#also there's various triggers here. main ones are mentions of sex and abuse
ooihcnoiwlerh · 2 months
So I've been working on a Feyd-Rautha/Reader fanfic, and am working out various headcanons I have for him in terms of his sexual preferences and past, as well as what I've written but might be a little too silly to include in future chapters and kind of want to get it out there to get an opinion on things.
Link here: And I Don't Want Your Heart - Chapter 1 - ooihcnoiwlerh - Dune (2021) [Archive of Our Own]
Some of my NSFW headcanons down below
-Okay, so it's firmly established that he's a sadomasochist. It's also mentioned in the books that he'd been abused by his uncle when he was younger. I don't think the two necessarily have to correlate but I think on some level he finds physical pain cathartic, and the moments in which he's masochistic to him feel like he's reclaiming something for himself. He chooses the pain rather than having it inflicted on him.
-I get the impression that he's generally more dominant but in the right headspace with the right person can enjoy being more submissive. It has to be explicitly on his terms, though. Like with pain, he has to make it clear that this is something he's giving of his own free will and that is not to be taken lightly.
-I don't think he would or could ever tolerate being subjected to humiliation, degradation, or feeling emasculated. Subjecting a partner to that, sure, but I feel like that would actually be a severe trigger for him so someone calling him pathetic or questioning his manhood in the bedroom may very well get killed on the spot for it. He's buried a lot of his trauma from his uncle's abuse but those things awaken it.
-I don't think there's a specific kink community with a vocabulary or guidelines on Geidi Prime. I don't think he knows what a trigger or a safeword is. As established already in my fic, he doesn't fully understand the concept of aftercare and is pretty bad at providing it (so far.)
-Being an arena fighter on Geidi Prime basically makes him a rock star, and as such he does get his equivalent of groupies. He's never been in an actual romantic relationship, but people fascinated with his brutality in the arena have gotten curious about what he's like in the bedroom and while it doesn't happen all the time, he has sufficiently satisfied their curiosity.
-I'm not sure if this will end up making it into the fic, but I picture him as being predominantly but not exclusively attracted to women, and as someone who's had a couple of consensual encounters with men as an adult, partly out of genuine curiosity/interest and partly to reclaim some level of power.
-Spoilers for future chapters--I'm writing it that he doesn't have sex with his Darlings. They're a little too animalistic even for him. He doesn't mind if people assume he does, though, because of the danger and fear associated with it.
-He enjoys period sex. Nothing deeper about it, the man just likes blood. Will also enthusiastically go down on his partner during the heaviest days.
-So...here's where I'm worried it's going to get a little goofy. While he has a lot of kinks that would be considered adjacent to BDSM, as I said I don't picture there being a specific community. I wrote a scene that hasn't been posted yet of Feyd-Rautha using a flogger on the Reader character and her initially being terrified thinking it's a cat-of-nine-tails and calming down somewhat when she realizes it's not that severe. I'm worried it will seem ridiculous, but I could also picture him having something certain tools custom-made for him. It was one of the first scenes I wrote for this fic but am worried it will come across as tacky/not fitting for the environment. Granted, I'm not writing a particularly substantial fanfic. It's completely removed from the main plot and is mostly a combination of character study and smut so I think anyone who's enjoying it probably knows that it's not that deep. *
*Although to be clear, I'd love to hear from people on that they think.
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cloudbrooksblog · 10 months
TRIGGER WARNINGS/content warnings: mentions of various commonly triggering things, descriptions of car-related triggers, many stupid "get over it" phrases that might be triggering if you're a victim of something, and also mentions of suicide, just read with caution ok?
yknow, I've been thinking about PTSD lately. Specifically people's reactions to me involuntarily displaying symptoms of it (dissociating, having flashbacks that make me cry, avoiding triggers, etc).
Most of this is from people who are related to my main abusers (my parents) but they don't react this way for no reason. They were raised in a culture that thinks this way.
The reactions are all similar: when I have an involuntary or instinctual response to triggers (like the ones I mentioned above), they say that I shouldn't let these things hurt me. Want a couple more specific examples, actually?
I avoid movies with car crashes and dissociate+sometimes have flashbacks when I hear tires or brakes screeching on the street. I start to shake if someone honks their horn near me, even in a parking lot. When I do this, INVOLUNTARILY (i cannot stress it enough), my brother will say that I let it bother me too much. Other assorted reactions I've gotten to this specific circumstance have been "you need to get over this one day", "you can't just avoid cars your whole life", and paraphrased, "you need to move on", "if this bothers you you'll never survive in real life", and "you're so dramatic".
That's just with car-related triggers for my PTSD. Don't get me started with sex jokes, cigarettes, talking about wanting to hurt children, etc. And DONT get me started about people's reactions to me wanting to cut off my family.
If I talk about any of that (when it naturally comes up, usually after questions about why I don't talk to certain people from members I'm about to cut off as soon as I don't have to depend on them,) the general reactions are that I'm like a ghost. Holding onto grudges that are just hurting me, that by holding onto them I'm hurting myself pointlessly, and that if i just *tried a little harder* I could live a much more peaceful and happy life. This is in reaction, let me remind you, to things like... me being uncomfortable around cigarettes. Me flinching when I hear sex jokes. Me leaving the room when people start talking about wanting to beat up kids and strangle them. I'm holding a grudge! I'll be encountering these things for the rest of my life!
That last one I get a lot, too. I'll be encountering these things for the rest of my life.
Let me tell you a secret. That's why I tried killing myself. That's why I've been to crisis facilities 6 different times. That's why I've made plans to move off-grid, to move to somewhere isolated, etc. But since I'm still right fucking here, obviously I'm not going to do any of that. So why point it out? Why point that out, as though it's not something you just WITNESSED my way of coping with?
Yes, I'll be encountering PTSD triggers the rest of my life. And every time I do, I will avoid them. That's why I don't buy into the whole "just try a little harder" angle. I'm not going to waste my time and my life trying to do that. This isn't a fear. This isn't a phobia. I don't sprint the opposite direction whenever a car honks and I'm walking on the sidewalk. I still have friends who smoke various things my abusers did. My PTSD still gets triggered by it, and I still get uncomfortable when they smoke. But you know what? They're my friends. They understand that and don't get annoyed at me for being uncomfortable. My friends who make sex jokes do it even though it makes me flinch because I've made it very clear: I'm going to react to them. It's not an insult. There's no need to feel bad. It's just nature.
When you tell me to get over it, it's NOT because you care. Convince yourself that it is, but listen closely: You're making it WORSE. And people with PTSD tell you that. And you ignore them, because you don't really care. Our PTSD just makes you uncomfortable and annoyed. It's inconvenient to think about and be around.
I'm not going to brute-force my way out of having triggers. It's just not happening. I'm going to have these involuntary responses. If you're my friend, you'll deal with it and understand the truth:
It's just nature :) deal with it. It's worse for me than it is for you, you selfish person.
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aeltri · 1 year
People want more details about what's been going on BTS so here goes. Ben's apparently fallen down the stairs in 👠 before, he's been harassed by David Birkin who insists on talking to him and is harangued by sadistic Handlers like "Frank". Couldn't drop a split because Team Soso agreed to his terms only to turn around and drag everything out. His parents have also pressured him into cooperating with them. Ask yourselves why? Frank is the call name of a Handler that he was paired up with in 2021 IIRC. Was "nice" but later became verbally abusive. I also forgot to mention that punishment for disobedience includes confinement. Cunter, Adam etc are keeping most of what Ben makes from sex work, not just acting. Why does he go back and forth? One, they know his triggers and how to terrorize him into compliance. Two, because regardless of what is negotiated Team Soso keeps on moving the goalposts. At the start of 2016 we were told that they were going to force Ben to capitulate. Everyone saw what happened in NYC and this time it's no different. No one buys property with laundered money and advertises it. The Almuddins tried to do the same to Clooney who is closeted and is raising his SIL Tala's kids. Behind such arrangements you'll always find the same orgs using the same tactics. Five Eyes, Scientology and various mafiosi all want a piece of the action. The Somerset property is Under Offer just like the vineyard the Almuddins wanted. In the end it fell through because their mark was not game. They also use it for PR purposes but that is not the main objective. Extortion payments and trafficking income has to be laundered somehow. Simultaneously bringing up "reparations" reminded Benedict that the Cunters want their payout in one way or another. Cunter is a bonafide Nazi like her GG grandaddy but is not above using contacts at POC NPOs like BLM to do her dirty work. Why do you think they threatened to lynch Ben in 2020 and Cunter recently broke the NDA by promising he'd pay reparations...that he doesn't owe!? Did you know who has an influential contact in Barbados? Karon Maskill who previously tried to drag Sir Cliff Richard out of the closet. I was told that she threatens to smear clients if they try to leave her agency. Poached clients from her former employer Borkowski PR which is why she's loathe to mention them even on her CV. Talk about unscrupulous, so it's little wonder that she and Cunter reached an understanding. Neither has any respect whatsoever for Ben, they put words in his mouth and profit at his expense. About his blacking out? ODing on alcohol/drugs will cause that as well as switching between Alters. That's called "Lost Time".
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mushroomjeremy · 2 years
CW: PSA about Montauk House
Can’t believe I have to make this but I think people who aren’t active or occasionally tag something in the main SCP 4231 tag might need to be reminded of certain things. And I’m willing to not say this kindly or bushing certain part of this article that don’t really get brought up normally or just fucking never. But I think this might be necessary for the people in the back to hear or a link-able post to explain to those who forgot about something or just never knew about in the first place.
I’m writing this post as bluntly and uncensored as I can do as it’s the best way for people to understand. If anything below is triggering or you begin to become triggered as you read, PLEASE STOP AND LEAVE THIS POST IT’S NOT WORTH YOUR MENTAL HEALTH.
If you want to make an AU/Headcanon about Lilly being redeemable, a good mother, or about her having ‘good intentions’ (seriously or jokingly) NEVER SHOULD YOU EVER USES RITUALS LILLY/SCP-4231-A! She is unsalvageable in this regard.
And for those that don’t know why or need a reminder about what canon 4231 takes place in and that SHE IS LITERALLY TRYING TO BE THE WORST PERSON AND SUPPOSE TO BE WRITTEN THAT WAY. Here a good chuck of what we knew she has canonically done and the explanation/motives of such actions. And why you should not be posting this in the main tag.
TLDR: Don’t uses SCP-4231-A Lilly ever and uses the Black Type/Eden Garden Lilly if you want a ‘good/fix it’ Lilly. And NEVER tag it with SCP 4231 or SCP 4231 - A.
I’m not bring up anyone specifically that has done this. I see different people do so around every 6 months and it has gotten under my skin every time I’ve seen it. I feel that this still needs to be said in some form.
I beg of you with this. Many frequent people in main tag are there for their own trauma relief from similar experiences in their own lives. It’s become  a niche for talking about abuse through Francis. She is not to be brought up lightly there.
There is a reason that the SCP fandom in general doesn’t just randomly bring up SCP 4231 to the point of sometimes it seems like an obscure article. It physically and mentally fucks readers up. People can’t finish the thing sometimes. You do not bring this up unless the space is known for it and main tag is one of the ‘do not talk about some of this stuff’ oddly enough.
CW/TW for what’s past ‘Keep Reading’:
Everything, Just Everything: Sexual Assault, Rape, Domestic Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Financial Abuse, Murder, Torture, Disembodiment, Forced Impregnation, Forced Marriage, Sex Slavery, Sex Trafficking, Kidnapping, Hostages, Grooming, Incest, Genocide, Gaslighting, Victim Blaming, Psychosis, PTSD, Cults, Child Soldiers, Pregnancy, Birth, done to various degrees to women, men, children, and animals. Very heavy on the children side of things. And I’ve probably missed a lot of other warnings. Tread very lightly.
Here we fucking go. Buckle in this is almost as long as the article itself.
Anyone who knows a lot about SCP you're going to have to bare with stuff being generalized such as the actual 110 Procedures and 999 not wholly relevant to this post. This is to understand what Lilly thought she was doing not what actually going on/happened. As well as boiling the names Francis, Agent Ukulele, and Dr. Alto Clef to just Clef for simplicity. Also not much mention of A Major system because that’s it’s own can of worms that not relevant for this topic at hand.
Let’s start with the basics of what Montauk House is/is about:
SCP-4231 The Montauk House generally takes place in a conglomerate canon call Rituals/Montauk Procedures/Dust and Blood/Scarlet King Mythos or Lore. While these canon vague allude to various different connective events/concepts, to 90% of the SCP Fandom these are the same canon and should be treating as such unless you know who you are talking too.
As a basic understanding this all revolves around SCP-231. Which if you don’t know is about the torture of 7 girls around the ages of single to double digits (think ages 6~14) that were impregnation by a sex cult (Children of the Scarlet King) that wants to bring the closes thing to the embodiment of evil (Scarlet King) to destroy reality; the torture is the only way to stop all the babies from being born, reality collapses after the last one is born. The torture is call Montauk-110 Procedures.
Montauk-110 has a few variation in canon of what it is. However for this know that there are 2 different versions. One that Dr. Robert Montauk himself made as a revenge torture manifesto from fragments of a ritual written in a Codex and miscellaneous other Daevite texts. These containment procedures are horrific and makes characters in canon physically ill from just reading what is happening to them. The ritual in the codex is also called the Montauk Procedures, but is worse than whatever Dr. Montauk wrote for the 110 procedures. He made an alt version of the ritual but not a one to one. I’m just calling it ritual for ease of reading. Remember this fact throughout this whole thing; Rituals spell is worse than Montauk-110.
SCP 4231 is basically an origin of where the Foundation found the pregnant kids, or who I’ll be revering to as ‘Scarlet King Brides vessels’ and slight variations of this concept, where found. As per the title ‘Montauk’ and 4(231).
