#also i have nothing against sylki but think a lot of people are doing it wrong and also i find thorki hilarious bye
worstloki · 2 years
is it weird that i like thorki… but sylki makes me wanna throw up ,,?? 💀
hmmmmm premium, juicy sirloin steak cut vs mcdonald's patty
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single-snail · 1 year
I don't like the spoiler i read abt episode 5 and 6 it sounds a lot like steve's ending in endgame
[i will be discussing the supposed spoilers for loki season 2 episodes 5 & 6 below the cut]
oh it totally does! it might even make less sense than steve’s ending, though idk if i’m willing to go that far. but yeah, abandoning the life you’ve lived for years and the people you know and care about and the cause you believe in to go back to the past to live a life that belonged to someone else? yup sounds like steve
even without the lokius of it all, a situation in which mobius goes to live on the timeline with a wife and kids makes zero sense. there is no life for mobius to return to. he can’t go back to the moment he was taken from bc the timeline would’ve been reset and a different mobius would’ve continued living. the only way for him to return to his life would be to replace that mobius by what? pruning him? literally killing him? he’d have to take away this mobius’ chance at life, the same thing that was done to him. no, he would never do that. it goes against everything we know about him and his and b-15’s stance after finding out they’re variants. he’s also definitely a different man than who he was on the timeline. even once he hypothetically gets his memories back, he will also have hundreds? thousands? millions? of years of memories at the tva. even just in the short time he’s known loki he’s changed a lot. he wouldn’t fit back in his life. it would make noooo sense.
based on reviews of 1-4, we will learn about his life on the timeline (tho i’m pretty sure people have said it’s dark, nothing close to a happy life with a wife and kids) and presumably we won’t have to wait until episode 5 for it. i think we will see mobius come to terms with what his life was, maybe mourn what he’s lost a bit, but ultimately continue doing what he’s doing.
also i just don’t see him leaving the fight against the tva/to reform the tva/to defeat kang. he’s not a passive character; loki gave him a spark to fight and i don’t think he’s gonna decide to leave it behind. i expect him to stick around a little bit.
luckily i’m not worried about these spoilers at all bc i think they’re total bullshit. the only people who know anything about episodes 5 & 6 are those that worked on the show, and i don’t imagine any of them are coming on here to anonymously leave spoilers in someone’s ask box. it’s just a troll, i’d bet anything on it. even if these things do happen, i don’t think it would prove the validity of this anon.
i didn’t talk about the sylki endgame part of the spoiler bc there wasn’t much to it and uh yeah that’s expected. i am actually going back and forth between whether i think they’ll go forward with sylki or just completely ignore it, but i won’t be surprised if/when it’s the former.
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elena-gilbert · 11 months
after reading s1 interviews it becomes clear that everything we loved about sylki/sylvie and everything that made sylki/sylvie great came from kate and michael.
s2 doesn't feel like a continuation of s1, sylki dynamic in s2 isn't the same as it was in s1, and sylvie is reduced to a sidelined low-key love interest in s2 when she was a co-protagonist in s1 because kate and michael, the main creators behind s1, are not in charge of s2.
their s1 ideological dispute in the citadel alone was a lot more engaging than their whole relationship in s2.
and the most importantly, i could really get why sylvie fell for loki. he saw her as a hero when everyone else saw her as a villain, he told her she was amazing to fight against the dictatorship, he was caring and attentive towards her. he is a completely different person with her in s2 and he is different in the worst possible way - he has became a stereotypical man invalidating his female "partner's" suffering, anger and opinions.
I think it's clear now that most of Sylki dynamics in season 1 was the brainchild of people who are no longer involved in the show. The new showrunners have a completely different point of view on them. Definitely, it was a conscious step away from romance. 😞
This whole season has been one big nothing for Loki and Sylvie's relationship. I want to hope for some kind of confession and a kiss in the final episode, but it just feels like the writers this season don't really care about their relationship. If cut out all these Sylki moments from s2, you know what happening? Nothing. It will absolutely not affect the plot in general, you could easily watch without it and understanding everything, which cannot be said about s1 where they were the driving force of the plot.
