#also just realized i need to be better about not using chrome on my phone to access certain accounts
ilc-yt · 1 year
Tech Illiteracy for Upcoming Generations
I believe ever since Windows 95, the tech industry on the consumer side has went down a path of simplifying things too much, and instead of it helping us understand how computers work, they've also harmed us. Win95 for example, for all the amazing things it did with innovating UI design, added one of the worst options that would be enabled by default in all future windows versions: "Hide file extensions of known types."
This is bad from both a educational and security perspective. It's an educational issue because people starting out with Windows won't know what a file extension is. File extensions are important because they tell you what a file is; a program, a text document, an image, etc. Yet Win95 just expects you to know what a file is just by it's name and the icon alone. Unfortunately some file types share the same icon, so that method isn't reliable. It can also be frustrating to a user who's trying to import something like a photo into a program and it doesn't import because it's not the correct file type, but because the user doesn't know what a file extension is and likely believes all images are the same, that user would just be confused and wouldn't know why they can't import that photo (feel sorry to any new user downloading a webp.) Moreover, hiding file extensions is bad from a security perspective because you can't tell when a file isn't actually what is seems to be. Your only clue is if the icon doesn't match, but that can easily be changed by a virus author. Many users who were expecting to view an image, video or document ended up getting a virus likely because they couldn't see file extension and realize that file didn't share the same extension as the user's other documents, and instead matches the one for a program. That would have given a clue to a new user that something's up.
Later from Win98 and on, Microsoft would add the "My X" series of folders to try and simplify things further. While not a bad idea on paper, I believe this screwed with some users by thinking everything needs to go into those folders and that you don't have to worry about creating your own folders. I'm sure many users just dropped stuff into those folders and didn't think much of it, not knowing how to organize or create folders. And most programs didn't appear in those folders, so users might not know how to navigate the file explorer outside of the "My Documents" folder, or learn that removing a shortcut doesn't actually remove the program that's associated with it (and that's despite the popup in Windows XP about deleting shortcuts, which just tells you the uninstall control panel setting and not where the program is located.) Sure some users might learn to make their own folders and to organize better, but I'm sure more stubborn people, especially old people, will never realize that and just have their sets of "My" folders be a mess. And not all the "My" folders were used correctly. My Documents isn't "My" Documents any more, as programs would later use it to store stuff like user information, options and plug-ins, making it's purpose more unclear. Nearly everyone's My Downloads folder is a mess after Chrome made it a standard to save everything there rather than ask the user where to save. Lastly the short lived My Games folder, which I'm pretty sure a majority of games didn't actually save anything in there other than a shortcut.
I don't think we really realized the damage this has caused until we reached the smartphone era, where phones just automatically save images, videos and downloads to their own folders, and the file browser is seen as an app to ignore and most people don't know how to use it. Ask any kid or teen if they know how to navigate through their phone's file explorer, and a majority of them will answer no. Simple tasks like transferring files via USB are becoming less and less known with file and music streaming services becoming the norm. Everyone is just letting their phones put files where it wants and aren't really thinking about it. And this might not be too bad of an issue if apps weren't too inconsistent on where to actually place everything. Your camera photos might not be in a folder named "Photos", and are instead in a folder named "DCIM" in the root directory. Your phone might update your camera app too can cause your photos to be saved in an entirely different folder too (that happened to me.) Saved images or ringtones might be in their own weird folders separated from each other even if they are just audio or image files, because that's how they programmed the app. This isn't even a new user issue, it's an issue for everyone because experienced computer users don't even get to choose where an app should save it's stuff. You might not think this is an issue if apps just work fine despite this, but what if your phone gets full and you wanna delete files. Well if it's not related to clearing out cache or deleting apps, you're fucked if you don't know how to navigate through the messy and bloated file browser. I also wonder how much processing power is wasted on the phone searching for these files rather than looking on one or two folders where everything should be.
I could go on and on, but I think I've said enough. Things have been simplified to much to where it no longer teaches people how to use something. "Just ignore, you'll be fine, you're not letting anything build up. Oh is something not working correctly, well then the program just sucks. There's no super easy conversion method that will make the file magically work with the program, it just sucks! Did you get a virus? Well that's not our fault, you should have purchased an anti-virus! What do you mean you thought it was a video?"
Ironically in an attempt to make computers more accessible, we're soon gonna get more people that don't know how folders work.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
heyo, it’s me pretty anon. (i like it better than bully anon too :))
i think i fucked up
so, i’ll keep this simple since i need to go to bed cause it’s like 4:30am and i get up at 8 lmao.
since the cruise my dad and step-mom decided to physically split as well. my dad is signing for a divorced in the next couple of days. my step-mom is in a completely different state rn with her youngest daughter and mother. my mom mom doesn’t know about the divorced and honestly i think no one’s told her since we don’t wanna hear it.
so um, i haven’t really gotten a chance to talk to anyone about this stuff since i live in a small town and everyone knows everyone yknow? so firstly, thank you for letting me vent. it’s nice to talk to someone the same age anonymously. you give good advice.
anyway, all of this has kinda been building up on me, which is super weird cause i thought i wouldn’t care. i’m a senior in high school rn so it’s not like i can’t go visit her once i graduate. and my dad and step mom are both encouraging me to keep up a relationship with her. she wasn’t really around much and when she was it was only ever good one on one since with my dad it would be borderline abusive. (or maybe actually abusive, i’m not really sure i know how to identify it. it just seems normal to me)
my dad also asked me if i had contacted my step mom like a couple days after she left. i’d been wanting to but i had no idea what to say to her. so i didn’t. he said to me, and i don’t think i’ll ever forget this, “oh. i thought you loved her.” in the most casual tone. my heart is broken. i got really upset with him and he literally could not comprehend why. i’m starting to second guess myself if i loved her or not. i know for a fact that i did, but does she know it?
so yknow the new ios 16 update? weird change of pace i know but i swear it’s important. well i just decided like an hour ago to get it and i fucking hate it. fun fact, if you have spotify on and your phone turns off then they change YOUR LOCKSCREEN to match the spotify song. wtf. well i started off hating it cause i had to scroll through over 2,000 photos just to find the exact same ones i was currently using (it’s venti and xiao btw) and i started hyperventilating.
well i was doing my daydreams when i realized the spotify thing. and i completely stopped. i had a full blown panic attack for at least 45 minutes. i was hyperventilating so hard i honestly thought i was going to passed out. i later down so i at least wouldn’t fall and everything.
i think i panicked because of all the penh up emotions that i have going on rn.
after i finally calmed down, i went over to plug in my chrome book for school. and then i remembered i had an eyebrow razor in my backpack…
i think you know what i meant when i said i fucked up.
it was only four cuts. not deep enough to draw blood except for one, all tiny on my thigh where no one can see them. i can’t believe i did it though. and the worst part, the absolute worst part is, the relief i felt? it’s like i actually have control.
i know you said the ice cube method. i’ve actually told other freinds going through a hard time about it too. but at the moment, i just wasn’t thinking straight.
im scared im gonna do it again. any ideas on what i should do? lol
with love, pretty anon
HELLO PRETTY <33 I'm so sososososo sorry for answering this so late but!
tw: self harm, relapses, sensitive topics
It's completely valid and I cannot fault you for relapsing it is a very normal part of healing. So long as you get back up, everything will be okay I promise.
But! I remembered an app that I had come across some years ago. I forgot the name and when I tried to look it up i found calm harm.
The app I thought of describes self harm as a wave. The want to harm yourself flows in and then out. It comes and goes. The trick is to distract yourself before the feeling takes over your actions. Calm Harm definitely helps with it from what I've seen. I've never tried these apps though. There are also counters that count how long you've gone without cutting if that kind of thing helps.
Would definitely recommend! As well as watching videos or creating a playlist full of videos/songs that make you happy! Find something that makes you happy and hold onto it for when you need it! I can completely understand not being in the right state of mind and forgetting it which is why you should have it on your phone so you can access it before you can access something else. It also helps if you're ever in public - or even in private - and need to calm down.
Gather resources to prepare for these down times. It'll help!
I understand that self harm can feel good, god trust me I know, but it's not worth it. There are other things that can make you feel better than self harm can. And I can't speak for you but after I self harm I just feel so much shame?? And fear?? Mostly because I don't want someone to find them but I just feel ashamed.
I can't explain it and I really don't have much room to talk because I'm still stuck in self harm. But if it means anything, I would be very proud to see you heal from this <3
I'm glad you can talk about this anonymously but if you ever need to talk to me one on one my dms are always open <3
Take care! And I'm sorry for answering so late, I hope you're okay <33
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cielpansyhive · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag @chromehoplite & @griever-bit-my-finger
I took 5ever! (Yes, more than forever lol!) But this was fun! I felt like giving a bit more context, so I went with more than just the sentence with the words in it. (I'm also realizing I need to use some words more often by how much I struggled with this.)
My words from Chrome are never, wrong, sin and mouth-
Sebastian bruised Ciel’s hip with his hold on him. Violet and plum burst under his fingers. “I’ve never despised anything more than you. Not even God,” he shoved Ciel’s head in the puddle. Ciel thrashed about choking on the dirty water.
“Wow, he’s amazing!” Hunk exclaimed as if they didn’t all just watch him hit the glass multiple times.
“You think uh, we should give him a floaty?” Lance suggested. “Seems kind of wrong to watch him struggle and not do anything.”
“He has to get used to it,” Keith crossed his arms. “I hate it too, but isn’t it better he’s adapted in here so if anything happens out there, he can take care of himself?”
“You like my voice that much?” Sebastian spoke lowly into his phone. Ciel swore he could feel his breath hot against his ear.
“It’s sinful,” Ciel slurred. He wrapped a hand around his dripping length. His breath hitched as he slowly stroked himself. “Like velvet…” he mused.
That face, expressionless, peaceful even, like a corpse. Keith couldn’t stop shaking. He leaned against railing. He nearly dropped his cigarette before it reached his mouth. How could he feel the blood on his hands when they weren’t attached to his body? Like his patient he wasn’t whole.
My words from Griever are Look, Dark, Above, and Whisper-
“You want him?” Ciel confirmed. The look in Sebastian’s eyes said it all. He didn’t care how the man’s soul would taste. He just didn’t want to perish.
Something wet seeped into Lance’s flight suit where he was kneeling. His eyes widened horrified. “Quiznak, is that blood?” he glanced down to see a growing dark pool surrounding Keith. He looked back up to Keith, the arm clutching at… “Keith, are you?” Keith’s lip quivered and tears prickled his eyes.
His breath hitched as a tongue traced up his neck. Little by little feeling was coming back to his body. His back was pressed into a bed with muscled thighs parting his own. His hips burned and oh…he clenched down, a whine left him. He heard a deep groan above him. He sucked in a breath as his hole was stretched. His nerves were overfiring, oversensitive, as a dull ache made itself known.
“L-lance?” his voice was barely a whisper and he was struggling to keep his eyes open. His arm tremored so fiercely that it fell from his lap. His face pinched and he gasped for air.
I’m tagging all fellow writers! Your words are light, blood, hold, time
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david-box · 2 years
It just occured to me my mom's plan to quit smoking by smoking non nicotine tobacco makes no sense
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not allowed iii, m | jjk, myg
pairing(s): jungkook x reader x est. relationship yoongi
summary: Your relationship with Min Yoongi, SUGA of BTS, is unlike anything else in the entire world. At this point, it’s almost like telepathy with how close you are. Still, he surprised you. Such as asking Jeon Jungkook to fuck you. Once. Twice. And this time Jungkook is waiting for you, with Yoongi. 
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship with Yoongi (and they basically have heart eyes whenever they see each other lol); tiny bit of angst; feels and fluff; smut (fem reader, dirty talk, voyeurism, f and m-receiving oral, fingering, m-masturbation, partial handjob, doggy, double penetration/spit roasting); idol!BTS; takes place after 2021 GDA, yup blond JK is best boy and kind boy
mentions of the pandemic because this is based on real time
You closed the door behind you and breathed out slowly. It was late, quite dark outside. Most people would be asleep by now. You unhooked your black face mask from your ears and pushed the hood of your black parka down, releasing your hair. 
Ah, there was always stress and adrenaline to get here.
You had stated working again, so you weren't here every day anymore. You had to go back after all, if you wanted to keep your job. You worked from home most days and, with the current state of the world, now it was all the time. Still, you couldn’t take any chances. You made sure to get tested and have your results before coming here. Negative, so you were good. 
You turned on the light. 
A blond bullet collided into you.
You had to plant your feet and brace for impact, and you still almost toppled over. You would have if it wasn't for the strong arms that encircled you and lifted you up, making you dizzy as you were spun around. 
"Ack, J-Jungkook..."
You could feel your eyes rolling in their sockets. You were put firmly on the ground and still being squeezed to death. 
"I'm so happy to see you!" Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of BTS, exclaimed, albeit in a hushed tone, but no less excited. "I was surprised when you said you could come today!"
You managed to blink your eyeballs back in place to see Jungkook's animated face above you, blond hair fluffy and bouncy from spinning you around. He wasn't wearing any makeup and he smelled freshly washed, as if he had taken a late shower. His brown eyes were sparkling as he grinned at you, showing off his bright white teeth. You hadn't seen his ash blond hair in real life yet, only on television. 
You smiled at him. "Yeah? Did you miss me?"
Jungkook nodded quickly. "I wanted to show you my hair." He bent down and placed it against your nose. You could smell the nice scent of the herbal product he used. “Do you like it, noona?"
You chuckled. "Of course, I like it," you said fondly, nuzzling the dark roots of the blond locks. It felt nice inhaling his familiar scent, a comforting and clean one. "You're my lock screen."
"I've been betrayed."
You chuckled as you heard the raspy, sleepy voice of Min Yoongi, your boyfriend. Owner of said apartment you were in right now. The lazy center of your universe. The reason why you even bothered to run around in the dark. The reason why you had to match your schedule with the guard shift so the security that recognized you could turn a blind eye. Not all of the security recognized you, just the ones Yoongi had a careful and stem conversation with. That’s how it had to be.
All because Min Yoongi was also SUGA of BTS. Agust D. Lil meow meow. The softest fluff with the sharpest tongue. 
You looked up to see Yoongi padding down the hallway in a black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of loose black pants. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, squinting, but with a small smile on his lips. Jungkook released you as Yoongi neared, your body automatically wandering towards him. You reached into your oversized parka coat and pulled out your phone. You had changed the outside once again, to a TinyTan SUGA clear case, to show off the multi-chrome purple finish of the BTS S20+. You turned it around in your hand and pressed the side button. The screen lit up, revealing your lock screen.
"Thanks for standing next to each other. It made picking a lock screen much easier."
It was a picture of Jungkook and Yoongi, standing on stage right before the 'Life Goes On' performance at GDA 2020.
"I missed seeing you there," you added softly, holding your phone tightly. It was weirdly emotional, knowing Yoongi was back. How could he ever think anyone was going to forget him? “It’s always better when the seven of you are together.”
Yoongi chuckled, fluffing the back of his black hair. "Ah, back to working hard once again..." he complained, but you could tell he didn't mean it at all. 
And for you.
You wanted him to be on stage again. You wanted him to be busy again, doing what he loved, getting into nonsense in Run BTS!, looking cool in photo shoots, back to actively making music all the time. You were an independent person and you didn't necessarily need your significant other to always be beside you. For the longest time, you had even been quite comfortable with it. But the little while of Yoongi's sudden rest made you realize that it was nice to always be around him. To be somewhat normal, even if your relationship couldn’t and would never be fully normal.
And now you were disturbing his sleep. Now, not just his, but Jungkook's too. And maybe... Maybe that made you a burde–
Yoongi suddenly stepped up and tapped you lightly on the forehead with two fingers. 
"Stop that train of thought right now."
You frowned and bonked him right back with the back of your hand. "What if I was thinking about dick, huh?"
"If you were thinking about dick, you'd be on Jungkook's right now, and then I'd be pulling up a chair to watch the show."
"What if I was thinking about your dick, hmm?"
"Do you even remember what my dick looks like?" Yoongi replied haughtily. 
"Of course, I do. You painted the fucking Mona Lisa on my tits the last time I was here."
"Hm, you're right."
Jungkook was laughing hard behind you, the high-pitched one that came out when he couldn’t help himself. Both of you turned to see Jungkook with his arms around his stomach as he cackled at your bickering. 
"It's like..." Jungkook wheezed. "It's like watching hyung fight himself and losing..."
"I’m not losing," Yoongi retorted, pursing his lips. 
"You always lose."
"Because I let you win."
"That's true, because you love me."
You smiled cheekily at Yoongi. You thought he was going to give you his usual snappy comeback, but instead he leaned over and kissed your forehead. His  hair shaded his eyes a little. He smiled at you, dark brown orbs sparkling. 
I do love you. 
"You wanna spend all night standing here or are you going to join me in bed?" Yoongi teased, ticking his chin at your sneakers. 
You pointed to Jungkook. "Is he coming too?"
The laughter instantly left Jungkook’s face, replaced by nervousness. "Ah... I don't have to..." he stammered. "If you guys want to be alone... I only wanted to say hello..."
"He's coming," Yoongi said purposefully, ignoring Jungkook's ramble. "He's been waiting two hours to stick his dick in you."
You raised your eyebrows as you stepped out of your shoes. "I stated my arrival time in the text. Did you not tell him?"
"I told him, but he came right after shooting. Just in case you arrived earlier."
You smirked and tugged on Jungkook’s white shirt. "Did he tell you why I can only come at specific times?"
"I know, but..." Jungkook chewed on his lip. "Hyung said he would try and see if you could come more often."
You smiled ruefully as you took Yoongi's hand and followed him down the hall. You were still holding onto Jungkook's shirt, so you lowered your hand to take his too. He looked surprised for a second before you squeezed it reassuringly. The white with his blond hair was a good choice. You wondered if it was done on purpose. He was even wearing nicer black trousers, although his shirt wasn’t tucked in.
Was it for your sake?
"Ah, I don’t know if that’s possible. Don't want anyone to find out, after all. And," you added with a chuckle. "I don't want to get you in trouble either, Jungkookie."
"He's already in trouble," Yoongi laughed. "Taehyung caught him mumbling your name in his sleep."
Jungkook's cheeks instantly flushed. "I-It wasn't sexual!"
You blinked at him. "No one said it was."
He turned redder and grabbed your parka, hiding his face behind the big hood. "R... right."
Maybe you were being too greedy. Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut so Yoongi wouldn’t feel pressure to indulge in your fantasies. Maybe you were asking too much.
The sigh came out of you, heavy with self-doubt.
"Maybe we shou–"
Yoongi's lips were suddenly on yours, kissing you deeply. Your eyes widened as he pressed you against Jungkook's hard body, watching you through half-lidded eyes. He could sense your worry and perhaps he guessed your reaction. You hand reached back to hold onto Jungkook to prevent yourself from falling, but your eyes were on Yoongi, the one who knew you best, the one who knew that he too was asking a lot from you, the one who was trying to remind you that everything was okay. His dark brown orbs were telling you, we will take everything step by step, and his lips moved on yours, I love you. You mouthed it back with a smile. 
Yoongi pulled away, the smile reaching his eyes. 
"You're the most special person to me."
Your heart softened, hearing those familiar words from your current favorite song. 
"I thought that was for ARMY."
Yoongi raised an eyebrow in mock distraught. "Are you not an ARMY?"
"Of course."
"Then it's for you too."
Yoongi was like that. He couldn't and wasn't the kind of guy to write you traditional love songs, but he gave you all sorts of other things. Small things, actions that seemed trivial or nonexistent to others. And maybe someone else would overlook those things, but you knew how difficult it was for him to show affection, even more so because of his job. To be honest, you were similar, showing your love in nuance and teasing. Also, you liked the treasure hunt that was Min Yoongi. And above all, most importantly, he listened to you, listened so deeply it felt like he knew what you were thinking. 
There was nothing like the telepathy been you and Min Yoongi. 
Jungkook was sniffing your head. 
"What's this small?"
You almost laughed at his childlike tone. Yoongi smiled too, leaning forward and sniffing your temple, next to your hair.
"Oh? It's fruity."
"It's peaches," you explained as Jungkook parted your hair to sniff deeper, as if that was going to do anything. He was probably just trying to fuck up your hair. "I ran out of shampoo and they didn’t have my usual at the store."
You were suddenly aware that you were squashed between Yoongi and Jungkook’s bodies as they two of them were smelling you, Yoongi’s arms around your waist, Jungkook’s hands on your hips. Despite being fully clothed, the position was sending tingles up your spine, your breathing shallowing, tickling Yoongi’s cheek as Jungkook brushed your hair to one side, pressing his lips against your bare neck. You felt Yoongi’s lips on your jaw, kissing against your pulse. You whined a little, one hand bunching against Yoongi’s shirt as your other hand drifted down to Jungkook’s right hand on your hip, stroking his knuckles.
Yoongi reached up to unzip your parka.
“W-wait, be careful–” you started, but Yoongi shushed you, nuzzling your cheek.
“I will be,” Yoongi whispered softly. “That’s why Jungkook’s here to help me.”
You bit your lip as Yoongi unzipped your coat with his right hand, using his left to hold the placket down. He kissed up to your mouth as his hands slid into the coat, fingers brushing against the red flannel underneath. Jungkook’s lips were moving up to your ear, lightly nipping at the curve and making you shiver, chest bumping against Yoongi’s as your ass hit Jungkook’s crotch.
“I…” You shut your eyes, trying to concentrate as Yoongi sucked on your lower lip. “I don’t deserve this…”
Yoongi clicked his tongue, biting at your lip roughly. You opened your eyes to his disapproving glare, eyes dark from his lowered lashes. His large hands squeezed your waist.
“You’re not allowed to say such things.”
You felt the heat spread from his hands, pooling into your core.
“Isn’t that right, Jungkook?”
Yoongi ticked an eyebrow at you as you gasped a little, Jungkook’s lips on your earlobe, voice lustful and deep.
“That’s right, noona. Let Yoongi-hyung and I ruin you.”
Yoongi’s fingers began undoing the buttons of the red flannel, one by one. He was well practiced at unbuttoning shirts with one hand now. A skill that he had honed for himself and for you. He smirked as you noticed, whispering your name in a slow, purring drawl, deep and raspy, dark brown eyes watching you and drinking in your reaction.
Min Yoongi was scary. He knew how to make you wet instantly.
And then Jungkook did the same, breathing your name into your ear in his silvery low octave. Your hand on Yoongi’s shirt clenched and tugged him close, moaning into his lips, kissing him hard. Jungkook’s hand slipped out of yours and reached up to your shoulders, pushing your clothes down, revealing your bare skin. Taking them off you as your tongue slid into Yoongi’s mouth, his soft pants against your lips as your hips grinded into Jungkook’s crotch, feeling him harden at your closeness. Your parka and shirt slid to the floor as Yoongi pulled you forward, closer and closer to the bed, Jungkook encouraging you by smacking your ass with his hips.
Yoongi broke the kiss with a flick of his head, making you whine in disappointment. He chuckled, looking down at you with a devious smile.
“Jungkook wants something from you.”
