#also sorry for replying like 2 days late i forgot i had an ask waiting lol
cassierobinsons · 11 months
between sex and death and trying to keep the kitchen clean by ftmsteverogers
(in response to me asking for cas POV fics)
oh you mean this gem by the ever talented @sodomitecastiel? i read it almost as soon as it dropped, but i'll take this message as a sign to reread asap :)
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lost-and-ephemeral · 4 months
Series: In Her Shadow, pt.2 (ft. main trio)
Part 1 | Part 2
Slowly but surely she replaced you in his heart.
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt no comfort, reader is not MC, breakup
A/N: I recieved a lot of comments and request asking me to continue, so here we are! I've tried my best. Ty everyone, I appreciate every message, even if it would be hard to mention every single one of them in this post. Also, if you want to be tagged in future fics, let me know!
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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You began to notice that Rafayel was spending less and less time with you, choosing his bodyguard over you.
It wasn't obvious at first, yeah, but as time went on, everything became so noticeable that you couldn't ignore it anymore. Especially when he forgot about your plans with him and didn't even consider apologizing for it.
The smell of someone else's perfume in his studio, the way Rafayel would leave you at home and take her to all the important events because "you probably don't like spending time among journalists and annoying guests." It seems that he didn't even notice the moment when you were completely estranged from each other.
And all your attempts to talk to him about it ended with nothing.
"She's my bodyguard," he'd say. "No wonder I take her everywhere I go. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Yes, a lot of things were wrong.
But he was completely unwilling to notice it, and you were tired of collecting the shards of your broken heart from the floor day after day. Those warm feelings that brought a sense of lightness and happiness in your heart suddenly turned into pure torture.
You had to end it all, even if it'll hurt so much.
When you arrived at his studio this morning, you came face to face with "Ms. Bodyguard" herself. She was just about to leave, and didn't even hesitate to embrace your beloved. Right in front of you.
Maybe you would've exploded from all these negative emotions, if you had any strength left to be mad or to cry. But there was only emptiness in your heart.
You became strangers to each other.
"I'm breaking up with you," you said without any regret and pushed him away as he tried to hug you. "I don't want to be a second choice after your precious bodyguard."
"W-wait, why? What... But I didn't do anything!" he replied confused, apparently not realizing how much he's been hurting you all this time.
"Maybe that's the point. That you'd do anything for her, but not for me."
He looked at you with the same confusion in his eyes, trying to figure out if it was a joke, but you continued before leaving this place forever.
"You were everything to me, Rafayel. But for you, I was just a small episode of your life. I'm tired. You've been spending all your free time with her, like I didn't exist. It'll be better this way. Goodbye."
No matter how long he was calling your name, asking you to stop, to come back and talk with him, you didn't.
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Loving a cardiac surgeon with his busy schedule is hard.
But it's even harder when he no longer cares about your existence and spends a significant amount of time with his childhood friend.
After Zayne forgot about your reservation at the restaurant, making you feel like you were the last fool in this world, some more time has passed.
Yeah, he apologized. No, he didn't start spending less time with his "friend".
It's hard to count how many evenings you spent alone when he stayed late at work for her or was invited to a "friendly" dinner with her. But it happened often enough so finally your love turned into suffering.
At first you tried to convince yourself that you're too jealous and he's just happy to finally reunite with someone close to him from his youth. You care about your friends too, don't you?
But it only got worse.
All your plans were constantly adjusted to his friend's wishes. She wants to take him to a cafe at the same time you were planning to go to the cinema? "Sorry, love, let's reschedule our date for another day". You've made him his favorite dinner? Too bad, his friend already brought him dinner at work and he's not hungry.
Eventually you started feeling like he stopped enjoying your time together and just continued to exist in the same apartment with you out of habit.
Talking didn't get you anywhere, because Zayne didn't notice how much he was hurting you (or he simply didn't want to notice it) with his actions and only distanced himself from you even more.
At some point you felt like he put an ice wall around himself again.
He stayed late again this evening, completely forgetting his promise to spend time with you. You packed your things with tears in your eyes, ready to say goodbye to life with Zayne once and for all.
And he showed up at the doorstep of his apartment just as you were ready to leave.
"What's going on?" his voice didn't betray a shred of emotion. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to leave you and your lovely friend together so I don't have to be an unwanted addition to your life."
Zayne was taken aback at this statement and was about to say something, but you interrupted him.
"You were the one who brought happiness and comfort into my life. You were the one who made me feel loved and wanted. But now I realize that I wasn't good enough for you. Goodbye."
You walked away and closed the door behind you, leaving him all alone.
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Before, you without a doubt would've said that your relationship with Xavier was the ultimate dream.
But now it wasn't actually true.
Yes, your beloved still showed care and attention every spare minute he had. Just not to you. It seemed as if his colleague started to occupy his every thought.
During dinner, on a walk, after missions. He was always talking about her, how strong she is, and how lucky he is that she chose him as her partner. His eyes were shining with delight you had never seen before.
You were happy for him, but only until it crossed the line. Only until you started to feel like he was in love with her, not with you.
One day you found yourself completely miserable. Xavier texted you that he would be late because they had "decided to celebrate another successful mission". Except that you were usually the one he shared his joy with. But things have changed.
Even though you were the brightest star in his world, you were inevitably lost behind the glow of the Moon.
You were trying to be better, to be more interesting. Trying to reach an unattainable ideal. But you couldn't. After all, maybe you were never meant to be together if it turned out like this. Maybe you weren't enough for him.
You couldn't remember the last day you didn't cry. Sometimes alone, sometimes locking yourself in the bathroom after another conversation about this "super-strong collegue". But Xavier didn't seem to notice it at all.
"I thought maybe you'd be interested to know what happens during missions," he said when you brought up this painful topic.
And, yes, you were interested. But all you heard was, "She took down that Wanderer so easily, I couldn't take my eyes off her." Or, "she's so good with her weapon, it's amazing."
He distanced himself from you so much that you hardly spent any time together.
He wasn't even home the day you left.
Xavier sent you a message saying he'd be late again. As usual, with her. Even though he promised to have a movie night and you had already prepared everything you needed for it.
Maybe it's even better if you don't see the look in his eyes the moment you tell him you're breaking up with him. You packed your things and left a note on the table, next to the snacks you bought.
"Maybe in another universe I would be worthy of you so you could look at me with the same adoration. I can see that you enjoy spending time with her much more. And we should break up so you don't torment my heart anymore. Goodbye."
You glanced around his apartment one last time before leaving it forever.
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♡ tags: @skyowlz @prettytemis @aishasreality @randompersonwhoexist @kreishin @reni502 @moonyzstarz @chin-chii
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
When you keep bumping into your personal royal guard by accident not knowing he is your guardian angel
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook!fallen angel!royal guard! × fem!reader!virgin!princess
Word count: 3.3k
Rating: 15+
Genre + warnings: Fluff, angst, paranormal romance, historical fanfiction, Kook being cold and mysterious, and just being his sexy self. Possessive over his princess. Some kissing scenes in public and in private. Also disappointed parents of Y/n, a little drama and preparations for marriage. The story isn't real, just my imagination running wild so just enjoy reading!
a/n: a little late again, sorry
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As you were having breakfast in the big dining hall, you heard loud shouts from outside the big doors.
Frowning, you set aside the cup of coffee you were just holding and asked the nearest servant," What's that noise?"
Since Jungkook left for his morning training and territory duties and checking if there's no more trespassers in the palace, you were left alone with nothing to do so first thing you did when you woke up was take a shower and came down for breakfast.
Expecting an answer from the servant, it was the guard who replied. He was a fallen angel like Jungkook and he looked at you from his post.
"You don't need to worry about that, my lady.  His majesty ordered us to keep  watch on all entrances and exits. That's what we're here for anyway" he said with a slight tilt of his head like he was also trying to listen what is going on.
Confused, the shouts got louder before someone banged against the big door.
"Let me in this instant! There is my daughter!" Your father's voice echoed through the palace with your eyes wide.
"Please, my baby is there!" Your mother  yelled as you stood still in shock before the servant ran out, looking frantic. You couldn't believe you just heard those voices right now.
The guard looked at you worriedly but didn't say anything. The only thing that he could do was stand by his post while waiting for further instructions. "What should I tell his majesty?"
Before you can speak, the doors swung open to reveal your dear father and mother in royal attire. They were first who rushed inside the dining hall with the company of other guards behind them.
As you watched your parents looking so worried, you felt relieved that they are safe and sound. No vampires have attacked them but you didn't know how is that possible that they are here, in the Jungkook's kingdom.
Once they saw you,  your father's eyes lit up with relief before he ran toward you, "My daughter" he whispered to you before crushing you in a tight hug.
You hugged him back tightly. He then let go to hold your cheeks so he could study your face in awe before speaking again.
"How long has it been since I last seen you?" Your father asked with teary eyes, a smile plastered on his face.
Feeling confused by all the questions, you said with a smile, "It's not like I didn't see you every day...but why are you here and not at home?" Then after realizing what you said, you quickly added,"Oh, right. I forgot. The vampires."
"Are you all right, honey?" Your mother joined in the conversation, her eyes full of concern.
Since she was never around and only traveling on business trips, you felt weird about her being so worried but you didn't dwell on it too much. The important thing was that your parents are alive.
"How come you're here? Isn't this place hidden from humans?" You asked with confusion.
Your father simply smiled and took your hands in his," It doesn't matter now. Vampires had been terminated from our land and it is safe to go back home. We just wanted to retrieve you ourselves so no harm is done to you and,-" stopping mid sentence, he looks down at your neck like he just saw something strange," What's that collar around your neck?" Your father pointed to your inked mark necklace which appeared when Jungkook marked you.
"Umm, well  -" you started to stutter, feeling shy and embarrassed to explain such a sensitive situation, especially to your parents, when you suddenly heard someone coming inside the dining room with heavy footsteps.
Looking over your father's shoulder, your eyes brightened when your gaze met the eyes of your king. Dressed in his armor, his hair combed back neatly, he looked dangerously attractive when he approached.
Without his wings, he looked like a deadly predator who walked with a purpose ready to attack if necessary.
"Your majesty. Sorry for delay, I wanted to check the palace grounds for any intruders before we come inside but I see you've already met with your daughter," his low voice creates goosebumps on your skin when he walks even more closer.
"Yes and it looks that you kept your promise as she looks fine and well but I think it's time to go home now. It will be best for her if she stays with us before,-"  before your father could finish, a hand grabbed your chin before pulling you into a chaste kiss.
Your eyes widened in surprise as your king crushed you to his metal chest, not even noticing him stepping in front of you since your parents were standing in the way.
"What are you doing?!" Your father shouted and wanted to push Jungkook away from you but is stopped by some unseen force when you finally got to breathe after the kiss your king pulled.
"Did you miss me, darling?" Your soon to be husband grinned when he caressed your jaw lovingly," Sorry to keep you waiting. Hope you had fun without me," smirking, he left another kiss but this time on your cheek.
Smiling at your flushed face, he turned to look at your father then, his eyes going back to black," She is staying with me and we are having a wedding today so don't  interfere. She is safe under my care and we both agree on marrying. If you insist otherwise, I will not hesitate to kill you. I want her by my side so don't test my patience."
Your father still couldn't move but that didn't stop him from protesting," We didn't agree on this! "
"If you don't like this arrangement, then leave now. And it has to be today. We have no choice because the vampire attacks are becoming worse."
"We made a deal that you will marry her when she turns twenty one, till then she lives with her parents. She has responsibilities to hold in her own kingdom! Are you not aware that you're forcing her now? I'm sure you've not even asked her and told her your plan, it's complete nonsense!"  Your father tried reasoning his point of view as he shook his head with disbelief.
Jungkook sighed in annoyance," I played nice and let you see your daughter so don't try to stop this. She already has bonded with me," As to prove a point, he kisses your neck and the collar starts pulsing and glowing  in blue light, causing a wave of magic that makes you gasp out loud.
"That's her answer. You can choose not to support us now or later. But I won't wait anymore. My time is short and I must make her mine immediately."
"Y/n? Are you really going with this? He's not abusing you, isn't he?" Your mother hesitated to ask.
Feeling anger bubble inside you, it was like switch turned off when you hear them judge him so harshly," Yes, I will marry him. He is the one who has always protected me and always will so  don't you ever think about taking him away from me."
"But he could hurt you! He is not even human! How could you even  accept an offer like this!?" Your mother screamed at you before turning to your father," Your daughter doesn't even listens to us anymore. Do something!"
"I think she made up her mind already and I want to know only one thing, Y/n. Do you really love him?" Your father asked as he held your hands in his.
Nodding your head yes without hesitation, you look straight at your father," Yes I love him with everything I have. He has protected me and brought me into his home and he is the first person who truly cares about me. That's why I chose to stay here with him."
Turning to Jungkook, he looks even more hungry after hearing your confession.
Pulling you to him, his eyes glow from the emotions  coursing through him and his words become husky," This is why I will marry her. No one ever will take her from me again."
"And when do you intend to get married? There needs to be  a ceremony in the palace so we might as well start the preparations now." Your mother suggested.
"Let's just start immediately," Jungkook spoke, cutting your parents off before anyone can say anything else.
Your father looks at him  with shock written on his face," Right away? Just like that? But preparations,-"
"Are not necessary," Jungkook cut him off again," That's why you're here. You will be our witnesses to our marriage if you wish to participate. If not, my guards will gladly escort you out but you don't want your daughter sad or disappointed, right?"
With that your father nods in defeat.
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The dress was tight enough  for the top of your shoulders to show a little bit of your pale skin. It was also sleeveless and a very thin layer of material that covered your arms and neck.
The dress was decorated with tiny crystals hanging from the straps that attached to the gown with delicate jewels scattered throughout. It was beautiful nonetheless.
"Can I do your makeup, your highness?" A maid asks you.
When you nod, you watch as she takes some powder, lipstick and blush to put on your rosy cheeks while you sit patiently on a chair.
You were afraid that your hair would have gotten messy during the process but the maids reassured you that you shouldn't worry since their hands were as gentle as they could be.
Once finished dressing your hair, the maid carefully brushes your long hair, careful not to mess it up until your hair falls naturally onto your face. You look pretty and beautiful in your new dress.
Once the maid finishes styling your hair, she gives you the mirror," I hope you feel satisfied your highness. The color suits you so well."
"I think so too," you smile at her softly and then your smile drops when your mother walks inside your chambers and smiles warmly at you.
"How are you sweetheart? You look beautiful in that dress," She compliments you softly.
You turn your head away from her," Thanks, mother,"  trying not to frown at her kind words, your mother seems to notice how unhappy you were about something.
