#also i hope no one takes this as me shitting on poly ships because like i said i have no issue with any of these fundamentally
Reeeeecs! 😭
18. 😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
There are more than one, so I will list them:
Falling Into You by @scottxlogan (Emma/Tony)
One Step Closer by scottxlogan (Tony/Steve)
The First Time: WinterIron Year of the OTP 2023 Series by scottxlogan (Tony/Bucky - this whole thing wrecked my heart but then sealed it back together by the end, but holy shit was I in tears several times)
Every Breath That I Held For You by @kleenexwoman (Steve/Peggy - unfortunately - but that's the point of this fic. Post-Endgame, Steve back in time, dealing with missing Tony, and Peggy is...horrible, as she is. This is a WIP with two more chapters to go, but it's heart-rending and rage-making, esp if you're not Peggy-friendly like me.)
Home Again by scottxlogan (Bucky/Tony - another wild and intense ride that leaves you a bit shattered a few times before the end)
The End by scottxlogan (Scott/Logan but also the unfortunate poly ship involving Jean, and this does not have a happy ending, which is rare for scottxlogan, so it's pretty heartbreaking.)
End of the Line by scottxlogan (Bucky/Tony; Huge accomplishment by the author, and like Home Again and The First Time, it's an intense ride with many tear-jerker moments and holding the breath and screaming and crying and then fights for its happy ending.)
Picture Perfect by @mcfiddlestan (Loki/Tony; This whole series is amazing, and ultimately it ends happy - but there are a lot moments when it's not, and then it's a 20 Kleenex fic.)
Home by @amidnight--dreary (Loki/Tony; lots of hurt with comfort and lots of tears shed for poor Loki.)
Take my jacket, it’s cold outside. by mcfiddlestan (Tony/Bucky - just...just GUH.)
Fix You by ZappyTiel. (Loki/Tony - WIP with so many heartbreaking moments and currently at so much heartbreak while we wait for this fabulous writer to have the time and spoons to finish this amazing fic up! No pressure, though, because life happens.)
Thanks for the asks! (I hope that's not too man fic recs! LOL)
Fic Recs Ask Meme.
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glowyskull · 7 months
How mlady would get along w all the LU fellas 🥺🥺🥺 and anything else rolling around in ur brain ilysm
Ok, look
Hear me out
Nyru is just me simping for one of my fave franchises and pouring traumas into her (as one does w ocs)…, I very much will give her a poly relationship w the chain, anyone in Hyrule and any ocs you guys throw my way because I can
I have fun with ships so she gets all of them
Koridai? She’s dating. Dink? Yup. Ganon? Him too. She’s dating your oc. She’s dating you and you don’t even know it. (/j)
Nyru genuinely is just me having fun without worrying if it’s cringe or not
Why am I clarifying this? To justify her relationship w everyone being “she loves him”…
Shared traits? Will kiss everyone’s scars and will scold if they’re reckless (often) and/or refuse to be healed.
Time: Man is roughed up but he’s not always completely stoic. Nyru? She’s into that shit. She probs tried to heal the scar on his eye (and failed… and cried). She’s especially soft w Time. She likes to keep him company, be it in silence or rambling about something. Lil gremlin follows around tired gremlin. I like to think they can joke around and that makes her feel close to him. Poly ship w Malon? Hell yeah.
Twilight: The man, the lad. First Link she met so, first Link she gets comfortable around. Always manages to steal his pelt, it’s just comforting (and funny) to her. Will hold his hand and do the arm swing thingy while walking. Will scratch his head in hopes of getting the dog leg movement. The accent has her on the floor. Probs the one she talks to the most. Loves to pet and cuddle wolfie and died of embarrassment when she found out it was Twi.
Legend: Rat man. Nyru doesn’t mind his snarky attitude (though sometimes comments may hurt) and can actually have playful banter, but for the most part, she lets it slide. She likes to talk and ask him about magic. Likes to get him flustered. Any soft moments with him are greatly treasured.
Warriors: Wary of him at first. Military man? Can’t be good… but he is. Pretty boy gets her flustered. All over him for his field medic training. They share tips. He’s probs the one that can teach her small things to keep herself safe if there’s a fight. Probs bond over soldiers betraying them/being shit.
Wild: As the most prone to injury, Nyru is all over him all the time, asking him to stop being reckless... but will most likely join him on shield surfing and be equally reckless. Nyru is an ok cook, she likes to sit by him and learn. Especially potion making. Man can’t leave the pot unattended, she’s throwing random shit in there to make things (mostly dubious in nature). Will try to braid his hair.
Hyrule: Healing magic? All over him. Asking how he does it, how it works. Probs share lots of talks. Likes to go exploring with him as long as it’s not deep in a cave… she probs tried to pretend it was totes ok the first time… until they ran into a skulltula… Rulie had to fight it w Nyru clinging to him and crying. Probs bond over fairies.
Sky: Cliche? Probably. Do I care? No. Absolute cuddle buddies. Seeks him out for it. Nyru doesn’t have great stamina either, so she hangs back with him. Finds out he just jumped off sky islands? Why, how, teach me. The group pillows. Both kind but scary when pissed (though Sky can do more damage).
Wind: They pull pranks together. A weird mix of big sister yet also kinda parental? He probs also finds funny just how easily she can pickpocket things. They see how many things they can take from the others before getting caught (tho they probs don’t mess with Time’s or Legend’s stuff cuz that’s scary) Two gremlins.
Four: Man works with fire and metal, she probs finds that scary but fascinating. Though he’s a very skilled blacksmith, she’s still fussing over checking him for burns. Probs the braincell for her too.
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davekat-sucks · 7 months
I think the main problem with this is we're expecting way way too much and we've literally had a handful of pages since the take over. Can't we just chill the hell out and find out what's going on?
How will Roach resolve all this shit? I don't think everything has to be quite so binary, there can be nuance. LETS JUST WAIT AND SEE??
And shipping is subjective, no one cares what is considered canon or not - ESPECIALLY in the shipping fandom of all time. Isn't it more enjoyable to ship who you want to? Can't you just patiently wait to let the new team listen to our concerns and fix this?
The dog dick is staying. Sorry. Rose/Kanaya shitty stuff won't be retconned. Sorry. But they might explain it. And that won't make it better, but it will be a resolution.
Can't you just see the next part as its own entity? Don't look at the team as enablers but like those artists that take works of art that have been neglected and then they restore them by stripping the grime and repainting the areas that have been damaged, in such a way to not lose the original identity of the painting and in a way that is faithful to the original artist.
Maybe just enjoy it? Please?
I swear I always see your posts and you're just critical. Jegus
Nothing I see is giving me any hope. The damage Homestuck 2 did, left a huge negative impact that the new team really needs to pull something big to undo the damage. Most expect a hard reset at the start because they don't want to continue dragging the ugly corpse that is Homestuck^2. Plus, it's better to be cynical. That way, it will become less disappointing when something bad happens.
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Did you also forget they already explained Rose cheating on Kanaya in Epilogues and Homestuck^2? Rose agreed to fuck Jade so she can have a baby and they kept it a secret from Kanaya for 13+ years. And when John reunites with the two Beta girls and they explained about their daughter (Yiffany), Kanaya claims she "consented" in the poly relationship, despite the secret kept from her for a long time after Epilogues and before Yiffany was kidnapped in HS2. But hey, if you are into NTR, that's your thing and whoever the sick fucker in the old team that had pitched it in the first place.
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writerkenna · 10 months
Trope Game
tagged by @sambambucky ! This looks really fun thanks!
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
• -10 -> very dissuaded
• 0 - don't care either way
• 10 -> very enticed
• hope -> if it's a hard no and you'd never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or vou'd insta click out of the fic if it wasn't tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it's conditional
Age Gap: 3
I sometimes enjoy the taboo nature of this but it has to be like 22 and 35, or something in that range. I’m not looking for like 17 and 40 😬
Codependency: 0
I don’t have any strong feelings on this one, and it really depends on the ship
Enemies to lovers: 7
This one definitely stems from my childhood lol. If two characters were beefing I’d be like ‘but maybe kiss??’ I mean, good obsession and bad obsession is still an obsession either way, and I love people fighting their feelings for each other.
Enemies With Benefits: 6
Same feelings as the last one but I prefer the slow burn and denial.
Fake Dating/Relationship: 6
There’s a lot good here, lots of pining and misunderstandings. It’s not in my top favorite tropes but I do really like it
Found Family: 9
Oooooh I eat this shit up!!! I love groups of friends loving each other like family! Give it to me! I want Friendsgivings and showing up for birthdays and being each others’ emergency contacts. Yes yes yes to everything involved in this trope
Friends To Lovers: 6
I’m pretty in to this one, because I think any good relationship is a friendship first. And I like with enemies to lovers I really enjoy the confusion and feelings denial
Friends With Benefits: 8
I fuck with this big time. I’m such a sucker for both parties acting like it’s just sex and secretly being in love. The mutual pining here is *chefs kiss*
Hurt/Comfort: 10
If you read my writing you KNOW this is my bread and butter. I want the characters I love to suffer pls. I just wanna seem em cry tbh
Love Triangle: 8
I don’t write this one but I do love to read it. This goes hand in hand with hurt/comfort and also I’m a big fan of jealousy.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0
This one’s okay, but tbh I haven’t read a ton of it.
Monster Fu... Relationship: -1
I’m so sorry, no shame, but it’s just not for me.
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc: 9
God yes, c’mon give it to me. I love characters being unhealthily devoted to each other.
Opposites (like grumpyxsunshine, etc): 8
This one I looooove with sooo many ships. Sambucky, ineffable husbands, clintasha, brittana, etc, it just scratches this brain itch I have.
