#also i see your long post note-taking anon... i haven't had time to even look at tumblr this week let alone reply
mittensmorgul · 2 years
Hello spn georg! I have a question requiring your deep knowledge. As much as I swooned over Carlos's holy water hair commercial, I was confused because I thought damage by holy water was just a demon thing in the spn universe. It burns vampires too?
Hello! I have to start this off by sobbing, because I had written out a VERY long and detailed response to this, lost track of time, had to run an errand with a split second notice, and left this open and unsaved. And then returned home to find my laptop had rebooted itself and ate the entire post. So. I have to recreate an hour's work that was VERY THOROUGH, and therefore this will never feel like a good enough answer to me... hopefully it'll suffice for you :'D
(honestly this is what i get for writing directly in tumblr. you'd think i would've learned this lesson by now, but nope... i'm back writing this response in tumblr too lololol... hopefully it goes better this time >.>)
I mentioned at the top of my original post that I had another anon venting about folks review-bombing the Winchesters ratings on imdb and other ratings sites, and agree with the anon that these are awful people with nothing better to do with their time, because THE SHOW HAS BEEN TELLING US FROM THE BEGINNING THAT IT WILL EXPLAIN WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON IF WE JUST WAIT UNTIL THEY'RE READY TO REVEAL THAT IN THE NARRATIVE. They've been telling us they are dropping CLUES as to what the "trick" of this story is-- like how Dean is exploring the past, how directly this affects the canon of the original show, and what is actually happening-- and I see all of these head-scratchers like holy water suddenly affecting vampires as exactly those sorts of clues. Let me explain.
What did established canon have to say about vampires and holy water? NOTHING! ZIP! ZERO! Established canon has never mentioned holy water in conjunction with vampires in any context-- either as being effective at repelling or slowing them down, or as being useless against them. For all we know, Sam and Dean could've had another weapon in their anti-vamp arsenal all these years, and just never thought to give it a try. They had dead man's blood and beheading as their go to weapons, maybe they felt they didn't need anything else? Either way, they never even TRIED it.
So established canon never DISPROVED holy water as an effective vamp repellent. Introducing it in such a gloriously fabulous way now doesn't break anything.
Oh, and we've often learned that unexpected things are effective weapons against various monsters over the years... i mean, wood chippers trump everything, right? LOL!
And can we just pause for a moment to discuss that? Because this is the sort of thing fandom has been clamoring for more of in canon for years. There have been many posts over the years that are basically lists of Awesome Hunting Tools that canon never even considered, like filling hula hoops with salt to play demon ring toss with, stuff like that. Because that hair flip? Have I mentioned how much I love Carlos? Okay, now I have. I honestly don't care if it broke canon even a little if it gave us that scene :'D
BUT! Even if holy water always could've been an effective weapon against vampires in original canon, it's easy to handwave with "Sam and Dean couldn't have learned it from John because John was too busy being dead inside (LOL sorry not sorry) while Carlos was busy being amazing with that little trick outside." Maybe John just never even knew holy water would do anything.
And if none of that is enough to handwave it for you, I'll jump back to the top of this essay and vehemently point at what should be incredibly obvious based on everything we know about how this show is being constructed. WE ARE *SUPPOSED* TO NOTICE THE INCONSISTENCIES. THEY ARE THE CLUES AS TO WHAT IS HAPPENING.
There are SO MANY wtf head scratch moments for me in The Winchesters. So many things are are just ~ever so slightly off~ based on everything we know. And that's not even mentioning the Big Obvious WTF of John supposedly knowing all about hunting, the MoL, monsters-- all of it, that doesn't line up at all with what we have SEEN of John and Mary's life in original SPN canon.
I mean... Samuel has hair now? LOL!
There is SOMETHING going on that will hopefully provide an AHA! SO THAT'S WHAT'S GOING ON! moment for us. There is a twist, a turn, a peek behind the big curtain that will show us what's been going on. WE HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT WILL HAPPEN IN EPISODE 13!
So saying at episode 9 that it's all crap and invalid because it doesn't line up with established facts is just... such a boring stance to me. Like, enjoy the mystery! Piece together the clues!
For my other anon again, I can see how it would be fun for folks who have no idea about original canon, who don't even know they're even looking at clues because they haven't memorized every last detail about original canon, you know? But for those of us who know enough to pause and scratch our heads over this stuff, golly isn't it fun wondering how it all fits together? Because I'm having fun with it. :D
But hopefully that at least covers your question about holy water and vampires.
even if I'd typed up a much better reply before tumblr ate it...
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xxswagcorexx · 4 months
please may I have some fic recs? mainly ones that will have me kicking my feet and giggling- nothing too serious but a light read: the vibes of stand partners by eternal kind of.
hi! i haven't read stand partners yet but i skimmed through the tags and here are some ones i like/hit the same vibe :) it is very long though </3
Pretty Things by ros_is_writing
Laying facedown on the bed was his partner Ashswag, the only other person with keys to Red’s apartment. When he heard Red come into the room he rolled over onto his back and sat up, dark braid flipping over his shoulder at the change of gravity. “Welcome home,” Ash grinned, eyes crinkling in laughter. “This is my house,” Red noted. He put a hand on his hip and looked at Ash over his sunglasses, a joking form of their normal rivalry. “Yeah, but I was here first,” Ash rolled his eyes and scooted off the bed. He casually strolled across the room like he wasn’t the highlight of Red’s day and dropped a kiss into his hair.
Red sees an ostrich by Anonymous
“I don’t think you were smiling this much even when we got married.” “Ash, there wasn't ostriches at our wedding.” “You're allergic to ostriches.” Swagdoons fluff (OOC)
(oh,) to be a comfort by Felix_J
"It is good here, people say." Ash mutters. The words tug at his throat, and it's a bit hard to breathe. He'll manage. "Good place to take your partner." "Says Josh?" Red quirks an eyebrow. Moves his other hand, then, the one that's free, to rest on his knee, and it's where he must register the metal against the palm. Ash stares off silently. He thinks they say not to look at the sun for a reason, because it's too beautiful as it bleeds red into the ocean. But hey, the S.U.N. is the new sun, so they are, and really, the tiny reflections of it in Red's eyes when he hangs his head feel way more important. Just... not easier, to look at. He blinks the tears off. Unlike someone, he doesn't have sunglasses, so that he can admit. "Says Josh." He agrees quietly.
away from the winds by Anonymous
Ash, because he’s a bastard and has never heard of a healthy sleep schedule, shows up at his doorstep at six on the dot. He’s sitting in the kitchen when Red finally stumbles downstairs, spinning the key Red gave him months ago around his fingers with a shit-eating grin on his face.
after closing time by cherubium
after a busy day at the casino, the casino quartet decide to rest.
overdosed on sugar and holiday high by Anonymous
“Morning Ash,” Red greets, supported with a small wave. And as an afterthought, Red adds, “Merry Christmas.” Because he’s soft like that, then to balance the statement, he continues, “Can’t believe you’re still working during the holidays like some capitalist contributing to society.“
Counting Stars by Dreamshadow2
Lifesteal can be extremely dangerous at times. Usually, you can never relax. But some days, when things get a bit too much, you just need some time to relax, to be yourself. Or: ScamDuo stargazing, tons of fluff, can be read as platonic or romantic
(hello) my old heart by Anonymous
What he doesn’t ask is why Ash chooses, over and over, to step through that door, through Lifesteal and Earthbound and the wastelands of an apocalypse. The void knows how many other worlds they’ve followed each other through without a second thought.
sir thats my emotional support human by oneirogen
god!ash sleeping while hugging red to his chest like an oversized plushie. send post
something stupid by starbamnk
'I love you.' Ash had to stop himself from choking. That's not how they were here. It ached, but that wasn't how things were.
ALSO i usually don't rec my own fics but i've written so much fluff that i figured i should share it with you too anon . also willow swagcore author reveal too i guess LOL
fallin' in love
Ash and Red go to a pumpkin patch on their day off.
it’s no big deal (that i love you)
Sometimes Ash understands people when they call him and Red a couple. They are partners, in a sense, but not in that way. After all, when you’ve spent so long as enemies, survivalists, comrades, even, you notice a lot about the other person. From tracking down Red’s movements to stealing that stupid bell from Capital City, to pressing down on wounds and praying it didn’t get infected, they’ve been through everything. Been through the happy, sad, and angry tears together, and everything else in-between. But of course, everything they did had to be a business deal—a private agreement between just both of them. or: ashswag has some thoughts about red while they fall asleep together (ft. swagdoons qpr)
i'd duet again
Neither of them remembers when their morning ritual started, but in the grand scheme of things, that doesn’t matter. The fact is that Red would be the one to wake up first, get ready, start the coffee machine for Ash, and start playing his guitar in the garden. or: ash and red's morning duet
homemade comforts
If Red was being honest, he reveled in moments like this. Moments when Ash and he were far away from all of the violence, all of the responsibilities, and away from any prying eyes around them. Just Ash and Red, cooking together in their shitty little kitchenette that only fits two people.
four of a kind
Ash, Branzy, Clown, and Red close up the casino for the week.
best friends
As they ran back through the streets, they let the rain pour down on them, because they were already drenched. They cackled like madmen throughout it all and in that moment, both of them knew that they had something special. And they were going to get such a bad cold after this. or: how red and ash meet, and how they become friends
while the world melts around them, ash and red spend the night dancing. that's the fic.
jenga tower
"Dude-" Ash says through a wheezed breath, "Do you think this a little much?" Clown hums, "Mmm, no. I think you're just fineee." "Exactly," Red chimes in, definitely not helping the 'hey wouldn't it be funny if we all laid on Ash?' cause. or: casino quartet turn into a human jenga tower. for roses and smoke week, free day
It's 7pm, and Ash and Red are exhausted after a 12 hour day of moving. Ends up they forgot the fucking curtains.
