious bulletin boards anymore then meet me at THAT spot. EVENING. I'll wait, we'll have our fated rematch. FAIR AND SQUARE. Unless you're too much of a chicken? HAHA pwok pwok! Kujou Chicken!!!"
– The One and Oni.
Kujou Sara sighed out of exhaustion. She wondered if this certain red Oni had ever given up in his life, at least once. Kujou Sara didn't wanna waste her precious evening tending to a feral Oni. But she also didn't want any more bulletin boards being vandalized. She had no choice, one might say.
Now or never Sara, now or never.
"You… You destroyed the bulletin board just so we could have an Onikabuto match…?" A baffled Sara muttered. "Well yeah! I originally wanted to have that duel rematch with you but I figured an Onikabuto match would be a better option,"
What the hell was she hearing? Kujou Sara had prepared herself to battle an Oni, not have the beetles fight each other. She certainly didn't expect the One and Oni to change his mind like that.
"So, Kujou Chicken… Are you ready to lose or what— hey! hey—! Where's your Onikabuto?!" Itto screamed, seemingly offended that the General hadn't prepared herself an Onikabuto beforehand.
Sara deadpanned, had he not realized his mistake? "Perhaps you forgot to state an Onikabuto match rather than a duel? I was ready to fight you. Not have Onikabutos fighting." The raven-haired female crossed her arms.
Baffled by his miscalculation, Itto was quick to urge the Tengu to search for an Onikabuto.
Oh Archons.
A few hours later, Sara had finally found an Onikabuto. She didn't care if it was small, big, or even colorful. She just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.
"Haha! Took you long enough! Now let's see who's gonna be the champion. Loser has to treat the winner to ramen!" The Oni smiled ear-to-ear.
"From what I recall, you didn't put any circumstances into this match." Sara raised her eyebrow. Does this man never stick to one plan?
"Uh— well, oops! Guess I forgot to tell you, haha! Now c'mon, let's get this match started."
Sara sighed, she regretted agreeing to this.
Give me a break.
There's certainly a lot of surprises today.
Kujou Sara did not expect the battle to turn out like this. "Itto five, Kujou Tengu zero. Haha! I'm on a roll today!" Itto laughed at the female's suffering.
It was supposed to be only one round, nothing more than that. But when Itto won in the first round, Sara couldn't help but get annoyed. He was being so cocky about his victory that it boiled the Tengu's blood. She didn't want to lose to that Oni, yet… she lost a total of five times.
She's given up at this point, if she loses even more that's gonna be 1000 mora wasted on ramen for the Oni.
"Alright, Arataki Itto. You win…" Sara sighed defeatedly. Smiling at himself, Itto stood proudly. "Woohoo! That's five ramen Kujou Tengu!”
"... Fine. Now c'mon." Sara muttered as she was ready to take her leave. She shouldn't have agreed to this. Dammit.
"Five Tonkatsu Ramen please." Sara ordered, the waiter questioned why THE General Tengu would order such large amounts of ramen. Was she that hungry?
Nonetheless, the waiter nodded and quickly made those Tonkatsu Ramen.
Sighing to herself for the 8th time today, she went back to where the Oni was patiently sitting. They sat in an awkward silence, both not knowing what to do while waiting for the food to be made.
"Hey! You know— it's unlikely for me to finish five ramen at once. How about you take two?" Itto suddenly suggested.
Kujou Sara was taken aback. Had he let his pride down for her? Was he pitying her because she lost five times to him? How humiliating…
"If you're pitying me, then don't bother. I don't need—"
"Who said I was pitying you?!" Itto shouted. Once again, Sara was taken aback. Why the hell is he screaming?! "I just thought you might be hungry, we battled for almost the whole day didn't we? And you know, even the great Oni can't finish five ramen by himself." He calmly explained.
There were surely a lot of unexpected events today. Sara was surprised at how sincere he sounded. His smile was soft and so gentle. It was something she never saw, something didn't expect to ever see.
Subconsciously smiling, she felt at ease. Maybe accepting this match wasn't as bad as she thought it was. Maybe she was glad she agreed.
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Warnings: noncon/rape; drinking/drunkenness.
This is a dark! fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairing: (Professor) Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: You go out to unwind from your schoolwork but can’t seem to escape a certain professor’s attention.
Note: Pinched nerve don’t care. I’ve written this as I’m laying on a heating pad and praying for absolution. Hope y’all enjoy because by the time this goes up I’ll be at work and hating life.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Midterms were finally over. It had been a long two weeks; all nighters, energy drinks, and stress headaches. Now you were ready to forget it all in a single night.
Your dress was a little too short and a little too tight. A pink number with large sequins. It looked straight out of the nineties; an appropriate choice for your girls’ night. A downtown club was hosting a ladies night with a retro theme and you felt like the spice girl you’d once idolized. And a little buzzed.
Lexi had invited you along with her roommates, Cece and Rima, to dance off the dread of your results. Study had been half the battle, it was still to see if it had done you any good. In your Twentieth Century Lit class, you were certain you’d fallen on your face. Figuratively, though you had done so literally your first day. It had set a precedent for your apparent cluelessness.
You followed the girls inside after your hand was stamped and the flashing lights mingled with the thumping music and filled your body. You were enlivened by the bodies already dancing and the voice that underlined the melody. A single pre-drink and you were already feeling tomorrow’s hangover.
You joined the chaos of the dance floor as Lexi searched her purse and came out victorious with a handful of bills. “First rounds on me!” She sang, “How about it girls? You ready for more?”
“Holy shit, Lex,” Cece giggled, “Another night with the sugar daddy?”
“Don’t call him that,” Lexi retorted. 
“Well, what would you call him?” Rima countered. “You fuck him, he gives you money.”
“Shut up before I shut you up!’ Lexi whined.
“Hey, both of you,” you warned and grabbed Lexi’s hand, “And stop waving that around.”
“Oh thank youuuu,” she clung to you, “I’ll have a vodka soda.”
“Wha-- no.”
“Do they have whiteclaw?” Rima asked.
“Ew. don’t,” Cece wrinkled her nose, “I’ll have a vodka too.”
“Fine, vodka cran!” Rima nearly hollered. The girls must have started well before you showed up to their dorm.
You huffed and took the fistful of bills. You sidled through the crowd of pairs and groups writhing and waving to the music. Another drink would make you less aware. 
You stepped up to the bar and found yourself nearly bowled over by another patron as she stumbled away with her drink. You knocked the arm of a man leaned against the bar top and turned to apologize.
“Oop, sorry, I didn’t--” You froze and blinked several times in disbelief. The familiar face grinned in recognition. “Professor Drysdale? What are you--”
“I didn’t know it was ladies night,” he spoke over the music, “Had my last exam and thought I’d unwind but--” He looked around. “I didn’t take you for the club type.”
You squirmed as his eyes strayed from your face and you got closer to the bar. “Well, not every night,” you chuckled. 
“I almost didn’t recognize you,” he raised his hand and waved to the bartender. “Took me a moment, to be honest.”
“Ahh,” you watched the bartender near and he bent to hear your order. You got yourself a gin after your last sour experience with vodka.
You watched the bartender work, unsure of what to say to your unexpected company. His remark stuck in your head. You often sat in his class in your favourite loose cardigan or a sweat with fraying cuffs. Massachusetts was growing colder by the day and only the alcohol and your lack of a damn kept you warm that night.
“So, I guess you’re here with friends,” he said.
“Yeah, just a few of us.” You said as you rubbed your sweaty fingers on the bills. The bartender pushed your drink across the bar but Professor Drysdale was quicker than you as he held out a fifty.
“My treat.” He said.
“Oh no,” you tried to grab his hand but he waved it at the bartender again. “You don’t need to--”
“Come on. Save your money. You college kids need all you can get,” he insisted.
You smiled awkwardly and carefully took two cups in each hand. You lifted them as he watched you. You peeked over at him and found his eyes glued to you.
“Thank you, professor,” you said.
“Ransom,” he corrected you, “I’m not much of a dancer… but I don’t mind the music. Maybe we’ll bump into each other again.”
“Maybe.” You turned and narrowly missed another collision. 
You followed the maze of bodies back to your group and doled out the drink. Your fingers were left sticky with soda and you took a deep gulp of your own. You tried not to think of the odd encounter with your professor. It wasn’t too unusual you spotted the occasional faculty downtown; students often stuck to the campus bar. Even so, you were surprised at his interest. In class, he barely seemed to recall your name, even if you were the only one who raised your hand. Well, maybe he had also indulged a little too much.
You forgot your paranoia as soon as you finished your drink. You set aside the plastic cup and lost yourself in TLCs greatest hit. You’d regret it in the morning when it mattered.
After the second drink, came the third, the fourth, and fifth that tasted more like a double. The lights blurred in your vision and the music made your head swell delightfully. 
The night had worn on and as a slow R&B tune came on, you weren’t quite sure what to do. Cece had long ago found a guy to hang off and Rima and Lexi were all too happy to start dancing with each other. You hiccupped and contemplated a break against the wall. 
You were startled as you felt a hand on your back and kept from your retreat.
“Need a partner?” Ransom’s voice flooded into your veins like the alcohol; warm and disorienting. 
“Huh, oh, no, it’s--” You giggled bashfully. “That’s fine.”
“Come on,” he pulled you against him, your back to his front, “Wasn’t too long ago I was out here with all the coeds.”
“Ransom,” he purred in your ear. “I like this song.”
“I don’t think--”
“Don’t think then,” he said sharply as his arm snaked around you and urged you closer. He leaned in and spoke in your ear. “Seeing your ass in that dress makes me wonder why you ever cover it up.”
“Pr--Ransom, please, I--”
“It’s just a dance, sweetie,” he grinded into you and you felt a twitch in his pants. “Just like that.”
He guided your drunken body against his as his fingers danced along the hem of your dress. The music swept you up as you dizzily surrendered to him. Behind the haze, you knew it was wrong, but you knew you were strong enough to resist. And part of you, didn’t believe your professor was groping you.
“Mmm, you’re so sweet,” he groaned, “That’s it,” he rubbed his crotch against you, “Let me feel that ass.”
“Professor,” you breathed as one his hands caressed your thigh, “You shouldn’t--”
“Wish you dressed like this in class.” He slithered, “Nice little short skirt. You can sit in the front row and give me a little peek.”
“Stop,” you hissed as your vision swam and panic rose in your chest, the gin making you unsteady and uncertain, “Please.”
“Please,” he echoed, “I love to hear you beg me, sweetie.”
“I-I-I--” you stuttered stupidly and finally tore away from him. “I have to pee.”
Your ankle bent in your heel and you hurried past him. You nearly fell as you batted away his hand and fled to the restroom. You stopped by the doorway at the edge of the floor and looked back. Ransom watched you with head tilted and a smirk on his lips, unbothered by the drunk horde around him. You turned and quickly shielded yourself with the door.
You took a breath and ambled forward to stare at yourself in the mirror. Were you that drunk or was your professor really trying to get in your pants?
When you returned to the girls, Ransom was gone. You didn’t look around for him much, afraid you might find him. You finally tore Cece away from her partner as Lexi began to lean heavily. You took her under the arm and realised that every one of you were a mess. It would be a parade of fools trying to get home.
You got your jackets from the check and went out into the bitter cold. You shivered as you left Lexi to hang off Rima and you swayed as you hailed a cab. A yellow taxi pulled up and you opened the door as you ushered the rest of the girls in. A hand rested beside yours atop the door.
“Looks like there’s no room for you,” Ransom said and you flinched as you looked at him.
“I can get in the front,” you argued weakly.
“Ride with me.” He raised his hand to call another cab, “You don’t wanna overcrowd the car.”
“No, I can--”
“It’s cold!” Cece pulled the door from your grasp and it slammed, nearly knocking you over. “Driver, Western Building on campus.”
“Wait--” The driver pulled away without pause and you stumbled off the curb.
Ransom caught you and pulled you back up. He wrapped his arm around you as another taxi appeared.
“You’re pretty fucked up, sweetie, I can’t have you riding alone,” he opened the door and bent to usher you inside. You struggled but not much, hauling yourself across the seat as he followed closely. He gave an address you didn’t recognize as he shut the door.
“What-- where--” You touched your forehead as you leaned back against the seat. “Professor--”
“I like how you call me that,” he reached over and rested his hand on your leg, “Don’t worry, sweetie, better you come with me than some creep.”
You grabbed his hand and tried to push it away but it didn’t budge. He squeezed your thigh and got closer. His other arm went around your shoulder and drew you against him.
“It’s okay, sweetie, you’re tired. Just close your eyes.” He hummed. “I’ll get you back safe.”
You shook your head but your eyelids drooped against your will. The dancing, the gin, the weeks of sleep deprivation piled atop you and dragged you into a blurred stupor. You felt detached from the world as it passed outside the car windows and suddenly a door opened and closed. Your body was moving but not of your own volition. 
Your vision cleared for a moment and you looked up at a large house with immense windows. You blinked and you were inside. You sat for a moment as Ransom moved around and you were lifted up. You were cradled in his arms as he carried up a flight of stairs and through the unfamiliar hallway. You bounced atop a mattress with a jolt.
“Wha--” you quivered and tried to sit up. Your head spun as your lashes fluttered.
You sat dumbly, barely able to hold yourself up on shaky arms as Ransom undressed. You babbled as he revealed his muscled chest and thick arms. He was entirely unlike the first, and only boy, you’d been with. He was a man.
“I’m drunk…” you slurred, “I can’t… you’re my--my--”
“That’s right,” he reached into his jeans pocket, his fly open, “I’m your professor,” he pulled out his phone and neared. He nudged you so that you fell onto your back and pushed your legs apart. You looked up at him as he snapped photos of you. You raised your hand to try to hide yourself. “If anyone were to find out you tried to seduce me, and for a better grade, you’ll be expelled. A star scholar like you, untouchable for any university in the country. Pity.”
“You can’t.” You murmured as you closed your legs and tried to sit up but found it almost impossible. “You…”
“I will and if you try to blow the whistle, I’ll do it first and I’ll be a whole lot more convincing than the girl everyone saw piss drunk tonight.” He sneered, “Now open those legs for me, sweetie.”
You didn’t move. You hugged yourself with your arms as you were caught in a heavy tide. You were terrified, worse; helpless. You listened to the rustle of his clothing and the mattress dipped by your feet. 
His hands began at your ankles and glided up to your knees. He pushed your legs apart as you held them together. You were forced to relent as he pinched you viciously and your muscles quaked. He moved between your legs and rubbed your thighs as your skirt rode up. He pressed two fingers along the crotch of your panties.
“What’s the point of these in a dress like that, huh?” He began to tease you through the fabric, “What’s the matter, sweetie? You scared?” He slowly pulled aside your panties and touched your folds, “Am I your first?”
You shook your head and squeezed your eyes shut. You whimpered as he flicked your clit.
“Maybe not your first but definitely the best,” he purred, “Ah, ah, you’re already wet. Kept you waiting all night, didn’t I?”
“Please, I don’t want to--”
“Shhh,” his fingers slipped down to your entrance and he traced it carefully, “You’re drunk. You don’t know what you want,” he poked his finger inside of you, “But your body does.” He added another and glided in and out of your easily. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
“P-p-pl--” Your voice fizzled as he curled his fingers and pressed the hell of his hand to your clit.
Your eyes rolled back and your eyelids shut. You were lost in a daze of pleasure and confusion. You were trapped but that coil winding inside you didn’t want to escape. The knot of nerves tangling tighter and tighter overpowered your fear and had you bracing the mattress. Your legs bent without a thought and your back arched. Ransom hummed as he guided your body closer to the edge.
Your nails curled into the duvet and your toes clenched. You tried to breathe, the taste of gin still on your tongue, and cried out instead. You shook as you came but it didn’t feel like your body. You felt as if you were floating above as you were used by this man. Your legs went limp and slid straight as you panted wildly and the world was specks of light as you opened your eyes.
“Teacher’s pet, aren’t you?” He taunted. “You always have the answers.”
You focused on Ransom as the room remained a fog behind him. A halo seemed to limn his figure as he drew his hand from your cunt and licked his fingers. He delighted in the taste and planted his hands on the bed and bent over you.
“That smug little smile when you’re right. You’re always right.” He hissed. “I had girls like you in my classes. Always thought they needed a good fuck.”
You touched his chest and pushed pathetically. He chuckled as his nose brushed yours.
“You know, when you bend over to get a pen from your bag, I can see straight down your shirt,” he winked, “It makes me wanna bend you over myself. You know how hard it is to teach when you’ve got me all riled up?”
“I didn’t-- Never…” you murmured, your head lolling as you found it hard to follow his words, hard to keep from drifting away entirely.
“I was going to wait until the break… Tonight was unexpected but not unwanted,” he uttered as he reached between your bodies. He dragged his tip along your folds. “You should know what you do to me.”
He stopped at your entrance and slowly pushed inside. Your mouth formed an O and he groaned with each inch. His arm came back up and hooked under your shoulder as he sank to his limit. You moaned at how full you were. Your walls hugged him and you grasped his shoulder as you tried to pull away from him. 
He grabbed your jaw and held your head straight as he glared down at you and jerked his hips.
“That’s all you, sweetie,” he muttered, “Does it hurt you like it hurts me?”
He began to thrust and your legs bent around him as you tried to ease the pain. Since your regrettable high school sweetheart, you hadn’t done anything more than some foreplay and that had been shameful, if not forgettable. You closed your eyes, your head swirled and your body bounced against the bed as the darkness embraced you.
When you opened your eyes next, your head hung to the side as Ransom held himself over you, arms straight as he rutted. His gaze clung to the joining of your bodies and the slick noise of it. His hair dangled down from his head as he watched himself fuck you, slamming harder and faster each time as if driven by the sight.
You winced and let out a moan. It hurt, delightfully so, but in the back of your alcohol-laced mind, you knew it was wrong.
He lowered himself slowly, bending to take your nipple in his mouth and suckle as he continued to rock against you. His thrusts grew sharper as his groans sent a rumble through your chest. Your thighs tingled and your core thrummed as you were overcome by your drunken ecstasy.
Your voice filled the room as you came again and you didn’t realise it was yours. Ransom drew back and sat up as he lifted your pelvis, crashing into you as hard as he could as he bared his teeth. His eyes were smoky as he grunted and his motion turned frantic.
“I’m gonna- ahhh,” he took several long thrusts as he flooded you with his orgasm. 
He kept going until the sensation made him spasm and he hung his head. He reached down to spread your cunt and admired it as he slowly slid out. As his cum leaked from you, he scooped it up with his fingers and pushed it back in, spreading the rest along your folds.
“Shit,” he said as he grazed your thighs with his nails, your eyes closed and consciousness fading with his voice, “Such a good girl…”
You felt as if you were buried in sand when you woke up. The world was too bright and yet too dull. The night before was blank, a void, and your surroundings were a greater mystery. The framed manuscripts, the antique side table with a twisted vase atop it, the pristine white walls. You groaned as every move made your head throb.
You rolled onto your back and gurgled. Your stomach stirred and you struggled to keep it from erupting. You turned your head slowly as your hand felt along the arm beside you. Ransom Drysdale, your Lit professor, watched you as you stared back confused. His bare torso made your cheeks burn and the dress bunched up around your waist added to your embarrassment. How had this happened?
“What-- Professor--”
“If I spank you, would you scream that for me? ‘Professor’?” He mocked.
“I don’t--” You sat up and it sent a strike of pain down the back of your skill, “What happened? How--”
“Do you want to see the pictures?” He sat up and his hand tickled along your back. “I think you might be able to guess without them.”
You blinked at him and drew away from his touch. You turned your legs over the side of the bed and took a breath before you stood. You pulled your dress up over your arms and tugged the skirt back down as you searched for your panties.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” He asked.
“I have to get… back to campus,” you gripped your head. “Where’s my purse?”
“Relax,” he cooed, “I’ll drive you back…” You heard him stand and turned as he approached you, naked. “But I think that we should get cleaned up first.”
“A nice hot shower,” he licked his lips and leaned in, “Or do you like walking around with me all down your leg?”
You reeled and your stomach churned. You covered your mouth and shoved him away. You ran for the small door on the other side of the room and thankfully, found a toilet within. You wretched into the bowl until your body ached. You sensed his shadow behind you.
“You just make sure you wash your mouth out, sweetie,” he stepped past you and cranked the shower on, “I didn’t get a chance to play with that yet.”
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sgstories123 · 4 years
“Daddy-O! Thanks for picking us up.” Charlene threw her bags of shopping into the front seat of the gleaming blue BMW before joining her friend Rachel at the back of the car.
Mr Tan just smiled at her 18 year-old daughter. He is a successful businessman but he has spent so little time on his family that his wife left him a couple of years ago. Since then, he swore to spend more time on his daughter and less time making money. So when his daughter wanted him to fetch her home from a shopping trip, he cancelled his meetings for the day and left to pick her up.
Mr Tan looked at the rear view mirror. He knew Rachel. She was one of Charlene’s shopping buddies and had been to their house several times. She looked a bit like Charlene and can easily be mistaken to be her sister or cousin. Both were about the same height of 1.7metres and spotting a slim and slender frame. They both enjoyed water sports and so both were tanned with perhaps Rachel being slightly darker with slightly larger breasts than Charlene. Their mannerisms were quite similar too. Both were now giggling at some jokes and flicking their long hair back as they threw their heads back in laughter.
“What did you buy, girls?” Mr Tan asked from the front of the car.
“New bikinis,” Charlene replied immediately. “We are having a weekend pool party so we bought new outfits. And, Daddy-O, there was this beautiful designer bag that I just got to have. It costs a bomb but I don’t think you will mind, right?”
“Of course not. Anything for my daughter,” smiled Mr Tan.
