#also the FUCK how do you do hide long post thingies help
theragethatisdesire · 5 months
And I'm back for the wip guessing game! I pick the word "undo".
okay i had to dig for this one and i hate this one shot and it will probably never be posted or finished but....
also this is my only fic with the word 'undo' in it i went through my entire drive and the sentence with 'undo' is from a really awful part of the fic so i'm cheating and choosing a different excerpt that's actually half-decent, and you guys will just have to take my word for it that 'undo' is in the fic somewhere hehe
professor!kento nanami x reader drabble excerpt thingy
“Your name tag just says ‘Nanami’.” You point out, unsure of what else to say, but not yet willing to end the conversation.
“That’s my name.” He furrows his brow, confused.
“Professor Gojo’s says ‘Satoru’ on it.”
“That’s because he’s not exactly a professional.” Nanami shoots a scathing glance at Gojo across the room, who’s still brazenly flirting with Ella in front of the entire faculty as if he hasn’t been led to think she’s his student. You brush away the hypocrisy burning in your throat.
“And you are?”
“What do you think?”
“Well, you’ve apparently been keeping scotch in your desk. Who knows what other unprofessional things you might be getting up to?” You regret the words as soon as they’re out of your mouth, far too suggestive to say to, again, your fucking professor. Nanami picks up on it too, eyes widening ever so slightly. A long, pregnant silence stretches between you both; you want to hide your face in your hands.
“My first name is Kento,” he says, taking another swig from his glass, “but don’t tell any of your classmates that. I don’t allow students to call me by my first name.”
---------------- and a bonus just bc i love u guys
Kento follows your instructions, if only to have something to do with his hands that have tensed at that fucking word you keep using. Professor. “You don’t have to keep calling me that, you know.”
“Calling you what?” Your nose scrunches, all cute and confused, and it hits Kento just how bad of an idea it was to follow you up here.
“You are my professor,” you say, shuffling through a few stray bottles of wine on the counter before you hold one up to the light. You deem it good enough to share and begin to scrounge around in your drawers for a wine key.
Kento nods, hating how transparent he is to you. “I told you my name back at the event.”
“You said you don’t like when your students call you by your first name, though. What, am I special?” You smile a little at your own teasing tone, popping the cork and sloshing a laughably large pour of wine into each of the glasses that Kento’s set out for you both. His stomach clenches into a tight knot. Do you really have to keep reminding him how out of place he is here?
“Just…call me Kento,” he sighs, leaning back against the countertop. How rude would it be for him to just…leave? Leave before you can bat those eyes at him above your glass, giggle again and make his heart race, touch his hand again in that feather-light way? Would he even be able to manage it?
“Kento,” you repeat, tasting his name on your tongue.
God help him, it’s worse. It’s so much worse than ‘professor’. Kento swallows around a thick knot in his throat, desperately willing himself to keep his composure.
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evanox · 2 years
Hi hi hi :D
I saw you were taking requests so I have an au request thingy. Imagine the one au of the M3 as baristas with an mc from Astraea, except mc just fucking faceplants into the coffee shop during the closing shift and everyone loses their shit-
Also hcs for barista Felix falling for astraean mc ahajsksksjsmsms that is all okay thank you-
hii tysm for the request!! no I definitely didn't have to binge @/morgandrinkscoffee for Research /s,, also omg you've reminded me of Ciel's drawing of the M3 as baristas,, man I'm gonna miss Ciel's LL art,, also
you see I kind of forgot the Astraean MC bit and already committed to General Barista HCs so now you're getting both General Barista HCs and the M3 with Astraean MC and Felix falls in love with them, except the latter is gonna have to be on another post bc it got so long tumblr won't let me edit it normally anymore :)) i'll make sure to tag you once that's up!
Felix had to find a new job to stay afloat after practically disowning his dad. Scylla still tries to help with a lot of his finances, but Felix hates relying too much on her, so here is, working the coffee machine at a bookstore coffee shop. Yes, it is a humbling experience.
The manager had to tell him off several times about his sharp tongue; Felix wasn't exactly subtle when a customer pissed him off. His coworkers, however, enjoyed living vicariously through him. It was cathartic watching Felix come up with creative ways to roast (haha) rude customers, and it was fun while it lasted. Now he just wears his customer smile through the pain, except it's more of an unnerving "I can't stop thinking about all the ways I could poison you" smirk.
Loathes the morning shift with every fiber of his being; loves the night shift, especially if he's alone. You know he's busting a few moves with that broom while blasting his playlist that's just too hit or miss for everyone to be used while the cafe is open.
Throws far too many tirades about how tea is far superior to coffee.
"Why do you work at a cafe then?"
"Mind your business."
Oh, the scandalized look on his face when someone suggests he try out coffee so he can 'look a little more cheerful on the morning shift'...
Felix always brings a book along to get him through slow shifts. He tried to be subtle about the more risque ones, but he'd been caught by his coworkers so many times that Felix doesn't bother hiding it from them anymore.
Come to the counter carrying a book that Felix likes (or absolutely loathes), and he will look like someone breathed life back into his corpse. It's very rare that he'd engage in small talk with customers—let alone initiate it—but he'll ask how far into the book have you read, what are your thoughts so far, and offer some of his own opinions if you seem to be enjoying the conversation.
His handwriting is usually incomprehensible because he writes in cursive and his hand is too fast so it just looks like a messy string of loops. You know Felix has a crush when he takes his sweet time drawing out those pretty loops into your name and making it look fancier than a Victorian man's love letter.
And yes, he'll go out of his way to walk the order to you.
Can't help but stare as you sip on your drink, so he brings his leather-bound writing journal along to seem more subtle as he looks between you and the pages. When inspiration strikes he might jot down a few verses of poetry about the threads of your hair turned golden by the sun or the mesmerizing rhythm of your finger as you tap it against your lovely lips when deep in thought, and if you have brown eyes he might even throw in a coffee-related simile. Then he feels very embarrassed and slaps the journal shut before any of his coworkers could get a peek.
How does he flirt, you ask? By reading the same books you pick up, of course; what better way to know someone? And it'll give him an excuse to strike up a conversation the next time you come for a drink.
Anisa working in a cat cafe? Anisa working in a cat cafe.
When no one's watching she'll try to coo at the cats and coax them into her lap. Why does she feel the need to hide when trying to get the cats to play? Because Anisa doesn't want anyone witnessing the myriad of rejections she has to face from the cats.
Yes she cries a little when one of them gets adopted, both tears of joy and sadness—she's gonna miss them so much. You know she memorized all their names.
Anisa has always had the best work ethic and gives her job her all, but it helps a lot that she really likes the cafe; it has the added bonus of cats and a mostly laid-back clientele who just want to see some cute fluffy babies. This place also happens to be a hot spot for first dates and Anisa always gazes at the new couples with yearning; she can't wait for the day she gets to come here as a customer herself with someone she loves.
So yes, she might be the most put-together out of the three LI's, but Anisa definitely has her unhinged moments, like spending concerning amounts of time staring at the coffee beans in the grinder and fighting the urge to grab a handful just to eat it. She won't do it, but God, that texture must be immaculate. Has she ever thought about trying out the cats' food while shoveling some into their bowls? Maybe once or twice, not that anyone needs to know.
Also she's the worst when it comes to being a chronic ice-kicker.
You can always trust her with choosing the playlist and setting the vibe for the day. Anisa loves the opening shift for that sole reason, and also because she hates the closing shift cleanup. There was a morning when she opened and found the bar looking like a total mess, proceeded to check the schedule so she can give a certain someone a piece of her mind, only to find out it was, indeed, Anisa herself who closed last night.
She's so sweet with the kids and applauds them when they manage to make an order after nervously stumbling over their words.
There are only two types of situations when Anisa might look the slightest bit intimidating; the first is when lecturing customers about not bothering the cats if they're sleeping or forcing them to play when the cats don't want to.
The second is when a customer asks her to watch over a laptop or other personal stuff when they need to go to the bathroom. For the next 5 minutes, Anisa will be your laptop's hawk-eyed, vigilant guardian, throwing herself halfway over the counter to keep watch over your things and make sure they remain untouched.
Her customer smile is well-practiced but oh, the way her eyes light up when her favorite person comes through; you can so obviously tell this smile is far more genuine.
Doesn't shy away from drawing a little heart next to your name over the cup, or maybe a little cat. If your drink comes with a straw she'll always choose the one with her favorite color for you; if she's feeling bold she might ask about your favorite color. Don't confront her about the cute cup art if you don't want to see her stammering over her words, hair poofed up and face all flustered.
"Oooh she must really like you!" Anisa calls out when a cat cuddles up to you. The cat is a naturally cuddly one, but you don't have to know that; Anisa just wants her special person to feel special.
There aren't many things Sage likes about his job besides doing delivery on the motorcycle—anything just so he doesn't have to stay in that stuffy, cramped kitchenette. So what if he takes a few detours on the way back just to feel the breeze against his face? No one has to know.
He can't even listen to his favorite music inside the shop since he was permanently banned from choosing the day's playlist; not a single one is without an obscenely crude song.
The only other thing he likes about the job is the free food. He's not sure if it's actually free, but he doesn't really care.
Far more easy-going with rude customers than Felix is but less willing to indulge and smile through it like Anisa.
"We're all out of ___."
"Are you sure? Can you check in the back?"
Yeah, sure. Thanks for the smoke break.
Well I don't think he'd actually have a cig on him but he definitely has a flask tucked somewhere in the shirt he was forced to button up to the neck and tuck into his pants.
Otherwise he's quite flirtatious with customers, though more often than not he's just entertaining himself rather than actually expressing interest. Nothing too raunchy, but enough to make the shier customers blush and earn bashful laughter from the old ladies. His customer-service voice is just his casual flirty tone coupled with a lopsided-smile; you can just catch a little peak of that unnaturally sharp canine.
The only reason his manager has yet to fire him for his lack of punctuality and texting on the job is how easily Sage can charm customers and how many he has drawn in with his good looks. You don't even have to try that hard when you're 6'2" with luscious locks pulled into a high ponytail.
That, and he has a surprising talent in making latte art, mostly because Sage has practiced drawing rosetta so many times (yes, because it looks like a dick and he thought it was very funny).
Sure he'll remember your usual if you're a regular but this man is never going to remember your name; no, he won't feel apologetic about it. If he likes you, however...
Pushes his coworkers away the moment he sees your face even if he's supposed to be on break; no one can take your order, alright? No one prepares it like he does anyway.
Hey, he might even start being punctual to his shifts.
So what if he undoes one or two buttons on his shirt? The weather is just oh, so hot ;)
Starts flirting less with other customers and more with you. This is where his terrible pickup lines finally shine. He doesn't mind if you find them laughable; he just feels lucky to see you smile. The more ridiculous/stupid lines are saved for days when you look really down and might need a pick-me-up stronger than just coffee.
If you seem to be into his pickup lines and lack of subtlety, he might just throw the ball in your court by jotting his number down on your cup.
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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A tongue-in-cheek Kakashi x Iruka anthology modelled after icha icha paradise. I kept reading about Kakashi's love of erotica (and icha icha), while reading, well, erotic kakairu fanfiction. As a result I kept going 'same hat' (although I'm probably not going to be in public reading it. It's not subtle, although it'd be fun to see who would recognize it?) and then had this idea as a result. I've always loved subtle breaks in the third wall and self-containing/perpetuating systems, so this really tickled me. I may or may not be planning to do the entire icha icha series as kakairu anthologies and most definitely have not started on icha icha violence, idk what ur talking about.
Edit: click to see the Icha Icha series master post.
Icha Icha Paradise Anthology Fanfiction list:
A Heat-seeking Cuddle Octopus (4k, G)
It wasn't that Iruka wasn't willing to share a tent with his squad leader. It's just that he wished that Kakashi wasn't such a cuddle-octopus in his sleep.
Responsible, forever, for what you have tamed (4k, M)
Kakashi gets hit with a Jutsu and becomes feral.
Always Only One Night (6k, M)
Iruka has a one-night stand with a man whose face he has never seen before. Only it's not just one night, and there is something about the man that seems familiar, if he could just figure out what.
The Heart that Hungers (7k, T)
With Naruto away training life for Umino Iruka had gotten quiet, but that quiet had been broken up periodically by the kindness of Hatake Kakashi, who discreetly delivered him letters from their mutual student whenever he got the chance. Which was great, amazingly thoughtful even, but the problem lay within the fact that it made Iruka's heart starved for more. For Kakashi. And so he kept a polite distance, didn't let on to feelings he had no right to have for someone as incredible as Hatake Kakashi. But the universe had a way of setting things right, of pushing people like Iruka, who deserved more than they gave themselves credit for.
Enter Senju Tsunade, Godaime Hokage of Konohagakure, and resident overly-stressed medical professional who could not take another second of Kakashi being a reckless idiot. She assigns the most caring man she knows to care for the most infuriating man, official mission scroll and everything, and calls it a day. And while Iruka takes the assignment (though whether it was willingly is up for debate) he can't help but wonder if he can survive a week in the company of the man his heart hungers for.
Fine Point of a Blade (9k, E)
Iruka’s body froze as terror gripped his heart. With claws. He watched a gloved hand deftly pluck the blade out of the air, bringing it up to a porcelain mask painted with red, waved lines. ANBU.
A strange meeting with an ANBU in his childhood leads Iruka down a life-changing path.
Willful Concealment (13k, E)
“Are you planning to keep my hair tie?” Iruka asked suddenly, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“I’m holding it prisoner for crimes against the citizens of Konoha.”
“What are the charges?”
Kakashi smiled, twirling the band around his forefinger like a kunai. “Perjury and willful concealment.”
Iruka huffed and shook his head, lips thinning in a way that made Kakashi think he was holding back a grin. “You know, if I’d realized you had such a thing for long hair, I would have started wearing mine down years ago.”
Kakashi’s thumb caught the hair band, halting its revolution.
(Or, in which Iruka asks for a single night, and gets a whole lot more.)
