#altean alchemy
ethereance · 2 months
Au whereupon reviving Shiro and Lance through the power of Altean alchemy, a side effect of Allura’s ability is that they end up bright pink. Everything is the same except they’re just. Bright pink.
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Since Kuron and Allura get to live, does the same applies to other characters(like Lotor or Adam)?
I guess probably? Tbh i havent really thought that far into it this au, so it is probably like a Schrodinger's cat type situation, i guess??
If Adam turned out to be alive i think he would like apologize to Shiro and they atleast get to friendly terms, and Adam is probably chilling and healing.
With Lotor i think if he were to be alive he is in another reality and since he never really got the White Lion powers he is kinda just stuck there. Dont worry he'll be fine! He's resourceful! So what if he's dealing with just so much trauma and his life's work going up in smoke and meaning nothing, he'll be fine!
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callmelyc · 6 months
Angsty post canon concept:
When Allura dies what if the Altean magic she used on Shiro and Lance weakens and that's how ppl find out Lance also died?
Both Lance and Shiro start with symptoms they can ignore and ones doctors brush aside. They get told it's fatigue, they get told it's after effects from fighting In the war like they had for all that time. Neither realize it all starts after Alluras death.
Then they end up with things unexplainable. Things like extreme full body tremors, sudden extreme chills and are icy cold to the touch no matter the temperature. Their bodies ache in the ways they had in their deaths but neither man admits it out loud too afraid of what that might mean so neither is aware they aren't alone is this bizarre and sudden turn of events.
It's not until Lance collapses and is rushed to the Garrison hospital that they discovered it something more.
His body deteriorating from the inside out seen visibly from their newest high tech scans. Rotting, closing down, slowing or lacking proper function like his body has given up. Like his body is referring backwards to lack of life but no one knows why.
It's almost like its frying itself from the inside out, it's path crawling closer and closer to his heart with every passing day like bolts of electricity pulsing more and more upward.
Shiro is the first to realize what it means once Lance is finally giving the symptoms they'd had to pry out of him. He realizes with dread that his fellow paladin has things that match up too close to his own.
He only realizes bc he's felt similar things, only his resemble his own death and he knows for a fact its thinfs in Excruciating pain, a pain he thought no one but himself would ever understand.
To get lance to admit what happened Shiro goes through the scans himself to prove his point. No one enjoys hearing Lances story, Allura hadn't even known she was capable of what she'd done to him So he's worse off than Shiro is and terrified of the idea of dying again this slowly
both get taken to an off planet hospital, one that could preserve their symptoms until the rest of their team and families could find a way to heal them
But without Alluras alchemy No one knew what to do.
First they try talking to the alteans on new altea but none have any knowledge of the alchemy allura had used for them
Then the team spreads out
Pidge uses her ranking in her field to gain any and all database information she can get her hands on
Hunk uses his connections To the Balmera and other species to attempt to find any information on healing abilities that might help
Keith is the most successful, the man he loves and his brother are dying and he wouldn't accept that one bit
He sends all the Blades willing to look for any possible Leads and anyone who might know anything about healing magic or alchemy
Keith is the one who comes across one of haggars old druids, one well versed in altean alchemy and one bitter at what had become of the craft
She had understood, to a degree, what Allura had done to Save both men
She had tied their life force to her own to ground them back to this plane of existence and now that she's no longer tied to one universe her connection has faded and so has theirs
"You must tie them to another life to keep them but this practice is taboo. If this next life dies they will with it."
Keith doesn't hesitate for a moment "just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
He ends up tying Lances life force to his own, Lance so sickly he didn't get a choice and Keith apologizes the entire way
He combs fingers through lances thinned hair hoping it brought any comfort to the man that had no energy to even stay awake anymore "you can be as angry as you want after this, as long as you survive I don't care anymore..."
Shiros husband does the same for Shiro
They know it's worked when their bodies stop dying and start to finally try to heal.
The damage so extensive they both spend months in newly crafted healing pods that do everything to try to reverse it.
Both come out whole, alive and maybe a little worse for wear than before All this took place.
But no one cares so long as they stay alive.
And, if when Keith tells lance what he'd done to save him, Keith earns a strict slap to the face for his recklessness that's followed by a gentle kiss.
Well, no one says a word.
