#also makes people randomly talk to you when you haven't said anything. it's crazy
eorzeashan · 1 year
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Eight's big detriment is whenever he's in business mode/around unfamiliar people he wears the flattest expression ever and makes no effort to improve his 'image' as well as talking either very little or not at all, so this usually gives people the wrong impression...or they have to make an interpretation up for him because it's like looking at a wall.
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 4
Farmers Market
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: nothing crazy. another date, katsuki being sweet, reader uses their quirk
Word Count: 1.4k
previous chapter
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It's been about two weeks since you went on your date with Bakugou and you haven't seen him since, unfortunately. But it was for good reason - his hero work.
Going into this, you knew he'd be extremely busy, but you didn't think he'd be this busy. But you could understand it. Though something you did appreciate was the fact that he did make time to talk to you on the phone and would let you know when he'd have to go hours without talking.
In these past two weeks you also thought about his serious talk with you, about honesty.
Guilt ate away at you every time you started writing or even thought about it, which made it harder to stay active on your writing account.
Your secret really wasn't that big of a deal, but it was still a secret. Fan fiction was also something that had a bad reputation among people who didn't read it, so who knows how Bakugou felt about it.
Your phone ringing broke you out of your thoughts.
Looking at the caller ID, you saw that it was Bakugou. Smiling, you answered it and said "Hi Bakugou!"
"Hey, you busy right now?" He asked.
You looked around your room, as if that'd give you an answer. "Uh no, why?"
"Good. Can you be ready in like - thirty minutes? I'm free for the rest of the day and I wanna hangout now that I actually have time."
How sweet.
"Yeah I'll be ready by then. Are we meeting somewhere?"
"No, I'm picking you up."
"'Kay, see you then. Bye!"
Hanging up, you squealed into your pillow and then looked at the time. It was only 3:00 pm, so you'd have to be ready by 3:30.
As you rushed to get ready you wondered where Bakugou was taking you. He didn't say you had to dress a certain way, so you went for a casual and comfortable outfit.
He didn't seem like the type to take you somewhere extravagant randomly, so you were sure it'd be somewhere that was pretty relaxed.
After getting ready you noticed you had a few minutes left to spare so you decided to go check on the plants you had around your home.
You had about three plants in your home, all of them ranging from different sizes and types. You didn't have many plants in your home because you already had many at your work place.
You attended to each of your plants needs after they had told you what it is they wanted. One wanted more sunlight, the other was thirsty, and one was just fine.
You looked at your phone to check if Bakugou had texted you, and luckily he did. He had sent a text saying he was outside waiting for you.
You smiled and slipped your shoes on, saying bye to Cheerios and your plants like you always did.
Sliding into the passenger seat you said, "Hey stranger. How've you been?"
He smiled lightly, "Sorry I haven't been able to see you. Work keeps me busy but I'm good, you?"
"I get it. I've been good too though. Has anything interesting happened at work?"
Bakugou brought a hand up to his jaw and stroked it while he thought. "Eh, nothing major. I did stop a bank robbery with Red Riot a few days ago though."
You gasped and turned to him, "A whole bank robbery? I feel like that's such a stereotypical situation... you know? Like, you just see it in movies all the time."
"I know, which is why people usually don't attempt to rob a whole bank" He laughed, "But clearly these guys were idiots."
You laughed at that. "I can't even imagine trying to rob a bank. I mean - where would you even start?
The two of you continued to talk on the way to your destination, which he actually told you about this time. He said that there was a farmers market happening nearby and he actually went there pretty often, so he thought he should invite you along with him which you thought was sweet.
When you arrived it was just as you expected and it seemed to be quite busy.
"Wow I can't believe I've never been here before! The decorations are so cute." You said in awe, once you both started walking around.
"You wanna go get food? There's this old dude that sells the best takoyaki at his stand." Bakugou said as you two walked through the crowd.
You nodded, "Yeah I'm down. Takoyaki sounds really good right now - oh and after can we stop at that stand?" You asked, pointing to a stand that was selling crocheted stuffed animals.
He nodded and then held out a hand, "So you don't get lost in the crowd."
Yeah right.
You smiled and grabbed his hand, letting him lead the way to the takoyaki stand. Once you got there you met the old man he mentioned and talked to him for a bit. You found out that he made the takoyaki himself and he'd been doing it for over thirty years!
When it came to paying, Bakugou kept insisting that he would pay for your food but you stood your ground and told him you were just fine paying for your own.
He grumbled about it for a while after but eventually got over it. You two then went over to the stand you mentioned earlier, and looked at the stuffed animals for sale.
"They're so cute! I think I'm gonna buy one." You said to Bakugou.
He hummed, "You should get that one." and pointed to a white jumbo bunny wearing pink overalls.
"You're so right." You said and placed your food down so you could grab the bunny and check for a price tag.
Your eyes widened at the price.
"This thing is sixty bucks!" You whispered to him.
"What? Lemme see." He said and grabbed the bunny from you to look at the tag. His eyebrows raised a bit at the price. "Tsk, I can make this shit myself."
"You crochet?" You asked.
"Sometimes..." He said and looked away.
You laughed and then grabbed the bunny back from him. "Well, I guess it's goodbye bunny. You're just too expensive." You said and sadly put the bunny back where it once was, making sure to grab your takoyaki.
"Wanna go sit under that tree?" You asked and pointed to a large tree with a bench underneath it.
Bakugou nodded and you began making your way over to the bench.
Once you got there you both continued to eat your food in a comfortable silence. Looking up at the tree, you used your quirk and listened.
"This tree has seen a lot of things." You smiled.
"Whaddya mean?" He asked around his food.
"My quirk. I just used it and listened to the tree. She said she's seen a lot of interesting things in this spot, good and bad." You said and listened some more, "Proposals are the most common."
Bakugou smiled, "The tree really said all that?"
"Yeah! Trees have such interesting stories because they've been around so long." You said excitedly.
He looked up at the tree, "I guess I never thought about it like that."
After some more talking and eating, Bakugou offered to throw away your trash for you, which you accepted. He told you to wait at the bench for him, so you did.
It was taking him a bit longer than you thought it would so you began to worry a bit. As you were biting your lip in thought, a touch on your shoulder made you jump.
"Didn't mean to scare ya."
You placed a hand on your chest, "Jeez! You walk so quietly I didn't hear anything."
Bakugou smirked, "Here, I got you something."
He handed you a large, brown paper bag and watched as you looked inside.
"The bunny!" You gasped and pulled it out of the bag. "But it was so expensive, why did you buy this?!"
He shrugged, "You wanted it, and I guess it's okay to look at."
You looked at the bunny intensely and rubbed its head.
"It's so cute... Thank you so much." You said.
"It's not problem, just make sure to name it after me." He joked.
You clicked your tongue and smacked him with the bunny.
You guys had ended up spending the rest of the day together, finally leaving the farmers market around 8:30 pm.
When Bakugou pulled up to your house, you hesitated before getting out.
"You good?" He asked.
"Yeah, um. Do you wanna come inside?" You asked quietly.
He smiled the widest you've ever seen him smile and said, "Yeah. Will your plants be okay with it?"
"Har har." You said while rolling your eyes and got out the car, leading him into your house.
next chapter
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authors note
sorry for the little cliff hanger :3
also, here's the bunny katsuki bought reader
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19 @gina329
(those in pink couldn't be tagged)
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augment-techs · 1 month
prompts based on lines from fanfics that hit different after the tenth read
Slayer, Slayer, Monster Killer//Into the den//A blazing Inferno//Defender of the Innocent
Cauterize the wound.
Blood quickly began to fill the water.
Blue tint surrounding the lips.
He'd take jazz over a symphony, rock over jazz, and a crazy buscar in the tube station creating something insane with a violin, a beat box, and a pedal drum over rock.
I also wrote a gay version, if anyone wants it.
The thinness of the shoulder bothered him.
The curse was simple but badly done; convoluted and too mixed up with his own energies to be easily removed.
"Your parents are fucked up. I'm serious, that's Fucked Up."
With a coat like blood. Like cherries. Like candy.
"...Correction...I might be bleeding."
It was the best protection he could give.
"I can't believe you just called your own behavior petty harassment."
Cleaner than he'd been in eight months.
"Go curse somebody else. He doesn't belong to you--you can't have him."
Never had to initiate a virgin before.
The thought was idle.
Imagine if you will...
"The game is over. Do you understand?"
He was pissing blood.
"You asked for respect, I'm giving it to you."
Too tired and weak to fight properly.
"I haven't felt any strong emotions since I was a kid."
"What color is the sky right now?"
"So they will be the same age. So they can have adventures."
"I'm done keeping secrets for you."
"Sure. Why not take away the last thing I have left."
'Pretend.' It rattles in his brain.
No wonder people talked.
"Although this totally explains why you were in love with me like once a year for three years in a row."
"No, I do not have a scrunchie."
He'd never been brave enough.
"It's basically a game of sexual preferences."
It wasn't the personality serum, but it was some form of mind control.
It had been so goddamn long since they had heard any sort of tune at all.
"It's one of my grounding techniques."
"Please. Never say anything like that again."
He was also good at being randomly, devastatingly kind.
"I bet I could pick you up. Wanna see if I can?"
"I will not elaborate."
Carefully lit gym thirst traps.
He bit his fist, dried his eyes, and didn't make a sound.
"Because I am through with you. You aren't worth the effort."
Sees them glimpsed in mirrors and reflective surfaces; and the newest ones most often.
"Thanks for letting me feel alright for a bit."
It was homemade, and heavy, and hurt.
"You're not afraid?"
It was just as well.
"If I planted something on him there's a chance it could get lost."
"You're too good for me."
"Please. I don't want you to disappear again."
With an awkward, coltish sort of grace that makes her look decades younger than she is.
'Strange' is a family trait.
"Just want to rest with you. This is good."
"I shot my dad when I was fifteen."
Refreshing. Invigorating--where the fuck are these words coming from?
"Go find a nice ditch to crawl into and die there, not on our floor."
"I'm used to the cold, darling. Don't worry. There are worse things to endure."
