#also theres a Lot of things i would do differently if i drew it again to make it better
wazzappp · 6 months
I drew. a lot for this. Also heads up for non RE mutuals this is going to be. confusing for you. I'm going to do my best to annotate and provide context but you are in for a wild ride.
Anyway long ass lore post for how Lisa and Robbie go from fighting to working together in this AU.
In the RE8 cannon all of the Dimitrescu daughters are made at the same time but for the sake of ✨the situations✨ I am going to change that. Lisa lived the longest as a human before being assimilated into the mold with a Cadou (infecting extension of the Megamycite). Technically her 'sisters' are older than her, as they were assimilated a while ago. Lisa has been a member of house Dimitrescu for about 2 years now. This puts her in this. Weird middle child zone. She wants to make her 'family' proud but she's also aware that what makes them proud isn't really the most achievable thing in the world (expecially with Bela to contend with. Older sibling overachiever to the maximum). She's got a certain degree of distance from them and sometimes wonders if she wasn't better off before all of this. Her memories are fuzzy but still there for the most part. She cant remember faces or names but she remembers feelings and situations. She doesen't remember families being like this (she wants OUT).
Chasing prey brought in is fairly standard for her. It's some of the only entertainment she gets. So when she catches Robbie exploring around the castle she has no idea that he's special in any way. He's just some new guy she gets to mess with before eating and DAMN he's FUN. If she didn't know any better she could almost think that he has experience being chased around (he does. he very much so does. all of RE7's worth). What she ALSO doesn't know is that Mother Miranda (big bad. Different from Lady Dimitrescu, who she refers to as 'mother') is planning on using Gabe (who is replacing baby Rose in this) to try and resurrect her dead kid with a 'perfect vessel' and this requires. uh. disassembly (in the base RE8 gameplay the reason Ethan goes to each house is because uhhhhhhhh his infant daughter has been dismembered and stored in jars and he needs to collect them so he can put her back together.... yeah). Robbie intervenes before this can get going and is instead going house to house because if he wants to get out of this stupid fuckass villiage he needs to collect the key components to unlock the gate keeping him in here (i need him to have a reason. to kill everyone. its important to me ok).
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When Lisa finds out this random, but fun guy, she's been chasing who she thought was JUST SOME NORMAL GUY killed one of her sisters she mentally goes 'Oh. OH. THERES A CHANCE FOR ME TO GET OUT OF HERE'. That in conjunction with discovering Mother Miranda is planning on FULLY DISMEMBERING A CHILD she uh. Makes some decisions.
What you have to understand about her plans of matricide is that neither Lady Dimitrescu or her sisters can actually really fully die. Sure, their bodies are gone, but their consciousness is stored in the hive mind and they can reform later after gathering their strength. If she has to put her kinda shitty found family in time out for the sake of getting herself out of here + keeping her newly revived conscience clean she's absolutely going to do it.
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(fuckin. backgrounds. dialogue. fuck. why can things not just take place inside of the void. DUKE MY BELOVED WE LOVE AND RESPECT DUKE IN THIS HOUSE HES A REAL ONE fuck now I got it in my head that he keeps trying to play matchmaker for them and i need to. go draw that because its too funny not to.)
Lisas plan involves this lab I had her mention in the comic above. It's where Robbie needs to go to synthesize more poison for the dagger of deaths flowers, and SUPPOSEDLY where a medicine that might allow her to go outside again might be (enemies of Lisas type become SIGNIFICANTLY weaker in the cold. She could try to bundle up but its still really not a good idea). She would love to go there herself, but it's in an area of the castle thats exposed to the cold of the outdoors.
The Two of them make a fairly decent team and Lisa finds herself having a LOT more fun hunting with someone else than she does on her own. They balance each other out pretty well; Robbie works primarily with guns so he can watch Lisas back while she's up close wrecking any grunts they run into. It's also pretty helpful having someone who can turn into a swarm of flies for puzzle solving purposes.
After all this Robbies trust for her increases SIGNIFICANTLY. He's still not really sure about her, but she's moved out of the 'active threat' classification into the 'kinda helpful' zone.
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Lisa's plan has three ways it could go:
They all fail miserably and get sent to mental and physical time out in the megamycite.
They win and get to go free but either the medicine isn't there or it doesen't work. In which case she's just planning on getting as many coats as possible and Try-or-Die-ing it.
The medicine is there and she actually gets to roam free
Luckily for her, the medicine IS there, it DOES work, and Robbies sense of honor / noticing her usefulness (its hard to wage a one man war on an entire community of mutants ok you cant blame him for appreciating having some ACTUAL HELP for once) all align for the best possible scenario.
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The cold does still affect her; her healing isn't as quick as it usually is and her increased strength / speed is a bit reduced, but she can go!! outside!!
She decided to stick with Robbie in getting out of the village as a whole. She doesen't really know what the world outside is like but anything has to be better than here (plus if she stays here she's probably getting shoved into the Megamycite by Mother Miranda PERMENANTLY and that just. wont do).
Also yes Lisa being with Robbie for the rest of his adventures means that she is there for Heisenbergs 'proposal'. She uh. Does not like that much.
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this all made. more sense in my head I hope it at least makes a little sense out loud.
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infin-8-morphosis · 1 year
So the past few days I've been working on the world map again and I. Welll I've run into a problem. A big problem
See. Theres a big crater.
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(Map rotated so it doesnt take up 4 screens lmao)
And ummm. errr. I never really considered something important. How big the thing hitting it is.
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That box you might be able to see is 'another planet'. In order to fit the size of the crater it has to be. fucking. huge. Like possibly ten times the size huge. However the fact things squash i assume the crater wouldn't be perfectly round so it would maybe be wierd and flat.
However either way this is so. So much. How is gravity affected? Tectonically a lot of time is implied to have passed so what would even happen then.
However i like the idea of enormous deep crater because as sloppily modelled in the second pic, i had an idea. Marianas trench is what, 10 km deep? Imagine the depth of this thing being even 1% of the planets diameter (its a bit smaller than earth) and therefore. Imagine the insane pressure.
And therefore what is at the bottom.
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I need to show this to some reddit nerds for them to tell me 100 reasons this wouldn't work and is completely ridiculous
Anyway that's cool and all. but it gets cooler. or maybe hotter. Since the crater is coincidentally on the bright side of this tidally locked system (Its a moon so it still has day and night but largely only one side gets most of the sunlight) and the way the seasons on it work is that it has an elliptical orbit that gets further and closer to the sun every 'year'.... What if the difference in sunlight and heat... melts the giant ice spot every year. causing a seasonal tide system where its real high in summer and low in winter. oh yeah. think about it. seaside towns at water level in summer and high on cliffs in winter.... seasonal islands and paths... ooouuurgghhh....
Though it wouldn't actually work I'm pretty sure. Because the pressure would make it stay ice anyway. BUT. Its reasonable sounding enough right? You'd believe it and think I understand science if I put this in my worldbuilding right. You also think plausible seasonal ice spot tide is more important than full realism. Yes you do.
Anyway probably the bigger problem is that I've envisioned the like, lowland of the crater being a flat, wet jungle that has a delta on one point of it. And ummm. Errr. I dont think the edge of the crater is flat. Not at this scale at all.
I was having trouble visualising this from an individual perspective though. What would it look like to actually be on the crater? How would the curvature work? So of course I used the finest tech to envision this.
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Spore galactic adventures.
