#also is kishin the right word?
ink-asunder · 1 year
What's tha name of the religion in Soul Eater?? What's the religious scene in general? Lord death is like... God, and a number of religious depictions revering him look like they're a rebrand of western Christianity and Catholicism. What would that religion be called? Deathism? Morbidity?? ALSO, there are religious images that look like they revere the Kishin in place of their god--so like, Kishinites or something, right??
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tangsakura · 1 month
Missed Details from Sukuna's Introduction
Did you guys know that there are details we've missed from Sukuna's introduction by Satoru Gojo in chapter 3?
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JJK Chapter 3
In this post, I'll go over the few details we've missed because of translation issues or difficulties.
WARNING: Very minor mentions of details beyond season 2 of JJK anime. Please DO NOT INTERACT if you don't want even a tiny bit of spoiler. Also, a bit of a long post ahead.
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Missed Detail #1:
Let's start with this panel first.
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"Ryomen Sukuna is an imaginary fierce god who has 2 faces and 4 arms."
In this panel, Sukuna was called a 鬼神 (kishin), which in general means a 'fierce god or spirit'. But there are also other meanings beyond this.
鬼神 also refers to gods or spirits/souls of heaven and earth. It is also a Buddhist term that refer to beings with supernatural abilities (e.g. shinigami, rakshasa). 鬼神 can also be pronounced as onigami, which means an invisible (nature) spirit, or a fierce and frightening god or spirit.
So this reflects the belief of people that Sukuna is a fiercely frightening divine being. They might've also believed that he was there even if they couldn't see him, just like how we treat our God(s) in real life (if you're a believer). They are definitely aware of his frightening powers.
It also has another implication behind it. The first kanji, 鬼, means oni. Oni has many translations including demon, evil spirits, trolls and ogres. In addition, during Heian era, the oni creatures were depicted as terrifying monsters that ate people, and there are even literature where oni's were depicted eating people in one mouthful.
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Blue Oni, c. 1764. Painting by Soga Shōhaku (1730–1781)
The word 鬼神 is ironic, as well, because of his outward appearance, he can be considered an oni and a divine one at that.
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Missed Detail #2:
Below is our last analysis for this post.
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"Crowned with the title (name) of Sukuna, we couldn't even eradicate his grave wax that traverse eras as cursed objects."
The title that people gave to this man is 'Sukuna' alone. I don't know why they included 'Ryomen' in the English translation.
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JJK Chapter 3 (ENG Translation)
I repeat. The only title they gave this man was 'Sukuna' (宿儺), which means the 'dwelling of exorcism.' 宿 (Suku) means lodging, inn, home, dwellings; while 儺 (Na) means exorcism or the ceremony of driving out evil spirits. What a great name for this guy!
Then what about Ryomen? Where did that come from?
I believe this is the name that they've been calling him for almost his entire life, even before he was called 'King of Curses'. That's right. This is definitely the name - means 'two-faced', btw - that they call him as a kid and became stuck with him until now. Imagine being called 'two-faced' as you grow up. That's most likely Sukuna's life until he was given the title of 'Sukuna'.
His name is ironic in a sense since these people equated him to the (real-life) Ryomen Sukuna who was written in the Nihon Shiki as a vicious force of nature after the imperial family of Japan declared him as such.
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So yeah there you have it. Thank you, Gojo, for the wonderful introduction of Sukuna.
I hope this post made your day. Until then.
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 312
Brief summary: Dark Bear is a mutant NPC. Cale scams DB into becoming his subordinate. Cale's group meets a former hero.
We got more info dump today.
The 7th Evil, Hell of Time, is a collection of fairy tales with cruel sides
The 3rd Evil, Hell of Darkness, was the most heinous and notorious place among the Eight Evils, with the most deaths recorded
Dark Bear is a mutant NPC, which is an odd NPC that occasionally appeared because of a loophole in the system
Mutant NPCs can speak well, and travel anywhere
Count Lupe II is a mutant NPC too
Dark Bear actually works as a messenger to convey Neo's will, and is a boss in title only, meaning other bosses look down on him
Cursed blood for a demon means having the blood of a demon's enemy, mainly the blood of the divine race, or a god
Because the two bloods are incompatible, it can cause pain and be fatal to the half-demon
If Cale's half-demon with cursed blood setting was not chuunibyou enough, Cale was now a half-demon and half-angel/god... 🤣🤣🤣 I had read some comments on the previous chapter, so I wanted to clarify that this was all made up by the system AI, One. This was the setting the AI gave Cale for his NPC account. Cale is not really a half-demon... I think? 😂
Because of the Hell of Darkness's reputation, DB was seriously scared of Cale who was its hidden boss. The chapter did not explain why he was scared of demons though.
Count Lupe II had the nickname, Ghost of Darkness. I had some confusion about this nickname because the Korean word "gwishin" meant ghost, but Lupe was a demon, right? In Korean, gwisin was generally a ghost, and could either be good or evil. Japanese folklore called them "kishin", and had a more evil spirit or demon side to them.
To note was the numbering of the Eight Evils did not meant a hierarchical power ranking, but was more their order of appearance.
Moving on, it was funny how scared DB was of Cale, and only the kids could comfort him and calm him down. And when Cale tried to calm down DB, it only worsened DB's state. 😂😂😂 There was also this scene:
DB: *talks about how the Hell of Darkness is the most evil and realizes Cale was its hidden boss* I-It's not that! I'm not badmouthing the 3rd Evil! O-Of the Eight Evils, it is the greatest! Cale: Yes, yes. I am the greatest Evil. CH and the kids: *looks at Cale strangely* Hong: *shakes head in disbelief*
DB also began praising the Hell of Darkness, to the extent that Raon muttered that Clopeh was a better speaker than DB. 😂
DB: *explains what cursed blood is* Everyone: *silent* The kids: *stares at Cale with wide open eyes as if very interested* CH: *looks at Cale as if he was a puppy that got into an accident somewhere* Cale: (No- This time, I really didn't do anything! The system AI, One, was the one who registered me like this! It's not my fault!)
DB then misunderstood that Cale was planning to takeover and become the hidden boss of the 7th Evil too, like how he was with the 3rd Evil. Cale took advantage of the misunderstanding, scamming DB into becoming his subordinate, and promising to make DB as the new boss of the 7th Evil like Count Lupe was the boss of the 3rd Evil.
Come to think of it, I mistook DB as the previous lord of the 7th Evil. That was just a mistranslation caused by MTL. Sorry about that.
DB guided the group to Neo's house where the control point was located. And Cale learned that the control point was going to be used to connect Aipotu and the New World. It was also a conglomeration of powers, an explosive trigger, that would soon destroy 80% of Aipotu.
I found it funny that the Dragon Lord's house was made of sweets, like the house in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale. 😂 And it had a knight as a gatekeeper, who was a corrupted former hero.
[Gisk, a former hero who lost hope and switched sides]
Ending Remarks Cale's scam was a success and he gained a new follower. Next chapter would be the fight between Gisk and CH. One told Cale to find a hero, but she did not say to only find one, right? Would Cale save this former hero from corruption?
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omegawolverine · 8 months
i love how the first three episodes of soul eater very clearly tell us what the characters are like even in a 24 minute episode limit...soul and maka are very capable as partners, they had 99 kishin souls but the thing that sent them all the way back to square one was overestimating themselves. they thought blair was a witch, they didn't bother checking and just. killed her. sure, she has 9 lives, she's fine, but they not only overestimated their ability to tell she was a witch, but they also jumped right into the fight and kept persuing her without confirming at all if she was a witch all because maka was so determined to make a weapon stronger than her mother had, a weapon stronger than her dad who she hates. and soul is so caught up in the excitement of getting the status of death scythe that he just follows along with it.
the episode show us how well they work together as a pair, maka being quick on her feet and soul coming up with a plan out of nowhere, something not even maka imagined him doing which ultimately helped them sell it in the end, but we also saw their weaknesses.
we get a glimpse into maka's insecurities early on with her truly believing soul was leaving her for blair, equating it to cheating and us getting a montage of spirit cheating on her mother with various women all in front of maka (although he was unaware of that last bit). and although soul had spent the better half of the episode picking at her insecurities in a way that could come across as mean spirited, we see his immediate reponse be "how am i supposed to know? cool men don't cheat on their partners." which makes maka realize he was just setting up blair to fall directly into his trap and get her soul. while maka is usually regarded as the smarter partner, soul shows he is a great asset in a fight, weapon form or not, because he's a quick thinker and can transform from weapon to human fast enough for them to get the drop on blair who has cat like reflexes for...obvious reasons.
in the defense of maka and soul, even lord death and spirit think she's a witch at first, but lord death also stresses to them both that if they fuck this up they have to start all over and they don't even...double check that she's a witch? idk how easy that is in this universe especially given this is before maka can see soul wavelengths (which is probably a huge part of why they just went with whatever intel they had) but i'm sure there has to be some way to tell if it's this huge of a deal to aquire one.
and then we have black star who...immediately shows us he could be a very good assassin if he didn't give himself away every fucking time 😭😭 his ego is his biggest downfall but it's also what gained him his incredibly loyal, kind, forgiving partner tsubaki, who saw him be so bold as to stand on top of the building and ask who would work with someone as loud, obnoxious and brash as him and that's honestly probably the best way he could've went about it. how else would he find somebody willing to put up with all of his flaws if they couldn't even handle him as his regular, outgoing, over the top self?
it's also really interesting how tsubaki and black star go over the assassins' rules of silence, stealth, not being seen, etc. followed by black star immediately throwing that out of the window. and tsubaki chastises him. instead of her being the type of girl who just goes along with whatever black star does, she tells him he doesn't understand assassination at all and complains about how they never collect any souls. black star doesn't take any of her words to heart though and tsubaki doesn't take his actions to heart either.
after this we see lord death even say their issue isnt skill, its purely performance, its how they (black star) don't take the mission seriously and tsubaki accepts blame for both of them instead of just pinning it on him. even if she knows he's the problem, she also sees them as a package deal, a team all the way through and she's okay with this. tsubaki also shows that she fully trusts black star as a partner and thinks he will make her a death scythe, it'll just take a little longer than others.
tsubaki and black star both show a lot of strength in battle, with tsubaki being able to transform into multiple weapon forms, black star being very agile, with the ability to do all sorts of moves that most of the other characters are never seen doing. we can see black star go from a poor excuse for an assassins to an impressive one within seconds to mifune and all it took was him actually wanting to do it. we see he can make himself silent and he can use stealth quite well, making it so mifune doesn't even notice him and tsubaki have switched places for a few minutes and he only notices because tsubaki's breathing is different than black star's. we also get to see that even if his ego is a flaw of his, it's also why he can use his wavelength so well when nobody else in his class really can. he has the confidence in his abilities that most of his other peers do not and that is part of what makes him dangerous when he is actually determined to kill somebody.
and he was determined to kill mifune until he found out that he was just protecting a kid. witch or not, angela was a fucking kid and black star couldn't do it. tsubaki could've. she even tells black star they should take they opportunity that was practically handed to them, with plenty of kishin soul's and angela's right there for the taking and he refuses. despite how they have no souls collected, he still choses to walk away and takes the souls back to lord death in a sack rather than having tsubaki consume them because that isn't a real win to him, he didn't kill those kishins.
and then we get to kid's episode and right off the bat we see this dude is talented and a bit cocky but despite his abilities, his ocd gets in the way of retrieving kishin souls. patty's stance is off, he yells at her about it and she responds apologetically, but clearly isnt upset by him yelling, implying it either happens a lot so she can brush it off or she is truly just that bubbly that it doesn't phase her (probably both). liz, on the other hand, tries to reason with him, telling him now is truly not the time as they're in the middle of pursuing a man and when he keeps lecturing them, she just complains, but let's him do it anyways. it's only when he gets a little too out of hand with it does she put him in his place, punching him and telling him he probably shouldnt be talking about how unsymmetrical her and patty are when he has three stripes on one side of his hair and not the other. he calls himself an abomination and cries. they comfort him despite their (liz's) clear annoyance before.
this shows us that despite them all working well as a team in battle, they get caught up in the actual performance of it all, much like black star and tsubaki do, but for completely different reasons. they're plenty skilled, but instead of ego getting in their way like it does with black star, it's arguing (similar to soul and maka) over what seems like little details to liz and patty, but are all consuming to kid.
we also get a line from liz about how "these little rich kids are always so gullible" which implies her and patty are, at the very least, not well off (though we don't know the extent yet). this is when we learn he is lord death's son and that he doesn't actually need to be doing...any of this. he doesn't need to collect souls, doesn't need to train to be a meister or have weapons or work with his team to make them death scythes for his father, he's doing this out of pure want. lord death says because he had two weapons, he needs to collect double the souls. kid, cocky once again, says he wants to collect all 198 + 2 witch souls at once. he's cocky, but they have the skill to back it up.
and obviously they do, kid's a reaper after all and he specifically picked out patty and liz because he knew of their reputation on the streets (plus the symmetry, but lets stick to skill rn)
but again this isn't what slows them down. they go on a mission and as soon as they get there, kid starts worrying about whether or not a painting he has at home is off center and he cant stop obsessing over this thought until the point where he straight up abandons patty and liz when theyre in a pyramid about to fight mummys.
so instead of seeing kid's strengths, we see liz and patty's. the sisters are great at fighting even when the plan goes to shit, likely due to their time before the DWMA. liz shoots with good aim but switches with patty effortlessly when the mummys get too close, not even having to say anything for patty to know to switch with her. and patty shows that she's definitely less scared than her older sister and works better under pressure, hugging the mummys, giggling at them and sticking liz right in one of the mummy's mouths to blow its (metaphorical) brains out while liz complains about it being gross and creepy.
they collect all the souls alone, without their meister and split them evenly just to respect kid's unsaid wishes.
and then finally kid comes back! he's on his gay little skateboard of course, forgot to mention that earlier but it definitely says something about him that it's his primary mode of transportation and its named beelzebub. he gets back just in time as patty and liz have been captured and since they cant use their weapon forms, kid uses his skateboard to free his partners, but that's about as much as he can do before realizing the pharaoh is perfectly symmetrical and he would rather die than destroy it. like he is literally getting torn to shreds by this fucker but he cant do anything about it.
but then the pharaoh steps out of it's tomb and kid sees how asymmetrical it is and that's also what saves them. it almost gets him killed, it ruins missions regularly, his ocd absolutely disrupts his day to day life, but in this instance it also saves them as he gets so mad about the asymmetry that he blows a fucking HOLE through the back of the pyramid and DESTROYS THE ENTIRE THING by unbalancing it.
so yeah, basically i say all this to say the first three episodes do such a good job of introducing us to the main characters and showing us what their strengths and weaknesses are, even if they're played for laughs like kid's ocd, maka's insecurities or black star's ego.
