#also why was young apocalypse so hot what's up with that
panbotter · 4 months
where the fuck are Logan, Morph, and Storm
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perseephoneee · 1 month
Hey! I saw that you were taking supernatural requests. I read your other castiel story and I absolutely adored it! Your writing is so good <333
I was wondering if you’d be willing to do a reader and cas story of like a father/daughter relationship? The reader being an angel, maybe the last new one? So cas and other angels like Balthazar, Gabriel, ect take care of her and teach her? Maybe in the story she’s like a teenager or something?
If not, I totally understand! It’s a bit of an odd request ahaha
I hope that you have a lovely day!
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omggg heyyy. i'm going to answer this as a series of headcanons because that's what's coming to me. also this kind of sucks!!
castiel!child headcanons (afab reader)
you were the newest angel made before chuck decided to close up shop.
you also were in complete lockdown in heaven while the other angels frolicked earth during the apocalypse.
after the fall though, you found your way to earth, wingless yet extremely curious about everything around you.
you were always seen as the "innocent" one to the eyes of the other angels, because you were the "youngest" (as if you haven't been around for a millennia like they have).
you found a younger vessel as well, your true vessel being a pretty young thing somewhere in america. at least in put you in proximity to Castiel, who you sought out first.
Cas was always the kindest to you, the least likely to snap at you. he always nurtured you, and taught you the ways of Heaven.
your brief time on earth taught you a few things: you really loved baked goods, the bus is a fantastic mode of transportation, and no one gets mad at you for petting all the dogs that walk by. you really like the ones with floppy ears.
when you eventually found Castiel, time had passed, and he was back with the Winchesters. you were curious to know who were the humans who managed to convince Castiel to basically forsake Heaven.
they proved to be much taller than most of the humans you had meant.
castiel immediately got exasperated with dean.
"well, hello," Dean smiled, shaking your hand for a little longer than necessary. "what's your name, gorgeous?"
"Dean," Castiel gritted out, shooting him a look as Sam stifled his laughter.
"i'm allowed!" Dean bit back. "she doesn't mind," he gestured towards you, looking you up and down.
you kinda of just followed castiel around after that. even if it meant being around sam and dean.
cas was excited to have you around again. he talked to you about bees (literally), and you understood why he loved humans so much. they had a lot of heart that angels often lacked.
you didn't feel so out of place with the winchesters either.
sam was always interested to understand heaven and it's history. unlike cas, you were more amicable to sharing that information.
dean was confused why angels chose hot vessels. you asked if he meant not just you, but also castiel.
he shut up after that.
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i would happily continue this with more scenarios if anyone is interested. especially since this headcanon is shortlived and terrible.
@lover-of-books-and-tea @qardasngan @evasmlp
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totalfknloser · 5 months
Idk if it's I'm being asking way too early from the last request , but how about a list about Zack , Brodie , Dion and Giles green and red flags ? Like a top who has more ? ( ahem , it's way too obvious who but let's keep the mystery )
You're writing is awesome 🤟
LMAO THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS SO FUNNY LOL but tbh idk who has more red flags?? zakk is a meanie pants and i feel giles would be.. interesting.. dion would just be kind of nervous and brodie is completely just 😻 i think it would be zakk tho cause well it’s zakk but he’s hot soooo..
.☠︎︎. ⚂ .⛧.♫.
♫ BRODIE! MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL BRODIE! (can you tell i like Brodie a lot?) i feel that Brodie would be a very normal boyfriend and person, just a little weird because as a metalhead myself i can confirm metalheads are a little weird in their own each way. Brodie is a very sweet boy and i feel like he has very little red flags to none. i think his green flags would be that he can cook and take care of himself (i headcanon this because of his parents cause don’t kill me if i’m wrong but considering his dad is i think.. dead? and his mom is a crazy bitch, i think he learnt to care for himself pretty fast.), he’s, as i always say, a total softie who’s a wonderful boyfriend, he’s a calm person to be around other than, well, when there is like a zombie demon thing apocalypse, and other yk, good boyfriend type shit. I think his red flags wouldn’t be too red and more beige or barely a red flag. I think Brodie’s little things would be like he’s not too into actual skincare and just does basic things like wash his hair and use soap and stuff, but he still has like dirt under his nails sometimes and picks at his acne n shit. but i believe he would be more than happy to have you care for him for him lol. i also think he would be sorta lazy and be pretty messy, but blah blah, basically he’s a good boy.
☠︎︎ second on our not that red to bright vermillion flags is Dion. Dion is like, overly a nerd. which isn’t a bad thing, i love me a sweet nerdy boy. Dion has little things too like idk picked his nose till 7th grade in middle school, or watches too much porn but not to an addiction, just more random little things. much like Brodie, he’s a good boy. but until you as a lover would get him to open up to being a little more used to what love is like, he wouldn’t do very much to keep up the relationship lmao, he just loves being around you. Dion is very sweet, just a little more unusual, but more than Brodie.
⚂ GILES! Giles is weird, i think Giles is weird. I don’t hate him, i LOVE him platonically, i think he’s funny. but would i date him? no. i just think he would be a bit too peculiar. nobody can tell me he doesn’t have a porn addiction, and hasn’t fucked something weird which yes, you cannot tell me otherwise cause yes he has fucked something weird, it’s mentioned in the movie! i think it was a dummy or something. I think Giles is just very weird sexually, like not piss kink weird (sorry to everyone with a piss kink), but like too much porn and hot babes weird. and i don’t think he would be very like loving at first? like he would love you as much as anyone else in a relationship, he just wouldn’t know how to show it, but he’d eventually get it, much like Dion.
⛧ and finally, our beautiful blood red Zakk. Zakk is a nasty mean boy as we all know. before he really loves you, i believe he would be a man with a bit of a sick sense of humor (yk like dark jokes or laughing at sort of fucked up stuff), would be terrible at caring for himself in not all ways, but most. and he’s like, a total asshole, obviously. i saw someone say that Zakk would have bpd and listed why and i so agree which bpd or any disorder (trust me y’all i have 4 disorders lmao) doesn’t make you a red flag till you let it make you a red flag, and i think Zakk would let it become a red flag. Zakk is just kinda fucked up. from weird things on the internet he saw when he was too young, to definitely having trauma, i think he’s a little fucked from the start. I still love him and he would def learn to love you. I think his version of love would be a bit possessive and overly clingy, like if anyone hit on you he would get more possessive than he really should. I also think he would hold onto you forever and ever and never let go, and if you left and especially if you hurt him when you left, he’d never forgive himself for letting someone get that close, and other sad bullshit. i think i could work through Zakk and get mutual love out of him but it would be hard. but i don’t really care though cause i know he got some meat down there and he has a pretty face so idgaf! <33 + i know deep down there he is a lovable man. for his green flags, he’s a sweetheart when you get to love him, as i’ve said before. he’s very capable of genuinely caring and loving, it’s just hard to get him to do so. we love our boy Zakk no matter what.
.☠︎︎. ⚂ .⛧.♫.
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corsairesix · 5 months
Fallout TV show thoughts
Spoilers ahead because I'm like, talking about the show and what happens in it.
The first two episodes are the strongest definitely. The vault dwellers being culty trad weirdos and the brotherhood being technofascists is a great return to form. But after that, the aspects of both of those tend to get subsumed into "Lucy and Max are naive"
Lucy and Max kinda stop having ideologies pretty quick. It's easier to accept with Max because he's shown from the beginning to be less interested into the technocult aspects of the Brotherhood but Lucy has fully drunk the vault kool-aid and that kinda becomes secondary to "she's from a vault so she's used to good people"
The central tension of "if it's life or death, you'll abandon your morals" vs "but we have to keep being better anyway" is a really popular one for post-apocalypse stories to tell, but it's kind of a boring Fallout story for me.
The early Brotherhood stuff really hits the sweet spot between the creepy ritualistic aspects and the fact that a lot of them are just shitty bullies. Titus going from the helmet voice to his normal voice was a really good scene.
Tangentially, I don't particularly care for Ghoulgins. I thought the pre-war plot with Walton Goggins was great, but with Ghoulgins it felt like every scene he was in he walks up to someone, snarls a bit, kills everyone present, and walks away with no variation.
The best part of episode 3 onwards was all of the stuff with young Steve Buscemi solving mysteries
I laughed at the fact that they did Kid in a Fridge 2, but after the fifth time or so that they played that clip it was increasingly obvious that it was the only backstory that Maximus had. We know exactly five-ish seconds of his life outside the story. And sure, part of that was that he's like, raised in a high-control cult, but so is Lucy and we learn a half-dozen hobbies that she has in the first minute.
Also is it just me or did they put one black guy in every scene where Max was getting his ass beat? So like, invoking a certain imagery for sure but not textually saying anything about racism, which seems like the worst of both worlds
There's a running textual and subtextual dichotomy between "innocence/naivete/ignorance" and "willingness to do violence" but it's undercut a little by how often characters screw up by doing violence because they were ignorant or naive
Lee Moldaver call me
(side note, I'm not a "wouldve been way better if at the end the Black Panther turned to the camera & said "i am communist now" & then specified hes the exact kind of communist i am" person, but honestly Fallout is allergic to ever depicting American communists. McCarthyism can only be bad if it's aimed at the wrong target.)
I just realized Sarita Choudhury was in Gawain and the Green Knight and she was really hot there too
I *really* liked the plot device of "Vault-Tec has a fiduciary responsibility to the end of the world" but I thought every company we know the name of sitting around a table and going "we're going to do the end of the world" was corny. I'm surprised Slocum Joe wasn't there to pitch an iced regulah and strawberry frahsted vault.
Slight tweak that could be more compelling--vault tec wants things to be bad/drive up paranoia to sell reservations, but they don't actually want the world to end. It's like an insurance company that wants you to be scared of disasters, but doesn't actually want to pay out. That's the exact type of corporate hubris I could see them trying to thread. And it still works with stuff like suppressing Moldaver's cold fusion.
Wait why was the cold fusion in that guy's head? They injected a similar thing into the dog, so I assumed at first he could like, psychically communicate with the dog and that's why the dog could track his head. But the dog was injected before the guy so like, did the dog just have general cold-fusion tracking software injected? Like I know it was an excuse to have Dogmeat IV, but I genuinely want to know if anyone knows the deal with that.
A good amount of stuff that turns me off of the show is that I genuinely find the post-post-apocalypse of some Fallout games more interesting than just post-apoc.
This show seemed less built up than even Fallout 4. All the locations seemed kinda disconnected from any sense of space. I cackled when the snake oil guy showed up to treat the guy's foot. He's not anywhere near the other two places we've seen him. Is this even his building?