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butterfly-writer · 4 months
Could I request for (Voltron) lotor x male reader?
M!reader is allura's brother.
For his personality I'm thinking he's flirty but if anyone he actually likes flirts back he gets really flustered?
He's also a mechanic on the ship
Lotor x Male!Reader
Summary: After eliminating Zarkon, thanks to Lotor’s feat, Allura and Lotor try to find the birthplace of all Altean Alchemy, Oriande. To help quicken the progress, Allura wanted to introduce her brother to Lotor.
★☽A/N: Of course! I haven’t done a Voltron fanfic in a while so it’s refreshing in a way!
Contents: Reader is a mechanic and Allura’s brother - FLUFF
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Y/N is a total opposite compared to his younger sister. Unlike Allura who’s respectful, kind, and sweet to others, Y/N was ruthless and short-tempered like his grandfather, but he was still loyal to others and quite protective of his sister and his friends. He was flirtatious too. He would flirt with almost everyone, except Hunk, Pidge, and Coran. Because he didn’t flirt with Hunk and Pidge was because they were more like siblings to him and Coran’s reasoning is because he was more like an uncle to him. Of course, he didn’t flirt with Allura because she was his sister.
The team, by now, was used to him and his flirtatious feats. He was still a great friend to them and a great brother to Allura. Not only that, but he was a great mechanic, he always would spend time working on the castle and the lions’ upgrades and such. He was similar to his grandfather, who was a brilliant mechanic and alchemist. He too, was a brilliant inventor like him.  So when he first met Hunk and Pidge, he was quite happy to have someone to geek out with.
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“Y/N, I would like to meet our new ally!” Allura gleefully said, gesturing to the tall figure beside her. Y/N smiled a mischievous grin. “It’s very nice to meet you, cutie.” He winked as he shook Lotor’s hand. “I’m Allura’s brother, Y/N.” Lotor nodded in response. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. I’ve heard of your hard work on mechanics. My name is Lotor,” he politely introduced himself with a slight bow.
“Lotor, you are mighty fine!” Y/N chuckled. Lotor’s eyes widened in surprise. “Y/N! You can’t flirt with someone you just met!” Allura scolded. Y/N just chuckled with a smirk on his face. “What? I’m not lying!” He protested. “I’m so sorry about my brother. Despite his flirtatious acts, he’s still a remarkable mechanic and alchemist,” Allura apologized on her brother’s behalf. But Lotor didn’t mind Allura’s brother’s antics, he actually enjoyed them to some extent.
After that, Y/N and Lotor spent a lot of time together. Y/N would always throw flirty comments every now and then which Lotor didn’t mind. Lotor admired Y.N for his charismatic personality and his intelligence. He was amazed with his upgrades on the lions and on the Castle of Lions. And Lotor got to admit, Y/N’s flirty comments and pick up lines were creative and somewhat refreshing to hear. 
When Lotor came into the picture, Y/N actually stopped flirting with the others and only had his moves on Lotor. Allura likes to think that it could be because Y/N had a thing for Lotor, which was correct. Y/N did like Lotor, he found him charming and polite. But, he knew he wouldn’t like him, the annoying and dirty Y/N. He was a mechanic, no royals, especially a Galran Royal, to like someone like him. (Even though he’s a royal himself.)
Nonetheless, he still made his moves on Lotor. He eventually caught onto his advances. He liked Y/N back, of course. He enjoyed Y/N’s company and his personality. He was endearing to be with. He wasn’t a nervous person, he had the courage to make a move on the guy he likes. It was more like he was waiting for an opportunity to make the move.
Time went by and he didn’t find the perfect time to make his move. Fortunately, Y/N’s flirtatious antics gave him the perfect opportunity.
It was just like any day, Y/N was helping him do some upgrades on the ships he and Allura were making with the space stone they've found. Lotor listened attentively to Y/N facts and his amazement towards machinery. 
“You are truly remarkable, Y/N,” Lotor complimented. “Well then you must be  from out of this world with how handsome you are~” Y/N winked. Lotor knew he was going to say that, and he came prepared. “Out of this world, huh? I think you’re more beautiful than the galaxy itself.” It wasn’t the greatest pick up line, but it was enough for Y/N to blush. “Oh!” He said with a shocked face, red appeared on his face. He was flustered, he didn’t know what to say!