"What's wrong?" Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion.
"It's just that...." Your eyes started watering again.
You wanted to tell her everything but you knew that she wouldn't really care. She never was around in the palace when you grew up. She only came back from her trips once or twice  a year which was the reason why you barely saw each other.
Her visits meant nothing but now, you realized that you missed the feeling of being around her more than you had thought.
"I just...," not knowing how to say it, your mother sits next to you on a chair, pity in her gaze.
"Is it his majesty? You're not happy with him? It's not too late to back out and you can come with us home. It would be better if,-"
"No! It's nothing like that! I love him! " Your voice gets louder as tears started falling faster down your face.
Your mother looked surprised at first, unsure about how to react," You love him?"
You nodded your head," I've loved him since forever. Since the moment I met him, I've been fascinated by him. But I didn't realize what' i felt when I became attracted to him. When he kissed me, when he smiled at me, the feelings intensified. Then I fell in love with him and I couldn't imagine my life without him. So please, help me, mom. Tell dad to back down from his stupid demands but promise that you'll support me in getting married today!"
"Why wouldn't I support you?"
"You've never been by my side when I needed to make my own decisions. It was my father who always made sure I was okay so of course I'm asking you for support. You owe me that much, mother.”
She sighed deeply," I really don't agree with this agreement though. I want you to choose someone better than this man, someone worthy of you. Someone who can give you the happiness you deserve. He may seem handsome and caring yet deep down inside he has selfish desires and he's just using you. Your father didn't told you that he is trying to go back to heaven once he proves himself worthy, did he?"
Confused, you frown at her," He said something about proving himself to the higher angels once he is done building his kingdom here but he never said anything about going back to heaven. I'm sure you've misunderstood something,"
"I think he's planning to betray you, Y/n."
"He said that once he finds proof that he is worthy, he will return to heaven. So I advise for you to think before you jump into this marriage,"
"There's no point in thinking about it. Even if he does find proofs against him, he'll still come back to me anyway. He loves me more than any single word ever written. We are perfect together, mom. Everything about our story is true," you argue with her.
Smiling sadly at you, your mother shook her head," I'm sorry my dear. Maybe you'll understand someday in time but don't you think that marrying this man is a huge mistake?"
"No. I've already made the decision long ago. I've chosen him and no matter what happens later, we will get through it together so stop trying to stop me."
"But you're the heir to the throne! You have responsibilities and people to think of! You can't leave your kingdom behind because of one selfish man. Think about your future! What's going to happen to us if you decide to marry him and there is no one who continues to run the kingdom?!"
"Mom," You whisper.
Sighing heavily, your mother runs her fingers through her curly hair. "Just, please think about this seriously. Don't do this. Please, please reconsider." With these last words, she got up from her seat and leaves your chambers.
Closing your door quietly behind her, the maid who was doing your makeup comes back inside since she left so you can talk to your mother in private.
"What happened to your eyes, your highness? Were you crying?"
"It's nothing. My mother and I had a disagreement over something. She doesn't believe in marriage so I think I'm free to decide what will happen to our kingdoms once I am married," You smile at her, hoping it would ease her worries, but she simply shakes her head and goes back to applying makeup to you.
When she finishes, she dismisses herself with a bow and lets you know that everyone has gathered in the throne room for the ceremony. Thanking her, you let yourself breathe for a moment before you walk out yourself.
Trying to calm your nerves, the sudden sensation over your shoulder makes you shiver and you glance over to see Jungkook standing by the window.
"When did you get here?" You ask nervously.
Then you notice his royal suit for the ceremony.
Completely black but for the white cape that hangs loosely on his shoulders which is strapped by shiny black gem stones.
His expression is unreadable as he stares at you. His hands are tucked behind his back and he is leaning against the wall besides the window.
"A couple minutes ago," He answers simply.
Taking another deep breath, you lower your gaze and try to control your nerves.
"Uh-it's a bad sign if you see the bride before the wedding,"  You joke as you laugh humorlessly, your heart rate picking up the pace.
"Oh yeah?"  He asks with interest.
You swallow hard. "Yeah. That means we're going to fight."
Jungkook raises an eyebrow as he tries to hold back a grin," Is that so?" He says playfully.
"Mhm," You answer nodding your head, agreeing with whatever he says even though you weren't sure anymore.
Your conversation with mother still clouded your mind and you were afraid to  speak again about something related to it. After taking a few more deep breaths, you decide to bring up the topic.
"So...," You clear your throat, trying not to stutter." When did you really came inside? I would've seen you because I was only here with one of your maids. She helped me dress up."
"Oh? I thought saw your mother walking out of our bedroom."
Waiting for you to deny, you nodded your head," Yes, she was here."
"What did you two talk about?"
"Nothing important." You lie.
He walks closer to you, making you feel nervous all of the sudden. You could smell his strong cologne as he leans in, staring intensely at you.
His eyes seem to stare into your soul as you try to not hover in place.
"Lying doesn't suit you, princess." He flashes his teeth in a sharp smile.
"What makes you say that?" You ask sarcastically.
He smiles even wider," I heard every word your mother told you. About how she doesn't approve our marriage, our relationship and that I'm just using you to my own benefit."
"H-how?" You manage to utter as you blink twice, not knowing how even he knew that.
"I know everything, love. " He takes a step back.
You shake your head in disbelief," How is this possible? Are you able to spy on people from outside their walls? Does it have to do with your magic or special hearing?"
"Both of them, darling,"  He chuckles.
Jungkook shrugs," Because I'm a guardian angel. There aren't many things I don't know or couldn't find out about someone who's supposed to be my queen. I'm a protector,"
"So you can read my mind too?"
"No, I can't read minds. But I've known you for years to know what you think and right now you are thinking about if that's true what your mother said."
"You mean about that you're going to heaven after  you prove yourself to the higher angels?" You question as you look at him with uncertainty.
He smiles," Are you scared that I will leave you?"
"No,"  you say immediately, shaking your head with conviction." No, never."
"I'm glad. The longer that I spend with you, the easier it is for me to believe that the universe decided to pair you with me. I know for a fact you wouldn't survive without me, especially when our souls are connected. Our souls are linked. That means if something bad ever happens to either of us then the other will die along with the person."
"We're already bonded, Jungkook. It's impossible for something bad to happen. We'll figure this out together."
Nodding his head at you, he replies," We will. And don't worry about your mother. If she believes we should break up, I'll take care of it. As long as you're happy and safe with me. As long as I'm around you. No one can separate you from me. Trust me,"  He whispers, placing his hand on your cheek softly.
You nod your head as tears begin to fall down your face. "Thank you. I love you. I really do,"
Pulling you close to him, he hugs you tightly, whispering to your ear," I really do, too." Kissing your neck lightly he adds," Now come on, let's go before they think we're late so lets get married, shall we?"
"Wait, Jungkook," you grab his sleeve," You didn't say anything about my dress."
The corners of his lips tug upward," You look beautiful."
"You think so?" You blush lightly.
"Of course," He says, his voice dropping low and sending chills down your spine.
"Now come on, princess, I'll take good care of you so that you'll never forget."
Smiling shyly, you follow him out of the room.
Be continued…
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p.s. All images and gifs are not mine, some of the edits are mine edited but not every picture. All the credit goes to their rightful owners
If you like, please reblog or like the post so I can post the next chapters :)
Taglist: @lepau123 @the-princess-of-mischief-1998 @11thenightwemet11 @khadeeeeej (If you want to be tagged, please message me)
🅒 All rights reserved
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foolforharrry · 2 years
Cactus Mug - Harry Styles Oneshot
Summary: After being away from each other for so long while Harry is on tour, y/n finally decides to go surprise Harry.
2.5k words
Any support is very appreciated. And if you have any requests feel free to send an ask, comment or a direct message
Also let me know if you guys want a part 2
Here's my masterlist if you want to check out more of my stuff
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Harry has been on tour for months now. Waking up to a cold bed alone every day is something he’s made known he absolutely despises. As much as he loves performing in front of his fans every night, touring can get lonely. And some days are harder than others.
Today has been one of those days.
The first thing I did when I opened my eyes was to check my phone for a text message from Harry. 
And like almost every single morning, there it was. The notification bubble with his contact name in.
H: Missing you extra tonight. I can’t wait to finally kiss you and have you in my arms again. This house doesn’t really feel like a home without you. So I might have tried out that new recipe you sent me the other day. The mushroom risotto. Not sure where I went wrong, but it didn’t taste very good. So you’ll have to show me how to make it when you get here. Only one more week, yeah? Goodnight, my love.
Reading it, all I could think about was the disappointed frown he must’ve had on his face when he realised that he had messed up the food. Knowing him, he would have eaten as much of it as he could stomach.
It was then I decided to call my boss and ask her if there was any chance that I could work from home. I wasn’t 100% sure if she would grant it, but she must’ve heard the desperation in my voice and decided to show me mercy. 
Before Harry, I’d never seen myself as someone who would be able to be in a long-distance relationship. In the past when situations where a relationship would’ve become long distance, I was always the one to end it, not being able to stand being away from the person for that long.
But with Harry it was different. With him, it’s worth it.
That doesn’t mean I’m not counting down the days until we can be together again from the minute he leaves.
Which is why I didn’t think the flight through enough and ended up having to sprint through the airport to make it to my gate in order to not miss my flight, knowing I definitely forgot to pack something I’m going to need but it’s too late to worry about that now.
The second I’m squeezed between a teenage girl and a middle-aged man on the plane at 12:05 pm, I fish my phone out of my pocket again with hands shaky from excitement and nerves. Both over seeing Harry again and the sneaky element of flying to him without him knowing I am.
Me: Morning, Angel. I’ve got a really busy day at work today, so I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you before late. And of course, I’ll teach you how to make it (what would you do without me?). I love you higher than the sky xx
I’m hoping he won’t ask me any questions about what I’m going to be so busy with since I’m a horrible liar, especially under stress. 
My prayers are answered when his reply comes almost immediately. The text message attached to a photo of his sleep-puffed face with his eyes closed, pink lips puckered and his hair wild and curly from sleep.
H: Sending all my love and kisses to you baby. Good luck with your day. If you’re not too tired when you get home, we could facetime? I miss your voice so much.
Me: It’ll be nice to see your face again. I miss it.
H: If you miss it too much you can always just look at your lock screen, you know.
Me: Yes. This solves all of my problems! Bye now, my love.
I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smiling like a psychopath as I type out one last text message and attach a photo I know will hurt his ego a bit before I set my phone to flight mode.
There hasn’t gone a week since the photo was taken where I haven’t reminded him of its existence. If I can’t share it with anyone else, I’m gonna share it with him.
It was taken almost a year ago in the hotel room we were staying in. Harry had demanded that I take a photo of him with his new cactus mug. The mug was adorable and literally looked like a cactus. He had been posing by the sofa when he forgot that tea is hot. The sip of tea he’d just taken had been sent flying everywhere as well as all the tea that was still inside the mug. 
I thank the lucky stars every day for live photos.
While he had been panicking about burning his tongue, he had ended up dropping the mug to the floor. Something he says he’s still upset over.
So last week, when I saw a mug almost identical to the one he broke, I had to buy it for him. It’s safely tucked in my bag. My favourite hoodie of Harry’s is wrapped around it to keep it from breaking. Hopefully.
“You need to put your seatbelt on, miss.”
The polite voice snaps me out of my thought, turning my head to look at the flight attendant. It takes me a second to comprehend, what she says, but when I do I thank her quickly, offering her a small smile before fastening my seatbelt.
When I’m secured, I plug my wired AirPods in, and try my best to get comfortable for the six-hour flight ahead of me
I’ve never really been a fan of flying. 
The idea of being crammed in a metal box with a bunch of strangers high up in the clouds for a longer period of time just never appealed to me. Especially not with the occasional screaming baby.
But this might have been one of the least uncomfortable flights I’ve ever taken.
Sleeping for most of it might have a lot to do with it, but oh well.
I’m not gonna lie and say that it wasn’t a relief to finally exit the plane and stand in a building that doesn’t lift off the ground either.
However, that relief doesn’t even get close to the feeling when I finally lay eyes on my final destination.
When the driver finally stops the car, I’m quick to pay before I’m hauling myself and my bag out of the cab while thanking him over my shoulder. He drives off immediately, leaving me alone in front of the house I’m starting to think is empty.
The lights are all turned off and Harry’s car isn’t parked in its usual spot. He only ever parks it in the garage when he’s leaving LA.
A bit defeated, I take my keychain out of the outer pocket of my bag as I step up the few stairs leading to the front door. Finally, after fiddling with it for way too long, I find the right key.
Like I thought, the house is empty. There is no music playing anywhere. The TV is off and there is no sign of life as I drop my bag by the staircase. 
Still, just the faint smell of him feels like a warm, much-needed hug.
Not wanting to spoil the surprise, but also wanting to know what he’s up to, I get my phone out of my back pocket and dial Harry’s number on my way up the stairs to the second floor.
He picks up before I’ve reached the top.
“Hi, love.”, Harry’s voice has a smile forming on my face within seconds.
I stop in my tracks, willing my heart to slow down again half convinced he’s able to hear it through the phone from how hard it’s beating. Even after all this time, just hearing his voice makes my stomach fill with butterflies. “Hi, baby. I only have a second. But i wanted to hear your voice. what are you up to?”
That’s a good lie, right? 
“I’m on my way to the shop right now. I was craving grapes. Are you ok, though? You sound a little out of breath.” 
“I just ran up the stairs.” Not a complete lie. “But anyways. I have to go again.”
“Already?”, he asks, his voice sounding sad. 
“I’m sorry, my love.” I genuinely am. “But hey. We’ll see each other so soon, yeah? Can’t wait to see you.”
He hums, “One more week.”
After saying goodbye, I hang up, doing some quick calculations in my head that I do have time to shower the icky feeling of flying off me before he gets back home from the store if I’m fast.
Not wasting any time, I speed walk to our bedroom, making a beeline for Harry’s side of the closet so I can grab one of his hoodies. I settle on a pastel yellow one with a big kawaii drawing of a pug on the front before shuffling to grab a pair of grey sweatpants and some underwear from my own side of the closet.
Since I’m not entirely sure exactly how much time I have before Harry is going to be back home, I decide against music. I can’t let myself get carried away and take too long.
But before I strip out of my clothes and hop in the shower, I run downstairs, pull the cactus mug out of my bag and set it on top of the kitchen island next to the plain black one with a used tea bag that was already left there.
Just in case.
As much as I love our home in New York, it just hasn’t felt the same while he’s been away. The only mess in the apartment was made by me and me alone.
