#also please keep in mind I'm not usually a writer lol
chibitorra · 2 years
I usually never share my writing, but I really wanted to write a story based on the bizarre situation I’ve found myself in irl with someone I love that seems to have a lot of similarities to Charles’ past.
For context, irl I have the same name and similar appearance to his ex-wife, who he found out cheated on him. So, I’m doing the same with my farmer insert and Charles. Obviously, my name isn’t Taylor, but I wanted to give my farmer insert a gender mutual name, since it seems they’re trying to keep Charles’ ex gender neutral. 
It would be really cool if they wrote Charles a bit more scared when things start getting romantic... actually focus on the trust issues and trauma he probably has from having his trust betrayed by someone he loved. And his fear that it’ll happen again. He starts to get there when he talks about how lonely he is in the winter, but I guess we’ll see when the new heart events get released. 
Anyways, here’s a snippet of a story I’m calling Kintsugi Hearts. If you don’t know what Kintsugi is, look it up, it’s really cool. 
Taylor peered in the glass doors of the doctor’s office, and her heart sank when she saw the front desk was empty. Sure, sometimes Charles left the office to get some fresh air, or even get his hair worked on next door, but the fact that he wouldn’t talk to her last night… well, it made her worry to say the least. Taking a deep breath, she pushed in the door as the familiar chime of the bell sounded.
“Just a second, I’ll be right with you!” she heard Yuri call out from the back, but no Charles. She approached the counter and glanced at his computer, which didn’t even appear to be on. Her heart sank further.
Finally, Yuri popped her head around the corner to see who was visiting their humble office, and her face brightened when she gazed upon Taylor. There was something off about her smile though, she noted, like she was feigning her warm exterior.
“Taylor, hello! Here for some more vitamins?”
Taylor rubbed her arm nervously. If she didn’t know about her crush on Charles, she was about to figure it out. “N-no… I actually came here to see Charles. Is he in?” she asked her.
Yuri’s face fell for half a second, something Taylor would have missed if she had blinked, before lighting up again in that false smile.
“Sorry, Charles is out today, he wasn’t feeling well… Pollen n’ all, y’know?”
Taylor sighed. Of course. “It’s always something,” she muttered half under her breath. If it wasn’t his stomach, it was his damn pollen allergy, or his bad back, or… something. It was always something. He was avoiding her, and she wished she knew why.
“Why don’t you come back tomorrow? I’m sure he’ll be back in by then,” Yuri offered. Taylor shrugged, knowing her disappointment was showing on her face. “Okay.”
She turned to leave, when something peculiar caught her attention, making her pause. The small desk calendar Charles kept next to his computer was still in April. That’s odd, she thought, with it already being the 10th of May. Charles was usually really good about keeping up with the calendar. Yuri took notice of her pause, and tilted her head.
“Is something the matter?”
“Oh—Sorry, it just looks like Charles forgot to change the calendar, that’s all. I can fix it.”
Yuri was eerily quiet, and this time she didn’t even try to hide the gloom on her face. Taylor reached over and flipped the page over to May, and suddenly a lot of things made sense. She realized with a jolt why he never responded last night, why he always seems so wishy-washy as of late… why he hated springtime.
It wasn’t about the pollen. It never was, she realized as she gazed upon the hastily scribbled words over the current date… words which had also been scribbled out in red ink.
“May 10th. Anniversary.”
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theink-stainedfolk · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you @drchenquill @the-golden-comet and @paeliae-occasionally for the tag
how long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
It's been at least 6 months or more I believe.
what led you to create it?
I actually had it from before but i never really posted anything. The thought that there might be people willing to read my works more than my own family and friends led me to create it. I was done shying away.
what's your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I absolutely adore the supportive and inclusive nature of the writeblr community! It's a space where writers from diverse backgrounds and genres come together to share their passion for storytelling. I love how everyone encourages and uplifts each other, offering constructive feedback and celebrating each other's successes. The community's enthusiasm is infectious, and it motivates me to keep writing and improving my craft. I also appreciate the wealth of resources and knowledge shared within the community, from writing tips and prompts to editing advice and publishing insights. It's amazing to see how writers willingly share their expertise and experiences to help others grow. Most of all, I cherish the sense of belonging and connection that comes with being part of this community. Writeblr feels like a virtual writing group, where we can discuss our projects, share our struggles, and rejoice in our triumphs together
what's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
That i really love talking about my WIPs and OCs aand everything related to my story. I feel happy, seen and appreciated. If you like anything i woorte, please don't hesitate to ask or just tell me how you feel.
is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Uh..memes? More aisan drama related things? More HSR stuff everything about my interests etc.
which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Very wrong question lol. I've been going back and forth between my WIPs. But the most recent one I've done, or am thinking about is The Masque of Murder .
how long have you been working on them?
Hahaha.... Since months, years and i still haven't even written a chapter for some of them. I hate myself for that. But since The Masque of Murder is recent, it's been a week or so.
do you remember what inspired them/ what got you started?
Yeah i remember reading a manhwa which had this crazy but mad genius doctor as a minor villan. It got me thinking that it was a waste of his abilities and damn good looks and he would have been surely protected by the plot armour had he been the main character instead. This forced me into making it lol.
how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
🎵Every hour, every minute, every second. And night after night, I'll thinking 'bout you right, 7 days a week.🎶
name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you'd like!
Uh... every single one of them? I created everyone, if that's what you're asking haha.. I'm not sure if i understand it correctly but i created everyone on my own. I'll mention the one that comes to my mind first then.
Side character- Emrys from In The Silence, Strength
Protagonist- Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft from The Masque Of Murder
Antagonist- Dante from Beyond The Pages (but he is also the protagonist)
And i can't really remember the last two.
when someone asks the dreaded, "what do you write about," question, what do you usually say?
Yknow, fantasy stuff with magic and murder mystery with actual murder and blood and stuff and all that hahah none of the stuffs that you like or understand or are interested in right? Hahah it totally doesn't have queer peoples. Just fictional stuff you don't wanna know hahaha.
who's the most unhinged?
Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft (from The Masque Of Murder), Acheron (from Legacy of Creation), Dante (from Beyond The Pages) and Eitenne Lumiere( from Wicked Games, Wicked Fates) from what i remember .
who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Vesperine, Cleo, Pareen
do you ever cringe at them?
Hahaha... sometimes..
how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever "write themselves," refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn't expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
I feel like i have 70% control and 30% is something they do it themselves because i give them the freedom to do so. Because that is the story of my character and not of me, even if I am the one who wrote it. Sometimes the decision i make for them is not what they'd do.
do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Yes i absolutely love it please ask. Doesn't matter how just ask♡♡♡
what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow 'em as you see 'em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I take time scoping out the blog to make sure i align with it's content. And i follow based on both, wips and vibes but mostly vibes.
what makes you decide against following?
If i don't align with the content or i don't fond the story interesting, i don't follow.
do you interact with non-mutual often?
Not often but i do.
do your mutuals' characters occupy space in your noodle?
There are so so many characters of my mutuals that i love love loveee but my memory rn isn't functioning at its best so i will just write whom i can remember rn.
The Madness, the lady and that guy from Foliè written by @drchenquill, my friend. Whose writing always leaves me with surprises and cliffhangers. She supports me so much i almost feel guilty 💕💕💕💕 i love you so much💖💖💖
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@paeliae-occasionally Xanren, Marsh and Paeliae. I love their stories it captivated me. I hope you can tag me on their journey 👍, @cssnder, my first mutual whom i talked with so much courage that i almost didn't open tumblr the next day due to embarrassment and nervousness. Her works are like renaissance paintings, truly mesmerizing and beautiful. Thus Saith The Lord is truly a work of art and i hope i get to read it soon.😭 And also, @roarintheheavens , my new friend, I'm so happy. Vron Carson, he is very interesting and i can't wait to know more about him. And of course, @the-golden-comet, I'd very much like to read more about peter hart.
Just because i didn't mention everyone doesn't mean i don't appreciate your works, it's just that i haven't read them yet. I hope you all can send it to me. I'll definitely read it.
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @ascotwriting @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @graveyardshift111
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verbenaa · 27 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thank you so much @preciouslittlebhaalbae for the tag! I loved reading yours, and this was so fun to do!
When did you start writing?
Well, I feel like I’ve always been writing something since I was able to! I always wrote little stories as a kid, and had notebooks full of ideas and such as a teen. I stopped writing in college and it's taken me over a decade to feel confident enough again to return to it. I had never actually written fanfiction though, despite reading it since I was a preteen until this past december. it's been a great experience so far!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I love sci-fi! I mostly read fantasy, but I do indulge myself in that as well when my interest is sparked. I do, also, love a good historical romance when I am feeling indulgent 🤭
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
There's not really a particular writer or anything I'm emulating, if anything I try to not emulate anyone and simply write with my own voice. I've also never had my writing compared to anyone else before, either!
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write all over the place, haha 😅. On a perfect day, I get to start writing in the living room on my favorite spot on the sofa with my coffee, but it's rare I get the opportunity. I tend to write a lot instead at the built-in booth in my kitchen or at my desk…but truly I will write wherever I can. I have been known to pull over into a parking lot and jot down something really great into the notes on my phone lol. The one place I don’t usually write is in bed though, as I am a sleepy girl by nature and just being near my bed lulls me into the sleepiessss.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hmmm, well I can't say I ever just 'muster up a muse', so to speak. I typically get ideas randomly and I can't ever force them to come. However, I do obviously love to listen to music to help set the mood, I am a chronic daydreamer, and I use pinterest a lot as a tool to help hone my focus. When I start feeling a little lost in my vision, I find it helpful to return to my playlist and the to eden pinterest board to sort of 'reset' my mind, so to speak, and get back into the proper mindset.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I like repetition, specifically in threes. I also really enjoy working with themes of sex and intimacy and how they intertwine. Trust, as well, has been a recurring one throughout my work. I also love a good musical reference here and there, too!
What is your reason for writing?
Because I have words and stories begging to be set free and can hold them back no longer. Because I want to prove to myself that I am capable of creating something, even if it's just a silly little fanfiction. Because I hope someone out there will enjoy it and maybe it will leave an imprint on them in some form or another!!!
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any and all comments!!!! I have recently been having a real bout of lack of confidence, so going back over my comments has really helped keep me going and remind myself that there at least a few people who are enjoying my work!
I have a deep love for comments though where people point out specific parts or lines that they loved and I find this to be beyond satisfying. It's so lovely to know specifically what resonated with someone or what part they really, really enjoyed. It's a very validating experience! Few things bring me more joy than getting to read comments. I neeeeed the comment serotonin! (please leave me comments)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I...don't know? Hopefully approachable, willing to chat? That I have somewhat of a nice grasp on what I'm writing about??? That I am at least a decent writer????
