#also the existence of destiel
thoroughlychance · 1 year
Some helpful tumblr jargon/references for our new friends:
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Blorbo is a word you might hear a lot. Idk who uses this outside of tumblr, I know some people do, so I’m just gonna leave the urban dictionary definition here and move along.
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Again, I think Spiders Georg is pretty well known, but I’m leaving this here anyways because it’s referenced fairly often in the way that the “free real estate” used to be where the guy’s face would just be slapped down somewhere out of context with no words and we’d all know.
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Miette is… everything. We have all agreed that cats are little Victorian children. Miette is referenced often too, so… love her.
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Ea-Nasir is the weirdest one, and the one it took me the longest to figure out. This is the transcript of a 3800 year old complaint tablet in cuneiform about Ea-Nasir the terrible copper salesman. This is the oldest recorded customer complaint in the world. People quote this one often without directly stating what it is, so if you didn’t know about it, you may not even realize there’s a reference there, or you’d skate on by and ignore it. It’s much funnier when you know the context, so… you’re welcome.
If you have any tumblr questions, ask me, and I’ll answer the best I can. Don’t be scared to ask. You’re welcome here. Hellsite is for everyone.
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fashion4standusers · 10 months
Anyway, if I had a nickel for every time a series had six installments that gradually escalated in ridiculousness, only for the sixth installment to end with a universe reboot and the seventh installment to pick up in a new universe where alternate versions of the original characters now exist in the distant past, I'd have two nickels.
One of those series is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The other is Riverdale
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September 25 and 27, 2023 - The Destiel Meme does it again [x].
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It's not the first time that the use of the destiel meme to share news causes Supernatural to trend, but it is nontheless entertaining to see. This time, it's following the news of possible end and success of the WGA strike following a tentative agreement [x] [x].
The details are being finalized, but the news is being shared across the social media platforms. On Tumblr, this means the destiel meme. A few hours ago, as the "wga strike" tag trended, "destiel" was included as a secondary tag (screenshot below). It looks like it's evolved into a separate trend now.
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dyllonatorrex-arts · 2 months
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happy transgender visibility day!! celebrating with some of my favorite (headcanoned) trans characters :3
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thevioletcaptain · 10 days
For the 5 sentence game:
How long had it been since he’d seen sunlight?
How long had it been since he'd seen sunlight?
Pressing his hands to the ground where he landed, Castiel takes a moment to appreciate the warmth of day-baked earth; the golden-green dapple of shadows cast through the leaves of a sprawling sycamore; the dusty-sweet scent of hay that carries from the nearby barn where Dean is waiting.
Dean is waiting.
He's been waiting for weeks, months, years -- Castiel doesn't know for certain -- but he's felt each instant of Dean's longing as it grew and grew and grew, until finally it was strong enough to pierce the fabric of the empty without him even trying, like a fallen ember burning through black velvet.
Rising to his feet, Castiel makes for the barn with a single thought at the forefront of his mind -- the sun can wait. He has Dean's love to bask in.
[for this askbox game if anyone else wants to send me a prompt]
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ormakeasaintofme · 7 months
okay i am going to say it. it has been three years of "i can't believe they made The Night We Met the song of the day" and "oh god he literally had all and then most of him some and now none of him" and not one fic on ao3 that i can find where dean and cas both get flung back in time to the barn in 2008. where is it. where is the fic about them going back to the night they met
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mixtpecas · 14 days
On the topic of Cas' confession being addressed/not being addressed. I was thinking about how they would go about a kiss scene that feels natural to the show that has passionately denied anything Gay between them until now.
So: what if they showed a destiel kiss on screen, but it wasn't their first kiss? If Dean knew and understood Cas' confession to be romantic, and they had already been established as basically married in the later seasons, who's to say they haven't kissed before hand? Like, supernatural doesn't really focus on unrequited love/miscommunication in new relationships - but it lovesss established relationships that are doomed due to external forces (ex. Sam and Jess, Bobby and Karen, Jimmy and Amelia, etc etc). I'm picturing Cas being rescued by his family+friends and once everyone settles down, Dean just smiles his 'welcome home' smile and gives him a sweet peck instead of a pat on the cheek. And that's it.
If the tragedy came from their love being doomed by Chuck/the plot, not miscommunication and a lack of action, then it both fits established relationships in the show and takes away responsibility of supernatural of acknowledging they were gay all along. Basically along the lines of Cas textually acknowledging that He Is In Love With Dean, but not having to do anything else about it bc its all just confirming things from the past.
Also. The fan response would be insane if it wasn't explained further right away. Over a decade of build up for a confusing confession followed by immediate death followed by a quick unexplained kiss? All the build up people were expecting popped AGAIN - was it a pity smooch? Are they gaslighting us?? Platonic kiss on the lips? Mass hallucination? Take your pick!
