#also she calls everyone sweetie and baby???? creepy and disgusting
horrible-oracle · 2 years
i hate all managers but theres this manager. who i hate with all my soul with a burning passion. i want to punch her in the face a hundred times i want to KILL her.
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black-rose-writings · 4 years
Rose watches Fate: The Winx Saga
Episode 1: How bad can it be?
I have not seen any reviews of the actual show, though I have come across some (not favorable ones) and watched the trailer, which left me with “that’s not good” vibes.
SPOILERS, obviously.
I’m gonna regret this so much.
Shit, I forgot it’s a Netflix adaptation.
Horror atmosphere? Okay.
Farmer cursing out sheep? Am I watching the right show?
Whooo, spooky magic portal.
Sheep gore? Ehm, alright.
What’s that, a werewolf?
Yep, it’s Winx. Starting out with a guy getting bloodily murdered off-screen by a werewolf. I’m disappointed and we’re only at the title card.
What’s that music? Not bad, but I’m not a big fan, either.
Oh, look, fat white Not-Flora, selling flowers to some bald dude in front of the school.
Aisha with braids. Yeah, I’m not mad at her, yet.
Stella looks like she’s thirty.
So does Musa. She looks bored. That doesn’t bode well.
Is that fuckboy Sky? I’m giving him a chance - but only one.
Was Bloom loking at him? Was that supposed to be disgust?
Wow, Sky, who wrote your dialog? On that note, who wrote Stella’s text?
Also... that’s one shitty way to insert yourself there, buddy. Was that supposed to sound smart?
Aaand patronizing. Nice. I’m losing respect quickly. And, if she’s gonna end up with you at the end, I’m gonna barf.
Not a fan of the word mansplaining being used unironically, but honestly, you go girl.
“Quit perving on the first years”, I’m with you on that, though I’m pretty sure that’s not a phrasing people would use. Also, who’s that? Riven? Brandon? I don’t remember the guy’s casting, they all looked way too similar.
Stella with British accent is... okay, I guess. Not a fan. Also... she looks way too old and way too fancy for this.
Also... had Bloom and Stella never met before? How did they get in contact? How did Bloom find out about magic? I have so many questions.
So, the Not-Faragonda gave her a Hogwarts letter. Okay.
Stella’s ring is like the first thing about this that I actually kinda like.
Oh, never mind. Not “Sword of Solaria” - “Gateway ring”. And Stella hates being at Alfea. Oh, wow, so quirky.
Only 7 realms? Wow, they really shrunk the Magical Dimension down. I mean, I get why, but they could have left it vague.
Yes, yes, you desperately want to be Harry Potter, like everyone else for the last 20 years.
“The transformation magic has been lost” - I was disappointed already, but somehow, it got worse.
Cool, Tinkerbell was real and Not-Faragonda already knows, what kind of magic Bloom has. I mean, they said three months ago, so I guess that makes sense, but still.
Ooh, foreshadowing. She burned her house down, didn’t she?
“Magic can be dangerous, as you well know” - yep, definitelly burned her house down. Probably killed someone in the process.
"Trust the process” - so, is Not-Faragonda gonna be the villain?
“I’m here because you promised you can teach me control.“ “No, you’re here, because you had no other choice.“ Bloom definitelly killed her parents. And I’m getting major creeps from Faragonda.
That school looks like the X-Men amnsion. Am I the only one seeing that? Is this gonna be wanna-be X-Men?
Facetiming her parents, as you do. Nevermind, she didn’t kill them. Maybe someone else?
Jeez, girl, no need to be so judgy.
“Lady of the Flies, sweetie, don’t be sexist“ - I get the California stereotype, but that was very, very unnecessary.
Oh, they don’t know she’s in a magic school. Okay.
Not-Faragonda is a liar, get it.
And here come the Harry Potter references.
Can you tone the references down? Also, they have Harry Potter and Lord of the Flies in the Not-Magix. (And yes, I’m gonna be doing the “not” thing a lot.
Oh, they assigned Stella to Bloom. That’s disappointing.
And Not-Flora is quirky and can’t shut up. Okay. This girl is looking more and more as the exact opposite of Flora.
Stella was held a year, just like in the original show, calling it now.
“I have a cousin named Flora” - namedropping her doesn’t earn you forgiveness, lady.
Oh, yeah, Musa has mind powers, I forgot that one. Great.
Yay, big badasses, kicking each other in a dirty pond, how cool...
“She’s a ginge, they’re all nuts“, okay. “Amazing shags, though.“ Ehm, excuse me, what? I get that we’re all adult here, but like... I appretiated the virgin joke there, Sky. Not funny, but appreciated.
Is that supposed to be Codatorta? Is Alfea a bootcamp, now?
“Burned Ones“, huh? So, that’s the werewolf, thing? Okay, we have a big evil, now.
Whoa, zombies. And a traumatized drill sergant. Nice.
Is Sky smoking? Cause if so, I have no more respect for him.
