#i havent been drawing much lately so its a matter of out of practice
freebooter4ever · 1 year
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So you guys know i (try to) post daily doodles, and i have said before that i draw for about 2-3 hrs every night. BUT that also means i dont post about like 80-90% of the drawings i do each night. Today though, i've been thinking about A*I and my own relationship with drawing, and how utterly baffled i am that anyone would want to use it to like...draw for them..and how the concept that *tell a computer what art to do so i dont have to do it* is alien to me. So here's ALL the drawings i did tonight. The bottom one is the last one i did and the one i would normally post. And i want to talk about A*I without talking about good or bad end product. Because i dont care if im making the shittiest art in the universe - i still wouldn't use A*I. Not even as a ‘tool’.
If you've been around here for a while you know i have a love/hate relationship with my art. I write too, but writing doesnt make me so frustrated and angry that i want to throw my computer out a second story window. HOWEVER. There is a huge caveat to that anger.
It happens after.
You could look at it a little like hockey. Every game is fresh, right? I mean god knows the US made an entire movie about how every game is a new game and the odds could always fall in your favor no matter how stacked against you. So every drawing i go into it excited - like LOOK at that reference material, its gorgeous. The gesture is beautiful, the post is interesting, there is something about it that is just begging to be drawn. But then say you hit intermission in the hockey game and the opposing team scored a few points. And i step back and look at the drawing and realize i started to go wrong somewhere along the way. But its too late now, you gotta commit and keep going. And you do but somehow the final score is STILL 6 to 0 and thats when i want to flush all my art down the toilet and never look at it again. But its okay because the next drawing is going to start with a blank canvas and who cares what happened last time.
Ok maybe a bad example.
The product is never really what drives me to draw - i mean, sure i do like it a heck of a lot better when i have something /anything/ that i can post to show that im sticking with my everyday doodle. But its not a requirement to doodling. The process of drawing is always fun. Its when i come out of it and look at the stupid thing that im like ‘well fuck i fucked that one up again didnt i’, and THEN i get annoyed lol.
I dont sit there consumed with frustration over ‘gee i dont know what to draw’. This is never an issue. I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DRAW. Sometimes i avoid certain gifs/photos because in the back of my mind im like ‘yeah no, i havent leveled up that far yet, i cant do that justice’. But i dont want to admit the sheer number of images of geno alone i have saved. I think my biggest reference folder is still aoki and that has over two thousand screenshots - i dont think anyone will ever surpass that LOL. I have a never ending supply of practice art to be done.
The frustration comes when i have an image in my head and i want to get it down on paper so-to-speak (computer whatever). So - when im NOT using reference (or at least not an exact one) and am making an ‘illustration’ (ish). But again, the process isn't the issue. I like the act of drawing, i like the image in my head slowly taking shape, i like how vividly i can see it. Yall know how obsessed i am with personality - that's not just part of the drawing, that IS the drawing. And each deicision in the illustration is defined by the personality/character.
A computer can't fucking do this.
Could i maybe tell a computer ‘draw geno in the shower’. Sure. And it probably could. And if i didnt care about the process - if all i wanted was a very good drawing of geno in the shower....that probably would be fine. Maybe great even. Maybe it would be the best damn drawing of geno in the shower ever. And then i'd feel like shit because a machine is producing art that is more valuable to other people than mine ever will be. But holy fucking shit that ruins the entire POINT of drawing???? Why would you do that?
I mean, im sure yall can infer the entire point of the act of drawing geno in the shower. He's hot, he's wet. ANYWAY.
In my opinion, a person who wants the end product and doesn't care about the process of getting there....that person is not an artist. That person is someone who enjoys art, and probably thinks they have a lot of good ideas to make into art, but who doesn't feel that pull to make art themselves. They just want to buy art. And they want it cheap. And mindless computers being trained in seconds on the decades of creativity and hard work of art masters is a heck of a lot cheaper than a human.
And the hardest part of all this for me is how worthless this makes me feel - nobody wants you, they want that automatic button. Kinda like my dad that way (haha)
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irl · 2 years
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sometimes you gotta put a man in his superiors shadows outfit and thats how its gonna be
goro rocks it tho
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szivoszal · 3 years
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started university this autumn and ive been busy with that, so i havent really been making big art things. here's a masterpost of movement figure studies, mostly but not all made out of pure thirst (stray kids, enhypen, nct 127 and some ssireum wrestling sketches)
this is enough and substantial on its own, though. keeping on trying new stuff and making strides in things im familiar with; for now that's campus sketches, dynamic movement sketches, trying out charcoal for the first time, stuff that doesnt require a ton of time and focus, just a bit for fun. (i havent been using color lately again bc it needs more focus...or maybe a different focus than what im capable of rn?) even if its not a serious progress in new mediums/techniques/thoughts/etc, its still worth it.
for a long time now ive wanted to put extra meaning into my drawings and works! but then it just doesnt fit my hand, i always end up focusing on the pure visuals of things, which has a spirituality on its own and its valid, but yeah... odilon redon has been fascinating me, for example. i wanna tap into something too, in my own way. though it doesnt matter what i think i want, bc intuition and affection always leads me in a direction i havent planned/thought of, partly bc inspiration has to have a freshness to really strike (have to do a thing Now or never bc the idea expires), and partly just cuz its the type of thing that gets worse and harder the more u try to control it.
im thinking that direct symbolism and meaning needs more effort/control from my part (for me personally, where im at rn), and although i dont hate the results, its not intuitive and doesnt feel great to make. so im waiting for when my intuition will be curious enough about it to make the effort. maybe now is the time. or maybe ill continue doing studies of stuff. i like observing. observing and studying without added commentary or judgement is very valuable.
another thing ive been thinking abt is the switch from studying in hs to being in tech art school to studying in uni. i cant do artsy stuff full time now (again), but also i dont Have to do artsy stuff full time and thats great actually. the universe didnt intend for me to go to art school and it was right, art uni doesnt sound fun now.
cuz i dont think art is really able to flourish in a space where so much pressure is put on it, when ur self esteem and so many things are dependent on ur output... or at least its not ideal. Or at least not for me. it seems to me that practicing anything is about a balance of structure (like a schedule to follow), pleasant effort (enough to feel youve done something but not straining), natural ease & fun. i tend to be anxious and a tryhard (too sensitive to structure and expectations), or have been for a long time, so the fun and ease aspect has been the main thing i needed for drawing and making things. i cant imagine making good things without a sense of ease.
going to uni for a different thing is also great bc the world gets so much wider... i enjoy spending time with getting to know stuff! ive gotten used to only talking about art, but its not just about art. it was that way when i was rly insecure and my self esteem depended on my drawing output. theres so much more to life and that much more is where art gets its zest from. that much more might be what ive been missing out on if ive concentrated too much of myself on art before. distancing oneself from art can be a good thing for connecting with oneself and the world, in that way.
in any case, i think im doing good. i enjoy doing this. this is the ease. should go study for my exams now lol
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zmayadw · 4 years
Evening to all :)
Time for the next part :)
Have a nice evening :)
I woke up with a terrible taste in my mouth. I had no clue what time was it, but the sun was out already, making me squint my eyes. I got in sitting position slowly, banging in my head intensifing with every move i made. Ugh, i'm never drinking again, i scolded myself. Squinting, I focused on the little alarm clock that was on the night stand. 10.34. Whoa, i cant remember the last time i slept this long. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I filled the glass with wather, rinsing my mouth a few times before gulping down two glasses. My stomach growled at it, i just hoped not to throw up .Taking a shower would be a wise thing to do, so i just threw the clothes i had off and entered the shower. The warm water felt good, i just let it pour over me for a while. I wrapped myself in the towel taking some painkillers for the headache. Getting back to the room, i dressed up, and sat on the bed. I felt a bit better, but still not enough. Coffee, i tought, thats what i need now. I got up, going for the purse i threw on the floor when i got in, searching for my phone. Shit, i cursed, it wsnt there. I checked every pocket, even Jake's hoodie, but my phone was nowhere to be found. Crap, i probably left it at a the Aurora last night, when Jessy and me wer taking pictures. Or at lest i hoped so. Well, i was going for coffee, so i could stop at the Aurora eitherway. I grabbed my backpack with drawing stuff. Who knows, i might be up for some drawing, no matter I still felt woozy from last night drinking. I putted my sneakers on, grabed my stuff and car keys. Walking wasnt an option this time, i wasnt feeling well enough for it.
When i parked my car infront of the Aurora, I saw Dan's car was still there. I smiled as i left the car, guess i wasnt the only one sleeping late today. I hoped Phil was there already, and my phone too. I entered the Aurora, relieved at the sight of Phil behind the bar. I was washed with the smell of coffee, and as i neared the bar, I pleadingly said to him, sitting on the stool „Please, please, please, tell me i'm not wrong and that is coffee i can smell.“ Phil turned arround , not noticing me when i entered. He grinned at me „You are most definitly right! Would you like some?“ „Yes, pretty please.“ I said, as i putted my hand on the bar, and leaned my head on it as on a pillow. Phil chuckled at me „Want any sugar with it? Or milk?“ „Yes, please.“ I replied, and he vanished through the storage doors. He returned with a big cup of coffe putting it infront of me. I rised my head, took the cup, taking a deep breath of its smell, before taking a big sip of it. „Thanks, Phill, you're my saviour:“ i smiled at him as i settled it back on the bar. „Here to help.“ He said, winking. „Rough night?“ he asked teasingly. „Oh, i dont know how you can be so cheerful.“ I started „I feel like a truck hit me lastnight.“ He laughed „Practice to perfection.“ „I think i would need years of practice to be even close to that kind of perfection!“ i said, making a skeptical face. He smiled at me „So, to what do i owe the pleasure?“ he asked. „Dont get me wrong, im glad to see you“ he said, that devilish spark in his eyes again „But i doubt you came just to see me.“ „You caught me.“ I said, even tho it was nice seeing him. „I was hoping that i might have left my phone here yesterday.“ He shook his head at me, crouching down searchin for a few seconds under the bar, giving me my phone as he got up. „Better be carefull next time, good thing i noticed it as you left.“ „Yay, thanks Phil, again.“ I told him, giving him a big smile. „I owe you big time! Both for the phone, and coffee.“ His phone rang then „Sorry business calling. Be right back“ he said, answering his phone and going through the storage door. I checked my phone with him gone, finding out few missed calls and messages from Jessy. She was worried i havent answered her jet, so i decided to call her while waiting for Phil. The tone barely sugested it rang when Jessy's voice boomed from the other side. „Finaly! Do you know how worried i have been? Are you allright? Where wer you? Why didnt you answer me before?“ It made me smile a bit, her worrying for me like that was so sweet. „Im sooooo sorry Jessy“ i said pleadingly „I left my phone at Aurora last night, i just got here to get it.“ Phil returned at that point, and i mouthed to him 'Jessy's' name, indicating who i was talking to. Her voice boomed again, and i moved my phone a bit from my ear, wich made Phil laugh. „Ofcourse you did! Its no wonder after all the whiskey you had! Dan is still sleeping like a log! You two really had it last night!“ „Aww, Dont be cross, Jessy.“ I started pleadingly again „I promise next time we wont over do it.“ Phil was grining at me now, and i stuck my toung at him, trying to calm Jessy down. „C'mon, you cant tell me you didnt have some fun yesterday.“ I started „I have some pictures on my phone as a proof of it.“ Phil threw his thumb up, showing me i said a good thing, and i grined at him. „Alright, i admit last night wasnt all that bad.“ Jessy started, sounding calmer now „But you're still not off the hook completly.“ „Thanks, Jessy“ i started, grining as a sign of victory to Phil. „You can scold me some more at lunch, if the deal for it still stands.“  „Ofcourse!“ Jessy cined cheerfuly from the other side „Dan will be a sleep for God knows how long, and im already bored here.“ I quickly moved my phone from the ear checking the time. „Its 12.20 now, when do you want us to meet?“. „I'll meet you around 14 at the Aurora. I doubt Phil will mind you hanging there with him till then.“ She replied, teasing me. „Somehow i think you're right.“ I said, looking at Phil with a devilysh smile. „Cya later, Jessy.“ I sadi, lovering my phone. Phil looked at me,a bit confused „Wat was that about?“ „Oh, just Jessy being Jessy.“ I told him, grining. „Fine, fine, be all mysterious.“ He teased me. „Awww, c'mon, you wouldnt find me so interesting if i was an open book.“ I told him, smiling sheepeshly. He looked at me, with that intensifing look again, making me feel heat spreading through my body „You're not wrong about that.“ Crap, what are you doing again, Maya, i scolded myself. Phil was definatly into me, and i was toying with him like this. It really wasnt my intention, i didnt want him to get the wrong impression about anything. But it felt so easy for me, talking to Phil, compared to Jake. Why does all have to be so tough and complicated with him? It feels like walking on egg shells every time im with him: dont do this, dont say that. Shit, it shouldnt be that way, should it? Was i really that much into Jake? Blah, i dont know anything anymore. I wish he would be more open with me, it would make things so much easier. I was lost in my toughts when Phil finaly snaped me back to reality „Maya? You allright?“ I looked at him, shaking my head,  to clear it from all the 'Jake' toughts. „Yeah, sorry.“ I started „Guess the coffee didnt kick in properly yet.“ Phil looked at me, and i could see he didnt really belive what i told him, but decided not to take the matter any further „If you say so.“ Was all he said. I smiled shyly at him. „Do you mind if i just hang here for an hour or so, before metting with Jessy? I dont feel up to driving back to motel, and the coffee isnt bad here either.“ I tried, smiling, waving my empty cup at him. Phil looked at me, rising one of his eyebrows, and smiled devilishly „How could i say no to a beautifull woman?“ He took my cup, winked at me vanishing through the storage doors. I could feel my cheeks flushing again, and my heart beating faster. Shit, shit, shit..
