#also im getting to know the others and i've like explained my studies and stuff and had different reactions from different people lol
dokyeomini · 1 year
all my co-workers are so fucking nice fr 🥹🩷
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v0idm4ster · 14 days
THIS ISN'T TO DEMOTIVATE ANYONE. this is just my story and how getting obsessed with void can ruin you. girl when i tell you this thing with becoming lazy and dependent on the void is real, I. MEAN. IT. (im Indian too btw <3) im like your age and 07 kid too so the timeline is gonna be easier to explain lol. i'm in 12th rn and i discovered loa in 8th grade (around 2020 covid time). that was kinda where the downfall arc started. around the end of 9th (3 years back) i discovered the void and got obsessed with it. i swear i basically ruined my 10th grade and barely scrapped a cgpa in 80s (we know in indian education system 10th exams are considered crucial). i still havent made a proper comeback and until like july last year, i'd use the time i could use for studying, to try and enter the void. it's a very toxic cycle. around 10th and 11th i was also slightly depressed (and suicidal) for various personal reasons and my failures in the void state weren't helping. i kinda messed up my 11th finals too (which are counted in my state for final marks) and i had some of the worst times of my life in the last 3 years. i finally decided to end this cycle and completely forget about void. no i haven't had any void success stories. i've had a few loa success stories but that's about it. in the last 3 years i definitely have had my personal successes in non academic areas, basically stuff im actually interested in like music and some other stuff but that was purely hardwork. LOA DOES EXIST. but i've almost taken it off the pedestal and that has been helpful for most part. couldn't do that with the void but i couldn't care less about it since I'm in a very crucial time of my life academically. I'd just taking a time off completely and focusing on building a strong "nothing is impossible" typa mindset and really being confident in your capabilities. eventually you might manifest everything you want without needing the void. please do not get demotivated. this is just to inform y'all on how you can get stuck in this negative cycle through void obsession. ciao and all the best <3
This is so real cuz like if u completely start depending on something that can actually ruin your life 😭 and how we put the void state on pedestal and completely depend on it is so toxic. It's best to get rid of the OBSESSION and also to focus on ur life more... (Speaking from personal experience) Ofcourse you can enter void state, but just put it off the pedestal and stop depending on it! This is not the only method in this world. And I LOVE LAW OF ASSUMPTION SM!!
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grcetxt · 6 months
Fuck it we ball fanfic time. Gn reader x lars pinfield WOO
Okay WOO lmk if this is shit or ooc or anything, but im pretty happy with how this went :D its a little rushed, might redo it in the future idk. Also i made Y/N bit too much like me (northern) so watch out for that american readers SORRYYY. anwyays enjoy!
I am smart.
No don't laugh, I am, genuinely I am.
Maybe not in the way that others deem important, maybe not in the traditional sense, but I am bright.
Pinfield doesn't think so, the prick.
Every day I come into work, all smiling and welcoming, and what do I get in return? A roll of the eyes if I'm lucky.
But I don't let him get to me, I love my job. My boss is chill, I love hanging out with Lucky, and the Spenglers seem nice! It's a good gig, really.
I'm the "PR guy" for Ghost Corps. Every time they fuck up and destroy a building or whatever I'm the one who covers it up. I'm a real smooth talker, 'gift of the gab' my mum used to call it.
The team needs me, I know that, they know that. Im crucial to the whole operation, the sole reason why that whiny mayor dude hasnt shut them down.
I'm the one who goes to press interviews, who goes on the radio or on TV. I'm the social media manager, I make videos, and post tweets, fuck I've even started a Ghostbusters youtube account! I deserve a raise honestly. #justiceforY/NthePRguy
I get on with everyone at work except for Pinfield, and I genuinely dont know why.
I've tried getting him to feature in videos, or explain the science of stuff to me so I can actually seem like I know what I'm talking about- but he just brushes me off.
Gary tries to reassure me about this on a daily basis. "Its nothing to do with you Y/N" he smiled one day, putting a hand on my shoulder and guiding me away from the busy scientist. "He doesnt really talk to anyone, he gets really passionate about his work"
"I get that, but there's no need for him to be a dick to me, he's got me thinking all kinds of shit honestly!" I replied, exhasperated "I've never done nowt to him"
Suddenly, Pinfield raised his head from his work, scrunching his eyebrows together. "thats a double negative" he commented, looking at me as if I was stupid. Great, It's the most he's ever spoken to me and its a fucking insult- atleast I think it is.
"you what?" I ask, making my way over to him despite Garys protests. I fold my arms, looking as menacing as i can (which ive been told isn't very menacing at all)
"I said its a double negative, if you've never done nothing then you must've done something" before I can reply, he adds onto the end "which you haven't, by the way. I dont know why you think that. I treat you the same as anyone else"
I can't explain why his answer bothers me so much, but it does. Why does he view me in the same way he views the others? That's hardly fair. I'm always welcoming to him, I make time out of my day to include him in things. I hate to admit it, but I genuinely admire him aswell. His love for all things paranormal, the way he gets so excited and proud when he gets to explain the science of ghost-catching to someone. It's oddly endearing.
I tell him as much (excpet for the stuff about him being endearing, he doenst need his ego inflated any more than it already is)
He looks confused, I've never seen him look like that- its weird. Arrogant? sure. Annoyed? when is he not bffr. Happy? Once or twice. But confused? Weird. This is the guy with all the answers, the smart one.
He thinks for a moment, before seemingly making a desision. He stands up with a small huff of exhasperation, and walks off.
As he goes past me, he grabs my arm, more gently than I thought he was capable of. Okay, i guess im coming too. Fun, roadtrip time.
He takes me out of the lab and down the corridor, into a relatively well lit small room.
"Well this is-" before i can speak properly, he cuts me off. Told you he was a prick.
"I dont understand you Y/N" he blurts out, looking at me, as if I'm some sort of specimin hes studying in the lab.
"Well good." I joke. I dont like the serious tone he's taking. Dont like how aware I am of his gaze. HATE the fact I can feel my cheeks burning. Gross. Pinfield is a dick, we've established this. Why the fuck am I BLUSHING because he's LOOKING at me? Bit embarassing, pull it together Y/LN.
He doenst like this though. He shakes his head, pacing around.
"No Y/N you dont get it. I understand everyone, sort of anyways. I've observed them, I can predict their reactions to things. I know what they're all like- but you're... I just dont understand! You're so happy and nice all the time, but you also get angry at stupid stuff, but never really properly angry? I cant make sense of it, genuinely. You've not done anything wrong, you can't do anything wrong. Thats frustrating too. It's like you're this perfect, beautiful person, and I've been trying to see flaws but I cant-" He rambles, speaking like hes just letting out one stream of constant thoughts. He seems stressed, poor guy.
I interupt him, grabbing his arm. "Hey, c'mon Pinfi- I- Lars. C'mon Lars. I'm not worth the stress mate" I try and reassure him, but that just agitates him more.
"See! That's just it! I've been horrible to you, I admit it. But you've kept trying with me! When I hurt my hand you were the one who bandaged it and put it in a sling"
(i had found him almost blacked out from the pain on the lab floor, even the memory of it sent a shiver down my spine)
"you were the only one that looked for me after we all nearly died fighting Garraka"
("Pinfield? Pinfield!? Oh my god, there you are! Thank fuck you're alright!" Okay maybe this tiny non-crush had been going on longer than i thought... christ)
"I dont like the thought of you hurt..." i muttered, embarrased. this definitely wasnt how i was expecting this conversation to go, fuck my life I was crushing on a nerdy scientist who defintely didn't like me back.
He stopped his pacing and walked over to me until the gap between us was non existant. He slowly, hesitantly, lifted his hand until he cupped my cheek.
"I don't like the thought of you upset because of me" he muttered, his voice low.
My heart completely stopped, my breath caught in my throat, was this happening? how was this happening? i swear this guy was like my mortal enemy not even 5 minutes ago. so many revelations were bieng made today...
I decided to be bold, why not? fuck it, i've got nothing to loose at this point.
I leaned in so our noses just grazed eachother, looking at him, really genuinely looking at him. his soft blue eyes that seemed to peer into my soul. Not pierce through it, like some weird blue eyed fuckers i knew, but looked. gently, tenderly, as if he was looking at everything i ever had been, or would be. like i was something beautiful, something to be treaured.
It made me want to sob at the thought. god, how disgustingly sweet.
"make up for it then" i whispered, the tension so thick i could cut it with a knife.
I'd planned on being the one to make the forst move, but apparently, that was all that Lars needed.
He kissed me. His soft lips pressed against mine, sotfly, tenderly, tentatively.
I could feel the anxiety radiating off of him, so i quickly reciprocated. More eagerly than i owuldve liked- but oh well.
I could feel his hand resting on my waist, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. It all felt so tender, so raw, not at all how i thought it would be.
I felt like a teenager again, and couldnt resist letting out a small giggle, making Lars pull away. He looked confused again, making me laugh once again.
"What?" he aksed, a sort of amused smile on his face.
"Nothing- sorry. Nothing at all. Just thinking of how fuming mums gonna be when i tell her ive got a posho for a boyfriend"
"I am NOT posh!"
"you are a littleee"
"I AM NO- wait- boyfriend?"
"oh shit didnt mean to say that bi-"
he cut me off with another kiss, this one much more confident.
It felt like a million fireworks were going off in my head, oh I could definetly get used to this feeling. This war, sweet, happy feeling. My senses were flooded with everything Lars. His taste, his smell, his touch.
