#also yes ill delete later sorry
one-way-dream · 2 years
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gay-otlc · 1 month
(no sure if my previous message got sent so i’ll just retype a shorter version here)
Hey, I saw that you hid/deleted my comments and blocked me, so I want to apologise if my arguments came as too harsh or agressive. I did not mean to hurt you and I mean you no harm. I was just really upset that agreeing with an anti sexist rhetoric caused me to be called transphobic when this is something I am completely against. Not sure you read every replies I wrote because I was also discussing with other folks in the section but I was saying that even if Terfs may use that rhetoric against trans people, we shouldn’t give it to them and allow them to reclaim it.
Your argument can be turned around by saying that on the other hand, both trans men and trans women can be victims of misogyny based on how they are perceived and can suffer from sexist violence. The bear thing is purposely exaggerated and extreme because its point is to catch attention and to be shocking. Of course it can lead to deeper conversations and reflections later on, but the priority is to point out sexism and violence against women. At the moment, men are the oppressor, since our society is patriarchal, and women are oppressed. Asking women to stop hating or fearing their oppressor will do nothing to help them stop being oppressed. I understand your sentiments and it’s great that you are fighting for trans people to not end up with that rhetoric used against them. But this was not the idea behind the original topic. Of course we can open up a discussion about this but it shouldn’t be overstepping on women’s attempts to denounce what they go through. Terfs are terrible people and will hide behind feminist arguments but we can’t let them reclaim all of these arguments and let them turn them into transphobic ideas because we would be giving them what they want by letting them become some spokesperson for feminism. Most women who agreed with the bear thing were not carrying any ill sentiment against trans people. Because that wasn’t what the topic was about. But I appreciate that you added another post and explained yourself more, and I am sorry that the discussion became a heated argument and that I got a bit too emotional.
I wish you well and hope you have a nice day.
I don't think I got your previous message (Unless you were this person? But you're a lot politer than them so I'm going to guess not)
I was also very upset at the time, which was definitely hindering my ability to have a productive conversation with you. I apologize for that.
To be clear, again, I don't think saying "bear" makes you as an individual transphobic- just that the sort of rhetoric present in the "man vs bear" discussion is very similar to the rhetoric that gets used against trans people.
I fully agree with the idea that too many women, and too many people in general, have been victims of violence from men. That it's horrible for so many people to have been traumatized in such a way that they don't feel safe around men. My problem is that this conversation frames men* as the worst possible threat. Not everyone who says "bear" feels this way, but a majority of them do
*or really, people who are presumed to be men based on appearance, because no one is going around asking strangers "excuse me, what's your gender identity?" before they decide whether or not they feel safe
even if Terfs may use that rhetoric against trans people, we shouldn’t give it to them and allow them to reclaim it
The thing is, this perception of men (or "men") as the ultimate threat isn't something we are "giving to" TERFs- it is already a foundational part of their beliefs. You can read further about some common TERF talking points here.
Your argument can be turned around by saying that on the other hand, both trans men and trans women can be victims of misogyny based on how they are perceived and can suffer from sexist violence
Yes! Absolutely! Both trans men and trans women, as well as other sorts of trans people, very much do suffer from sexist violence, and this might cause them to feel unsafe around (people they perceive to be) men just like many cis women do.
That doesn't contradict my point that trans people also suffer from anti-man rhetoric.
Of course it can lead to deeper conversations and reflections later on, but the priority is to point out sexism and violence against women.
Pointing out sexism and violence against women is absolutely an important thing! I do think it can be done without treating men/people perceived as men as inherently dangerous though.
Asking women to stop hating or fearing their oppressor will do nothing to help them stop being oppressed.
Obviously we shouldn't stop fighting misogyny because everything will be solved if women just stop hating men, or anything. But I do still want women to stop hating men. "Misandry, as I see it, can never reliably be prevented from collapsing into transphobia." (Not "misandry" as in a form of systemic oppression equivalent to misogyny, but as in the literal "hatred of men.")
Most women who agreed with the bear thing were not carrying any ill sentiment against trans people. Because that wasn’t what the topic was about
Even if the topic wasn't directly about transphobia- "man vs bear" is closely related to the belief that men/perceived as men are the worst possible danger, which is closely related to transphobia.
I don't think all women who say "bear" are transphobic, consciously or even unconsciously, or that they need to change their answer or else they hate trans people.
However, I don't think it's unreasonable to act people to reflect on their internal biases, and on how the way they perceive men may relate to transphobia.
Thank you for the chance to have a civil conversation about this, I wish you well too
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steviewashere · 15 days
20 Questions For Writers!
I was tagged by the awesome @puppy-steve thank you <3 I like to talk a lot, so this is kind of long-winded and I'm so sorry.
