#also yeah she's wearing the same jacket but with different clothes each time
unluckiestmember · 1 year
Hiii, could u make headcanons for fem reader who always takes gwens clothes? Like those cardigans she wears in the movie or her shoes, stuff like that:))
Coming right up!
Gwen Stacy X "Thief" Fem! Reader
Characters: Gwen Stacy and Hobie Brown.
Tags: Established Relationship, fluff, stealing clothes, compliments, Gwen being Gwen, proud girlfriend and forgetful girlfriend.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: I would give all my clothes to Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy.
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Gwen has a reputation for leaving her things in places they shouldn’t be.
So that and the fact that you always somehow wear her clothes makes her wardrobe awfully small.
Whenever she leaves something unintentionally at your place, it will just so happen to be on your body the next time you two hang out.
And she has every right to be annoyed by it, but how can she when you look so cute in her clothes?!
You definitely have all her cardigans from times she slept over and forgot them.
It doesn’t help that you two are the same shoe size either so her chucks will be stolen.
But hey! It’s not your fault when duty calls Gwen just takes off her clothes effortlessly and tosses them into your room!
Outside of losing clothes, she finds you wearing her stuff to be a plus.
Not only does she get a cute sight of you in her clothes but it also makes it easier for everyone to know you’re hers.
Walking around in a red jacket with a broken zipper with the faintest scent of lavender? "Oh, you must be Gwen’s."
An old faded band shirt with a different choker every day? Either you stole from Gwen or you two were dating.
She actually felt proud every time you walked around in her clothes as your girlfriend.
And don’t even get her started on when you wear her skirts and dresses! This girl will not let up with compliments!
Has she ended up with little to no clothes in her closet because of you? Yeah.
Is it worth it? Yes.
Besides, it’s not like she doesn’t go into your wardrobe and steals your stuff too, especially shirts.
Wearing each other’s stuff has become your love language to one another.
Just make sure that love language is kept between you two though because Hobie is getting tired of having his shoes taken-
Spider-Verse Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Home is where you are | Javy Machado
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Summary: Javy misses you and Jake plans him a big surprise.
Pairing: Javy Machado x fem!reader
Requested: Yes!
A/N: This has been sitting on my inbox for MONTHS and I'm so sorry. It's not as long as I wanted it to be, but it's freaking cute and i love it.
warnings: all the fluffs
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Homesickness is something that Javy hasn’t experienced before. With his personality, he can fit everywhere and touch everyone's hearts, earning himself a place in every single group he encounters. He is the kind of guy you want to have near, always lighting up the room with his genuine smile. It was impossible for him to feel homesick when he was surrounded by a lot of people. Sure, he missed his home and his family, but he never had a feeling of longing. Not until he met you. 
Falling for you was the easiest thing Javy Machado has ever done. How was he supposed not to? You were, and still are, the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. You were even more beautiful on the inside. Always make him feel happy and giddy all over. It was like you two were a match made in heaven—two souls waiting for years to meet each other. 
And that was what made him feel homesick. 
You weren’t a Naval aviator. You had a normal job and a normal life outside the military world. He was deployed several times during the year, and communicating with you during those times was complicated due to the lack of a proper signal and the time zones. But you two made it work because, as complicated as it was, it was also worth it.
Javy was absolutely worth it. 
He had been deployed for a few weeks before he was called back to Top Gun for a special detachment, and it was an honor to be part of an elite squad, sure, but he was supposed to come back to you once his previous deployment was over. And now he can’t. 
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“Jake, is everything okay?” You ask when you answer Jake’s phone. You’ve been friends with him since you started dating Javy, both of them are inseparable. 
“Yeah, yeah, sweets, don’t worry. I’m actually calling you to tell you about our special mission.” 
“You guys are on a special mission, isn’t that supposed to be a secret?”
Jake chuckles, and you can almost hear him rolling his eyes at you. “You and me, Y/n.” 
“Oh, right. What mission?” 
“Javy misses his fiancee, which happens to be you, and I was thinking that maybe we can give him a surprise.” 
You sigh, remembering that neither you nor Javy know when he’s going to be back from Top Gun. “That surprise involves seeing him?” 
“Oh, Mrs. Machado. It involves much more.” 
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“Guys, can you tell me what the fuck is happening? Well, can you tell me why Natasha is wearing a suit?” Javy begs for the hundredth time. 
Jake pulled him out of his house this morning, not explaining why he was dragging him out of bed so early, and took him to a dozen different places before going to Mav and Penny’s house, where a brand new tuxedo is hanging in the closet door. The jacket is white, with dark navy blue pants that match the bowtie and pocket square in the same color. 
“Oh my god, what’s this?” Javy walks closer to the tuxedo, his fingertips caressing the material. It’s exactly the same tuxedo he had in his closet back home, waiting for his wedding day. 
“Doesn’t it ring a bell?” Mickey teases grabbing a glass of champagne from a table. 
Well, it looks like the one I have back home.” Javy responds, his eyes never leaving the white attire. 
“Wrong. It’s that one,” mutters Natasha while grabbing the hanger and leaving the clothes on the bed. “Get changed, Coyote. Your special mission starts in twenty minutes!” 
She’s the first one to leave the room, with Rooster, Bob, Payback, and Mickey following right behind. Jake is about to leave when Javy calls him. “Is she here?” 
Jake turns, a smirk on his face. “There’s only one way of finding out, buddy.” 
It takes Javy exactly twenty minutes to get changed, make sure he looks presentable, and walk out of the building, watching how the backyard decoration has been changed to make room for all the chairs and decorations that form the aisle. 
And right at the end of the aisle, waiting for him at the altar, it’s you. 
“Shouldn’t I be waiting for her?” Javy whispers, afraid that speaking a bit louder might wake him up from this dream that he must be having. 
Because there’s no way in hell that he is marrying such an angel as you in real life. This must be a dream. 
“Well, we’ve decided to change the tradition a bit.” Payback explains, placing a hand on his shoulder. “After all, the groom waiting for the bride at the altar is a tradition that doesn’t have any romantic meaning. It was only to make sure that the poor guy didn’t run away.” 
Javy’s eyes wander all over your figure, and he knows that there’s no other place he’d rather be right now. Well, right next to you, holding your hand and kissing you. 
“Ready, buddy?” Jake asks Javy, although he knows the answer already. 
“I’ve never been more ready.” 
Hours later, when the party has calmed down a bit and Javy can take his wife away from the rest of the world for a few minutes, you two walk down the stairs that lead to the beach. Javy carries your heels in his hand, while your free hand, the one that isn’t holding Javy’s, grabs the tail of the dress to make it easier for you to walk on the sand.
“Did you like your surprise?” You say, your thumb caressing the wedding band that you bought without him knowing. 
“It’s the best surprise ever, baby. I still can’t believe we’re married.” He says, the smile never leaves his face. He’s extremely happy.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t marry at home with all your friends and family. I could only get your parents to come,” you explain, your smile faltering because of the lack of guests. 
Javy grabs your face between his hands, kissing the tip of your nose before pressing his forehead against yours. “Babe, my parents were here, and the daggers were too. I couldn’t ask for anything more.” 
“Yeah, that’s true. I guess I’ll have to start packing our things back home and sending them here. I’m now Mrs. Machado.” You joke, but there’s something real behind your words: you have to move all your things to Javy’s house at the base. It’s now your home. 
“Will you be okay moving here?” He questions, afraid that this big change might upset you. He has friends, but he knows that for you, it’s going to be a bit difficult. He can introduce you to Bob and Natasha’s partner, he knows they’re absolute sweethearts and that you’ll get along with them. 
“Yeah, of course. I’m a tough cookie. I can handle a change. But… what about you? Won’t you miss our home?”
“Honey, home is where you are. You are my home. And you make me feel like I’m at home every time. It doesn’t matter if we’re here or in a supermarket. You will always make it feel like home.” 
His words make you tear up a bit, making him chuckle and kiss your tears away. “My, my, Mrs. Machado. I never thought you were a crier.” 
“Shut up, you idiot! I’m emotional.” You whine, slapping his chest, which only makes him laugh more. 
“It’s a very emotional day, baby. Want to go back, steal a bottle of champagne, and make out in Jake’s car?” 
You raise an eyebrow after hearing his offer. “Jake is gonna kill us.” 
“He fucked a random girl in my car back in the academy days. He owes me one.” 
“He’s gonna sanitize the entire car after tonight.” You laugh, turning back to the path that takes you back to the house. 
“That’s Jake’s problem, not mine.” 
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
summary: miles encounters some old memories while cleaning his room. wc: 553 genre: gen, angst-ish a/n: this was partially inspired by/in conversation with that one comic where miles helps out a kid who's being bullied for his fashion (amongst other things), but also by the fact that miles has seemingly pushed aside pursuing art to focus on physics in the film. what other interests could he have possibly left behind?
August marked yet another summer vacation that passed like it had somewhere to be, which meant that Rio Morales made her son clean out his closet again to prepare for the upcoming semester. She made sure to emphasize that she really meant it this time, leaving Miles to begrudgingly peel himself off of the living room couch and get his friend Ganke on the phone to help out. 
It was now evening–around six o’clock–and the sun’s afternoon rays finally began to weaken into soft golden light, filtering through the blinds in strips across the two boys’ faces.
“I have literally never seen you wear these,” Ganke remarked as he held up a pair of beat-up converses. “You keepin’ ‘em?”
Miles made a face at the sneakers, with their unconfident, messy lines and muddy neon colors. He recalled being laughed off of the playground during recess for the ugly zebra pattern that he had spray-painted along the backs of them with stencils. His father clapped him on the back afterwards, praising how “creative” and “ahead of his time”  Miles was. It didn’t comfort him much, but he grinned and thanked his dad so that he’d drop it before dinnertime.
“Nah, we could throw those out. They’re too small for me to wear, anyway.”
“What about this? Cool patterns.” 
Ganke coughed as dust flew off of an old cropped bomber jacket. The oversized sleeves boasted an array of patches and buttons, which Miles recalled shoving into his pocket whenever he snuck over to Uncle Aaron’s. He took the jacket from the other boy and ran a hand over the square pieces of fabric attached haphazardly to the front. Rio had given him the scraps from her sewing kit to mess with back when she still had a bit of free time on her hands to mend clothing. 
The zig-zag stitches were far from clean, with each seam a slightly different distance apart from the next. Miles had only been worried about the colorful fabric staying on for long enough for him to wear it to school.
This soon became a non-issue, seeing as he only did so once. Miles swallowed, not wanting to recall all of the new words he had learned that day. 
He never did get good at sewing.
“Miles. You alright, man?”
The boy’s head snapped up.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. We can toss this one too.”
Ganke noticed Miles averting his eyes and raised an eyebrow.
“You sure you don’t wanna like, give it away or something?”
Miles turned to him and scoffed, “To who?”
 “I dunno,” His friend shrugged. ”I’ve seen people who dress like this that might want it.”
“And do the 'people you’ve seen' in question reside in this area code?”
“Thought so,” Miles said with a teasing grin. 
He gave the jacket one last look, and noticed the tag in the back. It was signed with a bright yellow highlighter in a ten-year-old’s handwriting, before he’d perfected his signature. Did that kid, who had been unworried about whether his sneakers were creased so long as they were colorful, deserve to have all of his hard work thrown away? Just like that?
“Y’know what? I’ll…keep it in a box, or something. With the shoes.”
“Alright, cool.”
And that Miles did, in the same box as his old suit.
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conversationsofyou · 1 month
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                Chapter One:
The Only Living Boy In New York
"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." 
~Marilyn Monroe
Song: Manhattan by Ella Fitzgerald & Buddy Bregman
Present day. 
The perfect ringlets that form naturally at the ends of Harry's hair, which were there this morning, have metamorphosed into effortless beachy waves most people envy. The usual result from Manhattan humidity and overly fussing about with his fingers. It's a shampoo commercial moment as it falls against his back.
Harry squeezes the bridge of his nose, a temporary relief from sinus pressure. "Are we done?" he asks with his eyes closed.
He wonders if Zayn would notice if he took a kip on the chaise by the toilets. 
“Never,” Zayn responds whilst his nimble fingers sort through a display of Celine totes.
He would.
To Zayn's dismay, Harry's met his limit of consumerism for the day. He typically loves to shop; specifically when it's time to restock his art studio. Although, he's accustomed to leisurely drifting in and out of thrift shops and vintage boutiques. He allows clothing and accessories to find him. This… this has been an Olympic event. Zayn warned him beforehand that his rookie status wouldn't be tolerated today.  
After an extensive marathon of pampering and excess, Harry's eager to go home and decompress from their shopping extravaganza. He loves Zayn fiercely, but Harry's borderline fatigued. This is the sixth or tenth store they've been to; he's lost count. Each one, serving a different purpose. Zayn had to explain this to him, like he did at the last three stores. 
"This isn't one of your nifty thrifty's, darling. There's no one-stop shop for all our needs. Well, maybe Bergdorf's." 
A crash course in fashion's utility as such has been mentally and physically strenuous. If they’d concluded this field trip after facials at the spa and mimosa brunch, Harry’d be in complete nirvana.
However, the tranquil mood a much needed massage had granted him has now been replaced with extreme tension in his muscles. His sciatica keeps jolting his nerves into spasm and his toes are most definitely numb. He would've worn trainers instead of his beloved boots if he knew it was going to be this intense.
"It costs a lot to be this beautiful," Zayn throws some more fortune cookie wisdom his way as he picks up a Louis Vuitton bum bag. 
"I lost my soul somewhere between Mercer and Broome," he responds dryly.
"We can't all be as cool as you." 
“Matt got this shirt for me in Tokyo,” Harry tugs at the end of a vintage Queen t-shirt from the eighties. 
Zayn looks up at him and smiles softly. “He had the best finds. I know it's sentimental, but I also know for a fact that Matt would've told you to buy whatever the fuck you please after selling out your first exhibition. This is a triumph for you. You're allowed.”
"I've bought some things since then." 
"Interior design excluded." Zayn's mouth twitches. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Harry concedes. "So, what's on the menu here?" 
There's no other option than to swim with the current force that is Zayn.
He looks at Harry, contemplating his wardrobe journey. "This place has phenomenal denim…" He holds his hands in the air, scanning the store, like a director setting up their next frame. "Thinking of some new washes. You'd look fabulous in a mid-blue rinse." Zayn turns back to him and tilts his head. "There are other colors besides black." 
"What's wrong with black jeans?"
"Nothing. Doesn't mean you have to wear them every day. You're not Superman."
Harry arches an eyebrow. "Aren't I?" 
Zayn ignores him while admiring a Givenchy satchel. He adjusts the collar on his gorgeous Alexander McQueen gunmetal leather jacket. It's not nearly cold enough yet for the biker chic inspired hide, but as he declared before they left Harry's flat, “We must suffer for fashion the same way we do for art."
Zayn glances over at him. "I do adore your vintage, starving artist tees and ripped jeans." He offers some reassurance. "Even though you could do with a little glam rock." Though he often makes fun, Zayn's admitted in the past he approves of Harry's style choices. No matter how eccentric they are. His eyes land on Harry's boots. "Starting with those." 
Harry looks down at the worn out brown leather boots he found at one of the first thrift shops he visited in the city. He treasures them. They've given him so many miles. He'll never part with them.
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He looks back up. "No." 
“Veronica!” Zayn calls out and, like a best laid plan, a tall sales associate appears with silky raven tresses styled into a long bob haircut. Veronica approaches them wearing a stunning bordeaux Bowie inspired jumpsuit. Lipstick the same shade. It captures Harry's eye instantly.
She walks over and magically produces a large box with the Saint Laurent Paris logo printed onto it. Ignoring the box, Harry scans the details of Veronica's ensemble as he admires her whole look.
Zayn catches Harry's eye and asks, "Who makes this?" As he brushes a finger over the fabric of her sleeve. 
"Custom," Veronica responds vaguely. 
It's unique and Harry can understand her discretion. 
"H, you'll sympathize as an artist. When anything innovative or gorgeous as this is mass produced, it usually turns to shit. There's something about a piece being one of a kind that's priceless."
Veronica nods her head once.
"I wouldn't share either." Zayn nods back and brings the focus back to Harry, who automatically shakes his head at the box he's holding.
Zayn clears his throat, ignoring his stubbornness and signals for the big reveal. Veronica lifts the lid and Harry swears a little golden light appears, leaving a glow shining from the box.
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Zayn tilts the box closer to him for the full effect. "Harry, let me introduce you to your new friend, Chelsea."
He holds up the gorgeous, buttery tan suede heeled boots. "Classic and a forever staple." 
"My mother, grandmothers, and aunts all passed down their retail D.N.A. to me. These," he gestures to the boots, "are an investment." Zayn imparts some more wisdom.
Harry ignores his rising heart rate and briefly hesitates. Inevitably he gives in, running his fingers along the soft leather. The sensation is divine and smells heady in the best way possible. Boots have always been his weakness. He succumbs.
"Fine," he says like it's an imposition and grabs the boots. 
He sits down to try them on and takes off his old boots while placing the faded leather comrades next to a plush chair beside him. He's wearing his Hello Kitty socks today.
"Precious," Veronica comments and walks away towards another customer who's borderline distressed.
Song: Get On Your Boots by U2
Harry meticulously takes out all of the cardboard and packing paper. The boots slip on like a second skin. He stands up, beaming.
"Yeah. Thought so," he smirks. Zayn's super hero sixth sense always prevails. He knew Harry would eventually buckle for the gorgeous footwear.
Harry spins around in front of the mirror and does a little jig with his toes pointed.
Zayn shakes his head as he walks away. "I'm going to look for some jeans."
Harry gives him a salute and walks around the store, enjoying the boots that have already changed his life a little bit. They even have a slight heel. The soles produce a satisfying clacking sound against the stone floor as he strolls back to his old boots. They look so sad, slouching against the chair, out of shape and worn with holes. Harry frowns and picks them up. He knows it's corny but, "Still love you the best. Thank you for taking me where I needed to be," he says quietly.
Someone within his ear shot snorts, and he gently drops the boots. Harry looks up slightly embarrassed.
☆ This was definitely more than a snippet. A snip deluxe. I'd love to one day finish this fic I started seven years ago. All the inspo to my fellow writers and creators who have started something and life has gotten in the way or time is not of the essence. I empathize and relate on all levels.
Shout out to my Beta, Lau @nyxdaughterofkhaos , nothing but love and respect!!! Looking forward to continuing this journey with you ❤️
As always, if anyone has any art to share.
@kingsofeverything @crinkle-eyed-boo @twopoppies @beelou @fallinglikethis @femstyles @harryshandbag @andyouknowitis @lookslikefairytale @rhea-the-eradicator @toomanydreamers
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
Oh my god did you buy get it? It was just about Aemond and his girlfriend who dresses like Adam Sandler.
I found it funny because Aemond Targaryen this sophisticated guy who wears high brand, costly things and lives for looking his best all the time, has this hobbit girlfriend who only wears massive T-shirts that touch her knees, shorts that reach mid calf, some jacket she’s had for years and her trusty crocs. They’re in the same college classes but she fucking hates dressing to impress she just can not be arsed, it’s college why the fuck would she??? Who’s she trying to impress, she already has Aemond Targaryen. Somehow, she doesn’t know how, she’s pretty sure she has a hole in her pants when they met…
She even rocks up to the Targaryen estate, manor, hotel thing. What they call a house??? In her Star Wars t-shirt that looks at least 30 years old, with some joggers a huge coat and some crocs with accessories her hair is also shoved into a mess on top of her head. Her and Aegon steal each others clothes, he has Star Wars T-shirts too. They’d steal Aemonds things too but he wears slacks and dress shirts with long trench coats, he has all of these different turtle necks and cardigans (she’ll take them (so will Aegon)) he dresses to impress.
Her and Aegon are like this pair of scruffs who hate wearing tight restricting pants and shoes that hurt your feet with plain boring T-shirts. They go shopping together forced by Aemond but they buy the stupidest shit: accessories for their matching crocs, alien necklaces? Glow in the dark headbands, they once got matching lightsaber belt buckles. If they aren’t accompanied by Aemond they’ll come home with a pet frog if possible.
Aemond loves her though, she’s smart, she’s pretty, she gets along with his family (even if they first thought she was Aegon but female… you know a scruff) she just prefers being comfy. It’s a shock to people who see them, they’d expect his girlfriend to be someone who wears Mary Janes and sweater vests and knee high socks. Now she does wear knee high socks they’re just green and have ET on them, Aegon got them for her he has the red Chewbacca ones. Instead they see this little gremlin looking girl who has multicoloured crocs, with butterfly and beetle and lady bird jewellery on them (thank you Helaena), with some black shorts and a Yoda T-shirt with a skill jacket??? What the fuck.
