#also to me the chuck finale went different
mlp-supernatural · 17 days
yall ready for this post canon supernatural (where i have chosen to resolve plots i didnt like off screen, aka the empty, chuck, and billie being evil for NO REASON-) that lives in my head? Good! I will make note of what i made end differently if I feel like it but whatever everyone is living in MY supernatural pony crossover
anyway part 1
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mixelation · 6 months
reborn au, tori POV. lead up to a mysterious ANBU social lmao
“Wait,” Tori said, sitting up from where she’d sprawled out on the picnic blanket. “ANBU parties are real?”
“They’re boring,” Itachi told her, not even looking back at her as he made another throw with a kunai. He tossed a second one at it to redirect it at a new angle that would have been otherwise impossible to throw it at. As usual, he hit the bullseye. The target was shoved into the hollow of tree and angled downward; it was an impressive shot. 
“This one will be fun,” Shisui promised. “I told you. I’ll be there.”
 Itachi tilted his head back, considering. 
“I want to go,” Tori said, now sitting up fully. She thought “exclusive ANBU parties” were like… dumb rumors for people who desperately wanted ANBU to be cool. She was shocked this was a real thing ANBU actually did. But also, now that she was forced to accept they were real, she bet they were indeed incredibly boring, or at least deeply weird. She had to see for herself. 
“I’m not inviting you,” Shisui replied. “You’re not ANBU.”
“Itachi will invite me,” Tori decided. They went to social events as a couple now. That was kind of part of their whole deal. 
Shisui rolled his eyes. “Itachi can’t invite you,” he said. “It’s an ANBU event, not an ANBU-and-friends event.”
“I don’t see who would stop me,” Itachi said, moving slightly to the left so he could try his throw from an even weirder angle. “A few non-ANBU seem to sneak in every time anyway.”
Shisui clicked his tongue. 
“Why are you being such a killjoy?” Tori asked Shisui, annoyed. “You’re the one who crashed our date about this.” 
“Date…?” Shisui said. “I showed up and Itachi was training and you were reading porn.”
“This is related to the porn,” Itachi said, throwing his kunai. This time he only hit the edge of the bullseye. He frowned. 
“How is it…” Shisui started, then shook his head like he didn’t want to know. Itachi moved further away to make his throw even harder. “Anyway, my point is. It’ll be fun, even if Tori gets denied at the door.”
“I won’t be,” Tori said, dismissive. “They want Itachi there, right?”
Shisui’s lips thinned, but he did have a counter argument. Itachi was, to the confusion of everyone who knew him, considered sort of a big deal in most circles. Even though she was objectively correct. Tori found Shisui’s lack of argument disappointing. She already had “then I’ll convince Kakashi it would be funny, and then no force on this earth will be able to stop us” lined up and waiting. She loved pulling that one. It could make everyone from Shisui to the Hokage anxious in two seconds flat. 
Itachi’s kunai finally missed. 
“Here,” he said, finally turning to Tori. “This is an actual impossible shot.”
Tori hopped to her feet and stood where Itachi indicated. Then she chucked her kunai in the vague direction of the target. It sailed too low, then abruptly changed direction mid-air and slammed point-first into the target’s bullseye. 
Shisui’s eyes widened.
“See?” Tori said to Itachi. “The ‘fuinjutsu can only guide a kunai as well as the wielder can throw it’ thing is fake news. Even a civilian could have done that.”
She’d had to mark up the target and her kunai with like five different seals each, which made this particular maneuver basically useless in actual combat, but the scene in the book had been about carnival tricks anyway. Also, the confused look on Shisui’s face was hilarious. She wasn’t going to explain to him what was going on. 
Itachi, being a traitor, opened his mouth and immediately explained what was going on. 
“It did start as a picnic,” Itachi concluded of his explanation of their “date.” Halfway through lunch, Itachi had objected to the passage of Icha Icha Tori had read out loud as an actually impossible kunai throw, even though Tori’s point was that you totally could make an impossible shot by carefully applied fuinjutsu. 
If Shisui thought any of Itachi’s explanation was weird, he didn’t comment on it. This was basically the only thing Tori liked about Shisui: he could listen to Itachi’s insane comments and not even bat an eye. 
Shisui stayed around a little longer, not even remotely ashamed that he’d crashed what was ostensibly a private moment. The weather was gorgeous, which was why they’d picked a picnic instead of something more public, and their spot along the river was good for swimming. Shisui pulled off his uniform and did a running jump into the river. Tori watched Itachi stiffen as he hit the water and then relax when his head appeared again, alive and well and laughing. 
“You should go in too,” Tori told him. “I’ll be there in a second. I want to finish this chapter.”
They abandoned the river when a group of screaming Academy students showed up. Tori toweled dry, pondering if it would look weird if she invited Deidara to come back later that day. 
“Don’t you need to be practicing your aim more?” Itachi asked her while he gathered up their kunai. “Not just making elaborate seals to cheat?”
Tori blanched. “You don’t have to bring that up now,” she said. Not in front of Shisui.
“What’s wrong with your aim?” Shisui asked, teasing. “Is it actually bad, or have you accidentally fallen victim to the Itachi-adjusted rating system?”
“Please,” Tori replied. “We were genin together. Itachi hasn’t shut up about my aim since I was twelve. I’m fine; he’s just insane.” 
“She has a missive from the Hokage,” Itachi said blandly. 
“Itachi,” Tori hissed. 
“Really?” Shisui asked. “Huh. How’d that happen?”
It wasn’t uncommon to get an official assignment from the Hokage’s office to foster a specific skill to benefit the village. But usually it was something unique: training a bloodline limit, developing a combat style that was rare or specially valuable, practice with an unusual weapon, stuff like that. “Practice with kunai” was a very weird thing to get a Hokage-level missive for; it was more like something a captain would tell a subordinate. 
Also, given that Tori was a Special Jounin, it was an embarrassing thing to pitch as a skill she had to work on. That was the type of order you gave to a new genin, or a chunin that’d spent too many days doing desk work. 
Her kunai skills were perfectly on par for her rank, thank you very much. It was just that Itachi was a freaky genius whose favorite hobby was doing trickshots, and his standards were insane.  Minato just wanted her to push herself from good to exceptional, not just with standard kunai but with specialized ones, because she was learning Hiraishin and he wanted her to be able to use it the way he did. 
Tori wasn’t sure she was going to just copy him, once she had the actual jutsu mastered. It didn’t really feel like her style. But then again, she almost never thought about how to apply her research and jutsu to combat until she was actively staring a threat in the face, and being able to slap a seal onto a kunai and throw it wherever she wanted was undeniably a vital skill. She would do the extra practice without complaint. 
But Itachi didn’t have to run his mouth about it!
They walked back to the village proper together, taking the windy foot trail rather than hopping into the trees. A lazy day, indeed. 
“I’m going to walk Tori home,” Itachi said once they hit the paved streets of Konoha. He very pointedly took Tori’s hand. 
“Sure,” Shisui said. “See you tomorrow night?”
“He’ll be there,” Tori promised. 
Shisui, she would begrudgingly admit, was an extremely charismatic and friendly guy that most people fell in love with on sight. But, in her experience, most ANBU she’d meet were anti-social weirdos with personalities like burnt toast. She absolutely needed to see what their weird-ass parties were like. For science. 
Itachi dropped her hand the second Shisui was out of sight. It wasn’t that they didn’t like each other; it was just that neither of them really saw the point in hand-holding. Tori didn’t like how doing it for more than a couple minutes made her palm sweaty, and Itachi had more than once said something wild like, We would mutually improve our defensive capabilities with both hands free.
Plenty of couples didn’t hold hands, Tori was sure. It was just very important to Itachi to be carrying a metaphorical sign that said, I AM TAKEN. DO NOT APPROACH. 
“It would be convenient if you did get denied at the door,” Itachi said conversationally. “Then we could leave. If we did it together, we’d seem united without doing any real work.”
“But I want to go,” Tori said. “I want to study your little ANBU guys under a microscope, like a petri dish of amoebas.”
“Don’t tell them that,” Itachi said, a tiny little smile cracking over his face. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you special treatment,” Tori said. “I’d tag my Itachi-amoeba with red fluorescent protein.”
Itachi snorted with amusement.
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Summer rain
Neteyam x omaticaya reader
Neteyams dream hunt, first kisses under starlight, very fluff
Listen to "Becoming one of the people" avatar soundtrack
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Your eyes fluttered open, feeling specks of rain falling upon your face. Sun had fallen already and so you awoke to the bright forest lights.
The hues changed and flowed with the wind by the Spirit tree. The soft grass underneath your back tickled your sides.
Up in the sky bright stars glimmered and the trees reached for them. You heard a voice speaking in Na'vi language then.
"Hiding again?"
"Not hiding, resting."
"What's the difference. You didn't come to the celebration."
A heavy exhale escaped you. Neteyam had just completed his dream hunt that day. You'd like to say you forgot but that could never be the case.
"Sorry. I didn't feel well."
"Bullshit. You felt just fine this morning. Why didn't you come I wanted you there."
To be fair it was not entirely your fault. You had been avoiding Neteyam these past few weeks out of good reason.
The two of you had been getting too close. It wasn't like you couldn't - really nothing was stopping you. You had been friends since forever. And that was also what you feared. So you ran instead.
Jake and Neytiri accepted you and had grown to love you as much as their children. Especially Neytiri had taken a liking to you. You were smart just like your mother and as fast as the wind on your ikran a great huntress you were no doubt.
You had been named as such. Tsyal - meaning child of the wind.
"Tsyal. Hey are you even listening." He spoke again, this time aggravation obvious in his voice. He walked next to you staring down at your guilty face.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't okay?" You shot up in annoyance, standing nearly reaching his height.
Being a year older you had always been taller than the boy, and stronger too. In the past few months it seemed as though Neteyam had started eating twice as much growing well over your size.
You gazed into his ocre eyes and wondered if you need to find another hiding place.
He sucked in an annoyed breath. His eyes softening with sadness.
"I looked for you when I woke up. Mother was looking for you too. I wanted you there you know. I went to your dream hunt so why weren't you at mine?"
Little did he know you were there. In the shadows hiding in the tall branches of the trees overlooking the small grassed circle in the forest. Only you came here before he woke up.
"You already said that." He rolled his eyes. You smiled and continued. "No I'm sorry. I should've been there when you woke up. I just didn't think you needed me to be there that badly."
A teasing smile tugged at your lips, your eyebrows raising as the rain picked up.
"You little-!" He swerved suddenly his eyes ingulfing you throwing you over his shoulder. Your hair smacked you in your face and got tangled in the tendrils of the tree.
"Hey stop that! Neteyam put me down immediately!"
And so he chucked you onto the ground. Of course making sure you wouldn't be hurt too bad.
You grunted in disbelief. Annoying. To think you liked him. Then an idea struck you. You kicked under his knee and struck him down to the ground easily.
And so there you were on your backs. The freckles on your faces shinning, your breaths synchronized, eyes darting across each others faces. Finally yours settled on his eyes.
This is stupid you thought. But you raised your hand nonetheless and caressed his cheek. He stared at you with wide eyes. His mind was still all over the place from the ceremony.
All the emotions spurred in him and he decided in that very moment he could risk anything for you. So he leaned in capturing your hand in his.
Your lips met briefly, shy and unknown to each other. Then they met again and again. The rain was warm and the birds chirped very faintly. The very earth underneath you pulsed like a heartbeat.
His hands were warm. His hair decorations chimed a melody. Your very own song of love. Your breaths mixed together.
You were the one who had to lean back.
"Would this have happened had I come to the ceremony?"
"So sorry I underestimated your grand plan."
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machetegirl109 · 11 months
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Synopsis: Physical activities were not something you enjoyed. Never participating and distracting other students was all you did during class; but as soon as the new P.E teacher’s aid catches you slacking, she decides to teach you a lesson. *inspiration: bad liar by selena gomez*
Warnings: 18+, MIDN, F/F, suggestive and offensive language, 80s!AU, abby is 19yo & reader is 18yo, smut, top!abby, bottom!reader, dom!abby, sub!reader, thigh riding, oral (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), after care, T.A!abby x popular!reader
important info about my stories here
©machetegirl109 (credits to bad liar by selena gomez that inspired me to write this) DO NOT copy/steal my work OR post it on any platforms
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Word Count: 3.5k+
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Oneshot: Bad Liar
❝︎you're taking up a fraction of my mind❞︎
The mid-day sunlight entered through the gymnasium windows just right. The sound of shoes squeaking against the light wooden floor along with vivid and loud voices were present as the ladies played around and talked to each other, waiting for the teacher’s arrival to the last class of the day. The girls were wearing a loose fitting white t-shirt with a small logo of the school printed on the right side of the chest, the low-cut sleeves colored navy blue as well as the matching pair of shorts. Tall retro socks with two blue stripes and a red one in the middle covered their calves, each of them wore a different brand of worn out white sneakers.
Your high top vans tapped onto the floor as you sat on the bleachers, elbows positioned over each knee while you kept your head high and talked to some of your classmates who surrounded you. Ever since the beginning of the school year you seemed to attract other girls. Not only your good looks, but also your “I’m too cool for this,” energy made them fall head over heels for you; making them chase after you every day — The most lucky girls were the ones who also had Physical Education on the last period of their schedules, just like you. You weren’t fond of the class; either always showing up 5 minutes before it was time to leave, or laying on the bleachers while the others runned around and participaded on the sports.
What even is the point of running around chasing after balls? There are better ways to exercise.
“Alright, ladies! Get in line!” Joel Miller, the gym teacher, yelled as he got into the gym, pushing the double doors hard enough to make them knock on the walls, letting out a loud bang. Everyone stopped talking as soon as he made his way to the middle of the space with a tall, muscular blonde girl walking beside him, silent as she observed the spacious gymnasium and all the students present there. The girls that previously talked to you went ahead to join the line that was forming and Joel soon stopped in front of them, holding his clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. The blonde curiously stares in your direction, seeing you lazily seated over the aluminum while the others stood before the teacher.
“First things first, M’ gonna do the roll call and then we’ll go over some things! Amber?”
“Here.” Joel wrote a checkmark beside her name and followed to the next.
“Sup’ teach’.”
“I’m here, teacher.” As he called out each name, the girls announced their presence and he scribbled down onto the paper, eyes never leaving the list.
“Okay, last but not least, Y/N?” Joel finally looked up, eyes going through the line of girls in front of him as he looked for his least favorite student.
“Hey, Mr. Miller.” You called out from your seat, all of those inside the warm gymnasium looked over to you; a shameless smile on your face when you waved your hand.
“Ah, glad you finally decided to join us for class today.” He dryly chuckes, adding a checkmark to your name. “M’ not even gonna ask whatcha doin’ sitting down.” You giggle at the annoyed tone in his voice and he turns back to the other students. “So, from today on we’re gonna have a new addition to the class! I want you all to welcome Abigail Anderson!” Joel points to the girl beside him, who stands proud with her arms crossed and her braid falling onto her broad shoulder. Abby opens a small smile and nods as the girls babble hellos’ and welcomes’. “Abby here, will be working as my T.A for the rest of the school year so make sure to respect her and follow her orders, understood?” The girls nod and let out sounds in agreement.
“Thanks, I'm looking forward to working with you all.”
“With that out of the way, we’ll be playing volleyball today! I want one team on each side of the court, now!” Joel blows his red whistle and the students start to get ready in two different teams as you only sit back and watch. He turns to Abby and begins to give her some heads up on how things work during class and what to expect.
“What about that one?” She points to you, who looks bored as you pick out your nails and talk to Ellie and Dina. Joel blows the whistle once more, making you and the two girls look back at him.
“Ellie and Dina! I advise you two to go play or I’ll give y'all zero’s for the day!” The girls shoot you an apologetic look, wishing they could talk to you a little longer since they were enamored by your charming presence. You wave them a small goodbye and Joel directs his attention to Abby once more. “I gave up on her a long time ago, all she does is sit around and distract the other girls; that is when she actually shows up. Definitely the worst student I’ve ever had in all my 30 years of teaching.”
“She’s that bad, huh?”
“Y/N has an F in P.E, which is the easiest class in her entire schedule… She’ll most likely fail.” He says in disbelief and they both look at you.
“Hm, maybe I can help,” The blonde says, a small smirk forming on her face.
“Yeah? What do you suggest?”
“She can stay after class and do some extra-credit, maybe run some laps, play some volley, just to make up for the time she wastes in class. I could also make her clean the gymnasium afterwards.” Joel smiles at the ideas and nods, patting her on the back.
“Great. You’ll definitely make a good teacher someday, Abigail!” Abby thanks him, and soon they switch their attention to the game.
After 30 minutes the class comes to an end as Joel checks the time in his Seiko Diver wrist watch. Placing the small whistle between his lips and blowing on it with force, he claps his hands together signaling to the girls that it was finally time to go home.
“Alright , ladies! Class is over, you’re all free to go!” The students drop the volleyball to the floor and begin to make their way to the exit. You stand and stretch your body, a wide playful smile on your face.
“Ahh, thank God, I was about to fall asleep here!” You say walking towards the double doors, but as soon as you reach for the handle, Joel shouts your name, making you stop on your track. “Need something, Mr. Miller?”
“No, but you do. You need to get a passing grade for my class and Abby will make sure you do. You’re staying here until she tells you to go, understood?” Your face falls to the ground as you look at the girl beside him. She’s wearing a tight light yellow t-shirt under a red sports jacket and some white shorts that exposed her strong, pretty legs, as well as tall white socks that hugged her thick calves and a worn off Adidas Top Ten RB — At least she’s cute you think before the current situation hits you again.
“What? Why?!” You ask shocked, making your way towards the middle of the room, where both of them stood.
“ ‘Cause you’re falling and Abby was kind enough to suggest you earn some extra-credit.” You groan loudly and throw your head back. “I’ll be off now. Be sure to behave, Y/N. Don’t cause me any more problems. Good luck, Abigail.” You watch as Joel leaves, leaving you and Abby alone. You turn to the girl, a bitter smile on your face as you think of what to say next.
“Ha… You could’ve been kind enough to keep your suggestions to yourself. I can’t believe I have to spend the rest of my Friday here! I had plans, you know?” You ask sacarstily, as you move forward, chest to chest with her. Abby looks down at your pretty face, a pout on your lips as she lets out a small laugh; making fun of your anger.
“I’ll be kind enough to suggest you keep that pretty mouth shut and run 100 laps around the gymnasium.” A naughty grin plays on her lips as her blue eyes stare into yours. “Now, princess.”
“You’re fucking joking right now, I’m not running—“
“150 laps now.” You gasp and try to push her, failing to since Abby is built like a tank.
“You’re not the boss of me, I don’t have to do anything!”
“Now I am, and yes, you do. Now run me 150 laps and I want you to count them out loud every time you finish one.” Abby states, grabbing the whistle that hangs from her neck and placing them between her pinkish lips, blowing into it and making the loud pitch hurt your ears.
“Ugh! The fuck is your problem?!” You say as your hands go up to your now sensitive ears, massaging them; you throw the girl before you a dirty look.
“The more you whine, the more you run. 200 now. Go.” Hearing the seriousness of her voice, you shoot her another expression before you walk to the side of the court; quietly calling her a cunt as you get ready to run. “I heard that!” You roll your eyes and you run, counting each lap as you reach the starting point before circling the gym, over and over again. Sweat accumulates around your forehead as your body begins to feel warm and tired, your legs ache as tremble and all Abby does is stand there, staring at you. Soon you reach the 200 count. You stop running and you press your hands on top of both knees, your chest rising fast as you catch your breath.
“I-I’m fucking done now.” You shout and close your eyes, thanking the Gods you can finally go home now. Abby laughs and you look at her, not sure of what is so funny.
“I don’t think you are. Come here,” She says as she grabs the volleyball that was on the floor. “We'll play a bit and then you're cleaning the gymnasium, princess, you can go home when you're done.” Abby throws the ball in your direction and you shrug away from it, like it was contaminated and you didn't want to catch whatever disease it carried. “You know, if you actually participated in class instead of sitting there n’ look pretty, you wouldn't have to be here?”
“Oh, so you think I'm pretty?” A playful smile makes its way to your lips as you cross your arms.
“If anything, I think you're lazy and a distraction to the students.” She answers you, annoyed by your lack of care towards the class. “Get the ball and bring it to me.” You walk towards where the ball landed and grab it, making your way towards Abby.
“So, you think I'm a distraction because I'm pretty.” You stop in front of her, pushing the volleyball to her chest.
“I didn't say that. Now get into position and play me until you win.”
Abby walks to one left side of the court and you to the right; each of you stopping a couple feet away from each other. She serves the ball and you do your best to receive it, returning it to her as you messily position your hands closed together, making the ball go back to her side of the court. You two keep volleying the ball back and forth, Abby making multiple points while you had the total of zero.
