#also sorry this took forever mwah
steveharrington · 2 years
every mistake was made purposely chapter 3!
These are flashbacks Tommy hasn’t had in months. He thought he was recovered from this. There’s no point in it, anyways, in wallowing over the past once it’s already gone. But the close proximity to Steve now, literally kneeling where ten year old Tommy once unrolled his sleeping bag, is dredging all these stupid emotions back up. Emotions that Tommy wants to verbalize, but the best he can do is ask,
“Do you think Steve’s a gay murderer?”
Carol gives him a somber look. “Maybe.”
read here on ao3 <3
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parkitaco · 10 months
……..have you got any more songs 🤲🏼
welllll since u asked nicely:
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heffrondriving · 2 years
does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes
#listen kid me wasn't utterly in love with this dimpled dork for no reason;;; years later and he's still the same old goofball but cooler <3#but logan's horrible british accent in bt love song was legit the thing i instantly thought of when i saw his story so this happened#also it took me three rewatches to understand what he was saying there at the end like. i thought he said 'incorrigible' at first which 💀#why was he just randomly putting on an accent too sir here's a glass jar with twigs n leaves for u-#also i'm sorry to barge my grampie simpness on a logan post but KENDALL'S SIGNATURE EYEBROWS™ AT THE END MWAH MWAH LOVE HEART EYES 😍#he's been popping up in everyone's insta stories (and carlos' posts as usual but don't get me started!!!!!) that lil look he does to james'#camera while singing time of our life serotonin for hours ;v; i love them The Both okay logiebear and kenny my first and forever faves hehe#btr#big time rush#logan henderson#kendall schmidt#rusher#nickelodeon#video#edit#meme#mine#kendall knight#logan mitchell#carlos garcia#s01e06: big time love song#logiebear#kendork#stop it forever#the brain of a cricket#don't worry this isn't gonna a kickstart to my evil fancam villain arc. i have no phone memory left for that rodeo 🤠🤙#although i have a whole bunch of random showverse and irl video comps and clips i'd love to post soon if that's alright ;]#also i had to search up that meme lyric and???? i didn't know it was a 1d song????? lmao ironic. gets big time invasion flashbacks
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mattodore · 1 year
When you get this, list 3 facts about your favorite sim and send it to the last 3 people in your notifications! Let's get to know each others' sims!
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three little facts about theo... okay <3
theo technically has two names! there's theodore and then there's yeonu. yeonu is only what he goes by w/ his extended family.
theo was never allowed to have a pet as a child... most of his adolescence was spent entirely alone. he really likes odious (matthias's cat) but playing with her makes him feel a little sad... he can't help but think that he wouldn't have been such a lonely child if he had a companion.
theo really likes playing sports. he's the best at soccer and the worst at tennis (are these the only two sports i know anything about? ...perhaps). he doesn't actually watch sports, though. he's only interested in actually playing and feeling all that energy and movement. he's also very competitive athletically. he'll play dirty.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
millie! can i request #5 for sharlssss?
nonny!! of course! 🥰🥰here you gooo, sorry for taking forever *mwah*
From the Quick Prompt List: 5. “You're too overprotective”
word count: 0.5k
pairing: reader (she/her pronouns) x charles leclerc
warnings: fluff, mentions of skiing, mentions of losing someone you love (but its fairly quick), not proofread.
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"Did you get all your clothes? Are you warm enough?" Charles asked doing a once over Yn to make sure she was wrapped around the thick clothes.
They were going skiing together, something Yn never did before. She also wasn't the biggest fan of the winter season, she wasn't against it while at home near the fireplace with hot cocoa on her hands, but walking around snow? playing around in the snow? it could be too much, so she usually let it pass. However, this time she wanted to go skiing, she wanted to do something different and of course, Charles would follow her around.
"I did, sharls," she theatrically rolls her eyes and one of their friends chuckles.
"It seems like you cannot worry about your own girlfriend anymore nowadays," the moneguásque quips before grabbing his things.
It was only an hour after they got into the ski resort when Charles asked, "Mon amour, you should drink some water, it's easy to dehydrate in this weather too, you know?"
Yn huffed but grabbed her water bottle taking a long gulp before directing her attention back to her gear again. And Charles being Charles did the same: paid attention to her gear. He strapped everything and made sure her helmet was in place. When all their friends were ready to go they took the chairlift to the top of the hill, Yn admired the sight and tried to remember all the instructions given when they got there, instructions essentially for her and a small group who were not used to the sport, meanwhile, Charles and the others were just fine having done it since forever.
"Maybe we should go to the smallest mountain," Leclerc suggests when Yn wobbled on her feet almost hitting the ground without even starting the path down. "Or maybe take some classes before trying it, it should be safer," he adds.
"Stop it, Charles! You're too overprotective! I'm fine, I will be fine, it's not the first time I try something new, you gotta give me space to be," she states, and although her words are assertive, she uses her soft tone because she's well aware he wasn't doing it on purpose. The thing was, Charles was afraid of her getting hurt, or worse, losing her, so he would always make sure she was safe, he would move heavens and earth so that Yn would feel ok because he knew exactly how it felt to lose someone you love.
"I'm sorry," he says before dropping her mask to touch their cold lips in a kiss. Yn brings him closer and deepens it making sure he knows she got him and that she would be safe, there was nothing to worry about, that was what she tried to say with the kiss.
And that's exactly what happened: they were safe the whole day skiing around the resort. Yn fell on her butt and rolled down some feet, but so did their friends, and eventually so did Charles. It was a fun day, and Charles knew Yn would eventually fall again, but he would be there and that was the most comforting thing, for her, to know that someone was there to catch you or to console you; and for him, to know that he was that someone for her.
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-ok alexa play We are the champions by Queen cuz millie finally finished the quick prompt list party yayyyy hope you guys liked it <3 lmk your thoughts, gimme your likes, reblogs, and comments, I appreciate it *mwah*
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
What if with an Intelligent s/o who literally outsmarts Fyodor,Dazai(separately) and they Re smiling while The two are shocked😭
Drink water!!and I hope you are healthy mwa mwa
- Literally Anon
i have the iq of a saltine- these two would rip me to shreds lol
An S/O who outsmarts them
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dazai Osamu x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do Fyodor and Dazai react to a reader who outsmarts them? (I guess you guys are playing chess or something idk T-T)
♡ cw: None!
note: This is one of my oldest reqs and I just...never got around to it because I'll be honest I initially had NO idea how to proceed. But I would rather die than disappoint someone who made such a kind request and so I went on and WROTE IT ANYWAY. In your face, my stupid brain. I'm so sorry this took forever anon, I love you too ~mwah~, apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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So...he is speechless for a moment (and maybe for the first time in his entire life), and you definitely notice this
He relaxes after a second and smiles back at you, congratulating you for your skill and intelligence (I really did base this around you guys playing chess I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted T-T)
Fyodor makes some statement on how he's rubbed off on you and while it's admirable to see you evolving, you have a long way to go before you reach his level.
When you eagerly accept such a challenge he's amused but he does find it pretty cute how determined you are to beat him. He doesn't really think you can do it again (at least not very soon) but will encourage you anyway
He's very flattered that you're so proud of yourself for outsmarting him because it reinforces that you look up to him and thus he maintains his dominance (he's got a superiority complex I think)
He doesn't know whether or not he should bring it up to Mykola because on one hand, he could basically flex his S/O and how smart you are, but on the other hand it would also kinda be admitting defeat and he doesn't wanna do that lmao
Lowkey though, his ego is a tiny bit hurt by this whole thing ngl. He likes being superior in specific ways like niche anime intellect lol
But nonetheless he takes it in good stride and looks forward to seeing your intelligence progress in the future.
