#also when Jimmy laughs and says i don’t understand it!!
abby-sturniolo44 · 2 days
— - She’s the one - —
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A/N: kinda short but cute, enjoy :)
Summary: Matt realizes y/n is the one at his mom’s 60th birthday.
⚠️Warnings: Suggestive at the end if you squint but mostly pure fluff <3
Today is Mary Lou’s birthday, you spend the whole day celebrating her with the entire family, of course you’ve met Matt’s parents before but this was the first time you hung out with EVERYONE including their grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins, and you took the time to talk and get to know every single one of them.
Matt’s mom loves you and you love her too, every time your boyfriend visits his hometown you tag along just so you could spend some time with her. This morning Matt woke up all alone, confused he walked downstairs just to find you helping his mom in the kitchen with all the preparations for her birthday , you spend all morning helping until the guests arrived, then Mary Lou introduced you to everyone, everybody was thrilled to finally meet the girl who Mary Lou can’t stop yapping about.
Right now you are talking to Matt’s grandma, she tells you stories about the boys that you haven’t heard before and you can’t help but laugh at every anecdote.
Matt’s been frustrated all day, of course he’s happy to be there and celebrate his mom but hates the fact that he hasn’t had one moment alone with you all day, he loves his family but they keep getting on his nerves, he just doesn’t wanna share you, he knows you are amazing and wants to keep you all for himself but every time he thinks it’s his turn with you someone else would need you for something.
The only thing he can do is stand in a corner admiring you from afar talking with his grandma, you’re smiling ear to ear, you seem truly invested in the conversation with the old lady and his heart swells. He is to busy staring at you that he doesn’t notice his dad standing beside him until he opened his mouth.
“She is the one, isn’t she?”
Matt looks over at his dad, then looks back at you and it hits him “yeah, she is”
“You know I didn’t think it was possible to love someone as much as I love Nick and Chris but somehow I do, I can’t really explain it though it’s different”
“It’s different but it’s just as powerful, and just wait until you have her children, you’ll heart will explode” Jimmy says amused as he hugs his son and they stay like that for a while.
The birthday was over and everyone was gone, the kitchen was a mess but you insisted Mary Lou that you got it and that she should go to bed and rest.
Nick and Chris are outside picking up the rest of the stuff and you are putting dishes in the dishwasher when you feel some familiar arms around your waist, it was Matt, he hugs you tightly from behind and places his head on the crook of your neck, you feel him breathe in how he leaves sweet kisses between the end of your ear and your jaw, you can’t help but to melt into him and relaxed.
“I missed you today, I love my family but they need to understand you’re mine and not theirs” he mumbles
You laugh “I missed you too but you’re family is great, I don’t mind spending time with them and your grandma is so endearing, I really enjoyed today,”
“Would you enjoy it even more if after we are finished with the cleaning I take you to my room and remind you why I’m way more endearing than my grandma?”
You blushed, turn around and give him a big kiss on the lips “we’ll see, now help me clean Bernie”
“She told you that?!” Matt said with an open mouth, shocked at the fact his grandma shared the nickname she gave him when he was a little boy.
“She also told me about the time you peed your pants at school and she had to pick you up”
“I hope you won’t turn out like my grandma when we’re old because I won’t let you talk to our grandson’s girlfriend EVER!!”
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maziecrazycloud · 7 months
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I was watching the one interview when they were in Japan for No Quarter-Page and Plant- I remembered how this interview is so chaotic.
I love this part when theres this intense beeping noise and Robert makes the funniest face. I literally was laughing so hard i had tears in my eyes, bro.
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scuderiahoney · 5 months
Someone Sane
Max Verstappen x reader // Strawberry Wine Pt II
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Strawberry Wine Series // Masterlist
Part Two to Always Walk Me Home (would recommend reading AWMH first)
Summary: You and Max have a shared love for strawberry wine. The rest of your friends think you’ve got bad taste. Or: @vetteltea read Always Walk Me Home and asked for more about the strawberry wine, and then I ran with it. So this is also a bit of a prequel, really 🍓
Warnings: alcohol/intoxication
You walk through the front door of the apartment, shucking off your coat and slipping off your shoes. Max Verstappen’s apartment is a shoes off household. You’ve learned that in the two and a half months you’ve known him. You can hear your friends in the kitchen, laughing loudly about something. One of Max’s cats- Jimmy or Sassy, you can’t tell them apart- is sitting in the hall, watching you curiously.
You’re the last one to arrive. You’d had to work late, had told them to get started without you. You bend to pat the cat on the head on your way past. Everyone is gathered in the kitchen, standing around the island. Someone yells your name enthusiastically when you walk in. Your friend Louise, the one who’d introduced you to this friend group, shoves a wine glass in front of you. It’s not full, just a half glass of something pink.
“Try it,” she says.
Her eyes are wide. Everyone is staring at you. This feels like some sort of initiation. You smell the cup- you’d have assumed it was a rosé, but there’s a hint of something else there. Trusting your friends to not have spiked it with something, you take a cautious sip. Strawberries. It’s strawberry wine. Sweet and sugary. Next to you, Louise laughs. You furrow your brows and stare at her.
“What?” You ask.
“The wine,” she says through a giggle. “It’s awful, isn’t it?”
You take another sip. She raises her brows.
“No?” You say, before you down the rest of the glass. “No, that’s good. I love strawberries.”
Her jaw drops open. The rest of the group erupts into chaos. Someone calls you batshit insane. You look around in bewilderment.
“Thank god,” Max says, taking your glass from your hand. “Someone sane is finally here.”
He’s holding the bottle of wine in his hand. You don’t know Max very well- he’d been a friend of a friend up until a few months ago, when Louise invited you to a party and then kept inviting you to events. You’re… friendly. He intimidates you a bit. He’s smiling at you now, though, as he pours you a full glass of the wine.
“They all think it’s awful,” he says, shaking his head in disappointment. “I was going to drink the whole thing by myself. It would’ve been sad.”
You blink and laugh, taking the glass back from him. “Cheers, then, I guess?”
He picks his glass up from the counter and clinks it against yours.
“Does anyone want wine?” You call out from your kitchen into the living room.
It’s a quiet night. Not everyone was able to make it, so you’re at your apartment. There’s a football match playing on the TV that nobody’s really paying attention to. There’s a few people playing some sort of game of cards that you didn’t even try to understand. Everyone else is just sitting around and chatting.
“What kind?” Louise calls back.
You open the fridge and laugh. “Never mind.”
“S’that fucking strawberry shit, isn’t it?”
“Maybe,” you say in a singsongy tone.
You turn around, reaching for your corkscrew. At the very least, it means you won’t have to share with everyone. Just-
Max calls out. “Bring me a glass? And maybe just bring the bottle in here?”
Someone is making fun of him for it, you can hear it from the other room. You do as he said, though. You hand him the glass, having already poured the wine into it. Then you turn to head back to your original seat. Max reaches up with his free hand and tugs on your wrist.
He pats the open spot on the couch next to him. “Sit here? So we can share the wine.”
Your face grows hot, but you nod and come around to sit next to him. He’s potentially the only one watching the football match- you think his favorite team is one of the ones playing. You feel a bit out of alignment for a moment. You’re in your own apartment, on your own couch, but something about him asking you to sit next to him has thrown you off kilter. You take a breath and try to relax. He doesn’t mean anything by it. You’re overthinking it.
You settle back into the couch by your second glass. By Max’s second, he throws his arm over the back of the sofa, his fingers just barely brushing your neck in the process. It’s nothing, but it makes you shiver anyways.
Max is out of the country on your birthday. He’s in Spain for the Grand Prix. He’ll be back soon after, though, and then the next race is in Monaco. You’re already buzzing with excitement, chatting with your friends about outfits and plans and events throughout the weekend.
The night of your birthday your friends take you out to dinner. It’s a Monday night, so it won’t be anything too crazy, but it’s nice to know they’re thinking about you. You have good food, better wine, and then Louise invites everyone back to her apartment to hang out for the rest of the night. You’re in her kitchen when you hear the front door open. It strikes you as odd- you’d all walked here together. Though you suppose someone could be leaving, or popping out to get some air. You’re reaching into the fridge when someone clears their throat. You turn over your shoulder and find Max.
“Hi, birthday girl,” he says, voice soft and scratchy. He holds up a bag. “Brought you a present.”
You stare at him for a few seconds, because you swear his plane didn’t land until 8:00, and it’s only 8:30. You sort of want to hug him, but he’s not a very touchy person, and you’re not sure you know him well enough yet. You cross the kitchen anyway.
“What are you doing here?” You ask. “You were in Spain.”
He laughs. “It’s not that long of a flight.”
“Yeah, but…” you blink up at him. “You had a busy weekend. I didn’t expect you to come over.”
He tilts his head at you. “It’s your birthday.”
He says it like that’s enough explanation. To him, maybe it is. He may not be a touchy person, but he is the type to show up for his friends. You’ve seen examples of it everywhere- he’s the first to respond in a group chat, the first to show up to every party. It’s a side of him that you don’t think the rest of the world gets to see very often. You’re honored to somehow be a part of it.
He holds the gift bag out to you. “I don’t think I’m going to stay long,” he admits, scrubbing at his scruff with his free hand. “I’m exhausted. But I wanted to at least stop by.”
You take the bag. “You didn’t have to get me anything, you know.”
He shrugs. “I wanted to.”
Inside the bag you find a soft, light scarf, similar to the one Louise wore the last time you saw Max. You’d complimented it, asked where she got it- she’d answered a boutique in Spain. You gasp, running the fabric through your fingers. It’s cream colored, and you wrap it around your neck happily. Then you realize the bag still feels heavy. You reach inside again and your fingers wrap around the neck of a wine bottle. You know what it’s going to be before you even pull it out.
You hold the bottle to your chest and smile up at him. “My favorite.”
He’s smiling a bright smile, has been since you took the bag from him. It makes his cheeks squish and his eyes crinkle. The look he’s giving you is warm and soft. Your heart thuds wildly in your chest. It’s just him being friendly. That’s enough, really, isn’t it? Max picks his friends carefully. The fact that he’s here, that he made such an effort to be here with you for your birthday, is enough.
You uncork the bottle and pour two glasses- one for you and one for him.
It’s not until the next morning that you notice the embroidery on the end of the scarf- a tiny pink strawberry, hidden in the corner.
Your apartment is packed to the brim with people. Your friends are here, your friend’s friends are here, people’s siblings and cousins. What started as a small Grand Prix afterparty has turned into a bit of an overwhelming event. The guest of honor isn’t even here, and likely won’t be. He may have showed, had told you he was planning on it, but then he went and won the race, and now you’re sure he’s busy. You’re sure Red Bull has roped him into some sort of sponsored event.
You’d texted him to tell him congratulations, but so far he hasn’t answered. You can’t say you blame him. You’d seen the celebrations at the podium ceremony- there’s no way he’s had a moment alone.
You and your friends had opted to go back to your apartment since it was closest. However, with this many friends all in town to watch him race, your home has become a bit of a landing pad. You can barely make it through your own kitchen without stepping on somebody’s toes. You’re running dangerously low on alcohol, though you wonder if that may be a good thing. Maybe it’s time to move this party to a club or a restaurant or anywhere other than your tiny apartment.
You squeeze your way through to the front hallway, trying to find anywhere that has any sort of space. You can see from here that your balcony is nearly dangerously packed with people. You reach into the hall cupboard, where you know you keep a couple bottles of wine-
The front door swings open. You groan at the idea of another person in your apartment, resting your head on the edge of a shelf in the cupboard. You don’t even bother looking to see who it is, because everyone you know is already here.
“Holy shit,” you hear. “I didn’t know you could fit this many people in here.”
You peer around the cupboard door. Max is standing there, a wide grin on his face. He smells like champagne and Red Bull. Someone makes their way through the hallway, and he steps back to stay hidden behind the open door.
“We figured you were out with the team,” you say, eyes wide.
“I’m going,” he says, jerking his head towards the hallway. “I came to get you guys. Who are all of these people?”
“Friends of friends, people’s families, I don’t know,” you say, still peering around the door at him. “I think someone’s grandma is here. We’re almost out of alcohol. I’m grabbing wine.”
You pull the bottle from the cupboard and hold it up to him. He grins impossibly wider at the label. Strawberry wine.
“Nobody else will drink that,” he says. “You’re going to have a mutiny on your hands.”
“Yeah, well, I got it as a gift for you, to celebrate the race, but now I’m thinking about chugging it and then locking myself in the bedroom.”
Max raises his brows. You stare back at him. Then it hits you. You step around the cupboard door and without thinking, you throw your arms around him.
“Congrats, by the way. On the race.”
You remember mid hug that this is Max, and that Max doesn’t really like hugs. Before you can pull away, though, he’s wrapping his arms around you. He squeezes you tight to his chest for a moment. You feel him rest his chin on top of your head.
“Thank you,” he says, quietly. “I’m glad you were there to see it. And thank you for the wine.”
You know he’s talking generally, about your friend group. But for a moment, you let yourself think he’s talking just about you.
“I have a better plan,” he says, keeping you held against his chest. “You and I take that bottle. We sneak it into the club with us.”
“And all the people in my apartment?” You ask, flinching as you hear something that sounds an awful lot like broken glass.
He sighs. “We bring them with us. It’s better than them destroying your place.”
“Even the grandma?”
“Grandmas love nightclubs.”
You laugh into his chest. “You should go. If someone sees you they’ll go crazy.”
He pulls away and grabs your shoulders. “We should go. We’ll call Louise on the way, tell her where to meet us.”
Really, who are you to say no? He’s Max Verstappen, he’s just won the Monaco Grand Prix. So you slip on a pair of shoes and follow him out the front door before anyone can catch sight of him. Then you’re walking down the streets of Monaco, side by side with him. He takes the bottle of wine from your hands and stops at a crowd of people partying in someone’s front lawn.
“Has anyone got a corkscrew?” He calls out. Someone throws one to him. He opens the bottle, then calls, “and maybe a couple cups?”
