#also of all the shows to witness i am SO glad it was this one
m0th-kid · 2 years
so uhhh i saw my chemical romance tonight and i don’t think i will ever recover from this
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mariemariemaria · 8 months
Northern Ireland is so normal. Literally sooo normal. Sometimes people from other countries ask me about Northern Ireland and they're shocked when I tell them how normal it is. I feel sorry for them. They'll never know normality and my heart aches for them.
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faeparrish · 2 years
i always feel like i’m still mentally 16-18 but then i’ll see teenagers interacting with each other and it’s suddenly clear that I’ve grown a lot since then
#me and my gf went to see mitski last night (it was an insane performance) and it felt like we were the oldest people in the crowd lmao#there was a group of girls and most of them were 15-17 but one of them was 18 and she kept talking about how she’s an adult#but she and the rest of them were screaming crying and yelling like teenagers the whole concert#which is like yeah that’s what teenagers do lmao go scream and be a little bit annoying at your favourite artists show#it was just funny to witness because i’m not around teenagers anymore like all my siblings are in their 20s now#i forgot how far away i actually am from that now and i’m so glad of it#mitski is one of my favourite artists ever and we had to plan around everything to get to that concert#and when she was performing these girls were losing their minds and me and my gf were just 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏻 and :-)#not that we don’t like her any less i think if i was a teenager again i would also be outwardly losing my mind too#but at this point i’m like this is a really intelligent performer who is also just a regular person and i really enjoy her art#idk it’s just a funny observation literally no shade to teenagers losing their minds at concerts bc we’ve all been there#i just remembered that i’m not that age anymore! i’ve gone from idolising her as a teen to really just appreciating her art as an adult#anyway! it was a very good concert and i am still in shock that i finally managed to get to see her perform
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phas3d · 10 days
Annoying Habits Pt. 2 || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: cute and stupid things they do because i love fluff for some reason right now - 🐍 :: masterlist!
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DRACO MALFOY (saying "fun facts" that's common knowledge)
Being the smartest person in the room is the hardest thing ever, so thank GOD Draco is not him. He will run to you with full confidence to tell you about any new discovery he makes. It's new to him, but common sense to everyone else. But you don't have the heart to tell him it's basic knowledge because you know he'll never trust you again.
"You HAVE to follow me, it's the craziest thing EVER!" Draco said as he dragged you out of your dorm to run to the quad.
Whenever he's done this, you knew you needed to put on your best ever acting skills. You follow behind him, trying to predict what he'll say but before you complete those thoughts, he cuts you off.
"LOOK. AT. THIS!" He says as he points at the sky. You were confused, genuinely unsure of how to react since you weren't sure what to be shocked at.
"Oh wow uh, that's amazing!" You say hesistantly."
Draco was unsatisfied with your reaction, understanding that you had no clue what he was referencing too.
"Love," He paused for dramatic effect "Do you not see the MOON is fully in view during broad daylight?"
He said it with the highest confidence, somehow gaslighting you into genuinely feeling dumb despite knowing the moon is out during day time.
"W-Wow! You're so smart!" You say as an automatic response as he smiles, glad to teach you something.
"I know I am" He says, despite it not being in his personality list at all.
TOM RIDDLE (mocking you)
It is in Tom's blood to be mean, since he is he son of Voldemort. This caused him to have a tremendously hard time trying to make friends. Even when he acted as if he was a normal person, he would get tired and eventually snap to his true self: a blunt cold person. Because of this, he's not sure how to act in most situations since he has no clue how to react to most things. Thankfully, he has you to show him how to act.
When you two watch movies, he pays attention to you as well to see how to react. Or when you go out and talk with others, he copies your little mannerisms. It was cute at first to know that you're helping him adjust to society. But it quickly become annoying since he is extremely good at reading you.
It's gotten to the point where he can predict almost everything that you'll say, matching your tone, pitch, and even lisp perfectly. You could say nothing during a conversation and he'd be able to fill in the gaps exactly how you would.
"Tom-" You were interrupted.
"Where's my science notebook?" Tom mocks you, using a higher voice and over-exaggerating your harsh k's.
You sigh, which he also copied, before you playfully hit him with a small smile. "I told you to stop copying me!" You and Tom both say in unison.
"Your book is on your bed, hidden under your unfolded clothes. I recommend you clean it, I can tell all of your clothes are wrinkled already." He says as he flips his book to the next page.
"Oh shut up" You say as Tom copies you yet again.
Although Tom and Mattheo don't interact much in public, in private the two have a strong bond that can only be understood by each other. Their usual converstations consist of Mattheo raging about something, going into insane detail while Tom silently reacts whilst doing his homework. Then, Tom will give Mattheo a lecture on why what he did was fucking stupid which Mattheo spaces out to.
Since you've been with Mattheo for almost a year, you've been graced with the Riddle brother's bond, witnesses their odd converstations first hand. You've gotten used to it, blending perfectly in to their bond.
One thing that surprised you was the fact the Mattheo suddenly turns into the most annoying and needy person ever the second he's with Tom.
"Can you shut the fuck up and do your work?" Tom said, annoyed at the fact that you and Mattheo were sitting at his table in the library.
"It's not due until midnight! I'll just run to Snape's class at like 11:59 sharp." Mattheo said as he continued to make fake paper swords and shurikens.
"Okay sure do that, dumbass, see what happens." Tom mumbles, finally gave up on trying to convince his brother to do his work.
"You should listen to him~" You said as you flipped the page of your textbook whilst taking notes.
"Don't side with him! You're MY girlfriend!" Mattheo said annoyed by your words.
Tom smirked and nodded his head at you slightly, showing his small appreciation for you siding with him.
THEODORE NOTT (lying for fun)
He's basically like SZA, lying for fun because it's a good conversation starter. He first started doing this when he first came to Hogwarts because he wasn't sure how to start a conversation with someone. He would lie by saying he never had popcorn before or that he's allergic to dragon scales so people would be interested.
Now he's popular and has no need to lie for attention. But, it's an addiction. He can't stop making silly lies that are just borderline believable. But now he's widen his horizon, now he lies about history, teachers, other people, and more.
"Did you know Draco's mom is colorblind?" Theo said as he entered the Slytherin dorm. You sighed, already being able to tell he was lying since you knew him so well.
"Whaaaat?! Is she? Like for real???" Lorenzo questioned as to how Theo found out before himself, especially since he was raised by the Malfoys. "That makes sense why her outfits for funny lookin' sometimes."
"That's so sad man." Mattheo said solemly, as if Theo just said Draco's mom suffered from a permeant disease. "She sees life like those old ass Mickey Mouse cartoons. All black and white."
The three idiots looked down at the floor, feeling pity for Draco's mom colorblindness. you scoffed at their stupidity but suddenly Enzo spoke up.
"We should make her a get well soon card!" He said with a smile.
"Don't do that-" You were cut off by Theo's hand covering your mouth.
"No we should! Make sure you only use black and grey though." Theo said.
LORENZO BERKSHIRE (repetitive questions)
Although Lorenzo was the same age as you, he still trusted you way more than himself. You helped him pick everything, from outfits, food, dates, and more. Of course he would help too, but he just loved hearing your input since he wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you.
But, this habit of getting your approval for things started to sneak into schoolwork and paperwork. It started with him checking his answers with you, a completely normal thing. Then checking that his paper was the same as yours, also pretty normal. But as time progressed, he would ask you to double-check his stuff on dumb stuff like whether he grabs the 10th-grade paper or the 11th-grade paper, or what he puts in the "date" section at the top.
It's been even worse lately since he was applying for multiple colleges around the UK and US. You were doing the same, needing to desperately focus on your essays and studies to do the different school's entrance exams.
"(Y/NNNN)!" Lorenzo called out to you, despite you being literally 2 feet away from him.
"Yessss, Lorenzooooo?!" You said, giving the same energy back.
"Where it says "enter social security number" do I put my social security number?" He asks, full seriousness in his tone.
At this point in your life, you were so sick of this man so all you could do was stare at him until he decided to guess what he should do. You stare was strong, but his innocent eyes and cute face was overpowering you.
You weakly nodded, losing the one-sided battle. You thought it would be the last question from him, maybe he would get the hint you were annoyed.
"So, where it says "pick major" I put the thing I want to major in, right?"
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thank you for the support ! 🐍 :: masterlist!
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
Heyy, could i perhaps request some hc's with aventurine and nightmares? Seeing how his past was so rough, i can only imagine he has nightmares frequently, and i wonder what he would do if his s/o caught him having one. I also sometimes think; would he perhaps not initiate living together because of his nightmares, not wanting to show his fragility? Thank you, i love your writing!
yes, of course!! I would love to write this for you :) I definitely agree and as someone who also has nightmares almost every night, this was interesting to write :) as for not living together, quite possible. I definitely also feel like he would have some trouble and shame to let his partner witness such a "weak" or an "embarrassing" moment of his vulnerability :/ and thank you so much !! I am so glad to hear that, you are very kind :) <3
alexa play class of 2013 by mitski (or any mitski song tbh)
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aventurine & nightmares, mentions of slight panic attack, written with gender neutral reader in mind, angst & fluff, spoilers (?)
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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his nightmares used to be much more frequent before he met you. Now, he has them occasionally, but they are intense nonetheless. At first, he doesn't tell you about them in fear of looking weak or stupid for being still affected by everything regardless of gaining so much with you and on a personal level. Which is also why when he spends the night over, he makes sure for you to fall asleep first and he doesn't get much sleep himself, worried about possible nightmare occurring
eventually, as the topic of living together gets brought up, he is quite hesitant to make a move about it. You don't take it to heart, but he becomes even more worried that you might think it's something he doesn't desire, so he opens up slightly to you. He explains that he has nightmares from time to time that can be a bit hard to deal with and he doesn't want you to feel pressured into comforting him or responsible to take care of him in such moments
truth to be told, you knew and expected such thing. The way he lived was a life worse than a slave, stealing the light in his eyes for a good time before he looked at you. You reassure him that it would never be an issue and that the two of you are in this together, nor he could ever be perceived as weak by you in any shape or form which gives him some peace
so, the two of you finally move in together, enjoying all the things that couples usually do as they arrange their living space. The comfort and excitement of buying new things, decorating the space to fit both of your tastes really pushes back his fears and nightmares...for a while, that is
the first couple of times are a bit less intense nightmares, mostly accompanied by him twitching and shaking in his sleep from which he wakes up fairly quickly afterwards. Those usually don't wake you up, so he just leaves to get some fresh air, trying to contain himself and calm down in order to be able to sleep a bit more peacefully. Usually, he cuddles up closely behind you after those, the warmth and closeness of your body providing enough comfort for him to fall asleep again
however, the first time that a more intense nightmare occurs - it wakes you up. He mumbles and talks in his sleep, a bit louder as his body becomes quite shaky and tense. You can't quite catch everything, but you can make out that he talks about his mom, asking where is she, talking about an older sister - each question bringing more panic into his body. He finally wakes up with a chain of sharp gasps as his hand wraps around his throat, the nightmare reminding him of the heavy chains that once used to mark his neck
he gasps for air, fingers tracing to his tattoo as his eyes become wide in the aftermath of panic. You slowly settle next to him, gently making him aware of your presence as you try not to startle him. He turns his head, eyes glistening with light tears as he meets your gaze filled with worry. He swallows, turning away from you as a weak voice apologizes for waking you up
"You should go back to sleep..it's nothing, really." he whispers weakly, clearing his throat as his shaky hand remains on his neck, slightly picking on the tattoo.
You pause for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts as you speak carefully.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of. I do not pity you if that's what you worry about. Of course that I feel sad that you have to go through this, but I do not pity you or deem you as weak." you tenderly reassure, hand falling on his bare back, trying to provide more comfort.
"I did say that we are going to handle this together and I meant it." you whisper, slightly leaning towards him.
he finds some comfort and peace in your words. He just nods, teary eyes finally gazing at you as his head falls onto your chest. First couple of times are like this as you try not to overstep the boundary or make him feel forced to talk about anything. Some nights are harder than the others as the nightmares are more violent such as the hot metal marking his neck forever, leaving him to sob on your lap. Some nights you prepare the tea for him to help him fall asleep more easily and he usually asks you to play with his hair until he does so
every time after that, he begins opening up more. He tells you about the nightmares and when the specific event happened. A lot of his memories are hazy, but talking to you allows him to also remember some good times, regardless of the heavy pain coating those moments. He talks to you about his mother and father, his sisters and brothers, friends and people he remembers. The pain will never go away completely, but talking about his experiences to you helps him greatly. Especially because he gets to speak about his family and get a sense of honouring them while doing so, feeling a bit more like a normal person during those times and making his own head a bit more nicer place to be at, all while he receives endless support and reassurance from you :)
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hey just read your one shot about Ruby’s birth and it was so beautiful ❤️ I can request one more with any of ruby’s firsts like her first word or first time walking?
firsts | charles leclerc
am i getting emotional about writing ruby’s firsts because i’m attached to her now and love her as if she was my own child even though she’s fictional? yes <3
mentions of charles’ father
i also have another request on ruby’s first day of school so i’m going to do it separately since i have two more similar requests that i want to add to it
first steps
It was a Friday night and Charles wanted to take Y/n out for dinner. They hadn’t been on a date in so long considering their nights now consisted of taking care of their daughter and sleeping whenever they could. They loved their daughter more than anything, but a night out was very much needed. When Arthur heard that his brother needed a babysitter, he was the first volunteer. He loves spending time with the little baby girl even if she didn’t do much.
“Thank you Arthur, you’re a lifesaver.” Y/n hugged the youngest Leclerc as she waited by the door for Charles. “Help yourself to anything in the fridge, I think there’s some leftover pasta that Charles made.”
“Thanks, and don’t worry about Ruby. Her and I are going to have a fun time together.”
After Charles and Y/n had left, Ruby had woken up from her nap. Arthur ran to her room and picked her up, whispering calming words to her. It seemed to work since she had stopped crying.
“Let’s go see what your mama made you for dinner.” Arthur walked to the kitchen with Ruby in his arms. He opened the refrigerator door and saw a pink plastic lunchbox that definitely belonged to Ruby. He grabbed it and set it on the table. He then grabbed Ruby’s high chair, positioned it next to the table and put her in. Ruby smiled at Arthur once he set her down.
Arthur laughed at her. Arthur thought she was going to start crying since she had just woken up and was very hungry but she waited patiently for him to give her the food.
“Look, Ruby, I think papa made you pasta and mama made sure you eat your fruits.” Arthur showed the girl the lunchbox. Ruby immediately grabbed a piece of cut up strawberry and handed one to Arthur. “Thank you, Ruby.” Arthur smiled and happily grabbed the piece of fruit.
After dinner, the uncle and niece started watching a disney movie on the tv. It was during that time that Ruby decided she wanted to try out walking on her own.