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shycroissanti · 4 months
Ok... well before bed I wanted to write two things about Irina and Kishin💙💚
First, right after Kishin became a demon, as soon as he went to meet Irina, he had a breakdown. He was terrified that Irina would hate him, as she was always training to fight demons.
But as we know, Irina loves Kishin so much that she didn't even care about it (of course she was surprised by his new appearance and height, but that didn't stop her!! >:D) As soon as they saw each other, Kishin burst into tears, he apologized so much for Irina, and so Irina could already see that Kishin was the same as always and not a threat.
She hugs him until he calms down🥹
And it was also at that moment that Kishin transformed into his bean form for the first time (by accident, as he didn't know how to control it yet), in Irina's arms, this was unexpected and soon they both started laughing, which improved the mood. (I will definitely draw this in the future) :3
And now the second information about them✨️✨️
Kishin is unable to swear, he doesn't say any bad words, meanwhile Irina swears a lot when she's angry xD
Sorry XD
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
Did you know that the Fierce Deity Mask's Japanese name was Kishin no Kamen?
And, according to Japanese myth, Kishin were protective deities based on the Buddhist Pāla, who were likewise protectors.
You see, these beings were thought of as being beings of duality. They were fearsome, powerful, & even scary-looking, but at their cores, were also compassionate & benevolent. They were thought to visit just & righteous vengeance or divine retribution upon those who harmed the innocent & in Buddhist theology specifically, would remove obstacles in the way of mortals trying to achieve enlightenment.
In a lot of ways, you could say that they were representative of healthy masculinity as yes, men are expected to be strong (not just in body, but also in mind, heart, & spirit; in other words, resiliant, steadfast, & endurant), dangerous, & aggressive, but only when it is necessary & that it's important to know where to aim it, especially when protecting those close to him. Ideally, men are also supposed to be compassionate & gentle.
As such, I tend to see Fierce as dark, but not necessarily evil. And,if not entirely good, then at least neutral. And I guess that I see him being dark in the same way that the moon is dark when compared to the sun even on a cloudy day.
You actually don't get much indication that he is evil in the game. Yes, the description on the mask makes on warry, but it specifically says dark, not evil.
And the only one that I know of who calls the mask as such is Majora, but in that same breath, he called himself the good guy. Yet, Majora was about to commit mass genocide, so I'm honestly not inclined to take his word for it.
There's also an interesting line that comes from one of the Moon Children that I very much relates to who Fierce is as a person. "Does doing the right thing really make everyone happy?" And the truth of the matter is that, no, it honestly doesn't. Life is just complicated like that, unfortunately. And sometimes, you just have to hope that you're making the least evil choice that you can.
Also, I love the fact that it's implied that Fierce enjoys fishing as the fishing hole is the only other place besides boss fights that you can put the mask on, I believe.
But, yeah, I have a bunch of hcs about him as a character.
Also, sorry if I've already told you this before. I can be very forgetful. -_-'
I've looked a little into the potential Buddhist inspirations for the Fierce Deity and it's as complex at it is interesting. I've not heard of the comparison between FD and idolised masculinity, the idea that this being should, by human standards, be perfect, an idea, a role model. But to be so out of reach and even feared by its neutral, unrelatable lack of concern for humanity's narrow moral framework, and dark powers.
I didn't know that! And that's such a cute headcanon. I wonder...that might be all Twilight needs to know as to not have his heart immediately drop down to his bowels whenever Time puts the mask on, but rather have a chill fishing sesh after the battle to calm FD down and allow Time to take off the mask without fuss- that's a cool fic idea. Has that been done?
I'm more than happy for shared custody of your hcs aikoiya, send them this way, they will live in my mind rent free for days on end! 😂
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dailydemonspotlight · 3 months
Attis - Day 57
Race: Kishin
Arcana: Hanged Man
Alignment: Light-Neutral
June 18th, 2024
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It's odd that this is the first figure from Greek Mythology I'm covering, given how widespread it is throughout the series, honestly, but I'm not complaining. Something that I have to give SMT a lot of props for is how it goes into far more obscure things from mythology- sure, you've got your Thoth's, your Odin's, your Shiva's, and your Baphomets, but something this series does a lot that I adore is that it creates demons for some of the most obscure figures out there. Sure, it makes researching them difficult (a la Porewit) but the spotlights (heh) that this series shines on otherwise obscure figures is fantastic. Case in point, today's Demon of the Day, Attis.
While everyone knows the Greek pantheon, there are so many lesser gods in the sprawling labyrinth of Greek mythology, gods worshipped by obscure cults or left in the tradewinds of history. Attis, of course, was one of these gods, but he also had another reason- he was from a completely different mythological origin. In Phrygian myth, the archetypical 'Mother Nature' was a character named 'Cybele,' who has her own tonnes of myths to tell. However, when the Greeks began to subsume into the rest of the Phrygian people, she was met with a mixed response. Some took her to become a new form of Gaia, the Greek goddess of nature, while others took off and painted her as an exotic goddess whose meaning couldn't be known. Now, what does this have to do with Attis? He was her consort.
The tales surrounding Attis are, and I cannot stress this enough, insane. Everything happens in them from weird amounts of hatred towards an intersex prophetic child, to a cycle of life and rebirth, and I'm a bit scared of going into it, but... okay. Let's do this. Recanted in Catullus 63, the first recorded tale of Attis begins with, and I'm not kidding, him castrating himself. Right off the bat. Yup, this is one of those stories. And I quote,
Over the vast main borne by swift-sailing ship, Attis, as with hasty hurried foot he reached the Phrygian wood and gained the tree-girt gloomy sanctuary of the Goddess, there roused by rabid rage and mind astray, with sharp-edged flint downwards dashed his burden of virility. Then as he felt his limbs were left without their manhood, and the fresh-spilt blood staining the soil, [text]
We just got here! Okay, okay, I'll continue. The story goes on to describe the aftereffects, and the motivation for this sudden castration, that being a fanatical obsession with the nature goddess, Cybele. After he awakens in likely the world's first (and worst) hangover, he looks out and bemoans his fate, having been left behind by his companions who had already run to pursue the goddess. However, from what I can tell of this story, given the confusing wording, the goddess grants the man permission to drive one of her nuns to 'his allegiance.' I can assume this means someone in his home kingdom, but I'm not very sure? It might be referring to the goddess herself. My lack of knowledge in ye olden terms has made this a headache and a half. Later in the story, after his self-mutilation led to his death, he would later be revived by Cybele, becoming her consort.
A later addition expands on this, giving light to Attis' birth- in the story regarding it, it begins with, as always, Zeus being Zeus. In the tale, he fell in love with Cybele, who didn't return his advances, but... of course, with him being himself, he forced himself on her. Her child would later be reared, a deity called Agdistis who was notable for being a hermaphrodite, essentially 'male and female.' For whatever reason, the gods got terrified of how particularly powerful they were, and proceeded to... castrate Agdistis. What the fuck is with the castration?! Jesus Christ! From the blood left behind, an almond tree spurted forth, and a nearby woman named Nana would decide to take an almond and put it in her bosom. Okay. This led to her getting pregnant. Okay. Later on, she would give birth to the newborn Attis, before promptly throwing the kid out into the nature, to which he was soon raised by a goat. Oh kay.
A lot of stuff relating to Attis has been lost to time, especially given that he was only really worshipped in, you guessed it, cults. Originally, separated from the Greek mythology he would later be co-opted into, a cult formed surrounding him in 1250 BCE, in-and-around an area of modern-day Turkey called, and I kid you not, Dindymon. Originally worshipped as a semi-deity in the area, he would later become slowly integrated into Greek mythology as several Greek cults began to form surrounding Attis around the fourth century BCE. In Phrygian culture, later adapted into Greek, Attis was a deity who represented vegetation and the cycle of fruits- particularly, the castration story (yes, again) represented the idea of fruits dying in the winter then coming back in the spring; the date of Attis's revival, that being the spring equinox, is no coincidence. Frankly, though, as pretty as this concept is, the absurd amount of castration in his stories is just... Why? Why are you like this, Greek Mythology?
Okay, now with all of that over with, how is he portrayed in the series? I honestly really like his design. The bandages and the blade make him look rather unique, and I really do enjoy just how bizarre he looks. Wait, but is the reason why his legs are separated from his body...
You have got to be fucking KIDDING ME.
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Sagume Kishin:
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Sagume Kishin is based on Ame-no-sagume, the goddess thought to be the mother of all amanojaku. Though, she's also a high-ranking figure among the Lunarians, being another of the Lunar Sages as Eirin was.
Oh, and she's a goddess specifically. Touhou Project usually uses the word "kami", which is gender-neutral, but the English word "goddess" is used for her.
She has the superpower to "reverse a situation with her words". It might be best explained this way: have you ever watched or read a work of fiction where someone says "what's the worst that could happen?" only for the absolute worst possible thing to happen? That's her ability. Her saying that something is the case will cause it to not be the case. It might be the natural extent of how amanojaku lie so much: she literally can't tell the truth because anything she says will soon become a lie. This ability is an incredibly powerful one, with no apparent weaknesses. She could hypothetically bend all of reality to her whim if she said the right things.
Sagume Kishin is the true mastermind behind the events of Touhou 14.5: Urban Legend in Limbo. She caused the Urban Legend incident and manipulated Sumireko into spreading it. She successfully "poisoned the tree at the roots", permanently altering Gensokyo into a land where anything can happen if people believe it will. She did this to allow the Lunarians to break into Gensokyo and take the place over.
This was not an act of greed, but instead one of desperation: the Lunarians had been forced out of their Lunar Capital by an invading army straight out of Hell itself, led by a long-time enemy of the Lunarians.
In the meantime, Sagume asked Doremy to create a copy of the Lunar Capital in the Dream World for everyone to hide in, while she stayed behind in the real Lunar Capital to keep watch. Indeed, Sagume was so reluctant to follow through on this invasion plan, that when the protagonist faced her, she announced that the Lunarian invasion was inevitable and any resistance against it was powerless, activating her ability and solving the crisis shortly after.
She was fought as Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom's 4th boss, where she tested the strength of the protagonist to see if they could defeat the Hell army. She explained the Lunarians' predicament, and pointed them towards the game's true main villain. While most bosses in the series at least have their clothes torn a tiny bit and a few bruises after their defeat, Sagume emerged completely unscathed by the boss fight. Apparently this was because the dialogue before the fight is very short, while the dialogue afterwards is very long, so you wouldn't be able to get a good look at her.
After the incident was resolved, Sagume made repeated visits to Gensokyo in secret, where she visited Eintei to talk with Eirin about stuff.
She made another major appearance at the end of The Grimoire of Usami. As it turns out, Yukari Yakumo set up a failsafe for Shinmyoumaru's little violent party. While Yukari did approve of it, as "you can't really have fun without the smell of death around", she also realized Reimu and her incident resolving friends couldn't keep the youkai at bay forever. So, she pulled a favor in from Eirin to contact Sagume and invite her over to the festival. Sagume didn't show up until the very end, after almost everyone had gone.
