#also i think max does respect lewis a lot and looked up to him in karting yaknow
slythereen · 7 months
max and lewis clapping for charles was cute, but i think it’s even more cute that they focused on him so much when they sprayed the champagne. like he was in third, which is the most “insignificant” place on the podium, yet max and lewis collectively made sure to drown tf out of charlie boy with champagne. he is just so loved <33333
really was just a charlie champaign bath up there which is so incredibly sweet and valid of them. like. now every time i think of the podium i'm like oh yeah, charles got cheered up by getting-boo'd-at champs (and literal champs lol) the first time he ever got boo'd (i think)??? sweet as hell.
AND THE LEWIS/MAX FRIENDSHIP... look friendship might be a strong word. but they are friendly more now and that's so precious to me. they can bond over their mutual pookie (charles)
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f0point5 · 5 months
You know, I love Seb (he’s the person who got me into F1) and I respect Lewis and his accomplishments but one thing I’ll never forgive them (and a lot of the older drivers, most already retired now) for is how they treated Max when he came into F1.
Yes, he might have been their rival but he was also a teenager, a literal child and gosh… I know Max probably doesn’t really care anymore but I still hurt for him sometimes.
Especially when you consider that he was the one paving the way for his generation. When Charles and Lando and George and everyone else came up a few years later they were welcomed as the youth, the future of the sport. Older drivers talking about their talent and how great it is to see them come up.
Max didn’t get that. He got shouts of “too young”, “too reckless”, “too… too much”.
So no, to me the only real grid dad (or maybe grid uncle is more fitting, idk) will be Fernando Alonso who said that some people are simply ready earlier than others and that Max should be judged on his performance in the races, not his age (paraphrased).
Fernando who has been an idol a lot of the younger generation growing up but also exchanged helmets with Oscar and Zhou, joked with Lando on instagram, talks Le Mans with Max and probably many more moments I’m forgetting about rn.
Honestly, I don’t really get the Seb hype. He just has never given me good vibes. I didn’t watch during the RB days so maybe if I’d seen his golden era I’d have gotten attached but he has just always seemed…not likeable. Clearly a very driven, straightforward, intelligent guy, but something about him doesn’t sit well with me. Anyway rant over.
I’m not even going to talk about LH because…par for the course.
Yes, they were all mean to him. As grown men, too, how are you not absolutely embarrassed?! I get that he’s a kid and maybe you don’t want to hang out with him or confront the fact that you’re not the hotshots anymore but omg it’s a CHILD. (And Seb who made a bit of a meal out of being a bullying victim as a kid…I see you.)
No one else of Max’s generation would have survived the way they treated him, I stand by that. They all needed the support they got, and Max had none of it from his peers. I can’t see Max being the type who cared per se, because he was probably already used to being…not ostracised, but like…observed? And also because of how he grew up I don’t think anyone’s words could rattle him. But even if he didn’t care the grown men should have known better.
If I were Max I’d still be laughing about how bitter I made men in their 30s. Like “I couldn’t grow facial hair and y’all were running scared”. But I still think it must have been a pretty lonely few years until others his age started catching up.
I think Max was really lucky to have such a tight team (Christian, Helmut, Jos, Ray, GP) around him to insulate him a bit and stop him getting pushed around but the way these men tried it. (Toto I’m looking at your for the Jos phonecall.)
Yeah Fernando is the only one who I think was ready to embrace the new frontier as it were. But he is just kind of like that. I feel like he doesn’t feel his age is the disadvantage that most do, and that’s why he’s not so afraid of younger drivers. Like, his relationship with Max, Carlos, lando, George (nye buddies lol) and Zhou (literally just today saw a quote of him talking about how nice Alonso was to him, even Lance, he treats them as much as peers as he does his own generation, it’s cute.
Also, this is kinda random but I swear Nico and Max were kind of friendly in the early years? Max has known Nico a long time, despite the age difference (he said he remembered glasses Nico used to wear at like 7, and Nico once went out with his mum?), Nico was on the jet with Max on his birthday in…2017? And I think there’s a picture of Max having flown with some guys (including both Nicos in 2016) and for some reason I’ve always had the idea that Hulkenberg was his link to that whole crew? (Idk if this whole friendship is a headcanon but for some reason I feel like these two are/were kinda connected)
But yeah, agree. Grown men acting like little bitches. That generation I think was the last generation with real bitterness between the drivers, though. Idk you wouldn’t catch me being a jerk to a kid but I’ve never been terrified of a kid before so 🤷‍♀️
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sionisjaune · 11 months
Mick/Nico corporate AU pre-slash that has not left my brain for two weeks!
There’s chair scraping and handshaking and seat switching while everyone finds a spot at the table. Events staff rented out the restaurant, but there’s still hardly enough space. It’s all of upper management and Mick, who is technically upper management now. Seb pulls out his chair next to Mick and tucks his serviette into the collar of his shirt, because no one can bear to tell him it’s not actually a classy move. Lewis, on Seb’s other side, smiles fondly. Later, they’ll hold hands under the table and everyone will pretend they can’t see it. The employee fraternization policy is nothing short of draconian, and Toto has been wielding it tyrannically ever since the incident in 2016. 
Dinner is fine. The chicken is tender if bland, and everyone makes jealous eyes at Lewis’s stuffed mushroom when it comes out. The email George forwarded everyone said absolutely no work talk, but everyone’s talking about work because it’s most of the things they have in common. Mick does get in a few ranching stories from when he managed to get out west and visit his mother. Everyone laughs at the part where Angie jumped into Mick’s arms, terrified by the wild horses.
During the pause between dinner and dessert, Mick excuses himself to visit the bathroom. Daniel cracks a joke about cocaine that was obviously informed by American movies. George blushes, but Max, the terrifying attorney Toto poached, cackles throatily. Mick waves the whole thing off and vacates his seat quietly. 
At the bathrooms, Mick makes a sharp left and slips open the sliding doors to the terrace. He’s halfway across and sucking in the fresh air before he notices that the terrace is already occupied. The back of a deep green jacket indicates that Mick should hightail it off of the balcony immediately. 
Nico Rosberg is the Director of Global Affairs, Lewis’s ex-husband and one half of the incident in 2016. When he turns around to raise an eyebrow at Mick, Mick half expects to see a cigarette hanging from his lips, spilling smoke across the skyline. He’s heard Nico is a health nut, though. He’s heard lots of things about Nico. 
“I think this place is big enough for two,” says Nico, glancing around the terrace. “I can’t blame you if you need a breather. No one likes these things.” 
Mick doesn’t tell him that Seb and Lewis seem to be enjoying themselves just fine. He finds a spot on the terrace a safe distance away from Nico and takes in the view from the 43rd floor. 
“It’s a nice thing, getting everyone together,” says Mick. It’s probably the altitude making his head spin.
“It’s cruel,” says Nico. “We get to pretend that we’re all friends because we can make polite conversation between courses for three hours. With alcohol.”
“It can’t be that bad.” Mick chances a glance at Nico. He isn’t looking at Mick, just gazing across the horizon at the harbour, barely visible in the gap between highrises. “Where were you last week, Ibiza?”
Nico scoffs. “Shut in the office on phone calls all day. I would rather stay in one place, I think, then travel to different glass boxes all over the world. And I hate hotels.” 
“I guess it’s nice to be home,” says Mick. Seb’s realtor hooked him up with a condo in the city where he has all his stuff, but home is Gland and Texas, really. He’s heard that the incident in 2016 took place in a hotel room, which might be what Nico’s getting at. He’s also heard that it happened in Lewis’s apartment, in Nico’s family home and in Toto’s office in front of the entire floor. A lot of people have a lot of things to say about what happened, except for Lewis and Nico, and Seb, out of respect for Lewis. 
“Home,” says Nico, bitterly. “Where’s that, anyway.”
