#also what an insensitive cashier
cordeliawhohung · 5 months
This is more of a humorous take of the pet!au but I imagine that Simon knows jack shit about what Bonnie needs on her period. Like it’s that one story when NASA sent an austronaut to space for a week and tried to give her 100 tampons for the trip.
either that or he knows exactly everything about periods and he still buys like, 58 packs of pads and tampons because that man wanted to throttle the cashier who was like "ah, your bird on her menses? what a nice man, taking care of his girl," and wants to avoid having to buy them more than he needs to lmao
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hatchetno1 · 8 months
hey hatchet!! hope youre doing okay, could i request some angsty romantic headcanons between ticci toby and a gn!reader? maybe like if they argue about toby's behavior and whatnot
hey there darling! i’m actually doing great, and i hope you are too! i absolutely love the sound of this request, so here we fucking go (disclaimer i am not an expert on his MULTITUDE of conditions, which practically make up his whole person atp)
arguments about Toby’s behavior are not uncommon.
Toby was born with multiple diseases and disorders; though he doesn’t know his own past, you figure that if his parents did even a little less for him, he would be way worse off than he is now. in fact, you’re pretty sure this is as good as it could get.
but oh, there are so many things you simply do not love about this man.
his CIPA (congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis) prevents him from feeling pain, and as such he has not felt pain since he was born. as such, completely lacking the concept of pain and never remembering that others are susceptible to it, he is often a little too rough with you, not just in bed. sometimes, he grabs you just a little too hard, and it gets to you.
you know he is as dense as he seems, but just in case, you hope hard that he never realizes you’re slowly becoming distant from him. you simply can’t do it, not with his roughness and lack of reverence on your body.
and oh, this is just scratching the surface of his behavioral issues.
Toby is also diagnosed with BPD (borderline personality disorder). this is what you consider to be the worst part of his behavioral issues.
you had the misfortune of ending up as his favorite person (though in his defense there are not many others around him so his poor mentally ill brain pretty much has no choice).
you talk to the cashier at 7-11 for a millisecond too long? suddenly as you walk out, Toby is gone from where he was waiting for you and when you look back, the cashier’s gone too. but you know somewhere behind the store, the poor cashier’s blood is being spilled.
and even if you need just a small something from his fellow proxies, they’re not immune either.
though, you have to say, you prefer asking a random person instead.
because even though tim and brian may be punished by Toby, you feel like you are the one being punished the hardest.
he’ll give you the cold shoulder and guilt trip you and manipulate you.
it’s to the point you don’t think you know what a normal relationship feels like anymore. are boyfriends supposed to be loving? or are they supposed to scowl at you, go silent and cold the moment they notice you talking to someone else, even if it’s absolutely necessary?
and so you do the only thing you can do to rebel: argue.
you first start out gently, chiding him when he does something he’s not supposed to do. you correct him and explain to him why it’s wrong.
but you’re not sure if it goes through to him at all. you genuinely cannot tell, between his desperate apologies right after and the blatant repetition of his behavior.
for a while, it’d just been the apologies and repetition. though you disliked it, you soon came to realize that it was better than apologies, repetition and THEN arguments, guilt tripping and manipulation.
“why can’t you just love me for who i am? do you not love me after all? i was right all along. you’re desperate to get rid of me.”
and the truth is, you are.
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selenemoonlite · 9 months
omg paralive blog >^< I would like to request for twc how they would react/date with a mc who is a lingerie model something like in victoria secret (well I know the brand changed but I mean how it used to be before with the shows, angels, etc. ) it doesn't have to be spicy, just in general?) :0, if there are several you can exclude ryuu maybe, thanks!
┈➤ hello, hello! Thank you for requesting, I can do that. But instead of Ryuu, I'll exclude Shiki cause I think he isn't the type to react to such things. Hope that settles your request! Disclaimer this headcanon has suggestive contents in it!
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┈➤ Saimon Naokira
Open-minded about what work you're into he isn't the one to project things when this is your job. He understands the benefits and how it would help your career.
Boundaries lie within you and of course, he respects that. Naokira has his ways of protecting you when someone crosses the border
Would definitely slide topics with unnecessary and insensitive questions of why he dated you where your body is barely in every lingerie billboard throughout the sales
Lowkey Naokira would fantasize you'd wear those in front of him only for his eyes. A man himself also feels urges and desires so he knows what he wants.
Certainly, you'd drag him to your given lingerie store, he can't help but collect his composure sometimes that he is the only man inside the store. He notices some lovers/boyfriends wouldn't dare to step foot inside, but as he is open to this matter he couldn't care less.
You show off some lingerie in private with him and helps out to pick which suits you, but ends up you're the one who picks the most to yourself
Rarely blushes at sights where he sees your exposed parts. He can turn away or politely leave you to have some time changing as well
Saimon covers your exposed parts cause it reserved for him only and stands himself not to take his temptations in because he loves you
┈➤ Yohei Kanbayashi
At first glance and date when he discovers it. He couldn't help to question if he was dating an executive's prostitute (rude to think but he doesn't wanna offend you in any way he was just clueless about this).
He is used to seeing your poses on every billboard every glimpse of at any mall. Just blatantly ignoring them at all costs. But if some guy fantasizes about you, he dares to break someone's neck.
The "touch her or I'll kill you" and "Wear whatever you want, I can fight" type of guy
Yohei despite his bad boy appearance knows how to worship your body and style. He even goes to the lingerie store alone to buy you a new pair of underwear without shame nor doesn't care at all. He supports you
He makes sure he remembers the right cup size since you told him about it. He easily gets flustered when he goes to the cashier if they have the right exact size that you told him about
Death stares at the people who recognized you as one of those models, cause he is protective of you. Will shy them away if they ever touch you.
Only the lingerie on he is turned on, when in private of course he wants to keep you all by himself.
┈➤ Ryū Natsume
He is either peculiar, clueless, dumb, or all of the above. But rest assured even if he doesn't know of this certain career you have he supports it
Will touch some of your lingerie belongings and wear them like some hats or even anything (like picturing some dummy doing that while he goes inspecting lots of undergarments). Leaving your room in a mess oftentimes.
Ryū's behavior shifts when he sees you pose for him, especially when you ask him if they're good lingerie that suits your style he will pick the ones that are the odd or colorful styles. Mix and match kinda combo.
There are times he flexes out loud just how gorgeous you are, which is embarrassing for you. And even point at the billboards that sometimes you're included too
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hanayori89 · 1 year
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♎️Libra ♎️ 🔮Stare into my crystal ball and what Link do we see?
Alright Children of Aphrodite,
We all know. Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all? You love balance and harmony. You love staring at beautiful things. (You know like two ass cheeks being the same size and completely symmetrical.) You love romance. (That cashier? Yup he was flirting with you! The mailman? Also flirting! Your cat? YOU GUESSED IT!) It's no surprise you're ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of love.
And what is more sweepingly romantic than the idyllic floating island of sky loft?
Let's dive into some of Libra's qualities, shall we?
-People pleasing
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Is it any wonder Skyward Sword Link would be a Libra?
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Just look at him...
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L O O K!
Listen, I'm talking as a Libra heartbreak survivor. The meetings are on Mondays at 5 if anybody needs to attend. These mofos always manage to penetrate my rough, hollow heart with their sincere and well thought out compliments and their googley, expressive eyes.
Just remember, for as sweet and flirtatious as they are with you- they are also that way with everyone else.
I mean do you honestly think Sky wasn't flirting with Patrice, Groose, Zelda, Fi and Ghirahim?! Come on now.
Let's review some Skyward Sword aesthetics that fit Libra:
- Sky obviously uses a gel, a tint, and a comb to tame those eyebrows. You think the Hero of the Skies is gonna be caught dead killing Demise with unruly eyebrows? HA!
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- "Excuse me, Lord Ghirahim, where did you get that eyeliner it's fantastic!"
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- Obviously a Libra would want a villain as fabulous as them in their game, no?
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- We also got the cutest damn Zelda to pine after in this game.
- And this? THE Fluffiest- coziest- warmest- heart-warming damn song that fits the Libra persona oh so well!
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- Do we stop at the cutest character designs and whimsical backdrops? Hell no! We even have fantastic weapons in this game like the gotdamn whip that makes the sassy "ping" noise when you crack it!
If you need more proof as to why Sky is a Libra...
- May I remind you of Lumpy Pumpkin? Autumn? Libra season? I'm giving this one to y'all come on now.
So when Libra season hits and you're looking for a Zelda game to play ...
Light some candles, do a face mask, and sip some wine because you're going to be playing:
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concerningwolves · 3 years
Hi! I'm a hearing person so I have a few questions about how to write d/Deaf characters. 1) How do I describe the difference in what someone can hear with and without their HAs? 2) Is someone who was born d/Deaf less likely to get HAs compared to someone who lost their hearing later in life? 3) Would a person who uses HAs be more likely to sign or speak when communicating with family members? I hope none of these questions are insensitive as that is in no way my intention. Thanks for the help!
Differences between sound with and without HAs
(Here’s another ask on the topic of describing from a deaf POV)
How someone hears with and without their hearing aids will vary depending on their base levels of hearing to start with. I can certainly tell you about my experiences, but you should do some further research on your own to get a richer and more nuanced understanding. YouTube is a great place to start. I always recommend Jessica Kellgren-Fozard’s videos, and there's also this short film:
Some key highlights:
0:25 - In this sequence, she orders a coffee. Note how the cashier's voice is entirely indistinct mumbling. That's exactly what it's like for me at times.
4:07 - sitting around a table when everyone is talking. The voices overlap indistinguishably into a muddy sound-soup, and reading the lips is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot.
Basic rule of thumb for describing sound without HAs is that things are much quieter. Certain sounds may seem muffled, distant, or plain old too soft to hear. I describe HA-less sound as being flat: I can sort of pick up on the sound, but it lacks depth and volume.
Some noises, such as car alarms, go in and out of my hearing range. You know when a noise is very far away, and you think you can hear it but you're not sure what, exactly, you're hearing? That's what it's like for me without HAs, except it's all sound, no matter how distant the source (and my distance range is much, much shorter).
My ability to differentiate sounds and voices is severely impaired without hearing aids, so I’m genuinely be unable to tell whether that's my mum calling from the next room, or Jeremy Vine on the radio in this room. (And I wouldn't be able to tell what either is saying). It's also much harder to tell where a sound is coming from, although this is impacted by the uneven levels of residual hearing in each ear, so mileage may vary depending on type of hearing loss.
The baseline is: HAs make things louder. It's like glasses except for ears, meaning sound is clearer (louder) and better defined. Be sure to research the type your character might use. It’s also a good idea to understand what hearing aids actually do. Here's an article about how hearing aids work.
No two HA-users will hear things in exactly the same way, and there are compounding factors, i.e., how often someone uses the HA(s) (how accustomed they are to them), HA strength and features, and levels of hearing. Different HA models have different specifications, so things will sound slightly different through them. Some of the most powerful and high-spec HAs have a multitude of settings for everything from music, to nature, to crowded spaces, and the sound through each is different because the receiver inside the HA is focusing on different things.
The transition from "everything is quiet, muffled and uneven" to "noise is loud noise is everywhere so much noise" is a big one! When someone first gets a new HA, the audiologist usually recommends wearing it in short stints and building up endurance. I barely use my HAs since I left college, so I'm poorly adjusted to them and get overwhelmed. A character who uses HAs regularly (i.e., daily, for hours at a time, or near-constantly), would obviously notice the difference, but wouldn't focus heavily on it.
You should also consider HA feedback. When HAs work well and the wearer is adjusted to them, it's a smooth ride – until something causes feedback. When that happens, it's like having two little demons screeching in your ears. Loud noises and extreme pitch ranges can cause feedback, which may be a slight buzz or a full-on loud screech. A dog barking or a car backfiring can make my HAs buzz for a solid few seconds, and too much input (i.e., speech and music in a crowded, echoey place) will make them crackle so the sound gets distorted.
How likely is your character to use hearing aids and/or sign language?
Whether someone uses HAs and/or sign language is entirely down to personal preference. Deaf culture is about celebrating deafness without trying to live up to the standards of a hearing world. This doesn't mean nobody in Deaf culture wears HAs or implants, or that every single Deaf person uses sign language instead of verbal. It just means Deaf culture puts emphasis on the Deaf person's autonomy and right to choose without being pressed by hearing society. Therefore, many Deaf people who have been deaf since birth or an early age choose to speak sign language and forgo HAs because they find that route liberating. This isn’t the same for everyone, though.
There’s also the concept of "mainstreaming" to consider. Essentially, it's when a Deaf child is trained to fit into the Hearing world. This can include speech therapy to encourage verbal speech instead of sign language, hearing aids, cochlear implants, and attendance of a mainstream school instead of one for d/Deaf students. Many children who are Deaf from birth or a very young age get mainstreamed, usually because it is presented as a more "desirable" option. Here’s an ask answer about mainstreaming (in the context of cohclear implants).
That's not to say all parents do this, though! It's also true that many Deaf children are allowed to make their own choices. Consider your character's backstory and circumstances, and decide for yourself if they would use HAs and sign language. There's no right or wrong choice! Someone who uses HAs is still Deaf, they just choose to use an aid.
Different circumstances will colour a person's decisions about sign language use and hearing aids, however. Although there are many overlaps in the struggles faced by all HoH and deaf people, going deaf later in life is a very different experience. Those of us who are born deaf are... well, we're deaf. Plain and simple. It's a fact of our existence. But losing hearing is, as the phrase suggests, a loss. Generally speaking, most people want to rectify that loss, (and I think it's very cool modern medical technology allows that).  
Basically, there's no "wrong" way to write a Deaf character when it comes to them using HAs and sign language. The Deaf community isn't a monolith, and we all make our own choices about signing and aid usage.
Hope this helps! (^人^)
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stealoncepaytwice · 3 years
Retail Hell
This was, to put it mildly, stupid. Isfet didn't give a shit about what percentage of workplace injuries were due to improper lifting, or what complications could come of it. He already felt like he'd taken psychic damage from the busted acting in the video (the VHS) about insensitive comments and sexual harassment, and now he was being subjected to this.
He and the guy next to him. Who, if he had to guess, was probably just as bored as Isfet (currently using 'Zac' on his name badge). The store must be a real shithole if they were hiring a couple people at the same time during the slow season; probably the cascade effect when one person quits, then another, then another...
