#also yes i love that it’s canon that warlocks have no ass
cryptids-and-muses · 11 months
Post canon homestuck crew play Dungeons and Dragons
Karkat and terezi
Co dms
Unstoppable when actually working together
Terezi will get sidetracked messing with karkat
Karkat trying to write a deep and well fleshed out campaign that’s thematically resonant vs terezi’s desire for chaos and traps and trying to “trick” her players FIGHT
Terezi believes in karma and will make the world bend to this
Karkat is trying to set up romance arcs and argues about how it adds to the theming
Dave draws them fanart of their characters. Terezi loves it while karkat argues about accuracy before admitting yes he also appreciates it
Calliope also does fanart and karkat praises her skill and accuracy unlike some people
Arcane trickster rogue
Forest gnome
Just a goofy little guy!
Mostly just playing to have fun, starts off with a fun but simple character who develops over time
Ends up SUPER invested and taking this so so seriously
Karkat worked a dramatic reveal into the, in his words, “bare ass bones two paragraphs that a fucking wiggler could have written backstory” and John did not see it coming and loved it
Goes head to head with terezi a lot on her various traps she designs for them. She is getting more and more absurd with it. Karkat had to talk to her about breaking the world building with things she’s introducing. He is the only rogue. Send help.
Drow warlock
Tries to justify picking drow as anything other than she just thought it was cool
Nearly went old ones for patron but settled on archfey for story reasons
Has a 10 page lore document detailing her tragic past and her toxic relationship with her patron
It became 15 pages after going back and forth with karkat for a bit and adding even more
Only her and one other person are taking the romance arcs seriously and they become karkat’s favorite players
Tries playing morally ambiguous but terezi can be annoying about that and claims it’s just “the consequences of her actions”
Her and karkat both get very very into the scenes between her and her patron, the drama! The acting! Dave is uncomfortable and karkat brushes it off, it’s not like him role playing as his sister’s abusive girlfriend is weird. It’s in fact very important to the plot Dave
Has written fanfic of the campaign
Dragonborn barbarian
Path of the beast
Don’t ask me I just know
Her GLEE when she says “I’m gonna rage :D”
ANIMAL COMPANION! She nearly went ranger just for that but knew she wouldn’t have as much fun. Found a way to get one anyway.
It was harder naming her animal companion than her character
Having fun and likes the problem solving side of things, but likes breaking things with her massive strength just as much
Terezi likes to throw stuff at her, both traps and encounters, and finds it funny if she can just wreck her way through
“See John that’s how you deal with a pressure plate trap”
Takes the rp side of things very seriously
Once argued with Karkat over if her favorite npc would do that and cursed him out
Has read roses fanfic of the campaign
Plays a teifling with grey skin and orange horns
“What are you talking about karkat this is just my dude, don’t you like him?”
Hellus Jeffus
He’s a valor bard, eventually multiclasses paladin
Starts out just trying to mess with people but like John starts getting into it, though he tries to down play it
Have hellus more of himself than he realized and it’s making him face things about himself
Eventually hellus self sacrifices to save the party in this deeply intense moment. There were tears, Dave was wrecked, they went on a whole quest to revive him. It was touching and karkat is smug
Dave might have worked through some things
Halfling cleric
Her and John are small buddies!!!
Started out life but wasn’t having a lot of fun with it so with terezi’s permission switched to war or tempest with later s few levels in fighter
Her John and Jade are the biggest front liners, John’s character ends up really close with both of them as it’s easier for the rogue to bond with the person giving them sneak attack
Jade and jane’s character have an in game arm wrestling match
Took a bit to get into the rp side of things but eventually got the hang of it
Tabaxi, easily, it’s so obvious
After much deliberation settles on glamour bard (though wizard and rogue were tempting for the joke, she wanted to branch out)
So many horny bard jokes but very little actual follow through, karkat gets frustrated by this as she’s all this talk but isn’t pursuing any of the romance options he’s giving her
She has SECRETS! She is HIDING THINGS!! Her cheery persona is a FASADE!!!
Cue complaining to karkat about how hard it is to wait to tell the others about her secrets and him threatening violence if she tells anyone before the in game reveal
She tells jake
Lots of egging on Dave and helping him with his fucking around
The BOND between her and Dave!!! They are the duo to end all duos. Team rocket type shit. There is nothing stronger than the bond between the bards of the party. My theory is it has to do with trading bardic inspiration.
Half elf Druid circle of spores
Wildfire seemed fun to him but wasn’t as good
Wasn’t originally planning on being a Druid but after going over all the classes he liked all the customization and decisions that go into Druid like prepared spells and such
Didn’t really think about his backstory much, just improved something. He keeps improving new additions and it’s getting more and more elaborate and complicated. He has multiple hidden and long lost siblings by this point. Still doesn’t write any of this down. If he messes a detail up he justified it with more improv.
Yes his character has spiked up red hair and sunglasses. Don’t question how the Druid got sunglasses karkat.
Really likes the tactics side of things, he’s even pitched a few things to terezi she updated and later worked in
Sometimes works on plans and strategies out of game or making a million back up characters that play off the others in interesting mechanical ways
Is considering becoming a dm some time
Needed some help making his character, he just didn’t know where to start
Eventually after much discussion settles on a teifling bladesong wizard
Wanting to get away from his usual adventurer style Roxy helped with the backstory and they came up with this evil scientist raised in a cult who’s good hearted but was never taught right and wrong
He gets very into playing him and his moral struggle but can lean a little too good for his backstory, karkat points this out and Jake swears to get better at it
Dave pitched a lot of names for them and it was eventually settled on “Bernard Gunn” even though he has a sword. Jake just likes how it sounds
“Why is he blue jake?” “…..uhhh” “why is he blue?”
Teifling Druid with a focus on healing
Circle of shepards
Not a troll color pallet like Dave though, honestly it might get a bit trickster
Beautiful backstory that she coordinated with one of the others to make joint. The most obvious choice is Roxy but I think it was actually jade, Jane or John.
She gets so into it you guys, like so into it
Gives at least one dramatic speech completely on the fly
The other character who takes karkat’s romance arcs seriously and his other favorite player
Has also argued with terezi about world building and consistency. This may put her above rose in karkat’s eyes
Was also allowed to read rose’s fanfiction and offered full on reviews
Also considering going into doing but for the opposite reasons to Dirk
Fairy artillerist artificer with a dip in war magic wizard
Min maxxed to hell and back
(Technically there was a better race, but fairy has its own advantages and she couldn’t resist)
An elaborate backstory too with some secrets of her own, I’m thinking full on lost princess
Yes she is That Player, you know the one
Has nearly been kicked multiple times and now won’t leave on principle
Not the best at sticking with the party and not just doing whatever she wants, but suprisingly Dirk has been able to talk her into it with his talk of tactics and playing smart
Second most effective is John who just looks at her like “vriska you’re not making this very fun :(“
Fire genasi ranger
Really tried to get into it but this just isn’t her thing so eventually decided to leave the group
Karkat came up with a fun story reason for her to leave and eventually brought her character back as an Npc
Did help rose make a cosplay of her character, after which John, Calliope, and Roxy wanted to make ones too
Vriska eventually tried to “manipulate” into helping her make one for her character
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monsterlovinghours · 4 months
What about the Dons in DnD world? 🤔
I'm sure some are really easy but fell free to do an in depth analysis on their role and backstory. (The easiest one would definitely be Scarabee 👀)
Ooooohh. Since I'm on my phone and typing out long things is hard I prooooobably won't go too in-depth but I invite y'all to reblog with your own thoughts and opinions!
-A while back @realmonsterboyhours drew Bajo as a tiefling and now I can't see him as anything else. He's also bard coded, he's definitely got the charisma for it--he also plays that sexy flamenco guitar.
-You're absolutely right though, Scarabee is a no-brainer. Obviously a warlock, he's got a patron already part of his lore. Has just about every spell or potion ingredient you could think of up in his attic. As for race, I could see a half-elf. Like, there's something of the fey about him, but he's been human or at least knows what being human is like.
-Zhuk is an orc and I'll die on this hill. He's big, he's beefy, he's large and in charge. I'm also going with barbarian, based solely again on art drawn by @realmonsterboyhours of him holding a sledgehammer. Imagine big-ass swords in those meathooks of his. Or a giant axe. Or just picture him saying "fuck it" and beating someone to death with his bare hands. Look at me and tell me he wouldn't do it. Not because he isn't civilized or intelligent but because someone's gotta do the dirty work.
-Cia is an elf druid. I mean, *look at him.* Mans is about as fey coded as you can get and looks like he didn't see something that wasn't a tree until he hit triple digits. If you took the daddy energy out of Halsin, you'd be left with Ciaróg. Also, he helps his tiefling husband with his rose gardens and how cute is that??
-Gio is an enigma. He's absolutely an eldritch horror, but just for funsies, I think he'd take the form of a drow. After a couple of centuries he might change his form, but drow is his favorite. He has a lot of arcane knowledge, things that beings of this plane shouldn't know, so he just tells everyone he's a wizard. Did a lot of studying, you know.
-Saft a half-orc artificer. He's a bit of a big boi, sturdy and thick, but despite his size and his brutish heritage, he can tinker with the most delicate mechanisms. Mostly uses his knowledge to make explosives and weapons; incendiary devices are his favorite. Has built so many guns.
-Bjalla is a vampire. "hhhh but what's his race" LISTEN HERE I'M NOT CHANGING WHAT'S ALREADY PERFECT. Of course he's a fucking vampire, what else would he be? And yes, I believe he would be a rogue. No, I am not saying this because I'm also madly in love with Astarion. There will be no further questions. He's canonically an assassin, you can't tell me he wouldn't be a rogue. Yes, I have a type, leave me alone dammit.
-Mozzie gives me dwarf energy, though his size doesn't quite gel with that idea. Maybe an earth genasi? Something earthy idk. He also gives ranger vibes, someone who travels a bunch. Though in this realm of high fantasy, since internet isn't a thing, he deals in information. He can gather intel, spread rumors, manipulate the flow of knowledge from one person or place to another.
-Lag is a firbolg. He's big, he's fluffy, he's a big ol sweetheart who couldn't hurt a soul if he tried. Also probably a druid, though he's less concerned with plant life and more with animals. He's the fauna to Cia's flora.
-Devlin is a shifter. Like, it's obvious, right? Clearly he's a shifter, he's werewolf coded. And honestly, I think he's our cleric, just because I had the idea that the deity he worships is so ancient and he's been cursed so many times, he's actually forgotten its name. But also how funny would it be to have a cleric that bestows blessings and makes things holy by literally absorbing the curses and evil magic. It's fine, he's fine, it doesn't hurt! Not anymore, anyway.
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sovpologist · 3 years
So I really, really love Destiny 2. I have a soft spot for this game like I've never had for any other game. it's 100% because it seems, at least to me, like the design teams have gone out of their way to avoid anything male gaze-y in the character designs, cinematics, and player character model presentation. I've also noticed in the past two years especially that they've put more effort into referring to the young wolf/The Guardian in gender-neutral terms wherever possible, which was honestly a pleasant surprise. I'm a PC player, so I've never had the chance to play D1, but I think there were some elements of that in D1 (like if you look at Petra's D1 design, she definitely had her shirt glued to her chest and belly 😂), but they at least tried changed her design up a bit for D2. And I think she looks much better, to be honest! Much less silly
The female characters do get sexualized by gamerbros, but I can't even tell you how refreshing it is to play a game where I don't have to worry about suddenly having a pair of heaving tits shoved in my face. Like there is a time and a place for that kind of stuff and I can promise you it's not when I'm trying to do some looting and shooting. I fucking love that the armor for the female model is the same as the male armor, and that there's not a single pair of combat Louboutins anywhere to be found. I recently played TW3 for the first time, and the number of women I had to watch prance around high heels with their tits almost completely exposed was........ frankly really fucking awful, especially when you're suddenly being solicited for sex out of nowhere. like PLEASE leave me alone I just want to run around and stab things. Really made me think about how D2 handles character design and that they very specifically do not have storylines that use sexual violence as a plot point. (bc there's a time and a place for that kind discussion and narrative, and I'm of the opinion that a post-apocalyptic sci-fi space wizard looter shooter ain't it)
I've seen people arguing that it's all pandering, but tbh if being pandered to means Ana Bray gets to have an alive girlfriend and Eris Morn's trauma can be taken seriously AND she can wear sensible shoes, then please!!!!!!! Pander away!!!!
