#also i have the munchies and no food to munch
lil-cattz · 4 months
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yall im too fucking h!gh rn
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tax--payer · 1 year
Top 15 Things to Spruce Up Your Girl-Nest
By Amelia Earheart
and the Coconut Crabs
1, Sticks: What’s a Girl nest without its main component, the nest! While sticks are the standard, you can also use other thin, twig-like things to build up the structure of your nest, such as femur bones or plastic chair legs. Though sticks are the most accessible and are best for beginner Girls. 2, Glitter: If your prey doesn’t get covered in small shiny particles while you prepare them, what’s the point of having a Girl nest at all? You can go wild with variety with this one too, there are billions of shapes and colors of glitter waiting to be discovered by the next researcher. 3, Spider Silk: Any great Girl nest needs some webbing! From active spiderwebs, to cobwebs, to those little lego spiderwebs, the world is in your hands with this one, personally I like to use the orange cotton fake webs you can get at stores near halloween. 4, Work Desk Covered in Various Mechanical Parts: A Girl’s needs to work, doesn’t she?
5, Sleeping Rock: Every Girl’s gotta sleep, what place better than a good old fashioned sleeping rock. Whether you want to go gleeby deeby on a comfy slab of quartz, relax on the classic granite, or take a Girl-nap on some ever shifting limestone, the world is your oyster. 6, Bones: The perfect way to show off to any visiting Girl’s or creatures! Every bone tells a story, usually a story about how you destroyed some sort of bone having thing for food and/or funsies! 7, Heap of Papers of Unclear Contents: Humanity’s scientific progress is centuries behind an average research type Girl’s knowledge base. One day they may even crack the code to unlock the wicked blast ability. Make sure your heap is put together in a way that only you understand the order of things. 8, Moss Pile: The perfect pile for squorshing and attracting new friends! Comes in many varieties to match the choses aesthetic of your Girl nest. Sheet moss is great for beginners and can be combined with your sleeping rock for some extra creature bonus. 9, Big Mushroom: Usually mushrooms appear in Girl nests often due to their dark, cold, and damp nature, but if you want to really show off you gotta grow some huge fungi. You can help this process along by leaving a pile of discarded food/friends in the desired location. 10, Pipe Bomb: A standard type self defense item carried by every Girl across the globe. It may be a good idea to keep a stockpile in your nest for security and Girl type parties. 11, Strange Unknowable Devices that Click and Chatter Without End: These will naturally appear as you progress further in your Girl type research. Where do they come from exactly? What are they made of? Are they food? Can we play toys with them? These are the questions all Girl type researchers hope to answer. 12, Girl pellets: A delicious scrumption, a delectable snack, a stupendous nosh, a jovial chow, a enticing munchie, a divine morsel, a luscious nibble, a ambrosial munch, a nectarous feast, a exquisite ration, a yummy treat. 13, Blankets: Seen as a typical Girl type garment, blankets have many uses other than clothing. They are perfect for keeping your moss pile warm during cold winter nights, and for hiding your malicious wares beneath! 14, Mysterious Goop of Unknown Origin: A classic Girl type item. 15, Skeleton Key:  A marrow white key with a skull shaped head with ever-changing grooves. Girls most frequently use it to fidget around with and to play toys. Whose skeleton will it unlock? Perhaps yours, dear reader?
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solarianradiance · 7 months
“Whoop!” The Peppermint looking Ice King hopped down from the top of the waterfall, sticking the landing. “Huzzah! Touch Down!” He then approached the pair, waving at them like they were friends, which they were not. “Howdy kiddos what’s the haps?! This a picnic?! Please say yes, cuz I forgot my trail mix back at the castle and I have got the munchies like ya would not believe.”
“Uh... who’s this, your friend?” Finn asked the Princess.
“NO!” Bubblegum said with venom. “That’s Ice King and he ain’t no friend of mine!”
“Oh Bubble baby, c’mon, don’t be like this, especially in front of the kids!” The Ice King retorted. “You’re gonna traumatize em!”
“NO! DAAA-” The Princess was about to swear again, but after side-eyeing Finn she course corrected. “-NG-GUM... V-VARMINT! Speaking of which, it’s high time I took you out like one.”
The Princess readied her Flamer, setting it to full blast, prepared to take the Ice Kings life. Then she remembered the Crown upon his head, HER crown. She lowered her flamethrower and sighed in livid frustration. She couldn’t risk damaging the Gem. She suspected it would be able to survive anything due to being a Magical Artifact of great power unto itself but did not want to risk it.
“What? Oh this?! ZONK NO! It’s mine! I found it and it makes me look regal as heck but in a subtle way, like I’m 500 and boyish again!”
“W-WHA-... Glob, give me strength.” Bubblegum said as she rubbed her hand into her face. She was so tired of his shenanigans that she was starting to lose her flavor. What was she going to have to do to get some peace, sacrifice a lamb?
“But seriously, you got any food? I’m starving!” Asked the Ice King.
“I ain’t gonna feed you, ya mangey... moon mongler!” Said the Princess, who considered torching the Lunatic as Finn walked past her. “What are you-”
“Here!” Finn offered up pair of bagged snax. “Would you like Chips or Cookies?!”
“Oh! Uh... thanks kid!” He said as he took both and opened them up to start chowing down on the unhealthy remedy for the Munchies.
“Hah! Good choice bro!” Finn said with a cheerful admiration.
“Oh. My. Flipping. GLOB!” Shouted Bubblegum. “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!”
“Hole up for a sec!” Finn said hoping for patience.
A giggle could be heard from the trees above, Bubblegum and Finn, both barely heard it, but it was there. But neither paid it any mind, assuming it was a bird.
“So... Ice King...” Finn began.
“Yeah, what you want kid?” The old man said in a grouchy grandpa way as he munched on some chips. “If its the snax back ya ain’ gettin em! Cuz they’re mine, see!” He said as he opened his gob showing what he munched on.
“Hehe, gross!” Finn commented, retaining a warming, gentle smile, which the Ice King took notice of, but remained cautious. “Listen, can you be a good neighbor and let my friend over there have that crown hers back? It would mean a real ton to her and stuff.”
“Pffft-hah... dork.” Said a hushed, muffled, breathy unseen voice.
Finn looked around but spotted nobody. He felt a sense of confusion, because he swore he heard somebody but retained his focus on the now.
“Hmmm...nah!” He said as he stuffed his maw. “I mean wafs-shinnit fa me!?”
“Uh... I dunno, what do you want? A hug?!” Finn offered. “I can give mega good hugs! See! Watch!” Finn hugged himself, looking all silly and ridiculous. Yet he was also wholesome and endearing at the same time. Bubblegum felt a smile crack at the sight, as did the other person that invisibly floated behind the Ice King.
“See!” Said Finn. “Mega good hug! Gimme that crown and I’ll give ya one a-these, just like a Gwandson to his Gwampapa~”
“Hmmm...nom!” The Ice King of the Crimson Red said as he took another bite of cookie, contemplating the boys offer. He did like the idea of being hugged by a total stranger claiming to be his Grandson.
“Okay! Counteroffer! I’ll give you this cute crown upon my handsome brow, in exchange for a hug... from Princess Bubblegum!!! Deal?!” He said with a wicked cookie eating grin as if he had made an offer of the century.
“NO!” Shouted Bubblegum with spicy venom. “AIN’T NO WAY I’M-”
“Deal!” Said Finn with great enthusiasm. “I’ll even throw in a hug from me! Now gimme the crown and she’ll give you the hug!”
“Okie dokie!” Said the Red Ice King as he granted Finn his desire, plucking the cute tiara off of his own head and planting it onto Finn’s head. “I’ll collect my prize... riiiiight after I finished these, scrumptious cookies!” He stuffed a cookie into his mouth and began to chew the treat. “Mmm, succulent soft baked. Ho-ho, boy do I remembah~”
“Cool! Thanks!” Finn paced his way over to Bubblegum, whose mouth was open in disbelief. Finn’s trick actually worked somehow.
“Princess, meet crown! Crown, meet Princess! Here ya go!” Finn offered the item to the Lady, who simply stared at him as if this was some sort of dream or illusion. “...Uh, take it? It’s not gonna bite ya! I think. That would be kinda cool in a real wack-a-doodle manner, but I don’t think something like that’s gonna happen!”
Bubblegum snapped back to reality at his comment, giving a mild snort at the absurdity of it all. She plucked the crown out of the boys' hands and planted it back on her temple where it belonged.
“Thank you... Fffinn! I...” She said trying to find the words. “I... appreciate what you did!” She then put on a smile, a slightly fake one, the Princess had business to tend to and did not want the innocent child to see it. “Now, could you please run along to the castle and get more help for me please! It’s really super urgent!” She said, hoping he would listen.
“Yeah fosure! Right after you hug that guy and I’ll be on my way!” He replied giving thumbs up with his tongue out and a smile.
This was the exact thing she did not want to hear and her slightly fake smile became a slightly more fake one. “N-...no I am... not going to hug him.” She said as her facade cracked a little with a tinge of disgust in her words.
“Hehehe, sure you are, a deal is a deal!” Finn said without skipping a beat. “Princesses always keep their ends of the bargains!”
“I... DIDN’T agree to hug him.” She said with clear anger. “Nor would I do so even if he was the last person in all of Ooo! How dare you expect me to fulfill a promise that YOU made!?”
Finn sensing the Princesses disdain felt a bit dour. He was a Boy of his word, but he also did not mean to overstep his boundaries.
“U-uh...u-u-umm... I-I’m sorry, I just... wanted to help and stuff!” He said with a timid voice. “B-but what’s wrong the red guy anyways?! Sure, he’s kinda weird and gross, but what’s one hug for him helpin to find your cr-?”
“HE’S A FLIPPIN LUNATIC THAT’S BEEN HARASSING ME FOR YEARS, KID!!!” She yelled with a viciousness comparable to that of an enraged Tiger.
“F-for realsies?” Finn asked, shaken slightly by the unexpected tone of the Adult. It wasn’t something Finn was used to seeing. Even the unseen 4th person that floated around had never seen Bonnie like this.
“YEAH! FOR ‘REALSIES!” She shouted. “He has been going around, kidnapping Princesses like me, like some twisted demented creep who doesn’t take no for an answer! So no! I am NOT hugging him! Instead...” She lifted up her flamethrower and shot a brief stream up into the air. “I am going to burn him to death!”
Finn gasped at the idea, the boy glancing back at the old man in red, obliviously enjoying the snacks he gave him.
“So if you don’t want to be traumatized while I bake his cake, I suggest you obey my command and walk away while you can. Otherwise, I’ll help you find a therapist.” She said in a voice most bitter. This is not a situation she wanted, but she was done being patient. She set the flamer to full blast and took aim. “So move aside! I got a problem to solve.”
The person that floated above them was in a state of shock and disbelief, a hot rage and a cold pain filled her body, her arms, her legs, her chest. She did not want this to happen, but now it was out of her hands to prevent. She lifted her Bass Axe over her, read to bring it down upon her old friend to protect an even older one. As she did this, ice cold tears welled up in her eyes as she prepared to do the hardest thing of her long life yet.
“No.” said Finn as he stood directly between the Ice King and the Candy Princess.
“Excuse you?” Said the Princess in confused disbelief.
“I SAID NO!” Yelled Finn with a passionate anger in his voice. “I WON’T LET YOU JUST KILL HIM!”
“Uh, that’s not for you to decide, kid!” Spat the Princess. “His fate was sealed when he decided to try to kidnap me for the last time. Now obey my command or get scorched with him!”
“I DON’T CARE!!” Finn yelled. “You can’t just kill people just because they’re an inconvenience!” He glanced back at the Ice King. “I don’t know that guy, but as far as I personally know, he hasn’t done anything wrong! And as my brother taught me, I gotta give peeps the benefit of the doubt! So until I see him do something donkin evil, he’s a person darn it, HIS LIFE HAS VALUE!”
His last words caused both the Princess and the invisible Axe Murderer to slowly lower their weapons. They didn’t expect him so say something with such sincere... conviction.
“So, you’re... just gonna stand there and be cooked alive with him?” Asked Bubblegum, wondering just how serious he was.
Finn showed a sense of fear on his face. He did not want to die, especially at the hands of the Princess. But then he showed his resolve. “...If I have to, I will! Because that’s what heroes do!”
The Princess was taken aback by his answer. A child willing to put his life down for a stranger that had a bad reputation, even if the face of death. It touched her, his sweet innocence and naivety caused her to blink back to a time she had thought lost. Bonnie did not want to hurt Finn, she wanted to protect him, causing her to lower her weapon even more.
“We don’t have to kill him! Or fight each other! We can, talk it out maybe? I dunno!” Finn offered, hoping the Princess would see it his way. “I got the crown back with snax, didn’t I?”
“You...” The Princess hesitated, she was still afraid of the Ice King and being wrong. “I... don’t trust you... OR HIM!!”
“Well... I trust you!” Said Finn.
“WHAT?!” Said Bonnie. “But we JUST met! You don’t even KNOW me!!”
“Why not though? You’re Princess and you haven’t done anything wrong, ever! So I trust you to do the right thing no matter what! Here, I’ll even turn my back to you!” Finn said as he spun around, doing as he said. “See?! Perfect trust! Ain’t no biggie!”
“WHA-WHU-...kid you’re crazy!”
“Why would it be cray-cray? You gunna do somethin evil?” Finn said as looked back, smirking.
“Na-NO! I wussent gunna!” Said Bubblegum as she blushed, almost as if she was a kid caught doing something naughty and embarrassing.
“Then it ain’t no biggie, see?” Finn said as he looked towards the Ice King, wondering what the big deal is with the guy.
The Ice King swallowed the last cookie and stood up, brushing off his beard full of crumbs. “All right, that... MMM! That was fattening good! Glad I found those snax!” He then belched. “Okay Princess! Time to go home, cuz you and I got a Wedding ceremony to catch!”
“Oh sweet! Who be gettin hitched, homie!?” Finn said, like the naive child he was.
“Oh, glad you asked!” Said the red man as he took his crown in hand. “Just Princess Bubblegum and her King that is I~”
He planted the crown upon his head and with it, a shimmering of magic all around him, his colors shifting, or burning, the red away and turning him in a variety of blues. His hands then flashed with white frosty light that was zap happy in its sound and he floated above them in a manner most menacing.
“Well.” Finn began as he glanced back at the Princess. “The-.... the Princess don’t wanna marry you, so... you gotta respect her decision, right?”
“Oh hahahahaaha!” The King cackled like a Madman in the moonlight. “Kiddo! Buddy! Her consent is of no concern to me! Now DIE! ZAP!” He hurled a bolt of freezing lightning that landed between Finn and Bubblegum, striking with such force they both were sent flying. Bubblegum even lost her flamer as she was made dizzy.
Finn was knocked down, but quickly got up with a groan. “DUDE! WHAT THE FLIP!? I WAS LITERALLY JUST VOUCHING FOR YOU!!!”
“Oh please, kiddo, I don’t need nobody vouchin for me!” Declared the Ice King with unironic confidence as he floated. “Not with these good looks and mad charisma stats! This Tumblin sexy man don’t need no wingman!”
“You were literally about to get a hug! From the Princess! Maybe. From me! DEFENINTLY!!!” Finn slammed his fist into his palm.
“Why settle for a hug when I can get MARRIED!!” He yelled as he zapped an Ice Bolt at Finn.
“NO!” Yelled Bubblegum, reaching out instinctively in a desire to protect the child.
Finn simply dodged it thankfully. “You’re gonna have to do better than that you old frostybuns!”
“Don’t you yell G-rated insults at me ya lil jumpin bean! NOW DIE LIKE A BIG BOY WORD!!!” He shouted as he launched a flurry of bolts at Finn again.
“NO! YOU-...Can’t...” Bubblegum yelled only to find Finn was dodging all of them with ease like he was a seasoned acrobat, performing flips and jumps as if it were nothing. “Wow, he is a lithe one. Didn’t think bear mutants could do such tricks.” She said to herself, actually impressed.
“Hold. Still. You. Little. You. Stale. GRAHAM CRACKER!” The Ice King threw bolt after bolt at Finn but could not hit him. Finn threw a rock at him, hitting his chest. “GAH!”
“That all ya got ya glorified kitchen appliance?” Finn taunted as he juggled a stone in one hand with his sword in the other. He then tossed the rock up and used his sword like a baseball bat and struck the rock at the Ice King, who dodged it. Well, actually, he barely moved, he just turned in the air to watch it fly out of the area.
“Looks like you just struck-GOW!” Ice King was cut off by Finn’s mighty foot to his blue face in a kick, causing him to spin in the air.
“Hahaha!” Giggled the young Adventurer. “This is too easy!”
“FINN!” Shouted Bubblegum, getting Finn’s attention. “RUN! RUN AWAY! NOW!!”
“What?! Why!? I’m totes kickin his tail all over the place!” Finn asked in disbelief as he did a little jig to taunt the guy. “Didn’t you see the way I decked him just now?!”
“He’s holding back Finn! He can easily kill you if he gets angry enough!” She explained. “So, run! Get help! NOW!!!”
“Nah, I think I c-WHOA!” Finn barely dodged a beam of ice from his opponent.
“You’re WAY outta ya league, kiddo!” Growled the Ice King. As he beamed a ray of ice at the child.
“You’re the one whose missing all your shots bozo!” Finn taunted.
“Who said I was tryin to hit ya?!” The King countered.
“Huh?” Finn said as he looked around. Everything was covered in sheets of sleek ice. But he didn’t understand the gravity of the situation until it was too late. “GAH!” He screamed as he slipped, hitting the ice, sliding a ways along. “Uh-oh” He said as he realized what it meant.
“Hehehe! Now you get it!” The King cackled in triumph. “Now for my prize!~” he said as he hovered over to Princess Bubblegum.
“Oh HECK no!” Bubblegum and Finn said in unison.
The Princess picked up a rock ready to rumble.
“Babygirl don’t be playin hard to get now! You know domestic violence is a poor alternative to talking it ou-OWHOW!” The Ice King took a rock to the nose, which he rubbed to soothe.
“I DON’T want to marry you, Ice King.” Bubblegum said. “I don’t want to marry you, I don’t want to date you, and I sure as HECK don’t wanna listen to your stupid songs about doing any of that stuff either! So please, for the last time, FFFLIP OFF!”
“Now now! No need for coarse language in front of the child!” The King Tutted. “They pick up some potty mouth wor-OW! All right, that’s it! When we get home you are gettin a timeout!”
“NO!” She shouted as he grabbed the Princess by the wrists and was about fly off with her, despite her protests of fists to his face, some which landed.
“UNGRAB HER YOU FLIPPIN FREAK!!” Finn screamed as he slid towards the pair on his belly like a penguin, rolling forward onto his feet and then launching himself head first into the Ice King with great momentum that it knocked both the King and the Princess into the shallow water. Finn then stood up ready for another go at him.
“EERRRRRAAAAGH!” The King growled like a beast. “WHY WON’T YOU STAY DOWN!!” He then prepared to fire another Ice Beam at Finn.