And I’m not gonna lie and say that I haven’t missed the way Harry always leaves a mess behind throughout the week. Whether that be a towel on the floor or a heap of clothes left slung over a chair. Or the way he would vow to get better at tidying up after himself every Sunday only to never follow through on it.
So seeing all the different products and stuff scattered all over the dark grey bathroom countertops brings me a sense of peace I didn’t know that I needed.
I make quick work of my shower, even turning the water off while washing my hair and body to force myself to be more efficient. But even with that, I wasn’t fast enough.
While in the process of pulling the soft hoodie over my head, my breath gets caught in my throat when I hear footsteps just outside the bathroom door.
They’re very quiet. Almost as if the person is trying to keep themselves from anyone hearing them. I wouldn’t even have caught them if it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t close the door all the way.
“Fuck.”, I curse, scrambling to loop my arms through the sleeves just as the door swings open fully to reveal a sight that has me torn between whether to laugh or cry from pure happiness.
Harry is holding a frying pan up in defence, clutching it with both hands as if his life depends on it. And I can’t decide whether he looks terrified or surprised.
I clear my throat, not even caring about the whole plan I had been ruined. “You just gonna stand there, Rapunzel?”
One second later and he’s dropped the frying pan, the sound of it clattering to the ground echoes around the bathroom. But I don’t get to even look at it for more than just a moment before I’m engulfed in one of the tightest hugs I’ve ever gotten.
Harry’s arms go around my waist, burying his face in my neck when I hug him back. I have to stand on my tippy toes to loop my arms around his neck, feeling my eyes start to well up with tears. It’s only now that I’m back in his arms, feeling his chest move with every breath he takes and the puffs of air fanning out over the soft skin of my neck with each exhale.
He’s so freaking warm too. Not just physically. But just the feel of being close enough to smell his cologne and the faint remnants of his body wash makes a warmth spread through my whole body. It’s like taking a sip of hot tea when you’re freezing cold. The heat slowly expanded from my heart to my fingertips.
It feels like home.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”, Harry mumbles, forcing a choked chuckle from me as I hug him tighter. “I can always go back to New York if you don’t want me here.”, I joke without meaning it one bit. You’d have to knock me out and drag me along the floor for me to leave.
Pulling back enough to look me in the eye, Harry takes my face in his hands, “If you even think about leaving me alone again, I’m going to follow you. And then when I’ve caught you. I’m gonna throw tomatoes at you.”
The more he speaks, the more he squishes my cheeks, making my words partly slurred which only makes it that much harder to keep a straight face. “What if I want you to throw tomatoes at me?”
He tilts his head to the side with a chuckle, dimples indenting his cheeks. His green eyes look like they’re sparkling from the way the light reflects in them and blush has painted his cheeks pink.
“You’re fucking impossible, you know.”, he breathes out with a laugh.
I run my fingers through his hair, getting distracted momentarily by how soft his curls are. “You still love me, right?”
Instead of answering me with words, Harry ducks down, pressing his lips against mine in a way that has me losing my breath as my eyelids fall shut.
The way he kisses me turns me into putty in his arms. Both from how gently his hands hold my face to how soft his lips are as he mumbles ‘I love you' against my lips between kisses until I’m giggling too much to kiss him back and he just starts peppering kisses all over my face.
I tug lightly on his hair to get pull his face back a bit when I hear a sniffle, frowning when I see his eyes watery with unshed tears. the tip of his nose is a bit red and his lips turned into a pout.
It’s when I ask him what’s wrong, a single tear starts rolling down his cheek quickly followed by another.
Harry blinks rapidly, looking up at the ceiling as he sniffles again but doesn’t tell me why he’s crying.
Wiping his tears away with my thumbs, I kiss his moist cheek tenderly, toying with the curls at the nape of his neck. “Tell me what’s wrong, Angel.”
“I just missed you.”, Harry sniffles. “They’re happy tears though.”
“I missed you too.”, I admit. Whispering it to him as if I haven’t told him that I miss him every day we’ve been apart.
“Now really. How are you here, baby?”, Harry asks seriously, sliding his hands from my face down my neck. “I thought you couldn’t get away from work for another week.”
“Well.”, I start, already feeling my cheeks heat up, “Asking your boss very nicely with a drop of desperation seems to work wonders.”
Harry smirks, “Desperation huh?” Even his chest puffs in pride.
“I had to give you your belated birthday present.”, I explain to him, feeling giddy as I remember the genius purchase I made.
“My birthday is in February, love.”
I roll my eyes at him, grabbing his hand before dragging him with me. Careful to step over the pan he dropped.
“Where are we going?”, Harry asks. He still laces our fingers together, giving my hand a squeeze. It might as well have been my heart he had his hand wrapped around with the jump it made at the gesture.
“To get you your present.”
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randomtacoscry · 17 days
WIP Wednesday
Honestly, I wrote this a month ago (and totally forgot about it), but since I'm probably not going to finish it.... I thought I'd finally post one of these again in celebration of the 911 finale airing tomorrow. So... (sorry people who followed me for top gun but) here is a short buddie fic! (It's set right after like 7x06 but is canon compliant to 7x05) There's more after the break >>
A slow work day was all Buck needed after everything that's been happening lately—Chim getting attacked, Maddie freaking out over their entire wedding, the whole Tommy-break-up-thing. Honestly, all he wanted to do was have an easy shift, and it had been just that so far. 
That is until the last call of the shift. God, one more hour and he would’ve been home free…
“...multiple lacerations so they could be bleeding out.” Bobby turns back to the road and Buck picks up speed to the mall.
“Ambulance won’t start,” Hen’s voice comes crackling through the radio as he peels out onto the main road. “We’ll meet you there in the ladder truck.” They didn’t have time to turn around so hopefully Hen and Chim could get there quickly. It’s early so there shouldn’t be much traffic.
“You and Eddie will go in and I’ll wait for Chim and Hen. We got a light crew today but that shouldn’t be a problem, right boys?” Bobby turns back to Eddie and Buck can feel him smiling behind him.
“Nope. Hen trained me well!” Eddie’s alone in the back and Buck almost wished Ravi was with them just to give them some more backup. He had a bad feeling about this call for some reason…
“Third floor?” 
“Yep.” Buck says as they make their way into the pitch black mall, only the full moon above lighting the tiled floors.
“Ever been in a mall after closing?” Eddie makes his way to the stairwell before looking up at the levels of stairs above them.
“Nope.” Meeting him there, Buck can’t help but dread the flights ahead. “But I can’t say I’m the biggest fan.” It was a bit eerie if Buck said so himself; the dark shadows and only the sound of him and Eddie’s boots making their way across the floor. 
“Elevator?” And Buck could kiss him right there. 
Clicking the third level, Buck leans against the wall and waits to hear the gears start turning. He lets out a huff of air and can feel Eddie’s eyes staring into him. “What?”  He turns his head before looking over at the shorter firefighter, whose hands are placed on the railing behind him, giving Buck a clear look at his physique, even with the uniform. 
“You okay?” Of course he could tell. Buck hadn’t exactly been vocal about him and Tommy ending things (he actually hasn’t told anyone yet) but of course Eddie knew every one of Buck’s tells to figure out something was going on. 
“Yeah-” Buck would elaborate with some excuse about being tired if it was for the jerk of the elevator and clicking sound. They didn’t quite reach floor three though.
They were stuck.
“Shit.” As soon as Eddie notices the stagnant ‘2’ on the display, he reaches for his radio, “Cap, elevator’s stuck.” 
“Do you have the patient?” 
“We were going up to get her,” Eddie lets out a huff before continuing, “didn’t quite make it.” 
“Hen and Chim here yet?” Buck clicks into his radio to ask and Bobby doesn’t reply immediately. “Cap?” Buck tries again before Eddie locks eyes with him, also confused. 
“Guys, we got a problem.” Chim’s voice comes through the radio and Buck already knows it’s going to be a long night.
Apparently, there was a fucking robbery going on upstairs. Or, at least, now there is. Bobby informing Eddie and Buck that there’s a few hostages in the jewelry section of the mall and that one of them got away to make a phone call is now the highlight of Buck’s day. Great. They’re dealing with being stuck in an overheating elevator, with no backup, at three in the morning, while there’s a robbery going on thirty feet away. 
“Sit down, Buck.” Eddie breaks Buck out of his mind from his seat against the wall and Buck obliges, sinking down across from him. They’ve been here for a good fifteen minutes now and at this point, Buck just wanted to get away from Eddie. Not that Eddie was bad in any way, it was just…. 
For Buck, at least.
Why? Oh no reason, just Tommy may have alluded to Buck having more-than-platonic feelings for his best friend of six years and he wasn’t exactly keen on humoring that take. That wild, ridiculous, unrealistic take. And wrong. The take was wrong. 
He had said it so naturally too:
“Evan, it’s okay.” Tommy’s eyes softened and Buck couldn’t quite fathom the words coming out of his mouth. 
“I don’t–” Buck shook his head before looking back at Tommy’s knowing face. “I’m not-”
“Evan.” Buck let out a breath of air before letting the pilot continue whatever horrors that were to be said next. “I saw it the first time you mentioned him.” And Buck can’t quite think of when that was. Maybe right before their first kiss; before his world flipped on its head and his eyes were fully open for maybe the first time in his life? Or maybe when he took the tour with Tommy? Or maybe the phone call when asking for the tour?
“How–?” Buck didn’t think he believed it, but that was the only word that came out. 
“I knew what I was getting into, Evan. This wasn’t going to be forever.” And maybe that stung. Maybe those words hurt like when Tommy had said he ‘wasn’t ready’ for them. Maybe those words would’ve affected Buck if he wasn’t still reeling from his supposed feelings for his best friend. “I think you knew that too.” Did he?
Since that night, Buck’s pushed those feelings back. Far. To the depths of his mind where they shall never see the light of day. Or so he thought. But those thoughts are slowly working their way to the front of Buck’s mind as he takes in the tanned, exhausted firefighter in front of him. The small beads of sweat beginning to make their way down the sides of Eddie’s face before he wiped them away with the back of his hand. His jaw locking as his muscles in his arm tense while he raises his hand. Buck could’ve drooled, but decides to take the more responsible path of ignoring the warm feelings blossoming in his chest (and probably face). 
“Tommy and I broke up.” He doesn’t know why he says it. Maybe to break the silence or take his mind off the man in front of him and place it on another. Eddie turns to look at him and Buck can’t quite place the emotions painting his face. It seems like a mix between pity and confusion and Buck doesn't exactly feel like answering any questions right now.
“Sorry to hear that.” It’s reserved, and Buck gets the sense that there’s a part of Eddie that doesn’t quite mean the sentiment. They both let out a deep breath and Buck tries to ignore the movement of Eddie’s throat as he swallows. Ugh. Why’d he have to be trapped here, now, with Eddie of all people. 
Buck almost wants to elaborate. To continue talking for the sole sake of removing the uncomfortable silence between the two of them but he’s not exactly keen on where that elaboration may lead. “How’s Marisol?” Nope. That’s worse. So much worse.
Eddie looks up to Buck, his face now free of the apparent conflicted emotions he was having a minute ago. Buck can see the way his eyes dart around, not quite making eye contact with Buck until he opens his mouth. “Fine.” 
That’s it? Fine? 
Personally, Buck thought it was going decently well between the two, which is now starting to sound more like an amicable, boring acquaintance rather than a romantic relationship. But Buck wasn’t exactly upset with the answer. He almost lets himself take a sigh of relief until he’s realizing why the hell he’d be relieved in the first place.
Fine means good. So Eddie and Marisol are doing good. Which means they’re not going to break up or end things anytime soon so there’s no reason for Buck to get any hopes up (not like he should in the first place) but—
“Buck?” Eddie snaps him out of his mind again and Buck wants to curse himself for spiraling. So what if Marisol and Eddie are great; good for them.
“Yeah?” Eddie looks down at his hands, pondering, before his eyes lock onto Buck’s. They don’t look away from each other, even as Buck can feel his throat tightening. A wave of heat travels through Buck’s stomach and he has to consciously take a breath to keep himself breathing. Buck can feel his face burning up and he can’t quite figure out if it’s because of the prolonged eye contact, gradually warming box they’re trapped in, or maybe just his suit trapping his body heat too well. Buck notices the way Eddie bites his bottom lip, which means he’s thinking of how to continue what he’s going to say, before he finally breaks their eye contact. It’s hard not to stare at the other man as he wets his lips and huffs out a breath of air before finally opening his mouth to speak, and honestly, Buck would rather just press his lips against his to keep him from saying another word. To finally taste his lips instead of remembering the thick, red liquid that he imagines when he pictures himself running his tongue over the man’s body. 
“Chris told me, the other day,” Eddie starts after a long breath and Buck can feel his shoulders tensing for some reason, “he wants me to be happy.” While he can’t quite see where this is going, Buck nods along, hoping the conversation can move his mind from the thoughts that have been on a loop since Tommy left. “What if…” Eddie looks back to Buck and he feels himself raise his eyebrows with a nod, a reaction of his that Eddie knows means ‘it’s okay, keep going’. “I don’t think Marisol makes me…happy.” The last word sounds foreign on Eddie’s tongue; like he’s never humored the possibility of someone making him happier than he thinks he should be.
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
sunday morning…
a/n. this song has been on my mind on a constant loop for like 2 weeks now, thanks joshua 😀
au. coffee shop <3
warnings. cursing!
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joshua really loved this cafe.
he discovered it one day on a rainy day. whilst looking for shelter he felt like drinking a warm cup of tea and some pastry. not only it wasn’t crowded but also the vibes were immaculate.
soft music, plants everywhere, warm lighting. and what - or who - also caught his eye was the cashier. you. but obviously you didn’t know that.
hence the reason he started visiting the cafe more often. by now you knew his order by heart (and also his name). sometimes he was so quiet you forgot he was there. just like today.
the rain was pouring outside the window and you were so caught in its sound and your work - which at the current moment was icing the fresh baked cinnamon rolls. you suddenly realised it’s was a sunday morning, which meant two things: the maroon 5 song and that you can go home soon (since it wasn’t your shift today but your coworker asked you to open up). before you knew, you subconsciously hummed:
“sunday morning, rain is falling…”
joshua’s head snapped in your direction, eyes widening. he observed you - in this cute, red apron and with the focus on your face. maybe he misheard? either way, it made his lips turn into a smile.
just when he was about to go back to his work, he heard…
“…steal some covers, share some skin…” you hummed again and leaned away to look at the rolls. now you just have to display them. you grabbed the plate and did just that while still (not noticing joshua) quietly singing “…clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable…”
you emptied the plate and put it in the dishwasher.