Also on that note but completely unrelated, I think it's hilarious that warlocks almost universally have No Ass. The wild hunt robes really made it obvious that nobody thought we'd ever see a warlock without a long robe
i completely agree. i came from playing games like dragon age and mass effect, which are great games, but they are a little dated. mass effect especially has really cringeworthy female designs and while dragon age is better, there’s still boob armor everywhere. also when i recently took a break from destiny, i got into genshin impact which is just…. ridiculous. it’s very anime style inspired and it’s weird how sexualized yet sexless those characters are. all the women are in skimpy, skintight clothing and yet it’s impossible to be actually attracted to them (for me) bc their ingame models look like weird childlike dolls. it’s just creepy. the cutscenes also constantly focus on the women’s boobs and asses. it was honestly so refreshing to come back to destiny and just have female characters that i felt werent sexualized at all but rather were just treated as people. it’s SUCH a low bar that unfortunately is often not cleared even now.
d2 is a def better than d1 but even d1 is better than a game like overwatch, which is another game i used to play a lot. i actually got into destiny bc an overwatch fanartist i loved started drawing a lot of destiny fanart. take these two characters- they’re both wearing the same kind of skintight jumpsuit, but where dva’s is vacuum sealed to each individual boob, elsie’s is much more realistic and acts like…. how fabric should actually act in this situation. it’s almost reminiscent of a sports bra.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
i also don’t think it’s pandering bc bungie never tries to pat themselves on the back for this or market the game as this hugely feminist game. trust gamer bros to take literally just the bare minimum aka what they SHOULD be doing as pandering.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
we know how drunk Alec behaves but what about drunk Magnus? Okay we know that he’s a warlock and probably has the capacity of a whole ass frat party of 45 white boys and that he’ll probably never get drunk drunk (instead of that one time in the show that we won’t be talking about)
drunk Magnus around Alec+kids+tmi+warlock gang head canons pls
I think drunk magnus would be very cute. He would be bit of a himbo, me thinks. It would be like...Magnus: I can lift this table with one hand!! Alec: Of course you can, you are a warlock! Magnus: omg I am a warlock dkjfhsjdbfhjs yay!
Drunk Magnus loves to go on late night adventures. He would wear the shiniest clothes, put on heart shaped sun glasses and walk into a diner and just buy everyone free food.
Drunk Magnus absolutely loved shopping - more so than usual. Izzy is here for it.
Drunk Magnus calling Simon by his real name and Simon crying lol.
Okay but drunk Magnus can get nsfw very easily though - he makes a lot of dirty jokes. Jace just sitting their covering Max's ears the whole time.
Drunk Magnus is also very generous. He would be like "yes max and rafe you can have anything you want! what do you want? a pyramid? your own netflix show??? a sword made out of rubies????" and Alec just being like "no".
He would be the kind of person who would be like "omg you guys! let's play a game!" when they are drunk and they do something like hide and seek and then he would go hide in Japan or something lol.
Drunk Magnus dancing - especially for Alec :)
But also imagine Alec putting drunk magnus to sleep!!!!!!!
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Rant about Mystreet Season 6
Now I love Aphmau’s channel and series, have since I was 10, but this last season of Mystreet and parts of season 5 could have been so much better. This is meant to be no “attack” or “jab” at Jess and Jason’s writing, these are merely opinions from a long-time fan. I am gonna go on a bit of a rant about the parts I personally feel could have been MUCH improved on. I would like to preface this with saying that I really do not enjoy this season and therefore do not re watch it a lot. Its also 4:40 am my time so this might turn into a sleep deprived ramble but anyways, here we go...
Kawaii Chan/ Nana
I adore Nana. She has consistently been my favourite female character for all 6 seasons of the show and in diaries but holy she has done wrong this past season. Getting almost killed and then not having any involvement what so ever. The majority of her screen time, especially near the fight with the demon warlock, just felt like the writers forgot she was there and wanted to give Moeka lines. Her involvement with Zane was the only moments she seemed to have. Speaking of her and Zane... While I love them as a couple, I also despise the fact that Nana only ever got development or a backstory when it came time to ship her with Zane. I wish she could have been more explored earlier on aside from being the “annoying, shippy, meifwa girl”. She got the short end of the stick recently and I hate it.
I have really never liked Aaron. From him being a high school senior dating a freshman to him literally murdering people, I never liked him. This season really didn't help that. Aaron ended lives, we see him kill Blaze and is he punished at all for it ? No. Yes, he was blinded and lost his memory but that wasn't as a reprimand for his crime of I don’t know MURDER. Aaron and Irene’s constant interactions make zero sense to me. One man cant be brought back to life by God twice. I get a bad sense that through-out season 6, we are meant to be supporting or sympathising with Aaron but I just cant. We are treated to numerous flashbacks to Aaron’s past, inter-cut with scenes of him committing various horrid actions. His father raised and treated him horribly but that is no excuse for murder. The ending of season 6 seemed almost hopeful for Aaron with the “hope” of him and Aphmau reuniting and I honestly don’t feel it is 100% earned. 
Ultima/ Werewolf 
This point isn't so much a critique on season 6 specifically but on the series as a whole. Aaron and his family being werewolves, being descendants of the ultima werewolf no less, came out of no where. Werewolves being introduced into the main plot could have been cool but instead the majority of it came off being rather cringey, specially in Phoenix Drop High. Anytime a werewolf would call Aphmau or Aaron “Alpha”, I could feel my skin crawl. The dealing of almost species based discrimination in season 6 was down right awful and Im not even talking about Aphmau wanting to be turned. The whole ordeal with the restaurant denying the werewolf pack service was over and dealt with as soon as it happened, The werewolves being hunted in season 6 because of the possibility they were an ultima and Katelyns reaction to Aaron being a werewolf seemed to come out of no-where. The idea of discrimination based on something someone can not control in a minecraft story could have been a way to teach younger kids a great life lesson but the majority of story lines involving werewolves were so half-assed, you cant even make a successful anecdote out of them. 
MCD/MS Connection
In the last season of MS, they really tried to shoe-horn in this connection with MCD which honestly creates nothing but plot-holes. A MS/MCD connection could have been a really cool concept and piece to see but its so rushed and forced, it just comes across as awkward and last minute. If the writers really did want to merge the two series or at least have them canonically exist in the same universe, they should have been setting it up from the first season. Overall, the two series are so vastly different from their environment to the characters that a complete mash up of the two would be so jarring. Just imagine Zane from MS meeting Zane from MCD or all of the MCD characters in a world without Wyvern, common use of ships, lords, and being introduced to the technology. A series combining the two would be fun and it would be fun seeing the characters interact and meet each other but it would need to be well thought out instead of just saying “and now here’s Irene and the demon warlock” which is what season 6 did. 
Dante/ Laurence
The Laurence curse strikes again but this time, its not just him. Since season 2, there has been a “tendency” to forget Laurence in the shows events. He was absent throughout Season 2 and again for Seasons 4,5 and 6. Dante, however, was very present in the first 3 straight seasons of the show. No one expected for him to disappear out of the blue ;) like that. Laurence disappearing could make sense, maybe Sebastian was booked up at the time or other personal reasons but Kestin voiced Zane and Eric throughout the show. Season 5 of the show I will cut some slack for forgetting them, It already barely made sense for how characters like Kai or Nate were there, but forgetting Laurence in Season 2 seemed odd. Dante and Laurence not only could have helped the “gang” but they could’ve provided some great entertainment and story lines but instead we got Ein ... again.
Eins rant will be shorter as while his character in season 4 did not leave much of an impact on me, his story could have been written leagues better. Eins story line and subsequent death was insanely fast. We got the spotting at the end of season 5 and a poorly done B plot throughout season 6. Ein is a fairly good villain with some decent potential, he could have been much more utilised. Ein served only to kill Aphmau then die. His character got walked all over. Literally. He caused such shit in season 4 and his death was a simple *stomp*. Are you kidding ? Everything could have been just ... better. Not only in regards to Ein but for the entire season. 
Closing Thoughts 
Overall the season was not good, in my opinion. Mystreet works much better as a episodic show like a slice of life anime, as a story driven series like a shounen it does not. If the rumours about a season 7 are true, I really hope it is at least a bit better than this one. It as a whole was a mess. To reiterate, this is meant as no attack on the writers or BluJay Studios but as a critique on this particular season. I love Aphmau and the Mystreet series but this was its low point. Thank you for sitting through my incoherent rantings about a minecraft show. :) have a great day/night !!
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captainsspnanon · 3 years
C3E1 - reaction liveblog
I hate that I’m not going to be able to watch all of this tonight, BUT I AM READY!!!!!!!
What the funky ass mushrooms???? I LOVE IT, PLEASE BE A PLACE THEY GO TO
Pre-stream art is showing a lot of non-Marquet stuff though, so maybe not. :(  SAD I WANT TO SEE IT
Some of these locations though, omg
Wait, Gilmore with a dude.  Is that from ExU?  Dammit, I haven’t seen it because I assumed it wasn’t going to be campaign canon, bu I guess it is. *sigh*  I’ve seen the Narrative Telephone with the cast, I’m just worried it’s going to be TOO chaotic for me.  The NT episodes WERE, and the first hour or so of ExU that I saw didn’t seem like my speed.  WELL, we’ll see.
Several art with VM, but no M9 yet…
Downside of watching live?  Can’t skip through breaks and can’t watch art reel at faster speed (‘cause I love the art and don’t want to skip it, but at the same time don’t want to spend so many minutes on it)
And HOPEFULLY I’ll be watching live each time now!  Or at least during the day on Friday, if I can’t stay up late on Thursday.
More VM art…
I’mma try to make my C3 reactions spoiler free for C1 and C2, but I’ll tag as necessary if I think I say something too risky.  NONE OF Y’ALL PROBABLY CARE, but I’m doing it for the non-existent followers I’m pretending I have.
Desperately hoping my basically dead laptop doesn’t die, because I’m using it to type and I won’t be able to recapture these thoughts if I lose it. As long as I don’t try to use the internet, it SHOULD be fine, ‘cause that's what caused it to keep dying before…..
Liam and Laura sitting together!!
Sam in a suit!  Not doing the shirt bit, I guess.
Travis and Marisha together again too
I’m only starting to look at the set now, that’s incredible!
Eeh, cutaways for ads.  Not a huge fan, even though the ads are fantastic!
Fuuuuck, reminder that Sam is tall as shit.
Also, sorry, but bearded Sam is hot AF.
The thing that I am sad about the cut aways is I can’t see their reactions.
Marisha hot AF
Ashley looking hot AF
I want M9 dice!  PUT OUT M9 DICE PLEASE
new opening time!!!!!
...tf?  I’m hoping that means that we have one ready with the new characters in it, because that wasn’t an opening.
Ooooooo, awesome starting setting!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Laura sorcerer!! Human?  Low strength again
WHAAAATTTTT Warlock/Sorcerer and what the fuck is she????? OMG  High charisma though!!!  Excited!!!!