Yeah she looks homeless but she’s clean, she just looks like a scruff. If it’s an important occasion she’ll dress to impress and you wouldn’t even realise it’s her she looks amazing. Trust though that in the back of her car she has some flip flops for when her feet hurt.
He loves his gremlin girlfriend <3
Aemond loves his gf that looks homeless most of the time ❤️
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hiii taku i come with bonten takeomi & natsu brainrot. also it’s a lot bc i can’t shut up abt them help. this is just copy paste of me being insane abt them to my qpp bc i’m too lazy to type it all again but yeah
basically their vibe is when takeomi is too tired of bonten's shit he visits natsu's tiny flat and she cooks spaghetti or smth that they have with wine before they slow dance to music playing on the old record player she stole from her parents when moving out and when they're sleepy enough they put on a shitty old movie and fall asleep cuddling trying to watch it. also they go to clubs together, they are friends though often get mistaken for a couple, and they have kissed quite a bunch of times. not sure if this part is canon but they might've fucked a bunch of times too and i can assure you if they did they both stood on a balcony to smoke together afterwards they 100% smoke and drink together (maybe a little too often) and their whole thing is pretty ride or die oriented,, they're together to have fun and forget the shitty parts of their lives. to be themselves for once. to have someone who understands and relates
i am a little insane about them sorry
also natsu is the oldest of five siblings and she fucked up all of her sibling relationships bc she used to be in a gang and her siblings are still all in a gang, all the same one, but a different one from hers. and yeah shit went down when their gangs fought and natsu's won. she'd now like to fix her relationship with her siblings but they don't even accept her calls most of the time and it's even more one-sided than takeomi & sanzu :(( but it's also one of the biggest things that make them relate to each other ajdkfkhsj i think they start venting to each other too bc they understand v much how the other feels yk
also more natsu sibling drama but even tho she left her gang her siblings are still in a gang as i've mentioned before n it's a LOT smaller than bonten more just beating up people for fun and some minor drug smuggling but natsu gets jumped by some gang members every other week/month n she's pretty good at defending herself but she still calls takeomi to pick & patch her up sometimes bc yk she just wants some comfort in her situation...
okay maybe i am more than just a little insane about them but like. they <33 also me on my 'wtf is defining a relationship' agenda again but i think they're mostly friends but also like. they fuck labeling their relationship they just know it's very much not romantic. but could be fuck all apart from that tbh. friends? fwbs? smth between? god knows but they're close and not romantic that's all that matters
so those were the paragraphs. sadly in my fic they just met for the 1st n 2nd time so there’s none of that at all but i’m def considering writing abt them bc goddamn i love them 😭 and i think takeomi deserves a friend. he’s just a lonely dripping wet pathetic little cat of a man and that’s a little mean yk? anyways i also have a picrew image of natsu hehe. bg lore for it is that the jacket she’s wearing is the one takeomi gives her in my fic when they first meet bc she’s cold n he wants to repay her for making sure sanzu is okay <3 it’s one of her fav pieces of clothing after that i think just because yk
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phew i think that was all the insanity i have abt her atm hope you enjoy fr
literally the first sentence abt them and im already in love. SLOW DANCING 😭😭‼️‼️🔥🔥💔💔 damn boy i want what they have frfr. NAH CUZ I RLLY WANT WHAT THEY HAVE. to finally be able to act like ur true self without judgement and be able to be affectionate without the binds of an actual romantic relationship RAHHHHHHHH I WANT THAT. also dont apologise man i can see why u are lolllll
oh man dont hurt me like that w the sibling issues nooooo :( at least they both have each other to vent abt this stuff. but yea go off natsu beat their asses fr ‼️
NO BCUZ THAT AGENDA IS SO REAL. i love love love them tho they seem so :)))) with one another so they get an easy thumbs up of approval from me ^ ^.
YES PLS CONTINUE WRITING MORE ON THEM IM OBSESSEDDDDDDD. ur description on omi is so fucking on point what the hell T T. YESSSSS MAKING PICREWS OF OCS IS THE BEST I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL. thatz so sweet of them tho wtf.
all in all im a bit invested in them now thanks elys 🙄🙄 /j
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
DVHS Reread: Chapter IV.III
"You're correct in that. Especially with the secrets…" Something dark crosses her face. She reaches to her neck, making a face when her fingers don't find the chain of her necklace. She probably forgot to put it on today. 
Which, yeah, is a dangerous line of thought. Adapting to the paranoia is as good as giving up. At the same time, we've already lost so many people. Maybe learning to live here is-
The bells sound, shocking my system. "A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the physics lab!"
-just what we need.
I think this is one of the only times a protag has not been one of the first couple to set off the BDA. One being, technically, Taka in DR1, since Makoto thought that one was for Hifumi, and the BDA going off after Kazuichi first for Mahiru before Hajime got to the beach house. I like that sense of panic!
After all, only one of us is small enough to fit in Yoshida's arms. 
Y’know, before I went back and edited, this was gonna be different-
I’m just kidding. It was always Oshiro. This was fated from the start.
"You can't trust anyone." I blink, taken aback. "I know you're you and you want to trust everyone, but you can't. The secrets provide too much of a motive. We don't know who had Oshiro's secret, and we don't know whose secret she had. Everyone is suspicious if or until we can figure that out."
There's something frantic behind his eyes that was definitely never there before. "Why are you telling me this? Why now?"
He sighs, picking at the sleeves of his jacket. Even now, he looks so put-together. "Because, against my better judgement, I trust you."
This chapter is very interesting for Abe in my eyes, though I’m not entirely sure how to vocalize why that is. Mostly I think it has to do with his fluctuating feelings on trust, and whether he’s trusted back specifically by Camila.
I take the scrap of paper. Whatever's on it was written in ink, but it ran, each letter bleeding into the next so much that I can barely understand what it says. "...Etsu. Those are the only four letters I can make out."
Yasu sits back on his heels, thinking. "Like part of a name? Maybe that's whose secret she had."
I run through everyone's full names, ticking them off on my fingers, but the only one who has "etsu" in it is Yoshida Etsuko. And this can't be her secret; I have her secret.
She's wearing leggings, but the area right under her knee is rubbed a little raw, almost like the fabric there is thinned or stretched. Kind of like rope burn, but on clothing? Maybe? 
I mostly modeled this after the fact that my leggings tend to get thinner and worn in the thighs because of the fabric constantly having friction, so I figured a rope would have somewhat of the same effect in this case.
The room is surprisingly clean; I don't see any signs of a struggle. Everything looks just like it did when I looked through here the first time, with the obvious exception of a corpse. 
I stressed before a couple times that Saito was really neat, so I figured this in and of itself would be a bit of a clue. I didn’t really try hard to hide the culprit of this case.
My eyes lift to the observation deck. It's almost a given that this has something to do with the case, given the nature of Oshiro's death. "I'm going to check there," I say to nobody in particular. Almost immediately, Sasaki grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "Look, it's okay. I'll be careful."
I mean, I would want to double check on someone who not only lost the closest person in the game a few days ago but also was recently told they were almost a victim.
"It's lonely," Miyuki confirms, walking next to me. I frown and keep my eyes ahead. I can't respond, right now. If this is a hallucination, I shouldn't respond anyway. "Especially waiting before you found me."
I take in a sharp breath, ignoring the odd looks I get from Aoyama and Sasaki. She'd been helpful until this point; why is she telling me this? I don't want to know. I don't want to know.
She peers into the elevator. "It's a lot more roomy in here." She steps in, standing next to me like she did before the first trial. I try not to look, but I can see her slip her hand into mine. I don't feel it, of course. This isn't real. I keep repeating that in my mind. This isn't real.
Even though I absolutely do not know what I was going for with this hallucination or whatever I’ll probably eventually decide on, I really like this part.
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bluepoodle7 · 11 months
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#InfectedRealtorAu #MansionRealtor #InfectedRealtorAU #SugarGlider #MyThoughts
Imagine the Realtor lure to this house.
I image the lure body looking like a normal person with blue jeans with holes in the pants with a thrift store jacket on but the house body is fancy.
I can imagine this Realtor being younger looking like their in their 20's.
"Yeah my house is okay but I seem to get tired walking in it."
"Anyways here is my card and text me when the minutes are the cheapest okay."
Might make this a oc.
I have so many infected realtor oc's.
Might make this Lux Abode and Jetty Shanty sprouted child.
Has one of these phones with snake game on it and has a high score.
Wears these clothes and ripped pants.
This realtor has long hair that covers the eyes.
Fantasia is Fancy in Italian and Mansão is Mansion in Portuguese.
(Used google translate.)
This lure is female looking.
Has a cotton candy colored Sugar Gilder Fungmammal named Squeaky.
(Is male fungmammal but is mushroom gendered and is mutualism and commensalism.)
Her realtor card has 7424 in telephone numbers which is Rich.
She is 5"9 and puts Squeaky in her hoodie but when Squeaky hides he blends in like a shirt design on her clothes.
Fantasia Mansão will act like a actual Realtor that shows off normal houses but will occasionally eat humans only if they tried to harm her, make fun of her, and annoy her.
Sometimes will "sell" the buyer to other Realtors like how humans sell houses.
Only if she doesn't feel like eating them.
She mostly eats from her fungmammal's spores and inanimate objects.
Her favorite non food is fiber glass insulation since she eats it like cotton candy.
Fantasia Mansão will want to record the Realtors choice of buyers reaction to which one they will choose to eat but it will be like those HGTV shows where people choose between three houses where they tell you which one they chose at the end.
Fantasia Mansão would ask her cotton candy colored Sugar Gilder Fungmammal named Squeaky to make a bluetooth headset like prop so buyers will think she is on a important call with someone she works for but she works by herself and she does sell houses while also would be secretly selling buyers that annoy or anger her to Infected and Non Infected Realtors.
Only the Infected types of Realtors with the other Fungmammal types and half infected Realtors can talk back to Fantasia Mansão while Fantasia would randomly tap the lure cord of a Non Infected Realtor to get their attention to ask if they want to be on her tv "House buying"/Buyer finding show to pick which buyer they want to take home to eat.
Visiting the Kids and Infected Realtors Born With Fungmammals
Infected realtors that have spawned offspring will often visit them and will check up on them.
If two fungmammals that love each other they need to be frozen then broken at the same time behind the newly seeded realtor's house so a dual typed fungmammal will be born with the newly spawned realtor.
The house body will be built quicker but will have spores keeping it together.
The infected realtor's weakness is different from a non infected realtor's weakness like fire does nothing to them but it does hurt them but they quickly heal from the damage.
The Rejection of a Buyer
Infected realtors that act like a normal realtors that gets rejected by a buyer they will walk up to their doors then put one hand on it while looking down in a defeated pose at their house entrance.
They won't look at you and don't enter their house bodies until the buyer leaves.
Once a infected realtor is inside their house bodies they lock up their windows or window blinds up like eyelids to close their eyes.
If a buyer stays after the infected realtor's lure is in their house body then knocks on the door some will respond with.
"Did you change your offer?"
"Why would you return to me?"
"Please leave me be and go away."
Some won't answer the buyer at all and ignore them.
Some will pretend to be still mad or sad about it then just slowly open their "door" then snatch the buyer up.
Some more infected realtor's responses if you knocked on their door. "We don't want your cookies or candy bars you are selling."
"Where does the money go anyway?"
"We are happy without having a cult experience and please leave."
If you trespass a infected realtor's house without the lure knowing but later finds out they will say.
"I will give you ten seconds to run and I will let you have a head start to run."
"But once I find you we will have a nice chat."
Another knocked on a infected realtor's door message if it is seasonal like for example Halloween.
"Who dares knock on my door?"
"I could eat you if you dare enter." Then will laugh and say "Just kidding."
While giving out full sized candy while waving to people and smiling.
Alternate Fungmammal Lore
Alternate Fungmammal lore where Zable Fable realm jumped without quarantining and brought a new virus invasive species to the Uncanny Valley from a unknown realm that makes the realtor's act weird.
While also eating them by using a infected realtor with mutualism symbiosis to trick a Realtor by breeding more Fungmammals in the Uncanny Valley.
These Fungmammals are the new pests that replaced the Regular Guys and gives a Realtor what they desire but need to eat.
Images not mine but link is there.
Old Grey Luxury Mansion Apartment 3355365 Vector Art at Vecteezy
90s vibe | Vintage windbreaker, Vintage outfits, Retro outfits (pinterest.com)
Blue Ripped Jeans Pants Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - Jeans, Torn, Vector - iStock (istockphoto.com)
Amazon.com: Nokia 3310 Blue Nokia orange : Cell Phones & Accessories
Sugar glider stock vector. Illustration of australia - 24349673 (dreamstime.com)
For the Mansion images
Architecture & Design on Instagram: "Where Bosphorus Beauty Meets French Elegance. 🏰✨ A Luxury Mansion By @aiforarchitects [IG] That Whispers Tales Of Opulence."
Pin by Philip Philip on Architecture | Mansion interior, Mansion exterior, House exterior (pinterest.com)
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privateraelle · 3 years
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scylla ramshorn + s2 outfits
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Summary: Y/N (stylist!yn) applies to be a styling intern for the One Direction crew during the Where We Are tour. As she gets better at her job and closer to the band and crew (especially Harry Styles), some of her dreams seem to be coming true, but so are some of her fears.
A/N: Hoping all the edging is worth it when you read this. It got a little hot here when I was writing it!! Basically, just have 'No Control' playing while you read this.
>> Warnings: Some language and some yummy SMUT!! Penetration and male receiving oral
August 4th, 2015
The next show was Kansas City, which he had asked you to watch completely, and damn that boy was menace on stage. Every ridiculous comment had you busting up.
"You need to calm down. You need to stop that right now! This is a family show!... Or is it…?"
"Scream if you wanna go fastaaaa!... It doesn't go any faster! This isn't a ride!... Or is it?..."
And damn him for making you weak when he stood in front of you singing 'No Control'. You met up with him backstage afterwards, entering into a passionate make out session, until he was taken away for some more song recording.
The same thing happened at the next show in Indianapolis, where you watched them perform 'Drag Me Down' for the first time. The guys had lots of late nights like that recently, so you two haven't had much time together.
Today the guys have a performance for Good Morning America, which means you will also get to spend time more with each other.
You arrive really early, taking outfit choices for each of them to change in their own hotel rooms, since they are performing outside.
Niall picks a subtle plaid shirt, which makes you happy since it is different, even if it's minimally.
Harry's options are still very plain. You knock on his door, being met with a huge grin and a bare chest.
"Hello Sunshine!"
[And hello again butterflies]
"Your choices today, sir, are a nice selection of boring, along with a side of boring." You scoff.
He gives you a kiss as he grabs the clothes from you. "Thanks babe."
"Harry, please make my little stylist's heart happy and find something fun to wear again!"
"No fair. I'm not the one picking them…" He sticks his tongue out at you.
"I'm not the one shopping for them… with the guidelines from you guys…" You stick your tongue out, back at him.
He takes a black shirt off its hanger and puts it on, causing you to pout a little.
"Well…" he smirks. "You're gonna like this little surprise then."
You fold your arms and raise an eyebrow. He reaches into the closet and pulls out something on a hanger that's concealed by a garment bag.
With his back turned to you he unzips it, removing the cover, and pulling out the hanger.
He takes a look at it for a quick second, then turns around and holds it up in front of you.
It's a beautiful, silky black Saint Laurent jacket. It's showcasing a gorgeous visual of a tiger and a hawk, clawing at each other. Your mouth drops open.
"Oh. My. God." Your eyes look up to his. "Where did you get that?"
He clears his throat. "Oh. Umm… a stylist I met early last year, Harry Lambert, sent it to me."
"Harry Lambert? Harry Lambert sent this to you?"
"Holy shit." You reply. "It's amazing, H!"
He meets your smile with his own, putting the jacket on and walking back into the closet. He brings out something else in a garment cover.
"He sent you another one? What's this one?" You ask excitedly.
He smirks, opening this one in front of you, and pulling out a smaller black jacket with vertical, silver, sequined lines spreading up from the bottom.
"It's gorgeous! But… is that the right size?" You ask.
"Hey, did you know it's been exactly a year since we met?" He asks.
You shake your head at the sudden change of subject. "What?"
"We met each other exactly a year ago, after you dressed me in that sheer black button up shirt. 'Member?"
[Of course you remember]
You grin, nodding, as he scoots a little closer to you.
"Yes." You breathe out, biting your lip.
"Well…" he holds the hanger out to you.
A small frown displays on your forehead, not fully understanding what he means, when it suddenly dawns on you.
Your mouth drops open and you gasp.
"No. That's not… that's not for me…"
He walks a few more steps, the jacket being the only thing keeping your bodies from touching.
"Yes it is."
"Harry…" you shake your head, eyes still on the jacket. "That's way too much!"
"No it's not."
You look up at him, eyes met with his gorgeous greens, and a wide smile stretched across his face.
"I love you, and I'm so thankful for that sheer black shirt." He chuckles.
You let a strong exhale and tears form at the corners of your eyes.
He lifts up one hand and wipes away the tear that is finding its way down your cheek.
"I…" you stutter.
"Love me… know I'll do anything for you… want to make out with me before we have to leave…" He smirks.
"Yes. Yes. And definitely!" He gently tosses your jacket onto the bed and grabs around your waist. The breath is taken out of you and you feel as if you could melt in his arms.
You wrap both arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.
He moans against your lips, causing a sensation to ignite between your legs.
[Fuck, you want him, so badly]
You tangle your fingers in his hair and give it a tug, causing him to moan again and push you back against the wall.
You let out a whimper as you feel how hard he already is being pressed against you.
You lower your hands to the bottom of his shirt and tuck them under, slowly caressing them against his abs and up to his chest.
"Shit, Y/N." He hisses.
He grabs your hips then pushes harder against you, moaning at the added pressure.
He growls. "We have to leave in a minute and all I wanna do is-"
"Kiss me… grab my ass… throw me down on the bed…" you smirk.
"Tease." He states, bringing his lips to hover right in front of yours.
You purse your lips but he pulls away, smirking and clearing his throat.
"Let's continue this later." He winks and bites his bottom lip.
"Fine." You pout. "Later."
He goes to the bed and grabs your new jacket.
"Now let's be some sort of weirdo couple and both wear our new jackets today!"
You put yours on, over your black long sleeve crop top, with it hitting your jeans at your hips.
"So perfect." Harry states.
"It really is!" You reply. "I love it. Thank you so so much, H."
"I didn't mean the jacket." He grabs your cheek and gives you another kiss before opening the hotel room door. "But you're welcome, Sunshine."
Harry can't focus during rehearsal. He loves seeing you sing the songs, and bounce to the beat. And he really loves seeing you in that jacket.
[So sweet, and so sexy]
There's a pause and Harry turns around to pick up his water bottle, sneaking a glance at you as he takes a sip.
You're not looking at him. His eyes follow yours over to a small huddle of girls who peek over to you and whisper, peeking once again before looking down at their phones. He glances back to where you are and notices you step further back behind a few people, with just barely enough room to still see him.
He fully turns his body towards you and as you look back over to him, he winks.
[He wishes you knew how perfect you are to him]
He asks the team for a quick break and hops over to where you are.
"I think I need my jacket adjusted or something." He smirks.
You roll your eyes and do the most minimal adjustment on the collar.
"Want to get closer to the stage? We can both see each other better…" He bites his lower lip.
You look back over in the direction of the group of girls who have been eyeing you this entire time.
"No, I think I'll just stand over here, off to the side." You reply.
He looks over to the same group, waves, and then steps a little closer towards you.
"Kiss?" He asks.
You fix his jacket collar again, pat his chest, and gently push him back as you shake your head.
"Okay, we don't have to." He pouts. "But I definitely want one later."
Harry takes your hand as you exit the hotel elevator and make your way to his suite. He looks over to you as he grabs the door handle and pushes it open. Your mouth drops as you enter the room.
The dining table is covered with candles and in the middle is a giant platter of assorted snacks and desserts.
"What…" you utter, walking further inside. Harry comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
"We're celebrating, remember?"
"Who would've thought that the guy who seductively grabs his crotch on stage during 'Better Than Words' is also a hopeless romantic?" You giggle.
You turn around in his arms, grabbing his face and giving him a sweet kiss.
"Well, you'll love this… we're also going to lay on the couch and watch 'The Notebook' together." He grins.
"Such a sap." You grab one of the chocolate covered strawberries from the platter and take a bite.
"For you, yeah. But I can also seductively grab my crotch if you want." He winks, and you choke on your strawberry for a second.
"Dessert, movie, and a show? Lucky me."
You both fill up your plates with some of the snacks and sweets, and take a seat on the couch to start the movie.
