#also me: i just got my paycheck what if i just drop a few hundred of that on a good new one and not worry about it hkjdfs
captorcorp · 1 year
just bid on a goodwill sewing machine so ✌ crossing fingers that it works hkjdfs
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crystlizabeth · 9 months
Thinking about Simon and his Stallion!wife How while in Vegas for their anniversary Simon decided he wanted to spoil her. The couple had been walking around the stores he watch as her eyes laid on a Louis Vuitton. “You wanna go in?” He asked pulling her closer to him by the hip.
“I don’t think so.. we’ve already spent enough..” she spoke her voice was hesitant as her arm wrapping around Simon’s waist.
He simply rolled his eyes and walked towards the store. Simon loved spending his paycheck on her, yes she was grown and made her own mine but what’s the fun of having her spend her own money on herself when he was with her. Nothing was to much when it came to her. The Chanel, Dior, hell even H&M bags His hands he carried her bags proudly, his gorgeous wife holding on to his bicep her pretty freshly done nails holding his arm.
Now he kneeled in front of her fastening the heel around her ankle, his eyes scanned her calf tattoo the pretty details, soon his eyes met hers her dark eyes looking down on him a smile displayed on her glossy lips. He stood up watching as she tucked her boho twist, holding her hair as she scanned the heel.
“What do you think?” The sales lady asked.
“Not really a fan of I’m honest.. do you happen to have wedge sandal, the starboards? I’ve had my eye on them for a while” She asked her tone excited while looking down at the small lady.
Simon watched as the lady looked up at his wife Her light eyes a bit nervous, “well umm..” she muttered, yep definitely nervous.
“Oh Honey I don’t bite.” She teased her hands meeting her hips.
“Well ma’am I don’t think we have your size..”
“On thats to bad..”
“I’m sorry I bet you could order them online!” The sales lady said.
She looked over at Simon then back at the lady “it’s alright hun, no worries.” She spoke sitting back down.
He could tell she was sad more disappointed, he helped her take off the heels it’s was and unsuccessful shop. Yet Simon now knew what she wanted, and he be damned if he didn’t get them for her.
He spent that night scrolling through his hope even making a few calls and ended up finally finding a store that had them.
It was weird especially on holiday not to wake up with her husband not in bed with her was new but not out of the ordinary. She ended up getting a text saying ‘Be ready for brunch I’ll be back soon gorgeous.’ It wasn’t long before he got back and she saw the bag in his hand.
He loved the face she made her jaw slightly dropped “Si?” She spoke fastening her gold hoop, Simon’s eyes scanned her body the white sundress she wore hugging her body the bottom being ruffled and stopping at the top of her knees, the top of it in a U shape her cleavage showing the sleeves also ruffled. Shit she looked good.
Simon cleared his throat before speaking “So you know those wedges you wanted.”
She gasped “you did not!” She smiled walking over to him quickly.
Simon hanged her the bag watching her place it on the bed Opening them “oh my lord, they’re so pretty aint they!” She smiled her eyes scanning the shoe.
Simon smiled as she let her arms wrap around his neck her lips kissing his multiple times. “Ugh! I love you so much. Baby! You didn’t have to!” She spoke between kissed knowing damn well he just spent twelve hundred dollars on them.
“But I did.” He spoke simply, his hands wandering soon feeling up her ass.
She hummed “what if we just do lunch instead brunch is for white suburban moms anyway.” She joked.
“Might make you mom…”
“Simon you impregnated me now I will rain hell.”
He chuckled pushing her against the bed, “yet you still beg me to cum in that pretty cunt of yours huh?” He spoke bitting her lip.
“You better get this dress off me, and that don’t mean rip it.” She spoke the feeling of Simon’s hands already at work.
“If this is a thank you I might just buy you another pair.” He smirked against her lips.
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
Sorry for any spelling errors but I figured y’all used to it reading my stuff!
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behindtheireyes · 2 months
The past few weeks have been pretty stressful and it really has killed any desire to write. I'll put everything under a read more so it doesn't clog up the dash.
So, as many of you know I went back to my old job that let me go last year around the end of February even though most of the people (mainly family) in my everyday life were against it. I mainly went back because my old store manager asked me too and promised me enough hours to make my bills and got me a wage that was only a few dollars less than I was making before the restructuring of 2023. While it wasn't enough to get out on my own it was enough so I could keep out of debt and still have some fun every now and then.
Everything was settling down and going great until the middle of March when my oldest and best friend got her heart broken by a gaslighting asshole but that's her story to tell. I have been on best friend duty trying to keep her mind off things while trying to gently steer her towards making better choices but this fucker really has his claws into my girl.
April/May things were really starting to calm down and I was still, kinda, writing and talking to people at this point. Then in the middle of May my store manager gave notice that she was leaving and going to open a new Micheal's in another town. She promised me that as soon as they were hiring she'd let me know so I could apply and work full time again.
I fully intended to take her up on this offer but things kinda changed.
At the start of June my old assistant manager got the store manager spot so his job opened up. I applied, as did our Inventory Coordinator, for the newly vacant Assistant spot and honestly thought that there was no way in hell I'd get it but it was good interview experience for when the Micheal's job opened up. I figured there was nothing to lose so why not go for it?
I fucking got it.
So you think I'd be less stressed now that I was full time making $20/an hour right? Especially since it was doing stuff that I'd pretty much been doing for the last few years?
Well, it was until the IC who didn't get the job gave their notice and said they'd think about staying if they got a sizable raise. My district manager doesn't beg people to stay and her reaction was pretty much, "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!" so since my IC's power play failed and they left I've been pretty much doing the part of her job that my store manager isn't doing. On my days off I barely have the energy to do laundry or go food shopping let alone write.
Add on to that there's been some stress with a couple people on my dash and someone that I genuinely considered a friend dropped me after I said I couldn't loan them a hundred plus dollars before I even got my first paycheck. I'm the type of person that will give you the shirt off my back if you need it but I also needed what little cash I had to get to and from work.
Since then any time I've really tried to write, either here of discord, my brain just fucking shuts down so I've just been lurking and kinda hiding from all but one or two people. I'm hoping after things calm down at work after I do my training week at another store, which I really don't need but it's policy I do it, I can get out of my head about writing.
Or at least manage my stress better and feel less horrible about being here than I do.
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infinite-joys-journal · 8 months
The Road So Far...
The past year and change have been a horrible time for me:
My mom (and most important person in the world to me - my best friend and only person I really had for sharing my "real" self vs. my "public" self) died in early December 2022. Totally unexpected, and a cataclysmic shift in my world.
My dad had been in assisted living for a year at the time of mom's death, with various speech and physical problems that made it difficult for us to have clear communication. Mom had been handling the financial stuff and spending large chunks of every day there. My brother and I had a crash course in all things about dad's care, and also making time to each get there at least a few times a week to try to replace mom (something we couldn't actually do). Dad got increasingly angry as 2023 went on, and visits were often an exercise in frustration for all of us, with his entire focus on expecting us to help him get up and leave, when he was by this time clearly at a point where we couldn't have managed care for him at home.
Dad's physical health declined slowly over 2023, and then in September, he had a sudden shift from "physically weak" to "actively dying" per the hospice care people who had been helping with him. Within two weeks, he was gone, too. In some ways, this one was a blessing. "He's with mom now" and "He didn't want to live like this" and all those platitudes.
A major I.T. "incident" at my tech-sector job caused our parent company to introduce a hundred different massive changes that all had to happen at once and dropped my efficiency to about 50% of what it once was ON TOP of the interruptions caused by all the changes. A stressful job that I've always just sort of tolerated because it pays well and I'm too old to expect to find something on par with it, had suddenly become an exercise in constant frustration and stress. This year was the year I properly understood how badly stress and overwork can damage one's health… and yet seeing dad's bills for his assisted living care all year had made me more aware than ever that that paycheck and continuing to get money in the bank is vital if I'm going to get through looming old age in some relative peace and comfort.
My years of yo-yo diets and just being fat finally caught up with me with a diabetes diagnosis, and with the other stuff above, I had been failing miserably all year at any serious lifestyle changes to manage that, so my numbers were getting worse and worse.
So, yeah, 2023 was just a shitty, shitty year and one where my main support person had been yanked out from under me. Thought I'd get this all down to set the stage for why a "fresh start" is not only a good idea, but kind of mandatory.
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MC is Half Demon and Blah Blah Blah-
Time for the Group Retreat!
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Lessons 5-6 Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
I’m quite hyped for this one, ladies, gents, and esteemed readers! For simplicity’s sake, since this is before M!MC and A!MC arrive, L!MC will go back to being referred to as just MC. Enjoy the Headcanons!
Since the previous Underground Tomb incident ended much less violently, Lucifer is now more worried than angry about MC’s rampant shennaniganery.
Like... his kid was poking holes in his totally foolproof “Your cow-uncle went to live on a farm in the human world” story. What if MC somehow got into the attic and got hurt?!
It didn’t help that they were still in this weird phase of their father/child relationship. On one hand, Lucifer obviously cares for his kid, and his kid likes him... but it’s also only been less than three months and we all know how emotionally constipated Lucifer is.
MC’s also getting REAL sus of all the secrets their dear old dad is keeping... doesn’t help that they STILL haven’t went up into the attic.
Anyhoo~ the announcement for the retreat was a barrel of laughs.
“I’m proposing, a group retreat!”
Everyone met Diavolo’s announcement with the exact same confused reaction. It’s like the entire assembly hall was doing the ‘Guy Blinking’ meme.
“A... group retreat?” Lucifer repeated slowly. “For what reason exactly, Lord Diavolo?”
The Crown Prince was giddy with excitement as he explained. “MC told me about their middle school overnight trip and it sounded like it would be quite fun!”
Simeon, Luke, MC, and Solomon were all seated next to each other in the ‘exchange student seats of less importance’. Luke leaned over and whispered a question to MC.
“Why are you so friendly with the crown prince?”
MC smirked and shrugged. “Lucifer had the Demon-Flu and couldn’t go meet with Lord Diavolo last week so I went for him. Lord Diavolo’s surprisingly bad at Connect Four but has really good luck in Snakes and Ladders.”
Luke’s jaw dropped in complete and utter shock and horror.
“We’re playing CandyLand and the Game of Life next time, want to come?” MC added.
“Play CandyLand... with him..?” Luke looked at Diavolo, who was still explaining his plan for the retreat, then looked back at MC. “I’ll only go to shield you from his corrupting influence.”
“Yeah... Corrupting...” MC had to hold back a laugh at the thought of Diavolo, who during MC’s visit lit up like a Christmas tree upon being called ‘Dia’ and believed that Mood Rings were the greatest human invention ever, being a corrupting influence.
“MC! Torture dungeon or no!?” MC was snapped out of their conversation by Mammon shouting at them from his seat.
“Do ya think there’s a torture dungeon under the castle, or not?”
“I’m not sure,” MC turned to Diavolo. “Lord Diavolo, is there a torture dungeon under the Demon Lord’s Castle?”
There is in fact, no torture dungeon. Presumably...
Everyone packed up and headed out to the Demon Lord’s Castle!
The fabulous seven all broke several speed limits and traffic laws in order to be there early. Listen, they had to get there before Purgatory Hall, it was a matter of pride.
Besides, what’s the Royal guard going to do? Arrest six of the seven rulers of hell and a kid? Ha. No. Not when Diavolo controls their paychecks.
The rooming situation remained the same, Asmo, Simeon, and MC were roomed together, and MC got to watch Asmo get psychologically profiled by Simeon. It was truly a sight to behold.
MC was nice enough to assure Asmo that they really liked him and thought he was very sweet.
Asmo, not used to being complimented on his personality, almost started openly weeping.
So, the tour of the Demon Lord’s Castle began! Asmo got yelled at by his ex in the painting and the usual batch of idiots got sucked into the catacombs under the castle.
Lucifer wasn’t terribly sure how or if he should express his concern for MC being stuck in the labyrinth.
All these new fatherly feelings of worry are very very odd. He didn’t worry this much for Satan, mainly because Satan was usually the threat.
Even as a baby...
Lucifer found himself checking his DDD every few minutes to see if MC had texted or called from wherever the painting dragged them to, never mind that if they did text he’d hear the phone ding.
“Lucifer, don’t worry too much,” Diavolo patted Lucifer on the shoulder, a bright smile on his face. “Your brothers and MC will be perfectly fine! There’s nothing too dangerous in the catacombs that they wouldn’t be able to take care of.”
Resigning himself to the fact that MC was under the care of his last choices for babysitting, Lucifer put away his DDD. “I know they’ll be fine, but I’m not overly pleased with the situation.” He shot a glare at Helene in the portrait, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“Lucifer worrying about someone, I’m truly, genuinely shocked.” Hearing Satan’s attempt at goading him, Lucifer, flawless demon that he is, resisted the urge to throw his DDD at his brother.
“Quiet, Satan.”
“ITS HENRY 1.0!”
MC and Levi continued their screaming match as the group ran for dear life from a giant snake.
Yeah... nothing the brothers couldn’t handle... sure, Lord Diavolo...
They made it out of the scary catacombs... don’t worry.
Lucifer did that parent-thing where he cleaned the catacomb dust off MC’s face with a napkin.
Yay! Parenting!
Failed pillow fight attempt #1 happened that evening. Because Mammon was obsessed with being the fun-uncle and saw his brothers encroaching on his place as favourite uncle.
MC doesn’t know how to break it to him that he’ll probably always be the favourite uncle and he doesn’t have to be such a dumbass to keep his spot.
Scavenger hunt went on as canon dictates.
Asmo had his diva tantrum and stormed off, but MC also wanted to win so they didn’t go after him.
Clearly expecting someone to go beg him to come back, Asmo was very annoyed when no one went after him.
“Um, helloooo? Anyone going to comfort me~?”
“Well I don’t want your comfort anyway, SOLOMON.”
It was very close, L!MC insisted their loss came from sabotage. No evidence was found but just LOOK at Satan’s face.
Time for the Formal Dance~
If you’re wondering why Luke didn’t say anything when MC was suddenly poofed into their demon form, you’re assuming that Mammon wasn’t in on the “let’s prank the chihuahua” plan.
“Mammon..? Is MC behind you?”
“Nope! Why?”
MC was able to get to the other side of the ballroom with Luke none the wiser! Hell yeah, nothing like screwing with your friend!
So it’s canon that Lucifer is like, a solid 20/10, therefore MC is ADORABLE. What I’m saying is, some of the younger demons asked them to dance.
Asmo was also being MC’s hype man, which was very nice of him. Mammon also tried to give advice on how to be cool and suave. Beel was there for moral support.
“Alright kiddo, you need to be aloof and mysterious! People love aloof and mysterious, that’s why I’m so popular.”
“Don’t listen to him, MC. He flew into a wall as a kid and it killed all his brain cells. Just be proper but not snooty, sweet but not saccharine, friendly but not annoying,”
“Ask them if they want to share some of the hors d’oeuvres.” 
“Okay, first, aloof and mysterious are the last words I would ever use to describe you, Mammon. Second, Asmo I have no clue what you’re asking me to do. Third... Beel that’s the best advice I’ve received in recent memory.”
None of that mattered anyway because MC got swarmed with dance offers.
“Well,” MC smirked and held out their hand at the demon that was bold enough to ask them to dance first. “I admire the confidence.”
The demon’s smile brightened, then dropped completely when their gaze drifted behind MC. “I uh... on second thought... I’m gonna...”
MC’s potential dance partners all quickly scattered to the snack table. The half demon growled and turned around to see their father acting like he didn’t just scare away MC’s groupies.
“Father! What was that for?!” MC huffed, Lucifer rolled his eyes and grabbed MC’s wrist and began to pull them away from the dance floor.
“You’re too young to dance.”
“That’s crazy! They looked like they were my age.” MC protested, their wings fluttering in annoyance.
“Even if they looked to be your age, MC, they’re hundreds of years older.” Lucifer said calmly.
“What about that equivalent age stuff you told me about? Like how Luke is hundreds of years old but by angel/human standards he’s technically younger than me?”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” Lucifer lightly pushed MC towards the hallway that led back to their room.
“But I want to dance with someone!” MC felt their wings involuntarily fluff up.
Lucifer turned and smiled at his dear little brat, crouching slightly to get to their level. “Not on my watch.”
MC’s face was literally this: >:0
Lucifer is out here being the dad in every comedy that involves someone bringing home their partner to meet their parents.
MC was banished to their room, they spent their time angrily reading the manga they had packed.
When Levi escaped the party slightly later MC grilled him for details of what went on after they left.
“Nothing too interesting... except... um...”
“Spit it out, Levi!”
“I can’t understand you, stop mumbling.”
“Lord Diavolo and Lucifer danced together...”
So yes, MC’s desire to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping stems from VENGEANCE!
How DARE their father send MC up to their room and make them miss their OTP dancing together!?
So they call up their troupe of idiots and get ready to go be menaces to society.
MC also invites along Asmo because he seemed like he could use the adventure.
And because MC couldn’t plan the prank without Asmo noticing so it was better to just implicate him as well...
MC brightened and clapped their hands. “I know that growl!”
“It’s not my stomach, I packed snacks.” MC couldn’t see this, considering the room was pitch black (it must’ve been some kind of magic because demons have excellent night vision), but Beel waved a bag of chips in the air and got to eating.
“No, I’m not talking about your stomach, Beel.” MC skipped towards the source of the growling despite Mammon and Levi’s pleas for them to stop.
Ah! There he was!
“Cerberus!” MC cooed, the three headed dog stopped growling and barked happily. “Whose a good boy? Is it you?”
Cerberus let lose a bark that would probably make anyone crap their pants, but MC giggled and kept petting him. “Yeah! You’re the good boy! You like cuddles! Yes you do! Yes you do!”
A flash of light from a camera caused MC to drop their baby talk voice and stare angrily in the direction where the light came from.
“Whoever took that picture better delete it or I’m going to feed you to the dog.”
Cerberus growled in agreement. What a good boy.
“Well, as nice as this is...” Asmo huffed. “We’ve clearly been duped because this is not Lucifer and Diavolo’s room.”
“Oh well!” MC chirped and continued to pet the three headed dog. “Look at the doggy!”
“MC, you’re crazy. Dontcha ever forget that.” Mammon whimpered as Cerberus growled at him.
So yeah, they couldn’t get out of the room, so they ended up opening up the other door and falling into the catacombs like a bunch of lemmings.
Asmo charmed Henry, and they got out of the labyrinth no problem.
Yay! No consequences! Oh no- hi Lucifer.
Lucifer gave them all the mother of all lectures. Satan showed up with the rest of the gang and brought popcorn.
Belphie wasn’t there, okay? Satan needed to be a little shit for him.
Ah yes, the pillow fight... Mammon’s crusade to be the best uncle culminated in a massive pillow fight that ended with MC, Lucifer, and Diavolo standing over everyone’s unconscious bodies.
So they uh... won the pillow fight.
MC couldn’t sleep. They legitimately couldn’t. As exhausting as the pillow fight victory had been, everyone was snoring, and MC was bleary eyed and awake at one in the morning.
They eventually sat up and looked around, Asmo was passed out in a very unflattering position, Solomon was chanting god knows what in his sleep, Levi was half hanging off Simeon’s bed, Simeon and Luke were sleeping like angels (hehehehe-), Beel was in the middle of eating his pillow in his sleep, Mammon appeared to be dreaming about winning the lottery, and Satan was... suspiciously absent.
He was there a minute ago... weird.
Deciding that this wasn’t worth it and they should just go sleep somewhere else, MC got out of bed and avoided stepping on anyone as they vacated the room.
The Demon Lord’s Castle at night could rival the House of Lamentation in terms of overall creepiness. MC had gotten used to the spirits and curses that littered their home, but they had only been to the Demon Lord’s Castle once before, so they were extra careful not to accidentally touch anything. Their stomach rumbled and they frowned.
Damn, they had the midnight munchies... they needed a snack.
MC made their way to the kitchen and on there way, noticed a peculiar room through a half open door. Taking a few steps back to peek into it, they noticed... doors. A lot of doors. And ivy covered steps. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to any of the placements, and the room was... weirdly chilly.
“You can come in if you’d like, MC.”
Barbatos’ voice nearly caused MC to hit a high note that they hadn’t been able to hit since their voice began to change. They straightened out their wrinkled pyjamas and stepped inside.
The butler himself was walking down one of the flights of stairs.
“Um...” Quickly remembering their manners, MC straightened their posture and cleared their throat. “Good evening Barbatos.”
Barbatos smiled and inclined his head in turn. “Good evening to you as well, MC.”
“How did you know it was me outside? You were up there a second ago.” MC asked.
“It’s a part of my powers. I can see possible futures, and I foresaw you passing by my room and getting curious.” Barbatos explained.
“Oh,” MC said, half nodding and continuing to look around. A the sound of a door closing out of MC’s vision made them squeak and look around for the source of the noise. “What was that?!”
“It’s nothing to be worried about.” Barbatos raised his hands in a placating gesture. “These doors in my room are gateways to different timelines and some are gateways into the past of this particular timeline. That was another version of me passing by.”
“Does this... happen often?” MC knitted their eyebrows.
Barbatos hesitated before answering. “Not really. It’s quite rare. Lord Diavolo has expressly forbidden me from using my full powers freely.”
“Ah... makes sense...”
“Now, I believe you came down for snacks?”
MC blinked in surprise. “How did you- oh... the time magic...”
“Yes, the time magic. Now, would you prefer yogurt and fruit, or apples and peanut butter?”
“Yogurt and fruit please!”
I’m sure MC’s knowledge of how Barbie’s room works will totally not come into play later. I’m sure.
Solomon and MC graced the brunch table with their cooking. I think you can guess how it would have turned out if Barbatos hadn’t intervened.
Rest In Peace to Beel’s tastebuds.
Anyway, the rest of the retreat was all fun and good.
MC may or may not have slipped up and called Diavolo ‘Dia’ in front of Lucifer. It would’ve sparked a lecture if Dia’s puppy-like excitement wasn’t so damn adorable.
Lucifer’s got a heart... somewhere... it’s probably all shrivelled up and tiny, but I’m sure it’s there.
Everyone went back home, brought closer together through... pillow fights and surviving Solomon’s cooking I guess..?
Anyway, MC got home, unpacked their stuff, watched Kakegurui with Levi and Mammon, let Asmo paint their nails, made and ate dinner with Beel, continued their piano lessons with Lucifer, and received a 100% fake smile from Satan.
It was a nice day with their new family, MC curled up in their bed and prepared to go to sleep.
“Help me!”
MC lurched upwards in their bed, whipping their head from side to side, trying to find the source of the voice. Their room was completely empty, the perks of being half demon extended to being able to see in the dark. No new smells either, they were alone in the room.
Auditory hallucinations were common before falling asleep after being sleep deprived, creepy, but not too unusual.
Okay- that one couldn’t be ignored. It was common knowledge that the House of Lamentation was definitely haunted in some capacity, but the ghosts never really bothered the demons living inside, MC was partly convinced that some of the ghosts didn’t even notice that the demons were there. So it couldn’t have been a ghost calling their name.
“MC! I need help!”
The voice reverberated through their head, like it was trying to hit every part of their skull to make sure it was at least felt if MC couldn’t hear it. MC massaged their scalp and got out of bed.
The House of Lamentation at night truly lived up to its haunted reputation. Cold, clammy, dark, even by demon standards. No spooky old house was going to scare MC though, they walked down the hall with their head held high.
They walked closer to walls and furniture, knowing that the floor was less likely to creak in those areas. How did they know that? Mammon had told them it worked like a charm. Well, it’d work better for him if he stopped tripping over the furniture and alerting Lucifer.
MC was much more nimble and careful, stepping slowly and lightly around the hallways until they reached the door to the attic. They reached out to clasp their hand around the doorknob, then froze. It smelled like…
Oh no.
MC leapt away from the door like it was rigged to explode if they touched it and practically dove for cover into an alcove. The all too-recent smell of Lucifer’s fancy cologne and the increasing sound of someone coming down the stairs made them clamp their hand over their mouth and crouch down.
What was their father doing up there?
He had said the attic was full of old junk and there was no reason to go up there, so why exactly did he-
The door slammed open and Lucifer stomped down the hallway back towards his room, MC presumed. They were about to let out a sigh of relief when the footsteps paused. MC felt their heart drop right into their gut when they heard the footsteps coming back in their direction.
What were they going to say to him when he found them? ‘Sorry! This isn’t where the bathrooms are!’ The last thing MC wanted was to add to their father’s ever growing list of stresses. MC was totally responsible and grown-up, their father didn’t need to worry.
MC clamped their eyes shut and tried to slow their heart rate. Demons were beings of darkness and shadow, they could blend in quite easily. They took a deep breath, cleared their head, and felt the shadows of the hallway shift and cover them like a blanket.
Lucifer’s footsteps stopped, MC heard a tired sigh, then the footsteps started up again, this time in the direction of his room.
They allowed themselves a sigh of relief before relieving themselves of their hiding space and opening the door leading to the attic staircase.
If the rest of the House of Lamentation was considered clammy, cold, and foreboding, the attic staircase was that multiplied by a factor of twelve. MC felt themselves shudder involuntarily when they stepped closer to the staircase. Every primal part of their brain was telling them to turn around and walk away, but one tiny part was holding them back. They placed their foot on the first step, waiting for any kind of resistance, nothing other than the feeling of passing through invisible cobwebs.
Upon hearing their name, MC craned their neck to try and get a look at what could be waiting for them at the top of the stairs.
“Are you coming, or not?”
The cascade of warning sirens that began to blare in MC’s head went ignored as they continued to scale the staircase.
When they reached the final step, they were met with a long hallway, with a single door on the right side of the wall.
“H-hello?” MC tried to instill some force into their voice, but it still ended up quavering a little.
“Down here.” Someone knocked on the wall next to the door, almost causing MC to jump.
Oh. Oh no. MC stood straight in front of the door, and when they saw who was looking back at them they nearly passed out.
Belphegor’s eyes flashed as he gave MC a once over. His eyes narrowed when his gaze snapped to MC’s. The analytical expression melted into a lazy grin.
“That’s me,” he said softly. “Nice to finally meet you, MC.”
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sambergscott · 4 years
notes from the palm springs commentary !! 🏝
i know not everyone has access to hulu and i know i'd be gutted if i couldn’t watch it too so bc i'm lucky enough to have an american friend who let me use her hulu account i thought i'd share the commentary with you all on here <3 
- their first bit of commentary is “there’s a title” (cristin) and “there’s a goat” (andy)... 10/10 anaylsis thanks guys
- andy joked that they talked about waiting for an earthquake but decided they didn’t have the budget to wait that long (he said the glowing lights at the end were real tho 🙄)
- andy: “we’re gonna start off pretty racy” djfdjfkdjgh
- “for all those kids out there, the b99 fans, you probably don’t wanna watch this”.... but andy,, we absolutely Do
- andy was cristin’s least favourite person in the movie
- nyles spread eagle on the bed was in the script not an acting choice
- according to andy there were 700,000 bugs just hatched where they filmed the wedding scenes that they had to edit out in post (also it was suuuuuper cold and cristin was shivering)
- the dance move when he clapped his hands over his head “lightly hurt his schlong”
- they had 20-30 options for orchid explosion by fournier, cristin pitched some too that she “does not remember!” (she said that very cute)
- they talk about how great june squibb is and how andy is impressed that she wasn’t complaining about the cold/shooting at 5am/the fact that they improved a lil bit.  “she doesn’t not give a what”
- during the make out scene on the rock cristin goes “ohhh ~spicy~”
- they also had to have a snake wrangler come out before they shot that scene and he was like “uhh i think it’s good?”
- andy was excited about having to get shot by an arrow when he was reading the script (it was also the moment they realised this movie was zanier than first thought)
- the cave was the same place they shot the old batman movies
- they started working on palm springs on november 9th 2016…. hence the wedding date
- cristin said they did about 30 takes (at least) of her opening her eyes/sitting up.. basically the entire first half of the first day shooting she spent doing the same thing
- “i just think you’re the coolest cristin, way to go man!” “you too andy!”
- the beer is fictional and has a meaning behind it.. the tortoise is to do with a myth about the universe or smth
- andy wants someone to make the beer fr
- “so here is cristin in the desert pretending to be hot” “he means physically” “TEMPERATURE HOT… i have no opinions on her appearance”
- they wanted to skip past the set-up-y parts to avoid it being too groundhog day and add diff dynamics and comedic elements that come from that
- according to andy, nyles has been in the loop an “insanely long time” (cristin and andy like that you don’t know the exact number of years bc however many years it’s been nothing has changed for nyles)
- cristin’s fondest memories were spending days in that dusty ass car together (i too would like to be that girl in his car)
- “i like your hat” “of course you do” was improved by andy and jk
- andy said jk is a “national treash”
- andy loved shooting the montage w jk (and he thinks that montage + the scene at the end is why jk signed up to do ps)
- “i went full butt” - andy samberg, 2021
- HE HAS A STUNT DOUBLE CALLED SETH WHO HAS A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER BUTT THAN HIM (but andy’s butt was funnier so they went with his)
- the very last shot of the movie was nyles getting the handjob in the car
- max or other andy i can’t remember who talked for a while about how talented our andy is. can’t wait for that oscar nom!!!!!