"The Governmint" being two guys and their boss who looks like every wasteland mayor ever was really good. Good enough to wipe out Shady Sands? Jury's still out.
I'm not particularly mad about "they destroyed the NCR!" but I wish they did something interesting. I do like how Moldaver flies NCR flags. That was probably the most interesting element of it
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thelastofharrington · 2 years
43, 47, or 85 for joel? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
anything for you! how about something slow and sweet??
if you want to send me some smutty dialogue prompts, im going off of this list hehe
43: “Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
warnings/tags: smut!! minors dni!!!, oral (m receiving), f!reader, unprotected sex, intimate, slow sex, joel is the perfect lay, mutual pining
Joel had been gone for several days. Off doing some trading and negotiating, and then working some shifts at the QZ that required him to be gone on the opposite schedule of you. You hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. But tonight, tonight that was going to change.
You and Joel weren't dating per se. No, dating in an apocalypse was fruitless and juvenile. But you were living together, not seeing other people, and consistently falling into bed together. You liked that he kept you safe and he liked that you kept him young. You also both got a lot out of the "falling into bed together " part. The part you have been missing for the last several days.
It was hedonistic and heady, the way you craved him. There were just about a million other things to worry about and prioritize, but today you made an effort to get as clean as possible, wear your least tattered clothes, and make the bed in preparation for Joel to come home from the night shift.
You were so hopped up on energy and lust that it didn't even feel like the five hours after your shift that you had to wait for his to be over, and then at 10:30 sharp, you heard the key in the door. Then you heard a thump of a bag hitting the floor, the shuffling of shoes coming off, and the dragging of tired feet against the concrete floors. Then finally, you saw the figure of the man you're almost sure you love standing in the doorway.
"Hi Joel," you drawl from your spot on the bed in your sweetest voice, making sure to bat your eyelashes.
He stops in the doorway to drink you in, looking you up and down, almost convincingly not exhausted. "Hi baby girl." It's almost a sigh of relief as it leaves his lips
Your heart breaks in your chest as you realize just how exhausted he is. You rethink your whole plan, thinking you can put your foolish cravings to the side for now. A warm body in your bed is just as nice as one between your legs. "Why don't you come to bed?"
He stalks his way over to you and stands at the edge before you, "Are you trying to seduce me?"
Maybe your cravings weren't so foolish after all, maybe he wants this as bad as you do. "Depends, is it working."
He pulls you by the under side of your knees to the edge of the bed so he's slotted between your thighs. "Something's working all right."
He leans down to kiss you and you let him. You let him because you need him to, and you think he might need it too. You let him because you missed him and you've grown accustomed to the way his five o'clock shadow scratches you ever so slightly. You let him because you love him, even if you're too afraid to admit it out loud.
The one kiss slowly turns into lots of little ones as he guides you onto your back, and then lots of big, long ones as you pulls your leg up over his hip. It's getting hot and heavy quickly but still not nearly at the speed you would like. You reach down between the two of you to palm at the front of his jeans, feeling delighted by the hardened length that you find.
He groans at the contact and moves to leave some kisses on the underside of your ear, "Eager tonight, are we?"
You meet his lips again as your fingers fumble with his button and zipper, "Just missed you is all."
"Fuck- I missed you too, baby," He says as you dip your hand beneath his waist band. "Let me flip over."
Now you're the one slotted between his thighs as you continue to work his cock. He shimmies out of his jeans and boxers while never taking his eyes off of you.
He's nice and hard for you as you lean down, mouth open, tongue out. You take him in your mouth all the way in one fell swoop, eliciting some crude remarks from your roommate/lover.
"Fuck that mouth is so wet baby."
"You take it so good."
"Treat me so nice, baby."
You're encouraged by his obscenities so you pick up the pace, your mouth bobbing faster and faster as you attempt to take all of him as much as possible. He holds you hair back for you, so you expect him to guide you at an even more intense pace like he normally does, but instead, he lifts you off of him completely.
"Woah, slow down darlin'. I’m not going anywhere."
You open your mouth to apologize before he continues, "If you want me to fuck you, we gotta slow down a notch. And I know you want me to fuck you."
You swallow your gasp and nod before going back to his cock, licking up his precum slowly while making deep eye contact with him.
He throws his head back, "Fuck baby, going slow is gonna kill me too." He looks down again at you worshipping his cock slowly, just like he told you to. "You're such a good girl for me baby, taking me nice and slow just like I tell you to. You'd do anything I told you to, wouldn't you?"
You try to reply but your mouth his full of him, so it just comes out as a gargle that reverberates off his cock so deliciously he groans again, tightening the grip he has in your hair. "Gimme that pussy baby I'm not gonna last long with you on your knees like that."
You immediately get up, take off your clothes, and assume your normal position, doggy style. He normally likes to be able to slap your ass, pull your hair, and drill into you from behind with all the power he can conjure up.
"Not tonight, hon. Tonight I want to look in those pretty eyes while I make you cum on my cock."
Your center tightens around nothing at his words. Obediently, you turn over to lay on your back, taking a pillow and putting it under your hips to prepare for the best angle possible.
He lines his cock up with your cunt, "Good girl, all ready for me. You look so pretty like this, darlin'. I'm one lucky son of a bitch"
You blush and cover your face, suddenly embarrassed by his nice words.
He moves your hands away from your face gently before rubbing a thumb over your cheek, "None of that tonight. Tonight I want to see all of you."
You nod and wait for him to slide in. You know you're already so wet for him, but you're excited for him to find out for himself. He groans as soon as the tip of his cock touches your folds, signaling to you that he feels your slickness as much as you do.
"So wet for me already and I haven't even touched you. How'd I get so lucky?" He says before he slides all the way in.
"Been thinking about this all day," You admit.
Inch by inch he slowly enters you, "Oh yeah?" He asks, trying to keep his composure, "Thinking about this big cock in that pussy?"
Finally, he bottoms out inside of you and you mewl loudly at the sensation of being so full of him. "Yes Joel, please fuck me baby," You barely sputter out.
He needs no further instructions before he lazily and lovingly starts pulling in and out. He's usually rough with you, hitting your cervix over and over until you can barely walk the next day. But tonight, tonight he's pulling all the way out before pistoning back in just so. It's the exact intensity you need, but you also know it's what he needs too. He's meeting you in the middle to give you exactly what you want but still savoring every last second with you.
You're both moaning and heaving as he continues to fuck you. Eventually he moves one of your ankles over his shoulder, stretching you out and deepening the angle even more.
You lose track of where your head's at and just start thanking him between each thrust. "Thank you for fucking me Joel," You cry out, "I needed that big cock baby, I needed it so bad."
"Anything for my girl baby, anything at all," His thrusts start to grow sloppy as he reaches his climax, "What do you need from me to make you cum?"
"My clit, please," You sob out as he propels himself into you particularly deep.
"Yes baby, keep tensing like that and I'm gonna cum," He grunts out as he plays with your cunt. He knows you're close because he can feel your walls fluttering around him, all wet and hot. It's enough to make him bust, if he wasn't so preoccupied on making sure you got there first.
Between his fingers on your clit and his cock in your pussy, you're two seconds away from one of the biggest orgasms of your life. You can feel it. His words get you there within minutes of him praising you:
"You look so pretty with my cock inside you baby."
"You are so beautiful like this, all spread out for me baby."
"Please cum for me, I want to feel you cum on my cock."
And with that, you're a goner. He was right, you would do anything he asked.
He finishes on your stomach not too long after, but you're too much in a haze of your on pleasure to notice until he comes back with a towel to clean you up.
"Thanks," You say shyly as he wipes you down.
He looks back up with you with a soft smile on his face, "Thank you. I needed that," He pauses, "I really missed you, darlin'."
You sit up on your elbows and smile back at him, "I missed you too."
The rest of the night is spent in his arms as he recounts his latest adventures, and you fall asleep soundly to the steady rhythm of his breaths. The last thing you remember thinking before you fall asleep is, "I could see myself loving him forever."
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swissmissficrecs · 2 years
Underrated Fics, Part 18
It’s been almost a year since my last batch of underrated fics, so I’ve got a good crop to share this time. Criteria:
- Fic is complete - Minimum 10K word count (with wiggle room) - Last chapter posted prior to November 1, 2022 - Fewer than 150 kudos as of this post - “Favorited” by me on AO3
(Previous underrated lists here)
In order of length:
1. I can’t imagine why this hasn’t been picked up by the masses yet. Just look at that summary and tell me it isn’t what you want to read right now!
A Scandal at Paladia by disfictional (34K, E, Johnlock) An ill-fated visit to Uncle Rudy's drag bar unlocks a memory of John's past- a memory that wreaks havoc on their sex life. John has a secret, and Sherlock is determined to solve the case.
2. Yes, there is major character death but also time travel, soulmates, and devastatingly hot sex:
Come Back to Me by BenAddictViolaBatch (21K, E, Johnlock) A fusion of Sherlock and the classic 1980 film, "Somewhere in Time." In 1945, young army doctor John Watson receives a brief and mysterious visit from an elderly scientist, Sherlock Holmes. Intrigued, John researches Holmes and learns that he died on the same night of the visit. He becomes fascinated by Holmes's renowned work in criminology and his secret obsession with time travel. When he encounters a photograph of a young Holmes, he is instantly and deeply enamored, realizing that they are destined for each other.
3. An intriguing series 4 fixit casefic that delivers on the emotions:
The Slow Dance and Death of a Carbon Copy by batslikepastel (15K, T, Johnlock, Warstan) He hasn’t talked to Sherlock outside the bedroom since that first night.  Today, though, when Sherlock painstakingly makes John’s favourite breakfast- eggs benedict- he smiles delightedly and kisses his cheek.  “Thanks, Mary.” The first sign of delusion.
4. For those who want to see what Sherlock got up to during his time away, you can’t get more intense than this:
Serbia by BeautifulFiction (13K, T, Gen with Johnlock undertones) He could not return to John knowing this mess remained unfinished. He could not return to London and expect forgiveness if the ruse had no reason.
5. Deeply thought-provoking philosophy couples with exquisite narrative tension in this soulmate-esque apocalypse AU:
Learning the Heart by Calais_Reno (11K, T, Johnlock) An android tries to understand love and grief.
6. An exciting, snarky zombiefic with simmering Johnlock feels:
Haemophilia by kaasknot (10K, T, Johnlock) It started at Baskerville. A leaky pipe, a faulty experiment left to seed by an absent scientist; in the end, it didn't matter. What mattered was that an epidemic spilled through the medical halls of Baskerville, and no one knew the cause—or how to treat it.