Worst Mission Ever (21k, T)
“Iruka, how would you feel about taking on a solo mission for me?” Sandaime asked.
Thrown by the change of topic, Iruka blinked at him.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“Befriend Hound.”
A Stupid Favour (33k, Not rated- I'd say M or E tho)
"Iruka-sensei! Do you have a moment?"
"Yes? Tsunade-sama?" Iruka's voice came, drawing closer with every syllable.
"Someone has a stupid favor to ask you."
Shifting cloth and more clicking of shoes said Tsunade had come back into the room, followed by another person, whom Kakashi assumed was Iruka.
"The brat either needs to stay in the hospital or to have a babysitter for two days," Tsunade said bluntly.
OR, in which Kakashi is blind and sans chakra for two days but is desperate to find a way to leave the hospital until his sight and chakra can be restored.
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manic-nova · 3 years
Chaise Lounge: Kaeya Alberich
A Fluff Drabble. This work is Safe For Work, but my page is still 16+! You can interact with the post regardless of age, but do not follow me if you are under 16. Not proofread.
Word Count: 761 Words
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Kaeya has a chaise lounge in his office. It’s one of those lavish ones rimmed with dark-finished wood with an artsy curve aligning the headrest, and it’s got one of those cylindrical pillow for- you know- your posture. It’s a borderline gaudy piece of furniture, but it’s his favorite thing in the whole room, because archons forbid he have a real couch. No, a chaise lounge was far more appropriate for an office. Even knights need a nap once in a while. It’s really not a complicated idea to think that Kaeya liked to slump across the delicate furniture and doze off when he awaited his next assignment. After all, he was a busy man. It didn’t hurt him to slow down once in a while. Of course, he wasn’t the only one who used it. There was also you. When the work became too much you’d crawl yourself into his office and beg and plead him to let you hide away in there, and you’d spread yourself across the thing and stretch and yawn like a little kitten. You looked so cute sprawled out over the velvet fabric, wrapped with the knit blanket that smelled just like him. He enjoyed watching you clutch onto the dumbly shaped pillow in the corner of his eye as he sorted through papers, signing and stamping them with little care. You were so adorable. You came in often to hide away. Not many people dared to disturb Kaeya’a work, so it was quiet, and it was welcoming. Though Kaeya couldn’t help but feel a little used when you’d come in with little words and plopped onto the not-a-couch like you owned it. “You know, if you’re gonna come in like this every day and take up all the space on that thing, the least you could do is consider what you could do for me in return,” he said. It was just a passing comment, a mere lighthearted suggestion coated with the raspy teasing tone that Kaeya seemed to possess by default, but he had a point. Frankly, as great as the arrangement for you was though, the was something that had always felt missing, and in your head you said fuck it. “I can make room for two if you want.”
The Cavalry Captain’s eyes shifted off his work and onto you with curious but hesitant look. “I beg your pardon?”
You sighed. “You can join me if you want. I mean it’s your couch after all— Kaeya?”
Before you could even finished your thought he was climbing out of his chair and on top of you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his body up against yours, familiarizing himself with its warmth. It brought a red glow to your face and made your heart accelerate, but his touch was so gentle and he moved so careful and slow that you just let him adjust himself around you until you were completely engulfed in his frame. It surprised you to know how warm his body really was, given that he possessed a Cryo vision. His presence was always so inviting, but so was his entire body, and it didn’t take long for you to bury your face into his chest, because it just felt so natural.
Shuffling into his office when no one was looking to sink down onto the fancy little chaise lounge and wait for Kaeya to join you on his own time became your past time, to the point where it wasn’t Kaeya’a office and the dumb chair-bed-couch-thingy that was your escape. It was Kaeya. Kaeya and his warm caramel skin, his brazen but gentle hands, his silvery blue eyes that stared back at you with such adoration. It was the way you melted into him and forgot the world while he forgot his work just to share those fleeting moments with you. Kaeya was your home away from home. You felt safe in his arms, and you prided yourself knowing you got to see the most genuine sides of him when his eyes would flutter open and he’d slur out comments about how you looked beautiful. You could never tell if his eyes seemed to twinkle when he woke up because of the adoration he’d look at you with or because of the leaks of soft golden orange sunlight that would seep in through the window. Regardless, that experience was yours and yours alone, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
And then Jean would barge in and tell you both to get back to work.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone” but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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peonyblossom · 2 years
4. empty wine bottles?
Wine Drunk
Book: Open Heart (sometime in Book 2, before the senator attack)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sadie Oakley)
Words: 806
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Swearing (fits into PG-13 guidelines)
Summary: When Sadie goes over to Ethan's place to help work on a case after-hours, they both get a little too wine drunk to be productive.
A/N: SO sorry it took me so long to get to this anon !!! I got sick and then I had finals but I am alive and well and finally posting your fic hehe. ALSO since you didn't specify a ship, I figured I'd do my most popular first, but I also have a plan for a Thomas Hunt x f!MC (Jackie Hunt) fic that I should be posting in a couple days and will link here when it's ready!  EDIT: Here is the link to the Thomas x f!MC fic💕
A/N 2: This request is from this prompt list. Feel free to send me requests from this list or any other ones I reblog!
A/N 3: Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge May Day 16 "You're so drunk" (appears in bold).
AO3 link here
Taglist: @rookiemartin
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“Okay, we aren’t getting much of anywhere right now, so I’m going to send you all home. Take a break for the night and come back tomorrow morning ready to try again.” Ethan told the team, late at night. They had gotten a new case early that morning and had already exhausted all of the most obvious tests and possibilities. June and Baz cleared out quickly, but Sadie hung around.
“What are the chances of you taking a break tonight?” She asked Ethan.
“This patient needs answers.” Ethan packed up his stuff, including all of the information they had on the patient in question.
“And you need sleep,” Sadie argued. Ethan didn’t respond, only continued gathering his things. Sadie sighed, “At least let me help.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Ethan looked Sadie in the eyes.
“Seriously? Come on, you aren’t going to figure this out by yourself.” Ethan glared at Sadie so she continued, “Oh, sorry, I forgot that men have the worst egos. I’m still right, though!”
“I’m serious, Sadie.” 
“So am I! You aren’t going to diagnose this patient in one night, all by yourself. Please, let me help you.” 
Ethan sighed. “Fine. But this has to stay professional.”
“No, of course. This is solely for the patient.” Sadie tried to hide her smile, looking away from Ethan as she gathered her things.
Hours later, they were still on the couch in Ethan’s apartment, which was now littered with pages from the patient file and two empty wine bottles. They had been drinking while bouncing ideas off of each other, paying little attention to just how much wine they consumed. Somehow, they were still trying to diagnose the patient, despite their brains not being anywhere near the doctor quality they were capable of. 
“No, what if it’s– what if it’s… fuck, what is it? It’s the, um, it’s the… no, wait… no, I think we said that one already. And we ruled it out ‘cause of the thingy… the, the rash thingy!” Sadie babbled, holding her half-empty wine glass. 
Ethan looked at her fondly before laughing as he said, “You’re so drunk.”
“No! No, ‘cause we drank the same amount, so if I’m drunk, you’re also drunk!” Sadie placed her glass on the coffee table. 
“Not as drunk as you are.” Ethan smirked.
“That’s sexist.”
“How…” Ethan cut himself off with his laughter. “How is that sexist?”
“‘Cause you’re saying you can handle alcohol better than me ‘cause– and that’s, um, that’s ‘cause you’re a man.” Sadie gestured her now free hands around as though to help prove her point somehow. 
Ethan held Sadie’s hands in his own and looked her in the eye. “I promise you, that’s not why. It’s just that I’m better… than most people.”
Sadie smiled before dissolving into giggles. “Yeah.” She continued giggling. “Yeah, you are.” 
The two stared into each other’s eyes, still holding hands, before leaning forward and kissing each other. It didn’t take long for them to disconnect their lips.
“We shouldn’t–” Ethan started.
“Yeah, we’re, um, we’re both drunk.” Sadie removed her hands from Ethan’s grasp. “I should probably go–”
“You could stay–”
“Are you sure?” Sadie met Ethan’s eyes again.
“Yeah, that should be–”
“We can share the bed though, right?” 
“Yeah, that’d be– that’d be fine.”
“Just ‘cause we’re both drunk, and we wanna be, like, the best we can be tomorrow.”
“Right, just, like, get a good night’s sleep,” Ethan confirmed.
The next morning, Sadie woke up in Ethan’s bed, her head pounding. She heard Ethan in the kitchen doing god-knows-what way too early in the morning. 
“He really can handle his alcohol better than me,” Sadie mumbled to herself as she slowly got out of bed.
She made her way to the kitchen, rubbing her eyes in response to the bright lights in the room, despite the fact that it was still dark outside. In the kitchen, Ethan is making them both breakfast and a cup of hot coffee is already waiting for Sadie on the counter. 
“I always forget you can cook,” Sadie mused, sitting down at the counter and grabbing her coffee.
Ethan turned around startled at her presence. “Look, about last night–”
“No, it’s– it doesn’t matter. What happened last night… happened last night, okay? It’s in the past.”
“Are you sure?” Ethan looked at Sadie quizzically.
“Yes. We were drunk. I do stupid things when I drink. It’s fine,” Sadie reassured him, causing him to smile. 
Ethan turned back to the stove and plated the food, placing one plate in front of Sadie. “I only made you breakfast because I’m a good host.”
Sadie laughed. “Your ego really is the worst! But thank you.”
She bit her lip, staring down at the food, not noticing how fondly Ethan was looking at her.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Can I request a soulmate thingy with the bullies and delinquents?
Hi! Well, I got a little confused about your request but I think I got it, although I normally do one pair of ocs per post (or all ocs at once-) I guess I could do about both delinquents and bullies-
Especially since soulmate conundrums can be such a complex thing that it would take a long time to write one single post with every single OC lol-
Thank you for requesting!
TW/Tags: angst here and there // long as fuck // Soulmate shenanigans // not so great relationships (bullying) // cursing // delusional expectations/ideas // gender neutral reader
Soulmate issues lol [Yandere!Bully OC/Yandere! Delinquent OC x Soulmate!Reader - Scenario]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
In this timeline, let us just say that something very specific happens to make it possible for two or more people to realize that they may be soulmates (cause I don't know how else I could create this universe boo XD). I think that two people that are soulmates would not be aware of it until they would be able to see each other's birthmarks, kinda like a magical symbol that is stuck on your skin ever since you were born.
In a reality where you are aware that you have a destined loved one possibly waiting for you and that it would be treason of you to not search for them, you could imagine how high your expectations were.
Well, not only your expectations but also the expectations of the entire society surrounding you, expecting you to simply accept whoever carries the same exact birth symbol as you.
Even if having a birthmark that dictates your future love interest is a common thing in your society, it doesn't mean that people just go around showing each other's birthmarks. It's believed that there is no need to rush things and that if you did find the love of your life, it's not because of the birthmark itself, but rather the spiritual connection between you two that brought you together unconsciously.
As I said before, your expectations were just as high as your hopes, as you wished to be able to meet the person who would "complete" you, the person carrying the soul of someone that had loved you through life and death, carrying the soul of the person YOU loved through life and death!
Now, how badly can this beautiful idealized narrative go?- I mean, consider your soulmates that is.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Alexandra is not exactly a patient person, you can imagine that the idea of having someone that would instantly fall in love with her was a really interesting idea, almost too good to be true.
Don't get me wrong, she believed this whole shenanigan to be unnecessary and dictating. She thought it was stupid to just start loving someone she doesn't know, and it's not like she is going to kiss some stranger's ass just because they have the same birthmark as her.
Ugh, that thing almost felt like some sort of bad tattoo she should have thought twice about having. It was a beautiful symbol, an elegant C' on emblem surrounded by thorns. Doctors believed that Alexandra could possibly be the reincarnation of one of her ancestors, since her birthmark is coincidentally similar to the old Coldwell family symbol used in the middle ages.
Although there isn't any evidence left of who was the "original owner" of the birthmark, neither of the people who they were destined to be with, which doesn't really matter to her at all, since she still thinks this "tattoo" was only a reminder of something stupid that she did that she doesn't want to be a part of it anymore.
Even after knowing that the possibility of seeing her "sOuLmATe" walking around town was possible, Alexandra never really cared about finding them. She preferred to have fun with as many people as she could instead of following her heart or whatever, she doesn't need anyone after all.
That's what she thought before noticing your birthmark. That symbol, that same exact symbol was placed on your skin, on YOU of all people. She has been bullying you ever since you entered the university but she had never EVER considered the possibility of you being her soulmate.
Even so, it does make a lot of sense! Ever since you entered the institution, you two had a weird connection that kept bringing each other closer although unconsciously. It felt like somehow she couldn't stop picking on you, and to you, it felt like there was no escape from her.
And it seems that your interpretation of your situation was correct, considering that now you are apparently bound to her with the same stupid destiny tattoo or whatever-
The fact that you are the one person she is bound to eternity is extremely humorous to her at first. It's both insulting and ironic that a nerd like you got the chance in a lifetime to be her soulmate, don't you feel lucky?
She will continue her bullying because obviously this is a great opportunity to show you your place, which is by her side no matter what you say or do. Alexandra believed that this was either a well crafted joke by the universe or just a cruel punishment to her, having someone like you be tied to her by love sounds so absurd…
And pretty fitting, in a way.
As time passed Alexandra started to grow closer to you, her bullying and general mean attitude had seemed to tone down as long as it was towards you. She seemed to have found a soft spot for you in her heart, but sadly, things don't always work like we plan them to.
You were disgusted by the fact ever since you realized it, how can you be stuck with her, of all people in the entire world? The soft feeling you get when you stand next to her doesn't help your case at all!-
Why of all people here, your bully has to be your soulmate? Maybe it was foolish of you to believe that when you finally found the one and only you would feel happy, maybe it was foolish for you to believe that the person you had fallen for once would be a actually gentle and caring person.