Kinda sad that the rest of the cast isn’t there for the descriptions though….
So spellcasting for both, but limited spellcasting
This set is so fucking good, though I’m sad there’s not more behind Matt.  Maybe he’ll have more projections behind him?
This setting is so fucking awesome I need to see fanart and also keep learning it!!  Too complicated for me to learn on first watch.
GOD THIS SET  with everyone else gone I can’t help but stare!
Want the other cast to come in soon!!!  Not sure how I feel about it starting to separate and the beginning.
Oh god I need to learn the new names!!!!   That’s gonna take a bit!  Imogen and Laudna?  Think I got it.
...why do I feel that Laudna’s gonna kill me this campaign?  Like, maybe it’s just ‘cause Marisha’s HOOOT right now that it’s adding to character appeal.
Subtitles have errors, but that’s okay
Mindreading feature??? Overwhelming minds?? OMG
Lots of new races being brought in, unexpected to me!
Sam put on the shirt omg
ASHONT!!!  Tal’s character! WHO WHAT GIVE ME ART
He/They Earth Genasi!!!  Barbarian!!!!   Oooooo.  Low charisma, that’ll be interesting.
Fuuuuuck this is a cool looking character.  Did he make the teenage asshole character that he played in the Critmas oneshot?
Also, multiple NPCs tied in to PCs now already….does this mean West marches campaign might be an actual thing?  Hate that I’m kinda worried about this….I should trust CR, but I don’t want a campaign where they’re not all together.
Fresh Cut Grass??? Letters???????  OH GOD HE DID GO WARFORGED.  Cleric!!  Damn, which means no Liam Cleric, sads.  BUT HOW TALL IS HEEEEEEE
Tal has no real accent, Sam is strong AF
Oooh, this is going to be interesting characterization for FCG
Kinda hope Sam doesn’t continue the shirt bit the entire time, but I feel like he will.  Ah well.
Another NPC.  Yeah, I’m worried and hate that I’m worried.
Lol Sam’s already falling out of the accent.
The other cast aren’t in another room, good.  Just heard Liam laugh.  Bleh, wish they could have been on camera then.  It’s one of the things where I feel like they’re playing to the camera versus playing for themselves, which makes me a bit sad.
Looooots of NPCs
Sam is quite small, apparently, continuing the trend!
Marisha and Sam, favorites so far!
Over an hour, still missing PCs, and no interactions with the group.
Robbie!  ...Fuck, I don’t want a west marches style campaign….
Wait is this literally the ExU cast
are you shitting me
I haven’t seen ExU
I have many many MANY mixed feelings right now
Yeah…...worried as shit now.  I don’t know how I feel, I really don’t
….I do love Fearne’s voice at least, though I didn’t get to know her because I haven’t seen ExU
Fuuuuuuck Orym’s voice is way too hot AF
Chaotic fucking Ashley, omg.  FEARNE.  I did like them from what I saw at the start of ExU!  It’s just that I didn’t continue after the first hour or so……
Interaction??? ARE WE FINALLY GETTING INTERACTION????  An hour and a half in.
Like, I’ll be fine with this if Robbie is a permanent if it’s still all the cast being together.  But if it’s splitting them up, I’m going to at least start off disappointed.
Also I hope Travis is actually going to be here?
SET GOING SUNSET AAAAAAAA and everyone freaking out I love it!
Oh god yes they’re getting together thank god.  Let this not be a west marches campaign and I’ll be happy.
But no Travis.
But Robbie is kinda shifted over?  So it seems like there’s room for him?
What the fuck is this amazing initiative??!?!?!?
..Oh man, Cap.  I’m gonna need your thoughts.
I want to see the minis up close
What the fuck Marisha this is amazing
Wild Magic Barb for Tal????
...I hope they don’t to the HDYWTDT for every kill, but maybe because it’s the first battle?
Hmmm….almost Fjord voice.  I hope he starts differentiating it more later on.
So Travis is level 5, ExU cast is level 3, what are the others?  3 or 2??  So will this be exp or milestone?
Tal (Archon? Ashton?  I FORGET) already lying and pickpocketing.  Okay, we’ll see how I end up being about this.
So.  Two sorcerers, two fighters, bard, barb, cleric, druid, and warlock.  Alright, gonna be interesting
Break now.  Man, I already want a Talk so bad!!!  I have so many questions!  Why use the ExU characters?  Why bring back Bertrand Bell?  Why different levels???  I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
I should be going to bed now, but I don’t want to.  Why do I think I’ll be staying up the entire time and FUCKING REGRETTING IT IN THE MORNING
You know I hadn’t thought of it, but I feel bad for people starting with C3, because they HAVE to know stuff!  They have to know ExU!  And the one shot for Bertrand Bell!  Which means VM!
Alright, Bertrand’s voice has aged a bit, so now it sounds more different from Fjord.
But Bertrand is really speaking like he wouldn’t be a part of this, which makes me nervous again for west marches style
FCG really spilling backstory here
Mmmm, don’t think I like the night effect, it really washes everybody out
Yeah, I can’t see Travis playing this character long term, its’ way too much of a silly one shot character.
Interesting that Sam’s starting his character off as a tag-a-long again like Nott.
Okay good, they recognized we were all confused
I LOVE seeing Ashley making bold choices this campaign
Lots of rolling against each other so far
I’m much more quiet in the second half as now I’m just watching it play out
Okay, I cannot WAIT to see how Fresh Cut Grass is going to be halfway through the campaign and by the end
Why do I feel like the Lord dude is just Scanlan in disguise
Fireplace is cool, but it turns on the night sky.  They might need to fix that
…...weeeeird ending
Mixed feelings overall.  Wish I’d have a good idea of how the campaign is going to go, at least in terms of everyone playing at once, or broken up into teams
Interesting start! Looking forwards to seeing how it goes
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archivessuggest · 3 years
I’m planning an overall series where the Fears still exist but instead of them being fears they’re just the overall 13-14 magics that make up the world they live in but also it’s a Harry Potter crossover which is ONLY important in so much as one of the previous Magnus employees was a warlock that liked to play around with the old archival staff and made them what basically amounts to a secret door that they open and it’s a full ass living area sorta like one of the Hogwarts common rooms (cozy and lots of stone walls and such cause my personal HP theory which is way more important than canon cause a lot of canon was racist and ignorant, is that it’s not that magic can’t be around tech it’s just that magic sorta makes tech evolve because magic lives in the air like tech waves which means magic and wifi too close tend to get weird n shit like that) and when Jon gets the archivist position there him and Martin (who becomes a worker there too) get debriefed by Elias (who is still Jonas but Elias actuallyWILLINGLY gave his body over after one too many failed suicide attempts ooof and Jonas is ACTUALLY a good person bent on the preservation of magic knowledge n shit but also rich af lol) and Jon was informed that if he took the job the Archivist position would change him but for the better in a lot of ways and so he said okay and they moved down there but after they get attacked by Prentis (gotta keep some villains but it’s just easier if they work for a non-evil place lol) they hire additional security for the archives which are Barisa and Daisy (cause ACAB even in UK so let them have redemption arc where they leave the force) and Georgie and Melanie eventually get jobs there too and move in with them and bring The Admiral and it’s found family in the basement. Sasha is alive and happy but she works out in the actual basement beyond the secret door because she works with computers, Daisy basically follows Jon around like an oversized puppy to bodyguard him if he leaves which makes Martin hella jealous when he realizes Jon likes her but Barisa is basically the only person Daisy likes like that and she finds it hilarious and it’s amazing.
Anyways. One day Jon and Daisy are heading home from a grocery run (they have a secret entrance from the outside of the archives so they’re not tramping through the whole ass institute with groceries and getting weird looks) and they find two kittens in a cardboard box in an alley. So obviously they bring the babies home too. The Admiral immediately claims them as his children, which is good cause Georgie and Jon have fostered kittens before and after their checkups and shots they are ready to take in the new babies.
But the hilarious part. The fuckin hilarious part. Is one day. One of the kittens. Follows Jon out of the archives (he tends to let the cats choose if they want to go to his office with him or not since he still uses it as his office outside the communal living quarters, and one of them chose to cling today) and he gets pointed out by one of the Less Magically Inclined staff upstairs. So. Jon. Is like. ‘Oh shit.’
But Daisy suddenly pops up behind him and picks up the baby (who loves his giant momma) and asks why Jon brought him to work today. And Jon catches on. Cause the guy who pointed him out legit just accused him of hiding a kitten in the basement and ‘that is SO not allowed, is it???’ And Jon wanted to stop the guy before he got reported to HR, so he’s all ‘oh. Okay. Bag? Baby made nest in bag??? Didn’t see!!! Took baby to work!!!!’ And it’s the dumbest excuse ever but they buy it with the simple fact that Jon is the biggest workaholic ever and probably wouldn’t run a kitten home just cause he accidentally brought him in lmaooooo.
Anyways. I just need a FIC where they have a secret cobblestone cottage in the basement that can be infinite and is v cosy and they all love it. Tim and Martin basically control the kitchen and even tho a lot of them like making their own food, sometimes Martin and Tim take it over for a day to stuff the fridge full of leftovers and meal prep. Sasha and Barisa like sitting in the main room’s armchairs and reading books for hours. Jon and the cats love the giant fireplace (which def works for floo too but it’s a closed system so you need permission to get in first) because warm, Georgie does her podcast still and Melanie goes to therapy because she’s still got a lotta issues, even when she doesn’t hate Jon and the Institute (and acting as tho those are her only issues when she’s openly stated that she’s had anger issues for as long as she could remember and have lead to a lot of self endangerment both past and current... ya my girl needs help) and can be in the same room as Jon with them only minimally hissing at each other, Daisy is happy and safe knowing that her charge (Jon) and her mate (Barisa) are safe and well cared for, (maybe she’s a werewolf... tho not the same way HP does it cause that’s a mega homophobic and evil way I like writing them like Teen Wolf wolves cause let them be growly and in control at times but yes they v much still belong to the Hunt) and it’s just nice all over.
Everyone is happy. Deal with it. The only reason why I really came up with HP crossover to begin with cause my OTP Draco/Harry/Luna came to smack my brain and I decided that Harry woulda been grabbed by The Distortion right after Hogwarts cause he walkin around with the elder wand, the invisibility cloak, the philosophers stone, the sword of griffendor, AND the resurrection stone.
Trust me. That bitch was like ‘wtfffff’ and stalked the kid till he was disappeared. Then Luna (who’s existence was only known cause of Harry) found the yellow door like four years later and walked in without hesitation. She later on takes over Michael instead of Helen and she’s strong enough to keep things sane. Then she ejects Harry (who’s still somewhat human but becoming an avatar) and drops him on Draco’s doorstep and tells him to take Harry to the Magnus institute so they can make sure he’s as harmless as he seems. Which she already knew and it was mainly just a slightly long term plan (lmao long term it only took three months) to get Draco to willingly leave with them too lmaoooo Luna was all ‘hmmm... why have ONE ex bf when I can have both of them???’ And now. Ships. Harry is their... pet? Ya.
Anyways byyyye.