"They gave us twenty dollars for nothing."
"Amazing, for once, your remarkable ability to repulse and horrify women saves the day."
"...Okay, okay, don't look at me like that; I'm a huge asshole. But not in that way."
"Like organizing your pornography collection."
"I just need some time. Right now, I don't know what I'm feeling."
They started it out like the leads in a bad B Movie.
"I said that about Jaws. That movie was terrible by the way."
"You're still my first choice."
Three years in the womb.
To be honest, they'd expected to die.
Looking back on it now he felt like the biggest idiot for not realizing what a huge Red Flag that had been.
"You want to come with us?"
"Back then I didn't even know about consent."
"If my dad ever comes back from his 'business trip' you kill him and we're even."
They have no idea what their Tragic Backstory is, so they make up a new one every time someone asks.
Don't want to train today? Too bad, you either fight the giant centipede or DIE.
"They ain't that bad compared to some of the shit I've eaten."
"I hate being brainwashed. And mind controlled. And sold, and handled without asking, and...being a thing for people to have."
"The research I took to find the gag I was thinking of was very uncomfortable. No, Google, I don't want BDSM gags, please stop giving me that option."
"I have a room and extra blankets. You'd probably fit into a few of my shirts, too."
"You're not trying to burn my apartment down?"
'Oh. Oh, it's going to kill me.'
"You refuse to take a shot at Adolf Hitler because you are not a murderer."
"Because she totally didn't punch that guy to defend your honor, and you totally didn't swoon."
It's a perfectly common ingredient in a lot of cultures! There's blood pudding, blood soup, blood tofu--that's a real thing and it's delicious.
"Did you just make them tell us about their sexual awakening?"
It's red berry jam. It's not really blood at all. They just call it that to make their kids think they're tough blood-eating warriors.
"Now stop having a crisis about being an eldritch abomination."
And that's exactly why broken bones are a testament to their mercy.
"I've been gone a long time, haven't I?"
Seems like a normal breakfast, right?
They are not friends. And yet.
"They're innocent. They never asked for any of this."
"I thought you loved me, but you're just like everyone else."
The candies are always gone within a day.
Backpacking across the end of the world.
"I should be worth, like, at least two goats. Or even one of those cute mini pigs, maybe."
"Apparently I'm from the past and you're from the future."
"Well, I drove an ice cream truck and didn't die."
The common areas became populated with candles, dishes of salt near the doorways, little piles of pennies in crevices.
The small bruise they expected to see is not small at all. It's huge and almost black and it's spread against the entirety of the left side of the stomach.
"You mean because you beat the shit outta me? Nah. I've got a pretty high tolerance for getting beat up. Seems like I just end up friends with them, even when I lose my S/O to them."
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spicybylerpolls · 7 months
It's interesting how many people are bothered by the banner on this blog. It's pretty tame. This idea that Mike and Will aren't even allowed to kiss when they were younger because it's inappropriate is crazy to me when we saw Mike and El making out at that same age and people weren't scandalized by watching that. So clearly their issue is that it's 2 boys and they are uncomfortable with adults knowing they want to kiss. I saw someone claim that it wasn't homophobia but they were bothered by the fact that the disclaimer says they will be aged up in polls but then used something from S3 in the banner. But that's because on the show they have mostly been young kids so if you're making a banner there aren't pictures of them randomly as adults lol. It's not a big deal at all. People don't even think through why they are mad. They just have a trigger response to things they don't like and go off about it. It's like they are throwing darts and hoping one of the reasons they've come up with will stick and actually be a legit issue. But I have yet to see an actually criticism of this blog that was fair. All of it is coming from young people scandalized by sex and freaking out over the details and kinks people came up with. They equate "kink" with something sinister and predatory. I sincerely hope that they get educated better at some point because their attitude is a big problem. When the fandom is more active there is going to be a lot more people talking like this. And if there is a sex scene that is all anyone is going to be discussing. If it's bothering them now, they won't be able to deal with it later.
Yeah I was genuinely surprised people were/are upset about that too! I understand not liking the blog as a whole, but to single out the banner as some kind of gotcha is def strange to me. Even some people who like this blog are bothered by it. But it didn't even cross my mind once that the banner would potentially be something folks would have any opinions about at all, negative or positive lol.
Having a S3 banner isn't saying, "Go think of them as their S3 selves!" (And it isn't saying the opposite either- no one can control what others think about). The banner isn't saying anything at all. It's just a banner. Like, there's no sinister or ulterior motive behind it. It was just chosen because it looks cool and because, like you said, we don't have any pictures of them randomly as adults. It's strange to me that people think the banner is "attaching a specific image" to Byler.
But they don't think that about anyone else's profiles. Are people with S1 Byler profile pictures only talking about S1 Byler on their accounts, even when they analyze darker themes? Of course not. So I do think people are grasping at straws and partially motivated by purity culture and homophobia, even if it's internalized homophobia.
And the disclaimer says Byler is aged-up in all the sex-related polls not just to clarify the purpose of the blog as a whole and so people don't have to keep adding "for aged-up Byler" to their submissions, but also for literal reasons. Unless you believe Byler secretly boned off screen already or something, when Byler has sex, whether in the show or post-canon, they will be aged up to at least Stancy's age.
(Some of the anons haven't been specifically related to having sex but to sexuality in general, and people are usually discussing things like hosegate where obviously they aren't aged up. But the actual sex specific questions are clearly talking about Byler in S5 and beyond).
Since the show is going in a more mature direction, it makes sense to talk about sex and sexuality as it relates to Byler. As you put it, "I sincerely hope that they get educated better at some point because their attitude is a big problem. When the fandom is more active there is going to be a lot more people talking like this. And if there is a sex scene that is all anyone is going to be discussing. If it's bothering them now, they won't be able to deal with it later." Very true.
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minquiec · 7 months
jipunk things I've been thinking about but I couldn't illustrate for a variety of reasons
streamer au -> minecraft?? au
idk this is rlly more of a crack au cause it's so unserious but I think I mentioned this some while ago but I forgor to add anything else onto it
the general idea is they're both streamers ahhayhah on a totally and definitely original streaming site called Switch hahaha so original hahaha
The both of them aren't overly popular but they have some form of reputation to their name cause for jia some of her stupid clips have gone viral (she does mostly gamer content 🎮💪🔥) where it's either her being real bad at the game or she's getting jumpscared and for hobie his content is a lot moreeee diverse I think, and he also streams a lot less than jia does cause it's just a side thing for him but some of his clips have gone viral for either music related reasons or it's something he's said (HES FUNNY IN A WAY YOU WOULDNT EXPECT KIND OF THING)
but I had this thought where it'd be kind of funny when he's streaming one day (one night tbh they both stream more at night) but he'd be on stream maybe playing his lil guitar and people just casually talking in the chat and suddenly they see the user 'oranjia' send a 'ALSMFNKS' and 'OWJDNJW' in the chat so ofc people who recognise her are all like ARIANA WHAT ARE U DOING HEREE and she gets clipped cause they're kind of two different streamers you'd never see interact
Idrk what happens next cause I haven't thought abt it but they'd probably suddenly have streams featuring the other and mostly gaming cause 🧍‍♂️how else do you collab stream idk
and then I kinda segwayed from this idea to fuckin,,,, MINECRAFT AU 💀💀💀 I DONT WANNA TALK ABT THE VERY OBVIOUS INSPIRATIONS FOR THIS (yes I used to be into them but not anymore for INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS reasons) but I've always loved the concept behind it cause you can't lie the LORE AND FANART BEHIND IT WAS SO FUN
their kid.
as if I couldn't hit a new low, I stun myself EVERYTIME 🔥 but. I've been thinking. A little too hard admittedly but I can't help it okay I'm just a girl 😞 but this is all a hypothetical cause I don't have an au where they're,,,able to have a KIDNDNEJDNENSNWS AUEGH ANYWAYS IF THEY DID I think her name would be clementine :3333 cause I think the name is really cute and for some reason i kept coming up w nicknames for her and I couldn't choose one so they all apply; clem, tina (clementine -> tine -> tina), nana
but I think she'd be so sweet :((( cause she'd be so well loved :(((((( cause both of them like kids ASHEHDH HB BEING A GIRL DAD IS DRIVIJG ME A LITTLE CRAZY ACTUALLY tbh he'd be okay w anything being gorl dad,,,,,, ueueueueueu m
chinatown singer au
I was thinking abt the lore abt this au it's kinda vague and I also forgot if I ever shared it but the idea was like the setting is a? chinatown somewhere in the middle of,,,,? The britland??? But also not at the same time cause idk the geography and history of England so I'm making shit up and making it MY version of England /jkjkjk but the idea is it's a chinatown
But I was thinking maybe like when he was a kid, he had gotten lost within the chinatown cos he randomly wandered in and it was getting dark and oh nooo I'm lost 😨😨 but wowww he bumps into this girl around his ageeee WONDER WHOOO
but she leads him out there and it's mostly jus them being sweet kids but they then don't see each other for a couple years cause 🤷 but jia grows up to be a singer in this theatre hall and hb ends up working??? Participating??? Idk he's involved with this newspaper company that's basically just. The spider society but in newspaper company form
And so one day he'd probably take a route thru the chinatown and spot her again in the big ass billboard and tbh idfk what happens next cause it's mostly just one sided pining bc he doesn't get to meet her for a good while till he bumps into her again 🤷🤷❓❓❓
sticking them into your name scene
i can't explain the emotional MAGNITUDE your name had on me and it's so funny cause at first i was like "can't be that good 😐" and then 1h 42 mins later im actually devastated but anyways
This is major spoilers for your name so just lyk
But there's this scene where the ml and fl meet up and they're about to write their names on each others palms but they're only able to see each other because of the twilight that was occurring in that moment (they're from different timelines if y'all don't know) but as the girl is abt to write her name on the guys hand THE TWILIGHT ENDS AND SHE DISAPPEARS AAUUEGHHH AND THE SCENE WAS SOOO GOOD CAUSE THE MUSIC WAS SUDDENLY CUT OFF AND ALL NOISE WAS CUT OFF EXCEPT FOR THE PEN HITTING THE GROUND THIS IS YOUR HOMEWORK GO GO FUCKING WSTCH YOUR NAME
But I was just thinking and it'd just fit them SO GOOD but I just rlly like your name and I like angst and I like jipunk so
behind the scenes au
GODDDD ACTOR AUUUUUHUHHHUHUHUHU OKAY I DONT ACTUALLY KNOW HOW JIA WOULD CANONICALLY FIT?? INTO THE MOVIE?? But if she did she would just be a side character tbh (get as much screen time as pav did LMAO)
But I love actor au so much cause it means the sad parts aren't real!! What do you mean they aren't all friends HUHH but anyways imagine bloopers or just the cast being sillay uahehehe
There would b a silly moment where (if the actor au was based off jia's lore) she'd have a little 'mr stark I don feel so good' moment and reference it and it would look real silly cause she has all these green screen parts on her AUSUUA
And also I thought abt this interview where the interviewer asks gwen abt jia and hb AKDNSM AND SHE JUST GOES "they are as insufferable as they are in the show" cause she's so sick of pda HWHDHW but i wanna draw this so bad :(( i love actor au
ballet and band player au
I had this idea literally MONTHS ago but it's rlly short and I haven't gotten around to making art or lore abt it but the premise is gwen does both ballet classes and in a band (hb's band el oh el) but jia is in gwens class and they are friends :333cc and so gwen would always mention jia to hb during practice so he's like nice 👍 glad you have a friend CAUSE HE APPRECIATES PEOPLE WHO ARE NICE TO HIS FRIENDS OKAY but maybe maybe maybe one day he picks gwen up and then THEY HAVE A MEET CUTE AUYUEYGGGEHHHE AND SO NOW HB ALWAHS COMES TO PICK GWENNY UP CAUSE HES JWNDNWNSNSSJ
maybe I should get myself checked out at a psych ward idk it's really unhealthy for me but do I care nno
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puppy-coded · 2 years
True Love{C.C.}
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: small murder mention
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Chrissy Cunningham x reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 800 words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Chrissy confesses her undying love for you
✰ 𝐀/𝐍: This is just me wanting to date lol, this is what I want in a partner <3 also haven't written for chrissy in a while and wanted to complain abt dating also written while i was(mostly) in a bad mood lol
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You entered your apartment and slammed the door. Gods you hated life.