But Arthur wasn’t sure if she had even tried before with Y/n or Charles so he held onto her hands while she put one foot in front of the other. She looked up at Arthur then back down at her feet.
“You’re doing great, mon chéri.” Arthur smiled at his niece. Then Ruby sat down on an floor, a bit tired from trying to walk. “You did so good!” Arthur placed a kiss on Ruby’s head.
Then Arthur had an idea. He took his phone out and positioned against the wall. The phone started recording. As Arthur adjusted the phone to his liking, behind him, Ruby had gotten up and was now trying to balance herself on her two feet. Arthur finally turned around and gasped when he saw Ruby standing on her own.
“Come on, Ruby, you can do it.” He encouraged the girl to walk towards him. He was glad he had set up his phone to record.
Ruby began to giggle at her uncle and slowly started walking towards him. Arthur was close to tearing up. He felt happy for his niece, but he also felt guilty since this was supposed to be a moment his brother was supposed to witness first not him.
When Ruby made it to her uncle, he scooped her up and gave her kisses all over her face. “You did it!” She laughed at his actions.
When Charles and Y/n saw the video, they didn’t feel mad that they weren’t the ones to see Ruby take her first steps, they felt happy that at least Arthur was there to capture the moment.
If someone were to ask Arthur was his greatest moment was, being the only one present to see Ruby take her first steps will always be on the top of his list.
first word
“Mama! Mama! Come on Ruby, it’s an easy word.” Y/n said to the baby who layed on the unmade bed of her parents. It was a Saturday morning and neither Y/n or Charles felt like getting up early so they decided to have a day in. While Charles was in the kitchen making a late breakfast for them, Y/n took the opportunity to teach Ruby to talk.
“Mama, mama!” Y/n spoke to the baby. Ruby only laughed at her mother and continued to stare at her as if she had just told the funniest joke ever.
“Maybe she likes the word papa better.” Charles walked in with a serving tray. He carefully set it on the bed. As Y/n started to eat, Charles took Ruby in his arms and pressed kisses on her cheek. “Right, my beautiful girl? You want your first word to be papa. Can you say papa?” He said.
“She might not even say mama or papa. What if she says some random word like door or toast.” Y/n said as she ate her piece of toast.
“No, she’s going to say papa.” Charles nodded.
“You seem so confident.”
“Pierre said that babies usually say mama first and I want to prove him wrong.” Charles said. “But of course there’s nothing wrong with her saying mama first. Whatever Ruby wants.” He immediately added.
“Whatever Ruby wants. I’m sure you’ll keep that in mind when she has you running around the store with a cart full of toys.”
Charles chuckled. “It won’t be that bad, right?”
Y/n hummed as she grabbed her juice and drank it. Charles then walked around the bedroom and pointed at every photograph they had hanging or on their night stand. “That’s your uncle Arthur and me. I’m the cute one, the other one is Arthur.” Charles pointed at the framed picture of him and his brother when they were younger.
Then he got to a photo of him and his father. Charles always talked to Ruby about Hervé. He would tell her stories about him even if she was still to young to remember. “This is my papa. He loves you just as much as I do.” He spoke softly to his daughter.
Ruby saw the picture of Hervé and pointed at the older man. “Papa.” She said slowly.
Charles nodded and smiled proudly at his daughter. “Yes, that’s right. Papa.” He pressed multiple kisses on the side of her head. From the bed, Y/n watched Charles have his moment with Ruby and the framed picture of Hervé. While Y/n wanted Ruby to say mama, she was glad that her daughter chose papa to be her first word.
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galedekarios · 8 months
elminster & gale
more datamined dialogue, this time idle banter between elminster and gale. as the dev notes indicate, these were supposed to take place at the beginning of act ii when elminster reveals the charge given to him by mystra for gale:
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elminster: it took some doing, finding you. gale: well now you've found me, perhaps you can share your purpose. (node context: some impatience) elminster: have mercy on these old bones, m'boy. a short respite will not harm us.
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elminster: i am glad to talk to you again, m'boy. even under such circumstances. (node context: sincere) gale: as am i. (node context: sincere) elminster: it is important to cherish everyone conversation as if it were the last - for it could very well be the last. (node context: considering that this may be the last time he ever sees gale)
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elminster: it comes with age. along with some less-desirable traits... gale: please. i do not need to hear of your joint aches and privy sorties again. (node context: 'not this again') elminster: very well. not everyone finds such matters as fascinating as i do... (node context: slightly displeased grumble)
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gale: you may be proven incorrect - time is not on my side, i fear. (node context: a little grim) elminster: i know what you mean. trust me - for the moment, all is well. or at least acceptable. (node context: reassuring) gale: oh to have but a thimbleful of your confidence at my disposal. (node context: wry)
once again, i find this (very, very sadly) seemingly cut content fascinating. it's very sad it wasn't included in the release version of the game because it shows the deeper bond that elminster and gale share despite gale's impatience and, as it's phrased here, not-this-again attitude. it speaks of knowing each other well, and of the affection between them from both sides.
we get to see this, too, in the gale origin. elminster's visit remains much the same as it is an origin tav playthrough, yet there are slight variation in how elminster treats gale (a softer voice, calling him 'dear boy', etc.).
and that affection he has for gale, gale holds for him, too:
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"his disappointment cuts deeper even than mystra's." is so significant considering just who mystra is for gale. gale is hurt by having had elminster witness him as he is now. a shadow of who he used to be. he has disappointed him. he once more wasn't good enough.
elminster, who not only saw potential within him, but "plucked" him from obscurity and offered his guidance, who had become a mentor to him, and a figure to look to for guidance.
as a side note, i can't help but wonder if elminster was perhaps responsible-or at least helped-to have gale attend blackstaff academy:
Blackstaff Academy was a loosely organized group of elite apprentices and students who studied under the Blackstaff at Blackstaff Tower in the 14th and 15th centuries DR. The school was made up of an everchanging roster of about fifty apprentices and students to the Blackstaff, with new arrivals always ready to replenish the ranks as graduates moved on.[2] Acceptance to the Academy was predicated on either demonstrating extraordinary magical aptitude (those who could not cast arcane spells were very rarely admitted) or having a particularly compelling personal history. Joining the Academy was free, however monthly dues were required to continue attendance. These fees started at 10 gp per month and increased as a student gained seniority and required more advanced tutelage. In addition, it was a requirement that any new spell that was discovered or researched by an apprentice had to be added to Blackstaff Tower's library. [source]
anyhow. this bond between the two is also reflected in the aftermath of the visit. elminster sneakily breaks mystra's order, by having tara deliver a letter written by him to gale, trying to reassure gale and make him see that there is another way out of his predicament than the one mystra commands him to follow:
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i cannot stress enough that elminster is ready to defy direct orders from mystra for gale. he obviously cares about him and his regreat at having not said more when he was there is palpable in his letter. gale acknowledges this as well:
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to a lesser extent, the same is shown in a custom protag playthrough:
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gale knows this isn't something elminster wanted to do and elminster himself admits as much, too. yet he is forced to, obligated to, by his status as chosen and the mission he was given by his goddess.
we can later ask gale about this once more:
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and here we can also infer just why mystra sent elminster and not anyone else: "for mystra to have sent him... the severity of her bidding could not be clearer. or weigh more heavily on me."
it shows that this was a very much calculated choice-mystra must have been aware of the bond two of her chosen shared-and so it helps to achieve exactly what she intended it to: gale accepts the charge that he is given.
i think all in all, even though the situation is bad enough already as it is, this makes what was asked of elminster by mystra even worse.
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yunarim · 11 months
. . . INTRODUCING | AN ULTIMATE GUIDE TO making not so easily flustered boys blush a little— or maybe not so little ?! ⊹ ׅ ⋆
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CATER diamond, LEONA kingscholar, JADE leech, JAMIL viper, VIL schoenheit, ROOK hunt, LILIA vanrouge
— TAGS : gender neutral reader, fluff, crack a little, you end up embarassing yourself in a funny way almost in every chapter but it's okay (i would do the same tbh), a silly reference to matchmaking tv show in rook's part just for fun
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You realize you’ve never seen Cater blushing. You also didn’t want him to try those extremely artificial filters which apply some blush effect on selfies, so there was only one option left for you — which is making him flustered.
So one sleepless night you decided to think over all the variants you could possibly try, and appeared before Cater the next day, looking not all your best, but you already was sure to give it a go, so you took a deep breath.
And decided to pull your cringiest aegyo which could be ever possible (or maybe even wasn’t) and started singing in a very high-pitched voice, embarrassing yourself but not really caring. “I like you so much ottoke ottoke” was heard along all NRC and became trendy thing later on, BUT AS FOR NOW… now you were flustered instead when Cater patted your head and just begged for you to teach him that so he won’t be falling behind the trends. After a few explanations, he already mastered the song and— NOOO, it wasn’t how you expected it to be!!
Next days went the same way: you would come up with a sudden idea, try to get Cater flustered and end up with being flustered yourself. You also noticed how Cater’s followers were cheering on you in the comments section and decided that you’ve had enough. 
You came to him right in a full swing of an unbirthday party, other students were already guessing what funny thing you would perform today, but you just took the seat right in front of Cater, an enormously long table aparting you two. An unusually serious look in your eyes made your boyfriend get concerned for a second before you slammed your palms on the table and stood up. 
“Argh!” You screamed, annoyed a little. “It isn’t fair! And I’ve had enough of this shi—” You noticed Riddle glancing your way and sighed, lowering down your gaze and pouting. “Why am I even doing this when all that matters is you being happy, which is my top priority… I’m sorry for being so stupidly eager… But if you had fun watching me doing all those silly things, then I’m more than glad to make you smile. So instead of me trying to make you blush, I’ll keep on making you smile genuinely. Got it?”
You looked right in his eyes, flashing a victory smile and dropping it instantly when you spotted him averting his gaze, a little pinkish flash flickering on his cheeks. 
“Don’t tell me…”
“Cater-senpai blushed!!”
“Hey Prefect, mission accomplished!!”
“HUH?!” You run to him. “But why so suddenly?!”
“Aww, please don’t make me explain~” He giggled, that little cute blush already disappeared. “It’s just the way you were so genuine… Please never change, alright? And now I need to get you flustered too!”
“Won’t be that hard. But don’t try to embarrass me with an aegyo song, I’ve mastered it by now.”
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Listen herbivore, whatever you’re planning, drop it. There’s no point in whatever you’re trying to achieve with those funny grimaces of yours (Leona won’t say they’re adorable tho—). You can’t also make him blush by embarrassing him because he already has a bunch of dormmates who embarrass him enough by their behavior, he doesn’t really care. 
Pfft, who does he think he is? As if you could be swayed off so easily! Well you do struggle a lot, trying to figure out is it even possible to witness Leona flustered. Some first years witnessed you going back and forth in the back of the kitchen one day and ended up agreeing you’ll be the new part of ‘Seven miracles of NRC’—or whatever it was, you didn’t even know the thing existed all this time—not to mention even Savanaclaw residents periodically glance at you as if you’re some sort of a ghost. Is there a ghostification procedure to endure before getting sorted into Ramshackle or what?
Hello, you’re dating Savanaclaw dorm head. Whatever you’re trying to prove, it’s already crazy, but not crazy enough than the very fact of you two being romantically tied together. 
“You’re dating THAT Leona Kingscholar?!”
“Yeah, he’s being a pain in the ass for not blushing at all.”
… Is what gets Leona smirking proudly lying under the tree in the botanical garden— THAT’S NOT IT. You always punch him slightly for behaving that way and enjoying you struggling.
“Give me Farena’s phone number NOW. I need consultation.”
“You don’t have a phone, herbivore.”
“I’m in the mood for kicking Crowley’s office doors down with my foot and demanding a phone.”
“Didn’t know you’ve got a hobby of embarrassing yourself.”
Hell yeah you did. There’s no turning back at this point, not after trying all those stupid faces you’ve demonstrated in Savanaclaw lounge full of other residents who got flustered by your antics instead, Leona remained unbelievably stupidly insanely solid.
Another day, another embarrassment. The evening was looming before you, Grim demanding you, his dearest henchman, to get yourself together and come back home (aka Ramshackle) and forget about trying to get Leona flustered. The idea is dumb anyway, do you really want to see HIM blushing out of all people? Damn…
“I think I might just punch you in your stupid pretty face to get a hint of blush on your cheeks. Damn I’m such a mastermind,” you complained, poking your finger on his chin while lying next to him. 
“Go try,” Leona yawned. “I doubt your success though. What can you even do with those little hands of yours?”
You sigh, closing your eyes for a second. Leona opens his on the contrary, glancing at the crown of your head.
“Doesn’t matter how strong other people’s hands are, they can’t hug the best person in the world with them. But I can.”
You turn to Leona, ready to demonstrate what you’ve just said but end up stopping in the middle, staring at his bewilderment face, a little hint of red hue blossoming on his cheeks. 
“No way…” You whisper and turn to him completely, ignoring his ‘tsk’ and throwing yourself on him. “Don’t tell me!!”
“I’m not telling.”
“You’re such a cutie!!”
“Don’t even know how come you’re so spoiled.”
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It’s always Jade and his never ending “Fu fu, you’re so fascinating, dear Prefect” plays. One day when having dinner at the Mostro Lounge you somehow ended up flustering Azul and Floyd. And that was also the moment you knew you fuc— ahem, failed something. 
“A~ah, what for are you being so caring,” you mumbled to Jade sitting beside you and pouring the drink into your glass. “I love you so much.”
“Ehem, Prefect, that’s a little…”
“Ew,” Floyd commented. “Koebi-chan, you’re greasy.”
You blinked at them, switching your gaze to Jade who seemed to be having fun and taking all this as some sort of entertainment. You furrowed your brows, noticing Jade’s unwavering smile and tried once more.
“Should I write a serenade? We could hold a karaoke night or something, I’m quite confident in my singing.”
“Koebi-chan~ Stop being gross, what’s gotten into you? Jade, you tell!”
“I’m exceedingly flattered,” Jade ignored his twin, getting a bit closer to you. “Should I write a poem to you as well as a way of showing my gratitude?”
By now you know there’s a pattern hidden in his behavior. Whenever you try to pull ���I’m so stupidly in love with you it’s painful so I’ll cause a mess trying to get you flastered’ card, Jade reflects it, saying things even more exaggerated and far-fetched to the point it hurts other people. 
Somehow your little antics turns into competition between you and Jade — the one who’ll get more flustered students wins. Azul is ready to place a bet but then you abruptly cut him off by saying an extremely embarrassing nonsense and he shuts up immediately, followed by Floyd’s laughter. You don’t stop, making Jade brother’s cheeks covered in pinkish hue. 