Two plastic cups are handed through the crowd to him. They ask him to sign the corkscrew. He hands it back afterwards and shoves the cork in his pocket. Then he pours two glasses and hands one to you. Strawberry wine on a sidewalk in Monaco, in step with the man who won the Grand Prix. You’ve never had a stranger or better day.
He calls Louise when the club is in sight. “Yeah, just down the road. Uh-huh. No, bring everyone.” You hear Louise say something. “Well I don’t know, does the grandma want to come to the party?” He asks, quirking a brow at you. “Then bring her. Okay. See you soon, then. Oh- no, wait, Louise- she’s with me.” He reaches out and squeezes your upper arm lightly. The touch sends sparks shivering up your spine. “Yeah. Long story. Just meet us there, yeah?”
It’s nearly Christmas, and you’re stressed. That might be an understatement, actually. The holidays are always stressful, plus a project at work that’s gone haywire, leaving you picking up the pieces. You wouldn’t even be at the party, too exhausted and so tired of people, if it wasn’t your last chance to see most of your friends before the holidays kick off. You’re leaving to spend time with your family soon. It’s one of the few things you’re looking forward to.
You wander through the party feeling a bit like a zombie. It’s Max’s apartment, with more people in attendance than your usual group. You bounce from friend to friend, always clinging to someone’s side, trying to avoid talking to anyone you don’t know, or anyone at all, really. You’re just socially exhausted.
Max finds you in the kitchen. He sweeps you under his arm into a quick side hug, and you force a smile when you look up at him. He sees right through it, frowning down at you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, poking your cheek lightly.
You try harder to make the smile genuine. “Nothing! Why?”
He stares at you, tilts his head. “You’re lying.”
You shrug. “M’just tired.���
You can tell he doesn’t believe you. But someone asks him a question, and the friend you’ve glued yourself to is leaving the room, so you follow. You don’t see Max for a while. In fact, it’s been a suspiciously long amount of time. Somebody else has noticed and brings it up, asking where he’s gone off to.
“Oh, he ran to the store, I think. Didn’t say why.”
Someone suggests a drinking game. You make a break for the balcony. Jimmy is standing in front of the door, staring up at you.
“Jim,” you mutter, bending to pet him. “I know you’re gonna make a run for it the second I open the door.”
He meows at you, like he understands. You try to usher him towards Max’s bedroom, but he stays put. You sigh in frustration. In the living room, the noise kicks up another notch. When Max steps into the hallway, there are tears in your eyes.
“Did he scratch you?” Max asks.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and squeeze your eyes shut. “No. M’fine.”
Max clicks his tongue at you. You sigh, again. There’s a shuffling noise, and then you hear the sliding door open. Cool air hits your face. Max’s hands land on your shoulders and he leads you outside. You’re in socks, and the concrete is cold on your feet. You open your eyes and sit down on the patio couch. Max closes the door behind him and sits down next to you. It’s then that you notice the bottle of wine in his hand. Strawberry wine. You’d checked the fridge earlier- that bottle wasn’t there. So either he’s been hiding it, or… he ran to the store. Didn’t say why. Your throat feels tight.
He hands you the bottle carefully. He’s already opened it, but he neglected to bring any glasses. You shrug and tip the bottle to your lips. Sweet, sugary, room temperature wine washes over your tongue and you sigh.
“What’s going on?” He asks, gesturing for the bottle. He waits patiently as he takes a sip, too.
You huff and rub your cheeks with your empty hands. “Nothing, Max. I’m fine. There’s a whole party inside, I’m sure they’d love to play drinking games with you, so-“
“But I’m here with you,” he says patiently, voice soft. Your heart is cracking wide open in your chest. “Because I want to be. So tell me what’s going on.”
There’s so much to tell him that you don’t know where to start. It’s your family, it’s the traveling you’re about to do. It’s work, so stressful you wish you could just quit. It’s this awful feeling you can’t shake that maybe none of your friends really want you here. It’s Max, and the way your heart skips a beat when he looks at you. The way your stomach fills with butterflies when he touches you. The way he could have any girl in the whole world, and you’re just his friend. You curl your knees close to your chest and wrap your arms around them.
“I’m just stressed,” you admit, figuring that’s the easiest answer. “Work, and the holidays, and… just , everything. You know?”
He nods, passes the bottle of wine back to you. You take another drink. You study the label of it to try and keep yourself from crying in front of him. That would be embarrassing. That would scare him off. You rest your chin on your knee. Then you feel it.
Max’s arm, draping over your shoulders. The weight of him is heavy and steady and warm. He’s going to throw you into a tailspin with just that one motion. Then- like he doesn’t know how much he’s already affecting you- he presses his hand to your shoulder and pulls you against his side. Fuck. You’re not going to cry in front of him. You won’t do it. But Max doesn’t do hugs and cuddling, he’s not a touchy person, and yet he’s wrapping himself around you to hold you close.
You rest your head against his shoulder and take another drink of wine. He takes the bottle back and does the same. His hand sweeps up and down your upper back in a soothing motion, over and over again.
You’re not going to cry. You won’t. You close your eyes instead. You feel Max’s cheek against the top of your head. You won’t cry.
“Maybe after the holidays we should all go somewhere warm and relaxing,” he says. You let out a noise somewhere between a sob and a laugh. “I think we could all use a bit of a break, no?”
You nod against his chest. He squeezes your shoulder. If you keep your eyes squeezed shut, he won’t see the tears. You can’t cry in front of him. So you sit, blind to the world around you, your head pressed to his chest.
Later, you blink your eyes open to the sound of voices, feeling disoriented. Someone is saying something to Max, saying your name. And Max, his voice rumbling beneath your chest-
“-walk her home, or she can stay here,” he says. “I’ve got her, mate.”
The sliding door closes. You realize you’d fallen asleep. Your face heats up, unsure of if you should pretend you’re not awake or if you should pull away immediately. You’re still trying to decide when Max’s hand starts brushing up and down your back again. Your eyes slip closed. You can feel the steady rise and fall of his chest with each breath. No wonder you fell asleep.
Max shifts, squeezing your shoulder. “Schatje, time to wake up,” he whispers, close to your ear.
You sigh and pull away, sitting up to look at him. He keeps an arm wrapped around your shoulders. You rub your eyes, trying to clear the sleep from them. You’re too exhausted to find it in yourself to be embarrassed about falling asleep on him. Besides, he could’ve woken you up if he wanted to. He’s being a good friend.
“It’s late,” he says. You swear you’re imagining it when his hand comes up and his fingers brush against your cheek. “Do you want to sleep in the guest room?”
You nod.
In the morning, when you drag yourself out of bed, Max is gone. There’s a note on the counter. He had early morning training, and then a padel game. Didn’t want to wake you. Next to the note, there’s a bowl of strawberries. Sassy winds herself around your ankles. You smile and try to slow the beating of your heart.
Max is standing in your empty apartment one night, the last of your friends to leave. You’re wandering through the living room, picking up cups and trying to pretend he isn’t watching you. When you try to walk by him and head for the kitchen, he grabs your hip.
You stop and stare. His eyes are boring into yours, wide and blue and soft. There’s a smile on his lips. You haven’t asked him yet why he’s still here, mostly because you don’t really want him to go. His hand is burning a hole in the fabric of your shirt where he’s holding onto you. You think if you look down, you’ll find flames licking up your side. But you can’t tear your eyes away from him.
His other hand sneaks up, and his fingers brush against the side of your face. It reminds you of the moment on his balcony, weeks ago now. You’re caught between wanting to let your eyes slip closed and never wanting to break his gaze.
You realize moments later he’s looking for some sort of confirmation from you. He’s waiting, though you’re not sure exactly what he’s looking for. In an act of blind, foolish courage, you take a step towards him and wind one of your arms around the back of his neck. Max sighs. You twist your fingers into the hair on the nape of his neck.
Max is your friend. This could ruin everything. If this goes badly…
You take another step closer. You can hear his soft breaths. His fingers brush against your cheek- you swear you feel him tremble, just slightly, just enough for you to know. He wants this, but he’s scared, too. His heart is beating just as fast. His mind is racing just as fast.
When he kisses you, his lips taste like strawberry wine.
Max is holding your hand on the sidewalk. He’s walking you home from a club you’d been at with your friends. You love him, but you haven’t told him yet. You’ve only just realized it that night, seeing yourself laugh in the bathroom mirror and then seeing the smile on his face when he looked at you.
Next to you, though you don’t know it, Max is having the exact same realization.
“Can you grab my watch?” Max calls out from the kitchen. “In the bedside table, top drawer?”
You’re trying to resist the urge to tell him to find it himself. You’re horribly late to a dinner, this stupidly fancy dinner that has you second guessing every piece of clothing you put on. Max was no help, telling you that everything you tried on was perfect and beautiful and would look even better on his floor. You love him, but today, he’s driving you insane.
You stomp over to the bedside table and open the drawer. The box with his watch is sitting there, nestled in with other odds and ends. You pick up the box and almost close the drawer without even noticing. But something makes you pause and stare.
In the drawer there’s a little plastic tray, and it’s full of wine corks. You recognize the logo. Max is calling your name in the other room, something about hurrying up, but suddenly you don’t care about the stupid dinner. You’re thinking of that sidewalk stroll you took so long ago, the corkscrew he borrowed, the way he put the cork in his pocket. You’d thought it was to throw it away later.
He calls your name again, from the doorway. You reach into the drawer without turning around, running your fingers over the corks. He makes a noise and walks across the room to you, wraps his arms around your waist and tucks his chin over your shoulder.
“Did you save the all corks?” You ask, voice breathy.
Max nods, presses his lips to your bare shoulder. “All except the very first one. By the time I… when I went to grab it, it was gone.”
You laugh. You can’t help it. You turn around and press yourself into his arms and laugh. He’s staring down at you in bewilderment. He’s been driving you crazy all afternoon, he must think you’ve finally snapped.
“The first cork is in my jewelry box,” you tell him, and a laugh bubbles up between his lips, too. “I took it off the counter. I didn’t know why, at the time. Just felt like I should.”
You’re late to the dinner. Max makes an excuse. Nobody believes it, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Some time later, there will be a moment. It won’t matter where you are, or what you’re doing. It will be you and Max, and you will look at him and the whole world will melt away. And the strangest thought will pop into your head.
Our friends are going to send us strawberry wine when we get engaged, you’ll think. And they will bring it to the wedding.
He’ll turn to you, like he’s heard your thoughts. He’ll smile, cheeks pink as the strawberry wine. At that same moment, he’ll be wondering if strawberry shortcake is an acceptable wedding dessert. Every time you taste strawberries, you’ll think back to the kitchen in his apartment. The wine you were supposed to hate. And Max, a smile on his face, glad to not be alone.
Someone sane is finally here, he’d said.
And then everything had changed.
Read part 3, Empty Space
p.s.: am I way too invested in this pairing? Probably. Have I already decided what their wedding song would be? Definitely.
p.s. again: ironically, it turns out both @vetteltea and I hate strawberry wine 🍓
Taglist: @4-mula1 @celestialams @struggling-with-delia @lovekt
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wren-kitchens · 7 months
I saw scott breaking up scar and jimmy and ran with the idea
anyway, jealous scott and jealous tango ‘pretending’ to date in the hopes that it’ll make jimmy jealous too (spoiler, it doesn’t)
“I still don’t understand how you could date jimmy and not know your own love language.”
scott is leant against a cherry tree, tango’s head in his lap, gently braiding his hair. it’s honestly quite nice—the heat that radiates off tango at all times seems to also radiate off his hair, warming scott’s frozen fingers from hours of sanding down fences. he honestly regrets how much wood he used—not only in containing livestock, but in and around his build too. sanding is an absolute nightmare—usually he wouldn’t care for a few splinters, but considering they no longer heal, scott doesn’t really want to risk it.
one benefit of this pretend relationship is that the autumn air seems to have no affect on him anymore, what with the blazeborn heat scott seems to have absorbed. scott wonders if, when tango pulls a muscle, he can just use his hands as heat packs. something twists in his gut as his mind follows that thought with the idea of tango helping jimmy with his heat-pack hands.
(oddly enough, scott is more upset at the idea of tango’s heat being given to someone else, and not that jimmy was being helped by another. he decides not to think about it too much.)
tango scoffs, slightly defensive. “well, it’s-“
“wait, isn’t your island called love island?” scott grins, enjoying the look on tango’s face a little more than he expected to. his signature pouty frown. 
“I never said I was good at this!” tango huffs. “in fact, I definitely mentioned that I was very bad at this several times. so, y’know- that’s your fault.”
“well, get better.” scott flicks tango’s forehead, laughing as he protests. “if you don’t know, then i’ll have to ask jimmy. he’ll have figured it out.”
“that could be a good idea actually.” tango says, clearly giving up on the pout. scott has to admit, he’s a little disappointed; it was cute. and funny- mostly funny.
“what do you mean?”
“like- you could play it off as trying to figure out how to be a better partner, y’know?” tango says, and scott hums in understanding.
“that’s a good plan.” scott says. “you know, it’s lucky you’re smart, because i have to be the pretty one in this relationship.”
tango snorts, and his hair catches on fire for a split second. scott expects it to hurt, but the sensation is akin to stepping into a hot bath. huh. “is that a compliment?”
“it can be whatever you want it to be, sweetheart.” scott grins.
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jayalicious · 3 months
Grian x Empires!Reader
Notes - This fic is set in Empires S2 during the hermitcraft crossover. The reader is the ruler of a very large lake around 250x250 blocks near spawn. They are a merfolk fresh water shark! Your also 7ft tall just like LDShadowlady was in season one.
Contents and warnings: Injury, Fluff, Being dropped from large heights
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-You sat in your underwater palace, filling out some seaweedwork (paperwork), just recently, lots of new people joined the smp. Weather they were staying or not did not concern you, but since then your fellow rulers have pushed you to make a conduit.
It was annoying, now that you got lots of visitors, interrupting your work. None of them intrigued you enough to pay them any mind. Having annoying neighbours like Joey and Jimmy was already enough. But that changed one day.
You sat back in your chair boredly, watching as fish of all sorts swam by peacefully, paying no mind to you, a clear predator. You wished you could be as care free as them.