Dazai just isn't used to being surprised. He's been genuinely surprised like maybe four times tops in the entire canon of BSD. Alas here he sits before you, defeated (dramatic much)
And even worse is that you're so happy about it. You're smiling, not necessarily in a smug way, but just...proud of yourself. Even you seem to know how much of a moment this is.
After his minute of shock is over, his mind immediately switches to 'oh my god, they're the one. my soulmate'
He's like...legitimately emotional about this? In his life where his friends love him but don't understand him, and his foes understand him but don't love him, he's overjoyed to have found someone who does both
Dazai eventually breaks out into a smile too because honestly? He's proud of you as well. He knows you're intelligent but he didn't know you were his brand of intelligent
From here on out he sometimes has a bit of playful competitiveness when it comes to battles of wits between you two but he's not serious about it and might even sometimes do that thing where he purposefully lets you win stuff lol
He also thinks it's really cute how proud of yourself you are for this because it emphasises how highly you see him too (awhh)
All in all, he takes it well! And now you have bragging rights >:)
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okay just because i couldn't beat fyodor at chess doesn't mean i couldn't absolutely destroy his ass in mario kart
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starsandhughes · 10 months
Penalty Box Series— Shoulder Check Showcase Edition
photo credits via instagram by _msfilms, henchcliffe_media, and greghorowitzphoto! all accounts are public dw! look at the tagged photos of the shoulder check on insta for more pics and the videos i took screenshots of!
22-23 Season & Summer Masterlist
p.s. kreider is in this bc it makes sense… sue me. tw to non rangers fans on him ig??
this is a long one to make up for all my short ones recently <3 (lie i just couldn’t shut up)
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liked by trevorzegras, shattdeuces, and 11,469 others
yourusername “the shoulder signifies something very important. it’s a commitment to reaching out, checking in, making sure everybody is okay. it’s a small gesture with a very big impact— the impact being that kindness is cool.”
on august 3rd, trevor participated in the shoulder check showcase for the HT40 foundation post being drafted first overall for said showcase!
he was captain of team moulson (the black jerseys!), scored the eighth goal for the team with a pass from my good friend nesty! the fifth slide is his celly where the damn fool kissed his stick. (this was post him failing at the michigan about nine million times) (it’s your signature move, babe. get it together.)
🚨he also committed the only crime of the night!🚨(the refs didn’t penalize him and i’m guessing that was just to keep the fast pace going) (the crowd had other opinions) (so did i) what was the crime? HE TRIPPED CHRIS KREIDER! aka his summer training partner! don’t worry though! he was belittled at dinner with chris and i AND i made him sit in the bathroom for two minutes to account for his crimes<3
sorry you lost in a shootout, my love! but you missed two shootout goals so this is all your fault, captain!
thank you, father zegras, for being a founding board members for the HT40 foundation and being a huge part in this cause. as someone who has struggled in the past, the work that this foundation does really means a lot to me.
p.s. i loved seeing shatty/mom, nesty, sonny, and spencer! i’ve missed you guys! mwah!
remember besties: reach out, check in, and make contact. because kindness is a contact sport🩵
tagged trevorzegras and theshouldercheck
view all 433 comments
trevorzegras i’m so proud of you for all that you’ve overcome❤️ i love you, forever
yourusername i love you, always, z-baby❤️ (except when you make me cry like rn ihy)
trevorzegras i’m not taking it back! p.s. tackling me for a hug is not what was meant!
yourusername kindness is a contact sport and i chose football <3
trevorzegras can’t you choose any other sport?
yourusername i could choose water polo and drown you out of love
trevorzegras football it is!
yourusername kisses can be my field goals!
trevorzegras what about your two point conversions?
yourusername foreplay!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername @/trevorzegras don’t play football in front of me
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @/trevorzegras i don’t think you two gave water polo enough thought
user42 he really tripped that old man… so trevor zegras of him
_quinnhughes you forgot to mention that when he called me to have you let him out you turned his penalty into a five minute major
yourusername two minutes for snitching->📦
_quinnhughes you’re in stamford?
yourusername update: i facetimed quinn and screamed until he sat in the bathroom
trevorzegras update: i’m giving her a penalty for screaming
yourusername update: trevor has a penalty for attempting to give me a penalty
trevorzegras update: kisses got me out early
_quinnhughes update: i hate you both
yourusername update: quinn has a double minor
yourusername update: jacky boy has two minutes just because
jackhughes update: i’m looking for a new soulmate
user6 the fact that if the refs were calling penalties z wouldn’t been starting the season with -1 games since his last penalty 😭
jackhughes strongest girl i know alert!
yourusername pls don’t make me emotional online i have a reputation to uphold mr. “heart not boobs”
lhughes_06 @/yourusername accept that you’re basically wonder woman
yourusername @/lhughes_06 accept that miley cyrus’s song wonder woman makes that comment 1000x more emo for me
jackhughes @/yourusername accept that you’re loved (despite the speech comment)
lhughes_06 @/yourusername very loved
_quinnhughes @/yourusername extremely loved
yourusername @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes i love you all too! now stop before i sob!
user17 tell trevor thank you for signing my brother’s forehead! he was so happy!
chriskreider19 thanks for having z pay for his crimes against me!
yourusername ur so welcome thank you for feeding us occasionally!
trevorzegras please don’t thank her this has now become a common thing
yourusername @/trevorzegras mwah!
shattdeuces i’ve missed you, daughter! i’ll miss your post roadies gift bags next season!
yourusername you’ll get one when you play the ducks next season! i’ll start fires to give it to you if i have to!
shattdeuces just don’t get caught!
yourusername i never do! i’m a stealthy ninja
trevorzegras @/yourusername i’ve been catching you from falling since we were sixteen i’m not sure that qualifies as “stealthy”
yourusername @/trevorzegras that’s all part of my elaborate plan to never be caught when it’s important. no one will see it coming. my clumsiness is an act.
jackhughes @/yourusername an act that started at five years old?
yourusername @/jackhughes yes!
user4 announcers before the game started: we might see trevor do the michigan in person tonight! trevor: *attempts and fails 3 times*
_alexturcotte yeah babe! it’s your signature move! get it together! @/trevorzegras
trevorzegras don’t tell me what to do
yourusername @/trevorzegras get it together!
trevorzegras @/yourusername …yes dear
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras I’VE KNOWN YOU LONGER DO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!
yourusername @_alexturcotte jealousy isn’t a good color on you
trevorzegras @_alexturcotte ily babe
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras ilym babe
yourusername @/trevorzegras ten minute major for infidelity!
trevorzegras @/yourusername worth it
jamie.drysdale i fully expect to be tackled next time i see you ms. “i choose football”
yourusername trevor will want to ask us to get a room because I MISS YOU SO BAD JAMIE BABY
trevorzegras @/yourusername what do you plan to do?!?!
jamie.drysdale I MISS YOU TOO
jamie.drysdale I LOVE YOU TOO YOU WEIRDO
trevorzegras @/yourusername WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO?!?!?!
yourusername @/trevorzegras commit infidelity
trevorzegras @/yourusername ten minute misconduct
yourusername @/trevorzegras worth it
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras technically she was my wife first
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale ejected from the game
yourusername @/trevorzegras hold up you can commit infidelity and i can’t?!
trevorzegras @/yourusername correct
yourusername @/trevorzegras misogyny at its finest. you’re kicked out of our mojo dojo casa house.