“Okay, let's stop. You're way too bad at this.” The girl says after holding onto the ball for the last time you threw. You stretch your arms, tired from all the movement, legs sore from the running, body sweating under your P.E attire. “Grab the mop from the supply closet and get to work.”
You tiredly nod and follow her orders, just wanting to take a shower to go home. After cleaning the whole wooden floor of the gymnasium, you put the bucket and the mop back to their original place and you walk towards Abby, who's sitting at your previous spot on the bleachers.
“I'm done. Can I go now?” Your exhausted voice comes out as you stop in front of her and she looks up at your sweaty and worn out face.
“Yeah, just do whatever you need to do in the locker room so I can lock it and go home, too.” Abby says, standing up and you follow after her as she makes her way to said area.
“I'm gonna take a shower so, guess you'll just have to wait ‘till I’m done.” You begin to strip your shirt off in front of your locker once you two are inside and Abby sits down, her eyes locked on the ground.
“Just hurry up, I have things to do.”
After getting rid of your clothes you grab a towel and a liquid soap you have in your locker and make your way to the showers, sliding one of the curtains open as you get in closing it again. You turn the water to a hot temperature, taking your time to wash yourself up and let the water fall onto your sore muscles. As the minutes go by, Abby shouts out to you, warning you get out soon or she'll just leave you here. Almost thirty minutes go by and she’s had enough, standing up and walking towards your stall; she pulls the plastic curtain open and you gasp, covering your chest.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yell and press yourself onto the cold walls as she reaches her hand inside, turning the water off. She grabs your shower from the hanger and shoves it in your direction.
“What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you who needs to spend an eternity showering?! Go get dressed, now!” You wrap yourself in your soft towel and push her out of your way as you head back to your locker.
“You're such a bitch. You already ruined my friday night and now I can't even take a fucking shower.” You mumble and she stops next to you, watching as you drop your towel on the bench. Abby’s face turns red and her breath stops for a second, her eyes scan your naked body before she comes back to reality.
“Y-you ruined it your own by not doing anything at the easiest fucking class you have.” You turn to her as you roll the deodorant under your armpits. Her eyes fall to your chest, nipples poking out in all their glory. You talk back at her but she hears nothing, all her attention goes to the way your tits move as your breath in-and-out. You place your hygiene product back to your locker, eyes never leaving her face as hers never left your boobs.
“Are you fucking listening to me?!” You attempt to push her for the second time today, but she's faster and stronger, grabbing your hands as she backs you against the locker. A wave of lust makes its way through your veins, stopping right at your core. The sound of your body hitting against the metal echoes in the empty locker room as Abby diverts her attention to your lips. Her blue eyes seem devil-like as she looks at you – Her face displaying a hungry expression.
“I had enough of your bitchy comments today. Let me make something else come out of that pretty mouth, yeah?” Abby whispers, a raspy voice sounding like music to your ears as she gently rubs her nose against yours. You feel yourself getting wet, the between of your thighs getting more slippery with each passing second. You nod your head fast, needy eyes looking back to her.
Abby closes the small distance between your lips, smacking them together with fervor as she lets go of your hands and brings her own to the side of your face; thumbs pressed onto each side of your jaw as her palm and fingers gripped your neck. You kiss her back, licking and biting her bottom lip as you pull it back with your teeth. She chases your face back and her tongue invades your warm mouth; your hands go up, holding onto her wrists and she gently massages the pads of her thumbs onto your soft skin.
“Can I touch you, princess?” Abby asks, breaking the kiss as she looks at you.
“Yes, please do, Abs.” This time, you push her towards you by the neck, press another kiss onto her lips and her left hand goes down your leg, opening both of them apart as she places her thigh between them. Abby moans at the contact of your dripping wet pussy onto her uncovered skin, and you throw your head back as you feel yourself slipping onto her with ease.
As she holds one of your legs, guiding your movements, her other hand reaches your chest, going directly to your nipple. She spits on it and begins to flick it rapidly; you moan as you feel the immense pleasure run through all your body.
“Look at you, all wet n’ slippery for me. My pretty, bitchy princess.” Abby pecks your lips and moves her hand from your chest to your cunt, spreading your moist lips and exposing your needy clit to rub against her skin. You let out loud moans when she reaches to your waist, carving her nails deeply into you as she moves you more violently against her. She feels herself getting wet, too, and she knows that the way you sound and the way you feel will be enough to soon make her white panties sticky with her cum.
As your bud deliciously kneads while you move your hips, you suck the white freckled skin of her neck, causing the girl to close her eyes and bite her lips. You push her head back by her braid and you lick from the bottom of her Adam’s apple all the way up to her mouth; pressing your teeth there again, making Abby hiss and moan.
“I-I want–” You try to speak but your moans interrupt you when Abby takes one of your boobs into her mouth, sucking on it and licking around your sensitive nipple. She lets go of it for a second just to talk back to you.
“What does my princess want, hm?” She goes back to massaging your tit with her muscle, hands never faltering on your hips.
“I want, I want you to-to eat me out,” You blurb out fast, not waiting to wait any longer to feel her tongue circling around your clit. Her breath hitches at the request, saliva pooling in her mouth at the opportunity to taste you. Abby grabs you with ease and lays you down on the bench, ready to have a feast. She wraps her arms around your legs, placing each of them beside her head, making your back lift a little from the wood. You shiver as her hot breath hits against your exposed pussy. “Please, ju-just fuck me…”
Abby looks at you, a needy expression on your face as you stare down at her and she spits onto your throbbing bud; the liquid making its way down to your hole resulting in you throwing your head back and closing your eyes. Your legs tremble and she holds you still, finally diving in. She runs her tongue up your slick collecting the wetness before bringing it to your clit. Abby sucks on it while she circles her tongue with speed and precision; her body taking in the way you taste as your pleasure filled moans enter her ears, making her head fuzzy as she fucks you.
“Fuc-fuck Abs, so-so good…” You praise and it only fuels her more, taking two fingers to your pussy, she caresses your entry before shoving them in. You moan and whine, pressing her head impossibly closer to your pussy; her tongue working on your clit nonstop and her fingers pumping in-and-out of you at full speed. “M’ gonna cum so-soon,” You announce as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your limit, and unbeknown to you, Abby was getting closer, too. The thought of you creaming all over her mouth excited her, making her tongue swirl more frenetic over your clit as her fingers finally reached the soft spot deep inside you — The tips of her fingers pressing onto it made you finally brake, cumming over her face. As she felt your juices run down her chin, her orgasm hit her, too, and she slowly removed her fingers out of you; pressing one last kiss on top of your, now sensitive, bud.
“Fuck, princess,” Abby kisses your thighs as she lets your legs fall back down. “You taste so fucking good.” She kisses her way to your stomach, soon reaching your lips. “You were so good for me, baby.” You tiredly smile at her and she pecks your cheek before sitting back up and grabbing your towel from the bench. She softly presses the tower onto your cunt, cleaning you up as you quietly observe her.
“Are you gonna make me stay after school next week?” A shameless look appears on your face and Abby laughs.
“Oh, I just might.”
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ೃ⁀➷ thank you for reading! feel free to comment your thoughts, reblog, leave a heart and follow me˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
x-18 banner by @fic-dumpster
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spikedsoul · 1 year
A Different Ending
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(source: taka on twitter, 18+ only! seriously!)
here we are, the first of several writings for the 400-500 follower celebration! a new chapter of mwn is also coming out within the next day or so, followed with one more short and a request someone made ages ago!
Bowser heaved a deep, heartbroken sigh as he gazed down at the quiet piranha plant clutched between his claws; he was yet again sitting alone on a bench after a failed marriage attempt, which usually wasn't a big deal, but this one had stung much more than anything else in the past. He was in one of the most romantic places there was - behind a beautiful chapel on the fucking moon with the Earth twinkling in the sky above - dressed to the nines in a fancy white and purple tuxedo and his mane meticulously styled, as requested, and yet he still sat alone, which he'd been promised wouldn't happen. Or at least, he wasn't supposed to be sitting alone with only a broken promise for company.
Peach had lied to him.
He suddenly chucked the piranha plant away from him with a deep growl, his frustration with himself mounting as he watched the poor plant land on top of his discarded jacket. One day he needed to learn to just quit her entirely, and honestly this seemed like a fantastic last straw. The final offense to crack his shell.
She'd come to him so sweetly, as always. "Oh, Bowser, can you help me get Mario to chase me again? But this time let's make it a wedding!"
He'd thought she was mocking him at first until she went out of her way to get him a custom suit and everything. More than that, though, she swore up and down she'd give him something he'd always wanted - provided he knew it didn't mean she was suddenly changing her mind about him.
Bowser groaned and leaned forward on the bench, putting his face in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. He was so fucking dumb! And now there was a chapel full of people thinking the worst of him, again, when really the whole scheme was Peach's idea.
He'd sold himself out for the promise of a kiss he was never going to get.
The only small solace he had was that she actually turned Mario down too when the idiot plumber had gotten a little too aggressive trying to give her flowers… but honestly, that didn’t help heal the rage beginning to bubble in his heart.
“Excuse me…”
Bowser’s head jerked up, his lip curled back over a fang to warn off whoever dared interrupt him - only to see you standing there, giving him a sympathetic, dare he think it, pitying smile. He recognized you from the few times you’d gotten caught up in some of the shenanigans between him and those plumbers.
He switched his snarl to a scowl rather quickly and looked away. “What.”
In his peripherals, he saw you point at the piranha flower bouquet; he braced himself for a teasing remark about the only things willing to sit near him being aggressive plants. He didn’t have a reason to suspect that from you, at all, but that didn’t stop him from assuming. It was suspicious enough you left the “reception” to walk around and find him.
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” you asked softly.
He whipped his head around in surprise as he fixed his wary gaze on you. His brain thoroughly scrambled, he first nodded, then shook his head, and finally winced at himself.
“You - you can sit,” he finally managed, scooting over just a bit to make room for you.
You gave him a suspiciously warm smile and reached to pick up the bouquet so you could sit. You were so gentle that the quiet plants didn’t start snapping, even as you settled them back on your lap - and that was oddly intriguing to him. He shifted to face you a little more, his thick arm draping over the back of a bench as he forced a scowl.
“What do you want, woman?” he growled when you didn’t immediately speak.
You were quiet for a moment, focused on the ribbon on the bouquet, then looked up at him. “I’m sorry she did this to you.”
He inhaled sharply, his eyes going wide in surprise. His mouth fell open like he wanted to say something, but nothing came out even after a few tries. Just how much did you know?
You looked back down at the bouquet as you smiled again; there was something sad about it this time that made his stomach feel like it flipped over. His stunned silence clearly betrayed just how shocked he was that you know.
“I heard her talking about it when I visited the palace,” you explained softly. “She was actually sort of laughing about it. And then knowing she’s happy to let you take the fall, despite all this being her plan…” You shook your head, looking up at him again. “I just thought I’d come check on you.”
“Yes, you.” You didn’t give him time to say anything else before you cut him off with a resolute nod. “You’re the fall guy, always, but from the few times I’ve interacted with you, you don’t seem like such a terrible guy to me.”
He growled quietly, immediately on the defensive that anyone could possibly see him as decent… despite desperately wanting exactly that. But who even were you, exactly? Yes, he could read the little nametag pinned to your dress, and as he mulled it over in his mind, he could remember Greenie and Red Idiot calling you that several times. But who were you to them? And how in the hell did you end up involved in their shit sometimes?
“What are you to them?” he demanded. Instead of flinching at either the growl or his demand, you just smiled a little bit, catching him off guard, and he blinked.
“The brothers, I assume you mean. I’m supposed to be their secretary for their plumbing business, but it seems like I get dragged into unwanted adventures by sheer association with them… and their shop has been closed since the last time a certain someone decided to try and raid it.” You raised both of your eyebrows at him in an unimpressed manner, clearly indicating his recent attempt to kidnap one of the brothers directly.
Bowser rubbed the back of his neck and looked away, pouting a bit. He… sort of liked how you were so boldly challenging him, if  he was honest. You weren’t being abrasive about it, but you were letting him know that you honestly weren’t afraid of him.
“Look,” he muttered, “they just get on my fuckin’ nerves, okay? Didn’t mean to put you outta a job…”
“Well, I’m still getting paid, so it’s not such a big deal. Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that you look dashing in your tux… I’m not sure if anyone bothered to mention that, something else I think is a little unfair.” You sighed softly, like you really believed what you were telling him.
Maybe he could take advantage of the situation? Why not? He hadn’t self-sabotaged in fifteen minutes at least.
He pressed his lips together as he glanced back at you thoughtfully. You tilted your head to the side curiously, like an adorable, confused chain chomp pup.
Here went everything.
“Since you seem to be so concerned about me, li’l lady,” he started slowly, rubbing his chin in thought, “how ‘bout I take you out on a date, and I’ll tell you anything you’re curious about. How’s that sound?” He smirked a bit.
His smirk slowly faded as you seemed to actually consider his offer. After a moment or two, you smiled, stood, and gently set the bouquet back down in its spot. He watched as you stood in front of him; your hands came up to cup his cleft chin and his heart jumped at your gentle touch, his eyes widening at the bold move.
This wasn’t even remotely what he expected.
You smiled oh so sweetly at him, warm and inviting and completely unafraid. “Counter offer,” you murmured. He nodded dumbly. “I’m gonna go back inside, but if you follow me in I’ll call this a first date, and I’ll consider letting you take me on a second one.”
He didn’t reply. He couldn’t, too utterly shocked by this. You giggled softly when he didn’t respond.
“No pressure,” you said softly. “Not like you don’t know where to find me.” And then you made things a million times worse by kissing the side of his muzzle before promptly turning and strutting back toward the front of the chapel. His jaw dropped as he watched you go; behind him, his tail was wagging something fierce, knocking moon dust around.
That just happened. That really just happened, without him making a deal for it or anything. You willingly kissed him of your own volition. But now you were walking away…
Wait. No. You weren’t Peach - you had left the invitation open. He was letting you walk away.
…Was he fucking stupid?!
By the time he fully registered everything, you had disappeared around the front of the building. In an instant, he was on his feet and sprinting toward the front of the chapel in pursuit, skidding around the corner and bounding up the steps a few at a time. He ignored the stares he got from the few beings in the foyer, but it was hard to ignore the startled yelps from people when he rather violently slammed the door open with more strength than he meant to.
When he glanced around, all eyes were on him. “Uh… sorry,” he muttered. Maybe this had been a bad id–
His head whipped around shamefully fast at the sound of your bright voice and he locked his eyes on your smiling face at the far end of the chapel. For the first time in his life, he suddenly felt rather self conscious, but he slowly made his way toward you when you beckoned him over. His shoulders hunched, he held his arms close to his body, and his tail curled around his legs as he picked his way between the tables and guests; as he moved, though, a bashful smile settled on his maw, the tip of his tail flicking despite being wrapped around his leg.
You held your hand out to him when he got closer, smiling warmly at him. He was acutely aware of just how small your hand was compared to his as he took hold of it, but you didn’t look bothered in the least. In fact, there was genuine excitement in your eyes as you looked up at him. It made him duck his head in embarrassment.
“People are starin’,” he mumbled as he got himself sat beside you. His smile hadn’t faded, though.
“If I cared what people thought about me, you might never have met me,” you chuckled softly. “They can stare all they want; I’m delighted you decided to come join me.” You used your free hand to push a loaded plate of food at him, but he ignored it for now.
He gazed down at you; his tail slowly uncurled from his legs and began to sway a little behind him. “You really mean that, don’tcha,” he stated softly.
You nodded and your smile became softer, but more serious. “I do. Sometimes I’m a little too honest, but at least that means you’ll know I’m not lying to you. But I won’t just say mean things to be mean, either… just to clear that up.”
For the first time all day, Bowser chuckled. “I appreciate the honesty,” he rumbled. “This also means if you feel like things ain’t gonna work out that you’ll say somethin’, right?”
“Of course. Unlike some people-” you coughed softly and shot a glance toward a portrait of Princess Peach hanging near the altar “-I don’t enjoy playing with people’s feelings. Everyone deserves a chance, and I believe that firmly, but if it looks like we aren’t compatible long term I’ll say something.” You blushed a little as you finally took your hand back to start eating.
He laughed softly at the contemptuous look you’d sent Peach’s portrait. You really were something else, and though he wouldn’t mention it to you, he felt like already there was a sort of connection that he never had with Peach. He could easily see you turning out to be the one for him - but he wouldn’t hold his breath, just in case.
“I guess that means I’ll just have to enjoy every single moment with ya, just in case,” he purred smoothly, watching as your face reddened. Good, that meant he was back in his groove, and you were squarely in his sights.
To your credit, though, you kept your composure, sending him a sweet smile. “Well, aren’t you a smooth operator,” you chimed. “I kinda like that… confidence looks good on you.”
A shiver threatened to crawl up his spine, but luckily he managed to suppress it by the time it got to the base of his tail; he couldn’t stop the heat that rushed to his cheeks, unfortunately. Not only had you gone out of your way to check on him after this fucking catastrophe, but you also appreciated his lines and said it even suited him… he wasn’t entirely sure what to expect (given he’d only tried for Princess Peach before now) but he was starting to get pretty excited.
He leaned in closer to you with a quiet purr. “Well, how about we blow this joint and I’ll show you just how confident I can be, hm?”
You giggled softly in surprise, your face still flushed a lovely shade even as you tried to hide your fluster behind your hand.
“What, eager to get to date number two?” you teased.
“Or maybe I was hopin’ we could prolong date number one.”
You pursed your lips in thought as you regarded him, but after a few heart-pounding moments, you nodded, that beautiful, bashful smile never leaving you. “Alright, that actually sounds nice; did you have something in mind?”
What did he have in mind? Honestly, he wasn’t sure he’d expected you to agree so readily, despite all the signs you were genuinely interested in him. But he didn’t want to run you off already by being too aggressive or forward, or anything like that even though you just said you liked his confidence. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to do something a little more lowkey this first time…
He pressed his lips together briefly in thought before a wide grin pulled his lips back. Of course! It was so simple!
“Well,” he hummed, “how ‘bout some sky gazin’? I know a nice little place ‘round the back of this chapel, once we’re done here… We could talk and get to know each other a bit more before the second date?”
You reached over with a warm smile, resting your hand on his forearm. “You know, I think that sounds lovely. It’ll be nice getting to know the real you, the ones most others don’t get to see.”
Bowser’s tail felt like it was about to break the confines of the little foldable chair, it was wagging so hard. His heart was already threatening to break the confines of his chest just from your willing touch, but the gentle rub that followed practically made him swoon. If you kissed his snout again he just might faint.
Briefly, his mind tried to convince him that this was all some sick joke - but his gut told him you really were being genuine.
People were staring, not snickering, and there hadn’t been anyone outside to see you be so sweet. Nor would there be anyone to witness the second half of this date.
“Do you wanna head out already?”
The sound of your voice had him blinking back into the present. He had enough presence of mind to reply, “Thought you were hungry?”
You chuckled softly, smiling up at him. “I’ve eaten a little bit. If I’m still hungry later, we can go get something, how’s that sound?” You rubbed his forearm again, though did take the chance to get another bite in.
He nodded too eagerly as he put way too much effort into standing up like a calm, collected adult, forced to hold his tail with one hand to keep it from knocking anything over due to his excitement. His other hand extended to you, palm up in an invitation.
“Shall we, beautiful?” he rumbled, smiling warmly at you.
You placed your hand in his, a quiet, pleased hum escaping you as you allowed him to help you to your feet. Your eyes met his, and in a soft but earnest voice, you replied, “Lead the way, handsome.”