While Alexandra tried to get closer to you, you made your best efforts to get away from her as fast as you could. You didn't want to be near your bully specially when you just discovered that the reason you have continued to endure it for so long was because of the entire soulmate thing! Curse the stupid feelings that she gives you every time she is playful or soft towards you.
If you two had known each other in different conditions, this could all be a lot easier to deal with.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Adrien may look pretty unbothered on the outside, yet that is nothing but a facade to keep his reputation from instantly falling as he squeals in excitement. This is perfect for him.
Differently from his sister, who has a symbol that is almost reminiscent of the old Coldwell brand mark and that has granted her the "special sibling of the dual" statues, Adrien has a somewhat weird birthmark. Is quite simply a shield with cherry on top. Is simple, pretty basic even.
There were no data associating his birthmark to anyone in his family, so presumably he isn't a possible reincarnation as his sister is, which lead the family to favor her over him since his birthmark has no resemblance of anything related to the family's history or is it intriguing or fun to look at.
It's a simple mark. What's so good about it?
And that's exactly what they got wrong, it was the exact opposite of a simple mark. It had a great meaning to Adrien, it meant something so important to him that he has sworn to search for his soulmate because of it. Because no one seemed to take his birthmark seriously he felt compelled to actually understand what it could mean, and how could he use it to get closer to his special someone.
His sister seemed to be the only one who noticed how the neglect affected Adrien to the point he decided to put up a mask and hide his need for even a little bit of attention.
I wouldn't bat an eye if he was the one to actually find out about you two sharing the same birthmark first. He has been stalking you and harassing you for so long, it would make sense as to why he feels so good when he is in your presence or interacting with you.
Granted that your earlier encounters were just him being an ass and being pretty rude to you in class, but now it's different you know??
He is so glad to have found you, finally- He got too excited to even show you that you two had the same symbol glued in your skins, he just started acting differently one day.
One day, while you were at the university he literally just gave you a small gift and called you out on a date. It was pretty frightening seeing someone who doesn't smile a lot trying to express fondness through their menacing looking grin, you had instantly thought it was some sort of elaborate prank yet you couldn't stop yourself from simply following with his plan.
You just felt compelled to go with him, despite the fact he has been nothing but a childish bully towards you. You can imagine the surprise on your face when he actually came to pick you up and have a great time chatting over a simple meal at a expensive ass restaurant you could never afford-
While you were being paranoid and trying to see where the "punchline", the "climax" of his prank was, he was enjoying his time with you not even noticing the fact you looked at him with suspicion written in your face.
You ended up spelling out your confusion and distrust of his person, claiming that you didn't know what he had in-store for you, but if this was some sort of prank he should just get it done with because you needed to be back home soon.
He was so shocked at your statement that he almost felt his heart breaking at your words, the sudden realization that he hasn't shown you why he was acting so kindly towards you in the first place.
And that's when the whole night went from confusing to horrible. You felt genuinely bad that the truth about his kindness wasn't because of a genuine change of heart, but rather because of your soul connection.
But that revelation wasn't as bad as when you actually notice you catching feelings for him throughout this time he has been a douche with you. You realized the exact reason why you came here, HE had realized the exact reason you came here.
You felt yourself panicking, leaving the restaurant immediately, how can you be his soulmate even if he is such a jerk with you??
How can you tell if these feelings are due to a genuine interest or just the connection through souls?
Why does it hurt to think he is only being kind because of the effects the birthmark has on him?
Even if the birthmark represents a strong bond that can't even be broken by death itself, you felt genuinely concerned for this being a disingenuous love. Yet that brings the question: Why do you care so much? Isn't he just an asshole you met in your class?
While you left crying confused of the sudden wave of questions clouding your mind, Adrien was feeling that our void consumed him.
Apparently he was wrong about his expectations, he shouldn't have thrown a bomb at you so suddenly. Or maybe, you don't really love him at all, and don't want anything to do with him.
There is nothing left but a poor foolish man crying while making no sound in his fancy table.
→ Jackson Macnee:
Not exactly the most obvious romantic lover in the world, Jack can be pretty "whatever" when it comes to these things. He didn't really believed in the idea of love at first sight, although he is the type to get instant crushes really fast-
Jack's birthmark it's surprisingly cool looking, a snake coiling itself on a branch. It's so funny how it looks like a natural tattoo, he even decided to not hide it at all since he liked the look of it. It's not uncommon for people to leave their birthmarks visible, but in the case of Jack he used to wear it in public as a real tattoo rather than a soulmate birthmark.
Whenever someone asked about it, he would lie saying it wasn't the real deal, and when it came to people asking "which one is it then?" he would tell them to fuck off. It's none of their fucking business, it's supposed to be a intimate thing, isn't it?
Jack believed that the symbol was something way too important to be shared out as a talking subject, so much so that he has considered many times covering his birthmark in public due to the prying eyes looking at it. Yet he wore it as a tattoo so he could find someone who would recognize it as their own symbol, and whoever didn't recognize it, didn't deserve to hear the truth.
Yeah, maybe he did take this a little too seriously. I mean how couldn't he? It's something that dictates whoever the fuck he is supposed to be with, yeah people can go around and sleep with or date whoever they want, yet he felt compelled to wait and see what would happen.
To see if someone in the crowd would recognize it and talk with him, so he could see how this whole shenanigan works. And of course, his plan did work out eventually, as he caught you staring at him for way too long.
He thought you were confusing him with someone else, but having someone like you stare at him for so long was starting to annoy him- So of course, he rudely asked you what the hell did you want.
You were surprised by the harsh tone, yet not completely taken back by it. You seemed confident that his "tattoo" was clearly the same birthmark that you had.
You… Surprised him. You were so confident and comfortable with telling a total strangeville that you two were destined to be together or whatever. It's not everyday that you see someone so straightforward, so he decided to see how far this would go- He asked:
"- And…?"
"- I don't know- I haven't thought about it to be honest-" You said looking at him deadpanned. You were telling the truth though, you didn't really expect to find not only a person with a similar birthmark to you but to legit be right about them being your soulmate. You had met so many people with the "snake coiled in a branch" tattoo that you almost thought it was some sort of joke from the universe (it shouldn't even be possible for so many people to have the same coincidental tattoo!).
You started to introduce yourself and ask for his name and where he was going- It felt weird to be receiving so much attention out of nowhere by someone he doesn't know- Well, more accurately someone he had just met but still feels like he knows for years.
If you're so interested to know him and… I don't know, do whatever soulmates are supposed to do- He can totally do that right about now-
I mean, he doesn't have anything to do right now, and although he may not show it he is kinda interested to see how this will work out. It's clear that there is something that connects you two yet he would prefer to get to know what type of person you are. Even if he is low-key already digging this nonchalant attitude from you, he is a little worried that you may be a little gremlin in disguise.
Jack acts so careful around you that sometimes it's hard to tell if he is enjoying himself or if he just genuinely doesn't trust you for some reason. Even if he is loving every second of getting to know you, the lack of affection being expressed from his part makes you question if this is really what destiny has instore for you.
Hopefully he'll be able to open himself up before you think this won't work out at all.
→ Janette Sartorius:
Janette is a hopeless romantic woman. It doesn't help that her whole entire life she grew up dreaming about this moment.
Her birthmark is simplistic yet it meant the entire world to her-. A sword stuck on a rock as the laces that decorate the sword fly in the wind. It really did look like a tattoo, some people had even questioned her if that was her real birthmark or just a tattoo she made to look cool.
To some it may seem like a cool little symbol to have on her skin, yet to her it feels like there is something more to it. A meaning, a dream, a memory perhaps?
Ever since she was young she loved the stories of knights and princesses, she started to associate that image of the sword with that dream of being someone else's knight. It was charming to her and it seemed like she hasn't grown out of that phase ever since.
The first impression is the one that lasts, right? So the only way to meet her darling is to have a big entrance. It's not like she isn't ready at any time, it's just that she hoped that for all the good luck in world to not make her look stupid infront of whoever had the same birthmark as her.
Fortunately for her, her wishes were granted as in a brilliant moment of pure fucking convinient plot coincidence as she not only managed to impress you, but to also feel like the knight she so badly wanted to be.
She got her glorious moment after defending you from another classmate that was harassing you, to which she only got to enjoy after she looked over at you and not only instantly thought you looked pretty hot in her eyes and also saw that familiar image on the back of your hand.
It was pretty much love at first sight, which was literally bound by the universe to happen. I mean, can't you see this?? This perfect scene, the fact that she didn't need to look at your birthmark to see how gorgeous you were and to even be able to help you get up-
It was perfect! It felt perfect, it was even better than what she had dreamed of. The only thing to spoil this sweet moment between soon to be lovers was the bell ringing and you turning your back and running to class after whispering a shy "thank you bye". She couldn't even say her name, or ask your name, or even show you her own birthmark!
The only thing you left was a tiny notepad you forgot to pick up. There were scribbles here and there talking about some class assignments and source material for your studies.
It felt like you were Cinderella running away and leaving the crystal heel so she could pick it up and find you later on. It made her heart flustered at the comparison, it was all coming along so well.
She recognized which was the subject that your notepad was referring to, and soon went to find your class where she could hopefully find you and give it back.
But when she reached your class at lunchtime she didn't find you anywhere inside, only a couple of your classmates were there. She asked everyone she could to see where you were, like she was interrogating them over a crime scene because of how desperate she looked.
It felt like an endless chase to find you, people had given her vague or useless information over and over again. Some were playing a prank on Janette and others genuinely didn't know enough about you to know where you could be.
From the information she gathered around, you were a silent study all day type of person. She heard that you didn't enjoy it at all but you felt the need to try your hardest to be able to pass in your exams. Janette heard that you were shy and tended to keep yourself away from genuinely getting involved with people, which led to people considering you a weirdo and to bullying you over this.
It was a terrible reason to treat someone so loveable so badly yet it didn't surprise her since the institution was an absolute mess, if delinquents like her can go around and burn shit down, then clearly that was something wrong with the educational system.
Yet she didn't give up even for a second, she needed to find you, she needed to talk with you and tell you about your destiny together (and trying not to sound so desperate as she was-). Her efforts were compensated by finally finding you and being able to give you the notepad back.
It was so heartwarming to hear you say thank you again and being able to introduce herself properly, yet there was something different about this conversation. You seemed… worried of her presence, disturbed by it, concerned of her being so close and breathless next to you.
She thought you were startled by the sudden approach, after all you were a shy ball, right? That's why- That's why you got so shocked when she said you two were meant for each other, right? That's why you seemed so surprised after she showed you her birthmark.
O-Of course you weren't distancing yourself out of fear, right? Even if your eyes look so freaked out, it was probably because of how sudden the situation was right?
You didn't actually fear her, right? She knows she can be a bit intimidating, but-
But there is no way you're afraid of your own soulmate, right? There is no way she is scaring her own darling away, that was impossible…
You didn't mean it when you said you were "too busy with studying to think about getting a relationship", did you? She- She must had heard it wrong-
What type of fuckin excuse is that?? What moron says that to a person who they're literally bonded with forever?!
Janette was visibly shaking, her expression was of pure anger which didn't really surprise you as you expected her to get mad at such a terrible excuse. You didn't lie about being busy studying, you lied about not wanting to date her because of it. You were afraid of her because of her reputation, you didn't want anything to do with a delinquent, or a leader of a biker gang, or anyone so hot headed for that matter! It was ironic how your soulmate was literally the one person you wanted to be away from, even if you did feel a little more protected in her presence.
Actually, you would be lying if that encounter wasn't so… Romantic, in a way.
Yet it doesn't help that just the idea of getting rejected is making her look so violent, she hasn't even spoken anything or even raised her hand, yet there is a clear "nope" flag hanging over her head- You didn't say no! You just- You just don't know how you feel about this, is too sudden-
You fail to find the right words to tell her and hopefully calm her down, instead you just cowardly distance yourself and slowly slipping your back against the wall so you can make yourself seem smaller, unconsciously trying to showcase how terrified you were and how you you literally regretted every word that had ever come on out of your mouth.
Of course she was mad, but more because of the situation than of you actually- I mean, she has been waiting for this moment her whole life! How… How can anyone say something like that to their own soulmate for fucks sake?! How can you not feel the same spark that she feels by just talking with you? Is she in the wrong for wanting to jump straight to the "Happy ever after" of your story together? Maybe she is coming off way too strong about this, is this why you're being so stubborn?
When she manages to calm herself before saying something she would regret it, the look that you give her tells her that she really, really messed up this introduction part.
It hurts her to think you're scared of her, yet what hurts more is the fact she almost screwed this whole up for you two, you just need… some time to know her, right? To understand her, and so she can understand you.
She'll try to comfort you, yet is clear that she isn't the best at comforting people, but- But please! Please let her try!!
Let her try to be your knight in shining armour, dearest.
Even if you don't like the idea of spending time with her, I think you don't have a say in the matter. You'll stay by her side and you will see how you two were made for each other, you'll see.