Yoongi turned you around with his hands on your hips, colliding you with Jungkook’s hard chest. You gasped a little, looking up to see Jungkook chewing on his lower lip, bunny teeth flashing. The tiny mole under his lip bounced with his biting. His golden hair framed his apprehensive brown eyes, finally making eye contact.
“What’s wrong, Jungkook?” You tilted your head. “Do you want me to blow you again?”
Jungkook’s ears flushed red. “A-ah, n-no… I mean, yes, but…”
Yoongi snickered, unhooking your bra with his right hand. He lowered one strap and then the other, stripping it from you and tossing it aside. Jungkook’s cheeks tinged pink, eyes immediately dropping to stare at your tits. You smirked, placing your palms underneath them and bouncing them a little. You felt Yoongi’s fingers dancing down the small of your back, hovering around the waistband of your black sweatpants.
“Why aren’t you dressed like how you are on your Instagram?” Yoongi muttered behind you. “False advertising.”
“You have an Instagram?” Jungkook blurted out, still staring at your nipples.
You rolled your eyes even though Yoongi couldn’t see you. “Because someone would notice, obviously.”
Yoongi clicked his tongue. “Just one time…”
“Wait, how come I don’t know you have an Instagram?” Jungkook whined, hands coming up to settle on your breasts and squeezing them. You lowered your hands, gasping as Jungkook’s palms rubbed against your hard nipples.
“You never asked,” Yoongi answered, snapping the waistband into your skin. “Also, it’s private.”
“C-can we talk about this later?” you panted out.
Jungkook grinned and dropped his hands a little, brushing his fingers against your nipples. You moaned softly, your vision shaded by your lashes, seeing his mischievous smirk.
“Mhm, as long as you promise to show me after.”
You scoffed. “Sure, it’s not that interestin–” You whimpered as Jungkook pinched your nipples, rubbing them between his fingertips. “A-ah, Jungkook…”
He breathed your name, no honorifics, and your eyes locked with his. Fuck, he was so handsome with his ash blond hair, reminding you of when Yoongi had blond hair. Ugh, so fucking hot. You felt your sweatpants being shoved down your hips but you barely noticed, lost in daydreams of blond Yoongi and blond Jungkook.
“Can I eat you out?”
You were abruptly yanked back into the present by Jungkook’s request.
“Yes.” Fuck. You said that far too fast and far too needy. Jungkook grinned, removing his hands from your breasts. “Ah, I mean…”
He leaned forward, pressing his nose against yours. “You’re out of it today.”
You felt Yoongi’s fingers slip under the waistband of your panties. His lips were traveling down your back, kissing down your spine. You trembled slightly, swallowing as you stared into Jungkook’s dark brown eyes.
And you couldn’t help but think, was this really okay? Was this fair, for you to have both at once?
Jungkook tipped his head, lips against yours. He seemed to sense your hesitation. “I thought you wanted me?” His soft hair brushed against your cheek, golden rays blocking your vision. “Thought you loved looking at me?”
“I do,” you whimpered. “I love looking at you.”
Yoongi fingers pulling your panties down, down, liquid leaking out and clinging to the inside of your thighs. Your cheeks heated, realizing how wet you were.
“Then what’s the matter?” Yoongi purred against your lower back.
“Don’t… don’t want to hurt you, Yoongi,” you whispered against Jungkook’s lips. Your vision blurred and you blinked rapidly. Ah, why was the world so heavy all of a sudden? Why couldn’t you be calm as usual? Why couldn’t you roll with it as usual?
Because you missed them.
Jungkook kissed you tenderly as Yoongi stood back up, his lips pressed to your ear.
“There’s nothing like us. You know there isn’t.”
He was right, of course. There was nothing like you and Yoongi.
Jungkook pulled back and Yoongi’s right hand appeared in your periphery, his long fingers tucking Jungkook’s blond hair behind his left ear, giving you a clear view of Jungkook’s beautiful eyes, the unique shape, the rich brown color, the way they looked at you, as if he was afraid you were going to disappear. Waiting for the heartbreak.
“And there’s no one like Jungkook,” Yoongi murmured. “You want him. He wants you. Isn’t that enough?”
And Yoongi was right again. There was no one like Jungkook.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you breathed. “I’m sorry, but I really do want you so bad.”
“You can have me. However much you want,” Jungkook replied. Eyes locked with yours, meaning every word. He tilted his head, leaning in again, lashes lowering, breath against your lips.
“I want you to take it all.”
But Jungkook wasn’t the only one who said it.
Your eyes widened as you heard Yoongi echo Jungkook’s words right into your ear.
“Take it all,” Yoongi growled. “Take it and don’t hold back.”
Your name fell from Yoongi’s lips, your name, like a spark to fire, igniting you. There no one like Yoongi, snapping you out of your doubt, taking your heart and holding it tight while turning you on. You grabbed Jungkook’s white shirt and yanked his body to yours as you kissed him, inhaling his clean scent, his lips an addiction. And there was no one like Jungkook, because what both of you thought was just a crush, just a one-time thing, wasn’t. For some reason, you couldn’t stop and he couldn’t stop, hooked on the taste of his lips and his tongue sliding against yours, moaning into your mouth as you moaned into his, feeling Yoongi’s hands on your hips, pressing you into Jungkook’s clothed crotch, some of your juices getting onto his pants and staining them.
Jungkook pushed your head up, breaking the kiss and gasping, eyelids fluttering. He pressed your head back against Yoongi’s shoulder, kissing down your chest, running his tongue over your skin. You shuddered, head falling back down to watch him. Chocolate orbs to yours as he licked your left nipple, twirling his wet muscle around it, covering it with saliva. You whimpered at the dirty action, arching your back to press the hard nub into his mouth. Jungkook whined in his throat, closing his lips around it as you humped your chest onto his face. He sucked hard, hollowing his cheeks, intensifying the feeling as Yoongi teased your other nipple, pinching it and rolling it between his fingers.
“Fuck, Jungkook, fuck…”
Your thighs squeezed together, desperate for friction.
Jungkook released your nipple, licking it a few times, letting you watch the swollen nub get slapped back and forth by his tongue. You shivered, hips bumping into his. Jungkook’s strong hands came up to hold you still.
“Don’t waste it by rubbing it all over me,” he teased. “I want it in my mouth.”
You clutched his white shirt and yanked up, making Jungkook yelp with your force.
“Take it off,” you half-growled, half-whined. “Need it off.”
Yoongi chuckled at your impatience as Jungkook wiggled out of his shirt, throwing it aside. He looked back at you, blond hair covering one of his eyes, smirk on his lips.
Ugh, Jungkook was so attractive. The shape of his broad shoulders, his sculpted arms, the fucking tattoos that shone on his tan skin, the way his body trimmed down to that v-line. Your eyes roamed down his torso and then back up, licking your lips. Jungkook raised his eyebrows, completely aware of your staring.
“Yes. Much better.”
You took him by the shoulders and pushed him down to his knees. His eyes widened, stumbling a little as he knelt for you, hands coming up to grip your hips for support. You pushed his left hand away, hooking your leg onto Jungkook’s left shoulder and presenting your pussy right into his face. He gasped at the sight, eyes glued to your dripping core, lips parting wetly.
“Fuck,” he breathed hotly. You squirmed, trying to get into his face, but his right hand held you down, drinking in the image in front of him, left hand finding your ass and gripping it tightly. “You smell so fucking sexy.”
“Jungkook, please…”
His eyes flickered up to your face, half-lidded with lust, dipping his head down.
“Can’t resist you,” he mumbled. “I just have to have a taste of his nectar.”
And then his tongue on you, licking a fat stripe across your opening, moaning as your flavor invaded his tastebuds, his hand lifting your ass to tip your hips into his hot mouth. You gasped, pressing into Yoongi’s chest, your hands reaching behind you and gripping his slim waist. You had to tilt your body and lock your upper arms so you wouldn’t bump into his left shoulder by accident. Yoongi hummed soothingly, aware of your consideration, hands gently kneading your breasts as Jungkook’s wet tongue slid into your hole, witnessing your wanton expression as he sucked out your juices, adding a little suction, removing it, driving you insane.
“A-ah, yes, fuck, Jungkook, yes…”
When was the last time Yoongi ate you out? Months ago. Yoongi had a tongue unmatched, the perfect combination of speed, pressure, and technique. His tongue technology, one might say. Jungkook’s tongue was softer, less practiced, but he made up for it with enthusiasm and his intense gaze on you, moaning into your pussy. You slid down a little and cried out as his tongue made contact with your sensitive clit, his tongue pressing against it and swirling, sending shocks of pleasure through you, your thigh tensing against his cheek.
“Mm, yes, Jungkook, right there…”
Yoongi pinched and pulled your nipples. You snuck a glance at him, looking up, and realized he was looking down at you. His lips curved upwards to a playful smirk as he noticed your curious gaze. He tugged at your nipples, earning your soft whines.
“You moved down to put less strain on my shoulder?” he murmured fondly.
You nodded quickly, gasping as Jungkook sucked on your clit, causing you to roll your hips into his face. Jungkook grunted, digging his fingers into your ass, spreading you out under him. Fuck, his mouth was so soft and so warm, adding to your heat. Your hands worked into his hair, pressing him into you, his slurping sounds so lewd that your legs were quivering.
His eyes flickered to yours, pupils dilated, nose in your crotch, and, fuck, Jeon Jungkook was just so hot, on his knees and eating you out like a fucking buffet, his tattooed arm curved around you and your right thigh on his left shoulder, pressing against his cheek as your fingers curled in his blond locks, humping his face to add friction. Either Jungkook was inherently good at eating pussy or he had somehow rehearsed this and, considering his profession, you were guessing the former.
The Golden Maknae lived up to his name in appearance and talent.
You didn’t want to lean too much on Yoongi, so you put more of your weight onto Jungkook. He seemed to feel nothing at all, busy clamping his lips down on your clit and sucking harder. You sank your teeth into your lower lip, wail in your throat, squeezing your eyes shut as all of the sensations piled on you at once – Yoongi’s deft fingers playing with your nipples, Jungkook’s scorching mouth and tongue abusing your swollen clit, your hands gripping Jungkook’s soft hair and fucking his handsome face – and it was too much, all too much as your lower lip popped out of your teeth, moaning loudly as your orgasm radiated through you, throbbing waves rippling from your core as you came into Jungkook’s waiting mouth and chin, leaking all over his skin, dripping down his neck. He groaned, vibrating your clit, and you gasped, rutting into his face roughly, pressing your head into Yoongi’s torso.
“Oh, God, fuck, Jungkook, Yoongi…”
You weren’t sure if Jungkook was suffocating or not, but Jungkook himself didn’t seem to give a shit, cleaning you off with his tongue and burying his nose into your pussy, rubbing it against your clit. Your hips bucked at the sensitivity, your leg falling off his shoulder as you sucked in a breath. It forced his mouth to retreat, and you were greeted with the sight of Jungkook’s eyes slowly opening, his nose, lips, and chin covered in your glistening, viscous juices. He made eye contact with you, hand coming up to wipe it off, pink tongue sliding out and licking it from the back of his hand.
“Hah…” Jungkook panted, hungrily sucking up your taste. “That’s my drink of choice.”
You chuckled. “Sorry you can’t get it at a bar.”
Jungkook ticked his head, smirking devilishly. “I can if you’re sitting on the bar, legs spread open for me.”
Damn, what a visual. You straightened with the help of Yoongi, only for his right hand to close around your arm, yanking you to the bed. You started, bouncing slightly as you fell onto the mattress. Jungkook seemed amused, standing up to watch with interest. His blond hair was tousled wildly, messy from you holding onto his head. He smirked, lips dark pink from eating you out, the sharpness of his jawline standing out. But you couldn’t stare at him for long, because Yoongi plunged three fingers into your aching pussy, filling you up suddenly. You yelped, snapping your head to Yoongi’s dark, intense gaze, made darker by his black bangs shadowing his eyes.
He purred your name, giving you a teasing smile, tongue against the side of his pink lips.
“W-want…” You gasped as he slowly thrust into you, thumb knuckle rubbing against your inflamed clit, pushing his fingers in, your pussy clenching around them. “Want your cock…”
“Sorry, my love,” he murmured. “Can’t yet. Doctor’s orders.”
You furrowed your brows at him, raising your hips to meet his hand. “I’m beginning you think you’re enjoying denying me.”
Yoongi’s foxy smile implied just that. “What are you talking about?” He leaned down, tongue dancing between his teeth, snickering as you whimpered. “I’m not denying you. That’s why I asked Jungkook to come and stuff his big cock into you.”
You whimpered, biting your lip and snapped your legs closed, eyes rolling back into your head as you came all over his hand, soaking his skin and dripping onto the bed. Yoongi moaned softly as he felt your walls pulse against his fingers.
“Fuck, I love it when I can feel you cum for me.”
You shuddered, muscles tingling with pleasure. Yoongi pulled his fingers out slowly, groaning as he felt you tighten around them, trying to prevent him from leaving. He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
“Could you help hyung out, Jungkook?”
You shifted your eyes to Jungkook, who suddenly froze, the fly of his black pants wide open, hand down his black boxer briefs. Yoongi noticed your startled expression and turned his head too, both eyebrows raising. Jungkook’s cheeks tinged pink.
“Were you jacking off just now?”
Jungkook’s eyes darted everywhere except Yoongi’s face. “Er…”
“Show me, Jungkook,” you breathed out.
His large doe-like eyes shot to your body to on the bed, legs spreading, Yoongi’s wet fingers hovering over your quivering mound. He stole a glance at Yoongi, who jerked his head towards you.
“She gave you an order.”
“Hyung…” Jungkook whined. “It’s embarrassing…”
Yoongi shrugged, his fingers touching your swollen clit. You jumped, gasping as he rubbed in slow, large circles, stimulating it gently. The sensitive bundle of nerves throbbed against his fingertips, pussy clenching around nothing.
“Y-Yoongi, don’t, I’m t-too sensitive,” you panted, legs threatening to close once more.
“Keep your legs open,” Yoongi said sternly. “Let Jungkookie see.”
You gritted your teeth, hands twisting in the sheets, hips raising to his hand. “I c-can’t… You’re too good, Yoongi…” You had to lock your knees to prevent them from collapsing inwards, feeling him build his speed, eyes fluttering closed as you moaned once more, feeling the pleasure flood throughout, wetter and wetter, your slit opening and closing. You felt Yoongi lean down, his black hair against your cheek. Oh, fuck. His pine-scented cologne. Sex. Yoongi. You resisted the urge to grab his head and fiercely make out with him. He wasn’t fully recovered yet. His voice was that low, raspy drawl, arousing you just as much as his fingers rubbing your clit.
“Open your eyes and see what you’ve done to poor Jungkook.”
You opened your eyes to see Jungkook was closer now, right next to the bed, pants and underwear around his knees as he pumped his cock right next to you, eyes fixated on Yoongi’s fingers and your sopping wet pussy, his pouty pink lips wet and open, blond hair all over his face. The head of his cock was an angry red, veins popping out along the thick length as he smeared his pre-cum over the tip with his finger, hissing at the sensitivity. He seemed to feel your stare and then your eyes locked.
Breathlessly, his name drifting out of your lips like smoke.
His dark brown orbs were nearly black with how blown-out his pupils were. He gasped your name out, needy and desperate, his chin lifting, hair falling back to reveal his lustful dark eyes as his mouth opened, pink tongue lolling out a little.
“Wanna cum with you,” Jungkook begged. “Tell when you’re close. Please.”
You nodded, sharply cut off as Yoongi assaulted your clit, forearm nearly vibrating as he pushed you to the edge, so close, so close that you had to chomp down on the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from orgasming right then and there.
“Y-Yoongi, he’s not ready yet…”
Yoongi chuckled. “Oh, I know.”
You whimpered, thighs caving in a little, but Yoongi growled deep in his chest, warning you.
“Don’t close your legs.”
Normally you would fight him, but this situation was different. You wanted to please Yoongi, give him everything he asked for because you knew he couldn’t get everything he wanted. Your core tightened, the pitch of your cries hiking as you tried to hold back, staring at Jungkook’s long fingers wrapped around his thick, stiff cock, black tattoos rippling on tan skin as he chased his climax, watching your legs shake with strain as Yoongi took you to your limits. Your wetness was soaking a puddle into the sheets, the scent of your arousal so strong it seemed to prevail all others.
Fuck, you couldn’t anymore, you just couldn’t.
“J-Jungkook… a-ah, gonna cum soon, fuck, Yoongi, fuck, you’re too fucking good!”
Your last words turned into a wild, guttural moan as you came, hips ramming into Yoongi’s hand, back arching, your orgasm pulling you up taut like a marionette on a string, thighs shaking as your pussy throbbed with release. Your juices dripped down like honey, splattering over your thighs and down your ass before you abruptly fell, legs crumpling as Yoongi’s hand cupped your hot, trembling mound, his heavy pants mixing with yours. He groaned softly, feeling your puffy pussy lips and clit flinch and jerk as the aftershocks rippled through your nerves.
Jungkook whined deep in his throat, splattering his cum all over your leg and on the sheets, hot thick strings that made you shudder as it covered your skin. He pumped it all out, emptying it on you. Surely, you couldn’t muster the strength to take a dick right now. But one look at Jungkook and his hand still gripping his cock, slowly, delicately stroking it once more, staring at the mess that both of you made, sweat beaded on his forehead.
Yeah, no, you definitely wanted it in you.
He raised his head, ash blond strands soaked with sweat, wispy around his eyes.
“Want your cock.”
He smirked. “What do you say?”
Now. You resisted the urge to be a smartass. There were other ways.
“Let noona’s wet, tight pussy take care of you,” you purred.
The dominant spark in Jungkook’s eyes flitted away, replaced by his submissive doe eyes, his desire, his desperation. Fuck, it was so fun seeing that, the duality, reminding you so much of Yoongi and his softness juxtaposed with his sarcasm. Yoongi removed his hand, moving to the nightstand and grabbing a towel, reaching over to wipe Jungkook’s cum off you. You sat up, taking the towel from him as you noticed him leaning on his left arm.
“Ah, be careful,” you reprimanded, shooing him away.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m not broken.”
“You’re not fixed either,” you pouted, cleaning yourself up. You made eye contact with him and he clicked his tongue, nodding. Yoongi was about to move away, but you grabbed a fistful of his sweatpants, pulling him back. He tilted his head, sending you an inquisitive look.
“I shouldn’t do any more,” he murmured. “I can just watch.”
You yanked the side of his pants down and Yoongi arched an eyebrow. Your eyes on his crotch, then back to his face. Your lips parted, tongue flickering out. He could put two and two together.
“You can do some things without moving.”
His gaze sharpened. “I’m going to want to fuck your face.”
Your lips curved into a smirk. “Well, you can’t. You’ll have to sit there and take it like a good boy.” You removed your hand and patted the pillows, grinning. “I want to get spit roasted.”
Yoongi sucked in a tight breath, eyebrow twitching.
“It’s not really a spit roast unless you’re the passive one,” Yoongi tried to argue as he tugged his pants down, getting onto the bed. You scooted down, feeling a hard, firm body come up behind you, hands sliding up your waist to cup you breasts. You moaned softly, pressing your ass against Jungkook’s leaking cock, feeling it throb against your skin.
“Need a condom, hyung,” Jungkook panted, exhaling in satisfaction as his fingers ran over your nipples, earning pleading gasps.
Yoongi reached over to grab one as you reached back, running your hand over Jungkook’s semi-hard length, spreading the pre-cum down the head. Your fingertip touched the slit and he shivered, whining against your neck.
“Noona, don’t…”
You took the condom from Yoongi with your free hand, wrapping your fingers around Jungkook’s cock as he moaned, tugging at your nipples repeatedly. Your hips jerked involuntarily, skin rubbing against the sensitive head, making him groan.
“Need you hard for me.”
You stroked him slowly, not too tight, not too loose, his warm cock throbbing in your hand. You felt one of Jungkook’s hands leave your chest, gripping your hand tightly around his cock. His cock swelled at the sudden stop, pressing against your palm. His lips touched your ear and you shivered at his voice, low and dangerous, almost feral.
“Oh, I’ll be hard,” Jungkook snarled softly. “Impossible not to be hard…” His other hand dropped, snaking down your stomach. You tensed up as he neared closer and closer. Yoongi cleared his throat and your head snapped up to see him tilting his head, observing closely with an amused smirk.
“Jungkook, d-don’t…”
“… In this pussy.”
And you moaned loudly, feeling two of his fingers slip down and spread your pussy lips, engorged clit poking out from your repeated orgasms. Even the small stimulation made you wetter, drenching the inside of your thighs as Yoongi’s hungry eyes watched Jungkook spread you open for him to see.
“Spread your legs for hyung,” Jungkook ordered, nipping at your earlobe.
You whined, opening your thighs and tipping them up for Yoongi to see your glistening, pink pussy lips forced open by Jungkook’s fingers, your walls pulsing with need. Your hand was still around Jungkook’s cock, holding his hardness as you watching Yoongi’s right hand enclose his already stiff length, licking his lips at this dirty display.
“Flick her clit, Jungkook.”
You cried out, hips bucking as Jungkook flicked your clit with his nail, releasing his cock and falling onto your hands, staring into Yoongi’s mischievous, triumphant eyes. The condom fluttered to the bed, dropped by the sudden shock of painful ecstasy.
“P-Please…” Too many orgasms, too much pleasure. It was turning you into a mess, taking over you, leaving you at the mercy of the two men, crawling towards Yoongi, ass up in the air as you went low, looking up at him, pleading him. “Need you in my mouth, Yoongi. Wanna make you feel good.”
Yoongi removed his hand, ticking his chin to Jungkook. “Ask him to shove his dick into you.”
You bit your lip, turning back and wiggling your ass, seeing Jungkook roll the condom down. His eyes on yours, sending shivers down your spine with his intense gaze and naughty smirk.
“Jungkook.” Even his name from your lips seemed to darken his chocolate orbs with lust. “Want your cock to fill me up.”
“That’s too nice,” Yoongi chided.
Your ears burned. But, well, desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Jungkook, please, please use my pussy to cum, fuck, want you inside me so fucking bad.”
He groaned, sliding up to you, gripping your hips, pressing his fingers into your ass, positioning himself right at your entrance.
“You sound so fucking sexy begging for cock,” he purred. “I just have to give it to you.”
And then he plunged into you, both of you moaning so loudly that the soundproof walls were saving you once again, so wet that your pussy squelched around his thick cock. Ah, he just felt so good, so hard and unforgiving, stretching you out forcefully. You turned back to Yoongi, lowering your head as he spread his legs for you, lifting his shirt as you swallowed his cock, eyelids fluttering as his taste was on your lips once again, invading your mouth, familiar and wonderful. You saw Yoongi moan watching you, cat-like eyes shrouded with lust, biting his lip as you sank down, vibrating his cock with your cries as Jungkook’s length fully entered you, his balls hitting your over-stimulated clit.
So full.
Oh, fuck.
You tried to say Yoongi’s name around his cock, hoping your eyes could tell him what you meant. I missed this so fucking much. His perfect length filling your mouth, smelling so good and so him, burying itself in your throat.