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russilton · 24 days
But what do you think is it with George constantly joking about "forcing" Lewis and Max in situations together, this has happened a few times now. Like the roadtrip scenario a few weeks ago. Yes it will make the crowd laugh but that's still Max and George must know that that must make Lewis at least somewhat uncomfortable? I'm honestly conflicted about this. (But yes, maybe he sees Max as his self insert. 😅😂)
I think, despite what a lot of my mutuals may say, that George does not like max very much beyond a polite respect of his ability in the sport, and as another driver. George is notoriously as neutral as he can be about others because he runs the GPDA, it’s his job to get on with them. Pre GPDA/F1 George was a lot more spicy in his opinions, and I’m not as naive as to think George hates Max the way I wish he would, he’s certainly made a lot of digs that I sure enjoy.
I think that George knows Lewis better than we do, as much as it will annoy some fans, George is with him every week, and per both of them, they go to dinner a lot, they spend time working on the cars, they spend time together at sponsor events— they know each other fairly decently.
Because they know each other- they know how to push each others buttons. Lewis is just as bad as George, he teases him for his hair, his dress, the fact George is pretty straight laced, the shirtless pics, the fact he thinks George needs to loosen up. They’re good faith jokes! Lewis has also said HE would like to subject George to car trips and dinners with max, and when max was suggested as George’s next teammate, Lewis made a joke that they would need to do a lot of work on that relationship — It’s pretty clear they both view Max as the most annoying possible choice to be stuck with, and that makes it a shared joke.
Take a look at my redbull hater George Russell tag- he’s made a sport out of saying the sport would be more exciting without redbull in fanzones while turning to Lewis to grin at him- and Lewis laughs back! I don’t think Lewis is so uncomfortable with max that he doesn’t enjoy jokes about him- especially since he’ll also be the one to make them.
Sometimes we as a community can get hyper sensitive on behalf of Lewis (and George), myself included, when the man himself is more solid than we’d considered, and shakes it right off. It’s an act of strength sometimes not to let guys like that get to you when you still have to be around them, and Lewis has dealt with Alonso and more for a decade, a little pissant like max isn’t going to do much. Given how openly praising of Lewis George can be, I’m pretty sure if Lewis told him stop, he’d stop, and Lewis is more than capable of telling him.
Instead they both let off steam over the redbull shit, by making as many jokes about them as he can get away with
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Recency bias is always going to be a part of F1 whether we like it or not.
Whenever Charles has won in the past, he's been lauded as an incredible driver and the next WDC. When he is beaten by his teammate, people question his talent.
When Daniel was at McLaren, everyone said he was terrible, then when we were told about his Silverstone test, everyone turned around and went "He's always had it in him, the McLaren car is just weird!" and were hoping he'd replace Checo at RBR. And now he's struggling in the RB and everyone says he's washed again.
And with Checo. Last year he started strong, got progressively worse, and people were calling for him to be replaced before the end of the year. This year, he's started strong again, and everyone is saying he's driving well and is the best driver to keep in that Red Bull seat.
Lately Lewis has been on a run of poor races, and everyone is saying he's lost his touch. He's going to have a good race at some point, and I bet then people are going to say he's still got the fire in him.
It's a part of the sport. It sucks right now as a Charles fan, but he'll have a really good race soon and everyone will love him again.
Yeah, people will hear and see certain things and have war flashbacks (myself included, sometimes you just see something and go "I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending") But every race is different, cars are vastly different year to year. Hell the way the starting grid is set is different.
With Charles it's especially bad because he is very fast and he is extremely skilled. So when he does literally anything less than P1 people will say he's lost his touch. It's an impossible standard to hold anyone to. Teammates having good or bad races against each other is very normal in the sport and doesn't mean a new trend is set (but also this was a good race for both of them)
With Lewis it's also egregious. He is LEWIS HAMILTON I'm sorry but if you can't tell that the W15 is shit then I cannot save you. After these first three races it is abundantly clear why he is leaving for Ferrari. Mercedes has been unable to dial into these ground effect regulations, it is far from his fault. The straight line speed on that car is not competitive at this stage, like what is he supposed to do? A driver can only do the best with the car they are given and sometimes that car lets them down. I will be very interested to see what he can do in a Ferrari. Lewis is a 7 time WDC, everyone remember and respect that.
Checo is interesting. I think we need to see him more in the RB-20. I agree that so far he is doing a solid job as the RB number 2 and if he keeps it up I'd say there is no reason to replace him. Remains to be seen. I think he is valuable in his levelheadedness and the fact he gets along well with Max is also important. I'll wait and see for him but he isn't as bad as everyone says, he can have bad luck too.
With Dani I do have to disagree. His performance in RB is really not measuring up so far. He's been way off Yuki in a lot of metrics and to be so far off a teammate in performance like that is cause for concern. I'd give him a few more races before saying he's not competitive, but his performances thus far aren't looking great. For that it is really helpful to measure against the teammate who is in the same car and getting much better results overall.
Also important to remember everyone makes mistakes, sometimes when it counts, and that's always hard but it happens.
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f1 drivers + sororities .ೃ࿐
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a lovely anon asked me what sororities f1 drivers would be sorted into so here we go. i would like to say as a disclaimer is that greek life varies from campus to campus, so do take my opinions with a grain of salt. also, i was vp of recruitment last year so i know a thing or two about matching girls with chapters hehe.
i am gonna do class of 2023, with a bonus of our two fav reserve drivers so here we go! also, i'm including sororities that aren't on my campus and doing very limited research on them.
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max v. - delta zeta
i dont have much knowledge on dz (seeing as they were kicked off my campus before i rushed), BUT they were the it girls on my campus. they we're top house, everyone either loved or hated them or wanted to be them.
checo p. - gamma phi beta
gphi on my campus is so hit or miss (as are most organizations, but the chapter on my campus is more out right about it). they're either really nice or they really mean. i think checo has that charm about him LOL
charles l. - alpha chi omega
i don't have achi o on my campus, but of every video i've seen about them, they are more often than not the pretty, philanthropic, top house kind of gals. charles would fit right in. (also the cherry on top is that red is one of their colors).
carlos s. - kappa kappa gamma
i know nothing about kkg, but their mission statement says "...respect for intellectual development, and an understanding of and an allegiance to positive ethical principles" which i feel like is very carlos. carlos is always trying to learn more and get a better understanding.
lewis h. - alpha phi alpha / not rush
lewis would NOT join a phc organization. he would join one of the divine nine for sure, just in solidarity with culture and history. but i will say that the rush/pledging process of the divine can be fucking brutal so there's a chance he'd drop. or better yet, he wouldn't rush at all because he's better than that.
george r. - zeta tau alpha
george would 100% be a zeta. zeta is also a very top house sorority, but when you're zeta you are a die hard zeta. i feel like every sister of zta i've met lives and breathes zta. very george.
esteban o. - delta delta delta
they describe their org to be "an assembly of women with shared values where you can be yourself and belong to something bigger. we are brave, bold and kind." thats so esteban, and considering the work he's put into alpine + the time he's spent in the team. very este bestie of him.
pierre g. - pi beta phi
i was gonna make him a zta, but when i was reading other sorority values i came across this chapter. under reputation it said "many consider them obsessed with their looks" and that just feels like pierre.
lando n. - sigma kappa
sk on my campus is on the come up. they recruit a bunch of cute, sweet little girls who are very active on campus. they're everywhere. like lando. he's every where.
oscar p. - gamma phi beta
i know what i said under checo but pretend you didnt read it for this. oscar is also gphi to me because theyre new member class is so bold and just wants to be involved in everything. giving oscar energy i think.
valterri b. - alpha gamma delta
agds on my campus arent top house by any means, and they have girls who you would've thought would end up in top house but they chose agd. thats valterri to me.
zhou g. - alpha xi delta
these girls on my campus are super underrated. known to have the most genuine sisterhood on campus. they aren't super active on campus, and aren't super well known. but the people the know them, love them.
lance s. - kappa kappa gamma
aligning with carlos. i think lance does try his best at what he does, and improve. he definitely aims to be bigger than daddy's boy. you know?
fernando a. - pi beta phi
please he is just pretty. thats all fernando would bring to the table. he's a pretty boy and should be in a pretty sorority.
kevin m. - alpha gamma delta
i love agds so much. they're a bunch of goofy girls who are loved by a lot of people. theyre on the smaller side on my campus, but are just full of girls you would generally like.
