#also look ma I learned how blend!
qpjianghu · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook / The Kingkiller Chronicle
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girls--complex · 1 month
hi, love your work a lot! it manages to blend coherence with layers of esoterica, in a fun & meaningful way. do you have any big influences with your style?
Writing this as a narrative because my whimsicall mind can't seem to organize information logickally otherwise
When I was a child my Dad would show me a lot of comics/cartoons in all different styles/eras and so I was internalizing comic book logic from the very beginning. He really liked American comix both capes and Indie stuff but was also into franco belgian artists and let's be clear my papa has good taste so I was readying good stuff though I couldn't remember it all too reliably... Also Comics Journal, so I was reading comics & meta about comics. So basically I have like a deep archetypal brain stem dark spring of mind that spits out raw comic information like a dream that I can't place until I rediscover them, and a lot of deep unremembered imprintations that R kinda roiling around under the surface #Stupidsoldier
N then I was a deviantart kiddo and a reading manga at barnes and noble kiddo, and then I went and got a formal art education and learned about all these artists that sort of did pseudo comics or cartoons but didnt articulate it that way-- The German xpressionists are a big example of this -- and also about overall principles of like scale and hierarchy and time and presence -- and also just that I really like drawin the human figure in particular :)
I'm really grateful that my parents especially my dad were actually really supportive/invested in me being an artist even though they had very little faith in my character or overall competence. so I was always doing art activities to make me better at drawing because that was like the one redeeming quality I had, a lot of household resources went into me having art tutoring or doing community classes, and I was really strongly encouraged to get ma BFA
So 4 influences well I like things that are very stylish but very specific in how they represent figure N physiognomy... Naoki Urosawa & Jeff Smith were fascinations 2 me along this line... Arakawa is good too... I feel like this is a strength of American and British cartoonists generally but struggling to think of names
My favorite painter is tied between two commies: Siqueiros, who was a Mexican muralist and chaotic socialist, really specific markmaking and texture, pathos drenched figuration, charged epic landscapes, and Petrov-Vodkin, Russian ikonographer who became a propagandist for the USSR, semi-social-realist, semi-ikonographic compositions in which space is wrapping around itself to organize human figures according to a mythological logic, flattish, very cartoons/comics aligned, strange treatment of color but all really effective
History painting overall is everything to me it really doesn't show in Coward but I think it shows elsewhere some of my other dramatic sensibility is a lot from 00s action movie shlock which I would always enjoy to go see when I was younger and was somehow fascinated with the environment of government buildings and prisons and secret operations happeningunder the surface of every day life erupting into wet violence of men punching each other
I love the movie THE RAID redemption !!!!
I learned a lot of the logic of pacing N building pages around Tezuka's work as well as FMA N Death Note I think were big 1s to teach me that logic. Tezuka is a really good artist to look at for how to compose a page that supports the energy of the events that are happening on it, not that that's something I personally am good at. Favorite mangaka for tone and environment and visual identity are Katsuhiro Otomo, Tustomu Nihei, Suehiro Maruo, Nishioka siblings, Hideshi Hino
A lot of my sense of timing is also from news paper strips tbh. It's just a gut thing to me at this point hehe , Character design is also a gut thing for me I draw a little thing and I can either ensoul it with psychosexual fixation or I can't
I was born in the hospital Henry Darger worked at St. Joe's he's an ancestor to me but ofc inimitable by virtue of GOD being his sole audience
As for the esoterickal dimensions I feel like it's all it's own post let's just say I lack the inclination and ability for systematic and rigorous study but I am really interesting in gathering little packets of information and arranging them into dioramas and the longer I do it the more packets I accrue
I want to make a list of artists on here that I like/admire sometime too but that's too much for me rn. I also suspect a lot of people R mad at me for arbitrary reasons just as I also am mad at a lot of people for arbitrary reasons so I dont wanna bother no one ...
Oh well so I'm intentionally reorganizing how I draw right now because I sense a shift in my trajectory again so thanks for making me reflect
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bengiyo · 8 months
Cooking Crush Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week was one of my favorite episodes of the season, because it focused on the drama between the friend trio. We delved into how important they are to each other, and their boyfriends (or soon to be (hopefully) boyfriends) supported them. I'm still thinking about the narrative of their dish. Ten got clarity from Prem after punching Chang Ma's nasty ass out, and Fire has promised to come out publicly when Dy wins.
Pang is a real one for recognizing a double date and getting out of the way.
"Put some meat in." Fire, he absolutely will.
Hell yeah, Ten! Show off your boyfriend.
Get you a squad that will cheer for your happiness like this.
Dish 11: Or...The Three Must-Eat-eers Will Only Be a Name
I love Dynamite so much. He said, "Girl, dish," and then immediately got jealous of the PDA and ran for his boyfriend. Some people think it's annoying to have a partner tell you exactly how to please them. Could never be me.
Oh no. The Internet is clowning them. Don't read the comments, boys!
Look at Ten. He got worried about a piece of information he found. He asked for clarity immediately. He got it. He moved on. He is the best man we've ever had.
I'm loving Boyfriends Era for them.
Wait why are they in the school kitchen? Didn't we get into trouble for being here before?
Nevermind. There's the security guard. This got so silly.
In the school kitchen??? Boys!
"It has to happen sooner or later," is the exact energy I expected from Dy.
He kicked my boy across the room!! I see the mom will be our final boss for them, because staying in the closet physically injured Dy there.
Now, Ten, don't leave that sticky note at your house like that!
Of course the bullies posted the punch on socials. Hateful.
Terrible, Ten's dad was right that Ten caused problems for Prem.
Dynamite and Fire are so fun to watch at this point. "Fy, I got slammed hard. I need to be hugged."
Oh, I like this A-B framing of the doc separate from the rest of the group.
Gun is beautiful, and we should have him smile with the whole squad backing him more often.
I love Dynamite so much. "Learn from them, Fy." "Of course."
This producer is like Masks Off and called them lame! Hold the fuck up! There are multiple posts picking at the dad scene but we don't want to cut her for this rude behavior? Priorities!
I'm actually enjoying the drama of this for Ten and Prem. Prem needs to be able to stand up to criticism if he's going to be a popular chef, and Ten needs to reckon with his own stubbornness if he's going to be a good doctor and partner. He gets all riled up about his dad, but he thinks he knows best about everything.
Oh no, Gun is crying. My weakness.
I like that Changma and Ten praised Prem for the same things. That's a good use of a second lead.
Hey, I like Changma also publicly owning his complicity in this bullshit.
I love these three so much as a friend group. I'm glad we have a good baseline for the rest of the year.
Goddamn this practice is not going great, guys.
For a second I hoped that Metha would show up to help Samsee.
Look at my boys go!!
The staff at this place is so bad at keeping the audience out of the show. You'd think they'd have done that after Ten interrupted the first time. Still, I love my boy Fire going public on TV like this.
Just gonna point out that the show remembered the dad laid hands on Ten earlier.
I really like the end of this episode. Yes, let's face that problem immediately;
Wow, we didn't have an episode 11 breakup. This was excellent. Ten and Prem tackled multiple crises this episode with open communication and mutual support. Dynamite and Fire are thriving and taking cues from their friends. Both friend groups are starting to blend. Our boys came together in the face of public scrutiny and pushed themselves to a new level. I'm having a great time. I love that we have three clear final hurdles: The Bully Gang Food War, Ten's Dad and the Scamming, Fire's Overbearing Mother. I'm so ready! The squad is together and we can take on anything!
Regarding the discussion around the dad that @lurkingshan has continued, I think we're fixating on a single moment in a single scene way too much. The show is aware of the dad's hypocrisy, and is using it to force Ten to reckon with himself. He does not care about his dad like that. They didn't forget that he struck Ten, because they brought it up as they set him up as one of our final problems to overcome. I won't be moralizing over that anymore. It's good drama inline with what we should be used to.
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yoshyushi · 4 months
20240514 Beijing Youth Interview
From 【Creation of the Gods】 to 【To the Wonder】, Yu Shi: Popularity isn't pressure, it's motivation
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​​Actor Yu Shi is an idealist. In his recent exclusive interview with Beijing Youth's reporter, his confidence, maturity and sincerity seem to be reflected through the clear gaze in his eyes as he looks forward in his acting career. "The roles that I wish to be known for can't just be Ji Fa (T/N: leading role in 【Creation fo the Gods】). I want to leave behind many memorable characters and Batay is one of them."
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Mini-series 【To the Wonder】 was exclusively broadcasted on iQiyi on 7th May and at the same time, entered CCTV golden primetime broadcast. The whip-wielding grassland boy on horseback Batay that Yu Shi plays in the drama brings forth a clear natural vibrance, blending with the majestically beautiful landscape. Yu Shi thinks this project had helped open up a new world for him. "Through 【To the Wonder】, I hope to let everyone see that I'm also able to take on a role like Batay who's so contradictory, rugged yet pure, deep and shy. Such vivid qualities are hard to come by in previous films and dramas."
It was just a "work finding" attitude back then, never thought to gain so much attention right now
【To the Wonder】 was adapted from a short stories publication of the same name by Li Juan, directed by Teng Cong Cong and starring Ma Yili, Zhou Yiran and Yu Shi, which tells a story of a young Han lady Li Wenxiu who grew up in Altay, her consecutive failures chasing after her literary dreams in the city that eventually forced her to return to her hometown to live with her mother who looked after a shop. After she met local youth Batay, Wenxiu gradually came to discover the beauty of the land.
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【To the Wonder】 had a global premiere this April at Cannes. Following that, tickets were hard to grab when it had screened at the 14th Beijing International Film Festival. It could be said that it was highly anticipated. Yu Shi laughs as he claimed he hadn't expected that the project would be so popular when he first participated in it. "After I completed filming for 【Born to Fly】, I was jobless for a while. So at that time I only had the mindset of "finding a job" and got in contact with this project. During the audition, I chatted with director Teng Cong Cong and didn't know what the results would be. We met a second time, and it was confirmed that Batay would be played by me."
Yu Shi read 【To the Wonder】's original short stories in detail. The free land and unique quality of Altay made him yearn for it. "At that time I had a personal agenda, I thought as an actor, if I was able to experience the vast, primitive Northern Xinijang with livestock aplenty as penned by Li Juan would be such an experience of a lifetime."
Suddenly feeling like he had really become a local chap
In order to perform Batay well, Yu Shi's greatest challenge was language. He spoke mostly Kazakh in the drama. Half a year before he joined the production team, Yu Shi had started learning Kazakh language from a teacher. He laughed and said he had used a most primitive method-- to memorize blindly. "I couldn't learn it systematically from grammar to phonetics. The script was in mandarin, so I found a teacher to translate it into Kazakh. I recorded it into my voice memos and listened to it daily when I had the time, even when I was going to bed, I brainwashed myself through putting it on loop, memorizing it every day. To what extent did such muscle memory achieve? If you wanted me to speak a line from it (the script), I'm still able to. Although I'm unable to guarantee the meaning of every line but I can most definitely still recite them."
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In order to ascertain how well he was able to speak his lines, Yu Shi became "chummy" with the local kids. "I would often grab a kid and greet him before speaking a line from my script, asking if he was able to understand me. He said yes, so I suppose I spoke pretty well."
Yu Shi had substantial dialogue in his first scene, which was a conversation with the owner of the stables. "That actor was Kazakh. Under his lead, my sense of the language got better, and I became more confident. And as filming progressed, I was also immersed into the local community. The few months I was there I rode horses, herded and mixed with the locals whenever I wasn't filming. I would help the shepherd grandpa to herd the sheep and was invited to a shepherd's home. I learnt some short local phrases, so my lines were spoken very naturally. I shook off the bondage of pure memorization and could even start to ad-lib. For example, Batay being a passionately helpful person, saw someone pushing a car from far away. He wanted to help so he went up to say something. At that time the script only wrote "What's wrong?" but I was able to put the script aside and I had forgotten about the language barrier and was able to interact with him like a true local. All of a sudden, I felt as if I had really become a local chap."
Besides writing character background stories, there's also a need to observe the details of daily life
From Yu Shi's point of view, there's a kind of contradiction in Batay, mixed with a different aura. This had become his unique quality. "He's not the kind of pretty that we usually identify with, but he has a kind of primitive masculine handsomeness about him. At the same time, he's just a seventeen, eighteen-year-old kid but all sorts of circumstances had made him mature. He had been shepherding since young and needs to carry family responsibilities and bear with things. But when it comes to feelings he's so shy and deep. This gave him a different charisma."
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Yu Shi wrote character background stories for Batay, but he felt it wasn't quite enough. "I attempted to recall many things about myself when I was seventeen and eighteen, to retrace my emotions back then. These weren't enough, I had to observe life, recording down vivid details. For example, incorporating the way the natives express themselves. When Batay smiles, or gets shy, how should the look in his eyes be? I will do a harmonisation. This way, Batay is no longer a character from imagination, but as if he had developed from my own being, a character that's of flesh and blood."
【To the Wonder】 is Yu Shi's first collaboration with a female director. He felt that Teng Cong Cong's female perspective was "very awesome". "She magnified many good parts of me. When we chatted off-camera, she would often say 'you may wait with assurance, this project is definitely very good. As a woman I feel blessed as I watched it.' Director Cong Cong is very detailed, sensitive and is able to capture subtle moments."
Actors are not a "tool" in story telling, they must have their own opinions for the character to truly come alive
Yu Shi really likes to ad-lib in his performances. He laughed and said he is measured and wouldn't overdo his ad-libs. "When on set, being in all that vivid atmosphere, the actors would be inspired and in turn make the story more vivid."
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Yu Shi cites an example of a scene where Batay has an argument with his father. His father had objected to his relationship with Wenxiu. Later, Batay rides his horse over and discovers Wenxiu asleep on the grass field. "In the script it writes that Batay plays a prank and ties Wenxiu's shoelaces together, causing her to trip afterwards. But I felt if I had simply acted this way, it would be too single-faceted. I observed that there were many little wildflowers that were blooming on the fields, so I plucked one and stuck it on Wenxiu's glasses. I thought this could express Batay's inner self. At that time, he was feeling messed up. His father had objected to their feelings for each other, Batay needed to take care of this family responsibilities, but he liked Wenxiu and also couldn't bear to wake her up. So, he picked a most beautiful flower to express his liking for Wenxiu. Then, I followed the script to tie her laces together. Such a Batay was no longer just mischievous but had a gentleness and intricacy to him. At that time when I did it, I didn't discuss this with anyone. I just felt inspired at that moment and had a sudden new feeling about it. I feel this was very meaningful in the process of creation."
To Yu Shi who likes adaptations, director Teng Cong Cong had given ample creative space, which was very gratifying to him. "For an actor, the script gives visibility to allow actors to know how the storyline would progress. But actors are not 'tools' to present a story, they must have their own opinions to allow the characters to truly come alive. At the filming set, you will have sudden new feelings. Such feelings would make you act in ways that's closest to daily life, the way in which we speak would also be expressed naturally. This makes it really vivid. The actors in the scene would feel really exhilarated. I really love acting with actors who step away from the script. Such chemistry is very important."