“Fuck,” Yoongi breathed. “Fuck, you look so fucking beautiful taking two cocks at once.”
Jungkook slid out a little and thrust into you. You whimpered around Yoongi, staring into his eyes, tightening your throat muscles as you opened your lips, tongue unfurling down, down.
“Yes, fuck, yes,” Yoongi hissed, tipping his head back as he felt your tongue on his balls, his stiff cock throbbing as you rubbed it against the roof of your mouth, slapping his balls with your tongue at the same time, warm saliva dripping down and coating them. “Yes, fuck, you’re so good at that, fuck, I love you so fucking much, a-ah…”
And now Jungkook was really fucking you, hard, deep thrusts that shoved you repeatedly onto Yoongi’s cock. You had to retreat your head a little to prevent yourself from choking, but you didn’t stop licking Yoongi’s balls, his handsome face painted with pleasure, murmuring your name, praising you. You swiped your tongue from his balls to the tip of his member, teasing the sensitive skin underneath the head expertly before sliding back down. Up and down, stroking him with your tongue. Yoongi groaned, hips rising into your throat. Fuck, you loved seeing his normally serious face completely consumed by lust, loved the way he lost himself to you.
And, oh fuck, you loved the how you felt as your pussy was assaulted by Jungkook’s cock, stretching you out, pressing against your walls, filling you up as you squeezed him back, massaging all of him as he descended.
“Your pussy is so tight,” Jungkook panted. “Fuck, so tight and so wet, I love it so much, I love fucking you noona, you’re just so fucking good at taking cock.”
You withdrew your tongue from Yoongi’s balls, encasing your lips around his length and sucking hard, creating a tight, wet vacuum, Jungkook’s hips slapping against yours adding to your motion. Yoongi gasped, spreading his fingers on the bed, head pressed into the headboard. His dark eyes were half-lidded, watching your ass bounce as Jungkook fucked you onto his cock, forcing you to swallow him at a quick, rough pace.
“Fuck, I knew it would be good,” Yoongi breathed, gaze shifting to you and your eyes looking up at him, witnessing his satisfied expression. “Look at you. So fucking perfect, lips wrapped around my cock, Jungkook’s dick squeezed by your pretty pussy.” It made you wetter, knowing Yoongi was liking this, knowing he was aroused seeing you like this. His hand came up and tucked your hair back, fingertips brushing against your forehead. His touch made you whine, encouraging you to fuck Jungkook back eagerly, ass slapping into his crotch, bobbing your head up and down faster, tighter.
And Yoongi’s eyes on you, telling you everything. I want you, I need you, I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I’ll give you anything I can, because I can’t give you everything.
And Jungkook’s cock was twitching in your pussy, indicating he was close, his husky moans filling up the room as Yoongi’s own breathing shallowed, drinking in every detail, not wanting to miss any moment of you getting fucked so carnally, sinfully full from front to back, whole body shaking from the previous multiple orgasms. You could tell that he wanted you to feel so much pleasure that you were wrecked and it was working, oh, fuck, it was working as pleasure crawled to every fiber of your being, forgetting that your jaw and pussy were aching, forgetting your knees were basically jelly, forgetting you had any other responsibilities in life except making Yoongi and Jungkook cum with your tight, wet holes, so fueled by adrenaline that you rocked your body back and forth, stimulating both at once.
Your eyes locked with Yoongi’s.
Cum for me.
“I’m close,” he murmured. “Tighter. Choke Jungkook’s cock with your perfect pussy.”
You hollowed your cheeks and squeezed your core. You heard Jungkook yelp, fingertips digging into your ass.
“A-ah, c-can’t hold on…” Jungkook rambled, eyes rolling back, gasping for breath. “You’re so lucky, hyung, fuck, so lucky she’s yours.”
Jungkook smacked his hips into you, once, twice, letting out a deep groan as he came, shooting into you, cock throbbing against your walls as his balls slapped your clit, sending you over the edge as you whined around Yoongi’s cock, feeling it jerk in your mouth as he came down your throat, thick, delicious saltiness sliding down, pooling on your tongue, your pussy pulsing in time with Yoongi, drinking him as your pussy shivered around Jungkook’s cock, milking him dry. Your body shuddered hard, trembling from head to toe, the ferocity of your orgasm rattling you, so much so that it felt like the world was spinning. You popped your mouth off of Yoongi’s cock, sliding down against his thigh, wheezing for oxygen.
Yoongi’s hand instantly came up to touch your shoulder, caressing it tenderly. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, hot breath against his skin, knees sliding down, taking Jungkook with you because he also was at the point of exhaustion. Yoongi frowned at you and you gave him a weak thumbs up, cheekily grinning at him, wiping the spit off your chin with his thigh.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you thumbs-up me, woman, tell me you’re not dying.”
You leaned against his thigh, sighing as Jungkook pulled out of you.
“I’m very pleased,” you exhaled happily.
“I’m glad the god is satisfied with her sacrifice,” Yoongi remarked dryly, trying to sound annoyed but his affectionate smile gave him away. You smiled back before turning around, finding Jungkook on his back, chest heaving, hair soaked with sweat. You scooted down to him, brushing ash blond strands away from his face. His eyes were closed, pretty lashes against his skin, cheeks flushed pink with exertion.
“I… I can go…” Jungkook mumbled. “Give you guys some alone time and stuff.”
His opened his eyes, brown orbs shifting to you. Apologetic, kind.
“Do you want this to be more?”
His lips curved into a smile. It didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No. This is fine.”
“Don’t lie to her,” Yoongi scolded, moving to sit beside you and glare down at him.
Jungkook swallowed, looking away. “I don’t… I don’t want to be a burden, hyung. I don’t want to ruin your relationship.”
“Don’t you think you would have done that already if that was possible?” Yoongi scoffed, placing his hand on yours, rubbing your knuckles.
Jungkook eyes flickered to your joined hands, then to your face.
You exchanged a glance with Yoongi and he poked your forehead, exasperated.
“Have I not maybe yourself clear with you?” Yoongi grumbled grumpily. His eyes shifted down, letting out a long sigh. “I can’t give you everything. I can’t go on dates. I can’t kiss you in public. I can’t even hold your hand or stand near you outside this fucking door.” The frustration was clear in his voice. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and tell him it was okay, but you resisted, letting him get his words out. He turned to Jungkook, his dark brown eyes serious and sad.
“You can’t do that either, you know? It’s lonely. It sucks. You can only have moments like these, behind closed doors.”
Jungkook looked up at him, expression unreadable.
“Then why… why did you share it with me?”
“Because,” Yoongi started, eyes flickering to you. “Because I wanted to make her happy. Because I can’t do everything, but I can do some things. And because Bangtan is everything to me.” Yoongi was mumbling a little, not used to this level of emotion. “If I can maybe make you happy too, Jungkook, why wouldn’t I try?”
You could see Jungkook was also awkward because this was a delicate situation with even more complicated emotions, made more complex that they were two members of the same idol group, almost like brothers in closeness, held to the same rules and the same restrictions. Jungkook blinked rapidly, clearing his watering eyes. He looked away, hastily rubbing them with the back of his hand.
“Will it… Will it be less lonely if I’m with you, hyung, noona?” The younger man swallowed hard, clearing his vision and looking back up at both of you, brown eyes glassy. “Will it… suck less?”
You smiled, nodding slowly. “It would suck a whole lot less.”
Yoongi made a noise of affirmation, scrunching his nose. He was also blinking quite a bit, although he hid it better than Jungkook did.
Jungkook slid his right hand on the sheets, in front of your joined hands. Yoongi’s eyes darted about before he inhaled deeply, picking up your hand and plopping it on Jungkook’s, sandwiching it between the two larger palms. You pressed your fingertips against Jungkook’s knuckles, feeling Yoongi’s reassuring pat on the back of your hand, warmed from above and below.
Yoongi gave you his usual, apprehensive smile, as if he didn’t know what to do with his face when being told to look happy.
Jungkook grinned, bright bunny teeth flashing, eyes and nose scrunching with affection.
You couldn’t resist.
“Is this allowed?” you asked with a wide smirk.
Yoongi laughed, raspy and pretty.
“Definitely not.”
Jungkook sat up a bit, furrowing his brow as if he just remembered something.
“Wait, what about noona’s private Instagram tho–”
part iv “That's not allowed! You know what that does to me.“
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stoneworldsimp · 3 years
the dying poet
senku x reader
warnings: angst, mentions of food/water deprivation, swearing
day seven.
fuck, fuck, FUCK!
it felt like you had been running for hours, trying to shake this wild animal off. you made sharp turns behind large bushes in hopes of losing it, you’d hold as still as possible behind large roots on the ground, but the animal kept finding you in one way or another.
“please go away,”you panted. “c’mon. you’ve been chasing me fucking forever, can’t you just give up?!”
you were tired; your legs were about to buckle in on themselves. dinner one night was suddenly ruined when you realized the fucker was watching you eat. in the beginning you thought it was only after your food, not you; you threw a random ration away from your camp in hopes to get it away from you. in hindsight, it only worked until you fell asleep.
you were lucky to wake up the next morning alive; your set up had been ripped to shreds, and footprints were on the ground around your body. it was painstakingly slow and nerve wracking to escape your position, but once you had everything you absolutely needed, you booked it.
sprinting for miles after miles proved to be very difficult for quite some time now.
the phone...it’s weighing me down. my bag of food isn’t even half as heavy as the phone.
looking down at the call button in your hand, you thought about tossing the phone. maybe i can fix it.. no, i don’t have any tools, the fucking animal chewed on them like dog bones. is there any way to put the wire back together...?
“FUCK my life!”
you took the phone off your back and threw it to you left, careful not to trip yourself in the process. immediately, you and your body felt the difference. with your new found energy, the run away was becoming easier, and helped you see a large cave just over the horizon. using the last of your energy, you took as large of steps as you can, and practically threw your body into the cave. the animal’s footsteps were nowhere to be heard, but you figured you didn’t want to take any chances and look behind you. you were finally breaking free from being chased, just a little deeper into this cave, and if i can find specific markings then i can backtrack—
a deep, loud rumble took you away from your thoughts. in no time, you were engulfed in dust and thick particles you didn’t know of.
the caved had closed in.
day one.
“i can do it.”
“are you sure? its a pretty perilous trip—“
“you should at least bring one other person with you—“
you sighed, exasperated that you had to defend your case once again. it had been days since the decision was made; you were going to make a trip to another part of the island in hopes to find extremely specific materials for one of senku’s projects... and it was far, far away.
quite frankly, you were the only one fit for the adventure. you were known to travel well on foot, had an exceptional sense of direction and you had a good eye for natural elements, as well as food; you also were unintentionally the least helpful when staying in the village. you didn’t have the crafting skills to successfully make glass or metal components for his experiments, and you never trusted your brain when helping senku with calculations and blueprints.
hearing senku and gen talk about this long trip to another part of the island was almost a dream come true. it was perfect for someone with your skillset, and kept you from being in the way of everybody else.
“it’ll be fine. c’mon, you guys have SOME faith in our traveler, right?”
you turned around, a smile on your face as you caught senku walking out of his lab. thank you, you mouthed.
once senku reached you and the group of villagers crowding near you, he spoke up again. “this trip is a straight shot from the bridge, the only problem would be that it’s going to take some time. possibly a month just to get there. but you,” he turned to face you,”have excellent outdoorsy-type skills that will make it really easy for you to spot what we need right away. everyone needs to stop worrying, because you’ll be there and back in no time. two months will pass like nothing.”
as the rest of the group walked away, mumbling their skepticisms, senku took your hand and tugged you back to the lab.
“what’re you taking me here for? oh wait,”you planted your feet at the front of the lab curtains, keeping the both of you from entering. “are you making me help you with your math again? because—”
“no, you’re pretty terrible at calculations,”he replied. “i have something for you.”
you puffed out your cheeks in embarrassment, but your expression completely changed once the curtain was opened.
on the table, there was a telephone. if was the size of a backpack, but it still had a speaker, a microphone, and a call button.
“i made it for you to take on the trip, in case you have any emergencies. i fully trust you in your own survival skills, but you never know if something extreme happens.”
you gave his hand a squeeze before letting go. as you walked closer to the table, you touched the outer fabric. you turned back to senku. “thank you.”
“you don’t have to thank me. i’m only making something that’s essential to your travels.”
“even still,” you trailed off. “i appreciate it.”
you turned back around and beamed at senku. “i’m not going to call you until i get there. i want to make sure that no enemies try to tail me if they hear me, as much as i’d want to give in right away and hear your voice. something like that...”
“how corny.” senku smiled and pulled you close while you laughed. you jumped a bit when his hands made their way around your waist.
“a bit touchy today,” you asked, grabbing hold of his shoulders. “but i’m not complaining.”
“i’m stockpiling the feeling of you for the weeks to come. we’ve never spent this much time apart before; it’s only logical.”
“i guess you’re right.”
he kissed you, multiple times; each one was deeper than the last.
day eleven.
he brought me a flower every morning, because i always slept in later than him. he’d wake up at the asscrack of dawn, just to have more time to jot ideas down. i used to try and pull him back to sleep with me, but he was so overflowing with plans, i didn’t want to stop him.
you turned on your side.
i remember he went to explore with chrome really early one morning, and apparently they found some huge meadow with a bunch of plants. ever since then, he would bring me a different kind; it was always a single flower, too. they were different colors and shapes, and some were enormous and some were smaller than my finger. he never woke me up for it, though. he would just leave it for me when i woke up on my own. it was always a surprise, almost startling when i’d open my eyes. it was my own pick-me-up for the day, in a sense.. no matter what happened the night before, waking up to a new type of flower would put me in a good mood every time. it was better than a coffee in the morning.
i wonder if he’s looking at the flowers with chrome everyday while i’m gone. man, i still wake up hoping to see a new one in front of me.
sure, reminiscing was fun and felt good, but what’s the point? you had eaten all of your food approximately two days ago, you only had about a teaspoon of water left, and there was no getting out of there. the way you came in had been covered in a dam of rocks. you couldn’t even dig yourself out.
you furiously wiped the tears that fell from your eyes. “senku...why did i think i could go alone?”
day fifteen.
poke, poke—
something was touching you. no, someone was touching you. your head bobbed side to side, in an attempt to shake them off.
damn, that’s persistent.
opening your eyes, you woke up to senku smiling. he was knelt beside your form. “wake up, sleeping beauty! it’s been almost three hours.”
it’s only been three hours?!
you sat up way too fast, and felt lightheaded as you tried to ask,”but...why didn’t you.. wake me up earlier? did everybody...did everyone eat already?”
he laughed. “yeah, sorry. we all thought you were out doing something with chrome. but,” he turned around, to grab something behind him,”i saved some in case you got hungry when you came back.”
you took the food in a dizzy haze. was it even food? you didn’t care too much, it felt like you hadn’t eaten for a long time. any food at this point was good food.
you couldn’t even swallow the first bite. “do you- is there..any water?”
“what?” senku pulled away from you, a look of disbelief painted across his face. it was clear as day.
you hesitated, feeling more lightheaded than before. “w- water?”
“don’t you remember?” he asked. he turned away from you. “there hasn’t been any water in days.”
it’s been days.
your body jolted from its spot, and harsh reality hit you square in the face.
yes, right. you shakily rubbed your eyes to make sure they weren’t cemented shut.
in the cave, finished your food, no water to be found. making yourself walk around was no use, either; without the fuel, your body was essentially just a trembling mess.
you scowled at yourself; unsure of what to do, what to even think.
day eighteen.
you remembered how he kissed you. the first kisses the most; you always had to tell him to not look so terrified. you also had to remind him to not stand like a statue when you kissed. pretty soon, after some reassurance, he got comfortable. there was nothing but confidence in the way he caressed your face in his hands. usually he was the one to pull away; you were so mesmerized, it felt as if the world completely stopped.
they were always quick and out of the way in public. usually, it was on your forehead or your one of your cheeks. the deep kisses you felt when you two were alone were incomparable. soft lips remained on yours for what felt like centuries. he tasted sweet, in his own way—
wait, who?
you licked your lips slowly, trying to think.
it was no use; you couldn’t even remember what he looked like. you lolled your head to the side and stared at the outline of a rock a couple of feet away.
once i get out of here, i’ll kiss him. whoever it was. it won’t matter if it’s just us, or more people. i’ll kiss him forever.
maybe if i go to sleep.. i can see him again.
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thewritingbasil · 3 years
First time writing and publishing something like this! I hope you enjoy!
Chrome x modern!Reader
* When you find out Chrome goes out to explore on his own and lives outside the village, you worry about who will notice if something goes wrong. Since you’re curious and also love discovering things and can’t sit still in the village for a long time, you tell Chrome about the modern-day buddy-system idea and start joining him on his expeditions.
* He’d love to take you exploring and show all the exciting things he discovered! He’s never had an exploring buddy before, and while Senkuu does appreciate what he finds, Senkuu spends more of his time creating blueprints and solving problems in the lab and using what he has available, not looking for things that will maybe be helpful in the future. That’s why he trusts Chrome and, now, you to have an eye for materials that will help the Kingdom of Science grow
* At first Chrome has a lot to teach you, like how to notice materials, where to walk, and how to keep track of time and your location especially since you need to get used to not having a cell phone.
* But eventually you become a great explorer in your own right and he has a lot of trust in you as his partner. In fact, he ends up trusting you a lot when the buddy system helps out, like when he once experienced a small cave-in or when he needed emergency first aid.
* You also find things he overlooked because you both tend to look in different directions when you’re searching.
* He loves that someone else shares his love of exploring with him. When he used to search alone, it was very isolating and he could get lost in his head while walking. Now, you remind him about food and he’s willing to take slightly greater risks when trying to reach somewhere because he’s got you as an extra pair of hands and eyes and brain.
* The combined haul is also bigger, which he gets super excited about. You both chatter to each other and compare stashes when you’re organizing what you found into different baskets at the end of the day.
* When Senku compliments you both on the materials found, Chrome proudly grins at you.
* Chrome isn’t just an explorer though, he’s a scientist which means he can’t spend all his time exploring with you. He goes to work with Senkuu while you help out elsewhere because, buddy system! You’re not going on your own.
* If you’re also working in another group like crafts or the power group, you go for a period of time without seeing him because you’re working on different projects.
* However! During your trips, you both became used to showing each other your finds and communicating when working in different sections to know how each other is doing
* He also appreciated the conversations you would bring about the modern world and about yourself, and how you were eager to learn about himself and his village. So he gets used to that routine of you being there to converse with.
* Chrome ends up talking with you during breaks about what the each of you are doing and exciting progress reports and how the materials you found are being put to use. Both of you get excited learning that something you’ve found has a cool scientific purpose/property and you invite each other to stop by and watch it in action.
* He loves seeing your eyes light up in amazement as you watch and praise his work.
* When you show him your group’s work, it’s not as science-y but he acknowledges your skill and hard work and he is also a craftsman and not too strong so whether you’re in the crafting group or power group, you still impress him. He’s not shy about praising you and gives you high fives or says “Baaaad!” This also helps him get along with other people in your group since he and they don’t usually interact.
* Obviously, Chrome would take a long time to realize that he’s fallen in love with you. He’s known Ruri for over 3 years and he still hasn’t figured it out.
* But others start noticing that he goes out of his way to get you to show off something. They’d understand if the project was finished, but when it’s a work in progress, it’s not very impressive to show. But you love it every single time because you’re curious and actually enjoy seeing everything put together little by little. Then, when the project is done, you can visualize the components and hard work that was put in to create it.
* And the villagers watch how he gets more talkative when you show interest and ask questions. He brings up inventions from the modern era that you’ve told him about so you both seem to share a mysterious language that they can’t understand. Some of them start shipping you two long before he notices anything.
* During mealtimes, you sometimes eat together. You talk about your next scavenging trip, new places in the village you haven’t explored, new projects, so many things. You both can get pretty sucked in to your conversations, forgetting the food. However you’re usually the one who finally remembers that you’re eating, and you teasingly shove food in his mouth. Your cheeky grin has blood rushing into his face and he is dazed, until he shakes himself out of it and starts to eat again.
* People are watching and nudging each other.
* Soon, Chrome becomes aware of you in a way he hasn’t before. He can’t help but smile every time you make eye contact. He craves the casual way you touch him and makes sure to be within your arms’ reach so you’re more likely to nudge him or grab him to drag him off somewhere in your excitement.
* When you first met him with Senku and Kohaku, you learned that he liked Ruri and never questioned it since. Whenever he talked about her, you could tell she was special to him. You made teasing jokes like forging a hairpin from iron and giving it to her with the line of “the burning fire in my heart for you was so hot I melted the iron with it” and he got flustered and groaned over the dumb line
* Recently, when you made those types of jokes, he felt conflicted. Part of him still got flustered but when he looked at you grinning and thinking you were oh so clever, he started to wonder why you would act like he liked Ruri when, thinking about it, he liked you...wait what?? He didn’t like you!
* Sure he thought you were cool and fun to hang out with and capable but that’s just something he admires and that’s a good friend, right?
* Right, he thought, shaking his head. You were a trusted partner, he didn’t want to kiss you or anything...
* “What?” You looked over your shoulder at him. “You got quiet over there.” You two were spending the late afternoon before dinner organizing your haul and you had just said that the location today was so beautiful Chrome should show it to Ruri once Senku cured her.
* He stared at your slightly parted lips. Did he want to kiss them? He was a man of science. When he collected rocks and plants, he’d grind, combine, set on fire, and experiment to find out how they reacted. Your mouth was kind of pretty, and yeah maybe he did want to see if kissing you was enjoyable.
* Chrome’s hands stopped working and now he was looking at you with unfocused eyes and a furrowed brow. You paused in your sorting and turned fully towards him. “You got a look on your face. Whatcha thinking about?”
* He is totally used to telling you his ideas so without hesitation, he answers before thinking, “What kissing you would feel like.” Then, he realized what he said. “Noooo! Sorry, that’s creepy right?” He zoomed backwards away from you, almost crashing into a table. How could he say that to you, you were one of his best friends!
* “Uhhh...” Chrome closed his eyes and braved himself for a rejection, ready to be kicked out of his hut for the next hour. “It’s not that creepy, I guess?” He heard you say. Were his ears working properly? He cracked an eye open to peek at you. You grinned awkwardly at him, having one side of your mouth quirked up.
* “Science inquiry, right? Question everything.”
* Maybe it was the afternoon sun or him imagining things, but your face looked a little pink. Kind of tempting. Whoa, did he really like you?
* “I need to figure something out.” He looked at you intensely.
* “Let me in on it, I wanna know.” Before, you had been avoiding eye contact out of shyness but now your eyes looked into his, drawing him closer. His footsteps seemed to be drowned out by the drums in his chest. He was getting nervous.
* He stopped a little ways in front of you. Being so close to you was almost making him lose his nerves. Kissing you? That seemed impossible.
* “Come on, Chrome.” You entwined both of your hands with his and pulled him closer until you were sharing the same air.
* You closed your eyes and patiently waited. Still with his heart beating in his ears, he looked at your long lashes, your eyebrows arched expectantly, and your flushed cheeks.