I like Loki but I can't understand his actions towards Sylvie anymore. I tried the first four episodes, honestly. The first-season Loki would never have been so cold to her even if he knew that she was wrong and did not agree with her. He would tried to convince her. You mentioned a fight in the Citadel. Yes, it was a kind of first big fight and a divergence of views on the situation, but God, how well it was done. All their dialogue as well as the fight itself were just *chef's kiss*. And I'm not talking about how much passion there was and the chemistry just sparkled between them! And compare this scene with their fights in season 2. All they do is exchange some random phrases with mutuals accusations and screaming at each other. I can't even call them enemies, they're just strangers. I'm also sorry for Sylvie as a character, her screen time has been cut very much this season and from this we can't understand her point of view. The plot in general is still all right, Loki/Sylvie dynamic just doesn't make any sense and most importantly has absolutely no connection with the first season.
If a miracle happens and they somehow ending the season together as a couple (which I doubt now) it won't be as epic, beautiful and emotional as if it were if Michael and Kate were still running the show.
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
I get so annoyed at the comparisons of Lokius to fluffy ship Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens) because they have nothing in common. And there really should be more fic exploring the abusive dynamics of Lokius. And ok, I admit I don't like cutesy ships like Ineffable Husbands much either way, but it's such a shame Lokius has so little tasty fucked up content and most fics are boring fluff. And people like OW so much they hardly ever make Mobius the perpetrator. I've seen fics were Ravonna made them do it or another Loki (usu. President) or EVEN TVA!Loki were the perpetrators and those options just rub me the wrong way. Lokius fandom is so quick to make Ravonna irredeemable (but not pure bean Mobius) and the power imbalance is not on the favor of the Lokis (the abuse and literal torture excused from Mobius while Sylvie gets called abusive for calling Loki a clown and trying to complete her life's mission... smdh).
The main issue, I think, is that "the Discourse" is so fraught and neverending that people either hate Mobius and everything connected to him and so they won't write about him anyway or they're on the defensive and don't want to cede what they see as too much ground to hostile takes. (They're not the only ones doing this but this is today's topic and I don't want to digress as much as I usually do.) That plus - the bane of my own existence in so many fandoms tbh - if you're into something enough to identify/be seen as "a shipper" of it then you probably favour fluffier takes on that ship. Which is valid of course, etc etc, but it means there's not many fic people around who are willing to spend the necessary time and effort on Dark Lokius. I mean, I'm fairly into the idea and I still haven't (really) made any fic of it so I am Part Of The Problem myself (I do have a couple of in-theory-WIPs but I have a lot of half-written fics and they won't all get finished). With me that's partly because I fear the reader glancing at the rest of my fic in that fandom and going "oh well OF COURSE she doesn't like lokius and wants it to be Wrong and Fucked Up," even though I fuck up a lot of pairings that I am very into.
Of course with me not being into fluff generally the dominance of that genre here means I read less lokius than I otherwise would and so the problem sort of self-perpetuates.
(Side-note on Ravonna, the comics canon (such as it has been relayed to me) seems to have massively influenced fandom's takes on her because I don't think she was even all that evil on the show? You could take her "brb off to find Free Will" as her having rejected the system and planning to bring it down some other way - which indeed I did until I was told no she's just a baddy. As Mobius's superior she's presumably more awful but what we see doesn't necessarily prove that. (Also there's only 22 - 22!!! - Mobius/Ravonna fics on AO3 and I have to ask HOW THE FUCK?? because I definitely detected a vibe there and refuse to accept that nobody else did. They had a vibe!!!))
BUT I DID DIGRESS LIKE I SAID I WOULDN'T. Added to all that is that the sylki and lokius shippers have become set against each other so again nobody wants to give anyone any extra ammunition for "actually your ship sucks" takes on tumblr by spending "too much" time on the nastier subtexts.
Um... well, the tl;dr is just that varying strands of The Discourse tend to push people away from spending much or any time on the darker lokius readings and that's a damn shame because as of this moment the pairing is tagged in 3,426 fics on AO3 and I feel like that means it could easily cope with a few more stories where it's to some degree fucked up. Bring on the Stockholm Syndrome, damn it, there's more than enough fluff to make it all better with afterwards :D
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
I saw your tweet and I’m sorry you’re getting hate. I don’t ship enchantricks, just Sylki but I do follow you and I agree that people should stop posting about her being or becoming enchantress. I think it’s rude to hijack and honestly I don’t want her to be enchantress, I love her as her own unique character. She isn’t similar to Amora at all either. Sophia and the writers even said Sylvie is her own woman and won’t be any characters we’ve seen before. I’m not sure why people want her to be. All Sophia said is that she’s AN enchantress in terms of she can enchant, the same way Loki can or Wanda or Strange. But she’s isn’t THE enchantress as the character. Similar to a Loki but not Loki. Part of me wishes she wasn’t even a Loki at all.