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras ejected? nah. evicted.
trevorzegras update: i’m now homeless
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you’re not living with me this time
user97 this game just made me miss hockey more
slknight35 you wouldn’t ever give me a penalty right?
yourusername never. you and coley can do no wrong ever. and if you do, i’ll cover it up or take the fall. i’ll kill for you. i’ll sell trevor. i love you.
slknight35 i forgot that you’re so violently endearing😂 i love you too
jackhughes @/slknight35 she’s gotten worse since high school
colecaufield @/yourusername i love you best friend number two!
slknight35 @/jackhughes that’s terrifying
yourusername @/slkight35 yes i am <3
yourusername @/colecaufield I AIN’T GONNA EVER STOP LOVING YOU B(est) (fr)I(end) (number) T(wo) CH
colecaufield @/yourusername you ain’t slick
jackhughes @/yourusername but you are cringe
yourusername @/jackhughes bitch <3
yourusername in hopes that this comes up as a top comment for someone: you are all so loved. every single one of you. thank you for all the support that you give me, the boys, and to all the other teams, players, and their families that you share your love to. check in on your friends. even the ones that always seem to be the happiest person around. spread love, spread hope, and spread kindness🩵 mwah!
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. the plan was to have the perfect boyfriend, graduate college with the highest grades, and make the best memories with your friends. that was the plan. nowhere did the plan state anything about yang jungwon and his annoying ass. so why is he deciding to barge into your life now, ruining everything you took so long to plan out? oh that is it! you don't exactly know when/how this whole conflict between you and jungwon started, but it for sure wasn't ending any time soon. if he wants to ruin your life, then you'll just have to return the favour. GAME ON!!
PAIRING. non idol!jungwon x fem!reader (ft. enhypen, wonyoung from ive, yunjin from lesserafim, eric from the boyz, gyuvin from zb1, and isa from stayc)
GENRE/AU. smau & written, fluff, angst, crack, college au, enemies to friends to lovers, academic rivals kinda, slowburn
WARNINGS. swearing obvs, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, suggestive humour, random timestamps, my attempts at being funny (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠), so much delusions and down bad people, more to be added...
STATUS. discontinued (sorry yall TT)
SIDENOTE. this was created bcz of impulsive decisions so yeah, also this is my first time writing a smau so beware. btw my jokes and shit is like so broken so i'm sorry if the humour is lame 😭😭 i tried my best. very proud to say that i made the banner hehe 🤭 also, this smau is all for fictional purposes!! besides all of that, i hope you all enjoy reading this ^^
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backyard hooligans 🤡 || pookie bears 🥺🧸 || extras
01. low grades?? HA, can't relate
02. daily reality check (cries)
03. forever my mt. everest
04. definition of stupid
05. ure a dumb ficus (written + smau)
06. oh... hi
08. im into blueberry looking guys
more to be added...
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TAGLIST. CLOSED (send in an ask or comment to be added)
@dneltrise @b1ndignity @maimoirs @hjinnie @sooshibot @kjrcrz @wonniestars @haechology @fiqire @ibedreaminghighupinthesky @mrowwww @enhaz1 @ashy1um @j1nniee @ahnneyong @jayfrvr
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greytongue · 10 months
hi! the gum fic?? that was so cute, i loved it!! definitely haven’t read it multiple times now.
honestly, really missing the more flirty, snarky leon from the original re4. absolute menace. my ever-growing brainrot for this man has been fed. thank you so much. 🙏
ok, ok. hear me out—i imagine og re4 leon would be the kind of boyfriend who thrives on flustering his s/o. so much teasing. he can’t help it, you’re just so cute when you blush. makes him happy. he’d probably do shit like cup your cheek, leaning in real close so you can feel the warmth of his breath. half-lidded eyes, slow breathing, you’re weaving a hand through his hair. you lean in. and then he pulls away, acts like nothing happened, just because he knows it drives you crazy.
no pressure, of course! just wanted to share an idea i had. so sorry if this is too much, i am down astronomically bad.
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an: thank you so much for the suggestion! no problem at all, my friend. anything relating to leon is a job for me, indeed. sorry this took me forever, i’ve been deathly sick haha. this is also all over the place, so forgive me. fever delusions haha
cw: no smut, but suggestive stuff. kissy mwah mwah stuff, leon likes to make you nervous
original re4 leon headcanons.
~•if you’re shorter than him, it will never end for you.
•if he’s standing beside you, he’ll use your shoulder as an armrest. he won’t disrespect you by using your head lol.
•will give you a bunch of nicknames. aka, “short-stuff/shortcake”, “lil’ bit”, “pipsqueak”, the list goes on.
~•loves getting near you/in your space, (as long as he knows you don’t mind it).
•if he needs your attention, he’ll place a hand on your shoulder or back, his thumb mindlessly rubs up and down on the fabric of your shirt.
•even if you’re just talking to each other, he’ll take an extra step forward so you’re that much closer. he likes seeing your eyes falter away from his when he does that.
•if you’re showing him something on your computer or phone, he’ll lean on close beside you. if it’s on the computer, he’ll place a hand on the back of your chair, the other on the desk conveniently close to where your (small in comparison) hand rests on the mouse.
he’ll nod encouragingly, humming close to your ear as you try to get the words out right. he’s just so close.
•he’s also known to kabedon. be on the look out for that if you’re leaning against a wall
~•will kiss you anywhere but where you want him to. he’s always asking,
“where do you want me, sweet thing?”
you’re squirming as you gesture to where you want him to kiss. maybe it’s your neck, your thighs, your lips.
•and he always acts like he’ll do your bidding. he positions himself and leans down, pausing as he moves the fabric of your clothing covering it previously. you exhale shakily as you feel the warmth of his breathe fan across the area of your sensitive skin and right as you think you’ll feel the press of his velvety smooth lips, all he does is ghost over the area and moves somewhere else.
•“leon..” he thoroughly relishes the groan of frustration you let out and he’s slowly making his way back up to you,
“all you gotta do is ask nicely, baby.”
~•teases you with acting like he’s gonna kiss you.
he’ll get all close, your breaths are mingling, his hands are on you, he might even have you against a wall. your heartbeat is picking up as he’s leaning in-
but all he does is nip at your bottom lip.
•you open your eyes and look up in disbelief, he’s sniggering and beginning to turn away, but you make quick work of him.
you grab his arm, tugging him close back to you by the collar, and feverishly capturing his lips in yours. he’s gasping into it and you’re growling in satisfaction.
•the force of your pull has him stumbling into you, accidentally pushing you back against the wall, his hand quickly splaying on the wall by your head to balance himself. his body shudders as you run a hand down his chest.
~•leon’s not scared of pda. he’s interested in you and he’s not afraid for people to know. not afraid for his hands to wander down to your waist, to hug you from behind. to let that innocent, quick peck to your temple to turn into licks and sucks at the curvature of your ear, down to nip at your jugular.
•“leon..!” you’re whining, reaching behind you to grab onto him, get his attention.
he’s humming low into your shoulder as you continue,
“there’s- hah.. there’s people nearby, please…” your eyes are squinting shut as his hands pull you flush against his back.
“mmm, if you say so.” he gives a long lick from where your shoulder meets your neck, to where it meets your jaw. it has you shivering, letting out a mindless moan as your head falls back-
and suddenly he’s gone, leaving you to struggle to come back to reality. you’re panting while you lean against the closest thing near you to support yourself on.
~•whoever gets home last, the other liked to help them unwind. help them undress, put them to bed.
•if it’s you he’s assisting, he takes his time removing your clothes. you’ll both be on the bed, he’s behind you encouraging your shirt off and once the fabric is gone he appreciates the skin of your back. his sizable hands massage at your tense shoulders, the space between your shoulder blades are gifted a series of kisses that make you shiver.
•leon always enjoys himself too much, either way. he makes a show out of it when you’re helping him.
•you’re busy unlacing his shoes, he’ll be leaning back on the bed he’s sat on, pulling his shirt over his head as he arches his back, stretching out his spine with a groan, the abdominal muscles poking through his pale skin contract with the stretch, his chest heaving with a satisfied sigh, your eyes glazing over the view you get of his throat and defined jawline with his head tilted back.