7. This fic might look hardcore, but it’s really fascinating with a gentle, calming vibe. Not exactly Johnlock (yet), but the spark is definitely there:
Fit to Be Tied by Kameo (10K, M, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes is ever on the lookout for new experiences, and for the first time he is exploring BDSM play at a tasting being held at a local dungeon. He has no idea what to expect but it certainly wasn't a rope-tying army doctor.
8. A tidy casefic/series 4 fixit with preslash setup for more:
The Adventure of the Solicitor’s Mansion by aTangledSkein (9.8K, Johnlock, M) Set post Season 4, this is an update to ACD's "The Adventure of the Abbey Grange."  John is questioning his relationship with Sherlock and wrestling with his own demons. 
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kaetor · 1 year
would love love love to hear any thoughts u want to share on the weed smoking grandpas au i absolutely LOVE everything vlr and especially everything here
hi. life is busy so it took me a hot second to answer this but anon i love you so much. I shall explain quark and his weed-smoking grandpas to you to the best of my abilties
so basic premise
so this is an "au" (in that its not DIRECTLY contradicted by canon. but also is) from the minds of me and my bestie remy @argentsunshine (read his ze fanfic) where long story short quark is raised by aoi light and junpei who have been hanging out since the radical-6 pandemic happened
short story long this somewhat connects to 'apocalypse au' which is again, just canon, where at the beginning of the apocalypse junpei finds light (who is looking for clover) and on their way to try and find clover they find aoi frozen in one of those freeze pods
because akane saw the future and knew that aoi would get rad6 and die early on in the pandemic so in akane fashion she put him to sleep and didnt tell him anything
so now these three guys are just kind of hanging together trying to find akane and maybe clover failing to find clover experiencing complex emotions about akane kurashiki. about 35 years later give or take . they find a baby
more random shit under the cut.
aoi is very vehement that young children should believe in santa claus light thinks its pointless and stupid junpei is stuck in the middle of this. "okay santa"s are thrown around in such arguments often. quark isnt really sure what to think
aoi and junpei are taking on more concrete parenting roles while light mostly sits in the background dispensing fun facts and the energy of a wine aunt crossed with an actual grandfather
light field known transgender was partly at fault for the name 'quark' aoi hates this
the major influence light had on quarks upbringing is that one day he looked at aoi "stopped regularly attending school at age eight" kurashiki and junpei "not a great student who then also dropped out" tenmyouji and said someone has to teach this child. and started trying to teach him stuff that's so far above a child's level
from our google doc light aoi and junpei quote " spent a while searching slash forming an increasingly confusing polycule (aoi and light are together light and junpei are not romantically involved and not not romantically involved but a secret third thing junpei and aoi are. good question)"
junpei and light got married for tax reasons but aoi and light who you'd more expect to be married aren't so quark is very confused about what marriage as an institution entails
every time the topic of why him and aoi arent married comes up light gives a whole spiel on why marriage as an institution is heteronormative and outdated and then someone points out hes still married to junpei and light says what of it
anyways theres more to this but its split between an actual google doc and random screenshots of discord dms so that's all for now. if enough people like this post maybe i can bully remy into writing more actual stuff for this au
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felteverywhere · 1 year
here’s a plot wishlist of things i’m thinking about lately but would prefer to plot than write opens for. i’d also prefer to plot on discord but it’s not entirely necessary since obviously i’ll be writing on this account. some of them are kind of variations of the same thing but i think it makes it clear what kind of stuff i really love lmao. if you like this i’ll im you, but even if you like a lot of them it would be amazing if you could whittle it down to 2-3 tops. reblogging and messaging people when i’m online in the morning!
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hot & heavy by lucy dacus inspired — the angst of your first love, homoerotic teenage best friend angst coming back to haunt you, bitterness and nostalgia mingling in the worst way, you hate her and you still love her after all this time. optional: period piece (70s, 80s, 90s, early 00s), a dead friend dragging them back to town, one of them is still closeted. 
fear street inspired — small towns where dark, horrible things have happened and keep happening but not everyone can afford to clear out, young people taking on a legacy of evil in the name of love, the truth of the past being unearthed, the loss along the way. optional: period piece (90s), we can run with something similar to fear street in terms of why the killers exist or come up with our own thing. 
college sleuths — a body found in a classroom or maybe an old unsolved mystery, a small campus cradled by woods and hidden from the world, a desperate need to uncover what everyone else wants to cover up, a righteousness or maybe an obligation to the dead, an eventual game of cat and mouse as they creep closer to the truth. optional: literally everything i listed can be tweaked, i just love the idea of a pair of people (even reluctantly) solving a murder. 
scooby doo inspired, college cryptid/supernatural hunters  — they’re the only ones who believe and maybe that’s okay, could be a mumu/could utilise npc characters if we’d like a group. optional: more of a buffy style scooby gang who are solving problems/include creatures in it. 
dark academia, the secret history inspired  — 
zombie apocalypse romance... with a twist on top of that — what’s more romantic than finding your soulmate at the end of the world? well, i guess if she’s also an unhinged person who will murder humans too, if they cross her. finding out she killed her last s/o somehow doesn’t phase you. basically: muse a has met someone after so long alone but muse b is a little crazy and they get into shenanigans. 
thoroughbreds inspired — unsettling girls forming a strange bond in rekindling a childhood friendship, uncomfortable step fathers, murder as a tool to solve problems rather than a ghastly act, taking blame as a romantic gesture. gifset for fun inspo. 
a return to the hurt/comfort fanfic tag. i’d like to explore deeper things while also dealing with the relationship between two characters. optionally but not limited to: grief, abuse (tentatively and with discussion about parameters), child custody issues, divorce, etc. 
this post but like no really, let’s write it. 
people who believe they are impossible to love pushing away the one who is demanding that they let them in!!!! not strong enough by boygenius vibes also 
an affair happening in a position of power, in a place it absolutely shouldn’t, where everything could turn to crap if they gave in but... they really can’t help themselves. people who are slaves to their own feelings no matter how toxic they are with one another. bad people being so passionately and deeply in love that it destroys everything. oh also this. 
still would kick things over for a normal people plot. i’ll never be over it!! never!! gifset for visual. shame and regret almost overpowering love but not quite, hurting each other, miscommunication, all the things. “i'm not a religious person but i do sometimes think god made you for me.” it should be illegal for someone to say that but jeez i am obsessed with it. 
someone truly deranged and evil and bloodthirsty and the only one who can stop them, but also the only one who can understand them. the only one who knows them. the only one who loves them? ah?
figure skating partners for carling i beg on my knees. fc optional i honestly might change her regardless. 
more song inspo without long winded thoughts: reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine, taken by muna, holding back/crowded places/waiting game by banks, forever winter/tis the damn season/cowboy like me by taylor swift but also really any taylor swift song. 
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borathae · 7 months
You cover your eyes on instinct, “why are you naked?” me when i saw naked kook in the gcf I LIFTED MY EYES UP AS IF LIKE I WOULD HAVE SEEN SOMETHING 💀💀💀 and then went to twitter to oggle freely cuz its a free real estate
but his hips are your favorite part of his body. 136% CORRECT
His dick looks mouthwatering in this light call that aesthetic dick, aesthedick
steal a glance at his butt as he does. “Hot damn”, jungkook when he walked in when hobi was showering
the mask para reminds me of hobi slapping skincare on to his face
*also starts playing nct baby dont stop
“Too late for that”, you say giggling she said oops hee hee
"sounds like a song doesn’t it?" he jokes it does lol my man is so funny *
You secretly hoped for his towel to fall. It didn’t, THEM DAMN TOWELS HAVE BABY GRIP STRENGTH IN FFS LIKE THEY DONT FALL AT ALL
i dont know if havent said this before, but i love the way the characters talk during sex in your writing, sexy or not, they are all soo wholesome
You idiot left the show running. Fuck you probably missed the best parts. ...best parts are definitely happening right now. CORRECT JUNG FUCKING HOSEOQUE IS FUCKING YOU, NOTHING IS BETTER THAN THAT
Outside guns and sirens were going off.  WTF IS GOING ON definitely not the best thing to hear right after fucking lol
Or are we in an official apocalypse?" very funny to think that u didnt know what was going to happen in 2 years . haha nobody knew
ok so back to the glowing dick alien IM SORRY U SAID NO MORE BUT I CANT STOP THINKING U KNOW *plays twice
imagine the same thing( tv on and siren going off) idk when oc and alien AND OC IS TRIGGERED cuz they moved to a different planet when oc was really young cuz of some apocalypse and she grew up and met alien bangtan
me when i saw naked kook in the gcf I LIFTED MY EYES UP AS IF LIKE I WOULD HAVE SEEN SOMETHING 💀💀💀 and then went to twitter to oggle freely cuz its a free real estate
bruh same HOLY FUCK I was at work watching the stream and went from -.- to OoO within seconds fjadjf thank god my back was turned to the rest of the office hahhahah
call that aesthetic dick, aesthedick
BLOCKED hahahahhha (i love puns)
the mask para reminds me of hobi slapping skincare on to his face
YSES HAHAH it was inspired by that hafjdsj
legs wide open tbfh
You secretly hoped for his towel to fall. It didn’t, THEM DAMN TOWELS HAVE BABY GRIP STRENGTH IN FFS LIKE THEY DONT FALL AT ALL
HAHHAHAHA the ffs towel says "content besties" JFJADSJF
i dont know if havent said this before, but i love the way the characters talk during sex in your writing, sexy or not, they are all soo wholesome
omgmg thank youu <333333
ME NEXT nfadsnf istfg I need to inhale him
HOLD ON IM GETTING MORE THOUGHTS AAAAAAA ok so back to the glowing dick alien imagine the same thing( tv on and siren going off) idk when oc and alien AND OC IS TRIGGERED cuz they moved to a different planet when oc was really young cuz of some apocalypse and she grew up and met alien bangtan
ooooh daaamn bestiieie the angst is angstingnn 👀👀 and him coming to rescue her and hug her cause he can't bear to have his sweet earthling be upset fdnasfn 😩😩
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multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
~~Montgomery Sass~~
Aka.. let’s talk about Madisons (probably undiagnosed) BPD from someone with BPD.
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Madison is Canon very rejection sensitive and fears abandonment heavily. She’s quick to tell someone to just go ahead and leave but we see in apocalypse she’s actually sad when she feels like everyone has forgotten her, and it’s also shown when she proposed her and Zoe share Kyle, but ends up being left out.
Madison has never held a stable relationship OR a friendship.. she’s so quick to quit because if she quits first, then people won’t leave her.
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A lot of her attitude is a show, she’s a movie star who never really got any positive attention from her parents. They used her for fame and money and that was it.