How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 95, which is a lot! But also, I have too many ideas.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
I'm currently at 436,999. Again, I'm insane and have a lot of ideas and things just get away from me lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things! I've written Steddie, Platonic Stobin, Stommy, and a couple Platonic Stancy, and Ronance once. I honestly don't see myself writing for another fandom in the near future. I've thought about maybe doing some for Baldur's Gate 3 with Bloodweave or Tav/Astarion, but we'll see.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Words Like a Bullet, Wounding My Soul
Rusted Silver Spoons and Empty Pockets
I Want You to Love Me, No Obligations, No Strings Attached
Love, Rest Your Head
I Am Vulnerable and I Am Wanting
(People love Steve angst, which I do too, so this list makes a lot of sense.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I typically do! Unless it's one that I just am not sure how to respond to. But I tend to respond within the first two to three days the comment is left—unless I'm down for the count due to chronic illness.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay, my answer is Death Embraces You as I Kiss Your Skin because both Steve and Eddie die in the end (not really spoilers). And it's just very melancholy, gross, and world-ending. But if you had to ask the people who read and comment a lot on my works, I've heard that Love, Rest Your Head is the one people are upset and mad about the most, lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of them do end up having happy endings, so it really depends the flavor of angst leading to that happy ending that you're in the mood for. But, my personal choice would be Balls in Laundry Baskets: An Apology or Everything and More (though the series that work belongs to does not have the best of endings, oops. But every work in the series is standalone).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have only received hate once on a fic, surprisingly. They commented, I responded, and then a few weeks later I deleted the thread entirely. But I've received hate on here for some of my Steve headcanons. And I've received hate on Twitter for writing Trans Stevie Harrington. So...Sort of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. Though, not a lot. I've mainly written emotional/tender/gentle sex. I've done a T4T Steddie fic that's smut with some plot called Be My Lover. Take Care of Me (Sodomy) is physical fighting that leads to rough sex that turns emotional and tender (read tags, obvs). And, I don't really post about it on here because it's the kind of stuff that gets hate (because it's a kink that is usually hated on a lot already), but my weight gain kink fic Indulgence and Discovery is a mixed bag. (If you read that last one, just know it's don't like, don't read. And I don't wanna hear you complain about it.)
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't currently. And I'm not all that familiar with them, as I don't usually read them. But I'd like to do something, maybe, that involves Steddie x Doctor Who or Steddie x Star Wars. The logistics just don't work all that well in my brain.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thank goodness. But if it does happen and I'm unaware, I'm hoping someone will reach out to me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'm open to it! If somebody wants to translate my work, they just gotta reach out and ask. Honestly, that would be kind of cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I have not. And I don't know if it's something I'd like to do. I'm not a hard person to work with, but sometimes I am kind of hard headed. (Big old character flaw.) So I tend to get argumentative really easy. And I don't want to scare people off just because I'm being an ass.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Steddie, of course. But I've also been a big fan of Steve Harrington/Tommy Hagan (Stommy), Astarion/Gale (Bloodweave, Baldur's Gate 3), and Markus/North (Norkus, Detroit Become Human). And I've recently liked the idea of Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker (Dinluke, The Mandalorian).
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
Probably my first ever trans Stevie Harrington work, My Girl, Your Girl. I just lost interest with the work over time. But I'm thinking of doing one more chapter and calling it finished. And We Share This Life is one I'm thinking of orphaning. It's just such a big boy project that I am just over with at this point. I don't even want to link them because I don't want to get y'alls hopes up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue is a current strength of mine. May be from experience writing speeches and monologues for public speaking and theater classes. But that's a big one for me. And then I've been told numerous times I'm great at writing very human, realistic, disgusting crying scenes. Which is great because I do that frequently. (Cry, that is.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing action. Not like bullets flying, explosions going off action. I mean just the simple act of kissing or hugging or being in a space. And also writing smut. I've never had sex and sex isn't all that interesting or necessary to me, so all of my smut feels kind of stiff. Except for my work in Indulgence and Discovery—that one in particular is written when I'm in the mood, it's written from personal fantasy/desire. So it flows just a little better than my other smut works, but still. Not great at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I only know two languages, English (which is my first and is what I'm fluent in), and American Sign Language (which I'm intermediate to fluent in). Obviously, I write English dialogue. But I've written sign language in fic before, it tends to write like this: 'WHISPER OKAY?' (an example taken from Words Like a Bullet, Wounding My Soul). And I'm moderately good at writing ASL grammar, as this is how I've seen it written and been taught to write it. So as long as the language is something I know or am fluent in, I'm good to go.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things and it'll most likely be the only fandom I write for.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Hard question. I have quite a few that I like, so I'll give my top five. Just because I'm indecisive.
The Bow on a Gift (Steddie)
Lighthouse (Platonic Stobin)
My Boy (Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson)
Be My Lover (T4T Steddie)
In it For the Long Haul (And Then Some) (Pre-Steddie/Steddie)
I don't know how many to tag for this:
@ataliagold @pearynice @scoops-aboy86 @hotluncheddie @sidekick-hero
And anybody else because I have a brain the size of a pea <3
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svt-chanel · 2 months
hiii!! sorry for the random ask (and you could totally private reply to this too), i found your blog from a friend, and i noticed that the fc of chanel is mina (lover her btw), but you listed her nationality as australian-korean-vietnamese. No hate or anything, but since mina is japanese and not of korean blood, and while you also listed her as chan's half sister (which chan is full korean ethnicity wise and korean-aussie nationality wise), it comes off as a little weird. Having her as hanni's (who is 100% viet ethnicity wise and aus-viet nationality) half sister also comes off as a little confusing too. This is kind of like ethnobending, so I just wanted to let you know. You can totally keep her fc as mina, but it would be nice to change up the nationality or to not have her as chan's half sister and hanni's half sister. I hope this doesn't come off as rude or hate, I just want to help a fellow addition out!! I do love the little antics and posts you make about chanel, but I wanted to bring this up. Hope this finds you well <3 If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me a dm and I can clarify/explain more if needed!
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hihi!! I decided to private reply to this but I'll unprivate it if anyone else will need clarification about this! Yes I understand that Mina is Japanese but I made Chanel Viet-Aussie-Kor. I did do this intentionally because I
Couldnt find any viet idols that were older (like older than hanni or were popular)
I wanted something unique!