•you blink for the first time in a bit when he rolls his head back to front. you clear your throat as you finally get his shoes off, but he’s sliding a sock clad foot behind you and pulling you forward into his pelvis.
•you let out a soft ‘oof’ sound as you make contact with him, your hands splaying out on his hips as he speaks,
“enjoying the view?”
“obviously.” you scoff.
that’s all folks, stay tuned. <3
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0rah-s · 11 months
Sinbad (Magi) and his divorced wife (modern au please, or if you don't feel comfortable with that, you can do it in the regular world)
Reader divorced him because of how he viewed things and how close he would get with other women, she's kinda gay
And Sinbad is kind of sad because of the fact that the only woman he truly loved wants nothing to do with him.
Even add a gremlin, a kid to the mix if it entertains you!!
Pls 💛
You don't have to if you don't want too!!
Sinbad x ex-wife!reader
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Cw: fem reader, written in second person, english isn't my first language, you have an adopted kid, disloyalty from him, idk.
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A/n: thank you for requesting and im so sorry for taking so long to do your request, writer's block be hitting harder lately. Hope you enjoy it mwah!!
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How many times had he entertained the young women who threw themselves at him in the middle of your dates, right in front of your eyes?
Never could you say anything about it as its not like he was really cheating on you, he was "just playing" as he loved to say. It drove you insane.
In addition to his borderline unfaithfulness, there was also his questionable morals and the things he did to get what he wanted. All of it always rubbed you the wrong way but you fought to love him anyway.
But as we all know, ine can only fight for so long.
All of it kept adding up and and you found yourself bothe sat at the kitchen table. You slide him a paper - a divorce settlement document.
He tried to give you excuses and promised he would change but you were set, there's no way you'd lock yourself in a toxic cycle of wrong-doing, excises, and forgivness forever.
After the divorce,
You went on with your life like nothing happend
Of course it still stung to part from the man you loved oh so much but you had to move on.
Weeks pass and he isn't the same anymore. He went out to different bars and surrounded himself with ladies, reminding himself that he didn't need you.
What a conman.
He desperately needed you. Being a man of his position there wasn't many he could trust, somehow he opened up to you and gave you his heart. He knew how precious your love was to him yet he ruined it - entirely by himself. He'll never experience somehing like this again.
Guilt hollowing him as he grieves the missing part of him and as he thinks of the sadness he caused you. He'd become a waste.
Fast forward, you grew as a person and became successful, no longer the women you used to be.
Things kept getting better and better for you as if taking the weed out of your life made place for a rich and flowery garden to bloom effervescently.
You could finally breath.
Long after, you adopted a gremlin a kid!
You gave them the ever best life they deserved and enjoy life as a successful mother and child. Life simply couldn't get better.
Then he saw you.
Then you saw him.
He couldn't belive it's, the then live of his life standing right in front of him after years of no contact.
"H-hi..." He uttered, trying his best to make himself sound more confident - it failed.
"Hello" you replied coldly.
A long awkward silence took over when you decide to walk away before he starts to question about your life or worst - enter it again.
"I should go" you sai as you walk past him but barely a couple step away and he grips your wrist.
Tho he was strong, his hold on you was gentle, almost pleading.
"Please wait? Can we talk?" He asks trying his best to think of ways to have you remain by him even for a little longer.
"What is there to talk about sinbad? We're over"
You say curtly, not wanting to go weak and give in to him in the way is face begged you to.
He notices the young child beside and questions flooded his mind. 'A child? Was it hers? Ours? Hasd she found someone new? How much of their lives have i missed?' Then guilt came back stronger than ever, not being made easy but the way the kid clutched on your trousers.
"Mom, who's that?" They ask innocently.
"An old friend, dear" you smile at your child lovingly.
An old friend, those words rung in his head like hell bells.
He let go of your wrist and she walked away.
You sufferd through him, why shouldn't he? Regardless of how he feels you have more to care about.
He'll find a way to heal, you wish him that much. But for now the only thoughts in your head is what you're going to do today to make this day unforgettable for your child and yourself.
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
Kylian boyfriend possessive smut
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 | 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞 [𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖]
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Kylian Mbappe x Female Reader
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : In which your boyfriend, Kylian Mbappe, reminds you who you belong to.
Word Count : 1.9K
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Sorry for the long wait!! It always takes me a while to write smut because I don't write smut in public LMFAOO [aka when I am at school] Thank you for requesting and I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
Site note: final exams have approached so for the next few weeks I may not be able to post as much I'd like too but expect at least once or twice per weekend. It really depends on how much I can do this week because so many requests are smut and it takes me forever to write smut since im still new when it comes to writing it LOLZ (you can still request smut im just saying :3 )
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ I haven't been able to write as much as I usually do because of finals, and I'm now following up on current requests because I'm a little behind. You can make a request, but please keep in mind that it may take me a week or more to respond. mwah mwah love ya! ♥
You and your boyfriend Kylian are at a fancy event, dressed to the nines and enjoying the ambiance. As you make your way through the crowd, you notice a few glances directed your way, but you pay them no mind. Kylian, however, seems to be picking up on the attention and starts to feel a bit uncomfortable. He leans in close to you and whispers in your ear, “I don't like the way those guys are looking at you. You're mine, and I don't want anyone else checking you out."
His possessiveness and jealousy may have been toxic to other people, but you always found it attractive. You say, "Baby, you know I only have eyes for you," as your cheeks grow darker and you put your palm on his chest. He nods in agreement, but that doesn't imply he enjoys seeing other men eyeball you. Your body, including your contours and face, is all his. He is also not the kind of person who takes pleasure in sharing.
As the night progresses, you and Kylian are having a good time together, and he eventually excuses himself to use the restroom. 
While Kylian is away, you spot a male friend of yours, Alex, across the way. You wave and he makes his way over to you.
"Hey Y/N! I didn't know you were going to be here," Alex greets you with a smile.
"Hey Alex! Yeah, Kylian and I decided to come last minute. How about you?"
"I'm here with some friends. You know how it is," he chuckles.
You both continue to chat and laugh, catching up on each other's lives since you last saw each other. However, as Kylian returns, you notice his demeanor change. He walks towards you both with an intense look in his eyes.
"Hey, sorry I took so long," Kylian says as he reaches you. His gaze shifts to Alex, and his tone becomes tense. "Who's this?"
"Oh, this is Alex. He's a friend of mine from college," you reply, hoping to ease Kylian's jealousy.
Kylian's eyes narrow as he looks between you and Alex. "I see," he says curtly. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Alex. But Y/N and I were just leaving."
Alex nods and backs away, sensing the tension. You watch as he disappears into the crowd before turning to face Kylian, who is still looking at you with a dark expression.
"What was that about?" you ask, trying to understand what set him off.  Kylian grabs your hand and begins to drag you outside in the parking lot.
"I don't like the way he was looking at you and I already gave you a warning when we first arrived here so now I feel as if you need a reminder," Kylian replies, his voice low and tight.
You're doing your best to keep up with him, your breath quickening as your heartbeat pounds loudly from anxiety and excitement. "Kylian, we were just catching up. "He's just a friend," you say, attempting to persuade  him.
Kylian's jaw clenches as he opens the passenger door for you, not answering your initial statement. "Get in there and buckle up."
You sigh slightly as you move into the passenger seat and fasten your seat belt. 
Of course, you obey him and remain quiet. You know you're going to be punished when you get home, and even though you don't like getting punished, you can't help but be excited about what's to come.
As you both drive home, he stays quiet, lost in thought. Upon reaching home, he steps out of the car and walks around to your side, opening the door for you in a chivalrous gesture. Gratefully, you take his hand and he guides you inside your shared abode.