Okay, who’s Rosalind? Bloom’s mom? (Please, no spoilers)
Not-Faragonda denying reality, as expected.
Oh, the bald guy is Not-Flora’s dad. Okay.
Oh, look, the... wanna-be evil fairy? Definitelly and “arsehole”, as she says.
What a polite way to say “Fuck off”.
Calling her mum a basic bitch is... very classy. You’re very quirky, very relatable and not like the other girls, we get it.
Are Stella and Sky dating? I know that’s gonna cause drama and I hate that already.
The hell is that? A fire Patronus?
So, what did she burn, exacly?
She looks so happy at the baby flame.
She’s got that evil look down.
And now she can’t stop. Shocker.
Bloom is quirky and doesn’t like her mom. That’s... the exact opposite of the relationship they had in the show.
And I hate that character assasination of Vanessa. What the hell? Why can’t a female lead have an awesome relationship with her mom who loves her? Why is Mike such a doormat? I fucking hate this show and I’m 30 minutes in.
I was close. She almost killed her parents.
Yep, definitely a changeling. I was gonna write it here, but I forgot to pause and she said it before I did.
“Someone’s been lying to her” - shot at Not-Faragonda with creepy music in the background. Yep, bad guy, through and through.
Seeecret tunnel. Seeecret tunnel.
Is Not-Faragonda wearing sweatpants? I mean, that’s her choice, it just seems odd.
Yeah, bitch, strangle the dudebro, he deserves it.
I have just realized I can’t tell Riven and Sky appart. I’m not sure, if that’s saying something about me or the show.
Ooh, drama, what did Sky do? I don’t want to know, cause my respect for him is already at zero and I’d hate to hate the obvious love interest.
Ooh, she left the door open.
She’s supposed to be 16. The only one I’m buying being 16 for a second is Flora. The others, hell no. I kinda hoped they had aged them up, but no, 16 it is.
Secret hideout, nice.
Is that Daphne? Nope, that’s a fire zombie.
*insert every horror trope ever*
Fire zombie steals the ring, cool.
Oh, look, Not-Faragonda comes to save the day, yay...
“Where’s Stella?“ Getting laid, apparently.
Silva? Is that the Not-Codatorta? Okay.
Oh, the drama... end the suffering already.
Oh, it’s Riven, who’s smoking, not Sky. I said I can’t tell them apart.
Great, now I hate that fangirl, too. Ew, smokers.
Aand... that’s the first episode.
Honestly, I had the feeling this was gonna be the Last Airbender movie for the Winx series and... yeah, I was right. Not terrible on it’s own (though not very good, either), but become infinitely worse, when you know the source material.
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astharoshebarvon · 2 years
Wicked Flame can’t come out fast enough. I want to read it and cleanse my mind from the utter garbage I’ve just subjected myself to. Why was that book even in MM romance, gay erotica category. It sure as hell wasn’t gay erotica, but a gross fm bull. It was so disgusting that I couldn’t even finish it and ended up deleting it. I wish I could erase it from my mind, that’s how much I hated it.
What do you know, an atrocious, vile, foul, rotten, babies killing, filthy villain woman got happy ending, a fm epilogue in gay erotica.
I mean, wow, just wow. I am so disgusted that I don’t have words to describe my feelings of utter loathing for this joke of a book. It’s not mm, please do not insult gay romance by putting this shit in it’s category. It’s cheap, het story, nothing more.
If the author thought people would a give damn about the bitch or her insect of a lover she was wrong on all accounts. I didn’t and from the other reviews I’ve seen neither did a lot of other readers. I applaud them for finishing it, I couldn’t.
I don’t give a damn about a filthy woman who orchestrated the rape of the male lead and tried to kill him and his brother. The bitch deserved to die and rot in hell, nothing else. Bitch is too small of a word for her. What the main lead called her, she is that and worse.
Apparently, the man who was supposed to be the main character had to listen to vitriol from these monsters. Sweetie, I am so sorry you were part of this book. You are now just like Adrien English, ending up with a garbage man and sidelined for some vomit inducing hetero couple. Neither did Warr nor did Adrien deserve what happened to them.
The author’s books are always a hit and a miss, more often a miss but I’d thought it wasn’t gfy, it was a gay romance so it might not be too bad. Well, it taught me a great lesson that with this author nothing is safe. I really hope the ratings for this book drop a lot. It deserves nothing else.
A part of me feels as if I should’ve known one day this author will fulfill her longtime fantasy of putting a gross het ship in her mm book and humiliate the  same sex gay couple who is supposed to be the main couple, whose book it is.
She seems very fond of insisting everyone is bi, does not know the meaning of asexual at all, just throws it around, which is very insulting, tries to make it sound everyone must be obsessed with female anatomy.
And from what I saw in one of the reviews has one of the few decent gay guy in her series apologise or some shit to some dumb bitch and her equally gross brother for something he wasn’t at fault for at all while elevating some horrid filthy woman for no reason.