Lotor only chuckled in response. “Seems like I found your weak spot, huh?” Lotor teased. “Shut up!! That is not my weak spot!” Y/N protested which Lotor hummed in response with a smile on his face.
“You’re adorable.” Y/N groaned in response. “Stop!!” He pleaded, covering his face with his hands as he fell on his back onto the ground. “I actually like you, Y/N,” Lotor bluntly said. Y/N was quick to whip his head away from his hands and look at Lotor. “What?!” He said with a shocked voice.
“It’s true. I find you endearing.. It’s refreshing to hear your flirts and I would like to spend my time with someone as smart and charismatic as you..” Lotor smiled, taking Y/N’s hands and rubbing them softly. “I would like to give us a chance.” And with a kiss, it was official.
Y/N could only smile his stupidly cute smile. He was so happy Lotor liked him back.
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discordiansamba · 4 months
Allura-centric AU where she stops Honerva's plan in its tracks during Genesis, but Honerva uses the energy she's absorbed for the ritual to forcibly rewrite their reality.
King Alfor and Queen Melenor never had a child. Honerva is satisfied that she has wiped Allura from existence, but what she doesn't know is that her existence was preserved- and sent ten thousand years to the future on Earth. Allura Anderson is born to normal human parents, and grows up as a normal human girl... except she remembers. She knows that this reality has been forcibly altered.
She sets the Galaxy Garrison as her goal. Surely there, she can find the paladins and connect with the blue lion. She has... a dreadful feeling when she never hears anything about Shiro nor even Sam, two well known figures at the Galaxy Garrison. Her worst fears are confirmed when she enrolls and finds that not only are none of the paladins there, but the blue lion is also missing.
At least Coran is at the Garrison. He's human now too, an instructor for the general education history course, as well as an engineer. He doesn't remember her, but they still forge a new bond. Coran is very fond of Allura! She's whip smart and very talented. Almost like the niece he never had!
But this... creates complications. The paladins aside, if the blue lion here, she's uncertain as to how she'll get off the planet. Except... there is one way left available to her. It's the Kerberos mission. For the next few years, she devotes all of her energy to preparing for it, in hopes of being chosen. It pays off- she's selected, alongside Coran which is... less then ideal.
But she's right. The Kerberos mission is still captured by the Galra Empire. Only once she finally gets there, she discovers the situation is much, much worse than she feared. Not only does the Galra Empire possess all but one of the lions- they have all but one of the paladins as well.
None of them are human any longer. But that's barely a blip on her radar compared to the fact that they are all working with Zarkon. There is a glassiness to their gazes that suggests they are not in control of their own actions, but...
...but she is no longer Altean. She can no longer simply use alchemy to break them free. She's going to have to find another way-
-and she will.
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yurikogane · 3 months
mmm. thought: what if vld was better written and we got more altean history/ a cap on their powers (with a REAL basis in alchemy!!!) bc im really interested in the different markings and their meanings/the whole planets systems. how did allura rule you know? like what were her duties as a princess of a planet, set to be a queen? actually on that note FUCK how they never touched on her technically being a queen without a planet or subjects to rule. bc her parents died right, so why didnt we get any of that?? ill do it myself like what
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lyxanislive · 2 months
Do you have any Shallura family headcanons? Also what are your thoughts on Shiro's family? Or lack thereof. Besides Keith ofc
Why Did this take a year to answer?
I didn't have any head canons. So I had to come up with some. Then those sucked and I changed them. 
So here we go!!!!!
Allura and Shiro don't think they can get pregnant. The whole 10000 year sleep and clone thing not withstanding, some species just don't breed well like Galra and well … anything
They play fast and loose and neither suspect anything until one day Allura gets a weird version of slipperies. Shiro freaks out and goes to Coran who is the first to guess she's pregnant as this is a symptom is pregnant Alteans
After a bunch of tests they find out she is indeed pregnant. Shiro is delighted, Allura is terrified
Because there are no studies for Altean/Human hybrids, Doctors tell Allura she is a high risk pregnancy and want her to take extra precautions 
This makes both Shiro and Coran *and by extension everyone else) treat her like glass that is on a wobbling table and she HATES it
The only person to not treat Allura like a fragile delicate flower is Keith. He becomes her confidante and when she wants everyone to get off her back she goes to hang out with Keith for “massages” or “pedicures” anything to make Shiro think they're not sparing or racing around the desert
Allura has every morning sickness symptom known to humans and Alteans. She hates it.