I felt like I was learning to live again.
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messrsrobyn · 1 month
for your anon concerned about tokenism which is a very important thing, it truly is. but what made me go easy on myself was realizing that fanfic is kinda not the place people should go for when looking for rep? now let me explain. it’s not that fics shouldn’t have rep, or that fic writers are exempted from having to incorporate it, because i don’t think it’s neither here and there. that’s not the argument we should be having. we should have rep in proper media, in things that actually make an impact in the world. that’s where the rep should happen and we should advocate for that etc etc. we also should be mindful of what we consume and how we do it and see if we only engage with cishet westernized stuff. but aside from that, if people are demanding from fic writers those things it’s kinda weird to me. like, my dude, you love the whitest, most cishet work of all times and that’s fine with you, but this random writer from xique xique bahia (brazilians will understand my joke) has to know all the intricacies of being a teen in the 70s in wales? or else they’re not doing a good work? like, maybe…! go read books that are diverse and engage in those fandoms too. a lot of HC are just like that anon said, so widely spread that just makes sense. desi harry is very dear to me. even if i also vibe with latino james. idk man, i think we can call off straight up problematic stuff. racist stuff. but if you go into fics trying to be educated maybe open a proper book and like, don’t expect fics to be a manifesto? i just want to see gay people kissing. and i think that’s the gist of it, i read books, i study, i educate myself so when i go into fanfiction im expecting to have a good time. i can also find amazing political stuff in it, but i don’t demand an academic work from writers. but some people are so braindead nowadays that the thought of actually opening a book and studying it too time consuming. so, anyways, yes please don’t be racist don’t be weird don’t be creepy, but also guys, maybe y’all should take fanfic less seriously and engage with other things outside of fandom.
the beauty of fanfiction is how chill it is !!! which is something that's been lost recently with all the moral debates (noisy jegulus haters, i'm looking at you and frowning) !!!
i'm doing a lit + pol degree, and that really shows the difference for me. yes, whilst i read these works for university i'm picking apart everything, i'm cross-referencing it with the politics of the time and how they've developed, at the back of my mind i've always got this idea of representation.
i don't with fanfiction. because that's not the point.
fanfiction is the a FREE and OPEN resource. we don't have to worry about whether publication companies find value in our ideas, we don't have to worry about whether our words hold as much worth as others. we just Write.
people get too concerned with the morality of fanfic, they expect perfection from people Doing A Hobby. and i get it, i get where frustrations come from, but at the end of the day this is a bit of fun.
and yes, diversity is SO important but at the end of the day, fanfiction is already the most diverse form of media out there. if you want deeper explorations, either write them, or take your frustrations out on the core material that fandoms are derived from. take your frustrations out on the fact that we have to add diversity to fandom spaces because it's not in original media.
fanfiction is fun, it's a hobby and i am getting So So So tired of people nitpicking and deciding what words have worth when that's the exact reason i criticise official publishers.
BONUS YAP: "i think that big authors needs to step up and-" NO ‼️‼️‼️ just because they have more hits does not mean fandom etiquette doesn't apply. just because their works have more kudos does not mean they owe anything !! maybe stop putting people who are Having Fun with a Hobby on a pedestal to be your moral light.
IT'S ALL SO FRUSTRATING IM SORRY. every time i open tiktok it takes a year off my life because it's not even FUN anymore 😭 why are we policing everything
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giyrut-girlie · 4 months
(queer) jews in my phone i need help/love
this is a long ass post im so sorry lmfao, im putting it in under the cut to save you all but also if people have head space pls read <3
on friday night, i found myself the last of the shabbat guests (who weren't staying the night) at the Rabbi's house. i had asked my housemate to pick me up at 10:30, but everyone else left before 10.
the kids and rabbi's wife had gone to bed, so it was me, the Rabbi, and two older frum guys who stay over shabbat most weeks to be closer to shul.
for some context, earlier in the evening one of these guys had asked another dinner guest (a med student who I'm good friends with, she's a year or two younger than me) whether trans issues came up in her study. the two of us youngins made brief "help me" eye contact and she answered saying that yes, they did cover trans issues given that as a doctor she will, at some point or another, treat trans patients. the subject was changed, but the room was a bit tense.
so: 10pm, i'm sitting at the table, a little tipsy from all the wine, just hanging out until my ride comes.
the rabbi says "hey ella, i have a question for you now that everyone else (by which he means the not-so-frum people) is gone." and i Just Knew what he was about to ask.
i won't go into extreme detail about the actual conversation, but to sum it up: I was asked my opinion on trans folk, i said that i am supportive and do in fact believe trans people about their identities and was Shut All The Way Down. if i cited statistics i was told that actually they'd seen the opposite, if i tried to explain a study i was familiar with, i was told that they didn't think that was true. i actually don't know how i stayed calm, bc my mind and body were telling me that i was Unsafe basically the entire time (thanks anxiety disorder really did me a solid there /s).
eventually 10:30 rolled around and i had a get out of jail free to skip the rest of that fuck awful conversation, and my housemate was very nice to listen to my debriefing. while talking to her i came to the realisation that one of the main factors in the disagreement was that the rabbi didn't actually value the wisdom of any cultures/teachings/histories outside of judaism. if I talked about sistergirls of the torres strait, or māhū of hawai'i, that was dismissed essentially as goyische nonsense.
this whole conversation has been a Fucking Downer for my mental health. i actually broke shabbat (beyond my usual one melacha to be in the clear and sneaky housemate taxi service) that night bc my thoughts were racing too much to sleep without putting on some comfort media.
but beyond the mental health stuff (though probably actually very related) i've found myself really struggling with judaism since friday night. having my rabbi, who has been helping me through conversion, and who i have really valued as a teacher, and the only two other frum people in the community be so overtly transphobic all at once has really taken me for a spin. like, my rabbi is a lubavitcher, i knew that he was going to be fairly conservative about some stuff, but he literally told me that he only uses the correct pronouns for one of our community members as a "personal favour", and essentially told me that she was good evidence against trans acceptance bc nothing she could ever do would ever make her not a man (and you better believe this involved a lot of comments about her appearance)
to put the icing on the cake, when i dropped off his kids today (i nanny for them once a week), he handed me a book that upon research is basically the jk rowling talking point bible. he said to me that it was a really good book for me to read and that it might help fight some of the "mob mentality" (interesting term for scientific consensus but okay)
(also i had actually looked up my own citations from the discussion later and found myself to be very much correct in my recitation of statistics, but you better believe i wasn't petty enough to forward them on)
ANYWAY if anyone is still reading i'm fucking bummed and super anxious about interacting with my community, my conversion, finding the balance between really truly wanting to pursue an orthodox lifestyle and also being queer myself etc etc
i live in a really small jewish community and can't really leave until i finish my degree in 2026, so i can't exactly just find a more accepting rabbi or shul.
anyone have any advice, or just some solidarity for feeling shitty in this space? love u jews in my phone xx
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slickchickchocolatier · 9 months
Im very curious on what your thots are when it comes to the boys being doms or subs. Ive seen so many times that you post things and then later on we find out similiar happenings with the members like the Sunghoon ice skating post and the Heelel throne chair photo. I want to know what you think. All of the members minus Nikki Please.
This is what I truly think for each member, taking in my own observations from their habits on lives, their personality, their horoscopes/tarot readings (my own tarot readings since i've studied tarot and astrology since gradeschool) and what I know about Korean culture.
Please note, that everything i'm writing is purely just my own personal thoughts on how i perceive the members. i dont know them or any korean men other than some friends i grew up with. this is just all for fun and gossip (it really is) and again, just my own thoughts on how I think they would be like. i do not claim that this is in fact how the enhypen members are by any means. this is purely just my own gut instinct of how i think the boys are like offscreen.
So if I am being quite honest, i personally think that (when paired with their partners) all the boys will be dominant in some form of fashion. There may be different/various degrees on their dominance, depending on each member, but typically, Asian men (even the younger generation) will be somewhat dominant. This ofc does not apply to all of them, there are some Asian men who will be little to extremely submissive, but given the fact that the members of Enhypen are all employed, have fame, are financially stabled (if they're smart and not careless with their money) and have alot of opportunities to expand their networking and career goals, I'd say that all of them will be dominant. Perhaps, depending on the situation or event, they might elude some submissive behaviors, like for instance, if you both are chilling out and watching tv, and if you wanted to watch some particular show or movie, they might be like "fine, watch whatever you want." but when it comes to other things, I feel like they're going to call the shots. I'll explain this below (not in any particular order.)
Lets start with Jay...
So Jay was partially raised in America, is an only child (and is a son, which is a pretty big deal) i point this out because, more than likely, he has been groomed and treated to take a lot of pride and carry out the family name and legacy. Most likely, he's been reminded to always put forth his best effort, work hard, and to do his family name proud, which means he'll be very selective and when it is time to settle down, it will be with a very nice woman who can cook, clean, is educated, and comes from a good family. Career isn't really going to be a big deal to him (i feel like), because more than likely, he'll prefer someone to support him by taking care of the house and everything else while he's working and away. I can see him to be the type to put his foot down on the big things (again, the little stuff he wont care about, i do see him as somewhat easy going and a very gentle type) but when it comes to big stuff or...the intimate things, I see him being very dominant. Not demeaning or anything like that, just assertive and firm. i also see him being the type to be very loyal and dependable with his partner.