When Phil came back with another full cup of coffee i asked if its ok if I sit at one of the booths, to wich he said  fine, since he did have some work to be done. I took my stuff and coffee setteling at the booth. I had a bit over an hour before metting with Jessy, i hoped some inspiration for work might come to me. I took my stuff out of the backpack, took my sneakers off, sitting with my feet up on the booths perch. I liked drawing like that. Leaning my drawing pad on my knees i tried to focus on my work, but my toughts just kept wondering off.  I tought about Phil, sneaking glances towards the bar. He was good looking, always nice to me, even tho everyone warned me that he was a 'no good' considering women. He never showed any sign of it towards me. He was easygoing, i enjoyed his company, we definatly clicked. Then there is Jake. I was definatly drawn to him, cant deny that. When im near him, it feels like when a moth is drawn towards fire. Cant fight it, its driving me crazy. But nothing with him is easy. Its like taking one step forward, then not one, or even two, but ten steps back. Its so frustrating. And with all that had happened, i feel like all the progres we had was completly gone. My head was still too woozy for thinking of stuff like this. I setteled my drawing stuff down, taking my coffee, leaning back in the booth. Maybe Jessy would have some advice fore me. Two heads are smarter then one, or so they say. But i should definatly talk to Phil, at least try to explain things to him. I dont want him thinking im giving him some false hope here. As if he could sense my toughts, he turned around, took his coffee and walked towards me. „Mind if i join you?“ he asked, and i smiled „Ofcourse i dont. I guess my inspiration is still sleeping, so no work to be done at the moment.“ He grined „Thats good for me. I can have the pleasure of your company for some more then.“ I chuckled at that, siping some more of the coffee. But i tought again about talking with him about everything.  My face must have gotten some serious expression, 'couse Phil looked at me a bit serious, before asking „Whats bothering you, Maya? I have a feeling you want to talk to me about something.“ I looked at him, those deep eyes of his gazing intensly at me, trying to dig up my toughts. „I do.“ I admitted after a moment „But to be hones, i dont know how to start .“ „Well, just do your best.“ He said, and i started to get the feeling of a knot at my stomach again. „Allright.“ I said, but the words didnt come easy after that. „I like you, Phill.“ I said finaly after a moment of silence. He chuckled „Ok, thats a good start.“ „Ah, but that was the easy part.“ I started „Now comes the tricky one.“ I could notice him tensing a bit, like he knew where this might lead to. „Ok, go on then.“ He said. „I enjoy your company, talking to you, its so easygoing. I feel we clicked, that theres some 'spark' between us, and i know you noticed the same.“  „You're right about that.“ He replied. „But..“ i started, and Phil interupted me, sighing „Ahh, there it is, the famous 'but' part.“ „Please, Phil, just let me say what i have, then you can hate me.“ He looked at me, his face getting a soft touch „I couldnt hate you, Maya.“ „Dont say it untill im not done talking.“ I said, a bit sadness creeping to my voice. „Alright. Please, continue.“ „Ok. As i started earlier,i like you, but i dont want to get your hopes up.“ I settled my coffe on the table, my hands fidgeting with the cup. Why was this so hard? „Shit, Phil, im a complete mess at the moment.“ I started „I myself dont know what i want, and its tearing me up inside. There is someone, and i dont know where I stand with him. And i dont want to start something new, if im not a 100% sure that its the right thing, that its something i really want. With no loose ends catching up on me.“ I looked up at Phil, him still not taking his eyes off me. „Am i making any sense to you here?“ i asked, lovering my head. I really didnt want to have this conversation, but that was me being honest. All of a sudden, i could feel Phil's hand covering mine, and i looked back up at him. He still had that softness written all over his face. „I appriciate your honesty, Maya.“ He started „Now let me be honest also.“ „Ofcourse“ i said „I expect nothing less.“ „Good.“ He looked at me more serious now. „You know i like you, you said it yourself. I dont know why, but i felt drawn to you the moment i saw you. Theres something in you that makes a man bedazled by you, i cant explain it differently.“ He paused for a moment before continuing. „And i get it, you dont want to get into something half hearted. And i applaud you for that. Because, if anything was to happen between us, i wouldnt want it that way either.“ He looked at me now, his gaze intensifing again, and i started to feel that heat again. „If it was to happen“ he continued „I would prefere if you wer in it with every inch of your body and soul.“ I was mesmerized by his words. He was so open with me, the words came so easy to him. Why cant it be like this with Jake. „Allrighty, that was pretty honest there.“ I said finaly, making an aqward smile. „You wanted me to be honest.“ He said, adding „And just so you know, im not going to make it easy for you.“ He looked at me now, with that devilish spark in his eyes again. I looked at him puzzled „What do you mean by it?“ He grined at me „Its like this: i will continue to act like i did so far, and you can do the same, cause, lets face it, we both like it.“ His grin widened, and i smiled back at him. „Good, you get me. But, until i get a confirmation from you about freely taking it a step further, i will do whatever i can to maybe, just maybe, help you feel a bit less messy and steer thigs in my favore.“ „And what if it wont end as you hope it would? Can you be ok with just being my friend?“ i asked him. He looked at me for a moment, before answering. „Honestly“ he started“i cant say i wouldnt be dissapointed, a little hearth broken probably, but i would respect your choice. And yes, Maya, if that would be so, i would gladly be just your friend.“ “Thanks, Phil, i appriciate all you said.“ I told him „I was kinda affraid of having this conversation with you.“ „You, affraid? I cant belive that“ he said, teasingly „Belive me, i was scared as hell.“ I said, adding to it „But im glad we had it. I didnt want it to become aqward between us at some point.“ „Not gonna happen.“ He said, winking at me. I smiled „Shit, you know, even thou i had enough yesterday, i could actualy use a drink right now.“ Phil lughed so hard „Awww, you really did get scared. We are in a bar afterall, you just say the words and ill bring you that drink.“ He said, looking at me with one raised eyebrow. „Only if you join me“ i said, grining at him „ And if you dont tell Jessy about it.“ He got up from the booth, smiling and winking before he left for the bar „Deal!“
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normalbirb · 4 years
Abstinence isnt sex ed and everyone needs to learn this shit, especially teenagers
Ive seen a lot of anger and blame being thrown on p*rn artists online lately for people growing up with warped views on sex, especially here on tumblr. "Think of the children" type of talk. So i guess i, a part time p*rn artist, is gonna have to have the talk with you that your parents and teachers apparently havent had with you yet.
Sex posetive ≠ have a lot of sex
Sex posetive = practice safe sex
So. What is safe sex?
Tw heavy and triggering language
Research std's before having sex. Learn about the dangers and what they can do to you. This is really important. Find out WHY protection is important. A std can lead to some really nasty shit.
If you cant say no, you are NOT ready for sex. Consent is SUPER important and a huge part of sex.
If you cant take a no, you are NOT ready for sex. Consent is SUPER important and a huge part of sex.
Theres nothing shameful about being a virgin. Especially if youre still a minor. Losing your virginity isnt a cool hip thing, sex is much deeper than that. Ive seen a lot of people talk about how they regret having sex as a minor and how that warped their view on it in a negative way. You are not an exeption to this. You are not unique.
You and your partner needs to be equals in bed. Even in bdsm. A dom isnt supposed to be an abuser, a dom is supposed to be just as much of a pleaser as the sub is. If a dom isnt listening to you, they arent a dom, they are abusing that label to get away with r*pe.
A minor and adult can NEVER be equal. As an adult i can confirm that all adults hold power over younger people. Age gaps are ok but ONLY if both parties are adults.
Research safe bdsm. Ex, choking isnt safe in general but it can be made safer (dont press your hands on the windpipe). Spanking needs to be done right or you can dislocate the hip. Use handcuffs made for bdsm. They are made to be able to open quickly if the user starts to panic.
Sex doesnt need to lead to penetration.
Aftercare is important and a good bonding thing. Foreplay is also important and can lessen discomfort.
Clean your sextoy after every use, preferable with sextoy cleaners. You can get an std from a dirty sextoy even if youre the only one using it.
Never use a broken sextoy.
Lube. Use it.
Clean your packer every day. Preferably with sextoy cleaner.
Wash under your foreskin and dont use soap in your vagina.
P*rn isnt realistic.
Having sex wont make you whole. That hole in your soul, it can only be patched together with therapy. Having sex to try to fill that void will leave you vunerable to being abused by people.
If you cant talk to your parents about sex in a healthy manner, you are NOT old enough for it.
If youre scared of going to a gynecologist and having your genetals checked, you are NOT ready for sex. Do some research on how a checkup is done.
DO NOT send nudes to strangers, ESPECIALLY NOT if youre a minor. This can fuck your entire life up. It can make you a target for harasment and even go as far as making you a victim of being kidnapped and sold to sex slavery. It may sound like a stretch but its a very real thing in this world.
Dont trust strangers online. Im a stranger online. You are a stranger online. Everyone are a stranger online. Research grooming tactics, learn what the red flags are. Them being nice to you isnt an exeption, being nice is a grooming tactic.
If you get sexually asaulted, do NOT wash the clothes. Save them for evidence. Your assaulters dna is a evidence against them in court. Talk to an adult and go to the police imideatly.
Even as a minor, dont draw p*rn of other minors. No matter your age you have still created ped*phile p*rn. Ofc as a minor you should prob not draw that stuff to begin with but i also cant stop you from it.
You do NOT need to sleep around to find out what your sexuality is. That is a shit advice. Theres no hurry for you to figure it out, it took me until 23 to figure that shit out. Hell, im still not 100% sure.
The internet isnt a safe space. It never has been and will never be. Its still important for you to do what you can to make it safer tho.
Even if someone is a p*rn artist, it does not mean you can talk to them however you want. Drawing p*rn isnt consent to being talked to in a sexual harrasing way.
You can still be groomed even as an adult.
Sex is supposed to be enjoyed by all parties. YOU need to make sure the other(s) are feeling just as good as you are. Dont be pushy. If someone says no that means no.
If anyone want to add something, feel free to.
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brelione · 4 years
Secret (Rafe X Reader)
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Warnings:Literal fucking trash.Please dont torture youself by reading this :)
Can you do 3 from the prompt list with Rafe please where their parents basically forbid their relationship for whatever reason and forced them to break up even though they were good for one another and Rafe was slowly becoming a better person?
Rafe always knew he should keep his relationship with you secret.He knew that it was something too precious and too lovely to let anyone else know.He knew that his father wasnt accepting of people like you.Pogues.You were a pogue,you lived on The Cut and worked two jobs just to stay on your feet.
He didnt know he could love a pogue or anyone as much as he loved you.He couldnt really recall exactly what got you two together,it had been the work of fate.You were out for a surf while he was out for a smoke and your worlds just collided.He had seen you wipe out,only to come up to the surface a few feet away from him.You pulled your board from the water,standing up and smearing the blood from your leg.
 “That had to have hurt.”He commented.You shrugged,walking to your towel that laid on the sand,pressing it to the wound.He had somehow ended up sitting next to you,sharing his joint to ‘help with the pain’.That one night led to him sneaking out of his house to meet you at the beach where you taught him to surf,meeting him in the mornings to show him baby crabs.
One of his favorite things about you was how you carried a pencil pouch of pens everywhere you went,drawing all over your arms and legs.Eventually you had convinced him to let you draw on him,drawing a giraffe on his wrist.He had fallen in love with it and with you.Every Time you saw him and the doodle had faded he’d ask you to redo it.It was just a reminder of your love.It was nice until his father decided to call him out on it.
“Did you realy get a fucking tattoo?”He had walked into the garage as Rafe was lifting weights,seeing the sharpie doodle. “No.”Rafe answered,putting down the weights and grabbing his towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead.Ward seemed unconvinced,a grumpy expression on his face. “What is it then?”He asked.Rfe hesitated before answering,knowing what would come next. “A drawing.”He answered.
 “You cant draw shit.Who drew it?”he asked.Rafe sighed,pulling on a tshirt. “A friend.”He answered. “What friend?”Ward pushed,being a stubborn bitch as always. “You dont know her.”Rafe answered,attempting to walk past Ward when the mans hand wrapped around his wrist,strong enough to cut off his circulation. “Her?Who,Rafe?GIve me names.”Ward spoke,his voice seeming threatening. “No.”Rafe answered,flinching when Ward’s gripped tightened. 
“Why?What are you hiding?”Ward asked.Rafe let out a shaky breath,looking away from his father and contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth. “Her….her name is (Y/N).”Rafe answered,cringing at his words.Ward let go only a little,still holding tight but not so tight that his hand was purple.Rafe could feel his blood beginning to circulate again,his fingers no longer feeling cold. 
“(Y/N)?(Y/N) who?What’s her last name?”Ward asked.Rafe gulped,his heart thumping in his chest. “(Y/L/N).You dont know her.”Rafe answered,tugging his arm away and going inside the house,Ward close on his heels. “I know enough about her to know that shes trouble.I know that she ripped up one of my nets,stay away from her.Shes broke trash.”Ward spoke,voice dripping in hatred.
Rafe turned around,fury evident on his face. “She ripped up one of your nets cause you were killing fucking dolphins-shes a fucking sweetheart and she works for every single penny shes ever fucking made.”He was close to yelling,unaware of Sarah sitting on the couch and watching the fight.Ward scoffed. “Oh,please.She’s using you for my money and you’re too ignorant to see it.”Ward rolled his eyes. 
“She hasnt used a single dollar of mine!She’s never asked for money or anything you fucking asshole!She loves me for me,not for your money you selfish bastard!”Rafe shouted,his face becoming red.Ward seemed shock,not thinking abour it before his palm colided with the side of his sons face.Sarah let out a loud gasp,Rafe’s eyes widening before he ran outside and got in his truck,immediately speeding out and going to your house.
You were still asleep when Rafe came through your door,tears in his eyes.His face softened when he saw your sleeping figure on the couch,an old disney movie playing on your tv.
He kneeled down in front of you,watching as your eyes opened. “Rafe?”You asked.A smile came across his face,leaning down to kiss your forehead.You grumbled,sitting up. “What time is it?”You asked.He shrugged,kissing your lips gently. “What’s up with you?You seem sad.”You pouted,holding his t shirt and pulling him so hed sit next to you. “Im fine.”He answered,knowing he was screwed when your tongue scraped against your teeth.
Thats how he knew that you could pretty much read his mind. “You’re upset about something and your arm is bruised.Did you get into a fight?”You asked,shifting so you were straddling him and he had no other option but to look at you. “I got into a fight with my dad,its fine though.”He answered,moving up slightly to kiss you but you backed out. “Rafe,did he hurt you?”You asked.
He sighed,his hands trailing under your oversized t shirt-his t shirt-to rub circles on the warm skin. “Yeah,yeah he did.”He admitted,watching the way your jaw dropped slightly.You wrapped your arms around him,his head tucking under your chin as tears started to roll down his cheeks. “Rafe,baby,what was the fight about?”You asked.He gulped,a salty tear falling into his mouth.
 “I-I told him about you and he got mad and-and I called him a bastard so he slapped me.”He let out a sob,his grip on you tightening.You huffed,twirling his hair in your fingers. “So this was my fault?”You asked.He shook his head,still holding you close to him. “No,of course not.Its his fault.”He answered.He cupped your face,kissing you lightly. “Can I stay here for a while?”He asked.