Poly: 0
Meh, samstevebucky and royjamiekeeley are the only ships that I really like for poly stuff.
Pregnancy: 10+++++++
do I even need to explain??? This is my favorite trope, above all others, eternally. Give me the babies, give me the cravings, give me those baby bumps, give me all the new parent feels.
This is my life blood.
Second Chance: 4
Not in my top faves but I do love the history and characters who are burned and slow to trust.
Sex To Feelings: 2
It doesn’t do much for me unless it’s also a slow burn and full of feelings denial.
Slowburn: 6
I love it even tho sometimes I’m like ‘just kiss already!’ This trope makes me legitimately giddy ❤️
Soulmates: -5
Reveal here: I never read soulmates/soulmark stuff 😬
For me, characters knowing they are meant to be together takes out all the suspense and will they won’t they. It is very rare for me to enjoy a soulmates fic.
Tagging: @logicheartsoul @iamgalicia @bisamwilson @barneswilsonrogers
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if we’ve covered some red flags, what are some of your green flag ships? like of those “fuck yesssssss” ones that you really enjoy
AYO SELF CARE HOURSSSSSS. i do genuinely like talking about the controversial ships but thank you for the positive vibes anon! love that
under the cut, just because the post is a little long:
actually im not super into shipping i think? i definitely value being able to imagine a dynamic for even the nichest pairings and have a lot of fun stretching or emphasizing certain parts of each characters' personalities to get them to work the best while opening up the potential for some development on each characters' side (thats exactly why im doing the ship bingo! its a ton of fun!), but theres very few things i actually like. Ship beyond surface level thoughts tbh. and recently the things i actually do ship have gotten increasingly niche. so enjoy this ramble that mostly pertains to specifically me and only me LMAO /lh
metadede ofc is the big one. not niche obviously. extremely beloved by me hiiiiiiiiii. they just have so much to work with in canon it makes so many varied interpretations which are a blast to see honestly. in general i love seeing how people portray their friendship too. an idiot whos smart to smart guy whos an idiot communication. enemies to friends to lovers..... their personalities bounce off of each other really well and the content the community makes is always a+. actually im going to take the opportunity to share my favorite mtdd fic ever. this is like pretty much peak metadede to me if anyone wants to know what i hope my personal interpretation will live up to [link!]
people might be able to tell ive been getting very into dametaberge. oh my god im so insane. no one look at me. dmk+jambacult found family Real. i have like three comics in my drafts for them. its mostly dametaberge thoughts rn but i like to think susie joins them later to make a poly ship. dmk and susie are a little tense at first but susie is, "like so over her knight phase," as she says, which dmk is extremely conflicted about whether to be offended or relieved at. and then they learn how to relax around each other and are always the two in the relationship to have awful destructive ideas, which flamberge vetos or approves of on a case by case basis. they get very happy and excited when flamberge approves of their awful plans
and of course my beloved gsa ships.............. theres falsgato which i am incredibly insane about thanks to my friend dragging me into it and now its a thing in my animeverse. enemies to friends to lovers I KEEP SAYING IM SO WEAK FOR THAT. dragato was a huge asshole to falspar for Various reasons regarding the nature of the gsa and perhaps dragatos own personal insecurity, but once they lost the war they got to bond since dragato like, realized how little the shit he antagonized falspar for actually mattered in the first place. and falspars a guy who really sees the best in people and ahahahghdjk its a whole thing its a whole thing i wont go into it rn LOL
theres also metarthur which is my very very beloved longtime rarepair. which i um. uh. ahahahah............. i get very slightly nervous talking about on main because a lot of people hc arthur as meta knights dad or parental figure but i shouldnt be nervous about hc differences really....... anyways theyre supposed to be like parallels of each other. people who are opposites thematically (arthur being leader of the gsa; mk being a former deeply infamous demon beast) who find themselves in similar positions in that they both kinda struggle with their sense of purpose vs their sense of self. meta knight sees his past struggles in arthur and so he finds himself drawn to him. he cant really Solve his situation, but (during their war-time relationship specifically) he hopes to offer some solace to him which functions as a form of catharsis to mk himself too. the two get to connect and understand each other in a unique way. i wont get too into this one right now either lol since the dynamic changes a lot depending on if its their during-war relationship or post-war relationship but theres the basics. i have a comic expanding on their general relationship in my drafts too but its at the bottom of my to-do list tbh. maybe someday though
im only into this one casually nowadays but morphogala... you really cant go wrong with "knight of death saves the greatest warrior in the galaxy from their torturous fate". something something the themes of wishing for the release of death being subverted into yes, death itself releasing you but in a way that actually Saves and rescues you instead. the hope and love in spite of all of the hopelessness AHHHHGH the themes of this one make me so weak. theres so much potential...... i really love this one on an aesthetic level too
you know i take my comment on "not super into shipping" back i think my multishipper ass has disillusioned myself into thinking being insane about like 4-5 ships isnt enough or isnt the norm. maybe i am insane about shipping......... oops
ships that make my thumbs up list in that i like them in concept but dont ship myself would be: marxolor; any of wave 3 x each other tbh. i have them as just besties in my hcs but paired up in any way is very fun; i kinda like shadow metadede but im really particular about the dynamic of that one; fransoos gets a very big thumbs up from me for themes and concept+enemies/rivals to lovers; metagala is. i dont super get it myself but the aesthetics alone are absolutely on-point enough to put this one in the thumbs up category. yayyyyyyy. im sure theres more that im missing but i think that covers any that arent too niche
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crazyexdirkfriend · 5 years
rikudera did a very good post about the merits of djk (post 152664288208 on their blog). Also, I don't really see how it takes anything away from Jade's character. It also doesn't make these three bi characters any more or less lgbt. Homestuck is really important to both bi and poly people, and is the only piece of media with 3 (djk, callieJaneRox and dirkJakeTav) cannon healthy poly ships. That representation is important!
I don’t have an issue with djk as a ship. I also don’t think it makes any of them “less lgbt.” It would be a lie however to pretend that fandoms don’t have a history of inserting female characters into poly relationships with two boys to either make m/m ships more “””palatable””” or whatever, or to undermine a female character’s arc to make her their personal therapist. 
Homestuck is important to bi and poly people, sure. I wouldn’t call any of the three ships you’ve mentioned adequate representation though. I personally don’t see djk as canon- if it were canon, it would be badly developed. Jade not spoken to either of these boys in 3 years, of which much development has obviously happened because they’re teenagers. On the other side, considering the emphasis placed on Dave and Karkat not being quadromantic, I don’t see any reason why them ending up in a poly relationship would be the logical conclusion. 
As for Dirk/Jake/Tav, there’s no evidence that’s a canon relationship. If it was, sure I guess, but the same goes here- there is zero development, Dirk and Tavros never even have a conversation in canon (though, to be fair, neither do Dirk and Jake). I have less of an issue with Callie/Jane/Roxy- at least the three of them have been (in contact) friends for years and romance between them makes some sense. The implication of them dating is also enough (if still a bit meh development-wise) for me to accept it as canon. 
Canon healthy poly ships are very important representation, and I don’t deny that. I do however have an issue with giving Hussie credit for something that a) probably wasn’t intentional and b) had zero effort put into it if it was. 
For the record, none of this is a dig at djk shippers. I don’t think it’s “”unhealthy”” or “”problematic”” or such. I do however think it makes little sense in canon and is just a bit lazy. I wouldn’t have an issue with it if it was made canon and properly reasoned and developed as such- but it won’t be.
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thehmn · 3 years
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My Colombian housemate was super excited for Encanto for months and she’s loving the movie now that it’s out and just to be a little shit I joked that the only ethical non-canon ship would be the two dads because they’re the only ones who aren’t blood related but then I realized that they could technically also be with each other’s wives (And Bruno but we don’t talk about Bruno) which evolved into the crack “poly ship” that all four adults have “an understanding” where everybody except the two sisters are together and they’re no longer sure who’s the father of which kid and grandma is like “Why are my children like this? At least there’s lots of people to take care of me in my old age…”
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My housemate is like “You’re ruining a perfectly innocent, cute movie!…But it’s pretty funny” and now I’m hoping to give you a little giggle too while ruining it. <3
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More Tanaka head cannons because he’s the love of my life.
Plus some poly nishinoya/tanaka/Kiyoko/reader
He’d give the best hugs
they’d be so warm and tight and he’d tell you it’ll all be okay
he’d help you through a panic attack on accident.
“Oh shit, you don’t look so good. Do you need some water? or food? or a hug? do you have a fever? come lay down i’ll hold you.”
and then boom. you’re laughing at him. and he makes jokes and you forget about why you had the panic attack.
of course not all the time
but as you guys date for longer he’d know what’s happening and how to help you
Sensory overload? Headphones and getting outside for fresh air. Taking off the scratchy sweater or the socks that the seam isn’t sitting right with.
PTSD trigger? get you out of the situations and walking you through grounding techniques.
whatever you need he’s got you.
he’s a human heater (i love heat. i love to overheat. it’s comforting. can you tell i’ve worn hoodies in the summer since middle school)
best nap dates ever
pulls you under his hoodies to share the warmth and just have contact.
and if you don’t fit the ones he has, he just buys bigger ones without saying anything.
he also likes to just. lay together naked. not even sex but having skin to skin contact as a grounding exercise.
you’re real he’s real. it’s all okay for the moment.
nishinoya third wheels but eventually he just joins in on the cuddle sessions and gradually becomes a part of your relationship.