“Rachel wanted it too but she spent all her money on the bikinis. She…oh wait.” Charlene stopped talking and looked intently at the message on her handphone.
“Shucks! I forgot that we are supposed to meet our lecturer for the group project discussion today. I am going to be so screwed.” Charlene whined. “Daddy-O, can you drop me off at school?”
“Oh. Shall I accompany you to school then?” Rachel asked.
“No. That is not necessary. I will be done in about an hour or so. Why don’t you head back to my house and wait for me?” Charlene replied without looking up from texting an excuse to her study group.
A few minutes later, Mr Tan dropped Charlene off at her school. “See you later, Rachel!” Charlene shouted before closing the car door and waving a quick good-bye to her father.
Mr Tan drove back to his condominium with Rachel in his car. He had never spent time alone with Rachel before as Charlene was always around. He found her to be quite charming. They shared a couple of jokes and laughed together happily. Looking at her through the rear mirror, he realised that she was quite pretty and attractive.
Once they reached his home, he opened the door to his condominium unit and invited Rachel in. “You have been here several times. Make yourself at home.” He left the shopping bags on the sofa. “Looks like you girls have been busy cleaning up the shops,” he smiled. “There are drinks in the fridge. Help yourself.”
Rachel went into the kitchen while Mr Tan sat down in on the sofa and switched on the television. He was feeling a little tired. “Do you want me to get you something, Uncle?” Rachel called from the kitchen.
“Oh, thanks! Can you get me a beer?” Mr Tan called out, surfing for a good Netflix movie.
He heard a Rachel coming out of the kitchen with two cans of beer in her hand. She set a can on the table and opened the other. The beer foamed out of the can, leaving a trail on the side of the can. Rachel instinctively licked the side of the can, stretching her pink tongue over the can. She pursed her lips and sipped off the excess beer. Mr Tan found that extremely erotic and his cock got hard, making an uncomfortable dent in his pants.
“Oops. Sorry about that. Here’s your beer, Uncle.” Rachel handed the can to Mr Tan. He took a sip, knowing that he just drank Rachel’s saliva mixed with the beer.
Rachel opened her own can of beer and again, the beer foamed out of the can. This time, it dripped onto her t-shirt, making a tiny dark patch on her breasts. Rachel licked the can again and this time, Mr Tan looked more intently at her tongue, imagining how it would feel if it was on his hard, warm cock instead of the cold, metallic can.
“Gosh. I am so careless. I need to wash this.” Rachel sighed. She took off her t-shirt, revealing a white bra covering a pair of perfect, round breasts. She walked into the kitchen to wash her t-shirt and returned to Mr Tan, still in her bra.
Mr Tan tried to appear nonchalant and not look at Rachel. “I didn’t know you drink beer. I thought young girls will go for Coke or something like that.”
“Nah. I drink beer once in a while. It is relaxing.” Rachel looked at Mr Tan. “Don’t worry. Charlene is not a beer person. She is a good girl.” Rachel laughed and reassured Mr Tan.
“No, you misunderstood me. I am not saying that drinking beer is bad. Just surprised. That’s all.” Mr Tan blushed in embarrassment.
“Are you blushing? Gosh, that’s so cute.” Rachel giggles. That made Mr Tan blushed even more. Was it the beer?
“Here, let me show you what we bought today.” Rachel reached over Mr Tan to grab a shopping bag. Mr Tan could feel Rachel’s breast resting on his chest. His cock was harder than ever and he hoped Rachel will not notice.
Rachel pulled out a red bikini. “Nice? Let me wear it for you.” She stood up and removed her bra, exposing her bare breasts. Mr Tan caught a quick glimpse of small, pinkish nipples before they disappeared behind the red bikini. Rachel pulled off her pants, revealing matching white panties. These were pulled off and for a short while, Mr Tan caught sight of a small triangle of pubic hair and a faintly visible slit before they were covered up by the red bikini again.
“Nice?” Rachel asked again? Mr Tan looked at the 18-year old girl, dressed in a red bikini that showed off her cleavage well. Rachel’s tanned, athletic and slender legs were made even sexier in the little red thong that Mr Tan knew barely covered her privates.
“Yes. Very sexy. I am sure all the boys would be attracted by you.” Myself included. Mr Tan thought to himself. Trying to shift his thoughts elsewhere, he asked “What is this bag that Charlene liked so much?”
“Oh. It is the latest model. Very pretty. Here, let me show you.” Rachel rummaged through the shopping bags before taking out a small, squarish blue bag out of a box.
Rachel caressed the bag lovingly, her eyes not leaving it for even a second. “I wished my dad was as generous as you, Uncle. I would have loved to have this bag too. Imagine if Charlene and I both went shopping with this bag.” Rachel sighed.
Rachel put away the bag in its protective case carefully before returning to her seat next to Mr Tan. She continued sipping her beer and watching the television, seemingly lost in thought.
She turned around and looked at Mr Tan. “Uncle, if I am your daughter, will you treat me like Charlene and buy me whatever I want?”
“Of course! Why not?” Mr Tan replied. “You are so pretty. Any daddy will want to spoil you with gifts.”
“Then, can you be my daddy and buy me gifts?”
“What do you mean? Adopt you?” Mr Tan was confused.
“Ha ha!” Rachel laughed. “That’s funny. I mean be my sugar daddy. Let me show you what I can do.”
Without waiting for his response, Rachel leaned forwards and unbuckled Mr Tan’s belt. Her fingers brushed on his hard cock. She turned up to look at Mr Tan with surprise. “Gosh! Are you already hard?”
She unzipped his pants, revealing Mr Tan’s hard cock straining against his underwear. She pulled down the underwear, releasing his cock. Finally, Mr Tan’s cock was free from the confines of his underwear.
“You have a nice, thick cock, Daddy.” Rachel was going with the flow now. “Can I please suck it, Daddy?”
Mr Tan did not know how to react. Here was a sexy young girl in a red bikini offering him a blowjob but this young girl was also his daughter’s friend.
“Pretty, please, Daddy? I promise to be good.” Rachel whined in the most innocent and seductive voice. Mr Tan heard himself say “Yes, be a good girl and suck on my cock.” Did he say that? He seemed to be in a daze.
Rachel need no further encouragement. She spit on the head of the cock and using her tongue, she smeared the saliva all over the cock, lubricating it. Slowly, she engulfed the head of the cock, pressing her lips tightly on the tip and drawing a sigh of pleasure from Mr Tan. Her left hand stroked the shaft slowly, drawing seductively lines along the length of the cock. Her right hand cupped his balls, squeezing them gently. Occasionally, she will gently scratch the base of his cock, just behind the balls with her fingers, making Mr Tan gasped in pleasure.
Slowly, she drew in more of his cock, all the while sucking and maintaining pressure on his cock. Finally, she had swallowed his whole cock in her mouth, with the tip of his cock touching the back of her mouth. She continued sucking with her left hand now alternating between squeezing the base of his cock and jerking it.
Mr Tan was moaning in pleasure from the blowjob. Rachel was very good at this. He held on to her head, guiding her to enhance his pleasure. Once Rachel had his whole cock in her mouth, he knew he could not hold back any further. He felt his balls tighten and shot his load into her mouth. Instead of pulling away, Rachel continued to suck and squeeze every drop of his cum. When she was done, she pulled away and smiled seductively at Mr Tan. She opened her mouth to show him his cum in her mouth, before swallowing everything in one gulp.
Rachel got up and sat on Mr Tan’s lap. She leaned over and whispered seductively into Mr Tan’s ear. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Mr Tan’s cock stiffened again, pushing against Rachel’s ass. Rachel turned and smiled when she saw the hard cock.
“Rachel is a bad girl. Rachel did not do a good job. Please punish Rachel, Daddy. Stick your hard cock into Rachel. Make Rachel cry out in pain, Daddy.” Rachel cried.
She grabbed Mr Tan’s cock with one hand, stroking it to its full hardness. With the other hand, she pulled apart her red thongs, exposing her love hole. With one practiced movement, she guided Mr Tan’s cock into her cunt.
Mr Tan groaned in pleasure as his cock pushed swiftly into the tight, young vagina. As Rachel started to ride on Mr Tan’s cock, she removed her bikini top, offering her bare breasts to Mr Tan. He did not resist the offer, squeezing both breasts with his hands, licking and sucking each pink nipple in turn.
Rachel was also moaning in pleasure. Mr Tan had a thick cock so it was stretching and filling her cunt, sending orgasmic pleasure through her. She grind herself on his cock, moving forwards and upwards, increasing her pace as her pleasure intensified.
“Do you want to be my sugar daddy? Can you buy me whatever I want?” Rachel grunted softly into Mr Tan’s ear as she rode him. “Yes, be my daughter. I will buy you whatever you want.” Mr Tan panted, his shirt now drenched in his sweat.
Rachel hugged Mr Tan tightly. “Thank you, Daddy. I love you.” She wrapped her legs around Mr Tan, positioning herself at an angle so that Mr Tan’s cock could enter her even more deeply. She increased her pace, squeezing Mr Tan’s cock with her cunt as tightly as she could. Mr Tan could not hold back any more. With a grunt, he shot his second load into Rachel, hugging her as tightly as he could as his little soldiers charged into the tight chamber.
They held each other for a while until Mr Tan’s cock became soft and plopped out of Rachel’s cunt. Rachel gave Mr Tan a kiss on the lips. “Thank you, Daddy.” She got up and sperm trickled down her legs. “I need to take a bath.”
“Follow me.” Mr Tan led Rachel into the common toilet. “Let’s take a bath together,” he suggested.
As Mr Tan showered Rachel, his hands roamed all over her body, caressing her smooth young skin and enjoying the touch of the contours of her tight, muscular body. His cock became hard again.
“Daddy, are you hard again?” Rachel asked innocently.
Mr Tan’s lust overcame him. He needed to fuck this girl again. “Come with me.” He pulled Rachel out of the toilet and into Charlene’s room. He took a towel and dried both of them hurriedly. Seeing one of Charlene’s large t-shirt on a chair, he took it and put it on Rachel. “Don’t catch a cold. Now lie face down on Charlene’s bed with your ass facing me.”
Rachel thought that perhaps Mr Tan was into SM. Was he going to spank her bottom?
“Is Rachel a bad girl? Don’t spank me, Daddy.” Rachel role-played as well as she could.
“You are now Charlene, not Rachel.” Mr Tan replied.
Rachel got it immediately. Mr Tan is living out an incest fantasy. She mimicked Charlene’s mannerism. “Daddy-O. I am such a naughty girl.”
Mr Tan’s cock hardened immediately when he heard the term “Daddy-O” used by Charlene. He hugged Rachel from behind, sniffing at Charlene’s scent from her t-shirt.
“Daddy-O. Fuck me! I want you to fuck me!” Rachel cried.
Mr Tan grabbed his cock with one hand and with the other parted Rachel’s cunt. Overcome with lust, he did not bother with foreplay but forced his cock into the tight hole in one swift stroke. He pumped Rachel furiously from behind, leaning forward to squeeze her breasts and taking in deep breaths of Charlene’s scent, all the while imagining that he was fucking his own daughter.
Rachel was swept up by Mr Tan’s animal lust and lost herself in her pleasure. She remembered her role though and occasionally moaned “Fuck me, Daddy-O!” for Mr Tan’s pleasure.
Mr Tan increased his pace and hugged Rachel even more tightly. Minutes later, he came a third time into Rachel. He turned Rachel’s head upwards for a kiss. “Don’t tell anyone and I will buy you whatever you want. When we are alone, your name is Charlene.” 
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Also, we talked a mill years ago about an Inuyasha AU? You wanted to make G wear the necklace etc. Which OBVIOUSLY is a fantastic idea and I really which you would, please 🤣😘💗
Okay, so this isn’t exactly the necklace bit, but it’s the most Inuyasha crossover thing I could think of at the moment! Also I’m sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for so long! <3 Oops!
Geralt turns into a human one night a month, during the new moon.
wordcount: 1.7k
TW: emotional Geralt whump, angst with a happy ending, pining
“Stay in the room,” Geralt instructed, glaring Jaskier down from his place near the door. The bard nodded obediently and made a show of pulling his recently acquired book from his travel bag. 
“I might go down and perform for a bit, but I promise not to bring anyone back and I promise not to start any fights.”
“I’d rather you didn’t leave the room at all,” Geralt grumbled, “But I suppose the coin wouldn’t hurt.”
“Where are you going, anyway?”
“Next town over. Nightwraith.”
“Why can’t I come with you?” the bard pouted. His lower lip stuck out slightly and his eyes crinkled so cutely that it always made the Witcher question his ‘human’ parentage; there was a siren’s power in the way he turned up his nose and fluttered his pretty lashes. “Surely I could sit incredibly high up in a very sturdy tree and watch my glorious companion in all his… glory?”
“Excellent word choice,” Geralt rolled his eyes. He hefted his swords over his shoulder and shot the bard another meaningful look.  “I’ll see you in the morning. Stay. Safe.”
“Yes, Milord,” Jaskier sighed dramatically, flopping back against the pillows and opening his book. “Return to me in as few pieces as possible, dear heart.”
And with that, Geralt disappeared into the late afternoon light. 
There had been several distinctive changes to Geralt’s physical body after the second round of experimental Trials; his hair, of course, and his ghostly-pale skin were the most obvious. His greatest secret, however, and the strangest of all the Trials’ side effects, were the temporary changes he underwent on the nights of the new moon. His Witcher strength and senses abandoned him and his body returned to its pre-Trial state. He became, for all intents and purposes, a normal human man. 
He hated it. He hated himself. There was no power behind his punches on his human nights and while he remained graceful and competent with his swords, he lost his speed and dexterity. It left him feeling helpless and alone, and an onslaught of emotions (which he was usually able to suppress or ignore) flooded his mind, pulling tears from his eyes and putting a ruddy redness on his cheeks and ears that he found ugly. No doubt Jaskier would find him just as hideous. And useless…
If he couldn’t protect the bard, the handsome young human who smiled at him as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be friends with a Witcher, then what good was he? Keeping Jaskier safe, keeping him alive and smiling like that, was what motivated Geralt to slump his way back to their room even when he wanted nothing more than to drop to the ground and pass out from exhaustion. Making sure Jaskier was okay (and, alright, getting his wounds fawned over and his hair washed wasn’t too bad either) was what kept him alive.
I can’t believe I forgot to keep track, Geralt berated himself as he set up his small campfire just inside the mouth of a cave. I almost revealed my secret to Jaskier. 
Geralt wasn’t sure which outcome he feared more: Jaskier seeing him in his less horrible state and rejecting him completely for keeping secrets/being a true monster, or Jaskier finding his human body attractive and being even more disgusted by his Witchery appearance. Geralt wouldn’t be able to stand either outcome, so he disappeared into the woods or back to the Path (if Jaskier was stuck in a town, teaching or performing) whenever the night of the new moon arrived.
He sighed and crossed his legs, resting his elbows on his bent knees and setting his chin on one upright palm. He glanced up at Roach and grumbled out an excuse: “I just don’t want to lose him.”
Roach whinnied quietly, reproachfully, and Geralt nodded. 
“You’re absolutely right, I should tell Jaskier about all of this, but if I tell him now, after travelling together for so long, he’ll think I don’t trust him. And I do trust him! I trust him as much as I trust my brothers, maybe more considering their pranks… But I don’t want to scare him off, either. I’m such a fucking coward.”
As the last light of day slipped away beneath the horizon and darkness fell, Geralt felt his hair grow coarser and heavier atop his head. His eyesight dimmed and his knowledge of the landscape - every scent and sound - disappeared from his consciousness. The scars on his skin faded away into nothing as his pupils dilated into circles, the irises shifting from honey-gold to a deep, forest green. 
From a nearby bush, Geralt heard a familiar voice mutter, “Holy shit.”
He leapt to his feet and backed against the cave wall, throwing his arm across his face to hide it. “Dammit, Jaskier, I told you to stay at the inn!”
The bard took a nervous step forward, away from his hiding place, and waved bashfully. “Sorry, dear heart. Are you really- is it really you in there, Geralt?”
“Yes?” the Witcher-turned-human raised an eyebrow, lowering his arm back down to his side with no small amount of shame. “Who else would it be?”
“Well,” the bard said, taking a measured step forward. “I wasn’t sure if this was, like, a reverse-werewolf type deal. I didn’t know if you’d have the same memories as before or- or if-”
“It’s still me,” Geralt blushed, actually blushed, and dipped his head down to avoid Jaskier’s curious gaze. “I’m sorry for not telling you before, but-”
Geralt glanced back up, even more confused, his emotions playing havoc with his pulse. “I- Don’t I owe you an apology?”
“No,” Jaskier said, settling down on the rocky ground across the fire and gesturing for Geralt to join him. The flames lit up his face, highlighting the roundness of his cheeks and the softness in his eyes. So youthful, yet so determined. “If you’re still Geralt in here” - he tapped the side of his head and grinned playfully - “then you’re still my best friend.”
“Oh yeah, my Witcher is definitely in there somewhere,” Jaskier laughed brightly. The sound wound down and he wiped a tear of glee from the corner of his eye. After a long, sobering pause he asked: “So is this what you looked like before… they did all that stuff to you?”
“Before the Trials? Yes. This is what I looked like fifty years or so ago, when I was young and mortal. My shoulders are wider, of course, but that’s just old age.”
Jaskier made his way slowly around the fire, inching closer to Geralt, who had finally taken a seat on his bedroll. When the bard was right next to him, close enough for Geralt to feel their combined body heat through his shirt, he took a lock of Geralt’s hair in his hand. “It’s… it’s not as soft, like this. But it has curls! And it’s almost red!”
Jaskier looked overjoyed at the change, and every one of Geralt’s fears flashed before his eyes. He was tempted to wrench away, to fling himself up into Roach’s saddle and ride hard until they both needed a rest. 
But Jaskier had begun talking again, and Geralt did his best to pay attention. “It’s different, but not bad. I think you’re only slightly more handsome when you’re a Witcher, but  your eyes are a lovely shade of green and I’d love to do up your hair someday… if you’d like that. If you’d let me.”
Geralt made a startled noise and turned his head sharply, his eyes boring into Jaskier’s very soul. “Do you mean it?”
“Of course!”
“You don’t- you aren’t mad? Or scared? You don’t think I’m more approachable like this? You wouldn’t prefer me to be like this - like a human - all the time?”
Jaskier shook his head, a sadness Geralt often noticed but didn’t understand falling over his face. “Oh Geralt, you silly, silly, wonderful man. I don’t lo-” - he paused, took a deep breath, and continued - “I love you, okay? As a Witcher. Like this. I have always loved you and I will always love you, regardless of what you look like, but I fell in love with the White Wolf. The man whose reputation needed mending and whose heart… whose heart is so incredibly large despite how often the world tries to harden it.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt gasped. He clutched at his chest, the ache he felt there intensifying a hundredfold under Jaskier’s steady gaze. “I love you, too. I never thought-”
“You often don’t,” the bard teased, closing the space between them with careful, intentional slowness. “Now, keep up the good work and stop thinking entirely. Just kiss me, Geralt. Please?”
“Would you like it if I kissed you?” the Witcher asked, incredulous. Jaskier lifted one delicate hand and slid a lock of Geralt’s curly hair back behind his ear. He pressed a soft kiss to Geralt’s cheek and smiled. 
“Very much, darling.”
“Alright,” Geralt breathed, closing the space between them. It felt so much more intense like this, with his heart beating as quickly as Jaskier’s, threatening to burst from his chest because it was overflowing with happiness. His hand, smooth and unblemished in its current state, cupped the peach-soft skin of the bard’s cheek. He ran his thumb over the hinge of Jaskier’s jaw, feeling the bone and joint working as their mouths moved together. When they finally pulled apart they were both beaming broadly, “Was it okay?”
“You’re very soft like this,” Jaskier noted. “But I miss your eyes and your hair… when will my Geralt return?”
“I’m still yours, Jaskier. Even when I look like this,” Geralt frowned. Jaskier took one of the Witcher’s hands in both of his and held it flat over his heart.
“I know, my dear. And I’m always yours, of course. It’s just… odd. I’ll get used to it the more often I see it, I’m sure. How long does it usually last?”
“I’ll be back to normal when the sun rises.”
“Until then?”
“Come here,” Geralt held up the corner of his blanket. Jaskier shifted so that they were cuddled together, side-by-side. “Better?”
“Now that I’m with you? Of course.”
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0oolookitsme · 3 years
Hello Ms. Baker
Genre- Blurb
Pairing- PrinceHair!Harry x reader
Word Count- 647
Warnings- Curse words.
A/n- I wanted this to be a one-shot but decided to go with a blurb instead so I might make a part 2 for this in future. Enjoy! <3
“Hello?” Y/n said, for the third time and this person seems to be either fucking with her or has some issue with their phone. “Look I’ve other works to do okay. If you don’t have to say anything, I am hanging up.” Getting frustrated she put the phone on speaker and started working around the shop, picking up ribbons, cleaning the fallen petals, cleaned the cherry wooden floor to make it look presentable. She does this all in the first thirty minutes when she opens the shop every morning.
Miss Y/n obviously forgot about the phone so when she hears someone cough, she’s fucking startled, using her iron scale as a weapon she might need.
“Who’s there?” she narrows her eyes. “I-It’s me on the phone idiot” he laughs in a weak voice which only leads to a round of cough. Widening her eyes and mouth forming in a ‘O’ in realization, she puts the scale on counter and goes to talk to him.
“Hey!” she said, smiling because she knows he isn’t here. “Hmm” he hummed clearly waiting for her to ask, “how are you?”, oops she interrupted my writing (bitch). “Not good, what about you?” he said, knowing she knows that he has cold. “I’m good, yeah. How did you catch cold?” she asked, rolling her eyes because she did exactly what he wanted her to do.