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hi :) hope you're doing good! can I request a morpheus x gender neutral reader where reader is feeling overwhelmed/stressed, hasn't slept properly in a while , so they haven't seen morpheus in a while and he's worried. he decides to go visit them, reassuring and comforting them until they sleep in their arms. thank you!! <3
Back to You
Dream of the Endless x gn!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count- 727
Warnings- fluff, comfort, established relationship
Notes- Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you like this! 💖
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog to follow and turn on post notifications to stay up to date on when I post!
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Morpheus was worried. It had been weeks since he’d seen you, and he knew it was unlike you.
It started as coincidence… or was it fate. You had made your way into the Dreaming… and Morpheus’ heart. Since the first night your paths crossed, he looked forward to seeing you every night, and what started as a companionship between two kindred souls soon blossomed into something more.
Every time Morpheus saw you was like the first time. His heart fluttered in his chest under the layers of black robes, and a hint of a smile lit up his face. He craved the warmth of holding you close, he craved the sight of your smile, he craved the way you hummed contently as he whispered soft sweet nothings in your ear until it was time for you to leave the Dreaming once more.
But it had been weeks since Morpheus saw your captivating eyes, your warm smile, your loving arms. And he was worried. So, he made the decision to leave the Dreaming and visit you in the real world… your world.
It was no trouble in finding your home. Being a supernatural being, Morpheus easily found you. But, it was also exactly the way you described it to him. From the doorway welcoming him into your world to the decor that you were so fond of, your home was just like that Morpheus pictured in his head. The only thing that did not fit the image was your slumped over form at your desk in the far corner of the room.
Morpheus breathed your name as he studied you with concern in his features. The light that illuminated your eyes and your aura was dimmed, and even from the distance Morpehus felt the weight that you carried in your heart. And when you jumped up with a gasp, he saw the puffiness under your eyes.
“Morpheus…” you sighed as you looked around the room in confusion, “Are… Are you really here? Or am I dreaming?”
He crossed the room and knelt so that he met your gaze as you sat in your chair, “I’m here my love,” his low voice brought a comfort as he cupped the side of your face with a feather-light touch, “I…” I was worried, “Are you alright?”
You lost yourself in Morpheus’ gaze for several moments before you looked over at the time. But the warmth of his touch soothed your restless mind, “I’m ok,” your voice was hushed, “I’ve just had a lot to deal with lately… I haven't been sleeping well.”
His brows furrowed, “Well we can’t have that now can we?” The quip in his voice was unexpected and it brought a genuine smile to your face, the first one in weeks, “Come, let me take care of you, my love.”
Fully trusting him, you let Morpheus take your hand and guide you to your feet and into your bedroom. Carefully, he stripped you of your outer layers of clothes to get you into bed, leaving the stresses of the day on the floor with your discarded clothing. Tenderly, Morpheus laid you onto your bed, and a wave of relief ran through him when you let out a contented sigh and fluttered your eyes shut.
He let out a mirroring breath as he chucked off his coat and laid down next to you. The whole world could wait; all Morpheus cared about was you. Besides, to him, you were his whole world. Morpheus wrapped his long arms around you and pulled you close so that you rested your head on his chest.
Morpheus held you close as he felt all the stress you held in your body melt away. It was as if by holding you tightly, he forced all the negativity out of you and all that was left was comfort and love. You were here, you were safe, you were ok. And you were his.
“Thank you, Morpheus,” you breathed as you nuzzled your head into him, “I lo…” you drifted off to sleep before you could finish your thought.
He smirked as he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head, “Sleep well, my love,” he whispered to your sleeping form, “I will see you in the Dreaming and you can tell me what you wanted to say,” Morpheus paused, “And I love you.”
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ughgoaway · 10 months
the sick dad matty blurb omfg ACE i’m literally unwell at the thought of mopey messy hair matty falling asleep in ur lap and being so flustered at u seeing him like that- brb fucking crying
also speaking of which genuinely insane timing how you always post smth after i’ve had a very long shift i swear theyre really the one thing i look forward to the most after work 😭😭 uninterrupted horizontal time with ur blurbs it’s true it literally is my fav thing-
also perhaps an extension of sick dad! matty but i just can’t shake the idea of teacher reader being worried about him still and asking annie about it at school the next day and annie just randomly drops a bombshell in the way kids do and says smth like ‘oh daddys so much better today! he’s all smiley and said that you chased the bad coughing monster away for him- can you come do that every time? daddy’s never had anyone do that before’ and it just b r e a ks teacher reader completely pls anyways crying throwing up
(- bff anon also has the can’t shut up disease i fear 😭)
OMG, IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BFF!!! I just need to look after this man.
like imagine he eventually wakes up and its like 9pm at that point so you're like "okay let's get you to bed" and he's all sad and pouty and says "only if you stay over with me" but he's still half asleep and doesn't quite process what he said for a good few seconds...
wide-eyed, he tries to backtrack, "wait- I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that! obviously, we haven't slept together yet, but- NO, NOT LIKE 'SLEPT TOGETHER' SLEPT TOGETHER!!! I MEANT LIKE JUST SLEEPING!!! ohmygod-"
you're like "no that sounds nice, let's go upstairs," and matty is silently freaking out bc you're gonna be in his bed. with him. sleeping. he's thought about this scenario 1000 times, and none of them included him being dealthy ill and not having nice sheets on the bed first.
(more rambles below the cut as always)
you get matty to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, even rubbing some moisturiser on him (he just sits there with a dopey grin as you apply)
he always thought you'd be on his chest or he'd be spooning you, but he ends up with his face buried between your boobs and he's out within 10 mins.
oh and the morning after... so much potential...
I must have spidey senses for when you're at work bff!!! the fact that my blurbs make you so happy you look forward to them??? brb vomiting???? that is so kind. horizontal time on tumblr is my fav too, its unmatched.
I can see her spending the night at hanns bc matty doesn't want her to get ill and doesn't trust George or Ross to keep her overnight.
"Do you even know what 5 year olds eat??"
"bro, why dont you trust us???"
"Yeah... like mushed carrots and shit right. "
you put the kids to work colouring something but secretly call Annie over yo your desk, "hi Annie! I just wanted to ask how your daddy is today, I know he's been a bit poorly"
"...please take her Adam"
she immediately lights up and starts chattering away, "Oh, daddy said he's feeling much better today. he even made me my toast this morning, and he was all smiley the whole time!!! he said you made him all better and played nurse!! can you do that every time he's poorly? he's much happier when you are his nurse than when he goes to the doctors"
obviously, internally you're like "ohmygod he really likes me, and I made him feel better. oh, he couldn't stop smiling, and annie noticed because he was so happy and -"
but externally, you play it cool like, "Oh, that's great, sweetheart! I'm sure next time he's poorly, you can help him feel better too"
Annie is like, "Oh!! I hope he's poorly again soon, I wanna play doctors with you!!!"
you try not to laugh at her wishing her dad ill and just send her back to her desk, but the grin doesn't leave your face all day. thinking about the fact you made matty giddy makes you just as giddy as him.
the next day a bouquet of flowers show up at your door with a note,
"dear nurse y/n,
thank you for coming to look after me even after I cancelled our date. whilst I am slightly mortified you saw me looking like that, I'm more grateful for your help. you made being sick worth it. Spending any time with you is always worth it.
love, matty x
ps, I hope the next time you stay in my bed, I'm substantially less sick, and we're both wearing substantially less clothes ;)"
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wings-of-ink · 4 months
Hello! I went to sleep while finishing GC so naturally I had dreams abt it and some random questions- would you ever consider adding character descriptions for a Trans MC? (I know this is more work for u so feel free to ignore jus curious).
Also on that note I wanna add that the naming scene did in fact make me cry, I know it’s not the internet to be trans coded but- it just struck a cord with me- jus the fact that I got to choose my name and my fathers were happy for me🥲😭🙏🏼a whole box of puffs+ gone in one sitting. I can’t express how much I LOVE Da and Papa, they’re my Roman Empire I love them so much. They’re just so loving and accepting 🥲I wanna hug them
Speakin of characters I’d like to hug- Will we still be able to dig deeper into Zahns backstory even if we don’t romance them? Bc…I just…I wanna drag them back home far FAR from their Sect and just love them (platonically) forever. I wont deny tho I’m just very curious about their cult and like…wtf is going on there 👀
Ok this is already too long I’ll leave it at that💞gonna go reread this masterpiece now.
(Side note your description of the honey cakes made me wanna try them so I’m currently looking for recipes 🕺gonna eat them while I reread)
Have the loveliest day!