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Raphael and madzie!! please I will sell you my firstborn for some Raphael and madzie content. Like him babysitting and sleepovers and playing dress up and watching Disney movies together. Raphael wearing this tiara and him and madzie playing together. Baking and singing together, going on trips to the park together and Raphael just being so happy.-
-Like if you think about it they are technically cousins🤔 with the whole found family thing, Catarina and Magnus are siblings Raphael is Magnus’ son ergo madzie and Raphael are cousins but they still think of each other as siblings. Raphael is her big brother! Please🥺
ok anon i hope you know that you are literally my new favorite person in the whole wide world and this ask is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i will literally never shut the fuck up about raphael and madzie i will make this brotp a thing if it KILLS me just you watch
idk if id say they are technically cousins because i don’t know if catarina and magnus consider themselves siblings - definitely family for sure, but i get the feeling it’s more of a “generic” family feeling rather than a Specific Dynamic you know? but either way this is found family so it’s not like family tree/architecture is actually that stiff and matters that much, RAPHAEL IS MADZIE’S BIG BRO idc
and it’s literally canon that raphael is the best, most thoughtful, caring and dedicated older brother so like!!! honestly it’s what madzie deserves. she has a wonderful mom (two if you subscribe to dotarina raising madzie together <3) and underful uncles and a wonderful brother who is always on her side and would do anything for her, and that! is! fantastic! 
especially because like madzie is implied to be used to big families, since iris was going around making an army of warlocks basically lmao and like of course that was an abusive family dynamic but the point is that she was used to having siblings. but she was also implied to be the eldest and now she is the youngest! and she gets to have a nice big bro who takes care of her and plays with her and has her as a priority and i just 🥺🥺🥺
and god not to be a slut for raphael and rosa but i picture raphael just telling madzie all that he could about rosa?? you know??? he’s all like “you have an older sister too, you know? it’s a shame you never got to meet” and madzie kind of tilts her head and asks him to tell her about it. so raphael does. he sits down with her and shows her pictures of the both of them together from their childhood up until her death, and he tells her all the stories he possibly can. he says, “she would have loved you just as much as me. she always wanted to be someone’s older sister. said she wanted to take care of them like i take care of her” and madzie is all like “she sounds sweet. i wanted to know her, too” and raphael tears up slightly and he’s like “yeah. yeah. me too, cariño” and she hugs him
and like not to slut over this but i like to think that raphael teaches madzie about the monarch butterflies and día de los muertos and one day they are playing outside and a monarch lands on madzie?? and madzie calls it “rosa” and the butterfly is just flying over her head, alternating between her and raphael, for the whole afternoon? and raphael chokes up. fuck it all the legends are true, i love this alright
just like.... obviously raphael’s relationship with madzie is not some kind of substitute for his relationship with rosa, because madzie deserves better than that and no one can be rosa but rosa. raphael loves madzie for madzie, because she is sweet but fierce, extremely intelligent and with a playful/slightly mischievous (in a good way) side that is slowly blooming as time goes by and she heals from her abuse more and more. she is also good, endlessly caring, kind, compassionate, imaginative, affectionate. madzie is madzie and that’s all she needs to be. but the idea that raphael has someone to share rosa with, even if madzie obviously doesn’t feel about her the same way raphael did as they never met, but to bring her into this new family in a way... and let madzie knows that she also has another sibling looking out for her, even if from another plane... that’s nice and good food okay. and i think madzie would want to know about her, just like she tells raphael about her other siblings from when she lived with iris, even if they never got to be too close (cuz i doubt iris would risk letting them become very close and eventually realize her abuse and possibly rebel against her) 
maybe it’s madzie herself who brings it up, she asks raphael about the pictures in his home or about his “ave rosa” plaque 🥺 and he tells her about it and makes sure that she knows that he doesn’t love rosa more or less than he does madzie, just differently. they are both his little sisters no matter what
anyway! onto more rapha&madzie focused headcanons. first of all you are so correct about playing dress up and shit, raphael is a SIMP and a sucker for his lil sis so he absolutely will wear a tiara if she asks no questions asked. simon sees it one time and he doesn’t even consider making fun of him because raphael shoots him a glare that absolutely reads as “i double dare you, motherfucker”. not because uwu girly stuff just because he has this whole serious vibe and there he is with a tiara and tiny braids. we stan
also look i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, raphael absolutely learns how to handle black/kinky hair for madzie. he was used to doing rosa’s hair but that was very likely straight or just wavy hair. madzie’s hair texture is different and raphael makes it a point to learn everything he can about how to take care of it and make hairstyles that she might like and won’t hurt her, okay? and yes i know that madzie straightens her hair but i like to think that over time she stops. i kinda headcanon that one of the reasons she did it was to look closer to iris, plus just the fact that as a white abuser i doubt she exactly planted it on madzie to love her natural hair. but over time living with catarina and being closer to a mostly-poc family and seeing maia and other beautiful black women with their natural hair and/or afro hairstyles, she stops straightening it, and everyone encourages her, raphael included. he even uses that, like, “i’ve been learning how to do these hairstyles for you, you know” and he shows her some and she gets so excited about trying them and it’s great
(initially he has catarina’s supervision, because again black hair is important and even if raphael is a moc he’s still nonblack. but catarina trusts him and he’s always so careful and makes sure to always listen to what she says, asks questions and all but takes notes lmao, so it works) 
and baking!!! i mean look madzie is gonna be naturally prone to liking to bake, as a warlock and shit. and if regular kids already play with making potions, warlock kids are definitely even worse, especially because she does see catarina, dot, and magnus doing that all the time so it’s one of the things that she likes to mimick. and baking is basically potion making but edible and solid lmao. but like she loves it, mixing the batter, adding sprinkles, seeing as the textures change and the taste builds and stuff like that, you know? she’s definitely fascinated by it especially because she does it without magic and it’s just, wow, so cool to her?? and raphael as the cook that he is is more than happy to teach her, bake with her, and see her enthusiasm. raphael with oven mitts taking a batch of cookies out of the oven yall. i need a second
and like i absolutely subscribe to genius madzie because LOOK that girl is endlessly fucking smart and so intelligent especially for her age, not to mention powerful and observant and just, she’s brilliant. and with both catarina and magnus, huge nerd extraordinaires, and possibly maia because i like to pepper in the fact that maia and raphael are dating, she gets all the incentive she could possibly want to want to learn about both mundane science and magical theory
but in short like! raphael getting her those chemistry sets for kids, you know? where you have some recipes and you can mix up ingredients and they change color or otherwise change and shit? my friend had one of those when we were kids and my god i loved it so much, i was just fascinated. i think madzie definitely would love it, and raphael knows that she will, so he takes a whole day off for when he brings her this gift because he knows they will be playing all afternoon. and they do! she’s super excited about it and raphael as usual is all careful and teaching her how to do it properly without spilling and taking the measures appropriately and stuff. and it’s super sweet
initially they follow the recipes and raphael’s autistic ass is just delighted to do that, but madzie quickly starts doing some #improv, and again, because she is a genius, she quickly starts to figure out what each substance does. so she’s texting theories, trying out experimenting, seeing if she’s right, trying to asses her work? you know? basically literally a mini scientist using the scientific method and stuff and raphael is so proud of her and in awe of how smart she is and he tells her that she’s the smartest kid he’s ever met and kisses her forehead and she giggles and is just super excited?? 
also sometimes she asks raphael what he thinks and he’s just like “uhhh” because he has no idea lmao he’s just happy to see her do her thing and help her with the practical parts. and she giggles at him and she’s lowkey outraged but again, she’s just sweet and he loves her
i also 100% think it was madzie who figured out a potion to make raphael able to eat (oh look what is this fic that mentions that doing here) because FUCK mundane raphael all my homies hate mundane raphael, the heavenly fire made him a daylighter. and she could see how sad raphael was that he didn’t get to eat at all, especially because he clearly loved food and he always had this sort of longing when they were cooking together, you know? it also made her sad that he couldn’t try her cooking, and he was always telling her that to cook, you need to always taste what you’re making, and once she says “but you can’t do that” and he looked so sad she immediately felt bad about it, even if obviously it isn’t her fault
anyway my point is she knows how much this means for raphael and she wants him to be able to eat human food again, both for him and for herself. so she spends a long time studying vampire anatomy/digestive system, food properties, and magic, and she eventually figures out a potion that he can take before a meal that makes him able to eat. it goes slowly, initially he can only drink, but eventually she does figure out a way to make him eat anything and he just cries like a baby tbh. she is worried for a second but then he takes her in his arms and hugs her fiercely and peppers kisses on her face and says that this is one of the best things anyone’s ever done for him and that he’ll “forever be in her debt” or something that makes her laugh because raphael doesn’t owe her anything, he’s her brother. and he tears up all over again
of course that takes some years but they’re immortal so who cares. and catarina is SO proud of her little genius for that, too. raphael and maia include the potion as courtesy for any vampire who orders food at taki’s and share the recipe and it’s just a small revolution in the vampire world and madzie is already making history like hot damn. GENIUS MADZIE OKAY
but of course first and foremost she is a kid and deserves to be a kid, i just love her being naturally curious and interesting in researching and learning and stuff. but of course they also play a lot, and keep trying to out-cheat each other as she has magic and he has super abilities and the game becomes more seeing who can cheat the most and get away with it than anything else lol. and it’s its own brand of fun
also, raphael keeps trying to get madzie to eat healthy but the second he averts his eyes she’s like “abrakadabra this is now ice cream” and he’s SO frustrated. absolutely nothing can stop her from doing it. “if you eat these carrots i’ll buy you ice cream later”. guess what she can just turn it into ice cream now. your tactics are meaningless
also madzie playing dressing up! and she wants to be Stylish like her mom and her big bro and her uncle magnus but of course she’s a kid so her sense of style is essentially book magnus lmao but raphael 100% indulges her in all her endeavours and helps her make her outrageous outfits and shit. she likes colorful stuff as we’ve seen and he paints her nails and stuff. sometimes she makes herself mini suits mimicking or straight up matching raphael’s and raphael thinks it’s the cutest thing. especially when she like, imitates his blazer but keeps wearing a boa as well or something. aioudjsauihda i love kids and fashion can you tell
and she sometimes picks out clothes for him and guess what? raphael 100% wears them because it’s madzie and he is s o f t for her
and singing!!! and DANCING!!! there is no way raphael can’t dance no matter how hard he tries to pretend otherwise, and between him, dot, and magnus, madzie just loves to dance and becomes a great dancer in no time. raphael loves twirling her around. also him teaching her the jarabe tapatío you can’t tell me that she wouldn’t be all over that shit. the playing with the dress, the bright colors, dancing around the sombrero.... bitch she would love it. and they have so much fun doing their little improvised version of that and she claps and he has his hands behind his back and has the greatest smile on his face and she’s having so much fun
also raphael loves reading for her!!!! and eventually when they move away from reading books with pictures she starts creating her own “holograms” to illustrate the stories with magic, and raphael is so proud of her!! she’s just immensively creative and makes such beautiful illustrations for the stories and as raphael reads she changes around the setting she’s creating and it’s so fun and they both like it so much?? and she eventually falls asleep on his lap and he tucks her in and kisses her forehead and 🥺🥺
she also likes to paint and idk why but i have a feeling that raphael fucking sucks at painting, so that’s funny and he smiles and says that she has so much more talent than him... 
and every time they are together raphael has the hugest smile on, it just doesn’t leave his face for a second. especially when they are playing outside in the sun and he just so fucking happy and basking in the warmth and playing with her, you know? and as madzie grows older, talking and just chilling together as well? you know? he just loves her so much and his cheeks almost hurt by the end and just aaaaaaaaa they are the sibling dynamic we DESERVE and DEMAND 
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A trope is a trope is a trope.
And that’s why we all love them! Every single writer’s interpretation is slightly different even based off the same exact trope and we want to celebrate that. This event is themed around the tropes we all know and love, whether that be OMG they were roommates! Or there was only one bed or something as tried and true as College AU and Coffee Shop AU. The possibilities are endless and the tropes are your oysters.
