#also im just bad at self promotion lol
missr3n3 · 1 year
I'm too nervous to go off anon haha I'm sorry. But cut down the alter rlly made me so happy. Jonahs character ending so soon always made me incredibly sad, I love the interactions with everyone. I just want them to be happy in canon !!! And your story fulfilled that :)
i understand completely, im quite socially anxious myself <3
its been interesting. ive seen people a couple times in the main mandela catalogue tag wish for jonah-centric stories in which he repairs his friendship with adam and like. i want to recommend my fic. but i'm also very aware that there's several chapters of torture and gore to get through before that happens, and such content is definitely not for everyone lol.
but for those who can handle that kind of intensity, i'm glad my story has filled that void!
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blorbopolis · 6 months
hello! im sorry if you get asked this a lot, but I was curious how you got into doing art ttrpg? and what should an interested artist have in their portfolio? thank you 💖
hi! so i wrote out a big "how to" before re-reading your message and considering you maybe just... asked how it happened for *me*, not necessarily how someone else should do it LOL. so, how it happened for me: i've been actively courting freelance art work since ~2009, and fantasy ttrpg is a natural extension of my interests - my portfolio was already full of world of warcraft fanart by the time ttrpgs & D&D really started having their modern moment. TTRPG is a good low-to-mid level place to find leads, as well, because the barrier for entry is super low for creators, which means a lot MORE projects to go around. (If you want to make a board game, your artist has to know a LOT about packaging, printing, manufacturing, graphic design, etc. if you wrote a D&D module and just want to publish it on itch.io? your artist only needs to know how to send you a decent sized .jpg.) as far as portfolio goes, when i started getting consistent replies to my cold emails, my portfolio had mostly covers and half-pages (ie, narrative illustrations), portraits, and animals. If you want to be more well-rounded you could also include pieces focusing on environments, items, and creatures. Don't include anything unless it's GOOD though. (i am so serious about this - bad work in your portfolio makes the good stuff look like a fluke.) now. if you wanted a "how to" answer, here is 600 words lol. I'm gonna start with the base assumption that your work is already hirable so we can focus on just like, specialization + client acquisition tips. getting a folio up to snuff is a whole other can of beans short version goes like this:
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this whole thing only works if you have the ability to honestly self-assess. new work & skills: you should have fresh stuff that's a snapshot of what you can do *right now.* this doesn't mean old work can't stay in your folio if it's still good, but a small, current folio that really hits is WAY better than a bloated old one with irrelevant studies or student work. new artistic peers: as you continue to evolve as a professional, you should have an idea of which other working artists your work is most similar to, in terms of skill/tone/specialties/other relevant skills (3D/graphic design/etc) in order to see how you stack up to your """competition""" for lack of a better word. Additionally those artistic peers have hangout zones (discords or FB groups, etc) where you can talk shop & pass around job leads. research peers' clients: research who those peers are contracting with. See if your work would be a fit for them; if so, find their contact info and put it on your list. Those clients are probably also promoting other similar projects or publishers on their feeds; twitter has a handy "you might also want to follow" list that has other similar accounts you can explore. You can also work backwards from the product to the creator (see any cool battle maps, CCGs, board games, etc? find out who made it and whether they're the ones doing the art hiring.) Additionally, those discords & fb groups I mentioned will have leads (of varying quality) shared around that you should be assessing as they come in. reach out to new batch of clients: cold email. be realistic about who's worth contacting, but don't self-disqualify. that part is a balance. art directors are people with problems to solve, and you need to be able to A. anticipate the problems they need solving, and B. confidently (and honestly) let them know exactly what you can do for them. Attach A FEW, SMALL, RELEVANT jpgs that they can easily download and keep for reference. do not send massive high res attachments, their inboxes are full enough as it is. If you're responding to a specific call, attach relevant pieces or curate a page on your portfolio site specifically for work that would fit the project. If reaching out to clients doesn't result in a lead - *or*, if it takes them 3 months to get back to you, you should spend that time doing your own stuff and bolstering your skills. eventually your portfolio will be good enough that it kicks down doors for you.
you'll notice i never included "be active on social media! post your new work! feed instagram's ad revenue by giving it more content!" in this strategy because it doesn't matter. i'm not professionally active on any social media. we were getting hired before twitter existed and we'll still get hired after it dies. just do make sure you have an online portfolio (your own website >> artstation >>> other free folio builders >>>>>>>>>>>> an instagram feed.) the more times you do this cycle the easier it gets; both because you'll just get good at every step of the process, and because more people will know you and have known you for *longer* so you seem like a safer bet. I'll be honest: it's a ton of rejection lmao. I would get a rejection in my inbox at least once a week - even more than that i'd just get radio silence. But eventually you'll get a yes, and if you're lucky that yes will result in high quality new work you're proud of and can put into your folio (taking you back to step 1 lol.)
the freelance life is (INSHALLAH!!!) behind me since i now have a full time job doing marketing/supporting art for video games. But my portfolio never would've gotten there if i didn't have the experience of going through the freelance meat grinder first. it really taught me how to be an actualized *creative* (who can stand up for her own expertise, think like a project manager, and take creative ownership of / responsibility for my assignments) and not just a hired hand. my team likes that. i think
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lunadreamscaper · 4 months
My favorite take on Colon is that he’s the muscle of the team. But that doesn’t mean he’s just the brawn. I like to think he’s very bad ass.
Technically the canon reason on how he went from being an intern like Spooker to an actual member of P.I.E. Was because he was perfectly headshot Ghost in the head with a sniper… I don’t remember the context or what video but I know it happened bc I watched it in my high school’s computer room instead of doing class work lmao.
Anyways Ghost promoted him out of respect for his skill. B) so that’s something to go off of.
I also know he has… anger issues and is quick to lose his shit. Like when Ghost ran into the woods bc of his fear of Herbal tea. Also jealous of anyone who interacts with Spooker sometimes lol.