I like sylvie, she isn’t my all time fave, that’s a small tier tbh, but I do like her. It made me kinda sad the whole “superior Loki” thing but that’s the writers being messy tbh, her character shouldn’t suffer for that. I rly liked her scene in the field and at the Ren fairs. (I still want to know what happened when she used all the grenades things in the roxxmart) Most of her Stan’s are cool cats.
Only thing that makes me a little iffy are when amora and sylvie are pitted against each other by both sides of the fandom. I don’t like the “I’m better than you” trope in anything. Esp amongst women who that’s a reoccurring and demeaning theme. Which I understand a bit more why amora stans might feel that way. I think it’s a nervous possessive thing bc the comic fandom is so small and having amora be a partial inspo for sylvie feels like we might lose her, if the writers have her take Amoras name. That doesn’t excuse it and I personally don’t think they will take her mantle next season either. I think Sophia seems to have input and knows her character and her motives. I also don’t think we will ever see amora in the MCU, but I don’t think that’s necessarily sylvies fault. They are v different so it’d be possible still, and amora doesn’t need to be Lokis love interest if she was introduced. I think if she was going to appear it wouldve be in LOVE and thunder. Or ragnarok bc she was scourges partner for long.
Idk I’m neutral on sylvie being a Loki, I don’t see the point of her being the only woman Loki tho, since Loki is gender-fluid and all. And also ur telling me of so many universes there only one woman, and that’s “scary” I felt a little like that’s misogyny disguised as being progressive girl boss. Again that’s on the writers not on sylvie, she’s done nothing wrong lol. I feel like the romance would’ve made me less uncomfortable without her being a Loki but I also don’t see the chemistry. Ok ok Ik so many ppl r gonna disagree but I don’t see it in lokius or dashingfrost either personally. Which is just my opinion doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong. Lastly Idk why ppl want her as the mcu’s enchantress, maybe they’re expecting her to be? I tend to fixate on what’s canon explicitly in canon so idk but I don’t see anything suggesting her to be so. I also like her as her own character, there isn’t rly a set of rules sylvie has to follow i think Sophia has it under control
Also thank you for following, I have no issues with sylki shippers, everyone is welcome here and I enjoy discussions a lot. It’s nice to get positive anons sometimes.
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
Most Sylki fans I met insult Loki and call him fascist but ship them together anyway. Sylvie values freedom and she shouldn't be in relationship with someone like that.
I can't speak for all Sylki fans because I haven't spoken to every Sylki fan, but I'm very interested in which Sylki fans you're meeting, because Loki isn't a fascist. that just? doesn't really make sense? He Who Remains is a fascist. the Time Variance Authority is a fascist organization. I think that's the general consensus among a lot of Sylki fans, and maybe that's where you're getting confused, because Loki did try work with the TVA and he did try to save HWR's life, but he was against everything they stood for. Sylvie was actively fighting the fascist organization far more than Loki was, but that I don't think many people would argue that it makes Loki himself a fascist. It might mean Loki was on the wrong side of things — that depends on who you ask — but Loki was against the TVA's authoritarian regime; he just didn't want cause a multiversal war.
I think there are two main reasons you'll find Sylki fans insulting Loki. The first one is that he's a flawed person, and that's what makes him an interesting character. Some people do try to rationalize everything he's done to paint him in a good light and to act like he's the most selfless person to ever exist, but I personally think it's far more interesting to look at him as a deeply flawed individual who's made mistakes and done bad things for bad reasons, but that he's far more complicated than just "he's a perfect little angel uwu" or "he's pure evil and loves destruction and chaos and death."