Most of the day was spent with him cuddling with you,holding you close and placing kisses all over you.You both fell asleep on your couch,waking up to loud pounding on your door.Rafe placed an arm over you,telling you to stay put.His heart was beating loudly,his hand shaking.The color drained from his face when he saw Ward at the door.It was too late to turn around,the older man had already seen him. “Get out here and come home.”The man demanded.You came out to the kitchen,a frown on your face.Rafe cursed when he saw you,telling you to go back into the living room. 
“I’ll see you later today,okay?”He asked before walking out the door,Wrd immediately grabbing onto his arm.You were too shocked to do anything,standing there speechless.You had tried calling and texting him but they wouldnt send.He had blocked you.You tried messaging Sarah through instagram but that didnt work either.
You didnt even know what to do,resorting to crying on your couch.You found Rafe’s keys on your kitchen table a few days later,getting into his truck and driving to his house in the middle of the night.You had been quiet as possible,climbing up the side of his house and onto his balcony because of course he had a balcony.You could never understand why it was there or what it was for but you were thankful that it was here now.
You could see him on his bed,his back turned away from you.You knocked on the door,seeing it was locked.You could see him tense up,standing up and smiling wide when he saw you.He ran across the room,tapping on the glass. “He locked it,I dont have the key.”He told you,his voice quiet because of the glass separating you.You sighed,tapping along the glass before you got an idea,taking his truck keys and attempting to push them into the key hole of the door.
It was no luck and at this point you could see the desperation on Rafe’s face.You pulled off the keychain,twisting at the circle so one of the sides would stick out.His eyebrows furrowed,biting his lip anxiously as you twisted the metal in the keyhole,trying to get the door to open.You heard a click,he let out a small gasp before practically ripping the door open,pulling you too him. “He shut down my phone and locked me in here.”He spoke softly,his hands tight around you.
When you were about to suggest that he come with you his bedroom door unlocked,Ward staring at the two of you with pure anger on his face. “Get out of my house before I call the cops.”He spoke to you,his hand around his phone.Rafe shook his head,holding you tighter. “Dad-you cant keep me locked in here forever.”Rafe answered,feeling the way your hands were shaking around him. “You broke into my house and youre manipulating and abusing my son.Not only that but you vandalized and destroyed my property,you’re lucky I havent gotten you thrown into prison yet.”Ward’s eyes stayed on you.
Rafe scoffed,letting go of you and approaching his father. “Shes manipulative and abusive?Look at you!You slapped me and you’ve locked me in my room!”He shouted,probably waking up his sisters.Ward’s eyes widened. “Its for your own good!She’ll use you and then break you!”Ward exclaimed. “What?”Like mom did to you?”Rafe yelled,his fists clenching.
That had been nearly five months ago.A lot had changed since then.You had grown as a person,becoming friends with JJ,Pope,Kiara and John.B.Rafe had gone back to the way he was before he met you,a drug addict who doubled as a fucking bitch.You still missed him though,hoping that he was at least doing better since the last time you saw him.The Pogues couldnt believe that you had once been in a relationship with him no matter how hard you tried to convince them that he was different with you.They didnt believe you of course,they knew Rafe,not Rafe Alexander Cameron.
You had started to forget about him,the feelings he made you feel and all the memories you had with the boy.Then you saw him at the beach and everything just came back.The feelings,the memories,the feeling in your stomach.He glanced in your direction,eyes widening as he did a double take.He literally ran to you,a confused expression on his face. “(Y/N)-fuck,shit.Dad told me that he got you in prison-what the fuck?”He hugged you,spinning you around.
 “Oh,wow.Nice to know you still think of me.”You giggled,looking up at the tall boy.He smiled. “All the time.”He answered,squeezing your waist. “So how have you been?I havent seen you in like...ten years.”You grinned.He shrugged,biting his lip. “You know,the same old.I tried to remember your number,dad took my old phone and gave me a whole new number.What are you doing?”He asked,looking around the beach. “Um...you know,vibing.”You shrugged.He nodded,sitting down in the sand with you,his hand holding yours. “I um….I made some new friends.”You spoke quietly,not knowing what his reaction would be.He grinned,licking his lips. 
“Yeah?Does that mean you’re crushing on one of them?”He asked.You shook your head,rubbing circles on his hand. “No,its a nice change in things though I guess.I missed you.”You mumbled.He smiled,leaning forward and kissing you gently. “I missed you too,you still love me?”He asked,making you smile. “Always.”You answered,kissing the tip of his nose. “It sucks that we gotta start the whole secret relationship thing again.I wont fuck it up this time,though.I promise.”You rested your head in the crook of his neck as he spoke,kissing his collarbone lightly.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @outerbongs
@sunwardsss @meaganjm @httpstarkey @copper-boom​ 
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
i yearn for one(1) thing only, and that is to have a nice, simplistic, cartoonish artstyle. an artstyle that doesnt rely on anatomy, but the "movement" of the drawing, if you get what i mean.
i dont want realistic proportions and traditional colors and basic poses and gradient shading, i want funky lil dudes in funky poses with funky styles littering my sketchbook :( but alas i havent figured out how to develop that kind of style yet, my brain wants anatomy to look nice but also i dont want to draw eyes. i dont want to take time out of my day to learn how to draw lips i want to draw a line that extends past the characters face. i dont want all my characters to have pointy chins with curved cheeks i want their heads to be round and friend-like or full of sharp edges depending on their personalities and styles. i want to give them all not-quite human ears, blob feet, simple faces, but at the same time i want enough detail to convey the story or emotion im trying to tell.
ive spent so much time recently agonizing over how to use 3d model websites, using real-life references and tracing over them for practice, color-picking from real images to try and do realism and failing miserably, but you know whats easier than that? funky little dudes. little dudes who do not care if their legs are too long or their hair is too bouncy. i dont want my characters to look human.
ive spent enough time on the artfight website to realize that most people who classify their characters as "human" have the most basic ass designs (no offense to people who like basic human designs its just not my thing) or its like dnd-medieval style outfits which i cant draw for the life of me (ive tried). again no offense to people who actively enjoy and draw characters like that. i just need my dudes to have that certain,,, off-ness to them. tails are cool. wings are swag (especially if they arent even like,, fully attached,, ), elf ears are so wonderful to me no matter how much theyre overused, horns are so much fun to draw, and colors!! i have no knowledge in the color theory department so this works great for me!! the only thing i really know is dont shade with black, other than that i just colorpick from references usually but i dont want to do that!! i want the colors to hurt people's eyes but in a satisfying way. like the character's design is so nice to look at that you dont mind your eyes hurting a bit. like how im enjoying writing this post even though its 2 am and the brightness on my computer wont go any lower.
and then another thing ive noticed from being on the artfight website is that a lot of people classify their characters that are anthro/have anthro features under humanoids/monsters. like i made a google form to find some people to attack and someone sent me in a character with some sort of animal (wolf? idk) arms and legs. like dude!! peak character design i love her. but me personally? i cant draw that shit, its so hard for me. i tried a while back and its just Not my thing. nothing against furries i just. cant. and i dont want to either.
and i got another submission that i accidentally deleted that was like full anthro/wolf-like like my comrade,,, i cannot draw animals what makes you think i can draw an animal who acts like a human lmao. i can do like. very basic tails, and also animal ears but i cant do the arms and legs and such i just dont know the anatomy, and i know i was talking about how i dont want to care about anatomy but i feel like for anthros you really do need to know at least basic animal anatomy so you know how the limbs look and shit and i dont have that knowledge and dont feel like gaining it.
and then there were some submissions that i absolutely adored. there was one that like, was vaguely human shaped but definitely was not a human. they had a dark-ish lavender colored skin and horns and tusks and like goat ears and a sorta fluffy tail with spikes on it and they had wings and such and they were such a pleasure to draw i love them. and they had a fairly simple outfit too, nothing too complicated. and then i also enjoy object head characters, theyre so neato to me. i got one of those and i really wish i had the motivation to work on it cause it looks so fun.
i want to make funky characters but id have nothing to do with them because the only book i ever tried writing (key word tried - never got past planning it out) had strictly human characters in it, and most of the books i read are humans/humans with powers in situations specific to them so id have no idea what lore to make with the dudes. assuming i have the motivation to make lore and backstory because honestly i just really enjoy character designing its super duper fun.
(side note a song about trucks doing the deed came on just now and its interrupted my flow, apologies).
i only have three actual characters right now. one is an original roleplay oc whos design is literally athletic shorts, an oversized long sleeved grey sweatshirt, long purple hair, and demon horns. the second one is my persona whos design some sorta medival knight outfit kinda thing? but not ugly it looks really cool (idk one of my friends designed it bc i won some contest from him but the drawing was on a super small scale so idrk the details,,,) with a plague doctor mask and crown, and shoulder length wavy brown hair, dyed bright pink at the end. and then my last one im not too comfortable using other places because theyre a character my friend is using in the story hes writing, and thats really the only place theyve been used. but theyre easily my favorite and im already writing a ton so ill talk about them too.
they're a sorta elf species thing from another planet, with pale green skin and pointed ears. they also have a tail, its like,, super thin, but with a feathery bit at the end. probably not the texture of a feather but i dont know how else to describe it. they have short, curly, almost-draco-malfoy-blonde hair that when it gets too long they can put in a man bun. their eyesight is kinda shitty so when they got to earth, they were exploring some supply closets around the airship. drop off area. thing. like airport but for rocketships and also fancier. yeah. they were exploring that area and found a nice big pair of round glasses with grey frames. and they also found a cowboy-style hat and a sharpie so they wrote their name on the underside of the brim of the hat and stole the hat and glasses (but left the sharpie in the supply closet).
yeah theyre my favorite, my absolute beloved, my child, so cool. i want more characters like them but with maybe a bit more snazzier designs. theyre super cool and all but they could have more pizzazz if they werent in a story where its too late to give them more pizzazz. i just want to be able to give my characters thigh-high boots with a bunch of buckles and fluffy hair with tons of accessories crammed in and abnormally large and long ears that can harbor many piercings and horns that can hold rings on them and special little details on their outfits like who knows what but i dont have any characters to do that too, so i have to make them from scratch, which is always hard especially when you have artblock.
and i also have like 17 characters i need to fully draw, line, and maybe color for artfight before august 1st. so i dont know. i have many things to do and plenty of time to do it but instead i spend my time halfway watching repetitive youtube videos that get boring or sleeping all damn day because i stay up too late doing things like this or i just do nothing at all and its tiring and frustrating but i also feel nothing about it like theres no consequence if i dont do it besides you know. not doing it, not gaining that experience, not making something i enjoy.
so i should do it but i dont for whatever reason, i think its called executive dysfunction but im not sure. this post started out very differently than it ended and i said somewhere up there that i was writing this at 2 am but now its almost 3. this is so many words why couldnt i have put this energy into something productive
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theworldsoul · 4 years
Uhh warning VENT!!! Talks about self harm and shit... also religious bullshit and gender bullshit??? Like I'm really trans and also Catholicism really fucked me up so if ur uncomfy with that just... skip this post. Also if ur Christian and can't handle seeing ur shit defaced then skip this post. Also if ur gonna clown on this post as "cringe atheism" then fuck you because I'm literally coping with pain lol
Anways now that the disclaimer is over... here comes the real shit.
I... have been going through a LOT lately, jesus christ. I was HAPPY today, yknow? I thought I was gonna be happy the whole day.
I was dancing today. That's how happy I was. For the first time in like... a whole year... I was really so happy. I thought I was gonna cry. But then I got home. And well,,,, I did cry. But not from happiness. I just got my math grade back. A fucking 49 percent. MY AVERAGE RIGHT NOW IS A 57 PERCENT. I MIGHT FAIL MATH 20. I MIGHT HAVE TO RETAKE IT. oh my god I'm such a failure I cant do anything ever i try SO fucking hard but honestly??? I cant fucking do this. I can't, I'm not mentally capable. "Just work harder"... BITCH I AM WORKING AS HARD AS I CAN. I AM SPENDING HOURS AND HOURS OF MY LIFE STUDYING AND PRACTICING. I'm starting to think that how hard i try doesn't even fucking matter because I'm STUPID and all i know how to do is PAINT SHIT!!!! NOBODY CARES ABOUT ART!!!! IF I FAIL THIS CLASS I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE A HOUSE IN THE FUTURE!!!! A HOUSE!!!!!
I dont even want to be a fucking orthodontist. Okay??? I wanna do what I love: painting. But NOOOO. I have to get a "respectable" job that will "pay me enough money to live". WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO MAKE MONEY TO LIVE??? WTF??? THATS LITERALLY SO FUCKED UP. everyone deserves to live (unless they like murdered someone? I guess? Idk) BUT LIKE I DIDNT KILL NO ONE SO WHATS ALL THIS BS ABOUT WORKING TO LIVE???? WTF??? I rly gotta do all this shit I hate, all this shit I'm mentally incapable of doing... so i can have a house. Fuck this. Yknow with my average at a 57... I might fail this class even if I get a really good grade on my next quiz. Can you fucking believe it??? I'm literally so fucking stupid I cant even pass a dumb fucking math class god i hate myself. I cant fail this class. I've NEVER failed a class. Almost failed... but never HAD TO RETAKE A CLASS. that's the ultimate failure. I think my parents would hate me if I failed this.
And on top of that... I'm really struggling with uhhh, dysphoria and body image... and it's so fucking horrible man I want to rip all my skin off I want to suffocate god I want to KILL him I want to MAKE HIM SUFFER. I want to gouge his eyes out and force him to eat them. WHY WOULD HE MAKE ME LIKE THIS????? WHY????? WHATS THE POINT IN MAKING A CHILD SUFFER SO MUCH???
What did I ever do that was so wrong I deserved all this punishment???
Where was that guardian angel when I kept making THE SAME MISTAKE over and over again and I KNEW it was wrong but I kept doing it anyways because it was the only way I could feel like soemone cared about me????
I bet that angel motherufcker KNEW they didnt care. DID THE ANGEL EVER ONCE HELP ME??? NOOOO. all those times I was bruised and broken... all those times...
Man, I was just a kid. I was SO fucking young. And I would come like a lamb to the slaughter and kneel. I would pray... ask for guidance. I would pray the rosary too, I would read the bible and try my very best to understand it, I would go to church and volunteer at church and do my best to be a Good Boy and never sin. I did EVERYTHING right. I literally fasted at some point, like a religious fast. I was devoted...
Honestly though? I think it was the same mistake I make over and over again, except not with a real person.