nico h. - alpha gamma delta
this also makes sense to me because he just- he loves f1 and he'll never leave. i've met my fair share of 25+ greek women in their chapter and they just...... never leave. but he's dedicated. and that counts for something...... right?
yuki t. - alpha phi gamma
an asian sorority. i love these girls. theyre so goofy, but really sweet and also die hard for their chapter. yuki would thrive.
nyck d.v. - alpha delta pi
i love my adpis. so much. they're the sweetest girls ever. on my campus theyre super strong in academics and support so many diff organizations on campus. nyck is one hundred percent an adpi.
alex a. - alpha phi
part of their mission statement is "high expectations for character and a drive for innovation" which i feel is alex coded. i can't say what exactly, but alex just screams that.
logan s. - zeta tau alpha
he just has the look that would land him into zeta. what he brings to the table, we'll just have to wait and see.
bonus !
daniel r. - alpha delta pi
he gives me vibes of one of my friends in adpi. just always so happy and dedicated to their chapter. also daniel gives off the vibe of adpis on my campus. and he'd 100% be a sweetheart of a fraternity.
mick s. - delta gamma
their values read "foster high ideals of friendship among women, to promote their educational and cultural interests, to create in them a true sense of social responsibility, and to develop in them the best qualities of character." i just think thats mick. always fostering growth and developing his charachter.
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another addition to d's shitpost studies. submit an ask if there are other topics you would like me to do!
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Wait I've never heard you talk about valtteri. I want to hear everything you think about him as a person, as a nature free guy, in the brocedes aftermath and maybe as a driver
I love that you've been keeping track?? 😭 I'm wondering if you're like a valtteri stan...... do people care what I think about drivers ahaha
It's true I don't talk about him much but I actually like valtteri a lot. so here's my bottas 🍑 thoughts
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replacing a World Champion in 2016 is no easy feat, especially constantly being measured up against lewis. he came into Merc as a young(er than lewis -- in his mid twenties) driver in a championship winning car, obviously he was gonna have WC hopes, esp when Nico already achieved it. Look at Max, he wasn't even a WC but the best driver in his team and he ran through at least 3 teammates who couldn't measure up to him and their own dreams at becoming wc in the same car -- until they landed on Checo, who understands his role as second driver well and after a decade in f1 he's just grateful for the seat in the best car.
There's a reason HAM BOT VET/VER was a meme for Years and that speaks to Valtteri's consistency aa a driver. i think bc merc saw what happened with Nico and Lewis, they decided no more team fighting and we get the 'hi valtteri it's james' team orders here's a 3 minute compilation of it happening and you can hear James going 'I'm sorry' which is truly... you can't help but feel for it. But Valtteri was nothing but a team player and collected his second place in the WDC
ppl assume ah he's Finnish so he must be cold but that's not true, I personally find him very warm and tends to his own business. I think my favourite reaction of his was after the GR collision where GR came to flip him off (George's only interesting moment when his mask slipped) and Valtteri on DTS going, I thought he was going to check if I was alright (smile) -- like he saw George's cunt era!!! we get it
There's also a lot of racers who don't have hobbies outside of racing, but Valtteri seems so much more rounded as a person? i love that he loves Proper coffee even tho lewis wouldn't touch it... his bucket hats, he goes hiking with his cycling gf, he even won!! a cycling event during summer break and he supports her in her hobbies/career. here's him being a wag. he also has the opposite vibes of lando norris, aka he looks like he knows how to eat pussy. just has the vibes of a good lay.
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If anything, posting a tasteful ass nude and then giving it framed to lewis is iconic??? love the Scandinavian lack of shame, and that his DTS scenes are ass out him on a sauna. highly respect.
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One underrated thing I really like his relationship with Zhou Guanyu. older experienced teammate - younger junior with everything to prove can always be tricky; you can get anywhere from raging competition to complete indifference but it really does seem like ZG likes him, looks at him like a mentor and that's sick <3
MasterEyebrow had a LOT to do with my opinion on Valtteri, they changed it from who? to that guy :) ! and if you know, you know
Tldr: Valtteri seems like a cool dude, is driving his little heart out in that Alfa Romeo and is cool with posting nudes on main. Top notch.
Also he should never ever shave that beard does excellency for him
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
For the headcanon game, I'm curious about Charles, Carlos, Max, Lewis 💜🥰 and Esteban 💛
Thank you 💚
oh hello, love!
doing this in order of who i have Thought (brainrotted) most about: lewis / carlos / charles / esteban. for max, see here!
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Lewis Hamilton
Sexuality Headcanon: this man is so so comfortable and confident in his sexuality. and it is: whatever i feel like. i'm certain lewis can get equal attention from men and women so if he really has never slept with a man before he should give it a shot. his opportunities are literally endless (just look at, y'know, how george looks at lewis on an average workday).
in regards to actual kinks/sexual preferences: i feel like lewis is the sort of laid back guy when it comes to kinks that he hasn't actively gone out and figured out what he's into. he will, however, always make sure the other comes first (polite gentleman, after all).
i was reading a fic late last night and got inspired to write a dom!lewis fic one day. just a full 'call me daddy/sir', 'if you don't behave, you know what you will get', 'oh darling, look at you, all messy and wanting. of course i'll take care of you. you think you can handle another?'. but he is the type of dom that would need dom-aftercare. a bit of reassurance that the dom/sub dynamics are all play and they're equal in their relationship or something.
Gender Headcanon: this man is so confident as a man that he can wear half-dresses (met gala 2021 i loooove you) or 'girly' colours, or bright rainbows or fucking lingerie and still see himself as a man. his masculinity can't be threatened and he pushes the boundaries wherever he can.
A ship I have with said character: ...do i need to say-- 4433 !!!! OF COURSE. but mandatory past!brocedes in everything. that shaped him.
i can also see: sewis, for instance.
A BROTP I have with said character: valtteri, tho i think it's one-sided from lewis' view. i think lewis values valtteri more than valtteri sees it as friendship. not bc of lewis! but bc of merc.
A NOTP I have with said character: not necessarily a notp, but i think lewis/george and lewis/charles and so many other ships w lewis are more one-sided from the other's side. lewis is really That Man that everyone adores and i can se george and charles sinking to their knees if lewis gave them One Look, yk?
A random headcanon: nipple kink.
General Opinion over said character: i love love love lewis so much. i'd so not be normal if he was ever even remotely in my vicinity. i look up to this man and all he can do, manage and achieve and with the attitude he has. i'd also suck his dick in a very disgusting alley if he only slightly implied he'd want that. i don't know. this man ruins me on a daily basis in the most blissful way. goat, of course.
minor disclaimer for everyone below: i do not think much about these nice gentlemen in my daily life. i'm not really a fan, but also i've quite a lot of respect for them (except esteban sorry he should make way for rookies).
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Carlos Sainz jr.
Sexuality Headcanon: this man is mediterranean so there's no such thing as homosexuality or heterosexuality. all of it blends into one very touchy, affectionate and gay bit of behaviour. this man doesn't have any personal space when it comes to his friends/colleagues and he's so right for it.
he knows how to work those fingers and that mouth, too.
doesn't strike me as a kinky type, just a passionate lover. he would, however, totally be into waxplay and foodplay. no reason.
Gender Headcanon: i think gender hc's for f1 drivers are quite hard but carlos is very certainly a man and would also be confused by the concept of non-binary'isms (not in an offensive way! just in an, i've never heard of that, what does it mean? way)
A ship I have with said character: charlos, absolutely. i can see versainz too.
A BROTP I have with said character: carlando, they're very good buds with a little bit of homoromanticism but not one bit homoeroticism.
A NOTP I have with said character: i'll get murdered for this but carlando bc of ^^
A random headcanon: this man knows how to massage
General Opinion over said character: great guy, lots of hope for him as an f1 driver. i think he's slightly too over-competitive when it comes to silly little games for marketing videos (which very quickly gets into my allergy-zone) but other than that i think he's a good guy.