Polite Leech twin who? Jade loses his status thanks to you, mimicking into ‘A scary part of Embarrassing duo’ instead. In all this little play you perform you want to find undercovered Jade’s flustered persona. 
Jade likes fascinating, interesting things. That includes your behavior and what made him fall in love with you in the first place—you’re quite an unique individual, dear Prefect. But acting oh so mysteriously and entertaining Jade’s interest isn’t enough. He loves you for that, but what makes him flustered?
“The ground is sure slippery today,” you notice during the Mountain Lover Club activities, ascending the mountain. 
“Yes, I trust you’re rather careful, aren’t you, dear?” Jade smiles and stretches out his hand to you so you could grab it just in case.
“Of course I am! Who do you take me for—”
Hello?? Maybe climbing on the wet dirty cliff isn’t a good idea?? 
You back off, feeling the ground slipping away from under your feet, and stare at Jade, who seems just as frightened as you.
“I’m sorry!” You shout out when he catches you, drawing you closer. “Though I would fit Embarrassing duo aesthetic with a twisted ankle. I already can imagine which jokes based on it would fluster Azul and… Jade?”
“Haah,” Jade sighs. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Scare?.. What do you mean? I’m okay!”
“What would I do if it was more than a twisted ankle and… nevermind, forgive me for raising a voice at you and… Hm?”
“Huh,” you stare at him in awe. “You’re blushing?!”
“Yes?” Jade blinks away all the blush he had just now. “It seems you’re imagining things.”
“Don’t tell me, I can get you flustered by putting myself in danger? Jade, you’re so…”
“I suggest you not repeat such an experience ever again, thank you very much,” he smiles at you intimidatingly but you giggle, leaning closer to him.
“Yep, I promise~”
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“Try being nice to him!” Kalim says to you (as if you’re not being nice but ok) when Jamil taste-tests his meal right before your backs, sighing at Kalim’s silly statement. 
“That’s your prerogative, Kalim-senpai,” you say, not noticing Kalim’s slight crimson hue on the cheeks. 
You’re being so effortlessly sweet to everyone—your boyfriend included—but hello? Is Jamil actually protected from being able to blush or what? 
You’ve tried so many things it’s almost painful to witness. Saying something nice? Ok he’s in Scarabia, literally go try something else, do you really expect him to fall into your sugary sweet words or what. Helping him out in the kitchen with chores? Yeah you did a good job now go rest. Praising him out of blue for his only existence? Erghh who are you trying to fool, really… 
It’s not like Jamil doesn’t appreciate your attention aimed at him, but what are you really trying to do? Isn’t it fairly enough to enjoy the time you two get to spend together so rarely? But in any case your shenanigans end up being an everyday held discussion with bet placings. It’s not average ‘will you manage to get your boyfriend flustered’—not that, but ‘will you try doing some funny shit so that Jamil would get not flustered but embarrassed instead or will you just show PDA’. Now that’s the real entertainment.
Ok so you come up with a plan. Good old kabedon would be so real, right? Even if he won’t fall into your charm, then at least will blush because of embarrassment… Ugh.
And so you think, walking out into the school hall, seeing Jamil from the distance, ‘Almost pa~radise’ playing from somewhere (what kind of romcom is that—) cornering him and trying to look as cool as possible, your gaze aimed right at his steel dark eyes, eyelashes fluttering enchantingly, ‘Shalalala~’ sounds all over the place when you try to grin proudly. Jamil parts his lips slightly and—
“I’ll let others know that their bet failed miserably,” he sighs, meeting your bemused eyes. “They thought you would dance for me today while singing a serenade.”
You pout, averting your gaze and quickly trying to come up with something while you still—kinda—corner him. 
“I didn’t expect the music though,”  Jamil notices. “Maybe one day something will catch me off gua— MHM?!”
Ah hell with it, you think, grabbing the cloth of his dorm uniform and pulling him closer and pressing your lips to his, it’s now or never! Go get that blush while you’re still at it, right?
“What are—”
You never give him time to think, catching his lips again and again. You open your eyes, looking straight at his cheeks but notice no blush. Alright, then it’s time to give it all the 100% of your devotion!
“You!” You exclaim, kissing him once again. “I love you,” you continue with another brief kiss. “An amazing dancer, an unbelievably talented cook, a wise strategist, an amazing singer, you’re… you…! You jerk!”
You can’t really define by now if he’s blushing or not, because it’s you who is flustered instead. But oh be sure he is blushing hard.
“Hey, the last thing you’ve said,” he stops you, trying to catch his breath. “You fool, what are you saying?”
But before you manage to retort, he kisses you back, not caring at your crazy antics anymore, the tips of his ears flaming with crimson.
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Well… first congrats on managing to get the boyfriend who got ranked number one at the top of ‘The most unflustered celebrities ever’. But you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t like a real challenge.
Flattery will get you nowhere and you know it by heart. Genuinely praising his work ethic? You should know it’s the axioma, not the compliment which could lead you to witness him blushing. You decide to play a strategist and wait for the right moment to come.
“Yeah yeah, just admit you have no fuc— eeehm freaking idea of what to do rn,” Epel says, stealing your juice when you two discuss your masterplan. 
“Dude I have a plan, believe me.”
“Uh-huh, that’s a great plan, Prefect. That’s fuckin’ ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It’s a Swiss fuckin’ watch.”
“What did I say about wording?” Vil appears right behind Epel’s back, and your classmate gets red instead of your boyfriend instantly. 
You: wanting to make Vil blush because you’re curious and also he would look fantastic, cute, gorgeous, angelic, divine and—
Epel: helps you for lulz.
And then the opportunity arrives: there’s an upcoming Filming Research Club project you intend to join. You manage to get the role and DAMN how lucky you are — the main task is to make Vil’s character flustered!
That’s where the real challenge starts because you know that Vil’s a genius actor and one little blush needed for the play is nothing but what you don’t know is how to make him blush for real.
“You came,” he says according to the script. “You in my arms is like a fever dream to me.”
You gently touch his cheek.
“Ah,” Vil fixes a lock of your hair, and you allow it, staring into his eyes radiating nothing but a feigned tender. “Your Grace, I believe I have no authority to meet you like this. Scarcely thought I would present such a pathetic side of me to you…”
“You have so much power,” he denies. “You will never be pathetic. To me or to anyone else.”
It’s just a rehearsal but it’s the right time for you to not act and perform wonder for real.
“And you, my dear,” you deviate from the script, Vil remains steady at your improvisation, until… “I love you with all your flaws and all the things you disrelish in yourself.”
You see Vil’s cheeks growing a bit reddish when his eyes widen a little at your sudden genuine words and a lovely smile. He can’t afford losing composure so easily, so the next second he already pulls you closer boldly. 
“I loathe to realize I’m the only one whose cheeks are painted crimson. Would you allow me to fix it?”
“Of course.”
— And cut. 
And while others are in bewilderment at your improvisation which turned extremely good, Epel freaks out in the background.
“Stop being greasy already,” he says, covering his mouth in disgust. “It’s just as gross as stumbling across parents when they kiss, bleh.”
“Didn’t know you see me as your parental figure,” Vil nods.
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“Have you ever seen Rook blushing?”
“What are you saying?” Vil replies. 
“Sounds impossible,” Epel agrees. “Keep on trying tho.”
Keep on trying to get your boyfriend, the Rook Hunt, to get flustered? HUH, NEVER IN YOUR LIFE, nuh-uh, what are you, insane? You brush off the mere thought of trying to get him to blush at the very first second it even appears in your mind.
You’re not crazy, why would you try that?! It’s impossible!
But somehow your question you accidentally dropped during the meal you were having with Vil and Epel gets popular in the NRC newspaper. You don’t care if there wasn’t a newspaper before — it was created just for ‘Have you ever seen Rook blushing?’ caption to spread throughout the college.
Sure many students just frown at it because why would they even be interested in this, who in their right mind would approach Rook willingly in the first place— ah right you would, you did, you love him. 
Then it’s time for you to take responsibility and solve the mystery! 
Uh-huh, if it was that easy to accomplish! Your first guess is to impress him with French but you literally can say some nonsense because of mispronouncing words and he would be in awe, heart-shaped sparkles in his eyes all over the place. 
You are willing to take archery classes? Fantastique, étonnant! He will gladly help you with that, do you know it’s important to have enough strength in your arms? Here, he will show you the right position and— wait, it's you who blush.
You write a love poem to him in French? Ah, à vous couper le souffle! Just how talented you are, your love knows no bounds, he’s exceedingly lucky to have you as his lover!
Cool ok so… What to do?! 
“This whole ‘get Rook flustered’ thing drives me insane,” you say to Epel with a heavy sigh, holding a flower bouquet you’ve prepared.
“You’ve brought this all yourself,” he replies. “Idk do something ergh… Genuine? I feel like a matchmaker.”
“We’re already dating tho.”
“I don’t care, go get that blush already.”
Alright, it’s time to solve all this mysterious ‘Have you ever seen Rook blushing?’ thing already. You find Rook in the school yard and decide to play it another way. You’ve already tried being romantic, why don’t try something stupid at least once, right?
You get down on one knee and give Rook the bouquet you’ve prepared.
“Ahem… It’s Larisochka Guzeeva and this is the program ‘Let’s get married!’... Or not. Actually, I’m not trying to suggest that we get married. Not yet! Maybe in the near future… God what am I saying argh!! ANYWAY! Rook, listen, I love you to the point I don’t care if I act odd and weird to other people. I’m okay with doing all these when I’m with you…”
“He… Heheh~ Oh dear Trickster, what a lovely person you are,” Rook chuckles at your performance and you think you’ve failed miserably but then you notice how sweet the pinkish hue on the tips of his ears is and raise up instantly.
“I did it!!”
“Ah, right, I think I should do it more often.”
“Spreading the mystery about no one seeing me blush, of course~”
─ ⊹ It’s Larisochka Guzeeva and this is the program ‘Let’s get married!’ — a popular russian TV talk show and the saying, it doesn't really mean anything, it's just for lulz ahsdjkh
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Ok so how do you make an aeon old bat fae flustered.
Lilia knows you want to impress him before you even know it yourself, and when the whole Diasomnia holds a parley about how to prevent you from getting a majestic glorious undoubtedly wise and stoic Lilia-sama— ok Sebek we got you, in any case Lilia just chuckles and smirks.
It’s a game! And if it is, then you should laugh, not blush, the formula is easy. He will make you flustered instead before you even can think of something. 
A petard exploding with sparkling particles early in the morning with ‘Greeting to the most important person in all the dimensions existing’ forming right under the ceiling of your room in Ramshackle? Easy, wanna see it again tomorrow? 
If the petard was too scary for you to comprehend or wasn’t so romantic, then how about fixing the collar of your uniform before pressing a gentle kiss on your cheek?
Still not convinced Lilia’s a master of making you flustered? Ho~ You silly, how about the ring changing its engravings every hour, going from ‘I love you’ to ‘I’m forever yours’? 
Look, dear Prefect, he's absolutely invincible! You’ve got such a brainy boyfriend and—
Ho, have you finally realized you want to see him flustered? Bring it on!
… Or so he thought.
Suddenly you don’t react at all. He bought flowers? Ok cool you have an enormously large garden in Ramshackle by now, what’s the big deal? He composed a song for you? Yeah nice why not. 
Lilia quickly realizes you’re playing another game. Why not, you’re being so amusing while trying to outsmart him by pulling the ‘I actually don’t care at all’ card, but he knows how your little smiles blossom when you turn around, so there’s no need to worry.
“Stop being so unnecessarily cold to Lilia-sama!!” Sebek demands when you visit Diasomnia and blink at him.
“Calm down, Sebek. Prefect and Father play a game. A strange one, there’s no denying, but still…”
The two of them start bickering and you chuckle, trying to reassure them everything’s okay. 
Lilia joins you not that instantly, watching you for some time and then decides to have some fun again, hugging you from behind and floating midair at the same time.
“Ho~ I see you’re not repulsing me today, hm?” 
“I was in the middle of creating another tactic but got distracted by the kids.”
“Kids?” Lilia leans closer to you with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Yes, Silver and Sebek are like kids to me. Is it what having children feels like? Maybe we could start our own family one day… Oh, I got carried away. What are you going to demonstrate to me to… day…?”
You turn to Lilia, his face extremely close to yours when you see a foreign pink dusting his cheeks while his eyes widen in shock.
You are willing to start a family with him?.. That…
“HUH?! DID I SUCCEED? I literally did nothing!!”
“Hu-hu~” Lilia recovers quickly and presses a little kiss on your cheek. “Who knows~”
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 months
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Notes: Use of Y/N. Sorry.
Chapter Two - Broken wing
The moment the seal was broken and Morpheus was able to escape, he took that chance. His time in that glass cage was over.
It had been decades since your death. He had never recovered from witnessing it.
You had been his loyal raven since the very beginning. Way back when he first created the Dreaming, he made you. The Sandman always had a raven. Jessamy came along eventually, but you had been his original raven companion.
Watching you die broke a part of him. You had taken a part of him with you forever. Morpheus knew he would never ever get over this loss.
He wakes up to the sound of a familiar voice calling out to him. Lucienne appears above him and reaches for his hand. He takes it and smiles. It had been too long.
"Lucienne." He whispers her name.
"You're home, my lord."
"I am."
Lucienne helps him to his feet. Morpheus looks around. They are just outside his kingdom. He sets his eyes on the gates and heads that way. Lucienne follows him.
As relived as she was fo see him, Lucienne had a lot she needed to talk to him about. "Forgive me, sir, but the realm, the palace, they are not as you left them."
The gate opens, and Morpheus is greeted by the sight of his fallen kingdom. Nothing is as he remembered it. The Dreaming was falling apart. His palace had deteriorated greatly, and there was not a soul in sight.
"What happened here?" He asks. "Who did this?"
"My lord, you are the Dreaming. The Dreaming is you." With you gone as long as you were, the realm began to decay and crumble." Lucienne explains.
"And the residents? The palace staff?"
"I'm afraid most have gone."
"Gone?" His voice is soft when he asks that.
"Some went looking for you," Lucienne says.
"And the others?"
"They thought, perhaps, you had grown weary of your duties, and..."
"What? Abandoned them? Had they such little faith in me? Had my own subjects not known me?" He looked wounded.
Lucienne could already see his heart had been hurt deeply already, and she knew why. Jessamy had explained everything to her when she returned all those years ago. When she had returned alone.
Except, something had happened. Something neither of them could explain. Now Lucienne needed to tell Lord Morpheus about it. She wasn't quite sure how he would take it.
Before she could even utter a word, Morpheus was already heading toward what remained of his palace. She caught up to him quietly.
"There is one other thing, my lord."
"What is it? What other news could you possibly have for me?" He sounded lost.
"Something happened. Something I can not explain." Lucienne wasn't even sure how she was going to tell him.
"What is it?"