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In such a "gratuitous" space, Yu Shi was able to improvise as he liked, to let loose in his acting, and was constantly discovering himself in this process. "The director's expectations are actually very strict. Once she's assured that everything is in order, she would toy with the idea of letting the actors to play around a little, to give more possibilities. For example, the director would let me use multiple ways to express a single feeling, to let me speak my lines in this tone or that tone, or even not saying it but just smiling a little. In this process of practicing, I would have a judgement of my own to discover which way would suit such a scene, and how to present a most powerful side in a relaxed condition. This was a kind of self-discovery."
I'm confident that I'm able to totally immerse myself to act well once I take on a project
Director Teng Cong Cong felt that there was no second option other than Yu Shi for the role of Batay. Not only was his outer-image handsome, it was more so because he had a spirit of really wanting to become a good actor. When Yu Shi was interviewed, he didn't hide his passion and ambitiousness in acting. He wishes for breakthroughs, to leave more recognized characters in his acting career.
【To the Wonder 】 seem to have opened Yu Shi to a new realm, allowing audience to listen to the shyness of a bright young youth. Yu Shi said "After performing in 【Born to Fly】 and 【Creation of the Gods】, I was really afraid of getting typecasted. I didn't want to be labelled. I wish to perform in all sorts of roles to prove myself as a multi-faceted and my depth as an actor. Performing Batay gave me such an opportunity."
In the beginning, when he received 【To the Wonder】, there were people who doubted why Yu Shi would accept a low budget production. Now, Yu Shi feels 【To the Wonder】 has proven itself through its quality. "I can really confidently say that the natural landscape in the show, the movie-style cinematography, the creation from the heart has made 【To the Wonder】 different from all the rest in the past."
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Presently, Yu Shi's popularity can be described as "burning". On this, does he feel pressurized? Yu Shi laughed and said "Popularity isn't pressure, but motivation. Right now I feel really great. Such a feeling has nothing to do with popularity but it's from all the pent-up adrenaline I had for all these years that now has somewhere to be put to use, I can finally film more projects."
Yu Shi claimed he's an idealist. "I think a piece of gold will always shine. All great directors and great actors started out as unknowns, so why can't rookies have opportunities and why should they be doubted? What if I succeed? Even if I hadn't filmed 【Creation of the Gods】, I would still think the same. Nobody knew who I was before 【Creation of the Gods】, but that's unimportant. What matters is if you are able to act well. Don't ever be opportunistic, don't think of taking short cuts. I'm confident that I'm able to, when I receive a project, I will put all of myself into it to act well."
Benefitted a lot from the Beijing International Film Festival as a panelist, harbors a "directorial dream"
At the Beijing International Film Festival this April, Yu Shi was a panelist for the "New blood movie projects". Yu Shi reflected that it had been an exceptionally beneficial opportunity. "As I watched the short films, I had to carefully observe the project's cinematography, lighting, editing and all other aspects. This was of great help to me as an actor. Being an actor requires you to understand the entire development of the industry, to understand the styles adopted for cinematography, the director's creative thinking. A good actor would step out of his role to create a project on a macro-level. Secondly, I also saw many young creatives who had just graduated from university and have many thoughts put into their projects, with so much potential. Perhaps an influential creative genius could be born from them."
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Yu Shi revealed that he has "dreams of becoming a director". "They inspired me a lot, which further boosted my confidence to persist in becoming a film maker. If I'm able to in the future, I would want to develop as a director, to explore with rookies and let more talented young people be seen."
Likes all things new, actors cannot be isolated, because you can't just be acting as yourself
Yu Shi can be said to be multi-talented in his daily life. A professional basketballer, an expert at horseback riding, archery, good with the guitar. He was also the horseback archery director in 【To the Wonder】.
Yu Shi told the reporter that the job of a horseback archery director is to ensure that filming can be done safely, can progress and that the images can be expressed well with the protocols put in place. "Firstly, it has to be scientific to allow the horses to learn and get used to the scenes. Horses run by nature, but when it comes to scenes on horseback archery, the live camerawork, the people moving around shouting orders would all affect the horses' conditions. So, every frame on the horse has to be captured systematically. Secondly, on the progress of filming, you would have to ensure that the cameraman is able to capture the required angles and frames to fulfill the long shot, full shot, medium shot and close-up requirements. Thirdly, you have to pick the optimum path to allow the cameraman to capture the beauty and aesthetics of the horses' speed, and it has to look good. These are all the communication and calibration work needed prior to filming."
Yu Shi had always loved animals. "They all have such spirits where they can feel if you're kind or malicious as you approach them. Horses are very intelligent. Their discernment through their ears and the sensitivity of their skin and fur are very high. As long as you have a good heart, your scent, your touch would make the animals feel secure and establish a good relationship with them."
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On him being "multi-talented", Yu Shi laughed and said he's someone who likes to accept all things new. "The lucky thing is, being an actor really requires such a trait. An actor cannot be isolated, because you can't just be acting as yourself. No matter if it's someone cool, a hopeless romantic, restrained or a hero, villain, you may have to present all sorts of characters. At that time, your skills, your experiences would all become the source of creative inspiration. Just like an ordinary person, if he has a certain ability he would also be very charismatic. Likewise for a character, there could be something special about him, something that makes him better than others. When this happens, as an actor shapes this character and he is coincidentally equipped with such skillsets, he would be able to use it on the character to increase the definition of the role. For example, when I filmed 【To the Wonder】, Batay initially didn't do horseback archery. But because I'm good at it so it was applied onto Batay. The more an actor learns, he accumulates and is able to bestow more shining points to the role. Even a little casual hobby could come in handy during a critical moment to add points onto the character."
Love reflections when feeling anxiety, for example on mortality and the universe
One would be taken aback by Yu Shi's maturity in thinking and the clarity of his attitude as they converse with him. Yu Shi admitted he's the type of person who loves to mull over things and likes both rowdiness and quietness. "When I'm free I'd go for a round of work out and gym. When I return home I turn quiet, mulling over all sorts of things, over and over again, what's past, what's to come, all sorts of things, I'll mull over them all."
And reflecting is a way for Yu Shi to fight anxiety. He claimed he feels anxiety too but he'd think of ways to dissipate such bad feelings. "For example, singing, playing the guitar to let it out, listening to music. And there's another method, it's actually my little secret, which is to think about things in macro-perspective, to think about deep stuff like mortality, the universe, things about various dimensions, or perhaps to just think of these worries as heaven's best arrangement. After thinking about these, you'll find that all those frustrations amount to nothing, actually. There's definitely all sorts of road bumps in life. Just as you resolve an issue, a new one could come along the next day. There is a certain order of our existence here as humans, we will never be able to escape from it. Since no one can escape, then worries and anxiety are very normal things and they're no big deal. Because nothing good comes from worrying. At least you're still living on this earth as a complete being and able to see the sun the next day."
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Yu Shi's current projects have all gained good reviews. Does this have something to do with his ability to pick scripts, or is it luck? Yu Shi admits that luck comes first. "No matter how careful a choice is made, it's no use if there's no luck. Many people love to predict if a piece of work would become explosively popular but this is in fact really difficult. Choices and luck come hand in hand. When I pick scripts I rely on my intuition. A good project is something you're able to sense. However as to whether it would become popular, that's controlled by fate. So, my team and I picking a good project is something within our control and it also concerns the how the audience likes it through word of mouth. As for the rest on if it would become insanely popular shall be decided by fate."
Before 【To the Wonder】 was broadcasted, Yu Shi wrote on his weibo "I heard a deep echo from the depths of the grasslands. And that stems from missing the wilderness." In reality, Yu Shi also faces every project and every role with a sincere heart. And then, waits for the echo of fate.
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izzybubs24 · 2 months
Texturing - Marine Lizard (Part 4)
Once I felt happy enough with how the fin looked, I then took it back into Substance Painter and baked the meshes again for a better outcome. I also realised that by increasing the sub-divisions to smooth the mesh within Maya, it would stay smooth when imported into Substance painter so the bake would look much cleaner.
I started by reapplying the base colour, emission, body highlights and colour to the inside of the mouth and throat to my updated model. I also decided to alter the original pattern to make the emitted areas look more natural had these creatures really existed.
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I gave its tummy, fins and foot pads a different colour which I felt complimented the colour of the main body.
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I then decided to give my creature's skin a gradient so it would go from one shade of colour to another instead of just being one colour. The reason I wanted to give my creature's skins gradients is because the technique is another thing I haven't done before. So by using my MA project to learn these new techniques it is also helping to further improve my skill level as a 3D artist within Substance Painter.
Here are images of my creature with the skin gradient added:
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Overall, I'm really happy with how my first creature has turned out so far and I especially love how the gradient looks on it. An improvement I would however make is to edit the head fin further, as it turned out very spiky compared to how I initially intended it to look.
I chose these colours for this creature as they will blend with the colours of the plants within the environment my creature has evolved to live in. This shows it is well adapted to survive in its land environment.
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2024idpgroup14 · 8 months
Developing the Experience
Angelique Shelley (MA Concept Art)
Blog Post #6
Special FX, Compositing
The next task was to bring the entire composition together and create the final After Effects file that would be rendered for the group and ensure that everything was suitable to be projected onto the dome.
The pillar falling at the beginning required being paused, a clock tracked to it in After Effects. I modified a video of an animated clock (Kummaru, n/d) first using time remapping and keyframes with easy ease enabled. I then learned how to use the graph editor and adjusted the handles in there for a slower acceleration (see Fig. 1). Note that my experience in After Effects before this project was limited to adding simple parallax animations to my digital paintings. 
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Fig. 1. Screenshots of the animation graph editor and mask.
I made the clock transition into the wormhole with some special effects that I found through experimentation. I used CC flo motion to make the clock face distort radially like a liquid, then on a duplicated layer adding CC lightrays but adjusting the source size so that you can actually see the clock distorting back in. I added a ripple effect to the first few frames of the wormhole itself to complete the transition between clock and wormhole.
Fig. 2 Final clock and wormhole animation.
I then precomposed the clock and attempted to match the speed and position of the pillar falling with further easy ease keyframes with adjustments made in the graph editor to match the acceleration of the falling pillar and eye.
I used a mask on the clock face along with hue and saturation and curves to ensure that it fit onto the eye. I used masking, scale and position tracking to fully integrate it into the scene.
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Fig. 2 A selection of screenshots showing compositing the clock render onto the pillar.
I then had to modify a few issues with the renders from the game engine, especially with the pinching texture at the top of the skydomes. This required a gaussian blur with a mask which would not work at all with the After Effects VR camera. I found that precomposing the footage helped. In fact I would advise that precomposing fixes most problems in After Effects and choosing “move all attributes to new composition” was the best option to choose.
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Fig. 3 Screenshots showing before and after blurring the pinched pole.
I then blended scenes together with different methods such as fading blending modes, masks and overlays to seamlessly transition into Sai’s red architectural scene. I had to brighten the scene significantly with curves as there were issues with lighting in Unreal causing it to start off as almost black in After Effects. I found that avoiding the curves from touching the edge of the curve graph avoided the image breaking or banding too much. 
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Fig. 4 Screenshots showing post-render adjustments.
I then created the beginning and end text using an ultra bold font with the VR converter effect applied to it set from 2D to fisheye. I precomposed this and set it to a luma matte mode so that the world could be seen through the letters at the end. I found that this was more visually interesting and original than just putting white text on top of everything. 
I also wanted the text with our names on to be more interesting than just popping onto the screen. I learned from a few tutorials how to create the trim paths effect to text after converting it from text to a shape layer. Unfortunately the effect requires action on each letter but I feel that it was worth the time. I like how it looks like alien glyphs as it forms on the screen. 
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Fig. 5 A Screenshot showing the application of the trim paths effect.
I then used hue and saturation to better colour match the scenes together to attempt to make it more cohesive. 
This screenshot (fig. 6) shows the layers and keyframes in one of about 12 precomposition nests that this After Effects file required. 
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Fig. 6 Screenshot of composition layers
Despite an RTX 3070 GPU, i5 12th gen and 32GB RAM the frames were taking up to 5 seconds each to finish loading. I learned to reduce the quality to quarter while working on it and toggling various effects off temporarily. 
I have learned more workflows in Maya and After Effects in the past two weeks than I have in my entire 3 years of university and all the years since. While it is unfortunate that the project direction meant that I was unable to use my primary skills in environment matte painting and character design at all for this project, I look forward to using these newfound skills to further enhance my digital painting work.
Kummaru, T. (n/d). Time lapse of a clock time passing over a day to night.  [Video]. Available at: https://www.vecteezy.com/video/23423225-time-lapse-of-a-clock-time-passing-over-a-day-to-night [Accessed 07 February 2024]
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merrock · 1 year
Tumblr media
face claim: Chella Man
full name: Harley Hua
nickname(s) / goes by: Harley
pronouns & gender: trans/genderqueer, he/him
sexuality: pansexual (and panromantic)
birth date: May 27th, 1999
birth place: Boston, MA
arrival to merrock: 2021
housing: Historical Downtown
occupation: Artist/instructor
work place: The Color Wine (teaches evening classes), From Brush to Canvas (tour guide)
family: Parents in Boston, brother who I may put in a wanted connection for! 
relationship status: single
Harley is a warm and friendly person, sometimes to a fault. He often will try to put other people before himself, as if their needs are more important. But at the same time, he's the most confident he's ever been in his life and for the first time, is comfortable advocating for himself. Growing up, he tried so hard to blend in but now he's so proud of all the different cultures and languages that make up who he is. Still, he can be a little too critical of himself, especially when it comes to nutrition/fitness and his own art. 
WRITTEN BY: Elle (she/her), est.
triggering / sensitive content: audism/ableism, transphobia, gender dysphoria
Harley grew up in Boston, MA, with his parents and his older brother. He was an active kid, involved with gymnastics and later cheerleading as well. He loved to swim and spent as much time as his parents would let him at the beach or the community pool.
Although Harley passed his hearing test as a baby, when he was in kindergarten he didn’t pass his screening at school. His parents took him to an audiologist and was diagnosed with mild hearing loss. A few months later, another test showed he was gradually losing his hearing. Technically it was Harley’s decision whether or not to get a cochlear implant. His parents never intentionally influenced him one way or another. But his doctors had advised his parents not to teach him sign language, insisting that without sign language he’d learn to read lips and would function much better around other hearing people. The problem was that Harley never really picked up lip reading anyways, so his only option to communicate with people was to get the cochlear implant. At first he hated it. Everyone sounded like Donald Duck and inanimate objects all sounded like those bad industrial rock songs his brother liked. He slowly got used to it and appreciated being able to hear his friends and family again, but he remembered what things were supposed to sound like so he never found himself satisfied with the quality of audio that came from his implant.
At the same time, puberty was not doing harley a lot of favors. He never cared too much about his body growing up; he wore the most androgynous clothing his mom would let him and made a face but sucked it up whenever he had to wear a leotard for gymnastics or put on his cheerleading uniform. As he entered middle school and made the cheerleading squad, there was suddenly a lot more pressure to look more feminine and fit in. Baggy tshirts were replaced by form fitting clothes, and his basketball shorts were regulated to nighttime wear in favor of skinny jeans and short skirts. After spending all of elementary school barely being able to communicate with the people around him, he wanted so badly to just fit in and feel like a ‘normal’ kid. He’d look at his own reflection and see a stereotypical teenage girl and while he could appreciate that she was beautiful, it felt like he was looking at someone else and not himself. He knew deep down that he wasn’t ‘her’, but he didn’t know what that meant or how to fix it.