“…you twist to fit the mold that I am in…” you sighed, shaking your head and came back to admire your work with a grin on your face. that’s when you heard–
“…but things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do”
“holy shit–!” you yelped, head snapping up to see joshua sitting at his table. he was looking at you with that stupid, sweet smile of his–
“i didn’t know you like that song” he hummed and stood up, taking the empty plate and cup.
“i do. i forgot you’re here. shit, that scared me” you laughed, placing your hand on top of your heart dramatically.
“sorry, didn’t mean to. i’m just… a little obsessed with this song and i couldn’t help myself” he chuckled and put the dishes on the countertop.
“that’s fine. it’s really pretty, isn’t it? it always brings me comfort… a warm feeling” you smiled softly and put the dishes into dishwasher.
“it is” joshua agreed, not able to stop smiling.
“what are you doing here at this hour, anyway?” you asked and looked at him with curiosity. he shrugged.
“looking for inspiration. and you? this is not your shift” joshua replied, his chocolate-colored irises scanning your face. wait, how does he even know that..?
“yeah, you’re right. my coworker asked me to open up because she had a doctor appointment and might be late or something. that’s why i’m leaving once she arrives” you hummed.
“any plans?” he asked, leaning on the countertop. you shook your head as a no “…so maybe… we could go driving slow on sunday morning?”
you grinned, foolish smile caused by his antics. trying to remain calm (you failed miserably), you nodded a bit too energetically.
“but the coffee is on me this time” he winked.
“i’d love to” you sent him a warm smile and took off your apron upon noticing the silhouette of your coworker approaching.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi ,, @jung0ne ,, @ka-ni-ma
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haklcv · 1 year
good things should be experienced twice.
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jaehyun x fem!reader, idol au, fluff, 1.7k
SYNOPSIS. you wake up on a sunny, saturday morning all alone. not knowing your idol boyfriend had a schedule that day, you find yourself driving to his building to gift his band lunch during morning practice and again in the evening with a free trip back home. WARNING/S. we love kissing jaehyun. food gets dropped to the ground but not really. I ACCIDENTALLY MAKE A SEXUAL INNUENDO I’M SORRY. did i mention we love kissing jaehyun? AUTHOR’S NOTE. yuh first post here i come ig. this has been sitting in my drafts for forever and i finally moved my lazy ass to post it. its also way shorter than i wanted it to be but i couldn’t think of any other way to finish it so there you go. stan jaehyun, stan tbz.
It was a bright, sunny Saturday morning. You wake up with sunshine barely pouring in through your curtains, stretching and moving to lay on your side, only to find out that you're alone in bed. The emptiness gets you to sit up, barely awake as you hear your ringtone blare throughout the room.
Lazily picking up the phone, you quickly glance at the caller I.D. before accepting it. "Good morning, my love." You ease up as the familiar voice reaches your ears, sinking back into your bed as a small smile fills your face. "You left without telling me." You languidly whine. "I woke up to a cold bed, Jaehyun."
His short chuckles could be heard from the other end of the line. "I'm sorry. I was running late and I kinda forgot to inform my managers I was staying at your place." Although far apart, you could feel the sheepish smile on his face just from the tone of voice he was giving. You sigh before sitting up once again. "I could've drove you myself."
"I don't think you would've woken up. We were up pretty late last night." She checks the time at this, gasping softly as Jaehyun asks her what happened on the other end. "It's 7 in the morning, Jae. We didn't go to sleep until like 4 because of the movies. I'm sorry." Guilt rushes through you. After all, the movie was you idea.
"Are you really tired? Did you get any sleep at all?" Jaehyun hums through the phone.
You two stayed on the line, comfortable silence passing through. And while Jaehyun might've just been happily sitting on one end of the phone call, waiting to start practicing again, you were sat on the other desperately racking your brain for ideas on how you could make up his lack of sleep for him.
"Jae, when do your guys' schedule start?" You ask, the male perking up at the sudden question. "Not until 2. We're just practicing for now."
A smile lifts your face. "Great. I'll stop by at 11 to hand you guys some lunch, alright?"
"Seriously? Thanks, love," Jaehyun replies. You smile in response as she could hear him inform his bandmates through the call. After the information sunk into their heads, they seem to have all thought the same thing which was to rush to the phone and continuosly thank you and say how awesome you were.
"Alright. I'll be there by 11."
You were indeed there by 11. With exactly 3 minutes to spare, you  stopped in front of the familiar practice room door before the mental warefare started playing in your head.
Here's the thing, you and Jaehyun always had this thing ever since you started dating where you can't, by any means, have a comeback spoiled toyou, and by all means, should wait for Jaehyun so he could see your immediate reaction to the tracks. But when your boyfriend was currently in the middle of practice with food for him and his band in your hands, you didn't exactly know what to do.
"What do you mean you're outside our practice room? Just come in." You scrunch your nose at this, looking around the empty hallway of the big company building. "Well yeah but I don't wanna have the song spoiled." Jaehyun chuckles from the other line, hearing footsteps as the door in front of you opens to reveal none other than the love of your life standing in the doorway. "You can hang up now," You say into the phone, you two laughing at this before the call ends.
"Who's there, Jaehyun?!" You could hear his bandmates question him. "The delivery person!"
"Oh, so I'm just a delivery person now?" You asks, loud enough for the well-known members of The Boyz to pop their heads from the inside to send a quick 'hello' and 'thank you' to you.
"You're a person delivering the food, no?" Jaehyun replies, feigning innocence as you could only narrow your eyes at him. "Whatever you say, Lee." Jaehyun only chuckles at this, taking the bags from your hands and placing a quick peck on your lips. "Thanks for the food, love." You hum in response, a small smile appearing on your face.
As Jaehyun turns on his heel to walk back into the practice room, you cross your arms and sigh. "Lee Jaehyun," You call, placing a tight grip on the back of his t-shirt. "Ye—" Before the male could even process the situation, he was already spun back around towards his girlfriend, melting into a loving kiss. He gently places the full plastic bags of food down before his hands snake around your waist and pulling you closer, feeling your arms move around his neck.
As you both pull away, you immediately fall into a warm hug. Lovestruck smiles on your faces as you plant another chaste kiss on his cheek. "That was abrupt," Jaehyun softly says, his breath tickling your ear. "That makes up for the good morning kiss you missed earlier." You simply reply.
"Oh? Does there happen to be anything else I missed for me to get another one of those?"
"Jaehyun!" You whisper-yell, gently smacking him on his chest as he laughs in amusement. "What? Just asking..."
"Could you two hurry up your make-out or whatever?!" You wince slightly at this, embarrassment sinking in as you only bury your head deeper into the crook of your boyfriend's neck. "That would be Eric." Jaehyun notes.
"Are you just gonna leave us starving to death so you two can continue devouring each others faces off?!"
"And that would be Sunwoo." Jaehyun chuckles at your loss of words, moving his head to the side to try and see your face. As they both pull away from the hug, they send each other bright smiles. Hyunjae places a kiss on her forehead before picking up the bags of food once more. "Thanks again for the food, princess."
"Anytime, my love."
Another hour of the day, yet a familiar scenario that you were about to walk into. It was currently midnight, the city lights glowing and the streets thriving. You had just been called up by your boyfriend to ask if you could pick him up from his company building. Of course, you immediately agreed and upon further inspection, found out that he really just wanted to raid your fridge and continue watching that movie series you two never finished.
You casually walk into the IST Entertainment building, unfazed upon the familiar interior. You make your way towards where Jaehyun told you he was, timidly knocking on the door and peeking your head inside to see a small number of staff running around here and there.
You enter the room, eyes trying to locate your boyfriend before you spots him a few distance away. You make your way over to him, garnering his attention with a simple tap on the shoulder. "You're here already? I haven't gotten changed yet," he mentions, surprised. "Yeah, I can tell."
Jaehyun, being the idol he is, was fully decked-out in a formal suit. Albeit, his hair was already quite messy and his coat was unbuttoned. Whatever the occassion was, you didn't mind. Because if it meant getting to see your boyfriend in a suit, you'd accept it anytime.
"Are you tired? I can't drive so we're going to have to figure out a way for us to go home if you are." Jaehyun was completely oblivious to your gaze on his current appearance. It was no doubt that Lee Jaehyun looked effortlessly handsome, no matter what he wore. But you were also just longing to be with him the entire day. One hug before lunch wasn't enough, nor was one kiss.
"Princess, you ok?" He asks, barely missing the split second in which your eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes. You hum in response, blinking profusely as a gentle smirk resides on Jaehyun's face. He starts to inch backwards, trying to see how well he could tease you before ultimately giving up.
"You ok?" He repeats. You don't reply, and before Jaehyun could repeat his question, you pull your boyfriend by his tie as your lips smash against each others. Happy butterflies filled the both of your stomachs as you two smiled into the kiss. You even swore you saw cartoon hearts dancing around the top of your heads.
You both were longing for each other the entire day. Of course, you two were used to the usual days of long schedules and long hours of not being able to see each other, but that didn't mean you never missed each other. And who said a good kiss when you meet each other again wasn't necessary?
You both pulled away from the kiss. It wasn't as long as the one earlier in the morning, but it held the same amount of passion, desire, and love from before. It also just ended quickly, primarily because it hit you halfway that you were both still in a random room in the large company building where Jaehyun's bandmates were, quite literally, right around the corner.
"That felt... oddly familiar," Jaehyun teases, a wide smile on his face. His hands continue to stay by your waist as you bury your head in the crook of his neck. Your face flushed a light shade of pink, taking sight of a door opening and the 10 remaining members of your boyfriend's group filing into the main room.
You didn't know what to do. You wanted to stay in the hug, but your social fear and embarrassment wanted to run away. However, Jaehyun seemed to read your thoughts immediately. So when he started moving so that he was the one now facing his bandmates and your back was turned to them, you swore another group of love butterflies erupted in your stomach.
"We seem to be interrupting something... I just can't seem to figure out what." Jaehyun sends a glare towards his bandmate, this shutting them up. You hear a few footsteps shuffling, the door closing. "They're gone for now. Let me change then we can go home." You nod once, pulling away from the hug.
"I love you. Thank you." You utter. Jaehyun presses a kiss to your forehead before replying, "I love you, too. And thank you for today." You send him a small smile, taking his hand. God, did you love this man.
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vyntilador · 1 year
Hi It's me from the Tiktok,I Have this Headcanon On Tot Boys Being a Dad Like I'm Sure Artem is gonna Spoil His Children ESPECIALLY Marius Like The moment he hears His Child Mumbling About "Wow This Kitty plushie looks cute" and He be Like "Then Get em" he might Also Buy the Whole Store(I wish a had a marius in my life) AND for Luke,Like i think he's gonna be A Chill Dad yk Like Setting a prank together with his child and do cute Stuff y'all Mostly go out to Have a Family Bonding Since Luke is Busy being a Detective (a hot One) and lastly Vyn i think He's the Type of that Who Enjoy Reading his Children a Story When it's Bedtime and he's the type to also Gossip with his Children like "Dad there's this Kid-" and he go like "C'mere Tell me all about Ur school and stuff" LIKE ISN'T CUTEEE and While Us Just Watching Them Interact and Smiling like an Idiot, anyways This is just What i had in mind ofc ur free to Say no to my Idea But Yeah That's All,Hope you have a good Rest!🖤
Father, May I?
NXX boys as dads</333
Genre: fluff ofc but I'm adding angst parts after every story bcs it's my specialty duhh(I WAS BORED SORRYYY)
A/N: BESTIE UR A GENIUS THIS IS RLLY CUTE TOO😭😭😭 IMMA HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS ONE TYVM SRY IF I REPLY TOO LATE SCHEDULES PRETTY TIGHT</333 also i might make this into 2 parts bcs it might take long idk depends if I finish this quickly!! Sorry for the wait<3
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Vyn Richter
He doesn't rlly flex it often in the stories (except when he literally showed to their faces that only he had an invitation to that one Pluto cruise ship lmao
Speaking of cruise ships, he'd definitely be renting/buying a whole cruise ship for your daughter's birthday or if she's not into those, he'll arrange for her birthday party in the ballroom in their castle/family mansion in Svart
Honestly, he never wanted to ever come back to Svart if it wasn't for his little princess</33
You told her a bedtime story saying that her dad is a king and you're actually a queen which makes your daughter a princess
The story was supposed to make her sleepy but she ended up getting too excited and literally begging her father(Vyn) if they can come to their castle (he didn't agree at first, hesitant onto how the people of Svart and most importantly, his father woulf react but who cares his child wanted to go there so why not🙄)
Yeah with that said, after that, he just went on a spoiling spree on his daughter but he won't overdo it ofc🤷‍♀️ He doesn't want her to turn into someone condescending and just a bad person as a whole and with that kind of raising technique of his, she grows up into such a sweet girl and he sometimes can't help but smile stupidly with how his daughter resembles her mom so much 😭
Angst part
Ok so me and a friend of mine had this hc where like I forgot most of it but it was just how if Vyn decides to leave you and come back to Svart (he doesn't know that you have a child together so u ended up raising your daughter alone)
Can you imagine the shock on his face when he passes by the house he used to live with you in Stellis, only to see you playing in the rose filled garden with a little girl
You turn around to the sound of your name being called, hesitant but you still did it as you recognized his voice. He stood in front of you in formal attire, looking down on you with a soft glimmer in his eyes, seemingly shocked and feeling guilty
He asks you why you didn't tell him about your daughter but you immediately interrupted him saying that he never gave you a chance to speak
If you let him in your lives again, he'll make sure that his daughter lives the best life, guilty with how he almost made her live the same childhood as him</3
But even after the second chance you gave him, you desperately picked up the broken pieces of your heart from the ground as you tear up at the sight of the father of your children and the King of Svart, Vyn, being wedded to a woman on equal footing as him.
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Artem Wing
Mkay so first of all, uhm TWINS?? Lets say it's a boy and a girl. Well the girl resembles you in EVERY way possible. She's stubborn asf but determined with whatever she puts her mind into. She sometimes pushes his brother into doing stuff he loves like inspiring him yk??