"I... I'm not sure how to tell you, so I'll show you." She goes on ahead, leading the way. Morpheus watches her carefully and follows her path.
They reach the doors to the throne room. Morpheus freezes when he sees Jessamy perched nearby. She looks at him and them bows her head.
"My lord."
He looks relieved to see her, but it also pains him. She sees the way his eyes glaze over. He is remembering that day. Jessamy can't help feeling like she's a painful reminder of what happened last time she saw him, but she hopes things will go well today.
He is home, and he will see that not all is as dire as it seems.
"I am glad to see you," he says.
"As am I, my lord." Jessamy looks at him proudly.
Lucienne places her hand on the grand door to the throne room. "Before we go inside, I want you to know that this is no trick. She came to us shortly after Jessamy returned."
"What are you talking about? Who came to you?" He asks.
Lucienne glanced at Jessamy, who nodded at her. The librarian opens the door. It creaks as it opens wider. Jessamy flies inside while Lucienne leads Dream into the room.
The throne room matches the rest of the palace. There is no longer a ceiling. The arches are broken in places. A lot of the walls have crumbled. It no longer looks as regal and beautiful as it once did.
As Lucienne takes him further into the room, his eyes are drawn to a strange woman he has never seen before. She sits on the steps of his throne, looking at him. As he gets closer, she stands. He would say she looked rather nervous.
"My lord."
"Who is this?" He asks Lucienne.
"Sir, it is important you know that I do not know how this has happened, but this is your raven. Y/N."
Morpheus turns his head to the woman slowly. His expression is intense. He stares at her in silence for several long seconds.
"Sir?" Lucienne looks at him confused.
"My raven died years ago. She was murdered by that horrible family."
"My lord, we are telling the truth. This woman is your raven. Shortly after Jessamy returned here, this woman appeared, unconscious, outside of the gates. I asked her who she was and where she had come from after she woke. She told me everything she remembered up until the moment she died." Lucienne tries to explain.
"That's not possible."
You look at him sadly. "It's me, sir. I really am here. I... I woke up, and I was no longer a raven. I was so confused and scared. I was worried about you. I remember dying..."
Morpheus looks like he is overwhelmed. His eyes glisten with unshed tears. You can tell just by looking at him that he's not taking all of this so well.
"It can't be..."
"It is. Its me. I'm here. I'm home." You plead with him.
Jessamy lands on your shoulder. "My lord, I promise to you as your loyal raven, this is her. She's human."
Morpheus looks at you for a good few seconds. "Prove it."
"You are Dream of the Endless. The Sandman. You created me back at the start of everything to be your loyal companion. I have gone everywhere with you.
"You met a man called Hob Gadling in 1389. I went with you, but had to stay outside because I was a mere bird. Death granted him immortality.
"I would spend a lot of my free time within Fiddler's Green, enjoying the breeze under my wings as I soured through the meadows. You always knew to find me there."
Morpheus states at you.
"It's me, sir. I don't know why I have returned to you like this, but it's me."
"It is you," he whispers. Only you would know things like that.
"I... I'm sorry I failed you."
"No. You did not fail me. You saved Jessamy, and that was very brave of you. Neither of you have ever failed me."
You and Jessamy look relieved at his words.
"So, you are human?" He asks.
"Well, I have a human form. I... I can transform onto a raven still, but I haven't learnt how to control it yet."
"Transform? You have the power to be a raven again?" He sounds curious.
"Yes, but like I said. I'm still learning."
"I see."
The room goes quiet. You understand that this is probably a lot to take in for him. He's only just returned, his kingdom has fallen, his people are mostly gone, and you're not dead. It's been a long day.
Morpheus turns and looks around his throne room. His mind is full of thoughts about everything.
"I kept a journal for a while," Lucienne says, hoping to distract him a little. "A chronicle of everything that happened in your absence. But slowly, the words began to fade. Sometime after you left, all the books in the library became bound volumes of blank paper. The next day, the whole library was gone."
Morpheus looks at her quietly.
"I never found it again."
"And yet you remained while others fled, the royal librarian of an abandoned kingdom."
"I never felt abandoned," she tells him. "I knew you would return."
"She looked after us," Jessamy says. "We stuck together."
Morpheus glances at you before turning away. He was still trying to comprehend you being alive. He looks down at his feet where a sharp of purple glass sits. He kneels down and picks it up. It's a piece of his beautiful stained glass windows. He holds it on his hand as he slowly raises his arms, trying to summon the power to rebuild his home.
He's too weak to do that.
The debris falls to the ground again, and Morpheus falls with them. He can't rebuild his home like this.
You want to reach out and comfort him, but you feel like that's a bad idea right now. You're not sure he's all that accepting of you being back just yet.
"You need rest, my Lord." Lucienne says. "And food and perhaps a bit more rest, and then you'll be back at full strength."
Morpheus slowly gets up from the floor, his breathing heavy and uneven. "No. Not without my tools."
"Your tools?"
"My sand, my helm, my ruby."
"What happened to them?" You ask.
"They were taken from me. By my captors. And then taken from them. I know not where. Nor what I am without them."
You feel your heart break. They really did strip him of everything he had. Even you.
He takes a seat on the stairs of his throne. You put some distance between you both. Once upon a time, you would be right there beside him, trying to comfort him, but now it feels wrong to do so. You feel like a stranger with him now. He won't look at you anymore.
"There is only one sure way for me to find my tools. I must summon the Three-In-One."
"Surely it hasn't come to that." Lucienne says.
"The Fates see past, present, and future, and they know all."
"Yes, but they speak in riddles. They never tell you what you want to know, only things you should never know," Lucienne explains. "Perhaps just this once you could ask one of your siblings for help. Destiny would certainly know where your tools are, or Desire..."
"My siblings have their own realms to attend to, I have mine. We do not interfere in each other's affairs." Dream states.
"You may not, but they've certainly been known to." Lucienne replies. "Perhaps just this once you could tell them what happened to you."
"I am quite sure tjeu know what happened to me. And not one of them came to my aid."
You drip your gaze to the ground. It hurts to think how abandoned he must have felt. He was trapped for so long.
"The only ones who came to help were my ravens, and even then, one of them was hurt doing so."
You lift your gaze to find Morpheus looking at you. You're unable to read the look on his face, but you know it sets your heart alight. You wondered what was going through his head in that moment.
"The Fates aren't cheap, you know." Lucienne reminds him. "They cost a bloody fortune."
"And at present, I cannot muster enough power to summon them, let alone lay that cost. Unless... Is there anything of mine that remains in the Dreaming? Something I created?"
"You created all of this," Lucienne says.
"No, something that remains intact." He clarifies. "That may retain some fragment of my power within it."
"You created me." You say, stepping forward.
He glances at you. "No."
"Something I can absorb."
You go to tell him you would happily sacrifice yourself for him to regain some power again, but the look he was giving you told you he would refuse.
"There is one thing," Lucienne says.
Morpheus had left to go visit Cain and Abel. You stayed behind at the palace with Jessamy. He hadn't said a word to you as he was leaving.
"Are you okay?" Jessamy asks, looking up at you through her shiny eyes.
"He didn't seem too pleased to see me."
"Don't take it to heart. A lot has happened all at once. He believed you were dead. It would be quite a shock to see someone you thought had died standing before you, especially since you look human now."
"I know... I just... I just hoped he would be happy to know I'm okay." You look down at thr rubble by your feet.
"I'm sure he is happy. He just doesn't know how to express it."
You don't know what else to say to her. Jessamy senses your sadness and nudges her head against your leg.
"Please don't feel sad. All will come right, I promise."
You really want to believe her.
Lucienne returns to the throne room, and you spot a raven at her feet. She comes over and you stand.
"Lord Morpheus has gone to see the Fates. He shall return shortly. A new companion has joined us in the meantime. This is Matthew."
You look at the raven. Had you been replaced already?
"Lord Morpheus has yet to meet Matthew. Will you show him the ropes in the meantime?" Lucienne asks.
She picks up on the fact that your response wasn't very enthusiastic. She sighs softly and places a hand on your shoulder.
"Do not feel sad. He will come around."
You nod and watch her go. Your eyes fall to Matthew. Jessamy lands on the ground in front of him and checks him out. "All right, Matthew. Welcome to Raven Class 101."
You chuckle softly.
At least you still had some friends in the Dreaming.
@missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @sitkafay - @snowsatsu - @ladyofketterdam - @thoughtsfromlayla -
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deandoesthingstome · 8 months
Back to Reality - A Final Fantasy
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter x Reader
Summary: Go get your wolf, girl!
Word Count: 5.2K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, oral sex (m and f receiving), p in v (missionary), fingering, monster fucking (right?).
A/N: A little angst never hurt anyone, right? It'll all be okay. I swear. I wanted to get this out the day after Geralt, but life. At any rate, I think this is it for now. A real nice end to spoopy season with Walter.
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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He wasn’t right there when you turned from the counter after picking up your coffee, but he was standing close enough that there was no mistaking who he was greeting. Had he been any closer, you probably would have sloshed your latte all over his chunky, dark blue sweater and you were glad you stopped short when you saw him. You didn’t think he’d want to smell like pumpkin spice the rest of the day.
“Hi yourself,” you smiled, a little shyly. 
When you asked at the front desk if they really meant anything, and then again if they could get a message to Walter, you had no idea he’d show up at your regular coffee shop the very same day. As in the day after the night you'd just been with another man. It wasn’t as awkward as you’d thought it might be, but it wasn’t exactly relaxed either.
You'd been dreaming of this moment, but now embarrassment began to creep in and you wondered if you'd made a mistake. Several of them. Four to be exact.
"Would you like to sit and talk with me?"
The urge to sink right to the floor in front of him was hard to resist but you were still at a coffee shop and people were lined up to grab their to-go orders so you found an empty table in a secluded corner and sat yourself down across from him.
His eyes were melancholy and you imagined they matched the lonely howl from your night with August. There was no mistaking it and you wanted to wipe the sorrow from his face but how could you? You were likely the cause and he was probably just here to tell you to forget it as a courtesy since you'd stupidly put your business on blast at the front desk. Fuck.
"You alright over there? You look a million miles away. You sure you're okay to talk with me?"
You took a deep breath and let it rush out.
"It's really nice of you to do this in person. A lot of guys would just not call."
"Not call? What are you...? What do you think is happening here?"
"I mean, you came to tell me to back off, right? Like, you're flattered and all, but you wouldn't, couldn't be with me after everyone I've been with. I mean, you worked with those guys."
"So you know I don't work there anymore. That was the first thing I wanted to say, so good. That's out of the way."
Why would he want you to know that? Maybe so you knew you could keep going back to the hotel and not have to worry about running into him? He continued.
"But why on earth do you think I'm here to tell you to back off?" he raised a quizzical eyebrow at you.
It was as if all the air was suddenly knocked out of you and it was all you could do to gather your wits to answer him.
"Well, I just thought...I mean, you can't possibly want someone who..."
"What? Someone who isn't afraid to go after what she wants?" Now both eyebrows raised.
"Walter. You can't mean that. You...I'm sorry but you don't look like someone who's super excited about the prospect."
He paused.
"I know I look tired. I am tired. I've been up nights trying to figure this out. But, look, my exhaustion is also not all about this. I left the hotel for a few reasons. One was you, but maybe not why you think."
"Well, why did you?"
"It's not ‘cause I fell hard, though I did. And you might think that made it difficult to keep hosting, and you'd be right. But honestly I got torn. Torn between knowing you were having the time of your life, which you absolutely deserve to do, and dealing with the taunting."
"Some of the guys figured out how I felt, and one of them started giving me shit about it. Betting me he could steal you from me if you ever made it to his room, not that you were even mine to begin with. And, yeah, feeling the way I do made it harder and harder to host properly so I made a decision."
"You left."
"I left."
You thought back to your night with August and now you knew for certain he was referring to Walter. And after what Geralt had said, you wondered why August gave you an option to shut him out. It sounded like August wanted Walt to see, to know you were being satisfied by another man. You could understand how that must have felt. You had jealous thoughts, too, when you found all Walt’s time slots had been booked. Imagining him with other women, well, it wasn’t all bad, but it wasn’t the greatest feeling in the world either. And yet, Walter indicated there were other reasons he left.
"But that's not all?"
"I was also studying part time and between all the bookings, I was falling farther and farther behind. I had to stay up late to finish assignments and I had an important test coming, so I quit to focus on that because I never wanted to host forever, but once you came along, I never wanted to do it again."
You were speechless. Awestruck. If anyone had told you that Walter felt the same way about you from the get go, as you found yourself feeling about him after weeks of experiences, you would have said they were crazy. And yet, here he was, spilling his guts. He gave it all up without even knowing if he had a shot with you.
"And you don't care I went back? To other rooms?"
Walter looked around the coffee shop, then turned and spoke cautiously to you.
“Can we…? Look, I know we don’t really know each other, and if you want to do this in a public place, I get it. But could we at least take a walk? I feel like everyone’s looking at us and I can’t think straight.”
This man was flustered and you were, too. Confused by all the feelings and emotions and confessions. Plus, what did you really know about Walter anyway?
“I’m going to text some friends and let them know where I am and who I’m with. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Of course. We’ll just head across the way to the park, okay?”
“I’ll be right out.”
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sendmeanangel: you’ll never guess who showed up to get coffee this morning    sendmeanangel: we’re having coffee and talking in the park across from a place called The Runcible Spoon.   sendmeanangel: I’ll text again in an hour so don’t expect any replies until then
Then you shut off your phone and headed out to meet Walter.
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MNstrluvr: Ohmygodddd! darkgothnightengale: it’s all happening!!! Where are you now? darkgothnightengale: hello??? I know it’s only been 20 minutes but how can you not have just admitted your feelings and jumped his bones by now? Give us all the details!
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You found him on a park bench and sat, one leg drawn up with a foot tucked under your other knee so you could turn to face him while you talked. You wanted him to reach out and touch you as well, run his hand over your arm while you talked, but maybe you weren’t there yet. Maybe that would be awkward.
He took a deep breath and began.
"As to your question from before: I can't lie and say I don't care or wish I'd told you that very night how I thought I was feeling, but I thought it was way too soon to trust those feelings. And since you didn't know, and we weren't together, how could I expect you to just not do what you wanted? That's something else that's kept me up at night. Thinking about how to reconcile my feelings about you with both our pasts.”
Walt went on to tell you how much your night together had affected him. How he couldn’t get you out of his mind. He apologized for the locker room talk. He knew Sy had mentioned it and he felt miserable about it. It was just something they did, share notes in case a guest came back around so they could make sure to work any of their favorite things into the stay. They weren’t usually so personal with the comments, but he’d gotten carried away.