“I don’t know” he said preparing for the pregnant pause he just told her to create and she indeed did create it to prepare herself for the lecture she’s giving him time for.
“Serious-“ he cuts her off midsentence and hastily says “I know but can you please handle my shop too? Just for today!”
Making a ‘Bitch you serious’ face she’s quick to say a “No? You can just keep it close, you haven’t taken a break in a while either.” “Yeah but there are many orders today! The cakes are prepared and are stored in the fridge! Please! The breads are also in the showcase area!” he begs her, ready to get on his knees. “Fine, but I will call you if there’s any problem, okay!” she tells and asks him. “Yes of course! Oh my god, thank you so much!” cheering he says. “You’re welcome, get well soon!” she smiles mumbling a ‘don’t want to manage your shop for days, right?” which was meant for him to hear and she was confirmed he did because of the breathy laugh heard from the other side before she hung up.  
Shuffling around her store to find a spare key to his shop she keeps it on the counter as when she’s done setting up her store she will go to his.
He wasn’t lying when he said there were many orders today. The fridge was stuffed with cake and pastry boxes in the morning and now most of them are gone.
Literally everyone asked her about him to which she said “I’m covering up for him today. I think he will be here tomorrow though!” to which they smiled, some even muttered encouragements for her, and left. The customers of her own shop asked her too and she answered them the same to which some of them replied with “Awh, that’s sweet of you!” and “Get home soon today, you must be tired love” and that just made her heart burst with the feeling of home.
As soon as it hit eight, she went to close her shop and returned to close his.
Turning around to make her way home and talk to him on the way, she was alarmed when she heard a raspy “Hello Ms. Baker” in her ear, the warm breath warming up her whole face and sending zips of electricity down her spine. The cough followed behind kind of ruined the moment but made her laugh any way.
“Hello Mr. Cold Catcher”.
⊱ ────── {END} ────── ⊰
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misterghostfrog · 4 years
Tumblr media
[IMAGE ID: A digital drawing of Martin Blackwood and Jonathan Sims, they have been drawn as hobbits instead of humans. Jon is hobbit with dark skin and slightly pointed ears, he’s not quite scrawny by human standards but definitely thin for a hobbit.  He has shoulder lenght dark hair that is liberally scattered with grey, his hair appears to be blowing leftwards in the wind. His eyes appear to be split in color, his left eye is brown, and his right is partly brown with a large portion of bright green over half the iris. He has stubble on his chin and his arms and face are covered with small speckled scars. There is a scar over the left side of his neck. He is wearing a green cloak with a hood, the cloak is billowing in the wind. It has a small golden eye shaped clasp holding it on. Under that he is wearing a brown vest that isn’t entirely closed over a navy blue tunic with golden accents on the sleeves.  And dark pants. He is holding a necklace, at the end of which is fastened a bright green glowing ring with an eye decorating it. Martin is a slightly taller and much heavier hobbit, with light skin and freckles. He has ginger hair. that seems messy and is blowing in the wind. He has short pointed ears, with small silver stud earrings, and has a very small amount of facial hair on his chin. He also has some hair on his forearms. He is has a pair of small round glasses on his face. He is wearing an identical cloak to jons, with the same golden eye clasp. He has a grey vest on, over a navy blue tunic with green accents on the sleeves. His tunic is untucked unlike Jons and hangs down past his belt. Under that he has a pair of dark pants. They are both standing in front of what appears to be a rocky wasteland, with large green glowing eyes filling the rusty sky. They are staring towards the camera, Jon looks afraid, and is holding the ring out close to his chest. Martin looks afraid, but determined. They are holding hands. END ID]
So I drew this a few days ago but absolutely forgot to post it. LOTR au art! Based off @celosiaa‘s AU
This is probably a good time to mention I haven’t seen the movies the whole way through or read the books for years and I cannot remember half the plotlines. Also I don’t know how to draw fantasy clothes! oops!
Edit: I posted this, viewed it on my phone, and realized those colors were all kinds of wrong so i swapped with an earlier version that does notccause eyestrain
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puckinginsane · 4 years
What Am I?
Jamie Benn one shot
Warningsish : Smuttyish language. A curse? I think just one. 
Words : 7.8K 
I really hope y’all like it. I worked really hard on this.
🎵 Tell me, have you seen a sunset Turn into a sunrise? Kiss right through the night? 'Cause we should try that sometime Hold you 'til the mornin' And if I said I'm fallin' Would you just reply "I know you are, but what am I?"🎵
I usually don't go to bars or clubs with the intent of picking up a guy. Sometimes it happens, but most of the time I'm there to have a good time with my friends and get a little tipsy. Not tonight. Tonight I am here to get drunk and to get laid. It's one of those nights where the only way I'm going to escape life for a while is to get hammered and make bad decisions. Lately life has given me one punch in the gut after the other so I need a win.
I've already spotted my target. I've been watching him on and off for the last 45 minutes. He's tall, tatted, handsome. Built like an ox but hasn't said much all night. The guys he's with have all the energy and he's the observer. We've locked eyes a few times throughout the night but he'd always just look away. I'm not sure it's me he even saw. It's a bit busy in here tonight.
I watch as his friends try to convince him to go to the club with them but he insists they go on without him. He's nursing the rest of his beer so if I'm going to make a move it's gotta be now. I push any thoughts of doubt out of my mind. I need to just go for it. No more waiting for something to happen. If I want it to happen I’m going to have to make it happen myself. And what I want is for him to take me home and make me forget all of my problems, something I thought the alcohol was going to do but it’s done a shitty job so far.
I sit on the open stool next to him and lean on my elbow on the bar. "You should have gone with them. They look like fun."
He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, intensity in his eyes, then just looks down at the bar and shakes his head. "I'm not interested in the fun they're looking for tonight."
I inch closer to him. "What kind of fun are you looking for? I'm looking for some fun myself." I place my hand delicately on his forearm, not sure of how he's going to react to it. He flexes under my touch but doesn't pull away. "Some anonymous fun just for tonight. To escape life for a while." I give him my best I want to fuck you eyes and hope he feels the same way about me. 
"I'm looking for the kind where I finish this beer and head home."
"That doesn't sound very fun at all, unless you're taking me with you."
"That is the fun I'm trying to avoid."
"Shame." I drink the last bit of my drink and call the bartender over. I'm not going to be taking no for an answer tonight and he's the one I want, I need, to take my mind off of everything. I order us a few rounds of shots. "You need something stronger." I hope he doesn't reject me. My experience with men is that most of the time they can't resist shots with an attractive woman, no matter how hard they want to fight it. 
To my surprise, he picks up the shot glass and looks me dead in the eyes as he takes it. Suddenly it's about fifty degrees hotter in here and I think you could hear my heart beating from across the bar. "Aren't you going to have yours?" He has a cheeky tone in his voice, knowing that my panties have disintegrated into nothing simply by the way he's looking at me.
I almost forgot. I can barely remember my own name as he continues to look at me with those eyes. "Of course." I take my shot while keeping eye contact with him, the same as he did with me. "Another?"
"Why do you want to escape so badly?"
"Rough week, month, year. I just wanna feel good tonight, for once." Does he really want to know? I want to skip the life stories and get right to being naked. 
He picks up a shot glass and hands it to me before picking one up for himself. "I hear that."
We do a few more shots and I'm trying to study him, but I can't get a read on him. I can't tell if this is going somewhere or if he just wants to get drunk with me and leave. He's not exactly flirting, but he's not rejecting my advances either. He's a bit mysterious how he sits there not saying much with his mouth, but saying everything with his eyes. He needs this as much as I do, whatever this turns out to be. I can tell.
“We can continue to do this or we can get out of here for some fun. I know you want fun. Why deny yourself? Let’s get out of here.”
He stares me down, pursing his lips together. Is he actually thinking or does he just want to watch me squirm? “One more drink then I’ll get us an Uber.”
“You’re serious?” I was almost expecting for him to turn me down again.
“I’m serious. You wore me down.”
“Don’t act like I’m forcing you.”
“You are.” The ends of his mouth curl up into a smirk.
He wants to act all innocent but he’s got a bad side to him and it comes through more and more as the night goes on. He’s not fooling me. We each have one more drink before closing out the tab and heading outside to wait for our Uber. I am still surprised that we are about to go back to his place. I’m not nervous. I thought I’d be nervous. I look up at him and he’s staring at his phone, jaw clenched. I can’t help thinking about all of the things I want to do with him. I can’t wait to kiss those pillowy lips of his. 
He leans in close to talk to me. “He’s almost here.” He awkwardly places his hand on my back, almost wrapping his arm around me but changing his mind halfway through. I feel him relax a few seconds later. The last thing I want is for him to feel awkward around me. The whole point of leaving together is to feel good and have some meaningless sex.
When we get in the car I lean up against him and to my surprise he doesn’t tense up when I do. It’s nice. The one thing I notice is that he is so warm. He must be nice to snuggle up against on a cold day. That is something I definitely should not be thinking about right now. This is going to be a one night stand. Anonymous sex. One and done. A no sleepover situation. The walk of shame. All of those cliché phrases that means I will never see him or think about him again.
The ride is quiet, but not awkward. The alcohol is really starting to hit me, now that we’ve left the bar. I can feel myself smiling like a dopey idiot. I’ve accomplished what I set out to do tonight. I just hope it’s worth it. I hope that it does help me escape the way I need it to.
“You’re quiet all of a sudden,” he mutters in my ear, sending chills down my spine, making me wish this guy would drive 50 miles per hour faster than he is right now.
“I’m good. You good?”
“I’m great.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. “Good.” 
For some reason this doesn’t feel like I’m about to go home with some random guy and have sloppy drunk sex. My limited experience has been that we are all over each other from the bar to wherever we’re going. Kissing, touching, flirting. There’s really been none of that here. I wonder if I’m making a mistake, that I was too eager, that I’m going to be left wanting more.
I quickly learn that not only are we not on the same page, but that he’s also full of surprises when the car pulls up to Top Golf and stops, not his house, where I thought we were going. We get out of the car. I can’t believe I thought he was taking me home with him. I should have known. I should have listened to my instincts. Maybe I should have been more specific.
“You know this isn’t the kind of fun I was talking about, right?”
“It’s not?”
I have no idea if he’s being serious or if he’s messing with me. “No. It’s not.”
“Oops. We might as well go in, we’re here.”
“This is really what you want to do?”
“You want fun. This is fun.”
“If you say so.”
He places both hands on my shoulders. “I promise you’ll have a good time.”
"Allriiiiiight. I'm counting on you."
"Mini golf or driving range?"
I can't believe he's serious. "I'm feeling adventurous tonight so driving range. I've never done it before."
He grins. "This should be interesting."
We head inside, choose a bay, order drinks and food, and get started on whatever is happening right now. At this point I'm just going with the flow.
He sits down in front of the scoring screen. "We have to put our names in for the scoring. What's yours? I'll put them in."
"This is supposed to be anonymous fun."
He rolls his eyes. "Fine. Nicknames?"
"What should I put for you?"
"My friends call me Bunny."
"That's cute. Bunny it is."
I watch as he enters my name, then his. "Why are you Chubbs?"
"Just a nickname that stuck. Why are you Bunny?"
"Because I have endless energy. I go go go."
He raises an eyebrow and looks back over his shoulder at me. "Not other reasons?"
I smile. “There might be.”
He smirks before standing up. “The clubs are over there. We each are going to get ten turns to hit the targets. The harder the target, the more points you get.”
“Wait. Hold up. I thought I was just gonna be hitting a bunch of balls. There’s points involved?”
“Yeah. It’s a game. It’s just for fun, though.”
“You take your club, wave it over here like this, and a ball will pop out.” He shrugs. “Then you just hit it. Don’t let go of the club, though.”
“I won’t. What do you think I am?”
He gets all in my face. “Drunk.” He belly laughs and I can’t help laughing too. “Do you want me to show you how to hold the club, how to swing well?”
“As tempting as that offer is I think I can handle it. Thank you.” I start to step up to take my turn, but then look back at him. “If you get that close to me, touch me, then golf is the last thing I’m going to want to do.”
"Don't you wanna go hard and deep, though?" Putting purposeful emphasis on hard and deep, obviously to drive me crazy..
Unexpected. I almost drop my club “Ok, yeah, let’s just get out of here.”
“Go. Hit the ball. It’ll make you feel better.”
He's actually torturing me now. And enjoying it. How can he flirt like that and act like it's nothing? I normally hate games, but I like this game he's playing. One look from him and I am a puddle of goo. Each word out of his mouth is carefully selected and has a purpose. He knows exactly what he's doing and it only makes me want him more.
The waitress comes over and drops off our drinks and food so I take a long sip of my drink before going back to the tee to take my shot. I try to focus on the ball as I can feel his eyes burning a hole in me. I don’t dare look at him because I will lose my concentration. I’ve only ever played mini golf and never actually driven a ball before so this should be interesting. I will be happy with any kind of contact with the ball.
I’ve seen this done a billion times, ok maybe not that much, but enough for it not to be impossible to do. Sure, I’m feeling a little loose but it’s not like I’m trying to perform brain surgery. All I have to do is hit the ball out there somewhere. I grip the club the way I think I should and I swing back and hit the ball. It is not graceful and I barely touch it and the ball weakly goes off to the side. How embarrassing.
He stands up and walks towards me. "What was that?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Not everyone can be professional golfers like you apparently are."
"I'm not, but my two year old niece has a better swing than that."
"I'm in heels and I'm drunk."
"Excuses. I’m drunk too."
"I don't know you well enough to have to take this abuse from you, you know."
"You should take your heels off "
"If you wanted me to get undressed, you should have just taken me back to your place."
“It’ll be way easier but go ahead and be stubborn if you want.”
I take my heels off and my feet feel a hundred percent better. I also feel significantly shorter standing in front of him now. "Now I can be Tiger Woods."
He laughs. "I wouldn't go that far. At least better than a two year old I hope."
“Let’s see what you got, Chubbs.” I sit down and lean back on the couch and watch as he grabs a club and steps up to the machine. He is one beautiful sight of a man. 
“Watch closely.”
“Believe me, I am, there is nothing that could make me take my eyes off of you.”
He bashfully smiles and looks at the ground before moving his ball to where he wants it. He explains to me how and why he grips the club the way that he is, tells me the proper way to swing the club, what to do with my hips, everything I need to know to do better in my next turn. He hits the ball and looks way more graceful than I did. There’s a satisfying tink sound when the club hits the ball. It lands close to the target but doesn’t hit it. He mutters under his breath at himself. How could he be angry at that? To me it looked perfect. He turns towards me. “You think you got it now?” 
“I think so.”
I feel a lot more sturdy without my heels on. I am feeling more confident in myself this time. I am going to crush this ball. I try to remember everything he was saying to me but it was hard to concentrate on the words when there are so many other things to focus on. His perfectly kissable lips, those dark brown eyes that I just can't get enough of, the nicest ass I've ever seen on a man or a woman. I could go on. I take a swing and this time I can feel the contact with the ball. It goes flying and I jump up and down. "I did it! I did it!" I could not be more proud of myself.
He darts up from the chair. "That was great! Way to go, Bunny!" He holds his hand up for a high five and I smack it. "Felt good, didn't it?" He hugs me.
"Felt really good." I look up at him smiling and he's looking down at me. "This feels good too."
He smiles and licks his lower lip. "You're gonna be harder competition than I thought."
“You said it’s just for fun.”
“Mhmm. Winning is fun.” He nudges me a few times with the cutest smile on his face. I can’t help giggling. I love that he’s starting to let go and be happy. He looked so sad in the bar and here he seems to be in his element.
I pick up the menu. “I’m going to order myself a drink. Want one?”
“Don’t you think you should go easy on the drinks?”
“I’ll be fiiiiiine. It’ll just be one. Maybe two. Want one? Oh my god orange dream sounds amazing. I’m ordering two and you can have one if you want.”
He grins. “We’ll see.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll pay for them.”
“Nonsense. Order whatever you want. I got it.”
“You sure? I don’t mind. I’m not trying to play games or anything.”
“I’m sure. I wanted to come here and I’d never let a woman pay. It was nice of you to offer, though.”
“Ok. If you change your mind let me know.”
He steps up to his ball and hits it so, so far. “I won’t.” He smiles. “Your turn.”
I get up and grab my club. "If the waitress comes by can you order those two orange dreams for me?"
"Yeah. I can. Still think you should go easy."
"They water the drinks down at these places. I'll be fine. It's cute that you're so worried, though.”
“You’re cute.” He says it low and bashful and has made himself blush, but he has the most adorable smile on his face that he couldn’t fight even though he is trying his hardest.
I think I’m blushing too. I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t sure he was even into me. “Thanks.” I can’t fight this dumb smile on my face either. He’s got me all flustered now. The first time I swing at the ball I miss it entirely. “Fuck!” I look back to see that he’s busy ordering from the waitress and didn’t see my epic fail so I play it off and go again like it was my first time. I try to concentrate on the ball but I can’t help looking back and watching him. He’s so damn attractive that it hurts not to be close to him. I actually connect with my second attempt and I actually hit one of the targets. I wasn’t even trying. “I hit it! Did you see? I hit the target!”
He looks up on the screen and sees the score. “Sweet! I saw! I ordered drinks and some more food. Are you cool with nachos and chips and guac?”
“I am very ok with those things. Thank you.”
He walks very close to me on the way to take his shot and stops while he’s right next to me and leans down. “I saw you miss, by the way.” 
“Maybe I need you to show me how to swing after all.”
“I thought you couldn’t handle it.” He’s still talking directly into my ear, which is making me weak in the knees.
“I want it anyway.”
“Too bad it’s my turn.” He leans against me for a second before walking away. I watch that perfect ass walk all the way to the tee. I’ve decided that watching him play is way more fun than getting up there and making a fool out of myself every time.
I step up to take my turn. “I’d like that help now, if you’re still offering.”
He smiles. “Yeah, I’m still offering.” He starts to position himself behind me and just as he is about to get right up against me and hold onto my hands his phone rings. He mutters several curses under his breath and steps back. “It’s my brother. I gotta take this. I won’t be long. Just go ahead and take your turn.”
I sigh. Of course his brother would call. He was close enough for me to feel the heat off of his body and the anticipation of his hands on me has gotten my heart racing. I don’t want to go. I want to wait, but I don’t want to seem desperate so I take my turn and it’s ok. I am not going to be a golf master any time soon.
He ends his phone call rather quickly, but not before our food and drinks get brought to us. I sit down and wait for him to join me before digging in. "Sorry about that."
"Don't be. Family's important."
He nods. "Yeah. Very."
"Is….. everything ok?"
"Yup. He just got out of work and wanted to talk. I'll catch up with him later."
"Or tomorrow."
He blushes. "We'll see."
We eat our food and have our drinks before he takes his next shot. For this being an anonymous night we sure are learning a lot about each other and having great conversation. No names, though, we have both agreed that it would be more fun that way. We are going to stick with Bunny and Chubbs. I am having one of the best nights of my life. This has been so unexpected and fun and taking my mind off of everything that’s been getting me down lately. Chubbs might just be my new hero.
“I was wrong about those drinks, they were not as watered down as I thought they’d be. I’m cool, though. Ice cold.”
He chuckles. “Is that so?”
“It’s soooo so.”
“Alright then, ice queen, I believe it’s my turn.”
“Kick that ball’s ass, Chubbs!”
“I will. Just for you, Bunny.”
I get all giddy when he says my name, well, my nickname. I’ll never look at it the same way again. My friends call me it as a goof almost, but to him that’s who I am. I didn’t think I could have this much fun with a stranger. Talking with him at the bar, I would have never thought this is how my night would end up. I really thought I was going to be leaving alone. He has a cocky swagger as he walks up to take his turn. He looks back at me before he goes, perhaps to make sure that I’m watching him.
I never thought I would ever have this much fun doing anything golf related. I am going to have to come back here with my friends. Chubbs and I continue on with our game and of course he gets more points than me. That was never a question. Golf is obviously something he loves and this was my first time and it doesn’t help that I’m drunk. I wonder if I would do any better while sober. I’ll have to find out at some point.
As our number of rounds start to wind down I start to wonder what comes next. I want to keep hanging out with him. My initial intentions are still there, maybe even stronger than before. I wonder if he will want to continue the night or just go home. We have been flirting the whole time, but I still can’t get a great read on him when it comes to his intentions.
He shakes my hand. “Good game.” He looks at the floor and then all around. “There’s other things we can do here if you want.” 
I smile. He wants to keep hanging out, that’s a good sign. I really want to get him alone, though. “Did you wanna get out of here? We can go to my place or your place...if that’s something you want to do.”
“Your place is good.”
My whole face lights up. I was kind of expecting him to turn me down. “It is?”
I immediately take my phone out and open Uber to get us a ride to my place. “We should wait outside.”
“In a hurry?” he asks in that asmused at himself tone that I’ve gotten used to. He loves to tease. It’s annoying how much I like it.
“Maybe a little.” I start to walk away.
“You’re gonna leave your shoes here?”
I stop and turn around. He has the biggest grin on his face. I am so happy I amuse him so much. “Oops.” I put them back on. “Now we can go.” He is close behind me, not touching, but close enough that it feels like he is.
It feels as if life is going in slow motion as I watch the little car on the Uber app inch through the map on its way to us. I wasn’t sure this moment was actually going to happen and I really don’t want to give him time to change his mind. No matter what happens when we get to my place doesn’t matter anymore. I just don’t want this night to end. I’m not ready to say goodbye forever to him just yet.
“You’re impatient.” I can hear the amusement in his voice as he looks over my shoulder at my screen.
“I always watch the map.”
“You like to be in control.”
I shrug. “Depends.”