However, if you are main tagging, you know this article isn’t really about the brides themselves, mostly. It’s main point is an origin story for Dr. Alto Clef, his daughter SCP-166, and his girlfriend/wife Lilly. You all know who Clef and 166 are, I shouldn’t need to explain either of them as a concept.
The main theme of this article is the domestic abuse and rape of Clef and the psychologically effects and creation of his mental illnesses/disorders, in excruciating detail, it had/has on him for the rest of his life.
That is what everything is revolving around.
Before going deep into SCP 4231′s events I’d like to explain who/what a 231 instance is and can be as it will be very important...
Some explaining of who the Scarlet King is. For the sack of this post, he’s a god of rape and suffering. That what he is known for doing, like a lot. He had an original wife he forced to marry him, impregnated her 7 times, all daughters, and she died from the birth of the 7th child. He than married all seven of them, just calling them brides, ‘sealed’ them away, and impregnate them too, multiple times which each one. He also wage war on Death itself and is destroying/genocide realities to accomplish this goal.
He has a religious following, Children of the Scarlet King, that almost everything they do revolves around impregnation of various people and things; while sex cult may not be the right term for what they are, most people in the fandom refer or associate them as such. Lily is a member of this group, and Clef may or may not have been a member as it’s not wholly confirmed yes or no, this point will be important later.
This GoI got a hold of religious text, Erikesh Codex, that explain how to summon the Scarlet King to that reality to destroy everything and enslave everyone who doesn’t die. Which was the creation of 231 instances.
The Foundation tell their staff all 231 instances are/were children. Impregnated via a ritual of mimicking the Scarlet King and his original 7 daughter; mimicking like a character in a play, a vessel for them. This involved torture to get this done. The vessel were also sealed in tombs in a dinghy makeshift basement which where really difficult to get into.
They were meant to give birth to demon gods that would bring Scarlet King there, like a weird beacon. The birth will always end in the vessels death and the death would mean that the CHILD was arranged married to Scarlet King, then considered a wife instead of bride.
This is a lie, somewhat. The first instance, 231-1, is generally know to be Lilly, an adult. She willingly and intentionally became this, this was not forced upon her. She was not locked away like the other 6 children and allowed to do whatever the fuck she wanted to. She did not die from the birth, she was alive quite a few hour after it, she would have continued to live if she wasn’t shot.
However this might even be a larger lie, as sometimes CLEF IS 231-1, HE IS THE BRIDE. Unwillingly and Unknowingly doomed to marry basically the fucking devil in death. We do not know if Clef was locked in the basement ever or was ever in the basement or even know the basement existed, but we know at some point he is allowed to roam about and go to work with the GoC.
HOW COULD HE BE THE BRIDE THAN? HE’S AN AMAB/CIS MAN? Well the ritual doesn’t give two fucks who play which character, not age nor gender. As long as the end result is that seven children are born, it doesn’t matter.
So who was Lilly being? Scarlet King. She is willingly playing/mimicking various things that god would do. She is purposely being the worst to complete this task.
So at this point we know she has done the following: Complicit of rape, murder, and genocide; fine with and propagated incest; has preformed child sex trafficking; tortured 6 children and her boyfriend; imprisonment of 6 children, intent/attempt to murder 6 children; made 6 arrange child marriages and arranged marriage of herself or her own boyfriend with the actual devil; and is trying to be the Scarlet King in someway, again a rape deity.
So what is she doing/how did she do it?
Well it isn’t pretty in the slightest and I won’t be sugar coating this. So let’s get into this timeline and actions.
This is the last warning I’ll give: Below is a long and lengthy detail of the story’s events. This will not be a fun read. Please leave now if what above was already to much.
While we do not know when Lily joined CoTSK cult, we do know she did at some point. And it all kinda started when she meet Clef for the first time.
She seemed to be an orphan, if she even actually had parents, girl Clef stumbled upon in the back woods from his family’s home. They seemed to get along very well, to the point she was Clef’s best friend, and only friend, and the person he trusted the most in the world. At some point Clef’s mom left him and his dad when he was really young (think 5~9) and than somehow later on his dad died when he was a teen (12~17.) Lily invited him to live with her, he agreed, that house is the Montauk House. Not really to much about this for now but he joined the GoC a little while after this, you know, to kill people for profit, we’ll get back to that.
At this point Clef is at least co-depend on Lily as shelter and emotional company. Lily knows this.
There was something odd in Clef’s house though, the Erikesh Codex was just kinda sitting in a study room... the entire time he was alive. When he and Lilly left, they took this book with them. At this point the cult already had a copy of the Codex, so its not 100% known if the GoI was tracking both of them this entire time or they found out the two had the OG copy and then sought them out after the move.
However at some point the cult was in contact/extremely close with at least one of these two (Lily at minimum.) Why? Well because Dipesh (High Priest/leader of group) knew of where, when, and how the vessels where made and took ownership of the brides creation. However Lilly almost seemingly alone did 90% of all of this and guarded the vessels as she was the only one at the property the whole time.
There are two things that could have happened here.
1. Lilly converted from reading the codex after taking the book or the cult started talking and convinced her to join and participate again after taking the book.
2. She could have been a plant for the group from the beginning. Intentionally befriending Clef to get to the Codex and took him as a bonus prize in the deal.
Also sometime Lilly age is up to debate, so she could be 100s of years old and just mimicked being a child and grow up.
So many levels down of grooming and maybe an worrying age gap while knowing the other throughout childhood at this point.
So going back to the GoC here. While the house did have a flower shop, North Access that town is so small itself is not on physical maps and in bum fuck nowhere, wouldn’t pay the bills much, who’’s buying so many plants?, they are also kids but at least at this age can legally get a job, so Clef ended up getting a job at the GoC somehow, also probably weird and telling to let in a teenager. He’s only friend was Lily, so how? Probably someone from Lily circle of people. A disturbing fact here: Clef original hated hurting people to an extreme extent, to the point he, at least thought, would rather die himself than fight someone back. He became an assassin for hire and is really fine and good at hurting and murdering people now, so why? We aren’t 100% sure, but this leads to thinking there might have been peer pressure and attempt to desensitize him too abhorrent acts. Also because Clef would leave for long periods at a time, Lilly took care of most of the money, we have no idea how much control Clef himself had of the cash pool.
This is financial abuse when coupled with all this.
An unknown amount of years went by, we know nothing really of this time. However the GoC started noting wounds on their agent, thought nothing of it that just happens in this line of work. This coupled with Clef’s initially interview with the Foundation (thought to be the most truthful he’s been) most of this was from Lilly PHYSICALLY HURTING HIM; cuts and bruise increasing with size and frequency. We also kind of know that gaslighting and verbal abuse was also already going on for very long at this point. Years and years of this.
Then the beach happened. It seemed that Lilly been trying to get him to have sex with her for a while but always back off after several ‘no’s’, she’s been sexual assaulting him, at this point with inappropriate unwanted touching with sexual intent, start long before this here... until the beach. That was the first time he was raped, not just sexually assaulted with unwanted physical contact but forced sexual acts. And she keep doing it once she noticed Clef wouldn’t physically stop her. We do not know how long she’s been doing this, could be a few months to years.
Unknown amount of time. Six girls got kidnapped by Lilly or other Cotsk members and brought to the basement in the house. While we don’t know what actual happened, it involves lot of torture, we don’t know what’s happening with Clef but he started showing disassociation and memory blocks by this time. Clef’s night terrors later on make him have large bloody gashes on his stomach and a very bruised pelvis; you know like knifes were carving him up and extreme force was happening during the rapes. Was it the ritual or Lilly, at this point normal abuse, being constant; no ones knows and IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER. At this point something happen, She at this point chose to be the Scarlet King larper, somehow, which no one should want the answer to, most likely got Clef to impregnate children, and stuck the six girls in tiny ass rooms in the basement that she created for this propose.
A motif of the Scarlet King is breaking people down, wearing people down mentally until submission. Another one being fear, create fear at all cost. This is what she’s been doing, purposely, for years with Clef. And she succeeded to a large extent; he’s got c-ptsd, he has a  disassociation disorder, and showing signs of amnesia at this point. If the Foundation (and various other GoI with lots of knowledge at hand) are to be believed and aren’t being idiots here, Reality Benders take a lot of shit happening to traumatize them that it’s almost never seen or heard of one getting one.
Near the end of working with the GoC, Clef was taking more bounties, one after another after another. To stay the fuck away from her. He doesn’t want to return home, but he does because that’s what the cycle of abuse is. He has no one to trust but her. She has most of the money. He has nothing but her. And now he has a least one child on the way that he knows of. She made all of that. She wanted all of this.
The flood and Meri birth isn’t overly important here (until I get to the a part of what Lilly probably think of her daughter.) Except, we know Clef was found with a black eye, bleeding head from it being bashed into something, various cuts and bruises made on that day. The only wound on Lily was the head shot. There was evidence of someone throwing kitchen plates and other items. There are fake reality bent cats disemboweled and stung up by their guts in the bathroom. All of that happen while she probably had her water broken and a little bit after giving birth. After giving birth she should be exhausted and right before that pregnant people at full term averagely have a hard time just walking around. And she still wounded him to that extent.
We also see on this day Lily was trying to gaslight Clef into saying he had cheated on her. Weird, almost like you literally forced him to do it, which at this point is sex slavery. He is/was a sex slave around this point and doesn’t remembers fuck all about this. But why? There is a common abuse practice where the abuser tries cutting off a person’s entire circle, to be just them. The Goc was his last and only contact outside of her. She wanted to get him to say ‘yes I cheated’ to use it to guilt him to leave the GoC (she was trying this for a while as we can see) and then he would be stuck at the house to monitor 24/7. You know like a slave almost; her own boyfriend/husband that she supposedly loved.
She made it to the point they (Lilly and the Cult) would’ve gotten away with this, with every child born and reality collapsing. Untold amount of lives lost in the area from periodic apocalypses. If it wasn’t for Clef shooting her for his and Meri’s safety, he almost didn’t do it. At this point he deep in the amnesia, he doesn’t even remember there being a basement, and definitely not the you know fucking pregnant child brides. He did it as a mercy killing thinking it’s from her going Level 4 Type Green.
So maybe she wasn’t really the best person, but could she have been not abusive to Meri?
No. She would have. Abusers don’t stop at one person, especially when they have a history of doing it to animals and loved ones (see the cats, Clef, random children.)
She wanted Meri in an act to bring the destruction of reality. Meri is a tool to keep Clef under her control; if she hurt Meri it would be ‘his fault.’ She doesn’t see her as a person, just a thing to meet end goals. In the bed scene Lily seem really distance to her already. Still complain to Clef about some vague thing he might have done, asking why he won’t ‘touch her’ aka why don’t you willing have sex with me, telling him how bad it is to be in the GoC to get him to quit. From her it was just Clef Clef Clef, dismissive, shaming, and gaslighting. This could just be Clefs memory at this point but it kinda concerning none the less.
Oh I might have forgot about some Scarlet King Lore. The second generation of kids from him, his daughters, and vessels are called Leviathans. Despite what popular fandom canon, he gives zero shits about them, he only cares about him, his goal, and original 7 daughters/now wives. The Leviathans are used as canon fodder for the Scarlet King’s war on the Three Death Brothers and the Tree of Knowledge. He kills these kids without hesitation at the first perceived sight of disloyalty. The mothers are knowingly raising them as war machines to die. He kill A’habbat’s (7th bride) kids (SCP 999) as soon as possible so they can’t stop him.
If Lilly is acting like the Scarlet King in this respect and knows this is what will happen to her child the instant reality collapses, She doesn’t give a fuck about her. Meri was born to die in a war she will never comprehend and both her mothers (Lilly & A’tivik) will never think about her again after she is gone.
Nor any of the other Leviathans being made, she’d has even less connection to them. Meri at least has being in her stomach for 9 months.
Clef is the only one in this family that gives a shit about these kids, and look at him and their containment. If you apply the Law of Concrete she knows that these Leviathans might just always get contained by the Foundation (though all her info on them comes from the Cotsk and the Codex), so she even has a vague idea what Foundation testing is.
Does she seem redeemable in the slightest at this point!? Does this whole thing not disgust you to hell and back!?
So what could you do about your headcanon or AU? Yeah, you reading this might have forgot this is what this whole post was about. Headcanons and bad jokes. The Montauk House article itself tries pulling this same trick to make you kinda forget about 231 instances and the basement while reading it.
Well the easiest is to trash it or keep it personal. However there is another thing you could do.
SCP 4231 is not the only canon origin for Clef, Lilly, and Meri. It’s actual a very specific canon compared with all of the wiki writings.
While there are many. The best option if you must, is the origin for SCP-166-AR. Meri had a rewritten at some point and the newer SCP-166 also points to this canon still, Rituals/Leviathan!166 is very much its own thing and not baseline SCP canon.
The origin is much simpler and less graphic.
Clef and Lilly either had a prior relationship or just a one night stand. This may or may not also involve non consent, I’ve read many contradiction if it was a thing or that was 4231 bleeding in. Clef and Lilly hadn't meet up in a while, like a good chuck of years having Meri during this time. Clef came back, with the GoC unfortunately, to kill her for a bounty. This Lilly was this doing some magic rituals that would kinda end the world, but more in the sense of restart nature and humanity not complete and utter genocide of everyone. Usually referring to bringing back the Garden of Eden in concept. Clef didn’t know Meri was born, shot Lilly, and than found Meri hiding in a bush near. He than snuck her around and away from the GoC brought her to an out of the way nun church in Ireland, and than fucked off. The Foundation found Meri years after this and they had no idea Clef was the father until he said something/DNA testing.