Your head snapped back towards the door when you saw something moving, only to be faced with an avian. Grian, you think his name was. He was known to be a prankster and being quite obnoxious. From the small amount of times you’ve seen him though, he’s seemed pretty chill.
“Hello.” You greeted hesitantly. He must’ve been so uncomfortable underwater with his feathers. You couldn’t understand why he’d get his wings ruined and all wet just to come down here to meet you.
“Hey!” He replied back, seemingly happy. “Your Y/n, right? All the other hermits have been telling me about you.”
“What’d they say? I’m a boring old shark who’s rude as fuck?”
Grian raised an eyebrow and shook his head. “No. They told me you seemed cool. Mysterious and stuff. I wanted to meet you for myself.” He smiled yet again. His cheerful expression was contagious and you felt a smile creep up onto your own face.
“Oh, we’ll, it’s nice to meet you.” You nodded politely. “Grian, right?”
“That’s me.” He said proudly.
“You must be very uncomfortable down here- if you’d like we can go back up to the surface so your wings can dry.” You suggested, watching his wings twitch every so often.
“Are you sure? I came here to meet you, there’s no need for you to sacrifice your time for me.” He waved it off, nervously.
“I insist.” You smiled softly. He hesitated but nodded and you both made your way out of the underwater palace and to the seperate, on land section of your castle that was for meeting with other rulers.
He smiled at you happily. “Your the last ruler I came to meet.” He said after a moment. “I don’t understand why I would put it off for so long. Your probably one of the nicest people I’ve met.” He chuckled.
You laughed as well. “Yeah, some of the others aren’t as caring as me, I guess.” You shrugged. You looked down at him and smiled again.
He paused for a moment, before speaking. “You never get used to the conduits. It feels strange being able to talk underwater without drowning and in hailing unhealthy amounts of unclean water.” He commented.
“Can’t relate.” You smirked and put one hand on your hip, looking down at him.
He rolled his eyes. “Shut up!” He said playfully. You’d met this man less then ten minutes ago and you probably already like him more than most of the other rulers.
“Sorry about your wings getting wet.” You said sheepishly.
“Oh no! It’s not your fault. I decided to go down there.” He replied quickly, reassuring you. “However, for payback I might as well do this.” He said before shaking off his wings aggressively, causing water to get all in her eyes.
You squealed playfully, like a child would, trying to blink it out. He laughed at your reaction, face palming. Soon enough you calmed down, and you both went silent for a moment. It wasn’t uncomfortable though, like every other silence you’d ever gone through. It felt comforting in a way.
“Have you ever flown before?” Grian asked out of the blue.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You laughed.
“I mean- like, with wings. You don’t seem to have an elytra.” He hummed.
“No, I don’t fly. I prefer it on the ground or in the ocean. Besides, why fly when you can swim faster? I get if your on land but I barely leave my kingdom anyway.” You shrugged.
“Would you like to?”
“Would you like to fly with me? I could carry you. My wings are large enough to hold both of us, despite your large size.”
You couldn’t help the red hue spreading across your cheeks. You felt fuzzy inside. This man you barely knew would like to fly you somewhere. To help you experience knew things. Perhaps he also felt as though you were strangely comforting. “That… That would be nice I guess.”
He hesitated but slowly reached toward your arm which you allowed him to take. He then took your other hand and took off. You let out a scream in surprise and he laughed, pulling you closer.
“OH MY GOD LET ME DOWN! LET ME DOWN! LET ME DOWN!” You started screeching anxiously. You shut your eyes as tightly as possible, and soon enough, there was no more unusually strong gusts of wind. “Oh, than god you took me back to the gro-“ You started, opening your eyes only to realise you were above the clouds.
The sky was a beautiful hue of pink of the afternoon, and your lips parted gently. The clouds ran past underneath you, like mist in the wind. “Woah.” You whispered. Since takeoff, Grian had been quiet. You looked up at him only to see him looking straight ahead and smiling.
“I knew you’d like it.” He said softly. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Stunning. No wonder Joel brags about his view in Stratos.” You hummed softly.
Grian let out a laugh at that and you couldn’t help but join in. “Thank you. For being kind to me. The other hermits weren’t so nice.” You said grimly.
“It’s no big deal. Just another excuse to disappear for a while.” He smiled.
You nodded. “I know what you mean.” You we’re both silent for a moment, looking into the sunset. That’s when someone went flying bye. They passed at top speed, causing for both you and Grian to scream and he halted in the sky hastily. Little did he know he had lost grip on you until it was too late.
You let out a scream as you began to plummet down from the large height. This is it. Your dead. Your absolutely fucked. Your shark tail lashed anxiously but ineffectively in the fall. You screamed the whole way through the clouds and continued on the whole way down. Once passing the clouds, you realised you were over the top of a body of water, which was relieving in some ways but even more scary in others.
“Grian?!” You shouted up to the bird who was frantically trying to catch up with you. You were to heavy, however and there was no way he could keep up let alone overtake you to stop you. “Is that an ocean biome?!” You panicked.
“Yes! Why does it matter in this situation?!” He replied back, still frantically trying to get to you.
You were a fresh water shark. You couldn’t breathe in salt water. It was like drowning for a human. You continued on screaming until you finally crashed into the large waves.
Your eyes went wide and you tried holding your breath, tears flowing out of your eyes and into the ocean in panic. Grian was no where to be seen, probably waiting for you to float to the top. You were to large.
You frantically tried to swim up, but to no avail. It just made you loose more breath and loose energy. You knew that if you breathed in that water, your gills would clog up and you’d suffocate. You’d die. However, there was no stopping it. Your lungs burst and you finally swallowed the water. Your eyes closed and everything went black.
You sat up and spat out water in your lungs, finding yourself on the beach. You spat out some seaweed and dragged yourself away from the salt water in fear. Your gills stung from the salt that you consumed and your fins were damaged from touching the water itself.
You already recognised yourself to be on the far east side of the island where all the empires were, there was docks nearby built by Joey. You must be near his kingdom.
You struggled to stand up, your limbs being weak from whatever happened while you were unconscious. How long had it been since you last walked on them? It couldn’t be more than a few hours because you would’ve died by that much salt water by then. So maybe two hours, according to the shape your body was in. You slowly limped your way over to the small dock area. You saw Sausages home, just across a lake connected to the ocean, so you sadly couldn’t leave.
“Anybody here?!” You called, trying to check if Joey was anywhere around. You got now sneer and immediately frowned. You sat back down where you were, on one of the docks. Maybe he’d come back. Or Grian would come looking for you.
It felt like hours of sitting in the heat that you finally saw something at least a little interesting. You felt your smooth shark skin getting burnt the more you sat there, but there was no shady areas that was open.
Moving back to the interesting thing you saw, is that there was numerous birds flying in the sky together. You rarely see any parrots flying together, let alone how high those ones were flying.
You shrugged it off and closed your eyes again, but you were startled by numerous loud thumbing on the dock. “Did those birds seriously come over here to mock m—“ You we’re cut off by being entrapped in a large hug. You felt violated and lie you were being strangled for a moment but softened a little when you realised it was no bird, but Grian, Lizzie, Joel and Jimmy.
“Y/n! There you are!” Grian said worriedly. “I’m sososo sorry. You fell into the ocean and I couldn’t see you anywhere— I got the whole server to try and look for you. Thank the lord.” He said.
Joel then brought up chat and typed in that they found us at Joeys base. (Joey replied with ‘they better of not stolen any of my stuff!’)
“Here, let’s take you home. I’ll treat your wounds.” He frowned. “Since it’s my fault anyway.”
You nodded hazily, still confused on what was happening. “Can we go by boat?”
“Yeah, of course! You guys can go now, thanks a lot. I’m sorry for making you all help me find them. I just felt at fault.” Grian said quickly. They took no time to all leave and get back to their busy lives which I was fine with.
“I’m so sorry for dropping you.” Grian mumbled, placing down a boat and hopping in, followed by you. “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have suggested going flying with you. It was dangerous enough with both our weight but I should’ve also comprehended other fliers.”
“You’d be fine if I hadn’t have ever come. Maybe I shouldn’t have even met you.”
“This is all my fucking fault…”
“GRIAN!! It’s okay! I forgive you! It’s not your fault.”
He went silent as he pulled up to some land. It was a short walk from there to your lake. He helped you out and destroyed the boat before you begun your silent journey home.
Once getting there, he sat you on a table and began healing any wounds you hadn’t noticed. He gave you a healing potion which helped your gills heal and find, however you still had scratched on your legs he bandages up with seaweed for you.
“Thank you, Grian.”
“It’s the least I could’ve done.” He shrugged. “First aid isn’t my specialty.”
“No. I mean for everything. It was beautiful. Thank you.”
He paused, looking at you with wide eyes before taking you in a hug.
“Thank you..” He whispered back.
Anddd that’s it! I hope you enjoyed, and I’ll be taking requests now about fnaf, ninjago and mcyt!
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pixiemage · 2 months
Cut the Line
OR: Tango comes home to find Jimmy holding a golden apple...but not everything is as it seems.
[A/N: I told myself I would ever write full Rancher angst...]
[This work can also be read on Archive of our Own]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tango’s stomach dropped, a dread building in his chest that he hadn’t been expecting when he’d come home with iron and food for his soulmate. His eyes were locked on the shining golden apple sitting in Jimmy’s outstretched hand.
“...where’d you find that?” he breathed, tension straining the soulbond.
“Pearl,” Jimmy told him. His voice was calm, even, unfazed - as though it was just another normal day and he wasn’t holding the potential end of their bond in the palm of his hand. “She was saving it for herself, but when I asked for it, apparently she thought I needed it more.”
Oh. Tango slowly closed the front door behind him with a quiet click. He cleared his throat, his eyes still lingering on the golden apple. His tail coiled around one of his legs and he forced himself to turn away, crouching in front of their chests so he could put away the iron he’d mined. He could pretend to be normal, maybe, for a little while longer. Just for a few seconds. Iron went in, tucked away in the corner, then what little gold he’d managed to find…gold he’d been intending to use for a courting gift. (Might not get to use at all, now. His fingers lingered on the unrefined ore, sooty fingerprints clinging to the half-shiny surface.)
“Why?” he asked finally, standing and letting the lid fall softly shut. He turned around and sat on its edge, fiddling with a chunk of undusted redstone he hadn’t put away. “Why’d you ask for it?”
Jimmy blinked, looking confused.
“For…you?” he said slowly, his head tipping to the side. “So you don’t have to be stuck with me and my curse anymore.”
Tango’s blood ran cold, an impressive feat for a blazeborn. His eyes went wide and he stared at Jimmy, waiting for him to laugh, or crack a smile, say he was joking. But he didn’t. He looked so innocently serious about it, as though he actually expected Tango to just be okay with what he was suggesting.
“I’m not - I don’t–” Tango choked out, shaking his head slowly, and he pushed himself to his feet since Jimmy wasn’t moving. He dragged a hand over his face and tried to compose himself. “Jimmy, I’m not stuck with you. I’m with you, willingly. Soulmates, teammates, partners - ranchers. I’ve got your back.” Jimmy still looked lost, confused, as if he didn’t quite understand, and Tango closed some of the gap between them. “Buddy, I’m not going anywhere.”
“But you could,” Jimmy blurted out, holding the apple higher for Tango to take. “You could, if you wanted, and–”
“But I don’t want,” Tango cut him off. Jimmy was still holding the apple between them so Tango took it gingerly from him, barely giving it a look before tossing it toward the bed. Jimmy let out a startled chirp and went to follow it, but Tango caught his arm in one gentle hand. He drew Jimmy’s wide eyes back to him. “I want you, Jimmy. I like who the game chose for me, and if I had my choice I’d pick you again in a heartbeat.”
Jimmy shook his head slowly, his lips tugging into a frown and his brow scrunching up in a quiet distress that Tango could feel in the bond.
“You shouldn’t,” he said, sounding unsteady for the first time since Tango had arrived home. “Tango, you shouldn’t, I’m - I’m bad luck. I’m cursed. It’s not worth staying for if–”
“Jimmy.” Tango shook his head, at a loss for what to say to convince Jimmy that he was so very wrong. “Jim, you’re so worth it. You’re worth–” He was worth everything. Tango stepped closer, stepping forward into the light filtering in through the window and meeting his soulmate’s eyes beseechingly. “Jimmy, tell me you want me gone, and I’ll go. If you can tell me honestly that you don’t want me for a soulmate I’ll - I’ll talk to Grian, okay?” Jimmy’s eyes had turned shining and his jaw had gone tense, his wings puffed behind him. “But I don’t think–”
Jimmy snorted.
Tango blinked and trailed off, watching as Jimmy’s confused and conflicted expression gave way to barely restrained amusement.
“...what?” Tango asked, and Jimmy snickered.
“Sorry, sorry, you have–” He reached up, his thumb brushing over the end of Tango’s nose, and when he turned his hand to let the light hit it, there was a red shining dust clinging to Jimmy’s skin. Redstone. “I didn’t notice until you stepped into the light, but it’s–”
There was a splattering of laughter and groans from the gathered cast and crew on set, and Tango glanced toward the front door when Cleo shouldered her way in.
“You and Mumbo, I swear–” she grumbled, fishing a compact mirror from her back pocket and holding it out for Tango to take. “How you even manage to get redstone on you in a scene without redstone as a focus will never cease to amaze me.”
Tango smiled sheepishly and glanced at his reflection, chuckling weakly when he spotted smudges of red dust along his right cheek and his nose.
“It blended in with your freckles for a while,” Jimmy commented, taking the cloth from Cleo before she could do anything, leaning in close to get a good look. “Here, let me–”
“Thanks rancher,” Tango winked, and Jimmy went a soft pink as he carefully dabbed at his scene partner’s face. (He did a very good job of pretending he wasn’t affected by Tango’s comment, but the flutter of his wings betrayed him. Just a little.)
A few more people spilled in through the open ranch door, resetting props and fetching the fake golden apple from where it had tumbled across the floor. Grian was among them, a tousled script in hand that Tango knew was covered in red and blue scribbled notes and comments.