“Oh you kissed Ryu goodbye and not me? rude. i’m sitting right here”
“fine,” and gentle kiss to the lips and Ryu is just like. oh. i want that. can i kiss him?
anyway. you come back from your errands and they’re just straight up making out.
but it’s a gentle loving thing. not urgent or actively leading to sex. just enjoying each other.
cue a cuddle/make out pile. gently kissing each other and switching around who’s kissing who and where.
some giggling and stuff. lots of compliments. just a really loving situation.
I love this chaotic duo and i ship them.
and when all y’all are together they get really calm.
they don’t wanna waste any precious time together by yelling or anything.
Then Tanaka and Kiyoko get back in contact with each other after high school and she eventually joins the mix.
It all falls into an easy domestic rhythm.
Tanaka does food prep (and makes you all move a little bit every day. the smallest amount is better than nothing) so y’all stay healthy
Kiyoko cleans up, does day to day simple chores and you fix stuff. shampoo the carpets unclog the sink change the lightbulb move electrical stuff.
When Nishinoya is home from his travels he brings back a lot of energy and makes sure we’d all go out. to amusement parks, arcades, bowling, seeing old friends.
when the relationship is big it’s easy to fall into a quiet and detached life. All you need is eachother. why would you leave the safety of your house and see others where you might embarrass yourself?
because socializing is important and healthy and they’re your friends! they’re important. show them some love!!!
Nobody really found it weird. it was “Guys. the four of us are together. we love each other and hope you’ll accept us”
“okay cool. wanna go to brunch?”
“what? that’s it? at least react a little?”
“Oh yeah, I’m happy for you guys. you can tell us all about it during brunch! I’m hungry”
“🤦🏼 for fucks sake. you aren’t even surprised?”
“nah. y’all have been really affectionate with each other since high school. I’m happy you found a way to be happy. that’s all. now. can we please go get food. i’m fucking starving”
“fine…. thank you, by the way”
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nekropsii · 2 years
not the biggest fan honestly :T
I feel like the biggest issue with modern homestuck fanon is that whether people liked it or not, and how if its concidered dubiously canon or not, hs^2 and epiloge characterization has bled into fanon. the majory of hs fans hate hs^2 (and for good reason), yet Jane hate has gone up, people are being sooo unnecessarily weird about davejadekat (/all of its pairings) and bi characters in general, rosemary is deemed boring (killkillkillkill-), people don't see jake as a person will feelings, karkat?? kanaya?? trolls?? never heard of them, unless you mean those.. things we keep around to fuel the humans plots sometimes and act as the occasional therapist. Also... Dirk...
karkat is probably one of if the my most favorite character, I think hes interesting as hell!!! but alot of what makes him intersting comes from how he fits against troll society/against other trolls imo??? his mutation, his dancestory/him being the litteral second coming of christ, the significance of his secretly caring personality in a violent child soldier evil murder military state and what it says about it as a whole with his role as the alternian equivalent of the 'everyman', his familial relationship with kanayah, his unique relationship with romance, etc, these things all mean jack shit to humans, and shine best around other trolls, yet all he is now is daves side bitch, i feel fanon has sorta moved away from hs and into earthC, noone really cares about alternia anymore as trolls are just seen as humans but grey. even comander!karkat focuses more on dave angst than karkat, a minority amongst his people, leading a revolution a'la signless style??
idk i just feel like hes just been watered down into the easily digestible 'angry character' who is sad sometimes for,,, resons. i feel like this disconnect from alternia in general just sort takes away depth from beta troll characters in general?? even metorstuck content now feels shallow and disconnected??
And what sucks is that i like davekat, and people are right about them being a great pairing for working out their issues together , but at the same time i miss litteraly ever other karkat ship, i miss the days of the karkat x beta trolls harem and being able to use quadrants for him without being deemed problematic for not adheering to queer identity of a race that dosent exist and dosent effect anyone because real life has no oppressive poly romance system, and im just sick if this ship reducing the characters down to a pinterest black and red asthetic moodboard when they are so much more than that.
oh wow sorry this is too long, i dont think i did the best job at following a single line of though and went on a bit of an unnecessary tangent abt fanon and hs^2 so srry about that, I hope my general thoughts were still decipherable??
Id have to say mituna is my second favorite but i dont need to tell you whats wrong with his fanon character lol. I really appreciate all of your alpha troll analysis and you art is cool as hell!! srry that this fell into more venty teritory and for any spelling mistakes, i hope you have a good rest of your day/night!!
I say this with no disrespect at all, in fact I am enthralled: I didn’t even know asks could be this long!! Thank you for your input, I agree with you! And don’t worry- you were quite clearly comprehendible! You covered a lot of ground already, but allow me just a moment to commentate on specific points…
The bleeding of HS^2/Epilogues content/reinterpretations into the larger sphere of full-fandom fanon has been a slow, insidious process. I think the fact that most people have not taken the time to reread Homestuck proper, be it due to lack of time/energy or fear of its length, has really added to this- because a gradually slipping grip on what is and is not canon simply doesn’t pair well with rather disagreeable dubiously canon sequel content having come out fairly recently. The thing about DubCanon is that, whether you or I like it or not, people are going to apply those particular reinterpretations of the characters to what their idea of canon is, and- typically- they will fail to remember that the changes made to the characters were changes in the first place. Rather large ones, at that. This is not only how and why people are out here thinking that Jane was not only legitimate Troll-Racist in Homestuck, but also how and why they get the idea that she’s always been that way.
I’m not sure if my memory is failing me or not, but as far as I remember, while biphobia has always been a problem in the fandom- baffling, considering most characters are textually bi- it really does seem like it’s at an all-time high right now. People are adamantly refusing the idea that some characters are bisexual. Dave and Karkat are the ones I see the most regularly erased, but Jake is also pretty high up there.
The current drought of Alternia content is so sad. Earth C is great, don’t get me wrong- it’s the planet I most regularly work with/develop because of Sovereignstuck- but people oft throw out the concept of conflict when using it. Especially, like, social/political conflict. Earth C is basically synonymous with Flawless Utopia, at this point. It’s a petty complaint, sure, but I don’t like it. :(
I absolutely despise how trolls have been turned into gray humans with horns! They’re bug aliens!! Bug aliens!!! That’s so much cooler than gray humans with horns!! Fuck!!
I kinda disagree that a change of setting takes away from the Beta Trolls as characters- I think the issue isn’t the fact that there’s a setting change, it’s that the writers aren’t really willing to work with the fact that, uh… You know… The Beta Trolls have vastly different socializations and come from a vastly different cultural background than the Beta/Alpha Kids? You could very easily find conflict and development with the setting change. You’d just have to keep in mind the way that their upbringing would affect them and how they’d respond to their new environment. Old habits die hard, you know? It’s a whole new planet, a whole new myriad of cultures, and whole new societies with whole new rules and whole new customs. There’s so much intrigue you could get with that fact alone!!
I like DaveKat, too. It’s fall from grace is astounding, and it’s honestly made me like them less, which is a shame because it was pretty important to me when I was younger, and Dave and Karkat used to be top favorite characters of mine. They’re basically just… Blank slate characters now, made to slap whichever miscellaneous scenario or random romance trope onto, without any regard to what their characters are or what made their dynamic good in the first place.
It’s funny- I don’t think the Quadrant Queerness was made into a huge deal in canon or anything? At least, I don’t quite remember it being a federal fucking issue. Yeah, Karkat’s Quadrant struggles were there, but I don’t think it was really… Associated with being “Troll Gay” or anything. I’m at least 80% sure that was just something the fandom latched onto and blew out of proportion- I see more talk about Karkat being “Pan-Quadrant,” I believe the term was, than I see content of any other part of his character arc? Crying shame, too- considering, again, as you said, he’s the fucking Second Coming of Jegus.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
I feel there isnt enough sapnap x karl x quackity x reader, so can I request sap x karl x quackity x y/n where everone js tired at the end of the day, and despite having separate rooms, they all collapse together in one person’s bed
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader (HOLY SHIT THE POLY SHIP REQUESTSSSSSSS)
Trigger warnings: swearing
premise: vidcon pannels and meeting fans can be tiering, and maybe by the time the day is done you and all of your crushes collapse into bed together without realizing until the next morning  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
“Blep” talking
‘blep’ thinking
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(y/s/n)- your screen name
Ah vidcon, a content creators dream, or worse nightmare, or in your opinion, wild trip that lasted three days.
It was your first time seeing anyone from the Dream SMP in a while, and your were practically buzzing with excitement by the time you were getting off the plane in California.
You fiddled with your carry on as you made your way towards baggage claim, grinning upon hearing a yell of “Oh my god is that (Y/n) from the internet!?”
You turned to see Alex standing just outside the gate he’d landed at, quickly you ran to hug him, stomach filling with butterflies at his touch. “Wait it’s Alex from the internet!”
You both laughed as you pulled away, starting back to baggage claim, “Are you excited for vidcon?” He asked.
“Yeah, what I’m not excited for is having to share a house with you idiot for a weekend.”
He scoffed, “What do you mean? It’s gonna be fun!”
“Oh yeah, the entire SMP together in one house, is such a good idea. It’s gonna be chaos!”
“That’s the fun part!”
“I like to sleep at night without being interrupted by random screaming and stuff.”  You argued.
“I’m sure there won’t be random screaming.”
“You seriously underestimate Tommy.” By now you had made it to baggage claim and began to look around for the right carousel.
You split up, planning on meeting back by the door to wait outside for Bad, who had arrived the day before and was picking people up, a few at a time.
After waiting at one carousel for a few minutes your suitcase came rolling out, but as you went to grab it someone else grabbed it from behind you, a familiar voice drawling, “Hey, hey.”