The guy had no reason whatsoever to apologise to any person for any thing since I’ve read his book. He is by chance a good character by this author. I really like him, he took shit from no one.
 I was so happy when I learned his sister was killed off, her rotten husband should’ve been killed too. He is gross. I feel sorry for the guy who ended up with the little homophobic shit. He shouldv’e died with his disgusting ex wife.
There has to be unnecessary, gross, creepy scenes of the leads with females which just makes me think this author likes inserting a female between gay couple which is extremely off putting and  a very creepy behaviour.
Reminds me terribly of the vile, homophobic bull of fem harry, tony, or whatever sub male in a gay ship. Pretty sure obi wan and anakin are also not exempt from this crap. Hell, merlin isn’t, why would they be?
One book even had my favourite (MOST HATED, LOATHED) line, you mustv’e been a woman in past life, we must have been good together, why else would I want you, a man. He also spouted some other het crap which I didn’t bother reading.
I  just can’t-
Like seriously, EW. Please, stop.
I think I know why her books are read, the sex scenes are hot. I’ll admit that.
But I would rather read a story without any sex scenes than read garbage like this.
Olsen’s story is gonna come around at the end of the year, I think, I am all for it for coming soon. All I know is that I can say without a doubt both the books would be brilliant like Ryan and Jameson’s is. I would never regret reading chicagoverse like I do this absolutely horrid book whose name I do not even want to write.
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peter-parkouuuur · 7 years
Chapter 6: Forgetting Peter Parker (Spider-boy - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader)
A/n: I don’t really mention the original marvel characters that much since Y/n Stark’s character doesn’t live with the rest of the Avengers but actually resides on the Upper East Side (as if it weren’t already that obvious). BTW, I apologize for the various time lapses because the big events usually happen on weekends. By the way, the new guy stepping in will kinda be like this story’s version of Nate Archibald (bc let’s face it, he’s gorgeous af) and let’s just say he’s going to form the love triangle; Wouldn’t you want to date a guy from Vieux riche family? ;)
 Also, I may have inserted a quote from Riverdale, if you managed to spot it, congratulations!
UES = Upper East Side
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
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Before Y/n Stark’s rise to the social ladder, there was Liz Allan, the Upper East Side’s golden girl, Spence Middle School’s perfect student, and the talk of the town. She was the batch valedictorian, was vied to be the first in line at the Dispensary Cotillion and Debutante Ball where the children of the Upper East Side get to show their grand entrance to the high society. Liz was the ideal lady but Y/n knew she had to step up to take the crown from her ex-best friend.
Unfortunately, Liz Allan left without an explanation whatsoever, that’s when Y/n Stark rose to become Spence’s golden girl sitting on top of the Elites pyramid, the Queen Bee of the Upper East Side, and every Prep school boy’s dream girl.
For everyone on the UES, Liz Allan is a dead woman walking, nobody knows her whereabouts, thinking she went to boarding school or migrated somewhere far from the US. Y/n’s prominence is what keeps her moving, and she intends to stay that way.
Tony steps inside the Stark Penthouse apartment on the Upper East Side. He sees his daughter holding papers in one hand and a calculator in the other.
“Hi, sweetie! It’s a Sunday night, what are you doing?” Tony sits beside Y/n looking at her oddly before looking at the television screen to see the news.
“I’m almost done with this month’s audit. I know you like it when your staff is early when it comes to tasks so here I am finishing what I have to do, so all I have to do tomorrow are; go to school until 10 AM since the teachers will have a general meeting or something, I wasn’t really paying attention…. and then I’m going to drop this off at your office in the afternoon.” Y/n states.
“Wow, you’re like a self-cleaning oven. Efficient, just the way I like my staff, but you’re my daughter. Honey, you need to relax. I’ve always been proud of your work ethic but you’re a kid, you’re my kid, I want you to let loose, show them how Starks party.” Tony reminds you.
“Are you telling me to go out and do something stupid? Because you have Nicholas to do all the party stuff for you.” Y/n replies, not looking at her dad.
“Yeah well he’s at Dartmouth, I can’t really have my son party his life away since he’s going to inherit most of the company.” Tony responds.
“What about me and Eloise? What do we get?” Y/n looks at her dad sternly.
“See now, you’re starting to look like your mother when you’re angry. You get to keep the penthouse apartment and besides, I thought you wanted to go to Med school?” Tony asks.
“Yeah but I also want to be part of the Stark Industries, at least own a share of it.” You tell your dad.
“Alright, alright. At this rate, you can always consider Law. You have your mother’s tenacity.” Tony jokes.
“Well, would you look at that.” Tony looks at the TV screen to see Spiderman breaking in the Washington Monument.
You lift your head up from all the slouching to see what your dad’s reacting to. A footage of Liz and Spiderman locking eyes the moment he saves her from the falling elevator.
“Gross.” Your face forms into a disgusted expression.
“Hold on, the Liz, Peter was talking about is the same Liz from Spence?” Tony inquires.
“Yup. It’s a small world, dad.” Y/n sighs.