So, I know alot of fics that I stumble across always depicts Sunghoon as a very sex craved, demeaning and humiliating dominant, like a sex-god type (kind of how like Heethan is) and i know they are just fics (even though there are alot of readers and creators that really do believe him to be as such because of his image/visual) but honestly, i don't think he is like that at all. I think Sunghoon is very shy, timid, and might be a little stand-offish (not in a mean way) i just see him as very anti-social unless he gets to know you. I think with females, i can see him being attracted to ones that are the typical stereotype of korean beauty and of korean heritage (which really is only obtained by surgical alteration/enhancement, for the most part) the whole v-line jawline, big eyes, pale skin, heart shaped lips, and a very calm and well mannered personality. a woman who doesn't curse or has a very bold attitude. I say this, because he would be dominant that likes comfort and little to no-chaos. he wants things to be easy, and like Jay, he'll call the shots on the big stuff, but also on the little things. He might have the last say when it comes to things like what to eat for dinner, what to watch before bedtime, etc. I just see him as a very particular fellow who will put his foot down, again, in a non-demeaning way, just firm and MIGHT (might) remind his partner of their position in the relationship cordially or firmly, depending on the situation. He's a very calm dom.
Again, alot of fics (mine included....*ahemheethanandheelelahem*) depict Heeseung as a sex craved pervert. Actually, there are alot of content that will post about idol HS as a perverted loser that is either dominant or submissive, and is openly filthy, but in reality, I would say that HS is like Jay and Sunghoon combined. I do personally think (and this is not because of his stage presence, these idols are trained to reflect various sides to fit the image and visual of the band's concept, per company's creative direction) but i do get this vibe that HS, when paired with a partner, is the type that does enjoy intimacy and pillow talk. I personally think that at some point while early in his career, maybe like a year or so after they debuted, I think that he may have had small relations and dated some girls here and there, and experienced intimacy. so with that being said, i feel like he's always been somewhat dom but it has grown a bit more since he debuted and i can totally see him being the type that will be chilled out for the most part, maybe some days he'll have the last say on small things like what to eat, what music to listen to while driving the car, but for the most part would be somewhat quiet, pensive, non-chalant even, and easy going. I see him as the type to keep to himself quite a bit, and depending on his mood. for instance, if you were to sit on his lap or something, i could see him either embracing you or he could sit you next to him and say "sit right here next to me." I get this vibe that he can be big on personal space, not all the time, just some of the time (out of all the members he's the only one that gives off this vibe) and when it comes to the big, impacting decisions, he's just like the other two. very dominant and will call the shots. when it comes to the bedroom, i can see him being the type that regardless, whether you take the lead or not, he'll still be reflecting a certain level of dominance, like telling you to slow down, or go faster, or "take this off" or "put this on" type.
Now Jake is one of those members that is notorious for being a sweetheart. and I do think he is a very affectionate and rational type, probably the most open minded out of all the members. I think he would be the sweetest out of all of them to be partnered with, like i can see the other three ahead of him having a certain amount of boundaries, but when it comes to Jake, i feel like he would always be down to cuddle and welcome you with open arms, and might even be the touchy feely type. once you guys established a sound relationship, he'll be bold and less shy, and a bit more assertive even. I think he'd let you have free reign on alot of things, but would be the type to voice his opinion. for instance, he'd be the type to say "this movie again? can't we watch something else?"
again, I think that when it comes to the big decisions, he'll make the final decision, but i feel like he'd be more considerate about his approach. for some reason, with the others, i see them to be far more assertive but with jake, i can see him to be the type to do the whole "look, lets talk about this..." and he'll discuss and even hear you out, but it's really not going to matter because i feel like he'll make the final say. but it's not with ill intentions; like the others before him, i can see him to make the final decision because he's taking alot of major components into consideration that will benefit your guys life. if he gets angry or a bit irritated, i can see him being less considerate and just more "my way or the highway" type. This goes for intimate stuff too.
Jungwon is young (he's like the same age as me) BUT, this guy does have a sense of confidence he eludes all the time and i feel like sometimes he can be a little cocky (not that he's shown that, i can just see it though) its like a gut instinct, not in a bad way though. I feel like that he'll be more of a playful dom, like if you try to voice out something and he doesn't agree with it, he'll just smile and pinch your cheek and say "cute." its not necessarily demeaning but its a little bit degrading as i can see him being the type to not really take you too seriously, unless you're older than him (i can personally see all the boys to not really care about age, so long as the person fits their ideal appearance and personality.) I remember Jungwon once said he respects and admires IU, the way his face and eyes looked when he said that, i get this feeling that if he was dating a girl that was older, someone who is mature, has some life experience and knows how to take care of him and all responsibilities, i feel like he'd still be dominant but would be very considerate and would take whatever you have to say to heart. he would just respond with the "i understand what you're saying, but we have to do it this way." and thats how he would have the final say. Now with a girl that is younger than him, i feel like he'd be very playful, like a carefree heart and would act very similar the way he does with the fansign's. cheek poking, laughing, giggling, the type that if you get shy and turn your face, he'd put his face right in front to enforce the eye contact. he'd have the final say through smiles and flattery.
Last but not least (since i'm excluding Niki) is Sunoo.
I think that Sunoo is very much like Jungwon, but not as cocky. Actually, of all the members, I feel like Jake and Sunoo are probably the most humble, truly do. I can see Sunoo being less attentive to looks and more focused on personality. With that being said, i can see him to have the final say on things but it would be through harmless debates or small minor arguments, nothing too serious. I feel like he would be the dom type that would be studious and while discussing it with you, he'd have some very valid points that would be like, eye-opening factors that you hadn't considered. I know he has the image of the cutesy and fox like, diva visual, but in all honesty, i can see Sunoo being the ultra serious and sincere type. I dont know what it is, i feel like that he is not at all like the image he portrays himself, ofc that goes for all the boys, but unlike Sunoo, i feel like the boys stage presence and idol image has some essence of their true personalities. with Sunoo, i feel like he is actually a very smart, and solid person to discuss serious matters with. i can see him still being cute and silly, playful and maybe even emotionally sensitive, but there definitely is a side of him that we don't see and probably never will. i feel like he is a very rational type that will present factors that will influence you to sway his way, and that's the type of dom i think he is. when it comes to pillowtalk, i can see him maybe being a little assertive, but also, i feel like he and jake are the two that can be chilled out during the intimate moments and not as strong dom as their counterparts.
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sleepover weekend from me!!
-> would you rather go to a party with jin guangshan or do coke in a gas station bathroom with wen ruohan/joke (i missed this joke tbh i had to make it)
-> yunmeng jiang sect headcannons! c'mon heap them on me. thoughts on them making, dyeing and exporting silk? i love worldbuilding.
-> choose between chengxuan and chengsu! reasons if you wanna give?
-> tell me three good things that happened to you or around you since the start of may, and also tell me about any random ass thing that irritates so, so much.
-> rec me anything honestly, i'll take it. i know you've got tolkein stuff on your alt, but if have to start lotr/similliarion (did i get that correctly), where do i start?
-> tell me about your first crush (no pressure at all, feel free to skip this)
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I would do coke with Wen Rouhan in the bathrooms at Annandale Waters Service Station. They have clean bathrooms and a Burger King, I feel as if Wen Rouhan would enjoy a Whopper
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YMJ headcanons
Yunmeng Jiang has the strongest trade relations with Meishan Yu out of the four greatest sects for obvious reasons.
The people of Yunmeng 100% have songs about the amazing Sandu Shengshou, which the Jiang disciples would obviously then sing just to piss Jiang Cheng off (they taught them to Jin Ling when he was merging from babbling toddler to chatty 5 year old).
All new disciples (and the older ones if they're acting in a way Jiang Cheng deems irresponsible and hazardous) are required to sit a Water and Boat Saftey Course. There's a written and a practical at the end, obvs. If you fail well then tough shit, you're resitting the course along with the disciples who have been reckless. This headcanon is inspired by my 90 year old grandpa who has sat the British speeding awareness course 2-3 times
Chengxuan vs Chengsu is actually really hard. However, Chengsu is more realistic I feel, especially during the time skip and after it. I love childhood best friends AU for Chengxuan and also all that Sunshot Campaign Chengxuan and modern AU's. But Chengsu takes the win; a high profile affair, raising a child who isn't yours with someone who isn't your husband, saltiness and self pity over the people you love choosing a Lan over you. Incredible.
On Sunday, my dad felt bad about forcing me to help him put up 2 coat racks, so he bought me jolibee and bubble tea
I went to Jolibee again yesterday
I had pepsi max for breakfast this morning
There are many, many things that truly piss me off but I can't be bothered going into detail right now so to keep things plain and simple, im gonna stick to something that's pissed me off today. Snapchat has this filter where you and a friend put in a photo of yourself and then it uses AI to generate what your child looks like. Me and my best friend, one of my favourite people ever, make ugly children. And I hate that. Why was that little girl so fucking ugly what was the reason snapchat???
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I'm not sure what you mean so I'm just gonna link some of my fave fanfiction but also explain how I feel is the best way to get into the Tolkien fandom
Inexplicably around each other by adasinon = I just think this is sweet. Zhancheng nation ig
The Bounty of Our Days by remiges = Yu Ziyuan x Zhao Zhuliu, God I love them. It's like a character study and a backstory, I think it's really nice and fleshes out the characters
Sappy song on the old radio by Morethancupcake = oh my lord. Chengxian, modern au, childhood something. Past wangxian, past jiang cheng x literally anyone that is remotely bad for him. Couples therapy except Jiang Cheng didn't want to be there and they're not a couple anymore/yet, angst, coming back to each other later in life. I've only read this once but it's just that memorable.