August had been particularly prickish about it, especially when it became clear how uncomfortable talking about the guests was making Walter, even going so far as to taunt Walter with the exact date and time of your reservation in his room. He’d given notice the next day.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“You quit your job over me. Well, sorta. What are you going to do now?”
“I was already working towards my private investigator license. Ironic, huh? A PI and I couldn’t find the one person I really wanted. I asked the hotel, but they were not interested in breaking protocol or the privacy agreement. And until I got the call this morning, I thought I wasn’t on the best of terms with them anyway. I think I left them kinda high and dry. But the desk agent is a friend.”
“Yeah, Geralt mentioned something…” you trailed off, embarrassed to be bringing up your latest conquest.
“Who’s Geralt?” Of course he didn’t know.
“He’s a new host at the hotel,” you answered sheepishly.
“Oh. Right.” Walter looked away for a moment. “Of course.”
“Walter, I’m sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings.”
“By going back there?” he turned to you again. “How could you know I had feelings to hurt?”
“Well, I knew I had feelings that hurt.”
He stared at you in disbelief as you continued.
“I thought about you almost every day after our night together. I kept going back to different rooms, because I’d had such a good time and I wanted to see what else was out there. And look, I did have good times. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“I hosted other guests after you. I can’t really say anything about it, can I?”
“Right. Okay, well. The more time that went by, the more hosts I met and experiences I had, the more I knew I only wanted you. And then I couldn’t find you.”
“Find me?”
“I tried to re-book your room for weeks. You were always full.”
“You tried… What?”
“I know it’s probably super odd for me to keep going back there the way I have been, and then admit that I also wanted to come back to your room. But it’s true. That’s what’s been happening.”
“I guess the only thing I can say to that is I’m flattered. And then to let you know that if you still feel that way, I’d love to take you out tonight. I’d love to stop talking about all this time we’ve lost and maybe see if we can move forward. Because it took me a while but I realize it doesn't matter either way. Whether you went back or not. You are your own person. You're allowed to experience life the way you want to. I'm just here hoping you want to experience it with me again."
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sendmeanangel: okay, i’m back and still alive, but i need a shower. Gimme another hour. I’ll fill you in I swear! MNstrluvr: meana, where are you????? Did you already fuck him???
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sendmeanangel: oh my god you guys are insane. It’s only been 45 minutes MNstrluvr: you can’t just drop that and run. You had to have to known we’d need more sooner sendmeanangel: i think i’m allowed to gather all the intel before i share it with you lol darkgothnightengale: you got your intel and then bailed for a shower! Boo! MNstrluvr: so what’s happening? Why are you stalling like this??? sendmeanangel: he’s taking me out on a real, honest-to-goodness date tonight MNstrluvr: YES!!! Where are you going? sendmeanangel: dinner and then a moonlight walk darkgothnightengale: isn’t it a full moon tonight? sendmeanangel: yep ;) MNstrluvr: you are so getting fucked outdoors!! sendmeanangel: Wait someone's at the door. I think it’s my lunch. Hold on. MNstrluvr: send them away and come back to finish this talk!!!
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"Walt? What're you...?" you spoke with surprise, thinking he wouldn't be here to pick you up for dinner for another five hours at least. It had only been one since you gave him your address and left him at the park, floating home on cloud nine. Now he stood in front of you, a bag of food in his hand.
"I couldn't wait any longer. I had to just...can I...?" Walter  dropped the bag and made a motion, hands out in something like a plea, knee beginning to bend with something like reverence. Nothing you understood until you nodded your head.
He stepped forward then, into your space, your tiny studio apartment that until now was always just fine for your needs but suddenly seemed three sizes too small for the man who was bending to kiss you and wrap his arms around your thighs, urging you to encircle his waist with your legs as he moved to kick the door closed behind him.
Your fingers tangled in his gorgeous locks as you relished the feel of his lips on yours once more. You'd only experienced that two times with Walter at the hotel, and the urgency of only one of those came even close to the feel of this one, and you suddenly wondered if he'd held something back when he kissed you goodbye back then. The euphoria blinded you to any other movement until you felt your body peeled from his and deposited on your sofa. And not that you minded couch sex, as previously confirmed with Mike, nor were you assured in the moment that couch sex was the end goal, but you wondered briefly when you'd have a moment to help him unfold the futon, since your studio only had enough room for a convertible bed.
For now, Walter simply slipped down to the floor and settled between your thighs, braced his arms tightly against your hips, caressed the bare skin between your shirt and pants with his rough hands, and nuzzled his face into your stomach. You held him close, hands still shifting through his curls and you could swear you heard a whimper, but whether from you or him it didn't seem to matter.
For a few beats, it was just this sweet. A man on his knees before you, somehow awed by your presence and content to be pressed against you, to feel you hold him close. And then it was more. Then it was his mouth, covering a clothed breast with warmth, teeth nipping at the flesh through your shirt, his tongue leaving saliva on the fabric so that it clung to your erect nipple protruding proudly regardless of your bra and top in the way.
When he noticed you staring down, as if surprised by your body’s own response, he simply smirked and moved his attention to the other side. When he tired of the barrier, he slipped his hands up your back under your shirt to unhook your bra, then lifted both articles of clothing up your body and pulled them off your arms, before returning his attention back to your chest and his hands to your hips.
Heat was building, and along with it, an urge to roll up into him. When he felt the movements of your hips, he drew a hand over one thigh to cup it against your clothed sex as he peeled his head back to gaze up at you.
"Just as eager as I am," he grinned. "I like that."
"Please, Walter," you begged, though for what exactly you weren't sure.
"I got you," he emphasized with a firm press of the heel of his palm, dragging it up and over your increasingly sensitive nub to hook his fingers into the waistband of your leggings. At your approval, he removed them and settled back between your legs, though he nuzzled a little lower than before.
He dragged you down, pulling your ass off the edge of the futon so he had a clear path to his objective. You expected him to dive right in, hoping he remembered what he already learned from before, and then he spoke and your mind exploded.
"Such a delightful sight," he said, tracing down the crease of one thigh and up the other with a finger you desperately wanted him to dip inside you. And he could tell. "She's so eager, positively dripping, isn't she?" He squeezed an inside thigh, then nipped and licked the other before speaking again.
"Yes, Walter. Please," you gasped, already anticipating the sensations he was going to create for you. You shuddered and bucked involuntarily at his low chuckle, putting your pussy directly against his lips and he didn't try to resist any longer.
His hunger was apparent, and it matched the desire building in you. He lapped eagerly, licked and sucked with need, tongued expertly at all the spots he already knew were favorites and then he found a few more, too. You tried to hold onto a fleeting thought about his technique before it drifted into the air above you as you found your fingers back in his hair, clutching and pulling him close to your core. Walter feasted like there was no tomorrow and you closed your eyes with the knowledge you were going to have as many tomorrows with this man as you wanted.
When you came it was with the cry of his name on your lips. He crawled up off the floor to settle on the futon beside you, scooping you onto his lap and hugging you close to help steady you.
He placed kisses on your forehead and spoke words into the consciousness you struggled to maintain as your chest heaved. "Shh, I got you. You're good. So good. So beautiful."
"Walter, that was..., jesus..., fuck...," you stammered, barely able to control your thoughts and you wished you could have sunk into the ground below you when you heard the next words out of your mouth. "Did Sy give you pointers?"
Walter's immediate laugh was hearty and heartwarming, dispelling the thoughts you had that you deserved to be tossed across the room for even daring to bring it up.
"I've always known clients prefer him for that over any of the rest of us. I took him out for beers one night and I may have begged for a trick or five. Sy's a good guy and he thought you deserved it, though I'm sure he never would have agreed if he thought I was coming back to the hotel." Walt bent to capture your lips and when he was done kissing you hard and deep, he spoke again. "I do, too. Think you deserve it."
"What about you?" you asked, aware now of a hardness pressing against your flesh through his pants. "Don't you deserve more, too?"
You wiggled off his lap and stood, hand out to urge him up. You swallowed hard as he towered over you, eyes full of desire and lust.
"I deserve whatever you're willing to give me."
"I'll give you everything, Walt," you admitted, fingers already working the buckle of his belt and buttons of his pants.
His lips crashed to yours as soon as he tossed his sweater to the floor and he held you entranced with his tongue even after you dropped his jeans down his legs along with his boxers. It was just a low growl but the sound from the back of his throat was enough to send a wave of slick down your thigh as you clenched around the space where you most desired him to be.
"Fuck, Walter," you gasped into his mouth and begged. "Fuck me, please."
It was a mad dash to remove his boots so he could discard his pants, though not before he grabbed the made-just-for-him condoms from the pocket, and then unfold the futon for a larger surface area on which he could move you around and manipulate your passion. It was no plush cabin bed, but it would have to do.
"Fuck, I wanted this outside tonight," he admitted, staring at you as he rutted into your core with abandon. 
"It's a full moon tonight," you noted, as if he wouldn’t already know that.
"I still wanna fuck you under it," he growled, staring deep into your eyes.
You were losing control, falling up through space and time as you felt every inch of him against every inch of you and it still wasn't enough. You couldn't stop your eyes from closing as you begged him for more.
"Hey," he called, lifting your leg around his waist and when you opened your eyes you saw him smile as you wrapped your other leg the same way without prodding from him. You were mesmerized by the motion of his hips and barely caught the glint, a hint of change to amber, but you did.
“No!” He stilled immediately but you held on as he tried to withdraw from you. “No, stay with me, here just like this. We can do that again, later, whenever. Just,” you drew a hand to cup his face, “please. Like this. Like you. Just you.” You kissed him deep and rolled your hips to spur him on again.
You were prepared to feel less full, less fucked, though not by much, with Walter in human form. You were not prepared for the way he fucked you to feel just as animalistic as the monster. His assault was merciless, even as he grunted in your ear all the ways he was going to make you his. How he planned to take you softly in the moonlight so you’d know it didn’t matter what form he was in, you could have him any way you wanted. 
When you finally came apart for him, he let loose with a loud growl and you were sure your neighbors were gonna call the landlord any minute. He hurried back to your side after disposing of the spent condom, curling around you and melting you in his warmth.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be?” he asked. “I still wanna take you to dinner, but I’d love to just stay here with you for awhile. If that’s okay?”
You were about to answer him, but your returning senses also meant you could hear the buzzing vibrations of notifications on your phone. Shit!
“Uh, no. I don’t have to be anywhere. Maybe you could grab that bag you left outside and we can see what else I can scrounge up for us to eat right now?”
You grabbed your phone as he peeled open the door, careful to tuck himself behind it as he grabbed for the food, lest a neighbor get a view they didn’t pay for.
sendmeanangel: okay look. He’s here. Right now. Can’t talk. All good. MMNstrluvr: MEANA!!! darkgothnightengale: GIRL YOU BETTER SPILL SOON!
You found some chips and salsa and split your sandwich with Walt, not that it looked like nearly enough food to tide him over till dinner. But he didn’t seem to mind. The next few hours flew by as you both sought to learn as much about each other as you could as soon as possible.
He explained that the special skill he had only worked within the confines of a vortex, over which the hotel had been built. It’s why he couldn’t bend time to allow him to study and work and wonder about you without losing sleep somewhere along the way.
After a shower, and some shower head, and then another shower, Walter asked if he could take you somewhere special for dinner. Somewhere not in town. He let you send GPS coordinates to your online friends with the promise they wouldn’t send you any details of the location. He wanted it to be a surprise for you. They were only to use it if you didn’t check in after dinner and again in the morning and once more when you were back at your apartment.
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The sun was just sinking low with a burst of evening color when Walt pulled up to the lakeside cabin. He helped you out of his truck, then grabbed your overnight bags and the groceries from the backseat. You couldn’t wait to see the place in the full daylight, but you could already tell it was magical. 
An a-frame cabin with large windows faced the lake. An oversized wooden deck made up a large seating area and all around landing pad in front of the entrance. A set of side steps allowed access from the driveway, but along the full length of the deck three stairs led to a narrower mulched path that in turn led to a wooden dock out onto the lake. A seating area was visible there as well, though there were no chairs.
Walt let you in first, then followed and set the bags down before closing the door.
He must have noticed you still admiring the sunset out the windows.
"I can make it last."
You blinked and turned, curious about what he'd just offered.
"Are we in a vortex then?"
"Yes, I got lucky finding this spot. Don't own the place, yet, so I can't come out whenever I want, but I made sure tonight was free."
"And, I mean, no. It's beautiful but I'm really looking forward to the moon. Can you make that last?"
He bit his lip and nodded, letting a smile and glance drift to the floor, shaking his head as if he still couldn't believe his luck.
"Yeah, I definitely can," he grinned at you before sweeping you into his arms. He kissed you hard and deep and you could feel the way he held back.
"Don't," you said, pulling away from the kiss so you could look him in the eye.
"Don't make it last?" he asked, confusion furrowing his brow.
"Don't hold back."
He did not. Every ounce of your clothing was on the floor next to his in what felt like a heartbeat. He was pawing at every inch of your body and you were enjoying it, the way he caressed you, held you, molded you to his form.
"Won't matter," he huffed between kisses. "She's not up yet. Later. After dinner."
"Will you do it anyway?" you asked, and nodded earnestly when he asked if you were sure.
He again didn't waste a moment. One second he was Walter, the next he was the wolf and he was at your throat. Then down your body, then between your legs.
He made you come on his tongue at least three times before he presented his enormously hard member to you and helped you work your mouth around the tip.
You wanted so much more. You gave it your best shot. But he was huge. Larger than you recalled. When it was clear you'd need your hand to cover him completely, he licked your palms and wrapped your fingers around his length.
He pulled you off just as you finally found the right rhythm, the right pressure, the right speed.
"You're gonna make me come," he growled.
"Kinda the point, Walt," you grinned up at him. "C'mon, lemme..."
"You asked me not to hold back. Sorta assumed you meant the fucking."
"I meant don't..." you licked your lips. "Hold..." then your hand. "Back..." And with that, you took him back into your mouth and kept working him to climax.
You swallowed him down and glanced up, marveling at the way he shifted. The hair receded, though clearly not completely. The nose shortened, teeth shrunk, though a fang still peeked from his mouth as he panted for air. His stature gave back the extra inches balancing on the balls of his feet gained him. And with claws retracted back into his normally large hands, he reached to bring you to his feet before him.
After the kiss, you admitted, "I just figured the faster we finish dinner, the faster we can get to her."
His laugh never failed to make you feel safe and at home.
"That isn't how the moon rise works, but I appreciate the initiative."
She was just at the horizon of the mountain crest behind the cabin when Walt cleared the plates from the table. You started a quick, warm shower just to freshen up and welcomed him into your arms when he joined you.
Then he dried you off, handed you a flannel of his to wear, escorted you outside where he shifted on the way down the steps and led you to the end of the dock. You sat between his legs, back against his chest, and let the heat radiating from him keep you warm. You smelled the chill in the air you knew would lead to frost soon, but not tonight, not tomorrow.