Sagume knew immediately why she was sent there, and announced to the audience and all participants that they could go wild as long as they liked! Sure enough, Shinmyoumaru entered the stage as the "final boss" immediately afterwards, at which point Reimu confronted her and showed her the error of her ways. Oh, and Seija Kijin was so excited by her great-great-great-grandma showing up that she promised that she would be in it for the long haul with Shinmyoumaru, since clearly the Inchling knew how to have a good time.
Still, who exactly was Sagume was unknown to the audience, who would probably snap if they knew a Lunarian could so easily enter Gensokyo, or that she was responsible for the near annihilation of Gensokyo. Sumireko in particular thought Sagume was another Chunnibyou teenager like herself, based on her outfit and mannerisms.
Speaking of, you'd think Yukari Yakumo would be mad at Sagume for almost laying waste to all of Gensokyo, since she founded it and all, but it seems Yukari is actually more impressed than anything. She thinks Sagume's superpower is an awfully convenient one, and thanks her for allowing Gensokyo to evolve in such a way.
Sagume's personality appears to be cold and aloof. Due to her abilities, she's usually borderline mute, being incredibly careful when and how she speaks. While it seems she was against the Lunarian invasion of Gensokyo enough to plan a backdoor out of it, she also appears to have the typical Lunarian feeling of superiority over the "impure Earthlings". Reisen Udongein Inaba still respects her enough to follow her orders without question, despite claiming to be an Earth rabbit now. Eirin and Kaguya also appear to be on good terms with Sagume, enough to scare people into thinking they plan on betraying Gensokyo to the Lunarians.
Either way, we've never actually seen a "normal" Lunarian up to this point, unlike, for example, how pretty much every kappa is a Nitori clone. They'll probably continue to be faceless bureaucrats well into the future.
In combat, Sagume doesn't do much on her own. She mostly summons these Yin-Yang orb enemies to shoot danmaku for her. Apparently they're Impurity Detection Drones. She only attacks directly in her last spellcard: "One-Winged White Heron" where she creates lots of yellow beams of light from her single wing.
Speaking of, the one wing on her back is meant to reveal she's actually only half-Lunarian. She's half heavenly god, half earthly god.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
Thoughts on Maka?
That is vague, lol. But, yes, I have a great many thoughts on Maka.
Starting with what we see on the anime (I've only just started the manga). I love her ferocity. I love how utterly determined she is, and how...centered she is. Even when she does have problems like the initial naive response in the first battle with Crona, or the later anger with Black Star when they are failing at the resonance link... She gets over things pretty quickly. She refuses to let anything hold her back, no matter how frightening.
Soul's wound is obviously the biggest struggle she has, but that's sort of...her growing up phase. I mean, poor baby girl is SO scared when he gets hurt, and even more so when Medusa reveals herself. Can see that girl trembling... Like...she had to grow up, right there. It all became real in an instant. And seeing Stein and her dad battle Crona and briefly encounter Medusa... Maka saw the reality of the world she lives in, really for the first time. Like...girl you are SO out of your league.
But she doesn't let it stop her. Yeah she struggles for a little while, but the whole time she's aware it's a struggle... She never gives in for an instant. She's pretty amazing.
Which makes it easy to see why Soul adores her so much. Yes, yes I ship it. But this post isn't about them~
I have a few tiny headcanons... Like, I bet she gets her love of books from her father. Probably as a young death scythe, Spirit was assigned to study up on lots of things. I love the image of tiny tiny Maka on her papa's lap while he has a book on his knee... Some complex history of the kishin or something, who knows. And he reads aloud to her. And she just starts to love words and the turning of pages...
I stole the headcanon that the black coat was her mother's from @midnightcaptions, haha. She'd want emblems of her mom as she fights, since she's decided to make her mother a huge source of inspiration. Even though I don't think that's warranted, cuz what mother just leaves. Why is her favorite memory of her mother the divorce? Something's seriously sketchy.
Also wanna headcanon the pigtails are a leftover from her dad too, and she just doesn't remember. While mama was away...Spirit couldn't keep the long locks of hair untangled, so he did pigtails to keep her hair tidy. Plus he just thought it was so stinkin' cute. And she kept the style as she grew up, not realizing he gave it to her first.
I do think she has a weakness... I don't think she ever forgave herself for what happened to Soul. She got stronger, yes. But I don't think she forgave herself. I think that's why she was the way she was about Crona... She was determined that he not end up like Soul, which looks different for Crona... Her protecting him/preventing him from harm was...having him be a normal, accepted person at the academy. So anything less than that she took as a personal failure, since she's the one who brought Crona there. It was almost like...if she could succeed with the new friend, it would absolve her of the failure with her weapon... But obviously, that is flawed thinking on her part. Still my headcanon though.
This DOES run the risk of her making a mistake down the road... Like, what if her running off to help Crona that time ended up being the deciding factor in the battle against Arachnophobia? In this case it wasn't, but... Someday it could come down to something like that. So she still has things to overcome, areas to grow...
But yeah... Maka is just fierce and never gives up, and keeps herself really centered overall. It's really inspiring. Really looking forward to seeing what happens when the manga diverges from the anime.
Thanks for the ask!!
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undermarcotics · 2 years
Soul Eater Reader Insert
Chapter 1
Summary: (Name) and their sidekick Jas stay up late on a kishin hunting quest and the pair run into Soul and Maka.
Warning/s: Swearing, Violence
Language: English
Word Count: 2,962
The night was barren; silence filled the streets of Death City with only the noise of swinging rickety old signs of pubs and the soft pitter-pattering of street rats in the corner just 'round a closed café. Not like the teen really cared, it was the silence that always had their back on these missions. It was their friend. The wind rustled through their hair that had matted since yesterday, being unable to even get a quick bath right before bed was impossible considering how dead they and their partner looked once they captured the rogue kishin.
"Fuck. I stink." They can even hear even more obscenities coming out from their partner's mouth, the weapon in human form with an expression full of dread. They see him raising his arm to smell his armpits. Gross. "Let's just get this over with so I can take a nice long shower and that the extras at Shibusen don't keep avoiding me." The boy brought his hand to brush along his own matted locks of hair. The once currant red hair had dimmed slightly, obviously in need of taking care of.
They smirk, "I think that's for the best. They obviously wouldn't want some freckled weirdo calling them 'extras' near them. Good-smelling or bad." Immediately, they received a glare. Dark purple eyes, almost like velvet, bore into them.
"Like they weren't doing the same to you?" He huffs. He had crossed his arms, walking slower than before.
"They were avoiding me because I'm a Top Tier Meister. I proudly flaunt my rank— which you should also act like one," they bump their shoulders against him, making him stop and step back with a sour look and pursed lips. They see him ruffle his clothes. The ugly mustard colour of his long-sleeved shirt hiked upon his body, resting just atop the hem of his black jeans with homebrewed rips.
"H a h? What was that, you condescending shit? You're a One Star like me." The chain of his dog tag necklace rattled when he shoved himself forward. "By the way, you smell like one too."
"Damn, I wish they could demote students like you," the young meister comments, smirking still. They ignored the weapon's insult, but still felt offended. "You know? Bad morals? Inappropriate behaviour?"
The weapon jumped back, startled, "Ina—?!"
The meister scoffs at his outburst, starting to pick at their nails, "Black☆Star? At the tip of the Shibusen spikes?" They start to make the questions hurt a little, making sure they hit the right buttons— and they successfully did.
"He. Was. Being. Annoying," he says with gritted teeth. "Screaming some… muffled bullshit about being god???" He continued walking, hands now shoved into his jean pockets.
"Yeah, yeah. You hate him or whatever," they wave their hand to dismiss whatever dilemma their weapon was having. "We should hurry up and get this over with before we end up sleep-deprived again." Another smirk rises to their lips now, cocky and confident. Their hand gestures outwards towards their partner, commanding almost and it caught his attention. "Jas," they started, and the weapon already knew what they wanted. "bow form. We've got a kishin to bust."
"Do we get to go to the hot springs afterwards?" Jas mimicked his meister's expression with the same amount of confidence.
They playfully scoff at the question, "Only if we do our job right." And at that, Jas took his meister's hand, his body engulfed in a bright white.
"It gave itself the name Boogeyman. I thought it was gonna be some Michael Jackson or Prince bullshit but no—!" Tan hands threw themselves into the air, "It was just some weirdo in a weird— fuckin'— mummy costume!" They watched Jas turn right towards them and only laughed tiredly at his exasperation, "A mummy. One— that's some shitty branding, two; all it did was hang his tongue out like a dumb dog!" Their snorts reached his ears and he stood still, confused for a minute "What's so funny?" He asked.
The two had just recently acquired one of the kishin eggs they were tasked to deal with and had already contacted Shinigami to give a brief report. Both were now stretched across their couch with Jas's leg across his meister's stomach.
The childish, nasally laughter continued, only getting louder by the second, "Are you just pissed because you wanted to fight a popstar themed enemy for once?" They smirk, fully knowing the answer.
Jas frowned, "That's—"
"You've been putting in too many hours into playing Plants versus Zombies, haven't you?"
He was quiet.
"And your favourite is the Disco Zombie?"
His lips were sealed into a tight thin line before he gave up, letting out a huge sigh. "Yeah," he confessed, "He is so cool—" Loud, hoarse laughter then roared into his face, making him roll his eyes. They only rolled back further because of the comment he just had to hear.
"Stupid. Boogeyman doesn't mean Boogie."
"Like you didn't almost face-plant in the doorway," he snickers, pointing towards the entrance hall of their home.
"Almost. You were there to catch me." They point out, laughing.
Jas sat up and hit them gently over the head with a rolled-up magazine, "Wish I didn't."
Imagine deciding to accept two missions that involved taking out high-ranked kishins that only attack during the night. They were students, them and their partner. Jas barely gets sleep, to begin with, being such a comic enthusiast, he would spend nights awake until morning just to finish reading a whole set of them. But even if Jas didn't spend nights awake, taking two missions without break was still out of the question, yet Shinigami allowed them to take both missions at once.
"Ya think it's 'round 'ere?" The lazy tone of their weapon echoed.
In the meister's hands was a bow with a sleek black finish that they could see Jas's reflection on it. The grip was curved and made of rubber with tiny buds for extra friction. It was darker and obviously not reflective like the bow's surface but perfect for a technician to hold the weapon comfortably. Though the bow was beautiful, it didn't have a string connecting the two ends, but it's nothing they can't fix. They hold the bow with an outstretched arm so they can lick their thumb. "[It's] for the theatrics," the meister once said and Jas, for good reason, thinks it's disgusting. They could already feel Jas shiver when they did it.
"Pretty sure. It's already near midnight, so it's sure to come out soon," they reply, "besides, we already got reports of its sightings being around here. We gotta trust that."
Their eyes rolled and they took their hand to the notch as if they were attaching the string. However, it didn't have a string at hand— that's when sparks and crackles of electricity started to overflow from the meister's hand. They pulled away from the notch to reveal a luminescent string, made completely out of their soul's wavelength. The meister looked proud as the bright light shone across their features. They continued pulling until they reached the lower notch, securing a tight and durable string. It kept sparking and they couldn't help but grin. They pulled on it, pulling far back, simulating them about to shoot an arrow.
"Perfect," the self-compliment rolled from tongue effortlessly and Jas snorted.
The weapon's reflection shone against the sleek black once again, "Yeah, yeah, Captain Perfect. Let's go." Jas licked his lips, "Can't wait to get my hands on another kishin egg."
"And to think you were repulsed by this idea the first time," the meister laughs.
"I was not, in any way, r e p u l s e d,' the weapon defended. " I was just… against it."
"What do you think is going to happen?! Do you expect the kishin to knock at our apartment door, greet us a swell night, offer us cookies, and ask us oh-so-politely to take its soul?!"
"It's a possibility~" The meister chirped, swinging their legs back and forth, bouncing the heels of their shoes against the cemented railings of Shibusen's balcony-type thing. The two never knew what they were called. "If they're chocolate chip cookies, I'd be more than happy to finish the deed." They watched as the demon weapon looked close to exploding and the sight of it could never be funnier.
"... You are insufferable," Jas deadpanned. "I have, like, two?? five?? a lot of assignments due on, like, Friday."
"And I am, like, your meister. You're, like, stuck with me, like, loser," they clicked their tongue, chuckling as they mocked Jas's way of speaking. "Also, it's your fault for not doing them ahead of time."
Jas just stared at them in disbelief, ignoring the fact he was just insulted right in his face, "You NEVER do yours though??? You copy off ME."
The meister tsks, tapping a finger on Jas's chin, "And that is why you should do them early. You don't want me failing, do you?" Oh, the doll eyes. It never affected the very apathetic demon weapon, but why not try and try again until it works?
"You look disgusting."
Or just fail. That works too.
"You were so repulsed by it," the meister pushed.
"Was not."