Grinning you turned to see Nick smiling back at you, “Hey yourself.”
He hugged you, and again your stomach filled with butterflies.
Pull away you smiled, “Come on, I think I left Alex just over there.”
Grabbing your suitcase in one hand, and his hand in the other you tugged him off toward where you’d left Alex, calling, “Alex look who I found!” as soon as he was in view.
Nick dropped your hand to grab Alex’s to pull him into a hug, and you found yourself fighting a grin at how red Alex's face turned.
“Bad texted me that he’s almost here!” You announced after checking your phone.
“Who else is he picking up?” Nick asked.
“Uhhh,” You pulled the messages back up, “Karl and Fundy, and then Wilbur is supposed to be getting another rental car and driving the rest of the Europeans when they get here, minus George cause apparently he also flew out early.”
You all headed out towards the pick up area, weaving through the crowds of people you felt Nick grab the back of your shirt, and when you looked back at him in question he muttered, “So I don’t lose you Idiot.”
All you could do was hope your face was clear of any blush as you smiled back.
You all ended up stood near the curb when a voice cut through the chatter, “Hey gu-uys!”
“Karl!” The three of you exclaimed as he ran through the crowd towards you.
Upon reaching you he some how managed to get his arms around all of you enough for a group hug, and you laughed, “Shouldn’t you be at the other gate?”
“Yeah, but I thought I saw you guys so I came over here, and I was right!”
Alex cocked an eyebrow, “What if it wasn’t us?”
“uhhh, I dunno, awkwardly ran at random people?”
You all laughed, and Nick scoffed, “You’re ridiculous.”
After a few more minutes of waiting, a car slowed near the curb, Fundy’s head practically falling from passenger window, “I’m looking for some youtubers, dumb American ones, you seen any?”
Bad smacked him, “they aren’t dumb, hey guys!”
You waved at them as the guys started loading their suitcases into the back of the car, and after Karl insisted he take yours as well, you slid into the back seat, “What’s the house situation like?”
“It looks like just about everyone will get there own room,” Bad reported, “But Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled are sharing the room with the bunk beds, because Clay designated it as the kids room.”
You snickered as Alex climbed into the back next to you, leaving Nick and Karl to take the spots in the middle row of the van.
“And obviously cause Kristen’s coming she and Phil are sharing, and then Eret said he, Puffy, and Niki would take the room with the double beds,” Fundy offered, “Which means the rest of us should get single rooms.”  
Alex elbowed you, “Told you wouldn’t get stuck with random screaming.” 
“Oh there's still time for that.”
After getting to the airbnb and racing Fundy for one of the bigger rooms that was left (it was decided Phil and Kristen would get the master bedroom, and Clay had already claimed the biggest guest bedroom), you dropped your suitcase in one corner and brought your toiletries bag in the shared bathroom between your and Nick’s rooms, before flopping back onto your bed. 
No more than three minutes passed before Karl wandered into your room, flopping down next to you, “Ranboo and Sam are making nachos, and Dream and Nick found a foosball table in the garage, so a mini tournament is being organized if you want in.” 
“Foosball?” You questioned. 
“Yeah, it’s gonna be fun.” 
You allowed him to tug you up, and followed him down from the left hall of bedrooms, through the living room and to the connected garage where George was yelling over everyone to try and form teams. 
“Me and (Y/n) are a team!” Nick announced, grabbing your hand to pull you towards him. 
“Okay, that leaves Big Q and Karl as the last team for now! When other people show up they can join.” George announced. 
The rest of the day passed in a blur of foosball games, nacho’s nearly being spilled everywhere and the rest of the people arriving. 
The next day was the first day of vidcon, and after getting dressed in some casual clothes you grabbed your laptop and headed out to the living room, mostly empty in the quiet house, with the exception of Tubbo, who was flipping through tv channels, and Phil, who was tinkering around in the kitchen. 
“So what’s your plan for the day?” Tubbo asked, finally having settled on a baking show. 
“Uhh, stress about the panel until it’s time for the panel, hang out, maybe find a pizza place, you?” 
“Me and Tommy are just gonna wander the convention center most of today cause I don’t have anything until the meet and greet tomorrow, then when he has to go I think me, Ranboo and Fundy might be going to mess with dream george and sapnap during the dream team panel. What’s you first panel about?” 
You glanced back down at your laptop, “It’s listed as ‘small creators with a big part’” 
From the kitchen you heard Phil chuckle.
“Oh cool.” Tubbo smiled, turning back to his show. 
You looked back down at your laptop, reading over the possible sample questions and discussion topics, you wanted to be mentally prepared for this.
At some point, as the rest of the house began to stir Alex shuffled out from the hallway and plopped down in between you and Tubbo on the couch, throwing his legs up in your lap.
“Good morning.”
He groaned, “Why is it so early?”
“It isn’t,” you laughed, flicking at his forehead, “Your just jet lagged.”
“Is there coffee here?”
As if on cue Nick, who had come over from the kitchen, offered him a mug, “Phil made a big ass pot of it.”
“Oh thank fuck!” He took the cup greatfully.
Nick smiled, handing you the other mug before going back for his own as Karl flounced into the room and plopped down on the other couch, “Good morning!” 
“Morning Karl!” You smiled. 
“oooo, are we watching cake wars?” He asked excitedly. 
Tubbo nodded and launched into an explanation of what had happened so far in the episode. 
Eventually everyone woke up and was gathered around in the living room and kitchen, drinking coffee and tea as they planned for the day. 
“Well if most of us have different things planned why don’t we just plan to meet back up here before dinner?” Niki suggested. 
A half asleep Wilbur nodded, “Sounds like a good idea.”
Techno snickered at his grogginess, elbowing him lightly, “I guess the first panel really will be sleepy boys inc.” 
If Wilbur had been fully awake he probably would’ve elbowed him back, but instead just muttered, “Shut up.” 
“Okay! So we meet back here for six yeah?” Bad asked. 
Everyone nodded, and disappeared back to their various places around the house to get ready. 
Back in your room you put your laptop away and got the last of your things ready for the panel, even though it wasn’t starting for a few hours.
“(Y/n)! Your panel’s at 12 right?” Nick half yelled through the open bathroom doors. 
“Okay cool, do you wanna come with me, Alex and Karl? Apparently Jimmy and all them just got in.” 
You had talked to the famed, ‘Mr. Beast’, a few times, and had even been in one or two of his gaming videos, so before you knew it Alex was stealing the keys to one of the rental cars and you were off. 
“Yeah we just left the airbnb.” Karl, said into his phone. There was a pause before he said, “Oof, I’m glad I came out early then.” Another pause and then he laughed, “Nimrods. We can stop for food if you want?” 
A few minutes later he ended the call, leaning up between the front seats, “The gang requires food, we’re taking a pit stop to taco bell.” 
“Taco bell? At 9 in the morning?” Alex questioned. 
“Yeah apparently the nimrods forgot to get food before they left the airport, and now their stuck in traffic. We’re gonna meet them at the hotel.” 
You chuckled, “Sounds like a Jimmy move. Let me guess, they forgot because none of them slept and they took a red eye?” 
“What the fuck is a red eye?” 
You looked back at Nick, incredulous, “You don’t know what a red eye is? Oh my god you privileged fool!” 
Alex snorted, “It’s a really early flight Nick. Like, a you get to the airport for 11pm, and end up eating breakfast when you get to the other airport, flight.”
“Or, a get to the airport for anytime between 11pm and 4am and regret your life choices while waiting for your plane.” You offered. 
“In other words, hell.” Alex finished, pulling into a drive thru. 
“Yikes, why would anyone do that?” Nick asked. 
“It’s cheap.” Karl said. 
“Planes are less crowded, so are the airports.” Alex added. 
You smiled, “I do it for the feeling of a lineal space. There's no vibes like airports from 11pm to 4am.”
They all laughed, and Karl quickly unrolled his window to order an ungodly amount of food. 
Unsurprisingly,  after that the day passed in a blur, the panel going pretty well, and then the impromptu meet and greet outside the meeting hall, trying to make it through the convention center with Clay and Nick without being mobbed, and then suddenly everyone was back at the airbnb getting ready for dinner. 
“(y/n) you bitch why are you taking so long in there!” Tommy yelled through the bathroom door. 
“I’m trying to fix my hair from when you threw water at me prick! There's five other bathrooms in this house go find another one!” You yelled back. 
Distantly you could hear Bad yell, “Language!” 
“Everyone is in the other bathrooms!” 
Giving up on your hair you set the brush back down and recapped the container of paste, turning and opening the door to your room, “Alright, fine.” 
“That wasn’t that hard was it?” Tommy asked, moving past you into the bathroom. 
“Don’t touch my stuff.” You instructed, striding out of the room and down the hall. 
Out in the living room Eret was humming as they cleaned up the last of the later Tommy had gotten everywhere as the rest of the group started to assemble. 
Once everyone was finally ready, and the final arguments of who would take which car, you were shoved into the back of one of the vans with Karl and Alex, making all of the anxiety that had dissipated after the panel came flooding back, especially when Nick, who was sitting on the bench seat in front of you, turned to join the conversation. 
The night was spent trying to keep blush off your face whenever Karl’s knuckles brushed yours, when Nick’s arm found it’s way around the back of your chair, or when your and Alex’s knees bumped. 
‘God’, you had thought, ‘this is like some romcom shit.’ 
After Tommy’s fail attempt to steal a set of car keys and try and drive home  -Phil smacked him upside the head, Niki snatched the keys from his hand, Kristen started to lecture him, all while the rest of you laughed your asses off- The bill was paid, and everyone piled back up into the cars, already starting to plan a movie night. 