- if andy were in a time loop he’d try to catch up on shows for a few years (and then try and leave)
- cristin is horrified that he’d choose to watch all of MASH to get him through a time loop
- cristin LOVED filming all the deaths
- andy said that their dance scene in the denim jacket replaces every iconic dance scene ever like fame/dirty dancing/etc etc and he’s right
- he dropped her in that scene bc his arms are “weak and floppy like a baby calf”
- the tattoo moment was the only fully improved scene
- they REALLY wanted it in the movie
- cristin insisted on the hook hand and eye patch and they obliged and she said she kept the hook hand and put it on her mantle and andy was like “prove it prove it prove it prove it prooooooove it”
- she did Indeed prove it
- orange in the movie significies intimacy and that whole montage is coloured orange to show them falling in love
- they loved shooting the tent scene
- the first night they filmed it there was a sandstorm and rain and they had to hide under a tarp and they came back the next night and they were able to get looser with it bc it was the last day of shooting and they’d basically done the whole thing the night before
- the dinosaurs bit was a “symbolic moment between the characters - they are 2 people who don’t believe they can be loved so they’re feeling something impossible and therefore they should see something impossible”
- the wake-ups were like an acting exercise in a way bc each wake up was diff emotionally based on where they were in the loop
- nyles finally cares about something (her) for the first time in maybe hundreds of years and he immediately gets slapped down :(((
- “suck my dick officer bitch” was cristin’s ad lib!!! (if anyone makes a montage of her life’s work she would like it to either begin or end w suck my dick officer bitch, andy said why not both)
- “for some reason i rolled up one of my sleeves [after nyles woke up after their fight] and then we couldn’t get out of it so that was a lesson! it was a terrible choice”
- andy loves the overhead pool shot
- everytime andy watches the confrontation at the wedding he feels terrible for tala, we love an empathetic king
- re: roy’s arc andy talks about how important it is to relish what you’ve got and it was v v v v sweet
- everyone laughed so hard in the arrow/garbage bin scene
- apparently tyler’s shirtlessness in the shower was distracting for people in early tests and they had to tone it back w colour correction 💀
- cristin was like “did that happen when i had to take my shirt off?” and andy was like “uh huh yeah”
- the goat was on set for a couple of days + apparently cristin would talk to it in between takes 🥺🥺🥺 can she get any cuter
- max talked about how they lucky they were to get andy and cristin and how the movie wouldn’t have worked without them, they were so on the same wavelength and there was an early meeting where nobody else could get a word in bc they were talking so much
- nobody was in it for the paycheck, “it was for the love, and dare i say it, for the art” <3
- they took 3-4 nights to shoot the entire wedding, andy can Not stress enough how much they were rushing
- they haven’t busted out any bloopers yet bc they used pretty much every frame they could/reused them in different places
- cristin doesn’t want to know if nana knows bc the mystery of it is what makes the movie so great!
- andy said there’s no definitive answer to a lot of stuff bc a lot of the people working on the movie had diff opinions
- the french song w the slo mo bit of sarah in the bar was cristin’s choice
- andy is v confused why people think spuds is nyles’ dad,, he’s just tricking him into getting a ride and andy’s sorry to everyone who thought it was real
- cristin liked that the payoff at the end felt like payoff while still staying true to who nyles and sarah are and not just super romantic bc “it’s a romcom!” [andy said throwing his arms in the air]
- cloudbursting was andy’s idea from the very first meeting about the movie but we been knew
- andy: “here’s the ending! nobody knows what it means!”
- the family at the end was the producer’s family, they drove a very long way to do that 2 second scene lol
- andy and cristin were swaying to when the morning comes at the end 🥺
- andy clapped and shouted “WELL PRODUCED” when his/tli’s credit came up hahaha
128 notes · View notes
Interlude - Rewrite POYW - Part 5 - Future vision and new VKs
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-two days later(August 2016)-
Uma perked up from the small sea glass bead bracelet she was working on, a smirk growing on her face as you appeared from the brush of the forest and walked toward her, a black bag in your right hand full of food. “Took you long enough, I even started working on this!” Uma held up the unfinished bracelet and set it to her side, making grabby hands at your bag as you stepped closer to her “Gimmie, I know you brought pineapple wedges.”
You laughed a bit and held out the bag to her, taking the bag off your back and taking out a towel and laying it down on the sand before sitting next to Uma “I brought your pineapple wedges” which Uma was already getting into “Some mac and cheese that Gil made, chicken breast, cornbread, and some packs of apple juice. bone app a teeth” Uma gave you a look at your last couple of words but shook her head at your grin.
“Weirdo” she mumbled, pulling out the containers filled with chicken and a fork, popping open the lip, and chowing down “Damn, who made the chicken?”
“Someone in the kitchen” you chuckled, picking up the box of cornbread and grabbing one to eat “Harry, Gil, and I didn’t feel like eating in the cafeteria last night so we took some of the food from the kitchen that the students have access to that was in the ‘take whatever you want’ fridge that the chefs load up with so much shit, and Gil made the mac and cheese like a day ago, everything is pretty fresh” Uma shoveled some of the mac and cheese into her mouth and groaned, her eyes fluttering.
“Fuck that’s good, even on the isle Gil was a good chef, he needs to cook more” you laughed at that, grabbing a box of apple juice and stabbing it into the top.
“He does, he makes bomb cookies too.” Uma perked up at that, giving you a look that said ‘bring me the cookies or I drown you’ “Hey! Don’t give me that look! Next time he makes cookies I’ll bring ‘em, okay??” Uma continued to stare at you with that look before nodding, satisfied with your answer.
“So?” Uma swallowed her food and dug out an apple juice box from your back, pointing at you with it in her hand “Updates, what happened with the new vks? I saw the limo go in and out two days ago.”
“Complete success, we got Harriet, CJ, Sammy Smee, Skipper and Sterling, and Dizzy all off the isle, and they’re all at the dorms now, Harriet’s gonna be transferred to the college next quarter and school starts next-next week” Uma nodded at your explanation, twirling the fork in her hands. “Your hair looks really good by the way” Uma looked at you, a soft smile on her face.
She had undone her braids about a week ago, to let the ocean water properly flow through the strands, and now rested against her back and shoulders in thick curls. “Thank you” she hummed, picking at her cornbread “I've been trying to get the…shrimp smell out”
You furrowed your brows and reached up, stopping yourself a few inches from her hair “May I touch your hair?” Uma glanced at you, slightly surprised you had asked, and nodded. Tilting her head a bit as you gently tugged on a lock of her hair. “it’s really soft, and personally I don’t smell anything bad, especially not shrimp, more…the ocean and coconut” Uma laughed a bit as you released her hair and set your hand back on your knee.
“I've been using coconut to take care of my hair…good to know it's working” you smiled to yourself as a soft grin grew on Uma’s face, one of her hands reaching up and curling a lock around her finger.
“Yeah… Evie's business is picking up” Uma raised her brow, as if saying ‘nice subject change, and I care why?’ “Well” you laughed, pushing Uma’s shoulder a bit as she rolled her eyes “hold up a moment im getting to the good part, but her business is picking up and Harry works for her as a model” Uma’s brows raised at that, “Told you, anyway he works for her as a model and with her business picking up, he models for her more often and she's paying him for it, soooo Harry’s getting fucking moneys~”
Uma hummed and picked at her chicken slice “Really? How much?” you grinned, making Uma sit up and grab at your shoulders “Okay how fucking much is Harry making from modeling; because that grin tells me he’s already rich.”
“He very well might be in a year or two” you laughed, gently removing her hands from your shoulders and readjusting your sitting position. “somewhere between 30 and a thousand per paycheck” Uma gave you a blank stare for a few moments before she rolled her eyes.
“Okay don’t tell me then, sheesh” you fell back as you laughed, Uma twisting around and sitting cross-legged, picking up another apple juice box and sipping at it.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, um, Harry and Evie said it should increase as her business grows n stuff, but right now he’s making about eight hundred a paycheck.” Uma turned to you with wide eyes, mouth dropping open slightly in shock.
“whaaat?!” she screeched, dropping the now empty apple juice box into the sand “Eight-hundred?! That’s more-that’s more than I've made in a month at my ma’s shop!!” you laughed a bit, nodding your head as Uma continued to stare at you bewildered.
“Yeah, he’s already put a lot of it into a savings account, something about getting an apartment for us in the future with room for the Smee boys and his sisters if they ever needed a place to stay, but that won't be for another year or two since you have to be 18 to rent an apartment without parental permission.” Uma smiled a bit, Harry was one to think of the future, even on the isle. He would stash away rubies and gold coins in a savings stash under a floorboard in his old apartment for when they got off the isle.
“That sounds nice, make sure he gets one with a pool for me yeah?” you laughed again, shaking your head a bit as you and Uma side fist-bumped.
“I’ll make sure of that yeah” you took out your phone and sighed, standing from the beach and wiping the sand from your pants “I got to go, Ben wanted me for a meeting at 1, I'll get the bag when I come back tomorrow, see you!” Uma accepted the crouch side hug from you and waved you off, casting a spell to keep water off and out of the containers of food and the bag as she packed it up and dove into the sea, swimming back out to her mother's old hideout.
She slowed to a stop in front of the main opening, stepping through the air bubble she had made a while back and snapping her fingers, the water disappearing off her body by magic. “There we go” she mumbled, swinging the backpack off her shoulder and walking over to the “kitchen” area of the old hideout. She stashed away the food into the “fridge” aka old spell and potion cabinet that she had cast a cold holding spell onto to turn it into a makeshift fridge.
With a wave of her hand, her clothes transformed from a tank top and calf cut cargo pants to a long-sleeved red shirt with a hook stitched to the chest and black leggings. She stretched her arms behind her back and groaned as her back pop slightly.
Uma sighed and looked around the hideout, eyes landing on the claw-shaped cauldron in the middle of the room. it was odd, being in her mother's famous lair, but…also comforting, in a strange way.
She couldn't explain it, but…she felt safe. Probably because the only people that came around here were teens or kids on a dare and were easily scared off. So Uma was pretty much alone in the deep of the ocean.
Uma walked over to the little corner she had turned into her bedroom and sat on her bed, picking up the orange blanket you had given her cotillion night and curling it around her, staring off into space as she thought about…well everything.
From the new vks, the transfer plan, her boys, you, the isle, the vks still on the isle…the future was so unknown, what she would give for just a glimpse, just so she wasn’t so scared for it.
Uma’s eyes widened, drifting between the clawed cauldron and a small set of books that were hidden behind her mother's vanity.
She could see into the future!
Uma lept off her bed and towards the books, pulling them out until she found one with the symbol of twisting water and tentacles appeared in her hands “there you are” she whispered, she had gone through these books when she found the lair and in them, she found hundreds of spells and potion instructions ranging from simple hair or visualization spells to transfiguration and curses.
“Future vision, future vision, future-ah!” Uma landed on the page she needed and stood, walking over to the cauldron and conjuring a stand for her to set the book on. She set it down and read the instructions, it seemed she would need to both make a potion and use an incantation.
“Okay, I got this” she let out a breath, rubbing her hands together as she spun around and walked over to her mother's old ingredient cabinet.
The tail of a sea worm, the clenched fist of a long-dead merman, the head of a fish, wings of a dust fairy pixie, and the eye of a seer. She carried the items over to the cauldron, casting a levitating spell to keep them next to her as she reviewed the spell.
“Okay, okay I got this” she took another breath, opening the caldron and tossing the ingredients in, leaning back a bit as smoke and vapor released from the cauldron. “Oof, okay”
Uma took one last look at the book, muttering the incantation to herself as she held the eye of a seer above the cauldron.
Finally, as she dropped the eye into the brew, and she clutched her necklace as the incantation echoed around her.
“Though winters past and summers morn, the future will be shown/the sight clear and sounds echo, I see into a world unknown”
Uma leaned back a bit as golden shimmering dust rose from the cauldron, slowly forming into a shape…of the isle. “The isle?” Uma mumbled, leaning closer to the image, squinting as she watched the golden magic bridge build and a limo enter the isle, the main bridge part looked very different than the rundown broken castle-like area she was used to, it looked to be rebuilt with signs on the front. “They’re getting more kids, when is this?”
The isle disappeared and was replaced with the image of a golden calendar, showing the present date then suddenly the pages were torn off at a rapid pace, Uma desperately trying to keep up with the passing dates before it stopped.
Uma blinked and looked closer, her brows furrowing as she looked at the circled date. “August 2nd…2019?!” Uma took a step back, her hands clenching at her side, three years? The vision she had seen before was in almost three years? But…it could possibly be one of many pick-ups? “How many vks have been picked up between the six from two days ago and the vks from the vision just before” Uma hoped the spell worked like this, she was in for shit if it didn’t.
Thankfully, that’s how the spell seemed to work, the image of the calendar disappeared and the sand like magic stayed dormant, shifting within the caldron…it seemed the spell didn’t know how to answer that question “Maybe I need to make it clearer?” Uma hummed, tapping her fingers against the rim of the cauldron before it came it her “How long will it be between the six vks two days ago and the next transfer of vks.”
The calendar appeared again, now first showing the date of two days ago, and then ripping off the pages rapidly “Oh no.” Uma muttered, sinking down to her knees slightly as the calendar stopped at August 2nd 2019 again. “two and a half years? Seriously?! What the fuck?!” Uma growled and knocked over the stand that held the spellbook and whirled back around at the cauldron “Why does it take so long!?”
The calendar disappeared again and was replaced with a long table with about twelve people sitting around it, and she could recognize King Ben sitting at the end, his head held in his hands as the others all held a hand up, glowering at the young king. “His council?” Uma murmured, looking at the faces of the people to see if she recognized anybody, only able to pick out Aurora mother, who had her hand up, and ex-king Luis, Cinderella’s father-in-law, who had his hand down, seeming to be on Ben’s side of whatever they were debating.
“What did they vote for?” Uma asked, biting her lip as the council disappeared and a paper took its place, the top reading ‘Application for juvenile Reunification’. Uma furrowed her brows, confused for a moment before she kept reading, rage bubbling in her gut as she did. “They have to fucking apply??! Just to get the freedom they deserve?! Do they agree to this?!”
The application disappeared and was replaced with the moving image of Ben and (y/n), Harry glaring at the king just behind (y/n). (y/n) was yelling, so was Ben, both motioning to the paper in (y/n)s hand. “That must be the application thing or whatever” Uma muttered, smirking as (y/n) crumbling it in her fist and shook it in Ben’s face.
Ben seemed to nod and point at it, and Uma leaned in reading his lips ‘that’s what I want to do (y/n), but I can’t! When they overrule me, I can't do anything about it! I’m sorry, but if we don’t go by their rules then we don’t get kids off the isle im sorry!’
(y/n) shook her fist in his face again and turned, walking towards Harry and burying her face in his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and glared at Ben, Uma leaning in again to read their lips. Ben spoke first ‘I am sorry, I’ll try to get everything ready as soon as possible, but some of it is going to take almost two years, maybe almost three! Especially the shelter and cps agency, and the council required those to be done before we can even send out the applications’ Harry stared at Ben for a moment before looking down at (y/n) and pulling her tighter into him.
‘Get it done beasty boy’ Harry seemed to growl, his lip set in a slight snarl ‘and quick, if this takes longer than yeh say, you’ll be hanging from the mast’ Ben nodded, turning back to his desk and picking up a thick folder.
‘I'll hold you to that’ Ben said back, about to say something else but the image disappeared before Uma’s eyes before he could finish.
“Dammit,” Uma muttered, rubbing her with her palms as she grit her teeth. It was the same reason they had taken so long after Ben had promised to get her off the isle after the coronation, the council kept pushing back everything, so stuck in their old ways of thought that they just couldn’t bear to have more vks in Auradon.
“Bastards” Uma growled, standing from the floor and looking back in the cauldron, it seemed the spell had finished, and she wouldn’t be able to ask any more questions about the future. “Ben, (y/n), I hope to Hades you don’t fuck this up for those kids”
Celia couldn’t help but keep her eyes locked on the spot where the Auradon limo had been parked only two days ago, the spot where Dizzy had left her on the isle.
Dizzy had promised to get her off next, whispering it in Celia’s ear as Dizzy hugged her tightly just before she left. Dizzy was hardly one to break a promise, even in a place where promises were never kept, so Celia trusted her.
She just hoped that trust wouldn’t be proved wrong.
Celia sighed, looked at her watch, and realized she had to go pick up some stuff for Hades before her usual fortune-telling shift in front of the arcade.
She quickly traveled to the market and snatched up some cans of corn, cans of refried beans, and a large loaf of bread, that was only a day past its baking date. Celia took another loaf for herself and her dad, suppressing the smile she had as she walked towards the mines.
it was nice having actual food to eat, Celia no longer went hungry every other night and no longer needed to scrounge for money to get the food that was being kept on the market thanks to Harriet's crew that was making sure the merchants weren’t keeping the food away from everybody due to selling it at a high price as they usually did for the better food as they did before the program.
“Celia~” A velvety voice cooed behind her, and Celia turned, raising her brow as she spotted Ginny Gothel, Mother Gothel’s daughter. Ginny Gothel was a flirt, a heavy-set young woman who dared to blow a kiss to Harriet and survive. her dark curly hair was in a short bob that showed the shaved part of her neck. her face, which was always either set in a glare or a flirtatious smirk, was painted with dark makeup. she collected crystals and rings to adorn herself, black and dark red fabrics flowed around her body when she strut down the market place with pride. she was a part of the older villain kids, so respect came with her presence.
“Celia darling~” Ginny cooed; Celia just slowly nodded to show she was listening “do you think you can ask Dizzy if she's got an opening? I need a touch up” Ginny's hand reached up and brushed against the back of her neck where her hair was beginning to overgrow where it was supposed to be. Celia huffed, fixing her grip on her supplies for hades.
“First, I ain't in charge of her and you can go find out yourself I ain't your errand rant, second, Dizzy left two days ago” Ginny's eyes went wide at that “She's in Auradon now, with all those prissy people, so tough luck, eh?” Ginny groaned and leaned heavily back against the wall she was next to, throwing her arm over her eyes.
“Noooo how am I ever going to get my hair cut now?! Dizzy was the only one to understand exactly what I needed!...” her arm dropped to her side as she pouted, looking back at Celia who just stared at her with bored eyes “Well I could go to the hearts salon but I do not trust that mad queen with those sheers”
“Suck it up and get it cut you weenie” Celia snarked, smirking as Ginny scoffed at her and walked off, presumably to the queen of hearts salon.
Celia shrugged Ginny's dramatic attitude off and made her way to the mines.
Ginny sighed dramatically, rubbing her hands against the back of her neck again, she really did need a touch-up. But Dizzy was in Auradon and she was the only hair person Ginny trusted with her hair. The last time she went to the hearts salon she ended up with the wrong cut and length.
But then again. Ginny stopped in the middle of the street, hands on her hips as she pouted at the floor, she really-really needed a touch-up on her undercut.
Fuck it, if it got fucked up, she’d fix it herself.
She twisted on her heel and walked over to the side of the isle that housed the red-hearts salon. She pushed the main door open and crossed her arms, her dark amber eyes scanning the customers and workers.
“Ey darling, you here for a cut or a dye?” Ginny turned, smirking as she locked eyes with one of her closest cohorts on the isle, Colin Hearts. The only other person she trusted with her hair, she had hoped they were working today, and lucky for her they were.
Colin was a lanky teen, their heels making them seem taller than they really were. they always seemed to wear flowing shirts and tight pants, and wore five-inch heels more often than not. Their natural dark red hair had been cut into a fluffy bright red Mohawk and their brown eyes were hidden behind purple contact lenses. Their teasing lips were always painted with black lipstick, and their nails sharp and red.
Ginny walked to her “friend” and they shared a quick handshake they had made when both of them were young. “Yeah, due for a buzz on my undercut, think you can do that for me, hun?” Colin looked up at the ceiling, their painted lips in a false thinking pout “Colin.” Colin smirked at Ginny's low tone and nodded.
“Yeah, I can do that for you, come on~ you know my station~” Ginny gave tight-lipped smile to Colin and strut over to the scarlet red chair with painted white hearts that Colin had decked out a while ago to claim it as their station.
Ginny sat down and crossed her legs, examining her black nails as Colin settled behind her. “So just a touch up, eh?” Colin murmured aloud, Ginny nodded in confirmation, leaning her head back to peer at Colin.
“Don’t fuck it up or I take those red lace pumps you treasure so much” Ginny grinned as Colin gasped at that and pushed their hand to their chest at her threat.
“How dare you~!” the two shared a nasty grin and Colin reached for their electric clippers, throwing the hair catcher towel around Ginny's neck and turning the clippers on. “So did you hear that Harriet ‘n her sister left to Auradon two days ago?” Ginny gasped at that “Really?” Colin leaned into Ginny's line of sight “You’re obsessed with that girl; I’m surprised you didn’t sense the moment she left the barrier” Colin chuckled at Ginny's glare and went back to her hair.
“Dizzy’s left too” Ginny sighed, twitching as Colin let out a small laugh.
“I know, if she wasn’t you wouldn’t be here” Colin lifted up the back of Ginny's hair and started to buzz her undercut, going quiet as they focused on not cutting more than Ginny wanted.
“Smee’s boys left too, all three of ‘em” Colin muttered, shaving the design into Ginny’s undercut “Six more vks off the isle, wonder if any more will follow” Ginny hummed at that, watching Colin in the mirror as they worked at her hair. That was a question, would there be more vks to follow the six that left two days ago?… Ginny hoped so, she would love to get off the isle and away from her mother.
“Think they’ll pick any of us if it continues?” Ginny asked, leaning on her hand as Colin tilted her head. Colin shrugged after a moment.
“Dunno, maybe not us, but-” they nodded their head to the right, Ginny's eyes following to see Diego De’vil sitting in the salon chair reading a book as one of Colin’s coworkers finished on cutting his hair “-Diego maybe, considering he and Carlos are cousins there might be more of a reason” Diego looked over at them, raising his brow “Ey im not talking negative, just possibilities” he sighed and went back to his book, rolling his shoulders a bit.
Diego was a strapping young man, the older cousin of Carlos and the lead singer and guitarist of the Bad Apples. when he was younger, he would sneer at those who would either compare his looks to his much smaller at the time cousin or accidentally call him Carlos. nowadays he took a bit more pride in being Carlos’ cousin. his hair was cut into a short-brushed back Mohawk that transitioned from black at the roots to white at the edges, similar to Carlos’ hair. he wore red and black most of the time, decorated with spikes and pins with hard combat boots and patched-up jeans. his fingers were calloused from years of guitar picking and freckles decorated his face and shoulders.
Colin's coworker finished up refining his mohawk and took the towel from his shoulders, Diego stood and placed a handful of silver coins into the worker's hands. They nodded and walked to the register as Diego examined himself in the mirror “so De’vil?” He turned to look at Colin, who was brushing off the buzzed hair from Ginny's shoulders “Do ya think your cousin will get you off of here or nah?” Diego stared at them for a moment then shrugged.
“Dunno” he grumbled, grabbing his jacket from the counter and slipping it on “Not up to me, but I’ll do anything to get away from my maniac of an aunt, she keeps mistaking me for Carlos” Ginny and Colin winced at that, remembering the old days when the once runt-like Carlos would run out from Hell Hall with a screaming Cruella behind him, a burning cigarette in her hand.
Pity wasn’t a thing on the isle but many of the younger isle residents would take it upon themselves to keep Carlos away from his deranged mother when possible, even Mal had done it when she was younger and much more…nasty, it was like seeing a puppy being kicked while it was already down, you couldn’t help but just care for it.
Then once Mal created her little group the incidents where Carlos ran away from his brother bruised and bloody lessened, until they completely stopped because he was in Auradon.
Now Cruella, ever the insane woman, attempted to chase after Diego, but Diego was stronger and taller than Carlos ever was against Cruella, and easily battered her away when he needed to.
Cruella didn’t bother him much after the first fist to her face.
Diego waved Colin and Ginny goodbye and walked out of the salon, making his way towards the rundown movie theater for band practice. He turned down an ally for a shortcut and appeared on the other side in the market, making his way down the market to get to the other side of the main street, where the theater was.
As he walked someone caught his eye, and he looked to his right, seeing Claudine Frollo picking through a basket of apples for whatever reason, probably her father making her do the grocery shopping.
Claudine was the bell ringer for dragon hall, she was quiet and soft-spoken, hardly talking to anyone her father didn't approve of. she wore clothes that covered her almost completely, as her father said it ‘keeps the sinful eyes of others away’. her sunflower curly blonde hair was always wrapped in a tight bun, it always got caught in her cross-necklace chain if it was let free. many assumed Claudine was a weak girl, her small frame and wide doe-like green eyes didn't help with the assumption, only to be in for a surprise when it was learned she could knock someone out with one clean punch, bell-ringing every day wasn't an easy task after all. she had many pursuers, many of which didn't go any farther after they were reminded of who her father was.
Diego stepped next to her and grabbed an apple, remembering he was wanting a snack before he had gone in for a haircut. She jumped slightly, turning to him with scared eyes before she realized it was him.
“Oh, hi Diego” Claudine mumbled, going back to grabbing some apples and stuffing them in her black and violet messenger bag.
“Hey” he mumbled back, picking up a sturdy-looking apple and biting into it, suppressing a smile at the crisp texture and sweet taste, fresh apples were so much better than he’d ever thought it be.
Claudine finished filling her bag and nodded at Diego, bidding him ‘adieu’ and turning to go the opposite way Diego had been going. Diego watched her for a moment before turning on his heel and resuming his walk towards the theater.
He arrived soon after and pushed open the doors, walking down towards the left hall past the broken-down arcade and stepping into the 2nd theater on the right.
“Eyyyyy look whose finally ‘ere~” his drummer, Ezekiel, called out to him, as he was sitting down on the stage in front of the screen. Diego nodded to him and climbed up the steps up to the stage, nodding at his bass player and secondary guitarist as they messed with their instruments “What took ya so long?”
“Haircut and snack” Diego shrugged, tossing the apple core to Ezekiel, who gagged and tossed the core into the trash a few feet away “let's get to it”
“Yeah~” Eva, his secondary guitarist and support singer, finished with her guitar and set up the mics and speakers. “Let's do dis~”
Kuvira, his bass player, nodded swinging their bass onto their back, and helped Eva set up the last of their gear.
Ezekiel plopped into his chair and spun his drumsticks between his fingers, grinning at Diego as he took out his guitar and threw the strap around his neck “So what shall we start with~”
“…” Diego looked off to the side for a moment, going through the mental list of their songs. “Different Evil Incoming, let's do that, it’s a wicked warm-up song” his band members nodded, setting up their instruments, following Diego’s lead as he started to shred on his guitar.
Claudine let out a sigh of relief as she stepped into her ‘home’, her father must have still been at his church service. She glanced at the calendar on the wall and closed her eyes, he had marked it as an all-day service which meant she was alone in the house until midnight.
Thank the gods.
She walked up the stairs to her room and unpacked her food into the fridge in her room, going back downstairs to pack away her father's food in the cabinets. Her father shunned modern technology, calling it the devil's work.
But Claudine would rather have her food last just a bit longer than they did in the cabinets.
Claudine took off her jacket and stretched her arms, groaning a bit as her back popped, she scanned the living room/kitchen once to look for anything out of place, and when she found nothing, she grabbed her jacket and ran back up to her room.
She closed the door behind her and took off her thick sweater, grabbing a thinner long-sleeved shirt and pulling it on, sighing in relief to be free of the slightly constricting fabric.
She glanced at her clock and smiled, it was hardly even one-thirty, she had plenty of alone time before her ‘father’ was home. As she grabbed her favorite book and walked to her closet, which was the only way to access the attic of the apartment, her mind flashed back to when she was much younger.
She was barely 4 years old when her mother died, leaving her scared and alone in their home. She didn’t know how much time had passed after that but she knew she was very hungry and very tired, that’s when Claude Frollo stepped into her mother's home and found her.
He had been looking for her mother after her mother had missed several church services, and with how devoted her mother was to the church it had ticked off the ‘that’s odd’ box for Frollo.
He found her, and in thanks to her mother for being so devoted to the church, adopted her, claiming her as his own and raising her under the name of ‘god’.
It had been 13 years since then, and Claudine had all but forgotten the face of her mother. She brushed away the memory of the day she had been found by her adoptive father and pulled herself into the attic carefully stepping around her piles of books, pillows, and blankets and settling into the corner next to the window, where she could read in peace with the natural light illuminating her favorite fantasy book.
Her father always said these books were works of the devil, but Claudine loved them too much to care, she knew they were fake but they allowed her mind to wander to a place far from the isle of the lost.
She set the book on her lap and opened it, beginning to read.
Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.
-one week after the new vks are transferred to Auradon-
Ben growled into his hand as he glared down at the new documents the council had presented to him. ‘we hereby overrule the vk transfer plan, it is rushed and unplanned, you bringing six villain children over with no security checks or going through their history on the isle will doom Auradon’
While he and (y/n) had figured out the council couldn’t change the rules of his first proclamation or straight up say no to it, they had forgotten if they got enough evidence or if the whole council agreed they could shut the program down.
