#also this one is short i was tempted to post two parts in one but No we shall prevail
parts one two three
The first emotion Keith feels, immediately upon waking, is intense dread.
And if that doesn’t sum up the day he’s about to have. Fuck’s sake.
He already feels pretty guilty about yesterday. Besides the fact that Lance is his right hand man — they’re supposed to have each other’s backs, and Keith definitely didn’t have Lance’s, because even though Lance wasn’t in the right he wasn’t in the wrong either — and they’re supposed to be leading this as a team, Keith knows part of the reason things fell apart so quickly is because he didn’t talk to Lance last night. He probably couldn’t’ve convinced Lance to kill the beast, obviously, but they could have definitely explored some different angles together. By letting things fester, Keith pretty much ensured that Lance was going to come up with some elaborate, dangerous scheme that was going to cost them an alliance, and worse, possibly get Lance hurt or killed. (Lance had a good track record with dangerous animals, sure, but this is a beast. The thing sounded like a mix between a polar bear and a dragon. There’s only so much Lance can do, uncanny abilities or not.)
But what’s done is done. Keith can’t very well redo yesterday and make Lance un-mad at him and everyone else, so he’ll have to make do with what he’s got.
And what he’s got is first shift on make-sure-Lance-doesn’t-mutiny-duty.
Fuck, Keith thinks as he makes his way out of his room, this is going to be the Actual Worst.
As usual, Keith is one of the first people on the bridge. Unusually, Lance is next. (Usually he is last, and also late).
“Hey, Lance,” Keith says, trying to muster up a smile.
Surprisingly, Lance beams right back. “Hello, Numb — uh,” his smile falters. “I mean, hi there, Mullet.”
Keith slumps. “I’m still Mullet, huh.”
Lance nods.
“You reckon I’ll work my way back up to Keith, soon? I’ll do anything, you know I will. I’ll even try your horrible face mask with you.”
To his further surprise — Lance must have actually slept well, or something — Lance smiles again, and this time it’s soft even to Keith’s eyes.
“Really? You would do that?”
“I’d do anything for you,” Keith says, and it’s more than he means to.
Lance frowns, and Keith’s heart sinks for the millionth time in just a few hours.
“Except help me save an innocent animal’s life,” he says, and there’s nothing Keith can say to that.
They sit in tense silence until the rest of the paladins arrive.
Shiro counts them once they do, like they’re kindergarteners and he’s a very tired EA, and furrows his brow when he finishes.
“Six. Including me. Who are we — where’s Coran?”
“He said he’ll be here in a few dobashes,” Lance says. “A calibrator broke down in the control room somewhere — nothing urgent, but he wants to get it fixed to get it out of the way. He’ll be back before we’re gone long.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, Lance,” Allura says, transparently trying to ease the tense line of his shoulders, a little.
It does not work. Lance sets his jaw and looks away.
Allura sighs. “I’m sorry, Lance,” she tries. “I know this is hard for you. If it were possible, and we had more time, we’d find another way.”
Keith decides that enough is probably enough. Allura and Shiro look genuinely dejected and apologetic, and both Pidge and Hunk look upset.
“Look, Lance, this situation sucks for everyone, okay? It sucks. We’re going to do what we can. If we get to the situation in question and we can actually manage to fix things without killing the beast, then that’s what we’ll do, okay? We’ll do our best.”
Lance exhales, shoulders slumping. He looks… guilty, and his guilt certainly does nothing to appease Keith’s.
“Sorry,” Lance mutters. “I know this is hard for everyone.”
Keith swallows the lump in his throat. He genuinely can’t remember the last time a non-major battle mission sucked so unequivocally for everyone involved, but Jesus Christ.
“Let’s just go,” he says, and everyone nods before following him off the castle and to the wet, humid heat of the planet.
part four
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puckbunnyera · 7 months
Just Friends | Luke Hughes
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• ──────────────♡────────────── •
pairing: luke hughes x reader genre: fluff word count: 2.3k warnings: none summary: maybe you were never really just friends
notes: it's been less than 24 hours since i posted my first fic and i've already received a few asks for a part 2 so here it is. i'll link the first part here. thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read it, like it, reblog it, etc. i'm always really nervous to post my own writing so any type of interaction with it feels good to see.
also, i know the timelines of the games played in both fics don't align with the actual events in real time but we are just going to ignore that for the sake of the plot.
• ──────────────♡────────────── •
I sigh as I stand in front of my bedroom mirror, doing one last fit check before Luke arrives. I'm nervous. I come to this realization as I smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles in my shirt. Why? I couldn't tell you. It's been almost two months since the night I met Luke, and we've talked and texted almost every day since. We've even hung out multiple times since then, but I always seem to get all nervous and jittery anytime he presents the offer. My thoughts start to consume me to the point that I'm almost tempted to text him and ask for a rain check, but before I can fall too deeply into them, my attention is stolen by the two girls lying on my bed behind me.
"I still can't believe you're dating The Luke Hughes." One of my friends says causing me to turn my back towards the mirror to look at her.
"We aren't dating." I scoff. "We're-"
"Right, you're 'just friends'." My other friend interrupts, rolling her eyes and using her fingers to make air quotes as she says the words.
"We are." I shrug, moving to sit in my vanity chair so I can put on my shoes.
"You don't have to believe us if you don't want to, but he totally has the hots for you."
"It's so obvious. Any time he has the chance to get away from his job, he's calling, texting, or coming to see you. Even if it's only for a short amount of time. Those aren't typical behaviors of a guy who wants to be 'just friends'."
They continue to go on and on as if they're trying to convince a jury that they're innocent of a crime. The sound of my phone dinging from beside me on the table finally brings their rambling to an end. I pick up to find a text from Luke.
From Luke🏒: i'm here
To Luke🏒: omw
"I would love to stay and continue this conversation," I smile sarcastically as I stand up, "But my friend is waiting for me downstairs." I make sure to add extra emphasis on the word friend.
They both giggle and bid their goodbyes as I walk out of the room. When I make it downstairs to the lobby of my apartment building, Luke, in all of his handsome glory, is waiting patiently by the door.
"Ready to go?" He questions once I'm standing in front of him. I nod in confirmation and he opens the door for us, placing a gentle hand on my back to lead me out.
"What's the plan for today?" I ask once we're settled into the car.
"I need to drop off a couple of things at the dry cleaners since my brother forgot to do it," He gestures to the items in his backseat. "But then I figured we could go to dinner, catch a movie, and then maybe grab some dessert before I take you home."
"Sounds good!" I reply with a smile, with which he returns one of his own before putting the car in drive and pulling away from my apartment building.
Things are going well today. Really well. We're having fun and Luke is being as sweet as always. However, that's the only problem. Despite the stance I took in the argument with my friends, I can't help but let their words get to me. The whole evening, I've been reading too deeply into every little thing he does. Every door he holds open for me, every chair he pulls out for me, every accidental brush of our hands when we walk side-by-side. I'm trying not to let it show, but when Luke's voice rattles my thoughts and pulls me back down to Earth, I know I'm failing.
"Are you okay?" He asks as we sit in the car, waiting for the red light to turn green. "You've been pretty quiet today."
"Really?" I ask, genuinely confused because I hadn't noticed that change in my behavior. When he responds with a solemn nod, guilt rises in my chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was. It has nothing to do with you." Yet it has everything to do with him.
"Did something happen?" He pushes further.
"No, just have a lot on my mind with work and all, but I'm okay. Promise." I give him a soft smile in hopes that it will give him enough reassurance to drop the conversation. Thankfully he does, but the look in his eyes shows clearly that he doesn't believe me. "So my friends were telling me that you have a home game coming up in a couple of days against your oldest brother's team. Are you excited?" I change the subject quickly.
"Yeah," He nods, a smile gracing his features. "My parents are gonna be in town to watch us face off against each other. All three Hughes brothers on the same ice. I'm hoping it will be as exciting as everyone and the media are making it seem." He chuckles. "I'm also just really excited to see Quinn. We haven't gotten to see each other much since I moved out to Jersey and the season started. I think it'll be nice to have us all back together again, even if it's just for a couple of days."
"I bet it will be."
"I'm glad you brought this up because I've been meaning to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Would you maybe want to come to the game?"
"Do you want me to come?" I'm praying the hopeful look in my eyes isn't obvious.
"Yeah," He nods. "I really do."
"Then I'll be there." I assure him. "The girls were talking about purchasing tickets anyways, so I'll tell them to make it three tickets instead of just the two."
"Don't worry about it. I got it covered."
"Luke, you don't have to do that." I shake my head, readying myself to argue.
"I know I don't have to, but I want to." The look he gives me makes me forget any rebuttal I had previously prepared. "Plus, I already got the tickets and the seating arrangements set up."
"And you just knew I was gonna say yes?" I reply, crossing my arms.
"No, but I was hoping you would."
"I guess some dreams really do come true." I joke.
"I guess so."
We continue to talk and joke around for the remainder of the drive. It goes by a little too quickly though, because before I know it, he's putting the car in park in front of my building. Being the gentleman that he is, he walks me all the way up to my apartment door. It's not until I have unlocked and opened the door that he finally says goodnight, placing a soft peck on my cheek before walking away. Once he has disappeared into the elevator and I'm sure he's gone, I close and lock the door.
As I'm getting ready for bed, I become aware of the slight ache in my cheeks from smiling so much. As soon as my head hits my pillow, the realization dawns on me. I am in love with Luke Hughes.
• ───────────────────────────── •
I'm still in shock at the fact that he really went all out with the tickets. My friends seem to be as well considering that they still haven't managed to pick their jaws up off the floor yet. Never in my life would I have ever expected to be seated in one of the arena's luxury suites. I feel a little bad the more I dwell on it. There are more deserving fans that could be sitting here, yet some girl who knew nothing about the sport two months ago had them handed to her at no cost.
"Hi, you must be Y/N." An unfamiliar woman's voice pulls me from my pity-party.
"Oh, hi." I greet her as I turn in her direction.
"I'm Luke's mom, Ellen." She smiles and pulls me into a quick but gentle embrace. "And this is my husband, Jim." She gestures to the man beside her.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." He offers a hand for me to shake.
"You as well." I accept it before introducing them to my two friends, who are not-so-discreetly eavesdropping on the conversation.
We all find a seat and fall into casual conversation. Just getting to know each other and talking about this, that, and the other. Once the teams begin to make their way onto the ice, our attentions shift away from each other and onto the players.
Having admitted to my lack of knowledge of the sport before the game started, Jim and Ellen kindly explained the game to me so I would know what is going on. By the end of the first period, I'm clued in enough that I don't need it anymore and eventually, I become just as immersed in the game as the rest of them are.
It's in the second period that Luke scores a goal and we all stand up, cheering loudly with the crowd. The excitement is so high that I don't even shy away when Ellen happily pulls me into a tight hug before pulling away and continuing to cheer for her youngest son. Third period seems to go by in a flash and then the game is ending with a 6-5 win for the Devils, both Jack and Luke having contributed to the score with goals of their own.
Once the final buzzer goes off, my friends bid their farewells before heading out to go home. However, I hang back with Ellen and Jim upon the request of Luke. I follow the two down from the suite until we make it to where the locker rooms are located, waiting in the hall for the three brothers to emerge. We stand around conversing for about ten or so minutes before the men finally make their appearances.
They all embrace and greet each other as I stand back and watch with a smile. They really are a beautiful family. Once they all break away, Luke turns his attention towards me. He steps forward and reaches for me, pulling me into his arms.
"Congratulations." I speak softly as I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders, his wrapped around my waist.
"Thank you." I can hear the smile in his voice.
Time escapes me as I stand in his arms. I'm not even sure how long we've been holding onto each other. It's his brother's voice that finally has us separating.
"You must be the infamous Y/N." Quinn steps up, a smug grin on his face. "I've heard so much about you."
"I've heard a lot about you as well," I respond politely, despite the blush I'm sure I'm sporting due to his teasing tone. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Will you be joining us for dinner?" Ellen asks from where she stands, now next to Quinn.
"Oh, um," I look to Luke for an answer. He nods, a pleading look in his eyes. "Yes, I would love to." I finally reply.
With that being said, we all begin to exit the arena and head to the parking lot. We're almost to the vehicles when Luke gently grabs my hand and pulls me to a stop. Once his family is out of earshot, he begins to speak.
"This might seem random and sudden, but I've been thinking about it for a while." He starts, looking away nervously and lifting a hand to scratch the back of his neck. "And feel free to say no because I don't want you to feel like you have to say yes just because I'm asking. Or if you feel like you need time to think it over, feel free to take all of the time you need. Actually, maybe I-"
"Luke," I say his name softly, placing my hands on his reddening cheeks and forcing his gaze back to mine. His rambling comes to a halt. "Breathe."
"Sorry." He inhales deeply before releasing his breath. "I was wondering, would you be my girlfriend?"
It's my turn to take a deep breath. Out of all the things he could have said, I was not expecting this. I take a moment to gather my thoughts as a smile begins to pull at my lips.
"I would love to." I nod, my smile growing larger resulting in his own.
"Well," He takes a step closer to me. "Since you're my girlfriend now, does that mean I can kiss you?" His question flusters me but I try hard not to show it.
"Do you want to kiss me?"
"Really fucking badly."
"Then kiss me, Luke."
And so he does. His lips crash into mine in a soft but passionate kiss. As if he has waited a lifetime to do it. It's gentle yet desperate. As we finally part, he pecks my lips a few more times before pulling away completely. He opens his mouth to say something but is stopped by Jack shouting from where his family is waiting by the cars, surely having seen the whole display.
"If you two lovebirds are done sucking faces in the middle of the parking lot, I would like to leave now. I'm fucking starving." He teases.
We both turn our gazes in time to see Quinn smack the middle brother in the back of the head and both parents shaking their heads at their son's antics. Luke chuckles at the scene as he intertwines his hand with mine and begins to walk to the car. My heart flutters as I finally admit the obvious to myself. Maybe we weren't ever just friends. I mentally roll my eyes as I climb into the back seat, already picturing the two squealing girls in my head and the endless amounts of I told you so's that I'm sure to hear when I fill them in. However, when Luke slides into the car next to me and interlocks our hands once again, I can't bring myself to care. I think I like this little life.
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
definitely today, satan | knj
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After having a strange dream about your hot neighbor, you realize it might be time to finally make your move. Dreams are a sign from the universe, right?
○ Pairing: DILF/Neighbor!Namjoon x f!Reader
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Neighbors to lovers, smut, crack
○ 11 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Neighbor)
○ Word Count: 1,076
○ Warnings: It's corny and horribly written and I don't know what the fuck came over me when I wrote any of these fics, cunnilingus (Namjoon eating it from behind while MC wears a skirt, god bless), nipple play, vaginal fingering, I have a really bad sense humor, reference to NSYNC fanfic
○ Notes: This fic was written for @mapleleaf000 . It's actually part 3 of what has turned into a mini-series about the "Demon DMV" LOL. The links for the other parts are below. For those of you who haven't read "Not Today, Satan," you don't have to read parts 1 and 2 to understand this fic, but I highly recommend it, or else this won't be as funny. Also, yes, there is NSYNC fic on AO3. In case you were curious. 💀
○ Post Date: March 12, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? Dangerous - TEN
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
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Honestly, sometimes your ability to pull hot men shocks you. It doesn’t only happen at night when you’re weirdly dreaming about your hot, daddy-dom neighbor being Satan, tempting you with his sexy biceps and boobs. You’re actually here, in his apartment, sitting on said hot, daddy-dom neighbor’s thick thighs as he sucks on your throat and squeezes your tits. 
Namjoon is even hotter in real life than he was as Satan in your dreams, though you can’t help but think about your dream while he’s pulling off your shirt to trail kisses across your collarbones and reaching around you to unclasp your bra. 
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” Namjoon moans against your chest as he drags his tongue across one of your nipples, flicking it repeatedly until it’s hard and soaked with his spit. His tongue isn’t pointy and forked like it had been in your dream, but that’s fine!
“Not as sexy as you,” you insist with your fingers threaded through his hair. 
Namjoon’s hair is short and bleached with highlights, and you think he’s probably the only person in the twenty-first century who can pull off bleached tips without looking like Lance from NSYNC. 
Is there any NSYNC fanfiction on AO3? If there is, it’s probably Lance/Justin. 
Not to kink-shame anyone, but ew. 
You’re pulled from your distracting thoughts by Namjoon grabbing your ass and helping you grind against the bulge in his pants. He’s still wearing his slacks, having just come home from work. You were supposed to go on a dinner date since his daughter is staying with her mother over the weekend. 
As a respectful father (hot), Namjoon has avoided mixing his dating life with his family life. It’s what’s best for now since the two of you are still getting to know each other. Only recently did your dreams of Purgatory and Hell push you to ask Namjoon out. It makes sense that he wants to take things slow with introducing you into his daughter’s life. 
You’re definitely not taking things slow in other areas of your dating life, though. 