* You were getting nervous standing there and you bet your hands were all sweaty now. “Did you change your mind?” You did tend to grab him and drag him places. This was something he should be able to choose without being pressured. You started to loosen your hands, and he ripped his hands away.
* Before you could get disappointed, you felt those hands suddenly on the sides of your face and your lips met something soft.
* He was kissing you.
* Despite the sudden kiss, he knew enough to not just smash your lips together. It was much more of a firm press, one that had you craving for more even as butterflies exploded in your stomach and fire rushed over your skin. But you didn’t want to push it. You simply adjusted your lips to overlap better onto his and put your hands on his hips to hold him close.
* After a few seconds, Chrome leaned back with an entirely red face. “Baaaddddd,” he breathed. That had been enlightening. And soft. And pleasurable. Okay yeah, you weren’t just a best friend anymore. If it meant you would look at him like this, wide-eyed and giddy and hungry for more, he wanted to keep kissing you.
* Your hands squeezed his hips nervously, fingers a fluttering pressure on his flesh. “Practice for Ruri?” You asked in the small distance between your mouth and his.
* “Not Ruri,” he said distractedly. His eyes were still dazed and drinking in the tempting picture you made. “I want to kiss you.”
* And your mouth curled up into a pleased grin, looking hard to resist. So he didn’t.
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Goddamn it Kyra I wasn't even interested in the Lego Lokis before, but now that you've so rudely posted pics of the options I'm probably going to have to buy some. So, couple questions: I'm not familiar with the website you linked to (it doesn't help that I'm on my phone lol) - do you get them from that site or just Aliexpress? I've kind of poked around there but I don't think I've ever actually bought anything - do you have links to those ones you bought or any tips for finding them on the site? (or like. using the site in general without getting scammed or something? Idk much about it other than stuff being low priced lol).
putting the rest behind a cut because oops this got long
OKAY SO the cool thing about knockoff Lego figures is that a) there are a ton of them, so you can probably find multiple versions of most characters, and b) they're super cheap, so if you do end up getting ripped off, you're probably only out a few bucks. plus if you don't get ripped off, you feel like a genius, because authentic Lego minifigs tend to cost way more than they should (and if you get them online, you probably don't have a good way to know that they're authentic) and here you are getting something just as good or better for way less.
the site I was getting pictures from is HeroBloks, which I only just discovered myself a couple days ago; it looks like mostly it's good for tracking your collection (and learning more about bootleg Lego minifigs in general, maybe--I didn't really realize until now how many different companies there are making Lego-like minifigs) rather than buying, with individual pages including sale links that are only mildly useful. like, the extremely sad TVA Loki has an AliExpress search link that apparently just searches for "blocks," which is the least helpful search term imaginable; the eBay link uses "xinh+xh1745+loki (tva)" as the search term and that's definitely better, although it doesn't actually turn up anything. maybe that one's too new to be widely available yet, I don't know. (I hope that's the case. I need him and his sad little face to come and live with me.)
anyway--eBay is a possible source. searching for "loki minifigure" gets me results for several of the new ones I’ve been seeing, and they all seem to be shipping from Japan or South Korea. the problem is they're all selling for $4.99 plus $7.49 shipping each, which is...more than I want to spend on something I know is a knockoff of some kind when I don't know anything about the quality control and I'm not guaranteed to get what's in the picture. (here's another listing asking $40 total for all 8 figures I bought yesterday, which is actually a better price, and I'd probably end up doing that if I hadn't found them elsewhere, but that's because I have a problem.)
this is why I like AliExpress, because the risks are slightly higher but the prices tend to be much lower, even with shipping prices having gone up a bit over the last couple years. as I understand it, the site is basically just a huge marketplace for tons of different sellers in Asia, like if eBay only allowed fixed-price listings and it was based in China. the vast majority of the site reads like it went through Google Translate, because it probably did. you can find...basically anything there. I have no idea if any of it's authentic. (I also don't know anything about how or where any of the knockoff stuff is made, so...there is that.) I would not, for instance, drop $300 on a Hot Toys Loki from here, even though I absolutely would have the option to do so, for the obvious reason that I'm not going to risk that much money on an item that might be a cheap knockoff or could arrive broken. there is, in general, a solid possibility of breakable things arriving broken, because decent packaging costs more. cheap shipping will be slow (by which I mean like...up to 90 days), and most purchases either won't have tracking at all or won't have accurate tracking, so this is absolutely not a place to buy anything you want to get quickly. you also don't want to just buy something and forget about it, because there are (variable but generous) time limits past which you can't get a refund if you don't receive your items. the site's UI is...mostly functional. you often have to get a little creative with your search terms to find what you want (and sometimes you won’t find what you want through searching, but through looking at related items on the pages of things that aren’t quite what you want or are what you want but aren’t a good price). you will, absolutely, come across a lot of stolen art on things like pins, t-shirts, stickers, and phone cases, which you might not realize until you see something you recognize from a fanartist you like, and obviously that sucks. listing photos are nearly always stock photos, so in many cases they won't tell you anything about the item you're actually getting. you know the Wish app, and all the crazy things people get from that? you can find all the same stuff on AliExpress, at similar levels of quality.
however, if you approach it keeping all that in mind, it can be a great resource. I can't make any guarantees about the site's safety, but to the best of my knowledge it's secure and I've never had any weird charges show up after buying something. it's also my understanding that Alibaba, the parent company, is more or less the Chinese equivalent of Amazon in terms of the amount of business it does, which would probably be pretty tough if customer data were routinely being exposed to thieves, you know? I've also successfully gotten several refunds for items that never arrived, which actually hasn't happened all that often--but knowing that it can happen and that the return period expires, I’ll check back on the site if it seems like it’s been an unusually long time and I’ll make a reminder for myself of the deadline so I can contact the seller in time if necessary.
so the way I shop there is, I don't buy expensive or fragile things in general, because I recognize there's a nonzero chance I'll get a cheap knockoff, or something that was broken in transit because the seller tossed it in a box with no padding and called it good, or sometimes nothing at all. but like eBay, the sellers and items have ratings and reviews from customers, so that helps avoid some risk. items with lots of reviews tend to include at least a few customer photos, which are great for getting a better idea of what the thing you're buying actually looks like. I took a bit of a risk last year buying a Hot Toys (or the equivalent, I actually have no idea) Steve Rogers head for about $20, for instance, but I wasn't super worried about it because the customer photos looked good, the seller I used had a lot of sales and a lot of good ratings, and it was still a lot less than I would've paid for an authentic Hot Toys Steve Rogers head--and in fact he got here just fine and he looked fantastic. I also spent about $20 for a knockoff Iron Studios Loki statue, because in that case it was like...yep I’d love the real thing, nope I’m not willing to spend hundreds of dollars on it, yep I am willing to spend $20 on something that doesn’t look quite as nice but still looks good enough for me in the customer photos. well, and I’ve also bought knockoffs I knew would look bad, because they were cheap and I want all the Lokis and I have enough of an addiction that all the Lokis does in fact sometimes mean “even ones that look really bad” to me.
anyway, uh, Lego-type minifigs. this is an especially good area to go knockoff, because--okay, apparently I can’t link to a page of HeroBloks search results for some reason, but it’s the best resource I’ve found for this type of thing that isn’t just authentic Lego figures. but if you go there and do a search for “loki” you’ll get a bunch of results and you’ll see that they come from like...9 or 10 different brands. Lego specifically has only four Loki options: Avengers Loki in black, Avengers Loki in gray for some reason (which, frankly, looks like a cheap knockoff but isn’t), movie-inaccurate Ragnarok Loki with the blue outfit and the full helmet, an ugly Classic Loki, and a mostly green Loki from I guess the first Thor movie (and then I think they’re going to release a TVA Loki, a Sylvie, and a Throg). all those other results--all those different outfits from every single Loki appearance, and different variations on those outfits, nearly all of them more screen-accurate and/or detailed than the Lego versions--are technically knockoffs. they’re better and you can buy them for way less. (I mean, a lot of them are new so I don’t have them yet, but I do have frost giant Loki, better Ragnarok Loki, better Avengers Loki, opera Loki who actually has another face that’s half-Jotun, and at least one chrome-helmet option, and they all look basically like the photos. so I think I can reasonably expect most of the new ones to look basically like their photos too.) 
for reasons that I don’t understand aside from a vague guess that it’s copyright-related, AliExpress pretty much no longer shows full pictures of Lego-type figures in their listings--instead, you have to pick just based on the heads. this is a problem when lots of heads look very similar to each other! luckily, the listings also typically have the actual serial numbers for each figure, as do the HeroBloks listings, so you can cross-reference them to see what you’re really getting. for instance let’s take this listing because it’s cheap and it offers most of the Loki figures that are currently available. say you’re interested in one of the horn-less Lokis. there are...let’s see, five of them, but you have no idea what they actually look like aside from slightly different facial expressions and maybe weapons. however, the first one listed says XH1359 for its color...and what do you know, 1359 is the serial number for this Loki by a company called Xinh. okay cool, how about the last one? the “color” is listed as WM2182--and yes, HeroBloks has a listing for a Ragnarok Loki from World Minifigures with the serial number 2182. (I just ordered all 8 of the new World Minifigures ones yesterday, so again, I can’t personally guarantee yet that they’ll look as good in person as in the pictures--but I think they probably will, and more importantly they cost a whole dollar each.) and if HeroBloks doesn’t have a particular figure, you can probably find something useful just by googling the serial number.
I specifically bought from this listing yesterday because they currently have a bit of a sale going and a deal for free shipping if you buy 10 figures, and I wanted a couple duplicates, so it worked out to be the cheapest option. the same store has another listing for a bunch more Marvel characters, including a couple more Lokis I already had, so it should be pretty easy to get the free shipping so the figures are less than a dollar each and you’re only risking about $10. if you’d rather try one or two and see how it goes, it looks like this listing is probably the cheapest, with figures currently going for a little over a dollar each once you add shipping (although it’s totally possible shipping is more for me because Alaska).
that’s...probably already way more information than you really wanted, but I hope at least some of it makes sense. feel free to ask other specific questions if they come up--I might not be able to give answers exactly, but I can probably tell you what my experience has been, which is better than nothing.
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copperbadge · 4 years
thudworm replied to your photo “Where is the “turn off judgeyness” button in Chrome’s settings? ...”
*laughs in over 200 open tabs*
lapillus reblogged your photo and added:
Only 25? Chrome would be ecstatic if it were only 25 I was asking to open. I'm currently being exceptionally restrained at only a little over 10 times that.
mauralucky7 replied to your photo “Where is the “turn off judgeyness” button in Chrome’s settings? ...”
Sam be happy it’s only 25. I think I’m in the 60s
forlorn-kumquat replied to your photo “Where is the “turn off judgeyness” button in Chrome’s settings? ...”
Sam, I currently have 1497 tabs saved in my OneTab extension (and will likely add at least another half dozen by the end of the night). Plus another 70 open on my phone. And another 70+ on an old phone that I keep by my bed for light browsing.
Look I realize I was just telling Chrome not to judge me and I want you to understand I say this with love in my heart, but how do you guys live. This is like the time I saw my mother’s gmail account had 25,000 messages in the inbox. 
Actually I am aware I am an outlier. During the week I have about 20 tabs pinned across three browsers, and those are the stuff I use daily -- my calendar file, gmail, tumblr, work email and some work databases, some covid tracking sites, and my SMS webfeed. I also have maybe a handful of open tabs in each that are waiting for me to read or pay attention to them somehow. 
But at the end of every week, I empty out any open tabs. If I can’t bring myself to read something, it’s not going to get  better if I wait, so either I read it or I close it (this is how I purged my library of every book I hadn’t read -- I made one giant pile and if I didn’t want to read the book on top, I sold it until I reached a book I did want to read). I watch a video or I save it to my “watch later” list on youtube for some night I’m down a youtube hole. For my home computer, I do the same thing every Sunday night before I run my weekly backup. 
kholden83 replied to your photo “Where is the “turn off judgeyness” button in Chrome’s settings? ...”
what on earth are you opening in 25 tabs all at once?
I have two files on my bookmark bar called “Daily” and “Monday” -- they’re groups of bookmarks that I open every morning and review and then close, or for the Monday file, that I open once weekly. Daily is a mixture of news sites, “stuff I want to buy but it’s sold out but if I check daily I’ll get another chance”, and one-off sites like mlb.com, an astrologer I check, my Robinhood portfolio, and one or two games I like to play as a buffer between finishing reading and starting work. 
Monday has stuff like webcomics, tumblr tags I like to view weekly, one or two instagrams I like, some Jewish learning sites that update more or less weekly, low-volume blogs that don’t need to be looked at daily, etc. It’s got about 30 sites; usually more in the summer when I add in events calendars and stuff, but the summer file for obvious reasons hasn’t been unpacked this year. 
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 22
Pairing: John Kennex x Detective!Reader
Word Count: 1365
Warnings: Uh. Mild jealousy.
Summary: You and John go to a party hosted by the Captain.
Requested By: @writerdee1701
A/n: wow 22nd already. December really flies by fast.
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"So how was Angry 101?" You asked, greeting John as he stepped out of  his group therapy session. 
"I feel good, better. All thanks to you," The detective planted an affectionate kiss on your cheek. 
You grinned, avoiding Dorian's curious glance. "Come on. We've only got half an hour to change, and get our ass over to the Captain's party."
"Thirty seven minutes and forty two seconds," Your MX piped up. 
"Thanks Sofia, but you might want to shut it. John here is known for blowing up MXs," You shook your head, trying not to laugh. "Your suit's in the back. We can change at my place."
"You've thought of everything."
John was like that. After losing his girlfriend and betrayed, you understood he was a lot more careful with romantic relationships. So it was quite a surprise when he came up to you with a gift: 
His phone number and a piece of bubblegum.
No one said that in the precinct that co workers couldn't date one another. Clearly, the Captain didn't mind either. Secretly, you wondered if she too was rooting for you and Kennex. But he took it slow at first like you wanted. 
"So how do I look?" You finished the last of your makeup and hair. 
"Beautiful," John adjusted his tie one more time before putting on his blazer. "You sure this isn't a casual event?"
"Yes, I'm sure," You nodded. "I don't think the captain would appreciate us going there with jeans and a t-shirt."
"Correct," Dorian emerged, looking the same as he's always been. "We should get going, John."
"Don't forget the wine!"
"Can I take a sip from it before we leave?"
"Don't you dare, John."
The car ride was mostly silent. It had been a great eight months together, and you honestly hoped that he would be the one. Yet despite all the honesty and transparency within the relationship, something was being held back. Understandably so, John was very reluctant in talking about the day when his team went down, and he himself rounded up in a seventeen month coma.
You wanted to help him as much as you could, as a partner and now significant other would. However, you trusted him. There must be something deeper connected to the attacks that he was keeping you in the dark. 
To protect you? Probably. 
Children sleeping
Snow is softly falling
Dreams are calling
Likes bells in the distance
We were dreamers
Not so long ago
But one by one
We all had to grow up
"Have you always wanted to join the force as a kid?" You asked, shutting the car door behind you and bundling your scarf tighter around your neck. 
"Fight the bad guys," John nodded, stepping in front of the front door. 
Knock knock. 
"Detectives! So glad you could make it. Come in, come in. It's freezing out there," An unfamiliar man opened the door. 
With a round of thanks, you and the group trudged in, making sure to keep the snow out and not into the house. Once within, you rubbed your hands together, taking in the grandeur of the entryway and the chatters from within. 
"Detectives, Dorian, Sofia, hope the drive wasn't too bad," A rather proud looking Captain Maldonado appeared by her husband. 
"Happy holiday, Captain. Thank you for inviting us," You greeted as your boyfriend handed over the bottle of red wine. 
"Oh! A present, you shouldn't have," Her husband turned it over in his hands. "Look at this, sweetie, pinot noir. Perfect with finger food and snacks."
"Please make yourselves at home," Maldonado smiled, thanking you for the gift and leaving to greet the next set of guests that walked in from behind. 
"Wow, look at that. At least half of the precinct is here," You mumbled. 
People and their MXs milled about, most with a glass of alcohol in hand. With a glance, you recognized some. The Christmas tree stood in the distant corner, quietly flickering through its light sequence. The dining table was filled with snacks of all sorts from crackers to fruit. Furthermore, you swore you could smell hot chocolate, eggnog, and an assortment of other festivity drinks. 
"Want something to drink?" John darkly spoke, frowning when he saw Richard among the crowd.
"Yeah. A hard apple cider if they have some. If not, hot chocolate works too," You mumbled, greeting some of those that waved at you.
"Oh Y/L/N, I didn't know you got invited too. Come here by yourself?" Richard swaggered up to you.
Taking a step back, you shook your head. "Not quite. John came with me."
"Kennex?" He laughed. "Did you not hear? His whole team got killed, while he survived.  Don't you think something fishy happened there? You could do so much better. What do you say we go, fish some fish?"
"No thanks. I'm here with my boyfriend. Enjoy the party, Paul," You roughly brushed past him, ignoring his surprised squawk. "And maybe grow a pair, jerk."
He was interested in you, way before John did. Despite his good standing as an officer, his personality was nowhere near as nice. When John returned to the force, his jealousy inflated his ego. You didn't quite like him. He was just a dick.
"Paul giving you troubles?" Your boyfriend reemerged by your side, handing over your mug of cider and eyeing the other detective.
"No more than usual. He's been crabby ever since you started taking interest in me. Didn't help that Stahl started giving me the stink eye every time I mention you in anything." You snorted, taking a long draught.
"And speak of the devil, here she comes," He indicated at the detective approaching. 
"Detective Kennex," She smiled, then falling slightly at you. "Detective Y/L/N. Good to see you two here. How's the eggnog?"
"Bland, rum could be stronger," John answered.
Before the blonde could answer, the White Elephant gift exchange was starting. Politely excusing you and himself, John practically dragged you away from her after watching you give her death daggers.
"Jealous much?"
"Hmph. Being a Chrome, genetically modified won't give her all the upper hand," You grumbled, placing your presents into the center and drawing two numbers. 
Fourth and ninth.
"Let's see what's in store this year." 
As more people gathered around, Maldonado cleared her throat. "White Elephant rules are still the same. 3 steals, and the present is out. Understood?"
All heads nodded. 
"If you may start, Jenks."
You watched with a smug grin as the first person chose yours, before being stolen by the second, and then stolen again by John who went fourth. Good thing you bought the present while on a grocery run, or he would've known what it was. When it was your turn, you gave everyone a death glare, clinging onto your present, daring anyone to challenge you.
Wisely, no one did.
"Not giving it up?" He teased as you teared it open, revealing an advent calendar full of chocolates. 
"Fuck no."
He laughed. "Save some for me alright?"
"No promises."
As the party dwindled and people left, you and John thank the Captain once more before heading home. "That was fun."
"Sure was."
As you got out of the car, you realized that you forgot to grab John's gift on the way out. "John?"
"Did you grab your advent on the way out? I can't find-. Oh here it is," You fished out the gift and frowned at the lack of chocolates within. "Who ate all the advent calendar chocolates?"
In the silence, you turned to him, jaw dropping at the sight in front. 
"What chocolate?" The detective quickly swiped away the last remnant of chocolate on the edges of his mouth. "I didn't see any chocolate."
You rose an eyebrow, and grinned. "So you, Detective Kennex, is saying that despite the incriminating evidence on your hand and face, that you've not seen nor tasted any chocolate."
"Yes, Detective Y/L/N. That is correct."
"And that you are knowingly lying to an officer of the law."
"Sounds right," And before you could retort a smart ass reply, pulled you in for a kiss. "Happy Holidays."
Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @bluesclues-1234 @mournthewicked @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @lykxzandlove @also-fangirlinsweden @keijibum @groovyfluxie @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @supergeekfangirl @sayanythingcreations​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Urban: @yueci @fandomsfeelsandfamily @justa-traaash
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nickelkeep · 4 years
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Find a Little Fire
Pairing: Dean/Cas, other background pairings Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 6.3K Warnings: John Winchester. Written For: nickel’s storytime, and part 3 of the Runaway Series On Ao3
Dean never realized how slow two weeks could actually move. Granted, the say was that time is a construct, not a set thing. He could measure it in different ways, just like they did in that one song from that one musical. All Dean knew was that the time, until Cas would be cleared from bed rest, was too damn long.
And it wasn't as though they didn't talk. Dean made a point of exchanging numbers, so they texted, they spoke on the phone. Dean may have also made his way to the homestead a couple times after getting off of his shift, under the pretense of giving Cas a house call.
No one ever believed him.
Dean sat back at his desk, kicking his feet up as he watched the monitors mounted above his desk. Only room two and room five were occupied, and both patients were resting. Dean let his eyes drift shut slowly in anticipation of climbing home and getting into his bed.
"Is Dr. Vaugier in?" Dean's feet slipped off of the desk, thanks to the sudden voice in the relative quiet of the nurse's station. A deep, hearty chuckle sent chills down his back, and he looked up to a wolfish grin. "I'm sorry. That shouldn't be as funny as it was."
"Hiya, Cas." Dean smiled, for once not caring who saw his excitement at his... something?... being at his place of employment. "What brings you in today?"
"I'd like to say that I'm here to visit you, which I am, but I do need to see Madison. It's been two weeks, and although I was would be clear after two weeks, Gabe has decided that I still can't do anything without the doc clearing it." Cas leaned forward on the pony wall and smirked. "Plus, there's something I want to ask you after I see her."
Dean raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. "You can ask now."
"And kill the suspense? Wouldn't dream of it." Cas winked, albeit poorly, and stood back up straighter. "She hasn't gone home yet, has she? I know it's getting close to shift change."
"Nope. If I'm still here, that means she's probably still here." Dean picked up the phone and called the lunchroom, assuming that was where Maddie was still hiding. The phone rang, and the doctor picked up on the third ring. "What's up, Dean? I haven't heard anything about someone coming in."
"Walk-in, specifically asking for you, Doctor Vaugier. I can go set them up in room six if you'd like." Dean cracked a smile.
"Let me finish chugging this coffee, and I'll be right there." The phone disconnected, and Dean stared at it in feigned shock and disgust.
Cas waved his hand in front of Dean's face. "Uh, you alright there?"
"Madison has coffee, and isn't sharing." Dean frowned when Cas' face twisted, clearly holding back laughter. "Yuck it up, furball. Let's go. Room six." Cas' resolve broke, and he burst into laughter.
Together, they walked down to the examination room. Once inside, Cas slid off his shirt and hopped onto the bed. "Do you think she's going to ask me to shift?"
"It's always a possibility." Dean swallowed, quickly taking the conversation to hide the fact he was staring at the Were. "So, how are you feeling, honestly? And I just don't mean physically."
"Are you asking about..." Cas' finger wiggled back and forth between the two of them. "Whatever this is?"
"Yeah–" Dean started to comment as Maddie wrapped on the door. It swung open, and all five-foot-seven of the doctor came striding in.
"Castiel! It's good to see you, I hope." She stole a glance at Dean before crossing over to Cas. "To what do I owe the honor?"