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palettepainter · 3 years
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Gonna post some Zoophobia art here to tumblr since I always seem to forget So what started off as sketches turned into a small headcannon I made for Francesca, her older design in my NGAU has since been updated compared to when I first drew her. I changed up her hair style and clothes to give her a more matured look, also, pointy vampires ears, I had to add them. Sum notes on her -Francesca runs an independent hair salon in Safe Haven. Though she runs her own business she is a fierce supporter to her younger sisters Pepper's and Bamibi's species appreciation acceptance club. Francesca gives me a laid back and relaxed vibe, she's chill. She'll show up to events hosted by her sisters, sporting their species acceptance t-shirt merchandise and blow into a party horn with a lazed smile on her face. Despite her lay about arguably lazy side she is very caring, being a big sister, and is often the voice of reason among her two sisters when they're thinking about doing something crazy. -Francesca is hella gay, in her first years of ZPA she was a bit of a closet gay, not really confident to talk to girls she thought where pretty. It wasn't until she had her first fling with Camilla did she finally embrace it, Camilla and herself had a friends with benefits sort of deal during their years at ZPA. They'd laugh together, do dance class together, judge people together, fuck together: you know, typical best friend things. In Francesca's third year she began to grow a bit more confident in herself, and in the end her and Camilla stayed as very close friends. -Not shown above but Francesca is married to Spring, Autumn's sister. Spring works as a professional yoga instructor, hosting yoga classes out in the middle of sunny fields to be one with nature, her powers making her perfectly skilled in the art of growing and nurturing flowers and plants of all kind to bloom, a perfect relaxed environment to practice the art of yoga. The two met when Summer dragged her older, slightly anti social sister to Francesca's salon for a hair doo. Though scatter brained and a little forgetful Spring means well, embracing her hippy dippy ways to be one with nature. Her siblings are all generally okay with this, buuuut because of how much time she spends in nature Spring sometimes forgets to trim that mane of hair, and more often then not one of them has to drag her out to get a trim. Francesca is not intimidated by the tall women with a head of green hair flowing to the back of her knees, and confidently arms herself with her scissors and hair ties. It took a whole day for Fransceca to tame the hair into a more manageable style, Spring's siblings simply said that they wanted Spring's face to be visible, and that Fransesca had free will to style the hair how she liked. After she's finished and Fransesca gets her first propper look at the timid customer, she's already drawn to her shy nature. Francesca, though being a bit of a wild card, has a thing for shy people, perhaps it's a bit of vampire quirkiness, perhaps she likes the idea of someone shy and timid when she flashes all but a single toothy grin (Simon was and still kind is a bit of a sadist, he had no issue biting Fabian or restraining Zill, heck he even seemed pleased at the idea of drinking Carries blood cuz she was a demon - he's got some sadist nature in him, and it rubbed off on Francesca just a wee bit). Fransesca is laying out her smoothest flirts and pick up lines, all of which Spring replies too with a flustered deer whinny sound. Fransesca confidently gives Spring her card with a wink, and Spring hurriedly leaves. In the end Peppers and Summer got fed up of Spring pinning for Fransceca who was having way to much fun getting Spring all flustered that the two put them up on a yoga date. Fransesca had been pretty stressed out lately with helping Peppers and Bambi with big events at the centre, and so Spring gave her a full yoga therapy session. Fransesca at first doesn't really see the point in sitting in a field in some weird robe thingy, or walking calmly through the grass bare foot, or listening to the sound of a stream - yet, she tries anyway, mostly going into this yoga session thinking it would be all laughs and jokes. She's very surprised at just how..good Spring is at getting her to relax, there's something so soothing about Spring's voice it actually lulled her to sleep at one point, her snoring kinda broke the atmosphere Spring had going. They're happily married, Fransesca loves her dorky deer wifey -Blaire has a somewhat tense relationship with her mother Camilla, with the lack of a motherly figure in her life Blaire unconsciously seeks approval from the older female figures in her life: those two being Rosie, and Fransesca. Blaire is currently studying beauty and fashion at ZPA, despite what others think she's actually really found of exploring different fashion themes and playing around with hair dyes. She currently has a job working at Fransecsca's hair salon, she has yet to actually do any styling herself and works mostly behind the till. It's not the job she wanted, and it's pretty sucky, pretty damn boring. Fransesca sees that Blaire is obviously not having fun, not like Blaire was trying to hide it, so Franscesca one day gives Blaire a mannequin head and wig, and tells her to 'show what shes got' Blaire was a bit nervous at first, feeling as though this was some test, didn't help that Fransesca was watching silently the entire time. By the time she's finished Fransesca walks over to inspect her work, Fransesca doesn't sugar coat, she's to the point and Blaire may have been a little hurt. Then Fransesca gives her shoulder a friendly punch and admits that she's seen worse, and that Blaire has some potential for this kind of work. She takes Blaire on as a sort of apprentice, but it doesn't take long for the two to have a more relaxed bond then a worker and boss one. Francesca comes to enjoy the snarky brat, she sees a lot of herself in her DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/COPY/TRACE MY ART Franscesca/Bambi/Pepper/Spring/Simon/Camilla - Zoophobia Blaire - me
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Hey guys! Someone sent me a private message with a word for my WIP word, sentence, thingy, but the segment was too long to share in a PM, so I’m posting it here. The word they sent was “sharp.”
send me a word & i’ll post a sentence from my WIP that contains that word
Sharp: “Yeah, but ya said that ‘bout havin’ ‘sexual intercourse’ last time. This is different. Ain’t bad ta think ‘bout someone. ‘S natural. Ya can’t tell me ya never... ya know. Rub one out? So, if ya don’t think ‘bout women... what /do/ ya think ‘bout?”
Oh, fuck, the kid is bright fucking red, holy shit. Even with the makeup, Mondo can see that Taka is almost the color of a ripe tomato, his eyes wide as saucers. If this moment wasn’t so weird, Mondo would think it’s cute. But as it stands, it’s just... so fucking weird... Mondo likely shouldn’t have done the crude hand gesture, but he had a feeling the kid wouldn’t understand his meaning otherwise, shit. But even Taka shouldn’t be /that/ fucking  embarrassed about a hand gesture... right?
But it seems so, if the way Taka turns to glare at the wall, back stiff and straight, face closed off and tight, discomfort fucking /billowing/ off him in waves is anything to go by...
“I fail to see how that is any business of yours! S-such information is- is /private/ a-and it is honestly rude to ask such a thing! E-especially in public! B-but...” Taka hisses, his body shaking, his anger and indignation plain to see. Shit... perhaps he shouldn’t have done this, but... “But... to answer you, I... I do not... I-it is improper, and I... I cannot...”
He... doesn’t. He fucking... /doesn’t/...?! What?! How?! How the fuck does he not... not... and Mondo isn’t being insensitive, alright? Even if Taka were, ya know... /gay/... he wouldn’t care! But... the fact that he doesn’t, /at all/... because it’s fucking /improper/...? That’s just... that’s fucking...
“Shit. Yer seriously tellin’ me ya never... ya know. Not even once?”
Mondo watches as Taka closes his eyes, looking so fucking uncomfortable and /upset/, making Mondo feel like a fucking jackass... oh, shit, he- he hadn’t meant to... he’d just been taken aback, that’s all, he... but before Mondo can try and stammer out an apology, or backtrack, or /anything/, Taka... Taka is /nodding/. Just once. Sharp and jerky, but Mondo sees it. For some reason, this is even more shocking to him, even though he’d already figured this, and can’t help letting out a low ‘well, shit,’ his brain being all weird... shit... because he can tell the kid is telling the truth and that just... well. It certainly makes a lot of things ‘bout the kid make a whole hell of a lotta sense...
“Well, fuck, man. No wonder yer always so tightly wound. If I didn’t, uh... /ya know/, every so often I’d prolly explode or somethin’. You, uh... you really take yer whole ‘Moral Compass’ thing seriously, don’t you?”
He doesn’t mean anything by the words, honest, he doesn’t. He’s just surprised, alright? And maybe he shouldn’t be, he knows some people don’t like shit like that. His... his ma never did, if the way she’d fucking /scream/ when their da wanted to... wanted ta... s-shit. Shit. Point is, he knows that some people don’t like that shit, especially if someone else has ever hurt them because of it. /Raped/ them, f-fuck. And he- he hopes that ain’t the case for Taka, but for some reason he can’t quite make the thought (the /fear/) go away. He... he knows how fucking terrifying that shit can be... even if nothing happens, even if the other party gets fucking scared away, he knows that that kinda shit doesn’t ever go away. Especially if the person is young and defenseless when it happens. Especially if they don’t even know what is happening, since they’re so fucking young, but know that it’s not good. He... he /knows/...
Mondo shakes himself from the fucking /memories/ and focuses back on Taka, watching him as he screws his eyes up tight, trying to hide away again. But Mondo can see the water gathering there. He can also see the way the kid’s lips are wobbling, his sorrow clear for Mondo to see. And he has a stab of fucking /self-loathing/ hit him as he realizes he’s the one who fucking did this. It’s his fucking fault, s-shit... fuck, he has to fix this... has to show Taka that it’s /fine/, that he... he’s /fine/... that there ain’t nothing fucking wrong with him, not at all...
“Fuck, shit... Taka, I didn’t... goddamnit,” he mutters softly, before he says ‘fuck it’ and moves closer to the kid. He still feels so weird inside, his stomach clenching with his worry for Taka __and the reminder of long forgotten memories__ that he just... can’t help how he goes closer to Taka. Like a fucking magnet...
He feels Taka jolt when he wraps his arms around him, but he doesn’t let go, and instead tightens his grip. He knows the kid could escape if he wanted, has told the kid many times that he is more than welcome to punch his lights out if he ever makes him feel uncomfortable, has even made the kid /promise/ to do it, so he knows Taka could escape if he truly wants.
(From chapter 13 of TPWM, companion to chapter 14 of TPWP.)
(Fun fact: I was originally going to expand on the part where Mondo is describing the reasons why Taka might not like pleasuring himself. I might still add it later in TPWM, but I'll talk about it now in case I don't get a chance to. [C.W. mention of child molestation.]
Basically, when Mondo was young, maybe 4 or 5, one of his father's "male friends" tried to molest him. Daiya came home before the man did anything more than touch Mondo's clothed inner thigh, going all momma bear on him, but Mondo never forgot how icky it made him feel inside. He didn't realize what the man was trying to do until he was much older, but once he did it made him feel even more freaked about the whole thing, doing his best to ignore it while also vowing to build himself up enough to never be put in that sort of position ever, ever again.
I came up with that backstory back when writing TPWP, but it never came up, so I kind of put it on the backburner. And now, while writing TPWM, it's yet to fit organically in a good place, even though I thought it would fit at a certain part but it just... didn't. I still privately think of it being part of Mondo's backstory, another reason he is so violently against being bi as well as why consent is so important to him, but I just don't know if I'll ever find a good place to bring the whole backstory up. Like Taka and his suicidal past. But I figured I'd mention it here, since I'll prolly mention it in my author's notes when this chapter is eventually posted.)
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Catra's season 4 outfit gives me Shadow Weaver vibes - her right arm is covered while the left one is not. Just like SW has her poncho thingy wrapped only around her right arm. I don't know maybe I'm reaching but if she is trying to become some evil tyrant, she is probably emulating The evil she knows. What do you think?
Oh season 4 Catra is all kinds of vibing with Shadow Weaver. I actually have a lot to say about this that plays in with my “Catra isn’t a pretty abuse victim” meta, so buckle up lol.
Let’s start with a quote from Shadow Weaver:
“You remind me of myself. You always have.”
Yes, I know she was trying to manipulate Catra and try to show that they’re similar and Catra should help her, but that doesn’t automatically make it a lie. Catra is a lot like Shadow Weaver from her Light Spinner days - she wanted more power, she wanted to challenge the Horde, and no one would listen to her. Catra’s often in the same position of being overlooked or ignored, partially by Shadow Weaver’s doing, but it’s implied that people in the Horde don’t really think much of Catra until she becomes Force Captain, something she’d resigned herself to because of Adora.
Shadow Weaver seeing herself in Catra would also explain a lot about her treatment of Catra. Because she knows what lengths she went to for power, and Catra is fully capable of doing the same. How do you stop someone from seeking power? You put them down, you force them into situations they can’t win (like competing with Adora), you demean them, you make sure they never think they can accomplish anything. And Shadow Weaver did a damn good job at that until Hordak put the badge in Catra’s hand.
And just like Shadow Weaver, Catra eventually hits rock bottom. The fact that this is also because of Shadow Weaver is being put aside for now. Catra reaches a point where she has nothing left to lose, pushing her into her own position of “do this thing that’s dangerous and literally no one wants you to do” - pulling the lever.
Again, parallels here. Catra was disfigured in the portal, Shadow Weaver was disfigured using the spell of obtainment. Catra’s wasn’t permanent, thankfully, but she still covers up the reminder with the sleeve on her arm, just like Shadow Weaver covers herself to hide what the spell of obtainment did to her. Which is the answer to what you actually asked, but I’m going to keep going, if you don’t mind.
Catra definitely displays some very Shadow Weaver-esque behavior in season four,very much following the example of evil that she’s seen, with the yelling and verbal abuse at someone who sees her as an important figure in her life (Shadow Weaver was a parental figure to Catra, Catra was a best friend to Scorpia, in Scorpia’s mind), but I think the lowest point for Catra is when she literally repeats Shadow Weaver’s behavior, right down to her words, when she’s yelling at Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio 4x12:
“Get out!”
Yes, I know they’re common words, but the context of the scene is what, to me, parallels it with Shadow Weaver yelling at Adora and Catra in Promises. Catra’s backed up into the shadows, literally shrouded in darkness, yelling at people who at the very least used to be her squadmates (I believe Kyle thinks they were friends, but the reality of that statement is debatable), and threatening them. It seems oddly similar to the scene in Promises, doesn’t it? Catra’s finally risen to power, just like Shadow Weaver did. But she’s not happy. Because unlike Shadow Weaver, power was never what she wanted. But Shadow Weaver put the idea in her head, just like she gaslighted Adora in 1x01: “Is this not what you've wanted since you were old enough to want anything?” But Catra’s happiness is a discussion for another time.
Shadow Weaver basically built a perfect cycle of abuse with Catra - she abused Catra, who then went on to emulate her abuser by repeating all her actions and mistakes. Left unchecked, Catra probably would have just spiraled further down that hole of misery.
But Catra breaks the cycle. She makes a conscious choice to do “one good thing” in her life, with every intention of dying on Horde Prime’s ship. And when she doesn’t die, she actively works on being a better person. Which does not go unnoticed by Shadow Weaver, who tries to pull Catra back down to her level:
“At least you admit she’s evil.” “You’re one to talk, aren’t you?”
But Catra has Adora to hold her back now, to keep her grounded. And Shadow Weaver is alone in her little abuse circle. The girls she raised have teamed up and turned on her, there’s no place for her in the Rebellion, no place in the Horde, no place in Etheria.
