#also the pony pals
civetside · 4 months
You think they be watching my little pony in the river?
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mlp-supernatural · 18 days
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fuck of desitel ponies for tday
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peppermintfables · 11 months
My coworker: oh look at this cute childrens book!
My other coworker: Oh ghe gorse on the cover has a detective hat! I, for one, support detective pony
Me, a homestuck:
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libunliberated · 5 months
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i have some fandom stuff to catch up on. so i just read crow strider au.
it really is good. i actually dont like a lot of the characterization, everyone's been flattened down and nicened up, and the dialogue could really use a layer of subtlety... but it just feels like a sweet and loving wish. so it's hard to get too mad. and the bits that rely on visuals alone to tell the story are reeeeeally fantastic. it's shocking how much i cried, especially for characters i didn't really care much about in the actual comic. it's a neat thing to juxtapose against the real ending, since they had vastly different goals.
i dont hate the real ending-- honestly, i kind of wanted it to be weirder. i felt like it was leading more towards a meta ending, maybe something like destroying homestuck as a comic, so having an in-story ending was anticlimactic. but i did like a lot of those final conversations. and crow strider is like. that. but more. and also the final battle is way more fleshed out and tries to tie things up for everyone it possibly can. it's a big last hurrah for all the characters that were abandoned and forgotten by the alpha timeline. it's sweet.
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eructofreak · 9 months
oh my g
youre getting *really* good at this, aren't you? you're just watching me unravel like a kitten plays with a ball of yarn. you know, don't you? i bet i've been found out and you're just prolonging the chase to make me just suffer under your sneakily keen attention to detail.
i can't say i dont like it. im so flustered right now you dont even know.
(detective dirk pony pals LARP session is so real.)
— shy anon
Who knows? ;) the only way you can verify whether that is or is not what I’m doing is by coming out yourself.
Also, new bullet points:
Uses analogies
Many forms of emphasis, commonly asterisks but also occasionally putting words in uppercase or italics
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staff · 1 year
tumblr tuesday: cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other
Yeehaw is a state of mind. It's a way of life. It's funky little dudes (gender neutral) bouncing around the wide prairies with their good pony pals and their very good pals, who may also be their lovers. Here's some very good and also very queer cowboy art.
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prideplus · 11 months
tumblr tuesday
Yeehaw is a state of mind. It's a way of life. It's funky little dudes (gender neutral) bouncing around the wide prairies with their good pony pals and their very good pals, who may also be their lovers. Here's some very good and queer cowboy art. @drizzledrawings:
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It's Yeehawgust, so here's a throwback to a Tuesday in June when we found all these excellent cowfolks by excellent queer artists. Here's your queer cowboy roundup!
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mistercrowbar · 1 year
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A pretty pony pal properly prepared for plundering perilous passageways! A new hero for an upcoming expansion to One Deck Dungeon from Asmadi Games.
I had a lot of fun designing her, this totally came about because the client saw my centaur gal Liliwyn and was like, “so wanna draw a centaur hero for us?” and I was like OF COURSE. I put a lot of that “big & friendly” energy into this gal too, but I like to think she’s also the mom friend -- those saddlebags got snacks and water satchels to keep her fellow adventurers energized and hydrated!
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foldedchip · 2 months
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Here are some more autistic pals! This is Pinkie and Maud Pie, two sisters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! As you can see, they are as different as night and day, but they love each other dearly and they are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Autism is a genetic condition, so it runs in families. Lots of autistic people also have a sibling with autism! But that doesn’t mean that their traits and symptoms will be the same— two autistic siblings may be on totally different areas of the autism spectrum, and like any other siblings, may have completely different personalities too!
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maplewozapi · 6 months
Ahahaha I followed originally because of your native ocs tutorial, which I actually read while learning about eagle feather practices. I'm graduating with my associates degree this year and I told my mom about it, she got in touch with our tribe and we're going to try and get me an eagle feather for graduation (our native family unfortunately isn't in the picture, so we have to figure things out ourselves.)