-Oswin obsessed anon
Hello my dear!
First off, that is very sweet and I am loving that you dreamed about it!
I had wondered about making something of the sort, but like you said, it adds to an already complex system. My thinking when I did the character creation as it is was that, at least in this world, whoever you are - you just are. That's kinda how I see myself because I've always been in a grey area for my own identity. So, I just am. That's why I didn't enter any sort of specified option for transitioning.
I don't know if anything like the Trans descriptors will be in the game. If I did them, I'd want them to be at least meaningful. So, I won't say no, and it's something I'll take to heart when I consider the scope of the project.
I am thrilled that the naming scene was meaningful for you. I think I know how you feel there.
If I could magic any two people from my IF to life, I would probably go with Papa and Da, lol. Sorry to the RO lovers, but the world needs these daddies!
You will definitely see more of Zahn's backstory even if you don't romance them. Each RO will have that sort of baggage and you will be able to "try before you buy" so to speak. I haven't decided how deep that will go or how those will change depending on if they are romanced or not. I'm considering designing it so that you would need to romance them to get the entire scope of their background, problems, and such and help them find some sort of closure during their route. Zahn will start opening up more before you know it though!
Not to worry about a long ask - I love reading! Lol
I actually found a honey cake recipe that I wanted to post with a future update for chapter 3! But I'll pop it in here for you in case you want it. It's a bit fancier than what would be available to the MC's family, but it would be delectable. This chef is my all time favorite as well. Love the way he talks and his silly puns. I use his methods and recipes a lot and they never fail.
I hope your day is also lovely, Anon! Thank you for dropping in! ^_^
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forcebookish · 1 year
I just have to say you are restoring my faith in humanity with all your Top and Mew opinions. People are so weird about them I just don't get it. Their dynamic to me is so exciting and I look forward to their scenes every week. What really strikes me about Top and what a lot of people don't want to see is that he truly wants someone to care for and look after. The way he so quickly took to taking care of Mew you can tell he really treasures him. I also just love how much of an enigma Mew is (in the best way), he always subverts expectations and I think he really needed someone like Top in his life, regardless of what's going to happen in the future.
thank you, anon 🙏
you put it perfectly, they "don't want to see" who he actually is, so caught up in their own narrative of what they want him and the drama to be - something neither of them are. like, why do they think top wanted to still be with mew after he thought that he wasn't a virgin, had lied to him about actually liking him, and might have been cheating on him with ray? just... 'cause? he told boston he still liked him even after all of that, after being so hurt that he slept with someone else. how many times does a guy have to say he likes someone before people believe him????
and you're so right about him taking care of mew!! i've been planning a post about this since ray asked, "is top the kind of boyfriend you want?" because uhhh, you mean a boyfriend who takes care of him? validates his feelings? worships his body? respects his boundaries? and like you said, treasures him.
on their first date, he buys him the sex book lol
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on their second date, he puts on his laser tag light up thingie for him
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he helps him at water skiing
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(i mean lol that second one is obviously a move but still)
on their silent disco date, he puts on mew's headphones for him and gets him a drink
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he assembles furniture for him
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he gets his drinks for him at the party, he takes him home
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(side-note: i've seen folks have a problem with this checklist line, as if he's "faking" at being a good boyfriend, but it's just a reference to mew saying he has his a checklist.....)
he's so concerned for mew when he gets hurt, he wants to go after biker, and "fixes" his glasses (an attempt was made ok😂)
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like???? do they think he didn't take care of his exes??? he doesn't know what mew's "type" is, he's just acting like how he acts in relationships. and he was taking care of him even before mew said that!! (inb4 that line about him only caring about coming and making himself happy, he said specifically that he couldn't remember the last time he felt like that; that doesn't mean he never has, it just means that mew's the most serious boyfriend he's ever had. he's never been in love before, that doesn't mean he's not now.)
who goes that far just to "pretend" to care for someone?? and even if he did, don't you think that would lead to him actually caring about him? they really go, hmmm, he's a good boyfriend🤔🤔🤔 suspicious🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 lmao
to your point about mew, he is an enigma! every week, i want to know more about him. i've never seen a character like mew before - even though i've known people like him in real life.
and i agree that top's actually been good for mew, even if it leads to (momentary?🥺 interim?🥺 please not permanent🥺🥺🥺) heartbreak, it's good that he's getting out of his shell. we haven't seen a lot of his backstory, but top keeps introducing him to new experiences outside of just reading, helping him live a life outside of studies. and, uh, (at least soon) help him realize how shitty his friends are😅
so pleased my silly little (ok, overly long) posts restore your faith in humanity, anon. it's asks like these that restore my faith in humanity. so glad i'm not alone in loving them <3
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(and glad that you anons seem to like it when i make your asks into HUGE ASS POSTS COMPLETE WITH SCREENCAPS OMG I DON'T KNOW WHY ANYONE READS THESE BUT I'M GLAD Y'ALL DO)
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Heyy i Hope You’re Doing well! I’m a new writing acc and I don’t really have any requests or an audience, can I please ask for your advice on how to start writing more or gaining an audience, because I struggle to write without any ideas being given or a prompt list.
Sending love!! Byee
Hello, welcome to the world of writing fanfiction! Since this might get a bit rambly, I'll stick my advice under the cut. I'll also break it up into categories, and bold the most important parts, just for easier readability.
Writing a particular niche/experience
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how universal my experience with writing/the following I built is, because my blog is directed towards a specific niche? It was genuinely a case of there being very few fics directed at/including neurodivergent readers, deciding "fine, I'll do it myself", and then the people who also wanted more of such fics were drawn to my writing as they came across it.
As such, writing one or two things based on your unique personal experiences (that you're comfortable sharing) might be a good start?
Your blog doesn't have to be centred around those experiences for you to write about them, and it doesn't have to be very specific, either (a few of my first posts were literally HCs for "[character] x Autistic!Reader - Established Relationship"). My more specific/unique ideas came along as I wrote more, and from the requests that came in over time.
There'll always be someone out there who not only relates to your experiences and feelings, but is waiting to see themselves in your stories!
Prompt lists (even without anyone to send them!)
Other than that, though: there's no shame in starting with a prompt list! Even if there's no one to give you a prompt yet, you might be able to find a small list, and then put the numbers/prompts into a random name picker to choose it for you?
I've just had a look for some examples, and a lot of prompt lists tend to be fairly long, from what I'm seeing (around 15-25 prompts seems to be the average) - but I've found this blog, that has some smaller lists to choose from. If anyone else knows of any others that anon might find useful, feel free to share them here!
An extra bit of advice...
This isn't really relevant to your question, but is the No. 1 bit of advice I would give to a new fic writer: figure out what you are/aren't comfortable writing before you start taking requests.
When I got my first request, the requester ended up having to change it a couple times, because I hadn't considered that, for example, someone could request a character I wasn't familiar with - leading to the "don't request characters I haven't already written for" rule in my guidelines. In hindsight, I'd recommend writing several fics before you start taking requests, so you have a better idea of what your boundaries are, and can list them out for people to take note of. It'll save you, and the requesters, a lot of trouble!
It's also important to not let anyone intentionally try to break those boundaries (e.g. by blatantly guilt-tripping you). While it's wonderful to have people appreciate your writing enough to want to see more from you, they aren't entitled to cross the line like that - it's OK to stand up for yourself. Do no harm, take no shit, etc. etc.
And that's all I've got!
I hope this was at least a little bit helpful - again, I'm not sure how universal the way my blog grew is, but hopefully there's something you'll be able to take away from this!
I hope you have fun writing! c:
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shiroganeryo · 2 years
omg... someone did a fast release on dam again... the quality is so terrible. just why are people so happy about the 20 mins of satisfaction of uploading first and delivering shit. and then be happy for what they have done with the worst possible quality instead of waiting. or helping the groups who are already working. why are people hating on kougeki scans btw? i thought they did a good job??
I haven't seen it, but I figured this would happen. It's something I've accepted at this point; so all I can hope for is that people will have the common sense to take these translations with a grain of salt instead of regarding them as reliable.
As for the "20 minutes of satisfaction", I see both sides to this coin. On one side we have people who legitimately want to help; but that becomes tricky when you're dealing with a complex language such as Japanese, especially when it comes to Hoshino's work as she makes use of a lot of wordplays and foreshadowing in her text at times.
I understand this POV but I'd rather people who haven't studied the language at all wouldn't try passing as knowledgeable in it. A small note making it clear they're not fluent but tried to translate to the other fans who know even less about Japanese would suffice, the thought would still be pretty much appreciated and it wouldn't misguide anyone in regards to text reliability.
That's my case, actually - I'm not fluent so I always leave a note for any possible mistakes in my translations. But I did study the language: I took 5 years of classes and several proficiency tests (held by ICBJ, Instituto Cultural Brasil Japão - "Cultural Institute Brazil-Japan"). I've had exchanges with natives, good feedback on it, and consistently good grades - so I feel at least a little confidence in what I'm offering.
As for the other side of the coin, of the people who are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame, I believe I've ranted enough about it in this post here.