Chanel is a very unique character with her personality and her family! At first she was only gonna be Viet-Aussie but I kept on changing Chanel wether it was from her fc to her nationality/ethnicity. I made her Korean even though mina has no Korean blood because Chan however does have Korean blood and was also born there but raised in Australia. Idk if I've said this one her profile or anywhere else before but she's Korean because she has Korean blood and was born there (the Korean blood comes from her/chan's mother) and the thing is her backstory is rhat her mother and father met in Korea (before her + chan's birth) in high-school and even had a relationship with each other until in college they broke up cuz she cheated on him with Jack (Chan's father). Years later during 1997 Jessica (Chan's/Chanel's mother) is already pregnant with Chan (and she doesn't know) but Jessica and Her Father meet again in Korea while he was on vacation there and then they...yk (I heard u can actually get pregnant with twins by different fathers if u have...yk while ur pregnant) and then after that Chan + Chanel were born and yeah! And then ofc later Hanni was born by her mother bur Chanel's father which makes all 3 of them Half siblings.
I chose Mina as her fc because at first I didn't know what I wanted for Chanel and didn't plan anything out for her yet at the time but I saw Mina and was like "She's an underrated faceclaim plus she's pretty and gives off a elegant vibe." (The vibe I kinda wanted Chanel to give off at the time) I knew Mina is Japanese but just ignored it at the time and hoped nobody gave me problems with it!! (Whoch btw u haven't its just a question!) And I knew this question would come some day but didn't expect it to come this quickly. But yeah! I'll probably either change her fc (sigh again) or change her nationality cuz I PERSONALLY think the Hanni, Chan, and Chanel as half-siblings is really cool or ill just have one of them as her full sibling (which will most likely be chan). Or I'll just save it for a different oc or just delete her entirely and make a different Svt addition.
But either way I really appreciate that you like the antics of Chanel that I post about! (More ade coming from the drafts soon!!) And ofcourse I will and maybe in the future we can become friends!
-xx love Akuma/Woo
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kafus · 1 year
2, 3, 5, 12, 14, 15, 20?
2. Have you had any fusions that eventually split back to the (more or less) same parts?
not in particular... we've had fused alters split again but not to the same alters as before? i will say some of our fusions have been kinda like. Fuzzy/not complete so i will notice them being more separate sometimes and more fused other times but that's not so much a fusion...... unfusing later down the line and more like that's just the State Of Their Fusion. if that makes sense
3. Have you had any fusions that eventually split into new parts?
oops i did not read the questions ahead and basically answered this in the previous question. yeah we're pretty fragmented so we have had a Lot of fusions over time and alters will split into new parts... and those parts will fuse with other parts... and all our alter histories are a mess. there's a reason we don't care to self identify in public other than as "kiki" and "ayano" because explaining it to people or constantly knowing who exactly we are would be Fucking Exhausting
5. After a fusion of named parts, how do you decide which name to go by?
really just depends on the fusion and the feelings of the alters who are fusing? there's no clear cut way we handle that every single time, no rules, kind of just between the alters who fuse. i wouldn't even necessarily say it's a "decision" either - something just Naturally Feels Right for the alters in question and That Is Their Name. we've also had cases where alters fuse and have a completely new name none of them had before after fusion
12. Have you had parts that attempted to fuse but couldn't?
Yeah actually we have a running issue right now with two alters who WANT to fuse but like... they just can't rightnow for a variety of personal and upsetting reasons, including you know. hating each other and not accepting each other. that's what therapy is for babey !
14. Have you had a positive fusion experience before?
yes! many :] we don't look poorly at fusion, it's a sign of healing and moving forward in our life. usually fusion is celebratory, especially if it's expected/planned and not spontaneous
15. Have you had a negative fusion experience before?
yeah but less because of ourselves and more because of people in our life. have had times where an alter fuses and everyone around us acts like a person just died which. i can empathize with feeling loss in that situation (in a sense i kind of do too sometimes depending on the fusion) but it's kind of frustrating and Not productive to act like fusion is killing someone. that's just not the case. the alter is still there! just in a different way.
20. What is your system's thoughts on final fusion? Is it a potential end goal for your system?
we don't want Final Fusion but i think one day in the far future it would nice for it to just be Two. dual existence is ideal for us. right now we have at LEAST 30 alters if not more but we would like to be Two one day. we've presented ourselves as two for so long and identify as a mirror or "two people" internally so much that it's hard to imagine being happy as One. i actively value my life as multiple as well - i don't see my DID as a curse that needs to be deleted, it is literally why i survived life altering childhood trauma (no pun intended), and it is a part of my identity... i care deeply about my alters... but it also is still a mental illness at the end of the day and i would like to be more functional and less fragmented. i think i am capable of being more whole and happy than i am now if we were brought down to two. two is good. but of course this varies for everyone and if final fusion is a system's goal or functional multiplicity with a lot of alters is their goal good for them
sorry for answering this so late i got busy LOL and sorry if it was too ramble-y i'm just sorta saying shit
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kwillow · 1 year
Hi if you got my last message I'm sorry for the repeat feel free to delete if you didn't because Tumblr decided to go "no <3" at the last second oh boy howdy it's me again devoted anon unmasked, if this ask feels shorter tireder I'm sorry it is tumblr is an evil evil thing, on to my girl she is called Zephyr a lengthened alternate to her canon name that she probably picked out herself probably from a book as I imagine Ambroy boasts a huge library. Onto the daughter. (also apparently Zephyr means gentle breeze so obviously mental image of her gently blowing on Ambroys ear to make it flick to wind him up)
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Obviously from sketch to digital I missed things out because I didn't have the effort lmao, her scars from blood letting are probably hidden under her scales so if she's shedding there or pulls them back it will reveal the scars like the dragon heart dragons having those scars under their chest scales from taking out their hearts. She originally was gonna have major implied tail related trauma implying it was cut off and regrew yes I was gon imply it was cut off to be served but I thought that was too far but since her tail is nubby it likely did get injured at some point. Also I like to imagine her hair looks thick and wild and untamed? But also kind of flawless too. It's got a weirdly scaley vibe to it and the hair is probably a bit coarse, not like unpleasantly so just clearly rougher wilder almost. She usually manages her own hair via cleaning drying brushing it ect but secretly she does adore it if a staff member offers to dry her hair or brush it or just to play with it, she's touch starved and pretty woman want to touch her?? Play with her hair?? For real?? Makes her soft. She's very compliant to so if staff are needed to at least neaten up her hair they know she'll sit on the floor where they can easily reach to do her hair and sit good and still for them. The two tone color is cause I think it looks hella cool tbh it added dynamic to her and because she probably bled in her hair plenty as her horns grew in and idk mythos bled into her hair permanently dying it (though its more likely just weird power stuff like how Ambroy hair is golden hers went from brown to pink silver). Also her claws and horns are probably only metal coated and not full metal. Also idk if beans I just like the implied feral prowling stalking predator vibes of it she's an ambush predator ready to take down unsuspecting prey and also viciously hunt House intruders lmao there is mental image of her chasing some guy who broke in maybe scaring a maid and she came running hearing the maid scream absolutely hunting this guy like a wild beast thinking he was attacking the maid and for breaking in. Zephyr can have feral as a treat, as I said she's always a bit off and otherworldly a bit too feral despite the fact they should be civil, could revert to animal revert to quadraped lmao. Zephyr is always like 2 steps away from just turning into a beast and disappearing into the woods or in this case I guess kidnapping Ambroy her treasure now lmao.