“Is it weird if I say that I dreamt about this?” you ask when Namjoon hooks his arms around your thighs and carries you out of the living room. His strength is impressive, even if his bedroom isn’t far from where you’d been. 
“Not at all. I’ve dreamt about you, too.” 
Namjoon seems shy when he confesses, but you suppose it actually is kind of weird, and the two of you are probably just weird together. Which is nice. Sexy or not, you wouldn’t be able to vibe with Namjoon if he couldn’t keep up with your weirdness. 
“Oh, did you?” you purr as Namjoon reaches under your miniskirt to pull your thong down your legs. 
“Mhm,” he hums against your neck when he hovers over you, slotting himself between your legs so he can grind his thigh against your exposed pussy. 
One of the buttons on his white work shirt catches on your nipple. The rough drag makes your body shiver with goosebumps. When you try to unbutton his shirt, he grabs your hand and pins it to the bed above your head. 
“Keep it on,” Namjoon whispers in your ear. 
His breath is hot against your face, and his voice is deep and scratchy. If you close your eyes, you can almost imagine something darker in his tone, something demonic. It’s so hot you feel your pussy throb and slick up even more. When Namjoon pulls away, there’s a dark spot on his pants from how wet you are. 
“Can I eat you out?” Namjoon’s request is more like a plea, a hopeful lilt to his voice when he speaks. He runs his palms up your thighs to push your miniskirt further up your waist to expose more of your body.
“You don’t even have to ask a question like that.” 
“From behind?” 
“Fuck, yeah, oh my god.” You throw your head back with a dramatic groan before rolling onto your stomach and transitioning to resting on your forearms and knees. “Please, I didn’t even get to the fucking in my dream about you, so I need this.” 
Squeezing your asscheeks, Namjoon pulls you apart and uses his leg to push your knees apart more to open you. 
“I definitely got to the fucking part in mine,” Namjoon says with a chuckle as he runs his thumb over your pussy, first gathering your arousal from where it leaks at your entrance and gliding it up to wet your clit even more. 
“What,” you swallow the drool you’re afraid might come out of you when Namjoon picks up the pace, “What was your dream like?” 
“I don’t know if I should tell you. It was weird.” 
He circles your clit, occasionally thumbing at it with gentle flicks at the tip that makes your legs shake. When you start kicking your foot and moaning louder, he finally brings his mouth down to where you throb for him. 
“Oh fuck,” you moan against Namjoon’s bed sheets. 
You’ve got your face pressed into the bed because you can’t keep your head up as he fucks his tongue in you while he rubs your clit with his slick fingers. He moans against your pussy when he switches positions so he’s fingering you while he laps at your clit. His movements are languid, which drives you even crazier than if he’d been fingerfucking you hard enough to make your ass jiggle.
“Good?” he murmurs with his lips slick and his fingers still massaging your walls.
“So good, god, your lips are so perfect, fuck,” you moan and push back against his face. “Tell me your dream. Was it like this?”
Namjoon kisses your clit before bringing his other hand to rub it while he still fingers you. Leaning back on his knees, Namjoon increases the speed of his movements as he admits, “You were the Devil, and I fucked you so good that you kept me as a pet.” 
“I WHAT?” 
You turn around to stare at Namjoon with wide eyes and an inability to say anything more as your orgasm rips a whiny moan out of you, legs shaking and threatening to collapse. Namjoon wraps his arm around your waist and keeps rubbing your clit until you wiggle away from him when you grow too sensitive. 
Namjoon wipes his messy fingers on your thigh and shrugs. 
“I told you it was a weird dream.”
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Join the 100 Drabble Challenge taglist.
@jooniesxbby @seokteoksworld @taegeum @dprmoon @chimmisbae @yoonminkookk @joonsmagicshop @shameless-army
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie).
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(part 3 of November Paramedic; part 2 is here.)
When Gareth mentioned a plan to locate Eddie’s paramedic in shining armor, Eddie assumed it'd be him getting into various accidents all over Indianapolis. It's something the little shit would've found funny, okay! But, Gareth's plan is much less hazardous and slightly more logical: lurk around the university until they spot him. Like a pair of drug dealers trying to tempt the goody-two-shoes protagonist into addiction and sin on an 80s Saturday morning cartoon.
It's not the simplest task since they don't know when Steve might be there. Also, other responsibilities mean they can only spare so many hours loitering. So, thirteen days post-hatching plan and nineteen days post-meeting Steve (not that Eddie's been counting or anything), with nothing to show for their ethically questionable behavior, Eddie is ready to give up. Especially since both of them have a rare simultaneous day off. Usually, those are spent jamming, smoking, playing D&D… literally anything other than this.
"This is fucking stupid," he says, cigarette clenched between his teeth. "We're not gonna run into him."
"Sure we are," Gareth says. He drops his butt among the dozens they've chain-smoked and lights another without meeting Eddie's gaze. "We're getting closer. I can feel it."
"The only thing you're feeling is delusional. It's time to give up."
"Eddie, c'mon-"
"Nope." One last drag and Eddie stomps out his cig. "Fuck this; I'm out."
He stalks toward his van at the far end of the parking lot. Gareth curses before running after him.
"Dude!" he exclaims, jogging to keep up with Eddie's longer strides. "You can't just give up! What about what you said-"
"I was being stupid. What was I even imagining? We orchestrate another meeting and, what, I use my freakish wiles and seduce him? And then we'll live happily ever after…" Eddie shakes his head. "It doesn't work like that. He'd probably turn out to be a douche anyhow."
"No, listen!" Gareth seizes Eddie's arm and yanks him to a stop in the middle of the lot. "You always do this. Self-sabotage and cut things short, even when there's potential."
Eddie scoffs. "You know what else always happens? I end up liking them more than they like me. It's not fun."
"You don't know it'll be like that this time. You have to try."
Eddie takes a step back. He's done; he's out. Gareth reaches for his wrist to pull him back in. He jerks away, almost losing his footing and stumbling into the burgundy car behind him. Gareth's arms shoot out to help, but Eddie steadies himself before crashing. For a second, silence reigns as they assure everyone's on solid ground. Then Eddie opens his mouth to once and for all-
"Eddie? Gareth?"
Their heads snap to the side, eyes landing on… Max? Looking unusually dressy in high-waisted shorts and a fitted top under an oversized jacket, and her hair in a high ponytail. She's got her skateboard under her arm, a messenger bag with a textbook sticking out, and a confused furrow between her eyebrows.
"What are you doing here?" she asks.
Fuck. They can't tell her the truth – she'll never let him live it down. Fortunately, Gareth realizes this too, because he says:
"Uh, I go to school here? What are you doing here? The math building is way over there."
She rolls her eyes and leans on the burgundy car. It's a shiny BMW M5 – the limited anniversary edition. Jesus fucking Christ, Eddie almost dented that thing! It's worth more than his life. And Max is slouching against it like it's nothing. He could warn her not to scratch it, but she's unlikely to care; she's always been metal that way.
"Waiting for my friends," she says. "We have dinner on Tuesdays."
Eddie's ears ignite. Dinner? With friends? While wearing what's basically a date outfit?
"Ooohhh…" he says, sharing a grin with Gareth. "And do these friends include someone special?"
She shrugs, looking anywhere but at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"C'mon, Red! You're killing me! I need to know if he's good enough for you."
His fingers hover over her ponytail, as if to tug at it. She slaps his hand away.
"You're annoying."
He laughs. This terrible day just became infinitely better. He won't rest until he gets what he wants – or until she punches him, which'll probably come first. He's about to tell her so when a voice calls her name. Both turn to look, and…
It's a boy Max's age. He's beaming and waving, quickening his steps toward her. She smiles too, almost shyly, as she waves back. It's the perfect opportunity for teasing, if Eddie's day hadn't just become infinitely better.
His tongue is heavy, his skin is itching, his heart is bruising his ribs from the inside. Sweat is gathering in his pits and it's getting a little hard to breathe. Because walking half a pace behind the boy, carrying a huge duffel with such ease it might actually be stuffed with feathers, is… is…
"Yesssss!" Gareth hisses next to him. He may also be fist-pumping. Eddie isn't looking.
"Hey!" The boy stops in front of Max. "Sorry, practice ran late."
"It's okay," she says, cooler than ice, though her eyes are glittering. "I just got here."
She says something else, or maybe the boy does? It's all background noise, because Steve has caught up. Steve, in jeans and a polo that must've been tailored to his exact measurements because oooooooooohhhh boy. Steve, unshouldering the bag, muscles shifting and straining under his shirt with the movement. Steve, smiling, his golden eyes flying over Eddie.
"Hey! Eddie and Gareth, right?"
Eddie draws a sharp breath. He remembers!
"Y-Yeah!" he squeaks, hands fluttering to either wave or shake hands, ultimately doing neither. "Hi! You're here!"
"I am," Steve says, casual, as if inane conversations with former patients happen on the regular.
(It better not – Eddie doesn't do well in competitive settings.)
Max, keen eyes darting between them, asks, "You know each other?"
"Met at work," Steve says. "Or, I was working and he…"
"Ah." Max taps her temple. "That."
"How do you know them?" the boy asks her.
She points at Eddie. "Neighbor. And that's the guy who dumpster dives outside our apartment building."
Gareth flips her off. Eddie would laugh, but he's busy pretending he doesn't know what Steve looks like shirtless. It's hard (pun slowly growing more relevant) – his gaze keeps dropping to the polo's undone top button. Steve is just as gorgeous out of uniform, and now Eddie's thighs are tingling with want. He could stare at him forever…
Unfortunately, 'forever' is cut short by a woman arriving in a flurry. Wait, no. 'Flurry' implies some sort of graceful whimsy, while this person… she's a hurricane crashing into a house.
"Sorry I'm late! Nielsen wouldn't stop talking and got angry when people started leaving because it's an important lecture so this girl called him out for not keeping time because he goes on all these tangents and he said they're interesting tidbits and she said it's disrespecting our time and-" She pauses for breath. "You don't care, do you?"
Max, Steve, and the boy shake their heads.
"Right. Sorry." The woman turns to Eddie and Gareth. "Hi! I'm Robin. And you are?"
"My neighbor and his friend. Steve treated his concussion," Max rattles off, glaring at them. "You didn't answer my question: why are you here?"
Gareth frowns. "I told you," he says, pointing at the building. "School." He points at himself. "Student."
Max glares harder. "You don't have class on Tuesdays. And Eddie doesn't go here at all."
"I had stuff I needed to drop off."
"Is tagging along a crime? Jesus."
Max doesn't reply, though her glare remains.
Robin hums. "Okay, so this is super-enjoyable, I love just standing around, but I'm starving, so…" She looks at Steve, who nods.
"Yeah, we're going," he says, but neither moves. He glances at Eddie, which makes her glance at Eddie, and then they make a series of eyebrow-movements at each other, ending in a shared smile. Steve asks, "Have you guys eaten yet?"
Eddie shakes his head, pulse racing. Is this going where he thinks it is?
"D'you wanna come with? There's this diner we like…"
"Yeah!" Fuck, too eager. "I mean, uh, sure, sounds good."
"Cool." Grinning, Steve clicks a remote car key; the burgundy BMW beeps. What the fuck? How high is a paramedic's salary?! "Did you drive here?"
"I, uh…" Eddie falters. Shit, wasn't he supposed to? It's been three weeks and he feels fine – he thought he was in the green!
"Nope! I did!" Gareth says, 'proving' it by hauling his house keys from his pocket and jingling them.
Steve nods. "Should be safe for you to drive again, but the less strain you put on your brain, the better. Even a mild concussion isn't anything to sneeze at."
"Y-Yeah, I've been taking it easy. Basically done nothing. Until now."
Max snorts. Eddie is going to pour coffee through her mail slot.
They decide Eddie and Gareth will follow Steve's car to the diner, since Steve can't fit all of them (the real reason he asked if they drove here, duh). It's good because Eddie gets the chance to panic/gush/collect himself in the privacy of his van. It's bad because Gareth drives, lest their fib be revealed. Gareth spends the ten-minute journey gloating about driving Eddie's beloved girl, interspersed with 'I told you so!'s.
The diner is cozy, all wooden furniture and sepia photographs on the walls. A graying waitress who smells like tobacco directs them to a booth and takes their orders. An awkward silence then falls as they wait for someone to speak.
The boy clears his throat. "My name is Lucas, by the way. I don't think I said." After shaking his hand and introducing themselves, Lucas says to Eddie, "I think Max has mentioned you."
"Oh yeah? I've been dying for her to mention y- Ow!"
Eddie rubs where Max kicked his shin. Her glare is murderous. Lucas is blushing happily, though.
"So, what d'you guys do?" Robin asks.
Right. Time to small-talk like adults. Eddie gets his job as a mechanic out of the way, then gives the word to Gareth, who tells them he's a creative writing major. Robin turns out to be getting a masters in linguistics and Lucas studies biology.
"I don't actually know what I want to do, but biology feels broad enough to give me options, y'know? I can go to med school, or forensics, or, I don't know, paleontology?" he says. Max glows brighter with every word that comes out of his mouth. Cute.
This then segues into talking about their friends, who by the sound of it lead incredibly interesting lives.
"Dustin's at MIT, Mike's at Oxford, Will's in San Francisco…" Lucas says, counting on his fingers.
Max interjects, "El's in Africa building houses and teaching kids English."
"Erica is still at home, finishing high school and drowning in early acceptance letters to, like, every Ivy League there is," Steve says with a look of pure pride.
"Nancy and Jonathan – they're our age – are chasing scoops in Afghanistan… " Robin says.
"... and Argyle is also in California," Lucas finishes.
Eddie whistles. "And here we are, still in Indianapolis."
"Dude, I'm surprised I got this far," Steve says. "Wouldn't've managed without her."
He jerks a thumb in Robin's direction, who preens at the acknowledgment. Robin's cool, Eddie decides. Garrulous but fun and nice… and verrrrrrrrry close to Steve. The kind of close where they're always in each other's space. Where they wordlessly transfer food between their plates. Where Steve unceremoniously wipes a speck of ketchup off Robin's chin after she repeatedly fails to get it. They're comfortable, but not necessarily romantically affectionate. Like they're siblings rather than lovers.
(Dear God, if you are in heaven, let them be siblings.)
Conversation flows. They joke around, tell stories, swap opinions. Robin gets passionate about tonal shifts when stage shows are adapted to film, and Eddie tries not to stare at Steve's mouth as he eats. And then, once their plates are cleaned and they're waiting for dessert, Gareth leans his elbows on the table and fixes Steve with a purposeful look.
"I figured out where I've seen you before."
Eddie stiffens.
Steve blinks. "At campus, right?"
"Thought so, but no. I realized it's actually…" Gareth chuckles. "It's ridiculous, but uh, my mom had this calendar…"
Steve recoils, red flooding his face. Robin, Lucas, and Max shriek in delight, Robin grabbing Steve's arm and shaking it as he hides behind his hands.
"And my mom," Gareth says between bursts of laughter, "she's shameless, all right? She kept it in our kitchen. So during, what was it, November?"
"November," Steve confirms, muffled.
"For 30 days, if I wanted to check the date or make a notation… I saw you."
Tears stream down Robin's face, she's laughing so hard. She and Max have started chanting 'Slut! Slut! Slut!' at the still crimson Steve.
"You don't understand," Lucas says, gesturing for emphasis. "We've been waiting for someone to come up and say 'hey, weren't you…?' for years. Thank you so much!"
"Hey, thank my mom," Gareth says. Eddie's quite stunned he'd throw his own mother under the bus like that. She's a really nice person, too!
"Makes sense," Max says. "Moms love Steve."
"All parents do," Lucas says.
Cackling, Robin pinches Steve's cheek. "Gotta hide your mom and your dad around Steve!"
Steve bats her off, flushed but smiling. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. You got your wish, now shut it."
That only makes the three restart the chant to ridicule him for his harlotry. Steve's indignant squawk that 'it was for charity!' merely has everyone laugh more.
And Eddie? Well. As he sits beholding this man who works as a paramedic and drives a luxury car, who models for charity and allows his friends to mock him for it, who blushes and giggles when they lovingly call him a whore…
All Eddie can think is that he's in fucking trouble.
Afterward, it only makes sense for Eddie to drive Max home. Steve shakes his hand outside the diner, saying it was nice to see him again. Eddie, not knowing how to ask for Steve's contact info without seeming weird, agrees. He waits until the BMW drives off, then tells Gareth to get the fuck out of his seat. Gareth relocates to the backseat, whining since Max already called shotgun.
The initial minutes, they're quiet. Then Max turns to Gareth and says:
"When were you telling me Eddie is your mom?"
"You said you knew about the calendar because of your mom. But that's not true."
The warmth drains from Eddie's face; his knuckles crack around the steering wheel. Gareth's expression is the epitome of 'oh shit' when he meets Eddie's gaze in the rear-view mirror.
"Yes, it is," Gareth says.