It’s a toss up between who her favourite person could be between Zoe and Cordelia, Zoe is on her level and madison take it upon herself to be the leader, and make sure Zoe ‘settles’ in. However cordelia is very much so the only R E A L mother figure Madison has ever seen, and we see her do a lot to try and seek her approval… between the lines of her bad girl..
….Act that she has going on. It’s made clear that she D O E S and wants people to be there for her and recognise her good doings among her bad. Her moods swing in an instant as soon as she feels threatened, especially by sense of failure or FEELING like no one else believes in her. She doesn’t pass all of the seven wonders and she’s so quick on her exit because she doesn’t feel like there’s a reason for her to stay if she’s not good enough to be the supreme.
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We also hear about Madison’s past with addiction with drugs and alcohol at such a young age. But she needed a way to cope right? Being the bread winner for her family she had a lot on her shoulders. But she does a lot of reformation and we see that through out the show along side her EXTREMELY.. impulsive behaviour and hot headed anger. She sets a curtains on fire because a boy rejected her, she puts Misty in a coffin because she unbeknowingly threatens her safety, in A) becoming supreme and B) just getting attention from cordelia.
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And instead of feelings like she can talk about her feelings?? which shes never been allowed to do, she acts impulsively.
We also see her recklessness at the party, she finds herself too deep in a situation she thought she had control over and is then embarrassed when Zoe tried to tell cordelia what happened and WHY madison flipped the bus.
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We see madisons Great Depression after her brush with death. She just wants to feel SOMETHING, and if that be pain then so be it, she talks through feelings of emptiness and numbness during her monologue. She’s lost touch with reality.
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But what can you expect… when you’ve just dies and come back to life.
This is just a very brief overview of Madison’s behaviours, she’s a good person underneath all of her armour, we see that when she offers to help Violet before she leave the murder house. Madison aside from all the shitty things she did, had a lot of shitty things happen to her and she was doing her best. I think given the chance and a safe space that was less hectic we would have see a lot more of her softer side.
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signalwatch · 2 years
Yeoh Watch: Heroic Trio (1993)
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Watched:  03/20/2023
Format:  Criterion
Viewing:  Unknown
Director:  Johnnie To
As far as I know, I hadn't watched Heroic Trio (1993) all the way through since some point in college.  I know I saw it in the theater with JAL during a student sponsored film series where we'd all go to the old Hogg theater in the middle of campus and ignore the bats flying around overhead and throwing little batty shadows onto the screen.  I recall watching part of it with The Admiral and Steanso on broadcast TV in about 1996.  And I'm pretty sure I saw it again on VHS at some point.  Jamie tells me we watched at least part or most of it in Phoenix, which I don't remember - but apparently happened.  
The film has been very hard to find in the US for years now.  Or I would have bought it on disc - DVD or Bluray.*  But now it's on Criterion Channel as part of the "Michelle Yeoh Kicks Ass" collection that spotlights her pre-US produced films as well as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which took her Bond-based running start and made her a full-fledged star in the West.
Heroic Trio is more or less a fantasy comic-book movie with some post-Burton vibes in set design, but nuttier and occasionally much grimmer than Marvel or even DC fare, featuring a story that would need tweaking to be remade in the states.  It's mostly vibes, and those vibes will change at the drop of a hat throughout the film as it can't decide if this is tragedy, comedy, horror film or what.  And a movie can contain all those things, but sometimes those movies also need to find a ramping up and down into the change of tone.  This movie is slapping down moods like playing cards.
Also - I'm still not sure what was going on for chunks of the movie.  Some things seem to just happen like we lost a sequence or me blinking meant I missed a crucial beat.
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how YOU doin'?
Michelle Yeoh's story is a giant tragedy burger, as indicated by the paper being blown around by industrial fans everywhere she goes, but it's not clear why her target (with whom she has fallen in love) HAS to make the Invisible Cloak when he knows it's a dangerous weapon and the process of making the cloak is killing him.  I mean, if I had the option between voluntarily slowly killing myself or choosing a life with Michelle Yeoh (he doesn't know she's a turncoat), I think I know what I'd pick.
Straight up, my fond memories of my initial viewings of the film are likely based on a few set pieces and the film starring Michelle Yeoh, Maggie Cheung and Anita Mui.  All are talented actors, all of them are fun to watch, all of them grab the screen when they appear.  As Jamie said "they've got so much charisma".  If we're going by Danny's criteria for superhero films of (a) how much money did the movie make and (b) how hot are the actors - we can state that (a) info on box office is non-existent, but it seems like it was popular and earned a sequel, and (b) very to extremely.
What I'd forgotten is the movie's tonal shifts and grasping for intensity mean we get plenty of anguish, spilled blood, loosened limbs, babies as targets, babies as accident victims, small young boys as cannibals, and "heroes" who make decisions like "let's kidnap babies" and "let's murder children".  This shit would not fly for US mainstream audiences.  Apparently the sequel - filmed the same year - takes place years later and a nuclear apocalypse has occurred between movies.  Which seems like it's own story, but no.  Let's just make the world even grimmer and then go back to fighting baddies.
The fights are high-wire choreography, meant to fully exploit the possibilities of wire work, editing and a supernatural storyline, and this should have/ could have made it's way into Western film but we lack any joy in our films.  Paired with the physical talents of Mui, Yeoh and Cheung kicking the crap out of things, it's a lot of fun.
At some point you just have to sit back and say "I am clearly missing cultural clues and expecting a western-style story and this isn't that" so you need to just enjoy it for what it is, or check out. Thanks to the power of Michelle Yeoh, deciding to stick around was easy-peasy.  
But, yeah, it's kind of kooky to see the 2023 Oscars went to actors who came out of genre, and see what Yeoh was up to as a fresh face, now thirty years ago.  And - before leaving - it's mind-boggling to see Maggie Cheung here and then in In the Mood for Love.  Versatility!  And pour one out for Anita Mui, who passed back in 2003.
*it was listed as a future Criterion release for 2022, but it's 2023 and hasn't yet happened, but is on the Criterion Channel, so maybe soon?
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/d0WEcuf
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helleborerain · 2 years
When Dawn Settles: Brief Character Info
(Please Keep in mind this is a WIP for my VN, and changes will most likely take place)  
This will be reposted as designs of characters will be released
I have only officially released Silas so far as a character. While characters are still in the works, I have the rough draft of all the characters down so far. They will of course need to be altered and tweaked a bit before I start officially creating the demo, but I wanted to release some brief information about them.
There is at least six romantic interests (Silas, plus the five Romantic Survivors that MC has teamed up with). I am considering making the secondary antagonist at least ‘chase’ after the MC.
I would also like to point out....
While Silas had the potential to be the most dangerous or destructive love interest, that doesn't necessarily mean the others have a clean history or the best morals either.
Below are listed characters and rough draft of their plots
MC (Main Character) (Default Name TBA) 
 They are survivors of the apocalypse with five others. They are either helping the other five get ready to move camp or interacting with Silas. They live in a small bedroom on the second floor that faces a shed and the open meadows of the village. They were originally a scout who watched out for zombies, but with less than two zombies showing up a month, they help the other survivors with tasks so they all can leave for the city.
MC is a character made to represent whatever the player wants. MC is the character that the player controls. Their actions and dialogue of the player.
The player will be able to select the gender of the MC, as well as their preferred pronouns.
I haven't created an official design for MC, but I will most likely play around with an AMAB, AFAB, and Non-binary design for fun
I do plan on creating an empty sheet where anyone can create their own version of MC when things are a little bit more established.
Age: Mid-Twenties
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Weapon/Skills: Machete and Manipulation
You weren't aware there was another survivor in the area until this unknown man saved you from a zombie. Though in all honesty, you aren't sure where he came from. He's tattered, pale, and almost sickly in appearance.
But he seems kind, and helpful, and he has kept you safe. Something just seems off about him... Oh well. He is helping your group move to the city after all.
He's oddly cold to the touch…maybe that's why he calls you his Warmth.
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Age: Late Twenties (28-29)
Pronouns: Any
Weapons/Skills: Skillet and Housekeeping
The pacifist and most caring of the group! They aren’t much of a fighter but what they lack in fighting and guts, they make up in kindness, creativity, and interpersonal skills! They have even found a way to preserve a small garden! Oakley mostly is found throughout the farmhouse and has taken up the living room couch as their room. They are the best cook, and cleaners, which they feel is the only reason why they have been allowed to stay in the group.
If you’re in need of cheering up, a hot meal, or to decompress, Oakley is the best person to go to! Though their positivity can be somewhat unrealistic and forced. They mean well of course. After all, good things happen to those who wait...
Age: Young Adult (think 19-20)
Pronouns: He/They Him/Them His/Their's
Weapon/Skills: Screwdriver and Speed
The Runner of your group. He is the fastest out of the five survivors. Dominick is usually tasked with gathering supplies from the abandoned gas station. Dominick is usually quiet, and when he’s not out on a run, he’s up in his room which is the attic of the farmhouse. He’s extremely useful to have if you need supplies!
They have an obsession with a small hand-held radio, that he had been working on since everyone first got on the bus. He hasn’t exactly explained why he tinkers with it, but when it does work, it seems to pick up on the city’s radio station. only to tear into static seconds later. While everyone has told him to give up on it, he continues to try and fix it desperately.
Theresa (Tessa)
Age: Mid-Twenties
Pronouns: She/Her/Her’s
Weapons: Drugs/Needles and Medical Knowledge
Good thing you all have a medical student in your mix! Tessa is extremely helpful when it comes to healing anything from cuts, to colds. The only reason you all have probably managed to stay alive is because of her brain. Soft spoken and unfortunately direct, she hasn’t exactly adopted a bed-side manner yet. That’s what school WAS for. But she appreciates patience and humor of the group. She sleeps in the basement of the farmhouse, so she has room work.
It’s not much of a fighters, as her medication can’t do much against the zombies, but she is working on a drug to try and aid against any zombie that crosses her path. She is very determined to personally stop any zombie that she sees. Though she seems paranoid even at the sounds of the foundation settling...
Valerio (Val)
Age: Mid- 30s (Idk I felt like a DILF character was needed)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Weapon/Skills: Shotgun and Management skills
Val is the oldest but not so wisest of the group. He’s is the grouchy bus driver, turned Marksmen that got you all stranded in the middle of nowhere. Well, maybe you should be thanking him. After all, if you were in the city when the outbreaks happened, you’d all be dead. Anyway, he figures he’s cool with shooting at any zombie that shows its ugly face up from his master bedroom window.