She peered over the tree tops and cast her gaze upon you. You felt her power and you felt his power and you arched against him as he moved his hand between your legs. He nuzzled down your neck, nipped at your shoulder, and carefully, with precision, made you come on his hand.
As you recovered, you unbuttoned the shirt, slipped it off your body, and laid it down behind you. You made your way to your back, letting the flannel shield your bare skin from the hard wood planks. And you pulled him to you, urged him inside you, and held him close. Your bodies moved in tandem as she shone brightly across the gentle rippling of the water, her reflection casting you in her glow.
Walt didn't lie about taking you gently. It was like nothing you ever imagined being with a wolf would be like. As sensual as any touch any man or monster had ever given you, and given your recent adventures, that was saying a lot.
But you could tell he was still holding back.
"I get it Walt," you whispered in his ear. "This doesn't have to be the way you say it though." You smoothed the fur along his face as he pulled back to watch your face. "Don't hold back."
With a snarl, he did as you bid, taking you apart as he had back at your place just mere hours ago. Though once the moon reached her peak, you could tell he'd halted time and it was gonna have to be you to beg him for mercy, plead with him to stop treating you to the most intense, overpowering yet intimate orgasms you'd ever felt. You had to urge him to finally come and let the moon fall how she wanted.
"I love you, too," you whispered to him as he collapsed beside you.
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS header created for me by my wonderful friend in fic, @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren @irishavengersassemble @brattymum96
Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
Tags from Werewolf!walter (if you commented):
@ellethespaceunicorn @juliaorpll78 @martha-oi @cardierreh15 @cinnamoroll-things @caramariehurst @zombicupcake3 @openup-yourmind @shellyshellshell @nickfowlerrr @greensleeves888 @misshinson @thelastsock @princessaxoo @augustsprincess @justjulie1105 @minimin1993 @agniavateira @sammat97 @meb79
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tizeline · 6 months
Bro that angst potential ur separated au is keeping me up at night. You've said since Mikey would be a powerhouse due to training at such an early age, would it be safe to assume that Leo & raph are too? They've been mastering their ninpo 4 years? And if yes then dam they must be tanks. Must be a force to be reckoned with the bros and drax being all chaotic. Did they start to train so early bcuz drax only saw them as soldiers n stuff? Drax sure must've softened over the years huh guess he couldn't handle the cute lil menaces lol. Is Donnie aware of his own ninpo yet? I'm imagining him going up against the others with all his cool tech and then they whip out this anime magic ass superpower out of nowhere. Like meeting others like u after years of thinking u were the only one must be at least baffling right, now it turns out magic is real too. And he's gonna have it too(Not to mention the bro bomb waiting to drop on his head). Would his insecurities rise after witnessing all that?
Sorry I just absolutely LOVE ur au friend, i have a ton of questions but ill hold it 4 ltr. I'm really excited to see where you take it :)) -🌾
Oh man, Anon, glad to see you so excited haha!
Just a heads up, I'm still figuring out the story of the AU, so I don't know all the specifics yet, but here are some of my thoughts. And also, this became a bit of a ramble, that's what you get when you send long asks lol /lh
The way I'm thinking how Draxum is gonna be like in this AU is that he didn't view himself as the turtles' father initially, not really because he only viewed them as mere tools for him to use, he always saw them as people with induviduality. But rather, he hadn't really connected the dots that creating children + raising said children = parenthood, which led to Draxum like a year after mutating the turtles having the sudden realization one day of "OH SHIT AM I A DAD!?" and having a mini crisis because of that.
Anyway, while I don't think Draxum is the perfect dad in this AU by any means, he does genuinely care about his kids. (If Mikey managed to win Draxum over in canon after having spent a whole season fighting each other, there's no way he'd care about Mikey any less in a scenario where they've been on the same side since day one like they have in this AU.) He started training the turles from an early age and they are expected to help him with his Definitely Not Evil World Domination Plan, but they are still allowed free time and hobbies and such. And aside from some "ugh I don't wanna train right now I wanna play vidya gaemes" occasionally, the turtles never really opposed the idea of them becoming Draxums super soldiers. Kids are really easily influenced and if your parent keeps telling you that you are the heroes who are gonna save the world from evil, chances are you're gonna latch on to that narrative without question. But after meeting Donnie and April, who knows, it might be what finally starts making the other turtles question if their cause really is as just as they think :) That being said, I still have to figure out how Draxum would react exactly to his sons starting to oppose his world view.
Then their abilities! I also have to do more reasearch into exactly how the magic system works in RoTMNT cuz uhhh it's a bit unclear sometimes. Anyway, ninpo is specifically the magic used by the Hamato clan, and considering Raph, Leo and Mikey weren't raised as Hamato I don't think they would have access to that specific type of magic (though I still think they'd be be able to possibly unlock it later down the line) They would still have access to yokai magic, and of course the mystic weapons that they stole in the show would just have been given to them in AU by Draxum. And oh yeah, the brothers are powerful. To be fair, Donnie was able to keep up with Draxum pretty well in the pilot episode, so he wouldn't be COMPLETELY outmatched by his brothers. His tech is powerful enough that he'd be able to put up a decent fight even if he lacks mystic powers himself but..... three against one? Yeah, Donnie isn't winning any time soon. The biggest advantage he'd have would honestly be that his brothers wouldn't really WANT to fight him cuz they'd be all like "Long Lost Brother™??? 😭😭😭 Please come home Long Lost Brother™ we love you!!! 😭😭😭"
And I think Splinter would have kept both of their origins secret initially like he did in the show, so Donnie would't have any ninpo either, but I also think Donnie would still learn about the whole Lou Jitsu and Genetically Modified Super Soldier thing earlier than in canon. And god, yeah, learning about all of that would definietly be A Lot, which is why I still need time to figure out Donnie's exact reaction sorry Anon you're gonna have to be patient XD
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everythingmp3 · 3 months
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𝕤𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 ✧
adult!Van x fem!reader (smut)
when you return home for the summer and your parents tell you that a friend of theirs will be staying over for a while, you don´t think much of it. that is until you meet her and it becomes impossible to be around her without trying to get her attention.
minors dni. warnings: filth but no bottom/top dynamic (tit sucking, thigh riding, etc.)
author´s note: I missed her so here I am, back to pushing the adult Van agenda <3 I was in the mood for something fun flirty etc. so thats the vibe I went for, hope you like it!
after a stressful last few weeks of the semester, you were glad to finally be going back home to your parents place for the summer. when you called them a few days before coming back they briefly mentioned something about an old friend of theirs, Van, who´d be staying over for a week because she was in the area and they hadn´t seen each other in a while. you didn´t think twice about it, it was a regular occurance for them to have people over for a few days. your own plans mostly included sleeping in, relaxing in the garden, doing nothing for once, but that was only partly what was going to happen that first week of being home.
the day that Van arrived you’d been out for dinner with a friend from high school, so by the time you came home it had gotten late and you walked in on your parents and her standing in the kitchen, laughing, having a drink. the moment Van turned around and smiled at you, you thought what the fuck. it took you a moment to speak but you recovered, somewhat. 
you introduced yourself to her and asked a few polite questions, but the whole time you were thinking why the fuck didn´t they tell me they were inviting a hot lesbian? couldn´t they have given me a warning?, but then you realized: of course your parents had no clue that you were into women that close to their age. 
after a moment of chit-chat you excused yourself to go freshen up and collect your thoughts before joining them again out on the terrace to also have a drink and enjoy the sunset. sitting there listening to them talk, you immediately understood why they´d kept in touch with Van even after so many years: she was funny, a dry kind of humor that you enjoyed, she was charming, quick witted, easy to talk to, generally just great company. on top of that she was painfully alluring, her fiery long hair, the faint scars on her cheek, her dark blue eyes, that deep soft voice, it was all getting to you, after a while you were scared you were blushing, but you could´ve just blamed it on the alcohol. 
the good thing was that any amount of enthusiasm you showed while talking to Van just registered as friendly to your parents, you were safe in that regard, they´d never have guessed that your interest went beyond the platonic kind. 
at first you were unsure whether you were her type at all so you didn´t get your hopes up and tried to play it cool, but that night something happened that changed your mind. 
they gave her the guest room next to yours, which meant that you two would share a bathroom. as you got undressed to shower you forgot to lock the door because you weren´t thinking about the fact that someone else was also going to use it, so as you stood there in your underwear the door opened and Van immediately excused herself, overly apologetic “oh fuck I´m so sorry”, but she hesitated just a moment too long before closing the door again; there was one brief second you caught of her gaze scanning your body in a way that made it crystal clear: the attraction was not one-sided. you grinned like an idiot for minutes after, the whole time you showered, thinking back to that flicker of want in her eyes as she took in the sight of you. 
the next morning your choice of outfit was not coincidental. you skipped over the loose t-shirts in favor of a tight tank top, you also fussed with your hair longer than usual, you made a point to put lotion on your arms and legs, to wear a nice fragrance, and when you caught yourself doing all that you almost laughed to yourself, realizing that you were acting like you had a crush, but you didn´t mind, it felt good to be that into someone for once. 
that morning your whole physicality changed because of Van´s presence in the room. the moment you were downstairs helping your parents with breakfast, while they told Van to just sit and wait, you started moving certain ways on purpose: you leaned over the counter when it wasn´t really necessary, you licked some juice off your fingers when you could have just used a towel, when it was time to eat you sat more upright than usual, you were very conscious of your expression, giving her a look while listening to her talk that was way more intense than the kind you´d haven given other guests. 
Van´s poker face was good, but she noticed it, all of it, and she couldn´t believe it. at first she thought she might be imagining things but by the time you were done eating and leaned your head on your hands, looking over at her with your head tilted, all doe-eyed and sweet, she thought: oh no. she knows exactly what she´s doing. 
the first few days of Van´s stay were during the weekend so your parents were off from work and used that time to show her around, to get dinner with her at their favorite restaurant, properly catching up while you were free to do whatever, but by Monday it would be just you and Van in the mornings and afternoons and you were nervous as hell.
Monday morning, you walked down, trying to figure out how to act casual, but when you saw her messing with the coffee machine all nervousness vanished as you found a way to open the conversation: offering to make her that coffee and breakfast. she gladly accepted, talking to you about college, about her store, about films you´d seen lately, watching you as you moved around the kitchen, serving her.
it felt natural, you had no trouble finding plenty of things to talk about and the conversation turned passionate quickly, since you both had strong opinions about pretty much everything that came up. as you both ate you asked her, “so, what I´m gathering is that I shouldn´t put on Netflix around you, hm?” she laughed, “well, you can do whatever you want, I won´t police you, but they don´t have the good stuff. so you´d be wasting your precious time” you leaned forward, eyeing her, amused by that way of putting it, “the good stuff? and what would that be?”, it took her about 0.5 seconds to start listing her favorite 80s and 90s classics, most of which you´d already seen, but you felt like messing with her so you said, “never heard of any of those.”, dead-pan, convincing. her jaw dropped, “what the fuck.. are you being serious??”, you didn´t move a muscle in your face, letting her believe it, taking in her dramatic reaction “okay, I think you need an intervention here”, you laughed then, “oh and you´d be the one doing that yeah?”, she nodded, “I mean you´re off from school I know but you have some serious homework to do here”, you nodded, “right. I´ll report back when I’m done with that list you just gave me. you can quiz me on it then”, she smiled “good idea, I might just do that”. 
you kept talking for a few more minutes as you finished your drinks and put away the plates, but the interesting part was that neither of you dared to ask the other one about dating or romance at all, it was clear that you were both trying to figure the other one out without giving yourself away with questions like, “so, got a girlfriend?”. neither of you wanted to expose yourselves like that, so it stayed mysterious, certain glances, certain suggestive ways of puttings things, giving hints here and there. even though the words didn´t give it away, something was in the air, undeniably. 
you offered her a ride because you were meeting your friend for coffee downtown and had recommended a few places for her to check out nearby, so she agreed, slightly nervous to be sitting that close to you.
usually she was the one driving people around, so it was a nice change, to have you do it for her, too nice she realized, as she kept staring at your hands on the wheel, your arms flexing, your legs pressed against the leather seat. you could tell, suppressing a smile as you felt her enjoying the view, when a few minutes passed and you could still feel her eyes on your side profile you applied some lip balm at a stop light, really taking your time with it, Van thinking jesus christ what is she doing to me as you pressed your lips together, slowly, really drawing the process out. the rest of the afternoon Van tried to forget about it as she walked around a few stores, talked to strangers, had lunch, but the entire time she kept replaying the things you´d said and done earlier, increasingly convinced you were just waiting for her to make a move, trying hard to remind herself it wasn´t a good idea at all to mess around with you under your parent´s roof. 
that day was a particularly hot one, so at night, around 2 am you gave up on sleep and went out onto the balcony that connected your room and Van´s. you just sat there for a few minutes, staring up at the sky, enjoying the soft breeze, until you heard a door creaking and saw Van stepping out. once she saw you she said “oh, I´ll leave you be”, but before she could turn around you said “no, please, come sit!”, patting the empty space next to you on the bench. for a brief second she thought of saying no, knowing that she was getting herself into trouble, seeing you sitting there barely clothed, but she couldn´t do it, she gave in, nodding, sitting down next to you, consciously keeping her knee from touching yours.
“can´t sleep either, huh?” you asked, she shook her head “no, it´s still so fucking hot” running her hands through her hair, wiping some sweat off her forehead. she looked even more attractive to you then than during the day, something about seeing her in that more intimate light.
you agreed “yeah it is”, reaching for your glass of ice water on the table, holding it out to her,“here, have the rest”, she looked at you for a moment, realizing that you were daring her to agree to the casual intimacy of sharing a drink. she took the glass and downed what was left in it in one big gulp, sighing afterwards, “that´s better”, pressing the cold glass against her face for a moment, closing her eyes, soaking it up. you kept looking at her from the side, at her freckles that were very prominent during summer, her nose and cheeks that were a little red from the sun, barely a few inches from your own face. Van could tell you were staring and smiled to herself before setting down the glass and turning to look back at you, “you know, you´re really lucky your parents are so fucking oblivious”. 