Not even for a good reason... at least, that's what you've told yourself.
All you had was another thing on your list of "don't"s and another reason to hate dating. Why is trying to find true love so hard?
"What's wrong?" Chrissy asked from her spot on the couch, not looking up from her newest embroidery project.
"Nothing." You huffed, flopping on the couch next to her and crossing your arms.
"Our poor door frame says otherwise babes." She joked, finally looking at you sitting next to her. "What's wrong? I wanna help." She offered sincerely.
"Love is worthless." You complained, laying your head in Chrissy's lap dramatically.
"I'm just mad about a bad date." You explained, turning onto your back to stare up at the pretty blonde. "She said she wasn't really looking for anything serious, which, fine but it's not what I'm looking for."
Chrissy smiled softly at you and stroked your cheek as she talked. "Well... What are you looking for?"
"True love."
"What?" She asked again, puzzled by your answer.
"I want someone to be my... soulmate." You said dreamily. "I know it sounds stupid but I want someone to love me. I want marriage. I want someone to wake up and tell me I'm beautiful even with my morning breath and frizzy hair. If true love doesn't exist then what hope do I have?" You rambled, getting more and more frantic with each word.
Chrissy rubbed her thumb across your cheek and spoke softly. "Hey, you need to calm down, okay?"
"I hate online dating. I want the meet-cutes. I want the coffee dates and... and the lazy library browses. I eventually want a family even! I want to find my soulmate but either they don't exist or mine's in fuckin' Iceland or some shit." You ranted angrily, sitting up abruptly in the middle of it and almost hitting Chrissy in the chin.
Chrissy looked worried for you but still sat to look at you. "I promise you, true love exists. You'll find 'the one' someday. Just breathe alright?" She asked. "I need you to calm down. For me please?" She practically begged.
"But like," You started again after a deep breath. "I've only been rejected by two people. What if there's more. What if, one day, it's too much? What- What if my heart can't take it after the millionth rejection?" You asked, tilting your head back against the couch so you don't cry in front of Chrissy.
"Well, I think if you maybe looked in front of you then you'd find what you were looking for." Chrissy mumbled, picking up her embroidery again. She had an angry expression and was stabbing at her project like it had murdered her family.
"What are you even talking about?" You asked, looking at her like she'd gone crazy.
She sighed and shook her head, staring at the pink flowers she was working on. "You ever notice the little things?"
"That... you do for... me?" You asked slowly, hoping you'd guess correctly. But really, you'd watched enough rom-coms to be hopeful.
"Yeah. Like how I learned to make your favorite coffee. Or how I randomly bring home fancy books for you, or flowers on really bad days. Or that one time when it rained and we watched movies in a blanket fort because we both knew if it stormed you'd freak out. I even know your favorite candy are M&Ms." She listed with a small, humorless chuckle. "I'm into you. Hell, I think I'm in love with you. I want you to be my soulmate." She admitted, looking into your eyes at the last part.
You blinked, shocked by Chrissy's admission. "Really?"
"Really." She sniffed. "I'll always be with you. Tell you you're beautiful every day. Quench every craving. Give you everything you could ever want because I'm in love with you Angel." Chrissy smiled tearfully as she grabbed your hands. "I just never... verbalized it before. I was still trying to tell myself this was a friend crush." She said before letting go of your hands and putting her own in her lap.
"I... I think I know why I haven't clicked with anyone Chris."
You stared at her as realization dawned on you. "Because I think I was secretly hoping they'd all... be like you."
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starnightlover · 1 year
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Hi Starbursts777!!! Here's my succuess or partial manifestations from the past that I thought would motivate people especially myself. So as the pictures above make self evident I am going to writing about my experience and time having manifested becoming a Saiyan althought not fully as I will explain everything below. so if you don't know Saiyans are a warrior race like what you see above that are extremely powerful with supernatural physical abilities energy manipulation transformations that boost their physical abilities and they have a ruthless ferocious nature often known as being brutal warriors. at the time of manifesting this I knew of this but not to the full extent of having experienced some of this for myself. So my first experience was from a Saiyan subliminal it contained every transform and transformation up to super saiyan blue. So I noticed my strength was rapidly increasing along iwth my speed stamina agility all of that, around week one I could start to feel and sense energy more frequently my aura become stronger to the point It would act as a natural heater for myself. the more intense I feel the more powerful the aura becomes. my aura was Purple. after about a week my body started to develop ultra instinct which is the ability to move and react to things without needing to be consciously aware of things so I'd dodge things people and objects without even knowing about it. my friend thought I was possessed because he knew I was becoming a Saiyan at the time. now I do want to talk about the aspects I didn't expect the anger and aggression was different as a Saiyan for instance you'd find yourself getting angrier at the smaller things more aggrerssive overall, you become very serious overall and another aspect is you lose some human emotions like you become extremely confident even arrogant to a degree and you have little regard for others it's just that Saiyans treat everyone like Battle hardened warriors so sometimes it can seem like you are being treated harshly which I was completely unaware of until my sister said something and I thought I was treating everyone normal. Another aspect was I only cared about training and getting stronger nothing else mattered my life was Eat sleep train rest train some more rinse repeat and something about Saiyan dna makes you oddly content with that. anyways let's get back on track. as time went on my KI energy aka life force energy became stronger and stronger eventually even my sister could feel the energy she even said it had a misty static appearance to it. at this point I haven't tried using Kaioken which is a tecnhique that boost your strength speed senses and overall all your physical stats besides your durability the only downside is it is very damaging to the body like imagine going through several full body workouts instantly. After about 2 months I was so close to using Kaioken well my aura wasn't visible but It could be felt and I felt intense heat and pressure build as I used the technique which was crazy. Of course their were more things that happened like for instance at work I had at the time while mopping the floor I randomly slipped and was levitating for about 5 seconds before I fell to the ground. another instance of the power of a Saiyan was when I was getting a drink of water and my sister said she saw blue energy come out of my leg and speed across the room. Saiyans are so full of energy that sometimes it's hard to keep it in your body. also Saiyan willpower is way stronger than anything I ever experienced I could literally force myself awake from sleep if I was having a bad dream not even having to be lucid just like Fuck this shit I want to wake up then I forcefully woke myself up. So as for me I realized after this whole experience that if I want a more balanced out lifestyle being a Saiyan hybrid is better so that's what I am working on now for myself.
This is amazing!!!! I am so happy for you!!
I love hearing illogical manifestations!! Thank you for sharing!!! The blue energy coming out of your leg is so crazy!!! That's so cool!!!
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butterflywonz · 8 months
I miss you
And john is hot😔
I screamed so loud when they asked him to help me out of the rock pool... He was already keeping my fking crutch istg I wanted to cry in the water...
Nathan look like 🥢, I'm fr so mad at Rebecca for doing that bro... LIKE HIS EAR PHONES WEEE OUT AND EVERYTHING, but I could here him humming behind me which was cute, I mean I kinda have to be friends with Rebecca, cuz I'm nice 🙂 ( and she has a fucking Voodoo doll and I'm not risking shit) sooo yeah... Tortoise looks like he spells special in a specific way..(spechal) I have to stay at school till 5:30 Tommorow 😱 cuz MOS kpop society and also wp, so I might kms soon 😙...