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Charles Leclerc
Sexuality Headcanon: Charles strikes me as a guy that may not have... tasted every cake, so to say. a man that just rolls w what goes but doesn't generally. explore. maybe? he'll go where someone else leads, i think.
i can see everyone as verse (it's my brand lmao) but w charles i think i'd always lean more toward putting him in a sub role. it's just, vibes.
Gender Headcanon: same as carlos
A ship I have with said character: piarles! those men have something very fruity going on and i'd love to read all about it ;)
secondary is charlos. there's something very not straight going on between them. maybe the red lights gets them that amsterdam vibe. i'd get horny bc of it, too.
A BROTP I have with said character: seb/charles. i think they've got this cute sorta father/son dynamic but with just this bit of a sexual layer. charles would suck off seb if seb asked nicely, i'm sure
A NOTP I have with said character: lestappen. in the sense that: i can see it through the lens of diehard shippers but when i look at the contact they genuinely have... yeah, they're friendly w each other. i don't see the spice, personally.
A random headcanon: he'd make (/order) you breakfast from your favoite place after staying over.
General Opinion over said character: il predistino deserves more opportunities but i also think he's still got a lot to learn. if nothing progresses around you, however, it's not really easy to learn new stuff. i don't know if i feel pity or sympathy but either way i think he deserves better than what ferrari has given him the past years. but also, he's not really made the most of every opportunity so (shrugs) i don't know. i like charles.
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Esteban Ocon
Sexuality Headcanon: i have genuinely never thought of esteban and having sex if i'm honest. not in the sense of 'he doesn't have sex' but more, me rn going oh yeah. sure, huh. how would he have sex? i have no clue. he's tall and lanky so i'd def love to see that all tied up and submissive. but i don't think about it too hard bc i don't find him attractive so it's hard for me to picture it!
Gender Headcanon: same as carlos tbf
A ship I have with said character: ... none, if i'm honest? i can see the appeal of some sort of enemies-to-lovers pierre/esteban.
A BROTP I have with said character: i like esteban and lance's friendship, from the three gifs i've seen
A NOTP I have with said character: genuinely don't give esteban too much thought. so, i guess my main blorbos lewis/max/lando i'd get him to stay away from.
A random headcanon: i think it'd be quite easy to get him to beg
General Opinion over said character: yeah as i said. decent guy, probably. i don't give much thought to esteban. i don't want to be mean but i think he's had quite some time in f1 and hasn't shown any unique talent that gets him his position among the top 20 in the world. i'd like to see someone else take his seat, a nice rookie, someone fresh. but about him as a person? no clue.
[driver headcanons!]
[rpf disclaimer: all of this is fake bro]
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
You don't know much about F1 if you think Lewis is the only one with toxic title rivalries. The difference with Max and Charles is that it's not a real championship fight. Red Bull are just pretending they're on the back foot due to the points cushion. Come back IF Charles ever comes close enough to contend for the title and Red Bull will show their disgusting true colors again. // I'm pissing myself. You're telling op that it's not a real championship fight because of a "points cushion" while telling them they don't know much about F1. Like honey a lot can change from race to race, see the literal start of this season. Does thou not remember Bahrain? Ferrari were the ones with a points cushion, what happened to that again? Oh right... And gentlemen, a short look back to the past, does Sebastian Vettel's comeback during the 2012 season mean nothing? Does his sensational recovery drive in the last race in Brazil that year mean nothing? Like fortunes change quickly in this sport, you never celebrate or claim the championship is yours until you reach the chequered flag at the deciding race because it could be gone with the wind before you know it. Lewis fans like to forget Massa and "is that Glock" but that happened. Massa had the title for just under a minute before it was taken from him through no fault of his own, he did everything he was supposed to but Ferrari shot themselves in the foot at crucial points during the season which allowed Lewis to close the gap and win the championship BY A SINGLE POINT. It ain't over until it's over. There's no such thing as point cushion when both drivers are insanely gifted with cars that are able to compete with each other. There was a points cushion for Lewis though from 2014-2020 because the gap was that big as no car could compete with Mercs so he was only really competing with Nico and Valtteri, Nico eventually did beat Lewis in 2016 and let's not forget the frequent "Valtteri it's James" and engine penalities that Bottas had to deal with, so Lewis may as well have been doing the Hungarian Grand Prix 2021 restart at every race. As for Red bulls disgusting true colours? Mate Merc celebrated a crash that sent another driver to hospital. Red bull antis call red bull toxic but look at what Merc did to Nico and Valtteri. Valtteri admitted to turning to alcohol to cope and Nico literally quit racing in f1 because it took such a toll on him. Merc is far from innocent.
Op has never said no one but lewis has had toxic title rivalries or toxic rivalries in general in F1, but it's telling how he behaves regarding them, I mean we all heard his comments in Silverstone... People like to bring up Esteban to point and be like "SEE MAX HAS A TOXIC RIVALRY OUTSIDE LEWIS" when Esteban and Max were seen chatting and joking around with each other multiple times during multiple race weekends this year. Whatever their current relationship is like (for however long they're both in F1 they'll be coworkers at least), neither are clinging to Brazil 2018 and letting that weekend define them like so many max antis do. Lewis seems intent on Silverstone 2021 being his defining race.
Honestly I love how this year is showing how Max just genuinely loves a good fight on track, he genuinely wants to chat all things racing post quali or race with Charles or Checo and it’s adorable…it’s nice after last season he gets this cause you can see how much he genuinely loves it this year. He loves the respect not only with the drivers but also the team…it’s nice for him and it shows he was so not the toxic one last season….
And yes it will not be over till I hear the words which I won’t even speak right now…it’s not over till it’s over but I have a shit load of faith in Max🧡
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mionemymind · 15 days
And there goes season 6 there is so much to get through so strap in. Sorry this is so late my job has giving me the most stressful hours this week.
Ferrari got a new team principal, aww no more Binotto(is it me or does he look a little like Jack Antonoff lol). Man Ferrari really is that F1 team and there fans go wild so they will always have that status weather they win or lose. They also really know how to keep there drivers in check.
Daniel getting back on the track, it’s really where he belongs. That injury for him was bad and on the hand to so horrible for him. I’m surprised that not many drivers suffer injuries considering how crazy some of the crashes can be. Just wonderful to see him doing what he was born to do. Nice to see that Horner truly cares about him and still sees potential in him.
Otmar really needed to stop being so soft when it comes to discipline those drivers but it was sad the way Alpine let him go. The drivers totally don’t have to be friends but they need to a least have some respect for each other. Taking accountability for ur actions cause in the end it’s gonna hurt the team and yourselves. Being competitive is a good thing but u got to keep ur ego in check so it doesn’t do more damage than necessary.
Tough go for Lewis this season not having the car he needs to get the 8 championship so he can be forever known as the best driver Formula 1 has ever seen. If leaving Mercedes in the future gets him to that achievement well I guess that’s that. I mean Alonso is still putting in work on the track while being the oldest driver on the track.
That battle for second place for the Constructors Championship was so nerve wracking and fun to watch. Max having an outstanding year uhhh I love him it’s so well deserved. Just literally dominated that whole year.
You seriously got to respect that fan-fiction origin that Zak has in Formula 1. As much as I’m starting to really like McLaren, had to reevaluate when I heard and saw they had Trump there for the Miami race. Taking pictures and everything, such a bummer, that’s something hard to look past at least for me. Because that man stands against everything I believe in, it was so disappointing. But Lando is so great and very talented would be a shame if he’s views aligned with someone as terrible as Trump. I don’t mean to put u on the spot but do u have any opinions or feelings about this. It’s just i know I don’t know you in real life but I’ve come to genuinely respect ur opinion and outlook on things. Please if this is to personal then just disregard this whole paragraph.
Again thank u so much for introducing me into this fantastic sport is it weird if I say love u for it. Now I’m off to YouTube to watch the videos u recommended and fall more into the madness. Drive to Survive was an amazing experience definitely 9.7/10. I’m gonna need more F1driver!reader now lol. Just seen the news Hamilton in that Ferrari red is gonna be interesting to witness. But who is Carlos going to drive for next year I’m worried, Ik he’s too talented to not have a seat on a team but he needs a good team and good car. Yay I got to watch my first race live, those last few laps were so good I love to see a good battle. Lando making Max work for that win, it was a very fun first race for me. Anyway I hope u have a great week.