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(Hey can we talk about how before its time GA was and how cool and good it still looks it still looks good and its so cool)
Honestly not sure what to do with any of this. I'm at least going to have to rethink the edge a lot.... And I already drew it too...
Seems the jungle is going to have to be way steeper and maybe have no delta. (Giant waterfall also cool) Not sure how the drop would work. Like would the atmosphere be denser. Or would it even out. or something. Lots to think about and learn be dunked on by nerds for being wrong about (fun).
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
3, 9, and 26 for the ask game :D
9. What are your file name conventions
ouhh i name them whatever. song lyrics im currently listening to, character names, actual illustration titles, random messages to myself. nothing funny enough to show im afraid just a bunch of polish and polonisations (apparently i refuse to title scar drawings with anything but skar)
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i dont think i have such piece. its much more common for people not to know the extent of themes/metaphors used in the drawing; not a bad thing by any means, whenever i try to have some more hidden meaning in my art its with oc drawings, and theres often just no way people could guess that not knowing about my ocs as much as i do. Oh and also people love to take my anniversary 3rd life art and interpret it in ways i wouldnt even dream of but theyre all so correct its sad to say i didnt plan that. Like the fact that the border breaks around Grian but allows Scar to leave without tearing is... im so dissapointed i didnt plan that i just drew whatever fitted the vibe. aah
(this one will be long and also probably weird to read soo im putting it under the read more thing. sorry bout that its about one of my favourite oc drawings)
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Matka is one of the drawings of mine that come to mind when i think of a drawing that no one but me can possibly get fully and its only because i just dont share everything i have in my brain. Probably because there was a person who actually tried to analise this one as a challenge they had for themselves, and while they werent incorrect, there was a lot they were lacking.
The patterns on the side are meant to resemble both belarusian embroidery (important culturally for both characters, since the story takes place durning the 19th century belarusian cultural revival and they are belarusian, even if to some degree polonised, because 19th century western Belarus) and candle holders (item i associate with Mikita, its the tool that lets him navigate the manor after all, and plays into the ghost idea people have of him); the black and white contrast of a nightgown (Mikitas signature look durning the first part of the story (i like to call it the ghost part, since it mostly deals with Mikita (and also Przemek but this isnt about him) relearning how to be a person after everything that happened to him) It symbolises his need to live in the past, his inability to esentially become human again, he plays into the idea of a ghost as much as he can, even if unnkowingly) and a mourning dress (both in a cultural sense - it was used as a protest against russian occupation durning the january uprising, as well as the general sense - Apolonia is dead and this is the dress she would have worn if she could get a proper funeral. This is an idea of her that Mikita as her son can only imagine). The pose is self explainatory and reveals a lot about their relationship already. The text zwróć że do nas jasne swe matczyne dłonie / okaż swoim dzieciom swą bezdenną litość (turn your pale motherly hands towards us / show your children your neverending mercy ) is actually a lyric from the song Marzanna, which is stylised like a prayer to the slavic goddess of winter of the same name; a comparison way more fitting for Apolonia than Mother Mary. And in the background theres a willow tree, literally called the mourning/crying willow in polish, a very simple symbol of death and mourning.
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goatpaste · 2 years
can we see your sbr Giorno's friends?
yknow i was gonna just draw Gio with maybe one or two of the ideas for lil buddies she'd have and talk about them a bit
but per usual I went over the top and drew her a whole main group of friends so here you hope this is what you wanted
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a solid lil group of five that vary in how much iv fleshed them out,, i just have for sure i wanted a lil Lisa Lisa type lady to be in Gios group, and settled on all of them being named after Renaissance paintings and painters.
I dont have much thought out in the ways of them meeting one another or any goals for them, or stand abilities or much of that. But know that these guys are FRIENDS and can fit SO many issues in them <33
I do think giving it a more p4 storyline kinda vibe thats more center to one small area problem and being on the more slice of life style of story telling could be fun...
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Mona, the oldest of this lil rag tag group, meant to be a lot like a Lisa Lisa type for the group ^^
im thinking shes the only non stand user of their group but mm debating it truly. I imagine a more focus on her character as one of the last of the guards to be full tried in spin for this use. if she had a stand to any degree it be like gyro where its hardly a thing.
I also do like the idea of her having history or forming a connection with Jorge with him being a reoccurring character through Giorno as the two grew up kinda distant but fairly close none the less form of cousins to one another.
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Taking, obviously a bit of inspo from the Pucci's on this one. Floridian man struggles with microaggressions on multiple different fronts, loses faith in god and struggles to figure out how to see the good in life.
I dont know much of what i wanna do with his stand but Daisy did suggest an invisibility facet to them,,, potentially thinking to take some inspo from portal on this one specifically with the slime they introduce with being able to build up speed or make bouncy floors and stuff, something along those lines but a lil more built up,,,
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very silly wild girl kinda character, a real richy rich philanthropist type. All talk, wouldnt know how to handle herself if things went wrong for her for even a second.
i have NO idea what to do with her stand ability I just really like the idea of it being made out of fashion magazine clippings (again ty Daisy for such a baller suggestions)
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Of course theres our protag main girl, Giorno. Daughter of Diego and Hot Pants. Named after Diegos mother's maiden name. Very much meant to be like a mixture of P5 Giorno and Trish. Giorno whos a lil louder and meaner and has a bit of a more broken moral compass most of the time but is just more or less broken as a person who cant seem to be able to snuff out that last little golden light in her heart that tells her to do good.
Her stand Born to be, which is the name I think I'm 100% settling on for it... im still not 100% sold on what I exactly want its power to be, but I am thinking it would be like a "healer" type stand of the group and having a "mending" like ability with being able to patch anything together or treat any material like fabric and sew it to other materials like a brick wall to clothing fabric. or sewing parts of concrete together to make a wall... just throwing some ideas at the wall, seein what sticks.
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And! last and youngest member of the group, Venus. A bit of a loner who has suddenly found herself glued to Gios click and cant seem to figure out why shes so terribly fascinated with being around them. Yes Mona is teaching her spin and Gio is like a russian doll with layers she wants to unwrap, but she doesn't need to hover around them everyday for that... So she's kinda wonder what the deal with that is? is it? a sense of found family??? or?? something? gross..
As for her stand i again dont have anything set in stone beyond it being able to do stuff with technology, maybe like an old school paisy park kinda beast. maybe something to do with noises,,,
I do like the idea of Venus learning spin from Mona and Venus using it like a dog toy for Atomic dog and playing fetch with it as a way to incorporate her stand ability with her spin ability.
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adanaac · 1 year
Could I ask about your OC's? Specifically Ophicucus and Tsuru, I love how majestic Ophi is drawn and Tsuru fascinates me both with the concept and also how lovely you have illustrated him.
I hope you are well, and thank you again for helping me with my questions o7.
Sincerely HMAD.
oh good i get to talk about my son!!