“Did Peter tell you about his infatuation with Liz? How’d you know about it?” You furrow your eyebrows at your dad.
“No, the baby monitor in his suit sends me updates of his whereabouts and what he’s been doing. He might have mentioned her a couple of times through his suit.” Your dad replies.
“Of course, he’s mentioned her.” You mumble.
‘Because even when she’s no longer living near me, she still manages to annoy me to my very core. Everything just has to be about Liz.’ You think to herself.
“Want to talk about it or am I just going to assume that you’re harboring feelings for Peter Parker?” Tony questions.
“Dad, clearly Peter doesn’t want anything to do with me or my life here on the UES, he’s all about becoming an avenger and getting the girl of his dreams, Liz freaking Allen.” Y/n sneers.
“The conversation about Peter is making me feel uncomfortable; Firstly because you’re my daughter and you’re only turning 16 next week. Secondly, I don’t like you gushing on my protege, I thought you were into Prep school boys? You know, those future Yalies type. Lastly, I trust your every decision, Peter is the stupidest boy if he thinks you’re not the most gorgeous girl in Manhattan.” Tony smiles at his daughter reassuringly.
“Thanks, dad. Creepy comment, though.” You raise your eyebrows at him.
“You know I’m bad at these ‘Father-Daughter’ talks. You’re like a self-cleaning oven, I trust you well enough.” He pats you lightly on the knee.
‘Did he just compare me to an appliance? twice?!’ You think to yourself.
“Anyway, I have to go back to the Headquarters. Good night, sweetie.” Your dad kisses you on the forehead before heading off.
“Good night, dad! Go save the world for me.” You exclaim a second before the you hear the elevator door closing.
The news is still focused on Spiderman.
“Ugh, Spiderman is sooo two weeks ago.” You grumble, turning off the television.
Your phone’s IM ringtone starts to buzz like crazy.
Tinatintin: Any of you seen the news?
ElizaBabe: What are you, 30??
You: Liz Allan still has it.
MaddieMadness: Dalton boys are raving about Liz’s comeback, even if it’s on the news.
You: That’s not what I call a comeback, for all I know, Liz Allan is a dead woman walking on the UES.
Tinatintin: Looks like everyone knows Liz still exists.
You: But still irrelevant.
ElizaBabe: Completely.
MaddieMadness: On it…
The three of them understood what Maddie’s onto, she’s Spence’s real life gossip girl, minus the anonymity, the obsession over the Upper East Siders and the fact that Spence girls are not as catty as the girls of Constance-Billard.
You move around your bed, trying hard to fall asleep when a thud against your window interrupts your reverie.
Y/n sits up and sees a shadow lurking against the bedroom window. You turn the lights on to see Spiderman outside your window. You were about to open the seal when Peter decides to sling away.
Y/n and the rest of group are gathered at the Gramercy Tavern for lunch
“Okay girls, now I brought you here today to discuss Y/n’s current situation.” Eliza starts.
“Girls, as much as I enjoy all of you partaking in my non-existent love life, I’d rather not talk about that Tony Stark ass-kisser, Liz Allan fanboy.” You hiss.
“Exactly, hence the reason why we found you a new guy. His name is Ted Vanderbilt, his surname already speaks for himself and he’s the captain of Dalton’s Lacrosse Team.” Tina states.
“I need a picture.” You pretend to be uninterested.
Maddie takes her phone out see a teenage guy with golden blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes, looking like a true poster boy of the UES.
Just the distraction Y/n needs from all the Spiderman fiasco she’s experienced, plus he’s a Vanderbilt, what more can Y/n ask for?
“Girls, set up the date. Tomorrow night, here at 7 pm.” You tell your friends who just nod along in excitement.
Y/n drops off the files on top of his dad’s desk and sits on his office chair. Out of sheer curiosity, you open his Mac desktop and look for Spiderman’s baby monitor protocol.
Hundreds of videos appear of Spiderman jumping off buildings, web-slinging along Queens. Then there were clips of Peter wearing only the mask in front of the mirror.
“Hey what’s up, Liz? Peter’s told me a lot about you.” Peter does a wink through his suit.
You roll your eyes and click fast forward.
“Hey Y/n! I heard you’re into bad boys, I don’t mean to brag but, I’m bad at almost everything I do.” He shrugs his shoulders.
You see a footage of Peter scrolling through his science notes and you notice his sketch of you and Spiderman.
You turn on the television to see live news regarding a Staten Island ferry.
“Oh my god, Peter.” Y/n mumbles.
You take your phone out from your Mulberry bag and call your dad.
“What is it, honey?” Tony picks up.
“Dad, Peter needs help. He tore a Staten Island ship in half.” You say calmly.
“He what?! I’m on it, sweetie.” Tony then hangs up.
“You owe me, Peter Parker.” You murmur.
Y/n is sitting on one of the Fendi Casa couches she picked out for the Stark Tower living room, waiting for your dad’s update.
You hear loud knocks against the window to see Spiderman himself, signaling you to open the window. Y/n opens the window for Peter to enter.