Looks like I've got a lot to catch up on S(ainz)!! But I'm so glad you've enjoyed that season. I wish there were more moments of my man's Max, but I think he declined being on DTS as much, which is fair since they really paint him in a negative light.
I wish sometimes Daniel never left. While I'm glad Max gets the favorable treatment on Redbull, I think Daniel and Max were the closest thing for Redbull on being "fair" on both drivers. Well at least in my opinion.
But I think Lewis's move on Ferrari has been a long time coming even though I thought he was gonna retire with Merc. Like all that history, it just makes me sad but I'm happy for him.
But I've seen mix stories of why Trump was specifically with McLaren, supposedly it was because their garage was the closest to the exit. But regardless, the fact that Lando views Trump as a "respectable" man is really disappointing. Trump is GARABGE!! I really despise that man so much. To see him there was so DISGUSTING!! But honestly, like Lando, be so forreal with me.
In my opinion, I know that the driver's real life political opinions would upset me. I don't know much about what they believe, but I do know that Lewis's values of supporting black people, women, and LGBTQ+ is what I love the most.
But I feel honored that you respect my opinion, I feel like I talk more about my feelings for Wanda that I rarely share what I feel like in regards to politics.
And I'm so glad that you're going to stick with F1. I might start thinking more about what I could bring with F1 Driver!Reader. But did you see Monaco today?! Well it was today for me! Crazy lap one but I'm so glad Charles got his win :)))
But you have a great day now S! No gif for today cause I'm on the work computer :(((
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Can you please make a list of the drivers and tell what you think about each of them. Only if you want to, but I am curious. 😽
...alright, okay, whole grid under the tab ya'll also if i say I hate someone rn and I start saying I love them tmmr dont be surprised my brain does that sometimes
charles: I genuinly like charles, seems like a good person w an insane amount of talent genuinly enjoy watching him drive a lot, one of my favs on the grid.
carlos: ......I am a culer. I do not like this man.
max: I, ugh, I love fanon max if that counts for fucking anything, irl max makes me uncomfortable but I get it, he has a weird charm but yeah just no. also dont really enhoy the way he races so that also doesn't make up for him being a dick.
checo: I dont have to much of an opinion on him but I like how respectful and kind he seems to be all the time. also incredible driver!
lando: listen ya'll okay..........I used to simp, I dont like him a lot rn, he just gives me bad vibes, he just feels to much like a 15 yr old gamer boy and I do not enjoy that. I like him w max and dan a lot tho
dan: BABIE BOOYYYYYYY. one of my favorite drivers on the grid, incredible driver, fantastic human. my favorite in my hyperfixactions are always the optimistic flirty lil bitch and that him, he is just so wonderful he makes me very !!!
lewis: king, one of the best to ever do it, style icon. yeah just, I mean its lewis, pretty high maintenaince man who gets what the fuck is going on in the world and isnt afraid to say it.
george: I dont like care about this man at all, he doesnt give me good or bad vibes, he exists, he looks like he wouldnt know what I meant if I would ask him to hold my drink as I go to the bathroom
esteban: noddle man who jsut seems genunly kind. I really like him, dont know to much abt him but the bit I do is just him seeminly being a good and kind person who just a lil dramatic and I love that for him
nando: stupid old slut man who I despise deeply (affectionate)
pierre: I hate how attracted I am to this man but hes an incredible driver and the way he carries himself is just, so hot. so uh, thumbs up.
yuki: I dont feel to much abt him but he seems wonderful and kind and I genuinly think hes an incredible driver and I hope he gets to show that more this season.
lance: no real opinon, rich boy, kinda shit driver, who doesn't seem like to like driving. eh. other people deserve that seat more.
seb: *holds gently* my beloved little idiot man I love you so much you stupid lil freak. he needs a haircut.
val: yes
guanyu: funky lil fashion man who goes zoom well. thumbs up.
nicky: look at lance opinion. Just like him a bit more because he genuinely seems to enjoy driving and is actually pretty okay when you look at his junior career.
alex: wonderful man! he is so good so soft so kind, I like him a lot he just gives off such good vibes.
kev: a whole man and a half whos completely fucking insane and exactly my kinda guy for that, love him so wonderful so supportive.
mick: I..........d-do u even want me to start. litteraly my favorite person on the grid for so so so many reasons. the way he holds himelf, the way he is socially aware the way he has so much pressure on him and is still able to have fun and live a life and do what he does and be kind and he so incredible, the way he cares so muhc about everyone on his team and helps out and makes sure everyones okay i just.....I love him but I need him to break and go mad schumi please and thank you.
alright, feel free to disagree or try and convince me otherwise in my asks im open for change unless its abt mick, if u dont like mick the fuck r u doing on my blog fr.
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mercgaydes · 2 years
Hii! New F1 fan, Ive seen clips of battles from last year. Why does it look so toxic with lewis and max but charles is different?
hi! so the answer to this kinda depends on who you ask because there’s many opinions flying around! but I’ll try to be objective in explaining how I see it (and this is long so it’s going under the cut):
i think the last year was all about the drivers’ understanding of each other. and what I mean by that is there’s a lot of trust between lewis and most drivers he goes to wheel to wheel with. sebastian has gone on record saying he’s always trusted lewis to be safe when going wheel to wheel with him. a lot of lewis’s best work from last year was very clean (all his overtakes brazil, battles with alonso, his duel with checo in Abu Dhabi, etc). by default, a lot of his wheel to wheel racing is dependent on the assumption that above all, battles will prioritize safety and respect on both ends. obviously he’s made mistakes, but those are far and few in between + usually involve errors on both his and the other driver’s ends.
personally, i think max took advantage of this last year. he knows that lewis would back out of corners where it wasn’t safe to fight, and he used that against him by being sloppy and bulldozing his way to the front. he went wide on quite a few turns where lewis was about to overtake, forcing someone off track. he brake tested lewis in jeddah. he pulls up next to race leaders during safety cars. in my opinion, his driving is crude and dangerous and he’s never had a need to fix that because he thinks everyone will make way for him. and for the most part, lewis did do that. because, you know, safety.
but like anyone else, lewis probably got sick of always yielding? and that’s where things like silverstone happened, which in my opinion was a racing incident, but honestly wouldn’t have happened if max didn’t drive with the expectation that he by being dangerous he could be ahead. lewis was going to stop putting up with that at some point, which is fair play if max is going to choose to drive the way he does. 
now this brings me to charles vs max. full disclaimer: we’ve only seen two races this season so this it’s hard to say that these two won’t be toxic. keep in mind, last year started the same way - it slowly got more and more problematic. And historically, charles and max have a history of getting into incidents, so who is to say it won’t get messy? also, max has 7 penalty points on the board already, the first of which doesn’t expire until later in the season. he cannot afford to drive recklessly, because it could be at the risk of getting suspended. in my opinion, that’s why max is suddenly complaining so much about rule-following on the radio. he can’t drive dirty, so he might be trying to land others in hot water to gain an advantage. again, that’s just my theory.
this means that max can’t really rely on his main bulldozing “driving” style, so he’s stuck driving fairly like everyone else. and a lot of max’s driving isn’t … coordinated or particularly smart. again, that’s my thought. if you’ve seen the last few races, his lunges are still kinda dangerous and he gets outsmarted pretty often. he’s not really a strategist/good with on-track judgement like charles and lewis are, so he’s kind of stuck relying on whatever raw talent he might posses and the Red Bull car.