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yakshua · 1 year
random nijisanji bf scenarios 🍨
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random boys from different waves, there will be sequels with the others soon! fem coded reader but it's pretty gn :)
tws: use of the words slaughter and murderer in ren's but it's in a joking manner, kyo calls reader feminine compliments, Ike's is a little angsty, and kyo's is a little spicy but nothing smutty lol 
luca is the DEFINITION of golden retriever boyfriend and u can not tell me otherwise. and with that said I also feel that, in golden retriever fashion, this man would come home with the absolute most random of items in his hands. he'd literally come bounding over, giant smile on his face and stars in his eyes, calling ur name. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) BABY LOOK WHAT I FOOOOOOOUUUNDDDDD!!!!!" hyping it up so fucking much and when he finally reaches u, breathing heavily and giggling a bit weirdly. he opens his hands and it's..... a snail. a fucking snail. he wants to know if he can keep it has u two's pet. u obviously say no and he probably cries himself to sleep 💭
it is currently 3am... young lovers and they are not sleeping young lovers in the bathroom. ur bending forwards over ur boyfriend kyo, who is having u assist in spontaneously dyeing his hair. the strand ur working on starting to become a bit tricky, so u move down onto his lap for better support and angle. he flushes for a second before choking on a cough and regaining his composure. "damn.... you come here often, pretty?" he jokes, sliding a hand down ur lower back in a sultry way. u snort and decide to just keep focusing on ur task at hand. after ur hard work, u help him to rinse, wash and dry and ur finally done omg. u cover his eyes with ur hands as the two of u walk towards to mirror for the grand reveal. his pupils dialate with anticipation as soon as u remove ur hand blindfold, gasping and taking a second to check himself out in different angles with a flirty grin on his face before turning to u. hugging u and spinning u around as u both giggle in unison. "you did so well baby, I love it so much!" he thanks you inbetween laughs, and stares at ur smile from above in his arms. before letting u down on the ground and pulling u close for a sweet kiss 💭
stressed writer boyfriend please hide all his cokes and rockstar energies he's extremely sleep deprived as it is. u quuuieetlyyy enter his dark room and see him hunched over his desk, fountain pen unmoving along paper and a frustrated hand on his forehead. the bags under his eyes literally looking like they physically hurt. u walk up behind him and wrap ur arms around his neck and chest, leaning over him gently. he luckily isn't startled by ur sudden touch and instead sighs and leans into it, letting the heavy weights of his head and shoulders fall back limp against u. "you look so tired, prince. let's get some sleep now" ur voice is nothing above a whisper as you raise a hand, stroking up his cheek and reaching to the top of his head, tangling your fingers in his fluffy hair. he sighs once again, and without opening his eyes picks u up with his hands on ur waist and chucks you onto the bed. almost immediately after collapsing onto u, holding ur midsection tight within his arms and snuggling his face in ur chest. literal seconds later u can hear soft snores coming from his head beneath ur chin and u smile at the cute noises. feeling safe in his arms and warm in his bed, u join him in his dreams 💭
ur 5"10 E.T of a boyfriend has been sulking in the corner like tamaki from ohshc and it's all. ur. fault. if ur wonderful what u did, he walked in on u doing the unforgivable.... playing space invaders. what you saw as a harmless little 8bit game to quench ur boredom, he saw as a threat towards his life. and not only his, but his entire species. and to see ur nonchalant face, slaughtering his kind without the slightest hint of any negative emotion.... to say he went into hysterics was an understatement. "SSTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the absolute bloody murder wail your boyfriend let out from behind u was terrifying. immediately throwing down ur console and running into ren's arms, disoriented and scared with his sudden cry of horror. only to for him to flinch away and cower back in fear. "you... you're a murderer..." he squeaks. "what???? what are you talking about, ren?"  with every word and action ur confusion grows. "you... ARE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME ABOUT SLAUGHTERING MY KIND!!!!!" and with that confession, he escapes at the speed of light and.... sits in a corner.... like 2 meters away from u. realising within a second he's talking about your space invaders, u snort and go to join him in his little sad corner. hugging him from behind and giggling into his back. "ren, it's just a game, you know it means nothing baby." he responds with a dramatic whine and a muffled "okay" through pouty lips, then turns around and captures you in an arm prison. after hugging on the floor like that for a little while, you hear his voice call out in a sheepish tone. "um... little star... would... you be mad if... I told you.... I..... wasn't actually.... offended... by the game?" your brows furrow and you respond with "... are you trying to tell me you we're just lonely because I was gaming for so long.... so you just faked a tantrum... for my attention?" his silence speaks louder than his words. "... maaaaybe?" "oh you ass." 💭
reqs are now open for nijisanji, genshin, and anime 🦌
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lives-in-midgard · 11 months
Summer Love
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary: Reader travels to New York for a two months vacation and falls in love with Wanda.
Word Count: 1.580
Part 1 | Part 2
The plane landed in New York, and you were waiting for your suitcase. While waiting, you looked around and were so happy because you were finally in New York. It was always a dream of yours to go on a vacation to New York. You saved all your money to stay there for two months and now you were finally there and couldn’t believe it. You saw your suitcase from afar, walked over and took it. When you walked out of the airport you took a yellow cab and told the driver the location to your hotel. When you arrived, you walked into the hotel and got the keys to your room. You unpacked the suitcase and then sent a quick message to your family and looked what’s the first activity that you want to do.
It's your second week in New York and you saw so many places already. Right now, you were about to go to a cute little coffee shop you saw across the street. You were about to go in when suddenly someone bumped into you and her coffee splashed at your shirt.
“Oh, no I’m so sorry.” The woman said in an accent that you didn’t know.
“It’s okay, it was my fault I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You apologized because it was true you really weren’t looking. The woman looked at you and wow she was so beautiful.
“No, I should have looked better and now your shirt is full of coffee. I’m really sorry.” She apologized again but you smiled at her.
“Maybe that’s a sign that I should go shopping.” You said and she chucked.
“But let me buy a shirt for you because of me it’s ruined.”
“Okay, but only if I can buy you a new coffee.”
“Is this a date?” She teased you and you began to blush.
“Maybe.” You said and she smiled at you.
“Then let’s go and buy you a new t-shirt first I don’t want you to go around with that so long.”
“That’s a good idea.” You said and you both started to walk towards the next shop that wasn’t far away.
“Oh, I didn’t introduce me yet, I’m Wanda.” She stopped and looked over to you with a smile. You could hear her accent again and started to wonder where she is from. Then you introduced yourself. When you arrived at the shop it didn’t took you long to find something that you liked and wasn’t that expensive. After Wanda paid, you went back to the coffee shop and sat down at a small table. You and Wanda ordered a coffee and a cake. Then you started to talk about all different kind of things. How you always dreamt to go to New York, she asked you about what you have seen so far and how long you were going to stay. Wanda told you about her life here and then she also told you about her life as an Avenger. Then you had to ask her what’s that accent, and she told you that she is from Sokovia.
“So, what are you going to see tomorrow?” Wanda asked you after taking a sip from her coffee.
“Tomorrow I’m going to the Empire State Building and then when the sun is going down, I want to walk down the Brooklyn Bridge.” You said with a smile.
“Wow, sounds like a perfect day.”
“Would you like to come with me?” You asked her nervous.
“Yes, I would really like to.” Wanda said. You continued to talk for an hour. You gave her your number and told her that you’ll text her later.
The next day with Wanda was so beautiful you made all the things you wanted to do, and you agreed that you will meet again the next day. You had so much fun with Wanda and she made you so happy. The days went by and you two got closer. You met each other almost every day. You knew that you were only there for two months, and Wanda knew it too but right now it didn’t matter to the two of you. You went to almost every place you wanted to see. When you and Wanda went to the Central Park you shared your first kiss together and since then she slept at your hotel room cuddled up with you every night. You loved it, being so close to her but you got sad knowing that you were going home soon. One day Wanda invited you to an Avengers movie night and you got to meet Natasha and the others. After that when you were sitting outside watching the stars with Wanda, she gave you a necklace and told you how much she loves you. You only had one week left and weren’t sure how you could leave her because you love her so much. But you have to go back home to your family and to your work.
“We only have one week together then I’m going to leave.” You sighed and looked away.
“What if you would stay here…with me?” Wanda asked and you could hear that she was nervous.
“You know I can’t, at least not right now.”
“Then we are going to make the best out of it.” Wanda said and leant over to you and gave you a kiss.
You were packing your things into your suitcase with a few tears rolling down your eyes. You closed it and placed it beside the door when you heard a knock on the door. You opened it and saw Wanda standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. You told her that you don’t want her to come here when you are leaving because you didn’t know if you can leave when you see her.
“Y/N please don’t go.” Wanda begged with tears streaming down her face. You looked at her and, in that moment, you just wanted to hug her and tell her that you would never leave her, but you couldn’t.
“I’m sorry but I have to go back home Wands. I can’t stay any longer, I’m so sorry.” Wanda walked closer to you, but you made one step back.
“But…. Please.”
“No buts Wands. I have to go back, and you know it. I have to go back to work next week and need to organize some things before.”
“You could stay a few more days.” Wanda tried once again.
“That wouldn’t change that I have to go back home I can’t just leave my family and friends behind and move here to you.”
“But what about the good time we had. I don’t want to lose you too. I can’t lose you. Please stay.” Hearing her begging you to stay and seeing her cry was one of the worst things ever. Wanda reached for your hand, but you shocked your head and turned away.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t easy for me either. We…we talked about this. We both knew from the start that I am just on a summer vacation and wouldn’t stay long. It was just a summer love.” When you said that another tear was rolling down her face and Wanda let out a shaking breath and her hand wandered to her mouth to cover the sobbing. Saying that not only broke Wanda’s heart but yours too but you knew it’s the right decision to end it right here, right now. You made the steps you needed to stand directly in front of her and looked into her beautiful eyes.
“One last kiss?” Wanda quietly asked and you nodded.
“Yes, one last kiss.” Wanda made a sniffle and you tried to smile at her. You tucked a hair behind her ear and moved closer to her. Your lips met hers and it was like the first kiss you two shared, soft and gentle. When you turned away you both gave each other a light smile. You walked over to the door and took your suitcase and your bag. When you turned around you looked at Wanda one last time.
“Goodbye, Wands. I’m going to miss you.” You said and tried to hold your tears until you were out of the room because you didn’t want her to see you cry.
“Goodbye, detka. I’ll never forget you and who knows maybe someday we cross paths again.” You began to smile and maybe she was right and one day you’ll see her again.
“Yes, maybe you’re right.” You turned around and wanted to open the door but turned around once again and waved at her. Wanda waved back with a smile but also a tear running down her face. When you opened the door and walked out of the hotel tears started to run down your face and you walked to the taxi that was standing at the parking lot. You opened the door and sat down.
“Where to?” The taxi driver asked.
“To the airport please.” You said and he started to drive away. You were flying back home where you belong. Back to your family, friends and work colleagues who were all waiting for you to return. But you will miss your live here even though it only was for a couple of weeks. You will miss it, you will miss Wanda. You’ll miss her so much. Should you turn around and go back to Wanda or should you fly home like you are supposed to do?
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wtfyangjungwon · 7 months
En-Log: Spend The Day With Engene
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member : jake sim
genre : fluff
au : bestfriend!jake x bestfriend!reader
summary : jake finally got to hang out with his best friend who also happens to be an engene so he films his day for an en-log so he can show how much fun he had that day.
warnings : not proof read, non-capitals . not really any warnings really.
jake was currently on facetime with you, as you both got ready, discussing plans for that day. " what do you think we should do? we will be filming for an en-log so we have to do some fun things," jake says as he fixes his shirt collar in the mirror. the members were running around the house, screaming at each other. you blinked and looked at jake. " is everything like okay over there?" he looked at your concerned face and chucked, a smile ghosting over his lips. " yeah, ni-ki played a prank on jungwon and everyone is now playing video games to see who the best at whatever game they are playing," he said casually and ran his fingers through his hair.
you nodded and fixed your denim jacket. " i think we should go to the aquarium or like go play with layla or something in those lines. maybe go eat some food?" you suggested and went to grab your converse. jake nodded along your ideas and hummed. " i like that. we can go get coffee, then go to the aquarium. afterwards, we can take layla on a walk and then go grab dinner. how's that sound?"
you agreed to the plans and you guys said bye to each other, hanging up the facetime call. you laced up your shoes and grabbed your grey beanie that jake had gifted you for your 21st birthday and the friendship bracelet that went along with it, putting both the items on. you grabbed your wallet, your phone and your airpods and headed towards your front door of your apartment.
you turned on your phone and saw that you had a notification from jake.
golden jake <3 : i'll be at the meet up spot in 15. make sure to bring a jacket because it's alittle cold out here.
you : i will, don't worry jake.
you turned off your phone and headed towards the meet up spot, which happens to be the cafe you guys always go to.
as you're walking up to the cafe, you see jake holding a camera and he was talking to the camera. you can hear what he was saying as you were somewhat close to him.
" so, we will be hanging out with my best friend, yn, who happens to be an engene, so technically i will be spending the day with an engene. " he sees you walking up and flips the camera towards you. " and there they are! say hi to engenes, yn!" he says excitedly.
you waved to the camera and smiled. " hi engenes! " you took a spot next to jake and placed a hand in his hoodie pocket. " you don't mind your face being in the vlog or do you want it blurred? " he asked and looked at you. " it doesn't matter to me. i don't mind being not blurred. i'm confident in my looks. " you shrugged and looked at him. he snorts and looks at the camera. " you see, they are like sunoo. i think sunoo and yn would get along great. maybe they will become best friends if they did meet. yeah, let's not have them meet. i'm not trying to get replaced. " a pout evident on his lips, you lifted up your free hand and squeezed his cheeks. " i'd never replace you jakeeeee," you teased and shook his face slightly.
after getting coffee, you guys got into the van and started to film once more, showing the camera your guys lock screens. your lock screen was of you and jake and his was of him and you but different pictures that you guys took.
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you guys got to the aquarium after alittle while, listening to your guys' favorite songs. jake looks at you and smiles , ruffling your hair. you took his sleeve as there were many people there and you didn't wanna get lost. he navigated throughout the building, filming and taking pictures of both you and him, together, seperate, and just photos of the animals.
after being there for a couple hours, you guys went to his house to pick up layla. she looked at you with her big eyes and was prancing around waiting for jake to put her leash on her, after hearing the words, " layla, do you want to go for a walk?"
the scene before you , layla and jake playing together in the park was was quite cute. jake running around with layla, and playing with her and layla running after him, was a sight to see. he moves next to you and pants, laying his head on your lap.
" layla makes me so tired. " he closed his eyes as layla went and laid beside him. you moved your hand to jake's hair and smiled. " take a small nap and then we can eat and end the vlog, jake. " you pat his head and looked around the park, the sun setting slightly.
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janiceisbored-blog · 1 year
I loved you three summers now
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Idol!Na Jaemin x Y/N
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’ve been listening to Taylor’s Lover Album and I just think most songs there are written for Jaemin 
W/C: 13.3k words (I really tried my best to fit this into a one-shot)
You and Jaemin had been inseperable ever since you were kids. When life gets in the way, things are supposed to change, right?
Summer 2013
Frantic taps can be heard against your desk as you patiently wait for the school bell to ring. You shot your head up to look at the clock, to look at the time. 3:56 PM, in just 4 minutes summer will finally start and it’s goodbye 6th grade. Everybody seems to be delighted that it’s finally the last day of school, blouses and uniforms scribbled with markers, the classroom mood was enjoyable, everyone was busy mingling with each other and you could hear their summer plans. Some were moving away, some were staying, some were going to be enrolling in summer schools, mentions of going to “Seoul” or “Busan” or other provinces were heard.
3:57 PM. The clock was really taking its time, all you wanted to do was to go home and take a rest. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the chair next to yours got dragged. You smiled as you scoot to make room for the person who dragged the chair.
“So, any plans?” It was Jaemin. A huge smile plastered across his face as he sat on the chair beside yours. You told him about your summer plans where you’re going to be spending a little bit of time with your cousins in another province. You found yourself talking for way too long and you heard the bell ring. Just as when your stories get better, the bell rings, it’s now 4 PM.
“Okay just wait for me, I have to say bye to my friends from the other class. You can tell me on the way home.” You just nodded as you gathered your things together. You and Jaemin had been friends from what seems to be forever now. The way that the both of you grew up together, being neighbors and your mothers both being good friends. You and Jaemin were close, but both are different in a way. You were always the shy type and very introverted, you would rather hide at the back of the room instead of being picked first for PE class, a little bit uncoordinated when it comes to sports. Jaemin on the other hand was confident, he was good at sports, he’s also quite introverted but had a handful of friends and handful of girls who had a crush on him. Despite your differences, you always had a way to bond. Now that the two of you are in your teen years, the means of bonding have changed. The two of you rarely went out to play games on the streets, but bonded over video games and watched cartoons together instead. It was almost like a hurdle when both of you had to change the way you bonded. Nonetheless, even if your interests changed as you went older, you and Jaemin still found ways to bond and it was through video games and walking home together. You waited on the bench in the hallway when you saw Jaemin greet his buddies from the other class ‘goodbye’. On his way out, a girl blocked his way and handed him a pink envelope. Another girl having a crush on Jaemin. You laughed at yourself and you can obviously see Jaemin get embarrassed as he accepts the pink envelope from the clearly embarrassed girl as she runs away from the classroom.
“Another one? How many did you get already?” You laughed at him as you haul your bag.
“I don’t know? I think I got 4 already.” he smiled as he chucked the letter in his bag. You won't deny, Jaemin is going to grow up with girls chasing him left and right. His boyish charm and smile would lighten up the room. Both of you didn’t really think about having crushes, being 13 and all, conversations like that would be awkward. But you would definitely be lying if you don’t think that Jaemin is a handsome boy. The walk home took a little bit longer than usual, the two of you took a (longer) detour to find the convenience store that sells ice cream sandwiches. You didn’t mind if the route you took was the long way home, you thought of the days that you’ll spend during the summer. It would mean more time to play and rest after a hellish year in school.
“Are you coming to that volunteer event with your mom?” Jaemin asked as he takes a bite of his ice cream.
“Yeah, the whole two days too. Are you coming?.” You looked up to him. He was taller than you are and you wondered to yourself how taller he will be after puberty.
“I’ll be on flyer duty.”
“Oh samesies! Though I’m kinda hesitant because you know, I’m kinda awkward with people. We need to encourage people and I’m not exactly the most sociable person.” You laughed at him as you noticed that it was already your house.
“I’ll see you then, Y/N!” Jaemin waved as you opened the door to your house. 
The day of the volunteer event came along. You were on flyer duty with Jaemin, handing out flyers to everyone who passed by. It’s not even afternoon yet and you felt yourself getting tired and your social battery draining from interacting with strangers on the street. Jaemin on the other hand was his usual happy self. Big smiles to everyone passing by and handing out flyers to them.
“Are you tired already?” He said as he took a sip of water while the two of you were on break.
“A little. I think I woke up funny.” You told him as he handed you a bottle of water as you took shade in the event tent.
“Well, do you want me to take you to your mom?” His voice was full of concern, he extended his arm to you as you tried to stand up from sitting down.
You assured him that you were fine and as for the rest of the event, you continued to hand out flyers to anyone passing by. By the time the event was done, the two of you made your way to your parents who were clearing up the tents they used for the event. You mentioned to your parents how extremely tired you were even if you were just distributing the flyers. Before you know it, Jaemin’s hands are now on your cheeks and forehead.
“I think she has a fever.” His voice was stern and you just looked at him with big eyes. Your parents looked at you with concern and recommended that you skip the 2nd day of the volunteer event to take some rest. As the day came to an end, you boarded the mini van your parents owned, Jaemin and his family carpooling with yours.
“Are you okay with being alone during the flyer duty tomorrow?” You sighed as Jaemin sat at the back of the car with you.
“I’m just going to distribute flyers, not lift a tent. I’ll be fine, Y/N. You should get some rest.” Jaemin smiled at you as you rest your head against the car window and drift to sleep.
The next days weren’t as eventful as you just stayed at home, trying to recover from the fever you just had. You barely remembered the events that happened during the car ride home as you were asleep the whole time, heck. You did however hear Jaemin ask your mom if you will be fine. You looked over your phone to check what time was it but you were greeted with a few text message notifications from Jaemin.
“Get well soon, Y/N!”
“I’ll distribute the hell out of these flyers.”
“If you feel a little better today, we could play online games together after the event”
“Cheering for you to get better!” -NJM
You smiled to yourself as you saw his messages. Jaemin always had a way with his words. It’s like he knew what to say at the right moment and you liked that about him. The way he knows when to joke around and be mature has always been one of his greatest qualities. He wasn’t like the other boys in your class. The way he knows how to sympathize with you or your classmates during a conflict always amazes you. You always told him how it would be great for him to become class president but he always shrugs the idea of it. He tells you that he has no interest in (classroom) politics. He always mentioned how he was going to be a doctor because it was always his passion to help other people and make them feel better. You could say he’s a natural on how he would go out of his way to help your classmates, teachers, and when he tags along his mom’s volunteer events. You start to feel better as the day progresses and you hear a car pull up outside your bedroom window. You looked out and you saw your parents get out with Jaemin’s family. They were taking their time unloading the tents they used for the volunteer event, when Jaemin looked up, he saw that you were staring from your window, which prompted him to wave at you and shout your name, “Y/N! I’m coming over! Wait!” He settled the box he was holding at the ground and hurried to your house. Jaemin was extra giddy and excited to get to your house that he almost tripped on the stairs on your doorstep. You looked at yourself in the mirror making sure you look at least presentable. When you opened the front door Jaemin was there with a huge smile on his face, his breathing was heavy after he just sprinted from outside to your doorstep. Before anything, he grabbed your cheeks and forehead again to check if you still had a fever.
“No more fever! Let’s go to your room!” Jaemin huffed as he removed his hands from your face. You gestured him to step inside the house and he sprinted immediately to your room, you laughed as you followed him.