Though he’s been on edge lately. Maybe it’s because the gas station is running out of cigarettes... Maybe it’s because he’s claiming to see something or someone that’s not there. Just standing in the meadow. Watching you all.
Age: Mid-Twenties
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Weapons/Skills: Metal Pipe and Desensitization
...No one knows what his actual name is. He just is determined to go by Legend. Cocky, ruthless, brave, and spirited, Legend is the guard and hunter in the group. He is the strongest in the group. He is willing to use whatever it takes to keep the group safe and to get them to the city which makes him impulsive, and a bit hot-headed.
Legend is also tasked with a lot of the ‘dirty’ work which consists of killing zombies and getting rid of the bodies. He seems to laugh at it or shrug it off. He tries to make a lot of dark humor towards the whole situation. He even jokingly named the figure hiding in the meadow.
Age: ???
Pronouns: He/They
Weapons/Skills:Ḩ̸̢̢̨̣͕͇̖͚̫͉͉̜̮̯̟̱͍̼͎̌͗̍̌͋̈́́̐̿͒̐͐̂͒̈̈́̀͠͝͝ͅę̴̨̢̢̨̬̹̟̼͈͓̫̬̬͙͖̼̯̫̤͎̜̰̩͈̞̩̙̣̗̣̰͍̣̲̯͕̟̜̭͔͈̻̼͎̫͍͕̫̖͇͎̥̮̜̝̱̪̖̎̿͒̏̃̀̌̋͆͘͜͠ͅͅ ̷̢̛̳̤͍̲͔͙̻̤̜̣̰͍͕̞͚̣͕̺̠̩̭̺͓̟̙̙̝̩̙̫̣̺͕̩̲̖̥̝̼̟̭̮̥̯͛̅̐͋͊̍̊̂̋̓̀̈́̉̌̿̓͆̍ͅͅͅi̷̧̧̢̧̢̡̠͎͍̺͉͚͉̹̪̯̺̳͎̜̹̭͈̜̲̥̱̝̠̠̩̹͇̱͎͖̣̝̹͎̗̮͔̭̎͌͛̅̓͑͐̍͜͜͜͜͝͝͠ͅş̷̡̨̨̢̧̢̧̨̗̺̱̥͔͍͚̪̰͚͕͓̜̯͙͎̭̖͚̜̙̬̺̻̹̦͕̟̪̗̯̫͍̝̜̘̬̮̙̝͙̪̯̬͈͉͇̺̹̰̯̲̲̺̰̤̻̣̉̈͐͑͛̔͋̈́̇̈́̄́̾͒͋̊̈́͘͘̚͘͜͜͝͝ ̸̢̨̛̛̩̲͇̻̬̻̻̞̬͇̩̻͚͎̗͇̳̪̜͉̻̯̗͎̺̹͂̀̅̋̊̊̍́͐̾͋̈́̾̓́́̈́̑͂̂̽̒̈́̉̂̈́͆̓̌̾̃͊͂̌̓̆͆̉̽̌̈́̑̔͒̏͑͆͌̄́͛͛̿̌̋̇͘͘͠͝͠͠͝͠͠͝ͅţ̷̢̢̡̢̢̨̢̨̧̨̛̻̪͎̹̣͙̤̩͙̜̪͔̮̥͎͇̪̝̯̘̜̬̜̭̳̖̦̲͍̺͔̯̫̠̻͉͕̱͕͕̥͓̞̯͖̜͓̲̠͕̈́͌̀̊̋̌̎̃̊̾̓̏͆͋̔̾̈͋̃͊̎̊̎͌̃̇̍̈̓́̿̾͐͂͆͗̽̾̈́̽̄͋̾̍̈̃̽̂̕̕͘͘͜͜͝͠͝͠͝ͅh̷̡̛̛̤̳̞͍̗̞͍̱̝̯̹̺͕̣͈̰̲͚̤̦̯͓̗̹̰͉͚̟̼̗̣̖̗͇̻̼̖͉͚̖̳̠̯͗̅͆̔̆̾͒́͑̅̐̍̔̋̋̀̏͒͂̿̆̃̈́͗͊̂̀̓̏̍͛͊̐̓̌̽̔̂̍̐̇͑͒̕͘͜͜͜e̸̡̧̧͔̥͚̟̼̫̟͕͉̯̞̦͕͇̜͈̩̫͖̘͙̱̦̤̜̯̥͋͆̌̈̈́͛̄̆̃̑̈́̐́͆̄̐͝͝ͅͅ ̴̨̨̧̧̢̪͔̩̣͔̬̘̤̰͇̹͍̻̜͉̬̱͓̰̭̣͚͍̪͖͉̜̻̭͙̲̹̲̪̞̲̝͔͖͚͙͍͊͊́̂͒͐́͛́́̅̀̋͐̆̽̀̓͋̈́̊̈̇̆̿́̀̉̉͋̏̌͋̆́̎͑́̏̈́͆́̌͐͌͂́͗̀̈́͋͑͌͘͘͘̚͘͜͝͝ͅç̸̨̢̡̛̛̖̬͙̭̘͖͓̜̤̩̠͙͓̱̪͉̥̠̳̱͔̞̺̻̩̜̰͔̯͉̜̭͚̲̝̼̗̯̬̰̤̏̿̔̎́͛̈́̎͊͒̒̉̌̐̈́̂̈́͊̀̃̉͌͂̈́̓̅̇̈́̋́̂̏͒̑̌͒͠͝ͅư̴̧̧̨̨̧̛̟̮̼̥̪̤̭̰͇͖͙͓͙͉̭̺̼͔͉̬̠̲͉̯̘̭͈̖̠͖̟̣̞̯̓͆̉̔̑̍͋̿͆̇̊̐̏́̈́͂͗̂̆̍̍̓͋̋̌̉̓͋̔̑̅̓̏̇͊͌̈́͆̽̇́̒͒̊̏͒͆̈́̀̑͐͋̈́̏̆̓͘̕̚̕͜͜͝͠r̴̨̨̧̛̛̰̠̠͔̼̦̩̙̺̜͍͓͇̭̜̳̫͇̰͎̖͕̰̰̼͖̗̭̬̫̩̥̼͈̦̬̞̘̹̺̜̫̙͍͉͓̤̬͎̬̦͙̯̱̥̤͓͍̿̀͛͐̃̄͒̽̇̂̐̑͛̅͐̓́̈́͆̅̐͗͊̊͌̍̓̄̏̑̀̄̈́̌̍͑̑̾̾̈̄̀́͂̈̽̿͛̎͐́͗̈́̕̚͘͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͠ͅȩ̶̡͇̜̹̞͙̮̣͓̙͙̱̠̩̼̱̜̟̭̞̞̫̗̣̪̦͈̝͈̭̟̄͑̽̒̆̔̅̂̌̾̊̆̉̈̄̅́̀͋̎̔͗́̔̇̎̀̿̐̐̀̾̎̽̀̇̑̅͛͐̊̈́̚̚͜͝͝ͅ, ̴̨̛̛̛͈̟̗͔̲̳̬̖̜̘̱̲̠͖̟̳͙̞͎̲̥͖̻̝̱͙̳̟͈̣̳̼͇̠͔͈̻̖̈̒̎̓̆̄̈́́̈̂͑̽̈́̒̍̓̀̓͆̊͊͑̾̀̑̉̐̀̈̒͗̂̆̀̂̈̽̀̽̋̏̈́̏̇͒̎͜͜͜͜͝͠͠ÿ̷̧̢̡̛̞͈͍̜͉̳̣̳̲̥͕̯̟̥̺̘͔̤̪̜̳̺͈͉̳̮̫̮̲̞̩̪̺̙͙̳̯̖̟̳̺̦̳̠͉͈̜̽̐̀͂͑̽̉̍͑̈́̐̉͂̌͛̈́͒̊̍́̊̏͗̏̅̌̕͝ợ̸̧̡͎͆̈́̒͑̃̾͛̃̉͌̿̓̈͊͑̊̈́̀̏͊͆̉̈̿͌̑͐̉͒͐̅̈̊̾͐̀̊̔͋̆̑͊̌̋̓̅͗̈̿́̓̌͆̀̋̃͗̕̚͘̕͝͝͝͠͝͝ư̵̛̥͎͕̥̗̙͓͖͓̫͔̲͈̼̲̈́̐́̈́́̎͋̄̈̽̏͊̑̊̋̾͐̍̌̎͊̂͑̈͋͆́̈̈́́͛̅̍̂̊͗̊̏́̅̊͂̈́́͛͒̊̈̕̕̚͝͝͝͝ ̶̧̨̧̡̛̛̯̝̭͈̳̳̫̪͕̥̜͕̰̤̳̙̮̝̥̫̜̮̠͓̰͇̪̭̭̜̜̹͈̤̺̻͍̣͈̱̦̻̭̖̳̱̱͇̹̻̞͈̬̖̱̼̌͑͛̇͂̆́̂́͂͛̐̅̀̆̈́̿͂̽̊͊͆͛̂̃̇̀̄̽̔͗̉̆̅̂̊̌̈͆̄̓̋̀̇͑́̔͑̑͛̈́̚̕̕̕͠f̷̨̢̨̨̧̢̧̛̛͎̤̜̠̟͓̗̥͙̺̹̤͇͍̲̜̜͈̣͈̭͕̳̤̠͍͖̫̲̩̲̰̬͍̻̠̤͙̪͔̫̞̜̱̙͔̺͗̏̾̏͑̍͂̑̂̈́͐̀͐́̊́̈̀̐͆̓̆̄̈́̄̂̍͌̌̅̓͌̂̄̀̄̇̈́̆̐͛̇̽̂̕͘̚͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ö̸̺̱̙̝̯̰́͊̎͑͋̀́̽̓̍̔̄̐̑̈̽͌̅̎̑̆̚͝ͅͅơ̶̧̡̡̛̛̖̙̗͕̩̩̯͕̤͇͋̈́̋̀̆̂́͊̉̓̃̌̍͂͂̂͗̇̔̽͊̽͐͐́͐̿͆̑͆͑́̃͑́̋͋̄̔̔͒̀͐̉͛͊͆́͘̚̚̕͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͝ͅl̶̢̢̮̺̰̥͖̖̳̻͖͇͓̞̓̓͛̾͊̌̂̊̆̍̒́̇̔̄͛̋͒́͂̽͂̍̅̆̇̀̃͑̒͘̕̕͝͝ͅs̶̨̢̧̢̢̡̡͚̼̮̬͖̖̝̩̜͎̰͖̤̳̦̜̩̱̪̝͕̮̟̟̰͕̩̩̦̠̞̮̘͇͙̲̬͎͎͙̀͋̐̓̌̊̔̎͊̌͆̀̐͛̎̾͑ͅͅ
The unknown that Legend named, is based on the fact that he wears a long trenchcoat and gas mask making him look like a modern plague doctor. He is not trying to hide from you survivors. He wants you to know that he's just standing there and watching you all.