For some reason I used to theorize he used to be an undercover cop/detective that lost his partner on a case once. Which would explain his “skills” and weird protectiveness over Spooker.
And a thing im adding to now is that he lost his job due his nature of quickly resorting to anger which probably blew his cover in cases.
Then maybe Colon was hopping from job to job for a bit, like Uber Driver, since he was Ghost’s Uber driver who decided to tag along on a case and the rest is history. He probably missed investigation like jobs and thought ghost hunting would be a good fit.
Speaking of which i feel like he came up with that last name on the spot to make it more appealing or convincing to Ghost bc there’s no way there’s two motherfuckers with the word “Ghost” in their last names/lh/hj
I barely remember any of the details of this headcanon I had and never shared so idk if I’ll keep it but I do like the idea of it though it’ll obviously be different from want my old self had in mind.
Though a fun thing to think about is that Colon said he was from Europe (the Netherlands) and apparently has some sort of connection with the VT world’s version of Russia- Jesus is that why people thought he was a communist 😭 aside from him not liking democracy, bro— anyways it was mentioned during the Elevator game mode in the 5 year anniversary stream. Good stream, lots of lore definitely recommend. He must’ve had some sort of job before pie and stuff though that teaches you to block out your mind from like telepaths or something (watch the stream I just mentioned that’s all I’m gonna say)
Also semi related but I like to headcanon him as some sort of VT-ified of a witchcraft practitioner just because in the Johnny Ghost moving video there’s a comment made on Colon practicing “dark magic” to bring spooker back, though I feel like it could’ve been a misunderstanding on the “dark” part 😭 but anyways I myself am… well I’m a “witchling” but I think it’d be cool to add to his character personally. (Need to do more research tho do make sure it’s done right B) )
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strawbearyhoney · 10 months
Just say you hate ppl with eating disorders and go
if someone were to promote depression ( literally using a pro-depression tag and telling other people how to get more depressed and encouraging others to self harm and be miserable ) and i said ' tumblr should block that tag ' would you say i hated ppl who suffer froam depression . lol
i have ppl close to me who have suffered from eating disorders and i have a complicated relationship with food myself . its one thing for ppl struggling with an ed to have a space to talk about it , to connect with other people going through the same thing , even to vent about it / their challenging thoughts and talk about when they relapse . its another thing entirely to make posts like " fat ppl are ugly disgusting monsters you have to be skinny pale and frail to be worth anything or beautiful " and then plop urself right into an echo chamber of people obessing and nodding along liek yes yes i must be thin i must be thin all i want is to be thin im disgusting
you are going to die . full stop . you are going to die . your organs will fail and your hair will fall out and your teeth will wear down from the acid of you throwing up so often . you are going to die and it wont be pretty . you are going to die if you do not get out . eating disorders kill people , full stop . liek i need you to understand how serious this is . you either recover or youre dead . this isnt me saying " i dont liek that these people are talking about something thats bad " or " ppl struggling with this should have no spaces to talk about what theyre going through " , this is me saying " the pro ana tag is so incredibly dangerous and tumblr should block it liek theyve blocked countless of other way less harmful tags " . this is me saying im begging you to do some reserach to get out of the echo chamber and i know its not that easy and you cant just say ' wow ur right im healed now thanks ' , but you have to want to get better and that starts with cutting out " thinspo " and to stop encouraging eachother to slowly kill yourselves
liek there are a host of other problems too . the fatphobia is an obvious one , but also the colourism , racism , etc . the pro ana / thinspo communities are obsessed with reaching this ideal of a skinny pale waif , so many blog titles and urls are centered around being ~ fragile ~ and ~ pure ~ and they only ever focus on white girls ( or apparently kpop stars now ) . its an incredibly toxic place . " meanspo " is a thing now ?? i couldnt stomach too much of it
but without getting into the ~ discourse ~ or how ~ problematic ~ those communities are . putting that aside . youre going to die . full stop you either recover from an ed or it kills you . and some people with eds are suicidal and that wont deterr them , for some their goal is to wither away into nothingness . ppl with eds are not healthy , mentally or physically , and that is not a moral judgment , it is a fact . people get eds for all sorts of reasons , from trauma ( abuse , bullying , sa , etc ) , from being fat in a fatphobic world , because they latch onto food as something they feel liek they can control-- there's so many reasons , an endless amount of reasons . i am not here to shame anyone for having an eating disorder
that does not change my stance on the fact that the " pro ana / thinspo " tags ( and their copycats . #proana #proed #thinspi #thinspii #thinspø #thinsp0 #ed not sheeran #ed not sherran #ana miaa etc etc ) are dangerous and should be removed . similar to how someone going into tha #depression tag and promoting and encouraging others to kill themselves should be banned
srsly if someone went into tha #depression tag and started posting and commenting on others posts liek " kill yourself , its never going to get better , heres some accessible ways to die , heres some suicide inspo , heres cute suicide note ideas , kill urself just die prove everyone wrong , everyone will be so sorry and regret the way they treated you , just die " , people would mass report them and dogpile them and be angry at them and get them banned . but when pro ana ppl do it suddenly its " let us cope " lol ????? not all coping methods are good or healthy or should be encouraged / promoted . and self mutilation is one thing , but when you are actively harming others it cant be left alone
to quote Blythe Baird from her spoken word When The Fat Girl Gets Skinny : if you are not recovering , you are dying
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pinkliker69 · 2 years
ranwan office au drabble, but it's got - mo twins concept but mwy is mr's older brother, which is fun - doubleteam endgame - mr and cwn catfighting for an oblivious cwn
i cant stop thinking abt txj + cwn + mr but in an office setting where txj is the ceo, cwn is a manager and mr is cwn’s subordinate, and mr+txj are brothers catfighting for cwn’s attention ^q^ txj (mo weiyu) here very much has history w cwn, they probably were schoolmates and cwn thinks he hates him still but txj is just a moment away from proposing to him at any given second!!! (this is going off how he’s like 32 when he dies in ch1 so HEHHE. thank u trip for the brainworm)
mr is mwy’s little brother who he gave a job in his company bc their uncle xzy told him to be nice for once 🙄 and mwy was like fine 🙄 but mr has been doing well and ends up cwn’s subordinate WHICH MAKES MWY SOO BITTER LMFAO
mwy would be such a condescending older brother lol but he’s probably bragged to mr abt the hot guy hes pursuing (cwn) so mr now can shoot back that HES the one cwn spends all his time with since they work together :) which mwy is SO jealous of lol.