Anyhoo, just saw your most recent ask about MLP. That post blew my mind as a kid!! I was way into the MLP fandom in middle school and after watching the buffalo episode I didn't know how to mix a buffalo and a pony to represent myself, since I am mixed. The idea that main characters could be native like me was crazy awesome and mega inspiring to me, most of my OCS are native on some level now.
Very cool to see you again, I think I originally saw the image on Pinterest, so nice to meet you too! I love your work. Thanks for having such an impact on my life.
IM SO GLAD I WASNT THE ONLY ONE! I am mixed too and was so so confused about if I should make a buffalo pony hybrid but it felt wrong, forcing myself to draw feathers and war paint. I just want to give my little self a hug! Also I made it on Pinterest 😳 now I can brag. I feel like people don’t even know how tenuous it is to even get a eagle feather legally, my great grandpa had found a dead eagle long time ago thankfully and registered it so we don’t necessarily need to go through the process of waiting to even get one. I also saw your repost it’s a joke! I’ve met a couple people at say Yaateeh and kola despite being different languages and being used in the wrong context. People use kola too personally, it’s reserved for your male bestie "brother from another mother" basically, I’ve had a couple gal pals say kola and I’m like GIRL WE ARENT BROS😡 we’re maške 🥰.
This made my day thank you🥺💕🍇💝🌸
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conceptofjoy · 24 days
Ok as a Bigender Dirk fictive I am so insane about transfem Dirk fics and art. They’re like my lifeblood. Like forget this Rice-a-Roni I’m cooking up right now, I can subsist on tgirl Dirk for days. Oh. This is an ask, isn’t it? I should ask a question.
What’s your personal opinion on what Dirk would change her name to? Personally I use Dash (Yeah bc of the pony.) in conjunction with Dirk, but I’ve also seen Doll and her just keeping the name Dirk. (And of course Ruth Lalonde in the fic you posted about.)
i like dash :] she'd get carried away on finding the perfect name imo. i think ruth's interesting, not quite sure why the author chose it? only thing i can think of is that its close to ruby which the wikia says was yiffany's code name when in development. still a nice name.
actuallyyy.. thinking about pony pals for a second but this might be a nothing burger.
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i added the second page and text for full context. she obvs think's of anna as a jane stand in, buuutttt again. dirk absorbs other people's traits to model herself after
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at the same time jane looks up to her big time as well? there would be some funny transswapinator shenanigans happening lol.
um back 2 name stuff, roxy's and dirk's names are implied to be given via placronym by their guardians (they're both end up being covered by animals associated with dave and rose). so its both a point for and against her keeping it tbh.
idk im totes over thinking it but its the train of thought she'd go through lol. I FUCK WITH DASH BC THE NAME IS SILLY AND I ENJOY IT!!!!!
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leoruby-draws · 9 months
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Felt like posting again today, need to work through my backlog of drawings. I have so much! Hope you guys are ready for some cuteness here.
Decided that Duke needed his We Are Robin pals, Riko Sheridan and Dax Chill! Just those 2 for now, later on Duke does befriend more of the Robins. I've been calling this trio the ABC Robin's in my head, since there's 3 of them and its a cute name.
Dax (as Finch) is the chill one of the group, a little shy but just as ready to get into too trouble as the rest. Riko (as Chat) is much more loud, and much more assertive. Duke meets them during the same incident he meets Jason actually, he decides to let them help him on his mini-Robin adventures.
Their completely unauthorized by Batman, but he lets it go since they don't seem to get into any major messes (that he knows of at least). If you know about My Little Pony(G4) then think of them as the cutie mark crusaders. A little kid team that gets into fun little troubles.
As you can see in the drawing, Riko and Dax look up to Batgirl and Robin a lot! Dax hero-worship of Robin(Jason) comes from the WAR comic, where Jason mentored him for a bit. Riko is actually a Batgirl fan in canon, but I'm replacing Barbara for Cass here. Duke seems a bit jealous of the attention they get.