“Peter, do you realize what you’ve done? You could’ve died. What the hell were you thinking? Did you not think about the consequences of your actions?” Y/n bombards him with questions.
Peter removes his mask as Y/n notices the redness in eyes, her anger washes away immediately.
“My actions? Those bad guys had millions worth of weapons of destruction. Somebody had to stop them, I didn’t want to sit around and wait for bad things to happen because I have a responsibility to the world.” Peter defends himself.
“No Peter, you are not like one of the Avengers just yet, you’re only 16. My dad told you to stay away from those guys and you didn’t listen. Your responsibilities are your education and your Aunt May because if anything happens to you, it might kill her.” Y/n replies.
“And besides, how could we even forget about Liz Allan, Peter Parker’s dream girl and Spence’s brightest, nobody could’ve forgotten about her. Even when she’s not here, she’s still being talked about. Don’t you see how frustrating it was for me to live behind her shadows when we were growing up?” You feel your tears pooling.
“We were best of friends, Peter, but I always felt like I had to prove myself to the UES while Liz… She didn’t need to, she was the perfect student, the perfect daughter, heck she was Spence’s Golden girl. I was just the salutatorian, always coming in second. My parents wanted me to be like my best friend, they put the pressure on me and not on my siblings, because they knew that living in the High society means having to show yourself that you are the best of what your parents are. You know how my dad is.” Y/n continues.
“I was just trying to do the right thing, Y/n. You’re Y/n Stark, an Upper East Sider and I’m just Peter Parker from Queens, I can’t say the right words to make you feel better because my life is no walk in the park either. I’m scared, okay? I’m scared that if I don’t do something about it, I might lose an important someone again.” Peter sighs.
“-And Liz…. Liz was my real first crush, the first girl I ever truly liked, and she’s always been nice to me. I just… I care for her. I care for you too, Y/n.. You have no idea hard it was for me try and not to like you because I do, I really really do.” Peter adds.
“Peter-” You try to put your hand on his arm but his hand stops you from doing so.
“I’m sorry… for everything.” He looks at you with a sincere look on his face.
“Get your hands off my daughter, Mr. Parker.” Tony walks in in full Iron Man gear.
“Sweetie, it’s time to go home.” Your dad steps off from his suit and walks over towards you.
Peter lets go of you as the two of you look at one another.
“Dad, it’s only 3 pm.” You remind him.
“I don’t care. I need to have a word with Mr. Parker, alone.” Your dad looks at you sternly.
“Bye Peter.” You smile weakly at him before heading out.
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“Is he there?” Y/n and your three friends are on a three-way call to prepare you for the date with Ted Vanderbilt. The three girls are already seated at the Tavern.
“He just arrived! He’s wearing a gray blazer, white button downs, and dress shoes. He looks so gorgeous, Y/n/n.” Maddie sighs.
“Hey, ease up on the squealing, he’s my date.” Y/n reminds Maddie.
“Alright alright.. Settle down. Anyway, are you near? He’s already seated down.” Eliza asks.
“Turn your phone off ladies, I’m about to enter.” You tell your friends as you step out of the car.
“I’ll call you when I need you, Happy.” You smile at your father’s personal security.
Happy just nods and heads back inside the car.
“Show time.” A smirk forms on your face.
Before you could walk inside the restaurant, you see a red and blue object swinging around. Peter followed you again.
‘It’s time to let go, Parker… Because as of this moment, I’m already trying to.’ Y/n thinks to herself.
You walk inside to see to see the golden blonde boy seated at your favorite spot in your favorite restaurant while your friends are seated 3 tables away, all three of them giving you the thumbs up.
“Hi, you must be Ted Vanderbilt.” You smile down at the handsome fella.
He stands up from his seat, a bit shaken but leans in to kiss you on the cheek, not that you mind or anything.
“And you’re THE Y/n Stark. Wow. Gala pictures don’t do you justice.” He smiles at you before the two of you can sit down.
Good answer, Vanderbilt. 
Looks like Peter Parker may just have found a loophole out of Y/n Stark’s life. At least he now has time to focus on the ex-best friend Liz Allan, the former golden girl, but now just an old name for everyone on the UES, because right now, it’s all about Y/n Stark and her Waldorf-esque emergence from the chrysalis of Spence’s Red Door
TAG LIST: @multifandom-slytherin
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marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle  (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 17
Summary:“How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word count: 1.7k
“Here’s to my little sister for catching the bad guy and for the sexy new outfit,” Wade raised his beer and clinked it with Hayden’s soda before he tapped it against Nathan’s beer.
“Hades, it’s uh, nice to see you again,” Weasel said as he walked up behind the bar that the three were seated at, nodding to Wade and avoiding eye contact with Nathan.
“Look I said I was sorry about kicking you in the balls alright?” she sighed and put the glass bottle down, “What more do you want?”
“I want the feeling I used to have down there back,”
“What did he do that you had to kick him in the balls?” Nathan raised an eyebrow and gave a hint of a smirk.