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've received a lot of comments about my ability to set place and my imagery, so I feel confident about that skill. Also not bad at writing smut 😏.
How do you feel about your own writing?
oof. this is...a tough one, haha. I tend to be very unsure about my own writing and am also prone to confidence issues and imposter syndrome, hence part of the reason why I've been writing so much slower the past few months 🥲. I oscillate between thinking I'm writing something good that will be enjoyable or thinking that it's awful lol. honestly I can't let myself think overmuch about it and instead I just try to write, write, write and then press publish when I'm done with it 😅. I can be quite self-critical. I need to chill lol.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for meeee! So far, all the stories I've told have been ones I have wanted to read myself. to eden is completely self-indulgent, as are the oneshots lol.
I could probably do a ted talk about why, exactly, I felt compelled to write to eden when there's a million other amazing Astarion/Tav fics out there and what specific aspects of the Astarion/Tav relationship I have been so eager to explore, so if ya want that LET ME KNOW ✨
Tagging @elinorbard @khywren @ladyduellist @inkymoonbunny @xxnashiraxx and anyone else who wants to join in, I would love to learn about all of you!!!
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toomuchracket · 8 months
Birthday party vogue magazine blurb or mini story or something!! Please please please please please please please please I need it ❤️😭
my idea was that british vogue want to do a feature on you, maybe even a cover shoot, on the theme of "the girl behind the covers" (because, you know, you're a writer. book covers). on that same theme, i think the styling and concept is very bedroom-based, not quite boudoir but slightly influenced by that vibe, a lot of you in vintage slip dresses and lingerie under crisp white shirts tangled in bedsheets (another type of covers) in a fancy london hotel suite lmao. you know the concept before you go, but you keep it a secret from matty because you want him to be pleasantly surprised - you do, however, sneak one of his white shirts with you to the shoot to wear in vogue! he's recording while you're shooting, anyway, so it's nice to have him there in some form lol. and the shoot is really fun; the styling is slightly glam but still very you, just a more polished version (the makeup artist (in my head it's dame pat mcgrath) shows you how to achieve the subtle look she's doing and it's so fun), and everyone is wonderful and great at making you feel at ease. when you get home that night, you're on cloud nine, and matty's even more enamoured than usual - his jaw drops when he sees your hair and makeup, and he's like "this is the look they did? i love it. you're just... you. but your eyes look even sparklier! how the fuck did they do that? eyeliner? never mind, just let me look at you. christ, you're gorgeous", and while you're preening he's like "let me take you out, please!! you look far too good to be staying in tonight. come on, let's at least go for a drink, or dinner, darling". so yeah, you go out, and he's just heart eyes the whole time - well, more so than usual lmao. and when the feature actually comes out, the actual profile done by one of your writer friends over the course of a weekend in london? matty LOSES it. he's actually rendered speechless by how incredible you look, for a good few minutes, just flipping through all the pictures with his eyes getting progressively wider and his smile getting bigger; he sighs in quite a lovesick way when he gets to a cute candid of you laughing with the silk bedcovers pulled up to your chin, and he's like "that's the one". you're like "the one what?", and matty kisses your cheek like "the one i want framed. i mean, i want all of them on display, because jesus CHRIST, but that one... that's the girl i'm in love with, that's what you look like in all my daydreams. it's just you, darling", and when you go all "🥺 i love you" matty's like "i love you, so much. a vogue feature! i'm so proud of you. and really glad that this happened after we got together and i get to fully explain how proud and in love i am. and also because there's no way i could have hidden how into you i am after seeing this, not a fucking chance lol". he's so cute. and simpy. and absolutely posting the whole thing to the main insta feed like "the woman of this and every hour. never getting over this nor her, never ever. brb i need to write her another song" lol. dreamy <3
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stars-tonight · 28 days
Hi! Me again! Could I please get a romantic matchup this time? I don't mind whether they're long or short (whatever's easiest for you).
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ennegram: 5w6
There aren't any characters I particularly don't want to be matched with.
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. I have a high sense of self worth but as part of that, I set very high standards for myself. I also usually meet those standards though. People say I have a good poker face/a scary glare but I've never seen it. People also say I look like someone who "knows what they're doing".
Love Languages: Words of affirmation (written, not spoken) and quality time (giving) and quality time and acts of service (receiving)
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games, and listening to music (musicals, pop, and rock typically but I have a pretty broad style). I want to be a fantasy writer and I am currently studying an English major at university.
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about. I'm also not too fond of really deep water.
What I look for in a partner: Someone honest and caring. Someone who treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I don't really have a preference on appearance; personality is far more important to me. Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
Ideal Date: My ideal date would probably be a going to a cafe and getting afternoon tea before walking around and talking for a bit. Something where we can get to know each other better.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
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🥛 i feel like your personality is very similar to that of akaashi's: you're both introverts but aren't opposed to having a conversation; you can be sarcastic with your friends; and you have high expectations for yourself
🥛 akaashi is very good at words of affirmation and acts of service
🥛 definition of a gentleman and princess treatment lol
🥛 akaashi is honest and caring and wouldn't hesitate to always take care of you or protect you
🥛 like he'd definitely be in charge of getting rid of the spiders in the house since you're scared of them lol
🥛 you would definitely leave each other cute notes or messages around the house when one of you needs a pick-me-up
🥛 since akaashi is a big overthinker sometimes he needs a bit of comfort and encouragement
🥛 and ofc he'll always be there to provide that for you too
🥛 post-timeskip, he works as an editor, so i'm assuming he studied literature in college and had a great time doing it
🥛 so you'd definitely be able to connect over your love of books and literature
🥛 akaashi would be your biggest supporter and always offer to edit or help you write essays or other assignments
🥛 he'd also always read any drafts of things you've written on your own time
🥛 akaashi on a cafe date 🤌
🥛 the coffee shop au suits him so well
🥛 but i definitely think he prefers tea over coffee which is nice
🥛 and he'd also want some time to walk around and get to know you properly on a first date
runner up for you was iwaizumi hajime!
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A/N: hi eren! second part of our matchup exchange 🫶 i hope you liked it and thank you for doing the exchange with me!
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torchickentacos · 1 month
21 and 22 for drew? or may if you’ve already been asked those ones about him!
From this ask game! LONG, under cut. Various off-topic musings included.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ok so disclaimer for the few people who read what I write- this may or may not translate into my end product. I try to keep it in mind but ultimately my fics kind of write themselves and I have minimal input tbh. I'm not steering this car, I just put my foot on the pedal. I make it go but the characters are the ones driving with reckless abandon.
Also these are all just my opinions and if anyone hates them, please don't let me know.
Something that I like doing when writing Drew is leaning into how much he thinks. I enjoy leaning into his internal dialogue, his hang-ups on every little thing, his propensity to dwell (in my characterization of him, anyways, which is, ehhh, give or take maybe 85% taken from canon and 25% bullshitted. My math is wrong but I'm not changing it, there's just an extra 15% of my own bullshit and we'll pretend it was intentional).
When writing him, there tends to be a lot more going on internally than when I write, idk, May or Ash or whoever. Drew's always attuned to the situation, picking things up and filing them away. He's always formulating opinions and thoughts and emotions that rarely make it out of his head. He feels a lot of things but generally they stay inward, whereas when writing someone like May, if she's feeling it, she's probably also expressing it regardless of if she should or not. No filter vs too much of a filter for his own good.
I think that, in a related vein, he's always holding himself back. Both vocally and just... kind of in general? Maybe not career-wise, but emotionally, he'd rather get close and then dart away over and over again instead of making any leaps. He's careful. He'd rather balance on a tightrope than take the fall USUALLY *(this is how I write him, and other portrayals are ones that I love! this is just what I do, not what I'm saying is the right thing). We see it in canon- he gives May roses but hides behind excuses. He starts conversations but leaves just as quickly. He's mercurial and never builds up the bravery that he needs. He's careful to the point of cowardice- and not just ship-wise. This can be used for any number of things, which I find fun. He likes being in control, and if he doesn't feel like he has a steady grasp on a situation, he leaves. And you can't control people's emotions, so that's scary, so he dips out from emotional moments unless something stronger keeps him there. It's a constant push-and-pull between his own mind and emotions. One's always trying to rein the other in and break free of the other at the same time.
He likes certainty. This contrasts well with a certain someone whose entire battle style features assist and metronome, which is built in uncertainty. She challenges him. But that's for another post.
Something I dislike writing is leaning into how much of a jerk he actually is in canon sometimes tbh. Canon can keep that- I do enjoy it situationally but overall I leave that to writers who are better at showing that side of him without making him grating. I prefer watering it down some and making him be annoying in different ways lol, which admittedly does actually close off a few interesting avenues and facets of him. But I think given the tumultuous nature of rival ships and fandom's current... propensity for tossing out words like 'romanticizing' and 'idolizing' and whatever else, I'd rather just leave well enough alone with the worse aspects of him and avoid being called a verbal abuse apologist or whatever 😭 I don't want any avenues for some jackass to be like 'oh ew you write m/f relationships where the man is mean and dominant over the poor woman' or whateverthefuck. TLDR, I'm a people pleaser with worn-thin patience for rival ship discourse.
I also lean towards AU/slice-of-life stuff where his rival jerkassery is less applicable to begin with, anyways. I am FULLY guilty of watering him down and making him nicer, but I'm self-aware, so... there's that, I guess, lol. I also think he'd chill out as he gets older, anyways, leaning more towards 'vaguely prickly and sardonic' than anything else.
Anyways, it's kinda weird to answer these when I never actually share my writing on this blog, but oh well. That privilege got revoked after someone was mean about my writing around me without knowing that it was mine, lol. It wasn't even good criticism (which baffles me because god knows they had material to work with), it was just general bitching about ship fics that aren't as complex as War and Peace. God forbid some people enjoy fluff. Send me to the corner of shame along with the few dozen people who liked my writing and the people who left kind comments. Anyways, it's funny now, but I still won't share writing here. The best way to support me is to support writers in general.