So yeahhhh, also ,lamo is our thing, so is cumpy, so is 1bedroomapartmentguy, so is 🫡👀(Justin), so is " this one Mwah Mwah" so is Bessie chasing us, so is deep throating popsicles (Wtf was wrong with us…??) So is speaking made up languages at night *click click*, so is making fun of me stander 🏍️⚰️, so is thinking we're going to get raped by Justin Truscott, so is Mr kolesky saying penis infront of us, so is the fact that we've never kissed before ( we haven't?) So is the shirtless pics we got from Zachary (she's beautiful but she not my type), so is Abraham as a hole (wait no not like 🕳️, so whole?) So is his nipple tbh, so is going home late afterschool, so is that crazy looking girly telling you not to take pics of her man even though we were taking pics of Kakas, so is me accidentally walking into the unisex bathroom and getting the biggest shock of my life seeing Joshua (gr 11) and thinking I was in the wrong bathroom... And then having a conversation with bradlen... So is when we went on that ride at play land, so is when we thought they were playing FEVER at a children's birthday, so is when we got into the car ready to go home from said children's birthday party actual attractive people arrive, so is us randomly saying cum, so is that guy face timing us to jerk off, so is Chris's cock (I'm sorry) so is monkey as a app, so is Eric from Portugal ( more like Thabo from Nigeria) so is us being racist towards each other(and Fatima) so is the fact that zaarah gives off lesbian vibes, so is the fact that Willow makes me wanna actually rip out my intestines and shove them down her throat to make her stfu, so brownwon..., so is randomly doing antifragile in the middle of BayWest, so is shit talking nirvana cuz we just don't like her, so is randomly "AHHHHHHHH" when we see someone moderately attractive, so is pretending my knee is choking, so is the dislocation of my knee, so are these 2 year old bad boys, so are those yellow and blue woosan birds, so is pause games, so is convincing jaylin soobin died, so is me crying because.. "what If heeseung kills himself" , so is Daniel making me cry 3 times..., so is making jokes about making Jason more handicap, so is reading ff's together, so is the fact that this is so fucking long..., so is us shit talking your mother... With your father, so is lukho flashing us, so is us learning a dance and forgetting it, so is us disliking some idols... Just because, so is you making me come home crying in grade 5, so is us being not even being friends..., so is the fact that I would do anything for you... And also so is the fact that we PLANNED YOU RUN AWAY!?!?!?!?! love you babes, I miss you too.... Theres loads more but like....
Im anonymous so like... I could be Anyone ...
So like leaked intak 😻 pics?!?!
im so sick RN so I can't come to but pls tell the kpop club ppl that I wna join but I'm DYING WOOHOO
dude Nathan is hot
I love you sosoosososososososososo much and I appreciate the long ask (I read it all btw) I ALSO DON'T LIKE WILLOW<3
Wtf is ety coz Ik what what wp is and stuff but ETY? WHAT'S YOUR ETY WHATS YOUR ETY.
apparently the kpop club does BEAT stuff during the year too🐢
Ha yeah tortoise us hot:)
Love you babes I miss you<3
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COTW - 4 start. Guys... why didn't you tell me it was sooooo bad?!? I reread it and damn... my brain and fingers really haven't been communicating
Eren didn't want to shut Levi out, but between coming off his pills, loosing dancing, being pregnant and being told he very may loose his pup from all the stress he was under, Levi's probing was way too much right now... Even if it was therapeutic to vent. Everything had hit him all at once when he'd seen Levi's concerned face at Hanji's. He hated knowing Levi was worried. He hated making him look that way. He didn't want to make his alpha feel worse, that's why he'd only told him he couldn't dance anymore, rather than that he was pregnant and could miscarry at any time. As it was, he'd have to call his Ballroom partner and let her know that he wouldn't be around for the next few weeks... knowing that he'd be letting her down. For an alpha, Sasha had all the strength, but the personality of an omega. She loved her weapons, just as much as she loved her soft things. Most of her partnerships had fallen short due to her excitable personality, leaving her wondering why she'd started dancing at all. Her husband Connie had two left feet, according to Sasha, and his prankster personality made it hard to take dancing seriously, not that she truly did, but she did love it. He really liked Sasha, and she didn't think any less of him for being an omega... even when she was giving him shit for it. Waking up, Eren couldn't understand why he was so hot. His eyes feeling gritty as he forced them open, finding Levi's face millimetres from his. Right. He'd had a stupid breakdown over everything. Coming off his pills, combing with the nausea of pregnancy had left a lot of his functions fluctuating. His fainting spell coming from dehydration and the fact his body was struggling with it all. That would explain it... Wriggling from Levi's hold, the alpha tried to cling to him, mumbling his name. Fuck... he couldn't remember the last time they'd woken up like this... probably since before Viren had gotten his feet under him. When he was a small pup, they'd spend hours laying in bed, watching him sleep and dreaming of their future. Shit. He'd missed this. Their bed. Levi's cuddles... he couldn't do this right now. Escaping the bed, he found Titan had even wandered in, sprawling across the bottom of the bed like he'd never given his position to in the first place. Flicking his tail, he pretty much confirmed Eren's thoughts. If he could talked he'd, no doubt, say how happy he was that it was just the three of them again. Wrapping his arms around his waist. Eren looked towards Viren's bedroom. He might have needed a break, but it felt so cruel to send Viren away. The boy hadn't done anything wrong. Not in loving Levi... and if he did grow to be an alpha, he was only giving Eren the respect he deserved as a fucked up omega. Showering and dressing, he walked out to find Levi in the kitchen. His head was pounding like a bass drum. The last thing he wanted to do was pretend to be human, let alone a functioning one. Bed was soooo close. He could make... oh... nope, Levi was looking at him "Hey, you. How did you sleep?" "I could use another 20 years worth" Levi snorted, shaking his head. How the fuck did he manage to look so fucking good in the morning? "Come sit down and I'll make you breakfast. I thought we could go shopping today" "What happened to work?" "You're more important. How does shopping sound?" Like peopling... and being nice to people... and seeing people... "Can I have some painkillers? My head hurts" "You need water. You're still dehydrated" Walking over to the dining table, it was weird that Viren wasn't there. That he wasn't sitting on the kitchen counter talking to Levi, or stealing treats. Sitting down, he drew his right knee up, to rest his chin on it. Watching Levi bringing over a tall glass of milk, and two small white tablets. Placing them down, Eren guessed he should be happy that Levi wasn't checking him a for a fever "What do you want for breakfast?" "I'll make some cereal in a minute" "I'll make you cereal. Which one do you want? I think we have cocopops" "They're Viren's. I have cornflakes in the pantry" "Just because our son likes most of the same shit you do, doesn't mean you should go without" "It's fine. I don't feel hungry" "Were you sick again?" "No..." "Maybe you're getting better? Did you mention the bug yesterday?" Bug. He could live with the pup being called bug "Yeah. They just said to keep my fluids up" "I didn't see your appointment on the fridge" "It's on Friday the twenty-second at 4" "So Friday" Shit. He'd been sure it was next week "Yeah. Well, we need to be down in Paradis and I wanted to get it done before then" They'd offered to give him an ultrasound, but he didn't want one. Not with Hanji so close... he wanted to wait and see, as to whether he'd miscarry or not "Ok. I'll add it to the calendar, and see that I'm off" "I told you I can take myself" Downing the pills and gulping down the milk, he prayed they'd kick in soon. Pottering around the kitchen, Levi pulled out the container of cornflakes. He really suited his role as a dad. He might have gained some more wrinkles and there may now be more than a few grey hairs creeping in, but it really suited him. He was so good with Viren... "I thought we could go clothes shopping for you. It's getting cold again, and we are going on holiday" "I don't need clothes" His clothes were fine. They did the job. His anxieties decided to flare... the little voices arses as usual. Maybe this was Levi's way of telling him he needed to stop looking like a slob. It was so hard to have anything nice with kids in and out of the apartment. Something was always being spilt or there was vomit, or tears or... stuff. He binned his clothes when they got super holy... and there'd been a mass binning after Viren round a pair of scissors. Binning his yoga pants had nearly made him cry. Not that he had time for yoga... he'd have even less when the pup came... but Levi really didn't seem that keen on having another pup... Maybe he was starting to like him again because he was thin again... and he didn't dress in "girly" clothes anymore...? There was too much to think about. His brain hurt without the added pain of thoughts "Eren?" "What? Sorry" "I was saying you should let me buy you some new things" Eren pushed a smile to his lips, feeling it fall short. He didn't need Levi to buy things for him. He had money. He had more money than he knew what to do with. More money than he'd ever thought he'd have "Yeah. Maybe... it depends if I like anything" "You could probably get a few nice dresses or tops. Whatever you like. You always look good to me" It wasn't because he didn't look like a girl anymore? Did Levi want him to look more girl like? It seemed like so long since he'd bought his own clothes... and it wasn't like he didn't have nice clothes. He couldn't go Ballroom dancing in sneakers and a holy shirt... he just didn't want the kids ruining the few nice things he had. He'd had to hide the charm bracelet Levi had gifted him, along with the glass dolphin as Viren had tried to destroy them both "Ok" "Good" "When's Viren coming home?" Levi frowned at him, Eren feeling guiltier. He'd forced him to send his son away... "Whenever I call Hanji" "You should. He won't understand why you're not there" "He's healthy and he's safe..." "It feels cruel" "You need time to recharge" "You". Not "we". Levi was only doing this because he was so weak. Shit... Jumping up from his seat, Eren ran to the bathroom sink. Throwing up the milk and pills he'd just swallowed, a hand went to his stomach as he groaned. Placing a hand on Eren's back, Levi rubbed it softly, as he nuzzled into Eren's shoulder "You really should let me take..." "I've been to hospital. I don't need to go back. I had a piss and blood test. If it was something to worry over, I'd still be there" He sounded so fucking pissy. No wonder Levi rushed to soothing mode "Ok. Ok. I'm worried, that's all" "Stop it. I didn't ask for your help or worry!" Crap. He'd snapped at Levi. Shit. Coughing, it turned wet as he vomited again "Eren" "Fuck it. I'm not going to be able to eat breakfast. Let's just go do whatever you wanted to" "I wanted to take you shopping... for you" "I don't need anything. Save your money" For someone who actually deserved it "Eren. I want to start trying to fix things between us. I want to buy you things. I want to do things with you... I want to make this work. Last night, you were rejecting me. It hurt. It hurt to know I pushed you that far" "It's not just you to blame. I'm the one who's..." "I know what you're going to say, but you're not. You're not fucked in the head. Or crazy. You're exhausted and stressed. You're also my omega. I