The meister readied themselves as they began walking through the dead streets of Death City, cutting their and Jas's petty little argument right then and there. They had one hand on the bow's grip, their other hand gripping nothing but pressed tight on the bow's arrow rest. The pair entered an alleyway, hearing voices from the other side of the dark passage.
"Is that the kishin?" Jas's voice perks up from the silence but is quiet as a whisper, still aware that he might alert what could be the kishin they were hunting.
The meister shrugged, unsure, "Dunno. But there're more voices than one. They don't sound distorted or creepy either. Could be drunk townspeople from the cabaret." It was dark and the voices were muffled, but they could make out three voices. Two too familiar than the other.
"Hearing the word 'drunk' is making me want a bath more. Just hurry up and find out what the voices are— or maybe they're inside your head?"
"Not the time for jabs, Jas," the meister frowned at their partner.
"Yeah, yeah. Wish you could see souls though…"
"You know?" Jas's voice was getting louder, "Like Maka Albarn?" Not this again— "Isn't she at the top of the class with… whatshisname… Orobas? Ototo? I forgot, or I'm not close to what I'm guessing." Is that a smirk or just the moon's reflection on the bow? "But I wish you could be like her… see souls and stuff… so we can know if kishins are nearby…"
This guy—
Their words were cut off by the distant chanting of "pump-pumpkin, pumpkin… smashing pumpkin!" and a huge explosion. The sound had already reached the pair's ears before they were blown away by a gust of smoke, pushing them out of the alleyway and onto the hard cobblestone ground. The meister choked on the smoke and Jas had reverted back to his human form, groaning. They hear a scream.
"What the hell was that—?"
In the air, they see the person the meister didn't want to see the most. Dusty blonde pigtails flowed in the wind and Mickey Mouse gloved hands tightly held a black and red scythe. The girl landed roughly on the terracotta roofs. It looked like she was in a pinch… too bad for her—
"Is that Albarn?"
Please, just shut up for once Jas. Can't a teen have a grudge in peace? Even then, the meister stood up, stepping back a few feet so they could see a great view of Ms Top of the Class failing to catch a kishin.
"Is that a witch?"
"Shut your trap, Jas!" Oop, they snapped. But their eyes did stare up at the dark-clad figure in the sky, riding on a giant floating pumpkin. It did look like a witch with the stereotypical black garments and pointed witch's hat. But, "Something is off."
Jas quirked a brow, "In what way?"
"I know I can't concentrate and see souls to save my life, but I know for a fact that the vibe I'm getting off that woman isn't a witch." With Jas already on his feet, the meister held out their arm once more. Their eyes follow the figure of their classmates running across the roofs, squinting. "Bow, now," they commanded, "we're trailing them."
"Huh? What about the kishin?" Jas looked like he was about to disobey his meister's wishes. "Don't we need to finish this?"
"I'm not getting one-upped by Albarn," they snapped, "I'm stealing that kill."
Jas was really confused now. "Why would you do that? And you said it wasn't a witch, right?" He sighs, rubbing his temples, "So why bother?'
"... Just do it."
This dumb grudge is going to kill Jas someday. The weapon transformed into a bow once more, the meister cleanly snatching it by the grip in the air and they ran off. At the same time as they tailed behind the other pair, they re-attached the string on the bow, but this time also pulling from the arrow rest after the string. Electric-like sparks circled around the glowing arrow that just formed out of thin air, pulled back into the wavelength-made string. They were locked and loaded.
Making a sharp turn around fallen debris, the meister found themselves in a clear street, and not alone. They see the famous scythe, now in human form standing by the 'witch' with Maka looking betrayed just a few metres from them. What was this? A lover's spat? They clicked their tongue and started to aim, gaining the attention of the three in front of them. One step taken back was all they needed as they crouched down and turned their bow sideways. All their attention turned towards the glowing arrow aimed point-blank at the witch, pulled the farthest it could by the bow meister. A grin crept on the meister's lips as they heard the young girl call out their name in shock.
"(Name) Luck…?"
"The one and only."
The arrow shot through the witch's chest, piercing clean through the body and to the other side. It barely scraped Maka's cheek as the arrow whizzed by her. For a moment, the witch looked down at the hole made in her chest, but she didn't seem too surprised until her physical form exploded, creating a large gust of wind; it barely pushed (Name) back though. They could only stand and watch, pride welled up in them as they saw the soul finally appearing from the dusty mist. (Hair Colour) hair was now messed up on top of the teen's head and they looked like they just rolled right out of bed. (Eye Colour) eyes were squinted with absolute glee from that clean shot.
(Name)'s bow started to glow and the meister tossed it slightly in the air, allowing space for the weapon to transform back to his human form. He cracked his neck, stretching just slightly before walking towards the soul with a hand tucked into his pocket.
"Don't forget about me," he tutted.
The scythe was the one who uttered out a name this time, "Jas Simmons."
"That's my name. Don't wear it out, Soul Evans," he replied, coy.
He reached for the soul, snatching it from Soul's side. He gave him a grin, teasing him by dangling the soul in the air for a few seconds before dropping it into his mouth. He began chewing. Slowly. The weapon made sure he was keeping eye contact with the scythe before swallowing.
"Oh— and thanks for the meal," he grins.
Maka was instantly filled with rage, bitterness laced her words as she barked at (Name), "What are you—!" It seems like the shock had made her fall short on words. She stomped towards Jas, grabbing the taller boy by his cheeks and the bow couldn't be any more bored with the action. "Spit!" She screamed and Jas just pried her hands off his face.
"Can't. And not a dog. Want me to regurgitate the fuckin' thi—?!"
Just as Jas shooed Maka away, she delivered a nasty uppercut into Jas's stomach, making him fly backwards.
"JAS!" (Name) yelped. They watched their partner fly up into the air, startled yet made no effort to run after him.
The boy's body flopped to the ground like a ragdoll and, slowly, the soul he just swallowed escaped from his mouth, floating just above the battered body.
Maka stomped over to Jas's unconscious body, snatched the soul and called out for the scythe. "Soul!" Pretty sure her volume woke up a few people. "EAT THIS."
Her partner immediately declined, crossing his arms as he jumped further from the furious meister, "NO!"
As if Maka had superhuman speed, she was in front of Soul's face in a blink of an eye with the soul in her hand. Soul tripped and fell down and Maka kneeled over him to pin him down. He was pleading by now to not have to eat the gross seconds. Would it be called seconds? Eh. (Name) could only watch in both awe and fear at the other pair, but they also took a few glances at Jas's body to make sure he was relatively alive.
Her other hand crammed itself into Soul's mouth, forcing his jaw open so she could shove the soul down his throat. Oh, the poor soul.
just wanted to share this lmao. there've never been many fanfics that had gender neutral reader inserts or fanfics that didn't involve a lot of romance so i wanted to do this! plus my funky oc. i love him so much
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
If Soul Eater got canceled about the baba yaga saga and got like a year to wrap up (12 chapters), do you think Okhubo would have made something even worse received than the anime ending or would it have let him focus on the right things and wrap everything up without any stalling or new bullshit getting introduced and going nowhere?
Ah, this is an exciting question--thanks! This helps motivate some thinking and writing.
Short version: Given this is Ohkubo and his interests, I don't think he would focus on what I consider to be the "right" things. But yes, I do think, in just twelve chapters, he could have wrapped it up--and in a way that may have avoided problems that the anime's ending had, and without having to introduce too many ideas that go nowhere, or new characters that overwhelm the plot.
I don’t think what I’m going to offer is as helpful, though--because this exercise, trying to outline a post-Baba Yaga finale for Soul Eater in just 12 chapters was harder than I anticipated. It forces me to give more credit to Ohkubo and his editor(s)--but that doesn’t mean what they turned out was as good as I think it could have been, and that I don’t have some suggestions that may have improved the finale. 
(This also forces me to give more credit to Horikoshi estimating he would wrap up My Hero Academia in about one year, or how delayed Sorachi was at finishing Gintama: I went in with a plan to get all of this done in twelve chapters, but as I kept outlining, I started wishing I had three or so more chapters.)
But as this is a hypothetical exercise, I have benefits Ohkubo does not. I’m working off of the work he already started. I’m not having to answer to editors, publishers, or even an audience--this is for me. And I get to basically “adapt” Ohkubo’s original final arcs, so I can introduce stuff as shorthand. In other words, I don’t have to show Kilik versus Medusa’s clown--but I can still have Kilik wielding the Pots and the Thompsons simultaneously to allude to that fight. I get my cake and can eat it, too. 
So, I’ll put the rest of my remarks under “Read More” so that this looooooooooong post won’t overwhelm anyone’s dashboard. 
While the Soul Eater Wiki ends the Baba Yaga arc at Chapter 62, I’m going in with this idea saying that the arc ends with Chapter 60--so that some details are pushed back to later. Chapter 60 ended with Maka killing Arachne and getting her soul for Soul, Medusa escaping, and Crona being revealed again. I think that’s enough of a cliffhanger to end that arc. Chapters 61 and 62 were the aftermath--stuff that I think could be part of the next 12 chapters (Soul actually becoming a Death Scythe, what Justin was really up to, Black Star’s recovery, what happened to Angela, the Thompsons asking Maka where Kid could be). 
The only major new addition in Chapters 61 and 62 was introducing Noah’s gang, so that’ll be a challenge to re-work here. I would have loved to remove Noah--but we already had him kidnap Kid, so he has to be there. 
That also means we’re getting rid of or having to drastically reduce the following arcs: 
The Grigori Arc (Maka versus Gopher)
The Witch’s Research Arc (Team B and the Thompsons versus the Clown, Black Star and Tsubaki versus Crona)
The Salvage Arc (retrieving Kid, the Book of Eibon, Maka’s self-doubt and fighting Giriko, the end of Greed Noah)
The Mad Blood Arc (Maka and Soul learning what happened to Pushka and finding the Black Blood Bubbles)
The Hunt Arc (sky whales, locating Crona, preparing to go to the Moon)
The War on the Moon Arcs (two of them) and the Dark Side of the Moon Arc (the finale)
So the major plot beats we need to get something similar to the current ending are the following: 
Medusa’s fate is revealed
Kid is rescued
Maka makes Soul into a Death Scythe
Kid becomes the new Lord Death
Crona’s fate is determined, emerging as a new Kishin and attempting to take out Asura
Speaking of Asura, we also have Noah trying to acquire Asura
And Asura is defeated or at least contained
I think we can actually pull off all of this in just twelve chapters--but not as well as I could if given more than twelve chapters. But that means we probably don’t get to introduce Gopher. And I don’t know how to pull off the “who was the ‘M’ who checked out the Book of Eibon?” storyline, because working through Maka’s responsibility and guilt is going to take a lot of time. 
I also considered other ways to fit Noah into the arc. Maybe Noah is revealed to be working for Asura? That’s a little too clean--in that, we reduce any villain to “they work for Medusa,” “they work for Arachne,” or “they work for Asura.” But we’re now on a time crunch, and of those, I see it more likely Noah is working with Asura in this proposed story. And we already established Noah is just a collector of objects, so back-stabbing Asura to acquire him has to happen. 
(This also means we will not explain that Noah is a creation of the Book and a tool of its Index. I’ll try not to plot anything that prevents that interpretation or back story, should there ever be prequel/sequel/more chapters to this hypothetical story. As well, Noah himself always struck me as someone who _thought_ he was autonomous, so it’s not as if you can’t write him in the story in a way that makes it believable that he _could_ be autonomous, even if we know he is actually just the Index’s pawn.)
Plus, I thought the manga had suggested Medusa and Noah were familiar with each other--and given where I think things will go in this story, Medusa and Noah would not get along in the final arc, so we’ll keep the Asura/Noah faction in conflict with the Medusa faction for this final arc. (This also could lead to a fun interaction between Medusa and Noah hinting at some previous rivalry--again, more content for the future should a prequel/sequel/more chapters came out of this hypothetical.) 
I think we can keep Giriko around, perhaps as part of Asura’s army (I don’t see him working for Medusa, and Noah could recruit him into Asura’s army to avenge Arachne’s death at the hands of Medusa and the DWMA). 
And we may have to change some things, due to lack of time or conflicting with the ending. For example, do we have Crona emerge as a potentially bigger threat than Asura, or have them saved earlier before fighting Asura? If Crona does become a threat, does that mean they killed Medusa, or is Medusa still around, whether as an ally to Asura or a third party in the fight between the DWMA and Asura’s army? If Kid is rescued too late in these last twelve chapters, is that really enough time to have him ascend to becoming the new Lord Death, and does that give him any time at all to see his father one last time before he dies? 