After high school, Harley moved to New York to pursue a degree in illustration. His childhood dream had been to write a comic book, but drawing the pictures that would appear in childrens books was the next best thing and a more realistic way to make a living. His brother had also decided to go to new york for college, so they were soon living together again. He became involved in his school’s gender-sexuality alliance and soon learned about the transgender community. And suddenly a lot of things started to click. As he was figuring out his gender, his brother was extremely supportive. Once he had worked through everything and decided he wanted to transition and start going by Harley, his brother stood by him when he came out to their parents. But his parents’ reactions weren’t as warm. They still loved him - they made sure to tell him that - but they also insisted that this was just a phase. Considering they had been very accepting when he came out to them as bisexual (actually, pansexual, but he had told them he was ‘bi’ just because it was easier) a couple years before, this was not the reaction he had expected from them.
During Harley’s freshman year of college, he met another deaf student who introduced him to the local Deaf community. He kept going to events and even dated one of the guys he saw at a lot of events, which required him to learn ASL.
His plan after he graduated was to stay in New York and find work as an illustrator. But this turned out to be harder than he realized. He struggled to find good paying jobs, which meant he had to keep working as a bartender and just do art on the side. At the same time, he and his boyfriend broke up and his brother took a job in Missouri. So Harley decided that maybe it would be a good idea for him to leave the city as well. He didn't want to move back to Boston, so he applied to art-based jobs all over the northern East Coast and heard back from Merrock's The Color Wine. He had never imagined himself becoming an art instructor at a sip-and-paint type studio, but he figured it was at least a good start to get some real, adult experience in the art world.
Not long after moving to the small town, the museum had an opening for a tour guide and with his art degree from New York, Harley was a standout candidate for the position. He's been working both jobs part time, plus spends a lot of his free time at The Body Shop.
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upismediacenter · 2 years
FEATURE: Face-to-Face Feels: What do we think about blended learning?
It’s a special new school year for UPIS!
What makes this school year special, you ask? It’s the return of face-to-face classes! After two years of remote learning, the UPIS administration announced that they will be implementing blended learning, a combination of both online and face-to-face classes, for the first semester of AY 2022-2023. The school allowed the students to freely choose whether they want to participate in limited face-to-face classes or if they want to continue with online learning.
Since we are all first-timers in this mode of learning, Ang Aninag Online decided to take a closer look at how a few members of the UPIS community, specifically those taking part in limited face-to-face classes, feel about our new setup.
Through the eyes of a teacher
Ma’am Christine Prieto, a teacher from the Social Studies department, said that she is both excited and nervous for this semester. According to her, “Hindi naman nawala ang pangamba sa kalusugan dulot ng patuloy na pandemya, pero mas nangingibabaw ang excitement na muling makabalik sa paaralan at makita ang mga mag-aaral, kapwa guro, at kawani.”
After two years of holding classes via Zoom, Ma’am Christine is now able to meet her grade 11 and 12 students in a physical classroom once a month.
The new arrangement also requires some adjustments. An advantage is, she proclaimed, that there are limited distractions when teaching in face-to-face classes compared to online classes. But there is also an additional challenge: having both “zoomies” (students who attend meetings through Zoom) and “roomies” (students who participate in limited face-to-face classes) in one class. “Bawat taon naman ay nagsasagawa ng pag-aadjust sa mga aralin para tiyaking napapanahon at angkop pa rin ito sa mga mag-aaral,” Ma’am Christine explained. “May dagdag hamon lang ngayon na idesenyo ang mga aralin at gawain nang walang naiiwang mag-aaral.”
In designing activities and lessons, Ma’am Christine said, “Isa rin sa aking naging mga konsiderasyon kung paano ‘susulitin’ o gawing mas interaktibo ang face-to-face na pagkikita ng klase, siyempre na isinasaalang-alang pa rin ang kaligtasan ng lahat.”
She also added that no matter how thorough and meticulous the preparations are, it’s important to remind ourselves to stay practical and realistic, especially in matters which are out of our control, such as weather conditions, internet connection, and gadget availability.
One concern she particularly dreaded with blended learning was the commute to and from school. With the long lines in terminals, traffic, and rising fare prices, commuters all over Metro Manila, just like Ma’am Christine, struggle with transportation.
When asked what other difficulties she expects for this semester, Ma’am Christine revealed that she has a lot of worries, one of them being that blended learning is more than just going back to the pre-pandemic mode of learning. “Paano ko i-aadjust ang aking pagtuturo sa mga mag-aaral na tatlong taon halos na walang interaksyon sa isa't isa bukod sa Zoom? Ano ang dulot na pagbabago nito (emotionally, mentally, physically) sa mga mag-aaral? Sa muling pagbabalik ng face-to-face classes, paano naman babakahin ang gap sa pagkatuto na pinalala ng online learning nitong nagdaang mga taon?” she remarked.
Even with all the adjustments needed, Ma’am Christine is still grateful for the safe transition from fully online to limited face-to-face classes. She stated that this is a big change, especially with the pandemic and the uncertainty of every day, and left us with this message: “Pero sa lahat ng ito, napagtanto kong para talaga sa loob ng klasrum ang guro.”
From the students’ point of view
For our fellow students, the new learning mode brings forth mixed emotions.
“There’s the feeling of excitement because I get to see and interact with my schoolmates and teachers physically,” said Alex Blasi, the pKA 7-10 President. “However, you can’t really fully remove the feeling of anxiety because of the existence of the virus.” We can all relate to that, right?
She also observed that one of the difficulties for this semester is curbing the COVID-19 cases within UPIS. “I think that it will be inevitable to have transmission when in school so prevention will be a great challenge.”
Even with the uneasiness caused by the virus the feeling of enthusiasm in finally seeing your batchmates and teachers in person cannot be tamped down. Alex considers finally being able to express herself in the presence of her schoolmates and teachers a “breath of fresh air”, and it seems other students share similar thoughts.
Laica Sitchon, a grade 12 student from the Business and Entrepreneurship (BE) track, stated that she feels enthusiastic about shifting to blended learning because she would have the chance to fulfill her wish of experiencing what it's like to be a high school student again before she graduates.
“The pandemic took some of the most important years of my life from me, which are my high school years. I believe that the most important highlight of being a high school student is discovering ourselves, without having to face the stressful reality of being a grown-up. I really want to re-experience what it’s like to be in an actual classroom with my friends and learn from engaging activities,” she further explained.
Aside from looking forward to seeing her batchmates after two years of online classes, Laica’s also most excited about experiencing their internship face-to-face. “It would help with our company's productivity,” she shared, as students from the BE track are tasked to create their own companies, promote their products and services, as well as offer them for purchase down the line.
Alongside the excitement came the constant worry about the pandemic. Despite the strict protocols that were implemented, going to school is still risky as the virus continues to spread. “I do hope that everyone's health is safe, though,” Laica said. Meanwhile, Alex shared that she is still adjusting to this blended learning set-up because, as she put it: “transitioning from online to this new set-up is no joke.”
Satisfied with the implementation of blended learning, Laica, Alex, and many others at school are hopeful that UPIS will be able to conduct full face-to-face classes soon.
A reminder to us all
These are just a few of the sentiments from students and teachers, and it’s clear that everyone is thankful for and excited about returning to in-person classes even with the many adjustments. But despite the return of face-to-face classes, the pandemic is not yet over; The two-week shift to remote learning last September 27 - October 7 was due to the rising number of students who showed symptoms or contacted COVID. With this in mind, we all must do our part in making the UPIS community safe and COVID-free by following the policies set by the school administration. //by Daniella Garces and Charlize Yamo
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tomboy014 · 2 years
Fentons and Kents
More Extended Family au stuff!!!
There are an excessive number of DC crossovers that have Danny secretly related to one of the bats or about to be attacked with adoption papers, but I think if Danny is going to be related to anyone in the DC universe, he’d be distantly related to the Kents.
Clark Kent doesn’t seem a lot like Danny Fenton (other than being OP), but even adopted, he has a lot of traits in common with Jack.  They both:
Are extremely strong
Are built big, and I mean big.  Clark’s canon height is 6’3”.  I’m pretty sure Jack is taller and definitely broader
Have black hair and blue eyes
Are more capable than they first appear
100% believe in Santa Claus
Are good natured and helpful
It’s even more likely if you subscribe to @floralflowerpower's idea that the Fenton’s come from a rural background.  Add in @lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks idea about the Fenton’s throwing massive family reunions that include the entire extended family and more, and you can’t tell me these two didn’t come from the same family of human golden retrievers. 
And come on.  Who else but a Fenton would adopt the random space baby they found in their fields without a second thought?
No one really remembers how they’re related, but the Kent’s have been showing up to the Fenton Family reunions since the early 1900’s.  And the family reunions must be so relaxing for Clark.  Not only is everyone there super friendly and welcoming, but Clark can cut loose (to an extent) without exposing his secret identity. 
That time he crashed into a bench, destroyed it, and walked away without a scratch?  No big deal; Fenton’s always bounce back quick!
When he tackled a cousin a little too hard?  No worries; Fenton’s are durable! 
That one time he forgot most people can’t lift an entire picnic on their own?  That’s nothing; Fenton’s are always strong!
And let’s be real.  Clark isn’t even the biggest guy there.  He can blend.
The first year was probably nerve wracking for and Jonathan and Martha.  They had a kid still learning to control his superpowers and Clark had been told for a while now that he had to hide his abilities.  And this was a lot more people than he was used to dealing with.  But shy, nervous Clark was greeted by a flood of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who looked like him and welcomed him with so much warmth, acceptance, and open kindness that it made it easy to forget that he wasn’t human, let alone adopted.  This was his family, and it’d always be there for him.  This was worth protecting.
The year he finally brings Lois along has got to be a bit of a shock for her.  Here, he’s not the mild-mannered and bumbling Clark Kent or symbol of peace and justice Superman.  Here, he’s just a boisterous farm boy who can rough and tumble with his cousins without worrying about breaking anyone.
Connor had a little trouble adjusting at his first one.  He’s a teenager and “too cool” for all this country bumpkin stuff, but the rest of the family is aggressively inclusive, the mood is infectious, and he has a good time despite himself.
Jon is busy stuffing his face with as much food and fudge as the grannies will feed him, which is a ton, and there’s nothing Lois can do to stop it!
Somewhere along the line, they find out about Danny having superpowers.
It gets even better once Dani sneaks into the reunion to get at the food.  Jon and Kon find out that not only does she have superpowers, but she’s also a clone made by a billionaire asshole.  Kon, Jon and Dani start a “clone club.”  Jon’s not a clone, but he’s close to Dani’s age, so he’s allowed in.  Danny isn’t “because” and that’s the only reason Dani will give.  But he can still come on midnight flights with them.
Jon is just so excited that there are other superheroes in the family and almost immediately blabs to Clark and Lois as soon as they’re all back in the hotel room. It also leads to Danny finding out his cousin Clark is Superman.  His silence can only be bought with one of Ma Kent’s pies.  A whole one!  All for himself!  Her pies are legendary.
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1847, Lucknow, India
“Please Mama? I’ll be a good girl I promise, pakka, pakka, pakka!” Asha begged one august night, as her mother shook her head.
“Let her go cara, she needs to experience the world she needs to grow up in, sooner or later.” Her father spoke up. 
“And let a six-year old go by herself into a bustling city full of strangers doing bhagwan jaane kya? Not a chance.” Her mother replied firmly.
“But I wouldn’t be alone, I’ll be with Papa! Please, Ma?” Asha reasoned. She could see the gears turning in her mother, and saw the exact moment her resolve crumbled.
“Fine, but I want you to finish your school work on the trip. I will not be wasting time at home. You are one of the only girls who get to school, and I better not see you wasting that privilege.” 
Her mother had been opposed to her going to school in the beginning, but once her father persuaded her, she would accept nothing but the best from Asha. Asha often thought how it would be like to be Shyamala, their neighbor who didn’t go the school and spent the entire day running wild. 
Asha huffed, but nodded, and in five minutes was in front of the horse cart with her bag slung over her shoulder, her father helping her climb it. She grinned as she made herself comfortable on the cotton bags, she was finally going to Delhi.
Delhi was all she expected, and everything more. It was a bustling busy marketplace, and she sunk deeper into her father’s side as people stared; a white man with a brown daughter wasn’t a usual sight there. 
Asha smelled the scent of the sweet perfumes wafting from the shops, the sharp tang of spices in the air, the clop of hooves heard dimly blending with squawks and the bleats. Her father stopped the cart near a shop as a man came out, smiling good naturedly.
“Salaam Anthony ji! Phir wahi saaman?” the man with the strange cap on his head greeted.
“Ji.” Her father replied back in Hindi, having seasoned it over the years.
 “Bas aur lauki add kar dijiye ga.” Asha scrunched her nose at that. She did not like bottle gourd. The man started, having just seen her pressed into her father’s side.
“Wah! Aaj to gudiya bhi aa nikli!” The man smiled at her.
“Hanji. Bahut jyada ki demand karti hai madam.” Her father poked fun at her, as he reached for the vegetables and fruits they needed to get them for the next month, giving the man some coins.
“Alvida gudiya.” The man waved at her, and she waved back.
As they walked back to the cart, her eyes caught onto something. She pulled her father’s sleeve, and motioned to that stall, pulling him along as she ran there, scared that someone else would take her treasure. Asha crouched down, and pulled out a book. It was a black book with gold engravings, and little dots which traced out a pattern. She was just beginning to learn English, and stumbled over the title.
“T-th-the S-sky At-atlas.” She read aloud and looked to her father, silently asking if she could have it. Her father laughed, and proceeded to buy it for her. 
“Do you know what these are tesoro?” He asked later, when they sat comfortable in the cart, the beginnings of sleep lulling over them. Asha shook her head.
“These,” he traced over the dots, “are stars. Do you want to learn about them?” She nodded excitedly. 
“Well, then I suppose, we’ll have to continue teaching you English through this. But this will be our little secret, okay candessa?” But as he looked to her, he saw that she had already fallen asleep, her head bent toward his arm, hers clutching her beloved treasure close to her self.
hello! slight note here + translations
Anthony is English, but has Italian lineage, so he speaks both Italian and English, and so does Asha. Also, Asha’s arc (for the time being) is centered on her being in India, so a lot of Hindi will be used, but rest assured, I will be attaching the translations for both the Italian and Hindi parts.
I don’t speak Italian, so the pet names are all from a fic I liked and the meanings are from there as well. If a native speaker wishes to correct me, and would like to help, I would be ever so grateful. 
I will try to update daily, with Asha’s and the Mysterious Boy’s POVs on alternating days. The Boy’s name will not be revealed yet for plot reasons, but I’d love to hear you thoughts! :)
This book is also majorly based on ‘The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue’ by V. E. Schwab, and is largely inspired by it, with a twist of my own.
pakka- absolutely/promise (informal)
cara- dear
bhagwan jaane kya- god knows what
Salaam Anthony ji! Phir wahi saaman - Hello Anthony sir (not sir exactly, more like respectfully, used for elders or important people)! The same things again?