Outfit time! And for me to be a liar lmao
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She's a comfortable girl, definitely would prefer to dress like she just rolled out of bed. I think she'd have a very casual relationship with clothes, at first I imagine she wore very loose things growing up easy to slide up to access flesh for cutting or very tight constricting covering everything clothes when needing to hide her abuse and likely tight fashionable clothes when later living with Ambroy and probably to some extent dressed up by him for his liking and viewing to the point that when she's older she kinda goes eh fuck it ill wear what I'm comfy in not whats suitable for other people. This also somehow developed into casualness in nudity I suppose exposed stomach falling down loose trousers ect, I also hc she has a dressing gown she'll put on and wear with nothing else only vaguely tied to just about hide everything. I think at this point she just doesn't care XD though she won't obviously do this in public but cover of Ambroys home she can be lax but will respectfully cover up to not fluster the staff they don't need to see a tit ya know she respects them. She's sure Ambroy wouldn't mind seeing a tit, but like she'll jokingly pull her dressing gown over herself pretending to conceal and hide herself from him like no you cannot witness because he probably huffs at her for being so selfish to not share a tit. But just any lazy outfit you can think of she'd wear or own, she likely does have genuine outside activity clothes which are probably actually decent walking clothes I can see her enjoying long walks out climbing treks ect cause she's active or casual outside clothes for tea and biscuits and cakes when the weather is nice but nothing fancy like Ambroy not anymore too much effort. Her fashion is likely probably more similar to the I suppose common folk than the rich cause like common folk know how to enjoy comfort rich people just dress wildly and honestly dressing in common clothes is weirdly nostalgic not exactly comforting but feels right.
Now for my lies and deceit lmao, so I know I said no dress but also. What if one dress one time XD I thought itd be fun to have her in at least one dress outfit. She's probably wearing a corset brasier combo to thin her waist and adjust her chest hence her looking different. Ambroy probably asked so that people don't realise she's showing her age too, though Zephyr definitely asked the staff to be gentle with the corset she's not used to it so they couldn't tighten it as much as Ambroy would hope. This event is likely the reason she doesn't wear dresses anymore. She probably just, had a bit of a identity crisis as the knowledge of, these people are so much different to me, set in. She's not, from wealth or royalty or really even anything important sure shes apparently half something special but she was born into nothing and treated worse for it until she met Ambroy, she realises that she stands over everyone there how delicate and beautiful the woman are and how confident and assured the men are she's, not either she's much larger and yes she knows it's muscle she's strong could probably lift more than some of the gentleman here but compared to these pretty woman she feels so, wrong and out of place and she's not confident as much as she pretends she doesn't dare enter the dance floor her feet are too big her claws too dangerous her tail too in the way. Essentially has a horrible comparison to everyone else moment anxiety and stress rising because oh god she's so different just look she's probably got problems especially because she relates more with the lower class being born into that she can take care of herself while the higher class need to be served she knows she sticks out compared to everyone so she'd leave to smoke outside. Quite literally when overly anxious she produces smoke cause she can breathe fire as a treat and she probably just has a bit of an anxiety attack outside honestly everything was probably just over stimulating for her especially if this is the first event she's been to since fully developing into divine maturity she's only just finding herself her new 'real' self and her senses are likely overwhelmed with the music chatting dancing singing perfumes sparkling jewellery and decorations and heat of the room and just she's not been raised in this like Ambroy the odd event but not really made for it and would likely not go to anymore. She'd just tell Ambroy it's because she makes the room look cluttered and she shouldn't distract from his divine radiance and beauty like that.
Also Zephyr is probably about 7ft tall or something, as much as I want to make her stupidly tall I'm limiting myself but like you're free to play around with her height and design tweaking it for if its easier in art or for a certain aesthetic ect going full size dif or casual loom. I think canon human Zephyr is about 6ft close to Ambroy height naturally as she's my big strong muscular monster girl so obviously anthro dragon form needs to be bigger than him XD I like me height dif
Anywhos hope you and Ambroy will like and enjoy her design lmao and thank you for enjoying my silly character rambles I just adore your silly lil unicorn so so much he pleases the brain. I hope you have fun with your big project I'm very excited to see it! And I hope work isn't too hard on you either! Baiii
So glad to see Zephyr in the flesh! (So to speak)
Her design is very cute, I love the silver scales and red eyes. All the better that she's 7 ft too - we love a big girl in this house!