"It's not," Max says.
"It is!"
"It's not! The calendar was for 2021, and in November '21 you were a freshman and had already moved into the dorms! If your mom kept it in her kitchen, you wouldn't have seen it!"
She scowls at Gareth, mouth pinched and eyes flashing, daring him to contradict her.
Gareth swallows thickly. "It… wasn't for 2021."
"Yes, it was."
"How do you know?"
She puts her hands in her lap and lifts her chin, almost primly. Eddie gasps as the penny drops.
Gareth screams, "WHAT!"
"You have it?" Eddie cries. "Why do you have it?"
She scoffs. "You know why – you've seen his pecs."
"I don't- Okay, how're you so sure it's me?"
"Because you spent all of dinner looking like you wanted to crawl inside his mouth and live there." Her nose wrinkles. "At least I hope it was his mouth you want to crawl into-"
She's cut off by Gareth shouting "I can't hear you! Lalalalalalala-"
Eddie crumples in his seat. He's depleted of blood, air, life, everything. Behind, Gareth is grilling Max for information: are Steve and Robin together? Is Steve single? Is he queer?
Max replies: no, yes, and 'that's not for me to tell, moron'.
Gareth nods, satisfied. "That means he is. If he was straight, you'd say so." He slaps Eddie's arm. "You got a shot, man!"
"You… don't know that…" Eddie wheezes.
Max tuts, shaking her head. "You actually want to hit on my chauffeur."
"He prefers the term 'seduce'," Gareth says.
Eddie smacks his face into the steering wheel at the next red light.
Tag list: @rougenancy, @raisedbylibrarians, @yourebuckingkiddingme, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @emma77645, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @eddielives1986, @stevesbipanic, @the-redthread, @fandemonium-takes-its-toll, @henderdads, @gay-little-bitch, @lordofthepointygerbils, @lenore1232, @imzadidragonfly, @zerokrox-blog, @eddiemunsonswife, @cherrycolas-things, @ediewentmissing, @princess-eddie, @atombombbibunny, @ajamlessbaby, @dogswithforks, @grimmfitzz, @cutiecusp, @cuips-not-cute, @manicallydepressedrobot, @messrs-weasley, @madaboutmunson, @mightbeasleep, @suikatto, @brassreign, @snapshotmaestro, @bea-sayan, @courtjestermunson, @csinnamon-fox, @steveisabicon, @spectrum-spectre, @spinmewriteround, @just-super-fucking-gay, @escapingthereality, @oneweirdcryptid, @deehellcat, @misticageri, @lovelyscot, @olivethenerd16, @linkydinky06, @rynnytintin, @anything-thats-rock-and-roll,
I won't be adding more to the tag list because there are already so many of you. Instead, I'll be tagging the four remaining parts (it'll definitely be seven in total, btw) as #steddie fic: november paramedic. Hopefully, they'll show up in the tags and you'll see them that way.
Thank you for reading 🖤
Part 4
3K notes · View notes
sansaorgana · 6 months
I’m not quite sure if your requests are open or not so if they aren’t just ignore this!♥️ but if they are, hi!!! I was wondering if you could do an Austin Butler/Buck Cleven x Reader who plays hard to get with him. She is like head nurse or something, a badass who was trained by her daddy in the arts of war, like I’m talking knowing how to throw hand grenades, shooting rifles or knowing how to work a plane despite her role in modern day 1940s society. I don’t like reading abt Y/N being naive yk?
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hello! 💕 this story takes place when the boys are still in the USA and training. I believe I've read somewhere they actually spent two years in Texas so... the Reader is a girl from Texas and a daughter of one of the badass Colonels at the base who is training Buck and others. she is also a head nurse at that base (I assume they also had sickbays even though those were training bases...? I literally know nothing about the military lmao). I hope she will be strong enough for you 😌 I personally don't find every sweet and more period-accurate female character to be weak or naive but it was still nice to write a different type of character for once 😅
I might post less frequently in the upcoming days because I am catching up with my uni work finally after a few weeks of abandoning it to write fics lol
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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Bucky laughed at the sight of his friend going inside the sickbay after a training flight. He was going there for the fifth time this week and it was all because his friend had a crush on the head nurse, young (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
Miss (Y/L/N) was a daughter of Colonel (Y/L/N) – the Colonel (Y/L/N) – the scariest and the roughest man around. He had a scar right across his face and he was known for being so strong he could rip the tree out of the ground with his bare hands… or so the legend said.
His daughter was just like her father. She was feminine of course in her nurse’s apron and her hair done up neatly so it wouldn’t interrupt her work. Her hands were soft and her lips covered with red lipstick. But she was a tough girl who didn’t mind swearing a little and scolding all the boys at the base for their irresponsible behaviour. She probably didn’t know that they all acted this way just so they could get to the sickbay and be treated by her.
At least that was the case for Buck.
She sighed at the sight of him and rolled her eyes as she approached him when he entered the room.
“Major Cleven… Again?” She raised her eyebrows at him and he blushed. “What is it this time?”
“I am… I am dizzy,” he made up a pathetic lie and she huffed at that as she pointed at the chair for him to sit down on.
“I will give you something for that but if you keep having troubles of this sort, I’m gonna tell my daddy to not send you to Europe, you know?” She teased and he swallowed thickly at that comment.
“Please, don’t, Miss (Y/L/N),” he pleaded, his eyes carefully following her every movement as she looked at him with a smirk.
“Well, we don’t want weak pilots like you to defend our country, do we?” She teased.
“It’s not because of flying… It’s… I don’t know, it’s something else,” Buck hated himself for the way he acted around her. She was so intimidating but so tempting at the same time. The fragile part of his masculinity was simply scared of her but his other, brave side wanted to be around her all the time. And he was very well aware how many other men wanted her, too. But his feelings were real. It had very little to do with desire. He was serious about her.
She approached him and handed him a pill and a glass of water. He swallowed it and she squinted her eyes at him.
“I swear to God, you boys are the worst bunch I’ve ever dealt with,” she shook her head. “I hope in Europe I will handle real men,” she rolled her eyes.
“You’re going to Europe, too?” Buck asked as he widened his eyes.
“Of course, Major. It brings me no pleasure to be here and help buffoons like you,” she chuckled. “I signed up already and my daddy wants me to be assigned to the 100th.”
“That’s where I will go, too,” Buck’s eyes sparkled as he realised that she wouldn’t get rid of him so easily.
“Oh God…” (Y/N) sighed. “I hope you’ll be long gone by the time I get there.”
“I hope not,” he blurted out and she froze for a second before laughing.
“Oh, you’re cute, Major,” she admitted before walking away to deal with the next man entering the sickbay, coming up with some fake injury just to feel her hands examining him and hear her mocking tone scolding him for his irresponsibility.
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You liked Bucky Egan because he was funny and he didn’t care about you. He could have any woman he wanted so he wasn’t showing off when you were around – or playing a victim like so many “injured” Majors, Captains and Lieutenants. You were growing sick of all of them, coming to you with every single papercut and making puppy eyes at you.
You were having a beer with Bucky behind one of the buildings in the evening. Consuming alcohol was forbidden but who would fire you? You were a daughter of the roughest Colonel in that base. And Bucky was under your protection – and one of the best pilots around.
“Alright, but if you had to go out with any of them, who would that be?” Bucky asked, teasingly.
“For fuck’s sake, John,” you rolled your eyes and leaned your head back to rest it on the wall. “It would be you.”
“But I don’t want you,” he laughed.
“You…,” you hissed at him and you both giggled. “That’s why I would go out with you.”
“Oh, you like the ones who don’t want you?”
“No, I like real men,” you told him. “Like my daddy is.”
“You know that my best friend is madly in love with you, right?” Bucky pushed your arm playfully.
“Curt Biddick?” You asked. God, that one was insufferable.
“Yeah, him too. But I mean the other one.”
“Buck Cleven?” You asked as you felt your cheeks heating up for some mysterious reason.
“Yeah, that one,” Bucky nodded. “He’s a good guy and a hell of a pilot. He’s tough, too, just in a different way.”
“Yeah, he’s cute, bless his heart,” you admitted.
“So, you’d go out with him?” Bucky raised his eyebrow at you.
“Stop playing matchmaker, it’s not gonna happen. I ain’t dating any man from this base,” you took a sip of your beer as you shook your head.
“Why not, though? You don’t want to marry a man like your daddy? I thought you wanted to,” Bucky asked.
“Y’all would be scared of a gal like me, let me tell you,” you giggled. “I can shoot a rifle and throw a grenade. My daddy wanted a son, you see. But my momma gave him only girls so he raised us like boys,” you told him. “All that discipline, I ain’t joking, Bucky,” you pushed him because he was laughing. “We had to get up at 5am, make our bed, do morning gymnastics,” you teased.
“Really?” His face became more serious.
“Nah,” you shook your head. “Only sometimes. But he took the whole business of teaching us self-defence very seriously. I remember asking him, where the hell would I even get a grenade from in case some boy was following me home, daddy? And he said: easy, sugar, they’re in my drawer next to the gun,” you laughed and so did Bucky.
“You know what I think?” Bucky put his bottle of beer down and shot you an odd glance you did not like at all.
“What, Egan?”
“You’re gonna get angry when I tell you.”
“Just tell me,” you rolled your eyes.
“I think you need a man who’s gonna see a woman in you. Like yeah, we all know you’re tough and shit. And all these boys want to be around you because you’re like a mother that they have left back home in the way you scold them and take care of them. But I think you just need someone to see a woman in you. Has anyone ever…?”
“You asshole,” you indeed got angry. You didn’t want him to be right and react in such a predictable way but you did.
You stood up and went back to the building to go to sleep, leaving Bucky Egan without a word.
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You didn’t know what Bucky had said to Buck but Major Cleven hadn’t visited the sickbay in a week now and you hated to admit but you missed it. In fact, you were the most excited when it was him coming inside with some adorable injury or illness. There was something about him that was making you swoon even though you would never ever admit that. 
On that weekend most boys had a night out and you stayed inside the sickbay to deal with the paperwork. One of the head nurse’s duties sadly required filling some papers, too.
After a while, you heard a light knocking upon the front door and you sighed before standing up and opening them, shocked to see Major Cleven.
“Major?” You asked. “What is it again? The mysterious dizziness has had its comeback?”
“N-no,” he shook his head.
“Why aren’t you out with all the boys?”
“I didn’t want to go,” he admitted and you squinted your eyes at him.
“So you decided to catch me in an empty room instead? I have a gun here and I know how to use it,” you threatened although it was hard to believe that a man like Major Cleven would ever hurt any woman.
“I wanted to ask you if you’d go out on a walk with me, Miss (Y/L/N),” he widened his eyes at your threats. “It’s a warm and nice night.”
“Ugh, fine,” you shrugged your arms and grabbed a cardigan to put over your nurse’s outfit. He waited for you outside nervously with his hands in his pockets.
“I don’t want to be a bother, we don’t have to…” Buck told you as you were locking the door behind you.
“You’re lucky, Major, I needed a distraction from the papers,” you told him and joined him.
“Yeah, the paperwork. I don’t like it either,” he looked down and you two began to walk slowly towards the gates leading out of the base.
“And who does?” You chuckled and looked at him as you bit on your lip. He was adorable; something about him was making you feel protective. But on the other hand you knew from your father he was one of the best pilots and he was a man of honour. Your father was usually rolling his eyes at the mention of most men at the base. But never about Major Cleven. Your father rarely respected the young and new ones but something about that Major was making your daddy go easy on him.
“I wanted to apologise, actually,” Buck told you when you two finally left the base and began to walk alongside its fence.
“Hm? About what?” You asked.
“Bothering you five times a week with made up dizziness or papercuts,” he laughed nervously.
“And what made you apologise? You’re not the only one who’s been doing that, Major, but you’re surely the first actually saying he’s sorry,” you raised an eyebrow.
“Bucky told me it’s annoying you and that it’s not really a way to get to you,” he admitted as he looked up at your face.
“Why the hell would you want to get to me? You’re a sweet man,” you snorted at him. In the dim light of the moon and the base’s lights from afar you could see him blushing.
“What does it have to do with it, Miss (Y/L/N)?” Buck asked.
“I’m not sweet, Major Cleven. A guy like you… You should be out there in town with them boys and look for a sweet little naive doll for yourself,” you teased him. But deep down it hurt you that it was true – you were raised for a tough girl but sometimes… Sometimes you wished you were softer.
“You think so low of me, Miss?” He only shook his head with a nervous chuckle. “That type of woman you’ve mentioned… They’re nice and kind, I don’t mind them, they’re sweet, yeah. And they make good wives to lots of men but you… You’re the first one who actually impressed me,” he confessed.
You went silent for a moment. You liked that he wasn’t complimenting you while saying mean things about others.
“You’re a real gentleman, Cleven,” you pointed out. “And so smooth. You’d be a sensation if you stayed here in Texas.”
“Would I?” He stopped his walk and so did you as he turned around to face you better.
“Yeah. But if you stayed here, you’d soon realise there are more gals like me ‘round here. And I’d lose all the charm,” you teased.
“Then maybe I’d finally leave you alone, which I assume is your wish.”
“Oh, far from that,” you risked as you raised your eyebrows, waiting for his next move.
He hesitated for a while and then he smiled smugly and joined his lips with yours in a sweet but passionate kiss that took your breath away.
Bucky had been right – it was nice to be treated like a woman.
“Will your daddy shoot me for that?” Major Cleven asked with a chuckle after finally breaking the kiss.
“It’s not him you should be worried about. I can shoot, too, Major, and my daddy wouldn’t get rid of the best pilot,” you teased.
“But you would?” He grabbed your chin gently.
“The best pilot? Surely. But would I get rid of Major Cleven? Never,” you chuckled. “God, I’ve missed your made up migraines,” you confessed.
“I can fake more of them,” he smirked.
“Yes, please,” you chuckled and leaned in to kiss him again. “But let’s keep it a secret for now.”
“Because if my daddy finds out about us, he’ll make sure we won’t be sent to the same base in Europe and we don’t want that, do we…?” You looked up at him, your heart pounding so fast in your chest as it had never done before for any man.
“Oh, no, no, we don’t want that at all,” Major Cleven bopped you on the nose. “Who will deal with my headaches there otherwise?”
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248 notes · View notes
five-hxrgreeves · 1 year
Two Positives Equal a Negative (Or Something Like That)
PAIRING: adam warlock & fem! quill’s sister!reader
WC: 2.8k (again, a long one. I just can’t seem to write anything short!) 
SUMMARY: you’ve always had trouble sleeping thanks your numerous (unfortunate) life experiences. While he hasn’t lived as long as you have, Adam has a similar problem. Fortunately, a Terran phrase that your brother taught you might have the solution that you seek.
WARNINGS: slight gotg three spoilers, fluff, angst if you squint.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: okay, so I accidentally lied and I realized that my last one-shot wasn’t my first official one; I wrote a Natasha x reader several years ago. I just don’t post on here that often so I forgot about it, lol. Anyway, Adam Warlock currently has a chokehold on me so here’s another one-shot for him- the sequel that I mentioned on the last one. I’m tempted to write a Gally one/two-shot, but I’m not familiar with the TMR universe so I’m worried that I’d mess it up.
Also, I know that the phrase is actually ‘two negatives equal a positive,’ but I was drawing on the fact that non-Terrans wouldn’t really remember/understand Peter’s references, and since ‘you’ had only been to Earth during Endgame, you it mixed up.
Part 0 , Part 1
You’d always had trouble sleeping, especially on your father’s planet. There had just been a sense of. . . wrongness that you didn’t need Mantis’ empath powers to feel. It had made you on edge most of the time, alert for the unseen danger that you felt. While this might’ve just been your role as Ego’s protector speaking, you knew that your sister felt similarly. Mantis had once offered to put you to sleep using her powers, which you’d agreed to. Although it had worked, you hadn’t liked the feeling of your emotions being messed with, or the vulnerability that came with sleep. Even though you trusted that your sister wouldn’t hurt you, Ego was a different story entirely.
So, that meant that you were up most of the time with only catnaps and snatches of sleep when absolutely necessary. (Luckily your enhanced stamina helped in this case so it wasn’t terribly detrimental to your wellbeing.) It was hard to hide your unusual sleep patterns on the Milano with your new friends since there wasn’t space to walk around like there had been on Ego’s planet. But the Guardians all had various traumas of their own, so they understood the difficulty of getting peaceful rest. Some nights had even been better than others as Peter would teach you how to play Terran card games, which would then include the rest of the Guardians once you’d learned.
You also liked to sit in the pilot’s chair late at night and watch the darkness of space light up around you. It was funny, really; everyone expected space to be a dark, black vacuum of nothing when it was actually just the opposite. Sure, there was no physical form of life, but space was alive in its own way. As the Milano sailed aimlessly through the stars, you’d pass the orange-red clouds of dust and gas— nebulas. Or the brilliant white-blue of a dying star, or the different hues of blue-black that surrounded you. Space was truly beautiful, which was something that you never tried to take for granted.