Upon getting back to the airbnb, you headed back to your room to change back into the hoodie and comfortable pants you had been wearing earlier, heading back into the living room in time to steal Punz’s seat on the couch with Nick and Karl. 
When Alex squeezed into the spot between you and Nick, you could’ve sworn you saw Techno smirking and Puffy waggling her eyebrows toward you, how they found out about your stupid group crush you had no clue, but then Clay and Skeppy started to argue over what movie to put on. 
Tubbo ended up taking the remote from Clay, and from where he was sitting In front of one of the couches, tossed it over to Phil on the other side of the room, who said, “We’ll do a vote then!” 
A movie was selected democratically, some cheesy action movie began to play, and at some point you half turned, propping your legs up across the boys laps as Alex maintained a running commentary on the movie, just loud enough for you and Nick to hear, and Karl absently traced small shapes into your ankles. 
The second day of vidcon was the most hectic, with you, Nick and Alex were going to watch the Mr. Beast panel Karl got to be a part of, plus both the dream smp panel and the meet and greet later in the day. 
You had woken up to Karl and Alex jumping on top of you, “Wake up! You’re gonna be late!” 
You groaned, struggling to shove them off, “What time is it?” 
“8:27.” Alex said, sliding off your bed. 
“Fuck,” You muttered, “Get off me, what the hell happened to my alarm?” 
“You left your phone in the other room, when it went off it woke us up.” Karl explained. 
“He means it woke him up and he felt the need to wake me up,” Alex complained as you sat up now free of the people laying on you, “Why the hell is your alarm set so early?” 
“It’s not early, I just wanted to be able to get ready without being in anyone’s way.” 
Karl nodded, “Makes sense.”
“C’mon, let’s give them time to get ready.” Alex grabbed Karl’s arm, half dragging him out of the room.
You quickly got ready, pulling on a nicer button down, plus a jacket that was one of the first from your new merch line.
You finished your hair, plugged in your phone and headed out to the kitchen where Fundy seemed to be attempting to make pancakes, dragging Karl into the process as well.
You sat down next to Alex and Ranboo, “How long do you think until they burn the house down?”
“I am not going to burn the house!” Fundy exclaimed.
You reached over and turned down the heat on the griddle, “Well you were gonna burn something.”
Ranboo snickered, “They aren’t wrong.”
“Shut up Ranboob!” Fundy retorted.
They continued to bicker as Tubbo emerged from up stairs, shoving Fundy out of the way to take over the griddle. “You’re all ridiculous.” He muttered.
“Yeah no shit.” You sighed.
“Language!” Bad yelled from the dining room.
“French!” Eret called back as she entered the kitchen, “Morning guys!”
“Morning!” Tuboo chirped, starting to flip some of the pancakes. 
“It’s panel day!” Tommy yelled, charging down the stairs, “Those best be chocolate chip Tubbo!” 
Karl held up the bag of chocolate chips he been scattering into some of the pancakes, and Tommy grinned, “Karl my man!” 
Once breakfast was eaten and the dishes cleared everyone loaded back up into the cars to head to the convention center, everyone splitting up again, planning to meet back in the right area in time for the full panel. 
Karl headed off to meat with Jimmy and the guys as You Alex and Nick took spots in the audience. 
Once they took to the stage Nick leaned over and elbowed Alex, “Bet you 10 bucks when they open for questions you don’t go up just to flirt with Karl.” 
Alex glared at him, “10 bucks isn’t worth it.” 
You held back a laugh, “I’d throw in another 20.” 
Alex considered this with a sigh, “Deal, but only if we get milkshakes later.” 
You and Nick agreed, and soon enough when they opened up for audience questions Alex started to stand up, but immediately sat back down blushing slightly, “No.” 
“Damn.” Nick sighed. “We’re still getting milkshakes.” 
Once the Mr. Beast panel had ended you all went to meet up with Karl and head off to the dream smp panel. 
2 o'clock rolled around and the panel moderator began to announce everyone, one by one, and you managed to force down your anxiety, taking your place on the stage between Karl and Nick when the mod called, “(y/s/n), one of the first people to actually join the dream smp.” 
You sat down, smiling at the audience and quickly sneaking out your phone to take a quick video of your friends and then a pan of the crowd to put on twitter later.
Once everyone was on stage the moderator looked up and down the long table, “Wow, there are a lot of people on stage right now, is this everyone from the server?” 
Clay nodded, “Just about, we have a few others, Alyssa, Callahan, Ponk and Antfrost, who had other stuff going on, but for the most part, this is everyone from the server.” 
“This is honestly incredible, how, how are you guys all feeling about being here? I know this is the first Dream SMP panel, but you guys have been to vidcon before right?” 
“Most of us,” George laughed, “I think the only one who hasn’t is (y/s/n), there first ever panel was yesterday.” 
The mod looked over at you, “So, how does it feel to be at your first vidcon?” 
You laughed nervously, “Well, I mean, I’ve been to vid con before, but I was always out there in the audience, it’s- it’s pretty nerve wracking to be up here.” 
The topic shifted and after that things seemed to move more quickly. 
In the blink of an eye the first hour and a half was spent and people from the audience began to ask questions. 
“Wilbur, as the main writer for roleplaying on the server is it hard to keep track of character specifics and story arcs or is it all just written in with the scripts?”
Someone asked.Wilbur hummed, “Well I guess in part it’s written in the scripts, but I think I should turn this question over to (y/s/n), they’ll have a more interesting answer.”
Everyone turned to you. 
“Well, in my mind it isn’t all that hard, but I am literally the kid who memorized long monologues for fun.” You chuckled, “Once the first revolution arc started and the server really started to turn to roleplaying I started a google doc that now gets updated constantly. I have running tabs on current arcs, details on arcs that have ended and then there's detailed character descriptions. 
“I don’t necessarily write down bits to add while I’m streaming or anything, but most of the time it has to be the middle of the night or I won’t file anything correctly.”
Nick chuckled, “I have seen the document, it is terrifying.” 
“Didn’t someone open it to see you updating in the middle of the night once?” Ranboo asked. 
Alex nodded, “Yeah that was me, it was very traumatic, like, I blinked, and then there was another fifty words on the page.” 
You dropped your head in your hands, “It was the night after the whole election thing! Techno joined the server and then I had to add a whole ‘nother character profile, and he and his stupid English major were making things complicated!” 
“Listen man, I just wanted to make sure I had a backstory that fit into the story line, ‘s not my fault when Wilbur lets Dream have partial control of thing the storyline ends up non cohesive.” 
People laughed, and the topic was changed with the next question.
Two and a half hours later, an extra hour after the panel was supposed to end, (there was just so many extra questions), you headed off stage, and were all rushed across the center for the meet and greet, which had been pushed back in time with the panel.
You felt bad for making the fans wait, but the organizers assured you that it was fine, most of the fans had been at the panel anyway.
In the big open hall the orginizors spilt everyone up into groups of threes and fours, the way fans could move down the line and see everyone.
Inevitably you ended up with Karl, Nick and Alex, at the end of the long sections of people.
“Holy shit man, how is it already 6?” Alex asked.
“Who knows.” Nick muttered glancing down at his phone.
“Dude this is supposed to go for like three hours too.” You complained, rocking up on your heals to look down the line, seeing the first groups of people starting to move past Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy.
“We’ll be fine! It’s always fun to meet fans!” Karl said, though he did look slightly wary.
After another three hours of talking to fans, signing things, and taking pictures the last group of people finally made it to your section.
“Hey! They saved the coolest for last!” The boy exclaimed.
“Hell yeah they did!” Alex half yelled back, some how still managing to keep up the enthusiasm.
“Here, let’s get you guys all in a picture together!” His mother said, motioning for you to all stand together. You slung an arm around the kids shoulder, smiling at the camera. “
“Okay serious question time, which one of us is the best?”
“Uhh,” the boy looked from person to person, “probably you (y/s/n), your contents really cool but your under rated.”
You grinned, offering him a fist bump, “ha! See that’s the third person in the last hour!”
Karl scoffed, “but I got like six people over all.”
“I only got five.” Alex pouted.
You rolled your eyes as the boy asked, “So if you guys are in a poly relationship on the server does it create problems with your friendship in real life?”
You all froze, except for Nick who somehow seemed to know this was coming, “Well, in game and out of game relationships are different, sure you can ship all you want, but that doesn’t mean stuff actually happens in real life.”
The kid nodded, “Cool, hey I saw your stream like, during quesrentine, just a question, how many people have tried to fight you today?”
You laughed, “at least 15 took pictures with him squared up.”
A few minutes more and the kid was gone, being ushered away by his mom, and you glanced at your phone, “holy shit it’s already 9:15.”
“Where did the time go?” Kale asked incredulous.
After meeting back up with the rest of the group you all headed off to terrorize a McDonald’s, drawing a lot of attention from random fans as you all scarfed down food.
By the time you got back to the Airbnb it was nearly 11pm and everyone was exhausted.
After quickly getting ready for bed you a collapsed.
The next morning you woke up, and for a moment worth your eyes still closed you were perfectly content with the warmth pressed agasint you.
Then you came fully too, realizing that, no, you weren’t fully swaddled in your comforter, you were laying in a bed with other people.
Opening your eyes you blinked away sleep, looking down, confused to see Alex asleep with his head on your chest.
Turning your head you saw that it was Nick on your other side an arm wrapped around you both.
Karl was half sprawled across all of you, similarly to the airport, as if he could hold all of you at once. You sat in shock for several moments before realizing you were in fact, trapped in bed.