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my blorbo my beloved my babygirl he means everything to me
i made him in 2017 so hes sort of grown up with me (or i've grown up and realised things about him that i couldn't have when i was younger. i have so many complicated feelings abt this that i made a short comic about it last year)
to preface this im not a great writer dont expect good writing from me lol all i have is my personal experience and stealing tropes from stories i like
(got a lot to say so its all going under the cut. also a lot of death mention)
So. who is this dude
Tsuru (not his real name in-story, i havent come up with one im happy with), 18 years old, a ghost
he has a little sister, Ori, 15, who was meant to be my sona but then i just drew him more and like drawing him more anyway
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first 2 drawings i ever did of him. he was based off natori natsume yuujinchou at this point, i dont remember why or if i even liked natori that much, but i remember distinctly hes based off him
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u may have noticed he sort of looks older in my older art. this is because first of all art style drift lol but also as ive gotten older ive figured out that 18 isnt actually that old.
theres also a black haired version of him (two actually) its basically something like this ⬇️
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important to know that everything about this dude is a convoluted metaphor
i lovingly summarize white tsuru as "people pleaser" and black tsuru as "nihilist prick" in my head and those are the things consistent throughout all the AU versions of him
(important differences only to me) alive tsuru doesnt act like black tsuru at all thats just his warped self perception (he also doesnt act exactly like white tsuru either)
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also alive tsuru has black eyes and the shortest hair, black tsuru has blue eyes and slightly longer hair (also white tsuru is slightly taller than both of them)
if they all existed at the same time they would hate each other on sight but fortunately (unfortunately?) he is just 1 dude with issues
the general vibe is white tsuru is the "yippee floaty trickster" brand of ghost and black tsuru is the sort of ghost in horror media that stands just outside your field of view in the darkness dripping with blood
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for the longest time only white haired tsuru was a "character", "black haired tsuru" existed just as his corpse at most, a footnote
but over the past 2 years ive figured that hes actually really fun to draw and play with, and in a different way than white tsuru
(wait fuck isnt this just abe trio. i do always almost accidentally draw tsuru when im trying to draw haruaki.... fuck.....)
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(ive had tsuru for long enough that i just keep tacking details from my fav characters onto him.....)
halls smp
so ive been on this minecraft roleplay server called halls smp with other artists for the past 2 years, theres a new season of it every few months with a different theme each time to keep things fresh and ive just been making AU versions of tsuru for it so ive had a lot of opportunity to think about him
season 1 - halloween - jiangshi tsuru
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this one is almost entirely unchanged from his base characterization because i didnt want to rp too much and also didnt know there would be future seasons at this point (also basically after the first day i gave up on being called "tsuru" bc its too hard to pronounce and everyone called me canada anyway)
same basic story, guy dies and theres now a white haired version of him (actually this is the same for all the AUs). in fact im pretty sure the black haired version of this one is exactly base alivetsuru. basically what ive been interested in exploring is different kinds of death, the events leading up to it, and what kind of person he becomes afterwards (but also in equal amounts im interested in making fun designs and playing minecraft and fucking around)
(this feels like the start of the beginners guide...)
i associate him with doves and at the time, tarot card 18: the moon, but in retrospect i now think he's card 0: the fool.
season 2 - winter - ishmael
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guy who died at sea and eaten by a interdimensional whale and got isekaied. loosely conceptually based off moby dick, although i havent actually read it LOL but i did spend a week reading up on drowning and hypothermia
strangely, his death didnt create a white haired version of him, perhaps because he didnt have anything in life to give up his identity and replace it with. (and also remember the hair color doesnt actually mean dead/alive)
im only calling him ishmael now in retrospect, at the time he was just tsuru/canada
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while designing him i had the biggest crisis bc i didnt want him to look to much like this old old oc i had (pic 1) but then i sucked it up and went with it anyway
i never got around to drawing it but his fingers are black from frostbite thats why he wears gloves all the time.
hes one of my favorite iterations of tsuru he looks so mad or upset all the time it makes me want to tease him, and also i think the grey skin and eyebags are very cute
i associate him with whales and tarot card 18: the moon
season 3 - golden grove - fox tsuru
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honestly i think this is my favorite design of him i kinda popped off. i think im just a lot more comfortable working with warm colors. and also i associate white tsuru with foxes anyway (black tsuru is totally a catboy btw) (why is he not associated with cranes if his name is tsuru you ask?? bc cranes are hard to draw next question. he did start out based off cranes tbf, thats where the white hair and the tallness comes from)
dead fox possessing his dead human friend's body (although thats only the most literal interpretation of events; in all these iterations there's only ever been 1 person) the white tsurus are mostly interested in "moving on", whatever that means to each of them
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btw my banner on this blog is him
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hes sort of a set with s2 tsuru to me, mostly bc theyre the ideals that "white tsuru" and "black tsuru" hold taken to the extremes, and also theyre on opposite ends of the "hates people hates talking" and "loves to talk and mess with people" scale
anyway. hes tarot card 10: wheel of fortune to me
season 4 - wild west - mirage
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the desert dragon, mirage. this is the season i started giving them actual names that arent "tsuru" and putting actual thought into the story lol previously it was just vibes-based character design. i have a short thing written about him thats meant to be the script for a comic, but i never got around to drawing it.
a sandworm-esque dragon that got tired of being a dragon and took up a passing witch's offer to give him a human form. this is all a metaphor i think. he has longer hair bc i wanted to spice things up a little
(also i consider this a form of death bc he left behind a giant sandworm/dragon skeleton somewhere in the desert)
the mirage-dragon thing comes from the shen 蜃 (which is used in the chinese word for mirage, 海市蜃楼 haishi shenlou, literally translating to "ocean city and shen's castle"). it's a clam-like dragon that produces foam that creates mirages over the ocean.
if u read "even if you slit my mouth", this is what the "shinkiro" or "shin" in recent chapters is. (i had one of those "smug because i already know all about the mythological creature a story is referencing" moments, which i also had with the four gods in yohaji bc i used to translate a game that mentioned them too)
isnt it romantic in a way? that the two places mirages are most known for happening are the ocean and the desert.
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i dont have too much art of him because around this time i was uhhh (checks calendar) got back into yohaji and got consumed by it for a couple months lol (can u even blame me. it was july to september that was when like chapter 91 came out lol)
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an earlier version of his design that i didnt end up using but i still really like this art
hes tarot card 9: the hermit to me
season 5 - fairytales/medieval - ophiuchus
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NO FUCKING WAY YOURE NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE THIS for this one i actually ironed out what kind of people the black haired and white haired versions of him are. and also specifically this one isnt black tsuru but alive tsuru
i have a short poem thing about him, to summarize its like so many other fairytales about grateful animals granting their saviors something, but it doesnt end well for anyone
hes based off ophiuchus and asclepius of course, but also a lot of other snake stories in general, like the lindwurm and baishezhuan
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to reiterate, for none of these stories do i consider there to ever actually have been 2 separate people, its always just 1 fucked up guy
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i also sort of consider him to be a set with mirage, for both being serpents, and also for being "black tsuru whose personality is like white tsuru" and "white tsuru whose personality is like black tsuru", thereby codifying for myself that to him, someone who's stuck in his own head a lot, what matters most to him is his ideals, what all his actions are in pursuit of
he's tarot card 12: the hanged man to me
bonus: dnd character - alba
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i also have a version of him i play for dnd, named alba to match with my party who all have color themed names. a halfling ranger who's very small and very loud. except he has amnesia and cant remember anything from before he was 12 (hes around 18 now according to him), including that he's actually a changeling who just transformed into a halfling to seem older than he is to work at a bar and nearly died in a bar fight.
