#also. naoto 😭😭
halalhyungwon · 1 year
not to be obsessed but like
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
ugh sorry about all those people. you are definitely my favorite loz artist! and whenever you post about persona (my special interest) i get unreasonably happy :D
i’m glad there’s people who like the personaposting because i haven’t thought about anything except those games in probably like 3 months
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I would like to formally submit an application to get over writers block
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rgg heights make no sense I just pretend everyone is 6 inches shorter than their canon height
you will accept everyone's built like a tree and you will like it
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melzzles · 2 years
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beeing1alive · 1 month
Hola! Can I request TR boys (whoever you want but pls add Rindou😭) with a reader who struggles with drug addiction? And even if she doesn't take very dangerous ones, she still drinks study pills/drugs everyday?
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Note: heyy, thanks for the sweet message, I don't really write about such topics but I tried
!Warnings: drugs, light nsfw, weed!
Also takes drugs, even regularly and will take them with you, because what is hotter than being high together? Nothing. Then you lie in bed together, high and simply satisfied. Well, nevertheless, he will make sure that you both do not overdose, he could not bear to lose you. Will also pay attention to what you take and also how, so that nothing worse happens.
Sanzu; bonten!mikey; Hanma, ran; Kazutora
Only takes drugs occasionally, but then harmless ones, such as weed. Sometimes his daily work life is just so stressful that he needs a joint or two to calm down. Then he'll enjoy sitting on the balcony with you, sharing a joint together and just being completely relaxed and satisfied.
Rindou, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Draken, Baji, Nahoya, Kisaki
Has an absolute dislike for drugs. Doesn't take any, has never taken any and never will. Tries 110% to get you off, partly because it's just unhealthy and partly because it stinks, especially if you smoke weed. But can't deny that it is great sex when you are high, you are just more sensitive and so on, he doesn't want it, but he can't say that it doesn't make him horny.
Takemichi, souya, Chifuyu, Akkun, Naoto
I also wrote other scenarios for him and other characters, so here is my masterlist if you want to check it out, requests are open <3
Attention: The characters and the gif do not belong to me. All credits go to the actual owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please write to me.
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in-jail-out-soon7 · 9 months
"If I could change anything. I would've let myself fall in love with you."
In which instead of Takemitchy, it's you that has the ability to time travel. Allowing you to change the past and present. After traveling back to the present and attending the funeral of Takashi Mitsuya, you arrive back home to find a letter. An invitation to the Philippines.
Manjiro Sano x GN!Reader
Warnings: Tokyo Revengers spoilers, slowburn, mentions of death, cursing, guns, violence, blood & mentions of broken bones.
A/N: Hope this does well because I want to make it a series😭
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With a flash of colour, every vein and artery seemed to buzz alongside every organ as you switched to your future body.
Blinking you steadied yourself in your new body. Taking a deep breath, a young woman with pale pink hair stood before you.
"Thank you for coming," she spoke softly. You hummed quietly in confusion. "Please wait in this line."
She gestured to the growing line forming behind her. "Oh.. Alright." The woman smiled and took her place behind a stand to check guests in.
Examining your surroundings you grasped at your clothes. You were dressed neatly in black formal mourning attire. Around you people spoke quietly to one another, comforting each other. An uneasy feeling settled in your chest as you took your place in line like you were instructed to.
At the front of the line, the lady from before alongside another who looked around the same age just with pale blonde hair greeted you. After giving them your last name the woman with blonde hair ushered you inside. "You can go inside," her voice shook and she pinched her nose but it did no good at preventing her tears.
You thanked them and made your way towards the entry of the building. Behind you the pink haired lady encouraged her friend. "Keep it together Mana."
"I'm sorry, Luna."
Trying not to trip over your own feet you turned on your heel quickly to examine the two girls. No, they weren't friends. They were sisters.
They ushered another guest into the funeral. The blonde woman, Mana, sobbed out her next words. "Thank you for attending my brother's funeral."
You chest tightened and you gasped, turning back around to rush into the building. Music played down the long hallway. The walls blurred together has you tried to find the correct room. Your ankles wobbled and knocked into each other, leaning on the wall for support you decided to search your person before moving forward.
Your fingers gripped around the familiar shape of your cellphone. Bringing the screen to life you tapped aggressively at the keyboard having to redo your password twice before opening the web. Searching for recent stories regarding any gang violence.
After searching endlessly you sat on the floor of the hallway your back hurting from being pressed against the textured wall for so long.
Takashi Mitsuya, a Toman Officer, had been strangled to death in an attack. Hinata Tachibana, your long time best friend had died once again in a car accident. Her boyfriend and in this timeline fiance, Takemitchi Hanagaki, who was also a Toman Officer had also died in the same accident.
The phone slipped from your sweaty palms onto the deep red carpet underneath you. The ringing in your ears drowned out the disgusting noises that came from your throat as you desperately tried not to throw up.
Passerbys stared and man approached you his comforts and concerns falling on deaf ears. Picking your phone up off the floor you braced your body on the wall before sliding up it with shaky legs.
It was Mitsuya's funeral. You had remembered meeting his little sisters, Luna and Mana, in the past at the New Year's festival.
When you gained enough strength in your legs you ran back down the way you came. Ignoring any looks thrown your way. Slipping through the big double doors you tried your best to stay out of everyone's way as you left the property.
You couldn't stay and sit through this service. You needed to find Naoto and figure out what the hell was happening.
After running aimlessly through the streets, muscle memory took you back to your old apartment. Heavy breaths left you as you sat in front of the front door with your back pressed against the hard material. Coughing and gagging on nothing.
You don't know why you had come back here. In other timelines you had been in nice preppy pent houses due to your connection to Toman, though you have never been an official member of the gang. According to Mikey you were just his guest he let sit in on meetings.
Where was Mikey?
A deep voice rang out from besides you. "Good, I knew you were back."
Lifting your gaze from the concrete floor your eyes fall over a tall, slim man with short black hair. He was dressed neatly in a tie, button down and black trousers, like he always was. It was Naoto.
Blinking you stood up clumsily. "Naoto?"
"My memories were over written, so I knew you had come back," he explained.
"Yeah, sure, but what the hell is happening?" Your fist clenched, nails digging into your palm. "Why is everyone dead?" You pressed. You had begun working with Naoto after Hinata's original death, when you had discovered your power of time traveling after dying to a division of Toman that had broken into your apartment and attacked you with a bat.
Meeting Naoto in the past, believing your life was just flashing before your eyes you admitted everything that would happen twelve years in the future. And with that knowledge he had managed to stop the Toman division from killing you again in exchange that you help save his sister.