But now you were stuck on Knowhere. There were no brilliant colors of space to distract you or friends to play card games with. Mantis was gone— your only source of comfort on those long nights when you’d served your father. You were alone, with nothing but a Zune to distract you as you sat, bored, in the kitchen late into the night. You’d decided on some calmer tunes and were currently listening to the Frank Sinatra playlist you’d curated. A warm mug of tea— which Peter had also introduced you to— sat between your hands as your eyes glazed over, getting lost in your music.
As it turned out, Adam wasn’t that great of a sleeper, either. It always felt like there was too much energy running through him to be properly restful— not to mention that, whenever he closed his eyes, he saw his mother waiting for him as he flew desperately towards her. And then the explosion would come, jolting him out of sleep as a reminder of his failure.
With a sigh, he pushed back his covers and stood. Since he was already dressed (his mother had always told him to be ready for anything), he made his way to the kitchen where he’d baked cookies with you. It hadn’t been that long ago, but he already missed the comfortable, homey feeling he’d gotten as he formed the batter into spheres with you standing at his side. You had yet to talk to Rocket about how his comments made you feel, but he knew it was because you respected your teammate and didn’t like making a big deal out of things. Thinking about you now, he sort of hoped that he would see you in the kitchen when he got there— but that was a crazy thought; it was the middle of the night! Any normal person would be in a deep sleep by now.
So, it was definitely a pleasant surprise when he came upon you, sitting at the head of the table. Your earbuds were in your ears, as usual, and you seemed to be deep in thought as you absentmindedly traced the rim of your mug with your finger. He was comfortable enough with you to approach you without hesitation, so he took the chair next to yours and nudged you gently to get your attention.
You jumped, startled by the unexpected presence of someone else in the room. At first you had a wild thought that it might be Peter, who came to keep you company as he often had. You were only mildly disappointed to see that it was Adam instead (and this was just because you missed your brother; you were actually quite happy to see the golden boy.) You took out your earbuds and paused your music. “You’re up late. Or early.”
His golden eyes met yours— something you noticed that he did often; it seemed that eye contact was his way of showing that he was listening to you, which always made your stomach flutter pleasantly. “So are you,” he replied. “Can’t sleep?”
“Nah,” you said with a shrug. “You?”
“Me either,” he agreed.
You sat in a comfortable silence together, one so long that you were almost tempted to  put your earbuds back in. Maybe this was a one-off thing; you’d never seen him before on your sleepless nights. Maybe he wasn’t used to being up at this hour and just wasn’t as talkative as he normally was with you. But you were also curious; what could a supposedly perfect being be troubled with at night? So, you sighed, and against your better judgement (as you hated to talk about your feelings), you asked, “wanna talk about it?”
But Adam also knew how you were, and he shook his head. “No, it’s okay. I don’t mind just sitting here.” He got to enjoy your company, after all, so he considered tonight to be better than most.
You let out another sigh. As much as you hated getting touchy-feely, the night was already very boring; sitting and not talking would only make it worse. “I don’t mind, actually. I’m used to being around other people when I’m up like this. Talking would make the time pass faster.” You studied his expression for a moment, which was unusually unreadable; it always seemed like he had a kind smile or glance to send your way. “We can start off easy, if you want. Are you up like this every night?”
His expression softened at your willingness to go outside your comfort zone, so he answered honestly. (He had nothing that he wanted to hide from you, anyway.) “Most nights, yeah. What about you?”
“Same,” you agreed. You played with the rubber protective tip on your earbud. “Can’t get to sleep or bad dreams?”
“Both,” Adam admitted. “Although it’s usually the first one.”
You nodded. “Same, again, but for me it’s mostly the latter. You remember when I said that you weren’t the first person to try and kill me?” At his confirmation (because how could he have forgotten that?), you continued, “yeah. It’s mostly that. My father was a great parent,” you finished sarcastically.
When you’d first become friends, you’d shared stories about the Guardians’ adventures— even the ones that had happened before you’d joined the team— although they’d mostly been lighthearted in tone. You’d acted like they hadn’t really affected you and had laughed at the fact that your father’s planet had tried to swallow you whole. Adam sort of wished that your father was still alive so he could fight him for you. While his mother had had her moments of parenting issues, he’d never doubted that she did love him; it was clear that this wasn’t the case with your father.
“I’m sorry,” he said, not really sure what else he could say. Despite everything that had happened to you, you were still a good person; you hadn’t fought the Guardians on your first meeting like he had, which already made you better than him. He wished that there was something he could do (such as getting revenge for you) to help ease whatever burden you were feeling as you often had for him, but there didn’t seem like there was anything that he could do.
“Don’t worry about it,” you replied in a blasé tone, already moving on from your heavy things. “Want to talk about your stuff?”
He shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable to admit his failure to you. He wanted to prove that he was just as capable as you were, and this was one of his worst moments. “I. . . keep thinking about my mother.” His gaze dropped to where his hands were folded on the table, unable to watch your reaction in case you thought worse of him. “How I. . . wasn’t able to save her. I was so close, too. If only I’d been faster—”
You reached out a hand to put it on top of both of his, cutting him off. Yours was much smaller in comparison, barely covering even one of his hands. He looked up at you with surprise, feeling his face heat up at the contact. Your usually jovial expression was uncharacteristically serious as you chided him gently, “stop. Thinking like that never helps, you know. You’ll drive yourself mad if you keep wondering ‘what if.’ I should know.”
While he was relieved that his fears about your reaction were unfounded, he frowned at your last words. “What do you mean?”
You pretended not to notice that your hands were still holding his as you answered, “remember what I told you about the Snap?” At his nod, you continued, “Peter and I were the only ones who weren’t trying to subdue Thanos. My powers are mostly defensive, so they would only anger him, which was the opposite of what we were trying to do. Peter got— understandably— distraught at the news of Gamora’s death and he was practically solely responsible for the Snap.” You sighed heavily, dropping your gaze from him. “As the only other person not doing anything on that planet, I could’ve stopped him, but he was my brother; I couldn’t hurt him. But if I had. . . everything could’ve been so much different. In a way, I was responsible for the Snap, too.”
While he understood your reasoning, he didn’t completely agree with it. You’d filled him in with great detail about the Infinity War, which you’d only learned the missing parts after you’d been brought back. So, he insisted quietly, “Thor could’ve also gone for Thanos’ head, but he didn’t.”
“But Thanos wouldn’t have even gotten to the Terran planet if we’d stopped him on Titan. You see what I mean? These what-ifs really messed with my head— still do. You eventually just have to accept the fact that the situation can’t be changed and learn from your mistakes.” In a lighter tone you added, “I promised myself that the next time I needed to sock it to Peter, I wouldn’t hesitate. Maybe a good hit to the head would knock some common sense back into him.”
Adam chuckled at this, his serious expression lifting. Sensing that you didn’t want to talk about such emotional topics anymore, he changed the subject slightly. “So you’re up every night because of these thoughts? Don’t you need sleep?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got enhanced stamina, so not as much as a regular person,” you said, relieved that he picked up on your hint. “What about you? You’re practically a god yourself.”
He felt his face flush with (pleased) embarrassment at your indirect compliment, even if it was truthful. “That’s part of the problem, I think,” he explained. “All this power. . . it gives me too much energy and. . . I can’t sleep.”
You frowned thoughtfully at your similar predicaments, an idea (admittedly, a stupid enough one that Peter could’ve come up with it) forming in your mind. “Y’know,” you began slowly, “Peter taught me a Terran phrase awhile back. I can’t exactly remember how it goes— it’s like two positives equal a negative, or something like that— and it means that when there’s two good things, it cancels out the bad one. We could try and apply it here.”
He gave you a curious look. “Really? How?”
“Well, since we both can’t sleep— that’s the negative— maybe. . . maybe if we slept. . .” You felt your face burning at your suggestion. “If we slept. . . tog— well, not together-together, I mean— with each— does that sound worse? I—” you struggled to find the right wording that wouldn’t come off as suggestive. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you added hastily, misunderstanding his bemused expression.
“Little Quill,” he teased you lightly, “you haven’t even gotten the question out.”
Oh. You only felt even more embarrassed. “Do you want to sleep in my room?” you finally managed to blurt out, burying your face in your hands, unable to look at the boy across from you.
Instead of taking offense or making fun of you as you’d expected, Adam seemed to actually consider your offer. “Do you think it would work?”
At his question, you dropped your hands to your lap and shrugged, though your face was still very red. He seemed remarkably unflustered, not that you could tell if he was (damn his beautiful golden skin— wait, what?) “I don’t know,” you mumbled, still refusing to look at him. “I can only sleep if I feel safe, and there’s only one person I ever felt that way with— Mantis. But. . . now I think that includes you, too.”
Adam couldn’t help the bright smile that formed on his face at your words, the thought that you felt safe with him (especially after everything that he’d done to you and your friends) meant more than he could say. The thought that you would willingly be vulnerable in his presence made his stomach feel enjoyably— and inexplicably— nauseous. “I feel safe around you too,” he replied without hesitation. “And. . . I wouldn’t mind trying it.”
Not long after, the two of you returned to the room you were renting in the dorm-style building. Since neither you nor Adam had family to speak of (and were also short on funds), you’d both found rooms in a tenant building that had lots of other people, many of whom had lost their homes during the Guardians’ most recent adventures. Luckily you’d gotten a room to yourself, though you had to share basic facilities with everyone else.
“You can sleep in the bed since this was my idea,” you offered. You were still in what you considered your pajamas, so you just had to gather some spare blankets and pillows.
Adam shook his head, against the thought of you making accommodations for him. “I can sleep on the floor. You shouldn’t have to give up your bed.”
“It’s not like I use it much anyway,” you joke, pulling the covers back. “But if you’re seriously against me sleeping on the floor, I guess we could. . . share?”
He seemed not to mind your proposal as he agreed readily, and after taking off his shoes, he made to get in when you spoke again with a confused look on your face. “You. . . sleep in your clothes? No wonder why you can’t get comfortable!”
Adam seemed to not understand your comment. “You sleep in your clothes.”
You laughed a little at his observation. “These are sleep clothes, not everyday clothes. At least take off your jacket,” you reasoned.
But as he did so, you realized why he hadn’t gotten more comfortable: there was nothing except chiseled chest under his clothes. You blushed and tried (but failed) not to stare as he got into bed next to you, admiring the way his muscles flexed with his movement. Luckily he seemed to not notice your attention as he settled next to you. There was a sizeable gap between you two despite the bed not being very big, one that you wished you had the guts to close. (Wait— again, what?)
You wondered how you’d ever get to sleep with all that muscle right behind you (okay, this one you could admit freely), but somehow, in the quiet stillness of your dark room, the safe, peaceful feeling lulled you into the first restful slumber that you’d had since your siblings had left months ago.
And if you woke up the next morning, curled up against Adam’s chest with his arm wrapped around you protectively, neither of you bothered to say anything about it.
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dangopango00 · 3 months
Demonic Features HCS (2)
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Om demons HCs + Om demons x gn reader
Pt. 1 (123) | Pt. 2 (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie) | Pt. 3 (Royal trio) Coming soon (again)
CW: Teeny but suggestive I think. Mostly asmo’s part if anything
A/N: THIS IMAGE IS SO FUCKING KEWYWTTTTT 😭😭😭😭😭 i cant w them ue i am unhealthily attached to this family goodbye world also sryy these are so long, honestly after recharging for a couple days I js started going crazy on the hcs 😭😭
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Satan: The Unicorn
- I think he should look more beastly overall like hes some wild creature that just emerged from the forest
- His pants should look like hooves like those bellbottom esque fuzzy ish pants like
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Shout out to someone in 1545 ig. Unicornis
Also spots should look more like. Horselike like speckled or splotchy
- Has two black stars and one green in the middle on his forehead
1. As a reference to Lucifer who created him and
2. A reference to how biblically unicorns were out of control beasts that could only be tamed by a virgin maiden (honestly im a lil tempted to write a fic of satan x sweet innocent reader but gn. Goodbye even)
- HES A UNICORN HE SHOULD HAVE A UNI HORN PLEAADEEE 😭😭😭 they should be a similar shape to Lucifer’s but one short one and should be able to summon a longer one below where the star diamond is on his forehead is when he gets pissed enough and both should be black with green tips + it would actually make him look more vicious too
- I appreciate them making the little bow look like ribs but I think it would be much cooler if his ribs just were sticking out and wrapping around his body and they were black and green
- Ribs should also have patches of fur resembling flames where they start (near his back or at his sides)
- I also think his tail should have short rugged fur lining the outside and it should get longer at the tip; I’m going heavy on the beast agenda I fear. He may clean up pretty well in his human form but he can’t hide his sin in his demon form cmon now y’all
- Since we don’t see his markings I’m making shit up and I think his markings should be fur lining his back and arms
- Just wanna say I resemble the fur wrap thing because it kinda resembles a horse tail/mane and the gray shirt bc it resembles a rhino (What unicorns in the bible were based on I think)
- A bit insecure about you seeing his demon form tbh. Thinks he will scare you and a little afraid he might do sth he’ll regret if he loses himself; he sees himself as beastly in that form, anger is a hideous emotion and he doesn’t want to scare his loved ones away like he used to when he was first born and always lashed out with full force, scaring his brothers (Don’t get me wrong if he’s angry he’ll show it but he wont let all of his anger out at least not at once and if he has to do sth drastic he’ll first isolate himself)
- Very nearsighted but refuses to get glasses and only wears them when reading (glasses are weakness)
- Bulks up a bit and gains more strength in his demon form frs
- Snarls when hes angry and sometimes sneezes in the middle of his anger often (it would be funny)
- Pact mark is only visible on your temple but internally spans throughout your veins and is not very big but grows the angrier you get post activation; that shit is freaky it can even cover your whole face and put your body in autopilot (like how anger issues people black out) if you get angry enough
- It’s pretty wicked its first shaped like a small spade but bulges like flesh; is similar to tanjiro’s mark somewhat
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- Pact mark allows him to enhance your rage by giving you some of his own (can be a pro or con depending on the situation but i mean u can just tell him to stop iykyk policy)
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Asmodeus: The Scorpion
- I THINK HE SHOULD BE VAMPIRIC Feeds on sexual energy and life force yk incubus/succubus thingz but he should have the fangies too imo
- Tired of them having collars and looking prim and proper so I’ve arbitrarily decided that his shirt should conjoin with his skin and become kind of like calcharos ult for VERY loose reference; hes the avatar of lust he can be shirtless ish
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- IK I SAID NTM ON THE CLOTHES BUT UGHHH Imagine if he was wearing like a robe similar to aphrodite bc its like a nod to his past as a high angel but also how he’s steeped in desire and lust. Like its being held up by the roses, sheer will and the fact that it is conjoined with his skin
- Hc that he is like cupid and can see connections between people SO I think his spine should be lined with like. Arrow-like spines
- Despite being like cupid, he finds it really hard to genuinely connect people and find someone who enjoys his presence beyond his looks and will typically avoid people on his recharge days (he likes partying and being around people but its also pretty draining keeping people entertained which is why he usually brings someone with him. I also imagine this is how he and Levi connect “I guess we aren’t so different after all” type shi)
- He should have a tail. I thought about it for a while and like. ???? Scorpions tails are like their whole thing I think he should either have a tail or towards the bottom of his spines one of them is long enough to resemble a tail (his wings are cool but like he should have a. Tail)
- Tail/spines should have venom
- I think his markings should be connected, like the hearts are good but they should be connected in like a segmented line and wrap around his arm; preferably 7 to represent the scorpions seven chamber heart
- He needs glasses too and he only wears them when they go with his outfit otherwise its contacts (which he also introduced satan to)
- He should have more eyes on his face smaller eyes below his main two that only appear when open (otherwise his face looks normal just with slight slits you’d only notice if u were REALLY staring)
- Very tolerant to weather changes. He still acts like he’s dying but he def doesn’t have it as bad as Levi who is literally dying over there
- Pact mark is a tramp stamp and he won’t stop asking to see it gn. Its shaped like a hollowed heart with a design inside and becomes a spade with a similar design when activated as well as spreads a bit (as all the others do) its very classy and pretty tbh
- Activation is almost like. Erotic? It feels good but its almost like it steals the air from your lungs and makes your chest tighten; its a mix of pleasure and panic (not quite pain because it gives you urgency but not so much that it makes you want to stop) Unfortunately this isn’t something that really wears off but rather wears down and just becomes leas intense as you get used to it/stronger
- Pact mark allows him to shapeshift into you and anyone who you have had a sexual or romantic encounter with
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Beelzebub: The Fly
- MOUTHS ALL OVER: A mouth on his forhead where his horn comes out of and the markings spread across his body can open, revealing mouths (def gotta have some on his hands I fear. Can also change the locations of his markings and can consume things such as magical energy through his mouths
- Should be able to create a third horn in the middle of his forehead to make his horns appear like a crown (Lord of the flies had a teeny lil crown its a bit funny)
- Should have more fur aspects like his wings should have fur at the base and around the outline maybe
- His markings should be furry and the fur makes it look like they’re black flames 🔥
- Should have four wings that appear like two until he gets ready for takeoff, to which they spread out real wide
- Ik he’s a really simple guy so his design is simple too but I think he’s just missing some of that demonic flair. He should have insect arms that he can control (they might look like sticks but they’re actually very strong and useful)
- Always wants to be around you. Always. Even though he moves insanely fast he always loops back around to match your pace
- A bit colorblind and nearsighted but is fast enough to make up for it
- Almost never gets sick but he’s usually the one who brings sickness in the house so his brothers have to make sure he cleans off before coming in 😭 (I imagine demons don’t get sick in the traditional way but its typically some behavioral or magical illness like a common cold for suc/incubi causing like them to be less efficient in seducing humans; like how asmo has his power with his eyes maybe his vision gets blurry for a few months/years or it makes HIM fall for the person he was trying to seduce)
- Lucifer has had to ban him from the kitchen because he kept eating food that already went bad especially if he was sleepwalking
- Can make a protein shake/smoothie out of anything !!!! No matter how erm. Odd the combination
- Always rubs his hands together and licks his lips before eating a meal
- I would like to propose….. him being in charge of the Devildom air force like how Levi is in the navy…. Ik ik came outta nowhere but Flies having those big ass eyes gave me the idea to out goggles on him that look like Fly eyes and then I was like ok well what if that was for when he’s flying and here we are
- OK STAY WITH ME NOW. He used to do the equivalent of illegal drag racing but flying and Belphie would always bet on him and thats how they made food money for Beel sometimes until Lucifer shut the whole thing down after finding out bc its a bad look for Diavolo he also doesn’t want his baby brother getting hurt but he wont say that (Belphie thought he was a killjoy)
- To him. It feels like wherever he goes death and despair follow and has gotten stronger and stronger so that no one close to him will ever die again (“I should’ve been strong enough so that the safest place for her would be by my side” -Marius von Hagen [he makes me so emotional]) (If you’re wondering how this is related its because flies symbolize triumph over adversity as well as death and decay)
- Pact mark is right on top of your stomach (above the bellybutton) and it looks like two triskelions (three wheeled spiral) stacked over each other to create six wheels as a reference to his prior angelhood but as well as a nod to his transformation
- Activation costs you a lot of energy and it feels like you’re starving like you haven’t eaten all day even if you just ate a hearty meal (you go back to normal a bit after activation but its a little maddening while its taking place)
- He can possess your body for a limited amount of time (typically only accidentally triggers this power) during this time any damage that his body takes transfers to you and vice versa (tbh this is much more risky for him than you bc his body is extremely strong so he’ll only take minimal damage but it’s a gamble with you)
- He can also steal some of the nutrients from your body so um. I’d be careful of that (he won’t ever actually do it but now that your bodies are connected he can)
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Belphegor: The Cattle
- STOP SHOWING HIS FUXKINH EYE BEHIND HIS EMO HAIR/ sorry had to get that off my chest. It coulddd be something that could make him more eerie and off putting like a demon but his whole thing is that he looks cute and sweet but is actually intelligent and dangerous so maybe just. It shows in his demon form only if anything
- He should have a bell on his tail. It would be kewt. Not something he inherently has but he wags his tail in his sleep often so the brothers put it on him so they don’t trip over him (he hates it but he’s too tired to gaf)
- He should be more fuzzy too like having his right arm have an arm warmer rather than that sleeve that doesn’t even look connected like. Also theres a mix of fuzz and thorns on his person. It’s a gamble. Proceed with caution.