Harry sits on one side, against the armrest, and you cuddle into his body with your legs stretched out beside you.
As the movie plays on and gets to the scene where they are standing in the rain, you can feel Harry's chest rising and dropping quickly. You put your hand on it, and he places his on yours.
"Mhmm?" You reply, eyes still watching the movie scene that's unfolding.
"I love you."
You pull yourself up to look at him and smile. "I love you too."
You start to lean back down but he puts his finger under your chin and your eyes meet his.
"Like, I'm not fucking things up this time."
A slight confusion is expressed across your face and you sit up even more.
"I'm not worried, Harry."
You lean towards him and place one hand on his cheek, giving him a tender kiss on his lips. You pull back enough to look him in the eyes, and you feel his warm breath hitting your face in quick spurts.
"I'm not going anywhere." You whisper, dropping your gaze from his eyes to his lips, and back up again. You place your lips back on his, with a bit more pressure this time and he places his hand on the back of your head.
You grab his t-shirt, pulling him up and manuerving him around so he is sitting with his back against the couch, as you lift your leg over his lap.
He smiles and strongly exhales as you straddle his lap and lean down for another kiss, still holding his shirt.
You pull away and let go. "I don't want to ruin the jackets."
You tuck your hands under his jacket, as he sits up, sliding it over his shoulders and down his arms.
He puts his hair up in a bun and smiles as he watches you remove the one he gave to you and gently toss them both to the other end of the couch.
He brings his hands under your shirt and runs them up and down your sides.
"I love you, Sunshine." He whispers. "I missed you so much."
You grab the bottom of your shirt and pull it over your head, revealing the lace bra underneath. Then you stand up, unbuttoning and lowering your pants down slowly, causing him to squirm in his spot.
"So fucking much."
He grabs your hands and pulls you back down onto his lap. You bite your lower lip as you grab the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head as his arms reach upward.
"Mmm." You hum, as you take in the sight of his bare chest. "I missed you too."
He instantly grabs the back of your neck and pulls you onto his lips, not wasting another moment before parting yours with his tongue and darting it inside.
Your hands grab onto the back of his head and he moans as you tug his tied up hair. Your hips start grinding as you feel how hard he is underneath you, and he grabs your hips, pushing you further onto his lap.
Your lips make their way to the edge of his mouth, then his jawline, peppering kisses down his neck and across his shoulder.
"Fuck." He whispers, and his hands swiftly move around to your ass. He scoots forward to the edge of the couch, still holding onto you, and stands up. He stops when he reaches the edge of the bed and lowers you down gently onto your back.
He hovers over you, causing his cross to dangle down, and heat rush through your body.
[Why is that so hot?]
He leans down, using his soft lips to give you a soft kiss, then stands up and pulls his jeans down.
Your heart is racing and it feels as if it's the very first time you're having sex with each other. When he leans back down over you, he frowns and pushes himself back up a bit.
"You alright?"
You huff out a breath. "I'm nervous."
"Not sure." You giggle.
"I'm gonna love on you, Sunshine. Like, take my time and really love on you." He smirks, then leans down for another tender kiss.
You smile against his lips. He moves them to your cheek, then your neck, and lays them on the one spot you both know you love. He doesn't rile you up like he used to, he just peppers sweet little pecks on it.
He lowers himself down more, propping himself with one forearm by your head, using his thumb on the other hand to stroke your cheek. You close your eyes as you feel a slight amount of moisture start to gather, but a single tear betrays you, and he catches it with his thumb. His lips leave yours and lay next to your ear.
"I love you." He whispers.
You exhale deeply. "I love you too."
He runs his lips over your shoulder and back to your clavicle. Then he sits up, shimmying his briefs off, and doing the same with your lace panties. You unsnap your matching bra and toss it to the side. Your body is squirming and ready to feel his, but you trace over him with your gaze and notice he's doing the same.
He bites his lip as he lowers back down to you. You grab the back of his head and intertwine your fingers into his hair, causing it to loosen slightly from its bun. He hisses out and you feel his cock twitch against your lower stomach.
Back down on his forearm, he uses his other hand to grab your hip, and slowly grinds against you.
Lips back together and moving in synchronization, he tenderly uses his tongue to part its way into your mouth. You moan as your own matches his movements.
He pulls away to look into your eyes.
"Would you prefer I use a condom, or pull out?"
You smile and bite your lip. You've been waiting for this moment.
"I want you to cum inside of me."
He clears his throat and parts his mouth to speak, but you place your index finger up on it.
"I went on birth control after we broke up. And… I'm clean… So if you want-"
"Yes!" He smiles. "I want to. I'm clean. I want to."
You bite your lower lip again and feel the intense sensation building between your legs. You gently buck your hips up. "Please."
He smirks then grabs his cock and rubs his tip along your entrance. You hiss as you feel your wetness coat the outside of your center.
"You're so wet, babe!" He states.
You nod. "For you, yeah."
"Shit." He chuckles. "Safe?"
"Safe, H."
He slowly slides inside of you, causing you to gasp. He leans back down, resting one arm on each side of your head, and you wrap your arms around his back. The added pressure of his body on top of you is only increasing the pleasure that is already building inside.
"Fuck, you feel good." He states, leisurely pulling out and then sliding back in again.
"S-so do you." You utter. You run your hands over his shoulder and down his arms, laying them next to his on each side of your head.
His hands grab on top of yours and he picks up his pace.
"Oh my god." You close your eyes and softly moan out.
His lips meet your neck again. He thrusts deeper, still keeping his steady pace, causing himself to moan against your skin.
"Deeper." You moan.
Harry listens, using more force to get further inside of you. His size and length are perfect for your pussy. Your breathing gets rapid and your head gets dizzy.
The depth and the slow pace are igniting your sense, and you feel a different type of sensation coursing through your body. There is a new, extra kind of pleasure.
[You're not just having sex, you're making love]
He told you that he wants to love on you and he absolutely is. You've never felt this type of intimacy during sex before. With that realization, the sensation heightens to its peak.
"Fuck." You whisper.
"Are you close, babe?"
"Yes." He picks up his pace. "Fuck. Yes, H. I'm so close."
You can't catch a breath, a tingling consuming you, and your entire body tenses up.
"Oh my god." You breathe out. "Fuck!"
You throw your head back and release all over him inside of you. Everything you have is encasing his cock, and you can instantly feel it dripping out as you work through your orgasm.
"Shit, Y/N, I'm gonna cum too." He moans, continuing to thrust in and out of you. "Are you sure? Safe, babe?"
"Yes. Safe. Please. I… I wanna feel you… cum in me." You mumble between breaths.
He gulps. "Say it again."
"Cum in me, Harry."
With those words, he pulls his head back and looks you in the eyes, mouth dropping open as he thrusts in as deep as he can. He holds there and shoots everything he has into you.
"Fuck!" He moans again.
You both stare at each other, panting and him continuing to pump as you come back down from your peaks, and he leans down to kiss you.
"I loved that." He smiles.
"I loved that too." You reply.
He kisses your lips once again and sits back up on his knees, looking at your naked body in front of him. His gaze moves to between your legs as he pulls out, staring at your soaked center.
He smirks. "I think that's one of the sexiest fucking things I've ever seen."
He moves himself around you, and lays his body next to yours. He turns on his side and you do the same.
He runs his hand along your arm, coming to a stop on your waist, and you run yours through his hair.
"I have something for you." He softly states, turning to his other side and reaching into the drawer of the hotel room's nightstand.
He turns back over and hands you a small square box.
You sit up in the bed and giggle as you see his eyes darting from you down to the gift he just gave you. Your hand grips to top on the small box and you gasp.
Neatly tucked inside are two familiar pieces of jewelry.
"Our… you… you kept our necklaces?" You mumble, staring at the gold chains, one displaying an 'R' and the other displaying an 'S'.
Your mouth opens wide, tears immediately flow down your face. Now your eyes dart between the gift, and the guy who gave it to you.
"I… umm… I just couldn't let them go." He clears his throat. "So, I… stored them away…"
Your mouth is still open and the necklaces are still in your hand.
"Is that okay?" He asks.
You finally blink and smile, melting in the gaze of his eyes.
"Yes!" You lean in with your lips to kiss him. "I just… never thought I'd see them again."
He takes the necklaces into his hand, unclasping yours, and motions it towards your neck. You twist your upper body around and lift your hair out of the way. He wraps the chain around and clasps it back up, kissing the back of your neck before you let your hair down again.
You turn around as he is placing his own back on. He wipes the last few tears from your eyes and brings your chin forward for a kiss.
"I love you, Sunshine." He whispers.
"I love you too, Rockstar."
August 10th, 2015
"Psst. Wake up."
You grumble, then suddenly feel Harry kissing the top of your head.
"I thought you were the one who woke up early." He chuckles.
Eyes still closed, and still snuggled up against him in his home bed, you grumble again.
"And I thought you slept in…"
He kisses your head again. "I wanna take you out on a date."
Your eyes shoot open and you prop yourself up.
"A proper date." He adds.
You sigh and drop your gaze, tracing his sparrow tattoo with your finger.
"Umm…" you gulp, trying to clear the lump that's lodged in your throat.
"I really want to…" he states, scooting over to try and get a better view of your face.
"But… the last time…" you stutter.
"The last time I was an idiot." He admits, dropping his gaze down too. "I'm not fucking this up again."
You love Harry. You forgave Harry. But all of a sudden your body is wracked with anxiety.
"You don't have to do that." You sigh.
"I want to." He states, holding your chin to meet your eyes. "But we don't have to if you don't."
You drop your gaze again and bite your lip. You nod and look up to see him smiling.
He props himself up on his elbow and rests his head in his hand.
"I know it's not full proper, since we love each other, and fuck each other…"
You roll your eyes and he chuckles.
"But… Y/N… would you like to go on a date with me?"
"Shit. I have better plans…" you joke, causing him to drop his mouth open, and lunge towards you so that his body is hovering over yours.
"Take it back." He states, kissing your neck.
"No." You stick your tongue out between your teeth.
"Take. It. Back." He growls, kissing you between each word.
"Or what?"
He stops kissing you and frowns. "Or no more kisses…"
Your mouth drops open, disappointed you didn't receive the tease you were hoping for.
"Let me check my… oh, yes… I'm free today!" You exclaim, pretending to scroll through a calendar.
"Good! Now get dressed, ya hooligan. I'm taking you out for breakfast." He gives your lips one more kiss before rolling off you and getting off the bed.
You pout and prop yourself up as you watch him walk to the bathroom, completely naked due to the sweaty activities from the night before.
"You've got a nice ass!"
"Get dressed!" He replies, disappearing into the other room.
You pout again as you pull the covers off and head to his closet, where you once again have some of your own clothing hanging up.
After cleaning your face, you dress yourself in the belted cream romper and tan hat that you picked out, and look in the mirror to finish your makeup.
You suddenly hear the doorbell ring, but finish up with your lip color.
It rings again.
"Harry? Do I need to answer that?"
He doesn't respond and it rings one more time. You scoff and make your way to the front door. As you open it, you let out a huge laugh.
There is Harry, leaning against the doorway, dressed in a black button up shirt with pink-ish feathers and his staple black jeans.
"What are you doing?"
"Picking you up for our date!" He grins. "Said I would do this proper…"
"Oh my god!" You laugh again. "You're something else."
"Are you ready, Sunshine?"
You nod, grabbing your small bag on the entryway table and walking out the door. He closes it behind you, then grabs your hand and takes you to your side of the car.
"M'lady…" he states, helping you into your seat.
He closes the door and jogs over to get in on his side.
He looks over and smirks. "I love you…"
You hold up one hand. "Woah buddy, that's a bit forward. This is our first date!"
He glares at you, with a small smile. "Nope, joke's over, can't do that."
You bust up laughing again as he pulls out of the driveway, and you grab his hand.
"I love you too, Rockstar."
Sitting at your table in the cute little restaurant he brought you too, you're just full of giddiness, as if this really is a first date.
The waitress comes to take your order and you watch as she stares into Harry's eyes while he tells her what he wants. He looks over to you when it's your turn, but she doesn't take her eyes off him. He glances up to notice and points over to you.
"Katie, is it? I'm afraid you may have just missed her drink order."
She snaps out of her trance and looks over towards you.
"Sorry, what was it you wanted?"
"The egg, cheese, and bacon quiche with a cappuccino please." You answer, looking over to Harry and seeing him wink.
"Got it. I'll have the coffee's out shortly." She walks away and Harry reaches across the small table to grab your hand.
"I'm sorry, Sunshine. That was rude of her." He apologizes.
"You have nothing to apologize for, H." You giggle. "And it's fine. I mean, you're my Harry, but you're 'One Direction's Harry Styles' to everyone else, so I get it."
A wide grin appears on his face. "Your Harry?"
You pull your lips inward and blush.
"Kind of forward for a first date, isn't it?" He chuckles.
You stick your tongue out at him right as the waitress comes back with your drinks. You move to pull your hand away but he holds on tight.
She looks down at your interlaced fingers as she puts down your cups, and you notice her eyes widen and then her face turns stoic.
"Food will be right out." She states, quickly turning around and walking off.
Your gaze wanders over to another table and you see two girls giggling.
You look back at Harry, who is sipping on his coffee, when he notices what you've just seen.
"Could I go over and say hello?" He asks politely.
"Of course!" You reply.
"I'll be right back." He states, standing up and walking over to their table. Harry shakes the hands of the two adults, and then kneels down between the two girls. He lifts up a peace sign as one of the adults takes a couple of photos. He gives them both a hug, shakes the hands of the adults again, and walks back over to you.
Just then, Katie comes back over with your food, and Harry asks if he can also pay for the table he was just visiting with. She nods and walks away again.
You glance back over to the table and notice the girls have their phones pointed towards the two of you. Your head shoots back over to Harry, who is obliviously eating his food.
"Harry…" you whisper.
When he looks up, you motion your eyes over to them and he turns their way. He smiles and throws up another peace sign, causing you to simply smile in his direction. After a few seconds, he gives them a quick wave and goes back to eating his food.
"I'm sorry."
He frowns. "For what?"
"I'll be in the photos…"
He places his fork down and wipes his hands with his napkin.
"Y/N, listen…" He clears his throat. "I don't care if people see us together, because we are together."
You can only manage to stare at him.
"I'm not gonna fuck this up again. No chance. I love you. So as long as you don't care about the flashing cameras and shouting paparazzi when we go out… as long as you don't let rumors and gossip take over… as long as you trust me and we talk things out… then I don't give a fuck about any of it either. Yeah?"
"Yeah." You grin.
Once your food is gone and your plates are clear, Harry pays the bills for your table and the fans. He gets up quickly to pull your chair out, causing you to giggle, and holds your hand as you walk towards the doors.
"There's paps. You ready?" He asks.
"I'm a pro, remember?" You chuckle.
He squeezes your hand and pushes through the doors and through the crowd, both your heads hanging down slightly. He stops every few seconds, and only for a few seconds, when a couple of fans ask for a photo. You stay behind him, wanting to allow them to have their moment with their idol. He opens the passenger side door to let you in, and closes it before getting in on his side.
"You alright?" He asks, as you both buckle yourselves in.
You lift your head, suddenly unfazed by everything around you. "This was the perfect date."
"Can I have a second? And a third?"
"I'll clear my schedule."
August 20th, 2015 - Concert Day
Harry took you on three more dates before you had to travel to Ohio for the next show. And then to Canada. It meant it was back to tour life, but you manage to spend time together either way.
You walk into the main dressing room with Natalie and see Amelia holding a small cake.
"Hooray!" She shouts.
"Umm… yay?" Natalie replies.
"This is where it all started for us, babes. Toronto!" She cheers.
You and Natalie laugh.
"Good thing I wore these…" you pull up your pants legs enough to show off the 'Toronto' socks that you bought there last year.
"I can't believe you still have them." Natalie shakes her head.
"Well I don't know about those…" Amelia motions to your feet. "But their outfits are, once again, a little boring. Sorry babes."
You and Natalie groan.
"We have got to go shopping soon. It's killing me!" You state.
"I'm going to talk to Caroline soon. Maybe we can change it up for non-tour stuff." Amelia states. "With the new album coming, I'm sure there will be lots of interviews and performances to dress them up for."
You and Natalie high five each other. "Yes!"
Tonight's song viewing choice is 'Better Than Words', realizing you haven't actually seen Harry's famous crotch grab live.
[Prepare yourself for overwhelming screams from fans and intense sensations through your body]
You and Natalie stand over to the side, close to the sound booth. You want to stay hidden from Harry so that you can just observe him in his element, and so Natalie can stand with Levi.
The music starts and you see Harry standing on the walkway, spitting out water as he throws his body back.
[Yeah, you know why he gets the screams]
He skips around and sings right up until the end of the first chorus.
I can't explain your love
Harry jumps up and swings his arm, but loses his footing and rolls his ankle, causing him to fall down.
"Oh my god." You chuckle and shake your head at how clumsy he is.
"Wait, is he okay?" Natalie asks, and you notice him momentarily laying on the ground.
"Umm…" your gaze stays on him.
He gets up as Louis starts his part, and you let out a sigh of relief, but as he is walking he is gritting his teeth.
He isn't bouncing around as much for Niall's part, and you figure he is hurt, but you still get a smirk on your face when he grabs his crotch.
[Always a performer and such a tease]
He motions to someone off stage that he needs to wrap his ankle, so you wave to Natalie and head back before the song is over.
You catch him right as they finish wrapping his foot.
"Hey!" You exclaim.
"I'm alright, Sunshine." He replies, hesitating for a moment before bouncing back out there.
You smile and admire his determination, his desire to give his all for the fans.
You decide not to walk back out there and head to watch the rest of the show on the screen in Harry's room, grabbing a smoothie before you get there.
You sit on the couch, waiting for Harry to enter his private dressing room. You can hear the fireworks, and the tremendously loud cheers, which tells you that the concert is over.
"You alright?" You hear outside the door.
"Yeah, mate, just gonna rest in here for a few." Harry responds, opening the door.
"Hello." He smiles.
"Are you okay there, Rockstar?" You point to his ankle, watching him lightly limp over to sit next to you.
He stretches his arms out across the back of the couch and throws his head back, eyes closed.
"It hurt like hell." He admits.
"I could tell." You stand up and walk over to the little mini fridge, grabbing a pack of ice you had stored in the tiny freezer compartment. You sit on the coffee table across from him and bring his leg up to lay on your lap. You remove his boot and place the ice on top.
"Shit that's fucking cold." He yelps.
"That's the point of ice." You chuckle.
He lifts his head to glare at you, then throws it back down. The ice rests on his ankle and your hands move to massage up and down his calf.
"Mm." He hums.
He isn't looking, but you bite your lower lip at the sound, causing you to tighten your grip slightly.
He raises his head, with an extremely caved in dimple in his cheek, due to his smile.
"Is it helping?" You ask, avoiding eye contact as you pretend to be casual.
"Yes, thank you, babe." He replies, resting his head back once again.
"Let me try something else." You suggest.
"M'kay." He replies, not moving a muscle.
You remove his leg from your lap, and reach for one of the couch pillows, placing it under his ankle.
Your heart rate picks up as you sit on your legs in front of the couch. You place your hands on his thighs and slowly glide them upward, causing his head to pop up immediately and let out a hiss.
"What're you think you're doing?" He teases.
"I'm just trying to help you feel better…" you tease back.
"Mhmm…" He hums, biting his lower lip.
You get up onto your knees and scoot closer to the couch, running your hands up to his hips before leaning forward for a kiss. He sits up straight and places his hands on your cheeks, embracing in a strong kiss.
As you pull away, you rub one hand over his jeans, where you feel him fully hard. You unbutton his pants and start to pull them down when his head snaps over to the door.
"Fuck, Y/N, someone could walk by."
You push yourself up and walk over to close the door. It shuts and you keep a hold of the handle as you turn your body halfway and face him.
"Locked? Or unlocked?" You ask.
"Oh my god!" He exclaims. "Wh-... umm… shit… locked, just lock it."
"Okay." You shrug as you lock it and walk back over to him. You sit back down on your legs, between his, and look up to him.
He shakes his head. "What's got you so… salacious?"
"I'm just trying to help you feel better." You lick your lips.
"Bloody hell." He exhales, lifting himself up enough to slide his jeans down his legs.
You reach over and slide his briefs down slightly, causing his hard cock to spring out.
You look up to him again, scooting closer to the couch, as you position your mouth right over his tip.
"Yes. Yes."
A string of saliva drops down onto him and you quickly blow on it before grabbing his base with one hand, then lowering your mouth down on his cock.
"Oh, fuck!" He exclaims, grabbing the back of the couch with both hands.
You slide your mouth back up all the way and come off to lick up his length. He lets out a large exhale and you take him back into your mouth.