Being an old friend of her's, a close one at that, made you a target in every timeline due to a plan still unknown to you. The first timeline where you managed to save Hinata and got to see her in the future, Takemitchi had reached out as well to speak with his ex-girlfriend. Ever since then Takemitchi has died alongside her in every future.
Naoto's gaze fell, his brow furrowed. "I'll explain inside." You hummed confused. He gestured to the apartment door. "Oh, yeah, you live here again. You probably have your keys on you."
Raising a brow you began checking your person until you struck up a silver ring of keys. "Oh." You unlocked the door, pushing it open. It smelt vaguely of cleaner and bleach. You two made your way inside.
Naoto explained everything. How all main Toman members: Draken, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Chifuyu and Takemitchi have all been killed. Even Kisaki and Kazutora were found dead.
Your drummed your fingers on the wooden table in your room as you listened to Naoto. "But, how?" You interrupt him, not wanting to hear anymore. "I did what I was supposed to." Glaring at him you thought back to the your last travel to the past.
You were right, you did everything you had planned on doing. You avoided Taiju being killed thanks to Takemitchi and after the news of the Christmas showdown came out Mikey kicked Kisaki out of Toman. Though you weren't there to see it Chifuyu and Takemitchi, the only two who knew you could time travel, reported to you about the latest Toman meeting that resulted in Kisaki's dismissal. Mikey didn't allow you at that meeting, he claimed it was punishment for tampering in a fight and risking getting hurt. As if the ear full he gave you wasn't enough.
"What about Mikey?" You asked suddenly.
Naoto sighed. "We don't know." He dug around in his coat, pulling out a piece of paper. "Currently, the suspect for all the murders," he unfolds the paper. Mikey.. But his hair was longer and black. The photo had been taken at an angle that you could see a dragon tattoo, identical to Draken's, snaked across his neck. "Is Manjiro Sano."
Your nails scratched against the table as they found their place against your palm in a fist. "What the hell are you talking about? Why would Mikey do that?"
Naoto sat the paper on the table. "We don't know, but I want to hear Mikey's side of the story." He finally took a seat across from you. "I wouldn't be surprised if he went looking for you."
A bit taken back you raise a brow. "Why? I was never apart of Toman."
He rested his chin in his open palm. "Yeah, but you two had some kind of relationship right?"
Your face flushed. "Not like that." Before you could defend yourself further you caught glimpse of a photo on the table. You slid it off the wooden surface and examined it. It was the photo Takemitchi had made you, Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Hakkai take before you returned to the future. Everyone's laughter frozen as Takemitchi tried to get in frame before the timer ended. You couldn't help but notice how Mikey's eyes were focused on you.
Naoto stretched over the table to look at the photo in your hand. "Where'd you get that photo?"
You looked back up at him and shrugged, tracing your eyes back to the place you had found the photo. "Right here," an open envelope sat next to where the photo had been laying. "Oh, hey."
Naoto picks up the envelope before you could. Studying the paper and stamps he concludes,"This is from outside of Japan. The Philippines." He takes the letter out and unfolds it gently, reading it.
Pushing yourself up with your hands, you try to catch a glimpse of the letter. "What does it say? Who's it from?"
He turns the letter towards you, offering it to you. "No name."
There wasn't much written on the page.
"Meet me on January 20th, at that place I told you about."
Staring at the words you reread them over and over trying to figure out who could've sent the letter.
"Any idea who sent this to you?"
"No, I don't think so.." You turned back to the photo. Tracing over the face of all your friends that were now dead. Then you landed on Mikey.
"Just get on it, I swear you won't fall (Y/N)." Mikey laughed as he tried to get you to sit properly on the bike him and Draken had been working on. Draken had gone inside for a bottle of water, leaving you two alone.
With your legs spread around the bike you gripped Mikey's shoulders, refusing to sit down fully. "No- I don't know how to balance myself without sitting behind someone!"
Pulling your hands off of him, he placed them on the motorcycle's handles. He gripped your wrist firm enough to keep you in place but not enough to hurt you. He laughs again when you whine. "I won't let you fall, just sit."
Grumbling you fully sat down in the seat. He didn't let your wrists go. "What's this bike for anyways?" You ask.
"We're fixing it up for Takemitchy," he explained, his grip loosening.
"Really? You're giving him a bike? He'll crash it in seconds." Mikey rolled his eyes and smirked. "Where'd you even find parts for this?"
Mikey's smirk softened to a smile. His hands weren't even holding yours anymore, just softly resting on top your own on the handles. "My older brother found this engine and mine sometime when he traveled around for parts. He only had enough parts to reconstruct my bike, so this one's just been sitting around." He explained. "He found em in some old shitty town somewhere in the Philippines."
You had been so engrossed in the story at the time that you hadn't even noticed Mikey had kicked up the bike stand and you were balancing on your own.
Looking up at Naoto who seemed concerned at your spacing out, you turned the group photo towards him. Your finger over Mikey's face. "It's from Mikey."
Naoto arranged the trip to the Philippines, making sure you arrived with enough time to find the place Mikey had been talking about.
When the 20th of January arrived you and Naoto traveled to the old ruin. The old concrete building so turn apart you couldn't even tell what it was originally supposed to be.
You wiped sweat away from your brow caused by the beaming sun. Naoto turned to you. "It'll be easier if we split up." He spoke.
Shaking your head you glared at him. "Hell no, that's how people die," you argued.
He rolled his eyes. "We'll cover more ground that way." Slipping his coat off, he folded it in half then laid it over one shoulder. He waves you off. "Yell if something happens."
Grumbling, you watch as he walks off to the ruin. When he was out of sight you went inside yourself.
You could really tell how broken down the building was from the inside. Destroyed walls and caved ceilings. You took a set of stairs up a level. With Every step you kicked up dirt and dust. You waved a hand out in front of you to prevent any of the dibre from getting in your eyes when you noticed something on your thumb.
Stoping momentarily, you brought your hand up to your face. A long white line snaked up the bottom of your thumb. A scar. You don't remember having it before your last trip to the past, you must've gotten it sometime during the Christmas brawl.
The clutter of metal pulled you from your thoughts. Rounding a corner you arrived in a doorway. In the room, mountains of old junk and metal covered nearly the whole floor making it hard to maneuver through the scrap. Anywhere you placed a hand for support something would fall and scrap against something else.
You finally arrived at a clearing in the middle of all the junk. Quietly cursing as you tried to soothe any cuts and scratches you had just gained.
Looking up to find where the voice came from, in front of you on top of a large pile of scraps and metal. A man stood amongst it. His hair was short and black, the under shaved. Black eyes stared into your own.
"Mikey?" You called up to the man as you took a step forward. It seemed stupid to ask, who else would be here?