He draws you close after stepping inside, wraps his arms around your waist and pressing you firmly against the door. He presses his lips against yours with delicate desire, savoring the intimate moment. You sigh against his lips, and he inserts his fingers deeper into your hips, prompting you to whine. He lowers his hand, lifts your dress, and begins to stroke you through your panties.  He kisses you once on the lips and then starts kissing you all the way down to your neck. He licks and nibbles on your neck as he continues to play with you through your panties. 
"I think you forgot something, Y/N," he murmurs against your skin before raising his head to speak in your ear and slipping your panties to the side, feeling how wet you are already for him, putting two fingers inside you as he continues, "You are mine."  You gasp at the sensation of fast pleasure, gripping the door knob as your leg trembles slightly. 
"I don't remember ever telling you to talk."
He inserts another finger, causing you to gasp loudly and almost collapse if it weren't for his hand remaining wrapped around your waist. Kylian smirks at your reaction, kissing you on the lips one more time before removing himself from you. "Let's go upstairs to the bedroom."
He smiles at you with desire before grabbing you by the waist and tossing you over his shoulder, prompting you to squeal as he rushes to the bedroom.
Once into the bedroom, he places you on the bed and immediately climbs over you. As he lays in between your legs, your legs are forced to open up. You can feel his bulge against your needy cunt even if he's wearing dress pants. "Y/N, can you feel what you've done to me?" He pulls your hair with his hand, forcing you to look up at him and briefly bites his bottom lip, "You look so pretty underneath me right now," he says seductively. He then presses his lips hungrily against yours. You moan against the kiss that has turned on more than you expected, lust and need coursing through your veins as you crave him. As you open your mouth to let his tongue explore inside, his lips feel so good against yours. You want him to devour you, take hold of you.
He breaks away from the kiss, stepping away from you as he rapidly removes his shirt and undoes his pants. You swiftly remove your dress and bra while lying on the bed. You're still wearing your panties and high heels. As you were going to undo your high heels with the tie leg design, Kylian presses you back on your back, now only in his boxers. "No, leave them on." They look good on you." He smirks as he grabs your thighs and pulls your legs open. He licks his lips at the sight of your crimson lace underwear, which barely cover your cunt. “Look at how wet you are for me, Y/N. Your body knows who owns it,” he traces his finger over your abdomen. “Kylian please,” you beg as you look up at him feeling needy. “Please what?,” he questions as he leans over you, pressing his hard bulge against your panties. “Tell me what you want, Y/N. Use your words.”
“ I want you inside of me. Please, fuck me,” you beg. And that was enough to make Kylian snap.
Kylian gets off of you and stands up at the side of the bed. He slips your panties off and raises one of your legs, allowing it to rest on his shoulder. He pulls his boxers down, letting his aching cock to slam up against his belly button. He grabs it and rubs it along your slit, lubricating it with your fluids. "Let me remind you of who you belong to."
He rams himself into you without spending any more time. You exhale a loud gasp, arching your back against his body as he thrusts in and out of you. As he pushes you down onto him, he has one hand on your waist and the other on your leg. He groans as he sees your boobs bounce up and down, his body becoming even more turned on by the pleasurable expressions on your face. "Remember this the next time a guy tries to talk to you," he moans, thrusting harder into you. Because the sensation is so great, you can barely form words or see straight. Your entire body is on fire, and you feel like crying from how fantastic he is making you feel. "Y/N, tell me who owns you….Who does this pretty pussy belong to?" he demands as he pants. Your head is still on cloud nine, and you can hardly hear him as you grip the covers firmly. The only sounds coming from the bedroom are your pleasurable cries, his moans, and the clapping sound of your bodies colliding with the push. “Say it, Y/N. NOW.”  He removes his hand from your hip and moves down to rub your clit as he continues to thrust, your body trembling from the feeling. “Y-YOU Kylian YOU OWN ME! ONLY YOU!,” you cry out making him groan and continue to fasten his pace. 
 Kylians cock fills you up with ease, due to his large nature, and you loved every single feeling of it. You could tell the feeling was mutual due to the way his jaw was clenching and the groans that would occasionally escape his lips. Only after him continuously thrusting inside of you for a few more seconds, did your body begin to tremble harshly- hinting at an orgasm quickly approaching,” Ky-Kylian Im c-close!” You moan loudly as he pushes your leg down and grabs both of your hips,lifting your body from the bed slightly as he continues to pound your cunt. He groans, “I am too,” and you begin to feel his thrust begin to get a bit sloppy.  As he begins to thrust slower, but making sure to go deep each time causing you to cry out. “You are so gorgeous my love, I love hearing you cry for me. Your body is mine,” He begins to quicken his pace, “You are all mine… only mine,” Kylian cues as he throws his head back, groaning loudly. You continue to moan, “Y-Yes Kylian Im all yours! Only yours!,” you continued to spill out words, not even clearly knowing what you are saying at this point from the euphoric feeling. Kylian moves his hips faster causing his thrust to become harder, causing you to scream his name loudly- not being able to give him a warning and beginning to have an intense orgasm. You are gasping as your thighs begin to shake violently, your pussy squeezing tightly against Kylians cock. He winces from the painful, yet pleasurable feeling before groaning loudly and cumming inside of you as well. He thrusts slowly as he feels the cum shoot out of him, “You are such a good girl for me. MY good girl,” he says with grit teeth. You moan from the feeling, your legs continuing to tremble. You love feeling his cock pump all of his cum in you,after all, you are his.
Once Kylian feels as if he is done, he pants heavily and pulls his cock out of you. He watches as his cum with a mixture of yours oozes out of you, feeling turned on once more from the view. “Fuck…..,” he grumbles as he collapses against you.
You just had the best sex with Kylian….. you can't even feel the heels on your feet right now. You don't even mind that his cum is flowing outside of you. You're exhausted, but you can't help but think about next time, you should intentionally get him mad to feel his possessive sex again. 
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c0la-queen · 21 days
Set the World on Fire | Chapter 1
Summary: Reader unknowingly sets off a series of events that will change her - and the world - forever.
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: Violence, minor Reader injury
Note: Finally got Chapter 1 done, I'm so sorry this took so long! I'm sorry if this feels rambling-ish to some of you, but I really like how it turned out. Establishes a lot of physical and technical world-building for the base. Also I promise the next chapter will have more Red Leader!! I hope you enjoy, mwah mwah!!
Two years later…
You sighed softly as you walked through the halls, accompanied only by your footsteps. Your boots gave an unyielding click, click, click against the concrete floors. The frigid air seeped in through the walls, making you yearn for your warm bed.
A week at the main Red Army base was not enough to get used to how different it was. Especially compared to the smaller base you had been in - the same base that had found you after the attack. There, everyone was close. It took maybe 5 minutes to walk from one side of the base to the other. You were a little family that all stuck together. The mess hall maybe had three to five full tables every meal shift. Soldiers could call out to someone on the other side of the room to banter, and everyone present would laugh. Promotions were few between and celebrated by everyone with drinks and a special dinner. You all supported each other. The size and bond reminded you of a graduating class of seniors.
But if that base was a graduating class, the main base was an entire high school. There were soldiers who had been living in the base that couldn't tell you the names of more than 10-20 of their peers. You were sure that even if you ran for 5 minutes, you would only make it halfway across the base. There was an air of competition between everyone - not the good kind, but a sort of hostile tension between everyone to climb the ranks as fast as possible. During meal shifts, you would be lucky to find a seat in the mess hall unless someone specifically saved you one. You'd have to nearly yell just to hear the person across from you over the chatter in the room. You felt isolated and outnumbered.
It felt like ironically interesting commentary on human behavior and how its affected by population size.