“Uh-Oh!” Thinking fast he ran towards the tree for cover as the Ice King fired his beam of Ice at him, starting from the Kings own feet, tracking towards Finn. It was much larger and slower than the last beam was and in it’s wake, left a thick rail of ice.
Finn however saw an opportunity, he ran up the tree as the beam spell finished, flipping at the crescendo and in the wake of the beam left a railing that was the dream of a grinder that Finn planted on, sliding directly towards the Ice King with speed and force.
“Oh fffudg-” Said the Ice King as he felt the full force of Finn’s kick to his forehead, knocking a daze into him as he landed face first into the shallow water. “Rrrrmmuugh” He groaned as he laid there.
“Wow...” Said an impressed Bubblegum as she had witnessed everything, which was the only thing she could say as she approached Finn. “You... y-you did it! You actually beat him! You defeated the Ice King!”
Finn panted, the fight taking a lot out of him. “Yeah! Pretty cool, right!? Hehehe! Pun.” He said with a thumbs up.
“Nobody has been able to do that since... Billy...” She said with almost disbelief. If she had not been here to witness this event, she would not have believed it.
“Billy?!” Said with a sense of distance. “I... did something here did too?”
“Yeah! He used to wrangle the Ice King whenever he got lose before disappearing. Always had a heck of a time doing it too!” Explained the Princess. “But nevermind that! Take your Sword and finish him off!”
“What?!” Said Finn like he had a little crazy in his ear. “You mean... like...”
“KILL HIM! Yes! Take your blade and cut his head off!” Commanded the Princess.
“ARE YOU CRAZY!?” Finn spat back, his voice cracking. “He’s defeated! Can’t we just leave? Or arrest him!?”
“No!” She said with a stern flatness. “Everytime he’s arrested, he escapes! Everytime he gets knocked down, he get’s up again! This whole shindig of him kidnapping Princesses and causing havoc? It will start over again and more suffering will continue! He needs to be put down PERMANENTLY!”
“But... but!” Finn said timidly.
“Finn... please... I don’t want to have nightmares of him anymore.” Said Bubblegum, putting on a sad face, bringing out her tears, hoping the boy would obey her so that she would not have to sully her own Royal hands with his blood while also having the detachment of the deed of taking the Ice Kings life. That way nobody could say SHE killed him. She just wanted the act done.
“U-um... well... I did give him the benefit of the doubt. I’ll... put him down.” Finn said, taking his sword in hand, his face sullen with oncoming sadness, approaching the Ice King who was still face down in the water, wearing his admittedly cool crown.
“Sorry bro, but you’re evil, I gotta do what Heroes do and... slay you.” Finn said as he and the invisible entity raised their weapons, prepared to take the life of someone who was unaware.
Finn with both hands on his sword stood there, frozen. He shook a little at the thought of taking the life of a defeated opponent, even if it was someone like the Ice King who just attacked him.
“Mmmmrm....mmmrmrm!” Finn hummed. “mmmmmRRM I CAN’T DO IT!”
This shocked both Bubblegum and the Invisible Girl, who lowered her axe as Finn turned to Bonniebel, lowing his sword to his side.
“I’m sorry Princess! But this is wrong! And I can-Huh?!” Finn tried to explain, but felt the chilling cold touch of something around his right wrist. Finn’s bolted around and saw it was the Ice King.
“GOTCHYA PUNK!” He shouted as a flash of freezing light enveloped both of their hands. Then he let go of him.
Upon his entire forearm was a block of Ice that covered Finn’s limb. “AAA!” He shouted as the cold stung him with mild pain, stumbling back away from the Ice King a little.
“HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Cackled the Coldhearted Clown. “That’s what chya get fer letting ya guard do-AAA!” Finn clocked the King with his frozen appendage. “MY SCHNOZ!!! YA BROKE MY SCHNOZ!!!” Yelled the Frozen Monarch as he grasped his face.
Finn stumbled backwards a distance away from the grazed King and fell onto his boy buns into the running stream. He too was grazed as he was coming to terms with his frozen limb.
“FINN!” Yelled Bubblegum who rushed to the boys aid. “Your arm!!!”
“It’s... fine!” Said Finn with a grimmace.
“NO! It is NOT fine! It is 100% not fine! It is ROUGH and COARSE! Because I should not have made you do that! Oh Glob!” She explained. She felt such guilt over manipulating him to do her bidding. “Look, this is just my problem! Okay!? Just get up and run! I won’t let you die for me, so-”
Finn place his hand on hers and looked her dead in the eye. “It’s okay, really! I promise that I will protect you no matter what, Princess! Even if it costs me my arm or my life, I will ALWAYS protect you! I swear it!” He said with a most natural sense of sincerity.
The Princess was speechless, he such conviction to his words and they were for her. Even though he was a bit unsettled and injured, he was still willing to protect her, even at the cost of his life. He was probably ignorant, a child playing hero, but she didn’t sense any sort of falsehood, he was dead serious. But it did leave a bit of blush on her face as it his words left her a little bit inspired.
“Finn...I...” She began in a soft voice as she held him.
“Need to SHUT THE HELL UP!” Shouted the Ice King, grabbing their attention with his invocation of an ancient Norse Goddess... with 2 L’s. He snapped his nose back into place and growled at the pair. “I... am... DONE! Time to finish this little game with a bit of a FROST NOVA!!!”
The King’s hands came alight with frosty magic and he spun his hands over one another like some sort of dance as he slowly floated upwards.
“OH NO YA DON’T!” Finn said in defiance, standing up rushing towards him to attack. But he was stopped as the Princess yanked on his free hand to stop his foolish bravery.
“SHUT UP AND LISTEN!” She shouted. “His Spell that he’s about to use is gonna freeze this river and we’ll be stuck! OR WORSE! We gotta book it to higher ground, NOW!”
“A-...OKAY!” Finn agreed as the two rushed hand in hand to the island.
“WHERE DO YA THINK YOU’RE GOIN?!” The Ice King hollered. “Why don’t stay for some CHILL!?!?” He slammed his hands into the stream and came forth a great sheet of rock solid ice, stopping the stream dead. The Ice traveled with speed towards the Princess and her friend.
Finn glanced back and his sense of danger told him that now was time for a judgement call. They would not make it back on the shore in time. So Finn instead stopped the Princess in their tracks and lifted her above himself with surprising strength.
“FINN! WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING?!” The Princess shouted in protest as she was lifted.
“Fufilling my promise!” He said as he turned around, stepped back and took a firm stance.
The Ice then hit him and he was frozen from the waist down. “GEYAAAAA!” He screamed with a shock to his system. “C-C-COLD! SO COLD! IT’S LIKE WHEN JAKE POURS ICE CUBES DOWN MY PANTS BUT A MILLION TIMES WORSE!!! IT’S ALGEBRAIC BAD!!!”
Thankfully the Princess was safe, Finn gently lowering her to the ice covered shallow river. “Are you okay!?” She asked.
“M-m-m-my boy bumps are goin numb, but, yeah? I think?” He shuttered in the cold.
“AAA-HAHAHAHAHAAAA!” The Ice King cackled in triumph as he floated closer with menace. “What’s the matter, kid? Where’s that spunky bravado you just had a moment ago? Did it freeze and die like you’re about to?” He growled in a low, threatening tone.
“Dude! Take a hint!” Finn declared, trying to hide his sense of fear. “You ain-GUH!”
The Ice King slugged Finn with a fist to the boys face. Blood had spilled forth from his nose. Not much, but just little, enough to show that the blow wasn’t just for show.
Ice King then planted his hand upon the childs face, to muzzle him. Finn looked into the visage of the Lunatic and saw him bear a demonic smile filled with dark glee, his teeth sharp, on full display.
Bubblegum never saw this side of him before, he usually was just a cornball idiot that was more like a harassing kidnapping clown than an actual threat half the time. He was actually... scary, she was afraid of him now.
“Ya really should stayed down ya lil bastard.” Ice King said with a snow demons grin. He lifted his free hand into the air above his head, looking like claw about to come down, alight with crackling ice magic. “Now you’re about to be a frozen carcass. Any last words?”
Ice King lifted his hand off the boys mouth. Finn looked into the eyes of his soon-to-be killer and saw a genuine curiosity in them.
“I-...” Finn began. “I guess I always knew I’d go out saving somebody.”
“HAH!” The King laughed. “Nobody chooses how they go, kid.”
As he was about to land the killing blow, Ice King felt the hand of someone familiar grasp his wrist. “Stop.” She whispered, a desperation in her voice. “Please...”
“Huh?!” Ice King gruffed, he glanced back. But saw nobody was there, confounding the Royarch.
“WAIT!” Bubblegum shouted, getting the Ice King’s attention.
“Oh what now?!” Ice King moaned. “Can’t chya see I’m in the middle of turnin this child into a pint sized cadaver? Women am I right?” He asked Finn.
“If you let him go... I’ll...” Said the Princess. “I’ll...”
“Yeah? YEAH?! You’ll what?!” Ice King demanded.
“I’ll... I will marry you... Ice King.” The Princess said with a sense of defeat.
“Wha-, REALLY?!” King shouted.
“...Yes.” She said as she hung her head. “I will marry you, if you let that boy go.”
“PRINCESS N-N-N-NO!!!” Finn protested.
“... Well hawt dang! Wooo!” Cheered Ice King. “After so many years, I finally got one to say yes! Who knew child murder was what did it?! Pretty sure that’s a red flag and that I’m about to get stabbed, but I’ll take it!”
“NO! I f-f-forbid this a-a-act of union!” Shivered Finn. “Esp-p-p-pescially when it’s on mmmm-m-m-m-my bhalf!!”
“Finn shut up!” Shouted Bubblegum.
“Yeah! Put a sock in it!” Agreed Ice King. “You ain’t gonna ruin this for us, no way, no how!”
“He’s right, Finn... we’re... engaged.” Bubblegum said in a dour tone. “That means this now has nothing to... do with you.”
“But Princess Bubblegum, you don’t have to do this!” Finn said with sorrow. “I promised I woul-”
Bubblegum planted her hand on his mouth to silence him. “You’re just a kid, Finn. You don’t understand what you meant when you said that. Even if we both believed you.” The two stared at each other as she removed her hand from his mouth. Finn felt a tinge of cold pain within him, like he failed her. She planted a kiss on his cheek, causing the boy to blush. “Thanks anyways though...” She said with a half a smile. But it only lasted a moment before melting into a sad frown. “Now go home, and don’t follow us. That’s a direct command from your Princess.”
“Hey can I get a little sugar here myself?” The Ice King asked, offering his own puckered lips.
“Uh... why not save if for the ceremony? It’s... bad luck to kiss the bride before then, right?” Said Bubblegum, hoping the idiot would buy it.
“Mmmm, yeah you’re right!” Ice King agreed. He then grabbed her like a bride and began to float. “We got all of eternity to smooch, baby! Hahahaha!!!”
“W-W-WAIT! Hold up! Aren’t chya gonna free him!?” Bubblegum asked anxiously.
“What? Hecks NO!” The King spat. “Why the skrog would I do that?! Sucka tried to 69 me! I ain’ gonna let that slide!” A snort followed by giggling could be heard from somewhere, probably the invisible person.
“I’LL 69 Y-Y-YOU R-R-R-RIGHT NOW YA J-J-JERK!” Finn threatened, the invisible person doing whatever she could to remain invisible and not burst out laughing like a psychopathic clown hearing the best joke possible, sounding like a deflating balloon.
“But you said you’d let him go if I went with you?!” Decried the Princess.
“Nah-uh my dear~!” Said the King in a sly manner. “You asked me to just let him go, nothing about when or how! Monkey’s paw rules, honey! You really should think about how you word or phrase things! Save you a headache in legislation!”
“Then the deals off ya butt!” Bonnie protested.
“TOO BAD! Cuz I hold all the cards! Most of which I dealt to myself! BY CHEATING! WITH A LOADED DECK! AAAHAHAHAHA!!!” The King laughed. “Here kid! I’ll leave ya with a gentle snow ta ease ya into that good night!”
The Ice King flew over the Boy. “FINN!” Yelled Bonnie as she rached out for him. “PRINCESS!!!” Finn shouted as he reached back for her with his free hand with all of his might. The two nearly touched hands, but missed.
The King flew high up into the air and spun around and around and around like a record, clouds gathering to him in a spiral, laughing like a maniac the whole time.
Then suddenly, he flew off, towards the Mountains of Ice, leaving only cloud and a mostly out of season dense snowfall from the clouds.
“PRINCEEEESSS!!!” The Boy shouted again, thrashing against his helpless frozen state, long after she and her kidnapper fled from sight.
Snow was falling around him, his breathe could be seen in the chilled air as he was tuckered out. He felt the sting of ice upon his flesh, numbing him as he began to shiver. But now he felt a new pain well up within him.
“I couldn’t help her.” Said Finn quietly as tears began to run down his cheeks as he began to cry. Then he felt something upon his cheeks, a cool hand gently wipe away a single boyish tear, snapping him from his mourning over losing the Princess.
“W-what the?” His eyes darted around trying to find who did that. Then he spotted an outline of snow floating in front and above him. “Who the kronk are you!?”
The silhouette jolted and then floated around Finn, the boy tracking the entity with his head. “HEY! I SEE YOU!!!” Finn shouted.
“Wh-HUH?! HOW TH-” Said the voice of a girl, who stopped mid sentence as she noticed snow was on her, revealing where she was.
“Did you just... touch my cheek?!?” Finn demanded, his face blushing in confusion. “Cuz that’s... um...” He wasn’t sure what to say really.
“Ugh, whateves.” Said the Invisible Girl as she struck Finn’s iced hand and feet with her axe, cracking them. “Laters.” Said the entity as it floated off towards the Ice Mountains.
“WAIT! WHO-O-O ARE YOU?!” Finn shouted.
“Finn?!” Said a masculine familiar voice.
“You can’t be Finn! I’m Fi- wait, what the skroobles?” He said in confoundment.
“FINN!” Stretched Jake’s head into Finn’s sight.
Adventure Time Presents: The Good, The Fair & The Beautiful. - Chapter 8 - Zalloj - Adventure Time (Cartoon 2010) [Archive of Our Own]
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sciencestyled · 3 months
Nano-Munchies: How Tiny Tech is Taking Over Your Tacos!
Greetings, beloved learners of the nano-revolution! Gather 'round as we embark on a wild ride through the fantastic, frenzied world of nanotechnology in agriculture. Picture this: you’re scrolling through your TikTok feed, your mind blown by the latest dance challenges, when suddenly – BAM! – a video of a farmer using nano-fertilizers to grow a carrot the size of a baseball bat pops up. This, my dear students, is not some fever dream but the dazzling reality of how nanotechnology is revolutionizing food production. Buckle up, because we’re diving into a whirlwind of nano-fertilizers, nanoparticle pest control, and nanosensors that will make your head spin faster than a TikTok dance craze.
First up, let's talk about nano-fertilizers. Imagine, if you will, tiny, magical particles – no bigger than a grain of sand – infused with the power of a thousand protein shakes, ready to pump up our plants like they’re prepping for a bodybuilding competition. Traditional fertilizers are like that one friend who promises to help you move but only shows up with a single roll of tape. Nano-fertilizers, on the other hand, are like an entire moving crew, armed with boxes, bubble wrap, and sheer determination. These itty-bitty wonders deliver nutrients directly to plant roots with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring every drop of nutrient goodness is absorbed. It’s like feeding your plants a gourmet meal, instead of tossing them a bag of stale chips.
Picture this: Farmer Joe is out in his field, looking at his crops with the same despair you feel when you realize your favorite series has been canceled. But then, like a superhero swooping in, nano-fertilizers save the day! These tiny particles are designed to release nutrients in a controlled manner, meaning plants get a steady diet of all the good stuff they need to grow big and strong. It's like upgrading from a Flintstones vitamin to a multivitamin that actually gives you superpowers. The result? Crops that are healthier, more resilient, and yield more produce than ever before. Move over, Jolly Green Giant; there’s a new kid in town!
But wait, there’s more! Let’s talk pest control. Traditional pesticides are about as subtle as a sledgehammer – sure, they get the job done, but they also tend to wreak havoc on everything around them. Enter nanoparticles, the ninjas of the agricultural world. These sneaky little guys can be engineered to target pests with the precision of a laser-guided missile, taking out the bad bugs while leaving the beneficial ones to party on. Imagine you’re at a house party and the bouncer (our nanoparticle) only kicks out the rowdy troublemakers, leaving the rest of you to enjoy your avocado toast in peace. It’s a win-win!
Now, I can see the gears turning in your minds. “But how do these nanoparticle ninjas work?” you ask, eyes wide with curiosity. Well, dear students, these particles can be designed to disrupt the pests’ biological processes. It’s like planting a Trojan horse inside the pest, wreaking havoc from within. The pests, blissfully unaware, munch on the nanoparticle-laced bait and – BAM! – they’re done for. And the best part? These nanoparticles can be engineered to break down into harmless substances, making them eco-friendly. It’s pest control that’s effective and won’t leave Mother Earth crying into her compost heap.
And now, onto soil health – because let’s face it, soil is the unsung hero of agriculture. Think of soil as the foundation of a skyscraper. Without a solid foundation, the whole building comes tumbling down faster than a Jenga tower at a frat party. Nanosensors are the ultimate soil detectives, snooping around the dirt to provide real-time data on moisture levels, nutrient content, and even the presence of contaminants. It’s like having Sherlock Holmes, but in nano form, solving the mystery of soil health one particle at a time.
Picture this: a farmer equipped with a high-tech gadget that connects to these nanosensors, providing a constant stream of data about the soil. It’s like having a Fitbit for your fields, telling you exactly when and how much to water, fertilize, or rest your crops. This precision agriculture not only boosts crop yields but also conserves resources. We’re talking about a future where water waste is as outdated as dial-up internet, and farmers are hailed as eco-warriors, saving the planet one field at a time.
Now, let’s tie all this madness together with a delightful bow of nanotechnology education. In the middle of our frenetic journey, it’s essential to remember that understanding this tiny tech is crucial. Just like you wouldn’t trust a surgeon who learned their craft from a YouTube tutorial, we need farmers and scientists who are well-versed in nanotechnology to harness its full potential. Through comprehensive nanotechnology education, we can ensure that these innovations are used responsibly and effectively, creating a sustainable future where our food is abundant, safe, and eco-friendly.
To wrap up our wacky, wild adventure, let’s recap. Nano-fertilizers are the muscle-bound heroes pumping up our plants, nanoparticle pest control is the stealthy ninja taking out the bad guys, and nanosensors are the detectives ensuring our soil is in tip-top shape. Together, these technologies are revolutionizing agriculture, making food production more efficient, sustainable, and downright exciting. So next time you bite into a juicy, perfectly grown tomato, take a moment to thank the tiny tech that made it possible. And remember, in the world of nanotechnology, the small stuff really does make a big difference.
Now, go forth, my brilliantly bonkers students, and spread the gospel of nanotechnology in agriculture! May your crops be bountiful, your pests be vanquished, and your soil be as healthy as a kale smoothie. And don’t forget to share your newfound knowledge with everyone you meet – because the future of food production is nano-sized, and it’s happening right now!