I could definitely see Ambroys using her as a fashion doll for a while until she makes me clothing preferences known. He's unfortunately prone to viewing other people as accessories to complement his own outfits.
I like the details you included about her being uncomfortable in the high society company Ambroys tends to keep. Given her background, it makes a lot of sense (and considering the snakes Ambroys tends to associate with - and is - she's probably right to feel that way). I think he'd be torn on her bowing out of his dances and social events - on the one hand, he'd probably buy the excuse that she'd distract from his glory, and he does like being the most eye-catching thing in the room, but he does like to have an entourage so that people think he has friends. Ultimately, though, he wouldn't force her to go... though she may be forced to hear him complaining/gossiping about the proceedings afterward.
Thanks so much for sharing and my apologies again for not being more quick on the message-answering draw - I do really appreciate having your OC shared with me, despite my bumbling tardiness!
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Little Brother Duty
Genre : Fluff (Platonic)
Characters : Mitsuba Sousuke
TW : None
A/N : I was making it already but i accidentally deleted it 😭, But i remember them saying if they could have Mitsuba who is alive that is sick and has a little brother Maybe 7 or 8 that tries to take care of them, I'm sorry again ! 😭
And also, AHHH TYSM I didn't know someone would actually like my horrid writings 💗💗
Have a wonderful Night/Day 💗💗
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Mitsuba Sousuke
Thank you for taking care of big brother
"I'll send you some notes when i come by alright?, Drink your medicine and gets lots of sleep sousuke, I'll see you later!" You said, As he also said his goodbyes he hung up the phone and dug deeper into the sheets
Boxes of tissues were scene everywhere, yes everywhere, the desk, his bed side table, the floor just filled with crumpled up tissue
Groaning from his throbing headache and how cold it was he hated it "That stupig lame ass traffic earring did this to me, I'll never forgive him!!"
Actually it was his fault anyways lmao—
A small knock was heard, Probably his little brother. He lifted up the blanket from his face "Go away Akihiko, You're gonna catch my cold." But his little brother is as stubborn as him so he went inside "Nee-chan, I made you cup noodles!"
"Didn't I tell you not to come in?" Wow sassy
"And didn't I tell you I made you cup noodles? Sit down and eat" Also sassy...
Akihiro is on Little Brother Duty!!
His goal for today??
To take care of his sick big brother!!
For starters, he would try to get a basin filled with cold water and a towel to put on his brothers forehead 💗
He put mostly ice in it, maybe 70% ice and the rest water HAHA
His Brother locks him out? Surprise he has a duplicate of his key room
So mitsuba really doesn't have a chance lol
"Ne Oni-Chan, Do you like [F—]"
"Be quiet or i ill pass this cold onto you, you little gremlin"
If mitsuba tried to get up and take his medicine his little brother will push him back to bed, Nurse akihiro does not allow sick patients to get up
He would sometimes give the wrong medicine to him, like melatonin
aha kids
It would take him almost an hour to try and get what mitsuba wanted but he's trying :,)
Absolutely adorable, he would draw on mitsubas little table when he sleeps
But of course kids can feel sleepy too
maybe a little close of eyes—
No, He can't afford to sleep too! his big brother needs help!
"Sousuke! I'm here!" Knocking on his door no answer "Akihiro are you in there? I brought your Brother some medicine and i also bought you DIY Gummy worms!"
No asnwer again, The door was also unlock which made you anxious, What if someone broke in and stole their stuff, what if they got held for ransom, worse dead?! What if—
Your thinking was disturbed by soft snoring, You open Mitsubas door slightly and see both of them alseep
'Oh thank god..' Sighing a sigh of relief, you try to put Akihiro in a more comfortable position but he jolted up
"Ah! I fell asleep! Oh [F/N] - Neesan!! What brings you here?" Sitting up and hugging your arm
'So cuuttee TT' "I came here to bring your brother some food and medicine! Oh i also brought you some gummies!" He thanked you and started making shark gummies
You look over to see Mitsuba sound asleep, Bottles of Gatorade was scene on his bedside table and some cup noodles
"I took care of Nee-chan! Cause he was very weak to do any thing by himself" he said as he layed his head on his bed
This two were absolutely unseperable, Yes they fight as siblings too, But they love each other as much
"Well you did a very good job of taking care of nee-san" Patting his head, You continue to keep both of them company for the rest of the day.