You felt a yawn fight its way from your lips, the corners of your eyes stinging from drowsiness. You were on a late night patrol shift, which almost all soldiers dreaded. All privates had to log a specific amount of night patrol hours every month, given in a specific schedule. Night patrols consisted of 4 groups every shift, each one located at one of the main entrances to the base. The first shift started at 8 pm sharp, right when the last dinner ends. Shifts change twice every night - once at 1 pm and once at 6 am. It could get boring after a short while, simply walking up and down the well-worn length of the base perimeter, waiting for something interesting to happen. The winter months were the worst - the base was only mildly warm even during the height of the summer, but winter was by far harsher than most of the soldiers were used to. Several layers of clothes were needed just to get through the 5 hour shifts. Various ways of coping were used around the base by all privates; hand warmers, thermoses full of hot drinks, balaclavas, extra layering, etc. If it exists, the Red Army privates have tried it.
Not having to do night patrols was a huge motivator for privates to get a promotion.
You were lucky enough to have been given the first shift that night - it was 1:30 am, and the second shift had just swapped out with you. After your supervisor gave you the approval, you were released. Exhaustion dragging deep in your bones, you were ready to simply peel your outer clothes off and pass out in your bed in your tank top and panties. Despite the shared dislike of having to do patrols, you couldn't help but admire how organized the main base was. Red Leader's constant presence meant that every single thing was designed to be as smooth as possible. He was constantly criticized by his enemies for being a cruel, cold-hearted monster, but that never quite fit in your mind. The main base was the biggest target for attacks, raids, and other things, but it was by far the safest Red Army base across Europe.
How could a man be a monster when he personally ensured that his soldiers were safe and cared for in the place that they called home?
A noise drew you out of your thoughts. It was faint, but it was hard to miss in the silence of the halls. Voices. Whispers bleeding out into the empty halls from a small distance ahead of you. The halls were in "Night Mode" - an automatic setting that kicked in at 9 pm, shutting off the main overhead lights and switching to soft strip lights along the edges of the floors and ceiling. It was meant to be enough light to easily navigate through the hallways while not being so bright that it disturbs soldiers' sleep. One of Red Leader's many personal mechanics installed around the base to improve everyone's daily life. That peaceful light was interrupted by the harsh light of a nearby room that poured into the halls from an open door.
You stopped a short distance from the door when you noticed the shadows of two people cast along the floors. Part of you wanted to dismiss it as two soldiers simply out of their quarters past curfew, doing a piss-poor job of not getting caught. But something told you not to jump to conclusions. A swirling feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach at the sight of the shadows. Prey instincts pressed against the forefront of your brain, telling you stay quiet. stay out of sight. do not be seen. Deciding to heed these instincts, you slowed your breathing, listening to the whispered words coming from the room.
It was hard to hear exactly what was being said, but you managed to catch a few phrases. 'Red Leader's quarters,' 'find it,' and 'take the shot.' Piecing together what was going on wasn't difficult to do. Any other words were lost to you, the rush of blood ringing in your ears completely drowning them out. Thoughts and scenarios raced through your mind, but one phrase echoed the loudest.
Find the alarm.
The entire base was fixed with an alarm system. Activators were littered through the halls, making them easy to find. Slowly, carefully, you began to take steps backwards, intending to make your way to an alarm you spotted a few paces back without risking being seen by the two plotters. Fate had other ideas. Two men stepped out of the room. They were dressed in black clothing, likely chosen for stealth. The strip lights made it difficult to see their faces clearly, but one thing was certain.
They were looking directly at you.
Your heartbeat felt like a ticking second hand of a clock as you stood still, feet glued to the floor. You stared. They stared. Then, everything came rushing back. One of the intruders took a step toward you, and you bolted. You heard your boots thump against the concrete as you sprinted in the direction you came from, adrenaline pumping through your veins. The alarm activator quickly came into view. To avoid unauthorized use, it could only be turned on with the use of the standard Red Army ID cards that were required to be kept on your person at all times. You yanked yours off the clip, not caring if the thin bit of plastic bit broke in the process, and slammed it against the scanner. You didn't even bother to waste time checking how close your pursuers were to you. As soon as the screen lit up, you slammed your thumb against the button that red 'INTRUDERS' in big, bold letters. Seconds after you pressed it, a weight slammed into your side, slamming you to the cold concrete ground. One of the intruders sat on top of you, wrapping his hands around your throat.
But it was too late. Red lights bathed the halls, the low blare of the alarm echoing through the entire building. The other intruder appeared in your line of vision, grabbing the first by the shoulder and dragging him off of you. You gasp as air filled your lungs again.
"Leave her, we have to get out of here."
"We are not sticking around to get caught. Do you have any idea what Red Leader does to prisoners?"
You rolled onto your side, coughs wracking your body. Your throat stung from the phantom feeling of the man's hands. Your ears rang, and you couldn't hear anything except muffled footsteps for a while. Suddenly, hands were on your shoulders. Panic coursed through you, thinking they had come back to finish the job. Your hand lashed out. Something solid collided with your fist, and there was a grunt. The hands disappeared for a second, but quickly came back. You were rolled onto your back. In that moment, your hearing cleared.
Standing over you was a fellow Red Army soldier. You recognized him as one of the lieutenants that had worked with your platoon before. He helped you sit up, looking over you for any obvious injuries. Another soldier was standing off to the side, clutching his face. The lieutenant snapped in front of your face, drawing you back to the present.
"Can you hear me, Private? Do you need medical attention?"
You completely disregarded his questions, panicked energy filling your entire body.
"Two intruders, male, wearing all black. They're targeting Red Leader."
The lieutenant paused, taking in that information. He looked over his shoulder, nodding to the other soldier. He returned the nod, then disappeared down the hallway. The lieutenant focused back on you. You could hear soldiers flooding the hallway all around you, pulled from their sleep by the alarm and guns drawn.
"Private, do you need medical? How copy?"
You swallowed thickly. The sting of your throat made you wince. Still, you shook your head 'no.' The lieutenants eyes flickered across you, taking in your state. They rested just below your head.
"I'm taking you to medical."
You barely had time to argue when you were scooped into his arms. He stood, holding you with little to no effort. He looked around at the soldiers gathered in the halls, barking out orders over the blaring of the alarm.
"We got two intruders wearing all black, location unknown. Bring them in alive. Red Leader is the confirmed target, protect at all costs. Lovelace, get it over the radio."
Sergeant Major Lovelace nodded and repeated the message over her radio, making sure all soldiers knew the situation. The lieutenant holding you made his way through the halls, weaving through the other soldiers as he made his way to the medical wing.
"What's your name, Private?"
You gave him your last name, trying to blink away the spinning of the world. The lieutenant clicked his tongue softly.
"Full name, c'mon."
Oh. He wanted to keep you talking, to prevent any potential passing out. You indulged, giving him your full name. He gave you a crooked grin, the small gap between his front teeth giving it an almost boyish charm. He had shaggy brown hair that tufted out at his neck in a small mullet, cornflower blue eyes, and sun kissed skin. A small scar stretched across his chin - it didn't look like the ugly scar of some traumatic injury; more like the faint scar of past teenage mischief.
"The name's Lieutenant Kai Veern. You did great tonight, (Name)."
Lieutenant Veern proceeded to ramble to you as he navigated the chaotic halls. A Southern accent was laced into his words, relaxing your panicked brain. Soon, he pushed a door open with his hip, addressing the nurses that were standing in a group.
"Got a soldier with fresh bruising around her neck. Disoriented. Unsure of any other injuries."
You zoned out as you were set on a check-up table. The nurses bustled around you, checking you for injuries.
You wondered where Red Leader was.
"Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on in my base?"
The intruder alarms had long been turned off. Tord paced his office, glancing at the clock on the wall. 5 am. God, he needed a smoke.