He leans in close. “I do.”
I feel that in all of the right places and it takes everything in me not to jump on him right here and now. “Where is this fucking car?” 
He points at my screen. “Right there.” I look at him in almost disbelief. Who is this man and why is he drawing me in like this? His shoulders shake as he chuckles to himself.
I bite my lower lip. He’s charming without even trying. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to kiss anyone so badly in my entire life. The car pulls up in front of us. “And here it is.”
The vibe in this Uber is way different than the vibe in the Uber on the way here. I can tell he wants me. His body language is the polar opposite. On the way here he was so tense and standoffish, now he is more relaxed and he couldn’t be closer to me. Our legs rub up against each other and I smile. Any contact with him sends electricity through my veins. He very confidently places his hand on my thigh and leaves it there. He wouldn't dare think about touching me on the way here. I rub his hand with mine, then move it back to my lap.
I continue to watch the map as we get on our way, purely out of habit. “Should be there in about fifteen minutes,” I mutter to him, as if I don’t want the driver to hear me. I have no idea why. It’s not like he doesn’t know. I rest my head on his arm. I guess I’m feeling more comfortable too, no longer worried about scaring him away. He agreed to come home with me and we both know where this is headed. I feel the weight of his head on mine and can't help smiling. It's been entirely too long since I've been this close to anyone. It feels nice. It doesn't matter that I don't know his name, this is exactly what I needed.
When we get up to my door I have a bit of a difficult time finding my keys in my purse. I can feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face as I continue to struggle. I finally grab them and fumble with them as I try to get my key in the lock.
He chuckles. “Are you sure you live here?”
“Yes I live here. I’m just…” I finally get the key in the keyhole.
“I got it in, didn’t I?” I open the door and we step in. “Here we are.”
He looks around. “This is nice. Bigger than I thought it would be.”
“It’s a great space. I lucked out on getting it. There were a few people interested. Do you want the grand tour?”
I take him all around my place, unsure if he actually wants to know about any of this stuff. I walk through as fast as I can so I don’t bore him to death. Of course I save my bedroom for the end of the tour, that’s the most important room.
"This is my bedroom, ya know, where the magic happens."
"Magic, eh? Full of yourself."
"I practice my card tricks in here. What are youuuuu referring to?"
"You can do card tricks? Show me."
I laugh entirely too hard. Of course he called me on my bluff. "I can't! I don't know any." I go into a fit of giggles. “I was just joking. Ever hear of one?”
He smiles. "You're so drunk."
"Takes one to know one, bud." I poke his chest and he watches my finger as I do it. “Besides, I’m not that drunk anymore.”
“Still pretty drunk.”
“I blame all of those extra Top Golf drinks.”
“You mean the ones I told you to go easy on?”
“Mhmm. Yup. Those would be the ones.”
He takes a quick look around. “Cozy.”
“Maybe you’ll find out just how cozy later.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Later?”
“Yeah, I saved the best for last. Wanna see the roof?”
“You’re not going to push me off, are you?”
I laugh. “Nah. Too messy.”
The rooftop terrace is the main reason why I bought this condo. Situations like this is why I wanted a rooftop terrace. I bring a good looking guy home and get to say the line, wanna go up to the roof? And the roof is actually the best part of the whole place. It’s private, cozy, romantic, and all mine. I keep telling myself I am going to start a garden up here, but it’s probably never going to happen.
“I only moved in a month ago so I haven’t finished decorating up here.” Right now all I have is seating and a few tables. Some are single seats and some can seat two or more people.
“You should put an outdoor chess table over there.”
“A chess table? On no. You’re a nerd, aren’t you? I brought a nerd home with me. What have I done? How did this happen?”
"Takes one to know one." He smiles, so proud of himself.
“Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny. A game isn’t a bad idea, but not chess.” We sit down on one of the couches. For outdoor furniture, it is pretty comfortable.
“This is pretty nice. Do you spend a lot of time up here?”
“Yeah, most of my time. I love being outside and I could do a lot of things on my iPad. I want to get a fire pit, I just haven’t decided on which one yet. It’s gonna be awesome.”
“If you can’t have a backyard this is the next best thing, for sure.”
"Yeah. I want a house eventually, but this will do for now. I love it."
Something in the corner catches his eye and I follow his eyes to try to figure out what he's so fascinated with. "What's in there?"
I finally realize he's looking at the cabinet. "Oh! Come with me. I'll show you." I love showing off everything I've bought for up here. I think my friends are a little sick of it so I'm glad I have someone new to show. I open the cabinet to reveal all of the goodies I have stored in there. "I may have gone a little crazy. There's the hammock. I don't like to have it out all of the time since it takes up so much room. I have extra blankets and pillows for when I wanna get snuggled up out here so I don't have to go back inside to get any."
"Thank you. I have these little heaters for when it gets cold, and I plan to get one of those tall ones eventually. A broom and some other boring stuff and that's about it."
"Looks like you're prepared for any situation."
"I try to be. It's also a bit of laziness because once I'm out here I don't want to have to go in and out to get stuff."
"And yet you don't have a fridge or cooler out here."
"It's a work in progress. It's on the list, believe me. I still have a lot of plans for this place. It’s my chance at a fresh start.”
“Seems like a good place to start to me.”
I nod. “I hope so.”
"So, who are you trying to forget tonight?"
"I never said it was a who."
"It's always a who."
"Who is your who then?"
He shakes his head. "Mmmno. I asked you first."
"It's a lot of different things, not just a guy."
"But there is a guy."
"Was a guy. What about you?"
"No guy for me."
"Who's the girl, smartass?"
"I never said I was trying to forget anyone."
"But you are. That's why you're here."
"I'm here because you're persistent."
"Is that all?"
"That's all."
I could bring up the fact he has a tattoo on his bicep that's a heart with KT in the middle, but I don't want to scare him off. He obviously doesn't want to talk about it. I've made it this far, it's better to just drop it and move on.
I take a deep breath. "We were in bed one night. Nothing crazy or unusual. We were just on our phones, about to go to sleep. He turns to me and says 'remember when we were happy?' which confused the hell out of me because I thought we were happy. I thought things were perfect. Looking back on it now I know they weren't perfect but they seemed like it at the time. I was happy, though. I didn't need perfect. I just needed us. I still...I miss him?" I figure if I open up maybe he will too.
"You don't sound sure."
"Maybe I just miss what we had. That's never coming back whether we're together or not. He wasn't happy and there was nothing I could do to change that."
"And you think tonight is gonna help."
"It has already."
He grins. "Told you."
"You know what? I'm tired of your smug and cocky attitude."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am." I go to playfully push him but he grabs my wrists and stops me.
"You're blushing." I try to pull away but he's got a good grip on me. Not hurting me, but way stronger than I am. "Not so fast."
I'm too drunk to even attempt to hide the giddy smile on my face. He smiles back at me with those dimples and crinkle eyes that I've been falling for all night. "It'll be way more fun if you let go."
He hesitates but then slowly lets go and I try to tickle him but he stops me again. "What are you doing?" He's amused. He continues smiling and stumbles a bit.
I laugh as I try to hold him up, as if I'm doing anything. If he were to actually fall we'd both be on the floor. "You ok there, wobbles?"
He looks me in the eyes and sways a little bit. "Fine."
"Are you gonna tell me about your who?"
He shakes his head. "No." He runs his fingers through my hair. We haven't broken eye contact this whole time. All I want is for him to kiss me, although I could look into his eyes all night and be perfectly fine with that.
He slowly leans in and kisses me. I'm a little in shock at first. I was beginning to think it wasn't going to happen. He holds onto the back of my head and I kiss him back. I never want it to end. We deepen the kiss and it becomes more passionate. It’s very intimate for two people who just met, who don’t even know each other’s names. We become more and more desperate for each other and our hands begin to wander and explore each other’s bodies.
He runs his hands up and down my back, his fingertips just graze my ass and start to wander back up. I almost whimper and his hands stray further and further away from my ass. I want him to grab it, push me up against a wall, and have his way with me. I slip my hands under his shirt to touch the skin on his back. I am craving skin contact and need to touch more. He’s taking his time with his hands exploring my body and normally I would get impatient and want to get right to the action, but kissing him and feeling his hands all over me is a new form of heaven I didn’t know existed.
He finally caresses my ass as he moves from my lips to my neck and I swear my pants evaporate from the heat my body is generating. His hands mirror mine and go under my shirt and it’s electricity through my veins when he makes contact. I kiss around his ear. “Just take it off,” I say, almost in a whisper, in his ear.
He kisses up my neck and to my ear as he messes with my bra. I’d be impressed if he could unclasp it like this. “Can people see us?”
“I don’t know, but we can go inside if you want.” His ass has been calling my name all night so I take this opportunity to grab it and it’s so much nicer than I thought. I don’t move my hands, I am going to be touching this all damn night.
He makes a noise in my ear and nibbles on my earlobe. It seems as if he’s enjoying it as much as I am. “Yes. Inside. Now.” 
I smile and kiss him nice and long before grabbing his hand and taking him inside. Somehow he had gotten my bra unclasped so I take it off from under my shirt and leave it on the chair in my office, which is what leads out to the roof. Before we get any further he stops us, holds onto my hips, and kisses me. His lips are perfect and I wish I could kiss him all night. I know I’m drunk so I’m trying not to be a drunken, sloppy mess about it. I want him to want to kiss me all night as well.
We get to my bedroom and he kicks his sneakers off right away, then he takes his hat off and places it on my dresser. His hair flops down into his face and he runs his fingers through it to push it back on his head and out of his eyes. How have I spent all of this time with him and not known that he has the greatest hair known to man. It’s like porn. It just falls right back into his face. I run my fingers through it for him this time and he smiles as he leans down to kiss me again. He hovers in front of my lips, just out of reach, and rubs his nose along mine. The tease. I palm him through his jeans and he bucks his hips towards my hand. I don’t mind taking our time, but I am not going to be teased. I fucking want him and want him right now. 
When I set out tonight I was hoping to have some sloppy, drunk, meaningless sex. I did not expect to meet a guy, go out on a date, take him back to my place, and have some of the best sex of my life but that is exactly what has happened. I thought it needed to be anonymous and a one night thing and I’d never have to see him again, but how can I let this guy walk out of my life forever after tonight? I can’t. I have a feeling he feels the same way. I hope he does anyway. As we lie in my bed catching our breath I wonder if these same thoughts are going through his head. It’s still so hard to read him. All I know is that he definitely had as good of a time as I did. 
"You should stay. There’s a great view of the sunrise from the roof." This is going against everything I thought tonight was going to be, not like the rest of it has gone to plan. I don't even know what's happening anymore. "Unless you have somewhere to be in the morning."
"Nowhere to be. I can stay." His voice is soft. I don't think he's believing tonight was real either.
“I can get a blanket from the cabinet. They’re nice and fluffy.”
“Do you want to go back up there now? It’s a nice night.”
“Are you sick of seeing me naked already? Alright, I get the hint.” I nudge him and laugh. We probably should get out of bed, though, I don’t want to get too used to him being here.
He laughs and nudges me back. “If we stay here longer I’ll wind up falling asleep and I’ll miss it.”
“You’re right.” I sit up and he runs his hand up and down my back. I can’t help smiling. “I’m gonna put sweats and a shirt on if that’s ok with you.”
“Whatever you want.”
We clean ourselves up in my bathroom before getting dressed. I grab some water from my fridge before we head outside just in case we get thirsty. It’s the perfect night to stay up and watch the sunrise. It’s not too cold, there really isn’t any kind of breeze even. The sky is clear so if I didn’t live in the middle of a big city I bet we’d see a sky full of stars. He sits on the couch and I get a blanket from the cabinet. I hate to admit that I am really looking forward to snuggling with him. I sit next to him and we get all cuddled up under the blanket.
We talk a little bit about my other plans for the deck and he tells me about his first apartment he lived in when he moved to Dallas. I love talking to him, nothing is awkward. The conversation is flowing and I feel like we have a nice connection. No matter what happens after he leaves tonight, this has been pretty special. We might also be doing a little bit of kissing in between talking and that doesn’t hurt either.
“I do have a who.” We hadn’t spoken in a few minutes but it wasn’t an awkward silence. It was a silence that let us enjoy the night sky and gave us time to think about what’s gone on tonight so far.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“It’s ok. I want to.” He sighs and pulls me closer to him and mindlessly traces circles on my arm. “We were starting to grow apart. We had our own careers, our own goals. We did the long distance thing for a while but it wasn’t working out so we took a break. I think it hit me way harder than it hit her and I probably should have taken that as a sign that it was time to move on, but I didn’t. We tried again but it just wasn’t the same. It was hard to admit but it just wasn’t working anymore.”
“That sucks. You think you’re with the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with and then you gotta start all over again.”
“I wasn’t looking to just yet. I don’t know what I want right now.”
“You don’t have to know yet.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know what I want either. Tonight was not something I regularly do.”
“Same goes for me.”
“The one night stand part or the taking a random stranger on a date part?”
He grins, showing those irresistible dimples. “Both.”
“Well, it was a pretty great night, so thank you.”
“You came up to me and wouldn’t give up so I should be thanking you too.”
“You thanked me a few times already.”
He blushes and buries his face in my hair. “That was fun.”
“I told you.” 
He belly laughs and pulls my head to rest on his shoulder. We still have a little while until the sun rises but we find ways to occupy ourselves until then. When I first saw this rooftop deck this is exactly what I imagined I’d be doing on it, I just never thought it would actually come true. I couldn’t have asked for a better night escaping all of my problems. I know they’ll be there to deal with tomorrow, but it was great to escape them for one night. I hope I helped him escape for a little while too. 
By the time the sun starts to rise we are both sober and struggling to stay awake, but we manage to see the whole thing and it does not disappoint. The sky is covered with yellow and orange as the sun says good morning. I am happy I asked him to stay and that he agreed to. I always feel that when I start my day off with a beautiful sunrise, that it’s going to be a good day. I would normally take a picture of it, but I’m too busy watching him be in awe. I never knew that when I bought this place that I would have the best view in the city.
I sigh, knowing that he’s probably going to be leaving soon and not knowing what the future holds for us. I could offer to make breakfast. He said he didn’t have anywhere to be today. I think I’m too tired to move, though. We do have to sleep at some point. I could ask him to come back inside and sleep the day away with me but I think that’s a little too ambitious. I try to study his face and get some kind of idea what he’s thinking. I see joy in his eyes so maybe there’s a chance.
He looks at me smiling. “This is amazing. I’m glad I stayed.”
“Me too.”
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome. I am exhausted and should probably go home and get some sleep.”
My heart sinks a little. “I’d offer to drive you but I’d never make it back. I’m pretty tired myself.”
“I’ll take an Uber.”
We stand up and I fold up my blanket and put it back in the cabinet. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
We make it to the door and I decide that I’m going to let this be what it was supposed to be, a one night thing. Although, it’s pretty much killing me that I don’t even know his name. I should not have made that stupid rule. He hugs me before opening the door. I hug him back and don’t want to let go, but I know I have to so I do. 
It’s a struggle to keep my eyes open at this point but I look up at him just to get one last look before he goes. “I know we agreed no names, but I would really like to know yours.”
He shrugs. “That’s what next time is for.”
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Winter Things
Type: One-shot about Jonah Rated: PG Word Count: 1800+ Requested: Y/N Enjoy!
I love wintertime, it's time for snug clothes and plenty of holiday cheer. It just seemed to bring out the best of people and I loved the season. It was also the time where we both were really busy.
“Babe?” he asked as he made his way downstairs.
“I'm in the office baby” I responded. “
What are you up to?” he questioned as he leaned against the door frame.
“Just making list,” I said.
“And checking them twice?” he chuckled slightly.
“Maybe,” I said as I got up from my chair.
I made my way over to where he was standing, placing my hand against his chest. He smiled as he leaned down and kissed me softly.
“What do you have planned?” I asked.
“Just wondering if you wanted to go to a bonfire down by the beach” he brushed the hair from my face.
“That sounds fun,” I said as I looked up at him.
“Jack is hosting at his beach house,” he said.
“Well let me go get ready and ill be all ready to go” I smile.
“Ok babe” he leaned down and kissed me softly.
I went upstairs to figure out what I wanted to wear. I didn't want to take a shower and then be in the cold, I surly didn't need to be getting sick. I picked out my black jeans and just a random top. I grabbed a jacket before making my way back downstairs. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed his hand as he was waiting for me.
“Ready?” I asked.
“Always” he smiled as he got up.
We left the apartment and headed down towards the beach. He parked the car and came around to open my door. I smiled and got out, grabbing his hand as he shut the door. We made our way down to where the fire was at. I took a seat next to the fire and Jonah disappeared and I had zero clues where he went. I shrugged it off as I enjoyed the fire, but I must admit it was still cold. I felt someone wrap a blanket around me, it was Jonah as he sat next to me.
“Thank you,” I said as I looked at him.
“I got us blankets and hot cocoa,” he said as he handed me my cup. I smiled and took a small sip from the cup. I snuggled closer to him as we enjoyed the fire.
“Are you cold?” he questioned.
“Nope,” I said as I played with his fingers.
“good” he held me closer to him.
Once more people starting showing up we moved around and started talking to people. There were a few games that we played as well, it was just a low key event. It was nice to have an easy night because our lives can get crazy at times. I lost him in the house somewhere so I started walking towards the beach. I stood near the shore making sure I wouldn't get wet, it was peaceful yet so dangerous at the same time. I held the blanket closer to me as the breeze came from the water was cold. Jonah sneaked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I jumped slightly but realized it was him, I leaned back against him. He rested his head against my shoulders.
“I love moments like this” he whispered.
“I love moments like this with you,” I said as I placed my hand on his.
“I do too” he kissed my cheek.
“I love the moments where things are slow and it is just us enjoying each other,” I said.
“I wish we had more time to do things like this,” he said.
“I love our life together and I wouldn't change it” I turned to face him.
“I know and I love you,” he said as he placed his hand against my cheek.
“I love you,” I said as I looked up at him.
He leaned down slightly and kissed me softly. I smiled against his lips before kissing him back, wrapping the blanket around us both. He pulled me closer to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled away slightly and rested his forehead against mine. We heard people in the background yelling for us to return. We both chuckled and we returned to the bonfire. We made our way inside where we found Jack giving out jello shots. We took a few shots and played a few rounds of twister but it seemed like Jonah and I always lost. I guess we couldn't keep our hands off of each other or that we couldn't stop laughing.
“We suck at twister” I laughed as I fell onto him.
“Yea we do” he laughed as he fell backward.
“Let's go get some hot cocoa and sit by the fire” I suggested.
“Sure,” he said as he got up and helped me up.
We walked into the kitchen and got the hot cocoa. I also make sure to grab a blanket before we made our way back outside. We sat down by the fire and he wrapped the blanket around us. Pulling me close to him, I rested my head against his shoulder. Soon we both started getting tired so we left the bonfire and went back to the apartment. I ran a hot bubble bath for us both. We both got into the tub and I laid back on him. He wrapped his arms around me as we started warming up in the tub. We finally got out and I wrapped myself in a towel before going into the bedroom. I got dressed in one of his oversize shirts and slipped on a pair of panties. He came in behind me and put a pair of boxers on before we got into bed. I snuggled to his chest as he wrapped a blanket around us. I fell asleep against him and he wasn't too far behind me as he also fell asleep. In the morning I snuggled closer to him as I felt the cold air rushing in. I finally woke up and remembered that we didn't turn the heat on last night. I got out of bed and slipped on my slippers before making my way downstairs. I turned on the heat but I could see why it was so cold. It was snowing I smiled to myself as I looked out the window. I turned on the tv to see how much snow we would get. I also make tea before sitting down on the couch with a blanket.
“Why didn't you come back to bed” he groaned as he made his way downstairs.
“Because someone needed to turn on the heat,” I said.
“Forgot last night,” he said as he made his way into the kitchen.
“Look out the window babe,” I said.
“Whoa, it's snowing,” he said.
“Yea and we are looking into getting a lot,” I said.
“It's a blizzard,” he said as he came back into the living room.
“Yea so much snow” I took a sip from my cup.
“Tea drinkers” he rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his coffee.
“Oh hush it” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Looks like we are stuck in the house” he looked at me.
“That could be fun” I smirked as I took another sip from my cup.
“Always fun with you,” he said.
Once he finished his coffee he came and sat next to me. Pulling me onto his lap so I could wrap the blanket around us both. I snuggled close to him resting my head against his shoulder. Tracing patterns on his chest as he just held me close to him.
“Want to go play in the snow?” he whispered in my ear.
“Maybe in a little while,” I said as I snuggled closer to him.
“Fine by me, I love cuddling you” he smiled as he kissed my cheek.
“Love being close to you,” I said.
He held me close to him as he switched the channels on the tv. I ended up falling back to sleep against him. Later on, when I finally woke up there was so much snow. I went and got my warm clothes as well as a jacket before going outside. He wasn't too far behind me as he ran into the snow. I chuckled slightly as I finally made my way into the snow. We started throwing snowballs at each other.
“Hey that's cold,” I said as I threw a snow ball at him.
“Hey!” he yelled as it hit him in the face.
“Oops” I laughed slightly as he threw another one at me.
The snow was still falling as we were playing around. I went to grab more snow and I slipped. I laughed at myself as he made his way over to where I had fallen. I started to make a snow angel as I looked up at him, he helped me up so that I would make a perfect snow angel.
“Perfect” he smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
“Just like us” I smiled as I looked up at him.
“I love the snow, so beautiful when it's falling” he looked up at the sky.
“Yea it is” I rested my head against his chest.
“Let's build an igloo,” he said.
“Sounds fun but do you know how?” I questioned.
“It's fun to learn” he chuckled slightly.