Hunk meal preps with Shiro every Sunday afternoon and continues to do so for like 6 months after.
Pidge hooks up like 900 baby monitors, even ones that can alert Coran
Lance helps with the nursery and tips for new baby
Matt breaks his finger helping Shiro set up a crib one afternoon
Keith is named the Altean version of God Father for the baby. He cries about it - he continues to keep Alluras secret about rough housing but he eventually stops being her go to trouble maker around month 6 as she is visibly pregnant and doesn't fit on his hover bike well
Romelle learns to knit just for the baby. She is awful at it but puts her whole heart into it. She makes a blanket, booties, hats and ear warmers for the baby
There's not even a discussion when they find out the baby is a boy. Alfor Harmonious Shirogane is just agreed on instantly
Alteans have a gestation period of 6 months. Alfor takes 8 months and Allura is VERY CRANKY and VERY PREGNANT 
Labour is also awful for Allura - 38 hours under several doctors care but when he is finally born Allura is instantly normal as if she didn't just give birth
Alfor has very faint purple altean marks, they sometimes look like bruises. His ears are not fully rounded but nowhere near a full altean length. They do not fit into the pointed ear hats Romelle made. She makes new ones
Everyone cries when they meet Alfor for the first time. Especially Alfor.
Allura goes back to coalition work immediately and Shiro becomes a stay at home dad and he takes to it so well. He's Mr. Mom and even other mothers are impressed how he can get Alfor on a schedule, clean the whole home. He also works out with baby Alfor all the time.
Allura hates she cannot reason with a baby and though she's not a bad mom by any means, she's takes longer to settle into the role than Shiro. Alfor is a bit of a mammas Boy though since he cant see Allura all day he gravitates to her when she is home.
When Alfor is 3 Shiro starts making goo goo eyes about another baby but Allura had an AWFUL time with Alfor thar they start to explore other options
They eventually decide to have at least one more half altean child, and to save Allura the grief and morning sickness and hours of labor they test tube a baby and get a wearable tank for it. Think death stranding but without Norman Reedus. 
For altean fetuses quintessence is vital so Allura has to wake up every 2 hours and transfer quintessence to the baby (because Allura is a litteral God of Alchemy she easily over does it and little does she know is making the 2nd most powerful alchemist in history)
This baby is a girl and Allura wants Shiro to pick the name. He panics and starts naming Anime characters until he falls on Temari and it's very close to an altean name so it gets chosen
Pidge and Lance DO NOT let Shiro forget they KNOW he watches Naruto. They nick name the baby “fighting dreamer” which Allura just thinks is cute but makes Shiro full body cringe when he hears it
Temari Dawn Shirogane is finally ‘hatched’ and by all accounts is healthy. She has bright pink Altean marks and pointed ears and Allura will never say out loud but she is thrilled
Temari walks and speaks late, not because she's incapable but because her brother does EVERYTHING for her. She points and Alfor does. He even speaks for her by understanding her non verbal ques
The siblings are pretty much inseparable but they do fight, despite being younger Temari usually wins because she can shape shift really early on
They are a happy little family with Allura doing coalition work, Shiro being a stay at home dad, and two adorable half Altean babies that are doted on by all the Paladins, Coran and Romelle.
When Alfor is 7 and Temari is 3 Shiro asks Allura if they can adopt someone like they had originally planned to do before the surprise pregnancy. Allura agrees and they set ground rules: under 10 years old, no Galra, has to get along with the kids
They set up “play dates” at Diffrent orphanages because they need to make sure Alfor and Temari are okay with their new sibling. These go okay but they never quite find the last piece to their family
For two weeks Allura is away on a diplomatic mission, and Shiro brings the kids out to visit her and they decide to go to the local orphanage in this star system just to see
While At the orphanage Temari wanders off and sits with a half galra boy just trying to read on his own in the corner. She's still babied by Alfor so she doesn't talk. This kid is annoyed by her at first but eventually gives in and starts reading to her. When she wants to get up she grabs his hand and leads him around and the kid begrudgingly Follows.