And, unfortunately, given how rushed this all is, and the lack of payoff even the manga gave it, these twelve chapters don’t really establish Asura as Lord Death’s first kid. I think having Kid in these twelve chapters escaping the Book of Eibon and madness is enough of a trial for him; to then immediately follow that up with Asura revealing he is Lord Death’s other son, and putting that doubt into Kid all over again, is too much for just this one final arc. It is a shame, as this is a disservice to Kid’s progression, and doesn’t really tie up the end of Lord Death’s story, either, seeing as he pretty much is still going to die at the end of this arc. It also doesn’t help that I have Maka getting more of the self-doubt and focus of this final arc (maybe to make up for my decision not to adapt the Book of Eibon arc, which was really the last time Maka had to overcome self-doubt, so I had to put it here in these last twelve chapters instead…although, I don’t think I give much payoff to Maka’s guilt over Kid being kidnapped in part due to her actions).
Speaking of Kid, we do need more fight scenes to keep up the action in this action story--and I don’t want to lose Mad!Kid versus Black Star. So, we will have an off-panel story of Kid being brainwashed while in the Book of Eibon, emerging as “Mad Kid” under Asura’s influence, and he is turned loose by Noah to distract the DWMA long enough for Asura to wipe them all out. This is lazy on my part, as well as potentially disablist: it’s “Kid lost his mind while in the Book, now he’s the antagonist.” It’s as bad as Superman being the antagonist in the shitty Snyder/Whedon Justice League after being resurrected, and as bad as “now Superboy is an antagonist due to Phantom Zone disease in Young Justice.” So, again, this exercise makes me more sympathetic to how rough it is for Ohkubo or any comics creator to finish a story with only so many pages and so much time. 
But that’s not to say that you shouldn’t rush some things. Then there are some details that I think would be better if they were rushed. For example, Maka made Soul into a Death Scythe…and then nothing much exciting happened after. Yes, they can fly now--but we can rush that so that, once Maka does fly with Soul, it’s a shock to the audience (think Hogarth’s shock when the Iron Giant starts flying). Yes, now Maka is better at sensing souls around the world--and then what? That’s kind of irrelevant in my story revision, as we’re going to skip to someone else just telling Lord Death that they located Asura on the Moon. If you keep building and building Maka and Soul’s power set up dramatically over twelve chapters instead of stretching it out over another 60 or so, maybe that heightens the energy. This means Soul probably doesn’t become a Death Scythe until into the middle of the final (Moon) arc. 
Plus, I think revealing Justin as an Asura adherent could be more interesting if it was kept until the final arc. What if Justin shows up back at the DWMA after the Baba Yaga arc, we don’t have Marie and Stein back yet, Justin goes with the others to the Moon, the fight is going well for the DWMA against Asura, Justin shows up to deliver a final blow to Asura--and instead demolishes almost all of the DWMA’s forces? (This can have its own problems, though: you’d have so much exposition revealing how Justin was pulled into Asura’s sway, that he killed Joe Buttataki, and maybe that’s too much.) Now we have that victory gone, the only ones left are a handful of the students (hence emphasizing why it’s these kids saving the day--they are all that is left), and forces Lord Death’s hand to even cut a deal with the witches (hence why Eruka and Free join the fight) because he is that desperate? But even this kids-and-witches coalition is getting decimated--and that’s when Marie and Stein arrive, and Stein finally overcomes any stigma of madness to destroy Justin, Marie avenges Joe by stopping his murderer Justin, and we get catharsis. 
But this is all a long disclaimer and prelude instead of just getting on with outlining these twelve chapters. So, how do we fit all of this into twelve chapters? Let’s see…
(I have never outlined a comic and its panels--as will be apparent--so I have zero idea how I would fit any of these proposals into about 20 pages of each chapter. Soul Eater chapters seemed to be under 20 pages in most cases, but also up to 30 towards the end. So, I’m averaging about 20 pages. I’ll do my best to imagine that you could pull this off in about 20 pages each.) 
(That being said: I think I fit in the plot points I wanted to reach--but the pace is off. The victories keep switching back and forth with little build up or reason: how come Medusa was able to stop Giriko and Noah but get done in by Crona; how did Crona fail to absorb Asura; why didn’t Medusa plan for this?) 
Chapter 1
For Chapter 1, I’ll give a page-by-page summary; this won’t happen for the later chapters, though.
Pages 1-2: Giriko wakes up in Baba Yaga Castle, horrified to see Arachne was killed. 
Page 3: That is, until Noah appears, holding the Book of Eibon, with an offer to join “the winning team” and avenge Arachne. 
Page 4: Elsewhere, at the DWMA, Lord Death is fretting over Kid’s kidnapping. 
Pages 5-7: Then he gets an alert from Azusa and Sid: DWMA intelligence agents found something weird happening on the Moon, and it’s affecting things on Earth. We get a collage showing the effects of madness upsetting people around the world (yes, even those freaking sky whales if we really want to keep that plot detail)--including a familiar-looking man with a screw through his head.
Pages 8-12: Meanwhile, Maka finishes a fight against a target, retrieving their soul. That is number 96--they are so close to making Soul into a Death Scythe. Soul tells her she is overworking herself, but she points out that Black Star is still injured, so they are having to make up for a lack of other students working right now. And of course she is worried about Crona, but nothing she investigates has turned up anything. But Soul senses she’s feeling guilty about something else. Soul asks: “Is this about Kid?” She tries to dodge the question--and is saved by an alert call coming in from the DWMA to return immediately. 
Pages 13-16: There is a piece of paper in the middle of a barren landscape--before Giriko is flung out of it. He is freaking out, saying he didn’t expect to be flung clear across the sky by some “thing.” Noah emerges through the paper before it lights on fire. He tells Giriko to calm down, as they have a meeting. It’s dark outside. The landscape is craggy and barren. They are led into a cave. Eyes are looking at them, before revealing they are clowns. Giriko is creeped out. Who is here to meet? Noah smiles, gesturing to a hulking figure in the shadows with three familiar eyes. 
Pages 17-19: In the Death Room, Lord Death addresses remaining Death Scythes (Spirit, Tezca, Azusa) and some of his top students (Maka, Clay and Akane who Soul and Maka already recognize) to reveal what has been discovered…
Pages 20: Giriko is surprised to find in this cave Asura…and we pull out to reveal the Moon. Lord Death announces: “The Kishin is on the Moon.” 
(Yes, this is all too fast to reveal where Asura is. No, I don’t explain how they found out Asura is up there. We’re moving along.)
Chapter 2
Page 1: We open with Black Star trying to get out of bed--before he’s forced down by Tsubaki and Naigus, explaining his injuries are too severe. 
Pages 2-3: But Back Star insists he is ready to go--before something stabs him in the top of his head…a sword, held by Angela--at which point Black Star is freaking out and ready to throttle her. Tsubaki sighs, hoping that the others are safe on their way to the Moon…
Pages 4-8: We already see the DWMA blimp on its way to the Moon, piloted by Gen. Soul notices Maka is still dodgy about Kid. Clay tries to break the tension--only to be embarrassed by Akane. Others there include Kilik--and we get a gag that he is now a “Swiss Army meister,” as he is wielding not only the Pots but also the Thompsons. Kim is fretting that everyone else is sitting away from her thanks to being revealed as a witch--when Granny from the reception desk sits next to her, shocking Kim to learn she’s entering this fight, too. 
Pages 9-10: Tezca is trying to make conversation with the other Death Scythes, saying it’s been so long since they were together. Pushka is exuberant. But Justin is just passively smiling, listening to his earbuds, not hearing a word. 
Pages 11-13: Meanwhile, on the Moon, Asura’s forces are tracking the arrival of the blimp. Giriko asks why they don’t just shoot it out of the sky already. Noah says Asura is not at full power yet and requires more souls--and now a “meal” is being delivered to them. Noah also says he can sense Arachne’s soul in that blimp, having been consumed by Soul--so doesn’t Giriko want to get revenge on those brats, first? Giriko smiles madly at the thought of sawing through those little shits…
I’m sure more can happen here--but I’m struggling to imagine how to fill out the remaining seven pages. All I know is, by the time you get to the last page, the fight between Asura’s forces and the DWMA starts, with an immediately fatal encounter. 
Chapter 3
Summary: The DWMA is making fast progress against Asura’s army. Asura is surprisingly knocked down quickly and easily. Justin goes in for the final blow--and instead wipes out almost all of the DWMA, including killing at least one Death Scythe. We end the chapter revealing that Justin’s allegiance is to the Kishin, as he takes on his Kishin worshipper look from the manga.
(I think there would be some exposition about Joe Buttataki, so that it’ll be easier to explain in the next chapter that he was killed by Justin.) 
Chapter 4
Summary: The fight is not going well for Maka and company…and it only gets worse when Asura’s madness has attracted another duo--Medusa and Crona. And Medusa sics the possessed Crona against Maka…
(Maybe Maka is not handling the fight well, before she finally reveals something…only I don’t know how to give that much exposition about how Noah got the Book of Eibon that she checked out from the DWMA library with Spirit’s badge. Maybe we should just drop Maka worrying about Kid and act like Noah had the Book all along?) 
More of the Moon battle will be in this chapter. Probably Kilik wielding all the weapons happens in this chapter. Maybe we have Tezca fighting Justin, trying to get through to him--only to die. Could we give Azusa more to do in this fight--or have her as the commander, given her vision ability? Maybe Azusa is about to order a retreat--when she is interrupted by an incoming call that someone is on her way to help. Azusa says, “I can’t believe--it’s you two?!” 
Then a lightning bolt comes down, as Stein, wielding Marie, slams Justin to the ground. But Stein looks like he is under the sway of madness…
Back at the DWMA, Lord Death gets a report about Justin’s turn. This is not good. He is joined by Excalibur, who says he has a difficult choice to make. Lord Death agrees. He directs the infirmary to release its “patient,” before he makes another call, this time to the Witch Council. 
Chapter 5
Summary: The fight is not going well for our heroes. Asura’s power has increased until characters are suffering from madness, with Soul’s chest wound aching, allowing Crona to strike Maka down. 
But hope arrives when Black Star arrives on the scene. 
(How did he get here so quickly? … *shrug* Maybe have Excalibur do it, only it was Tsubaki having to use him to open the fabric of reality, a la what Liz did in the Book of Eibon? Only even Tsubaki can barely handle it? It at least would give Tsubaki something to do.)
But Noah has a trick to reveal: he opens the Book of Eibon to revealed a possessed Kid, now suffering under madness. 
Elsewhere, Stein and Marie manage to defeat Justin. I would have Marie transform back to human at one point in the fight to deliver a barehanded direct punch at Justin--only to have Stein complain, “Why do my weapons always insist on doing that?” (a throwback to when Spirit turned back to human to grab Medusa by the collar in the Kishin Revival Arc). Spirit doesn’t look pleased with the comparison. 
Chapter 6
Most of this chapter is the fight between Black Star and Kid. It is going to be unfortunately rushed, though: Black Star defeats Kid, literally knocking the madness out of him. 
Meanwhile, Medusa has left Crona to deal with Maka, as she turns her attention to Noah and Asura. She compliments the DWMA and Asura for weakening each other. Now she will claim the Kishin. Giriko tries to stop Medusa, only to be disabled easily. She spots Noah and has an interaction before ending him as well. She picks up the Book of Eibon and approaches the Kishin…
Chapter 7
And before Medusa can do anything, a blade stabs her from behind through the chest: Crona has turned on Medusa. Asura smiles, saying his fear is stronger than even her power. All this planning, and Medusa dies. How pathetic. 
But Asura is stunned when Medusa just smiles and says that was her plan all along: why wouldn’t someone be willing to risk entering Lord Death’s own school and risk death--if death was not what she was waiting for all this time? Crona is her greatest creation, a power that will plunge the world into madness, all part of her grand experiment to see how fall this world will fall. 
With her last embers of life, Medusa gives a wicked grin at Asura, her only regret that she’ll never get to see how this ends. With Medusa’s body destroyed and her soul remaining, Crona, still under the sway of madness, has Ragnarok eat that witch soul--transforming the two into a horrifying version of a Death Scythe. We end the chapter with Asura shaken, admitting that this is truly frightening. All of the survivors of the DWMA can only look on from a far distance, as Crona’s horrific form grows more gigantic and powerful.  
Chapter 8
Kid is already back on his feet, ready to fight. He and Black Star retrieve Soul and Maka--the latter falling into the despair of fear. Soul shouts for Maka to snap out of it--but she shouts back that they are in over their head on this one. Kid begins to try to talk Maka out of her despair, trying to reason with her, while Tsubaki and the Thompsons try various pep talks (maybe even a silly gag of Patty somehow having cheerleader pom-poms to cheer Maka on)--before something just knocks Maka across the Moon. Kid, Tsubaki, the Thompsons, and Soul look in disbelief (think “shocked Pikachu face” reaction) as Black Star has knocked Maka clear across the Moon. 
After our team catches up to where Black Star knocked Maka (with Tsubaki glaring at Black Star, and Black Star having a giant bump on his head from where she slapped him), Black Star shouts that he was able to get back on his feet, and he doesn’t work with weaklings who can’t handle themselves in a fight. So, is Maka weak, or is she going to get up?! Maka lies on the ground before realizing how foolish she has been. We see her get back onto her feet, holding a hand out to Soul. 