“Why don’t you two take twenty?” he suggested in a low voice once he was close enough. He tugged off his glasses and tucked them into his shirt. “That was a really good take, by the way…until Tim broke character.”
“Yeah? Really good?” Tango repeated, hoping Grian was being honest. It had felt like a good read, and he and Jimmy had seemed to play off each other really well with emotions and timing and everything. But he knew it always looked different from the outside.
Grian grinned lopsidedly.
“Really really good,” he insisted. “Considering we’ve been running this one for almost an hour, I’m impressed neither of you have fallen into muscle memory yet. It still feels real and spontaneous, and you’re getting comfortable enough with the lines that I’m starting to really feel it as an audience member.” He patted Tango on the shoulder and rocked back on his heels, heading back for the door. “You’re doing great! Take a break, you deserve it. We’ll take it from your entrance when you get back.”
“Don’t mess up your hair before we get back or I will kill you,” Cleo drawled, and Tango snickered when Jimmy actually went a little pale at the threat.
“I’m…just gonna go check on Norman,” he mumbled, slipping past Cleo and vanishing off the set.
A passing crew member took the chunk of redstone from Tango as he passed and Tango wiped his hands on the cloth Jimmy had left with him, not wanting to end up with more dust in places it wasn’t meant to be. Cleo took it from him the moment he was done.
“You know he’s terrified of you, right?” Tango teased as he trailed after Cleo, both of them leaving the ranch behind so the crew could finish their reset. He snatched a water from the snack table as they passed. “You could be a little nicer to him.”
“I’ll be nicer to Jimmy when he stops wiping his hands on his costume jeans,” she muttered. “Honestly, you’d think he’d remember they’re not his. You all go for lunch, and he ends up with crumbs and little stains that I have to get out before the next shoot.”
“He’s a bit forgetful,” Tango shrugged, though there was an affectionate tone to his words that he couldn’t hide if he tried. “But he always apologizes. It ain’t like he’s doing it on purpose.”
Cleo huffed and tossed the redstone-tinged cloth into a bin near her makeup station.
“Go find your boytoy,” Cleo snipped at him, making Tango choke on the water he was sipping.
“Wh– ngah, hah, um–” He let out a light, nervous laugh. “My what?”
“Your soulmate,” Cleo sing-songed, dropping gracefully into the comfortable chair she’d all but demanded be brought in for her corner of the set. “Go on. We both know he’s waiting at his trailer for you.”
Tango felt his face warm, and he was sure there were tiny sparking flames dancing in his hair beneath Cleo’s knowing gaze.
“Oh my giddy aunt, you’re obvious,” she drawled. “Have you seen you two? Pearl an’ I have a bet going to see how long it’ll take Grian to notice, because - well - it’s Jimmy, and Grian has a hard time picturing Jimmy as anything but his Adorable Baby Brother. Took ‘im two months to realize Scott kept coming around because he and Jimmy were dating.” She grabbed a magazine off the makeup table and flipped through it idly. “‘Course, almost everyone else knows by now. It’s hard to miss.”
“Go kiss your damn boyfriend already, he’ll probably cry if you don’t show up,” Cleo teased. She prodded Tango away with her foot. “Go on. Go get ‘im, tiger.”
If Tango happened to walk just a little too fast to get away from Cleo’s smirking stare, that was his business and nobody else’s. (And maybe Joel’s, since Tango almost ran the poor guy over in his hurry to get to Jimmy’s trailer. But Joel wouldn’t ask. Probably.)
Tango didn’t bother knocking when he arrived at Jimmy’s trailer. They visited each other often enough that there weren’t many boundaries anymore, and it wasn’t as if Jimmy wasn’t already expecting him. So Tango let himself into the small and cozy space, smiling softly when he spotted his partner near the far window, gently misting the few plants sitting on the small table there. They didn’t have a ton of room because of the limited space a trailer provided, but Jimmy always managed to make his feel homely anyway.
Tango crept up behind him on soft feet, enjoying the way Jimmy’s feathers fluffed in pleased surprise when Tango’s arms wound their way around his waist from behind. He chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to Jimmy’s cheek.
“Hey sweetheart,” he sing-songed. Jimmy melted against his chest with a soft twitter.
“Tango,” he huffed, though he sounded more amused than anything. “You scared me!”
“Who, little ol’ me?” Tango squeezed him once before letting him go, giving Jimmy space to turn around and face him properly. There was a sparkle of mirth in his grin and his tail danced lazily behind him in a teasing sort of way.
Jimmy rolled his eyes adoringly. He set the plant mister aside and let Tango reel him back in, folding into Tango’s hold like he belonged there. He was kissing Tango before the netherborn had a chance to make another quip, his eyes falling shut and a pleased little hum muffling itself against Jimmy’s smiling lips.
“Took you long enough,” Jimmy murmured softly between kisses, his hands trailing over Tango’s costume vest aimlessly. “Thought you weren’t gonna come.”
“Cleo,” Tango told him. “Got sidetracked.” He guided Jimmy away from the window so they wouldn’t bump into the plants, not minding a bit when his legs collided with the couch. He sat down when Jimmy nudged at his shoulders, unsurprised when he immediately found himself with a lapful of cuddly soulmate. They’d ended up here dozens of times before, and by now it was comfortable and familiar, these small precious moments of closeness stolen between scenes or long after filming had finished for the night. He and Jimmy just fit together so naturally…he couldn’t fathom a life or universe where they hadn’t found each other.
Jimmy picked up where they left off as seamlessly as if they’d never stopped. It was all slow, lazy kisses and warm affection, Jimmy’s hands barely stopping themselves from tangling in Tango’s hair (they still had a shoot to finish, afterall), and Tango’s thumbs tracing gentle circles against Jimmy’s hips where his grip had loosely fallen.
“How long do we have?” Tango asked breathlessly, and he felt Jimmy’s arm shift against his shoulder to check.
“...twelve minutes.”
“I can work with that.”
Jimmy let out a soft giggle and pressed his forehead to Tango’s, their noses barely brushing.
“We’ve done more with less,” he teased, and Tango grinned.
“Damn right we have.”
It was still a damn miracle Etho hadn’t found them in that closet.
Jimmy kissed him again, his mouth migrating away from Tango’s, pressing his lips along Tango’s jawline in a slow and gentle trail, mouthing lazily at the spot below his ear and nuzzling his face into the crook of his partner’s neck. He settled there for a moment, seeming comfortable and content, and Tango was smiling adoringly when he pressed a lopsided kiss against Jimmy’s hair.
“Comfy?” he teased quietly, and Jimmy let out a warbled little chirp of affirmation. His wings went lax at his back, draping across the couch on either side of Tango, and a low rumble arose in Tango’s chest at the coziness of it all. “Not gonna lie, twelve minutes of cuddle-actions sounds awesome right now.”
“Just wanna be close to you,” Jimmy murmured, snuggling in just that little bit closer, and–
“What the hell are you doing?!”
Tango jolted, and so did Jimmy, his wings afluffed and his head jerking up to stare at the door.
“Grian!” Jimmy squeaked. “Hi! We - er–”
“What?!” Grian sounded flabbergasted and he looked it too. If his jaw was any lower it would’ve hit the floor, his eyes nearly bugging out of his skull. “You - he–”
“Do you need something?” Tango asked casually, much to Jimmy’s amusement if the choked-back laugh he stifled in Tango’s shoulder was anything to go by. “We still have eleven minutes before we need to be on set.”
Grian gaped at him, his mouth opening and shutting like a fish.
“No,” he said finally, sounding a little hysterical. “Nope. It can - you know what, it can wait. It can - yeah. Ten minutes. On set in - yes. Okay. Right.” He floundered for the doorknob, missing once or twice before he finally dragged his gobsmacked stare away from the couple on the couch. He yanked it open and paused, his wings an agitated mess of red and yellow and blue.
“…how long–”
“Two months,” Jimmy told him sheepishly. He was peeking out at his brother past golden feathers, his wings having curved forward slightly in a half-hearted effort to hide. “We wanted to enjoy it without the attention for a while, ‘cause it was new an’ all. Kept it quiet, you know?”
“Fat lot o’ good that did, lad,” Joel said bluntly, sticking his head through the open doorway and earning startled reactions from all involved. “Just about everyone knows. ‘Cept you, Grian.”
Grian squawked and Tango felt his face warm, his hair sparking alongside Jimmy’s resulting spluttering.
“E-Everyone?” he stammered, and Joel shrugged.
“Most everyone.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t snog in closets on set, idiot.”
Jimmy went pink and Tango sank into the couch. Oh. Oh, geez. Maybe Etho wasn’t as oblivious as Tango had assumed.
He cleared his throat.
“…mind giving us those last five minutes?” he asked, his voice a little high-pitched. At Joel’s smirk-lined snickering, he let out an inhuman strangled wheeze. “NO, not - we were just cuddling! C’mon, man–”
“Mhm. Suuuure,” Joel drawled. He hooked Grian’s elbow and dragged him out, letting the door fall shut. From outside the trailer, Tango heard his last quippy remark: “Use protection, lads!”
Jimmy’s embarrassed twittering was muffled in Tango’s shoulder, his wings almost entirely cocooning them now. Tango ran a soothing hand through his partner’s hair, catching slightly on the light gel that kept it looking so adorable during filming.
“Do you want me to fix your feathers, sweetheart?” he asked, earning a grumble from the avian in his lap.
“…no,” he said finally, sounding a bit defeated. “They’re meant to be a little messy for the scene anyway.”
“Mm.” Tango nodded, trailing his claws against Jimmy’s scalp. Jimmy melted under his ministrations, snuggling into Tango’s chest like he had been before they had been so rudely interrupted. “How about tonight, when we’re done filming?”
Jimmy pressed a lazy kiss to the side of Tango’s neck, and Tango could only assume that was a nonverbal yes. Then Jimmy sighed. He dragged himself upright and glanced at his watch, sending a weary smile in Tango’s direction.
“Almost showtime,” he told him. “Ready to go stop me from breaking up with you again?”
“I’d do it a million times if it means I get to keep you,” Tango grinned, tugging Jimmy down into one last kiss before letting his partner go. Jimmy pretended to be unfazed but Tango could see the way his wings barely fluttered and his cheeks warmed, the nonchalant mask near-transparent to someone who knew him as well as Tango did. He was far more affected by how affectionate Tango could be than he let most people know.
A million times, Tango had told him. And it was true. A million and more, if it was ever needed, he’d fight for Jimmy again and again. In any world.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[A/N - ...and I still haven't! Written full Rancher angst, that is. I might be physically incapable. Oops! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ALSO HAPPY BELATED APRIL FOOLS! Sorry for the heart attack at the beginning there, I don't know WHAT came over me! 🤪 Craaaazy! This was ALWAYS meant to be an Actors AU! Obviously! Totally! I definitely didn't start writing proper angst and then make a left turn to keep myself happy!!!
(I actually didn't do that either lol. The original plan was to write an entire angsty Rancher break up fic with the WORST grammar and spelling and OOC-ness you've ever seen in your life, but I couldn't force myself to write badly. It wasn't happening, folks. So you get fluff and sillies instead lol. Hope you had fun!)]
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
IMPORTANT INFO: issues around Jimin’s album
I have an ARMY friend (who shall remain safely anonymous) who works in film production for the music and entertainment industry here in the US. They offered me some valuable insights today into production limitations and possible issues related to Jimin’s solo album.
Below the cut is a transcript of their messages to me. I share this in the hopes it better informs our discussions around fair treatment of BTS members’ releases. It is by no means a definitive account of Jimin’s situation—simply an insider’s ideas on what likely happened around a few things.
I understand there are very big feelings about this topic, especially with the apparent differences around JK’s single, and I appreciate everyone’s viewpoints. However, if you choose to interact with this post, you will be respectful to others (including members) or you will be blocked. You are always welcome to DM me privately if you need to vent—we are all human and we all need a bit of grace, so you’ll always have that with me.
Sending you guys so much love, Roo
Anonymous Insider
Some “light reading” while you’re resting up and recovering, lol. This is all just based on what I’ve been watching and seen. Of course, I don’t have access to their production budget sheet and Korea works very differently than the US when it comes to production, but this what I’ve been seeing when it comes to their videos and particularly the promotions for FACE.
(I’m sending in sections, lol)
Alrighty - I’m still like deep in edit-land (still am two days later 😭) but I started typing this on the train between meetings, ha ha. (And am still on the train doing this, lol.) Also this rambles a bit I’m sorry! So the first thing I did was go back to the interview where Jimin talked about the music videos — it was a Japanese TV show and he’s talking with a host in Korean.
He’s talking about “wanting to do it all,” laughs and says, “I wanted all the music videos” and that “they” (the company assuming) said “무리다” which has its roots in the word 무리 which means a herd, a party, a group — basically “it’s too much,” “it’s unreasonable,” and “it’s impossible” are decent translations as it refers to something or an idea being “too much” — then the host and Jimin burst out laughing and the host goes “서리와 무리다” which I read as “sorry (in konglish) but we can’t” and they continue to laugh. So based on that —it sounds very understandable.
We can imagine Jimin sitting down with his team and planning out SMFP2 and LC videos, with the 30 dancers and all the party scene extras, and then Jimin saying he wants to do the music shows with 6 different sets in rented locations so they could have total control. And if Jimin in that process went “what if we made official music videos for all of them?” the team would understandably go “that’s just not reasonable!” 1) because it would give Jimin a budget no other member had gotten and 2) there aren’t that many production houses in Korea. It’s a very small scene — it may just logistically not been possible. There aren’t enough DPs and crew and editors. Sometimes, as a producer, you have to tell your creative talent “I’m sorry, but no.” — I say it every week!
So what about the music videos? Well, here’s what I know from meticulously watching all the behind the scenes for BTS videos over the years. They work with a small team. They likely own a good deal of the gear — they shoot mainly on RED cameras and heavy expensive Cooke lenses (which you can’t get this stuff easily in Korea. I lost a lens cap for a Canon CINÉ Lens in Seoul and it was like this whole big deal because getting gear there is an import challenge but anyways) they use MOVI and Ronin gimbal stabilizers and Jimmy Rigs a lot.