Nobody knows what he wants. 
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dramagoblin · 2 years
Halloweeny Movies
Ah, scary movies! Everyone has their own fright threshold, from simple jump-scares to hide-behind-the-couch paranoia. Hopefully this list will help you sort out what works best for you! Granted this is a short list comparatively speaking, but I still wanted to give you options
First, we’ll start with movies I’ve watched (I have a low scare threshold, so most of these are safe!)
“Secrets in the Hot Spring” (Netflix) is a fun Taiwanese romp that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and never gets too scary. It centers around a young man who returns to his family’s haunted hot spring inn with two of his classmates in tow. The three start off hating one another, but the events that happen during their stay teaches them to lean on one another. The results are hilarious and heartwarming. 
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“Parasite” (Hulu) is on the other end of the spectrum. While there is no hauntings here, per se, it does explore the most dangerous monsters that actually exist: humans. This movie examines what those with nothing to lose might do when given the chance to manipulate a wealthy family in order to better their own bleak existence. There’s a reason this movie won an Oscar, after all. If you’re anything like me, one watch is all you’ll need to be haunted for years to come.
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“Ringu” (Amazon Prime/YouTubeTV/etc) is the movie that the American hit “The Ring” was taken from. Honestly, probably the scariest of the bunch because that kid is just creepy. Ultimate nightmare fuel, not for the faint of heart!
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Next are movies in my queue that I’ve not yet worked up the nerve to watch (but I really, really want to!)
“Train to Busan” (YouTube/Viki/Amazon Prime/etc) is one of the most famous Korean movie offering after “Parasite”, and stars one of the best Hallyu actors Gong Yu- who gained fame around the world for his turn in popular series like “Goblin: The Great and Lonely God” and the groundbreaking hit “Squid Game”. It’s not your typical zombie apocalypse movie, but if those are your thing I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!
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“The Witch: Subversion” (Disney+/Viki/YouTube/etc) falls into more psychological drama than spooky, but seems to fall into the scarier part of the genre which is why I’m including it. Also, the name, but that’s just my take. 
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“The Wailing” (Viki/Amazon Prime/etc) is, well, just watch the trailer. There’s a reason this is still in my queue 😱
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Hope this list gives you some inspiration! Let me know if you watch (or have previously watched) any of these, or if you have any favorites you’d like to recommend!
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yoonstudios · 2 years
things that happened when i visited my grandparents' house (in chronological order):
— was greeted by my grandpa who held both of my hands and told me "you're a very beautiful young woman" (as he always says when we meet) <3
— he proceeded to give me his usual 15 second hug
— grandma made her Fucking Amazing chicken noodle soup and cornbread casserole (as she usually does) and we ate that for dinner
— she also made zucchini + raisin bread and banana bread and both of which i dipped in my piping hot black coffee and that was also Fucking Amazing
— her and i sat at a separate table (as we usually do) and the first thing she said when we sat was "whatcha been up to, girlie?" lmao
— but her and i ate and talked and i told her about my bearded dragon and i vented a bit and the whole thing was pretty cathartic
— i got myself free chicken soup whenever i want bc i complimented my grandmother about it <3 a win for today!!!!!!!
— she showed my brother and i their basement that we've never gone in and it looks like a slightly unsettling bunker for when the zombie apocalypse hits
— also they have SHELVES (like SO SO MANY) of empty mason jars. like i've never seen so many mason jars in my life.
— we go back up and me and my brother kinda hang around the house and go into our grandpa's room to check out his sticker smothered guitar
— "did you find the dead body yet? dw it's around here somewhere" my grandmother calling us from the kitchen ?????? (for legal reasons she was joking 💔)
— [insert all of the four adults talking about their spiritual experiences for 30 minutes straight + i contribute my own]
— [insert all of the four adults talking about the afterlife for another 30 minutes straight + i participate]
— my father implies that since angels can hide in humans bodies they might hide in animal bodies too and that kinda fucks me up
— my brother takes my mom down to the basement and i somehow accidentally break the sliding door that goes down the basement and i realize i locked my mom and brother in the basement and i freak the fuck out
— my grandma, not even 10 seconds prior to this situation, "yeah dw guys since it doesn't have a handle, it won't lock you out!" my dumb ass two seconds later: somehow breaks a fucking sliding door and it locks in place while completely closed
— we fix it like 2 minutes after my grandma laughs at my clumsy stupidity lmfao
— my dad tells my grandpa how crafty i am (?)
— my grandpa proceeded to give me his usual 15 second hug
— me and my grandma talk about gospel we listen to and i brag about how i met francesca battistelli + i find old singers i listened to back in early 2010's
— her and i go through some of her nail polish and she gave me two that i really liked :)
— she also gave mom a table that she was obsessed with + a plant she liked for her birthday
— i gain a new pair of cute block heeled boots that my grandma doesn't wear anymore
— smth smth it's late we'll meet back with you guys tomorrow smth smth
— my grandma and my dad dispute (derogatory!!!!!!) about what is and isn't in the bible and oh god oh fuck dad pls don't escalate this omg grandma what have you done
— omfg why does this always happen when we're about to leave
— smth smth the bible says to respect elderly people smth smth
— "yeah okay bye MARY >:l" - my father, who definitely doesn't escalate fights
— my grandpa proceeded to give me his usual 15 second hug
— we leave ! :D
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chemicalpink · 3 years
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Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Words: 4.7k
Genre: smut, angst, fluff if you squint really hard, childhood friends to lovers AU
Warnings: unprotected sex, bathroom sex, infidelity, JK is a heartthrob that is bad at feelings, YN realises she’s been in love with JK all along.
A/N: this is me trying to write longer fics, I liked how this one came out yayyy. This goes out to the @thebtswritersclub​ monthly prompt _____ to lovers, in this case it’s childhood friends to lovers. I just- I really liked how it came out, I’m so excited to know what you guys think of it.
Summary: Falling in love is such a curious thing in life, Jungkook would know best, after pinning over you for years on end, only to have his best friend take away his opportunity, or does he?
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The sun was shining brightly over the park as you made your way down the slide, hot skin scorching at the contact with the yellow plastic, although you couldn’t bring yourself to care as much as your mother would, meeting Sungho at the end of it, who was covering his eyes as best as his arms would allow him to do, summer was almost coming to an end and you two had decided to spend every single second of it together, much to both of your mothers’ dismay who had long decided to take turns to tire both of you out by the neighbourhood park, nothing too exciting, if it weren’t for your young imaginative minds combined, which turned you into the closest a six year old could get to being a menace.
As you smiled brightly at your friend, you couldn’t help but turn your head towards an almost inaudible whimper coming from the shaded side of the park, finding a kid around your age plopped down by the tree, desperately drying his eyes with the back of his hand, small sobs coming out of his lips as three other kids, which you knew to be a little older than you and quite disrespectful at that, kept laughing at the boy, so really, what else were you supposed to do if not come in to save the day. “Come on Y/N they’ll make fun of us too” Sungho said as he tried to tug you away, only to have you stand your ground firmly
“If they make fun of me, I won’t cry” you crossed your arms stubbornly over your chest
“Y/N let’s just go”
“You go, Sungho” Sungho was always the type of kid that your mother kept reminding you to be more like, always righteous, never picking fights like you were known to do, but you really couldn’t stand watching the mysterious kid crying by himself while no one else did anything in the slightest. So you stood between him and the three kids that were still making fun of him, head high, fists up by your sides in a superhero pose “You shouldn’t make fun of others”
“Why don’t we make fun of both of you then, Y/N?”
“At least I can put my shirt shirt when I’m dressing myself, Areum” the girl looked down for half a second before staring you down, full of rage before huffing and turning around in true mean girl fashion.
You turn back to find a pair of bambi eyes staring at you, sobs silenced, although his chest still showed him trying to fully catch his breath. You extend your hand for him to take it so that he could stand up “I’m Y/N what’s your name?”
“I’m Jungkook” you were quick to grab his arm and pull him to where Sungho had watched the whole scene with Areum, now staring at the way you dragged the slightly shorter boy towards him
“Well Jungkook, this is Sungho and I just decided that all of us three are going to be best friends forever” the small boy smiled at that, bunny teeth showing in the process, eyes sparkly with wonder and pure appreciation, contrasting the look on Sungho’s face.
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“Y/N I think you need to have girl friends to have these sleepovers with, Jungkook and I are boys” Sungho says as soon as you pass him the mirror and he is left staring at his reflection with a ton of glitter eyeshadow on his face, you turn to look at Jungkook, who is currently sprawled out playing with his nintendo, a set of pigtails adoring his head along with the hottest pink lipstick you could find
“I don’t mind it” he stuffed his mouth with chips as he continued to play on his console, not sparing any of you a look, although you smiled at him fondly, grateful to have him play along whenever Sungho didn’t feel like it, which seemed to be more and more as all of you grew older.
“Well I’m going to take this off” he said as he ran into the bathroom to wash his face. Good luck trying to get rid of glitter.
You huffed out a sigh at how boring it was getting if Sungho didn’t like to play your games, along with Jungkook being stuck inside his own little world. “This is so boriiiing”
“It was your idea Y/N”
“Yeah but you guys are no fun”
Jungkook pauses his game to turn to look at you “We can watch a movie if you’d like”
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If someone were to tell 6 year old you that twelve years later, the kid that used to make fun of you would turn into your best friend, you would have probably laughed in their face, although as years went by, Areum had finally gotten better in terms of personality, up to the point where she had a full on talk with you before you decided to give it a try, even more so as she now took it as her job to protect you in high school, seeing as she was a year older than you.
“Jungkook has changed” the brunette said while taking a seat next to you inside the cozy smoothie shop, crumpling up her receipt inside her bag distractedly as you just stared at her, not knowing what had prompted her to talk about your best friend, Jungkook wasn’t exactly what one would consider popular, especially amongst the higher grades, especially not given the bickering grudge he held against Areum after all those years.
“What do you mean?”
“Just- seems like before summer he was this scrawny little thing, deer eyes, soft smiles” you looked at her intently, Jungkook had gone on vacation with his family for weeks as soon as finals were over, leaving with the promise of hanging out for the few days before school started again, similar to how you were now hanging out with Areum, her having arrived back a few hours before Jungkook “Now- well”
There were a million thoughts running inside your mind, some seemingly more plausible than others, tow hich yopu found yourself asking “Areum, did you fuck Jungkook?”