Luckily Ben had been able to salvage the isles fresh food and necessities program as it had high security going in and out of the barrier and the Auradon guards personally handed out the shipments to make sure no one snuck anyone or anything back into the ship.
Only one person on the council had gone against the rest, ex-king Luis, Prince Charming’s father. He understood the need to continue to get innocent children off the isle and had adamantly refused to vote against it, and helped Ben salvage the fresh food program.
Ex-queen Leah had been the biggest voice against Ben, and he knew she had orchestrated the meeting and the others to cut off the transfer program, she was still angry at Ben for bringing over the daughter of the fae that had “ruined” her daughter's childhood and ruined her motherhood.
Luckily, Ben had found a loophole, he had shown them his plans for the CPS and shelter, where each vk would have an adult to be in charge of them and a place to stay away from the general population and the council agreed that he could continue the vk transfer plan.
But only once he had finished building both the CPS and the shelter, then they demanded that there would be a more thorough screening of the villain children. In the way of applications, they would give their name, parents' name, fingerprints, an essay about why they wanted to come to Auradon, and then a section for the villain children to tell them about their lives on the isle. And then the council would go through the applications and THEY would approve of who was allowed to come to Auradon, and then Ben could choose out of their approved applications
Ben was angry, very, very angry. All the progress that he made within the last two months, gone. Only a day ago he was able to just point at a vk and say ‘you’re coming to Auradon’ and it could happen, with hardly any mess, yes, he would have to get a guardian for them and then get them approved by the school board for a new student and then get the new vk approved to live in the dorms but, that was a lot fewer hoops to jump through then this new application bullshit which would take so much more time.
And he wouldn’t even be able to be the first person to look at the applications as an unbiased person, they would go through cooky old people who still held on to their grudges against these kids’ parents, and pass that grudge onto the kid who wasn’t even born during that time!
Ben threw down the file containing the new guidelines for the transfer plan and buried his face in his hands. The shelter alone would take almost a year to be fully refurbished to be able to comfortably house hundreds of kids that ranged from toddlers to barely adults, then the CPS?? There was so much more to that than on the surface, he had to hire people, make sure they were certified, give them a place to base out of, get them trained to be able to handle the kids off the isle who most of which were probably traumatized! Get therapists ready, medical staff, kitchen staff, living wages, and so much more that just made Ben's head hurt.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make a sixteen-year-old a king? His own father wasn’t king until he was well past his teens, why did he think his kid would be ready for all of this so much earlier than he did?
Ben sighed, lifting his head and rubbing his eyes, this was all going to take over a year, at least, possibly two, maybe almost 3. so the vks would just sit there and wait until they in Auradon were ready to have them come.
Ben felt rage bubbling in his gut, he just wanted to say fuck it and continue doing it the way he was, except with more kids each round. He wanted to go to the isle and just scream at the top of his lungs ‘those who wish to live in Auradon follow me!’ and be able to give those kids the freedom they deserved.
Ben’s anger-filled thought stopped at the sound of slamming on his door. ‘(y/n)’ Ben thought, slightly nervous. He had sent a text to the group chat telling everyone about the council's interference and it was safe to say no one was happy.
Mal had never responded but he heard that there was a new hole in the dorm building wall (which she thankfully repaired but it didn’t stop her from being pissed and deciding to go out for a fly to burn off her anger), Evie had let off a wide range of curse words, some of which were definitely not English, Jay had sent a flurry of random letters and a small rant, Carlos had chucked his phone and was busy repairing it.
And (y/n), Harry, and Gil? Gil was understanding, knowing Ben had no part in it, but the other two? (y/n) had gone silent, and so had Harry.
That was never a good thing.
Ben stood and walked over to his door, dragging his feet slightly as he did. He unlocked it and quickly took a step back as the door swung open and he was greeted by (y/n) and Harry's pissed-off faces.
“So what's this I hear about a meddling council” (y/n) hissed, stepping into the room with Harry following her, closing the door with his foot, and locking it. Watching as (y/n) stormed over to Ben's desk and picked up the file. “How could you let them do this?! Do you know how long it been for those kids?! Eight months!! And now you are going to let them wait even longer!? Fuck that!” (y/n) crumbled the file in her hands and Ben gestured to it as he gave a pleading look to (y/n)
“That’s what I want to do (y/n), but I can’t! When they overrule me, I can't do anything about it! I’m sorry, but if we don’t go by their rules then we don’t get kids off the isle…I’m sorry.”
(y/n) shook her fist in his face again and turned, walking towards Harry and burying her face in his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and glared at Ben. The two stared at each other for a moment, waiting to see who spoke first. Ben took the first word “I really am sorry, I’ll try to get everything ready as soon as possible, but some of it is going to take almost two years, maybe almost three! especially the shelter and CPS agency, and the council required those to be done before we can even send out the applications”
Harry stared at Ben for a moment before looking down at (y/n) and pulling her tighter into him.
“Get it done beasty boy” Harry seemed to growl, his lip set in a slight snarl “And quick, if this takes longer than yeh say, you’ll be hanging from the mast” Ben nodded, stepping towards (y/n) slightly and taking the crumbled file from her hands.
“I'll hold you to that” Ben sighed, stepping back and setting the file on his desk “In fact I’ll remind you if it does…what are we going to do about those kids in the meantime?”
“We can't let them sit there in the dark.” (y/n) mumbled, pulling away from Harry's chest and looking towards Ben “You remember the last time we did that, with Uma? You said she thought Harry and Gil abandoned her. We can't let those kids think we are abandoning them again; we need to let them know we’re doing everything we can”
“And we will” Ben nodded, the fire igniting in his chest again as he realized not all hope was lost “Those kids will know that we aren’t abandoning them. Through a newscast or a radio, I don’t know, but we'll let them know”
You and Harry nodded at Ben, who nodded back. “We'll figure this out.” Ben walked around his desk and sat down, glaring at the file. “We won't let them down.”
-end of part 5-
 Part 5! and Uma can see into the future~!! also yep the council are dicks and prevent Ben from doing everything easily. also yep more vks! more to come about them in future parts! hope you enjoyed!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ 
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
❄ small - one chicago au ❄
Hailey Upton and Adam Ruzek have been friends for as long as they can remember. When Hailey changes schools to be with Adam in her junior year, she’s introduced to a new group of people who feel strangely like home.
pairings: jay halstead x hailey upton adam ruzek x kim burgess kevin atwater x vanessa rojas kelly severide x stella kidd
warnings (chapter specific): swearing
masterlist | series masterlist
❄ four ❄
A little over a week had passed since Jay and Hailey had gone out for coffee and pancakes to work on their assignment, and each of them had decided that they would keep their poems a secret from each other until they had to present it to the class. Secretly, it was because Hailey hadn’t actually started the poem and had nothing to show him — meanwhile, Jay had already worked through at least half. It wasn’t a bad thing; she just hadn’t been able to find the right way to get it down on paper yet. Her plan was to keep collecting as much as she could about her literature partner; the group milkshake date seeming like a relatively good way to do so.
“Yo Upton, Rojas! Are you two coming, or are you just going to keep dragging your feet like slow pokes?” Stella called out to the two as they trailed a few steps behind her and Kim.
“We’re coming, we’re coming,” Vanessa rolled her eyes as she tutted. “Calm your farm, Kidd.”
Hailey only chuckled as the Stella and Vanessa both fought for the passenger seat of Kim’s car, Hailey not minding the back as she climbed in and waited for someone to accompany her. Eventually it ended up being Stella who called heads on a coin that came up tails, leaving her to take the seat beside the blonde.
The girls had all gone in Kim’s car while the guys went in Adam’s, all driving to the same place not too far from their school. It was a Wednesday afternoon and the upperclassmen had been given the afternoon off, allowing the group to finally go out as Adam had suggested a few weeks previously. Hailey’s mouth was already watering at the prospect of a banana milkshake — it was the only banana flavoured thing in the entire world that she liked. She had been buzzing with happiness all day as she awaited twelve o’clock to come; the second it did, she had almost launched herself out of her seat in pre-calculus.
The drive to the milkshake parlour was short, but nonetheless fun. With Fifth Harmony blaring from the radio (courtesy of Kim), the words to Dope were being shouted by all four girls as they pulled up in the parking lot, finding a space right beside Adam’s car as they all jumped out and raced inside where the boys had saved them all a table.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Kelly teased, earning a roll of the eyes from both Stella and Vanessa. "Took you all long enough. Did the car break down or something?"
"We were enjoying our drive here and listening to music, thank you very much."
"And. . . we got stuck behind a railway crossing."
"Knew it," Kelly smirked, a mischievous look in his eye as the girls all headed to the counter to place their orders.
As Kim and Stella debated which flavour they would get, Hailey couldn’t help but notice the way that Vanessa was awkwardly hanging back in an empty space smack bang between the front counter and the table that the boys were sitting at. Everybody else seemed blind to it — but Hailey was perceptive. She could see the way that Vanessa studied her feet as if they were the most interesting things in the world, the way she tried to retreat without anybody noticing. Although Hailey didn’t know why, she wasn’t about to let it go unaddressed.
“Hey.” Hailey’s voice was only loud enough for Vanessa to hear as to took a step towards her. “You not getting a milkshake, V?”
Vanessa frowned ever so slightly, her eyes sad despite the fact that she tried not to let it show. “Nah. I — uh — I don’t really feel like one.”
Hailey knew that wasn’t the reason. There was something else. As she thought back over the day briefly to try and work out what could have upset her friend, it suddenly hit Hailey with as much force as a freight train. She felt almost dumb for not realising it sooner, her heart aching for Vanessa as she glanced back over at the girl.
“You can’t —“
Vanessa silenced the girl with a small nod — one that begged her not to go on about the matter. Vanessa couldn’t afford it.
Before Hailey’s brothers had moved out and gotten jobs, her family had been in a similar situation. Obviously it wasn’t the same — Hailey had never been bounced around foster homes — but regardless, the Upton’s were living paycheck to paycheck. Hand me down clothes were all Hailey knew, whether it be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt from her brother or a Spiderman hoodie from Adam, she was always dressed up in somebody else’s leftovers. She didn’t mind too much about that part, but she could remember the first time that she went to school without lunch. She remembered the first time, the second time, even the third time — after that, it all just blurred together. It all just became the usual for Hailey who at the time, was still in third grade in elementary school. As she grew older, things got even just the slightest bit easier — Adam’s parents would always put an extra sandwich in their son’s lunchbox for Hailey, or they’d send both children with a ten dollar bill to pay for a hot lunch if they wanted. When her brother Nate moved out — he had always been there for his youngest and only sister — things changed for the better, financially. He was making good money as a mechanic. He could afford to pay for Hailey’s tuition at a fancy private school, he could send a hundred dollars or so to Anne to cover the groceries; he even started sending Hailey money so that she could buy herself what she could afford to be a teenager. Was it a lot? No. But did it make the difference? Absolutely.
Glancing down at her wallet, Hailey spied the two twenty dollar bills she had shoved in there that morning before leaving for school, the green paper sitting untouched until she took one into her hand, closing her fingers around it so that nobody else could see it. In one swift movement, her hand dropped down to her side and her fingers became interlaced with Vanessa’s as she sneakily and subtly transferred the money from her hand to the brunette’s, leaving the girl with wide eyes as she snapped her head around to face Hailey.
“I-I. . . You didn’t have to —“
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.”
The small smile on Vanessa’s face dropped for a second as she looked Hailey dead in the eye. “I’m not a charity case you know. I just. . .”
Her voice trailed off as Hailey squeezed her friends hand lightly.
“I know that, V. I know. And I’m not treating you like one. I’m lucky enough to have people look out for me and lighten the load when I need it — you deserve that too.”
“But I’m not going to be able to pay you back Hailey — you know that right? I don’t have a job and I can’t —“
“Vanessa, that’s not what this is. I don’t want you to pay me back. I just know what it’s like to feel like you’re missing out because of something so shallow as money, and now that I’m in a position where I can make your day a little better, I’d like to do so. God knows you’ve done plenty for me since I showed up.”
“I gave you an apple slice, dude!”
“It’s more than that,” Hailey chuckled lightly, her lips curling upwards as she saw Vanessa stare down at the twenty dollar bill with sparkling eyes. “Besides — you do not want to miss out on one of these milkshakes. They’re literally to die for. I would run through the fiery pits of hell, being tortured by satan himself to get one of these milkshakes.”
Vanessa shot the girl a lopsided smirk. “I dunno, Hails — walking up to the counter sounds like a lot less effort.”
Hailey only rolled her eyes with a grin as Kim and Stella finally stepped away, allowing the two other girls to order their drinks before returning back to the table where they would be bought out to them. Hailey took her usual seat between Vanessa and Jay (even when they weren’t in the art room, apparently their seating arrangement still stayed the same). As their milkshakes began coming out, Jay smirked in Hailey’s direction as she took her first sip of the banana flavoured beverage.
“What?” Hailey quizzed, arching a brow as she crossed her arms across her chest expectantly. “There a problem?”
“No. Just . . . observing.”
“You’re observing my milkshake drinking habits?”
“I’m observing your reaction to ordering the most basic drink on the menu.”
Hailey scoffed, openly laughing in the boy’s face as she turned to face him. “That’s rich coming from you, Halstead. You’re about as basic as they come.”
Jay only chuckled with a shake of his head as Kelly cleared his throat dramatically, calling for the attention to be bought upon him. Stella groaned from his left, her forehead resting against the table. Hailey let a small smile of amusement cross her lips; Stella wasn’t normally one to be embarrassed by Kelly’s antics. In fact, normally she joined in — but today, it was different.
“I have an announcement,” Kelly proclaimed, tapping the end of his fingernail upon his milkshake — Hailey thought he looked like a dork, but she also knew he gave absolutely no fucks. “You all must listen very, very closely!”
“Alright, alright, man. We’re listening. Out with it already!”
Kelly shot a lighthearted glare over at Adam who wore a grin in response.
“After much deliberation, there has been a mutual confession between the wonderful, amazing, beautiful, talented, badass —“ Kelly paused for a second to dodge Stella’s fist which was heading straight towards his groin. “— incredibly intimidating Stella Kidd and I. We — uh — we’re. . . “
“What this dumbass is trying to say is that we’re together.” Stella interrupted Kelly as she lifted her head up from the table ever so slightly, her chin resting upon her hands as everybody else broke out into a grin. “I told him we should tell you guys today, but I didn’t expect for him to make it into some kind of theatrical fucking performance.”
“You should have known better then that, Stell. It’s Kelly we’re talking about. King of Dramatics.”
“Yeah, I’m realising that now.”
Hailey was happy for the new couple, but she wasn’t as invested as she could see everybody else was. Apparently, Stella and Kelly had been making heart eyes at each other since freshman year, the rest of the group waiting for one of them to make a move on the other. Hailey knew there was something between them but figured that they were probably just close like she and Adam were — she couldn’t even begin to count how many times people had assumed that she and the boy she had grown up with were dating. Nonetheless, it became evident that Kelly and Stella were much more comfortable with their secret coming out; their hands fell into each other’s as they laughed alongside one another.
Sitting and watching, observing if you will, something suddenly became very apparent to the girl. It was one of those things that once she saw it, she couldn’t un-see it — the sight bought a small, fond smile to her lips as she stayed silent, simply watching. Well, she was — until Jay interrupted her thoughts.
“What are you staring at?” Jay asked, a small smirk on his face as Hailey leaned back slightly so that she could speak only just loud enough for the boy to hear.
“Do you see what I see?”
“Uhhh . . . ” Jay furrowed his brows slightly as Hailey let out a chuckle, shaking her head.
Without realising it, Hailey inched her way closer to Jay as she pressed her back against the cushioned booth they were in, her shoulder brushing against Jay’s as she grew even quieter. The freckled boy hadn’t seemed to notice either, despite the fact that they were practically sitting on top of each other at that point.
“Look at them all,” Hailey couldn’t help but let out a small snort as one hand rested against her thigh, the other holding her banana milkshake close to her chest. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it earlier.”
“I still have no clue what we’re talking about here, Hailey. Give me something to go off of.”
“Right, right,” Hailey grinned up at Jay sheepishly. “So there’s Kelly and there’s Stella. Totally head over heels for each other, yeah?”
Jay nodded soundlessly, a puzzled expression still plastered upon his features.
“Then there’s Vanessa and Kevin. Now I don’t think they realise it just yet, but they’re totally going to be a thing.”
The boy’s eyes widened in realisation. “Holy shit.”
“Wait, just — just wait . . . ” Hailey held up a finger. “Now — look at Adam and Kim.”
If it were at all possible, Jay’s eyes grew even more as he too became fixated on the scene in front of them, the evidence now slapping him in the face. His mouth hung open wide as the corners of his lips turned upwards into a smile.
“I smell a bet coming on.”
Hailey grinned widely once again, a mischievous look on her face as her and Jay’s eyes locked. “You’re on, Halstead.”
“Twenty bucks says Burgess and Ruzek will get together by the end of the year.”
“Please,” Hailey scoffed lightly, folding her arms over one another before taking a sip of her milkshake. “Thirty says they’ll be together by the end of the month.”
“Ah, so you’re a risktaker.” Jay’s trademark smirk met Hailey’s gaze. “I’ll make sure to make a note of that for my poem.”
“Not a risktaker, per say — I just know Adam is an impatient, idiotic dumbass who can’t help himself.”
The mention of Adam’s name caused the boy in question to snap his head over to the blonde, a scowl etched into his features as he shot a playful glare over at the girl, Hailey not backing down from her words even the slightest bit. Before she knew it, everybody was back to their own conversations with people jumping in and out where they wanted to, leaving Hailey to do what she did best — observe. It wasn’t like there was something she was looking for or trying to understand; Hailey had just always been the kind of person who would sit and listen rather than interject herself into the conversation. She found that she learned a lot more that way — people would often tell you their darkest secrets if you let them do the talking.
She would never admit it, but somehow, her eyes kept finding their way to Jay as if his face was a magnet and they were calling her. She studied every part of him closely, taking note of how the corners of his eyes creased when he laughed, counting the freckles that looked as though they had been methodically scattered across his skin in the most perfect way.  Hailey noticed his little quirks and even jotted a few of them down in the notes app of her phone, like how he tilted his head slightly when he didn’t understand something or was asking a question or the way he would run his tongue his bottom lip when he was thinking of something. Every little thing that made him unique soon compiled into an extensive list that Hailey had saved to her notes, ready to use when she eventually found the right way to complete her own literature assignment.
It wasn’t long before everybody packed back into the two cars, this time the order being switched up and mixed around. Hailey had gone in Adam’s car, because, well — duh — meanwhile, Vanessa switched places with Kelly and Kevin who lived closer to Kim and Stella anyway. While Jay and Adam talked each other’s ears off, Hailey was sat in the back seat with Vanessa who looked absolutely wrecked from their day.
“You look exhausted, you poor thing,” Hailey smiled halfheartedly over at the girl.
“Yeah, I am.” Vanessa yawned tiredly. “I was up half the night studying for that precalc test we have.”
“You’re like, the smartest one in the entire class, dude,” Hailey said, looking at her friend with an incredulous look. “You don’t even need to study!"
“Still doesn’t hurt to make sure I know what I need to know. And to make sure I know that I know what I know so that I can make sure you know what I know.”
“I think I just had an aneurysm trying to understand that.”
Vanessa grinned. “You’re welcome.”
The two girls shared a laugh as Vanessa leaned her up against the headrest behind her. Turning to Hailey slowly, the girl wore a small and gratuitous smile as her hand fell into the blonde haired girl’s hand, earning back her attention with the small yet simple gesture. Vanessa was a very physical person — she loved hugs, she loved holding hands with her friends to show them her love and appreciation — Hailey, however new to the group she was, was no exception.
“Hailey. . . I hope you know how much what you did today meant to me.” Vanessa began, her accent coating her words as her eyes fell to her lap. “I got moved to another foster home on Monday and. . . I know it sounds stupid, but asking for money before the first cheque from the state comes in is a big no no if I want to stay somewhere for longer than half a week."
Vanessa’s voice was low and quiet, only loud enough for the blonde sitting beside her to hear as Hailey’s heart squeezed tightly. She hadn’t missed the giant smile on Vanessa’s face as she was handed her Oreo milkshake, or the way her her mood had completely brightened in giddy, goofy happiness as she bounced around and made fun of Kevin. Hailey, despite her tough exterior, would secretly do anything to make the people she cared about smile. Absolutely anything. Without ever second guessing herself.
“I didn’t want you to be left out.” Hailey’s response was at a matching volume. “Feeling like the outsider all of the time. . . It’s not fun. I get that. That’s why I’m so endlessly grateful to have made such good friends here.”
“You? The outsider? That’s hard to imagine.”
“Three words, V. Three words.”
“Private girls school.”
“. . . Yeah, say no more."
Everything that Hailey had said was the truth. She knew what it was like to be the outsider, she knew what it was like to feel like the ground beneath you was always shaking and about to give out on you no matter what you did. No amount of duct tape would hold it together, and given the fact that Vanessa had just had to uproot her life — again — Hailey could sympathise with what she was going through despite the fact that she would thankfully never understand it fully.
Hailey sighed lightly as she gave Vanessa’s hand a small squeeze. “I wish you could live with me.”
“Can I?”
Though Vanessa was clearly joking, as seen by the smile playing at her lips and her humorous tone, Hailey really did wish she could bring Vanessa to live with her — perhaps just not at her house. With her father. And her mother, who was always excusing the former’s behaviour. Always.
“I’m not sure you’d like it very much at my house.” The blue eyed girl let out an exhale as she spoke. “There’s a reason I spend so much time at Adam’s house.”
“I get it.” Vanessa’s eyes held sympathy towards Hailey. “But hey. . . we’ve got each other, right? We’ve got these two doofuses in the front seat, we’ve got Stella and Kim and Kelly and Kev. And one day we can all run away together and forge a home in the woods using our very minimal survival skills that would definitely not suffice to stop us getting eaten by a bear or something.”
At the sound of Vanessa addressing him and Jay, Adam turned around from the driver’s seat as he pulled up at a stoplight before directing his words to the girls in the back seat.
“Hey! I was a Cub Scout when I was younger, you know! ” He said, his chest puffing out ever so slightly in pride. "We’d be just fine in the woods."
“Adam, shut the hell up,” Hailey laughed as she looked at him incredulously, rolling her eyes at the boy. “You did Cub Scouts for two months and then you quit when you couldn’t get a single badge because they required you actually putting work into them. All you wanted to do was sit there with a juice box and a cookie.”
“Says the one who got kicked out of Girl Scouts for threatening to set a girl’s hair on fire!”
“She deserved it.”
“She was traumatised!”
“Good. I don’t like her. She tried to steal my backpack."
“It was ten years ago, Hailey.”
“It was my favourite backpack!"
aaaaaa! I apologise if this isn’t great I really struggled trying to write this one I don’t even know why 😂
thank you so much to @ruzek-halstead for proofreading! after writing this for so long I definitely lost the ability to do so, so marcia — you’re a literal lifesaver 🥰
tag list: @ruzek-halstead @lissethsrojas @sammywiths @butterflies44 @upsteadheart @shawnscheeks @puckluck28 @karihighman @thetwit @azu1ang3188 @juu-series @justanotheronechicagofan @stinaax @stayupton @fullwattpadmusictree @anna-justice
ps: if anybody ever wants to be added to the tag list, just let me know! it’s so easily done!
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Is this real?- |J. Hughes|
“Jack, you know I can’t move with you. New Jersey? That’s how many hundreds of miles away from Michigan? From Trevor?” I watch the shadow of sadness creep across Jack’s face. The two of us had been avoiding this discussion ever since he had been drafted. Neither one of us wanted to talk about the fact that he would be moving 604 miles away from me until Trev and I moved to Boston. Neither of us wanted to acknowledge the fact that I probably wouldn’t be going with him either. Trevor would be heading to Boston in 2 months, Jack leaving a few weeks after him. Alex flew out in 4 weeks. It had been decided that he and Madi would be living together off UW’s campus since she would only be a 10 minute drive away at Edgewood College. Madi was studying criminology and Alex was studying sports management in case hockey didn’t ever pan out the way he planned. Trev and I would live together, renting out an apartment in Chestnut Hills and attending Boston College together. Him playing hockey and studying business, me studying journalism and babysitting Trev’s drunk self. Again, that was all depending on me deciding not to go with Jack. I had gotten into Seton Hall, which was about 20 minutes away from the arena and practice facility Jack would spend the majority of his time at. The two of us had spent a ton of time looking at apartments between the two and had found ones we liked but I wasn’t sure I was ready to leave Trevor and my parents. Driving to Jack’s wouldn’t be a huge issue, he was only 4 hours away, but with my class schedule and his schedule, it wouldn’t work.
“Charlie, you’re the only one I want there with me. You’ve been going through this with me since the beginning. I can’t be that far from you.” I rake my hand through my hair, taking a deep breath at the same time.
“I want to. But what happens when you’re gone and I’m sitting alone in some city I’m not used to? When you’re on the other side of the country and I’m at home, alone?” All of the sudden, there’s a crazy look in Jack’s eyes. One I’ve only seen when he suggested we hook up for the first time, behind Trev’s back.
“Let’s get married.” He says, looking at me. My mouth drops open.
“Get married? Now? With you and everyone else leaving in less than 2 months? Not exactly the best time to plan a wedding and get married. Jack, we’re 18!” It wasn’t the first time Jack had talked about us getting married. He’d been saying it since the first time I told him I loved him. He had vowed to marry me, but we had both decided it wouldn’t be till after I was through college and working and he was somewhat settled in the NHL.
“Baby, think about it. We’ve talked about it and it’s the perfect solution to everything. We get married, you come with me to Jersey. One last big thing with everyone before we leave.” He says, a smile growing on his face.
“Honey, I know. I want to marry you, I do. But I thought we were waiting.” I say, leaving back into the lawn chair I’m curled up in.
“Well yeah, that was the plan. Before I got drafted to somewhere 4 hours away from you. But it’s close to one of your schools, plus we found an apartment already. Come on, why not? We’ve got a month with everyone still here. Let’s do it.” I shake my head.
“Baby, think about it. We’ve talked about it and it’s the perfect solution to everything. We get married, you come with me to Jersey. One last big thing with everyone before we leave.” He says, a smile growing on his face.
“Honey, I know. I want to marry you, I do. But I thought we were waiting.” I say, leaving back into the lawn chair I’m curled up in.
“Well yeah, that was the plan. Before I got drafted to somewhere on the other side of the country from you. But it’s close to one of your schools, plus we found an apartment already. Come on, why not? We’ve got a month with everyone still here. Let’s do it.” I shake my head, not even believing myself as I agree, and kiss him. His eyes are a golden honey color, bright with excitement as he yells for everyone to come out here. I hear the back door slide open as I stand up out of my chair and move to settle myself on Jack’s lap.
“Oh lord, what now? Is Charlie pregnant?” Madi asks, laughing and walking over to where Jack and I are.
“Well…” Jack says, wrapping his arms around me. Her face turns to stone but then back to normal, carefree Madi.
“Shut up, no she’s not. She would’ve told me by now.” Mad says, reaching over and smacking him as she sits in a chair next to Alex. Jack laughs and shakes his head. Trev and Alex take the porch swing and Trev crosses his arms.
“This had better be good. Your screaming woke me up.” Trev says, yawning and throwing a pointed look in Jack’s general direction.
“We’re getting married.” Jack says, bursting. Trev’s jaw sets, Madi’s drops open and Alex covers his mouth with a slap.
“Uh, what?” Alex asks, the first one to recover. Madi and Trev are still in shock.
“We’re getting married.” I repeat, looking down and seeing my hands shake. Jack covers them with his, gently rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand.
“You’re joking. Wow, real funny guys.” Trev says, pretending to laugh. He rolls his eyes but then looks at me. I beg him with my eyes to believe me and not blow up. His face softens but his eyes stare hard at Jack.
“It’s not. We’re getting married. And I’m moving to Newark with Jack.” Madi stands up and looks at me like I have two heads.
“Wait, did I just miss like the last 4 years? Cause last I checked, you two were planning on waiting a while. At least till Charlie was out of school.” Alex grabs Madi’s hand and pulls her back down into the chair next to him.
“Madi, come on. We’re 18, we’ve already talked about this. If anything goes wrong, well then you can say I told you so. But Mads, I’m asking you, I’m asking all three of you. My best friends, my brother, support us in this.” Trev has been silent the whole time. I can see him working it over again and again in his head. Trying to figure out how this was going to work and whether he should be upset or happy. Then I see a calm wash over him. Which could mean one of two things. One, he’s pissed and going to never speak to me again. Or two, he’s decided it’s okay and is happy for us. I hold my breath as he starts to talk.
“You know what, I support you. I’ve trusted Jack with you for 2 years. He’s taken better care of my little sister than I ever have. I’m proud of who both of you are. So I say go ahead.” Trev stands up and walks over to me. He pulls me to my feet and hugs me. Jack stands and puts his hand on my shoulder. Trev lets go of me and reaches for Jack’s hand. They shake hands and I smile.