Her brother tho, she's like Artem lmao💀 He's usually calm and silent in a corner somewhere doing arts and crafts while his sister is in the middle of the room singing twinkle twinkle little stars from the bottom of her heart
You'd think that the sister would be the protector between the two of em but it's actually your son. He's kinda timid and shy but he won't tolerate any unjust actions towards his dear sister</3 (You nudge Artem and chuckle at how much your son resembled your husband</33)
When it comes to what your children want, like toys, clothes etc, I wouldn't say that he'll buy anything they want (that's a lie he actually buys them whatever they want when you're not within the vicinity lmao)
It usually goes like this, your daughter is asking Artem to buy both of em something because their friends have it and he'll usually refuse when you're there but the moment you go out to buy groceries, you'd just end up dropping the bags of grocery you had with you the moment you come home as you lay your eyes on the newly bought bikes that looks expensive asf in front of your home LMAOOOO
Yall remember that one personal story where he spent millions for us during the investigation?? He'd def do that to you and your children
They aren't even born yet and he's already having your house renovated for their rooms, already buying shit ton of toys, going to the mall ONLY for food and suddenly, hes calling you over to ask if this little baby onesie would look cute on your children</3
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Luke Pearce
Also twins ngl. Energetic ones at that
Twin girls?? Absolutely (do yall know the fanarts of Lukerosa with this daughter named xiaxia😭😭😭)
Well lets just pretend theres two xiaxia's here
Anyway, he's like those uncle/grandmas that give you chocolate or money in secret when your parents aren't looking
Like maybe before you all eat dinner, daughter 1 is already hungry and is sulking bcs you didnt let her have a bite of the ice cream and here comes papa Luke to the rescue, passing her a piece of chocolate discreetly 😭
Gives your daughters piggy back rides especially when going out to family night outs or when just going to the park to have a little picnic. Or at weekend nights when you're both not working, you're all in the living room laughing softly at the 3 of em seeing them dance in the middle of the room to some children's music
OH AND ARRON IS DEFINITELY SUCH A CUTE UNCLE TO THEM OMGGG hes giving them plushies, money...toy guns..(as soon as Luke found out about it, he's immediately banned from coming over lmao/j)
Hes vv soft to his princesses but he isn't too soft that he gives them everything. I'm not rlly sure but I think he'd like practice disciple with wanting stuff like, 'Do you want the chocolate or the animal plushie? If you get the chocolate, it wouldn't last very long but if you get the plushie, you'll have it forever!'
Goes to your childhood home sometimes to hang out in the attic where you and Luke used to play in and introduces your girls to Sherlock Holmes</3
Just the best dad overall tbh
Angst part<333
He was very hesitant with having children with you with the thing abt his life and his line of work but the moment that he sees the smile on your face slowly dissipate and turn into a look of gloom, he feels guilty for even hesitating for a moment and immediately hugs you
He knows he won't be around for a while so even if he really wants to give your children proper discipline, there are moments where he just spoils them to their hearts content
Sometimes at night, he sits alone in the balcony of your own home and he smiles softly knowing that you now have little angels to look after you once the time comes.
The burden of all of these dawns on him tho. Like, what would your daughters feel like when they realize their dad's gone? What if his work as a spy results in his family getting hurt? Or worse, what if one of them gets pulled into the NXX stuff?
There are times where guilt and despair overwhelms him so pls go easy on him amd always give him cuddles<33
Your touch used to bring him comfort but why is it that when you brushed your hand against his face to wipe his tears away as you laid half conscious in his arms, it brought an overwhelming sense of fear and guilt?
He hugs your body closer to him as tears fell continously from his face, hurting at how his princesses will probably have to grow up without parents.
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Marius von Hagen
He spoils them. No negotiations, no questions asked.
He has a son too btw!! (his son hates him lmao)
Your son hates it when his dad hogs or steals all your attention which then ends up having a mini Marius sulking and hugging your legs asking you with a pout if you love Marius more than him LMAOOOO
I forgot where I read this but I think its the personal story???? idk i forgot Where the cat sneaks in to his home and just hates him overall
Your son would def wanna keep the cat and claim that the cat is now his "accomplice"
Yea but with all that aside, Marius is definitely soft for his son</333 He inherited everything of his dad but he has your eyes which makes him more vulnerable to puppy dog eyes of your son when he asks his dad to get him something
He's well aware of his footing in society so he knows how to stand up to himself well. Or if paparazzi surrounds you, poor baby would scream at them and tell them how he hates them for making his mom(you) have a hard time
Surprisingly, the reporters feel bad and start making way for the three of you to go home
Marius is definitely proud of him for standing up for himself and his mom. Speaking of that, he's another sucker for his kid when you're away. You could literally blink and the moment you open your eyes again, there's suddenly a mountain of toys around u lmao
Angst part
Marius is also very aware of how dangerous it is to live in front of the camera and being exposed to the judging eyes of the public so he tries his absolute best to keep you both safe. Including with scandals, where it's said that PAX CEO Marius von Hagen is having an affair with someone else while having a family of his own. His heart breaks into a million pieces as he looks down on his son thats literally crying and hitting his leg with little to no force because of how hard he was crying.
Hes cursing his own dad on why he has the guts to make u cry like that. His last straw snaps as tears swell into his own eyes as he bends down to pick up your crying son and he hugs him tightly.
He considered leaving PAX and having someone else run it seeing how bad of an effect it left to his family but you begged him to stay there seeing how important the company is but what you didnt expect was that he'll someday put his company first before his family.
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A/N:I think i kept turning away from the og plot im so sorry😭😭😭 i made this at 12 last night bcs i couldnt sleep so m sorry if it does look too good💀💀
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sammie217 · 3 months
Call me baby like you used to.
he forgot to kiss you 3 times this week
at first you brushed it off thinking he is stressed because of the schedules.
“im leaving bye” hyunjin said and quickly left
“hyunjin your lunch-“ You said before he closed the door and left
“whatever ill stop by the company and drop it off later”you said to yourself in your head
you cleaned the house before packing his lunch in a cute lunchbox with cute tooth picks and made the fruit into hearts
you went to the cafe near the company building to get hyunjin and the boys coffee they were probably exhausted practicing
you went inside the building
“Hey Y/N!!! i havent seen you in so long” jian one of the staff member said
“yeahh ive been busy lately i missed you where is hyunjins practice room?” you asked
“let me check the systemi think they are at 3rd floor room 325, yeah it says they are” jian responded
“thank you see you around” you waved
“bye” jian waved back
you got in the elevator and pressed 3rd floor
“excuse me do you know where room 325 is?” you asked the lady in the hallway
“its to the right” the lady said
“Thank you have a nice day”
you knocked on the door and chan opened it
“oh hey Y/N come in” chan greeted you
“thank you where is hyunjin?”
“I think he went to help riko with their new dance collab” felix responded
“yeah he did” changbin said
“ohh okay here is coffee for you guys i know you guys are tired”
“thanks Y/N very much needed haha” jeongin replied
“No problem should i leave hyunjins lunch here or go hand it to him? “
“go give it to him he might take long” lee know said
“the room number is 408 by the way” seungmin said
“okay thanks bye see you guys around”
“BYEE” they all said at the same time
you got at the 4th floor and found room 408 you looked from the glass next to the door you saw hyunjin and who you believed was riko on top of hyunjin holding his hands on top of his head
he looked up at the door and saw you looking he looked shocked pushed the girl off and got up to follow you.
you just ran to the elevator with tears in your eyes
“Y/N angel wait” he yelled
he catched you before you entered the elevator
“Let me explain angel-“
“there is nothing to explain hyunjin. YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME YOU DIDNT LIKE ME IT WOULD HURT LESS” you said while trying to escape his hug
“let me go!” you said
“wait listen to me” hyunjin said
“what?!!? what is it say it” you yelled while crying
“she was forcefully kissing me i swear!” he said looking into your eyes
“i don’t believe you Hwang Hyunjin” you said angry and sad at the same time
“don’t call me that angel call me baby like you used to”
hyunjin said sadly
“i swear im saying the truth just check the cameras please angel” hyunjin said while also tearing up
“fine. show me the cameras” you said still not believing
“ we need to ask JYPAPI to show” hyunjin said
(i had to include that im sorry)
you went to JYPAPI’s office
hyunjin knocked
“Hello jay papi park can i see the cctv footage of room 408 please” hyunjin asked while bowing
“Hello to you to Hyunjin” jay papi park said
“and hello Y/N” jay papi park waved
you bowed “hello papi park”
“ok hyunjin ill send u the fotage on your phone” papi park said
“okay thank you bye Mr Papi park have fun” hyunjin said
“bye Mr park” you said
“bye kids”
he sent the footage to hyunjins phone and there you saw how she forced him to kiss her
“im still sorry angel it wont happen again” he said while hugging you
“its okay baby i love you”
“how about i take the day off and we hangout for a bit ive been so busy lately sorry for forgetting to give you hugs ahd kisses” hyunjin said
“you noticed too hehe and sure if chan allows you to” you said happily
did i write this at 1 am again?
yes. help it turned out so bad i was planning to make it sad ending but i was like i already made 2 with sad endings anyways so YEAH hope you enjoyed HAVE FUN BYE BYE
send me requests please im running out of ideas 😔😔
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askdannysroleswapau · 14 days
ignore the fact that i'm 2 days off schedule LMAOOO
sorry abt the wait folks. i feel bad abt how late i am so the next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.
also this one has a mini spoiler about Robin, but its not groundbreaking. with that out of the way, here's chapter three!
missed the last one? click here
Gumball startled awake. He was lying flat on his back and leaning over him was Rob, who looked uncharacteristically concerned. For a brief second he forgot where he was, why Rob was here, why he felt sore all over—but then it all came flooding back. The portal. The pair of bizarre pair of people that had stepped out of it. The explosion that had followed.
The explosion. Gumball quickly sat up and looked himself over for burns or wounds. 
“With how close you were standing to the machine when it blew up, you're really lucky you didn't get hurt,” Rob said earnestly. Judging by the reddish scorch marks on Rob’s arms, Gumball could tell he hadn't been so lucky. “You feel alright?”
“Yeah, I...” Gumball took a few deep breaths, smoothing his rumpled fur down.  “I think I'm alright.” Gumball looked around, a small part of him hoping they were the only ones in the warehouse. That hope was quickly squashed, however. 
The stranger from before was next to the machine, intermittently switching between inspecting its various mechanisms and scribbling things down on a small notepad. Not-Rob was there too, pacing back and forth in front of the dark wall of TV screens. Most of everything surrounding the portal was either scorched or laying on the ground in pieces. 
Rob must have noticed Gumball staring at them. “I don't know when or if I'll be able to get the machine working again,” he said. “For now, they're stuck here.”
Gumball rubbed his eyes. “So they're our problem, then?”
“I guess,” Rob said.
Gumball tried to collect his thoughts. Everything was happening so fast. He didn't know how to feel.
“Hey, uh, I'm sorry about earlier,” Rob said hesitantly. “I forget that the end of the world is really upsetting to most people.” He looked at the floor, seeming ashamed.
“Yeah,” Gumball muttered, pulling his knees up to his chest.
“Alright, buckerino,” the stranger said to Rob as they walked over. Gumball noticed they also had burn marks on their arms. “Number one, your Portal machine looks WAY cooler than mine. How dare you, that is SO unfair.” They hit the notepad with the back of their pencil. “But, number two, my Portal machine was better ventilated. I think that's why yours went kablooey.”
“Huh,” Rob muttered. “I didn't take that into account.”
“Clearly,” they said with a chuckle. They snapped the cover back over their notepad and smiled at him. “Your machine is built differently from mine, but I think I could still lend you a hand if you need it.”
“Huh. Okay,” Rob said.
As the two departed, discussing quantum physics, Not-Rob walked over to Gumball. He sat down on a wooden crate next to him, sighing. Gumball crossed his legs and tapped his fingers together anxiously. It took a little while for either of them to say anything. 
“So, alternate universe, huh?” Gumball said awkwardly. “What's that like?”
“I could ask you the same question,” Not-Rob replied. 
“Hahah, right, yeah…” Gumball mentally kicked himself. “So, um… Is there something I can call you besides Rob? Cuz, like, I already have a Rob, so it would be confusing to have two Robs to keep track of.”
“You can call me Robin, if that helps,” he said. 
“Cool,” Gumball sighed in relief. ”How's your life?”
“Pretty good, I think,” Robin said, seeming relieved by the change of topic. “I have a boyfriend named Pebble, he’s pretty awesome.”
“Oh, that's nice,” Gumball said. “I have a girlfriend, her name’s Penny.”
Robin looked at him strangely. 
Gumball’s ears flicked back. “What?” 
“What’s her last name?” Robin looked like he was trying to puzzle something out. 
“Weird question, but okay,” Gumball muttered. “It’s Fitzgerald. Are you okay? Do you need a drink of water or something?”
“No, it's just that...” Robin made a face. “My boyfriend’s last name is Fitzgerald.”
“Huh,” Gumball said, blinking in surprise. He scoffed nervously. “I-it's gotta be some kind of coincidence, right? I mean, what are the odds that YOUR boyfriend is MY girlfriend?” 
The two of them shared a moment of dread.
“What does he look like?” Gumball asked quickly, though he dreaded the answer. 
“Well that's kind of complicated,” Robin said. “I mean, he used to wear this shell all the time, but now it kind of depends on how he feels. Most of the time he’s a cool gold color, and he’s got wings and these cute little antlers.” Robin smiled dreamily. 
Gumball’s stomach dropped. “That's how it is with Penny.” 
Robin snapped out of his dreamy trance. “So does that mean-”
“Hey, blue boy!”
Both of them turned to look at the direction of the voice. It was... wow, Gumball really needed to ask them what their name was, this was getting ridiculous. 
“What in the world made you think that work?” Rob said to them, amused.
“Hey, cut me some slack here, skyscraper,” they joked, nudging Rob with their elbow playfully. “You know how often I'm in a room with more than one blue person? The answer is not often, my friend.”
“What do you want?” Robin groaned. 
“Can you get me that wrench?” Rob asked, pointing to a wrench on the ground next to Gumball. 
“Oh, and those ropes,” the other person chimed in, pointing to some ropes hanging down from the ceiling. “Oooh, and that tiny screwdriver! And that tire, while we’re at it.” They rubbed their hands together, smirking impishly. “I could use a tire.”
“Just the wrench will be fine,” Rob said. 
Gumball picked up the wrench and walked over to them. He held it out to Rob, but then the stranger snatched it from his paws and scuttled away to the other side of the machine. Holding the wrench between their teeth, they clambered up over the side of the machine, clinging to the vertical surface with their claws like a spider. When they reached the top of it, they took the wrench out of their mouth and unscrewed some bolts on one of the metal panels. Gumball looked to Rob for answers, but Rob just shrugged.
“Hey, ummm…” Gumball spoke tentatively to the stranger. They looked over their shoulder at him, polygons flickering unnervingly. Gumball resisted the urge to shudder. “Do you have a name?”
“Oh, don't get him started,” Robin warned.
“Oh hush, you're just jealous that your name isn't as cool as mine,” they said smugly, pulling a panel off of the machine and rifling around inside. They pulled out a fistful of wires and tossed them aside.
“You literally named yourself after a food,” Robin said in a way that gave Gumball the sense that they’d had this conversation before.