mwy also tried to offer cwn a promotion to be his secretary so he can have him around him at all times but cwn rejected him incredulously bc “absolutely not???? im overqualified for that what nonsense are you spouting” so hes still pissed he doesnt get to usually see cwn cuz cwn isnt in the board of directors and just a lower rung manager.
so mwy will go down to the floor cwn and mr work at as a barely disguised way to be around him more, but it mostly results in him and mr making faces at each other and bickering and fighting to get cwn pastries from the break room.
the rest of the workers are absolutely ????? at how NOT intimidating their scary ceo mwy is on their floor and get used to seeing him scolded by cwn to stop disturbing them and sulking in a corner with metaphorical dog ears drooping.
meanwhile mr is cwn’s super eager subordinate, think smth like 0.25 mr who thinks cwn is super cool and pretty and loves him totally 💗 and he keeps trying to ask out cwn and get his attention but cwn always thinks its just for work (which mr finds super cute… hes right)
cwn on the other hand 💗💗💗 he was into mwy when they were students but mwy hated his guts (think 0.5-1.0 mo ran) and was always quite mean to him bc he was so cold towards him (to cover up his crush) and they had a lot of friction so he still thinks mwy hates him now… lmfao.
cwn always admired mwy’s natural charisma and confidence so when he found out he was the ceo of the company he ended up working at (that xzy recommended) he was like.. Oh… well that checks out tbh.
what he didnt expect tho was for mwy to come down to his office so often…??? and always ask him things??? so cwn thought mwy was trying to size him up and catch him being bad at his job/ distracted and use it to fire him so he would often ignore mwy (much to mwy’s chagrin)
and then in comes mr… cwn’s crush’s younger brother who looks just like him and who’s so nice to him and respectful, it makes his heart flutter 😭 cue cwn’s self loathing for being so greedy and shameful he starts to like them BOTH ‼️
(BTW for the ages.. im not sure abt the exacts but mwy and cwn are like the same age at their early thirties ig (31? 32?) and are bachelors. and mr is like, somewhere in his twenties lol. i havent rly decided. but hes not like intern-level, hes a fulltimer. also i have NOT decided abt their family situation and how dyh and (spoiler) managed to fuck twice so she has both mwy and mr at different times... but dont worry abt it hahaha... i just want older brother mwy and younger brother mr catfighting)
mwy and mr eventually relent and confess to cwn together and are like “who do u choose!!!!” and cwn gets so flustered and disbelieving he just runs away lol.
mo bros take it as a rejection and are very dejected and go off to drink together, but there they also find cwn 👀 who is also getting drunk bc hes so confused and just wanted to not think for the night, and they try to take him home but hes like NO!!! I can get home myself!!!! while slurring his words and stumbling over his feet.
txj who has been to drinking events w him and has seen how totally stonefaced he continues to be even after several bottles is kinda amazed at the sight. “so this is what drunk wanning looks like.. hes kinda cute..”
out of concern tho they take him home tgt (to keep an eye on e/o so nothing happens between cwn and the other LMAOO) and idk where to go from here too much but maybe cwn thinks theyre figments of his imagination and confesses that he likes them both and doesnt know what to do.
the two of them r like ‼️ u know what. if we can get cwn so cute and it makes him happy. we can share. meanwhile cwn passes out on his bed and the two of them, despite wanting to try and sleep in his bed too, have to relent to the couch bc the bed is too full for either of them 🤣
i actually have some ideas for if the night ends in something steamier tho but im not sure 😭 maybe that can happen too idk.. but itd be smth where cwn ends up sleeping w them cuz he thinks theyre made up anyway and wakes up to them on either side of him like. What the fuck
actually wait yeah ill go w that instead tho the idea of them relegating e/o to the couch is still very funny LOL.. but cwn wakes up and sees them to their horror and kicks them out immediately and theyre like 🥺🥺🥺 not even a thanks for getting u home safe? wanning? chu-ge?
(if they had gone on the couch though, they 100% kicked each other down because its too small for both of them, stacked as they are)
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saintssolitude · 1 year
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please read this because it contains important links for my page!! :-)
a quick run down on what I'll be doing on this blog !! I will be posting art but it does take me fucking ages to do art bc im a huge stoner so i get lazyyyy, i will most likely be posting a lot of shit posts and headcanons on my fave characters, self insert of my oc and castiel and AUs. I would love to do a lot of short fics but i never finish them unless i have a laptop which i do not anymore lol
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i make a lot of aus and i smoke a lot of weed so yes i do have a stoner au for a lot of my fandoms! If you do not like the mention or use of weed this blog is not for you, i also may post mh stuff like personality disorders, self harm, and suicide from time to time. I am not promoting anything i do stuff like vaping and smoking etc. Pls dont do anything bc u think its cool or bc every1 around u is and if u do any drugs like me then stay safe and stuff my dms are always open on my other socials if u ever need someone after a bad trip etc 🩷🩷 (I don't rlly do other stuff anymore, but I used to and I studied a lot before I started)
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⌗FANDOMS I AM IN :33 ⏤͟͟͞͞★
I will be doing A LOT of supernatural and also occasionally twitch streamer / content creator stuff as it is my second biggest special interest. I will also be doing art etc of animes, games, books, films etc as i am a multifandomer
heres some fandoms i am in :
harry potter universe (mostly marauders era but also lightning era)
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i dont like dream, Wilbur soot or gnf. As with other problematic creators (jschlatt mostly bc ik a fair amount of people don't like him) i dont get into drama and discourse, im too broke to buy their merch and shit anyways i just watch their shit
heres the list of streamers i mostly like and watch, i will probably also draw other streamers like ranboo etc but i dont watch them as much
james marriott
jack manifold
ted nivison
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(yes i have did, i am medically recognisedand sadly cannot until I leave my home)
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threetangerines · 2 years
hey, ryen!! how are you, love?