“What got you so excited today?” You settled yourself in the swivel chair next to your desk. Jaemin was still pacing back and forth in your room, obviously out of excitement at the news he was about to tell you.
“Well, I got scouted! By SM Entertainment! While giving away flyers!” He almost jumped at his own news.
“Oh, OH, OH!! YOU DID?!” It was your turn to jump out of excitement. “Like SHINee, SM Entertainment? SNSD SM Entertainment? EXO?” Jaemin just nodded excitedly as he explained how a lady approached him when he was distributing flyers during the volunteer event. How he screamed for his mom when the scouting lady gave him her calling card. You couldn’t believe it as well. You and Jaemin once talked about being idols out of fun and how you never saw yourself being one because you’re shy, but Jaemin presented a little bit of interest. Jaemin was a good dancer as well, another addition to the good qualities he possess.
“Oh, Nana!! You can get me in concerts for free! I can meet SHINee!” you were getting ahead of yourself. Jaemin explained that he has to go to an audition in the city next week and if he passes, he has to start training immediately.
“I had to transfer schools too.” Jaemin explained.
“Oh, I guess that would make sense.” You can feel your energy go down when Jaemin explains that he had to leave if it means that he had to be an idol. You understood of course, but you can’t help but be sad over the fact that Jaemin might not return.
“But hey, at least YOU’RE going to be an idol! Oh my god, don’t you ever dare to forget about me!” You tried to lighten the mood as you playfully hit his arm.
“Come on, how could I forget about you! We practically grew up together.” Jaemin reached for your cheeks for him to pinch. “We’re practically twins!” He exclaimed as he continued to pinch your cheeks.
“You’re a week older, please.” You tried to swat his hands away and pinch him back but he was quick to dodge your attacks.
You and Jaemin spent the whole night imagining all the things he’s going to do once he’s an idol. Your bedroom floor was littered with crumpled paper as you insisted that he needs to practice his autograph and how you’re going to sell the crumpled paper of his autograph once he’s famous. The two of you looked at dance practice videos on what he should dance for his audition, you suggested it could be something from EXO since they’re getting quite big. The two of you exchange scenarios on what Jaemin could do once he’s big and famous.
“I will get a dog, hopefully a Samoyed. They’re so fluffy and you’re going to be his vet.” Jaemin laughed at the thought. You remembered you mentioned to him that you wanted to be a veterinarian one time when you two were walking back home. You can’t help but smile because you can’t believe that he actually remembers.
“That’s a deal. First, pass the audition, get famous, and then get Samoyed. They’re high maintenance dogs, you know?” You raised an eyebrow at him and he just flashed his signature smile.
“That’s why you’re going to be the vet! I know you’ll treat my Samoyed baby well.”
The two of you ended up laughing over the scenarios you made up. Both of your imaginations run wild as the night deepens. Before you know it, your mom was knocking at your door and she laughed when she saw the rejected autograph samples on the floor. 
“Jaemin-ah, we will save this and sell these once you get famous.” Your mom smiled at him as the two of you exited your room together. Jaemin being his polite self, bowed at your parents and said his goodbyes. You walked him to the front door and said your goodbyes to each other. His house was directly in front of yours and you waved at him as you waited for him to reach his house, he waved back as you watched him close the door to his house. You couldn’t believe it, your childhood friend, Na Jaemin, is going to be an idol.
The week went by way too fast for your liking. Before you knew it, you were standing outside of your house getting ready to send off Jaemin and his family for his trip to Seoul for an audition to become an idol. You were a nervous nail biter and Jaemin took notice of it. 
“Tsk, don’t bite your nails.” he tutted his head when he saw you bite your nails. He patted your head as he was about to say his goodbyes. Your mom was there as well, wishing Jaemin to bring his A game for the audition.
“You have to pass, Nana! You need to make me meet EXO!” You were now holding back your tears. The thought of Jaemin leaving suddenly became real. You could always count on Jaemin to be brave and confident on your behalf. Jaemin voiced out whenever you were shy to give out an opinion or when the cashier in the convenience store gave you a few bucks short of your change. Jaemin was the voice of reason whenever you overthink about random things. Jaemin was a good friend, he always included you in his plans, he asked you to play online games with him. Jaemin was the first to worry when you missed classes knowing how important it was for you to catch up. In a sense, Jaemin was your rock.
“I’m always going to cheer for you, Y/N. You can always text me or call me.” Jaemin now pulled you in a hug. You were shocked over the fact that he hugged you, his chin resting on top of your head. He knows that you were about to cry over the fact that he’s about to leave. Your instincts tell you to return the hug, a few sobbing sounds escaping as Jaemin continues to pat your head.
“Be brave. I know you can be brave.” It was almost a whisper and you looked up to Jaemin to meet his eyes. You just gave him a short nod as you pulled away from the hug to wipe your tears. Jaemin gets into his parents car and waves at you one last time. You watched through your tear stained eyes as their car drove off. You reached for your phone as you were going to type something for Jaemin, until you noticed that he texted first.
“I’m always going to be here for you :)” - NJM
Summer 2016
You woke up with the sun shining on your face. You tried to grab your phone that was haphazardly thrown in your bed when you fell asleep last night. Another summer day wasted doom scrolling on your phone or when you had to keep yourself awake by watching series or playing online games. It has been weeks since high school finished, after so many sleepless nights in cram school and your extracurriculars. You spent the running weeks catching up on sleep and killing time. You tried to distract yourself with anything really. You checked your phone and saw what time it was, 11:30 AM. You could feel your stomach protesting as you sat up. With scattered cans of soda, bottled water, and chip bags across your room, you thought to yourself if a raccoon ransacked your room, it wasn’t in its best shape and you thought that it was almost like a visual representation of your thoughts. You made a mental note to do some summer cleaning so you can finally get rid of the mess you have accumulated and throw out all the notebooks and papers you used during your time in highschool.
You took notice of the emptiness of your house. Your mom must have gone out to get some groceries and your dad is probably now at work. They were never really home buddies. Your mom is usually out gardening or doing some extra volunteer work to help the community which made her known in your neighborhood, your dad was always a hard worker but he also tried his best to be present in your family. You know that your parents aren’t perfect but they try to make do with what you have and you appreciate them for that. You scanned the whole kitchen to see if there are any leftovers you can heat up for breakfast or even make toast. Your eyes gravitated to the loaf of bread sitting on your counter, “Toast it is.” you sighed to yourself as you grabbed two slices of bread and opened a carton of banana milk. As you were eating your toast, you could hear your mom come inside the house, dragging big bags of groceries as she made her way inside your house.
“Great, you’re up. Come help me get these inside, Y/N!” Your mom said as she continued to haul the groceries inside. You obliged and carried the bags inside, helping your mom.
“Do we have another feeding program? These are tons of groceries.” You sighed at her, unloading the contents of the bags.
“Oh, no we don’t have any volunteer events lined up this month. The Nas are returning from Seoul. We’re having them over for dinner.” your mom replied, as she washes the vegetables you just took out.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. Has it really been 3 years since Na Jaemin left? You took a sip of your coffee as you pondered the possible events that will transpire when they arrive. You haven’t heard from Jaemin for almost 3 years, you could say life got in the way. You got busy with high school, trying to excel academically by passing all your subjects with flying colors and doing cram schools. It’s not like your parents were forcing you to become a trophy child, in fact they were the ones to get worried when they found out that you were pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion trying to get good grades. But Jaemin, Jaemin had a really different path from yours. 3 years ago, he told you that he will be auditioning to become an idol and he went to Seoul. The day that he told you that he passed the auditions, you were so happy for him that the two of you had a celebratory ice cream and skyped the whole time catching up. He did tell you that he will be staying in Seoul with his mom since he had to go train right after he passed. You frowned over the thought that you will probably not see Jaemin as he will be enrolling in a different school. A memory passed by when you and Jaemin were still having regular skype calls with each other.
“We can still play games together, yeah Y/N?” He said through the screen, trying to provide you with assurance.
“Yeah, I guess. But I have so many things to do, Nana. I have to focus on school now. I need to get on the honor roll. But you know, maybe during weekends we can go online.” You sighed as you tried to remember all the extra curricular activities you signed up for.
“Don’t overwork yourself.” he smiled. Even if it was through a computer screen, you could feel Jaemin was still concerned for you, he never missed an opportunity to remind you to take care of yourself.
“Don’t skip a meal.” He chuckled as he gestures the ice cream he was holding in front of the camera.
“You too, Nana. Don’t practice too hard.” You smiled as you said your goodbye to him through the screen.
And that was the last time you and Jaemin had a conversation together. The two of you got busier and busier as the years went by. All your sleepless nights were preparing you for college, while Jaemin’s sleepless nights were dedicated to practicing for their debut. You never bothered to contact Jaemin during these years, you know that he also had it hard for himself so you somehow understood the pressure he was under. When you first saw Jaemin appear on the TV as part of the SM Rookies Mickey Mouse Club, you couldn’t believe it. He was with other SM Rookies who were his teammates during the show. You were amazed with how he danced and how he presented himself. Jaemin was now the talk of the town, your classmates were cooped up in their phone whenever Jaemin had new content. It was like he was set up for fame even before his official idol debut. You wondered to yourself if he changed, if fame went to his head and he is no longer the boy you grew up with. He still had that big grin and his familiar doe eyes. You can feel your cheeks heating up upon the thought of meeting Jaemin after 3 years. Does he still remember you after all this time?
The time running up to dinner time was excruciatingly long. You weren’t sure why you were anxious over meeting Jaemin, maybe because he’s actually famous now and you thought to yourself that you were still an awkward teenager. You were a nervous cleaner, you always tidied your room or rearranged the furniture in your bedroom whenever you were nervous. It’s not like Jaemin will go straight to your room to hangout like when you were kids. 16 was a complicated age, with raging hormones and everything, you thought that Jaemin was not going to your room to hangout. But still you cleaned up, chucking all the soda cans and chip bags in the garbage, sweeping and even vacuuming your bedroom floor. You also had a dilemma on what you were going to wear, but you cringed at the thought that you would probably look too overdressed if you tried hard to look presentable. You settled for shorts and a pullover. “It’s just dinner. What on earth are you nervous for?” you sighed to yourself after looking in front of your mirror. You hurried downstairs to assist your mom in preparing the table set up for dinner. As you were doing the prepping, you heard a knock on your front door.
“Go get the door, Y/N. I need to finish this.” you mom shooed you and you could feel your heart drop to your stomach. “Okay, be normal, Y/N” you assured yourself as you inhaled deeply as you opened the door.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. It was really Jaemin, greeting you with the familiar big smile. He had gotten taller, his hair dyed brown, his voice definitely gotten deeper than you used to remember. It’s like your words were stuck to your throat, as if you forgot how to speak.
“Can we come in?” Jaemin’s voice echoed and you snapped out of your trance.
“Y-yeah, please come in.” You prayed that the nervousness wasn’t visible in your voice, you gestured for them to come inside and you directed them to the dining room where your mom just finished her table set up. 
“Mrs. Y/LN, this is for you, well for the whole family.” Jaemin handed your mom a bouquet of flowers and you could feel yourself blushing. You knew that Jaemin had always been polite, but the flower gesture was new and you found it sweet. Before you knew it, your parents were now rounding everyone up for dinner.
You were sat across from Jaemin and his dad during dinner. You tried your hardest not to stare, not only would it be rude, but it would definitely be awkward. Stories about Jaemin’s idol training days floated around the table, how his debut with the group NCT Dream was fast approaching and they had a few weeks to themselves before the debut stage. The adults mostly did the talking while they had a couple of drinks. You were okay with listening to the stories until you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder.
“Hello, Y/N!” Jaemin flashed his smile at you again. You blinked a couple of times before returning his hello. Obviously, he wanted to catch up with you and let the adults have their adult conversation without the teenagers. He excused the both of you to your parents and went outside to the open garden, carrying a soda bottle and glasses for the two of you to share. You sat down separate chairs next to each other, the cool summer breeze hitting your skin. Jaemin poured soda to both glasses and he gestured his glass close to you as if you were clinking champagne. You laughed at him as you tried to mimic what the adults were doing.
“How have you been, Y/N?” he said before sipping his soda.
You hesitated before answering him. You thought it was really boring to explain to him that you were just studying the whole time, trying to be the best student you could be.
“Oh you know, the same old. Still studying.”
“Still drinking those books, I see? Are you in the honor roll?” You just nodded at his question and he let out a content smile, as if he was already expecting your answer.
“Well you, I saw you on TV.” You tried to remember the times you caught your parents watching him on Disney Channel, obviously proud that the boy next door was on TV. “Jaemin, you were pretty cool.” you felt yourself easing back to him and the awkward disappearing, as if you didn’t see each other in 3 years. That’s the thing you “liked” about Jaemin. He always made everyone around him feel less awkward and at ease. You never knew how he did it, but you were always thankful for that quality in him.
“Ahh, it’s all part of the job. Do you think I did good?”
“Oh you definitely did! Everyone in my school gushes about you. My parents watch your shows. You’re the pride of this neighborhood.” You laughed at him over the things you were saying, he just smiled sheepishly, cheeks blushing over the compliments he heard come out of you. “We’re so proud of you Jaemin.” you followed up in almost a whisper but he definitely heard.
“Ah, please. It’s just like any other job. But you, you’re doing good in school, yeah? Are you still set on that vet dream of yours?” you looked at him with surprise, he still remembered that you wanted to be a veterinarian even after all these years.
“Jaemin, you still remember? Yeah, I’m still dead set on being a vet, hopefully I could get into a good school, land a good job, you know the usual.” You chuckled because it seemed that you had your timeline planned all together.
You spent the whole time talking about your individual experiences, but it looked like he was more interested in your stories. He did mention that he was going to a performing arts highschool as this was more inline with his plans to become an idol. He listened to you go on about the current happenings with the classmates the both of you used to be with in school. He mentioned that he is schoolmates with some of the NCT Dream members and they’re even adding two more members to the roster. You found it interesting that you have a friend who’s directly involved in the idol industry. His stories seemed unbelievable, practicing up until 2am, doing recordings in the middle of the day, or even going to photoshoots. All of these schedules and they even hadn’t had their official debut yet, what more if they officially debut? Your mouth was just left ajar listening to Jaemin’s stories of his sleepless nights because of practice or how he’s trying to live in a dorm with his other members. He told you about Jeno, the guy he’s close with since they were introduced both during their time in SM Rookies. He showed you videos and pictures of them during practice, he was leaning close to you, shoulders touching as he nears his phone to you. You looked at him and noticed his features. He definitely matured, but his boyish charms still remain, his smile stayed the same. You noticed yourself staring at him longer than usual and not even paying attention to the video he was showing. You swiped your head immediately back to the video he was showing, Exo’s Love me right was playing in the background and there were 5 of them dancing to the song. Their dance steps were sharp and obviously in sync. To say that you were amazed was somewhat an understatement. You really can’t believe that he’s about to become an idol.
“But you know, I can’t help but wonder what I’d be like in a normal school.” Jaemin sighed as he pocketed his phone and you went back to your seat. To you, Jaemin seemed like he was living his best life. He was set up for success already, an amazing group with a promising future, he was already in a show and you wondered if there are already drama studios pining over him. But to Jaemin, he always wondered what could have been if he didn’t push through with the audition, he wondered how his life could be if he was a normal teenager like you, going to cram schools and hanging out with friends that are not his “workmates”. For a brief moment, Jaemin allowed himself to think about the “what ifs” he stayed in the small neighborhood you two grew up in. He thought to himself that he still wanted to become a doctor. The dream of becoming an idol, sure, he was already on his way, and it wasn’t like he wasn’t thankful for the opportunity, he just wondered how things are going to be different if he chose to pursue a different path.
“I think you’re going to do good in whatever you do.” You gave him a reassuring smile. You always knew how passionate Jaemin can get. When he dedicates his focus and attention on a project, you’re always sure that he’ll get the job done. What more if he poured all his passion into becoming an idol?
“I know I can always count on you, Y/N.” he reached out his hand up to you gesturing for a high five. You just laughed at him and met his hand up top. It was quiet again between the two of you, but it wasn’t awkward this time. You could hear both of your parents laughing inside the house and you barely paid attention to what their conversation was about. Jaemin on the other hand, was texting on his phone, he gestured that he was updating his other members about his whereabouts in their group chat. He asked if the two of you could take a selfie together so he could send it to his co-members. He teased that maybe one of his co-members would take a chance on you. You blushed at him and you covered your face, shyness taking over your body as you no longer want to participate in the picture. Jaemin laughed at you and said “sorry” as a continuous chuckle left his lips. You eventually agreed, but the thought of one of his friends liking you definitely made you feel shy. The two of you definitely touched up upon the topic of crushes and dating. He did say that he wasn’t legally allowed to date anyone or an official statement from the company had to be issued before they could start dating. It was obvious that he was irritated over such rules, “Well what if I just liked someone? Right?” you remembered him saying with such conviction. You just shrugged it off. Of course you had your own crushes in school, but you never really acted upon it. Being the shy girl that you are, the last thing you wanted to do was to embarrass yourself with a confession and be rejected. You wanted to move on from that subject which Jaemin figured out immediately and started a whole new topic together. At some point, Jaemin found himself apologizing to you for not reaching out often, saying he got busy with balancing practice and school all together, he barely had time for himself. An exchange of “sorrys” and “it was my fault” rallied between the two of you, in the end you just agreed that life got in the way and there were no ill-feelings for each other just for the lack of updates.
“But you know what, it’s fine. I get to see you on TV or on Youtube, that’s kinda like an update for me.” You said as you poured more soda to his glass.
“Eh, I guess? But I never really had any updates about you except what my mom gets from your mom. Maybe we could do better with updating each other instead of the information I get from my mom. Like getting direct insights from the source.” He laughed as he pointed to his phone, gesturing for you to add him on SNS. You pulled out your phone and exchanged devices with him. His phone continued to buzz as notifications from his co-members started to pop up on the screen.
“Dude! Manager-hyung explicitly told us not to date. But is she like taken, tho?” - MARK
“Is she interested with guys younger than her? Asking for a friend.” - PJS
“Your friends are weird.” You chuckled at Jaemin as you hand over his phone, you could feel the blush rush up your face again.
“They definitely are.”
Before you knew it, it was a few minutes ‘til midnight. Your parents and Jaemin’s were obviously intoxicated and their conversations took longer than expected. But you and Jaemin didn’t mind. You had your own conversations together, jumping from one topic to another, reminiscing about your shared childhood together, stalking old classmates in SNS, your plans for the future.
“It’s getting pretty late, Jaemin.” You heard his dad say from the inside. The two of you stood up from the chair you were seated in, stretching in the process.
“It’s not like my house is far from here.” He whispered at you and you just laughed at his comment.
Jaemin and his parents said their thanks to your family. His mom commented that they should do this often if they’re not busy, as if they never ran out of things to talk about as well. Jaemin bowed to your parents and you did the same to him. An obvious smile lingering on your face as you escort their family on the front door of your house. Just like before, Jaemin waited before you got back inside your house, he waved goodbye at you and you returned the gesture. The moment you went back to your room, you peeked out the window to see Jaemin’s room from yours. You could see a faint orange light coming out from his room, most likely from the lamp he had in his old room. You were about to shut your blinds when you saw the faint light from his room flicker 3 times. You smiled to yourself. It was you and Jaemin’s way of saying goodnight back when you were kids. You returned the light flicker 3 times, and watched his room go dark. You found yourself smiling at the gesture. It was nice to see Jaemin after all this time.
Summer 2021
Life definitely got in the way. You’re now 21, an adult with responsibilities. Trying to balance your studies and a part time job as well. You didn’t want to fully rely on your parents to pay for your college expenses especially that they’re not getting any younger. So when you got into Seoul National University for Veterinary Medicine with a partial scholarship, you grabbed it immediately. You finally got into your dream school taking up the course you’ve always dreamt of. Only one year left until you graduate. But with having a partial scholarship and all, that would mean that the money your parents saved off for your college is going straight to school fees and that would mean that you have to work your ass off to provide for your living expenses. The first few years were hard on you. Having to be separated from your parents, countless nights having 2 meals a day, most of them consisting of instant ramen. You had to do anything to get by. You part timed as a barista for a coffee shop for quite some time now, even took up essay writing jobs for college students just to make ends meet, and now working as a vet assistant for an animal clinic in Seoul. Most of the work is clerical, sometimes you had to work overtime, sometimes you got bit by rowdy dogs or scratched by cats, and not to mention, dealing with rude pet owners, but the pay was good enough for you to stay in this job. You just arrived in your job, clocking in as you rush in from your the coffee shop directly to the clinic to be the on-shift vet assistant. You looked at the clipboard of appointments for today and you just let out a heavy sigh. The clinic is fully booked up until 8pm, that means you’ll be in the clinic until 9pm for the closing. You sit down in the receptionist chair as you gather the records of the patients, handing over forms to the owners who were first timers in your clinic. As tasking as it may sound, being a veterinary doctor was your lifelong dream. You always had a passion for taking care of animals, you loved taking care of them. When you were younger, you had a pet named Sowon. You remembered the time you introduced the cat to Jaemin and the cat immediately walked up to him and cozied itself to his lap. The three of you used to play outside your garden, tying up strings on the end of the stick and making Sowon chase the tied up ribbons. Unfortunately, the cat suffered from feline distemper and you found him lying lifeless in your garden one rainy day. You remembered how hard you cried for weeks over Sowon’s passing, how Jaemin visited you everyday until you felt a little bit better, handing over homework that you missed for school. He even got you a cat plushie that resembled Sowon’s calico fur pattern, which until today you sleep with. You could say that Sowon fueled your passion for this kind of career. You couldn’t bare to have another owner mourn the loss of a pet. Of course you know you couldn’t save everyone, but maybe at least you could help them have a better life, regardless of their condition. “Okay, time to focus.” you said to yourself as you take a sip of your iced coffee behind the desk. “Patient 1001, the vet is now ready to see you.” You escorted an old lady and lifted the carrier that was on her side, a small bark echoing throughout the clinic.