“what do you mean?” you asked, your grin giving away that you knew exactly what she meant. she shook her head, “well, you´re not very subtle, let´s put it that way”, she said, her eyes searching yours for a reaction, you shrugged, returning her gaze, “who said I was trying to be?”. 
she kept looking at you, stunned by the sudden confession, “come on. you could be out there with a nice girl your age right now, why don´t you do that, hm?”, she meant it, she was puzzled by your stubborn pursuit, your almost absurd level of flirting, and you realized you had to make it clear to her: that you truly wanted her, that it wasn´t just a game or a fun way to pass the time for you. 
so you shook off any shame that was left in you and leaned closer, placing your palm flat against her thigh, feeling her wince for a moment, her eyes wide, your voice low and quiet, your fingers lightly tracing her skin, a shudder down her spine, “why would I go out there, when I have someone I want right here?”. Van´s breath heavy at that point and you were cruel with it, running your hand up her thigh until she couldn´t take it anymore and grabbed your wrist to stop you. the moment she did that she saw your expression change in an instant, the impact of her touch immediately visible all over your face and it was done, she needed more of that, much more. a sudden clarity: I need to fuck this girl or I´ll go insane. 
she let go of your hand, and reached for your face instead, pulling you in for a kiss, not gentle but hard, determined, the kind that says this is what you asked for, immediately more sexual than romantic, open mouthed, needy, frantically groping at each other within seconds, you pushing yourself up against her, almost climbing onto her lap. the desperation got sounds out of you that quickly became too loud to stay out in the open, you both realized it at the same time and pulled away, panting. “come to my room” you begged her “please”, she nodded, not in the position to deny you any of your wishes, still out of breath, so you pulled her up, leading her inside, closing the door behind you. 
the second you turned around she was all over you again, any hesitation gone by that point, her hands on your lower back, pulling your shirt up, you doing the same to her, both of you tearing the other person´s top off, making out chest to chest for a moment, savoring the feeling, hands roaming, before it got too hot for any stitch of clothing to remain on your bodies. 
Van often stayed somewhat dressed during hook ups, not loving the vulnerability of being totally exposed, but with you it felt different, she didn´t think twice, shorts and underwear quickly piled onto the other clothes on the floor, both of you taking in the sight of the other person for a second,“god you´re fucking beautiful..” Van marveled, as she stepped closer, making you back up onto the bed. 
you laid down flat on your back as she climbed over you, leaning down, trapping you with her arms, seeing you smile up at her, visibly pleased by your successful move on her, a cocky grin spreading across her face that suited her, “you really were dying for this huh?” a teasing tone. Van clearly enjoyed the power she had over you, and you didn´t mind at all, letting her enjoy the feeling of having you at her mercy as she briefly traced your lips with her thumb, feeling you open your mouth for her, the tip of your tongue against her fingers, her eyes turned darker as she watched you turn all submissive and sweet for her, violently turned on by it, before you pulled her down to kiss her again, but Van had other plans. she gave you a few feverish kisses before moving down to your chest, her flat tongue running over one of your tits in broad strokes as she grabbed the other one, an audible “fuck..” from you as she started sucking on the sensitive skin, so eagerly that she was definitely gonna leave a mark or two but she didn´t care, it was too intoxicating, your soft skin between her lips, her tongue circling your nipple, you biting down on your lip to suppress moans that would be too loud, hands in her hair, messing it up as she hummed against your skin, leaving your chest glistening with her spit, so deeply into it that she couldn´t help but lightly bite down a few times, forcing a whimper out of you, practically claiming her territory with the red splotches that were blooming on your skin because of her. 
after a while you couldn´t just lay there squirming under her anymore, you had to do something so you moved to switch, flipping her over and straddling her, kissing her neck as her hands settled on your waist, holding you in place. you were so desperate for her by that point hat you started grinding against her thigh, she could feel you slick against her skin but you were still holding back a little but she reassured you,“don´t be shy with me, I can handle it” moving her leg up a bit to add pressure, you were kissing again by then, moaning into her mouth as you moved on top of her, the friction creating a deep throbbing feeling at your core, a groan from her as she felt how soaked you were getting, spreading it all over her leg, but it wasn´t enough, you needed more, you wanted to really feel her, you were almost whining from it, all delirious with want, “what do you need, hm? tell me sweetie” she cooed, wanting you to get off,“can we-” you weren´t at a place to speak anymore, so you just showed her by getting yourself into position. 
she could see what you were trying to do, helping you by adjusting her legs, making space, almost scared for a second that the sensation would overwhelm her and she was right: the moment you hooked your leg over hers and angled your hips in a way that made your cunts rub up against each other she whispered “oh fuck..” trying to remain somewhat calm but it was too intense, too good, the feeling of your wetness mixing with hers, the warmth of your core spreading into hers, the blurring of where yours ended and hers began, she had to work hard not to remain somewhat composed.
“good?” you inquired, seeing her nod as she let out a breathy “yeah, perfect” as you grabbed her leg and started adding movement to it, rocking against her, feeling her match the motion, a shared loud gasp as your clits met, a shared effort to stay at that exact angle, your hips moving faster then, both of your fingers digging into the other one´s leg to hold on, Van was trying hard not to fully lose her mind but the sensation of you grinding against her as she saw your face twisted in pleasure, your skin glistening in the dim light, the vague outline of the bruises that she´d left on your tits, your whole naked body hers to take in, it was all driving her insane with lust.
she realized that you´d had the exact right idea, after a long hot day it was the best thing, not to exhaust your jaws or arms but to just rub up against each other needily, a sensuality to it that made the whole thing feel like a dream, the room silent except for the the vulgar sound of your soaked lips moving against each other and your barely contained moans, “fuck just like that dont stop” you begged as you found just the right rhythm, your nails digging into her flesh, the kind of pain that just turned her on even more, she couldn´t deny herself the chance to see you unravel completely, so she took the order and added more force to her movement, your clit throbbing by that point, hers too, “you feel so fucking good” she praised “so good..”, breathless as both of you could feel your orgasms approaching, “fuck Van I´ll cum” you uttered, watching her pretty long hair falling down over her chest, you reached out to touch her as you pracitcally rubbed yourself raw against her, your whole body vibrating and hot by that point, and as she felt your fingers pressing into the flesh of her tits she knew she´d finish soon too, locking eyes with you, both of you sensing that the other person was very close to the edge, staring into each other´s soul´s as your pace became faster and your movements more erratic, the eye contact driving you wild, it was pure bliss, seeing the person you´d lusted after being overcome with pleasure because of you, a simultaneous deep shudder going through your bodies as you came against each other, your cunts clenching, your hips sore by that point, slowing down once you were truly finished, breathing a little steadier then, detangling your shaking legs. 
you moved to lay down next to her, spent, sweating, but somehow still in heat, so you moved your hand down to her wetness after not having used your hands on her yet and she did the same immediately. you faced each other as you both slid your fingers over the other´s slick heat, drenched by that point, almost leaking down your thighs, savoring the proof of your fucking for a moment, a sudden wordless agreement: let´s cum again. you teased her clit, mirroring what she was doing to you, her hot breath against your face, closing the distance for a sloppy kiss, sighing as you made out and felt the other person´s hand quickly drawing out another orgasm, shoulder to shoulder as the second climax got a few final broken up moans out of you. the first high was more violent but the second was what you needed to feel truly satisfied, to calm down. 
after a moment of letting yourself lay there, you put your hands on her stomach, placing your chin on top of them, smiling up at her all flushed and content, “was I really that obvious?” she cocked her head, slowly coming to her senses again“no, not at all. you were just blatantly eye fucking me across the dinner table. no big deal”, “I was admiring you”, you corrected, feigning innocence, batting your eyelashes at her, she nodded, “right sure, you tell yourself that”.
you propped yourself up on your elbow once you regained some strength, looking at her laying next to you, “the walls are super thin by the way, so they definitely heard us”, a serious tone, watching the utter shock in her expression for a moment before a grin spread across your face that gave away that you were just fucking with her. she playfully slapped your arm then, “okay very funny. you´re not the one who´d get your fucking ass kicked for this”, you laughed, gently brushing a strand of hair out of her face,“oh don´t worry, I´d protect you”, she nodded, her tone laced with irony “right, that´s very romantic of you, really”, but she cracked a smile too then, shaking her head “you really are something else..” reaching out to trace your outline with her index finger, “you were fucking playing with me these past few days, huh? that was torture”. 
you smiled, eyeing her, “oh yeah? that bad?”, almost a hint of pride in your voice, she looked at you, clearly charmed, “trust me, “my friend´s daughter” is not my usual type. I wouldn´t be this reckless for just anyone”, you realized she was sort of calling irresistible, “I´ll take that as a compliment” you said, laying back down again, “please do”, she didn’t want it to be a secret, that something about you was special to her.
both of you just stared up at the ceiling for a moment, listening to the sound of the wind in the trees outside, the cicadas, the soundscape of the night, until you spoke up again, “when are you leaving again?”, you asked her, “um, Friday morning”, you contemplated that for a second, “you know what I think you should do?”, a conspirative tone, she was curious then, caressing your arm absentmindedly, “do tell”, you continued, “I think by the time you leave you should tell them that you really loved it here. like truly in every way, and that you would love to come back in a few weeks”, she laughed then, realizing you were already thinking of missing her and coming up with plans to reunite even though she was still there, “oh really? and you think I am so obsessed with you that I´d close my store and drive a whole day to come back here?”, you considered it, “well, if I do things right the next four days I think that will be the case yes”.
Van couldn´t lie, your confidence and relentless pursuit were a mix that already had her wrapped around your finger, she wouldn´t have admitted it in that moment but she´d already thought about it herself: the reasons she might find to come back again. it almost embarrassed her to think of, that she´d fantasized about that, since she knew it was kind of fucked up but it was also exhilirating, far beyond what her dating life usually entailed. she wouldn’t have admitted it in that moment though, she was gonna let you believe that you were the more intense one in the dynamic, at least for a while. 
“let´s see about that” she said, a grin on her face.
“you know they´re gone at work all day tomorrow” you whispered, “yeah I know”, “so..” you added, she turned to you then, meeting your gaze, “so..” mimicking your tone, “you mean we won´t have to worry about any thin walls then, hm?”, you laughed, blushing, “exactly yes”, she pulled you closer, “well, let´s try to sleep then or we won´t have the energy for that. at least not me, I´m too old for all-nighters”.
you smiled, nodding, closing your eyes and leaning against her arm as you felt her fingers running through your hair, the air still warm enough for you two to just lay there on top of the covers like that for a while, finally at ease, after all the tension and exhaustion of the hot day had evaporated from your bodies at once, leaving you in a state of lazy bliss. 
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tonkatsubowl · 9 months
false love. vii
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jing yuan x fem!reader
nsfw themes (cursing and stuff i think. mentions of domestic abuse and self harm. mentions of suicide. no, jing yuan aint hurting u bb girl). read at your own risk.
⪩ arranged marriage. the reader and jing yuan have an arranged marriage and she is stuck, disliking every moment of it, until…
english isn’t my first language, so please don’t mind the grammatical errors. (っ◞‸◟ c)
◖y/n: your name
◖e/c: eye color
◖h/c: hair color
◖l/n: last name
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part one. ꕤ part two. ꕤ part three. ꕤ part four. ꕤ part five. ꕤ part six.
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➽ requested tag list: @immahuman @lovingnahida @nayukiyukihira @dollfaced-erin (please comment below to be added to the tag list. i forgot who wanted to be tagged from now on so please let me know. sorry if i forgot you)
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the next morning, you were clearly sore.
you were covered in love marks; bites, hickeys, but they were soft in terms of... well, image. and so was your session last night with your husband.
it was your first time doing it too, and jing yuan had been incredibly gentle with you. yes, it did hurt, it stung, but every moment that you felt any source of pain, he stopped to make sure you were okay.
after that, you had fallen asleep in his arms, and being unable to leave your side, he was unable to do any sort of aftercare for you... until the very next morning.
your eyes fluttered awake to the sight of soft, gentle rays of the sunlight invading through the window. your thighs were sore, and you were still hidden underneath the covers of your now shared blanket with jing yuan. you were so comfortable, you didn't want to move... but also, you were sore as well, so you definitely didn't want to do anything today.
looking to your right, you didn't see jing yuan anywhere. you felt a little saddened–maybe he had to go somewhere and do something important?
or maybe he was unsatisfied with your body and left you.
...nay, don't think like that now, y/n. the both of you literally shared a single night together, and he had always protected you and made sure you were safe and sound... especially now. you were fighting your self doubts, your insecurities and anxieties. because jing yuan loved you all the time.
"y/n?" you hear jing yuan's voice softly protrude through the door as it was slid open. he entered, holding a tray of what appeared to be breakfast and a side of tea that was given, too. your eyes brighten as you sat up, using the covers of your blanket to cover your chest.
his eyes linger on your shoulders and neck, satisfied that he gave you his territorial marks—you were his, and these marks are proof.
"jing yuan," you beam, happy to see him. you felt the world's weight lift off your shoulders as you see him waltz in, placing the tray on the empty nightstand.
"did you sleep well? are you hurting? i brought a heat pad with me just in case, too, if you required it."
you blink. as he sat the tray of food down, you watch him retrieve some sort of ointment from himself, and you were immediately embraced by the scent of herbal eucalyptus and lavender.
"i slept well... and i am a little sore. you didn't have to do all of this." you murmur, a little shy.
"you're right. i don't have to. but i want to. i want to take care of my wife, always." jing yuan flashed a smile at you as he sat down next to you, rubbing the ointment into his hands. "please, show me your back. i'd like to treat the marks i left on you so they don't hurt as much. i apologize if i went a little too far."
you shake your head as you turned your back towards him, letting him treat you. "y-you didn't. you were gentle... and..." good thing you weren't facing him now. you were hiding your face, cheeks reddening. "...i enjoyed it."
...yeah, you weren't facing him, so you didn't get to witness the sight of red that dusted on his cheeks. he cleared his throat awkwardly, shy and touched by your comment. "..i'm glad, love." he said, before giving a warning, "it's going to be cold."
gently, he rubbed the ointment all over your back in silence. you couldn't help but remember the scenes of last night. he was heavily breathing against you, whispering into your ear, kissing you, your neck... you immediately covered your face as your blush had deepened its color.
"ah-? y/n? is it too much?" jing yuan blinked, staring at you with worry.
"n-no, it's not that. i just... n-nothing."
"i see," jing yuan murmured, leaning in to give the back of your neck a kiss, "as long as you aren't hurt. then that's all that matters to me."
finishing up the treatment, he puts the ointment away before reaching over towards the tray of your aftercare food and drink, handing you the warm cup of jasmine tea.
"here, some jasmine tea for you." jing yuan smiles. "and some food here, too. if you want it."
your eyes brighten, glistening with delight as you take the cup. your lips meet at the brim of the cup, sipping gently.
securely, jing yuan was admiring you all the same, especially when he started to remember how adorable you looked last night. your cute voice, your mewls and moans, how you softly said his name... now it was his turn to feel embarrassed as he looks away, coughing into his hand.
you blink, looking at him with a bit of concern. "jing yuan? are you sick?"
"n-.. no. don't worry about it. just something was... erm, in my throat." he coughed again before clearing his throat. "i am fine, i reassure you."
you nod, smiling softly before you leaned over, planting a kiss onto your husband's lips. "okay... i believe you. but um... what's the agenda for today? will you be busy?"