I’m guessing we’ll start to see max get back to his old tricks as soon as his penalty points let him. It’ll probably get messy. If you’ve seen my blog, you know I don’t like him, and a lot of what I talked about here is why - I don’t respect him as a driver. That being said, I did try to be objective in answering your question!
anyways this was kinda long rip hope it makes sense
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chubbydino · 2 years
something I've noticed as fool's gold goes on is the increased anti-lewis, pro-max stance you've taken, with lewis implied to be a villain and by choosing to make the silverstone incident much more severe than it was in reality. I know you take creative liberties with the actual events of the season, but it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable that the only black man in the sport is becoming more villainized in your story while other people's characterization hasn't changed. You mentioned you weren't a huge lewis fan, but your fanfic really does seem to be playing into the theories that lewis tried to "kill" max and the other red bull propaganda that was so racially targeted at the time. I still really like fool's gold and will continue to read it but i wanted to let you know how your work may be coming off to fans
i figured i would get an ask like this sooner or later. see under the cut please!
here are a few points to keep in mind:
limited narrators. we only get the POV of drivers who are ultimately closer to max, so they're automatically more inclined to see him in a better light (well...except george). none of our POVs except george are involved with lewis at all, and even george is still very much outside lewis's day to day.
i absolutely play into theories that lewis is a villain, but so are max and so is seb depending on who you're looking at. lewis has a bigger spotlight because he's a x7 world champion. i purposely chose to feed into the red bull narratives for silverstone because that's what happened in real life--people accused lewis of trying to kill max, came after him with racist abuse, and everyone jumped to max's defense, it was definitely a scary time for a few minutes there don't get me wrong, but i never believed lewis would ever purposely try to hurt max. but no news outlet wants to listen to mercedes say "lewis would never" when they can listen to RBR say "lewis tried to murder our top driver!!!!" max made it very obvious recently that he still believes lewis did try to hit him - they even talked about that crash today like 4 times during the race. so max in FG is not going to shake his hand and be done with it.
yes, i amped up the drama with max in the crash, because i wanted the threat of harm to be real to get the story where i wanted it. we still have monza and a lot of other shenanigans to get through. silverstone is basically step 1.
fool's gold was started in part because the industry i work in (film) plays with people's minds so much with PR. people who are absolute douchebags are reveled as gods. everything you think is "real" PR is predetermined and scripted. i remember watching a PR event on set that was supposedly "live" only to find out the entire thing was completely scripted. even i believed it was at least partly live and i was wrong. we are SO malleable as a population, it's scary.
for example, i love carlos to death but i would not be surprised if he is a complete shitbag in real life. i don't want to think he is, but i don't know the guy.
for the record, i'm not a max or lewis fan. my faves are carlos and ferrari. i have a lot more respect for lewis after diving deep into his history in researching FG, and in my opinion he is without a doubt the best driver on the grid, but i thought that before FG. i have a lot better of an understanding of max as well since starting FG. but again, for both of them we only see what's being shown to us and F1 PR is still in baby stages compared to film, imo.
FG follows parallel to the real season, and max and lewis fans became a league of their own in shittiness after silverstone. my experience is that lewis was indeed villainized and yes, it of course had racial undertones. in FG, i'm also projecting that "vibe" but the universe is different so it obviously doesn't come across the same way (for example skysports is part of the FIA in FG, they represent the FIA media sector etc). i will admitted i'm sidestepping the racism conversation a bit because i'm not about to be a white chick trying to write about how a black man should respond to racist criticism. but it does exist in FG and lewis has talked about it before (chp 36 and others). my personal opinions on lewis's treatment could be a fic in themselves, but again, i have no idea what actually went down in lewis's life nor how it actually affected him and i'm not about to whitewash that.
in FG lewis is the most powerful person in all of the empires, which automatically makes him a villain in the eyes of many, because he represents the FIA in FG. he's front and center where other characters get to hide away with their secrets etc.
in terms of characterization changes, i'm not entirely sure what you mean. we've become closer to lewis's character because he's closer to george. but i feel like every character has changed a lot in FG since the beginning. as readers, you only see what i show you, so thinking certain characters are "good" and others "bad" is subjective because i'm influencing you through POVs--for the story. but the truth will come out, that's why we read.
for example, sebastian vettel is one of my favorite drivers/people on the grid irl but in FG everyone hates his guts. i personally think seb is a little shit (affectionate) and took liberties with that in FG--much more than lewis, imo. people have said his characterization is nothing like real life and while i agree kind of, my experience with seb outside of PR must be different because i think he's a cold cut bitch a lot of the time and absolutely aware of what's going on with the grid drama LOL.
all of that is to say i have been conscious of lewis's portrayal in FG as the only black driver/prince. he is in no way the only "villain," and honestly hasn't admitted to or done anything major in the current season of FG to earn the title of villain except being powerful and the best (so...like real life lol). but being powerful makes him dangerous to younger/newer princes so he's automatically a threat and treated like a villain.
not to mention we're only in silverstone, so things have only just started cooking up on the lewis/max front.
more to come, i hope that clarifies some things.
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Watching the Toto and Kristian press conference and...Kristian is just doing a lot of talking in circles and honestly making his team look shady af. Meanwhile, Toto is just quiet and intelligent and allows Kristian to keep talking himself in circles. I'm only like 5 minutes in, but these are the vibes already. Also, Kristian just accused Valtteri of doing "almost the identical thing" in Lap 1. Bitch where? We all watched the same race and Val did not do that shit. Does someone have a gif of what Val did to compare? I just wanna see for science even though I already know it's not the same. I hope Toto tells him off for that shit. Don't drag Valtteri into the bullshit Kristian, he has nothing to do with this leave that man alone.
(I have the rest of my thoughts for the entirety of the conference below the cut because it's a lot and the conference is like a half hour long lmao)
Toto is saying that he has "a very strong opinion" about the "long term consequences" of this "highly controversial situation." He never misses. He's so right for that. He's now saying he doesn't want to "keep going to the steward's room" same. We're tired of this shit too, Toto.
Kristian is concerned that if this evidence is questioned, all evidence for events in the future will be questioned if new video footage becomes available, calling what happened a "non-issue." EXPLAIN THIS TO ME KRISTIAN. If it's a non-issue, then why the fuck did you compare what happened to Silverstone or accuse Valtteri of racing outside bounds? Saying something is a "non-issue" and then comparing it to issues is fucking dumb. (Also kind of makes it look like you don't believe in the ability of your team to win with integrity...not a good look)
Toto is saying the stewards need to have access to onboard video because it can help them make the right decisions. Fully agree. They should've had access to begin with, you'd think that'd have been a precedent already. He's tired of shit getting dragged out for weeks on end, and same.
HOLY SHIT THIS GUY CALLING OUT KRISTIAN'S HYPOCRISY IS MY HERO. So in summary, he mentions that Kristian referenced Silverstone earlier, saying Kristian considered it an incident because the driver on the inside (Lewis) was too far towards the outside of the track to leave room for the driver on the outside (Max) to get over. He then states that the incidents are identical, the only difference is that in this case, the driver on the outside (Lewis) had the sense to get over to avoid a dangerous incident from occurring and he asked Kristian to "explain the apparent contradiction please." What a callout. Kristian's just bullshitting saying it's not the same because they're different tracks with different conditions, but DEADASS THIS BITCH literally said "it's two different driver positions"...so are you implying when your driver is at fault it's okay, but when it's another driver affecting yours, it's not? Thank you for confirming you are being hypocritical, we all knew. "You have to treat each one [incident] in isolation" SHUT THE FUCK UP KRISTIAN. Precedents exist for a reason, to keep the driver's safe. It doesn't matter what track it is, there have to be rules against dangerous shit for everyone, period.
Toto is basically confirming what the interviewer asked, saying it is hypocritical and the only reason there was no incident is because Lewis moved out of the way. We all knew bestie.
An interviewer just asked about the relationship between the teams.
Toto stopping to make sure he's "diplomatic" in his speech. What a king. He's talking about how there are so many great people working on both teams and it's a good fight with a respect of the talent of the teams. He's saying it's tough, it's the "highest degree of motor racing," but they're doing the best they can. What a guy, diplomatic indeed. He did turn around and say, "elbows are out, because that's the rules now, and the gloves are off." Was the ending 100% diplomatic? No. But do I respect the hell out the closing statement? Yes.