"Two intruders were apprehended in the east wing. They're being held in interrogation as we speak."
Patryk nodded.
"Who pulled the alarm?"
"Private (Last Name). The patrol supervisor said she had just been released from first shift. We're headed down to medical to get her report right after this."
Tord's eyes snapped up to his Major General and Lieutenant General.
"Medical? What do you mean, medical?"
Paul and Patryk shared a nervous glance. Paul shifted in his spot.
"Lieutenants Veern and Winston found her on the ground in the hall. Veern escorted her to medical for bruising around her neck. It's likely that one of the intruders tried to strangle her."
Hot anger flashed through Tord. He slammed his hand against his desk, the heavy metal making a loud impact against the wooden surface. Paul and Patryk didn't even flinch.
"You're telling me that not only did someone have the audacity to sneak into my base like vermin, but one of them put his hands on my soldier? Does she have any other injuries? Did any other soldier report to medical?"
Paul shook his head to both questions. A growl rumbled from Tord's chest.
"They still harmed one of mine. That is a transgression I will not take lightly. Find out which one did it. Save him for me. If neither of them cough it up, give them both a lesson. Understood?"
"Yes, sir."
The two stood and saluted.
"Wait. I want you to report straight to interrogation."
Patryk frowned.
"But what about Private-"
"I am going to see her myself."
The two soldiers blinked in surprise, staring at him as if he had grown a second head. Tord huffed, waving his hand dismissively as he pulled a cigar from the box on his desk.
"She could have been risking her life to pull that alarm. I want to talk to her directly."
Failing to bite back their smiles, Tord's trusted soldiers nodded and headed out the door. The guards posted outside his office shut the doors behind them.
Tord sighed, lighting his cigar and taking a deep inhale. The smoke puffed around him as he exhaled, shoulders slowly relaxing. He tapped his other fingers against his desk as he stewed in his thoughts.
Private (Name)…
He was very curious.
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For the ship + kiss prompt, can I please request #4 with Bob x reader? 💕 Thanks!
Hi Vee!
Here is kiss #4 ... where it hurts with Bob and Reader! This ended up being a little more fun than serious! I hope you love it!
It also took me forever to write it, and I'm so sorry for that!
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A Kiss Where It Hurts
It’s just half past six when you wake up to the sound of crying. The bed’s cold next to you as you put on your glasses and blink sleep out of your eyes. You pad carefully down the stairs and lean against the kitchen door frame.
Your once clean kitchen looks like a warzone. There is what looks to be flour and sugar everywhere. Standing in the center of it all is your husband and crying toddler.
"My fingew huwts, Daddy." Your baby boy sobs.
"I know, buddy. But your Mama isn't awake yet. I can kiss it to make it better though." You can't hide your smile at Bob trying to reason with a 2 year old.
"No! Mommy only! Her kisses are magic, Daddy!"
Bob raises his eyes to the heavens, like he's praying for strength but as he does so, his eyes meet yours.
"Buddy, look over there! Who is that?" Bob points right at you, and your little boy is off like a shot, running right into your waiting arms.
"Morning, baby!" Your voice is soft as you cuddle your baby close and brush the tears off of his chubby little cheeks.
"Why are you crying, Jamie?" You listen as his piping, stuffed little voice tells you about how he jammed his finger in one of the cabinets.
"Oh, no!" Your voice is solemn as you take the chubby little hand in yours and kiss the proffered index finger. "Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! With these three magic kisses, this booboo will heal in no time!"
When Jamie's tears are dry and he snuggles even more securely into your embrace, you stand up, adjusting him so he's on your hip.
"Morning, Bobby." You smile as your husband tugs you close.
"Morning, beautiful. Say, do you think I'd get a kiss too if I told you my lips have a booboo?"
You shake your head fondly before tugging him in by the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
"Ahh. Well, yes. I do see the booboo now." You wrap your arm around his neck and kiss your husband, soft and sweet and gentle. The both of you are smiling the entire way, the kiss turning into soft presses of lips more than an actual kiss. When you pull away, the two of you stand in each other's arms for a little while longer.
"You take Jamie, sweetheart. Let me clean up this mess and make pancakes for breakfast." Bob pecks your lips again as you sit at the kitchen table.
"Hey Bobby?" Your voice is soft, barely audible in the quiet morning air.
"Yeah?" He sounds amused.
"I'll kiss your booboos any time." His laughter makes your heart feel warm and light.
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Want to request a Kiss and a pair for me to write? Guidelines are here.
Want to see other Kisses I've written? Here's the full Masterlist.
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hbosucc · 6 months
Greg Hirsch x Reader: Chapter 3
A little shorty chapter today! I probably won't post a chapter a day forever, so enjoy while it lasts lol. Eventually I will run out of chapters.
Link to previous chapter
This chapter is also fairly tame. Swearing, dubious morals, discussion of ATN news. Smut starts in the next chapter after this one (chapter 4).
Thank you to anyone reading!! <3 I think all that any writer can hope for is someone, even one person, reading their work and enjoying it. So I hope you enjoy xoxoxo mwah
Chapter 3: Confrontation
“You work for fucking ATN?” I hissed over my coffee mug. We were at my favorite café near the school on my lunch break. Greg had a rare day off, so he’d been able to meet me last minute, though he hadn’t known I was going to confront him about his job.
          “I—I can explain,” His eyes grew wide.
          “Yeah, you’d better be able to explain that, Greg,” I said, folding my arms. “God, I finally find a guy I actually like, and he works for the fucking devil. When were you going to tell me about this? Were you waiting for me to sleep with you first, or something?”
          “No, no,” He sighed, putting his face in his hands for a moment before looking back up at me. “My family owns ATN. Well, my cousins and uncle do. Remember how I told you I was really broke? This job was my last resort, believe me, but I, like, really needed it. I was literally living in a men’s shelter when I started there.”
          “Fuck,” I said under my breath, taking a sip of my latte. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
          “I mean, first of all, it’s an embarrassing place to work, obviously,” He said, and I nodded. “Also, I just…I think…I mean, it’s not like I’m super rich or anything, but I think…in the past, some girls have maybe gone out with me, just because I’m technically part of the Roy family, so they expect that I will be. Rich, I mean, which I’m not.
          “And—and I thought you seemed really cool, and I wanted to get to know you without all of that…stuff in the way, at first.”
          I let his words sink in. He had lied by omission, yes, but I understood his reasoning.
          “It’s bad, I know.” He looked at me pleadingly. “I’m so, so sorry I didn’t tell you right away.”
          “You should be.”
          “I am!” Greg sighed. I had to look away, because the puppy dog eyes were coming out, whether he realized it or not. “For the record, I wasn’t trying to wait until after I—we—you know. Slept together? I was just nervous to tell you. I really, really am sorry.”
          “Could you quit?” I cocked an eyebrow. “The job, I mean.”
          “I mean—I could, in theory, but that would, um…” He trailed off, trying very hard to come up with an answer. Finally, I took pity on him.
          “It’s okay, Greg,” I sighed, locking eyes with him. “I wouldn’t expect you to quit your job, where you’re making God-knows how much money, for someone you’ve been on two dates with. I know that wouldn’t be fair of me.”
          “Okay, thank you, that’s cool, because I really…I don’t have a lot of, like, life skills, you know? And if I quit, I don’t know if—I mean, they might be so pissed about it, they might not give me a recommendation so I could get a new job, or anything.”
          “I know. I’m not totally unreasonable, you know.” I cupped my hands around my mug. It was warmer inside the café than out, but I still felt cold. “You have to do what you have to do, I get it. As long as this isn’t, like, your dream job, and you love working there, or anything.”
          “No, it’s nothing like that, not at all.” He shook his head vehemently. “I even asked if I could get switched out of ATN to one of the other divisions, but my boss got, like, really mad about it, and I had to stay.”