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I hope i did your request right! and I also hope you like this anon! I accidentally deleted the first one hnggdhdhs TT
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potato-jem · 2 years
im so sorry for disappearing for so long :(( but something happened to my tumblr i think?? and then i just deleted the app bc i was frustrated and then was like ah ill sort it out later and then i completely forgot😭😭
anyways, i heard somewhere that MINA GOT KIDNAPPED IN SOBH?? WTF I THOUGHT THE CURSE WAS GONE AND EVERYTHING WAS GOOD NOW?? ahhh not my baby :(( jem (and tessa) must be so distressed
i don't think ill make a new account just bc its a hassle and i will probably neglect it since school started but ill try to remember to come on here once a week for sobh at least, and ill send you weekly updates if you want? i miss talking to you :((
how are you doing?? stay safe, stay hydrated💗💗
i’m gonna tag @ninacarstairss so she knows where you’ve gone too, they were helping me look for you
YEAH MINA GOT KIDSNATCHED, JUST FUCKING CASUALLY ABDUCTED. LIKE WTF CASSIE. i mean we should have expected it, we have six instalments left and cc isn’t one to just have a nice peaceful removal of the curse and the rest of the instalments be happy memoirs of the blackthorn family
yes, absolutely! i would love love love weekly updates!! if you are comfortable, you can also share one of your socials?? i mean, most of them are still in my legal name, but i would be happy to give you mine if it makes it easier for you?? if you’re not comfortable with that, then i am more than happy to receive weekly updates! i’ve missed you too (heaps actually)
as for me, i am okay!! i pumped out four essays in three days and i did them all on the days they were due (so stressful) and then i’m going on a trip tomorrow for four days!! it should be a good time to relax and not think about uni or work for an extended amount of time lol
well, i’m glad you are okay! thank you so much for letting me know! i completely understand why you won’t reactivate, but just know we will all miss your presence on tumblr :( but i’m very happy you decided to still keep in contact with me! i would hate to lose such a cool person to talk to :(
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archangelsunited · 2 years
I will probably delete later, but the frustrations of the past hour:
1: Discourse dropped- you can’t use my trauma (something that happens in real life that you may or may not also have trauma about) for your writing or reading but I will def use your disability in the most offensive way possible.
2: Look guys, I am a complex person with complex life events. There is some stuff I’ve come to peace with, there’s some stuff I haven’t- one of those things is how people talk about disability. I will block/unfollow any discourse post(er)- no matter how righteous- if I have to read more than five sentences about how bigoted something is, followed by a long paragraph of ableism.
3: Yes, I do in fact think [Culture that caused personal trauma] is a good descriptor for [behaviour of that culture]. I don’t need a person who says they haven’t been around that system to explain how it’s wrong- while admitting they don’t have experience on the post.
4: Disability isn’t an excuse. (I’m aware). [Disability] is a naturally abusive, because I have personally suffered abuse at the hands of someone with [disability] (Wow, then why don’t I tell you about people who are Neuro typical I bet my sample size is bigger than yours).*
5: my back is killing me and I am out of caffeine.
6.) Doggo #3 keeps smacking my phone. So i move to the office.
Doggo #3:
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*Your trauma is valid, and I am so sorry you were at the mercy of someone who would not get help and would not change. I am especially sorry that your empathy for the illness was used against you, no one deserves what you went through.
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I just read ch 6!!!! And have so many feels.
There were so many emotional talks between everybody! Chris and bex! Bex and will! Will and jay! Chris and jay! Bex and jay! Mouse and jay! Al and voight! Such a rollercoaster. But ultimately very satisfying.
And the intro of brett!! Amazing! But did truck lose someone to take on gabi? Or did truck expand so we can have more characters without killing someone? -looking at you nbc 😒-
I'm a little curious what mouse found out about beau!! Also who was part of the unanimous decision that bex is not to go undercover again? Does her brothers have a bex brothers only group chat where they trade information on bex?
Also, when did Antonio sneak a pic for Gabi? Sneaky sir! Very sneaky!
Ugh, but Emery. 😩 don't get mad at bex! Cal is a criminal and Ty is trash! When did Cal even have time to let Ty know this? He was shot, then cutting a deal with pd, and then in the hospital for treatment? Are these the legendary multi tasking skills of middle management?
Uh...Ramsay is the kingpin here? Assault charges? Getting a little nervous for Bex given his interest last chapter.
But such a touching scene between chris and bex? Kitkat chats? Just perfection. But what is this backstory about scouts? I think you write chris so well. Really bringing out those fatherly advice that's so essential to his character in canon. Also, such a cute touch with the time out to intelligence later on!
And bex finally got hugs and cuddles! Unexpectedly, from adam. Unsatisfyingly, none from mouse.
It seems like bex and will go running every day...and will wins ever day...so will is now twerking every day? Could he place in a dance competition at this point 😂? I would root for him. Also i cannot imagine jay twerking. Can you imagine if burgess and roman or atwater are on patrol and come across this scene? The blackmail. 😂
Thank you for the lovely chapter!