“Trev’s right. I support it.” Alex smiles, coming to hug both of us.
“Love you guys.” He says, going to stand next to Madi who still looks very confused.
“Charlie, I’m just not sure. Jack, you know I love you, I really do. But I’m just not sure. Charlie, you’re both so young. I guess I have to say yes. You’re probably gonna get way worse from Mom and Dad.” I smile, pulling Madi into a hug.
“Thanks, Mads, love you.” She pulls back, smiling a watery smile as tears fill her eyes.
“Now you know, my apartment is always open. You can come stay with me whenever. Especially if the idiot here is being a jerk.” I smile and Jack laughs. She wipes her own tears and has a huge smile on her face.
“Now you’d better get her a ring. A nice pretty one. Especially with the size of that first paycheck.” Madi says, sticking her finger into Jack’s chest. Jack smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders.
“I’ll get her a ring. You can even go help us pick it out.” Madi laughs and nods in agreement.
“Even though I’ve already asked you and you said yes, can I still plan a big engagement?” Jack asks, sitting down with me still settled on his lap. I nod and kiss his cheek. Trev was on the phone with our parents, asking them to meet us at the house in an hour and a half. Jack’s parents were already planning on coming over for dinner, along with Quinn and Luke so the perfect time to tell them would be tonight.
“Okay, I need to go get ready. Trev, Madi, are you guys okay with cooking?” Trev nods and Madi follows him inside. Alex had gone inside and apparently fell asleep because he never came back out. I head inside behind Jack who goes over to the island in the kitchen and sits down, supervising Madi and Trev’s cooking. I run up the stairs and go into Jack and I’s room. I turn my curling wand on and grab my makeup bag off the dresser. I sit down on the floor in front of the mirror and start by putting my primer on. I go through my whole makeup routine, keeping it decently simple. I’m starting to curl my hair when the door opens and Jack sticks his head in.
“Hey, bub.” He says, coming in and sitting down on our bed. I smile, catching his eye in the mirror.
“Are you ready for this? Do you think your parents will be alright?” He asks, leaning back against the pillow at the top of the bed. I shrug, focusing on my hair. Very rarely anymore am I silent. Jack knows that if I’m silent, it’s usually because of one of two things, anxiety and stress, or I’m mad about something.
“Char, it’s gonna be okay. You need to get out of your head. Your parents love us together. My parents love us together. They may not entirely approve because we’re so young but it’ll be okay.” I smile, walking over to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I cup his cheeks. He smiles as I pull away.
“Okay, let me finish getting ready. Go make sure Madi and Trev aren’t burning the house down.” He laughs and heads back downstairs. I grab the gray skirt and orange ombre knit sweater I had bought the other day and put it on, tossing my pajamas in the basket by the bathroom door. I flip my hair over, shaking my curls out. I spray some perfume and check in the mirror. I pull the necklace that Jack bought me for our 2 year anniversary out from under the sweater and twist the promise ring on my left hand ring finger, also from Jack about 4 months ago. Both coping mechanisms of my anxiety.
“Jack, babe, come change please!” I yell out the door, still twisting the ring. He bounds up the stairs and grabs me around the waist. He drags me back into the room.
“Okay honey, okay!” I laugh as he tackles me onto the bed.
“Sweetheart, I need to go make sure Trev gets dressed too! Let me up!” He finally lets me go and I head downstairs to talk to the three remaining people in the house.
“Trevor Micheal, please go put on nice clothes!” I say, walking into the kitchen. He turns around, makes a face at me, and runs upstairs. Madi is stirring something on the stove and I walk over, leaning my head on her shoulder.
“Hey, Mads. Thanks. I know this wasn’t the plan.” She nods, continuing to stir.
“It’s okay, Char. As long as I get to be your maid of honor, I’m beyond happy for you. Both of you.” I smile and hug her around her shoulders. Trev and Jack come banging down the stairs, being as loud as possible. Jack is wearing a white waffle knit long sleeve shirt with a khaki jacket over it, and blue jeans. Trev has on a dark blue and green flannel with khakis.
“Alex Turcotte!” I yell, hopping into the living room where he’s laying on the couch. He sits up, his hair sticking up in fifteen different directions. His eyes are wide, almost in terror.
“Charlotte Grace Zegras I swear to God, if you ever wake me up like that again, I will hurt you!” He shouts, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m sorry, but can you please go put on nice clothes? The parents are gonna be here soon. And take your girlfriend up to change with you please!” I shout as he rolls off the couch and walks into the kitchen. He and Madi disappear upstairs with Madi yelling “Watch the cookies please!” I check the oven and make sure they’re not burning before sitting down at the island and getting on my phone.
“Bro, chill out, you’re gonna be my best man.” I hear Jack say, as he and Trev walk into the kitchen. I laugh.
“Oh Trev, only you would worry about that.” He smiles and sits down next to me.
“Wait so, small wedding planning meeting, how many bridesmaids do I need? Because you and I both know I don’t have that many girl friends so we might be in trouble.” Jack crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.
“Well, there’s Trev, but he’ll be paired with Madi. Alex, Coley, Case. So there’s 3. Oh, wait, Quinn and Luke. Oh damn, you don’t have that many friends, Char.” Trev laughs and tries to cover it with a cough.
“Um, I’ve been saying that since we were 6! I always get punched when I say it but lover boy says it and it’s totally fine.” Jack reaches across the island and squeezes my hand.
“I mean, we could just do a little ceremony. Just like you, me, Alex, Mads, your family, my family. Keep it kinda a secret for a while and then have a big party, announce it, once we’re all settled and the 1st season has ended. I mean, I know I’d be fine with just the little ceremony but you probably want the big dream wedding with all the people.” I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder. I nod and the front door opens.
“I don’t need a big dream wedding. I’m marrying the love of my life in front of the people I care about most. I’d love to have all the boys there but with everything and them all leaving, some already gone, I’m okay with this.” Jake kisses the side of my head as we walk towards the front room of the house.
“Hi kids!” My dad yells, closing the door behind him and my mom. I ran out, catching both of them in a hug. Trev follows me out and Jack stands in the doorway. Madi and Alex come back down the stairs. Madi is wearing an orange flowy shirt with ruffles and black jeans. Alex has on a black button-up shirt and khaki pants.
“Hi Mom, hi Dad.” Trev says, hugging both of them as I let go. Madi waves hello from the couch and Jack gives my mom a hug.
“Hi Julie, Gary.” Mom smiles and Dad shakes Jack’s hand. The front door opens again and Jim and Ellen, followed by Dumb and Dumber, walk in, crowding the entryway. I hug both of Jack’s parents then move to hug both Quinn and Luke. Trev takes Mom and Dad into the dining room where Madi and Alex are finishing getting dinner set out on the table. Jack hugs his parents and then does the weird bro handshake thing with both of his brothers. Quinn looks at me funny and then leans down to whisper in my ear.
“Why the hell are you guys all wearing nice clothes? This is what I slept in!” I laugh and Luke smirks. I herd the 3 boys into the dining room. Quinn and Luke sit across from Jack and I. Trevor is sitting next to my mom and dad. Madi and Alex are across from the Hughes. The dinner flows smoothly but I can tell Jack is nervous from the way his knee is shaking constantly under the table. I rest my hand gently on his thigh and his knee suddenly stops.
“Hey, family.” Everyone gets quiet and looks at Jack and I. I feel Jack take a deep breath and I lean back in my chair. Quinn catches my eye and winks at me, calming me slightly, even if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
“Mom, Dad, Julie, Gary, This is going to be a bit of a shock. Especially since I know Charlie and I have talked to both of you about waiting to get married until I was settled in the NHL and she’s through college. But Char and I talked through things and we’ve decided we’re going to get married now. Um, I know I should’ve asked for your blessing, Mr. Z, Mrs. Z, but it was something we just figured out today.” I watch my parents’ faces, along with the Hughes’ faces. Quinn looks amused and Luke’s mouth is hanging open. Madi nudges him and his mouth snaps shut.
“Getting married? You’re 18, Jack, sweetie. Are you sure you two are ready for everything that comes with that? Especially heading into your first professional hockey season?” Ellen asks, holding tightly to Jim’s hand. I nod and Jack pulls my fingers into his.
“We’re ready. We’re sure about this. I mean, you guys have done an amazing job raising both of us. I’ve always wanted a love like you and Dad’s, Mom. Jack is the person I get to share that with.” Mom smiles at me with tears in her eyes.
“Alright baby. If you’re sure about this.” Dad smiles too.
“Wait, let me get this straight, y’all are getting married?” Luke asks, resting his chin in his hand.
“Yeah, and I want you and Q to stand up there with me. We agreed that we would just have a small ceremony at the house in Toronto. Just our families, Madi and Alex. We’d keep it on the down-low for the time being. Then later, maybe once the season is over, we’d have a big elaborate wedding reception party thing with everyone.” Jack says, looking at his parents. His mom nods and Trev coughs.
“I get to be his best man! Mads is Char’s maid of honor. Alex, Luke, and Quinn are Jack’s groomsmen.” Trev’s smile on his face shows exactly how he’s feeling and I can’t help but laugh at the fact that I’m pretty sure my brother is more excited about me getting married than I am.
“Wait, one female attendant and 4 male attendants? That won’t work!” My mom says, sitting up and looking at me.
“Honey, you need at least 3 more female attendants.” Ellen says as Jack slides his hand between my thighs and traces circles on the inside of my thigh.
“I know. But these are the only people I really want there. I’m okay with just these people at my wedding.” Jack smiles, gently kissing the side of my forehead.
“I know you already said yes but do we get to plan a big “surprise” engagement? You would have to act surprised though, Charlie.” Mom says, smiling as Jack laughs.
“Oh my gosh, I’ll act surprised. But yeah, you and Mads can help Jack plan all that.” Mom smiles and turns to Madi, who also has a big smile on her face.
“Alright, real wedding talk. You want this wedding at the Toronto lake house? How soon?” Jim asks, looking at Jack and I.
“Oh my gosh! Can I be a bridesmaid?” Luke asks, suddenly standing up and looking at Jack and I with the same crazy look I saw in Jack’s eyes earlier. The whole table bursts out laughing and I smile.
“Luke, you can be a bridesmaid if you want, but maybe not wear the dress? I love you for offering. I also think Jack would prefer for you to stand with him.” Jack smiles and looks at Luke with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s nice Hughesy.” Trev says, fist-bumping Luke.
“Okay, back to the original topic. Yes, at the lake house. Well technically at the Cape building we used for the one dinner last summer. And since Alex, Jack, and Trev all leave within the next 2 months, it’d have to be as soon as we can get it planned.” I say, looking at Ellen and Jim.
“Okay, let’s set a date then. Jack reports September 19th, Trev, Quinn, and Alex are both on September 13th, so before then. How about August 30th? It’s a Friday and we can all just spend the week up there before, getting everything ready. Then you two can go to your apartment in Newark for the rest of the month, finish getting it all ready until Jack has to report.” Jack’s face drops.
“Oh crap, we probably need to actually decide on an apartment. And soon.” I nod and Jack shows me his phone.
“I messaged the landlord of this building and he said we could move into a 4 bedroom apartment on the 14th floor on September first. Which would be right after we get back. The building, The Colonnade, is about 10 minutes away from the stadium and training facility. What do you think?” I take his phone and scroll through the photos. The apartment looks big and isn’t as expensive as most of the other ones Jack and I have looked at. Especially for having 4 bedrooms.
“Let me and your mom have a look.” Ellen says, reaching for Jack’s phone. I hand the phone off to her.
“Now the big question is, is there a guest room for me, Trev, and Madi to crash in when we come to visit?” Alex asks, nudging Jack.
“Yeah, me too! We’re all gonna come visit!” Luke says, bouncing up and down like the teenage boy he is.
“Yeah, there’s a guest room. There’s honestly probably enough room for all of you to visit at once.”
I lay down on the bed, exhausted from getting Jack’s family lake house ready for our wedding tomorrow. Madi flops on the bed next to mine and groans.
“I love you but I’m so tired of getting ready for your wedding.” I laugh and cover my face with my pillow.
“I feel you. As excited as I am to be married to Jack, I’m so sick of cleaning and getting things ready.” Madi rolls on her side and looks over at me. I run my hands through my hair and close my eyes.
“Dude, this is crazy. Like it’s still processing that you’re gonna be married in less than 24 hours. Married!” Madi’s eyes get big, almost like a bug. I laugh, rolling over and falling onto the floor with a bang. I can hear footsteps running up the stairs and our door flying over. Madi and I are both dying laughing when Jack and Trevor burst through the door, Alex not far behind.
“Babe! You okay?” Jack says, rushing to where I’m laying on the floor. Madi and I are both still laughing.
“Honey, I’m fine, I’m fine!” I say, sitting up and leaning against his legs. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and lets out a deep breath.
“Guys, we’re gonna party so hard tomorrow! I’m psyched!” Trev says, bouncing up and down on my bed. Luke and Quinn make their way into the room and sit down on Madi’s bed next to Alex and Mads. Trev is stretched out on my bed.
“Um so since our parents are here, does that mean no drinking?” I look up at Alex, confused.
“We’re all legal here. Plus it’s my wedding so I will be doing whatever I want.” Jack says, laughing. Everyone laughs and I hear the front door slam downstairs.
“Kids, we’re home!” The parents had gone into Toronto for dinner and shopping. Alex’s mom and dad had ended up coming with us, along with Madi’s mom and dad too. Madi’s parents counted me as a second daughter, and with Madi being in the wedding, they came along. Alex’s mom was our photographer. They were all getting here tomorrow morning since the wedding was in the afternoon.
“Madi, we picked up your dress!” Madi jumps up and runs out of the room. I had picked out Madi’s dress and hadn’t let her see it before I had bought it for her to wear. It was a long sky blue off the shoulder dress that would look absolutely gorgeous with her hair and skin. The boys and I follow Madi down the stairs to where Ellen is standing with the dress bag. Madi unzips the bag and gasps.
“Oh my gosh! Char, I love it so much! I’m gonna go try it on!” She runs into the bathroom as the boys scatter to the different couches and I sit down on the floor between Jack’s legs, my head resting against his stomach. Suddenly the bathroom door flies open and Madi spins out. The dress fits her perfectly and makes her look radiant.
“Oh my gosh, wow Mads! I love it so much!” I say, smiling. Alex’s mouth drops open, he’s speechless.
“Dude, your girl is gonna look so good tomorrow!” Trev says, nudging Alex but Alex still can’t find his words. Madi walks over to him and kneels in front of him.
“Baby? What do you think?” Alex looks up and smiles.
“It looks amazing, baby girl.” He kisses her and I smile, leaning my head against Jack’s leg. Quinn gets up and walks to the fridge, pulling a bottle of Smirnoff out of the fridge.
“Night before the wedding shots!” He shouts, setting the bottle down and smiling.
“Do I really wanna get drunk the night before my wedding? And spoil my own fun for tomorrow? Sure why not!” Jack says, reaching for one of the shots Quinn just finished pouring. He hands one to me and everyone else around us.
Alright, 3, 2, 1!” Quinn counts down. Luke starts to cough and I flip around.
“Oh my gosh, Luke! Give me that!” I shout, taking the shot glass out of his hand.
“Damn! I forgot you’re only 16!” Quinn says, laughing as I glare at him.
“Not like it’s the first time…” Luke says, dabbing Trev up and turning around. Luke disappears and the rest of us continue taking shots. The parents finally make their way back out to the living room.
“Kids, are you planning on doing anything? It’s your last night before you’re stuck together forever.” Jack’s dad says, sitting down on the couch and wrapping his arm around Jack’s shoulder. We all laugh and I look up at Jack and smile.
“I don’t know, I was kinda planning on just hanging out on the dock and just spending it with these guys.” Jack says, motioning to the gang gathered around us. I nod and the boys all stand up.
“Hold up a minute. Jack, you’re coming with us. Mads, you’ve got Charlie.” They pull Jack to his feet, almost knocking me over.
“Wait what? Guys, stop it!” Trev turns to look at me, a grin covering his face.
“Chillax, Sista. We’re just gonna have a little fun with Jacky Boy on his last night of being a “boy.” Don’t worry.” I raise an eyebrow at Jack as he is herded out of the room by Quinn and Alex. He has a goofy smirk on his face and blows me a kiss as they grab their jackets from the hallway.
“Don’t worry, we’re going with them. We’ll make sure they’re responsible.” My dad says, grabbing his jacket as Jim grabs his jacket and the boys make their way out the door. Madi moves to sit on the couch next to me. I cross my arms, watching the headlights of Jim’s car leave the driveway.
“And we’re gonna have a spa night and get you all pretty and ready for tomorrow.” Madi says, grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs while Ellen and my mom go into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and glasses. We go to my room and she points towards a bag with light blue tissue paper sticking out of it sitting on my bed.
“Open it!” She says, excitedly. I pull the wrapping paper out and pull out a light blue t-shirt. I unfold it and it has 3 words on it. The first one, ‘Girlfriend’ is crossed out, the second one, ‘Fiance’ is scribbled out and the last one is ‘Wifey’ in a fancy script. There are black pajama pants in the bag too.
“Awe Mads, I love it so much. This really still doesn’t seem real that I’m gonna be Jack’s wife. Guess I have to get used to being introduced as his wife to people now, huh?” She smiles and leaves me to put the pajamas on. My phone buzzes and I grab it off the night table, seeing Jack’s name on the screen.
Jack💙: Hey Baby, just wanted to let you know that I love you a lot and I can’t wait to have you asleep on my chest tonight :)
I smile and send back a red heart. He reads the message and I shut my phone off. Mads walks back into the room, sporting a shirt the same shade of blue as mine and the same pajama pants. Her shirt has 3 words too but none are crossed out. The words are ‘Best friend’, ‘Sista’ and ‘Maid of Honor’.
“Awe Mads, these shirts are too cute. I love them.” She smiles and hugs me.
“I know I’ve already said it but I’m so so so excited for tomorrow! You’re gonna be Mrs. Jack Hughes in less than 24 hours!” She squeals, jumping up and down. I laugh and jump with her.
“I know I know I know! Now let’s go downstairs and watch a movie with my mom and future mother in law.” She laughs and takes my hand as we run downstairs. Ellen and my mom are both sitting on the couch, glasses of wine in their hands, “Bridesmaids’ pulled up on the TV. Madi and I both flop on the couch and I grab the blanket Jack had given me as a joke for my birthday. It had a picture of him, Trev, and Turcs from when they won Worlds 2 years ago. It was a picture they had actually sent to me but they looked really little and it always made me laugh. I wrap myself in the blanket and snuggle into the couch. The evening is uneventful with the moms going to bed as soon as the movie is over and Madi and I turning on ‘Friends’ after. Madi falls asleep after about two episodes and I stay up, sort of waiting for the boys to get home, mainly just not wanting to go to bed because I know I won’t be able to sleep because of the excitement I’m feeling. My eyes are just starting to close when headlights flash through the window. The car doors slam and I hear the front door open, the boys coming in quieter than I expected. I walk out to the hallway and watch Trev, Alex, and Quinn head upstairs, probably going straight to bed, trying to avoid the hangover I know they’ll all have tomorrow morning. Luke walks in, my dad and Jim not far behind.
“Hey, Char, Jack’s waiting for you down at the dock.” I nod and smile.
“The moms and Madi are all asleep. I’m gonna go get Alex or Trev and have them take her up to bed.” The dads nod.
“I can get her. Actually, better have Alex do it. He’s the least drunk out of the two.” I laugh and nod, heading upstairs to get Alex. I push his door open, seeing him on his phone.
“Hey Turcs, go down and get your girlfriend. She’s asleep on the couch.” He puts his phone down and rubs his eyes.
“Alright, I got it. Go have fun with your lover boy.” I smile and leave his room. I grab the blanket off the couch before heading out the back door and walking down to the dock. Jack is sitting in one of the chairs, his head leaning back against it.
“Hey baby, how was tonight?” He turns around, a smile on his face.
“It was fun. I drank the least out of everyone and Quinn tried to get a girl to come home with him. Luke had a ton of fun watching Quinn, Alex, and Trev act like idiots the whole night.” I smile, glad the boys had fun.
“I’m glad you had fun tonight. Bubs, I’m so excited for tomorrow.” I say, settling on his lap with the blanket wrapped around me. He kisses the side of my neck and I can feel the smile on his lips.
“Baby girl, I know. I’m excited too. You know, I’ve been thinking about this day since I met you. You’ve always been my dream girl. I’ve never wanted anyone else. I’m so excited to be able to introduce you to all the big important New Jersey people as my wife.” I smile, turning my head to kiss him.
“Jack, I love you. I always will.” I say as I pull away.
“I love you, Charlie Grace.” He says as I hear running footsteps down the dock.
“Dad says you two probably need to be heading to bed. Since we have to be up and finish getting stuff ready for tomorrow.” Luke says, stomping down to where Jack and I are sitting. I look up and nod.
“Can I have one last hug Dukes? Before I’m related to you?” He laughs and nods. I stand up, leaving the blanket on Jack’s lap. I pull Luke into a hug and he wraps his arms around me. I gently kiss his cheek and pull away.
“Love you, Baby Hughes. We’ll be in soon.” He nods and heads back inside. I settle myself back on Jack’s lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He holds me close and I close my eyes. His thumb gently rubs my knee, giving me an overall sense of calm. I can feel Jack placing gently, soft kisses up and down my neck.
“Honey, if you keep that up, I’m gonna fall asleep out here and you’ll have to carry me inside. So we should probably go inside.” I can feel him smile and he starts to move.
“Okay, sweet girl. Let’s go inside.” He lifts me up off his lap and wraps the blanket around me a little tighter.
“Aren’t you glad I bought you that blanket? You use it all the time.” I laugh, leaning into his chest as we walk up to the dark house. The only light on is the back porch light and the light in our room. Jack leads me up the stairs and into our bedroom.
“You know, technically, this is like the opposite of how the night before our wedding is supposed to be.” I say, flopping on our bed.
“Sweet girl, you realize nothing about any of this is normal. We’re 18...Getting Married tomorrow...And moving in together next week. Babe, it’s all the opposite of how things go.” Jack says, pulling his shirt off and grabbing a pair of sweats out of the dresser. He replaces his jeans with the sweats and I bite my lip, smiling at Jack.
“Okay okay, hold up. We’ll save that, the best thing, for tomorrow.”He says, laying down next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist, and pulling the covers over us. He kisses my cheek and rolls over to turn the bedside light off. The dark envelops us and I close my eyes. The next thing I know, Jack is kissing me awake.
“Morning sweet girl. The boys and I are heading to the hotel. I can’t wait to see you. 6 more hours until I get to call mine. For good.” I sit up and kiss him, cupping his face. He gives me one last smile then heads out the door. I roll over, feeling the excitement wash over me all over again. Madi comes bouncing into my room, with my mom and Ellen not far behind.
“It’s your wedding day, it’s your wedding day!” Madi sings, jumping on the bed next to me. I smile and Mom looks at me with the same misty eye look she’s been giving me since Jack and I announced to our family.
“Alright my gorgeous girl, time to start getting ready! Let’s make you more beautiful!” Madi pulls me downstairs and drops me into the armchair in the living room. She hands me a black robe and two other ladies walk into the room.
“This is Linda and Mary. They’re gonna do your hair and makeup for today.” I nod and go into the bathroom to put on the robe. I come back out and Madi is sitting in one of the chairs at the island. Ellen and Mom are both double-checking on the dresses, making sure they’re ready for us to put on when we’re finished. I sit down next to Madi and the woman I think is named Mary starts running a brush through my hair. She turns on a curling wand and begins the two braids that I had decided on with Madi last week. She braids my hair and then curls what’s left down. I look over at Madi and she looks amazing. Her makeup looks perfect for her. But with her crazy messy bun, she looks kinda crazy. I laugh and she giggles.
“Dude your hair looks so good. I love it so much.” She says, standing up and moving to where I’m sitting.
“Thanks, girl. Your makeup looks so great but you look kinda crazy.” Mom and Ellen both laugh and Mads and I switch places. Linda starts on my makeup, going with the basic but still done up look Madi had decided on for me. I close my eyes, letting the makeup artist do her work. A few minutes later, Mom is handing me my phone.
“It’s Trev.” She says, walking away and going to get her hair done.
“Hey buddy, what’s up?” I ask, glancing at him on my phone.
“Um well...We can’t find Jack.” My heart drops.
“What? You’re joking right?” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I wish I was joking...He got all ready and we were heading downstairs to go to the car and he just disappeared. He won’t answer any phone calls or texts. Oh wait, Alex found him. Never mind, we’re good.” I take a deep breath and roll my eyes.
“Trev, remind me to kill you when this is all over. Are all of you boys ready? Is Luke’s tie tied? The right way?” Trev nods and smiles at me.
“You look gorgeous, Charlie. I love you, see you in a few.” I smile and blow a kiss to him. I hang up the phone and Madi looks at me.
“Okay, now let the poor lady finish and stop worrying, Charlotte Grace.” I laugh and close my eyes.
“We have to leave in 45 minutes. Charlie, you’re just going to put your dress and everything else on when we get to the building. Your flowers, the boys, and everything else is already there.” Ellen says, checking her phone. I nod and Linda sighs.
“Young lady, I’m never going to be able to finish your makeup if you don’t sit still.” I suck my lips in and remain as still as I can be. Finally, after about 10 more minutes, Linda finishes the last part of my makeup.
“Alright Charlotte, we’re all done. Mary and I will be at the venue to provide any last-minute touch-ups needed for you, Madi, or the mothers.” I smile in thanks and then head upstairs to finish packing up everything I need to take to the venue with us. I grab The Blanket off the bed and fold it, sticking it in the bottom of my bag. I grab my shoes and my extra clothes bag. Mom and Ellen are waiting in the car with Madi and the dress bags. I pull on Jack’s sweats from last night so my legs aren’t exposed under the robe. I head downstairs, grab a blackberry Hint from the fridge, the first thing I’ve eaten or drank all day, and head outside. Madi had ordered food for us that was going to be waiting at the venue so I would have something to eat before all the excitement. I slip into the back seat next to Madi and she smiles.
“I just got off the phone with Alex and Trev. They locked Jack, Luke, and Quinn all in a room. Q and Luke are making sure he doesn’t escape and keeping him entertained. Your dad and Jim are double checking all last minute things and our food is ready in your room.” I smile in thanks and look out the window.
“You’ve been pretty quiet today, Char. You okay? Not getting cold feet or anything, right?” Mom asks, turning around to look me in the eyes.
“No, no. I’m fine. I’m excited. I love Jack, I could never dream of marrying anyone else. It just still doesn’t seem real.” Mom smiles.
“I remember having the same feeling on my wedding day. I’m sure Ellen does too. It will seem real very soon. Speaking of which, you’re still planning on doing the first look with the boys right?” I nod and look back out the window. The venue, a small building on the grounds of the country club the boys usually worked out at when they were up here, was gorgeous on the outside. It was decorated with white lights and covered with sweet pea vines. It looked like something out of a fairy tale.
“Alright baby, let’s get you into the building. There’s a door on the side of the building, see that path there, that leads to the womans’ room. Head in there and Ellen and I will go see where all the boys are. Madi, help her get into her dress.” Madi grabs both dress bags from the trunk and follows me inside. The room is a farm girl’s dream. Everything is modeled after a farmhouse vibe and is part of the reason I love it so much. Mads hangs the dress bags up and then turns to look at me.
“This is the big moment. We get to complete the princess transformation. This is even better than the prom!” She squeals as I sit down on the couch.
“You put your dress on first. I wanna see how your dress looks on you before I put mine on.” The door to the room opens and Mrs. Turcotte sneaks in.
“Just gonna snap a few “before” pictures.” She says, smiling and positioning herself. Madi grabs her dress and slips into the connected bathroom. I pick at the chicken salad that had sounded so good a few hours ago. Now, the nerves are suddenly bubbling up. What if Jack and I aren’t meant to be? What if this was a bad idea and we don’t work out? I shake my head, clearing those thoughts away as the door opens to the bathroom. Mad steps out, looking like something out of a dream. I gasp and Turcs’ mom snaps away. Madi twirls, letting the dress flow out around her.
“I seriously love this dress. I may have to just get it in white for my wedding.” Mama Turcs and I laugh.
“Oh please girl, don’t you and Alex go pulling something on me like this. This is wonderful for Jack and Charlie but I don’t know if I could handle it.” I smile.
“You’re right Mama Turcs. It takes a special kinda love to do this as young as they are. I love Turcs but yeah no.” We all laugh and I take a sip from my water. Madi looks at me and shakes her head.
“Stop it, Char. Just eat your food.” I look up at her, glad she can read me so well.
“I know.” She points at my food, which suddenly sounds good again and I start to eat. I hear a knock on the door and Mrs. Turcotte goes to answer it.
“Mom, is Madi in there? I need to talk to her. It’s kinda important…” I hear Alex ask. Madi walks towards the door and steps outside. Ellen walks in, wearing the light blue dress that matches with the blue that’s scattered randomly around the venue. Mom and Ellen both went dress shopping together a few weeks ago for their dresses and both picked out pretty ones that look really good on them in the light blue color Jack and I decided on.