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issdisgrace · 1 year
Hi, can you do 141 x male reader who smokes Mary Jane? Would they smoke with him and how do they act while high if they do?
(It’s okay if not!)
WARNINGS: Mary Jane, swearing, talks of fucking (its in soaps part what do you expect)
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Gaz smoked when he was a teen. Like he was a hardcore stoner until he joined the military. Sometimes he finds himself craving a joint so when he finds out that you smoke, he is completly fine with it. And if you offer him a puff or ask him to join you in a smoke session, he will take you up on that offer. Going on to what he is like high, I feel like when he is high he is a storyteller and comedian. His jokes are acutally pretty good for the most part but sometimes he slides in a dad joke here and there. Now on to storyteller Gaz. Gaz will tell you stories about the adventures he and his friends went on when they were kids. He also tells you about the stupid things he and his friends did when they were high. He has so many stories that it will take him dozens of smoke session for him to start re telling them. Also when he's tellingg stories he likes to munch on chips or cookies.
Ghost is completly and utterally fine with it. But up to his early adult years, he was very against all drugs. Then when he got older, and he saw more horrific things and his ptsd and insominia got worse. He searched for things that could help him and weed was one of those things. It helps him relax and sleep. But he only ever smokes outside of his job. So, depending on how you know him, you might find this out early in your relationship or later on. Anyway, Simon is very chill when he is high like to chill. When he is high, he doesn't give a shit about anything. You could stab him and he would just shrugg and clean the wound and stitch it up. Then go back to whatever. Also, when Simon is high, he doesn't like doing anything that involes a lot of movment. He is litterally glued to the couch or bed only getting up to go to the bathroom or getting a snack.
Soap would be fine with it. In fact when Soap was a teen, he wanted to try mary jane, but he never got the chance. So he jumped at the chance to try it and its a plus that he get to do it with you. The first time he smoked with you he was a little impaient wanting the effect to kick in quickly. But once he is high, he is very VERY horny like unbelievably horny. Like he wants to FUCK. Fucking is about the only thing on his mind. He wants you to bend him over every surface available and fuck the absolute shit out of him. But when he is not wanting/getting railed by you, he got the serious case of the munchies. Like he will eat practially everything in his path. He doesn't care if it is his food or not, he is eating it. He's like, fuck it and stuffs whatever in his mouth. Also, I want to add that after his first smoke session with you, it will become routine for him to smoke with you.
I feel like Price never really thought about smoking before he got into a relationship with you. After he finds out you smoke, he is curious because he grew up very straight laced and doesn't have any experience with Mary Jane outside of drug raids he has particapted in. So when you offer him a drag of your joint i feel like he would take a minute to think about it before taking a drag. He feels a little conflicted about taking the drag for a while before he decides fuck it you only live once. And next time you ask if he wants a drag, he will gladly take it, but it will be a while before he takes you up on the offer of a smoke session. When he does join you and gets smoked down, he isn't going anywhere. He's so relaxed, like it's the first time in a long time that he's actually relaxed. He looks so peaceful in this state, just lay back and does absolutely nothing. Also, I want to add that Price loves to receive head while he's high but he doesn't mind give head either.
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shadyprincecolor · 2 years
30 Inspirational Quotes About hhc distillate
About Hhc Concentrates
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Buy Hhc Distillate - Questions
DENEX.CO (888 - does hhc show up in a drug test. 336.3926), There is no definitive study (bulk hhc distillate). Some profess that HHC will not induce a good drug examination, however the proof is inconclusive. As a preventative measure, you need to certainly not utilize this product if you need to pass a drug exam. No products created, produced, industried, or even distributed are actually intended to identify, manage, remedy or even stop any sort of condition.
Keep out of grasp of kids. DENEX is exempt for understanding whether this item is legal in your state or area, as well as you assume full accountability for all parts referring to your acquisition. Our experts preserve the right to not ship to any states or even regions where regional regulations dispute along with the 2018 Ranch Expense. does hhc show up in a drug test.
Through creating a profile on this site, you confirm that you are actually 21 years outdated or even much older (best hhc distillate). Your private data are going to be actually utilized to support your adventure throughout this internet site, to take care of access to your profile, and for various other reasons defined in our personal privacy policy.
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Hexahydrocannabinol or even HHC for brief is a not thus brand new cannabinoid that has been actually getting heaps of attraction due to the fact that amounts have actually sized in availability in addition to price. It was found out when the chemist Roger Adams incorporated Hydrogen to Delta 9 THC, offering our company HHC in 1947. HHC is likewise an isomer of THC, however this is a hydrogenated model.
The HHC cannabinoid is an additional cannabinoid found out due to the chemist Roger Adams of Illinois Educational institution when he incorporated Hydrogen to Delta 9 THC. Since HHC is actually considered hydrogenated it makes the chemical framework much a lot more dependable than typical THC (hhc o distillate). Which implies HHC may possess a longer shelve life when compared to THC as well as is actually likewise far more resisting to UV lighting and heat.
Those impacts may feature sedation, psychoactivity, completely dry mouth, bliss, as well as assistance in soothing ache. While HHC isn't straight THC, it is actually still taken into consideration an isomer of it, so it will certainly create you fall short a drug examination. Our team recommend you do without this product if you must think about performing a medication examination because this cannabinoid can stay in your system for around 3 months (hhc distillate wholesale).
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The HHCcannabinoid is actually significantly extra bioavailable when compared to THC - what is hhc distillate. This indicates that when HHC is intaken with the method of consumption is actually even more offered internally when reviewed to intaking THC. HHC is still processed with the liver to make a 11-hydroxy version, once it performs that, the bioavailability enhances even more.
This implies HHC can have a longer life span when reviewed to THC as well as is actually also far more immune to UV lighting and warm. hhc distillate wholesale. HHC really has 5 carbons in its own side establishment like Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC, this implies that HHC is considered to become psychedelic.
Every person's endocannabinoid systems work differently, which is why our team promote you to dosage responsibly. hhc distillate syringe. The HHC cannabinoid is taken into consideration psychedelic, it is certainly not suggested that you steer or operate any form of hefty equipment while under the impact. HHC portions numerous similarities to THC, therefore several of the impacts coincide.
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HHC is actually thought about to be the hydrogenated variation of Delta 9 THC. From the molecular perspective HHC is a lot more steady than Delta 9 THC from destruction. buy hhc distillate. HHC additionally focuses on the CB1 receptors, which coincide receptors that psychoactive phytocannabinoids like Delta 8 THC, THCo Acetate, Delta 9 THC as well as others.
Unfortunately there is actually no right or even wrong response to this question. Our company have yet to locate a correct method to figure out if one Delta is actually thought about to be extra powerful than an additional. The main reason our company state Delta pertaining to HHC is actually since HHC is actually the hydrogenated kind of Delta 9 THC.
The initial style is actually the 9S HHC molecule, this particle does certainly not operate effectively along with the CB1 and other endocannabinoid receptors. The second style is actually the 9R HHC particle, this molecule does team up with the CB1 receptors and also various other endocannabinoid receptors like Delta 9 THC does, however, it requires a much higher amount of 9R HHC to feel similar results to Delta 9 THC (buy hhc distillate).
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They are similar in some small methods. Both are phytocannabinoids that are actually discovered in cannabis and also hemp plants. Besides that they are actually not quite similar, HHC is psychoactive whereas CBD possesses the capability to aid lower the effects of a psychoactive cannabinoid like HHC or Delta 8 THC. CBD does not work with the CB1 receptors like HHC performs.
This suggests that HHC is taken into consideration to become a normally occurring phytocannabinoid. Due to the fact that hemp as well as marijuana vegetations do certainly not create big quantities of this particular cannabinoid, our HHC is made coming from CBD isolate originated from hemp in a research laboratory - does hhc show up in a drug test. The usual consensus for the obtaining grow older in the sector is 21 years aged for HHC as well as various other psychoactive cannabinoids.
Thus if you're curious about this brand-new enhancement to the cannabinoid family, as well as intend to discover more regarding it what is it, what are its effects, and regardless if it is actually lawful on the federal government level dig in. I cover all of that [and a lot more] in this blog post. HHC is a typically developing cannabinoid.
About Hhc-o Distillate
That mentioned, it is actually a small cannabinoid. It simply seems in tiny volumes that are actually not readily feasible. Thus, it has stayed invisible previously (hhc-o distillate). However, with the boom of the marijuana and also vaping industry, factors are actually looking on the up as well as up for hexahydrocannabinol. HHC was 1st found out in the 1940s by Roger Adams, a drug store and a cannabis analyst - hhc distillate syringe.
Thus rather than hydrogen double connects, HHC obtains 2 added hydrogen atoms This method is actually called hydrogenation, as well as it customizes the structure of delta 9 THC to develop HHC. what is hhc distillate. However this is actually where traits acquire fascinating There are numerous different types of HHC as well as HHC could be created coming from THC prototypes, and also CBD and also a terpene phoned hhc distillate bulk citronellol. hhc o distillate.
This is necessary, as the rules all over various states are actually still rather fuzzy, despite the fact that cannabis is well on its way to ending up being legal in the US. Like most cannabinoids, it may be made from various other cannabinoids through molecular adjustment. HHC is actually mostly originated from CBD given that this creates it lawful in the USA.
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This is a tough one however, that holds true with every cannabinoid around. The truth is we don't recognize merely yet if HHC possesses any type of wellness results and also if it's really good for treating any kind of clinical condition. There is actually a great chance it is however our experts only don't know yet. hhc-o distillate.
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oh-my-may · 2 years
Suna, Osamu, Sugawara, Bokuto and Kuroo with a s/o who gets midnight snacks
requested: Could you write haikyuu boys w an s/o who loves midnight snacks? Bcs lately I’ve been making a snack like every night lol
Idrc who just at least suna 🙏 ty love <3
A/N: Totally get you, anon, I also have a habit of eating late at night. I chose a few random characters, but do tell me if you'd like to see more in the future?
Again, this is the timeskip! characters
My requests are still open! Make sure to check out my prompt event I'm doing rn where I'll write your personalized scenarios!
pairings: Suna Rintaro x gn! reader, Osamu Miya x gn! reader, Sugawara Koushi x gn! reader, Bokuto Kotaro x gn! reader, Kuroo Tetsuro x gn! reader
warnings: none
genre: fluff
Suna Rintaro:
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Will snack with you, 110%
If u want the snacks for yourself good luck not waking him up, he WILL know what you’re doing the second his sleepy self hears the crinkle of wrappers
Lazily comes up behind you when he sees you making one and just… drops on you. Like his full body weight. Is all demanding, too, but in a tired voice. “gimme one.”
You can’t be mad at him for stealing your food, he’s way too cute
Will glare at you if u don’t share
Osamu Miya:
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??? midnight snacks yes please??
His entire day consists of snacks wdym, mans owns a whole onigiri shop if anything HE is the one to bring the snacks to you in the first place
Honestly though, there will barely a day go by in the shop when he won’t bring you something for your late-night munchies
Is happy when you decide to share it, but is also contempt with just watching you lovingly, sitting at the kitchen counter as you gulp down your favourite snack
Sugawara Koushi:
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Sweet boy, will do anything for you
And by anything I mean he will get up in the middle of the night to bring you your favourite snack or will accompany you to the store to buy one, will even pay for it
BUT he will also lecture you that eating this late is not the healthiest habit to have
After all he IS a primary school teacher so he has to get up earlier than you, so when you get your munchies you try to not wake him up at night and sometimes leave him some left-overs he can take to work in the morning
Bokuto Kotaro:
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IS the snack
All fun aside, is probably the one who gets you into this habit in the first place
Mans is a professional volleyball player he needs protein okay, all day everyday EVEN at night so obviously you notice when he gets up after a movie and just… makes himself a meal before bed
Will spoon feed you and grin like crazy as he does so
One day you got home from work very late, he was already asleep, so you tried to not wake him when you got to work on his left overs. He still woke up though and caught you like a deer in headlights
Was not mad though, if anything he found it adorable and was grateful you could make use of his left overs. In return you leave him some the next few days because you feel bad
Kuroo Tetsuro:
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Will dismiss this habit as stupid until you stop bugging him about going to the store with you
You went with Kenma instead, who usually has a full blown meal after his streams, so it becomes a thing for you
Kuroo feels left out, so he begrudgingly struts to your local fast food store one night when he woke up without you next to him
Is not hungry, just wants to lay his head on your shoulder and listen to your seemingly nonsensical conversation with Kenma until you get home
It becomes a ritual twice a week, Kuroo always almost falls asleep as you happily munch on some fries
Sometimes he brings you snacks when he comes from work late, so you don’t have to leave the house. He even allows you to snack them in bed as long as he can cuddle up to you
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neon-junkie · 3 years
What it’s like to share a joint with each member of the Bad Batch!
(gender-neutral reader. can be read as platonic or romantic. very slightly nsfw.)
Warning: Mentions of drugs, duh!
AN: When I’ve smoked with others, I’ve noticed that everybody seems to have a certain stoner trope to them. So, I’ve based these headcanons off set tropes that I think suit each batch member :0)
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Dumb bitch.
Honestly, Hunter never smokes, so when he does, he has no idea how much he should smoke, and always over does it.
He's one of those people who begins with taking two drags, complains that he doesn't feel anything instantly, and then gulps down the entire joint.
Poor man must forget he has heightened senses, because when the high hits, it hits hard.
Hunter is absolutely off his tits - in another dimension - but he's stable enough to somewhat speak, and the conversations never seem to make sense.
One second you're talking about what his life was like before the batch, and then he's telling you the tragic tale on how he found out he's allergic to meiloorun's.
He's a disaster when he's high, so tuck him into bed, and join him, just to ensure he doesn't whitey.
He will tightly cling onto you, nestling his head in the curve of your neck. Hunter needs physical contact right now, and for you to listen to his incoherent babbling.
Somehow, Crosshair always seems to drop by whenever Hunter's high, just so he can laugh at the absolute state his Sergeant is currently in.
Please play with this man's hair. The tingly scalp sensation feels godly, and Hunter completely melts whenever you do it. He'll become unresponsive, but that's because he's experiencing so much relaxing pleasure.
Hunter will manage to stay awake for an hour or two at most, and then he needs to fall asleep on you. Hold him as he naps, and don't be surprised when he begins sleep talking.
Munchies mayhem.
Wreckers stomach is an endless void, and his snacking seems to never end!
Wrecker prefers to smoke from bongs because rolling is a fiddly and tedious task, not designed for men with large hands, like Wrecker.
Also, bongs make funny bubbly sounds, and he loves that.
He wants to show you all his favourite and weird food combinations. Surprisingly, a lot of his combinations go together, and that makes you question how many weird combinations he's tried in the past to find these perfect ones.
He somehow has the energy to cook whilst stoned. He'll happily cook a three-course meal if you ask, and he has a fun time whilst doing so!
Wrecker will tell you to put some music on whilst he makes a shit tonne of food, and will then cosy up on the couch with you, munching away together, sharing comments and laughs when you pull up something awful to watch.
He always asks for a cuddle, and you can take his advance romantically, or platonically. Despite being a large, toned guy, his body is extremely soft and snugly, and he makes the perfect cuddle partner!
Wrecker is happy as long as you're happy, and he's content with however you want the night to go. (aka. if you wanna fuck, then he's down to fuck, but its cool if not.)
The night always ends up with you two napping together, conked out on the couch, the TV quietly playing in the background.
Does not shut up.
It's a good thing. Tech has a burst of energy and wants to show you anything and everything that piques his interest.
He'll go through all his favourite things: TV, films, music, games, hobbies, etc. But you'll have a hard time butting in to show him yours; he attempts to show interest, but his mind is in over drive, and "oh! you reminded me of this specific thing. here, let me show you!"
Tech isn't one to smoke regularly, and it surprises even himself on how much energy he suddenly seems to have. He's not quite hyperactive, but much bouncier and bubblier than normal.
He will somehow end up using your stomach as a pillow. You don't even realize he's lying on you, nattering away, until your hand instinctively begins stroking through his hair.
Tech doesn't mind. If anything, he wants you to play with his hair. He craves such comfort and slight intimacy, but he never has the nerve nor confidence to say it. After all, why would anybody play with his hair? (he has a lot of self doubts!)
His eyes will fall shut, but his mouth continues moving. Tech has never felt so calm and content before, and the sensation of his tingling scalp is slowly stirring him off to sleep.
Eventually, his words become incoherent babbles, until his body finally drifts off. Even then, Tech sleep talks, but it's not loud enough to wake you as you relax, Tech still leaning on your stomach.
His true colours will shine through!
Crosshair doesn't just smoke with anybody; he needs to be close to you, either romantically, or platonically. If you're a stranger, or an acquaintance, then he may share a drag here and there, but never an entire joint.
He rolls the most beautiful, perfect joints, and it’s all thanks to experience; sometimes, he attempts a cross joint, or a rose joint, depending on how bothered he is.
His personally really comes out. He's still his usual dry and sarcastic self, but he's bubblier, obviously flirtatious, and laughs with ease. It's as if his mental barrier has been broken down, and that's not something that he allows just anybody to see.
Speaking of being flirtatious, Crosshair will make a move on you. If you reject him, then he eases off, no problem! But if you accept him, then he'll enjoy a cuddle with you, or more, depending on yourself.
Crosshair is one of those stoned cuddlers who can't keep their hands still. He has to squeeze you every so often, as if to confirm that you're still there, whilst his hands fiddle and fidget with everything he can grasp.
His hands mostly stroke along your back and forearms, kneading at the fabric of your shirt before his hands find a way to slip beneath it. Crosshair enjoys skin contact, even if it's just his fingertips lightly running along your spine.
If you show no signs of discomfort, then he'll run his hands lower to begin playing with your ass. His boner is painfully hard against your stomach, and it only seems to worsen as he grips and kneads at your ass, engulfed in how pleasurable you already feel.
He's waiting for your consent, and you'll need to give it by making the next move.
Deep talk time!
Now is the time for both of you to get anything and everything off your chest.
Echo will talk about his biggest fears, self-doubts, insecurities, and so on. Yes, the conversation could be considered negative, but it's a fantastic outlet to blow off some steam, whilst helping lift each other up.
He will definitely want to cuddle, especially whilst talking about negative things, but he's too shy to ask!
You'll need to make the first move, and Echo will consider your move to be only platonic, because in his mind, who the kriff would be romantically interested in him?!
If you want, you can lead things on from here, and show him just how wrong his self doubts are. However, Echo is fine keeping things platonic!
Echo will ensure that you cuddle up to his left side, as he doesn't want his prosthetic jabbing you. He'll convince himself that he's uncomfortable to cuddle, and will apologize over and over for being the 'worst cuddle partner ever.'
Please reassure this poor man that he's fantastic in every single way.
Don't be surprised if he tears up at your kind words; he's not felt such kindness in a long time, and can't hold back the tears pooling in his eyes.
Stay with him whilst he sleeps. Hold him tight, and he'll hold you tight in return.