We started making one but let's just say it didn't go as planned. It was way harder than we thought it be but we kinda build a fort. It didn't have a roof or anything but he was so proud of it. It started getting dark outside and I was so ready to go inside and get warm. I grabbed his hand and took him inside with me, we hung up our jackets in the laundry room. They were soaking wet, I slipped my boots off at the door. I started warming the water up so I could make hot cocoa as he disappeared into the den. I could hear him starting a fire, soon the house smelled like fire and you could hear the crackling of the wood. I made our hot cocoa and went to find where he was, he already had the blankets ready for us. I placed the cups on the table and I sat next to him. I snuggled close to him and just enjoyed the fire until he turned on a movie. We snuggled with each other for the rest of the night, I loved it when it was winter time because we both slowed down from our jobs. Which meant we had more time to do winter things together.
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flowercrown-bucky · 4 years
That Old Black Magic
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Modern!Loki x Reader, Modern!Thor x Reader, Loki x Wanda
Series Warnings: Cheating, affairs, swearing, legal alcohol consumption, smut later on, mention of smoking
Summary: What do you do when you fall in love? Embark on a clandestine affair with their brother, of course.
Authors’ Note: This is very dialogue heavy towards the end. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. Oh, and hold tight, it’s a long one.
I was supposed to post this yesterday but forgot oops
Start At The Beginning | Series Masterlist
Chapter Five - Regarding long dismissed feelings that must, as ever, be addressed.
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“Y/N?” He muttered into your hair.
You murmured in response.
"I love you."
"What?" A spluttered, incredulous laugh left your lips. "Sorry, Loki, for a moment, I thought you said you loved me."
This was it, Loki thought. This was his do or die moment.
"I did." He mumbled. "I do."
Your whole body froze. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. His words echoed in your ears.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I. Love. You.
It wasn't possible. Loki didn't love you. Loki couldn't love you.
You'd played this game since the very first time you'd met. Dancing around each other, skirting around your feelings. Secret, exciting, harmless. You were drawn to him and he you, there was no denying that. Since you'd first met, you'd been drawn together, as if dictated by the will of some cosmic force.
But it was never anything serious. Never anything real. You'd had your moments, quiet and tender and clandestine, hidden away from prying eyes. Moments where you'd wondered how things would pan out if circumstances were different. If - and it was a big if - you weren't engaged to his brother.
As you closed your eyes, hundreds of Lokis' filled your mind.
Loki at the garden party. Loki half-smiling at a joke you'd told. Loki laughing so hard he spat beer out his nose. Loki sleeping on his brother. Loki in the sea under the moonlight. Loki gently embracing Wanda. Loki gently embracing you. Loki that night on the roof, mere steps away from pouring his heart out to you. You looked at the Loki before you. His bottom lip trembled slightly, his eyes glassy.
"Wanda..."  Your voice trembled as you spoke. "Thor."
He stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms around you, cradling your body.
"It doesn't matter about them." He murmured, his voice low and soothing. "It doesn't matter about anyone. All that matters is me and you. So long as I love you and you love me, everything will be ok."
You said nothing, trying very hard to disguise how every muscle in your body was tensing under his touch. You weren't fooling anyone.
"You do love me, don't you?" He stepped away, trying to meet your gaze. "You love me too, right? Y/N?"
You turned your head as shame filled your body. Tears filled your eyes, and you worried that if you looked at him you might start bawling uncontrollably.
"Y/N." His voice was low. "Do you love me?"
Your silence said it all.
"I'm sorry, Loki." A tear escaped your eyes, rolling down your cheek.
"You do, Y/N." His voice was almost pleading, his hands catching your biceps. "You do love me, I know you do. Everything that's happened, everything between us, I know you do. Say you love me."
You had been right. The sight of him had, in fact, caused you to sob uncontrollably, your body trembling under his firm grasp.
"Say it, please." He begged you, tears rolling down his face. "Please, tell me you love me. Tell me the truth. Please."
"I'm sorry, Loki." You repeated.
"You do, you do." It seemed like he was trying to convince himself as much as you. "I know you do."
"Loki, stop." You pushed him away from you. "I'm sorry, Loki, but I don't love you."
Loki felt like he'd been stabbed, your words like a knife driving straight through his heart. His breaths escaped him, as if he'd taken a heavy fall, his lungs suddenly feeling as if they'd been shattered. He'd never felt this way before, he felt almost as if his heart was about to quite literally break into two pieces, taking out most of his vital organs in the process. How had he been so wrong? Could he have really misjudged everything that had happened so badly? He thought back to the first time he'd met you, the way you'd looked at him then.
He thought about the way you were looking at him now.
"You don't.... Love me?" He whispered, his eyes brimming with tears.
You wiped the teardrops from your eyes uncomfortably. You weren't sure what to say.
"I should.. I should probably go." He rubbed at his eyes, turning and all but running for the door. "Just, don't tell my brother, okay?"
Your heart lurched in your chest. Could you let him go that easily?
"Loki!" You called after him. "Loki, wait!"
You were met with nothing but the slamming of the door.
Loki slammed the door of his flat with force it had never known before. Was he angry? Was he sad? He wasn't entirely sure.
He'd headed for the Kraken when he entered his kitchen, his fingers unscrewing the bottle as if it was of their own accord, pouring himself a more than healthy portion of rum. He sat himself down on the balcony, his fingers trembling as he attempted to light his cigarette. It took five tries but eventually, the zippo gave in and his Marlboro Lite was smoking .
After three drags of his cigarette and two sips of his rum did he eventually allow himself to cry. Tears rolled down his face, his nose filling with snot. Every contraction of his throat and chest felt like it might be his last. It felt as if every single sob might shatter his rib cage. How could he have been so wrong?
Thor had found you curled in a ball, crying, and more than slightly tipsy.
"I'm sorry, my love." Was all he'd said, wrapping you tightly in his arms. You'd been scooped up gently, and placed in your bed, the duvet tucked around you.
"Loki didn't come round, did he?" He asked, climbing into the bed next to you. "I forgot I'd invited him."
You shook your head violently.
"Look, I'm really sorry." He reached over to you, wrapping you into his chest. "I shouldn't have stormed out like that. I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too." Your voice came out in a whisper, unable to look him in the eyes.
How could something so right feel so wrong?
Meanwhile, Loki had been living the endlessly grey shades of life. It wasn't as if anything had changed. Anything but, really. His life had remained exactly the same.
He woke up every day at 6:05 and went for his daily jog. Monday through Friday, his breakfast would be a largely uninspiring bowl of porridge, following a shower that had, for a week, been cold due to his boiler's diverter valve sticking. He'd arrive at his office between 8:35 and 8:50 AM (Traffic-dependent), which gave him precisely enough time to make himself a large coffee - black, with one sugar - and read through his case notes before his first client meeting of the day. His working day would often overrun by an hour or so, which he didn't mind on days he was on his own (The exceptions to this being Thursdays and Fridays, Fridays being date night). Honestly? He happily stayed at the office until 7PM, giving him just enough time after he'd cooked and eaten to wallow in misery and self-pity, followed by an hour of half-hearted chatter with Wanda on the phone before he decided bed was the wisest option.
On Thursdays, he stayed at Wanda's. This typically meant he had to leave the office before 5:30, else she'd worry. They'd have a perfectly pleasant meal and a few glasses of wine before settling on the sofa to stream Netflix shows, before retreating to her room to fuck before going to sleep. The sex, as the chatter, had also become half-hearted, and this, he could tell, was something Wanda was becoming increasingly suspicious of.
It was a Thursday such as this that Loki had bailed on. He wasn't feeling well, he'd told his girlfriend. It wasn't entirely untrue.
You had hurt him unbearably, and that, was not a well feeling.
Not to mention that the pretence was killing him. Pretending you were in love with one woman when you were truly in love with another was no easy feat (Not to mention you'd soon be his sister in law, which would make his feelings a little too Game of Thrones for his liking), nor was pretending to be insanely busy so as to avoid both aforementioned women and the latter's fiancee.
Not to mention how you'd crushed his heart under your proverbial heel, leaving the proverbial shatters in the proverbial dust.
He'd wondered briefly on his drive home if he'd ever catch a break.
So, he lay sprawled on his sofa, a large wine in his hand, trying to ignore the phone lying next to him that was constantly notifying him of his girlfriend's concern for his welfare, and trying not to dwell on the fact that he could not dispel the image of your face from his mind every time he fucked said girlfriend.
So, naturally, the knocking on the door had really pissed him off.
He stormed over to the door, internally condemning whoever it was who'd decided to come visit him. What was so important they couldn't have just texted? If it was a door-to-door salesman or an evangelical believer, he would have to utilise extreme restraint in order to not knock them out. He flung the door open, ready to snap at whoever it was.
He was not expecting it to be you.
"Hey, can we talk?" You turned to face him. The smile on your face was small, shy, reassuring, but it still dazzled him.
He wasn't sure what to say. In all truth, he was completely dumbfounded.
"No." Was all his mouth could conjure up.
He'd been dreaming of this for weeks, of you rushing into his arms and declaring your undying love for him, but now that you were here, all he felt was anger. Anger for how you'd humiliated him, anger for how you'd hurt him. As if his body knew better what was good for him than his brain did, his arms reached out by themselves and slammed the door.
If Loki thought you'd leave him alone at that, he was very much mistaken. You clenched your hands into little fists, banging on the door with each alternately. You'd come to talk, and you were not someone who would leave things lying down. You were a fighter, and you'd be damned if one man thought he was going to change that.
His confession had deeply unsettled you. Panicked you, even.
You knew he felt for you. After all, he’d made no real attempt to hide it. Regardless of your own feelings, pushing him away, you knew, was the best thing to do for everyone. You loved Thor, and Loki would get over it. In time, he would come to see that you’d made the right choice.
You did not like the little voice in the back of your mind that constantly reminded you that it was him clouding your thoughts as you drifted off to sleep in his brother’s arms.
"Loki!" You yelled. "I know you can hear me."
Your banging on the door continued for another minute until you heard shuffling from the other side.
"Will you shut up?" He grumbled. "I have neighbours, you know."
"Then let me in." You argued.
The sigh that came from the other side of the door came from a man who sounded like he was really, really done. The door swung open, revealing a man who looked as exhausted as he sounded.
"You have five minutes." He told you, his arms crossed over his chest.
Loki was not sure why exactly he had let you into his flat, but there you were, sat on his sofa opposite him.
"I'm sorry, Loki." You said, looking up at him.
"So you've said before." He but his lip, staring down at his shoes.
"I humiliated you." You said.
"Yeah, you did." A bitter laugh left his mouth.
"I hurt you." You continued.
"That too." He brought his hand up to his throat, undoing his top bottom.
"Can you just stop, and listen, just for a second?" You asked. "Yes, I hurt you, yes, I humiliated you, and a whole lot more, too, I would imagine. But I want to move on from this! I want us to be the way we were! Is that too much to ask?"
"Y/N, you didn't just hurt me." His voice was low, quiet. Calm, even. "I held my heart out to you, and you trod it into the dirt. I told you I love you, and you didn't love me back. That, I can live with. But now, you say you want back in on my life? To what, to laugh at me? Why the fuck are you even here, Y/N?"
You bit your lip, trying very hard not to cry. It wasn't working.
"Say something." Loki rose to his feet, standing roughly half a foot from you. "Fucking say something! Why the fuck are you here, Y/N? To throw it in my fucking face?"
"Because I do." You whispered, covering your face with your hands.
"What?" He asked, stopping in his tracks.
"I fucking love you, Loki!" You shouted, suddenly finding your voice, and in the more literal sense, your feet. "I fucking love you and I'm engaged to your fucking brother, and that's so many kinds of fucked up I don't even know where to begin."
To say Loki was stunned did not even scratch the surface.
He stared at you, his mouth opening as if he were about to speak, but no words came out. For so long, he’d ached to hear those words, but now you’d actually said them, he wished you hadn’t. He almost wished there was some way he could push them back into your mouth, make them unsaid.
“You do?” Was all his brain could think to say.
You nodded, suddenly bashful, unable to look into his eyes. You stood, awkwardly facing each other. Your heavy breathing was the only noise in the room, sneaking glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking, to see if they were looking at you. Who would be the one to break the silence? He reached for you, tugging you into his arms. Your head fell against his shoulder, your body contained in his arms as they wrapped around you. In spite of yourself, you let out a heavy sigh.
‘Push him away, it’s for the best of everyone’, the voice in the back of your mind chided. Bang goes that theory.
You opted to ignore it.
“Hey now, stop with those tears.” His tone had become soft, a world apart from the anger from just moments ago. “You’re much too beautiful to cry.” His hand came down to cradle your face, wiping the tears from under your eyes with his thumb.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You whispered.
“I know.” He replied.
“It’s wrong.” You continued.
“I know.” He repeated.
You nuzzled your head into his chest, relaxing under his touch as your arms wound around his neck.
“Loki.” You whispered, your voice hoarse. “Loki, I want you to kiss me. Please.”
He blinked at you in disbelief. He’d waited a year and a half to kiss you, and now you were actually asking, his body seemed to be betraying him.
You looked up at him, one eyebrow slightly quirked.
All he could think was how pretty your eyes were.
“Well?” You asked.
Chapter Six - I Put A Spell On You
[Also, little known fact about me - I’m a professional copywriter. I wrote this in between some other pieces and I can hear my professional voice coming through in this where I’m usually able to separate the two, but I sort of roll with it here. So you know, like, soz. I guess. #sorrynotsorry. Also, while I’m here, don’t cheat on your partners kids.]
@jessiejunebug @sherlockfan4life @soapbox-moments @amour-delicate @milea @writingforthelonelysoul @justyourneighbourhoodretard @chxrryycola @erinlaufeyson @marvelousell @rogerrhqpsody
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Favorite Human
Jeon Jungkook/Reader [F]
Genre: Hybrid AU, Childhood Friends,  Fluff
Words: 3.1k
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sum. Jungkook was the adopted hybrid pup of the new family who had just moved into the second unit of the duplex your family lived in. The moment they brought him home as a kid, he was attached to you and you to him.  Growing up, you thought he’d change, but even as highschoolers, he’s still as attached as ever. 
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a/n: Really, just a blurb that got way longer than I indented it to (this was supposed to be a drabble mmk) of Dog Hyrbid Kook being adorable bc @kpopgirlbtssvt​ forced my hand (this isn’t proofread, oops)
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“Y/n! come out here and meet the new neighbors!” You perked your head up from your small, plastic desk that you sat out, a plethora of crayons littered across it with scribbles of colors that absolutely didn’t stay in the lines of the coloring book picture you were busy filling in. Your hair pulled back- courtesy of your father and his love of hairdressing- as you sat in your favorite, yellow t-shirt and blue overalls.  
Hopping up, you ran outside to your mother.  The springtime was the perfect time to keep the front door open and open the window of the storm door, and that’s exactly what your mother did was she was out satisfying her green thumb for gardening. Pushing open the storm door latch that you could just barely reach, you pushed the door open and ran to your mother down the few steps of your porch. 
Your family lived in one half of the two-unit duplex in the middle of the city. 
You had often complained that you had no kids to play within the neighborhood unless you went to the park- which was too far to go to daily.  You were a bit of a tomboy, always climbing trees, getting down in the dirt and even fascinated with bugs of some kind. It was hard to connect with other little girls sometimes and the boys would tease you, so you often pouted as you scribbled at your desk or was out in the garden with your mother. 
Finally, at your mother’s side, you clung to her long skirt she wore, burying your face into it with a giggle before you looked around her leg when she pets your head.  You looked at the middle-aged couple in front of you.  Two women stood there as they interlocked their fingers, and smiled down at the adorable 5-year-old that was you, decked out in yellow and denim. 
“Y/n, this is Sheryl and Lidia. They’re going to be our new neighbors starting today.” Your mother told you as she pats your back, encouraging you to let go and face them properly.  “What do you say to them?” 
You shyly opened your mouth, hands still clutched in your mother’s skirt fabric. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” you all but whispered as the three women all giggled at your wavering, shy voice. 
One woman came and knelt close to you as you tried your best to make eye contact with her.  She was very pretty- not as pretty as your mom, but a close second you decided.  Tanned skin and big brown eyes with hair more frizzier than yours when you roughly towel-dried it. 
“My name is Sheryl, it’s nice to meet you Y/n.” You only nodded back before she was looking over her shoulder to the moving van in the driveway.  “Jungkook! Come over here and say hello!” She called.  
You watched as the van door slid open and a little boy jumped out.  Placing his sneaker covered feet on the pavement, he kicked forward until he ran face-first into Sheryl’s back. Pushing his face into her back and giggling lightly- he seemed no older than you.  Just a small little kid.  
“Jungkook,” Sheryl called, making the young boy pop his head up and peek around his first mother’s shoulder. You lightly gasped in a fit of silent awe when you saw the small, triangular dog ears perked upon his head. You had hybrid kids at your school, but they were all kept in separate classes from you and your peers, something you whined about but you wanted a hybrid friend really bad.
His face dusted in rose as he saw a little girl staring at him.  
“This is Y/n, she’s going to be living next to us, so you’ve got to be nice and friendly to her.  Okay?”  Jungkook nodded as he looked at you.  He was always shy around girls, not comfortable around them enough.  When he was adopted by his mothers’, it took him over a week to open start acting like their son.  They treated him like any other son- hybrid or not.  
Eventually, the women migrated inside so your mother could introduce the two ladies to your father.  You were awkwardly stood in the front yard with Jungkook as he looked at his toes and kicked at nothing, fiddling with his thumbs. You watched his small, black tall sway slightly back and forth as his ears dropped to a curl.  
“Sooo,” you started, startling the poor pup as he jumped.  “What kind of dog are you?” You asked, trying to remember what your mother taught you about being polite and asking things delicately. 
“I-I’m a Kelpie,” he mumbled.  Your eyes lit up, delighted he even replied to you. 
“What do you do for fun? Do you like playing outside?” You asked carefully.  If he didn’t, you wouldn’t push the issue.  You really wanted to play though and what better play partner than your new little boy neighbor? 
“Yeah,” he whispered, “I like to play tag a lot.”  
“Then, lets play!” Your voice spiked to a shout.  You quickly covered your mouth with your palm when you watched Jungkook jump and back away from you slightly.  “Sorry,” you apologized.  “We don’t have to.” Your voice lowered in dejections, figuring you came on too strong like you normally did.  You watched as Jungkook slowly came closer to you and grabbed a hold of your overalls at the side.  
He was looking at his feet, face red as his ears folded in anxiety and his tail swished. 
“You’re it,” he told you before you laughed and the chase was on. 
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“Y/n! Can you do me a favor!” You heard your mother call from the bottom floor of the duplex you’ve lived in your entire 18-year life.  Pushing up from your desk and gleefully abandoning the physics textbook you had been studying before, you called back. 
“Coming!” Running down the stairs, staring at your feet the whole way to avoid any chance of falling down them, you rounded the corning and waltzed into the kitchen.  Passing your father in the living room on the way.  Your mother was busy cooking away at dinner, a pot a pasta boiling and chicken baking in the oven to crumb covered perfection. “What’s up?” 
“I think I forgot something over at Lidia’s the other day.  Some seasoning when we were making that new chicken parmesan dish; I cannot find it for the life of me.  Would you run over and see if she’s got it?” You nodded. 
“Sure thing. I’ll be like 5 minutes,” you told her.  Heading to the front door, you slipped on a pair of slippers with dog ears on them before you left.  Walking down and around the yard to the unit front door directly next to yours.  
Knocking, the door opened to show Lidia herself.  More aged than all those years ago, but still rocking for her age.  You lightly waved to her. 
“Hello, Y/n.  What can I do for you?” She asked. 
“Mom said she may have left some seasoning her the other day.  She asked me to see if you still had it.  She’s cooking up a storm and you know how picky she is when it comes to seasoning,” you chuckled.  
“Oh, darling I know.  Sheryl and I never get tired of teasing her.  Come on in, I’ll go check my cabinets.” She invited you in as you stepped through the door and inside.  “Jungkook is up in his room if you want to say hello,” she offered.  
You didn’t say no.  Jungkook was your longest-standing friend- dare you say your best friend.  Although you’ve both grown up and are in your last year of high school, some things haven’t changed.  You still had a problem with connecting to some people, but the opposite was in his case.  He couldn’t be more of a people magnet if he tried.  Ever the smooth talker and with his charisma and unfair good looks, his popularity skyrocketed after middle school. 
Bounding up the stairs, you weren’t even able to knock on his door when it swung open revealing the bubbly boy himself.  
“Y/n!” He sang as he flung into your chest, koala latching himself onto you.  That was also something that hadn’t changed.  When he would get comfortable with someone, all personal space boundaries vanished.  He literally didn’t understand personal space- but you didn’t particularly mind.  
He always smelt so nice and he was warm when he hugged you. Not to mention, he was just the best damn hugger. The small crush you had on him definitely didn’t help matters.  Though, you never let it get to your head.  He was cuddly by nature, being spoiled by his mothers and his K9 instincts telling him that people weren’t the enemy unless they did something just plain awful. 
He pushed his nose into your neck before he pulled away from you, smiling as he held one of your hands. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked. 
“Mom forgot something here the other day, so I’m picking it up.  I figured I should say hi while I’m here since someone doesn’t have time to visit me anymore.” You teased. He’s been wrapped up in the choir club recently.  They have a competition coming up soon and he’s been practicing for it nearly every day with his instructor. He pouted. “I’m joking!” You laughed. 
“You know I miss you.  I tell you every day,” he told you with a pout.  It was true.  He’d literally facetime you everyday whining that he was too busy to see you.  It was a sentiment you appreciated and you assumed he did with all his close friends.  His best friend in the art club always whined that Jungkook called you more than him, a complaint you didn’t really believe. 