“Alright Charlotte, we’ve got about 30 minutes till the first look. We decided we’ll do a private one with just you, Jack and Shelly. Then we’ll do the one with Trevor, Alex, Quinn, and Luke afterwards. We figured you’d want to see Jack first.” I nod and continue to eat. Madi comes back in.
“Okay, the boys are ready whenever you are. Jack is freaking out but in a good way. I swear, if that boy doesn’t cry when he sees you, I’m dragging you out to the car and we’re running away.” I laugh and hug her.
“I know Mads. How’d Alex handle seeing you all dolled up?” She rolls her eyes.
“He wanted to make out with me right there. Like boy, I have all this fancy makeup and you’re trying to ruin it? No thank you!” I laugh and she nods, a smile that hasn’t left her face all day, still there.
“Okay, you’re done now. Let’s go put on your dress, please? Mama Turcs has some pictures she wants to do. Uh, has Trev came by yet?” I shake my head as she follows me into the bathroom with my dress bag. My dress was about the plainest wedding dress I had ever seen but it looked gorgeous on me. I had fallen in love with it the second I had tried it on plus, it had pockets, my one requirement of any dress I wore. The top half was lacy and delicate with thin straps that crisscrossed in the back. The skirt and train was an almost ivory tulle fabric layered to fall just perfectly. My veil would be pinned in just above the two braids and my shoes were ivory heels with a square heel so they wouldn’t break while I was walking around in the grass. Madi and I had gotten pedicures and manicures two days before and my fingernails and toenails were a very light pink, almost no color at all. I closed my eyes as I slipped the robe and Jack’s sweatpants off. I had to put on nude underwear and a weird bra thing before putting the dress on. I put both on and turned to Madi. She’s holding the dress, ready to help zip it up. I slip it on and let it fall. It feels nice against my skin. She zips it up and I look in the mirror.
“Oh my gosh.” Is all I can say as I cover my mouth, biting my tongue to hold back the tears. Madi stands to the side of me and smiles.
“You’re ready Charlie. And I just wanna say, we did a pretty good job picking this stuff out. I mean come on,” She says, grabbing my hand where the engagement ring from Jack rests.
“You picked the perfect boy, he picked the perfect ring, and we picked the perfect dress. Tell me this isn’t your dream?” I smile, still fighting the tears, and turn around to hug her.
“Thank you, Madi, for being my best friend every step of the way. I love you.” She squeezes me and I can feel the smile on her face.
“Love you too, now stop it before you and I are both in tears and ruin the gorgeous makeup job Linda did.” I laugh and take a deep breath. I follow Madi out into the room where my mom, Ellen, Mrs. Turcotte, Dad, and Jim are all waiting. They all gasp and smile when I walk out. Dad and Mom both cover their mouths, fighting tears. Ellen is already crying, Jim has a smile on his face, hugging her to his side.
“Darling girl, you look gorgeous. Jack is going to be awestruck when he sees you.” Dad says, coming to hug me.
“Thanks, Daddy-o. You look pretty spiffy yourself.” He smiles and kisses my cheek softly.
“Now I know this isn’t tradition but Trevor asked me if he could walk you down the aisle. He would’ve asked you himself but he’s not allowed to see you right now. What do you think?” Dad asks, looking at me as Madi is pinning my veil on.
“I mean, we’ve done everything else in our lives together, might as well do this. But I totally get to walk him down at his wedding.” Everyone laughs and I smile, the most genuine smile I’ve felt all day.
“Alright, we have a little area set up just a short walk that way, we’re going to meet Jack over there.” Mama Turcs says as I finish checking myself in the mirror. She points in the direction I had seen the boys walking when we pulled up. I nod and head out the door, wrapped in The Blanket. I find the little gazebo where Jack and I had said ‘I love you’ for the first time, 2 summers ago. It was all decorated with white lights and white flowers. Jack is standing in the center, a box in his hand, and a light blue blindfold over his eyes. I smile, seeing the smile on his face and unwrap myself from the blanket, folding it up and handing it to Madi who heads back towards the building.
“Alright Charlie, when you’re ready, you can go ahead and take the blindfold off of Jack. I’ll be taking pictures the whole time.” I smile and nod. I take a deep breath and step forwards.
“Charlie? Before you take off the blindfold, I want you to open the box. It’s a present from me and the boys. Mainly me.” He smiles under the blindfold. I take the box from him and open it. Inside is the most beautiful necklace. It’s a teardrop-shaped pendant with a diamond in the center, surrounded by tiny gold and diamond pieces. It sparkles in the sun.
“Baby, I love it. Thank you.” I say, leaning in and kissing him.
“You’ll have to help me put it on once you can see me.” He laughs and I smile.
“Are you ready to let me see you?” He asks, his face growing serious but soft. I smile and reach behind his head to untie the blindfold. The blindfold drops and he blinks. His eyes widen and his mouth drops open. He covers it with his hand and I watch the tears grow in his eyes.
“Bub, you look beautiful. I...I can’t even put into words what I’m feeling right now. You look so good!” He says, almost jumping back and pumping his fist. He runs his hand through his hair and he grabs my hands, pulling me in.
“Jack! I love you!” He laughs and comes back to me, hugging me close.
“I don’t wanna mess up your lipstick again but can I please kiss you? That’s the only appropriate thing I wanna do right now.” He says, giggling and wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggle right back and he leans in, kissing me. His tongue slips in my mouth and I almost moan, but remember that Turcs’ mom is literally 10 feet away with a camera. Jack finally pulls away, but not before exploring every corner of my mouth with his tongue.
“I just, you’re so beautiful. And so, so damn sexy, mama.” I laugh and he interlocks our fingers, walking back down the path with Mrs. Turcotte snapping the whole way.
“Ready to face your brother and my brothers?” I roll my eyes and nod.
“Baby, I just wanna be married already. I wanna be Mrs. Jack Hughes.” He rolls his eyes back and audibly moans in my ear. I bite my lip.
“That’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He says, kissing my cheek as we walk up behind the boys and Madi. Madi raises her eyebrows, asking me if I’m ready to reveal myself to them.
“Alright, boys, ready to see your sister? She looks hot as hell.” Madi says, crossing her arms and looking at the four boys standing in front of her.
“3, 2, 1, look!” They all four turn around and their faces are about as priceless as Madi’s was earlier.
“Holy crap Char, you look so good! Like damn!” Luke says, nudging Trev whose mouth is stuck open.
“Damn Charlie, you look amazing! I’m impressed!” Quinn says, dabbing me up as I laugh.
“Yeah really Char, you look awesome!” Alex says, coming to hug me. I hug him, smiling at Trev who is still awestruck.
“Hi, bubby, what do you think?” I ask, unattaching myself from Alex and walking over to him
“Wow sis, you look so good. Like so good! I’m so proud of you and I love you so much. Look I’m crying!” He says, pointing at the tears running down his face. I laugh and pull him into a hug. He gently kisses the top of my head.
“Oh, and I hear you said yes to letting me walk you down the aisle? Good.” He says, pulling away but leaving his arm slung around my shoulders. Jack takes my hand and I smile. These are the people I’m choosing to spend the rest of my life with. And I’m so excited to see where I go with them.
“Alright gang, time to take my favorite wedding pictures. Alex, can you go in and get the box of flowers on the table? It has all the boutonnieres and the girls’ flowers. We’ll need them.” He nods, heading inside to grab them. Mrs. Turcotte starts positioning all of us for the first few photos. She puts Jack and I in the middle, Madi and eventually Alex on my left, Trev in the middle, down in front of Jack and I, then Quinn and Luke on Jack’s side. The parents fill in around us and Jack leans in and kisses me. Alex somehow manages to slip my flowers into my hand and Mrs. Turcotte snaps away. We go through so many poses then Mom checks the time.
“Alright Hughes-Zegras family and Co., this wedding starts in 10 minutes. Let’s get inside and get all situated. Trevor, you’re walking your sister down the aisle, correct?” Trev nods and turns to me. He sticks his arm out and I link mine through it. Jack kisses my cheek and whispers, “I can’t wait to see you walk down that aisle, future Mrs. Hughes.” I smile and kiss him quickly. Quinn and Luke follow him inside and stand at the end of the aisle, waiting for our parents to be sitting down and all ready. The preacher is already in position and waiting. The music, an acoustic version of ‘I Won’t Give Up’ by Jason Marz, without words is playing softly. Jack and I both loved that song and had kind of declared it our song. It also described the way Jack and I wanted our relationship to be. Jack walks down the aisle and stands, ready for me to come. Quinn and Luke walk down next. Luke trips and almost wipes out. I cough to contain my laugh and he looks back at me, giving me a thumbs up. I smirk and nod to Madi and Alex. They start their walk down the aisle.
“You ready baby sis? You can still back out. I’ll hide the evidence of Jack’s body.” I laugh and shake my head.
“Come on, bubby, let’s do this.” Trevor sticks his arm out again and I loop mine through it. We begin a slow march down the aisle. Trev pulls me close to him and hugs me, kissing my cheek then handing me off to Jack who’s waiting with a smile. He takes my hand and we turn to face the preacher. He launches into the whole “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...” speech. Jack keeps leaning over and whispering “You’re mine tonight” in my ear. I bite my lip and catch Madi’s eye. She grins, knowing exactly what’s going on.
“Trevor, the rings please.” Trev pulls the two ring boxes out of his tux pocket and hands them to Jack and I. We remove the rings and hand them back to Trev.
“Now it is time for the couple to share their vows. Jack, you first.” Jack pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and clears his throat.
“Charlotte Grace, you’re my soulmate. I’ve known that since the day I first met you. I have loved you since the beginning. With this ring I’m about to give to you, I give you my promise to hold on to you no matter what and to never let go. I promise to love you no matter what. I promise to take care of you, no matter what’s wrong. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll be there. I’ll be your shoulder to cry on. Charlie, you’ll never be alone. I love you.” He finishes, slipping the ring on my finger. I smile, the tears forming in my eyes mirroring those in Jack’s. I catch Madi, Mom, and Ellen all wiping tears as Jack and I exchange a smile.
“Okay, my turn!” Everyone laughs as I pull out the paper I had worked on for weeks beforehand.
“Jack Hughes. The golden boy. Mr. Perfect. The love of my life. To this day, I’ll always hold on to the first time I was introduced to you. You made some dumb snarky comment and it was all I could to keep myself from falling in love with you. Thanks, Trev, by the way.” Everyone laughs and I smile, winking at Trev over Jack’s shoulder.
“But Jack, I love you beyond a shadow of a doubt. There’s nothing that could ever change the way I feel about you. I’ll love you forever, Jack. Through sickness and health, through victory and defeat, through trials and trades; through everything. With this ring, I give you all those promises. I’m trusting you with me. Everything I am. You’re all I want and I am genuinely so excited to get to spend the rest of my life with you.” Jack’s crying now, I’m crying now, everybody’s crying. I grab Jack’s hand and slip the ring on his finger. I blink and slow the tears. Jack takes a deep breath and regains his composure.
“And now, by the power vested in me by the state of Toronto, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Jake dips me down and kisses me. Everyone cheers and he lifts me back up, the smile on his face matching mine. We walk back down the aisle to the song ‘Best Day of My Life’ by Imagine Dragons. Everyone else follows us out and gathers in the hallway as Jack and I go ahead into the reception hall. Across the hall from the room we held the wedding in, is the reception room. After Jack and I had a few minutes to regroup and to share a few kisses not appropriate for in front of our families, they’re allowed in and sat at the long table set up for us. Jack and I sit at the head, Madi to my left and Trev to Jack’s right. Alex is next to Madi, Quinn and Luke are on Trev’s side, with my new in-laws next to them. Dad and Mom are next to Alex and all I can do is smile. We all get drinks, champagne of course since it is a celebration, resulting in Luke getting a little too excited to “try his first drink”, even though I’m pretty sure everyone knows about what goes on at NDTP parties. Madi stands up and gets everyone quiet.
“So, since you guys are now officially married and you’re Charlie Hughes now, we’ve planned a little surprise for you two. Each of us has prepared a speech that we’d like to give and then there’s gifts from each of us. I’m going first.” She says, staring the boys down. Jack and I laugh and he interlaces our fingers, resting our hands on his knee.
“Charlotte Grace, you’ve always been my best friend. Since as far back as I can remember, it’s been you and me. Well and Trev but he usually was too cool to hang out with us. But I always knew that we were inseparable. There was no one else I’d rather tell my secrets to, cry over boys with, laugh with. You are my soulmate and will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Now you’re married, which was scary, at first. I thought I was going to lose you. But I know, no matter what happens, you will always be my person and things will never change between us. I love you so much. Now Jack. You changed Charlie’s world. I had never heard her talk about a boy the way she did you. You treat her with the love and care that she deserves. And although she may drive you crazy, I know you do love her so much. And if she ever gets to be too much to handle, I’m just a call away.” Everyone laughs and I lean my head on Jack’s shoulder.
“I honestly thought this was just some crazy idea you had to try and get her to come with you to Jersey, at first. But now I know, you really do love her and not only want but need her in your life. So thank you Jack, for taking care of and loving my soulmate, sister and best friend as much, if not more than I do. I love you both, congratulations.” Madi finishes, tears in her eyes and mine as she hugs me then sits back down.
“Okay, best man’s turn.” Quinn says, nudging Trev as he stands up.
“So it took me forever to figure out what I was gonna say. I mean, talking about my kid sister and my idiot of a best friend? Oh boy we’re in for it.” We all laugh and Trev smirks, looking up from the paper he’s reading from.
“But then I thought about it. These two people, two people I love more than anyone else in the world, decided that they loved each other enough to decide to spend the rest of their lives together, and for that, I couldn’t be more proud to call Charlie my sister and Jack, not only my best friend but now my brother. Now I’m gonna tell you a little bit about what it was like in the beginning, although pretty much all of you were around for it. I always kinda figured Jack would be the one of us to settle down first. I mean, he started dating my sister basically as soon as we all moved into town for NDTP. But I definitely wasn’t expecting it to be this soon. Or that I would be standing at my baby sister’s wedding a month before her 19th birthday. But I love Jack and Charlie. They make each other happy. Jack makes my sister the happiest I have ever seen her, even happier than when I got my license and was able to drive her to get food all the time.” Everyone laughs and I smile at Trev.
“Plus, getting to see my girls all dressed up and looking beautiful is always great.” He says, looking at Madi and I and winking.
“Boys, not too shabby either. But anyway, congratulations to Jack and Charlie. May you have the happiest life, the life you both deserve.” Trev raises his glass and everyone toasts Jack and I. Luke and Quinn stand up next.
“Hi everyone, you all know us. We’re the comedic relief. Or Dumb and Dumber, as Charlie so affectionately calls us. We’ve had the luck of getting to watch Charlie and Jack from the beginning. Charlie was this super awesome, really funny, drop dead gorgeous girl that Jack would not shut up about. But, like always, Jack was a little scary cat and wouldn’t do anything about it. So, with some scheming, meddling and a whole lot of intervention and teamwork from Madi, Alex, Luke, Trev and I, we made it happen. And now, we’re here today, celebrating two of the very few people I don’t hate. Congratulations, we love you both, and welcome to the Hughes family, Char.” I smile and hug Quinn and Luke both. They pat Jack on the shoulder and sit back down. Madi nudges Alex and he coughs, standing up.
“Um...So I’ll be honest, Madi wrote my speech.” Alex starts, smirking as Mads nods and we all laugh.“Just like 95% of things I do, I put it off until the last minute and probably wouldn’t have done it if she hadn’t finally done it for me. But anyways, I owe the two of you a huge thank you. You two are the entire reason I even have Madi. Charlie, you told me to go for it, Jack, you helped me realize how much I need her. And now, getting to see the two people who made sure I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, now get to be this happy? Makes me feel so awesome. So thank you, so much. Jack, we’ve been buddies for a while now. Charlie rocked your world the second she stepped into it, 2 years ago. You’ve never been the same and Charlie is the reason. Charlie, you’re the sister I never had. Congratulations to you two, I love you both.” I smile and hug Alex.
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atmilliways · 4 years
On the 2nd day of Dethmas this writer gives to thee…
Dec 14 - Kissing under the mistletoe (or office party shenanigans)
Charles gets roped into the role of Santa Clause at the holiday office party. 
The dreaded Dethklok Inc. office Christmas party was coming up—dreaded not by the band or most of the employees, who typically had a blast, but by the CFO who had to arrange and organize everything before and after, up to and including the inevitable handful of resulting funeral arrangements.
Charles was looking forward to it even less than usual, because the band had thrown an absolute shitfit to get him to agree to play Santa this year. He didn’t know why they wanted him to do this. The party didn’t even normally have a Santa. His first thought was that it was Toki’s idea, but on second thought Toki tended to lack the charisma to get the rest of the guys to throw in with him on niche interests like that.
But fine. Whatever. He’d agreed to do it once, and next year he could simply point to whatever came of it this year as an argument against repeating the experience.
He kept telling himself that right up until donning the red and white Santa suit, the iconic hat, and the fake beard. (The damn thing was so big that practically all he could see of his own face in the mirror were his eyes. At least they were letting him keep his glasses.) Then he took his seat in a throne-like chair that had been special ordered for the occasion, specially decorated with carvings of presents, the most unsettling depictions of Christmas elves that he’d ever seen, and skulls with real candles balanced on them, lit and already beginning to dribble red and black wax . . . and immediately felt that somewhere in life he must have made a grave, grave mistake to have ended up here.
The band took the stage in the center of the hall, half the room away from where Charles sat, and went into a jumbled “Merry Christmas, go fuck yourselves!” sort of speech. He mostly tuned it out until—
“And hey, errybody,” Pickles slurred into his mic, “don’t ferget ta sit on Santa’s lap and tell ‘im what you want fer Christmas!”
That had not been part of the discussion, let alone the agreement, but at this point what was he going to do about it? Besides hope that grown men and women hired for their professional abilities would have no interest in sitting on the lap of the man who signed their paychecks.
“You can’t have a pony,” Charles said flatly. “There isn’t space for one in the employee barracks, and even if there were it would be both impractical and unsanitary.”
The Klokateer perched on his lap, crushing the feeling out of his legs, tittered and took another sip of his holiday punch through a straw poked up under his mask. “Oo-kay Mr. Grinchy-claus, no pony for me then. Aren’tcha going to say ‘ho ho ho, Merry Christmas’?”
“Ho ho ho. Now go away.”
Laughing drunkenly, the man lurched up and made his way off the Santa podium to get a refill of punch. The next Klokateer in line had an Online Division pin on one shoulder and a spiked eggnog in her hand. Charles braced himself for yet another request for fewer blocks on searching for porn using company computers.
“Hey look, it’sch Schanty Clausche!”
Charles grimaced behind his beard. “Hello, Murderface.”
The first of the boys to visit him, Murderface seemed to be in unusually high spirits. His ass landed on Charles’ knees like a ton of bricks. “Wow,” he crooned with exaggerated delight, “Schanta really does know all the namesch of the good little boysch and girlsch!”
“Very funny. Would you mind telling me whose idea this was?”
The bassist shook his head. “Hey man, I’m not here to narc on my bandmatesch, I’m here to tell Schanta what I want for Chrischtmasch. ”
“Alright. Fine. What would you like for Christmas.”
Murderface looked around furtively, then leaned in and whispered, “A dischguische kit.”
“A . . . disguise kit.”
“Yeah! I’m tired of being mobbed whenever I go out in public, scho I need it. For camouflasche. ”
Charles couldn’t remember a single incident of a fan mob forming for just Murderface; it only ever seemed to happen when one or more of the other band members were with him, though there were probably a few people who did wander up and ask for an autograph. There had been one unfortunately memorable band meeting a few months ago where Murderface had bragged about someone wanting to touch his penis for good luck, pleased at the recognition but at the same time calling said fan an ‘incredibly fucking gay regular jackoff.’
“I’ll, ah, make sure that’s added to the list,” Charles assured him, and breathed a sigh of relief when Murderface nodded in satisfaction and stood to leave.
“Hey, knock knock.”
Charles sighed from the depths of his soul at this second Dethklok visitation. “Who’s there.”
“Nathan Explosion,” said Nathan Explosion, dropping unceremoniously onto his lap.
Luckily, the beard hid Charles’ wince at the impact. He was probably going to have a lot of weird leg bruises tomorrow. “Nathan Explosion who.”
“Nathan Explosion, here to tell you you’re the party ho ho ho! ” Nathan broke into riotous laughter and clapped Charles good-naturedly on the back, causing him to accidentally inhale a mouthful of fake beard.
After a moment to catch his breath, Charles nodded along. “Very amusing. What would you, ah, like for Christmas, Nathan?”
“I need new pants.”
Well, that was unexpectedly straightforward. “New pants. You got it.”
“One hundred pairs. Exactly one hundred.”
“Just, uh. A couple inches bigger in the waist. For the holiday weight that I am definitely going to lose in January.”
He couldn’t feel his legs; this was not the time to point out that Nathan wouldn’t have time to wear all one hundred pairs of new pants between December 25th and the start of January, nor that January as a deadline for such a drastic fitness undertaking was probably an unrealistic deadline.
“That’s fine, Nathan. One hundred pairs of pants. I’ll make sure, the, ah, elves get the message.” Maybe he would throw in some math flash cards while he was at it.
Toki weighed less than the first two, but was unfortunately so excited that he landed on Charles’ lap hard . Definitely, definitely going to have bruises.
“God Jul, Charles —I means Santa!” the guitarist chirped, bright-eyed and swaying slightly. Charles fervently hoped he wasn’t about to throw up; he didn’t even think being covered in vomit would do much to get him out of this holiday circle of hell. “Merries Christmas!!”
“Merry Christmas to you too, Toki. What do you, ah, want to ask Santa for this year?”
He didn’t have a watch, but he estimated that Toki’s list, plus miscellaneous excited chatter, took at least half an hour and mentioned many things he knew for a fact that Toki already owned.
“Eeuyghh, looks, it ams everys-ones favorites butler,” Skwisgaar said, then folded himself gracefully into a sitting position. After an hour or two of being sat on like this and having plenty to compare it to, Charles wondered if the man was eating enough.
This was in spite of the fact that Skwisgaar was toting around a small plate loaded with various cheeses, fruit, and greasy finger sausages skewered on toothpicks. Party food. To Charles, who hadn’t realized that this gig would take so long and therefore hadn’t eaten in advance, it smelled wonderful.
The Swede must have noticed him eyeing it, or perhaps heard the growl of his stomach over the noise of the surrounding party somehow, because he smirked and held it out in offering. “Pickle says for you to haves this. Gots to keep yous strengths up, you knows.”
Pickles, Charles noted as he balanced the plate off to one side on one of the less obvious and candle-less Christmas skulls. He also pulled one of the sausages free of its toothpick and reached under the beard to jam it in his mouth. Still warm.
“Thank you, Skwisgaar,” he said once he’d finished chewing. “Now, what can I get for you? Ah, as Santa. Ho ho.”
“Everyones know it ams three ‘ho’s, dildo.” Skwisgaar steepled his fingers. “But I woulds like five ins mine room to enjoy ons the Christmas morning. You know the kinds I likes?”
Charles didn’t know what he’d expected. “It’s my job to know, so . . . yes.”
“Greats.” The guitarist patted him on the shoulder of his Santa suit. “Glads that ams sorted outs. Keeps up that good works, yous.”
Then he got up and wandered away, leaving Charles to realize that he hadn’t had a chance to ask him who was behind this whole Santa idea.
Charles finished the plate of food before Pickles made an appearance. He also realized that he could persuade his increasingly inebriated employees to bring him more food, and also drinks, by threatening them with cleanup duty after the party. (He was not in a generous mood; the ones that tried to weasel out of it at first would get cleanup duty regardless of whether they eventually caved or not.) There was no way to escape the alcohol content in the drinks—even when he asked for water it came spiked with vodka or peppermint schnapps, because everyone wanted to see the company’s CFO hammered.
At least they knew better than to roofie him, because Charles would have them killed.
He saw Pickles coming from a mile away. Maybe it was because Charles knew that once all of Dethklok had a chance to visit with “Santa Clause” he would be allowed to escape this torment; maybe it was because he really wanted to know if Pickles was, indeed, the mastermind behind this whole thing; and maybe it was just a tiny bit because he was annoyed the drummer had forgotten to wander over earlier.
But being annoyed at any of the guys was a nonstarter. Putting up with their antics was just part of the job.
“Heeeeeeeeeeey,” Pickles greeted him as he swayed his way over and plopped onto Charles’ lap. Unlike everyone else who had visited Santa this evening, he didn’t stick to perching closer to Charles’ knees but scooted in as close as he could until they were practically nose to nose. Mingled notes of every kind of booze available at the party wafted the short distance from the drummer’s mouth (and shirt, and hands, and dreads), until all Charles could smell was Pickles. “Lookin’ hot in that suit, dood. Is the temp in here okay? Gettin’ a little warm in there?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Charles said, trying not to be too aware that Pickles seemed incapable of sitting still and his ass was rubbing against . . . things. “Ah. Merry Christmas.”
Pickles snickered. “Did Nat’en make that ho joke?”
No one could see for the beard that Charles’ lips twitched toward a smile at that. “Yes, he did.”
“‘M glad yer not a ho, Charlie,” Pickles slurred affectionately. “A'least, not no much'a one. That’d be a bummer.”
“Ah . . . okay.” He didn’t know what to make of that, or the continuing subtle lap dance, so he said, “What would you like for Christmas this year, Pickles?”
“Weeeeell. . . .” Grinning, Pickles waggles his double-pierced eyebrows. It seems like he’s trying to be suggestive, but Charles has no idea what that’s supposed to suggest. The drummer leaned even closer, lips brushing against Charles’ ear as he murmurs, “I kinda already got my present right in front’a me, chief. Just gotta unwrap it.”
All of this was sending shivers and goosebumps down Charles’ spine under the (admittedly warm) Santa suit, but for heaven’s sake, it was just Pickles. When wasted, which he was more often than not, man oscillated between being a destructive drunk and clingy one. Apparently tonight it was . . . very much so the latter. Not a good time to ask about the Santa plot, really.
He had dealt with this before, just not with Pickles literally draped over and inconspicuously grinding on him. Come on, Offdensen, pull it together . Do not get a boner at the holiday office party. No matter how long it’s been!
“Well, ah, sounds like you’re all taken care of then,” Charles hazarded. “All that’s left to do is, ah, enjoy the party. Why don’t you go do that.”
Pickles chuckled, a low, sultry sound that just made the situation even more difficult. “Workin’ on it dood, I’m workin’ on it.” He shifted thoughtfully again, then bit his lip through a grin. “And it feels like we’re gettin’ there, huh chief?”
“I. Ah, what?” At least the big fake beard was concealing his blush better than he’d been able to contain his body’s mounting interest in the increasingly distracting ass squirming around on top of him. This is a public place , he wanted to protest, but didn’t want to risk pointing out something that might be completely unintentional. After all, it was Pickles , who did this sort of thing fairly regularly.
But the next murmured words out of Pickles’ mouth stopped every single one of Charles’ thoughts in their tracks.
“Fuck, even in this stupid suit yer sexy. How d’you do that?” A brief nip, teeth closing and tugging on Charles’ earlobe before releasing with a soft wet pop .
Nothing but overwhelmed static on the other side of that ear; the quiet gasp was completely involuntary.
“C’mon Charlie,” Pickles all but whined, “you don’t have to do this anymore. Jest call it a night and meet me in the bathroom or somethin’, okie?”
The amazing thing, Charles thought distantly, was that from a distance, it wouldn’t look like anything was happening. Just a grown man, swaying drunk off his ass, sitting on Santa’s lap to whisper what he wanted for Christmas. Regular office holiday party shenanigans for a laugh. But under the surface, Charles was starting to feel like a shaken champagne bottle.
“You, ah,” he managed. “You do realize that you, ah, seem to be prepositioning me for, ah. Sex?”
Pickles leaned into him with a laugh. “Like I said, dood, that’s what I’m tryin’ ta do. Fer like, fuckin’ forever. For a smart guy you can be pretty stupid, y’know that?”
“Ah.” Charles shifted awkwardly and nearly choked when Pickles very pointedly pushed into it at the exact right moment. “There’s . . . a chance I’ve been told that before,” he hedged, already vowing to himself that he would never admit how many times. This isn’t something he ever would have looked for, but mistaking Pickles hitting on him for god only knew how long for just being an affectionate drunk? That was pretty fucking funny if you thought about it, and he'd consumed just enough alcohol so far to really give it some very serious thought.
And . . . his job was to keep everyone in the band happy.
“So, ah. There are several bathrooms off this hall. . . . Which one did you have in mind?”
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aliciameade · 5 years
Ready Or Not
Title: Ready Or Not Author: aliciameade Rating: E for Every Lady Gets an Orgasm Pairing: Beca/Chloe Summary: AND THEY WERE QUARANTINED.