You bob your head up and down, taking him in slightly further each time. Your free hand reaches up to grab his hip and you take him even deeper, causing him to moan out and grab your hair.
"Fuck." He mutters. "Fuck, this feels so good."
You hum against him and his hips buck up, his cock hitting the very back of your throat.
"Fuck!" He moans out. "Oh god. Love, can… can I t-take over for a bit? I can't… fuck… hold back much longer…"
"Mhmm." You hum against him.
You hold in place and he grabs your hair tighter as he gently thrusts up into your throat.
"Oh my god." He breathes out, pumping up again a little faster this time. You surprise yourself by being able to hold back your gag reflex, and continue to rest your palms on his thighs to stabilize yourself.
"So… good… so good!" He mumbles. He hits deeper and you start to gag, tapping his thigh to let him know it's too much. He pulls you off.
"M'sorry, love."
You kiss his tip, which pulls out a hiss from his lips, and lower yourself back on.
"Still safe?" He asks.
"Just… just a few more…" he states, pumping into you gently again.
His hips buck up into your mouth once, and twice, and again, his legs tensing underneath your palms.
"Wait, wait, wait." He exhales.
He releases his hand on your head and lifts up your chin.
"I've gotta cum inside you." He pleads.
"Yeah." You nod, moving your head back down.
"No, no, no." He stops you by grabbing your forearms and tugging on them to bring you onto his lap.
"I can go longer, H. I'm fine." You assure him.
He grabs your hips and looks into your eyes. "M'sure you can. Maybe next time. But… I want to come inside your pussy. There's just something about that feeling, I can't get enough of it now."
You whimper at his words, quickly standing up to remove your jeans and panties. He bites his lower lip and pulls you back down to straddle his lap.
You grind on him as you press your lips against his, feeling his hands on your hips guiding your rhythm.
He chuckles against your kiss. "You are so fucking wet right now."
"I'm always wet for you." You whisper in his ear.
"Fuck." He guides your hips to grind harder on him, coating him in your wetness.
You raise yourself up and he grabs himself, teasing you a little with his tip before you slide down onto him.
You slowly bounce up and down, grabbing his face and pushing your tongue between his lips.
You wrap one arm behind his neck and grab the back of the couch with the other, nuzzling your face into his neck.
"Oh my god." You whisper. He moans against the shoulder of yours that his own face is pressed against.
Suddenly, there's three quick knocks at the door, and you sit up on him, but the passion and feeling is so overwhelming that you don't stop grinding on him.
"Leaving in ten!" Someone shouts.
"Okay!" Harry growls back, never once looking anywhere other than your eyes.
"Locked." He smirks, but you shrug your shoulders and his mouth drops open. His hands grab your ass cheeks and pull slightly to get even deeper into you.
"Fuck, Harry!" You moan out loudly. "Shit, sorry."
"I wanna hear you like that." He smirks.
It sends a shiver all the way down your spine and your hands find their way into the hair at the back of his head.
He matches your rhythm and quickly bucks up, causing your mouth to drop open this time, and a whine to leave your lips.
"Again." You exhale.
He bucks up again, moaning out, and your whine turns into your own moan.
"Please." You beg. He bucks up again.
"Fuck!" You start to lose your breath. "Oh god!"
"More?" He grunts and throws his head back.
"Please!" You beg.
He thrusts up continuously, hard and deep, causing moan after moan to leave both of your lips.
"Oh my god!... Fuck!" You belt out. "Fuck, Harry… I'm gonna…"
"Go on, baby!" He encourages, with a kiss against the sweet spot on your neck.
You're sent over the edge and moan out loudly as your body completely tenses up and then completely releases. Your head drops down to his shoulder and you kiss his neck to help him reach his own peak.
His thrusts get sloppy, so you nip at his earlobe and feel his thighs tense up.
"Oh… god… Y/N!" He grunts, and you nibble his earlobe again.
"Cum inside me, H." You whisper.
"Fuck!... Oh… Yeah… Fuck!" He belts out, his thrusts slowly down as he spills into you, both riding out your orgasms.
He continues to pump until you both catch your breath, and you sit up straighter on him.
You grin and he bites his lower lip.
"You…" he chuckles. "You are something else, Sunshine."
You kiss his lips and quickly roll off him. He stands up, quickly grabbing a towel he has with his stuff. He cleans himself off, then kneels down to clean you off too.
"I'm not complaining… you just… weren't like this before…" he states.
You clear your throat a little. "Now I have the chance to be. Unless you didn't like-"
"F'course I liked it!"
A knock on the door causes you both to turn your heads in that direction. "Time to go!"
"So this'll happen again?" He smirks, as he grabs his bag and points to his dressing room couch.
"Maybe." You point too. "Maybe in the backseat of the car… mile high club, up in first class…"
Series Masterlist || Chapter 31 || Chapter 33
Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @slut4lilyrose @pinktakeaway @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @his-only-angel-1989 @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @harryistheonlyoneforme @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @little-freak-satellite @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @thatbitch2828 @mrspeacem1nusone
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Weiss has ditched her white clothes in favor of cooler toned grays. Blake continues to be dramatic and now has a big ass coat to show this off as well as what look like though high boots. And Yang, who is recovering at home, is just wearing a normal jacket and cargo shorts
With one of the sleeves tied off while she examines her remaining hand ;-;
This is also a great way of showing the different time zones, if this is all happening at the same time. Weiss, Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and Ren are all night time. Blake is sunrise/sunset. And Yang is the day
Shows how separated they all are
But yeah! That’s the character short done, and we’re officially in Volume 4! I freaking LOVE the new animation software, everything looks so pretty. I can’t wait to see what they’re able to do with it
I’m a little worried about the coming episodes, because I feel like plot and angst is going to go hand in hand given what they all just went through. But I’m gonna tough it out, for my kiddos
The first episode will be next week, either Wednesday or Thursday. Pilot has tech week for a show she’s in, so hopefully that doesn’t mess up the schedule any. But until then, see y’all later!
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highdramas · 4 years
the world’s a little blurry | b.b.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: none
word count: 2107
summary: bucky is home, and he is yours
note: this is a one shot for now, but i definitely have more ideas for these two <3 this’ll be heavily inspired by tfatws so this is a spoiler warning for anything mentioned! also this is my first time writing bucky so pleaseeeeee give me some mercy lol
enjoy! <3
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it’s nearly three in the morning, and you’re lucky if you stay up past midnight, so bucky makes a point to be quiet as he tiptoes into the apartment. after a mission gone awry in the apartment building where you had been neighbors, you’ve been staying with the superhero. something about not losing you and you’re safest here. bucky’s not stupid— caring about someone is a gamble, and it had become clear to his enemies who exactly it was that he cared about.
living with you came lots of things that bucky was not expecting. first off, you’re very cluttered. you call it controlled chaos, he calls it a mess. he’s fascinated by the state of your night stand, mostly. a dying plant and one loose airpod, two half empty water bottles, an empty starbucks cup.
second off, you have a cat. her name is katherine, but you call her kitty, occasionally kiki. and while bucky had been determined not to get attached, after awhile, it was difficult not to. she rubbed up on his legs, cuddled in his lap on the couch, slept on his chest in the middle of the night. she’s fucking adorable, and not even the winter soldier can deny that.
third off… you. you as a whole. he’s sure that it would’ve been a shock living with anyone, but the care that you give him… he’s not used to having someone making sure he’s eating. he’s not used to someone checking up on him throughout the day. he’s not used to having someone to come home to.
it’s nice.
it feels safe.
and he’ll kill anyone who tries to take this peace away from him.
bucky groans as he shucks his jacket off, feeling exactly where his muscles ache. he tries to keep his volume minimal. finally, he opens the door to the bedroom. the bedroom that you share.
this was the biggest adjustment of all.
he’d barely slept in a bed at all before you came along. too soft, too comfortable. he told you as much that first night, and what you had said shocked him.
“well, i’ll just sleep on the floor with you.”
no, oh, just get in bed. no, c’mon, it’s nice. none of those things. just understanding.
but it was more than understanding. it was meeting him exactly where he was.
that was three months ago, and you had kept your word. if you weren’t sleeping on the floor with him, you were on the couch with your hand tangling down, brushing along his hair, his shoulder. every time he felt you bucky swore that he could cry.
it was two months ago that he suggested you both sleep in the bed. and while it wasn’t every night, and some nights he padded out to the living room with a blanket and pillow… it was progress.
and he would wake up to find that you had joined him on the floor.
the nightmares weren’t gone. he’s not sure if they ever would be. but they were growing few and farer between, and the ones he did have were growing more manageable.
things were getting better.
of course, they were not perfect. and he knew that you didn’t expect them to be. he has therapy once a week, sometimes twice during the particularly hard weeks. he’s grown close with sam and his family. and… you.
his girl.
as the door creaks open, he almost chuckles at the sight of you. you’re laying horizontally across the bed, taking up both your side and bucky’s. katherine is curled in at your chest, her nose nearly touching yours. your mouth is open and he can see that there’s a bit of drool in the corner of your mouth, and that does make him laugh. it stirs you and he freezes.
bucky watches as you slowly wake, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and then rubbing the drool from your mouth. “ew,” you mumble, still half asleep, and bucky leans in the doorway wearing a smirk.
“go back to sleep, doll.”
you hum and stretch, and so does katherine, giving a wide yawn. “you’re home.”
had he ever had a home before? 
he did once, as a child. a time that feels so distant, so separate from the life that he leads now. sometimes, it’s hard to even picture the faces of his family members.
he had this apartment, but it never felt like home. not until you waltzed into it with your clutter and your laughter and your vibrancy. not until you cooked dinner hip to hip, not until you listened to music that he had never heard of, not until you watched some movie that was your favorite.
you’re home.
bucky smiles and he nods, sitting on the edge of the bed, pushing your hair back. “i’m home,” he says quietly. “i’m sorry i’m so late.”
you shake your head, your hand taking his. he still wears the gloves. you raise your eyebrows at him. “can i?”
he nods. you make quick work of removing each of his gloves, tossing them across the room, which makes bucky smile. he knows he’ll be picking those up in the morning. you press a kiss to his palm, the one that is flesh and bone. and then you take the other and do the same. “missed you, buck.”
something in his heart constricts as he watches you-- washed in moonlight that comes in through the window, sleepy smile on your face, eyes fixed on him. he knows that look, and he knows what it means. he doesn’t know if he deserves it, but he tries. he’ll always try for you.
“i wasn’t even gone twenty four hours,” the smirk is evident in his tone even if you can’t see it, but you scoff and roll your eyes. “i think you’re needy.”
“needy!” you repeat and laugh, falling back onto the pillow. kitty stirs and looks up at bucky, letting out a loud meow. “she’s the needy one. look at her.”
“both of you.” he scratches kitty’s head and then kisses the top of yours before he stands again. “i’m gonna shower.”
sleep is escaping you and you push yourself up onto your palms. “can i join you?”
he chews on the inside of his cheek and shrugs his shoulders innocently. “better pick up the pace then, soldier.”
with a laugh, you kick the sheets off of you. “yes sir.”
he rolls his eyes and you both shuffle into the bathroom. now, in the light, you’re able to get a good look at him. and your jaw drops slightly at what you see. “bucky,” you say and he already knows what’s coming. you touch the side of his face where a bruise is blossoming. “how the hell does this even happen?”
“part of the gig.”
you groan and he smiles and he does so because he loves you. he loves your mess and he loves your doting, he loves your cat and he loves coming home to see that you’ve taken up the entire bed. “you’re an old man. one of these days you’re gonna have to retire.”
“got unfinished business first.”
you know of his past. of course you do. although, you’re a firm believer that it’s not his past, rather than a past that was decided for him against his will. you’ve made a point of making your stance in that clear. you have heard stories of what bucky has done, but you have tutted and shaken your head. “what hydra did.”
these are the things that bucky tells himself, but it is different to hear it from someone else. someone who is not steve, or sam, or another avenger who has also committed morally grey acts. because, yes, they are all good and trustworthy and worth listening to-- but you. you are his girl. you are his girl who laughs at his jokes and teases him and never once babies him for what happened to him, but you’re also the girl who has woken him from nightmares, who has tended to his wounds, who has been held back from a fight just to defend his honor. you have seen him in his entirety, and you have never balked.
“alright, well--” it’s not lost on you how his eyes trail down your body as you undress, turning on the water and checking the temperature. “as soon of this business of yours is finished…”
“i know.”
the two of you share a look and he gives a crooked grin. “you look nice.”
“there’s dried drool on my face.”
“yeah, i know.”
it’s been nearly a year since you met james buchanan barnes and yet he still gets you to blush. he practically lights up at the sight of the color on your cheeks. “are you--”
“shut up and get in the shower,” you retort, pulling back the curtain and stepping into the steaming water.
“yes, ma’am.” you hear the shuffling of his clothes falling to the floor and then he is behind you, hands going up and down your arms. you let out a sigh and tilt your head back, peering up at him. water trails down his nose, dripping off and onto your forehead.
you don’t tell bucky, but you do worry. you worry every second that he’s gone on a mission. you know that you don’t have to say it, that he knows. and you trust that he will come home to you. bucky turns you and he holds your face in his hands and he presses his lips to yours and you know that he feels the same way.
i’ll always come back is spelled out in the way that he kissed you, the way that he holds the back of your head. we have forever is heaved from your lungs as he sucks the air from you.
when you part, you smile at his lips-- slightly swollen, pinker than normal. you rub your thumb along the bottom one and he catches your hand. he presses it on his chest, right where his heart hides beneath skin and bone. “you don’t have to do all of this to make up for what they did to you,” you say over the sound of water. “you’re allowed to have a normal life, if you want it.”
“i know.” he pushes a piece of wet hair from your face. “i just don’t--” he shakes his head and you know this all too well-- he doesn’t quite know what to say, he starts closing up and off and away, the high walls that guard his heart and mind beginning to take shape. “i feel like if i don’t… what was it all for?”
delicate hands move across his torso. you lather up a loofah and begin washing away blood and grime. “bucky,” you say and he looks at you, steely blue eyes staring right into yours. “you make people happy. you have people who love you, who care for you. you don’t owe the world reparations.”
he winces as you go over a particular bruise and you slow your movements, make them featherlight. “all i know is,” you begin. “whatever it is you want, whatever it is that fulfills your life… make sure it’s for you.”
a smile curls on his face and he stills your hands. “thank you.” he takes the loofah from you. “let me get you.”
“but i’m not done--”
“please. let me.”
you surrender and he begins to wash you, and your forehead falls to his shoulder, calm washing over your body. you could’ve been standing there for minutes or hours, you’re unsure. he pushes your hair back and at some point you realize that he is washing your hair, and you press gently open mouthed kisses against his chest and you hear his breath catch and you fall in love with him all over again.
“let me get yours--” you mumble around a yawn and you watch as he smirks down at you. “really, let me.”
bucky shakes his head and he turns the water off. “tomorrow,” he says.
you towel off and when you clamber into bed, you feel the weight of him beside you, your cat nestled between the both of you. you feel him pull you into him, his breath against your neck and his lips against your pulse point, and your eyes flutter shut. before sleep captures you, you murmur, “i love you, james bucky barnes.”
the feeling of his smile against your skin is imprinted on your heart, and his words coax you into sleep-- “i love you too, doll.”
bucky barnes sleeps through the night and doesn’t wake once.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for Makkari falling for you, a human
Makkari x human!reader
a/n: “~” around dialogue means signing
prompt: anonymous: “Hello , could I please have a makkari x reader from eternals headcanon where makkari falls for a human?”
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it was the last thing she expected, loving a human beyond feeling a responsibility for them
with you, it was different. she’d actually fallen for you
and it seemed futile trying to love one with her lifespan, but you were worth it. any amount of time with you would be worth it
~“you love me?”~ -you, using sign as you spoke
~i do~ -makkari
~“but you can’t”~ -you
~i want to~ -makkari
truthfully you had also fallen for her through your time spent together
she taught you sign and explained the history of dozens of artifacts, took you places you never dreamed of going, and kept you company when you needed her most
it was honestly an argument on its own trying to determine if you were okay with this relationship
~“say we do work out. my lifespan is a fraction of yours. you’ll lose me”~ -you
~our time spent together will be worth it. i’ve never felt this way before~ -makkari
it took some time to come to terms with the fact that she really was prepared to spend your life with you
and lose you
and the thought of putting her through that made you cry on its own
but makkari was adamant, she showed you how much she cared for you through all her actions
so you accepted it and honestly? your life was so much better with her as your partner
domestic!makkari all the way
it felt unreal with her
but those “normal” human-like intimacies were so special to you two
like winters in cool places, bundled up in jackets, hats, and scarves, snow sticking to your faces, her nose scrunching at the cold air, hot cocoa and coffee, bakery delights, sightseeing
or summers on a beach, hot sun kissing your bodies, swimsuits, sand and castles, saltly air, splashing waves, big sun hats and sunglasses, flowing swimsuit covers, melting popsicles, sunset
maybe you prefer rainy days, running home through the downpour, soaking wet clothes, throwing PJs and blankets in the dryer, her feeling the patter of rain on the windows, putting on a movie, making cookies and popcorn, cuddling together
~“makkari, i love you”~ -you, giving a forehead kiss
~i love you~ -makkari, returning the favor
making a million jokes together
her sign for you is my heart (so open palm to your chest, tap your fingers to it twice for “my,” then palm hovering over chest, bend your middle finger to poke where your heart is for “heart”)
oh i have a good feeling you guys got a dog together. she loves dogs.
“ah, ah, off the bed!” -you when your dog jumps on you, shooing him off
~but he wants to cuddle! we should let him~ -makkari, begging with the same puppy dog eyes as ur precious pooch
~…fine~ -you
training the dog was super fun
yeah he’s ur bestie
makkari always went slow when she was around you, but when you were apart she lived in the fast lane just so she could get back to you
and she told you tales of all the historical eras she lived through and what she collected from them
~i might have stolen this~ -makkari
~“isn’t that true for most of these?”~ -you
you had a good laugh about that
and she decked you out in old armor and jewelry and anything else you could wear so you could take funny pictures
makkari took so many pictures, and although she never specified why, you knew it was so she had something to look at after you were long gone
so you took a ton, gifted her pictures of you as a baby and growing up, made her little mementos like pottery and ornaments and glass vases (mostly assisted from classes you took)
and she cherished each one, adding it to her collection
actually, she had a special collection just for you
you learned of each of her fellow eternals, only through her descriptions of each. they seemed…interesting
~“when can i meet them?”~ -you
~in time~ -makkari
when you did it happened to be in a time of crisis, but that’s a story for another time.
it was great meeting phastos’s husband, ben, yet another human in the circle. you bonded pretty quickly
“yeah, no, i was not expecting to fall in love with an immortal. nor was i expecting one to be so…kind” -you
“oh, i completely agree. sometimes i almost don’t believe the stories phil tells me” -ben
makkari proposed to you with a more than vintage ring
and you wasted no time getting married
to her, it felt like time was running out
there was still so much she wanted to do with you
honestly she was tempted to take you to space for a while
~it would be like nothing you’ve ever seen!~ makkari
~“i’d rather just stay here on earth with you, my love”~ -you
you spent your years going on trips, vacations, outings, no matter how big or small
and you started aging as the days went by
wrinkles became more prominent, gray hairs started to show, joints began to ache, things were harder to do on your own
but makkari hadn’t changed a day
and she prepared herself for these days, knowing she’d take care of you through it all, still bringing you joy and laughter
~“it was a blessing being able to have you in my life”~ -you
~mine, too. i hope to meet you in your next one~ -makkari
your wife was at your bedside until you took your last breath, cherishing the life you lived together, but shedding tears over the thought of living her ongoing immortal life without you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @spoodermans // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl // @cyanide-mustard // @druigmybelovedone // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @magnificentzombiebasement //
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gucciwins · 4 years
Leather and Lace
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The one where Harry goes to the Grammy's and Y/N is his date
Word count: 4,960
A/N: Hello beautiful friends! Harry at the Grammy's just blew me away, the leather look is all I want to talk about for the rest of my life.
I was feeling inspired and decided it was only fitting to continue Adore You. Part two is Three Time following nominations. So this is part three. Yes, I have a soft spot for Harry and Atticus. Will always write for them if the inspiration strikes.
warnings: smut (female pleasure), pandemic
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There's been one thought running through Y/N's head for most of the day, and Harry can tell because it's nearing five pm and she has not started on dinner. Instead, she's sitting on the backyard steps that give her the beautiful view of the pacific ocean, an empty glass of wine in hand.
Harry doesn't say anything, just sits next to her, knowing she will speak when she's ready, but he also knows she enjoys the quiet moments with him.
Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, letting out a deep breath before settling down the wine glass to wrap her arms around his bicep.