In between Kid and Black Star finding Maka, and the first pep talk and Black Star’s punch, and Maka getting back on her feet, we see the rest of the battle--including the DWMA getting an assist from, of all places, the Witch Council, with Free and Eruka along for the ride. 
Chapter 9
Despite the arrival of the witches, though, both Crona and Asura are too powerful--and the two of them are more than a match for each other, while the DWMA are just caught in the crossfire of their attacks. We get some more devastating attacks, maybe fatalities of main and supporting characters we know (or just something less consequential, like Sid losing more of his body). 
The DWMA is out of fighters, so who do they have left? The kids--as Team B steps up…only for a gag when Team A with Maka lands in front of them, robbing Ox of his spotlight. The adults are less than convinced they have a chance. That’s when Maka reveals something in her hand: along the way, she fought off enough of Asura’s followers, all on Lord Death’s kill list. And with that, Soul transforms. We end this chapter revealing the newest Death Scythe, Soul Eater. 
Chapter 10
In this battle, Maka and the others are attacking Asura. We still get some cool moments--including Black Star swallowing and vomiting back the laser. 
But, to Maka’s detriment, her focus on containing Asura is leaving herself open to Crona’s attacks. She pleads with Crona to wake up, but nothing is working. Crona does seem to hesitate, though--and that’s the opening Asura, who has been on the ropes, needed. As a wave of regret washes over Crona--betraying Marie, the DWMA, and now killing their mother--Asura is able to absorb Crona, getting enough of a power boost to repel the students. Crona is gone. 
And Maka, even armed with Soul, is horrified--before Asura uses this new form to stab Maka through the chest. 
Chapter 11
This chapter is pretty much the same as Chapter 112. Maybe we emphasize Asura’s confidence he has won--only to hear Maka’s mad laughter. Now with Soul’s new Death Scythe form, he has command over the Black Blood, forming Maka’s dress and then her entrance into Asura’s body. We keep the same interaction with Crona. Maybe we keep that the Book of Eibon still has Brew in it, and Crona absorbed the Book along with Medusa’s soul, so we keep Crona using Brew to take over the Moon? Or maybe we free Crona? I don’t know. 
(I also toyed with Soul not becoming a Death Scythe until Maka is forced to kill Crona, thereby absorbing the last soul they need to make Soul a Death Scythe--but that seemed too grim.) 
Meanwhile, Kid connects the Lines of Sanzu to give Maka enough cover--and that’s how Lord Death ends up dying in this arc. 
Chapter 12
This chapter pretty much unfolds the same as Chapter 113--give or take what had to change given what wasn’t included in these twelve chapters (no Gopher, for example) and what suits my own tastes (e.g., we’re skipping the fanservice call backs). 
There’s a lot that I don’t like about this draft. It is rushed. Angela and the larger witch community don’t get much to do, and neither does Team B. But this is twelve chapters, and it’s not the worst thing I’ve written. 
My Concluding Remarks
And this was a fun exercise--so, thanks for this thought-provoking question! 
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adashulaz · 4 months
Link to the latest fic I wrote because I got into soul eater
“Please.” A woman's voice quivered as drool hit the ground between her legs. A large, monstrous figure hovered above her legs. Drool dripping down from its razor sharp teeth. Sharp, knife-life nails digging into the ground on each side of her body. Trapping her, making her prey. “How uncool, targeting a girl who's just trying to get home.” A bored voice caught the attention of the monstrous figure.
The source of the voice sat near the top of steps that were only a few feet away. The source of the voice seemed to be a teenage boy with long, black messy hair and a red and white letterman jacket with dark orange buttons. The teenager also wore black jeans and knee high black, red, and white boots. Behind the boy was another boy.
This boy stood behind the other on a step above. The second teen wore a long buttoned up cream colored jacket with a white collar resting over the jacket. The teen also wore a simple black, knee length skirt and above it you could see a pale red shirt poking out. The boy also wore a simple plaid tie that hid under the cream jacket and a pair of black boots that reached his calves. The boy also wore dark orange gloves.
The woman took this as a chance to escape from the monster, thinking of an apology to the teens as she ran. The monster simply stared at the two, its razor sharp teeth being shown off in a smile. “You're right, we can make this your ninety-ninth Kishin soul.” That caused the first teen to stand up, moving to put an arm in front of the other teen. “Bet Shiro is still trying to catch up.” The second teen only grabbed the arm in front of himself, causing the first teen to be swallowed by a bright light.
A large scythe took the place of the first teen once the light was gone. The second teen only jumped at the Kishin, swinging the blade of the scythe at the neck of the Kishin. The Kishin only used its nails to push it away. The teen only landed on his feet as the Kishin charged at him. “I don't think he liked that very much.” The words came out slightly echoed. A reflection of the first teen appeared at the blade of the scythe as the second teen jumped away from the Kishin. “Maybe he does like it, after all he seems to be smiling.”
The second teen decided to jump towards a building, using it as a way to boost himself towards the Kishin. Landing a hit on it as the Kishin screamed as its body turned into itself and into a red floating soul. The second teen only stood close to the soul, holding the scythe next to himself and upright. The second teens upper half came out of the blade of the scythe as he reached for the soul and brought it to his mouth before eating it whole. “Thanks James.” The scythe was swallowed by a bright light before turning back into the first teen. “No need for thanks Keith, it's part of our job.” James turned around, walking away from the area. Keith only followed, his hands hidden in his pockets.
They walked down the streets, the streetlamps being their only source of light. James walked beside him and was slightly ahead. “Do we have to walk?” James only gave a small hum as a response. Keith only stared at James, waiting for a verbal response. “If you don't want to, you don't have to. You can take a ride back to the Academy, I'll be fine on my own.” James didn't look back at him, James only folded his hands behind his back.
Keith only let out a small huff of annoyance at the words. “Fine, we can walk.” He could hear James’ small laugh at the words. He only smiled a bit, walking slightly faster so he was walking side by side with James. “I don't know why you like walking so much, it doesn't help with swinging me around.” He was looking at the side of James’ face, looking for an answer. James only gave another annoying hum.
A beam lit up the street. Hitting a Kishin in its chest. More beams followed as the Kishin turned in on itself. Going into a corrupted soul. “Eat up Pidge.��� The source of the voice walked over to the soul, dropping a pistol in front of it. Instead of the pistol hitting the ground, a fourteen year old girl landed before it and grabbed the soul. “Thank you Shiro.” Shiro only hummed, dropping the other pistol. A seventeen year old boy took its place while landing.
“Don't drop me in a puddle.” Shiro only gave a nervous smile. “Do drop him in a puddle! Matt sucks!” Pidge's voice was muffled by the corrupted soul in her mouth. Matt only crossed his arms and frowned.
Shiro put a hand on Matt's shoulder. An attempt at comfort. “I don't think you suck Matt.” That caused Pidge to gag, a finger pointing down her throat. “Let's just head towards Lance and Adam. It sounds like they're struggling.” With those words, a large crash could be heard a few streets down. Matt and Pidge only nodded before following Shiro towards the noise.
A clash of metal hitting metal could be heard. The two blades of the kusarigama that threatened the Kishins life, were pushed back. Causing the wielder to jump back a bit. “Be careful!” A voice from one blade warned as the chain hit the ground in front of the wielder's feet. “You don't want to trip on the chain.” The wielder only smiled at the words.
“You're right, I want the Kishin to trip on it.” The wielder only gave a large grin to the Kishin before jumping towards. Throwing one of the blades towards its feet, causing it to wrap around its ankles. Once it was secure, the wielder grabbed the chain and pulled. Causing the Kishin to fall, the wielder took this as a chance to jump towards it. Getting ready to hit the creature with the blade. The Kishin turned around before the blade could make contact and caused spikes to jut out of its body. “Lance, look out!” The kusarigama was swallowed by a bright light before a seventeen year old boy took its place. Pushing Lance out of the way and landing onto the spikes, his back facing the Kishin.
Lance only froze at the sight. The Kishin took this as a chance to try and eat the soul of the kusarigama. Lance only ran towards the Kishin, jumping up to kick its face. Causing it to stumble and the spikes to disappear. The body of the kusarigama only hit the ground. “Stay away from him!” The kusarigama pushed himself up, standing on weak legs.
Lance only shot a glance at the weapon. The weapon gave a weak smile before reaching a hand out towards Lance. Lance went to the weapon, grabbing his hand. The light came back, the weapon's body turned back into two blades connected by a long chain. Lance charged at the Kishin while it was trying to stand, swinging both blades at its neck. It caused the Kishin to scream as it turned its body into a corrupted soul.
Lance only walked away from the soul, allowing the kusarigama to take on a human form once more. “I'm sorry-” Lance couldn't finish as the kusarigama fell forward, Lance only caught him and frowned. That's when Lance noticed the onlookers. Shiro, Matt, and Pidge. “Take the soul!” The only words that were spoken as Lance picked up the kusarigama. One arm under his knees as the other held up his back.
Lance left the onlookers behind, bringing the kusarigama to someone who could help.
The walk back to the Academy was long but they made it back before Shiro and his weapons did. “I think we beat him.” Keith only smiled, James only hummed. Keith stopped before they could reach the doors together. James stopped as well, turning to face Keith who was now facing the steps leading up to the Academy. “I assume you're going to wait for him.” Keith only gave a small nod. James only hummed at the action, turning around and walking into the building.
Keith only stood and waited until he saw the familiar figures of Shiro and his weapons walking up the steps. Shiro wore a black and white suit with reddish orange buttons. His weapons wore matching clothes that consisted of a dark red turtleneck, dark blue jeans, and reddish orange ties with cream and faded blue hats. But one weapon wore circular glasses. “We beat you guys.” Shiro only gave a small smile as the trio walked closer. Giving a dismissive wave at Keith's words. “Are you waiting for James?” Keith only gestured towards the Academy. He walked into the building with Shiro and his weapons.
“You only won because Lance and Adam were dealing with a Kishin nearby and he wanted to make sure they were ok.” Keith could see Shiro's ears heating up at the words. Shiro only started to walk ahead of the three. “I'm pretty sure it's only because he likes seeing Adam.” Keith only snorted at the words while Shiro brought his shoulders to his ears.
“You make it sound like I'm some sort of creep.” Shiro seemed embarrassed by it. It only made Keith want to hear more, no matter how gross he found it. “No Matt, tell me more or even Pidge, I want to hear more about Shiro's little crush on Adam.” Pidge only hummed, thinking of more stories to tell while Matt crossed his arms with a grin.
“You know those springs on the school grounds? Shiro went to them once to get me for a mission but Adam was also there. So Shiro was just staring at Adam like a fish out of water while Adam was yelling at Lance for being so loud while trying to sneak up on him.” Keith only stared at the back of Shiro's head. For the entire walk to Krolias office, Matt and Pidge told embarrassing stories of Shiro's crush on Adam. It made Keith laugh like a maniac.
Shiro pushed open the doors once they reached them, the redness of his ears sticking out against his black and white hair. James was already there, standing a few feet away from Krolia. Keith hit Shiro in the arm with his elbow as he walked ahead to stand next to James. “You should tell Shiro to stop being such a creep.” Shiro only let out an offended hey at the words. Krolia turned to face the group, her eyes lingering on the door. “He's an eighteen year old boy who's in love, it will cause him to be a bit odd when it comes to his crush. You'll experience it one day if you wish to have a crush.” Krolia only extended her arms to gently pat both Keith and Shiro on the head.
“Now where are Adam and Lance?” Krolia looked at the door, as if saying their names would cause them to appear faster. “Adam's outfit was ripped and kinda bloody so if they're here then he's probably changing or sewing it back together.” Matt was the first to speak out of the group of students. Shiro still seemed to be embarrassed at being deemed a creep while Pidge was patting his arm with an amused look.
“I see, I suppose we can wait for them.” Krolia went to turn back to her mirror when James raised his hand. Keith only let out a huff at the action. Krolia gave a small gesture for him to speak. “Why are we waiting for them? Did something happen where you need us to meet up as a group?” James lowered his hand after he was done talking, hiding it behind his back.
“No, I simply found this to be easier than hunting you all down.” Krolia gave a small smile before making an attempt to give James a small pat on his head, he only moved away from the large hand. That seemed to be the moment Lance and Adam decided to show up because the doors were shoved open with a loud clatter. “Everyone's favorite star is here!” Lance rushed up to the others while Adam was forced to chase after him slightly.
Lance wore a tight blue and cream turtleneck. The neck stuck out like a cone with a bright orange scarf running up the middle before wrapping around under it and extending behind him. His top was tucked into dark colored jeans that only had the orange scarf material wrapping around his middle before resting as a loop on his hip. Lance wore fingerless gloves with a dark gray material wrapping around the middle and dark green cuffs wrapping around his wrists. The jeans were tucked into blue combat boots.