Also on AO3
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It’s funny, Beca thinks, how you can live with someone for years going about your separate but intertwined lives that when your government tells you to stay inside, to only socialize with the people you share a home with, how quickly things can change.
“Chloe, will you please turn off the news? I can’t listen to that idiot anymore.”
“Sorry; it’s like a train wreck. I can’t look away.” Chloe finds the remote in the cushions of the couch and changes the channel to the E! Network.
The news isn’t much different there; they’re showing videos celebrities have posted on social media about how bored they are or singing off-key versions of ‘Imagine’ to try to uplift the public only for the anchors, two of them standing six-feet apart, to debate whether or not such things are in poor taste.
“Are we supposed to feel bad for these multi-millionaires being stuck in their mansions with their huge yards and private swimming pools?” is the point being argued.
“Yeah, boohoo,” Beca says as she drops onto the couch next to Chloe. She’d gone to the kitchen to get a new bag of chips but managed to make a healthier decision and came back with a bowl of grapes instead. “We don’t even have a pool.”
“But at least we don’t have a bathtub in our kitchen anymore,” Chloe says as she helps herself to a few of Beca’s grapes.
Beca nods in response. This whole social distancing thing would have been a lot more irritating if it had happened last year when she and Chloe shared an impossibly small studio apartment (if you could even call it that) with Fat Amy. The thought of being locked in that space for weeks makes Beca’s skin crawl. She loves Amy, but she is not the tidiest or quietest of roommates.
She glances at Chloe, fresh-faced and hair damp after the shower she just took, tucked into her couch-nest with a fuzzy blanket and thinks there are about a million worse scenarios she could be stuck in than this one.
It had been nice to get that paycheck from Khaled’s record label. It had been just as nice for Amy to get access to the hundred-plus million dollars she somehow had. They were able to part ways without the guilt and drama Amy was prone to when asked to take responsibility for something. She’d been eager to drop a cool ten million on a house in the South of France. It made Beca’s job of breaking the news that she wouldn’t be renewing their lease a lot easier.
She’s still not quite sure how it happened, though. Maybe it was because Chloe was the only one who didn’t suddenly have an unnecessary amount of money at her disposal. Maybe it was because their orbits were always drawn to one another.
But when Beca moved to Los Angeles and bought a house, Chloe rush-applied to area veterinary schools to beat the looming application deadlines and managed to get into one.
They hadn’t even really discussed it. “Beca moving to LA” was inclusive of “Chloe moving to LA to live with Beca.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t post that video of us playing catch out back,” Beca says as they watch the debate about people who are privileged and whether they are out of touch with reality or if hardship and inconvenience is relative.
“Maybe not,” Chloe agrees.
It’s not that Beca thinks she’d ever show up as a debate topic on tabloid television, but she’d rather not risk it.
“What do you want to do today? And don’t say Monopoly,” she adds as soon as Chloe’s mouth opens to answer.
Chloe immediately whines. “But I want us to play!”
“And I want us to still be friends when this is over,” Beca says with a biting, sarcastic smile.
“Ooh, I know!” Chloe says, unfazed by Beca’s rejection. “Let’s get drunk!”
“That’s not really an activity…” Beca says but she knows she’s going to lose this debate.
Chloe’s already detangling herself from her blanket and heading toward the kitchen. “If getting drunk at 3:00 in the afternoon isn’t acceptable during a viral pandemic, then when  is it?”
Beca just shakes her head. She’s opposed to the idea, it’s just that Chloe is so...Chloe.
Chloe who usually gets her way, not because she’s a good negotiator but because Beca finds it almost impossible to tell her ‘no.’ (Activities that would lead to contempt and arguing like a game of Monopoly are exceptions.)
“Beer or wine?” Chloe calls from the other room.
“I don’t care,” Beca yells back. If there’s one thing they stocked up on far more than she knows was necessary, it was alcohol.
She should have made a choice. She knows better. When Chloe returns, she’s holding a bottle of expensive tequila, a shot glass nestled in one of two tumblers, and a plastic bowl of ice.
“Oh, whoa, seriously?” she says as Chloe sets her wares down on the smooth black coffee table with a smile. Shots of tequila weren’t exactly what Beca had in mind.
“Calm down, I have to make another trip. I’m making margaritas.”
Not that she wouldn’t have done them if that had been Chloe’s intention.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
“You know what we should do?”
Beca looks down at Chloe who’s using Beca’s leg as a pillow. “Hmm?”
“We should play hide-and-seek!”
Beca’s not sure what she expected Chloe to propose, but it definitely wasn’t that. “Dude, what?”
“Yeah!” Chloe says, suddenly full of energy after dozing on the couch for a few minutes. She scrambles to sit up. “Come on; it’ll be fun!”
All she can do is stare at her and her dumb, pretty face. “Fine,” she relents (much too easily).
Chloe squeals and immediately covers her eyes with her hands. “I’ll count to 100. Go.”
Beca’s reluctant agreement morphs into nervous adrenaline as soon as Chloe begins counting and she leaps off the couch, stumbling when her foot gets caught in Chloe’s blanket.
She hears Chloe laugh through her numbers and realizes Chloe can hear her route. She mutes her steps, creeping quickly but quietly away as her mind races for the optimal hiding spot.
Then she’s got it.
She walks as lightly as she can through the house until she’s taking the stairs two at a time to get to what will eventually be an office or study (she hates herself a little that she bought a house that will have a study in it). It’s still empty save for a few dozen books on the shelves, some of them novels, some of them old textbooks. The room has a closet and when Beca had been scoping out good storage spots in the house for things like seasonal decorations, she’d found what was arguably a creepy-as-fuck hidden door in the wall of the closet.
She never got around to telling Chloe about it; she’d been at a day-long lab that Beca didn’t want to interrupt with a text and then she promptly forgot about it.
Until now.
She creeps through the second floor, wincing when she hits a squeaky floorboard in the hallway. The rest of her journey is silent, though, and she pops open the push-latch door to slip inside and close it behind her.
She can hear Chloe’s voice faintly yelling, “Ready or not, here I come!” and regrets not bringing her phone with her.
There’s no way Chloe’s going to find her any time soon. Plus, it’s pitch-dark.
Chloe’s voice echoes around the house, taunting Beca as she searches downstairs. It makes Beca snicker because Chloe is way, way off until she can tell she’s making her way up the stairs.
“You could at least make it difficult for me,” Chloe says somewhere in the hallway, still taunting as if it will goad Beca into revealing herself.
She can hear her opening and closing closet doors in the hall and the other rooms but she remains confident even when she can hear Chloe’s voice quite clearly from the study a few feet away.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Chloe sing-songs and Beca hates that it makes her anxious. Her voice is louder like she’s just outside the door that Chloe doesn’t even know exists when it suddenly pops open, blinding Beca with a flood of light.
“Gotcha!” Chloe says with a jump of victory but Beca’s too quick for her, something her petite stature is good for. 
She scrambles out of the closet and past Chloe. “You didn’t tag me!” she yells, grinning as she launches into a full sprint, nearly sliding down the stairs to make it back to the couch in time.
“We didn’t declare a home base!” Chloe shrieks behind her and Beca can hear her running, too.
“It’s the couch!”
“Not fair!” Chloe yells and Beca hears her on the steps.
It makes her launch herself onto the couch, right over the arm of it and she scrambles for the blanket to hide under even though she’s already safe; it’s silly adrenaline and she can’t stop smiling as she hears Chloe in a full-out run through the living room.
“No!” Her cry of defeat is nearly a wail and Beca’s still savoring victory when the wind is nearly knocked out of her.
“Dude!” she says when Chloe lands right on top of her. “I made it back, you can’t tag me!”
She fights to hang on to the blanket as Chloe tugs it away until it’s off her face, leaving Beca to sputter and try to blow hair out of her eyes. She stops when she sees Chloe above her, face flushed from excitement and exertion smiling down at her. But the smile is fading, bit by bit, into something else and it feels like the air around them shifts.
“You cheated,” Chloe says.
Beca has to swallow the sudden lump in her throat. “Not my fault you don’t know the rules.”
She keeps waiting for Chloe to move off her and let her up, to tell her it’s Beca’s turn to count and Chloe’s turn to hide, but instead, Chloe seems to get heavier, to press Beca further into the couch beneath her.
An eternity seems to pass. She struggles to keep her gaze steady; it’s hard to hold eye contact with Chloe in a normal setting: they’re so bright and full of life. It’s a relief when Chloe’s are the first to break eye contact but only until Beca realizes Chloe’s focus shifted, albeit briefly, to her lips.
Her heart had been racing from the excitement of the game and the thrill of the win but suddenly it’s for an entirely different reason.
When Chloe looks up again Beca can’t help but let her own eyes flick down, almost feeling like if Chloe was allowed to, Beca should be allowed to, too. It’s subconscious for Beca to wet her lips when she sees the way Chloe’s are parted the tiniest bit.
Her mind races as quickly as her heart. She’s thought about this so many times over their decade of friendship. The way they’ve always danced around each other (while still dancing with each other all the time). How it wasn’t even up for debate that Chloe would move to Los Angeles, too. How she didn’t hesitate to put the house in both their names, not just her own. How she’s been a little bit (a lot) in love with her friend for so many years.
She wonders if Chloe’s moving closer or if it’s her imagination. If she is, she’s moving so slowly it’s almost indiscernible, but her eyes keep flicking down and back up. It’s excruciating to wait to find out what is about to happen. What Beca thinks is about to happen.
What Beca decides to make happen as she lifts her head and presses her lips to Chloe’s.
It’s another eternal moment but it passes in the blink of an eye.
There’s some kind of sound from Chloe, maybe a whimper?, and Beca’s not quite finished regretting her actions that will surely make things super weird between them when Chloe’s tongue slips across her lips and into Beca’s mouth.
It shouldn’t happen so fast. It shouldn’t be so natural for Beca to tilt her head to the left just as Chloe tilts hers. She shouldn’t feel so hot so quickly; Chloe helps as much as she contributes to it, suddenly tugging at the blanket between them to let it fall to the floor. It gives Beca a second of cool air before Chloe’s body is on her instead. It shouldn’t be so mindless for her to twist her hips and part her knees so Chloe can fit against her more comfortably.
It shouldn’t be a lot of things, but Beca stops listing off all the things it shouldn’t be in favor of all the things it is.
Like how desperate and heated their kiss has become. How Chloe doesn’t seem to know what to do with her hands since this began in a slightly awkward position but doesn’t quite want to stop to rearrange herself so instead her fingers bury themselves in Beca’s hair.
Beca doesn’t have the same problem. Her hands are free to roam, and she lets them roam.
Chloe’s back is solid beneath her hands. She can feel it every time Chloe takes a breath. They’re uneven and deep and in synch with Beca’s because the only chance they have to take in air is when Chloe lifts her mouth from Beca’s. Even the few seconds they spare for oxygen feel like too much time apart for Beca and she finds herself chasing Chloe’s lips even though they’re both breathing hard.
She catches Chloe off-guard, cutting into their oxygen break with her tongue. She’s thought endlessly of what it would be like to frame Chloe’s perfect face with her hands, tilt it to the angle she wants, and keep her there to make her submit to whatever Beca wants to do to her mouth.
The moan that escapes Chloe when Beca does just that, tongue pushing far into Chloe’s mouth to explore before retreating to start licking over Chloe’s makes a sound escape Beca, too.
It’s as though the mutual audible release is gasoline to a lit match.
Chloe’s entire body shifts forward into Beca and it makes Beca moan again and give up the brief control she had as Chloe kisses her so hard her head presses uncomfortably against the arm of the couch. Her neck is going to be killing her tomorrow but she doesn’t care. There’s only one thing aching right now and it’s between her legs where Chloe’s hips are resting, though they’re hardly at rest.
Beca doesn’t know at what point they started moving together but her hips are lifting to meet Chloe’s every time Chloe’s rock forward into her. 
She parts her knees further until she finally just gives in and hooks her left leg, the one not pinned against the back of the couch, around Chloe’s waist.
She hears her name on Chloe’s lips, an exhale between kisses that somehow keep getting hotter and wetter...just like she is elsewhere. Chloe’s hips shift their angle; it’s subtle but the difference is immense and the moan that escapes Beca when Chloe rocks into her in the exact right place is almost embarrassing.
She doesn’t have time for embarrassment, though. Not when Chloe pulls back from the kiss to look down at her. Her slow, steady pace doesn’t let up, though, and Beca knows she just wants to see Beca’s face while she does it. She knows because if their roles were reversed, she’d want to see Chloe’s reaction, too.
It’s intense to be watched this way. She wonders if Chloe is fully aware of just how much she’s affecting Beca, if she’s thinking about how far this could go or how quickly. If she wants it to.
The way she’s looking down at Beca, though, her eyes dark as she finally starts to adjust herself so her arms aren’t trapped, tell Beca Chloe isn’t thinking about stopping.
Beca’s fine with that.
She moves with Chloe, both of them shifting down on the couch so Beca’s neck isn’t stuck at a terrible angle and so Chloe can finally prop herself up on an elbow. She watches—and feels—Chloe’s hand ease out of her hair, fingertips drifting along Beca’s cheek and jawline to her neck. They stroke softly there, along her throat and Beca swallows. Chloe’s watching so intently, both where her fingers travel and how Beca responds to them.
She wants to ask for more but isn’t quite sure. Isn’t quite sure if this is cabin fever and a brief (it has been anything but brief) make-out session between bored, tipsy close friends. Isn’t quite sure what it will mean for them if she lets go of what little self-control she’s maintaining and rocks herself into Chloe until she comes.
She lets her own hands roam again, beyond Chloe’s back and neck and shoulders and hair to her throat, mirroring with both hands how Chloe’s fingers are touching her. Her skin is hot beneath Beca’s fingers and she can feel under her jaw the way her heart is pounding. She can feel how she swallows when Beca’s fingers find the dip between her clavicles and how her breathing speeds up after easing during their momentary break from kissing as Beca’s fingernails trace along the smooth skin along her décolletage. There’s so much of it on display.
Chloe’s touch is now following Beca’s, drawing lines and circles along the edge of her V-neck tee. 
Beca gets stuck, though; Chloe’s skin feels so nice under her fingers and she’s never touched her, not like this, along the lines of her collar bones and the tendons in her neck and the slight dip that will give way to cleavage if she were to follow it. She gets stuck but Chloe doesn’t. Chloe’s touch finally breaks past the collar of Beca’s shirt to travel lower, over the thin material. It only takes a second or two before her fingers are grazing over the curve of Beca’s left breast.
Beca’s entire body tries to arch into it, a reaction that makes Chloe’s jaw drop, which is the last thing Beca sees before her eyes close when Chloe leans down to start kissing her again.
She whines a little, starting to feel desperate (an understatement) for release. 
The sound seems to spur Chloe on, her kiss quickly returning to the deep, passionate exchanges they’ve been sharing. The hand at Beca’s breast gets more daring, more exploratory and Beca knows when Chloe finds its peak, not because she feels it (God, she feels it) but because Chloe’s touch slows, circling the surely visible rise.
Beca’s hands just fall away from Chloe, not because she doesn’t want to touch her but because her brain’s ability to do more than one thing at a time is being reduced. Meeting Chloe’s tongue and lips and pushing her hips into her, again and again, is about all she can manage.
Chloe must read her mini-collapse as further surrender (it was, really) because her exploratory touch, circling Beca’s nipple again and again with the edge of her fingernail, suddenly changes. Her fingers close against it and Beca’s thin bra and shirt might as well be nonexistent for as much as she feels it. Beca groans and her hips throw themselves up into Chloe with needy force and Chloe echoes her, pushing into Beca harder, her pace suddenly increasing.
It’s so difficult to breathe with Chloe’s tongue filling her mouth again and again but Beca’s ready to suffocate before she gives it up.
She also knows she’s going to come. Soon. She’s resigned herself to it and will deal with the consequences later; she feels she has a solid defense: Chloe tonguefucking her mouth the way she has been is a pretty stellar excuse.
She doesn’t know where the fuck she learned to kiss like this, but Beca is so, so grateful.
She can hear herself moaning, can hear how often it’s happening. She can hear Chloe, too, and the sound is turning Beca on almost as much as the way Chloe’s touching her.
The incessant attention to her nipple disappears and she whines in protest but all Chloe does is shush her and then kiss her more deeply. She feels Chloe’s hand on her stomach and sucks it in not out of vanity but because it almost tickles. But her hand is steady; it doesn’t linger to risk bumping into what are Beca’s few ticklish spots (Chloe knows them well). It moves confidently lower and Beca gasps when she feels her fingertips move over the waistband of her leggings because there’s only one reason Chloe’s hand would be moving in that direction.
The sound she makes when Chloe’s fingers graze between her legs, over the thin, form-fitting material of her pants, is obscene.
It makes Chloe’s mouth rip away from hers. “Fuck, Bec, you’re so wet.”
Beca hadn’t thought of that; she hadn’t thought about the fact that she was in leggings and nothing else because why did she need to be for a day of lounging around and what would happen if she ended up grinding with Chloe on the couch.
If Chloe means for her to respond she doesn’t give her enough time to do so. Her mouth is on Beca’s again to swallow Beca’s pitiful groan as fingers press down firmly against her. Now she can feel what Chloe felt, the soaked fabric slipping against her body with every lift of her hips.
As suddenly as Chloe cut her off her kiss ends again and Beca watches her lift herself a little higher; she wonders what she’s doing until she realizes Chloe’s not looking at her. 
Well, not looking at her face, anyway.
Her focus now is between their bodies, specifically between Beca’s legs where her fingers are starting to rub and stroke, cutting the time Beca knows she has to wait to come in half, if not more.
She tries to say Chloe’s name but it gets caught in her throat when Chloe shifts from watching, awestruck, as her fingers touch Beca to dropping her hips to pin her hand between them and against Beca.
She moans in Beca’s ear, not quite making it back to her mouth. Beca knows her supporting arm has to be tired but Chloe not stopping is so hot and sexy. Her own arms finally work and she yanks them out from between their bodies to wrap them around Chloe, to run them up her back and into her hair to hold on.
She has to hold on because Chloe’s hips are bucking into her like she’s really fucking her (and she is really fucking her) and the urgency of her moans and gasping breaths in Beca’s ear make it register that not only is she fucking Beca now, with her hand where it is, she’s fucking herself, rutting against the back of her own hand.
It’s hard and fast now; there’s no teasing or precision touching. It’s contact and friction and neither of them need more than that.
Beca’s first to slip, the nonstop assault on her senses becoming too overwhelming. Chloe moaning in her ear on the verge of ecstasy. Chloe’s hips and Chloe’s fingers grinding and rocking against her. The now phantom memories of Chloe’s tongue twisting around Beca’s and fingertips pinching and rubbing her nipple.
She holds on, not thinking about whether or not her fingernails are scratching Chloe’s shoulders or if she’s pulling too hard on her hair, as her body rocks into an orgasm she’s been waiting to experience for ten years.
She hears Chloe and knows they’re coming together, an uncoordinated yet simultaneous release of energy and stress and tension that somehow increases in intensity as it unfurls between them until there’s what could be a sob in her ear. It’s not, though; it’s just Chloe coming down from her orgasm.
Something Beca never, ever thought she would actually bear witness to.
Chloe’s body is heavy on hers, no longer holding herself up at all but Beca doesn’t care. She just pushes Chloe’s hair out of her face and over Chloe’s shoulder so she can turn her head and put her mouth on Chloe’s heated neck, immediately sucking a mark into it. Everything feels so primal, so raw, even in the increasing afterglow but she’s spent.
She’s so, so spent.
If Chloe’s delay in moving at all, in any way other than her fingers which are still rubbing against Beca, is any indicator, she’s spent, too.
There’s a long, heavy sigh in her ear and Beca releases freshly purpled skin and feels her body fully sag into the couch, Chloe’s pleasant weight keeping her from floating away.
Chloe does start to move after a few minutes of quiet sighs and slow, sometimes chaste, sometimes sensual kisses and when she finally removes her hand its absence leaves Beca feeling cold and needy, despite what just happened.
“Bec—” Chloe starts and something about her faces tells Beca she’s about to apologize or in some way dismiss what just happened.
“That was amazing,” Beca says to interrupt whatever Chloe might have been thinking about saying.
A smile of relief breaks on Chloe’s flushed face and she drops down to kiss Beca again, hard and happy before she’s pulling away with finality. They’re a fair bit entangled and they’re both laughing by the time Chloe tiredly gets back onto her knees to fall back onto her ass at the other end of the couch.
She doesn’t offer Beca a helping hand to sit up, but Beca honestly doesn’t blame her. Chloe just did all the work; it’s the least she can do to push herself up until they’re sitting, both still red-faced and not quite breathing normally, on opposite ends of the couch.
“Just...give me a minute,” Chloe says before her head lolls back to rest on the couch and her eyes close.
Beca gives her the minute and uses it to take in her appearance: the flush of pink on her chest, the hardness of her nipples, the (Beca can’t help but look with curiosity) obvious dark patch between her legs on the gray sweatpants she’s wearing.
The need to touch—and taste—Chloe is suddenly overwhelming. She’s about to make her move when Chloe lifts her head, eyes sparkling and clear and a smile starts spreading across her features. There’s tension in her limbs and Beca wonders if Chloe is still as turned on as she is.
“Tag,” Chloe says, suddenly reaching out to slap her hand against Beca’s foot before bolting off the couch and heading for the stairs. “You’re it!”
Beca’s dumbfounded for several seconds until she bursts out laughing. It’s a different kind of release than she just experienced, one of pure joy. “I’m giving you 60 seconds!”
“I gave you 100!” echoes back to her.
“I can’t wait that long,” she says to herself. She hopes Chloe’s not actually hiding; she hopes she’s going to one of their bedrooms so they can keep doing what they’ve started.
She knows their future is unknown in many ways, what this means for their friendship, for their relationship with one another. She doesn’t know how much longer they’ll be required to spend all day, every day inside together.
But, she thinks as she finally makes it to the top of the stairs and to her room to find Chloe sitting in the middle of her bed half-naked in only a bra and panties, they have plenty of activities to pass the time.
The End
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The Crane Team: Raise a Glass
In the rundown part of Tokyo, there were nothing but convenient stores, used furniture shops, pharmacies and dental clinics. People were stacked end to end in coffin like apartments, one hundred to a building that would more comfortably fit forty units. Yet this was Japan, so it was still clean. Old people walked the streets that they had walked for years. But there were no fancy shops, no neon lights and no young people save those that went to the internet cafe to play on the better hardware.
Yoko insisted that Crow take a more modest car, so as not to stand out, even though it was not bulletproof.
“Plus it will show that you feel safe here.” She said.
“I’m not safe here though.”
“You are with me.” She smiled at him. He’d been chain smoking the whole way. “Besides, only the owner of the building is an actual Ghost, and he’s already in black prison. It’s just his son here now.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” Crow grumbled, putting the car into park.
“Okay, real talk? Yeah you’re going to turn some heads. People are going to get riled up. It’s just how you handle it! Just pretend it’s nothing and don’t shy away or look guilty. But don’t be belligerent either. Just smile! If you’re not sure what to say, just don’t say anything.”
Crow gaved his head a stressed scratch. “Alright! Let’s do this!” He grunted as he got out of the car.
It was late in the evening, not quite sundown but the bar was already full of patrons. The voices spilled out when she opened the door, ringing the little bell and walked right inside.
Crow kept his eyes forward, despite the fact that the chatter noticeably died down.
Yoko grinned and lowered her hands in a quietening gesture. “Easy, he’s with me.” She said in casual japanese likely learned from rubbing shoulders with the Devil Clan.
People were seated around round wooden tables with saucers of sake, playing cards and dice. Nothing had really replaced Bliss Hall. The Devil Clan still ran gambling establishments but they were scattered hole-in-the-wall places like this.
Yoko displayed a cool, easy confidence that Crow did not feel as she greeted the bartender who gave him a dark look.
“Shouta… I know what you’re thinking. But stop thinking about it. He’s not like some you might have met.”
Crow would have disputed that if he didn’t have such a huge target on his back. He was already counting the likely hidden firearms, as well as hidden exits and places that might block heavy ammunition. But even with this knowledge, he was in a pit of vipers and it was unlikely he’d escape without injury.
“Besides, I bring good news! My budget for the appeals process in the legal department has been approved. Which means, I will be able to hire a few folks from here to go work on getting people out of prison. I just need a name and a number where you can be reached. I’ll be the contact so I won’t share it with anyone else, same as always.” The last words were spoken with a soft sigh.
“You mean you wanna come in here and hire folks to work for Hydra?” The bartender Shouta put a bottle down in front of Yoko and pointedly ignored Crow.
“It’s not working for Hydra. It’s working for yourself and taking Hydra’s money. The cases you’ll be working on will be for Devil Clan members. You’ll be making sure they get a fair shake. It’s easier than running back and forth between the two of you. And you’ll be paid enough to live on your own in Tokyo.” Yoko popped the top off her bottle. “Crow, go ahead and order. Don’t be shy.”
“I’ll have what she’s having.” Crow said, his posture still guarded.
She wrote down a slip of paper and slid it over to the bartender who looked at it. 
Everyone in the bar turned to the bartender who nodded. “Pretty good.”
“Is she for real?” One of the patrons spoke up. “Where will we be working?” A bright eyed young man with a ponytail and a stubble goatee wobbled up to the bar.
“Oh hey… Ryuusei…” Yoko leaned back away from him. “Right in Genji Heavy Industries.”
“Nice!” Ryuusei said. “Hah. I can’t wait to thumb my nose at these execs! Should I buy a nice suit? Heehee.” He looked over at Crow. “I’m Ryouma Ryuusei. Soon to be your coworker!”
Crow was deadpan. “You have to get hired first…”
“Wait… wait… let me see.” Another one got up and looked at the paper curiously.  “Wow! Do we get paid that much? That’s way better than slaving down at the drycleaners. Man, finally I won’t have to work with my parents and maybe… just maybe I can move out?” He sighed and then blinked at Crow. “Oh… I’m Hayato.” He bowed politely to him. He looked barely sixteen. “What do we have to do?’
“Just follow up on the cases and hound the legal department to get things done.”
“You mean we’ll be telling those bastards what to do?” A deep voice boomed. “Sign me up! I’ll work full time!”
“Hey you have to be polite, Koki!” Yoko cut in.
‘Koki’ stomped up to the bar and tossed down a card.
That seemed to break the ice. In a few minutes, Yoko gathered more than two dozen business cards. “Thanks guys. I’ll be in touch. Also, for being good sports about my friend here, drinks are on the house!” 
That seemed to excite them and the mood lifted instantly. She smiled over at Crow as everyone put in orders. Then she looked at the barkeep who was still unmoved. 
“What about the Black Prison?” The man asked.
“I’m still working on that. One step at a time, please.”
“We don’t exactly have a lot of time.” The bartender answered back. 
The mood in the room dampened.
Ryuusei, Hayato and Koki all gave Shouta the bartender a thumbs down. “Money is money and we need money!” They said in unison.
Yoko sighed. “And that’s no way to talk, Shouta. I didn’t think I’d make it to 20 years old. And I still might not for other reasons. But you can’t think that way and expect a reversal of fortune. I still dream of finding a nice handsome man and settling down and having a lovely wedding and raising my kids!”
“Maybe you can raise my kids?” Ryuusei leaned over at her. 
She pushed him away laughing brightly. “You have to get a job first! You can’t expect to live off my paycheck! And that’s just step one!”
“What’s step two?” He asked, not giving up.
“You’re gonna need to get a scholarship to Cassell College. I’m not dating a drop out! As much as I love Japan, I’m not staying here. I have a world to see and promises to keep! I’ve earned my days after all! Once I’ve finished rebuilding the Japan branch with my two hands, I’ll have earned all the more.”
“Hey…” The men around her said with some annoyance.
“It’ll be all me unless you guys step up.” She looked down at them haughtily through her lashes.
“Of course, I’ll step up!” Koki reached for another bottle that Shouta seamlessly slid over to him. “It’s just that I’ll just have to learn to keep my fists at bay! Those Hydras won’t have a nose to look down on me if they keep it up.”
“Don’t ruin it for me though... “ Hayato said softly. “I don’t want to get fired with you.”
Shouta sighed. “You people… fine, get your hopes up. I hope it does work out. I really do. But Hydra and Devils have never gotten along. Don't buy in too much. When things break apart, you don't want them to know where to find you.”
“Come on, Shouta!” Yoko pleaded.  “Don’t kill the mood! Koki can stay out of trouble, Ryuusei will keep brown-nosing me and Hayato just wants to get a good job. If we want the Japan Branch to run independently and we can’t do that without throwing our hats into the game!  You are part of the Japan Branch. No more of this Hydra versus Devil Clan… it’s just Japan from now on!” Yoko cheered, raising her bottle. “To conquering Japan!”
“To conquering Japan!” They all chorused.
“To conquering Japan!” The bottles of cheap beer clinked and the mood in the bar was downright festive.
Yoko had no idea how big the tab was getting. Hybrids were rough drinkers and she swore there were more people in the bar than when she first announced all the drinks were on her. But she smiled over at a still sober Crow who had relaxed considerably. 