He'll apologize for his behaviour the next day, and attempts to ramble on about how he shouldn't use you as a punching bag, how it was the drugs talking, how he didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, and so on.
You will have to interrupt his rambling to reassure him that everything's fine, and that you enjoyed your time together. Echo might not believe you, but he always appreciates reassurance.
352 notes · View notes
moonctzeny · 4 years
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au+trope+prompt game: college!au Jaehyun + fake dating + it’s just so hard not to fall in love with you
pairing: jung jaehyun x fem!reader x asshole!yuta
other members as background characters: yuta, mark, johnny, jungwoo
genre: angst, smut
word count: 9,124
warnings: abusive relationship, toxic behaviour
summary: “When Yuta breaks your heart for the millionth time, you meet Jaehyun, freshly broken up and looking for revenge. You decide to start fake dating to get back on your exes, but your plan takes an unexpected turn. You fall in love.”
a/n: I really don’t like putting yuta in a negative light like that it’s just for the fic’s sake! also I literally used the name Naeun as Jaehyun’s ex because I think it’s SUCH a pretty name, NO correlation whatsoever to any korean celebrity named naeun!
You knew it was wrong.
Looking through your boyfriend’s, Yuta’s, phone while he took a shower, was the arguably the tackiest thing you have ever done.
He was always distant lately, only seeming to make time for a booty call, and at first, you blamed your hectic schedule. Your major was demanding, to say the least, so when Yuta suggested that you replace your dates with some “quality time” at his dorm, you had no objections. You didn’t know that he also meant ignoring your calls, canceling on you at the last minute to meet up with his frat brothers, and keeping your relationship strictly between four walls and two naked bodies.
The thought of him meaning more to you than you meant for him ate you away. It creeped in your mind while you heard the water running from your shower, and lead your fingertips to tap in the password of his phone.
Opening his messaging app, you recognize his best friends’ icons in a group chat consisting of his frat members. You scrolled up, ignoring the latest massages regarding a party that the frat would be throwing in two weeks. You started to feel guilty, not exactly sure what you were looking for, when you saw your name at the screen.
m0rklee[00:10]: @yutassanhyung, i saw your girl today at the supermarket! why didn’t you tell her about the party next Sunday?
you[00:12]: what girl lol  
m0rklee[00:13]: y/n?? i thought you guys were together?
you[00:12]: nahh
fairyteil[00:15]: eyy @yutassan if you’re done with her i know a couple guys who wanna hit it too
you[00:16]: be my guest haha
you[00:16]: don’t get me wrong she was bad when we met but shit is getting kinda stale
tenoutoften[00:17]: aren’t you on your way to her place lol
you[00:17]: hey hey pussy is pussy
Was that all you were to him? Pussy?
Yuta called you special, he called you yours. He didn’t like it when you were talking to other guys. He ripped your lingerie set because he didn’t want anyone else to ever see you in it but him. And then he dared to go around and call you a fling?
You heard the water stop running and knew you didn’t have much time until you had to face him, the thought alone making you sick.
You didn’t bother to lock his phone again, leaving the chat that made you so upset open. Grabbing your keys and a jacket, you left your place and hoped that Yuta would get the message and get the fuck out of there before you came back.
Your legs walked on their own accord, your memory leading you to the only place where you knew you’d find any sort of comfort. When Johnny opened his door, tears were already streaming down your face. He took the open tequila bottle you were holding and pulled you in for a hug. He smelled like weed and beer, and after hearing the “Is that the pizzas?”, you realized that your best friend wasn’t alone.
You quickly wiped your cheeks and fixed your sex hair that Yuta messed up, trying your best to look presentable. Johnny put a hand on your back and lead you to his living room. Jungwoo, your and Johnny’s friend from high school, was sprawled out on the couch, a little disappointed after seeing that you were, in fact, not the pizzas. Next to him, drowning in a bean bag, was Jaehyun. You didn’t really know him very well other than the fact that he took the same major as Johnny, so you felt a little insecure looking as messy as you did right now. His eyes were red, just like the other men’s, but you could swear his eyelashes looked a little damp.
Jungwoo’s words were muffled by the barbecue chips he was munching away.
“Yoo y/n, I didn’t know you were coming!”
You placed the tequila bottle on the table,
“Yeah, Woo, figured you wanted something to drink”
“Move” Johnny murmured to him, but he only stretched and sighed dramatically, shoving a handful of chips in his mouth.
“I don’t need a drink I need food. I’m hungry and I got the munchies”
Johnny grabbed his ankle and with impressive ease, dragged Jungwoo to the floor. The taller man sat on the couch, on the side next to Jaehyun and you followed his lead, letting a grumpy Jungwoo lean his head on your knees. Taking the lit joint from Jaehyun’s fingers, Johnny turned his attention back on you.
“So tell me chica” he said and took a hit, “who do I have to beat up?”
“Yuta”, you grumbled, “I’m ghosting this motherfucker”
You felt the vibrations on your lap when Jungwoo started talking.
“What did he do this time? Didn’t I tell you not to get involved with stupid frat boys?”
You started petting his hair, the softness comforting under your fingers.
“Apparently I’m not ‘bad’ enough for him anymore” you replied, throwing air quotes and rolling your eyes.
“Whaaaaat” Johnny drew out with a cough after taking a particularly deep inhale from the blunt, “you’re like the baddest bitch I know. Even now, that you’re all puffy from crying and smell like his dick”
You hit his shoulder, almost dropping the joint he was passing to Jungwoo, embarrassed that he would say something like that in front of Jaehyun, an almost stranger to you.
“I don’t know, man” Jungwoo started, and you could hear the smile on his face, “when girls cry it’s kinda hot”
You were contemplating how many hairs of his you should rip out of his scalp when the telecom rang, assumably by the pizza delivery man.
“Saved by the bell”, Jungwoo muttered to himself and got up quickly to open the door. While the youngest paid for the pizzas, Johnny held your hand, a bit guilty for his words earlier. He had a mischievous smirk and kept shifting his gaze between you and Jaehyun, who had been sitting in silence ever since you got here, occasionally smiling at your friends’ teasing.
“Fuck Yuta, man. You should find a nice guy to treat you well and fuck you even better y’know?” he started, and patted his buddy roughly on the back, “Like Jae over here”
Your eyes widened and you instinctively glanced at Jaehyun, ears a deep red and a matching shocked look on his face.
You cleared your throat, “No offense, but, like, aren’t you practically married to this girl-uhhh what’s her name again? Naeun?”
To someone who wasn’t listening to your conversation, it must have seemed like you tased him, or brought up a painful childhood memory, or asked him if he’d be willing to lick a lemon after washing his teeth. He looked away from you, and turned his attention to his nails, ripping a cuticle off in deep concentration. His voice was so quiet when he finally spoke, that you barely heard him. “I broke up with her, actually.. Like, three hours ago”
Guilt washed over you in an instant, not knowing that you scratched a wound so fresh. You wanted to apologize and even ask if you should leave the three alone, when Jungwoo grabbed the Tequila bottle and crashed on the couch clumsily between you and Johnny.
“Fuck love!”, he yelled, “let’s get wasted”
You stared at the empty José Cuervo bottle rising up and down Johnny’s chest with every one of his snores. He was laid out on his couch, his tall height taking up all of its entirety, leaving Jungwoo passed out on the floor. Jaehyun followed your eyes and smiled at Johnny’s sleeping face, mouth open and tongue spilling out.
After the 4th shot, you found out that Jae was a pretty decent guy. He let you rant about Yuta while your friends were busy trying to see who could eat a large pizza by himself the fastest. You told him all about how you never went on dates anymore, how you looked through his phone after having sex, and the text conversation you found earlier tonight. He listened carefully, without judgment, and after smoking some more of Johnny’s staff, he opened up to you about his relationship with Naeun.
Or rather, how he found her fucking his roommate on his own bed.
You always thought of these two as what they call a ‘power couple’. Valedictorian meets basketball all-star, they graduate and have beautiful babies, while all the rest of us mortals can do is admire from afar. You would have never guessed the toxicity, constant cheating and manipulation that Jaehyun was recounting. You bonded over stories about cancelled dates, emotional distancing and feeling like you’re always the one giving but never receiving. If you were being honest, you would have never expected such emotional depth from a college point guard. He drew you in with his gentleness, and you noticed how different he was from Yuta, who engulfed you with his intensity. You also hated how even now, you were still thinking of him.
Just then, you got his third message for the night:
asshole [03:35]:come on baby don’t ignore mee, me and the guys were just messing around
you [03:36]:stop texting me
you [03:38]:we’re done
You locked your phone, upset and angry, and felt Jaehyun sigh.
“I know I’m falling for her stupid games, but I just want to get back at her y’know? Show her what she’s missing, that type of thing”
You knew exactly what he was talking about. During the past hours, you weighted all the possible ways you could make Yuta regret ever taking you for granted.
He was so charming that he could get laid with anyone he wanted (and probably did, even when you were ‘dating’), but even after what he said to Taeil, you knew that he hated the thought of anyone else fucking you. He wanted your body to be his, without having to deal with the commitment that came with that privilege.
You thought about fucking one of his frat buddies, but that would get you from being called ‘Yuta’s girl’ to ‘ΘΨΩ’s cumslut’, and your self esteem couldn’t take that blow.
Jaehyun’s deep voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Maybe Johnny’s right”
“Huh? ”
“You should date me”
You blinked at him twice, not knowing what to reply when you saw him wave his hands frantically in front of his face.
“Fake date me! I mean, you should fake date me. Sorry, the weed’s got me a little fucked up”
At first, the idea seemed crazy. Yes, it would make Yuta furious that you were supposedly fucking one of the hottest guys on campus. Yes, Naeun would get mad that she didn’t have Jaehyun’s constant attention that she so craved anymore. Yes, you two might have revealed your deepest insecurities, opened up your hearts to each other all while sharing a bottle of alcohol, but you had never hanged out together without Johnny being present. You had barely hanged out together, period. But wouldn’t that make it even more believable? Two of Johnny’s best friends break up at the same time, meet up at his house and inevitably end up together. You didn’t share the same major, so you wouldn’t have to put up the act too much at college. And with social media, making a fake relationship believable was easier than ever.
asshole [03:42]: fuck you. you think you can find someone better than me?
Drunk and lacking logic, you agreed on the plan, and gave him your number. You had just finished creating the contact on his phone when he suddenly got up and rushed to the bathroom, facing the consequences of the tequila and weed combo.
You passed out on Johnny’s bean bag and when you woke up on Sunday afternoon, Jaehyun was gone.
You didn’t expect him to text you on Monday, thinking that it was intoxication that gave him the idea of fake dating and made it look brilliant. So when he gave you the address to his dorm, to further discuss your ‘operation’ you were surprised, but determined to succeed.
The plan was simple. You would start tagging each other on your instagram stories, to show people that you were spending time alone. He agreed to pick you up from your lecture on Wednesday, your classes coinciding on neighboring buildings. And for you final act, he’d come with you as your plus one for the frat’s party next Sunday. Mark was nice enough to invite you, after Yuta ‘forgot’ to do it instead, and Naeun, being Taeil’s sister, wouldn’t miss it for the world. It was the perfect opportunity to flaunt your new relationship, all while being on the opponent’s part of the field.
You started off innocently enough. After you and Jaehyun finished brainstorming ideas about the ‘operation’ as he insisted on calling it, he suggested you stay for a movie and some Chinese food. His dorm was cozy, a little messy, maybe, but it fitted his boyish charm. He had a nice collection of vinyls, stating that his favorite one was I. by Cigarettes After Sex. You were a bit taken aback by his love for dreampop and rnb, but the more you got to know him, the more it seemed to fit him nicely. On the wall next to his bed hung a display full of all of his sport trophies. He was known for his basketball skills, but you also saw medals for soccer, track, volleyball. Amongst them all was an English certificate and a spelling bee award. You wondered if he ever felt pressure trying to be so perfect all the time.
The movie was terrible, but Jaehyun managed to entertain you by making silly jokes throughout and mocking the actors’ bad acting. It was the first time you ever saw him crack a joke like that and be willing to contort his handsome features. So much better than the dream boy image he was feigning for everyone, but you didn’t know him well enough to tell him. The movie was halfway done when he picked up his phone and opened a camera app through his Instagram.
“Shouldn’t we take a story? Since we’re together anyways?”
You nodded and scooted closer to him. He was a bit hesitant as he positioned the camera to capture your legs that were touching, a scene from the movie playing in the background. It was a cute picture but nothing indicated that the two of you were more than friends. You pressed the X at the top of the screen to discard the picture, and placed his hand on top of your thigh. You turned around just in time to witness his ears turning into a fuschia pink.
“Is that okay?”
He nodded and regained his cool, taking the picture and tagging you with a red heart next to your username.
A couple hours after leaving his place you texted him, asking if Naeun had replied to his story. He said that unfortunately, the only person who batted an eye was Johnny, replying with a “ 👀 👀 👀 “ .
You met up again the next day, at your apartment this time.
He looked nervous being in a place so foreign to him yet so personal to you, so you decided to turn the lights down to help him relax, insisting that you weren’t trying to seduce him or anything. He laughed at your joke but still looked tense, and you thought that maybe he needed some liquid courage to open up.
“Hey Jae. Want a drink?”
It took him 3 beers to finally loosen up and show you his dimpled grin again. You were sitting on the floor, facing each other and feeling comfortable in the ambience of the room. A Spotify playlist was playing in the background so it would fill up the awkward silence but wouldn’t distract you from your conversation.
“Wait wait wait. So you sleep without a pillowcase?”
“Yeah, didn’t you notice it when you came to my place yesterday?”
“I thought you forgot to do your laundry!”
His laugh was resonating and deep and manly. It made his eyes disappear and his face light up, not that it didn’t anyway - the guy could easily be a skin care ambassador, and you made a mental note to ask him about his moisturizer later.
You followed his gaze to one of your walls. Pictures were filling it up, memories of yourself and your siblings, of your friends from home that you missed, of Johnny and Jungwoo. You felt a little insecure then, comparing them to Jaehyun’s countless medals and awards.
“I’m not good at sports like you, so I have nothing else to hang on my wall”, you laughed awkwardly but he shook his head.
“No, I’m actually jealous of you. Everyone always seems to want to be around you”
“Except Yuta”
“Yuta’s an idiot, then. You are way out of his league anyways.”
You felt yourself turning into a blushing mess and looked for a way to break the awkward silence that followed his comment.
“Wanna share another one?” you asked him, shaking the empty beer bottle on your hand and he nodded. You started getting up when you felt him put a hand on your shoulder and pick up the bottles you had finished up from the table himself. He rinsed them off and put them away to the recycling bag next to your sink, the domesticity of the action making you melt. You watched as he stood on his tiptoes to reach a lager from the top drawer of your fridge, revealing a defined set of abs and two cute dimples on his lower back. You ripped your eyes away immediately, like you were caught doing something illegal, and he walked back to his spot next to you. As soon as he sat down, he groaned and threw his head back.
“The bottle opener was on the kitchen counter. I forgot to bring it”
Without saying a word, you took the beer from his hand and placed the cap in your mouth. It was a party trick that your older brother had taught you when you were 15. After finding a stable indentation on your teeth, you manipulate the rough edges of the cap and pop the beer open. You return the glass bottle to Jaehyun, who’s looking at you incredulously.
“Fuck me, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”, he breaths out and you feel your whole face burning up. You opened and closed your mouth a couple times, trying to register that someone like him thought you were hot, when you felt your phone vibrating, saving you from further embarrassing yourself.
Johnny’s picture lit up on the screen and you mentally prepared yourself for the following conversation. You and Jaehyun decided against telling anyone about your relationship being fake. It’s not that your best friend wasn’t reliable, but if you told Johnny you had to tell Jungwoo, and Jungwoo doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut to save his life.
“John, what’s up”
“Eyy chica what took you so long?”
You looked at Jaehyun who had leaned back against the pillow of your couch and sipped on the beer you would share.
“Yeah sorry I was a little busy”
“Busy.. with Jaehyun?”
You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but you were still trying to recover from the previous incident.
“Yeah, he’s here”
“Ohh I see, little y/n can’t get enough of Jae’s slam dunks.. I bet he’s teaching you the bank shot, the opening tip, the double dribble, the fast break, the palming.. he sure is great for a rebound-”
You interrupted him, growing tired of his nonstop basketball innuendos.
“Why did you call me Johnny?”
“Damn, sorry, I just wanted to ask you what you wanted for your birthday”
Shit, you forgot about that.
“Just get me whatever, I don’t care, you know how much I hate celebrating anyways. I’ll get the cake myself, so no surprises”
Jaehyun lifted his brows and waited patiently for your call to end before asking:
“What are we celebrating?”
“It’s my birthday on Friday. I’m going to invite a couple people over and Johnny’s already stressing over it. Don’t worry, though, you don’t have to come”
“How can your boyfriend not come to your birthday party?”
You laugh bitterly.
“Well, it’s not like Yuta came last year. To any of my parties for that matter”
“Well, he must have made up to you somehow? Got you a very special gift or something?”
“If you count eating me out as a gift then yes. It was very rare indeed.”
You took the beer from him and took a sip yourself. You noticed he had his eyes glued on his phone, his expression gloomy.
“Is everything okay?”
He snapped out of it at the sound of your voice and turned his phone screen towards you.
It was Naeun, or rather a post on her instagram account. She had her tongue out in the picture, hugging two guys that were unfamiliar to you. You read the caption.
“One day the loser will realize that the diamond he thinks he’s playing with is actually a rock”
Jaehyun mumbled an apology. I guess he thought that you’d be a bit offended being called a ‘rock’ but you were actually feeling satisfied. Your fake relationship had managed to get her attention, and for Jaehyun’s sake, you wanted to rub it in her face even more.
You opened your camera app and placed your phone on the table next to you. He figured what you wanted to do so he sat up straighter and motioned to his lap. You’d normally be a bit hesitant to sit on him if it wasn’t for the two beers and your determination, that had fired up again due to Naeun’s words. Leaning back a bit, you set up the self-timer and he put his hands on your hips to stabilize you.
You had agreed on turning up the boldness of your pics, so you placed your hands on his neck, right under his jawline. He snaked his hands upwards and wrapped them around your waist, bringing you even closer. His eyes were glossy from the alcohol and he looked at you with an impressive calmness, considering the intimacy of your position. It seemed like he was waiting for something, the ticking of the timer urging you to take things a bit further and he nodded, as if giving you permission. You leaned in, and pressed your lips on the corner of his mouth, like you couldn’t decide on kissing his dimple or his lips.
After hearing the click you climbed down from his lap, and prayed that the photo came out in focus. Your heart couldn’t handle another retake. From the angle of the camera, it seemed like you were a couple in love, sharing a sweet kiss on the lips. You added a cute caption and tagged him, so he could repost it later on his own account.
It hadn’t been 5 minutes before your phone lit up.
yutassan replied to your story: what the fuck?
You smiled triumphantly and showed the message to Jaehyun, who laughed at Yuta’s reaction. He gave you an excuse about some forgotten homework and how it was late and he has to go.