(if you spend as much time fretting over semantics as me, you may note that changelings are medium sized and cannot transform into halflings which are small sized, for which my explanation is that he's been in halfling form since he was a kid, and after the amnesia he thought he actually was a halfling. this is also why his hair is white btw bc changelings have white hair. pre-amnesia in his "actual" halfling transformation he had black hair. i care too much about semantics but hey isnt dnd the semantics game anyway?)
anyway congrats alba for being the only version of tsuru that hasn't outright "died"!! if only because dnd has actual rules and i can't pull my usual death-ghost nonsense as easily!!!
hes very ship of theseus to me, all versions of him are. what makes up a person? what defines them? is it their face, their appearance, their name? their personality, their memories, their ideals? if you slowly replace each of those, one at a time, with a copy thats very similar to the original, at what point are you a different person?
as thanks for reading all of this i'll reveal what some of the metaphors are, the core of who tsuru, as a character, is to me. maybe this is fairly obvious, but all the death and personality weirdness stuff is a convoluted metaphor for depression and autism, as well as the experience of reading the things you've written years ago, seeing old photos and others talking about who you were years ago and finding that person wholly unfamiliar, that you understand the thought process of that person no more than you would a stranger's, as a result of having taken apart your identity and replaced it piece by piece with things from people you like more than yourself.
im always scared of scrutinizing tsuru too hard because he's just a weird reflection of myself, and i think i'll only be able to write a version of him thats more of a "whole person" once i figure that out for myself. the only way you see your own reflection is through a mirror after all, a flattened 2D surface.
haha this got kinda weird and depressing and personal at the end (mostly bc ive been writing this in the middle of the night, its now 4am)
after seeing my soul laid bare like this, if theres one takeaway, i think its pretty obvious why i'm so enamored by the parts of yohaji that i talk about often (huh wasnt this a post about my oc why did it become about yohaji)
oh yeah i just realised u probably also wanted to hear more about my yohaji version of tsuru specifically. honestly theres not really more to it i just like drawing him in situations. like of course the same themes apply but i just like drawing this dude thats 90% the reason hes my sona. like heres a pokemon au of him i drew recently bc i wanted to draw them as kids and also as pokemon gijinkas
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anyway thats all. not really bc i could go on and on about him but this is way too long and also way too personal at this point. i think about him a disproportionate amount, i only have 2 other ocs i remotely care about and the extent of my thoughts for those guys is "i think hes fun 👍"
this has probably also been like, the 3rd most comprehensive description of tsuru that ive made, 1st being the thoughts in my head and 2nd being the past 5 years worth of DMs with my friend who i talk about tsuru with
(why was this sort of structured like the beginners guide. if youve seen the beginners guide tell me if im right or delusional. if u havent, go watch a playthrough of it, have an existential crisis, and then afterwards tell me)
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jupitercl0uds-art · 9 months
art summary 2023!!!
i wanted to give slight commentary instead of just 12 random pngs so here you go
tuesday 3rd january - blah blah blah!
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this was meant to be the first frame of an animation. then flipaclip decided not to work. anyway theres a lot of incomplete stuff from this year and this is (sort of) one of them. idk how to explain why theres 4 of me and what's going on, it makes sense (sort of) if you read the thing its based on.
monday 20th february - waluigi doodle page
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i literally cannot stress enough this is the only thing i can be certain was definitely drawn in february. i would have picked a different thing otherwise, i swear. i was on a gc late at night asking who i should draw with waluigi and they gave me yoshi koopas and birdette. istg.
tuesday 21st march - tails and tbh (discord pfp)
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its funny how on one hand i dont draw tails like that AT ALL anymore, but at the same time, literally all my headcanons are there, like his fangs coming out when hes really happy, his fluffy ears, etc. the onky thing missing really is drawing fluffy arms and legs lol. as for the rest of the drawing, i think its ok. theres a few errors, particularly with the stroke, and i needed to fix the fill bucket around tbh's eyes, but this is nearly a year old now so im not fixing it. sorry.
friday 21st april - gently holding tails
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ah, tails plushie, how i love thee. where the hell are you girl i havent seen you in months. i have waluigi now. i miss you :(
tuesday 9th may - waluigi sketch with alcohol markers
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i hate alcohol markers. they dry too quickly. so it surprised me when one day, while forcing myself to like them, i drew something i actually liked. i still love this btw!!! this is the basis for how i currently draw waluigi rn, and my art as a whole!!!
also fun fact: i drew this the day before i started reading sonic idw :)
saturday 24th june - transmasc luigi watercolour stuff
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once again, weird mario fanart i made while talking to a friend late at night. the initial shirtless luigi was drawn as a joke because of a really quick shirtless waluigi my friend drew at summer school in 2022 as a joke, which is what the weird one who craves death is based on. weird as this art may be, this was such a happy time in the year for me and i miss it greatly :)
ill have to do july - december in a follow up post because i reached the image limit lol
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this-should-do · 1 year
How do you think freehoun gets together?
my friend youve opened up pandoras box
so essentially i dont think that they ever do, the whole thing that drew me to them was the fact that their story is a tragic one even if i hope that they can have a happy ending
the way i see them is that back in black mesa, they were very close friends, Very close, and i think at black mesa they had feelings for each other. I also think that they were close to actually getting together, in their own way in secret because it is the early 2000s, but obviously the rescas gets in the way
and then gordon is functionally dead and barney is left to mourn him and what life was before all while being retraumatized over and over again, and even if i think he holds a torch for gordon in a wayfor those years, you cant do that without idealizing gordon and idolizing him in some way, becuz its almost a coping mechanizsm to hold him so close even though he also fully knows hes dead, the constant reminising would warp gordon. theres also the anger he would feel over gordon for him in a way being at fault for the rescas and for hurting barney by going on a suicide mission to save the world. he gets messy and complicated in his relation to gordon along side the the otherways he gets messy and complicated in i\his own personal world. he changes as a person greatly, even on the basis of time its been 20 years. and gorodn coming back but different hurts him too its jarring even if its relieving in a quiet way
and then for gordon, hes the same in a way, he hasnt aged and grown, but hes also inextricably changed by the rescas, his coping mechanism -disassociating- complicated his ability to relate and feel close to people he knows even if he knows its not real, but also he isnt close to the people he knew anymore, becuz they have changed, barney has changed, barney isnt the same person he was before and it hurts a lot. he doesnt even have the time to truly even register any romantic feelings he would still ahve for barney becuz gordon hasnt changed in that way
and in both their worlds the other is such a sore spot and they do for a while try to force the other to fit into the role they played in the others life before teh rescas and it hurts them both. so functionally theyre strangers so they would have to start over, and from there who knows if either of them could grow romantic feelings again, i like to think they still could be friends and will say they do reach that level ina healthy manner again, but it would hurt a lot i think at first, but being in a romantic relationship is just nearly impossible to me, but thats part of the draw to me, and i think them both moving on instead of being stuck forever on something thats 20 years old is better for them both even if its sad for what it couldve been, but thats life i think, moving on when something doesnt work and making somethign new from it is good i think
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ybetzarts · 5 months
random question, what draws you to knuckles as a character? do you have a favourite version of him?
Okok...bear with me, I have to start from the beginning..
I first encountered Knuckles during the time when he was mostly portrayed as, as they described him, a character merely for comedic relief. I watched the boom series back in 2015 and so my first impression of him was that he was an all-brawn-no-brain kinda guy. I found him funny, i guess...i had no clue back then. To explain why i didnt bother to do any research, here are some screenshots of my response on IG...(see below the break)
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I was a shallow "fan". I find the sonic casts' design interesting and fun to look at. At that time, that was enough...
1. What drew me into Knuckles then?
I'll get into that, but first...The 2nd movie...The only reason i gave Sonic(by Sonic i meant the whole franchise) a chance was because i saw how Knuckles was portrayed in the 2nd Sonic movie. Very different from what i knew of him at that time.