want to live up to the promises I made you. So stop thinking you're a basket case, and stupid, or whatever" "It's the same thing" "No, it's not. I know you're not crazy" "Because I didn't freak out on you yesterday" "And how often you freak out. You haven't had a panic attack that severe in a while" That Levi knew about... even when medicated, they'd still come, though milder. The ones off of his meds... yeah. He knew he was still a basket case. He couldn't have this pup. Not like this... he'd have to talk with his doctor about options... he didn't want to abort it, but he was a bad mum and a bad omega "Why don't you change into something warmer? I'll make you some toast for breakfast" "I told you I can't eat" "You need to. It's not healthy not to. Even if it's just a slice of toast, you need something in your stomach" He wasn't going to win... no matter what he did or said.... "Fine. I'll go change" Levi kissed his shoulder. Eren instantly wanting to cave into the man's touch. He wanted Levi to love him like he used to. When he'd randomly kiss him, or hug him, or jump into the shower with him, or wrap his arms around him and cling like a child as he cooked... He missed laying in bed talking and snuggling. He missed having real adult conversations, and watching scary movies to make fun of them. God. He longed for it all... Feeling his emotions well, his omega snarkily reminded him that he could have all of that, if he wasn't such a sorry excuse for an omega. He hadn't missed the insults his omega would supply. He hadn't missed feeling this shitty. He hadn't missed his paranoia or depression. He definitely hadn't missed feeling like he was walking on eggshells around his own emotions. No. He hadn't missed any of that. * Dragged shopping, Eren kept trying to put things back. While Levi kept putting things in the shopping trolley. He was trying not to let the fact he was pregnant influence his purchases. If Levi had wanted another pup from him, he wouldn't be using two condoms or avoiding the subject. That was the clear answer to their problem. Shorts it was. It was still warm enough to pull them off He ended up with an insane amount of new clothes and shoes that he was sure he didn't need. They wouldn't stay nice and new for long. He couldn't help but pick up clothes for Viren. Levi brushed off his enquiries of where his new clothes were. His alpha was better at buying new clothes for himself than Eren had been since Viren's birth, and anything that Levi had wore to death, was magically replaced thanks to online shopping. Despite the fact it would probably never be used, Eren did manage to buy some new makeup colour pallets and foundation. He missed the days where he used to take such good and careful care of his skin, only his stretch marks and suicide scars got any attention these days. Levi had naturally perfect skin. The alpha never knew his pain, or the pain of a breakout. It was hard to accept acne when it was on your face, as acne had such an ugly stigma. His changing hormones had brought more pimples than he knew what to do with. No one chose acne, but they did choose to be a dick about it. After clothes shopping, Levi forced him to have a manicure and pedicure, while the alpha took care of something. He didn't know what, only that Levi kissed him, then disappeared off to wherever he had in mind, leaving Eren to trail into the salon in a state of confusion. Was it wrong that he was kind of feeling a little better, up until Levi had left? He had Levi's undivided attention. His mate was listening to his words, and his son wasn't throwing a tantrum over Levi paying attention to him. He was so fucking selfish. His son was just a pup. He deserved all Levi's attention, and Levi deserved to be happy. Struggling with his anxieties, he barely made his wishes understood, clumsily pointing out a nice cheese-leaf design for his fingers. Coming back mid-pedicure, Levi was sans their shopping. Standing over the woman doing his nails, his mate crossed his arms, while Eren found himself staring. His stomach was rolling like there was no tomorrow, for the first time in a long time, he really wanted to scratch... he should be enjoying this. Levi wanted him to enjoy this. Fucking pregnancy meaning no sanity pills. Levi could have just said he was off to put the shopping in the car, maybe he was mad over how much they'd ended up buying? Eren had said no. He'd even tried to put things back because they were way too much... but Levi had pulled out his m card and paid for it all without giving him a chance to pay for himself. Lifting his feet out the water to dry them, the small beta woman asked what colour he wanted his toenails. Levi pulled a face like it was weird, so he left it to his alpha, as a small stab of revenge. Levi choosing a dark green that he hadn't even noticed. It was nice, but he wasn't sure he wanted green toes until she started painting them. Mentally sighing to himself, he'd have to remember to wear shoes, or risk upsetting Viren. But hey, at least it went with his silver fingernails and their dainty leaf design. Leaving the salon, Levi wrapped his arm around his waist. Eren's knees nearly going weak as his alpha's scent wrapped around him "Is there anything else we need to get? Or is it just food shopping, left?" "I need to get a suitcase. I don't have one, and I think Viren needs a new one. His is filled with toys" "He does know he can't take all his toys with him" "He's two, nearly, three. He doesn't understand that he is coming back" "You know, you're really good with him. I know things haven't been great, but you've always kept trying to do what was best for him. He's lucky to have you as a mum" "I wouldn't say that" "Eren" "It's true. I'm not much of a mum" "You are. You run the whole household. You keep us all in check. You cook. You clean. You pay the bills. You make the appointments. You know what needs to be done and you take care of it. I'm so proud of you, and I'm sorry I've been putting so much pressure on you" "I don't do much... I mean. I'm usually with the kids" "I don't have the patience to spend the day chasing after four kids. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry you can't dance right now. But... it's temporary right?
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ilovemusicmore · 2 years
Women, man.
This girl that I worked with had a bf, and they got engaged shortly after I started working with and talking to her. She told me she wanted friends, cause she didn't hang out with many people outside of her bf and his friends. So I was like cool, I need friends around my age instead of way older like usual. I even painted her and another coworker things to practice painting and as presents for christmas/in general cause, new friends! But I think she mistook my intentions.. which is also 100% normal and usually what happens. So we hadn't really talked since like, March. I also had a lot of other shit going on for myself, and I recently got fired from that job (because of discrimination, I still haven't decided how far I'm going to go legally with it but I've got unemployment about to start and a last check coming.
HOWEVER. Right after being fired, and before she knew about it, this same girl at work randomly sent me a link for her brand new OF account. On said account she lists herself as bi and only mentions being an introvert sharing her freaky side. After not speaking to each other since March. She then unsolicited called me baby girl outta no where, and I haven't corrected her with the pronoun thing yet cause I'm still too confused about wtf she's got going on. She then sent me 4 voice messages over Instagram first thing in the morning the next morning. And invited me out to a gay club with her and some other gays that all work where we used to work together. All very clear signs and indications of something, right??? And then..
Then I asked her "so what's the deal with the OF? I thought you might very gotten hacked" and her reply was along the lines of "I love sex and wanted to share that with people in my life so they could enjoy me too"
"Oh, and there will be some girl on girl action soon too so stay tuned"... 👀👀👀 OK ma'am, go off.
And then my reply, obviously, after this barrage of unsolicited everything, went along the lines of "we stab, fully support a small business. I would offer to help with volunteers but I doubt you'd need help in that department"
....lame. i know. So sue me....to which she replied... absolutely nothing. Has left me on read since Wednesday. Maybe it's because I wasn't as forward as she was being? But literally the last I heard she was engaged and had found her forever person and just wanted more friends to hang out with. But then never hung out with me when I tried and then stopped talking altogether until she sent me an OF sooooooo wtf. Why tf. Why do women. Why am I like this.
Either way all I've been able to think about since is all the different ways I wanna make her come and now I can't believe I have to wait until the day they wanna go out to hang out with her and figure it the fuck out. But, I gotta wait till I get my last check before I can do anything else about it anyway. Atm I have half a tank of gas and $25 for food till whenever that gets issued. And florida only requires them to send it out within 30 days of termination so they could technically wait till after the date everyone wants to go out before they issue it. I could get 1 or 2 unemployment checks before I get my actual final check
But anyway. Now idk if I've ruined it before it could start or if she's waiting for me to reciprocate some of the forwardness, idk if I should dig in harder and figure out something else to say or if I should leave it alone and give it some air before hanging out in person. What I really wanna do is be honest and let her know how much she's driving me crazy with everything and figure out if it's the intent or if I'm misreading things but how exactly do you misread that? Why send me the link at all if you don't either wanna think about me joining or something? We hadn't spoken in months. Idk. Maybe she thought I'd find out through work and feel left out? Why would that matter tho?
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all the rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Part Five
"That is so romantic it disgusts me." Maria mumbled from Jordan's bed, facing the ceiling with the book covering her face. She sits up suddenly, having been reminded of something. "What did he say about your XP?"
Jordan looks hopeless. The blonde had been sitting on the swivel chair this time, staring at the distance as she bites her lip to stop from smiling too much. The girl managed to respond after a few seconds, frowning. "It didn't came up."
Maria scowled. "What do you mean it didn't come up?"
"I-I didn't bring it up." Jordan shrugged. "I'm not gonna just randomly be like, 'Hey, dude, by the way, the sunlight's gonna..." She makes exploding gestures with her hands. "Like, look when you tell someone you're sick, then you start to become more like... a disease and less like a person. It's--"
She gazed at her pointedly.
"I'm gonna tell him, I promise, but I don't know when I'm gonna see him again."
"I do." Maria sighs in dismay, though she tried to hide it. "You know that annoying guy who works at the ice cream shop?"
"The nerdy one you're annoyed with? Well, scratch that, you're annoyed at everyone." Jordan rolls her eyes playfully, then points to herself. "Except for Jordan."
Her face feels like burning at the statement her best friend dropped. Does Jordan knows? Maria brushed it off and threw a pillow at Jordan. "Whatever, J. But yes, Aiden, his name. His parents-- a strict bunch, mind you-- are out of town tonight and he's throwing a party and he told me to bring friends. So, I'm gonna bring you--"
"No, no, no, no..."
"And you're gonna bring Michael."
"No!" Jordan stands, holding her hands up while shaking her head profusely. "He's gotta, like, you know... Doesn't... I have to wait till he texts me first, right?"