And the other main reason you'll see people insult Loki is to strike back at the people insulting Sylvie. The same people who try to defend Loki's every action are often the ones who point out any possible flaw they can find in Sylvie to convince themselves and other antis that he's a perfect little cinnamon roll and that she's a horrible person who deserves nothing but the worst. Sylki fans sometimes like to turn the tables on that. A lot of times, when Sylki fans are elevating Sylvie and talking about Loki's flaws, it's in direct response to that kind of hypocrisy from the antis. We're saying "no, you're wrong about Sylvie; she's better than that," and we're also saying "no, you're wrong about Loki, he's not that perfect." But I don't think there are a lot of Sylki fans out there — and, again, I could be wrong; this is just what I feel like I've seen from the Sylki fans I know, but there are a lot more out there that I've never met — who think that Sylvie is just so much better than Loki. To steal a quote from Supernatural because I'm a cringe individual, they're just two people trying to do their best in a world where it's far too easy to do their worst.
And I think you're kind of twisting Sylvie's goal there at the end of your ask. Sylvie values freedom from the TVA. She wants to be free from the fascist organization that's been tracking her down her whole life; that killed her family and destroyed her world; that's forced her to live her life in the midst of literal apocalypses. But she's also incredibly lonely. She's like a feral cat in a way. She hasn't really been socialized because just talking to people could put her on the TVA's radar. And she thinks for the longest time that she wants to be alone, because that's all she's ever known, but the truth is that she longs for comfort and for companionship. I don't think it's ever more obvious than when she's talking to Loki on the train that she likes people and that she wishes she had her own special someone in whatever form that takes: a boyfriend or girlfriend, a best friend, a mother, the postman, whatever. But she doesn't. And she can't. And it takes her time to admit to herself that she can, that Loki's in the same situation that she is and that she can have him, and that's why it's so heartbreaking to her that they don't feel the same way in the citadel. She'd thought she found someone to see this through to the end with, and someone to spend her life with after, and she didn't.
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nyx-lyris · 3 years
Loki and Sylvie
So, this has been a hot button issue in the Marvel fandom as of late and I’ve decided to jump into the fray and voice my opinion. 
First of all, I’d like to say that I don’t ship them, but I also don’t think it’s wrong if you do. There are a lot of people who say that shipping them is akin to incest or “self-cest”, partly because of how the different Peters interacted in No Way Home, but I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. I found a post that explained it something like this: each variant is a separate person with separate experiences in a separate universe. They each play the same role within their own universe, but they are still different people and, if they were ever to interact, they would have to decide what their relationships with each other would be. The post I found also pointed out that it was rather hypocritical that some of the same people criticizing Sylki shippers also, very obviously, want to ship Tobey’s and Andrew’s Peters. 
Now, I admit, I understand where people are coming from with the “self-cest” thing. It can be argued that they are all essentially the same person and it is weird to be attracted to/in a relationship with yourself. I have also heard some say that Loki and Sylvie being together shows that Loki is arrogant and self-absorbed. However, I would like to say that the arrogant/self-absorbed persona that Loki often portrays is just that - a persona - a mask that he hides beneath to keep people from seeing who he truly is. In other words, he isn’t self-absorbed - he just plays into others’ expectations of him. He acts that way in Avengers to appease the Other, who is essentially spying on him via telepathy the whole movie and who reports directly to Thanos, who very likely tortured and/or manipulated his darker tendencies to turn him into a villain. 
(Side Note That You Can Skip: I find it rather insulting that Thor: Ragnarok and the Loki show portray Loki as someone who doesn’t really know what he’s doing and is just faking and conning his way through everything, and that he does everything for power and attention. Loki is shown to be extremely intelligent in both Thor and Avengers. And, yes, he does want power and attention, but I believe this to be an overblown “younger sibling syndrome” - he wants Odin’s approval, he wants to be seen as equal to Thor by Odin, he wants to prove himself to Odin. He feels overlooked and underappreciated, and he goes to extreme and twisted measures to gain Odin’s approval. He says in Thor, “I never wanted the throne - I only ever wanted to be your [Thor’s] equal!” I believe his going after the Tesseract was another failed attempt at gaining Odin’s favor and attention - and Thanos decided to use Loki’s darker tendencies against him and use him for his own gain. In Avengers, it’s pretty clear that Loki doesn’t really want to do everything that he’s doing. You can see in his eyes in the scene on the cliff with Thor that he would rather just come home and forget this madness. You can see how he regrets his actions, how he wishes he didn’t have to do what he was doing, as he fights Thor on top of Stark Tower. In all the scenes I have mentioned, a tear falls down his cheek. His emotions are written all over his face - he doesn’t want power - he just wants to be loved and free. In Ragnarok and in Loki, however, he is portrayed and treated as someone who merely fakes his way through life, who doesn’t really have a plan, and who is nothing more than an arrogant trickster (although, I will admit, they still kept in the desire for love, if nothing else). They changed his personality in Ragnarok and the Marvel writers just kept it going to my deep chagrin.) 