So! General call to action. Go find a fic for your favorite ship (or just any fic in general but I'm being petty and saying 'ship' since the rude person seemed to take issue with shipping) and leave a (NICE. 🔪) comment. Just a heart emoji if you feel like it. Tell writers when you reread their work, just a 'Hey! rereading and remembering how much I liked this one :)' or something. It'll keep them going for a week, I'm telling you. I still think about and reread every single comment that I have ever received. I keep them all copy-pasted in a google doc. It's 24 pages long and 11.2k and it makes me cry (in a good way).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
This is going to sound so fucking backhanded but I LOOOOOVE reading fics where he has friends. I love reading him talking to Solidad or Gary or Ash or May as a friend or whoever else!!! Make him socialize!!!! it's fun! Lord knows that he doesn't do it enough and it shows. I like reading fics where he gets to interact with people that he doesn't talk to often in canon. So anyone but May pretty much. I love his horrendously down-bad tunnel vision where he only acknowledges May and literally nobody else, funny as hell, but also it'd have been so fun if he actually spoke to other people. I read a fic several years ago where he and Paul were sorta-work-friends, it was some 2014 assassin AU PS/CS/IS fic. but I remember that Drew would intentionally play coldplay songs around Paul to annoy him or something like that. They had a frenemies-bromance-coworkers thing going on and it was just DELIGHTFUL, if a little odd! That shit's hilarious! Let me see Drew bothering other people on purpose and joking with friends!
So. Things I don't like. I personally disagree with the early 2010s FFN portrayals of him as a casanova womanizer, BUT I also kind of love those portrayals for their sheer absurdity and the camp factor lmao. It's not even an ironic enjoyment, it's a genuine affection for that whole era of fics. It's the opposite of how I write him, but it's nostalgic to look back on old fanon. I also don't care for fics that break him and May up but that's obviously a personal bias that I've literally gone against myself on, lmao. It can be done well but sometimes it skirts into ship-bashing territory, usually at Drew's expense. Just because it's not a preference of mine doesn't mean that it's a bad thing to write! I'm just not the audience and that's okay, it's not a failing of the writer. I mentioned the person who disliked my fics and said so publicly, and that doesn't reflect on me. It reflects on their tastes. Same goes here. It's just not to my taste. It's subjective and not at all a statement on the quality or validity of a fic that includes those things.
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tina-armani · 6 months
I'm not a writer, but being among writers does this to you, so I'm gonna just leave it here, for you and for the future me. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language lol. But my heart is in this little story. Also the observation of the main character's behavior, habits and things I notice about how he is and what he does. Disclaimer: this is totally a work of fiction. ;)) but I tried to write it in the way that's not out of realm of possibility (no wild sex scenes in other words lolol😅) but rather "what could have been if the stars aligned". Sorry, long text lol. Thanks for reading. 💕
I'm surprised that you are alone... You are never alone. You are always surrounded by people fighting for your attention. But the bar is dark and empty, and no one seems to care.
You have a martini in front of you, dirty, two olives. I gasp and stop, as if I ran into a wall, staring at you in disbelief. "Hey, you" you smile softly. "I know you". I am trying to shake an eerie feeling that something surreal is happening. Yes, you know me. You gave me a hug in New York. You are the one who has the power to send me to heaven or to hell with just one word, with just one glance.
"Would you join me?" You ask shyly. Yes, of course, I would join you, are you kidding me? I take a deep breath and jump into the abyss. Or so it seems. I sit next to you and immediately break into cold sweat. I order a dirty martini, too. I wanna have what you are having.
You are very quiet. You are visibly tired or upset, I can tell this by the corners of your mouth pointing down, and the lines on your forehead that seem deeper than usual... You ask me about my day and why I am out alone so late. You sound like a concerned parent, but I am not sure I want to dump all my troubles on you. Not yet, anyway. I am afraid to open up, to say the wrong thing that might disturb the fragile birth of this conversation. So I give you a vague answer and ask the same thing back. You don't answer either. You just lower your head, touch your face with a palm of your hand and through your fingers give me a little smile. "You don't really wanna know" the little smile suggests. God yes, I wanna know. I wanna know everything about you. But out of respect, I don't insist. 
I talk to you about the movies you've done. Yes I've seen them all. "All of them? - you raise your brows and your eyes open wide with amusement. You chuckle. "Wow". "Yes!!" I laugh. "Do you know which one is my favorite?" 
The conversation flows, despite my fears. It is because of you: you pay close attention, you are curious, gentle and thoughtful. You look too tired to hide vulnerability, so you let the emotions show. Your hair is a mess, glued into chunks by dried up hairspray. You always look so sharp and impeccable in public, full of hollywood swagger, so seeing you so unguarded and exposed sends waves of tenderness down my spine. 
We talk about movies, art, music and traveling. As I tell you my traveling stories, you get a bit distracted and your face starts to light up. I notice that and let my hair down a bit more, attempting some jokes. They feel quite awkward, but you listen in an almost childlike manner, bright-eyed, with your mouth open. I have good traveling stories. Excited, you share your own. I feel a lot more comfortable now. I tell you a particularly funny one and all of a sudden you throw your head back and laugh, loudly, uncontrollably. It makes me giggle. I'm so happy I made you laugh. I'm so happy that knowing your love for traveling, I managed to find the way to cheer you up. You finally stop laughing and take another sip, lower your head to catch your breath, and a lock of your hair falls on your forehead.
You brush it back with your hand, look me straight in the eye and give me a radiant smile. All my thoughts disappear. I love this smile so much. I love the dimples on your cheeks and every wrinkle that appears in the corners of your eyes. I suddenly feel so calm, like I'm wrapped up in a warm blanket next to a fireplace on a cold winter night. 
I take a deep breath and gather some courage to finally tell you my story and why I am here in this bar after midnight. I'm not embarassed anymore to share the deepest and the darkest... A man like you, capable of great empathy and compassion, will understand. I know you will. You listen carefully. When I'm done, your eyes are full of tears. It's not sadness. I know that you cry when you are moved, by beauty, art or emotion. You take my hand in yours. Your hand is so big, it covers mine completely. Your touch is soft and warm. On a sudden impulse, I put my other palm on top of your hand. You don't remove it. I freeze, afraid to ruin this beautiful moment. The intimacy of it makes my body quiver. 
You become serious, look down and touch your ear with your other hand, the way you always do when you are thinking...looking for the right word... and then you move closer and start talking. You tell me about feelings, about the world, about kindness and gratitude. Your voice is low and soft like velvet, but it carries through the room like there is no other sound in the world. I feel that by telling me this, you are working through your own issues. Maybe even the ones that brought you here tonight. 
While you talk, you make long pauses to emphasize certain words and sometimes you slightly raise your voice at the end of a sentence, almost like you are asking a question. But those are not questions. Those are offerings: gifts of thoughts right out of the depth of your beautiful mind. I am catching every word like a treasure. I can't take my eyes off you. Your face looks especially gorgeous when you talk about things that matter to you. 
When you finish, I am at a loss for words. There is nothing more to add. We sit in silence, listening to the sound of our breathing. Your hand is still sandwiched between mine. An eternity passes. Then you give me a slight grin, gently free your hand and break the silence with a change to a lighter subject. We laugh and talk some more. I'm not nervous anymore. I feel like I've known you my whole life. 
Time stands still. Nothing else exists, just two people, transitioning from being strangers to being something indefinitely more. But there comes a moment when you take that last large sip to finish your drink.
You slowly lick your lips, the remaining drops of the martini... it makes me dizzy. I catch myself staring at your wet mouth, my heart pounding. No matter how hard I fight it, all I can think about is how it would feel to kiss you right now. I wonder if you know how erotic it is: the shape of your lips and the way you part them slightly when you listen and pay attention. You see it in my eyes, the longing. So you lean towards me, put your hands in a prayer position and say, almost apologetically, that you have to go. It is a relief: I want you to stay longer, but I realize that if you do, I will either throw myself into your arms or I will break into tears at your feet... in any case I would embarass myself beyond recovery. I can't take it anymore. I'm emotionally drained. You know it, so you save me by leaving.
You say goodbye, give me a long bear hug. I bury my face between your neck and your hair, trying to memorize the scent of your skin. And then you walk away, fast, without looking back. And I stay, completely still, staring into space, gasping for air, while the whole world is spinning around me. A single burning thought is beating onto my brain like a panicking bird. I love you. I love you. I love you. 
No matter where I am or what I do, my thoughts always bring me back to this radiant smile, to this beautiful face. When I lie awake at night, I close my eyes and I remember our conversation. It was a fleeting moment for you, that disappeared into the night without a trace. But for me, it defined my whole life moving forward. It pushed me through changes you cannot imagine. Maybe I can tell you about it one day, if we ever meet again. But for now, I make a dirty martini, two olives, and I feel you close. In the air around me, in the taste of the drink, and in my heart, forever.  
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according2thelore · 2 months
wait i have more to say. i saw someone else say that youre their favorite wincest writer and i just need to raise my hand and say ME TOO!!!!
i only VERY recently admitted to my best friend that i ship them and when i was reading house song i was going NUTS and i NEEDED to talk about it. so i ended up sending my friend a 10 minute long voice message going through the plot and how beautifully written it is and how its fucking me up!!!!!! im going crazy and shaking dean just SHOT HIS DAD!!!!!!!!! AND IT WAS BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! and my friend was like holy fuck that fic sounds crazy but in a good way and they dont ship it but i think they at least get it now lmfao because wow.
and deans guilt over the life he has given sam. an orphan living on a mattress with no money and just his fucked up older brother. goddamn. i want to hug dean. and sam thinking the worst that dean left him like dad. but then ultimately realizing there is literally NOTHING dean wouldnt do to reach him. its just so cathartic and OH THE FLASHBACK TO BABY SAM. ‘no boo boos?’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME? and then then the parallel because sam is covered in blood again and it ISNT HIS. NO BOO BOOS!!!!!!! but he is so so so hurt oh my goddddd
im sorry im so feral about you i just dont have the magical talent with words that you do. like deans admission and saying that the word falls out of his mouth like a dead body hits the ground????? how can i even attempt to match your beautiful fucking mind. ugh. i wont recover from this. your an inspiration for real. okay i will leave you alone now thank you for the brain worms
GUH the hits keep COMING!!!!!!
i am giggling and kicking my feet that you explained my fic to a FRIEND HOLY SHIT!!!!! oh to hear this voice message lol <3
i had to read this ask series out loud to charlotte, who was also giggling and kicking her feet on my behalf.
i am so glad you found it believable! that was one of the biggest struggles for me, and i liked the boys' characterization in this one, so i'm so sososo happy that you did too!!!!!
i've never done this before, but i thought since you like it, you might find the planning process interesting! i don't do outlines for all of my fics, just the really hefty ones (the heaven fic, this one, and a few others), and i've found this helps me a lot! you can see some things that i've cut or changed. charlotte and i usually plan these out over face time, lol, and she was mostly asleep through this entire planning one (in her defense, she had been working all day). i hope you find it interesting!