An event hosted on the Hunter's Moon Discord Server
The official collection can be found HERE
My Heart Burns by @miss-shiva-adler
Luke/Valentine | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary: Some people celebrated the day they were turned, owned the day where their lives were turned up side down. He didn’t. He never would. Tags:  Emotional manipulation, extremism, cheating, jealousy, parabatai feels, mutated parabatai bond, Eros AU, drunk confessions, in vino veritas, Drunk sex, Dark fic, sex magic, come swallowing, Unrequited feelings, Angst, dubcon, anti-family, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, blow jobs, oral sex, unprotected sex, Dom/sub undertones, Domination & Submission, mention of blood
Next Stop: Love by @christophers-lightwood
Simon/Jace | General | Tumblr Post Summary: Jace is late for work, and meets a cute guy on the subway. Turns out, subways are magical places for music, lip syncing, and romance. Tags: Subways, Subway AU, There's so many caller tunes, Yes I like cheesy songs, Listen I'm the kind of person to mouths along the lyrics, And so does Simon and you can't convince me otherwise, Jace is in love, Alec is a good brother, Jimon are cheesy af, Idiots in Love, Shadowhunters Bingo, Free Square
Drowning by @jesseywoodhunter 
Magnus/Alec | Teen Summary: Alec has been keeping a secret from his family, from himself even. He's sick, disgusting. An embarrassment to the family. He's supposed to be the perfect big brother, a role model. A pillar of strength. One day, Alec makes a choice. The repercussions are set to change his life forever. One moment you're downing, the next, you're learning to swim. Tags: Hurt Alec Lightwood, Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst, Supportive Magnus Bane, Mental Health Issues, Rescue
Amor primo conspectu by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary:  Translation from Latin – Love at first sight Omegas are meant to be thrown into the thick of battle to defend Alphas, but when the battle is over, they are treated like cast offs. Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Alternative Universe, Soulmate, Wingsfic, Love at First Sight, discrimination against omegas, Hurt Alec Lightwood, Omega Alec Lightwood, Alpha Magnus Bane, MPREG, Self-Sacrificing Alec Lightwood, Time Skips, Violence, Sharing Body Heat, Hurt/Comfort, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting
Disce ut semper victurus, vive ut cras moriturus by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Teen | Tumblr Post Summary: Translation from Latin – Learn as if always going to live; live as if tomorrow going to die. This was supposed to be a happy day of union for Alec and Magnus, instead they are apart, Alec is missing and there’s a serial killer on the loose. Tags: Human AU, Cop!Alec, Coroner!Magnus, undercover missions, break up, angst, serial killers, fear, doubt, Ambiguous/Open Ending, swear word for Camille, Team as Family, Blue-eyed Alec Lightwood
Hidden Desires by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Teen | Tumblr Post Summary: Alec is just watching what he cannot have, but he didn’t know that he is also being watched. Tags: Mermen AU, Merman Alec Lightwood, Warlock Magnus Bane, Fluff
The Place in Between by @polarnacht1
Alec/Jace | Teen Summary:  "Whenever Alec had thought about dying, he had thought it would be painful. He had thought that maybe he would die in a battle, slit open by a blade or by the claws of a demon, fighting alongside Jace against the evil. Frankly, he had always thought that there would be something heroic about the way he died. He had never thought he would die in his sleep, never really considered that one day he just would close his eyes, fall asleep to never wake up again. Yet, here he was."  A story about death and life, love and letting go. Tags: Afterlife,  Alec Lightwood-centric,  Protecitve Alex Lightwood, Parabatai,  Parabatai feels,  Love,  Hurt/Comfort,  Grief/Mourning,  Coping,  Cancer, Moving on
Not the Way I Dreamt of by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary:  That is not the way Alec dreamt his first time would be. Tags:  Alternative Universe, Fuck or Die, dubcon, Evil Seelie Queen, Post-Episode: s02e10 By The Light Of Dawn, Time Skips, Humiliation, Virgin Alec Lightwood, First Time, Protective Magnus Bane, Magic
Don't flirt with me (I'm working, dammit) by @thelightofthebane
Magnus/Alec & Jace/Simon | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary:  Alec and Magnus take a moment to just breathe. Magnus is above him, straddling his waist, and that… shouldn’t be bothering him that much. Well, could someone blame him? His chaotic job and his even more chaotic ass don’t exactly help him to go on dates, and now the most beautiful man he has ever seen in his entire life is sitting on his crotch.  -- Alec goes undercover into a maximum security prison to get information about a serial killer. It doesn't help that one of his inmates, a mob boss, keeps distracting him. Tags:  Alternate Universe - Prison, Mention of crimes, nothing graphic, Undercover Missions, FBI agent!Alec, Inmates, Even Simon was arrested, How to catch a serial killer, Having Magnus as a partner is not helpful at all, All the flirt, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Major Character Injury, Light Angst, Gratuitous Blowjob, thirsty boys, Happy Ending, Trope Celebration Event, Gay Disaster Alec Lightwood, Flirty little shit Magnus Bane
A Kickstart To the Morning by @phoenixStar73
Magnus/Alec | General Summary: Barista Alec Lightwood hates waking up so early for work. But hates it a bit less this particular morning when a certain someone just happens to walk in... Tags:  Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Fluff, Mundane Alec Lightwood, Mundane Magnus Bane, Flirting, Fluff, College Student Alec Lightwood, Barista Alec Lightwood
From the ashes of shattered dreams by @brightasstars
Magnus/Alec | Explicit Summary:  “Yes, Magnus. I do. Whatever it takes, whatever you need.” Magnus’ golden eyes blazed in the dark, then he chuckled softly. “Angsty proposal, isn’t it?” Alec giggled. “It’s a proposal, anyway. It implies forever.” “If there ever will be a chance, I will make you the proper one,” Magnus added. Tags:  Shapeshifting; Alternate Universe; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Rebirth
This Body of Mine by @tobythewise
Magnus/Alec | Explicit Summary: When Alec and Magnus get body swapped, Magnus suggests a fun way to pass the time. What starts as an admittedly weird exploration of each other’s bodies quickly turns heated. In the end, Alec realizes that though his body wasn’t what he wanted when he was born, this same body has slowly become HIS, and that makes it perfect. Tags: Bodyswap, Omegaverse, Trans Alpha Alec, Alpha Magnus, PWP, Mentions of past dysphoria, Happy Ending, Fluff and Smut
Art by @foxymoley​ 
Maia and Clary Witch AU
Pony Up Alexander! by @dmcanonymous
Magnus/Alec | Teen | Tumblr Post Summary:  Mix Jace being an idiot, Alec saving him again, and some magic mischief and poor Alec is all hooves. Hopefully Magnus can jump to the occasion to help out his boyfriend. Tags:  Centaur!Alec, trope transformation, Centaurification, centuar!Magnus, Magnus stop horsing around, why the long face Alexander?
travel the universes with me (let's find out we're meant to be) by @jimonsprettyface
Jace/Simon | Explicit  Summary: When Jace and Simon touch a mirror that Magnus Bane instructed them not to, they're yanked from their world and scattered through many others. Along the way, they find familiar faces, different times, and new feelings. The journey to get home is unknown, and they're not even sure they will, but what they learn along the way threatens to change them forever. Tags: Canon, But also AU, Multiple AU’s, Traveling through different universes, This World Inverted, Genderswap, Arranged Marriage, Huddling for Warmth, Canon Setting, Porn with(out?) Plot, Pining, Tropes, Crack Treated Seriously, Humor, Fluff, Slight Angst 
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harrowscore · 4 years
Claude Frollo and Phoebus for the ask? :)
Okay, for the most part I’ll answer about Book!Frollo and Phoebus.
do I like them: Like is not the most accurate word lmao, but yes, he’s one of my favorite literature characters and villains in general.
5 good qualities: Well... he’s obviously intelligent, he’s got the Weird Warlock reputation, he’s very, uhm, intense lol, he’s sincerely devoted to his brother Jehan, and in the Italian version of the musical he’s played by Vittorio Matteucci, which is an A++ casting choice.
3 bad qualities: His obsessive personality (a serious understatement lol), he’s got a huge stick up his ass, and obviously the whole thing with Esmeralda.
favourite episode/etc: Can I answer with my favorite version of the character? Which is book!Frollo btw.
otp: Claude/Chilling The Fuck Out lol? But seriously, I.... kinda ship him with Esmeralda in an unrequited, dark, obsessive way. I mean, his religious crisis and emotional breakdown over her are quite complex and interesting to read - yes, Victor Hugo’s writing is that good. Obviously, should I make a disclaimer that this is fictional, and IRL I very much don’t approve of 35-year-old priests obsessing over 16-year-old girls? I hope not. :/
brotp: In the book (before the whole Esmeralda fiasco ofc) he’s described as a good father/mentor figure to Quasimodo, despite his standoffish attitude, and is actually one of the few people who showed him compassion, so... But then all went to hell :/
ot3: None.
notp: I suppose Frollo/Esmeralda if he had got his way with her. Yes, I know I’m contradicting my previous statement, whatever, I contain multitudes.
best quote: I’m going to be predictable and say: "Dost thou understand? I love thee!" he cried again."What love!" said the unhappy girl with a shudder.He resumed, "The love of a damned soul.” But also the fly and the spider quote (which now I can’t find, but I’m sure you know what I mean), and this one, too: “But alas, if I have not maintained my victory, it is God's fault for not making man and the devil of equal strength.” (a concept reprised in Hellfire, too)
head canon: Mmh, none in particular, sorry! My head is completely empty now :/
Phoebus. (WHY? Why would you ask me about him? Did you do it on purpose? lmao)
do I like them: NO. He’s not just bad, he’s basically Beauty and the Beast’s Gaston Made in Hugo, and therefore uninteresting, which is an even worse crime in my eyes.
5 good qualities: He’s supposed to be handsome? And both Patrick Fiori and Graziano Galatone have great voices.
3 bad qualities: Mmm... only three? As I said, he’s basically Gaston, so vain, a cheater, and also vile.
favourite episode/etc: Well, I like Disney!Phoebus, even if he’s nothing like in the book or the musical.
otp: None.
brotp: None? I just don’t like him lol.
ot3: Again, none lol.
notp: Phoebus/Esmeralda, I guess, except for the Disney version.
best quote: Again, none.
head canon: I just don’t care enough about him to come up with one lol.