I began researching about him, after watching the movies. There was something. Yea, i was on an info hunt of just about the guy for months! Along the way tho, i also discovered a ton of things about Sonic, the cast, etc. BUT, i was mostly so eager to know about Knuckles. Then man! There was so much to know about the guy...He wasnt just that all-brawn-no-brain type of guy. Those character analysis videos of Knuckles explained a lot of things about him. He's the most interesting of the cast(for me)---his personality(Most of all), his backstory, his sacred duty, being the last of the echidnas, angel island as his home, what's left of his kind(relics, tech, architecture, art, etc.), so much to unpack...and YET there were almost nothing said about them??? The mysteries about the guy continues. Lots of angles to look into his character.
Hmm... I also realized that there were many ways to interpret(?) Knuckles. The tons of fanfiction you can make about the guy, tons of ways to do headcanons about him---one can look at him through his duty as a guardian, through him being a warrior, through his ancestors--and then recently in Frontiers--through the hidden and long lost and forgotten structures within angel island, also, through the M.E. and through the power that resides in the M.E. Am I making sense even???
[I should say that i liked a lot of these things first, before i even liked Knuckles for his design LOL (gawsh, those times when i struggled drawing the dude. I was so eager to learn how to draw him. Usually i would have given up, but surprisingly i didnt), and the "why did he have to be RED" XDD I didnt like red, until Knuckles...] His personality drew me in at first, then came all of these things...
About his personality/character...I can really relate to that. I also happen to like characters who are tough on the outside and are good (not exactly gentle) in the inside LOL. Knuckles looks so tough, immovable as a mountain, but deep down, he's carrying a lot. Rarely or almost never opening up. I can only imagine him as he got older, him thinking like
"No one will be left to take care of the island after I'm gone anyway...so why should i even bother? I could be doing something else, I could be anywhere, I could make use of what time ive been given, of what time i have left."
*proceeds to chuck them thoughts away* Then just like that, back to guarding duty again, still feeling loyal and determined to fulfill his role, and to who knows until when...
For that, Knuckles is the only fictional character that ive come to genuinely like and become interested in. So much so that i got out of my demotivated-uninspired-artist-prison and began drawing again, and for the fun of it!🌟💥
2. As for my favorite version of him?
My gosh! um, currently Renegade, I suppose??? Man, this is hard gah! Theres always something to like about every version of Knuckles. The Knuckles version in my head, the one i created after consuming a ton of Knuckles info, yea i also like that version LOL XDD🌟
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skadream · 2 years
Rudy's Book Reviews: You Will Get Through This Night by Daniel Howell
yeah thats right im gonna be a phannie on main for a second. this is the start of my book review series which i hope to actually folow through with lol. this one ive been listening to as an audiobook but i do have the physical copy as well cuz im like that! next review will hopefully be gideon the ninth so tune in for that, but for now, read this review under the cut:
this book is a practical mental health guide, honestly a lot of it is stuff that you can learn in therapy so like if you have a therapist that you like then maybe its not worth it BUT theres like slim pickins for mental health books that arent just anecdotal evidence without actually talking about what people did to help them get better, just "yea i was sad but then i got therapy ✌️" or books that are so couched in psychiatric jargon its hard for a layperson to get into OR just vaguely inspiring bullshit.
its all written with the help of an actual licensed psychologist person, so no bullshit, no just do yoga and drink water shit (although obviously exercise and hydration and physical health are talked about) and yes he mentions medication and LICENSED therapy if those end up being necessary steps to take with your mental health!!! which again, in the world of self help type books, tends to be rare advice which is DEPRESSING IN A DIFFERENT WAY LMAO.
ofc it should go without saying that a book can never be a replacement for therapy but Considering How The World Is, this book is good for like maybe stepping into learning some coping skills as well as figuring out a plan before, during, and after crisis mode. i would say the tone is more serious than humorous but dan puts a lot of his own natural snarky sarcasm stink all over this book which obv that can be a taste thing if youre not into brit sarcasm mode but as a One Of Those i like it lol
in terms of Dan And Phil™️-isms, theres a sprinkling of cute winks and nods and inside jokes that people who drew sharpie cat whiskers on their faces as teens would understand but Normies will not find to be out of place or anything, there's also some storytimes of like his previous tours or living as a dropout youtuber being stress-inducing and things like that but not a ton which i kinda prefer cuz it makes it easier for me to recommend this book to people who dont give a shit about Phandom Memes
theres an introduction which is kind of a short summary of who dan is, basically just summarizing his youtube videos talking about depression and when he came out as queer and all that fun stuff, if youre a psycho hardcore fan person like me you might find it to be a long and unnecessary read, but if youre someone who didnt know about this guy and are curious as to why he would even write a book like this its a pretty good synopsis.
the american cover has dan's stupid face on it, and as someone who is a big fan of dan's stupid beautiful face, i wish we had the EU version with like tasteful yellow stripes on it bc it looks so nice, but i mean i just keep it on my bookshelf with the spine showing which is just a nice yellow spine with the title and looks unassuming so its not THAT big a deal lmaoo.
in terms of the audiobook, dan's voice is quite soothing and there's all these like audio cues and fitting music which i really like. the only downside is, for example, he reads out this timed breathing exercise that is meant to be like a five minute exercise, but it's not actually timed? so like i want to do the breathing exercises along with him reading it out but he reads it so fast its kinda like bro slow down you said breathe in for five seconds why you going ahead two seconds later homie. thats my only criticism i think obv if you are reading it and not listening you can just do the exercises by timing yourself lol.
ummmm idk if im gonna give a number at the end of these reviews!!! i give this book a big thumbs up!! 👍 woohoo yeah baby i am very proud of dan's current life journey thing that he's going on and i think this is a great book for people who need help which is everyone alive today right now :)
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
seeing leosagi trend on twitter makes me so happy though at the same time i kinda avoid it cuz a majority of it is yu/ichi usagi that's with leo and i don't wanna ruin the fun of the people who enjoy the samurai rabbit show, i tried getting into the show a month ago but it just... did not catch my eye the same way rise did
maybe it's cuz the show's not technically about the og usagi or the fact that i struggle to care about cast and story itself cuz it feels... boring to me? idk, it's just hard for me to get into shipping rise leo with yu/ichi when i'm not really interested in the character or show (yu/ichi i mean), esp when i'm more attached to everyone's version of rise usagi
sorry if this seems a bit ranty ^^;;;
Okay  1. I was answering another ask when I saw this and deiced nope I need to answer this! 2.no so yes let us talk about this because i see you I feel you and get what you mean as well.3. Sorry this is gonna be a lil long.
Okay so I recalled when they originally announced doing the samurai rabbit show and I was excited cause Usagi content. Forgot about it till finally getting back into tmnt after being convinced to finally watch rise cause o didn't when it originally aired. Which sent me down a rabbit hole obsession on usagi in time for the Samurai Rabbit show coming out. And to make this easier when I say Usagi I’ll be talking about Usagi Miyamoto and Yu/ichi for Usagi Yu/ichi yes I know they have the same first name that's the point it’s just for clarification here.
Now I do not mind the show it’s fine for what it is and I think Yu/ichi is cute and interesting but I have a love hate thing for the show. I spoke to a mutual on tiktok about this and I know I made a post on my thoughts about the show. I like the concept of Usagi descendant  Yu/ichi trying to become a samurai in a future time period when Samurai aren’t around, because he idolizes Usagi. Only to find out Usagi is a bad guy so he tries to clear their name. Despite that set up its not really what we get and Yui/chi didn’t really clear their name im still annoyed about that. I do still enjoy Yu/ichi mostly the design I even drew some inspiration from it for my own rise usagi because I liked the bangs. And I do find he and rise leo could be fun buuuuuuuut He is not the Usagi I want.