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i hope you don't think less of me now that you know i wrote that they "boink" 🙏 it was like two in the morning. also handwriting reveal? omg?
anon, i've said it before but i'll say it again--THANK YOU SO MUCH🥺🥺🥺🥺 uno reverse card as well bc folks like you encourage/inspire authors to keep writing!
i always love hearing which parts folks like best, and this fed me for months to come!!!!!!
and please feel welcome to come back and scream with me about these two any time the mood hits you, lol!
(house song, the fic in question for anyone curious!)
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lovecolibri · 3 months
I just came across a huge ass post (mind you, I have followed the person who reblogged it for years and I don't think I've seen them reblog 911 related things before this season?)
Anygays, the post is basically a rant about how we buddies are being more toxic that the bummies... and that t*mmy as a character has righted his wrongs (like, where lmao), that he's now friends with the persons he wronged (that's why he wasn't invited to the wedding of one of them, also L*cy was actually invited to the vow renewal lmao????) and 'if Ryan doesn’t want to do buddie because he feels its important they stay friends then so be it' (and like, please point out to me where exactly Ryan said exactly those words)...
Among other things and I'm like???? I can't keep doing this lol. These people are insane xmgzkgxkgx
*also do not look at this and how long this has been in my inbox. I often forget things are in there when I see the notification come in at work and would rather use my computer to type. Please keep sending asks, I'm just bad at answering them.*
I think it's pretty clear the show did not intend for T to be around as long as he was, especially if they had gone the route with Eddie instead of Buck, so they didn't put in any effort to have him actually have a conversation with Chim and Hen about things which I think we as an audience deserved to see no matter what if they were bringing him back. Like, yes we see in previous episodes that he got better when Bobby was around but like, that to me just says he's the kind of person who acts how he needs to in order to keep his boss happy and keep his job and if the boss doesn't tolerate certain behavior, that has to be kept on the inside or you risk loosing your job. And Chim calls him in for a favor but says that aside from that favor they didn't ever keep in touch. It would have been nice to see just a moment of him talking to Hen and Chim and formally apologizing.
As for what Ryan has said, we all know that he often talks about how storylines affect him personally and he's a big advocate for men's mental health and cultivating deep and real and honest relationships with other men, so of course he's going to talk about what these storylines mean from that POV. Also, he knows things change at the drop of a hat (switching Buck and Eddie for this coming out storyline this season, dropping the bachelor party stuff when they got the renewal announcement, shifting Eddie's storyline because Devin was available and Tim is obsessed with her , etc) so he doesn't usually talk too much and stays very vague about where things are going. Also also, like, on top of say things that ultimately don't end up happening because the scene got cut or the storyline changed, we know sometimes people straight up lie or are told to focus on saying certain things to throw the audience off in interviews! People have been banging on about L supposedly coming back instead of T because of something Timmy said, when we all know damn good and well that AK was on another show that got picked up before the strikes and wouldn't have been available to film for 911 which Tim would have known long before opening the writers room for s7, plus there's no way the show would have brought her back, ESPECIALLY as a LI for Buck after the flack they got from the fans and GA when she was around, and there's no way she or her PR people would want to stir up that kind of bad press right before she's supposed to headline another show. The interviews can be interesting, and I love hearing things Ryan and Oliver have to say but they are not reliable sources of info and we know this. 🤷🏻‍♀️
But also, like, we know that Eddie was supposed to have the coming out storyline but it got switched when they couldn't get the other actress to come back and Oliver didn't even find out until they had already started filming so we KNOW Ryan is not opposed to Eddie coming out. That's just like, a fact that we know now. So IDK why people are so dead set on saying Ryan, who has MULTIPLE times said "I'm down if that's where the story goes", doesn't want to do it.
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kbrick · 2 years
What do you think about the Draco haters? Personally I don't get them. I don't get how you can feel hatred for a child who was raised by fucked up people and then had to do awful things that he obviously hated to survive and keep his family safe too. All as a minor. Where has all the empathy gone? It's like they think they're talking about a hardened criminal lol. Why are people like this?
Okay, I'll be honest with you, nonny, I'm of two minds about this.
The thing that I feel in my gut when I see this sentiment out in the wild is irritation and maybe a little flare of anger. Because I love Draco. He's my favorite. I empathize with Draco, with what he went through in canon, and I also associate him with the thousand redemption character arcs I've read about him at this point. Have I argued with people on reddit over whether Draco should have been sentenced to life in Azkaban? Yes, I have. Am I proud of that? No, I am not. Looking back, it kinda makes me feel like an idiot.
I try to remind myself of two things when I feel this way. One, Draco is a character, not a real person, and we're talking about literature, not real life, and so it's really not that serious (please note - this is not usually effective in talking myself down off the ledge, but it ought to be mentioned).
And two, I used to hate (well, maybe strongly dislike) Draco.
I came to the fandom late (as a full-fledged adult!), but in my younger years, I was a big HP fan. I had all the books on a bookshelf in my room, I had a poster, I had pencils with big erasers on the end in the shape of the house mascots. I had my favorite Harry Potter mug (which just recently met an ignoble end on my kitchen floor, RIP favorite mug - and now I can't buy a replacement because I no longer buy HP merch because JKR is such a terrible human being and I refuse to support her...but I digress!).
And let's be honest: Draco Malfoy is a complete asshat in the books. He's the villain. He's petty, he's mean, he's arrogant with nothing at all to back it up. He says horrible things to Hermione, who was my very favorite character back when I read the series. And I was young enough to accept characters at face value back then, so yeah, I kind of hated Draco. I wasn't ranting about him online or anything, but if somebody would have asked me what I thought of him, I'd have probably blown a raspberry and given them a thumbs down.
It wasn't until the later books (Half-Blood Prince, specifically), that I began to neutralize on my view of Draco. Even back then, I felt bad for him in that bathroom scene. But it wasn't until I started reading Drarry (as an adult) that I looked back at Draco as a character and realized what a fucking delight he actually was (not in the sense that he was 'good' or whatever, but he was an excellent foil for Harry and was incredibly entertaining).
And part of this is maturity, I think. As a full-fledged adult, I no longer take characters at face value. I no longer think- oh, this character is being mean to the good guy, therefore they are a bad guy and I hate them. Instead, I think - wow, something is going on with this character, to make them act this way. They're so desperate for attention, or they're so insecure, or they were hurt so badly when xyz happened that they're lashing out. I look for the WHYS in characters. And Draco has a lot of whys, especially in fanon, and so it has become easy to empathize with him and like him.
Another part of it is that I have become a writer, and I appreciate complicated, compelling characters, and I'm no longer interested in Mary Sue good guys who are always noble and do everything right. Because let's be honest: people are not that way. We shouldn't write them that way. That's not truth, and I want to read and write truth.
But for readers who do not value characters beyond the hero, or who have chosen not to look more closely at character whys, Draco is a bad guy. He's not insecure; he's arrogant. It's not hurt feelings; it's a mean streak. And to be frank, I think JKR herself viewed Draco in this way (for the most part). Yes, she gave him some depth towards the end of the books, but I honestly think that was due to pressure from fans who wanted a redemption arc for Draco (and really, it's a half-assed redemption arc at best). I think JKR is a mostly black-and-white thinker, and I think she wrote a mostly black-and-white series. Harry and his friends are good, Draco and his friends are bad. Voldemort is evil. The end.
So I suppose what I'm saying is that I understand why people don't like Draco as a character. I think it suggests a bit of closed-mindedness on their parts, and maybe a lack of empathy, and that they're horribly boring irl (ha, had to get that dig in there). But the truth is that people are allowed to feel how they want to feel about characters. I'm not the interpretation police.
Does that mean I no longer get fired up when somebody on reddit says Draco should've been sentenced to life in Azkaban? Nope, I'm not that mature, come on. Will I continue arguing with them about it? I hope I'm beyond that, but we'll see. Do I still love Draco with all my heart? I do, and so you know what? I'm going to keep writing about him and enjoying him.
That's about all I have to say about that. Which was a LOT, actually. Who knew?
Thanks for the ask, nonny :) It was an interesting one.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Do you think that the solangelo contains more of a forceful representation, and if so, what is your advice to authors who are trying to make lgbtq+ representation seem more a part of the story/flow with the story then the opposing option?
May 22nd. I'm so sorry, my mind has been going off track for a while. I'm really sorry for the delay. 😭😭
So, regarding Solangelo as a representation, well this is gonna be hard to say lol. This has been circling the fandom since the day of its emergence, and this is certainly not a good time but eh penny for my thought ig.
Now. I suppose I have a very varying definition of representation, but let's not dwell on that. As for now, I can say that I do consider Solangelo somewhat forcefully developed. As in, the term of writing, plot-wise, etc...
It's quite difficult to say. I have no problem with Solangelo as a couple - or their dynamic - per se. Rather, it's the pacing that throws me off. This has been addressed in many posts - Solangelo has a quite... abrupt (?) takeoff. I just felt like Rick did not mean to make them a thing but just a spur of a moment - something small and... promising that you left hanging at the end of the series for reader's interpretation, for whatever reason (This actually lines up with Boo's time of releash I think? The LGBTQ+ literature being unpopular I mean).
In fact, Solangelo's whole developing process happened behind the curtains - as in, we're told, not shown. Imagine. In BOO, their friendship just barely sprouts, and the next time we see them again in TOA, they're already a couple. For the longest time possible, it was left to the reader/fanfic writers to deduce wth happen for them to become a couple in like idk 6 months? (A pretty fast process for someone like Nico imo. but that's just me).
Something like that is bound to raise some doubts.
The full picture itself is only revealed - partly, and through second reminiscence, mind you - in TSATS. It's also the reason TSATS feels kinda off to me, ig - the fact that some parts actually misalign with the established canon events, or appear like a patch to cover a hole in the piece of fabric. And some others just straight up fall into the what-the-f-was-in-your-mind-rick category. I doubt it was even Rick's initial plan to come up with TSATS in the first place.
However, it's also worth acknowledging that, whilst it would certainly help, Rick hardly has the capacity to fully-build another 5-book romance for Solangelo. That's as far as it can go (I usually think this to placate myself at the thought of the ship being undeveloped). Nico is not the franchise's protagonist (more like deuteragonist I guess), no matter how far this story goes and how widely loved he is, let alone Will.
On to the advice part.
Please keep in mind that I am, in no way, a professional or good writer, nor do I study sexual orientation and/or identity theory (I barely know the flags). I've also grown up and received education in an Estern (somewhat conserative?) country, so please take whatever I say with a grant of salt.
Now. When it comes to "make it seem more a part of the story", I... actually don't know how to say this...