"Yeah, totally!" Maria smiles. Oh, Jordan, why are you so innocent... Usually, Maria wouldn't suggest such a forward move and what does she even know about dealing with a guy when she hadn't even get past her previous first dates but well, if it means putting this innocent bundle of dorkiness out of misery then hell yes, Maria will do something. She sits straighter, crossing her legs in a no-nonsense way and look at the girl with the most serious expression. "And then, you know, his squire will send a note via carrier pigeon asking if you'd like to merge your kingdoms. What is this, 18th century England? Listen, Jordan, you're a gorgeous, young, uh...badass woman. You're gonna text him whenever you damn well please."
The blonde stares at her. There is a blankness on her face.Maria dives through the pillows and locates a phone, then hands it to Jordan. "Be confident, okay? Give him the facts..."
"Okay." Jordan takes a deep breath and opens her message app. She follows Maria's instructions to be confident and... among other things.
Down at the town's shipyard, Michael hears the ping of his phone while he was in the midst of scrubbing the stains from the side of his uncle's boat. He wipes his hands on his shirt, which was already drench in sweat after working for hours on that boat under the blaring sky. There is a message from Jordan. Michael couldn't help the smirk on his lips.
Hey. My friend is having a party tonight if you want to come.
"Play a little hard to get." Maria whispers.
Jordan starts another message. "All right."
Michael receives another message before he can even type a reply.
I don't care if you come or not.
He raised his eyebrows.
Maria scoots closer to her. "Make sure that he knows he's not the only reason you're going."
"Okay. Alright."
Back at the shipyard, Michael receives the third message that made him laugh louder than he intended to.
I have lots of friends.
- Jordan
The messages stops coming so he takes that as a cue to answer back.
Maria took the phone from her best friend to see the messages she sent and instantly freezes as soon as she reads them. "Oh, no. What's this??"
Hey. My friend is having a party tonight if you want to come.
I don't care if you come or not.
I have lots of friends.
- Jordan
Maria doesn't know where to face palm or something, but before she dies of second-hand embarrassment, a new message came to Jordan's screen.
I'm in.
"This is gonna be a tame, safe, parent-friendly party." Maria called after Scott. Jordan has been trailing behind the two as they walk from the kitchen to the living room.
"Ha!" Her Dad turns as they reach the door. "It's a totally lame party. You know what we should do? We should stay here. We'll get Hunan Chinese. You guys love Hunan, right?"
She and Maria groaned.
"Put some Netflix on. It will be perfect!"
The three of them went on full circle around the house until finally, they ended up in the kitchen once more. Scott open the fridge to check for snacks. But Jordan reached out and pushes it close. She musters a determined look on her face. "Dad, you know I'm a good kid. You know I'm not gonna do anything crazy, but I swear, if I spend one more night here-- just listening to everyone else outside my window, living their lives-- I might... go... crazy!"
Scott knits his eyebrows, then look at Maria for back up but the raven-haired young woman simply shrugs.
Jordan continues. "Tomorrow night, we can order way too much chow mein, and have a movie marathon."
Her father's eyes move from her to Maria then back. Probably calculating the consequences before he lets out a heavy breath. "All right."
"Yes!" Jordan hugs her father tightly. "You're the best Dad in the world."
Maria gestured for her to follow and they rush upstairs to her room and the girl starts rippling through her clothes.
"Okay, um, Michael's gonna meet us at Aiden's around 8:00." Jordan reminded her.
"Then we have to get ready."
"Girl, what are you talking about? We have like three hours."
Maria suddenly turns and glare at her. She almost forgot her best friend has been Student Council President at Oliver Berry High for two years. She was all about organizing stuffs, especially parties. And Jordan knows better than to counter her when in the midst of looking for an appropriate attire for her. "Danielle Jordan Lee, we're already behind."
She watched helplessly, but after about ten minutes, Maria raised a light-blue lacy dress from her closet that she doesn't even know exists. Their eyes meets, then their faces lights up in agreement. Two hours and fifty minutes later, they are both dressed up and perfectly groomed for the night. Her father's expression as soon as she steps out of her room was priceless, but also a bit of longing in his eyes as Jordan was aware how much she resembles her late mother.
They said their goodbyes quickly and outside the door, Maria stops her and looks at her up and down. "You look beautiful. Good."
"Aren't you looking good yourself." Jordan smiles back, taking her best friend's hand then ran to the car already parked at the curb.
It was a short drive to the Zhou Family house and at exactly 8:00, the two girls are making their way up the decorated porch of the two storey house. For a party, Jordan finds it weird that the house seems quiet. Parties were never quiet, according to the teen flick movies she watched, but maybe this one haven't really started.
The door open just as they reached it, an Asian guy grinning at the sight of them both. "You came." His face falters soon after, looking at Maria nervously. "Is there any chance that you, or your hot friend, hey, know how to get beer... out of a keg?"
"Oh, no." Maria's smile dissolves. She shoves past the guy and looks even more furious to see the house is empty. "You didn't get a tap??"
Aiden scratch the back of his neck, following them inside. "I-- I didn't realize they were separate things-- why would they sell me a barrel of beer I can't even access?"
This party is a complete disaster, Maria fumed. She went to the kitchen and glances back to see Jordan touching the colorful decorations in awe. Aww, this sweet sweet girl... But still, Maria couldn't believe she entrusted Aiden to plan a party by himself. And worst, she actually showed up and dared to expect something good.
At the kitchen, they find two other people she recognized were from Music club at Berry High. Myra and Luis are busy tinkering the keg to open...to no avail. They glance up and waved awkwardly.
"AIDEN!" Maria called sharply. "What the hell? This is a tame, safe, parent-friendly party!"
Aiden backed away slowly. "Do tame parties have sundae bars?"
"I think it's cool." Jordan joins in, beaming excitedly.
"No, don't listen to her." Her best friend hissed at Aiden. "Okay, she's never been to a party before. She doesn't understand how dire the situation is. We gotta go, Jordan." Maria grab her hand and turns to go.
"No, no, no! I just made a huge thing of chili." Aiden reasoned.
"Aiden, chili is not a party food."
Their conversation was cut off by the sound of car engine shutting off and its door opening and closing.
"You see?" The Asian points outside. "The party's just kicking off."
They all rushed down the stairs to see who actually decided to show up. A blue pick-up truck was parked outside and a guy in a green bomber jacket is walking towards the house.
"What's Michael Harrison doing here?" Aiden wonders in disbelief.
"My God..." Maria rubs her face in frustration just as she felt someone came up behind her.
Michael stops for a second as soon as he caught sight of Jordan, a genuine smile lighting on his face and even blink a few times, as if he couldn't believe what he is looking at.
"Hi." Jordan greets, a bashful smile on her lips.
Another hour passed and the trio still hadn't managed to open the keg.
Michael and Jordan sits on porch chairs, just making small talks while Maria stays not far from them like a guarding hawk.
His eyes studies every detail of the beautiful face just inches away from him. "You look really amazing."
"Um... it's all Maria." Jordan said quietly, looking down on her lap and it makes him think that maybe, him acting weird makes her shy.
Michael isn't much into praising people, or voicing out opinions in general. Usually, he goes to a party, hang out with people regardless if they look good as long as they don't bother him too much. But he couldn't help it if she happens to look so amazing this night. Or every night for that matter. Whether Jordan is dressed in sweat pants or oversized clothes, or designer dress... She manages to make it all look really good.
"No... I don't think so." He whispers.
"For you, good sir!" Aiden's loud voice interrupts. The guy hands each of them some bowls.
Michael clears his throat and imitates the Asian's tone. "Ah. Thank you! Beef chili, huh?"
Jordan thanks him as well. She watch Maria taste the beef chili and almost burst out laughing at the disgusted look on her best friend's face. Feeling kinder, Michael scoops some mouthfuls and shoves it into his mouth. He makes a show of enjoying it. "That's top shelf, buddy. Really fresh."
He turns to Jordan with a sour face, forcing the chili down his throat. The blonde let out a quiet giggle.
Aiden takes a seat across from them. "You know, I really thought we'd have a big turnout but--"
"I told you not to go up against the cheerleader." Myra scolded from the corner.
"What cheerleader?" Maria asks.
Luis fixed his eyeglasses. "It's the mean blonde one with a convertible."
The girl rolls her eyes. "Giselle Collins? Ughhh."
Now that it was mentioned, Michael was indeed invited over by Giselle to her major graduation party which must have been tonight. He had completely forgotten about it as he was not really planning to go anywhere that night. That was, until he received the certain messages this afternoon.
"Yes." Aiden pouts. "She's having a party tonight as well. Must have dinged our turnout."
Michael puts down his bowl. "Do you guys wanna go there?"
To be continued...
Giselle's party coming next 😆😆
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back at it again with inconsistent messages lol in the past i would follow my person and i feel like that gave it away ya know? wanted to switch it up this year hehehe you'll find out soon enough and im glad to hear you enjoy talking to me i've had a lot of fun with this😊 trying to make this one not as long as the others but we'll see (pssst i failed hehe)
If someone had never heard of your favorite artist, what song would you show them first?
oh god this requires me to pick a favorite artist..........oooh i know ok so not my favorite because picking favorites is hard but whenever i show my friends kpop i ease them in with day6 they feel like a safe group ya know? i usually show them how can i say and you were beautiful because we love versatility
What's a song that you didn't like at first, but now LOVE?
i honestly couldn't listen to side effects when it first came out like i've always hated and ofc still hate when people said stray kids made noise music but ngl when that one first came out i was like 'damn they might be on to something....' i really didn't enjoy it until after i went to their concert and heard it live idk something just like switched and now i'll find myself singing it randomly its crazy how thi my s change
What is one song that annoys you but constantly gets stuck in your head?
any olivia rodrigo song i never listened to her album and i only hear the songs when other people play them or they're on the radio and like i don't mean to come off as like a hater or anything just like the whole situation with her and sabrina bothers me and i simply don't vibe with her music but uhhh that's another story for another day 😅
ok this may or may not be my last anonymous message i haven't decided yet🤔 we'll see but i hope you have a good day/night mal🖤🖤
hello again k!
my ult is skz but I do agree that day6 is a safe bet as they have a TON of really good songs. omg yess 'how can we say' and 'you were beautiful' are really good ones!
ah yess a lot of people I know felt that way about 'side effects' and I can kinda see why tbh. When I first heard it I thought it was fine but I didn't really listen to it much until months later. A lot of people also felt the same way about 'tortoise and the hare' and I didn't like it at first either but now I love it lol. This would be a shocker for many people but I actually didn't like on track when I first heard it but when I heard it again a few months later I was like damn how did I not like this and yeah now I love it LOL
ah yeah I get what you mean. I think there was one song of hers which I wasn't exactly a fan of which I can't remember at the moment. No hate to her, I just thought it was a tad bit overrated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
can't wait to see who you are k! no pressure though 😆 I hope you have a great day/night as well!!