Love you to death by KayllanBreak = Jiang Cheng kills Yu Ziyuan but no one can work out why (police inspector song lan). Wei Wuxian and Jiang cheng rocky relationship, Jin Ling idolising Jiang Cheng (naturally), Jiang Yanli lying her ass off for him, Jin Zixuan being his lawyer. Jiang Fengmian bashing 💗💗💗💗. Lan wangji is barely in this but when he is he's an utter arsehole.
Keep making trouble (till you find what you love) by Silveryogus = I FUCKING LOCE THIS FIC!!!! CHENGXUAN!!! Modern AU road trip to Lanling after the Xuanyu cave. Jin Zixuan has a talent for shoplifting (Jiang Cheng sent him to get clothes and he came back with too small trousers, yellow shirts, and sunglasses). Oh yeah and Jin Zixuan gets shot in a corner shop. Fellas is it gay to get into a high speed police chase whilst the guy you're semi unwillingly travelling with leans out the window and tries to shoot out the police's tires? Especially when said guy mentions smoking once and you spend some of the limited money you have on cigarettes??? Apparently I've visited this 70 times
Stray Dogs Parable by natcat5 = Post burning of Lotus Pier, no golden core debacle, jiang cheng recognising that his parents leadership strategies won't work in his situation/are just plain ineffective, proving his worth as a Sect Leader and earning the loyalty of his incredibly small number of disciples (the ones who survived), also Jiang Cheng sucks poison out of someone's ankle
Anyways, if you're getting into the Tolkien fandom I would recommend watching the hobbit films first, even though they're not entirely book accurate it's still a good way to get a feel of the story and work out if it's something you'd like. Then I would read the book. Same process for Lord of the rings. The silmarillion... God i actually can't say anything, you've just gotta re read the first 3-4 chapters a couple of times and then you should be fine...
My first crush is a dickhead who has progressively gotten worse and worse looking as time has gone on. I genuinely have no idea what I ever saw in him except for the fact that he laughed at my jokes and used to give me the answers in class. It was very embarrassing for all parties involved, I feel 😭
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quaranmine · 6 months
Hi, not sure if you remember me, but i sent an ask a while ago saying how i love the Incadescence of a dying light and that i talk about it with my friend and how we both really liked the story and are juts you know discussing it well update to now. we still do that lol. i cant stop thinking about it, i listen to the firewatch OST on the daily, resonating with each track at a time. I love it. I live it. I am enamored. Everytime Im studying Polish (my native language) and revising each epoch for my upcoming finals i cant help but connect themes and motives to that wonderful story of yours. If i land on a fitting topic in my oral final exam (like pop-culture, creativity and arts, certain themes in modern media) you BET Ill be talking about this fic (with all the credit I can give of course!) cause USARWSETDYRVUHUISC I cant get it out of my head. Its such an amazing example of how the media of fanfiction elevates the story to its maximum potential. How knowing the characters makes it so much easier to connect and resonate, even though Mumbo is absent from the majority of the fic, we still feel hurt after finding out whats happened to him. Like, its such an amazing creative medium I love fanfiction and TERSSXEFJNKVCRXSERARXSXERCDJNGIKKDc :thumbsup: oh gosh The Incadescence of a Dying Light. yeah so fun fact i actually had to look up what it means cause i didnt know the word before and oh. oh. oh its so much worse and more painful. really love it, i do, oh i do! I now have acquired (idk how to spell it lul) the never subsiding lust for nature and outdoors and hiking and being a part of it. I love it, you made me regain my love for it. I loved it before, yes, but i was caught up in my own head and had so much stuff i had to do, but now i love to look out my window even more, i love strolling in my garden. i love it. thank you, thank you, thak youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: So yeah, this fic is one of my faves of all time, i like it a lot, it has inspired me to live more and be alive basically and also. and for the end a fanart of an alternative ending where Mumbo somehow survives and just lives in the forest like a wild animal, living his best life, eating berries (i decided on drawing him eating berries [peace love and plants] instead of chowing down [is chowing a word??] on some rabbit lol) and then grian finds him and its super awkward
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HI! Yes, of course I remember you! First of all, had a really wild day yesterday at work, but I read this at soooome point on my phone during the middle of the day and it made me smile :)
This ask is just so??? AAAAAAA???? I almost don't know how to respond, because it's just SO wonderful to hear this about something I created. Like I did that? I made a thing that is sticking deeply with people? I'm just soooo <333333
I like your point about how fanfiction can maximize story potential! I think it'd make a wonderful essay topic honestly. I have thought about this in connection with fanfic a lot--specifically, the divide between original fiction and fanfiction. In original works, you have to make the audience care. You have to introduce me to a character, setting, and story I will be interested in. I've read a lot of negative book reviews that start off with "the author didn't make me care about the characters" (i have also...said this myself about books I ended up not liking.) With fanfic, you skip that step! It lets you jump right in. I don't have to explain Mumbo and Grian's friendship or demonstrate it to you. You just Know. Someone reading it fandom blind would get the implication about how important they are to each other simply by seing the depth of Grian's grief, but for my intended audience, I can do whatever I want because I trust you to already have the background information you need.
The title is from a line I really like in a song (Post Humorous by Gus Dapperton). It just...painted such a nice word picture. Especially for a story about grief death and fire!
I just. Love that this fic helped you regain a desire for nature? That just makes me feel...warm, I guess, to know that I was able to spark that with something I created. I hope it goes well for you, and you get to take many walks. This spring I've been using the trails near my aunt's house (not.....hiking paths. too urban.) much more. I wanted to walk this week but I was too busy lol. I hope you have many wonderful experiences out in the Great Outdoors <3 one of these days, I swear I'll up and move to a place with "better" nature and "real" trails close by.
Also, SKFJSLFJSKFLSJKF your fanart made me laugh so much. I have like. Entertained this idea. Not as an actual or serious part of the story but I was like man wouldn't it just be off-the-wall if he was just vibing Out There 😭😭😭 You've caught the vibe perfectly LOL
this was all around such a special message to hear, thank you SO much!
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pixxyofice · 1 year
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak 🔁 😈 demongirl-cock
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak ohhh my god how do people deal with having brothers. oh look im gonna tease you and jump behind you when you're studying. please do your job
😈 demongirl-cock Follow ... wasn't your brother the one that blew up?
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak not what im talking about.
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🎸 hibiki-rock I think @re8elli0n8reak needs to take a break! Go cuddle with that girlfriend she just got. Could say she needs to regain some minty chill, lmaooo
#get it? pelase say someone got it
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🦅 horizon-sunsky Every time I look at the sky, I am amazed all over again. Being able to touch them with my hands has given me a whole new point of view, and I'm so thankful that I was able to get these new prosthetics. I love having wings. Next photoshoot should be out soon.
#life with wings #prosthetic wings #not photoshoot #birdkin
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🪡 thighroidwrap 🔁 😈 demongirl-cock
😈 demongirl-cock Follow
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what the fuck happened when i was asleep
🪡 thighroidwrap Don't worry about it.
#tldr a lot of stuff about vandelay got dumped on us at once #including... peppermint vandelay being among us
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🪡 thighroidwrap 🔁 🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak
👼 posts-from-the-angel Follow Imagine being a company apologist 🙄 like helloooo they had ai code literally in their implants, who knows what bad things could've happened, but they expect us to praise them for... having someone else come and deal with it?
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak Alright, that's it.
👼 posts-from-the-angel Follow Oh nooo, the company apologist is going to pull out something that totally isn't more bullshit. cry more
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak
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photo from the article liongirlmane shared
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selfie i just took
was literally on the rebel team that took the previous head (you know, kale vandelay, my brother) out of commission because of things mentioned in plenty of articles.
🦁 liongirlmane Follow THAT EXPLAINS WAY TOO MUCH?
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak i know i have many issues that i've made clear on this blog but. that hurts
#that obvious huh #anyway identity reveal! yayyy
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💎 sole-emeralds 🔁 🌪 infernochaser97
🎧 sweet-osts-4-tater-tots Follow Endless Possibility - Sonic Unleashed [OST] ▶️
🌪 infernochaser97 @sole-emeralds I saw this and was reminded of you.
💎 sole-emeralds Thank you for the ping! Favorite.
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🪡 thighroidwrap 🔁 🦁 liongirlmane
🦁 liongirlmane Follow
Anonymous Asked: 😎
I think I'm a little lost, what was bad about the tech??? horizon doesn't seem to be suffering from their new robot parts???
Well, there was something built into their robot prosthetics that was actively meant to manipulate those who had them. Typical company bullshit. Read this article.
horizon can be glad about their prosthetics all they want but how much of it is from this?
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak next article is about how the current heads have been working to get everybody's part replaced and also what exactly SPECTRA did. stop just looking at one article and leaving it there.
🦁 liongirlmane Follow Oookay...?
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🖍 cnmntoastbot 🔁🦁 liongirlmane
🦁 liongirlmane Follow Honestly, the situation over at Vandelay Island just shows how much of a bad idea companies running living spaces are. Revolving that much of life around the place who employs you is just a bad idea.
Credits for company items only? Can't move away if you wanted to start somewhere else? Bad. Read ANYTHING on company towns, and then imagine that. But Worse.
🪡 thighroidwrap I mean, at least the food is free. Even if there are 4 mondays and i don't know which one aligns with your weekends
🦁 liongirlmane Follow What
🎸 hibiki-rock That's being fixed! AND we're even getting rid of the AI in the robot parts!