Just look at the all the BL mangas (Japanese comics) and danmeis (Chinese BL literature) and BL manhwas (Korean comics). I have been reading BoyLove longggg before I even came to PJO, you know? The Eastern fandoms have surprisingly extensive LGBT content for a conservative culture, anw they have been telling and/or drawing stotries upon stories about same-sex couples since the dawn of internet. They don't even need to try. They have the image of a love, a story in their mind and just... go along with it.
You don't make it a part of the story. The story is either about it (much or little), or just nothing at all.
I'm saying making a story about it - rather than trying to incorporate it into the story. Give it background and enough development, it'd progress itself. You don't give it anything, of course it'd feel flat. This goes with any type of romance, not just LGBTQ+.
The problem with Solangelo itself, imo, is not the nature of their relationship (tho I do admit somtimes Rick makes me go wtf), but rather how they're portrayed. And furthermore, said portray in proportion to people's expectation. Solangelo, by all means, is a side-story at best (unless Rick manages to come up with a trilogy about their journey from start to finish idk 🤷‍♀️). People like it, so they tend to expect more from it, but the author's just a human.
I think this is everything... My thoughts are kinda in a jumble as I'm writing this, so feel free to ask if something doesn't make sense... This is also just my personal view lol don't take it too seriously if it differs from yours too much.
Lastly, I know my advice would probably not do much, however I hope for you to find your way to tell your stories the best you can!
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jazzycurls · 2 years
I want to know what love is -
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Summary: After years of being stuck in an abusive marriage you are hoping to start a new life with your son. Meeting an old acquaintance awakens feelings in you that you thought were long gone. Will your broken heart allow you to love again?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Warnings/Tags: No use of y/n, angst, PTSD, domestic violence, injuries, jealousy, brief arguing/raised voices, curse words, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut, wet dream, (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi you guys! This is my first time writing smut, so I'm sorry if it sucks lol. All feedback is welcome, be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me.
Word Count: 6,669
You gasp as his fingers travel over your hips, grasping your thighs and pushing them apart. Kisses rain down on the insides of your thighs, getting closer and closer to your aching core. You arch your back and wine, trying to get closer to the source of pleasure.
"So wet," he murmurs, his lips pressing a sloppy kiss to your folds.
Moaning deeply you grab his curls, pulling him closer to you. You grind yourself on his lips, nose, tongue, anywhere you can get some friction.
He chuckles darkly "so impatient," he says, kissing your clit. He lets go of your legs and kisses his way back up your body before settling between your legs.
"Please," you beg, running your hands along his back.
"Please what?" he questions. You can feel him at your entrance teasing you, making a mess of you.
"Please, Eddie!"
You jolt awake covered in sweat. Turning over, you look at your clock and groan. It's only five o clock in the morning, one hour before your alarm is set to go off. You lie back and attempt to go back to sleep when the memory of your dream hits you full force.
You gasp and reach a hand between your thighs, you're soaked. Grazing your clit by mistake you moan unexpectedly. Thoughts of your curly-headed neighbor run rampant through your mind.
"Nope, nope, not going there," you say yanking the covers and throwing them off of you. You get out of bed and see a small wet stain covering your bedsheet. "Jesus Christ," you mutter. You pull off your sheets and toss them into the laundry basket in the corner of your room.
Sleep is out of the question, so you stomp your way to the bathroom, nearly waking your son up in the process. After taking a very cold shower, you set about getting your day started. "Today will be a good day," you tell yourself before waking your son up to get ready for school.
Today was definitely turning out to be a horrible one. You ended up being late taking your son to school, despite waking up earlier than usual. Your babysitter had also canceled last minute which made you late to work as well. Luckily Mrs. Brenda was available and more than willing to watch your son for you.
You had just gotten the job at the diner and couldn't afford to mess it up. After getting an earful from your boss, Benny, about the importance of attendance, you proceeded to fuck up everything you touched.
Memories of the dream you had last night plague your thoughts constantly, making you serve customers the wrong orders. You apologize repeatedly which helps you earn back some of the tips you were sure you had lost.
After a while, you were finally able to get into your groove, which was also helping to keep your mind from wandering. As you hung the orders in the chef's window for preparation, you heard the tinkling of the doorbell alerting you to new customers.
You immediately headed in their direction, taking your notepad from your apron. You're the only waitress on your shift today, which doesn't give you any time to waste.
From what you could hear this group seemed to be a wild and raucous bunch. You groaned internally, these were the type to change their orders constantly and tip low.
You walked over to the table with a smile "welcome to Benny's, may I take your order," you asked. As you looked at the table, your eyes met the source of your distraction. "Just great," you thought silently.
Eddie grins widely at you, giving you a quick wink before giving you his order. You quickly jot it down before taking the order of the woman sitting beside him. "She's cute," you think while listening to her order. Her light freckles dusted across her face, her hair was short and in brown waves. 
As you take the last two orders, you notice that they seem to be a couple. The guy has great hair but the overuse of his hair spray makes you slightly dizzy. The girl beside him is also pretty with shoulder-length brown hair and high cheekbones.
"Alright, you guys I'll bring your order out shortly," you smile thinly. You walk over to the window to place their orders and grab the plates that are ready.
You become distracted once again as you serve the other customers, your eyes keep finding their way over to Eddie's table. You can't help but notice how close he is to her. Boisterous laughter comes from their table, catching your attention once again.
This time she's leaning onto his arm as she dissolves into a fit of giggles. Your chest tightens at the sight. "Is he on a double date," you wondered and why did the thought of that make you sad?
"Order up," the cook yells. "Order up," the cook yells louder this time. You finally hear the call and rush to get the order.
Balancing the trays of food and drinks, you walk over to Eddie's table and hand out everyone's orders, giving Eddie his last. Your hands graze each other as you pass it to him.
"Enjoy, and let me know if you need anything," you say with a plastic smile. Your eyes flicker over to Eddie, you find that he's already staring at you intently, watching as you walk away.
Another waitress comes in to start her shift, giving you the chance to take a lunch break. You decide to go outside to the side of the restaurant. There's a secluded area with a table and bench that the employees use.
You sit there eating your lunch, lost in your thoughts. What the hell was wrong with you? First, there was the dream, then you couldn't stop thinking about him and now here you were getting jealous over someone who was just supposed to be just a friend!
You sighed deeply, taking another bite of your food. Whatever this problem was, you needed to get your shit together. Eddie had become one of your closest friends and you didn't want to mess that up.
If you were honest, your feelings were hurt that Eddie didn't introduce you to his friends. Was he ashamed of you? Did he think you were not cool enough and wanted to keep your friendship a secret?
"Hey, whatcha doing?" Eddie whispers into your ear.
"Jesus Christ Eddie," you yell, holding your hand across your chest.
He laughs and takes a seat next to you, his thigh lightly touching yours. "Sorry," he smirked not looking sorry at all.
"So, what ya doing out here all alone," he questions, looking around.
"It's my lunch break and I came out here to be alone," you say pointedly.
Eddie doesn't catch on to your attitude or he chooses to ignore it. "I didn't know you worked here," "I would've come by more often had I known," he says bumping your shoulder with his.
You tense from his touch and lean away slightly "I just started," you said with a heavy sigh.
Eddie turns completely toward you, confusion etched across his handsome face "are you mad at me," he asks you softly.
You sigh again pinching the bridge of your nose. "No, I'm not mad at you," you reply honestly. Truthfully you couldn't find it in yourself to be mad at him. Really you were mad at yourself for being mad in the first place. You had no right to be.
"Well, what's wrong then," he pleads, taking your hands into his.
You desperately wanted to tell him. Tell him how you were jealous of the girl he was with and how you were sad at the thought he was ashamed to introduce you to his friends. Your pride and fear however were stronger than whatever it was you were feeling at this moment.
"I'm just having a really bad day," you say skirting around the truth. You turn to him giving him a sad smile.
He smiles at you but it doesn't reach his eyes this time. For some reason, he looks disappointed, like the response you'd given him was wrong and he knew it.
"No worries princess, we all have shit days," he replies. "Want to know what I do when I'm having a shit day?" he asks.
"I'm scared to ask," you mumble. After a moment your curiosity piques anyways. "What do you do," you whisper.
He gives you a toothy grin as he reaches into his jean pocket and pulls out a pre-rolled joint.
You gasp, scandalized, you knew that Eddie smoked, you weren't stupid. But you never thought that he would offer it to you.
You think for a moment, you have about four more hours of your shift left. Things can't get any worse than they already have, plus you've smoked before, occasionally. Even though that was years ago, it still counted in your book.
Eddie's still looking at you, patiently awaiting your answer. "I think I'll take you up on that offer," you state shyly.
He looks at you with a wide comical smile that takes up half of his face. He obviously was not expecting you to say yes. "Let's go to my van," he says as he glances around. "I would hate for someone to come out here and catch us."
You both walk over to his van and get in.
"Well, let's fire this bad boy up," he says as he brings the joint to his lips and lights the other end.
He takes a deep pull, closing his eyes as he inhales the smoke. A second later he releases it slowly and passes it over to you. "Brace yourself, sweetheart," he chokes out. "This is some grade A shit right here."
"I've smoked before Eddie," you retort as you take the joint. You wrap your lips around the end and inhale deeply. Immediately you begin choking, feeling like you were going to cough up your lung.
Eddie leans over and pats you on the back with a worried look on his face. "I'm okay," you breathe out shakily. You pass him the joint and lean back against the seat. Eventually, you get the hang of it and can inhale without killing yourself.
You laugh abruptly, catching Eddie's attention. "What," he questions, his full lips holding a smile of their own. He takes one last puff and puts it out in the ashtray.
"Just thinking about how bitchy I was to you— all because of some dream I had," you giggle shaking your head.
He immediately turns his body halfway towards you, you have his full attention. "So— what was the dream about," he asks, trying to be casual but failing miserably.
You open your red-rimmed eyes, gazing over at him "wouldn't you like to know," you reply cheekily. "If I told you, I would have to kill you!"
Your high right now that's for sure, why else would you mention the dream to him? But at least you're sober enough not to completely spill your guts.
"Anyways," you singsong. "I'm really sorry, Eds" you pout giving him your best puppy-eyed expression.
He groans, throwing his head back against the headrest "don't look at me like that," "I'm a sucker for the puppy-eyed look."
A moment passes and he turns back to you with a hopeful look in his eyes "okay, I'll forgive you— if you let me meet your son." He pauses before continuing "you talk about him all the time and I feel like I know him already," he says. "Plus, I'm good with kids, I kinda have a group of them that I watch over, so you don't have to worry about that," he rambles nervously.