“Y/n!” You heard Lidia call.  “I found that seasoning dear!” 
“Alright, I’m coming!” You called back before looking at the now pathetic looking Jungkook who stood in a slouched pout.  You reached up and scratched at his ears that he had grown into so well.  His tail swishing behind him. “Don’t pout.  You’ll see me tomorrow at school.” 
“But you take the bus to school! I get there so early in comparison.” 
“That’s a you problem,” you laughed as you pulled your hand away from him and started back down the stairs, waving him off.  Taking the seasoning and thanking the woman, you returned home.  
The next morning you sat at the bus stop, headphones plugged into your ears as you waited.  Someone plopped down beside you- nothing unusual- before they yanked one of your earbuds out.  Ready to bit the head off of whoever dared, you stopped yourself before you started. Beside you sat Jungkook- the same Jungkook who absolutely hated the bus. 
“Good morning!” He sang. “I wanted to go to school with you today.” He chirped as he yawned and put his head on your shoulder.  You just rolled your eyes as you continued scrolling on your phone.  
When the bus came and you loaded onto it, Jungkook plopped himself down next to you and replaced his head back on your shoulder, even slinging his arm over your lap to keep you closer to him as the bus jostled you both around. Dozing off and on, he watched as you read something other another on your phone screen. 
“Hey,” he whispered lightly you barely heard it.  You hummed at him. “You’re going to come to the competition this weekend, right? For choir?” 
“Well, that depends,” you put your phone down, patting at the hand that sat in your lap.  “Do you want me to, Pup?” He giggled lightly, the older than thou nickname of his youth only you were allowed to call him making him giddy. He nodded against your shoulder, snuggling into it more- not giving two flying acorns at who may be scoffing at his display of public affection for his favorite human. 
“Yeah, I do.” 
“Then, I’ll be there.” 
The school day went as it always did as you hung around Jungkook and his group of 6 other guy pals. All strange, all different and all equally as crazy as him.  The most ‘normal’ boy being a self-proclaimed genius who couldn’t spell out the word ‘necessary’ without having an aneurysm because of the unnecessarily large number of s’s needed. 
They were good guys at least.  You were happy Jungkook had people to really connect to and he always made sure you were always included- so you never felt left out. You currently sat on a bench in the halls during lunch as Hoseok, one of his friends, sat on the floor with a thermos of water at his side.  Talking about how the dance recital he had coming up in a month was wearing him out. 
You let out a small ‘oof’ when Jungkook had appeared from seemingly nowhere and threw himself across your lap and the bench.  His back on your legs as he stared up at you as you popped a piece of the sandwich you ate into your mouth. 
“Can you get off me?” You asked. 
“Jungkook, you know you’re not a lap dog, right?” Hoseok asked from the floor with a hint of amusement in his voice. Jungkook just looked offended at Hoseok as he curled into you, wrapping his arms around your midsection. 
“Jungkook!” You whined as he held you with an iron grip.  Working out being his second favorite hobby besides singing.  “Go cling to Hoseok instead!” 
“He won’t cuddle us,” Hoseok told you.  You stopped your micro-shoves on his shoulders as you started talking to the dancer again.  Jungkook cuddling deeper into your stomach. “Well, I guess I could say he does, but he certainly does whine a lot.  No one quite satisfies the affection-craving dog like you do, girly.” He broke out into a fit of laughs before speaking again. “One time, he kept whining because he wanted to cuddle you, but you were in gym, so Jimin tried to help but Jungkook just growled at him.” 
“Jungkook!” You scolded as he just whined. 
“I don’t wanna hug anyone else anymore!” He complained. “Only you,” he solidified. You just sighed, letting him once again get away with his childish needs as he practically napped on your lap the entire lunchtime. 
It was then like that day after day.  Even when he was at his competition, dressed in his black slacks and white dress shirt, his hair neatly parted and brushed, he hugged you.  He’d lean on your back as he hugged your waist or push his cheek on your shoulder when he had a chance to sit down beside you. 
As you sat among the audience of the people listening to the choir, you had to keep your heart from beating out of your chest because you swore he stared at you the entire time. 
The evening after the competition, he practically begged you to stay over at his house. You gave in pretty quickly and Jungkook worshiped your mom for letting you. Normally, you’d just put down a sleeping bag on the floor, but tonight Jungkook was adamant you sleep beside him. 
“I- I don’t think we have to,” you weakly battled.  
“No.  You smell nice, you’re warm and you’re my favorite so you need to sleep next to me so I can sleep well.” 
You flailed around, unable to take all the heart papulations he probably wasn’t aware he was causing.  In the end- as per usual- he got his way as he clung to you at midnight when you both settled down for bed. 
Laying behind you, he held you around your waist and pushed his face into your hair.  Slipping his leg between yours and pulling you as close to his chest as possible. He cracked his closed eyes open not long after the two of you had gotten comfortable. 
“You don't mind me holding you, do you?” 
“Now you’re worried about your clinginess?” You chuckled. 
“Well, it’s just-” he cut himself off with a whine as he pushed his nose down into your neck.  “It’s complicated,” he told you. 
“Complicated how? Not like you haven’t hugged me before.” 
“It’s just different now.” 
“No?” You questioned.  You tapped at his arms, telling him to loosen them as you twisted around to face him.  His face was lowered as he looked a tad sad. “Hey,” you whispered, caressing his cheek, “what’s wrong, Pup?” 
“You’re my favorite human,” he told you.  You’d heard him tell you that before. You nodded at him.  
“I know,” you told him softly. 
“No, I mean-” he shut his eyes as he pushed his face into his pillow. He groaned into it.  “Y/n?” He asked when he lifted his face back up. “S-someone told me that you liked, Hoseok.  Is that... true?” 
You pulled away from him, shock painted on your face. 
“Who told you that?!” 
“W-well, you’ve been spending a lot of time with him recently!” Jungkook seemed panicked like he was trying to cover something up. 
“He’s been asking advice on how to ask out this girl in my Korean class who happens to be my deskmate,” you told him with a light laugh. “I, in no way, like Hoseok like that.  He’s a swell guy, but I’d probably never date him.” Jungkook relaxed as he smiled. 
“So, you don’t like him?” 
“No,” you answered with a smile. “What a silly thing to be anxious about.” You pet at his head as he shut his eyes.  
“It’s not silly,” he told you. “Not when I thought I’d have to compete with my friend for you. I was stressed, okay?” 
“Huh?” Your brain seemed to have shut off.  “What does Hoseok have to do with me? And compete?” 
“You’re my favorite human,” he told you again. “The one human I wanna hug and hold and I wanna kiss you too.  I wanna hold your hand and walk around in public.  I want to talk about the future with your mom and win over your dad.  I want you to stay my favorite human forever, and I want you to think of me as your favorite hybrid.” He snuggled into your chest, hiding his burning face.  “I really like you, Y/n.” 
You froze for a moment, making the dog’s stomach turn.  He eased in instant relaxation when you pet at the back of his head and scratched his ears. He took in your scent he loved so much as you just pet him. 
“You were right, it wasn’t silly. Sorry for calling it that,” you told him as he just shook his head. “I really like you too, Jungkook. Honestly, I’m shocked Jimin didn’t spill his gut when I told him about my crush on you.” You laughed lightly, making the dog-boy hold you closer.  “Let’s just sleep for now, and we can talk about all this in the morning.” He nodded silently.  
Before falling asleep, he smiled when he felt you kiss the top of his head, his tail wagging across the mattress. 
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Not a Good Look: Chapter 3
@thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @lady-charinette tagged as requested :)
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 | AO3 link
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
“Should I use my power now?” Aspik says when he and Multimouse are by his bedroom door, ready to slip out into the house and gather intel on this possible deal between Gabriel and Lila. “Here’s probably the safest place to reset to, and I can always refuel and give us another save point after five minutes once we get to another safe space.”
“Smart!” Multimouse blurts out. With cheeks as red as Ladybug’s suit, she adds, “Sorry! Just…yeah, that’s a good idea, Ad – Aspik. It’s probably not a good idea to wait till we’re caught before setting the save point.”
“Second Chance!” Aspik swipes his fingers over his bangle, setting the snake head back and revealing five teal bars. Then he holds up a finger, rests his other hand on the doorknob, turns it, and pushes it open. Thankfully, the hallway outside is empty, so Aspik gestures for Multimouse to slip out with him.
“I can’t believe I get to do a superhero mission with you!” Multimouse is practically vibrating as she walks. “I mean, it was really cool doing it with Ladybug, but…she’s Ladybug, you know?”
Aspik’s about to respond but they round the corner at that moment and stumble across the maid, Marie Durand. Marie takes one look at them and lets out a piercing scream, and Aspik yelps and fumbles for his bangle as the sound of footsteps from downstairs reaches his ears.
“Second Chance!”
Once more in his bedroom, he heads out with Multimouse again, though this time, his senses are more finely tuned so that they can avoid Marie and anyone else who might be around.
“For the record, it’s awesome doing a superhero mission with you too, Mar – Multimouse,” he whispers. Multimouse jumps.
“O-Oh! I really said that?”
Aspik grins at her and she turns beet red. “Yep. As much as I loved working with Ladybug, I feel like there’s a little less pressure with you. I’m not trying to impress you.” His eyes widen when Multimouse reels back as though she’d been slapped. “Um, not that I don’t – I mean – Second Chance!”
God, why can’t he have Second Chance as a superpower in his everyday life? He’d sell his soul to be able to get out of awkward situations like he just had; and this time, when telling Multimouse how he likes working with her, he makes extra sure to leave out the part about not trying to impress her. He hadn’t meant it like that! He just meant – well, it’s so much easier to relax with Marinette! She puts everyone at ease!
Unfortunately, his confession of enjoying working with her also makes her squeak and trip over her own feet, crashing to the floor so loudly that Marie is summoned to investigate. Just like the last time she’d caught them, she screams, and Aspik is forced to hurriedly use his Second Chance again to avoid being caught.
Okay. Avoid any topic that involves heaping praise on Multimouse. As much as she deserves it, now is not the time for her to be flustered. Really, that one was all on him.
Fourth time: Aspik got so distracted by Multimouse’s twin buns and wondering how to get Marinette to wear them normally that he completely forgot about Marie. Oops.
Fifth time: Multimouse slipped past him as they crept down the grand staircase and her smell of strawberries and vanilla invaded his nose and knocked him off his feet, sending him crashing head over heels and bringing Multimouse down with him. Nathalie had been decidedly unimpressed, but he’d reset before she could snarl out whatever she was going to say.
Sixth time: minor love crisis over how hard it would be to just go out with Ladybug and Kagami and Marinette all at the same time. A close encounter of the Marie kind once more.
Seventh time: Just a dizzy spell. Definitely not distracted by wondering what Multimouse’s lips would taste like and if she’d taste any different when detransformed. Thank god no one else remembers what happens but him.
Eighth time: At least made it past Marie before remembering Ladybug holding Marinette close and devolving into a primate with his single brain cell dedicated to fantasies involving both girls that he’ll never divulge even under pain of death. Caught by Nathalie again.
Ninth time: Got distracted by the way Multimouse’s jump rope tail moved as she turned the corner and then couldn’t look away from her butt. Here lies Adrien Agreste, struck down by the heavens for perving on the butt of one of his best friends. (The superhero suits definitely do their wielders some favours, though).
Tenth time: finally made it all the way to the atelier, quicker this time so Nathalie wouldn’t catch them. Scarred for life when Multimouse divided to make the door opening look like a breeze and Nathalie had been hugging Gabriel from behind and burying her nose in the crook of his neck with one hand splayed across his stomach. Gabriel Agreste in any kind of sexual context? Eww, eww, gross.
Eleventh time: quickest reset yet when he told Multimouse what he’d seen last reset and she’d let out a shrill scream at the thought. Lesson learned: don’t let Multimouse imagine Gabriel Agreste in any kind of situation like that. Good thing Aspik had taken the Snake instead of her.
Twelfth time: took a more moderate pace; not too quick that they’ll catch Gabriel and Nathalie banging or whatever it is they were doing, but not so slow that she’ll catch them downstairs again. Unfortunately, this is the most skewed timing yet.
“– not with Ms Rossi. And Tsurugi-san swears that he isn’t –”
Aspik and Multimouse freeze, but it’s too late to duck back around the corner or into another room hide from Nathalie, who’s frozen at the sight of them. For a moment, both sides stare at each other, mentally daring the other to make the first move, and Aspik might have been faster to react if the previous two cycles hadn’t left him flustered, so it’s Nathalie who breaks the silent game of chicken with a snarl of determination.
“Duusu –”
“Second Chance!”
The world around Aspik dissolves and reforms to place him back in his bedroom. He shakes his head and grabs Multimouse by the wrist when she reaches for the doorknob.
“We should wait ten minutes or so. The timing’s always wrong,” he says, deliberately not mentioning all their failed times when he’d been distracted by her, so Multimouse nods and steps away. They fall silent, waiting until Aspik’s sure that it’ll be a good time to sneak down…but there’s something that’s eating at him from the last cycle. Something about Nathalie’s reaction. Every time, she’s snarled at them and looked like she was going on the attack, but Aspik had always reset before she’d been able to speak. That time, though she’d gotten a word out. What had she said? Duusu?
“Duusu? What does the Peacock kwami have to do with this?” Multimouse says. Oh. He’d said that last bit out loud. But wait, how does Multimouse know who the Peacock kwami is?
“Uh, how do you –?”
“Ladybug told me!” Multimouse blurts out. “But how do you know?”
A terrible thought occurs to Aspik, making his stomach twist and coil like a snake that’s tangled itself in a knot. He swallows around the lump in his throat and rasps, “Nathalie. She said it before I reset.”
Multimouse’s eyes bulge, and she shoots a look at the door and then back at Aspik. “You should detransform,” she murmurs. “We need to come up with a plan now that we could be up against Mayura, so you may as well let Sass refuel.”
“Right. Um, scales rest.” Although Adrien’s got no idea what’s going on with Multimouse, he can’t help but instantly follow her instructions as though Ladybug herself had given them. He directs Sass to Plagg’s Camembert fridge and then sinks down on the end of his bed, watching Multimouse wear a hole in the floor with her pacing and fidgeting and mumbling. She’s so like Ladybug in this moment, just like when his lady is coming up with a convoluted plan…but that’s not fair to Marinette. It’s not fair to compare her to Ladybug just because he loves both girls and it would solve all his problems if they were the same girl.
“No, no, that won’t work,” Multimouse mumbles, toying with a lock of dark hair that frames her face. A momentary gap in the hair reveals the black stud in her ear, the only feature from her civilian self to carry through to her transformation, although Adrien hadn’t been aware that accessories could carry over. Maybe it’s just him.
But…wait. Except…
“That’s very sweet of you!” Multimouse turned her head to show her bare earlobes. “But I’m not Ladybug! I’m Multimouse!”
Then how does Multimouse have earrings now? Unless…no way. There’s no way. Adrien freezes as the fabric of his mind starts to unravel. She’d tricked him! Maribug tricked him! His lady’s been right here in front of him the whole time, and he’d been right to suspect her of being Ladybug, he’d been right, but she’d thrown him off like the devious girl she is! How? The Rat can only divide its wielder. It doesn’t have any powers of deception.
But…the Fox does. And it’s perfectly possible to unify Miraculouses; Dragonbug and Snake Noir had proved that in the battle against Miracle Queen and her henchmen. And theoretically, if there was a Multimouse that had unified with the Fox and hidden away, in the perfect position to create an illusion of Marinette and Ladybug next to each other to throw off Chat Noir…
“Adrien?” Multimouse says when Adrien exhales and runs a hand through his hair. How is he even supposed to process this? He’s loved Ladybug for so long that it’s become as much a part of him as breathing, and Marinette’s crept up on him so slowly with each day that’s passed…but they’re the same person! He’s fallen for the same person twice over! “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Just…deep in thought about implications and stuff.”
Multimouse blanches. “Oh. I didn’t even think…if Nathalie is Mayura, and the Butterfly and Peacock were lost together…oh, Adrien, I’m so sorry.”
Oh. His father could be Hawkmoth. It’s not the first time Marinette’s suspected it – after all, there had been that time that Ladybug had had her suspicions, just before his father had been akumatised – but Adrien’s brain hadn’t even connected the dots from Nathalie’s attempt to summon Duusu until now. And that thought is enough to twist a new snake in his gut, except that this one is one of bubbling nausea.
“But he was akumatised,” Adrien rasps, raising a hand in case he needs to clap it to his mouth to hide a gag. “Can the Butterfly akumatise themselves? Did he do it to throw you – uh, Ladybug and Chat Noir off his scent? If Hawkmoth’s my fa – if he’s, you know, then he must’ve panicked when I lost the book and thought that you were on his tail.”
Multimouse shrugs rather helplessly. “I wish I knew what to tell you. But I hardly know anything about the Butterfly.”
Yeah. But she knows plenty about all the others. “No, I get it,” Adrien croaks. “You wouldn’t know. What do we do?”
“We need a plan,” Multimouse says. “We should find Ladybug and Chat Noir and tell them –”
“We don’t have time for that,” Adrien immediately counters. Multimouse blinks and shuts her mouth with an audible clack, and Adrien vows to apologise later for being so harsh now, but there’s no way he can just sit back and let Gabriel keep the Butterfly for a moment longer than necessary. “I am – I could be the son of Hawkmoth. If anyone else gets akumatised after this…that’s on me. I could’ve stopped him.”
“Adrien, no.” Multimouse crosses over to sit next to him and she rests a gloved hand on his bare one. Adrien’s not sure whether the warm tingles that dance across his skin come from Ladybug or Marinette, but does it really matter when they’re the same person? “The only way you could be guilty in this is if you were willingly helping him. And I know you. I know you’d never help that scum. I’ve seen how you interact with him, remember?”
Adrien ducks his head to hide his warming cheeks. Marinette’s always had such faith in him, whether he’s Adrien or Chat Noir, and even though he can’t figure out exactly what he’s done to deserve such staunch faith from the most incredible person in the world, he’s not going to complain about it.
“But I’ll be guilty of letting him get away with it if we don’t do something now,” he says, praying that there’s no sign of his inner turmoil visible to Multimouse. “If you divide, you should be able to get the Miraculous, right?”
“Yeah but…” Multimouse bites her lip. “We should have more of a plan than that. What if something goes wrong? This is more of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s thing.”
“And like you said, they wouldn’t be able to even get near this place without everyone knowing,” Adrien says. Technically, they’re Ladybug and Chat Noir, but he’s not lying when he says that they could never get near Gabriel as their true superhero identities. “But Multimouse and Aspik? I can keep resetting and tell you where we went wrong. And you can sneak the Miraculous away.”
“I suppose…” Multimouse says. “And we could also get Mayura’s if we knew where it was kept.”
“I think it could be in the vault in my father’s office. That’s where I got the book from, so it’d make sense for him to keep it in there.”
“But we still need proof. We could grab the Miraculouses and give them to Ladybug and Chat Noir, yeah, but it’d be our word against his. I don’t want him to have any chance of getting out of this.”
“Why do we need all these convoluted plans?” Adrien throws his hands up and jumps to his feet, making Multimouse jerk away. “We just need to go in there and get the Miraculouses! This isn’t an akuma battle!”
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” Multimouse wilts. “I just want to make sure that we cover every possible angle. I mean, if your father is Hawkmoth, it’s not going to be easy for you. There’s going to be fallout, from the police and the legal system and the news and everyone. Considering how much your father controls your life, things are gonna change completely for you. And if he somehow manages to slip out with an innocent verdict because there wasn’t enough evidence…”
Oh. He hadn’t even considered what would happen to himself, but of course Marinette’s concern would be him and his welfare. “No, I’m sorry,” he says, once more wondering what the hell he did to deserve someone as amazing as Marinette. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you when you’re just trying to make sure that everything goes smoothly. I’m just…dealing with a lot, but I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”
Multimouse smiles. “Apology accepted. I know that learning your father could be Hawkmoth can’t be easy. But I do think we should do this later. Maybe at night when he’s asleep and we can just grab the Miraculous? You said that Nathalie’s out there, and we don’t want to risk Mayura jumping in and making things messy. And we can’t go to the police and get their help to take him down. Even if we had proof, we can’t trust anyone but Ladybug and Chat Noir, and Ladybug said that she trusts us.”
“You really are brilliant,” Adrien breathes. Multimouse’s face stains scarlet in response,
“Yank – um, thank you!”
“But how do we get proof? Unless we stalk him and wait for him to transform, I don’t see how – oh, and we need proof that he’s made a deal with Lila!”
Multimouse is quiet for a long moment. “Do you think…Lila knows?” she says in a hushed voice. “Or at least suspects? I mean, it makes sense for your father to make a deal with her, but…”
Adrien swallows around the lump that suddenly forms in his throat. If Gabriel really is Hawkmoth and he has made a deal with Lila, a lot of things will start to make sense, such as why Gabriel would so heartily endorse a dangerous liar. And if they have made a deal, was it in place as far back as when Kagami was akumatised? Is that why Lila had tried to get Ladybug killed?
“I hope that Lila doesn’t know,” he finally says. “For my own sanity. If there’s a whole plot around using me like – like a piece of meat, like I’m something that can just be exchanged like money…”
Multimouse’s eyes soften. “Let’s go,” she says. “We can fill in the others and then take your mind off it. I’ll tell Ladybug everything when she comes by to get the Miraculouses.”
Adrien just nods numbly, his chest like a lead weight as he struggles to draw in precious oxygen. What else can he do? It’s not like he’s a stranger to being treated like an object – like all he’s good for is smiling and showing himself off for the good of Gabriel – but the thought of being passed around like a shiny object, being used to seal a deal and purchase loyalty in a potential terrorist plot…well, it’s enough to make his stomach try and yeet itself up his throat.