“I thought he was some creep that was stalking me,” she took a sip of her drink, “And I can tell you for certain I’m not half-wrong,”
“I can take being called creepy, but I definitely wasn’t stalking you,” Weasel objected.
“I still don’t see why you were following me in a dark alleyway in the middle of the night Weasel,”
“I- fine you wanna know why I was following you?”
“Yes, I just wondered exactly that- did your mom drop you on the head as a baby or something?”
“I’m gonna ignore that- I was actually trying to replay a scene from a movie I once saw, where the guy gets the girl because of a move where he kisses the girl in a dark alleyway,”
She frowned, “Was this so-called ‘movie’ porn by any chance?”
“I hereby banish you from Sister Margaret's,” Weasel said immediately.
  “Your taste of friends is impeccable Wade,” Hayden rolled her eyes and downed her soda bottle, “Can I get another one?” she asked Weasel, he nodded and handed her another.
“Well sorry to piss on your parade but you happen to be one of my so-called friends,” Wade patted her shoulder before whispering, “Also I’ll be back, I gotta piss,”
She scrunched up her nose, “Did you have to whisper that? God you’re disgusting.”
“But you love me anyway!” he sang before going to the men’s room.
“Honestly, I still don’t understand the relationship here,” Nathan finally spoke up.
“The only thing you need to understand is that Wade helped me through some tough shit, I’ve helped him through some tough shit, now we face the tough shit together,” she shrugged taking a sip of her drink. “Nothing more to it.”
  “Hey sweetheart,” a gruff voice spoke from behind them, she rolled her eyes not even bothering to face the man while Nathan eyed the man. “Now tell me, what’s a pretty little thing like you, hanging out with the Senior Citizen for?”
“Senior Citizen,” Nathan growled, he caught a glimpse of himself in one of the bar’s mirrors and realised how much older he actually looked next to her, the man ignored Nathan.
“Whatever your Sugar Daddy here is giving you, I guarantee I can give double, the pleasure and the money.” He offered as his large hand reached out and touched her ass, Nathan felt his blood boil under his skin but waited to see what she would do about the situation, her muscles had tensed up.
He noticed a familiar soft violet glowing from her eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                         ��                            
“I’m warning you this one time, if you don’t remove your hand and leave, it will be broken and you will be on the floor with your thick skull bleeding as a show to the others around here,” she said without even turning her head.
Nathan glanced behind the man and realised some of the other men in the bar were looking their way and all of them present had hungry lustful looks in their eyes for the few other woman that were present, Hayden included in the small handful.
                      The man chuckled, “Now sweetheart that warms my heart up real good that you put on such a good little tough girl act just for me,” he squeezes her ass before saying quieter, “Why don’t we take this back to my place?”
Her hand grabbed for his wrist and an audible snap echoed throughout the bar making the rowdy noises that had continued to stop in dead silence, the man’s scream was that of a damned one, Nathan was in awe as she smirked on hearing the pain.
The near empty soda bottle she was drinking from was taken with her free hand as she moved him away and turned up and out from her seat and then hit him with the bottle with great speed, it shattered all over the floor and the remaining drink spilled everywhere, the man fell to the floor unconscious and blood oozed from the wound on his head.
She kicked his body to the centre floor and as promised, she walked forward next to his body and eyed the men around the bar, her eyes their usual blue colour now.
“Does anybody else around here feel like touching me?” she asked through gritted teeth.
The men eyed the unnaturally crooked wrist of their large companion and the blood that was pooling around his head, they shook their heads in fear and carried on with their own tasks to avoid her gaze, she smiled triumphantly.
  “And that’s how we do it Mother Russia,”
“I can’t believe he tried doing that, what an idiot,” Wade chuckled as he entered the room once again, and then he rested his hand on her ass.
She pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed him in the dick resulting in a high pitch scream on his part, the men turned to look in fear and she twisted the pocket knife without looking back, their eyes go wide and they nervously move their activities further away if possible.
Wade makes half-choking sounds at this point and she removes the pocket knife and places it back into its hiding place, they return to their seats at the bar, Wade needing to lean on Hayden and limp terribly slowly before squealing as he sat down.
“Thanks for that Wade, it really made the point of not messing with me clearer,” she smiled at him.
“I’m glad things worked out for you, but what about Wade Junior?” he looked down sorrowfully at his crotch, thankfully the black pants he was wearing hid the fact that he was bleeding. “Next time I need a heads-up if you’re just going to mutilate my penis, I mean for Christ sake I had really good masturbation planned out this evening and now it’s all ruined!” he threw his hands in the air.
                     “Well I’m sorry brother, tonight you’ll just have to abstain.” She patted his shoulder.
“Do you know how long it takes to regrow a penis? Well I’ll tell you-”
She covered his mouth, “I’d rather not know thanks.” She uncovered his mouth.