“Exactly,” the apparently food-named person said, grabbing the wrench and sliding back down over the side of the machine. They landed on the floor with a thud. “I named myself after something sweet. You are named after a felony.”
Gumball smothered a laugh and nudged Rob with his elbow. Rob looked unimpressed. 
“Oh my gosh.” Robin stood up. “For the last time, “Robin Dis Bank” is NOT A VALID-”
“Hey, no offense, but can you two please stop squabbling like an old married couple so they can tell me what their name is?” Gumball said.
“You hear that? I could divorce you a second time,” the food-named person said with a smirk, dusting themselves off. 
Robin sighed. “Just tell him what your name is.”
“Fine, fine,” they said, waving a hand dismissively. They took a deep breath, as if the notion of sharing their name with new people was a rare occurrence. 
“I am Gumball.”
[End of Chapter 3]
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bonus: here is what i actually wrote in the google doc directly after this line
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yeah i write everything in comic sans. what are you gonna do about it?
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fictional-mind21 · 1 year
BAAOA -Part 2 (Bound to Bond)
Characters: Y/N, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, and [a smidge of] Tony Stark
Synopsis: A theory is made and a piece of the past is revealed
Warnings: Language, none?
Word Count: 798
a/n: I was gonna post this on the 18th I just forgot, sorry guys. Also, Gifs aren’t mine.
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A week and a half later
*Knock knock*
“Come in“ you say
“Hey, Steve”
“Just came in to tell you that I have to leave“
“Bucky needs some help with the mission“
“oh ok“
“Just don’t tell him I told you that. He doesn’t like admitting he needs help“
“Got it“ you laugh
“Now that I think about it, you two will probably get along. Your very similar“ he says as walks in
You roll your eyes smiling
“You spend a lot of your time in your room and like being alone most of the time”
“That’s because it’s quiet!!” you say laughing throwing a pillow at him but he catches it
"They don’t realize until its to late that you may be quiet but your not afraid to call someone out” Nat says behind him
Afraid? Yes, but others should’t suffer because of it
“Hey!! Why are you ganging up on me?“ you say laughing, throwing another pillow towards Nat
“Came in here to tell the fossil the quinjet is ready“ Nat say walking in leaning on the wall
”That’s my cue“ he says waving goodbye
“Bye Steve“
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3 Days Later
*Knock knock*
You get up to open the door
“I just realized you’ve been here for approximately 2 weeks and we’ve never talked about dating“ Nat says smirking and wiggling her eyebrows when she sees you
“There’s really nothing to tell“ you say flopping down on your bed
“Hey“ Wanda says peeking her head through the door
Her voice startles you and you bolt upright from the bed
“Hey” both you and Nat say in unison
“What’re you guys talking about?“
“Try reading my mind and finding out“ Nat says a challenging look appearing on her face
I forgot Wanda could read minds
“You know that I don’t make it a habit to read people’s minds. Especially the people who live in this tower, it breaks trust. Plus, you remember what happend last time“
“What happend last time?“ you say a little shocked, a little intruiged
“The guy lost his mind. ANYWAY back to the point, what's your story with guys?“
“That’s all? The guy lost his mind point, blank, period? No elaboration?“
“Not until you answer the question“
“I told you, there’s really nothing to tell“
“Come on!!! There’s gotta be something?“
“Don’t spare ANY details, we want the LONG story“
“Whatever your comfortable sharing is fine“ Wanda says
“Don’t give her ideas!!“ Nat says looking exasperated
“Do you want to hear the story or not?“ you laugh
“Yes!! Hurry!! Get on with it”
Wanda closes the door and goes to sit next to you on the bed while Nat pulls up a chair
“There’s were only ever 2 guys in my entire life“
They wait for you to continue
“The first guy is simple. I fell hard for him and I thought we had a connection. We kissed once but didn’t make anything official. Didn’t see him for about 5 months and then when I did finally see him, he was distant. Found out from a friend that in those five months he managed to get a girlfriend“
“Ouch“ Wanda says
“yeah“ you reply
“What a loser! NEXT“ Nat yells
“First guy I ever dated is the simplest of all. We dated then the chemistry died out, so we broke it off“
“So you got a crush now?” Nat says
“NAT!!” Wanda says throwing a pillow at her
“OKAY!! Sorry, How long ago was that?” she asks curiously
“4 years ago“
“So you got a crush now?” she asks again
“What about Steve?“ Wanda says
You wince
“I’ll take that reaction as a No“
“Look don’t get me wrong Steve IS a good guy and he’s good looking and all but we don't really have that much in common“
“Okay, What about Sam?” Nat asks
“Sam’s is also good guy and he’s good looking but he’s like a brother to me“
“All hope is lost“ Wanda says dramatically flopping backwards onto the bed
You put your index finger to your lips making a “shhh” sign and wink at Nat
“There is Vision“ You say trying not contain your smile
“What!“ she says bolting upright from the bed
Nat catching onto your plan, adds “He does seem like good boyfriend material“
“Hey!!“ she say throwing another pillow at Nat hitting her in the face
This makes you both burst out laughing
“We’re joking Wands“
“The synthezoid is all yours” Nat says smirking
“Hmph” she pouts
“Come on Wanda it was a joke“ Nat says
“Please Almighty Queen forgive us“ you say
“You are forgiven peasants“ she says shaking her head smiling
You all laugh
*Knock knock*
“Come in!!“
Tony walks in
“They’re back, time to meet Sergeant Barnes“ he says
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maddieg0531 · 1 year
Our Little Secret Pt.4
Oikawa x fem!reader
Angst, Fluff
Synopsis: Go read previous parts
A/N: Final part!! I know the writing got kinda jank, sorry but jeezums this took so long to finish so hey, it is what it is. Thanks for reading!
Masterlist pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 epilgogue
“Father! Father!” Oikawa runs into his fathers office with excitement.
“Ah Oikawa, how was your trip to the vineyard?” His father asks, without look up from his book. 
“Good. I didn’t realize you liked that place that much.” 
Oikawa places both hands on his fathers large wooden desk, “Father, I need to talk to you about something.” 
The king looks up from his book, “Good, because I need to talk to you. You may go first.”
“Father, I want to get married.” Oikawa is shaking with joy and excitement.
“I’m glad to hear that because that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Have a seat.” Oikawa sits down, cautiously. His father sets down his book, focusing on Oikawa now, “I am an old man. Soon, I will be unable to continue as king, meaning you will take over. But, producing an heir is essential for a king, which means you need to get married and soon.” 
“Perfect. Let’s do it.” This is perfect. He doesn’t even have to justify getting married young. Now he just has to convince your father and he’s done. Oikawa didn’t think it would be this easy.
“Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear that.” His father claps his hands together in joy. “We will be having dinner with her and her father tonight, so dress nice.”
“Wait what? You know her?” Red flags immediately go up for Oikawa.
“My apologies. I forgot to mention: I recently met with the neighboring kingdom-the one we have been on shaky terms with-and we agreed that marriage would be the best way to solidify an alliance. You and his daughter are the same age and unattached, it’s perfect.”
“What!” Oikawa stands up, absolutely furious.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but you’ve been so busy lately, I never got the chance.” His father matches 
Oikawas stance, his tone getting harsher, “I thought you said you were okay with this.”
“Yeah, before I knew that you had chosen someone for me.”
“Oh come on. It would take so long for you to find a girl and we would have to invite other kingdoms here for you to meet their daughters. It is just so much easier to do it this way.”
“Sorry that my happiness is such an inconvenience to you!” With that, Oikawa storms out of the room. He can’t even stand to be near his father right now. Oikawa is confused and angry. It’s times like this that he wishes he could just run into your arms and hear your soothing voice. What is he going to do?
A few days pass and you hear nothing from Oikawa. You get a little concerned but also know that the process of convincing his father can’t be easy. As you sit outside, in your garden, your fathers carriage rides through your property gates. You excitedly run over to welcome him back. You wait for him to exit the carriage with a smile, but when he steps out, he is not so happy to see you. 
“Welcome back father.” You say with a shaky smile. “How was your trip?”
“Fine. How was your time while I was gone?” He replies with a straight face, his tone making it sound like a trick question. 
“Uh, good. Why do you ask?” What could have made him so upset?
“Why don’t we talk inside.” He turns and walks inside, you following cautiously behind. You walk with him into his office and stop at the doorway, afraid to follow him in. “Come sit down.” He says with the same tone while throwing his coat on his desk. You slowly step in the room and sit in the leather chair across from his desk. “On my way into town, I decided to stop by to see an old friend. As I was talking to him, he mentioned something interesting. You know what he told me?”
“Uh, no. What did he tell you?” Your response is barely a whisper. 
“He said, that he saw you exit a carriage a few days ago…with none other than prince Oikawa himself.” Your breath gets caught in your throat. “Now, I thought to myself, what in the world would my daughter be doing with such an immature man, the prince nonetheless. Care to enlighten me?” 
You stare at him, speechless. “Um, well…you see…I happen to have run into him and we met each other a few times…no big deal.” Your eyes suddenly find a great interest in the floor.
“No big deal? Stepping out of a carriage laughing and hugging with the prince does not seem like ‘no big deal’ to me. Now, would you like to retry and tell me what is really going on?”
You don’t know what to do. You can’t tell him, but you certainly can’t keep this up anymore. It will be fine. Oikawa is convincing his father, so this is your chance to convince yours, “Well, I have been seeing him for a while…as more than a friend…” You glance back up and your father looks as if he is going to explode. 
“How long?” His voice is strained, anger dripping off of his words.
“A few months” You hold your breath, waiting for him to scream. However, his expression is like stone, unreadable. 
“So you’re telling me, that you have been courting, the very man that you know I hate, for months, without me knowing? Why? Just why?” 
“I didn’t want to lie to you, but I knew you would react like this, so I didn’t tell you.” 
“How many people know?” 
“No one. Just me, him and his body guard.”
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Okay. Okay…since no one knows this will be easy to sweep under the rug. We will cut all ties with him and leave town for a few days, let things blow over, no one will ever know.”
“What!?” You stand up, furious. 
“Look, if this gets out to the public, you will be ruined! Our family will be ruined!” He finally raises his voice at you.
“To hell with our family, what about me and my feelings!?”
“Your feelings?! What about your future! If people find out that you courted the prince and was rejected, no one will ever want to marry you. Who would want the girl that the prince rejected? What will become of you? Of us!”
“Rejected? The only person rejecting me is you!”
“I’m trying to protect you because I care about you!”
“If you cared about me, you would try to understand. Father, Oikawa loves me and I love him!”
“Don’t say stuff like that. You really think that the playboy prince will be able to love just one person? He is probably out flouncing about with another girl right now.”
“He would never! You don’t even know him!” You yell, tears streaming down your face.
“And you do? How do you know that he won’t leave you?”
“Because he proposed to me!”
Your fathers stone cold expression breaks, his eyes wide. “You told him no right?” 
“No…I said yes…” You look away, fidgeting with your hands. 
Your father rubs his hands over his face, heaving a sigh. “Oh my goodness. What are we going to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why would you say yes. Do you know how much harder this makes everything?”
“What do you mean?! Don’t you get it? I’m going to marry him!” You are absolutely exasperated. What is wrong with your father? You know he is stubborn but you never would have imagined this.
“No!” He yells, slamming his hand down on his desk. You jump, scared at seeing him like this. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He walks around the desk and tries to grab your hands but you jerk away. “Look, I’m concerned for you. I don’t doubt that you love him. You aren’t the one I’m worried about. I’m worried about him. Even if he loves you now, what guarantees that he will later? You aren’t a princess or daughter of a duke. You are just another noble. What do think is going to happen if he gets tired of you? He will throw you away and pick someone new. I can’t let that happen to you.”
“He would never do that to me.” You choke out through sobs. 
“Even if he doesn’t, what about the king? Do you really think he will let him marry you? You aren’t royalty. You can’t marry him. How do you know he will choose you? I heard that the king and princess from the neighboring kingdom came to town the other day. How do you know he won’t choose her? For him, it makes more sense, politicly. I’m not saying it’s right. I wish I didn’t have to say this. I wish that you could marry whoever you want without any consequences but you can’t. That’s not how life works. And I’m sorry. Even if he does choose you, he will have to give up everything. You will be disgraced, running away with him. I love you and I don’t want to see that happen to you. Please, let’s just end this while we can.”
You are shaking from crying so much. You don’t know what to feel anymore. You hate your father right now. But you also know that he is just trying to protect you. He is right. Oikawa would have to give up everything for you. His title, his father, his people that he loves so much. Could you really live with the guilt of knowing he lost everything because of you? You run out of the room and run straight into the head butler.
“Excuse me, my lady. I was just delivering the mail to your father. There is a letter for you as well.” He hands you a letter and you know exactly who it is from. 
You tear it open and read the letter inside.
Dear Y/N,
I’m sorry I went silent, but things are much harder than I thought they would be. My father is being difficult and I don’t know what to do. All I know is that I want to see you. Meet me at the garden, tomorrow night.
He didn’t even sign it this time. You look back to see your father standing behind you. His eyes are softer, filled with concern. What are you going to do?
Oikawa paces back and forth, wondering what’s taking you so long. He doesn’t know what he is going to say when he see’s you. He is confused and upset. He wants to just leave everything behind and run away with you. His racing thoughts are cut short by the sound of heels against the brick pathed road. He see’s you from a distance and runs up to embrace you. 
“Oh my goodness, Y/N, you have no idea how much I needed to see you.” He tilts your head up to look at him and is taken aback. There are tears in your eyes, your expression more sad than he has ever seen before. “Love, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” He hugs you tight against his chest. You want to lean into his touch but you reluctantly pull away. “Love?” Oikawa’s voice is soft, laced with concern. 
“Stop.” Your voice is barely a whisper.
“Stop what?” He goes to reach for you, but you step away. “Love, what is going on?”
“Stop calling me that.” 
Oikawa is confused. He thought you liked that nickname. “Y/N, what is going on.”
“We need to stop this.” 
“Stop what?”
“Seeing each other!” You whip your head up to look at him, eyes burning with tears. 
Oikawa is taken aback. Tears are threatening to spill out of his eyes, “W-what. I don’t understand.”
“How can I be any more clear?! We need to stop this…this charade!” Your heart hurts from your own words, from making him cry.
The tears break through and pour down Oikawa’s cheek. “Charade? Y/N, I love you. We were going to get married.”
“Just stop it. We can’t and you know it. Your a prince for crying out loud. Did we seriously think this was going to work?”
“Do you not want to marry me anymore?”
“I do, its just…”
“Just what? If you want to marry me, nothing else matters.”
