#keith is Trying
autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
parts one two three
The first emotion Keith feels, immediately upon waking, is intense dread.
And if that doesn’t sum up the day he’s about to have. Fuck’s sake.
He already feels pretty guilty about yesterday. Besides the fact that Lance is his right hand man — they’re supposed to have each other’s backs, and Keith definitely didn’t have Lance’s, because even though Lance wasn’t in the right he wasn’t in the wrong either — and they’re supposed to be leading this as a team, Keith knows part of the reason things fell apart so quickly is because he didn’t talk to Lance last night. He probably couldn’t’ve convinced Lance to kill the beast, obviously, but they could have definitely explored some different angles together. By letting things fester, Keith pretty much ensured that Lance was going to come up with some elaborate, dangerous scheme that was going to cost them an alliance, and worse, possibly get Lance hurt or killed. (Lance had a good track record with dangerous animals, sure, but this is a beast. The thing sounded like a mix between a polar bear and a dragon. There’s only so much Lance can do, uncanny abilities or not.)
But what’s done is done. Keith can’t very well redo yesterday and make Lance un-mad at him and everyone else, so he’ll have to make do with what he’s got.
And what he’s got is first shift on make-sure-Lance-doesn’t-mutiny-duty.
Fuck, Keith thinks as he makes his way out of his room, this is going to be the Actual Worst.
As usual, Keith is one of the first people on the bridge. Unusually, Lance is next. (Usually he is last, and also late).
“Hey, Lance,” Keith says, trying to muster up a smile.
Surprisingly, Lance beams right back. “Hello, Numb — uh,” his smile falters. “I mean, hi there, Mullet.”
Keith slumps. “I’m still Mullet, huh.”
Lance nods.
“You reckon I’ll work my way back up to Keith, soon? I’ll do anything, you know I will. I’ll even try your horrible face mask with you.”
To his further surprise — Lance must have actually slept well, or something — Lance smiles again, and this time it’s soft even to Keith’s eyes.
“Really? You would do that?”
“I’d do anything for you,” Keith says, and it’s more than he means to.
Lance frowns, and Keith’s heart sinks for the millionth time in just a few hours.
“Except help me save an innocent animal’s life,” he says, and there’s nothing Keith can say to that.
They sit in tense silence until the rest of the paladins arrive.
Shiro counts them once they do, like they’re kindergarteners and he’s a very tired EA, and furrows his brow when he finishes.
“Six. Including me. Who are we — where’s Coran?”
“He said he’ll be here in a few dobashes,” Lance says. “A calibrator broke down in the control room somewhere — nothing urgent, but he wants to get it fixed to get it out of the way. He’ll be back before we’re gone long.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, Lance,” Allura says, transparently trying to ease the tense line of his shoulders, a little.
It does not work. Lance sets his jaw and looks away.
Allura sighs. “I’m sorry, Lance,” she tries. “I know this is hard for you. If it were possible, and we had more time, we’d find another way.”
Keith decides that enough is probably enough. Allura and Shiro look genuinely dejected and apologetic, and both Pidge and Hunk look upset.
“Look, Lance, this situation sucks for everyone, okay? It sucks. We’re going to do what we can. If we get to the situation in question and we can actually manage to fix things without killing the beast, then that’s what we’ll do, okay? We’ll do our best.”
Lance exhales, shoulders slumping. He looks… guilty, and his guilt certainly does nothing to appease Keith’s.
“Sorry,” Lance mutters. “I know this is hard for everyone.”
Keith swallows the lump in his throat. He genuinely can’t remember the last time a non-major battle mission sucked so unequivocally for everyone involved, but Jesus Christ.
“Let’s just go,” he says, and everyone nods before following him off the castle and to the wet, humid heat of the planet.
part four
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sourcabbages · 5 months
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"i got sent as backup to this mission and it turns out its u im backing up"
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moonybeam3 · 2 years
If you haven’t seen the new Try Guys video here’s a run down:
•Eugene looks so incredibly pissed off the entire time and has to pause while talking once because he’s so mad
•Keith looks exhausted
•Zach’s voice breaks at one point and he clearly tears up
•they found out about the affair over Labor Day weekend when fans contacted them. They immediately suspended Ned and worked with lawyers and an HR rep to conduct a thorough review. During this time, they edited Ned out of content (they greatly thanked their staff several times).
•Based on this review they officially removed Ned on September 16.
•they had plans to release a bigger better statement but the internet got ahead of them. They are still working on that statement.
•they will be editing Ned out of anything pre-filmed but there is content that is forever lost because of Ned’s involvement.
•they acknowledge how sexist the internet can be and asked for people to think about what they post. They also ask for privacy and understanding for their staff and the family impacted.
•they will continue moving forward with a new era of the Try Guys
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nikogane · 2 months
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apple cider 🍎
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my three inner demons 💖
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greekabooo · 2 years
Remembering the days where I was an active fan of the Try Guys and commenting on their vids and oh boy... did it not age well.
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My boy Noah right here is a prophet.
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hhhh-snakes · 2 years
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I am throwing up
Update: Ariel has removed "wife" from her insta bio
Update 2: Ned has been removed from the Try Guys
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Update 3: Ned had released a statement
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Update 4: Ariel has released a statement asking for privacy
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heynhay · 26 days
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you’re the only one
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pumpkinrootbeer · 2 years
my personal favorite screenshot from a try guys video that has aged deliciously
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ohara-n-brown · 2 years
The more I listen to the TryPod the less I could understand this happening.
The fact that these three men have so much professionalism, that their first and only thoughts were ‘how do we do this right’, the fact that they held it together for weeks to preserve everyone around them while even on tour.. it just baffles me
Eugene, Keith, and Zach are so professional and emotionally mature that it really just blows my mind that Ned could not even extend 1% of the same courtesy to them. To do something so unprofessional and selfish and still look at the three of them and consider yourself a part of their ‘team’.
It really shows the difference in character between Ned and the True Try Guys. Wow.
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lizrw2020 · 2 years
The thought of Keith listening to SOUR by olivia rodrigo in the car after he found out about the ned cheating situation is iconic
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starkmurdocks · 2 years
so let me get this straight: the try guys were quite literally living their best lives when ned decided to (again, quite literally) fuck around?
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iamnotawomanimagod · 2 years
Eugene is chewing on his tongue and is clearly holding back some real rage, Zach is on the verge of tears, and Keith is in Full Professional mode.
In terms of responses, they could've done a lot worse. It was an honest, succinct and straightforward statement. You can tell Ned's actions, and the subsequent decision to fire him, really impacted all of them.
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dicenete · 21 days
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So what if he didn't have the self-discipline? I just thought how cute it is, he simping for MC so hard. Amount of self-control Clavis has is admirable. I think this was from Beast in Heat event? Or maybe it was the AU event where Clavis was a phantom thief? Don't remember anymore xd IkePri Tag Team:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess @floydsteeth @wistfulwanderingone
@sh0jun @lorei-writes
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mayflowers07 · 2 years
Keith now pulling ahead and taking the title of “most married try guy.” God speed my friend, hope you don’t manage to fuck it up too
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