I don't know why people are hating on Kougeki Scans, but it's likely because of their long delays in releasing their translations. However, this is no reason to hate on their work when they're understaffed and doing their best to offer good quality - for free. People are very quick to hate and be impatient in this fandom and it disappoints me so, but that's also something I got used to so perhaps you should as well, anon.
To balance things out, we shall keep doing our best to support Hoshino and her work in any way we can. I translate every new release to the folks in my private server the same day it comes out, but the raws used are kindly provided by a friend who goes out of her way to buy the magazine.
I, for one, always buy the physical volumes when they're out in my country, in my language (Brazilian Portuguese). I've been supporting Hoshino's work since the late 2008s and I won't stop now just because digital sharing has become this easy. And when we're so used to the practicality of things on the internet, we tend to forget these small things that make a lot of difference to the creator.
Sorry for the long rambling, but your ask called for an elaborate answer! I apologize if I come off as conceited in any way, but I've had people confront me before regarding certain matters so I'm being as clear as I can possibly be in this response.
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avelera · 2 years
Hi! Given sanctuary anon back to rave about your fic in your own inbox. I just had a chance to catch up and!! 1) your scene with hob and Calliope was so good! I love the nuance it brings to the situation. It's actually one of my favorite things about your fics, in a lot of shorter fics side characters like Calliope end up as very one note "my wife left me" and that's it (and it makes sense if the fic isn't about her) but I love that you take the time to unfold them all so well? I see your posts sometimes that the little moments and conversations really ping up your word count but I'm really loving it. and the dialogue was so??? Like she reads as a godess! Everything she says sounds like it fits into the conversation but also like it came straight out of an epic spell (esp when she was urging hob to defy dream!) And 2) Jessamy!! I love this take on their relationship so much, (and then I remember ep 1 and fuck myself up) even if given sanctuary isn't meant to deal with that timeline, actually being reminded that Jessamy was important to dream, was someone he knew and trusted is so heartbreaking. It happens so early in the show before you really understand the full implications. And don't even get me started about dream at the grave or this ask will be twice as long as it already is (Also i just saw Ur post about the next chapter, Def looking forward as well)
I mean, as far as the Ask being twice as long, don't threaten me with a good time! LOL I have a personal rule that I can't really talk about parts of the story I haven't written yet, otherwise I won't write them, but I could talk about this story for hours (obviously, I write out the Behind the Scenes post to keep myself and others from going insane from how much I want to ramble about it).
As for Calliope, thank you! She was always planned to stop by, from the moment the Naxos arc was planned she was the natural climax of it. My undergrad thesis was on whether or not the Trojan War took place historically, so you could say I was predisposed to be a bit of a nerd about "Homer's Muse" (notwithstanding my own personal adoration of her) so it meant a lot to me to try to convey a goddess, the Muse of Epic Poetry who originated the story I built a good chunk of my academic career around.
As for Jessamy, like Calliope, she was almost a character I had to build myself since we see so little of her broader personality in canon? We get tidbits and hints but a lot had to be invented whole cloth. I will say, I wouldn't introduce Jessamy in such detail only to default back to canon. We will see much later how the events of "Giving Sanctuary" avert certain elements of canon, including Jessamy's death, but we'll get there when we get there. And we will be seeing her again :) But it really means a lot that she came across as someone important to him! That was the real goal, to show that affection.
Thank you!
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I posted 3,773 times in 2022
1,742 posts created (46%)
2,031 posts reblogged (54%)
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I tagged 2,824 of my posts in 2022
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#asks - 898 posts
#replies - 884 posts
#anon - 484 posts
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#dany whines - 208 posts
#relative dating - 118 posts
#ask meme - 116 posts
#requests - 78 posts
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Longest Tag: 129 characters
#okay i’m done ranting i’m just so over people going ‘she’s boring' or 'she's naÏve and sheltered' like....yeah. that's the point.
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m jumping on the baby fever train! Choo choo. But I don’t have any money for a ticket. I’m a transient riding the rails with my stick and bindle. all I can offer you is half a tin of beans and the company of a scraggly dog that follows me on my travels. I’ll let you pet the mutt I’ve named Sparkplug if you’d be so kind to spin me a little yarn about Santi having a baby with a reader with whom he had a one night fling…. *shakes can of beans at you* I’ll even let you have the first bite o beans.
Why thank you!! I will let you take the first bite of beans if I can sit next to Sparkplug. May I call him Sparky?
Alright, heat those beans up while I weave this tale (this tale that got too long, oh my god I hope the beans are still warm)
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, angst, ends in fluff
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It's hard to tell Santiago what happened
He gave you his number, but he did so in a way that he obviously doesn't expect you to use it.
It was in like a passing, 'let's get dinner some time' but said in a way that he clearly never expects to see you...Ever again.
So when you use the number, when you call and not text, he sounds confused. Confusion melts to flirty intrigue, jokes about coming back for seconds.
You ask him to meet you for coffee. You barely know this guy, this is big news. A public space would be better.
Santiago comes in all cocky, grinning. He must assume you're gonna fuck in the bathroom.
You wait until he's two sips into his coffee to tell him that you're pregnant.
You try not to be too offended when he asks, "Are you sure it's mine?"
"You're the only person I've had sex with since, like, last year, so...Yeah.”
Santiago leans back in his seat, eyes sweeping your face before he turns back down to his cup of coffee. You can see his jaw working.
"What do you wanna do?" He asks.
You've been asking yourself that since you found out. You haven't told anyone in your family about this, none of your friends. You've been stewing and worrying alone.
"...I don't know." It comes out of you quietly, shaking like a rattle.
Santiago doesn't coddle you. He doesn't tell you that it's going to be alright. He just tells you that he'll support whatever you wanna do.
"What if I wanna have it?" You ask.
"I'm not gonna try and stop you."
"Would you want to be involved?"
Santiago sighs, and your chest twists with discomfort. You have to stop yourself from raising your hand to protectively and defensively rest on your stomach.
“With what I do, I’m not...I don’t spend most of my time in the States.”
“What do you do?”
“Is that important?”
“That’s a pretty stupid question if I’m gonna have your kid.”
Santiago grimaces, leans in and lowers his voice, and tells you.
It’s startling, but not wholly surprising. You’d seen the scars, the dog tags.
“Look,” Santiago adds. “I’m just—I’m trying to set your expectations here. If you decide to have it, I’m not necessarily going to be around.”
“No, I—” You shake your head. “I appreciate it. Seriously, I do.”
See the full post
647 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
writing an indulgent fic that no one asked for and no one will read
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also it saying 'the me' was intentional 😂
764 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Rating: T
Notes: I feel like I’ve been sitting on this for an age. Anyway, here we go. Not beta read. I reread it like 18 times but I’m sure I’ll spot 28 typos and tense-shifts the second I post.
Length: 11.9K
Warnings: Angst, cursing, death of a parent, mentions of homelessness and hunger, fluff
Summary: When you landed at the Resistance base on D’Qar, you had nothing but the clothes on your back, your mother’s heart pendant, and fifteen credits in your pocket. 
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Growing up on a remote and impoverished homeworld meant that you were raised with very little. You and your mother worked hard for the scraps that you managed. When she presented you with a grey heart-shaped pendant, you knew that she must’ve scraped and scrimped to save for it. She swore to you that she’d save enough for you to have a chain to wear it on one day.
But when the First Order swept through your corner of the galaxy, they took everything that you’d ever known: your home, your school, your friends—your mother.
All that you had left of her was your memories, and your grief, and the heart-shaped pendant that you carried with you every day.
You didn’t find your way off of the planet right away. It took time—to find and repair a functioning vessel, to concoct a plan to get off of the planet undetected, to get out of your system and into another. Once you’d landed on a friendly planet, you’d managed to get work as a bartender, a mechanic, a washerwoman—whatever you could manage. There were some nights when you couldn’t find work, others when you couldn’t find food. You knew that the pendant in your pocket would be able to buy you a bit of what you needed, but you wouldn’t part with it for the world.
It was a year before you met a pilot that would change your life: a Dandoranian named Jess Pava, who you helped out of a tight squeeze with a few Stormtroopers.
“You got anything keeping you here?” She asked as she’d readied herself to take off of the planet that you were both lingering on. And you didn’t. You hadn’t found a steady position, or a stable dwelling, or made any friends. You had nothing to lose. 
When you landed at the Resistance base on D’Qar, you had nothing but the clothes on your back, your mother’s heart pendant, and fifteen credits in your pocket. 
Pava didn’t seem put off by the fact that you were a little on the quiet side, a little guarded. You knew your way around a hydrospanner, and you knew your way around a blaster. Not everyone on base was as unbothered by your standoffish nature.The rest of Black Squadron—Pava’s unit—was very friendly. After she introduced you around, they left you be, for the most part.
For the first few weeks, Poe Dameron would not leave you alone.
Maybe he thought that you had some hard, icy shell that could be melted. Maybe he thought that someone just needed to show you a little kindness, and you’d open right up. But you were at a point in your life where you were determined not to allow anyone into your life or heart again. You’d never forget the sound of your mother’s voice frantically telling you to run—the thought always made you reach into your pocket and curl your fingers around the pendent.