"You asked me an important question."
"Wasn't that important." He shrugs.
"Harry," No nickname making sure he knows she's serious. "It is important. You asked me to be your date to the Grammys where you're opening the show and are a three-time nominee during a pandemic."
"Well, when you put it like that." He teases.
Y/N and Harry made two years of dating on February 16. To celebrate, they had dinner from their favorite Italian food place with chocolate strawberries for dessert that Atticus made for them with the help of Mitch and Sarah, who were more than pleased to take him for the night. It was a beautiful day primarily spent in bed talking and enjoying each other, reminding each other how much they were loved and would continue to be as years went on.
Two years and their relationship has been well hidden. Honestly, Jeff has been impressed at how not one word has gotten out. This may be due to only close friends and family knowing about the relationship. Also that they spent almost one entire year inside due to this ongoing pandemic.
She's not worried about others finding out about her relationship with Harry; that isn't her big concern; it is what they will say about her and Atticus. Harry is a single dad to the world, and Atticus is his first priority, and everyone knows that; she does not want to be the reason they write about how Harry is a neglecting father for dating someone so openly. She fears the backlash and how it can affect how Harry sees her.
Reasonably, Y/N knows that won't happen and that Harry sees her as his life partner as he's told her on multiple occasions. Also, the assurance that Atticus gives to her by calling her Mum more openly around their family. The constant I love you's get her through it.
"I understand if you aren't ready, love."
"Don't think I'll ever be ready, but there are lots of times where I just find myself wanting to shout it from the rooftops how much I love you." Harry smiles, knowing he's felt the exact same way.
"Yes, I'll be your date to the Grammys." She breathes out after a moment of silence.
Harry sits up straight, shifting to make her look him in the eyes. "Yeah, you will?"
"I'd be honored."
Harry's smile is breathtaking, and the next thing she knows, his lips are on hers. It's passionate and full of thank you's because she knows how much this means to him.
He pulls back but not before pecking her lips twice.
"I'm going to call Jeff." Harry rushes inside, leaving her alone once more, but a sincere smile is left on her face.
Y/N said yes because even though a part of her wanted to say no, the urge to say yes won because to be there by his side holding his hand no matter the results win her over.
She says yes because as much as she may have wanted to say no, the urge to say yes and be there by his side, holding his hand no matter the results, wins her over.
Harry comes back ten minutes later, a bottle of champagne in hand, with his eyes shining bright as if he had already won the award. "Jeff said it's all set. He's going to be our third wheel for the night."
She laughs, knowing very well he loves when Jeff has to be around them without his wife now. Always teasing him, but also very happy for him.
"Pop that open then! Let us celebrate." They walk back into the house, getting glasses, when they hear small steps approaching them.
Atticus is thrilled at hearing the news about Harry performing at the Grammys. He got even more excited when he found out Harry was taking Y/N as his date. Told them that she would be the prettiest on the carpet, Harry had pouted, asking what about him. Only to agree when Atticus said no one's beauty compares to his Mum's.
Harry had asked Glenne to watch over Atticus, and she eagerly accepted. They let Atticus know, and he was over the moon excited. Atticus knew his Auntie Glenne had a hard time saying no to him.
In a different time, if there was no pandemic, Harry knows Atticus and Y/N would have been the perfect dates for what is supposed to be a joyous night.
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Grammy day arrived, and Harry walked the red carpet alone.
It's something all three agreed on, not at all wanting to steal any attention when it was such a big debut for Harry. As much as Harry wanted photos with her, he knew this was the way to go; she would be sitting next to him for the rest of the night, which he was thankful for.
Harry felt comfortable and happy in his red carpet look. He was wearing a green and yellow check tweed jacket and a tartan sweater combo worn, flared trousers, and lavender boa. It was a bit different but entirely himself, and that's all he wanted.
As soon as he's done posing for photos, he has his mask back on and is ushered into his changing room to change for his performance happening very soon.
Y/N is waiting in there chatting with Sarah, and when Harry opens the door, he's taken back by her beauty. Yes, he saw her dressed at home, but she seems like a dream here in this new light. Y/N is wearing a lilac satin backless dress, a long slit going up her left leg. She's wearing gold heels that their wonderful friend Harry Lambert acquired for her. The gold primrose signet ring adorned her right-hand ring finger. A few more that she has gifts from her mother and others she bought for herself, but his attention is on the one he gives her because even as she is in a conversation with someone she's fidgeting with, she has the feel of it under her fingers.
"Clear the room, friends," Jeff announces. "Styles here has to get ready. We can start heading to the stage."
Everyone is up and out in a matter of seconds, Jeff shutting the door behind him, telling him he only has fifteen minutes.
More than enough.
"Are you going to help me or just sit there ogling me?"
She smirks. "If I help, there's no saying you'll get clothes on in time."
Harry feels a twitch in his trousers and knows she's right. He huffs, not bothering to argue, just throwing his lavender boa in her direction.
"I'll always accept a striptease."
"I should have had Jeff kick you out as well," Harry says, not meaning a single word.
Y/N pouts. "Not nice, H."
"Baby, please. No more teasing, not really a fan of going on television with a boner, especially in leather." Harry stops her before she can continue on.
"Alright, I'll behave."
Harry breathes a sigh of relief because he's always so close to caving in. She has that effect on him.
Y/N sits there, turned on by Harry changing his outfit. What she wishes she was home instead because watching and not being able to touch is absolute torture.
Harry shimmy himself into the leather pants wanting to get Y/N to laugh, and it works like he knew it would.
"Got a nice ass, Styles. Might have to take it for a ride."
Harry mutters a fuck, and she's giggling. "It's like you hate me."
"On the contrary, I adore you."
"Yeah, well, hand me the jacket, please."
Y/N gets up, the black leather cropped jacket in hand; she stands behind him, guiding him to slip in his left arm, followed by his right. It rests perfectly on his shoulders; she let her hands slide down his arms before turning him around and getting a good look at the completed fit.
She takes a step back as Harry reaches for the mint feathered boa slipping it over his shoulders before dramatically swinging it over his left shoulder. He poses a hand on his hip.
"What's the verdict?" He's biting back a laugh.
"I'm in love. You should ask for my help in designing a look more often." Y/N's gaze has not left his exposed torso. The butterfly fly tattoo starting back at her, Harry's a bit leaner, but he's never looked, fitter. Definitely, feel lucky she can run her fingers over his abs as soon as they get home.
"You recommended no shirt."
"And look how right I was. Your fans are going to go crazy."
"There's only one person I care about going crazy." He steps forward, pressing a kiss to her neck before trailing up to her lips. Leaving soft kisses, not giving her more, and she needs it. She needs him to push her up against a wall and just take her.
"Trust me, baby. I'm showing so must restraint right now. Fuck, you need to walk out now before you're late."
Harry smirks; he likes knowing the effect he has on her. She's the reason he's wearing leather, having confessed thinking he'd look really good. And right she was. "Need a good luck kiss."
Y/N nods, bringing a hand up to rest on the back of his neck, the heels adding a few extra inches making her aligned perfectly with his plump pink lips. She's gentle as she connects their lips; he wraps a hand around her waist before taking control of the kiss, slipping his tongue inside; she lets out a soft moan as he kisses her with all he has. Harry pulls away, a dimpled grin on his face. "Lots of luck in that kiss." a
She nods, still in a daze. "I'll be watching, baby."
Harry and Y/N walk out hand in hand, masks on as they find Jeff, who directs him to the stage entrance, a whispered I love you and a final kiss. He's walking towards the stage, greeting each of his band members lingering a second longer with Sarah.
Y/N was grateful she was allowed to watch the performance from a hidden side stage with Jeff by her side. Those three minutes of Harry singing, she was left in awe as she always is; he's got a way of capturing your full attention. She let out a gasp when Harry threw the boa and turned to have exposed his chest, a broad smile on her face. Jeff was trying to stifle a laugh next to her, and she knew he would be passing this information along.
She felt lucky to be loved by Harry.
As soon as Harry finished performing, Jeff ushered her to his changing room where she could watch the other performances as they waited for Harry to join them once more before going to sit at the socially distanced tables.
Harry came back, a deep smirk on his face, his mint boa now resting on Mitch's neck. "What you think, love?"
"You were wonderful; you and the band just killed it. I felt like it was my first time listening to it. Those note changes were beautiful." She hugs him, happy to have him in her arms again. "Get changed, not much time."
Harry nods, going to the clothes rack but comes back to give Y/N a kiss. She feels herself melt into his touch. She pulls away and sees his green eyes glistening. "Thank you for being here." Before she can respond, he's walked away and changing into his previous outfit.
Harry is dressed, and Jeff ushers them out. Harry leads, greeting people as they walk by, occasionally stopping for someone. Y/N falls behind, smiling at everyone from behind a mask, she laughs, remembering others can't see it, but hopefully, they feel it. She spots a women's restroom and grabs Jeff's arm to get him to stop. He turns concerned. She leans in close, letting him know she's heading to the restroom and will catch up soon.
Y/N is walking out of the restroom heading down the hall when she stops hearing her name called. She turns and finds it's her good friend Julia Michaels.
"Hi darling," Y/N greets a large smile hiding behind her mask. "You look brilliant." Julia was dressed in a black gown adorned with white patterns resembling seashells and her tattoos on full display. Y/N was in awe.
"Thank you! As do you." She says, pulling her in a hug. "Is that a bit of an accent I hear?"
Y/N laughs. "Don't know about that; I've been living in London for years now. Might be that I've been around my British friends constantly."
"That or-"
Julia is interrupted by a man calling her name. Y/N sees it's her boyfriend, JP Saxe.
"Ah, the beau is calling for you, it seems." Y/N teases.
"Oh bummer, I love chatting with you. I would tell you all about him, but I'd expect the same."
"What do you mean?" She feigns confusion, but Julia sees past her.
"Well, who's your date?"
She can feel her face warm, knowing exactly who she's referring to.
"I came with my boyfriend," Y/N answers proudly.
Before Julia can respond, Y/N feels a hand on her back and turns to find Harry behind her. "Calling for us to head to our seats, nominations up next."
"Okay, H." She smiles, knowing there was a look of concern for her hiding behind the mask.
Harry seems to remember she was speaking with someone.
"Hello, Julia, lovely music. This one always plays it around the house." Harry knocks his hip with Y/N's. "Especially this new song that's nominated, she always had it playing. Soon my son was singing it as well. It meant I had to join in. I don't like being the odd one out."
"Thank you, Harry; I'm glad you could all enjoy my music. We've been doing the same. Fine Line is a gorgeous album. Best of luck tonight." Julia tells him sincerely.
"You as well."
"One last thing between us."
"Of course," he nods.
"She's a special one; take real good care of her." Y/N has never been more thankful for a mask because it hides her face that she is slowly starting to heat up.
"I like to think I've been doing a good job, or she wouldn't have stuck around for two years so far."
Julia doesn't hide her shock, her eyes go wide, and Harry just smirks.
Y/N laughs. "We have been good at laying low. Except for this one, he likes to always be doing something new."
"What can I say? I like to keep busy." Harry shrugs, knowing everyone knows about his next film in London.
"Now we definitely have to grab dinner soon or a zoom date, I don't know. I want to hear all about it." Y/N can tell Julia is curious but overall happy for her.
With that, they bid each other goodbye, and Harry escorts her to their seats.
"Someone is very open," Y/N tells him, adjusting her dress as she sits down.
"She's a good friend of yours but also Niall's. I know we can trust her." Harry tells her honestly.
"I see. We'll see how interviews go soon." Y/N knows Jeff had told them he had to do at least one interview if he didn't win, and if he did, it would just be him addressing the virtual press room.
Harry is sitting in the middle, Jeff to his left andY/N to his right. He's never felt as safe when they name the nominees for the category.
Y/N feels the tight grip Harry has on her thigh, and his left hand is rubbing up and down his pants to dry the sweat she can only imagine is building up. She looks up at his face, but he's calm, but she knows him; there's a storm of thoughts running through his head. Y/N knows there isn't much to help ease, but she can remind him she's there for him. She lifts his hand that was resting on her thigh to her lips and gives it a gentle kiss through her mask, yes he can't feel it, but the sentiment is there. She sets his hand back, fingers now intertwined with hers. Y/N knows he's looking at her and meets his gaze reassuring him with his eyes she loves him.
Rachelle Erratchu is opening the envelope, and in the next few seconds, she will announce the winner for the best pop solo performance.
"Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles!"
Harry sits there shocked, his shoulders dropped, eyes wide, not at all able to hide the shock. He just heard his name called; he just won a Grammy.
In the next second, he's standing up, removing his mask, his nervous smile now able to be seen by the camera. Jeff is quick to pull him in a tight hug. Y/N stands feeling the happiness travel through her entire body.
Harry won.
A mask is no longer hiding his smile, and she knows if she removed her, she'd have a matching smile. Harry hugs her tight, her arms going around his waist; she can feel how fast his heart is beating. Harry is not at all ready to let her go but knows he has an acceptance speech to give.
"You did it, H," she whispers, ushering him to head up the stage.
Harry gets up, letting out a deep breath as he hears the applause continue. He picks up the Grammy for a second before setting it back down. He looks out at the audience, and he's just astounded that he's won.
"Wow, um..." Harry takes a deep breath before starting. "To everyone who made this record with me, thank you so much. This was the first song we wrote after my album came out, during a day off in Nashville. I just wanna say thanks to Tom, Tyler, and Mitch, and everyone, Rob Stringer, everyone at Columbia, my manager Jeffrey who always nudged me to be better and never pushed me and thank you so much, and I feel very grateful to be here." He smiles at Y/N. "Thank you to my son, who has been the light in my life and my biggest fan. Everything I do is for him, and I hope I continue to make him proud. I love you, darling boy." Harry knows he's got only so much time left, but there is one last person to thank. He doesn't address her by name, but everyone in that room knows what he says next is for Y/N as he never takes his eyes off of her.
"Thank you for believing in me. I was not the easiest to deal with when we first met, but you're here and have been every step of the way. Thank you for helping me become a better man each day. I adore you." He chuckles, continuing on, "All these songs are fucking massive, so thank you so much; I feel very honoured to be among you, so thank you so much."
Harry walks off stage, leaving the grammy he had just won behind, eager to have Y/N back in his arms. His eyes are set on her; she's standing arms open, ready for him. He melts into her touch, hiding his head in her neck placing a gentle kiss on her exposed neck. "I love you," he whispers.
Y/N softly cradles his cheek as he leans into her touch, her eyes filling with tears of joy. "I love you, H."
Harry pulls away, letting her take a step back as Jeff hugs him tighter than before. He's so happy he places an affectionate kiss on Jeff's masked cheek.
Harry's happy; he knows he didn't need an award to let him know how talented he was, but it was an honor to have his support team by his side as he did receive the award.
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Harry had taken Y/N with him to help change, claiming he needed help. Jeff knew better but let them be.
As soon as Harry ushered them into the changing room, he pushed her up against the locked door, ripped his mask off, shoving it in his pocket, kissing down her neck.
Y/n reaches a shaky hand up to remove her mask, letting it fall in Harry's waiting hand to place next to him.
"Kiss me," she breathes.
Harry, never one to deny her, brings his lips to hers. Y/N felt her whole body tingle as he claimed control over her mouth, hungry and intense as if she'd disappear if he would slow down.
Y/N laughs as her hands rest on his shoulder, letting him kiss all the skin she has exposed.
"Baby, you're a Grammy winner." A hand now in his hair as she feels his lips right above the curve of her breasts.
"Just like you."
"Atticus must be so proud," Y/N says, now lost in thought.
Harry pulls back, "As much as I love our baby, please don't mention him as I'm trying to shag you in my dressing room."
Y/N grins nodding, she pushes the plaid jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor. "Sorry, did you say shag? Is that Grammy fame getting to your head?" She teases
"The only place my head is going is between your thighs." His voice rough, no longer teasing. She can see the lust building in his emerald eyes.
"Guess I'm the real winner," Y/N tells him, pushing up her dress to reveal her black lace panties, Harry's favorites.
"Fuck." Harry trails his hands down her thighs as he sinks to his knees.
Y/N holds her dress up as Harry begins to pull down her panties, letting them fall to her ankles. "Those are too hot to be hidden, baby. Fuck, knowing you had those on the whole time for me has me so hard." He unbuttons his trousers giving himself breathing space.
"Please, baby," Y/N begs, wanting him to give her some kind of release.
"Alright, darling, since we don't have much time."
Y/N has her legs spread open for Harry; her face was flushed, knowing the pleasure Harry would soon bring her. She was wet; she had been since she saw Harry perform in his whole leather outfit; she swears this look will enter her dreams when he's away.
"Love, you're so wet." He smirks, knowing this was for him, but a bit of confirmation never hurt anyone. "All-cause of me?"
"Yes, always wet for you." She breathes out, looking down at him.
Harry leans in, pressing soft kisses on her thigh, getting her to relax, wanting her to enjoy this as much as he's going to. He loves how soft her skin is; he litters kisses as he watches her, still feeling how close he is to where they both want him to be.
Y/N feels like she can't breathe; Harry's teasing always so good but not now. Not when she wants him inside her, but she settles for him eating her out. He's proven more than a dozen times how good he is with his tongue.
"I'm ready, darling. I'm ready to taste you, fuck, you smell amazing, but oh, there's something special about how you taste. Will you let me?" Harry asks, always asking for her consent, never wanting her to feel pressured.
"Yes, please." Harry always knows what she needs; she's happy to relinquish all control to him.
Harry tightened his grips on her thighs, scooting closer. He smiles at how glistening her pussy looks for him. How wet he's made her. He didn't have time for foreplay as much as he wanted to tease her have her withering under his touch. He drove right in, his tongue in between her lips, tasting her sweet juices. It was good, sweet, and just for him.
Y/N let out a moan; Harry wanted more from her; he wanted her a moaning mess. Y/n felt his tongue against her most sensitive spot and felt her knees go weak, fuck; he knew exactly how to bring her the pleasure she seeks.
Harry's eyes were closed, focusing on the noises Y/N was making and savoring the taste.
Y/N has a hand in his hair, her right hand holding up her bunched-up dress. "My winner," she moans out.
"You're always a winner. Fuck, so good." She pants.
"You are….baby" Nothing's making sense. She's lost in her pleasure. Harry was focusing on her clit; he licked at the small peek, knowing she was close.
She pulls harder on his hair, he lets out a moan against her pussy, and it brings her twice the pleasure. "Make me cum, baby." She whines, "Show me exactly why a song about oral sex deserved to win."
Harry, edged on by her words, begins to suck on her clit, letting her feel the ecstasy it brings her. Y/N lost in her pleasure, misses Harry's cursing against her.
"Harry, I'm close." She whimpers out.
"Cum for me, darling." He doesn't slow down, lapping against her pussy, taking everything she gives him. He sucks on her clit, swirling his tongue around as he brings a finger to her hole, gently pushing in, knowing it will drive her over the edge.
"Fuck, you're always a winner. This mouth is always a winner."
Y/N whines out his name, pulling him closer as he licks up all she offered him, letting her ride out her orgasm enjoying every moment. Harry pulls his hand away, setting it on her exposed thigh, drawing small comforting circles, until he's sure she's ridden it through.
She lets out a long sigh as she slides down the door, no longer able to stay standing. Harry grins, guiding her down gently as he sits back on his heels.
"Can I return the favor?" She blinks at him, lust still swimming in her eyes.
Harry blushes but not at all embarrassed. "Watching you cum for me did the job, baby."
She pouts her lips.
"Can treat me to a good time later," he promises; she eagerly nods, already knowing how she'd make him go crazy at him. The taste of him on her tongue later, something to look forward to.
"Think this was the reason you had a third outfit picked." She jokes,
Harry laughs, "Definitely."
Y/N and Harry sit there staring at each other, blissed out in pleasure, taking in the other's smile when a loud knock on the door startles them reminding them where they are.
"When you walk out of here, there better not be a single trace to what you did in there," Jeff tells them.
Harry smirks, "oh Jeffery, who does he take us for?"
Y/N is helped to her feet by Harry, who slips her panties back up her thighs. Y/N walks to the restroom to fix herself while Harry washes his face at the sink provided. Harry is quick to get out of his clothes and into the final outfit of the night. An orange blazer with a white low-cut shirt and plaid pants.
He's ready to step back out and mingle, showing off his girlfriend to everyone who approaches them. Harry stands in front of the mirror looking at the deep red mark on his neck where she left a love bite; he doesn't even remember her giving it to him.
She smirks, seeing him trace his finger over it. Y/N walks up to him, placing the black-feathered boa over his shoulders.