That’s usable. That can be redeemed. She probably is a good(ish) mother in this canon itself.
But please never use SCP 4231 Lily, not even in a tagging sense (the main SCP 4231 tag or SCP 4231 A tag), if you make stuff for this. Everyone in that tag is thinking of everything I’ve written about above. They aren’t thinking about Lilly as a character encompassing hundreds of different canons. They are thinking about a domestic abuser rapist child sex trafficker that wanted to kill, torture, and enslave everyone in every universe she could get her hands on given the chance.
Nicer and better tags I’ve seen are SCP Lilly and Threat Entity 9927-Black.
That main tag is uses primarily, and a large amount of SCP 4231 fandom subculture, is using stuff in there for their own trauma. It’s a smaller safe space for testing the waters (unintentional joke) of what themselves and others have gone through from varying abuse. Extremely on the side of Clef’s experiences. Lilly is not to be brought up in any positive way. You can very easily fuck someone’s mental state from make light of this on and off Tumblr (I’ve accidentally did that to someone on the SCP meme Reddit, this isn’t a Tumblr thing this is the SCP Fandom as a whole.)
Please just think for a second before touching very serious topics. Most of SCP aren't very serious; SCP 4231 is one with a very serious and specific topic, and should be treated with care.
Flood jokes are funny, the flood itself is free game from what I can see.
I didn’t mean to be overall aggressive in this whole thing, but I really want someone who doesn’t understand why this is a big problem. And I needed to say this in the most encompassing way that people could get a wake up call. And talking about the story as a whole and never leaving SCP 231 out of this was that way.
If you made it to the end of this post, thank you for sticking through this essay psa post and slight rant. Take a break, get some water and some food, get some meds if you need them, take some deep breaths. Take some time to decompress from any stress that may have come from this. Take care of yourself.
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llycaons · 1 year
now that I’ve gone through the entire tag (some pages twice) it’s time to settle down and sort through the one thousand, eight hundred (!!!!) works in my marked for later. not-so-quick note on my personal preferences, and what you can expect to be included or excluded from my rec list
so, in general my favorite fanfic tropes can be categorized as hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending. as reflected from the source material, I read and may recommend works containing graphic, disturbing, or potentially triggering content, including writing related to sexual assault, grief/mourning, trauma, and suicide. I will summarize each work, but please note the tags and warnings on any fic listed here if that’s a concern for you.
on the flipside, I do not read works that end unhappily - all these end hopefully at the very least. no main characters will die who aren’t already dead in canon, wx will always be together or getting there (or, in the case of sad flashback-era fics, will eventually get there), and many of these works reflect themes of healing, recovery, and finding peace. I’ll make note of any exceptions, but there are pretty strong preferences for me, so there won’t be many. and I like sweet and fluffy things too, as well as humor and interpersonal drama and worldbuilding and action - there will be a mix of various types or works
this is an 18+ rec list! explicit works will be on here in any category. additionally, what else the author has written may or may not affect whether I rec something, but I’ll make a note if I know there’s an issue. I also can’t guarantee all authors will be vetted, but I can make a note for authors whose works I trust completely not to be weird or gross
fics recommended in this list are guaranteed NOT to have the following, and please let me know if I mistakenly included anything containing them:
pedophilia/csa, teacher/student relationship, sexual ageplay, or any couple with a canon age gap (even nhs with mxy, or lxc with jc)
incest, including wwx with jc, and jin ling with lzs (the canon incest may be mentioned, but I find that comes up rarely in works I read)
romanticized rape (incl. sex under duress or when unable to consent); everything under the umbrella of ‘noncon’, ‘dubcon’, fuck or die, sex pollen, sex curses, drunk sex scenes, warprize, nonconsensual (or even consensual) somnophilia, necrophilia, etc - unless treated as a traumatic experience - I have several SA recovery works bookmarked and in my MFL
*note on novel ‘canonical kinks’ - a couple of fics do obliquely reference rape fantasy, but they’re few and far between, and there are no actual scenes depicting it. I will mark them so readers will know
abusive wwx or lwj (or anyone not already abusive)
dark!wwx or lwj (🙄)
xy/xxc unless it’s treated as fucky
fics feminizing wwx - some gray area since he’s gnc in the novel and I really do like seeing that explored; there is one exception to this rule and it will be marked
cop AUs
CEO wwx or lwj (except for parody)
character x reader
h*rry p*tter
asexual or demisexual wwx and/or lwj: I don’t have an issue with any other characters being aro or ace but they just didn’t come up very often
plus more that I habitually avoid and assume everyone following me does too, but I’m drawing a blank rn. feel free to message me to add more
due to personal preference, there will be also be no, or very little of the following:
meet-cutes, hook-ups, breakup fics (even if they get back together), friends with benefits, fake dating/relationship
self inserts
soulmate AUs
age regression (even if non-sexual)
camboy/stripper/sex worker/brothel/courtesan AUs (they’re usually awful but I do have one exception)
kinky stuff besides bdsm. not what I’m here for
*bdsm fic is not something I particularly seek out or enjoy, but since it’s kind of unavoidable so you can expect a fair amount of that
*like I really dislike reading orgasm delay/denial but it’s everywhere so *shrug*
*spanking and more specific kinks like petplay, watersports, inflation, tentacle shit, etc. will not show up since I don’t like them
any reference to the PM kiss unless it’s treated with the gravity is should be
time travel
youtube/socmed, high school, robots/androids, sports, office, assassin, spy, royalty, science fiction, idol, shapeshifting, reality tv, celebrity, mafia, actor, professor, military, or fairy tale AUs
significant canon divergence AUs
significant fix-its
junior-centric (and anything where they’re shipped with each other or anyone else)
fics over 3 chapters (with a handful of exceptions)
Hanahaki disease
mpreg: obviously trans men and and do get pregnant, but I’m wary of anything tagged mpreg since generally speaking, this type of fic is quite weird about trans men. also some mpreg is literally about cis men getting pregnant which like...???
threesomes...sorry, there are just no good ones that people write very much about
podfics/video format
fics that try to pretend like myu was a good mother lmao
I have the tag ‘oblivious wwx’ blacklisted so that might tell you something
if jc is there, people are probably bullying him, but I dislike fics written by jc haters as much as by uncritical jc fans
drawn-out miscommunication for the sake of romantic angst. super annoying
juniors shipping wx 🙄
I have ‘possessive lwj’ blacklisted but this is also something else that’s sort of everywhere; if it’s present it’s either recognized as a flaw and well-controlled, or isn’t very significant
also, the only couples I really read about or rec are
wx (number one, baby - most other couples are usually background sorry but nothing overshadows Them)
yanqing (MAYBE)
nielan (background only)
xiyao (as a toxic or past relationship only)
cssr/wcz (background only)
ONE instance of wq/jc
one-sided nhs/wwx
yaoyang lmao
wq/wwx, sexually but not romantically. like platonic BM-era comfort sex
+ random one-offs like wlj/wq, jc/jzx, and others, perhaps (??)
if you’re still reading, thanks <3
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ldss-interactive · 3 years
At Alter’s End: A CYOA Novel
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Trentworth, Maine. A town of ten thousand southeast of Ellsworth and North of Bayside. Its only bragging point since its conception in 1867 was being a shoreline city and cheaper than any of the other big tourist towns. Nothing ever happened here, besides the occasional drowning or fishing trip accident, until the killings started. They lasted five years in total and 48 people were lost to the killer’s sick desires. Robert Hall terrorized this small town, slipping under the radar by focusing on those considered “undesirable”; sex workers, orphans, drug addicts, and the like. Now ten years later, ten years after the killer has been put behind bars, murders have begun again. A copycat killer has come to Trentworth. And they seem to be targeting the ones left behind, still trying to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives…
You take the role of a highschool senior; your parents having died in a home fire shortly before the killer was put behind bars and now under the care of your workaholic aunt. Make allies of your classmates or attempt to go it alone, clear your parents’ name from their believed involvement with the killer or fight to put the past behind you, deal with the skeletons in your closet and mind or bury them deeper... Oh, and make sure your history project is turned in on time. With two young siblings depending on you and a whole host of problems a highschool student should never have to deal with, can you survive this nightmare made real?
Trigger Warnings: This game will go into very heavy topics including the following; murder, death, various mental health issues (such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety), abandonment, gambling, various types of drug addiction, self harm mentions (not happening to the MC or shown in graphic detail), suicide, sex work, child abuse (mental, emotional, and physical), and dangerous situations. This is a murder mystery/thriller, it is NOT intended for audiences below 18.
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Hello! Thank you for showing interest in At Alter’s End. This is a Choose Your Own Adventure style novel in the Thriller and Murder Mystery genres. It would also fit nicely in the Drama genre as well, but Drama is not the focus. This will be a rather lengthy project, with fifteen chapters plus a prologue and epilogue planned.
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You take on the role of a senior at Trentworth High. Join an after-school activity, take care of your younger siblings, prepare for finals, get a part time job, find a date to homecoming, and survive your worst nightmare come to life. The copycat killer is targeting the students of your school and no one is safe. With the police dragging their feet, no help coming any time soon from any higher up law enforcement, and the locals refusing to acknowledge the possibility of a copycat killer, it’s up to you and your classmates to find the person responsible...before it’s too late.
- You can play as female, male, nonbinary, or trans!
- You can be straight, gay, or bisexual!
- A highly customizable MC including hair color, eye color, skin color, hair length, height, and personality and interests!
- The ability to choose which mental illness the MC suffers from due to the trauma of their past from the following:
Anxiety, Depression, or PTSD.
- The MC is deaf in their right ear ear due to the way in which their parents died; this is not something that can be changed.
- Choose from 7 different official after-school activities! Trentworth Volunteers, Up and Coming Artists, National Debate Society, National Honors Society, Co-Ed Varsity Basketball, Creative Writing, and Trentworth Gardeners!
- Bond with your classmates, explore your town, and help raise your younger siblings!
- Rescue your parents’ bakery from corporate clutches or let it go!
- Find the killer, stop the murders, and put a stop to the rumors that have plagued your every step for 10 years!
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Vanya: Oldest adoptive twin sibling to MC’s adoptive siblings, 6 years younger than MC. Strong-headed, intelligent, and always getting into trouble. She looks after her brother and MC in the ways she can.
Ajay: Youngest adoptive twin sibling to MC’s adoptive sibling, 6 years younger than MC. Nearly completely blind since birth, he enjoys painting and other artistic endeavors. Obedient yet opinionated.
Aunt Emma: The workaholic aunt that takes custody of MC and their younger siblings after the death of their parents. Well meaning but absent most of the time on business trips or at the office.
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Kwan Hall: An adoptive relative to Robert Hall; aloof, intelligent, and completely ostracized by Trentworth as a whole. When the killings start again the town’s attention is immediately turned on Kwan. He’s the first to begin investigating the killings when the police prove their incompetence. He is of Korean descent, standing at 5’6” with dark hair and dark eyes. His most notable feature is the long scar that stretches from his forehead’s hairline, down his left temple, and ends just below his jawline and the constant disinterest on his face. He is asexual in that he doesn’t experience sexual attraction at all. He is also bisexual.
Alessia D’Agostina: Trentworth High’s school president. She’s clawed her way tooth and nail up to earn the respect of both the school faculty and her fellow classmates; she’s strong-willed, dependable, and always looks at things through a logical lens. When she sees her classmates dying, she takes it upon herself to try and stop this once and for all. With dark skin, deep brown eyes, long braided hair, and standing at 5’8” her confidence and sense of self always make sure she stands out from the crowd. Alessia is bisexual.
Georgiy Kuzmin: Twin brother to Anastasiya Kuzmin; he is, in the kindest way possible, not the brightest bulb in the box. Yet he always means well and is more than willing to offer a helping hand. As the co-captain of the basketball team, captain of the baseball team, and the star of the swim team, Georgiy is one of the most popular and well beloved students at Trentworth High. When he realizes his friends are in danger, he willingly throws himself into the investigation to do all he can to help. With fair skin, dirty blond hair, bubbly green eyes, and standing at 6’1” he cuts an approachable figure to anyone who knows him. Georgiy is gay.
Anastasiya Kuzmin: Twin sister to Georgiy Kuzmin: she and her brother are alike in so many ways apart from just appearance. Anastasiya, who goes by Ana more often than not, is head of the Co-Ed Varsity Basketball team, the Girls’ softball team, and the Tennis team. Just as popular and loved as her brother, Ana may not be the smartest but she makes up for it with passion and dedication. Like her brother, she has fairer skin, dirty blond hair, and bright green eyes. Also like her brother, she felt she couldn’t just sit around while her friends were put in danger and agreed to join the investigation. Ana is gay and demiromantic, meaning she only gains feelings for someone after having a strong relationship with them.
Lillian Triano: A quiet, withdrawn girl who mainly keeps to herself. Due to the fact that Trentworth High demands for every senior to be apart of an elective, she is mainly seen in afterschool reading club run by Ms. Habeeb. She’s MC’s closest friend, having been one of the only people who didn’t believe the rumors that MC’s parents were assisting Robert Hall in his murders. She has an olive complexion, brown eyes, a heavy dose of freckles, and stands at 5’1”. Lillian is gay.
Jasmine Abernathy: Jasmine is Trentworth High’s self proclaimed “Best news source!” After the school newspaper was disbanded, Jasmine took it upon herself to keep freedom of the press alive. She’s fierce in her pursuit of the truth and never one to back down from a fight, though her rash attitude can get her into some sticky situations on occasion. With vibrant red hair, dark brown eyes, and standing at 5’3” she puts the term “fire” in Fire Signs. (She’s an Aries in astrology!) When the copycat killings began, it was no surprise when she took the case head on. Jasmine is bisexual.