Supposedly they were going to be in charge of stocking, making sure the trucks were unloaded (early morning, pre-sunshine, pre-customer work, which suited Isfet just fine) and making sure all the shelves of craft paper and glitter were labeled correctly, but he knew how this sort of thing went - he was going to be doing his damnedest to be the worst backup cashier possible so he didn't get stuck doing that instead. It was warmer in this breakroom than it had any right to be, and if he'd been here alone he'd roll up his sleeves. But, again, fellow new hire was here with him, and he didn't want to go showing off his cool new fucked up scars. No one had called him out for wearing a turtleneck under the red polo they'd issued him, but as the season progressed it was going to seem weirder and weirder. Whatever. He'd just tell everyone he used to live in Texas or something, and everything up here was chilly by comparison. If it came up. Which hopefully it wouldn't.
Isfet wanted to crack a joke at the stupid shit on the tiny CRT screen in front of them, but also didn't want to open the floodgates for... socializing. He probably should, but he was on edge lately, his nerves worse than usual. He was doing everything in his power just to keep from causing little distortions on the screen from his own powers acting up. Ugh. UGH.
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noszkass · 3 years
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garrison "grady" oliver knox jr.
thirty two. podcast host. amateur sleuth. casey deidrick.
grady: [looks deeply into your eyes; pats your knee, sympathetically.] grady: “i don’t care.”
content warnings: mentions child neglect, parental abandonment, missing parent, (suspected) death of a parent, alcoholism.
dominant traits. opinionated, surface level arrogant, judgmental, creative, sarcastic, invasive, blunt/crass, antisocial, stubborn, self-aware, unyielding, grudge-holding, mouthy (read as: "brutally honest"), insensitive, protective, intuitive, reactive, self-reliant, observant, adaptable, impulsive.
fictional parallels. connor welsh (htgawm); jess mariano (gilmore girls); jughead jones (riverdale); stiles stilinski (teen wolf); nancy drew (cw nd); veronica mars (vm).
○ his name is grady. no one calls him garrison, not anymore. not since his mother was around. i say around, and not alive, because she isn't dead. just missing. a town native who moved away when she was pregnant with him, but brought a lot of the darker parts of miriam's well with her. he was raised on unfinished stories and embellished half truths about the place his mother grew up in─the place he eventually called home at fourteen─and, ultimately, is probably responsible for his interest in all things unexplained. and his father, well... his father is around georgia, somewhere, he supposes. they haven't spoken for a while. believe it of not, a relationship with your son doesn't cure at the bottom of a bottle.
○ his life pretty much always baseline sucks and his attitude and demeanor mirrors that. which is fine since grads is the type of guy who makes more acquaintances than he does friends. and even more enemies than that. he will casually put his nose in your business because "that’s my job" and he makes no apologies for who he is.
○ when he was younger he wanted to be a journalist, a photographer, and novelist and you can tell. too curious for his own good and heavily believes in not only checking his sources, but questioning everything. he's not afraid to stand up for the things he believes in or for the people he finds deserving of it, and has very little issue or care to what what consequences these actions might breed. he also may or may not be a coffee addict.
the corner booth at the local diner; twilight zone background noise; the smell of coffee seeping from moist skin; sweeping honesty; not only is the truth out there, but it also probably sucks; ring around the rosie was about the black plague; anti-social social club; dry sarcasm over milkshakes; swear jar that has his name on it; the company misery loves; mean nerd aesthetic; late nights in the studio with great music and a constant opinion.
plot hooks.
○ his family. well, his mother's family. the people she left behind, whatever's left of them. possibly an aunt (preferably his mother's twin, who he had no idea existed, so imagine that shock) who took him in when she went missing at fourteen and any potential children she might have? because cousin relationships are great and no one has your back or will kick your ass quite like family. can't imagine them being well off, more like town trash and maybe this aunt was the best of them. ○ veronica mars needs clients. ACAB indeed, but sometimes people need solutions to problems that a corrupted small-town government isn't capable (or willing) to get them. what does that mean? for the low price of [insert negotiation here] this knox boy will go out of his way to find the answers you need. husband fucking the secretary? photos will hold up nicely in divorce court─not to mention i'm a ~fantastic photographer. you get the idea. sure, it's not the prettiest (or cleanest) job, but it's easier to make money off liars, thieves, and cheating spouses than you might realize. especially in a small town with such an ugly history. ○ the unlucky barista/cashier/counter girl. it'd be nice to have a little back-and-forth relationship with someone who might work for his aunt? i imagined [his aunt] owns a coffee shop or cafe (or something of the sort) and he's always in there helping himself to free coffee and snacks and likes to poke and prod this person when he's bored via asking a million intrusive questions or just being his curious, obnoxious self. taken by noor ♡ ○ co-hosts of the night shift. well, it's not the doomsday podcast, certainly not with their following, but like a lot of people who find their way to miriam's well, they share the same basic general interest (unsolved mysteries, serial killers/true crime, paranormal/ghost hunting, lore, extraterrestrial, etc.) except, grady also likes to use his platform to bitch and moan about other things that happen in town. some topics more pointed than others, and often about public officials he has no business putting on the air and his fellow casters probably hate him doing. no one likes a target on their back. ○ pizza buddy + longtime friend. someone (preferably someone he considers close/from when he first moved to mw) who will go with him to flying saucers at two am for "out of stock" garlic knots (and/or an employee he bribes with🍃for said knots 👀) because he's an actual human garbage disposal and he hates himself just enough to like the aesthetic and that entire plot sounds fucking awesome?? bonus points if they both used to work there when they were younger, and now this shit is habit/a bastard tradition at this point. ○ doomsday descendants. characters who are part of the families who have abduction histories that he can interview and broadcast on his podcast─also pick their brain about every little detail and absolutely get on their nerves in some way or another.
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breakfast-cereal · 3 years
Stupid For You (3) -Johnlock
!¡Trigger Warning¡! DO NOT IGNORE!: mentions to drugs and addiction, alcohol use, vomiting, hints to declining/poor mental health.
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John felt guilty as he stared into the ceiling. He always felt guilty lately. He wanted comfort. He wanted Sherlock again. Sherlock made him feel comfortable, most of the time.
Sherlock came into their bedroom and laid down next to John. John had that guilty feeling nagging in his stomach. He wanted normal. He wanted this all to go away.
"Rosie is asleep," Sherlock mumbled.
John turned to stare at the wall. It had the ugliest wallpaper that John had wanted to change for ages. Looking at the wallpaper almost made him forget until he felt Sherlock's arm over him, and then Sherlock's body. Was Sherlock cuddling him?
"Sherlock," John questioned,
"John." Sherlock sounded incredibly groggy.
"Are you cuddling me?",
"Do you mind?" John felt a heat in his cheeks. He couldn't be blushing. Maybe he was blushing.
"No." Sherlock wrapped his arms tighter around John and pulled him closer. John moved his arm to be over Sherlock's. Their fingers gently brushed together, but neither moved. John loved this moment. It felt right. He wanted this.
John had woken up without Sherlock. He felt cold. John couldn't deny it anymore. Even if he tried the thought would resurface. John loved Sherlock. He wanted to deny it. He wanted to deny it badly because Sherlock would never like him. He knew this would be one-sided, and it hurt, but he couldn't deny it anymore. His feelings existed and he had to accept them. He had to accept all of them.
John exited their bedroom to see Sherlock pulling apart their bookshelf for Jane Eyre while Rosie watched intently.
"What's Sherly doing?" She looked at Sherlock attentively.
"I'm not sure." John came up close to Sherlock and quietly mumbled, "what the fuck are you doing?",
"Jane Eyre. The objects and Jane Eyre. There were clues the objects and there has to be in this. By the way, the password on your computer needs to be stronger. Found it out very easily.",
"You looked on my computer?"  John whispered aggressively.
"It was necessary for the case. I'm sure you'll forgive me." Sherlock was right, John would forgive him. Though at the moment he was incredibly annoyed.
"You went on to my computer without my permission and now you're tearing apart our bookshelf." John wasn't sure where his point was trying to go, but he was just angry. Angry at everything. "Remind me why we have seven copies of Jane Eyre spread across the bookshelf?",
"I've accumulated them. Mostly gag gifts from Mycroft." Sherlock pulled out one copy to shake it and have a paper fall on the floor. He picked it up and ran to his desk, placing it with the other papers.
"What's that?" Rosie asked,
"Important papers for daddy's work," Sherlock responded immediately. John was always shocked by how well Sherlock was becoming with Rosie. Rather than being extremely blunt, Sherlock had worked on dialling it down. John was also shocked that Sherlock considered himself Rosie's dad.
"Why don't you go play in your room for a bit, okay?" John added.
Rosie scurried into her room and John went over to Sherlock. He had felt this strange anger after he realized his interest in Sherlock. He was angry Sherlock didn't realize. He could read people so easily, so why didn't he realize? Why didn't he call John out? Did Sherlock already know and that's why he's always been distant? Does he hate John? John began reaching at possible scenarios without noticing the tears building in his eyes. He didn't cry, but then again, he's been doing things that he never expected to do a lot these past few years.
"It seems that they're another set of coordinates. I'm going to need your laptop to check where they are or just some form of access to google maps." John gritted his teeth together. Sherlock could read people, but it seems he forgot that emotions exist. Sometimes, John felt like he was talking to a brick wall. A brick wall that responds, but can't acknowledge.
"Are you oblivious or just extremely insensitive? Because I feel like it's the latter." John gripped the edges of the table as Sherlock gave him a strange glance.
"I'm not oblivious, though I've been told I'm insensitive," Sherlock responded nonchalantly. He responded in a way that made John feel like steam was coming out of his ears.
"People who tell you that are right. You are insensitive. How do you think I feel when you disappear? Or go off on a bender? There are times I worry if you're going to die! You don't realize how you're actions are going to affect people." Sherlock stared back at John.
"I understand you're angry.",
"That's all? No apology?" John didn't care if he was being rational. He knew he wasn't.
"I'm sorry, John." Sherlock seemed genuine, but at the same time, it seemed so false.
John couldn't take it. He needed a drink, which wasn't the healthiest coping mechanism, but it was the only thing he had unless he let down his pride and started seeing a therapist again. He grabbed his coat, and this time grabbed his wallet as well. John slammed the door, hoping Sherlock would maybe come after him, but he didn't.
John was sitting in a cab. The driver gave him strange looks every once in a while that was beginning to get to John. He felt trapped. He felt stupid as well. Going to a pub at barely eleven. John saw a bookstore approaching in the corner of his eye.
"Stop here,"
The cabbie pulled over to the side and John handed him a twenty.
John walked to the bookstore and noticed it was near the building covered in vines. The building John remembered clinging on to. John would not be doing that again.
A faint ring was heard as he entered the bookstore. It was relatively quaint and packed to the brim with novels. He saw a copy of Jane Eyre leaning off the shelf and thought of Sherlock. He felt guilt while looking at the book. He had treated Sherlock so terribly and left without considering how Sherlock may feel, but then John felt anger again. Sherlock didn't care how John felt, so why should John care how Sherlock felt. John didn't feel the buzzing in his pocket of Sherlock texting him frantically. It was, John? I'm sorry. Respond SH. repeating over again with slight variations every time.
John brushed his fingers over the books, and his mind still went to ones Sherlock would like. There was a book on unsolved criminal cases that John could see Sherlock flipping through. There was another book of violin compositions. John found these books a strange combination, but he didn't question it, assuming this was a second-hand book shop. He couldn't help himself as he pulled both books off the shelf and placed them into his hands. He checked the prices and felt relieved to see they were only a total of £25 together.
The cashier smiled at him, "Interesting combination.",
"For an interesting person," John responded. He felt the anger towards Sherlock lessen. Even if Sherlock did piss him off, he still cared about him.
"Mm, would you like a gift receipt with that?",
"No, thank you." John took the books in his hands, ignoring the extra 15 cents he could have spent on an easier carry.
John placed the books down on the ground and opened the flat. He hoped the books would make for an adequate apology.
"I texted you," Sherlock said as John entered.
"I didn't realize. I got you things." John placed the books on Sherlock's desk.
Sherlock looked at the titles of them and smiled. "Thank you." He muttered.
It seemed so unnatural for Sherlock to thankful for something, but it made John feel giddy.
"I asked Mrs. Hudson to watch Rosie. The coordinates lead to a park in central London." Sherlock grabbed his coat off the coat rack and his hat. The paparazzi had calmed down a little, but Sherlock still insisted on bringing his hat places. "Mrs. Hudson should be here," Sherlock placed his cap on his head, "now."
Mrs. Hudson smiled at them as she walked into the flat. "On a date?",
"No, simply a case." Sherlock grabbed John's coat and threw it at him. John barely caught it.
"Well, have fun boys." Mrs. Hudson called from the flat as they left.
John's hand rested near Sherlock's in the cab. Sherlock moved his hand slightly so it rested on John's. John felt his heart beat out of his chest. Sherlock meant it in a friendly way, but John couldn't stop thinking about what this meant. He felt the butterflies again, and heat on his face.
Sherlock didn't move his hand, nor did John. They sat without admitting the hand holding. They had done it before, but this was different. As the last time they did it they were also in handcuffs. Or maybe it wasn't different and John was just reaching.
John was just as close to Sherlock on a train. Their hands touching again. John leaned on to Sherlock, testing the waters. Sherlock moved his hand to put his arm over John and John felt like he did in the cab. He felt like he had just had his first kiss all over again. John wasn't one for PDA, but he could ignore it for this. This was his one exception.
John knew they wouldn't talk about this once they had gotten to the park. They would never talk about this. It was like the cuddling or that thing that one time. John hoped they didn't talk about this. He'd end up admitting things he wanted to keep secret. He'd spill his feelings like one would with a glass of wine then they're a little too tipsy.