Which leads us to Shadow Weaver sacrificing herself. Actually, rewind back to her arguing with Catra in the Whispering Woods and basically repeating the Glimmer/Catra scene on Prime’s ship:
“Do something good with [magic] for once and help me save Adora before it’s too late!”
And Shadow Weaver actually listens. Sure, this is her chance to go out as “a hero”, but her presence there at all is because of Catra. If Shadow Weaver had her way, she’d have been getting wine drunk back at the rebellion cave. But Catra dragged her out, Catra backed her into a corner, and Catra made her do something. Catra proved that she could actually rise above Shadow Weaver’s abuse and be a better person.
Which brings me back to another Shadow Weaver quote:
“It's too late for me. But you, this is only the beginning for you.”
Again, probably just her trying to be manipulative one last time, but I think there’s some truth to the words. Shadow Weaver has always been self-serving and thinking about ways to save herself, screw everyone else. But she knows there’s nowhere for her in a post-war world, so what the hell, might as well go out with a bang. Alternatively, she could’ve just left Catra to die (as one might expect), and harness the power of the Heart while she was right there, alone with it, and just run. I’m sure she could’ve found a way to make herself an appealing asset to Horde Prime, at least long enough to get off Etheria and find another planet to terrorize with her newfound powers.
And I know people are going to argue and say she was straight up being manipulative, but to what end? I absolutely believe her final words were a mind fuck - the “you’re welcome” combined with taking off her mask and showing her true face pretty much screamed “this is who she really is, don’t forget that.” It’s the “It’s too late for me” that gets me. She is fully recognizing that she has fucked up beyond repair, and not at all apologetic about it, but she also proceeds to go back on the earlier parallels she drew between herself and Catra. Catra hasn’t fucked up beyond repair yet. Catra broke the cycle. Catra had a chance at a new life, better than the one she had in the Horde, and a chance to be a better person. “This is only the beginning for you” might be the most sincerest words she ever said, to the person she was so sure she had broken.
Wow this got way off track. Anyway, yeah, I think there are some clear parallels between Catra, especially in season four, and Shadow Weaver. And it’s fascinating to think about how that dynamic plays out.
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unsaidmar · 3 years
WC: 2.5k (long winded girl, I know)
Plot: They share stuff and it changes how they see things. Connection ensues. 
CW: Mentions of death, illness, hospitals I guess, violence.
a/n: Hello y’all. This is part two of whatever the fuck is going on inside my pea brain. Hope you enjoy.
Part one, the meeting. 
Two; It’s better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
She laughed at the awkwardness of the text and the perfect grammar Dr. Spencer Reid maintained while texting. Ollie made a mental note to care a little more about the phrasing of her own texts, especially considering the circumstances. To say she wanted to impress him was an understatement.
“Good, germs are yucky.” Sent at 7:45 am.
“Also, hi. Good morning” Sent at 7:45 am.
Good morning? Too much too soon? She fell victim to her overthinking for at least twenty minutes after sending her last text, realizing she had to slowly build up the courage to ask about the next time they would be seeing each other, which apparently would have to wait, since Spencer had an inconvenient schedule and could be out of the state in a matter of 20 minutes.  Ollie exhaled and stood up from her awful office chair to go and make herself some coffee, hoping to stop her mind from reeling and sending her into her usual never-ending pit of despair and anxiety that came with stepping out of her comfort zone.
A ping echoed in the room and her screen lit up, displaying a text from the one person she had been thinking about. Ollies mother would be crying laughing if she saw the state she was in, positively losing hair over the fact that a cute, smart, witty man was texting her back. A man she had spoken to for the first time not even 24 hours prior.
“I’m a nice person, I’m funny sometimes, I offered him coffee.” She whispered to herself, rationalizing every aspect of their interaction. “That’s how friendships start” She laughed bitterly. “I’m here… freaking… wishful thinking, and maybe he has a significant other… maybe he doesn’t even like women… maybe he just thought I was nice and he thought ‘yay, a new friend’… fuck” she plopped herself back on the chair and threw her head back.
Lia would have known what the right thing to do is, she would come up with a cool thing to text back on the spot, and she resented her absence like she had a million times before. Ollie had gotten used to writing her letters like her best friend was living somewhere else in the world and she would eventually read her friend’s attempt at keeping her updated, which she knew was not healthy and definitely not helping her move on.
The thing is, Lia’s death was not a surprise at all. It was a possibility to the point of actually being expected. She had been diagnosed as a terminal patient for a little over a year before she passed and almost everyone around her had made peace with the fact that she could go any day and that life would have to go on without her, but no amount of grief counseling and encouraging talks with Lia’s family could have prepared her for the unimaginable pain Ollie felt when it happened. She had heard about experiences that made the world turn upside down and how some life events made you go numb and make your legs give weight, but had never come face to face with a happenstance that painful.
She figured she was going to have to carry the burden of her loss till the day she died, and even then, the words “I missed you, till the very end.” would be carved in her grave.
Coming back from her spiral, she remembered how she fell down the rabbit hole in the first place. She took her phone with the intention of texting Spencer back and smiled at how stupid she had been to worry about seeing him again.
“Hey, arrest made successfully. Are you busy right now?” Sent at 7:57 am.
Sighing with relief, Ollie smiled and tried to sound casual with her reply as to not sound like seeing him again was the only thing she had been thinking about.
“I’m the boss, I can un-busy myself. Why? Were you charmed by my Keurig?” Sent at 8:00 am.
Spencer was not the kind to send sassy texts, or any text for that matter. This was completely new to him and he was determined to get it right, so he channeled the Derek Morgan that lived within him and prayed to whatever deity was looking out for him to make him sound cooler than he was feeling.
“I’m a sucker for coffee so, yes.” Sent at 8:05
 “I’m a sucker for you, apparently” Ollie nearly screamed at how quickly that came out of her mouth. “Fucking loser, dear God” She shook her head, scolding herself and whatever hamster was in charge of her brain and thought process.
“Mi oficina es tu oficina, then. I’ll be waiting.” Sent at 8:07
Twenty minutes later, he was there, coffee cup in his hands. After what felt like no time at all, they were four coffee cups deep into their conversation and had learned a lot more about each other. Turns out Spencer had a day off after they landed from an away case, he had a thing with germs, his favorite color was purple and his co-workers were more his family than just the people he happened to work with. He liked a bunch of sugar with his coffee and had an eidetic memory that was as much of a blessing as it was a curse.
He was impressed at how this girl was not what you would expect her to be, every aspect of her seemed to make no sense and at the same time, it made perfect sense. This purple haired girl had ADHD and a PhD in history, she was the oldest daughter of two of the most stubborn Mexican immigrants and had a sister that made even the most patient of humans go mad. She loved music, and was not ashamed to admit that her taste in music was far from sophisticated. “I am Taylor Swift’s bitch; I know the words to every single one of her songs! Same goes for One Direction too” She argued when Spencer said that it couldn’t be that bad.
A blaring ring halted their conversation to an unexpected stop. Ollie picked up the office phone with an annoyed grimace and exchanged a few words with whoever was calling.
“Hold that thought, I have to go sign a thingy at the front desk” She dashed out of her office and left Spencer there.
For the first time, he felt compelled to look around and fixate on the details. There were a few old looking pictures and some newer ones with people who looked a lot like her. There was one picture that caught his attention, isolated from the rest like it deserved a spot of its own. In it, there was a red-haired girl that looked around Ollie’s age, one of her arms around her waist and the other one cradling her head that was laying on her shoulder. Ollie’s eyes were closed and the red head looked like she was caught mid-sentence. Stuck to the frame was a little post it note that read “I love you, head ass. -Lia” It looked intimate, they were clearly comfortable with that kind of physical affection, and if Lia hadn’t called Ollie a head ass in the post it, he would have assumed they were together romantically.
Ollie came back in a hurry, apologizing for having to run out like that and sitting back down to resume their conversation.
“It’s okay, don’t worry” Spencer assured her. “I was looking at your pictures, I hope you don’t mind” He said, suddenly very aware of how invasive that could be.
“Not at all, those are there to be looked at” She shrugged, bracing herself for the question she knew was coming. Somehow, talking about Lia with him did not feel as dreadful as it had all those times she was asked about it before, perhaps it’s just him and his calming presence.
Sure enough, he pointed at the picture Lia had framed for valentine’s day and asked, “Who’s that?”.
“That’s Lia, she was my best friend. She is my best friend.” She smiled fondly, something that had never happened before when talking about this specific topic. Maybe sharing Lia’s memory with someone who didn’t know her was different. “She passed away almost a year and a half ago. 468 days ago, to be exact. She was really sick, it was inevitable” Ollie let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, reaching for the post it and tracing the words over with her finger.
“I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine how hard that must have been”
“It was… heartbreaking. Even with all that time we had to process the news, it still took me off guard.” She shook her head trying to ground herself. “Anyways, that’s a sad topic. I don’t want to bum you out with it.”
He knew the feeling all too well, he had apologized to several people when he rambled about Maeve, feeling like he had said too much and gotten too personal. He was not about to let this beautiful, vibrant soul feel the way he had for so long. Like he still did, truly.
“Don’t apologize, I get it. You’re not making me sad” He felt like he needed to elaborate to actually convey the message. “I went through the same thing with someone I loved too” he said, looking down at his hands, the very familiar feeling of oversharing creeping in. As he looked up, he noticed the sad look Ollie was giving him, but if the profiler in him was right, she was inviting him to share, not to stop.
“Her name was Maeve. She… she was a geneticist. She helped me through a rough time and she became my friend. It’s a long story…” he looked away.
“I want to hear it, long or not. But only if you want me to.” She gave him the warmest smile she could muster, which convinced him to keep going.
“Um, I started getting some headaches a while ago. I went to a few doctors but none of them gave me an answer. I reached out to Maeve for help and… We bonded, I guess.” He took a shaky breath.
“You don’t have to continue if you feel uncomfortable” she whispered in the most delicate tone.
“No, it’s not that. It’s just… I’ve never told this story before. Everyone in my life that I care about was there to see it.” He said, meeting her eyes so she could see how honest he was being. The man got a hold of himself for a minute, and continued.
“Maeve had to go into hiding. She was being stalked by some woman she met at work. Beyond talking on the phone, we hadn’t even met. I had no idea what she looked like and vice versa. This girl, the stalker… She wrote a paper, and Maeve dismissed it because it didn’t have a good enough foundation. When she started stalking her, she scared her into hiding and eventually started dating her ex-fiancé to try and get closer to Maeve, assuming he knew where she was. They ended up finding her and confronting her. She shot herself and the first person I ever loved. Right in front of me and my friends. The first five minutes I got with Maeve face to face, were the last.”
Baring his soul to a person he had known for a whooping 18 hours was the weirdest thing Spencer had ever done, so unlike himself it was almost funny. But at the same time, he felt like it had to happen. By no means did he believe in fate or destiny, but this one moment made him feel like maybe whoever does believe in that stuff, is not completely wrong.
She was not a therapist. She listened because she was going through a similar thing herself and her interest in Spencer’s loss was not rooted in psychoanalyzing him and helping him cope. She was just a mundane human that did not look at him with condescension and pity, she looked at him like she, too, had found a person who wouldn’t ask her “And, how does that make you feel?” in a monotonous voice. They both knew better than to assume they had all the answers.
“Spencer, that’s horrible. I am so sorry you had to see that. Jesus, fuck. I- “She thought about her next words very carefully. “That’s enough to crush anyone’s spirit” She looked at him like he was turning green. The reason being, he did not look like he was crushed. He had a beautiful smile that shook Ollie to her core, he was easygoing and conversation with him was carefree and it flowed easily. If he had not told her about Maeve, she would not have guessed the man sitting right in front of her was as affected as her.
“How did you manage to get through that?” Ollie questioned, fully intending to take notes.
“I don’t really think I have yet…” Well, time to come clean. Spencer thought. “The whole reason I was here yesterday, and a lot more times before that one, is because she and I talked about this museum. She told me about some conferences she had attended here and we made plans to visit together. Doesn’t quite sound like someone who’s over the whole thing.” He fiddled with his fingers, suddenly too aware of how cold it was. “How did you get through Lia’s death?”
“Yeah, well. I don’t really think I’m quite there either. Not like I’m trying, anyways. I can’t seem to get away from the Grey Roots either” Mental images of two little kids running around with dusty books in their hands came to her and she couldn’t help the small smile she broke into.
“I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, I have always thought that the way Lia and I found each other was pure magic. We met when we were in the second grade, right in this museum, we were on a field trip and we clicked. It was crazy to me that I actually met my best friend at such a young age, and the kind that lasts forever too. It sounds like when people meet the love of their lives on their first try. It sounds dorky, I know”
“It doesn’t. If anything, it sounds like you consider yourself lucky to have loved her like you did. We need more people like that, people that believe in magic.” Spencer reassured her with a shrug. He wished he could believe in cute stuff like that, but he was happy Ollie led a life that made her believe.
“Yeah, but us crazy people, we get our hopes up too easily. Sometimes it hurts.”
“Tell me about it.”
And just like that, in the not so well-lit office of the head Conservator of the Grey Roots Museum and Archive, something in the world had shifted.
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I saw this post the other day by @sunstarelanor​, absolutely laughed my ass off, and decided I had to write something based on it. It ended up being self indulgent fluff more than crack, but hey, what can you do sometimes (spoilers for episodes 114 and sort of 115).
(AO3 Link)
It became clear something was wrong as soon as the spell went off.
The diamond dissolved over Vess’ body as expected. What was not expected however was the strange thrum that went through the air when it did, all of the red eye markings on the body flashing at once. Jester jerked back in alarm, quickly retreating to the rest of the group as Yasha and Fjord drew their blades. They’d known going in that there was a risk to reviving Vess, but they thought it’d involve politics, or the fact that she’d been involved in a weird cult. Not something going wrong with the spell itself. Then again, maybe it shouldn’t have been a surprise with the weird cult stuff going on. Everyone held their breath.
The silence was broken by a gasp. The body rolled to the side, coughing, before taking a few wheezing breaths. Swords were slowly lowered.