Alex’s fingers were tangled with yours, Nicks nose was pressed into your neck, and you could have sworn Karl shifted in his sleep, as if to get closer to you.
‘Well,’ you thought, ‘might as well make the most of it.’ As settled back down to fall back asleep.
Once you had all woke again, no one spoke as they headed back to there own rooms, and your crossed back through the bathroom form Nicks.
The rest of the day past, still no one speaking about it, and that night you found yourself laying in your own bed, wondering why it felt so wrong.
There was muffled whispers from Nicks room, and you quietly got up, moving into the bathroom to hear better.
Unfortunately for you Nicks door to the bathroom was still open, so you couldn’t eavesdrop as planned.
Karl and Alex were both sat on the bed next to each other as Nick paced. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly
“Would- would it be weird if we cuddled again?” Alex asked hesitantly.
“We were debating asking you.” Karl admitted.
Nick nodded, “You don’t have to, it’s just- we-“
Quietly you crossed the room, climbing into the bed instead of answering the question outright.
“Is- I- am I stupid, or is this something?” Alex whispered.
Vidcon had ended and even with the long weekend everyone was staying in California the time had gone all to fast.
You, Alex, Karl and Nick had continued to cuddle every night, still not talking about it during the day.
“Do you think it could be?” Was your only response, continuing to card your fingers through Karl’s hair.
“It seems like it already is.” Nick said.
Karl yawned, “I think I’d like it to be.You nodded,
“me too.”
“Me too.” Nick agreed.
Alex smiled, “I guess it’s decided then.”
The dark room was quiet another moment before you snickered, “It’s cannon irl now guys. What will the fans think?”
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
How about a ask based off a mall trip? Weird I know, but I'm craving that 7/11 rn and reading your Valentines Day fic sparked the idea somewhat The prompt basically is everyone in the dorms minus the some are separated during a break and that's not sitting right with everyone so they all set up a plan to take a day in the city! (All while "abducting" Riddle and Idia from their parents home, Floyd says it's not abducting it's saving). They go to the biggest mall in Twisted Wonderland and spend time there, dares were made and they shopped until they can't hold their things that much, but before that they spend some time and watched a film in the movie theater (I see some shippy moments of Kalim holding onto Jamil and Floyd being a smart ass giving him a thumbs up before Riddle or Azul smacks him, also I can't get the image of Trey and Jade behind Riddle who's between Cater and Floyd both getting popcorn and snacks from his lap and he's just RED like O////o "help") and the gang eats in the food court and they all just have a fun ol time.
It has nothing to do with the next gen of my previous ask but ye!
Also, I have a solution of your multishipper heart that I suffer with as well; Mixing
For me I like Riddle x Floyd and I also like Trey x Jade but also like Trey x Riddle and Trey x Cater, so I made them into kind of one big poly ship or wrote them as neighbors
Because of that when I saw Epel x Savanaclaw but also First Years as Poly I was like, "Oh, perfect mixing opportunity!" So, for me at least how I see it up to you, it'd be Epel, Deuce, Sebek, Jack, Leona, and Ruggie as one large relationship. I'd add Ace too but I like KalJamAce so I literally only see-
Ace: "You two are just jealous I'm dating two second years"
Epel: "Bitch we're dating each other, a second year, a third year, AND all our boyfriends can easily kick your boyfriend's asses!"
Nothing to do with that, just wanted to let you know and hope it amuses you. I'm awkward in ask since I'm a sly blob who thinks I'm weird, so hi. Shy blob here and shy blob is gonna start drawing some art based off your helpful headcanons, hope you're having a awesome day. - Raven/Rae (she/they)
So, I already did the first one a little bit but, I will write about the foot court and theater one! This wont be a full fanfic but it'll be snippets since ig that's my thing now! Also im putting Epel x Savanaclaw and Floyd x Cater x Riddle x Che'nya in here cuz this is my blog and I can :/
The film they go see is prolly a comedy, Rook and Vil wanted to go to a romance movie but were outvoted -w-
They over-do the butter on the popcorn but who's complaining? Certainty not them
Ruggie was gonna bring in his own candy but Leona bought him as much as he (and Epel) wanted when they got there... No matter how much Ruggie may have protested
Ruggie has his head on Leona's shoulder the whole time since there's a tall guy infront of them (One of the Leech twins prolly) and can't see the screen otherwise
Rook and Vil would be talking about the filming job and Vil would be like, "Thank goodness I didn't take this movie offer" and the movies worth like 1M with like a bunch of older and richer actors and it weirds everyone else out
So, Kalim cries from laughing very easily so he just has his arms around Jamil while crying-laughing into his shoulder
Riddle def is the one who smacks Floyd for laughing
Che'nya pops up next to Floyd, Riddle and Cater and they all quietly gasped, gave him kisses and hugs then went back to watching the movie with their other bf
Epel is trying so hard to not laugh at the dirty jokes cuz he knows Vil will flick him over the head for it (Rook is trying to hold back too dw) so he goes and sits with Leoruggie and just dies laughing at the next joke
So, Jack is sitting right on Leona's left side and Leona is whispering spoilers to him, bonus is that he's never seen the movie, hes just whispering random shit to him like, "He ends up dating her" or, "They get their head blown off"
During one of the final songs of the movie, Idia hacks into the speakers are Rick Rolls everyone
Floyd, Lilia, Kalim and Cater don't stay for the after credit scene because "We wanna be surprised for the next one!"
When they go to the food court, Che'nya wanted to do the Lady and the Tramp pasta thingy and Riddle goes, "Well how are we gonna do it? We don't have a four-way pasta noodle." And Floyd, being the dirty minded boy he is the second he heard four-way he started dying laughing, the other two joined in and it took Riddle 5 seconds to get it and he turned beat red
Jade and Trey get pastries and Cater films them reviewing them like their fucking Gordan Ramsey
"we drink boba tea to satisfy our ancient & innate urge to slurp up tadpoles from a puddle through a reed"-Ace Trappola 2xxx
They went clothing shopping and Epel and Kalim were trying on some things and asking their partners opinions, only one out of four of them gave any feedback and that was Leona since for some reason he wasn't overly flustered by how pretty Epel looked
Riddle wants help to look more androgynous and the minute that was said Che'nya was ALL over that shit like what did Riddle want? Shoes? Skirts? Pants? Hair stuff? He didn't care if it made Riddle happy so be it
Epel gets nervous when it comes to holding Leona's hand until Leona just sighs and initiates it and says, "If you wanna do it, just fucking do it."
Floyd gets them onto the roof somehow and they go up there and chill despite Riddles protest about it at first
They gave Rook the aux cord on the way back, big mistake
Leona buys them all alcohol afterwards and they all go to the Ramshackle dorm to enjoy themselves for the night
Ik this is like super short but y'know ;-; also good luck with the fanart im really excited to see it :D -Amber
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zevlors-tail · 3 years
i need more poly shindeku :(
I do too! Which is why I'm coming at you with random headcanons for my ultimate comfort ship minus my platonic self ship with Shinsou. Needed a break, and poly is just easy for me to think about for some reason sooo. Enjoy!
More Poly ShinDeku Headcanons
-These fuckers the type of little shits to visit the seasonal/holiday section at stores and completely GOOF OFF.
-It starts innocently enough. You ask if the three of you can peruse the seasonal isle to look at decorations for your apartment. You want it to feel nice and homey, you know? Sometimes it gets lonely with Deku gone all day and Shinsou working thirds most of the time.
-Izuku will pick out anything All Might themed, Shinsou goes for the weirdest decor he can find, and you're the only one actually trying to coordinate (well, okay, Izuku is trying, at least give him credit).
-But it all goes to hell in a hand-basket when Shinsou starts messing with the decor. If it's Halloween, that fool is trying to scare you with a weird looking pumpkin or a skeleton or ghost or some shit. Christmas? You get bopped on the head multiple times with a plastic candy cane. Summer? Prepare for battle, because once Shinsou grabs one of those toy swords, it’s OVER.
-And if you’re not the one battling him, you immediately become a hostage to one of the boys while they toss around their fake swords and duke it out over you. Hero complex, anyone?
-The three of you are just laughing and having a good ol’ time in the middle of the isle when a member of management is like “Excuse me, can I help you?”
-All of you freeze mid whatever it was you were doing. Shinsou’s mouth is half open in a laugh, Deku looks terrified, and you’re just staring in embarrassment. Shinsou comes up with some lie for the three of you and if that doesn’t work, well then you better run! Imagine the headline you’re gonna see on the news tomorrow; Heroes Deku, Mind Jack, and H/N Banned From Local Convenience Store. Hope you have a good PR manager!
-Both boys love turning ordinary dates into extraordinary ones. They know how to appreciate the little things and find happiness in the small moments! The three of you can literally have fun anywhere at any time.
-Lots of park dates, museum dates, trips to the zoo, and planetarium outings! Staying at home is also a popular date night choice but they love to take you to all sorts of places.
-For park dates, it’s common for you to walk in between them on the sidewalk holding both their hands. If you or Izuku feel particularly energetic though, you might visit the swings. Shinsou isn’t very far behind, always pushing either you or Izuku but refusing to be pushed himself. He’s more or less there to watch the two of you smile and laugh, and that’s enough for him.
-If it’s too cold to go to the zoo or park, then the next best thing is museums and planetariums! You would have never guessed, but both boys have such a fascination with space. 
-Especially when it comes to those rooms with the stars on the ceilings and the projections of planets and the sun and everything. It’s endearing to see the way Izuku’s eyes twinkle like the lights above him and how Shinsou’s shoulders instantly drop in relaxation. And they both learn so much- “Y/N, did you hear what they said about this star!?” “Maybe we should go check out that interactive exhibit with the planets later?” “You two really like space, huh?”