He's A 12 year old half galra named Vexel and he reminds Shiro so much of Keith that Shiro's Almost foaming at the mouth to adopt this kid. Allura is unsure.
Later in her stay Allura goes to the orphanage alone to meet Vexel. He's quite - kinda moody - but really smart. Allura asks him if he wants To be adopted and he says “I won't be but thats okay as long as the other kids get good homes.” And this breaks Alluras heart and she calls Shiro right there.
After discussions with Alfor and Temari they foster Vexel, until legally adopting him once he's comfortable.
Alfor Loves his brother but still claims he's the oldest. Vexel and Alfor get along great and Temari is still babied by both of them
Allura winds up taking Vexel on trips a lot to let him explore places and he becomes more of a mammas boy as well
Temari is 100% a daddys girl… and a little princess to her big brothers
Alfors favorite uncle is Lance because he's funny. Temaris is Hunk because he always sneaks her treats. And Vex likes both Keith and Pidge but for different reasons (keith is half galra and drives fast while Pidge is the smartest)
 Alfor grows up to be an artist. Something neither Shiro or Allura prepared for but the kid has incredible talent so he is sent to great art schools and Allura often gifts one of his many works to any diplomatic place she opens. Shiro still has a lot of his art from when he was a child. Alfor eventually opens up the “Takashi Art Gallery” on earth, the place he feels most at home. He never learned to pilot properly, Shiro blames his skills on his mother.
Temari is a gifted alchemist and winds up studying and learning with other Alteans. She is exceptional at construction Alchemy like her grandfather and has built many ships with her aunt Pidge. She is the first to find the restored “Oriande” after it was thought destroyed by Haggar. Temari is always a daddys girl and Is the best pilot of the siblings. 
Vexel is a Doctor who Specializes in mixed species. He himself Is half galra and growing up with half Altean siblings he has learned a lot. He is the head Doctor at a cross species clinic. As a teen he writes and publishes a paper on his siblings puberty which wins him accolades and a full ride scolarship which MORTIFIES Temari.
Fun things
Morning people: Shiro and Alfor
NOT morning people: Allura, Temari, Vexel
Has crashed a ship: everyone but Shiro
Most Swears: Alfor
Pickiest eater: Temari
Most spoiled: Vexel
Worst jokes: Shiro
Best at sports: Allura
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voltrohgodwhat · 2 months
Keith: [casually fights with the power of ambidexterity]
Pidge, in the worst possible fake deep voice: The gods gave you two hands, and you use them both for your weapon. I can respect that.
Hunk: [frustrated searching for space cake ingredients] WHERE?! Did it GO!
Pidge: Let me guess. Someone stole your sweetroll.
Keith: [existing post-BoM]
Pidge: Is that... fur? Coming out of your ears?
Keith: Pidge for the love of god
Haggar: Voltron will be ours!
Pidge: You're the one that casts those illusions. Impressive.
Allura: I have Altean alchemy now!
Pidge: Fancy yourself an alchemist, hmm? Never could get the hang of that.
Lance, flirting with a random alien at a party: Hey pretty lady-
Pidge, appearing from the shadows of an appetizer table: Heard about you and your honeyed words.
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princessallura052 · 5 months
Black Paladin Keith (detailed analysis)
Okay, so I did promise you guys an analysis. I did not expect to get this done so quickly but this moron who wanted validation on the mini-meta did made me angry enough to put this out there because *shrilly Angelica from Rugrats voice* Omg Keith and Black were such dicks to Shiro, aren’t they just horrible beings? Yeah, you guys just saw my petty side which I normally only show to close friends but to the sane VLD fans out there, I feel sorry for us having a fandom like this, we deserve better. So whether you agree with all this analysis or not, don’t be a toxic jerk. You can hate Keith all you want - I’m not a huge fan of Lance and don’t support LGBT stuff (unless canon and there are some exceptions too) but I’m not going to turn into Angelica from Rugrats on anyone who disagrees with me. 
So, the first screenshot is from Season 2 episode 1. Shiro is being attacked by giant lizards and Red is out of commission. Keith is not the Black Lion’s Paladin but the way he respects her is shown in the two screenshots below.
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The way Keith speaks to Black despite his tone is so respectful. He’s not sure if Black will accept him because at this point, she’s not his lion but he talks to her and he waits for her. Also, some people may not consider this a huge deal but this is season 2 Keith. The Keith who literally blows up at everything - not calling him out, he is my favourite but unlike certain character fangirls, I won’t deny he has flaws because it makes him even more awesome.