"I could get behind the feathered boas if it means I can leave more kisses like that behind," Y/N tells him as he swings it over his shoulder, adjusting it to hide the mark that would bruise over the next few hours.
"We'll see, love."
Y/N stands in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress. She smooths her hands over her dress, happy with how she looks. Not at all like she was just given the orgasm of her life. Harry smiles, grateful she was here with him on an important day. He loves her, and he knows she loves him.
"Ready, love?" He stands being her, hand on her waist
She turns her head up to look at him, puckering her lips, waiting for a kiss that Harry happily gives her. "Now, I'm ready."
Y/N and Harry walk hand in hand, masks on.
Harry may not have won any more awards, but he truly felt like he had won it all way before ever hearing his name being called. With a woman like Y/N on his side who was intelligent, beautiful, and independent, constantly pushing him to be a better person every day, there was no way he would ever know what it would be like to lose.
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Thank you so much for reading! I adore you. Hopefully, the future allows me to write for Harry, Atticus, and Y/N some more but for now I hope you enjoyed this continued story. <333
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tyongxnct · 4 years
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 - 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑔
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pairing: Taeyong x reader 
special guest: Jaehyun, Jungwoo, mention of Mark, Johnny & Yuta
summary: your relationship with Taeyong was falling apart and you knew that you had to let him go, but you loved him so much, so you chose to be selfish. You tried to ignore the fact that he was cheating on you, that he spend nights with someone else next to him in bed and that his lips tasted like her lipstick whenever you kissed him. Taeyong is perfect and he deserved someone perfect, that’s why you decided to change yourself for him, to make him stay and love you again, but no matter what, in the end you weren’t her.
song: perfect - Selena Gomez
genre: cheating!au, idol!au, angst
warnings: cheating, mentions of sex, self-doubt, 2 mini smut scenes they’re really short
word count: 4,1k
A/N: Here it is, the first short story! I hope you enjoy reading this. I really recommend you to listen to perfect by Selena Gomez while reading!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
Different inflection when you say my name Kiss me, but your kiss don't taste the same Is it real or am I going out of my mind? Curious 'bout the company that you keep Cause I hear you talking 'bout her in your sleep And now you've got me talking 'bout her in mine
“Y/n,” Taeyong said your name as soon as you pressed the green button, “I’m out with friends tonight, you don’t have to wait for me.” You could hear a female voice in the background, but maybe it was just your imagination playing with you. You were curious, about who exactly Taeyong was with, so you closed your eyes and asked him. “Okay, w-who are you with?” you asked softly, scared of the answer.
“Oh, just with the boys, Jaehyun says hi.” You wished he’d say Johnny or Yuta, or just anyone else except for Jaehyun because you’re friends with Jaehyun’s girlfriend. When you talked to her earlier that day, she told you that she was going to the movies with Jaehyun, it was their date night.
“T-Tell him I also said hi.” Your voice was about to break, tears almost streaming down your face, but you held them in, you didn’t want him to hear you cry.
“Yeah - oh my god I was just about to say that-“ Taeyong was distracted and didn’t even hear what you just said. You heard the female voice talking before he hung up without saying goodbye.
You felt like you were losing your mind.
You weren’t sure If you misheard Jaehyun’s girlfriend, but when you checked your social media and saw her story with Jaehyun, hand in hand, you knew that Taeyong lied to you.
03:27am, You couldn’t sleep the whole night, you were still awake when Taeyong came home. “Why are you still awake?” he asked you as he took off his clothes to change to his pajamas. “Couldn’t sleep without you.” Which was true. He didn’t say anything, he hovered above you, pressed his lips for a second on yours and then he entered the bathroom to brush his teeth. Your hand was on your lips, the taste on his lips was different, the cherry taste on his lips left a bitter taste on your lips. His lips tasted unfamiliar.
Taeyong fell asleep, you were facing his back as you also tried to fall asleep. You wanted to know why his lips tasted like cherry, why he lied to you and why he didn’t love you anymore, because you could feel that you were drifting apart which scared you so much. Taeyong mumbled something while he was fast asleep, you could understand him better as he turned around to face you. “Miyeon.”
Were you with Miyeon tonight? Who is Miyeon? How did you meet her? Do you love her?
Oh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love like you, like you
Taeyong is the most beautiful human being you’ve ever seen, and you didn’t even know why he was dating you. His face was perfect, every inch of his face was pure beauty. His mouth was slightly open, he softly breathed in and out. Your eyes landed on his lips. Did she kiss you with her cherry lips? Is she as beautiful as you are? She has to be, Taeyong deserved the most beautiful girl on this planet, but here he was, stuck with you. Did he fall in love with her just like you fell in love with him? Is she also an Idol just like Taeyong? She must be. You never shared many interests with Taeyong, you always thought ‘opposites attract each other’, but what If he fell in love with an Idol who did the same thing for a living as him? Who was also talented, with a perfect face and body? They’d share the same passion, dancing and singing whereas you couldn’t even remember the simplest steps.
Taeyong was probably attracted to someone who shared the same interests and passion, who was beautiful inside and outside just like him.
I can taste her lipstick And see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance Every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And, she's perfect And, she's perfect
The first time you saw them together was when you decided to visit Taeyong at the studio. You wanted to surprise him or maybe, just maybe, you wanted to see the woman he fell in love with. The woman with the cherry lips.
And you did. You saw them, Taeyong was laying on the couch with her on top of him and her head was on his chest, she was listening to his heartbeat, like you did so many times. You could see Taeyong placing his hands on her jaw and pulling her closer to press his lips on hers. You were secretly watching your boyfriend of 4 years making out with another woman. It was so quiet, you could hear your heart breaking.
You rushed to a restroom, tears streaming down your face, you didn’t notice that you were holding your breath, the walls around you suffocated you and you just wanted to vanish.
When you calmed down, you called Taeyong to tell him that you were on your way.
“I’m busy in the studio-“ he lied.
“I know, I mean, that’s why I’m bringing you some food. I cooked your favorites.” You smiled trough the pain.
“Fine, but you can’t stay, I have to, uhm, finish that one track I was working on.” Taeyong looked to Miyeon who was listening to your conversation.
“Okay, I’ll be there in two minutes. Love you.” Is he going to say it back?
“Yeah, bye.” He didn’t say it back.
After wiping away your tears, you put on your fake smile and entered Taeyong’s studio. Taeyong was sitting on the chair and was working on his laptop and Miyeon was still in the room, sitting on the couch. She looked as beautiful as you thought she would. Long blonde hair, skinny and a perfect face.
“Hey.” you acted.
“Hi, Miyeon this is Y/n. Y/n this is Miyeon. We’re working together on the new track.” Is that how he met her? Is that how he fell for her?
“Hey Miyeon, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that Taeyong had company, I didn’t bring enough food.”
“No, it’s fine, I’m on a diet anyway.” She checked you out, you didn’t miss her eyes going up and down you body.
You felt bad, really bad. You were in a pair of jeans and one of Taeyong’s hoodies and here she was, in a short skirt, her long legs looked tempting for Taeyong, he always asked you to wear shorts at home, but you felt uncomfortable with your legs and sticked to your sweatpants.
You wanted to know If Taeyong would kiss you next to her, so you leaned forward and pressed you lips on his. The cherry taste was back, and he didn’t move his lips. So he liked the taste of cherries, that’s how Miyeon tasted. Your kiss ended up as a peck and every passing second got painfuller. “I’ll leave you two now, don’t overwork yourself- I’ll see you at home.” You smiled at them, Taeyong couldn’t even look up, he felt bad for you.
How does she touch you? Can I try it, too? I know you're twisted, but baby, I'm twisted, too I wanna know if she can make a man lose his mind
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
You were pathetic, you knew that you were, but still, you tried to be like her.
You dyed your hair blonde, not exactly the same blonde as hers, but it was still a huge difference to your hair before.
After straightening your hair, you put on some make-up and your new red lingerie you had bought.
You felt uncomfortable, the lingerie covered almost nothing, and you felt cheap.
Were you really going to try to impress Taeyong with sex?
Did he even think that you’re sexy?
He was probably just going to laugh at you.
When Taeyong came home, he didn’t see you anywhere but when he entered your shared bedroom and saw you laying almost naked on the bed, only candles lighting up the room, his mouth opened wide. “Y-You’re blonde.” he stuttered, and you could see that he tried to stop himself from laughing. “I felt like I needed a change. Do you like it?”
“It looks so bad.” He busted out in laughter. “Did you dye it yourself? Oh god, it looks terrible.” Taeyong kept on laughing. You were half naked in front of him and he choose to mock you? You didn’t dye your hair yourself, you paid so much money to get it like this. “I can change it If you don’t like it.” You walked up to him. He didn’t move. “Yeah, change it back. Go to a professional.” He said as he watched you. You helped him taking off his jacket, his eyes following every move you make. Your hands were slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “I will, but first, let me make you feel good.” You whispered as you pressed little kisses on his chest.
You softly pushed Taeyong down on the bed. Your hands were unbuckling his belt, you could feel him getting nervous, it’s been so long since you had sex.
While you were pushing his pants down, your mind travelled to her. Did she touch you like this? Did you touch her? Have you had sex already? Was she good? Better?
You pushed down his boxer briefs and wrapped your fingers around his cock. You started pumping his shaft and you softly licked his tip. Taeyong was stiff under your touch, even when you put his cock in your mouth. You started sucking and pumping his cock and a moan left his mouth.
“F-Fuck. N-No stop-“ he pushed you away. You landed on your butt and breathed heavily. “Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry it’s been so long that I-“
“No, no. I just- it’s… The boys are waiting, and we can’t- can’t have sex right now I’m gonna be late.” He pulled his boxers and pants up and nervously buttoned his shirt back up and he left without saying anything else.
He doesn’t love you anymore. He is disgusted, he doesn’t even want you to touch him. You felt so worthless and disgusting.
You entered your bathroom to shower, you wanted to rub everything off of you. When you looked at yourself again at the mirror, you felt uglier than before. You took your phone which was on the counter and threw it. The mirror shattered to pieces and you felt like you just watched an illustration of your life.
Just like the mirror, your heart broke into many pieces.
With the smell of her perfume I could love her, too, like you, like you And I can almost hear her laugh Curving on her back for you, for you
While you were crying yourself to sleep, Taeyong hurried to Miyeon’s apartment. “Taeyong? I thought you-“ he pulled her in for a kiss before she could finish her sentence. He pressed her against the door and his hands were all over her body. She responded happily, pulling him closer and moaning into his mouth. His tongue was exploring her mouth for the nth time, and he fucked her so hard that night, until you left his mind. Until he stopped thinking that it was you, until he moaned Miyeon’s name and came inside of her. The red marks on his neck and scratches on his back to remind him that he just wanted to fuck Miyeon and not you.
“Well, that was amazing.” Miyeon said exhausted as she poured herself more wine. “We never fucked like that, we should do it more often.” She laughed. “Poor Y/n. If she only knew how good you fuck me.” Miyeon giggled and pressed kisses on Taeyong’s bare shoulder.
He ignored her sneaky remark and closed his eyes. He saw your face whenever he closed his eyes, he wanted to get you off of his mind, and then he fucked Miyeon again, until his mind was full of Miyeon naked under him.
Taeyong came back home late that night again, he breathed in and out, his heart was beating against his chest, it almost hurt.
He thought that you were sleeping already, but you were wide awake, thinking about the events of the night and feeling ashamed.
You could feel the bed sink down next to you. This time, Taeyong was facing your back. He smelled different, Taeyong smelled like all the times he smelled after he had spent time with her.
I can taste her lipstick And see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance Every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And, she's perfect
You didn’t change your hair back. After hanging out with Jaehyun and his girlfriend, you felt a little more confident with it. Even Jaehyun had told you that you looked really pretty.
You didn’t even need to tell Taeyong that you were hanging out with Jaehyun and his girlfriend, Taeyong was also not at home.
You needed to spend some time with friends, you were drowning in your insecurities and in self-doubt, that you had to be with someone. Spending time with your friends helped you stop thinking.
“Oh, wait Taeyong is calling-“ you told them. “Yes?” you said, “Hey, uhm, I’m out with Jaehyun tonight, you know, boy’s night and stuff.”
Jaehyun was sitting right in front of you. “Oh okay, tell Jaehyun I said hi.” Jaehyun and his girlfriend looked at you confused. “Yeah, I will.” And  you ended the call.
“But I’m sitting here with you?” Jaehyun said confused. “I know. He’s lying to me.” You looked at them with a sad smile. “Why would he lie to you?” she asked you. “He doesn’t want me to know about his affair.” You said casually. “W-What? Taeyong? Our Taeyong?” Jaehyun couldn’t believe what you just said. You nodded.
“Are you sure about that?” he asked.
You nodded again, scared that you’d break out in tears.
“Do you know who-“
“Miyeon, they’re working on a track together, I don’t know If that is true though.”
“But that’s impossible! I was with them a couple weeks ago, they were just talking about the track and they were so distant, and I-I just can’t believe that-“
“Jaehyun calm down, you’re not helping her.” His girlfriend said. “It’s okay.” You whispered. “I’m sorry that you had to find out about it.”
“What no! Why are you… Why are you still with him?” she asked you. “Because I love him. It’s okay, I understand that he needs to satisfy his needs… with someone else.” They looked at you with shocked expressions. That night, you talked to them about everything, you even told her about the night you wore the lingerie when Jaehyun excused himself to go to the bathroom. Her eyes widened in shock as she heard about the way Taeyong treated you. “I hate him so much right now.” She said. “No don’t hate him. Even I don’t hate him, so you guys should forget about what I told you and act like this never happened.”
They looked at you with sad eyes, “Are you still coming to the company dinner with him?” Jaehyun asked. “If he wants me there.” You shrugged your shoulders.
I can see her body rushing into you Crashing on your skin, burning within Burning so deep, deep on your skin, skin Next to me She's crashing on your skin, settling in Burning so deep, deep on your skin, skin While you sleeping
You looked breathtaking, but you didn’t know that. The dress you were wearing, hugged your body perfectly but you didn’t dare to look at the mirror, scared that you’d need to change again. Scared that you’d find another failure, no matter If it’s on your face or on your dress.
Taeyong looked perfect as always, his tuxedo was made for him and his hair was styled up, exposing his pretty forehead. “You look really handsome.” You told him as you entered his car. He muttered a thanks and focused on the street.
Taeyong’s colleagues and his group members didn’t know about Taeyong’s affair, so he had to take you with him since everyone thought that you were happily dating.
When you arrived, he didn’t even open the door for you. “Hurry up, it’s cold.” He said as he walked to the entrance with you trailing form behind.
It was a great atmosphere, everyone was laughing or sipping on their champagne. It felt like the first time Taeyong introduced you to his members, the first time he took you to such an event, but of course, your happy memories were destroyed by Miyeon who glanced at you and Taeyong.
You were chatting with Jungwoo, when you noticed Taeyong looking back at her with a small smirk.
“I’m going to the restroom.” He excused himself and you just nodded, knowing exactly where he was going. When he was gone, you saw Miyeon following him. You told Jungwoo that you had to talk to Jaehyun for whatever reason and went after them.
“I missed you.” You heard her voice. “I missed you too.” And then their bodies and lips crashed. They were so bad at hiding, anyone could see them making out If they just went to the restroom. “You’re so hot tonight, yongie.” She called him yongie. You called him yongie. “I need you inside me now.” She said loud enough for you to hear. “Patience, you need to keep your hands to yourself. She’s here.”
“I don’t care about her-“
Jaehyun accidently bumped into you. “Oh sorr-“
You hushed him, he looked to the direction you were looking at. He was about to move but you stopped him. His eyes were full of anger. “Please don’t.” you asked him.  “Let’s go back.” The image of Taeyong kissing her was burned in your mind and now in Jaehyun’s too.
Taeyong came back and took his place next to you. Jaehyun was angrily playing with his food in front of him, as someone who was also cheated on by his ex-girlfriend, he felt so much empathy for you and you were his friend after all, he cared for you. “Jaehyun, you good?” Taeyong asked him. “Mhm…” Jaehyun mumbled. “You sure? You look like you saw a ghost.” Taeyong joked. “Not a ghost, no. I’m fine.” He whispered the first part, but Taeyong still heard it. He just couldn’t figure out what Jaehyun was talking about.
After a couple hours of fake smiling and acting like you were in a happy relationship, Jaehyun’s girlfriend asked you to stay with her for the night, she was worried and didn’t want you to feel alone.
“Yongie, I’m having a sleepover with Jaehyun’s girlfriend tonight.” Taeyong’s eyes light up. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow?” you nodded.
You left the party with Jaehyun’s girlfriend and talked to her about the thing Jaehyun also witnessed.
I can taste her lipstick And see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance Every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And, she's perfect
You woke up and your heart missed Taeyong. Did he arrive home safely? Was he alone? Was she with him?
Questions were floating in your head and you just wanted to go home and take a long hot bath.
You unlocked the door and entered your apartment. The second you stepped in, you knew what was waiting for you in the bedroom.
You slowly opened the door and the first thing you saw, were clothes messily on the floor. Your eyes stopped at the black lace bra, it definitely didn’t belong to you.
Your eyes wandered to the bed, she was laying on your bedside, naked.
They were both naked under the sheets, still asleep after last night.
He fucked her in your bed.
There was a wine bottle on the floor with two wine glasses.
It was over, you held onto something which was over for a long time now. Your luggage was in your closet, you pulled it out and started packing.
Taeyong woke up to the sounds of your sniffing and packing. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his side, Miyeon was next to him but the sounds didn’t come from her. He sat up and looked through the room and his eyes finally landed on your small figure. “Y/n?” he stuttered. You ignored him and when he finally understood what was happening, he got up and put on his clothes. “I-it’s not what it looks like… I-I… what are you doing? Y/n? Please listen to me.” He begged you as he bend down to you. “Stop packing… don’t do that please, just listen to me.”
“I’m not even saying anything, Taeyong. I am listening. You can say whatever you want, it’s just that you don’t have anything to say because it is as clear as water.” You still didn’t look at him as you continued packing.
“I’m sorry, I am so sorry okay, it’s just a one-time thing, I was so drunk last night-“ he lied to you, nothing new. You scoffed, “And you still choose to lie. I’m not dumb, Taeyong. I know everything.” For the first time in weeks, you looked him in the eyes. “Y-you knew? W-Why didn’t you say anything?” his body trembled after your confession. “The actual question is: why didn’t you just break up with me?”
“I can’t break up with you- I need you! Please believe me.” He begged again.
“You don’t need me. Look at me Taeyong, I’m not angry. I understand. You deserve so much more than me. I tried to be like her, I really tried. But you don’t want me. You want her, and I understand. I’m sorry for holding you back-“
“No! Don’t- just, don’t say things like that! You’re so pretty and cute and…” he stuttered, it was his last chance to tell you that. “I need you please, please, don’t go. Don’t leave me.” He started crying. “Why are you crying? I’m not going to hold you back anymore. You finally got what you wanted.”
You left the apartment with all of your things that day. You didn’t even know where to go. The first thing you did was crying loudly in your car, the next thing you did was driving to Jaehyun and his girlfriend.
Two weeks later, you found a little apartment, far away from Taeyong. You moved in with the help of Jaehyun and his girlfriend.
Two months passed and you were hanging out with Jaehyun and his girlfriend again, even Jungwoo Mark and Johnny came to visit you. They were on your side and supported you fully. They never mentioned Taeyong, for which you were thankful.
But if you only knew how much Taeyong was suffering right now.
That day you left Taeyong, Miyeon listened to your conversation and knew that Taeyong would never love her like he loved you. He begged you to stay with him, even though he had promised Miyeon to leave you. Miyeon and Taeyong’s relationship ended the same day.
Every night, Taeyong looked at your pictures and cried himself to sleep. Your side on the bed was always cold, the space on the couch was always empty and even at work, he felt lonely.
One day, he and Jaehyun got into a fight. “You have no idea how much she suffered because of your stupid ass. You can’t act like you got cheated on!” Jaehyun yelled.
“I know that! I know that I hurt her- that I cheated on her… but I miss her, Jaehyun.” Taeyong cried out. “It’s not just about the cheating, Taeyong. You didn’t value her. She did so much for you but still, she wasn’t enough for you.”
“She’s more than enough- and I don’t deserve her,” he sobbed, “I’m a heartless jerk, and she’s perfect.“
SEQUEL: die for you
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Chapter 6 of Moonlight
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{crossposted to AO3}
Chapter summary: Clone Intelligence reports lead the Bad Batch to Bespin, the last sighting of pirates, in which Clair will find herself in an unfortunate event.
Warnings/tags: Mature. Fluff, but also angst. Description of attempted kidnapping.