Hello! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter! To answer your questions (putting it after the cut because this got long!):
1. Uh, I definitely meant to add in a part before now where Chris becomes Lt and they get Engine, but apparently I forgot. Just pretend Truck fits six people, please, and I'll fix it in one of the next parts. (My bad.) 2. Mouse found nothing out about Beau that was of any ill repute and he's a bit salty about it. Anything he did find was small beans. But he and Jay still have fun dissecting his socials because they're just Like That. I was thinking that the unanimous vote was with Jay and the younger Intelligence gang, but Will and Chris would be on side as well. I kind of love the idea of them having a Bex Brothers chat. Hmmm. 3. Antonio took pics during the performance - he was blending in with the crowd! That's his story and he's sticking to it. 4. I know, I know. Emery is right in the thick of it with Ty and it's hard for everyone to watch. They're going to do their best to help get her out of it. And Cal used his powers of persuasion and sweet talked a nurse into lending him her phone on the sly so he could text Ty (telling Ty not to answer and deleting the sent text from her phone after.) 5. I wouldn't call Ramsay the kingpin so much as keeper of all the secrets with a rage problem. He is actually going to jail for a good long while so HE'S not going to be a threat to anyone. 6. I love writing Chris and I love, love, love writing Chris and Bex. Their relationship is one of my favourite parts of this series. I feel like he's kind of fallen to the side for the last few parts because the Halstead boys had so much going on, but I'm bringing him back in more. (The Scouts record is sealed. Sorry, lol) 7. Yes, lots of hugs and cuddles for Bex this chapter! Sorry none were from Mouse, lol - they didn't even get a scene together this chapter. Oh, that was mean of me. Don't worry - I will be making up for it! 8. Bex and Will don't go running EVERY day, but they go enough. And Will doesn't win every time, but he wins enough that he has buns of steel. Jay didn't twerk much (I mean...he gave it a shot), but he was more busting out the old school moves like the shopping cart and the lawn mower. They do this often enough, they're definitely going to get caught by more people, lol! Thanks again for reading and for the comments! :D :D
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hikari-writes · 1 year
It's me, that bitch Hikari who disappeared without saying a word for two whole years-
Owkdnkwndjw where do i start man-
First of all, I am deeply, truly, sorry for disappearing on you guys like that, really. I owe you guys an explanation but tbh i just think im making excuses at this point. But i just wanna say that Im sorry. Im really really sorry…
I promised myself that i wont be active here again until april of next year (ill explain later as to why) but i thought id just drop in rq to notice you guys that im still here, alive and well, and fortunately not dead yet-
It's been so long since i last wrote any fanfic, and i havent written anything proper ever since 2 years ago, but i rlly miss being able to write,, it was one of my passion, and still is even tho i never wrote anything for the past years,,, id rlly like to come back and revive this dead writing blog once im finally free on april of 2023… I hope you guys will be able to welcome me back at that time with open arms (or just dropkick me for being so inactive i dont mind whichever ahhseilwnekdj)
I have an upcoming big exam next year from february to march 2023, an exam that will carve my path as an adult, which, if any of you malaysians seeing this, yes its SPM. U could say my whole career depends on this, hence why I've been so inactive on tumblr for the past years (and also some other reasons but thats one of it)
I know a lot of my moots have moved on, some still here and some have deactivated or delete their account and all i feel is,, regret. A lot of my moots are what helped me get through my darker moments during quarantine, and the fact that ill probably lose contact with them for forever is horrifying. I wish i had at least contacted them for one last time b4 i disappeared 2 years ago. I wish i was able to ask for their other socmed so that i can still contact them. It's stupid, i know, since I'm the one who disappeared on yall in the first place. I rlly, rlly, am sorry. I just hope you know that. 
I rlly miss you guys. I truly do. Its been so long. You guys are the sweetest people ive ever had the pleasure of knowing and im truly blessed by that fact. I srsly dont deserve you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for always putting up with my antics and simpings, and always just,,, being the sweetest person ever. I truly dont deserve yall. You guys are the reason i still havent deleted or deactivated my acc. I just cant let go of you guys. Thats why i still keep this up even tho im hella inactive. So that i can still come back here, someday. 
Ive gotten into some more fandoms while i was gone, and I'll add that to my masterlist. I promise when i come back, ill write more for you guys (even tho my writing aint nothing special windijskd) 
Thank you again for all the support youve given me for the past years. I appreciate every one of you <333 I have so many things i wanna say but its all jumbled up and my mind's a mess but just know that im sorry and thank you, for just,, everything 💞💞💞 i hope when i come back, i can still be the hikari you guys remember me as 💓
This isn't a goodbye post, far from it. This is simply a see you later post. I love you guys, stay hydrated, and always rmmbr that ure an awesome person who deserves all the love in the world 💗💗💗
-Signing off for now,
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kyokiiro · 2 months
It's all fun and games..
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Synopsis - You and Aventurine thought it would be funny to prank Topaz, but Topaz isn't happy about it..
Warnings/content - gn!reader(pronouns aren't mentioned), fluff, crack, ft.Aventurine, Reader and Aventurine are friends, can be read as both romantic & platonic, Reader works as an IPC worker, Topaz being done w/ you & Aventurine's bs, Numby being a snitch, swearing/cursing, possible grammar mistakes, not proofread. wc: 653
A/N: I had a hard time coming up w/ a prank, so sorry if this took to long!! Also i accidentally posted the unfinished fic, so i had to delete it:') But i hope this fic is to your liking! I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be romantic, so i decided to make it be read as both romantic & platonic!! Also i apologize if Topaz and/or Aventurine are ooc
Tags: @therealwasaboi (the person who requested this)
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When no one was looking, you and Aventurine sneaked off to a more secluded place. "Is everything ready?" you whispered to Aventurine. "Yep, everything is ready. Oh this is going to be fun!" Aventurine whispered back with excitement in his voice. You were abit reluctant at first when Aventurine proposed the prank, but later gave in. It can't be to bad, right? Right? Boy were you wrong and about to find out that pranking Topaz isn't the most ideal thing..
You and Aventurine went to Topaz's office and started to set up the prank. The prank was throwing toilet paper around Topaz's office and make it a whole mess. You and Aventurine had a few hours left untill Topaz would come back from her meeting. What you guys didn't know was that Numby was watching you both from the doorway.
After you guys were done trashing Topaz's office with toilet paper. You looked at the time and saw that you guys still had 10 minutes left. "We only have 10 minutes left. It's best to leave before Topaz comes back." You said to Aventurine, who nodded in agreement.
You guys left Topaz's office, unaware of Numby watching from around the corner. When Topaz was done with her meeting she started to walk back to her office, while you and Aventurine were following her from a safe distance. You guys hid around a corner when she reached office. The face Topaz made already made you guys chuckle, but when she shouted "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE!?" Made you guys burst into laughter, while trying to muffle both your laughters to not alarm Topaz. After you guys were done laughing, while catching your breath. You saw Numby from the corner of your eye and turned to your side to face him. You raised your eyebrow "Hey, Numby. What are you doing here?" you asked to the trotter in confusion. Aventurine turned his attention to the trotter and immediately tensed, because he knows what the trotter is about to do. But before he could warn you to get out Numby let a loud noise alarming Topaz. Topaz who obviously heard her companion, walked towards him. "Numby, what are doing there? Is something wrong?" Topaz questioned. You and Aventurine were obviously panicking, but before you guys could (try) running away. Topaz was already infront of the both of you with clear irritation written on her face. When she went to look where her companion was making noises of dissaproval to, she made eye contact with you and Aventurine. Topaz instantly knew who pulled the prank on her and both you and Aventurine knew your were in trouble.