Kristian is such a petty bitch. He's saying there is no relationship between the teams and not showing respect for anyone's hard work efforts. He's calling everything "political." Maybe, just maybe, it's political because you make it that way, dumbass. He's saying the fia has to be fair in all their rulings and I'm rolling my eyes because, worstie, they aren't being fair. They penalized drivers for what your driver did. The thing is their unfairness works in your advantage, so you're gonna bullshit and call it fair. "I hope we have a hard and fair fight." Yeah, I'm sure you do considering "fair" works in your favor.
Kristian calling this the "most competitive sport in the world"...worstie...do you not watch gymnastics? Do you not watch figure skating? One of the most competitive, sure. But there are other incredibly competitive sports too. Now he's talking about all the late nights the mechanics and engineers pull. He's talking about not giving up and pushing forward. He literally just disrespected the hard work of everyone in the last answer to be petty. His words are meaningless.
There's an interviewer asking why they dislike each other and if they can ever reconcile their differences.
Toto is saying that the competition is incredibly high, and so they can't be besties right now because they're rivals first. He said it doesn't matter what their personal character is at that the moment, the competition is too close. He said there are no emotions clouding his statement, it's not negative, it's just straightforward how it is.
Kristian is saying they have very different personalities in the first place, and they don't have to be besties. He's saying if they were besties, it would be "dishonest" because they're competitors first. THEN THIS ASSHOLE turns around says "yeah we'll protest again" AFTER HE JUST SAID SEVERAL MINUTES AGO he didn't want people taking new evidence to the fia, because it's a "non-issue" and he didn't want more politics, now he's saying the first chance he gets, he will take anything to the fia.
Toto expected the ruling. He says he wanted there to be a discussion around it, and they "achieved" what they wanted via the conversations being had.
Kristian thinks it was the right decision because "it would open a pandora's box" and they "want a fair fight." So much hypocrisy. Yet he just said he'll turn around and drag every little bit of evidence to the fia in the future what the hell. He is nothing if not inconsistent.
The interviewer is asking Toto about the wing incident/if he feels pressure.
Toto says he doesn't feel pressure, because "that's ridiculous." He said he "protects" his "tribe" and his "driver." He's now explaining that the wing was broken, leading to the incident. But it obviously wasn't intentional. He says "that's fine," and basically is graciously accepting what happened and it was an issue with the screws loosening that caused the wing incident. He says "we've moved on" and the rules have been "reset" so they're going to do the best they can moving forward.
The interviewer is asking Kristian about protesting the rear wing situation yet again.
Kristian says they'll "follow the situation depending on what happens this weekend." What the fuck does that mean? Does it mean if Merc gets ahead, there's gonna be a protest filed in order to get points/cause Merc to lose? He's just being brazen and open about what he's doing at this point, and it's infuriating because the fia doesn't give a shit.
Toto is explaining the fia already has all the evidence about the wing and there's nothing else to be challenged. Kristian asked him, "how do you explain the score marks on the rear wing then?" Toto said something that was kind of muffled, I couldn't understand him but it shut Kristian up. He was speechless. Good.
The interviewer is asking Toto if anything else was submitted aside from the onboard video or if that was it, and why the onboard was good evidence.
Toto is saying they made a "dossier without investing too much time." They "premeditated" the evidence, and "made it public." He said the evidence is "clear to anybody who has ever raced a car." "He [max] didn't mean to stay on track."
That's where it ended. That was wild. It was basically a bunch of well-thought-out answers from Toto and bad, circular reasoning from Kristian.
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thebestsandiever · 3 years
Regarding the chaos and aftermath of the Verstappen crash at the 2021 British GP
Before I begin, this is solely my own thoughts on the crash and aftermath of it, resources and intel being from various news reports, articles, interviews, social media reactions/on track fans reactions, commentators, careers etc. Also important, this post was made around 11 PM CEST, so other news after that or in the midst of this, I haven’t considered.
  Comments and discussions are welcome, though remember to keep the tone guys. I rarely comment on anything on Tumblr, but looking at this chaos, I felt like sharing a bit.
  Starting on the incident that happened, I don’t believe that I can clearly decide what happened and who caused, and the only comments I have is that I believe it was a racing incident that has no bad intention. We hear in conclusion from sources (there was an after analysis) (e.g. also Lewis’ Sky Sports interview) that both could have given each other space. Lewis trying to get in, and Max defending his position. People who think Lewis did it intentionally clearly have no common sense, no one wants Max to end up going to the hospital (but he is fine so no worries). Of course, nothing excuses that a crash happened, and it’s a big shame.
  All the hate Lewis is getting should tone down, I think it’s fair to be critical in perspective of racing which consists of the crash and his comments regarding it, but anything that comments on something other than that with negativity, shouldn’t be.
  Something that many F1 fans have brought up and Horner I believe (slightly) is Lewis 15+ years of experience in Formula one and numerous of championships. Which I think in any sport or topic isn’t a fair argument, because mistakes happen to anyone, no one is immune to that, though this is not me calling the crash a mistake, because I don’t believe that is the right word. It’s more Lewis knowing the danger of closing in and Max of course defending himself on track, and this is the end result. And if anyone was a viewer of the Euro 2020 Football Cup Finals, it’s a bit like the Southgate criticism on the penalties.
  This also applies to all the fans who bring up Max’ aggressive and old nickname “crashstappen” from his early F1 career. Whether you have your impression from Netflix’ Drive to Survive or the fact that you’re new, anyone will agree that Max has matured greatly both on and off track, in my opinion one of the calmest drivers on the grid considering the amount of criticism, hate and burden that he gets/has. The fact is that there have been some people on Twitter (when I now and later comment on fans and reactions, it’s usually the very chaotic Twitter), that mentions Verstappen’s past, the infamous Baku and this season’s races where Lewis is the one who, in their words, “has backed up and gave space” (the reason I say their words is because I can’t quite remember so I won’t say that I know for sure). But again, as I mentioned, this is not valid, because it doesn’t excuse what happened today. Every track is a title fight, and previous races and tactics doesn’t apply to this. What I mean is that because Lewis gave space previous races, does it mean that Verstappen should crash? Or worded differently, because Max didn’t give space like he has previous times, that “it was coming” or that he should crash? Biggest takeaway from this is that past and future shouldn’t mean more than what happened in the present. This leading me on to a bit of the hate Max got which I think was quite undeserving, especially under his circumstances, which is f1 fans (mostly Twitter) calling it “karma” and using his young past to somehow “justify” the crash.
Also I really disliked the videos of “British fans” (we can’t actually determine that all were British, but it was home track) cheering when the crash happened, but in general I think cheering on a crash will always be awful even if you’re favourite driver gains position. Gladly though, it quickly died down on the stands as they realized it was hard impact. Very Euro 2020 vibes, though a much better English crowd- Just kidding, maybe you can see I’m not happy when any kind of fans act out of order (also I don’t hate English football fans, but sadly, the ones who make stupid actions overshadow the rest).
  Now I also want to comment a bit on the drivers and teams’ comments and the PR.
  So regarding Max’ social media post about the race. I honestly think it’s fair for him to be upset, no one wants to be taken out on the first lap considering that he is leading while a VERY good and competitive Lewis is trailing behind. My first reaction was that it was quite an aggressive post and the part about him unfollowing Lewis (if that is correct, I haven’t seen it myself yet) was obviously implying that he isn’t happy. Though, emotions run high as well does Lewis’ celebration reaction. I know his mind is to win on track and he has always been outspoken about that fact. Also I don’t quite believe that Max’ comments were full heartedly himself, but the PR team considering he’s just been at the hospital. I’m not happy with his post at all, but I understand both from a PR perspective and a driver’s. I believe almost any driver on the track would have said something like that in an interview if it happened to them. This just happened to be online because of health circumstances.
  Regarding Marko and Horner, I must disagree with their aggressiveness or at least the way they decide to comment on it. I do understand the anger, considering the championship but also concern for Max (anyone who knows their relationship knows that they care about him.) Again, I have to say emotions run high and if anything, managers are good at, and this is not specifically only attacking Horner, but it’s stirring up tension. I would say it’s fair for him to say, and quite expected, not saying I think it’s fair for Lewis to receive though (hopefully you get what I mean).