Word count: 9k
Playlist: everything, polar, moonwalker
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Clair was still enveloped in his jacket, his scent still filling her nostrils once she woke up. It was the single best night’s sleep she’d had her entire life, at least up until that moment. She got the feeling she’d slept in and no one had wanted to go and wake her up, and when she opened the door of Crosshair’s room and stepped into the hallway to the smell of freshly brewed caf, her suspicion had been confirmed.
She was quickly in and out of the refresher and the only difference when she came out was her wet hair. She still had her dress on as well as Crosshair’s jacket from the night before under the excuse that she’d be cold after showering. Clair made her way over to the cockpit hoping to find the four clones scattered around it, each with a cup of caf, but instead she found the cockpit empty. All that was in it was a plate with the last slice of berry pie that had been left from the day before with a small paper over it. In elegant handwriting, it had Clair’s name written on it. The young woman smiled at such a lovely surprise and had just started eating the pie when she noticed the clones were outside of the Marauder, right next to the lake’s shore.
Tech, Hunter, and Crosshair faced the lake, all of them fully armored except for their helmets rather than wearing civilian clothing. Clair walked up beside Crosshair, whose serious gaze softened upon her arrival and even more so when he noticed what she was wearing. Clair directed a small smile up in his direction, but then her attention was drawn to what the brothers were actually looking at.
“He’s still alive, right?” Clair whispered as she saw Wrecker in the boat in a very unflattering position, with an open mouth and drool coming out of it. In response, the three other clones laughed and tried hard to keep it quiet.
“Yeah, he’s alive, he’s just that ugly,” Hunter said. “Look, let’s just give him time to wake up.”
“It’s now or never, Hunny,” Crosshair teased him.
“I think you’re twisted for wanting to do that,” Hunter said.
“I think it’s going to be fun,” Crosshair snarled and looked at Clair. “Say you agree with me, Dumpling.”
“I don’t know what you have planned,” Clair flushed at Crosshair addressing her.
“Just trust me, you’ll laugh,” he smirked at her.
“Oh, no,” Clair waved her hands in front of her. “I get the feeling you’re going to do something bad to Wrecker.”
“Exactly,” Crosshair’s smirk didn’t fade and he then turned to Tech. “It’s up to you then. You’re the tiebreaker.”
Tech’s goggled eyes quickly scanned Crosshair, then Hunter, then Wrecker. He seemed hesitant and he didn’t respond for what seemed like the longest time, but then he released all his tension in a long sigh and looked at Hunter. “Solely for research purposes.”
“What research purposes?” Hunter slurred.
“Monitoring his reaction to this particular event will allow us to predict the way he’ll handle future unforeseen circumstances,” Tech explained.
“You mean the next time we want to play a prank on him?”
“You said we,” Crosshair flashed his smug grin. “You’re admitting you want to do this now.”
Hunter rolled his eyes.
“And to be fair, Tech already made it two to one,” Clair added.
“Fine, but we’re all going to have to push that boat,” Hunter finally agreed.
“Wait,” Clair stopped them and reached into the boat to grab Lula and replaced it with one of Wrecker’s balled-up blankets. “I don’t want her to suffer Wrecker’s same fate.”
“Good thinking, Clair,” Tech complimented. “And well done on replacing it. There would be no way Wrecker would notice Lula’s absence and wake up before he reaches the middle of the lake.”
“Thank you,” Clair did a small curtsy.
“It’s a miracle he hasn’t woken up with all our talking,” Hunter pointed out as he and the others squatted down to grab hold of the boat. “Now, push.”
Wrecker was pretty heavy, being all made of muscle, plus the weight of the boat only added to that. Clair felt like her noodle arms didn’t do anything for the effort and it was the strength of the three clones with her that finally pushed the boat away from the shore. They watched it glide slowly across the lake, each one exchanging bets on how far the boat would travel before stopping. It stopped not very far away from the shore, but just enough so that the water would be decently deep.
And then they waited quietly for Wrecker to wake up. With his goggles, Tech was filming the entire process, recording the sound of the childish giggles coming from the soldiers while Wrecker woke up. Eventually, they all quieted down when they noticed the boat beginning to shift. Wrecker was just waking up, but it would still take a while.
“Do you think maybe it was too mean?” Clair spoke up.
“Yes,” Crosshair answered with that same smug grin, and Clair wondered why she even asked. Still, she loved the prankster nature the brothers had between them. It was nice that more than soldiers, they were indeed brothers, and by all means they deserved to have some fun in the middle of such a nasty war—
Wrecker’s voice echoed in the wide landscape of the lake, booming loud enough to cause a flock of birds to escape from the nearby trees, causing his three brothers to immediately burst into the laughter they’d been containing as Wrecker’s big figure emerged from the boat. He was all but flipping out and he quickly lost his balance, causing him to tip over the edge of the boat and fall into the water with a loud splash that only made his brothers and Clair laugh even louder. Tech had to force himself to keep his goggles upright for the sake of recording, but he was squatting down, still a laughing mess. Hunter was laughing so hard he had to kneel on the floor. Crosshair’s laughter was more discreet, but for once, his lips were curved without an inch of pride or smugness.
Clair watched him as he laughed, memorizing the image of him being so happy. She knew how rare it was to see him genuinely laughing and she found herself unable to look away, knowing she was actively swooning in front of him. The laughter continued as Wrecker swam across the lake, dragging the boat with him since the boys had thought of removing the paddles beforehand. His three brothers were still laughing by the time Wrecker made it to the shore, glaring at all of them as he was still dripping wet.
“Are you happy now?!” Wrecker pouted.
“Judging by the sound and duration of our collective laughter—”
“It was a retro question—”
“Rhetorical,” Tech corrected.
“WHATEVER!” Wrecker brushed off the other three as he looked at Clair holding Lula. “I’m glad at least you have a good heart.”
“What are you talking about?” Crosshair snarled. “Dumpling here helped us push the boat.”
Wrecker faked indignation as he looked at Clair, who innocently batted her eyelashes as she squeezed Lula in her arms. The sight made Crosshair forget his laughter and focus only on her, being too close to picking her up and taking her somewhere private.
“I’m just a sweet, innocent baker, Wrecker,” Clair said innocently. “I would never do such a thing!”
Wrecker chuckled, his anger finally dying down. “Aww, now how could I ever be mad at you?” The comment earned him a shove from Crosshair only for the two of them to engage in a mini shoving match.
“Fine, whatever!” Wrecker finally stopped it. “And what’s with the armor, anyway?”
“Oh, that,” Tech said. “We’ve been called up. Cody wants us in Bespin within the next two rotations.”
“We have a mission and you still had time to play a prank on me?”
Wrecker’s frustration became joy and he openly hugged Tech, lifting him off the ground as he squeezed the engineer’s body, nearly crushing him as Wrecker genuinely got tears of joy in his eyes. “I have nothing more to teach you, brother!” Wrecker set Tech down and finally made his way into the Marauder.
Clair looked after Wrecker as he walked away until curiosity finally got the better of her. “Bespin? The cloud planet?”
“That’s right,” Tech replied.
“Cool, when do we leave?”
Tech and Crosshair exchanged a look before both of them looked back at Clair, and she could notice that whatever Tech had in mind, Crosshair wasn’t entirely on board with.
“We were actually going to suggest that you stay here,” Hunter said for them.
“But…” Clair began. She knew deep down Hunter was right, and she’d agreed on it herself beforehand. She didn’t want to hold four soldiers back, but her opinion was beginning to change when she saw Crosshair was tensing up.
“She could stay with Mora or even Iroh,” Hunter suggested as he placed a hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. “She’ll be safe here.”
Crosshair sighed as he remembered why he initially didn’t want to start anything with Clair. He didn’t want to come and go, risking not returning from a mission and leaving her to her own luck and to deal with that grief. He was never even one to worry about coming out of a mission alive, but for her, that pressure would all but squeeze him to unconsciousness.
“Theoretically speaking, there is no reason she would be unsafe coming with us,” Tech spoke up in Crosshair’s favor as his eyes scanned his datapad. “Cody only mentioned they’d been spotted, but they’ve been running continuous diagnostics all over the city and haven’t found a single threat.”
“Who’s they?” Clair asked.
It pained Tech to answer, but he knew he had to. “Pirates, Clair. The same ones responsible for Naboo and all those other planets."
Clair sighed. "Well then, I don’t want to let you guys go alone either.”
“We’re four soldiers perfectly capable of dealing with this mission,” Hunter countered.
“Yeah, and I don’t want to let you guys go alone,” she emphasized. “Tech said it won’t be dangerous. I could stay on the ship.”
“If anyone finds the ship and you’re there alone, you’ll be in trouble.”
“Then I’ll go somewhere public. Tech said there aren’t any threats.”
“Tech probably shouldn’t have told you that detail,” Hunter glared.
“It is my obligation to provide you with all the details of the mission,” Tech pointed out.
“So says Mr. I-Thought-It-Was-Obvious.”
“I only say that when I genuinely could not have been clearer on a briefing.”
While Hunter and Tech continued to bicker, Clair walked up in front of Crosshair. His eyes had narrowed in contrast to his earlier laughter and for a short time he avoided meeting Clair’s gaze.
“What do you think?” Clair asked him.
Crosshair hesitated, trying to find the words. “I… I don’t want to leave you here. I also don’t want you to come.”
“So you’ll be okay with whatever happens?”
“I won’t be happy with whatever happens,” he corrected her.
Clair smiled at him sympathetically; she really didn’t like the idea of them going there all alone, although she had to admit it was the idea of not having Crosshair around that she didn’t like. She had no doubt that they’d be alright or that they’d return for her once the mission was over, she just didn’t want to watch him leave. They weren’t really anything yet, but what was between them was undeniable. Clair supposed she had to get accustomed to the idea of watching him go to missions often, even though none of them liked it.
Clair then looked him up and down, noticing every detail of his armor. She’d seen it on Naboo before but she never took the time to acknowledge it, and since then he’d been wearing civilian clothes around her. The grey and red looked good on him and she took the time to scan each piece of armor individually. She noticed the attachment sticking out of his left shoulder and ran her fingers delicately over it, observing it as if she’d never even seen a stick before.
“What’s this for?” She asked.
“I sometimes place the rifle there to hit more difficult shots,” he explained with a glint of pride in his voice. “For that I have to press it onto my body and that allows me to be more still.”
Her eyes gleamed. “It seems like something only a real pro would know. Or a real showoff.”
“Exactly,” he said smugly.
They remained silent, both smiling at each other. Clair’s cheeks were beginning to flare a shade of pink; she wanted to tell Crosshair just how handsome he looked in his armor, even if she didn’t find the courage to do so. She still thought it.
“You look nice,” Crosshair broke the silence, gently brushing the neckline of his jacket over her.
“I love it,” she hugged herself. “But I’ll have to return it to you soon.”
“Keep it,” he told her.
“That’s the thing, it needs to smell like you,” she said shyly.
“That’s something couples do.”
Clair blushed a bit harder and she couldn’t help the dreamy grin that took over her as she kept looking at Crosshair, who reciprocated her with a playful eyeroll.
“You’re the one who hasn’t wanted to kiss me yet,” she teased him.
Crosshair chuckled, ironically thinking how wrong she was. He’d wanted to kiss her, needed it. “Do you really want me to kiss you in front of those baboons?”
Now it was her turn to playfully roll her eyes at him, and she would have kept teasing him had it not been for Tech walking past them.
“Crosshair, stop flirting and get back on the ship. Clair, are you coming or shall I escort you to the village?”
“I’ll come,” she said. “I promise I won’t get in the way.”
“I’m sure you won’t be a problem, but we do need to leave now.”
Clair and Crosshair followed Tech into the Marauder where Wrecker had already geared up in the time they’d been outside. Neither Clair nor Crosshair touched on the subject anymore, but Clair did take off the jacket to leave it back in Crosshair’s cot, hoping maybe she could have it back soon.
Bespin was a gaseous planet with clouds as far as any eye could see, and it was nothing like Clair had imagined. All her life, she’d only known terrestrial planets with green flora, lakes, rivers, and blue skies. Any clouds she would see would always be above her, which only made the process of entering Bespin’s atmosphere all the more surprising. It was even more of a shock when Clair was able to make out a platform in the distance that got amazingly bigger the closer the Marauder flew to it.
“Is that a city?” She asked in wonder.
“That’s right,” Tech answered. “It is quite the work of engineering.”
“I’m sure it is!” Her eyes were wide with curiosity. “How does it stay upright? Does it ever move? Has it ever had problems staying up?”
“The main structure has an entire propelling system that pushes in several directions on the x and y axes balancing the thrust in a way that it maintains the city in one place. It keeps its altitude constant using the same principle, only on the z axis. The entire lower level of the city is dedicated solely to the machinery and mechanics required to keep the city afloat. And no, it does not move. To my knowledge, the design is so precise that it does not have any functionality problems provided it is kept under proper maintenance.”
“You make it all sound so simple,” she said.
“Well, there are many calculations behind the physical principles used, but essentially that’s all it is. The laws of physics being followed make way for almost any project to come true.”
“That’s amazing…” the amazement in her eyes and voice hadn’t faded. The look in her eyes was the only thing keeping Crosshair convinced they’d been right to bring her along. He hadn’t lied to her, either option would sure have made him frustrated, and finally he settled on knowing it was better if she was close by.
Once Tech brought the Marauder into a complex of landing platforms around the edge of the city, they landed and exited with Tech in the front, Clair flanked by Crosshair and Hunter while Wrecker guarded the back of the formation. Tech took a few paces with his eyes glued to the holopad, an act any mortal would normally trip while performing, as he scanned all the information Commander Cody had sent him.
The city in the clouds reminded Clair a bit of Coruscant even though she’d only been there once and for not that much time. It was a big city that was luxurious in many ways, and the sun that slowly lowered itself on the sky gave the buildings a warm gleam that contrasted with its blue sky. She wondered for a moment if she’d ever be capable of living in such a big city; the idea didn’t seem so terrible and in some ways she felt it would be fun, but she’d have to decide if she’d be willing to put up with the noise and fast-paced life a city demanded.
“Very well,” Tech spoke up and stopped to look at his squad. “We’ve arrived just in time. Cody wants us at the Central Intelligence building, it’s where they’re monitoring everything from. My guess is I’ll be in central command, and they’ll ask you to monitor outside. There’s just one issue.”
“Please tell me it doesn’t have to do with me,” Clair said.
Tech smiled in sympathy for her. “I am afraid the situation does have to do with you; however, you are not the problem. It is simply that Central Intelligence does not admit civilians into its headquarters unless they’re directly involved with a process, which you are not. I tried alongside our Commander to get you in, but it simply isn’t possible.”
Clair felt a twitch of guilt. “Please don’t go through so much trouble for me, Tech. I’m sure there’s some place nearby I’ll be able to stay in the meantime if you insist I don’t remain on the ship.”
“Good, because we do insist,” Tech said as he reached for something in his pouch. “I configured a comm device when you arrived with us knowing you’d need it at some point. Keep this red light on, that means it’s traceable. To initiate a conversation, just press this orange button. And don’t lose it.”
“I won’t,” she smiled at him with gratitude.
Tech found himself smiling back at Clair. “It’s already in our comm channel. If you use these arrows, you can select if you want to talk to one of us or all of us at once.”
“Thank you so much, Tech,” she told him.
With a nod at her and then one at Hunter, the squad walked down several streets making their way to Central Intelligence. During the walk, Clair curiously scanned every detail of the city. The buildings were different to her and the people had a peculiar way of keeping to themselves, as if nobody wanted to mess with anybody. It was the opposite of what she’d grown up with on Naboo and even at the lake village where the inhabitants were so close and aware of each other that everyone knew everyone’s name. Perhaps it was one of the many differences of being in a big city.
“Well, we are not that far away now,” Tech said. “Clair, there’s a cafeteria right here, would you like to stay here?”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help you guys out?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Hunter said. “We won’t be too long.”
“Although you could get me something good to eat while you’re at it,” Wrecker cut in.
“I’ll see what I can get you. Alright then, take care.”
“We always do,” Hunter said confidently.
“If she’d heard any of the stories the regs tell about us, she wouldn’t believe that,” Tech pointed out. “Anyhow, we should get going.”
Crosshair stayed behind as his three brothers paced away. His eyes were hard and narrow, a look Clair hadn’t seen in a while (and she was glad for that). Still, he’d opened up enough to her for her to know he wasn’t mad at her, but rather, he was worried.
“I’m going to be fine, Berry Pie,” she told him.
Hearing her ridiculously cheesy nickname for him seemed to calm him down, but he’d never be able to be fully at ease when it came to her safety, not unless he was the one protecting her.
“Don’t get out of the cafeteria, alright?” Crosshair instructed. “Stay in here and wait for me to come and get you.”
“Yes, sir,” she feigned a salute before smiling sincerely at him. “I won’t leave this cafeteria, I promise. I’ll be fine, but for whatever reason, we’re in touch. Alright?”
Crosshair nodded reluctantly. “We won’t take long.”
“Okay,” she laughed. “But I think your brothers need you right now.”
He smirked at her and brought his thumb and index finger to tap the bottom of her chin. “Don’t miss me too much, Dumpling.”
She giggled at the parallel he’d made of that time at the lake and she watched him walk off, suddenly missing the peaceful lake they’d been at before this large, sophisticated city. Clair waltzed into the cafeteria and found it to be mostly to her liking except for the fact that there were a few too many people. Her restaurant had only been as full as that during holidays when everyone wanted to go in large groups to her humble cafeteria, but this was a regular day for most people.
She found a small round table next to one of the large windows and took a seat to take in the sight of the cafeteria. Its aesthetic was very different from the Allium Cafeteria. Where her own restaurant had been warm-toned, cozy, focusing on bread and tea and the enjoyment of the simple things in life, this cafeteria aimed to be classy and luxurious, fit for the people of Bespin. She decided to limit her gaze to the mini vase in the center of the table that held an artificial flower. The fact that it was artificial only highlighted the difference between her background and Bespin even more, but at least it reminded her of a real flower.
By that point, she was all but certain that moving into a city would be too much of a cultural shock to her.
A young waiter approached her with the intention of taking her order. As much as Clair didn’t want anymore distinctions between her and the people of Bespin, she noticed the outfit he as well as the other people were wearing, how it was something she’d only see among the higher classes of Naboo while she continued donning her classic flower-printed dress. She stuck out like a sore thumb among all those people.
To distract herself from that, Clair ordered a simple iced tea and a sandwich to pamper herself a little bit and requested to keep the menu to scan it for something Wrecker might like, and she might even pick up something for the rest of the team.
The food was pretty great and she enjoyed her stay despite the initial cultural shock, finding that it was actually really comfortable in its own way. In any case, she was glad that sort of atmosphere could be found in a city as well. With her food now gone, she ordered a second cup of tea, figuring she’d be there for another while. While it arrived, Clair went into the cafeteria’s restroom for a quick refresh, and she was shocked at how even the restroom seemed more luxurious than anything she’d ever aspired.
Clair dried her hands and went back into the small hallway that led to the restrooms, during which she had to walk by two men who were loitering near the entrance. It wasn’t the scenario she’d be most comfortable in for a number of reasons, but she walked on with determination and tried not to make much of it. She stuck to the opposite edge of the hallway and didn’t make any eye contact, not even wanting to notice if she was being watched.
“That’s three under Central Intelligence if we can get through it but I’ve already told you we can’t, get it through your thick skull!”
“Find a way to do it, I don’t want any more pesky clones here on Bespin.”
Clair flinched. Against her will, her pace slowed and her gaze jerked just a tiny bit towards the two men she’d already left behind, but she made her best effort to keep walking. Even so, she shot a quick glance over at them and felt a pang of dread when she noticed both of them were looking at her.
As calmly as she could, Clair made her way back to her table where the cup of tea was already waiting for her. She still felt their prying gazes on her and the things she overheard kept replaying in her head. She knew well what pirates were capable of, she was living proof of it. Her boys were at Central Intelligence and they happened to be pesky clones. Trying desperately to ground herself, Clair took the cup of tea and brought it up to her with shaky hands, so much that she couldn’t take even a single sip of it. She nervously looked over her shoulder and the panic was only beginning to rise when she saw they were still looking at her from that hallway.
She didn’t know what to do. Staying there might make her easy prey, but where else could she go? She didn’t know where Central Intelligence was, but she could always walk out and stay on the comm with her boys, maybe they could tell her where to go. She nearly froze when she saw one of them exiting the hallway and making his way across the cafeteria, though occasionally he’d turn to look at her. Out of fear more than out of reasoning, Clair determined she had to leave now.
She forgot about the tea as much as she would have loved to drink it peacefully. She would have loved not have gone into the restroom, not have overheard anything. Knowing too much was a real sin when it came to pirates, and Clair knew she was in trouble. She dropped enough credits on the table next to the cup of tea, not bothering to think if it would be safe to wait for the check or not, and she went out the door pacing as quickly as she could while she got the comm online.