He sat down on top the pile and crossed his legs over one another. Propping an elbow on his knee, he rested his chin in his hand before he spoke. "I hope you've been well."
"Yeah.. I have," you've met multiple people from the past in the present from different timelines. But meeting Mikey in the present just felt.. different. It made your face warm.
Mikey smiled. "You brought someone with you."
Nodding, you chuckled nervously. "Naoto, from back then. We've been working together for while now."
He hummed, never breaking eye contact. "He your boyfriend?"
You blinked and waved your arms in front of your face. "What? No, he's like a million years younger than me!"
Mikey laughed softly. "That right?" You nodded and crossed your arms, glaring up at him. "Well, I think you look good for a million." A soft gasp left your lips, the comment catching you off guard. Mikey stands. "Truth is, I asked you to come all the way here to ask you a favor." He stuffs his hands in his pockets.
"Couldn't have mentioned it in your letter?" You tease.
He shakes his head and smirks, ignoring your comment. "When I first got here, I immediately thought of my brother," he started. "Y'know I fought an awful lot of guys when I was younger, made a lot of friends too." His gaze slips to you for a moment before turning away. "Lots of laughs and tears. Then it occured to me that that's how Toman really got started. They're all really good memories."
Mikey turns away, his back facing you. Just like back then, you were always so interested when Mikey spoke. You don't know why, but you always just yearned for him to speak more. About anything.
"When me and you cut ties. Toman changed." He turned back towards you. Confused, you raised a brow at Mikey beckoning for him to continue. "(Y/N)."
He spoke your name softly.
"What was it that made you think I was going to accept your confession that day?"
Your mouth dried up and you sucked in a breath. You didn't know how to respond, these weren't events you were there for. But then again, you confessed to him?
Accepting you weren't going to respond he continued, looking off to the side. "I stopped talking to you and pushed you away. But I realised I couldn't keep it together on my own. Not even Takemitchy could keep me in line. I spun out of control and lost myself."
You shifted from one foot to the other nervously. "What do you mean? What happened?"
Mikey breathed deeply and his brow furrowed. "When Toman changed, I went looking for you. I had realised how much I messed up by cutting you off, but Kenny and Mitsuya stopped me. They didn't want me dragging you back into the mess I had just made of Toman, they protected you. They did the same thing when Takemitchy left the gang."
You take a step forward. "Takemitchy left?"
He nods. "Yeah. And those two did everything in their power to keep you guys away." Mikey frowns. "They really were great guys."
Fidgeting with your fingers you chuckle softly. "Yeah," you swallow and fight back the urge to ask the most obvious question. What happened to them?
"They were my best friends." Mikey pauses and looks at you. You take a step back as he breaths his next words. "But, I killed them both." The same feeling from Mitsuya's funeral bloomed through your chest. It burned all the way up to your throat and you coughed, choking on air. Mikey continued. "The problem was when Toman changed. All those guys, every last one of them. I killed them all."
He looked back at you. You caught your breath and glared at him. "I don't get it- why the fuck would you do that?!" You exclaimed, flaring your arms around.
"Tch." Mikey dug around in his pocket. "This is why I called you here, (Y/N)." Mikey threw whatever he pulled out of his pocket towards you. It cluttered at your feet. "I need you to end this. To end it all."
Your gaze fell to the floor beneath you. A gun laid at your feet. You covered your mouth with a hand, pulling at your lips as anxiety spread through your entire body, your whole body shaking with nerves.
"Pick up the gun, (Y/N)."
An unexpected sob breaks from your throat, your nose hot as you stared at the gun. Mikey made his way down towards you. You didn't lift your gaze until he was directly in front of you. It was all too much. The smell of dust, must, the gun at your feet it was all just too much.
"This is the place I want it to come to an end," Mikey smiled and stepped closer to you. "The end of my dream."
Your removed the hand from your mouth and gasped painfully. Gripping at your clothes you kicked the gun away and glared at Mikey, your vision clouded. "What- I'm not- I'm not going to kill you!" You struggled to get the words out. "Why did you kill all those people, Mikey!?" He returned your glare, glancing back behind you where the gun had been kicked off to. "Answer me!"
Mikey took a step back and tilted his head towards the caved in ceiling. Through the hole you could see a bird fly overhead. "Turns out, it's not easy to achieve a dream. I set out to make a whole new era for delinquents, Toman was supposed to be the vehicle to achieving that dream." He looked back at you. "But then the whole thing went to shit."
You swallowed and watched Mikey closely.
"The first time I killed someone," his eyes hooded and he smiled smugly. "I didn't even feel a thing. Then I realized something, pretty much any problem anyone has can be solved by just killing someone." He smiles, his teeth showing. They had yellowed over time. "So, now I just kill anyone standing in my way."
Without thinking you swung towards Mikey, your hand in a fist. Mikey catches your wrist, pulling you towards him. His grip was almost unbearably tight, you winced. "What the hell are you saying!? There's no way you actually mean all of that! I'll never believe you do!"
Mikey mutters something and gripped you harder.
"You're still the same guy from back then, the same guy who helped me balance on a motorcycle for the first time!" With your free hand you gripped his shirt.
"Stop it, (Y/N)."
You shook him slightly. "You're still the same guy I fell in love with 12 years ago-"
Gripping your wrist, Mikey swings you into a nearby pillar. Your grit your teeth as your back collides with the pillar. Mikey makes his way towards you. Grasping at your clothes he pulls you up and pushes you against the pillar, he pulls another gun from his pocket and places it against your cheek. Hard.
"What the hell are you trying to achieve here!?" He hisses. Reaching your arms out you hold onto his shoulders for support. Tears finally slipping down your face as you gasp for air. There's no way one of your ribs weren't broken. He presses the barrel of the gun harder against you, pushing your face into the stone pillar. You grip his shoulders harder.
Painful whines and whimpers fall from your lips. "Mikey.. It hurts.." His eyes widen but he doesn't change his position.
He stretches out a leg, the gun you kicked away had been around the place he had thrown you. He kicks the gun at you. "Pick it up." Your lips quiver and you managed the best shake of your head that you can. "(Y/N)."
He changes the position of the gun, moving it from your cheek to inbetween your eyes. "Either you kill me," he spoke. You took a hand off one of his shoulders to grip his wrist holding the gun. "Or I kill you."
You choke out your words offering Mikey a small smile. "I could never kill you, Mikey."
He glares at you pressing the gun harder against your head. "There's no going back to the past."
A gunshot rings out. Your eyes widen expecting it to be you, instead Mikey falls. Blood spattering on your face and his gun falling to the ground. You drop to your knees, holding your side, cradling a for sure broken rib. A voice calls out.