Letting yourself be taken under Pava’s wing was bad enough. You felt beholden to the pilot—found yourself trailing her like a lost little tooka when she was on-base, worrying about her when she was off. You took charge of minding and fixing her ship, running her errands and messages. You knew that Dameron saw that. He teased you for it, too—though, not meanly.
“What’s Pava got that I don’t, anyway?” He asked, in one of his innumerable attempts to get on what he must’ve thought was your good side. You hardly looked away from where you were working on repairing the hyperdrive.
“She saved me,” You answered, voice quiet and matter-of-fact. When you turned to reach for the laser caliper, you saw Dameron’s typically blaster-proof smile waver in the face of your answer.
“Do you have anything better to do than stand there?” You added as you turned back to your work. He had left without another word. 
Poe Dameron stopped trying to be your friend months ago. You were fine with it. Sure, there was some part of you that twinged with what could only be described as loneliness on late, sleepless nights in your bunk. But in your time at the Resistance, you’d come to feel that life anywhere in the galaxy was as fleeting as it had been on your planet. Lives could be lost in the blink of an eye.
So when you passed the usual groups of people in the canteen—when you spotted Dameron holding court, as he was wont to do—you ignored him, and them, and the gnawing bitter loneliness in your stomach. You told yourself that it was safer to be alone than it was to grow attached to anyone—because any of them could be gone tomorrow, and then where would that leave you? Just as alone as you were at that moment, and twice as aggrieved. 
To say that you found General Leia Organa intimidating would be an understatement. She had a commanding presence, one that drew everyone’s attention. She’d met your eye a time or two in the hall, offered you a smile—and you’d found yourself offering smiles in turn almost unwittingly. There was something about General Organa that reminded you of your own mother—something that made your chest ache with sadness and wistfulness when she offered you a smile. 
“...Do you need help?”
You couldn’t believe that you were asking it, you really couldn’t‚ but there you stood, toolbox in hand. The man’s droid recoiled, unleashed a confused beeeeeep?, just as its owner lifted his head from his work.
“Jess’ ship all set?” He asked. You knew from Dameron’s tone that he was teasing you. You didn’t respond, because you didn’t want him to get used to this. You just shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, and waited for him to wave you in or tell you to go. Dameron cast you one more look before he raised his hand just long enough to direct you to the nose of the ship: “I need a hand with the sensor window.”
See the full post
877 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Matt Murdock: I've been listening to your heart
You, bashful: Oh...
Matt Murdock: Baby girl, you got arrhythmia
You: Oh.
954 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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5,940 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Could you do a master x reader? I haven't seen one so I thought to ask .. Maybe where the reader has known ubuyashiki for a while but got turned into a demon but doesn't hurt people? Idk I just really wanna see one with this man
Hello anon! Thank you for your extraordinary request! No one has requested anything for Ubuyashiki from me, so this was interesting to write! I hope you enjoy
Also, as you guys can notice, I'm currently trying out new styling options for my posts, so don't be confused lmao.
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》Fandom: Demon Slayer 》Characters: Ubuyashiki Kagaya 》Warnings: Mentions of death
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》 Ubuyashiki Kagaya x Reader
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On the day when the flowers were laid on the grave, you disappeared.
There was no note, no signs of running away nor of a fight. You simply just disappeared into oblivion; no trace left behind to track.
Ubuyashiki couldn’t take it. His condition worsened, his eyes beginning to fail. The illness did not ask for consent, as it vulgarly took over him against his own will, reaching every part of his body and making it hard to commit to anyone or anything. He carried around a solemn aura, his mind going to places he never thought they would, as he had sworn an oath to himself after his father’s death, but he couldn’t resist. He had lost the only things that kept his life separated from duty. First, his wife, Amane, succumbed to an illness, and then you left him behind. He was blaming himself, his family’s curse, and it was a hard burden to carry. He fell into a melancholy state, feeling nothing but alike of a grain of sand lost in an eternity. Nevertheless, Ubuyashiki committed to his duty, taking care of his Hashiras until his very own death as he had promised, but not a day went by when he wished to see you one last time before the time of his blindness.
Then you recurred, appearing in Ubuyashiki’s room after three winters had passed by. Like the first snowy day during winter, unexpectedly, covering the world with its beauty, blinding with its light. You stormed in, the feeling of familiarity with you, turning the world upside down just when Ubuyashiki had lost hope.
But you were not the same.
The delight in your eyes had died out, become dull, as you held a smile in your eyes no longer. Your skin was not warm or radiating life, it had turned pale and gleamy with the sweat, the blush on your cheeks long gone. If you had been still, you would have looked alike with a porcelain doll with your beady eyes and solidified state. He did not see the dimples in the corners of your mouth, or the way you would smile at him, instead he was met with two pairs of red eyes and plenty tears dropping on the fine wooden floor down by your chin.
“I-I missed you”
You had managed to say between your hiccups, and that night he had been ready to die by your hands. But so happened that from that day on Ubuyashiki never let go of you again. Not even when he lost his sight, you being the last thing he saw.
“Oyakata-sama, how are you feeling?”
Later he found out, you had been a failed experiment by Muzan, trying to turn Ubuyashiki’s closest subordinates against him when he was at his weakest.
“Don’t fret (L/N)-kun, I’m feeling notably blissful tonight. Besides, what have I mentioned of calling me by my real name? You have no need for such formalities, and you know that”
You hummed, walking beside him, allured by his voice. You were leading him through the garden, giving him his time of placing his steps right, as he occasionally swung and took in the smell of wisteria flowers. It was late at night, and you had once again caught him being unable to sleep due to his pains. You furrowed your brow.
“I know... I just want to pay my respects to you, Oy- Ubuyashiki-sama. You are already overworking yourself”, You told him. If he were not to be your superior, you would have scolded him more often of his foolishness. He was too selfless for his own good, prioritizing everyone before him like his life was less worthy than theirs. He seemed like he had everything under control, strings neatly folded in his hands like he was a puppeteer of some sorts, but in reality, he was struggling as much as everyone else. He just had prioritized his own duty and Demon Slayer corps first ever since he was a child. He needed someone to dig all his burdens out of him, and that someone had been Amane before her death. Now you had taken up the duty to honor his late wife. You had become his eyes and protection, when he couldn’t protect himself anymore. You were content with that, feeling in debt for saving your life from Hashiras back when you had broken into his room.
Ubuyashiki nodded and smiled gently.
“That’s a lot better, but may I still insist you to switch to Ubuyashiki-kun, even Kagaya-kun would be fine”, He told and you gasped and stopped in your tracks, looking at him with shock.
“That would be way too informal from me! You’re my superior!” You told him, shaking your head in denial. You were a timid girl, raised by a very formal family, and you were not easy to let go your past, proven by your demonization. Ubuyashiki brought his hand in front of his mouth and chuckled at your formal antics. Despite knowing him for years, you still held onto them. Suddenly, his hand sifted on his head, accidentally letting out a grunt, alarming your presence.
“It is hurting again, isn’t it?” You whispered faintly, hurt by the pain you were seeing him in. Your voice was laced with dozen shades of worry, as you gently brought your hand on his head, as he looked solemn.
“(L/N)-kun, you shouldn’t. I am not a responsibility of yours to worry”, He insisted, but you had already begun to chant to yourself. His lips pursed into a tight line, quilt aching in his chest.
“Blood demon art... pain replacement!” You whispered, soon tightening your grip on his head, as the pain he just recently had, travelled onto you, as he was switched with harmonious and canorous feeling of sailing through a calm sea instead. Ubuyashiki sighed in disapproval as he carefully grabbed your hand in his and drew circles on the back of it with his thumb to calm you down.
“You don’t need to do that, are you aware? I’ll manage, but the last thing I want is you getting hurt for my expense again”, he said holding your hand reassuringly. He wished he could have seen you, assured you that he was going to be fine, but he had lost his sight and none of those lies were true. He was going to die, and he wanted to spend his last moments with you, even if it meant being selfish. He sighed, bringing your hand to hold his cheek, a moment of vulnerability he rarely showed.
“All I wish for is to spend these last nights in your presence. Is that alright?” He asked, and he felt your cold hand shaking, wanting to form a fist under his skin. He smiled, asking you to have confidence in him.
“I know it is a burden for you to carry, but I promise I will not die in vain. I know that, and I just need you to trust me”, He continued, and he could hear you leave out a stifled sniffle. You were at your breaking point, seeing the man you loved leaning onto your touch, trusting his long-sworn enemy more than his Hashiras, treating you no different than from before. You did not know what you had done to gain this influential man’s trust, and you had hard time accepting it. But you had never been able to say no to him.
“I’m going to find you a cure, you know that, right? I have to, I cannot lose you Oya-... Kagaya-kun”, You told him determined to save him from his unjust and cruel fate. He had suffered enough, he deserved to be happy. His grab on your hand tightened, as it was almost desperate for a search of comfort. That was the only thing that gave him up on his next lie, but you were too lost in your mind to take notice of it.
“I know”, Even when he knew you wouldn’t.
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
Hey Lovely, heard you were looking around for a certain, devastatingly handsome vampire..? I mean, you should know I'll always come when it's you calling little one.