“Remember, I’ll pick you up tomorrow from class, so wait for me”
After he left, you thought about your almost kiss and the dimples of his back for way too long.
You exited the classroom with a growing headache. The lesson today seemed extra boring, and all you could think about was that you had to convince Johnny that it really took just three days for Jaehyun and you to officially start dating.
As promised, the pair waited for you at the end of the hallway, your best friend looking at the two of you expectantly. Jaehyun was a good actor, you thought, as he approached you before you got to reach them, meeting you halfway.
“Hey baby”, he smiled at you, the nickname turning your legs into jelly. He wrapped one arm around your shoulder, and kissed your cheek sweetly, making Johnny coo at the two of you.
“I can’t believe that I hadn’t thought about pairing the two of you together earlier”
He must have thought that the awkward body language and the silence that fell was a sign from you and Jae to leave you alone. He excused himself, saying something about “letting the young lovers swim in the pool of their love”, or something along those lines.
The two of you walked together, following the road to your next class that was just a few buildings away.
“So how has class, baby
You rolled your eyes at the insistent nickname, “you know that Johnny left us, like, 5 minutes ago, right?”
“Let me enjoy itttt”, he whined, “Naeun never let me call her anything like that”
“Why is that?”
He looked at his feet moving and frowned in thought.
“She said I was embarrassing her in front of her friends. I think she just didn’t want other guys to know that we were together”
You felt a pang of sadness and you realized that it always followed any conversation you two had about his and Naeun’s relationship.
“Well then if you call me baby, I can will you honey. Or sugarplum. Or pumpkin pie. Or-“
It was startling how fast Jaehyun pressed you up against the wall. In just a moment, he had put his hands on your waist, burying his face in your hair. You shivered when you felt his breath as he spoke against your neck.
“Yuta’s watching us”
All you could do was stay frozen in place, and listen with wide eyes.
He chuckled at your response, but he replied patiently.
“Yuta? Your ex? He’s right over there. Figured we should give him a show”
And with that, he kissed you. Everything was happening so fast, that you could barely comprehend that Jaehyun, that was a stranger in the past weekend, was now making out with you at the hall, for everyone to see.
And that included Yuta.
You opened your eyes in the kiss and searched for him, spotting him with his frat buddies. His eyes were piercing through the two of you, and you saw Mark holding him back by the shoulder. The look on his face was priceless.
Jaehyun pulled back and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Thank you”, you whispered, “but I need one more favor”
“Anything baby”
“Slap my ass as we walk away”
Sure enough, Jaehyun took your hand and you continue your walk, momentarily stopping to make eye contact with Yuta and give you a little spank. It was something your ex loved doing on the rare occasion you two met up outside of your dorms, no matter how public the setting. You heard Mark yelling something at his ‘Yuta hyung’ and that’s when you thought, your plan just might work.
You didn’t see Jaehyun until your birthday. It was just a small get together, but your place was starting to get a bit crowded as time went by. Johnny had been suffocating you with hugs ever since he got there, reminiscing the time you met as teenagers and calling you an old lady. Jungwoo on the other hand couldn’t stop asking about Jaehyun. You kept making excuses about how he didn’t feel so good today and might not make it. You didn’t expect him to come, of course. Just because you had agreed on fake dating, it didn’t mean that he had any obligation to be present in all your social events. The loving message he left on your Facebook wall was enough to fulfill the purpose of your current relationship.
That is why, when you heard a knock on your door, the last thing you thought you’d see was Jaehyun holding a dozen of red roses.
“Happy birthday baby!”, he exclaimed and gave you a kiss on your cheek,
“I asked Johnny about your favorite flowers, hope we got it right”
Feeling speechless, you took the roses from his hands and inhaled their sweet scent. You were dumbfounded that he actually came, and even brought you a present. You thanked him for coming, and he repeated the same thing he said back at your place, “how could your boyfriend miss your birthday?”
And even you were fooled, momentarily, when he held you by the waist later that night and sang you happy birthday. You blew your candles and all you could wish for was a love like the one Jaehyun was faking for you. He helped you clean up, and was more than willing to socialize with all of your friends. You admired how well he fitted in your social circle, already friends with Johnny and Jungwoo, yet so nice that even people he met for the first time came to love him.
You were sitting on one of your dining chairs, your two best friends already passed out on your couch. They had brought two bottles of vodka and your favorite tequila, but you weren’t in the mood to drink. You couldn’t help but remember the time when you practically begged Yuta to be there on your special day and he still missed it. You were scared that if you got a little drunk you would text him, or worse, call him, his sweet talk bringing you back to him all over again.
The only sounds resonating through your apartment were Jungwoo’s light snoring and a chill Spotify playlist playing from your laptop. A familiar tune came on, and you recognized it being ‘Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby’ by Cigarettes After Sex. You immediately looked at Jaehyun, the only conscious person still at the party other than you. He threw his head back and sighed contently at the sound of his favorite song. You saw him get up and walk over to you, reaching his hand out.
“Will the birthday girl spare me a dance?”
You slow danced in the middle of your living room, ending the night in the sweetest note. Jaehyun always felt so stable, so safe. You wondered how he got himself tangled up in that mess of a relationship with Naeun. Maybe it was the way he treated people with such kindness, void of any prejudice. Maybe he was a little bit like you, and didn’t think he deserved much.
“She’s crazy” you mumble against his chest, his confused hum making you feel the vibration on your face.
“Naeun. She’s crazy for ever cheating on someone like you. You’re perfect”
“I have my flaws”
You thought about how competitive he got when you played beer pong earlier, how his ears get red when he gets embarrassed, how he shows his dimpled smile in apology when he’s late. His love for drinking and how it makes him more honest, his trust in people that must have gotten him hurt many, many times. You liked them all, you loved them all.
“It’s just so hard for someone not to fall in love with you”
And that’s how the days went by with Jaehyun. You met up almost every day, in restaurants for a nice dinner, or hanging out in each other’s dorm. It was so much fun getting to spend time with him, that you sometimes forgot to make your meetup public on social media. You helped him with his math homework, and he helped you dye your hair. You even went to his basketball game, and he dedicated one of his goals to you, following every teen movie cliche.
You felt a little sad how it was all falling to an end. The plan was successful, for the most part. Naeun had asked Jaehyun to meet up later tonight, talk things through. You wished he wouldn’t go back to her, but you knew you had no real say in his love life. Yuta saw that he didn’t own you, that there were people like Jaehyun that were willing to give you what your ex had promised you, but wasn’t able to give. Well, not really, you reminded yourself. Jaehyun was faking it. You shouldn’t let yourself get lost in the fairytale, even if the past two weeks were some of the best of your life. He had proposed that you claim that the reason for your upcoming ‘breakup’ was differences in character, but you decided to stay friends. You were happy that at least, in the midst of all this mess, you met someone like him.
It was Saturday, a day before the frat party. You had invited him over, celebrate the end of your relationship with some pizza and a movie.
The movie was boring, but Jaehyun made you laugh. It reminded you of the first time the two of you met up alone. You had gotten comfy on your couch, sharing popcorn when you noticed. A huge bruise was peeking out from Jaehyun’s tank top, the dark color contrasting against his porcelain skin.
“What the hell?!” you exclaimed and scooted closer to him. You rushed your hands on his chest, your fingers pushing the fabric aside to examine the bruise. You found even more bruises scattered around it, accompanied with scratches that stretched longer than his top could.
“It was from the game the other day”, he tried to excuse, but you weren’t buying it.
“Jae, I was there. You played basketball, not WWE. Now who did this to you?”
He sighed and fidgeted with a loose string on his jeans, clearly uncomfortable.
“When I caught Naeun with my roommate, and broke up with her, she didn’t take it very well”
You kept staring at him, urging him to continue.
“She started calling me names, saying that she’s the best I’ll ever have. That I’m worthless without her, just a social climber trying to mooch off of her popularity”
He motioned on his torso, “When I kicked her out of my place, this happened”
“Is that the first time she acted violent?”
He shook his head. “Pretty much every time she didn’t get her way”
“Jae”, you started, placing your hands on top of his “this is abuse. Have you ever talked to anyone about it?”
“It’s- it’s nothing. It’s embarrassing”
“No it’s not! Abuse is not exclusive to any gender! Guys get affected by it too!”
“It’s embarrassing because I know I can physically stop her but I don’t”
His eyes were starting to water, the sight was heartbreaking. “I sit there frozen and just take it”
“Because part of me believes her. That I’m hopeless without someone like her, dictating what I can and cannot do. I don’t need a shrink to tell me that it’s sick. I have these bruises to remind me”
You were starting to get angry. Angry at that bitch for hurting him, angry at Jaehyun who puts up with it, angry at you, for not seeing past the obvious like everyone else.
“I’m not letting you go see her tonight”
He laughs at you, putting up an invisible barrier between you.
“Not letting me? Wake up y/n! We’re not a real couple, remember? We’re just faking it to satisfy our selfish needs. This whole thing is pointless”
He stormed to the door and you tried to stop him, but he was too riled up for that.
“You’re going to forget about me as soon as this whole circus is over, just like everyone else”
“How can you accuse me like that when you haven’t even let me be a part of your life for real?”
“Because now you’ve met me. Me. With all my ugly, all my fucking bruises. Is it still so hard not to fall in love with me?”
With that, he closed your door with a bang, not even letting you answer that yes, it was impossible not to fall in love with Jung Jaehyun.
History seemed to repeat itself, as you got a text from him the next morning, that you didn’t expect.
jaehyunnie: let’s meet outside of the frat at 10:30, i’ll bring the booze.
And that’s what you did, showing up with your shortest skirt, spotting Jaehyun sitting a few meters from the frat’s entrance. He was laying against the wall, his eyes red, and he gave you the same smile he always did when he saw you, as if your fight yesterday never happened.
“Hey baby” he said and pulled you in for a hug. You couldn’t resist the invitation, and felt yourself melting in his embrace. He smelled like weed and shower gel.
It was nice, how he proclaimed your truce, but you still had to get something off your chest.
“Listen, Jae, about last night, you were right. This whole thing is pointless. We can go home, if you want”
“No baby”, he started and pulled away just enough to look at you. His eyes were droopy but glancing back at you with such care as he moved a strand of hair out of your face, “we’re here to have fun”
You wondered why he was still willing to come to the party with you as your boyfriend. Maybe he wanted to do you one last favor with Yuta, or maybe he wasn’t done indulging in Naeun’s petty games. You looked at his forearms, noticing a few scratches that weren’t there yesterday.
“I’m guessing you and Naeun didn’t make up last night”
He shook his head, and rubbed his hands on your back, keeping your temper down.
“Did you get in a fight?”
“Something like that”
You didn’t know what came over you. It was anger and protectiveness, possessiveness even. You laced your fingers in his locks, letting his head rest against the wall. If Naeun wanted you to speak in her language, then so be it.
You started kissing his neck, on that part on the side that is tender and sensitive. You heard passerbys whistling at the two of you, seemingly getting it on in public. Your licks and sucks weren’t meant for pleasure though, you had a goal and that was to leave a bruise. A statement for Naeun.
You walked in the building hand in hand and followed Jae to the kitchen, where he poured you a drink out of the bottle he brought along. Looking around, you sensed a couple familiar faces staring back at you from the crowd. Taeyong from class, Mark and Ten, and last but not least, Naeun. You downed the drink in one shot and lead Jaehyun to the dance floor.
He put his hands on your hips, and swayed you at the sound of some club song you weren’t familiar with. You ground your ass against him and he hissed, keeping you close against him. A little voice in your head was screaming how this isn’t real, to him this is all pretend, but you ignored it. You wanted her to think that he was yours, that she couldn’t hurt him anymore.
“Why are you doing this to me y/n? Yuta’s not even around”
Jae turned you around, and you put your hands on his shoulders. He looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. You searched his face for a flaw, yet couldn’t find any. You wouldn’t change a single thing on him.
“She’s here” you said venomously.
He buried his face in your neck, inhaling the smell of your hair and trying to ground himself from his high. “I don’t give a fuck about Naeun”
He kissed your ear and your mind fogged up even more.
“She didn’t ask me to meet up yesterday, I did. I wanted to tell her that she and I were done, for good. I thought she wouldn’t be here tonight, but I guess she changed her mind”
“Then why are you here? And why did you let me give you that big ass hickey?”
He stopped nibbling on your ear, and whispered to it instead.
“I’d never miss up on a chance to feel yours”
The bodies dancing next to you, the liquer you had downed a few minutes ago and Jaehyun’s words were getting too much to handle. You felt suffocated, unable to distinguish where reality ended and pretending began with you two.
“Jae, I need a moment, excuse me”
Releasing yourself from his grasp, you made your way to the kitchen. There wasn’t any fresh air, but there was plenty of booze. You poured yourself a shot and as you downed it, you felt another liquid trickling down your top.
You looked up to find out who managed to make this night even worse for you, only to come across the last person you needed to see tonight. Yuta.
“Shit I’m sorry”, he muttered and you avoided eye contact, thinking you’d manage to get away without him realizing it was you. Luck wasn’t on your side tonight.
“Well well well. Long time no see.”
Confidence was dripping from his smile, to his stance, to the way he looked at you. He had dyed his hair your favorite color, his white locks begging to be tugged and played with. To top it all off, he smelled good, so, so good. He smelled dangerous. Comfortable.
You immediately realized that you didn’t have the self control needed to resist him. Turning on your heel, you started to get the hell out of there when he held your wrist, keeping you in place.
“Wait, I’m sorry, you can’t stay like this, you’ll catch a cold”
“Since when are you worried about me?”
“C’mon y/n, please. Come upstairs, I’ll give you a clean shirt. No funny business, I promise”
You hated yourself for this, but you followed him upstairs to his room, like a pray falling right into the hunter’s trap. He closed the door behind him, muting the loud music and you sat on his bed that you were so familiar with. Looking through his closet, he passed you one of his t-shirts, and turned around to let you change with some privacy. It was comical how chivalrous he was acting, considering the unspeakable things you’ve done in here.
“Not like you’ll see something you haven’t seen already”, you murmured and he chuckled, raising his hands.
“Hey, I’m a gentleman. It’s my fault, after all. I have a habit of getting you wet.”
Blushing at his comment, you quickly changed into the clean shirt and felt the bed dip next to you. You thanked him under your breath and started getting up, when you felt him hold you back once again.
“Stay, just a moment. I’ve missed you”
“What do you want?”
“You, baby”
Yuta was the one who said it, but you swore you felt Jaehyun’s voice reverberating through the nickname. Suddenly, it felt like there was no air for you to breathe.
“That’s not happening, Yuta. I’m with Jaehyun now”
He scoffed, “Jaehyun? Naeun’s puppy? Come on now, we both know you can do better than that”
“Don’t talk about him like that”, you bite back, but he doesn’t budge.
“What kind of boyfriend leaves his girl alone in a party like this?” He grips your chin, making you stare at him face to face, impossibly close. “Look at you. Every single guy in this party wants to fuck you. You expect me to be ok with this?”
Yuta lets his other hand glide on your knee, moving up to your thigh slowly. He smiled at how easy it was to focus on him.
“Do you remember how I made you feel? How I reminded you that you’re mine? You were moaning so loud, Mark thought you’d pass out. You loved it.”
You wanted to scream, tell him that this was the past you, that you couldn’t take going back to him once again and get your heart broken one more time, but you felt helpless around him. The warm feeling was only temporary, it would soon evaporate when you face the fact that to him, you are nothing but a play toy, a possession.
And that’s when Jaehyun barged in through the door. His eyes moved frantically from Yuta’s hands on your thighs, to his band tee you wore, to your discarded top on the floor. He quickly turned red, the color spreading from his neck to his face, then landing on his ears.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend?”
You instantly got up, following his thought sequence.
“It’s not what it looks like! He spilled his drink on me and gave me a clean shirt and..and..”
“And you decided to sit on his lap to thank him?”, he mocked you and Yuta laughed.
“Calm down, dude. I didn’t make her do anything. Besides, it’s not the first time y/n found her way over here after some disappointing dick”
Jaehyun grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up from the bed, forcing him to stand and face him. You moved between the two, trying to stop the catastrophe that was about to happen. Jae might have more muscle power than Yuta, but if the whole frat ganged up on him he would have to leave this place in a stretcher.
“Jaehyun please, let’s just go. Baby, please”
The nickname was the only thing that brought him out of his rage and made him listen to you. He let go of Yuta and took your hand, dragging you out of the room.
You were two hallways down when you pulled away, forcing him to stop.
“Why did you have to get so mad?”
“Why the fuck did you go back to him?”
“I didn’t! It was just.. so hard for me to tell him no”
You felt your eyes water with how pathetic you sounded. Jaehyun rubbed his hands over his face, groaning in frustration.
“Don’t you understand how much it fucking hurts? To see you with that guy that treats you like shit when I’m right here, willing to give you everything? When I’m in love with you?”
You couldn’t process what he said because in a moment, his mouth was on yours. The kiss was so different than the one you shared at the hallway of your campus. It was passionate, it was rough, and this time, he monopolized your attention. His lips were determined to bruise into yours, leaving you breathless and causing your back to fall against a wall. It was crowded around you, eyes prying into your intimate moment but to you, the only person around was Jaehyun.
“You smell like him”, he growled, sucking on the tender spot under your ear, “makes me wanna fuck his scent off of you”
That was all you needed to hear. You led him to the frat’s guest room, knowing that Taeil always kept a spare key in the lamp next to the door. Unlocking the door seemed like a tour de force with Jaehyun leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, but you finally managed to stumble inside. You locked the door behind you, continuing your heated kiss, hands roaming around each other’s body.
He was taller than you, so when you felt him grab your ass with such eagerness, you almost lifted off the ground. You palmed him through his jeans, the roughness of his hard on making your panties stick from wetness just a bit more.
“I want to taste you” you managed through kisses, but he just unzipped your skirt as a response, pulling it to the floor in one hasty move. Petting your clit through your underwear, a shiver ran down your spine, spreading goosebumps all over your arms and legs.
“I don’t think I have the patience for that”
He walked you backwards towards the guest bed, taking his pants and shirt off along the way. You sat on the edge of it and admired his godly proportions, when you took notice of the bruises and scratches that led to your fight on Saturday. Suddenly feeling the need to slow down, you started leaving kisses over each and every one of them. You wanted him to trust you, give in to you completely. He had his flaws just like he said, but you wanted all of him. And you wanted him now.
“I need you, now”, you voiced your thoughts and helped him take off his boxers, revealing his hard cock. He was thick and decently long, making your mouth water and your pussy clench.
Towering on top of you, he removed your panties that were embarrassingly damp at this point, and by his smirk, you knew he noticed.
Jaehyun bent your legs next to your torso, making you expose all of you. He licked his lips as he dove into your lower ones, muttering praises about your “pretty pussy”, turning you impossibly wet.
Jung Jaehyun never disappoints, you thought, because the moment you felt the first lap over your sensitive bud, you got a taste of heaven. He alternated between licking and sucking over the spot that turned you into putty against him. You were already unbearably turned on at this point, and the changing pace of his tongue made you lose your mind.