As much as I am not fond of the Loki show, I believe that the message with Loki and Sylvie was actually one of self-love. Loki says to her in the end that he’s been where she is, has felt what she’s feeling, that he understands her pain - he’s accepting who he used to be, making peace with his past, through her. People are attracted to those who remind them of themselves, and Loki sees a younger, more lost version of himself in Sylvie - he wants to help her and help himself accept who he used to be. 
I personally would rather he had found someone who reminded him of himself, but was different enough - more positive, perhaps, happier - that it fascinated him. Someone from whom he could learn and be inspired, someone who could help him through his troubles and help him learn to move past his desire to prove himself to the one person who would never truly appreciate him. I don’t see that in Sylvie and I find it rather strange that he is the one helping her, when he is no doubt full of trauma and fear and confusion, when he is the one who would need help and love. 
I guess, in short, I don’t think it’s wrong to ship Sylki and I think the writers meant a deeper message with their relationship, but I don’t think Loki was portrayed correctly and I don’t think Sylvie is really the right person for him. 
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Hi im so freaking happy about this rewrite i just got a lil query um Loki is going to be Aesexual does that mean he doesnt care about sex or that he is against the idea of it or is even maybe disgusted by it ? im sorry if i coming across as ignorant ?/ rude i most defiently not against loki being aesexua but just kinda want to know what it means for loki to be aesexual as idk in my own head i guess i always thought of loki o f being willing to sleep with almost anyone nd am lil confused thnku rw
No, Loki is not going to be asexual in the rewrite; he's going to be bisexual and aromantic. This makes him allosexual aromantic, or alloaro for short.
Asexual and aromantic are sometimes confused with each other, but while asexual means not experiencing sexual attraction, aromantic means not experiencing romantic attraction. They are not the same.
To answer your questions, here's a broad overview of several things:
Asexual people (as well as people of other sexualities, for that matter) can be sex-favorable (like sexual activities or the idea of it), sex-indifferent (don't have strong opinions on having sex or the idea thereof/are indifferent/don't care) or sex-repulsed (find taking part in sexual activities or even the idea of it undesirable/repulsive). Note here that this is an oversimplification of all three terms. Rewrite Loki is likely sex-favorable.
Being asexual is a sexual orientation and has nothing to do with one's views on the acceptability of the sexual activities of other people. For that, the terms are sex-positive or sex-negative, wherein (to oversimplify) sex-positivity is essentially the belief that all sexual activities between two or more fully-consenting adults are acceptable, whereas sex-negativity is the belief opposite to that. Sex negative people may believe that sex is only acceptable after marriage, between a man and a woman, be anti-sex work, and so on. Sex-favorability or sex-repulsion has nothing to do with sex-positivity or sex-negativity, and people who are sex-repulsed may be staunchly sex-positive. Rewrite Loki is obviously not sex-negative.
Action is not the same as attraction. Being asexual does not mean being a celibate. Asexual people don't experience attraction, but that doesn't mean they cannot have had several sexual partners for other reasons. Likewise, aromantic people can have had multiple romantic partners. Loki is not asexual in this rewrite, but even if he was, there's still nothing stopping him from having slept with a lot of people.
People don't necessarily have to be asexual to be aromantic or vice versa, although there's plenty of people who are both aromantic and asexual (referred to as aroace). Alloromantic asexual people (alloace for short) experience romantic attraction but not sexual attraction. Allosexual aromantic people (alloaro for short), on the other hand, experience sexual attraction but not romantic attraction.
However, both 'asexual' as well as the 'aromantic' are identities as well as spectrums (ace-spec and aro-spec respectively, collectively known as aspec, a term which is also shared by autistic-spectrum people) which not only include people that don't experience attraction at all but also those who experience limited attraction, i.e. demi and grey people (as well as several other microlabels). Both spectrums are incredibly diverse meaning there's a lot of ground to cover to be fully inclusive of everyone within it, but if you want to know more, the split attraction model is a good place to start.