I feel like we haven't had some time to ourselves in ages...are you free tonight? Fancy a drive? We could take a run up to that viewpoint on Will's land that you like so much. You can pick the car if you want, I might even let you behind the wheel - so long as you promise not to give my, our, immortality a run for its money that is... What d'you say Lovely? Wanna give it a try?
-Vincent x
[Ooc: hey! Not sure if you do anons but I saw the tags on your last post and thought fuck it - this vince anon misses seeing anons on my dash! Note the italics...not sure if you'd prefer pre or post inversion lovely... you can pick I guess? And no pressure to reply at all if you don't want to! I'm sure Vincent would always be happy to talk to you x]
[Collect yourself Raeeeee, breatheeee]
Vince !! <3
All up and ready to go so early in the day? To talk to me? Why I feel so special <3 Originally tonight was for a netflix binge, buttttttt if you offer a warm night looking over the town- well you might say the offers too good to refuse~!
Also, Give your immortality a run for your money? Let’s put you behind a stick shift and see about that one, loverboy. Say whatever you will, but I think I got you beat there <3
So what do you say? I’ll give it a try, will you? <3
[I don’t mind at all, in fact I was kinda excited for this!! Thank you so very much, anon <33333! Ohhhhh and I guess if i had to chose I’d say pre-inversion? :o <3 again thank you ahhhhhhh!!!]
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Hold Me Together, Break Me Apart
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Pairing | Haechan x gn!Reader
Genre | fluff, angst, roommate au, college au
Warning(s) | bad language, cursing, slamming doors, broken door knobs, broken hearts, reader is mean to Jeno (for a kinda reason)
Synopsis | Your roommate is never far from your mind, especially when you need him to hold you together as you break from the stress of college life. But what happens when you break him by accident.
Author’s Notes | Thank you sweet anon for your request! I had so much fun writing this! I really hope you like it! I may also be posting a part 2, I haven't decided yet. What do you guys think?
Work Count | 2.9K
Tagging | @treasurehobi
°:.   *₊     .   ☆    ° .       *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆°:.   *₊        ° .   ☆     ✮  °:.   *₊       °:.   *₊     .   ☆    ° .       *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆°:.   *₊        °
Exhaustion swept across your shoulders as you shoved your key in the tattered lock of your apartment door, wincing when the gears crunched as you turned the key. When the lock clicked, you moved the key back to its resting place before pulling back on it, attempting to free it from the snug hug of the gears. However, it seemed far too content buried deep in the edges of the lock.
With a groan, you turned the jiggly handle and pushed the door open, immediately being bombarded by the sounds of four yelling boys sitting on your couch with remote controls in hand. You had forgotten your roommate was inviting his friends over.
“Donghyuck,” you called, closing the door and walking deeper into the apartment.
You kicked your shoes off at the door and slung your bag into a chair.
Your roommate didn’t answer for a long moment, but when he did, he was distracted, not even sparing you a glance.
“My key got stuck again.”
Three times your key had managed to get stuck in the lock. All three times, Donghyuck had been the one to free it.
The male in question sighed as his fingers sped over the keys of the metallic control in his hand.
“I’ll get it out in a minute,” he said.
With a nod, you made your way to your room, seeking escape from the loud yelling of the boys in the next room.
As soon as the door was shut, you let yourself succumb to the emotions attempting to swallow you up. Your knees hit the floor, face buried in your hands as tears wet your fingers. Your shoulders shook slightly as silent sobs wracked through your body.
University was hard enough without the added stress of working, gnawing at your body and soul, pulling you apart piece by piece until your tender bits were exposed for the world to abuse.
College was meant to be fun. A time for parties and drinking. A time of self discovery while also learning more about whatever subject interested you the most. These days, your life was limited to taking four classes throughout the morning, taking an hour for lunch, before reporting to the restaurant across the street where you worked as a wait staff, taking orders and receiving too few tips to add onto your already poor paycheck.
The restaurant had been the only job hiring at the time, and you desperately needed the money. Your family had been supporting you, but when your younger brother dropped out of high school, they began spending too much money taking care of the son they’d ruined by spoiling. Your father could no longer afford paying your half of the apartment rent and, while Donghyuck hadn’t outright said anything of his displeasure, covering both halves of rent for two months, you knew the boy also didn’t make enough to pay the full cost and still be able to go out with his friends. You couldn’t do that to him. So you’d taken the first job that landed in your lap, and here you were, crying on your bedroom floor at 11pm, pondering the idea of dropping out of college all together and moving back home.
A knock on your door startled you out of your thoughts.
“(Y/N), can I come in?”
You quickly ran your fingers under your eyes, wiping away the dampness the tears had left, hoping your eyes were puffy enough to be noticeable. You pulled yourself up off the floor and grabbed your door handle, twisting it and opening the door.
“I have your key- hey what’s wrong?”
He presented your key between his thumb and index finger, but as soon as his eyes caught sight of your face, he paused.
You felt tears prick to your eyes, but you fought to hold them back. You hated when people asked you questions like that when you were upset. It made holding back the dam of tears that much more difficult.
That should have been the end of it, but your voice cracked, and Donghyuck was stepping into your room, wrapping his arms around your middle, and pulling you against his chest. As your face connected with the soft material covering his shoulders, you felt the dam finally give way, a loud sob leaving your mouth as your own ars wound around him, nails digging into the fabric of his shirt as you bellowed against him.
His arms tightened around you, almost as though he were a bungee strap wrapped tightly around a crumbling box, there to hold it together.
“I’m so tired!” you sobbed, shoulders shaking hard. “I have three papers due by tomorrow night that I haven’t even started because I’ve had to work and when I get home I’m exhausted and I keep pushing it off and now I’m going to fail three classes and-”
You were cut off by his soothing voice, shushing you softly as his hand stroked your back the way he knew you liked.
“It’s going to be ok baby,” he whispered softly.
Your roommate somehow had a weird effect on you. Just by speaking in a certain tone, he could rile you up, make you sleepy, or completely put all your fears and nerves to rest. As you melted against him, allowing him to take the majority of your weight, you didn’t stop to ponder the nickname.
“What classes are your papers due in?” he asked.
His arms around your waist loosened, but neither of you let go.
“Literature with Dr. Wong, Grammar with Dr. Jeon, and History with Dr. Lee.”
“Come with me.”
With that, he pulled away from your hug, leaving you about to whine when he grabbed your hand and pulled you from the room.
“Does anyone have Dr. Lee, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Wong?” he asked.
“I’ve got Wong,” the tallest of Donghyuck’s friends, you believed his name was Jeno, said.
“Have you finished your paper for his class?”
Jeno nodded.
“Will you come over tomorrow and help (Y/N) write hers?” Donghyuck asked.
“Sure!” Jeno said, giving you a reassuring smile.
“I have Dr. Jeon, but I’m not finished with my paper yet. I asked for an extension though and she gave me until Monday. Maybe ask for one too and then we can work on them together,” Donghyuck’s friend with dyed blue hair offered.
“Thank you,” you said quietly, nodding.
“Thank you Jaemin,” Donghyuck beamed.
“I have Dr. Lee, but you know he doesn’t read our papers right? As long as you have the buzz words he’s looking for, he’ll give you a good grade. I can email you my paper and you can just rewrite a few sentences so it isn’t total plagiarism,” the other, tiny friend answered.
Renjun actually happened to be in your class with Dr. Lee. You didn’t know why you hadn’t realized before.
“Now see! All you have to do is ask for help when you need it,” Donghyuck said, squeezing your hand softly before letting it go.
“Now, I have to get back to beating these losers’ asses, but there’s pizza in the fridge if you're hungry!”
Donghyuck leapt onto the couch, settling himself between Jeno and Renjun, retrieving his controller. Then they all were gone once again, back in their own world of screaming obscenities at one another as they fought whatever the zombie alien things on the screen were.
With a smile, you felt your body relaxed, muscles now not as tense as you as you made your way into the kitchen to retrieve the pizza he had mentioned.
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When the next morning rolled around, you were hauling yourself out of bed to attend your morning classes, but today, you didn’t feel horrible, like you wanted to crawl back under the blankets and sleep your life away. Perhaps it was the fact that you had the day off. Or maybe it was because your roommate had somehow taken all your worries and frustrations and made them easier to handle.
Like he always did.
Donghyuck was nothing if not reliable. He was always there when you needed him, whether it was getting your key out of an old lock or gluing you back together as you fell apart in his arms. He was always there to ground you. Maybe he could be annoying sometimes, especially when it was three in the morning and he was crawling in bed with you after having a nightmare, or when he’d beg you to make him hot chocolate every day in the winter because he always scorched the milk when he tried. Lee Donghyuck was the perfect person to share your home with. You just wished you could share the rest of your life with him too.
As your last class ended, you pulled your phone from your bookbag to find a notification to join a group chat from Donghyuck. Raising your eyebrow, you accepted, seconds later directed to a chatroom full of memes and video game references.
FullSun00: Finally she’s joined!
JenoJams: Cut her some slack, she’s been in class!
Jaemberry: She should just text in class like we do!
You: Texting in class prohibits learning!
ArtJun: I like this girl!
FullSun00: (Y/N)!! Meet us in the cafeteria!! We’re sitting in one of the back booths!!