"Are you alright?!" Sucking in painful wheezes of breaths you find Naoto at your side with a gun drawn. To your other side Mikey laid in a puddle of blood, coughing.
You move as fast as you can to his side. Naoto's protests falling on deaf ears as you pull Mikey's head into your lap. You repeat his name desperately like prayer. His dark hair matted with blood from the wound on the side of his head and his pale skin stained.
He grunts and grasps your upper arm weakly. "Naoto Tachibana, is that you?" He coughs, blood trailing down his chin. "Thank you. For shooting, because (Y/N) wasn't gonna do it." He smiles softly and looks at you. "Finally, it's over. My life has been nothing but.. suffering."
A tear drips off your nose and onto Mikey's neck. "Shut up, I can fix this, Mikey." You search around for anything to help even though you knew there was nothing.
"I didn't want to reject you that day," tears flowed down Mikey's cheeks. "I just didn't want you to end up.. Like my brother or Baji." A sob breaks from your throat as you watch him.
"What could've I done to get you accept?" You choke. "See I can fix it- just tell me what I could of done differently!"
Mikey shakes his head as much as his body would allow. "It makes me happy to know you still like me." He grunts and twists in your lap. "(Y/N)." You squeeze your eyes shut as you try to push down the ugly sounds threatening to fall from your lips.
"If I could change anything. I would've let myself fall in love with you."
"Mikey, stop it."
The hand that was softly grasping at you falls limp as Mikey stills. The only thing moving being stray tears falling down his cheeks.
You grit your teeth.
"Mikey- Mikey, I said stop it!"
He doesn't respond.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
hii!! I love your hcs 💗💗
may I request naoto tachibana x fem!reader?
this has been rotting in my head for the longest time ever: so in the series, naoto said that his memory gets overwritten when a new timeline is created. so I was thinking imagine fem!reader who he loves, but every timeline she is always somewhere else, further away from him. so maybe after seeing the outcome of his sister's fate and discussing with takemichi when a new timeline is created, he also checks on fem!reader. one timeline she'd be living in another city, one timeline she'd not even remember him, and what if there's one where she is part of a criminal organization, tasked to kill naoto. what is the outcome gonna be? is she gonna be able to complete her task? or will she end up falling for him in the process?
THIS IS ALL I CAN THINK OF FOR WEEKS 😭😭 sorry it's quite long omg thank you and have a great day!! 💖💖
Ahh that actually sounds really cool! I kinda came up with this for it (it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger though)
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You're always on his mind, everytime the timeline gets rewritten there are three things he does. 1. Check to see if his sister is alive 2. Find Takemichi and 3. Find you.
He knows he shouldn't be focused on you, that he should concentrate on saving his sister. But he can't help it, you won't leave his mind. He loves you.
Of course Takemichi only encourages this, always telling him to go after you and find you. And so that's what he does in every timeline. 
In the first timeline that he can remember, you were his neighbour. It was funny how that had worked out, the two of you attending the same school as kids then living in the same building as each other as adults. He didn't really talk to you much but you were always so kind to him. Helping him out here and there, always smiling at him. 
The second timeline was the one that really changed things for him though. He wasn't expecting to find a ring on his finger or a wife waiting for him. He didn't know what to think at first but he fell hard and quickly for you, his wife. You were just so understanding and loving towards him, even when he was out late with Takemichi trying to figure things out. He liked your company before but now he loved you and of course he wanted to keep you. Something that he would end up aiming for in every timeline.
He isn't so lucky in the third timeline, the two of you were married again so of course you were also dragged along by Takemichi as "moral support" for seeing Hina. Which lead to all four of you being in the car, he had to run off for work but he thought you would be safe. He didn't think you.....                        you and Hina were chatting in the car and waiting for Takemichi when Akkun drove into the car. You were killed instantly from the collision, leaving Naoto to organise your funeral as well as his sister's. He swore he wouldn't let something like that happen again to you after that day. 
In the fourth timeline you weren't around at all, Naoto searched and searched but couldn't find you not anywhere. It wasn't until he was searching through some old stuff of his that he vaguely remembered you leaving to study and work abroad after finishing school. He hated that you weren't around but was also somewhat relieved. With him working with Kazutora and Chifuyu he was putting himself in a lot of danger, he didn't want you to be at risk too. He vowed to find you in the next timeline though, in the safer one. 
He was wrong though, this timeline wasn't safer and he didn't find you, you found him. He knew he would be a target after shooting Mikey but he wasn't expecting you to come after him. He's not sure how you got mixed up with Kisaki and Izana but it's clear you worked for them and had no idea who he was or once was to you. 
You'd been tailing him for weeks, following him around and observing him. Of course he'd noticed you immediately but said nothing. Instead he smiled at you each time your gazes met, the same way you had smiled at him in the very first timeline. You didn't smile back this time though, each time you would turn away or go back to pretending to just be a normal person who just so happened to be near him. 
Until that one evening, he was at home trying to finish off a report when he thought he heard something behind him. He was too slow to react though, you were immediately on top of him, restraining him and searching for hidden weapons. He only watched you, didn't even try to struggle against your tight grip. You pointed the gun at his head and he closed his eyes. You hesitated, something deep down telling you to not kill this guy. You didn't really know him, you'd just watched him a few weeks but you couldn't do it. Something was stopping you so the shot never rang out. When Naoto opened his eyes again you were gone, leaving his apartment as stealthily as you came in. 
He searched for you so hard after that but nothing, it's like you had disappeared. He didn't get to see you again there but you saw him one last time. After raiding the club with Koko and Inui you came out to see two bodies lying still on the floor. Closing the detectives eyes for him, you wondered why you were crying
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I just thought a dumb hc because I have insomnia and Tokyo Revengers is my roman empire.
Hear me out: I was thinking, what if Manila Izana (after Mikey dies) talked to Bonten Mikey?
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(look at them, they are deffinitly not okay! 😭)
They need each other for comfort! I guess I don't need to explain why Bonten Mikey needs to have a sibling alive, right? I always hc that Manila Izana actually loved Mikey. In a twisted way mixed with guilt and jealousy, but I'm sure he loved Mikey.
How couldn't he? When Mikey probably opened to him after Emma's death. It's canon that he was always happy to have more family. I can imagine him completly broken, unable to sleep. Calling Izana on the phone, long night talks. This Mikey trusted Izana more than he trusted Draken, I'm sure Izana comforted him after what happened to Emma (ouch, ouch and ouch). While Draken pushed Mikey away (not judging, just saying that Izana used this for his own purpose).