i was catching up with the blog just now and read the 📖 anon ask, and oh my god. i wanted to say a few things and you know i talk a lot, but bear with me, i promise this ask is gonna be a mess
i find it absolutely incredible and heartwarming how much 3tan is expanding. just the fact that you felt the necessity to create a separate blog to filter our craziness, or how each day we get to know more anons and how we recently learned that your writing speaks to and reaches men too. i feel so glad that you're receiving so much love and more recognition in each step of the way!
also, i love to hear how 3tan moved other readers. i love to hear about your inclusivity having an impact, about your caution whenever writing a character makes you write something that's relatable even if from a different background than yours.
urgh. you truly are such a great author, and i want so damn much to have a physical copy of 3tan once is over (if it'll ever be aksjak).
anyways, all this bc i wanted to share a bit of how your writing touched me too
when i had my 3tan journey, i was in a very bad place (that i wont detail bc i dont wanna trigger anyone or expose myself lol) and that's why i read all of it in one weekend.
i found shelter in your words in a way that i can't possibility explain. your story helped me to elaborate my feelings, and shed light on a lot of stuff i felt, but didn't understand. del sagno was a slap on the face for me, it was a wake up call in so many ways and i actually started therapy not long after it and i finally just worte my first fic and so much of it was fueled by you. like, whenever i listen to bts' songs i feel like you're promoting the same messages and you help me to go through my own healing process.
what 3tan means to me is... well. more than you know, and that's why i wanted to write you that forfeit analysis, i wanted to try and give back in some way.
anyway, it's three in the morning here, and im kinda emotional (as i always seem to be), so i just wanna say one last thing.
in flutter, reader talks about finding a home in a person, and i think it speaks to most of us who found home in bts and army. but i feel like you've proven to me that one can also find home in books, bc although i've always heard ppl talking about it, i've never felt it. 3tan tho? 3tan is easy to love bc it's real, 3tan is the easiest thing to love bc it feels like home.
hi, lua! i'm doing well<3 and idk if you meant to message this blog or kithtaehyung but omg 📖 is incredible, right??
i'm really excited that 3tan is expanding, as well (and i'm happy this blog now exists so that we can have our own little nook!) the recognition is cool but i'm truly just glad that people are finding themselves in this series and learning from it, just as i have.
there are so many people that love bangtan, and by extension, read bangtan fics. this is why i wanna be sure anyone can be comfortable reading mine and know that they are understood and seen<33 we shall see if there are physical copies! you are way too kind and i am so happy to have you here.
oh, love... i will say this: therapy is huge. proud of you for seeking that out and following through because talking out what's been on your mind and getting it sorted is crucial to feeling better, thinking better. to be able to lead you into something helpful like that? i feel so much in my chest idek what else to say..
self-love and forgiveness is what i want us to all have. if my stuff resonates with you as much as the boys' songs do, then i can retire peacefully and with no regrets. i've never received a compliment or comment like that.. kinda just sitting here and staring at your message. :')) wow.
your forfeit/3tanalysis (whoa, another word we can use!) is mind-blowing and i wanna print it and keep it forever i'm so serious. i felt like an actual author in that moment and it was surreal getting to read it. i love you.
3tan will always be there for you when you need it. it's home for me, too, and i'm super glad you've found comfort in it, as well. this was all wonderful to hear. thank you for saying these things but i wanna fight you bc i'm just one big pile of mush now T^T
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asking-jude · 2 years
cant talk to anyone irl about this so here i am lol. my mom used to make comments about my body, and how id be so much pretty if i lost some weight (when her comments started getting to me i looked up my bmi (ik bmi isnt the best assessment of weight/ health) to see if i was really that bad and i was normal leaning underweight) that kinda helped me, and i felt better for a while, and her comments on my body stopped (but her comments on her own never did) but i guess in quarantine it got to me more than i thought lol i started browsing the ed side of tumblr and downloaded a calorie tracking app, for two weeks i ate less than it recommended (im an overachiever lol) but i didn't lose any weight (technically i did but it wasn't visible so it doesn't really count lol) but the whole time i was terrified of depriving my body of fuel, accidentally starving myself, and overall doing more harm than good(which is why i refused to purge or fast) so i deleted the app and stopped. this was one or two years ago, so i thought it was over it, but lately the little nagging voice thats been telling me how much better id look and feel if i lost weight is getting louder (and more convincing). i want to lose weight but I don't want to do it unhealthy/obsessively or spiral out of control. any advice? (i dont think i had an ed, just an unhealthy relationship (ig fear would be more accurate lol) w/ calories/food in general)
Hi love,
Thank you for opening up and sharing this information with me. I know it can be hard to feel like you’re going through this alone, so I want to ensure you that we are always here to listen.
I first want to start by saying that it is never acceptable for someone to make disparaging comments about your body, even if it is someone in your family. It looks like you mentioned your mother has also made comments about her own body and appearance, so you may or may not be aware of the idea of projection. If you’re not familiar with this idea then a basic explanation is when someone unconsciously transfers their own feelings or emotions onto someone else. From what you’ve described, it seems that your mother is placing her own insecurities and negative body image on you, which has left you feeling self-conscious about your own body. Remember that her comments are not a reflection of your worth or value as a person.