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
Episode 3 - "RIP tribe Jenkins we were too powerful" - Riley
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The 3 tribes of Pendragon, Hatter, and Jenkins have been reorganized and condensed into 2 new Hatter and Pendragon Tribes. Tribal immunity is Scavenger Hunt.
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The fact I have Brayden and Toph in my merged tribe boosts my serotonin. i have a feeling colin may be someone to keep an eye out for in the future now...
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RIP tribe Jenkins we were too powerful. I guess we'll see how Pendragon pans out.
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yall doin me dirty putting me with brayden i just hope that by some miracle me him anastasia and ellie can work together? like i still dont know if theyre plotting on my ass vdshibshj i know brayden told anastasia to take me out when this game started oop but lemme see if dis works. i hope riley follows the logic of the old tribe sticking together and thatll be 5 votes. im kinda obsessed with toph like since the beginning of the game he looks like someone i could totally play with so def wanna work on that relationship. ava and nya? i believe? lets say hello and work on those relationships as well. dis is a bit overwhelming but we shall see how it goes
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uh... well... i am SCREWED. me and ginny were the only ones separated from the Jenkins tribe... RIP. 4 pendragons, 2 hatters, and 2 jenkins... the main things i see here are pendragon yoinking one of the hatters / jenkins and voting the other off... OR a 4-4 tie... OR they're gonna target one of me or ginny cuz none of us have gone to tribal council yet. this is really dicey, and I need to tread very, very carefully from hereon. (ALSO GINNY BARELY TALKS PLS I NEED YOUR HELP GIRL)
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This swap actually turned out pretty amazing for me. I still have Keith and Moth who I worked semi-close with in the pre-swap. Additionally, I've met up with Colin and Babs. A little Raffy magic could keep me very safe on this tribe. I think Kenneth is super fun as he is a newbie AND active. He will definitely make it far in this game. I hope, at the very least, that I can be by his side to make that happen. However, I am wary he might just be making these strong social connections with everyone. As a final note, OG Pendragons have this tribe 4 to 8. That's both good and bad. Good because we have numbers. Bad because that may make people target me very early on just for being a part of it. So, I have decided that if I were to throw any of my OG Pendragons to the wolves it would be Jonathan as I haven't been able to connect with them as well as Keith and Moth. Other than that, I hope this tribe doesn't have to go to tribal all that often between now and the next swap/merge. These people are lovely.
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I'm getting a bad feeling about this... Since most of my Jenkins tribemates are on the other tribe, I KNOW they're good cuz we just keep getting W's... so I think there is a good chance we might lose the challenge. I contributed a good amount, so I hope that the target won't be on me if ever we lose the challenge :( I really don't wanna go, and I wanna reunite with Dennis/Ellie and maybe Anastasia and get further in the game.
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i worked hard on this confessional
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Our tribe did our absolute best in this challenge. I have no idea who is getting targeted if we go to tribal as everyone is so quiet. All I know is that I want to keep Colin, Kenneth, and Keith close to me for this stage of the game. They are the only ones who consistently talk to me. Challenge results: Pendragon wins due to a 10% advantage, Hatter Tribe must go to tribal council the following day.
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Look, before you go to tribal with a group of people it feels like there’s a barrier of game socialization because you haven’t been able to go to tribal with them. But leading up to tribal and after it, a whole new can of worms is available for game talk. Unfortunately it’s an extremely simple vote because Nya has ghosted all of us, but at least we still get to go to tribal so I can talk game with more people even if it’s only a small amount with this easy vote. But who knows, someone might decide to switch shit up!
And also I absolutely love this tribe (Minus Nya cause I haven’t met them) so I’m glad that I get to go forward with this group although I won’t be nearly as happy if we go to tribal again because as I said, I do enjoy this group of people a lot
Moth (Tumblr will only allow me 10 images so player banners stop now, whoops) I believe the only reason I will make it to the next round is because of Raffys advantage. I’d be so screwed otherwise
I like Babs. They got good vibes.
Also I’d kill to know how the other tribe reacted
Dennis in a perfect world i would try to not vote out nya but bdksksksoksks theyve done it to themselves. no need to make waves. unless someone else is secretly plotting on me i think this is about to be an easy tribal. damn one point. miss ellie had her name down on stuff that she didnt do. also overslept that first challenge is she purposey trying to sabotage and play the villain? who knowssss also ive broken my streak of never going to tribe tribal sigh
Toph So what’s happening, I can’t remember the last time I made a confession but the tea yall ?! Soooo the tribe swap happened and my gut was right soooo okay intuition work ! I feel like I really like everyone from the merge and nya as remained inactive since, after losing the challenge it seems like an easy vote but you can never be to safe, I have my little allinnce with Brayden and Ava which is wig and I really dig Ellie , Anastasia, and Dennis too, I’m gonna be so nervous if we have to go to tribal agian because it could be me ! I’m not to sure about Reilly but they seem nice ! I feel pretty good with Anastasia as well and feel we could rope her into an alliance easily, I’m just gonna due my best right now to play the middle, keep my head down and speak positively. I really need to find an idol or something even better just so I don’t have to worry as super much and just plain worry then lol. If anything I’m gonna stay loyal to brayden and Ava the most since there my day one homies. Brayden seems to be close with Anastasia which could definitely help in are favor of having the numbers on are side. But could mean he would easily cut me for her if needed, so that mean I need to get closer with Ava, just to gaurnetee my safety, I have to look out for me this game and only me, making sure the numbers are kn my side I’m constantly on the right side of the vote should help me strageticly float to the end and win my crown thank you very much. I’m also lowkey worried about alliance’s being made right now without me! Everyone seems to be online but my chats are a bit quite but this could be me overthinking things mmmhmm I’m not sure, we’ll anyways it was nice to vent to y’all. :)
Riley Nooooooo I can't believe we lost by just one point. Damn the Hatter tribe's secret bonus point boost >:(
Kenneth I am honestly in such a shock that we won that challenge... Raffy really came in clutch and helped us win AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Now I don't have to worry about being randomly blindsided or targeted for at least a couple more days now pls I just hope we get lucky again and another swap happens where I would be on the right side of the numbers, all prepared for merge domination >:) Raffy Oof. I know the other tribe is MAD because I would be too. Like, we only won because of my advantage giving us a 1 POINT LEAD. That's crazy! Honestly, this works for me as I can still focus o n making strong social connections within this tribe. By the time we go to tribal, I will be so integrated with this tribe that voting me out would do a lot more short-term harm than long-term good. I want to see if Kenneth would start an alliance with me as that is someone I want to work closely with. In this alliance? I have no idea. I'll probably let Kenneth take the lead on that since I want him to feel like he is in charge. Dennis nothing is real
if i go tonight i would applaud it bc i am so sure nya is going. it would be a goop if the vote really wasnt nya but everyone is more or less trying to do the easy thing i think. i just hope she is okay and just too busy for dis.
some time has gone by and im just chilling. im not chilling because i feel safe, im chilling because i dont know what else to do. i cant be all game talk 24/7 because then im an outcast and would get targeted. besides the obvi alliances like a+b and maybe(?!?!??) an e(?!) in there, idk what alliances there are. like there has to be something but i dont have the picture yet. as yall know im not in any alliances in my current tribe besides i guess ellie who i fear is a saboteur lol and most likely working with a+b. a+b are such a double edged sword for me ugh. am i really in their best interests???????????????? am i really in ellies best interest???? do they know about her idol too?????????? likeeeee thats the issue. if im not really in their best interests then im the next to go after nya. i am probs very low if not the lowest on this tribe if dats true. i mean what if i really am in their best interests and theyre all genuinely trying to work with me? idk! if not then im next to go efuhijdhvbf and i fear im probably not.
i really like toph. taurus sun (in the 12th!) gemini everything else king. hes got social game on lock like who wouldnt wanna work with him ?! and hes a cutie ?! ?! ?! but i seen the chart -.- i know what hes doin. i think hes working with ellie. but he reaches out to me and probably others but i like our conversations. (but im sure everyone loves their conversations with toph!! hes great!!!!! friendly ol toph wont harm a fly ?!) i hope he likes me and sees i actually would wanna work with him above all the gorls and chooses me over them too.
ava also knows what theyre doing. saturnian legend. we barely talk but little short bits here and there. i hope its bc theyre busy but im sure ellie is talking to them more than me amongst others too. oop also possible alliance, brayden toph ava who all swapped together. so gotta keep that in mind. but yeah i dont really think im much of their priority esp if theyre on vacay they would hear a name and not stress too much if its mine bc we dont have ties like that.
riley and i talk here and there, had a lil chat today
someone once told me that i just look like someone you cant trust but you can :( sometimes :)
so yeah here i am having lots of thoughts over the last few days.
maybe im not super super invested just yet bc i feel like the rug is gonna get swept out right from under me again :))) also back on my bs telling people im a leo moon. i shouldnt weaponize astrology but hey.
0 notes
z3i3ra · 5 years
Abu: she is. She is going to Iraq. Who does that?
Me: someone who really cares about you
Abu: oh someone that is going to save me from myself?!
Idk that i was ever askedto go as an adult before. I said it was time when Obama brought van loads to my actual fucking house. I still don't know,what the fuck he thought. I haven't fully processed the memories. But I was all, i think this is enough people for an army to fight back now let's go.