“What will happen if I do? You will be disgraced. You can’t marry outside of royalty. You will lose everything. I can’t be the one who causes that. I heard that the princess from our neighboring kingdom is here. Go marry her.”
“But I don’t love her. I love you!” 
“You can’t. So please, let me go.” You turn to walk away, but he grabs you by the shoulder.
“Y/N, stop this! What has gotten into you? Did someone say something? I love you. I would give up everything just to be with you. Please don’t leave me.”
“That’s the problem.” You flash him a watery smile, your hand settling on his cheek. “If I don’t go, you will give up everything because of me. I can’t let you do that. Goodbye, Oikawa.” You press a gentle kiss on his lips and walk away, tears cascading down your face. Oikawa stands in silence as you walk off into the dark of night, without him. 
“I’m not doing it!” Oikawa throws open the door to his fathers bedroom, not caring about how much noise he makes. 
“Oikawa, what is wrong with you? It is the middle of the night.” His father scolds groggily. 
“I don’t care. I’m not going to do it”
“Do what? What has gotten into you?” His father asks, sitting up from his bed.
“What has gotten into me? You and your stupid marriage decisions! I’m tired of you choosing everything for me. It’s my life and I will marry who I want. So no! I won’t marry the princess.” 
“Why are you bringing this up now? You already agreed.”
“That was before I knew you had chosen for me!” “Who are you going to marry then, if not her?” His father’s voice is more stern now.
“Y/N Curtis, that’s who. And no, she is not a princess. She is a noble, but she is my princess. She is more beautiful, more humble, more kind, and more amazing than any princess could ever be. I’m going to marry her, even if it means giving up everything, including you!” 
His father is left speechless, “I-I don’t know what to say? How do you even know this woman?”
“I met her several months ago and have been seeing her behind your back, because I knew you wouldn’t approve. I was going to ask for your permission earlier, but then you sprung this whole marriage of convenience on me. But I don’t care anymore. Politics be damned! I’m going to marry her, whether you like it or not!” Oikawa is fuming, anger spilling out with every word. He is not going to lose you, no matter what. 
“What?” Oikawa steps back, confused. 
“I said okay. You can marry her. There is nothing in the law saying you can’t.”
“But, what about the other woman, the one you wanted me to marry.” Not that Oikawa wants his father to disagree, he just can’t believe what he is hearing.
“Clearly you don’t love her and you have another woman you want to marry, so go for it.”
“I’m confused. You are just going to change your decision like that? What’s the catch?”
“There is no catch and my decision hasn’t changed. My decision has always been for you to get married to someone you love.”
“Wait, so why did you choose someone for me? You said that I couldn’t choose on my own.” 
“Look, I didn’t want to tell you this, but I found out a few weeks ago that I am sick. I don’t have much time left. And before I left for good, I wanted to make sure you weren’t alone. That you had someone who could be there for you. Clearly, I messed up. You are right. I shouldn’t have chosen for you, I just…I didn’t want to leave you alone and disappoint your mother.”
“Father…I-sick? How sick? Sick with what? And disappoint mother? How could you disappoint her?”
“My illness is not important right now. I promised your mother that I would take care of you and make sure you would never be left alone. I didn’t want to see you suffer again. I couldn’t bare the thought of leaving you hurt and alone.” “You dying isn’t by choice. It’s not like you chose to be sick. Mother wouldn’t have wanted you to do this. She loved you the way you are. She wouldn’t have wanted me to get married to some random woman. She would have wanted me to be happy, even if it meant being alone for a little while.”
“You are right and I’m sorry.” His father walks over to hug him, tears welling up in his eyes. “You go and marry whoever you want. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“Thank you father. That means a lot.” Oikawa smiles at his father with a new four appreciation. 
“What are you doing standing around? Go and get your woman, damnit!” The king shoves Oikawa out the door.
“Right! Thank you, father.” Oikawa runs down the hallway, almost knocking over several maids on his way. As he is running, Iwaizumi stops him. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you.” 
“No time, Iwa. I have to go get her.” With that, Oikawa takes off running again.
“Get her? Get who? What the hell are you doing, stupidkawa!?” Iwaizumi’s screams are lost in the hallway.
Oikawa speeds to the stables, not even bothering to saddle his horse before taking off. He rushes over to your estate, crushing some of your garden on the way. He will have to apologize later. He jumps off his horse and bangs furiously on the front door. 
A butler swing open the door, “Excuse me, but it is the middle of the night.” 
“I don’t have time for this. Let me talk to her.” Oikawa has no time for pleasantries, he needs to see you, now.
“Your highness. My goodness, I didn’t realize it was you, I apologize. I-“
“Stop with the blabbering and tell me where she is.” 
“Pardon, where who is?”
Oikawa heaves a sigh, tired of this nonsense, “You know who. Y/N! Where is she?”
“The master and her ladyship left for the country side.” 
“What?” Oikawa can’t believe what he is hearing. Where are you going? Why are you running away? “When did they leave?”
“The carriage departed a little over an hour ago.”
“Damnit! Where are they headed?” He can’t let you get away, not if he has any say about it.
“To the southern estate in the countryside. It is a two hour carriage ride from here.”
“Thank you. Your cooperation is much appreciated ” Oikawa runs off, leaving the butler dumbfounded and confused. He jumps on his horse and takes off. “I’m not letting you get away that easy, love.”
You stare at your tear stained reflection in the window as the carriage rides bumpily along. You and your father haven’t spoken a word to each other. You are furious at him, at yourself, and at this whole situation. Of course you had to go and fall in love with someone you can’t marry. Maybe your father is right. Maybe it’s better that you leave. Oikawa can marry anyone he wants. He will get over you and find someone new, you are sure of it. And that way he won’t lose anything. You, however, will lose everything. You are exhausted and start to nod off when the carriage comes to a screeching halt. Your father jumps up from his seat and reaches for the door, “Stay here.” He says, exiting the carriage. 
You move towards the edge of the door, listening for what might be going on. 
“What do you think you are doing?” You hear your father say.
“I’ve come to get my fiancee back.” Your eyes widen. You know that voice. You jump out of the carriage to see none other than Oikawa himself in front of your carriage on black stallion. You lock eyes with him and he immediately jumps off his horse to come over to you. However, your father steps in between the two of you. 
“You cannot just stop our carriage like this, royalty or not. And you will not be taking anyone as long as I have a say in it.” You peak around your father to see Oikawa looking past him, straight at you. He clearly is not paying attention to anything your father is saying. 
“Sorry, but I think I’m going to let her decide on that one.” Oikawa pushes past him to hug you. He picks you up and spins you around. You didn’t realize how much you missed him until now. Naturally, you wrap your arms around him, laying your head in the crook of his neck. “Oh my Y/N, how I missed you.” 
He sets you down, one hand resting on your waist, the other on your cheek. You look up at him, tears welling in your eyes, “What are you doing here, To’.” 
He smiles at the nickname, “How am I supposed to marry my fiancee if she isn’t here?” 
You lean your head against his chest, trying to hide the pain in your eyes, “I told you, we can’t get married. You should go home before things get out of control.”
You try to push away but he pulls you in tighter. He gently leans your face up to look at him, “Love, don’t be like this. I know you want to marry me and I want to marry you, so please don’t run away just because your father says so.” You go to look at your father, but Oikawa keeps your eyes locked on him. “Tell me right now, do you want to marry me? Don’t look at anyone else for the answer, just look at me. If you say no, then I’ll leave. I’ll respect your choice and let you go. But if you can’t say no, I’m not going to go anywhere without you.”
You pinch your eyes shut, your brain overloaded with emotion. You love him more than anything in the world, but how can you make him give up everything. You put your hands on his chest, gripping his shirt. You are frustrated but you can’t just let him go, “I-I do, but we can’t, Tooru. I can’t let you give up everything for me.” You press your forehead on his chest, tears wetting his shirt. 
“Shh, love. Please don’t cry.” He wraps his arms around you, gently stroking your hair. “I won’t be giving anything up, so please just come home.”
You look up at him through the sea of tears, “What do you mean? What about your father, your-“
He cuts you off, wiping your cheek, “My father said yes. I won’t be giving up anything. Not him, not my title, and not you.” 
Your eyes widen, “Really?”
You wrap your arms around him so tight, you’re afraid he might not be able to breath. He picks you up, tighten the hug, as you both laugh with pure joy. 
“Ahem.” Your celebration is cut short by your father, whom you forgot was there. Oikawa holds you tight against him, almost like he is trying to protect you. 
“Sir, I know you don’t approve but-“ 
“I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to my daughter.” Your father stares at you. 
You try to step forward, but Oikawa doesn’t let you. “It’s fine” You tell him. He reluctantly lets go. “Father.”
“Daughter.” You both stare at each other for a moment. Not sure what to say. 
You decide to break the silence first. “Look, I know you don’t like him, but you don’t know him like I do. He is nothing like people portray him as. He is kind, caring, and he loves me very much.”
“And do you love him?” Your father asks, monotonously.
“Yes. Very much.” You blush, remembering Oikawa is standing right behind you. 
Your father heaves a sigh, “I don’t trust him.”
“But if you would just take the time-“
“But I trust you.” He gives you small smile. Taking a step forward, he rests his hand on your shoulder. “Even though I don’t like him, I want you to be happy. I trust you, so if you say that it will be okay, I believe you. Clearly, he cares for you enough to ride on a horse with no saddle—which is uncouth by the way—for an hour just to see you. So, I will give him a try.” You let out a small laugh at your father treating him like he is a new horse or something.
“Thank you, father.” You hug him, tears finally dried.
“But if he hurts you, I don’t care that he is royalty, I will ruin him.” You laugh, “Okay, father.”
You turn back to Oikawa and jump into his arms, laughter and joy spilling out of you. He slams his lips against yours, arms wrapped around your waist. You can’t begin to describe the joy you feel. You are going to marry the Oikawa Tooru, the prince, the man that you love. You couldn’t be more happy than you are right now.
“What do you say we go get married, love?” You beam at Oikawa. You cannot wait to spend the rest of your life with this man. 
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year
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A/N: Even more new ocs! Ive been waiting like a year to finally introduce this plot twist!! Also sorry this is a day late, I totally forgot!! Reminder again that next chapter will be in 2 weeks
Warnings: None for now?
Characters: Dafne Arcano, Dayamanti Arcano, Dielle Arcano, Merla Varangr, Rikke Ymir, and Mjöll Ymir
Song: Show Yourself from Frozen
Chapter 3: Whispers on the Wind
“Do you even know how to wield that thing?” The voice of Dayamanti pierced the air, loud enough to be heard over the crashing of ice and waves against the hull.
Dafne followed Dayamanti’s gaze to the greatsword tucked into her bag.
“Not really. I was never interested in uncle Kaari’s combat training. However, I thought it would be better suited in your hands.”
Dayamanti blinked hard in surprise, “Me? I do have a sword, may I remind you. I made it myself.”
“Well, Dielle has her bow. So if you want the sword, it’s yours. Nobody else could wield it.”
Hesitantly, Dayamanti wandered over and carefully withdrew the blade. It was a two handed greatsword. The hilt was wrapped in old leather and dried blood was caked on the tip of the blade. She entered her stance and gave it a few twirls in the air, the steel ringing out as it cut through the freezing air.
“Where did you even get this? It looks ancient. Not bad though,” Dayamanti remarked.
“It once belonged to one of our ancestors. I think her name was Unni.”
“You robbed her grave?” she questioned with a tone of surprise, a small smile curling up, “I didn’t know you had it in you, Daf.”
Dafne didn’t answer, instead she just stared at the blood belonging to her on the blade. Her thoughts wandered back to that day in the catacombs.
“Hah! Sigur, look at this!” Rond boasted as he swished the sword around in the air, albeit rather clumsily.
“Will you put that thing down? You are going to kill somebody with that thing!” Sigur whined as she got out of the way.
He ignored her plea and instead replied, “Your family is hardcore, Arcano. I wonder what happened to you?”
“Drop it, now. That belongs to my ancestor. You have no right to wield it!” Dafne fired back, now stepping towards the boy in rage.
“Hmm...nah. I think I’ll hold on to this. Why should it lay down here for eternity? Besides, you are too weak to wield it yourself. How does it feel being the disgrace of the family?”
The last thing to cross her mind was the feeling of cold steel against her face and the rush of hot blood.
“What about you, Merla?” Dielle asked with a smile.
“I have Egyja, of course,” Merla replied, stroking the feathers under her beak as she perched on the side of the ship.
“That bird can fight?” Dayamanti scoffed.
“Mainly I just use her to scout ahead during hunts with my family. They are the ones that actually kill the animals. However, Egyja can be a distraction.”
“You came willing to fight a city of the dead with a bird?” Dayamanti shot back.
“There is more to a fight than just power. When you are out in the wilderness, sometimes stealth is better. In extreme cases, the best course of action is to stay out of danger completely,” Merla narrowed her eyes angrily.
“Alright you two, we are nearly there,” Dafne interrupted with a glance towards the growing Norwegian shore ahead of them.
Dayamanti and Merla exchanged glares.
“Fine. But don’t expect us to worry about you. We will have enough trouble keeping ourselves alive.”
“Fine by me. I don’t need your protection.”
A few hours later they had started their journey on land. It would take them a few days on foot so they made sure to bring enough supplies to camp, including their tent. The days passed quietly, an uneasy silence growing between the two parties. Merla maintained a distance as the three sisters spent the time talking.
They were nearing their destination when thick clouds started to billow and grow on the horizon. Within a few hours, gentle snowfall gradually started to build until it came down in thick sheets. Their vision was all but obscured and the wind bit at their faces. The four of them produced some rope from their bags and tied themselves together on a long leash in an effort to not lose each other in the storm. The snow was almost up to their knees by the time the group started to protest.
“Hey Daf! I think we should stop and find shelter!” Dayamanti hollered over the raging snow.
“Please, Dafne! We will freeze to death soon!” Echoed Dielle.
“She’s right. Just look at Merla!” yelled Dayamanti.
Dielle had her arm wrapped around Merla’s shoulder in an effort to guide her. Egyja was perched on her shoulder, her feathers being ruffled by the intense wind. Her claws were buried deep within Merla’s fur coat, a protest against the wind.
“It must be nightfall by now! C’mon Daf!”
Dafne barely looked back, however. Instead, her head was tilted upwards and her hood was pulled down.
“Do you guys hear that?” she practically whispered, the words being swallowed by the storm.
“What did you say?!”
“CAN YOU HEAR THAT?” she yelled.
“...It almost sounds like voices,” Dafne murmured quietly, mostly to herself.
She kept walking for a while, following the voices and ignoring the pleas behind her.