Thank you very much, dear 🖤
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chimeriques · 4 years
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—- lorzenzo zurzolo . the vampire diaries franchise . demiboyflux . he/they . ⟳ → well hello , welcome to the good place , KOL MIKAELSON . in your file , it says that you are TWENTY / ONE THOUSAND AND TWENTY & on earth so many people said you were SYBARITIC & FLIPPANT . lucky for you , we have our own system around here , meaning that we are well aware that you are ATTENTIVE & AUDACIOUS , so there is no need to worry . hey , has anyone ever told you that you give off a ( TW: ALCOHOL, DRUGS & VIOLENCE ) SO MUCH ALCOHOL AND OTHER INTOXICATING SUBSTANCES GOING AROUND THE ROOM THAT YOU DON'T KNOW (NOR CARE) WHAT'S WHAT ANYMORE , A HAND PRESSED AGAINST YOUR THROAT & A DAZZLING SMILE type of vibe ? anyways , we better hurry , we don't want to be late ! ( SAM. 25. THEY/THEM. EST. )
( spoilers will be there for up to episode 14 of the second season of the originals ! ) aaaaaah, so basically, i decided that in this, when kol died in the fourteenth episode of the second season (in kaleb’s body, as a witch), he didn’t come back later on in the show. does this mayhaps have to do with me not watching the show after that because kol was my favourite from back in tvd and i preferred daniel sharman as the actor...... mAYHAPS!!!!!! but still, i thought it was a SUPER dramatic and angsty death for him, so i’m sticking with that.
as mentioned above, i’m sticking with kol’s second (third, if you count being turned into a vampire) death in canon! aka, the one that happened in season 2, episode 14, of the originals. basically, his older brother finn hexed him whilst he was possessing the body of kaleb (and was finally a witch again; which he loved, though he was mortal-ish), and kol didn’t manage to find a way to be saved in time. he died whilst being surrounded by his other siblings, as well as davina, which was basically all he ever wanted (the family part, at least; in my version of kol he really did love davina [idk if it was necessarily the forever romantic kind of love, but it was definitely at least a forever friends kind of love, which is..... the most love in kol’s life in like...... ever], but she wasn’t his entire life, you know? mostly because i don’t like the whole “woman changes evil man” trope and don’t enjoy either character being reduced to their romance and only that slkjdfkldjfklsdjf!!!!!) but yes! it was emotional and sad and i’m EMOTIONAL! 
his first death. the one in the gilberts’ house. he felt so fucking foolish. to be tricked by two lowly humans like that, to be completely alone, not trusted by his own family... and the pain. he had never felt pain that intense before, and even when he came back in kaleb’s body, he couldn’t forget about it. even now, he remembers that pain much too clearly.
it’s bittersweet and sad af, but seeing his siblings surround him as he died (the second and final time). when he said “this is all i’ve ever wanted”, he meant it. kol always knew he wasn’t a part of the whole “always and forever” thing, no matter how much he secretly wished for it, so for them to finally act like they cared about him... he was dying, but he felt a weight get lifted off his shoulders, and like... his best memory is so sad holy fuck i’m so sorry !!!!!!!
physically? nothing. honestly, the knowledge that elijah, klaus and rebekah didn’t completely hate him is pretty high on that list, but because of the latest plot drop... that might be very sad, but i’m trying to do this intro ignoring that (so i can do a post just for that later today/tomorrow), so yes... knowing that some of his family cared about him is one of the things that kol holds dearest to his heart. also, his magic! 10000% the fact that he was a good warlock and managed to be one again meant a LOT to him.
a renaissance-style french castle ( à la chenonceau ) , 100000% !!!!! but i really hope he gets some kind of lakehouse place (without the lake) that’s very rustic, to be honest.
excited: literally anyone he’s ever known outside of his parents (and finn, probably). some, because he wants to see them again. most, because he wants to get revenge and/or make their afterlife hell. he’s still kol, after all. he’s not as bad as before, but he’s still a professional pain in the ass, after all.
fearful: his parents. he really really does not want to see esther and michael around.
not at all, but he’s not exactly the kind to question it, so as long as he’s comfortable and having fun, he won’t really think too much about it.
longer biography/character development thingie coming soon !
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ineffablegame · 5 years
could you rec some human!good omens au?
Hey friend!  Unfortunately, I don’t read a lot of human!AU, but I do have a couple to recommend:
with all your delights by weatheredlaw
Crowley laughed. “I thought you’d have realized by now. I am no ordinary king.”
“No,” Aziraphale said. “You certainly are not.”
or: aziraphale is sent as a gift to the southern king to smooth over trade negotiations. they both find themselves in over their heads.
This is a lovely king/consort AU where Aziraphale is sent to the southern kingdom to pacify Crowley and enable trade deals with his homeland, the northern country.  Neither is what the other expects, and as their friendship deepens into romance, Aziraphale and Crowley must contend with their differences and complicated upbringings.  With great characterization, tender romance, hot sex scenes, and a deft exploration of how upbringing and trauma shape you as a person, this fic is a joy to read.
i’ll be your man if you got love to get done by mygalrfiday
Tucking his sunglasses into the neck of his black t-shirt, he scans the crowded space for the man Anathema had described. Blond, she’d said. A bit old-fashioned. Crowley had taken that to mean no shagging until the third date but his eyes land on a man who looks like he just returned from tea in the Victorian era and he just knows he’s found his date. Ezra Fell.
Who doesn’t love a good coffeeshop AU?  This adorable piece features Crowley’s POV on a blind date with a museum worker, Ezra Fell.  Crowley’s trepidation swiftly turns into infatuation as he discovers a wonderful camaraderie and chemistry between himself and Ezra.  This fic is absolutely adorable, with wonderful characterization and several fun nods to canon.  If you want something sweet to start your day, this would go perfectly with your morning coffee.  :)  This can also be found in podfic form by @podfixx.
Those are the only two I know off the top of my head!  If anyone would like to rec their favorite human!AU, I can read some over and do another list in a little while!
In the meantime, here are some fun human!AU ideas I wish I had the time to write. These are not real, just ideas I wish were real!
Baker/florist AU:  Aziraphale works at the local bakery and Crowley runs the florist shop next door.  They bump into each other on their morning deliveries.  After a time, the bakery starts putting out lovely flower-shaped cookies, roses and tiger lilies and forget-me-nots.  Stray flowers start appearing in Aziraphale’s apron pockets, roses carefully plucked of their thorns so as not to prick an unwary finger.  A sweet, floral-scented AU that melts on your tongue.
Roman nobility and Christian/insurrectionist sympathizer AU:  Crowley is a valued advisor of Emperor Nero.  Aziraphale is an anatomist who, after too long dissecting the lion-mauled bodies of Christians, rebels, and criminals, has developed sympathies and started saving all he could, starting with the unlikely survivors of the arena and moving into unsociable circles.  Their paths cross when Crowley, after watching a grisly scene in the arena, leaves to clear his head.  He bumps into Aziraphale, who is smuggling a wounded boy named Adam out.  +100 points if Aziraphale winds up in the arena at some point (he survives, obviously).  
Buddy cops who fall in love AU:  Done in the style of B99, this AU features Aziraphale and Crowley as cops who are complete opposites in their methods, thrown together because their chief (God, mentioned often but never seen) thinks it would be hilarious and that they would be surprisingly effective together.  They are.  As their jagged edges smooth into friendship and, slowly, something more, their good cop/bad cop (you decide which is which) routine proves the perfect combination.  +50 points if Chief God’s wife Deirdre Young randomly shows up at the station at least once per chapter.
WWII British intelligence/passport forger AU:  Crowley is an agent for British intelligence.  Aziraphale is a reclusive passport forger.  (There’s fanart out there that inspired this, if you know it, please let me know and I’ll link it.)  +75 points if Crowley goes on an undercover mission in Poland, gets caught, and Aziraphale forges himself a passport to go save him.
Setting up dates AU:  Aziraphale and Crowley are good friends of Newt and Anathema, respectively.  Each independently sets up a date between the two, then accidentally fall in love with each other instead.  +10 points for Newt and Anathema turning the tables on the Ineffable Husbands and setting up their dumb asses.
Scottish nobility AU:  Crowley is the leader of a mercurial Scottish clan.  Aziraphale is an English archivist and transcriber whose travels are disrupted when his party is attacked by Rabid Scots(tm) and he is taken to the clan leader.  Crowley takes an immediate liking to the bookish numpty and asks him to transcribe some old documents.  +50 points if they get into shenanigans that result in ink in Dubious Places.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AU!!! Aziraphale is Darcy and Crowley is Lizzy.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Michael, Uriel, and Sandalphon are Aziraphale’s snobby relatives and suitors.  Dagon is Jane (yes, again, you read that correctly) and Beelzebub is Lydia.  Gabriel is Mr. Wickham.  +1000 points for the scene where Aziraphale walks across the field at sunup and +1000000 points for “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
Gardener and nanny AU:  Everything is the same except the whole story takes place while caring for Warlock and there are no superpowers.  Aziraphale, the shy gardener, is besotted with and intimidated by the nanny, Ms. Crowley.  +200 points for trans and/or genderfluid Ms. Crowley.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Yo that anon with the Bianca/Dency 👌🏻👌🏻 but like ohhh Dency coupd totally meet a cute Phoenix in her universe tho!! 👀 Or maybe a dark Witchlighter? Idk I think her falling I love with a more “neutral” witch hybrid would be cute!
And like do you think her little agency would work with neutral magical sources like phoenixes to find people? Because like Dency could be like a Penn but for the opposite side? If that makes sense?? Like Penn is bringing all the “light” witches together but Dency is really the figures head for the “dark/neutral” witches like the witch hybrids and the phoenixes…like Dency is kinda like the unintentional beacon of light for that side…just by being herself? Like maybe she doesn’t actively campaign for more acceptance for hybrid witches but her mere existence alone and the good she does is enough to get the ball rolling?
tbh as far as dency love interests go i'm a little bit torn because i have this mortal rashid idk if i've talked bout him before but like. he and dency have a classic rivals to lovers arc going on in college liek they fucking Hated each other blah blah blah she definintely gaslighted him a lil with her powers nothing malicious jsut like. teleportation like ha there's no way she'll beat me 2 the best spot in the library bc i just saw her walking up the steps while i am already inside and then boom he walks over there and she's there how?? the fuck>? teleporation fuck u. the point is thru their quasi spy vs spy antics i think they start to gain a sense of respect for one another than and he goes political journalism did this question even mention love interests idk That's Not The Point rashid does politics while dency's a bit more of a muckraker kinda more on a corporate side fraud and all that so they no longer are competitors and um. like they can finally appreciate the other as they are no longer and opponent as with most dency characters they have hooked up a couple times i shouldn't say that because as far as characters that have been introduced dency has slept with none of them bc they are all her besties u should never sleep w ur besties only ur homies but i think. i've stated this before? for starters dency doesn't do a lot of long term relationships just because you know that level of vulnerabilty and like if u really like someone then it's just leverage thatcan be used agianst u Or if u die then ur gonna break their heart but i think she does casual relationships with literally anyone but witches i. haven't posted the chaapter fuck i'll post it now because i've been sitting on it for so long and like i'm worried i'm gonna back myself in a corner w a it's not a plotline i don't like maybe just a plotpoint but i've like. written half the next chapter anyway. i'm also sitting on about 10k i think not only. 7k? unpublished w&s because it's like ending the narrative is ending i really need it to be coherent Speaking of incoherent. dency. i'm gonna post the chapter. but dency hangs out a lot at p3 which has changed hands piper owns her restaurants the backstory for this is.
paige has a charge back in the late aughts she's in a coven the point is her bestie has some traumatic incident happen to her and she wants revenge and it's something that (imo) totally justifies revenge like a killing her rapist type thing and like. it depends how we're going with charmed morality but i've established before i think (?) it's canon that if a witch takes an innocent's life she becomes a warlock like it's possible for witches to defect and become warlock if they take a life Specifically an innocent's life and even tho like that guy would be a mortal he def doesn't get innocent status because he's fucking evil she's allowed to murder him but i think she would murder someone else in the process and then causes her to lose her witch powers and gain a couple warlock powers and the rest of her coven shuns her for it which could have easily sent her down a dark path but paige's charge her bestie like stood by her thru all that like. like it's shit cosmic rules tbh. maybe. for legal reasons: i am not endorsing murder. please for the love of god don't make me admit to a grand jury i have a tumblr that'll be so cringe bro do not murder anyone. but paige's charge stands by her and idk maybe paige gets her a job at p3 all that the point is when piper sells the club to open her restaurant she sells it to paige's charge and her gf the warlock. so p3 kind of becomes a neutral power for magic no vanquishes allowed and it's one of the few places dark magic has on the surface just to vibe u just have to be able to tolerate being served by a witch like she owns the place so that kind of filters it. idk if this is more rambly than it normally is. i promise i'll go back in later and add periods. maybe. i am also a liar. but the point is i think p3 is one of the few places dency can really be hersefl because herself is half demon!! and at magic school she really is suppoed to feel ashamed of that like she hates it or something wishes it gone and Yes. it does scare her. being the source's heir all that. she's always worried about giving in to dark magic but like. she's a demon!!! there's no changing that there's no fighting that pushing it under the rug like. she can't change it she does want to spend her life hating herself like. it's who she is. fuck. so i think she doesn't date witches but like the regulars at p3 some warlocks the occasional like darklighter. dency has had romantic trysts with.