“I mean- we were both staying at the same hotel Y/N” Areum sipped on heir smoothie as a way to act coy about it, wide eyes turned the other way at the prospect of having said out loud that her latest conquest was none other than little Jungkook, the guy she had always made fun of for one or another reason
“Oh god you slept with Jungkookie” and you really tried to picture her, accepted into college, beautiful Areum, long lean legs, model faced Areum, flirt queen that always seemed to go for older guys Areum, paired up with sweet Jungkookie, sure, your best friend was cute, handsome even, there was no denying it, he was just not- Areum level handsome, Areum liked going out to party, let men shower her in drinks while Jungkook absolutely loved staying home battling Sungho in the newest video game that was around “I-I have no words”
“Y/N- Y/N don’t judge until you’ve tapped it” your friend seemed to space out for a second, as if looking back at her time with Jungkook, dreamily. “The guy got buff”
And sure he did, not only did Jungkook was now full of muscle, he also apparently had renewed his wardrobe, bought a motorcycle and apparently had even grown a few centimeters taller, or at least that much was said by Sungho as you three met up for lunch the day before classes started again, trying to catch up as you did every year when the three of you didn’t get a chance to hang out much.
“So are we getting that newly released game Kook?” Sungho mentioned in what appeared to be the background, your eyes completely fixated on whomever the man sitting in front of you was, definitely not your best friend Jungkook.
“Nah dude, I sold all my consoles and games to buy my bike” your eyes widened at the confession, probably mirroring the uttermost shocked look that Sunho was also sporting. Jeon Jungkook selling his videogames was definitely a sign of the apocalypse. You were about to make a comment before you heard a very familiar voice behind you, making you turn your head towards it.
“Jungkookie, you wanted me to come over?” her eyes had that sparkle in them which you have come to recognise as her being infatuated by someone, even if she didn’t really talked about it openly, you turned towards Jungkook in disbelief
“Yeah, Areum, lose my number”
You consciously close your mouth at the exchange as Areum backed away from the table muttering an ‘oh..okay’ as Jungkook smiled daily at her, your eyes lock in surprise with Sungho’s, both of you silently agreeing that this Jungkook was certainly a new side neither of you could yet guess whether or not you would continue to be able to befriend, although the history between the three of you spoke volumes.
And just like that, enough to get whiplash from it, Jungkook’s lazy uninterested eyes were replaced by the squinty smile you had learned to adore over the years, bunny teeth showing as his laugh resonated in the restaurant “Oh god you guys should have seen your faces!”
Your eyes travelled along the expanse of the space you three were in, looking at Sungho for a clue to pick up about what was happening, coming up empty handed as he spoke first “Dude I almost had a heart attack, I thought you had sold your games!”
“Oh no that I did” Jungkook took a sip out of his drink calmly
You tried not to show how nothing made sense in your mind “And that thing with...Areum?”
He placed his cup down, looking at you with wide eyes humming softly “Yeah that was a thing too, she’s been texting me non stop after we hooked up. I’m just glad I’m back with you guys”
So Jungkook had changed, that much was true, just not as much as he let people believe. Sure enough, the guy was now pure muscle, rode a bike everywhere, and made it his lifeplan to conquer as many girls as his schedule allowed him too; he also made a few other friends outside of your friends' circle, enough for rumours to go around about him being involved in shady business, or him hooking up with somebody’s mum. Either way, if you were to turn a blind eye to his social persona, Jungkook was still your and Sungho’s little Jungkookie, bambi wide eyes that teared up whenever it was movie night and you picked some chick flick, bunny teeth and loud giggles as he played a prank on Sungho, even though you could tell his heart just wasn’t in it as it was before.
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“I’m gonna ask Y/N out” Sungho has asked Jungkook to meet him outside of campus on the first weeks of college as all three of you decided to attend together, uninterested on whatever it was that he was about to tell him, but trying to keep up his fractured friendship with the man (and you) he had shown up, even so a little fashionably late to make his point clear.
“And you’re telling me this because..”
“I don’t want to make it awkward, Jeon” Jungkook scoffs before rolling his eyes at Sungho “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you little boy crush on her for years”
“What I think you haven’t noticed is that I don’t do feelings” Jungkook retorts as he approaches him “And although I find Y/N to be quite fuckable if you ask me, I appreciate her enough not to put her in a weird place like you’re about to do, asshole”
Once weeks rolled around, things kept on being as the were after that fateful summer where Jungkook completely reinvented himself, even as semesters came and went, Jungkook grew a bit more separate from both Sungho and yourself, although it became a little harder to discern whether it was because of Jungkook or due to the fact that Sungho and you had started dating during the first semester of college. Sungho had no real answer to give you when asked about it, saying that outside of the scheduled movie night you three kept on sharing, he barely even texted Jungkook on his own.
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“I heard your girl is getting married” his friend said as he handed him an opened beer, taking his place back against his bike in the middle of the night after some race they had gone to near the outskirts of Seoul.
Jungkook took a swing out of the bottle, squinting at the questionable choice in alcohol “I don’t have a girl Jihoon”
“Oh? Then what’s Y/N?'' he felt the blood draining from his face, heart heavy, breath hitching inside his throat as soon as your name left his lips. Of fucking course Sungho would try to marry you before you graduated. That bastard.
It was quite funny really, Jungkook knew from the very start, back when all three of you had 6 years old and you had saved him from a set of mean kids in the park, that Sungho was never fond of him, or rather, of the relationship you had developed with him, sure, the two men had bonded over a few shared interests as they grew up, but the only thing that kept them together was you. Sometimes Jungkook guesses it could have been him instead of Sungho, asking you out, sharing nights together, even being about to get married. But those thoughts were only wishful thinking, he had long ago decided that you deserved so much more than what he could give you, what with his eternal fear and inability to give himself up to others. So he had let you go, never thinking about the possibility of Sungho taking a place he wasn't worthy of either.
"Good for her"
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It wasn't long after learning that you were engaged, that the invitation arrived to his apartment, just a few days after graduation. It wasn't really a surprise anymore, even back when he first heard the news, it wasn't that surprising, he guessed it was the years of knowing both you and Sungho, learning your patterns, that he had somehow seen it coming. It didn't make it any less hard to wish you weren't about to walk down the aisle to a man that wasn't him though. But he kept repeating to himself to stop being selfish, he had lost his chance, not that he ever had one to begin with, but as long as you were happy, he would be too.
And you really did seem happy, so he was willing to just ignore the way that his chest seemed to constrict every time your eyes locked on his from across the room as the rehearsal dinner, you were sporting a gorgeous emerald dress, the same colour as when you two first met eighteen years back, his mind spinning with impossible scenarios as each minute that passed really just turned out to be a minute closer to watch you walk down the aisle to another man, one that was supposed to be his best friend at that.
“Bride’s or groom’s” A sweet female voice called him as he sipped on his fifth? sixth? champagne flute, finding a woman staring at him with what he has come to recognise as lust.
“Eh.. you could say both”
A glimpse of recognition could be seen in her eyes before she spoke again “You must be Jungkook then, the overseeked bachelor”
“In the flesh” He smirked at her as she took a hold of his hand, guiding him upstairs to where you and your soon to be husband had booked bridesmaids and groomsmen alike for the night. Not that the blonde had anything to do with how utterly horrible he was feeling about the whole wedding situation but perhaps fucking his frustrations out would help just a little.
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Jeon Jungkook was never the one to stick around until morning, that much was true, and although he might be known for a varying of unspeakable things, nothing could have prepared him for what he had to witness at ungodly hours.
He picked up the rest of his clothing after half dressing himself, not even sparing a second glance at the woman that was laying on her bed peacefully, careful not to make more sounds than the inherently necessary, his curiosity is peaked as he hears faintly moaning and skin slapping skin coming from the room next door, seeing the door barely open, and against his better judgement he peeks inside only to feel his heart pounding against his chest, blood rushing inside his ears as he can’t seem to look away from the image presented to him. Sungho, your soon to be husband, the one that he used to consider his best friend for years on end, the oh so righteous Sungho, ever morally correct Sungho, bending your other so-called best friend and maid of honour, Areum, over the comforter as he fucked into her. A few hours before he got married to you. After everything that he had put him through, making him believe that it was in your best interest top let you go, that he should have handed you over to him, that he was the best option out of the two of you to build a life with.
Jungkook sees red and doesn’t quite remember anything other than Areum running out of the room as he punches Sungho in the face, receiving some punches back.
“You absolutely disgust me”
The bastard has the guts to laugh at him “You know, Jeon” he goes to inspect his face in the mirror “If you burst Y/N’s bubble, you’ll forever be remembered as the stupid little boy that was jealous enough on her wedding day to ruin her life”
Jungkook clenches his fists by his side before deciding to turn his heels and leave the room, vision still blurry in anger, breathing ragged, a small trickle of blood making its way down from his eyebrow as he almost automatically walked himself to the other side of the hostel where he knew you must have been resting, taking a few too many second to decide to knock on the door.
“Jungkook? What are you- oh god” sleep seems to leave you as soon as your eyes lock on his beat up face, him smiling at you in a futile attempt to have you not worry that much about his well being, but of course you were already searching for a first aid kit as he took a seat on your bed “Jungkookie, what happened?”
And perhaps he didn’t think it through that much, but he couldn’t let you walk yourself into a marriage blinded by the persona Sungho had always made you believe he was. “Y/N” he took your hands in his, stopping you from rubbing any more antiseptic into his cut “You’ll hear,a nd probably have already heard, too much shit about me”
His eyes beg you to stare at him intently, and although the whole scenario had you giggling out of nervousness, it soon died down “Kook, what are you talking about?”
“Y/N- Sungho is not the man he’s made us think he is” your eyes scan his face for any more clues on what he’s saying a syou feel a beeping sound closing in on your ears, overwhelmed by the situation “And he’ll probably say this is me just being a jealous asshole after being in love with you for more than half of my living years but-”
You stare at him in horror as your hands remove themselves from his hold as if he was burning, standing up from where you were seated next to him, feeling your whole world being crushed down a few hours before what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life “No” you take a step back as you hold your chest, feeling hot tears welling up in your eyes “Jungkook please don’t do this shit to me”
“Y/N just- don’t marry Sungho” somehow he had willed his voice to remain calm
Your head shook fervently at him, as if somehow the action would make him retreat his words “Sungho loves me, Jungkook”
His eyes were ice cold at your words “He loves you enough to fuck Areum a few hours before making you his wife”
He really didn’t mean the bite on his words as he said them, this had nothing to do with you and everything to do with that asshole you called finacé, so he could completely understand when through your tears, chest heavy with rage and head spinning you asked “Please leave”
And he did.