Bas aur lauki add kar dijiye ga - Just add more bottle gourd please.
Wah! Aaj to gudiya bhi aa nikli! - Wow! The doll came out today!
Hanji. Bahut jyada ki demand karti hai madam - Yes. The madam demands a lot. (said teasingly, and not the exact translation, same for any other sentence/phrase and there is a language disparity)
Alvida gudiya - Bye doll
tesoro - darling
candessa - candle
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Blackbonnet Soulmate AU - Part 9
The Nettles in the Garden Don't Go Away
Read on AO3 (x)
Read Part Eight Here (x)
Read Part Ten Here (x)
Ed is truly such a lovely person. Stede never would have seen it coming from Blackbeard, but the man helps him get down from the crows nest and eagerly follows him further into the ship, ready to learn about what it means to be a gentleman.
“Now, I do have to warn you,” Stede says, as they make their way back to his cabin and the neutral ground it has become. “I have never been the best at all of this pageantry. I’ll teach you everything I can, but you might want to go to someone else to double-check whatever I tell you.���
“Mate,” Ed says, disbelievingly, while he lounges back against the love seat in the corner. “Have you seen this ship? If I’m trying to learn how to be a gentleman with style, I’m not sure there’s anyone better to learn from.” When he sees Stede’s skeptical glance, he keeps going. “Look, man, do you know how many rich people I’ve stolen from? How many private vessels I’ve commandeered?”
Stede ponders that question. “Thirty?” he guesses, just as Ed starts to talk again, making it clear that it had actually been a rhetorical question and Stede had messed it up. Ed doesn’t seem to give it a passing thought, though, and Stede is thankful that no one is calling attention to his mistake.
“So ma-, more than thirty, mate! So many that I lost count in the first year that I had my own ship.” He hops his feet up onto the seat with him, perching like a looming crow in lace and red silk breeches, really getting into this. “I’ve seen it fucking all, man, and I’m telling you that the man who sails around in a ship like this is the one I want to learn from.”
“Okay,” Stede cautions, beating down the hope rising in his chest. “I just wanted to give you a fair warning. You may like my style, but I’ve lived among the gentry my whole life and I am telling you that copying me is not the way to blend in.”
“Then fuck that,” Ed shouts, and Stede officially loses control over that ravenous and flaring spark of hope from the candle in his chest. “I’m not trying to learn from them, am I? I want to learn more about what it takes to be like The Gentleman Pirate.” And he adds a kind of flourish-y movement to Stede’s title. Like it’s the sort of thing that deserves a flourish.
“That’s your choice, I suppose,” Stede demures one more time.
“That’s what I’ve been fucking saying, mate,” Ed enthuses, slapping his hands against his thighs. “Now, what’s my first lesson?”
“Well, we’ll be able to learn more active things later on, when I’m able to walk around more, but I suppose we should start with different forms of address!”
It takes less than a day for Ed to realize that this plan may have been his most ridiculous yet. Obviously, he’s going to pull it off, because he’s fucking Blackbeard and there has yet to be a single plan in his life that he hasn’t made work for him.
Still. This is a particularly difficult one. He and Stede had sat in his quarters for several hours yesterday while the boys all moved around on the deck, repairing the ship. They talked about the times when you should call someone “sir” and when you should call them “your grace” and when you should simply smile and lower your eyes and pray no one talks to you.
That last one hadn’t gone down very well with Ed, but he would burn that bridge, and maybe also whatever building he was standing in, when he came to it.
This morning, though, Stede is feeling a little bit better, and so he’s taking Ed on a more thorough tour of his auxiliary wardrobe.
Ed spends the first few minutes just running the different types of fabric through his fingers. He recognizes several of them from gifts he’s received from the soulbond over the years. At the time, he’d just figured they were all different kinds of silk, but now Stede is telling him about words like cashmere and taffeta and velvet.
Ed can’t get past the feeling of standing in the middle of another man’s treasure hoard. He’s surrounded by all the things that, it’s quite obvious, Stede values highly. Every time he reaches out, he keeps bracing for a fight. Fuck, it’s what he would have done, if he were in Stede’s place. It’s kind of what he wants to do now, just to get rid of this horrible, waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop feeling.
Stede watches as Ed peruses all the different fabrics and smiles gleefully. He keeps handing Ed new things to touch, showing him how the fabric feels different depending on the direction he strokes it. There are rich blues and bright pinks and all the colors of the sky in this fucking secret wardrobe. Ed forgot to wash his hands this morning, because the last time he washed his fucking hands was when he was fourteen and living at home, but he’s regretting it now. He keeps waiting for the dirt ground in his nail beds to leave a glaring stain.
“So, some people will tell you that it’s important to find your color palette and then you can’t go wrong, but I find it important to cultivate a style as well, to really show who you are,” Stede says eagerly, while pawing through his racks and racks of clothes. It’s one of the most ridiculous things Ed has ever heard someone say. “I don’t need to tell you that, though, do I, Ed? You’ve clearly got a style all your own as well.”
Ed’s never really thought about it like that. He wears the head-to-toe black leather because it looks badass as fuck. Thinking about it, though, there are other badass outfits he might have chosen. He likes the way the leather looks on him. Likes how it makes him feel powerful. Is that what Stede is talking about?
“I suppose you’re right,” he mutters, “but if that’s the case, I don’t see anything in this secret closet that would suit my style.”
It’s like Stede has been waiting for that comment, because he whirls around, holding three hangers in his left hand, eyes aglow.
“Exactly! You have a strong sense of style, but it isn’t very flexible. That’s what I thought we might talk about today. I don’t want to make you leave the black leather completely behind, but I thought it might be nice to supplement it. How do you feel about a nice, deep purple? That shouldn’t be too far outside of your comfort zone.”
And then, the absolute imbecile, he hands the three hangers to Ed. Now that he’s looking closer, Ed can tell that Stede has chosen two shirts and a pair of breeches. They’re all in dark colors that Ed hadn’t even seen in the closet, purple and navy and charcoal gray. When he brushes a finger or two across them, he can’t remember what the fabric is called but he knows it’s one of the ones he spent a lot of time running through his fingers.
When he looks up at Stede, the man is standing there, surrounded by all his fancy things, and smiling at Ed with a warmth he can’t remember seeing before.
Stop that, you idiot, he thinks, I’m trying to fucking rob you.
“Nah, man, that’s not even close. You can’t tell me that you’ve never been angry before,” Ed says, and his face is so close to Stede’s that he can feel every time the man breathes out. When Ed is getting into what he’s saying, sometimes his beard will brush up against Stede’s face and it’s like nothing he’s ever felt before. Frankly, it’s terribly distracting. Stede’s never been the type to grow a beard, and so this is the first time he’s felt one on his face. He always thought he would hate the sensation, but it’s not bad.
Should Stede grow a beard?
“Hey,” Ed scolds, snapping his fingers in front of Stede’s face. “Focus up. There’s nothing scary about a guy who zones out halfway through threatening someone.”
“Right,” Stede mutters, shaking his head a little bit to get back in the zone. They’ve spent the last hour or so with Ed trying to coach him into developing a properly intimidating piratical expression, but so far they haven’t accomplished much. Stede’s face doesn’t seem keen to scowl or snarl.
“Now,” Ed says, getting right back up into Stede’s space. “What makes you angry, Stede Bonnet?”
“I,” Stede hesitates, “I’m not actually sure. I can’t remember ever being angry.”
At those words, Ed huffs out a deep sigh, letting his lips flap with the movement, and flops back onto the couch. Stede feels like he’s gasping for his first breath in hours. He hasn’t been taking deep breaths since Ed got into his space. Maybe that’s what happens when you’re sharing the same air as someone else? Maybe you use up all the air and, even though both of you are breathing, it isn’t actually getting you what you need.
Now that he can breathe better, the room comes back into focus. It’s just his quarters. Just the couch and chair in front of the library nook. They’ve drawn back the sheer curtains and the sun is shining through the portholes. It’s only been a few days of Ed on his ship, but Stede already can’t remember what it is like to spend a day without talking to him. They’ve grown so close so quickly. It’s wonderful.
“This isn’t working,” Ed says, reaching over Stede’s shoulder to grab the decanter off the back table. Stede hands him a tumbler before the absolute scoundrel can drink directly from the decanter. Again. Ed nods at him in thanks and pours himself a few fingers. “I don’t believe that you’ve never been mad.”
“I’m not lying to you!” Stede defends. “I’m sure it must have happened at some point, but I truly cannot remember a time when I was full of, you know, rage. Mostly I just get a little bit irritated and then I either deal with it or leave.”
Ed is leaning forward on the couch now, listening raptly. “You’re telling me you’ve never gotten just,” he pounds a fist against his chest, “murderous when someone takes something from you? Or if they keep talking shit about you and you just snap?”
Certainly not. Stede made a living, before this, of managing to endure anything without snapping. That was the whole point of the work, of the practice, of the snow. If Stede Bonnet were the type of man to become angry and lash out at someone, he can’t imagine that he would have lived to the age he is now. Whether his father, the boys at school, or his wife, someone likely would have killed him.
People always have unkind things to say. They always will. Stede rises above any anger that may result from that. Partly because he believes it is the right thing to do and partly because he knows that they would eat him alive if he did anything else.
There hasn’t been a moment in Stede’s life when the things that Ed has described happened. The closest thing Stede can think of is his first few weeks of pirating. When Nigel Badminton came aboard. That moment just before he landed the “stunning” blow. The sick, vicious snap of cold fury before the crunch-soft hit of paperweight to skull. Even at the thought, there’s a slimy chill that runs through Stede. That wasn’t anger. That was loss of control followed by murder.
Stede tries to think about something else, but it’s like the memory won’t leave him alone until it has played itself out completely. Wordlessly, Stede gestures for Ed to hand him the decanter. Stede pours out a finger or two for himself and takes a steadying swallow of whiskey. The memory is finally winding down in his brain. When it’s done with its torments (for now), Stede feels another memory coming to the surface. Something that the thought of Nigel had been blocking out.
He’s sitting in a carriage outside someone else’s house. Alma is sitting across from him, yelling about how she punched Christopher Worthington in the face. Louis, dear, sweet, Louis, is curled up so small and shaking in Stede’s arms. He has a streak of rouge on his cheek. He is crying.
And there. There is the white-hot anger, burning just as brightly as it did when Stede was sitting with Louis in the carriage. Maybe Stede had been a bad influence, and maybe he had put Louis in a difficult position. But Stede was doing what he could to fix those things. And, even if Louis never changes from who he is now, even if Stede has irrevocably hurt him, that does not make it acceptable for anyone to speak to his son that way. Louis is kind and soft and so small, and he has never done a thing to deserve the way they were treating him. The way they may still treat him.
Stede would fight the world. He would duel a thousand men. Let them cut him down, let them kill him. He would get back up. If he thought it would make any difference at all, he would do it.
“Perfect,” Stede hears Ed breathe, and he is abruptly back on The Revenge. Ed is perched on the couch in front of him, leaning in close. His beard is brushing against Stede’s chin with every breath.
“Oh!” Stede throws himself back in his seat, scrambling away out of instinct.
“No, wait, you had it! For just a second there.” And Ed reaches out and, oh, he touches Stede’s face. Right up near the corner of his eye.
He’s a very physical man, Blackbeard is. It’s always catching Stede off guard and surprising him. People in high society rarely touch each other, especially not people who are just your casual friends.
“What were you thinking about?” Ed asks, and his voice is quiet, like he’s afraid that speaking too loudly will chase away Stede’s headspace. Maybe it will. Maybe that’s part of the whole pirate thing.
“I was thinking about someone being unkind to my son,” Stede says, because he is learning that the deep brown of Ed’s eyes, when they are focused on him, draw truth from him like water from stone. The man looks surprised for a moment, before that surprise eases into a bright smile.
“Perfect,” he repeats. “So, the next time you want to really threaten someone, you just need to treat them like they’re the person who just bullied your son or pushed your… daughter?” he glances up at Stede for confirmation, “or pushed your daughter down.”
Stede thinks of all the people in Louis’s life that may mistreat him, if he continues to grow up to be the kind of person Stede is. For the first time, he thinks about Alma too, and how it really isn’t very ladylike to punch a boy in the face. There are going to be so many people in the world who might be unkind, if Stede did not remove himself from the situation quickly enough. Even the thought of that has the rage sparking to life again.
“I think I can do that.”
“You’ll have to forgive me,” Stede apologizes, breathing the words over Ed’s shoulder while he leans his weight against the chair, just so, so he isn’t touching Ed. “I never planned to eat anything fancier than a five-course meal, when I set off to be a pirate. I should have known better, really. A gentleman tries to be prepared for every occasion.”
“Are you saying there are supposed to be more utensils than this?” Ed scoffs, trying desperately to keep his attention on the ones that are in front of him, and not the sensation of so easily letting someone stand at his back.
“Goodness, yes. A proper table setting usually has around twelve different utensils, and that’s if they aren’t serving anything special that night, which almost never happens.”
“I don’t get why I can’t just eat my meal with one fork, or even just my hands.”
“That’s not the point of it all, though,” Stede corrects, in that uppity way that he has when Ed has tread on ‘propriety.’ Over the past week or so, it has become clear that Stede won’t do anything else to Ed, beyond use that voice, when he really fucks something up, so Ed has started to enjoy bringing it out in him.
“What is the point, then?” he demands, already enjoying the animated way Stede is starting to wave his hands around.
And, look, Ed’s not fucking stupid, okay? He’s felt this way before. He knows what it means when he finds himself staring at a man’s hands because he’s imagining the way that they would feel on his skin more than watching to make sure they don’t go for a gun. Blackbeard’s been around the block more than enough times. When he needs something, he docks the ship, finds someone willing, and takes it. He’s run into Calico Jack a few more times over the years, too, and they usually take a week or so to really let off some pent-up steam. Life at sea can get boring and repetitive, and there’s never enough privacy to really take your time.
The point is: Blackbeard knows what this is. Somehow, he’s managed to find himself attracted to his current mark. The richest fucking white man he’s ever met and one of the most ridiculous people on God’s green earth. He’s got good legs, though, and a good ass. Ed’s seen the man’s chest too and, even soaked in fever-sweat, it was obvious that Stede is built like a boxer. He may not know how to use it all just yet, but Ed could teach him.
It’s not the first time he’s felt this way about someone he plans to steal from. It can be fucking useful, as a way to get people to lower their guards right down to the floor. Ed, of course, knows better than to reciprocate, and that’s why Blackbeard always wins.
And Ed is getting to the point where he suspects Stede feels the same way. Wants the same things. Because the man keeps finding excuses to stand behind him or touch his arm to correct his posture or any number of things. Ed’s caught Stede checking out his ass and arms sometimes, but that doesn’t always mean something. Ed knows he’s got a good ass and that his arm looks cool as hell, so that’s never a reliable measure of whether someone’s actually down for a good fuck.
The only complication in all of this, the only thing that makes it different, is that Stede isn’t just some random person. He is, supposedly, Ed’s soul-
Nope. Not thinking about that. Focusing on learning the skill so that he can finish the job, take Stede’s place, and never think about this again. If he gets a quick fuck out of it, then that’ll be fine, but the most important thing is to get all of this over with.