Asa San Nicholas: Asa is the oldest of a set of triplets; they’re the type to march to the beat of their own drum, often not listening to what anyone has to say about themselves or their interests. Asa is a firm believer in the paranormal and it isn’t uncommon to find them indulging in their interest in various ways. “The spirits are distrubed. These deaths aren’t meant to happen.” Asa’s reason for getting involved seems to tie directly back to their “connection” with the spirits of the town. Asa has black hair, most often tied in a ponytail, hazel eyes, and an olive skin tone. At 6’4” they tower over most everyone...something they seem to enjoy a great deal. Asa doesn’t see gender and is interested in people regardless of how they present.
Leo San Nicholas: The middle of the triplets. They are genderfluid, okay with any pronouns. Leo is, for lack of a better word, eccentric. A bit of an adrenaline junkie, you can often find them cliff diving or giving their siblings heart attacks by playing russian roulette with a chocolate gun. To them, it isn’t fun if there isn’t a little danger involved; naturally, an investigation into a serial killer scratches that itch quite nicely. Their black hair is clipped short, multiple piercings visible on each ear, and their heterochromatic hazel and green eyes are often stated to stare through a person. Although Leo is genderfluid, they are only interested in people who present as female.
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The demo is upcoming! When it is available I will make a post announcing it! I will also update this post with the link! This game is written in choicescript; the demo will be published on Dashingdon and the final game will be published for free on itch.io. I am open for questions regarding this game/novel and once the demo is published I will also be publishing a link to my Ko-fi! Until then, please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
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Noncon stories, Fantasy vs. Reality, and more. fucking. issues.
Recently, I’ve been hit with some drama as to why I’m a “bad person” by various, anonymous users in this fandom. I thought I’d try to address the claim, address my stance on fics that involve noncon, and what I think about the “Tumblr mentality” after everything I’ve seen of this place. I should also note that I’m going to use the specific words and phrases I’ve been forced to constantly repeat as explaining my stance has been very difficult for me, as I’m a person who’s apparently challenging to understand.
This is going to be a long post, with subjects that's obviously going to trigger people so here's a warning right now..
That being said, I’m going to dive into this with some shit I’ve definitely said before:
“Consensual Noncon” Kink
The Appeal of this Theme in Fanfiction:
I don't think calling fics that involve noncon "rape fics" and those who enjoy it "getting off to rape" is a very good way to put it. Many engaging and well done media pieces often involve some very dark themes. Again, Monster by Meg and Dia is a song that features the main character sexually abusing a girl he met. You COULD call this a "rape song", but acting as if the rape is the only thing that matters in this story would be pretty..naive. The story has to do with an emotionally, and physically neglected/abused boy, who grows up and becomes an attention/love starved monster who's SO starving for validation, that he believes forcing himself upon a girl he knew would "prove" to himself that he's capable of being touched and loved. Of course, the main character eventually realizes that rape is not love, that what he did was wrong, and later kills himself in his own bathtub with kerosene and a match.
However, the assault aspect of this song is still a meaningful and alluring part because it talks about how emotional and physical abuse can warp someone's perspective on reality, to the point where they think forcing someone to "stay" with them is how to create a healthy relationship. That's the same energy I have for noncon fics, especially in the slasher fandom. Many slasher fics that contain noncon often have to do with the slasher preying on the reader because of their own fucked up mind. It's intriguing because, let's be honest, pretty much none of the slashers are in a pretty good mental space lmao. Thus, noncon actually falls more in line with how slashers would go about what they believe is a "good relationship" more often than quite a bit of fans here seem to believe. Again, Michael got boners, Jason chained someone up, Fredddy smooches people against their will, Billy Lenz is a sex offender, Chromeskull makes snuff, yada yada yada, you know the drill. That being said, it's interesting to see noncon being expressed with these characters because it gives us a new perspective on how fucked up they'd likely be if the world of sex and relationships was introduced to these characters.
Now why would some people become sexually aroused by the events of the story? First of all, how does “Consensual Noncon” kink work?
u/Jumbledcode. (2015). ‘Can anyone comment on why people (someone like me) enjoy rape/non-con story lines?’. r/TwoXChromosomes.
“I'd suggest that there are several factors that make up the appeal of non-con fantasies.
Guilt/Self-image: For many people, their sexual/relationship desires don't necessarily match their image of themselves, or alternatively they feel guilt over others' perceptions of those desires. Rape fantasies allow them to mantain some illusion of denial over their desires while still indulging in the idea of them.
Responsibility/Laziness: The appeal of abdicating control isn't limited to avoiding guilt; it's very tempting to want a scenario where you have no responsibility for maintaining your lifestyle/happiness. Similarly to before, it's the appeal of being given what you secretly want without even having to choose it.
Transgressiveness: A rape scenario has overtones of danger and taboo-breaking. These can easily be exciting and can therefore be a turn-on.
Desire: Being wanted is often a huge turn-on, and the idea of someone desiring you enough to break laws and disregard everything to have you plays into this feeling.
To me, it seems that most people who fantasize about being the subject of rape do so due to some mix of these motivations I've mentioned. Of course, there are also those who have experiences which have taught them to associate non-consent with their sexuality, but that's a separate issue”.
What if the Fanfic Only Involves the Act though? Wouldn’t it Encourage Actual Rape?
Let’s differentiate fantasy and reality. Towards those with the noncon kink: it offers arousal because of the ideas listed above (the idea of the reader not having to make any moves and the character doing the “intimate work” FOR them, the excitement of such a taboo sexual encounter, and the feeling to be desired through an altered, brutish encounter). Rape is the use of sex to remove control over the victim’s mind and body. The readers DO have control over whether or not they get to “encounter” (the choice to even read) this fantasy, so right away consent is present in reality, and no actual rape is being done.
Now does this mean that the kinkers are getting off on the idea of rape? Not really.
The thing with self-inserts is that it allows you to be connected to the story. That way, even if the story has you bruised up and begging for mercy, a part of you-you (if you’re a kinker) wants to keep reading it as you find it exciting. That way, as you and story-you are connected, what you really want in such a fantasy is for it to keep going despite the brutish, possessive, however yet desired nature of the character you’re dreaming about dealing with. (repeat: the idea of the reader not having to make any moves and the character doing the “intimate work” FOR them, the excitement of such a taboo sexual encounter, and the feeling to be desired through an altered, brutish encounter). That being said, it’s still entirely possible for kinkers to have their personal space and wishes crossed, and ultimately assaulted. Us enjoying the fantasy of such a reverie sexual encounter does not spell out to real life because (in reality) we’re not horny all the time, we would still like our bodies to be respected when we find it necessary, and we still have feelings as we’re still human.
“Fantasy (including video games) leads to violence” fallacy.
It would be like assuming that shooters in games like GTA fantacise about murder, encourage it, and would do it in real life. Taking fabricated anger out on virtual bodies or NPCs is quite different from the weight of murder (the killing of another human being). One can play video games with lots of violence towards such fabricated characters, while discouraging violence towards human beings. The act of using a game controller to beat up Donkey Kong in Smash, to shoot Nazi zombies in a Black Ops game, or to kill a Geisha in Little Nightmares is incredibly, and immensely different from completely eradicating the life of a person on Earth, and to assume that everyone who plays violent video games would spill out to violence in reality would be to participate in a ridiculous fallacy. Yes, there are outliers who are feeble minded enough to let their fantasies influence their actions towards actual people, but I must repeat that there are also people who utilize these fantasies for their personal satisfaction, while understanding the weight of the real world around them (and choosing not to act so detrimentally). Therefore, it wouldn’t be fair as it would be unnecessary to blatantly say that all fantasies are horrible and should be entirely eradicated if there ARE many people who ARE aware enough to understand that some thoughts are better off staying in fiction.
Now is the time to address what’s been said:
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...Firstly, I think it’s very disgusting that random users, on Tumblr of all places, are trying to manipuate random victims of sexual assault into hating something or someone just because these users FEEL like “it’s the right thing to do”.. People, victims of sexual assault aren’t your fucking dogs. They’re not carriage horses, they’re not your work mules, they’re not your guns and swords...they’re just people who normally wanna be left the fuck alone like everyone else. Plus, there ARE people who have experienced sexual assault who take joy in reading such dark storylines. What would these users have to say to them? That they’re not “real” victims? That what they’ve experienced “never happened”? That they’re “just like” their own perpetrators for using the consensual nonconsent to miraculously help them overcome their trauma? Should they really abandon their coping mechanism just because there are other victims who cope in different ways?
..If you seriously believe that all people who have gone through a traumatic event are gonna cope in the exact same fucking way, you literally don’t even know enough about PTSD to even be making a bold statement about cope.
This is the part where I finally realized that people, and especially those on Tumblr, don’t actually care about rape victims as much as they may claim. Many users on here, on this platform and in this fandom, don’t truly give a flying monkey shit about rape victims as people, nor what they have to say about the subject. Rape victims..on this place..seem to be used mainly as a means of figurative weaponry for a group’s subjective morality.
I find the similarity close to radical feminism. Radical feminists often believe that women, from near and far, have to do everything in their power to “destroy” the patriarchy. This would mean disobeying the societal expectation of women, even if there are some women who take joyment in engaging in some societal standards for their personal liking. An example would be sex work. Radical feminists acknowledge the flaws in performing sex work, but believe that NO woman should EVER partake even if the woman wants to do it out of her own free will. In demonizing and ostracizing any woman who doesn’t fall into the radical feminist agenda, radical feminists actually contradict their purpose to “let women be free”. At this point, you realize that radical feminists often don’t actually give a fuck about what any woman wants for herself. Instead, radical feminists want to utilize any woman they can find just to flip off men as a group.
In Tumblr users trying to “stand up” for rape victims for their personal “holier-than-thou” ego, they fail to care enough about the very people they defend to understand the dynamics of some of their coping mechanisms, thus begin to bully some members of the group they claim to protect because of the very narcissism, misunderstanding, and controlling nature going on behind their own “activism”. So now that some users have found something to hate, in this case being noncon stories, they attempt to manipulate victims of rape into ostraciszing and demonizing fantasies and other victims of rape just because the “activists” themsleves don’t like it. Even trying to argue that rape victims have a “duty” to agree with everything these “activists” try to do for them.
Sounds awfully familiar to the attitude democrats have towards any minority when it’s time to vote. “I care about you...but you have to agree with everything I say and believe because I want what I think is best for you. If you disagree with me, you’re ungrateful and a traitor”.
Now...a little about myself.
I’m not sure of everyone else who’s into the noncon type of story, but I use it to get away from my past. In noncon stories, I want to read what happens in the chapters. I want to imagine them for morbid curiosity and arousal I feel at the time being. In reality, my attackers didn’t care when I wasn’t in the mood, and never gave me a choice. In noncon stories, I get to choose the character I want to encounter in the fantasy and NOT have it picked FOR me. In real life, I didn’t get to choose who did some things to me. In noncon stories, I get to stop reading them and do something else whenever I’m not feeling it anymore. In reality? My attackers kept going because, in the situation, it was no longer up to me. After noncon stories, my body doesn’t walk away with bruises, bite marks, and physical reminders every time I take my clothes off or try to masturbate. In real life...that shit can mark you, disease you, and then traumatize you. With the stories, I get to delete my search history, join another fandom, and act like nothing ever happened. For reality? Your own body is a reminder of what happened because it was real. In reality, I’m NEVER gonna fucking forget what happened. I’ll be lucky if my own mind and body doesn’t haunt me for at least one day..
So seeing that someone, and probably multiple people not only tried to use victims of sexual assault for their own “go get em” dogs, but to try and phrase me as someone who loves and encourages such an assault on human beings? After the things I felt? After the things I tasted? After pathetically searching for the support of relatives, just to get shut down with “you’re lying”?..
...All the times I've been held down..threatened..clothes getting snagged off..parts being opened and touched after I've fought to just get the fuck away from certain people...
According to this anon..."she likes rape".
...I guess I just fucking LOVED EVERYTHING THEN.
You know...all my life I’ve been misunderstood by many people. It’s honestly really disappointing that even now when I’m better at explaining myself than ever, I’m STILL being phrased as a “psychopath” by random people who haven’t even taken the time to even know me. Not even from a minute-long conversation through a damn computer screen. And you wanna know the funny thing? I’m probably being laughed at as this is being read. Some of these users, these internet stalkers, are probably giggling, smiling, and saying “Haha YES we GOT the bitch!! Cry you piece of shit SLUT!!”. So maybe explaining my past experiences to help everyone understand why some people may use noncon stories to their fantasy advantage is gonna land me messages going: “You haven’t been raped you lying bitch”, “Maybe you should get raped again”, “You definitely enjoyed it”, and the overused, yet strong “Kill yourself”.
So how am I gonna end this message? With me saying that many of you, who THINK you’re doing the right thing by justifying harassment and trying to manipulate others into joining your little crusade to bully people away from the fandom (over extremely mundane fucking things)...aren’t really good people. At best, in this case...you’re fucking stupid. You will never truly speak for any of the marginalized groups you claim to know like the back of your hand. Simply, you will never. be. a hero.
If by chance, by an astrological chance..that any random user wants to come up and apologize out of the blue for talking such shit and for saying such things..I don't even wanna hear it...just get the fuck out of my face..