And he was all uhhh we aren't going back to Iraq we just got here
And me and Abu were all uh hello, yes because now it's time to start the war. Every One got energized to go home so now,we give them,weapons and,say kill or stay. And,let's go back home to our families!
Like literally that went back through my head twice.
But really I said I had to go get my daughter (who was home) and I was freaked the fuck out cause i had amnesia and so I was gonna go around to the back door and try to get back inside through the back door by getting my daughter to open it, as i had locked the front door on purpose.
I never told anyone, i think, that but it was quite a sight all those vans and all these military and some President Obama look alike.
My first instinct was to lock my door and close it. Having only a phone it was easy to text or call her.
But instead the President Obama was all uh no what you mean you locked your keys,in the door?
And he told me to,text her and i was all ok so i text "help me please, unlock the front door it's been all a mistake"
But i didn't send it. In my mind i was all text is like write. He said text but not send
I was on challenge to this dude "Hello i am the American President, is Sabrina home"
Uhh. No the President shoukd know 2 people live here and what we look like before he just shows up knocking. Nope noooope nope. I am not home. "Yes, how" door lock activated and first step outside the door "may i help you?" Door slams shut.
I mean he knew i hadn't sent it. Some dude with a laptop was right there and all. It was a literal on my porch war with the fucking President, in my mind, who was getting to,my daughter first.
"This is the stand off. Mr President, sir!!"
"Would you look at her, ready to attack me"
"Look here, her twin brother predicted it. She doesn't know you and You just arrived on her porch like a God send but she is looking at you like a wolf who has stolen her babies and instead to steal more"
If a war can be spoken with facial expressions, I won.
"Okay what else do i need to know"
"The name of the game is who can get in the house first. Ready set go!"
"Dont send the text message. What ever you do. I got everything under control here" dude had no clue, he was the enemy.
I already hit send as soon as,he said Go like,those Chinese crazy,games you gotta go through obstacle courses... Yeah I was already winning. I'm all getting cheers just at the very end, could i make it???
My breath is a fucking war. Obama is belting out commands but all i can hear is my own breathing but all i needed was the tiny rattle of the lock of the door knob.
I heard the dead bolt lock me out "SHIT!" Then it unlocked "OH MY GOD, YES!!" "Now one more please baby come on"
Obama turned to the laptop guy to see whst the Hell i was on about because Matt had said that was our only tool and brain and i was staring at my screen praying. "Idk sir, all I heard--"
"CHEATA!!" I flew past Obama and stood in front of the door that my daughter not only unlocked but also turned the knob to crack it open so i just had to push it all the way.
I covered the doorway by spreading my arms out "MINE"
"Its locked anyway" obama turned away, the boys heifted out the air conditioner at the same time. I spun all ballerina and shut the door and locked it, bent over at the window and said "hiiii" the military dude peeking in, fell into my house onto the floor cause i had him straight fucked up.
"Could you put the air conditioner back in please?"
The bewildered Military dude, secret service was all "if you tell me how you did that"
"Mothers instinct, maybe"
"Well, I'll put it back in anyway"
"But could you do it from the outside? I want to see if you could. Thank you"
He obliged and i locked myself in the house. Until they called Matt and asked how to get me out to talk. He said "call her cell phone"
So they did and i saw Obama out the window. "Stand on one leg" i said while unlocking the door as silent as possible (I randomly practice) "like a flamingo"
"Is this how a flamingo stands? His head turned away from my house, so i slipped out and held the door knob behind me,not all the way closed but it looked like it.. But I could push it back in and escape.
Secret service turned around in shock "how did she...."
I won. When you surprise secret service at least 2x in less than 10 minutes... You win. Especially when everyone on the porch's jaw drops open.
"5 out of 5. I guess i won this place. Yall can close your mouths now"
Obama does not like to lose. I think especially to a girl.
"Oh you'll get used to it. Watxh the video"
So they watched the video and all and the most shocked secret service had figured out how i knew when to go in but said it wss all shocking the same. The other one doing the heavy lifting hadn't noticed anything.
And Obama was so mad
"And yes Obama that was the flamingo"
"Alright, I'm done here, let's go. We will talk to the coty and see if they can stay here and we will get something sanctioned. Come on Abu, lets get you to a hotel"
"Uhm, really?!!? But no i want to know why first or i let them out the van and the first one that dies is you" replied an ecstatic Abu.
"I know I'm not about to die I tell you what" I muttered under my breath "and there's just two of us here and one is a kid"
"No, i want to know we will be free and you will not send us back to Iraq. Then, i will go with you"
"Oh Abu that paperwork is already being processed"
I still didn't know whst was going on but this dude all up on the President with a heavy accent all 'bitch i aint doing shit, yo' i was all dam that was way sexier than I ever expected to see on the porch of my house.
My face was on a new war, winning this young stud. I don't know who could tell but i think he could.
The observant secret service said for me not to continue to drool but I was all okay I'll stare dreamily. Total sexual harassment out my face. And Abu was not going to resist apprehension. And his pants were becoming to small at the waist.
So all these secret services and the President all just sat there and watched the young stud gain a boner and i heard the front door open.
I threw the white flag, my kid didn't need to see that. Oh but Abu was not done with the war, being at the far end of the porch, furthest away from me, he threw jealousy down.
Now Today 10 and half years later he doesnt bother to open any door to his house for me.
Anyways. So Jeremiah had agreed the year before that if i could outwit the secret service somehow in under 25 minutes then every one could be set free. But it had ti be the secret service and it had to be 21-24 minutes for everyone in Iraq and for everyone in the vans. At 25 minutes, no one. And under 21 minutes anyone already set free including the vans.
1400 had already been released on escaping terms and 5000 remained in the cells.
I had to beat amnesia to get the rest out. At least 3 pregnancies and finding my mom at her location.
So I did it.
All those greedy selfish people i had to yell at at the NHRA. I had to. I worked every single day. Every single day to repair my brain 99% on my own. It had to be 85% not including legal drugs.
Even the Queen agreed but stated she must be dead before any press releases could be stated about her involvement. And i had to pick her successor.
So yay!!! I did it under 12 years.
But also I wish I could done it sooner.
I fought every single day.
Every single day. My mind wss on my mind.
No matter what it took. I always felt that. It was the most important thing in the world. An urgency that took over my entire being.
God gave me great pain so i was unable,to leave my bed so i could focus and break all barriers and do it even without his help.
I even became suicidal, homicidal, crazy feeling, all sorts of horrible things
Yet I cannot compare it to the intensity of being kidnapped and broken. Tortured nearly constantly. And having to work for a slave labor.
In words it seems the same. But in my still somewhat broken mind i dont see it that way.
Because what I did was break free. And i see these people in shackles. Giving up as i did multiple times. But bot just giving up for a day or week while still looking and,grasping. But i see people who lost hope.
How coils they not? I know i would, just keep my head down and work, stay out of trouble and try the best i can to keep shelter over my head and food in my belly and have,the faith that that would work to,keep,me,alive another day.
Again, in words, it sounds almost the same. But i had a job I picked,a house I picked, my own child, a car.
I had freedom. I had freedom to stop, i had freedom to quit. I could do anything in the world I wanted. And no one could stop me, beat me, or anything.
I had full control over my life and it's contents. Over what i ate or didn't n wheere i got it from.
So,while on paper it sounds as though our struggles are the same, the struggles of the human trafficking victims and their families do not compare; theirs are much greater.
Doing what i did on my own the way i have. It has brought extreme advancement to the medical community.
But when I look at the sea of faces, my heart and mind connect and tell me, it is not over. My eyes tell me, what you have suffered, they will, too.
And I know i can't take that pain they will have in the future away. It hurts my heart to know what I've gone through, mentally, in my life and know they Likley will as well.
But I just hope and pray that we are different enough, the human trafficking victims and I that they will have the happiness I have sought for myself and my own daughter.
And when i do, i see people hugging, i see people holding each other through some of the toughest best times of their lives. I see people together.
And i know, im likely an over protective mother, seeing all these people as her babies with all the last instructions about not forgetting to turn off the stove, or turning the pot handles in so you don't accidentally hit it and waste your food if you dont have a dog or a small child dumping boiling water on their heads.
Its not like sending them to college... Its like sending them home.
Homes that .... I've lived in nearly 40 houses. And None were the same. Except the constant battles and abuse from relatives that weren't mine.
That is why i am so thankful to London for sparing DNA kits that have been administered to all victims and will be administered to families all over the world. ASAP
Abu for hiding away Money and buying things for celebrations.
The governments for really listening, finally and helping all these families.
I know this is the first stage and so much more needs to be done. But as I put my head down to work, I know it will. Get done.
Because I've worked too hard,for too long for it to stop now.
Abu reminds me how i had a fear od public speaking. How i refused to fight. Others tell me how I was mute for years.
I came from nothing. And we're not throwing these victims out a plane without a parachute.
I've always known everyday my work wasn't just for me. It went beyond me. Beyond any thing i could see.
Know i know why
So twin matt splice this up into this,mornings email and then snoopy add this song.
VA contact my dad. He still,needs to pack. I probably have to repack my kid for warm weather clothes.
We got shit to do. What yall sitting looking at me for?
Add nickleback far,away and photograph. Doug has,these practiced so snoop sings along and alter some slight phases like the demand to stop breathing.
Wanted you to say to "stay" Steph also knows the words.
Photograph add in "when I get home" between the lines like how we do Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Batman wheels and all that. ... Will the school throw me out? No.
So,Snoop pick you want the songs or the add ins., I wanna push you to meet the tone of the songs original way to sing it So that it's US understanding the victims pain.
Then the victims reassure us woth the add ins that every thing will be okay.
So ALL the victims ...
"Criminal records broke 2x" a haha from the band then a repeated haha from the crowd so a repeated chord from Doug or jist a pause. His choice.
Should I try to go back and graduate "we ARE Free to CHOOSE"
"Wouldn't let me back in" go online!
Abu, Matthew. Hondo. Gherie, you already know. But some of you all need to understand "Far Away" from nickleback.
It was written for you.
Many songs were thanks to my great influence in the 90s on the music industry.
Thank you
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