A grin takes over your face before you can answer. You find it cute how nervous he is about asking you. You had already considered having them meet each other.
You felt like you and Eddie had been friends long enough to know that he was a good person. He was also someone who you were starting to care deeply about regardless of how much you tried to deny it.
"Yes, I would like that," you responded.
He leans over and gives you a quick hug before rambling about where would you like the place to be and what time. You both decide that a picnic at the park next weekend would be nice.
Looking at your watch you notice your lunch break was supposed to end five minutes ago. You tell Eddie goodbye before rushing back to your job. Lucky for you, the rush hour has slowed down so your presence wasn't missed.
The rest of your shift goes off without a hitch, all thanks to Eddie. How could someone be a problem and a solution at the same time?
It's the day of the picnic and you were a nervous wreck. You had told your son that he was meeting a new friend of yours today. He was apprehensive initially, for some reason he thought that this new friend was a boyfriend. It took some time before he was convinced otherwise.
The lunch you had prepared for yall to eat, was packed and ready to go. Now you were just killing time, by trying to find an outfit to wear. You were torn between a sundress and some cut-off shorts.
You didn't want to dress up too much, due to the surprise you had planned today. Eventually, you choose the shorts, it's casual enough for the park and will allow you to move comfortably.
Your shirt is white with the red words 'drink coca-cola. Pairing it with your white converse,  you go about fixing your hair. You decide to wear it down in loose curls.
As you walk into the living room you call out to your son, letting him know it's time to go. He walks up to you and looks you up and down with a brow raised. "Are you sure he's not a boyfriend?" he questions.
"No, he is just a good friend of mine, okay?" "Now come help me carry the cooler to the truck superman," you laugh. You load everything into the bed of your pickup and head to the park to meet Eddie.
When you arrive at the park Eddie is already there, he looks so nervous you can't help but laugh. You park your truck beside Eddies. He walks over to you as you both get out of the truck.
The first thing you notice is how good he looks, more so than usual. You can tell he put a lot of thought into his appearance. His curls are not the usual frizzy mass and it looks as if he used a leave-in conditioner to help tame them. You want nothing more than to just run your hands through his hair
His clothes seem to be new as well. He has on a pair of ripped black jeans and a Judas Priest shirt, his signature black bandana is hanging from the back pocket of his jeans.
You introduce them and wait on bated breath. Eddie is the first to make a move "Hey man, it's nice to finally meet you," he says as he holds his hand out to your son.
"Nice to meet you, how long have you and my mom been friends?" he inquires with a raised brow.
"For about a couple of months now," Eddie responds. "It feels like I've known her forever though."
Your son hums in acknowledgment, keeping his eyes trained on Eddie as if he was evaluating him. The conversation falls into a lull.
Clasping your hands together you pick the conversation back up. "You know Eddie runs a club for Dungeons and Dragons," you say.
That catches his attention making his eyes light up "wow, that's so cool!" he exclaims. "I always wanted to play but none of my friends likes it," he says breathlessly.
Eddie grins, "well today is your lucky day man, I can talk to my group and see how they feel about taking on a new member," he says. "If that's what you want and if mom is cool with it," he adds glancing at you.
"Yeah, that would be awesome!" he replies quickly. "Can I do it mom please?" he begs, giving you the puppy dog eyes.
You look at the both of them, they're both staring at you with a hopeful look. "I suppose so, as long as it doesn't interfere with school." you state matter of factly.
Your son gives you a quick hug, saying thank you, and turns to Eddie who gives him a high five. You can't hide the smile on your face at the sight of them getting along.
"Okay, guys! Let's get this stuff out of the car, yeah?" you say as you walk to the back of your truck.
The picnic goes better than you could've imagined. Eddie and your son talk nonstop about various things, such as DnD, movies, games, and music. You sit quietly, for the most part, eating your food while watching them interact. You make comments here and there but let them continue to get to know each other.
After a while, you hear Eddie calling your name while waving his hand near your face. You look over at him and see his smiling face. "Hey, where did you go just now," he says jokingly.
You let out a small laugh "I was just listening to my two most favorite people," you reply looking at them both. Standing up you dust off your shorts.
"I'll be right back you guys," you call out as you head towards your truck. Looking over your shoulder you check to make sure their attention is elsewhere.
You pull out three water guns making sure they're full. You place two of them back into the bag and hold yours behind your back. As you walk back over to them still sitting on the blanket, you throw the bag at their feet.
They look at you with a puzzled expression "I have a surprise for you both," you sing mischievously. You pull out the water gun quickly and spray them both. "Catch me if you can!" you yell gleefully as you run towards the dense maze of trees.
After running a short distance you hide behind a tree to catch your breath. A twig snaps close by and you hold your breath. Peering your head around the trunk of the tree you spot your son looking around for you or Eddie.
You leap from your hiding spot blasting him in the chest before running off again. "Going to have to do better than that you son," you holler joyfully.
Crouching down behind a large bush, you pump your gun to make sure it's loaded.
"Well, well, well, looky what we have here," says Eddie.
You look up to find him a few feet ahead of you with his gun already trained on you. You move to raise your gun and he stops you with a clucking of his tongue.
"Ah ah princess, no sudden movements kay?" he says patronizingly. "How I see it, you're in a real tough spot darling, but I'm gonna be fair to you cuz I likes ya," he says with a faux cowboy accent.
"So, what do you want," you ask looking up at him beneath your lashes.
His breath catches a little and he clears his throat " you have two choices, the first one is I get to have an unlimited amount of hugs whenever I want for a week."
He stops and takes a dramatic pause before continuing "The second option is one kiss, any time or place no questions asked." he says smirking at you.
Your cheeks flame at the proposition and your mind goes blank, leaving you unable to form a reply. You can hear your son's increasing footsteps in the distance.
"Time's ticking sweetheart," he says mockingly still holding up his water gun.
You can hear your son approaching so you blurt out a response without thinking "the kiss," you say breathlessly.
"Great choice," he says slyly before taking off in the other direction whooping and hollering.
You're still sitting there when your son springs forward, catching you unaware. "Gotcha," he yells before spraying you full blast.
To say your son had a blast at the picnic last weekend would be an understatement. Once you had parted ways with Eddie, he proceeded to talk your ear off about him. He wanted to know when and if he could see him again.
He was ecstatic when he found out that he lived in the trailer right behind him. You had to make him promise that he would not go over there unannounced. Even though you were sure that Eddie wouldn't mind, you didn't want him to become a bother.
You were currently on your way to meet with your lawyer. He wanted to discuss your options for the case since your husband was not cooperating. He thought that since he had a record of violence, it could work in your favor with getting the proceedings pushed forward.
You were hopeful about what the outcome could be. If you could get the judge to agree with hearing your case sooner, then maybe you could finally be free from him. When you mentioned it to Eddie he was nothing but supportive.
He had asked you if you could go out with him and his friends afterward. He knew how stressed you were and wanted to help get your mind off of everything.
You were tempted to say no, you didn't want to risk getting jealous again. You weren't sure if the girl from the diner was just a friend or something more.
Making a fool out of yourself was something that was becoming a common occurrence, especially when Eddie was involved. But when you looked into his pleading brown eyes you couldn't find it in you to say no.
So you had plans to go to the hideout later tonight. Also, he told you that he had a special surprise for you but he wouldn't budge whenever you asked him for a hint.
You pulled into the parking lot and cut your car off. Gathering all of your documents, you said a silent prayer as you headed up the steps into the office.
You stood in front of your mirror as you smoothed down the front of your leather mini skirt. "This is stupid," you thought. After five wardrobe changes, you still couldn't decide what to wear.
"Fuck this, I'm not changing again," you muttered as you walked over to your closet. Pulling on your high-heeled ankle boots, you checked your makeup in the mirror for the hundredth time before heading to the front door.
Eddie had given you the directions and told you what time to be there. He explained that he would be a little late but that was due to the surprise he had planned. You were nervous about hanging out alone with his friends but he reassured you that they would take good care of you.
Your parents were watching your son for the weekend so you didn't have to worry about staying out too late. You got into your truck and gripped the wheel anxiously. You were nervous, excited, and scared all at once. It had been too long since you had gone out and partied.
After taking a deep inhale and exhale you cut on your truck and headed towards the hideout.
You stood at the entrance of the club awkwardly. Feeling like a fish out of water, you were hyper-aware of the looks that you kept receiving, from men and women. You weren't sure if the looks were a good or a bad thing.
Just when you decided that you were going to go back home, you felt a warm hand on your shoulder. You turned around and found yourself face to face with the woman from the diner a few weeks ago.
"Hi, I'm Nancy!" she said with a cheery slur, extending her hand towards you. It seemed she had gotten a headstart on drinking.
You gave her a small smile " Hey, I'm—,”
"I know who you are," she replied with a coy smile. "Eddie talks about you all the time," she said nonchalantly.
Your eyebrows shot to your hairline. Not only has he already mentioned you to his friends, but he talks about you all the time? It seemed your previous concerns were unwarranted. 
Before you could get her to clarify, she linked her slim arm through yours pulling you close. "C'mon, let's go meet the others, they're dying to meet you" she declared before steering you into the small building.
It was dimly lit, the inside was bigger than how it had seemed outside. Nancy led you to the bar to get a few drinks before meeting with everyone. Not knowing what to get, you ordered a rum and coke, which was always a safe choice.
You both headed towards a smattering of tables that surrounded a medium-sized stage. There was a decent-sized crowd scattered about.
You could hear laughter as you approached a group, you recognized them all besides one. There was a new addition this time, a cute girl with red hair.
"Guys, this is the gorgeous girl Eddie told us all about," Nancy said loudly, catching everyone's attention.
"Hi," you said waving shyly.
The girl who had sat close to Eddie at the diner was the first to speak. "Hey girl, nice to properly meet you, I'm Robin!" her eyes sparkled with merriment.
"Nice to meet you too," you replied politely.
"I'm Steve, nice to meet you," the one with the nice hair said.
"And I'm Vicki," the last girl said with a smile.
You gave everyone another smile and wave before you took a seat.
Nancy took a seat on the other side beside Steve. He put an arm around her pulling her close and giving her a quick kiss.
You made small talk with everyone, eventually loosening up. They were actually pretty nice, you could see yourself hanging out again in the future.
You took a sip of your drink, letting the liquid warm your insides. "Do you know
when Eddie's gonna get here," you asked after some time had passed.
Steve looked at you with a mischievous grin "he's already here," he stated mysteriously.
You turned to him in surprise "oh?" "Where is he," you questioned. His eyes flickered toward the stage making you follow his gaze.