🦁 liongirlmane Follow WHAT?!
🖍 cnmntoastbot He is completely correct! (o´▽`o) If you were ever wondering why your friends who took residence on our island made any monday posts on other days of your week, that would be why! \(^ヮ^)/
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🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak 🔁🖍 cnmntoastbot
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak I want... tiddy... in my face....
🖍 cnmntoastbot (⌒_⌒;) i suppose you are glad to be dating someone who can do that for you now!
42.1k notes 🗨️🔁❤️
🎸 hibiki-rock 🔁 🦁 liongirlmane
👼 posts-from-the-angel Follow If you don't reblog anything about this, you're a shitty person. Vandelay Island has been on fire for the past week, and it's in NO news articles at all! So here's a summary of what's been happening...
keep reading
🦁 liongirlmane Follow ... there... there are, though?
🎸 hibiki-rock Its all i hear on my morning commute >.>
#blah blah blah here's the section of the island that's closed off i'm SICK OF IT
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🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak 🔁 🪡 thighroidwrap
🪡 thighroidwrap Your daily reminder to TAKE OFF YOUR PROSTHETICS. It's NO LEG DAY!
🐈‍⬛ re8elli0n8reak NO LEG DAY!! NO LEG DAY!!
3 notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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haecien · 1 year
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Prankster — Y.JH | warnings - cursing, kissing
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I found this cool prompt generator for ships! If ya want the link its here ;D
2/ 13
Link to the masterlist!
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Pt. 2 Yoon Jeonghan
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Yoon Jeonghan, how do I even begin to explain this prankster? You don't even know what is up his sleeve this time, he pulls the most predictable pranks but I always keep falling for them.
He always pulled some type of prank on the teachers every week, I'm surprised that he isn't suspended yet. " hey psst y/n. " I looked behind me to see jeonghan, I rolled my eyes at him and replied " Yeah? What do you need this time. "
He scratched the back of his head looking a bit embarrassed " Well... you know the scary teacher who's always on my back right? " I nodded my head " Yeah?... where are you going with this. " jeonghan took a deep breath
" Can you stick arround with me, I got introuble with her and I need to actually act like I've changed... maybe if in hang out with you more she would think I got more behaved? "
you felt sick of even having the thought of being seen arround him, but he seemed really genuine this time, he looked at you for a while with a sad expressed. You sighed and given into him " Fine, but on ONE condition. If you pull another one of your pranks again im ditching you. " he let out a slight giggle
" Can't promise that, ill try though " a sly smile spread across his face, you don't know whats wrong with you. You HATE him, but why are you getting so soft with him? Haha, love is werid isn't it?
A few weeks passed by and you realized he wasn't all THAT bad, sure he was a bit mischievous and a bit of a prankster but he was genuinly nice and made you laugh sometimes.
" Hey y/n, I got us some drinks from the cafeteria! You want one? " before I could even reply he cut me of " No? Okay ill have it all to myself! " " YOON JEONGHAN! " you flicked his forehead and grabbed the other drink from his hand " Oww! " he said playfully as you both laughed it off
" Ah, fuck I have to study for a test, Sorry I have to go " you felt a bit sad that you had to part ways so early, you grabbed onto his arm. " Isnt it Chemistry that you need to study for? I can help you. " you felt a little flustered when his eyes light up, he looked so happy and he quickly got out his notebook from his bag
" Whats taking you so long! Let's start! "
You both studied for hours, it was becoming late and your eyes became heavier and heavier by the second. You constantly kept yawning, Jeonghan asked if you wanted to stop but you insisted it was okay, " So, were done with Ionic and Molecular Compounds. Tell me whats the difference? ... " Jeonghan flipped through his notes and started to read out what he wrote
His voice sounded so calming and soft, eventually you dozed off into a deep slumber. Jeonghan got a bit startled and thought you had died on the spot but he placed you on his lap and didn't even move a single inch, he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear and looked at you with a smile on his face. He gave you a little peck on the forehead,
" Its sad that you won't be able to know what I'm about to say, the truth is. I lied about everything, I just wanted your attention to myself. "
Eventually you woke up to see you lying down on his lap, you looked up and saw that he had fallen asleep too. You were flustered and got up, God how long were you out for? You began to start cleaning up your stuff and placed them into there proper places
" Goodmorning to you angel. "
" Angel? What kind of nickname is that. " " The type of nickname that I gave to the person I like. "
"... Fuck you, Yoon Jeonghan. "
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Cien rambles
I was giggling while writing this HAHAHA, our gentle sexy is up next👀 GOD this is so much fun to write i love it!!! Also wow I got 7 followers:D thank you so much❣❣
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vriskarlmarx · 7 months
"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. But the royal terrorists, the terrorists by the grace of God and the law, are in practice brutal, disdainful, and mean, in theory cowardly, secretive, and deceitful, and in both respects disreputable."
Karl Marx, "Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung," May 1849
my name is dani. i was born in the mid-90s if my age matters to you. i'm from the south as in el sur del mundo as in latinoamerica. im a communist (in real life not online). death to america.
i think i still have checkmarks here - someone gifted me those.
i don't have side blogs so everything goes here, from fandom stuff to political stuff to general haterism. i have been on this blog for over ten years so if you scroll back and find something immeasurably cringe no you didn't <3
you can also find me on
feel free to ask for my discord. i may or may not give it to you though.
permissions statement: do whatever you want forever. i reject the private ownership of anything i've ever created. if it’s been shared, it belongs to the world, which includes me and you in the exact same measure. "what if i want to—" yes. even that.
links to my writing under the cut. it's mostly fanfic, fandoms are primarily jjk, fma, death note, andor, star wars with a couple of strays (severance, disco elysium/pjol, star trek, others). also now featuring some original works.
I put a little ⭐ next to my personal favorites :3 Drabbles are all at the bottom (not segregated by fandom). Original stuff also at the bottom.
Separate from Star Wars because as we know Andor is so good I'm not even going to call it a Star Wars TV Show.
⭐ Elegy for the Living | F/F | Cinta/Vel | T | Trauma, grief, colonialism & imperialism
After Ferrix, Vel grows quiet, coiled tight and weighed down by something heavy. Cinta tries her best to hold her.
Akelarre | F/F and M/M | Cinta/Vel and Skeen/Nemik | T | Non-linear narrative, developing relationships, revolutionary militancy
Even as the ax begins to descend, much can flourish in the misty mountains of Aldhani. A study in Cinta & Vel in one direction, and Skeen & Nemik in another.
tether/latch | M/M | Cassian/Luthen | E | Blowjob-flavored character study, dissociation, bad coping mechanisms, dubious consent
Cassian is shaken after a mission. Luthen "helps".
⭐ el corazón de todo invierno | M/M | Cassian/Luthen | M | Revolutionary militancy, bad coping mechanisms, sexpionage, Cassian Andor's big brown sad wet eyes, sexualizing that old man | Title is in Spanish but work is in English
Cassian nods. He’s clearly trying to control his face, but those expressive eyes of his don't help conceal the nerves and confusion in his next question. "And what does being your plus one entail?" Despite himself, Luthen looks Cassian up and down briefly, his relaxed but contorted position on the couch, the way his hair falls on his forehead, his hands slack at his thighs while holding the datapad. He feels every single one of his years and sins on his shoulders as he begins to explain. "Like I said, I have an image to maintain. People in my position are expected to bring, essentially, a trophy spouse or a young escort as company. For me, I'll be expected to bring a pretty young man. And that's where you would come in." -- Luthen needs to maintain his cover at a black market auction, and Cassian is itching for a mission.
Death Note
Powder Keg | F/F | F!Mello/F!Near | E | PWP, gunplay, don't try this at home
Mello stops by Near's room for a late night visit after getting her photo back earlier that day. Near has a certain… fixation.
Prometheus Bound | M/M | L/Light | M | Eroticized cannibalism and gore, dreams, second person POV
In your dream, he hands you a knife.
⭐️ Weird Animals | M/M | L/Light | E | Ryuk POV, being bad at gay sex, humor
This is the most godawful gay sex Ryuk has ever seen.
⭐ discipline & punish | Contains M/M but is character-focused not ship-focused | Beyond Birthday (incl. Beyond/L, Beyond & A, Beyond & Watari) | M | Character study, state and imperial violence, the carceral system, child abuse
Beyond Birthday; or, a life inside a series of cages.
⭐ How to Burn Down the Sacred Loom | M/M | Mello/Near | M | Tragedy, codependency, dream sequences, necrophilia, gun kink, four-act structure with interludes
A tragedy in four acts, overseen by a nameless choir.
petite mort | M/M | L/Light | M | Murder kink, L's Kira fetish | Title is in French but work is in English
L knows what's coming for him. He feels it burn like a wildfire under his skin.
Disco Elysium/Püha ja õudne lõhn (The Sacred and Terrible Air)
⭐ No Return Address | M/M | Ignus Nilsen/Kras Mazov | M | Epistolary format, grief, revolutionary militancy, leftist infighting, historical memory, I reached my target audience for this when a Brazilian syndicalist said they really liked it
A compilation of letters found among the belongings of Inayat Khan months before the apocalypse, all signed under the name Ignus Nilsen.