Sherlock looked at down at John and moved on to looking at his lips. It seemed as if Sherlock was studying them. He studied the soft curves, and John thought Sherlock might kiss him right there on the train. Sherlock glanced away though. He looked at the posters and people. Almost like he was trying to ignore John. John slumped down and Sherlock lowered his arm to catch John. John felt strange. Sherlock was being strange, which was odd. Sherlock wasn't usually one to be like this, but there were times when Sherlock would spiral. He would spiral off into a bender, that would cause John to panic because he knew one day it would kill him. He didn't want to have one day where he finds Sherlock dead with a needle in his arm. It terrified him. His terror always turned into anger. He tried to control it, but he wanted to scream at Sherlock when he does things like that. Sometimes he does. Sometimes he'll yell until his voice is hoarse, but it doesn't make him feel any better and it doesn't fix things. This moment on the train made all those bad moments so prominent. Instead of John's brain going to Sherlock doesn't like him, it went to Sherlock deserves better. He didn't want to think about this, especially not like this, but he couldn't stop himself. His brain went into a spiral. It was an uncontrollable waterfall of negative thoughts until the train came to a stop.
The park had lush green grass and multiple playsets. It didn't seem like the place to meet up with someone shady and who knew if they were even there? Rather than questioning Sherlock's motives to come here at this time, he followed him to a secluded area.
There was a man in a black coat standing there with his back facing towards them.
"Brother, dear." Mycroft spun around.
Sherlock had a look of complete confusion on his face.
"I expected you." He approached them, "Now, I'd assume you'd have figured it was me and not wasted your time to come here, but I was wrong. You were always the slow one, so I shouldn't have expected much." ,
"Why are you here?" Sherlock had an angry edge to his voice.
"You seemed quite bored in that little flat of yours, so I set up a fake case.",
"How did you manage to get things in our flat?" John asked,
"Well, for one, giving little gifts is an easy way to infiltrate into your flat, and then I just placed all the clues. By the way John, you should use a stronger password."
"So you placed things in our flat without permission and managed to have us not notice until the woman came?" Sherlock smiled, "Quite genius, I have to say.",
"Genius? Sherlock, he went through my computer!" John glared at Mycroft.
"You have some quite interesting files." John's eyes went wide. "Work is also a quite obvious porn file name, so I'd recommend changing that," Mycroft added. John felt a little calmer knowing Mycroft hadn't found the file on Johnlock articles.
Sherlock laughed and looked down at John. John felt small under Sherlock's stare. Sherlock glanced at John's lips again, and Mycroft coughed.
"I'd rather not see what you do in private, please take the PDA somewhere else.",
"There's nothing going on between us," John responded automatically. Sherlock shook his head in agreement.
"Nothing at all," Sherlock said.
Mycroft smiled at them, "of course."
There was a heavy tension between them as they left the park. John wanted to say something, but all he would say would raise the tension.
They both walked next to each other and John accepted Sherlock not flagging down a cab. There was a heavy silence that said everything.
"Sorry about Mycroft. He can be a little much sometimes.",
"For someone who's supposed to be a genius you're incredibly stupid." John covered his mouth in a panic. Why did he say that? He wanted to take back the words. Fall back in time and disappear.
There was no going back. John was all in. He could either make something up or admit. John needed to admit things. The weight was taking up his life. He wanted to admit things, but he needed a better time.
"We should go to that restaurant." John pointed down the street to a random building.
"That's a bookstore, John." Sherlock deadpanned,
"Let's find a restaurant." John walked down the block looking at names of stores until he found a small cafe. Amour Cafe was printed in bold letters on a wooden sign. John brought Sherlock into the cafe. The interior had plush leather booths and small tables. The cash had food items on the shelf. Each one with a price John couldn't read out underneath.
They walked up to the cash and a person with a friendly smile greeted them. "Welcome to Amour Cafe, what can I get 'ya?",
John looked over the options, but Sherlock spoke before him. "We'll have two teas. Room at the top for milk.",
"I'll get right on that, sir. Your order number is 12."
Sherlock brought John to one of the booths and patted the spot next to him.
"Why did you order for me?",
"I know what you usually want." Sherlock looked at the table. "They have a very interesting type of wood. It seems that multiple people have sat here and some even carved in their initials. Do you see it?",
"Sherlock," John hissed, "why are you acting like this?",
"Acting like what?" Sherlock continued to pick at the table.
"Like something is wrong.",
"Mycroft can be a bit much." Sherlock tried to seem calm, but there was a bitter tone in his voice. "Sometimes he knows too much."
John looked at Sherlock. Sherlock returned the look and his gaze went down to John's lips again. John wanted to shy away, but he didn't. He kept his eyes locked with Sherlock as if they were in some strange staring contest. A staring contest where you were able to cut the tension with a knife. Sherlock leaned down at went to cup John's face but a bell ringing made Sherlock jump back.
"Number 11." The person at the counter called.
Sherlock and John watched as two people went up, their hands interlocked. They looked so happy. Sherlock glanced back at John and quickly looked away. John wanted that. He wanted it to be like that with Sherlock. He couldn't have that, though. Sherlock didn't like him. Earlier was just John's brain. He was thinking about it so he imagined it was real. Sherlock wouldn't kiss John.
John's tea was subpar, but he couldn't blame the cafe. He felt tense and anxious next to Sherlock. He wanted something to happen, but he didn't. The feeling wasn't a calm before the storm, it was more the opposite. These feelings were a storm without calm. It was the bottom of the ocean. Mostly unexplored, and confusing. Oddly, this was the most human John had seen Sherlock. He could read Sherlock this time. Sherlock was uncomfortable. He looked lost.
Sherlock turned abruptly down an alley. John wondered if this was where Sherlock was going to end up murdering him. Instead, Sherlock grabbed John's hand and pulled him further down the alley. John was shocked at the touch but accepted it nonetheless.
At the other end of the alley were rows of shops and a smaller park. Sherlock led John to the park, which was rather secluded.
Sherlock didn't let go of John as he led him through the park. John started to dislike this layout. There was a park just through that alley, yet they had to build another one. John couldn't hate this park, though, so he directed his hate towards the other park. This park was gentle. It called John, telling him it would be okay, whereas the other park was pushing John, telling him he needed to grow up. The other park also had Mycroft Holmes.
Sherlock seemed to not know where they were going, but he pulled John to a tree and stopped.
"What did you mean earlier?" Sherlock questioned,
"Well, I, uhm, Sherlock," John fumbled over his words while Sherlock watched intently. Sherlock tried to figure John out. Sherlock studied John again. This time there was realization in Sherlock's eyes. The realization became confusion and the cycle started over again. John wanted to show Sherlock. He wanted to tell him. He wanted to get what he meant out somehow. John knew he loved Sherlock. There. He had admitted it. He loved Sherlock. He wanted Sherlock. He was infatuated. Stupid, even.
John couldn't take this anymore. He looked at Sherlock, starting the staring game again. This time, John focused on Sherlock's lips more than his eyes. He wanted to do something. He wanted to make the move. He feared rejection. He feared what Sherlock would say or do.
The tree was a weeping willow. It had gorgeous long branches that nearly touched the ground, though it had small openings, most likely from people entering the small enclosure underneath. The tree had an aura of comfort. It didn't need explanation; it was just there. It existed without explanation.
They were still holding hands. Sherlock glanced back at John's lips and kept his gaze there. John looked back into Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock had these beautiful brown eyes that had so much meaning. Sherlock was beautiful as a whole. He was beautiful and confusing. He was a person who was hard to like, but John managed to fall for him. John Watson, who told himself he strictly liked women, fell for a man who was the hardest to fall for. He had fallen hard. He let go of Sherlock's hand and reached up. He brushed Sherlock's jaw with his hands and pulled him down. Sherlock placed his hands on John's waist as they kissed. The butterflies were there again, but this time John didn't mind. This felt right to him. He felt confirmed. Sherlock pulled John closer and put more pressure into the kiss. The kiss was like the tree; it existed. Rather than existing without needed explanation, it existed as an explanation. Sherlock had gotten the answer to his question. Because you haven't realized I'm stupid for you.
John sat at his computer with Sherlock working behind him. The blog post for this case would be interesting, to say the least. John began typing and deleting. It repeated until he had found what he was looking for.
THE FAKE WOMAN This case that was incredibly fascinating, turned out fake. A setup. Not to say it wasn't interesting. This case was revealing. It was naked. My boyfriend, Sherlock Holmes, had stayed focused on this case for days, even when it seemed nothing was to come of it.
John stared at the words written down with a smile. Boyfriend. His boyfriend, Sherlock Holmes.
TAG LIST: @johnlocktrashsblog @ephemeraljimin @artefo @love-j0y
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sweet-taiyaki · 3 years
Cherry Blossoms in the Spring 🌸 (Part 3)
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Pairing: ProHero! Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight) x ProHero!Reader (she/her)
Featuring: All Might, Deku, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, Shoto Todoroki
Word Count: 3.4k
Synopsis: After your encounter with All Might, you felt like you need more training to become a better hero. Bakugo’s agency takes you in, but things go not as planned. 
Quirk: Telekinesis: Levitate any object by mental force. Her blue horn glows when she uses her quirk to enhance mental capacity. 
Warnings: Mentions of blood
“Hey, kid,” Toshinori said. “No need to be alarmed. It’s just a little blood.”
“I’ll get those punks that did this to you. How can people be so insensitive,” I helped him up.
“No one really knows me anymore. After I retired, a lot of people were devastated, but once they saw young Deku and young Dynamight, they know that they are safe. That’s what really matters. The combination of justice and peace has been recognized by the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart making them the top two. But I also heard that you are in the top ten, young Aura.”
Was I dreaming? The Symbol of Peace knows me. “I want to protect people and have people rely on me. Like they did with you, All Might,” I said tearing up.
“Your hero work is pretty spectacular, and it shows that you have compassion and trust for the protection of the people. But you can’t hide in the shadows anymore. People need to know who you are, and you have to break out of your introvertive shell. I know you can protect people, but show the people that you do. That’s how more people will trust you. You are not alone. Heroes all over would be willing to help you. We build each other up to fight crime. We are here for you,” All Might smiled. I felt alone, but after this conversation with All Might, I don’t feel so lonely anymore. His head continued to bleed.
“All Might, I have to get you to a hospital.” I carried him to the nearest hospital. Not only was he frail, but he was also shaking. I told the ER doctors what happened, and they took him away into a room. I couldn’t go in since I was not a relative of his. I sat in the waiting room, awaiting what they had to say. My curiosity grew larger, and I started to panic in the chair. If only I could have stopped those thugs, I could have saved All Might. I saw Kirishima with an elderly woman with the same head injury. “Kirishima,” I yelled for him.
“(Y/N), what are you doing here. Help me with this lady,” he said. I helped the woman on a stretcher as Kirishima told the ER doctors what happened. It was almost the same situation as All Might. “Damn thugs tried to assault this dear lady. Thankfully, Bakugo caught up to them and brought them to justice. But what are you doing here,” he asked.
I started crying. It’s my fault All Might is here. And the fact that he could possibly die, I feel his blood is on my hands. “Hey, hey now, (Y/N). It’s okay. I’ll help you through this,” he hugged me as I cried into his chest.
“I—I—It’s—A—All Might,” I said through my tears. “Some brats threw him to the ground and beat him up. I aided to All Might, but they could still be out there assaulting other people. It’s all my fault that they got away. I—I couldn’t protect him.” Kirishima’s eyes widened as I mentioned All Might. Bakugo slowly walked into the waiting room to see Kirishima and I.
“(Y/N), what happened,” Bakugo said. After explaining what I witnessed with All Might. Bakugo’s heart dropped. He called a lot of people to be here to wait for the results of All Might. Deku came in with tears in his eyes. We all thought the worst. “Who were those idiots? What did they look like, (Y/N),” Bakugo said.
“There was four of them. They looked like they were in their upper teens. Were they the same as the ones that jumped the elderly lady,” I asked.
“I assume so,” he said. “I put four thugs in jail, but knowing that they also did this to All Might, I could stretch their sentence for assaulting the Symbol of Peace. I’ll kill them myself,” he said angrily.
After about a half hour, the ER doctor came out. “(Y/N),” he said. I went up to him to hear about All Might. “Yagi is stable. The bleeding has stopped, and I suggest that he stays in our care until he makes a full recovery.” I look back to Deku and Bakugo and nodded to them, assuring them that he is okay.
“Thank you, doctor. Is he able to see anyone,” I asked.
“He only wants to see Deku at this time,” the doctor said. Deku’s ears raised and he slowly walked to All Might’s room. All the heroes started to leave when they found out that All Might was okay. Bakugo and I stayed behind to know what he said to Deku. I kept fiddling with my hands with anxiety as we sat in silence.
“It’s okay, (Y/N),” Bakugo said putting his hand on mine. “We caught the guys, and All Might is okay. There’s no need to beat yourself up further.”
“I thought I could do better. I want to save and protect people, but I also want to bring the thugs and villains to justice,” I said.
“Kirishima and I are a team to do both of those things. It’s a lot for one person to do both. You should come over and train at our agency with us. We’ll make you stronger and support you with any fight,” he said. After what All Might said about coming out of the shadows, maybe joining a team would help my fighting style and protect people.
“Yes,” I said. “I think I could use the training. Thank you, Bakugo.” I got up as Deku came out of the room. I saw All Might smile with a thumbs up before his door closed. “Will he be okay,” I asked.
“Yeah,” Deku said. “He should be good as new in a few days. His strong spirit won’t let this incident hurt him.” We all left the hospital.
“Hey, blue horn. Tomorrow morning, we’ll train,” Bakugo said.
“Right,” I replied. He smirked as he walked the other way.
7 am
I arrived at Bakugo’s agency and was greeted by the secretary, Mio. “Welcome, Aura. We’ve been expecting you,” she says. She hands me paperwork to ensure my safety consent due to their proprietary equipment. I signed it and she was staring at me.
“Take a picture, Mio. It lasts longer,” Bakugo said turning the corner. He was wearing casual clothes, quite baggy and comfortable. He looked at my paperwork then back at me. “You’re early, you idiot.”
“To be fair, I didn’t receive a certain time. When do you usually train?”
“8 am, usually. You normally wake up this early?”
“Well, I went for a run this morning before I came,” I said.
“You must be hungry,” Bakugo said putting on a jacket. “Let’s grab something to eat.” He walks out and I turn back to Mio.
“Would you like something? I can bring something back,” I asked her.
“A pastry would be nice,” she said.
“Of course, I’ll be back.” I followed Bakugo. We walked through the streets and he immediately got recognized.
“You’re amazing Dynamight! He’s so handsome! The way you blasted that villain was amazing!” He was annoyed with the crowd, but he knew he had to deal with it considering he is the number one hero.