- His boots should be more like hooves kinda like what I said for satan but boots and more comfy looking
- They were way too shy with his cow spots imo. I think it should almost look like he has vitiligo (but with more melanin rather than less yk)
- Got a nose piercing (septum I think?) after learning about piercings in the human world but doesn’t use it much anymore
- Nitpicky but I think his horns should end while sticking forward rather than curling out all the way to resemble a bull thats ready to charge
- Appreciating the fact that he has four belts likely to represent the four chambers of cows’ stomachs
- Separation anxiety victim NUMBER ONE. Especially after Lilith died he’s gotten so anxious being without his loved ones and never really wants to leave their sides bc he never knows when they’ll be gone
- He is Beel’s eyes and probably has the best vision in the family tbh 25/20 vision fr
- A lil colorblind though; affects his drawings and when levi asks him to doodle with him he always uses a unique set of colors (hes grabbing at them randomly)
- Likes to just watch his brothers socialize and be with them. An observer in his own home. The only reason he gets out of bed everyday is to see the people he cares about most
- Likes silly little puzzles, games and toys like rubix cubes and bouncy balls n shi but gets annoyed if you just give it to him and expect him to play by himself like !!!!! Keep him company !!!!!!!!!
- When he was trapped in the attic Lucifer would sometimes bring him enrichment toys and fill him in on current news or just sit there in silence to keep him company while turned away from him (If he looks at him too long he might fold and let him out; he loves his brother but. He thinks this is what needs to be done)
- Pact mark is on your thigh probably snug on the inside and whenever he’s laying on your lap he looks at it and maybe traces it before drifting off
- It probably looks like a symbol of a moon or spiral inside of a sun representing the midnight sun and the neutrality of the sloth sin (a sun that never rises or sets)
- Can sap your energy and make you see hallucinations or make you want to sleep; can probably put you in hibernation as long as it doesn’t hurt you and can eat your nightmares # dreamcatcher
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candycandy00 · 3 months
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 9
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! I’m posting the first chapter just to check for interest. Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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Work at Terrian's house the next day was awkward and slow. Anna was obviously still upset over Nariah, and Terrian flitted around nervously, making pathetic and desperate attempts to get Anna to talk to him.
"Look, girls! I'm breaking out the steak reserves for lunch today!" he called at one point, holding up two large slabs of frozen meat.
Steak was Anna's favorite. She had looked up then, apparently tempted to say something, but she held her tongue and continued dusting.
You waited until Terrian stepped out of the room, then turned to Anna. "How long are you going to keep this up? He already apologized."
Anna looked down. "I know. I'm not really angry at him anymore. I just don't know what to say to him. Yesterday I admitted for the first time that I'm in love with him. Now I feel insecure around him."
"Well you're not making any progress like this. Just act like you did before. He's worried sick right now."
"Are you making progress with Vartan?" Anna asked suddenly.
You were caught off guard by the question. You stumbled over your words for a moment before nearly choking out a quiet, "Sort of."
Anna grinned. "Oh really? Are you sleeping with him already?"
"Of course not! I made him a bologna sandwich, okay?"
"Whatever you say," Anna laughed, nudging you with her elbow.
Terrian's doorbell rang loudly through the hall. You laid down your dusting rag and stood up, straightening the too-short skirt of your maid uniform and making your way to the door. You sighed as you pulled it open. "Yes, can I help-“
You were immediately silenced when you realized the person standing on Terrian's doorstep was a male half-breed with silver chin-length hair that framed his pale face. His narrow eyes were ice-blue and a strange shade of violet that you had never seen before, not even on a half-breed.
"A doctor lives here, correct?" His voice was lighter than Vartan's.
You weren’t sure how to answer. What if Terrian had gotten into trouble somehow? Perhaps confirming his location wasn't a good idea. "Um... I..."
The half-breed leaned in close. "This is important. Tell the doctor to come and examine my..." He stopped there, as if he had no idea how to finish the statement. He glanced back, and you noticed the thin young woman standing behind him. She was very clearly human, and her face, while pretty, was darkened by visible sadness.
"Is she sick?" you asked.
The half-breed took the woman's hand and gently, too gently for a half-breed, pulled her closer to the door. "She needs medical attention, yes."
You stepped aside. "Come on in. I'll get the doctor." You led them through the hall and to the living room, shrugging at a very shocked Anna on the way. The couple sat down on the couch as you ran to fetch Terrian.
You and Anna followed Terrian back into the living room and stood on either side of him. The woman introduced herself as Sophie. 
"I'm pregnant," she said, quietly but bluntly.
You stifled a gasp. Terrian's face lit up. "You are? That's amazing! Pregnancies are so rare. You must be immune to the chemicals in the water."
Sophie did not share his enthusiasm. "I didn't believe it at first. I missed a couple of periods and then a friend gave me an old pregnancy test to try. After that, I still didn't believe. Then Keon gave me a Pagoda test, and it came back positive. He says there's no way it can be wrong."
You noticed that Sophie seemed so sad. Her voice sounded as if it was threatening to break at any moment.
"So, do you want me to monitor the pregnancy then?" Terrian asked.
"No," the half-breed spoke up, "we want you to terminate it."
The smile Terrian had been wearing dissolved. "What?"
"You are capable of terminating the pregnancy, are you not?" the half-breed asked.
Terrian looked directly at Sophie. "Is this what you want to do?"
The half-breed opened his mouth, but Sophie put a hand on his arm. "Please, Keon," she said weakly, "let me talk to him. I'll explain."
The half-breed, Keon, looked at her with a flash of anger in his eyes.
Sophie didn't move her hand. "Please," she repeated, and Keon stood up. He walked out of the living room and closed the door behind him. You had never seen a half-breed do as a human asked before. Well, not besides Vartan.
"Keon is the father, as you've probably guessed," Sophie began, her voice still shaky. "We met three years ago. He showed up at my door one day out of the blue, with a proposition.”
“A proposition?” Anna asked. 
Sophie nodded. “Apparently some half breeds make arrangements with specific humans. They offer protection from the other half breeds, and in exchange the humans satisfy their needs. It’s a mutual arrangement, or at least ours is. I don’t know what would have happened if I’d refused. But I agreed to the terms, and I’ve been able to walk through the city without fear. They call it ‘claiming’. I’ve been claimed by Keon, so no other half breed will touch me.”
Your heart was beating fast as the words sank into your brain. Half-breeds could choose specific humans? Other half-breeds would stay away? Was that what Vartan had done to you?
"It's not so bad," Sophie continued. "Keon has always been relatively gentle with me. But now..." Her voice trailed off as she looked down at her own stomach.
"So he doesn't want his pet to have a baby?" Anna asked with a tinge of venom in her voice.
Sophie chuckled bitterly. "He was so furious and disgusted that I thought he would kill me."
Anna's face was turning red, her hatred for the half-breeds boiling beneath her skin.
"But he didn't kill me," Sophie went on, "Instead he started frantically asking around for a human doctor. One of the other half-breeds apparently told him about a clinic they had shut down, and that they had heard the doctor survived. That's when he told me I have to have an abortion."
"But why?" you asked.
Sophie met your eyes, and you could almost see the agony and rage festering there, held back by her quiet sorrow. "The half-breeds are forbidden to breed, at all. If the Pagoda were to find out I'm pregnant, they would execute Keon and myself immediately. The baby would die anyway. If we somehow managed to hide the pregnancy until the child was born, the Pagoda would give it a gruesome death if they ever found it. We would have to live in constant fear. Keon said that we should end it now, before..." Her voice finally broke, and tears streamed down her face. "Before we... grow to care for the child," she finished.
Terrian stood up. "Alright, I understand. I can examine you in one of the guest rooms and make preparations."
Sophie nodded. "Thank you, doctor. Please just give me a moment."
"Of course," Terrian told her. "My nurses will help you when you're ready."
He left the room. You and Anna began to follow him out, eager to give the woman privacy while she regained her composure. "It's not fair, is it?" she asked, and you stopped to look back at her. Sophie’s eyes were red from crying and her hands were shaking. "It's a miracle, that I'm immune to the chemicals, that I can give birth. It's my miracle but... I have to kill it." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.
Keon, who had been waiting patiently in the hall, walked into the living room and sat down beside Sophie. He stared at her wordlessly, and you saw a faint hint of pain in his face. He looked as if he wanted to reach out to the trembling woman beside him, to comfort her, but his hands remained stiffly by his sides. You found it sad that he had been sleeping with the woman for three years, yet he had no idea how to hold her.
Terrian examined Sophie several minutes later, and afterward told her to come back in two days for the procedure to end the pregnancy. He had to gather up the tools and medicines needed to ensure her safety. The couple thanked him and left, leaving the rest of the day clear for you and Anna to finish your cleaning duties.
Two hours of mopping and dusting later, Anna disappeared. You searched the kitchen, hall, and three rooms before hearing voices coming from behind one of the bedroom doors on the second floor. You pressed your ear against the door and listened.
"I'm not angry with you," you heard Anna say. "It's not your fault that Terrian kept you a secret."
"But my presence bothers you," Nariah's lovely voice responded.
"Well, I'm still getting used to... your kind."
"Don't worry," Nariah said, "you're certainly not the first human to regard me with fear and unease." Anna said nothing in response, and after a brief pause, Nariah spoke again. "Did you know that half-breeds are not allowed to meet their human parents?"
Anna must have shaken her head, because Nariah went on. "Most often, the human parents are executed shortly after the birth of the half-breed. But sometimes, very rarely, the human is kept alive if the offspring is viewed as exceptional by the Pagoda, for further breeding. I do not understand what their standards are, or how they determine such things, but I was considered one of these 'exceptional offspring'. My human mother was kept alive for three years after she gave birth to me."
You could hear Anna's breath hitch as she gave a small gasp. "You met her, didn't you?"
"Yes," Nariah said softly, "I did. One of the other half-breeds told me where to find her, probably more out of malice than of kindness. I searched the Tower, my curiosity overpowering my sense of obedience to the Pagoda. We half-breeds were forbidden from visiting the breeding and containment rooms, you see. But I found her, huddled in a metal contraption that looked like a cage. She looked so much like me, I knew in an instant that she was indeed my mother."
There was another pause, then Anna finally asked, "What happened?"
"I approached the cage, my heart pounding, and looked her in the eyes. At that moment, I called her 'mother'. I don't know why. We were never taught to use such sentimental terms, and I had only heard the word on the lips of the humans in the city. Maybe it was some buried human instinct. Regardless, she had heard me, and she screamed in terror. She recoiled from me until her back hit the other side of the cage. I was... repulsive to her."
Tears formed in your eyes as you listened outside the door. Anna remained silent.
When Nariah continued, her beautiful voice was slightly darker. "My mother began shrieking, 'Get it away from me! Get that monster away!' and she wouldn't stop until a Pagoda, my father, appeared behind her with a blade in his hand. He reached in between the metal bars and slit her throat, silencing her. She died in the cage, still looking at me with horror in her eyes."
For several minutes, the room was quiet and you heard nothing. Then footsteps abruptly headed toward the door and it slid open. Anna walked out of the room, her face red and puffy. She had been crying. "Oh, hey," she said when she noticed the hall wasn't empty.
"Sorry, I listened in," you told her, wiping your own eyes.
"It's alright. How much did you hear?"
"The story about her mom. That was awful. How could someone be afraid of their own child? And Nariah was only three at the time, right? How could she be scary?"
"Oh, so you didn't hear about the age thing," Anna said.
"What age thing?"
Anna smiled, the redness in her face dissipating. "Nariah is only fourteen years old."
"No way!" you said, a little too loud. Nariah looked at least twenty.
"I'm serious. She said half-breeds age a lot quicker than humans until they reach maturity. Then the process slows down to a crawl. So when she was three, she might have looked ten."
"Whoa, that's crazy. I guess we were wrong about her relationship with Terrian then.”
Anna's smile grew broader. "Yeah, she didn't know how to describe it, because she doesn't have anything to compare it to, but I think he treats her like a sister from everything she told me."
You smiled too. "That's great, Anna!"
They finished the chores, both in a slightly better mood. Anna was on speaking terms with Terrian again, waving and saying goodbye as she left. He was so happy he nearly cried, and you laughed as you headed out the door.
When you reached the door of your apartment, you wondered whether Vartan would still be there. You kept reminding yourself that he could leave at any moment without warning. With more than a little apprehension, you stepped inside.
Clearly visible from the door, Vartan was lying across the couch, fast asleep. You took a blanket from a nearby chair and spread it over his body. You turned out the lamp on the table next to him and leaned down.
"Goodnight," you whispered, then smiled as you walked to your own room and went to bed.
Tag List:
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know!
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safetystars · 8 months
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I sense you hunger for ever more... For worlds better and bigger. You crave expanded horizons, experience taken to new heights.
So did most whose stories lie within these annals.
So do I.
Let us stay a while together. While it may be futile to try to sate our ever-growing lust, the pursuit is always enticing...
My Posting
Older content: I will be posting my older content on this blog. However, I will be revising it as I go, so expect some changes (hopefully you think for the better). If there are any particular pieces you'd like to see, please let me know and I can move them up in the schedule (otherwise, it's by date of post)
Newer content: While I intend to post older content (especially since a fair amount was blocked), I still want to keep writing new stories.