Recently they’ve been using technocranes but I wonder how many technocranes there are in Seoul. As I said, they likely own a lot of this gear which can help with costs. But we’ve also been told — and I’ve heard through my industry friends — that Hybe PAYS. And in Korea there’s no unions in the entertainment world, and often the rates are shit (hence Netflix investing so much there - blerg) their standard work week is also already 12 hours longer than the US. It’s a whole thing. and they spend so much money on sets. It’s incredible.
They rent these huge spaces outside Seoul and BUILD — I mean the build out for SMFP2 was astounding. They easily dropped 1million on that video. The rigging, the build-out, the custom set and the custom camera rigs to achieve the 360 shots - the drone shots. They’re astounding videos. No US label is spending that money on videos these day. Absolutely none of them are — my friend recently produced a video for John Legend. They were trying to pull the whole thing off for $100K which is ridiculous. It’s really almost impossible.  
But on the Big videos they spend a lot of money, but they also produce a lot of other stuff too (and these are often looked at as Performance Videos vs all-caps MUSIC VIDEOS) -— like RM’s video shoot at DIA Beacon… that was a much smaller, fairly single camera shoot — all shot on drones or a MOVI handheld rig. No set, they also didn’t like pay for the set because DIA: Beacon is an art museum — and similar a little bit to Letter for Jimin, which was much smaller set and easy in-house gear.
(And it was also released on Bangtan TV channel vs Hybe Labels Channel, which is a good indicator of how they categorize these shoots.) But the big videos, they go for broke. I mean they spend so much money and again they may own a lot of the equipment but there’s still so much people-power and labor involved. Take the dancers’ rehearsals. You have to pay people for all that — you have to pay them for the weeks of rehearsal, you have to pay them to be in a video. It is so expensive — like, I would not be able to budget that video for under 1 million, that’s how much it costs.  
So then Jimin wanted to do music shows —- and so because he’s Jimin and it’s BTS, Hybe rented larger venues and locations for all of the shoots. None of them use the actual Broadcast spaces or were provided by the broadcast studios. The smaller companies do though — remember when BTS first started out they went to SBS to film on the day? — but they don’t do that anymore. They rent huge facilities so that they could be a mini concerts for ARMYs to visit with Jimin and see him.
They also have to do this kind of outside of the city and they built huge sets because they’re going to want to show off if they’re gonna be on TV but that is so expensive. (I don’t think you were an ARMY then, but when ON was released, at the time it was the “biggest broadcast performance ever” and they keep upping that ante for sure!) It’s possible the broadcast companies spend some money but what BTS is doing is so outside the usual budget and given the tension with the broadcasters and HYBE — they (Hybe) wants control of their products, and so I think they pay for that control.
I can’t imagine they got out of any of those days for under $500K; I mean, there were two different sets, all the crew; they’re paying for all of it. We add it up and they probably spent close to $3-5 million between Jimin’s music videos and his music show performances, and I would be understandably like: “That’s it!” Like, that’s the budget for an EP, you know.
I don’t think Jimin could have it all because that wasn’t the case for the other members. RM got to lead videos and J Hope had pyrotechnics, which definitely costs money and safety and insurance. You know he had visual effects his first video (a lotta visual effects) and again a lot of challenging technocrane work, but I haven’t really seen them build something on the scale of what they built for SMFP2 in a very long time (or ever?).
We heard from the Art Dept that Jimin did not want to shoot on blue screen, so they built the set for him. This cannot be the same label that is shafting him — that allows him to spend that amount of money just because the artist said “I want to shoot in a real space!” because I’m gonna be completely honest— he could’ve done that on a blue screen — I’m glad they built a real world because BTS almost always shoots on Blue/Green Screen. They build him a huge set like that. It’s absolutely incredible.
I was also reminded this morning that people are talking about radio for Like Crazy and not supporting the song — and I just keep thinking that they did exact rollout for Butter, Dynamite, and Permission to Dance. They released Like Crazy. It had both a Korean version and English version. (Obviously that wasn’t the case for the English BTS songs.) They released two additional remixes. Then they kept releasing, like, alternate cover versions — alternate covers of the main remix, alternate cover the other remix. They were trying to maximize the direct-to-consumer store and exact same way they had tried to maximize it with Dynamite and Butter and Permission to Dance.
The way you were buying Like Crazy was the same process I took on Dynamite. They did the exact same playbook. So the fact that they were unable to get the kind of radio play they wanted or maybe they weren’t prioritizing radio because they knew that they were gonna have a better chance at direct to consumer sales... Maybe they didn’t want to fight radio. Maybe Geffen was like “We don’t have the right ‘Ins’ yet!” — I’m not sure, but the fact that they got completely screwed over by Billboard doesn’t mean that they weren’t actually rolling it out in that way, because as soon as they started doing the whole alternate cover thing, I was like: “Well, they clearly want us to try to go for number one!” You know, “They clearly think that they are going to be able to get number one on the hot 100 and we’re gonna use these sales to do that!” And clearly that’s all changed now.
They keep changing the rules on us, so — with JK, they’re obviously trying to, you know, use whatever tools they have available to them at this point.
Finally, when it comes to restocking the digital single CD. There are still albums available in the store. So why would they manufacture and ship more (likely thrown away) plastic that’s just for one song, when those CD singles only serve to raise sales for the charts? All of the other member’s CD singles are out of stock except The Astronaut, which they treated more like a proper album a bit (kinda like the Butter CD releases). Because they still have both versions of his full albums in stock, so if I were Hybe, I’d be like “No,you need to buy the album, we still have albums, we’re not going to sell you a single song when you can buy the album!” That makes more sense to me. The albums cost more.
TL:DR, haha — so I feel like this narrative around Jimin’s release has been ramped up because, from my professional opinion, he’s had the most expensive release so far (by far) and if we want to compare him to, say, Beyoncé — well she owns her own production company (Parkwood Entertainment), so she can funnel her own money into a Visual Album, I don’t know if Jimin has considered that at this point in his career, but in the future, he might!
((Not including costs for Suga’s tour because that’s a whole other thing, and the tour probably made money I would expect to balance out the cost of the tour itself))
Anonymous Insider
This isn’t to say that the other things, the part where he didn’t get the cake celebration, or the posts, the issues with the linking and this general feeling that Jimin was short-changed in these things isn’t valid and understandable. I think Hybe relied too much on D2C sales and I don’t think they leveraged their might as much as could have for JM. They could have risked more for him.
{This is an end of Anonymous Insider’s messages to me. They noted that they are an intermediate non-native Korean speaker so please excuse any translation errors. They translated things themselves using Naver tools that aligned with the video subtitles.}
So, listen, I still don’t think Like Crazy was sent/promoted to radio (which was a mistake and still is a mistake) and I am furious at the shady articles and lack of celebration for Jimin…
But after reading the way the members approach their work in the Beyond the Story book and now hearing from someone who produces these works for a living, I have to wonder if the company was doing everything they knew how to do for Jimin, but the second it didn’t work out because of the western music industry culling streams and sales, they pulled back all their resources and pivoted for Yoongi and JK. (I also wonder if leadership shut up about it all due to liability issues, or not to cause bad blood with the music industry for future releases.)
Again, I’ll never forgive the lack of celebration and the split streams (not without a great explanation), but at least now I think there’s a good chance no one was actively trying to sabotage Jimin on purpose. They seemed to have wanted that #1 and then it all went to shit because Billboard and radio want to get paid. Maybe leadership decided not to put any more resources into Face but instead pivot for all the future music coming out (including PJM2.)
Perhaps I'm a cockeyed optimist. I’m just hoping like hell they never engage in payola. I want all our boys to win, but I want us to win fairly. And even if everyone cannot have the same investment every time on every project, I hope when they come back together in 2025 that everyone feels good about their solo works and each other. This is my prayer. Love, Roo
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pr0wlerpunk · 1 year
Title: Trust Me.
Person: Roman reigns
Requested: |Yes|No|(part 2 was yes)
Part 1. Part. 3
★Trust Masterlist
Warnings: manipulation, obsessiveness, dark!Themes, surprised ambush(only mentioned but not written as a scene), yelling, slight!abuse(a hand gets raised as if to slap but never happens and reader gets choked by Roman), angst, cussing,
description: it’s been a week after Roman said he trusted you and things are starting to go down hill..
Pairings: Romantic!roman x reader, slight!romantic!Jey x reader, slight!romantic!Jimmy x reader, slight!romantic!solo x reader, also includes a very friendly Paul heyman
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Pic creds: WWE
(Pics have nothing to do with story 😋)
A/n: you’ve read the warnings so please if they make you uncomfortable do not read.
Choking will be marked with a “☹︎“ and will end at “☻︎“
Not proof read!
Roman was pissed, all he could see was red when he heard what happened, more importantly what you did
After he talked to you and poured his heart out you had gone and betrayed him
How dare you
He had got word from someone that they saw you with Sami and ko laughing and having a good time
At first he didn’t believe them
Then he saw the picture
Ko and Sami on both sides of you laughing and smiling
Oh was he furious
But from some talking with his cousins he was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and actually let you explain
That was until Jey and Jimmy got ambushed by Sami and ko themselves
Now he was livid
As soon as they got back he made solo go find you
Which is where you’re at now
Sitting in front of Roman as he quietly glared at you…
“___ do you know why I had solo bring you here?”
His tone was different then what he ever used before making you slightly uncomfortable
“No Roman, I don’t…”
You answered honestly confusion lacing your voice
“Wiseman, show her the picture”
Paul was quick to walk towards you with his phone in hand
Handing the phone to you as he quickly walked back to his original spot
You eyed the picture seeing nothing wrong with it
about to open your mouth Roman spoke
“Don’t say anything.” His tone was demanding making you shiver as you quickly shut your mouth
“Boys, come.”
watching as Jey and Jimmy stepped up until they were in front of you heads both turned down as they looked to Roman for further instruction
Roman nodded and finally they raised their heads looking everywhere but you
You couldn’t help the soft gasp that left your lips as you caught a glimpse of their faces
“Look at them ___ look at what you did..”
Your brows netted together hearing what Roman was accusing you of
But your attention was still set on the twins
They had busted lips, with bruises forming on their jaws as small cuts littered alongside their noses
“Jey, Jimmy” your voice shaky as they both locked eyes with you
“What-what happened?” You went to get up but the look solo gave you had you glued to your seat
“Who did this?”
Your voice shaky as you tried racking your brain for who had the balls to try and hurt two vital members of the bloodline
Roman stared at you in disbelief
“Who do you think did this ___ ?”
His tone was way darker than before, almost as if he was trying to intimidate you..
“Roman I-I don’t understand”
You could sense him getting angrier and it honestly scared you
His abrupt yelling startled not only you but everyone else in the room besides solo
“I brought you into my family, I cared for you, I Trusted you.”
His palms abruptly slapping into the arms of the leather chair he was sitting in created a loud noise that echoed throughout the room making you jump slightly
“And this is how you repay me?”
He stood Making his way towards you as You looked away feeling tears prick your eyes
“Look at me”
You felt his presence in front of you but yet you still refused to look at him
Afraid that if you did you wouldn’t hold back
But He was growing impatient at your disobedience
“I said, Look. At. Me”
Slowly you turned facing him and you swear your heart stopped
He looked so intimidating
And it scared the living fuck out of you
He bent down to your level leaving almost no room between you two
“Answer me ___”
His voice gruff as his hand ran slightly along your shoulder to your jaw
He waited
And then he snapped
He rose to his feet pulling you with him as he hand gripped your throat
You heard Paul gasp as you were lifted off your feet by Roman’s large hand
Tears fell freely as you clawed at his hand to try and let you slightly free, but it wasn’t working and you were loosing air fast
Ears ringing as your vision began to blur
Still you could slightly hear Jey yelling at Roman to let you go as Jimmy started pulling and grabbing at him
It wasn’t until Jey said something that snapped him out of his trance that he let you go
Solo was quick to walk over and check on your choking form as you regained air into your lungs
Once you could breath again you stood with the help of solo and turned to watch Jey and Roman
Who now was yelling and shoving each other around with Jimmy trying to talk them both down
It want until Roman raised his hand towards Jey that you broke from Solo’s arms to step in
“Roman Please!” He stopped lowering his hand to glare at you
Taking a breath you finally explained
“The picture, it was three years ago..”
His eyes softened slightly but his glare never faltered
You looked towards Paul and gestured for him to give you the phone
With shaky hands he handed it to you
“Look at the picture again,look at my gear” Roman tour his eyes away from you to finally look at the phone once again
“That’s my rookie gear Roman”
Finally his eyes softened as he looked at you
He could see the yellow and purple marks in the form of fingerprints start to form around your neck
Where He grabbed you.
Then it hit him
He had put his hands on you
He hurt you
And he broke
Brows furrowed as Tears fell down his cheeks
“Oh babygirl”
Hearing his voice crack made your heart break
“I’m so sorry”
You shook your head
“I should’ve never grabbed you like that”
He was so genuine you knew he felt bad
“You have to believe me when I say I didn’t mean it”
He pleaded
“Please Trust Me and know I will never do it again”
It was silent until you took his hands in yours smiling softly..
“I know Roman, I forgive you”
A wide smile graced his lips hearing those words come out your mouth
“It was an accident it’s ok”
He nodded agreeing with you
“I Trust You”
Hearing those words he quickly brought you into a hug
“Oh thank you baby!”
He pulled back slightly and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before pulling back again to look you in the eyes this time
I’ll make it up to you princess, I promise”
He watched as you smiled before burying your head into his neck as he placed his chin on your head…
The three brothers stood confused at what just a cured
How could you take Roman back after he literally choked you…
Then they realized.
You were Hooked
Roman had built up enough trust with you so you wouldn’t runaway
Roman knew if you were to runaway you would be a liability, you knew too much…
Now They stared at you and Roman with one shared thought
How do they get you to trust them the same as you trusted their cousin?