Doctor Who
Step & Reverberate | M/M | Nine/Jack | T | Dancing, fluff, post-The Parting of the Ways AU
The time vortex is more generous than expected: Nine never needs to regenerate, and Rose remembers saving Jack's life, so he comes back to the TARDIS after the battle with the Daleks. After an all-too-close brush with death, Jack and the Doctor share a moment in the TARDIS.
Chiaroscuro | Gen or F/M | Clara & Eleven or Clara/Eleven | G | Second-person POV, ambiguous relationship | I wrote this over ten years ago so I no longer take responsibility for it | Title is in Italian but work is in English
Her light feet carry her across your console room and you want to scream in frustration because you don't understand a thing about her. -- The Doctor reflects on Clara and the mystery she presents, but finds himself thinking of the person she is.
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood/Manga)
bleed the sand | Gen | Roy Mustang | M | Character study, genocide, PTSD, dream/nightmare sequences
Roy Mustang remembers his dreams.
⭐ Conventional Weapons | M/M | Roy Mustang/Scar | M | Genocide, PTSD, complicated relationships, blind!Roy
Scar has been participating in the reconstruction effort of the Ishvalan capital for a few months. It's a strange kind of chance that gets him to cross paths with Roy Mustang just in time to save him from an attempt on his life.
The Way Down | Gen | John Egbert | T | Character study, depression, PTSD, one must imagine Sisyphus vibing
John runs out of milk and goes on a walk. Character study.
Jujutsu Kaisen
⭐ Hostia | M/M | Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji | M | Dubious consent erotic eating (just trust me), dissociation, loss of bodily agency/autonomy, abuse
Hostia (n.): The body of Christ, or the sacramental bread eaten at communion. In the original Latin, “sacrificial victim”. - After Shibuya, Yuuji has strange dreams.
against the feather of ma'at | M/M | Gojo Satoru/Geto Suguru | M | Counter-chronological, complicated relationships, on-again-off-again, tragedy
Satoru and Suguru, from end to beginning.
orpheus in the night | M/M | Gojo Satoru/Geto Suguru | M | Dreamlike, atmospheric, complicated relationships, ambiguous ending and also beginning and also middle
When Suguru calls, Satoru comes.
⭐ O, Lazarus! | Gen | Helly R & Helena Eagan | M | Character study, nihilism, body dysphoria, mild psychosexual selfcestuous undertones
Losing oxygen slowly as she hangs in the elevator up from the severed floor, Helly’s fractured mind confronts itself.
Shadow and Bone
Late Harvest | F/M/M | Alina/Nikolai/Mal | T | Pining, feelings realization, getting together, triad
Nikolai Lantsov is the heir to the throne. He can have anyone he wants, except the two people who only have eyes for each other.
Star Trek
Synthesis of Vast Contradictions | F/F | T'Pring/Christine Chapel | Polyamory, cultural differences, emotional tension, erotic hand massage
Christine has... complicated feelings about her boyfriend’s fiancée.
Star Wars
Torque | F/F | Sabine/Ahsoka | E | Unresolved emotional tension, PTSD, aftermath of genocide, sex as a coping mechanism, xeno
There's something off about Sabine at training. Ahsoka tries to help.
⭐ Necrotic Tissue | M/M | Thrawn/Ezra | M | Abusive/toxic relationships, loneliness, complicated feelings, large age gap
Years after parting ways with Thrawn after crash-landing with him on Peridea, Ezra runs into him again.
Bitter Fruits | Contains M/M but is tone-focused not ship-focused | Sabine & Ezra, Thrawn/Ezra | T | Humor, outsider POV
Good news: Sabine and Ahsoka have found Ezra. Bad news: They've also found Thrawn. Weird news: Ezra and Thrawn are getting along. Perhaps too well for Sabine's liking.
Del Viento | T | En castellano | Latinoamerica, tiempo verbal futuro, primera persona
Dejé mis pulmones en el sur. Recuerdo haber soplado en la quebrada, dejado un aliento en las rocas mojadas del bosque. Casi me tropecé en el musgo, y ahí de seguro se me cayeron al agua. Desde ahí que solo el viento me lleva en su soplido.
Of The Wind | T | English translation of Del Viento | Latin America, future tense, forst person POV
I left my lungs in the south. I remember breathing out on the gorge, leaving my breath behind on the wet rocks of the forest. I nearly slipped on the moss, and that’s surely where I dropped my lungs in the water. From then on, I’ve been carried by the wind’s own breathing.
Cold Rain | Andor/Star Wars | Vel Sartha
Hot Steel | Andor/Star Wars | Cinta Kaz
Orbit | Star Wars OT | Luke Skywalker
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that1notetaker · 1 year
Hey Note! Did u think of any cool wacky tech stuff recently? Honestly i love ur designs and im super curious abt it
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SO I DONT HAVE MY PC AROUND (lies I'm just too lazy to open the files and go through them atm) BuUT!! BUT! I just happened to have my various notebooks around, which I dutifully carry everywhere and ANYWHERE. Meaning that, yes. I do have some wacky tech stuff around.
I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures. They're not even Donnie related, but you can imagine they are.
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Spaceships to the left and to the right. Can you tell I love drawing them? They're similar designs, but,,I just love the shapes..
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I didn't post a QUARTER of the stuff, It'd probably get too cramped otherewise. Also tumblr only allows 10 pictures--and then I'd be like-oh, I need to explain what everything does in extreme and graphic detail, but there are systems and ways to do that. I can't just...rant. Well, I can. I am. Technically. Not the point.
Either ways, on these pages there are some art studies, but also randomized devices and things that move but would probably sway and unbalance itself to their unfortunate demise were they to come to life. Fun stuff.
Also, these are the ones I've made outside--when I'm on the bus or waiting for the bus, standing at a crossroad...it helps pass the time, and its become one of my favourite pastimes.
I have to learn to be more diverse, think bigger--oh. Speaking of, I'd love to actually learn about engineering itself, so that I can make some of my designs functional. I want to build things, you know? And I want them to look weird and wacky and interesting to look at.
Things that make you question why in the good hell was this a thing in the first place, to be more specific.
Actually, if any of you want, you can send random prompt word or words, and I could try making up something to match! Two words that make no sense next to each other and trying to make it work. That'd be fun. Sometimes inspiration gets stuck until someone decides to kick it back into action. That's what I used to do with this old pc tower. It was cathartic. Anyways. Yes.
@kiwi-smug-silvalina thanks for the ask, you could send it ten times more and I'd still have things to say. Next time I post other designs, they'll be more refined, but for now, thanks :) this made me excited all over.
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
Just who are you talking to lol?
"""That One Anon: Get the fuck out of fandom then if you are That against "theft". Your blorbos aren't yours, then, they belong to the original creators. Go pick up a pen and write your own characters, thief. Never make a creative aspect without citing every single possible subconscious influence you took for it. That head tilt you drew? The concept of a sad backstory? Proper credit only, you thief."""
You sound like anne rice.
The difference anon is not about the characters. No one is claiming they own characters from certain shows, or claiming that they are their own original designs.
Its about how AI datasets are trained on the art of other artists without their consent.
People love fan art. Most if not all smaller artist will love you if you decide to draw or write fan pieces about their characters. Games and shows would not be as popular as they are without fandoms. Many encourage the making of fanart and fanfic. I know genshin impact for example expressly allows the selling of fan made merch and even hosts hoyofair for fans to show off their fanart and such. Its not theft to draw a character but its theft to claim it as your own.
Its theft to generate images made from stolen artwork and claim it as your own original "art".
You also don't understand the concept of copyright laws.
"""Oh, what's that? You don't count?""
I do count actually. If i made a game and stole the characters from a bunch of other games and tried making money off it while claiming them as my own i would actually be in trouble.
Transformative works like fan art and fanfic dont count usually because these days by default as long as you dont try and claim it (the characters and canon stuff) as your own, you are more than allowed, encouraged even, to create and sell those things. Unless its disney. Because disney sucks.
Im probably not the best person to explain these nuances to you
Please actually educate yourself about transformative works.
"""I read books daily. I write and draw from pure imagination, and study artists on youtube to get better at drawing."""
Good for you? So do i lol?
"""I also think AI is a tool that can be used for good or ill, and it's how people use it that matters. Much like how a keyboard doesn't stop a human from sending anon hate."""
I tried responding to this but it got so long and convoluted that im just going to hope someone else has the patience to answer something as ignorant as this.
"""I'd commission artists if I could! I've done so in the past. But guess what, I don't feel safe asking for commissions now on the off chance a artist realizes I think AI is a tool like any other and harasses me when I never would have brought it up. Despite the fact many artists both fandom and original have tons of influences both credited and not. I've seen human artists and writers get accused of AI for STYLISTIC CHOICES that anyone with half a thought should be able to tell was artist intent and inline with previous works."""
1. That's a personal problem dude. Maybe you should reflect on why artists might not like you for using something that actively steals their work. Also this low-key screams entitlement.
2. What does the rest of that have to do with anything. I think you forgot to connect why any of that was important.
"""I can count on one hand the amount of collage art/blackout poetry/drawn over photographs I've seen in public museums that were properly credited beyond the editor. I can't count the amount of media I've seen that nudges at other pre-existing works that was either hyped up for it or was said to justify that aspect."""
I believe you should actually do some research on those things before bringing up your surface level observations in your argument.
"""Ko-fi tipping, Patron subscriptions, sales of generically labled charms and prints and fanart to get around what's Actually being sold. Art style memes, art referenced from canonical works as intentional homage uncredited. Uncredited style inspiration. The entire existence of unsourced, constantly remixed memes.