You: Uh… Ok? I’ll be there in five.
Donghyuck was always adamant about keeping you away from his friends group chats despite the amount of times Jeno and Jaemin had tried to convince him to add you. Being invited now was a little odd, but odd didn’t fight the smile on your face as you shoved your notebooks into your bookbag and took off for the cafeteria.
When you got there, the cafeteria was full, as it usually was, but you managed to wind yourself around the heaps of students waiting in lines or moving toward their tables. You walked toward the back of the cafeteria where the most popular seats were, cushioned booths that were alway crowded.You scanned the area looking for Donghyuck, but in the end, it was Jaemin’s blueberry hair that led you to them.
“How did you guys manage to get a booth?” you asked, taking off your backpack.
The booths had long seats large enough to fit three or four people on either side, tables stretching long enough to encompass everyone's plates with plenty of room to spare. It’s part of what made them so popular.
Jeno took your backpack from you, passing it across the table to Jaemin who slid it under the booth where it joined the pile pressed against the wall.
“We got here an hour ago. We tend to spend a few hours here. Easier to eat our fill that way,” Jaemin said.
Renjun snorted.
“Jeno and Jaemin are like human vacuum cleaners. It takes many servings before they’re satisfied,” he laughed.
You shook your head, eyes scanning over the table before realizing that someone was missing.
“Where’s Donghyuck?”
“Miss me already?” your roommate's annoying voice spoke from behind you.
You whirled around to find the man in question standing there juggling two cups of soda and two plates filled with food from the pasta bar, which happened to be the most popular bar and incidentally, your favorite.
“I figured you’d be hungry and I know you love your pasta,” he said.
He moved around you, placing both plates and drinks on opposite sides of the tables before sliding in next to Jeno. It was only then that you realized the second plate was for you.
“Donghyuck… you didn’t have to-”
“Hush and sit,” the male said, looking down at his plate.
If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought the man was blushing. But this was Donghyuck you were talking about, and Donghyuck didn’t get embarrassed or blush.
You sat yourself down by Renjun and lifted your soda to your lips. As soon as it hit your taste buds, you sighed happily. Donghyuck knew you so well. He knew exactly what you’d want to eat and drink. He was perfect. He’d make the perfect boyfriend…
“Hey (Y/N), after lunch, you want to head back to your place to work on that paper? I’m done for the day,” Jeno asked.
You swallowed the noodles you’d just shoveled into your mouth.
“Sure! I’m done too! And the apartment will be quiet because Hyuck has class!” you shot a teasing smirk in Donghyuck’s direction, earning yourself a glare.
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Lunch seemed to fly by and before you knew it, Jaemin was handing you your bookbag as you all grabbed up your plates, ready to relinquish your booth to someone else.
You bid goodbye to Jaemin, Renjun, and Donghyuck, all who were heading to various classes while you and Jeno made your way across the street to your apartment complex.
Stepping inside, your key thankfully didn’t get stuck this time. You tossed your bookbag onto the couch before flopping beside it. You grabbed your laptop off the side table. Jeno took a seat beside you, opening his own laptop.
As soon as the screen to your laptop turned on, you let out a loud yelp as one of your many images of you and Donghyuck together met your eyes, Donghyuck’s sun-kissed face grinning at you through the screen. You typed your password in hastily, but it was too late. Jeno’s face blossomed into a teasing, shit-eating grin that you wanted to slap away.
“So… Donghyuck huh?”
“I don’t know what you're talking about!”
Embarrassment made your stomach churn.
“How long?”
There was no hiding it. Jeno had seen your computer screen. While most university girls had images of baby animals or their favorite band as their lock screens, you had your favorite person to stare back at you.
“Since I moved in…” you mumbled.
His eyes widened.
“And you haven’t told him yet?!” he gaped.
“I haven’t told anyone.”
“You told me!!”
“No, you found out, there’s a big difference,” you corrected.
“Well are you going to tell him?” Jeno asked.
“Of course not! Why would I tell my roommate that I’ve got a big fat crush on him?!” you exclaimed.
“Maybe because he could like you too?”
“Psh, yeah right. Come on, let’s get to work.”
“No Jeno. I may practically be in love with the man, but why would he ever like me?! He is everything and I’m nothing. He’s the full package with so much to offer some lucky person who steals his heart. I have nothing to offer him but stress and insecurities. So can we please just get to work on this paper and forget about him?!”
You didn’t realize you had tears rolling down your cheeks until Jeno brought his hand up to cup your face, gently running his thumb under your eyes to wipe away the tears softly.
“You’re not nothing. You’re everything,” he whispered.
There was something in his voice. Something that had you drawing closer to him. His eyes flicked down to your lips and back up to your eyes. Your head buzzed with want, blissfully unaware to the emotions of your heart as Jeno’s lips met yours.
His lips were rough, chapped. They pricked yours almost uncomfortably, but they were warm and moist. It had been so long since you’d had such a moment with anyone. So long since you’d last been kissed that perhaps your judgment was impaired as your lips moved against his.
But all too soon, reality was coming to slap you in the ass. This time, in the form of the apartment door opening and Donghyuck stepping through, a gasp leaving his lips as he caught his best friend and the girl he’d fallen in love with locking lips on his couch.
Your lips quickly separated from Jeno’s at the sound of someone intruding. Your eyes became as wide as saucers when you noticed Donghyuck standing in the threshold of your home.
You shot up from the couch, nearly knocking your computer to the floor.
“Hyuck! I can explain! We-”
“Don’t bother.” His tone was so icy it tore right through your heart.
He slammed the door and stormed off to his room. You jumped as his bedroom door slammed shut with a hard wham that made the walls rattle.
“I-... I…”
More tears pooled in your eyes as your hands began to shake.
“No…” you whispered.
Jeno stood up from the couch and made a move to wrap his arms around you, to comfort you, but you lurched away from him.
“No!” you screamed! “Leave me the fuck alone!”
Your breathing was heavy. Anger ripped through your veins. You knew it wasn’t entirely Jeno’s fault, and it wasn’t fair of you to scream at him like it were, but you couldn’t help it. Standing in the wake of a big mistake, you had no other option but to be angry, because how would your roommate ever like you now if he thought you were dating his best friend.
“(Y/N) please-” Jeno began, but you cut him off.
“Was this your plan?! Get me to fall apart so you could put me back together when he walked in?! Do you realize how fucking messed up that is?! I confided in you! I told you how I felt! And you kiss me?! Then he walks in and you try to hug me?! I don’t like you Jeno! Not like I love him! You are not, nor will you ever be, Lee Donghyuck! So just get out!”
You weren’t typically a rude or mean person, but as Jeno looked down before packing up his laptop and scurrying from the room like a puppy with his tail between his legs, you couldn’t help feeling like you’d just lost two great friends.
Maybe today wasn’t a good day after all.
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evilbeanghost · 4 years
Idk completely why, no matter how many times I read the books, I always feel that the notes in Snape's book were actually written by Lily, and not Severus. I have some minor supporting theories but other than that no real reason to think this way. For starters, a lot of the tips do look like they are written to someone and not just notes for the self. The larger reason is that the handwriting is mentioned several times to be effeminate. The handwriting is described in a way to make me think it's very distinctive and should be identifiable. It wouldn't be unreasonable at all to expect the golden trio to recognize Snape's handwriting, given they've now had 5 years of the man marking their essays, leaving notes on homework, and writing on the board. Even at approximately 15 years from the time of writing, Snape's handwriting wouldn't have changed so much that it's indistinguishable. Especially for Hermione who just kinda Does That. But as no one has any idea of Lily's handwriting at the time, that makes more sense to me that they wouldn't recognize it at all. It also makes more sense to me for why Snape would keep the book after all these years. If it was full of Lily's notes and advice, he'd be more likely to want to hold onto it, whereas I can't really see someone holding onto their old textbook for fifteen years, unless it's something lost in like an attic, but in this instance Snape would have had to have held onto it deliberately for it to end up out of his home and into his office six years later.(I believe he started working at hogwarts at 21, right?) He would have had to deliberately pack it into his belongings, and why would someone carry along an old textbook? Oh! And Slughorn calls Lily a potions prodigy, doesn't he? He commends snape for his skill but Lily was the natural at potions. If snape was the one correcting the book, it would stand to reason that he would be the prodigy!(I may be mixed up at this point, I haven't read HPB in years) Regardless, it just makes more sense to me for the notes to have been written to Severus from Lily, even if sectumsempra was created by Snape.
I believe this one is also from you Nonny:
Oh this is the HBP anon I just wanna make clear that I feel Snape's feelings towards Lily are 100% platonic, but didn't initially feel that was relevant to what I was saying.