Taglist: @eddiems-whore @le-le-lea @slasherswh0reeee @lolsimmaho @mostlikelythedevil @nikotokitaswife @christinabae @janesakainoa @jeyusos-girl @niknakbucks92 @harlem11680 @pinkwithhearts @bandkiddo @itsmaybaby @blackwomenluxurylifestyle @thesamoanqueen @mohawkmama @visi0naryyy
In red=can not tag
Please message me to be added or taken off the taglist😋
(I honestly don’t know if I liked this because of how harsh it gets so next part won’t be so harsh I promise!)
(Also what do you guys think Jey said to Roman?)
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Love "ON AIR" (E.O)
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You and Lizzie have been keep your relationship a secret for the past years until the secret got revealed, ON AIR.
Warning: None, just pure fluff. I'm in the mood of writing fluff, so y'all will read more of it from me. :D
Requested: Yes by @ilovemarvel97
A/n: Hello peeps! I'm back with some more fluff with Lizzie! So, happy reading!
Main Masterlist
"Babe, how do I look?" Lizzie walks in as she twirls a little to present you with her look for tonight's interview with Jimmy Fallon.
"Wow, darling. You look so gorgeous." Her beauty stunned you. All the wait for a few hours was worth it to see her blushing and smiling at you in that outfit.
"Really? This look, is it simple enough and not too much? What if people have negative comments about it? There will be a lot of people there, in Jimmy's show." Worried sounds in her ramble as she asks. Nervousness is written all over her face.
You grab her by her shoulders. "Sstt.. Liz, Liz. You look great and you will do amazing there. Just take a deep breath, think about a happy place or whatever that makes you happy. Also, I'll be waiting at the lounge in the building next door, I'm five minutes away from you. Okay?" You try to calm her down as you rub her upper arms up and down gently. Then you give a quick kiss on her forehead.
She nods. Your touch soothes her and takes her away from her anxiety. "I will think about you. You are my happy place." Her green eyes sparkling with comfort when she looks at you as she speaks.
"Aaw. That's sweet, Liz. So are you to me."
"Are you really okay to wait for me there, y/n? You can just come with me and wait backstage." Lizzie proposes another idea.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. If I wait backstage, people will question it and it will draw attention, sweetie." You give her your reason as your response.
You and Lizzie have been dating secretly for a year and a half now. Lizzie isn't ready to tell the world about it since it's her first relationship with a woman. Nobody knows except family and close friends. She thinks that if the media knows, it will draw a lot of attention and too much for her social anxiety. You totally understand that. Both of you have kept it sealed pretty well that fans think that you are best friends, well…most of them.
Even though there are rumors about you and Lizzie, they don’t cause any ripples to your relationship. You both met as casts in the same movie three years ago, since then you both are inseparable.
“Alright babe, just call me when you are ready for me to pick you up. Good luck, you’ll do great! When you are on air, tell Jimmy I say Hi.” You laugh a little as you are joking. “Haha. You know that he will ask about us if I tell him that.” Lizzie rolls her eyes playfully shortly before she kisses your lips then gets out of the car.
“Alright everybody, please welcome the woman who plays Wanda Maximoff, The Scarlet Witch, the one and only, Elizabeth Olsen! Give her applause!” Jimmy calls her name in excitement as he claps his hands. Audiences instantly stand up and cheer loudly with such hype that overlap with clapping sounds. Lizzie walks into the set and gives a cute small wave to the audience as she walks closer to where Jimmy sits. The talk show host welcomes her with a hug.
Slowly silence starts to fill the set and it’s the cue for Jimmy to talk with Lizzie. “How are you, Lizzie? Good to see you again here.”
Lizzie patches her best smile, draws a subtle deep breath. “I’m good. I’m great actually. Thank you for having me back here. Good to see you and everybody here.” The blonde glanced at the audience and it was enough to make them cheer for her once more.
“Congratulations, I heard your book was a success. They are everywhere now. My kids love them. It’s a great book.” Jimmy’s compliment makes Lizzie smile in gratitude.
“Thank you so much. I was actually excited and nervous but I’m glad that it got very fantastic responses. The whole process from beginning until the launch day was a very fun, interesting and unforgettable moment. I got a lot of support from family, friends and people who are very close to me.”
“Aww that’s really awesome. It’s always nice to know that you have somebody who always supports you.” Jimmy replies in agreement.
“Oh yeah, most definitely. I remember the first time ever I told somebody about this book idea. It was Y/n Y/L/N. She was very supportive and was there for me at every step.” Lizzie’s green eyes sparked in elation. The corner of her eyes crinkled from the wide smile she gets once you popped in her mind as speaks.
“Y/n Y/l/n? As THE Y/n, your co-star in your upcoming movie?" The man asks and looks at her with a knowing smile.
Your girlfriend laughs a little then she nods. "Yes, yes that y/n."
"Oouuh…" The audience responds in unison.
As much as Jimmy really wants to talk about Lizzie and you, he tries to focus on the next topic.
"Oh okay and speaking of your upcoming movieee… How did it go and how do you feel about it?" Jimmy pitches another question to her.
"It was a long filming with a lot of different locations, also I had to do a bunch of flying scenes so there were a lot of wires and strings involved but I'm glad that everything went great! The closer to the premier date the more excited I get. This is my third movie with y/n and it has been really fun to work and spend time with her." Lizzie looks a little nervous and she tries to calm herself down by fidgeting with her ring on her ring finger but her smile is still there. Her brain is multitasking by now between focusing on the interview and thinking about you to help her with her anxiety. Her cheeks turn a little rosie color as she continues to speak highly of you.
Jimmy looks at her and listens to every word she says. He leans a little on his desk, slowly nods at her.
“Y/n has been super sweet and lovely to me since the first time we met.”
“And you met her at the movie set like three years ago, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah. We met at the movie set. It was early in the morning and she came up to me with two cups of coffee in her hands then introduced herself to me but she said she needs my help to grab which coffee that I like so she can shake my hand.” Lizzie can’t help herself to tell the story of how you met her and a cute little laugh slipped out of her.
“So she brought two different coffees in her hands for you and introduced herself to you? Did you actually already know who she is?” Jimmy asks.
“Yeah, one of them just plain coffee and the other one with light cream and light sugar. It was really cute actually and Y-yeah. I know her. I mean, we never met before but I watch almost every movie she is in. She is a great actress.Then we talk more whenever we can on the set. We exchanged numbers. Since then we talk and text on a daily basis. Sometimes we hang out together or with our mutual friends.” Praises and her fond memories of you flows easily out of her smiling red lips.
“Sounds like both of you are really close.” Jimmy shares his thoughts after listening to her answers and some audiences say “Yes..yesss” at the same time.
“Yes, we are.” The Marvel actress admits.
“So has she met your family or maybe your twin sisters?” Jimmy asks slowly to see how she would react to it.
“Well, she met the twins at some events a few times but I think it was Christmas two years ago, which means that was like two months after we became official, I introduced her to my parents and the family.” And just like that, Jimmy’s eyes are rounded, his mouth is slightly open in shock. The audience starts to cheer right after the words “official” and the dark haired man says “Wait..wait..wait..” He politely expresses his surprise to Lizzie and raises his hands a little as his sign to ask the audience to let him talk. Meanwhile, Lizzie looks genuinely confused with what is going on right now. She keeps her smile as she looks back and forth between the host and the audience.
As soon as the crowd calms down, Jimmy proceeds with his curiosity. “Wait. Okay.. Okay. Hold on right there, Lizzie. Didn’t you say that you and Y/n became official?”
Jimmy’s question makes her realize what she just said and she takes her turn looking as shocked as he was. She covers her panic with her iconic laugh while her hand covers her mouth. She shifts her sitting position nervously. “Wait, did I say that? Oh my gosh.” She asks herself innocently and loud enough that instantly brings out laughter from Jimmy and the fans.
“You did. You did. You can’t back out now, Lizzie. Come on, spill the beans.” Jimmy still shows how thrilled he is with the accidental revelation. Little do you know, Lizzie has been thinking that she is ready to share the good news about both of you dating. She plans to tell you this weekend. So this fortuitous confession doesn't really bother her. She perhaps got caught off guard by her own serendipitous divulgence but that's all.
She lets out her soothing contagious laugh, her cheeks slowly turning crimson. “Well, uh–okay. Since the cat is out of the bag, I will answer this specific question. Yes, Y/n and I are together. We have been together for a year and a half now and we are very very happy.” She proclaimed. The blonde laughs once again even deep down her anxiety creeps up slowly but the audience’s exhilarated reaction gives her the reassurance she needs, that people are okay with the news.
She fiddles with her ring again to quickly remind her of you and your smile.
“Wow! This is really unexpected and great news! I meant, all of us have been wondering about you and y/n. Dating or just friends. But we are happy that you are happy.” Jimmy expressed.
“Thank you. I’m sure if Y/n is here now, she will be all laughing because I accidentally spilled the tea.” Lizzie joked followed by her giggle.
“Well, where is she now?" Jimmy questions as he looks around and checks if you are around or backstage. “She is actually waiting for me at the lounge next door.” she stated.
“Oh! She’s five minutes away. I got an idea! Can we call her from here and ask her a question or two? Can we do that?” Jimmy looks at the actress then his gaze moves to the producer to ask both of them for their approval.
He gets the green light from the producer. “What do you say, Lizzie? Is she gonna get upset with our surprise?” He waits for her answer.
“Oh, she won’t get mad. It takes a lot for her to get upset and that’s what I adore from her so much. She will find it funny. So yeah, I can call her.” Lizzie confirms. “Okay, uh everybody needs to keep quiet so she can talk to her. Go ahead, Liz. Whenever you are ready.” Jimmy tries to hold his laugh after he requests some silence. With that, everybody went hushed.
Lizzie turns on the speaker phone. The dialing tone is the only sound that fills the studio. By the third tone, your voice is made to be heard as you answer the call. “Hi love.” Lizzie’s effort to hold her laugh mixed with her nervousness, falters her words. “Liz? Hello? Are you there?” You answer her one more time to check if she is there.
“Hello babe. Y-yeah. I’m here.”
“How did it go? Do you want me to pick you up now?” Your voice sounds clear from the other end of the line. You hear her laugh and like usual and it always makes you laugh too. “What’s so funny?” You wait for her answer.
Jimmy still gives sign language to tell everybody to keep it quiet. “Uh actually, I’m not done yet. I’m still with Jimmy right now.”
“Wait, what? Hold on, I’m confused. You are with JImmy but the interview is over or still on going?” You laugh despite the confusion you have in mind. "It's still going on. He asked me to call you."
"Well, hello there y/n! How dare you keep a secret from me this whole time!" Jimmy hinted. He 
starts talking to you and lets out his joke then people start to laugh and clap.
"Oh hi Jimmy! Secret? What secret?" You start to think if this is about you and Lizzie but you ask anyway.
“Uh well, babe. Actually, he already knows. I accidentally told him in the interview.” Lizzie slowly tells you what happened followed with a little laugh.
“Oh?” That was all you said then this time you laugh the hardest thinking it was actually really funny. “Yes, y/n. I know. You both are great secret keepers.” Jimmy teases in a sing-song tone..
“Well, in my defense, I’m just following what the queen wants.” You return his tease jokingly.
“Oooh, she’s your queen?”
“Yes, she is, Jimmy.” You answer and you hear people react in awe all at once.
“What do you love most about her? Things that make you fall for her.” Jimmy sneaks a question for you. “I will be very cliche but I will say, everything. Everything about her that makes me fall for her. But mostly is her smile, her laughter and her big heart. She is the sweetest and the kindest person I know.” You answer him with nothing but the truth.
Meanwhile Lizzie, as she is holding her phone, she can’t stop smiling from everything you just said. “Awww, that is so sweet.” Your girlfriend reacts to your answer as her other hand try to fan herself
“It is.. Wow, y/n y/ln, I never thought you were such a romantic person. So, back to you, Lizzie. Same questions.”
“Well, like I said earlier, I really adore her patience. I feel like she is the only person I know that will almost never get angry or upset. She is very funny and always makes me laugh. She is a great listener and a very supportive girlfriend. I love her for everything she is.” Her eyes twinkled, her cheeks blush and her heart sends direct order to her face to patch the warmest smile with the thought of you. The sound of the applause exhilarates her feelings.
“Oh my god. You two make a very cute couple. We are really really glad that we finally get the answer about what's been going on between you two for years. Once again congratulations. Lizzie, y/n, I’m gonna have to talk to my producer so we can have another interview with both of you. Lizzie, thank you for coming and Y/n thank you for answering your girlfriend’s call and talking with us here. We’ll see you both soon.”
“Thank you for having us here, Jimmy.” Lizzie responds politely. With that, she also ends the call with you and you take that as your cue that it’s time to pick her up.
You see her talking with the makeup artist. Hearing her laughter really makes you smile. You walk closer to her back and you gently tap her shoulder. She turns around and instantly smile at you.
"Hi!" Without waiting a single second, she hugs you right away. You return her hug and give a kiss on her cheek. "Hi, love." You pull back a little to look at her gorgeous green eyes.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry. It was an accident, I was thinking about you because my anxiety started to bother me. Then I didn't realize what I was saying about us became official–" Your girlfriend rambled with rows of explanations and guilt.
"Liz, it's okay. I don't mind if people know about us. I'm just worried about you. How are you feeling after what happened? You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm happy that finally people know about us. I was actually going to tell you that I'm ready and should let the media know about us." Her soft voice made its way to your ears. You are very content to hear that your girlfriend wants people to know about your relationship. Joy bubbles up in you, warmth wraps your heart.
"Really? That's great to hear, Liz. Well, at least no more sneaking around behind the paparazzi." Both of you giggle from what you just said. You hug her once more before you say more.
"Let’s go home. Ready?" You whispered and smiled.
Lizzie's warm hand takes yours and her head nods at the same time. Both of you are ready to go, walking towards the exit. Lizzie and you know that there will be a bunch of fans and paparazzi waiting outside.
As soon as you both walk out of the building, there are quite a lot of fans cheering and calling Lizzie’s name and they are surprised that you are there too, holding hands with Lizzie. They sound a lot more excited after they see both of you.