Your pants and moans only seemed to urge him on, and after a few minutes of his careful treatment you felt yourself getting close. He must have sensed it, because when you grabbed the bedpost in an effort to stop shaking, he stood on his knees, and reached for a condom in his wallet.
You didn’t have time to complain about the denial of your orgasm, and started taking Yuta’s shirt off, when he grabbed your hands and placed them back on their previous position on the headboard.
“Don’t”, he said sternly as he lined himself up your entrance, “I want to fuck you in his shirt”
There was no time to think about whether his request was healthy or not, because when you felt him stretch you out, the only thing on your mind was him and his dick.
You let out a deep moan and he took it as a sign to screw himself deeper inside you. Your pussy gushed uncontrollably, filling the room with the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin. You unlaced your fingers and ran them down his back, ghosting them over the dimples that had affected you so much.
Jaehyun lowered himself, letting his chest touch yours, and you could feel his abs contracting over the fabric of Yuta’s shirt.
“I bet he’s never eaten you out like that, yeah?”
“N-no, never, ahh”
He sat up again, putting your legs over his shoulders and lifted your butt off the mattress, gripping your hips to steady himself before continuing his incredible pace.
“You’re mine, aren’t you baby? Mine to give you everything.”
The position felt divine. He was hitting it incredibly deep, reaching the spot that had you moaning so loud you were thankful for the unbearably loud music of the party. You were sure his fingers would leave a mark over your hipbones but you didn’t care, the pain only accentuating the warm feeling in your belly.
“J-Jae don’t stop - fuck don’t stop I’m gonna cum”
He leaned over, grabbing your face that was contorting in pleasure.
“Look at me when you cum for me”, he demanded, and when you rolled your eyes behind your head, letting go, he let out his first moan for the night.
He kissed your lips sweetly, helping you ride out your high.
“You’re so beautiful, my baby. So, so beautiful”, he praised and you submitted fully to him. He turned your body around, positioning you in all fours, and you wondered where the gentle boy you met at Johnny’s house went. His dick buried in you once again, spreading your juices around and the sensitivity of your previous orgasm made you aware of every single inch.
“So fucking tight”
Jaehyun didn’t go easy on you. He saw how much you liked it, how you were pushing your ass against his cock. He pounded in and out of you with the intention of fucking your thoughts out, and that’s just what he did. When the feeling got too much, and making any sort of noise seemed like a feat, you felt him push your hair back, and start biting on your neck, most definitely leaving a mark.
“I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m gonna cum”, he muttered, his voice wavering and you felt him release in the condom inside you.
It took a while for the both of you to regain your breaths. Jaehyun’s chest was heaving up and down as you rest your head on top of it, not brave enough to break the silence.
“I’m sorry”, he finally said and started petting your hair lovingly.
“About what?”
The bed was foreign and small but you both stayed still, wanting to bask a little more in the peacefulness of the moment.
“About getting so possessive, and saying all these things out of jealousy. I acted just like him..”
You kissed his left peck, listening to his heart that was starting to beat in a faster pace.
“Jaehyun, you’re nothing like Yuta. I get how you felt, I feel the same way when I think about you with Naeun”
He took your hand that was resting on his abs and planted a kiss on your palm. Your heart did a flip and you were pressed so close together, he sure must have felt it.
“I should have told you about her sooner. About the fights and how I let her go because of you. I was in denial about my feelings for you because-“
He stopped mid sentence, wary of the way his words would come off to you. Jaehyun was a proud man, but he opened up his heart tonight, admitting he was in love with you. He had already exposed so much of himself that you gave him the time he needed to organize his thoughts.
“Because I was insecure. That you would never like someone like me. That Naeun was right. That you were only interested in playing pretend with me and didn’t mean any of the things you said, and I let myself get carried away in a lie”
You and Jaehyun were two lost souls, trying to break free from the constraints your insecurities built up for you. You didn’t have to succumb to your masochistic tendencies anymore, wasting your time in heartless lovers because now you found him and he found you. Both unable to see any value in themselves, but more that willing to treasure the other. And that was enough for you.
“I’d be honored to be loved by someone like you. Baby.”
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allyreactions · 3 years
NCT Headcanon | Dating Frat boy! Johnny
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MASTERLIST // requests : open
! please read my guidelines before requesting !
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♡ pairings ; frat boy! Johnny x gender neutral reader
♡ genre ; college au, 18+ (?)
♡ warnings ; mentions of alcohol and marijuana
♡ word count ; 0.9k+
║ A/N : I was kinda all over the place with this, so I hope you like it!
~ Admin Ally
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⇢ frat boy! Johnny is always up for a good time
⇢ dating Johnny is like a wild ride
⇢ there's never a dull moment
⇢ he two of you had met at a party, naturally
⇢ after officially moving into your apartment, you and your friends decided to check out campus
⇢ you all explored campus, checking out the club booths and the other organizations
⇢ you guys had come across a group of frat boys, promoting and informing new students on their "brotherhood"
⇢ one tall boy was handing out flyers
⇢ of course you were curious, so you walked over to see what he was handing out
⇢ "Hey! Come to the Nu Sigma Tau (NCT) party tonight!" the cute tall boy said as he handed you a flyer
⇢ as you accepted the flyer from him, you noticed that he winked at you
⇢ "I hope I'll see you there"
⇢ and so you did see him at that party
⇢ that night marked the beginning of your relationship with Johnny
⇢ and from then on, you're life would never be the same
⇢ Johnny would show you off to the other members in Nu Sigma Tau
⇢ he's the type to constantly brag about how he's so lucky to have you in his life
⇢ regardless of how cheesy and annoying it could be to others, he'll never shut up about you
⇢ Johnny would also take you on some wild dates
⇢ of course you have the normal dates that everyone goes on
⇢ movie dates, picnics in the park, trips to the art museum, and the occasional dinner at a fancy restaurant
⇢ however, your relationship with Johnny isn't "normal"
⇢ the two of you would frequent frat parties for dates, hitting up multiple parties a night to visit multiple friends of yours
⇢ and Johnny is always glued to you at these parties
⇢ he knows how handsy some of these drunk frat guys can get, so he takes every precaution he can to make sure you're safe
⇢ and if Johnny ever gets a sense that you're uncomfortable or that your social batter is low, he'll find a way for you two to sneak out
⇢ he's always considerate like that
⇢ sometimes your double dates would be bar crawls with your friends
⇢ although you can handle your liquor pretty well, sometimes you end up tripping over your feet
⇢ Johnny would laugh and poke fun at how silly and pathetic you look fumbling over your feet
⇢ but eventually he gives in and he ends up having to carry you home
⇢ sometimes you guys take a trip to the skate park
⇢ skateboarding is one of Johnny's favorite past times
⇢ you're not the best skateboarder, but that never stopped him from trying to help you learn
⇢ he'd hold your hands and you'd grip onto his forearms as you carefully stood on the slowly moving skateboard
⇢ Johnny was ecstatic when you were able to fully ride on your own
⇢ now you're no where close to scoring a kick flip, but nonetheless he was proud of you
⇢ and it meant that the both of you could ride comfortably together
⇢ sometimes on your more chill nights, you'd end up going to get some fast food at 2 am
⇢ Johnny will literally buy you whatever you want
⇢ you want cookies at 4am? he'll go get them.
⇢ this may or may not be due to the munchies that you've gotten from smoking at his place 🍃💨
⇢ you'll find an empty parking lot to sit in and eat your food
⇢ and... maybe hotbox for a bit afterwards
⇢ there's also the occasional study dates where you'd meet up at the library
⇢ Johnny would always bring the coffee and you would always bring some snacks to munch on
⇢ regardless of how dumb it looked to onlookers, Johnny wouldn't shy away from holding your hand across the table
⇢ other nights, you'll end up cuddling on the couch watching a little Netflix
⇢ and of course, those nights could go either way
⇢ either you'll end up passing out on the couch because you're so exhausted from classes that day
⇢ or the two of you will start making out and you'll end up ignoring about the movie
⇢ sometimes things get a little too steamy, and you forget that your boyfriend lives in a house with about 22 other guys
⇢ it's not abnormal for the other frat members to joke around with you over your "walk of shame" back to your apartment
⇢ you're face always seems to flush pink
⇢ Johnny never seems to mind the comments though, he knows the boys mean no harm
⇢ "don't listen to them babe ... they're just jealous cuz you're mine"
⇢ if you ever end up leaving something at his place, Johnny will always bring it to you
⇢ as it's just another excuse to see you again
⇢ needless to say, your relationship with Johnny is quite special
⇢ he's one of a kind
⇢ though you two can be polar opposites at times, it's undoubtable that you were made for each other
⇢ Johnny brings out your wild and spontaneous side, and you seem to bring out his warm and attentive side
⇢ you make each other better
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pangtasias-atelier · 3 years
The Summoner’s New Drug
This was originally conceived as a joke between me and tumbyrumblings except I kinda wrote a lot and kept going lol. Though I feel like I wrote a whole lotta nothing despite this being 4k words abjsbjbbs 
Please know that any inaccuracies is cause I meant it that way lmao. Story involves the obvious three characters at ridiculously large sizes
"They're brownies," Corrin softly chimes in from his seat in the corner, his downcast eyes focusing on his warm chamomile tea instead.
"And what exactly is so special about these…" Grima trails off with a grimace. A plate of freshly baked brownies held in Kiran's hands, Grima eyes them warily as if concocted to destroy him.
"We have nothing like that in Phoenicis," Tibarn stands behind Kiran. He inquisitively glances down at the baked goods. A quick sniff relays enough information on his lack of knowledge on the dessert. "Chocolate huh. Those Begnion pigs loved that stuff,"
"Unsurprisingly, Corrin's the only one to really know about this kind of stuff," Kiran gives a small sigh before going on to inform them. "They're brownies. A nice little gooey, fudgy, chocolaty sweet. And they're special because I baked them myself! Doubly so since they're pot brownies,"
Upon the sudden adjective, Grima and Tibarn both turn towards Corrin. "I've never heard of that word before," He curves his tail closer to himself, not exactly appreciating the attention.
"They've got weed in them," Kiran clarifies. With a lack of a reaction, he divulges further. "You smoke it to feel good but you can also use it in food?" All three of them simply stare at him with morbid curiosity, none of them understanding the summoner. He lets out an exaggerated sigh before placing down the tray of goods. Grabbing a notebook he roughly sketches out the plant.
"Ah, you mean bud," Tibarn is the first one to respond. "I didn't think you'd know of such a thing. I used to enjoy it from time to time with Ulki and Janaff growing up,”
"That's the devil's grass," Corrin adds, now eyeing the brownies warily.
Kiran holds back a small snicker. "Oh come now; this is nothing so morbid like that. It's perfectly harmless and it makes you feel pretty nice,"
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Familiar with it, only in a different form, Tibarn shrugs his shoulders without a care. Grabbing one of the brownies, he merely takes a simple sniff before heartily chomping into the delicacy. “Mmm, you’ve outdone yourself,” Tibarn takes another quick two bites to finish it, a content thumbs up thrown Kiran’s way. “Heh, don’t mind if I take another one, right?” His eyelids drooping, Tibarn doesn’t wait for a response; instead he grabs two at once, one in each hand. He lets out a small, breathy chuckle. He stares at his hands while he continues to munch, as if each digit contained limitless knowledge possessed by Ashunera.
"Who cares about a weed concoction? It is yet another pointless distraction meant to please you pathetic worms," Grima skulks about as ever. Unwilling to partake in merriment enjoyed by others, he keeps his arms crossed.
“I guess you’re right,” Kiran sighs. He turns his back towards Grima. “Alfonse did like these, so I should save some for him if you won’t eat any,” As he goes to walk towards the plate, Kiran already has a grin forming on his face while he waits for his plan to work.
“That pathetic princeling has no need or right of anything that is yours,” And work it does as Grima barrels past Kiran in a frantic rush to reach the brownies. Only wishing to deny someone else enjoyment, Grima angrily takes a bite of the brownie. Chocolate smears his lips. “Much less anything that is mine,,, ooh,” The sweet brownie dances on his tongue. A faint blush forming on his face, Grima’s shoulders lose their tension as they slack. “Perhaps I was mistaken. This weed thing is good,” Grima licks the chocolate smeared all over his teeth, desperate to not let a single gram go. “What was I even complaining about?” Grima’s eyes turn a bit red, the effect seemingly instantaneous.
“I think I’ll pass,” Corrin remains in his secure little corner; he continuously passes concerned glances at Tibarn and Grima.
“Oh come on. It’s not even bad for you,” Having already gotten two out of three, Kiran becomes pushy, pushing the drug onto Kiran. “They’ve only got a small amount” Standing over Corrin’s seated form, he towers over the petite dragon.
“I’m…” As Corrin mulls over on what to do, a voice suddenly pops into his head. ‘You know, my wife Nancy has a saying. Tell ‘em Nancy!’ Corrin’s mind is perfectly silent for a fraction of a second as it waits for another voice to join in. ‘Just say no!’ Corrin stares at the brownie in Kiran’s hand, his willpower marginally renewed from the voices of ghosts not from his world.
Seeing Corrin push back, Kiran pipes up more. “Everyone else is doing it. Just be cool about it,” Holding the brownie right in front of Corrin’s face, Kiran keeps a neutral expression. “Just try it,”
“Fine,” He brushes a bit of his hair to the side as he responds. Corrin trepidatiously accepts the brownie from Kiran, as if it were going to explode in his hand. His stomach churns and toils. He takes a few deep breaths to psyche himself up. Lifting the confection to his mouth, he takes a lil nibble of it. He nods his head in agreement, his body gently swaying to the side in clear enjoyment of it. “This is actually good,” He still takes small nibbles of it but each consecutive bite is always a bit larger than the last. A puff of air comes out his nose in a definite sign of contentment. By the time he finishes his first brownie, he grabs another one to peck at. He makes himself comfortable as he lies down on the couch. He stares at the plain empty ceiling. His mind relaxing, a myriad of shapes and colors that he never knew existed bounce around on the ceiling.
“You guys hungry?” Asking as innocuous as he can be, Kiran already knows the answer to his own question. “You boys wait right here, I’ll be right back with some snacks,” A chorus of hmms sound out as he saunters out the room. Kiran grabs the already prepared cart of food placed right beside the door. Waiting a few minutes, afraid to perhaps come off as too prepared and give something away, he comes right back inside after his self imposed time is up. “I figured you might be a bit peckish, so I got some snacks for you all,” Grima TIbarn and Corrin alike are all too faded to give much of a response besides another round of humms. Kiran doles out snacks to them, the three hungry men snacking away.
His plan on introducing the drug working exactly as planned, Kiran goes onto phase two. Not planning to crack down on them with unjust and pointless laws meant to harm minorities and benefit those in power, the second part of his plan is fundamentally the exact same as the first part; introduce more and more of the drug and let things take their natural course. As natural as the course can be with him being in charge of it all now.
All three perfectly chill and calm ever since having their first taste of weed in Askr, as befitting the effects of marijuana, they all feel another much more important side effect. Well, important to Kiran. The munchies. Addicted to it, all of them are constantly doped up on dope. They simply laze about throughout the entirety of their day, their days now filled with weed and food. Completely lacking awareness from being high all the time, they easily allow it. The pot brownie the gateway drug into other variants, Kiran introduces them to gummies, weed beverages, before even having most of their food contain it once their bodies build up enough of a resistance to it. Marijuana ice cream, weed milk, weed infused lobster, weed mac n cheese, weed gravy, anything and everything, upon hearing it contains weed, Grima Tibarn and Corrin clammer to try it. The more weed in their system, the fiercer the growing pit in their stomach demands food, the munchies taking a tighter grip on their bodies.
Their trim bodies gain an inkling of a pot belly, a trim sliver of pudge forming on the lowest part of their abdomen. That promptly thickens with a bit more time, said sliver of pudge blossoming into a full fledged gut, their arms gaining a bit of circumference all around as do their legs, their appendages getting a bit closer and compressed to their chunky middle. Over time, their usual outfits grow snug in places never before; shirts tighten around their swelling middles, pants constrict their jiggly thighs, and sleeves compress their flabby arms. Too faded to care, their addled brained minds preferring to fixate on satiating their cravings, they simply adorn their tight clothes even as those seem more akin to rags as their burgeoning bodies outgrow them near completely. They lack a single concern in the world with Kiran providing them all the weed and food they could want. Lazing and grazing about their only objective each day, all three’s activity spike down to near nonexistence. The only activity they get is shifting around a few times a day and the semi occasional walk to another location to space out and enjoy their environment, like the castle’s gardens or the lake. But even that minimal effort of movement begins to die down over time, their widening waistlines proving too taxing to bother themselves.
Moving past fat to obesity, Tibarn’s upper figure is the most prominent part of himself. A veritable gut rolls down his tree trunk thighs. The lowest roll of flab nearly reaches all the way down to his swollen calves. Each ponderous step Tibarn takes, the few that he has to, causes the great flabby beast to sway to and fro before undulating from the deep, heavy breaths he takes afterwards from the exertion. His defined pecs look like they never existed on his figure, two pendulous sagging breasts plunging to the side of his mountain of a gut. His arms are wider than the average heroe’s thighs, the doughy sagging arms constantly at an angle from the upper rolls of his torso. His once angular face lacks any sort of severity to it, Tibarn’s now cherubic face taken up by his puffed out cheeks and multiple squished together necks. His ass respectable in its own rights, the shapeless mounds for an ass sag down.
“About..” TIbarn takes a moment to catch his breath, his cheeks puffing out. “time,” Seated on a couch, Tibarn’s immensity takes up the entirety of it, his girthy love handles oozing out onto the armrests. Not a single space left on the seating, his gut rolls off of it and his thighs. The couch sags at the center from his crushing weight.
“Can’t keep you waiting for too long, big guy,” Kiran places a hand on Tibarn’s sprawling gut before rubbing slow circles on it, the immensity of his flab caving in from the slight pressure. “Brought you your favorites,” Handing him a tray consisting of meat, meat, and some more meat, Kiran places it on the titanic shelf of his chest. Kiran also hands him weed gushers. He pats Tibarn’s gut, the mass of fat wobbling in return. Tibarn promptly digs in as soon as his overly laden arms reach the plate of food.
Heading towards Corrin, the once constantly worried dragon is much more relaxed and chilled out. Used to some manners, he continues to sit at the now comparatively tiny table in the room. His body filled out everywhere, his plush rotund body bulges out with fat all over. One chair can no longer withstand his crushing weight, so now he sits on an entire three, the sides of his ass spilling off the sides of them. The inner rivets of his thighs curve inward from the fat piled onto them only for his great gut to smother the entirety of them under its weight. His flab digs into the table, his plush fat seeping above and below it despite it not being as massive as Tibarn’s. His breasts somehow retain a sense of form to them, his juicy, plump chest resting atop his gut.
“How’re you doing?” Kiran comes up from behind, placing a gentle hand on Kiran’s should as he walks around his obese form. “Hungry or anything?”