"I look good, I feel good, I know my strength is back, and I'm restless. Gabriel won't let me do anything around the homestead unless you clear me." Maddie started to speak up, and Cas held up his hand. "And he specifically said it had to be a doctor clearing me. Otherwise, he'd figure that I was using Dean."
"Would he not have accepted it from Bess?" Madison shook her head. "Or is he just sick of Dean coming by the homestead all the time?"
"Hey!" Dean cut in. "I resent that remark."
Maddie tried her best to put on a severe face and stared at Cas. "I think he means resemble, right Cas?"
"Absolutely." Cas nodded enthusiastically.
"Traitors. Both of you." Dean shook his head and handed the doc a stethoscope. "Do I need to go step outside?"
"Why, so you can just text Cas from out there? Don't think I don't know what you're doing on your phone at night, Dean." Maddie shook her head and laughed. "I need Cas here to stay calm, so I can read his vitals right. While I know you think that you and your texts are funny, I'm not sure he thinks they are."
Dean scoffed. "I think I'm adorable."
"Keep telling yourself that, Dean." Cas took in a deep breath as Maddie instructed him to do. "You may just believe it." He exhaled slowly, winking - yet again - as he caught Dean staring.
"I don't know how, with all the texting and talking you two do, you haven't scared the other off yet. Granted, it is the first thing in the morning." Maddie's nose scrunched up in amusement as she finished checking Cas' lungs. "Hold this one for as long as you can."
Dean watched in wonder as Cas inhaled deeply and sat calmly for almost a minute. As Cas breathed out slowly, Dean found Cas staring at him, and the pair locked eyes. Dean still couldn't get over how blue Cas' eyes were, and the color had become prominent in his dreams over the past two weeks.
"Alright, Cas. I just need to check your temperature, but as long as you're honest and not having problems shifting or walking, I'm fine with feeding you to the wolves," Maddie smirked. "Pun entirely intended."
"Thank goodness. Can I get it in writing? Or do you mind calling him?" Cas' eyes had turned hopeful. "I need to do something other than just mope in my room."
Maddie nodded. "I have his number. I'll go call him real quick." She pointed at Dean. "No funny business."
"Right. What am I going to do?" Dean rolled his eyes as Maddie left. He turned to Cas. "Ready to actually do things?"
"You have no idea." Cas slid his shirt back on, and Dean fought to keep himself from frowning. "So, I do remember having a conversation with you about two weeks ago."
"I may vaguely remember that conversation." Dean fought against smiling. "Perhaps you could remind me."
"Of course." Cas pushed himself off the examination table and stepped into Dean's personal space. "You had mentioned wanting to get to know me, and I mentioned wanting to discover Sioux Falls." Cas pulled playfully on Dean's badge. "I know we can't do much today, you're about to get off work, so I know you're tired, but I thought - maybe - you could show me a good place to get some breakfast?"
Dean suddenly found himself famished. "I know just the place, Cas." A cough caused Dean to jump, and he turned to shoot daggers at the person who walked in. "Hello, Garth."
"So, this is why Madison sent me in." Garth laughed. "She's on the phone with your brother, Cas. But you're good to go."
"Thank you, Dr. Fitzgerald."
"And Dean, Bess is ready for you to pass off your report." Garth turned and walked out of the exam room.
Dean waited until Garth left and ran his hand down his face. "So. You drive here, Cas?"
Cas' mind was set. He was going to have a great day. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He got Madison to clear him, personally calling Gabe herself. Dean was excited to see him, and they were going on their first date. Well, Cas hoped that Dean would consider it a date. Breakfast after a long shift wasn't necessarily the most romantic of venues.
Dean had taken his phone and plugged in the address for a place called Andrea's Diner into his GPS. As Dean had handed the phone back to Cas, Cas watched as Dean's eyes moved, traveling down to his lips, and briefly pausing there before moving back to look Cas in the eyes.
Cas had wanted nothing more than to kiss Dean while still in the exam room. However, he refrained, knowing that Dean needed some sort of decorum to keep intact, especially after Garth had walked in on them, practically pressed together.
He let out a sigh as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner. It looked like it was straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting, the chromed exterior, and the blood-red neon sign flashing Andrea's out front. Cas stepped out of the car and walked up to the door. Entering the diner, he was hit with the scents of fresh baked goods, deep-fried treats, and even some things that would probably be on a special menu for creatures like him.
Cas walked up to the hostess stand and asked for a booth before being led to one tucked back in a corner. He made mention to the hostess that he was waiting for someone, and she promised to keep an eye out. As he leaned back in his seat, finding the section of the menu that catered to Weres, Cas found himself surprised when he heard people - not a person - slide onto the bench across from him.
"Well, if it ain't Castiel." A warm Cajun drawl caused him to put his menu down.
"Benny, Sam." Cas offered his hand across the table, taking their hands and shaking them. "It's nice to see you both in more pleasant circumstances."
"I was just at the homestead with Maddie like two days ago." Sam shot Cas a look that he couldn't quite discern. "That wasn't pleasant?"
"Lay off him, brotha." Benny gently shoved Sam. "Clearly he's up and about which means he's gone and got himself off of bed rest. That's gotta be better than just laying around all day."
"Thank you, Benny." Cas relaxed a little. "That's what I meant. I went to the hospital this morning to get Madison to clear me. Gabe insisted."
Sam shook his head. "Had nothing to do with Dean being there also?"
"Well, that was clearly an added benefit." Cas tilted his head in confusion. "Am I not supposed to go and say hello?"
"No, of course you can." Sam sputtered slightly before pushing forward. "What I mean is that you know. I, uh. He and I live together."
"I'm aware." Cas had to hold back a chuckle as Benny smacked his forehead. "I also know that Madison has come to stay with you a couple times this past week."
"Woohoo, this is gettin' spicy." Benny turned in his seat and looked at Sam. "You seriously gonna have this talk with our wolf pal here, considering he's got your number?"
Sam glared at Benny before looking at Cas again. "I'm assuming that Dean told you."
"As you're clearly aware, we've been talking." Cas closed the menu and rested his elbows on top of it, before resting his chin on his knuckles. "What's your concern, Sam?"
"Dean. I mean, I guess that part is obvious, but it's about how Dean's been acting." Sam ran his hand through his hair. "Have you done any research into witch bonding?"
"I understand that in order for a witch to cast a spell on a living, breathing, being, they must create a bond with said being. The bond passes magic through. In Dean's case, and I'm assuming yours, it's healing magic." Cas raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "I know there are concerns about the two of us being bonded more permanently because of how much magic he used to heal me."
"That's only part of it. Are you aware of the equivalent exchange aspect?" Sam questions.
Cas sat up straighter in his seat. "And what do you know about Werewolves, Sam? I understand you're an EMT, and you're able to treat us on the fly, but what do you honestly know about us, besides our anatomy? Has Madison told you anything yet?"
Benny shook his head. "Careful where you tread, Sam."
"Look, I'm just worried about my brother. I haven't seen him this... content, in years." Sam pointed at Cas, and Cas noted how Sam avoided his question. "I hope it's just because you two are getting to know each other, and not because of him accidentally bonding himself–"
"Cher!" A female voice interrupted, and Cas quickly looked to his side. A gorgeous woman with long black hair had come up to the table. Unlike the rest of the staff, she was dressed in a billowy white top tucked into black pants. Cas stole a glance at Benny, whose face had set into a wide grin. "I didn't see you or Sam walk in! Why aren't you back at the family table?"
"Andrea, this is Cas." Benny pointed to Cas. "Cas, this is my wife, Andrea. She's been puttin' up with my ass for almost 200 years now."
"Longer, Cher. We knew each other before we were married." She smiled sweetly, then looked carefully at Cas. "Oh, my sweet loup-garou. Are you the Were that was attacked?"
Cas frowned. "Does everyone know who I am?"
"'Fraid so, brotha. While we have a variety of creatures in this town, the highest population is of Weres. So I imagine that everyone knows about a new pack comin' in, and how y'all came in."
"Plus, your pack has already started to get around town and explore. Considering you've been stuck up on the farm and couldn't really get around? It's not going to take long to figure you out." Sam shrugged.
"Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Andrea rested her hand on Cas' arm. "What can I get you?"
"I'm waiting for Dean, but thank you." Cas frowned.
Andrea tapped his chin with her pen. "Turn that around for me, Cher." She pointed at Sam and Benny. "Get your asses back to the family table and leave this poor boy alone."
Cas watched as Sam and Benny looked properly chastised with Andrea merely telling them to leave him alone. He waited until she was out of earshot before speaking again. "You guys don't actually have to go."
"Oh no, we do." Benny nodded fervently. "Andrea is my partner in every sense of the word, except here. Here she's queen, and her word goes."
"Is that so?" Out of the corner of his eye, Cas saw Dean approaching the table. Dean held his finger up to his lips, and Cas continued speaking. "So does that make this her castle?"
"Don't let Benny fool you." Dean boomed his voice behind his brother and friend, and Cas laughed as the two of them jumped in their seats. "Anywhere Andrea is, is her castle."
"Jesus, Cher. Tryin' to scare me back to life?" Benny grasped at his chest as Sam shot his brother a death glare. "I ain't survivin' today, Sam."
Sam slid out of the seat and pulled at Benny's arm. "We should get back before Andrea comes out and finds us anyway." He shot a pleading look at Cas. "Enjoy your breakfast, guys."
No sooner than Benny had slid out of the seat and stepped away, Dean took his place. "Sorry about that, I was doing the shift swap with Bess, and we had one of the young harpies come in with a broken wing. I helped get her into a room and settled before leaving."
"It's all good, Dean." Cas forced a smile and offered his hand across the table. He relaxed slightly when Dean took it and squeezed. "I'm glad that you're vital to this community."
Silence hung in the air between them for a few moments, and Dean spoke up. "Cas, what's up?"
"What do you mean, what's up?" Cas shifted in his seat and forced himself to meet Dean's eyes.
"Something's bothering you." Dean laced his fingers into Cas' to keep him from escaping. "I mean, I can see the way that your smile doesn't meet your eye, but something just feels off. You're putting off an energy of disappointment."
"You're getting that, how?"
A blush filled Dean's cheeks. "Uh, I feel it. Off of you."
Cas' heart sunk. He told himself he was going to have a great day, but instead, he had jinxed himself. "So, the bond is still there." He hung his head and ran his finger along a not-so-interesting line of fake marbling.
"It appears so. Does that bother you, Cas?" Dean ran his thumb along Cas' knuckles, gently petting him.
"It does. What if this thing we're feeling isn't real? What if it really is just the bond working?" Cas frowned, "I don't want you to feel trapped with me."
Dean's eyes widened, and Cas felt himself wanting to move closer, wanting to comfort Dean. "Dude, Dean shook his head. "Didn't we legit have this talk, but from my perspective?" Dean waited for Cas to nod. "I'm the one who bonded us. You're the one who's been reassuring me that you do, in fact, want this. You suggested that we take this slow and that we get to know each other."
"I know." Cas gently squeezed Dean's hand.
"Do you not want to get to know me anymore? Are you already over it? I get that I'm pretty lame." Dean smiled, and while Cas could feel it hurting Dean, he could feel the honesty.
"I never said that, Dean. I just–"
"Then we keep moving slow. One foot in front of the other." Dean laughed out loud, and Cas found relief washing over Dean before it flooded him. "I get that this? It's not a common way for two people to meet each other, or get to know each other, but I want to try."
"I agree, Dean. I want to get to know you." Cas let himself relax again and hoped that it washed over Dean the way that Dean's relief washed over him. "And you promise you'll tell me if things aren't working?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die." Dean held up his fingers in the scout's salute.
"Hey, no dying in my diner. It scares away the customers." Andrea returned to the table, order pad in hand, and only privy to that last sentence of the conversation. "What can I get you two?"
Dean was surprised how long he had stayed with Cas at the diner. He had figured they would grab a quick bite and a drink, but Dean found himself not wanting to leave Cas' side. A part of that, he knew, had to be because of the bond.
The bond. There was something so strangely profound about it. It felt like more than an ordinary healing bond that he made with patients. Dean was nearly sure that it was because of the amount of magic he poured into healing Cas, into removing as much silver as he could. Yet the bond now had grown and changed and flourished. And it was apparently scaring Cas.
While at breakfast, he could feel Cas' emotions. It didn't take much for Dean to figure out that Sammy had said something to Cas, which made Cas doubt himself. Feeling and seeing the worry in the werewolf's eyes was unnerving to Dean. Not in that he could feel them, but the fact that Cas had those feelings at all. It had been Cas who want to try and pursue this bond thing between them.
It left Dean to wonder. If Cas doubted it, why was he, the white witch that accidentally forced the bond, now wanting to push it?
Led Zeppelin blared from his car speakers as Dean forced him to stay awake. He sang along to Black Dog while he worked on keeping his focus sharp, and only let up once he was home. Dean pulled Baby into her parking spot before turning down the music. As he climbed the stairs to his apartment, Dean felt a small sliver of hope shoot through him. Considering what he was thinking about, Dean briefly wondered if the emotion was Cas'.
Dean stopped in front of his apartment, hesitating for all of a moment before unlocking it and walking inside. Sam and Madison were curled up together on the couch. They look peaceful and content, and Dean silently cursed Sam for filling Cas with anxiety.
Quietly, Dean closed the door and watched the pair for another moment. He smiled as he realized that in all honesty, what they were finding was something he wanted.
Madison stirred slightly, opening her eyes and smiling at Dean. He waved and whispered, 'Sorry,' knowing that she would hear it before heading back to his bedroom. He closed his own door, crossing to the bed and collapsing on it, not bothering to change out of his outfit.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and blindly swatted at his nightstand, looking for his charger. He plugged his phone in and stared at it for a moment before pulling up his texts. Dean quickly scrolled through, finding his conversation with Cas over the past two weeks and smiled.
They had shared a lot about each other, either trying to force the bond to break or nurture it. Cas had told Dean about life with the pack, being on the run. About how his position as Den Protector left him with little time to do things like watching tv or movies. Dean talked about being raised on the road, although not why he was raised that way, and about his love of all things pop culture.
They had talked about music, about books, about siblings. And Dean realized, not once did he feel obligated to do that because of some bond he had with Cas. He may have at first, but as the weeks went on, he wanted to know Cas. Dean wanted to talk to Cas, to have Cas in his life as a friend, maybe even more.
Dean swiped back down and started typing out a message.
[10:30 AM From Dean]: Cas, I know when we left the diner, we had gotten back to a neutral point. We both have this fear that maybe the bond is doing something, maybe it's not. I don't know. But I need to say something I should have said before we parted earlier. [10:30 AM From Dean]: I'd rather have you, bond or not. I want to get to know you. And not just because of this metaphysical bullshit that happens to be my life.
Dean smiled as a sense of calm came over him. He laid his phone on the nightstand, hoping that if Cas responded back, he'd understand the delay in response. Dean rolled over, pulling a pillow to his chest, before dozing off.
A few hours later, Dean woke up to pounding on his door. "DEAN! DEAN! WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" Dean smelled the air and determining there was no smoke, lazily reached for his phone. Three PM. Less than five hours of sleep. He quietly cursed Sam's name for the second time that day and unlocked his phone to check his messages.
Text Messages: 3 Missed Calls: 6 Voicemails: 4
Dean ran his hand down his face and stared at his notifications in confusion. Who the fuck had been so desperate to call him. He pulled down the shutter to see the notifications and, since they were at the top, opened the texts first. All three were from Cas.
[11:00AM From Cas]: You're probably asleep by now, but I wanted to make sure I got my feelings straight. [11:04AM From Cas]: I agree that there was a small step backward. While I never wanted to stop getting to know you, I doubted the feelings between us. But as we walked back to our respective cars, there is one thing I realized. Bond or not, the happiness I feel when I spend time with you, the excitement I experience when you text me or call me? Those are real, Dean. And I want to keep getting to know you. [11:06AM From Cas]: Good things do happen, Dean, and I'm excited to find out what those things are. With you.
Dean's heart started beating a tattoo as his smile broadened across his face. The bond he made may have brought them together, but they were both on the same page, wanting to learn about each other before committing to anything.
"DEAN!" Sam banged on the door again, startling Dean. "WAKE YOUR ASS UP AND CHECK YOUR PHONE."
"What do you think I'm doing?" Dean mumbled to himself, as he protected the texts from Cas. He pulled down the notifications shutter and pressed on the missed calls. Bobby. Bobby. Unknown Number. Bobby.
Dean looked up at the door and realized that something was wrong. So very, very wrong. "Sam? It's unlocked."
The door opened, and Sam peeked in. "Uh, it's just me. I sent Maddie home. Neither of you are going into work tonight." He pushed the door open further and crossed into Dean's room. "Charlie and Ash both agreed to take the shifts later." He pointed at Dean's phone. "How many?"
"Six missed calls total." Dean turned his phone at Sam. "I haven't listened to the voicemails yet."
"Can you play them on speaker?" Sam sat next to Dean on the bed, causing Dean's anxiety to build.
"Do you know who the unknown number is, Sam?"
Sam nodded.
Dean pressed for his voicemails to open. The robotic voice came through the speakerphone. He closed his eyes as she repeated the information that he had four new voice messages. The first one started, and Dean relaxed slightly as Bobby's voice played.
"Dean, You're probably sleeping. Your brother better not be. I need you two awake ASAP.
"That's not so bad, right?" Dean clicked to play the next voicemail.
DEAN! I don't know why I'm yelling at this damn robot, but I need you to call me now. I'm going to keep calling between you and Sam, but you need to be awake, and you need to hear this from me before you find out on your own."
"I will say he was nicer to me on my voicemails." Sam shrugged.
Dean rolled his eyes and moved to the next message. As soon as Dean recognized the voice, the temperature in his room dropped below freezing, and he started shivering.
"Hello, Dean. You know it's not really nice to keep your phone number from your old man. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be in your neck of the woods on some business. You're probably going to want to stay away from any of your freak friends. I got the proper permits to go after them, and there's no stopping me. I'll see you soon, boy".
Dean's stomach dropped, and he looked at Sam. "The proper permits?" Sam nodded and pointed at the phone.
"Dean, I finally got a hold of Sam. He still hasn't gotten a call, but I know you did. John's in town. He's been hired to go after a pack of Weres who were supposedly responsible for killing five people and injuring another out in Pontiac. He's coming after Cas' pack. I don't know who he bribed or what connections he has, but the permit is legit. I'm reaching out to an old friend out there who can prove they were Wendigo kills and get the permit revoked."
The call ended, and Dean immediately started to dial Cas' number. "Sam, can you call Bobby, tell him we're on the way?" Sam nodded and pulled out his phone, stepping out of the room to give Dean privacy. Cas picked up on the third ring, and Dean let out a sigh of relief.
"Dean, shouldn't you still be sleeping? It's only–"
"Cas, there is no time to explain. Your pack is in trouble." Dean interrupted, his words quickly exploding out of him. "A shady as fuck hunter was either able to bribe someone or exploit someone and got a permit to hunt Werewolves. I know this jackass doesn't normally go through the legal routes, but he knows he's wanted in Sioux Falls, and the permits give him immunity."
"Wait, what?" Dean could clearly picture Cas' head tilt, and it pained him that he wasn't there. "Immunity from what?"
"He's allowed in the town, and he can legally hunt you guys until he deems the pack destroyed. He's not going to come after you guys, he's going to try and kill all four packs. Or at least take as many of the Weres in town out as he can." Dean stood up and started pacing his room. "This guy is dangerous and unstable, and knows how to negate magic."
The silence between them was deafening. Dean wasn't sure if Cas had muted him and was shouting out directions, or if the call had disconnected. He started to speak when Cas' voice came quietly over the phone.
"It sounds like you know a lot about this guy. That he's caused issues in the past." Another pause. "Who is he, Dean?"
"He's my father, Cas. Mine and Sam's." Dean shut his eyes and squeezed, ready for Cas to yell or scream at him. After a moment of silence, Dean spoke up again. "Cas? Say something, man."
"It sounds like we have an advantage," Cas responded calmly. Dean held his breath, waiting for Cas to start yelling at him. "What do we need to know or do?"
"He uh... He's..." Dean stopped and knew he was going to regret his next words. "Why aren't you yelling at me?"
"Why should I be yelling at you?" Cas' confusion was evident in his voice.
Dean pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it, making sure he had called the right number despite knowing he was on the phone with Cas. "Because it's my father?"
"Dean, we've known each other all of two weeks. That's not a lot of time to tell me your full life story." Cas breathed out a rough chuckle. "I will start yelling at you if you don't tell me what we need to do. You're shaken. I can sense it. If you're scared, then I know I need to take this seriously."
"Thank you, Cas. I'm making a pit stop by Bobby's, and then I'm going to come to you at the homestead. In the meanwhile, I know that Gabriel had people work on fixing the bunker under the silo. Get all of your pack there and lock it down." Dean swallowed roughly, fighting down a million feelings threatening to unload. "John Winchester is a bull-headed asshole. He won't stop to think of other ways to get to you guys, he'll just try to brute force his way after you all."
"And when you get here? What's your plan?"
"I don't know yet, Cas. But the more time we waste on the phone, the more time he has to sneak up on you. Go." Dean paused, hesitant to hang up the phone. "Be safe. Please."
"Same could be said for you, Dean. I'll see you soon."
Cas stared at the phone in his hand. Dean's father was not only a hunter, but the hunter coming after his pack, and possibly even the hunter who had filled him with silver buckshot. And Dean thought that Cas would hate him for it.
Shaking his head, Cas pocketed his phone and ran to Gabe's room before banging on the door. "Gabe, we have a problem!"
"Hold on, Cassie!" A couple of moments later, Gabe opened the door in a robe. "What's so bad that you can't take care of it?"
"There's a hunter coming for us. He went through the legal channels to get a permit." Cas watched as Gabe went through the seven stages of grief in less than ten seconds. "Dean and Sam are working on getting him out of town, but Dean believes he's going to go after all the packs."
Gabe looked over his shoulder. "Meg, we gotta move. Now." He turned back to Cas and frowned.
"Find Anna, have her round up the kids, there's a–"
"A bunker under the silo, I know. Dean told me." Cas licked his lips and let out a worried sigh before leaning into Gabe to whisper in confidence. "The hunter is their father, Gabe. Dean warned me that he can negate magic, and he's not usually known for going through the proper channels."
"So the wards on the perimeter?" Gabe frowned.
"Will barely slow him down. I don't know anything about his skill at negating magic, but considering both his sons are witches? It's probably really fucking high." Cas frowned. "Gabe, go get dressed, we need to make sure you and Meg stay safe and get you in the bunker now."
Cas turned and bolted back down the hallway banging on doors. "Pack meeting in the foyer! Now!" He stopped in front of Anna's door and shoved it open. Anna was grabbing a bag and filling it. "I know, Cas. Pack bond. What am I doing?"
"So, you know what's going on, but not what you're supposed to do?"
"I started to panic!" Anna threw her hands up in frustration. "Just tell me what I need to do."