He’s so lost in his daze that he only just notices Multimouse leading him towards bright blue, before his surroundings turn soft pink. There’s a buzzing sound that could be talking but his one remaining brain cell is currently trying to process just how entangled he is in this whole Hawkmoth-Lila plot, how little agency he even has anymore, that it’s all he can do to not break down completely on the spot.
But when his fuzzy vision clears and he’s met with the sympathetic faces of Marinette and Alya and Nino and Kagami, any remaining power he might have over his body dissipates and his legs give out beneath him, depositing him on Marinette’s cool wooden floor. There’s a flash of black and pink and the soft scent of strawberries and vanilla, mingling with the sharp smells of earth mixed with sports deodorant, of warm cinnamon spice, of fresh men’s deodorant. It all anchors him, stops him from floating away, fills his lungs in place of the air that he can’t breathe, and he finally allows himself to break, surrounded by the safety net of the people with whom he’d trust with his life.
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astraltrain · 4 years
i realize i haven't talked about gorillaz hcs on here in a Fat Second so here i go. trigger warnings for uhhh abuse, trauma, suicide mention, alcohol mention, death mention, experimentation (for noodle) - this is gorillaz there's a lot. this is also SUPER LONG so i'll try and add a read more
every one of em has Trauma To The Max babey!!!! these guys have been to hell and back!!! literally in murdoc's case
cyborg could talk! she just chose not to. also murdoc realized programming her with a voice was annoying because she Looked like noodle but he couldn't make her sound exactly like her and it pissed him off. every word cyborg learned was through murdoc/2D/the book of man/various other scrap pieces of paper she found
russel n del were boyfs. fuck you
2D is the only straight member. i think this is canon actually ngl (was it ever made canon that russel n del were together?? i don't remember)
russel truly believes del was his soulmate and that he'll never find love again
every year on the anniversary of d-day 2D goes back to the place where the uncle norm's organ emporium was (which is now a greggs. i know my gorillaz lore) and just vibes for a bit
russel likes to visit graveyards and play music for the lonely spirits who don't get visitors
2D accompanied him once on one of these trips and it was wild cause 2D's like "russel russel russel are there any spirits near me" as like. all of the spirits huddle next to russel because 2D is loud and annoying. russel's like "oh yeah dee there's tons of spirits over there they really like you. why don't you sing for them" and dee's like :DD
2D is generally pretty oblivious. but. he noticed russel was really sad and missing del during phase two and wrote mr softy's balloon race to cheer him up. it was one of the nicest things russel had received in years and he cried over it for hours. what 2D Didn't know was that he'd just saved russel's life and he didn't even know it.
noodle as a ten year old didn't realize How Bad the relationship between murdoc and 2D was. obviously she'd had a really fucked up childhood so far so when murdoc would hurt 2D and 2D would laugh and play it off so as not to scare noodle, noodle was just like :DDD thinking it was all ok
it was during the time that noodle was alone in phase two after remembering her past that she was like. o h n o that was bad wasn't it
noodle met a girl in japan and lowkey fell in love with her, but they had to split so noodle could go back to kong. she wrote every planet we reach is dead for her
2D and noodle never got to properly reunite in phase three. by the time doyathing happened, 2D hadn't seen her in like seven years
murdoc is trying to be less of a terrible person now and all the other members take advantage of it. russel's like "can i get a coffee please murdoc" and murdoc goes "fuck off" but all russel has to say is "remember when you thought i'd offed myself so you replaced me with a drum machine" and murdoc's like. "how many sugars" dhdgdgdh
noodle n 2D fucking love to dance together like absolute nerds
2D is like. the awkward big brother
they are each others wingmen when picking up girls
except 2D doesn't do that as much anymore so in reality he tries to be noodle's wingman but it fails miserably because 2D Can't Do Social Interaction
the boogieman and the evangelist were murdoc's parents
all the band have really bad insomnia and nightmares so sometimes they all have sleepovers in one room and just. watch a movie and sit on their phones but they're in each other's company and that's all they need
they all have a fear of helicopters, especially noodle
russel became extremely claustrophobic after his time in north korea which was very understandable
all of them have pretty weird triggers but none of them question them. noodle starts freaking out cause 2D's eating bacon and he's like "o shit sorry i'll go to another room" they're all very respectful and it's great
the reason 2D had that bead curtain door in phase four was cause after plastic beach, he couldn't stand to be in rooms with closed doors anymore
also! more 2D angst! he didn't sing for like. a good couple years after plastic beach because Trauma Babey!! so when he had to sing again for humanz, the first time he got into the studio he just. had a complete fucking meltdown because he was so scared to sing again. eventually he managed it but he literally couldn't sing with murdoc around because he was so afraid of him
noodle sometimes does really childish stuff because obviously she had no fucking childhood and the others just let her go for it and support her if she gets embarrassed about it
noodle has killed people. lots of em. some against her will as a kid, some more recently. she has a lot of nightmares about it but unlike the rest of the band, she does Really good self care and looks after herself really well
the band sometimes go on spontaneous road trips and usually end up getting lost and taking aesthetic pictures at gas stations
noodle very rarely cries because she would have gotten into trouble for that as a kid so she bottles all her emotions up in favour of helping her family. when she started going to therapy she pretended all was well for a little while but that didn't work for very long and she completely broke down. russel was very surprised to see noodle come home that day in tears and just throw herself into his arms
noodle really likes fashion and clothes and makeup!! she likes to be Colourful and Bright
when she first arrived at kong at ten years old, she really didn't understand what was going on. none of the band spoke any japanese so she was under the impression that these people were new doctors who were going to train/test on her. she stuck to the routine she was given back in japan and was very surprised when the others didn't do the same. like small green man it's three in the afternoon why are you just up?? big bald man why are you just going to bed??? where is the tall blue man WHAT IS GOING ON
none of the band members were qualified to be parents. at all. they were all very messed up mentally and therefore noodle just kinda did what she wanted as a kid
noodle was exposed to a lot of bad shit while in kong. 2D and murdoc were not responsible at all about what they did and said around noodle so russel tried to be more responsible about that, but little noodle's just like "oh don't worry i've seen worse" and russel's like ?????
noodle was the one to rebuild cyborg out of the parts she had left from plastic beach. she did this while murdoc was in prison just to prove she could
2D has an extreme fear of cyborg, which is. obvious
noodle didn't tell 2D she was rebuilding cyborg. when he finds out he flips his shit and noodle's like. ah. maybe this was not a great idea
cyborg has now formed her own band! the rejects!
2D wears little bobby pins in his hair behind his ear which the band sometimes lowkey makes fun of him for until one day noodle asks why and he tells her it was because back on plastic beach, murdoc would sometimes be too drunk to remember to bring 2D food so he had to pick the lock and go steal some. so Yikes babey!!!!!!
writing the fall was the only thing that helped 2D cope during plastic beach. that's why there was barely any singing on it - this was HIS album, HIS voice, not murdoc's. he could do what he wanted with it. writing it was the only thing that kept him sane
noodle's the only member who hasn't tried to off herself at any point oop
they're all doing a lot better now cause they're all going to therapy yes even murdoc! yay fun happy times
russel taught noodle english and in return noodle taught him japanese. russel can now speak pretty good japanese and 2D knows like. the most basic of shit *flashbacks to the gshock interview video*
there was a while where noodle believed that literally all she was for was other people. that she was either a weapon or a guitarist and nothing more. it was only after she disappeared after phase two that she realized she could be more
she still has a scar from el mañana but she covers it up with makeup
2D and murdoc have made a pact to smoke/drink less, respectively. they also made what they called a "non suicide pact" - a pact not to off themselves, formed after 2D found murdoc shooting bullets into the ceiling in phase four
murdoc knew about the dartboard 2D had in his room that had his face on it because noodle and russel told him but he didn't really believe it until he went up into his room like "hey dents can i -" and 2D turns round and just stares at him, darts in hand fhgvhfhvf
murdoc: ....whatya doin' there dents
2D, turning back to the dartboard and throwing one straight into dartboard murdoc's eye: practicing for the real thing
hcvdhvdfhg anyway
sometimes 2D literally Cannot be around murdoc so he'll disappear for days without telling anyone cause he forgets that people worry about him oh no
murdoc says he wants to drink less alcohol cause he wants to better himself as a person but really it's because he can't drink without getting flashbacks to plastic beach
murdoc's memories of plastic beach aren't great. he was drunk out his mind most of the time so he luckily forgot a lot that comes back to haunt him in nightmares and has him waking up thinking "fuck did i really do that??" but yeah sometimes 2D just reminds him of something really awful he did and murdoc's like. a h
when ace came into gorillaz he was absolutely doing it for the paycheck. then he realized how Enormously Fucked Up these people were and was like o h n o
ace could not understand a word of 2D's english accent
ace once asked 2D why he was called that. 2D said "well my real name is stuart but murdoc calls me 2D and it stuck" and ace goes!!! that's bullshit!!! and he starts calling him stuart. he refuses to call him 2D. 2D gets so emotional over it he starts crying and ace is like "s h i t what do i do did i fuck up" but in reality dee's just glad to like. not be "2D" for once and to just be someone else
murdoc and 2D are heavily codependent on each other and it's extremely unhealthy cause obviously they're Really Bad For Each Other but. 2D's known murdoc since he was 19 and murdoc has never really left his life except for the one point before and after plastic beach. that's why when murdoc goes to prison in phase five, 2D just goes apeshit. because now 2D doesn't have the threat of murdoc constantly hanging over his head!! he's gone and 2D is free!!!! yay!!!!!!!
then he's like. o h. he's gone and i'm free. oh no
because he has no clue what to do with himself now!! his whole life revolved around murdoc and now murdoc is gone 2D's realizing "Oh No maybe our relationship WAS really unhealthy if i'm feeling this depressed now that he's gone!!!"
the now now was like. the fall part two: electric boogaloo in terms of how 2D wrote it to cope with his trauma
souk eye was like a really depressing love song
2D's lowkey a little in love with murdoc but not really in the romantic sense at all. and obviously it's not cute or reciprocated by murdoc or anything 2d.c shippers dni blease
he just. feels like murdoc's the only one who could ever love him and UGH it's so unhealthy. luckily noodle makes him go to therapy and he gets a bit better. by the time the end of phase five rolls around 2D's like >:D yeah!! i won't let you hurt me anymore murdoc!!!
then murdoc actually escapes and is rumored to be dead and the whole band just shuts down
because murdoc, like it or not (and none of them liked it), was the glue that held the band together. and fuck if it didn't fucking destroy them all a little bit, especially 2D
then murdoc showed up at their door and. 2D was the one to answer it without knowing it was murdoc. and there's noodle and also murdoc, still in his prison clothes, covered in literal shit, and the first thing he blurts out is "i listened to the album."
2D panics and slams the door in his face HCDGHGCDH
russel refuses to let murdoc inside unless he can give him one good reason to. noodle comes in through the back door and comforts her brother while he has a panic attack and murdoc's just. sitting at the door pouring his heart out to russel through the door. covered in shit. these guys need help man
eventually 2D and murdoc face each other again and oh lord. they're both crying and then murdoc apologizes and murdoc's never apologized for anything, ever, he never says he's sorry, and then they're hugging and noodle and russel are like !!!!!!!
meanwhile ace is like. can i get my paycheck. can i PLEASE get my paycheck
murdoc: here dents i got you a demon possessed yak. her name is madonna
ace, who's spent many a night listening to 2D cry and vent about murdoc and all he's done to him: surely he's not just gonna accept that and move on
russel and noodle, who know 2D far too well: oh he will. trust me he will
long story short 2D is now the proud father of a demon possessed yak named madonna
song machine is kind of like. their Big Project that they're putting together to try and bring them all closer as a family. it's kind of working but also not really. they're trying their best
they're all a good family and they have to stick together and they're messed up but they love each other!!!! that is all thank you and goodnight ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kizykinz · 4 years
“Oops!” “Hi.”
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warnings- none. Unless fe and jay trigger you. 
word count- 1687
a/n- this is 100 percent going to be a series. Big thanks to the LAU gc for helping me with all of this and my writing. 
Harry was terrified. He had never been more scared in his life. His mom walked into his room to find him wide awake, the sleepless night full of anxiety obvious under his eyes. His curls were in a tangled mess above his head as he looked at his mum.
“Good morning, handsome!” Anne sang as she walked in and sat by Harry. Carding her fingers through his hair. Harry groaned in response as he turned to lay on his stomach. Behind Anne, walked in Gemma. She walked up to Harry and shook his head and flicked his ear.
“I know it’s early but we need to get there on time,” Gemma smiled. Harry huffed as he sat up next to his mum. 
“Ready?” Anne asked, putting her hand on his back. Harry shook his head yes as he yawned and stood. 
“Ready,” he replied. Grabbing his mum’s hand and pulling her up. 
The morning was slow for Harry. The nerves catching up to him so much that he didn’t eat the amazing breakfast his mum made and just brushed his teeth and ran his hands through his hair. He slid on the clothes that he had set out the night before like a little kid excited for a field trip. He grabbed his phone and charger. He grabbed his laptop and a blanket. It was a long drive, but an even longer day. His family would talk to him but he heard nothing but mumbling. The tiredness fogging his mind. On his way out the door he grabbed an apple and water bottle. Sure it would fill him up until after his audition. He threw all of his items in the backseat of the car before he got comfortable and soon fell into a slumber in the car. The sound of the open window on Gemma’s side lulling him to sleep. 
Louis was sleeping. He was nervous, too. But, he was also extremely tired from freaking out all night. Getting at least two hours of sleep before his alarm woke him up. Louis repetitively slapped his alarm until it fell off his side table. He reached over the bed to grab his alarm before he fell and his head hit the floor. He groaned slightly and rubbed his head when there was a knock at his door.
“Come in,” he sighed knowing who it was. His twin sisters ran in and started pushing him around. 
“Audition day! Audition Day!” They both screamed in his face. Louis grabbed Phoebe in his right arm and held Daisy in his left. They squealed against his arms, trying to break free. 
“Alright, alright,” Louis sighed pushing away his favorite twins as he stood up. He pressed his hands on their backs to walk them out of his room with him following behind. He ushered them to the kitchen where they sat down in their chairs. Louis walked over to his mum and kissed her cheek before grabbing a pancake off the pan. 
“Ou! that’s a little hot,” he yipped and Johannah rolled her eyes, pinching his shoulder.
“You could’ve waited,” she sighed, pushing the breakfast from the pan to separate plates for the rest of the family. 
“I can’t!” Louis exclaimed. The eagerness and excitement of the day filling his brain and nerves. He takes a bite of the pancake before throwing it toward his sister Félicité, watching it hit her head.
“Oi!” she shouted and took the pancake from her head. Louis shrugged and quickly ran to the bathroom. He jumped into the shower and let the warm water and steam fill his senses. Hoping it would relax him. 
“Hurry up, will ya?” Lottie yells from outside his bedroom door, pounding on it. On the third knock he opens the door in a blue tie and white shirt. A pullover over his outfit.
“As i’ll ever be,” he smiled at her. They walked into the kitchen to find their mum sitting and talking to the rest of the family. When she spotted Louis she grabbed the keys and  kissed her family goodbye. Louis did the same but when he hugged Félicité she whispered in his ear
“Kill it,” Louis, Lottie, and Johannah all piled in the car. Louis laying across the back with a good book. It was going to be a long drive. 
“Oh, lord.” Harry heard his mom sigh as she pulled into the parking lot. Gemma laughed next to her and gave her arm a quick squeeze before Harry sat up in his seat and stretched, catching a glimpse of the time, it read 7:05 a.m. Gemma laughed at his tired face in the mirror. 
“How long was the drive?” Harry cocked his head to the side.
“Two hours,” Gemma replied as she stretched her arms and popped her knuckles. Harry threw his head back. Feeling the anxiety fill his body again. He couldn’t stand the feeling of not being in control. No one could get him out of his mind when he felt this way. 
After his mom parked and they figured which way to go, they started walking. Gemma popping every bone in her body.
“That was a bloody long drive for Simon Cowell to be rude to ya,” she sighed. Harry grimaced. He forgot about the judges. He was thinking about the many people that would be watching him when no one really had before. He even made Anne and Gemma stand outside the bathroom door and listen to him sing. He was terrified. They rounded the corner and got into a line that seemed like it trailed for miles on end. He wanted to sit and watch downloaded movies on his computer or play games but everytime he would get cozy on the floor, the line would move. After awhile, he gave up. An hour into waiting in the line, he looked behind them and saw hundreds of people trailing behind his family. At the end of the line he saw a boy with a bright blue tie walk up with his family. After forty-five more minutes, Harry was up next. 
“Name?” the woman at the white plastic table asked. Harry felt anxiety fill his bones more and his face heat up. He looked to the right and saw a camera crew. Tears soon filled his eyes. He was overwhelmed. 
“Name?” the woman repeated. Clearly tired. Gemma rubbed his back soothingly. 
“Har….Harold Styles,” Harry stuttered, playing with his hands. The woman searched the paper until she found his name and grabbed a sticker. She handed Harry the rectangle sticker with a smile on her face. 
“This will either be your lucky number, or your worst nightmare. Good luck, sweetie,” she smiled warmly. Harry grabbed the sticker and read it as his family led him where they were supposed to sit. The woman's words repeating in his head. 
“165998.” Harry choked out as he sat down. 
“What time is it now?” Louis said impatiently as he walked to the back of the line. 
“8:05 a.m.” Johannah sighed. Louis groaned and threw his head back in response.
“Maybe if you woke up earlier and didn’t take so long in the bathroom.” Lottie rolled her eyes. Again, Louis groaned in response. To pass time he finished his book. Yet, that only took 45 minutes of his time. He got bored quickly and decided to scan the line when his eyes fell on the front. There stood a boy with curly hair, stuttering away. Louis smiled slightly as he caught a side look of his face. 
“He’s cute,” Johannah said and Louis smiled wider. His family was always so accepting of him and he was in pure bliss until his sister joined in.
“He doesn’t look gay. He would like me more.” She sighed dreamily at the curly headed lad as Louis pushed her head. 
“Hey!” she shouted, Louis laughed and Johannah did too. Much time passed and the boy soon left after around five minutes of them staring at him. Surprised he didn’t feel their piercing stares. Louis assumed he was just as nervous as he was. His senses giving up on him. Soon enough he reached the table.
“Name?” the woman groaned out. Obviously sick of asking the same question
“Louis Tomlinson,” Louis replied as she searched for his name. 
“Okay, Louis. Here’s your number. Good luck. You seem sweet.” The lady said as she made eye contact with the boy. He smiled back and clutched the number in his hand and went to the next sitting area with his family. 
“What’s the number?” Johannah asked, reaching for the carded sticker. Louis leaned his card away from her hand. Wanting to cherish this moment forever.
“155204. God I have to pee.” Louis stated plainly. Handing his mum his number as he scurried to find the bathroom.
Harry danced around his family. Nerves? Yeah. Bladder? YES.
“You okay, babes?” Anne asked reaching for his hand
“I’m fine. Do you see a bathroom nearby? I need to pee.” he danced around more. Gemma chuckled from beside Anne and pointed to the bathroom. Harry smiled brightly as he quickly walked towards the bathroom. 
He didn’t waste any time. He went to the first free urinal that he saw. Not checking to see if anyone was besides it. He quickly unzipped his pants and with how fast he was going, he could’ve been in the girls bathroom. He was rushing. Nervous and needing to pee was not a good mix. He started peeing so fast that some splashed up and fell down onto the person next to him. He quickly zipped up his pants and slightly turned to the guy next to him who was finished too and was adjusting his pants.
“Oops!” Harry looked up at the guy and noticed him as the guy that was in the back of the line. All of Harry’s nervous feelings quickly subsided.
Louis caught the boy's eye and air caught in his throat. The boy with the curly hair was cuter up close. His green eyes froze Louis' movements. In a breathless voice he smiled,
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xoluvx · 5 years
Uhmm.. Excuse me?! Your fratboy!Tom fic gave me too many feels and I'm like?!?! SHOOOCKETH My imagination went in all the wrong places and I blame you! Lol Btw can you help me out and write something about the whole gang going to the beach/pool and reader is being a brat and Tom had enough and throws her on his shoulder and slaps her ass ? And reader likes it *too* much and later begs him to do more?!
Glad you enjoyed fratboy!Tom 😂I had so many feels just thinking about it. Writing it was oof - something else. 
Also, I love this concept!!! Been thinking about it all day. Of course, I went awwwff and wrote 1.8K. Oops. I hope you enjoy, though. 
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"Do you want some, Tommy?” you cooed licking the popsicle in your hand. Your tongue was fully exposed as you savored the flavor of the cool treat. It was melting quickly and some of the sticky liquid had fallen to your hand. 
You were quick with your tongue, licking your hand clean before returning to the popsicle slurping it clean. Tom watched you. His gaze was intense, jaw clenched watching you lick the popsicle just like you did to his dick. 
He squirmed and you clapped in your head, knowing your plan was working. You were enjoying a fun summer day by the pool with some of his cast mates and friends. But all you wanted to do was take Tom to the bedroom and fuck his brains out. Cause let’s be honest, the way he looked in those swim trunks was making your body tingle in all the right places. 
“You sure you don’t want some, babe?” you asked again waving the popsicle in his face before taking the entire thing in your mouth. His eyes bulged a little watching your actions and he wished that was his dick instead. But he resisted the urge to take you right there and then. 
Instead, he brought his body down pulling you over his shoulder. He was done with your bratty behavior. He knew what you were trying to do and he wasn’t going to cave. You were going to have a nice day by the pool with friends, goddamn it. And with that, he let his hand fall on to back of your thigh right at the rim of your ass. 