“I’m fine,” Corrin lets out a small sigh, his fat face giving a contented smile. His nose perks as the wafts of what Kiran is carrying reaches his nostrils. More weed arriving, Corrin’s gut involuntarily grumbles, a deep cavernous rumble shaking his entire body. “Actually,” Corrin pauses, embarrassed to admit his needs.
“I got you covered,” Kiran ruffles the top of Corrin’s hair. He places a plate atop his buxom chest. A spread of food, all of them contain fair amounts of weed. Knowing Corrin will wait a few seconds before stuffing himself, Corrin goes to check on Grima.
The fat fell dragon sitting on a mattress, the cushion offers no real purpose besides customary, Grima’s massive ass oozing off the edges of it. His titanic door crushing thighs remain plastered onto the mattress. The wide, gargantuan appendages spread over the entirety of the mattress. His gut nowhere near as exaggeratedly big as his lower half, the doughy mass of fat rests comfortably atop his thighs. His generous chest lurches forward down onto his heaping stomach, his line of neck rolls and chins resting above said chest. His fat addled arms are at a constant angle from the jutting fat from both his torso and his arms. “And why am,” Grima lets out a groan to catch his breath. “I last?”
Kiran wasting no time waiting, he steps to the side of Grima with a plate ready as well. “Cause I knew you could hold on a bit longer for me. And besides, I'm here right now aren't I?” Kiran places a plate full of nothing but sweets. Each confection is chock full of cannabutter, exactly to Grima’s liking.
Stepping back, he takes an appreciative look of all three’s bloated bodies. Not quite yet immobile, their bodies holding out a bit longer than expected, Kiran’s brain whits as he imagines their obese figures even bigger, said image only a matter of time.
The time coming very quickly, it doesn’t take much longer for the three of them to find themselves unable to get up. Unconcerned from before when moving was already taxing, they display the exact same lack of concern on the same day they can’t get up. And still, they continue to eat and grow. What is once the beginning somewhat resemblant of a body immobility eventually turns into shapeless immobile blobs. Clothes go completely forgone, the amount of fabric needed to cover a single mountain of a gut astronomical. Furniture gets swallowed under their lard, mattresses and couches alike unable to withstand and withhold copious amounts of flab. Space diminishes. With not one. not two, but three pathetically food addicted and weed addicted men, their ever flowing flab presses up against not only itself but against each other with only so much space in the room to go around. So much fat swaddling their entire forms, legs and arms become useless, the appendages becoming buried in a sea of flab. All too eager to keep on eating, the bulging walls are of absolutely no concern when their fat builds and pushes against all four corners of the room. Flab busting down a wall and seeping out in desperation of more room only earns a sigh of relief from them with more breathing room. The ever increasing rolls making up a chin eventually seem to meld together. A tire of fat forms around their fat faces. A handful of heaping rolls lining their stomach become two handfuls into even more, more and more fat piling on top of their corpulent frames. Where once a room was sufficient to house all three immobile piles of lard, soon it becomes a room plus a hallway. Then it turns into multiple rooms before half an entire wing is necessary. Eventually, they take up the entirety of said wing only to require even more space with their ever constantly fattening forms. Soon, the entirety of Askr castle becomes uninhabitable with the looming threat of the three blobs burying the castle under a cascading blanket of lard.
Askr castle now entirely devoid of any sign of people besides three blobs, the only sound one can hear is the churning of overtaxed machines as they perform their best to keep feeding their users. One machine per person is no longer sufficient, each of them requiring two to sate their black hole of a stomach. In what is presumably the throne room, a location Kiran can only guess from how big his heroes’ have gotten, what with any and all furniture destroyed and smothered by their fat, Grima’s big bloated body greedily guzzles away at his liquid food. His hands and legs are equally smothered under titanic fat rolls. His pale blubbery legs have absolutely no definition or shape to them, the oozing oceanic thighs splaying out on both sides around him. A sea of rolls making them up, each thigh alone rivals the size of an average room. So much fat stacked on top of fat, they even give Grima some height to his billowing, massively wide frame. Not that it means much when he’s over six times as wide as he is tall. His ass melding into his thighs, there is no distinction on where exactly they separate from his thighs. The back wall of the throne room bulges outward from the substantial weight pressing onto it. The side wall is already destroyed from his thighs. His stomach able to house, well a house, the big lake of fat comfortably slots itself in between and atop his thighs. His breasts divot down to the sides of his gut, each of them alone larger than an actual person. Tibarn visible in Kiran’s peripheral vision, at least one of the three immobile blobs visible even when far away from the castle, it takes Kiran a whole 50 meters to walk from the center of Grima’s body to Tibarn’s center.. Tibarn the unfortunate one to be stuck in the middle of the three, he took the role with gusto. Unwilling to let himself be outdone, his body gushes outward onto Grima’s and Corrin’s. So immensely fat, three tubes are stuck inside his mouth at all times, his fat cheeks cascading down onto his shoulders. A multitude of chins stacked on top of each other, the rings of fat sag all the way down to where his plunging chest is. Each breast so massively bloated with fat, his great big tits reach far down his stomach. A great feat considering Tibarn’s stomach alone could fill up a library twice over. So many rolls riddling his stomach, they all blend and mix in with his overtaxed thighs and ass, Tibarn’s body hard to tell where each part ends and another starts. His thighs mostly smothered by his absolutely mountainous stomach the appendage somehow manage to look comparatively small despite their overwhelmingly large size. Kiran walks another 55 meters to reach Corrin’s gut. Corrin the runt of the three, his body still puts a pack of elephants to shame. His body once holding out on keeping a semblance of a figure, now he is nothing but a bunch of fat laden rolls of a blob. His arms completely useless, the two rotund cylindrical columns of fat splay out to the sides of his engorged body. His back fat and neck rolls encroach his face, a bit of his hair obstructed by the growing mass of fat. On the right, most of his body takes up the entirety of a single wing where they first got addicted to weed. So massively big that he alone takes it up, Corrin’s gut and thighs are equally impressive. Able to cover far more than a dozen mattresses, his tonnage goes where it pleases, overtaking the few furniture not crushed under one of the three’s weight.
Returning from his own world, Kiran sighs with pleasure. Buying out an entire store, he holds a mere fraction of his pull. “I brought some more weed for you all,” He speaks into a small mic, the three unable to hear him from the gushing sounds of their guzzling without a speaker placed by their sinking faces of fat. The mere mention of the drug gets all of them going, the poor machines whirring even harder as they greedily suck on their slop of feeding tubes. “This is the life,” Kiran smiles to himself with a few stretches to prepare himself for the taxing climb of three mountains of fat.
Later in the day
“Kiran, don’t tell me you gave them even more of this weed thing to them?” Pacing back and forth in his new room in some other smaller, remote castle, Alfonse exasperatedly sighs as he slumps back in his chair.
“I went to check on them. See how bad the weed has been affecting them. Which is why people shouldn’t be taking drugs,”
Alfonse’s eyes shoot wide open from Kiran’s lecturing tone. “Y-you gave it to them! And you keep giving it to them! There is absolutely no lesson to be had here. No moral. No aesop. Nothing. Besides!” Alfonse points an accusatory finger at Kiran, staring up at them even as Alfonse goes to stand up. “There is no way such a drug normally exists. You had to have enchanted it,”
“And what about it?” Kiran noncommittal shrugs. He goes to sit in his chair, far too pleased with himself even as Alfonse berates him.
“Th-then!” Alfonse momentarily stops. His brain wracks itself as it tries to figure out what to say now, not expecting Kiran to purposefully admit being at fault. “Then stop acting like you’re innocent! You gave some to Kaden and Keaton and now this castle is soon to be overtaken by two blobs! They fill up the entire west wing now. Kaden’s chest is so huge that they could crush a wagon! And Keaton’s stomach could crush three of them! And if you’re admitting to being at fault then you need to fix this right this instant!” His entire chest heaves as he finishes his impassioned beratement. He finds himself standing right in front of the seated Kiran who only has a far too amused grin on his face.
“You’re wrong about that,”
“Huh? About what?” Alfonse’s eyes keep steady as they glare at the summoner.
“It’s not going to be two blobs,” Kiran stands up. He stares down at Alfonse, right in front of him. His steely eyes grin down at the confused prince, Alfonse’s body suddenly yelling at him to run only for his feet to remain plastered to the ground. Kiran whips Alfonse around, pressing him against himself. Producing a brownie out of nowhere he tauntingly holds it in front of Alfonse. “It’s going to be three,” He whispers in Alfonse’s ear. A single bead of sweat rolls down the side of his head as his arms and legs thrash about. His struggling slowly dies down the instant the brownie reaches the inside of his mouth, Kiran holding his hand against Alfonse’s lips. Feeling Alfonse’s body begin to slack, Kiran slowly lets him go.
“Ugh I…” With lidded eyes, Alfonse looks at his hands. “I feel so chill,” A little burst of giggling ensues as he drapes himself onto the couch. His flat stomach lets out a small little grumble. “I feel kind of hungry,” Grumbling to himself, he gently holds his stomach in hopes of soothing the pain.
“Here, I have some snacks for you,” An angelic smile now adorning his face, Kiran caresses Alfonse’s hair as he hands him some snacks. “I’ll go get you some more just in case too,” Walking off, Kiran goes to bring him the entirety of the kitchen’s stock.
Alfonse succumbing to the same fate as the others, Kiran has him working overtime in order to catch up. Stuffed to the brim with food all hours of the day, that is nothing compared to the copious amounts of weed he feeds him every half hour. So aggravatingly hungry, it takes only a few weeks for Alfonse to find himself immobilised by his crushing weight. Unaware of ever being angry from the use of weed, he can barely find himself begging for more of it before Kiran supplies it to him alongside another feast or two or three. His fat body is as plain as his once thin body; fat simply cakes itself onto it all over. No exact body part is a standout from the rest even as his body fills the entirety of his room only to take up a whole wing by itself, a sea of fat spreading all around with only Kiran able to tell that the body belongs to Askr’s prince. Making sure to give him a rough time, it all works out for Kiran as Alfonse soon grows to be fatter than Kaden and Keaton combined, the poor kitsune and wolfskin each taking up only a quarter of the smaller castle compared to Alfonse’s three fourths.
Kiran rests on top of Alfonse’s numerous chins, the cascading folds sufficiently enough for him to comfortably rest. He sighs contentedly as the whirs of three feeding machines fill his ears, Alfonse requiring two now. “Pretty soon you’ll need even more, fat ass,” Chuckling to himself Kiran grins from ear to ear. A good portion of Alfonse’s fat taking up his vision, Kaden’s and Keaton’s crushing weight take up another significant portion, the two of them needing one feeding machine. But it’s the sight in the far background that brings him the most joy. Off in the distance, the distinct sight of three blobs looms over the landscape. Askr castle entirely now no more, the great structure would be unable to contain a single one of them, much less three. A mountain itself an apt comparison to each of their bloated figures, Kiran simply grins himself as he thinks about his visit to them tomorrow, a great climb comparable to Mount Everest only done thrice in one day awaiting him. Though he considers it more than worth it, wondering just how big they can further grow, all of them happy to do so.
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day Daddy
Warnings: none! A/N: This is my valentine’s day entry for @cherrymaybank ! Back to back posts about Charlie, Riley and little Emerson! We do talk about the potential to having another one in the family, but I’m not sure if we like the trio as it is... do you guys want to see Dad!Charlie with a new born and an 8 year old daughter? Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life.
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
Happy Valentine’s Day Daddy
Riley emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet, Charlie rushing into their ensuite to help hold her hair back. He soothed her back and got her a glass of water from the sink. They had gone to the clinic yesterday to confirm whether or not she was pregnant, since she had been nauseous and throwing up a lot lately. The drug store pregnancy tests were negative, but then again the same thing happened when Riley was pregnant with Emerson. She was normally irregular and active, but grew up with the doctors always saying she would have fertility problems. Emerson came to her as a shock.
“Mommy?” they heard their little girl call out from the hallway, and Charlie got up to intervene before she saw her mother.
“Hey Princess, bad dream?” Charlie scooped Emerson up from the hallway, feeling her heaviness set in. Emerson was 7 and soon to be 8, but Charlie wouldn’t pass the opportunity to pick her up. He didn’t want her growing up too fast, although mentally that ship had sailed.
“No, I had a weird one” she hugged his back and laid her head on his shoulder. “Can we have a midnight snack Daddy?” that’s when Charlie noticed the clock in the hallway read 1:13AM. He contemplated it for a moment, thinking about how Riley wouldn’t approve, but she wasn’t there to stop him and she would appreciate him distracting Emerson.
“Sure, you get the cookies and milk. I’ll be down to help with plates and stuff.” he set her down and kissed her on the head. Emerson looked up inquisitively at him and then back at their open bedroom door. Charlie noticed, and turned her around, gently pushing her towards the kitchen. “Mommy’s fine, just a tiny upset stomach. I’m gonna go make sure she’s good, so don’t eat all the cookies without me” 
This made the little girl giggle as she made her way to the kitchen. Charlie went back to check on Riley, who had her back to the wall adjacent to the toilet. She looked better, less pale, but still exhausted. “You want me to help you up?”
“No, I think I’ve got another round coming in a moment or two. Emerson okay?” Charlie nodded, taking the glass from her hand and refilling it. “Let me guess. Another round of Gillespie’s Midnight Munchies?”
“What can I say? She’s super persuasive” He passed her the glass and she scoffed before taking another drink. “She’s got me wrapped around her fingers”
“Well then don’t let me stop you! You’re princess awaits!” She made a flamboyant gesture of hands referencing her daughter, grateful for her acceptance of Charlie in her life. Riley had to admit that it was helpful to have Charlie around! 
Since the wedding, Riley had made the decision to homeschool Emerson. It meant that she could play with kids in the neighbourhood, but do schoolwork at her pace. Riley was able to work a lot more from home and with Charlie’s acting hours, it meant that he could be home a lot more too. She was often in charge of setting up Emerson’s curriculum, but it helped to have Charlie around. She knew Emerson was learning because she would hear her daughter teaching Charlie the concepts that she went through that day when he would get her ready for bed. Emerson often expressed that she liked doing this more than what they had been doing before. Occasionally, she would go to a daycare program when both of them were busy, but Charlie often brought her to set when he could.
Riley smiles fondly the first time Charlie brought her to set on a project he was working on. She snapped a picture as they walked through the door, Emerson wearing a pretty dress, Charlie in his comfy clothes and a pink backpack that was way too small hung over his shoulder. They walked hand in hand to the car and waved goodbye to her. The time that the two spent together did include a lot of shenanigans and sometimes being outnumbered or out voted, but Charlie never let it get out of hand.
Emerson’s lip quivered as her mother shook her head no. She wanted ice cream, but Riley had refused because of the cotton candy she ate earlier. Emerson didn’t take a nap and woke up early, and more sugar would mean a bigger problem later that day. Not wanting to take no for an answer, Emerson asked Charlie, who also agreed that she should forego the ice cream. 
That was the straw that broke Emerson’s back.
Riley had never seen Emerson tantrum so bad before, especially since her toddler was known to be very mature. She was used to her daughter clamming up and refusing to talk to her until she was ready, but that day was a completely different experience. Here she was screaming and crying, insisting she deserved ice cream.
Charlie sensed Riley’s flusteredness and tried to calm Emerson down. When she screamed and cried louder, she flailed her arms about, hitting Riley and Charlie. That’s when his usual sparkle and mischief that was normally present in his eyes disappeared.
“Emerson Gianna Gillespie. That’s enough.” Emerson was in shock at the tone of his voice. He didn’t yell, but he wasn’t quiet either. She could see that his eyes meant business, and he had never used her real name. She sunk to the ground in a last attempt at defiance. “Please stand up, or we are going home.” Emerson refused to stand. Charlie motioned for Riley to pack up their stuff quickly, as he picked up Emerson and brought her to the car. He didn’t say a single word, even as Emerson started to cry softly on their way to the car. She had started to realize the errors of her actions and felt awful.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a bad girl” she sniffed as Charlie buckled her into her booster seat. “Can we still get McDonalds?” she wiped away a few more tears as Riley got into the passenger side. Before she could reply, Charlie quickly answered the little girl.
“We are going home. We will talk about this when we get home” and with that he shut the door, and they drove home in silence. Emerson walked over to her time out corner in the house, a place where she rarely sat, but knew it was meant for her to reflect upon her actions. Emerson didn’t know that Charlie felt awful about being stone cold to her and was upstairs whisper venting to Riley, who patiently sat and listened. 
They made up over dinner that night and this was the first time that Emerson saw Charlie acting like a Daddy and not like a Charlie.
“Take all the time you need. I got Emmy” he kissed her head and went to join his little one at the kitchen island. As directed, the jar of cookies was on the counter, along with the jug of milk. She sat on the stood and swung her legs back and forth singing a song, waiting patiently for him. “Ready for some late night snicky snacks?”
“Mommy okay?” the little girl sat there waiting patiently but worrying about her mom. Charlie grabbed two dessert plates and two glasses for the milk and cookies. Charlie nodded and dished them up some cookies and poured the milk into the glasses, humming to himself. They clinked their glasses together and enjoyed their food in silence, only the sounds of the cookies crunching.
“Are you going to tell me about the weird dream you had?” he asked, a few crumbs spilling from his mouth. He wiped the corner of Emerson’s mouth with his thumb and took a sip of his milk.
“I had a dream that I had a baby brother” Charlie spat out his milk and choked, coughing at her comment. Emerson patted the man on the back, something she often saw adults do to other adults when they choked and something her parents did for her. “Isn’t that why mommy has an upset stomach?”
“Who told you that?” Charlie wiped his mouth and the counter of his mess, moving to dispose of the paper towel in the kitchen garbage. Emerson quietly munched on her cookie and took a drink of milk. “It was Uncle Owen wasn’t it?” she nodded, knowing that speaking with a full mouth was rude. Charlie made a mental note to chastise Owen later. Emerson was smart and perceptive but she was still a kid and who knows what the giant told her in his panic. Charlie gave her another cookie.
“Is this meant to keep me quiet? Uncle Owen did that last time. He said adults like to bribe children with things so they behave and don’t expose them. Didn’t anyone tell Uncle Owen that he’s not supposed to keep secrets or lie?” The little girl greatly accepted the cookie from Charlie and took a big bite, sipping on some more milk to help wash it down.
“No, it’s not a bribe. I’m giving you another cookie because you’re so tiny! I have to fatten you up if I’m going to bake you into a pie!” he joked as he tickled the girl. She laughed and dropped her cookie as Charlie attacked her sides and blew raspberries into her neck.
Even though Riley was 5”2 and her mother was short, Emerson seemed a little too much on the tiny side. She was still the height of your average six year old but she was thin and weighed very little despite the amount of food she ate. Her pediatricians worried that she wasn’t growing as healthily as the other children, but found no problems or illnesses within her. She was simply a late bloomer. It didn’t help that she was twice as smart as kids her age either, but Charlie made sure she knew that was something to be proud of. Both parents always told her that real friends would like her despite her differences and that being like the other kids is boring. 
“Seems like you two are doing fine without me!” the two froze in their act as they realized that Riley had walked into the kitchen. She smiled and grabbed the cookie off Charlie’s plate, sipping on his milk.