And you have me NOTHING. GO GIRL, GIVE US NOTHING!!!!!!! I literally used to self-punish for the sins I couldnt bring myself to confess. At my communion, there was one sin I didn't tell because I knew it was unforgivable. I still hate myself for that. But man, I used to try and do all sorts of things to somehow cleanse myself of it. I figured THAT whole ordeal was why I was constantly being tortured.
But I was stupid and I am stupid and that makes NO SENSE because if the thing I'm being punished for happened when I was a child, WHY DID THE PUNISHMENT BEGIN AT MY BIRTH????
They used to tell me that god handcrafted every part of me specifically for some sort of grand reason.
Really? This bitch really "handcrafted" me just so I could cry and cut myself nearly every night??? Fuck that. Like why would you make me this way. It hurts more than you can IMAGINE. The only reason I'm not dead yet is because of ME, MY strength, not any of the bullshit YOU gave me. I hate when people say "oh, god made u so hardworking" or "oh, god made you so passionate/hopeful/full of love/fiery/whatever" LIKE STFU BITCH THAT WAS NOT SKYDADDY THAT WAS ME!!!
you wanna know what he made me?
dysphoric, ugly af, yeah.... but the worst part?
He made me feel.
That doesn't sound bad, right? Well it's the worst thing on the list. It is my downfall, my Achilles heel or whatever. This emotions shit??? It RUINED my life. My whole life I was cursed with a fucking monster inside me. I kept trying to tell everyone that it wasnt me!!! I kept telling them that it felt like I was being possessed. But adults are SHIT. I hate adults. I want to kill them all. They failed me and their god failed me. None of them every listened to me. All they knew how to do was punish, punish, punish.
It's like giving an allergic kid some peanuts and then getting angry at them for going into anaphylactic shock or whatever. Nobody ever thought "hey, why don't we stop giving the kid peanuts?"
Anwyays that's how I ended up with all these unresolved issues,.... emotion is a tough one, like I literally dont have the ability to control my emotions at all, I can try and like, repress them but I cant make myself actually feel less.
My emotion hurts more than anyone else's and nobody ever understood that. I would tell them that it hurts, it PHYSICALLY HURTS, and they would say I just wanted attention. I would tell them I literally couldnt control what my body said and did, I would tell them I felt like A PUPPET ON STRINGS and no one believed me. Fuck them.
Healthy coping mechanisms? I literally self ship with Snape to cope. I literally self ship with characters my brain made up and put in my dreams to cope. I used to hurt myself so much trying to feel loved and cared about irl. Fiction is so much better. I sound like a loser but its TRUE. The sort of thing I need, the sort of love I need is like... a parent. You can't go looking for a parent in a romantic partner, it fucks everything up and you end up... well, let's just say it proabbly wasnt the most legal thing, but I wasnt thinking strisght at all I mean dude I was So fucked in my head when I did all that...whatever...anyways so thank u for fiction!!! I love fiction. Want to kill someone? Draw it. Then you'll feel much better!!! And you dont go to jail!!!
Well the pics here... idk, it was really calming to do this. It's new, painting over religious shit. I was gonna do the whole bible but I already burnt that shit so.... and I was going to cut but I'm trying really hard to stay clean... like really hard. It's so weird and like, addicting, once I hit styro I don't want to stop, but also it kinda transfers the emotional pain to physical pain, making it way easier to deal with. I just can't keep doing that because I KNOW it's bad and look I thoguht I was clean for a whole year but then I fucked up and WOW, GUESS WHAT MADE ME RELAPSE??? MATH CLASS!!!!
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Whatever anyways here are my wonderful works of art I made while crying and cursing god (like I'm so pissed at all this catholic bs I believed in him again just to swear at him lol)
.... but imagine for a moment, a better world. One in whcih these saints whose images I've defaced are actually good people... a world in which they SEE ME AND THEY HEAR ME... and I go unpunished.... and I am embraced by someone who UNDERSTANDS.
I think I would cry.
Too bad that world doesnt exist and I just made it up to try and feel a bit better. Whatever, whatever. I painted the things, they're gonna dry. I work hard, I'm gonna do good on my quiz, I hope. I just have to be making it through, that's all it is, work work work without a break but I can proabbly do it. I'm really slipping I admit like the mental health is slipping it's getting worse like I havent had a "fuck I am afab" moment in such a long time so yeah...
Anwyays I feel so much better now that I did my little art project yknow???
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mintseesaw · 5 years
Prompt: Hoseok and you in the practice room, dancing
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 857
a/n: idk what this is for lmao. Just a (boyfriend) blurb. 2/7
dont have a proper order of posting but I think the next one will be Namjoon’s.
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“No more, please!”
That was you, complaining. For god knows how many times now. Your boyfriend is teaching you a short choreography in the practice room at his workplace.
Each step of the choreography is difficult than what you can easily pick up in a matter of seconds. You probably have lost the rhythm long time ago because you couldnt get the execution after a few tries. It looks fluidly precise when Hoseok does it, but when its your turn...ugh.
Hoseok is patient, and gentle with you. He’s there, showing you how it should be done, countless times. An amused smile never leaving his face as he watches you struggle performing each step. Admittedly, his bright mood has motivated you to keep going even if your mind rejects every information he supplies.
Your body feels reasonably sticky as you are covered with sweat. He doesn’t seem fazed from the activities you both have been doing, while you feel like you’re going to pass out anytime soon.
“Are you tired? We can take a break…” He suggests, concern laced his voice.
“I just want to take a shower and sleep.” You muttered, groaning.
He kisses the top of your head. “It’s only been an hour, babe.” He commented in the most gentle tone, which he never uses to his members.
“Can we do this again some other time?”
“I’m not sure if my schedule can—”
“Then, good for me.”
He laughs. “You used to dance, right? You dont seem to enjoy doing it right now.”
“Exactly, that was all before. I havent been dancing for several years…”
“You’re good, still.”
“Babe, stop. You’re just being nice. I know how serious you can be when you’re practicing with your members.”
“I am serious, now. I hope we can still complete a dance together?”
You hummed in thought, “We’ll see…Babe?”
“Can I take a shower now?”
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When you’re all fresh and clean, you went straight to his studio. Shortly after you showered, you received a text from him which tells you he’s in his studio. When you got inside the small, airconditioned room, you quickly noticed his wet, unruly hair. He took a shower, too?
You greeted him with a kiss, he met it half-way. Then dips his head after you have drawn back to nose your neck.
“You smell good…” Hoseok smiled. Your scent, a mixture of your own, natural scent, your hair conditioner and a familiar perfume, reminds him of home. His home. It soothes him emotionally.
Water trickling from his strands down to your neck tickles your skin and wets your shirt a little.
“Your hair is still dripping.”
He grabs the towel lying on the swivel chair to dry his hair.
Taking the towel from his hand, you spoke, “Let me do it.”
Standing on your tiptoes, you gently rub the towel all over his hair. Doing it seems to be a difficult task as your legs tremble in protest given in an uncomfortable position.
“That’s better.” You said after wiping all the excess water from his hair, before he tugs your hand towards the couch. Your body smoothly followed his lead. Letting him pull you down next to him. He puts an arm over your shoulders, your arm automatically curling on his waist in return.
He plants a small kiss on your forehead before pulling you into a gentle kiss. Your other hand palms his cheek, controlling his movement and making the kiss lasts longer than Hoseok’s intention.
Sweet, he acknowledges.
When you draw back from the kiss, you graze your lips on his, “Hmm, mint.” You noted as your tongue recognizes a familiar taste coming from his lips. You peck his lips after, multiple times.
“I brushed my teeth.” Hoseok replied, beaming brightly. His nose touches yours before he gave you one final kiss.
You settled in against him, your head in his shoulder.
“I have to leave in a few.” You suddenly opens up after seconds of silence.
“Didn’t you say you’re going to stay here all day?”
Your shoulders shrugged. “I figured you’re not gonna get any of your work done if I’m here.”
“Right, you’re a distraction. A good one.” He smirks, dipping his head, his mouth ajar and grazes it teasingly to your supple ones.
It is what the intruder had witnessed firsthand when he abruptly entered Hoseok’s studio without bothering to knock, giving you both no time to pull apart.
“Hyung—” It is Jimin, by the sound of his voice.
His sudden entrance made you jump back from your seat, and pushed Hoseok away in reflex. But it was too late. Jimin already saw it.
“Sorry about that, please continue.” He sheepishly said and the next thing you heard is the door slamming.
You buried your face deep on his neck in embarrassment. Your arms tightening around his waist.
He chuckles. “Babe, he’s gone.”
Shaking your head, you didnt dare move an inch.
“How am I supposed to leave, now?” You mumbled lowly.
“Just stay, I wont procrastinate on my work, I promise. Please?”
You only gave him a curt nod, your face remained nuzzled on his neck.
So much for visiting him at his workplace.
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luxexhomines · 6 years
Hello! I was reading through your blog and wanted to ask if you could write for Tsumugi with a female S/O who is the Ultimate Witch? In or out of the V3 universe is fine. Thank you!
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Hullo, anon! Thanks for the request!! Although Tsumugi isn’t my favorite character, I so enjoyed writing this. I put it out of the V3 universe, so there are no spoilers for anyone wondering. Wasn’t sure if you wanted the reader be doing “real magic” or magic tricks, so it’s a little vague, haha.Icon credit to 64pxs! Also wow my third request finished in one day although it’s past 1AM & technically a new day here now!
Guess I’d classify this as fluff, too. It’s not that long, so it’s not under the cut. Here you go!
Tsumugi x Female! Ultimate Witch! S/O
You knocked on her door and grasped the doorknob, fully intending to open it and peek in the gap, but your plans were abruptly foiled by her voice.
“Don’t even try,” she cackled. “The door’s locked and I’ve got a chair keeping it closed, you know?”
When you tried to turn it, it was true. It wouldn’t budge an inch.
“Oh, come on, Tsumugi!” You whine right outside the door, making sure she could hear you loud and clear. “I haven’t seen you leave that room for a third day now! I know that you’ve got snacks and a bathroom connected to your room, but that can’t be healthy,” you beg. “Please come out…”
Either she’s ignoring you, or she’s ignoring you. Two perfectly possible options. You could even hear her plaintively humming a random tune, a tune that seemed reminiscent of a folksong–but what did that matter now, when part of her reasons for doing so was to drown out the sound of you?
“Can I at least come in, Tsumugi?” You knock on the door again, but you’re soundly rejected.
“No! You’re not allowed in here for the rest of the week, even if I do come out of the room,” she says firmly.
She was getting strangely obsessive about hiding the contents of her room from you, and you were extremely worried. The only times she ever pulled stunts like this was when she hadn’t finished preparing a cosplay for a con coming up soon, but the problem was that there were no cons coming up soon. As you understood it, she had taken a leave from work to do whatever it was she was doing in that room, and you had no clue what was so important that she’d take a week off of work to do it. She thrived off of that income to make living wage and make cosplays in addition to all her the money from her sponsors.
You could only sigh at the plain white door and walk back to your own room, resigned to your lonely fate for the rest of the week. It was anyone’s guess what she was doing or why she was hiding it from you, including your own, despite being her girlfriend.
You supposed you’d go practice your magic for the upcoming magic show you were holding while Tsumugi did…whatever it was she was doing. There was no time to waste at her doorway, calling her name to a silent answer or pounding on the door in exasperation. 
You took a deep breath and gathered your focus for the first act, a rather simple attention-getter with birds flying from your sleeves like colorful ribbons spewing from them. Somehow, it was always the easiest magic that was easiest to mess up, so you ended up practicing the act for at least an hour, worried about the possibility of success in a live performance.
Falling back on the bed, you pant slightly in exertion. Who said magic was as easy as waving a wand? That’s only what magicians wanted other people to believe, after all. If the magician was dropping dead from exhaustion, no one would enjoy the show–no, it was much better for them to believe that the magician possessed unlimited amounts of mana and could continue performing magic for an entire day but just ended it at around an hour for the audience’s scheduling convenience.
But even magicians weren’t immortal. You decided to take a break and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a drink of water to hydrate yourself before returning to practice, throwing a bitter, yearning look toward Tsumugi’s closed door.
It was going to be a long week, just you and your magic.
On the day of the magic show, you hoped Tsumugi would emerge from her cave, maybe make an appearance. But it was fifteen minutes before the show, and she still hadn’t come.
You let out a sigh of disappointment and return to your dressing room as you pick at your ratty, ripped seams of what used to be a smart looking, black long-sleeved tailcoat and matching pencil skirt. You’d had it since your very first show, and you liked it very much, but it was ready to retire and had been for a while now.
In fact, you were surprised Tsumugi hadn’t commented on it–she usually would make note of any clothes you owned that were no longer serving a functional and aesthetic purpose and bring you out to buy new ones. Speaking of Tsumugi, your dressing room just burst open with a long, blue-haired girl in spectacles and carrying what looks like a newly pressed outfit in black.
“Tsumugi! You’re here,” you gasp. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
She rushes over to you, out of breath and frenetic.
“Oh, good, you’re in your dressing room! Take this,” she thrust the plastic protected outfit at you along with a box of what you assumed to be shoes. “Sorry I’m late, it took me so long to finish this. Go change, your show is starting in ten minutes!”
You look at her in confusion, but do as she asks. You’re used to her frantic nature, even if she was rather laidback most of the time. When you finish dressing, she claps her hands together in delight, and swooning.
“Oh, I knew you’d look great in this! I’ve had this idea for forever, I’m so happy I finally get to see you wear it. I can die happy now,” she declares passionately, almost drooling with excitement, her blue eyes glimmering brightly.
You examine the outfit, which includes a pair of white gloves, black heels, a black top hat, and a similar black tailcoat, black dress shirt and pencil skirt, along with a tie of your favorite color wrapped snugly around your neck that curves over your bust gently.
“Tsumugi, you made this for me?”
She nods proudly.
“I think I did a bang-up job of it, too! It’s absolutely perfect for you,” she beams at you, as lovely and warm as the golden sun, and you can only grin like a fool in response.
“You sure did. You sure did,” you repeat, amazed by her accurate, neat needlework and toiling dedication she had offered you in making the outfit.
“Now, go out there and amaze the crowds,” she encourages you, giving you a light push on the back and going out to join the audience below.
The magic show goes splendidly–you don’t know if you’ve ever done a better job, and all kinds of flowers, roses, daffodils, daisies, skyrocket toward your lone figure standing at the center of the black stage, hoping to be caught by you. You wave at the audience happily and skip on and off the stage to the standing ovation before exiting for good.