Your girlfriend stops her steps and waves at them. Flashes from cameras keep popping like fireworks. Before both of you proceed to walk further, you hear her call your name. As soon as you turn your head, Lizzie gives a quick peck on your lips that quickly curves a smile for her. “Now, I can kiss you whenever and wherever I want.” She whispers. You can’t help yourself, let out a little laugh. Then both of you walk further to the valet service to get your car.
Although people find out about your relationship in a funny unexpected way, both of you are relieved and happy about it because both of you always wanted the world to know how much you love each other.
A/n: Welp, that's it for today, peeps! Reblog and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next fluff!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd , 
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kit-walk3r · 11 months
Are the Evans team Barbie or team Oppenheimer?
It seems appropriate 😂
Kit- Originally went to see Barbie because Julia wanted to but ended up loving it. Definitely cried. Loved seeing Barbie’s onscreen that looked like Julia, he could tell it made her happy. 100% had a crush on Margot Robbie after this.
Rory- Is actually one of the background Ken’s and won’t stop telling people. Drags all his friends and family to see it so he can point out himself in the background of a dance number for 10 seconds. Laughs out loud at every joke. Actively uses the phrase ‘Kenergy’.
Gallant- Barbie’s were his first subjects for styling hair so is super excited for the movie. Thinks he could have styled Margot Robbie’s hair better than the actual movie stylist. Everyone thinks he’s crushing on Ryan Gosling as Ken but he’s actually crushing on Michael Cera as Allan.
Peter- Knows all the words to I’m Just Ken. Has the Ken rollerblades and has attempted to run with them on but failed miserably. Is not ashamed to admit that he finds all of the Barbie’s attractive.
James- Actually remembers when the atomic bomb happened so is intrigued to see how they’ve translated it to film. Is disappointed that they don’t show the dead. Doesn’t understand why Oppenheimer feels guilty. Barbie is too bright, colourful and happy for him.
Kai- Barbie: a film about empowering women? Fuck that, Kai wants the movie with explosions. Pre-cult Kai would have cried seeing Florence Pugh naked. Considered changing his name from ‘Divine Ruler’ to ‘Death, Destroyer of Worlds’.
Tate- Really sees himself in Allen. Can relate to Oppenheimer’s guilt. Leaves both movies crying. Wants Ken’s hoodie that says “I’m Kenough”. Has an existential crisis leaving Barbie questioning who he is. Fears nuclear war after Oppenheimer.
Kyle- Did the Barbenheimer double bill. Secretly preferred Barbie to Oppenheimer but loved them both. Wore pink to Barbie. Gets excited every time he recognises an actor in Oppenheimer. Won’t shut up about both movies after he’s seen them and will fight people on the internet who insult them.
Jimmy- Team Barbie because he thinks every person in that movie is attractive. Team Oppenheimer because he actually loves a good biopic. Afterwards says he would definitely go to a Tupperware Party hosted by the Barbie’s.
Austin- Won’t stop talking about the Barbie soundtrack and costume design. Won’t stop talking about the theatrics of Oppenheimer. Won’t stop talking about Cillian Murphy’s eyes.
Colin- Empowering women!! Emily Blunt!! Colin definitely crushes on Emily Blunt and also loves a movie that empowers women so Barbie and Oppenheimer are his two perfect movies. Clapped at the end of both films.
Since I’ve seen both of the movies I thought this would be fun 🤭
Taglist: @jellyluvr @howtobesasha @dewberryobssesed @rwottvn @kaismanwich @violetharmonstwin @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @mariefics @spill-the-t @hyperharlz
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
red phone [2.]
Wally x reader?
Previus - Next?
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? more fanfic than x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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“Augh Jimmy, come on buddy! Be good for sissy!” I plead for my brother who was crying nonstop, I pat his back gently but firm as I bounce up and down slightly trying to rock him to sleep.  
“Ooh the poor little thing is he still crying?” Grandma asks I sigh and nod looking up at her, grey hair up behind a shower cap so she almost looked bald. Her ears were hidden behind it, but I could still see her earrings through it.
“Why don’t you put a show on! I have Vhs tapes in a box with old tv shows! He might just need something to relax”
“Thanks grandma!”
“No problem I’ll be off taking my bubble bath!”  she calls out, I  wince as my little brother grabs my ear and screams in it louder as if I couldn’t hear him any clearer than before. I sit him down on Grandma’s old creamy love seat couch propping him up so he doesn’t fall and shove a pacifier in his mouth. Making his cries just a little less annoying, crawling over to grandma’s Vhs player I look in the cabinets to try and find something that still had colour or better yet something appropriate for him. I sigh finding absolutely nothing that would entertain my brother. I crouch down even more to see if any Vhs tapes had fallen out and one did! BINGO! It had a box and everything so I could read what it was about as well!
I reach in to grab it, but my arms were too short. Honestly how deep was this cabinet? Grabbing a broom, I sweep it out myself and their it was. A puppet with an Elvis Presley hair style, he sat on a colourfully painted rock and honestly, I liked his style and character design. There were flowers behind him brightly painted and a house with eyes. The front cover had the word ‘Welcome Home’ which was a little creepy but over all alright considering the times. It reminded me of the Muppets or sesame street. Turning it over and a description of the show and it’s cast as shown on the back.
“Welcome home. Welcome home is a show following the protagonist Wally as he and his friends, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful, Poppy Partridge , Sally Starlet, Eddie Dear, Howdy Pillar, Barnaby B. Beagle and Wally darling sentient house?” I ask turning to my brother who was still crying as if he was actually listening to me reading the prologue out loud.
“As they go out on adventure’s learn new lessons and enjoy their time in the happy and welcoming neighbourhood. Seems good enough to me” I take the tape out, and place it in. I turn on the tv and to my surprise it had colour. I sat on the couch and put Jim on my lap and bounce him making his voice shake as he walked.
“Come on let’s watch welcome home! This show hopefully will turn that frown upside down and make you sleepy!” I say to him as if he could understand a single word I just said, the show starts with the Wally character with a newspaper reading it. Honestly, I didn’t mind it myself, and Jim almost completely stopped crying as soon as he saw Wally. I have to say though Frankly frank looked familiar for some reason, but otherwise if I was being honest, I would probably watch the show with out Jim here. I loved Wally’s calm but cheerful attitude, he would tease his friends a little but over all was supportive of them. Frank and Julie would have to be my favoured pair though. They seemed to be the best of friend’s even though they were basically complete opposites in personality, I couldn’t help but laugh at their banter. We also got to meet Sally who was pretty cool too, My brother how ever seemed to just be in love with Wally and home! And when the eposide was done he clapped his hands for more happily.
“Oh my! where did you find that old thing?!” Grandma asks in her night gown walking down the stairs, she sounded angry and shocked.
“At the back of the cabinet! It’s quite a fun show Jim adores it!” I explain though she seems nervous for some reason.
“ooh I though I thought that out along time ago, it best be time for Jim to go to bed now, and you should get ready for bed soon as well! Don’t want to stay up too late!” grandma says turning off the tv by the cord, which was odd because the remote was right next to her. Jim was giggly though and when grandma went to pick him up, he was still giggly.
“alright good night grandma!” I say as the old woman walks up stairs carefully, I sigh pulling out my phone and texting my friend.
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I have known Safa ever since we were kids, she was short plumb and had the most beautiful black hair I had ever seen, not to mention the perfect tans she would get at the beach when ever her family went . she was tech savvy way better than I was and able to find someone in just a couple of hours, which was useful but also scary. I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen grabbing some ice cream, I make sure to put a massive spoon full of milo, sit at the table and set up my phone and watch my favioute youtuber while eating. Hours go by, with me just scrolling through my phone and talking to Safa about the stupidest shit, that was until I heard the creek of the door.
Once I decided enough was enough, I put my bowl in the sink and go up stairs quickly taking a shower and brush my teeth, drying myself off with one of grandma’s old towels felt scratchy on my skin. I should of brought my own towel, oh well too late now plus I’ll be back home in a couple of days and can deal with it for another day or two. Maybe.
Once I got dress in my pure cotton Pj’s I walk over to my double bed and faceplant. I spread my limps like a star fish taking a deep breath I try to relax my body. Closing my eyes, I wrap myself in a cocoon the tightness of my blanket comforts me as I fell asleep
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spiderrmax · 1 year
clyde, wendy, & jimmy + a parental friend
request: could I maybe request the same kind of reader [parental] but with Jimmy, Clyde and Wendy author's note: i used the same image. i have no shame. you know how annoying it is to find different images for each post? i don't know why i did that to myself
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clyde donovan
A lot of his friends are kinda aggressive; he loves how chill it is with you!
You don’t make fun of him but still are funny. That’s awesome in his head
He brags about you so much to his gang.
“[Your name] cut me apple slices!”
“Last night, [your name] helped me with my homework. I’m going to ace this test.”
“[Your name] was cheering me on the entire game.”
All of Craig’s gang is kinda annoyed with him lol
He cried the first time you gave him something
It was a teddy bear you won at a fair. It was something you didn’t really care for, but thought he’d like, so you gave it to him.
You were so concerned when he started bawling.
You asked if he was okay, and he sniffled out a yes. You then asked if he’d like a hug, and he said yes again.
He squeezes you hard, hands gripping into your fabric. Your shirt is damp when he finally lets go, thanking you for the gift.
He got teary-eyed the next few times you gave him something, but now just hugs you as a thanks.
Any gift you give him is also shown off. He can’t help it! You’re so cool.
He really appreciates you! He waves at you everytime he sees you, and doesn’t care if others find it lame.
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wendy testaburger
Is definitely used to more aggressive and detached affection. Her parents care for her, but more about her grades and her reputation. Her friends care for her, but those relationships are very flighty.
However, your presence in her life is very stable. She feels like she will always be able to go to you if she’s ever upset.
She doesn’t talk about you a lot, but will throw hands with anyone who insults you.
Doesn’t get how someone could insult you, and got in a fight with a fourth grader over it.  
You had to clean her wounds after it; you gave her a lecture that it’s not worth it, but also understand why she felt the need to fight.
You buy her bandaids with fun designs: hello kitty, disney, anything you think is cute
Love when you make her jewelry. Will wear it even if it clashes with her outfit.
Same thing if you sew! Any articles of clothing you make will get worn even if you’re the worst sewer in South Park
Always gets your input when she makes lists; if you’re a girl she invites you to her committee, if you’re not she makes you an “honorary girl”
She really values your opinion on those kinds of things, even if the list is best salad dressing.
Always goes to you when she has problems with Stan. Knows you’ll listen to all of her issues, and values any advice you can give.
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jimmy valmer
Really values how sympathetic and understanding you are.
You don’t make his disability a big deal: you slow down when you’re walking with him, and mock his stutter.
Also really appreciates that you laugh at his jokes; you’re his number one fan!
You make an effort to show to every one of his shows.
He doesn’t say anything, but likes that he can always find you in his audience. If he gets nervous for any reason he’ll just look at you. 
He always gets your approval when he has a new joke! He tells you first, then the gang second
Was confused the first time you gave him a gift.
“Wha- what is it?”
You kinda just shrug, and it’s probably a toy, and say it reminded you of him.
It becomes his favorite to play with; it’s the only toy he also doesn’t share
You definitely get him those pun books for fun. You know it’s not original material but still think they can be funny.
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mar-im-o · 2 years
“What are you doing?”
“Lore Lizzie. What does it look like?” Lizzie’s taken it upon herself to become familiar with her neighbors around the continent. The world they have is small, and many of their boarders shared, so it’s a fool’s game not to get aquatinted with the people who may very well declare war on your kingdom in a few moon’s time.
So she makes her rounds, the clever disguise of a young woman protecting her from the scrutiny of otherwise prejudiced eyes. She meets the princess of the sun and the bees she harbors by the shore. She meets the Goblin King and his underground city. She meets a sheriff with no name and a colorful recluse and a studious historian.
And she meets Joel.
She’s quite sure she’s met him before. He seems oddly familiar in the way he speaks and acts and dresses, but she’s found herself preferring to observe him from afar. More than anything, he seems... not fully there.
For one, the elytrian seems quite certain he’s a god of all things (which is ridiculous. What god walks with mortals?) and continuously insists he’s eleven feet tall (no matter the fact that he’s got but a foot on Lizzie who’s barely five foot herself). He also knew Lizzie’s name long before she offered it, and goes about interacting as if they’ve met before.
But strangest of all is his tendency to ramble on about the oddest of things. Like, for instance, when Lizzie found him standing ankles deep in a fountain, struggling to pin a faux beard to his cheeks.
“What are you doing?”
“Lore Lizzie. What does it look like?”
“Lore. Yunno--” he waves his hand around aimlessly, the beard slipping without the support. “Lore. Plot. For the viewers.”
“The...” She shakes her head. Maybe she should slip away while she has the chance.
“Can you help with this?” Joel asks instead, looking towards the feigned human and curse her kind heart she sighs and climbs into the fountain to help adhere the beard.
“You look ridiculous.”
“I look cool and awesome and sexy thank you very much.” He says it with a wink, and Lizzie about slaps him for it. “It’s for my character this season.”
A beat. “Summer...?”
Joel snorts. “Funny. This season of Empires.”
Lizzie pulls her hand away and the beard seems to stick. Joel gives a hoot as he tests it out, grinning at her. “Looks awesome! Tumblr’s gonna go bonkers over this one.”
And of all the horrid ideas Lizzie’s ever had, she decides to ask: “Tumbler...?”
That, out of everything, seems to make Joel stop and reconsider things. “Yunno. Like--like twitter but a bit bluer. Darker blue. The blog site.”
“Right....” And, well, he’s saying a lot of words she doesn’t quite understand, so she ignores them all and goes to climb out from the fountain. “You take care, your majesty.”
“Wait, wait, your--” Joel stops her with a hand on her wrist (she considers slapping him for it, but composes herself and simply tugs her arm away). “You said ‘your majesty’?”
“Right, do you prefer ‘your cool and awesome and sexiness’ instead?”
“No, I--Why are you talking like that?”
“It’s called respect.”
“Right, but--” He shakes his head, looking genuinely genuinely confused. “But we aren’t roleplaying right now. I’m not even saying lore! That means there’s no lore.”