Now, we’re going to jump onto s3. I know what some people are going to think. Keith was impatient with Black when he became her Paladin at first but like, give the kid a break. He’s just lost Shiro and been forced into a position he never asked for. Not to mention, Black isn’t as fast as Red is and that takes some getting used to.
So I’m going to go onto another episode after clone Shiro returns because this to me, highlights how quickly they bonded. Angelica from Rugrats also mentioned that Black Lion knew the clone wasn’t the real Shiro because she was in communication with the real Shiro. She knew it was not the real Shiro but saying she was in communication with him, I don’t know were we really ever given proof that lions retaining the essence of their Paladin was a voluntary thing?
Not to mention, how do we know Haggar didn’t give clone Shiro some ability to trick Black? Alfor made the lions from Altean alchemy but Haggar is also Altean. However, those are theories for another time. I would like to bring your thoughts to this conversation in season 3 episode 6 of Tailing the Comet.
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Okay, so the reason I am giving these screenshots one by one is so I can explain myself a bit better. I may have to split this meta into a few parts too. Okay, so basically in this scene, clone Shiro who we believe to be Shiro at this time is trying to remember what happened. Keith tells him the last thing that happened was he had unlocked Black’s ability to teleport and the first thing he thinks is that Black was trying to protect Shiro. It’s the first suggestion he offers. This is the lion he didn’t even want to bond with because he was replacing Shiro but it took what? 4 episodes and he’s bonded with her and thinks so positively of her. And the scene isn’t over yet but I will mention a potential trigger warning here that there is victim blaming and victim shaming in the continuation of this scene. So please take care of yourself and do not hurt yourself to read this meta if you are triggered by that.
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Clone Shiro in this scene tries to put all the blame onto the Black Lion. Angelica back there may argue that Keith was being a dick here though because this fandom sadly is toxic enough to be okay with victim blaming if Shiro is the one doing the victim blaming, clone or not. Sorry guys! I don’t hate Shiro, he’s actually one of my favourite characters believe it or not. But I hate what fans have turned such a wonderful character into and you can tell I’m still mad at this moron.
Ok, but look Keith is defending her. Keith is defending his lion from who he thinks is his brother - still think they’re not the perfect partners? Not to worry, I have one more evidence and this time, it’s not from Keith’s end either. It’s from the Black Lion’s because it’s at but the good news? I won’t have to do a second part because I should be able to fit this all into one meta. Ok, so this next scene is still from Tailing the Comet. 
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Keith did not like the the slight competition between himself and Shiro. It put him in a position of choosing between Shiro and Black and although he ultimately chooses Shiro, it is a mistake and he acknowledges this in a later episode. But you saw earlier that Keith defended Black but the relationship is not one-sided. Black takes a stand for him too in that ‘no, I want Keith’ to the point that Keith basically has to remove himself completely, not just stepping aside for a singular battle because he doesn’t want conflict with Shiro and at this stage, he’s weak and honestly, a little codependent. It makes sense given his childhood that he would be but I never realised he was before. 
Now, we could argue that Keith and Red had a very mutual relationship too. I do not deny this - Keith has a beautiful relationship with both his lions as Keith is a character that loves very deeply. Red responded to that by being loudly protective while Black is more a quiet protective where you will not see her coming. I think I will do a two-parter to this. S6-8 do not have too much for them so it’ll be a shorter part than this but there are moments showing their bond.
I have given my screenshots as evidence for you but Keith and Black are healers for each other. Black was abused by Zarkon and Shiro was abused by Haggar, so the two had this in common but that was the only thing they had in common. Keith, once he gains confidence in himself is exactly like the kind of leader Black is. He’s emotional but he also thinks. I know a lot of Shiro fans are like: are you calling Shiro a bad leader? No, I’m just saying Keith is a better leader of Voltron. Shiro is a great leader - he helped them build alliances but Keith being the leader of Voltron and Shiro being the leader of the Atlas was a very smart choice. When Shiro was the leader of Voltron, he always was stressed and wanted to be the protector, making some bad decisions because he took much onto himself. There are a few examples of this too such as him taking all of Voltron to save Allura - they could have come with a better plan. Or continuing to shoot at cube monster despite Pidge trying to warn him and it nearly getting them all killed for not listening to her. Pidge is always right, Shiro. Have you learnt nothing? But compare this to how Shiro is when being the commander of the Atlas. He’s still a leader and he’s the one who gives orders but he doesn’t have a responsibility to protect them because they’re younger. 