“A lot of people admire you,” I said softly.
“Tch,” he said. We arrived at the bakery for pastries, fruit, and tea.
“Dynamight, what can I get for you,” the cashier said.
“Y’know next to me is the number six hero. I think you should show her some respect,” he said to her. The cashier looked at me then back to Bakugo.
“I apologize Dynamight. What can I get for the both of you,” she said.
“The pastry, tea, and fruit package, please,” Bakugo said. The cashier nodded and cashed him out.
“I could have pitched in,” I said.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Bakugo said. “This is for my agency and I needed an extra hand.”
“Oh,” I whispered.
“C’mon, I’m not that heartless. Would you like anything else,” he smirked.
“No, this is great for everyone.” We walked back to the agency and met in Arena Gamma. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido were there.
“Morning, (Y/N). Good to see you,” Kirishima said as Bakugo and I set down the food and drinks.
“Ugh, I’m starving. Thanks, Bakugo. You should do this more often,” Kaminari said.
“It’s not often that we have a guest. (Y/N) will be training with us today. Later, we’ll patrol the city,” Bakugo said. Everyone started to eat and drink, but I didn’t see Mio. I saved her a pastry, a cup of fruit and a cup of tea and walked up to her at the front desk.
“Hey Mio. I don’t understand why you can’t join us, but I brought you this,” I handed her the goodies.
“Oh thank you, (Y/N). I’m just a civilian. I don’t really affiliate with hero work, even if it’s a breakfast meeting,” she said.
“Your safety is important, but you should at least be included. I hope you like working here.”
“I do,” she said. “I wish I was appreciated more, but I know the heroes have a lot to handle. I handle the paperwork, marketing, internships, and media with this agency. Sometimes it’s a lot, but I like what I do.”
“You do a wonderful job,” I smiled.
“Thank you, (Y/N) and thank you for the pastry.” I return to Arena Gamma and everyone is changing into their hero suit. We walk to the arena. It’s an open space with windows. I would think there would be weights or machines to help with our strength.
“Uh, where’s all the equipment,” I said.
“We don’t train like that,” Sero said.
“Today, we’re doing close combat against each other,” Kirishima said.
Mio was at the live board controlling who would be going up against each other. First, it was Ashido and Kirishima, then Sero and Kaminari, then Bakugo and me. I watched the fights as they didn’t hold back on their quirks and fighting skills. There was a recovery center onsite just in case someone was severely hurt. Kirishima hardened his body to protect himself from Mina’s acid and threw it back to her. Kaminari tried to electrify Sero with his tape to help his current, but ended up dumbing himself. Sero exited the arena and looked at me. “You’re up, newbie,” he said.
I was up against the number one hero. We entered the arena simultaneously. “On your marks,” Mio said over the intercom.
“Don’t hold back, newbie. I expect to beat you at your best,” Bakugo said. The start horn goes off and Bakugo charges at me. We take a few punches from each other then he began to charge his gauntlets. My blue horn starts to glow.
The explosion engulfed the entire room. The smoke disappears to reveal that I put a force field around me. I send an invisible fist to Bakugo through the smoke. He falls to the ground. My glow is almost blinding as my telekinetic field grows larger. I’ve never tried this wide of distance before. He charged at me and flung his sweat at me. There was a brief moment where we looked in each other’s eyes of determination. Both of our faces were content and soft, but I was back in battle mode. My force field caught his sweat and I threw it back to him, causing him to blow himself up. After the smoke dissipated, I saw Bakugo, motionless. I ran over to him.
“Bakugo,” I yelled. I felt his torso to see if there were injuries. He flinched when I touched his left side. I closed my eyes as I healed his internal bleeding. His eyes flutter open. “Are you alright?”
“What? So you can heal too,” he said annoyed.
“I didn’t want to hurt you, but something came over me. I’m sorry,” I said.
“You are powerful. The look in your eye makes you determined, but I am better than that,” he barked as he walked away. I walked back to the observing room.
“That was amazing, (Y/N),” Kirishima yelled. Bakugo walked in and the room got silent.
“We’re not finished,” he said. He got close to my face. “I’m not done with you. I will beat you. You got that?” I got even closer to his face.
“I’ll meet you in the arena,” I said in his face and walked away. His eyebrows shot up.
“Are you turned on or is it just me,” Kaminari broke the ice.
“Shut up, dunce face,” Bakugo barked. “I will win this fight.” We enter the arena. His eyes look more determined in this round than the last. I charge at him and he dodged his way to get behind me. He punched me in the back, but I got up instantly. My horn started to glow. I closed my eyes to perceive the area around me. I could hear Bakugo about to punch me when I take all of his limbs and hold him in the air. He struggles to reach his gauntlet. “Tch, you don’t know that I’ve been storing my sweat this whole time. HOWITZER IMPACT!” I was thrown across the arena with his explosion. My ears rang so loudly. The smoke disappeared and Bakugo came over. He started talking to me, but I couldn’t hear anything. His face got soft. I know he didn’t want to hurt me, but he wanted to win. And he did.
“I can’t hear anything, but you win,” I said getting up. I was about to exit the arena when I saw Bakugo grab my arm. His voice was fant, but I believe he said that he wanted to get me to the recovery center to get my ears checked.
We arrive at the doctor’s office and the doctor told Bakugo that I have temporary hearing loss due to his quirk. He turns to me, and attempts to hold my hands. I flinch away. I was scared of him. If I trained more with him, would my hearing be lost completely? I couldn’t help but tear up with anxiety. My thoughts clouded my mind since it was the only voices I could hear. I left the doctor’s office with Bakugo and started to walk home.
A few days later, my hearing came back. I took a break from hero work since most of my power is being aware of my surroundings. I felt useless, but I’m glad I have my hearing back. I decided to go for a walk through the park near my apartment. The park was filled with cherry blossom trees and rivers. I walked along the river, watching the fish dance in the water. Cherry blossoms were blooming on the trees. Some would cascade in the water. It was so pretty and so calm. I love it here.
I saw a wave of ice in the distance appear out of nowhere. Shoto. I ran close to the scene to assist Shoto if he needed help. He was fighting a villain with a water quirk. There was snow and ice everywhere. Shoto eventually froze the villain and helped the police take him in. “I’ll melt the ice when you have him restrained for questioning,” he said. He looked over to me and walked over.
“Hey. You’re number six. I’m Shoto. I heard what happened. I should have warned you to go over to Bakugo’s agency. Some interns that went there completely lost their hearing, which is why everyone that trains there signs a consent form. You should consider yourself lucky. Thankfully, you have your hearing back. Here’s my card, I can help you train properly, if you’d like. Deku visits sometimes as well.”
“Thank you, Shoto,” I said. “It means a lot that you want to help me grow.”
“Hey, I know you are quiet, like me. But you have a powerful quirk and your actions are sometimes louder than words,” he slightly smiled.
“Shoto, the police need you,” an officer said.
“I’ll be around, Aura,” Shoto winked.
A group of girls next to me were lovestruck over Shoto. “Isn’t he the hottest thing you’ve ever seen? He’s so amazing! I love him!” I rolled my eyes and left the scene.
I began to walk home when I saw Bakugo walking in my direction with Kaminari. I hid in an alleyway to avoid talking to them, but that drew more attention to me since they thought I could be a thug. Dammit. I suspended myself in the air, but my glow was pretty bright. When they turned the corner, they knew it was me.
“(Y/N),” Bakugo said softly. I lowered myself to greet them.
“Hi guys,” I said.
“Where have you been? I miss you. I enjoy training with you, but after Bakugo’s rampage, I could see why you don’t want to come back,” Kaminari said.
“Shut up. I feel bad enough,” Bakugo said to Kaminari. “(Y/N), I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you,” he turned to me.
“But you needed to win. You’re number one. Heroes win, even if it’s training,” I gritted my teeth.
“You didn’t deserve to lose your hearing,” he said. His face was soft. He seemed genuinely concerned for me.
“Yeah, I didn’t,” I barked.
“Hey, wait, if you didn’t come at me so hard, I would have won the first time and this conversation wouldn’t have happened, you idiot,” he retaliated.
“Uh, I’m gonna go before you start fighting again. I’ll see you back at the agency, Bakugo. Bye, (Y/N)! Miss you,” Kaminari left. Bakugo and I exchanged annoyed looks.
“I offered you help to make you stronger, but I didn’t think you would beat me, which is why I had to put you in your place. I got distracted by your eyes in the first fight,” Bakugo said.
“I’m sorry that I remind you of a girl you previously fell in love with. I’m not her, Bakugo. I want to save and protect people and bring villains to justice,” I said.
“You can’t do it alone, (Y/N). Believe me, I tried to get these extras off my back, but I learned that they helped me to where I am today. Let me help you.” There was a moment of silence between us. I sighed.
“Follow me, I have to show you something,” I said to him. I took him to the park with the cherry blossoms.
“What is this place? I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said.
“I don’t live too far from here, but I come here to relax and organize my thoughts. Isn’t it pretty,” I asked. Bakugo looks over to me admiring the cherry blossoms.
“Yeah, it is something,” he said. We sat by the river and watched the cherry blossoms float on the water. “Hey, you wanna know a secret?”
“Sure,” I said.
“Kirishima sleeps with a teddy bear,” he laughed.
“Aww,” I said. “But he is a teddy bear, so it makes sense.”
“Sero cries at romantic movies,” he laughed even harder.
“Oh please, I bet you do too,” I said.
“No way,” Bakugo barked. “That crap is so fabricated.” I pushed him lightly, but he ended up losing his balance and fell into the river. “You are so dead!” He pulled me into the water and I start to laugh. His angry expression goes away when he saw me laugh. We get out of the water and sat on a bench as we air dried ourselves.
“You want to know a secret about me,” I asked.
“Tch, sure,” he said.
“I’m an orphan. I lost my parents to a villain when I was six. I’ve pretty much been alone since, but then I attended Shiketsu High. My motivation to be a hero came from my parent’s death. I wanted to help families be reunited with their loved ones. That’s why I became a hero,” I said. Bakugo smiled.
“That’s amazing. I also have a secret,” he said softly. “I don’t compare you to Takara. You are powerful and you have a beautiful soul, which is why I like you.” I blush. He has a crush on me? The cherry blossoms blow through the wind onto the river as we look into each other’s eyes. Bakugo then gets up.
“I have to go, but I’d love to see you again,” he said.
“You know where to find me,” I said. He smiled then walked away.
Part 4
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elaphaemourra · 4 years
I think your Bounty Hunters are the only ones I haven't offered love to. Therefore... If each one was forced to work for a "Karen" (not your Jedi lol), and they couldn't get out of it unless she disappeared or died or w/e, how would they handle the utter fuckery that comes with Karens? :D
Fjjddjd Mihkan thanks u for distinctly excluding Kaeiryhn fjdjdjjd.
BRILLIANT QUESTION FOR THE HUNTERS. I am ATROCIOUS at getting hunters off Hutta djejdjd, so 2 or 3 of these haven't done Basically Shit yet fjdjd. But I put in a Bonus Bab to make up for that.
Jeni has a thing about contracts and promises. She's actually kind of notorious for being very 'what you sign for is what you get'. If you contract her for Murder, and then after everything is agreed to you ask her to bring the target in alive, you're getting a corpse. A solid 'be careful what you wish for' scenario. She doesn't renege on contracts or promises, and they're on a 'first come first served' basis. She'd shut off her commlink and her holo to get the nagging to stop, get the job done, then come back. If the Karen got Shitty and refused to pay, they'd get a blaster bolt through the foot and a compact flamethrower pointed at their face. Jeni doesn't renegotiate terms.
Tiro'zhen is, unfortunately, the kind of person who would sit in silence and get Anxious as they try to help the person through their Bullshittery. Like, poor dude. They need some Help.
Editiovultus!!! EDV!! He's a bit of a special case. He's kinda like a Wraith, but fucked up. Bc wraiths take 5ever to move from body to body, do it at will, and if they die in the body, they die for real, and they're attracted to Force Users. That's Opposite of EDV. He can only leave the body he's inhabiting if he's killed, and has to quick find the nearest force-insensitive person to kick out of their body (force users are too resistant to his Shit) or else he'll start losing bits of his concept of Self and just go back to being an Idea. The last person he took over was a hunter, so he is now. If the Karen is Force-Insensitive, he might just do a quick Stab And Body Snatch. One less Karen in the world, and he gets a new body. If not, he's just rolling his eyes and Dealing until he can kick them into a pit.
Persem's like, level FOUR, she's Baby. But already she's lied her way through a contract, and would 100% Lie and promise she was doing Everything As Specified, be Super Agreeable with Everything Stated, while she's Definitely Not, and then skip town before the Karen figured out she was essentially scamming them.
Mihkan's the kind of person who would fistfight a Karen in a grocery store. Because they're being shitty to the cashier, who he doesn't even know. He'd throw hands with a Karen. Of all the people here, he'd be the one to disappear a Karen. Pop them in carbonite, leave them there, because whatever they're doing is probably Shady As Fuck and likely to the detriment of innocent people and he's Not Into That Shit. Fuck That. Get rekt, Karen.
Not Technically a bounty hunter by my fckn, What That Game Say or whatever. He's just some Merc, Vibing. Vox DID steal a Jedi's lightsaber tho, and is 100% the type of person who would just, SURPRISE, STABBY a Karen. He's a little bit of a dweeb but he's just kinda, He Vibes lmfao. He vibes and is Careful, but would also murderize someone for being too Salty about how he does shit.
Here's their slides!!!
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14 notes · View notes
currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: playing pretend 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: minagi tsuzuru/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.5k words, 1 image
𝐚𝐧: tysm~ Everyday, my love for this boi increases. Also here’s the thing, I’m a hoe for fake dating. Listen, I can and would write so many fake-dating fics. Watch me apply every trope here lol. enoUGH ABOUT THAT, enjoy :>
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He watched you stride over to him, quickly setting your bag down the empty space beside him. Before he could greet you, you slapped what looked to be a flyer in front of him. He was no Kazunari, but the tackiness of the hot pink mixed with crimson made his eyes burn.
“Hn? Did you design this or something?” He asked, turning away from the paper to look at you.
“Tsuzuru!” Watching you pout reminded him a little bit of his younger brothers when they wanted something from him, maybe that was why the brunet couldn’t help but tease you a little bit.