“It’s going to be okay, buddy.” you cooed at the small dog inside the carrier. When you reached the vet’s check up room, you left the old lady and her dog with the veterinarian so he could conduct the check up. Same scenarios went on until 2pm. It was definitely a late lunch for you, but that’s the only window you had for lunch. The last patient was too much to handle, a very nippy pomeranian who thinks that she’s 10 times her size. Her owner didn’t do much either. You stepped out from the clinic and went to a nearby coffee shop to get more coffee. As you were walking the streets of Seoul, you could hear KPOP music blasting off from stalls. It was a different song each stall, it wasn’t much of a sensory overload for you, you were just trying to get your coffee. You found yourself humming to one of the music from the stalls, it was “My Youth”. Your mind immediately drifts off to Jaemin. You wondered how he was doing now. 5 years ago, you promised to stay in touch, trying to update each other with the mundane things in life. Jaemin definitely became a lot busier after the debut of NCT Dream. He was in every music show with NCT Dream, bagging awards left and right, having modeling campaigns, touring the world with his co-members. The last message the two of you exchanged was from 2 years ago when you texted him “Happy Chuseok” and he replied back with “Happy Chuseok to you too, Y/N!” you never bothered to further the conversation. You knew that he was a very busy person and as if you weren’t coping with your studies, you barely had time to balance your studies, multiple jobs, and a social life all together. The only time you really had a “true” break is when you visited your parents back in their house and even that only lasted for a few days before going back to busy Seoul to continue working. You smiled as Jaemin’s line came in.
지나간 시간 속에
돌아갈 수 없기에
더욱더 소중한가 봐
(In the time that passed Where you can’t go back Because of it I think it’s more precious)
You finally reached the coffee shop and ordered your usual. This was already your 3rd coffee for today. The 2nd coffee from the vending machine you just had wasn’t really working for you. You hurried back to the vet clinic so you can finally eat your lunch in the small pantry you shared with the other veterinarians and assistants. You looked over the small TV that was propped up the shared refrigerator. MCounted was on and you could see that NCT Dream was getting awarded and getting ready for their encore stage as “Hello Future” wins another award. You realized how much Jaemin and his members changed. He looked buffed, like he had been spending more hours at the gym. Not that you’ve taken a long hard look at him when he’s literally all over the internet or their posters plastered all across Seoul. He was definitely the scrawny boy you used to play with when you were a kid or the awkward teen you had long conversations with that one summer night. Jaemin definitely looked more mature, even if his hair was tousled messily to the overall aesthetic of his look, he was undeniably handsome. You could say the same for his co-members, they definitely bloomed and no longer looked like teenagers getting up on their hoverboards to perform Chewing Gum, which always amused you for some reason. You watched the show as they got ready to perform another encore stage after taking home the trophy for that day. It was Jaemin’s turn to thank everyone and dedicate the award to their fans. His voice was definitely deeper than you last remembered. It was fun watching him goof around with his other members, just having fun during their encore stage. He was bouncing around too, definitely too energetic for the tempo of the song, but you found it funny. You looked at the time on your phone and just like that, lunch time was over. You dragged yourself out of the pantry and went back to the receptionist desk, iced coffee on hand. You went back to your usual routine, logging in forms, calling patients, giving out forms to new patients, the works. Before you know it, it’s already 7:45 PM. The last patient was supposed to come at 8 PM. You already had a long day, all you wanted to do was get ready for closing and be home even before 9 PM. You started tidying up the receptionist's desk, lining up the chairs and wiping down the couch. You looked up at the clock, it’s already 7:55 PM. There’s no way they will make it, whatever appointment they had for that will definitely be moved for the next day. You were about to mop the whole clinic when you saw a car pull up near the curb.
“Doc, it’s 7:57 PM, come on now. Just when I’m about to start moping.” you whined at the veterinarian as you pointed to her the wet mop you were holding in your left hand.
The door swung open and you heard the door chime ring. It seems like you don’t have much of a choice, you settled the mop down the bucket and went over to the receptionist desk to hand whoever went inside a form for them to fill out. Two men towered over you as you handed over the clipboard with the form attached to it, barely making eye contact as you pan your eyes to the carrier next to them.
“Sir, please fill this out. I don’t think your dog has a record here yet.” You said as you squat down to take a look at the dog in the carrier. “The vet will see you in a short while.” You said in a monotonous tone as you took the clipboard from the owner, you looked up to meet the two men who were looking at you. You felt uneasy. They were wearing masks and bucket hats and you could barely figure out who they were. Having celebrities walk inside the clinic you work for was not a new feat for you, you’ve seen countless idols walk in with their pets inside. It was no longer new for you. They’re probably another idol with a pet. But you were feeling quite uneasy as the taller latter was still eyeing you.
“Sir, is there anything I could help you with?” you asked him, trying to hide that you felt somewhat intimidated by his gaze. He didn’t reply, instead, he just walked over one of the couches you just wiped and sat down.
“What a weirdo.” You thought to yourself and proceeded to attend to the owner and assist him to the check up room with his dog. The dog let out a small bark as soon as you lifted the carrier.
“Daegal, please be quiet. We’ll be quick, I promise.” the owner’s voice was gentle as he stuck his finger inside the carrier to help his dog calm down. As soon as you reached the check up room, you settled the carrier to the table and went back to the reception desk. The taller guy was still sitting on the couch, facing you as he continued to fiddle with his phone. You heard your phone buzz from the pocket of your scrubs, you picked it up and your eyes widened as you saw what the notification was
1 Notification from Na Jaemin
You looked up and you saw the man sat in front of you remove his hat and mask. You cannot believe your eyes, you fixed your glasses, unsure what it really did but hoping it adjusted your vision. You cannot believe your eyes, after what seems to be 6 years, you’re seeing Jaemin for the first time again.
“Jaemin-ssi. Is that really you?” You felt like your throat was tied up, barely able to say something as Jaemin walked over the reception desk.
“Aw what happened to calling me ‘Nana’?” He chuckled as he leaned over the reception desk.
“Look at you!” he smiled at you, his hair still styled in a tousle like it was when you saw him on TV earlier, the only difference was he was wearing a white shirt and jeans. “Are you finally a vet?” he continued.
“Ah, n-no. I’m just an assistant here. I have one more year left until I finish my degree. Still in vet med.” You found yourself stuttering over Jaemin once again, as if moments ago you were ready to cuss him out when he was staring daggers at you.
He let out a silent “wow”, his eyes getting bigger out of amusement on what you just told him.
“How are you?” you managed to say.
“Eh, same old same old. I’m just accompanying Chenle and his dog here. Something about a vaccine?” 
It was silent for a moment, you weren’t really sure what to ask him when you just saw him a few hours ago on the TV receiving an award, you thought of congratulating him but wouldn’t that be awkward? You were racking your head as if it was a rolodex of terrible small talk openings.
“It’s really nice to see you again. I know you’re thinking of something to say. You squint your eyes a little when you do and you still do it.” Jaemin’s words caught you off guard. Of course he wasn’t a mind reader, he just really knew you when you were kids, he was noticing the tiniest details that you even missed.
“Classic Nana.” you shook your head as you smiled at your expression. When was exactly the last time you called him by his nickname. Jaemin smiled when he heard that you addressed him with his nickname.
“I should call my mom later. She will never believe that we saw each other.” He smiled as he continued to type on his phone.
“When did you move here? You didn’t tell me?” Jaemin continued, finally meeting your gaze as you finished typing something for your mother as well, you pretended you never heard the last part.
You explained to him how you got into SNU for VetMed on a partial scholarship, how you had to work while studying to support your living expenses. Living in Seoul was no joke, it was expensive and you need all the money you can get to live at least decently and support your studies. You explained to him how you worked as a barista during your earlier years and finally landing a job as an assistant in this vet clinic. As if nothing has changed, Jaemin was still an attentive listener. You thought that your Seoul story was boring as hell as it’s almost the same with everyone who’s trying to make it in the city.
“But I’m in my last year, so the next academic year, I will be finally free from the academic shackles, and slip on the capitalism shackles.” You even managed to get out a joke in front of him, the awkwardness dissipating from the air. There’s something with Jaemin’s presence that always makes you feel at ease, but you can’t never put your tongue on it.
A few small talks here and there, but mostly it was about you. Jaemin was so eager to know more about university life, how college was treating you so far.
“But hey look at you! I can hear your songs practically from every stall I walk into. Also a successful album and a tour in your belt? Come on now Jaemin, that is impressive.” You tried to divert the conversation from you to him. He was achieving more than you could imagine, you almost found it annoying that he was being coy about his achievements.
“Couldn’t have done it without the boys. Thank you.” He flashed a smile at you, even when accepting compliments, Jaemin always lifted up his members together with him.
You were catching up with Jaemin, telling each other stories about your moms. You found out that even after all these years, Jaemin was donating to the same foundation you used to volunteer for together back when you were kids. You told him that you weren’t that much active in volunteering but always tried to find time to dedicate a few hours of your free time for the foundation. You felt a little guilty now because as much as you wanted to donate, your financial situation isn’t that great.
“Come one now, Y/N. The important thing is that we’re still dedicating our resources for the cause. So don’t you dare feel guilty because I think you’re still doing a super job.” As always, you could count on Jaemin to say the right thing at the right time.
You noticed Chenle and his dog Daegal come out of the check up room now. Daegal, sulking in Chenle’s arms, obviously upset over the vet visit.
“She looked like she didn’t have fun.” Jaemin looked over Daegal and scratched the dog’s head. “If I was your dad I wouldn’t book a late appointment.” Jaemin is now baby talking Daegal who seemed to prefer Jaemin instead of her original owner.
“I’m not letting her stay in the dorms. You lot are filthy as hell.” Chenle scoffed as he put Daegal back in her carrier.
“Did this knucklehead tried to make a move on you?” Chenle smiled at you as he gestured over Jaemin who was now putting on his bucket hat and mask back to his face.
“That’s Y/N, big head.” Jaemin slapped Chenle’s arm as he fixed his mask on to his face.
“Oh wow! Are you really now? It’s a pleasure to meet you. You know my hyung always -”
“OKAY CHENLE WE GET IT YOU ALSO HAVE A BIG MOUTH” Jaemin cut off Chenle before he could say something embarrassing.
“Thank you, we’ll take Daegal here often. I’m thinking of switching vets.” And with that you saw the two men leave the vet clinic. Jaemin, on the other hand, waved goodbye at you as you watched the car fade into the dark street. You couldn’t believe what just happened, as if fate was playing some weird tricks with you. Meeting Jaemin again after a long time was literally pushed at the back of your mind. You heard your phone buzz once again, excitedly you opened the notification.
“It was so good to see you, Y/N. I hope we can catch up if you’re not that busy?” - NJM
You smiled to yourself, you can’t believe after all this time, Jaemin still remembers you, how his attitude and demeanor barely changed, how physically different he is now compared back when you were teens (puberty definitely hit him hard), how successful he is now. You tapped your response to your phone. You were definitely excited to see your old childhood friend. You hesitated to send your response. You thought about your reply, being seen with an idol in a public space will definitely put a target on your head even if there’s nothing malicious or romantic between the two of you.
“I would like to catch up. Just tell me the time and place. I’ll be there.”
You hit send and in an instant, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach go off and you mentally curse at yourself for doing so. What’s wrong with old childhood friends just catching up?
“Is it okay if I just pick you up? I’ll have food delivered over here at the dorms, anything you like. Because you know… :)” - NJM
“I’ll introduce you to the guys.” - NJM
You knew what he was implying. You were unsure of what you were about to reply. It’s not like you haven’t been in another guy’s house, but to be inside an idol dorm, this was different. But it’s Jaemin and you trust him, you know he wont do anything that will put you in danger or an uncomfortable situation.
“It’s fine, Nana. Just let me know when :) Stay safe!”
And with that you hit send and continued with your closing errands in the clinic with a smile on your face.
You mentally prepare yourself for the “catching up” you were about to do with Jaemin. You don’t even know what it means, but sure as hell you know it’s not a date, just two childhood friends, talking about life. Nothing weird is about to happen. You looked at yourself one last time in front of the mirror. You prayed to the gods that you weren’t underdressed or overdressed. A few minutes later, your phone rang and you immediately reached out for it. It was Jaemin, he told you that he was about to pull over and asked for the floor of your flat. You just shrugged that he shouldn’t come out of his car and that you’ll just wait in the lobby of your apartment building. Jaemin on the other hand was not about to have this conversation with you, he tutted that it’s not polite to make you wait in the lobby while he stays in his car. You couldn’t argue back because you know the two of you will loop in an argument instead of getting something done. In a span of 10 minutes, you heard a soft knock on your door. You frantically scanned your apartment, what if he sees the match box you’re currently living in. But it didn’t matter, Jaemin was literally outside your door. You opened the door and you saw him standing there with a grin on his face as you squeaked “Hello” at him. He gestured his arms in a half circle, as if he was asking you to take his arms. You just scoffed at him and slapped his arms away.
“No way, do you want me to have a bounty on my head?” You laughed at him as he crossed his arms to his chest, laughing at your response.
When you got to his car, you immediately noticed the scent inside. It smelled like freshly washed linen, his car was clean, definitely one of those fancy smart cars that you can only see on the internet. At the backseat of the car were bags of food. The drive to their dorms was quite quick, before you knew it you were standing in front of the door of their dorms. You remembered what Chenle said when he was in the vet clinic with Jaemin, was the whole place really thrashed? Were you here to help them clean? Jaemin asked if you could hold the bags of food he was holding to get the keys from his pocket. You didn’t even mind what he was saying. Your mind was traveling to different topics right now, you didn’t know what to expect.
“Here let me get that.” your hands and Jaemins briefly grazed each other as he was getting the bags from your hold. Their dorm was big, a couple of rooms in the hallway, the whole place smelled like lavender. Definitely way different from what Chenle just said.
“As you can see, Chenle lied.” Jaemin lied as he settled the food on the kitchen counter. “You can sit down anywhere you want.” Jaemin continued. You looked like a lost puppy right now, you can’t even decide on where to sit, Jaemin could tell that you were nervous and he walked over to you.
“Y/N it’s fine you can sit here.” He gestured at the couch behind you and you sank down the couch. Jaemin on the other hand was bringing over food and drinks to the coffee table in front of you. You helped yourself with the food and drinks as Jaemin excused himself for a short while for a quick bathroom break. In just a few moments, you heard footsteps coming down from the hallway. They were heavy and loud,
“Hey Renjun, I’ve been playing all day when is Jaemin coming-” the voice was cut off when he saw you sitting down on the couch.
“Well this was awkward.” you thought to yourself. The man was just as stunned as you are. He was tan and his legs long as you noticed that he was just wearing Tshirts and basketball shirts. You noticed that his stunned face turned to a confident smile as he made his way to the chair next to yours.
“Hi, I’m Haechan. You must be Y/N.” he extended his hand towards you and you reluctantly shook his hand.
“Stop being weird Haechan.” You finally heard Jaemin’s voice and eased. You don’t really want to introduce yourself to them as your nervousness might take over unconsciously.
“Tsk so fussy, Jaemin. I just introduced myself to her! Anyway, it was nice to meet you Y/N. I’ll be in my room if you need me or if we need to introduce ourselves formally.” Haechan walked away with a piece of pizza and soda can hand in hand.
“Sorry about him, he’s always like that.” Jaemin took up the free space on the couch next to you.
“It’s fine, I was just surprised. I didn’t anticipate that I would be introducing myself alone.” You smiled at Jaemin.
The day went by exchanging stories with each other. From time to time, you were able to meet the other members who were cooped up in their room, trying to enjoy their me-time on their obviously tight schedule. In a few moments, Jeno finally came out of his room and joined you and Jaemin to listen to the childhood stories you shared with Jaemin. Jeno was all smiles during the whole ordeal, like Jaemin, he was a keen listener. A few moments later, the main door opened and three men entered. It was Mark, Renjun, and Chenle.
“Y/N!” Chenle exclaimed as he grabbed a pizza slice from the box in front of you.
“Ahhh so this is Y/N.” Renjun just nodded and gave you a bright smile. Renjun was sweet and polite, he definitely lit up the whole room.
“Ji! Come out! Don’t let me drag you out here.” Renjun shouted from the hallways as he tried to pry Jisung out of their shared room.
“Hi, I’m Mark. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Mark flashed you a sweet smile as he settled himself in a chair next to Jeno.
“Jisung I swear to god if you don’t come out! You too Haechan, get out of here.” Renjun’s voice thundered across the whole dorm, the other boys seemed to not mind as if this was already a normal feat in their dorms.
Jaemin on the other hand was rubbing the back of his head, partly embarrassed that his members were acting as if you weren’t there.
“You’ll get used to it.” Jaemin whispered at you as bickering between them ensued.
“This is normal Y/N. I hope you don’t mind.” Jeno laughed as he got another piece of chicken. You really didn’t mind. Growing up, you had the same dynamic with your cousins. Most of them loud and bicker a lot, which was unusual if you were looking from the outside in. This made you understand their dynamics.
“We’re really better than this if we try hard enough.” Mark just laughed as he opened the soda bottle in front of him.
Renjun emerged from the hallways with Haechan and Jisung next to him.
“Hi!” Jisung barely made a sound, the latter obviously shy when he saw you sitting there. You just waved back at him and smiled. You get him, he’s just as shy as you are.
The whole day passed and stories were exchanged between you and the Dreamies. You told them your story about assisting a cesarean operation for a dog in your vet clinic, most of them fascinated over the information they just heard, the others (Jisung and Jeno) were covering their ears the whole time as your story telling got graphic by the minute. They also told you stories about their tours and places they’ve been to, different experiences they had in each country they visited. Talking to them was almost the same with the dynamic you had with Jaemin. The awkwardness disappeared as the night progressed. Before you knew it, it was getting late. You still have an early morning shift at the vet clinic tomorrow. You looked over your wrist watch and Jaemin took notice.
“You have work tomorrow?” He asked as he leaned over next to you but still kept his distance.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I am having so much fun though.” You sighed as you gathered your things. “I could book a taxi so you don’t have to drive this late at night.” As soon as you realized what you just said, the room grew silent as if you just said something so blasphemous.
“He’s taking you home, Y/N. Not safe.” Mark said as he got another slice of pizza to stuff into his mouth.
“It’s really no big deal. I think my apartment is not even 30 minutes from here. The fare wouldn’t be that expensive, I think.”
“No, I’ll take you home, Y/N.” Jaemin finally spoke up, his words stern but you don’t get it, you just admitted defeat and said your goodbyes to the boys.
On the way down the parking lobby, you asked Jaemin why the boys were so repulsed with the taxi drivers. He explained that it’s not the taxi drivers, but that some fans were quite invasive of their privacy that they would bribe the taxi drivers to drop any kind of information about them. He mentioned one time that Haechan’s sister was just dropping food for him and a crazy fan almost got into an altercation with her because she followed her home. This made Haechan go on a rant in one of his IG lives on how he will take legal action if they tried to interfere with his family ever again. You were familiar with this side of the fans, but hearing it first hand from them scare you shitless.
“So, if you ever decide to come over, just let me know. So I can pick you up and send you home.” Jaemin smiled at you as he opened the door to the passenger side.
“Thanks, Jaemin.” You smiled at him as he got into the driver's seat. Weirdly, it seemed that the ride back home to your apartment building took longer than usual but you didn’t mind. You and Jaemin spent a good 15 minutes getting lost on the same street, talking to each other in between trading directions. You reminisced about the time the two of you took care of Sowon the cat and opened up to him that you don’t think you’ll be able to get another cat or pet in the process. You talked about the time he had to do some popping dance steps in front of the class to save everyone from having a surprise history quiz. You didn’t even want the night to end. It’s been a while since you laughed for real and had fun with friends. In just a few short minutes, you find yourself in the basement parking of your apartment building, Jaemin walking beside you as you make your way to your apartment.