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Welcome to my Dumpster Fire
Welcome to my dumpster fire... here are some disclaimers and links to get you started:
(Not all links work on mobile, I apologize for the inconvenience)
Other ✨Hellsites✨:
Archive of Our Own (Fanfiction Only)
OG Revenant Filter
Reborn Revenant Filter
Artwork Masterlist:
My Art Tag
My Poetry Tag
Fanfiction Masterlist:
General Fanfiction Tag
Adventures with Revenant the Frog
Leaves One Cold (Revenant x Reader) [NSFW]
- - - Book 1: Just a Volunteer
- - - Book 2: The Lost Files
- - - Book 3: Of Feathers and Venom
Leaves One Cold (Revenant x Reader) [SFW]
- - - Book 1: Just a Volunteer
- - - Book 2: The Lost Files
- - - Book 3: Of Feathers and Venom
Q & A:
All Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers with Art
Questions and Answers about Fanfictions
Questions and Answers about the Schedule
Idea Bag:
The secret list of things that give me ideas that might be things someday
About Me in a Jiffy:
Revenant-Dumpster-Fire (this)
@withering-wendigo (main)
All of them are acceptable, including it/its
Old enough to remember the beautiful neon-patterned carpets of the various arcades in the late 1990's when I was a tiny child. I miss them dearly. I'd like to go home soon.
Perma-Shout Outs:
@saltssaumure (For this beautiful piece)
@chonkoart-8794 & @chonkoart8794 (For this beautiful piece)
@allidde & @alliddeart (For this beautiful piece)
Header/Profile Image:
Both of these are made by me and you can find them in the art tag listed above, unless the profile subtext lists a different artist. Then, that artist will be in the perma-shout outs above for making art for me because they deserve any and all love and attention I can give them. The joy it brings me is indescribable.
I find something "neat" about almost every ship and am super laid back about them. If Revenant is artfully made in it, it's likely that it will show up here as a reblog. I do not exalt my ships above others, ultimately I want to enjoy Revenant above all else. I will tag ships for your blocklists! Common ones: RevHound, RevTane, RevAsh, and RevFinder. See tag list below for full list.
Trigger Warnings:
Revenant stuff tends to fall under the violent, body horror, blood, gore, and sharp objects warnings. I’ll try to tag correctly. Just keep your wits about you and feel free to block me if you find yourself under duress. Please see the tags below to see what you may need to manage in your blocklists.
Original Content:
My original content will be posted here when I muster up the courage. I vary in style heavily and thrive on inconsistency and experimentation. My writing can also get very lusty very quickly, so avoid that if it's not your cup of tea.
NSFW Content:
No worse than Questionable in terms of images, art, or pictures. My writing can get Explicit and is marked as such when it does, but I now make Mature versions of my writing for the continued comfort of readers who struggle with intimacy-based traumas or hangups. Me writing is me coping with my own, I really do get it.
Reblog Comments:
I've been instructed that Tumblr culture is to leave compliments in the tags which I try to do as often as possible. I want to spread the happiness. I am so deeply sorry if it is annoying in any way. Genuinely, I just want to make you smile.
List of Tags:
The following are the tags to be aware of and potentially update your blocklists for:
#tw: abuse
#tw: assault
#tw: attempted assault
#tw: attempted rape
#tw: au
#tw: bipolar
#tw: blood
#tw: body dysmorphia
#tw: body horror
#tw: cigar
#tw: cigarette
#tw: crime
#tw: death
#tw: death mention
#tw: depression
#tw: disassociation
#tw: divorce
#tw: dom
#tw: dom/sub
#tw: drugs
#tw: drug abuse
#tw: erotic
#tw: gore
#tw: graphic content
#tw: harassment
#tw: mania
#tw: meat
#tw: mental health
#tw: murder
#tw: nightmares
#tw: noncon
#tw: nsft
#tw: nsfw
#tw: pain
#tw: past abuse
#tw: ptsd
#tw: rape
#tw: sex
#tw: sex mention
#tw: sexual assault
#tw: sexual themes
#tw: sharp
#tw: sharps
#tw: slavery
#tw: smoking
#tw: smut
#tw: suggestive
#tw: suicide
#tw: suicide mention
#tw: threats
#tw: trauma
#tw: vent
#tw: violence
#tw: war
#tw: war mention
List of Ship Tags:
The following are the tags to be aware of and potentially update your blocklists for (not all of these will appear):
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thatsamericano · 3 years
Some sex-related headcanons I have about Lithuania, mostly related to how I think Russia’s abuse might have given him triggers regarding certain kinks. TW for abuse, brief ship negativity, and discussions of Amelietmano and Lietpol in sexual situations under the cut.
I absolutely can’t ship him with Russia, who physically abused him in canon. Even if Russia later apologized and tried to make amends, I feel uncomfortable shipping him with his former abuser. I’d also feel uncomfortable putting him in a relationship with Belarus, who broke his fingers after he went out with her on a date for all of three minutes. He had a one-sided crush on her in canon, so I think it’s okay to mention that, but she doesn’t seem to like him very much. I’m open to shipping him with various people, but not with Russia or Belarus because they abused him.
I think Lithuania would be sexually incompatible with characters like Germany, who might strongly kink on some of the things that trigger Lithuania (for Germany, I think it’s certain kinds of BDSM). Germany would practice any of his kinks according to SSC/RACK guidelines, use and respect safe words, and take aftercare seriously, but Lithuania simply couldn’t do certain kinks, even with all those safeguards. Germany wouldn’t practice any of his kinks with a partner who really didn’t like them, but I think Germany would be happier if his partner could enjoy at least some of the kinks he’s really into. Germany is just an example here, and there may be other characters Lithuania is sexually incompatible with for this reason.
Because of how he was abused, he’s really not into receiving pain during sex. Any kind of impact play against his back, especially whipping, would trigger him. TBH, I don’t think he’d even like rough sex. He needs his partners to be gentle with him, and he probably also feels more comfortable being gentle with them in return. America would naturally gravitate towards being gentle with his partners at first because he’s afraid of accidentally hurting them with his super strength. He’d only go for rough sex if he knew they specifically wanted that, and even then, he’d need to be reassured that it was okay afterwards, especially at the beginning. I have mentioned before that Romerica might enjoy rough sex, but if they were in an OT3 with Lithuania, that would be something they did separately from him.
The strip where Russia whipped Lithuania showed him wearing a maid outfit while this was happening. He obviously would be uncomfortable with wearing any kind of maid outfits or role playing as one in a sexual context, and I think he might be uncomfortable cross dressing (himself) in general. He wouldn’t be uncomfortable with a partner who enjoyed cross dressing themselves (like Poland, who I think would be really into that), but if it carried over into them wanting Lithuania to participate in a feminization kink, that might trigger Lithuania or make him uncomfortable. In a previous post about Romerica, I’ve mentioned them kinking on seeing their partner in various outfits. If it’s just Romerica, this might include cross dressing, but the main appeal is how their partner looks in the outfit and how they carry themselves in a sexy and confident way, not the fact that it’s a dress/skirt/what have you. In an Amelietmano OT3, they wouldn’t expect Lithuania to wear anything that made him uncomfortable.
Lithuania would be triggered by being subjected to anything resembling degradation/humiliation, including in dirty talk. Russia’s abuse was more than just physical, and I think Lithuania would have felt humiliated by some of the things Russia did to him. He’d also be very uncomfortable doing that to a partner. America and Romano are also very uncomfortable with this kink in both directions due to their self-esteem issues, so this would never come up in an Amelietmano OT3.
This is a bit theoretical, but I think Lithuania would be uncomfortable with formal D/s, especially in the sub role. He could be triggered by being expected to call someone “master” or “sir” if Russia ever forced him to use titles like that. He would definitely not be into lifestyle D/s, where he gets ordered around and “punished” outside the bedroom or treated in any way as a servant. In canon, Lithuania helped America with certain tasks while he was living with him and called him the somewhat formal “America-san,” but those were things done of his own volition and not things America expected of him. Even if he was technically working for America during the Outsourcing Series, America clearly saw him as a friend rather than a servant or employee. Lithuania might not be as triggered in the dom role, but I think being called “master” or “sir” or serving as a lifestyle dom could make him uncomfortable. I don’t think America or Romano are into any of these kinks (sub or dom) and would possibly be uncomfortable with lifestyle D/s, so this wouldn’t present an issue in an Amelietmano OT3.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 3 years
Hey, I started reading Female General Elder Princess because I got the link from your blog and I wanted some lesbian historical romance. I've just begun reading it, but I already love it! ❤️❤️❤️
Btw, do you have any other recs for translated novels/web novels??
Glad you’re enjoying FGEP :3 
I have not read as many webnovels as I’d like to say I have, but I’ve got other recs, definitely. I hope you like these!
Wiegenlied of Green
This novel is part of a larger series by the Japanese song writer and producer mothy, called the Story of Evil. The Story of Evil is part of a larger series called the Evillious Chronicles, also by mothy. I’d actually recommend the EC as a whole, it’s great despite its flaws, but Wiegenlied of Green essentially centers on two of the universe’s characters, Michaela and Clarith. It’s about how they meet and how their (eventually romantic) relationship develops around each other, as they’re both quite different people. Clarith is a kind person but shunned and ostracized for her Netsuma heritage, which was connected in a bad way to another event earlier in the universe’s history. As a result, she has extremely low self-esteem. Michaela on the other hand was originally an immortal forest spirit in the form of a robin, but she takes the form of a human in order to assist a sorceress. Because of her origins and true nature, Michaela lacks understanding about human emotions, both the good and the bad, and as a result finds herself pretty baffled living among humans. So when the two of them meet… 
There’s other elements and plots, as the Evillious Chronicles universe is much wider, but at its core Wiegenlied of Green is Michaela and Clarith’s story. The original is in Japanese (obv), but it’s fully translated to English here. The prose can get a little awkward due to converting between languages, but it’s definitely not incomprehensible. AND MICHAELA MARRY ME. 
(A side note, but mothy actually made two songs about the plot of Wiegenlied of Green as well, even though it cuts out a lot of the novel’s storyline. One is from Clarith’s perspective, called Daughter of White in reference to Clarith’s white hair as a Netsuma, and the other is from Michaela’s perspective, called Maiden of the Tree: Thousand-Year Wiegenlied, in reference to her original status as a spirit of the forest. I wouldn’t watch either of their videos or read any translations of them until after I’ve finished the novel, though, since they both have spoilers.) 
Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun
(I’m gonna go with the English title here, because the Chinese title is pretty long, to the point that most people call it 2ha or Erha.) This is a Chinese danmei novel, by the author Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat. Its protagonist is Mo Ran, who became tyrannical emperor after losing his first love, and killed a bunch of people. Eventually, he committed suicide, only to wake up and find that he’s traveled back in time to when he was fifteen years old, before his first love died. This was my first danmei novel, and god. It has some really interesting themes about justice, redemption, atonement, morality, forgiveness, etc. The title may sound childish, but I hurt myself reading it. I think the strength of 2ha is that the author expresses raw emotions so well that I can’t help coming back, and she gets you so invested in all the characters. Massive trigger warning, though, for r/pe, abuse, explicit sex, and gore. Also, Chu Wanning, the main love interest/deuteragonist, is Mo Ran’s shizun, or teacher. Although this is handled carefully by the story, it still might be off-putting.
Here’s a link to translations in various languages; as far as I know, there’s no full human translation into English. The machine translations are understandable, but they also might come across as awkward. I’d say it’s still more than  worth it, though.
Tian Guan Ci Fu
The English title is Heaven’s Official Blessing. This is also Chinese danmei web novel by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. It’s protagonist, Xie Lian, is the crown prince of the kingdom Xianle, who ascended to the status of a god at age seventeen due to his cultivation but ended up being banished because of, ahem, circumstances. The main love interest and deuteragonist is Hua Cheng, who is… it’s complicated. As for its strengths, Tian Guan Ci Fu is just great all around, honestly. The themes are tight and consistent, the characters are wonderful (I’m extremely in love with Yushi Huang), and the worldbuilding is stellar. Not to mention, the main couple has me screaming into my pillow every moment of every day. 
The story is fully translated to English here. MXTX, the author, has also written other web novels that I haven’t read (yet), but I’ve heard amazing things about all of them. One is Mo Dao Zu Shi (“Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation”), the source material for the TV show The Untamed, which you might have seen stuff about. The other is Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, which is also apparently really good. 
Wiegenlied, 2ha, and TGCF are the only ones I can come up with so far, but I have a huge to-read list of webnovels. Of course I can’t recommend them since I haven’t read them yet, but here they are if you want to read more:
Night Flowers Shirking From the Light of the Sun
Qiang Jin Jiu
Sha Po Lang
Qi Ye
The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress
Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms
Qian Qiu
My Princess Has Been Reborn
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I write because I lead a lonely life with very little human interaction.
I write so that I can feel what friendship and love feels like, so that I can feel like I’m a part of something bigger.
I write to escape the problems that plague me in real life, to get to hang out with people and characters that have impacted my life.
I write because it makes me happy and helps me cope with the life I’ve been given.
When I write, I get to insert myself into those worlds and feel a deep connection with its inhabitants, forming bonds of friendship and love that I can’t make in real life.
For me, it’s the same as watching anime or watching a movie and getting engrossed in the story. I’m super sensitive and empathetic, so I can feel what other people experience, whether they be real people or those you find within anime.
You can call it pathetic, and a lot of people don’t understand Fanfiction and find it weird, but for me, it’s part of my life and plays a huge part in my happiness.
I pour my heart and soul into my writing, so sharing it with others is quite nerve-wracking, but at the same time, I couldn’t imagine writing just to keep them on a hard drive somewhere.
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I believe that in today’s society, everyone gets triggered over everything because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their lives. While I do my best to label my stories with warnings if I think it might have legit triggering content, if you find something to be triggering and I haven’t labeled it as such, please let me know. I will review it and see if I can agree with it being a genuine concern.
A lot of my writing features subjects that I have experience with. These are the things I consider to require a trigger warning:
Mentions of suicide/suicide attempts.
Abuse, both mental and physical.
Alternatively, I refuse to write about rape/non-consensual sex.
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I rarely write adult content (smut, lemons, etc.) because I feel like I suck at writing them due to the simple fact that I don’t have any experience in that area. I write a lot more suggestive content (16+) which eludes to having sex but never actually states it or adds anything overtly sexual to the story.