  Commenting a bit on Lewis’ Sky Sports F1 interview, we can confirm he didn’t know about Max going to the hospital before celebrating. Anyone who wins has the right to celebrate, especially at home, so props for his win, though unfortunately through a crash (this meaning Verstappen was his biggest threat on track). Though I wasn’t pleased about the commenting on Max. This leads further into the interview.
  We get Lewis’ insight on the incident and where he sees Max as the aggressive one, both not giving each other space and having the crash as end result. So in conclusion, Max trying to defend his position and Lewis trying to get in, fair. Please watch the interview, because it clears up a lot of what is spoken about in the media.  
My thoughts on Lewis’ response both before and after hearing about Max going to the hospital in the Sky Sports interview, is that he probably could’ve/should’ve toned down on Max being the aggressor, as they were both considering what the crash led to, and him saying that it was just about who was going to give space until it was too late. It kind of goes against what he just said. But I do agree that Lewis has the right to celebrate because he simply won. I also liked that he had championship spirit saying that considering what happened, it didn’t take the shine away from his win. It may sound disrespectful, and I do still kind of think it is, but on the other side, it’s him being competitive, and both drivers have each other’s respect on being able to fight on track. So he’s got the spirit, just maybe not the right interview to show the most competitive spirit (I think the most competitive spirit/response he’s shown this 2021 season)
  A bit more on his spirit and fighting on track is seen from Lawrence Barreto who tells us that Lewis has the “game on” spirit and is ready for attacks on track but there needs to be respect on track “and if not this will happen more often I guess.” - Lewis. Just a bit more closure from another source, I like that he is more responsive, but this does make it sound like he blames Max for it. I think any driver who are up against each other have the right or it makes sense to give the majority of the blame to the other, they have their own rear mirrors (see it from their own perspective when they drive, quite literally), but it isn’t the best comment to be honest. Since he says himself, both could’ve given space.
  My biggest disagreement that I must mention is the penalty Lewis got, which was the 10 second penalty. Assessing the severity of the crash with high speed, 51G impact, first lap etc. I think the penalty didn’t really serve much of a penalty, but this is also me being critical of the penalty system. These 10 second penalties don’t really make you lose that much of position (depends on car), also this is not a blow at Lewis but just the system. Afterwards, he was also given 2 penalty points. I think compared to someone like Yuki who also got 2 penalty points for crossing the white line twice while entering the pits and George yesterday at the Sprint Race (1 penalty point + 3 place grid penalty) are quite different but looking at the number, there isn’t a big difference in what’s given. But all of this penalty talk is on the stewards and system, so nothing against Lewis and he did take his penalty that was given.
  I did not comment much on the actual incident as I have a hard time really deciding (I can admit I see Lewis unintentionally drift a bit in + this being a very fast turn, I believe just a misjudgment but so many fans think it was intentional), so therefore do read and watch the current and coming interviews and articles to get some racing perspective. It keeps updating and even drivers like Riccardo, Leclerc, Alonso etc. have given their comments, and who better to listen to than professionals themselves. So I encourage you to get perspective there, because I know not all of us are the most technical fans, and we tend to comment by being led through a bias and crowd.
  But if we’re feeling a bit tired from today, so far the drivers are leaning towards a racing incident. They speak of it as quite unclear to determine, basically saying that both drivers could’ve done and were doing something --> could’ve given space.
  We all have to remember this situation is a big deal since it’s the only two to be fair at the moment, who are competing for the championship. Both mad talented and on each other every track. Media blows it out more than them and before we know it, they’re back to what they do best, which is drive.
  Heart goes out to Max, it was quite an impact and if not his worst crash so far in his career. His team radio was quite scary to listen to, I’ve never heard him so shook, but he is doing quite fine at the moment, and he will hopefully recover well enough for the next race.
  As well for Lewis, emotions are running high and people are quick to assume and accuse without using common sense that Lewis wouldn’t endanger Max or himself. He has every right to celebrate a win and props for him winning.
  In conclusion to those who has taken the time to read, don’t let my thoughts be any decider, but more so a way to understand and be a bit more open minded. We are all subjective in the end and I try to see from both perspectives and to be critical as well, not being led by others’ opinions. I’ve stated my sources, and this is only my overall thoughts at the very moment, so remember, as drivers evolve and move on, we do too.
  I again encourage you to watch and research with an open mind so not being led on bias, especially if you’re willing to spread anything on the topic. It serves a greater outcome than sprouting from emotions and lack of information, as we have well seen from this sport. Because media does influence and we as an audience is a part of it. So I must remind again, that this is simply my thoughts.
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dancingmushu · 3 years
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I also want to give my opinion on this pierre/checo thing, but I'm going long for this, so i hope you want to read...
Look I have nothing against pierre, I like him a lot and I do think he is a great driver, but all his wording lately has been off.
When nico asked him about the seat, I actually thought that his answer wasn't that bad "it doesn't rely on me, but on the team" (something between those lines), but with comments like the one from today/yesterday, well, why is he so salty?
Let me explain myself. First of all, wasn't he the first one to not be able to really get on with all the hate/doubting he recieved? Like hun, why are you doing exactly the thing that knocked you off? Are you really that kind of person? I hope not... But let's go deeper.
"He's had his chance, but now he is better". Okay, I can agree with that, and then? He has been very comfortable in one team for some years now, he knows his car and how he needs to tame it for each weekend for it to work... just like checo did last year. New car means new adaptation, and he should know about that, rbr is not the easiest car to adapt and manage on track. "But is more stable now" do we know that for sure? alex had trouble, and still max has said this year that sometimes the car is very out of balance, so we can't assure last sentence. Checo has been doing such an amazing job with that car if we talk about the last to points I shared: a complete different car from his formal one (7 years driving it) and a car that is still difficult to drive. Such an amazing job that he has been the one to give more points from the second seat than his two predecesors.
"But he doesn't work on qualis" yes, that's his weak part, but guess what, he makes up for it on sundays. He ALWAYS manages to reduce the damage, doesn't matter if the fault is his or the teams, he always makes it work and cause less damage. Lately he has been having very bad luck, and the team hasn't helped completly, but as someone who has followed him I can assure you that he is actually getting better, he just needs to still decipher the car and improve a little, but because of his talent, he compensates on sundays. Pierre does good, but I don't know how good he would be at getting out of difficult situations like the ones checo has been in this year.
"He is going to cost max/rbr the championship"... checo is one of the freaking reasons of why both are so tied with lewis/mercedes! checo helping max (like today), checo giving more points to the team than before and compensating damages. Sorry, but when pierre was there this wasn't happening so, yes.
"He doesn't have the pace for a red bull" again, quali? maybe. Race? you're lying to yourself if you think that. He is so good in the races, even the team has said that he matches max's times and everything. So you trying to say this, just makes you look like a clown, sorry. And as far as I remember, those comments where never given with pierre.
Now, let's talk about their attitude. Pierre, sorry hun, but you've been salty for no reason lately. He just needs to do his thing and that's all, why comment on why he isn't on rbr. Look at george, he never questioned toto, and where is he going to be for the next year? Do you actually want me to believe that pierre would do stuff like what checo did today, without being salty and angry on the team, when he is giving this kind of declarations from an "external" team from rbr? Would he be all about team work? Or again the young ambition would blind his mind? Not saying that ambitioning things are bad, but sometimes you need to help and that's it, hurtful and unfair, yes pretty much, but this is life. Oh, and he would be nice enough to go out to the cameras, face the hate, and still say that he's happy for the team and that he believes on the next part of the weekend/race? Yes, I don't think so right now. But checo has been implecable in all this stuff, so he works.
And just to close this, helmut and christian, both have given more good declarations about checo than anyone... They have said negatives also, true, but also they have said very good things, even apologizing about stuff (I don't remember them doing that with another driver that it wasn't max). They know checo, and how good he has been working with the team, so pierre should stop being salty and let the job do the work and not his mouth, because right now he sounds like those kind of people who threw him to the mud.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. If you want to talk, just please be respectful. Have a nice day and have this pic of checo a gift...
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