"i was going to be busy," jing yuan responded, "but i decided to skip today and take an off day. i wanted to take you out later."
"ah," you tilt your head, "r-really? take me out? to where?"
"well, there's an event happening over at the central starskiff haven. have you been to one of those before?"
you shake your head, "no. what sort of event is it?"
"well, i guess it's like some annual race or whatever... but besides that, there is plenty of food and other stuff i'm sure you'd like. this time, i truly won't leave your side..." he gently squeezed your hand. "...not even a second. security has been heightened too, so you won't have to worry about... getting hurt again. "
you look down to your intertwined hands, safety and happiness washing over you as you nod slowly. "...alright."
over at the starskiff haven, you were immediately met by the bustling sounds of civilians and children joyously chattering amongst themselves. your hand was held by jing yuan the entire time, and never once did he let go of you for anything.
the event was a literal race of different starskiffs. others came to show off their modified engines and appearances, some came to just relax and enjoy the show, others just wanted to be there for the food... and now you were here, doing all of the above (besides racing).
jing yuan, you and lieutenant yanqing were accompanying each other, although yanqing was remaining a great distance from the both of you as he was ordered to remain on the look out for any suspicious activity.
you and jing yuan were just spending time together, not a single worry or doubt filled your guys' minds.
"ah, sesame balls," jing yuan purchased a few of these desserts before handing one to you, "here, have a try. then after, i'll take you to a nice location where you can see the view of the race."
you smile, taking the dessert before taking a bite out of it. realizing it was delicious, you immediately finish the dessert, your eyes brightening. "i-it's good!" you exclaimed as your husband now gave you an entire bag of them.
carrying the bag in your arms, you allowed your husband to take you over to a sky-scrape like building. the two of you traversed into it before finally hitting the top of the roof, where a beautiful tree was growing upon the top. a few people were here with their lovers, and you were merely one of the lovebirds that came to the roof. the tree almost looked similar to a cherry blossom tree, given the dancing of the twirling pink petals that were flying about... it was a beautiful view, especially with the tree's rain of its children.
you look towards jing yuan as he motioned you to come over, allowing you to sit next to him. you weren't really scared of heights, although you were a tad anxious. but you saw the beauty of xianzhou luofu, and... it brought you peace. with how beautiful the sky looked, with how nature beautified it all... you could stay up here forever just admiring the view.
the starskiffs below were racing amongst each other. you could hear the distant cheers of the spectators from below as you watched, smiling as you were watching how fast they were going. it was... fun.
your eyes peel towards jing yuan, a soft look adoring his visage as he was fixated upon you... then your eyes travel to a small, gift wrapped box.
"i've been meaning to give this to you. but... i was unable to."
you blinked as jing yuan placed the box into your hands, and you were met with the soft cool material of the object. you look back up at him, and he initiated with a nod. he wanted you to open it.
"when i had left you for a moment that day in aurum alley, it was to get you this. i was unable to look at it at first without thinking that i failed you, but..."
you opened it, revealing what appeared to be a beautiful jade necklace. it was very simple, very beautiful and nothing too excessively decorated. it was as though it were crafted by the hands of a goddess, and surely enough, it was made to be worn by one.
"...i just didn't want to continue to think like that. so i bought this for you. real jade, and all. fu xuan even enchanted it with some protection charm, as well."
you were silent, unable to say anything, admiring the piece of accessory. slowly, jing yuan extended his hands, lifting the necklace before slowly bringing it around your neck, helping you wear it.
you look at him, your eyes nearly met with the stinging sensation of tears. you were... undeniably happy. at loss for words.
"...i want to apologize to you, at the bottom of my heart... for letting you get hurt that day."
god, how many times does he have to apologize for this? you already forgave him so many times...
"i should've been stronger to prevent you from g—!?"
to shut him up, you leaned over to give him a kiss, silencing him for a moment. you felt him smile against your lips as he pulls his arms around you, bringing you into his embrace.
"...you...you should stop that." you murmur. "please. it's okay. i'm safe now, aren't i?"
jing yuan nods slowly. you were right. he just... felt incredibly bad.
"...yes. you are. always."
he sighed deeply, his lips tugged to a faint smile. his hand came to hold yours again, digits intertwining.
"yes... jing yuan?"
there was a moment of silence as his eyes lingered upon your own.
"...i love you."
the gentle breeze of the sky allowed the petals of the cherry-blossom like tree to dance even more, greeting each of their partners with a waltz. your heart had fluttered, your eyes brightening at his confession to you — for the first time, too. yes, the two of you spent that night together. the two of you were basically married. but...
to hear those words... you were filled with pure joy. because... that's how you felt too, with him.
and you can safely say it without a doubt,
"...i love you too, jing yuan!"
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lafayette-paw-arts · 4 months
Ur blog srsly brings us the vees polycule we needed. Do you have any angsty hcs 👀
I am glad to bring it! As a poly person myself I was very upset the Vees aren't canonically poly, I was so excited for the rep
As always your wish is my command but careful what you wish for~
Valentino has hit Vox with the glass cups he throws before, it shattered Vox's screen because of the force and Valentino completely panicked. He vowed to never throw things again but being Val it didn't last very long, he's now hyper aware of when he throws something near Vox so it doesn't hit him. While Vox usually sidesteps to move further away from the impact point he knows if he stayed put it wouldn't have hit him.
Velvette once forgot about the extermination and went out to get something an hour before it started, she got caught up in the extermination and got badly hurt. Thankfully the boys were there to protect her and get her back to the safety of the tower.
Vox had also been hurt badly that night because he stalled for time so Valentino could get Velvette back to the tower, Velvette felt so guilty after that, she knows her stupid mistake could have gotten them all killed.
Vox has serious insecurity issues but he rarely talks about them to his partners despite how much they want him to open up, he's worried if he does they'll realize he's not worth their time.
Velvette has scars on her thighs from a particularly bad ex she had when she first got to hell, the boys asked about them only once but when she quickly shut down all questions about it and practically bolted from the room they mutually understood they were never going to ask her about it again. If she wants to tell them she will.
Vox has a nasty scar that runs down his back, Valentino and Velvette assume it's from Alastor but they have no confirmation or denial, Vox keeps it hidden as often as he can.
Val has several scars across his midsection, he's told the others where they came from and the three of them will take the secret to their second graves.
Vox has a special technician he pays a lot to deal with his electrical components including the bigger shit like having to replace his screen or in rare cases of severe damage his whole TV needs to be replaced (tho sometimes it is replaced for upgrades).
He's scared he has to leave his fate in someones hands like this but he doesn't have any other choice. He refuses to let Velvette and Valentino in while his technician is working on him. He feels vulnerable enough during this without them witnessing it.
Vox doesn't tell the others if he's not feeling well, he usually locks himself up and tries to deal with it himself, if it ends up being a problem for his technician he calls them, but if its not he tries to deal with it himself without the other Vees finding out.
Velvette has deep self hatred issues, she's always trying to dress better, look better, be better, but it's never enough for her. The boys try their best to show her that she's more than enough, sometimes she believes them, most of the time she doesn't.
When one of the others is hurt the other will be by the bedside keeping an eye on them. Vox will usually be trying to keep things in all of their departments running while the other one deals with the one who is hurt, it's easier for him to bury himself in work than to worry himself sick.
If Vox himself is hurt Val and Velvette will shut the whole damn tower down and sit with him.
Vox made Valentino cry once, he can't even remember what he did to accomplish it but it freaked him out so badly, he never thought he'd see the moth cry and it was definitely a "NOPE! NEVER AGAIN!!!" moment for him.
Vox and Velvette both struggle to talk about serious matters when it comes to the relationship, Val is just much more open.
Velvette doesn't usually have an issue asking to be held when she's feeling like she isn't enough, but Vox struggles hard, very often unable to ask even for a simple hug because he doesn't feel like he deserves it.
Valentino has severe abandonment issues. He really hates being alone in the penthouse so if the others are working he's usually down in the studio bothering some of his employees for random reasons just to keep from being alone.
Valentino always worries that he's too clingy and that the others hate it. Actually they love that he's clingy and snuggly, they tell him that often, he doesn't always believe them.
They each have their own way to calm the others down. Vox will calmly talk them down, Velvette will give soft touches and hugs, and Valentino will use his wings as weighted blankets and allow the others to play with the fluff at the edges of his wings until they're calm.
Alrighty that's all I got, hope you like it!
As always if you want more please let me know!
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Emma to Bruce
Dear Bruce,
Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. Will I keep writing to you when all these renovations are done? When things have returned to some form of normalcy? Or is normalcy over—is the crack in the Nephilim world one that can’t be healed but will only widen over time, with more and more changes, until finally there is too much change to bear? In which case I guess I will keep writing to you, Bruce, as a kind of silent witness to the strangeness of these times.
Sorry, sorry. I am feeling a little poetic tonight because Jem and Tessa and Kit and Mina arrived today and…well, that’s just kind of how Jem and Tessa talk. Being, you know. Way old. And because it feels like all this business with the cursed house is in its final chapters and I don’t have any idea how things are going to be after that.
In any event we didn’t do anything about the curse today, we just ended up visiting with the Carstairs-Herondales, who should definitely pick a shorter name we can use for them. Team Victorian Era? Team Time When Everything Was Very Romantic But It Took Forever To Get Anywhere? Hm. I guess I’ll ask them for ideas, since mine are, uh, bad.
There was some complication right when they arrived. We had picked out a couple of bedrooms for them to use and asked the brownies to make them up with sheets and towels and all that. And then we checked them before the guests arrived and I’m glad we did because the faeries had made up all the rooms for…birds? Like, for huge, person-sized birds. Big nests of sticks, six feet across, and branches to perch on. And big balls of birdseed hanging from the ceiling.  So we had to ask them to redo the rooms and the brownies looked so disappointed. (But we didn’t say the guests were birds! I have no idea why they thought that!) The worst part is they did a really nice job, like, if we were being visited by giant birds they would have been very comfortable. They still seemed puzzled when everyone did show up that Mina wasn’t a big egg. Faeries, man.
Speaking of Mina, who is not a big egg but rather a small toddler, she is extremely cute. She is walking now, or toddling, I guess, and she says “mama” and “dada” and also “kish” which apparently is what she calls Kit. And she has a little wooden toy stele that she is constantly trying to scribble on everyone with. Apparently Kit has been learning runes and Mina wants to learn them too.
We should have just gone straight into curse-breaking but to be honest we were just having a very nice time hanging out. Tessa and Jem are very easy to spend time with, which is nice given how high-strung most of our other friends are. I suppose once you’ve gone through all the stuff that has happened to them, it takes a lot to upset you. Just the way Jem talks about the curse makes me feel more reassured that we’ll be able to fix it, even though we don’t really know what we’re doing or what’s gone wrong so far.
They seem really impressed by the house, also, which makes Julian look all proud of himself in a highly adorable way. Tessa said the last time either of them were here was after Tatiana was arrested and sent to be an Iron Sister, and they were searching it for demon stuff. (Most of which, she admitted, they clearly didn’t find. It seems obvious from the way she talks that they didn’t understand how dangerous Tatiana really was until it was too late—I really want to ask her about that but it seemed a dark topic while we were all having a good time.) Jem said by that time it was already in pretty bad shape, but Tessa said she saw the house once “in its prime” at a ball, and then she blushed a little. Whatever happened during that ball must have been pretty impressive if she’s blushing about it 130 years later!
Of course there’s still that overall shroud of heavy memory that kind of hangs over the place, and no amount of new paint and replaced windows can help that. That’d be the curse, of course. Still, it felt cheerier this evening than it ever has before. For the first time I felt a little like it was our house and friends had come to visit and it was surprisingly nice and ordinary. As long as I don’t think about what’s going on with the Clave.
Also a concern: Kit. He was hanging out with us most of the day, but he was really quiet, for him, and a couple of times he excused himself to go take a walk in the garden. Julian said he thinks Kit broke up with his girlfriend and maybe he’s sad about that, but I don’t know. He was really jumpy whenever any of the builders were around, and kept a close eye on them anytime they were nearby. Round Tom introduced himself and Kit nodded, but he didn’t say his name or much of anything else. I mean, you can hardly blame him. His relationship to faeries, and Faerie itself, is complicated. According to Tessa, Cirenworth is very tightly warded against faerie incursions, and even the town and the roads nearby are protected. Magnus and Catarina made sure of it. So this would be one of the first times he’s been around faeries since the big battle outside Alicante; even though these faeries are safe, it must be weird for him.
But you know Kit. He has this aura about him like he doesn’t want to answer any questions about how he’s doing. Today he’s been out front, watching the faeries in the garden — it could be he’s worried about them, or maybe he wants to join them? I don’t know. Maybe Julian or I can get him to open up a little while he’s here. Or maybe I’ll get a moment to ask Jem or Tessa if they know what’s up.
Anyway, that’s all from me for now, Bruce. Tomorrow we break a curse! I hope!
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thefandomboysblog · 5 months
You know what? I'm amazed how both Shane and Ryan aren't just one thing, in my mind. They're so unique it's hard putting them, in my mind, as this or that, X or Y, etc.
Shane? Yeah, I want to believe the demon theory. His calm nature and assertiveness in the face of a supposed paranormal danger? his "I just turn off my fear. yeah I don't do that with other emotions." comment? demon behavior. Also, somehow, he is to me, the personification of the color yellow. He is so bright, so soft in unexpected ways. The way he smiles, and his eyes get so happy? his genuine words of encourangement to Ryan? his wit? You kidding me? Ball of sunshine Shane Madej truther over here. Shane's literally a gentle giant. And so much more, of course.
Ryan? Yeah, he's a jock. That's it, he is really a jock even though I am sure he wasn't exactly the jocky type in high school. The way he could talk about sports for hours? His humor? A jock. Again, also, and somehow, he is in my humble opinion one of the best ghost hunters in the industry (apart from Shane). The way that in his fear he is brave? Ryan throws himself into all kinds of dangers which he believes 100% are there, weather it is or not, while he is known to be terrified of it? So fucking brave. A "I'm that guy" moment. At the very least a show of how commited or how much love he has for his craft. And so much more, again.
I know that's just people as I know that people are that: multifaceted. Even if I've seen it everywhere and I specifically search for that in the youtubers I watch they just do it differently, and it never fails to get me when they are genuine. Like, those little moments when their friendship of so many years just shows through the screen? People get tired in this fandom of saying they are so real with their friendship, they believe in friendships because of them, etc. When stuff like that happens? I believe it too! Because how could you not? It's there! It's everywhere in all their content!
So ever since I saw the Making Watcher video I've been a bit feral over it. Anyway just thinking about these two guys, having certain thoughts about it, appreciating them. They're neat, and I'm so glad I discovered them last summer.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
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