So the resurrection itself seemed to have worked. But something still felt off.
Caleb approached tentatively, looking back to the rest of the Mighty Nein before focusing on Vess. “Lady DeRogna?” This was going to be the tricky part. Jester had revived the Archmage, but she had still died while under their watch and it was uncertain how much she’d be willing to cooperate. Perhaps if he could -
“The fuck?”
Everyone froze.
Vess had propped herself up on her elbows, glancing around at the second floor of the mansion with a look of sheer bewilderment on her face.
“Seriously, what the fuck is going on?”
Caleb blinked several times, caught off guard. This was far from what he’d expected to hear from Lady DeRogna. They already knew she’d been hiding things, and that she’d just been brought back from the dead; perhaps this was a side she didn’t usually show other people? He didn’t fully buy it, but it was the only thing he could think of.
“I, ah, apologize, Lady Vess, but we discovered your body a few days ago. It appears that you had been murdered by a member of the Tomb Takers. We have brought you back, but we have... questions about your past involvement with the group.”
While he spoke Caleb kept an eye on Vess to see if there was any reaction. Instead, however, he saw her barely paying attention as she sat up, groping at the sides of her head and forehead as if looking for something.
Jester leaned out from behind Caleb. “Ummm... are you okay?”
The hands stopped, lowering as Vess turned to look at her. “Jester?”
“Uh, yeah, that’s me!”
She stared for several seconds, hands in her lap. Slowly she turned back. “Caleb?”
“... who’s Vess?”
“Wait,” Fjord said while stepping forward with a hand in the air, “Do you not remember? Like, anything?”
“She knows some of our names,” Caduceus added, leaning on his staff as he watched Vess staring back at the two of them. “That’s something.”
“Yes, but why would she remember our names and not her own?”
“A good question.”
Vess looked at the half orc. “Fjord,” she said, and he straightened, but no follow up statement came. Her face was blank when she looked at Caduceus and Veth, but Veth’s face was hardly blank in return, the halfling woman scowling with a hand resting on her crossbow. Vess’ eyes landed on the crossbow and she paused, looking over to Caleb and back to Veth with a thoughtful expression. After a few moments her gaze turned to the last two individuals present.
Beau was standing slightly in front of Yasha, almost protectively, while Yasha rested one of her hands on Beau’s shoulder with Magician’s Judge held in her other hand. Vess stared at the two of them the longest out of anyone so far, face slowly splitting into a grin and eyes watering.
“I still have no idea what the fuck is happening but gods is it good to see you assholes again.”
Vess went to stand - and almost immediately collapsed, Caleb having to rush forward to catch her before she face planted into the floor. His confusion only grew as she dissolved into nervous giggles, Vess mumbling something that sounded like “have tits,” but he wasn’t able to catch the rest. He shot a panicked look to the rest of the group.
“I’m going to echo that, what the fuck is happening?” Beau said, gesturing with one of her arms. “Did the spell get messed up? Can it get messed up?”
“Raise dead can fail just like any other spell,” Caduceus said. He tilted his head. “Though I can’t say I’ve heard of it causing an entirely different personality.”
“Could… could it be a different person? Not just a different personality?” Yasha had stepped forward, hand shifting on Beau’s shoulder and something vulnerable in her expression. Beau looked over and her face softened, placing her hand over Yasha’s.
“Might as well get to the point then,” Fjord said, looking straight at the half-elf and crossing his arms. “Are you Lady Vess DeRogna?”
“No,” Vess said, shaking her head. “And I have no idea who the fuck that is.”
“She could be lying,” Veth said as she scooched forward, also confused but mostly still suspicious. “I don’t trust her. Jester, you should do the truth thingy.”
“Zone of truth?”
“Yes! That one.”
Jester hummed in thought, looked at the others for approval, and then nodded. “Okay.” She made a shooing motion at the rest of the group and they backed out of the range of the spell, Caleb gingerly propping Vess up against the table she’d been revived on before quickly shuffling over. Jester clapped her hands together and rocked back and forth on her feet.
“Sorry about this Lady Not-Vess, but it should be over soon!”
The spell was cast and Vess shivered as it passed over her, relaxing again a moment later.
“Alright. Ask away,” she said.
“Are you Lady Vess DeRogna?”
“Already answered. No.”
A murmur went through the group, Jester’s eyebrows raising. It seemed like they really could be dealing with someone else entirely here.
“Do you intend to harm any of us?” Caleb asked.
Vess forcefully shook her head. “Absolutely not.”
“Do you consider us your friends?” Caduceus asked, which earned him a few confused looks. Caduceus shrugged. “She seemed pretty friendly earlier.”
“I don’t know you specifically, so I can’t say, but yes, I consider you guys my friends,” Vess said, grinning.
Yasha stared hard, grip white knuckled on her sword and expression intense.
“What is your name?”
Vess grinned even wider at all of them.
“My name is Mollymauk Tealeaf,” she said, “Molly to my friends.” And passed out.
Needless to say, everyone absolutely lost their shit.
10 minutes later the group was arranged in a circle on the floor, Molly-Vess wrapped in a blanket and propped up against Yasha while holding a mug of hot cocoa. Beau continued to stare as he slurped loudly, Molly letting out a long sigh once the sip was finished.
“Thank you, for everything. I have no idea how, but thank you.” He smiled and leaned closer into Yasha, resting Vess’ head on her shoulder while Yasha rubbed his back. “The new body thing is weird, but better that than nothing.”
“Actually,” Beau said, looking at one of the hands peeking out from under the blanket as Molly perked up, “I think I have an idea about that.” She reached forward and tapped the red eye showing on the back of the right hand, Molly looking down and grimacing as he noticed it for the first time. “Vess has these things too, tied up with all this “nonagon” stuff, and when we tried to revive her they all went crazy. I think there might’ve been, like... mixed up messages or something, since you used to have these things too.”
“Huh.” He spent several seconds looking at the eye, steam rising from the cocoa. “Her loss, my gain I guess. How’d she end up dead, anyway?” he asked, looking around at the group. “You said something about the Tomb Takers?”
“You did it,” Jester blurted out, and Molly’s eyes widened as she hurried to continue. “Or, no, not you, it was Lucien! Your body. We’d been trying to follow you. But, we know now it’s not you, since you’re here, but we didn’t know then.”
“The Tomb Takers resurrected your body a couple months ago,” Caduceus added, “but we only found out in the last few weeks.”
“That’s...” Molly trailed off, clearly at a loss for words.  “... don’t even know how to process that right now.” He let out a long breath, giving himself a little shake. “Anyway! I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced,” he said, holding out a hand to Caduceus.
“Caduceus Clay, pleasure to meet you,” he said, gladly accepting the handshake. “Even if the circumstances are a bit strange.”
Molly barked out a laugh. “That’s an understatement. So how’d you meet these disasters?” He grinned as Beau rolled her eyes, though it was clear there wasn’t any heat in the gesture.
“I met them in Shady Creek Run, lived in the Blooming Grove at the time. They needed my help after...”
Caduceus trailed off this time, remembering who he was talking to. The whole group went quiet.
“Ah.” Molly found himself focusing rather intently on the mug of cocoa. “You guys - took care of the problem?”
“Yes,” Caleb and Beau said forcefully at the same time, and Veth gave a sharp nod.
“Good.” He nodded slightly to himself. “Good.” Molly looked back up to Caduceus, smiling again. “Thank you for looking after them.”
“More than happy to,” he said, giving a smile of his own.
“So!” Molly straitened up and drummed his nails against the cocoa mug. “Anyone want to fill me on the current craziness?  Like why you had to revive a lady named Vess, and why she got murdered by my hijacked body?”
“Sure, but it might take a while,” Jester said. “You okay with a really really long explanation?”
“As long as you need, lay it on me!” Molly said, gesturing dramatically with one of his hands.
The group proceeded to go through recent events, Molly listening intently while taking occasional sips of the cocoa. More than once he had to ask for clarification on something, which would then lead to a tangent, which then had to be wrestled back on topic, but eventually they managed to get through the gist of what had occurred, plus several other topics that had come up in said tangents.
“So, just, quick clarification now that we’re wrapping up,” Molly said, cocoa now finished and mug on the floor, “on the way here you guys got attacked by Fjord’s ex-girlfriend, who worked for Fjord’s ex-patron, who also managed to kill Fjord on a different sea voyage? And you met this ex-girlfriend after becoming pirates? On accident?”
“That is a gross over simplification-”
“But totally accurate,” Veth said, expression smug as Fjord deflated. He let out a defeated sigh.
“And you!” Molly said, jabbing a finger at Veth who jumped slightly, “A halfing and married with a kid! Last fucking thing I expected, but gotta say, I’m happy for you.”
“Not sure how I feel about those words coming out of that mouth,” Veth said, squinting, “... but thank you.” She gave a small nod, preening a little.
Molly grinned and nodded back. “Honestly,” he said, looking at everyone, “happy for all of you, you look amazing! Not to mention all of -” he gestured wildly at the chamber around them - “this! Holy shit! No more sleeping under a cart here.”
Caleb smiled slightly. “Well, there is more to see if you would like.”
Molly’s head whipped over, eyes huge.
“Alright then,” Caleb said, standing up and brushing off the front of his pants. “It will be a more limited tour for now, due to the late hour, but I can show you at least one more floor.”
The rest of them got to their feet, Yasha helping Molly stand and supporting him with an arm around his waist. “Just think up,” she said to him.
“What do you mea-” He yelped in surprise as everyone started to float upwards, briefly sinking in Yasha’s grip before righting himself and bobbing back into place. “This night has been amazing,” he whispered. “And surreal. So so surreal.”
He looked up, face awed as the iris opened above them and head darting around as they entered the third floor of the tower.
“This is the Salon,” Caleb said, closing the iris below them with a quiet “zu” and settling gently onto the floor, the group following a moment later. “These three levels act as our library, with furniture and study areas in a few different places. The books are all ones I’ve read in the past though there may be a duplicate here and there.”
“You’ve read a lot of fucking books,” Molly murmured, craning his neck around to view as much as could while leaning in Yasha’s arm. “Any highlights I need to see?”
“There is one thing,” Caleb said, and gestured for everyone to follow.
Molly continued to look around as they went around the corner, sound of a crackling fire growing closer - and stopped dead when he saw what was in front of him, being jostled slightly as it took Yasha a second to stop. His mouth hung open as he stared.
“This has been here since the beginning,” Caleb said quietly, standing before the fireplace and the giant stain glass window styled to resemble Molly’s coat. “But I thought it might be good for you to see it.”
Molly’s mouth worked for a few moments, no sound coming out. He swallowed.
“Molly?” Yasha asked gently.
“I’m really here,” he whispered, eyes welling up. “I’m alive and I’m here.”
He started to cry, to sob even, and everyone came forward at once. Yasha just put her other arm around him to complete a hug, murmuring that it was okay, and Molly reached up to grab her forearm.
“Why are you crying? You shouldn’t have to cry.” Veth.
“Hey man, it’s alright...” Fjord.
“Molls, hey, it’s okay, we’re here okay?” Beau.
“Please don’t cry Molly! We’re all here for you.” Jester.
“You are safe here, you don’t have to worry.” Caleb.
“Deep breaths. You’re going to be alright.” Caduceus.
There were several long shuddering breaths, a few hiccupping sobs, and eventually, a release of tension as things settled into regular breathing. Yasha checked that he was steady and eased back from the hug, arm back around the waist to give him support.
Molly gave a wet laugh, sniffling a little. “I’m not even that upset, it’s just - it just kept coming for a bit. Wow.” He scrubbed at his eyes furiously, giving another sniff. “I’m okay guys. I’m okay.”
“We’re glad you’re okay,” Caduceus said, placing a hand on Molly’s shoulder. “And it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, a lot has happened to you tonight. Don’t hesitate to talk to any of us if you need it.”
“I, uh, sure.” He gave himself a strong shake. “Yeah. Thanks. And I will.”
Molly rubbed the last of the tears away from his eyes and stifled a yawn. “H-how late is it?”
“Pretty late,” Beau said. “Well past midnight at least. Our guide’s staying in the guest room and we didn’t want him interrupting the resurrection on accident.” She paused. “Actually, wait, where are you going to sleep? Shit, Caleb, can you make another room?”
“Ah, no, not on the bedroom floors, but I could set up something in the great hall?”
“You could room with me if you wanted,” Fjord offered. “There’s both a bed and hammock in my room, and I can take the hammock.”
Molly leaned into Yasha, thinking for a long moment.
“Could... could we set up something here? Together? It doesn’t have to be everyone,” he added quickly. “It’s just. It’s been a lot and some close company would be nice. Really nice,” he said quietly.
“We can do that,” Beau said, starting with nodding slowly but it getting more forceful. “Yeah, we can do that.”
“Sounds good to me,” Fjord said, and Caduceus hummed in assent, nodding.
Veth shrugged. “Why not.”
“Pillow foooort!” Jester threw her arms up in the air. “Come on guys, come on, help me find the stuff!”
The group spread out and grabbed blankets, pillows, and cushions from all around the salon, depositing it in a large pile in front of the fireplace while Jester fluffed the pillows and Beau figured out the best way to arrange things. Caleb banked the fireplace with a wave of his hand, it settling down to a soft and quiet glow.
“We’re going to go get ready for bed, but we’ll be back in a moment, okay?” Yasha said, gently setting Molly down. He nodded.
Several minutes later Molly stirred back to consciousness, having dozed off, a few people now settling in around him. Jester gave a little wave, nestling down into a mound of pillows, while Beau was already snoring quietly next to Yasha. Fjord had taken a line of cushions made up like a bed with a blanket and pillow. Veth sprawled out without a care. Caduceus saw him and nodded, as if he’d been waiting for the acknowledgement, and laid down to go to sleep. Molly looked around.
“Over here,” the wizard said quietly, sitting in a chair near the fireplace. “You should sleep.”
“Only if you do too,” Molly mumbled. His eyes were already drooping.
“I will. Now sleep.”