However, due to some recent soul searching, I’ve come to realize that I may be a bit uptight when it comes to sexual content because I was raised in a strict Christian environment. I plan to try branching out and try writing some more adult content.
I will NOT write smut for any real persons under the age of eighteen (kpop idols for example).
When it comes to anime, though, I will age them up to at least sixteen. Some people may find some issue with this, but I feel like it’s not that big of a deal because they aren’t real people, they’re just characters and this is just fiction.
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From my experience, not too many people like writing in Second Person, and must prefer First or Third. However, a long time ago on Tumblr (yes, I know, the bane of the internet), I saw several posts in the fanfiction tag talking about how they couldn’t relate to most original characters with their fair skin or curly hair. That got me thinking a lot, and I came to realize that I usually skip over descriptive details about original characters simply because I can’t relate to most of them.
Since that day, I decided to write in Second Person so that anyone, no matter their skin color, hair type, body type, etc., can enjoy the fics I write. I avoid adding descriptions of the reader so that anyone can view themselves in that role.
Alternatively, I do my best not to add gender to the reader, as well. At the end of the day, though, I am a female, so it’s natural that my fics will lean more towards a feminine reader, though I’m quite boyish so maybe that will help. I don’t like to label myself, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be straight, so most of my fics are about guys.
However, there are some female characters that I love so damn much that I would happily be with them if given the chance, so I might write about some of them occasionally.
Now, I’ve already stated that Second Person is my main go-to for my fics, but when there’s a fic that’s important to me or with a character/anime that I especially enjoy, I might switch to a different point of view for that specific fic. I usually add it to the pairing at the start of the fic, though.
In case you don’t know what the different points of view are, they are as follows:
First Person; I went to the store today. Second Person; You went to the store today. Third Person; She/He went to the story today.
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The story behind my name is quite a simple and boring one, but I thought I would share it anyway.
World of Warcraft and Neverwinter are among some of my top favorite video games, and within them, my favorite class has always been the Rogue. They aren’t easy to play, and I always do them wrong, but it’s my favorite class and I feel so much happiness playing them.
Ever since I was a child, I’ve always been obsessed with rain. When it rains here, I usually drop everything I’m doing and rush outside with some paper and a book. I can’t express how happy I feel when it rains. It calms my soul and washes away everything that troubles me. Thunderstorms are the absolute best!
Actually, I started a fic set all about the rain. At the time of this post, I haven’t added that book yet, but I’ll be adding it soon – it’s called Rain Falls (original, I know).
Over my time across the internet, I have had many names and posted my fics in many different places under different names, so if you find it posted elsewhere under a different name, please let me know.
Currently, I am only posting my fics here and on WordPress under the same name. I’m considering posting them on Deviantart, as well, under the same name but at the current time, I have not done so.
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I began my writing journey when I was around twelve years old when I joined a magical little site called Quizilla. If you didn’t get the chance to experience this wonderful site, let me give you a quick rundown of what you could find there. As the name suggests, it was a site where you could make and take lots of different quizzes. The most popular ones were things such as “What anime character are you?” “Who will fall in love with you?” “What animal are you?”, etc.
Most of the stories there at the time were all about emo boys and naruto lol I remember such stories as “Who will you choose? A demon, angel or vampire”. My favorite parts of this site were the challenges and contests, which a lot of my fics are based around. Here are a few examples:
139 Prompts
Here, There, Everywhere
Lights, Camera, Action!
How to Trick Him into Bed in 10 Easy Steps
Love and Other Disasters
I haven’t been able to find a website that offers a good set of prompts like they had on Quizilla, but I still try looking for them. Ever since then, I’ve been writing off and on. I like to believe my writing has gotten better, but I don’t really know for sure. At least a little less cringy, I hope.
I also hold out the hope that, one day, Quizilla will make its return.
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☂ Writing
Everything written on this blog was written by me, TheRainRogue.
☂ Original
All original works were created and written by me, TheRainRogue.
☂ Fandoms
All fandoms written about belong to their respective creators. I did not create any of these worlds or characters.
☂ Banners
All banners featured on this blog were edited by me using textures and images made by other people. All images belong to their respective owners/creators.
☂ Blog
This blog was created as an archive for my writing. Everything posted here was done so with the intention of celebrating the various fandoms other people have created. All rights reserved.
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robinskey · 5 years
about me
name: nat
age: 20
pronouns: she/her
main blog: @cultivatingkindness (aesthetics/positivity)
other blogs: @thecuriousitydoor (misc), @ficrexx (nsfw reblogs-pls don’t interact w that one unless you’re 18+!), @thighsofnightmares (literally just chaos), a semi-secret nsfw blog--message me if you want the username lmao
star sign: leo
myers-briggs type: infj
from: usa
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
currently: a college student studying to be a high school English teacher :)
fandoms: marvel, stranger things, harry potter, the good place, various musicals (mostly mamma mia! but also some wicked, les mis, etc.), parks and rec, the office, friends, schitt’s creek, the politician, sex education, doctor who
musicians (tagged as #music): king princess, taylor swift, halsey, harry styles, etc
this is a  s a f e  s p a c e. racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated here. if you’re not okay with that, this isn’t the blog for you.
mostly sfw but occasionally a lil spicy. i try to tag anything nsfw as such, but if you’re under 18, pls navigate this blog with care. :)
my tagging system
i tag every post with the fandom, usually the character(s), and any necessary trigger warnings. all of my non-fandom-related posts are tagged as either #personal or #nf (or both)-feel free to block that if you’d like. :)
i try to remember to tag all my og writings with #parker-potter and #parker-potter writes, but i forget sometimes (often). you can find all of my fics on my masterlist.
i use trigger warnings with the format “tw: (trigger)” (i.e., tw: abuse, tw: suicide, etc.). please lmk if you’d like me to start tagging something else! don’t ever be afraid to ask-i want everyone to feel comfortable on this blog
is it okay to reblog your fics?
absolutely!! it actually means a lot to me when people like my writing enough to actually want it on their blogs. :’) just please do not repost my work on other sites without my permission. i appreciate the sentiment; i just ask that you ask me first before copying and pasting it somewhere else. and definitely don’t claim my work as your own.
do you write smut?
no, i don’t. that’s my gift to humanity, actually--if i tried to write smut, you would literally want to claw your eyes out after (or during) reading it.
are your requests open?
yep! i try to fulfill as many requests as i can. however, as a full-time college student, i don’t have a lot of free time to write, so i’m not at all consistent with my uploading schedule.
who do you write for?
currently, i’ve been on a stranger things kick-specifically steve harrington and a bit of billy hargrove. i’m open to writing for any of the teens-i just haven’t had any requests and/or inspiration for the others. i also love marvel (peter parker/steve rogers/bucky barnes are my WEAKNESSES) and harry potter (esp the marauders era and remus lupin.)
why is most of your stuff with a fem! reader?
okay, so, this isn’t a question i’ve actually been asked, but i wanted to include it so i could clear up any confusion: i typically write from a fem! perspective since i myself identify as female, so it’s just the POV i relate to the most. i’ve been trying to be better lately about keeping things gender neutral unless the request specifies, but i still mess up sometimes.
is it okay to tag you in things?
absolutely! i just started tracking the tag #usernatjo, and i’m going to do my best to start checking that regularly. i also loooove to be tagged in tag games and fics you think i’d like!
cool(ish) links
my interview with The Citrus Scale that made me feel like a real, live author
my masterlist 
ask box (hmu bbs!!)
i do not own any rights to the characters or worlds mentioned in my stories. i write fanfiction for fun and make no monetary gains off my published stories. additionally, i do not claim that any of the stories i publish are canon nor are affiliated with the respective owners in any way, shape, or form.
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Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism by Kerth Barker
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We read this book so that you don’t have to. Upon discovering Satanism, one thing you might do, is browse Amazon in search of reading material. If, like many of our readers, you’re money savvy and like to hunt for deals, you may be tempted to find the cheapest satanic books. DON’T. This was one of the first to come up on the list. At only £5 for a physical copy, it looks like a bargain.  It is not. You will lose brain cells.
Please be aware that this book talks about child abuse, and so this review may be triggering for some.
Kerth Barker is a man who has written many fictional titles in which he depicts his own “Satanic abuse”, committed by various Satanists; most of which are apparently part of the illustrious Illuminati. They control everything in the world, want to see it destroyed, and yes, they all want to have sex with him. It is a classic example of Satanic Panic and is further proof that to this day, we still need to fight these unfathomable, despicable excuses of human beings who spread such codswallop. Spoiler alert. This guy (pictured below) is a con artist.
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The Satanic Panic was born in the United States in the early 1980's. Evolving mainly from rumours of Satanic Ritual Abuse (commonly referred to as SRA). Allegations involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of people in the context of occult or Satanic rituals. By the late 1990's this epidemic of paranoia had spread to many parts of the world.
The first written account of SRA, which was a major trigger for Satanic Panic, was Lawrence Pazder’s 1980 book Michelle Remembers. Much like Kerth Barkers book, it was written in the form of an autobiography of Michelle Smith. Told by Smith and her husband to her Psychiatrist, Pazder himself. It is easy to see where Barker gained his inspiration. Michelle Remembers has now been completely discredited, but not before major uproar and accusations stemmed from it. Triggering what was essentially a mass witch hunt.
Mike Warnke is another example of how the Conservative Christian right added fuel to the fire. After appearing on ABC'c show 20/20 in an episode titled "The Devil Worshippers" Mike Warnke was frequently cited as an expert on the occult. After all he claimed to be an ex high ranking member of a Satanic organisation. He was debunked in 1991.
We bring up Warnke’s ‘The Satan Seller’, as it has the most in common with this month’s book. More importantly it's author Kerth Barker.  The whole book reads like twisted fantasies of repressed sexuality and identity. And is dangerous in its accusations. He seems intent in ushering in a new age of Satanic Panic! In a failed attempt to seem like he isn’t trying to create unneeded panic, he states in his first chapter that he is not talking about all Satanists. He ‘acknowledges’ that there are some Satanists, who are not into cannibalism. It is almost like he is expecting there to be a #notallsatanists trend as we cry out in anger about how we are being misrepresented.
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After a warning that adorns one of the first pages, it's plain to see that this was not going to be a light read. Amy (who regrettably suggested this book), read the whole thing in one sitting, fueled by pure hatred. With Lynsey and Cato getting through it almost as quick, they found it to be equally as excruciating. It left Cato wondering what dark secrets the author is really trying to hide, and Lynsey feeling as though it had taken all of her white blood cells, which where then shat on. 
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Going down the list of chapters, it becomes clear fairly early on that Barker is either insane, or he is  taking the piss.
The first chapter starts off with Barkers need to announce that he is a Christian and that Satanists ruined his life. It escalates at a rapid pace from 0-100. Paedophilia, murder, cannibalism and ritualistic abuse, none of which are a laughing matter, spring out of nowhere.  Barker, in all his inability to convey himself maturely sees it as an opportunity to put himself as the centre of an entirely fictional world. According to his book, from a young age he was a candidate, who was primed to become ‘one of the greats’.
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The book is scattered with accounts of blood drinking, aliens, surgery and a resistance that communicates via discarded cigarette cartons and rubbish piles on the streets. Somehow Barker knows how to instantly interpret piles of garbage into something meaningful, which is more than we can say about his own work.
Barker often speaks of his enforced alter ego Kathy, and her special meetings. These ‘multiple personality disorders’ are still being used for fuel satanic panic today, and it is something that The Satanic Temple is working to fight against.
It is clear upon reading that this book is in fact less to do with actual satanism, and more to do with his lustful desires and need to be admired in a sinister sort of way. This comes in a range of forms, mostly being preyed on sexually, even talking of his own ejaculation and public sexual acts. Some of them are just laughable. At one point in the book, he tells of how the ‘Baron’ was walking up a set of stairs in front of him.
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Barker sure does have a wild imagination. It is a shame the same can not be said for his choice in character names; the ‘Baron’ and ‘Dark Mother’ being the most excruciatingly cliché.
The deeper you get in, the more apparent it is this book is about spreading fear and attempting to force conservative christian opinions in disguise. One such example is Barkers take on the ‘Gay Agenda’.
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This sort of damaging propaganda is not only inaccurate, but it is giving homophobes everywhere an excuse to stop the LGBTQ+ community having rights.
‘But where were his family?’ we hear you all ask. Conveniently all of Barkers close family are Christians, and only an older, lesser know family member was a Satanist. It begs the question, while he was being carted around by the ‘Baron’, what did his family think he was doing. There isn’t much talk of his actual family. He has been careful not to mention them too much or claim that they were in fact in on it, because that would be too easily debunked.
The worrying thing about all of this, is that there are so many people who believe the rubbish Barker has written. In fine-combing this book it is easy to see the tactics used by Barker to convince the reader. The most prevalent being the illusion of rationality. He states he believes in religious freedom, and that he isn’t trying to convert anyone.
The main tactic used in this book, is making the characters seem human. If you stand up in court and give a character assessment on someone whom you have spent a vast amount of time with, but only share with them the negatives, you may well fail in convincing the jury. It can make it seem like you are ‘trying to hard’. It doesn’t sound logical, but even Hitler was nice to people sometimes. By talking about some of the nice things that these so called ‘Satanic Abusers’ did for him, it makes his story seem more believable. Because surely if he was making up this whole entire story, he would make it all murder and horror. Wrong. He has added in these ‘niceties’ to make you think exactly that.
There are people out there, who genuinely go through sexual abuse as a child. There are victims and survivors of horrific crimes. This whole entire book is a kick in the face to the people who really have suffered. 