You gonna claim that's all fine, but anons should expect to be accused of being "techbros" and linked to foreign words meaning "masturbating and crying" for just asking what an artstyle from a artist is called? That it's actually FINE to drive off people wanting to be creative no matter the medium because that particular one 'isn't art' and so no one can want to be a artist and use it?"""
See that all falls apart if you would all just realize stuffing stolen art into a machine, putting in a prompt to get a random result, is not creativity. There is nothing creative about that.
Best analogy i can come up with rn is thats almost like me searching for "powdered donuts" in the walmart online store and just picking whatever one i think looks best and then claiming i made the donuts. Instead of going to a bakery and custom ordering exactly what i want or making it myself.
The biggest difference between AI and other artforms is that what AI produces and generates is not creative. Theres no actual thought or consideration going into most of the work.
The machine itself is amazing. The programming needed to make such a thing function properly is actually impressive. But what it produces is not creative. And if you knew anything about how these machines and programs worked you would be able to understand that.
"""I swear I've gone back to the 2010s and 'is digital art REAL art though? the computer draws the line for you? You aren't a REAL artist, you just use photoshop to edit things.'
"That's still done by a human person though-"
Hypocrite. Get the fuck out of fandom."""
Again. If you actually understood how "AI" works you would understand the difference.
Its not hypocritical and this is a false equivalence. You are ignoring the process which differentiates these things in favor of focusing on the fact they are both machines.
In digital art it is almost no different that traditional. The difference being it doesnt use materials, and you have the cool undo and redo button, and other effects buttons you would not get with traditional art. You also dont HAVE to use those things and you are forgetting that you have to learn how they work and use them MANUALLY.
People who use digital art dont claim its easier either. Its more convenient. But as a digital artist, its imcredibly difficult and time consuming depending on what im making. I have a personal project that has 170+ hours on it. Even with all my fancy buttons ive had to go back and redo things countless times and fiddle with things. I have to deliberately choose what color goes where, what brush to use, what layer setting i need ect ect. And its all original.
Saying digital art isnt real art is like saying driving an automobile doesnt count as driving because you have a bunch of buttons and levers to do what you want instead of ordering horses around on a wooden carriage.
With AI the machine does everything for you. Its about the same as googling a picture of a bunny (typing a prompt), choosing a picture (taking what's generated), and posting it and claiming its your own. (Theft)
So no. People who use AI can get the fuck out of fandom. Thanks.
Posting as a response to a previous ask.
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dustteller · 6 months
What are some fantasy books you consider represent colonialism wrong/from a very white or colonial pov?
Sorry you dont have to tell which books etc you were vagueing im just genuinely interested !
Hmm, this is tough bc for the last three years most of the books I've consumed have been for college, and most of the stuff on Imperialism has been nonfiction for my PoliSci classes. When I wrote that post, I wasn't just thinking about books, but about media as a whole.
Now, I want to make it very clear that I don't necessarily consider any of the following works ✨️Problematic✨️ because they fail to capture certain elements of Imperialism/Colonialism (I'm using the terms interchangeably bc they're similar enough that in fiction they tend to get glomped together, but they're actually technically two different things but also It Does Not Matter). I don't consider a white person not completely grasping colonialism a moral failing. My issue is less moral and more of annoyance at how so often we hold up white people as the standards for writing about something *they didn't even write about well*.
And with that point made: Avatar. It's Avatar. Not the blue people movie (that one's awful, but I don't think I need to explain why), it's AtLA. Listen, I really do love AtLA. It's a great show that does an excellent job at demonstrating that just because something is targeted to children it doesnt have to be dumbed down and can still tell an incredible story. I also think that the showriters did a lot of research in order to write the Fire Nation and it's imperialist actions. It touches on a lot of elements of imperialism that a lot of other media fails to capture. It's a good show, it really is.
But it is still a children's show written by a bunch of white people. It annoys me to no end that people hold it up as The Pinnacle Of Anti-Imperialist-Colinialist-Racist Writing, the Golden Standard To Which All Things Must Be Held, when really its Baby's First Look Into Politics. It was WRITTEN to be Baby's First Look Into Politics. Half of its target audience is still literally munching on crayons.
I also don't like how it handles a lot of things. A lot of people have brought up Hama, but I also think that it doesn't do a great job with the Jet stuff. Again, its a children's show. Its HAS to show the right socially accepted moral lesson that Pacifism Best and Killing Bad. If you study real life imperialism tho, extremism is its natural consequence. Almost always, when there is a successful revolution, it IS led by extremist groups, because those are the people most willing to sacrifice themselves! I think AtLA does a good job at portraying Jet and Hama as sympathetic, but it also goes very hard on the Still Bad angle. The thing is, Aang's my way or the highway deal only really works because he's the Universes Specialest Boy Avatar. I don't think there's much of an aknowledgement that there really isn't much that people like Jet CAN do if its not turn to more extremist measures. I know a lot of white people are very pro-pacifism and love clean revolutions, but thats just. Not how it works.
If you're part of a colony, the sad reality is that you Will continue being a colony unless you can find a way to perform a mass upheaval of the existing system. And, sadly, the only viable way to do this for a lot of the colonized is violence. And violence born in anger is not known for being Clean and Pretty and Morally Just. I don't like the trend of holding colonized peoples solely accountable for their actions in response to the incredible colonial violences of an empire. I get to murder you indiscriminately, but you can't dare to murder in my general direction back, or you're just as bad as I am. Actions don't exist in a vacuum.
I think this is where AtLA's view on politics is weakest, because I feel it fails at providing a viable alternate measure to the actions of Hama and Jet. Aang, and by extension team avatar, has a privilege that they don't have access to. They're just mean to sit there and wait to be saved, I guess.
Also we spent three seasons seeing the after effect of a single shitty Emperor that the Avatar trusted deciding he was gonna be shitty and starting a hundred years of imperialism like some evil aureliano buendia, only to at the end immediately put Zuko on the throne? Maybe Zuko is a good emperor, but can you guarantee his kids will be? His grandkids? What happens if he gets murdered, Azula gets to take the throne and starts Being Evil again? The system remains unchanged, and it can still be abused in the exact same ways.
I bring up AtLA because I think it demonstrates these two aspects that I think make a lot of Imperialism According to White People (IAtWP) narratives fall flat to me. I use AtLa as an example precisely because its a good story, because I want to demonstrate that getting some stuff right and putting in effort and ending up with a good product doesn't mean that a work WON'T have these issues.
Generally, IAtWP narratives will have a very morally pure view on rebellions and demand higher levels of moral righteousness from the colonized than it does from the oppressed, or they will be overly dark and gritty and "realistic" and will refuse to interact with the morality of the setting, being an Everyone Bad, Actually narrative. Secondly, IAtWP stories tend to see Imperialism as a Good People/Bad People issue. Usually they will aknowledge the failures of an imperialist system, but they will still uphold the "superiority" of the imperialist system by treating it as the only way to govern, ergo revealing that they cannot conceive of alternate methods of rule.
On that second point, white american/european people who live in an imperial system never seem to grasp the idea that those poor suffering colonized masses are also capable of the concept of innovation. I think where a lot of white leftists fail when interacting with anti-imperialist rhetoric is that they limit themselves to the anti-imperialism. They can recognize that imperialism is bad, but they can't concieve of the colonized as anything BUT colonized. Even while free, they are Free From Imperialism. The truth is, we have entire fields of scholarship discussing the intricacies of how to navigate freedom. There's internal debates in politics and public and academia about how freedom will work for us. I'm going to talk now from a puertorrican/latin american perspective, since that's my field of specialization. Freedom is not an abstract concept to us. We have spent decades examining the fabric of our society to find alternatives to the current system. Here in Puerto Rico, the modern independence conversation dates back all the way to the 19th century. For most of that time, Puerto Rico and Cuba acted in conjunction when it came to academic matters. Until Castro, you did not discuss Puertorrican independence without Cuba also being talked about, because there was a very strong solidarity between the two nations. This is, of course, without mentioning the work that Haiti and the Dominical Republic also shared with us, as well as a wider Latin America. If you read W.E.B Du Bois' essays on imperialism, he does not focus only on Africa, but he also frequently talks about Latin America and Asia and MENA and even some European nations/ethinicities/racial groups when discussing unity. If we look at Political Science, the Dependence Theory, which is one of the frameworks through which imperialism and colonialism are understood today, was pioneered by Latin American and South/South East Asian academics in conjunction, academics of dozens and dozens of countries that worked and interacted and argued with each other to create a field of scholarship that directly countered the trends in white academia of the time. Even more colloquially, I do not know a single Puertorican that knows the basics of the history of the Philippines that does not solidarize with them and consider them our siblings in the same way that we think of the rest of Latin America. The Global South is not composed of a bunch of meek little victim nations, isolated within our own colonial bubbled, but of over a hundred countries that actively interact with each other's ideas.
I find white authors and creators often do not understand the level at which imperialism has effected the very way that we think about the world, or at the level to which we talk to each other about it. To them, we only exist within the context of interractions with our colonial powers. They often underestimate the level of solidarity in thought that has formed within nations BECAUSE of imperialism. And as a result, they always write overly simplistic resistance moments lead by vague ideologies and people that don't know what they're talking about. Theres a lot more to resistance than the resistance itself, there has to be a strong backbone of intellectual tradition to back it up.