There you saw Eddie setting up band equipment on the stage. How he had managed to get onto the stage without you noticing was a mystery.
His eyes caught yours and winked at you, causing you to flush with a wide grin. You knew you looked like a love-struck puppy but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
Eddie tapped his mic "Everyone doing alright tonight?" he asked still fiddling with his guitar. The crowd, except your group, gave a half-hearted reply.
"Alright ladies and gents, for the people who aren't familiar with us we're Corroded Coffin." He turned towards his band giving them a signal to start.
They were pretty good but your eyes were glued on Eddie. He was completely in his element, becoming immersed in the music. You watched as fingers glided skillfully along his guitar with ease, tossing his head back and forth to the pounding of the beat.
Nodding your head along, you swayed along to the song. Eddie turned his head toward you, catching you off guard when he started to sing! You were blown away as he strolled the stage towards you, belting out a harmonious tune into the mic.
Sweat began to bead along your hairline as he leaned towards you provocatively. "How many talents does this man have," you thought. He's a helluva guitar player and a decent singer.
You gripped the sides of your seat as he let go of the mic to perform his guitar solo still looking toward you. You were painfully aware of the dull ache between your thighs, causing you to fidget in your seat.
Eddie turned away from you with a smirk and proceeded to walk the rest of the stage for the rest of the performance. Everyone chit-chatted around you as Eddie and his band played through two other songs.
Steve had been so kind as to get refills for everyone, so you were now on your third round. You weren't drunk but you weren't exactly sober either.
It was hard for you to conversate with the others due to your sight constantly being on Eddie. After performing their last song they thanked the crowd and began to break down the equipment.
Your group whooped and cheered loud enough for the entire crowd. You turned back to everyone making small talk as you waited for Eddie to come over.
"I see you were very interested in Eddie's performance," Robin said with a smirk.
You finished sipping your drink before replying. "He was great," you replied honestly. "I didn't even know he was in a band!" laughing as you looked over in her direction. You noticed that she and Vickie were close, closer than what normal friends would be.
She chuckled giving you a knowing smile before leaning towards Vickie and whispering in her ear causing her to blush. "Not friends," you thought with a small smile on your lips. You shook your head and laughed softly, you could be clueless sometimes.
"Hey guys, how did you like the show," Eddie asked everyone as he flopped into a seat beside you.
Everyone complimented him and he turned and looked over towards you. "How about you sweetheart?"
You looked at him, taking in the sheen of sweat covering his forehead. His curls were frizzy from sweating and hung in loose waves down his shoulders. You resisted the urge to run your hands through them.
"I loved it, you were like some sorta rockstar up there," you beamed.
He blushed prettily at your compliment "thank you," he said cheerfully.
Several drinks later the club had livened up and music was blaring overhead. Nancy and Steve were on the dance floor while the rest of you were making light conversation.
You set your glass on the table and rested your arm on your chair. A moment passed before you felt Eddie's hand rest atop of yours.
Your breath hitched as you peeked at him from the corner of your eye. Other than a smirk, his face held no indication of what he was doing. He remained impassive as he continued to chat.
With the liquid courage coursing through you, you felt at ease with how you were feeling. You turned your palm face up to properly grasp his hand in yours.
Gradually he began to rub small circles into the palm of your hand. After a while, you felt his fingertips ghost the expanse from your fingers up to your wrist and back down again. You closed your eyes at the way his touch caused warmth to flare between your legs.
He did this a few times before suddenly stopping, letting his hand rest on yours comfortably.
You turned to him, your lips were slightly parted allowing you to take in deeper breaths. His gaze was already turned toward you.
The look in his eyes thrilled and frightened you at the same time. His brown eyes were intense with a look you'd never seen him wear before. He looked as if he were dying of thirst and you were the last drink of water.
Suddenly the air seemed to vanish along with everyone else but Eddie. You licked your lips causing his gaze to drop down to your mouth. He squeezed your hand tightly this time, which you returned equally.
At that moment Steve and Nancy sat back down breaking whatever spell you seemed to be under. You chose that opportunity to excuse yourself from the table and go to the restroom.
Once in the bathroom, you relieved yourself and washed your hands while looking in the mirror. Your face was flushed and had a light sheen of sweat. You wanted to blame it on the alcohol but you knew better.
Eddie had you hot and bothered in a way you hadn't felt in a long time. Even when your husband was home, he rarely touched you due to his overdrinking.
You opened the door to the bathroom to find Eddie standing there silently in the dark hallway. In any other circumstances, he would have scared the hell out of you.
"Hey, I just— wanted to make sure you were okay," he stated in a deep voice.
"Yeah, I just needed a moment," you replied. You stepped closer to him as a man walked out of the other bathroom and behind you down the narrow hallway.
As you stepped closer Eddie you found yourself directly in front of him. Your stare followed the way his band tee clung to his chest, outlining his pecs and traveling to the narrowing of his waist...
Eddie groaned and shifted, bringing your gaze up to his eyes. You gasped softly at the look in his eyes.
You weren't sure who stepped forward first but suddenly you were pressed against the hard expanse of his body. His head hung low as you tilted your head back.
He wrapped his arms around your waist cautiously and you glided your hands from his chest, slipping them behind his neck. His lips hovered over yours teasingly, tempting you to move forward.
"I'm going to kiss you if you don't stop me," he whispered, rubbing his nose against yours.
You gazed into his dark eyes before letting your eyes drift shut " I don't want you to stop," you said softly.
He quickly tilted your head back further, pressing your lips to his. Lips melded together sensuously, making you whimper softly into the kiss.
Your fingers combed through the soft curls atop of his head as he pulled you tighter against him. People walked by but you two could care less. The moment you were sharing was the only thing that mattered.
His tongue swiped across your lips searching for access. Parting your lips, you felt him slide his tongue across yours skillfully. You could feel your breasts sliding across his chest as you moved against him, making your nipples harden.
Your core began to throb with a dull ache and you moaned deeply into his mouth.
At the sound of your noises, he groaned in return letting one hand travel down to cup your ass. His other hand playing with the hem of your skirt teasingly.
You arched into him more, begging silently for something, anything to quell the storm brewing within you. He slipped his hand beneath your skirt and slid one finger from your clothed entrance up to your clit.
"Fuck, your so wet," he murmured against your lips.
Your breathing became ragged as you attempted to stifle a moan. You were still aware that you were in a public area.
He swiftly turned you both around so his body covered yours, giving a small sense of privacy.
You could still feel his fingers teasing your entrance, gently prodding, causing the fabric of your panties to dip into you slightly. Closing your eyes, you parted your lips letting your breath out in uneven pants.
"Look at me princess," he said, his voice hoarse.
You slowly opened your eyes, meeting his intense stare. He swiftly pulled your underwear out of the way, gathering the wetness pooled at your entrance, before pressing down on your clit.
He covered your mouth with his as you cried out in response, weaving his tongue with yours. Tightening your hold on his hair, you pulled his head closer, deepening the kiss.
His finger began to circle your bud faster and faster until you were gasping for air against his lips. You could feel him panting as well, the faint smell of beer, cigarettes, and mint fanning across your face.
Suddenly, he thrusted two fingers into your heat, making you throw your head back, bumping your head on the wall. You bit your lip to keep quiet. He began to pepper kisses along your jaw working his way down to the side of your neck.
You pulled his head away to look into his eyes "please," you whimpered. The need to cum had become overwhelming, leaving you clenching around his still fingers.
"Fuck," he bit out before shoving his fingers back in and out at full force.
Your head hit the wall again with a thump as your orgasm began to build steadily.
He grabbed your chin to keep your gaze on him as he took you higher and higher. Keeping motion with his fingers he started to rub your clit with the pad of his thumb.
"Eddie, I'm gonna—," you moaned unable to finish your sentence.
"Look at me baby, I want to see you cum for me," he said keeping his gaze locked on yours.
You came with an audible gasp, gushing around his hand. He continued stroking you lazily, as your walls fluttered around his nimble fingers.
Removing his fingers from your heat, he pressed against you, claiming your lips in a heated kiss. You felt his hardened length along your thigh.
At the feel of him, you felt your core clench, making you feel empty. You moaned softly into his mouth angling your body towards his member.
He pulled back and looked you in the eyes "you need to go now," he said pressing his forehead to yours.
"Hmmm," you said hazily. Your mind was still foggy from the orgasmic bliss.
"If you don't go, I'm gonna end up fucking you in this hallway," his voice was strained with longing.
"Our first time should be somewhere special," he said finally. He gave you one final sweet kiss before stepping back.
Even though he had just made you cum with only his fingers, he somehow still managed to make you flush from embarrassment.
You nodded your head, silently agreeing. He had a point, you were lucky if no one had witnessed what had just occurred. You smoothed down your skirt as you pushed yourself from the wall.
Now that the rush was fading, shame was starting to creep in along the edges of your mind. Keeping your head down, you moved to brush past him.
"Hey," he said softly, taking hold of your hand. "You, okay?" He rubbed the palm of your hand gently, looking deep into your eyes.
Your heart twisted from the expression on his face. His eyebrows were creased, genuine concern etched into his features.
"Yeah, just a little embarrassed, I guess," you replied honestly.
His response was instant "don't be, you have nothing to be ashamed of." he said smiling warmly.
You smiled in return, allowing him to loop your arm through his and lead the way out of the club.
As you reached your truck, he turned to you, your arm still tucked securely against his side. He took your other arm and pulled you into him.
"Are you okay to drive?" he murmured into your hair. "I can drive you home if you want," he said suggestively.
"That's okay," "I think you sobered me up a bit," you joked lightly.
He gave you another kiss leaving you breathless. You climbed into your truck, giving him a small wave before pulling off to head home.
Next Chapter
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
so i just remembered i don't have any rules set up at all on my page lol ! i haven't gotten any requests that i'm uncomfortable with or anything, but i think it's important to set these types of boundaries as early as possibe, sooooo..!
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! ࣪✦ ♡ RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
first of all , please do not repost, plagiarize or steal my work. obviously. without my permission !
my blog is strictly NO NSFW, so do not ask me to write or send me any smut of any underaged character, thanks !
don't interact with my page if you're a weirdo lol (racist, homophobic, transphobic and other loser behavior attributes) i only want to spread positivity and sillines on my page, so go somewhere else for that !