See as I have gotten more into Usagi’s own series I have just really come to love the character even more and love the idea of him in rise compared to a cross over with samurai rabbit. I just love the idea of the conflict in personality I just want him to be a grounded samurai who is emotionally in touch. Like especially with Leo going into his role as a leader I just love the idea of that being when he meets Usagi because of how special that friendship is in the 03 series. Besides I enjoy the Lore of Usagi Yojimbo and would love tidbits of it in rise uwu
Well I will still share and enjoy ship art of both cause i’m greedy and like Leosagi I do agree with people that the two should have different ships names. I saw seabunny mention for rise leo and yu/ichi and thats cute. But yeah well the sudden boom on twitter been nice to see and I have a friend who prefers that version simply cause yu/ichi is cannon over a rise usagi is. Thats fine though I also feel there another reason for the push on yui/chi i’m just being skeptical though so i wont say that in this. I just personally perfect Usagi myself over yui/chi. Again theres nothing wrong with him it’s just well I feel hes getting more praise than what is earned really. Based off the show am I a fan of it? eh I like it i don't know if its something i’ll re-watch I wish the writing was better I kind wanna do a fix it fic for it but that's a lot of work compared to one shots lol
TL;DR: Well I dont mind yu/ichi as a charater when it comes to the leosagi thing esp for Rise I’m in the side of Usagi Miyamoto over Usagi Yui/chi. And feel they should have different ship names also 03/2012 usagi > over any other usagi uwu
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mariska · 1 year
got my income for the month the other day and after 6+ months of not being able to make digital art the way i'm used to with my specific accessibility needs because of physical health symptoms with my hands, i was finally able to buy myself a new Paint Tool Sai license today, since a little while back i successfully installed an optional Windows 10 operating system on my Macbook (Sai doesn't run on Mac, at least not Version 1 which is what i need and have been using for over a decade) that i can switch back and forth between whenever and i am so so so so happy and relieved about it and so fucking excited to get to draw digital lines the way im used to drawing them after trying so many other similar programs and failing to find anything that worked exactly the same as Sai's basic built-in pen stabilizer 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i was able to quickly test out my (also ancient lol) art tablet with it and make sure everything works and it doesnt lag or anything like that and its perfect its exactly like i've always used it, i remembered which pen stabilization number setting i've been using for years and like.
dude. i know i sound dramatic right now LMAO but i CANNOT sketch or draw properly on traditional paper or sketchpads anywhere near what i can do in Sai because of all my tremors and shakiness and sudden muscle movements that make accidental lines and all that. and when i drew just one regular brush stroke in Sai and felt it move like im used to and got that super smooth sensation of 'pretty much just drawing like im holding a pencil/pen but with the shakiness of my lines improved'....almost cried a lil not gonna lie fjsgdgsgdhsgshf its been so many months and i've put so much mental energy into researching how to do that whole windows installation on my 2012 era macbook and somehow did that without completely messing it up and then having to wait until a month where i have enough extra money to buy the official version (Sai is so important 2 me and the most accessible digital art program i've ever used for my specific hand problems and i've used it for so long that i am only comfortable using the officially licensed version of it, yknow?) and also theres just something so nice about finally being able to use it again a few days before my birthday even though that timing wasn't on purpose...
AHHHHH im just so relieved. i feel like im free to just be able to make sketch pages and draw stuff whenever i have free time to and i have an idea in my head again and i havent felt that in so long and it was making my depression so much worse....and also because i've been doing my best to adapt to the similar but different settings in Clip Studio Paint, i have 2 really nice digital art programs with a lot of cool and useful features between the both of them now that i can use to like, mix and match with my art!! which is awesome!! i think Clip will mostly be used by me now for more graphic design type projects since Sai's always been my core art program, but i'd love to experiment with drawing/sketching/painting pieces in Sai and then plopping them into Clip and adding some extra fun effects or background elements or even just easier to repeat patterns with its' huge free-to-use resource library for like stamps and texture effects and more photoshop-y things like that.
ANYWAYS!! im just rambling to myself because im so happy and relieved to have My Art Program back so i thought i would share since its rare for me to feel as happy and excited and get some sense of normalcy back in any capacity these days, being immunocompromised and stuck in my house as long as i have been the past 3 years and counting. it has been a good amount of time since i've felt like i have A Victory To Celebrate and i hope that feeling lingers as long as it can 🥹✌️
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beefthroat · 2 years
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my family and i had to put my dog down a couple weeks ago. i thought of him like my son and i loved him very much and i have been very very sad about it. i drew this to memorialize him. i gotta tell ya ed was the best friend you could ask for and a wonderful companion but he was a shitty dog, haha. he had a lot of behavioral issues and my family did our best for him but he didnt really get better until he went blind and his arthritis got too bad and then he couldnt see other dogs to lunge at them on walks. theres a lot of things i would do differently now, i would have raised him in a much different way because he was not a beginner-level dog. he was very reactive. he also vomited when he was nervous and he was ALWAYS nervous. we put him on prozac later in life and that helped tho. he was only 7 when he died, because he came from a nasty backyard breeder. i am never going to get a puppy from a backyard breeder/puppymill situation ever again, its not worth the heartbreak of them being born with bone spurs and shitty hips and not being well socialized as a young puppy and coming to us with worms and all that stuff. despite all that, he was SUCH a ray of sunshine to the people he loved. he adored me and would follow me everywhere. i have been very sad and struggling with the idea that i might never see him again but i have to have hope that i'll see him in heaven. i want to see him in heaven when i die so bad. i drew him here finally able to jump up onto our couch again, no longer having painful arthritic hips as he's passing over the rainbow bridge. He is happy and he is free. i know for sure that wherever he is now, he is finally free.
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oddtheweird · 11 months
ok ok ok now i want. to hear solly and demo thoughts.
ok this will be posted a while after bc theres a lot and im not at home rn, i love hcs that make 2 different merc teams but when i'm thinking about mercs just for me for my own sanity combined with the comics i just kinda mush them together
non-op t4t swag, i think they're in a polycule with zhanna who is also trans bc she's amazing and some people don't like her for no reason she's great
i absolutely agree about the post you made with only wearing stuff instead of his helmet when demo gifts him
i think they all fight out of nowhere just for fun
i drew a piece i still have to post, i think mundanity would be difficult for any of the mercs but we've seen soldier especially have difficulty with it, i think him and demo would garden though and that would be a rare "normal" hobby of soldiers.
i think demo also likes crafty hobbies like sewing and knitting because lil pootis implanted that hc in my brain
i think the three of them have at least one of those matching outfits thats the same exact thing in different colors
once again theres a lot more i can't think of rn, they are constantly rotating in my brain
i have a lot of art of the two and the three i need to post this coming week but idk when bc i'll have a lot to do
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irl · 2 years
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sometimes you gotta put a man in his superiors shadows outfit and thats how its gonna be
goro rocks it tho
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So some stuff has come up and i dont think i'll personally be able to finish RWBY March. But ive been building a headcanon list for a while, so i guess now's the perfect time to share it!
General (main cast)
Nora refers to JR/JRO as "the boys" (canon?) but to RWBY as "RWBY" (canon?)