Luckily for you, Tsumugi is waiting at your dressing room, so there’s no need for you to push through the masses to find her, and you immediately envelop her in a hug, tackling her, and her breath leaves her with the impact you’ve come at her with. She wraps her arms around your back, and you can feel her pride for you simply seeping out like radioactive waves.
You don’t let go of her for a long, long time, and when you finally let go of her, you smile at her in a daze. You can’t believe your girlfriend is this gorgeous, kind, devoted, thoughtful girl standing in front of her.
“I think I’m in love with you, Tsumugi,” you say, staring straight into her eyes, endless pools of blue.
She smiles back, pushing her spectacles up slightly.
“A good thing, too, because I think I’m in love with you, too. That is, if you couldn’t tell after I spent over a week cooped up in my room to make this ensemble for you,” she replies, gesturing at your outfit.
You pat her on the head.
“Yes, yes, I know, good girl. But I was so lonely,” you pout. “Did you have to leave me alone like that for such a long time? I could have died of loneliness!”
She simply laughs full-heartedly.
“I suppose we’d be in trouble if you were a rabbit, huh? But there’ll be no more loneliness on my watch. That sounds rather presumptuous of me to say, but you can trust me on that,” she smiles charmingly as she puts a hand on her hip.
You laugh back at her, sharing in her joy and playfulness.
“You’d better live longer than I do, in that case,” you tease.
Tsumugi bends toward you and places a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Your wish is my command, royal magician of the court,” she chuckles.
You smirk and slip a hand around the small of her back, pulling her in closer so that both of your bodies are pressed against each other, and kiss her on the lips deeply. 
“Then, my first command is that thou shalt stay at my side for the rest of our mortal lifespans.”
You can feel the corners of her lips stretch out and upward at this, and you take that to be her response as you draw her in for many more sweet kisses.
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bronzeflower · 5 years
Who The Fuck Writes A Ten-Page Rant?????
Chapter 21: The Rappest Conversation
Also on ao3
It was your self-imposed day off, so you started the day by sleeping until afternoon. After making yourself breakfast and eating it, you played Slime Rancher for about two hours because it was a nice relaxing game that Roxy bought you for Gristmas last year.
Everything was peaceful. Nothing could possibly ruin this.
Oh look. John was pestering you. You hadn't talked to him in while, even though he was your best bro. You guessed both of you have been pretty busy lately.
-- ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
EB: hey, dave! EB: we haven’t spoken in ages!
TG: yeah man its been entirely too long TG: ive turned to dust while you were gone TG: ive become one with the desert and sand TG: im the sand on the beach that gets stuck inside an oyster TG: and the oyster is like what the hell are you doing here you dumbass motherfucking sand TG: im here to ruin your life oyster TG: thats basically my job TG: why are you doing this you tiny bit of sand TG: i already answered that question TG: okay fine be that way says the oyster TG: ill just turn you into a pearl so that youre no longer stabbing me everywhere TG: and then i was transformed into a dope ass pearl TG: the prettiest goddamn pearl in all the land TG: im turned into one of a pair of earrings that are sold for more that your life is worth TG: im bought by a rich woman looking for jewelry to show off TG: its passed down through the generations until the wealth they had dwindles and runs out TG: so now the earrings are sold for a dollar just to get the money for food that night TG: its a tragic tale TG: anyway TG: how are you doing
EB: dave, did you copy and paste an entire act of a play into this chat?
TG: what no TG: it is all natural and organic typing from scratch going on here TG: absolutely no foul play involved and to even imply such is an insult to my craft
EB: alright, fine! EB: i will not insult your “masterpiece” anymore. EB: if you can even call it that.
TG: oh wow sick burn TG: but like seriously speaking how is your stuff going TG: like the comedy stuff TG: have you yet to release an hour long special containing your hilarious jokes TG: and like half of the time is taken up by people laughing at them so its not even a true hour long special its more like a half hour long special and you didnt even manage to make it through all the material you had prepared TG: you know like you did in school where you accidentally prepared too much for a presentation and then get cut off because your time is up TG: and you still have like an hour and half left of material that youve collected that ended up just being a pile of wasted effort
EB: maybe not to that extreme. EB: :P EB: i haven't gotten my show up on netflix yet, but i am certainly planning on it! EB: watch out for it!
TG: do you still have that one person booing you at a bunch of your shows
EB: yeah, it is getting pretty annoying at this point, but i don't really want to do something like call security to remove someone for booing at my show. EB: that just seems as little bit over kill.
TG: i thought you were going to do a comedy sketch about them
EB: oh yeah! EB: i forgot about that.
TG: who are you jade harley
EB: what! EB: jade is great at remembering things!
TG: shes really not she just has a really fucking good system for making certain she remembers things TG: she has to build a physical barrier to her door so that she doesnt forget her keys TG: and she has so many keys to her house they are literally everywhere
EB: huh. EB: i guess i havent really visited jade in a while, have i?
TG: i would highly recommend going to her place at some point TG: and just hanging out with her in general TG: although youd probably have to plan a whole trip for it TG: just like TG: drop by or whatever next time youre where shes currently living
EB: messaging her might be a little bit more practical.
TG: yeah probably TG: anyway you really should get on writing that sketch about the lady I booing you
EB: yeah probably.
TG: yeah man how else are you going to get back at her TG: also when you finally do perform it please tell me what happened TG: or send me a recording of it TG: jk ill buy the recording TG: i always buy the recordings of your shows TG: but youll have to tell me which recording its in so that i can prepare myself
EB: maybe i won’t tell you which recording it’s in just so you're surprised by it. EB: like a schrodinger’s recording.
TG: does that mean you might be dead in one of them
EB: i hate to tell you this now dave, but i’m actually a ghost.
TG: shit ive been friends with a ghost this whole time thats actually pretty fucking dope TG: how do you do comedy sketches as a ghost TG: with the whole intangible thing TG: also with the people not being able to see you thing TG: wait TG: i wouldnt be able to message you if you were completely intangible TG: you must be a poltergeist or something TG: is there anything i can do to help you pass on
EB: yeah, you have to burn my body. EB: that’s what they do in all of the supernatural movies and shows where there’s a ghost.
TG: alright i am fully prepared to do that TG: i however have absolutely no idea where your grave is
EB: i know where your grave is.
TG: well thats not ominous at all TG: i dont even have a grave
EB: as far as you know.
TG: are you telling me that im dead TG: am i also a ghost
EB: i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner! EB: but yes we’re both ghosts. EB: i was supposed to wait for you to figure it out yourself, but it’s taking so long, so i guess i got a little impatient. EB: :B
TG: yeah but i still dont remember anything about dying or anything like that
EB: maybe you'll remember someday. EB: i’ve got to go right about now though. EB: i compromised my mission, and now i have to go through remedial training.
TG: ill wish you luck
EB: who needs luck when you have skill?
TG: okay then no good luck from me TG: i take it back TG: youve got this handled due to the sheer amount of awesomeness you have
-- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: oh no they got you TG: i know i said i didnt wish you good luck but i actually did TG: you cant give back a good luck TG: you can never give back a good luck TG: the blessing is yours now forever and ever TG: or however long you live i guess TG: thats going to take a butt load of time TG: anyway TG: i should probably get going too TG: instead of just having a conversation by myself after you left TG: and like go and have a conversation with someone else TG: maybe with jade TG: i havent talked to jade in a while TG: wonder how her pumpkins are doing TG: i wonder if shes harvested them yet TG: or if its even time for that TG: i swear i do actually listen when she talks about gardening TG: but i dont remember what half the harvest times for a bunch of the vegetables she grows TG: dont tell her that TG: or do TG: she probably already knows TG: shes always had a tendency to know things that other people would have absolutely no clue of knowing about TG: anyway TG: ill pester you again at some point eventually TG: ill go pester jade instead now TG: see ya
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
TG: yo jade how are your pumpkins doing TG: is it about time to harvest them or anything TG: or has that already happened TG: when do people harvest pumpkins again
GG: ive harvested them!
TG: awesome were they tasty
GG: of course they were!!! GG: i made pumpkin pie and roasted pumpkin seeds GG: and then i sold all the leftover pumpkins
TG: yeah what kind of profit did that turn
GG: quite a bit, actually! GG: especially with the fact that pumpkins are basically weeds GG: because they grow back no matter what you do GG: no GG: matter GG: what GG: but people fucking love pumpkins during the fall seasons
TG: yeah everyone goes batshit for that kind of stuff TG: got that pumpkin spice everywhere TG: and colorful trees and sweater weather TG: unless you live in the south TG: then there are just two seasons TG: summer and cooler summer
GG: those were basically the seasons on the island i grew up on too GG: im so glad i get to see snow where i live now!!! GG: i always wanted to play in it growing up!!!
TG: tbh we should coordinate and try to play in the snow together at some point
GG: yes!!! GG: but, no GG: :( GG: itd be way too difficult to coordinate that kind of thing
TG: yeah probably TG: but maybe one day if we happened to be in the same area and it happened to snow TG: we could get together and play in the snow and build snowpeople and snow angles
GG: dont you mean snow angels?
TG: i meant what i said TG: were gonna be drawing angles in the snow TG: forty five degrees sixty degrees one hundred and eighty degrees TG: well have all the angles right there written in the snow because no one can tell us what to do
GG: i still think id rather make snow angels though
TG: fair enough TG: you stick with your boring old snow angels TG: and ill have a fantastic time making all my fucking snow angles
GG: :/ GG: you do that, i guess GG: i still think making snow angels will be more fun!
TG: suit yourself TG: anyway im being messaged by someone else so ive gotta bounce
GG: alrighty, see ya!
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
GC: D4V3
TG: terezi
TG: well it would seem that im being framed for murder and no one told me
TG: wouldnt you be unable to participate in the trial because you have a bias because were friends
TG: no idea TG: does it matter
TG: nice
GC: H3H3H3H3H3H3
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: so what stuck itself up your ass
TG: what meme i have no idea what meme your talking about
TG: i dont even know what a meme is TG: you could hear me say that but i pronounced meme as me me TG: because thats how little i know about memes TG: ive never even seen one in my life TG: you dont have any proof that tz showed me the meme that you are talking about like less than five minutes ago about the ten page rant that you sent to complain about my channel
TG: please spare me i have a family
TG: youre right i dont have kids TG: not in reality TG: imaginary kids TG: all running around and being great and fantastic and not fucked up at all TG: thats the fucking dream
TG: why do you even care so much about a meme TG: its a meme and its harmless fun TG: even if it does include a picture of you topless
TG: why would i want to keep it TG: maybe i already deleted it TG: maybe i didnt even save it TG: also why do you want me to delete so bad TG: its not much in the way of blackmail TG: who could possibly use it against you
TG: thats specific
TG: k
TG: sure if it really matters to you that much ill make sure to get rid of it TG: you can tell me why at another time TG: i get if its too personal to talk about or whatever TG: sometimes that kind of thing happens TG: there we go TG: deleted photo
-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
AC: :33< *ac prowls up to the unsuspecting crow* AC: :33< *she asks meow the crow is doing!*
TG: *the crow says hes doing well and asks the same of the cat*
AC: :33< im fine! AC: :33< im meowstly just double checking the date and time we agr33d on for tea
TG: yeah im still on that day TG: just cant believe it in like a month and a half TG: seems like an almost unnecessary time to plan in advance
AC: :33< but it is a really meowfurlous tea place! AC: :33< its just a little exclawsive, so youve got to make reservations a bit in advance
TG: yeah i get that but the main question here is the dress code TG: can i show up in my jeans and hoodie or do ive got to pull out the singular suit i have TG: its bright red so i cant exactly wear it to black tie events
AC: :33< it s33ms more like mew should wear brunch attire
TG: khakis and a polo shirt got it
AC: ://< i guess thats brunch attire AC: :33< i would wear something a little nicer though
TG: so more like colorful khakis with a button down shirt that can hold cufflinks
AC: :33< yeah thats s33ms more appropriate AC: :33< mew could always ask kanya~a for advice on what to wear
TG: yeah im probably going to do that TG: also that cat pun in her name that you did was the best think ive heard all day ten out of ten would use again
AC: :33< thank mew! AC: :33< i like to give all meow furends cat pun names! AC: :33< its kind of hard to come up with them for some people though
TG: yeah im not sure how you can make a cat pun from dave TG: its pretty much impossible but if you do manage to do it i will be supremely impressed
AC: :33< meowbe a rhyming thing? AC: :33< like cavedave or something? AC: :33< but that makes you sound like some sort of caveman AC: :((< and thats not really cute
TG: maybe adding a hobby of mine of some sort to my name TG: like rapping TG: like rapnap dave or something TG: cause it sounds kind of like catnap
AC: :33< that certainly is a lot cuter! AC: :33< ill consider it! AC: :33< but ive got to go meow so we can talk later
TG: cool
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
Since you were clearly talking to all your friends today, you might as well see if Aradia’s online as well. You’re pretty sure she was, and since you probably won’t get to contact her for a while, you might as well message her now.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering apocalypseArisen [AA] --
TG: have you finally figured out how im going to die TG: or divined that kind of shit yet TG: saw it in the clouds or something TG: my hot as hell dead body floating in the water staining the fluid and polluting the river and making it muddy with red TG: taking a stabbing and falling and dying before i could ask if it was something i said TG: choking to death, clubbing to death TG: hit through the chest with some white magic TG: bleeding and crying as they take their last breath TG: its all just so horrible and tragic TG: having every single one of these dreams TG: but i think i know that theyre memories TG: had these nightmares since i was a kid TG: always wondered if it was something i did TG: cause they made me scared of clowns swords and puppets TG: made me too scared to watch even the muppets TG: but they’re not just mine cause it’s not always my body TG: lying on the ground looking super fucking shoddy TG: and all i can feel is the oppression and fear TG: of letting go of all we hold dear TG: stabbed with a sword we did abhor TG: all the death and the violence and blood TG: overwhelmed us like a flood TG: but try as we might we had no chance TG: we were always meant to lose this dance TG: alright im done that was a dope ass fucking rap thanks folks for listening to how awesome that was
AA: you will die on the twentieth day of april in the year of 2069 from drug overdose
TG: nice
AA: also your rap was both cool and concerning
TG: yeah im not sure if i actually thought at all about what i just said in that rap TG: so basically i forgot everything that i just wrote
AA: thats the beauty of a messaging platform AA: you can just scroll up and reread what you wrote
TG: im sorry im suddenly unable to read
AA: wow AA: youre really going to do this
TG: yes and i have no regrets TG: hi im jared im nineteen and i never fucking learned how to read
AA: your name is dave
TG: shit TG: caught in the lie TG: what time will i have to spend in jail officer
AA: well since im not a cop AA: none! AA: but im still curious about whatever the hell was going on with that rap
TG: maybe you should respond with the stuff thats bothering you in rap form TG: do a little rap battle TG: but like TG: with feelings and shit TG: you can talk about whats bothering you and then i can elaborate on the fuckery in my rap
AA: alright i dont see why not AA: it will probably help us both AA: my heart and my brains been pulled taught AA: stuck between work and the one that i love AA: cant help my job fits me like a glove AA: but i cant stop thinking about my matesprit AA: how hes gonna face it AA: cause he says he supports me AA: and he says that he agrees AA: with putting my job first and foremost AA: while he sits in one place and holds post AA: i didnt mind too much before AA: we had all i could adore AA: but since he proposed were going to be married AA: i just dont know if that life should be carried
TG: well that sounds like something you should talk about TG: because not doing so might leave you in a drought TG: in your relationship where miscommunications TG: might lead to decimation TG: or more likely just breaking up TG: but you dont want that to burn up TG: so just have a talk with him about your concern TG: and then your love will continue to burn
AA: did you just rhyme up with up
TG: dont judge me im trying to help
AA: your advice was good but i can still judge you for your lack of slam poetry skills
TG: hey ill have you know im the best in the business
AA: must be a very small business
TG: wow TG: i cant believe my own moirail would do this to me
AA: you know i had to do it to em
TG: i hate you and everything that you stand for
AA: likewise AA: aside from that AA: do you want to talk about those dreams you mentioned at the start of this conversation
TG: i will only answer that if you ask me in a rap
AA: what the fuck was up with those dreams AA: you seem to be tearing at the seems AA: with all the death and the dying AA: and it might seems like im lying AA: but ive had those too AA: hit in the face and bid me adieu AA: except im a ghost and dead AA: dont know how but i bled AA: then im a frog for some reason AA: it has something to do with treason AA: then a robot that i hated AA: someones kinks that were stated AA: then i blow up again and again AA: wake up in pajamas the color of cayenne AA: and thats when i know that im alive AA: and i know for a fact that i will thrive
TG: always thought that i was alone in this TG: but i guess im not so now ill remiss TG: on all these nightmares ive had TG: that were all really bad TG: i always thought it was because of my childhood TG: never thought that i would be old enough to get to my knighthood TG: thought i was going to die alone TG: thought they wouldnt even find a bone TG: thought no would care if i was gone TG: always felt like i didnt belong TG: i thought the dreams were a message, an order TG: to finally get rid of the disorder TG: that was me theyd promised id be free TG: but i still desperately wanted to be TG: alive and awake and active and happy TG: excuse me if this starts to get a bit sappy TG: but i wanted love TG: i wanted to be above TG: my bro who so obviously hated me TG: and everyone i know would agree TG: so no matter how much i wanted to die TG: there was always something just keeping me alive TG: a wish or a kiss or a day that gets better TG: a time when i get to open a letter TG: theres something to live for something to survive for TG: going and traveling and taking a tour TG: listening to music when i feel depressed TG: going outside when i feel repressed TG: reminding myself its gonna be alright TG: in order to tell myself not to go towards the light
AA: feeling alive is good
TG: yeah TG: it is TG: thanks for listening
AA: thank you for listening! AA: thats what being moirails is all about AA: listening to each other and doing our best to comfort each other AA: although i guess thats what friendship is about too AA: moirail is more of a formal title
TG: i get that TG: someones messaging me now though so i guess this is where we can end our convo
AA: dont be a stranger!