Hey Nonny, 
Sorry for being so late in answering you - not been around much these last few days. I hope you will forgive me :)
There are a lot of theories about Snape’s Potions book (the dumbest being that this was James’ book *facepalm*), I personally I’m 100% convinced that those are indeed Snape’s notes. To address your clues about them being from Lily, here are my thoughts:
- have you ever written a journal? We do tend to write to someone in them, it’s the same here since it seems that the notes are way more than just potions tips and corrections going by Harry’s attachment to the Prince;
- handwriting has no gender, it’s a silly notion (this is coming from someone who was a little girl with a horribly messy handwriting). Also, I don’t know about you but if you compare my highschool notes to anything I handwrite today you wouldn’t be able to recognize it either. In particular if you were to compare notes cramped in the margin of a book and intended only for myself to something where I would put up way more effort like writing on a board for other people;
- About him keeping the book for that long, it does make sense since it’s full of experimental notes. I still have some chemistry notes from my Uni days that I kept even after my PhD because it was useful. It’s the same for Snape here I think, especially since we never hear about any post highschool education in the wizarding world. There is also the possibility, since it was found among other old potions books, that Hogwarts keep old books to lend to students in need and Snapes’s happened to be among these old books;
- Now, about Slughorn, you need to take some things into account. First, when we see him talking about Lily’s potions skills, it’s always to Harry. It makes sense that for an orphan hearing about his mother is way more relevant in that context than his hated potion professor, even if the latter was equally good or even better. Add to this that Lily was pretty and popular while Snape was dirty poor and an oddball and it’s not difficult to imagine old Sluggy preferring Lily to Severus even if their skills were equals. Since I already did some dig up in the books about that specific topic, allow me to quote myself here:
I dug up my old copy of HBP in order to see exactly what Slughorn had to say about Snape’s abilities at Potions and it is cementing my first take that Severus was indeed the exceptional student while Lily was “just” very good.
This is from the chapter “The Unbreakable Vow” in HBP, the scene during the Slug Club where Slughorn is praising Harry’s skills to Trelawney just before Snape appears:
‘But I don’t think I’ve ever known such a natural at Potions!’ said Slughorn, regarding Harry with a fond, if bloodshot, eye. ‘Instinctive, you know — like his mother! I’ve only ever taught a few with this kind of ability, I can tell you that , Sybill — why, even Severus –’
That last bit clearly illustrate for me that for Slughorn, there were a handful of very good instinctive students – Like Lily –, and then Severus Snape above them.
And a little bit further, while raving about Harry’s Draught of the Living Death to Snape himself:
‘You should have seen what he gave me, first lesson, the Draught of the Living Death – never had a student produce finer on a first attempt, I don’t think even you, Severus –’
Again, it sounds as if Severus Snape was, until Harry, the unchallenged best student Slughorn ever had.
So you see, for me, it’s Snape’s book, it’s Snape’s nickname (I would pay to see his adult self cringe hard at his ridiculous teenage nickname tbh) and it’s definitely Snape’s notes. 
It’s also very important that those are indeed from Severus Snape from a narrative point of view. The connection Harry felt, his deep empathy for the Prince coupled with how good he suddenly was in Potions under his tutelage is so important:
- it shows how similar Harry and Snape are despite their unfortunate hatred, a parallel (along with Voldemort), that is pointed out several times in the books (the lost boys who call Hogwarts “home”);
- it shows that Harry, while looking like James, is indeed more like Lily in nature and felt instantly deeply connected with young Severus, they could have been best friends;
- Harry’s relationship with the Prince indeed parallels Lily’s relationship with Severus: a deep connection of true kinship, a fascination deep fried in a thirst for knowledge, a visceral feeling of closeness, and then: betrayal.
- it shows that, despite the mean professor persona, Snape could have been an excellent teacher to Harry, if only he could have let go of his bitterness;
- it’s important because it’s a rare window into the true Severus Snape, not an act he’s putting up for the world to see. It was the first clue about his true nature and it’s very interesting that it was given to us just before Snape killed Dumbledore, apparently casting him as evil in the eyes of Harry and by extension the reader. 
Here it is friend, I hope I could convince you and if not, it’s ok, it was a fun discussion. Thank you for the ask.
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bookof-xreaders · 3 years
Anon Asked:
May I please get more Spooky/Snatcher like reader, hanging out and spooking the fun gang (+Noelle and Berdly) in the Cyber dark world maybe even scaring some salesmen like addisons, spamton, swatch etc by having the thunder crash(? Is that how u say it?) . Also merry Christmas or holidays/whatever. :) Hope I'm not bothering u. Also no I'm not the same anon from that other request.
This post is for Kris! If you're looking for another member of the Fun Gang, Noelle, or Berdly, please go to this post!
Kris & Reader who has Snatcher (A Hat in Time)-esque Dark World appearance and abilities: In a Cyber's World
You're very much out-of-place in this Dark World, but so is Kris; you have a spooky appearance while Kris looks like a simplified knight. It's easy to spot you, since you're a blot of darkness in a bright world.
Your laughter also clues them in on your location, where they find you terrorizing a Plugboy. It doesn't help that you're noodley and look like a Werewire, which made the poor darkner cower more.
For a short while, it's just you and Kris walking around while Susie, Noelle, and Ralsei try recruiting more darkners. During this time, you and Kris explored around Queen's Mansion.
During this time, you spooked away some tasques because of the constant storm effects, skipped some spinning tea puzzles, and surprised some swatchlings. The maice were not scared by you, for some reason.
Entering the Color Cafe, the shopkeep was initially unfazed by you; they had dealt with customers who varied in volume or spoke in different languages in the past, so they didn't mind your booming voice. Despite this, they immediately jumped when the thunder and lightning rang out.
Luckily, neither of you were banned from the cafe, but Swatch had to take a few minutes to compose themself. They then casually noted that soundproof headphones are now available for purchase, which was totally a coincidence!
You and Kris also went to the Trash Zone, since there wasn't a lot to do with the majority of mansion residents hiding from the supposed storm.
Kris had decided to visit an odd shopkeep in the Trash Zone, and for some reason they were taking an awfully long time in exiting the shop. You decided to investigate by hiding in the shadows, only for the shopkeep to scream bloody murder at seeing a pair of eyes staring at him from the dark.
You found out that Kris was taking so long because the shopkeep thought there was a dangerous storm outside, not knowing it was just you. He's now scared of you! * If you casually bring up one of your contracts, he'll be somewhat more terrified of you. For some reason, you think this relates to his sales pitch for [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]...
You two returned to the Mansion to find out that Swatch told the other party members what happened at the cafe. Ralsei has purchased the headphones, if you haven't done so already; he wanted to be a good friend, and he didn't know if the constant thunder and lightning caused headaches or not!
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guardians-of-exo · 3 years
Check in tag ❤️
I was tagged by @kkoongiees @myeonplane @starchild--27 and @miramizar, and I'm like ❤️❤️ I feel so loved 😭
Why did you choose this URL? My friend R and I created this blog together, and just tossed around some name ideas. We really liked this one, and we loved it even more after finding out Junmyeon is sometimes called the Guardian of EXO.
Do you have any sideblogs? I do! I have two, actually. The first I created to have a place for everything not EXO (which basically just means Monsta X and Ateez, but there are other groups there as well I swear 😂) It was originally called Junmyemom as a play on a nickname R has given me, but I just changed it to @monkihyun cause I've been having a crisis lately... I'm fine.... My other sideblog is where I have moved all my kdrama stuff to, since I wanted to do more with it but not have it clog up my main. So if you like kdramas, come watch them with me here @mie-watches-kdramas
How long have you been on tumblr? Oh hm... This blog I created sometime August 2017, but I've been on tumblr for years before that. Maybe... since 2014? 2013? Somewhere around that time (and yes it was a One Direction blog...👀)
Do you have a queue tag? I do, but I haven't used it in a while 'What Q Do' because I'm unoriginal
Why did you start this blog in the first place? See answer to first question
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? How could I not? I love space themes and this was just the perfect aesthetic for a blog
Why did you choose your header? See answer above 😂
What’s your post with most notes? I'm pretty sure it's still my EXO as Salem the cat
How many mutuals do you have? A lot 😘❤️
How many followers do you have? A decent amount, though I'm 99% sure at least half are inactive cause my notes are nowhere near that number
Following? 359
Do you make shit posts? Duh
How long do you use tumblr each day? Probably averaging between 5 minutes and an hour? Some days I barely look at it and others I sit on my couch for hours just scrolling. Depends on what's happening and how alive my dash is really
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? I did. Twice. And maybe a rude anon or two. One was (I'm pretty sure) an ARMY pretending to be a new fan of EXO, but then proceeded to absolutely turn and go off about me liking other groups (especially Ateez because 'new groups like that never go anywhere' - LOOK AT THEM NOW!!). A whole mess and they ended up blocking me, which was a relief. Another was literally the most fun I've had in a while, and you can actually find the argument in the notes here and here, it's highly entertaining (at least for me)😂
How do you feel ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? I don't want my blog to be a place that pressures people and posts a lot of bad news all the time. Sure, sometimes I do share stuff that's going on around the world, but my blog is first and foremost a place for me to let go and relax for a moment. Wait... what was my point again... Oh well, I hate them. Makes me feel bad when I have days I don't want to deal with all the heavy stuff of the world outside.
Do you like tag games? I dooo! I usually take a long time to answer, but I promise I love them!
Do you like ask games? Also yes!
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? This is fucking Tumblr no one is famous
Do you have a crush on a mutual? No 😘
I tag: @your-sophie18 @exoxobsession @rosetvler @havokhayley @mel-loves-kdramas
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