Pyrrha was insecure about her height (6'). The only one who knew was Nora. Nora's not insecure about her height (5'1") she's just mad at it
Weiss is also mad at her height. And Yang used to be insecure about hers in middle school
Everyone has carried Nora at least once. Whether because they wanted to or she forced them or they had to drag her out of something
Salem is colorblind (either by birth or by Grimm Pond dive)
Blake once licked her whole hand and then used that hand to push Ruby's hair back. No one will let her live that down
Sun likes to play with other peoples hair and clothes and gets really happy when they do it back (grooming is a important social aspect for primates). This behavior makes people think he's dating either Blake (who gets it) or Neptune (who's used to it and just lets him do what he wants)
At Beacon Blake wouldnt let anyone touch her hair out of fear they would move her ribbon or they would notice her cat ears. She actually really likes brushing or braiding her own or other people's hair
Pyrrha has a scar on her neck. Thats why she's always covering it. She always admired Weiss for walking around with hers on full display
Blake hung out with Sun and Neptune a lot in V2/V3. Thats why she knew Neptune was afraid of water
Emerald has never kissed anyone
Mercury went to school
Mercury was always a quiet kid. When he was talkative it was because he was having fun or being mean
Emerald dresses the (almost) exact way that Yang does but if anyone drew the same first conclusions about her that she did about Yang she would be very upset
Salem stopped going by "Princess Salem" after her rescue, only bringing it up if it would help a situation her and Ozma were in. She started somewhat going by it again when she was recruiting her army. She didnt go by "princess" again but she did go by "queen" and "goddess" after her false god stint
Faunus in General
Bc they need more animal characteristics outside 1 physical trait and goodish night vision
Faunus senses are a lot stronger than humans (other than sight*, which is equal to or less) *its canon they have night vision, so this is in regards to normal daytime 20/20 sight
Most faunus' can smell other faunus, down to the species-type (is there a word for that?)
Theres an old wives tale that the more human DNA you have, the weaker the strength of your senses are
Faunus who marry other faunus tend to end up with a spouse of the same or similar species-type. (Theres no socialital push its just statistics. Like how ppl tend to marry other ppl from the same backgrounds or class as them)
Depending on the species-type, some faunus have internal characteristics that allow them to: growl/howl (vocalcords/voicebox), have a higher bite force (jaw muscles), etc
There are stereotypes surrounding species-types. Cat-types like fish, primate-types will go through your stuff, rodent-types are short, that faunus who resemble solitary animals avoid social situations, etc
There are ridiculous rumors that faunus have a mating season/go into heat and that they lay eggs instead of giving birth
Perfumes and other scented things created and used by faunus are made differently, since their sense of smell is so strong. Walking into a human mall can be very disorienting because of the strength of human perfumes/candles
Animals were named after the types of faunus, not the faunus after the animal
The partners were Summer x Taiyang and Raven x Qrow
Raven is also a alcoholic
Raven and Qrow started drinking at a young age and drank fairly often at Beacon (Tai wasnt complaining then but he complains now)
Both of them became functioning alcoholics well before anything truly bad happened (ex. Summer's death or Raven's exile)
Everyone has tattoos
STRQ has one matching tattoo, they were all suppose to get partner tattoos but instead only Summer and Tai got them while Raven and Qrow got completely different tattoos (they're already twins and will already be tied together for the rest of their lives by Raven's semblance. Plus they'd never agree on one)
Raven has a portal to Ruby
Tai married Qrow first while they were in the Remnant version of Las Vegas for a mission. They were drunk and thought it would be a hilarious thing to lord over Raven. And it was ("i shouldve stayed married to Qrow", "hey, Tai put a ring on my finger before he ever put one on yours!", "you see, my sister married my ex-husband, which means she was the second choice", "well, for your information, i have married every member of my team")
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poptod · 3 years
Pretty, Little Doll (Merriel Shelton x Reader)
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Description: Merriel makes friends with the pretty little doll serving ice cream.
Notes: jus thinking about ice cream. implied female reader, but this.. is too much. theres just too much here. youve been warned. edit: wait no u havent. the warning is that theres suggestive themes and such WC: 2.3k
After working long hours in the broiling sun of the south, what felt best down his parched throat was a beer––a bar where many of his friends and coworkers drank at, and the waitresses wore low-cut dresses with short hems and long stockings. That sight went down wonderfully with several drinks, but what drew his attention today was a newly opened shop.
There was no sign, but the large, pristine windows gave a good view of the inside. Clean, white walls with several tables and chairs to the left, and a counter to order at on the right. Behind it stood you, dressed to the nines in ruffles and bows as you opened up the shop, displaying buckets of ice cream.
Merriel grinned. Lopsided and toothy, and he jogged inside, sweat and dirt still trailing down his skin and clothes. With his shirt slung over his bare shoulder, he met your eye and his cocky smile returned as his chin tilted high.
"Afternoon," he drawled as he approached the counter, barely grazing over the different flavors before returning to you.
"Good afternoon," you said in a much quieter voice, though you did mimic his smile, just more politely. "How may I help you?"
"You new here?" He asked, gesturing generally to the shop.
"Oh, yes," you said. "My grandmother always wanted an ice cream parlor, so.. I thought I could help her."
"That's awful sweet of ya," he said as he leant on the counter, tilting ever closer to you. "This ice cream sweet as you, boo?"
Your mouth fell open, eyes widening as you did a double take. For a moment you were at a loss for words, but you quickly attempted to stammer out a response, a blush burning your face.
"Well, um, we have, uh, strawberry, and um.. chocolate, vanilla, cherry, and uh, banana. And bourbon."
"Bourbon?" He said, a single brow kinked upwards.
"It's my grandma's favorite," you said with a sheepish chuckle.
"Damn, girl. Grandma knows how to have fun," he laughed.
"Would you like to try it?"
Only if I can lick it off you, he thought, his attention drifting to the soft skin of your neck. The thought of it melting down and pooling in your clavicle. While usually he didn't bother to censor himself for anyone, you seemed a little fainthearted. His chances with you would probably be ruined after one too-strange comment.
"Sure," was what he said instead. "Long as it's cold I don't care."
"I understand that. I moved here recently and it's certainly something to try and adapt to the heat," you rambled as you stuck a tiny plastic spoon in the bourbon ice cream, giving him the single bite. "Are you a local?"
"Been here long's I remember," he said, taking the spoon. "What time do ya get off today?"
"Oh, um," you fixed the ruffles on your collar, "I won't be finished till late. We're not all set up yet."
"If y' need some help, I'd be happy to offer my expertise. I do a hell of a lot a' nailin' things ta the wall."
You stared at him again, once more losing your words. He hadn't quite meant what he said, but the fluster he left you in had him grinning, humored by the connotation you'd incorrectly understood.
"That – that'd be very nice of you," you said, wringing your hands. "I don't want to bother you. You look.. busy."
He didn't miss how your eyes raked up his body, from his wrinkled, dusty pants up his bare waist and chest still gleaming with the sweat of morning work. His jaw could cut hearts and he knew that very well; accented it whenever he could as he cocked his chin upwards, watching carefully as your breath froze.
"I won't be busy tonight. How 'bout this." He walked up right to the counter, pressing his hips into the edge of it. "I come after I finish up ma' own job, and I'll give ya' a hand. Don't even gotta pay me."
"Really? But –"
"Don't worry 'bout it. 'S nothin' for a pretty doll like you."
"At least let me get you a cone? It's hot out today," you offered, reaching for the largest waffle cones you had.
The guys wouldn't really take well to him eating ice cream instead of drinking, but he figured they'd eat their words when they saw you.