“Yup. Definitely pregnant. I guess I am getting a younger brother” Riley’s eyes were as wide as saucers and Charlie rolled his. She looked to Charlie for answers.
“Daddy? I think I’m ready to go back to bed” Emerson rubbed her eyes and hopped off the chair. Her mother smiled and gave her little girl a big hug, she couldn’t believe that Emerson would soon be 8.
“You and mommy go upstairs. I’ll clean up down here” Charlie gave both of his girls a kiss on the head before they retreated to Emerson’s bedroom. He began to pick up the plates and wipe the counter down, not bothering to wash the plates. He was supposed to be cooking breakfast for everyone in the morning, so he thought to wash their dishes then, but seeing as they were up so late, breakfast might be brunch. Just as he was putting away the milk and cookie jar, he heard soft footsteps rush into the kitchen. When he closed the door, he saw no one except a little red present box on the counter.
To Daddy
From Emmy
He smiled and carried the tiny box over to the bedroom. Riley was just tucking Emerson in, when he popped his head into the bedroom and shook the box. Emerson blushed and hid under the covers and Riley turned around seeing the box that Charlie shook.
“Is that where you went? I thought you were going pee!” her mother prodded, poking her daughter who was trying to hide. “Why are you hiding Emmy? There’s no need to be shy about it!”
“Did you know about this?” Riley shook her head no and peeled the blanket off her daughter. She hid her face in her hands, blushing a deep pink. “Emmy, come on, I wanna share this moment with you!” Charlie sat down at the foot of the bed and Riley sat beside her. Emerson lowered her hands from her face.
“Uncle Owen helped me with this when he babysat me last week” she smiled, avoiding eye contact. Charlie opened the box and instantly felt his heart grow big. Seeing his reaction, Riley peered into the box and understood the man’s reaction.
In the tiny red box lay a plastic guitar pick which had a picture from their wedding printed on it. It was a photo of the three of them, a stolen shot, between professional takes that encaptured their family’s dynamic. They were all smiling and laughing. It was Charlie’s favorite picture and it was his phone background. At the top of the pic was a tiny hole that connected it to a chain that he could wear around his neck.
“I haven’t been to daycare in a while, so I missed the Valentine’s day crafts. I’m going to a tea party with Aunty Savannah and mommy for Valentine’s day, but I didn’t have anything for you” Charlie opened his arms and beckoned for the little girl to crawl into his lap and hug him back. He rested his chin on her head and sniffed back the tears that had formed. “Did you read the back?” he pulled away and flipped the pick around.
Happy Valentine’s Day Daddy!
“Gosh Emmy, you are just so smart” he pulled the little girl in for another hug, a tear escaping his eye and he kissed her head again. “You didn’t have to do this Princess!”
“It’s my first Valentine’s day with a Daddy. Every year, the girls at the daycare got to have a Valentine’s day date with their Dads and would make them stuff at craft time. This is the first year I get to do it, so I wanted it to be special” she smiled up at him, happy that he liked the gift.
“I love it Emmy. I’ll never take it off” he placed it around his neck and fiddled with it again. Charlie really meant that he never wanted to take it off. Everything precious to him was represented on that pick. He made a mental note to thank Owen and probably not chastise him as bad as he wanted to before.
“Does that mean I get to spend Valentine’s day with the both of you?” Charlie and Riley shared a confused look, wondering where the question came from. Sensing their confusion, Emerson clarified her question. “Uncle Owen said that on Valentine’s day, you guys were going to play hide the zucchini, so he’d probably babysit me again. I thought it sounded like fun”
Cancel that. Charlie was definitely going to kill Owen.
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haikyuu-sins · 3 years
I've been reading your work for days and i cant get enough of it!♥♥ is it possible to get a scenario of la and his crew at an island to fill up and either penguin or shachi are able to get their hands on some weed and sneak it past law, take it on board to smoke it but it ends up spreading and everyone except law has gotten high? law has to fix his high af crew while he's so pissed and wanting to slice and dice whoever was the idiot to bring weed on board? 😂😂 would he find out? 😂😂🤣
this is weed anon here, i couldn't fit it in that ask because of character limit, but thank you so much for providing us with really good content and i really appreciate it!♥♥ 🥰 (2/2)
You’re so very precious! I say this nearly every time but I really am glad that you enjoy my content I create! It means so much to me that people do and when I get messages that say stuff like that, it never fails to put a smile on my face :) (also part of me wants to think that Law might want to be part of this little weed party, but he’s the captain and he’s gotta put his foot down sometimes and blah blah blah. But he might keep some for himself when he’s feeling particularly stressed ;) (I’m also aware that this is not exactly how a contact high works, but for the sake of the story, it does)
Warnings: Smoking the weed
Shachi and Penguin looked especially...suspicious today when everyone was out on their town. You walked over to them as they huddled close to each other.
“Whatcha got there?” you tried to peek to see what was in Penguin’s hands. The two of them nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard your voice behind them.
“Nothing!” Penguin nearly shouted out, making him look even more guilty than he already did.  
“That doesn’t sound like nothing.” you coo, smirking while you try to reach behind him to grab whatever it is he’s hiding from you. You’re able to snatch it from his grasp and you gasp softly. “Penguin...Is...Is that a weed?”
He’s quick to grab it back and stuff it in his pocket. “Shhhh!” His hand goes over your mouth to keep you from saying anymore. “You’re being so loud!” he whisper yells at you. “You can’t tell Captain we have this, got it?” Slowly he takes his hand away after you nod.
“But what’s in it for me? Do I get to take part?” you raise your brow at him.
Penguin looks to his crewmate Shachi and he nods once. “Alright. You’re in. Meet us in our cabins tonight okay?”
“Gotcha! My lips are sealed.” you make a motion like you’re locking your lips with a key and put it in your pocket.
Later that night, you met the two of them in their room. You opened the door to see Penguin on his knees in front of his bed. He looked like he was concentrating quite hard as he rolled the joint carefully, his tongue sticking out while he did so. Shachi had a lighter in his hand and you brought some things to snack on. You held the munchies up, along with some waters.
“We should probably stay in here for as long as we can. I don’t want to be walking around the submarine while we’re high as a kite.” you chuckled and set the food down.
“Yeah, I don’t want Captain finding out...He’ll give us boiler room duty if he catches us…”
The thought of being down in the hottest room in the sub made you cringe. It was hell down there being in the long sleeved uniform you all wore, so you grabbed a blanket from one of their beds and stuffed it under the door to hopefully keep the smoke in the room. “Do either of you have any sort of air freshener that you could spray?”
Shachi held up a container. “Already one step ahead of you!”
By this time, Penguin was done rolling the blunt and he stood up from the bed. “Finished!” he proudly showed off his decently rolled joint and Shachi gave him the light.
“You can do the honor.” he said as he watched his friend light it and inhale. He tried his best not to let the cough that he was holding in, out but it wasn’t long before the puff of smoke was coughed out.
You and Shachi laughed as he passed the joint along. It didn’t take more than fifteen minutes for it to be completely gone. But in those fifteen minutes, it didn’t occur to any of you that the vents in the submarine were all connected to each other and the smell would be traveling all throughout and giving nearly the entire crew a contact high.
The three of you sat in the guy’s room, munching on the snacks that you had brought earlier after you had sprayed the room thoroughly at an attempt to mask the overwhelming weed scent.
It didn’t take long for the smell to get to Law who, as soon as he smelled it, knew exactly who it was. This wasn’t Shachi and Penguin’s first offense when it came to smoking weed in the submarine. He pushed back from his desk he was sitting at and with a sigh, got up.
Law went to check around, not wanting to immediately put the blame on those two even if he knew it was them. But what he found was nearly everyone who had been in their rooms with red eyes and food spread out around them. Pretty much the whole crew was high, including Bepo who was muttering ‘Sorry... sorry…Captain…’ to himself in his sleep. While he did smell weed in the rooms, it wasn’t as potent as it would be in the whoever’s room it would actually be in. 
So off he went to Penguin and Shachi’s room where when he tried to open the door, the blanket that you had shoved haphazardly under it was in the way. Law heard scrambling on the other side, chip bags getting crinkled and water bottles falling on the floor. He sighed loudly, and when he was about to Room himself in there, you kicked the blanket out of the way with your foot and opened the door while leaning against the frame.
“Hey there Captain!” you tried to sound as normal as possible, hoping that the words you were saying weren’t coming out slower than you thought. As soon as you had opened the door, the smell was so overwhelming that he nearly winced. He didn’t expect you to be one of the perpetrators. “So you’re probably wondering what that smell is and don’t worry! Uh, Shachi just wanted me to smell this new cologne that he got and wanted an opinion on it!”  
Law sighed again, blinking slowly as he looked to the side to see the bottle sitting on the nightstand. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s Febreeze.”
The room was so silent that he would hear you swallow. Law held out his hand, “Give me what’s left. I obviously can’t trust you with having it on the submarine after I told you not to do it here.”
Penguin slowly sauntered over to his captain and handed him a bag that definitely wasn’t what he asked for. 
“Penguin I don’t want your chips. Give me the weed.” 
The three of you tried to contain your laughter but you could help but let it out. 
“One week of boiler room duty. All of you.” Without another word, Law grabbed the baggie of weed that was on the table and he left the room. But it was like you didn’t even hear him because of how hard you all were laughing. After a few minutes of trying to catching your breath, what he said finally registered and it clicked. 
“Wait...did he say boiler room duty?” 
What Law wouldn’t mention is the fact the he’d be keeping that little baggie for himself.
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sweetindigosky · 4 years
The Survey Corps. at a Party
Yee yee, I’ve seen a lot of Tiktoks like this, but I’m too chicken to make my own, so I’m throwing it on here. Hope you like!
Eren: vibing. Having a good time, jamming out to bops, absolutely kills the dance floor whenever a Nicki Minaj song comes on; he’s totally a Barb, admit it. Doesn’t drink a ton, but enough to get decently tipsy. He’ll try to flirt with girls, but Mikasa’s glare scares them all away. Will encourage drinking games and karaoke. I headcanon that he actually doesn’t have a bad voice, so everyone is pleasantly surprised when they hear him.
Armin: He is just chillin.  He looks after everyones’ drinks and is definitely the designated driver, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he got pressured into getting zooted with Connie and Jean. He tries to talk down Eren and Jean before they get to fighting, as usual, but halfway through the night, he just gives up. Armin probably tries to encourage Mikasa to dance, but she ain’t havin none of that. Way too afraid to participate in karaoke, even though he has a great singing voice.
Mikasa: Spends most of her time watching Eren and watching his drink when he puts it down. Actually gets pretty tipsy rather easily, but is a master at hiding it. Armin will probably drag her into party games...which she promptly wins and everyone thinks she’s cheating. Will also look after the other girls drinks, but super subtly; would be ready to break an arm if she saw some bullshit. Also ready to break necks if she feels too many people are flirting with Eren, one death glare from her is enough to sufficiently cockblock them. 
Sasha: Let’s be honest, probably only came for the food. She will vibe with Connie and Jean, making stupid jokes and messing around. Does those Tiktok dance routines unironically with Connie and Jean probably records it. She definitely is a stoner, gets zooted with Connie, which, of course, leads to munchies and more food being devoured. Sasha probably makes song requests and won’t stop until that song is played( the song is probably the Cupid shuffle lol). 
Connie: Again, hangs out with Sasha and Jean the whole time. Connie is just an absolute hype beast, destroying the dance floor for every song. Let’s be real, he put half of the songs on the playlist and gets pouty when no one goes crazy for them. He’s the party plug, no doubt, he bought the gas about an hour before the party. He can’t roll for shit though, so Jean always brings the rolling papers. His favorite songs are the group dances( Wobble, etc.) and he drags as many people in as he can.
Jean: He is definitely flirting with all the girls, especially Mikasa, even though she’s clearly not interested. After she “accidently” spilled a drink on him, he moves on. Jean is probably the dj, he thinks his music taste is the best, even though he’ll take requests to keep everyone happy. He brings the drinks too, mainly the alcoholic ones. He’s also probably recording every moment, uploading constantly to Snapchat. 
Reiner: Being low-key kinda weird. Stands on the wall with his drink, just swaying and bopping a bit. Sometimes weirdly stands watching girls dance while sipping his drink. Slowly munches on food while he disassociates. Berthold is right behind him the whole time
Berthold: Nervously looking around the whole time. Once he gets a few drinks in, he starts to relax a bit, dancing a bit more but almost always retreats to the back of the room. He’s the type of person to try to clean up after people before the party even ends; just picking up random cups and abandoned plates. He’ll see people using drugs and be like, “maybe you shouldn’t be doing that?” Probably leaves early cuz his anxiety gets to him.
Ymir: Literally watching Historia the whole time. Will fight anyone who looks too long or tries to dance too close to her. Holds Historia’s drink while Historia throws it back on her lol.
Historia: Just vibing and having a good time. Drinks but can’t hold her liquor, so she ends up vomiting over a toilet with Ymir holding her hair back and rubbing her back. Interacts and dances with everyone, despite Ymir trying to chase them off. Her favs are probably Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande, so she’s always on the dancefloor when their songs come up.
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botukos · 4 years
Hinata and Kuroo getting high with their s/o! c(ˊᗜˋ*c)
a/n: this is me apologizing in advance if this layout is terrible because i am so new to this but i’m trying my best ok >:(
warnings: 420 themes, slight nsfw in kuroo’s
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ok so we know this boy is NERVOUS
oh my god what if i somehow mess up and she breaks up with me??
what if i embarass myself??
this kid will be S H A K I N G
you’ll have to literally smother him with reassurance that he’ll be fine
how did you even manage to get him to smoke with you wow good job
even with your kind words he’ll still be internally combusting
god he’s such a babie i love him
lowkey feel like he’d agree to smoke with you just to impress you
or to impress his senpai
because i think we both know noya and tanaka show up to practice fried half the time
they’re the true stoners here
okay back to the topic of shoyo
he’d let you take the first hit and if anyone asked why he’d say he was being a gentleman
but we both know he was just scared and wanted to see how to do it
but when you pass him the blunt..
oh god
his lungs? GONE
he is coughing for like ten minutes after his first hit
knowing shoyo he thinks he’s going to die
immediately regrets ever thinking this would be a good idea
but you on the other hand are having the time of your life trying to comfort sho while also fiending off of the blunt
he ends up just taking one more hit before he’s gone
seeing as he was a nervous wreck before smoking only fueled his paranoia
man was TWEAKING
“hey y/n did u hear that? i think they’re coming..”
“who?? who’s coming sho??”
ended up with him wrapped around you in a blanket puddle watching studio ghibli movies while munching on snacks to calm him down
cuddles were a 10/10 but smoking with hinata is a solid 2/10 experience
baby was too busy tweaking to enjoy the experience
yeah don’t let him smoke ever again
why did you even let him smoke in the first place, bad y/n >:(
this cheeky motherfucker
oh my god i would never smoke with him
i just k n o w this bastard would be horny as hell
ok back to topic
kuroo would definitely be more confident in smoking with you than hinata
seeing as this is most likely not his first rodeo
i hc that kuroo & kenma blaze on the dl together
as much as i love soft cuddly kuroo, say bye bye to him as soon as he takes his first hit
def flirty before smoking and 10x hornier after smoking
god good luck with that
smoking with kuroo will almost always result in sex don’t lie to yourself come on
but i mean that’s what we want right
kuroo definately has a high tolerance to weed
you’ll probably be smoked out and he’ll still be going
“y/n can you roll me anot- y/n???”
you are gone gone at that point
his words are just falling on high ears
i feel like once he’s gotten high though you guys would just lay beside eachother listening to music by glass animals and just totally trip out
ok but if u ever smoke please listen to glass animals, 10/10 experience
smoking with kuroo is either super chill and relaxing or very nsfw
ok not to get horny on main but high sex with kuroo would be amazing
just like lazy riding him while you guys are out of your minds on another planet
he’d 100% try to seduce you
“come on kitten you know you want to”
cough oh god back to sfw material
i swear to god his munchies are the WORST
will steal your food from your hand and won’t feel bad about it
leaves u wondering how he stays in shape after eating all that food
where does it all go???
you’d film him and make fun of him once your highs both roll down
kuroo would 100% be the type of idiot to make the worst decisions when high
just because he thinks it would be funny
he definitely threw up after drinking it
and you had to help him
once i was dared to drink the geeb water and i threw up for an hour pls don’t do it
n e wayz smoking with kuroo could either be a great experience or a great decision iyk what i mean (¬_¬)
i’d rate it a 7/10 because i’d kill him if he took my food
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spooky-fit · 5 years
🍀🖤10 weight loss tips for stoners🖤🌿
Aka Outsmarting the munchies.
PLAN AHEAD. like anything else regarding nutrition, a little planning goes a long way. Prepare your snacks in advance, and plan your sesh in advance. Having munchies already planned and accounted for gives you something to look forward to and helps keep you motivated!
Again, plan the sesh. Adjust your day to fit in your munchies! Shift calories for a few days so you can munch guilt free, just make sure you do the math, and never eat from a bag or box. Trust me you won't be able to stop once you start, (learned this one the hard way 😛).
You don't have to eat junk! There is no rule stating you have to eat funyons washed down with Mountain Dew. While a lot of us who are trying to eat better can be triggered by the traditional stoner foods, it is possible to start associating healthy food with being baked. If you have never eaten a fruit salad or drank lemon ice water while high you are missing out. Crunchy celery tastes awesome, grapes are an experience. Try it.
Stoner culture is associated with a lot of unhealthy habits but I want to change this. Smoking before a workout is amazing! While smoking weed not the healthiest habit, there is no reason we can't use in moderation and also live a healthy lifestyle.
Zero cal drinks! Ice water is king, drink up while high and it feels amazing. Sometimes sipping water, tea, Crystal light, or diet soda is enough to curb the urge to snack.
Fiber/protein. Eating a high fiber/protein food after smoking will fill you up much better than chips and soda. Choose foods wisely! Just because you're stoned doesn't mean you have a free pass to eat junk!
Be smart about timing. Smoking after dinner and before sitting down to chill for an evening is a recipe for disaster. You will have cravings and it will be harder to resist then say.... Smoking before dinner and filling up on a healthy meal... Or, smoking before bed and laying down to chill after you have already brushed your teeth.
Gum/mints/hard candy/suckers. Pick candy that takes more time to eat. If you get gummies/taffy, suck on them instead of chewing them. Make your treats last! Stay away from ice cream or anything that has to be eaten fast.
Stay outta the kitchen! Don't let yourself veer into food town when you just smoked the jazz cabbage and want to eat the fridge.
Form a distraction! Find something cool to watch on YouTube, sip some flavored water. Distract your mind. Like any cravings, the munchies can be beat, although it can be difficult. Marijuana can be a trigger to overeat for some of us, but it is possible to smoke in moderation and still eat in a nutritional caloric deficit with proper planning, choosing the right snacks, timing your sesh properly, and finding the right activities to keep yourself distracted.
This post is directed to adults, 21 and over. Stay safe, stay as legal as possible, and take care!
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