TG: not planning to be one TG: <>
`AA: <>
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering apocalypseArisen [AA] --
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
TT: Hello.
TG: yes just come up and start a chat using the most generic fucking greeting in the entire goddamn world TG: thats exactly how you start a conversation with someone youve known for years TG: start conversations by calling your friends a bitch like the rest of us
TT: I’m pretty sure I would like to have a little more class than that.
TG: ill bring you down to my level one day
TT: I will do my best to resist going down that low.
TG: listen TG: im pretty sure you dont have to go that far
TT: Wow. TT: Rude.
TG: thats a more appropriate way to talk to your brother
TT: I’ll be certain to use more crass language when greeting you next time I make the decision to start a conversation with you.
TG: anyway what did you want to talk to me about
TT: I would like to invite you to my party celebrating the release of my new book. TT: It takes place in a month at my house.
TG: you mean your big ass mansion
TT: Yes, I suppose that is an apt description of the location where I reside. TT: I suggest you dress formally for the occasion. TT: You can wear the suit that you had recently tailored for you.
TG: oh yeah the one kanaya made that feels like the softest goddamn plush toy in the childrens aisle
TT: Yes, please wear that one.
TG: alrighty sounds good to me
TT: Not going to argue about wearing jeans and a T-shirt instead?
TG: nah TG: not this time at least TG: im kind of excited to wear the one kanaya made anyway TG: especially since its the first suit that i actually kind of like
TT: Well, I look forward to seeing you at my party in a suit. TT: For now, I must go and give a few others personal invitations.
TG: k you do that
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
You proceeded to play videos games for the rest of the day because it was, in fact, your day off. You had to spend some of it by yourself after all.
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chickenfetus · 7 years
all moongan
thank you for asking falen tbh i love u sm and i love doing these 
omg is this ask for this ask meme i literally almost posted this along with the wrong ask fml
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more cereal than mik because.. i dont eat cereal with milk……… i love the crunch
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
as someone who lives in a tropical country is that what its called idk we dont have seasons and it never gets lower than 25 degrees so yes that would be ideal
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
hrmmmmm… i just remember the page number?? or try to lmao if i dont remember i just skim through the pages and try to recognise where i left off
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
with at least 2 packets of sugar tbh…. i dont drink coffee
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
omg story time i went 2 get my braces removed and the dentist wanted to take pics so he was like “smile with your teeth!” and i was like ok! but then he kept saying i wasnt doing it right lmao… guess whos never smiled b4… (me) so he told me 2 practice my smile lol i didnt answer the qn but ya,,, i am probably
6: do you keep plants?
i used 2 be very against plants… now theyre okay i guess i dont rly keep any
7: do you name your plants?
refer 2 6
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
art??? i havent drawn in awhile
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
no LOL
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
on my side!!!! i cant sleep on my back bc i gotta hug smth.. and my stomach is out of the qn
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
🅱️… and .. same brainwaves…. poor mans ____…. this is all from the shady hq im so sorry my other pals
12: what’s your favorite planet?
the moon for no real reason
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
hMMm, watching astro and mx perform??? and just being shady with bell lmao
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
this… question,,,..so im thinking of a bright place with white walls and translucent curtains so the light call fill the (living) room perfectly and everythings really ??? sunny and shit idk its warm… the floor’s made of (fake?) wood and theres a small kitchen bc i cant cook and idk if my friend would be able to lol.. theres 2 bed rooms both are painfully small but it works.. theres one other room with a closet for clothes… the bathroom is just a shower, sink and toilet… theres no washing machine rip and ?? thats about it poor mens life
i watchd the like we used mv again and i realized ...... that is literally where i got this imagery from thanks the rose i love a relatable band
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
heres a fact (?) from me first: it rains diamonds on one planet ?? mecury maybe?? mars??? whomst.. this isnt even a fact its ,me trying to recall shit
ok real fact: There are thousands of other planets out there. sorry lads this website doesnt wanna have fun
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
is spaghetti bolognese a pasta dish
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
im chill with my current hair colour??? bc its brown sometimes idk shitty hair
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
i asked my irl friends (group name: panic support group) and this is what they said
K: everything
E: when u were one hour late (i dont remember this happening but i do know im always late but never for an hour past me wyd)
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
goDD i dont but i sure want to
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
this is strange but every eye colour is my favourite although ppl with two or more colours in their eyes are so cool
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
its just my school bag lmao i got it 4 years ago and i take it everywhere even if the event is “small” and they ask us to bring “smaller bags” ill bring my big ass school bag anyway it looks like this (i dont have to but linking stuff is so fun)
22: are you a morning person?
technically.???its the holidays but i still manage to get up before 10 (most of the time) and … even if i have like 5 hours of sleep i manage to feel awake really easily????
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
tf i just use my phone lmao this is what ive been doing for like a month now… i could watch every vlive i havent watched yet, i could make video compilations i could practice my art but… even though im out of school im still procrastinating.. legends only
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
mmmm falens the closest to that
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
my classroom
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
white converse??  i have 2 get new ones every like 2 years since theyre also my school shoes and break easily….. other than those i have my blueblack converse too (i dont wear them as much so theyre still in one piece)
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
i dont eat bubblegum bc im always afraid ill swallow it and die and im p sure its illegal here
28: sunrise or sunset?
sunset but i dont look outside enough for either
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
hm……… with jen its when she sends me asks on anon despite it being super obvious like im not a Fan when my friends send me asks on anon bc sometimes i cant tell and i get a sense of false hope but w/ jen its okay but i know its her
with bell its when they reply to my keyboard smashes with their own keyboard smashes lmao and when they just??//?? say smth cute abt their faves (lately its been sanha thank u sh)
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
ya lmao when i have 2 sleep alone and its completely dark i have half a mind 2 believe some random supernatural being is out for me
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
hmM. socks are great i always wear them bc i wear shoes almost every time i go outside… i dont have any weird socks bc im Boring but i have 3 pkmn songs and 1 gudetama socks/.. bUT I DID buy my friend those socks with individual toe pockets… it was so funny when my other friend saw it she choked on her drink and almost spat it out. we laughed so hard we hit our heads against each other i love friendship.. i have 2 wear white socks for sch bc… aesthetic? god if i know lmao….. i only ever wear ankle socks bc….. socks any higher than that? cancelled.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
listen ive never stayed up later than like 1am ok maybe 2am??? but i was working on like a project that was due the next day for school with my groupmates (friends) so does that count lmao
33: what’s your fave pastry?
bread………. sugar donuts…….. i am Aware that thats not how u spell it but wtv
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
why does this ask so many qns in 1 qn……. i had a cat?? it had pink stripes and it didnt have a name bc i dont name my stuff… even my pokemon.. and yeah i still have it except its in a big dusty bag where all my other toys are kept
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
i kinda have to use stationary for school so ya.. p often is correct… pretty pens??? i dont rly see the point whoopS!!! in exams u can only use black or blue so
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
im listening 2 day6 so like day6
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
my room isnt even my room i just go there to sleep .. the place im always at is like a study area except its open?? so everyone can see me lol and . its not messy?? if u look at it from far but the shit on the desk and shelves are so fucking messy god i need to pack those
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
aLRIGHT LADS welcome 2 megans ted talk
(skip this if ur not fond of drama)
so something (refer to the song he said suits myday) happened with jae recently and ive seen fans trying to defend him by @ing him and saying that they love him which is fine - great even! but what i dont approve is how everyone’s basically forgotten about the whole matter because they had concerts so instead of @-ing him and asking him to explain himself, they tell him what a great concert it was which is also great bc their concerts are honestly amazing. basically my pet peeve is when ppl dismiss the problematic action of some people just bc they like them.
another thing is that there were some fans who started guilting others for wanting to drop day6 completely because of what jae did and in my opinion i think it is totally cool to want to drop a group if they did smth bad like??? its ur life???? u can choose who you want to like. what is not cool is pulling out all the good things the person has ever done in their entire life and try to remind others about the positive sides of the person. yes. they’re an encouraging person, etc. but that does not cancel out the bad things they’ve done until they explain/apologise. what is infuriating is just the manner some people took it?? they literally went ahead and tweeted shit like “would your parents drop you if you did smth wrong?” and “you’re seriously gonna drop someone whos been nothing been nice because of one incident?” yes. people will and you dont have any fucking right to stop them? so dont go pulling out receipts.
another thing. its also okay to want to stan the whole group even if someone has done smth problematic. like? to me youre cool if youre able to see and acknowledge the bad shit someone has done and still stand by their side while educating them at the same time its nice to have faith in your idols. however, i wont say much when your idols dont respond and/or respond in a way that shows absolutely no remorse. its cool if you want to support them too, despite that.
tldr; dont fucking excuse someone’s behaviour/action just because youre so far up their fucking ass. dont pull out shit from before either, be it good or bad. and lastly, its okay to want to drop/continue supporting them, its your life.
i just wanted to talk about this tbh,, it was nice to see a few mydays trying to urge jae to explain the whole situation but seeing as he still hasnt and couldve it really irks me :-/
okay update its been a day and i havent really thought about this but im kinda conflicted now bc jae still hasnt talked about the song and im probably just making a big deal out of smth that will never happen again but it really doesnt sit right with me knowing that jae recommended that song to his fans and said it suited mydays?? bc looking at the lyrics... i SURE hope not... idk i have neither forgiven or forgotten but he’s okay now.? i cant stay mad at someone for that long anyway ill never forgive him 4 it though lmao petty ppl only
another thing... jae’s still an amazing person to me with all the encouraging words he says to mydays but this one incident is just soOOOOO hrm and i did go off tangent with the question as usual lol
39: what color do you wear the most?
i wear a lot of colours tbh??? but bc its rly hot out ive just been wearing the same shirt every time i leave the house and its black so
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
i dont wear jewelry rip
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
challenger deep
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
hm,, ive only ever visited this coffee shop like more than once bc the girl i used 2 like showed it to me b4 like 2 years ago and it was nice i liked their mocha frappe and its cozy i guess??? sometimes i go there with friends to study/just eat but i havent gone in awhile.., its two stories and it has an open air sitting area too i prefer sitting inside bc the sun is a big no thanks.. the ceiling is kind of like?? going downward?? like the kind iin attics???? idk man it was nice
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
u cant see shit here sorry
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
cant relate
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yea?? sometimes i just gotta bc my brain wont shut the fuck up
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
suddenly all of the puns i know have left my mind thanks @ me
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
the dark and whats basically in it???? like ghosts zombies and shit u kno the scary shit
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i like buying albums?? theres a CD in those so it counts lmao i bought sunrise by day6
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
boxes??? like containers????