! ࣪✦ ♡ WRITING RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
before i start with anything else i want to start by saying MY BLOG INCLUDES SPOILERS. i also mark whenever there are any manga spoilers, so you've been warned not once but twice twin !
if you somehow didn't notice, i write a LOT for katsuki bakugou lololol but i'm not against writing for other characters ! but since i don't know if i'll write them as good as my stinky stinky ugly boyfriend, i reccomend you just stick with katsuki when you send me requests !
most of the stuff i write for katsuki is childhood friends to lovers ! it's one of my favorite tropes and katsuki is my favorite character, so the potential of mixing those two is simply too cute to pass up ! we here on my blog enjoy this i lot (i hope yall do at least </3) so if you don't wanna see this repetitiveness, or if you simply don't like this trope, this may not be the blog for you </3
speaking of this, i will not write anything i do not believe a certain character would do. let's say for example you send me a request where a character abuses or cheats on you or wtv. i would rather avoid writing for stuff like this. mostly because i'm not that good of a writer and it's not something i am able to write, but also because if i do not believe a certain character would do this in canon, especially if it's a character that's really dear to me, i will not feel comfortable writing it. i'm sure you can find someone who can write those type of asks for you ! but i am simply not that person <3
i strictly write for fem readers as i am female and feel the most comfortable writing fem reader, but i occasionally do not mention any gender in my fics. this is usually specified !
i stick to writing for katsuki bakugou, as i feel i understand and characterize him the best, but as mentioned before i have no problem writing for others should you ask me to ! said characters include : shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, touya todoroki /dabi and tomura shigaraki (wish me luck for those guys lol) it's always fun to experiment with writing for me , but please don't be upset if i don't characterize them how you want or i'll cry :(( (not really) (..unless?)
requests are allowed !! i love writing what you guys thought about and i love that you come to me for it ! it's always a bunch of fun and actually helps to inspire me to write more ! but, please keep in mind that i sometimes am extreeeeemely slow to respond to requests :(( i'm still in school but also like to take little writing breaks. sometimes i feel like expectations that i put on myself stress me out and make me not want to write, which is a horrible feeling. so please be patient and i'll get your ask to you as soon as i can ! <3
readers race stays unspecified at all times ! as a black girl myself, it always feels a little disheartening to see, even if i know it most definitely is not meant maliciously ! however, if you have any specific black reader requests , i'm your gal !
i will not write any nsfw for any character, so don't send me any smut requests pls n thanks !
i will absolutely not write anything related to incest. blood related or not. proshipping or morally wrong reader (teacher x student) pairings are not allowed either, that includes pedophilia, bestiality and all that freak shit as well. please take your weirdo shit somewhere else !
i also generally avoid writing aged up fics. it depends on the request or story, but i don't like writing about things like pregnancy, marriage, children n things like that. not because i find it nasty or anything but bc i get embarrassed LOLOLOL also i'm not fully into that part of the adulting world yet, so i have no idea how to even write it lmfao.
i don't write gore. canon typical violence is fine, but i'm not that good at being descriptive and also it's not really my cup of tea !
i do not write anything for oc's and will not respond to oc asks !
as you can see when you first come in here, my blog is entirely fluffy because i am a major optimist despite myself lololol ! angst requests are fine of course ! but most of the angst i write is either bittersweet or has a happy ending, so you've been warned ! don't come on here expecting heartbreaking angst because i am, for all intents and purposes, a massive baby.
please do not be surprised if i ignore or decline your requests if you do not respect my rules, i haven't had to do this yet thankfully, you all have been amazing <3, but this is simply a warning !
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aaand i think that's it for now ! i hope you enjoy reading my silly lil fics and interact ! i love love LOVE talking to yall
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adonis-koo · 7 months
Oh my godd misssy😢 I'm so sorry you've been feeling this way!
Honestly, i was slightly shy to really send in any asks or comments cause, WTF💖?!? I'd be gushing and squealing with puppy like excitement in every of them!
I've RE-read your works over and over again, dear! The way you can string together words and set up these detailed scenarios is just to die for! Not to mention, the intricacy of the fucking plot!! It's rare that I see someone so dedicated to the plot just as they are usually to the romance! Take Tease!au, or wicked!au for example. You've created the PERFECT balance between bitter and sweet in every one of your fics!
And even when it comes to the daddy!jk masterlist of yours, it's a 100% romance😍 and it's never boring.
If I'm being honest, i think what i like most about your writing is the angst. You leave us hanging on, waiting for more in the most artistic way possible. You make me want angst as well! You've always been able to play around with words such that i feel that fucking pang in in my chest.
Also.. i think i may have told you this.. but, my fucking boyfriend liked your stuff. He caught me scrolling through tumblr 😂😂 and he fell flat. Had half a mind to make an account of his own! So it's not just a gender oriented fan base you have.
I'm sorry I've ranted so much, lol. But, I couldn't bare to see such a beautiful and talented writer lose her spirits like this. You might say it's not much, but, i say that there should be absolutely zero depletion in that cheerful spirit.
Please, missy. Don't lose hope. There really are hundreds of thousands of people that enjoy your works. Maybe they've just not been able to work uo the courage to interact as of yet. No matter the case, please.. Don't lose your spirit. You're very very well loved, dear. You have a knack for writing, and it's a very admirable trait. Keep at it!
~ Lily ♡
Lily you got me over here trying not to sniffle and cry 😭😭😭 I’m trying really hard to pull myself out of this slump and it’s not going very well!! It’s far from the first time I’ve had feelings like this so I’ve adjusting to coping but it’s still an awful thing.
And once again, complaining and crying hasn’t really done anything, in fact I feel like it’s just made me feel even worse because again, I don’t want it come across that I don’t appreciate the ones who do support me, I love each and every single one of you!!! (your boyfriend is a bonus LOL but saying I love him would be a little too weird, still very cool that a man enjoyed my writing though and it’s not just gender exclusive🫶)
I’ve loved every moment of writing both Tease and Wicked, that’s something I cannot stress enough., but I was fresh 18 when I first started Tease, I didn’t have nearly the responsibility and stress of life that I have now getting ready to be 24, I look back and reminisce that I was actually able to pump out 10-20k every two weeks so diligently! And it makes me so depressed knowing I can no longer do that.
Not to mention that while it has been rewarding, it has become so much more taxing to my mental health to keep trying, for my own personal enjoyment it has been absolutely rewarding but the demand that people have had over the years has really stressed me out, balancing all of this is such a tricky thing! And at one point I thought it would get easier to balance, but if it does, I haven’t made it yet 😭
You and so many others give me so much encouragement, I just feel so strangely disconnected from my writing and this blog lately and I hope it doesn’t last forever 🥺 thank you so much for taking the time to send such encouraging words my way Lily I will always appreciate you my dear!!! 😭❤️
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stars-tonight · 29 days
Hi! Could I please get a platonic matchup? I don't mind whether they're long or short (whatever's easiest for you).
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ennegram: 5w6
There aren't any characters I particularly don't want to be matched with.
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. I have a high sense of self worth but as part of that, I set very high standards for myself. I also usually meet those standards though. People say I have a good poker face/a scary glare but I've never seen it. People also say I look like someone who "knows what they're doing".
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games, and listening to music (musicals, pop, and rock typically but I have a pretty broad style). I want to be a fantasy writer and I am currently studying an English major at university.
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about. I'm also not too fond of really deep water.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
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🥛 you and kenma are similar in the sense that you're both introverted people
🥛 so you'd probably have to be introduced by a mutual friend (kuroo, yamamoto, etc etc) or you're forced to be together (like assigned partners for a project)
🥛 kenma can also be pretty blunt and deadpan / sarcastic so your humor would match up pretty well
🥛 you'd probably take shots at each other a lot lol but it's all in good fun!
🥛 ngl kenma does need a friend who holds him to some standards otherwise he'll just wilt away at home in front of his video games
🥛 kenma isn't a big reader but he likes that you at least have quiet hobbies
🥛 when you hang out it'd probably be at one of your guys's houses or somewhere more quiet like a cafe or a library
🥛 you'd DEFINITELY play video games together, whether it's against each other or with each other
🥛 if you ever send kenma samples of things you write he'll . . . probably just skim it and send you "👍", leading you to question whether or not he really did read it
🥛 hoenstly? he probably didn't :(
🥛 he tries, he tries, but all those words make him confused and it's so much simpler to just pop out that nintendo switch
🥛 he's just not much for ink on paper
🥛 kenma would never forget one of his friends (he doesn't have many so each is near and dear to his heart 😭)
🥛 he'd always send you memes or short reels with a "this reminded me of you" or "thought you might like this"
🥛 kenma's not like a big swimmer so it's not like he'll be dragging you to an ocean or any body of deep water lol
runner up for you was miya atsumu!
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A/N: hi eren! i hope you liked the first of your matchups and thank you for doing this exchange with me!
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cockaiine · 6 months
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⋆ don't bring hate into my blog; be it towards me or another creator. this includes discourse. you'll be blocked, or clowned at best. this is a space meant for me to have fun with my hobby n make friends . . . keep your drama away.
⋆ spam likers (5+ with no rbs) will be blocked. it can get me shadowbanned and id rather not deal with that.
⋆ don't criticize my works unasked; english is not my first language, and i make a lot of typos on the regular. unless youre a beta reader from mine please don't correct things for me.
⋆ don't trauma-dump in my inbox. general venting is welcome, but some topics could be triggering for me and my audience.
⋆ this is my blog, meaning my space. I usually shitpost on my main (@/nantoji) to not clog up the dash . . . but i'll use this blog however i see fit and it definitely won't be 100% writing.
⋆ don't ask for moots as it makes things awkward. i'd rather follow at my own accord. if you've interacted with me multiple times through my inbox chances are i'll follow u !
⋆ I use the block button a lot. don't ask why you've been blocked, it could range from "i wasn't feeling your vibe" to something actually big. either way, i'm just trying to keep this place comfortable for myself.
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⋆ don't copy/plagiarize/translate my work; my works it's not cool or funny. i will report && call you out. do not post them here or on other platforms. this includes my layouts and themes. ai use without permission is also strictly prohibited my masterlist is in the dni/byf sorry lol
⋆ don't request something you've asked another writer to do as it makes things awkward and uneasy. unless it's general headcanons
⋆ be polite and patient when requesting. I have a life outside tumblr, a really busy one at that. also,, use please and thank you when requesting
⋆ I mainly write for fem!reader , while short (sfw) drabbles are written in gn! most of the time, longer fics and nsfw remain fem! regardless, anyone who is 18 years of age and above is welcome to read
⋆ keep your requests short please and leave space for my imagination, that way i can have more fun writing it and it'll come out better, pinky promise !
things i won't write for: psuedo, incest/stepcest, scat, pegging, non-con, ddlg, age play, race play, feet kink, weapon play, cucking, period sex, high school au (unless it's sfw flashback)
⋆ i write for almost anything else ! feel free to ask if ur curious !
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