You gasped a little, your popsicle falling out of your hand as you clung to Tom’s back. The action was unexpected. Not the carrying you over his shoulder, but the slap. He’d never done that before. And you... liked it.
That night you were taking a shower, exhausted from the heat mixed with the countless hours spent in the pool. The cool water running down you body felt nice, but you couldn’t shake the thought of Tom slapping your ass earlier that day. 
Yeah, he’d done it jokingly. You had been a brat, teasing him until he had enough. But the way his palm curved around your ass. The firm grasp and feel was different and exciting and you just wanted to feel it again. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the rustling of the curtain. Tom stood outside. You’d almost forgotten he said he was going to join after saying goodbye to everyone. You blinked the water out of your eyes turning to him. 
“Everyone leave?” you asked shivering from the cool air coming in. Tom stepped in, moving you slightly so that you both fit comfortably under the water. 
“Z and Haz stayed.” He responded grabbing the bottle of shampoo. He lathered his hair, his eyes closed. You hummed nodding your head. Typical, they were always the two lazy people who always felt at home and crashed on your couch, or the inflatable bed you and Tom had bought for guests aka them. 
You brought your fingers up to Tom’s hair helping him. He sighed contently feeling your fingers massaging his scalp. A small moan escaped his lips and you felt the tingling between your legs. 
“Rinse,” you instructed pulling your fingers away trying to resist the urge to slam him against the wall and suck his soul out of his body. You and Tom were always careful when it came to having sex while guests stayed over. Out of respect. Kinda. You just didn’t want to get roasted if they heard the noises that came out your or his mouth. 
Tom grabbed your waist pushing you from the shower head so he could rinse. His fingers were burning through your skin and you just couldn’t contain yourself any longer. When the shampoo had been rinsed from his head, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders bringing your face close to his ear. 
“Baby...” you whined pushing your breasts up against his chest. Tom moaned letting his hands fall to your lower back and you just wished he would reach a little louder and slap your ass like he’d done earlier. 
“Someone’s a little needy today. Don’t think I forgot about earlier.” You blushed profusely thinking of the popsicle incident. Yeah, you’d been horny as fuck, but now you were craving a whole new feeling. You just didn’t know how to bring it up. 
Your lips brushed against his ear, before letting your tongue lick the shell of his ear. “Baby, can you do something for me?” you purred kissing the soft skin under his ear. Tom nodded his head eagerly, thinking you were going to ask him to fuck you against the wall. 
“Don’t laugh.” you whined pulling away to look at his face. Tom smirked, biting his lip. 
“Can you slap my ass ... please?” You buried your face in his neck again, sucking on his sweet spot. You didn’t want him to see your face because you were certain he would see how embarrassing your request was. 
But Tom didn’t fuss. He didn’t laugh. He just brought his hands down to your ass, cupping the soft skin before raising his left hand. He let it fall on your skin with a sharp smack and you moaned into his neck. Your pussy was throbbing from the small action and you loved the sting of the slap. 
Tom rubbed the area before lifting his right hand and smack. You moaned again tilting your head back. The pleasure was overwhelming. 
Tom played with your ass, squeezing it, jiggling it between fingers before bringing his hand down on each cheek again. You felt your knees go weak from the repeated actions and you needed him now more than earlier. 
“Fuck me, Tom. Please” you begged as your lips clumsily met his. Tom’s hand grasped your hips meeting your lips repeated before turning you around. 
He bent you down, your hands reaching for the cold surface of the shower wall. Tom’s hand roamed your back, reaching under to give your breasts a quick squeeze before returning to your ass. He massaged your ass gently, one hand reaching for his member.
He teased your core, sliding his cock between your folds before gently pushing himself in. You squirmed from the feeling.
When Tom had filled you up, you felt his hand rubbing the soft skin of your ass before gently tapping it. This slap much more gentle than the ones before. 
You felt him move, his hips thrusting into you. He was slow at first, but quickly picked up the pace when he saw your fingernails digging into the wall. He pulled you by the shoulder, arching your back intensifying the feeling of being in you. He was so deep, he thought he’d get lost in your pussy. But he’d be lying if he said that wouldn’t be the perfect place to get lost. 
You moaned his name repeatedly, letting him know how much you were enjoying this. You weren’t expecting his hand to come down on your ass, yet again. At this point, you lost your shit. You couldn’t think straight anymore. His cock pounding into you, the slaps on your ass and the grip he had on your shoulder were too much for you. You felt so close to your high. You legs were shaking and you could hardly stand up. 
It didn’t help that Tom was urging you to scream his name. To let him know how you felt right now. Asking if you liked it when he slapped your ass and then smack he’d let his hand fall on it. 
Your toes curled as you felt the shock of your orgasm rush through your body, Tom following close behind. You were gasping for air when Tom pulled out of you. His hands wrapping around your breasts holding you close. 
“You liked that?” he asked catching his breath. You nodded early, thanking him. 
“We can try it more often,” he purred kissing your cheek. You hummed letting your body fall into his chest. “Lets get you cleaned up,” he whispered grabbing the loofah and body wash. 
The rest of your shower was consumed with Tom doing everything for you. As your legs were still shaking and you were still on cloud 9. He lathered your body with the foamy substance. Gently scrubbing. It was nice. 
When you were done with your shower, you’d come down to the kitchen searching for a snack. Tom followed close behind and he admired the way your ass moved under his shirt. He couldn’t help but reach out, giving you a quick tap. 
“Tom..” you whined turning back to look at him. “We have company,” you whispered motioning towards the living room. 
Tom chuckled, a cocky smile on his face. “That’s not what you were saying earlier.” 
You rolled your eyes opening the fridge, searching for something to munch on. 
“Worked up an appetite?” Zendaya entered the kitchen. She had an ‘I’m not judging’ look on her face. Tom looked like a deer caught in headlights as Harrison joined Zendaya. 
“I am.” he said eyeing the two of you. 
“Were you being a naughty girl, y/n?” He joked shoving Zendaya, who couldn’t contain her laughter anymore. They had clearly heard what went down and worse, they had talked about it. 
Your cheeks were burning, as you heard Tom scoff. He tried retaliating, but he couldn’t think of a good comeback. Zendaya and Haz laughed even louder just watching how flustered he was. 
Zendaya raised her arms in defense, “Nothing wrong with a little punishment.”
You shut your eyes. This is what you get for wanting to try something new. 
Well, it was actually all Tom’s fault for showing you what else he could do with those hands. 
“I think maybe we’ll go for round 2″ Tom teased, grabbing your hand forgetting why you came down to the kitchen in the first place. Zendaya and Haz scoffed.
“Yeah. And can you slap my ass again, baby?” you cooed bringing a hand to his cheek, petting him softly before planting a kiss on the soft skin. Tom blushed, licking his lips. Where did this confidence come from? You don’t know, but you loved the way it turned Tom on. His hand falling on your ass before gripping it tightly. 
“Get a room,” Haz scoffed. 
You stuck your tongue out, a very horny and flustered Tom following behind you. He slammed the door shut before pushing you down on the bed.
“If I’d known you would get this turned on from slapping your ass, I would have done it ages ago.” He confessed crashing his lips on yours. You moaned into the kiss bringing your hand down to his ass. Slapping it gently through his flannel pajama bottoms. 
A throaty moan escaped his lips and he pulled away to see a small smirk on your face. “Looks like you like it, too.” You teased. 
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80s-roger · 5 years
EX - Roger Taylor {pt 5}
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well shit is going to happen really soon!
warning: this chapter contains hard-core smut
chapter six will be out soon
click here for part 4!
words +3k
on with the story!
You could barely work today. Your argument with Roger made you feel even sadder than you already were. Your boss came inside your office, looking mad.
"Y/N, I know you are with that famous drummer, but don't appear on the headlines please. I am afraid it will cause drama between the other assistants." Many of your co-workers, were jealous of you because you are dating the hot guy from Queen.
"I'm sorry boss, I can't control it. They follow us everywhere." you explained.
"Stay hidden if that's possible. I don't want your co-workers seeing you front page all the time. I don't even know if you're a worker here or a celebrity." He shook his head annoyed.
"I am a worker, my relationship has nothing to do with my work. I work and so does my partner." you stood for yourself.
"Then, keep a low profile at the world outside. I don't want my employees to be front page at the gossip newspaper. The next time this happens, you're fired." He warned you and the next thing you could think of, was being literally fired. Your time was coming. It was a matter of time being on headlines again. He left your office and you started packing your stuff to leave.
As you were walking at the elevator, one of your co-workers stopped you. There's Maya, that girl you talk with when you see each other.
"Hello Y/N! You look upset." She looked at you confused.
"I have had a terrible day." You slightly closed your eyes thinking of what has happened the last 48 hours.
"Oh, wanna have a drink? It's my treat." She offered.
"Sure, I'd like one." You smiled and you both entered the lift.
You tried to be really careful with your words. You trusted nobody. Anything you'd say, could be used against you.
"So how's Roger and you?" She asked and poured from her scotch.
"We have been better." You drank of your vodka, staring in the gap.
"You wanna talk about it?" She asked, approaching closer.
"We've had an argument at the morning. I was already stressed and he made it even worse than it was before." You looked at her with a sad vibe taking over your face.
"And what was it for?" She was weird.
"That's a couple's problem, I think we'll get over it." You nodded your head.
"Oh I see. You know, me and my girlfriend had a fight too. She acts strange. And I gave her some space." You forgot she was a lesbian. "Wanna get you another round?" She asked. Was she trying to get you drunk? You knew you had to refuse. You were also scared if the press would see you doing explicit stuff with her. You once had a one night stand with a girl. And you liked it a lot.
"No, thank you. I'll better get going. Roger and I have to discuss..." You lied. You didn't want him to appear on your doorstep.
"I understand. Well, at least, let me give you a ride home." She suggested and you agreed with her.
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She finally arrived you at home. The silence in the car was entirely awkward.
"It was nice catching up with you."She smiled at you. "Hope you will fix the things with Roger." She reassured you, touching your thigh. You felt really uncomfortable with it but she didn't take off her hand.
"Yeah I hope so, goodnight." You rushed to get out of the car, afraid if anyone was spying on you and taking shots of you and Maya. You were scared she'd kiss you.
You finally made your way up to your home sweet home. You locked yourself in the apartment, exhaling all your countless problems. It was ten o' clock; the need to take a shower jumped inside of you. You really wanted to sleep and never wake up until the nightmare is over.
The warm shower you took, reminded you of some spicy moments Roger and you had in there. It was so hot in there but right now, things are so messed up. He did hurt your feelings, he made things worse. After wearing your nighty, you wanted to cover yourself between the mattress and sleep forever but the door wouldn't let you two hours after a good sleep. It was some minutes after midnight and you were terrified who'd it be.
You unlocked and opened the door, facing a drunk Roger, standing at the wall. You didn't want him at your home tonight, but your inner world welcomed him with flying colours.
"What the hell are you doing? Leave now." You angrily said to him.
"I'm not leaving." He possessed you just by looking at you.
"Roger, you're drunk again. Go away." You tried to push him away but he resisted. He was too strong to get inside.
"I know you can't say it more than twice. You want me and I want you." He grabbed you by your neck, kissing you passionately. You wanted to taste his lips again. But your inner anger wouldn't let him. You pushed him away.
"Fucking leave! You're drunk!" You yelled at him but he literally picked you up on his shoulders, leading you to the bedroom. "Roger stop it!" You screamed at him. But you wanted him to bang you. You were dying for his touch.
"I know you want this, don't make it hard." His cocky character made you wet in seconds.
"I don't want it when you're drunk and saying crap to me! I had a terrible day and that's all your fucking fault!" You pointed at him while he was getting undressed. He gave no shit.
"It's time to fix it then. Get undressed. You don't want me to have it done for you, do you? I have ripped off so many of those." He laid on top of you, kissing you with passion. You forgot all your problems in seconds. His perfume felt like a drug inside you.
You were desperate to be touched by him. He removed your nighty, leaving you on your black underpants. With his big palm, he massaged your breasts, leaving you moaning his name softly. He placed his head in your neck, leaving you hickeys and kisses.
"I need to know how much you want it." He said while you were enjoying his passionate kisses. You didn't speak as the arrogant bitch you can be from time to time when you're mad at Roger. He knew you were mad at him. That's why he wanted to tease you. He removed your underpanties, leaving you all naked in front of him.
His fingers were touching your private area. "You're so wet for me, but you're not telling me how much you want it. I'm not going to beg for it." He rubbed your clit, which sent you pleasure waves all over your body. But he slightly stopped, looking at you. You looked at him. He made that cocky smile of his waiting for your answer. "Why are you such a bad girl?" He asked you and tickled your body. "I'm afraid I have to be strict with you. I didn't want to. You made me." He smiled, leaning to the cabinet, grabbing some ribbons of yours and wrapping them around your wrists, against your bed. You had your hands tied behind the bed and you said no words. You loved that kind of sex you and Roger have from time to time.
"You won't move. And I won't be gentle. I'm warning you baby." He grabbed his condom, wearing it around him. He split your legs, having your area visible to him. His hands hugged your thighs when he got inside you, moving fastly, just like how you wanted it. You loved the dominant Roger. His hands were moving on your entire body, you both locked your eyes, staring each other. Yet, you said no word, which made Roger gain another orgasm. He was moving harder than before. All you did was just moaning. Not saying a single word, despite how much you wanted to. He always wants to hear how good he makes you feel, but not tonight.
"I want to hear it Y/N..." He moaned while he was about ready to cum. You wanted him to come first, but it was impossible. You already had your second orgasm and you were close.
"You don't worth my begging." You eagerly said.
"I don't?" He raised his eyebrow and removed himself from your vagina. You whimpered without wanting it. It came out naturally. You were so close on cumming, you didn't want him to know that too. His gaze turned again on you. "Oops, what happened to you babygirl? You want more? You're not convincing me..." He teased you. But you moved your hips provocatively at him, asking for more.
"But I want to cum too, it's not only your cock and your cocky self." You mocked him.
"You cum even when I'm looking at you. You just want extra credit." He untied you, but you thought you wouldn't be tied anymore. "No, no babygirl. You wished." You looked at him confused. "Turn over." He ordered and you did what he said. You loved being under him. "I will let you cum only when you say the words." He said while he was wrapping the ribbons from your wrists against your bed.
His hard dick, got placed inside you, filling you up entirely. You couldn't stop moaning and grabbing the bed's banisters. But you didn't say the words he wanted to hear. You got that nerve, reminding you what a jerk he was to you at the morning. "Fucking say it." He said and slapped your butt cheeks, leaving you red marks.
"No!" You said with your heavy breathing. His slaps, got tougher and you moaned loudly as a sign of pleasure.
His thrusts got deeper, faster and harder. You loved rough sex with Roger. He laid on top of you, pulling your hair and grabbing your neck without choking you of course whispering at your ear.
"I want to hear the words Y/N. Say them and you'll cum. Say them loudly, I want your neighbours to know." He aggressively said and bit you.
He was so close on cumming, but his ego wasn't pleased yet. He was rubbing your clit fastly and forcibly and now you were forced to shout as your legs were shaking.
"Oh my God Roger! Fucking hell! I cummed!" You desperately yelled after keeping these words to yourself for a long now. After hearing you, his voice was even deeper than it was before, his hands' veins could easily be seen next to your hands while he cummed inside of you. He finally untied you.
You turned over again, facing him. He was red after reaching his climax. So were you. He left your room, going inside your bath, washing himself and you were waiting for him naked at the bed. He laid next to you.
"You just had to say these words. Don't make it hard for both of us. You know I can make you finish no matter what." He said laughing. "And I wasn't drunk. Just two shots." He added.
"Fuck you Roger!" You angrily said turning around.
"Can I smoke here?" He asked looking at you when you were trying to sleep.
"No! Go outside, I want to sleep." You looked at him.
"You didn't look like you wanted to sleep ten minutes ago." He teased you again.
"Yeah because you were too busy fucking me."You said back and he laughed. "Good night now, I had a bad day." You turned your back at him again.
"But it eventually turned out good." He went outside the balcony, smoking one of cigarettes. You were staring at his silhouette before your eyes closed entirely again.
You solved your argument with him but you were still mad. Not as much as you were before though. You knew you loved him. You couldn't stay mad at him forever.
The next morning
You opened your eyes, staring at the balcony. It was sunny outside; the sunlight entered your slightly dark room, passing through the white curtains. You moved yourself and heard a soft groan coming next to you. There was a naked Roger hugging one of your pillows while he was still sleeping. You couldn't move because his arms were wrapped around you, not making you able to move. He's a heavy big spoon. It was 9 am. He should have left already. You had to wake him up.
"Roger you have to wake up..." You moved him a bit.
"Mhmm..." He groaned again not moving a muscle. "Just five more minutes." he said with his grumpy voice.
"But you're going to be late. And I have to get ready for my work too." You tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go.
"Fuck everyone. I want to stay here today." He kissed you at your cheek.
"But we're still not over everything. There are so many problems we haven't solved yet." You let go of his arms and he finally opened his ocean eyes.
"Everything's under control Y/N... There's nothing to worry about." You could tell he was lying. There was something wrong.
"You're lying Roger I know it." You got out of your bed, starting to dress up for your work. "What's happening? I know you know something." You said.
"We just woke up. Can't we just drink some coffee and talk about it?" He did the same as you.
"No Roger, we can't. The sooner the better. Do you know what my boss told me yesterday?" You loudly said.
"No, what did he say?" He asked clueless.
"He warned me that if he and my co-workers see me again on headlines and generally on spotlight, I'm fired!" You finally shouted letting out your anger.
"But you're gonna get fired. It's inevitable not to be taken photos..." He considered it. He looked serious. He thought of the tape and you knew.
"My life is getting ruined by everyone right now! I'm losing my job, my dignity, my privacy, you..." the thought of losing him, makes you sick. You don't want to lose him. You started crying. "I can't do this anymore." You laid down on the floor, covering your head with your legs and Roger ran next to you, hugging you without saying a word. What would he say? He knows you're messed up now.
"Things will be better, I swear." He said, comforting you. "Just tell me one thing, Y/N." he looked at you with eyes wide opened.
"What is it?" You asked.
"What would you do if the tape was leaked?" He said and you felt really weird with it. Like, he knew it would be leaked so he wanted you to be prepared.
"Do you know something? Why are you asking me that?" You panicked.
"I'm just asking you. We have to be prepared in any second." He explained but you couldn't stay calm.
"Just tell me the goddamn truth Roger!!" You screamed and stood up from the floor.
"Derek quitted himself from his manager tasks. We had a fight about... you know. The tape." He stood up too, moving his hands nervously.
"Oh my God Roger, I'm sold. I'm fucking done. He will have already sold the video!" You started moving like a maniac inside the room.  "What did he say?" You asked.
"I'm afraid he's doing what we're afraid of. We should... you know... Cover it." He tried to explain but it didn't make sense.
"He's going to make me get fired. Are you bullshitting me right now?" Your jaw was shaking. You haven't been at your good for two days now.
"Fuck your work. I can take care of you Y/N. I would marry you if that's what you want!" He yelled.
"I don't want you to marry me because you want to undercover the mess right now! We're both under pressure!" You yelled back. Neighbours heard load moans eight hours ago and now they hear the same couple fighting.
"It's not my fault, you know! It was you and him back then!" he shouted
"But now it's you, who has the fame and that can ruin my life right now!" you walked through the living room and he followed you.
"And I'm trying to help but you think you're helpless in this drama." He looked at you, still shouting but distance so minimized.
"I do feel helpless. But also defenceless. And I don't want that Roger. I don't want to feel powerless. Not when I know my past would be out in less than a day." You let out a breath, standing at the kitchen's counter. The tense was almost over.
"Listen... There's this press conference we have in a couple of days. If Derek attempts publishing it after the conference, he won't try to say shit about you cheating on me and stuff." He explained.
''And how's that going to happen?" You asked confused.
"I can prepare the paps about it. They know me as the hot drummer, who takes some risks. You know..." He kissed you, trying to take the tense entirely away.
"So you're telling me that you'll just go out there and say hey me and my girl made a hot tape which we're really excited about?" You mocked him and he was dead serious.
"Exactly." He came closer to you, at the point you could feel his boner between your legs. He was rubbing, against you trying to turn you on but the press wouldn't let you free.
"Babe, you're a musician, not a porn star. Besides, it will affect your career if you just say you're on a tape in which you're actually not." you tried to push him off but he didn't let go. Instead, his hands, entrapped you.
"Trust me, the fans love when they get to see their favourite celebrity naked. And the fun part of this, is that I'm not in there. It's just your ex's dick." He kissed you again.
"Yeah and me, entirely naked. Does that make you feel comfortable?" You asked him.
"No, it doesn't. Because I'm the one who can see you with no clothes. It actually makes me mad thinking you've been with many guys in the past." He made a weird face expression but you didn't seem bothered by it.
"I'm not a whore Roger. I was just looking for some guy to be with but it only turned out as a guy to have sex with. But look at you too. You've slept with many girls before too. It doesn't even make me mad." You said back annoying him.
"Yeah cause you are finally the only woman in the entire world who gets a dose of Roger Taylor inside her." He teased you and connected his lips with yours.
"You and your bloody ego..." you shook your head. "But why are you taking this risk? Taking the blame?" You asked.
"Because I fucking love you and I can't stand seeing you concerned and upset all the time." He hugged you. You felt so beautiful right then.
"I love you too..." You closed your eyes, smelling his majestic scent.
The fact Roger was about to take the blame on a sex tape he wasn't even starring, made you love him even more than before. It made you feel a lot better. There was a fuss coming soon about you and he was right there to pick you up and walk with you.
taglist: @rogxtaylor @bohemiansweede
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