He’s known you for almost two years now, so he can already guess what you’re gonna ask of him. Nevertheless, he patiently waits for you to sit down and begin your business pitch.
“So you remember the cute but affordable cafe we went to two weeks ago right?” When Tsuzuru nods you scoff at yourself, “duh, you’re sleep-deprived not suffering from memory loss. Anyway,”
Tsuzuru intercepts you with a quip of his own, “takes one to know one, right? Who’s the one messaged me at 3 am?”
“It was important!”
“You sent me a TikTok asking if I was a toaster,” he watched the corners of your lips stretch upwards, “because you wanted to take a bath with me… you need help.”
You could only nudge him in retaliation. “It was a 3 am mood, okay? I was going to go to sleep already when I realised I forgot the assigned readings and I went all what the fuck.”
“Good grief… Seriously,” Tsuzuru laughed, shaking his head as he read the flyer more carefully this time, “2 for the price of 1 drink of your choice?”
Your eyes sparkled with excitement, “so the fine print does say it has to either be hot chocolate or milk tea, but like, still!”
“I have a shift 6 pm onwards, but,” well, not spending at all would be optimal, but exams finished two days ago and neither of you had the chance to reward yourselves for the hard work, “as long as we don’t stay that long.”
You giggled, trying to suppress your volume as the door burst open with the professor in tow, “you really are the toaster to my bathtub, the left AirPod to my right Air-“
“I’m regretting everything,” he groaned, “not that I mind getting discounts, but will you ever take someone else?”
“Listen, my fellow stingy boi,” with the most serious tone you could muster, you put your hands over his, “for as long as you don’t start dating, I will exploit you in all my schemes.”
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As soon as 4 pm rolled in the two of you were out of the campus. It wasn’t the first time you dragged him into similar endeavours, neither did he have the heart to stop going along with you nor stop you.
Every now and then there would be a special offer or discount for couples, and Tsuzuru was your poor victim. It wasn’t bad, though. The two of you valued affordability and formed some kind of partnership in finding and sharing good deals on all sorts of products.
If that included coincidentally wearing the same outfit colour scheme and walking closer to each other, it wasn’t either of your faults if people assumed you were dating. At least, that’s what he’ll tell himself. If somehow his acting skills and your determination don’t win in the end, he’ll just chide you for bringing him into this and run.
“Looks like we’re not the only ones with the same idea,” you said, the both of you looking at the line just starting to form outside the establishment, “should we get the drinks to go? It’ll be less hassle than trying to get a seat inside.”
Tsuzuru nods, letting you hold onto his arm while falling in line for a special booth specifically for take-outs.
An unfamiliar voice, to Tsuzuru that is, calls out your name; the both of you find the couple directly in front you turned around to face you. When you grip his arm a little tighter, he knows something’s up. For a moment, you stiffen slightly at the sight of your high school ex-boyfriend and the girl beside him who was smiling as awkwardly as you felt. Quickly fixing yourself, you set a grin on your face.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” You replied, stepping a little closer to the boy beside you.
Subconsciously you wrap an arm around Tsuzuru’s waist, and if he’s uncomfortable by that he doesn’t show it. As expected of your favourite actor!
“It really has! You getting the promo too?” With a wide grin, he put his arm around who you presumed to be his girlfriend, “she’s been craving milk tea, so we decided to get some ♡~” Oh? He wants to out-sweet you? Doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not, he’s gonna get it. You can be petty too!
You pressed the side of your face against Tsuzuru’s shoulder, leaving just enough room for you to be able to reply back.
“Same here~ Tsuzu-kun and I really love the stuff here ♡ we can’t get enough of the flavours- oh, looks like it’s your turn to order?” Gesturing at the front of the booth where the cashier stared at the pair, the female proceeded to order while the guy kept talking. Inwardly, you wished you could tell him to shut the hell up. Was he always this talkative in the past?
“Well, it’s been fun catching up!” Catching up, he says? What the fuck did you guys catch up on? The fact that both of you had dates? Well, not exactly on your case, but he didn’t know that, “I hope you guys enjoy your date ♡!”
Before you could think of the most sickeningly sweet way to phrase a you too, Tsuzuru breaks his silence, “we already are enjoying, thank you.”
Your ex looks slightly shocked, before turning around. Holy shit, your brain.exe isn’t responding, do you close the program or wait for it to respond? Totally forgot that not only was Tsuzuru an actor, but a playwright as well. Of course he’d be good with dialogue.
You weren’t really expecting Tsuzuru to respond. Usually it was you who did the talking, you took responsibility for dragging him along all the time so might as well play the role of the sweet s/o, right?
Still, just one line from him was a pleasant surprise. And to your ex nonetheless!
When it’s your turn to order you quickly slam the payment on the counter, startling both the poor cashier and Tsuzuru. Before he could protest, you wink at him, “let me treat you for your hard work today!”
As the two of you left, your hand hung lightly on his arm, you swore you could feel eyes digging into your skull. You spun around, causing the man beside you to stop his tracks as well, but from what you could tell you didn’t recognise anyone.
“You alright?” Tsuzuru asks, sounding slightly concerned at your sudden action. You looked back to face him, before nodding to reassure him.
“Yep! Let’s go find somewhere to sit before you go to work. We still have some time to hang out.”
Neither of you noticed the two people staring at you from inside the cafe.
“Oi oi, ain’t that Tsuzuru?”
“Haa… looks like we’ve seen something we shouldn’t have?”
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Finally sat at a park bench, you found yourself a little bit more conscious of how touchy you were being a while ago. Sure, holding onto his arm here and there when people could see was fine, but if he wasn’t okay with it you had to apologise.
“Sorry, was I too much a while ago?” He sipped onto his drink for a moment, before shaking his head. He looked slightly exasperated, but it didn’t seem to be directed at you.
“Was that your ex? He was kind of annoying.” You chuckled.
“Yeah, but like way back in high school so I’m not pressed or anything. Broke up through text, had the audacity to use text abbreviations plus send a heart emote with his message. Character limit, I guess.”
Tsuzuru’s expression twisted, and you couldn’t tell if what he felt was wry amusement or disgust. Both, perhaps? “That ain’t it, chief. He’s either an insensitive jerk or an, uh… insensitive eccentric… you’re really okay?”
Rolling your eyes, you brought back your hand to his arm to squeeze it to put him at ease. “Obviously! Tsuzuru, you and me, we make a great pair! Plus, your ad-lib totally shook him! Simple but effective, it was a nice touch.”
Just as Tsuzuru was getting used to the added weight on his arm, the pressure lightened up once again. You one-sidedly clink your cups together before you resumed drinking the beverage, “we should do this again sometime.”
Which part?
The two of you always went out to redeem promos and discounts anyway, that much was a given, so did you mean something else?
“Yeah, we should.”
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He did not expect to be confronted within a minute of coming back to the dorm. Itaru, Kazunari, Banri, Omi, and Tsumugi all simultaneously looked at him upon his entrance in the living room.
“Good evening?” He greeted them, albeit a little awkwardly. Is he missing out on something? Were they playing some kind of mind fuck prank or psychology game?
“We were just talking about you,” Tsumugi started before quickly retracting his statement, “ah, wait, that sounded kind of weird right? What we’re trying to say is-”
“Tsuzuroon, I totes get why you never wanna go to mixers!” Kazunari interrupted, adding onto Tsuzuru’s confusion.
“Didn’t know you had it in ya,” Banri continues, “when we saw ya outside the cafe a while ago-“
Oh, ohhhhh. That’s what they meant?
For a moment, he feels a smidge of relief from figuring out what he was missing out on, until his stomach plummeted once more. Oh, fuck, that meant at least Banri and some other guy saw him, with you. With your hand dangling on his arm, your arm around his waist, your face pressed up against his shoulder-
He can feel his face start to heat up, though he’s not sure if it’s more getting caught or more recollecting what happened a while ago.
“Can’t believe you’re dating someone now, GJ.” Itaru says with his shit-eating grin, before looking back down towards his phone.
He should really be clearing up the misunderstanding. It was simple- the two of you were just friends, you went together to redeem a promo, that was it.
“Hey, that’s not-“
“Is it someone from Yosei?” Omi interjects, looking a little bit thoughtful as he tried guessing who it could be, “Hmm… the one you’re with a lot, right? What was their name again?”
He prays to the first deity he could think of, which was for naught because Tsuzuru’s ears perk up as soon as the photographer says your first name. At a loss for words for how fast your identity was revealed, Omi’s chuckles get echoed by the other boys.
He didn’t get to deny it. He wouldn’t be surprised if by tomorrow morning, everyone thought the two of you were a thing.
Tsuzuru thinks this should be more of a pain to him, but he can’t will it in himself to be bothered by the assumption they have on his relationship. If for a little while he could avoid Kazunari wanting to bring him to mixers, he could consider this an advantage.
When your phone alarm rings you jolt up from your bed, panicking slightly until you realise that you didn’t have class today. Lazily stretching to grab your phone, you notice a text from Tsuzuru.
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“Pfft, can’t believe I influenced him this much, lol.” You muttered, setting down your phone to make breakfast.
It’s not until you enter the kitchen that you realise you were smiling the whole time.
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Other than a few knowing looks from Omi and a curious gaze here and there from the purple-haired one (you’ve come to learn his name was Juza), nothing really changed between the two of you.
Until Tsuzuru gets hit by the familiar sight of you rushing towards the table he was situated at. Your eyes weren’t brimming with excitement, no visible smile, so he braced himself for what you had to tell him.
“I need a favour. You can refuse if you want, but you’d actually be saving my life so hear me out please,” as if to put further emphasis on your current predicament you placed your hands atop of his.
“Go on,” he urged you.
“Not to be a fanfiction trope, but I need you to be my date at my old homeroom teacher’s wedding,” you groaned, “that my ex is also attending.”
Tsuzuru didn’t know if he should comfort you or laugh at the situation, “and you need me to go because-“
“Because,” you interjected, “that dumbass asked the group chat if he could bring a date, then encouraged me to bring my date too. Then my competitive dumbass was all like, yeah we’ll see you there!”
You hid your face with your arms, resting your head on the table. “Tsuzuruuuu, I messed up huhu. I only wanted to go for the reception, what am I doing with my life, I didn’t even like that teacher so why did I accept?” you whined.
Fake dating to redeem promos was one thing, pretending to be a couple in front of your old classmates is another thing, pretending to be a couple while attending a wedding is another spectrum of things.
“When is it?” You raised your head to respond.
“Next Sunday, 10 am. Reception at noon, probably.”
He’s not too sure why he keeps going along with your whims. It could be because you’re a dear friend to him, or he doesn’t mind all that much whenever you’d drag him along to fake-date to get sweet deals hang-out, but he can’t deny that being with you is a nice feeling lowers his stress levels.
“I’ll be your date,” Your eyes immediately snap up to meet his, still traces of hesitance on your face.
“I could totally just make up an excuse on why you or both of us can’t go, are you sure?”
Nodding his head, Tsuzuru was soothed by your usual, bright smile- spectacular to the point that it made him think of the rainbows that came after spring showers. He felt the corners of his lips being tugged upwards; before he could calm himself you wrapped your arms around him, a spontaneous and affectionate embrace.
“Thank you, thank you! Gosh, I love you!” You squealed, and his plan to calm himself down failed ultimately. He was glad your face was buried against his chest right now, at least you wouldn’t be able to see the rising flush on his face; then again, you probably could detect how his heart writhed and thumped.
“What colour are you wearing?” He finally asked, refusing to acknowledge the slight displeasure as you let him escape your caged arms.
“Green or teal, maybe.”
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“We’re in your room exactly why again?” You propped your hands on your hips, giving him a look that said really, now.
“We need to practice touching each- okay, wait let me rephrase, ugh…” trailing off, you sat yourself down on your bed as you covering your face with a pillow, your voice coming out muffled, “casual touching.”
“Don’t we already touch each other?” Lowering your pillow to peek at Tsuzuru, he turned away from you in apparent embarrassment, “you know what I mean!”
Tension was building up in the room, much to your chagrin. Tsuzuru had a point. Even though you initiated affection pretty much all the time, the two of you already had a bunch of pre-planned poses to convince people that you were dating.
“I guess I just wanted to do more…” it was hard for you to admit that to yourself, much more out loud, but it was the truth. You didn’t have any grounds to ask more of him, but selfishly you wanted him to reciprocate your affection.
You could swear up and down that it was just you craving affection, but the truth of the matter was that it was his affection you wanted-  you craved being physically and emotionally close to him.
The line you drew was getting blurry. You didn’t want to ruin anything.
The weight on the bed shifted.
“Hey,” Tsuzuru looped an arm around your waist, gently petting the top of your head, “don’t overthink this. Just be natural, whatever you do I’ll go along with and vice versa. This is just the same as all the other times.”
It didn’t feel like it.
“Thank you,” you replied, releasing the pillow from your death grip and lightly hugging it instead, “I was overthinking it. Can you stay for a while, or do you have to go? I feel like watching Whisper of the Heart.”
Tsuzuru scoffed lightly, “We watched that last time. Laputa: Castle in the Sky or nothing.”
With a laugh you shoved your pillow at Tsuzuru, standing up from the bed. “I’ll get some snacks, brb.”
As soon as you exited the room Tsuzuru buried his face against the fluffy cushion, letting out a noise between ardour and agony. This was just method acting, they’ve done this before. No need to get all worked up about it.
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As luck would have it, you and Tsuzuru immediately ran into a bunch of your old classmates.
“Ne? Is this your boyfriend?” One of the girls asked, giving him a quick glance, “your outfit matches his eyes! Love it~”
Tsuzuru coughed lightly.
“Shh, I was waiting for him to notice!” You giggled, looking into Tsuzuru’s eyes before looking away within a few seconds, “his eyes are really beautiful, I doubt I could ever do them justice.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Tsuzuru swoops in, curling an arm around your waist, “you look really lovely today.”
“Tsuzuru,” you murmured, heart hammering a little faster, wondering if he was being as truthful as you were.
In the eyes of the girls in front of you, they were looking at two bashful lovers, and they were eating it all up.
“Wah! I wish I could get a boyfriend as sweet as him!” With a pout, you situated yourself to stand a little closer to your date.