I went off on a bit of a tangent there, but I still think it's important when discussing how white creators fail at portraying imperialism and colonialism. They fail by not being able to see it from the point of view of the colonized. I know I didn't fully answer the question, but I hope this makes sense and helps you understand the framework through which I judge a piece of media that interacts with the themes of Colonialsm and Imperialism. I just want to add here at the end, that this is just how I see it, and not an Objectively Correct Method Of Identification or anything. I know a lot of people that consider things differently, because we all have different frameworks which we use to view the issue. Its not a matter of being right or wrong, but a matter of how we all interact with the world differently. Now, please pray for me that I don't get murdered for this.
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megarabane · 7 months
you are like literally the person i want to be with the bird stuff i absolutely LOVE belted kingfishers they are so pretty. they are also one of my favorite birds (i have too many favorites i cant just pick one) but birds are so smart and their feathers are so cool like omg i love birds
im currently a small senior in highschool/sophomore in college and want more people who like birds in my life :))
anyway whats your favorite thing to study about birds? mine is how smart they are but also like how bluejays have the feathers that reflect the sun to show the blue :))
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[id: screenshot of two text messages that say "oh good i get to get [sic] explain this to you" / "you will regret this" followed by the ellipses of someone typing. end id]
(sad my ask to hellsite-genetics didn't get me a bird tho but i did get the added satisfaction of knowing the goofy goober song is a member of the genus i exalted in my ask so all in all it's a solid win)
let me preface all of this with saying that while a lot of my experience with birds and learning about birds has been in a classroom setting i've also spent *checks watch* three summers now (including this upcoming one) doing field work working almost exclusively with birds in the midwest united states, so honestly a lot of the things i've learned have been incidental knowledge i've obtained working in the field. i'm not an *expert*, i just have a BS in environmental science and a lot of birding experience.
full slapshod essay rant of me going on about birds (edit: i just reread it and good GOD i went on for a while) of me talking about birds below the cut bc i already know this is gonna be far too long but you asked about my favorite thing in the world so this is on you my friend (affectionate)
i'm definitely ENRAPTURED with how smart birds are. They're so fucking intelligent it's almost scary.
since you brought em up imma talk about bluejays first!! i did part of a project my last year of college on bluejays!!
blue jays will often mimic the calls of other birds, esp predators like red-tailed hawks, with such accuracy that even bird id apps like Merlin (shameless plug) will mistake a mimicking bluejay for a real red-tailed. when i was doing audio surveys for northern bobwhites we had to have a separate training day where the only thing we focused on was how to tell if a mockingbird / thrasher / blue jay was mimicking the distinct bobwhite call and how that wasn't to be counted as a sighting.
(in my experience a lot of it has to do with pitch, repetition, and completion of what's considered the 'full song' of the NOBO, since a lot of mimids won't do the 'full song' and will just handpick bits to weave into the rest of their noises. bluejays especially will do this. mockingbirds will sometimes do the full song, but NOBOs have a pretty measurable repetition gap between their songs, at least in the areas we were doing surveys).
i remembered learning in a class that some bluejays will find bird feeders and spy on them, then mimic red-tailed and red-shouldered hawk calls to get the other birds to scatter, so they can then fly down and eat without having to fight for the tastiest bits.
when i was working with birds over the summer, one of the things we did was setting ground traps for mourning doves so they could be banded and then tracked for hunter take (they're a game species in my state). there were always blue jays in those traps. they're so fascinating to see up close, with their heavy bills and tough little feet and they're so full of rage. and they're loud.
also the thing about their FEATHERS - YES. it fucked me up to learn blue jays are naturally brown. iirc it has to do with the way the barbs on their feathers are put together with modified cells, which scatter the light in a special way to make them appear blue. If you get a bluejay feather in your hand it's only blue at certain angles and the undersides are almost usually completely brown unless you hold them in the light just so.
blue jays are part of the family Corvidae so it makes sense why they're so smart, in the family with other birds like ravens and crows.
well i didn't mean to go on for so long about blue jays. they are wonderful tho aren't they?? <3
my favorite thing to study about birds??? hoooooo boy what a question. everything?? is everything an option??
habitat effects on population size and habitat selection at the individual level is fascinating. i've done a lot of work with population studies, basically doing audio-visual surveys (point counts) of how many of x and y and z target species live in this area at a given point in time, then using that data to extrapolate potential population numbers in an area as narrow as a few square miles and as wide as the whole state (i worked for the state department of natural resources so we were focused only on our state obv).
in that effort, using that information to both directly and indirectly learn what environmental factors affect which bird species and how was so so interesting to me, and some of them are things so small we don't even think about them sometimes!! if there's as few as a handful of pine/cedar/evergreen trees in a field or grassland, you're far more likely to find cedar waxwings and indigo buntings, and you rarely see them in areas dominated by deciduous trees. red-winged blackbirds love wetlands, and while they aren't (iirc) specifically wetland-dependent, something as small as a single pond is enough to attract them in droves.
behavior is also such a cool topic to me, which i've learned more and more about just by birdwatching and attending bird-related conferences and working with wildlife biologists.
birds like the brown creeper are bark foragers that almost exclusively move upwards along a tree. they'll start at the bottom and move up, and once they reach a point they deem 'too high', they'll fly to the bottom of the next tree and move up. conversely, birds like nuthatches, still bark foragers, almost exclusively move down trees in the same way - they'll start at the top, forage downwards, and when they reach the bottom, they'll fly back to the top and do it again.
the yellow-bellied sapsucker (woodpecker family), as the name implies, eats a lot of sap, so they drill holes into a tree, like woodpeckers do, but they lay them down in 'bands' that run horizontally around the tree, often with multiple rows on top of each other, leading to a grid-like pattern of shallow holes only an inch or two apart from each other. that's often the best way to figure out where to look for sapsuckers when you're birding!! (apart from actually seeing or hearing the little guy, obv.)
incidentally, i learned that it's really really hard to put backpack trackers on henslow's sparrows, not bc they're so small and hard to catch, but because they're smart enough to realize there's a thing on their back and will, somehow, pull the backpack around to their front and completely mangle it beyond repair, and that's before they chew it off.
god i could go on forever. kestrels. ospreys. owls. nightjars. songbirds. fisherbirds. albatrosses. puffins. kinglets. sparrows. starlings. they're all so good and perfect and wonderful and fascinating and if i could learn everything about all of them forever i would.
in an extremely roundabout way of answering your question, if you're still reading and haven't run for the hills yet, i can't pick just one thing to call my favorite to learn about birds. everything about them is so interesting and makes me so excited to learn and see and talk about.
belted kingfisher lovers unite!
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excadrill · 1 year
tagged by @yj-98 ilyyy 🫶🫶🤍
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
tag as many people as their are wips.. eep.. sorry i'd put this under a cut but it's not working on mobile 😭
ankhgiveaway.sai [i held an art giveaway in february and havent finished the prizes even tho i keep looking at them and going 'i need to and Want to finish this..']
yuukigiveaway.sai [same as above but the person who requested this one deactivated so i. don't know if i'm still gonna finish it]
sonomomo.sai [my current priority 'For Me' wip.. ive shared this wip w some people but ive never done a proper piece for the 'cycle of life and death' thing for them so that's what this one is..💙❤️]
exozinewip5.sai [pokemon zine oc piece, not supposed to share zine wips so idk if i should say more but it's of my beloved gymsona.. this zine will be free + digital and i'll ofc be promoting it more when it's done but it's soooo cute keep your eyes out for this one :3c '5' not bc im contributing multiple pieces but bc this piece is big and slightly intimidating for me so i keep saving different versions when i do major merges]
pocketzine-nymble.sai [another pokemon zine piece, so i can't really say more But it's not the only thing im contributing to this zine, ive just finished all my other stuff already]
oczine-thumbs.sai [thumbs for an oc zine i signed up for that i'll probably drop out of bc im not feeling like a vibe w everyone else there >w>;;; ]
philip.sai [philip piece ive had sitting around basically since i finished W.. about a year ago now i think ? but i transferred it to my '23 wips folder bc i still wanna finish it..it was supposed to be a 'this one will be quick and easy so i'll have smthn i Finished this month outside of zine stuff' but. zine stuff took up all my time and energy oops]
mrtourism.sai [this one's a silly post-canon kirihiko art i've Also had sitting around for like a year. i chip away at this one sometimes but then keep restarting bc im unsatisfied with the lines i wish i could just sit down and finish it bc i Love Him]
platform.sai [ummm silly ryotaro thing i drew after watching the den-o final stage ^__^ not a high priority one but it's cute so like. maybe one day]
punkjackhelmet.sai [file name was bc i was originally doing helmet studies before it turned into a full sketch. punkjack with the beat buckle bc i was doing this right after his special came out 🎃🫶]
colourwheel.sai [ummm well. yeah im not good at finishing art memes when theyre still on trend. i did all the sketches for these but i probably won't finish at this point..]
poppyangel.sai [poppy ex-aid i sketched as a break between big stuff the other day that i like a lot so. maybe will finish but might just post unfinished if i cant find the energy to get to this one sooner. feel bad that i like ex-aid so much but don't have any clean art done for it..]
millirider.sai [toku oc planning :3 i was saying last night i finally figured the helmet out which ive been struggling with for ages so hopefullyyyy i get around to doing a proper ref sheet]
im not at my laptop rn so im doing this off the top of my head but i THINK that's everything.. tagging umm @ankhisms @heartvisor @madaraki @circeancity @horrorcomedies @yu3s @pleuvoire @kosukeiichi @danothan @seashrine @asticassia @eclipse-song @kirider only if you guys wanna 🤍🤍
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