Frequency: Some people have taken issue with me not posting as quickly as they'd like - and that's not something I'm willing to entertain again. Life is what it is, and the unexpected is around every corner. All I can say is sit back and enjoy what comes, when it comes (while you come, perhaps 😉).
Questions, Suggestions, & Messages:
I enjoy discussion, so go ahead if you have a question.
Feel free to suggest ideas for stories, or to forward images that would fit my writing and, if I like it, I may incorporate it into a post. I've received requests for these before, I want to clarify: No underage or non-con.
Messages are also welcome
Harassment will result in an instant block.
Using my writing:
Feel free to reblog or post my writing wherever you like.
These stories often contain open endings. I would be happy to see any of them continued further.
List of Posts:
Take me to a Random Post!
Secret Nightclub - [AE, BE, GTS, orgy] A band has developed a unique style of music that is expanding in popularity.
My Ex, Hannah - [GTS, AE, BE] Your Ex, Hannah is growing desperate to get you back, and calls you over
The Intervention - [GTS, AE, BE] A woman you were seeing was particularly interested in your lab work. You became tempted and made her grow... once. You thought that would have been enough...
A Bootyful First Date - [AE] We're on a first date. I like your short king energy and you're into my charm and assets. Unbeknownst to us both, one of those is about to get a lot bigger, very much at your expense, cutie, though you'll be handsomely compensated.
Re-Tangled - [BE, AE] Rapunzel has used the magic of her hair to wish to be Flynn's fantasy girl. Fantasies can deepen...
Pools to Planets - [GTS, AE, BE] You put something in the pool. You were told strong emotions would elicit strong reactions. Did you underestimate the power of the formula, the strength of my feelings, or did you intend this? Soon, it won't matter any longer.
My Sweet Sapphic Scientist's Sizeable Secret… Surmounted - [BE, AE, GTS] Unbeknownst to you black cat femme girlfriend figured out your not so 'little' kink, and dropped enough hints for you to finally confess it to her, at least in part. Not only that, but you two have now brought it to life - at least in part - Good thing you're a scientist. Now, she tells you she knows the whole truth, and like you, she only wants more.
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misterbardman · 8 months
Been reading a lot of text posts on here because of the toa brainrot and I absolutely love the, possible headcanon, that Apollo once he returns to godhood remains morally gray.
Like sure, he is better and does remember his time as a human. He even visits his friends constantly, but he’s still a god. It’s easy to fall back on habits, especially if said habits have been done for thousands of years.
Apollo visits his kids in both camps, visits Meg and others often, since he can split apart and be in multiple places at once. Though he does it so much, even he begins to get confused. He might be conversing with Will at Camp during an Olympian meeting and the two conversations blend together, something about humans and Star Wars.
At first, Apollo loves celebrating events with his friends from his trials but he notices that they get older and leave to live their own lives while he stays the same. He could change, but he doesn’t. He knows that nothing will last forever, but that thought terrifies him. He’s a god after all, an immortal being, but he’s seen other immortals die before.
Apollo would absolutely try to give some of his immortality to his kids and friends, but none of them want it. Sure, it’s tempting, but they don’t want to be immortal, they’re content being human. Apollo sort of understands it, he was human for a short while, but part of him still doesn’t understand why. Apollo could make them a minor god, but they don’t want it.
Apollo stays the same as everyone gets older. There’s birthdays, weddings, funerals. He goes to the events in his Lester form, he feels more comfortable among humans in that form, but he never ages.
After a while at both camps, there is a significant decrease in the amount of Apollo kids. The other cabins at camp half-blood are as full as usual but cabin 7 is quiet, the last camper from the cabin went to college years ago and no other demigod had been claimed by Apollo since then.
Apollo does not change, it’s in his nature to stay the same and be contradictory. He is the god of healing but also plagues. He is happy to watch his friends grow up but saddened to see them grow older all the same.
It’s years later before a child of Apollo is claimed. A singular child, one that Apollo decides must be protected and cherished, but he can’t get too close, he doesn’t want to go through the heartache of watching another demigod die, whether through a quest or old age.
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Aita for speaking about how anti bullying group/server treated me?
This is a two year old situation that I got reminded of today
So background: I (22NB) joined a group via tiktok that was started after an incident involving a plus sized cosplayer and a company (person is not involved in this situation & is still one of my lovely mutuals). However due to the size of the group, a group of child predators joined including someone who was a mutual (I didn't know about their gross, as a csa survivor I blocked and such asap). Stuff got exposed (with some information given by one of my close friends). This caused the server to be remade and I was semi active in it but it was still a large server. I however noticed that my tiktok was blocked by the group's page and decided to message the ppl running it. After a week of nothing I get a message that I have some of the predators following my page therefore am now banned from the server and was basically told to keep me being banned between me and the server leader. I decided not to do so and shared the information, not once insulting them and even saying i understand their intentions but they didn't even share the usernames of the predators following my page. The main person who ran it has since blocked me and the few mutual I had who helped run it unfollowed me (didn't remove me from their following tho but I unfollowed them as well when I realized). I have friends and mutuals who are still a part of this group and I feel like an ah for having such a dislike for the group now. I'm tempted to bring it up again to be like still no apology for being kicked out of a group because of a bullshit zero tolerance policy because I'm petty and still bitter when I remember it
-also after my post someone (outside of the group) was able to figure out which predator was following me via their side page. I blocked them immediately.
-i expressed concern over possibly missing information (such as usernames). I didn't express that this was bc the information was hard for me to consume with triggering myself
-i showed screensshots of the conversations I had with the people running it
-they had also said it was inappropriate for a friend of mine who at the time was barely 18 to be friends with people who were 17 and 16
-the server themselves don't have all the usernames of the side pages of the predators
-there has been at least one person who claimed they were blocked by this group and such bc they were complaining about minors being rude or creepy in their comments but I have no proof and this person has said stuff that I ended up blocking them for
-their zero tolerance policy excuse feels like bullshit because they have my friends and mutuals still in the group (tho I believe its inactive for the most part bc they fall short of plans to do things outside of the server).
-dont hate on my friends and mutuals for still being a part of the group. This has actually benefit me bc of information the group keeps in their server including a person who tends to stalk and harass people online that started to harass me
-i have also have had info about a person being into l0li/sh0ta con but in the same spaces forwarded to the group via a mutual in the group. It's a large group with a lot of people so I understand the want to stay in it.
What are these acronyms?
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 11 months
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Arthur Dayne: Physical description and NSFW Alphabet edition
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After the Arthur Dayne requests I received, I was sorely tempted to write up a full NSFW alphabet that could be used for future fics, so here it is, along with a brief physical description of him.
Themes: Smut
Warning: This post contains a wide variety of mature and explicit content (sex, positions, kinks, cum, etc.) | Mention of scars
Minors DNI | 18+ | You are responsible for the media you consume.
A/n: I write with the seasons of Westeros stretching over the usual three months per season, not years and years. Sorry not sorry, GRRM.
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What does Arthur Dayne look like?
Arthur was born in the spring of 240 AC. He stands at 6’3, with a muscular frame to go with it. His skin is like the burnished gold sands of Dorne. Like his sister, Ashara, Arthur has rich, earthy brown hair and purple eyes, although his is pale, like lilacs. As a knight and a disciplined warrior, Arthur keeps his hair cropped short, just like his beard. Due to his long life as a warrior, Arthur’s body is covered in the scars of old wounds.
What is he like as a lover? Gentle, considerate and tender. As for the rest?
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): Arthur is big on pampering, like cuddles, words of endearment, and acts of service, such as bringing his partner a meal, a glass of water, or their favorite drink, or drawing a warm bath whenever possible.   
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) : On his partner’s, he loves their lips because he loves to kiss. Arthur rarely gets the chance to do so due to his being a knight of the King’s Guard. Discovery is dangerous, so as soon as an opportune moment presents itself, expect him to pull them into his embrace while he showers them with deep, soulful kisses.
For him, Arthur’s favorite body part is his arms. All the better to lift his love with, is his motto. The feel of his partner running their hands all over his arms while telling him how wonderfully strong he is, is intoxicating to him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): Arthur Dayne is very much into finishing inside his partner, every single time. Nothing less would do for him. And there is no need to worry about unexpected epilogues. Arthur makes sure his partner has easy access to freshly prepared moon tea.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): Arthur has one fantasy, and one fantasy only. To make love to his partner in the Round Room of the Sword Tower, and on top of the White Shield Table, no less.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): Despite being a sworn brother of the King’s Guard, Arthur still has plenty of experience, for he did not take up orders until he was twenty two.
He certainly knows what he is doing and is not afraid to put his experience, his hands and his tongue, to good use.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): On top, where he could look at his partner during the act, touch them all over, and kiss them. Or from behind, where he can still maintain control and set the pace.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): Arthur is very much a serious lover. The act of making love is precious to him, not something to be made light of. If he does make a joke, it would only be because it is his partner’s first time with him, and he wants them to be comfortable.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): Arthur is well groomed, and takes good care of himself. He doesn’t have an excess of body hair, but there is a soft trail of dark brown hair trailing down his chest, ending in a similar colored thatch between his thighs.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): He is big on romance, setting the right scene, kissing, and taking his time to please his partner with lots of foreplay. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): Masturbation has little appeal, for he prefers the warmth of his partner’s body to the use of his hand. If he cannot find a partner, or if his partner is occupied elsewhere, Arthur will be content to wait.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): Arthur has little in the way of kinks. He is into slow and gentle lovemaking, but he will take his partner’s kinks into consideration, such as using blindfolds or feathers.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): The bedroom, naturally. Something about soft sheets and a softer bed, with wide windows letting in a cooling wind, appeals to him more than any other location.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): The sounds of his partner’s moans, the feel of them trembling against him, their urging to go harder and faster, always warms his blood fast.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): Anything that can inflict pain of any kind on his partner. Hurting his partner, even to give them pleasure, is a huge turn-off for him, so his partner can expect to hear him saying no to requests such as spanking.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) : Arthur loves to give. He would spend all day between his partner’s legs if time and his duties permitted him to do so. He plants broad strokes with the flat of his tongue, sometimes slipping a finger or two into his partner’s hole while he goes down on them.
He loves to receive as well, often showering his partner with praise on how well they take him and how good their mouth is around his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): When it comes to pace, Arthur is on the slow and sensual side. He wants to make the most of his time with his partner, to explore their body, to savor every moment he has with them.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): Arthur has little interest in quickies, as he is a man who wants to take his time. He may be tempted into saying yes if his partner succeeds in appealing to his baser urges.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): Besides the yearning to take his partner over the White Shield Table in the Round room? Very little in the terms of risks and experimenting.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): Given how strong he is as a warrior, Arthur could go on for most of the night if he could. And it would be one marathon session that would leave his partner weak and exhausted by the end of it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): He does not own toys, but he may consider using something like a silk blindfold or feathers if his partner asks to.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): Arthur does not believe in denying his partner, except when they are being bratty. Then he will just deny them sex until they show they know how to behave.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): Arthur is on the quieter side. Soft grunts or groans are what his partner will hear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): Arthur once kissed his partner during the great tourney of 276 AC, and in his tent, when he came to rest before the final joust.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): He is decently proportioned, at around six inches. His cock is thick and veiny and more than a little sensitive. The right touch is enough to make him hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): Arthur has an average sex drive, and would never press his partner if they were not in the mood. Even kissing and cuddling are enough to satisfy him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward): He tends to fall asleep pretty fast, as he has to rise early and see to his duties. He will still hold his partner close to him while he rests and will wake them so he can give them a proper goodbye before he has to sneak back to the Red Keep.
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laxmiree · 9 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien Cabin Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Alright~ just another tiny ten minutes of bed lazing."
"Only ten minutes?"
"Um... how about an extra ten minutes then?"
"Just twenty minutes?"
"...Just twenty minutes! Lucien, you're not allowed to tempt me again."
His triumphant laugh is muffled in my ears. I have always been powerless against him and I bite his collarbone in frustration.
[Part 1]
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Dim light penetrates the darkness and falls onto my retina. The world feels warm, shedding the drowsiness bit by bit like the ebbing tide.
Sunlight generously pours in from the three surrounding French windows, illuminating this wooden cabin atop the mountain.
I rub my eyes. After adjusting to the light, I look out the window.
Shadows of trees covered in snow are particularly clear. The sea of white seems to lead to the end of the world. It makes me momentarily feel as if I'm lying in the snowy expanse of the mountain woods.
Lucien: (in a sleepy but gentle voice) Good morning.
His warmth envelops my back, carrying the familiar scent that wraps around me. I smile as I turn around, and fall into an even more beautiful dream.
MC: (smiles softly) Morning. So you're awake too.
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Lucien: It seems my wake-up duty was taken care of by the "early bird" today.
MC: Pfft, blame it on the overly enthusiastic first ray of morning sunshine. Great Professor Lucien, just let it be~
Lucien squints his eyes, exuding a rare sense of laziness and sleepiness. I can't help but poke his face, and he seizes my finger, pulling me into a tighter embrace.
Lucien: (whispers sleepily) Then, don't take advantage of its goodwill. Let's just indulge a little longer.
His warm breath falls on top of my head, and I affectionately nuzzle into his embrace, closing my eyes contentedly.
MC: Alright~ just another tiny ten minutes of bed lazing.
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Lucien: (chuckles softly) Only ten minutes?
MC: Um... how about an extra ten minutes then?
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Lucien: (whispers with temptation) Just twenty minutes?
MC: ...Just twenty minutes! Lucien, you're not allowed to tempt me again.
His triumphant laugh is muffled in my ears. I have always been powerless against him and I bite his collarbone in frustration.
MC: Although lazing around doing nothing with you for two days is not bad.
MC: But it’s better to welcome the sunrise and embrace the sunlight at the earliest moment, I always feel that casually neglecting these moments would be too unfair to the weekend.
Lucien: It sounds like you already have a rough plan for this short vacation.
The window sill beads with faint droplets due to the temperature difference and the warm sunlight bathes people warmly but also uplifts our moods.
MC: Haha, can we consider wandering freely and stopping as we please as a plan?
Lucien: Mm, of course.
The arms around my back tighten imperceptibly and the skin pressed together takes on the same warmth.
It makes one irresistibly sink deep into it.
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MC: It's really comfortable... How about we start over our twenty-minute bed-lazing time from now?
Lucien: (chuckles) As long as you want, we can start over as many times as you like.
[Part 2]
Actually, this weekend trip was a "spur-of-the-moment" idea that came up during a barbecue yesterday.
=Flashback start=
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Lucien: Seasonal affective disorder?
I nod, picking up a large piece of diaphragm from the sizzling tray. After rolling it around in the dry dish, I satisfyingly stuff it into my mouth.
MC: Today, I heard Kiki and the others chatting about this topic.
I say this while taking a big bite of blueberry cake. The perfectly balanced creamy sweetness makes me squint my eyes in satisfaction.
MC: People tend to feel sleepy and lack energy in winter, which is caused by insufficient sunlight exposure.
MC: The best solution is to eat barbecue and sweets in the sunlight. The principle seems to be... regulating serotonin levels?
MC: Although I'm not an expert, it does seem quite effective!
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MC: Right now, I feel there's nothing happier than being with someone I like, having a barbecue and cake on the best sunny afternoon in winter!
Lucien looks thoughtful as he gazes at the sunlight outside, his eyes sweeping over the barbecue and sweets on the table. He smiles and picks up a piece of beef, offering it to me.
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Lucien: (chuckles) So that's how it is.
Detecting the teasing tone in his voice, I obediently pick up a piece of beef tongue and place it on his plate.
Lucien: (teasingly) I thought the Great Producer came all the way to have lunch with me, but it turns out to be a small scientific experiment?
MC: I wouldn't dare to show off in front of the great scientist.
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MC: Moreover, Professor Lucien. If that's the case, then you are the biggest variable in this experiment.
Lucien raises an eyebrow slightly, showing a look of attentiveness.
MC: Whether it's sunshine, barbecue, or cake, perhaps they indeed have scientific bases for regulating physiological functions.
His gaze consistently rests on me, and I vaguely feel my cheeks warming. It's hard to discern if it's from the charcoal fire or the sunlight.
MC: But there are also many things that defy reason, beyond the reach of scientific proof.
MC: For example, in my case, your presence is the best way to regulate my physiological well-being.
MC: ...Why are you silent?
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Lucien: I'm just thinking, this is not good.
MC: Um?
Lucien: If I don't run faster now, I might not keep up with the Great Producer's ability to say romantic lines.
He says it so matter-of-factly, yet it feels like a small handful of charcoal sparks crackling has landed in my heart.
I smile and push the cake on my side toward him, propping up my chin with a thoughtful expression.
MC: You say... if there are variables, does that mean the combination of sunlight, protein, and sugar is not the sole solution?
Lucien: For example?
Lucien naturally picks up where I left off, and like me, he takes a chopstick, dips it in sauce, and starts drawing on the plate.