“Hello?” Dafne tentatively called out.
“HELLO?! IS ANYONE THERE?” she called out again, louder this time.
A strong gust suddenly blew and nearly ripped her fur cloak away from her. Stumbling, Dafne fell over, her knees and hands plunging into the deep bitter cold snow. Her Gift allowed her to have resistance to the cold, but even now she had to admit she was freezing. She could only imagine what the others were feeling.
“Please,” she pleaded quietly to the sky, “Help us.”
Dafne blinked the snow out of her eyes and watched as suddenly the sky changed. Little by little, the snow relented and the clouds started to part, revealing an inky black sky pierced by the brilliant blue and green colors of the Aurora Borealis. Under it rose the sharp peaks of a mountain range.
With a gasp, Dafne realized it was identical to the one in her dream. She had found it.
A second later, she noticed what was directly in front of her. A couple feet away stood a small cabin. A flickering warm glow poured from the windows, coating the surrounding snow in golden light like honey.
With a glance backwards at the others, the four girls approached the door and knocked.
Moments later, the door opened and a rush of warmth blanketed them, revealing an older woman who was smiling gently with one golden eye.
“Who are you? What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?” Dafne questioned once they were safely inside the cabin.
Firelight flickered against the wood log walls and cast shadows around the darkened room. The four of them stood next to the fireplace, shivering slightly as the snow upon their cloaks began to melt in the heat.
“I could say the same to you,” the golden eyed woman mused from her position at the table.
Also seated at the table was a girl around their age. She had fiery ginger hair that hung down to her waist. One of her eyes was gold also. Unlike the other woman, the girl was smiling brightly and studying each of them in rapture.
“My name is Dafne Arcano. These are my sisters Dayamanti and Dielle. This is Merla Varangr,” she replied, gesturing to each in turn.
The woman’s face seemed to react at the mention of their names.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Rikke Ymir and this is my daughter, Mjöll.”
“Where do you guys live?” Mjöll suddenly spoke up.
“Uh, well we are from a place called Skalafell and Merla is from Svalbard,” Dafne answered.
“Is that in Norway?” she asked again and then before Dafne could answer she spoke again, “How far away? How did you guys get here?”
“Mjöll, that’s enough,” her mother Rikke interrupted.
“I’m sure our guests are tired from their long journey. They don’t want to be interrogated with questions. In fact, I believe they might have some questions of their own.”
The girls exchanged glances at each other and then stared at Dafne expectantly.
“Am I right in assuming this mountain is home to the Lost City of Valhalla?” Dafne stepped forward, her gaze serious.
Rikke returned the gaze for a few seconds. Only the crackling of the fire could be heard in the silence. Then, with a heavy sigh, Rikke got up and crossed over the small room to the kitchen. A few seconds later she returned, placing tankards onto the table that steamed gently.
“Why don’t you four sit down?”
Hesitating for a moment, the girls approached the table and sat down, instantly sipping the hot liquid in an effort to warm up. Dafne, however, remained standing with her arms crossed.
“I know who you are,” Rikke said quietly, “The Arcanos and Varangrs are two of the Gifted Three families who once lived in the city.”
“Yes, and the third family is suspected to be extinct. But I guess we know that to be wrong now,” Dafne answered, her eyes narrowing.
“You’re clever. Yes, the Ymir family is the third.”
“You’re guarding the city. What for? The stories all say it was sealed up magically by the remaining Valkyries.”
“We aren’t keeping things inside. We are keeping them out. As I suspect you would like to enter the city.”
“Yes, we do-”
“I cannot allow you to unseal it.”
“I apologize but you cannot seriously believe that four young girls can defeat the evil within.”
“Five. I’ll go with them!” Mjöll interrupted.
“No. It is out of the question. We’ve talked about this, Mjöll.”
“But mother-“
“I said no,” Rikke hissed.
The crackling silence returned as the six of them glanced around at each other, daring someone to break the tension.
“You aren’t the first to ask this of us, you know,” Rikke finally spoke.
“You’re talking about my great grandma Iolanthe, aren’t you.”
“I never met her, but the story has been passed down to me. In 1928, Iolanthe Arcano arrived at the mountain with an expedition team. They claimed to want to study the city and reclaim lost knowledge. My ancestor Ran told them the same thing I’ll tell you. We cannot risk unsealing the city and releasing the evil within.”
“So, your entire family has been living in solitude away from the world for centuries? All to keep people from trying to destroy this evil forever?”
“Coward,” Dayamanti muttered into her cup.
“You’ve really never seen the outside world?” Dielle asked with a frown, “Either of you?”
“I have indulged you long enough. That is all I have to say. You are welcome to stay the night, but I expect you to leave in the morning,” Rikke suddenly stood up, her hands resting on the table.
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calyxaomphalos · 2 years
The Ghosts of Windy Ridge
Turn 5 is the morning of day two. I rolled a three component turn, but got stuck on the item that's exactly what I need.
Location #2, the diner, I named Timmy's Diner. With a reaction roll of only a 2, I was not impressed.
Neighbor #12, human who is very spiritual/religious, was Suzy Dermer, a waitress, but she's also a deacon at the church.
2 April 2022, Saturday Morning
Having had such an unpleasant night at the church, I thought I'd go someplace where strangers are usually welcomed, the local diner. It was a bit further from the main highway than would make for a successful diner and it showed. Timmy's Diner looked to be about half full when I got there, so I didn't have to wait at all.
I took a booth by a window and started giving the menu the once-over. Pretty standard diner fare. I had visions of some French toast and bacon and some hot coffee. Before I'd even started to set the menu down, a young woman approached the table. She was probably in her late 20s with mouse-brown thin hair tied back in a sad ponytail. Her smile was big and bright, though, and she held a pot of coffee in one hand and an empty mug in the other.
"Coffee?" she asked cheerfully.
"Oh, yes, please and thank you," I replied.
"I LOVE your hair. Sorry if that's too forward or anything, but wow, we don't usually see something like that around here," she blurted out as she was pouring the coffee. Her enthusiasm was making up for the fact that the coffee smelled terrible.
"It's fine, really! I get a kick out of it when people enjoy the color. That's one of the reasons I do it. I mean, I enjoy it on myself first and foremost, but when others also like it, it's cool."
"D'ya need any cream? Are ya ready to order? Oh! I almost forgot! 'Hello, I'm Suzy and I will be your waitress today.'" She said the last bit with the tired tone of someone who has said that same thing a few dozen times a day, every day for the last several years. Then she cracked a big grin.
"Hi, Suzy, I'm Serren and I'm staying in Windy Ridge for the month, looking up the history of an old friend of mine, but first, no thanks on the cream, and I'll have some French toast and a side of bacon."
"Okie dokie! Let me put that in to get started and check on my other customers, but then I have to come back and hear more!" Susy jotted down my order and bustled off behind the counter. I gazed out the window for a bit, sipping the awful coffee. I'd added sugar, but it hardly helped to cut the bitterness.
A few minutes later, Suzy was back holding the coffee pot. "Refill for ya? Can you tell me about your friend?"
"No thanks on the coffee, though maybe more when the food is up. My friend passed away a few years ago, so I'm not sure you'd know him. His name was Mo Forrester."
Suzy's eyes lit up. "I've lived here my whole life and I for sure remember Mr. Forrester. He was a substitute teacher at the high school some times. He was great. I sure miss him."
Just then a loud, gruff voice barked from the kitchen. "SUZY! ORDER UP!"
"Don't let me get you in trouble. I'll be in town a while, hopefully we can talk another time!"
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fortheloveoffanfic · 2 years
Hellooooo Jim anon here!! I’m back with a new headcanon!! Please, it may not make much sense or have a lot of typos but it’s almost 1am and I just can’t proofread it! Hope it’s still good haha!! Anywhoooo, enjoy!!
Jim had an awful week. His boss told him he’d have to go to some convention out of town on the weekend with his kids. Danielle refused to switch weekends because she had something already planned which meant he wouldn’t see his children for another two weeks. He didn’t see you for three days because of work. His car broke down in the morning so he was late. Awful week.
And usually, Jim tries to see the bright side. One bad day is okay, the next one will be better. But it was Friday and he had it up to here. He was so drained emotionally, mentally, everything.
And to make everything worse, he found himself having to work later than usual.
When he finally left work at 8pm, he took the car a friend lended him and began driving. He found himself taking the road to your place, parking right under your building.
He sat in his car for a few minutes, asking himself what he was doing. He just really missed you.
But it was Friday night, last thing he wanted was to bother you. Especially if you were out with friends.
Instead, he sent you a simple “hey” text. You replied within the minute which meant you were probably home. But even by text, you noticed something was wrong and asked about it. He ended up admitting he was downstairs and you obviously invited him up.
You waited him by your apartment door and it was clear he wasn’t alright.
(I’m going to write a dialogue because honestly, I don’t feel like describing everything lol)
“Hey, you.”
“What’s going on, hm?”
“…just had a shit day. Actually…shit week. Sorry to bother you with this. I don’t even know why I came here, I should just…”
“No, no. Come here”
You took his hand so gently it would probably be enough to make him want to cry. He followed you to you bathroom, where you proposed him to take a shower/bath. Since you hadn’t eaten yet, you also told him you were going to order pizzas if he wanted. Which obviously he did.
When he came out, there were some clean clothes he had left at your place waiting for him. He joined you in the living room as you came back with your pizzas.
Fast-forward to after dinner, you’re both sitting on your couch, your favorite comfort show playing on the tv. Jim finally allows himself to relax, resting his head against your shoulder. Of course, you play with his hair because you know how much he enjoys it. After some quiet, he admits what’s going on, telling you all about his troubles. You listen to him, trying to find the right words to comfort him.
Honestly, he already felt better the moment you took his hand when he arrived but hearing you remind him all those things he forgot during his hellish week, only made him calmer. He thanked you, feeling so much better as you held him. It’s very rare for him to be down like this but he was glad he had you when it happened.
You probably both fell asleep on the couch, too tired (and too comfortable) to move.
Jim’s week may have sucked but with you by his side, he could definitely handle it :)
Haiii friend! Gosh, I'm sorry it took my so long to respond! <3 And that's alright, I'm just happy to receive this. I too write and 1am (and 2 and 3am because who needs sleep lol) and refuse to proofread sometimes.
This is just.....the sweetest, fluffiest hurt/comfort thing I've read in a while and now my heart is full.
I'm soft for the way he went to her building but just sat in the garage instead of going straight to her; he wanted to be with her but he also didn't want to intrude on her night. Thinking of her even after his horrible week? My heart can't take it
And the simplicity; they don't need to do anything "fancy" to turn things around, they just need to be together and that's just the sweetest thing ever.
Also, also, falling asleep together on the couch- I can just see them all cuddled up with a blanket that's usually thrown over the back draped over them. It comfy, even if there isn't a lot of room, so they're just tangled limbs and probably chest to chest, too cute.
The entire thing was just perfect!
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chuluoyi · 5 months
How's ur day?
Ur so right about LYK..the cheater role isn't for him. And that actress doing soomin also not it😭😷 please save me from this drama so disappointing BYE I wish there was someone else for soomin role 😭
I don't have any pets. I wish I had, though. I did have a dog around 8 -9 years ago, but we gave it away. It takes effort to take care of them. im still a student, so I don't have one. Besides, I'm living with my parents. I'll get a retriever and an orange cat🥹 when I start living on my own. Actually, I am scared of dogs.
Flashback to 5 years ago, I went out to get something from a local store, this dog they had was out. The dog kept barking at me (maybe because of my mask), and then it almost bite me. I was crying for my life. That shop owner just kept saying "shh shh." I was so pissed at him lol, but I just came home. I actually think animals hate me or something. There's some cows/ox on my way to college. I have to hold onto my dear life every time I pass them. One time, I got hit by one of those (thanks to my neighbor guy who saved me. It was embarrassing for me. The save was heroic, and I fell in love with him, my savior 😩jk) I took a different path one time when I saw a group of them standing, it felt like those bastards were waiting for me. I took like extra 5 kms to walk and to make the day worse, some guys(I hate) in my class made fun of me. The day is printed on my head!
I do keep attracting reptiles(hate em) and insects. Like snakes, all kinda lizards (they are ewww), skinks!
Story time 2:
2016/7, we used to live in a very foresty(I forgot the word) kind of area, the grass was tall as my dad (6 ft). Basically everything lived there. It's a place straight out of horror movies. Had to live there because of my parent's job there. One day, I was going to take my books from the shelf to study. This shitty huge ass skink jumped onto my lap. I didn't know it got there. IT WAS SO HUGE I didn't know they can get that big. Still gives me goosebumps and nausea. I seen too many snakes,centipedes and I'm not bothered by them atp. Oh and ants and other insects love me, they always kiss me on the lips[sarcasm] (istg they always bite my lips😭😭 I don't even know how they get there)
I had a spider as a pet. I loved it but someone killed it..probably they were scared of my baby.
That was long! We got diverted from the og path.
Do you have any pets?
cat anon!!🥹 i'm sorry for taking a long of time to reply, i just went back from my vacation and i prefer to answer long ask through my laptop :'))
my days are going okay lately! thank you for asking🥹 what about yours??
RIGHT?! omg maybe i'm biased but i still think he's best with comedic roles rather than serious... murder-y roles, like it doesn't suit his personality (or face) at all😭 HAHAHAH the way you scrapped it omg, and now i'm too because yeah... i can't take this farce any longer😭
ahhh i so relate!! my parents didn't allow pets because it'll take a lot to care for them and such, and my househelper isn't that reliable either so yeah, pets are banned in my house😭
omg... that's so scary😭 if i were you i'd be scared shitless too! that shopkeeper grrrrr why didn't he do anything to help🥲 cows?! okay... that's new... i never know that cows can be aggressive🥹 but isn't that sweet that your neighbor helped you out!? i'd swoon over being saved from cows too!!🥹 and experience like that would totally be printed in my head for as long as i live :')))
SNAKES JASDKA i know i hate them too they're scary and dangerous🥲 and insects! i think i also have this magnet for attracting roaches... ew i hate them so much, they look so dirty and what's more... can fly?! i was screaming my head off when i saw one flying over my head ajdsdsdas and centipedes... i'm so scared of them, is it true that they're poisonous?
the "everything lived there" took me out😭 omg cat anon, if i were to be put in your place, i'd do everything you were doing too ahahahah... but spider? i'm also scared of spiders too... (now that i think about it, there are many things i'm scared of lmao) i kind of admire you for having spider as a pet!🥹
pets that i had is limited to fishes and fishes only🥹 they are in an aquarium, you only need to sprinkle food and leave them🥹 they're peaceful and that's why my parents allowed me to have some...
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