“I really had fun today, Nana. Please say thank you to the boys for me.” You smiled at him.
“Me too. I wish we could do this often.” He smiled back at you. One of your eyebrows was raised as he tried to back track what he just said. It was now Jaemin’s turn to be flustered.
“N-no! I mean we could hangout often as friends, like you know, before.” Jaemin was never lost of confidence, you just chuckled at him as you said goodnight to him. You found yourself a little braver after seeing Jaemin stutter like that, you gave him a small hug, inhaling his scent in the process. Jaemin gave out a small sigh and hugged you back. It was like the two of you were taken back during the time he had to leave for Seoul, which was about 8 years ago.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Jaemin smiled as he pulled away. 
“Goodnight, nana.” You closed the door behind you. You can’t believe what you just did. You hugged Jaemin. On the other side, Jaemin was smiling from ear to ear, tapping his fingers frantically on his phone as he updates their group chat on what just happened.
You found yourself frequenting the Dreamies dorm. You practically became an honorary member of the group. On days matching your days off, you either frequented their dorm or went out to eat hotpot. You tried to go out with them discreetly, most of the time these hangouts or game nights were spent in their dorm. You didn’t mind and Jaemin didn’t seem to mind as well. He was always there to pick you up or take you home. You also found yourself having frequent talks with Jaemin as the time went by. You update each other of your whereabouts and schedules. “Friends, update their friends” you mumbled to yourself. It’s not like the two of you were doing something weird behind closed doors. It kinda felt normal for you because back when you were childhood friends, you used to do everything together. To you, this is just like making up for lost time. Most nights, you spend talking or texting Jaemin until one of you falls asleep. It’s usually you who goes to sleep first. Being up early in the morning usually makes you extra sleepy, Jaemin on the other hand drinks his iced americano with 6 shots of espresso. You already made him listen to the piece about basically injecting coffee in your bloodstream so he reduced the caffeine intake to just 4 shots. One of these nights was different though, it was raining hard all over Seoul. Jaemin asked you if you were at home and asked if he could spend a few hours at your home since most roads are blocked due to the heavy rain. You looked around your tiny flat. It’s just a one bedroom unit with a small kitchen and living room. You hoped Jaemin wouldn’t mind. In just a few moments, you heard a knock on your door. You were greeted with a soaking wet Jaemin.
“I forgot to bring an umbrella” He grinned at you sheepishly as he tries to take off his shoes at the landing area. You immediately grabbed a couple of towels from your closet and handed them over to him.
“Can I borrow some clothes? I really don’t want to soak your furniture.” He smiled apologetically once again, you rummaged through your closet and found a pair pajama pants and an oversized hoodie he could wear. You apologized upon seeing the design of the pajama bottoms, it was Cinnamon Roll, but Jaemin just chuckled in response. You tried to prepare something for him to eat and quickly prepared some kimchi jjigae for the both of you. When he stepped out of your bathroom, you can’t help but to laugh at him. You were amazed that the Cinnamon Roll pajama pants fit him.
“Y/N don’t laugh. I’m working with what I can here.” Jaemin just pouted and pulled the chair from your kitchen counter as he watched you prepare food for the both of you. It seemed that the rain showed no signs of slowing down, so you asked him to inform the guys that he will be waiting for the rain to pass. As he was typing on his phone, Jaemin looked up at you through his eyelashes. You were busy preparing the food for the two of you to share. He smiled to himself as he probably had dreams like this during the past. In just a few moments, you settle the bowl of kimchi jjigae in front of Jaemin, followed by 2 plates of rice. You handed him the spoon and chopsticks and sat beside him.
“I just threw what I had in the fridge, but I think it’s fine.” You smiled as you took a few spoonfuls of the soup.
Jaemin followed suit and immediately complemented your cooking. You just rolled your eyes at him since you felt like his comment was an exaggeration.
“I am not lying! It’s really good, Y/N!” Jaemin smiled as he cleaned his plate off with his spoon.
“Yeah yeah. Whatever you said. Just leave it there, I’ll go ahead and wash the dishes.” You said as you eat the last bite of your kimchi jjigae. Jaemin however, held your wrist as you were about to get up and collect the dishes.
“Let me wash the dishes, oki?” Jaemin smiled as he took the plate out of your hands. You were so stunned that just happened. You didn’t even have time to protest what just happened.
“And I’m sleeping on the couch.” Jaemin commented, his focus still on the dishes he was washing.
“But you’re my guest.” You protested next to him.
“I sleep on the couch, that’s final. Or else I’m sleeping in my car.” You just sighed in defeat, you knew arguing with Jaemin was like arguing with a wall.
As the night progressed, Jaemin suddenly grew bored and asked if the two of you could watch a movie to aid in sleeping. You obliged, good thing you’re on your day off tomorrow.
“Just play anything, Jaemin. I’ll drift off before you can say anything.” You said as you handed him over the remote to your TV. The both of you were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, both bundled in their own blankets. Jaemin being Jaemin, played a horror movie on the TV screen. Every jumpscare throughout the movie shocked you. Jaemin took notice of this and he scoots next to you. The two of you are almost in close proximity, knees and shoulders almost touching.
“We could watch another movie.” Jaemin whispered at you, his face still focused on the screen.
“N-no need, I’m already invested.” You can hear his small deep chuckle. Your closeness with each other made you lose all focus on the movies you were watching. You could smell him, you smiled to yourself as you realized that he used your body wash when he was in your bathroom earlier. Before you know it, another jump scare scene made you jump, Jaemin on the other hand already had his arms around your shoulder. This surprised you and you looked up to him. His facial features, illuminated by the small lamp you had in the living room and the television. “Has he always been this handsome before?” you thought to yourself. For so long, you suppress your feelings for him, trying to put it on the back burner and paid no mind. You always wondered why Jaemin put you at ease, how you stopped being awkward around other people when he’s around, how you always became yourself whenever he’s around. Maybe you liked Jaemin more than a childhood friend. Maybe the times you grew up together, you barely noticed how great you had each other until the other left. You tried to date other guys before but no one came close to the ease and comfort you had with Jaemin.
“You’re staring too long. I might melt.” his deep voice snapped you out of your trance. You blushed upon hearing the words escape Jaemin’s lips. How long were you staring up at him?
“I-I, I wasn’t staring.” you shot your head to the TV in front of you, you obviously cannot hide the embarrassment, you just wished that your sofa would eat you alive right then and there.
“I don’t mind, besides, you’re cute.” Jaemin squeezed his grip on your shoulders more. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Did Jaemin just called you ‘cute’?
“You are always cute. I don’t think I’ve told you that before.” Jaemin looked at you now, the movie and rain serving as the background music on whatever is happening between you and Jaemin.
“I think you’re cute. No, wait, you’re pretty. You’re always pretty.” You can feel Jaemin’s face inching closer to yours. You were frozen in your seat at the same time you felt yourself being pulled towards Jaemin. Before you know it, Jaemin’s lips were ghosting over yours, he leaned in slowly and gave you a soft passionate kiss, his hand cupping the small of your back as the two of you continued to share a kiss. The feeling of the kiss felt like you were burning, Jaemin’s every movement felt like fire touching your skin. He was taking his sweet time with you, the kiss was gentle and careful. You held his arms as he continued to deepen the kiss. You can feel his muscle tensing up with every touch you place. In just a few seconds, he held your shoulders as he pulled away, a smile visible on both of your lips as you tried to catch air.
“I hope that was fine.” Jaemin smiled as he pulled you closer to him.
“More than fine.” you smiled at him as you leaned into his shoulder.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to kiss you like that.” Jaemin smiled as he leaned in to kiss your forehead. You found yourself blushing again and this time he saw, “You’re so cute when you blush.” he commented as he continued to kiss your forehead.
“So I guess I need to make an official announcement soon.” He laughed.
“I’ll help you draft.” You smiled at him as you kissed his cheeks.
“I’ve always loved you.” You whispered to his ear as you continued to lean close to him.
“I guess all it took was 3 summers.” Jaemin responded as he sweeps you in for another kiss.
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k4g3hika · 2 years
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WE’LL BE JUST FINE ━ imagine!
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eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: i’m convinced eddie has no idea how to treat a girl. like, a girlfriend is probably the least of his concerns until he met you. the problem? he doesn’t know the difference between a friend, and a girlfriend. and that could possibly mean the end of your teenage romance.
genre: angst then fluff
wc: 3k
note: eddie has no idea how to treat a girl, until someone teaches him. no one can tell me otherwise, also! imagine that say anything came earlier than it actually did :D
tags: friends to lovers to exes to lovers (what a trope), fluff, angst with comfort, reader is 18+, eddie may be a bit ooc.
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Tonight was date night! And you couldn’t be happier. 
Pulling up to Eddie’s trailer, you excitedly got out of the car, practically skipping to his front door and softly tapping on it. Sure, you’ve been here more times than you can count, but you still found it respectful to knock before you enter. 
Eddie has been your best friend ever since you moved to Hawkins in freshman year and a couple of months ago when you finally admitted to having deeper feelings for him, the both of you began to date. You couldn’t ask for anything more. 
Nope. Nothing more. 
The door pulls open to a smiling Eddie, who reaches forward to give you a sincere hug. As you reach to his face, attempting to at least give him a kiss on his cheek, he quickly pulled away and began rambling on about Dungeons and Dragons. 
It turns out you could actually ask Eddie for something other than the title of being his girlfriend. Maybe, for him to actually treat you like one. 
Walking into the trailer by yourself, you shut the door behind you and jog up to Eddie to catch on to what he was saying. Hopefully, he was almost ready for the movie at 6 that both of you were very excited about. You couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks, and when you finally found out that it was coming to Hawkins’ local theatre, you asked Eddie to go. Of course, he said yes, who couldn’t say yes to you?
So why, when you entered his room, was it littered with D&D pamphlets, records, and cassette tapes…and no clothes? 
You expected him to be ready by now, it was 5:00 for Christ’s sake. The smile that was once planted on your face immediately fell, but went unnoticed by Eddie, who instead of tending to his girlfriend, plopped himself down onto the bed and began writing something down on his notepad. 
“So listen, for the next campaign, I want it to be big! This is definitely going to be one for the little sheep to remember, and hopefully, going to be the best one they’ve ever played!” Eddie smiles brightly at you, which instantly conflicted with you. You couldn’t frown at Eddie’s happiness, it was too bright to ignore. Instead, you sighed and pulled at the hem of your shirt. 
“That sounds great babe, but…why aren’t you dressed yet?” His eyes move from his notepad to you, a bit confused. You felt something heavy drop in your heart. He couldn’t have forgotten…please don’t tell me he forgot.
“Dressed for what? Where are we going?” 
“The movies? It’s date night.” His lips shape into an ‘o’, a clear habit of his when he clearly forgot about something. 
“Oh shit, sorry Y/N. Well, it’s okay, right? We could just go next time, I’m sure that the later showing is better anyway.” 
“But Eddie, I have a family dinner tonight. I have to be home by eight.” He exasperatedly sighs, throwing his hand up in the air. 
“Then tomorrow night then? Sorry about forgetting N/N, D&D has been so amazing lately. Come, let me read out the campaign I have in mind.” Eddie gestures his hands for you to come closer, causing you to exhale quietly, but fall into his arms anyway. He went along with his notes, laughing and rubbing your back as he happily reads out his ideas and passions. 
The movies can wait. You guessed tonight will just be like every other night. 
“And then, I,” Robin takes a breath, “I just chucked the drink at him! What else do you do when you tell a guy your love preferences but still pushes himself onto you?!” The both of you laugh loudly, slapping the counter since the store was currently empty. 
It was the one hour where customers weren’t absolutely starving for a movie to rent out, so Robin and you decided to just chat. Normally Steve would join in as well, but someone decided to be productive and put the returned tapes back onto the shelves. 
“That’s amazing Robin! You’re so badass.” She chuckles, shrugging her shoulders.
“What can I say? I’m just the coolest-” Suddenly, tire screeches could be heard for the outside, causing Robin and you to turn and face the speeding car. You see Eddie come out of the car in a rush, running into Family Video, seemingly out of breath. “Oh god.”
“Hey Y/N.” He meets you at the counter, holding your hands and rubbing his thumbs against your palm. Eddie knew that you liked it when he did that. Too bad he didn’t know that you don’t only hug and hold hands with your girlfriend. 
“Hey Eds, what’re you doing here?” 
“I came to rent out this zombie horror movie. Henderson cannot stop talking about it and I want to watch it!” Eddie rhythmically slaps his hands on the counter, clearly thrilled that he was going to watch a hit movie with Dustin. You smile at him, expecting an invitation…but none came. So you were left there with a smile on your face while Eddie’s begins to fall, wondering why you weren’t giving him the movie. “Y/N? The movie?”
“Oh, yeah. Um, what is it called?” Feeling a bit hurt at the lack of care for your presence to be there, Eddie seemed to not have picked up on it, but instead, lean over the counter to tell you the name of the movie. 
After giving it to him and checking it out, Eddie greets you a ‘goodbye’ with a tap of the hand and a wave. You can only sigh, looking at your boyfriend, drive away to a movie date with a thirteen-year-old. 
Hearing a hiss from your left, you look at Robin and Steve, who jump at your sudden attention on them. Robin then began to continue her task, while Steve was left there to stand awkwardly. 
“What?” They both look at you, then at each other, before Robin sighs and drops the movie from her hand to the cart. You raise your eyebrow, walking to where they were so the lot of you weren’t shouting across the store. “Is there something wrong?”
“Aren’t you and Eddie dating?” Robin asks, leaning on the shelf beside her. You nod slowly. She only cocks her head to the side, looking at Steve for support.
“It doesn’t look like it N/N.” Steve purses his lips together, putting his hands onto his hips and shaking his head. “It’s like he’s not even into you.”
“Way to drop the bomb on her! What Steve is trying to say, Y/N is that…Eddie treats you like a friend. Like Gareth, or even Dustin.”
“It’s like he likes Dustin better.”
“Will you shut up dunceface!”
“Y/N? You okay?”
You did confess first, and now that you remember it, Eddie only smiled and hugged you. He didn’t kiss you or anything…don’t they normally do at the end of a confession?
“Hey, don’t overthink this. Just think about it. He treats you like a friend, and I haven’t really seen him kiss you. It’s been months Y/N, I’ve kissed girls after an hour of our first date. I think you deserve better.” Steve mutters, facing your cowering figure. You can only look down at your feet, thinking about if Eddie even liked you like that in the first place. 
Did he? Or did he just feel pity for his best friend?
“I think I…I think I need to go.” 
“No! Uh-sorry, I want to go home. I feel like I’ve come down with a fever. Like hot, y’know?” You slowly step back, going to the back to clock out. Your manager definitely wouldn’t like this, but it’s okay. What’s one break compared to none?
Things happen when you overthink. And you tend to block out the outside world when doing so. 
You’ve come to accept it. Eddie did really only like you as a friend, the signs were clearly there. 
You don’t remember him ever treating you like how other boyfriends treat their girlfriends. The closest skinship you’ve ever gotten was hand-holding and cuddling. It was nothing compared to the kissing you would see in romance movies or read about in books. 
Sure, you shouldn’t compare your relationship to fiction. But they must’ve gotten their inspiration from somewhere, right?
Finally getting out of the shower, you brush over your skin, failing to hear the knocks on the front door. It wasn’t until you were driven out of your thoughts by the sound of repeating pounding. You felt a bit scared but ruled out the potential serial killer since you would think that they were more discreet. 
You throw on a random shirt and shorts, walk up to the door and pull it open. 
Eddie, mid-punch, nearly fell through the door, only holding himself up with your doorway. He groans, lifting up his head to meet your eyes and giving you a gentle smile. 
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” His smile drops at the sound of your negative tone. 
“Y/N! I came to see you. Why, do I need a reason to see my girlfriend?” 
Girlfriend? You could laugh. 
Instead, you just sigh, pulling him towards you by his shirt. Eddie surprised at your sudden actions, giggles a bit, excited at what you’ve just done.
“Eddie, I need to tell you something.”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“I think we should go back to being friends.”
Eddie, almost like a cartoon, completely stops moving. His shoulders visibly drop, a frown radiating throughout his face and clearly gracing his features with grief. 
“H-Huh? Why?” Exhaling heavily, you shake your head. Eddie wants to reach out to you, hug you, hold you close to him so you wouldn’t be able to walk away! But every time his hand reached out to even touch you, you simply moved. “Y/N? Don’t you like me?”
“Of course I do Eddie! I was the one who confessed first! It’s just…I think our feelings aren’t mutual, and we should remain as we once were. Best friends.”
“But the feeling is mutual!”
“Well, I can’t see it! You treat me like everybody else! To be honest, I think you treat me worse than Dustin!” Eddie shakes his head frustratingly. 
“What?! Why do you think that?”
“Eddie, please. Let’s not end on a bad note. This is what I want, and…as a best friend I think you should respect my decision.” Sadness begins to fill Eddie and he could feel a weight dropped onto his shoulders. 
He thought everything was fine. Why are you doing this?
“B-But…what about what I want?” You only shake your head, blinking your tears away while trying not to look at him. Eddie resembled a kicked puppy right now, and you really didn’t want to see that. Not after all the crying you’ve already done in the previous days. 
“Please Eddie.” He pauses, taking one last look at you before nodding his head. Eddie seemed to finally take the message, turning around and stalking his way to your front door. 
“Y/N? One last thing,” you spin to look at him, who seemed to have all the sadness washed away, but was now filled with determination, “I will get you back.”
“Harrington! You’ve got to help me, man, I don’t know what to do!” Eddie paces back and forth around Steve’s living room, hands ruffling up in his hair with frustration. Alongside the teenage boy sat Robin, who actually couldn’t believe that she brought herself into this situation. If anything, she should be beside you, comforting you. “She said we’re better off as friends, but I don’t want to be friends!”
“Well man, I think it’s what she wants then it’s what she wants-” Robin slaps Steve’s head, causing him to groan. 
“Steve! Eddie is obviously trying to save his relationship, why are you convincing him to leave it? You know Y/N wants nothing more than to be with Eddie.” 
“I know! She never stops talking about him!”
“She does?” Robin rolls her eyes at Eddie, whose smile begins to grow on his face again. She couldn’t believe him right now. Out of everything she said, that was the only part he really listened to. 
“Eddie, I think the big thing that made her even think about breaking up with you, is how you treat her.” Confused, Eddie shakes his head out of admiration for Y/N, who apparently couldn’t stop talking about him. Thinking about how he’s been acting towards you, Eddie honestly couldn’t see anything wrong, seeing as he just treats you like before. What else was he supposed to do? “Jesus Christ, I completely forgot that you’ve never been in a relationship or even watched a single teen flick in your life.”
“Of course, I haven’t! Why would I?”
“What Robin is trying to say, Munson, as much as I wouldn’t want to help you, is that you are zero per cent, boyfriend material.” Eddie visibly deflates.
“That wasn’t-”
“You don’t treat Y/N like she’s your girl. If anything, you treat her like you would Dustin, Mike, and Lucas! Even though the both of you have never been in a relationship before, Y/N has seen movies with couples, so obviously, she would recognize the difference between a friendship and a relationship. And, you don’t even have a cute nickname for her! Only calling her Y/N, not even ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’, like come on Eddie, if I was with Y/N, I would call her ‘love’-”
“Okay, that’s enough out of you dunceface. You were great on the front line for a minute.” 
Eddie sits pathetically down on the armchair. Has he really been treating you like a friend? He honestly thought that was how boyfriends would treat their girlfriends. 
Well, he has been skipping dates with you. But he thought that cuddling and spending time together in his trailer was better! And, he hasn’t really kissed you…even though he wants to. 
Eddie just doesn’t know when you would actually be ready. 
“Okay Eddie, I could see that you’re starting to overthink. How about, we watch a teen flick and you see how relationships are supposed to be? Would that help?”
As much as he wanted to decline, Eddie slowly nodded his head, accepting that, if he ever was to watch a teen flick, it would be for you. 
You could only sniffle to yourself, hugging your body pillow to your chest. A shirt that Eddie gave you that still smelled like him was actually worn by your pillow, which you didn’t think was weird. Not at all. 
You just missed him. A lot. 
Honestly, you didn’t think that you were going to break up with him. You didn’t mean to, it was just that the moment was starting to fill up in your brain, and you were thinking about it for a while. 
But you loved Eddie too much, even though he didn’t treat you like a girlfriend…you still loved having the label, knowing that he was yours and you were his. 
The thought of that made you cry more and pull the pillow closer.
Suddenly, soft music could be heard, making you look up around your room. The radio wasn’t on, and your record player was shut. So where was the music coming from? 