It’s more than understandable that the cumulative stress of quarantine and the comments from your mother have led you down this path of an unhealthy relationship with body image and food, but know that there are ways to move forward. It’s also not uncommon for these thoughts from the past to resurface. Just know that these are just thoughts, and thoughts don’t always have to be acted on.
One way to cope with these thoughts is to practice self-compassion. Reminding yourself that you’re valuable and deserving of love and respect can help you counteract the negative self-talk and build a more positive relationship with your body and self-image. Body neutrality is another idea sort of related to this. Body neutrality is the idea of accepting your body as it is, without judgment or attachment to your appearance. By focusing on how your body feels rather than how it looks, you can develop a more mindful and intuitive approach to eating and exercise.
This article provides practical tips and strategies for practicing self-compassion, which can help reduce self-criticism and promote self-acceptance: https://positivepsychology.com/how-to-practice-self-compassion/.
Sometimes practicing body positivity can be really hard, especially when you feel like you don’t have the most positive mindset right now. Try reading this article to understand more about body neutrality. It provides a few practical ways for incorporating this idea into your life: https://tinyurl.com/52z8t7j4.
It’s great that you’re trying to refocus these negative thoughts into bettering yourself in a healthy way. I can give you a few tips on how to start. First, try to challenge these thoughts by not focusing on weight or a number on a scale. Remind yourself of all the positive things about your body. Focus on your overall health and nourish your body with balanced meals and physical activity.
Second, you can try surrounding yourself with positive influences and friends that can encourage you to make healthy choices. Have you ever sought therapy to help you work through these negative voices/thoughts? A therapist or counselor can help you to develop coping strategies and build self-confidence. If a therapist isn't financially viable for you, Asking Jude has pay-what-you-want, remote peer counseling services; for more information, contact [email protected].
Don’t feel pressured to get over these thoughts in a set amount of time. Be patient with yourself and remember it’s possible to build a healthy relationship with your body.
Here you’ll find guidance on how to navigate weight loss after experiencing disordered eating, including tips on developing a healthy mindset and setting realistic goals: https://tinyurl.com/2x9zh69b.
"Healthy Eating Plate," created by Harvard University, provides practical advice and a visual guide for individuals to adopt a healthier and balanced diet: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/.
If you’d like to develop a healthy exercise routine, try reading this article that provides practical tips for recognizing and managing triggers, choosing the right exercise environment and equipment, and seeking social support: https://tinyurl.com/3vtmcnkw.
Finally, if you ever need to talk to anyone, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Here is the link to a national toll-free helpline, online chat support, and phone number: https://tinyurl.com/2z4ydwbc.
Please take care of yourself and always be patient. Feel free to reach out again if you need to.
We’ll be happy to help, Mikayla
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cainightfics · 2 years
these anons are so annoying, it also frustrates me because tyrelliot is nowhere near as bad as some ships that came from this show (like people who shipped elliot and mr robot) and yet some self righteous people compare the two like it's even remotely the same thing. sorry to mention that people who shipped elliot and mr robot even existed but god I really don't understand why people conflate it with tyrelliot. mr robot is the alter that elliot developed because of his sexual abuse growing up, and tyrell is an evil guy who was in love with him. I wish people would direct their attention elsewhere when there are much worse things being written in this fandom. feel free to not share this btw, it's reasonable to not want to make any posts where people might start arguing about mr robot x elliot. just wanted to share my thoughts. TLDR, tyrelliot shouldn't be argued about as being problematic when there are much worse popular ships in this fandom, and your fics are really good
adding more to my message from before sorry; also don't think that I mean anybody deserves harassment, I'm just saying that when there are actual upsetting and distasteful fics about elliot being abused, you of all people definitely don't deserve harassment under the guise of being upset that you write fic about "Elliot and his abuser" when those fics absolutely exist and you do not write them. anyway have a good night
thanks for your input. im pretty much a live and let live sort of person with this, since the internet makes it pretty easy to just block out anything you dont want to see, and i wish other people did the same. i honestly dont think tyrelliot is bad like... AT ALL LMFAO. but i guess some people do, which is fine. i just dont see the point in messaging me about it numerous times a week for over a month lol. thats just so weird and corny to me
but yeah like in the end my issue with this whole thing is that separating ships into morally and objectively "good" vs "bad" leads to this atomization of intent and characterization where 1) the definition of what is "bad" becomes a slippery slope where anything can become "problematic" and 2) it promotes and uplifts pairings or situations where everything is perfect and conflict doesnt exist-- the antithesis of good/interesting writing. like i have literally no interest whatsoever in "good representation" or "wholesome ships" because thats frankly not what i watch tv or read books for lol. it will never be my thing. also i am just SO FUCKING BORED of rating art based off of whether it lives up to someones (very subjective!) ideas of morality. like can we PLEASEEEEE talk about something else
also, i know what that person is trying to do when they call me a proshipper. everybody knows that that word is synonymous with being a pedo these days lmfao, given that thats central to the idea of pro vs anti shipping (besides incest). i think its pretty wild to insinuate im like... aligned with pedophiles in any way given that if you read my fics you would know i have a whole chapter dedicated to tyrell and elliot MURDERING A PEDOPHILE lol.
i could go on and on about how this very lazy way of thinking thats currently dominating fanspaces is the result of neoliberal identity politics, or consumption as morals, or the capitalist drive to increase both social division and profit by making people identify with brands, groups, or media properties. i wont be an annoying marxist rn and get into all that, but ill say im pretty much in agreement with john paul brammer here:
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
im sorry im so sick of it, the stupid inane blazed posts are almost WORSE than the terror that is Brand Ads.