“Well don’t get any ideas, he’s mine~” you teased them, laughing along with the rest of the group.
When the vows of the couple began, you found yourself sniffling.
“I thought you didn’t like that teacher,” Tsuzuru whispered jokingly, but he reached out to hold your hand for comfort, brushing his thumb against your knuckles.
You ignored him, actively listening to the bride’s speech.
“Falling in love with you was like entering a house and finally realising I'm home. When you smile at me, I feel the glow of the sun against my skin. When your eyes are locked on mine, it's like I can see countless of stars instead of just pupils. Having you in my life makes me feel like everything's possible in this world, we simply work together. With you, I’ve discovered so many things, things I’ve come to treasure, but the best discovery of all was love.”
Eyes stuck on the scene in front of you, you failed to notice the look of longing from the man beside you. It was as if the words uttered all applied to you, and yet somehow the words he could write about you wouldn’t be enough to express what he felt.
He settles on retrieving his handkerchief from his pocket and gently dabbing it around your eyes.
The whole reception was a bliss that came and went too fast for your liking. There was the plus that your ex miraculously couldn’t attend the reception, as well as the chef’s kiss worthy buffet, but you owed it all to Tsuzuru.
It was the same feeling for Tsuzuru, who didn’t feel awkward or out of place the whole time with you by his side. He kept looking forward to the next thing you would do, regardless if people were even watching the two of you or not.
When you let him feed you a slice of cake.
When he used his thumb to wipe off the crumbs near your lips.
When you rest your head against his shoulder.
When he cheered for you even with an unsuccessful bouquet toss.
Nothing felt faked today.
After saying your goodbyes to everyone, the two of you headed home hand-in-hand in silence. Every time you took a glance at the man beside you, so much feelings burst from within, but words themselves could not escape.
Stopping outside your apartment, you let go of one hand.
“Thank you for today,” you whisper, cupping his face to kiss him right where the corner of his lips ended, barely missing them. Tuning out every noise but yourselves, you heard his breath hitch.
“Are… are we still pretending?” Tsuzuru waited with bated breath for your response.
Mustering up all your courage, you shake your head. “I’m not. Are you?”
Squeezing your hand, he pressed his forehead against yours, “I’m not either,” he said quietly, before softly pressing his lips against yours.
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want to order again?
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cozyjsuh · 4 years
as you finally finish tucking joy and irene into your bed, you go to your living room to see lucas dead asleep on the floor.
in a soft voice, you call his name, “lucas. come on. let’s get you on the bed.” you say as you play with his hair. you reach your hand out and he takes it while groggily standing up. you lead him to your guest bedroom and take out everything in his pockets. you contemplate on whether to change his clothes.
“lucas. let’s change out of those clothes, okay?” you say as you hand him a change of clothes and go outside to get him a glass of water. you grab a cup from your cupboard and start to fill it with water when your doorbell rings. you check the time on your microwave and slowly walk towards the door after getting the bat you keep in your closet. you look the peephole only to be greeted by darkness and hold your bat up ready to strike. you open the door and are face to face with jaehyun.
“jesus! you scared me.” you flinch and say while breathing heavily. “what are you doing here? it’s three am.
“i wanted to finish my sentence earlier.” he began. “i wanted to say that the reason i was trying to make you jealous is because i don’t even know, to be honest. it’s like i want to be your friend because we practically spend everyday with each other but at the same time, i feel as if i have to have some kind of competition with you.”
you start, “listen jaehyun. you don’t have feel as if you have to compete against me cause one. we already know i’d win and two. there’s absolutely no reason why you’d have to be competing against me. ok?” you later add on, “and maybe stop acting like a dick and we’re cool.”
“alright. got it.” he replies with his dimply smile.
“now go home! it’s late.” you tell him before closing the door.
“ok y/n. bye.” he yells before he runs off.
you laugh to yourself before walking to the guest bedroom and snuggling up to lucas.
you later wake up at nine and wriggle out of lucas’ arms to go check on joy and irene. as you crack your door open slightly, you hear the soft snores coming from both girls. then you walk to the kitchen getting to make hangover soup for them. you sit on your island while waiting for your friends to wake up until you get a call from johnny.
“hel-“ you start but get interrupted.
“y/n! yuta is in the hospital!” he yells.
“what?! which hospital?!” you respond aggressively.
he responds with “the yonsei hospital!”
“ok! i’m coming!” you yell while getting your shoes on and running out of your house with your keys.
you get into your car and arrive at the hospital sooner than you expected. you park your car and run into the hospital. you ask the nurse, “excuse me, do you know the room for yuta nakamoto?” desperately. she directs you towards the room and you run into the room just to be met with five boys laughing at you. you look at yuta who’s just laying on the hospital bed clutching his broken arm.
tears well up in your eyes as you stare at him. all the boys quiet their laughter and look at you. you begin with tears down your face, “yuta. you’re a jerk. you’re a insensitive loser.” you sniffle. you wipe your tears and walk out dejectedly. you walk outside of his room and slide down the wall. jaehyun follows you out.
“y/n. yuta thought it would be funny if we did that.” he began while patting your head.
you sat in silence and stood up after calming down. you walk back inside and glare at yuta.
before you begin, you let out a deep breath. “yuta. do you even know what i have to go through? this black eye? it’s from nayeon. i had to get a fifteen dollar car wash two days ago because the cheer team couldn’t keep your name out of their mouths. and to add to that,” you pause, tearing up again, “i can’t even go to state because i’m suspended from the swim team for a month and you had the audacity to make jokes. i’ve never been this humiliated in my life. and it hurts more because it’s coming from my own flesh and blood. i’m going home. please don’t act so recklessly next time. please.” you end and walk out to your car.
you get into your car and sit in there. a phone call brings you out of your trance and you answer.
“y/n? where are you.” the voice asks. “oh i had to buy something. just eat up without me. i’ll be home in thirty minutes.” you answer while trying to keep a steady tone. you the plug in your keys and get on the road.
as you attempt to unlock the door, your landlady calls your name.
“y/n! oh dear. you’re behind on a payment.”
“oh uhm. yeah. i-i’ll, uhm.” you stumble on your words. “can i pay you with next months rent?”
“don’t worry about it dear. i could wait for next month.” she replies with a kind smile. “thank you. thank you so much.” you warmly say.
you walk into your house to see three people eavesdropping on your conversation.
“y/n? how are you doing?” joy asks worriedly. “i-i’m doing fine.” you hesitantly answer. “i have something to do today so if you guys wouldn’t mind leaving by twelve, uh that’ll be helpful.” you say as you go to change.
before your friends leave, they check on you once more. “y/n are you really okay?” irene asks. “yeah. great. see you guys later.” you say as they walk out of the door. lucas glances at you once more and kisses you on the cheek before walking out.
you then walk out of your house, to the cafe down a block from your house. you enter the cafe and walk up to the cashier.
“hi. welcome! what can i help you with?” she asks, enthusiastically.
“are you guys hiring? i’m a little short on my rent this month so i looking for a part time job.” you answer with looking down.
she automatically answers, “yeah! of course! i’ll just take you back and you could have a talk with my manager.”
after your talk with the manager, who thought you were fit for this job, the same girl who was the cashier showed you how to work the coffee machines
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“oh hey y/n.” nayeon says with a smirk.
“hi and welcome. what would you like to drink today?” you ask while rolling your eyes.
“what do you have that has no dairy, no fat, and no sugar?” she asks seriously.
you cross your arms and answer sarcastically, “water? you mean water?”
“no, i mean with ice.” she obnoxiously states.
“ok. your ice water will be a dollar fifty.”
“why is it so expensive?!” she complains while handing over her card. you breathe out and reply, “thank you! your water will be delivered to your seat in a few minutes.”
“hey where’s jaehyun? i thought he also works here.” she annoyingly continues.
“he’s on break.” you then turn around and ignore her and her friends while getting her ‘ice water’.
while you were bringing her water, she tries to grab it and spills it all over you and the floor. you take a deep breath in and try to calm your shaking hands. you close eyes briefly before smiling. “i’ll be sure to bring you out a new glass and i apologize for my mistake.” you say before walking into the kitchen.
before you head out again, johnny stops you.
“y/n, you don’t need to go out. jaehyun is already out there.” he starts.
when jaehyun comes back, you don’t hesitate to thank him. “thank you.” you breathe out. “no problem, y/n. i know she was doing that on purpose.”
you ask joy to bring you a change of clothes. as your shift ends, you see joy and lucas enter the cafe. you thank joy for bringing your clothes and walk up to lucas.
“how was your first day of work, y/n?” he asks.
“hard. i want food.” you reply with a pout. “ok how about we go get food with joy, johnny and jaehyun?” he asks.
you gasp and reply, “really?! yes!” you yell before walking to joy.
after you change, you walk outside with johnny and joy while jaehyun locks up. you already asked joy if she wanted to come and she said yes. you walk up to jaehyun and ask if he wants to come along.
“as much as i appreciate the offer, i don’t plan on third wheeling twice.” he answers with a smug smile.
“fine. your loss. have fun at home loser.” you wave as you walk over to your friends.
joy wanted to go try out this restaurant that served japanese food and you really didn’t care.
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after dinner you wave at your boyfriend and friends as you walk over to your car. you head home and get ready for bed and doze off into a slumber.
mouth breathers (14/?)
summary: let’s face it, y/n is broke. yuta plays a prank on his sister and she did not like it one bit. y/n later has to find a job and works at the same cafe as johnny and jaehyun. she has a nasty run in with nayeon but later goes on a double date (y/cas and jonjoy). is y/n finally warming up to jaehyun?
pairing: jaehyun x reader
tag list:
@ncityy04 @kevincametomyparty @apricottulips @nana-minn @stpidgenius @nctssidehoe @marklexleaf @angelichris-b97 @n4ja3m1n @fitecuddles @cowward @dong-hyuc @casualgemini @ncityluvvs @catkastrophe @moonchild2190 @toodaloola @raywishii @stayzenniesstuff @seeking-faces @mikachu-28 @sensiblebutch
a/n: sorry the ending is so rushed and that this chapter is everywhere. i actually know where to go from here because of my wonderful tumblr friends! anyways please continue to enjoy this story and stay safe!💖
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A narcissistic mother is like a grown up child. You’re dealing with someone whose emotional maturity became stunted a very long time ago and as a result is unable to function like someone you can relate to as a child or are forever trying and feeling like a failure.
Needy for attention: To a certain extent all people who are older and their children get married and leave to have lives of their own become ‘needy’ because their child no longer rely on them as a parent , but in the case of a narcissist mother, she will be extremely unhappy about you’re inattentiveness if you become busy with a family (wife/husband and kids) because although she always painted the picture that you were reliant on her, it was actually always the other way around. You’re leaving to start your own adventure in your life (just like her) is not something she will put up with easily. She’ll call you several times a week if not every single day and expect you to give her the time of the day whether you’re juggling a difficult job, 4 kids and all the assorted daily life problems.
Perpetually negative: Again with most people who age and lose their health they become slightly pessimistic in their views because the weather was grey or they felt unwell , but a narcissistic mother is always negative in most of her interactions. She’s always complaining of her health, finances, marriage, children, friends, relatives, co-workers, you name it. Nothing and nobody is good enough to them including you.
Toxic: Although the perpetual negativity covers this, but i feel the need to mention this because ‘toxicity is the narc mother’s special power and something she constantly employs in her daily interactions. This is how she both control and destroy ties with friends and family, by talking behind every ones back, spreading lies, and manipulation.
Unrelentingly nosy: This is important. A narc mother wants to know everything’ and when i say everything, i mean everything from how many friends you have, who they’re parents are, what are you earning, what you’re saving, how many times your wife had uti’s, where you’re spending, who you’ve spent on etc. They think they have a right to govern your entire life from who you can spend more time with (even as adults!) to where you’re spending your savings. In fact if they could openly ask for it, they’d probably want to be a part of your bank accounts and ask you to buy them a property. So, it’s always better as a grown up working person to share less of your private business with them because they will straight up expect you to spend all of your life savings on them and not be emphatic enough to acknowledge you have a family life or in a relationship where your money isn’t just your money. Be careful of what info you share with them because they are collecting all that data for use later on to control you.
Biased emotions: Narc mothers are notorious for not treating their kids equally. There will always be one golden child, this can be the oldest of the bunch or the youngest. There will always be a neglected child and again the one she scapegoats in the equation. This is her way of controlling you and your siblings and keeping all of you just one word shy of descending into an ugly sibling war. She keeps all of you divided, talks up each other against the other sibling and teaches everyone to be jealous of each others achievements or simply not acknowledge the achievements of each other. The golden child will always be her favorite and treated better than others. Except, a narc mother’s ‘better’ is still nothing better than toxic because even they have been abused by her setting unrealistic standards and an overall skewed upbringing which teaches them to have an over inflated sense of self importance.
Need for validation and blame placing: A narc mother is constantly in need of validation for her bad behavior. If she wasn’t civil to a cashier at the counter it was the cashier’s fault not her own. She cannot accept responsibility for any of her actions because that would mean she would have to say that she was wrong. In a narc mom’s dictionary there is no word such as self reflection. No one can have the last word in an argument including her husband because everything she says, no matter how absurd must be treated as right. She frequently uses prolonged silent treatment on anyone as a way to intimidate and shame all those who doesn’t agree with her or do exactly as she likes.
Inability to maintain relationships: A narc mother has no long term relations that survive her narc behavior, old friends, family, co-workers, etc. anyone whose seen her mask slip off or calls her out on her bullshit is on the discard list. She cannot maintain a relationship with anyone. Everyone who has ever known her has been on her ‘naughty’ list.
Skewed sense of reality: Their perspective is rooted in extreme prejudice and it never changes with time and experience. You can tell them what’s wrong with their way of thinking until you’re blue in the face but it makes no difference, If horses can fly in their reality literally no one can convince them otherwise. Even if they do agree with you they will always act in the opposite way showing hypocritical behavior most of the time.
Playing the victim: This is the hallmark move of a narc mother. She will always be the victim in every situation. No one is nice to her. Everything anyone else including her children say comes across as a perceived slight. All her ‘good deeds’ have gone unnoticed by the world. Everyone owes her their understanding and compassion. According to her she has always ever been kind and giving, it’s impossible for her to comprehend why someone does not want her in their life or doesn’t like her abuse or insults. Playing the victim not only involves her tearing up and letting loose a flood of tears at the drop of a hat, it also means she will feign sudden onset of illness due to stress and agitation others’ are causing her.