Adam wore a similar bright orange scarf but it simply wrapped around his neck only. It rested above a dark gray shawl-like item that rested on his shoulders. Underneath it was a simple light gray dress-like outfit that reached his knees and had a slit on the side that reached his hip. But to cover his exposed legs, he wore dark gray leggings that were tucked into a pair of simple black boots that reached his calves. Adam also wore dark gray arm sleeves that reached the middle of his upper arm and down to his wrist. Adam also wore dark gray glasses.
“Lance, you don't run inside the Academy like that.” Adam's voice was calm but held a scolding tone to it. Lance only crossed his arms behind his head before grinning. “It won't happen again, promise.” Krolia only pretended to clear her throat to catch their attention. Adam only gave a mouthed apology while Lance's grin only grew.
“James and Keith, you two collected ninety-nine Kishin souls. Shiro, Matt, and Pidge, you three collected one hundred and ninety-nine Kishin souls. Lance and Adam, you two collected ninety-eight Kishin souls.” Krolias voice was monotone as she said the words. She simply stared at Adam and Lance, looking them over. “What happened to the ninety-ninth Kishin soul?” Lance only frowned at the words. Adam only gave a nervous smile before opening his mouth to speak.
“I gave it to Shiro, Pidge, and Matt. Adam wasn't going to be able to eat it.” Lance spoke before Adam could, Adam only looked away from Krolia. “Is this true, you three? Or did something else occur because you're only meant to collect one hundred and ninety-eight Kishin souls.” Shiro only nodded with Matt and Pidge.
“Yeah, the Kishins were in the same area. We finished before them and decided to wait for them before heading back. They seemed to be in trouble and we were going to step in but they handled it. But by the end of it, Adam was severely injured and collapsed so Lance picked him up before demanding that I took it. Then Lance just left with him.” Shiro spoke calmly, which caused all eyes to move onto Adam and Lance once he was done. Lance seemed irritated while Adam seemed more interested in the floor. “Adam, are you alright? You should be resting if you're still hurt.” Krolias voice matched that of a small child's caretaker.
It made Keith feel bad for Adam, he was being put on the spot. “It was just a bad fall, I'm fine now.” Adam only looked up and gave a small smile. Lance only huffed, not happy with Adam's words. “If you say so.” Krolia only gave Adam a small pat on the top of his head before heading back to her window.
“You all can leave now, you need sleep for the classes you all have tomorrow.” The group all left, Adam and Lance walking ahead of them. Once they reached the halls, Keith elbowed Shiro before gesturing to Adam. “Talk to him, if you want to get with him then you kind of have to.” The words seemed to cause Shiro's ear to heat up before he nodded and walked slightly faster to catch up with Adam and Lance. Matt and Pidge followed close behind, possibly to make sure Shiro doesn't make a fool of himself.
“I didn't know you knew how to woo someone.” Keith only looked at James, James had a small smile on his face as they walked at a slower pace than the others. Keith only huffed before smiling himself. “Jealous that you don't?” James only snorted at the words. Keith looked at the group in front of them. They walked in silence, watching the others. Keith could just barely hear what Shiro was saying but he could clearly hear what Lance was saying. “Aren't you the one who left those badly burnt chocolates in Adam's locker?” Keith only snorted at the words while Shiro seemed to tense up at the mention.
“I don't think Shiro will be able to woo Adam if he left badly burnt chocolate in his locker.” Keith only looked at James at those words. James had a slight look of disgust on his face. “I believe it was Pidge who did it because she got pissed at him.” James only hummed.
“It's still gross.” James looked at him. “Maybe he liked it.” That caused James to roll his eyes.
“I mean he still ate it because it was from you but still.” Keith only held back his laughter as James gagged.
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maguro13-2 · 8 months
The Ohkuboverse is rigged!
Hiromu Arakawa : Hey, Ohkubo! I understand I have a few words about your manga's universe saying that four of your mangas are in a Chronology calling it the ohkuboverse. And what's with the eyes that you keep reusing them in Soul Eater?
Atsushi Ohkubo : Oh? Nothing much. I only wanted to tell people to say don't hate my work Soul Eater. I only tell people not to dislike my work. I don't know why Mr. Strife Wanted me and the company to get rid of my characters!
Hiromu Arakwa : What do you mean Don't hate your work Soul Eater. Some love it or hate it, that's just toxic! My universe of Fullmetal Alchemist is perfect and it does not have a crazy world that have things they call it "Madness" Where did you get that from, Invader Zim?
Atsushi Ohkubo : Probably. In fact I reused the eyes from previous manga B.Ichi, that was also part of Fire Force and Soul Eater's universe.
Hiromu Arakawa : Eyes? What eyes? You talking about symbols of that so-called Kishin?
Atsushi Ohkubo : Mhm. It originally appeared from the Manga B.Ichi. So does the moon itself. That's why everyone think that I was responsible for bringing the madness to earth.
Hiromu Arakawa : Bringing the Madness to earth. What does that even...Wait a minute. Those aren't the eyes of a Kishin...Those eyes belong to the Shadow Realm!
*Record Scratch*
Maka Albarn : Shadow what!?
Hiromu Arakawa : You heard me! [To Shinra and Maka] The universe of you and her's Or fans call it the Ohkuboverse is rigged! That's right! Your author set you up hastily to make your own universe that is within the Shadow Realm so that he would easily impress me as a great author!
Edward Elric : Maka Albarn! Is this true? Is the universe of yours really rigged!?
Maka Albarn : Rigged?! But I was born to be a Shounen Protag in Japan and I wanted to impress you! I love Shounen mangas, Shounen stuff are my thing!
Maka's Mother : Actually in Real World AU, she's not born on Earth. She was born at the Sanctuary.
Edward Elric : And now you just lied to my freaking face, didn't you?
Arslan : How dare you lie to our faces like that! You guys call yourselves heroes of the Ohkuboverse!? You're nothing but a bunc of...charlatans! That's right, a couple of charlatans that rigged their own universe by their author!
(the crowd uproars)
Natsu : Rigged!? Why you big fakers!
Lucy Heartfilia : You were using lies about the Ohkuboverse being rigged at once!?
Erza Scartlet : That is so not fair!
Shotaro : Guys! Wait please! You don't understand! Ohkubo made us this way! We're the honest Shoune Protags in Real World AU! We're all fictional manga characters made by the Japanese!
Tsugumi : Yeah! You got it all wrong, fellas! Th-This was some kind of mix up with Ohkubo's stories! In fact, his stories never his failed fans and they were very important to read! But I'm sure that all of the madness would make everything-
Natsu : There was no Madness in the Ohkuboverse! I used my research on the net to discover where did the Madness came from after it appeared in Shinra and Maka's stories! And what Did Demon Vibe said after his creation, the Evangelist, was destroyed...(shows a note saying "Madness comes from Greek Mythology")
(everyone gasped in shock)
Natsu : It's nothing but myths! Just bunch of words coming out of your mouths!
Tsugumi : How are we supposed to know it Was Greek Mythology!?
Edward Elric : So the eyes of truth were right. What did I tell you about lying!? Can't you open your to believe in Truth! The Ohkuboverse was nothing more than a complete set up! Every story that your author made is rigged! The eyes that are symbols of the so-called, weren't the Kishin's eyes. It was Shadow Realm that originated the symbol of Three eyes! There's no such thing is a Kishin! And by the way Maka, that Crona kid you were obsessed with...is actually a girl and doesn't have a penis! You've been a bisexual this whole time and you couldn't see it from the truth! Everyone thinks that you are the hero of Soul Eater, you were the one that was brought into Shinra's new world! Guess what? Shinra was the first hero in the Ohkuboverse that he did before he was turned into a Chao! A Chao that resembles the devil himself!
Maka Albarn : But...But Edward! You have no idea making us believe in truth! We did everything the best we could in our stories to be the heroes of our Ohkuboverse! I'm sure that Crona is fine on the Moon after I defeated and sealed Asura within his own blood! After all, I bet Nights won't figured it out that I defeated by showing the world my courage!
Darkside (Crona) : Courage, you say? You did not seal me away within Black Blood, you sent me to the Realm of Darkness! You did this to me Maka! You made me turn into a Heartless! This is all your fault that you, your friends, and Shinra's stupid influence that brought me into this mess and this is for the thanks that I forsaken you!? Shame on you, Maka Albarn! SHAME. ON. YOU!!!
Edward Elric : She sent you to Realm of Darkness? [To Maka] Why you lying, shounen sack of garbage! No one cheats out of us, Shounen Protags! Not even you, Shinra Kusakabe, could understand to bear with anyone from the lies of you and Shadow Realm itself! I'm gonna give you a proper lesson to you about making tales of yourselves!
Maka Albarn : Oh yeah, Elric!? What are you gonna do about it, huh? Put a gun in my mouth!?
Edward Elric : Oh no. I don't do guns. I do blades! And I know that someone is going to teach you a lesson.
Maka Albarn : Wait. Who's going to teach us a lesson, you or someone else.
Edward Elric : I know of one person that will teach that will make you learn a lesson. (puts up a phone)
Soul Evans : Hold the phone...does that means we're...
[scene pulp]
Maka Albarn : Look, Mobian Death God Grim! We're sorry! We're sorry for lying to the Real World! You got us good! The Ohkuboverse was nothing more than a set up! But don't let the Time Eater kill us!
Shotaro : Yeah! Anything from our author made a rigged universe about the cursed stories he made for us!
Tsugumi Harudori : We promised to Ohkubo that he'll never make us to tell another tale again!
Shinra Kusakabe : Please, Time Eater! This was all a huge misunderstanding! We just wanted to be the heroes of the Ohkuboverse! We're Shounens of each of the stories that our author made! You got us all wrong, man! Look the name Soul Eater comes from a weapon in PSO, that name was made by SEGA! Please! You gotta understand us!
Time Eater (as Homura Akemi) : I know what freaking game it is and I know that it hurts to tell the truth! And four of you are here to pay for your transgressions! (starts whipping on the Ohkubo protags)
Maka Albarn : All's we wanted was to have a good story! WHAT'S WRONG WITH LYING!?
Tsugumi Harudori : CURSE YOU, OHKUBO-SENSEI!
Maka Albarn : That is it! We will never ever, ever, appear in a Shounen Manga again!
*Imaginary scenario ends*
Maka Albarn : So you see, Nights, fellow Sega Representative. The Universe of Soul Eater and Fire Forced or fans call it, the Ohkuboverse, that we lived in is rigged, Ohkubo set us up from the very beginning, and therefore he decided to abandon us at the city where Soul and I first met.
Nights : Huh? So that's why Soul Eater existed in the first place. Is the show of Soul Eater. Or Humanty's gift of Despair was rigged?
Maka Albarn : Both, man. Both. I guess I'm the only one that will ever think Real World AU naturally exist. This is the real reason that I was stuck in these part-time jobs. (Unknown to nights is her wearing a reverse bunny suit)
Nights : Wait. Are you wearing a...?
Maka Albarn : Trust me. I know how this is going to work for myself.
Nights : Why did I even bother?
[Iris out]
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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So I mentioned having the death bros on my mind… this is part of an au I formulated YEARS ago where asura rescues kid from noah, due to some funky fragment ‘We were once apart of the same whole and I feel the pain you feel’ kinda bullshit that I love HEHE
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Hey <3
Could I request a kind a lengthy one? Most of this is legit just fluff context and shit. lol. You can call "Angel of Death and Grief"
So, basically, background info first, Asura never turned evil, and he, Lord Death, and Dtk were super close as a family. Also, full fledged Grim Reapers has super big black wings, like from that Wings au fic Mortally requested. Because of the this, Reapers are alternatively called Angels of Death. Another bit, a Fragment has to have a certain size of their soul by the time the current Grim Reaper dies, so they could safely take in the power that transfers. One last thing: Grim Reapers are extremely social creatures inside their species, so if they're separated/abandoned/orphaned too early, it's really detrimental to their mental health. (Oh and fully Fledged grim reapers' bodies may change with their emotion/mentality if it's strong enough.)
Now, onot the main bit: Three years before the main fic, Lord Death and Asura just straight up disappeared when Kid was 10, like as in, wiped from existence somehow. (Nobody knows why, but there were rumours of Witch involvement.) It's pretty much guaranteed they're dead. How do they know? Well, all of the power of Lord Death and Asura just kinda dumped onto Kid at once. Because of not only the sudden power dump from his father, but his brother as well, and the fact that his soul was way unprepared for it, not to mention since this was before he got any demon weapons (Liz and Patty), it uh, kinda went to shit. Kid's soul swelled way past the limit he was able to handle, so because of that his powers are extremely powerful, but at the same time he has ZERO control over them. Wings suddenly came in, like four-five times his size and he can't move nor use them what-so-ever unless he has a serious bout of emotion. It caused his soul to become disfigured, so whilst his Sanzu lines on the right side of his head are fine, the other side is visible fractured and messy remnants of lines.