“I suppose,” Stede concludes, having fully run himself out of steam while Ed was too busy watching his lips move to listen, “that it’s about the pageantry of it. When you’re eating with all these utensils, you’re showing off that you have the upbringing and training to know how to follow all the silly little rules. And it’s a test to see if everyone else knows the rules too.”
“Pageantry,” Ed mimics, because repeating one of the last words someone said is a pretty effective way to trick them into thinking you were listening. “Right.”
“Sorry, I got a little bit off track there, didn’t I? Now, one of the first things to remember is to start from the outside and move your way in. If there’s ever a big gap, you know you’ve gone out of order.” He leans over again, once again behind Ed, once again resting his hip against the chair so that they aren’t quite touching. He’s close enough that there is that electric-phantom-heat feeling that tells you someone is nearby. He’s still speaking right next to Ed’s ear. Even the man’s fucking breath smells good. Ed didn’t know that was possible with the life they lead. Does his breath smell good?
This is getting wildly out of hand.
“Blade,” Ed instructs.
“Blade,” Stede repeats, following where he’s pointing.
“Pommel,” Stede repeats, a little amused by the repetition game they have started. “You know so much about this.”
“It’s not hard to know the parts of a sword,” Ed scoffs. “You learn pretty quickly when you’ve got one stabbed through you.”
“A fair point.” When Ed smiles at the acknowledgement, he looks away from the sword for a second, and Stede uses the moment to snatch the rapier out of their shared grip and dart across from Ed. He’s feeling good about how far he’s made it without retribution until he turns around to see Ed lazily waiting for him, his own rapier gripped insouciantly.
The joy of it, of his little joke being anticipated and of Ed playing along, has Stede laughing aloud as he lowers himself into a crouch and holds the rapier out in front of him.
“En garde!”
In one single, confident movement, Ed strikes his rapier against the blade of Stede’s own and the sword leaps from his fingers. The metal wobbles and shakes and tumbles to the ground. In another relentless stride, Ed is standing close to Stede, the point of his rapier resting lightly against Stede’s breast.
“It seems I have defeated the Gentleman Pirate in single combat,” he swaggers. “What will he offer me in exchange for his life?”
It’s a beautiful, warm day on The Revenge, and Ed had seen the rapier Stede had purchased and proudly mounted on the wall of his quarters. When he had taken it down and acknowledged that it was a surprising high-quality blade, Stede had eventually admitted that he lacked any knowledge of how to use the thing. He’d sort of been hoping that the knowledge would naturally arise out of the pirating lifestyle.
This had all led to their impromptu sparring lesson in the rec room. Stede had taken down the net to clear the space, and he and Ed stood across from each other. Ed had pulled his hair back almost entirely in preparation for the physical exercise, and it revealed the slightly-paler skin on the back of his neck, where the sun never touched. The grating over top of them only let in small boxes of light, and they stretched and twisted strangely across Ed’s face when he moved or spoke.
Now, there’s a line just across the bridge of his nose, passing over both of his eyes, and they stare darkly at Stede over the unwavering line of his rapier. It all makes for quite the intimidating picture.
Stede’s mouth has gone dry, probably from all the exercise.
“I can offer you a feast, prepared from the finest ingredients available on this vessel,” Stede offers, really getting into the part and letting a bit of a tremble into his hands and voice. Ed keeps meeting his eyes over the glinting silver of his blade and starts to smirk.
“Throw in a handle of that whiskey I’ve heard so much talk about, and you might just have yourself a deal.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Captain Blackbeard, but I suppose I must accept.”
“Well, then, I suppose I must let you live. I am, after all,” and here he finally lowers the blade and tucks it away at his hip. It’s impossible to tell every expression the man makes, what with the beard and all, but Stede sees the way his eyes are crinkling now and likes to think that he’s smiling. “A man of my word.”
They stand there for a moment, grinning at each other and chuckling a little bit, as the pretend scenario slowly fades from the room. Until they are just Stede and Ed again, and Ed is teaching Stede how to be something more than useless with a blade.
“Now, we need to talk about your grip. And your stance, while we’re at it.”
Ed steps across the bright wooden floor and Stede holds his hands out to his sides, eagerly waiting to be shown what to do. Even so, it comes as a bit of a surprise when Ed hands him the rapier off the ground and then steps in so closely that they are pressed together from ankle to shoulder. His beard is up against the side of Stede’s face again and, again, he has to consistently redirect his attention away from the sensation to be able to hear anything that Ed is saying. He’s quite a physical man, Ed. Not that it’s any problem. That’s likely how this sort of thing is taught.
“Okay, this part,” and Ed drags the tip of his finger along the wing-like parts of the grip where they branch out on either side of Stede’s hand, “is called the quillion.” It’s a fun word, and Stede repeats it back to Ed, just to have the chance to roll it around in his mouth a bit. “Exactly,” Ed breathes, and he’s speaking so quietly, though Stede supposes that makes sense when they are already standing so closely. “And I want you to take your first finger here.” His longer fingers reach up to nudge Stede’s index finger up above the quillion. Ed then wraps his hand around the outside of Stede’s hand, pressing his remaining fingers into a loose hold on the grip.
“This,” he mutters, even quieter. His beard keeps brushing up against Stede’s cheek. There are a few motes of dust moving through the sun-spotted air that keep trying to steal Stede’s attention. Every time Ed speaks, however, it’s like his voice is the sticky sap in a venus flytrap. There is nothing else in the world. “This is the grip you use for better reach. Make sure the pommel is up against your wrist and your palm is facing the ground. See this here? The way that the weight of the sword pushes the pommel into you? That gives a good oomph to your hits.”
Ed releases his hold, and Stede flexes one or two of his fingers, even though he hadn’t been gripping that tightly. Once he’s done stretching, Ed returns to manipulating Stede’s hand, shifting him so that his first two fingers are both above the, the quillion. Right.
“This is the grip you want to use when you’re trying to put more power behind your hits.”
Stede realizes he is getting a little dizzy, and it’s likely because he can’t remember the last time he took in oxygen. He must be so focused on what he’s learning. There’s this kind of electric, barely-contained energy to Ed, behind him. That must be what it’s like to be Blackbeard. All coiled tension and lashing power. Stede feels the deep well of desire in his stomach, to be someone like that. To one day reach that level.
“Now, we’ve got to talk about your stance. Can’t even begin to actually spar until you know how to stand.” And, once again, Stede is forced to confront the fact that he has made friends with a man who primarily communicates through touch. Which is fine. It means that Ed’s hands come to rest on Stede’s shoulders, pulling him out of the awkward crouch he had naturally fallen into when handed a blade.
“Right foot…forward.” As Ed speaks, he uses his own foot to nudge Stede’s shoes. For the first time, Stede wonders whether he should have worn something other than his daily, heeled footwear. “You want your toes to point at the bastard you’re attacking. This other foot needs to move back.” Without warning, Ed’s foot changes direction and knocks Stede’s left foot back, much wider than he was standing. Stede’s balance utterly fails him, especially on the elevated, wooden heels of his shoes, and he spends a terrified moment pinwheeling for footing.
“Careful,” Ed chides, and the hands on his shoulders pull Stede back, for a moment, against a solidly grounded body. This close to Ed, the air smells like sun-warmed leather and beard oil. Stede can feel the way that Ed’s deep voice rumbles through the bellows of his chest before leaving his mouth.
“Right,” he says, trying to reorient himself and return to the stance he had before falling. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem, mate. You want that back foot about shoulder-distance from your front foot, but you gotta turn it out to face the other way. That way, when someone does this,” he had waited until Stede shifted his foot before giving a solid push to his side. Stede, shocked at his own balance, is able to shift with the movement and find his way back to standing without stumbling again. “They can’t knock you over as easily. Plus,” he moves to the front of Stede, reaching an arm out to touch Stede’s breastbone, always touching. “When you’re standing sideways, it gives the other guy a lot less of you to aim for.” He chuckles and pulls back a bit more, unsheathing his blade before jabbing in Stede’s direction in example.
“It’s hard to stab someone’s heart out when you can’t reach it.”
Ed knows how this looks. He knows that he’s making a fool of himself. It would be impossible to miss even without Izzy Hands hanging around in the background of his life to constantly catch his eye in exasperation when he does something ridiculous. And never let it be said that Blackbeard does not have Izzy Hands.
He’s spent the last week and a half following Stede around like a lost fucking puppy. Every time he tells himself that this is the last time he seeks Stede out in a spare moment to learn something new or to share another insight about piracy, he finds himself right back at Stede’s side an hour later. Stede is much the same, following Ed around from dawn to dusk. And Izzy has made it incredibly clear that teaching a man to fight does not require as much physicality as Ed is using.
He knows. He fucking knows, okay? Ed is losing his mind a little bit here, and having someone point out every little symptom doesn’t actually change anything that’s happening.
Stede Bonnet is a fucking enigma. Ed knows what he looks like, okay? And he’s been at sea long enough to know when someone wants him. And Stede wants him. Probably. Maybe? He’s 100% sure at least 50% of the time.
The man will fucking. Make Ed breakfast and call him in to eat in his personal quarters and smile at Ed over his cup of tea while the sun rises behind him. He fucking sat there and made hundreds of cups of tea for Ed to try until they found one he likes best, and now he fucking makes that tea for Ed every morning. He keeps letting Ed get into his space and touch him and make himself So Fucking Obvious that he’s pretty sure the rest of the crew thinks Ed is getting dicked down every ten minutes.
Stede will let him stand close and touch and smile and tease. He creates this warm, safe bubble around him. But then Ed will go to lay it all on the line: grab Stede’s hand or look significantly at his mouth or slip into his quarters long after everyone else is asleep.
Stede moves his hand out of the way.
Stede meets his eyes and smiles brightly.
Stede will get out of bed and pour them both drinks and then sit with Ed and talk until the sun comes up again. At one point, he heavily hinted that he thought Ed was there because he was having trouble sleeping. The bizarre man offered for Ed to sleep on the couch in his quarters, if company helped.
Of course, Ed is still very much of the mind that he is going to kill Stede. There’s really nothing else for it. But more and more, he’s really hoping for that quick fuck before he has to do the damn thing. He needs to get this disaster out of his system.
“The waltz,” Stede says, drawing Ed’s attention back to the immediate, pressing catastrophe and away from the on-going, long-term carriage crash his life is becoming, “is a staple, if we’re going to prepare you for high society. The initial steps are easy enough to learn, and they can carry you quite far before your partner notices you don’t know anything else.”
Ed is sitting on the edge of Stede’s writing desk, because he doesn’t think he can handle this. Stede, however, is standing in the middle of the space they cleared in his quarters. He’s stepping slowly through what he called a ‘box step’ and is counting to three out loud, over and over.
The longer Ed goes, just sitting there, the more uncomfortable and awkward Stede looks. Less than a minute and he’s hiked his shoulders up to his ears. His motions are rigid and forced. After one more unsteady box step, Stede stops demonstrating and flops to lean against the desk next to Ed.
“Sorry about this. I know it’s a little bit strange. It’s not all that important to know how to dance. You could make sure to always have a drink in your hand or say you have vertigo, and most people will leave you alone. We could learn something else.”
Ed is going to say yes and change tonight’s lesson. Because he knows better than to do something stupid like press his whole body up against Stede’s while he’s still waiting to figure out what the man even wants from him. He braces himself to say it and catches sight of the hesitant, guarded look in Stede’s eye.
This is not the first time he’s seen this look. It happens sometimes, when Stede just starts on a long explanation of some fascinating little facet of upper class life. He’ll build up a full head of steam, and then he’ll suddenly cut himself short. Guards up. Braced for…something. It twists the air around him like a man bracing for a slap. Ed’s gotten better at responding in these moments. It usually happens when Stede has a lot of thoughts and feelings about something and isn’t sure if a guy like Blackbeard could understand or care about what he’s saying.
If Ed just asks a question or two, just keeps looking at Stede, just makes little noises of interest, it goes away. And the topics that make Stede clam up, once you’ve pried him back open, are some of the best conversations they have. The man knows his shit, when you get him on the right topic. He’s insightful and ridiculous and kind of brilliant. It’s genuinely some of the most fun Ed has had in ages.
Stede is clammed up now and, honestly, what could the harm be?
“How do you know when the ones, twos, and threes are?” he asks, testing the waters. And there, there it is. The creeping, hesitant, joyful, cautious excitement. The way that Stede wiggles a little with it, and has to bounce on his toes a bit, can’t lean against the desk or the wall or any other space for too long.
Got him.
“You’ll be able to hear it in the music. I can teach you how, don’t worry about that now. It’s good to start with counting out loud, without music, so we can slow it down and speed up however we need!” Stede holds his left hand out (hand to wrist to arm to shoulder to neck to mouth to warm, warm, warm eyes) and Ed pushes off the desk.
Stede holds Ed’s right hand in his left.
“If it’s okay, I’m going to have to touch you a bit to teach this. Will you let me know if I ever make you uncomfortable?”
What the fuck. Who is this fucking man. Ed is going to get his drink off the desk, dump it over Stede’s head, and then lick his face and neck clean.
“Sure, man. Go for it.”
And Stede, well, Stede ‘goes for it.’ Ed feels the brush of strong fingers against his left wrist, and Stede is lifting it to his own shoulder. Murmuring just there as he settles Ed’s thumb into the groove in his arm created by his deltoid.
Shit. Bloody fucking shit hell fuck balls. Dick.
“Now, step back here.” Stede pushes gently at one of Ed’s feet with his own, and he nudges until Ed takes one too-big step back. “One.” He hooks his other foot behind the one that Ed’s just got hanging around like a bum, since all his weight is shifted onto the foot he just moved. And also Stede’s shoulder, which Ed realizes he is clinging to. And his hand, which Ed is also clinging to, and which Stede is supporting with an unwavering grip. Stede sweeps Ed’s other foot back and to the side. “Two.” And he’s shifting his weight, moving like water and bringing Ed with him. Tugging until they’re standing just like they started, feet together and facing each other. “Three,” he whispers.
“Not so hard,” Ed mutters, through the heart that has lodged its way completely up his throat.
“Now we do the same thing,” Stede says, still whispering like some fucking…some fucking soft thing Ed doesn’t fucking know, “but in reverse.” And he counts them again. This time, Stede is the one stepping back, and Ed needs to look down at their feet to mirror the movements. “One, two, three.”
They make it through another few rounds of the box step before Ed starts to get too confident in his abilities. He looks up briefly, catches Stede watching him, and immediately forgets everything he’s learned. He treads all over Stede’s foot, and stumbles halfway over before he catches himself on Stede’s shoulder.
And Stede, fucking, laughs. And it’s a soft, quiet laugh and Ed can only hear it because they’re standing so bloody close to each other and he can feel it in the shoulder he’s holding. He can see up-close the way that Stede’s eyes go warm and gooey, butter spread across oven-fresh bread.
“I’m impressed,” Stede says, and there is sunlight dripping off his words. “When I first learned this, I could hardly even keep my balance for the steps. It must be all that sword fighting you do, but you’re quite light on your feet, Ed.”
And without giving Ed any time to process what he’s just said, or to respond, Stede straightens out their posture and starts them gently moving again. Incredible, how just this, just hand-to-shoulder, hand-to-hand, hip-to-hip can give Stede such utter control over Ed’s body. With a weight shift, he can straighten Ed’s posture. With a small step, he can guide Ed across the smooth floor. Incredible, how Ed isn’t confined by it, or feeling the need to fight back with everything in him. Incredible, how the beast is sleeping.