Lacking in empathy: Narc mothers like all narc’s lack a certain amount of empathy. They cannot understand why her calling you every demeaning name in the book or insulting your intelligence might hurt you or make you tear up. They lack emotional intelligence and cannot be there for you like a mother if you’re getting divorced, lost a job, or suffered an accident. They will swivel your attention right back to themselves, there problems are of far more importance than yours at any given day of the week.
Emotional abuse: They will use whatever emotional abuse they need to in order to talk you down and keep you from making her self reflect. She will use your siblings against each other like flying monkeys to get to you for an infraction. She will cut you off from everyone else and make it look like you’re mentally unstable for losing your cool to her many insensitive and downright cruel tirades where you’ve always been the reason of her unhappy existence. Whatever you say will be twisted, used against you and made to seem like your own fault. In her version of events you’ve always been rude, ungrateful and disrespectful. She sets unrealistic standards of achievement and constantly tests your devotion to her through these standards, where you never pass. Any little infraction from the set course can cause an overblown outburst of rage and silent treatment from her to you which can last for day, weeks or even months. An argument with her only goes around and around in circles. Nothing you say is ever enough or sincere enough. She will be done with talking in circles only when she’s done.
In some cases narc mom’s aren’t physically abusive and it’s the malignant variety of narcissist mom’s who enjoy sadism and inflicting physical abuse. But there are many narcissist mothers who might rationalize being physically abusive towards their children and spouses and pretending later on that she was never physically abusive.
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infinityhq-a · 4 years
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       𝑾𝑬𝑳𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬  𝑻𝑶  𝑨𝑼𝑹𝑶𝑹𝑨 ,   neko  ,  noon  ,  penny  ,  pea  ,  brae  ! don’t  forget  to  read  over  our  pages & follow  everybody . you  have   twenty - four  hours to  send  in  your  account  or  you’ll lose  your  chance  at  paradise !   we  hope   [  gwen  stacy  ,  kate  bishop  ,  ronald  weasley  ,  ty  lee  ,  hope  mikaelson  ,  ahsoka  tano  ,  rachel  dawn  amber  ,  sirius  black  ]    will  enjoy  their  say  at  aurora island .   SMASH  THAT  FOLLOW BUTTON !  a  reminder that  you  have  twenty-four  hours  to  post  an  intro  or  post  in  character ,  but  feel  free  to  send  us  a  message if  more  time  is  needed  ,   we  don’t  bite !
 「    emma mackey   ,   twenty one   ,   cis woman  +  she / her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    GHOST SPIDER’S    real  name  is    GWENDOLYN “GWEN” STACY     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     dauntless    ,  but  also     mulish    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     DRUMMER     and  come  from     MARVEL    .  you  can  hear   DAISY  by  ASHNIKKO   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  HER BEST FRIEND DYING IN HER ARMS .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    scribbled on converse; midnight stick and pokes; dancing to taylor swift behind closed doors; fighting grown men twice her size    and  not  think  about  them .  
「    hailee steinfeld   ,   21   ,   cis woman  +  she/her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    KATIE'S    real  name  is    KATHERINE ELIZABETH BISHOP    ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     forthright    ,  but  also     stubborn    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     BARTENDER AT ZODIAC     and  come  from     MARVEL    .  you  can  hear   AKASAKA SAD  by  RINA SAWAYAMA   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  STARTING HAWKEYE INVESTIGATIONS .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see  drawing smiley faces on your bruises, a crystal glass shattering, growing fond of your bedhead   and  not  think  about  them .   
「 owen teague , 22 , demi boy + they/he 」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮ did you know won won’s real name is RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY ?! around the island they seem to be quite loyal , but also insecure , but it makes sense given they are a BOX OFFICE CASHIER AT THE DRIVE IN CINEMA and come from HARRY POTTER . you can hear WHAT’S MY AGE AGAIN? by BLINK-182 blasting from their house , but be careful ! they can be agitated as nightmares bring back memories of FRED’S DEATH . even so , it’s impossible to see hand me downs that never quite fit right, watching everyone you love get picked before you, insensitive jokes you come to regret but don’t know how to apologize for, a lion’s first great roar, maroon sweaters aesthetics and not think about them . 
「    hillary trinh   ,   twenty   ,   cis-female  +  she/her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    TY LEE    real  name  is    TY LEE    ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     gleeful    ,  but  also     naive    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     YOGA TEACHER     and  come  from     AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER    .  you  can  hear   SWEET CREATURE  by  HARRY STYLES   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  BETRAYING AZULA .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    layers of pink, braids down the side of her face, bambi eyes, and bouncing on the toes of her feet as she walks   and  not  think  about  them . 
「    danielle rose russell   ,   nineteen   ,   cis-female  +  she/her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    THE TRIBRID’S    real  name  is    HOPE MIKAELSON    ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     loyal    ,  but  also     impulsive   ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     LIFE GUARD     and  come  from     LEGACIES    .  you  can  hear   THE LOVE CLUB  by  LORDE   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  PASSING OUT IN JOSIE’S DREAM WORLD .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    eyes sharper than a knife, strawberry blonde hair scented with roses, every little thing she does being magic, and a plaid skirt   and  not  think  about  them .   
「    taylor russell   ,   twenty six   ,   cis female  +  she / her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    ASHLA’S    real  name  is    AHSOKA  TANO     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     benevolent    ,  but  also     inhibited    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     GUIDANCE  COUNSELOR   and  come  from     STAR  WARS    .  you  can  hear   SHE’S  SO  GONE  by  NAOMI  SCOTT   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  JOINING  THE  REBELLION .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    an  earnest  smile , followed by  a  tender  embrace , a  girl  growing  into  a  woman : once  plagued  with  inexperience  and  ingenuousness , now  a  formidable  leader  in  her  own  right , a  string  of  silka  beads  left  abandoned , turning  and  vowing  never  to  look  back , the  unfathomable , crushing  weight  of  knowing  you  survived  and  they  didn’t…  juxtaposed  with  the  reassuring  comfort  found  from  holding  sabers  in  your  hands  again , their  pure  white  glow : a  reflection  of  just  who  you  truly  are  and  always  have  been   and  not  think  about  them .   
「    madelyn cline   ,   twenty   ,   cis female  +  she / her    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    RACH’S    real  name  is    RACHEL  DAWN  AMBER     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     spirited    ,  but  also     irascible    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  an     ACTING  STUDENT   and  come  from     LIFE  IS  STRANGE    .  you  can  hear   VICTORIA  FALLS  by  FLYTE   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  DYING  IN  THE  DARK  ROOM .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    a  haunting  chorus  of  camera  clicks , soft  at  first  but   growing swiftly  to  a  painful  crescendo , long  skinny  legs :  recently  tattooed , full  lips  and  impenetrable  hazel  eyes  all  aimed  like  a  gun , flames  catching , taking  a  light  to  everything  in  its  path , the  past  included , an  enigmatic  smile , masking  duplicitous  intent  but  daring  and  unwavering  in  its  attempt  to  give  away  nothing , sprawling  beaches  that  beckon  you  home , lipstick  stains  upon  the  butts  of  half  lit  cigarettes  and  award  worthy  performances  that  don’t  end  once  you  leave  the  stage   and  not  think  about  them .  
「    avan jogia   ,   26   ,   non-binary  +  he / they    」 ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    PADFOOT’S    real  name  is    SIRIUS  BLACK     ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite     witty    ,  but  also     explosive    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a     MECHANIC     and  come  from     HARRY  POTTER    .  you  can  hear   RAISE  HELL  by  DOROTHY   blasting  from  their  house ,  but  be  careful   !   they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of  CONFRONTING  THE  SO-CALLED  FRIEND ,  PETER .  even  so ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    the  quick  change  of  human  footprints  to  paw  prints  on  a  light  blanket  of  snow ,   the  warmth  and  acceptance  of  a  found  family  ( one  that  you  would  lay  your  life  down  to  protect ) ,   a  mischievous  glint  in  dark  eyes  paired  with  a  subtle ,  devilish  smirk   and  not  think  about  them .   
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1a-imagines · 5 years
@darkseptigirl Request: Hey hun, can I get a Todoroki, Shinsou and bakugou scenario where their s/o suffers from social anxiety and agoraphobia so she has to like squeeze their hand tightly when out in public, and/or hides behind the boys when they’re talking to someone or just clings to their clothes? You can skip this one if you don’t want to, I’ll totally understand❤️
Type: scenario
Characters: Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou.
"What's the big deal?"
"If I go and pay for this I'll be forced to talk to the cashier!"
"So?" Bakugou pressed you which only caused you looked away from his gaze, not wanting to see the judgement in his eyes.
"What if I say something stupid and everyone laughs at me." You shyly squirmed in your place, feeling your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Of course that wasn't likely to happen but your brain had already come up with 20 different things that could go wrong with such a simple interaction. You could already feel your heart beat accelerating at the thought of everyone whispering about you, judging you, laughing at you. You wanted to avoid making any mistakes at all costs, and what better way to do that than to completely avoid the situation altogether?
Bakugou was already well aware of your social anxiety, and he never judged you for it, but he also didnt understand it. You're scared of social interaction? But it's such a common thing in day to day life. When you told him about it you had to explain everything to him because he really didn't get it. He didn't particularly like talking to people either but he wasn't scared of it. After a long explaination he did finally start understand. It was like your brain was tricking you into thinking bad things were going to happen to you. Even if it was really unlikely, truthfully, people probably weren't going to judge and evaluate everything you did in a negative way, but your brain told you otherwise.
Bakugou didn't want you to close yourself off from the world, however. He knew the only way you would overcome this would be to push you into these situations so you could see they weren't as scary as you thought. He may come off as a little harsh about it but he didn't mean to. He just wanted to help you realise that there was nothing scary about doing these things. They were apart of life and you couldn't avoid them forever.
Of course he tried not to be insensitive about it. It was a hard thing to deal with, he could see that, and he didn't want to make you feel even more inferior and self conscious than you already did. So he never pushed you too hard.
When he saw you starting to shake and your breathing becoming uneven he felt bad for being too harsh on you. You couldn't help it. He sighed and ruffled the top of your head in a loving way. He just wanted to tell you how wrong you were. He personally thought you were amazing and there was nothing to be self conscious and embarrassed about. If people were looking at you it was more than likely because they were admiring how beautiful you are. How your smile lights up any room. Not because they were judging you.
"Deep breaths, babe. You know nothing bad is going to happen. It's just talking to someone extra with a minimum wage, shitty job. What's so scary about them?"
You pouted when you felt him messing up your hair but appreaciate the gesture none the less. You took a deep breath and looked up at him with your hands clenched tight. "Will you come with me at least? A-and hold my hand?"
"If that's what it takes." He muttered and grabbed your hand with only a little hesitation. You both made it over to the line and once stood in it you realised how close you were to the other people around you. It made you slightly uncomfortable. What if you accidently bumped into someone and they get the wrong idea and get mad? You squeezed the blonds hand tightly, to which he looked down at you. He couldn't see your expression, you were practically pressed up into his arm. When the line moved he made sure not to stand so close to the people in front of you two and shot a deadly glared to the people behind you. It scared them just enough so they kept their distance and it gave you a lot more space.
When you looked up again you felt a bit more relaxed seeing the extra space. You smiled up at bakugou gratefully knowing he was being thoughtful even if he wouldn't admit to it. He pretended not to see it but when he turned his head away from you, You knew he saw how you were looking at him. He really did make you feel so safe.
When you first met him he was terrifying to you. He was so eccentric, loud and pretty much the opposite of you, and yet, surprisingly you two became friends. Turns out having someone so intimidating as a friend is nice. When you told him about your social anxiety he got a lot more protective over you. He would scare away anyone who was making you uncomfortable, anyone who got too close, he even went as far as talking for you when you didn't want to. Little did you know he was also doing those things out of jealousy, but you don't need to know that.
All of your classmates were so suprised when they found out you were friends, so you can imagine their faces when they found out your started dating. You two were pretty opposite but that's what worked so well with you two and he loved you exactly as you were.
Your smile was soon replaced with a look of terror when you heard the words. "Next, please." And realised you were at the front of the line. It was your turn and you didn't feel prepared at all. You hadn t even went through the interaction in your head to plan it out! You squeezed his hand even tighter, you were suprised he wasn't in pain from how tightly you were holding onto him, then again he was really strong.
You went up to the lady behind the counter and she smiled at you sweetly. You placed your things on the counter and she began scanning them through. "Are you having a nice day today?" She said, in an attempt to make small talk. You appreciated it but another part of you also didn't want to speak. You half shuffled behind your boyfriend when you replied. "Y-yes. Thank you." You had said it so quietly you weren't entirely sure she heard you.
You didn't let go of his hand for a second and as much as he was against PDA he knew he couldn't push you away when you were like this. He wasn't a monster. So he just ignored it. Sending glares to anyone who looked at you for a second too long.
Once the cashier was finished you paid for your things and as soon as you walked out into the empty street you let out a breath that you had apparently been holding. Your heart was still racing and your cheeks were flushed red.
"See? That wasn't so bad. You've got nothing to be afraid of, dumbass."
"Th-thats not true! I should've asked her if she was having a nice day too! She probably thinks I'm horrible and impolite! Which I am! I-"
"You're not helping yourself. She's probably already completely forgotten about it. You did great. The more you do it, the easier it'll get."
"It's just... scary to me. I wish it was that simple but I'm trying to fight against my own brain here! Its not easy katsuki." You muttered softly, eyes downcast to the floor. He felt like punching himself for making you upset. He really had no clue how to deal with this stuff but he was trying his best. He just wanted you to be happy.
To Bakugou you had done really well compared to some of the other times.
Sometimes you would give him the money and wait outside so he would have to pay. This time you faced your fears and you hadn't done so bad. If fact, it had went pretty smoothly from his point of view. So he couldn't understand why you didn't see it as an achievememt.
"Did you feel better holding onto me? Having me there with you?" He asked. You were confused by the sudden question but nodded slowly to answer it. You didn't know where he was going with it. "Then we can practise more, and every time you do something like that I'll hold your hand. I'll let you hide behind me if you need to. Just make sure you're at least try."