He dozed off again, the amount of time uncertain, but at some point in the night felt one more person settle down. Soon he heard Frumpkin’s quiet trill, Caleb murmuring small affections to his cat, and Molly smiled, finally drifting off to sleep.
When the Mighty Nein showed up the next morning at breakfast with Lady DeRogna suddenly in tow, Dagen gave them a Look.
“We had an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night,” Caleb said as a way of explanation as he sat down at the table. “Lady DeRogna messaged us for assistance and we went to her aid. Since there was no immediate danger we figured it would be better to let you rest.”
Dagen looked over to where Vess had been placed at the table. The Archmage was bundled in a ridiculous amount of blankets, barely visible except for her head and the occasional hand that would dart out for some food. Sometimes after a bite she would lean over to whisper to the tall aasimar or blue tiefling sitting next to her, who would then whisper back for a few seconds. There was also a small train of food gradually being passed over by the other members of the table, any finished food item immediately being replaced by something new.
“She did require some healing though, and she will need time to fully recover,” Fjord added in, briefly distracting Dagen from his observations. “We are doing what we can to make her comfortable.”
Vess muffled a small burp, hand flying up to cover her mouth.
“Uh huh,” Dagen said. “... glad to see you’re alright Lady DeRogna.”
Vess gave a muffled “mmhm,” hand still over her mouth, before ducking her head down and continuing eating.
Dagen chewed slowly, watching Vess for a solid few minutes. “Hrm.” He looked back to Caleb.
“She gonna be okay to travel? You said yourself this place doesn’t last, and Eiselcross isn’t exactly friendly.”
Caleb thought about how he would answer. Fjord and Veth were arguing over something nonsensical, continuing to pass food down the table while Vess leaned over to whisper something Jester, the tiefling bursting into giggles and Yasha shaking her head. Beau watched all of them, chin on her hand, and Caduceus just smiled, sipping on his cup of tea.
“You know,” Caleb said, smiling, “I think we’re going to be okay.”
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN S02E04 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
viewing + post-ep talk with my friends: Google Drive (sorry, youtube denied me again)
(i) Translations are in the English (USA) CC (including the english bits as well for those who struggle with the audio/language, etc.)
pls validate my efforts and watch it.
there’s some anime-only talk about the adaptation towards the end, I wasn’t trying to be arrogant, just mention it to my friends based on some things I’d heard and without spoiling them about what is different that I do know of specifically. But if you want to avoid that, feel free to!
I definitely said it a bit too in favor of the anime, and obviously my friends’ just got my simplified thoughts on it? Like when they said it makes sense for the anime to move on quicker, but that’s not really what’s different. 
So yeah, please forgive the dubious things in that segment, I really just didn’t think about my words a lot.
. Random thoughts
The fish bug scenes were delightful TvT Also the animation during them trying to grab them???
The OST during Isabella’s scenes???? take me
I think we also heard the OST sneak peak from a while ago during the cave confrontation with the army force human
Don is a useless nightwatch, goddamn it Don
Don is an epic chairman.
Loved the shot of Ray shooting at the big demon (why didn’t Emma get a cool shot? :THONK:), very dynamic, very epic.
Also them running together to push the man off the cliff was... something haha.
I’m losing my mind that we’re actually just ending on the way ep1 started. Same animation loops too, eh. to be expected, and obviously adjusted for different clothing and items but. still as someone who wants to praise for not re-using animation, rip.
Eyy Ray took a bath with the others too, yay
. The bunker
So, the twist was that there was really.... no twist at all. Minerva was a good guy, he tried his best, he got discovered and chased.
And yet, I don’t think the bunker was previously discovered by the farms, which would at least warrant a “scare” like that, effectively making it a trap. They may have been aware of a shelter’s existence, but I don’t think they’ve been there before.
You could probably assume that the Troup that attacked our characters may have also removed the previous escapees from the scene --- but if that was the case, why leave all of the letters and other things in place. Not getting there immediately is understandable, they seem to arrived by foot (what? do you plan to keep an eye on the children the whole like 5 day march back or however long it took?? dang). So that’s not it.
So: what caused the HELPs? the person writing in the book seems to have been abandoned or more likely, are the only survivor of their group (maybe the only person in the group at all). Now it’d be an option for them to have found this safe haven and decided to just spend their days there, slowly losing their minds and doing the things on the wall. But then the message in the book, on the other hand, seems traumatized and sad, but not as lost as the carvings on the wall.
So either, they calmed down after going crazy and then once they did, they decided to leave.
Or it’s from two different people (or multiple), the one after the “HELP” one probably leaving the uplifting message in the book nearby of the scribbles.
I’m not sure which I’d find more likely, but all in all, I’m not sure why they didn’t just have the demons already know of the place and just have the letter (they probably wouldn’t have searched everything in the place) not be as obviously placed and then boom, they could still have made all discoveries they needed and when they found the help wall, it would have been from children trapped in the room while the men searched the bunker, wanting help.
* Clearly that’s not what they were going for, since there’s also day-counting things, but even that you could have explained by saying, they missed a child and the other escapees convinced them that they died, somehow and so they were left behind, traumatized by their friends being taken back and giving up for a while. It still runs into the same “but how can it be the same person?” doubt that my friend brought up, but I think that it’d justify the shock value of the wall more. Still not really making the whole “HELP” thing add up though, since that just sounds like there’s an immediate threat, when there isn’t. The only other thing I can think of is that the entire wall wasn’t one instance, so the counting could be solitude, the HELPs acute danger and the names probably also solitude. The drawing on the right also makes me think it was probably a child as well, fairly young. Poor kid.
Unless there’s something more to it I feel like it makes a little more sense, but still not a lot (WHY’D YOU LEAVE YOUR SNACKS, BRO) but seeing as we’ve left, I don’t think we’ll get to know.
I’m assuming the way the farm knew now is either a) they were aware but didn’t see any reason to go there unless there were children there, b) they saw the coordinate carvings (thanks Ray) or c) the pursuers contacted the farms (which would make sense, and again, thanks Ray).
.. the farm has a military force???
I also find it kind of funny that the farms have a military force??? Because so far, we’ve never seen them use guns to do anything. Which makes me think they might not be farm-intern but from an outside force, maybe the humans who are more “on-level” with them?
Like, what do they do all day. They’re probably not part of the buff demon guards and.... idk man haha-
. Isabella
Ahh I was happy to see her! I was even happier to be like “hah, prison. Knew it.” and then later reacting to the offer, even though that wasn’t exactly what I called, but damn. the pride. my fucking expression too lol, i couldn’t hide it at all pff.
Her jump in motivation is a little weird, but I do see it as, someone who has basically accepted their fate, and when that gets challenged, the will to live takes over. 
I’m also not quite sure how she’s supposed to capture them if she can’t leave?
And then of course there’s whatever they promised her aside from “freedom” (which, if that just means being let outside, good luck ma’am there’s demons everywhere) - or is the transportation to the human world included? :D
Based on her clothing in the OP, I might have guessed it’d be “become a grandma” but that doesn’t really go well with the promise of freedom so.... I don’t know where that entire thing is going pff-
We don’t know a lot about what drives Isabella but one of the few things we do know is a) will to live and b) Leslie (????), hence the lullaby in “stressful” situations.
She already got the will to live with the baseline deal, so the only thing I can think of that would make her react more than freedom would be that Leslie’s alive and she can see him if she helps.
I’m not sure if she’s interested in anything else, like how the world works or what she can do for anyone, like.... hm. Of course it could totally be something that we just don’t know yet but yeah I guess that’s my guess.
They probably won’t give up Ray and seeing as she’s more concerned about his brain than anything, I don’t think even if they did allow her to take him with her, it probably wouldn’t mean a lot to her. Plus, why lose another high quality cattle.
I guess it could be, she did seem she wanted to be a proper mother figure, but idk something tells me it’s probably not something like that.
It would also be more “???” than “OHHH” of an reveal. Then again, Leslie is also an obvious choice so.
Maybe it’s something entirely new, we’ll see :D
. The possibily wrong date
So when Anna writes a journal thingy, we see this
Tumblr media
And, well, their escape happened in January 2046, so... for that to be true, somewhere along the line, an entire year would have had to pass.
I’m assume this is a production error because
they didn’t get to harvest once
they wouldn’t wait a year to talk about the plan to go back
Ray wouldn’t need an ear patch for so long, he only has a cut
the montage only showed 22nd and 23rd, if an entire year had passed, we’d have been shown more varied dates, etc.
then it makes even less sense for why the army shows up one year later out of nowhere :D
Smh, CloverWorks, what can you even do right.
Yee, thanks for reading!
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period-dramallama · 4 years
Spanish Princess episode 4 thoughts
In chronological order. With extra swearing!
-so we open with a voice we’ve never heard before and no visuals on this new person and then Bessie addresses the speaker as Anne so the viewer will automatically think Anne Boleyn, but then it’s Anne Hastings? I’m a history nerd and i was so confused i had to rewind. That’s bad direction/editing, imo. Was it really too hard to film Anne’s lips moving?
-”the blasted yew tree in the gardens” blasted as in by lightning, or as in he wanted to say bloody but can’t because his wife is there and she’s eight?
-”that’s a terrible idea” Catherine that is not how you manipulate Henry! You should be like “but if you make wolsey chancellor :( and archbishop :( he will be so :( overworked :( and it wouldn’t be good for his health :( he has enough to do :( and as he’s archbishop of york :( why shouldn’t he be loyal to you :( in York :)”
-something darkly funny about archibald pulling on his clothes in the background like his main concern is not dying naked
-look i love meg but c’mon the rules did stress she’s regent UNTIL she marries like she knew that! it’s not like they hid it in the small print!
-also if you’re having sex on the sly, post guards on your door! with halberds and shit. Preferably Douglas men, so they’ll be less likely to gossip. There should be guards on the doors anyway, that’s how royal palaces work. (Granted, the whole Rizzio situation...)
-Don’t write to catherine, write to a functioning human brain. Wolsey, More, YOUR BROTHER*
*alright, semi-functioning human brain.
- bit rich to blame henry for not helping when you didn’t ask him and went to his wife behind his back instead. Sure, he should have helped anyway, but she could have been smarter about it
-”an army coming in peace, how do I show that?” Never heard of a flag of truce, Henry? Also, there was something in the Borgias about holding a spear that represents invasion
-”she risks your health” bish she said she wanted an army not KoA in preggo armour again
-Compton’s less of a weirdo in this episode. Inconsistency, or maybe he’s a bit more normal with Maggie because they’re now at ease with each other’s company? Yeah no it’s inconsistency isn’t it.
-Thomas More looks so done with everyone’s shit. Me too. I hope he has no more stupid lines, but just looks bored in the background of every single scene. and occasionally the camera cuts to him for a good “i’m surrounded by idiots” face.
-”finer minds than many men I know” yeah but that’s a low bar in this show, everyone’s on stupid pills. Also Wolsey and More were at least cordial IRL. There was mutual respect between the two, even tho they didn’t agree politically all the time. Then again, Wolsey is evil in this ‘verse, and the real TM was an ally of the queen, so...i guess they can death glare now.
-”I would have thought court politics no longer surprised you” “tell the scriptwriters that.”
-”you are too good for us all” just because someone loves their kids and thinks toadying is gross, it doesn’t make them superior lmao. It’s called being normal.
-Maggie Pole: ugh the court is full of schemers and manipulators they’re all disgusting
also Maggie: *manipulates Compton’s emotions, albeit for partly selfless reasons*
-like I get it, I like that she’s using her brain, she has good reasons for the scheme even though it’s dishonest, I get that she wants to break up her betrothal as well, but she could be less black-and-white in her view of court politics.  It feels like whiplash when both scenes are in the same episode. 
-the court feels less depopulated this episode. That’s one good thing. It feels like an actual institution.
-Georgie Henley’s poor back... she is the saving grace of this episode. She can do so much with just her facial expressions. 
-”I will not be my sister” bold of you to think you can ever be as cool as your sister, Catherine.
-Maggie you were doing so well at not wearing that stupid blue hood thingy. Bring back the halfway decent green one.
-”Wolsey is shameless in his machinations” look I can forgive the dudes being rude about Wolsey- they’re the king’s BFFs, they can be as rude as they like. You, otoh, Maggie, are on thin fucking ice. Don’t say that, at normal volume, at the dinner table. Where Wolsey’s like two seats away from you!
-Thomas More whispering like he’s David Attenborough in a nature documentary. At least he knows to keep his fucking voice down.
-”it’s late you should go home,” Ah, yes, Tudor London. Famous for being a place where a woman could safely travel through pitch black streets all on her own while wearing extremely expensive clothes and jewellery. You mean to tell me she can’t sleepover on banquet night? FFS.
-”we can’t be together” someone tell this couple that they can hang out without arguing or having sex. Play chess. Play cards. Play hungry hungry hippos, i don’t care.
-oh look catherine’s practical for 2 hot seconds.
-she-wolf is not a compliment! She’d be offended! Call her a lioness if you want to praise her...y’know because the lion is England’s emblem??
-”Sir Compton” this is literally a mistake bad fanfic writers make.
-Maggie being cunning! Yay! I would never see that coming bc she’s a dumbass for the other 23 hours of the day.
-Bessie already being Henry’s mistress but she still genuinely helps and supports Catherine in her confinement and during the birth and looks genuinely stressed when things go wrong, when she could just be downstairs dancing and having fun with Henry like Anne Hastings is...Bessie I love you ditch Henry and elope with me instead
-do you have a clue how flammable tudor buildings are? Don’t run with it like it’s the fucking Olympics.
-So the heir is so important Catherine has to go into confinement, but you don’t keep midwives 24/7 in her chamber, on standby? 
-”Prince Charles has a ring to it” I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE
-Bessie’s face when the baby’s a girl...comedy gold.
-”I’ll speak with someone who sees sense” you’ll be looking a long time, Meg
-the issue should be Compton kissing a married noblewoman. Nobody would give a flying fuck if it was a married washerwoman.