someone advertising their handmade crafts or art or even fic sure. whatever. go for it. we’ve all got to self promote, i get it. some of it is pretty shit but hey if i’ve learned one thing on the internet it’s that while it is impossible for some people to get enough attention, it is easy as pie for others to get all the attention they need and more, irrespective of actual quality. this kind of post i can live with.
but gosh tho so many of the blazed posts that show up on my dash are just inane. just absolutely mind-numbingly stupid. trying to put my finger on why it annoys me so much but i guess it’s simply a matter of i dont like things that i dont like!!! go figure!!! i follow people because i want to see their content and i am NOT happy about seeing more and more content that i dislike. its so aggravating.
lit i just got one that was a “critique” of an anime I have watched and love. it was a positive critique, but written with such a smarmy, pedantic tone that was not at ALL justified by the content of the post. it sounded like a child wrote it. and a child MAY have done. which is why I have to be an adult and not interact with it. so i kept my mouth shut, because i dont want to hurt some kid and i dont want bad internet karma and yadda yadda. but you know what it was so much easier to do that back when SHIT I HATE WASN’T SHOVED IN MY FACE. I never would have seen that post because I don’t follow people like that and neither does anyone I do follow! but now i get to see anyway! because pedantic-child-tumblr-user thinks it’s a cool idea to pay tumblr so that I’ll see their post like it or not! but if i have an opinion on that post i’m still a jerk of course because they’re not inviting discourse they just want to talk AT a captive audience! woohoo!
amazon sucks no joke buuuut fuck dude, at least amazon ads dont bother me because my eyes glaze over them and i scroll right past. but something blazed by a tumblr user, i have to stop and look at it in order to make a judgment.
no im not shelling out the money to go ad-free. i’ll have to live with ads and blaze. but im also not going to shut up whining about it either. altho i will continue to put my crap under a cut because im sure it’s as much an eyesore to some people as blazed posts are to me lol.
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youareinlovetv · 2 years
hello i know u are a child and as a fello child (not 18 but older than u)
i kno u might not want to hear this but like that one post u made that is basically saying "give me 1 mil notes or i will not try to get better" is genuinely a damaging mindset not only for you but for everyone who sees the post tbh. 'give me attention or im gna hurt myself' is not healthy behavior & not something to promote even if it was a joke it has not been taken as such outside of ur circle sorry.
I have been there before where it doesnt seem great and maybe seeing that absolute strangers can say they care about u i guess might inspire something thats just genuinely not a good mindset to have. being dependant on others or strangers for ur self worth isnt healthy and when that attention stops or slows down it will crush u by accident
u matter bc ur alive. also u prob wanna remove ur age from ur bio ESPEC if u r trying to get a big post lol who knows how many people w bad intentions will see that and see ur post and then decide ur a good target to groom
genuinely hope u get help that u deserve and get better homie, but this is not the way <3
thank you <3 i’ll try a different way
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I have a tiny side bit of money leftover from a sculpture commission just sitting on my paypal (I would never input my real info directly into tumblr/pay directly with a debit card or something lol)... very much adore the concept of having the potential power to spend $10 and tumblr blaze promote a silly picture of my cat 
#i dont even know if they let you pay through paypal but... lol#OR I could use it legtimtalry to promot like.. worlbuilding or my sculptures or a costume but.. hmm#no... would rather do cat in silly hat#HJBHb there's like a $125 option to have a post be seen by 50.000 people#if I was rich.. you know what... maybe... maybe I would directly send 50.000 people an image of my cat#Which I know people have already done this. I've seen posts of people promoting their cats#not saying it's a unique or interesting funny idea#it just makes it more interesting that it would be MY specific boy#not just any boy but MY special boy in his special hat#Or I could do like.. $30 .. promote one cat post. one art post. one post maybe for when my game comes out#It's just hard for me to ever be leigitimate about anything like that though i HATE self promotion SOO much#not in a 'omg sellout cringe' way or like a 'im insecure in myself' way but just .. LITERaALLY the only issue I have with it is#how much of a weird hermit I am and I hate drawing attention to myself and being percieved#NOT because I think I'm bad - I actually am more confident than most people I know/have a fairly stable self concept and am not#like constantly filled with doubt and fear and self loathing and like drinking to escape myself or whatever a lot of people do#literally the issue is just... my brain conceptualizing the idea of interacting with the outside world.... I do not like the idea#of anyone knowing who I am or knowing I exist.... YET to succeed in a creative field uh.... people indeed must know who you are and know you#exist gjhhjbjbj.. YOU KNOW WHAT iinstead I'll tumblr blaze a post promoting a Support Group for people#with schizoid personality disorder who are ALSO have creative hobbies. Me and 4 other people in a group chat can have a single conversation#about how annoying it is to have to participate in society and form connections and Be Percieved and then we all leave the group chat#and none of us ever talk to each other again because we forget and have 0 social drive ghghj... I think any Cluster A group chats or support#groups that function successfully HAVE to have people that are comorbid with other conditions that make them more open to the idea of#conversation because every straight up super hermit schizoid or schizotypal friend I've met we NEVER stay in touch because both of us#are SOOO far on the end of the spectrum of having literally no drive to talk to other human beings whatseoever that it's like... impossible#to keep a conversation going ghhjbj. I can't get along with HIGHLY social people but I tink it's inherent that all of my friends need#to be at least SLIGHTLY more social than me or we will simply never talk. ANYWAY OFF TOPIC ghbhjbj#main points: love the idea of promoting an image of my cat. I am also intrigued by the option to promote something else like my art#but I severely struggle with things like that due to my own Hermit Problems and not even anything serious like 'self doubt' or something#Deep And Meaningful it's literally jsut 'eughh... but then.. People(tm) would See Me' hbjhbhj#YES that is the point dumbass. you are never going to have a career. ghgh... Cat photo is most important though.. Plotting
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absentmoon · 2 years
hi bug i have come to tell you about date plan a to z and why it is the best enstars event because i am Very Excited for it on the eng server!!