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
boxy and letting go by day6
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
me: rocky.. ?????? from astro.. /?? no ive never heard of any of those and i saw the word horror so u wont hear abt those from me any time soon
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
i literally havent been outside for 2 days
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
be petty aka yesterday i changed my twitter icon from jae 2 brian bc jae’s being a child rn so hes out
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
when they ramble abt smth they like thanksk buds
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
is this the song from p!atd i have it in my playlist lmao oh i fucing hate this song i always skip it im not listening
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
idk what either of those are but bell and boxy
59: what’s your favorite myth?
idk any
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
anything that eunwoo has ever written
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
ive given eggs for karissa’s birthday b4 and i got a kermit its not stupid tho its just the closest thign i could think of
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i drink water juice everyday every minute every hour
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
my books are all in shelves lads i just  heard the fucking keys rattle im not doing this shit im logging off night
ok day 3 and im back like i said previously my books are on shelves i tried rearranging them by series b4 but my housekeeper rearrnaged them randomly the next day so i gave up
i make playlists for songs that i like, really like (i still skip them sometimes rip) and songs that my friend recommends me i have a seperate playlist for the songs i like in japanese 2
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
light blue?? like its actually p white bc its cloudy
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
m not rly
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
just. leaves maybe??
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
Horror Movie
68: what’s winter like where you live?
oh winter is fucking fantastic it never gets colder than 25 degrees celsius here and if it does rain it lasts for like 10 minutes
69: what are your favorite board games?
i used to rly like snake and ladders and monopoly :-o
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
im not ready for that kinda death
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
english breakfast or earl gray??? those r like the standard right
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
ya but i never do bc i either forget to or am just 2 lazy
73: what are some of your worst habits?
being lazy + procrastinating :-D
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
okie :-o ..
they’re great ok ive talked abt them like 10 times in the span of 2 months but whatever folks
they’re super nice, kind and just all of the positive adjectives out there in the dictionary ...... they’ve helped me multiple times and they’re always there 2 lend me a listening ear (or in our case, eye lmao) idk??? im just super comfortable around them always and im honestly so thankful we became mutuals (and subsequently friends) last year!!!! i cant say a lot bc ill just get v repetitive but overall they’re an awesome friend and im glad we still communicate daily via twitter and sometimes our skype sessions even if they’re kinda awkward bc i never know when 2 talk bc im scared ill speak and theyll say smth and itll turn into a MESS which actually happened lmao  
im looking forward to the day our skype sessions become super smooth and easy going!!!
75: tell us about your pets!
i have none but id die for boxys cats
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
well yeah always tbh but its not smth i have to do but more like want to do im just 2 lazy to get around doing it
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
?? i almost said lemons arent pink but i Remembered...... yellow lemonade
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i feel like this is an Attack? okay LISTEN so story time again.
on the flight back from japan i watched the alien covenant and i couldnt even get past the scene where the baby alien was gonna kill the poor guy who ended up being locked up with the infected dude as soon as i saw the blood and the alien emerge from the guy’s back i bolted lmao
so to calm myself down nd block that memory from my mind i went ahead and watched despicable me 3.. which HONESTLY im the worst critic ever but in my humble opinion.... the movie was good????????? idk i didnt watch minions the movie though i got lazy again whooopS!
anwyay i sidetracked but im neutral im not a fan but i wouldnt go out of my way to call minions annoying?? bc they really arent? i feel like its only seen that way bc of how people make posts abt how annoying minions are even tho.. they arent??
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
my memory hates me so every specific thing my friends have ever done for me has left my mind but .
the cutest thing? everything my friends do for me
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
theyre yellow and no i didnt theyve been there ever since i could remember
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
lava cake
82: are/were you good in school?
yeah i was good in school for like the first three years and this year i just flopped so badly lmao and its my important year too oh well my exams r over and i still dont have a backup plan in mind
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
all of dance gavin dance’s albums have awesome art
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
back when i was really into 5sos i thought of getting a tally since that was their logo at that time but now no not really unless i decide to get lance’s face tattooed onto my forehead on impulse
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
im keeping up with hq, bnha and tg manga!!!!
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
idk what those r but sure
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
big hero 6
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
who wrote this whats up with these questions
i googled and.. not really?? they all look nice
89: are you close to your parents?
close enough to stand being in the same room as them but not close enough to want to initiate conversations
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
tokyo was really cool (literally) and if i ever go again id love to go with friends so we can explore more??
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
japan was supposed to be the only plan for this year but my grandad passed away so i had to go to malaysia multiple times earlier this year ik this wasnt the qn but ive already went to the planned destination tm so
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
um. like?? i tie the sides of my hair that cover my face back??? bc i dont like hair in my face
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
hopefully something useful
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i also click remind me tomorrow lmao
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
infp-t, capricorn, hufflepuff (same as falen nd jen yay)
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
uh ive never been hiking and i dont plan on it sorry body
99: list some five (or id never shut up) songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
when you love someone - day6
like we used to - the rose
crazy sexy cool - astro
death of a strawberry - dance gavin dance
if it means a lot to you - a day to remember
idk if these actually “resonate to my soul” they just sound nice
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
oh worm.. i wouldnt miind either???
i know i have 2 choose but like
if i go back into the past i could be less annoying?? but the past has actually helped me be the way i am today and i think im learning to be a better person?? im definitely way better than how i was previously 5 years ago and im just grateful i was able to learn from my mistakes???
so i wouldnt go back to the past.
if its in the future i can see how ill end up and if its not good i might end up being able to change myself so i dont get my “bad end”..???? maybe or i can just see what happens in the future and i can look forward to it
itll also give me a chnace to have the most fun while i can if its not too nice
so my decision is to go to the future
thank you so much for asking falen god this got so long lmao
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nachtvlam · 5 years
I wish I can pull up this blog whenever I have a war inside my head.
Anyways its 10.51 am and I have my coffee, bread and koffiekoeken for breakfast.
I was having such a busy week last week, then Saturday came and instead of using it to relax, I was stressing out how to use my time.
Also there’s another side of me that thinking ohh it’s so okay being depressed and down, there’s still time! No! I am not! It’s hard to recover after breaking down, also I cannot guarantee it only lasted few hours. I am still depressed now!
sighs I don’t know. Two weeks before, in the end of paasvakantie I managed to download some timer app and quite so ‘revolutionize’ my schedule. Of course it needs time to be disciplined and get used to it! Anyways thanks to this depression ‘session’ I thought that how lonely all of this schedule and for what?
Hereby I update my journal to counter all these ridiculous thoughts.
Here I give you an overview my schedule, I shall call them goals and project because there are not for nothing. I alloted these mostly 1-2 hours at most.
- draw session: I need to keep practicing to be a better illustrator! I am still far from being hired but that’s okay! Everytime I draw is the expression of my healthy mind! there is always chance of improvements when I draw!
- novel session: god this is the hardest because my novel is still crap so far. And I made a lot of novel attempt before, who could guarantee that this would actually made it? but if I keep thinking like this then I won’t publish anything. I am 25 this year for God’s sake, and there are many young successful authors younger than me. What did I do wrong with my time? So yes I will keep writing. I do feel a let down because my idea is to write as much and do editing later, but of course I notice how crap it is and I noticed the flaws such as how things are slow, and no one would read this. So yeah I guess I have to amp up my writing quality, or start editing. I prefer the former.
This draw and novel session is so risky and in such a brink of failure because the main thing is my studies. Gosh I really want to cry. I’ve been drawing and writing all my life and even isolate myself to allocate most of my free time to do this, and for nothing. I havent publish any book or being hired as an illustrator. Just kept being that eccentric lonely guy, disappointment to parents, and writing and drawing is just a ‘hobby’. Yes I am being honest when I was younger I do see these two just to other myself from people, because I am so smart and interesting. Without producing anything. What a fucking mistake and selfish I was. A ‘hobby’ that consume my time and entire being. I never want to throw this way, I just had to produce something effective now. I am 25 I have the fear that I am too late, that I am already a failure, but I can do this. There is still time. What’s the past is the past, what matters is now and how I do my life, right? And then there’s the matter of who knows if I’ve just been doing the same thing and another 5 years of my life went by poof. I guess constant evaluation is needed, and I need to make a target. I propose this year (for my novel), and get a job in illustration.
Gosh I don’t know being here in Belgium, on my own really made me reflect myself, my life, my whole being. I am not saying I have been doing all of my life wrong. But there’s just so much things so much aspect, I don’t know if I manage to type it all down in this blog someday. Thanks to my mental health everything seems to be a problem, I just need to sort it out. I hope you (this blog) can be here for me.
There’s a matter of how I am so often crying, even when doing my mundane activities. I don’t know because of depression or because of my deteriorating vision. It’s so hard to focus on writing this as well. Maybe I should check my eyes sighs. Or is it because of my crappy dirty glasses. 
This thought just cross to me, if I die suddenly, who knows some sort of accident or another terminal illness that I couldn’t fight. I hope this blog will be my legacy and people will know how much I suffer. Maybe I should prepare a letter or something that says “if I die, read my blog:” and write it anywhere that’s easy for my parents and anyone that cared anything about me to find it. I do die without leaving anything, many people do and that’s fine (gosh I am crying so much in this). But anyways it is fine. More of the reason I should put my whole heart and mind in this blog. 
I think I need a break, I had written so much new thoughts that hasn’t occurred to me before so I’ll read this. Then I’ll continue for the reasons and session in the next post. (i guess I’ll cut too long posts in parts so easier to read)
0 notes
lizardswithoutlegs · 7 years
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when i walk into a building i get to eat everybodys pencils and they cant say no
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do it 
( also thanks for asking ! ) 
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itd bother me a lot less if everybody came to my apartment and took one of these beautiful eggs
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YEAH UNFORTUNATELY IM STILL..... WORKING THROUGH THE SAME WAITLIST but im comparatively REAL CLOSE to being done with it and i should be opening up sometime later in...... the Year
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Boy Have I
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theres This messy thing from a while back and then also
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THIS, from even FURTHER back, when i didnt realize how fucking RED all the outlines on my things were because of the monitor i was using, two for the price of one
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why not both
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i do Not but it you ever see me walking on the street please throw handfuls of teeth at me theyre the only things my wretched body can digest and im always hungry
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OH MAN ok so, an art telephone game is based on, of course, the game telephone, where one person says a phrase and then whispers it to the next person, and so on and on until the person at the very end says whatever they heard and if its done right the final sentence is wildly different than what you started with
an ART telephone game is the same kind of concept, except one person draws out a scene or character, and then other artists draw THEIR interpretation of whats going on, and so forth until the last person can end up with something COMPLETELY different than what the first scene was
youd think thered be less room for error with drawings, but as each person ONLY sees what the person ahead of them has made, they can get PRETTY OUT THERE - im gonna be a part of pythosarts game, and theyve done a couple of em before - for example one round started with THESE as the first two drawings
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and then fourteen interpretations later, ended up with these as the final two
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its good its real good
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I Cant Control Where Bigfoot Goes, I Can Only Take Note Of Where Hes Been
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YEAH, sort of ! on the main, iguanamouth, i have a bunch of different tags for art depending on what they are but not really a catchall one, BUT i do have an art only blog where everything gets tossed over ! 
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HONESTLY THE ADVICE i got is basically what all art advice is gonna boil down to eventually - you gotta just. do it. you gotta DO it
absolutely nobody you know who draws things well started out at the level theyre currently at, and putting down the things youre visualizing onto paper is a combination of getting the the technical aspects down as much as getting the idea in your head
and that goes with figuring out anatomy and how bodies are put together ! ive got to use references for a Million things,. especially the dragon hoards - theres absolutely nothing wrong with using references for your drawings ! and being able to create accurate representations of things without looking is something that comes more with drawing something over and over and memorizing the body shape more than just, feeling like you should KNOW how to do something
so dont beat yourself up for needing references. if youre trying to shy away from them a little bit but still cant make something look nice without em, try using several different reference photos to put together an entirely different pose ? 
theres ALSO the SHRIMP METHOD, which is great for practicing and getting good at one particular thing - this probably isnt SUPER HELPFUL but good luck ! 
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god i tried. exactly ONCE maybe fourish years ago but it wasnt art, i was trying to stream the lion king movie and i had no idea what i was doing, i didnt realize i needed to wear headphones so the sound wouldnt snowball into a feedback loop of my own voice that never ended but i kept laughing and it kept distorting worse and worse, like the audio version of saving and resaving something as a jpeg
it was just me and my friend ronni in the stream and ONE other person who never left and never said anything and i kept addressing them out loud like WHO ARE YOU and that only compounded the noise problem and eventually i gave up
anyway i havent tried since
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i uhhhhh dont think i COULD, really - fear especially is something thats kind of subjective and one persons Big Terror could be neutral or even cute to another person
like for me i used to have a lot of childhood fears about the ocean, and how deep and dark and vast it was, to the point where i couldnt play a lot of water levels in video games, even ( but i had almost drowned several times when i was Very young which probably had, a little somethin to do with that )
maybe sometime ill try to explore things IM afraid of, but its hard to encompass a psychological response in an image !! could be a fun experiment, though ! !
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SHIT DUDE THESE ARE... SO GOOD thats the official name EVEN IF i didnt use. a daffodil as the flower base. it doesnt matter 
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i got A BUNCH of flower and plant themed suggestions and theyre all REALLY GOOD ( way more than these ) but straight up im taking a break from em for a while - if anybody is else is reading this though you should definitely tackle one of em
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Do Not Feed Animals The Paste
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i keep going back to read this ask because you could replace wasabi with my name and its the exact same. its the same. i feel like i have to hide somewhere
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this was real and this is the award they gave us
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there were other awards but the judges refused to give them out. they burned them in front of the other dogs. we won
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it depends on the age ! wasabis pretty much an adult, so her sheds are pretty infrequent ( usually once every 7-8 months ) BUT when she was still growing back like 6 years ago, she would do a full-body shed every other month !