Loki being bisexual is canon in the series, and him being either bi, pan, or some other label under the multisexual category is canon in most other interpretations of him including the mythology. The rewrite's Variant Loki will be bisexual in accordance with this, although this may or may not hold true for other variants of him. Meaning yes, Loki is sexually attracted to men, women and nonbinary people (but not romantically attracted to anyone).
While him being aromantic is a headcanon we're adding from our side with no particularly solid canon basis, it's something many of us latched on to when he admitted thinking (romantic) love isn't real in episode three of the canon show. And when the series decided to shove the amatonormative bs that was canon sylki down our throats the very next episode, we decided to go along with our aro Loki headcanon both out of pure spite as well as out of a desire to have more arospec content in a fandom that heavily lacks it, because while aro rep in media is scarce as it is, it is also immensely scarce in fandom spaces, and since several writers of the rewrite happen to be arospec, we wanted to fill that void.
The fact that the aro flag is green and black and the alloaro flag is green and gold really doesn't help.
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
I'm not fond of the pairing but from what I've seen General public actually loves Sylki very much. Even the trade reviews called the relationship "genius" which,,,ok. Someone did a poll on various platforms, yt, reddit, fb, twitter etc comparing which ship is better (Lokius or Sylki) and it was Sylki who won by large margin in the end. I suppose mostly they just don't care because it's sci fi and a pairing in a totally unrealistic show, and after Wandavision I guess weird ships are 'in' but yeah it makes you think. But the writers already said they won't give in to the fan pressure bc they have their own story to tell (which ok, valid, you do you) but idk. I guess we will get even more Sylki in second season. Tom already said Loki won't stop searching for her
Sometimes I think casual fans are the most irritating thing about being in a fandom :/
Just as a disclaimer (bc I don’t want people coming for me): I think lokius is really cute, and I love fics/art/headcanons about them, but I never thought they were canonically romantically interested in each other. I never thought lokius was gonna be canon, and I never wanted it to (because I didn’t want ANY romance in the series), so I don’t even include it in my argument against s*lki.
Ok so….. listen. This is gonna be a long ass post, so I’m putting it under a cut. Sorry, anon, but you’re the one that opened the Worm Can.
The viewing public, in general, tends to heavily skew towards heterosexual-presenting ships. Partially because a portion of the general audiences are homophobic, and partially because a lot of non-tumblr fans are so sick of hearing tumblr stans go on and on and on about how they were queerbaited by certain gay ships not becoming canon, when in reality, said ships are trash.
Listen. I sympathise with that. I get that. I know I’m beating a hornet’s nest with this, but…. D*stiel? J*hnlock? St*cky? None of those were written in any way to invoke queer undertones, they were always supposed to be platonic, and tbfh even as platonic relationships the first two are literally toxic and abusive as hell, anyway.
So I definitely understand how a casual straight fan on Twitter or Instagram would see some of those same crazy “we were queerbaited” tumblr stans ranting about lokius not becoming canon and how much s*lki sucks and……. it makes sense that they’d be like “These people are just pissed that their gay ship isn’t canon, that’s why they hate s*lki.”
But here’s the thing. I don’t think those people realise how callous it is to say something like that when the only reason queer kids are so quick to ship any two male characters who express a modicum of affection for one another, is that they’re so fucking starved for representation in the first place, they’re willing to see queer romance in any same-sex interaction. They’re just that desperate. That’s where the whole crazy gay stan thing comes from. And yeah, it’s annoying that these people put their whole chest into defending gay ships that are total trash, but you have to realise why they do it.
So, what I’m saying is, for s*lki shippers- who are already winning, because their straight ship had the privilege of easily becoming canon despite all its flaws- to look at queer people who are frustrated to the point of tears that they were once again conned out of any form of queer rep (for the mcu’s first canon queer character, for gods sake) after actually genuinely being queerbaited this time (with his bisexuality/genderfluidity)….. and to essentially gloat that their straight ship became canon and taunt queer people by saying “oh you’re just desperate for two men to kiss”………… idk, man. It just seems real cold to me. Reeks of straight privilege and heteronormativity.
Ok, so with that being said.. let me respond to your actual ask lol.
I’m not surprised at all that s*lki won the popularity polls. I think a large reason for that is the fact that it was pitted against lokius, which sorta rubs a lot of casual viewers the wrong way for reasons listed above. I’m also not surprised that casual viewers liked it outside of its opposition to lokius- because, um, casual viewers aren’t very smart.