"Won't say no to that."
As much as he wanted to boast about you, how pretty and sweet you were and how he so easily slid his way into your life, he didn't want his friends finding your shop and vandalizing it with their own dirty boots and flirtatious looks. Only he could do that.
In the evening he returned as promised, having walked from his house on the outskirts of town to your shop on the main street. The build, decorum, and location of the shop screamed rich family to him. No one in his state would be able to afford a business on main street, much less fully renovated and repainted. He could ask you, he decided, about your family, your grandmother, and of course you.
Inside, you were closing up the tubs of ice cream, hauling them out of the display case and into a back storage room. He knocked before he entered, earning a muffled 'come in!' from you.
Before either of you could speak, both the buckets in your arms began to slip, and he ran round to the other side of the counter to help. He took one from you to ease the load.
"Careful, cher," he said, grabbing another bucket in his other arm. "Don't wanna break yaself."
"Thank you," you said, mostly ignoring his comment. "My grandma is in the other room, so just, um.. be polite and proper."
Fat fuckin' chance, he thought in his head, but fortunately did not say aloud as he followed you.
The door swung open into a freezer room, where an old lady stood in the corner, covered head to toe in coats as she stirred.
"I keep telling you to let me do that," you sighed, setting down your container before rushing to her side.
"I can do it quite well myself. I'm not useless, you know," your grandmother said, staring you down with a glare. You hesitated, gauging her carefully, before you relented with another exasperated sigh.
"Fine, alright," you said quietly. "I'll go work on hanging up all the paintings and such."
"Thank you, dear."
You motioned to him as you passed by, pushing open the door and heading out of the freezer. He once again followed you, watching your ass with a grin you never saw.
"We need to hang up these," you said as you brought him to one of the circular tables, each of which carried a small pile of paintings, license plates, or tin posters.
"You got a ladder?" He asked, glancing to the high walls.
"Yes sir," you said, sorting through the different posters. He quirked a brow, intrigued by the possibility of that nickname.
"I neva did get ya name," he said as he leant on one of the tables.
"(Y/N). What's yours?"
"Pretty name for a pretty doll," he half sung, the same, one-sided smile stretched lazily across his face. "My name's Merriel."
"Also a pretty name," you said, picking the largest poster to start with. A pin-up girl in a sailor's suit. "Our ladder isn't all that steady. Will you hold it for me?"
He opened his mouth to offer himself up, but with one look to the ruffled skirt you wore, he shut himself up.
"'Course," was what he said instead.
Everything was a bit of a game––one you were unwittingly a part of, and one where you played your role rather well. A sweet, unassuming little thing, essentially a toy for him, accepting his help and letting him in. He hated to act the predator, but when it came to you he couldn't help it.
That was how he saw it. Hunting you down and taking you for his own at the end of a long chase. However, to any outsider, it appeared in a much simpler way; a young man doing anything for someone he'd developed a crush on. That was how it truly was, though the innocence of his crush was abruptly stripped away as he held the ladder, staring shamelessly up your skirt.
"Huh?" He said, broken out of his dreamy trance.
"I said could you hand me another nail," you said, pointing towards the package of nails with your hammer.
"Oh. You sure ya ain't gonna fall if I leave?" He asked with a grin. You chuckled, shaking your head.
"I'll be alright."
"If you say so, boo."
After a little while he supposed he ought to offer some more help than holding a rickety ladder, and took your place at the top with a hammer in his hand and nails in his mouth. As promised, his experience with nailing things to the wall (nails specifically, not women) made him much faster than you, and the entirety of the wall behind the counter was covered within fifty minutes.
"Thank you for your help, again," you said as you put away the hammer and nails.
"My pleasure," he said, the image of your thighs still fresh in his mind. "If y' ever need help.. I'm happy t' to be of service."
"Well, thank you. Come stop by again soon. On the house," you said as he left, peeking your head out the door and giggling.
"You know I'm stoppin' by again, get two things done in one trip. Some'in sweet for th' eyes and the tongue," he laughed, watching your face light up with a blush.
And it ain't just the ice cream, he thought.
Over the course of the coming summer, he left drinking for the evening, and instead visited your shop over his lunch break. You insisted on giving his cones for free considering he continued to help you out, but he usually found ways to sneak you the money anyway. You were not, as he assumed earlier, a very rich family.
His favorite activity, which he found rather early on, was to sit outside on burning hot days, his shirt draped over the back of his chair as he ate. Through the pristine glass, he spied you watching him often.
You couldn't help it either. Most of your life was spent in your family cabin, cutting you off from many teen and early adulthood experiences. People flirting with you was a lot to deal with, especially when it came from someone as pretty as him, the smooth dips and ripples of his lean muscles shining with sweat and dirt from his construction site.
His tongue. Ever since he made that comment on that first evening you met, you hadn't been able to get it out of your mind. How it rolled and drawled between his puffy lips drawn backwards with his teeth, in a very specific method you'd pinned down to 'the Tongue Thing'.
Your heated, embarrassed blush only worsened as ice cream dripped down his fingers from the heat, cleaned up by a sharp and precise tongue. You could hardly breathe watching him like that, but as he caught your eye you turned quickly away.
His bravado had clearly earned a huge boost from catching you mid-drool, prevalent in his step as he waltzed back into your store. You hardly met his eye, pretending to clean up the counter, but that didn't stop him. He walked right up to you, leaning down with his elbows on the stone, forcing you to stop and look at him, which you did with incredible reluctance.
"You been watchin' me, cher?" He asked, close enough to see his reflection in your wide eyes.
"No," you said quietly.
"A' think you're lyin'," he said, leaning in closer yet. "Betta' not do that. Could land you in some trouble."
You raised your brows.
"Are you threatening me?"
"Not with anythin' ya can't take," he said as he raked his eyes purposefully slow down your body. When you appeared to be at a loss for words, he said, "I'll ask ya again. Were you watching me?"
"... and if I don't answer?" You tested carefully.
"Well then, I think there's too much space between us," he said, grinning cockily as he jumped the counter, crowding you suddenly.
You drew in a sharp breath, backing up as he continued to step forwards till he pinned you to the wall with his hips.
"Tell the truth, baby." he drawled, carefully setting his hands on your hips and pulling you in. Something hard poked you.
"I – I wasn't staring, I –"
He half-grinded into you, pressing you tighter against the wall as his hands drew upwards, resting at your waist.
"Such a pretty thing," he mumbled beneath his breath, watching your stumbling reaction closely.
By pinning you with his hips, he had free roam to move his hands, one of which toyed with the hem of your skirt. It was wrong, certainly, and it was also illegal since you were in plain view of main street, but he lost control the minute his fingertips brushed the soft, supple skin of your thigh.
Your breathing hastened, hips yearning for something, though you didn't know what. When the rough skin of his fingers suddenly brushed inbetween your thighs your hands shot up to steady yourself on Merriel's shoulders. He laughed, running a finger through your lips, finding you already soaked and not wearing underwear. Instantly his laugh faded, devolving into a long, needy moan as his hips once more pushed up into you.
"Th – there's someone – someone coming," you said, eyes darting to the front door.
Immediately he was off you, stepping to the side as you straightened yourself out. You walked forward with shaky legs, which he most definitely noticed, and took the mother and son's orders as usual. When you finished you glanced to him, your heart stopping at the sight of him licking your slick from his fingers.
"I guess your ice cream is as sweet as you, boo," he murmured in your ear, giving you no chance to react before rushing back out to return to his construction job.
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