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wasabi accepts tokens of appreciation in the form of : fruit, green beans. No Exceptions
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i would never seperate wasabi from her hands
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absolutely..... not. not even a little bit h h hh a this isnt a disney animal companion, i dont even know what “kind of like a dog” means with , a lizard who cant make any vocalizations or get up on their hind legs or NOTHIN sometimes if i hold a piece of fruit on my hand and she reaches for it she gets confused on whats what and tries to bite my fingers instead
ONCE WHEN SHE was attacking her reflection in a mirror i put my hand in front of her face to break eye contact and she SUNK HER TEETH RIGHT IN THERE but immediately let go like “oh whoops”
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lissten . . .  wasabi is so sharp, just absolutely everywhere, and these are the sharpest. the grabbers
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heres a lil battle damage from earlier today actually
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this is pretty tame BUT the long long lines are from claws, and the thinner, closer together ones are from holding her and her scales scraping against the skin. so not even just the Body is completely safe ! this is not an animal youre gonna wanna get your face real close to if theyre in a walkin mood
she doesnt even MEAN to scratch the shit outta me, its just kind of a byproduct of being a big tree lizard. her tail is absolutely the worst thing to get hit by though. the WORST. lucky me she doesnt attack anything that isnt a dog or a vacuum cleaner or her own reflection
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ahhh i got her when i was 16 ! and i dont know her exact age but she was somewhere between 3-6 months when i get her - SHES probably closer to 9 years, but ive had her for about 8
LENGTH THOUGH...... the last time i measured her she was just barely under four and a half feet, but that was a few months ago and its possible shes. Just Slightly larger. shes currently sleeping as i type this so i guess we will never know
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duel me
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too late for coats..... its all tail action now
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oh MAN i feel you . . . . . . . . . . i dont think i could actually Bear To Eat any for real but some of em. just. they. i gotta. just. bite on em a LITTLE just a little bit, a tiny bit, a nibble
when i was real young i used to tap things against my teeth to tell what kind of substance they were made of based on the feeling/hardness/density WHATEVER and i still sometimes do it when im checking stuff out and. it uhhhhh sure is interesting finding out not a lot of people did that
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a handful of these delicious raw agates, just for you
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please stop spying on me
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i DO NOT but you may eat this piece of bornite
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meet me at the airport and ill cover your bus fair
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theres a lotta different ways to figure out what kind of rocks you got but when you have absolutely no clue on where to start your best bet is to search for the biggest distinctive features of it, and try to narrow it down based on the results
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like for something like these pieces of chalcedony, you could try “waxy green translucent mineral”, and from the search results find a few candidates that might be what you have on hand, and then look into each one to see if you can get a definite answer 
ive got a handful of rock and mineral guide books that i always pick through whenever i snag something im not sure of, and if youre REAL into it those are always something you could start keeping an eye out for 
now this is a REAL superficial way to telling what something is and wont be useful for a good chunk of minerals ( as a lot of samples can look really close to something else ) and THIS is a much more in depth way of telling something apart, but its also a lot more time consuming ! so good luck. and good eating.
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Just Try And Fucking Stop Me
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im married to this one actually
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fuck. ok. heres. a secret. a In the ask Post secret. wasabi goes through a period that lasts a month every single year where she carries eggs in her gut, and spends that month not eating and digging around in everything, trying to find the right spot to lay these eggs. and. when it happens i never know what to do with them, and i dont want to just THROW THEM AWAY so i. eat them. i eat the eggs. i fuckin eat the eggs dude
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Theyre All Goddesses
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unless you plan on having your lizard roam around outside whenever they want, the outside environment doesnt really matter much for most reptiles as long as you set their habitat up right ! BUT i do know that australia has bans on certain reptiles ( iguanas are one of them ) and so youre gonna have to look up whats actually available in that area 
 bearded dragons are native and those are always a good option, but so are a lot of geckos - its really gonna depend on what youre into ( but i dont really recommend anoles if thats an option, because theyre fast as Hell and dont like being handled )
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what the fuck is a bee
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oh geez im sorry ! i remember going through this with spiders a lot when i was younger to the point where looking at photos of em used to be a fuckin, TRIAL 
you could try a really gradual exposure deal, where you start off with getting comfortable with just images, and slowly working your way to dealing with one in a controlled setting ( like a petstore, maybe ? not HANDLING em or anything, but just being near one in a way where its absolutely impossible for them to touch you )
the shitty thing about this kind of phobia is that even if you KNOW its irrational theres sometimes not a lot you can do about it, but if you can stand looking at photos of them you could try learning up about them, and finding out the types of species youre likely to encounter around your house, and seeing how many ( if any ) are ones you should avoid ?
i know some people that have major problems with snakes are because theyre unsure if the ones they find are poisonous or not, and it might go a long way to confirm that the reptiles you meet wont be able to harm you even if they TRIED ( which is gonna be the case with a lotta house geckos, they cant do SHIT youre a GIANT )
very VERY few lizards have venomous bites, and the worst most of em can do is give you a bloody finger if theyre large enough, and even then its usually not much worse than a cat scratch !
still though, if youre really serious about trying to get past this, dont force yourself too quick into what you think you SHOULD be, and take tiny steps outta your comfort level when you can
this probably isnt uhhh SUPER helpful hh hhah but good luck !  shit im going through this post and its like ALL reptile photos. im sorry
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i feel about them, with my hands
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MMM it shouldnt HURT them unless theres something Really wrong, considering its a natural procession of growth, BUT its definitely itchy as hell, to the point where reptiles trying to remove it will drag their bodies over stones or walls tryin to get it off
sometimes wasabi drags her whole hind foot over her head like a dog to get it off and it is. a Sight
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ahhh honestly there arent a lotta reptiles thatre gonna do much more than TOLERATE the touch and not really, enjoy it, like a dog or cat or bird
but speaking from experience with wasabi, youll probably want to avoid most the head and stick with the top of the back near the sides - wasabi doesnt enjoy having her tail messed with much either, but shes ok with her dewlap and feet being touched
the most important thing to keep an eye out for when youre touching one is their body language, because  THATS gonna be a dead giveaway for whether you need to back off or not
closing their eyes is a sign of stress, not enjoyment ! same with tilting the head back, but if thats ALL theyre doing then youre probably not gonna face any retaliation
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B U T if theyve got an extended dewlap with a raised body or tail off the ground, not a good idea to interact with em ! thats a defensive posture, and you risk getting hit with a tail or even bitten if your hand gets too close
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youve got more to risk with males, who are way more territorial and generally larger, but if they seem pretty chill when you approach and dont stand up and stare at you, youre probably in the clear
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COCK of the ROCK
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I HAVE im so jealous of anybody whos got to see one in person - actually handling one is a level beyond that which i could even comprehend
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no but i was bit by a pigeon once
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this is the only joke i know
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i fuckin WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ayy im into it - honestly i havent been following the band so much as just kinda, picking up whatever anybody else mentions and so my knowledge on Gorillaz Lore is pretty uhhhh h hh h scattered but im definitely interested in seeing where this goes
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i remember watching the first and second season and it being pretty good - some of the episodes and jokes are hit and miss but you absolutely got me with the creature and alien design
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havent seen any of the third season yet though !
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i mean the fruit ones could be pretty up there 
how bout. an abstract concept. who cares about physical forms wheres the dragon of melancholy 
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why come theres nothing to eat in my apartment but bread. im good otherwise but its all just bread
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i havent watched either of em in YEARS and YEARS but i distinctly remember. these lil dancing mushrooms
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oh wait FUCK 
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FUCK !!!!!!!!!
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no... NO.... she is not allowed to eat ANYTHING from the plan shelf, try as she MIGHT
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im a little mad that this sill isnt bigger because the only other one that gets sun is in my room and wasabi WIll... absolutely eat those. no doubt. a convenient and expensive salad, for my awful gremlin 
god im looking at these and its all jade plants isnt it
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little golden books taste the best but they can make you sick if you have too many at once. my favorite genre for snacking is sci fi fantasy but anything over 300 pages tends to get a little tough if you dont break it up with smaller chunks. non fictions always a gamble because the taste is wildly different each time but you can usually tell how ripe it is by the cover color
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ayy im already a big fan of some of their stuff, ive got a couple songs from them in my music tag - im especially into i miss you and their shut up and bring it here remix
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this is barely related but once i filled up a bathtub with water and then dumped about ten bags worth of mint tea into it and then just. soaked around in the tea. listen it was really nice. id try the cheese
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i dont have any ships but i was on one of those model pirate boats once for a school trip. our boat was named naruto and the other one was named sasuke and the captains shouted “make them kiss” and ran them into each other. everybody on board drowned
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youre trying to trick me into googling yoshi without shoes and its not going to work
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me reading this message from the safety of my apartment :
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nice try, but wrong again ! : )
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THIS IS GOOD info, thank you
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oh SHIT the other side of paradise, take a slice, life itself, and season 2 episode 3 are all my Big Faves
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the way you phrased this makes me think you already have a strong opinion on it
hey uh. coming from a person who was absolutely CONVINCED that theyd be dead in the future when they were 12, a not insignificant part of that was me feeling that there was something irreversibly wrong with me for not behaving or acting in certain ways based on what was going downstairs
and obviously im still HERE but it means i can understand how devastatingly terrible it can feel when youre that young and it seems like the way you behave and feel are flawed, or dirty, and anything that can lessen that feeling and make you comfortable in your own body is huge, can save your life
not that im saying its always a LIFE OR DEATH decision !
i guess if youre viewing it as adults forcing a child into making decisions that you dont think theyre capable of understanding its easy to be hesitant about getting behind it, but nobody is forcing a child to be trans. nobody has tricked them into feeling this way. you cant just walk in and get started on treatment on an immediate whim - some programs require 2 YEARS of concrete evidence before theyll even consider it
i feel like you should try speaking to the parents of trans children before you really put down a concrete opinion on whether this is a good or bad thing, and seeing the difference ( if any ) its made in their lives 
people whove detransitioned, or found they had ultimately a different identity than the one they were exploring could also be an avenue to look intto ! i have several acquaintances who, after a period of years, found they werent trans but wouldnt take back the time where they were figuring out if they were, and i know this doesnt invalidate the friends i have who ARE 
ultimately this is what it boils down to for me : Its Sure Gotta Beat Being Dead
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i WILL give you that ive definitely seen a lot of overreactions to seemingly innocuous topics on this website
but youve also got to keep in mind that everybody who is saying these things MEANS them, and to them theres a completely reasonable explanation to why they feel that way
im not saying you should blindly accept any criticism you get, but to instead try to get a grasp on WHY theyre responding the way they are instead of immediately dismissing it
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its because i cant drive and they wont let me sit in the front on account of the smell
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AHHHH I GOT.. a bunch of other really sweet messages to the point where id feel weird about putting em ALL UP BUT... IF YOU SENT ME SOMETHING i can promise i absolutely saw it and it made my day better and just, holy shit, thank you for taking time out of your life to say anything to me at all
because you didnt have to, even a little bit
youre all beautiful and im kissing you on the mouths all at once. no take backs
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thedecemberthoughts · 4 years
On everything and anything during the quarantine so far...
April 23, 2020
There are many things i am currently worried about, and it seems that its so much that i cannot identify each of them. I have been thinking over many things, and i cannot keep up. I worry about what i can do to keep myself motivated. I worry about what i can do to keep myself moving, and not just on my phone. I think about projects i can do, but never find the motivation to do them. I am worries about the things i applied for, and if they will get cancelled. I am still hoping that i get the artist residency in Liepzig, Germany but i won’t know that until may when they send the emails. Or when i check the website, and they’ve announced the participants. I hope i do get in. I know i can provide work that can truly be called art. But i know i should also leave room for disappointment, and as i dough, the more i worry about the results. I hope later today,
you find things to drive you to do the things you plan to. To finally 3D model again, to dra the portraits you havent, to research about lights so you can have a set up in your room. To try and move the uniqlo paper bags from the back of the cabinets, into the big suitcase. To continue learning german, and maybe have a practice partner soon. 
May 21, 2020
I haven’t left the house for about 60 days now. I haven’t really gone crazy, and to be fair, i am quite enjoying being home. I do miss human contact; i want to be hugged. I think if anything, i miss the weight and warmth of another person. I often hug my parents, but hugging someone without them hugging back is a totally different feeling. I think im okay. For the most part, i think everything is fine. But if im being honest, i know im mostly keeping it in, and pushing it down. I think im going crazy, but unlike everyone else, its not because im locked in. 
I wish i knew how to be honest for everything. I hope i find the courage to come out to Floris soon, and i hope nothing bad happens to our friendship when i do. I think once everyone i care about knows im Bisexual, id been less anxious. Hiding this from everyone, i think is keeping me so tightly wound. 
The sleepless nights keep coming. i hope it gets fixed soon. Ive been enjoying getting to know Lucas during the late/early times though. I hope we become better friends. He’s really nice and i enjoy his company. Hopefully soon we get to call and i can finally talk to him and hear him speak. I know he’s not gay but hey, he’s also a nice guy to have as a potential boyfriend; of course thats not my main point. I like him because he can be as passionate about design as i am. And besides, hes just really fun to get to know. I hope that doesn’t die down soon. 
I also haven’t heard about the German Artist Residency. I still am sparing it a bit of hope, despite this i know the news that i wasn’t chosen, though might be predictable, will crush me. By all means i really wish i get to go. In this weird times, its a sliver of hope that i am craving. 
What really tugs on my heart is how little friends i seem to have; which i can’t seem to prove because i do care about some people, and i talk to a few from time to time. But being someone’s second or spare option is something i feel no one i know really gets. Being someone who doesn’t really belong in a group of friends, and who doesn’t fit in with their circles, as much as i have endured living it, crushes me more each day. Is there something inherently wrong with me? Can i be someone’s first choice, main priority, someone’s person for once? I love being there for people but why can’t i have someone be there for me? Its a hirt i can’t seem to ease, and each day it throbs even harder. I hope i get over this, or find a solution soon. 
Will my death even matter at this point? I’m not thinking of killing myself, but it makes me think. Do people actually care about me enough to want me to stay alive? Well yes sure. thats easy. i think for most people who know someone, they wouldn’t wish death on them. But does it really matter if its only hypothetical. In these situations, perhaps actions can speak louder than words indeed.
Bottomline, i guess i just want attention from someone who willingly and pointedly wants to give it to me. To be appreciated despite my discomfort with being appreciated. To be noticed, and to finally be visible. I crave to be someone’s. But for now i guess a tight hug from my best friend (which is impossible because he’s in fucking Germany right now), or from one of my other friends. To have a caring person envelop me in their arms, and radiate warmth from their hearts to mine. Is that too much to ask? 
I want someone to care for me as much as i care for them. 
May 27, 2020
Why the fuck am i so fucking gay? Also why do i want to have friends so bad, only to push them away before they fuckin leave me? I want to die and i hate this life. Or maybe i just don’t want this particular life anymore. 
It seems that despite all my efforts to leave this life behind, something keeps drawing me in. I know in these cases, it mostly means that theres something i am not answering to. In the heroes journey cycle its believed that until the hero answers the call, it will keep beckoning for him to acknowledge and do something about it. (this shit is gonna sound so fucking gross when i read this back, but man. do i care?). anyway, It seems i am stuck in this cycle, and to be able to leave all this behind, i have to acknowledge or do something. Am i so stupid oblivious to know what it is? I wanna fucking die. 
Why does my heart hurt too? how is this fair. I hate being so ugly, and so unattractive. Fuck this life… what am i doing wrong. Besides, why can’t i be transparent with people? why do i keep putting up personas to everyone i meet. ITS NOT FUCKING COOL. and above all, its so exhausting. I seriously need help…
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