They keep it up for what feels like hours. It’s dark outside and the ship is quiet, and there’s really no way to know how long it’s been. When Ed is finally able to keep his feet under him consistently, Stede starts to hum quietly.
“We don’t have any way to listen to music, but we could have Frenchie play something for us, at some point. For now, I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with what I can contribute.” And Stede’s hum is raspy and a little off-key. But it’s quiet and steady in the space between them, and Ed slowly falls under the spell of it. He’s a little outside of himself, at this point just a body for Stede to move as he needs. It doesn’t feel bad.
There have been days in the past when Ed has been becalmed in his ship, trapped, and going out of his mind with boredom. If it’s the middle of the summer, he’ll dive over the side and swim out to an empty part of the water. When the sea’s calm like that, and the sun is beating down, and the fish dart past you in your stillness, and there isn’t any wind. Ed likes to float on his back and drift outside himself. Feel the slow shifting of deeper tides beneath him. Rise and fall with the softest passing of waves.
Stede holds Ed steadily, hums quietly, and moves them across the floor of his quarters. He’s added a spin to their box step, at some point, and Ed isn’t sure quite how he’s doing it, but his body moves along easily when met with the steady reassurance of Stede’s steps. They’re standing closer than they were when this all started, Ed and Stede pressed together from hip to chest, but off-center, a tease rather than a promise. And…it’s fine. For the first time since this maddening dance started, Ed is perfectly fine with the fact that he doesn’t know what Stede wants. He’s just following. He’s just going where he’s led. It’s not his job to figure it out.
“I’ve always loved dancing,” Stede whispers, like a secret between them. “My father hated it, but he could never find a good argument against it. Of course, I was a terrible dancer, but I would learn the moves and practice them in my room when I was bored and alone. I liked to imagine that, one day, I could sweep someone off their feet.”
They spin and step in silence for a moment after that, the words heavy in the air but not demanding a response. After a few more rotations, Stede goes back to humming quietly.
Ed doesn’t know how long they dance. His knee starts to ache after a while, that building pain that tells him he’ll regret this tomorrow, but he won’t regret this, and he doesn’t stop.
They don’t stop.
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docholligay · 2 years
Friendship Prompts Day 13: Life Coach
Hot MaS content! 
“So, I’m going to therapy now.” Haruka fiddled with her watch, “I mean, I went. I guess I’m going again.” She shook her head. “Yeah. I am. I have to.” 
Fucking right, you have to, was what Mina wanted to say. But she held it in her mouth. It had taken a lot out of Haruka to call Mina, to apologize for everything that had happened between them. To ask for her help. 
M.A. was born, and Haruka was trying. She was nearly choking on it, but she was trying, and the first thing she had asked was for Mina’s help. MIna had found her a therapist, despite the fact that Haruka had looked at each of them and was sure they hadn’t known anything at all. 
“You like her?” Mina said, taking a sip of the coffee in front of her. 
Haruka shrugged. “I guess. She’s nice.” 
There was the clinking of Haruka’s spoon against the edge of her glass, and she gave out a heavy sigh. 
“You shouldn’t have to be here, Mina.” 
MIna kicked back into her chair. It was true, she supposed, that Haruka should have gotten her shit together long ago, that she shouldn’t need help to do it, that it never should have turned into the entirely immature, reactionary, self-destructive thing it did. But it was also true that Mina didn’t care about any of that. Haruka seemed to genuinely be trying, and that was all that mattered. 
“Bud, I don’t have to be anywhere. Besides,” she grinned, “how long did I spend being your life coach? This isn’t even new territory. Honestly, it feels good to get back in the saddle.” She tossed a small catalog down onto the table. “You need a new wheelchair.” 
“Ugh, it’s fucking..” she gestured into the air, “It doesn’t matter, it’s just gonna suck anyway, so--” 
“Ruka.” Mina looked over the table at her. “You want my help or not? Your own doctor thinks yours is a terrible piece of shit that doesn’t fit you.” 
Haruka drew her arm across her chest and looked off to the side. “Yeah.” 
“You know why that is?”
Haruka looked up with a smile smile. “Because it’s a terrible piece of shit that doesn’t fit me?” 
“Amazing! And here I thought you’d take at least two guesses. A genius.” 
Haruka pulled the catalog toward her and flipped through a few pages. “I don’t--”
“You love mechanical bullshit and specs and all that. Don’t lie. You’re being told to spend the price of a decent used car on something with wheels. You should be thrilled. Look,” she leaned over and flipped open the pages. Here’s a bunch of fucking wheels that look the exact same but have varying prices! This is where you shine!” 
“They aren’t the exact same, MIna, they’re all made of different blends, so they’d be good for--” She looked up and grinned. “You tricked me.” 
“No, I told you what I was doing and you walked into my clever trap anyhow.” 
Haruka ran her hand over the page, and sat there for a moment. “It’ll get easier, won’t it?” 
There was hope and fear, blended like table wine, in her voice. 
“Of course,” Mina sat back, assured, “You’ll get back in the game. Just have to learn how to play again.” 
Haruka chuckled. ‘Thanks, coach.”
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crowofdreams · 3 years
Itachi's S/O is affected by Hanahaki disease.
( Writing on Mobile will modify later)
You contract Hanahaki disease sometime after Itachi leaves after killing his kinsmen. Your heartbroken knowing the person you had affection for had done these things.
Itachi didn't even leave anything behind explaining his actions. Yet you have faith that there was a reason. But you also question if Itachi loved you, and your love was only one sided.
A few nights later. You are on a mission with your team. Everything started out fine , but your ,teammates are. Talking about Itachi. You pull away needing to be alone. Your thinking of Itachi when you feel a strange feeling in your chest.
Yet you still have the strength to continue your mission with your team. The mission you are on was successful, and your team heads back to Konoha.
You, and your team return to Konoha safe, and sound . However that night at home. You feel another ache in your chest, and your nauseous. You think it's just a small cold, and go to bed early.
The next morning you meet your team. You're not feeling well, and your skin is clammy. Your team leader is concerned , and dismisses your team for the day. You start coughing as your teammates help you to the medical center. The next morning you meet your team. You're not feeling well, and your skin is clammy. Your team leader is concerned , and dismisses your team for the day. You start coughing as your teammates help you to the medical center.
" What's that ?" One of your teammates ask only seeing blood and red flower petals.
You end up in the medical center, and you condition starts to worsen.
You end up in the medical center, and you condition starts to worsen. As the flowers grow I your lungs you become sicker. Medics run tests finding you have a bad case of hanahaki disease.
The doctors tell you the diagnosis, and gives you the options. Your love for Itachi is the reason your sick. You learn if the flowers are removed surgically you'll lose your love for Itachi.
You don't want that.
But you continue to grow sicker coughing up blood, and flower petals that blended into the color of your blood. Your friends, and family are worried about you as your condition grows worse. They want you to take the surgical route, but you refuse.
Weeks turn into days, and before you know it its turned into a month. You don't realize , but ever since Itachi left he has been keeping on things happening in the village. Especially Sasuke, and you. A crow that usually sat outside your window finds you in the hospital. The crow watches you for a few moments and realizes this was something bad. It takes off into the sky to find Itachi.
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Outside the village the sky is growing darker as Itachi is on route to a mission with Kisame. The two have stopped for a rest , and at a close proximity to the path into the village. Itachi separates from Kisame when the crow he sent to Konoha returns to him.
Managing to sneak in Itachi searches for you. The crow leads Itachi to the medical center. Itachi finds your room, and goes inside. You are hooked to a breathing machine. Your mouth is stained with blood, and red flower beds are growing from behind your ear.
Your skin is paler than the moon outside. You barely register that Itachi is approaching you. But you wake up feeling a hand on your head. Itachi's heartbroken seeing you like this
You go to talk only to cough violently . Full grown flowers, and petals exit your mouth mixed with blood. Instead Itachi sits with you holding you hand.
Itachi strokes your hair, and kisses your forehead while silently apologizing. Itachi looks you in the eyes. Itachi shows you everything. Tears running down your face as Itachi tells, and shows you how he loves you.
While holding you , and showing you a genjutsu. Itachi hold you, and kisses your lips. A smile graces your face as you always knew there was something , but for it to be your own government. Itachi apologizes to you as he has to return.
" But know that I love you no matter what." Itachi tells you.
" I love you too." you say as your breathing becomes stable.
When you wake fully Itachi is gone to rejoin Kisame outside the village. But you have a full understanding of what was going on, and keeps this to yourself.
The medics are relived though as your illness begins to regress. The greenish tint from your skin is gone, and your starting to return to normal. But even being healed from the illness there are some lingering effects.
Returning home you are greeted by a small box on your bed. You smile seeing a necklace inside , and a crow sitting on top of the headboard of your bed. The necklace has a silver chain , and a orb with a red flower in the center.
After the ordeal some things return to normal. You promise to look after Sasuke, and be Itachi's pair of eyes since he can't be in the village.
" One day I'll find you again." you say holding the trinket in your hands.
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tomionefinds · 3 years
Hi for your master tag list do you have a tag for tom Supernatural or not? Cuz I've tried on the app and online but for the app its there but online it isn't. Thank you
Hey Anon,
The tag exists, but it probably just hasn't had any posts/fics tagged on our end; so it's coming up blank. Sorry that's our bad; I know I personally forgot this was one of our tags and have been using our Creature tag.
I also recently put together a Demon!Tom list you might like. But I'll start the Tom: Supernatural tag off with a few fics here for you! -JD
The Thrall by LovelyVillain
E/Ma | WIP | 228k
New York City, 1925. When the sun sets, darkness reigns over the city that never sleeps... and an ancient evil awakens. Penny Dreadful inspired AU
Jagged by hiccupfound
E/Ma | WIP | 144k
He's not like what she learned about. Not how Harry described him from the Pensieve.
Samhain by knittedcoffee
T | One Shot | 3k
Tomione Au: Samhain. Tom is the Fairy King of the Otherworld, and on Samhain, he gains the ability to enter our world. "Best not to go in there, little one," a cold baritone voice warned. The spell broken, Hermione whipped her head around, but was unable to identify the speaker. "Who said that?" "A friend . . . or a foe. It depends upon how you look at it."
When Faith and Fear Collide by 93BNMill
M | WIP | 26k
Had Hermione known that running from a monster would end with an unholy union, or that it would call the attention of all things Dark, she wouldn't had run away. Her fifth year could have been normal. Now the healers are calling her an 'obscurial' and she has a demonic familiar. Torn and uncertain how to move forward, she is unprepared for the tempest approaching. Not all is Dark.
Invite Me In by devdevlin
E/Ma | One Shot | 8k
Hermione's been having some of the strangest dreams about her ex, lately...
What Long Teeth You Have by bunnystealsyourcarrots
E/Ma | One Shot | 5k
A cautionary tale involving clubbing and canines...
Dandelion by BrightneeBee
E/Ma | One Shot | 4k
Instinct, by definition of the Oxford reference, is a complex pattern of behaviour innately determined, which is characteristic of all individuals of the same species.
It is also a natural drive that urges the individual towards a particular goal.
Animal instinct. Human instinct. At times, a blend of the two.
That is what Hermione relies on as she sprints through the dense Scottish forest and harsh spring rain. On four legs, she outpaces the large, ebony wolf nipping at her tail. Shaggy, honey brown coat drenched and weighed her down, yet she continued to remain out of reach of the alpha. Only just out of reach, but she enjoyed an exhilarating hunt, even if she was to be the prey.
Of a sense, mostly.
Jagged But Tom Eats Like a Man Starved by supernovanox
E/Ma | One Shot | 3k
When he looks back up at her again, his eyes are dark. It sends pleasant shivers down her spine. “Do you wish to make it up to me?”
“Yes,” he almost whispers, and it looks as though he didn’t even realize he said it.
“Come here,” she says softly. She reaches an arm out to him.
He moves to stand, and she tsks at him. He tilts his head minutely in confusion. “On your knees.”