MC: For example... if we maximize sunlight while keeping the other two constants, would the sense of satisfaction still be the same?
Lucien: If you sequentially control the variables, perhaps different chemical reactions might indeed occur.
I feel as if we're not in a barbecue restaurant but in his office, facing a whiteboard, discussing some important and profound problem.
His deep, profound eyes narrow slightly, and the fingertips of his other hand rhythmically tap on the tabletop.
Lucien: For example, embracing the sunlight at the moment of sunrise?
MC: That seems to be the idea!
Seemingly thinking of something, Lucien picks up his phone and makes a few taps. When he hands it over to me, the screen displays a confirmation for booking a homestay.
The planned duration is three days and two nights, with the check-in starting today. Judging by the uploaded photos and address, the homestay seems to be located in a mountainous area around Loveland City.
MC: This is…
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He pauses, takes my fingertip, and lands it on the phone screen.
Lucien: Since we want to embrace the sunlight as soon as possible, let's go to a place where we can see the sunrise earliest.
Lucien: It's less than three hundred kilometers from here, enough for us to arrive before sunrise.
Lucien: Alright, MC. Now, we can set off whenever you're ready.
=Flashback Ends=
I naturally won't refuse Lucien, even if this weekend trip is indeed a bit unexpected.
In the end, we only indulged in bed for an extra hour before getting up to have breakfast.
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The wooden cabin is not large but intricately decorated.
The floor is almost entirely covered with a plush, floral-patterned rug, making the room exceptionally warm.
Two vintage brown sofas are adorned with lace cushions, and in the center is a charming round wooden table with a vase of fresh flowers.
On the side, there's a petite desktop chalkboard with elegant chalk handwriting that reads, "Enjoy your weekend :)."
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MC: Lucien, look. The freezer even has instant-heating pizza and pasta, and there's even family-sized ice cream...?
MC: This host must have been too prepared.
Lucien lifts his hand and turns the small vase counterclockwise. With a faint click, a "wall" springs back half an inch, revealing a dark gap.
Lucien: Not only that, I found a hand-drawn map and very professional outdoor equipment in the cabinet at the entrance.
Lucien: It seems that besides being hospitable, the owner of this house also has an adventurous spirit.
Behind the wall is a wooden ladder leading to the attic. It creaks when I step on it but surprisingly is spotless despite its age.
At the top, vintage-colored lights hang in the attic that I can reach with my hand. Facing each other are two leather recliners, there's a nostalgic wall-mounted telephone on the wall.
I blink in astonishment until colors start dancing before my eyes.
Lucien, who pressed the switch behind me, withdraws his hand, and his gaze falls heavily on me.
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[Part 3]
Lucien: I think, this place seems to be more than just a display room.
Time remains silent but magically presents the traces of the past in front of us. These seemingly decorative antiques feel like silent witnesses.
A strange and wonderful feeling inexplicably arises in my heart, and I squeeze the hand that is holding mine.
MC: Even though we are just temporary "owners" here, it feels like our lives have intersected with another life for a moment.
Lucien: Perhaps the connection between people is inherently objective.
Lucien: Subjective choices or external influences can lead to the occurrence of a relationship, whether it's meeting, running in parallel, or missing each other.
Lucien's gaze falls on the only source of light in the attic, and I feel as if I can see a colorful and shining reflection of myself in those eyes.
MC: Can we call it fate?
Lucien: Hmm. I'm afraid fate may not be sufficient to encompass it all.
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Lucien: The ripples created by a stone thrown into the lake often not only touch oneself but also reach the person on the other shore.
Lucien: Therefore, before these ripples die down, let's go and explore further.
Before heading out, we take the hand-drawn map and basic outdoor gear left by the landlord, along with a mysterious key that also remains in the cabinet.
Following the map's directions, we arrive at the hill behind the small cabin. In the distance, a lonely lighthouse comes into view.
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MC: Is anyone there—
The spacious tower echoes with a muffled sound. As I glance at the not-so-long spiral staircase, I'm about to say something when I hear Lucien's voice.
Lucien: Excuse me—
The deep voice engulfs the trailing notes of my echo. Seeing Lucien mimicking my posture by tilting his head back, I can't help but laugh.
He looks down at me, giving a little shake to our holding hands.
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Lucien: Let's go, we've already greeted it.
Ascending the tiered stairs, we quickly reach the top of the tower. There's a rusty iron door, entwined with dark green vines, that leads to a partially open observation deck, revealing the panoramic view of the entire mountain forest.
I walk to the edge of the railing, overlooking the lush landscape adorned with patches of pristine white. I can't resist taking out my phone to capture this scene.
Lucien suddenly calls my name, making me turn my head in confusion.
MC: Ah—this place is so beautiful~ Even the air feels fresher!
Lucien: MC
He holds a telescope, his dark eyes firmly focused there, as if looking into a more distant place through the lens.
Subconsciously, I aim the camera at him.
And as if sensing my gaze, he turns his head to look at me.
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The air is tinged with a faint chill, and the white world is illuminated by sunlight. A cold wind passes through, causing the thick snow on the pine trees to fall into fine, fragmented pieces.
The eyes that were gazing at the world just a second ago are now filled only with me.
Time seems to have stopped, frozen in this moment when he looks at me.
The echoes in the valley resonate with the rhythm of my heartbeat, and even the sunlight seems to favor him, gently falling on his swaying hair.
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"Click". I hold up the frozen frame to him, speaking confidently.
Lucien: (teasingly) Weren't we here to capture the scenery?
MC: I am capturing the scenery, you know.
MC: The best scenery is right in front of me. Of course, I have to capture him first~
Lucien's eyes soften. He pulls me into his embrace, and gently rests his chin on the top of my head. Using my hands, he raises the telescope to my eyes.
Lucien: I just spotted an interesting scene, I wouldn't want you to miss it.
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I blink my eyes. In the magnified view, the snowy cedar trees appear soft, and a faint shadow can be seen leaping on the snowy ground.
Suddenly, a fluffy brown bundle comes out of nowhere, shaking its head while glancing around. The next moment, it plunges into the snow.
MC: It's a groundhog!!
I exclaim softly, my gaze following that splash of brown, watching as it quickly pops out from another part of the snowy landscape, shaking off a pile of snow, thoroughly enjoying itself.
MC: Hahaha, is it having fun all by itself?
Lucien: Yes and no.
A soft laughter echoes above my head as Lucien tightens his arms, hugging me even closer.
Lucien: After all, in a certain sense, this snowy landscape and sunshine are its companions.
MC: So, the entire mountain forest is its playground.
Perhaps the serene scenery before us prompts a tacit understanding, and we both refrain from speaking. Instead, we nestle close, gazing in the same direction and listening to the echoes of nature.
Stepping on the thin snow beneath our feet brings a crisp sensation, mingled with the rustling sound of the wind sweeping through the mountain forest, creaking and crunching.
MC: Lucien, listen.
Suddenly, I think of something and can't help but smile, then I step on the snow on the ground again.
Crunch, crunch.
At this moment, the entire valley is left with only this one sound.
MC: Isn't it very special? It sounds just like laughter.
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Lucien: Mm. It seems like we've discovered the world’s happiness by accident.
As the golden edges of distant mountains slowly come into view at the end of our sight, we leave the lighthouse and begin a leisurely descent along the stone steps in the opposite direction of the small cabin.
[Part 4]
Warm yellow ground lights illuminate the winding path, and following the map's guidance, we pass by a lake and a mountain cave.
A chubby snowman, wrapped in a scarf, stands by the roadside with a delightful smile.
Following the distinctive icons on the map, we explore this snowy forest, novelly experiencing the joy brought by this "snowy mystery box".
MC: Lucien, what do you think that little cabin is?
Not far from our line of sight, there sits an exceptionally small wooden cabin. The reddish-brown bricks appear remarkably warm against the snowy landscape.
Curiously, I approach and discover that the name on the doorplate is the same as the cabin owner. However, the entrance is tightly shut, and it seems like there's no one inside.
Recalling the key in my pocket whose purpose I don't know, I widen my eyes and take it out, looking towards Lucien.
MC: Could it be…
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Lucien: It appears that we've discovered the true purpose of this key.
He reassuringly lifts the corners of his mouth, raising the hand-drawn map adorned with various symbols.
MC: But wouldn't it be a bit abrupt if we just open the door and go in like this…?
Lucien: I don't think there should be such concerns.
Lucien: Perhaps, this is the "special easter egg" left for us by the interesting landlord.
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As we step into the wooden cabin, the entire interior instantly brightens up as if welcoming us.
The entire house doesn't seem very large, but due to the sparse furnishings, it appears somewhat spacious at a glance.
Tiny string lights decorate the surroundings of the room, and the wallpaper is covered with hand-drawn castles and trees, whimsically crooked yet exceptionally charming.
The curtain of the small theater nearby is slightly ajar, and a tent nestles in the corner next to a low bookshelf. The picture book spread out on the floor, bears the traces of some mischievous little child's fondness and reluctance to part with it.
A very familiar small blackboard is leaning diagonally near the entrance, seemingly imbued with a soft and cozy fragrance.
"Welcome, hope you can enjoy here.:)"
It seems like we've stumbled into a dreamy fairy-tale world here, where there are no worries or boundaries, and imagination can turn into reality.
[Lux’s remarks: sobbing at this particular line because of what happened in main story :”D]
MC: (smiles happily) It feels like we've all turned into little kids here~
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Lucien: Being little kids is good too.
I walk around the small theater in a circle and notice there are even a few hand puppets on the stage. Perhaps they are props used for performances during gatherings.
Just as I was about to show it off to Lucien, I turned around to find him earnestly flipping through some picture books.
His demeanor becomes softer, I gaze quietly for a moment, and suddenly an idea forms in my mind.
MC: Hello there, little friend!
I crouch behind the wooden board, lifting a small girl puppet high and wiggling my fingers.
[Note: remember that since MC hides behind the board, she can’t see or expect what Lucien will do-]
The little girl with braided hair cutely shakes her head, joyfully calling out to her best friend.
The world pauses for a moment, and soon a familiar voice rings out.
Lucien: (in amused voice) Hello.
The smiling voice draws nearer. Although I can’t see Lucien’s face right now, I can almost picture those eyes brimming with laughter.
MC: I didn't expect anyone else to come and play here. I'm MC. What's your name?
Lucien: I’m Lucien.
Something has grasped my hand, and a faint warmth seeps through the fabric.
MC: Well, little Lucien, would you like to play with me?
Lucien: I’d be delighted to join your game. But I’m not sure if you’d mind. After all…
I look up to see a little fox hugging the little girl.
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Lucien: I’m just a little fox.
Lucien crouches on the other side of the wooden board, with that hug remaining in mid-air, softening my heart a bit.
MC: It doesn't matter if you're a little fox.
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MC: I like the little fox the most.
The little girl also hugs back tightly, using her hand to gently stroke the little fox's head.
Lucien: Can I get even closer to you?
As the little girl nods vigorously, Lucien's face appears under the brightness.
Lucien: There are still many things I want to accomplish together with you.
MC: Come here, dear little fox!
He doesn't make the little fox let go of the girl's embrace. Instead, while maintaining that hug, he walks behind the wooden board and crouches down next to me.
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Lucien: Now, we’re together.
His voice is gentle but sounds as certain as a conclusion of a story.
MC: Well then, let's set off! Today is going to be a good day.
I pick up the rainbow sun puppet prop and wave it over the heads of the two puppets.
He curves his lips, and in those deep, serene eyes, I feel like I see every moment of wonder and dreamy fantasy we've had these past few days.
MC: Where should we go?
Lucien: With such good weather and being with you, we can experience many, many wonderful things.
It seems like a conversation between a little girl and a small fox, but at the same time, it feels like ours.
Lucien: After all, the person who makes wonders happen…. is right by my side.
MC: So, you must have had things you wanted to do before, right? Are you not worried about the "plan" going off-course?
Lucien: Although you're not wrong, I don't think it's a bad thing.
Lucien: Unexpected branches born outside the plan also hold meaningful significance.
The small fox raises its hand and touches the little girl's head, while Lucien also hugs me.
MC: So what you're saying is it's okay to do whatever you want? Even if it doesn't have meaning.
Lucien: I believe "meaning" itself has no fixed definition.
His scent envelops me, gently surrounding me like snow.
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Lucien: For instance, right now, I want to hug you, and that is the entire meaning of this moment.
[Lux’s short rambles]
AHHHHHH what a really cute date ~~if we ignore hidden knives that can only be found after you read main story~~. Their interactions are just so heartwarming and sweet huhu. The way it started with them waking up together in the morning and then negotiating with bed lazing is both cute and hilarious. Lucien’s sleepy but gentle voice and triumphant laugh when he gets what he wants just make me SWOON; Their morning banter is reminiscent of Lucien’s Mini House Story when MC is lazing around and Lucien punished her by leaving a mark on her collarbone (funny how the table turned huh-). Lucien’s rare display of childishness and laziness is like uncovering a different side of him.
The barbeque scenes- I can see that MC is a good ‘student’, she learns how to say romantic lines from its master so well. I love how the whole weekend getaway is more of a “spur-of-moment” thing compared to Lucien’s usual style of planning things thoroughly and, in a way is a reference to Lucien’s previous date like [Slow Motion Fireworks MQ] and [Wild Luxury Date].
The whole date feels magical and childlike. The way Lucien and MC explore the snowy landscape, discovering a lighthouse, a groundhog playing in the snow, and then stumbling upon the hidden wooden cabin – it all feels so fantastical and I love every bit of description that the writer wrote. I won’t get tired of saying that, being childlike, for Lucien is a kind of “growth” too.
“The eyes that were gazing at the world just a second ago are now filled only with me.” Is one of my fav lines!! Lucien is someone who always ‘looks’ at the world as a whole, observing it as a scientist. So the transition from observing the external world to focusing on the person he loves is just so!! Ugh. Like a silent declaration that she’s the sole focus of his universe.
And then the discovery of the ‘fairy tale’ cabin! I can’t help but imagine tiny Lucien reading books and then tiny MC calls him over to play puppet with her. The way Lucien chooses the little fox puppet, being clingy even as a puppet (it is as if he’s admitting that yes he is a fox LOL) is cute and funny; the way they end up together is a conclusion that he is sure of (ignoring the main story cough); the way he regards her as marvel (ie. one that causes wonder/magic) my heart can’t take them :”D. ! Not to mention dialogue about doing things outside the plan and finding meaning in the unexpected (even if the meaning is as simple as 'want to be with you)– they’re just so profound and beautiful.
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AN: Received this as a request on main, decided to post it here to be safe. Please heed the warnings!
dark romance prompts
♡ prompt: disobedience & impact play (spicy bingo) | Melkor x Mairon x Maedhros ♡ synopsis: Melkor and Mairon teach their new favourite prisoner a lesson in obedience ♡ warnings: non-consensual oral sex, non-consensual impact play (whip) ♡ short oneshot (~800 words)
Due to this being Maedhros' POV, the two dark lords will be referred to by their alternate names.
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When he had been captured, Maitimo had braced himself to face the horrors of Angband; yet nothing could have ever prepared him for the scene he witnessed now.
And would soon be made to participate in. 
He had found out two things about the dark lord: That he was rather fond of red hair and that his lieutenant – whose chosen fána happened to share that trait – was also his lover. 
Maitimo had been mildly disgusted upon being forced to witness noisy, messy kissing and lewd touching on the throne, as if they were inside a brothel and not a fortress, but it had swiftly escalated to outright horror when Morgoth suggested that he should join them. 
"What do you mean?" Maitimo asked as calmly and slowly as he could. 
"What do you think it could possibly mean?" Sauron snapped and yanked on his chain to force him to come closer. 
It was obvious that his lord's interest in their latest prisoner irritated him, though Maitimo could take no pleasure in it, faced with a wolfish grin on the Enemy's face that sent all primal instincts into overdrive, screaming at him to run.
If only he could. 
"Show him," Morgoth ordered, addressing Sauron. "He can service me after you are done, and if he pleases me we can consider being more lenient with him." 
"As you wish." 
Leaving his lord's side to kneel between his legs, the Maia got to work. Maitimo could only watch with growing trepidation as garments were undone and pushed aside to reveal a swiftly hardening cock. Even as it vanished between dutifully parted lips, the sheer size and girth were obvious to any unlucky spectator – not too surprising, considering that he was looking at a Vala, yet the implications of what had been suggested by the very same creature were all too clear. 
Maitimo would be expected to perform such an act himself; and as if that in itself wasn't revolting already, he also doubted his physical capabilities. He had done such a thing before, admittedly, but it had been with his beloved Findekáno – no, he didn't even want to think about him now. 
They shan't sully the memory. 
"Enough." Morgoth's command brought both him and Sauron back to reality. "It seems our new toy is bored and wants to try it for himself." 
The Maia withdrew, making a show out of his reluctance. 
"I shall make sure he does his best," he said and summoned a fiery whip while rising to his feet and positioning himself behind their prisoner. 