Towards the end of the book, he goes all ‘David Icke’ on us and claims some of these high ranking Satanists are part of a reptilian race that are controlling us and taking over (I don’t suppose that has anything to do with the fact he is a fan and David Icke recommended his books). Also in case you weren’t aware, the moon is actually a hollow space station.
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The biggest contradiction written throughout, it whether or not we are actually doomed. At one point he claims we aren’t far away from being completely ruled by these high-adept, alien Satanists. Only to then write a whole entire paragraph as to why they’re going to fail. It's almost as though he knows it isn’t going to happen because he made it all up, so he has to write a reason why it doesn’t come true. 
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If these Satanists were ever nearly as powerful as claimed, and the stories true, he would have never been able to write this book. All the time he happens to just know everything about the destruction of the world as we know it and has access to books that nobody could ever possibly prove existed because after all… Illuminati.
He talks of the weakness of others and how he can help them overcome their blood addictions. But the entire time he is on his own high. A throne of disillusion.
To sum things up, ‘Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism’ is one of the worst books we have ever had the malignant displeasure of reading. There is just too much wrong with to be able to cover it in one blog. 
Again, we do not recommend you read this book. We read it so you don’t have to. But if you so wish, you can read part of it for free here or you can purchase it from Amazon here.
Ave Satanas!
This book was published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (16 Nov. 2014). It is copyrighted to the author, Kerth R Barker and we are not endorsed by him or anyone else to write this blog.
Kerth Barker image source Blood drinking image source Illuminati pyramid image source Alien image source
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flarebossmalva · 7 years
just for future reference and in case anyone was curious i’m going to explain what the hell i was on about re: some stuff in my writing tag
skipping things that are obvious or self-explanatory but if you’re puzzled by something i wrote and i didn’t explain it here then feel free to ask i guess
disgust - i thought of vomit immediately and then wrote about the last experience i had with a friend who was sick. i don’t actually remember which friend this was anymore. “you’re never going to die ever again” i’m not sure about but i think this may have been referring to how awful stomach sicknesses are and how they can literally be so bad they make you feel like you’re dying? that’s a guess
aether - thought of “ether” instead which is very volatile so that’s how i got onto the theme about exploding. i think the rest was just vague associations
pincushion - human pincushion. i guess someone who has bled out completely
aura - you know how they talk about people having colored auras? i just picked a color and went from there. don’t know what “i can taste it under my fingernails” means even remotely but if this is from when i worked in produce/floral i constantly had plant matter under my fingernails so maybe that. am reading “you look lovely, by the way. very fresh.” in GLaDOS’ voice for some reason and not sure if that was what i had in mind when i wrote it
mint leaves - catnip is in the mint family and some people says humans can get a mild high off smoking it
indie - this was about seeing mother mother live. the “he” is ryan
wind - probably masturbation but trying to explain the trip from point a to point b that i made here would get really complicated if i’m even recalling it correctly
lamp oil - amnesia: the dark descent. lamp oil is a resource in that game. player character hallucinates bugs and grinds his teeth when he spends too long in the dark
bombs - boss fight wheatley. the track that plays during that battle is called “bombs for throwing at you”
cucumber - i was thinking of items you could buy together at a supermarket that would disturb the cashier. a single cucumber, rope, and a paperback romance novel sends some interesting implications i think
columbia - no idea but one of my friends told me this is essentially the plot of bioshock infinite
kevin james - one of those paul blart mall cop memes involved the phrase “distant egg song!” and that’s what i was going off of
marigold - flowey
25-27 - since this looked like it was referring to three sequential questions on an askmeme i acted as though that’s what i was answering here. i don’t know why i chose the colors blue and orange; portals from the portal games are those colors but what with the other two responses in this post being undertale related i’m thinking maybe blue = sans and orange = papyrus
🙌 - reference to a (nsfw, i won’t link it) fanfic about sans smoking. i have a massive smoking kink so i think you can see why i’d find that emoji appropriate
syringe - this is a reference to a short story i wrote in high school. the association is that i think syringes were used to administer drugs to the protagonist
wine - almost positive there’s an audio log in the first bioshock game that’s a bit like this. even if there isn’t, there’s an area where a party has clearly gone down (lots of alcohol, splicers are dressed fancy) and that’s what it made me think of
glow - no idea
can of soda - i was thinking of a sprite can
amsterdam by imagine dragons - a song i don’t know; i used to be friends with this kid who was weirdly snobby about music and would condescend to me if i admitted to not knowing of a song or artist, so i wrote about that, kind of
apartments - “apartments are like cages” is a phrase that either i or someone else has used and i thought of that phrase and then i thought about cages and then i thought about johanna from sweeney todd and her one musical number
gold - this is about my paternal grandfather moving west as an adult. he didn’t move as part of the gold rush but that’s what i thought of first and then i thought about his moving to california so this was kind of a mix of the two concepts
sting - musical artist sting has got an album called brand new day and this was written thinking about the album art
lunar theatre - i’ve explained this one before but i wrote this while really sick around the time i first got diagnosed with lyme disease. i was sleeping most of the time and tired whenever i was awake. at the time i was also taking ativan (among other medications) and it made me very sleepy and out of it. the title comes from an art installation i saw once which basically looked like an artificial shoreline, which is where the ocean/water imagery comes from
tessellation - obvious maybe but repetition is part of the definition of the word
roses - james from team rocket, often carrying a rose
paris - this was a joke about egg hatching in pokemon x/y (the most efficient way to do it is to bike in circles repeatedly around the game’s version of the eiffel tower)
n - i feel like this is obvious too but it’s a joke about n harmonia from the 5th gen pokemon games
nature - i’m not sure how i got to talking about gelatin molds but have you seen some of the ones from the fifties and sixties? truly horrifying
berry - early on in x/y you’re put in charge of a berry field and then later you become champion (the league is at the top of a mountain). there are curtains in the champion’s room. idk i just thought about becoming champ and then abandoning the berry field since that’s basically what i did in-game
dogs - pretty literal, this is just my experience with pet dogs
q - this is a reference to a song from goddamn sesame street
teacup - malva has a butler, who presumably serves her tea sometimes. he battles you on her behalf once and his team is pretty powerful, but of course she’s elite four and would have him beat
guitar - at the time there were a lot of “wonderwall” memes that’s what i thought of
pine - pine trees, christmas trees, their lives are cut short but they get to dress up fancy for a few weeks, i don’t know
touch-me-not - fanfic i plotted out once but never actually finished writing. in it, bryony and celosia are using one of those remote-control vibrators (celosia was the one wearing it, and bryony had the remote, iirc) but if you remember team flare also used a remote to control the ultimate weapon and i loved the idea of getting the two remotes mixed up. all the higher-ups (save bryony and celosia, of course) are playing with the remote thinking it’s broken and trying to get it to work. meanwhile poor celosia is dying and the only one who notices is malva, who is the “she” in this piece, who deliberately starts messing with the remote to get a reaction out of bry + cel. i don’t remember how this fanfic was going to end but i think probably celosia would excuse herself to go to the bathroom (to, ahem, take care of herself) and malva would follow her in and then idk they’d fuck. listen i’ve had worse ideas
nightshade - i’m not sure how i got from the prompt to my fill but the fill is definitely about another fic i was working on involving a trainer who experiments on eevee trying to discover new eeveelutions
knives - my abuser had a “suicide attempt” (not really, he didn’t do anything except think about it, but that’s how he classed it iirc) where he planned on using a knife. also he wrote (bad) poetry once comparing me to a knife because idk i was mean for not wanting to fuck him probably
cake - it’s 2007 bro. memes bro. this was about portal bro
gameboy - self-explanatory i think but this was specifically a goof on ben drowned even though a lot of video game creepypasta start out this way
ruby - as in the pokemon game. this was about being a team magma grunt
cicada - i think this one is straightforward but in case it’s not, in my area you find dead cicadas all over the place in june
notebook - this was about harriet the spy
tree - based off of something that happened with me and my best friend when i was eleven or twelve
big ben - well, english clock towers... there’s a scene in a christmas carol where scrooge wakes up and hears the clock strike an hour it’s already struck and gets freaked and worries about the spirits coming to haunt him
cookie - i got a baby doll for christmas when i was a little kid and gave it to my younger sister bc she liked baby dolls and i didn’t. she named that doll cookie. this was general feels about being the Bad Child who Wasn’t Feminine
paint - straightforward again but this is about my parents’ house, the one we moved into when i was a young teen and where they still live with my little sister (and, currently, me). it was initially painted white and we repainted yellow a few years ago (i think after i had moved out to go to college). also that house still doesn’t feel like home to me in the same way our old house did
boots - god this is gonna take a lot of explaining but in the underland chronicles, second book, gregor (protagonist) is separated from his baby sister (nicknamed boots) after, iirc, the boat they’re in capsizes and they get washed into the nearby catacombs by the waves. he assumes she’s drowned since she’s a toddler and can’t swim. it’s basically his blue screen of death moment and he spends the next part of the book feeling totally dead inside, like a machine, no emotion no empathy. this scene fucked me up bad when i first read it aged about nine
freckles - i think this is obvious but just in case, this is about me (formerly) hating my freckles
egg - aforementioned fic about eevee experimentation was maybe going to involve unethical forced hatching of eevee eggs by cracking them open before they’re ready. i was basically thinking of every sick thing you could do to a pokemon to try and force an evolution
fairy - same fic. the protagonist has a shiny eevee that she gives special treatment and thinks is going to evolve into something special bc no evolution method she’s tried has worked on it. it was to be revealed later that her “special” eevee had actually just swallowed an everstone, and, immediately upon operating to remove said everstone, eevee evolved into sylveon
orange - as a small child i was allergic to oranges. the only memory i have of having an allergic reaction was breaking out in hives and going down our creaky old staircase, which felt big and intimidating to me as a little kid, to tell my parents about it
yuri - i thought of a favorite f/f pairing of mine, bryony/celosia, and in particular the scene that got me to ship it. in that scene, you battle celosia (who acts very woe-is-me upon being defeated) and bryony immediately springs to her (girl)friend’s defense
mitochondria - i learned the word from the sequel to a wrinkle in time, in which charles wallace gets really sick with some sort of mitochondrial disease and his older sister meg tries to save him by like astral projecting inside his mitochondria or something. god that book was weird
a gigantic rubber duck - when she was a baby someone gave my sister a gigantic rubber duck (which she adored, i think we still have it somewhere) and so this was about how i felt about having a new sibling
electricity - eevee fic again. rival character in the fic was an electric-type trainer. this was about the convention of trainers locking eyes and then battling
feverish - fevers as sex metaphor somehow??? i guess because fevers, like sex, often leave you sweaty. eleven was when i had my first wet dream and eighteen was when i listened to that “naegi with a fever” audio and got real gay
anger - metaphor again. i really did make a glass paperweight one time, on a class trip to a glass museum. my abuser and i were off-again with our friendship at the beginning of that trip and on-again by the end of it but there was still, i think, unresolved anger on both sides. that’s the association. i don’t know how to explain what i was thinking here beyond that
mosquitos - “petty annoyances” is just what i think of mosquitos and then i guess i just went from there. “bigger than i am but you know when to kneel” might have been my abuser again. he was, indeed, bigger than me but he got down on his knees begging me to be his friend again right at the end of things between us lol. honestly it was the most compelling thing he ever did
laundry basket - i thought about dirty laundry and then about worrying my clothes smelled dirty or that i smelled dirty and like, obsessively bathing because someone wanted to come over and have sex with me and i was just barely not a virgin at that point and had no idea what i was doing and was freaked out over the whole thing
cow - i took a year of spanish and for some reason the only thing i actually learned was how to say “where is the cow” and “the cow is here” which are not actually useful phrases in most contexts
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godrent · 5 years
TAGGED BY:  @futureheld  ? TAGGING:  @millenniumpharaoh / @cervivial / @godowned.  godspeed! WARNING:  MENTIONS OF RAPE AND CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE UNDER READ MORE!
HEIGHT:  171 cm (5'6")  —  yami bakura caters to the height he was as thief king bakura, he prefers to maintain the small physique of his progenitor’s human mother. his modern-day reincarnation, ryou bakura, is taller than him. WEIGHT:  50 kg (110 lbs)  —  in his past life, thief king bakura suffered from undernourishment and lived off the streets throughout childhood and preadolescence, this is because he was orphaned after the kul elna massacre. upon reaching adolescence, he established a frequent line of paid work (which included thievery, tomb-robbing, prostitution and hit lists) and he was able to keep himself fed; this improved his physique greatly and gave him a soft, healthy body. ETHNICITY:  half-japanese / half-european via ryou bakura, egyptian in his past life. OCCUPATION:  in mythology and in default canon, yami bakura is considered the god of chaos, his main objective is to end the world itself after killing pharaoh atem, his opposite who is considered the sun god and his greatest enemy. GENDER:  cis male, he/him. ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  aromantic  /  omnisexual. MBTI:  ISTJ, the logistician  —  ISTJs are logical, organized, sensible, and earnest traditionalists who enjoy keeping their lives and environments well-regulated. typically reserved and serious individuals, they earn success through their thoroughness and extraordinary dependability. they are capable of shutting out distractions in order to take a practical, logical approach to their endeavors, and are able to make the tough decisions that other types avoid. realistic and responsible, ISTJs are often seen as worker bees striving steadily toward their goals. despite their dependability and good intentions, however, ISTJs can experience difficulty in understanding and responding to the emotional needs of others. although they often focus on their internal world, ISTJs prefer dealing with the present and the factual. they are detail-oriented and weigh various options when making decisions, although they generally stick to the conventional. ISTJs are well-prepared for eventualities and have a good understanding of most situations. they believe in practical objectives, and they value traditions and loyalty.