"Go round up the kids, get them in the bunker. I also need you to make sure that Gabe doesn't do anything bull-headed." Cas dragged his hand down his face. "Inias is one of the ones converting that old storage building into apartments, right? He's living in there?"
"Yeah. His room is the second one in on the left."
Cas kissed his sister on the cheek and ran out again. He sped out past the rest of the pack gathering in the foyer, hoping that Gabe would tell them what was going on. In the worst-case, he knew Anna would.
The building that the pack was working on converting sat next to the barn. Cas found himself stripping out of his clothes and shifting to cut the time it would take to get there in half. He skidded to a stop in front of the door and scratched at it, pushing through the pack bond for Inais to come let him in.
"Castiel? Why are you in wolf form?" Inais had opened the door and was squatting down next to Cas instantly. He placed his hand on Cas' head, taking a moment to listen to Cas as he explained everything he knew. "I'll gather everyone here, Castiel, but your Aunt Amara? She's going to need you to convince her to come."
Cas whimpered and paced in front of Inias. "Can you at least tell me where she is?"
"She found a glade, but she won't tell anyone where it's at. She said at her age, she's allowed a private place. I'm sure if you know," Inais tapped the side of his nose. "You can find her."
"Fuck." Cas howled in frustration and started back towards the main house. He was relieved to find the pack quickly evacuating, but frustrated to see Gabe leading it. He shifted back to human form and walked up to his brother. "You're supposed to be in the silo."
"Under the silo, Cassie, under it." Gabe gently touched the shoulder of one of the younger wolves, keeping them moving. "I'll go now since you're here. I already sent Meg ahead."
Watching as the last of the pack exited the house and made their way to the silo, Cas shifted back into form and ran towards the woods that lined the one side of the farm. If there were any glades to be found, they would be there. He sprinted through the trees, realizing how much he had missed being able to just run. He knew it was an inappropriate time to have that thought, but the wind through his fur, the moss and dirt under his paws, the scent…
He smelled his Aunt. Cas made a sharp turn and followed the scent to an opening in the trees. In the center, his Aunt Amara was in human form, sitting in the Lotus position with her eyes closed.
"Aunt Amara, we need to go." Cas walked up to her and bumped against her arm with his snout. "Please. There's a hunter on his way."
"I'm well aware, Castiel. His aura taints these woods." She opened her eyes and gently scratched behind Cas' ear. "He's trying to destroy the magic that we are using to ward our home, but I won't let him do it."
"He knows how to negate magic, Aunt Amara. If he gets too close to you..." Cas sat on his haunches next to her and whimpered. "From what I've been told, he won't care what you are, he'll shoot first and ask questions later."
"Your Dean told you this, didn't he?" Amara rested her forehead against Cas' and pet his side. "I'm not surprised. He's afraid of what he does not understand. Including his own sons."
A branch snapped nearby, and both Cas and Amara's attention locked to it. Cas sniffed the air and found himself unnerved not by what he smelled, but by what he couldn't smell. "Please, Aunt Amara. There's no time. We can stay safe if we leave now."
"You've always been such a good member of the pack, Castiel. You knew when to obey and when to question. You always did everything to keep those you love safe." Amara sighed. "Very well, let's get to the safe house."
The sound of a long rifle racking froze them both in their place.
"I don't think either of you are going anywhere."
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29-pieces · 4 years
Whumptober Day 11 - Good Omens
Day 11: Defiance Fandom/setting: Good Omens, immediately after #9 (Take Me Instead) Read on AO3 Read on FF.net @witchingwhovian ;)  Also, vague hints to my usual head canon that the Bentley is totally sentient (but Crowley doesn't know it). For more fun adventures with sentient Bentley and Bookshop, check out my fic Soul of Vellum, Heart of Chrome!! ^_^
Part 2/3 [part 1] [part 3]
It took five minutes for Crowley to realize when Aziraphale had been dragged out of the circle, he'd deliberately scuffed his feet through the marks that bound Crowley's demonic power, freeing him to turn into his snake form.
It took another five for him to carefully wind through seemingly endless puddles of holy water and collapse in agony on the ground outside.
It took an hour for Crowley to summon the energy to miracle himself a cab and spell the driver so he wouldn't notice what a mess Crowley was. He headed straight for the bookshop, determined to be there when Aziraphale escaped from the puny humans and got back home, fully intending to spew every bit of fury he had at the angel for putting himself in danger like that.
It took a day for him to realize Aziraphale wasn't coming home.
It took a week longer for Crowley to fully heal from his injuries from the holy water, and in the same amount of time, to learn everything he could about who and where this cult was.
It took less than a moment for him to travel back to his flat to collect the Bentley and turn it directly for the compound out in the country where the cult resided.
Crowley pushed the Bentley as fast as he dared, and he dared quite a lot. The Bentley wouldn't mind. Aziraphale's life was on the line. If in fact he was still alive at all, and that thought was enough to leave Crowley a haunted, trembling mess. They'd survived the apocalypse for crying out loud... the angel couldn't be killed now, not by a group of bloody humans.
"Alright," the demon muttered as he pulled to a stop outside the borders of the compound and turned off the car. "Now listen, Bentley, because this is important."
Speaking the plan out loud helped solidify it in his mind, even if it was just him and the empty car. Crowley kept his palm flat on the dashboard while he spoke, willing some of his own demonic power into the chrome-hearted engine. He had no idea if this was going to work, had never tried cursing inanimate objects into doing his bidding before, but it was a sure bet the people inside would be grossly over-prepared for a demonic presence. This was the only plan he had and Aziraphale might not have time for him to come up with a better one.
Without a backwards glance, Crowley prowled up to the front gate, raised a hand, and clenched his fist. Metal shrieked and squealed as it curled like party streamers. He dropped his hands to his sides, storming in with face growing darker and darker as fire dripped from his fingertips to burn in an aisle of malice that followed him straight to the door. Alarms blared, humans shouted, a cacophony of chaos and panic, music to the demon's ears. A human raced across the yard, shooting a net his way. A flick of Crowley's fingers brushed it aside; another flick snapped the human's spine in two. One less soul to be party to whatever had been done to Aziraphale.
The front door opened and more people poured out into the yard as Crowley started to grin, wider and madder and full of demonic rage. His teeth had already shifted to fangs and now he pulled his sunglasses away and let them fall behind him in the burning grass. Wild snake eyes watched the humans cringe back but he never broke stride.
Two of them tried to rush him; Crowley cracked their skulls like eggs and continued on, but now the people were scrambling to get back inside, away from him. He grabbed one by the nape and dragged her back towards him.
"Who- who are you?" she bleated.
Crowley lifted her off her feet so they were eye level. "You sssummoned a demon," he hissed. "Sssso here I am. Where. Issss. The. Angel."
The cultist blabbered out some explanation of an outbuilding behind the main compound, which was all he needed. Crowley regarded the compound shrewdly, lips pursed, then snapped his fingers again. The human flinched in expectation of violence, but nothing immediately seemed to have happened, so she relaxed slightly in his hold—until he turned his attention back towards her. Crowley snarled and squeezed his hand on her neck tighter until it buckled. Dropping her lifeless body, the demon headed straight around the perimeter of the main building towards the back.
Scarlet lights flashed from the alarms, mixing with the fire he still trailed until the sky and his vision were filled with red. If they had killed Aziraphale... if they had taken his friend away forever... if they had a way to do worse than discorporation... Crowley stormed faster as behind him and inside him everything burned.
The few humans guarding the outbuilding scattered at the sight of him so Crowley quickened his pace and ran inside. The second he crossed the threshold he felt his power snuff out, but this was nothing compared to the sight of Aziraphale.
He was alive, praise someone, but an awful sight. Chains wrapped the angel's arms, legs, torso, and throat, lashing him to an enormous upright pentacle in the center of the room. Worse than that was the thing over his face, more of a muzzle than a gag that covered everything from his nose to his chin, preventing his jaw from opening. Worse than that was the glazed, half dead look in his eyes and the way his head simply drooped. Crowley couldn't tell what exactly had been done to the angel; he was half naked by Aziraphale's standards, shirt hanging open but no obvious marks to explain his condition.
Crowley couldn't move, could barely breathe. He'd come to rescue his friend but now he was in so much shock and rage that it paralyzed him, just long enough for the remaining swarm of cultists to rush in the door. Crowley turned, but with his powers bound by the room, his human shaped corporation was no match for the dozens of hands grabbing him and forcing him to his knees.
He struggled, baring his teeth and growling as the leader who'd taken Aziraphale strolled into the room.
"You," Cult Man said with clear surprise. "How did you get away?"
"Oh I'm just full of sssurprissesss," Crowley hissed.
"Hmm. Well, I must say, had I any idea that angels were real and could hold so much power, I would have been going after them from the start. You found this one... how would I find more? I've tried everything I can think of, but there's nothing in any book I've ever read on how to summon an angel."
Crowley scoffed at the man. "You think I'm going to help you get more angels?" Not that he particularly cared about the others, but if any of this became common knowledge, Aziraphale would always be in danger.
A fist connected with his jaw, snapping his head to the side.
Crowley laughed.
"Tell me how you summoned the angel at the warehouse!" Cult Man demanded.
It was on the tip of Crowley's forked tongue to tell the truth—he'd used a frigging cell phone, that was how—but even that much cooperation rankled, so he defiantly spat blood in the man's face instead.
The cultist's expression darkened as he wiped spit and blood from his cheek, then he gestured to the imprisoned angel. "Did you come here to rescue him?" he asked with clear incredulity. "I'd hate to see your trip wasted. Tell me how to summon an angel, or he dies."
"And then you have no angel at all, idiot," Crowley snickered, fangs extending down past his lip now with every bit of growing fury. "No. I'll not be helping you. Not by a long ssshot. Every ssssingle one of you isss going to die, and that'sss a promissssse."
Cult Man regarded him, hesitant for only a second, before shrugging. "Thomas, Adelaide, fetch the holy water."
"You mean the fancy water gunsss?" Crowley asked, unperturbed. "Good luck with finding thosssse. Odd how no one brought one in with them, issssn't it?"
The cultist bristled. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Funny thing, holy water." Crowley's fanged grin stretched wider. "I can't do much about the water itssself, no power over it. The actual gunsss, though, that's nothing." A snap of the fingers was all it had taken. His eyes darkened further. "I turned them invisssible. Sure they'll work on me... if you can find them. Ssssad there won't be time. My backup'sss going to be here any sssecond."
"You're bluffing."
Somewhere outside the building, the sound of an engine was getting closer. Crowley smiled.
"Not this time."
The building shuddered along with the crash, dust raining down on their heads as a car grille appeared through the avalanche of brick. The Bentley plowed straight through, heedless of the humans scrambling to get out of the way. With the crumbling of the wall, the symbols locking down supernatural power were obliterated and Crowley ripped himself away from the restraining hands with feral rage. Humans scattered, some to evade him and some simply in pieces. He saw the leader shoving others out of the way to get out the door himself, but for the moment, Crowley let him go. He had something more important to worry about.
As soon as the room was clear, Crowley raced for Aziraphale and tore the chains away from his slack body, catching the angel in his waiting arms. Aziraphale didn't even wake, moaning softly in unconsciousness as Crowley prised the muzzle off his face.
"Angel," he whispered, the red haze evaporating from his vision to be replaced by worry. "Satan- God- someone, what did they do to you?"
No reply. He had to get his friend back to safety. Crowley lifted his head, smiling a watery smile at the Bentley's idling engine and gave the car a fond pat. "Well done, you," he murmured. "Can't believe that worked. Alright, Bentley... get us home."
With tenderness as powerful as his rage, Crowley lifted the angel and tucked him into the passenger seat. Then he climbed in himself and backed the car out of the building with another small avalanche of brick. Crowley gazed around the compound and pretended he was Hastur. One wave of his hand, just one; fire rose, crackling havoc, and he let it all burn.
Indifferent to the screams behind him, Crowley pointed the Bentley back out to the road.
part 3 will be posted on the 13th, they’re not home yet.
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tw-anchor · 5 years
12. New Alpha in Town
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character (Reader)
Episode: 1x12; Code Breaker
Word: 5,295
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence, blood, character death
Author’s Note: The end of season one! Peter and Kate are dead, Derek’s the alpha, and the Allison and the Argents know about Scott. Tell me what you think! Reblog and like!
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"Let's go," Peter ordered, getting to his feet. "both of you."
Olivia shook her head and kept her wet eyes on Lydia. Her cousin was still unconscious, which couldn't be a good thing, and her pink dress was turning dark red from the blood she was losing.
"No," she snapped, glaring up at her father. "I'm not just letting you leave her here."
Peter rolled his eyes and pulled a handkerchief out of his jacket, dapping Lydia's blood off his lips. "You don't have a choice, darling," he stated flatly. "You and Stiles are coming with me."
"I don't care," Olivia protested, raising her voice. "She's bleeding out, she needs help. I'm not leaving her to die."
Peter, running out of patience, reached forward and roughly grabbed Olivia's arm, pulling her to her feet. Stiles jumped up as Olivia struggled against her father, ready to intervene.
"Call your friend," Peter said as Olivia looked at her father, afraid. "Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get."
Peter dragged Olivia away with him as he walked off the lacrosse field, leaving Stiles to make a panicked phone call.
The atmosphere inside the Jeep as Stiles drove them to the parking structure at the mall was suffocating. No one spoke and it was quiet save from the sniffles Oliva let out here and there. Stiles kept trying to make eye contact with her through the rear-view mirror, but she kept her gaze to the window.
Olivia tried to absorb everything that happened since she and Stiles left the gym; she had tried so hard to keep Lydia out of everything supernatural but now she was bitten. She would either die or become a werewolf and Peter was to blame. Olivia's father, who she had loved so deeply, had hurt one of the people she loved most in the world.
It blew her mind to know that the man who used to read her bedtimes stories and made chocolate chip cookies with her had turned into such a monster.
"You don't have to feel bad," Peter eventually spoke up, looking between Stiles and Olivia. "If she lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful."
"Yeah," Stiles scoffed. "and once a month, she'll go out of her fucking mind and try to tear everything apart."
"Well, actually, considering that she's a woman—twice a month," Peter shrugged.
Olivia turned from the window and narrowed her eyes at Peter. "Shut up."
"I can see that this is a touchy subject," Peter clicked his tongue and chuckled. "Fine. Stiles," he turned to the spastic teen. "What are your intentions with my daughter?"
Stiles, who was pulling into the parking garage, spluttered in shock. He gave Peter a wide-eyed look and didn't answer. Olivia scoffed from the backseat and leaned forward so she could look her father in the eyes.
"His intentions are for you to leave us alone," she spat.
Peter glared at her. "Watch your tone, Olivia," he said sternly before facing forward and pointing to a silver car. "Park next to that car."
Stiles pulled into the closest space, a few cars over, and shut off the Jeep. Peter was out of his seat within seconds and grabbed Olivia's arm, practically dragging her out of the vehicle.
Olivia grunted from his painful grip of her as Stiles jumped out of his seat and protested loudly. "Hey, let her go—ah!" Stiles groaned as Peter grabbed his ear with his free hand and started dragging both of them to the silver car. "Ow, ow."
Peter let them go and started digging in his pockets for a set of keys.
"Whose car is this?" Olivia asked, rubbing her arm.
"It belonged to my nurse," Peter said, finding the keys and unlocking the trunk.
"What happened to your nur—" Stiles gasped in shock when Peter opened the trunk to reveal a dead body. "Oh, my God!"
Olivia wrinkled her nose at the horrible smell coming off Jennifer's body. "You killed Jennifer?"
Peter grabbed the briefcase that was leaning against the body and slammed the trunk closed. "I got better," he shrugged. "Besides, she was a bitch."
Olivia agreed that the nurse was a bitch but that didn't mean she deserved to die. She deserved to rot in jail for helping Peter kill people, not rot in a locked trunk.
Peter set the briefcase on the trunk and pulled out a laptop.
"Good luck getting a signal down here," Olivia spoke up bitterly and Peter pulled out a personal hotspot. "Great, MiFi."
"And you're a Mac guy," Stiles observed as Peter turned the MiFi on and opened the laptop. "Does that go for all werewolves or is it just a personal preference?"
Peter gave him an annoyed look and turned the laptop toward him. "Turn it on and get connected."
Stiles grimaced and flipped the MiFi over, connecting it to the MacBook. "You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here," once he loaded up Google Chrome, he went to the Sprint webpage so he could locate Scott's phone. "Look, you still need Scott's username and password and, I'm sorry, but I don't know them."
"You know both of them."
"No," Stiles insisted. "I don't."
"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I would still be able to tell that you're lying," Peter said matter-of-factly.
"Dude, I swear to God—"
As soon as Stiles lost his temper, Olivia felt herself being spun around, her back pressed to her dad's chest. She could feel the sharp edges of his claws against her neck and she squeezed her eyes shut, wishing that this was all just a nightmare and that her dad wasn't threatening to kill her to get what he wanted.
"I can be very persuasive, Stiles," Peter said, his voice too casual for what he was threatening. Stiles gaped fearfully at him and froze, not wanting to do anything that could get Olivia killed. "Don't make me persuade you."
"Okay, let her go," Stiles quickly turned back to the computer. "I'll do it, just let her go."
Peter chuckled, amused by the fact that Olivia was Stiles' greatest weakness—he used to be the same. He let Olivia go and she flinched away from his blinking back tears.
"What happens after you find Derek?" Stiles asked Peter as he clicked on the log-in button.
"Don't think, Stiles," Peter advised. "Just type."
Stiles pressed his lips together. "You're gonna kill people, aren't you?"
"Only the responsible ones."
Stiles swallowed heavily, guilty at the thought that he was actually helping Peter kill people. "Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott and Olivia out of it."
Peter sighed heavily. "Do you know why wolves hunt in packs?" he asked, turning to Stiles and Olivia. "It's because their favorite prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need Derek and Scott—and Olivia, once she takes the bite. I need all of them."
Stiles glared at the computer. "Scott's not going to help you."
"Oh, he will," Peter disagreed. "because it'll save Allison. And you will because it will save Scott, your best friend whom you know so well, you even have his username and password."
Stiles pressed his lips together and sighed before typing in Scott's username.
"His username is Allison?" Peter asked in disbelief; Stiles nodded and typed in Scott's password. "His password is also Allison?"
"Still want him in your pack?" Stiles snarked, giving Peter a pointed look.
Peter rolled his eyes heavily, privately thinking that he did have a point.
Olivia watched the laptop impatiently and gasped when the GPS finally loaded, recognizing the location. She couldn't believe Derek had been right under their nose the whole time.
"Wait, what the—?" Stiles fumbled.
"That's where they're keeping him?" Olivia looked at her father. "At the house?"
"Not at it," Peter shut the laptop and put it back in the trunk. "Under it. I know exactly where that is."
The faint sound of a wolf howling echoed through the air, catching their attention. Peter's head whipped toward its direction while Olivia shivered, goosebumps rising on her arms.
"And I'm not the only one," Peter smirked; he turned to Stiles and demanded, "Give me your keys."
Stiles sighed and pulled his keys out of his pocket, handing them to the alpha. "Careful," he warned, thinking that Peter was going to use his Jeep. "she grinds in second."
Peter squeezed the keys in his fist, bending the metal easily. He handed them back to Stiles, who gaped at him.
Peter went to leave but he hesitated. "One more thing."
He reached out to grab Olivia once more, lifting her arm higher. His eyes flashed crimson-red and his fangs descended, causing Olivia to realize what was happening. She began struggling against his hold and Stiles reacted, jumping toward them. He was easily pushed down to the ground by Peter.
"No, Dad, don't!" Olivia pleaded, panicked tears falling down her cheeks. "Please don't!"
Peter wasn't persuaded by her pleads; he bit down on her forearm, his fangs digging deep into her skin. Olivia screamed from the white-hot ache that soared through her body: it was the worst pain she had ever felt by far.
Pulling away from his daughter, Peter threw her on the ground next to Stiles. Stiles scrambled to help her, leaning her up against the car next to them. Once she was settled, holding her heavily bleeding arm against her chest, Stiles jumped to his feet and glowered at Peter.
It felt like Olivia was underwater and it was the pain from the bite holding her beneath the surface. She tilted her head against the car and closed her eyes, trying not to faint. Though their voices were warbled, she could still hear Stiles and Peter speaking.
"I'm trying to avenge my family," Peter told Stiles. "I'm not the bad guy."
Stiles scoffed angrily. "You're not the bad guy?" he raised his voice. "You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, you're killing people—you just bit your daughter!"
"The bite is a gift," Peter said firmly, casting a brief look at Olivia. He turned back to Stiles and stepped toward him. "You know, I like you, Stiles. Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return...Do you want the bite?"
Stiles' eyes widened at Peter's offer. "What?"
"Do you want the bite?" Peter repeated. "If it doesn't kill you—and it could—you'll become like us," he gestured toward Olivia and Stiles' eyes shot to her.
"Like you?"
"Yes, a werewolf," Peter took another step toward him. "Would you like me to draw you a picture? That first night in the woods, I took Scott because I needed a new pack. It could have easily been you. You'd be every bit as powerful as him. No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger and quicker, more popular—watching him get the girl..." he smirked, seeing that Stiles was still staring at Olivia. "You'd be equals, maybe more."
Stiles could see the blood from Olivia's bite dripping down her arm and staining her white dress red. Her face was almost so pale that it seemed translucent and her eyes were shut, as though she was asleep. The only things that told him she was actually awake were the tremors wracking her body and the whimpers of pain escaping her lips.
"Yes or no?" Peter grabbed Stiles' arm, bringing it up to his face.
Stiles' eyes flickered back to him, hardening. Even if he did want to be stronger, to be Scott's equal, he didn't want to be a werewolf like Peter. He didn't want to turn into something he didn't recognize—he didn't want to be like a person who would use his daughter's life for his own gain.
As Peter's fangs slipped out, Stiles ripped his arm out of his grasp.
"I don't wanna be like you," he spat.
Peter chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you know what I heard just then?" he asked, thinking of the blip in Stiles' heartbeat. "Your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't want'. You may believe that you're telling me the truth but you are lying to yourself. Goodbye, Stiles."
As Peter got into his nurse's car and drove away, not giving Olivia a second glance, Stiles rushed over to her, kneeling down in front of her.
"Hey, Livvy," Stiles cupped her pale, wet cheek and rubbed his thumb across it. "Wake up, okay?"
"'Mm awake," Olivia slurred tiredly.
Stiles smiled sadly as she opened her eyes. "There's those blue eyes," he looked around, trying not to panic. "I need you to stay awake until we get to the hospital, okay?"
"Where's your phone?" he asked quickly, worried about how shallow her breathing was. "Do you have your phone?"
"Okay, stay awake," Stiles breathed before rushing over to his Jeep. He opened the door and grabbed Olivia's purse, digging her phone out of it. He didn't know her passcode but he used the emergency button to call for an ambulance.
He walked back over to Olivia as he spoke to the dispatcher, explaining that there had been an animal attack and that they needed an ambulance at the mall. The dispatcher told him to stay calm while they sent an ambulance his way and stay on the phone with them until they arrived.