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cupidswurld · 6 months
thinking about supernaturals circular narrative. how i don’t (and won’t) watch sitcoms because of the conventions of a circular narrative.
the parallels of how characters are reduced into one-dimensional imitations of who the audience perceived them to be, boiled down into their most defining, dividing traits— a phenomenon exclusive to the intrinsic nature of sitcoms. thinking about how everything that is learnt in one episode, is forgotten in the next— how there is no progress, how there is no change and everything will always, always stay the same for the sake of the audience where nothings new.
part of why dean felt he wouldve been better off dead, about why he didnt deserve to be saved, was because he could never make any difference. how they were trapped by the same story, over and over again, that nothing mattered no matter what he did, because he'd just end up in the very same position he was 15 years ago. even before the insertion of chuck's storyline, before freewill, the pervasive hand of the writers have always held them down from the very first episode
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wormieapple · 7 months
has anyone written a destiel movie night fic where dean picks captain america the winter soldier and cas has a panic attack halfway through because the scene with bucky being mind controlled was too close to home and dean freaks out a little cause he has no idea what’s wrong. is this anything???
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All the gomens girls freaking out over the leak are so funny to me because. Listen I’m on season 3 of supernatural on my first watch. But also I’m on tumblr—LITERALLY spn central. Like if I were to log onto this bitchsite thinking I wasn’t going to get spoilers I would be in for a TERRIBLE surprise bc that’s what the internet is besties!!! It’s ok u won’t die!!! Anyway if u want to know what the leak is u can message me I found it on the bird app
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mlp-supernatural · 29 days
yall ready for this post canon supernatural (where i have chosen to resolve plots i didnt like off screen, aka the empty, chuck, and billie being evil for NO REASON-) that lives in my head? Good! I will make note of what i made end differently if I feel like it but whatever everyone is living in MY supernatural pony crossover
anyway part 1
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found--family · 2 months
i hope the folks planning on resurrecting Supernatural [re:jackles] are taking notes on what's happening in the 9-1-1 fandom and with this Buck character right now. i know next to nothing about this show, but i do know that 'Buddie' is a major mlm ship between two guy friends and that this guy Buck - a strong macho man in his 30s - has just been canonised as BISEXUAL! with a MLM kiss! after SIX seasons! the subtext was there all along but the network was not on board, by the sounds of it; a change of network saw this queercoded middle-aged male character finally set free. no more subtext, no insinuations that could be interpreted one way or another, just undeniable beautiful text. 
i'm thrilled for everyone in the 9-1-1 fandom and for this positive queer rep in media! here’s hoping other shows will take note - namely Supernatural. Dean has 15 seasons of queer subtext under his belt and he would now be in his mid 40s. it’s never too late to canonise a queer character. characters are never too old to realise they’re queer. this is such an important message, and while i can’t speak for the buckgirls i can say that queer deangirls have been relating to his queercoding for almost 2 decades, including 15 seasons of bi!Dean and 12 seasons of Destiel. seeing a character like Buck come out as queer after SIX seasons (i’ll keep saying it, it’s fucking amazing) is such a win not just for queer folk but for good storytelling; i know there were likely obstacles in finally getting here, and it would be great if queer characters could come out whenever they want instead of struggling against tptb, but six seasons has given the show a wonderful amount of time to delve into Buck’s character and journey with him through various plotlines. as a fan of the slow burn for romance, and a good amount of time for character development to play out, i love that there’s six whole seasons of Buck backstory to delve into for the leadup to his bisexual canonisation.
happy bi day Buck, may you inspire more creative control to cater to the characters instead of some suit in an office who’s never even seen your show and doesn’t care about your journey and narrative freedom. today is a great day.
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(the first gif is Buck’s first mlm kiss. the second gif is a moment from a gay comedy called Looking that many people have pointed out perfectly encapulates how a Destiel kiss might play out on screen.) 
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destiel-vs-anything · 3 months
destiel VS one direction. But specifically the very homosexual version that existed in pre-pubescent teenage girls’ heads circa 2014?
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seenthisepisode · 10 months
if the good omens kiss happened in spn (dean pulling cas into a desperate kiss after some sort of argument) there would literally be no survivors. tumblr uninhabitable forever
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duracel-battery · 1 year
since supernatural exists in supernatural and books can get TV show adaptions the winchester boys could one day be forced to experience november 5th
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solarcas · 2 years
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Suptober Day 6 - Parody
Harvest Moon!DeanCas anyone? (this is the most self-indulgent way I could've filled this prompt, I just turned Cas into my favourite bachelor from the ds games whoops <3)
[Open for better quality!]
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