“Is anyone there?” She spoke, her voice shakier than she would have liked it to be.
“Clair?” Tech was the first one who answered. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“I had to leave the cafeteria,” she looked over her shoulder and felt a cold wave of bitter terror when she saw the two men. “A-and I think I’m being followed.”
Crosshair, as usual, was on the lookout, and it was one of the most calm times he’d ever had to do his job. But when the comm acted up and he heard Clair’s voice, he dropped everything and got down from the tower where he was accompanied by another three troopers, who all looked at him like a weird bug (not that he wasn’t used to that).
“Where are you?” Tech answered Clair, his voice calm and collected.
“I’m exiting the cafeteria,” she answered. Crosshair knew her voice all to well to recognize the terror in it, and it only pushed him to move faster, shoving every reg who tried to stop him.
“I’m heading east right now,” Clair continued.
“Head up there another five blocks,” Tech instructed.
“I’m on my way,” Crosshair said into the comm.
“Crosshair, please avoid making noise—”
“I’ll do what’s necessary. Clair, keep talking into the comm and try to blend into groups of people.”
“And stay calm. I’m on my way.”
“Clair, do you happen to know who’s following you?” Hunter’s voice came in, softer than usual so as to keep her calm.
“I think they’re pirates,” she said. “I accidentally overheard them talking, they mentioned the Central Intelligence building and they weren’t talking really nicely about clones.”
“Thank you for telling us that,” Tech said. “We’ll make sure it wasn’t in vain, just keep walking.”
Crosshair was close to sprinting. He had no problem listening to the conversation in the background, something like that never messed up his focus. The terror only came when he heard Clair grunting through the comm, her voice high-pitched and vulnerable as she struggled against whoever dared lay his dirty claws on her. She weakly grunted out the word “No!” before letting out a louder yelp, only forcing Crosshair to run full speed.
“Let me go!” they could all hear her say. “I don’t know anything, let me go!”
More struggling came through the comm and it was hell itself for Crosshair to listen to.
“Crosshair, help me!”
His feet were taking him faster than they ever had as the only thought in his mind was of saving her. Hunter’s voice then came in through his comm, filling his helmet.
“I tracked her, you’re getting close. Stay on that route, you’re less than half a klick away.”
Crosshair appreciated the help, but he didn’t need Hunter to track her. The impeccable scope of his Firepuncher could see far enough to locate Clair; he pulled the huge rifle out, the sight of it startling the nearby civilians, and he aimed it in the direction Clair was. He got a visual that all but made his blood boil as he saw a man tugging on Clair’s wrists as she tried to break free, looking around for help only to be met with civilians who stared in horror but didn’t dare to do anything about it. Crosshair aimed the weapon, stilled himself even though it was taking all his strength not to lose it, and fired a clean shot at one of the ship’s engines, immediately keeping it from moving more.
His helmet’s scope in front of his right eye helped him keep track of the scene since he couldn’t run as fast if he was looking into the scope of the rifle, and he had to get to Clair as fast as he could. He saw several more pirates scattering around the area, clocking them easily with his perfect eyesight. None of those mediocre goons would be able to outsmart him. As he approached, every civilian backed off, leaving him pretty open to make any maneuver he wanted. Setting the rifle to stun (out of consideration to Clair, who didn’t need grotesque images in her memory), he aimed at the man who was holding her. At that distance, the only thing they could tell was the direction the blast had come from, but they still couldn’t get a visual of him. Crosshair, as usual, had all the advantage.
On his approach, he stunned at least five more pirates, and the closer he got, more of them felt overconfident enough to take him on. Crosshair fought them off, barely even breaking a sweat and even moving them so that they’d wind up hitting themselves before he could use his smaller blaster to stun them all. The area was wide open for him to reach Clair eventually but there was only one more pirate who represented a threat. He moved in front of poor Clair, who was too shocked to do much more than flinch and struggle as he began tugging her and trying to take her away. It would have been way easier for Crosshair to stun that bastard, but whoever laid hands on Clair without her consent deserved at least two worlds of pain.
Crosshair walked up behind the man and first tugged him away from Clair so that he’d be between her and the pirate. After that, the sharpshooter landed a clean, precise punch on the man’s jaw and when he saw he wasn’t knocked out, Crosshair went in for another two punches to then aim the imposing Firepuncher at him.
Bruised and with his lower lip bleeding, the pirate snarled at Crosshair. “You have that thing set to stun. You don’t scare me, pretty boy.”
In a swift movement, Crosshair changed the rifle’s setting and fired a live round that went just past the pirate’s ear, finally getting him to shut his mouth. As a threat, Crosshair aimed the rifle again and paced closer, forcing the pirate to his knees just as a battalion of Clones began arriving at the scene. They cuffed the pirate and began to examine the downed ship, and Crosshair for once let the regs take over the scene. He had more important matters to look at.
He turned around and disassembled the Firepuncher, hooking it behind him. He then removed his helmet as he approached Clair, whose eyes were still startled and her skin was pale.
He gently brushed her shoulder. “Are you hurt?”
Her head shook slightly before she burst into tears and threw her arms around Crosshair, who hugged her back instantly. They remained in the embrace as he tried soothing her to no avail, hearing the background noise of the aftermath of the event. Crosshair bent down and held Clair securely to pick her up and walk off with her in his arms, her legs wrapped around his torso.
“I’m taking her back to the ship,” Crosshair said into the comm.
“We moved the ship,” Tech said. “And it’ll be a while before we can get off duty since Cody wants to perform another scan with what Clair overheard. We’ve been assigned a new landing platform and I’m sending you the coordinates now. It’s farther than the previous so you’ll have to arrive on foot or by transport.”
“You did good, Crosshair,” Hunter said through the comm.
“Yeah,” was all the sharpshooter said before cutting off the comm to better wrap both arms around Clair, walking peacefully knowing she was safe in his arms as twilight hit on Bespin.
He didn’t recall the last time he’d used any sort of public transport, whether to share it with regs or with civilians. He’d grown so accustomed to using the Marauder to go from one place to another if it was too far away to do it by foot. There was something about everyone else that he simply never grew to like or even tolerate. And to think of being in a tiny transport with so many strangers never seemed appealing to him. On the contrary, it was repulsive, beneath him.
None of it mattered. All of it was nothing, and the only thing he cared about was Clair. She was everything, she was the only one who mattered. He led her to the back of the well-lit transport where most of the seats were unoccupied, not even paying mind to the concerned looks he received from the civilians. They were all wondering why a clone with armor as distinctive as his, carrying a big-ass rifle behind him, was escorting a young woman who looked like innocence personified. When they saw her sad, haunted eyes, they understood and gave them their space.
Crosshair motioned for Clair to take a seat. He had every intention of staying on his feet, if only to guard her and cover her from prying eyes even though there was no more danger from pirates, and any other random thug wouldn’t dare put up with Crosshair. But Clair refused to sit and she clung even harder to Crosshair, feeling her soft body pressing onto his armor. He looked down at her sad eyes with his concerned ones, and then he got an idea of how to deal with it. He switched places with her and sat down only to wrap his arms around her and have her sit on his lap.
Immediately, Clair wrapped her arms around Crosshair and snuggled into the curve of his neck while he held her tightly in return with his arms wrapped around her waist. At least she wasn’t fearfully looking around and distrusting everyone. Being in Crosshair’s arms and feeling herself be pressed onto him finally gave her a sense of peace and stability that let her start to calm down. She could pick up his scent faintly, though it wasn’t as prominent what with the plastoid armor that didn’t absorb any of it, she’d still take whatever she could. Clair forced herself to believe he was the only one there with her.
She didn’t even notice her breathing had accelerated until she felt Crosshair hugging her tighter for her to calm down once more. While he kept one arm draped around Clair’s waist, he took another hand up to her hair to stroke it. With a featherlight touch, he traced patterns onto her scalp and played with a few strands of her hair until he felt her body relaxing onto his. Her eyes closed and she felt near drifting off to sleep, knowing it wouldn’t be a problem. She finally felt safe. The memories of the pirates as well as the way they were tugging on her arms had begun to fade, only replaced with the gleam of Crosshair’s eyes when he looked at her as well as the gentle pulse on his neck.
Even though she was close to falling asleep, Clair wanted to thank him somehow. He’d been so perfect and wonderful to her, so determined to save her, and Clair didn’t realize until that moment the impact of what he’d done. He’d arrived just in time before anything terrible happened to her, and it chilled her to think of what could have happened to her if he’d just been a few seconds off. But he hadn’t been. He’d found her and protected her.
A small tear fell down her eye and Crosshair tense as he felt it brushing down his neck, but he calmed down when he heard her voice in a soft mumble of a “Thank you.” He was at a loss for words and only managed to hold her tighter, resting his forehead on hers, their noses brushing up against each other with tenderness. He was grateful too, grateful for having saved her in time, for having protected her successfully. Never had a mission driven him so much and no objective had ever been as important to him, not even the very point of the war seemed important to him. Saving Clair, keeping her safe, soft, away from the cruelties of the war, that was his new objective, the very thing that would fuel him from that moment on.
She looked up at him and he was relieved when he noticed her tears had dried up. He doubted he had the strength to see another tear falling; she didn’t deserve it. Clair looked at him with wide eyes that mustered love despite the scare she’d gone through earlier and seeing how gentle Crosshair’s eyes were towards her even brought a tiny smile to her lips. Crosshair held her even tighter, nuzzling her and planting soft kisses over Clair’s cheek, enough to make her chest explode in butterflies.
The transport came to a stop at the place they needed to be. Crosshair gently helped Clair stand up and led her outside the transport, all the while holding her shoulders so she’d feel safe. Clair clung onto his arm once more as he walked her over to the platform, bringing his comm out upon arrival.
“We’re at the rendezvous,” Crosshair said.
“Yes…” Tech answered hesitantly. “We’re being held up; we still have to file some formalities. We won’t take very long but you’ve got some time to spare, stay nearby in the meantime.”
“Let me know when you’re nearby,” Crosshair said before cutting the transmission and facing Clair again, this time draping his arms around her. “We’re going to be here a while. Are you cold?”
Clair shook her head before looking up at Crosshair and smiling faintly at him. He truly was amazing.
“I’m fine,” she said softly.
His lips barely curved in all his fashion as he simply enjoyed the proximity with her. He lifted his gaze to scan the surroundings of the platform and his attention was caught by a peculiar little shop that made him grin. He took one of Clair’s hands and began to lead her toward it, endeared by Clair’s confused gaze as he walked her away from the platform.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“You’ll see, Dumpling,” his nickname for her all but sealed the calming effect he could have on her, making her forget the previous turmoil of the day. Her hand in his felt right as they walked and something about the difference in their height made them seem perfect together, but Clair’s thoughts would quiet down when she noticed the shop Crosshair had brought her to.
On the main window was a large, three-story cake, front and center. Surrounding it were fruit tarts and pastries that made her mouth water, and on the window next to that, there were several loaves of bread on display. The one that caught Clair’s attention was a loaf of two doughs that had been rolled together, one white and one baby-pink, labelled “vanilla/berry” loaf. She hadn’t seen anything like it before and she wondered why she’d never thought of baking anything similar, and she suddenly felt the urge to try it.
Crosshair gave her hand a light tug for her to follow him inside the little bakery. It seemed oddly cozy and lively despite it being a bakery in the middle of a city at nighttime; there weren’t that many people inside, just a few couples and one large group of friends. The cashier’s eyes lingered on Crosshair and Clair as they walked in, no doubt noticing the striking difference between small, flower-printed-dress-wearing Clair and the imposing armored sniper who escorted her. The cashier couldn’t help but smile at them, thinking they looked oddly cute together.
“How may I help you?” The cashier asked.
“Can I have some of that vanilla/berry loaf?” Clair asked sweetly.
“Sure thing, anything else?”
Clair looked up at Crosshair, who only shook his head gently at her. Despite that, Clair would refuse to have him empty handed in a bakery, her very reign and territory, so she shot a cheeky grin at the cashier.
“What pies do you have?”
A single chuckle came from Crosshair.
“Our special for today is the pecan pie, not too many bakeries around here have it. There is also apple, banana, and berry.”
“Oh, berry pie, you say?” Clair shot Crosshair a glance which he returned with a smirk. Clair then addressed the cashier again. “We’ll have a couple slices of berry pie, please.”
“Very well,” the cashier said as Crosshair gave her the order’s amount in credits. As she finished the transaction, she stole a few glances of the peculiar couple before her, noticing the way the girl looked up at the soldier with a love she’d only seen in legends and fairy tales. What surprised her even more was the love in his eyes, which surpassed that of his beloved by who knows how much. Her protocols prevented her from making too much conversation with the couple although she would have loved to tell them how wonderful they look together, so she limited herself to observing them a bit before she had to move on to the next customers.
Crosshair carried the pie slices and the slice of loaf as Clair picked out a little booth next to one of the walls and sat down. He was about to sit across from her but she looked at him with wide, pleading eyes as he set the pastries on the table.
“Sit with me,” she said barely above a whisper.
Crosshair did as she asked without any question. She scooted over to the wall and gave enough room for Crosshair to sit next to her and he hugged her close to him from the side while using his free hand to take the loaf up to her mouth.
“Eat,” he said softly.
She took a bite out of the slice of loaf, beautifully swirled together, and her eyes shut upon tasting it. Her little moan indicated that it was one of the finest recipes she’d tasted, loaf-wise at least.
“It’s so good,” she said once she finished that bite. “You have to try it!”
“It’s yours—” he was cut off by her big eyes and he suddenly realized he’d never be able to deny her anything. He accepted her offer to try the loaf and it was indeed good, even if it didn’t move him the way it did to Clair. He still preferred anything cooked by her or himself, though nothing material or edible could ever make him feel like that, Clair was the only one who could move him so.
He wasn’t all that hungry and he mostly just spent the time with Clair, an arm still wrapped around her, watching her with that perfect eyesight of his. He observed the way her hair fell gracefully framing her face, the way her eyes sparkled with every time she called him Berry Pie before taking a bite out of her slice. The more time went by, she got closer to him, pressing herself onto him almost to the point where she could use his shoulder pad as a pillow.
The bread was soon gone and their talking had quieted down. They sat in silence merely making eye contact, both still embraced before Crosshair began to slowly lean in. Clair tried not to be too expectant of anything but did allow herself to burst into butterflies when she felt Crosshair’s lips brushing her forehead, planting the biggest grin on her smile. Happy to see he’d succeeded in making her smile, Crosshair backed away with a smug grin.
“There, that’s better,” he said as he began rounding up the empty plates, stacking them in a neat pile and leaving the tip next to them before facing Clair again. “Shall we?”
She chuckled and gently shook her head in amazement, each time more in awe at that man. When he offered his hand to her, she took it and allowed him to lead her back outside. The sky had just gone completely dark and the great city of Bespin wouldn’t let many stars show up, but the lights of the skyline and ships flying by made up for it in a twinkling show of specs only embellished by the two moons already shining high.
Clair once again had her arm linked with Crosshair, but it was different than earlier on the transport or even as he walked her to the bakery. She was more at ease, she was happy, and she trusted fully in that Crosshair would once again kick the butt of whoever wanted to harm her. Crosshair kept her close, hoping to at least be able to provide some warmth for her. Back on the platform where the Marauder should arrive, he stood directly in front of her, his hands gently holding her. He could tell how shy she was every time she averted her gaze and her cheeks became just a bit more red, eventually drawing a smooth laugh from him.
As she saw him laugh, the love and wonder in her eyes faded into a wave of melancholy as the memories of the day behind her returned. The shock had passed and she was well aware that she was safe with Crosshair, but multiple emotions still nagged at her.
“Thank you, Crosshair,” she said softly once her smile had faded.
Crosshair in turn curved his lips up into a faint smirk. “Don’t mention it, Dumpling. It’s my duty.”
“Don’t say that…”
“It is my duty to protect you.”
“Your duty is to the Republic—”
“My duty is to you, Clair,” he surprised himself by saying.
Clair recognized the kindness in his words, but once more she averted her gaze as though she were hesitant and embarrassed. Crosshair wasn’t oblivious to such a detail and his eyes narrowed slightly to keep her attention on his.
“Don’t do that,” he said. “Don’t.”
“I’m not saying anything,” Clair tried brushing it off.
“I know what you’re thinking.”
“Really?” She playfully challenged. “Well, enlighten me, Berry Pie. What am I thinking?”
Both of their smirks faded into sincere looks, and Crosshair finally resolved to tell her as he took his thumb and index finger to gently lift her chin so that her beautiful brown eyes would look at him again.
“You weren’t wrong to come. You’re not a burden to us, and what happened was not your fault. Got it?”
She should have known he’d be able to read her like an open book. She took his hand and moved it back for him to open it in a way that would cup her cheek and she instantly leaned into the warmth of his palm. Deep down, Clair hoped she’d be able to express how grateful she was that she even met that man. She would have loved to remain with his gloved hand holding her tenderly like that, but Crosshair moved it back to gently lift her chin.
His eyes looked directly at hers and she swore he was staring into her very soul, and she was fine with that. All the sounds of the city began to be drowned out as Clair realized Crosshair began to lean into her, having to bend down to reach her small height as he allowed his arms to wrap around her waist once more, and before Clair could make sense of what was happening, she felt Crosshair’s warm lips pressing onto hers. The way it made her feel had her envisioning fireworks along the Bespin skyline, but there weren’t any. All those explosions of love and happiness were inside her as she began to kiss him back allowing their lips to move in a smooth sync.
Her arms snaked around his shoulders and he only took the chance to press her body onto his to not leave any more space between them, and he even swept her feet off the ground and lifted her seemingly effortlessly, only deepening their kiss. He kept one arm securing her hips while the other one secured her torso, allowing for his hand to reach up to her hair and play with it. The small moan that Clair let into the kiss nearly made Crosshair tumble to his knees.
He remembered wanting the perfect first kiss with her and he hoped he’d been able to give her that despite the circumstances. His Clair deserved nothing but the best, but she also deserved to have what she wanted, and he swore to himself never to make her wait on him that way, not when the galaxy was such a vile place to sweet, soft people like her. He swore to never leave her out of his sight, to never let harm come to her, to never spend so much as a day without kissing her soft, beautiful lips, those very lips that were kissing him now and making him feel in paradise. He hadn’t been lying to her earlier, his duty was now to her. She was now everything to him.
Crosshair was beginning to set her feet back down on the ground, but neither one of them had the intention of breaking the kiss yet. They felt so perfect engulfed in each other and at that moment it was only Clair, Crosshair, and the skyline. They would have kept the kiss going had it not been for a familiar whirring of engines that was approaching loudly at them as they pulled apart from each other.
“WOOHOO!!!” Wrecker’s voice suddenly boomed via the commlink as the Marauder made its approach onto the platform. “You two were totally making out and we totally saw you!”
“Remind me to lock you in a closet,” Crosshair snarled into his comm as the ship was landing.
The Marauder’s ramp opened to reveal a happy Wrecker, beaming with pride. “MY LITTLE BROTHER’S GETTING IT!”
“Wrecker!” Crosshair scolded as Clair flushed a deep red.
“About bloody time,” Hunter appeared at the entrance and smiled with approval at Crosshair as he led Clair onto the ship.
“Wait, did you all see that? But you were all the way up there,” Clair questioned.
“We weren’t at a very high altitude upon approach,” Tech pointed out. “Besides, it was hard to miss the way Crosshair picked you up.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes. Ultimately, his first kiss with Clair had been seen by his three nosy and obnoxious brothers despite his efforts to make it otherwise. Clair noticed the irony as well and she couldn’t help but chuckle, and the sound of her laughter pulled Crosshair out of his complaining. He’d finally kissed her, that was more than enough for him.
The teasing kept coming mainly from Wrecker and Hunter once they all made their way inside the Marauder. Tech was a little more focused on getting them out of Bespin, but he shot several happy glances at Clair and Crosshair as they patiently made it through all of Wrecker’s teasing and indiscreet comments. Meanwhile, Hunter was pleased with the way things were going between them, and he could more than tell how grateful Crosshair was even behind the supposedly annoyed looks he shot Hunter every time he teased.
As the ship left Bespin’s atmosphere, Clair kept her hand tightly holding Crosshair’s. She’d been just as happy as he was and just as convinced on everything, and she too had made herself the promise to never let that man go, not for anything in the galaxy.
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Taglist: @zoeykallus @sageislostinspring @misogirl828 @dangerousstrawberrypie @salaminus @ladykatakuri @whore4rex @morganlefaye13 @seriowan @kimageddon @rain-on-kamino @prozacspice
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