It took fifteen minutes for the ambulance to get there, Stiles talking on the phone the whole time to give them updates on Olivia's status and trying to keep her awake. When the paramedics finally arrived, it was all a blur.
He remembered a paramedic asking him questions and then suddenly he was at the hospital.
While Olivia was rushed to the emergency room, he stayed back to give a nurse some of her details, including her driver's permit and the name of her aunt. By the time he was done, he was being questioned by a deputy.
Almost an hour had passed before he went up to the trauma floor, intending to see how Olivia was doing. He ran up the stairs, not having enough patience to wait for a slow elevator ride, and burst onto the floor, seeing more police officers mulling about.
Noah rushed up to him before he could run to Olivia's room.
"You know what," he snapped. "it's a good thing we're in a hospital because I'm gonna kill you."
Stiles clenched his jaw and looked over his dad's shoulder, spotting Olivia in one of the trauma rooms. There were two nurses there with her, including Melissa—which made Stiles feel better—a doctor in surgical scrubs, and Natalie. A bag of blood and saline hung from an IV pole next to her, but Olivia was unconscious.
"I'm sorry," he breathed, looking back at his dad. "I, uh, I lost the keys to my Jeep and Olivia—she was attacked. I was—I was with the ambulance—"
"Stiles, I don't care!" Noah raised his voice.
"Is she gonna be okay?"
Noah softened when he saw how devastated his son was. He clapped a hand on Stiles' shoulder and held it in support. "They said she lost a lot of blood," he told him. "She's getting a transfusion and they're stitching her up."
Stiles nodded, relieved that Olivia was recovering. "What about Lydia?"
"She had surgery," Noah informed him and Stiles looked into the window of Lydia's room, seeing that she had a breathing mask attached to her face. "They fixed her up but something else is going on with her."
Stiles raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock," Noah recalled the doctor's report. "Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"
"No, I have no idea," Stiles shook his head and told his dad the same thing he told the deputy downstairs. "but Olivia was attacked by an animal. I didn't see what kind, it was fast."
Noah nodded understandably. "What about Scott?"
"What do you mean?" Stiles gave him a confused look. "What about him?"
"Did he see anything?"
"What do you—is he not here?" If Scott wasn't here, that meant that he was one of the wolves that they heard howling earlier.
"What are you talking about?" Noah crossed his arms over his chest. "I've been calling him on his cell phone. I've gotten no response."
Stiles looked around his dad again, locking eyes with Jackson, who was waiting by Lydia's room. Jackson shook his head, silently telling Stiles that he hadn't heard from the werewolf.
He sighed, rubbing his hand over his buzzcut. "Yeah, you're not gonna get one."
Once Natalie left Olivia's room to check on Lydia, Stiles snuck in to see her. She was awake now but happened to be a little groggy and high from the pain medicine they were pumping into her. He sat down in the chair next to her bed, gaining her attention.
"I'm glad you're awake," Stiles smiled weakly. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay, a little tired and woozy but the doctor said that's from the blood loss," Olivia's voice was kind of dazed but Stiles could tell that she was trying to focus. "Listen, I need you to find Scott and Derek."
"Please, Stiles," Olivia pleaded, grabbing his hand to squeeze tightly. "I need you guys to stop my dad before he kills anyone else."
"I-I can try," Stiles nodded, though he didn't know exactly what he was supposed to do against an alpha werewolf. "I'll go see what's going on."
"Thank you, Stiles," Olivia smiled gratefully, squeezing his hand again.
Stiles smiled weakly and squeezed back before releasing her hand. He left Olivia's room in search of his dad, hoping that he'd be given some information. He knew that Derek was being kept at the Hale house but he didn't know much more than that.
"Dad!" he called, spotting his dad down the hall. "Dad, can I—"
"Stiles, just go wait with your friends, all right?" Noah ordered, patting his arm and turning to walk away.
"Dad, tell me what's going on," Stiles demanded, catching up to him. "Look, you know it has something to do with Derek."
"What?" Noah gave him a strange look and stopped in his tracks. "I thought you two said you barely knew him."
"All right, we might know him a little better than that," Stiles admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, he's Olivia's cousin."
Noah looked at him in disbelief and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him along the hallway away from the other police officers. "You do realize that I'm elected to this job, right?"
"And if I help you figure this out, you'll be re-elected," Stiles snarked. "Am I right? Dad, come on."
Noah let go of Stiles and stopped walking, sighing heavily. "You know what, Lydia Martin has got nothing to do with a six-year-old arson case."
Stiles froze; the last he heard from his dad, the case was still unsolved. He knew from getting his dad drunk that all the victims were connected by the Hale house fire, but he hadn't known there was anything else they found out.
"When did you decide it was definitely arson?" he asked.
"When we got a key witness," before Stiles could ask, Noah shook a finger at him. "And, no, I'm not telling you who it is...but yeah, we know it's arson. And it was probably organized by a young woman."
Didn't Olivia say that Kate Argent was the one who killed her family? Stiles thought to himself.
"What young woman?"
Noah scoffed. "If I knew that, she'd be in jail."
"Was she young then or is she young now?" Stiles asked; he had to make sure that Kate was actually the one who organized the fire.
"She's probably in her late twenties," Noah's phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. "Oh, I gotta grab this call."
"You don't know her name?" Stiles grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away.
"No, I don't—what is this, twenty questions?" Noah pulled away from Stiles' grip. "All we know is that she had a very distinctive—what do you call it—a pendant."
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "What the hell's a pendant?"
"Stiles, do you go to school?" Noah snapped. "A pendant! It's a necklace. Now, can I answer the phone."
That was all the confirmation Stiles needed; if Derek was right about Laura Hale searching for a necklace that looked exactly like the one Allison wore—Allison, who got her necklace from Kate—then it all fell into place. Peter, who had killed everyone involved with the fire that killed his family and left him comatose for six years, was going after Kate. He was going to kill her—and Olivia wanted Stiles to stop him.
He gained more respect for Olivia than he already had; he wouldn't be able to say that he'd stop someone from killing a person who had hypothetically killed his family. He would have wanted revenge just like Peter.
Stiles waved Noah off and went back to Olivia's room. Natalie was still with Lydia but Jackson was sitting at her bedside, both of them speaking quietly. They looked up at him when he entered.
"I'm heading out," he told Olivia, giving her a pointed look.
Olivia nodded, pursing her lips into a small frown. "Be careful, Stiles."
Stiles nodded, his heart skipping, and left the room. He was halfway down the hall when Jackson caught up with him.
"Hey, where are you going?"
"To find Scott," Stiles snapped, having no patience to deal with the selfish jackass.
"You don't have a car," Jackson pointed out unhelpfully.
"I'm aware of that, thank you."
"Here, I'll drive," Jackson grabbed Stiles' arm, pulling him to a stop. "Come on."
Stiles ripped his arm out of his hand and glowered at him. "Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right?" he spat. "Half of this is still your fault."
Jackson clenched his jaw but didn't deny Stiles' claims. "Look, I have a car," he stated. "You don't. Do you want my help or not?"
Stiles pursed his lips and conceded, "All right, did you bring the Porsche?"
Jackson nodded and pulled out his keys. "Yeah."
"Good," Stiles grabbed the keys from him. "I'll drive."
They weren't able to take another step to leave the hospital as they came face-to-face with Mr. Argent and two other guys, all dressed in black. Stiles and Jackson stepped away from him, staring with wide eyes.
Mr. Argent smiled pleasantly. "Boys," he greeted politely. "I was wondering if you can tell me where Scott McCall is."
"Scott McCall," Stiles hummed nervously. "Um, I haven't seen him since the dance. Jackson, you?"
Jackson gulped loudly when Stiles looked at him for support. "Uh..." he drawled blankly. "I—"
Stiles rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Oh, for the love of God."
The two men behind Mr. Argent lunged forward, each of them grabbing Stiles and Jackson. They shoved them down the hall, despite their protests, and pushed them into an empty room.
Mr. Argent locked the doors behind them. "Let's try this again," he said sternly. "Where is Scott McCall?"
Stiles, who been thrown into a gurney next to Jackson, stood up straight and glared at the hunter defiantly. "You can fuck off," he cursed loudly. "because I'm not telling you a thing—"
Mr. Argent grabbed the front of Stiles' shirt and pulled him across the room, slamming his back into a cabinet.
"Let me ask you a question, Stiles," Mr. Argent's voice was angry and harsh as he looked into Stiles' equally furious eyes. "Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"
"No, but I could put it on my to-do list if you just let me go," Stiles glanced down at Argent's hands, still gripping the collar of his shirt.
"Well, I have," Mr. Argent said firmly. "And the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?"
"Not really," Stiles quipped lowly. "No offense to your story-telling skills."
"He tried to kill me and I was forced to put a bullet in his head," Mr. Argent emphasized his statement by poking Stiles in the forehead, forcefully pushing his head back against the cabinet. "The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way back toward me, still trying to kill me like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?"
"No, and it sounds like you need to be a little more select—"
Mr. Argent cut him off by slamming his hand into the cabinet right next to his head. "Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon?" he shouted. "Did you have to lock him up?"
"Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator," Stiles seethed, glowering at the hunter. His voice shook with rage and his jaw clenched tightly. "Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?"
Mr. Argent reared back like he had been slapped and held up his index finger. "I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that."
"Oh, right," Stiles scoffed. "Olivia said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it."
Mr. Argent exchanged glances with the two other hunters. "Never."
"What if someone does?"
"Someone like who?" Mr. Argent looked back to Stiles.
Stiles scowled. "Your sister."
Mr. Argent clenched his jaw and abruptly let go of Stiles. He backed away from him and crossed his arms over his chest. "Where are they?" when Stiles didn't answer, Mr. Argent sighed heavily. "I'm not going to hurt Scott if he's innocent. Where. Are. They?"
"The Hale house."
Mr. Argent nodded and nodded at his men; they unlocked the door and left the room.
It was silent for a whole minute while Stiles tried to calm his anger.
And then Jackson spoke, "What now?"
"Now we're gonna learn how to make self-igniting Molotov cocktails."
Stiles sped down the mile-long driveway that led to the Hale house, the Porsche bouncing from the bumps and potholes in the dirt path. Jackson sat in the passenger seat, a scowl on his face, and two freshly made Molotov cocktails in his lap. Stiles pressed on the gas pedal, speeding up.
"Hey, hey, hey," Jackson objected as they flew over a small hill. "This isn't exactly an all-terrain vehicle!"
"Yeah, did you pay for it?" Stiles snarked.
"Then shut up," he snapped and sped up once more.
They pulled up to the old Hale house within minutes; the alpha—in all his red-eyed, ugly glory—was standing in front of the house, snarling at Scott, who laid a few feet in front of him. Stiles slammed on the breaks and grabbed one of the Molotov cocktails, honking the horn to get the alpha's attention.
He ran out of the Porsche and whipped the Molotov cocktail at the alpha. Unfortunately, the alpha simply caught it and roared in Stiles' direction.
"Fuck," Stiles cursed, flinching back.
Scott looked around quickly, spotting Allison's crossbow. "Allison!" he called for her, grabbing the bow and tossing it to her.
Allison caught the bow and aimed it at the alpha, letting an arrow soar into the cocktail. The beaker broke and exploded, engulfing the alpha's arm in flames. Jackson took the opportunity to throw the other Molotov cocktail; it hit the alpha and caught the rest of his body on fire.
The alpha roared loudly and stumbled around, his gaze landing on Allison. Before he could take a step toward her, Scott shouted and sprang up, jumping into the air. He kicked the alpha away from Allison, where he landed on the ground, changing back into Peter.
Stiles sighed in relief, glad that it was finally over.
While Allison and Scott made up, kissing and exchanging their love, Derek slowly walked out of the house. Stiles watched curiously as he made his way to Peter, glaring down at him.
Scott saw Derek ready to kill Peter and jumped to his feet, running over to him.
"Wait!" he called, catching the older werewolf's attention as he kneeled next to his uncle's burnt body. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek, if you do this, I'm dead."
Derek pressed his lips together and it wasn't hard for Stiles to guess that he had lied to Scott about the cure. Derek just wanted Scott's help to take down Peter.
"Her father, her family," Scott continued begging. "what am I supposed to do?"
"You've...already...decided..." Peter breathed painfully. His eyes glowed red as he snarled, "I can smell it on you!"
Derek raised his hand, his claws growing from his nail beds, and Scott lunged, "Wait, no, don't!"
Derek thrust his arm forward, slashing his claws along Peter's neck. Peter made a gurgling sound as he choked on his blood and took his last breath. Derek stood up and turned toward Scott, his eyes glowing the red of an alpha.
"I'm the alpha now," he declared.
Olivia stared at Derek, studying him to see if there was anything else that was different about him. She knew his eyes had changed from their usual icy-blue to the alpha-red but there had to be something else that had changed, too.
Derek stared back at her, resting his arms on the side of her hospital bed. She could see the curious look in his eyes, along with shame, but she didn't fault him for killing Peter. The man she knew as her father died long ago when Kate planned that fire. The alpha hadn't been her dad that she loved. She lost him a long time ago.
Olivia was just glad that it was all over. Kate was dead—courtesy of Peter—and Peter had been stopped. Derek was now alpha and he could start building his own pack, which now included her.
"Well?" she broke the silence.
Derek glanced out of the window in her room, glad that he was officially cleared of all the murders he was accused of, and then looked back at her.
"Her bite wasn't healed," Derek told Olivia, looking back at her.
"Not at all?"
"Not at all," Derek confirmed.
"But Aunt Natalie said she'd be fine," Olivia was confused—you either turned or died. "Do you think she's rejecting it?"
Derek frowned, remembering his first love. "I don't know," he said quietly. "But she's not a werewolf, which means—"
"She's something else."
Derek nodded. "What about you?" he asked. "How's your bite?"
Olivia grimaced and held up her injured arm, the gauze wrapped around it stained slightly from excess blood. "See for yourself."
Derek reached forward and carefully unwrapped the bandage. He removed the bloody gauze and sucked in a deep breath at the sight of her wound. It was stitched up but completely fresh—no healing had been done.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "It's not healed."
"Yeah, I could tell by how much it hurts," Olivia grumbled, frowning at her wound which was bound to scar. "So, I'm not a werewolf, either...how am I supposed to know what I am?"
Derek squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."
(Gif is not mine)
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Lake’s New Normal (A Fanfic)
After Lake escapes the train, she’s invited to live with the Cosay family. But after escaping the mirror world, traveling through a supernatural train, and fighting for her life, is she really able to live like a normal teenager?
She’s not sure, but she’s willing to fight every day to make this life her new normal.
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Chapter 3: Dinner with the Cosays
Family dinner was a foreign experience for Lake.
Once the food was delivered, the Cosay family gathered around the kitchen table. The food was passed around and everyone put a little of each dish on their plate.
When Lake has been attached to Tulip, she had experienced pieces of these family meals while reflected in a fork or a spoon. She remembered hearing a lot of arguing from Tulip’s parents when she was younger, and after the separation, dinner had gotten a lot quieter in Tulip’s household.
This family dinner was very different.
The Cosay family chatted happily together. Mr. and Mrs. Cosay asked Jesse more questions about the train and Jesse excitedly told them about his and Lake’s adventures together. Lake interjected with her own details as Jesse narrated the story. His parents seemed horrified by the more dangerous aspects of the train, but his younger brother was fascinated. She and Jesse both talked affectionately about their friend, Alan Dracula.
“So, how did you get into our world, Lake?” Jesse’s father asked after Jesse had just finished telling a story of how they were able to evade the Flecs. “Jesse just told us that Tulip was a passenger on the train.”
Jesse looked over at her curiously, and Lake realized that she had never actually told him how she got free.
“Yeah,” she said. “On the train, Tulip ran into the Chrome Car, which is sort of like a gateway to the mirror world. To get through the car, you and your reflection have to cross the barrier into each other’s words, with Tulip in the mirror world and me in the prime world. Then I had to open the door in the prime world with Tulip doing the same as my reflection.” Lake noticed Jesse’s parents staring at her in confusion. “Yeah, some of the train cars had weird rules. I told Tulip that I wanted to be free and I was sick of living in the mirror world. She’s smart, and she was able to figure out a way that we could both escape. However, once I tried to escape the Flecs came after me.” Lake shrugged. “And they’ve chased me ever since.”  
Mr. Cosay frowned. “That was nice of her to help you like that,” he said, but his tone was dubious, like he didn’t quite believe her. “It couldn’t have been easy to escape the car, or I’m sure more reflections would have been able to do the same thing.”
Lake shrugged again and looked down to avoid his scrutinizing gaze. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy,” she said softly. She had left out the part about trying to trick Tulip into taking her place in the mirror world. Could Jesse’s dad tell she was lying? It wasn’t lying exactly, she was just leaving out an important detail, but she felt guilty about it all the same. It’s not like she could tell them the full truth. What would they think of her if they knew she tried to trick Tulip into being trapped in the mirror world forever? What would Jesse think?
Jesse’s parents eventually moved on to asking her questions about the mirror world and Lake patiently answered them to the best of her ability. Thankfully, Jesse quickly seemed to catch on that she was feeling uncomfortable and changed the subject for her.
Near the end of dinner, Jesse asked her what happened after he left the train. She talked about her daring escape with Alan Dracula, what the wasteland was like, and how the passengers were processed.
She left out her fight with Mace and how she had to kill him to survive. She was already trying her best to block that part out, and Jesse was such a sweet, goodhearted person, she was afraid of what he would think of her if he found out what she had done. Sieve had mentioned that she killed Mace in front of Jesse, but Jesse never confronted her about it. Lake figured Jesse either hadn’t heard him, assumed it was an accident or assumed Sieve was lying. If Jesse knew the truth, how she had killed him on purpose (even though it was in self-defense) there was no way he would still want her around, let alone invite her to stay at his house.
“So, what did you think of the Thai food?” Jesse asked as the meal ended. “What did you like and what didn’t you like? Be honest, we have to figure out your tastes.”
Lake was feeling more comfortable at this point as she looked over the cartons of mostly eaten food dishes the family had picked apart. Jesse’s family curiously awaited her answer, but she didn’t feel put on the spot. The family had a sweet, wholesome vibe to it, with the occasional teasing between family members. She felt surprisingly comfortable in the homey atmosphere.
“I think I liked everything,” Lake said honestly. “Except for one thing.” Lake used her fork to pick up a long, slightly translucent piece of food still left on her plate. “Whatever this is, I didn’t like it.”
Jesse squinted at it. “I think that’s an onion,” he said. “I guess you don’t like onions?”
Lake’s eyes widened. She must have not recognized it when paired with all the other foreign Tai foods. “Oh, that makes sense,” she said mostly to herself.
Jesse cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Lake shook her head. “It’s not important.” And it wasn’t. Whatever Tulip liked or didn’t like wasn’t important anymore. This was about what she liked.
“Okay kids,” Jesse’s mom said, standing up. “It’s been a long day for all of us, and I think it’s time for us to get ready for an early bedtime. Lake, I’m going to make up the guest room for you.”
Lake opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off.
“No, no excuses, young lady,” Jesse’s mother said firmly. “You are staying here with us until further notice and that’s final. We will just have to get you some pajamas to wear… I don’t think you’ll fit into anything of mine.”
“I have some sweats she can wear,” Jesse volunteered. He turned to Lake with a smile. “I have plenty of extra clothes you can have.”
Jesse’s mother nodded. “I guess that will do for now until we can buy you your own wardrobe.”
“You don’t have to do that, Mrs. Cosay,” Lake said.
“Dear, please call me Whittney, and yes I do. You can’t just use Jesse’s old clothes. You need your own.”
Lake decided it wasn’t worth arguing with her. Jesse’s mother was nice, but once she made up her mind, Lake had a feeling she was very stubborn
“Have you contacted your friends yet, son?” Jesse’s father asked. “They’ve been really worried about you since you disappeared, especially your friend Troy. I’m sure they’ll be excited to hear that you’re back.”
“Oh yeah, I should-'' Jesse reached into his pocket and then stopped suddenly. “Shoot, right.” He sheepishly looked up at his parents. “I don’t exactly have my phone anymore.”
Lake’s stomach lurched. “Sorry, that’s my fault,” she admitted. “I sort of destroyed and spray painted Jesse’s phone. I was paranoid of the Flecs coming after me through the phone’s reflection and I didn’t trust him back then… sorry.”
Jesse’s parents exchanged looks, but then his dad shook his head and started chuckling. “Honestly, after everything Jesse told us about the train, I would have been surprised if his phone made it through that unscathed. It’s okay, both you and Jesse made it out safe and that’s what matters. Besides, he was due for a new phone anyway.”
“Really?” Jesse asked. “Can I get the new one that just came out?”
“We’ll talk about it later,” Jesse’s father said diplomatically.
“Right, Jesse, why don’t you get Lake a change of clothes so you can all get ready for bed,” his mother suggested.
Jesse grabbed her hand and led her to his room.
Overall, his room was pretty normal. He had a bed with a blue comforter, a laptop sitting on the foot of his bed, and a messy desk piled with textbooks and loose pieces of paper. He also had a bookshelf that was full of more comics than books, and a shelf above his bed with trophies and swimming metals from local competitions. On his wall hung a sappy motivational poster and another poster from a band Lake didn’t recognize.
“Here we are!” Jesse said. “What do you think?”
“It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday,” Lake read off the poster. The picture that accompanied the words were of swimmers in the middle of a race. Lake raised an eyebrow at him.
Jesse shrugged. “Well it’s true,” he said. “I like inspiring posters. Most people think they’re lame, but I like having them.”
Lake rolled her eyes teasingly. “You would.”
Despite her teasing, she liked his room. She liked how it was uncompromisingly Jesse.
“Okay, let me find some clothes for you.” Jesse walked over to his dresser and began rummaging through the bottom drawer. Lake leaned against the edge of his bed and waited.
After a few seconds, Jesse turned around and handed her a pile of clothes that included grey sweats and a slightly over-sized black t-shirt.
“Here you go! Tomorrow we can go through my closet and you can pick out clothes that you want. I have a lot of clothes that I don't wear, so I don’t mind sharing.”
“Thanks,” Lake said as she accepted the clothes. She felt sort of bad about using Jesse’s clothes, but Lake knew him well enough by now to know that he really didn’t mind. Suddenly, a thought came to her head. “Could I borrow a pair of socks too?”
“Oh yeah, sure!” Jesse said as he pulled out a pair of white socks for her. “The bathroom is down the hall if you want to take a shower. There are towels in the cabinet and you can use the soap in the shower.”
Lake nodded. Taking a shower was a good idea. Although she didn’t sweat like humans did, after spending months going from train car to train car her skin was getting dingy and there were a few dark smudges on her legs.
She found the towels easily and turned on the shower. As a reflection, she had been reflected many times in bath water, but never in a shower. She wasn’t sure what temperature to turn the water to. She could feel temperature; she knew the difference between hot and cold, but things never felt too hot or too cold. Humans felt pain when their skin was burned or shivered in the cold, but she didn’t.
She decided to turn the temperature to cold and stepped into the shower. The water felt refreshing on her skin, and Lake realized that this was the first time she was actually able to relax in water and not have to worry about the Flecs jumping out after her.