Manila Izana, looked at this young Manila Mikey that trusted him, that loved him like an older brother even if they just met...And he hated himself for this, because he was liying to him. About Emma, about them being siblings (he never told him what Karen said, scared of losing him). He was doing the same thing that Shinichiro did to him: liying about being brothers, pretending to be a good big brother when he isn't (this is Izana's mind, not my personal opinion on Shin, he did what he could for his age and well, being our dear reckles Shin xD)
So... Izana hated himself but he loved Mikey. He lied to himself about it too, 100% sure. He kept telling to everyone, to Kakucho, to Kisaki, that he's only using Manila Mikey. Sano siblings doing denial? That's also canon!
But after Manila Mikey dies, he lost it. He looked like he was spiraling when Naoto and Takemichi died, tbh. He realized how much he loved Mikey after losing him. And he lost his brother. Again. He's freaking spiraling.
Exactly with this Izana at this point, is where I hc this, because I need healing for coping! (so yes, that means Izana had to touch rock bottom for being open to healing first,I'm so sorry 😔)
Bonten Mikey telling to Izana that he loved him, even after knowing about Emma, knowing everything... He loved him. Izana has being death for more than a decade and this Mikey stills loves him.
Oh, and Izana's reaction finding out how he died? Finding out his friends. No, his family... Did that memorandum to him that was Bonten? That Kakucho had the hanafuda where his heart was? Izana is uggly sobbing at this point, we all know it.
Manila Izana telling to Bonten Mikey that he loves him? That he feels guilty for what he did? For killing Emma? For being a bad older brother with Manila Mikey? (He feels guilty as fuck, specially if he found out at some point that Manila Mikey wanted to die) Izana loves him and wants to be a better brother this time? Hell yeah, Mikey is also crying because he has family again! (and I'm ignoring some minor things like curses, this is happening in a neutral and cursed-cleaned space in my mind)
Edit: I think Bonten Mikey would help to Manila Izana with his guilt. Because he blames himself for the way Mikey ended and seeing that Bonten Mikey it's also broken and even less there... Well, not saying Izana didn't have responsability on Manila Mikey, but he would see that it wasn't only him.
That made me imaging Izana saying "Wtf happened in your timeline for you to end like this?" And I just laughed for not crying because... Well, Tenjiku happened and we're all living it 😭
Since curses and time-leaping exists, my new headcanon is that this two talked in dreams, or something. I don't know, time magic or some angsty cursed connection. I don't understand the logic, I'm not trying to understand it. I just need to think that some nights, this two comforted each other in dreams. 🥹🥹
@just-sp-in-inginthevoid feel absolutely and completly free to add to this brain riot. Anyone else is more than welcome to add to, please.
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beanbagbog · 2 months
tonight's tantrum:
i finally watched tokyo revengers season 2 and HOO BOY
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angery and sadde.
so it's been a couple years since i watched the first season and i forgot some of it and had to watch a recap video 😭 it took forever for me to get around to continuing it bc 1. the new season wasn't on crunchyroll and 2. i am lazy :)
BUT when i started it back up last week it didn't take long for me to be really invested and omg. what. things got even wilder and i was not prepared lol. i had a lot of questions during the first season about how the time travel works and stuff (and i still think there are a lot of plot holes there) buuuuut this show is so entertaining that after a while you're just like ehhhh i'll allow it :)
so let's start with what didn't make me want to throw my remote at the screen 🤩
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cheefu :0
one of my favorite characters in this part was chifuyu! i'm so glad takemichi finally has someone else on his side in the past who knows what's going on. also he's so supportive about everything and it's just really nice to see in the middle of all the mess 🙂‍↕️
also mitsuya in mom mode is everything
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also yuzuha was girlbossing all over the place
anyway yeah there was a lot of good stuff i'm just here to have a tantrum about THIS GUY
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i felt so much rage with the stuff that happened to emma i was screeching at like 1 am in the morning... so much so that my brother asked me the next day if i was mad about something 💀 yes i was furious actually! like what is wrong with this kid?! aren't you like 14 or smth?! GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! same for all of them tbh... the show gets all serious and then you remember they're literal middle schoolers fighting to the death and for WHAT
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these guys are the only realistic middle schoolers in this entire show 😭 okay anyway i was mad and sad and all that
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please come back nattou </3
not worried about naoto tho he should be fine EVENTUALLY but omg the ending of this season was wild too. AND THE TRUCK PART!!! when i tell you my mouth was on the FLOOR for a good bit there. estupefacto. the irony of kisaki being taken down (via truck-kun) and finally being defeated but in such a gruesome way AND by being hit by a vehicle like he kept doing with the whole hina situation... i was just not expecting that. and it was so. icky. ow. like eughhhhh.
so. this brings us to the present, and i am so invested now... i might pick up the manga, which i don't usually do unless the next season's gonna take a while and i really wanna find out what happens. but i really see a lot of possibilities and ~scrumptious~ writing choices that can be made, what with trying to figure out how to go back further in time to save emma, baji, izana, and possibly kisaki as well?? maybe??? idk ANYWAY this has been the spark notes version of my thoughts on this whole thing bc i have SO much to say but! i love this show and it's definitely made a place for itself amongst my favorites with this most recent season, plot holes and all :0
kudos to you if you stuck through this word vomit!
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gracias kenchines <3
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eggtartz · 2 years
Hi! :D I'm new to your blog, and I'm OBSESSED with your writing. So I wanted to request something and see how you would write it!!! :D
Tokyo Revengers, Takemichi has a sister and no one knew not even Hina, so his sister vists him and she's just like Sukuna, she can fight like Sukuna, her personality is like Sukuna.
Tokyo Revengers x Sukuna Takemichi's Sister reader. With the same personality and strength!!
Thank you!!! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
a/n : thankyou for the kind words anon they make my day 😭💞💞 also this story works in every timeline if you want to imagine it. thankyou for requesting and enjoy 🫶🏻
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summary : takemichi's onee-san is home!
- you were told go back to japan as your brother hanagaki takemichi has been in trouble for being involved with deliquents
- you were doing well abroad, had a job and good income but your relatives called to check on how your baby's brother doing
- annoyed, you came back of course
- annoyed, you were worried of course. japan had organizations and dangerous yakuzas and you didn't want him to end up miserable like that
- arriving at the address you had, you entered the home that was rather small but clean.
- you were unpacking when you heard voices from outside
- "oi takemichi let's go and play!" you went to the door to answer to see four teenagers
- they had bizzare hairstyles, bizzare hair colour too
- "you friends with takemichi?" you asked. seems to you that's it your normal voice but them your voice was cold and scary
- one of them that had a hairband on top of his hand psychically shivered.