firstly there is the fact that i have played it 111 times which is so many and also i now have the movements for the beatmap ingrained into my very being. but also the song SLAPS and i love!! the outfits!! and also the choreography :) if you're curious, here's the official mv, but don't feel like you need to watch it!! unfortunately the only a to z card i have is mitsuru's but i'm planning on getting at least niki's on the eng server!!! and im trying to save up to exchange for kaoru but its rlly hard lol
the second reason why a to z is the best is because its a shuffle event!!! i looove shuffles so bad i love seeing characters who usually have no business being in the same room being forced to interact with eachother and be besties :) ALSO all the characters are characters i really love!! i know you probably aren't that familiar with the characters and i'd be totally happy to go into more detail but i feel like this will already be hellishly long so i'll skip over introductions. but the shuffle is made up of kaoru from undead, chiaki from ryuseitai, niki from crazy:b, mitsuru from ra*bits, and natsume from switch!!!! i really love chiaki & kaoru's friendship, and i also love how niki & mitsuru become pretty good friends over the course of the event story?? they r bread buddies i love them so bad
also the event story is lots of fun and just!! very nice & lighthearted while still showcasing kaoru's character growth really well :) enstars can be real dark sometimes so i always feel the need to treasure the stories where nothing really happens?? the premise is that the five of them are supposed to do an article on their ideal dates for a magazine and also do a little promotional video for a new shopping center!! because kaoru had a playboy image that he's trying to fix, everyone voted for him to be the leader despite his self-doubt. he wants to put chiaki in charge instead bc chia has more experience in leadership positions, but both chiaki and anzu are insistent he take the lead. theres a lot of little shenanigans while everyone figures out what they want as an ideal date, and chiaki puts a bow in his hair and pretends to be a girl to take kaoru on a date and help him chillax a little. the rest of the shuffle follows them and they all end up doing karaoke together its real cute.
lastly please look at chiaki and kaoru i love this cg so bad :)
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sorry this is so long i talk so much when given the opportunity!! i love date plan so bad im soso excited for it!!!! i REALLY hope im in town during the event if im not i will be so devastated but its okay
IMGOING NUTS I LOVE FHIS...so much infooo i love how much u know about this omg??? uve played it so msny timesss thats DEDICATION..
i don't know much of anything about choreography but the music vid is so stylish!! i think its really cool how naturally the models move i wonder if that's difficult to do..especially while still being so smooth and cool and!!!! idk its just so PRETTY youknow!!
the characters i don't recognize but u are free to talk about them always 😎😎 character dynamics are so interesting something like shuffle sounds like it can make really unique setups! i hope u can be in town when dateplan drops you deserve it...you know soso much about enstars omg im sending u lucky vibes!!!! really hope youll be there at the right time :DDD
thankyou for sharing i LOVE infodumping always <33 this is beautiful i learned a little today!!!! thank you!!!!
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skinnybabe33 · 3 years
heres some things i like to do to help me get away with my habits. ofc i do not promote my ed habits and i 100% support recovery. but i know im not getting better anytime soon so i thought id share some things ive learned along the way.
things to do when u feel like bingeing
workout! exercise is an appetite suppressant. but dont do cardio (at least for me) it always triggers binges. i like to do simple strength training and toning. lily sabri has great ab workout videos and i love april hans slim arms and inner thigh workouts.
school! i love the school months because it gives me a huge distraction. do ur homework, study, or work on something thats not due for a while. ive learned that there is always something due and why not get ahead while u can.
watch videos/look at pics of gross food. this usually helps me.
watch mukbangs. maybe. sometimes they make me hungry, but only if i watch ones with dessert and food i love. but if i watch something with meat (im veggie) or something that sounds bad, it helps me. also imaging how many cal are in the food helps. i like stephanie soo because she talks about true crime
shower/pamper urself. self explanatory, do what makes u feel good.
tips ive learned that help me
take vitamins! i dont take multi vitamins bc the cal scare me, but i take a bunch of individual vitamins. do some research, most of mine have been recommended to me by dr or my gma (lol)
yoga! i love yoga. so many benefits mentally and physically. yoga with adriene has always been my fav. she has yoga for literally everything (even overeating) its a good workout and also helps me calm down.
shower every day!! good hygiene is super important. i usually shower at night, and then in the morning before school j out lotion on to help me smell good. i have a weird thing with being clean and i hate the thought of dirt on my body. but u should prob shower once a day bc no one wants to talk to u if u stink and look musty.
i only wash my hair 2, maybe 3 times a week. it depends on what im doing. but after a while ur hair gets used to it and stops producing so much oil. i swear my hair has grown so much.
counting cals. this is tricky topic. its totally 100% personal. sometimes i love counting cal as it helps me make sure im not eating much. keeps my mind at peace. other times, its really stressful if i dont know the exact cal in something and it gets me all worked up. so sometimes its better to just take a step back and not count cal.
save ur cal for when ur around people. they get suspicious.
dont tell anybody if u dont want to get better. they will just make u eat. i made the mistake of telling my bsf ab it and now at lunch she always bugs me and gives me her food. i am so thankful to have her, but im not ready for recovery so im starting to resent her for trying to force me to eat.