Yoko looked different to him. Far from the serious faced woman, she looked more like she actually was, a young college girl out on the town, drinking with her friends. It made sense that she was more at home with the Devil Clan. It was likely true between her and Cassell as well.
She stood up. “It’s true that not everyone we remember can be with us tonight, but we can say because we’re here tonight, we can have another round for them. Right! Serve us another Shouta!” Her eyes sparkled at the barkeep who was finally getting infected by her charm, no doubt persuaded by the healthy tab she was racking up.
“We’ll be able to tell them all about it once they get out. And then we’ll have another round with them!” She added, hiccuping. “On this round, let’s raise a glass to our future! It’s so bright we have to wear shades!”
She handed a bottle to Crow who accepted it with a smile. Shouta raised his own bottle and together, they all drank.
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Red flag pt.3
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Soon brothers.
Just not yet.  :D
In the following week, Mikasa learned more about sex than she ever did before. While the internet itself was a fickle teacher, giving facts and hundred and more opinions from anonymous users, Eren was an endless well of knowledge. It was her who asked first too, he didn’t even try to talk about it before Mikasa brought it up. And how could she help herself, with such an insane bomb being dropped on her!
First things first – she googled the name of the agency he worked at, just to be sure that he was not bulshitting her, but everything he said seemed to be true. The website was there, displaying the “ wide variety of services done by long-term professionals”. Although Eren’s name was not there, he told her that he is listed as Master E, a thing she immediately questioned. Over messenger, of course.
Master E? Damn that’s lame.
You wound me :(
I mean seriously, couldn’t you be something cooler?
Such as?
I don’t know! Master Evil. Dungeon Master. Lord of the Night?
Yea, I’m sure that dungeon master would be turning heads
….. Orgasminator?
Mikasa pls
Lord horsecock
Stoooooop I beg you!
Fine fine, you’re just jealous I’m that much better at naming than you
Sure am.
When he didn’t continue, Mikasa took the initiative.
Sooooooooooo, gonna tell me where the Master E came from?
Simple. Annie wanted to be Mistress A so I just latched onto her vibe
Uh-hu. So you are just that much unoriginal
:( sadly
Just imagining Eren pouting at his phone made Mikasa’s evening that much brighter. She wanted to see more of it.
Latching on Annie, you do that a lot don’t you?
Why is that?
Well, she’s the one who introduced you to this whole thing and even today she is the best at your agency, most advertised one too. Playing catch up your whole life? Maaaaaaster E? :P
Hey, it’s not my fault that men are bigger pervs than women.
To be honest, I don’t mind being behind Annie, she’s good at this. Also, don’t tell her this, but she scares me sometimes
Scares you how :O
Annie can be really brutal when she gets into it. Nothing the clients don’t ask for, mind you, but still. If you’d see her victims….. the wounds……
Mikasa’s breath caught in her throat.
Are you serious?
I don’t know…. Am I?
She frowned at her phone, but still looked when the answer pinged in.
I am partly serious though. She can be a nightmare, sometimes I feel like she’s on a one-woman crusade against the male population. And she’s getting paid for it too!
She sounds like a hell of a woman.
You bet :)
Master E also had several scenes online, to be bought and watched, and a few times Mikasa almost clicked the button and spent her hard-earned cash on kinky porn. It was the promise of a live show that stopped her from doing so. She didn’t know if she’s going to go yet but buying a video of something she could watch happening in real time was a waste of money. No, she wouldn’t spoil that surprise.
She learned much anyway, way too much even, things that made her blush and hide her face, things that made her quickly hide her phone. In moments like these, she was grateful that the communication was being done over the internet, as Eren was way too intense of a person to be talked about this face to face. Here, hidden behind her screen, she could pester him for ages, joking and making fun of whatever he gave her. And, during these conversations, she learned another important thing.
For a guy who was more or less a professional perv, Eren used a lot of emojis in his messages.
It caught her off guard, how normal and easy to talk to he was. She didn’t think that he was a monster or something, but Eren was right when he said that her opinion of him changed fundamentally once she found out about his job. Mikasa found herself texting to him, a lot, and he texted back, snapped photos until she started doing it too, and overall just had a great time. Levi was giving her sidelong glares when he kept catching her while she stared at her phone, grinning like a maniac, but she simply ignored him. How was she supposed to not laugh when Eren just sent her a photo of his cup from a coffee shop with a crying emoji. Apparently, they spelled his name wrong again and kept calling him Aaron.
What’s the most common thing they ask you to do?
She half hid her face in the pillow, already dreading the answer. The three dots that appeared in the corner indicated that he was typing an answer, and soon enough there was a ping.
I feel like I’ll disappoint you here.
Most of my clients are easily satisfied  - basic bondage/dominance stuff works wonders
They could do that with literally anyone else
Like their boyfriends and stuff
Mikasa frowned, typing an answer.
Why don’t they then?
Sometimes it’s the professionalism I bring to the table, and then I understand them.
But often it's just a lack of communication
You’d be surprised how many things can be solved if two parties talk to each other.
I usually advise it too, tell them that they could be doing this with someone they love and not me
You undermine your own clientele like this? Mikasa wrote Why would you do that?
A few dollars ain't worth if they could be happier. Then again, not every one of them takes my advice, it's difficult to open up about things like these.
That gave Mikasa a perfect chance to poke at him.
Not for you, apparently :p
:D true, but I work in the business
The range of things they discussed was wide. Save for her past, which she did not want to talk about, and made it crystal clear too, Mikasa shared a lot. She told him all about her brother and the gym, sent him snaps from her workouts and then typed back angry emojis when he called her sweaty tryhard. His overall ignorance towards something that was a big part of her life did raise a question. Grabbing her phone more firmly, she quickly typed it out.
Haven’t you thought about doing any martial art yourself?
You deff got the figure for it.
A ping later there was an answer.
Bold of you to say that when you never saw me shirtless :P
But nah
I’m a lover, not a fighter
Plus, you’re just trying to recruit me to your gym, aren’t you?
Levi promised you a bonus?
Spill your beans, Ackerman
Damn spammer. Yet Mikasa was smiling again, which made Levi, who just happened to be passing by, groan.
“Don’t you have a client coming?”, he asked.
She shook her head.
“In an hour, I’ve got plenty of time to get cleaned up.”, she made a gesture with her hand, “Now shoo, I’m having a conversation.”
“With Sasha?”
“Huh?”, she looked up, puzzled, “Why would it be Sasha?”
“Cause I never saw you smiling this much before.”
One week turned to two, and suddenly the day of Eren’s show was here. He remained true to his word, never bringing that event up, keeping it completely in her hands, if she wanted to show up or not. Mikasa was uncertain. The mystery pulled her in, she wanted to see these things for herself. Watching it on the internet is one thing, but live show….
All the stories Eren told her only fueled such a flame. He always omitted names and such, for the discretion of his clients, but he didn’t hold back on the details. To be fair, Mikasa did ask for those.
Sasha wasn’t much help in her decision process either, because Mikasa didn’t want to share all the details about Eren yet. She told her friend that the guy from the bar invited her to a strange-looking place, and wanted to know if she should go.
“Did you two fuck?”
Mikasa frowned, realizing that Sasha can’t see her over the phone.
“No Sash, we didn’t. He’s a friend.”
“Oh, okay.”, there was a crack on the other side as she probably munched on another potato chip, “And is he a friend-friend, or friend-you-would-like-to-fuck?”
“Why is that the question?”
Sasha giggled.
“Dunno just wanted to ask.”
“You’re not helping at all….”
“Because it's easy! You either trust that guy and go or don’t trust him, block his number and never see him again. Boom, solved!”
If only it was so simple.
Yet when the day rolled around, Mikasa woke up with a decision in her mind. She’s going to go there. Eren was a great friend, and she was curious about this whole thing. She will be masked, anonymous, and if there is something she won’t like, the door will be there. This raised another question, however, of what does one wear to a BDSM club.
Mikasa, in her vanilla life, did not feel the need to buy anything made of leather or latex and wasn’t about to start now. There was one pair of leather paints she used to own until one day a completely random guy on the street told her that her ass looks really good in them. Mikasa threw those pants right out that evening. Public exposure was something she was NOT looking for. So, she had a small variety to choose from anyway. Mostly jeans, one or two skirts and a single dress that she wore to prom and that probably wouldn’t fit her anymore. Standing in front of the wardrobe, she contemplated calling Sasha again but ultimately decided against it. Mikasa Ackerman is a grown woman. She can choose her own clothes, damn it.
In the end, it was just a simple shirt and jeans combo. She reasoned that it added to her secretiveness, as anyone could wear what she was wearing. Satisfied with her completely basic appearance, she headed for the door, grabbing the keys and popping her head into the kitchen.
“I’m heading out.”, she announced, “Borrowing the car too.”
“Oh? And you tell me now?”, Levi tsked, shaking his head, “Damn brat, you really have no manners. When will you be back?”
“Later, maybe tomorrow. Don’t wait up.”
The words were already forming in Levi’s mouth, but Mikasa spoke faster.
“I’m an adult, so please. Just don’t.”
And, to her surprise, he didn’t.
“Fine. But if there is even a single scratch on the car, I’m taking it out of your paycheck.”
“That’s fair. I’ll see you later then.”
“Later.”, he was already half-turned back towards the Tv, before he added, “Drive safely.”
And that’s how, an hour and a half later, she was standing in front of a completely unassuming building. The door was just like any other, with a small sign and everything, not strange in the slightest. The security guard might have been a bit of a giveaway. He was tall, wide and dressed in a tailored suit that fit him perfectly. When Mikasa approached, he sized her up and down.
“I’m afraid that this is a members only club.”, he spoke in low barytone, “Do you have a card?”
“I uhh... I was told that I can come in. I’m a friend of Eren, my name is Mi-…”
The guard raised a hand before she could finish.
“No names, please. We pride ourselves on anonymity.”
Seeing Mikasa nod, he continued.
“Mr. Yeager did tell me that someone might be coming and that I should let them straight in. So I will do just that.”, he stepped aside, “Once you enter, the masks will be to your right, and after choosing one please don’t forget to return it. Enjoy your stay.”
Mumbling her thanks, Mikasa dipped inside, finding herself in a small room. There were the masks, just as the guard said, and another door that led to the club itself. She could hear muted music coming through. First things first, she stepped closer to the selection, casting an inspecting eye over it. There were several types, all possible shapes and sizes form full hoods to tiny eye-masks. After a bit of healthy consideration, she grabbed a black one that covered the upper half of her face, more than enough to remain anonymous. It was not likely that she would meet anyone that knew her anyway, let’s be honest. Masked, ready as ever, curious and wanting to see more, Mikasa took a deep breath and entered the door, stepping right into Eren’s world.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ [Thanksgiving Special! 🦃]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 4,439
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“Oh, oh, oh, it’s Thanksgiving, we’re gonna have a good time. With the turkey ey! and mashed potatoes ey!. We are gonna have a good time. It’s Thanksgiving~” Nicole Westbrook, “It’s Thanksgiving”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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Oh look, the Author’s Note is at the top this time. I bet you’re thinking, ‘Well shit, this can’t be good!’ And you’d be right 😂 Okay so, I wanted to write a special for Thanksgiving right and I had these plans to make it this shit fest of just absolute crack and humor right. WELL if you know anything about me you know that I go back to angst by default. Like, you know how when you play online games, sometimes your settings just reset on their own and then you gotta go and turn off the music and turn the subtitles back on and why the fuck is PVP ticked on?? That’s basically me okay. I auto default back to angst unless I changed the settings again lmfao
So, I started this off, full fucking intent on being funny right. Yeah, no. Runaway while you fucking can. It got so fucking heavy in the middle and it’s just… I’m sorry bro. That’s all I can say. It might make you cry? I mean, I’m a sensitive lil bitch and I cried while I wrote it sooo~ But fear not! I gave it a cheerful, happy and somewhat enlightening/inspiring ending?? At least I think so anyway… Also, you don’t have to celebrate Thanksgiving to enjoy this! Oh yeah, and don’t @ me about facts, I literally used Wikipedia because I’m an uncultured fuck that knows nothing about Thanksgiving even though I live in the USA lmao Don’t fucking @ me about the song I chose either 😂 I ain’t adding that shit to the playlist tho.
So yeah! Read this shit, cry into your snuggie or your dog that looks like a mop and then go enjoy some turkey or hug your mum. Don’t forget to reblog this chapter because I’m a hoe for them reblogs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
☔ Rain
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The door to class 1-A slammed open with so much force, it bounced off the wall and came back, stopped only by a gloved hand. An obnoxiously loud voice filled the room, “Are you ready, kids?!”
“Aye aye, captain!” I jumped up, automatically answering only to curse myself a moment later when he smirked. “Bitch, this ain’t Spongebob!!”
He clicked his tongue and gave me double finger guns. “But you responded!”
I slumped into my seat in frustration.
Present Mic approached the board, picking up a piece of bright orange chalk before writing a word on the board in English: Thanksgiving. He slapped his palm under the word, making several pieces of chalk fall to the floor. “We’re going to be talking about the meaning of Thanksgiving in Western Countries, most notably in the United States!”
“Sir!” Iida’s hand shot into the air.
“Thanks for calling, listener! What is your request?!”
Iida stood tall. “With all due respect, sir, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Japan, we celebrate National Labor Day.”
“You’re correct… almost! Many people consider National Labor Day to be Japan’s Thanksgiving! Plus, I’m your English teacher, so why not take this time to talk about a wonderful holiday where you get to stuff your face with as much food as you can handle without being looked at like a weirdo?!”
“It doesn’t matter what you do,” I commented blankly. “People will always think you’re a weirdo, cockatiel.”
“Hey, aren’t you American, Winchester?” Kaminari questioned, tilting his head back to look at me.
I shrugged. “My mom was American, but I was born in Japan. I mean, Gramps taught me English and we had a small dinner every Thanksgiving to ‘celebrate my heritage’ or some shit, but I don’t really know the details about the holiday.”
“Which is what I’m here for!” He slapped the board again, giving up a grin. “Now pay close attention, listeners! In America, Thanksgiving occurs on the fourth Thursday of November every year! In Western Countries, this holiday is known to be the moment to thank the Native American people for helping European pilgrims to survive their first winter in the United States! Typically, this is a day when families come together from across the country to be with their loved ones and feast!”
I hummed. “Gramps used to always make me watch these American pageants where grade-schoolers put on plays reenacting the interaction between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. I remember one year, this kid was dressed in a fucking black trash bag stuffed with newspaper.”
“Plays are very popular in schools all across the states!” He nodded his head. “Can anyone tell me what year that Thanksgiving became a federal holiday in the USA?” He cupped his ear, but the only thing he got in response was a cricket that had snuck into the room a week ago to avoid the approaching chill settling over Japan. That fucker is really good at hide-n-seek because we still can’t find him and he’s at the back of the room so it’s like he’s in my fucking ear. “That’s right, the year is 1863! Before that, it was celebrated off and on since 1789 but the third president, Thomas Jefferson, just wasn’t feeling the holiday so he put a stop to it!”
“Seems suspect,” I responded.
“Now, who can tell me about the First Thanksgiving?!”
Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp.
My eye twitched and I turned in my seat, eyes scanning the back wall. Where the fuck is that goddamn cricket?! I swear to Deadpool I’m gonna roast that bitch when I finally fucking find it.
“Right again, my impressionable listeners! The First Thanksgiving was created by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621! The feast lasted a total of three days and, according to one attendee named Edward Winslow, there were one-hundred-forty-three rockin’ attendees – ninety Native Americans and fifty-three Pilgrims!” He continued to drone on about the history of Thanksgiving in the states, listing off several different dates and names I couldn’t be bothered to remember.
I mean, History is cool, I guess, but when am I ever gonna need to know this stuff to function as a member of today’s society? Especially here in Japan, where American norms aren’t focused on at all? Plus, that fucking cricket is all I can think about!
“By the way, there will be a test on this and if you fail, you get remedial lessons with me, your chart-topping host!!”
Oh, fuck me.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
I stepped out into the chilly night, my breath coming in puffs of smoke as I walked. Aizawa didn’t like us to leave the dorms after dark, but there was no specific rule about it as long as we stayed on campus. It was two in the morning, and I had been tossing and turning in my bed since I got there. It hadn’t bothered me at first when Mic brought up Thanksgiving, but now that it was just a couple days away, I’m starting to get restless.
This would be my first Thanksgiving without Gramps…
I fell onto the icy cold stone bench, letting my head fall back to stare up at the navy sky. It looked like ribbons of velvet, bright stars dotting across it like sequins caught under the light. The moon was a perfect crescent.
I glanced over, seeing Zuku with his arms wrapped tight around his body. Even with the thick sweater he wore, it was obvious he was cold. I patted the bench beside me and he sat down, letting me throw my arms around his body. I focused on my quirk, raising my body temperature to warm him up. “Why are you awake?”
“I got up to use the bathroom and spotted you out the window.” He frowned up at me, his brow furrowed. “You look so… sad. What’s wrong?”
My grip tightened around him and I smiled sadly. “I guess I am a bit sad… This is my first Thanksgiving without Gramps, so… it kinda hurts, you know?”
“Oh, I see… I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine. Just something you gotta deal with, ya know? It’s life, and life is full of unfairness.”
“Will you… tell me about it?” He asked softly, playing with his fingers in his lap. “About what the two of you did each year? If it’s not too painful, I mean…”
“I’d love to,” I ruffled his hair and closed my eyes. “Let’s see – Gramps thought it was important for us to celebrate Thanksgiving because my mother was American. ‘It’s part of who you are, kitten, so we must celebrate!’ is what he’d always tell me. He spent the first five years learning everything he could about the holiday because he wanted it to be authentic and at age five, he started hosting a small feast for the two of us each year.”
“It sounds like he loved you a lot.”
“Yeah… Yeah, he did. We were each other’s world, the only two people we had in life. It was just us against the world!” I chuckled, but it held no humor. “Gramps was a hell of a good chef. He always used to attribute that to the fact that he worked for near six years in a restaurant with his father before the man died and the place had to be sold. Cooking reminded him of a simpler time, so he took pride in everything he cooked. Now that I think about it… that was the first time I met Skye and Heather.”
“Friends of yours?”
“Nah, they made my life hell growing up.” I waved my hand. “I don’t think they remembered this, but I met them once when I was seven. They lived a couple blocks down from us and Gramps had met them on several of his midday walks. Skye was half-Japanese on her mother’s side, while her dad was American and Heather was full American but her family moved to Japan just a year or two previously. Since Gramps wanted to make Thanksgiving as authentic as possible, he went to them for advice. Sky’s father had asked his grandma back home to send a few of her recipes for the holiday and that’s when I met Skye for the first time. He stopped by on his way to work to drop them off and she was with him, but she took one look at me and turned her nose up.”
“You were bullied?” He asked softly, lowering his head. “I never would have thought that.”
“Yeah, but it didn’t start until I was twelve.” I chuckled. “Anyway, we didn’t have much money to work with, but he saved up with every paycheck for months in advance. Just small amounts from each check and then the week before Thanksgiving, he’d take the money he saved and go all out, buying a Turkey, potatoes, pumpkin pie, the works. Some of the shit he couldn’t even get in our town, he had to travel to specialty shops or order the ingredients online from overseas. I kept telling him it was too much work, but he was a stubborn old man.”
Izuku shifted in my arms, his head on my shoulder. “Tell me more about him,” his voice was soft and growing husky as sleep started to claim him.
I hummed softly. “He liked what the day symbolized – families coming together to be thankful for the people in their lives and for the things they were gifted with. To be honest, I often wondered as a child if he regretted raising me, but I knew that was wrong as I got older. It was almost like… raising me gave him a purpose, a reason to face every day with a smile. And I guess in a way… he was the same for me. I remember it so clearly, waking up at one in the morning on Thanksgiving day to sounds in the kitchen. I’d sneak down the hallway, careful of that stupid ass board on the right that always creaked when you stepped on it. And there he was, seeming to radiate warmth and happiness as he bustled around the kitchen getting all the dishes ready for that day.”
I smiled, my hands fisting around his jacket as I took a shaky breath. “He always wore that stupid ass apron I gave him on his birthday in fifth grade. It was this god awful snot yellow color with lime green stripes. If you stared at it too long, you’d go fucking cross-eyed. And it had this… hell, even to this day I don’t know what it was. I think it was a Rhino in a chef’s hat but I guess it coulda been a hippo? Or a fat giraffe with a short neck. He was convinced it was a Thanksgiving Zebra, but I still think he’s nuts. There’s no way that was a damn Zebra, and I would literally list the reasons why it couldn’t be, but he’d just listen intently with a bright smile, nodding his head to show that he was listening. And once I was done ranting, he’d pat my head and simply say, ‘Thanksgiving Zebras are quite special’. I swear he was batty.”
Zuku chuckled. “What makes a Zebra a Thanksgiving Zebra?”
“They have to be fat as fuck apparently. And orange. At least I think it was orange. It coulda just been a really dark yellow. I’m telling you, this apron was all kinds of wrong! I will never understand what I was thinking when I looked at that thing in the store and was like, ‘This is feckin’ awesome, he’s gonna love it!’. But he did love it, wore it every time he cooked, even on the rare occasions we had guests over. He wore it without shame and always with a smile.”
“Because it was from you, so it was special.”
“Hmm, probably, yeah.” I sighed deeply. “Come on, let’s get you to bed, you look like you’re about to pass out.”
“I wanted to hear more stories,” he pouted, but he was clearly having trouble holding his eyes open.
“I promise to tell you some more later, okay?” I stood up, putting my arms under his body and lifting him into my arms. He snuggled closer, mumbling something under his breath before sleep finally claimed him. I held him closer, feeling my eyes sting with tears, but I forced them back. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t cry, not until I’ve earned the right to do so.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Hey, Jen, wait up!”
I paused in the hallway, glancing over my shoulder. Ryuu was dodging students as he headed toward me, smiling brightly. When he finally reached me, he threw his arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I chuckled, hugging him back. “Hello to you, too. What’s up?”
“Are you busy?” He questioned, pulling away.
“Uhh, I got a shit-ton of homework that I probably won’t do and might accidentally burn but that’s about it.” I grinned.
He huffed, putting his hand on his hip. “You better not! You’re not allowed to get kicked from the hero course because you refuse to do your work.”
“Yes, mother.”
He nudged my shoulder but I didn’t miss the way his lips twitched up. “What do you say we hang out at the library for a bit and work on it together?”
I hummed. “Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to lure me away, Hiryuu Rin~”
“As if,” he teased, tugging on my hand. “Come on, let’s get to it!”
“But learning is so boring~”
“You won’t be a hero with that attitude~”
“Last time I checked, pros don’t have to go around dividing letters with numbers to defeat villains,” I grumbled, throwing my head back.
He hummed. “True, but what if you come across a math villain?”
“Punch him in the dick.”
He sweatdropped. “What if he has hostages and he’ll only release them if you solve his math problems?”
I looked at him blankly. “What are the actual chances of that fucking happening, Ryuu?”
He huffed, puffing out his cheeks. “It could happen!”
I poked his inflated cheek with a chuckle. “Anything is possible, I guess.”
Ryuu led me to the back of the library, settling down in the corner. The next few hours were spent taking turns on our homework assignments. I was able to help him with a couple subjects, while he had my back for some of the harder ones, like math. And then there was physics, which left us both fucking stumped.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The librarian peeked her head around a large bookshelf, her tired, dull eyes landing on us. “Library’s about to close. Time to leave.”
I glanced out the window and clicked my tongue. “Damn, we were here for a while. It’s dark out.”
He nodded, stuffing his books into his bag. “They say time flies when you’re having fun, but…”
“We weren’t having fun at all,” I pointed out and he shrugged, stifling a yawn.
“Can I come back to your dorm?”
“Ho~? I didn’t know you were so forward, Ryuu.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes, rubbing his arms as we stepped out into the cold.
“I was thinking more along the lines of hot chocolate and a movie.”
“Well, that’s no fun.”
“Just what were you thinking…” he muttered under his breath before shaking his head at my grin. “Nevermind, I don’t want to know!”
The walk to 1-A’s dorm passed in comfortable silence, Ryuu practically glued to my side as he soaked up the warmth from my body. I wonder if his body reacts negatively to the cold because of his reptile-like quirk. I should ask him about that later.
We stepped inside and I immediately froze in the doorway, my eyes wide.
Ryuu took his shoes off, looking back at me curiously. “Jen? What’s wrong?”
“I, uh…” I swallowed hard, covering my mouth and closing my eyes. As soon as I stepped into the building, the smell of food had wafted to my nose, almost as if it were waiting at the door to tease me. It smells just like… like the house did every Thanksgiving morning. It’s the exact same smell.
A hand rested on my shoulder, Ryuu looking at me with worry. “Do you feel sick?”
“No, I just…” I took a breath, forcing a smile as I tried to ignore the smell. “Sorry, just remembered something.”
“Are you sure? You look pale…”
I chuckled, pushing past him. “I was born pale. You up for grabbing the hot chocolate and heading to my room for the movie? Not really in the mood for socializing.” I stepped into the kitchen and froze for the second time. What the fuck?
“If you’re not in the mood for socializing, that might be a problem, Winchester.” Kirishima grinned.
“You better fucking get in the mood, bitch!” Katsuki scowled, his face twisted up.
“Welcome home, Jen.” Izuku greeted, brightly.
“Huh, class A certainly loves going over the top for everything, don’t they?!” Monoma laughed, but it didn’t have its usual mocking undertone to it.
“I hope you don’t mind us joining you guys,” Kendo smiled, tilting her head.
My eyes scanned the faces of classes A and B, all stuffed into the kitchen around the table that had been covered in various dishes of food – turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole… Am I dreaming? I don’t… I can’t…
Ryuu embraced me, his hand finding my cheek. “You’re crying…”
“What? No, I -” I lifted my hand, wiping at my eyes. I am crying. I’m crying in front of both classes. They’re supposed to look at me and be reassured and feel safe, how can they do that if I’m crying my eyes out? Why am I even crying?
Momo and Ashido rushed over to me, pushing Ryuu away as they fussed over me, squishing me between them. “We’re sorry, we should have asked first!”
“Yeah, don’t cry, Jen!” Ashido squeezed me tighter.
“I don’t… know why I’m crying…” I sobbed, rubbing at my eyes furiously but the tears wouldn’t stop coming.
Izuku smiled sadly as he approached, pulling my hands away from my face. “All Might thinks you haven’t properly grieved for Gramps. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to do this, to give you a chance to… to… properly grieve and to realize… to realize that you’re not alone!” His shoulders shook as his eyes filled with tears.
“Damn it, Deku! You’re supposed to make her feel better not start crying with her!!” Katsuki slammed his hand on the table, the silverware rattling.
“Can I… have a minute, please?” I asked softly.
The two girls exchanged a look before hesitantly pulling away. I bowed my head and stepped out of the kitchen, heading back out through the doorway. As soon as it clicked, I leaned back and slid down, my body shaking from the effort it took to hold back the rest of my tears.
‘Remember, kitten, life isn’t always easy. More often than not, you will face hardships and pain that will be so bad, you will begin to question why it has to be that way. However, just as happiness is often fleeting, so, too, is sadness. You may think that crying makes you a weak person, but I assure you it does not. Crying is a sign that you’ve been strong for too long, and there is no shame in it. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions, kitten. They are not your weakness, they are your strength.’
“Young Jen?”
“Toshi…” I sobbed, tears flowing down my cheeks as my body shook.
Warmth flooded me as I was brought into a strong chest, arms wrapped tight around me. A tired voice sighed from somewhere behind him, “I told you this was a bad idea.”
He kneeled beside us, his hand gently rubbing the top of my head. “Sorry, I should’ve stopped them.”
I shook my head. “No, I… I just…”
Toshi rubbed my back comfortingly. “When young Midoriya came to me and told me about his conversation with you the other night, I saw this as a teaching moment. He wanted to get together with the rest of your class, as well as class B, to have a Thanksgiving dinner in honor of your Gramps. I knew this would be hard for you, but I was sure that it was the right thing to do. You accepted the fact that he was gone, but you never grieved for him, did you?”
I shook my head, clutching his sweater between my fingers.
“When we lose someone we love, closure is important for us to heal and move forward. And… I worry that you might feel alone in this new world, but you have impacted those around you, even those from class B. They were more than happy to help out when young Midoriya explained things to them.” Toshi pushed me backward, grasping me by the shoulders and giving me his signature smile. “You are surrounded by people who love you, my dear Jen. Never forget that.”
And I smiled back, even with the tears still falling from my eyes.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
When I returned to the kitchen twenty minutes later, several worried eyes snapped to me, no doubt noticing my red and swollen eyes, but I smiled brightly at them to ease their worries, stepping aside to let the two teachers inside.
“Hey, All Might made it!” Kaminari cheered.
“And Aizawa-sensei, too!” Kishima grinned.
“Does that mean we can eat now? I’m fucking starving,” Katsuki complained, his arm thrown over the back of the chair as he glared at the ceiling.