Maitimo trembled in disgust when he was inexorably pulled closer until he too knelt between Morgoth's legs and found himself face to face with a large, hard and glistening wet cock. 
"Go on, Maitimo. Be good for me," the Vala purred.
"And if you are not, there will be dire consequences," Sauron hissed from outside his field of vision. 
His words were accentuated by a well-aimed strike hitting Maitimo's back, eliciting a gasp before he could stop himself, and Morgoth took the opportunity to thrust inside his mouth and force his head down with one hand. 
"Do not play coy with me. I know what you and your cousin did." 
No, no, no. 
How could fate be so cruel? How could he have fallen into the hands of the Enemy to be used like a common whore and have his deepest secret so nonchalantly revealed? 
Maitimo's inaction prompted more whiplashes, yet he was much preoccupied with the struggle of not throwing up all over Morgoth's lap – a tempting prospect not just due to the unwelcome intrusion of his throat, but also a transgression he didn't want to face the consequences for. Struggling, he forced himself to focus on relaxing and breathing through his nose. His jaw was already beginning to hurt from the rough handling he received, and it only got worse when the Vala resumed moving, fucking his throat without any tenderness or affection. 
Again, he refused to think of Findekáno. 
Being used this way absolved Maitimo of the humiliating task of actively pleasuring the Enemy, yet enduring such violation was made harder by the fiery whip biting into his skin time and time again. He was no longer even sure what he was being punished for; maybe Sauron simply felt like he deserved to suffer for taking his place. 
Had anyone asked him, he would have loved to swap. 
Maitimo wanted nothing more than to vomit when hot, viscous liquid at last flooded his mouth and throat, making him gag around the huge cock in his mouth even more. 
Another whiplash. Morgoth held him down until he had done so, then gave a long, self-satisfied sigh. 
"What do you think, precious? Does he deserve our leniency?" 
"He remains defiant and disobedient, as is ingrained within his family. I think he requires more training before he may be granted any sort of mercy..." 
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Thanks for reading!
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littlesislovesyou · 15 days
Atta girl...I hope you enjoy then baby. And I'm glad we agree. I'm happy to hear you like what you see so far~ And of course not! You're just an innocent little girl on the internet and we're having a normal and honest chat. You would never dare do something so naughty and degrading as touching yourself while reading all the fucked up things I wanted to do to you, privately sent for your eyes only. Surely not! 😮🤯😌
I did get into it I couldn't help myself...nearly lost control and said even worse shit in there 😔😩I'm happy you love it though and I love your reactions and responses.
Fuuuuck don't threaten me with a good time that'd be so damn tempting...I'd be hard and horny all day and you DEFINITELY wouldn't be leaving my mind anytime soon because of it 😳🥵 I'll message you one day but boy does that offer tempt me to do it sooner.
But I won't yet. If I'm gonna it's because I want to talk to you as much as I want to tease you and having the confidence and comfortable space to do so <3 but if you did that I would be just as feral as I make you feel. And I suppose that would be a fair deal...
Hey if you can't make blackmail kinky, hot and in a way that someone would smile and even partly wish to be blackmailed by the right person. Then you're doing something wrong >:3 it doesn't have to be all bad yk~ But I'm glad you found it so hot because I really did think about the potential things I could do to you should you have said no and ran from my car and blackmail came to mind.
The second one was chasing you down.. knowing you were walking home one day in my car and you slipping into a heavy forest area. Forcing me to get out and chase you, knife and gun in hand until reach dead end or I catch up and pounce. Pinning you down and ravaging your pussy against the tree while my hand roughly covers your mouth and you have a knife prickling your throat dangerously 🖤 but all roads lead to blackmail eventually right? That's why enjoying the journey is so important 🤭🔪
Well as much as I'd do unspeakable things to you...just between the two of us. Doesn't mean I can't make it a bit romantic here and there you know? It was part of the goal to mix the love and obessiveness with something as filthy as my ptsd filled mind lol but I'm happy I made you melt in a warm and fuzzy way and made you blush. I bet you looked absolutely dazzling~ Just as much as I want to make you melt in lewd ways, I want to also make you feel warm and wholesome happy fuzziness too.
Yes it would sidfjsod LOL and I adore them~ I can't get enough of them and you. Please keep it up...and post however and whenever you're comfortable with doing so and I promise you'll be rewarded for being such a good, obedient whore for me and all of the followers getting off to you, yeah? Like if you were in a gloryhole both surrounded by multiple cocks on all sides. 😘
I am just an innocent little girl! 🥺💕 I don’t get off to strangers sending me dirty things to read and rub my lil cunny too<3 I would neverrr do that hehe
Ah I’m so glad though! I always feel bad because they’re not as long 💓🥺 I appreciate the work you put into them for me<3 I love them heh <333
And of course, always, take your time<3 I’m definitely not going anywhere I’ll be here when you’re ready☺️💓
Ahhh 🫣💓 I think the blackmail was a great touch to it, it really did make me smile<333 I’m sure if I had reached into my shorts I would’ve been all wet for you 💓💓💓 I just wanna make you so feral and obsessed with me and I don’t know why hehe;’) 💓
And alsooo how did you just hit another one of my kinks 💓🫣 I would love it if you just blindfolded me dropping me off in a random city, and hunting me down in it , or a forest like you said!<333 hunting me through the woods, chasing me, until I finally trip and you catch me, cutting my shorts off and taking me right there in the grass 💓💓💓 I bet I’d be crying and begging you to stop 🥺💕 I’d just be so scared and wet<33
Ahh you honestly have no idea what you do to me<3 I look forward to hearing from you like all day heh💓💓
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pfffsfic · 2 months
Post-Fall Falls False Starts- Chapter 1: The Escape
First Chapter [you are here!] | Next Chapter
It was the seventh day of the post-apocalypse, but to an outsider, it might have looked like the thirtieth day or even the seventh month.
A menagerie of floating, misshapen objects rolled against a TV static sky, and below that layer of miscellany was a layer of floating islands, cracked pieces of the world that had once been superimposed over the depressing parallel realm but was now indistinguishable from it. Towards what had once been the town center, the sounds of fisticuffs echoed outwards 24/7. People- well, the residents of this world, who called themselves people- smashed, burned, and fought each other because they could- this was the apocalypse, it was what any sensible society ought to do in the event of an apocalypse! It was their right.
Traditional currency had been ousted and replaced by gold, only for gold to be ousted two days later via mob vote and replaced by anything. Businesses that refused to accept trade deals faced the wraths of the townsfolk, and businesses that accepted trade deals also faced the wrath of the townsfolk. Wrath was difficult to avoid. The lonely dimension, which had seemed like a dark and cold place to the only one who remembered it from before the collapse, was now up in flames, some literal, some emotional.
On the fifth day of the apocalypse, the-one-who-remembered-it realized he was starting to get hungry.
The junkyard was far enough from the town center to ensure he could avoid the angry atmosphere. That was for the better. This hadn't even begun to blow over. If he were to confront his former students- no! his former classmates- now, surely there would be fresh wounds to deal with. It was tempting, more tempting than he wanted to admit, to put on a smug face, walk right into the middle of a riot at what used to be the middle school, and say, "I told you so." What would they do? What could they do? They couldn't get their precious lives back! They had squandered them! But they could beat him up, and in fact they did beat him up for much less only seven days earlier. And so he stayed in the warehouse in what was left of the junkyard and scraped the bottom of his last can of beans with a piece of metal that was almost spoon-shaped if he squinted. He didn't even like beans. He had bought them to feel like a real prepper the day he saw all this coming for the first time.
"Oh, well," he thought. "Here goes nothing, I guess."
He let out an angsty sigh, crushed the can beneath his foot- which was, to his momentary annoyance, a lot harder than it looked on TV- and got up, heading across the desolate landscape towards the distant scent of fire and chaos.
Somebody had vandalized the town's welcome sign, which now hung from just one of its tether points and read,
"Welcome to NO-more
Population EVERYBODY"
Had there been some sort of agreement to change the town's name from Elmore to No More while he was away, or was the change simply a stroke of genius by the one who had messed with the sign? Either way, he found himself almost- but not quite- smiling at it. It was the sort of reaction you would have to the fourth repost of a meme you liked a decent amount the first time. It wasn't funny enough to be funny, and yet part of him wanted to laugh.
He tossed a rock at the sign, trying to knock it to the ground in an act of rebellion fueled by aimless rage, but he rather anti-climactically missed. One short survey later to make sure nobody saw his shame, he turned on his heel and headed for the smoldering wreckage of the local shopping mall, where rock music blared and an announcer whose voice he recognized as the local news anchor- Kip something?- called out the hastily-conceived epithets of fighters as they entered the ring.
"Next up, it's, well, it's that guy-"
The blue triangular guy at the edge of the makeshift wrestling ring made a garbled noise that, unfortunately for the audience, had no subtitles. He seemed angry. For just a moment, the-one-who-remembered-it (it being the TV static dimension before it combined with Elmore proper, of course, though now that topic had come and gone) found himself mentally kicking himself for paying more attention to the fight than to his purpose here. His eye fell upon the audience, darting from one person to another until he caught sight of a green, blocky-looking man in a business suit and horned motorcycle helmet chewing on some sort of unfamiliar- but still mouthwatering- drumstick. He pushed aside a few people (which was probably fine in the apocalypse, right?) and stood next to him, trying to put up a pretense of watching the fight. A minute or so later of waiting for the triangle's opponent to show up, he turned to the man.
"Hey," he said in his first social interaction since everything he knew collapsed.
"Hmm? What?" replied the man over the cacophony.
The-one-who-remembered-it inhaled sharply.
"Hey, where'd you get that, uh-"
"This helmet? I glued the horns from a halloween headband to my-"
"No!" The-one-who- no, Rob, his name was Rob- snatched the drumstick away and brandished it in his face. "This! Where would I get one of these?"
"F-from me!" stuttered the green guy.
"Give it back!"
"Tell me and I'll give it back, alright?"
"Parking garage, second floor, can't miss it," said the green guy as he grabbed his lunch back from a frustrated Rob.
"Thanks. Was that so hard?"
"Come again?"
"Never mind."
Rob let out a labored breath as he hopped over the gap between the island most of the mall was on and the island the car park was on. It was quieter out here and Rob's internal monologue no longer had to scream for him to hear himself think. Second floor, huh?
He noticed that one of the elevators was on fire and the other one had its doors stuck open on what looked like a sheer drop into darkness. Neither of them would do, and so he heeded the age old prophecy: "IN CASE OF FIRE, USE STAIRS". The stairs themselves were, as it turned out, crumbling behind a squeaky door, and he suspected that perhaps the structural instability wasn't even the fault of the apocalypse. Even so, he walked up under flickering fluorescent lights that must have been so dedicated to their jobs that they kept working without electricity and found himself on the second storey, overlooking abandoned cars and trucks alike, wondering for a moment whether he was missing the supposedly-unmissable. And then he saw it: a red van- no, the red van- illuminated poetically by the only light in the room that was still at full power! He ran to it like an old friend and the window of the driver's seat slid down, a pair of glowing eyes peering out.
"Good evening, young one. How may our humble shop assist-"
"Drop the act, dude! You got food in there, right?"
"...Yes. But it will cost you."
Right, there was no way he'd get anything for free.
"Okay, okay. How much?"
"That depends entirely on how much food you want."
"How much would, say, a drumstick cost?"
"We're all out. My apologies."
"All out. Can I see what it is you do have in there?"
There was a rustling noise and a shadowy hand held out something that looked like the cloven-hoofed leg of some unknown animal.
"This is all we have."
Rob tried to think over the idea of eating that thing and found he liked the idea of starving considerably better at the moment.
"That'll be 50 bucks."
Rob choked on his own spit.
"No way that thing is worth 50 bucks, old man!"
"We also accept trade deals. And gold!"
"C'mon," said Rob, clasping his hands together and speaking in the best friendly tone he could muster. "You and I go way back. Couldn't you do a guy a solid? It's the end of the world."
"You think we're friends? You stole from me when we first met!"
"I could not let that thing into the wrong hands!"
"YOUR hands were the wrong hands, considering you destroyed our merchandise without paying for it."
"Oh, you have no idea." Rob chuckled, rage boiling just behind his attempt at being amiable. The shadowy shopkeeper raised an eyebrow.
"Your plan didn't work, I gather?"
"No. They didn't listen to me."
"I warned you of the dangers of hubris when you bought those machines."
"It wasn't even my hubris, was it? It was theirs!"
"I never said whose hubris it was going to be."
Rob made an exasperated noise.
"If you want the machines back, they're over at the school in one of the admin offices," Rob offered, hoping that the office in question hadn't caved in yet. "Take 'em back and we'll be even, considering the seventy thirty-five I paid. Then you could use the extra money to give me a free whatever-that-is."
"Do you genuinely want this thing?" asked the shopkeeper with a wave of the mystery meat.
"No. Well, not right now, but one of these days I'm going to get really hungry. Cyclopes eat people," he added, as if trying to psych the shopkeeper out. "Who knows what I might resort to?"
"No offense, but, young man, you seem like the sort of guy who wouldn't eat a grilled fish if it had the head still on."
Rob huffed and turned around, hands on his hips, unable to deny the accusation without falling into the bad graces of his one current shot at getting a meal. After several calming breaths he faced back to the shopkeeper, was immediately met with the urge to throttle him, and took a step back to prevent the unfortunate altercation from coming to pass.
"I'll give you a bear trap and a crowbar in exchange for that leg thing."
"Two bear traps."
"I- I don't have two bear traps!"
"No deal, then."
"AUGH-! Let me in there! I want to take a look at your cheaper merchandise!"
The van doors slid open and Rob found himself in the familiar, unsettling atmosphere of the curio shop on wheels once again. He looked over a glowing skull with gemstones for eyes, an issue of a magazine called "TIME of your death", a washing machine that looked deceptively normal, a pedestal that held an impossible triangle.
"Five minutes 'til closing time," said the driver.
"Since when does this place have a closing time?"
"Since we started having to go stock and restock food."
"Oh, that makes-"
Rob's eye widened. The word 'sense' never left his mouth, because he realized it didn't make sense. Where could the driver possibly be going? Where was the food he was selling coming from? Where did any of his artifacts come from? Well, that last question wasn't as important at the moment.
"That makes?"
"Where exactly do you find this food?"
The driver grumbled.
"Far from here."
"Be less vague or I'll kill you again!"
He reached into his backpack and moments later brandished his crowbar in the shopkeeper's face with shaky hands.
"No, no, don't worry about that. We were talking about where you get your food."
"Far from-"
Rob swung and missed, the shopkeeper darting out of the way just in time.
"No! No more cryptic answers! Tell me where!"
He almost saw a bead of sweat run down the shadow man's face. Was it just a trick of the light, or had Rob actually managed to intimidate him? Of course he had, he thought! He was an intimidating guy. Rob found himself full of new confidence and would have pumped his fists if he wasn't in a tense stare-off with the mysterious pair of eyes in front of him.
"Fine, kid, from other universes."
"Like the real world?"
"No, no, I don't go to the real world all willy-nilly. That's something I would only ever do for a hefty sum. Other fake universes."
Rob lowered the crowbar.
"Take me with you," he said. "I'll never bother you ever again. You can leave me in another universe. Just- please, man. Please, I can't stay here!"
"Twenty bucks," deadpanned the shopkeeper with a biting glare.
"Fifteen bucks and a bear trap."
"Fifteen bucks and two bear traps."
"Fifteen bucks, a bear trap, and a crowbar."
"Is it a cursed crowbar?"
Rob almost considered lying and saying yes, but he shook his head, forlorn, the seed of a new idea growing in his head.
"No deal, young man. If you'll excuse me, it's closing time."
Rob sighed and smiled and stepped out of the van.
"Thanks anyways."
"For what?"
"For giving me the time of day."
"Don't mention it."
The van doors closed. Rob's face was placid, and as far as the shopkeeper was concerned his spirit was broken. Why else would anyone accept their fate so calmly? He had pepper spray at the ready in case the boy had put up a fight, but he hated the idea of using it on someone who could be a paying customer (albeit not a well-paying one, right now, in this economy). It was all the better that he had gone willingly and, presumably, thought to himself, 'it was worth a try'. That was why he was smiling, right? If the boy had some sort of other plan, it wasn't immediately obvious to him what that could be, and so he put the idea out of his head, setting his GPS to a coordinate elsewhere in the multiverse and starting the engines.
As far as Rob was concerned, he was about to do the opposite of accepting his fate. In fact, he would cheat it yet again. That was his specialty.
The van wasn't even moving fast yet! It would be a cinch! This time he could get a good grip!
As it started to pull away, he cracked his knuckles and took one last look out the car park window at the static sky. He stuck out his tongue at no one in particular. If the universe could see him, it would surely be seething.
"Goodbye," he said to the same no-one-in-particular, and then he ran and he clung to life for the second time.
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