          “God, that sucks.” I blew out a puff of air. “So, what’s it like being Satan’s nephew?”
          “Well, to be fair, I didn’t really know him until pretty recently, so…it’s not like we’re close, or anything.” He played with the handle of his mug, and I noticed he’d barely drank any of his coffee.
          “This is so wild. I can’t believe it.” I shook my head at him, but let my lips form into a smile. I felt I’d probably given him a hard enough time.
          “Yeah, it’s pretty crazy,” He laughed, like he couldn’t believe it either.
          “Well,” I checked my phone. “I need to head back to campus, my break’s almost over.”
          “Oh, for sure.” We both stood and bundled back up, then headed out into the cold once more.
          “Thanks for coming to meet me. I know it was a bit of a drive for you, just to come get yelled at.” I bumped my shoulder into his—well, it was closer to his elbow, truthfully—as we walked down the salted sidewalk.
          “Hey, no worries. I should’ve told you sooner, I just…” He cleared his throat. “I like you, I guess? I mean, not I guess, I know, but I just…”
          “Do you want to come over to my place sometime this weekend?” I asked, once it was clear he was having trouble getting his words out.  
          “Really?” He raised his eyebrows, stopping for a second to look down at me.
          “Yeah. I could make us dinner, we could watch a movie, you know.” I shrugged. “If you want.”
          “That—that would be really cool. Yeah, I’d be, um, very down.” He said, a smile spreading across his face.
          “Cool. Text and let me know which day works better for you.” I stood up on my toes and gave him a quick peck, pulling back to look at him.
          “I will…I will do that.” He gave me two thumbs up and I couldn’t help letting out a laugh.
          “Okay. See you, Greg.” I crunched over the sidewalk to my car, stopping to give him a wave before sliding behind the wheel. Well, fuck. It looked like I’d be hitting the grocery store after work and coming up with a good recipe to make, all for some ATN asshole—though, to be honest, he wasn’t really an asshole. As much as I wanted to stick to my principles, I couldn’t help myself. I liked him, and I wanted to see more of him.
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thisismeracing · 9 months
Sorry v mate for blurb night, congrats on reaching ur goal! (Not surprising bc I am obsessed with ur writing, feel like you can see into micks brain and you just write him so perfectly omg)
Blurb req if you’re continuing them (pls don’t feel you have to though!) Mick+ pining + angst bc I hate myself and need more bestie mick and reader who are lovesick and both too scared to say anything 💀
Pining | MS47
⸺ the one where Mick's been pining over Yn forever, and when he finally gets the courage to admit it, she tells him she's dating his best friend (Lance Stroll). ✓ none, I guess.
⁕ one word, a thousand stories blurb night (closed) ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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Where Mick was shy, Lance was outgoing. Where Mick had attentive but secretive eyes, Lance would spill his soul into each glance. Where Mick was afraid of confessing his love, Lance did not hold back telling exactly how he felt.
That's how Yn found herself threading through new waters. It felt refreshing to be loved openly, to be reassured, treasured.
She was Mick's best friend, just like she was friends with Esteban and Lance, but her friendship with the German was different. It was more. Or it felt like more for her. However, Mick never took the first step, never tried to give her enough to keep her flame, to not kill her faith. She had been pining after him for a long, but for some sick joke of destiny, she could not see him doing the same in his own way. And Yn took each silence of his as Mick's silent message that he did not feel the same when, in reality, it was the opposite.
Mick was head over heels for Yn. In a way, he had never been before. Maybe that's why it took him so long to realize, so long to decide and confess.
"I have something to tell you!" He smiled when Yn walked inside the small driver's room. She was wearing a sundress, and she had never looked so good. Her skin was glowing, and her smile shone as bright as a summer morning.
"Me too!" She closed the gap between them, the tip of their shoes touching.
She was always so affectionate. Always so caring. Always so warm and cheerful.
"On three?" Yn giggled, holding Mick's hand.
He felt his heart beating on his throat, his hands colder than ever, his eyes searching for hers. Though he guessed she liked him, he was still nervous. They were best friends. They were always there for each other. How would this dynamic play out once their feelings were in the open? Mick had spent weeks, almost months chewing this question as if he would come up with a solution, as if destiny didn't play the rhythm it wanted.
You chose the lyrics, but life sometimes decided how it would play, and you could only dance along. That's how it felt once their counting hit three.
"I'm in love with you."
"I'm dating Lance."
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: I AM NOW OBSESSED WITH OPEN ENDINGS HAHAHAHAHAH I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT!!! Don't forget to reblog and leave me an ask *mwah* also thank you for the compliments, nonny!! I'm really happy you like the way I portray him hihi
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keefessketchbook · 4 months
sorry this is kinda long guys and that it took me forever to make
-the "polites gear up, you and i'll go ahead" strings at the beginning 😭. I loved polites sm
-Eurylochus trying to talk to Odysseus is just so sad and I love how it shows how he is losing not faith or trust but losing something in odysseus that they are going to make it home
-Odysseus is like actually tired and thinks that he truly is never going to make it home to his family
-eurylochus' little rap moment(?)>>>>>>
-Odysseus' "damn" and "what" are the spring in my step
-Circe's voice!!!!!!!!! omg guys i love her sm!
-Circe casting her spell (the think of your past bit) is so pretty and i love how she lures them into a false sense of comfort and looks like she's trying to help them
-also love the "no i don't play i puppeteer" part
-"this is the price/we paid to live/the world is not/meant to forgive" 😍
-I LOVE how immediately Odysseus is like we gotta save them and Eurylochus is like we've sacrificed enough, don't you want to get home? and Odysseus is like i would love to but if it were you i would save you and i hope you would too. (also when Eurylochus is like "lets just run", i'm reading some feelings Eury has for someone 👀👀)
-also Odysseus saying "i can hardly sleep now" shows how in tune and how much he truly feels
Wouldn't you like
-I love how the three gods we have met, two have come to odysseus invisible before introducing themselves (or Odysseus guessing)
-The chorus is so 70s and i love that, it totally fits his vibe
-The teaser bit that we've had is still beautiful
-The piano! the background vocals!
-holy moly i can't-
-"Wouldn't you like to use more than words?" I love how the gods seem to be following his journey and hermes knows odysseus defeats most of his foes but his wit and he knows circe wont fall for simple words
-Odysseus saying thank you and Hermes is like I just want free entertainment :)
Done For
-more strings <<<333
-Odysseus knows damn well she has his man but he still is trying with his words, cutie
-Love how Circe just wants to protect her nymphs
-Circe's high notes 😍
-I think my favorite part of this song is the part when Odysseus is talking how Circe can't spell him and then their banter
-"then i must be a god like you cause i got this root from the ground with my bare hands" 💀 bro is fully lying
-"Hermes gave it to you, didn't he? well yes but regardless" LMAOOO
-Their little duet ♥
There are other ways
-The opener for this song is wonderful
-Odysseus lamenting about his mistakes is beautiful just *mwah*
-Their voices blend so well together!!!
-I live for Jay using the "Just a man" motif/melody for Odysseus and it calls back to one of his darkest moments
-Also apparently Jay messed up with the 12 long years part meaning to say 10 but i think that i shows how Odysseus is kinda losing it
-I love how he rhymes Circe with mercy and calls him and his crew puppets
-i love how circe gave in and decided to help them. ngl im just imagining odysseus give circe big puppy eyes
-"problem is this prophet is dead" the low note!!
-loved how circe is still trying to help him
-it made me so happy how circe changed her chorus to be nicer(?)/more helpful
Honestly in the underworld saga, i want to hear the "open arms" motif and if we do, you can find me on the floor bawling my eyes out
Stay weird, lovies <3
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