A Certain Slant of Light by Paimpont
T+ | One Shot | 2k
The war is over, and students are returning to Hogwarts. No one seems to notice that there is a new ghost lingering in the shadows. No one, except for a girl who can't sleep... Ghost!Tom/Hermione.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Does Glow Recipe Work? Benefits and Reviews
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I'm so excited to tell you about Glow Recipe, the popular skincare brand that has taken the beauty world by storm. From their cult-favorite Watermelon Sleeping Mask to their yummy Pineapple-C Brightening Serum, it seems like everyone is talking about this K-beauty inspired line of products! But does it really work? In this article, I'll take a closer look at Glow Recipe and answer the question: Does Glow Recipe Work? Glow Recipe was founded in 2014 by Sarah Lee and Christine Chang with a mission to bring high quality Korean skincare to women everywhere. They've since become one of the most sought after brands on Sephora's shelves, offering natural ingredients and unique botanical blends that promise healthier looking skin. So what makes these products stand out from other brands? Let's dive into their bestsellers and see if they live up to the hype! What Is Glow Recipe? I've heard a lot about Glow Recipe, so I thought it was time to finally learn what it's all about. From the outside looking in, this beauty brand looks like one of those too-good-to-be true natural skincare lines with products that are free from harsh ingredients and come with glowing reviews. But is there more than meets the eye? Let's dive into what makes Glow Recipe stand out from other brands. Glow Recipe focuses on delivering effective yet gentle skincare solutions crafted with naturally derived ingredients. Their formulas prioritize antioxidants, fruit extracts and botanical oils while remaining free of parabens, sulfates and artificial fragrances and colors. They also place an emphasis on transparency by providing customers with a full list of their product’s ingredients right on the website. If you're still not convinced, don't just take my word for it — look at all the glowing customer reviews! There are countless stories online about how these products have revolutionized people's skin routines without breaking them out or causing any irritation. It's no surprise why Glow Recipe has become so popular over the years; they offer safe and effective products backed up by real results. A Closer Look At Glow Recipe Products I'm a big believer in ingredient safety, so when I first heard about Glow Recipe products, I had to give them a try. Their mission is to provide clean beauty solutions that nourish and protect skin rather than strip it of its natural oils - something I can definitely get on board with! Plus their cruelty free policies ensure that no animal testing was involved in the production process. The packaging for these products is also top-notch. Everything comes very neatly presented and labeled, making it easy to find what you need quickly and without any confusion. The actual product itself looks great too - nice vibrant colors, pleasant scent, etc. And most importantly, it all feels really luxurious on my skin. Overall, I'm impressed with Glow Recipe's selection of skincare items and would highly recommend trying some out if you're looking for an upgrade from your current routine. Whether you want something gentle or more intense, they have something for everyone! Benefits Of Glow Recipe Skincare Products I've been using Glow Recipe products for a few months now and I'm so impressed with the results! It's clear to me that this skincare line is designed to provide personalized solutions, which really makes it stand out from other brands. All of their natural ingredients work together to give my skin exactly what it needs without any harsh or irritating chemicals. My favorite product is the Watermelon Glow PHA + BHA Pore-Tight Toner – and yes, it actually smells like watermelon! Not only does it make my skin feel smooth and refreshed after every use, but it also helps fade acne scars and tone uneven texture. Plus, I love knowing that I'm taking good care of my skin while still being gentle on it. Glow Recipe has made such a positive impact on my skin in just a short period of time – so much so that makeup application has become easier than ever before! My complexion looks more even and glowing since I started incorporating these products into my routine. Needless to say, I can highly recommend trying out this skincare brand if you're looking for something tailored specifically for your own unique needs. Popular Glow Recipe Products I'm really curious about Glow Recipe's products - I've heard so much about the Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask and Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Moisturizer. I'm wondering if these products actually work and if they're worth the money. Does anyone have any experience with these products that they can share? I'd love to hear what you have to say! Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask If you're looking for a way to bring life back into your skin, then the Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask is perfect for you! This overnight mask has quickly become one of the most popular products from Glow Recipe and it's easy to see why. It works with all skin types - whether oily, dry or combination - and its unique texture helps deeply hydrate while also providing antioxidants that help protect against environmental stressors. The result? You wake up with glowing, refreshed skin in the morning! And best of all, this sleeping mask easily fits into any nighttime routine and leaves no residue behind when washed off. All in all, this product is an absolute must-have if you want healthy, radiant skin. Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Moisturizer Next on our list of popular Glow Recipe products is the Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Moisturizer. This light-weight moisturizer is designed to work with all skin types - whether you're oily, dry or have combination skin - and it's packed full of natural antioxidants like watermelon extract and hyaluronic acid to help keep your skin looking refreshed and hydrated. Not only that, but users who've tried this product rave about how quickly their skin feels more supple and glowing after just a few uses. Plus, since its so lightweight, it doesn't leave behind any residue when applied. All in all, if you want healthy, radiant skin without feeling weighed down by heavy creams then this moisturizer could be perfect for you! Pros And Cons Of Glow Recipe Glow Recipe is a skincare brand that has taken the beauty industry by storm. The products are created using natural ingredients and boast of great results for all skin types. So, does Glow Recipe work? After trying out their products myself, I can confidently say yes! Their business model revolves around creating quality products that are worth every penny you spend on them. I have used several Glow Recipe products over the past few months and my skin has never felt better or looked brighter before. From serums to cleansers, masks to moisturizers – the range of items available at Glow Recipe covers almost everything one would need for a good skincare routine. And because they use natural ingredients, there’s no worry about any harsh chemicals entering your body through these products. On top of this, the customer service provided by Glow Recipe is outstanding too. They respond quickly to inquiries and make sure each customer feels special when shopping from them. All in all, I couldn’t be more pleased with how well Glow Recipe works for me! Frequently Asked Questions How Long Does It Take To See Results From Using Glow Recipe Products? Using Glow Recipe products can provide you with great results if used regularly and correctly. Depending on your skin sensitivity, it may take a few weeks to start seeing positive effects from using the product. The key is to be consistent and use natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin. Glow Recipe's products contain many beneficial ingredients like antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and botanicals that help nourish, protect and hydrate your skin for long-term benefits. So while there is no definitive answer as to 'how long does it take to see results', when used consistently you should begin to experience improvements in your skin within a few weeks of regular use. Are Glow Recipe Products Suitable For All Skin Types? Yes, Glow Recipe products are suitable for all skin types and sensitivities! We take great pride in the quality of our products. Our team of skincare experts formulate each product using natural ingredients that cater to every skin type. Whether you're dealing with dryness or oiliness, dullness or sensitivity, there's a Glow Recipe product for you. Are There Any Potential Side Effects From Using Glow Recipe Products? Yes, there are potential side effects from using Glow Recipe products. Some people with sensitive skin may experience mild irritation or skin sensitivity. It's important to take care of your skin and do a patch test first before using any new product on your face. If you experience any discomfort at all, stop use immediately and consult with a dermatologist for advice. How Often Should Glow Recipe Products Be Used? When it comes to using Glow Recipe products, there are no hard and fast rules. Depending on your skin type, texture and sensitivity, you may find yourself needing to use the product more or less often. We recommend doing a sensitivity testing before making any decisions about how often you should be applying the product. It's also important to consider price comparison when deciding how frequently you can afford to use the product – some of our masks cost more than others! Ultimately, with trial and error (and maybe a few adjustments) you'll figure out what works best for your unique skin needs. Are Glow Recipe Products Tested On Animals? Yes, Glow Recipe products are definitely cruelty free! They never test on animals and only use non-animal derived ingredients. We take great pride in our commitment to ethical beauty standards — all of our products have been tested by us (the founders), friends, and family so you can trust the safety and efficacy of what you’re putting on your skin! Conclusion In conclusion, Glow Recipe products can be a great addition to your skincare routine if you're looking for natural solutions. After using the products regularly over time, most people report that their skin looks more hydrated and glowing. Everyone's skin is different though, so it's important to check with your dermatologist before starting any new product. While there may be some potential side effects from using Glow Recipe products, overall they are safe for all skin types and haven't been tested on animals. With consistent use of Glow Recipe products in accordance with directions, you could experience healthier-looking skin in no time! Read the full article
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Amalia
For @artsymeeshee​. Thank you for everything you do for us, for providing plenty of fluff, over-protective Ford content, and angst with a happy fluffy ending. Love you!
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The snow reflected the tiny amount of sunlight the capital of Iceland received. Spring was coming, though still a ways off, but the large island still welcomed the sun that was starting to rise earlier every day and stay longer as February was coming to a close.
She opened her eyes as the sunlight reflected on the Sea and sparkled like magical dust. She stood proudly on her beam, her favorite Nest, and stretched her back and paws, letting her claws escape her tiny little beans, and then hide again, a secret weapon for any enemies, though she had few. Really, apart from some rude Cubs shooting tiny metal balls at her, the world was fairly kind to her. Big Animals in thick coats gave her Pets and occasionally Food, coming in big Machines and soon left. Some of the Machines made dark clouds, some looked like they were controlled by fluffy white clouds. She liked them all, and was Happy to make sure no Bad Machines or Bad Animals in thick coats came on her Land.
Sometimes, when things were quiet by the sea, she would go Exploring. Cubs would play with her, maybe a Bad Animal or two would try to hit her with a collection of straw at the end of a stick, but she was fast and agile and was never hurt too much. Nothing she couldn’t handle. Today she thought she might go Explore her Land, but something caught her attention. An Animal was standing on a Machine.
The fur on the top of it’s head was fluffy. She wanted to play with it. It had glass in front of it’s eyes, for whatever reason, and had a coat like her’s: thick and blue, but a darker shade, not light like snow, like her’s. She blinked at the Animal and watched it. It took in a deep breath, smiling, and a Hole opened on the side of the Machine and a Path appeared, sliding down onto her Land. “Come on, Stanley, we have a lot to do today!”
“What’s your rush, Sixer?” Another voice could be heard as the Animal left it’s Machine and a second Animal appeared. This one had something red on it’s head, though it didn’t appear injured, and it also had glass in front of it’s eyes. She didn’t want to be seen right now, so she hopped down from her favorite sleeping spot and hid behind some boxes. “We’ve got all day, and if you really wanna sight-see we can stay here tomorrow, too.”
“Yes, I suppose so, but then we’ll have to wait another day for Mabel’s package for us in Ullapool, Scotland.”
“Good point. But we can always visit this place again on our way back to Oregon.”
“Fair enough. Well, how about a quick walk and then we’ll restock on supplies.”
“S’long as we can stop at that bar tonight.”
The two Animals smelled similar, but not identical. They were a Pack. A Herd. A Family. She watched them venture further into her Land, but she let them. They were Good. She could tell. She emerged from her hiding spot a little after they passed her and watched them go. She wanted to go with them, but she didn’t want to be caught. She would have to be sneaky.
She carefully walked behind the Animals with glass in front of their eyes and watched them. The Animals were a wonderful Pack. They talked and laughed and played, pushing every so often, playing like she used to with her brothers and sisters, and she smiled at knowing they were having fun and learning how to be good fighters. When the Animals were joining other Animals on busy parts of her Land, she climbed up the stone Dens and walked on the tall place to watch them and be close to them. She was good at being sneaky; they did not know she was there.
Sometimes the Animals would go inside the Dens. When this happened she would sit and wait for them to come out. Sometimes they came out with nothing new, other times they would come out with Gain in their holds. When they walked, she walked with them, either behind them or above them. Too soon the Sun was setting again, and she found the Animals going back to their Machine. She was Sad, but walked behind them at a safe distance and watched them enter their Machine.
Behind the boxes, she laid on her belly, resting her face in her paws, Sad that the Animals were going away. She liked them. But then she heard something that made her lift her head and her ears stop being droopy. She looked up at the Machine and found the Animals coming back! They had no Gains with them; they must have left them in their Machine, and decided to go out Exploring again! She watched from behind the boxes as the Animals walked into a Den not too far from the Sea, and she made a Plan.
She had been Sad when she thought the Animals were going away forever, like all the other Animals did. Very Sad. She never wanted to be that Sad again. She carefully sniffed the Path and decided that it was Safe, so she trotted on it, through the Hole, and was on a Machine.
She was a little bit Scared. She had never been on a Machine before, but she could smell her favorite Animals everywhere and could feel the Sea beneath her. She loved the Animals and the Sea, and she knew she was Safe. She decided it was time to go Exploring! This Land was big, but not too big, so it wasn’t Scary. She walked around and could smell more of her favorite Animals’ scent from inside the Machine, inside the Den. There was a Hole with a small opening, leaking out the smell and light, so she pushed the Hole open a little more and entered the Den.
The den was Warm and Safe and smelled of her favorite Animals whom she loved. There were tiny Suns here and there inside the Den. There was something big and Cozy in the Den, away from the Hole. She hopped onto it and pawed at it and rolled around it. It smelled like the Animals the most and she almost fell asleep, but she wanted to Explore some more. And she was hungry. Maybe the animals had Food in this Den.
She stood and sniffed. Something smelled Good. Smelled of Food. She followed the smell to something tall that held weird rectangles with black scribbles on them. There was a small container Animals used to hold Food. This was wet and black, but she lapped at it anyhow, but it was not Good. Not Bad, but not Good. Oh, well. She would find Food later. She wanted to Explore some more.
She hopped down from the tall place and smelled as she Explored. The Land went down at the farthest part from the Hole. It looked a little Scary, but she could still smell her favorite Animals, so she hopped, hopped, hopped down carefully. She was surprised to find two fluffy Nests inside this deep part of the Den. This must be where the Animals slept. She could tell; it smelled the most like them. She smiled and hopped up onto one and rolled around and played with the fluffy stuff. It was Fun and Cozy and Warm and Safe and Good.
She stopped to stretch and yawn. She was Tired. She decided to sleep here, but where? She needed her own Nest. At the end of one Nest, there was a box. She loved boxes, and this one had a tee tiny Hole that could be made into a bigger Hole. She hopped down and stretched her front paws and head into the Hole, pushing through it. The whole box was filled with Warm fluff that smelled of her favorite Animals. She was excited. Her own Nest was Warm and smelled like her favorite Animals! She slipped in, circled, and tucked herself in to go to sleep.
After some tasty food and warm beer, the brothers returned to their home on the water, tired and ready for bed. It was very cold and bitter out in the night hair, but that only made the warm boat more welcoming and more appreciated. However, Ford was a little annoyed at finding the door cracked open, letting in cold air. “Stanley, I thought I told you to close the door all the way.”
“Sorry, Ma, I was hungry.” Stan said sarcastically and shrugged as they went inside.
Ford sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed and locked the door tightly. “Good thing I’ve almost perfected our security system so we won’t have to worry about being robbed.”
Stan rolled his eyes and yawned into his hand. “Welp, I’m beat. You coming to bed or do I gotta drag you there myself?” He asked, shrugging his trenchcoat off and throwing it on the couch on his way to the stairs downward for the bedroom.
“No, no, I’m coming.” Ford said tiredly and followed his brother down into their bedroom. “I’ll be taking a shower so if you want one you’ll have to wait.”
“Nah, I’ll take one in the morning.” Stan answered, peeling off his beanie and yawing again, ready to collapse into his warm bed and not move again until sunrise.
Ford moved to the far end of the bedroom, where the bathroom was located, and turned on the shower so the water could warm up. Meanwhile Stan groaned, seeing how Ford had done laundry that morning and now his twin had to pull the warm extra blankets and quilts out from the chest at the foot of his bed.
Stan opened it groggily, not expecting to stare down at the context for a full minute until he was capable of speech, but here he was.
“Uh… Sixer?”
“Yes, Stanley.”
“We have an expected guest on board.”
Ford stopped unzipping his blue hoodie and joined his brother at the chest, who’s eyebrow was raised in unapproval. The aged scientist, however, was stuck with a blank facial expression while he tried to digest the fact that there was an animal curled up on top of the stack of blankets and quilts.
It looked like a cat, though it was unfair to call her a cat. Passersby may assume so without a second glance, but this creature appeared too abnormal to be a kitten. She had pointy ears coated in thick fur to keep out cold hair, light-blue fur that could blend into snow, a tiny button black nose between huge, round, baby-blue eyes, a small floof of fur on the top of her head, and a skinny tail with fluff for fur at the end. It appeared so small and helpless in the mess of blankets, looking up at the brothers with shiny eyes filled with wonder. After a moment of silence, Ford grinned and placed his hands on his knees to be closer to the anomaly without frightening it, and he spoke to her with a voice as quiet as a mouse and soft as silk.
“Hello. Where did you come from, my dear?”
“Dunno, don’t care.” Stan moved towards her and said, “I’ll put her back outside.”
Ford’s senses heightened and he gently grabbed his brother’s wrist to stop him. “Hold it, Stanley, there’s no reason to kick her out so quickly. She’s not doing any harm.” Ford returned his smile to the anomaly and cooed softly as he reached for her and let her sniff his six-fingered hand. “Come here, little one, it’s alright.”
The anomaly happily sniffed Ford’s hand and rubbed the side of her head onto his palm, begging for pets, which he happily gave. The eldest twin carefully scooped her up into his harms and scratched her, finding her favorite spot, until she was practically putty in his hold as he scratched her under her chin. 
Stan stared in disbelief and snorted. “Are you kidding me? You spent most of your life around dangerous monsters and you’re gonna let one on our boat?”
“She’s not a monster.” He scolded lightly and smiled again as she purred against his chest. He held her out to him to see better and added cheerfully, “Look how cute she is, Stan!”
“Yeah, until it decides to eat our face!” Stan argued, a hand up in defense.
“She won’t hurt us.” Ford said firmly and held her close to his chest again, letting her lay on her back so her four little limbs were up and trying to catch his wiggling fingers. “I bet she was cold and hungry and was trying to find shelter. Isn’t that wight, wittle one?” He cooed in a low voice. “Who’s a hun-gy wittle anomaly? Are you, are you?”
“Don’t feed it!” Stan yelled after his brother as he went upstairs. “Then it’ll want to stay!”
“Great idea, we’ll feed her so she’ll want to stay!”
“That is NOT what I said!”