Then hearing a shuffle, you slowly get up from your bed and trudge over to the window. The sight was one for sore eyes, you could’ve never imagined this was one you would’ve ever seen in your entire life. 
From the years of being friends with Eddie, you knew he wasn’t a sweetheart. You knew he didn’t have an ounce of desire for teen romance in his Metallica-dedicated body. So the last thing you expected to see on this tear-filled night, was Eddie Munson holding a boombox under the window sill, playing…Elvis Presley’s ‘Love Me Tender’?
Eddie was nervous. He didn’t know if you were going to turn up, but one thing’s for sure, he knew you loved Elvis Presley. Don’t get him wrong, if he was to choose any other song in the books, ole’ man Presley would’ve never been an option. 
But ever since you were younger, you held this secret infatuation for the old rock singer. Owning different records, posters, and different memorabilia, Eddie promised to keep your little admiration completely confidential. However, if he wanted to get you to come out of your room and it all had to be done with one song?
Elvis Presley it was. 
You wanted to cry. 
Eddie, in all his beautiful stature, holding a boombox playing one of your favourite songs of all time was too overwhelming. Your emotions were already all over the place and this image that you were trying to keep in your mind was messing it all up already. 
You didn’t want Eddie to stand outside for too long. So instead, you walked down the stairs to greet him…it was really the least you could do. 
“Y/N- listen.” Eddie quickly, yet, gently, puts down the stereo, jogging up to you and attempting to make eye contact with you. You couldn’t even look at him. Until he gently takes hold of your chin to bring your face up to face him. “Hey there, sweetheart.”
Oh god. That was it. 
Instantly, tears sprung up in your eyes and you reach your hands to wipe them away. But before you could do so, Eddie quickly takes both of his hands and hold your face sweetly, brushing the tears away from your eyes. You were definitely not used to this sweet Eddie. 
“Eddie…this isn’t like you.”
“I know. But, I think me not knowing how to treat you was the very thing that broke us apart.” Whimpering, you held onto his arms holding your face. This moment was like the movies, and for some reason, you’re wondering if he did his own research. 
But right now, that’s the least of your concerns. 
“Listen, Y/N. I like you…probably more. And when you told me that you couldn’t distinguish whether or not you’re my friend or my girlfriend, I want to change that. I’ve liked you since the first time I saw you fall down at your terrible attempt at ice skating. And for you to think that I thought differently of you completely broke me. I’m sorry.” 
“Eddie…I’m sorry too. I didn’t-didn’t talk to you about it.” Eddie pulls you into a suffocating hug, but you didn’t care. His fingers softly brush on your back, prompting you to wrap your arms tighter around him. “I love you, Eddie.”
You could hear his breath hitch and pull away from you. Despite the sweet setting, you were scared. Maybe you were doing too much, Eddie only really did this because he wanted you back. 
“Y/N? Stop overthinking. I could see it. I love you too.”
Never mind, you and Eddie were going to be just fine. 
“Eddie, where did you learn all that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Holding a boombox under my window, calling me sweetheart? I know that’s not you Eddie.” His eyes shift to the side. You begin to laugh, knowing that the conclusion that you were hoping to reach was completely true. 
“Steve and Robin said to watch teen flicks.”
Now you couldn’t stop laughing.
@crunchcake @buckwbarnz @bookobsessedfreak
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neteyamssyulang · 3 months
☼ Heartbreak & Hope ☼
☼ Chapter I ☼ ☼ Next chapter ➛
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☼ Pairing: Okul x Fem sarentu reader ☼
☼ Summary: Your mother watches the children while you take your mate to a special spot you found for your date.
☼ Warnings: Mostly fluff, mentions of sibling hate?, I think that is all for this chapter
☼ Word count: 1907 ☼
☼ Translations -> fkio -flamingo like creature, kelku -> na’vi home, Oe rä'ä na nga -> I do not like you, yawntu -> loved one, Tam tam, ayfo lu txäna ‘evengxi -> Ok ok, they are our children, ma’ite -> my daughter, sa’nu -> mom, hì'i tsmukan -> little brother, sa’nok -> mother, yawne -> beloved, kinärung -> sentinel fan.
☼ Tagging: @daydreamer246 @teyamshuman @itchaboi-itchyboy @ikeyniofthetayrangi @aria-tempest @anemonelovesfiction
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The quiet wind murmured through the leaves, a soft accompaniment to the chorus of singing fkio. You were snuggled up against your mates chest when your tail was suddenly yanked.
Your eyes immediately snapped open and you sat up looking around. Soft giggles pricked at your ears from outside the kelku, sighing you layed back down on your mates chest,"Your children are up" you mumbled.
Okul stirred slightly before chucking "My children? So when they are bad their mine but when their good they're yours?" They asked groggily, opening their eyes finally.
"Yes" you nodded, burying your face into the crook of Okul's neck while your tail swayed behind you.
Your mate only hummed as one of their hands went to your back rubbing soothing circles along it, while the other reached for your tail, tugging on it making you squeal.
"Oe rä'ä na nga" you mumbled, moving to get off them. Okul raised a hairless eyebrow before flipping you both over, pinning you beneath them. "Is that so yawntu?" They asked, tilting their head.
Huffing you turned your head, refusing to look or speak to your mate. Pouting, Okul leaned down peppering soft kisses along your chest, neck, then up to your face making you giggle "Tam tam, ayfo lu txäna 'evengxi!"
Okul stopped and leaned up just enough to look down at you "And?", your hairless brows furrowed confused "And what?"
"You said you do not like me" they spoke, putting on a fake pout again. You chuckled before answering "Because I do not like you, I love you ma'kul."
Okul smiled, leaning down capturing your lips with theirs in a soft kiss. Unfortunately it was also when your children came back into the tent,"Ewwe!" Haven gagged, shielding her little brothers eyes.
Your mate pulled away from the kiss then stood up, turning towards your children "It is not ew ma'ite" they spoke softly. "Come come, your sa'nu and I need to get you and your hì'i tsmukan ready for your grandmother."
Haven and Makeyo lit up at the mention of their grandmother, they always loved when she visited. Your mother always brought the best stories and gifts from her traveling, ever since you and her reunited it has been wonderful.
Aha'ri also travels with the clan, not wanting to be away from your mother again. Although, you and her rarely see eachother as she hates that you work with humans. On occasion she will visit but only to see her niece and nephew, not even sparing you a glance.
Your mother has tried to get Aha'ri to speak to you again with little luck, at first you wished your sister would talk to you, wished she would tell you all her adventures of being with the Sarentu and traveling to all these different clans.
Too lost in your own thoughts, you didn't notice Makeyo's chubby hands tugging at your woven top wanting attention. Of course you sat up, taking your son into your arms who immediately snuggled into your bossom yawning.
Your gaze drifted from your son, to your mate and daughter on the other side of the kelku. Okul was fixing up Havens hair, redoing the small bun on the back of her head.
"How long will grandma be staying pom pom?" Haven asked, Okul looked at you for a moment before returning their attention to Haven "She will be staying for a week possibly, right yawne?"
You shook your head "No, grandma will be staying for a month since the annual sarentu moot is taking place in 3 weeks."
Haven's head tilted a bit "What is that sa'nu?", you smiled "I have only heard stories but, the sarentu moot takes place in the circle of songs little ways away from here. There is music, people dance around great fires, the rocks are adorned with colorful rock murals and there's great feasts."
A frown took place on Okul's lips when they saw a single tear fall down your face. Finished with Haven's hair, they moved towards you, opting to sit behind you and pulled you back into their arms gently.
Your daughter looked confused, slowly she made her way towards you, sitting on your lap "What is wrong sa'nu?"
Before you could speak, your mouther burst into the kelku squealing "Where are my darling grandchildren and daughter!" Haven immediately got up from your lap, and ran over to your mother hugging her leg "Grandma!"
Kataru beamed looking down at her granddaughter, she then made her way to you with Haven following behind her and sat down infront of you. She reached over and gently caressed Makeyo's face before pulling away,"Is everything ready ma'Ite?" she asked.
"Yes Sa'nok, everything is ready for you" you spoke softly. Kataru nodded "I am sorry your sister could not come this time, but she'll be at the annual moot if you would like to join this year."
It was tempting but you knew Aha'ri still wouldn't speak to you. She feels betrayed, ever since Mercer shot her she's been wary of humans, especially after Alma's betrayal. Aha'ri also gave up english, only speaking full na'vi whereas you switch between the two.
You shook your head, denying the offer "Sorry Sa'nok, but you can bring Haven and Makeyo to it if you like. It would be good for them to learn more about their Sarentu heritage."
Kataru sighed "I understood ma'ite, and I would be happy for them to come with me."
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A few hours pass, You and Okul pack up your ikran for the date you planned out and made sure your mother and children were situated before leaving.
The journey to the spot takes about maybe 3 hours to reach and you weren't even 10 minutes in when Okul spoke "Yawne, you know I love going on flights with you but must we fly to this spot you mentioned? I think maybe a direhorse would be better."
You shook your head laughing "Ma'kul, for this specific spot you need an ikran to reach it. You will be fine."
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Two hours into the flight now and you can almost see the spot in the distance. It had become your favorite since it's too high for predators and there's always sweet honey up there. Only problem is that it does get a bit foggy to where it's hard to see, but nevertheless it's remained your favorite spot.
Okul had long passed out behind you, their arms wrapped tightly around your waist to ensure they wouldn't fall off. Perhaps one day your own children would bond with an ikran, they would be the first kame'tire to ever do so.
Finally you both made it ontop Toruk Peak, your ikran Lina screeched as she landed ontop it, waking Okul up in the process.
"Oh? We are here?"They asked, releasing their hold on you while looking around,"Yes yawntu, we are here" you spoke, hopping off Lina and gently breaking tsaheylu with her. The area so far was free of the fog, it was most beautiful indeed.
Ikrans screeched overhead, Lina turned her head to look at you. A silent plea for her to go and play with the other ikrans, not wanting her to be miserable, you helped Okul off her back then unhooked the baskets full of food off her saddle "Go ahead Lina" you patted her neck gently.
Lina took off, flying overhead to join the other ikrans while you led Okul to the beautiful spot you found.
It was a small clearing, a bit close to a tarsu plant. Okul's mouth dropped upon seeing it,"It is incredible yawne, you always manage to find the best spots for our dates."
You giggled before setting the baskets down and helping to lay out the large woven blanket, Okul then picked up the baskets and placed them on the blanket before sitting down beside you.
"What did you make for us this time my love?" You asked, watching as Okul began taking pieces of food, wrapped up in kinärung leaves along with two bowls.
"We have cheesy meat skewers, glazed seeds, chopped fish egg fry, herb roast, and a colorful cake. For drinks I made your favorites, soft herbal tea and fruity tea." They spoke, unwrapping each food in the process along with taking the drinks out.
You were shocked to say the least, when you had asked your mate to prepare the food to take on your date you never expected them to pack so much, much less your favorite."Ma'kul I do not think we can eat all of this"
Okul tilted their head slightly "We do not have to, whatever is left over we can bring back for the children to have."
Nodding in agreement you both started eating, you chose the herb roast while Okul went for the glazed seeds. It was peaceful to say the least, just being up there with your mate, feeling the cool breeze on your skin, the ikrans calling overhead.
"Are you sure you will not join your mother and the children for the moot?" Okul asked, breaking the silence. Sighing you looked down,"Aha'ri will not want me to be there, you know she hates that I work alongside the tawtutes."
Putting down the seeds, Okul reached over and gently pulled you into their lap "It does not matter what your sister wants yawne, it is what you want. And I know you want to go."
Your gaze lifted to meet your mates "Even if I wish to go it would not be the same. It is better if I stay here with you and let mother take the children instead."
Okul went to say something but stopped, they knew not to press on with the matter or else one of two things would happen. One, an argument would break out resulting in you giving them the silent treatment for the rest of the day. And two, you'd keep your distance from Okul, especially at night which means no cuddles.
Instead, they just coiled their tail around your thigh for comfort and took the leaf filled with meat out of your hands, starting to feed you themself.
You graciously accepted each piece of meat, careful to not bite your mates fingers off. Once you were finished, they put the leaf to the side and repositioned you so that now you sat between their legs with your back to their chest.
Soft kisses were peppered along your neck as a way of saying they were still sorry for bringing the topic up, Okul reached over grabbing the herbal tea before bringing it your lips "Drink yawne."
Not wanting to fight, you opened your mouth, drinking the warm earthy flavor tea. It had been one of your favorites ever since you mated with Okul.
Deeming you had enough, Okul moved the drink away, placing it back on the blanket. Still a bit hungry, Okul reached for the cheesy meat skewers, careful to not poke you with it while your head layed back against their chest.
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The sun had begun to set by the time you and Okul had packed everything up, hooking the baskets on Linas saddle once more."You sure that's everything?" You asked, making tsaheylu with Lina while hoping onto her back.
"Yes yawne, everything is packed up" Okul replied, seating themselves behind you again. With your signal, Lina took off, flying back towards the hallows.
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koshka-sova · 21 days
it is supremely satisfying and also amusing to me that zwillingstürme im herbst not only sheds light to arturia and viviana as characters (as it should, given theyre the banner characters) BUT ALSO gives some hefty development to federico and ebenholz. some highlights below (SPOILERS).
federico's time with loris, and later yulia, are among my favourites featuring him. narrative dictates that loris poses a remark about law, a similar tone to clément's on chaos and strife. these remarks pose as questions to federico, furthering his journey of reflection on law since his sainthood. loved the scene with him on the piano, and how yulia reminded him of clément's flower.
for eben, it was definitely his time in the kargereich. with the barrage of accusations thrown at him by urticans, biegler, even the witch king, he is asked, who is your enemy? feels not unlike friston's debate in lone trail. in fact the different things happening to every person in the void feels like a debate. eben laughs upon realising his answer, and we see his growth in full in the last part, where hibiscus confronts him. he's thought things through and is staying in urtica.
viviana's time in the void feels like a culmination of all her emotions. how she wishes things were different, if any single decision was even slightly altered. after all, the event manages to create such a strong image of her life being put on a set road, and she often paces around the setting like she doesnt have a choice. thus, there is a sort of satisfaction to seeing her explore the different possibilities her life couldve had. of course, the last door she went into was her own memory, and with the threat of the void in front of her, darkness became her wake up call. also, im glad that she ended up declining ewigegnade's call to be a Voice.
arturia, arturia... a woman so misunderstood by everyone, even federico, and also the fans! it took the witch king in his pocket pavilion to tell it to her directly: WHO are you, arturia? because it wasnt until she met the witch king that she was written in the forefront. in fact, throughout a good chuck of the event, arturia seems almost floating about the scenes, simply providing the background music while the play continues. this is in spite of the readers knowing full well she had a hand at all of the cases regarding the witnesses to the witch king's death. loris, seeman, brandt, gerhard, cora... but finally in the kargereich, we bear witness to her true goal: true empathy. a lofty ideal, and probably an unrealistic future. and even then! we still know nothing of what she feels. until the witch king mirrors back at her, and spells it out for the readers: you are empty. you are the furthest from your own utopia. arturia always matches her emotions with her audience, and she can only do it so perfectly by not being anything at all. i could yap more but i think it's sufficient for me to see her get a wake up call, even if it has to come from herkunftshorn lol.
side note, the event manages to almost meticulously write federico and arturia as parallels, quite nicely too. i love how much you can see theyre related, even if they can seem so fundamentally different.
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vicsnook · 10 months
The Archer | Bob Floyd x Reader
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word count: 1159
warnings: arguing, insecurities.
song pairing: The Archer - Taylor Swift
notes: Hey y'all! Here is another Bob one-shot. All of my one-shots can be read together as they coincide, but you can also read them as stand-alone. Hope you enjoy and please don't forget to like and reblog! Also, let me know which other TGM boys you'd like me to write about (my requests are always open).
Combat, I'm ready for combat
I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
It's been 4 months since Bob and Nat had deployed. The first 2 months were the hardest with getting adjusted to the time difference but now you’ve managed a sort of schedule. Bob was supposed to call in 5 minutes so you ran to the bathroom and fixed your hair. Even though it was almost midnight you wanted to look good for him since it was your anniversary.
You waited patiently for his call but it didn’t come. It wasn't the first time he didn’t call but it was the first time he didn’t text. You tried sleeping but worry filled your mind that Bob was hurt. Around 2AM you finally dozed off.
On your way to work your phone pinged with a text from Bob. As you put your car in park you unlocked the phone and read the text. “Hey, sorry I didn’t call. We got the morning off and I went to town with the guys and forgot to charge my phone. Talk later. Love you” it read.
You closed your eyes as you felt yourself getting upset. Bob never had forgotten to charge his phone in the year you’ve been together and he didn’t even mention your anniversary. He even mentioned your anniversary gift being on the way 2 days ago.
I never grew up, it's getting so old
Help me hold onto you
Turning off your phone you chucked it in the glove compartment and headed inside the academy. You opted for not replying to Bob’s text as you didn’t want to let anger get the best of you.
It was evident you were upset as you flew quickly through the exercise. Leaving your wingman behind which you never did.
“Everything okay, Peach?” asked Maverick as you headed towards the break room.
You looked back at him and replied “just peachy” as you headed out to your car. Pulling out your phone you noticed 2 missed calls from Bob and 3 new messages.
“I’m sorry for not calling you baby. It really slipped my mind to charge my phone. Please don’t be upset.”
“Peach, please call me tonight. I love and miss you”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize the date. Happy belated anniversary darlin’. Please forgive me”
You wanted to forgive him but you couldn’t push your anger aside. It truly wasn’t anger, you were just hurt but you would never admit it.
Who could ever leave me, darling?
But who could stay?
He knew you were struggling with him being gone. Your anxiety getting the best of you. Plus it didn’t help that his wingman was so gorgeous and she seemed too friendly according to Nat. You knew he would never cheat but your brain couldn’t understand.
You decided you’d tell him that he hurt your feelings but you wouldn’t make a big deal when he called. That was until you saw Cobra, his new wingman tagged him on a photo. His arm around her shoulder as she laughed. Granted it was a group photo but he knew how you felt about her.
Dark side, I search for your dark side
But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here?
As his face came to view on your phone you couldn’t help the scowl on your face. “Hey sweetheart!” he said, his smile faltering off when he saw your expression. “What’s wrong, Peach?”
“Why don’t you ask Cobra?” you replied. Watching as his shoulders sagged.
“Peach, I can explain.”
“Really, Bob? Because to me it seems you’d rather spend time with her than me on our anniversary”
“Don’t do this Peach. She’s just a coworker. I’m sorry about last night. I lost track of time. I don’t want to fight Peach.”
The exasperation in his voice was evident which only angered you more. You sighed in response. He’d never done anything to upset you. This was your first argument and you didn’t want to blow up the relationship due to your own insecurities from past relationships.
“Look Bob, it really upset me.” you say pacing your bedroom floor. “I thought you were hurt because you never not call or text.” he nodded, agreeing. “Plus you spending our anniversary that you seemingly forgot with someone I don’t like really doesn’t help.” sitting down you finish your rant with “I don’t want to fight either but do you see where I’m coming from?” as Bob continued to nod quietly.
“I understand, Peach. I’m sorry. I’m going to make it up to you, I promise and I’m not going to hang around Cobra again.” he said, his blue eyes reflecting how apologetic he was. “Thank you, I’m sorry for getting so angry.” you sigh. “It’s alright darling, I’m sorry I upset you. I do have to go since training starts in 5 minutes but keep an eye on your mailbox.”
“I will, I love you Robby”
“I love you more, Peach”
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
The room is on fire, invisible smoke
And all of my heroes die all alone
Help me hold onto you
The call ends and you lay down, quickly falling asleep only to wake up what feels like moments later from a nightmare. You pace around your bedroom as Bob and Cobra kissing replays in your mind while you tell yourself it was just a nightmare. You take off your locket and look at the picture of you and Bob inside.
Can you see right through me?
They see right through
They see right through me
I see right through me
You wonder if he could see through the anger. Hoping he didn’t think you were crazy for getting so worked up. He didn’t know that your ex boyfriend cheated on you.
'Cause all of my enemies started out friends
Help me hold onto you
With no one other than your best friend.
The knock on the door woke you up. When you looked out of the peephole you didn’t see anyone though. You opened the door to see if it was the mailman and you were right. A bouquet of roses was at your doorstep. Yellow roses, your favorite.
Who could stay?
You could stay
Opening the card that came with the roses you instantly knew it was from Bob. His penmanship was impeccable. “I love you, thinking of you today and every day. Soon we’ll be together but for now, take these roses as a token of my love. Happy anniversary baby. Yours, Bob”
A few tears escaped your eyes as you put the note down. Bob wasn’t your ex-boyfriend, you could trust him. He didn’t mean to hurt you. Plus who could stay mad after that sappy note?
You shot him a thank you text and got ready for the day. Content with the knowledge that Bob loved you as much as you loved him. 