They tend to analyse exactly nothing, they don’t look any deeper than the surface, and if the writers of a show stick a hot man and woman together under a blanket, they eat it up. Because the narrative tells them it’s sweet. Just like the narrative tells them Loki is a greasy asshole who had no character development up until this point, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that sylvie’s the best thing since sliced bread, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them it’s completely in character for Loki to try to subjugate a group of 3 random Mongolians in the middle of the dessert for absolutely no reason other than his “narcissism”, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that one throwaway line about liking “a bit of both” is somehow this groundbreaking example of lgbt representation, and they eat that up too……… See the pattern here?
And as far as being concerned about the pseudo-incest angle, I don’t even think casual fans even dug that deep. They literally just saw two main characters- a pretty white woman and a hot white man- doing cool fight scenes together and giving each other goo goo eyes, and they were automatically sold.
And the writers saying “we won’t give in to fan pressure, we have our own story to tell” is honestly complete bullshit. What the hell is the POINT of working for a corporate film company and telling a story on screen if not to please the fans??? They do what they do to get people to watch their shows to get lots of money. That’s literally what they’re there for. Mike Waldron must have a pretty damn inflated sense of self importance if he thinks his own “artistic vision” or what the hell ever is the priority here lmao.
And I wanna be mad about Season 2, I really do. But at this point Season 1 ruined the character so much for me that I legitimately don’t even care what direction they take him in.
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Guys we have to talk.
Look after the finale i've been seeing A LOT of hate towards the series, saying how Loki was out of character, how the series didn't make any sense, how you could take Loki or Sylvie out and nothing would change or how the series was more about the TVA rather than Loki.
Having opinions is okay, being upset over thing you didn't like is okay, i didn't like that Sylki kiss at all i truly hated it and that's valid.
But you all have to understand there is a difference between having an opinion about it, disliking it or being upset about it and completely throwing hate to the show because it didn't fit that exact image you had in your head.
I've seen how people are showing hate on this show and saying it should've never existed and i honestly find this funny. Where was all this hate from episode one through five? Because weren't you all praising how it was the best marvel show and nothing could top it? But now that the exact scenario you planned on your head didn't happened it's suddenly the worst show ever and it shouldn't have existed?? Yeah, that's not how it works.
The show isn't perfect, nothing is really. There are things i didn't like and i would like to change, there are things i absolutely loved and would like to keep it like that, like everyone i have an opinion but if it's bothering you that much that you go throw hate to the show, the creators and even the actors then just fucking write a fanfic where that perfect little image in your head did happen instead of harassing people for not matching your expectations.
This big tantrum a lot of people are throwing is not going to change things, it will not magically rewrite and react the episode to be what you wanted it to. Letting marvel hear our opinion may make things better for the second season, but if we keep screaming like toddlers because that one thing we wanted didn't happen, do you truly think they will take our opinion seriously? Do you think they will listen to our demands if we harass the actors for something they probably had no say in the matter? No.
I think they did a bad job with gender fluid representation, the bi representation is debatable since a m/f bisexual relationship doesn't make it any less bi but i didn't like said relationship was represented in a way of incest, most of us didn't.
But just because it has some bad things doesn't cancel out all of the good things it also had, like the development of Loki's character, the trust relationship he had with Mobius how he finally got a friend, how Loki's change influenced classic Loki to change too where he once said they were on their own against Alioth and how he came back to aid them knowing how great the risk was.
I guess i'm just ranting a lot of the sudden change of view the fanbase had over the loki's series, i don't like how toxic it's becoming after the last episode because people really want to go to Tom's house and riot over what happened, like that would do any good.
Again the show had bad parts as well as it had good parts and they don't cancel each other out, having an opinion is not bad thing we can all agree to disagree because in the end we are all different and most of our opinions will never match. But there is a limit we can't cross and that's is hating and harassing the actors and directors over a fucking TV show, there is improvement that can be made but it won't happen because we were screaming about it behind the safety of our screen, it alright that we want to be listened on things they can improve as long as we do it in a healthy way instead of what we are doing right now.
You are not a writer of the show, you can't decide it's fate or the route it will take. If you wanna do that then turn to fanfic and write your "perfect" version of it instead of telling marvel to obey you when we all know that won't happen, there are better ways to tackle this whole situation so please let's all try to find a way to do it
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