But just to wrap by what I mean by Keith thinks. As most of you know I’m a Kallura fan, so Keith saying they shouldn’t go to save Allura in s1 did break the heart of this Kallura fan. But Keith had no idea how to people then - if he did, he was basically saying let’s not form Voltron and go save her head-on but he worded that very poorly.
This is just one example, of course from early on. Has he made hot-headed decisions as the leader of Voltron? Of course, he’s a flawed character but he grows to be the kind of leader Black is. Quiet and commanding but never overtaking anyone else. I think I’m going to ask you guys - do you want meta of Keith and Black from s6-8 or is this enough to make you think? 
Also, if you are toxic or a jerk, I will not reply to your comment. You are entitled to your opinion - I firmly believe you can express that opinion in a civil and humane manner. If you can’t, I will block you.
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raayllum · 2 years
My god I bet you'll be the first one to hate the show once it hits the voltron downfall
i was in the vld fandom for 2.5 years and my favourite character was shiro. i don't think anyone who wasn't and who had a different fave can even begin to conceptualize the cluster fuck that was voltron. i don't think any show can even come close to the disaster that was voltron because they 1) broke every bit of their own purposefully established lore, 2) played into albeism and misogynoir to an absurd degree, and 3) did not know how to balance its ensemble cast, regularly sidelined its characters of colour to prop up a white boy's leadership arc, and by virtue of the way the story was structured, certain characters (like hunk, pidge) were completely stagnated for 6/7 and 5/7 seasons of the show because very few characters had over arching arcs and the ones that did took multiple seasons to make any real progress with.
This meant that there's very few seasons, partially due to the chopped up quality of 6-7 episodes > 13, and even then, where you can say "this character Changed." If anything stapling the seasons back together actually makes the cohesion worse planning wise, since S3 (aka where they broke the lore and when I almost quit the show) starts with Keith being made the new leader and if you include S4 in that, he leaves halfway through the season to do a completely different task. And I hated his leadership arc, but like - it's objectively poorly written, good god.
And I had a bad feeling about Voltron from episode 1 of season 2 because I felt like they weren't taking Allura's emotional continuity into account, and called every bit of bad writing S7 and S8 would have months before it happened, because those seasons were the result of 1) non sensical lore breaking and 2) scrambling for the half-assed plot to cover it up.
So TDP would have to sideline Callum and make N'than the new mage character, kill off Rayla and Ezran with zero lead up, and so much more to even come close (probably with some take of "Viren was 100% right to abuse Soren" offered completely uncritically as well). Amaya would lose all ability to be a general for no reason. Every single queer and/or disabled character would be brutally killed off/tortured repeatedly on screen. Don't even get me started on VLD's clone plotline and the druids, in which Haggar is revealed to be Altean, she and the druids practice Altean alchemy, and therefore they should also be Altean. And not only are the druids never explained, but the character who was tortured and experimented on for a year by them is passed over in fighting them to give spotlight to a character who slashes a sword at one of them one (1) time back in s1. I shit you not
AKA to give a sense of what TDP turned VLD would actually look like, please refer to this post
I would take three more season fours easily over any of that bullshit, and TDP would still be an infinitely better show than even TLOK
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I love the idea of quintessence and it's properties being heavily impacted by how it is defined. Like on it's own it is nothing but it becomes a thing when someone defines it. Galra saw it as a power booster and weapon of destruction? Well it is a weapon of destruction. Alteans saw it as a healing and redeeming power? Well alchemy can heal. Humans just dont even know it exists? Well then it just doesnt exist in any meaningful way.
Similarly i also like the idea of quintessence being impacted by the culture and society and "type" of species. Galran are this war mongering, colonizing culture (a thing i blame on an age old war lord being incharge for 10,000 years) so the quintessence is more power focused, increasing abilities and longevity but also need to be forcefully stolen, Alteans are diplomatic species so the quintessence is related more geared towards sharing and such.