-They’d be so cute. Let them be children again! Izuku won’t be able to keep his hands off anything and Shinsou will be sooooo fascinated. But also, expect your purple haired boyfriend to make lots of sarcastic jokes about it at first. He might need to warm up a bit to it but he’ll want to go back afterwards for sure.
-If you don’t already have a cat, you now have several. It started with one- a really cute kitten followed Shinsou home one day without him realizing (or at least, that’s what he told you), and it was all downhill after that. Izuku was fine with the first one; it was cute, little, and completely loving. But then it happened again. And...again.
-You and Shinsou found the third little kitty in a big cardboard box with “Free Kittens” written on the side of it when you were walking downtown and of COURSE how could you just leave him there!?
-Izuku tried. He really tried. He didn’t want a third cat, and you already had two, and he was literally in the middle of trying to make a point about it when you blurted out a name for it and he knew then and there it was hopeless.
-Shinsou, immediately after you named it: “See? He has to stay now. Y/N named him.” Izuku still loves you, Shinsou, and the cats regardless. You’re a happy little family.
-If Shinsou is upset, you and Izuku will gift him a cat in his lap to help him feel better. If one of you is upset, he will absolutely do the same with an added Hang In There! cat meme. It makes Izuku smile and you find it funny. 
-And speaking of memes, they might as well be a love language for the three of you. There is a group chat that you have dedicated to just memes that you send each other. Shinsou primarily sends cat memes, Izuku sends All Might and other hero memes and just random ones that remind him of you and Shinsou, and you send whatever garbage you can find to make them laugh. There have been times where one of you are only a room away from each other sending memes and listening to the other laugh about it through the wall.
-If Deku has the day off and Shinsou doesn’t have to work that night, it’s not uncommon for the three of you to stay up late with each other and just catch up over a warm drink. It’s different for everyone; Shinsou has decaf coffee (Izuku will mother hen him if he drinks caffeinated anything after 6pm), Izu usually makes hot chocolate or tea, and you have your drink of choice.
-Often times your conversations last until early in the morning. You all just check up on each other and talk about life or your hopes and dreams and worries, and it’s an effective and good way of communication between the three of you. 
-It’s cozy and comfy, and it’s hard to tell who’s who when you’re a mess of tangled limbs under a giant fluffy blanket. And then of course the cats join in when they want!
-If Shinsou is exceptionally tired, he falls asleep first. This makes both you and Izuku happy since the poor guy hardly gets any quality sleep. But more often than not, Izuku will pass out first since he works days, and you go next with Shinsou following you. 
-Overall just a really fun relationship to be in, and it’s filled with joy and laughter and love. You will always feel protected and cared for and understood when you’re with the both of them.
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shewholovestoread · 3 years
Thinking about how Marja said GINI came to be cause they couldn’t bring in a lot of actors because of Covid and how Dani was supposed to date around…had that happened do you think Gigi would’ve still been interested in Dani?
Hi Anon,
i think it would have depended on whether Gigi and Dani are meant to be endgame because the writing would then have to reflect that.
Having said that, there was mutual interest between them and it started during their first "non-date". Sometimes it takes time for feelings to develop and sometimes it's instinctive and I think with these two women, it was the latter.
Had Dani dated around though, I don't see Gigi waiting around, like I've said before after what went down with Bette, she's done playing the consolation prize or the back-up and without a clear indication of Dani's interest, she would have moved on and honestly, who could blame her.
Marja really worries me because she doesn't inspire confidence where this ship is concerned. I know most of the OG characters are safe but of the new ones... Who knows.. Also each season, it's almost as if the writers forget entire arcs of the previous seasons and add new stuff that doesn't really make sense (Nat being poly with absolutely no set-up) And I'm honestly terrified of what shit they're gonna pull to add "drama"
I hope Marja and the writers are aware that Gigi is one of their MOST popular characters and the Gigi x Dani ship has a lot of people invested in it and is by far the healthiest ship on the whole damn show. I hope they decide to build on it instead of tampering with it...
So yeah, I hope GINI are endgame but I'm not gonna be convinced until I actually see it happen on screen.
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gothicbabydollz · 2 years
I can properly speak for myself but now you just spoke for me. No matter how much I love Az, he needs to sort his shit out before he hurts someone/his relationship beyond repair. Although I'd like to have Elucien happening (with the right development, maybe slow burn friends to lovers and not just 'oh elain needs a male, here take this one' thing) I can't help but love the idea of Vassa and Lucien together. I honestly just want my baby to finally be happy and loved the way he deserves. And is it just me or do you also think that Elain gets all this hate because she's rejecting Lucien? I mean I'd be nice if she could be a little more cordial with him and not just pretend he's not there bc he's still a person and deserves to be treated as one, but she doesn't owe him a thing bc they're mates, not love, not her body, no explanation or anything.
And I've been a lot on booktok lately and came by a theory that envolves the dancing scene between Eris and Nesta, a reference to Swan Lake ballet, another ballet called Firebird and then Vassa and Eris.
Honestly wouldn't complain if it were to happen.
(sorry I talk too much it's just sometimes I get really excited about something and can't shut up)
- 🍑
Yk, to be honest, I could be persuaded into really liking each ship with the right development. So, yes, I agree. I could see a slow-burn friends to lovers with elucien.
I think that’s one of the reasons, yeah. Look elain isn’t my favourite but I don’t dislike her at all. With what she went through and then instantly being told she’s mated to a male (our boy’s gotta work on his timing) in a time where she was really not ready to hear that. She’s not entitled to him. And Lucien definitely got his hopes up too quickly.
I do want Lucien to be loved so badly though and think him and Vassa would be great. But I do love the idea that Lucien, Vassa and Jurian have all done it at some point. Like ayo give us a poly relationship with those three.
Eris and Vassa…👀 I mean…
No apologising, baby, I love it. You can come and rant to me anytime you’d like
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
dgi3yg3f sorry this is so random but do you think they'll actually ever make Geraskier canon? like idk. there IS chemistry and it would just be wasted opportunity.
i really wish they would, but no, i don't think so (this is one big reason i'm writing my witchling series ahem look at my tags) despite what the Netflix writers have changed about the books in general.
by all accounts, Jaskier is very much Not queer in the books and games (correct me if i'm wrong, book and game fans, as i'm relying solely on secondhand information as i've neither read the books in full nor played any of the games), but they decided to give him a queer narrative in the show (if you know what to look for). so basically, they made him queer (and remember, Joey Batey implied he played Jaskier as pansexual, though not in so many words; and there is no fault here for Joey! i love his portrayal of Jaskier. all of this critique is aimed at the writers and showrunner) and added him into more moments in Netflix!Geralt's life than he has in the short stories the first season is based on. i mean, Jaskier taking Geralt to the banquet in Cintra didn't happen in the books; they added it into the show, and that entire plot point had a lot of moments in which it felt like they were pushing geraskier. i mean, this scene, anyone?
the writers also threw in the Mountain Breakup, which didn't happen in the books afaik, thus tying Yen and Jaskier together in regard to Geralt and their roles in his life (i mean, Yen broke up with Geralt and then Geralt broke up with Jaskier a second later; it's a pretty blatant parallel between who Yen and Jaskier are supposed to be to Geralt, no?). season 1 had so many lovely moments between Jaskier and Geralt, and all of those allowed the ship to grow as huge as it has and a lot of viewers to be really excited, because how cool would it be for a major fantasy series like this to include queer characters in happy queer situations (and if it were poly? fucking hell, so much the better! they already--however accidentally--set both Jaskier and Yen up as romantic interests, and Geralt has two hands).
i had kept my expectations in check with regard to season 2 bc i really didn't want to be disappointed as i've been so many times before (i mean, spn's ending was absolute shit. after that complete and utter insult to any viewer but bi///bros, my expectations are always in check) but as i watched season 2, i kept noticing how they were allowing Geralt to actually express more emotion, and gave him all those scenes with Triss that showed us he actually can talk to people who are important to him in ways that allow them to understand where he can fit them into his life and how much they mean to him. i mean, we have this entire scene in which he's honest, he's open, and it allowed me to hope we'd 1) get an apology to Yen for what he did with the djinn wish and 2) get an apology to Jaskier for all the shit he said and a reassurance he didn't actually mean it (bc "i'm sorry" isn't enough. leaving it at "i'm sorry" allows the recipient to believe that you're sorry you said it but you're not sorry about what you said. who knows? maybe what you said is what you really meant but you were keeping it inside for a grand length of time for reasons. like i've said before, "i'm sorry" alone is like putting a simple bandaid on an infected wound), but then we didn't. we got bupkis.
after episode 7, which contains the only three conversations that Geralt and Jaskier have in the entirety of season 2 (i counted the words actually; it's ~131 words total, all of them in episode 7; Geralt and Jaskier don't speak at all in episode 8), i began to think. there's an author i talk about on my blog for many reasons, but one of them is that she's so afraid of queer people in her books, or queer interpretations of her characters, that instead she makes the characters So Aggressively Heterosexual to make it clear that The Queer Does Not Exist Here In My Happy Cishet Land So Shut Up. it's a really blatant maneuver and easily identified if you're a queer person or know how to read the signs of queer people being smothered, and that's what i'm now seeing in Witcher. the writers realized how many people shipped geraskier rather than yenralt in season 1 (which is understandable, i think. in season 1 we saw so many scenes of Geralt and Jaskier just being friends and talking with each other, whereas Geralt and Yen are horribly aggressive to each other, verbally unkind, and spend 99% of their screentime either fucking, arguing, or taunting one another. no wonder Netflix viewers ship geraskier more; there's no substance bw yenralt) and so they scrambled to undo that by including just three conversations bw Geralt and Jaskier, all in one episode. (this is incidentally why i suspect that season 3 might have fewer yenskier scenes, since yenskier is now a huge ship after season 2, and that interferes with the writers' plan on making yenralt endgame--how they can is beyond me after season 2.) the writers clearly though that if there was little geraskier interaction, perhaps yenralt would be able to shine more and the geraskier fandom would lose members.