Ford rolled his eyes and laughed down at the anomaly when she caught his fingers and licked him with a rough tongue. She wasn’t even trying to hurt him. She was playing and happy to give his hand a little bath. “Don’t worry, my dear. Stanley is right about one thing: I’ve met many aliens and monsters and anomalies in my day, but I can tell when one has nefarious purposes and when one does not, and you don’t. You’re a good little girl; I can tell.”
One handed so he could still cradle her, Ford opened the freshly filled cabinets to hunt for something the strange animal would eat. “Hm, let’s take a look at your teeth.” He gently pulled down her mouth and as surprised how little she fidgeted and fought him. “Interesting. Only half of your teeth are carnivorous. You must be able to adapt to plants or berries if needed. Very well, let’s see… oh, here. You’re lucky Stan talked me into picking up tuna.”
At the time it seemed ridiculous to buy canned tuna when they could fish for dinner whenever they wanted, but Stan said they should still get it because canned goods never expired and fishing wasn’t always successful, so Ford opened the can and placed it on the table and sat the anomaly down while he tidied up a bit, stacking his notes and books and putting his cold coffee in the sink. From the sounds of it, Stan had hopped in the shower since Ford was apparently too busy playing host to bathe, which was fine by him. He sat in a chair, watching how the anomaly ate.
She was definitely not skin-and-bones, but she ate quickly, plunging her face into the can and eating happily. Ford chuckled and pet down her back. She was fairly clean, if not a little weather-beaten. Clearly she could take care of herself, but why should she when he could? Okay, sure, Stanley was a little apprehensive about taking in a strange anomaly as a pet, and perhaps Ford shouldn’t be so quick to take her in as a pet. She might not be happy cooped up in a boat with two old men. In fact, if she lived on this dock, she might do this often, visiting sailors for food and shelter and then leaving in the morning. 
“Well, if you want to leave, I won’t stop you,” Ford said to her as he watched her eat. “But if you want to stay, you’re more than welcome to.”
The fluffy anomaly sat up and looked at him with kind eyes. Ford smiled at her, and could have sworn she returned with a tiny smile. He slowly reached for his journal, a green book with a golden six-fingered hand and a crescent on the cover, and opened it carefully so as to not scare her. The anomaly sat perfectly still, watching him, as he turned to a clean page and pulled out a pen to begin sketching her. He titled his head to the side to get a better angle of her, and he stared to find her doing the same, mirroring him.
Ford smiled and titled his head the other way, and sure enough the little one followed his lead. Chuckling, he decided to push his luck and he straightened his head and stuck his tongue out at her just a little bit. The anomaly stared at him, and sure enough, a tiny pink tongue poked out at him. Ford snorted, bit his lip, and continued sketching. He noticed her tail was wagging, like a dog’s might when happy, and he added that to his notes. He had no idea what to call this species, so he left the title blank for now, deciding he would come up with a species title once he had more information. 
They must have been at that table for an hour or so, because soon Stan’s rough voice called from the bedroom sharply, “Sixer, if you’re not down here in two minutes…”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Ford called back and grinned as the little anomaly yawned, making the tiny tongue stretch out and curl inwards slightly. The old man carefully pick her up and carried her with him into his shared bedroom. Stan was in his undershirt and boxers, shaking his hair dry with a towel as he sat on his bed, and he growled when he saw the animal still in his twin’s arms.
“Please tell me you’re not taking it to bed.” He snarled.
“No, of course not.”
“She deserved her own space.” Ford said as he pulled a pink blanket out from the chest and placed it neatly, still folded, on the floor between the beds. “She can have her own bed.”
“What!?” Stan yelled as Ford got on his knees and let the anomaly climb down onto the blanket to give it a try. “I’m not letting that thing sleep in here! What if it turns into some blood-sucking monster in it’s sleep and kills us both?!”
“That won’t happen, don’t be so paranoid.”
“Oh ho! That’s a new one!” Stan laughed harshly, but quickly turned sour again. “Can’t believe you're not a bit more guarded with that thing? What makes you think you can trust it?!”
Ford shrugged. “A lot of people lately have proven to me that I can trust others. Besides, there’s good in her. I can tell.”
Stan blinked at his brother. It was like this was a completely different man than who had come out of the portal. Well, okay, Ford knew that before they had even started sailing that Ford wasn’t the same person he was when he punched Stan in the face, but still. Stanford Pines really had changed a lot.
“It’s just for one night, Stanley.” Ford eased as he took off his hoodie and slipped off his boots, preparing for bed. “She’ll leave in the morning and find some new friends to provide food and shelter from the next cold night, I’m sure of it.”
Stan rolled his eyes and laid down with his back to the fluffy pair. “Fine, whatever.”
Ford had to admit that he was a little chest-fallen that his brother was a little cold towards their temporary house-guest, but he can recall their niece telling Ford that Stanley appeared to have a burning hatred for a certain pig, but everyone knew he loved Waddles very much. Perhaps he was trying to prove he was still a tough guy, or perhaps Stanley didn’t want to get attached to the anomaly so he wouldn’t be disheartened when she was gone. Ford knew he could handle her leaving tomorrow if she wanted to, he would be happy to have met her and that she was happy, so with one final scratch between her ears, ruffling her little floof, Ford took off his glasses and turned off the lantern, letting darkness overtake the bedroom.
“Goodnight, Stanley.”
“G’night, Sixer.” The younger twin managed to grunt.
Ford smiled, relieved that at least his brother wasn’t angry at him, and he slept soundly as the warm boat kept the cold late-winter air away.
Ford was the first one to wake up. Or at least the first one to rise out of their bed. He slipped on his glasses and was happy to find the little anomaly where he had left her last night: curled up like a kitten on her folded blanket. He took the time to scratch her behind her ears before heading towards the shower.
The aged explorer could understand why Mabel was so attached to her pet pig, Waddles. There was immense satisfaction in caring for something or someone and having them care for you in return. While that is the fundamental basics of human relationships, homo sapiens tend to over complicate such relationships with intense emotions and lack of logic. Other species, like most animals on Earth, allowed this principle to be basic and easy, simple. Give love, get love.
Throughout the years, Ford had indeed come across hundreds of thousands of different creatures. True, a vast majority wanted to eat his face, but to be fair he had been in their climate and they were hungry. That was the beautiful circle of life. Some creatures were perfectly friendly and could even offer some companionship, but none of the creatures Ford had met would stay for long and he knew better than to get too attached; he was too busy trying to take care of himself to add a pet to his list of responsibilities. However, if an animal who enjoyed his company wanted to walk with him in the forest or up a mountain, he wouldn’t stop it or go out of his way to scare it off, knowing full well something else would capture it’s attention or Ford would have to hop through a hole in space-time and the animal would run off, less inclined to follow the kind stranger to an alien world.
Still, a small part of Ford had missed the idea of having a pet. He can remember enjoying Shanklin’s company as a child and being very sad when he had died, though not nearly as heartbroken as Stanley had been. When he had discovered the Shapeshifter as a hatchling, there was a reason he had quickly associated it as a pet, despite Fiddleford’s arguments against it. Perhaps if the encounter hadn’t ended so ugly or if he hadn't been so distracted with Bill and the portal, Ford might have taken in a pet to give him company when it was time for Fiddleford to return home. Maybe a low-maintenance cat or something unique and different. Maybe he would take in a plaidypus. He had enjoyed that anomaly’s company.
As the warm water made it easy for the old sailor to think, he seriously considered adopting the new anomaly as his pet. He knew that Stanley would warm up to her eventually, he just needed time to trust that she wouldn’t go savage on them. Really, there was no real issue or obstacle in his way. They were financially stable, so they could afford to take care of her, there were no other pets that might get jealous of her, they would always be around her so she would never be neglected or abandoned on the boat. Really, the only obstacle Ford could see was that the anomaly might not want to stay.
If Ford had learned anything about wildlife is that animals pick the humans just as much as humans pick the animals. There must be a mutual agreement to love and care for each other in their own unique way, but if one if not willing or incapable of returning the affection, then the arrangement wouldn’t work. There was a large possibility that the anomaly was perfectly happy being a peaceful stray and didn’t want to be tied down to one boat and one pair of sailors, which was perfectly fine. Like Ford had said last night, if she wanted to leave, that was okay. But if she wanted to stay Ford would be nothing short of delighted.
As Ford emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist and a towel in his hand, shaking his fluffy charcoal gray hair dry, he found the sweet anomaly on his bed, playing with his blankets, rolling around and pawing at the soft fabric. He smiled and hung up the towel in his hand as he approached the anomaly, who stopped playing to receive pets and lick his six fingers.
“Good morning, my dear. Sleep well?” He whispered, knowing full well she couldn’t respond, but she looked so happy and well rested, even her fur appeared to host some bed-head. Ford glanced over at his twin, who was still fast asleep, limbs sprawled everywhere and snoring peacefully with his mouth wide open. He grinned, having an idea, and he gently picked the anomaly up from his bed and placed her on Stan’s bed, just by his legs.
As Ford got dressed for the day, he watched as the anomaly pawed at the blankets and then walked up to Stan’s face, then sat and watched him for a moment. Ford had to bite his lip to keep from laughing when the anomaly lifted a soft beanie paw and gently smacked Stan’s nose, playing like she had found a ball. By the time Ford was fully dressed the anomaly had climbed up to Stan’s chest and sat close to his face, happy to only watch him sleep.
The sudden weight on his chest stirred him and Stan groggily opened his eyes and was shocked to find two large baby-blue eyes staring closely at him. “ARG!” He yelled and sat up quickly, making the anomaly jump down from the bed and hide under the bed.
Ford laughed good-naturedly while Stan growled in his throat and put on his glasses. “Ford!”
“Good morning, Stanley.”
“What is that thing still doing here, I thought she was only staying just for the night!”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll leave once we leave.” Ford reasoned as the anomaly slowly crept out from under the bed and rubbed herself against Ford’s legs.
Stan grunted, not sure if he should believe his wishy-washy brother, but it was too early to fight this battle, so he yawned and popped his back and made his way upstairs to make coffee.
The anomaly followed Ford everywhere he went. When he went upstairs, so did she. When Ford sat at the table, she hopped onto it. He smiled and got up for a second, seeing how she turned her nose at his coffee, and he poured her a small plate of milk. She happily lapped it up while the twins sipped their coffee and went over their plans for the day, one purposely ignoring her and the other occasionally petting her or scratching her behind the ear.
About an hour later Stan and Ford were ready to leave for some sightseeing while at Iceland’s capital. The anomaly followed them out of the cabin of the boat and hopped on the wall of the Stan O’ War II and watched them walk away. Ford even waved her goodbye, not sure if this would be the last time he would ever see her or not. Again, it was totally fine if she decided to leave. But the fact remained that Ford would be immensely grateful if he found her still on their boat when they returned.
Stan privately decided that it was best to get his brother’s mind off that little menace, so hopefully when they left the dock and set sail tomorrow morning they could leave this whole ordeal behind them. The two brothers had a good time cracking jokes and laughing as they visited historical sights, museums, and other amazing things the capital had to offer about their culture and history. For lunch they sat at the park with warm sandwiches and listened to a street performer sing and beat a drum about a mountain troll wanting to get married.
Having seen everything they had wanted to see, Ford and Stan decided to head to the Stan O’ War early and leave the docks before dinner. Ford was a little disheartened to find the anomaly no longer on the wall of the Stan O’ War, which again, was fine. She was a wild animal and could do whatever she wanted. And no, Ford was not upset over the fact that she wanted to move on.
So why on Earth was he so jubilant, could feel his heart do a cartwheel of joy in his chest, why he grinned so happily, at the sight of her on one of the lounge chairs, bathing in the sunshine and only awoke because she sensed someone’s presence and she smiled up at him and went to rub against his legs again.
Ford picked her up and held her close to his chest, alone with her since Stan had gone inside to start on dinner and probably didn’t even know she was here. The old scientist sat in the lounge chair and petted his new pet softly, making her purr against his hold.
“You’ll need a proper name, my dear.” Ford thought out-loud. To help decide which best suited her, he listed some names out to see if they sounded right for her. “Luna? Ivy? Amber? Periwinkle? Maybe something more sophisticated, like Alessandra? Stella?” Ford tilted his head to the side as they looked at each other. She coped him curiously.
He chuckled and rubbed her head. “You are a strange anomaly. Hm… while Anomaly isn’t a suitable name, maybe something along those lines. Maybe… Molly? No, close, but you don’t quite look like a Molly, my dear. How about…” And then suddenly, he had it. Ford knew what to call her. It was perfect. It was unique, just like her. Ford smiled peacefully at her and settled with, “Amalia. I’ll call you Amalia from now on.”
“Alright, Sixer, we ready to set… oh, great.” Stan stopped when he saw who Ford was with and he glared at the strange anomaly.
“Say hello to Amalia, Stanley.” Ford said happily and held her up to him to see. She poked her little tongue out at him.
Stan glared at his brother. “Amalia? You named it?!”
“Yes. So? Is there a problem?” Ford asked with a raised eyebrow, bringing Amalia back to his lap, a little tired of Stan’s cold attitude.
“Stanford, you’re not supposed to name it.” He growled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Once you name it, you start getting attached to it! Now get it off the boat, we’re leaving now.”
Ford looked down at Amalia, who was curled up in his arms, and then back up at his brother firmly. He hated to push him, but this was important to him and he genuinely felt like Stan was being unfair. “No.”
Stan blinked at his twin. “I’m sorry?”
“No,” Ford said calmly. “Stanley, please. I think she wants to stay, and I want her to stay. Yes, she is probably a wild animal and can take care of herself, but she shouldn’t have to. Why should she when she could have a loving family who takes care of her? I know you’re a little apprehensive that she’ll turn on us, but as my brother I’m asking that you trust me and let me keep her. Please.”
Stan stared, no longer visibly angry. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Ford. He did, more than anyone, and if someone who used to not trust anyone found this little ankle biter worthy of his hard-earned trust, then Stan had to give that little fur-ball some credit. Not to mention that Stan could remember a time when the tables were turned and someone had agreed to help keep a certain possum a secret. At the memory Stan couldn’t help but smile. 
He sighed, rubbed the back of his neck, and admitted defeat. “Fine, she can stay. But she’s your pet, which means you feed her and clean up after her, you keep her out of my stuff, and if one day we wake up missing a finger or an eye, I’m blaming you.”
Ford grinned; he could see right through Stan’s tough-guy persona. “Thank you, Stanley. You won’t regret it.” He stood and hurried off the boat. “I’ll go buy some supplies for her before we leave! Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Stan muttered, shaking his head. He couldn’t believe how happy his brother had looked when given permission to keep that little gremlin. Stan hadn’t seen Sixer that happy since they first began their adventure.
Ford couldn’t find a pet store within close range, but he did find a convenient store that might have the bare minimum he was looking for. Cans of meat, maybe a soft bed, toys, a brush, etc. Though there was no sign saying “No Pets Allowed,” Ford wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t allowed to bring Amalia inside with him, so he decided to play it safe and hide her in his hoodie.
At first she was tucked in by his chest, her tiny claws clinging to his sweater with no pain to his skin, but Amalia soon climbed up his neck and he had to put his hood up to hide her. She made her way up the right side of Ford’s neck, curling around the back of his head, and resting her front half by his left shoulder, giving Ford a small, furry scarf around the back of his neck, and curling up for another short nap.
And no, Ford was not crying next to the shelves of cat litter.
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