“Well lemme tell you- it’s disappointing how quick it actually is- considering that it’s an intimate sexual organ with so many complex elements and-”
She smacked the back of Wade’s head, “Didn’t I just say I’d rather not know?” she sighed. “And I’m sure if it were possible for every man to regrow his penis it would depend on how his genes intended it to be in the first place,”
“Are we seriously going to start having a conversation about regenerating dicks?” Nathan asked.
“Colour me intrigued,” Wade rested his chin in his hands and leaned forward eagerly.
“For instance, I’m pretty sure Cable’s dick would take longer to grow back because he’s larger,” she said, at this point Nathan choked on his drink and beer splattered onto the bar counter, Wade’s jaw dropped.
  “What? I’m only saying this because I’m sure that all the guys here, Weasel included, have a bigger dick than you Wade.” Wade gasped at that. “And I’m pretty sure that Weasel has his goods damaged for life so you have to be pretty small-”
“You’re so saying this because you know I’m sensitive about Wade Junior,”
“At least you’re not lying to the ladies about your size with ‘Junior’ in the title,” she piled on, using his own words against him.
“Wow, see now this is the kind of bullshit I have to deal with Cable,” Wade feigns offense.
“‘But you love me anyway’,” she smiled and gave Wade a side hug before giving him a quick kiss on his head.
   The rest of the night was spent in Sister Margaret’s with Wade making everyone suffer for a good hour as he used the karaoke machine, eventually he had had his fill of alcohol between songs that he was beginning to slur words and couldn’t even get himself to stand up properly.
Nathan had been hitting a few too many beers himself, Hayden was too busy keeping an eye on Wade to notice that a girl with blonde and pink dyed hair had walked up to Nathan, and she started conversation with him.
After managing to settle Wade onto a chair and telling him to stay put Hayden turned to see the woman in her short skirt and cropped top as she started to brush his arm then his shoulder as she spoke with him. The woman eyed him with her green orbs and fluttering fake eyelashes.
Hayden felt her blood boil but didn’t wish to get involved and create a scene, she sighed and bought a bottle of vodka in hopes that it would calm her agitation, it did the exact opposite as she downed the burning liquid within minutes.
                        She walked up to the pair, placing her hand on the counter to push her way between them and spoke to Nathan.
“You know she’s a hooker right?”
“What, a young woman can’t be interested in me because I might be older?” he said angrily.
“No because all the women in here are hookers, aside from me, that’s how Wade met Vanessa.”
“She’s just jealous sweetie,” the hooker moved around and wrapped her arms around Nathan’s neck and whispered something in his ear.
“Really now?” he asked with a smile.
“All you fucking men are the same, you think with your damn dicks,” Hayden threw her hands in the air angrily and walked away.
She helped Wade up under her arm, he whined about having to move despite him having to do very little at all, and they left the bar, leaving Nathan alone with the hooker.
>> Chapter 18 <<
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imthepunchlord · 7 years
Me Rewatching ML: Horrificator
I wonder if they’re having Mylene acting because she’s the daughter of someone in theater, or she is capable. Thus far I can see the possibility, but she does glance at the camera which seems like a no no to me. So far Adrien appears more practiced as an actor. 
Oh Myly baby.
Ivan so sorry. 
Nino is so done and Alix isn’t helping. 
I wonder if Juleka is bored which is why she’s persisting making sure Adrien is covered makeup wise. Or maybe she wants to practice on an actual model? 
Rose is such a sweetie.
Ivan can be silly, especially to reassure his smol girlfriend. 
I wonder if there’s an actual song called Smelly Wolf or if Mylene made it up herself. If so why Smelly Wolf? Did she maybe have a dog named Wolf that was her inspiration? 
Chloe needs to chill. 
Adrien snaps at Chloe. 
When shy (and being sweet) Ivan puts his hands behind his back and taps his back foot. Mylene when scared and down huddles up into a ball and prefers to hide away from everyone else. 
Mylene wears a ladybug pin, in honor of LB saving her in Origins. I really like that touch of detail. 
Ivan’s favorite band are the Zombie Skull Crushers. They’re symbolized by two bones that shape an x. 
When flustered, Ivan scratches the back of his head. 
Mylene is someone that let’s what other say get to her and weigh her down. 
A frustrated Nino isn’t scared of snapping and scolding Chloe. 
Marinette so smol next to Ivan. She also jumps up to calm everyone down. 
What they’re doing is for Short Film Festival, and it looks like it’s a class grade so everyone has to be involved in some way. For snacks they have apples, oranges, croissants, cookies, and... I don’t know what those are. On drinks, for sure tea and water. 
While Nino has a right to change the script, I really wonder why did he think it was a good idea to include a kiss scene? Cause that would’ve been just awkward for Adrien and Mylene. And Marinette, who you agreed to help Nino. And Ivan. Poor Ivan. It’s inconsiderate of Nino to include the scene, especially without discussing it with the actors and Alya. 
Alya is very irked, and it seems she took over the writing on the writing on the script, and by his reponse, Nino I feel wasn’t as included in the writing as he wanted to be. Djwifi fight. 