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Everything seemed like a fever dream. The words that Jungkook had said, the implication that it had. And really, if it weren’t for the fact that Jungkook was gone from the whole ordeal, you could have sworn your life that it was nothing other than a nightmare, Areum was as bubbly as ever, helping you get ready. Sungho’s good morning text still found its way into your inbox. Jungkook had not only accused you fiancé of cheating, but had said he had always been in love with you, no further proof to his words, so you decided to go as planned, yet you found yourself hyper aware of every move Sungho made, especially when they involved Areum.
You stood in your pristine white dress in front of a couple dozens of guests as traditional words were spoken, your mind a thousand miles away as you kept on looking towards the door, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they would open up, Jungkook would show up and stop you from making what could potentially be the worst mistake of your life.
"If anyone objects to the marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." your eyes trail to the soor, yearning to hear Jungkook’s voice amidst the otherwise silent chapel, but it never came.
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“Hey, Y/N come dance with us,” one of your bridesmaids say as the night progresses after dinner, some loud beat taking over the venue at the reception, making everyone stand up to dance, including your now-husband as you find yourself sulking sitting on your designated table.
“I’m fine, you go” you try to flash her the biggest smile you can as she goes, leaving you once again with your thoughts. Thoughts that mainly involved Jungkook, figuring that after all these years, life had managed to finally separate you, heart yearning to have him close to you, the more you became aware of your current life path, the more you realised what a humongous mistake you had made. You had always thought that marrying Sungho would give you a sense of utter happiness, of fulfillment, whether what Jungkook said was true or not, as you watched your husband having the time of his life without you. If he were Jungkook, he would be seated right by your side.
Jeon Jungkook, as deviated as he appeared to be to everyone, as much as he slept around, he had demonstrated to be the most loyal human being by your side up until the last second of your friendship, unlike Sungho, he had always been interested in what you wanted to do, had always let your voice be heard, had helped you through rough times when Sungho was nowhere to be seen, perhaps you had chosen the wrong best friend to fall in love with a few years ago, the wrong man in your life to marry. It had been Jungkook all along. It could have been Jungkook all along.
Your eyes fixate on the way that Sungho whispers something on Areum’s ear and you feel your blood boil, more out of self-pity and annoyance at letting such a man manipulate you rather than jealousy as you stand up to make your way to the bathroom, in hopes of freshening up before coming up with a plan to fix this mistake.
You sigh as you hold yourself up by the sink, looking at yourself in the mirror, pondering just how deep you’ll have to dig to come out of the mess when you hear an all too familiar deep chuckle behind you “So you realised”
You turn your back to the mirror to face Jungkook “That Sungho was an asshole or that I’m in love with you?”
His eyes turn into those deeply surprised deer shape you remember from when he was younger for a split second before they’re filled with something else between lust and deep appreciation as he backs you up further against the sink, a tattooed hand coming up to your chin “Does that mean I get to kiss you with no regrets now?”
“Would you kiss a married woman, Jungkook?” you ask playfully, matching the brattiness in his tone
“Only the ones whose husbands are assholes” and so his lips capture yours in a sweet quick kiss that has you wrapping your arms around his neck, leaning in once again, escalating from a very much due kiss filled with words that are unable to be said, into a fiery pit in the low of your stomach at the prospect of kissing Jungkook while still being in your wedding dress, just a few hours married and kissing another man.
Jungkook’s hands have abandoned their place on your figure in favour of trying to undo the little buttons on the back of your dress, breaking the kiss to complain “God just how many buttons does this dress have?”
Soon enough your dress lays forgotten on the floor, matching lingerie covering your body as Jungkook has most of your body up against the mirror, panties aside in favour of having him fingering you, arms almost failing to keep you upright as he mouths at your skin, moans escaping your lips regularly as he pumps and curls his fingers inside you, lewd noises taking reverbating on the small bathroom’s walls, a faint trail of bass coming in from the party “God you’re so perfect Y/N” he grunted as you heard his zipper coming down before feeling the tip of his cock teasing your entrance, his hand coming up to grip your hair making you face the mirror, makeup completely wrecked, the sight almost unrecognisable to you, a slight burning but pleasurable sensation on your scalp “I bet that bastard Sungho wouldn’t be able to wreck you like this” without further notice entering you from behind, your walls clenching against him as you felt him slowly but firmly making his way in and out of you at a building rapidly pace, a moan slipping past your lips and Jungkook shushing you in exchange as he increases his speed and you bit your lip to forbid any noises from coming out, afraid of being heard even when you knew it would be almost impossible to do so over the loud party noises, this bathroom being so far away from it.
Jungkook had placed your right leg up the sink, hitting an even deeper spot that had you building your orgasm at an incredible speed, throwing your head back in pleasure, feeling him completely inside you as heat pooled in your lower belly.
“K-Kook I’m gonna-ah! I’m gonna cum” a few flicks on your clit with his expert fingers as he helped you keep yourself upright did the trick as Jungkook made sure to somehow thrust even deeper, a loud moan scaping you as he spilled his warm seed inside you, quickly adjusting back his boxers and trousers as one of his fingers collected some cum that was dripping down your thigh to push it back in, letting go of you to hold yourself up against the sink, pulling your panties back in place.
“Think that counts as a wedding gift?” he turns to leave the bathroom, leaving you heaving to haphazardly step inside your dress as you trail behind him, finding him resting against a wall, his bike roaring a few meters away as he smiles your way knowingly as he puts on his helmet, throwing another one your way "So.. all ready to leave that asshole of a husband now or should I wait another 15 years?"
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Moral Of The Story (Madison Montgomery x reader)
Description: your wedding gets crashed by someone completely unexpected
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A/N: everytime I listen to my playlist I always get a new idea for a fic smh. Also this doesn't strictly follow the timeline for Apocalypse because that shit was hella confusing okay 🙄🤚
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of depression, slight swearing, hurt/comfort
Seven years. It had been over seven years since you'd lost your girlfriend Madison. Or ex girlfriend, you should say, seeing as today was the day you were to be getting married.
The two of you had an awful fight, which led her to storming out of your house where the two of you had lived together for almost a year and going back to Robichaux, where she met her untimely death at the hands of the butler, Kyle Spencer.
You couldn't blame him for killing her after you learned the reason, but it still hurt. It hurt to know that the last words you ever said to each other were hateful things neither of you really meant.
You had cried for months after you found out what happened. Your friends were sympathetic at first, but over time they started getting more annoyed by your constant state of depression, until they finally told you to snap out of it and get over it already.
So you pushed yourself back out into the dating scene, even though you weren't ready. Even though you still hadn't gotten over her, if you ever would.
Now you were about to marry some guy you'd been dating for almost two years now. Where had the time gone?
You didn't even know why you were marrying him, to be completely honest. I mean sure, he was rich, and somewhat attractive, but you didn't really love him. Not like you'd loved her.
When you told your friends this, they all rolled their eyes and told you it was just wedding day jitters, and that it's not like you could back out now.
They were right of course, but it still hurt to hear it.
You glanced out the door to see at all the people who had come to your wedding. You really didn't want to have to marry this guy, but it appeared as though you didn't have a choice. After all, everyone was expecting you to walk down that aisle.
Today was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, so why did you still feel empty inside?
You sighed as you heard the music begin to play, and you put on a brave face as you began to walk down the aisle. There were hushed oohs and aahs from the people gathered in the crowd, and you even heard someone whisper to their friend how hot you looked. Not like any of it mattered.
You stopped once you got up to the podium and stood next to the groom. He had the biggest smile on his face, which you tried to reflect onto yours, but you knew it probably looked more like a grimace.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today-" the minister began as you blocked out his voice, scanning the crowd for a friendly face. You couldn't find one, for as much as you had hung out with your soon-to-be husband's family and friends to prepare for your married life with him, you weren't too fond of any of them.
"And do you, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
You snapped out of the trance you were in as you realized the minister was speaking to you. The entire crowd watched you, silently holding their breath as they waited for you to say "I do".
Suddenly, the doors to the chapel flung open seemingly by themself as a young woman walked in, dressed head to toe in black and smoking a cigarette.
"Madison," you whispered to yourself more than anyone else as she began to walk down the center aisle.
There were hushed murmurs among the crowd, but if she heard them she didn't acknowledge it.
"Nice setup you got here," she said as she flicked her cigarette ashes on the ground. "It's a shame you won't be able to put it to use."
"What the hell are you taking about?" The groom exclaimed as he went to stand in front of you.
You rolled your eyes, watching as Madison took one last drag on her cigarette before tossing it aside and putting it out with her foot. There was a loud gasp from someone in the crowd, and an old lady sitting near the front row even fainted.
"They know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you babe?" She turned to face you, taking in how utterly hot you looked. She only wished it had been her you were getting married to instead of this clown.
"Babe? What is she talking about?" He asked as he turned to face you.
"Um..." You were at a loss for words. You'd never told him about your relationship with Madison because you knew if you did the dam would burst and all of your feelings for her would come pouring out. You barely survived the pain and heartbreak of losing her once, you couldn't bear to relive it again.
"I'm talking about the fact that we're a couple," Madison said as her voice interrupted your thoughts. "Or we were, anyway. I know that I've been dead for so many years and I left you all alone, but I'm here now, and I'd like to pick back where we left off. That is, if you'll have me." She held out her hand to you, inviting you to take it.
"Oh come on, you're not seriously thinking about going with her, are you?" Your fiance scoffed.
If looks could kill, he would be dead given by how hard she was glaring at him.
You looked between Madison and your husband-to-be, instantly knowing who you were going to pick.
"Yes, yes I am." You turned up your nose at him as you took her hand, ignoring the protests coming from the crowd as the two of you walked down the aisle together and exited the church.
Once you made it outside, you pulled her into a bone crushing hug.
"God, I missed you so much," you said as tears started to roll down your cheeks.
Her face softened as she watched you. "I did too. Now come on, let's get out of here," she said as she walked you towards a car that you assumed she probably stole from someone considering she didn't have the keys to it.
"Where are we going to go?" You asked as you got in the passenger's seat next to her.
"I don't care where we go baby, as long as I'm with you." She took your hand into hers and kissed you passionately as she flicked her wrist, jolting the car to life.
Putting the hand not gripping yours tightly on the steering wheel, she exited the parking lot of the church and drove off, leaving your now ex fiancee standing alone in the chapel as you thought about the beautiful life you and her would have to opportunity to build together now that she was finally back.
Taglist: @langdonsoutpost @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @blkroyalty1 @corn3liiia @nevilleismywhore
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