-’flowers of England’ :) yes they are :)
-”if i had 100 men with a heart like yours I could have conquered the world” that’s actually an excellent pick-up line you DILF now use it on someone who deserves it
-Tourette’s syndrome confirmed!
-dirty baby nappies go in a laundry basket you freaks
-why is the Queen of England carrying washing to a laundry? why why why why?
-also the king of england would not have sex in a laundry. Looks dark, damp, cold, probably smells. AND IT WOULD BE FULL OF WASHERWOMEN AT ALL TIMES. Laundry in those days was a big chore, especially for a laundry that has to wash the entire court’s fancy clothes. You could have just had them banging outside in the grounds where there’s pretty flowers and green grass and then catherine of aragon could turn the corner and spot them. He doesn’t have to hide his adultery, he can have bessie brought to his rooms as usual. 
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yastaghr · 4 years
The Hunt for the Nest
I don’t usually post twice in one day, but @lythecreatorart needs some cheering up and I just finished this fic! It’s some SFW Errink fluff!
Summary: Error wants to leave a mark on the Doodle Sphere that his boyfriend, Ink, has just shown him. He comes up with a cheeky scheme to not only leave one, but tease Ink at the same time.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26565958
Error dusted off his hands happily, staring up at his handiwork. A giant nest of strings hung between two of the doors in Ink’s Doodle Sphere. Ever since the artist had invited him into his zone, Error had been trying to think up the perfect way to leave his mark on the island-filled space. His mind had kept wandering back to his strings. What else could be more him than that? The problem was what to do with them. Eventually, one day when he was visiting Birdtale, Error had the idea. Why not build a nest? He had seen non-sentient birds build them, and the bird-brains here did, too. Surely he could make something similar with string. And here it was!
The whole thing was easily big enough to hold both of them, even with the sprawl that artist mistakenly called sleeping. There were soft blankets inside and pillows, too. All, of course, were blue. Blue was his favorite color. Besides, Error wanted to use his own strings for this for… reasons. Someone else’s simply wouldn’t do.
Now came the fun part of building this: using the thing to tease Ink with. His plan was foolproof. It needed to be. Ink was definitely a fool.
Error opened up a quick portal out of the Doodle Sphere and into a random universe. He then jumped through about fifty other portals, sometimes opening up multiple holes or jumping back through the one he’d entered with, to muddy the trail. Only after he was starting to get tired did Error open the portal to the world he really wanted; it was the one that Ink was in. Why that idiot spent so much time in this universe was beyond him. There was nothing here except darkness. There wasn’t even a Sans. It was just empty, boring black everywhere you looked. A blank that its creator had abandoned long ago.
Ink spun around to face him even though Error knew he hadn’t made any noise. At first his face was just… blank. Blank just like this universe was. But then his eye lights, a blue heart and a green question mark, returned and a smile lit up his face. “Hey, Error! I was just thinking about you! Isn’t it weird that you would show up right after that?”
Error, thoughts derailed by the skatterbrain of the monster he loved, said, “i dOn't kNoW. wHy wErE YoU ThInKiNg aBoUt mE, oR Do i wAnT To kNoW?”
Ink grinned. His eye lights changed to an orange diamond and a yellow exclamation point. Uh oh. That wasn’t good at all.  “Oh! I was just thinking about how I’ve never seen you eat sushi. Do you like sushi?”
“WhAt-” Error started to say.
“I don’t like sushi because the little white thingies they use always get stuck up my nose,” Ink carried on talking, oblivious.
“yOu'rE NoT SuPpOsEd tO-” Error tried again.
“But at the same time I do like sushi because that little green stuff they put on the side makes my nose run! It’s really nice when I’ve got a cold. Just a drop of that and I’m cle-”
It was Error’s turn to interrupt. “INK!!!!”
Ink closed his mouth and looked at him, his left eye light shifting from the diamond into a blue heart. “What is it, Glitchy?”
“i'vE GoT A PrEsEnT FoR YoU.”
Those magic words had Ink’s full attention. He practically quivered with it. It was pathetic (definitely not impressive, no way) how much Ink gave off the impression that he was an exclamation mark in a skeletal body. “Gimme!”
“iT'S NoT HeRe, DuMbAsS,” Error said, rolling his mismatched eye lights fondly, “iT'S HiDdEn. If yOu wAnT It yOu hAvE To fInD It."
Now both of Ink’s eye lights were exclamation points: one green, one yellow. “Ooh! A puzzle gift! Those are the best kind! Where did you hide it? And don’t say “the multiverse” this time. That was almost impossible!”
Error chuckled. That had been a good one. Ink had been searching for weeks for that special easel Error had… acquired for him. He’d finally found it in Chocotale #021. “i dOn't kNoW WhAt yOu'rE TaLkInG AbOuT. i'm nOt gOiNg tO SaY ThAt. I WaS GoInG To sAy iT'S HiDdEn iN ThE DoOdLe sPhErE.”
Ink pouted. “That’s almost as bad! The Doodle Sphere has an island for every universe in the multiverse! You know that! It’s huge! It’ll take me days to search it all!”
Error’s grin was definitely cheeky. He was a glitch! What fun could a glitch have if there wasn’t a little cheek in his life? “yOu'd bEtTeR GeT StArTeD, tHeN, sQuId. ThAt pReSeNt iSn't gOiNg tO FiNd iTsElF!”
Several days later, Ink panted and leaned against the door to Ketotale. He’d been searching non-stop all this time, and he still couldn’t find that damned gift. He felt like he’d searched everywhere at least once, and it wasn’t nearly as much fun anymore - now it was just frustrating. So, Ink did the best thing he could think of doing, his default when a problem grew boring; he searched for someone to pester into helping him. Lucky for him, there was one monster who could be guaranteed to be helpful right now: Error.
Ink found him in Chocotale, which wasn’t that surprising. Error loved chocolate, so an entire world made out of nothing else was bound to appeal. He was munching on the shutters of someone’s house. Ink would have chastised him, but he knew for a fact that most of the inhabitants of Chocotale now had Destroyer Insurance™. That was absolute genius.
Ink poked the monster he wanted in his life more than any other in the back. Error glanced over his shoulder, an unimpressed expression on his face. He finished chewing the chocolate in his mouth with agonizing slowness. Ink stuck his tongue out at him. Rude. “i tHoUgHt yOu wErE SeArChInG FoR My pReSeNt. DiD YoU GeT BoReD AlReAdY? iT'S OnLy bEeN FoUr dAyS. yOu uSuAlLy lAsT LoNgEr tHaN ThIs.”
Ink huffed. “I have been! I’ve been looking nonstop all this time! I swear I’ve searched the entire Doodle Sphere, but I can’t find anything out of place! At least give me a hint, Error. Please~!”
Error rolled his eyes and turned back to his meal. The shutters were more than half destroyed at this point. Oh, well. “tHaT SoUnDs lIkE A PeRsOnAl pRoBlEm tO Me. I'M NoT GoInG To gIvE YoU AnY HiNtS UnTiL It's bEeN At lEaSt a wEeK.”
Ink’s pout was really something to behold. He had no idea what it looked like, but it usually worked on Error like nothing else would. Of course, for it to work Error would have to actually see it. Right now he couldn’t. Thus, the pokes would begin. They were spaced just far enough apart and just firm enough that Error couldn’t ignore them. Ink also moved the spot he was poking all around Error’s back at random so he couldn’t get used to the sensation in a particular place.
Error groaned and spun around to face him, annoyance in his eyes. “fInE! wHaT Is iT YoU WaNt tO KnOw, SqUiD?”
Ink grinned. Yes! Score! He won, and now he could ask… what’d he want to ask again? “Um…”
The glitch rolled his eyes. “tYpIcAl. HoW CaN YoU SaY YoU'Ve sEaRcHeD ThE EnTiRe dOoDlE SpHeRe iF YoU CaN'T EvEn rEmEmBeR WhAt wE'Re tAlKiNg aBoUt fOr tEn mInUtEs?”
A lightning bulb went off in his head. “Oh! Yeah! How is it that you can hide something in the Doodle Sphere that I know like the back of my hand? You’ve only spent a little bit of time there before, and it’s huge!” Error looked down. Ink followed his eyes to see his gloved hand. Oh, yeah. He didn’t exactly know what the back of his hand looked like, did he? “Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best metaphor, but you know what I mean!”
Error chuckled. “yEs, I Do. Do yOu, tHoUgH?”
It was Ink’s turn to glare. “Wow, rude. What have you been doing while I’ve been searching alone, hanging out with the Bad Sanses again?”
“wHo sAiD YoU WeRe sEaRcHiNg aLoNe?” Error said, and then he froze. Ink grinned triumphantly. Ah hah! Error had been following him, had he? “...CrAp, I ShOuLdN'T HaVe sAiD ThAt.”
“Too late, Mr. Stalker! What were you even doing following me around? Making sure I didn’t find it?” Ink asked, not really expecting an answer.
“mAyBe…” Error admitted.
Ink narrowed his eyes. “And how were you doing that? You weren’t distracting me because I didn’t see you there, so what…?”
“oKaY, oKaY! i wAs mOvInG It, OkAy? AnY TiMe yOu gOt cLoSe tO ThE PrEsEnT I WoUlD MoVe iT SoMePlAcE ElSe. I DiDn't wAnT YoU FiNdInG It tOo sOoN, dId i?” Error finally admitted the infuriating truth.
“Cheater!” Ink accused the monster he loved, “That’s cheating! No fair!”
Error rolled his eyes. “oH, tHaT'S So mAtUrE, iNk. It's nOt lIkE YoU DiDn't cHeAt lAsT TiMe, EiThEr. ReCrUiTiNg yOuR ViSiTiNg dOpPlEgAnGeR In oRdEr tO MaKe mE ThInK YoU'Ve fIgUrEd oUt hOw tO BrEaK PhYsIcS WiThOuT MaGiC Is sO ChEaTiNg.”
Ink huffed. “Fine then. I still think this is too much. You owe me a favor for this!”
“fInE,” Error huffed back at him, “wHaT KiNd oF FaVoR DiD YoU HaVe iN MiNd? dId yOu wAnT Me tO KnIt yOu sOmEtHiNg? PuT AnOtHeR UnIvErSe oN ThE UnToUcHaBlE LiSt?”
Ink’s triumphant grin returned. “I want you to show me where this present is!”
Error blinked at him. Ink knew that expression. It was one of bewilderment. “tHaT'S AlL? yOu jUsT WaNt mE To hElP YoU FiNd mY PrEsEnT? rEaLlY?”
“Yeah!” Ink said with a smile. “I didn’t say it was going to be a big favor, and I want to know!”
“Do yOu wAnT Me tO Do tHaT NoW?” Error asked, still stunned.
“Yeah! Come on, Glitchy, let’s go!” Ink said, grabbing Error’s hand and pulling out Broomy. He was just about to spill some ink for a portal when Error pulled his hand out of Ink’s. The artist eyed Error with confusion in his eyes.
“tHeRe's nO FuCkInG WaY We'rE TaKiNg oNe oF YoUr pOrTaLs. ThEy mAkE Me sIcK To mY StOmAcH,” Error complained, sticking his tongue out and cocking his hand to act. “i'm gOiNg tO OpEn mY OwN PoRtAl. If yOu sTiLl wAnT To uSe yOuR MoNsTrOsItY YoU CaN. i'lL MeEt yOu aT ThE HoUsE.”
With that, Error stepped through a glitching portal into the gold-tinted landscape. Ink quickly dove in after him. He had intended to roll to his feet, but he misjudged the height of the portal off the ground and ended up planting face-first into the dirt. He spat out a mouthful of dirt and grass. It didn’t taste too bad, honestly. It was just… weird. Granulated and chlorophyll-y. Yep, definitely weird.
“aRe yOu dOnE EaTiNg tHe fUcKiNg dIrT Or aRe yOu gOiNg bAcK FoR AnOtHeR MoUtHfUl?” Error’s glitchy voice asked from above him. Ink jumped up, spat out another piece of grass, and smiled at the monster who fascinated him more than any other. As was typical for him, Error said, “wOw, YoUr tEeTh aRe aLmOsT A PrOpEr cOlOr nOw! StIlL ToO BlUe, BuT ThAt's tO Be eXpEcTeD. yOu nEvEr cOuLd mAnAgE A PrOpEr yElLoW, eVeN ThAt tImE YoU TrIeD To dReSs uP As mE FoR ThE CoStUmE BaLl. ReAlLy, WhAtEvEr mAdE YoU ThInK My tEeTh aRe tHe sAmE CoLoUr aS MaRmAlAdE?”
Ink tapped his chin, trying to remember whatever event Error was talking about. He couldn’t. “Did that really happen, or are you making something up again?”
Error grinned, “i'm mAkInG SoMeThInG Up.”
“Oh. Yay.” Ink said it with as little emotion as he could get without taking paint thinner. “Can we go find my present now?”
Error rolled his eye lights, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. “yEaH, yOu rAiNbOw bAsTaRd. We cAn gO FiNd yOuR PrEsEnT. fOlLoW Me.” He turned on his heel and walked to the edge of the island. Then he leapt up to the next one.
Ink rolled his eye lights and just used his paint. It was so much faster! He could just use the puddles of paint that every island had and teleport without needing to jump.
They went between enough islands that Ink had forgotten what they were searching for. All he knew was that he was following Error somewhere. When he saw it, though, he knew exactly what it was. The nest was hanging between Pediatale #002 and Underhood #410. It looked amazing! It was huge, and it was full of pillows, and it was cool!
Ink found himself getting so happy that he started floating. He giggled, the extreme amount of happiness he was using overriding any fear that he might drift away. Then that teeny bit of fear vanished when Error’s strings wrapped around his ankle.
“dOn't fLoAt aWaY NoW, sQuId. GeT BaCk dOwN HeRe aNd cUdDlE WiTh mE!” Error demanded.
Ink giggled some more and complied. He let Error’s strings tow him into the nest, where he floated down to Error’s side. He nestled into the soft, fluffy bed of the nest and sighed. This was just about perfect.
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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