Your eyes widened in suprise. You hadn t expected to hear him say that. You knew he didn't like PDA. And now here he was offering it to you. This was an opportunity you couldn't miss! You smiled brightly at him, about to say how happy that made you but he beat you to it.
"But I'll only do it when you need it. Don't get too cocky, babe." He smirked and pulled his hand away from yours. You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "Jerk, I always need it!" You retorted. Holding out your hand again for him to grab but Bakugou shook his head. "No one's even around, you're fine. You can't pull that bullshit on me."
"Can't you just let me have this?! My heart is still racing so bad!"
He eventually gave in and took your hand back into his. Though he pretended to be unhappy about it.
He really would do anything to make you happy, But he also knew he had to help you overcome this. Help you until one day you don't even need to hold his hand when talking to someone, when around strangers. As much as he loves it, he loves you more. He didn't want you to live in such a small, closed off world. Especially when he knew you could do this! When he had first met you he barely could hear what you were saying, you spoke so quietly. You wouldn't even look at him, and now you weren't anxious around him at all! In fact when you were alone and you were completely yourself he loved it.
You're amazing, you just needed to show the rest of the world what you showed to him.
"Hey." He got your attention by squeezing your hand.
"I'm proud of you."
You held onto his jacket sleeve tightly as you two walked through the market place. You were feeling really anxious because of how busy it was. Even after you two had agreed to leave early so neither of you would have to deal with a big crowd of people, it turned out everyone else had the same idea as you did. It was still pretty early in the morning and yet there was so much going on. It was unbelievable!
Your hands were currently intertwined with Shinsou's as you glanced around at all the stalls. You stayed as close to his side as possible, knowing his presence gave you comfort. You could even see on his face he wasn't all too happy about the amount of people either. Shinsou couldn't deny that he did love having you so close, but not when he knew it was because you were anxious.
As soon as he felt your grip tighten on him he didn't need you to say anything for him to know what was wrong. He had to admit he also felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave as soon as possible too. Shinsou grabbed onto your wrist and gently began leading you through the crowd until you reached the end. When you made it out of the crowd you looked around and took notice you were by a park. You both breathed in relief that you had gotten out of that situation and now you two could just go relax in the park, alone.
"Are you ok?" He asked you softly. He was happy to see your relieved expression. Your whole body had seemed to relax as soon as you walked into the deserted park area. There was only a few people walking their dogs but there were far away from the pair of you.
You couldn't even begin to tell him how grateful you were he had so quickly took you out of there. You told him you were fine and walked over to sit on a bench that overlooked the lake. He sat beside you and didn't complain when you pressed your face into his shoulder, you were blocking out the rest of the world, even if just for a moment. But also your boyfriends scent was just comforting for you.
Neither of you really loved big crowds or were socially gifted, so you both understood each other's feelings. It was nice to have someone who knew the signs and what steps to take to help. You both sat on the bench for awhile. The park, unlike the market, was quiet and peaceful, the breeze was so cooling on such a hot day. You felt so much better now that it was just you two. You could feel shinsou's thumb running across the back of your hand.
"Thanks for always saving me." You whispered as you rubbed your face furthur into his arm. "Don't thank me. I'd do anything for you, kitty." You smiled at the nickname. You had gotten it when he compared you to a cat. Saying you were always so quiet, sometimes even skittish, how you would always stick around him and avoid every one else. Just like how a cat would do with their owners. He first time he had said that you found it so cute you burst into a fit of giggles.
You sighed happily and closed your eyes for a sweet moment but not even 3 seconds later you wished you had kept them open. You jumped at the sound of someone calling your boyfriends name and running up to him. It was, what looked to be, an energetic old man. Shinsou stood up and sent him a lazy smile.
"I thought I recognised that hair! It's been a long time kid." The old man laughed. You had no idea who he was but you felt a little awkward just sitting there whilst the two conversed. You slowly stood up hoping the man wouldn't notice you so you could slip away from the situation and wait somewhere else for your boyfriend.
"Who's your friend?"
You cringed when he addressed you. Knowing now you couldn't walk away so easily.
You were stuck here, and you were probably about to completely embarrass yourself in front of this man and your boyfriend too.
You stood there tensed up and turned back to look at them. You really weren't good at talking to strangers but now the old man was expecting you to introduce yourself! You completely froze up. You felt your heart race just as fast as it had back at the market place, your face began to heat up as you tried to force some words out but you couldn't even get past the first letter.
"That's (y/n)" shinsou saved you from having to speak, before reaching out to take your hand. He already knew it helped calm you down when he did this. You shyly moved to stand behind shinsou's back. Your head being the only thing that was peaking out.
"That's (y/n)?" The man asked in shock before letting out a hearty chuckle. "So you finally got 'em huh?"
His question made you curious but you didn't have enough courage to ask what he was talking about. Though the man seemed to notice the curious look on your face and smirked in amusement.
"Oh, Shinsou here had had a crush on you for quite sometime. It's been a good few years now."
You almost choked on your on spit. Years?!
Shinsous rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and turned his face away. "Come on... You didn't have to tell them that." He muttered, but you however felt your heart beating faster by the second. You two had been dating for awhile but certainly not years! Had he really liked you for that long? He had hidden it so well! You softly squeezed his hand. Wanting him to know he shouldn't be embarrassed about that. It was so sweet!
"Your right, but they deserve to know don't you think?" The man chuckled again. "He would always come around to my shop and sit there texting you for hours. He never smiled more than when he was talking with you. I'm suprised it took him this long to ask you out."
"Ok you can stop now." Shinsou muttered.
The old man made eye contact with you and you jumped back behind shinsou's back. "I should get back to the shop now. Come along anytime! I'll give you coffee, on the house!" The man waved as he walked away. You looked up to your boyfriend who was avoiding all eye contact. You stepped out from behind him, looking at him with love filled eyes.
"Who was that? How do you know him?"
"He-... well-..he owns the cat cafe down the street."
You couldn't help but giggle, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "Now I understand how you two know each other so well~" you teased him, his cheeks turning red in the process. He thought the teasing was over but he was wrong.
"I think we should talk about how you never told me you've liked me for years."
"Please don't."
It was easy to tell you were quiet and shy but as a matter of fact that wasn't exactly what it seemed. You had social anxiety, and you had yet to tell your boyfriend about it. Which is why every time you avoided talking to people by hiding behind him, or when you held onto his jacket sleeve so tightly it almost ripped, Todoroki was utterly confused. He didn't understand why you acted this way. He figured maybe you were just wary of people? He knew it wasn't just shyness. At first? Yeah. He figured you were just shy but it seemed like something more to him. He just didn't know what.
Whenever he tried to ask you about it You dodged the question with. "Im just shy around strangers." But in actuality it was a lot more serious than that. You just didn't know how to tell him.
There were these three students who would come up to you in the hallways and everytime they did so you looked in incredibly uncomfortable. Like you wanted to completely disappear from the situation. This caused Todoroki to believe they were harassing you, and he wasn't happy about it. Of course he knew you did act that way around most people but it still caused him to worry to the point he would try and observe you to see what things would make you uncomfortable. Lately it seemed to be those three people from the support class. He knew he couldn't just Stand by and let this continue.
He was walking with you to class, the hallway was almost completely empty and so you didn't feel the need to cling onto your boyfriend for comfort. You knew he was becoming more suspicious about your mannerisms and you didn't want to worry him anymore than you already where. But you just weren't sure you wanted him to know about your struggle with your mental illness. What if he thought less of you because of it?
Those same three students from the support class were running up to you with grins on their faces. You had talked to them a few times- well no, let's rephrase that. They've talked to you. You didn't really say much unless they asked you a question. You did like them though. They were helping you with your costume and they didnt mind that you were quiet and a bit awkward either! That still didn't make it any less nerve wrecking to talk to them. You didnt know them well enough to be comfortable around them so when they came running over you grabbed onto Todoroki's arm, your fingers digging into his sleeve. He stopped walking when he felt this. Here you were again; looking uncomfortable as the support students were running up to you. It made him more than annoyed, could they just not see you were uncomfortable?
The three students exctiedly surrounded you, talking about the adjustments they made for your quirk and how they can't wait for you to try it out. You sent them a small smile, you felt more than happy they were helping you out. They were putting all this effort in for you, you just wished maybe they wouldn't crowd you like this. That's what made you feel anxious when talking to them. Three pairs of eyes all on you as they practically circled you.
You felt Todoroki take his arm away and you panicked for a small second before it cane back and secured itself around your waist. He pulled you to his side, glaring at the three in front of you. "Excuse me, but can't you tell you're making them uncomfortable. I suggest you leave them alone or else I'll have to get involved." He said in a stone cold voice.
You were suprised to hear him talking like this. The three students hadn't done anything wrong.
"U-uh.. ok? Sorry (y/n)."
The slowly walked away and you knew you would have to make an effort to apologise to them later that day. You turned to for boyfriend unable to comprehend the coldness in his eyes. "S-shouto! What was that for?"
"I thought they had been harassing you lately. Everytime they show up you seem to get so uncomfortable. Was I wrong?"
You sighed, knowing you would have to explain yourself. This couldn't happen again, and you didn't want to confuse him. "I-i think we need to talk. Or at least I need to talk, but it might be long so let's do it after class ok?"
It was safe to say the whole class he was silently panicking. 'We need to talk.' That was playing in his mind the whole time. About what? Had he messed up?
When he saw you stay back after class, he too stayed back until the class was empty. He walked up to you, you were currently leaning back against your desk. Noticeable worry in your eyes as you chewed on your bottom lip.
"I'm have social anxiety.."
You blurted it out thinking it was just the best way rather than waiting any longer.
"You always get so confused when I hold onto you for too long. When I hide behind you or squeeze your hand too hard. Well, I get anxious around people... i always feel like i'm going to say or do something wrong, and then everyone will hate me for it. Those students weren't harassing me. I just don't always know how to act around people. I don't want to screw up. Don't you remember when we first met? I could barely talk to you. I was so scared you'd end up hating me."
Todoroki thought back to when you use to stutter and become breathless when talking to him. You even seemed to get dizzy at times and experiance faint spells. You had told him they were just side effects of your quirk which was an obvious lie but he didn't push it.
"I hold onto you because you make me feel calmer. You make me feel safe." You admitted, shyly. You didn't want to look at him in fear he would be judging you, so you didn't. What if he thought you were too much of a handful now? Surely there are much better people out there than you. Why bother with someone who can't even function correctly? Someone who can't even talk to people without getting dizzy and sick?!
"Well I suppose that gives me a good excuse to hold your hand then."
Your head shot up hearing his words. He was smiling down at you gently. It wasn't a big small, just the corners of his mouth had twitched upwards slightly. "You should've told me sooner. I would've tried to help you take the right steps to help you overcome this. Or at the very least just supported you through it. You dont have to hide anything from me."
"I didn't want you to know how I really am.."
"(Y/n), You accepted me for who I really am. If you think I wouldn't do the same thing for you. Maybe you don't know me that well after all."
He hooked a finger under your chin and lifted your head up as he leaned down, placing his lips to yours in a soft, delicate kiss.
"I love you. Don't ever feel ashamed of who you are because you're the best person I know."
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journal prompts during quarantine to entertain the tomorrow people
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first off I hope that you and yours are healthy and safe and following the guidelines of your area. please remember to check the guidelines on the W.H.O. website. If you have money to spare, now is definitely the time to be charitable. Save the children is a charity close to my heart, and they are working on a strong relief effort. This website has a list of charities responding organized by how they are helping.
also the title is not a reference the the tv show, i promise. 
so in reality, people are not actually going to read your diary, especially not if you get creative with the hiding places or invent your own script
you probably won’t make history personally, but it could be fun to memorialize this time of upheaval for yourself or maybe future historians/weird nerds. it could also help you relax and/or improve your languages.
all of these require varying language levels, but most of them you can do from a2 but obviously your responses would be much simpler
all rightly let’s go (under the read more)
you could just describe your daily life. it might get dry after a while, but i do this sometimes. i especially like to do it if i feel like i haven’t actually done much but i really have. it is nice to help me organize my thoughts and like actually evaluate the events of the day. 
write some fan/fiction. it can be relaxing if you’re into projecting your intimate thoughts onto poor, unsuspecting side characters fandom. you could also write original fiction about like your OCs in quarantine. also you just continue an existing project. 
a gratitude journal. i’ve never done that because i’m an ungrateful young whippersnapper it’s not really my thing. i’ve tried it a few times, and there seems to be a lot of options for how you do it. i can’t really speak to it, but if you just like google images you can see some examples.
write about whatever you’re reading. i’ve been trying to read a lot more closely than i have in the past because i was only really shallowly understand/engaging with whatever i was reading. i don’t own most of the books that i read, so i can’t annotate them, so i’ve been like taking scrap paper and then noting down interesting ideas or my thoughts about various parts. 
how you are adjusting to whatever change this has brought. this is kind of tied in with the first one, but yeah. is at home school kicking your butt? are you a cashier constantly on edge? how is your life different or the same?
your family and the people around you. who do you miss seeing? what is it like stuck at home with whomever? how has this clossness changed you relationship?
how this has changed your goals/plans. I’ve see a lot of people focusing on being more productive during this time. If that works for you or you find it motivating, that’s great, but I think it’s an unrealistic expectation that you’ll be able to do more right now. Your entire daily life has been disrupted and we’re all much more anxious than normal. I think that it’d be helpful to maybe compare what you thought these few months would look like versus what has happened. also if you’d like you could rethink your language goals. Try and cut yourself some slack.
brainstorm ways that you can keep in touch with your friends/family.
think about how technology has made this experience better and worse for you. are you grateful that you can video call grandma? do you spend hours scrolling anxiously through social media? are you sending handwritten love letters to your partner?
think about getting into some new music. this is less of a journal prompt, but you can still write about your expeditions (maybe make it into a fun story). now is I think a good time to get into something new especially if you only listen to one band all the time.
**bonus: I’ve been drawing just like random things, a lot of nature stuff, but that’s just what I’m into. It’s relaxing, and I’ve been learning the words for the things that I drew in my TL.
Disclaimer: I’m not trying to be insensitive. I know that everyone has a lot on their minds right now, and that many doctors, nurses, and other essential workers don’t have more time but instead less. I am just trying to help anyone else stuck at home.
oh and the gif at the top is not mine
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