“Yes, let’s dig in!” Momo clapped her hands excitedly and the room sprung to life, everyone squeezing into the chairs around the table. Not everyone could fit, of course, and they ended up sitting off to the side or on the counters. All Might himself took up two and a half seats as he sat at the head of the table, laughing and chatting with the students as he told them stories from his youth.
I sat at the opposite end, between Shouta and Izuku, both of whom kept glancing at me with worry, though the greenette wasn’t trying to hide it like our teacher was. I chuckled, taking each of their hands with my own. “Thank you for this. It really means a lot to me.”
“Of course!” Izuku squeezed my hand, giving me a bright smile. Aizawa didn’t say anything, but he squeezed my other hand.
“You Sparky fuck, that turkey leg was mine!!”
“Huh? I don’t see your name on it, Bakugo.”
“Do you wanna die?!”
“Ahahaha! What deplorable manners class A has! Pathetic!”
“Be quiet, Monoma!”
“So many beautiful girls packed into one room, I just wanna touch them…”
“You’re disgusting!”
“Can you pass the cranberry sauce? Ribbit.”
“Here you go, frog girl!!”
“You’re too loud, Tetsu!”
“Hey, All Might, what was your favorite thing about America when you lived there?”
“That’s easy, young Kaibara! I loved seeing the -”
“Hey, you guys started without us!!” The room turned their attention to the doorway where Midnight, Gran and Present Mic stood. Midnight, who had spoken, huffed in annoyance. “There better be a turkey leg left!”
“Itps mjinre!” Katsuki mumbled around the turkey leg that he had stolen from Kaminari.
“You little brat, give it here!” She demanded, nearly jumping across the table to tackle him. His eyes grew wide and he took off, yelling obscenities at her as she chased him around the kitchen.
Gran approached me, putting her hand on my shoulder and smiling kindly. “Happy Thanksgiving, deary.”
I looked around the room, watching the chaos that was ensuing around me. And I smiled, my heart full of happiness and warmth. Things haven’t been easy, and I’m sure the road ahead of me is far from clear, but I’m surrounded by people that care about me, that I care about. Gramps… wherever you are right now, I want you to know that I’m okay. You don’t have to worry about me. These idiots may not be entirely sane and they may drive me up a wall sometimes but… they are home. My home.
“Hey, hey!” Mic raised his voice, making the glasses rattle. “Let’s go around and say what we’re thankful for! Start us off, Uraraka!”
She pulled a surprised face at suddenly being called before tilting her head and smiling. “I’m thankful that we can all be here together!”
“Excellent! Iida, you next!”
“I’m thankful to be with friends during this time of giving thanks!”
“That’s the same as what Uraraka just said but good job! Let’s keep this train a-rollin’, folks!”
“I’m thankful for music.”
“Boobs. Definitely boobs.”
“I’m thankful Bakugo didn’t kill me for that turkey leg…”
“I’m thankful that everyone here is so manly!”
“I’m thankful I’m not sitting next to Mineta…”
“Anime and manga, definitely.”
“I’d be thankful if this bitch would stop chasing me!!”
“And I’d be thankful if you’d give me that turkey leg you brat!”
“I’m thankful that all of you dears are healthy~”
“Hah, I’ll be thankful when class A finally goes down!”
“I’ll be thankful when I don’t have to babysit Monoma anymore…”
“I’m thankful I got to meet Kirishima!!”
“I’m thankful that I sparkle so beautifully. I am magnifi -”
“I’m thankful for this awesome food!”
“What about you, Jen?” Izuku asked, curiously.
“Me?” I hummed as several people looked at me expectantly. I grinned brightly. “Ain’t it obvious? I’m thankful for tacos!”
Zuku sweatdropped. “I shoulda guessed…”
“Well, you stick to your guns, at least, young Jen!”
“Speaking of,” I looked Zuku dead in the eye, my expression deadly serious. “Where the fuck are my tacos, bro?”
His body tensed and he swallowed hard. “Um, I… I didn’t see any mention of tacos when I was researching Thanksgiving…”
I clicked my tongue. “That’s fucking shameful, Zuku. No holiday is complete without tacos.”
“I-I’m sorry!”
I grinned, ruffling his messy hair. “Make sure you don’t forget next year, ‘kay?”
His face lit up and he nodded. “Of course!”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
「“Give thanks for a little, and you will find a lot.” – Hausa Proverb」
「“People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.” – Johnny Depp」
「“Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.” – William Shakespeare」
「“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones」
「“We fall, we break, we fail. But then, we rise. We heal. We overcome.” – Unknown」
[pug gif]
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⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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moneypedia · 4 years
I said I would show you my “how” and here it is.
This is my guide to conquer depression with practical advice you can use right now.
Just make sure you commit to making this change, because none of this will help without your own time and effort.
And remember, if someone as broken as I was can comeback from this, there’s no doubt you can too.
Use the links here to navigate between each section and go straight to what you want to see:
Check Your Source
Master the Reframe
Thoughts on a Page
The Fundamentals
The Power of Words
Embrace What Others Hate
Keep Your Thoughts on a Leash
(Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to follow the links and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission from the item(s) at no extra cost to you.)
Check Your Source
You know what’s more depressing than actually being depressed?
Doing a Google search on how to beat depression.
(I know that’s ironic if you got here through Google but hear me out anyway.)
Back when I was dealing with this, and even now when I compare my tips with others, I realized that most people who gave advice were victims who told how to live with the problem. They didn’t have solutions that came from actually solving it.
It was like an unemployed person telling you how to survive without a paycheck instead of showing you how to get a job.
The first page of Google showed me posts telling me to be patient so my situation might change. They told me that I should go watch a heartwarming movie. Or maybe drink tea every morning to bring me peace.
Are you serious?
You’re telling someone who feels lower than the dirt underneath your fingernails that tea is somehow gonna help?
It was pathetic. You could see the struggle laced all throughout their words.
Even when I was in that place, I knew better than to listen to those still stuck where I was trying to leave.
So remember that if the person you’re listening to still sounds broken, they haven’t conquered anything yet.
But keeping that in mind, you should also avoid another group. That group is the tough love crew—with an emphasis on the tough part.
They’ve either…
A) Never faced what you’re dealing with. So they’ll treat you like less of a person because they can’t show understanding.
B) They have been through this, but they overcompensate for their former weakness by giving bogus “man up” advice.
It’s people like that who keep you from starting meaningful discussions about what’s going on.
The good news is, you have one person here who’s dealt with your problem and found real solutions—not just gimmicks to treat symptoms. So follow this guide and only take additional advice from people who have done what you want to do. Otherwise, you’ll set yourself up for failure.
Master the Reframe
You can often trace depression back to the thoughts you decide to dwell on. If you focus on your failures for example, you’ll view life through a darker lens than someone who focuses on the good.
It’s always possible to find good in any situation, whether controllable or uncontrollable. And reframing is how you do that.
So what is reframing? It’s simply changing your view of a situation to the most positive outlook.
We can look at the classic glass-half-full example to see reframing in action. The person who reframes will see the glass as being half full, whereas a person who doesn’t will see the glass as half empty.
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All you’re doing is taking your circumstances and looking at them from a better angle.
If you’re dealing with a controllable problem, it’s best to use your reframe as a starting point for action. And if you have an uncontrollable problem, you look for learning points, opportunities, and the overall big picture.
So here’s a different example: Let’s say you lose your job.
You can do like most people and worry about your money. You can hold a grudge against your boss. Or you might complain that it wasn’t fair and refuse to search for work.
But all of those are terrible perspectives. Reframe them instead:
You can’t control the fact that they let you go, but you can ask the company why it happened.
You can use the loss as motivation to change your work ethic.
And you can view it as more time to spend with your family now while forming a list of potential interviews for later.
Reframing alone won’t solve your problems, but it will keep you from dwelling on things outside your control.
Just make sure you base your reframe in reality. Don’t act like you’ve risen above the job you had after you’ve lost it.
You may very well have a better opportunity out there. But there’s no need to build a false ego. If you take a loss, learn from it and move on. No one is above anything.
When you base your reframe on a false truth, all you’re doing is deluding yourself. And doing that will cause more issues than the original problem did.
But anyway, that’s reframing in a nutshell. It’s easy to understand yet tough to master.
So if you’re new to this, it’s a good idea to start small with the daily problems in life. Those will prepare you for the harder challenges you face later on.
Remember that there is always a bright spot in any problem, but you have to find it first.
Creativity really is one of the pillars of a strong mindset. So make sure you always see the big picture.
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Thoughts on a Page
Many people who deal with depression live inside their heads—they think much more than the average person. And if you think that much, you need to read and write.
I’ll focus on writing in this section.
Writing is just putting thoughts on a page. It’s taking your train of thought and organizing it to make sense. And it’s the organization part of writing that’s so therapeutic.
That’s because many of us don’t notice the quality of our thoughts until they’re staring us in the face. And when we do see them, we’re surprised by what they say.
That’s the biggest reason why I recommend you write on a consistent basis. You don’t have to publish anything—that’s not the point here. The point is to get your thoughts in front of you so you can analyze them.
Now the best tool for this is, you guessed it, a journal. And no, not one where you talk about how cute your crush is. You need to be very specific in how you use this to get results.
The first thing to do is write down all of what you’re thinking. You have to dump everything out your brain before you piece it back together.
This journal will be for your eyes only. So feel free to write about anything here.
Write down all the thoughts that dominate your mind no matter how dark they may be. Do that until you can’t think of anything else and then take a step away.
After doing that, you’ll feel relief—like you threw off a heavy burden.
Wait a few minutes and then come back to look at it all. When you see your thoughts in front of you later, you’ll realize that many of them were irrational, and you’ll wonder how you let them float around in your head for so long.
Everything else you wrote will have an underlying theme to it. You may be dealing with self-esteem issues, thoughts of inferiority, or a general disappointment that you allow to hold you back.
Once you find that theme in your words, trace it to a problem that’s either controllable or uncontrollable.
After that, reframe your perspective and create an action plan.
This whole process will force you to organize your thoughts and control your thinking patterns. But make sure you write all this by hand to get the best results.
For an idea of how this would work, let’s take a look at my story to see how I would use this strategy:
First, I would write about my situation like I did in Part 1.
Then I would walk away and come back to the journal later. After coming back, I would scratch out anything crazy like self-harm or suicide. Then I would see my underlying theme—failure to meet expectations.
From this point, I would reframe my problems and make a plan to work with what I had.
Then I would write down whatever I chose in the end. And that would leave me with a before and after picture of where I was at. I could then come back to my journal if I ever struggled with the same issue again.
This brain dump process is one of the best tools to evaluate your thoughts. I’ve used it plenty in my own journal but now the process is automatic. I just do it my head.
But until you get to that point, take note of this process and apply it to whatever you’re going through.
I’ve put all the steps below:
Write your dominating thoughts
Step away for a while
Come back and analyze what you wrote
Cross out irrational thoughts
Find the theme
Determine the problem
Reframe the problem
Write your action plan
The Fundamentals
Look at any great NBA player and you’ll see that they all have one thing in common: they’ve mastered the fundamentals.
Sure, some of them have insane physical gifts, but for every great player with a physical advantage, there’s a hundred athletic freaks who didn’t make the cut.
Guys like Jordan, Magic, and Kobe all performed moves that made people’s mouths drop. But when you look closely, you’ll see that those moves are only additions to basic parts of the game.
Those guys would have never been the players they were by building on what looked cool or felt right. They built upon the right moves no matter how old, boring, or tedious they were.
And building your mindset works the same way. You have to build on fundamental truths, no matter how harsh they may be.
One of the hardest pills to swallow is that the world isn’t obligated to care about your loneliness. The world isn’t obligated to care for your feelings. And it’s not obligated to care for how special you think you are.
You are responsible for your emotional state.
Now I know that’s tough to hear, especially if you’ve never had to humble yourself like this before. But once you learn to care for your own emotional needs, you can move on to what the world always cares about—value.
It doesn’t matter what failures you have, how much money you make, or even what you look like. The world always cares about what you’re willing and able to give.
I know I didn’t understand that during my rough years, and you may not understand it now, but it’s true. So instead of always searching for what you can get, find ways you can give to others instead. And guess what will happen when you do?
People will want to be around you. Money won’t be a problem. A stranger will see that some people do care.
Stop worrying about what you want, and focus on what others need. Become someone who willingly gives to others and your own needs will be more than taken care of.
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The Power of Words
Remember how I said you should read and write? Well now we’re at the reading part.
Reading has been so valuable to me that I feel bad for people who don’t do it—they make life harder than it needs to be. I wouldn’t know to do 50 percent of my daily actions without reading about it somewhere. I can only imagine what those people have to work with.
They don’t understand that words are powerful. That they’re life changing.
Our schools overdo it sometimes with the whole “knowledge is power” thing, but for good reason. Almost every oppressive government in history made sure to destroy one thing—books.
My point is, if you’re depressed and you aren’t reading, you don’t stand a chance.
Back when I fought depression, I felt completely alone. I thought no one could relate to me. And looking at all the people around me then, I had good reason to think so. All I could see were people laughing with their friends while I was miserable.
I had to find help from elsewhere and that’s why I started reading. I read so much back then that I kept a bottle of Tylenol next to all my material.
Through reading, I found mentors, motivators, and friends. They were people I could relate to. People who had felt like I did and found a way to rise above it.
I learned more about the world through a year of reading than I had all throughout my years of school. And most of the challenges people complain about now became simple to me.
That may sound like an exaggeration, but you have to understand the impact words can have on your character.
Whenever you read, you open your mind to a new perspective. Just like in a normal conversation.
When you expose youself to the thoughts of others, you start to change the way you think. That new thought process shapes the way you act. And those consistent actions determine your character.
And that whole process started with a little reading.
���So where should I start?”
I’m glad you asked.
I’ll give a few recommendations here, but before I do that, I need to warn you about the danger of some reading too. The process above is helpful if you read good material, but if all you take in is garbage, that’s what you’ll get out.
So with that said, here’s where you can start:
The Bible
If there was one thing that helped me the most during this time, it was getting back into my Bible. And no, that’s not me pushing an agenda. That’s me telling the truth.
Earlier I said the world doesn’t really care unless you have something to offer, but there is Someone who always cares. And reading the Bible is how you learn more about Him.
The most common version of the Bible is the King James Version (KJV), but I think it’s best to read multiple versions to get the best understanding. Two of my favorites are the New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the New King James Version (NKJV).
Some translations are definitely better than others, but if you read any of those three, you’ll be fine.
I should also mention that the Bible has been around for centuries, and scholars have spent lifetimes making it easier for readers to understand. That’s why I think it’s best to use a study version instead of one that only has the text.
I personally have a NKJV study Bible that I love. It has summaries of individual books, commentary for almost all the verses, and articles about specific topics.
Now if you’re new to reading the Bible, I’d encourage you to start with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Those are all about Christ and the work He did that was so important.
I’ll talk more in depth about all this in the future, but you can start there if you’re new.
But getting back to my specific experience with depression, there were two books of the Bible that helped me the most.
He who heeds the word wisely will find good, And whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he. (Proverbs 16:20 NKJV)
When I was kid, one of my favorite teachers bragged on the book of Proverbs all time, and those memories stayed with me years later. So when I decided to get back into the Bible, it was the first place I went.
Practical wisdom fills the pages of Proverbs, and that wisdom is still relevant for people today. The book covers everything from communication, financial planning, and even dealing with the opposite sex.
Proverbs differs from many of the other books of the Bible as it’s a collection of wise sayings, and not so much a book with a consistent subject throughout. However, its general nature makes it great for application to numerous parts of everyday life.
So if you need advice for how anyone can find happiness and live a truly successful life, the book of Proverbs is one of the first places you should go.
Maybe your depression doesn’t stem from a problem at all. Maybe it’s just a feeling of emptiness—a void you can’t fill no matter what. Well that’s what the speaker in Ecclesiastes describes here:
Therefore I hated life because the work that was done under the sun was distressing to me, for all is vanity and grasping for the wind. (Ecclesiastes 2:17 NKJV)
It’s this ability to face the harsher parts of life that makes Ecclesiastes one of my favorite books of the Bible.
While the book is similar to Proverbs as it also contains guidance for practical living, the author focuses more on a big picture view of life itself. And while I wouldn’t call it a feel-good read, the author eventually describes how to find true purpose and live life to the fullest.
So check it out when you get the chance. People could save years of wasted time by reading Ecclesiastes and following its instruction.
Other Reading
I’m sure it’s clear that the Bible is the Book I hold above all others. That’s because the Bible doesn’t just inform—it transforms.
I do read a lot of other material though, but I can’t recommend everything I read in good conscience. I’m mature enough in what I believe to filter out what I know is wrong, but you may not be, and I don’t want to lead you down a wrong path.
I would recommend some stuff in the thinking genre here, but the more I read, the more I notice that most of the material is either just motivational or an over-complicated course on reframing. And if it’s neither of those, it’s usually downright delusional.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
One book that did help me though was How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Many readers consider it a classic and most people have already heard of it, but if you’re struggling to find detailed advice about forming better relationships, this is a great place to start.
I’m the furthest thing from a social butterfly and I’ve never been good at making friends out of strangers, but this book helped me get an understanding of how to become a somewhat likable person.
The book includes actionable advice in every chapter. And there’s one principle that forms the basis of all the techniques described in the book—think of others before yourself.
So that’s all I got for reading now. I know it’s not much, but it’s better to keep the recommendations short so you can focus on actually reading.
And oh yeah, I’ll keep posting to this site too.
Embrace What Others Hate
I don’t know when it became cool to tout vacation as the best part of your work, but I do know it’s a terrible trend on the rise.
No one wants to work beyond what’s required. And even that requirement is too much for some.
But the truth is that production isn’t a burden. It’s a gift.
And you have to cherish work as the gift it is.
Even when I was down, part of me already knew that.
That’s why I was gaming so much back then. It was something that gave me a sense of purpose when everything else was dull. My reality was still in shambles but my effort to work at something helped carry me through it all.
When I first decided to refocus on my schoolwork though, I thought I needed to prove something—like I had to show everyone that the old me had come back. But soon enough, I realized it wasn’t about that at all…
I was doing it because it was fun.
I sat in the front of classes and took notes like it was my God-given duty. If I wasn’t in class, I studied in the library. And if there was a group project, I planned the whole thing out and showed the group later.
Soon I was not-so-subtly dancing in class because it all became so effortless. My classmates probably thought I was crazy—in fact, I know they did—but I finally had purpose in what I was doing. I had real enthusiasm again and people picked up on it.
That’s because most people run from work. They hate it.
If you find a way to not just be good at what you do, but actually enjoy it, depression will be a thing of the past.
Keep Your Thoughts on a Leash
If you don’t get anything outta this post, at least pay attention here.
Every section in this guide—and the process of beating depression in general—revolves around controlling your thoughts.
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You may need to change your view of the mind for that to happen, so think about it this way:
For all the dog owners out there, do you let your dog mindlessly bark at you for as long as it wants?
Of course not.
Yeah you love your dog, but you have to discipline it. Good masters make their pets act within certain boundaries of behavior. And you have to treat your thoughts the same way.
You can’t let your head fill with blatant negativity. It’s your mind. You have to control it and make it work the way you want.
This whole guide is meant to teach you how to discipline your thought process. And once you recognize which thought patterns lead you towards a depressed mood, you have to shut them out.
I know it sounds difficult now, but those bodybuilders you see on magazine covers didn’t get that way overnight. Their form came from hours of sweat and hours of focus. It was the furthest thing from easy.
The same is true for mental strength. You have to consistently train your mind to think in beneficial ways.
And from what I’ve seen, you’re more than capable of doing that. People who are prone to depression tend to have the potential to develop the strongest minds. You just haven’t learned to control the amazing gift you have.
Yes, I know clinical depression is real and I’m not here to argue against that. I encourage you to see a professional if you need to, but I do know that it’s possible to control your thoughts. And yeah, that may make me sound ignorant, but I don’t claim to be a doctor, I’m just a problem solver.
If you think your thoughts are something you can’t control, you’ve already limited your ability to change.
I didn’t limit myself. No matter how hard things got, I knew there was a way out. And I kept fighting until I got there.
I challenge you to do the same.
Think bigger than your circumstances. Learn to control your thoughts. Don’t waste years of your life being an empty shell.
Your mind can only go where you allow it, so go out there and take it back.
I can’t wait to hear your victory story.
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sneksue · 4 years
Official Post About Lifestyle Changes
The date is January 28, 2021. 
I have not had chickens for a while. It will be 2 years in August. I have been meaning to write something here about all of it, but I either have not had time, or the willpower to go through with it. I was in grieving. 
In June of 2019, I took a trip from my shared homestead in Mississippi to Colorado to do some long distance hiking. I left all of my animals in the care of my ex husband’s mother and her then boyfriend. 
I trusted them to at least do the bare minimum in my animal’s basic care. 
That didn’t happen. They failed night after night to close and lock the coop’s door. They wouldn’t change their water during the day and they did not collect eggs. 
When I had service on my phone during the hike, I checked in with them to find out that because they had not closed or locked the coop door at night, several birds were “missing”, with more missing every day. 
Instead of simply closing the door and providing a safe space for my dear, darling animals to sleep at night, they decided to buy a game camera to see what was happening to them at night. 
Their reasoning had absolutely zero logic, and I was pretty pissed.
They found that raccoons were simply just waltzing into the coops and grabbing birds. The raccoons would drag them away into the woods and feast. 
By the time our trip was almost over, all of my ducks were gone. There were only a few chickens left, and the guinea fowl were all intact due to roosting 50ft up in oak trees. My cat was also “missing”.
I was heartbroken, devastated. I had spent so much money, time, energy, and love to build this flock. I wanted to provide my “family” and myself with sustainable, renewable food in case of a natural disaster. No one seemed to value my efforts, or even care to see what my end goal was. 
On top of grieving for the loss of my feathered babies, my then husband’s younger brother decided to GO OFF on me during our drive back to Mississippi. He claimed I was selfish, psychotic, uncaring, and manipulative. He screamed at me while we were all stuck in the car. He called me a bitch, he called me a liar, he called me a leech. I was stunned in silence. I had been struggling with my mental health for years, and had contemplated suicide more times than I could count. So, it is no surprise that while we were driving 70mph on the interstate, I seriously contemplated opening the car door and leaping out into traffic. 
I turned to my husband, my partner, the love of my life, my support system, to back me up. Defend me. Tell his brother that he was wrong. My husband did nothing of the sort. He remained silent as the verbal barrage from his brother continued. 
Everything clicked for me then. My mother in law was a complete nutcase, she blamed me for all of my husband’s shortcomings. She viewed me as a failure for not being the perfect housewife. She only saw me as a burden on her son’s happiness. My husband maintained an emotional distance from me for several years. He refused to be intimate towards me. He never showed an interest in me, my thoughts, my feelings. He never stood up for me or was proud to show me off. He never commended my strengths and triumphs, he only pointed out what he viewed were my failures. My brother in law was more of a nutcase than his mother, physically abusing his dog and neglecting his cat, leeching off of his mother and getting handouts at every possible opportunity, spending his days smoking hundreds of dollars of marijuana, drinking booze, playing videogames. 
I had no social life, I wasn’t allowed to have a social life. 
I had no friends I could hang out with, all of my friends were online. 
No matter how much I did for these people and how much I excelled at everything I did, nothing was ever enough. I was never enough. 
No wonder I struggled with mental health, eh?
I came to this realization instantaneously, and demanded to be dropped off at my dad’s house in Westminster, CO. 
I had none of my personal belongings besides my hiking and camping stuff. I didn’t care, I just had to get away from these toxic monsters. 
My husband and I loosely decided that this would be a “break” for our relationship, and that he would go back to MS to work and save up to move here with me. I agreed and I began working and saving up myself. 
We both knew he was never going to come here. We were never going to be together again. 
We remained in close contact for a few months after the separation. But the contact and our conversations became fewer and less substantial. 
One night, as I was walking home from work, I called and told him that I thought we should break up. He admitted to me that he had removed his wedding ring over three weeks prior. I was understandably hurt by that, but I did understand. 
He also informed me that all of the birds were gone or dead except for a couple roosters. 
I was more devastated by the loss of my birds than the loss of my marriage. If that doesn’t tell you enough, I don’t know what does!! 
My cat never returned. 
I asked him if we could keep in contact, and he told me he did not want to talk to me or hear from me for several years. I was once again hurt by this, but with his own mental health issues, I again, understood. He did say he can see us being friends in the future, but now that its been some time, I don’t want to be friends with him. I want the best for him, but I can’t bring myself to expose my mentality to his toxicity and negativity. 
I asked again and again, over a period of months, for him to return my belongings. He kept putting it off. I told him I was going to drive down there myself and gather everything i could and dispose of the rest. 
He agreed, initially, then banned me from coming only after I requested the time off from work and had friends to accompany me on the journey, He promised he’d send all my stuff in several shipments after he sold my car. I told him he could keep the profit from the sale of my car and use it to send me my stuff. 
He ended up sending me ONE box of my stuff. And most of it wasn’t even mine. I was appalled and disgusted that he’d be so careless and inconsiderate. 
I sent him messages and requested SPECIFIC items after I received the first box. I got no reply, and no more packages to this day have been sent. 
He and his family stole my property, killed my pets, and broke my heart. 
Thieves, liars, and extremists, the lot of them. 
I grieve daily for the loss of my animals and the torture I was put through for nearly 6 years. 
All of that out of the way, let me move on to tell you what this blog will now feature. 
I have obviously had a change in lifestyle. I no longer live on homesteading land, I live in a roomy two bedroom apartment with my AMAZING fiance. 
My love of chickens, I discovered, was a love for reptiles in general. Cuz birds are reptiles and all that jazz. 
When I met my fiance, I was already blown away by his attitude, confidence, and view on life right off the bat! He inspired me, made me want to be better to myself. 
Meeting him felt weird, at first. It felt weird because I was waiting for this amazing person to... have a catch. There’s gotta be a red flag somewhere. And if there isn’t... he is probably a psychopath who will eventually turn on me and kill me. No one is that... good. 
So I thought to myself, “Welp, gotta find out. I’ll go to his house!”
He had a couple little snakes in his room which I demanded to play with. He happily got them out and I was like “THAT’S the catch? Nah, this just convinces me this guy is... my kind of guy.” 
I’ve had a love of snakes since early childhood. Not an interest of passion, but I truly loved interacting with and watching them. I’ve never had an innate fear of any insect, (exclude honeybee, because I didn’t know better at 6 years old), or animal. I love them all and everything they do to contribute. All they experience. 
I used to catch wild garter snakes and rat snakes in nets, pet them, show them to my mother occasionally to freak her out, and release them. Then watch them. 
There were a mating pair of Oteekee Corn Snakes in my HS yard. Every summer we’d see them, out and about hunting, hiding, climbing... growing. They were bright red and jet black with specks of yellow. I could tell these guys were pretty smart and maybe there was more to snakes than I really thought about ever. 
So, being sold on this amazing guy, we up and moved in together. Nice. My paycheck kept going up and up. I was saving a ton. I wanted a car and an apartment as soon as possible. 
I got bonus after bonus for working hard at my job and everyone hitting labor targets. 
We got a place. Nice. 
Both got steady jobs. Nice. 
There’s uh, a lot of room in this new place. Nice. 
Hey it’s my birthday and I can get myself a snake. I have more than enough for supplies and the animal itself. 
I browsed on morphmarket for what felt like ages.... 
I had no idea that there were.... so many complicated genetics with ball pythons. I was highly interested, because if you know me, you know I’m interested in genetics and selective breeding. 
I found there were THOUSANDS of genetic combinations, each with unique names. It was like alien code. The animals were beautiful but I had no idea what I was really looking at. 
One night while going to our local reptile store to get feeder rats, I was looking around at all the glass window babies, as I usually do. 
I made my way around the scorpions, tarantulas, cave scorpions, frogs, lizards, the store’s companion burmese python, and my eyes landed on a little... adorable puppy-eyed baby ball python. The signage stated that it was a Puma. Seemed simple enough. Easy name to remember. I looked into the glass at the lil noodle, and talked all baby talk and shit. The sweet little thing came right up to scope at me, then yawned. 
I called an employee over and said I’d like to handle this animal right here. The employee obliged and I fell in love. Sexed as male. Easy buy. 
I cried on the way home, It was amazing. I have one picture on here of him a few days after I got him. His name is Mallow, and he is bigger now, but still just as sweet. 
So yeah. It went from there. Now, including the boa and ball python that are my fiance’s, and Mallow, we have added 3 more to our family. We are done now, as these animals may live a loooooong time. And they require space and attention just like any other pet. They’re not expensive, and they’re low maintenance care is nearly brainless if you set it up right. They’re statistically and actually safer than dogs or cats, and are absolutely therapeutic and entertaining. 
This blog will from this day forward be dedicated to snake content, reptile content, and a lot more fun, actually good pictures. I will also share genetic related stuff I find relevant. 
Not having a shitty phone camera is pretty great, tbh. 
TLDR: No more homestead. Ex is evil (yeah yeah), New place new animal new me. SNAKES! SNAKES!!!! SNAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEESSSSS!
I know this post is just for me but whatever, if I make myself laugh. Cool. G’night. 
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