Oh, also, he's like mentally fucked. The shock of grief, power, and responsibility having been forced onto him makes him hyper-focus on his grief, so his body changed to match that. His eyes are an inky black, with his cheeks stained the same colour in the shape of falling tears. His body has a hole in his chest, to reflect the overbearing pain of grief. He refuses to speak anything other than the language Grim Reapers use, Spirit usually hangs around to translate for people, and Kid has a sort of attachment to SPirit as well, as he was his father's weapon. He is mentally unable to accept the fact his Father and brother are most likely dead, speaking as if they'll just be back one day. He refers to himself often as "broken", "ugly abomination" stuff like that, he also sometimes talks in nearly incomprehensible riddles that is always answered with some variation of the word "Burn". (In reference to burning a witch.). Death City refers to him not as Lord Death, or an ANgel of Death, but as "The Angel of Bereavement", which is the period of grief and mourning after a death. Kid in now 13.
Now, the actual fic part, oml, sorry for the essay HAHA--
Write about Soul and Maka (not a ship) meeting Kid for the first time after they mistake Blair for a Witch. Have Spirit act as a translater, and have them have a lengthy conversation over tea.
Wowza! This one was intense, but I love all of the thought you put into it!
Angel of Death and Grief AU:
Maka and Soul had heard plenty about the grim reaper in charge of the DWMA. There were always plenty of rumors, and since her dad was acting as a caretaker since he was the only death scythe around, she’d been able to hear about the accuracy of some of these rumors and was able to hear about the tragedies he’d been through. Her father didn’t like to go into details though, and she had never met this reaper before. 
Her dad had been put in charge of contacting students about their progress in hunting kishins and witches so even though she hated it, Maka had to put up with meeting with her father on the regular. This was fine with Spirit, since he adored his daughter, but he was under a lot of stress with the amount of responsibility he had to take on these past three years. 
For the most part, he would be the one to help track students' progress in becoming death scythes and he would try to get Kid to grow into the responsibility. Kid would help here and there, but always under the guise of “pleasing father and brother when they return”. Spirit couldn’t even bring himself to try and convince Kid that his family wasn’t coming home. That had proven itself pointless. Still, the overwhelming spike in power and that deep connection that was felt between Kid and the loss of his family stunted his growth in a way where he couldn’t do much at all. The only time he would allow himself to be seen was if a weapon had finally grown to become a death scythe.
When Maka had called her dad after a fight that she and Soul thought would be their last, it was just going to be to tell him the mission failed and see what the two of them could do in order to get back on track now that they had to restart all of their progress. What she hadn’t expected was her father to tell her that this reaper wanted to meet with them. No one but her father had seen him in the past three years. Still, the two of them couldn’t turn down the offer, so they agreed that when they arrived back at the academy, they would join the two of them for tea.
“The Angel of Bereavement” is what everyone had begun to call this reaper. The rumors of a wave of power so strong that it had altered his appearance were found to be true. Maka and Soul were terrified when they entered the Death Room. He sat at an elegant dining table, and appeared to be horrifically injured.
Maka and Soul had met Asura and Lord Death before their disappearance. They had seen the two of them flying with large raven-like wings and had seen just how different they were from humans. This however, was far from what the other two reapers looked like. His wings were so large that they sunk onto the ground and even with them folded, they were still twice the size of the table they were seated at. Parts of his wings looked broken and the two of them couldn’t figure out if they were just like that, or if they had gotten hurt because he couldn’t hold them up.
His eyes were pitch black, even the scleras, and the deep emptiness in them was jarring to see. He had inky blackness running down his cheeks that made it seem like he was crying. His chest seemed to have a large void in the center of it, as if someone had physically ripped through his heart, and left nothing. 
Maka and Soul sat quietly, taking in the sight of this tragic grim reaper before them. The reaper gives them a polite smile and then Maka turns to Spirit.
“Dad, if you have other stuff to work on, I think that Soul and I will be fine,” she says.
Spirit sighs, shaking his head.
“I guarantee you’ll need me here,” he tells them.
“Huh? What do you mean by that?” Soul asks.
The reaper speaks then, his voice is quiet and eerie but as the two of them listen, they realize nothing he said actually sounded like words.
“He said that it’s fine if I stay,” Spirit translates.
“Oh… so this is what the language of grim reapers sounds like? Does he not speak any other language?”
“Why would I need to? When father and brother make it home, I’ll never need to have a translator. It will be a beautiful day when they return,” the reaper speaks and Spirit translates for Maka and Soul.
“Wait, but I thought that Asura and Lord Death were de-” Soul gets cut off by a sharp look from Spirit. 
“Sorry about that. What Soul was trying to say was that Asura and Lord Death speak other languages too, right?” Maka intervenes. 
“Yes, they are quite amazing in that regard. I can speak your language too, but I feel that it is entirely unnecessary. I only ever want to speak to my father and brother. I find little value in speaking with humans. Though it seems most humans would never wish to speak to the abomination that is me,” he says.
Maka and Soul nod politely, sipping the tea that had been set out in front of them.
“Then why do you wanna talk to us?” Soul asks. “Doesn’t that contradict what you just said?” 
“Yes, it does. I am a horribly broken creature and I can’t seem to keep consistent. However- I need a favor and the two of you intrigue me.”
“You need a favor from us? How can we help?” Maka asks, trying to stay as polite as she can and not stare at every way this reaper has visibly been desecrated.
“My father and brother have been gone… for so very long. I miss them deeply and I believe that witches may be behind their disappearance. The two of you came so very close to creating a death scythe. I could feel the power starting to grow within you. I want you to find them. Find my father and brother and bring them back. Any witch that stands in your way is free to be burned to death. If you do this and successfully bring back my family, I will grant you power beyond what you can imagine.”
The two of them pause, staring at this reaper, before slowly meeting each other's gaze. It was clear that the two of them were concerned. Maka looks to her father. He seems a bit shocked himself at this request, but doesn’t say anything. Maka turns back to the reaper.
“What if we aren’t able to bring your family back?” she asks.
“Then you will have to start your journey from the beginning again. I will not punish you if you can’t bring them back, though I only accept death as failure. If you choose to abandon this request or refuse to take it, then you will continue to mean nothing to me. However, father always told me that there is beauty in humanity and I see something in the two of you that shines brighter than any human I have seen before. I truly believe that if there is any human to help my family, it would be you.”
Maka turns to Soul again.
“This sounds like we might be walking to our grave,” Soul says. “Still, I can’t think of a reason outside of that for why we should say no.”
“I agree,” Maka replies. “If anything, it’s a chance to try and help.”
They turn back and face him once more, determination in their eyes.
“Alright. We’ll do it!” Maka tells him.
The reaper gives them a smile, one so unsettling that they can’t be sure it isn’t laced in malice. Still, how could they refuse to help a grieving kid who just misses his family.
“Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, you have my gratitude. Perhaps, when my family returns, we might be able to get along as proper friends. We are about the same age. I think father would be very happy to see me getting along with others,” he says as he extends a hand.
Maka reaches out hesitantly, giving a final glance at Spirit, who still says nothing about his own thoughts. She grabs the reaper’s hand and gives it a firm shake. It was terrifying, actually feeling the power that emanated from him. When she returned to drinking her tea, she realized she was trembling. Still, she wanted to find a way to help. Even if she could find a way to confirm their deaths, maybe it would help this reaper begin to heal. She wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t refuse to try.
“Right. Then we should start right away, don’t you think, Soul?” she asks, trying to hide the fear she held.
“Yeah, it’s not like we have anything else planned now. Well then, do you have any leads for us? Or do we have to start from scratch?”
The reaper grins again and it sends another chill up the duo’s spines. He reaches down next to him, picking up a large bag and pulling out a folder with a small spider stamped onto it.
“I’m glad you asked.”
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 years
SoMa Week 2021 - day 2
Okay, so this is cheating because I didn’t technically write this for SoMa Week. It’s a deleted scene from a bed-sharing trope WIP that I’ll finish in the next thousand years, maybe. The tone of this scene didn’t quite match up with the rest of the story, but this scene is so exactly to my tastes as a hurt/comfort reader that I still wanted to share it.
So here’s a little something-something for day 2: Protect. 
There’s only one bed, but Maka unquestionably gets it because Soul can’t bear to see Maka lying crumbled on the ground anymore today. Or tomorrow. Or ever again. She’s sleeping now, fuck she needs it, and Soul is hiding in the bathroom because there’s nowhere else to go.
He needs to clean this place up before they get another fine for destroying a hotel room, but Soul’s still perched on the edge of the bathtub, struggling to catch his breath. He managed to keep his hands steady as he patched up Maka just an hour before, but now he couldn’t get them to stop shaking if he tried.
He thought she was dead. He thought she was dead.
He didn’t make it out of the battle completely unscathed either. There’s a thick piece of gauze taped to his cheek that will have to be changed later, and he’s almost positive he fucked up his shoulder in a way that will need actual medical attention when they get back to the Academy, but he can’t even fathom caring about himself when all he can picture is Maka lying on the ground, not moving, while the kishin loomed over her still form. Lying on the ground almost didn’t seem to cut it, because the ragdoll position Maka was in could never be mistaken as intentional. She was tossed on the ground in an unnatural heap and Soul doesn’t even remember the resulting skirmish between himself and the kishin, just the horrible, bloodcurdling thought that Maka was dead and it was his fault.
The paralysis hex that had been placed on her had been lifted as soon as the battle was over, but that didn’t stop horrible thoughts rolling through Soul’s mind like thunder. Maka could have died. He could have watched it happen. He wasn’t able to stop it, just act after the fact.
The ribbons of pink swirling down the sink drain are enough to make him sick. Maka’s alive, but the wounds she suffered from this one time that Soul failed to protect her outweigh just about every other bad thing in the world. Soul’s breath hitches dangerously high, and his sight begins to blur.
He doesn’t notice Maka entering the bathroom until she’s right in front of him. He can’t get his breathing under control, so he can barely get out that he’s sorry if he’s woken her.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Maka says, but she can’t mean that with the swelling on her cheek and the cuts covering her arms and the way she’s limping just to get closer to him.
He doesn’t want to cry in front of her, worrying her is the last thing he wants to do right now, but the tears are rolling down his face anyway as he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head.
She wraps her arms around his head and pull him close to her, letting him thump his head against her collarbone.
“Everything’s okay,” she repeats, brushing her hands through his hair, soothing him when he doesn’t deserve it. “I promise, everything’s okay.”
He lets himself be soothed because he can’t breathe without her. Her stubbornness and her stupid battle strategies and her bad attitude are everything and he can’t stand that he almost lost all of that.
“Seeing you like that was fucking scary,” he murmurs into her. He doesn’t want to say it, but it needs to be said.
“I know,” she says quietly. God, she’s probably still tired. He tries to pull away, thinking if he rubs his eyes and looks away that maybe they can just pretend he didn’t have a panic attack and he can still be cool and aloof like always. But Maka doesn’t let him off the hook, bending down a little so she’s looking him right in his red-rimmed eyes. “C’mon, you need sleep.”
He lets himself be led by her back to the room, but almost throws a fit when Maka guides him to the only bed.
“No, there’s no way I get the bed today, not just because I had some crying fit, not when you’re hurt—”
She pushes him onto it anyway, still pretty goddamn strong for someone as hurt as she is. “Lay down.”
“Maka, I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can.” She paces to the other side of the bed and flicks off the light. With the shades drawn and the lights out, Soul can just barely make out her silhouette as she returns to the bed, pulling the covers back and slotting herself in next to him.
The air feels very still around him. With as little jarring movements as possible, Soul lays down in bed beside her. His only option is to sleep on his left shoulder, seeing as his right still feels like its grinding around in its socket, so Soul faces away from her to avoid further discomfort to both of them.
He can feel the awkwardness between them, but he also feels so bone-deep tired that he’ll have to give in to sleep despite the weirdness of the sleeping arrangement. His eyelids are growing heavier and his mind is growing cloudier, and it’s right when he’s on the edge of sleep that he feels Maka’s forehead press in between his shoulder blades. A heat-seeking missile in need of warmth, he assumes, until one her arms wraps around his middle until she’s all but pressed against his entire back.
She doesn’t say anything, which is probably for the best since any comforting words might make him feel worse. But her small hand bunched in his t-shirt makes his heart thump a little faster and his thoughts feel a little clearer.
He shouldn’t be allowed to feel this warm and protected, not with his shitty performance today and the new scars on Maka to prove it. But he allows himself to be comforted anyway, because the feeling of Maka holding onto him is enough to quell the storm still raging in his mind. They fit together pretty well, despite her knobby elbows and his long torso and the fact that this probably isn’t even a queen-sized bed.
The smallness of the bed is the only reason Soul can come up with for Maka staying this close. For him threading his fingers through hers. For her pressing her mouth to the nape of his neck. The heat from her melts the tension from his muscles, and the beat of her heart is music for his soul.
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