- "oh, it's my voice isn't it? don't worry im not mad, my voice gets deep sometimes"
- they still were scared tho so after talking to you and takemichi whereabouts (at least they tried to talk), they scrambled back home
- one of them called akkun said takemichi had a girlfriend called tachibana hinata so you intended to visit her sometime
- "onee-san stop saying that! im here am i not?" the youngest whined. so in disbelief you pinched his arm while glaring at him
- "you don't go and mess with those deliquents you hear me takemichi? oi you hear me?"
- next morning you were up early and told takemichi to introduce you to hinata "e-eh how did you know?!"
- arrived at tachibana's household, a young boy black haired answered the door "naoto, is hina home?"
- he invited you inside and called for hina who was upstairs. hina was jumping to see takemichi but slowed down when he saw you. you tried to smile but your naturally cold face denied your tries
- "hinata?"
- you two talked a lot on the dining table and when hina's mother came back home from the market you insisted you helped and everyone ate lunch at the tachibana's household
- going home, you and takemichi was walking side to side very awkwardly "how come you just came back now onee-san?"
- "what i can't come home to see my only brother?"
- "it's not that onee-san, i was alone when you were gone. how can i know that you won't leave me anymore?" he hiccuped
- "you don't need to worry anymore, onee-san will stay here forever with you okay?" you hugged his shoulder and he smiled. you ruffled his hair and teased him a lot about hina
- "oh takemitchi!" you heard a boy called him
- "mikey kun! doraken!" he greeted them excitedly and went to run over them until he bumped into some weird looking guys that popped out from nowhere
- "so you're hanagaki huh? the one that beat up kiyomasa?" they cornered takemichi so you blocked them from your brother
- "back up assholes"
- "who are you woman? get away!"
- "well im another hanagaki too" you kicked one of their stomach and pushed hanagaki to his friends, telling them to run
- "but onee-san! mikey is-"
- "run takemichi!"
- so the three of them went into a corner and ran there
- you were facing five figuratively bigger men than you but did that scared you? no.
- you took a nearby thin stick and swinged it to their head, splitting the stick in one blow
- one of them lunged at you but you trapped his arm and forcefully folded his palm, his fingers cracking and definitely breaking after that
- still not giving up, one of them swinged a bat at your direction but you catched the bat and turned it down "i wouldn't do that if i were you"
- when the bat was directed down, you knocked his nose with your forehead and took the bat
- hitting the bat at the other men relentlessly, they all were left bloody on the ground right after
- you traced on of their chest area with your long nails, ripping the shirt in the process and said "harm hanagaki again, you'll be in a much much worse condition. you get me?" they said yes and struggled to ran away
- after dusting your shirt, you turned to the corner and saw the three boys was still there. huh they didn't ran away after all you thought
- "so cool onee-san! where did you learn that? teach me onee-san teach me!" takemichi yelled while clasping his hand together. his two friends too looked excited.
- "that was cool miss hanagaki" the taller boy said. the shorter one then said (or yelled) "you must meet my brother onee-san! you two should get married!"
- "mikey kun?!"
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vrmxlho · 2 years
hi hi hi! can i request which nicknames/petnames the tokyo revengers characters use to refer to the reader?
if you're seeing this, this was the draft tumblr deleted cuz i had too many tags 😭 why doesn't command + shift + z redo stuff im gonna cry this is the 7098324th time i lose my work on tumblr +++ this could be completely out of character cuz i dropped tokyorev back when the bonten arc had just started but i really can't be asked to care
cw: written out of pure frustration and anger + i hate you tumblr go fuck yourself + cringe + not proofread
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not the type to call their lover pet-names because they're quite shy about it. but if their partner really wants it they will call you LOVE or DARLING. it's simple, pure and poetic. it's just romantic enough without being overly cringe. they love how even if it's really chill but it also evokes warmth in the both of you, it's the perfect balance. they also like that it can be used in public settings without grossing people out by how mushy it is.
kakucho, smiley, shinchiro, naoto, south, takuya, wakasa
doesn't call you common or 'normal' pet-names. no no. instead they opt for a nickname incorporated into a pet-name that relates to your past and somehow reminds you of a deeply traumatic experience you were trying to forget. they do it on purpose to torment you. they think it's so fucking funny when you get all annoyed and flustered.
choji, mikey, rindo, senju, hanma
purposefully calls you very cringe pet-names like KITTEN or PUMPKIN in public. but when you're at home they always call you something sweet like MY BELOVED. they love the old-timey romantic feel you get when they call you that. reminds me of drive-in theatre screenings of vintage romances
chifuyu, kokonoi, sanzu, izana, yuzuha, draken, shion
calls you PRINCEX. they love seeing you melt every time they call you that. besides you really are like royalty to them. they'll be at your beck and call 24/7. honestly, the feel kinda bad for making you go through all that emotional turmoil with all the violence going on. so when you're at home they make up for it by treating you right.
kokonoi, atsushi, hakkai, angry, ran, inupi, taiju, mitsuya,
give you very soft pet names like ANGEL or LOVIE that make your skin crawl (in a good way?). they know how it makes you go crazy and they love that. they don't mind calling you that in public either because they don't think it's cringe at all. hate calling you by your full name it makes them gag honestly.
akane inui, emma sano, hinata, yamagishi, kazutora, baji, takemichi, takeomi
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Yosuke Hanamura's romance route
persona 4 has got this friendship/romance mechanic called "social links" which is basically just 10 events that you can choose to gradually level up for each sociable character in the game where you raise your relationships with said characters, which gives you various in-game boosts. most of the women in the game are able to be romanced. however, there is cut dialogue which implies that at some point, one of the male characters was meant to be a romance option as well! yosuke hanamura, the main character's best friend, has cut dialogue for his social link rank 10 event which is voiced (VOICED!! IN ENGLISH AND JAPANESE!! WHILE PEOPLE HAVE DENIED THIS SINCE THE ENGLISH VOICE LINES HAVE HIM SAYING "I LIKE YOU," IN THE JAPANESE VOICE LINES, HE IS EXPLICITLY CONFESSING TO YOU I'M PRETTY SURE!!) that implies that there was at some point going to be an option to romance him. it's assumed that this was cut somewhere later in development due to the lines being voice acted, though i believe that the reason this was cut has not been confirmed yet (though, seeing as how persona 4 was made in the 2000s....... you can probably just guess why lol)
there were unreleased voice lines that showed what was supposed to be a gay route for Persona 4 (there ARE Japanese lines for this as well, and the way in which the "I like you" part is said is the Japanese version of confessing to someone you have a crush on) and a lot of fans do agree that the protagonist is best paired with Yosuke for character development purposes, but it was probably scrapped because of homophobia 😭
Exactly what it says. Was likely scrapped because Atlus are COWARDS who didn't wanna give us the gay romance we deserved. It would have been so cute though I'm forever pissed it was scrapped...