Lake scrubbed the grime off of her skin with the help of the body soap in the shower. She probably took longer than she needed to, but it was nice to relax by herself for a few minutes. Being around Jesse's family was a little overwhelming, even though they were a lot more accepting than she expected.
Finally, Lake exited the shower and dried herself off with the towel. She put on the sweats Jesse gave her. They were a little a little long on her, but comfy. The black shirt was a band shirt but she didn’t recognize the name. The last thing she did was pull on the socks. She made sure the mirror that she was reflecting out of, the mirror from Tulip’s multi-tool, was tucked safely against her ankle and under the sock.
Jesse’s sweats covered her ankles, so she wasn’t sure why she had wanted the socks, but it just made her feel better knowing that the mirror from the multi-tool was tucked away.
She grabbed her old clothes and headed back to Jesse’s room. His door was open and he was lying on his bed looking at his computer screen.
“Dumpty Humpty?” Lake asked him, motioning to the shirt he had given her.
He looked up, and once he saw her, he grinned. “Yeah! They’re a really cool band! Have you heard of them?”
Lake shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“Oh man, you have to listen to them! I bet you would like them.”
Jesse typed a few words on his computer and the room filled with the sound of an alternate rock band.
Lake had to admit, they sounded pretty good. Lake carefully sat on Jesse’s bed (it protested her weight, but seemed to hold) as he played song after song for her.
They had moved on from alternative rock to older rock songs. Lake was very fond of Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’.
“I can’t believe you haven’t heard these songs before,” Jesse said. “They’re classics.”
“It’s not that I’ve never listened to music,” Lake defended. “But when you don’t get to control when or what you listen to, it makes it hard to pay much attention. And I guess Tulip’s music tastes are really different from mine.”
Lake frowned. She was starting to get annoyed at how often she brought up Tulip in conversation. It made sense why, since Tulip was her only experience with the Prime world, but it was still annoying how hard it was to leave Tulip’s life behind even now that she was trying to live her own.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jesse said, obviously noticing her shift in mood. “Now you have all the time in the world to build up your music library with all the stuff you like. See? I already started making a playlist of everything you liked so far.” He turned his computer around to show her.
“Thanks Jesse. Have I told you that you’re the best?”
“Not once,” he said with a grin. “So I think you better start.”
Lake laughed. “Well, you’re the best.”
“Alright kids,” Mrs. Cosay said as she appeared in the doorway. “Nate’s already asleep so I think it’s best we all get some rest. Jesse, don’t keep Lake up, I’m sure she’s exhausted.”
“I won't, mom,” Jesse promised.
His mom entered the room and pulled Jesse into a hug. He leaned over from his position on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back tightly.
“I’m so glad you’re back home, Jesse,” she said. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, mom,” Jesse said, but his voice was muffled into her nightgown. Mrs. Cosay kissed the top of his head.
Lake looked down at her hands awkwardly, feeling like she was an intruder in this private moment.
“Lake, sweetie,” Mrs. Cosay said, causing Lake to look up at her. She was standing in front of her with a warm smile on her face. “Earlier I hugged you and I didn’t ask if that was okay. Is it okay if I give you a hug now?”
Lake felt herself blush as she scratched the side of her head. “S-sure, if you want to. I don’t mind, but I’m not the most comfortable person to hug...”
Mrs. Cosay tisked and pulled her into another soft hug. “Nonsense, you’re perfectly fine to hug.”
This time, because she was expecting it, Lake was able to relax into the hug. She even put her arm around Mrs. Cosay and gave her a small, timid hug back.
“I’m glad you’re here, Lake,” Mrs. Cosay said softly, and those few, simple words caused Lake’s eyes to prick with moisture. Besides Jesse and Alan Dracula, no one had ever wanted her around before. “Now, try and get a good night's rest.”
Mrs. Cosay wished them a final goodnight and headed to her room. Jesse showed her to her own temporary bedroom. It had a queen sized bed, a set of drawers, a night stand, white curtains, and tan walls that were mostly empty aside for a landscape painting of a forest hanging above the bed. Compared to the rest of the house, which was clean but full of personality, this room was fairly boring.
“Don't worry, you can change the room however you want. We can get you some decorations to make it look less like a hotel room and more like your own bedroom.”
Lake turned around to face Jesse. “You make it sound like I’ve decided to stay here,” she challenged, crossing her arms over her chest.
Jesse shrugged. “You want to be the one to tell my mom you’re going to live in the woods instead? Even though you’re not her kid, she’ll probably attempt to ground you just to get you to stay.”
Lake rolled her eyes. “I’ll stay for a while,” Lake reasoned. “Until I get my bearings and figure out what I’m going to do next.”
“Okay,” Jesse said. “But that doesn’t mean you still can’t decorate your room in the meantime, right? I mean, whether you stay for a few days or a few months, that doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable.”
“I guess,” Lake relented. “But nothing too big! I don’t want to inconvenience your parents too much. They’ve already been really nice.”
“Sure, sure, just a poster or something. Maybe you’ll find a poster from a band or a movie that you like. I also think I have a few more motivational posters in my closet- ow!” He rubbed his forehead where Lake had flicked him.
“No sappy motivational posters. I’m not a third grade elementary school teacher.”
Jesse laughed. “Fine, fine, no awesome motivational posters. We’ll find something else later, but for now we should probably go to bed. I’m exhausted.”
“Me too,” Lake admitted.
“Well then, I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” Jesse took a step back toward the door, but then hesitated. Lake understood the feeling. They had slept in the same train car watching each other’s backs for weeks. It felt strange to now go and sleep in separate rooms.
However, they didn’t have much of a choice. Jesse’s parents may have been more understanding than Lake ever hoped, but they would definitely jump to conclusions if she and Jesse slept in the same room together.
“Lake,” Jesse said at last. “I don’t think I said it, but I’m really glad you're staying with us, even if you only decide to stay for a little while. And I’m really, really glad you’re off the train.”
Lake smiled. “Me too. This all sort of feels like a dream... I can hardly believe it.”
“Don’t worry, it’s real,” Jesse assured her. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay? And we can start your first real day off the train.”
Lake grinned. “That sounds really good. Goodnight, Jesse.”
“Goodnight, Lake.”
Lake closed her bedroom door and jumped. She took a step backwards, sudden panic gripping her heart, as saw herself staring back. A large mirror hung on the back of the door, like a big, gaping hole.
It’s okay... it’s okay… She told herself over and over again. She sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. It’s just a mirror, the Flecs can’t come out of it anymore, you’re safe.
But she didn’t feel safe. The mirror hung ominously on the door and her mind was screaming at her, telling her that this was a portal back into her old life, and any second the Flecs would reach out of it and pull her in. But that was impossible. The only time the Flecs could get out of the mirror world was on the train, and she was no longer on the train.
Lake forced herself to turn away from the mirror (leaving her back exposed to the mirror was almost physically impossible, but she managed it) and climbed onto the soft queen sized bed. The bed frame was made out of metal so it creaked less under her weight than Jesse’s bed did.
Lake didn’t realize how tired she was until she pulled the covers around her. She barely remembered turning off the light before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
<previous  next>
You get 10 cool points if you know where the band Dumpty Humpty comes from.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Don’t forget to like and reblog!
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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I smiled listening to my song in my headphones as I traveled down the London underground escalator arriving at the platform standing around waiting for the train I spotted someone out the corner of my eye some guy in a suit talking on the phone he stood looking at the platform before he noticed me and leaned back a little trying to look at my arse, I ignored it and bored the train as soon as it stopped, there where no seats so I grabbed onto the railing I'm not going far anyway, I looked out the window to the darkness rushing past as well as the little station's some we stopped and some we didn't I spotted a man in a long hoodie and baggy pants he saw me and made a kissy face at me I sighed getting off as the train stopped I walked up the stairs and various elevators till I reached the street, I walked for a little while until I reached the house I had been looking for, I smiled seeing the car on the brick driveway under a car cover where he was still working on it, his bwm motorcycle parked beside it chained to the floor and the house rather impressively a serious trial for any would be theif, the blue garage door closed and locked up tight protecting the bikes he doesn't ride so often. The house a tall London house snug between the other houses the windows dark as the blinds where drawn all but the one beside the door with a sweet orange glow emminated from it and Skyler his cat sat on the window sill, I walked up the drive enjoying the sound of my heels on his pathway I smiled and did a little wave to Skyler and she jumped away so I went up to the red wooden door knocking on the door just beside the frosted glass, I turned off my headphones and took them out my ears stuffing them in my pocket as the door opened.
Revealing Thomas stood his hair the messy mop of blonde and brown hair it usually was
Especially as it needed trimming soon, it was slightly still wet at the bottom where he hadn't completly dryed it, he had a dark blue or possibly black shirt on I wasn't sure which hard to tell in this light it was clearly a button down, he also had a red jumper that the collar of the shirt came over and his sleaves rolled to his elbows the cuffs tucked over the sleaves of the jumper, a black and red watch on his wrist, his black skinny jeans tight to his lanky legs, and a pair of red converses, his brown eyes widened as he saw me, his cheeks lightly turning pink with blush, his lips curved into a sweet smile
"Hey, your uhh your early" he smiled messing with his hair a little
"Are you not ready for me?" I asked
"No, no I was just sat waiting for you actually" he laughed making me laugh a little too "sorry, come in" he blushed realizing we had just been stood at his front door for a while he moved aside holding the door open for me I smiled and stepped inside he shut the door behind me as I went into a small white entrance way with a bunch keys on hooks, a few his motorcycle Helmet and other gear, and various shoes on the light wood floor, I could see into the living room, the TV tucked up into the corner with all the various things underneath, a shelf behind it with some odd and ends, the fireplace beside it, it long ago ripped out and replaced with an electronic one, a golden mirror above the fire, the sofa and coffee table sat across from the TV next to the French window out to the garden and his tinckering shed, the stairs on the right wall with a bunch of jackets and shirts on the banister and a dart board on the small turning a poster framed at the top of the stairs, the kitchen opening just beside the stairs so the TV was against the outer kitchen wall, the kitchen black and chrome and very modern, I took all of it in as if never been to thomas' before, the light was on very low in the living room a couple small lights on in the kitchen and a light on upstairs as well as the electronic fire going nicely giving the place a sweet warm inviting glow.
"Uhh here I'll help with your coat" he says helping me slip it off "whoa... You uhh you look really beautiful tonight y/n" he smiled
"Thank you" I smiled holding my coat "where should I put it?" I asked
"Oohh uhh... Give me a sec" he says before he went grabbing all the jackets and shirts hung on the banister and throwing them in his kitchen "there you are my lady" he says tapping the banister I laughed and hung my coat there as he went to the kitchen for something or other he didn't say
"So... What are we up to tonight?" I asked having a look around the room at the beautiful photos of places mostly things he had taken when he was on work trips,
"Ooh uhh... I hadn't really thought about it" he says as he got back "any idea what you wanna do Tonight? We can go get a drink? We can go out for dinner if you want?" He suggested putting his hands in his pockets but almost instantly stopping himself from doing it
"I decided last date night, it's your turn" I laughed playfully elbowing him
"How about we stay here and play some games?" He suggested
"Perfect" I smiled holding his hand he blushed a little
"Right, you pick what to play? I'll go uhh make us some popcorn" he says rushing off to the kitchen again so I went over to the sofa putting my bag down turning the TV on and starting to set stuff up
"I wish you'd told me we'd just be sitting at yours playing video games, I wouldn't have got so dressed up" I laughed
"Aww you look lovely y/n,"
"Thank you Thomas, still if I'd known I would have been comfy" I said as he came leaning on the wall
"Your not comfy?"
"Not really" I shrug
"Well if you want... You can get comfy it's okay" he shrugs "ohh beer? Whiskey? Vodka? Or Water?" He asked
"Uhh beer please" I smiled "your sure? Not sure we're really at the point of dressing comfy around each other?" I laughed
"Who says we're not?'
"We've been seeing each other like six months?"
"Yeah, all of my exgirlfriends had seen my dick by this point... Actually I've had relationships start go all the way and end in less than that time frame, your the first girlfriend I've had where it's taking stuff kinda slow" he explained and I couldn't help but blush
"You've not called me that before" I giggled as I got the games console sorted and I saw his face turn white "it's okay Thomas, I think of you as my boyfriend too" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss making him turn bright red plus my red lipstick left a mark "ooh sorry" I smiled carefully getting it off for him
"Thanks y/n, If you want make yourself properly comfy while I sort everything out" he says giving my cheek a kiss and going back to the kitchen
"Where's your bathroom?" I asked
"Oh upstairs to the left" he says so I went sitting in the staircase slipping off my heels and walking upstairs with my handbag I stepped into the nice clean bathroom wide mirror in the wall and the bath infact still had a few bubbles in I saw myself in the mirror and smiled taking a make up wipe from my bag getting rid of everything but my lipstick, and mascara I got a hair tie putting my hair into a loose bun I felt a little sneaky so I tip toed silently across the hall to the closed door I peaked in and it wasn't anything interesting full of odd bits and bobs mostly guitars and a deconstructed drum kit in the corner so I closed the door again sneaking across to the other room, the blind open looking out to his garden, one wall taken up completely by a huge built in wardrobe, the bed snuggly on the back wall and made perfectly with some bits and bobs on one bedside table, Skyler sat on the bed fast asleep a hamper of laundry by the door and a radiator under the window I gently sat on the bed it was soft and cosy looking in the mirror section o the wardrobe doors I peeled my tights off my body as well as my tight dress leaving me in simply my sexy black lace lingerie I wandered around being a little nosy not finding much of interest well except the bottle of lube and box of tissues on one of the nightstands in fact a couple used ones on the table too it was obvious they where fairly new no older then a few hours
"Ohh Thomas... What have you been up to?" I giggled to myself
"You okay y/n?" He yelled clearly at the bottom of the stairs
"Yeah!" I yelled back I smiled going back to the mirror and sliding open one of the doors revealing a brunch of folded shirts and such I smiled grabbing one of them it said Castrol oil on it so I slipped it on and went downstairs.
"Hi" I smiled
"Uuuuhhh hi" he blushed as he sat on the sofa with his beer
"Is this okay?" I asked
"Yeah, you look amazing" he said as I sat with him "so... Your cosy now?" He asked and I nodded "could uhh Could I get cosy to?"
"Of course Thomas" I smiled
"Give me a sec honey" he says giving my head a kiss and he heads upstairs I smiled sitting having some popcorn till he came back down the stairs in a pair of grey Nike sweatpants that where so loose you could see almost ever inch of him a blue triumph t shirt hung loose on him and he sat with me "hi" he smiled
"Hi" I smiled as we had a little cuddle playing the video games
"Uhhh y/n? Could I get extra comfy?' he asks
"How would you get more comfy?" I asked
"Just give me a sec" he says going out to the kitchen a moment and when he came back he seemed much happier as he sat with me "umm that's better"
"What did you do?" I asked a little confused he blushed a little and pulled the waist band of his sweatpants down a little revealing he had removed his underwear it was fairly obvious actually as he sat the way the sweatpants sat I could pretty much see the outline of his cock I giggled and moved a little
"What are you doing?' he asked as I slipped off my bra throwing it on the floor cuddling up with him and stealing a sip of his beer "umm I love you"
"Love you too" I smiled giving his lips a sweet kiss.
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arthurhwalker · 4 years
reMarkable 2 Review
I had some requests for a review of this device, and I am glad to oblige in this case. I've been closely following digital pen stylus tech for about eight years. I'm just old enough that I still need to handwrite a lot of things to tap into my creativity, but greatly dislike clutter in my life.
The reMarkable is for the person that writes enough by hand to fill several notebooks a year. For someone that wants the tactile and somatic component of writing on paper to associate with their process. The new reMarkable 2 does basically what the reMarkable 1 did; faster, better, and with a much improved piece of hardware.
If you've read my previous review from May 2018, you know I basically raved about the first generation reMarkable. I had a few criticisms of the Gen 1, and a lot of that has been addressed with the Gen 2.
Support & User Experience
I've used a reMarkable tablet continuously for almost three years. I've never had a support issue with one. The software is updated regularly, features added, and user experience improved with each iteration.
There is really no comparisons to be made with that kind of uninterrupted usage. No smartphone, tablet, or computer you ever own will be that reliable. A 3-4 year old Thinkpad, running Linux, is about as close as it gets to that level of, switch-on-and-use, every day, without fail feeling.  
The reason is that the reMarkable 2 is leveraging the most reliable hardware, user input methods, stylus technology, and operating system basis available. My fear has always been that my reMarkable wouldn't be as reliable as a regular piece of paper, and a good pen. So far, that fear has never been realized with the reMarkable 1, or 2.
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Pen Stylus Input
The majority of what one picks up and uses will be Microsoft Pen Protocol (MPP) stylus tech, with Microsoft Surface Products, or Wacom AES (Active Electrostatic) like that found in a lot of Asus, Dell, Lenovo, and so forth. The older Wacom EMR (Electromagnetic Resonance) is used less frequently, and usually only with their own products, or a version thereof with Samsung Phones and Tablets.
Of the three options, Wacom's EMR is still the best.
That's what you'll find on the reMarkable Tablet, and if you get their Marker Plus (it's the black one) it has the magical EMR eraser tip opposite the drawing point. There is no better pen stylus experience, for general use, sketching, handwriting capture, tilt sensitivity, and so forth.
The Marker Plus is $50 more than the regular Marker. It is worth it.
What if you're like me, and you have a drawer full of pen stylus products? Products that include the legendary Excalibur stylus pen that came with the Thinkpad Tablet 10 Gen 1, and worked with the EMR capable Thinkpad Yoga S1 from 2013? The one with the eraser tip, and sweet felt tip point? Will that stylus work?
Yes. Yes, yes it will.
However, the reMarkable Marker Plus just feels better. It's heft (19g) is perfect, eraser tip rounded to feel like the real thing, and tips that degrade gracefully without marking up the screen. Buy. The. Marker. Plus.
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The Hardware
The manufacturer says that the reMarkable 2 gets 3 times the battery life of the 1, is 2 times as responsive (relative to rendering digital ink), and is the world's thinnest tablet at 0.19". Mostly, this is all of this seems to be true. Also, as mentioned before all the new Marker Plus has a built in eraser, all the new accessories snap together with magnets, and it charges with USB-c.
The screen is capacitive touch capable now. No more page turning buttons, and you can swipe down from the top to back out of a document or folder. You can turn pages with the swipe of a finger now. It takes a second to get the gestures down, but they're crisp and reliable once you do.
The tablet runs off of a dual core ARM process (a good thing, in my opinion).
My only quibble is that it is supposed to be able to connect to both 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz WiFi, but so far I've only gotten it to connect to 2.4. It might be something with my specific router, and I'm not sure if my experience is typical.
On the lower left hand side of the tablet there are 5 connection points. This suggests that the tablet may have the ability to connect to other accessories in the future. If reMarkable added a Plain Text Editor, and a keyboard cover to the reMarkable, I would be over the moon.
There is no evidence that they will do this, but a guy can dream. Having what's basically an e Ink Typewriter this thin and light would be the ultimate for this writer.
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The Software
It is much the same experience as the reMarkable 1 with a few new additions.
You can convert your handwritten notes into text, cursive or block letters, and share by email. There is support for 33 languages.
With a Google Chrome plug-in, you can read web articles and pages on your reMarkable. If you're already battling with eye strain from looking at glowing screens all day, this is a nice feature.
Reading large PDFs and eBooks is still not crisp and snappy, but it is a vastly improved experience when compared to the reMarkable 1. Large graphically intense documents can be navigated without it taxing your patience. What I store on my reMarkable is vastly different now because of how much improved document handling has become.
I find the small sacrifice in speed rendering pages worth it, compared to the eye strain I get reading on other screens.
More pens, features, page templates, and ease of organizing have been added incrementally over time. With regard to the core functioning (Linux Based Codex OS) of the device, the manufacturer has only ever improved and supported the reMarkable.
The reMarkable 1 was good for what it could do. It wasn't a bad looking product, but compared to the reMarkable 2, it was a rough prototype. Most tablets do not feel as nice in the hand as the reMarkable 2.
Rubber no-slip nubs on the back, rounded edges, satin finished glass and aluminum, make the tablet itself feel like it's from the future. I bought the Polymer Weave Book Folio, a step up from the regular Folio. A close friend got the same device and marker options as I did, but opted for the Premium Leather Folio.
Definitely, get the Book Folio, and if you can scrabble together the extra money, get the premium leather. That's my only regret is that I didn't spring for the best accessory offered. Is the Polymer Weave good? Absolutely, worth the $99. It is rigid, will protect your investment, and it's very classy looking.
My friend who picked up the Leather Folio is a graphic designer, and has greatly informed my sense of aesthetics over the years. She says the Leather Book Folio is well worth the extra. She is, most certainly, correct.
So, yeah, if you're going to get a reMarkable 2 and want a slightly used Polymer Weave Book Folio (mine), I'll let it go for cheap (so I can atone, and get the leather version, ha ha).
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The reMarkable 2 doesn't have a web browser, app store, Merge Dragons, audio player, or other third party applications. It won't replace your iPad, or Android Tablet. It will replace all the paper, notebooks, and pens in your life. This is especially true if you have a small scanner (like a Doxie), and leverage reMarkable's Smartphone app and cloud sync feature.
This tablet is for people that like paper, a lot, but don't want to carry it around or keep track of it. It is for people that fill 8-12 Moleskines a year, and mark up hundreds of pages of documents, for themselves, and others. It is for people that tap into their creativity by writing things down, sketching diagrams, and making lists.
The act of holding a pen or pencil against paper is a cognitive trigger, built into their implicit memory, every day, for years, that allows them to do their things.
$399 will buy a decent Samsung or Apple branded tablet, but neither of those is designed to emulate the experience of writing on paper like the reMarkable 2 tablet is. The reMarkable 2 will run you $399, a Marker Plus $99, and a Polymer Weave Folio $99, bringing it all to almost $600.
Unless you lurk reMarkable's website, and wait for a promotion. They did run a promotion for their pre-order, and will likely do something similar within a year of release. It is my recollection that the manufacturer ran at least two promotions for the Remarkable 1, and the savings were significant.
If you don't need one right this minute, check the website every week or so, their Amazon Store edifice, and whatever other options they have for your region.
In the last few years, reMarkable has only acquired more competition in the e ink Tablet market. That competition varies depending on where you live in the world. In the US, no one makes a thing that directly competes. I looked at other products, didn't see anything that made me pull out my reMarkable 1 and make a list of pros and cons for comparison.
That isn't to say there isn't a better thing for your use case, but there wasn't for mine.
Final Thoughts
If I didn't drive this point home earlier, I'm going to make it now. The reMarkable 2 will not replace your laptop, mobile OS (iOS/Android) Tablet Device (meant to replace your laptop), or Smartphone. There isn't even a calculator app on the reMarkable 2.
The Remarkable 2 will replace the pens, pencils, highlighters, notebooks, and print outs cluttering up your daily carry bag, desk, and life. It's a digital paper option, not a personal computing option. When used for that purpose, it is exceptional, and well worth the investment.
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