thats all i have now stay safe <3
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angy-mouse · 3 years
Tw// religion delete if sensitive topic and be safe
I wish wiccan and paganism were more popular, I think people are conditioned by horror movies and the bigger religions to believe witches are all satanists, when we're actually more like the wise old woman in the woods that heals people in exchange for pretty rocks. It's the 1% of pretend people that give us the bad name imo. We're actually pretty nice people but the second anyone hears "I'm a witch" it's kind of hard for them to hear anything else. Idk this is a bit personal for me so was genuinely considering anon for this. Also greek mythology, I just want to nerd out with someone over less known people like Pan or Iris
Sorry for the book of a response lol
true, im on wiccan tiktok alot (for some reason idk) and from what i see like 80% of it is just trying to promote good things like self-love, good fortune, etc. Like there's alot of things I don't understand about ppl but the whole 'thats not what i do so you shouldnt either' is a big one like as long as no one's being negatively affected what's the problem?
tw for breif mention of sa and pedophilia but all condemning
And sadly Christians are the most well-known for this even tho literally everything Jesus says in the Bible is preaching the opposite? Like oh you think that girl's dressed too skimpy and want to call her rude names and tell her to cover up, or worse you think she's 'asking for it'? Might I direct you to the passage where Jesus tells his desciples that it is better to mutilate your own body than do that exact thing? You wanna be transphobic? To paraphrase: there is neither man nor woman nor slave nor jew for we are all one in Christ. You wanna try to tell me the Bible is against homosexuality? That passage was translated over 400 times and was originally about fucking little boys until the catholic church said 'hey wait we do that' and changed it.
Like I'm kinda stuck between 'the Bible is up to personal interpretation bc its been translated so many times and it's not actually the word of God it's the word of God written by men about 20-40 years later' and 'Jesus would slap you if he saw you spewing that shit' which is why i don't put down my religion on dating apps bc what i consider the fakers ruined it for all of us
Also I love mythology I just got a new book on it
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scoupssolo · 2 years
Lolol i mean you can be Sherlock Holmes if you want xD (personally I don't wanna reveal myself yet? I would love too in the future but for now enjoy my circle round face with sunglasses anon self lol. That and I like sending nice asks as anon? We need more happy vibes so I love doing that!)
Omg yes! Listen, listen I felt bad when I watched ready to love because I sat there, nodding my head and when it ended I was like thats it? That is all? From my kings!? So ngl it soured my mood or well at first, I watched the first performance and then listened to it normally (correction. 8d version with volume up to max on my headphones lol) and I had a whole different opinion haha. That mv is a weird one like don't get me wrong, it has pretty moments like Vernon's scene is my favorite but what was that mv even about? Like homemade YouTube mvs look better than this!! Sometimes it be like that, some aspect of a comeback might make you feel a bit different prior to listening to a song or album I noticed or maybe thats just me. Not you thinking of cc moments while watching xD I can't judge because same! (Now if my idea works is a whole other topic lol) agreed!! I do like to also wait for proper lyrics for songs because they do help sometimes for context of a song, of course its fine to not know. You can easily bop to a song just like that but what can I say? I like knowing stuff lol
King behavior indeed!! Like I shall say, chan doing that is giving me fnaf creator vibes and good on him. Take what people say you aren't good at and make profit out of that. Improve that, show them like "and what about it"? *hair flip* plus kinda relating to the topic of noise music but like can some of yall chill with saying noise music is bad? It isn't yall are just far too picky than marvel fans or something.
Ah yes, lee know *gently pushes chan and shines spotlight on dancey dance boy* when I saw some people comment about how some don't think he isn't a good dancer in my young days as a stay, I was confused like have you guys NOT seen his skill!? While no one can top taemin level (he is a whole other level of an artist like can be comeback please?) He is and I do mean, TRULY a fantastic dancer. Now I am no dancer myself but he has very precise technique which isn't stiff and that sometimes can be tricky to do i think? He uses what he needs to use when required, like yes he isn't very expressive but that is what people are missing!! He does it subtle and when he does he KNOWS what he is doing. A subtle smirk, a tilt of the head. It is classy! It is suave, it is lee know *slams hands on table* but when he goes all out, oh he GOEESSS! Maniac is a good example and a nice way to show he has amazing stage presence, like him ending the song i was punching the air in happiness and no matter how many performances I watch I always get excited like in the words of wonwoo, show me what you got boy!
In conclusion, svt and skz are dancing kings and I don't make the rules. But good question, venom I am super curious dance wise like you can do so much imo! (Also if I may ask, do you plan on seeing them?) As for darling, maybe because I like such concepts and songs it was very much a song I quickly liked!! For an English song, this is good! It is a nice song, fun lil road trip type song that I can see myself playing! I do know it was trending mv wise for me a bit like it was on the 15th spot so I was happy! They may not be promoting it alot which I think is smart? It is a presingle like hit yes but while hit was to promote. I believe darling is a gift for fans more ya know?
omg no i am willing to wait til youre ready always <3
omg so I don't know if you watch mv reactions but reacttothek reacted to maniac today and like the way they talked about how much the song turns on itself is SO cool, especially cause they talk from such a musical perspective (and im clueless with that stuff) and i just sit there and watch them get so excited about the beat and im like god chris would LOVE how they're reacting to this! heres a link just in case you wanna see <3 cause they also talk about chris using sounds in songs and how skz is so good at that hehe
GOD minho just DRIVES me insane with how amazing hes dancing, i saw the svt movie yesterday and they put Dino's performance of zero in it and i want those two to dance together SO BAD i think they could choreograph the most AMAZING thing and i think their dancing would mix together so well it would be so GOOD
OK OK ABOUT THE VENOM CHOREO theres this little clip of minho subtly doing choreo and from it ALONE im like give me the realllll thing! its making me assume theyre gonna do it on tour ahbusfjing
and omg yes i think darling is a really good summer song its gonna be soo good to play all summer like SO fun! and yes im so glad theyre not trying to promote an english song, just cause im afraid it could go ick lol but yeah im SO pumped for the new album (even if the number of pcs makes me wanna rip my hair out) i dont like the concept pics but its giving me a dark concept vibe MORE which is what i want so so bad :D
ok this is an essay so i'll talk to you soon bestie<3
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