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stickywhiteash · 8 months
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A place where you belong || Kakashi x Reader
Warnings: Breaking and entering (not really), none just domestic fluff
Word Count: (1.2k)
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Forearms rest against the cold metal balcony rail. In one hand a cup of tea, freshly made. Quiet peaceful nights like this is what makes being a shinobi worth it. Crickets chirp in the distance, singing along with the idle chatter of those still awake in the streets, also enjoying the fresh air. One heavy breath in. One out. The mind settles, not a single thought bouncing around.
Even the sound of something landing on the railing followed by vibrations doesn’t break the daydreaming. No reaction. Two taps on the ground followed by clothing adjustments break the silence but just for a moment.
Warm liquid slips down the throat. The surroundings turn black as you focus on the backdrop. For a while, not a single word is said. A mutual understanding that the other’s presence brings comfort.
“What beings you here in this neck of the woods?” You ask, finally addressing ‘the intruder’.
He shrugs, knowing you’re not looking at him. Not even a glance.
“Ah.. Wanted some company, I suppose.”
“So the great Lord Almighty Sixth decided to travel to the other side of the village just to visit little ol’ me. I’m touched.”
A receipt crushed into a ball is pulled out from Kakashi’s pocket. Playfully he chucks it at your head. You make no attempt to dodge the piece of trash, causing it to make contact and fall into the cup.
“You know, I hate it when you call me that.”
“Hey. Now my tea is ruined. Thanks a lot.”
“Not my fault. Should have dodged it. It could have been a kunai.”
“It CoULd hAvE bEEn a KuNai”
His arms cross, feigning disapproval. The curves of his mask and the slight eyebrow raise tell a different story: amused.
“If you’re here, who is at the office?”
“A shadow clone I left behind. Shikamaru already went home for the day.”
“I see,” you respond. With contaminated tea, you pry yourself off the railing to make your way back inside the apartment. After passing through the entryway, you glance back and notice Kakashi hasn’t moved an inch. By the gods are you beautiful, messy hair, pajamas, and all. One hand rests on either hip, as tired eyes stare at each other.
“What are you a vampire? Come in.”
That awkward beloved laugh sends tingles down your spine. When was the last time you heard it? He’d been so busy with Hokage responsibilities, you almost forgot what it sounded like.
“Thank you for welcoming me into your humble abode”
“Yeah, yeah. Have you eaten yet?”
Silence followed. He didn’t want to lie to you, aware that if he said yes you’d make him something on the spot. On the other hand, Kakashi couldn’t recall when or what he last ate. Grumbling of his stomach spoke up for him, ending his dilemma.
“I’ll take that as a ‘no.’ Go ahead and take a seat.”
“You really don’t—“
“Shut up. You’re always telling Naruto how he should eat and to add vegetables in his diet. Even he’s doing better than you.”
Couldn’t fight you on that.
Scolded like a little child, there was nothing else he could do other than take a seat at the kitchen table. His right hand comes up so his head has somewhere to rest. Kakashi watches as his partner takes something out of the fridge and begin preparing some dinner.
Inwardly he cursed himself for not making more time for you. He knows it’s been hard. With Shikamaru’s help and the shadow clones Kakashi makes, it’s simply not enough. Why do people have a lot of problems they couldn’t solve themselves? Okay, that was harsh, but partially true. It’s the main reason why you two decided not to live together or get married yet. Besides, with how peaceful it’s been compared to the past, there’s no real rush. Kakashi couldn’t wait until Naruto is ready to take his spot in being Hokage. For now, Kakashi will continue learning to adjust in order to make time with his beloved.
Kakashi’s train of thought was interrupted by a bowl being placed in front of him. It was.. one of his favorites: Eggplant Miso Soup.
“You’re lucky I went grocery shopping earlier today.”
“And I’m lucky to have you.”
You nudge and utter, “Just eat your damn soup.” Although the line was delivered as salty as his food, a smile followed suit.
“What about you? You’re not going to eat some?”
“Don’t worry about me, ‘Kashi. I ate earlier.”
Please with his lover’s response, Kakashi hums and pulls down the mask. The two talked about mundane things as he ate.
Lee pushed Guy’s wheelchair down a hill to see who would win in a race. Guy, won. Mirai recently turned two. Sai and Ino are dating and seeing each other.
All of the things that Kakashi probably missed.
A wave of exhaustion hit him after he’s finished. Well, plus a bit of the food coma. Grabbing his bowl, Kakashi starts to stand up only to be sat back down again.
“I’ll take it for you.”
He shakes his head and makes another attempt to get up from his spot. “No, please, you’ve already done so much for me.”
Hand presses down on his shoulder harder, while another swipes the dirty dish from him. “I told you, I got it.” You slip away to the kitchen sink to wash the dishes.
Groaning, Kakashi stretches out his arms in front of him. Naked face laying on the table. An exaggerated sigh leaves his mouth before padding over to you. Arms snake around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace. Kakashi’s face buries into your neck. Warm flesh connecting with yours.
“You’re aware I appreciate you?”
“That I love you?”
“Ahh~ Well, I’ll remind you anyways. I love you and appreciate everything you do.”
“Oi..” His fingers poke at their sides.
You tense up but say nothing more, even as the finish cleaning. Lips press into a thin smile, not wanting to give into his antics.
Kakashi squeezes your sides, demanding attention. “Oi! Are you listening?”
Spinning around, you plant your hands on either side of his face. Every detail is already memorized, but it couldn’t hurt to get a refresher. A little mole on the left side of his mouth. Eyes the color of the night sky, sparkling as he looks at you lovingly. Traumatic memory of that cursed day etched over his face, where his friends gift use to stay.
“I heard you.”
“Are you mad at me?”
Eye contact breaks for a moment, looking down at the floor and back at him. It’s okay to be honest with your feelings. Better to not hold it inside until it explodes.
“Just a little bit.”
“Ahh..” Kakashi’s aware of the reason. He’s not stupid. Even if you were to lie, he’d know you were upset. The man is thankful you vocalized your needs and trusted him to open up.
“… I apologize. How can I make it up to you?”
“Take the day off tomorrow.”
“I shouldn’t—”
“Take a look in the mirror. You have the vitality of a wet rag. Wouldn’t want Guy to come bursting in and claim your youth has been sapped away by your duties.”
Another point to his beloved. That is something his eternal rival would do too. Kakashi wouldn’t have it in him to turn Guy down at that point, which would lead to Shikamaru taking on more work and being irritated with him. Actually, that doesn’t sound too bad— No, last thing he needs is another earful from the people he cares about.
“You win. On one condition. I stay over tonight.”
“Of course. You’re always welcome here.”
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commenter2 · 4 months
"Welcome to Heaven" review
Time for a change of scenery and to learn more about Heaven. Spoilers.
Nice to see Vaggie told the truth instead of attempting to lie. I am curious, would that have even worked on Charlie? Does Charlie have a power to tell if people are lying to her, since her father is the “father of lies”?
That was sweet of Vaggie, but there is a lining of “Vaggie sacrifices more for the relationship” idea in my Charlie/Vaggie trailer breakdown here. LUCKILY there hasn’t been much of that as I expected in this season. At least we’ll find out how Vaggie lost her Exorcist title.
CHAGGIE KISS! Wait why’d she kiss her on the eyepatch? Also I’m NOW just wondering if Vaggie DOES still have her left eye, but is covering it up Japanese anime style cause it contains a great Exorcist power?
Here’s Cherri Bomb making an “explosi.. eh I’m not going to finish that lame joke. I do like the new Australian accent they gave her.
I’m not liking where this is going. I feel like this is going to result in a situation like in the pilot where Angel and co. embarrass Charlie’s goal in front of everyone in Heaven. I mean (spoilers based on the HH S1 trailer) something is going to make the next Extermination happen, but I hope it’s something else.
You really should have told the others to behave themselves before leaving Charlie.
A new portrait of Charlie and her parents in the background. It’s hard to make out, so hopefully someone posts a proper version of it soon.
Charlie casually throwing Vaggie through portal XD.
(Pen sees Cherri) knew this was coming here we go. Bet Pen X Cherri shippers are going to enjoy that moment.
Anyone else think the eye symbol at Heaven’s gate is also a reference to the Sheikah Eye from Legend of Zelda?
Saint Peter? With her last name being Morningstar, you think he would realize she is Lucifer’s daughter.
Charlie Morningbreakfast
Cursing is allowed in Heaven. Interesting to know, you think there will be a gag for when someone curses, everyone else covers their ears “Harry Potter Musicals” style?
So angels can take on different forms. Also was it just me or did the old angel’s bird form look like Stella a bit? I did have this theory that touched on the idea of how after fallen angels went to Hell, they would evolve to become different from what those in Heaven look like and create subspecies, and it looks that is true.
The angel finally has a name, Sera. Oh she may sound nice now but wait till we see her evil side! Right there she says, “you are gifted to be here”, life if she wasn’t Lucifer’s daughter she would have been really rude to Charlie.
Even though she says she is the highest of the Seraphim (the highest rank in Heaven’s hierarchy if pic of said topic are any indication) I feel like there is going to be a moral Heaven thing where every angel is treated equal. I thought I bring this up now cause when Sera reveals herself as a villain, I hope later on she becomes an antagonist (replacing Adam) who fights against Charlie’s redemption plan but will have trouble when other Seraphim’s and Archangels side with Charlie.
Sounds like Emily is the Charlie of Heaven XD.
Got some interesting designs like a Hellhound looking creature with hooves and that…thing she is next to. There is also someone that looks a lot like Vaggie but with no mouth, who “COINCIDENLY” has a close eye where Vaggie has an eyepatch.
I think that was a FNAF/Chuck E Cheese mascot band refence there.
MOLLY HOLY CRAP! Looks like we found the motivation to get Angel to redeem himself! I was going to wonder why she was spider looking creature when you think Heaven only has people in human/cute animal like forms, till I saw that crab looking angelic being in the same scene. Also on the bottom right, I think that’s a Sara Bellum from PPG reference.
Again. Sera being rude, though Emily sounds very ally like.
Vaggie being jealous XD
LUTE? Wait does this mean Adam is wearing a mask/helmet/whatever too? I bet he’s fugly under it XD.
Damn the Amazon Prime pause button. It keeps making the video skip ahead instead of doing its job!
OKAY HUGE REVEAL THERE! HOW COME NO ONE ELSE KNOW ABOUT THE EXTERMINATONS? Do the archangels at least know? Either way this could actually be good but I’ll get into that later.
Okay so Sera seems to be one of those “doing bad to do good” kind of characters as she just wants to protect Heaven, explains why she looked so sad in Charlie’s story, but I feel like she will have prejudices too. It also sounds like Adam was the sole person who came up with the Exterminations.
FINALLY confirmation of Vaggie being a former Exorcist! :D… Wait… Oh crap! :(
ADAM GAVE VAGGIE HER NAME! CALLED IT!! https://www.tumblr.com/commenter2/718141081445957632/odd-theory-but-do-you-think-vaggie-got-her-name?source=share
That was a hellborn child! I had suspicions that Exorcist also killed Hellborn demons during the Exterminations (Viv did once say they kill anything that wasn’t indoors) but still its more shocking than knowing it was a correct fact.
I do like that the Extermination scene is a flashback and not taking place in the finale like I predicted.
Also as messed up as what happened to Vaggie, losing her eye and wings (more on that later) at least it led to her instantly meeting Charlie. Hey they are wearing their pilot outfits :D
At least we can look forward to a Vaggie vs. Lute fight in the future.
Since it was shown that Lute was able to wound Vaggie when she was still an angel, my idea from my “Overture” review of the dead Exorcist being killed by one of its own is a little stronger now. I still think someone else like the threat impersonating Lilith did it, but I'm still keeping that as a possibility until we learn more.
If the first human soul to arrive in Heaven doesn’t know what qualifies to get into Heaven, then Charlie redemption plan deserves a chance. It also makes me curious on what the other angels think qualifies. Also again how would Angel be any different than having Adam there.
WAIT WHAT ABOUT ABEL? He was murdered by his brother long before Adam died, what happened to him after he died?
See I told you we’d get another pilot situation, though at least it’s better than last time as Angel did resist for a time. Heck Husk and Sir Pentious should also be considered proof of being able to redeem since Pen was being nice to a degree and Husk was actually trying to help Angel.
Seriously, Adam has been cursing up a storm, yet you react to when Charlie does it? Maybe like us they were just surprised that she can curse, given how good she is.
Looks like I was wrong about the situation leading to pilot vibes. GOOD! Also great to see Angel stand up to Val.
Now that we know that Val’s shirt are his wings, it makes the scene of Niffty ripping a piece off hilarious XD.
This seems enough proof to me that someone can be redeemed, don’t try and change the subject Adam.
So no angelic being in that room properly knows how judging a soul works? While odd, I wonder if this is a result of after what happened to Lucifer, maybe soon after others got sent to Hell for minor things and eventually no one dared to question or go against God’s (or whoever else’s) judgment and now they are at this point where they don’t recall things or fear becoming a fallen angel like Lucifer. I’m (semi) counting this as another one of my ideas coming true, as I did bring the idea of Heaven not knowing how to loosen the restrictions to getting into Heaven.
Though a bit understandable from Charlie’s POV and thankfully she got lucky there, her ranting to Heaven is another time where Charlie should have taken up at least SOME of Vaggie’s words.
So glad to see Adam’s ego and stupidity finally leading to some good for the heroes, as it will be interesting to see how parts of Heaven will react to learning about the Exterminations.
Trailer screen shot. At least I’m glad that Sera isn’t what I thought she was going to be like.
Oh don’t phrase it like that Charlie! You’re making my “Lilith wants to destroy Heaven” theory sound like it could happen :(
Again when looking at that statue of Sera, she looks like Stella. Also if I’m right the other creature is Emily, who I guess can take on the form of a unicorn.
Aww crap Adam revealed Vaggie’s secret. I know I brought up the idea of Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship being tested, but I just meant personality wise not this, mostly cause I though Charlie already knew. Then again Charlie can be an idiot at times. Hopefully Charlie can be mature about this and thinking back to the trailer, the two do loving sing to each other, heck looks like Vaggie gets her wings back. So yeah, I’m guessing that they will be fine and their relationship will be stronger than ever.
Seriously Sera, after what you see your going to still allow Adam to do the Extermination. Then again she might not have a choice here. This is quickly confirmed with Sera expressing the “Angels scared of suffering the same fate as Lucifer” idea I brought up. Also obviously we need something to continue the series.
So Sera and Emily ARE mother and daughter, I was starting to wonder. Actually speaking of family and thinking back to “Queen Bee”, Bee brought up the question of how fallen angels and such are related, I wonder how related Lucifer and Sera are. Could Charlie and Emily be cousins? If they are, then Vaggie won’t have to worry about Charlie leaving her XD.
At least Charlie has her first angelic ally. I wonder if what Sera said and Emily clenching her fist IS foreshadowing her fate? If my idea of her being able to transform into a horse comes true, what if her demon horse form takes on the form of the horse at the end of the Spindlehorse credits.
Aw man we’re not going to see how Charlie feel about this or more importantly,
Whew that was intense near the end. We got to see Heaven and learned some big things about it like the residents such as Molly being there or how angels have NO IDEA how judging a soul works. Then there was a big reveal that no one before the events here even knew about the Exterminations, that was a great twist if not a bit odd.
It was also great to learn more about Vaggie’s now confirmed past and be introduced to Emily and how she agrees with Charlie’s thoughts instead, making the argument less one sided. It was also funny seeing how she and Charlie got along so well which led to Vaggie being jealous at one point. Hopefully for her, Emily and Charlie turn out to be cousins.
It was nice having Cherri be in the episode, even if she almost led to Angel doing bad things and getting Charlie in trouble again. Speaking of which, it was GREAT to see that Angel HAS changed since joining Charlie. Hopefully if he learns that Molly is there, a great cameo BTW, he will amp that up to 11.
I also personally liked how stupid Adam looked in it, and now that people know the truth about Exterminations, I think it could lead to him being demoted (both related to Heaven's hierarchy and as a main antagonist in the series) and my idea of Charlie being the “chosen one” to save everyone from a great threat or the idea I have for what season 2 could be about.
The only downsides were that this was kind of the expected outcome given the episode’s place. Maybe if this was the 2nd to last episode and the finale was an hour long, it could have helped but I’m not complaining.
It was also a bummer that we didn’t see more of how Charlie feels about discovering Vaggie was an angel. At least the S1 trailer makes it clear that thing between them will be fine in the end.
The things about no one knowing about the Exterminations, or what the qualifications to get into Heaven really are, but I’m not complaining. This is actually a perfect excuse for my season finale epilogue idea where after the Extermination, Heaven agrees with Charlie and they need to rework or explore the qualifications required to get into Heaven, and Charlie plans on having a big say in it so that more people can get into Heaven whether it be after they die or through her hotel. Of course some people of Hell and Heaven will be against Charlie’s ideas, so Charlie will have to go through a multi-season storyline where she needs to keep convincing more and more powerful people that this would be a good thing, eventually having to convince God himself. All the while evil forces will try and progress its/their agenda, leading to big fights.
Now we wait for the season finale.
As always let me know your thoughts about the episode.
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Hi! You know those projects in high school where they make you care for an egg? Could I request some headcanons for the Arcane cast doing that, pretty please? :> Whoever you want to write for works! Thank you!!
(Hey! sure I can! Here, enjoy!)
Arcane Characters Taking Care Of An Egg
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He tried okay
He got probably a C- on the assignment
Didn’t know the difference between a fertilized egg and a unfertilized egg
Sat on it or kept it warm
Waited for it to hatch
Was heartbroken when it didn’t
Egg had a face on it also
With sunglasses and he wore his to match
Jayce is an egg parent now
Whenever he has eggs he stares down at the cracked yoke and remembers his lost child
He then eats the eggs all guilty
Mel is concerned
Viktor judges him
Heimerdinger brings more eggs
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He was already pretty smart
He was the best one at it
His egg was his best friend
Loner core
He made a little pouch for it on his shirt 
Keeps it there all the time
Talks to it and sometimes forgets it is not a real person
Still treats it like one though
Semi sad when he has to give it back for his grade
Stole it when the teacher wasn’t looking and booked it out of there as fast as he could
Stealth mission 100%
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Vi sucked at the assignment
100% failed the entire thing
She put it in her pocket for a little while but usually forget it was there
Vi also had a face drawn on it
Powder stole it a lot also
Powder probably drew some explosions and doodles on it
She once got mad at a student and reached for the nearest thing
Which was her poor egg
Chucked it straight at the kids head
Kid knew what was coming and ducked
The egg nailed a teacher in the head
All froze in their spots 
Before the teacher could say anything Vi ran away
Was scared to go back to class but she did
She failed horribly
But she stole another egg and broke it on the other kids head
Successful if you ask me
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She took good care of her egg in the beginning
She gave her egg a name and took it home with her all happy
She was a mother for an egg now
Which was pretty cool for her since she was a lonely child
Was a normal assignment for her
She always had weird assignments, okay?
But she always mastered them
So why not this one?
Let me tell you why
In Caitlyn’s wonderful mind she thought the best case was to put it in the fridge
With the other eggs
She woke up the next morning to the smell of eggs and bacon
Went downstairs and opened the fridge to find her egg missions
“Oh, what are you looking for, Caitlyn?”
Her father asked as he didn’t turn around from the stove
“Did you see an egg with the others? It had a face drawn on it. It's a part of my grade final.”
Caitlyns dad then slowly showed her her plate for breakfast
Caitlyn was horrified
It was George
Her egg
Was horrified and most definitely had a funeral
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Ekko surprisingly did pretty okay
He took care of his egg
He had to protect it from Vi, Mylo, Claggor and Powder though
He did pretty good at that also
Made a small box with cushioning inside to help keep the egg safe
He did drop the box a good amount of times though
Would stand still and do a little pray before slowly picking it up
Was always relieved to see it was okay
Even if the egg did break he replaced it over and over again until it was time to turn in the egg
He’s smart so the teacher didn’t catch on
Ekko is still smug about it to this day
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She really didn’t care about the assignment
She knew she was a mother now
Took it so serious
Put it to bed, talked to it, hugged it, took it everywhere
The whole works
She just drew on her egg most of the time
Her egg is so colorful and full of doodles it’s crazy
She kept it so safe though
Kept it on her belt pouch also to keep it with her all the time
Always tucked it into a small barbie bed next to hers
Was horrified when she woke up and got out of bed and stepped in something
It was her egg
It had fallen down
She cried so much
She then got the thought to go get another from the kitchen
Which she did and just drew on it again and tada!
All’s well
She then got hungry and put it on her belt and got another egg
She cracked it open and was also horrified
She saw it was a fertilized egg they had missed
Stared at it on the pan before she yelled
“Vi! Want some eggs?!”
“Sure, Pow-Pow- what the hell?!”
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