beck to rashid her mortal homies who she has hooked up with who they've always had this rapport they have this thing. bc rashid's smart okay that's why he's at dency's level (respectfully she gets her brains from her father i love phoebe but she's intuitive not intelligent cole on the other hand passed the bar exam (i think) so like.) rashid knows something's up. the point is they each give the other three questions. three questions you ask that the other has to answer fully honestly cards on the table no half truths nothing just the answer. rashid used one of those to find out dency's a witch, but she made him work for it. nothing vague like what are you strange things happen around you why like she's like ask your question but you better be specific about it and he's like fuck it. whatever. magic. that's my answer i think magic happens with you and no i'm not flirting i'm dead serious is magic like. are you magical? and the answer was yes. and rashid like while he was asking while he was like confident enough to admit that out loud to ask that to her face Did not see that coming. of course. there's a difference between like yes i can cast a couple spells and yes i'm the antichrist so. : )! but i think that's like a rapport thing between rashid and dency like whenever they ask hard hitting questions like "is that one of your three questions?" but idk if he's gonna. if he's gonna be it for her. there's also jack dency's childhood bestie so there's the childhood friends to lovers thing but like. i just don't see jack being in love with dency in that way like they're best friends. but not lovers. (but maybe they are??? idk)
But. third potential love interest is if i weren't goign for those two i was actually thinking.
two options here a cupid who reocgnizes dency as "the demon with the cupid ring? yeah that's gotta be the source's heir". so there's that i like the idea of. yeah. : )
but also. and i came up w this in an ask which i will not evne attempti to find. i'm sorry i can't spell you guys but it;s not happening 2nite beloeveds. but if u'vemade it this far. i do love u w my whole heart. dency. love interests. old ask about a squad a half-grimlock. appeal of being able to see auras see good people. this was originally in the ask. a love interest for billie?? maybe. idk. but just like. for dency someine who's always known htey have this immense dark side like. hmmmmmm okay i just thot of somehting. for lili. whish is phillipa. which is the prandy thirdborn. she's phsycics. however tf u spell that sykick. that's not the point dency who has. the source on her soul. falling with someone who can literally see the good in her. i'm picturing the half grimlock just ot like like a normal albino human. and they run a halfway house for those born of evil. because he or she or they idk>??? maybe neorponounds idk!!> whoever they r they run a halfway house for these kids born from demons warlocks darklighters bc they can see the good in them and that shouldn't. you get so scared gifted with these powers you don't understand they need a place to turn to. and the grimlock grimmy offers that place. def not their name but like. grimmy lmoa. ao. yeah. i think jsut opening i think integating magic schoolesp in a dency timeline what with penn and the elders and their pomp and circumstance i think it'd be a pain in the ass. but at the very least A magic school for kids wihtout light magic like they deserve it. evil shouldn't just be their default option. like they're just kids man they're jsut kids they deserve a shot at not even good man not everyone has to go on to be exceptional cure cancer and save the world just like. a chance to understand themselves not be scared. not be hated, jsut be/ like. do they not deserve that? so if grimmy's not a li for dency at the very least they are homies and they like pull together a magic school for neutral/dark beings.
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Like, thing is, I fucking love Doctor Doom as a villain. The aesthetic, the backstory, the personality, the armor, the fucking magic and technology mish mash, the standards when it comes to what he does and does not do, dude has shards of the true cross embed in his armor that's rad as fuck.
But on the other hand, I also don't really want him as a hero? Like, I like him as a, Say, Vegeta, I think he's been that for a while, Valeria cool evil uncle who has mellowed out so he's not going to, say, try to sink the west coast or some shit, maybe take over the faustian bargain for hero in need gig from that DICK Mephisto, definetly not going to be too much of a ass about it, or at least not as much of a ass as that DICK Mephisto, while also not becoming a good guy who gets invited to the year event and has to play nice with the lot of them.
And I definetly don't want him as the "misunderstood villain" or "the guy who makes the trains run on time," like... Yes, Latveria is probably one of the most secure fucking country in the Marvel World, Mutant Hatred is at an all time low, people have literal free everything from healthcare to wifi with a top notch literacy and robotics program, but it's also a absolute dictatorship under a literal mad scientist warlock megalomaniac supervillain, and I feel like MAYBE we shouldn't go for some sort of weird "Doctor Doom is actually the only guy who can save the Marvel World from itself" message because, Again, love the guy, maybe wouldn't really hate living under him even despite the doombot secret police death squads compared to the farce that is my country, but it's still a absolute fucking dictatorship, under a single, mortal till proven otherwise man, that crumbles under its own weight the second he "dies."
After all, wasn't the alleged point of Secret Empire how "dictatorship under a single, strong man is BAD"? What's different from that aside from the fact Von Doom isn't a Nazi and in fact canonically rejects those bastards' ideology on principle due to him being, you know, Romani and shit?
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thesorrowoflizards · 4 years
yall we deserve more fairy tale aus. more maiaphael and/or magnus fairy tale aus
the beautiful princess maia, strong in her own right but so soft and kind and she just wants to help even though she’s not in a great position to do so
brave young hero raphael questing not for the princess’s hand but to help his community, his family, his sister (but he falls in love with her anyway)
“fairy godfather” magnus, a kind wizard who helps them out and indeed helps anyone he can… and perhaps dragon alec
but like the point is—oh my god
oh no
oh no mid post
mid post the idea it hit me
literally while i was in the middle of typing trying to figure out where i was going with this
ive been, metaphorically speaking, shot blank
with the idea
shrek au
oh I hate this
does this make maia fiona, raphael shrek, and magnus—DONKEY?! AND ALEC THE DRAGO—ok ok so this is happening now. amazing. i just wanted a soft fairy tale au with princess maia and hero raphael and kindly wizard magnus but now here we are. shrek au. fine. if this is how it’s gonna be, fine
i guess rather than ogre he’s a vampire which is a little more subtle—perhaps instead of becoming a vampire at night she’s a werewolf? so downworlders in general rather than specifically a vampire? not quite loyal to the original story (as she became an ogre rather than just “a fairy tale creature” for a reason) but not bad—although the implication she’d like become a wolf forever isn’t great. I mean I’m sure you can play with that so it’s more like at night she becomes a werewolf—ability to transform into a wolf, eyes flash green sometimes, can do feats of supernatural strength and so on, but like. still. hm
but like ok look the point is maia is in this tower and it’s not that she’s weak, but she can’t fight a dragon on her own and she’s been taught her whole life she was supposed to be saved, get a prince charming, etc. she’s quite well read and also very isolated and probably claustrophobic as fuck now. i’m not sure how to combine her characterization with fiona’s in a way that stays loyal to her character but still makes sense in the au tbh.... [thinking emoji im too lazy to google and paste here]
and like raphael, rather than wanting everyone out of his home, perhaps is specifically trying to help his community and get more structure? obviously magnus wants to help—still can’t believe I’m making him donkey but the dragon thing is too good to pass up, although I’m basically going to completely change his role as donkey because I physically can’t handle making him the comic relief literal ass, but like, he’s had his own issues and also wants to help get the land to set up a home for everyone and help people, so he’s travelling with raphael and is like “smol angery vampire who is willing to slap a dragon to death to save his community and specifically take care of his sister? im adopting him immediately”
perhaps for shenanigans and I have. oh my god this is ridiculous but any shrek au is inherently ridiculous so I’m making this twi malec now. consider this: twi magnus on the road literally just getting the hang of his magic after an encounter with a rogue crazy princess who’s stab-happy and needed some magical help, so it’s waking up and he’s just getting in all these crazy hijinks with raphael where hypothetically he’s powerful enough to just zap them there, zoink out the dragon and win, but he can’t fucking control it so sure he can turn all the knights’ armor pink or sneeze and make it start to rain (which is a LITTLE SCARY) but like, other than randomly floating or random bursts of managing to control it in high pressure situations, it’s like. not that useful. again i can’t be clear enough he isn’t really donkey it’s just an excuse to have him travelling with raphael. i guess simon would be donkey if i were going for serious but then they’d both be in love with maia so--
also, twi magnus and raphael? fun interaction time. especially since I’m still basically doing canon maiaphael and not trying to mess with twi, there, so like. he’s kind of trying to get out of his shell more but he cares deeply about raphael (and. well. everyone) already and he juts wants to help
and then he meets the dragon guarding maia’s tower and is immediately like….. damn……… no not getting distracted by this
but the dragon, twi alec, is just like HEY THERE PRETTY BOY ;D and like. they don’t even have to fight the dragon raphael just. walks past while they make heart eyes at each other and when alec realizes they’re walking away with maia he’s just like “ok whatever but magnus you better come back and visit sweetheart I’m gonna make you the prettiest necklace and I can find you some old books on magic, I’m sure I’ve got some in my hoard somewhere—”
meanwhile on the way back magnus is kind of pining after alec but also getting a stronger handle on his magic
and raphael is getting to know the princess
and maia is getting to know raphael (she was NOT expecting a vampire and a warlock, but they’re both incredibly nice and she was REALLY REALLY BORED in that tower) and just like…. you know,,,,,,, romance begins to bloom mayhaps
now I don’t know how to like really get across that one of their main commonalities is community, because in this scenario maia wouldn’t have a pack—unless we change canon even more and I’m just not going to rn, but put a pin in that
so like, maybe she really does care about her people and she super is a people person, but she hasn’t had many chances to show that because she’s been fucking locked up and that’s kind of messed with her you know
god you know I want to include jordan and camille here but I wouldn’t even know how to—I imagine jordan could be prince charming but he doesn’t come in until later and ehhh
so like raphael (and also magnus) are really helping her with that
and she’s also helping him be less closed off and… angry isn’t quite right, but like. she kind of helps both of them open up tbh. not to erase magnus’s friends but also I love a good magnus and maia friendship? but like she’s not afraid to start conversations or ask them questions or listen to their stories (and they listen to hers which is nice because she’s been talking mostly to walls and stuffed animals for a while now and books are great but it’s not the same)
and like she’s free not to have to act like a perfect delicate princess, but she’s also free to be vulnerable and soft too you know
so like okay also lord farquaad or however you spell it I don’t care is jace. I mean obviously annoying lord tiny penis is jace. duh. (oh my god does this mean alec eats jace--?)
and like idk this is a very scattered concept—I’m not sure these communication kings would really do the main plot of shrek where an overheard misunderstood snippet of conversation leads to such a huge conflict but I mean if he was really just beginning to open up to her and then he thought she thought downworlders were disgusting or whatever (wait no that wouldn’t work because she can’t say vampires but she can’t be saying that to magnus, either—fuck I don’t know like I said it needs reworking to fit) he could be devastated enough to just be like well fuck it
AND LIKE AGAIN. DRAGON ALEC. EATS JACE. amazing. everyones like “raphael is your friend... fucking a dragon” and raphael is like “please never say those words to me again” and alec’s like (in human form, they don’t realize he’s the dragon even tho raphael does) “actually a dragon is fucking raphael’s friend” and raphael is like shut the fuck up right now 
idk I feel like a lot of details make it not work but the overall concept could be fun as hell, probably mostly as a crack au
 god I just wanted a fairy tale au. soft princess maia, young hero raphael, kindly wizard magnus. goin’ on a quest. savin’ people. is that too much to ask for???
my brain says yes.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
Twi YouTube AU?? 👀
dlgjk ok i dont have a coherent au idea i just like the idea of like. 