Lizzie pulls herself full out of the fountain, trying to squeeze out the legs of her pants. “Right. Good day to you, your godness.”
“But that’s how it works,” Joel continues to say. “I say lore, you say lore, we say lore in the discord server. Then we do lore! We don’t just roleplay out of nowhere.”
“I’ll leave you to your fountain then.”
“Is this a joke? Did Jimmy set you up to this? Real funny, haha--”
The god-mocking king’s voice fades as Lizzie makes her way back towards her home, a chittering laugh on her tongue as she shakes her head. “What a weirdo.”
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honeyjars-sims · 5 months
2.7 Opening Up
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Lexie: It’s too bad we got assigned to set design for the first production, but at least we’ll be able to hang out together. 
Johnny: Yeah, it looks like most of the acting roles went to the juniors and seniors. Maybe next year we’ll have better luck.
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Lexie: Well, the semester’s just getting started. Who knows what will happen. We could impress them with our sick acting skills and get the leads next time. 
Johnny: [laughing] I support your delusional optimism! Oh, I almost forgot…my mom wanted me to tell you hi and that she enjoyed meeting you.
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Lexie: Hmm, that’s nice of her. I guess let her know I said hi as well.
Johnny: [teasingly] You’re not going to say it was nice to meet her too?
Lexie: No comment.
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Johnny: I don’t blame you! Honestly, it went better than I was expecting.
Lexie: Really? That's kind of sad.
Johnny: Yeah, unfortunately, that was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my mom. 
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Lexie: Well, it really bothered me how she was speaking about you. I kept trying to change the subject, but she’d always end up making some snarky little comment. 
Johnny: I’m used to it, I guess. The thing is, if I’d called her out she’d say I was overreacting. In the past, I would’ve believed her, but now…not so much.
Lexie: Good, because she’s wrong about you. I can’t imagine how it affected you to hear that as a child, or even now.
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Johnny: [sighs] I wish I could say that was the worst thing I had to deal with as a kid, but it wasn’t by a long shot. If you don’t mind, I think I’m ready to talk to you about it.
Lexie: Of course. You can tell me anything. Let's go somewhere more private.
TW: The dialogue below includes discussion of child abuse and drug abuse (not graphic but please use your own discretion if this topic is triggering to you).
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Johnny: It wasn’t just my mom who treated me badly. It was also her husband, Jimmy. I refuse to call him my stepdad because he wasn’t any kind of parent to me. He was way worse, though. With my mom it’s this kind of passive aggressive backhanded shit, but Jimmy? He was full-on aggressive. Not just with his words, either. 
Lexie: Oh my God, he hurt you? Johnny, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was that bad.
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Johnny: Yeah, it was pretty awful. I started having nightmares and I was anxious all the time. I tried to talk to my mom about it, but I was too scared to tell her what was really going on so she thought I was just being dramatic. 
Lexie: Geez, I can’t imagine my parents just brushing me off like that. You must have been terrified.
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Johnny: I was. It only got worse when my mom started doing drugs. By that time I was old enough to start fighting back and all the blame fell on me. Jimmy almost convinced mom to send me to military school but then my dads got custody of me and Chantal.
Lexie: Thank God for your dads! 
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Johnny: For real, I’m so grateful for them. It’s weird, though…whenever a kid gets away from their abusive family, everyone expects them to be happy about it. No one ever talks about all the mixed emotions. I knew I was better off with my dads, but I still thought about the good times I had with my mom. It was hard to leave her.
Lexie: I think I understand more why you’re still trying to work things out with her. It sounds like the whole situation was really traumatic for you.
Johnny: Yeah, even when I wasn’t talking to her I always had this feeling of “what if?” Like maybe there is a way to fix everything and make it go away.
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Lexie: Some things can’t be fixed, no matter how hard you try. I don’t know if your relationship with your mom is one of them, but I hope you’ll recognize when it’s time to let go if it comes to that.
Johnny: I think I will. I’m going to give it more time, but I’m starting to feel like…like I deserve better. I didn’t feel that way before.
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Lexie: You deserve so much better, Johnny. You’re so much more than what your mom sees you as. And Jimmy. He better hope I never see him ‘cause I’ll kick him right in the balls!
Johnny: [laughing] Lexie! I’ve never heard you so angry before. I can’t see you doing something like that, you’re too sweet.
Lexie: I’d do it to him! And I’d enjoy watching him suffer. Oh, sorry, I probably shouldn’t be so violent about it. It just really got me worked up. 
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Johnny: It’s ok. You’re cute when you’re protective.
Lexie: Well, consider me your bodyguard, then.
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gaystan · 6 months
average catg segment
CLYDE: Okay, so, before I forget, okay.
JIMMY: (laughing)
CLYDE: The other day, I can’t believe I haven’t told you guys this yet. So I was eating at McDonald’s for breakfast,
TOLKIEN: McDonald’s for breakfast?
CLYDE: When I sat down for my feast a guy walked into the door, looked at me and said, “Idiot can’t even make his own pancakes. How pathetic,” and walked out.
JIMMY: (laughing)
CLYDE: Don’t laugh at that!
CRAIG: I mean, it’s a- it’s a power play.
CLYDE: I tried to enjoy my meal, but all I could taste were dejection and tears. How can I track this guy down, explain how restaurants work, project the image of a man who definitely understands the concept of making pancakes to every stranger I encounter?
CRAIG: (laughing)
TOLKIEN: Here’s the thing. This thing this person did was… wrong? But also, I think very funny maybe? Also?
JIMMY: I think the alternative is you walk into a Pizza Hut and go “These fuckin’ idiots don’t know how to make their own pizza, BYE!”
TOLKIEN: There’s a nicer way of doing this. Walk into a McDonald’s. See someone eating a stack of pancakes. Hand them a recipe for pancakes, and then walk out.
JIMMY: That’s the suh-suh-sweet way of doing it, you’re right, Tolkien. You walk in, you hand them a recipe for pancakes, and you say, “for next time!”
CLYDE: (Laughing) For next time, try this!
CRAIG: I wanna be.
TOLKIEN: If you do it wrong, they’re crepes.
CRAIG: I wanna be in the head of the person who’s walking by McDonald’s, sees someone eating a stack of pancakes, is like, “I gotta go in there and say something.”
CLYDE: Fuckin’ double parks-
JIMMY: (doing a voice) Victoria, just go ‘round the block. I’m just- I’m just gonna be a sec.
CLYDE: I think he went in wanting to buy something, and just-
CRAIG: Pancakes are very easy to make at home-
TOLKIEN: Deceptively. Deceptively difficult, Craig.
CRAIG: You didn’t learn how to cook until you were twenty-three,
TOLKIEN: Getting the right pan temperature?
JIMMY: Now, it is undeniable that McDonald’s does have d-d-duh-dark, arcane, breakfast treats, that like, you tell me how they make that McGriddle, with the fuckin’, with the biscuit, with the syrup nugs,
CLYDE: They have these magical crystals of syrup-
JIMMY: A wuh- a wizard gave ‘em. A syrup wizard. A Canadian syrup wizard. A maplewitch. That’s why it was such a big deal when they did breakfast all day, ‘cause they’re burning through the non-renewable resource of syrup crystals so fast.
CLYDE: (doing a voice) You’ve run out of syrup crystals?? We’re running low on syrup crystals!! Call the maplewitch!
TOLKIEN: Clyde, it’s not funny that you got bullied and it’s not funny that this person was an ass. What’s funny is the idea of walking into a restaurant just- pre-angry, that people here are eating things that they could just as easily make at home.
CLYDE: (laughing)
CRAIG: Does he walk into autobody shops and say “Change your own oil! Idiots!”
TOLKIEN: Idiot doesn’t even know how to do a triple bypass!
JIMMY: Just saying, if this happened to me it would make my fucking week.
CLYDE: Really?? It totally bummed me out!!
JIMMY: Seriously?
CLYDE: I went to McDonald’s and someone put me on blast for eating pancakes at McDonald’s! I felt-
CRAIG: Let’s start with the big problem. One, you’re eating in the McDonald’s.
CLYDE: We’ve talked about- yeah. You guys have found some problems with eating inside the fast food establishment.
JIMMY: Fast food restaurants are, by definition, a gun that sh-shoo-shoots burgers at you.
CLYDE: So for you to go inside the gun and retrieve the burgers like a dragon’s horde, is, um-
TOLKIEN: What if it was at a different location? Something nice?
CLYDE: If a stranger yells at me about the food I’m eating I’m not gonna give a fuck- I don’t care if I’m at the Jiro Dreams of Sushi restaurant. Somebody kicks in the door and is like, “Can’t make your own sushi!” I’m like, “Oh, my dinner’s ruined.”
CRAIG: You’re at the fancy sushi place and a guy says you can’t even make your own sushi and your first reaction is “he’s right” ?
CLYDE: No, my first reaction would be, “Oh no, a stranger yelled at me.” How are you not getting that? I don’t want a stranger to yell at me in any situation, any circumstance!
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all54321 · 1 year
After seeing so much Limited Life Scarian angst, I wanted to write something happy with them. So, an AU where the life series is a bunch of games these guys play for fun and nothing serious or traumatic comes from them.
After each session there is a break for everyone to cool down and relax. Just so no one gets too worked up over it and to make sure this all stays a friendly game. During these breaks there is also a discussion to make sure everyone is doing okay and no one has any serious problems with something that happened.
This takes place after session 7.
Grian peers out of the Nosey Neighbor’s tower at the sound of a horn. He startles when he sees Scar perched on the wall, smiling brightly, horn clutched in his hand. Grian isn’t sure if he’s amused or concerned.
“What is he doing?” Pearl says, mirth in her voice.
“I have no idea, I’m just glad he didn’t enter and trigger the trap.”
“What would happen then?” BigB asks joining them.
“With the timers paused? It should do nothing to him. Hopefully.”
“Not like we tested that scenario out. I’ll go see what he wants.” Grian descends the tower, knowing exactly what Scar wants. He approaches his partner, careful of the pressure plates. “What are you even doing?”
“I wanted to see you!” He says cheerily.
“There’s an opening?” Grian replies, humor and confusion mixing in his voice.
Scar studies where Grian stands, in the center of a cluster of pressure plates, “and step on one of those? I don’t know what’s under any of them.”
“I wouldn’t invite you in if there was a trap,” Grian bluffs. The trap is hidden for a reason, a temporary ruce won’t change that.
“Doesn’t matter now, let’s go!”
Before Scar can move, Pearl exits the tower, “bring him back by sundown!”
Grian shoots her a glare, but Scar chuckles, “will do!” Grian quickly heads to the entrance in the wall, stepping around the trapped pressure plate.
Scar meets him on the ground on the other side, “where to?”
“Down here, unless you want to go somewhere more secluded,” Grian replies, heading towards the drop-down to the river.
“Nah, it’s good, we only have a little time after all.”
Grian nods, sliding down the edge to sit by the waters edge. Scar joins him after a moment, leaning back against the stone. “Things are getting crazy,” he murmurs after a moment.
Scar hums, “yeah, the end is near, huh?” He stares down at his arm, the red timer blinking.
Grian glances at it, only a couple days remain for Scar. He quickly tears his eyes away, focusing on the water. He picks up a stone and skips it, eventually saying quietly, “yeah, I don’t think we’ll have another chat here.”
Scar doesn’t respond for a moment, Grian doesn’t meet his eyes, choosing to skip another stone. “Are you okay?”
Grian looks over in surprise, “huh?”
“With Jimmy and Joel dying, I mean.”
“Ah, yeah,” he replies after a moment, looking away again, “kinda jarring, but this is just a game, y’know?”
“Doesn’t change anything.”
Grian slumps back, unable to hide from his partner, “okay, yeah, I’m bothered.” He glances over, “maybe it has something to do with them not being on Hermitcraft. I mean, most of us here we’ll see each other again just a few days after someone dies. But with them… I guess I can talk to them when we get out, but I don’t see them in person all too often.”
Scar bumps their shoulders together before leaning against Grian, “maybe you should do that when we get back.”
“Maybe,” he sighs, skipping a stone. Grian shakes his head, “anyway, how are you doing with… everything you have going on.”
Scar bursts into laughter, “oh, the usual. I killed dad, dad killed me, Bdubs tried to stop me. You know how it is.”
Grian opens and closes his mouth a few times, “I- I really don’t.” He lets out a surprised laugh, “I still don’t understand what you guys have going on.”
“Gotta be creative in how we have allies,” Scar gives him a look from the corner of his eye, “you know how it is, I’m sure.”
Grian huffs goodnatured-ly, “I guess.”
Scar leans closer, throwing an arm over Grian’s shoulders, “how are you feeling about the rest of this game?”
Grian glances at him to see him looking down, he follows the gaze to his arm. Grian traces the red numbers, the time he has left. “In terms of winning, hopeful. Worried about Scott, though.”
Scar gasps, mock-offended, “not me?”
“Nah,” Grian gives him a cheeky grin, “you’re not that scary.”
Scar sits up, pulling his arm back and leaning over Grian. He his hands on either side of him, pinning him against the stone, his voice drops when he speaks, “oh yeah?”
They stare at each other silently for a minute before Grian laughs, pushing Scar back. “Fine, you’re just not scary to me. There’s no way you could be, anymore.” Scar hums, but a beeping stops him from responding. Grian pulls out his communicator, “we only have a few more minutes before the game continues.”
“Ah, I guess this is it then,” Scar stands up, reaching down a hand to assist Grian up.
Grian nods as he stands up, “we’ll probably talk next like this back home.”
Instead of a reply, Scar leans down and pulls Grian into a kiss. It only lasts a couple of seconds before he pulls back. Grian tries to follow, but Scar just grins. “I’ll see you on the battlefield, then.”
“Yeah,” Grian murmurs, not able to hide his disappointment.
They climb back up the river bank and bid each other goodbye before returning back to their allies. They need to prepare for the final session, after all.
Pearl watches the pair run off, “they act like teenagers sneaking out to meet together in the middle of the night.”
BigB laughs, “except there was nothing sneaky about that.”
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