Here's a little bonus comic for you guys:
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Also another! A rough draft of their designs:
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Well, hope you like all this!
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oscconfessions · 1 month
PSA: Humanized objects are talked about way too much on this blog. You guys really should pick a different topic. We’re in the OBJECT show community, not human show community. If you want to discuss human characters all day long I don’t know why you’re even in this fandom. TDI is right there pal.
Look, I’ll even bring in some facts to prove my point. I went through the entirety of the asks posted in May, there’s 460 in total as of me submitting this one. And of those asks, 30 are about humanizations. You may not think that’s a lot, but when you put it into percentage, you get 6.52%. You may still not think that’s a whole lot, but guess what, it actually is. The ideal amount of gijinka discussion on this blog is 0%, because almost all of the asks from this month were related to controversy. Clearly, talking about them causes drama, and thus the topic should be banned from this blog.
I hope we can all calmly come to this conclusion and collectively cease sending asks about humanized objects.
i meannn gijinkas are a part of the osc in the sense they are the same object character just drawn in a different form. the fact that theyre drawn in a different way that isnt an object is completely irrelevant to the fact it’s just a fan’s interpretation of an osc character. idfk, stupid example but its the only one i can think of right now, its like saying that one part of my little pony where they were humans instead of horses isnt part of the franchise cause the franchise is called my little pony and theyre not horses. false advertising.
osc is a fitting term for the community but its also not a defining term. like if it were any other community for any other fandom where the species is not listed in the community name it’d be fine. like fuckinnn …,,i dunno, drawing spongebob characters as furries. thatd still be considered spongebob fanart. so why is it different when it comes to the osc. some people just like drawing humans.
also it’d be similar to if we banned all discussion of aus and fanfiction and headcanons and otherwise not canon interpretations of shows here, because its not canon and is a different form of what the character actually is.
theres also no alternative for only osc gijinka confessions. not yet at least. or that im aware of. so. let the people yap!! they have no where else to go!!!
also gijinka discourse is just funny💔💔
does this make sense idk if this makes sense ummmmm maybe im just stupi d sorry for yapping hiii-📻
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johnnycadeirl · 2 months
prolly never gunna finish lol!
The Outsiders (Johnny's perspective)
I am Johnny Cade, a 16 year old greaser. I live in Tulsa Oklahoma, and I have my entire life, I have 2 parents, a mom and a dad. Sometimes I wish I didn't have either and then maybe I could be at peace, I could probably live with my pals, too. Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry would probably take me in, or Two-Bit if they could. My friends understand the situation at my house, they've saved me from my folks a handful of times. Two-Bit especially, sometimes I feel like I’d be better off dead, my parents sure would like that.. They probably wouldn’t notice for a while anyway since I haven't been going home as often anymore, and when I do.. They either ignore me or beat on me. I usually sleep at the Curtis house, or I stay with Two-Bit from time to time, when I can’t stay with Two or Pony, I sleep in the lot. I’m sure I would have a place with Dally if he didn’t stay at Bucks all the time. He doesn't have the best relationship with his parents either. His dad couldn’t care less about his whereabouts, and state. And we never hear about his mother, or any relatives that he may be able to stay with. He digs okay, so does the rest of my gang. They’re the closest relationships I’ve had to family. I'm smaller, and younger compared to all of them, well.. Except for ponyboy, at least for the age part. Ponyboy is 14 and he has already lost both of his parents in a car accident. I feel absolutely terrible for their entire family, especially Darry.. He’s only 20 and he has to continue raising his 2 kid brothers, he doesn’t usually have issues with Sodapop, but him and Ponyboy have never really gotten along, which got worse after their parents died. It was rough on the rest of the gang too. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were great people, and they took care of those who didn't have great relationships with their parents.. Me and Dally especially- Dally and Mrs. Curtis were real close, I’m sure their passing was also very hard on him.. Of course, he would NEVER let anyone know that, especially anyone in the gang. He thinks emotions and stuff like that are wastes of time, and he had never done so much as cry in front of any of us. Of course we had seen him angry, he hates the world and almost everything in it. He doesn't seem to hate me though, I’ve never been to sure as to why.. But I love Dally a lot, I love the entire gang a lot. They’re all I’ve got in life, without the gang I have nothing, I AM nothing. I would probably be dead and gone if it weren't for them. Or I’d be in a different state, trying to start a new life, without my parents being there to bug me and hurt me. Maybe there wouldn’t be any “Greasers” or “Socs” there too.. Just people. Normal, plain old people.. Maybe I’d be able to go to church there too.. Me and Ponyboy used to go all the time, we invited Two-Bit, and the rest of the gang once, they caused a pretty dramatic scene.. So we never went again. Ponyboy always talks about living in the country, pretty far 'away from the city.. I don’t think I’d mind the “country life” too much, I’d just need to get used to it for a bit, especially since I’ve never been outside of our neighborhood. Maybe there I’d be considered less stupid. That’s all I’ve ever been called by teachers and my parents. I dunno, maybe I am stupid.. I can really get excited about learning if it’s something I find interesting. Ponyboy has mentioned a book before Gone with the Wind. Maybe in the country Ponyboy would be able to read it to me or something. Ponyboy likes books a lot,
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mmmmalo · 2 months
.... is GAME BRO an eclipse of PLAY BOY? It would recolor Rose's sarcastic appellation "respectable periodical" as a polite reference to porn, and it would turn the promise of "exclusive leaks" on the cover of Karkat's copy of GAME GRUB, with its oozing grub on the cover, into something vaguely lewd (and pedophilic? since baby trolls are grubs). And it brings the kids' magazines into alignment with the overtly eroticized literature of the Midnight Crew...
Also the plot beat of Dave looking for Bro's Game while getting lambasted with the erotic imagery scattered around the apartment would become structurally tidy, as though Dave were already living within the magazine's implicit contents... Jane brings up Pony Pals as a cohort of Game Bro, and Dirk's edit contains an excellent horse kissing joke by way of rechristening Snow White as Lil Sebastian.... Jane also refers to the book as "literature", which the comic tends to deploy as a euphemism for smut.
Jane's sense that both GAME BRO and GAME GIRL are demeaning to women gets an extra dimension too -- if Jane is functioning as the comic's "feminazi" figure, her suspicions of sexism have a certain thematic weight, even if other forces in the narrative downplay their importance. If pornography discourse extends to Pony Pals, it would be interesting if the phrase "Good work!" were censured by (VILE SLURS OMITTED) for the fragment it contains of the name Adrea Dworkin, a prominent anti-pornography feminist. I suppose the entire gesture of Dirk overwriting a woman's words functions as a pornographic image of man-on-woman conquest, in much the same way that his control of Rose's speech in post-canon assumes incestuous overtones.
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xisumashiptournement · 6 months
Side B: Round 4 !SEMI FINALS!
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propaganda for: DocM77
doc is how X GOT to the server. x was originally a fan then doc chose his design for a farm way back when, and something something. they grow old together. they're both dads now isn't that crazy <- lying to you. implying that x is my (and others) dad ayo this got randomly recommended to me but if you love me. xisuma docm77 duo for the WIN! xisuma doc underrated broship <33333 gotta support my boys doc with his server breaking redstone and xisuma trying to keep everything running, also they were big fans of each other in the early days :3
propaganda for: Joehillssays
joe once wrote a fanfic where x and the mlp ponies went on adventures in the tardis. he reads it in some of his hermitcraft season one videos
Joe is america as a person (? person) Xisuma is the uk as a person. They are pals.
My candles can't burn down Any more. They can't burn anything down, These days. They just flicker with a false incandescence Less and less... Dimmer and dimmer... As their batteries discharge. I only replace them, The batteries, I mean, When you visit. So between your visits, Each night is dimmer and dimmer. Until I am alone in the dark.
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