alec being this confident youtuber man who does all sorts of shit, like funny vlogs and maybe some sketches with his siblings or some lets plays or something, idk, he’s just a popular youtuber like, idk, fuckin markiplier or something, you know, kinda does a lot of stuff. maybe some fashion/interior design shit? idk? but like. he’s pretty popular and if there’s any list on tumblr that’s like “some queer creators you should try watching” he’s always up there because he’s pretty open about being gay. maybe at first he wasn’t in the earlier youtube days but he had a pretty emotional coming out video and everyone was like “holy shit” 
meanwhile magnus is like, a quietly popular youtuber, you know? kind of a niche audience, but with decent numbers. he does a lot of things, like vlogs about being trans. like, oh my god. magnus documenting his transition? would that even be a thing? wait oh my god is this mundane au, or is this canon? because twi magnus who’s actually a warlock with a youtube channel would be hilarious but maybe not a good idea. you know what? how about a mix. he’s mortal and was born in modern times and all, he’s like the same age as alec–idk why but i’m thinking he’s like a few weeks older or a month or two older than alec and alec jokingly teases him about being old–but he like…. still has magic, because why the fuck not. actually, you know what? fuck it? it’s an au where magic is just openly a thing. not even necessarily canonverse magic, just. some people have magic. magnus does little tutorials and shit, he has a real talent for it and he’s actually really powerful but he hides that. (possible plotline: some paparazzi discover he’s like, a level ten mage, and it’s a scale from 1-10 and 8 is the most powerful u get most of the time, there’s been a few really famous 9s and there’s been one 10 ever and that was fucking merlin. you feel. because why not. idek fuck.) anyway he has little diy make your own magical charms and weaving enchantment and safe summoning circles and tips for writing magical contracts and shit like that. he’s this cute little nerd but he’s like incredibly knowledgeable and he knows how to teach it in a way that’s understandable and accessible? and he answers questions in really clear ways, and he does amazing demonstrations that look so cool people accuse him of editing but he’s just That Good. and he’s like, actually a really well-published wizard/magic scientist, he invented the fucking portal, but probably under a pseudonym because he doesn’t really want the attention. (his last name is fell in honor of his mentor. yes. although if he does multiple ones he may or may not also use loss, santiago, rollins, etc.) anyway he’s just so fucking good, he has all these videos explaining magical theory in pretty easy to understand ways (maybe going from really simple to like “i understand the basics here and am ready for the technical terms but need an overview” videos you know. 
also he doesn’t just do magic videos, because i said so. also maybe some blogs, and like. because i want to. some fashion/makeup tips. and it’s weirdly endearing because it’s not something you’d expect since he doesn’t wear makeup that often–although a) there are def gifsets of his full makeup looks on tumblr, and b) when he does occasionally decide to wear lipstick or eyeshadow or whatever, most of his fans are like omg yes!! u look cute! also headcanon: twi magnus wears less makeup in general but he still indulges in nail polish. mostly dark/muted colors on his fingers, but bright silly colors on his toes. NAYWAYWYA
also magnus bane is his chosen name because he wanted something cool and wizardy sounding and undeniably masculine. 
also he’s so fucking sweet like look his videos are pretty popular because they’re just handy but he’s not exactly like, a super popular celebrity or anything, you know? but when he does meet fans he’s so incredibly sweet and he does selfies and he’s very appreciative of his followers? he’s so genuine? 
and alec is way more popular–not that he’s not kind and appreciative of his followers. it’s just the thing is, magnus and alec are totally opposite sides of youtube. alec is friendly charismatic completely non-magical youtuber, he plays video games with his sister and like, does vlogs and reaction videos and shit you know. magnus is out here with educational tutorials and excited rambles about magical theory. (i feel like sometimes he accidentally starts doing groundbreaking research for a video and forgets to like, publish it first, and people are like wait what the fuck holy shit) 
but then they fucking meet. 
and a) they’re Instantly smitten. b) this will eventually result in the weirdest collab ever. 
like NO ONE would expect magnus bane, tarot reader and tutorial on magic diy and shit, occasionally does makeup videos and little vlogs and talks about Issues sometimes, to collab with typical hot vlogger gamer man alec lightwood. but it happens, and somehow it’s the best fucking thing ever.
i’m not sure how their channels collide. maybe alec plays a game involving magic and magnus talks about all the ways it’s right/wrong but it ends up just being bantering and giggling and magnus may or may not end up leaning into him on the couch their sitting on and giggling as he makes a stupid joke with the character in the game and immediately everyone’s like…… we ship it
not that i support irl shipping but u know how it goes, everyones like “damn they’re cute” and they’re both openly queer so there’s that. i mean, still not cool, but you know
but really tho they keep doing collabs after that and become actual friends and both start kind of….. doing things for each other’s channel? magnus does a thing like “interview with someone who knows nothing about magic” and we just see a total mundane take on magic and honestly it’s really interesting for both of them, we have more “magnus, who’s an Old Soul and despite having a youtube channel is actually not that great with technology, raphael does all the editing, tries to play video games and kinda fails at it but he gets the hang of some of them”?? he likes puzzle games and mariokart, he does NOT like super smash bros because “THE CHARACTER NEVER DOES WHAT I WANT IT TO ALEXANDER” “you’re just jealous bc i beat ur ass” “you wanna play mariokart again, lightwood?!” 
magnus does a tarot reading for alec, alec does a vlog with him just like “day in the life of alec lol :P” and there’s moments where he just comes up behind magnus like “hey what’s up” and magnus, who’s in rumpled home clothing, sees the camera and chuckles and kinda half heartedly waves it away, and the audience loses their mind at how cute he looks lkdhjgfh
they just become actual good friends, you know? it’s weird bc you wouldn’t think it would work but it really, really does
also on of alec’s fans at some point tries to make a transphobic crack at magnus during a livestream and alec goes OFF on his ass and it’s trending for the next week, the clip goes viral, it’s like “HIMBO GOES OFF ON HATERS FOR BEING TRANSPHOBIC TO HIS FRIEND/POSSIBLE LOVER?” and alec apologizes to magnus for all the attention it brought them but magnus is like “it’s okay, we can use this” and they end up using the hype to do one of those charity livestreams youtubers do and all the proceeds go to something like mermaids or the trevor project, you feel? they’re like “suck it transphobes look at all this money you got trans ppl” khjfgh
ok but eventually they do get together, not on camera, and while it’s slow at first and kind of secret (from the internet, not from friends and family) they’re also not super subtle. they know they’re not, but they’re just sort of like “it’s no one’s business, we’ll announce it when we’re ready”
and honestly tho they love each other so much
also i’ve just decided it’s not uncommon for strong magic-users, even like, level 4 or 5 and up, to have marks, so while his cat eyes are usually glamoured maybe he showed them after a q&a or in a vlog or something? and there are like. lots of gifsets of this, okay, and like, lots of thirst comments. which are like, this weird mix of slightly uncomfortable, really flattering/validating, and embarrassing (in a good and bad way). anyway, magnus has cat eyes in this au, because i fucking said so.
ANYWAY back to their relationship, they’re in love
how did they meet? maybe at a con they bumped into each other, or a totally random fan was like “y’all should do a collab” and everyone was like “what”
or maybe a mutual friend and fellow youtuber, meliorn, who is a nonbinary youtuber who fucking has a sword don’t question me, introduces them? 
idk. but when they meet they hit it off instantly and flirt and end up getting coffee and they don’t date for a while (maybe mutual pining/misunderstandings like “oh he doesn’t like me like that, but it’s okay, we can still be friends :)” or something lkfgjhfgh) but eventually they end up getting together
how? no idea. let me think about it.
idk why but im thinking they’re filming at magnus’s apartment and they’re on his couch and just. late night. they’ve finished up filming but they’re still bantering and maybe playing some video game like mariokart or watching a movie together and just. magnus is leaned all the way into alec, just snuggled up and pressed close against him, alec ends up putting an arm around him, and alec cracks a joke or teases him and magnus sits up a bit to like, poke his chest or flick his nose (you know what i mean? like in an otp person a shifts, still kinda sitting in their lap, and is like [playfully hits shoulder or boops nose or something] and now they’re making eye contact and person b ends up pulling them into a soft kiss???) anyway THEY MAKE EYE CONTACT AND ALEC PULLS HIM INTO A SOFT KISS and alec almost pulls away when he realizes what he’s done but magnus makes this soft little happy noise and leans into him, kissing back, and they just end up kissing for a bit and when they break apart alec is just looking up at him with breathless wonder and magnus is looking down at him with that same soft reverence and alec blurts out something like “you’re magical” and magnus just loses it and he’s giggling and leaning against alec’s chest and alec starts laughing too and magnus can feel the vibrations in his chest and it’s just so nice and pleasant and wonderful and they may or may not end up making out 
they have to talk about it in the morning when they end up falling asleep together in magnus’s bed, cuddled close, but they find, to both of their delights, they both want to date and be in a serious relationship and it’s so fucking good ok 
they go to dinner and the transition from friendship to romance is a little awkward but so worth it, especially when they realize HEY IT’S BOTH YOU DONT STOP BEING FRIENDS WHEN YOU DATE. i mean like, they didn’t not know that, but it’s like, idk how to explain you know they’re kinda like “are we doing this right” and then they’re like “fuck doing it right we can keep cuddling on the couch and giggling and bantering over stupid shit and watching dumb movies and kicking each others asses in video games it doesn’t matter we just also kiss and have dinner more often and sleep together and also we may or may not be in love” 
also they’re That Couple. they’re like straight to the honeymoon, they’re domestic from the first week. magnus is casually doing magic around the house (imagine: he just dyes his hair on a whim and grows it out a little bit and alec is like “i love u no matter how u style ur hair and stuff, and like, ur usual look is so fuckin cute and handsome, but also I Love This.”) but like he’s like (casually summons small ball of light to read book at night) (casually makes alec little protective charms–side note alec def makes him some of these too, but he asks magnus’s old mentor, ragnor, and two of his friends that can do magic, catarina and dot, to enchant it, since he can’t himself, and having magic woven by people who care about him will make it stronger. oh mhyhogfd) and just like. magic used to be something he mostly kept to himself (this def has something to do with his parents–his mom, who he thinks killed herself because of his eyes/magic, his birth dad who’s a powerful sorcerer–level 9, actually, and they think magnus is level 8 for a long time–who was an abusive fuckstick) and then he started doing youtube and it was a kinda show, a gift, something to share, but still not really something he just used openly in front of people he cared about (other than his close friends, since most of them do magic too anyway) but with alec it’s so easy to do that casually?? it’s so easy to just feel comfortable and safe????? yes
anyway they do eventually “come out” as boyfriends, maybe something short and sweet like just. a tweet of magnus sleeping curled up on alec’s chest and he’s like “god i love my boyfriend
they were already not subtle but now that they’re not hiding it they’re so fucking blatantly in love tbh. they do one of those boyfriend tag videos and it’s fucking adorable, at high request they do some couples games kind of videos, like the newlywed game and fuck marry kill (mostly on alec’s channel but magnus has a few, too) and it’s just HIGH QUALITY FUCKING CONTENT
also originally i was just thinking something along the lines of “in canon verse, twi alec is instagram famous/famous on social media and he gets cute tarot boyfriend and is like look at my cute boyfriend and then magnus’s small insta account mostly for his business gets a fuck ton of new followers and alec’s gets a considerable amount too” and now i’m imagining everyone from their respective audiences first thirst-following the other, then actually getting invested 
but really tho they’re the internet’s hottest couple for a while it’s great
for some reason i’m picturing them doing a live tour now, with like, accessible tickets and magnus does magic live on stage and idek what else they’d do tbh but it’d be fun as fuck
anyway this au got away from me
me: i dont have any real coherent ideas
also me: [vomits a 2,500+ word ESSAY] 
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