FAVOURITE FOOD:  whole roast pig. FAVOURITE DRINK:  although thief king bakura came a desert people who valued water, his favourite drink was undeniably wine. wine was reserved for rich people and just to spite them, he often stole their beverages. despite this, he drank beer often; it was the staple drink of ancient egyptian workers and craftsman as it provided calories and replaced water which was lost through sweat. this preference towards alcoholic beverages transfers into his modern-day tastes. FAVOURITE HOBBY:  albeit his profession in thievery, yami bakura's favourite modern-day hobby is dabbling in the occult, with the occasional tarot card readings and dark magic. FAVOURITE SCENT:  a scent of perfume known as “the egyptian”, which seemed to have been based on cinnamon and myrrh with sweet wine. ancient egyptians were known for their love and creation of beautiful fragrance, thief king bakura was no different. FAVOURITE PERSON:  yami bakura is notorious for his explicit hatred for the world and mankind as a whole, the reason for this stems from his time as thief king bakura and it has amplified over a course of 3,000 years. so naturally, the only person yami bakura favours is himself, himself as a human who survived genocide in ancient egypt and himself as a demon who embodies darkness.
the kul elna massacre happened when thief king bakura was only 5 years old. 11 years later, the war between thief king bakura and pharaoh atem occurred. he died when he was 16 years old.
when he was a child, thief king bakura was more akin to his modern-day reincarnation, ryou bakura, in terms of personality and behaviour. however, after witnessing the genocide of his village, he was never the same.
thief king bakura had chronic asthma; this was caused by frequent, insufficient protection from sandstorms. he occasionally ate garlic to help / ease his asthmatic symptoms.
WARNING:  MENTIONS OF RAPE AND CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!  in addition to being a genocide survivor, thief king bakura was also a survivor of rape and child sexual abuse. during childhood and adolescence, with no real means of survival outside of stealing food and sneaking into houses for shelter, thief king bakura would often get into trouble with adults and the authorities; this resulted in a form of discipline. sometimes it was a slap on the wrist, other times it was a good bruising as a flex of power; and in some cases, soldiers or civilians who caught him would take advantage of him in a sexual manner. because of these particular incidents, thief king bakura grew up offering sex as a way to get what he wanted, or as a way to get out of harsh punishments.
thief king bakura's real name in ancient egypt was apophis / apep. yami bakura is still unaware of his human name.  click here to learn more.
the real reason thief king bakura's soul stayed inside the millennium ring was because after he killed high priest mahad, he stole the millennium ring from his corpse and returned to kul elna and made a pact with zorc necrophades. upon doing so, his soul was forever bound to the demon and the millennium ring itself; and after pharaoh atem defeated and trapped half of zorc necrophades into the millennium puzzle with him, the remaining half returned to the millennium ring. thief king bakura's soul stayed inside the millennium ring because he made a pact with that specific item as his soul jar, and not the millennium puzzle. over the course of 3,000 years, the souls of thief king bakura and zorc necrophades combined and the entity known as yami bakura is born.
much to his chagrin, yami bakura shares a vague connection with pharaoh atem. the reason for this connection is because half of zorc necrophades was sealed inside the millennium puzzle alongside pharaoh atem's soul, and after being exposed to the demon for 3,000 years, it created a link between yami bakura and pharaoh atem after they were reawakened. it's not strong and overwhelming; but instead, it comes as a tugging sensation in the back of their minds and it’s something that always draws them together or alerts them of the other's presence when they’re sharing a vicinity.
yami bakura is able to communicate with the spirits of kul elna that are forever trapped inside the millennium ring. he finds that talking to them eases their souls temporarily, it's like reassurance that he hasn't forgotten; he also finds a strange comfort in the act.
yami bakura has a tendency to avoid dipping his fingers into his lurking human emotions; especially since thief king bakura was a very emotional individual with a lot of baggage and triggers. he refuses to feel anything remotely human because he doesn't want to give the impression that he has weakness, nor does he want to give anyone the ability to push his buttons whenever they feel like it. all this melts around pharaoh atem however.
despite his cold demeanor, yami bakura would protect a baby if he ever found one abandoned somewhere. he wouldn't know anything about caring for something as delicate as a baby, but he'd teach himself if it meant keeping them safe because they would remind him when thief king bakura was an orphan, too. and if anyone were to try and take the baby from him, he'd go absolutely feral.
ARTS AND CRAFTS  —  this comes from thief king bakura descending from the line of royal artisans who worked on the tombs of pharaohs in the valley of the kings.
THE OCCULT  —  ghosts, ghost-hunting and using ouija boards are things yami bakura thoroughly enjoys, being a supernatural existence himself.
TAROT CARDS  —  another activity he occasionally indulges in, he once did a tarot reading for pegasus j. maximillion before killing him in yu-gi-oh! duelist.
TABLETOP ROLEPLAY GAMES  —  he is very passionate about roleplay games of any kind. this is evident during the original yu-gi-oh! manga when he plays monster world with ryou bakura's friends; and in yu-gi-oh! millennium world, when he uses yami yugi's memories as pharaoh atem in ancient egypt during the final tabletop roleplay game.
THE MILLENNIUM RING  —  this ancient artifact has been the home and prison of his spirit for 3,000 years and it contains the 99 victims of the kul elna massacre; because of this, it holds a dear place in the void of his heart.
PHARAOH ATEM  —  he harbors an extreme hatred for pharaoh atem and it stems from the ignorance that runs in his family. his uncle akhenaden, a lifelong high priest, was responsible for the kul elna massacre; a tragedy that could have easily been avoided if pharaoh akhenamkhanen, atem's father, had prevented the creation of the millennium items instead of remaining oblivious to the crime his brother had committed. although pharaoh atem wasn't immediately responsible, the hatred fell onto his shoulders when he too failed to give thief king bakura and the deceased victims of kul elna the rightful justice they deserved. instead of punishing the real perpetrator, the young pharaoh decided to remain ignorant and viewed the surviving victim of genocide as an enemy.
SOCIETY  —  yami bakura's dislike towards society as a whole stems from his history.
CATS  —  yami bakura is not a cat person, he prefers dogs over felines because of their loyalty. this is quite ironic due to his own catlike tendencies.
AUTHORITY  —  he dislikes anyone who holds a position of authority, mostly because of the ignorance that seems to go hand-in-hand with possessing power over others.
CHICKPEA PASTE  —  this was his least favourite food in his past life and he still hates the taste and texture of it today.
JUSTICE AS A TOPIC  —  there aren't any specific words or phrases that really annoy yami bakura, but justice as a topic is a surefire way to elicit a strong, emotional reaction from him. this is entirely because of the injustice that thief king bakura suffered in ancient egypt.
STOIC PERSONAILITIES  /  SADISTIC PERSONALITIES  —  yami bakura naturally gravitates towards stoic and sadistic personalities like seto kaiba, malik ishtar and begrudgingly, pharaoh atem. these types often compliment his own, which is unhinged and mischievous; they act like a heavy anchor against his merciless ocean.
BOISTEROUS PERSONALITIES  /  DOCILE PERSONALITIES  —  yami bakura avoids boisterous personalities, these are the types that get on his nerves the most, whereas docile personalities provide him with zero substance and are types he finds extremely boring.
from an objective standpoint, i write yami bakura with heavy mythological influence in comparison to the majority of the roleplay community. i feel like i certainly abstain from defining him as one entity over the other like a lot of writers i've seen, because yami bakura is anything but an individual character; he is a composite, a compromise between the humanness of thief king bakura and the fiendishness of zorc necrophades. i think i make it a point to find an equilibrium between these two vastly different personalities? like, yami bakura is stone cold and outright murderous, but he's still capable of acts of kindness, even if they benefit him in the end. i write him in such a way that he's still this wicked something, but with a touch of human that lurks like a phantom.
i like to appeal to the headcanon that yami bakura is the egyptian god of chaos, especially since there's canonical evidence that kazuki takahashi used that as the structural foundation for his character.
the thing i know for a fact about my portrayal is that there's a lot of research and studying that goes on in the background, and it's obvious when i try to flush out his personality, history and mentality the best that i can without stressing myself out too much in the process. i invest so much time and passion into yami bakura as a character and that's something that is really lacking in a lot of other writers, they conform to what's written in canon instead of trying to view him from different, divergent angles that offer a lot of insight.
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carelessgraces · 3 years
About the writer: Marianne, she/her, 28, EST. I’ll answer to Ani or Mari, as well. My time is limited and this is for fun!
This is a private and selective blog for ASTORIA GRIM. Astoria is an OC inspired by very early character information on Astoria Greengrass from Harry Potter; while she has a Harry Potter verse available, those verses are available only on request and with extensive plotting. In all other regards, besides her name, she is an original character. This blog will feature triggering material, including plot-appropriate violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, discussion of abuse (Astoria is a survivor), and other potentially triggering content. I will tag all common triggers, and anything I am asked to tag. Please take care if you follow!
Please tag cancer, sexual violence of any kind (including ‘dubious consent’ and somnophilia), and images of spiders.
This blog is mutuals only. The only exception to this is for members of group verses. If I follow you, I want to write with you! OCs, multimuses, and crossovers are always, always welcome! Feel free to write greeters, send memes, turn memes into threads, and message me to plot! Please don’t write me unsolicited starters otherwise. I don’t require reblog karma, though I don’t like being used as a meme source if we never interact.
I reserve the right to not follow, unfollow, or block users as I see fit. I won’t follow back if you are under 21, or have no mention of your age / age range on your blog; all minors who do follow this blog will be softblocked. If I unfollow because your blog has been inactive for a while, please let me know when you come back! Don’t romanticize Nazis, don’t be an asshole about “dark themes” (which can be written well & respectfully!), and don’t guilt and manipulate your followers. I won’t interact with any portrayals that engage in whitewashing, or ignoring canonically established races for characters. I will not follow or interact with cisswapped characters written by cis writers. (I’m cis; it’s not my place to tell anyone who isn’t how to approach gender.) I don’t enjoy writing with characters that are completely devoid of flaws, vulnerabilities, or weaknesses – it’s just not fun for me when there aren’t any real stakes, and the rules of whichever universe we’re playing in don’t apply to one of the characters involved.
I don’t have a lot of patience for public nastiness. Everyone vagues from time to time; that’s not a huge deal. But we’re all amateurs here and publicly disparaging another amateur’s work — which has been presented to you without layers of editing by various professionals — doesn’t make you interesting, it makes you kind of insufferable. I’m too old for pettiness and popularity contests and honestly, so is everyone engaging in them. 
This blog is low-activity, low-pressure, and low-stress. I’m very comfortable to unfollow liberally to keep it that way.  If I unfollow or block, it’s simply because I don’t want to see something on my dash, and think it’s important to curate my own experiences; it’s not a statement against you in any way.
I don’t experience duplicate (character or face claim) anxiety or insecurity and would love to bond over a character we both clearly adore! Please feel perfectly free to follow first. 
I have no affiliation with Harry Potter and I don’t want any. Astoria is inspired by the handful of extracanonical notes to the original series, most of which seem to have been ignored within canon. My Astoria has no basis in The Cursed Child, and is, at this point, very much an original character who was inspired by, and has evolved beyond, the original series. Here’s a better place for your money than anything JKR is putting out. 
My emphasis on this blog is Astoria in crossovers and AUs, primarily in a “modern witch” or “modern crime” verse. For fandom crossovers, I prefer to put her in the Grishaverse. Any verses with significant canon divergence, or significant canon intervention, will have extended biographies available to read.
There are only a handful of fandoms I will not interact with, due to my own comfort. I may interact with the characters in AUs if I am comfortable with the writer. Find the list here.
I love playing with established relationships of any nature. Come and plot with me if you want to jump right into a dynamic of any kind! I am always open to new ships — I love shipping, and it’s one of my favorite things about collaborative writing. You are always welcome to approach me to talk about ships; it’s not force-shipping in the slightest, and chances are, I’m already excited about it.
I won’t write incest ( relationships between second cousins, or closer ), and while I am very comfortable writing complicated relationships, I won’t romanticize abuse or toxicity, or write explicit abuse scenes.
Astoria has various default ships across her verses; this doesn’t mean that I don’t want to ship !! Just that if we aren’t planning a ship, I may reference her default.
If you’re interested in shipping, please take a quick look at this post.
Please understand that the source material I draw from deals with potentially triggering material, including (but not limited to) violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, and abuse. All of these topics will be dealt with on this blog with care and gravity, and will be appropriately tagged. Please take care of yourself! I’ll tag anything I’m asked to tag (formatted as #tw: [trigger]) and will never approach “dark” subject matter in a flip or disrespectful way.
I am a legal adult and am comfortable writing legal adults having consensual sex. I will not write smut with or about anyone under the age of eighteen. I am perfectly comfortable with and willing to write scenes fading to black or time jumps. I will not use visual aids of any kind in replies involving graphic sex and ask that you do the same. All NSFW images and text will be tagged as #nsfw;
My formatting is minimal – typically small text and 100x100 icons. English is weird, in spelling and grammar. I don’t super care if you get it right all the time. If I need clarification, I’ll ask! I won’t follow anyone sacrificing accessibility for aesthetics, including with photoshop replies, impossible-to-see icons, and purple prose excessive to the point of being incomprehensible.
If you are uncomfortable with anything you see here, please let me know. I am not perfect and I am sure I’ll make mistakes; if that happens, and you’re comfortable, tell me, and I’ll make every effort to fix it and to be better in the future, in the case of me doing something harmful.
Found here.
If I am exclusive with a particular portrayal, please do not approach me to write with other versions of these characters on this blog. Please also know that I’m unlikely to drop exclusivity for any reason besides extensive (two or more months) inactivity, or breaking mutuals. Threads which ignore or disrespect my exclusivity will be dropped.
Found here.
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