"Hey Topaz!.. What a convenience seeing you here. Do you need any-" you tried to play it off, but were cut off by Topaz. "Cut the act (name), you two know exactly what you did." Topaz said sternly with narrowed eyes. You gulped and awkwardly scratched your neck, while Aventurine was whisteling. Topaz sighed "Well you guys better clean up the mess you made. Ill let it slide this once, but if it happens again. I won't be so lenient. Understood?" When there came no answer from both of you Topaz repeated herself, but alot more intimidating "Understood?". "Yes, ofcourse!" You answered immediately, not wanting to anger her more. You nudged Aventurine who just let out an annoyed groan.
"I told you it wasn't a good idea" you hissed at Aventurine, he scoffed. "You agreed to this, so don't blame this on me!" Aventurine hissed back at you. Topaz just watched in amusement while you guys were bickering like two kids.
"God what am i going to do with you both" Topaz chuckled to herself. At the end of the day you both apologized to Topaz. Tho Aventurine was more stubborn to apologize due his pride, but eventually did tho you could hear the annoyance and embarrassment in his voice.
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Reblogs are appreciated!!
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uranium · 2 years
hiiii apologies if this is a weird ask but did you have a post up earlier about antiviral + gerard? I vaguely remember reading it while half asleep earlier & being like oh this is good I have Thoughts ill have to reply to this later when I'm not busy but now I dont see it
oh my god yes i did sorry it was really rambly at 3am and i woke up and felt kind of embarrassed about it so i deleted it but the thoughts do remain LOL -_-
i have some free time later today so i might rewrite it to make more sense and be less of a weird diary entry but you are also 100% welcome to freak out with me about it in my DMs or something
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x3rrorx · 8 months
Ok I have been reading your blog for awhile and you absolutely have every right to defend yourself and show these girls true colors. You do you and if people don’t like it then you don’t have to read it. It’s your life and story to tell. Everyone knows that these girls and their friends are toxic and want to keep adding fuel to the fire. You were sent and given information that you have every right to share. It is up to you to post it or not. I love to read some of the tea that is being said. I fell like C wanted her 15 minutes of fame and she got that. Bad part is that she had to almost ruin someone’s life in order to do that. I’m sorry for all the crap you have gone through because of their actions. C is old news and needs to shoo fly shoo. If that is her motive to get back at someone, especially her ex situation, then she needs to grow up fast. She may be 30 or near 30, who knows, but acts like a hurt teenager. Causing drama and making fans uncomfortable. Yes C we know you have a voice and you have every right to express your experience, but I’m sorry keep it behind closed doors. It’s between you and him and leave it at that right? People are always going to be curious and let them I think. C made this public and if any person feels comfortable talking to someone else who may have some insight on the situation then we want their opinion. Trust me I love yours because they are honest and to the point. I know I wouldn’t have the guts to take these girls on and I am proud that you are and you’re standing your ground! You’re a fighter girl keep fighting. Don’t stop being you! As for the other girls learn that actions have consequences and you are going to get your just desserts someway and somehow. Just remember that just because you are friends with someone doesn’t mean they have your back. It’s like the saying goes keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Hope this brings some joy to your day.
And I agree that she has every right to express her experience, and I have stated it so many times. But there’s no need to do it again 3 years later when no one was every talk about her. No one really even knew about her. And the way she did it… that was what is the main issue and always has been.
I also don’t expect or want any sympathy from anyone. I truly don’t. I have also stated this before that I made my bed when I chose to dig into it and speak upon it. I never claimed to be innocent from that. But again, how far she goes isn’t okay. That group just digs and pushed and spins everything. We have ALL seen it happen. And that’s why I keep speaking on it with screenshots to just about everything said. They say one thing and then something different or they’ll be hypocritical about things or they will take something said and then spin it to something different. And people who don’t see the other side just take her word for it. That’s why I come with screenshots to just about everything. I also don’t sit here and delete tweets or posts because I’m not hiding what I’ve said. I say it with my damn chest. They say shit then delete and hide and go private when they get called out on it. Rather than accepting that hey… maybe you’re actually fucking wrong.
But they don’t want to realize that they are the problem. I can at least admit to shit. I chose to speak on it. Did I have to? Nope. So that’s why I’m not bothered that people dislike or disagree with the blog or the way I went about it. The only people I’m bothered with are the mean girls who feel they need drag my name with a twisted version of things or a complete utter lie.
I do appreciate the people who come to me and say they don’t agree with how I’ve done this but also don’t wish Ill on me and don’t drag my name with false bullshit. I’m not bitter with people who dislike or disagree, everyone has a right to their opinions. I just won’t stand for the assholes.
I also greatly appreciate people who leave messages like this 🖤
So thank you 👑
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casart · 3 years
In other news; I’m actually so happy goretober is over♡ It was fun but never again skjjshcksbdks
Now I can put energy into other things like actually working on my new Sides au (´v`)
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heavybug · 2 years
Straight up wild to me that ppl will demonize an entire subset of this kink w/o ever exploring the ways it can be healthily and ethically practiced ... i guess its too much work & saying "if you like humiliation you suck" is easier
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