now believe me, i'd love to be proven wrong. i'd love for season 3 to allow relationships some breathing space, to give us more than random kisses and a hug without words. they crammed so much into season 2 that the pace is fucking wonky 99% of the time and the characters do things that don't seem redeemable (kidnapping your ex's kid to sacrifice to a witch? how does one redeem themself in the eyes of their ex after that?) and we get an entire episode dedicated to Geralt's friendship with a rapist (who we're made to care for throughout the entire episode until the rape is admitted to at the very end; it was a really shitty ploy imo) rather than anything truly meaningful bw yenralt and geraskier, and all of that unfortunately makes me extremely distrustful of the writers.
so tl;dr: no, i don't think they'll ever make geraskier canon. the way they set it up in season 1 and then obliterated in season 2 feels so very much like queerbaiting; like they needed to draw in queer viewers so they decided to include a queer-coded character, then realized people were starting to ship him with another man, so they threw in the best trope ever: the queer person falls in unrequited love with his straight best friend.
in conclusion, my message to the netflix writers:
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meganshinsou-tm · 4 years
the best alpha’s. (f)
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☙ pairing: bakugou x reader x kirishima
☙ theme: a/b/o, domestic dads
☙  cw/tw: profanity, a/b/o characteristics, scenting, slight self-doubt, baku needs a hug, cute alpha dads with their pup.
☙  a/n-request:  Baku and Kiri (separately but also maybe poly??? is 3 different scenarios too much?) being absolute fuckin badass units on the job kickin ass and sassin reporters (lookin at u Explodo 👀) but the SECOND they walk thru the door and see their lil omega and pup they melt into Soft Dad Mode ™ and just wanna scent their precious beans bc they love them so much and there is just a lot of “wow I’m happy to come home to you” 🥺🥺🥺
** so I just did them in a poly ship, hope you like it. ^-^
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“Where the fuck is she?”
The moment you hear that gruff voice and smell not one but two annoyed alpha’s you freeze for only a second before smiling and poking your head out of the kitchen. Down the short hallway, Bakugou and Kirishima are both seen removing their shoes and duffels, using each other to lean against in the process. 
Kirishima is the first to pick up your happy and excited scent, his nose sniffing the air and face turning in your direction with one of those famous sharp toothed grins. He rumbles loudly and shoves Bakugou off so he can take massive strides in your direction. Soon there are large calloused hands cupping your face and you’re nuzzling each other’s cheeks. The scent of mountain rapids fills your nose and has you purring loudly along with Kirishima’s steady rumbling in his chest, sharp teeth softly nip at your cheek and cause you to chirp happily.
“Man I missed you.”
You chuckle and pet Kirishima's chest. “You saw me this morning.”
“It’s been a long day,” he breathes out after taking in a giant lungful of your honeysuckle scent.
Pulling away, you let the alpha hug you close while eyeing the other who was quickly approaching. You reach out a hand when Bakugou gets closer and his scent of flint and a sweet campfire mixes with Kirishima’s. Bakugou doesn’t waste a moment in pressing his cheek to the inside of your palm, his hand coming up to hold it there while he takes in numerous breaths of your scent in order to calm himself. 
“I saw.” 
Kirishima chuckles and pets the top of Bakugou’s head teasingly, earning a growl but no movement from the blonde alpha. 
“That reporter was asking stupid questions.”
You laughed and moved to hug Bakugou next when Kirishima finally released you, now nuzzling him instead. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you close, his inner alpha clawing inside of his head to get any sort of comfort from you. 
Like Kirishima said, it had been a long day. They went hard nonstop against multiple villains and at the end of it, reporters caught up to the alpha duo to pester them with pointless questions about their day. Most of the time Kirishima handled the on the spot interviews but today Bakugou was just at his limit. Maybe it was because he was hungry and tired, and maybe because his rut was going to start within the next two weeks and it was making him more antsy than usual.
So before Kirishima could calmly engage with the reporter, Bakugou snapped and may or may not have gone on a tirade about how fed up he was with reporters being stuck up his ass and many other profanities. All while Kirishima struggled to literally hold the blonde back from destroying the mics and cameras with his teeth. 
“He has to make a public apology in a few days, after some mandatory off time.” 
Kirishima spoke, trying to hide his grin while patting Bakugou’s back and kissing his cheek and yours. He decided to give you a couple more minutes and wandered into the kitchen to make himself and Bakugou some drinks. 
You shifted slightly and Bakugou whimpered, arms tightening around you. His scent suddenly turned distressed and you crooned against his cheek. 
“It’s okay alpha, I’m not going anywhere.”
Bakugou relaxed at that and buried his face into your neck, seeking out more of your calming pheromones as you tousled his hair and rubbed his back.
“I just … fuck, I thought I had gotten better and I then I fucked it up.”
“Katsuki, look at me,” you demanded in the softest way that only you could do.
Bakugou sighed and pulled away from the crook of your neck to look down at you with red eyes full of shame. If he had ears, you were sure they would be flat against his head. With a smile, you cupped his cheeks in your hands and leaned forward to kiss his lips. 
“You had one bad day, it’s not the end of the world. Your job is one of the most gruelling and stressful ones out there - you’re entitled to a blow-up here and there, shit happens. Maybe you could’ve handled this one differently but then again, maybe not. You can only take so much and I think a few days off will do you some good.”
Bakugou grumbled.
“You’re not a bad person for one bad day Katsuki. You’re a good alpha - the best alpha.”
The sound of Kirishima clearing his throat from the kitchen rang throughout the air, making you and Bakugou snicker. 
“You’re one out of two of the best alpha’s.”
Instantly loud purring could be heard from the redhead and you smiled before kissing Bakugou again. He rumbled and chirped while scenting you and being scented just a few seconds longer. 
“I’m the best alpha,” he breathed out against your scent gland, loud enough for only you to hear.
You smiled and nodded, nipping at his cheek then pulling away.
“I know someone who will be very happy that you’ll be home for the next few days.”
At that Bakugou perked up and his happy scent grew tenfold. A genuine smile stretched on his face and he rubbed the tip of his nose against yours, earning a giggle. Suddenly though, the sound of Kirishima bolting from the kitchen caught yours and Bakugou’s attention and soon enough Bakugou was growling with narrowed eyes. He quickly pecked your cheek before taking off after Kirishima towards the living room.
“No way Shitty Hair, me first!”
You rolled your eyes and started to walk after them. 
“It’s been seven months now you overgrown pups - fucking share!”
Kirishima barked out a laugh while Bakugou cackled, the two of them dropping to the plush rug on the living room floor the second their red eyes landed on their pup. Thankfully she was waking up from her nap, surrounded safely by soft barriers of a mini nest you made for her. The moment her own red eyes landed on the two alpha’s kneeling before her she squealed and made grabby hands in their direction while spouting out gibberish. 
Bakugou snarled when Kirishima went to scoop her up. The redhead sighed and sat back, letting Bakugou take her first with a pout.
“You’re not fair babe, you’re gonna get three whole days with her!”
“Shut up, I deserve it.”
You giggled and stood behind Kirishima, bending over him and giving him an upside down kiss in order to distract him from Bakugou, basically gloating.  He hummed and lifted a hand to pinch your cheek, kissing back. When you pulled away, you let the alpha’s be, going back to the kitchen after giving Bakugou and your pup a kiss.
Bakugou held the small pup close, scenting her chubby cheeks and tiny hands that grabbed at his face. She smelled like you, too young to have presented yet and have a scent of her own. But it wouldn’t be long before your scent was gone and completely masked with his and Kirishima’s. After getting his small fill, she was handed over to her other papa.
They redheaded alpha smiled and cooed, always the more talkative one with your pup.
“Hi there princess. Did you have a good nap?” He chimed, kissing the inside of tiny little hands.
She responded with a smile that flashed her singular sharp tooth that had started to grow so far and a giggle. Kirishima scented her as well, lifting her high in order to blow against her pudgy tummy and sides, earning more squeals and heart stopping giggles. 
Bakugou sat back and watched happily, already feeling more and more relaxed and content. His stresses from the day were quickly fading away the more he and Kirishima played with and scented the blonde little pup. All three of them rolled around on the floor, crawling and playing peek-a-boo. Then came the alpha’s favorite game which was Bakugou holding his pup by the hands to stand on excited bouncy legs, maneuvering her like a doll to beat up Kirishima. Bakugou would laugh and snort while making her kick and punch at his alpha mate, lifting her up to swan dive onto Kirishima’s rumbling chest. All while Kirishima played his part of the villain, pleading and faking hurt very dramatically.
You’d watch on from the kitchen, continuing dinner with a smile and purring happily. Once you got to a point where the food could be unattended, you set the timer for thirty-minutes and made your way into the now quiet living room. In the floor laid both alphas, snuggled up close on either side of your pup with their hands resting on her tummy and chubby thigh. All three of them were peacefully napping.
Soft rumbles came from Bakugou and Kirishima in their sleep while a tiny purr could be heard from your pup. You smiled and lowered onto the floor, moving to lay where Bakugou and Kirishima’s heads were, curling around them and alternating between petting their heads.
They really were the best alpha’s.
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