We know it was programmed it. Yosuke is the only male character with dialogue flags, meaning you can fail his social link. The only other characters with these flags are the female love interests. Yosuke also has recorded, in both English and Japanese, final confession lines, something unique to max rank romance social links. This means it was likely scrapped very late in development. As the game also covers (badly) gender and sexuality, we can hypothesize that Yosuke's character arc was supposed to be overcoming internalized homophobia. Instead he just kinda stays "jokingly" homophobic and never grows past it.
The player would have been able to enter a romantic relationship with the character Yosuke Hanamura— text and voice lines for this option still exist within the game, and can be activated via modding. They even have proper translations, and the English versions of the lines are voiced as well, implying that the cut was made rather far into development. While this is a sad loss in its own right, it also has devastating implications in regards to the original state of other pieces of LGBT+ representation which may have also been scrapped and/or heavily modified to appear. For example, Kanji’s attraction to men and Naoto’s gender situation were both downplayed and/or walked back in the final version of the game, but it’s highly likely that Yukiko’s arc was originally intended to include more bisexual overtones, and arguments can be made for Rise’s arc being meant to center on the struggle to come to some sort of terms with her own sexuality and presentation in an industry that keeps such a tight hold on those aspects of its workers lives.
throughout the entirety of persona 4 (+golden), yosuke is portrayed to be the best friend of the protag, but also extremely homophobic towards another male character who was hinted at being gay (before atlus fucked that narrative up too). his social link hints at him having a crush on the protag, and he was intended to have a romantic route just like the female characters, but that was cut (not sure why). the whole game is about embracing the truth, including your hidden sides that you are ashamed to show to others, and having yosuke come to terms with his repressed homosexuality (& realizing that he has internalized homophobia) would have fit perfectly within that theme, but atlus said fuck that shit and cut that entire romance out. the cut dialogue can easily be found on youtube. the thing with this being cut out is that without the romance and coming to terms with his homosexuality, the only thing left of yosuke is being very homophobic. no one condems yosuke for what he says to the other male character, and it is never addressed beyond mere gags or jokes. it's horrible to sit through and honestly it was such a missed opportunity. it's such an issue that people have made a mod implementing a romantic route for yosuke just because of this. every day i mourn thinking of what could have been
This game explores many queer themes, but lacks any explicit queer relationships. The fact that file scrapers and modders discovered an unused voice line for one of the male characters that implies a romance option for him was cut from the final game makes queer fans feel let down, regardless of how groundbreaking the other queer plot points were at the time of release. It's speculated that it was cut because devs or localizers thought that it would be too much queer content in one game, and that it would affect sales and create too much controversy. I, however, believe that anyone who manages to get through the mandatory gay sauna dungeon would have had no stones to throw about an optional mlm romance.
The first party member in Persona 4, Yosuke Hanamura, was originally going to be a viable romantic partner once the player got far enough into his Social Link. This was removed rather late in development, as voiced lines for a scene where he and the protagonist begin dating were recorded in both Japanese and English. To this day, Persona 2: Innocent Sin remains the only Persona game where the protagonist can enter a gay relationship with another boy.
In this game you can choose to romance several people. There is cut voiced dialogue for a romance route for Yosuke, the main character's best friend, but in the final game he is not a romanceable character. Some are of the opinion that taking out the romance option for Yosuke removes the complexity from his character.
article: https://gamerant.com/persona-4-golden-mod-yosuke-romance/
Devil Joker boss fight
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In Persona 2, an important story/game mechanic is that rumors are becoming reality in the setting. You would have been able to spread a rumor that Joker, the leader of the Masked Circle cult, was an angelic or demonic figure, and that would have determined the corresponding boss fight when you reached a key point in the game. The ability to spread that rumor was never implemented (probably due to time constraints? or maybe because Devil Joker ripping himself in half was determined to be Too Much), and so the citizens of the city default to Joker being "as beautiful as an angel", leading to the Angel Joker boss fight instead.
recreation of the boss fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uz24UqZfYk Angel Joker for comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UPtkrsvI20&t=1227s
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1eos · 7 months
my thing about yosuke is because of his various transgressions I barely like him but I just find him weirdly compelling? Idk I think he's kinda realistic, he's always reminded me of those guys in high school who could be pretty likeable sometimes but sucked soooo bad. He's very teenage boy in that way. Also feel free to bitch about the atlus ake/shu propaganda I love hearing your takes you're always so correct and wise 🤭
THAT'S REALLY ITTTTT. he's so fascinating and ive built such a rich character study of him in my head and my ideas are amazing so i think i like him then i go back to the source material and every time im like 'goddamn yosuke SUCKSSSS' but i can't really hate him lol the magician characters are always annoying but charming boys who are early in their de-bastardification process 😭😭😭 as for akesh* I HOPE EVERYONE THAT LIKES THEM GOES TO HELLLLLLLLLLL. i have written so many dissertations on how persona 5 having the silent hill 2 problem and trying to copy details from the best entry in the series (persona 4) is the source of all their problems but i'll say it again! atlus wanted to have another adachi/souji moment so bad but make them the same age so they could have ethical yaoi but it just did not work. if they wanted that they SHOULDVE made makoto a boy and ooooooooooooooooooo the yaoi wouldve written itself. like its so crazy the wrote a worthy rival in makoto who was actively out to get u in the beginning where u could see her but the narrative wanted to suddenly swap it up and be like 'look at akechi' BITCH ITS TOO LATE. especially bc it was already done better with adachi like you cannot do that twist again it was too good! there was build up! i havent talked abt it much but the way persona 5 is set up with it being an interrogation that purposefully hides a bunch of stuff from the audience was really good to get you into the game but made other things less impactful SUCH AS AKECHI. which is a shame bc the set piece of the casino was amazing but as a character and as a narrative foil akechi fell short hes truly just an ugly low rent version of naoto and adachi mixed together w a predictable sob story back story like boooooooo booooooooooooooooo you'll never be the persona 3 betrayal!
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Sorry for requesting so much 😭
May I please request headcanons for Yu, Chie, Rise, Naoto, and Kanji finding out about their female S/O training in mixed martial arts and being an accomplished fighter?
No need to apologize! You're basically the only one requesting for Persona 4 currently and it makes me happy that you enjoy my writing and want to request me this much! Hope you enjoy!
Yu, Chie, Rise, Naoto, & Kanji finding out their Fem!S/O is trained in mixed martial arts
Warnings: Mentions of fighting/sparring, mentions of water, possible ooc
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Yu Narukami, Chie Satonaka, Rise Kujikawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane.