Adrien is tired. And offended that Chloe took his drink. 
They have a time limit to use the school till 6 pm, and they have 9 hours left. They are currently filming at 9 in the morning. This is most likely a weekend instead of a weekday. 
Stare down. Marinette breaks it before anything can happen. 
Marinette is more fine with Mylene and Adrien sharing a kiss than Adrien and Chloe. 
Horrificator has a perfect opportunity to grab her first victim, and we could’ve had an ep of Chat handling the situation with no LB; yes Horrificator doesn’t move to grab Marinette. I suspect it’s because Mylene views Marinette as a friend and has no desire scaring her. 
Same goes for Alya, Horrificator makes no move to grab either of them, despite that we do see she is capable of taking more than one person. 
Adrien has such a please no face. Also he isn’t really impressed with Chloe’s acting. Can we have it canon that Chloe is really going to struggle keeping her identity secret? 
Nino is so done. Then again, nothing is going his way so I can understand. 
Ninette fight. 
Alya is looking irked too. Mostly likely with Nino. 
Adrien is done with acting. 
Juleka moves to get him ready again. 
Chloe likes the nurse uniform. 
Look at Princess go, being clever and persuasive. She even bats her eyes. Alya seems to have caught onto Marinette’s plan. 
Chloe has Kim and Max as her escorts. They aren’t pleased, especially Max. The Kimax shipper in me wants to think it’s because Chloe was Kim’s previous crush. 
Moar Ninette fighting. Marinette is still set on finding Mylene. Alya is the one that proposes Marinette to be the lead, something Marinette hadn’t thought to be. She isn’t inclined to be the lead female star. A kiss with Adrien isn’t as big a bonus for Marinette, not through acting. She really isn’t for this idea.
That look. Alya thinks Marinette is so cute. 
Evidently Marinette never likes Chloe’s ideas. This suggests that Marinette has told Chloe so, this possibly lead to Chloe going at Marinette. 
Kim has good hearing, for sure better than Max’s. 
So much mutual fondness. And look at Adrien, pulling her close. He’s all for this, and is comfortable. And he’s entirely focused on Marinette, while she scrambles a little, making sure she did her lines and probably nervous about the kiss. 
Adrien is giving Chloe such shade. 
Marinette is ready to look into screams. Rose wants to know if anyone wants snacks. 
Nino is an opportunist. 
Marinette brings Kim’s band to Adrien first. I wonder if this is instinctive, being drawn to her partner. 
Dramatic Nathanael is dramatic. 
Adrien the cat fails at sneaking away. 
Plagg doesn’t like the smell of Adrien’s sneakers. 
Marinette the Ladybug does a better job at sneaking away. No one notices her slipping away at all. And the phone thief is willing to leave her phone. 
Nino is the first to notice Marinette is gone. 
Juleka thinks this is cool. 
So many owls. Damocles better be an owl akuma else I’ll be disappointed! 
Nino you shouldn’t be happy that you’re right about cells not working in horror. 
Djwifi and their priorities. 
Nino is more excited for Chat than LB. Also Cat son aims to look cool. “But it’s indestructible...” You have the power of destruction.
Chat puckers his lips when he pulls LB aside to plan, he’s still in kiss mode. 
LB and Chat are amused by Nino, though LB is also a bit exaggerated. 
Shifty eyes. 
Nino recognizes his best bud’s shoe. 
You can see Chat panicking as LB notes the lack of goo around the shoe. 
How did Horrificator fit in that desk? Or I guess hide under it? Is it her body, able to change shape? 
Juleka really does adore creepy stuff. 
Chat flicks his staff in disgust after batting away Horrificator’s goo. He doesn’t want that on his staff. 
Since Horrificator left through a classroom, most likely there are a lot of ways around the school, other halls that we haven’t seen yet that could be on the other side of certain classrooms. Even more so if this school hosts 18 classes for one year, and the, there are other years too. There’s more to the school we haven’t seen yet.
Horrificator is able to fit through a small door. Small compared to her. 
Chat is the first to race towards Chloe’s scream. 
It also looks like he’s the one to break down her barricade. 
I think the miraculous glamour can change how someone hears you, and will allow them to hear your real voice if you wish, which offers some explanation how Marientte can look at Gamer and know that’s Max in the robot, but can’t tell that Adrien is Chat. 
LB asks for Adrien, Chat asks for Marinette. I’ll count that as Marichat. 
This akuma seems to really bother Chat. I wonder if it’s because of the slime and he aims to be a clean cat. 
Adrien knows how to play drums as well.
Nino glances to Alya. 
Juleka isn’t into this. 
Smol monster. 
She runs to Ivan for protection. Ivan is the one to discover her possessed item, not LB or Chat. 
Nino still recording this annoys LB. 
The mayor isn’t impressed at all. 
By Adrien’s reassurance to Nino, it sounds like Nino does want to become a movie director. 
Marinette seems fine that she didn’t get to kiss Adrien. 
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