(it's 1 am and i still can't sleep so i'm writing this help me-)
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While slightly shocked at first Chie is absolutely hyped once she finds out her girlfriend is skilled in mixed martial arts and is a accomplished fighter. Expect her to ask you like a million questions about the specific martial arts you've practiced in. She'll be bugging you with a ton of questions for awhile, incredibly curious and hyped about your combat abilities.
Since she trains quite often too make sure her kung fu skills stay in tip top shape she'll invite you to join her in the training. Secretly she wants to spar with you but also really hates the thought of hurting her girlfriend, watching how you practice and carry yourself in fights eases up the thoughts as Chie knows you can handle and protect yourself.
Once she does get comfortable enough to ask you to spar just know she'll be going full force!
After training sometimes she'll suggest you two go to the amagi inn and relax in the hot springs together to help ease your tired muscles. Chie holds your hand and practically drags you into the warm water, somewhat jokingly offering to massage your muscles if you want it. If you actually agree her face will light up slightly red as she laughs it off but gets behind you to massage your arms.
After Yosuke broke it Chie had to buy another copy of the trial of the dragon but will often sit down and rewatch it over and over. Because you two share similar interests she thinks you'll enjoy it! She'll feel slightly awkward if you don't but isn't mad or upset and will try to find a different movie to relax too.
Very supportive in your studies and would legitimately learn a specific type of martial arts you're studying as well just to be able to train and study with you.
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Honestly he most likely found out either through Chie blabbering it out one day, you casually mentioning it in conversation, or your fighting style in the tv world.
In all honesty he's pretty impressed and wants to learn more about your skills but in a more casual way compared to Chie's hyperness. He's amazed comparing his skills to yours, yes he knows how to swing and use a cool as hell sword but he's not able to ground pound and immobilize enemy's in 2 or 3 strikes.
Though he's slightly interested he's not the type to want to learn any types of martial arts and more of just sits by the side watching you train. Mentally thinking "wow... I have one badass girlfriend-" at literally any impressive move you do.
Due to knowing origami from the origami crane folder job he knows how to do origami and knows how to create a variety of things other then cranes. One time he was thinking of a certain move you were doing and decided to create a origami version of you in the pose. it took about a good few weeks of careful crafting but it eventually was done, using a massive variety of colors to create the origami sculpture.
He gave it too you during lunchtime at school, saying that you give him a lot of inspiration in his life and mean a lot too him. Being taken slightly off guard when you kissed his cheek as a thank you.
Also very supportive, while not being completely involved like Chie he'll cheer you on from the sidelines!
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My guy is a blabbering stuttering mess, he already loved you but finding out you're also physically strong and adept at combat makes him fall in love with you a whole other level. A blush coats his face as he compliments you because ngl he finds the fact you can fight the way you do super hot.
Kanji is similar to Chie in that he's incredibly curious of your skills and abilities. Wanting to know everything he can about them and how they work, he may even ask to go into the tv world with you to go bully some random shadows together. It's mostly so he can see you in action and oh boy he's loving every minute of it and how cool you look.
While i wouldn't say Kanji has experience in any kind of martial arts he does know how to fight pretty well and honestly he may wanna learn. He finds watching you practice and train extremely fun and wants to learn the kind of things you are, so one day he may ask you if you can teach him.
Due to your reputation of a accomplished fighter bruises and injuries from training, spars, and other things can be common. For this reason Kanji always makes sure to have a medical kit easily accessible at his place and will often patch anything up for you. Reminding you to be careful but continue kicking ass.
Another very supportive boyfriend who will gladly kick ass with you
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At first Naoto was slightly worried but then she remembers how you kick shadows ass in the TV world and complete disregards those thoughts. On a logical stance she finds the skill of being a mixed martial artist useful and beneficial. But on the more emotional end of the spectrum she absolutely adores your fighting skill and spirit but more silently expresses it compared to the others.
Naoto out of the entire cast likes watching you train the most, barely outclassing Chie. While Chie is more of loud encouragement Naoto is more of shows her feelings through body language and those lovestruck eyes staring at you as you train. Of course not to stay Naoto won't compliment you with words, she actually does it quite often. But you almost can always she her gazing lovingly at you.
While she doesn't have any physical combat experience she can still decently hold her own especially with that gun of hers, but she may ask to try your fighting styles out and then almost back out cause you're extremely close to get and your hands are different places on her body to correct her stance. Naoto tries her best to stay composed though and knows you're just getting her into the right stance for the move but can't help but get flustered at how close you two are.
Naoto will often have bottles of water and a towel ready for you so you can rehydrate and wipe off any sweat from the training session. Saying that if there's anything else she can do, she'd be glad to help.
She's not as curious of your fighting abilities as the others but anytime she see's you use them she gets reminded of how much of a girl boss her girlfriend is and stares lovingly.
Another supportive girlfriend who'll back you up in battle no matter what! Even if brute force isn't her style.
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Absolutely amazed whenever she first finds out. To Rise it feels like she's fallen head over heals in love again with you. Like most of the others she'll be asking a ton of questions about where you learned it, when you did, what types of martial arts, etc.
Carry her rn, bridal specifically. She wants to be held in her girlfriend's strong arms and also just wants a chance too check out your muscles-
Rise ties for 2nd place with Chie in watching you. She's like the number 1 cheerleader and will have waters and other snacks nearby her for whenever you finish your training routine. When watching you she can't help but think, "how did I get so lucky with you?" Absolutely adoring you as you train.
Incredibly and I mean incredibly curious of your fighting abilities, she's basically asking questions everyday even if she's already asked them before. Wanting to know your progression everyday in your passion.
Rise gets really upset the second she see's a single bruise on you, worried her dear girlfriend could've gotten permanently injured. Rise is a bit overdramatic about this but after the wound is treated she becomes a cuddle bug and asks you if you won a fight or if the bruise came from training.
Another supportive girlfriend who'll be your number 1 cheerleader giving it her all!
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emeraldbabygirl · 1 year
i haven't watched the later high & low movies since iwata isn't a main character in those 😂😂 i might watch the series but idk yet
i totally recommend vav's last mv tho!! so good i can't get enough of it, and they've had some great outfits for their stages. who's your bias?
also im watching some jsb3 mvs and stumbled upon the motorcycle daddy one skgskshk i'm a iwata babe but naoto has been attacking me recently 😵😵😵
i'm really trying to find the video where he sticks his tongue out 😵😭
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I personally like the worst and worst x movies better cause I like like Todoroki and Odejima and Tsukasa very much 🥺
Hopefully I get around to watching the new mv idk tho. Also I like them all but St.Van is my fav. What about you?
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