So if humans were to gain quintessence or were it to be triggered in them somehow, i imagine it being just continously changing and shifting, it is adaptable making humans even more adaptable but also making it impossible to be defined by one simple characterstic. It would shift and change the humans that use it pushing further what we define humans as. People will try to sort them in neat little boxes of types and such but there will always be exceptions.
All that is to say is give me my eldritch humans right now
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spectacularspatula · 1 year
Just over 7 years after the show debuted, I think I've figured out what the Blue Lion's purpose in the team is.
While at first glance, Voltron seems to follow the five man band trope (Leader, Lancer, Smart Guy, Stong Guy, Heart) pretty closely, color-coded and all.
Black is the leader: cool under pressure, and always able to see reason and the best course of action, and Shiro fits this perfectly.
Red is the Lancer: the leader's right hand man, the one to challenge them, the one who is almost as good as them, and the character foil for them. Keith matches up with this as well.
Green is the Smart Guy: the one with knowledge specialized to the setting, the one the team always looks to when they need something niche, and Pidge/Katie definitely fits here, with her extremely broad and extensive knowledge of technology.
Yellow is the Strong Guy/Tank: the team's hard hard hitter, the one who can take the most damage, and generally stereotyped as super loyal, and Hunk checks all of these boxes (his name even fits!)
Generally next in the list would be the Heart: the emotional center of the team, the one who keeps everyone together, the one always ready to give a pep talk, the one who makes sure no one is left behind. As the pattern follows, you would think this would go to blue (and so Lance), but it isn't. Allura is actually the one to fill this role.
Then where does that leave Lance? He clearly struggles with this question himself, saying he feels like a 7th wheel, like he's just an extra person. He struggles to find his worth on the team, surrounded by amazing people. This internal conflict over self-worth is what makes him so relatable and lovable to the audience, along with his humor. And here, I think is where we find his purpose.
Lance fills the role that I am going to call the diplomat in this variation of the five man band trope. He is the one that makes the team feel like it's not just the most amazing, perfect people out there that we could never compare ourselves to. He feels down-to-earth (pun intended), he's someone a lot of people can see themselves in. He's an extrovert who's great with people and longs for companionship. He's funny, and can make light of a situation, but when he needs to be serious, he is. Overall, Lance is a people person.
And to think of this in context of the show's universe, I think that position is quite important. Imagine if Voltron was real, and was what was protecting you and your home planet. Voltron is a great weapon, but it's larger than life. Even if it's protecting you, you'd probably still be at least a little scared of it, especially if the people piloting it were the best of the best. That's really intimidating. To have one of the pilots be someone you can see yourself in, it makes it feel more real, and less like it's something beyond your comprehension.
It's also important to have the diplomat for, well, diplomatic purposes. To charm those you want to make an alliance with, to mediate arguments, and to have someone the people of each civilization love. This part of the job is why Allura is able to pilot blue in the absence of Shiro.
However, she doesn't really fill Blue's role, and niether do any of the others. Allura is great, but she suffers from the same thing Shiro does in this regard, they're just too amazing. They're paragons of themselves. Allura is one of the last of the mythical Alteans, and she can perform the practically lost art of Altean Alchemy. Shiro is a perfect leader, he's handsome, and that makes him a little intimidating. Hunk is great in the way that he's loyal, but he's more focused on the people he cares about than anything else, and also just doesn't have the charisma that Lance has. Pidge is not the easiest to talk to, and you can find yourself getting lost in all the science lingo she throws around, and her long tangents that don't quite have all the context you need to understand them. Coran Keith speaks for himself, our little asocial emo boy. To be clear, this is not to bash the other characters, it's just to show why they don't really fill the role.
All in all, Voltron is a deviant of the five man band trope, not the poster perfect example it seems to be. Furthermore, Lance is far from the worthless misfit he sees himself as, he is the true charmer of the team.
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ao3feedsheith · 9 days
A Million Shades of Grey
A Million Shades of Grey https://archiveofourown.org/works/56316688 by Angelicat2 Good and evil is not black and white, but a million shades of grey ~ Minh Tan The Paladins of Voltron go to pick up the Red Lion at the Blade of Marmora headquarters, finding out she already has chosen her own paladin, one of the Blades. But this paladin has a lot of secrets. And everyone learns that good and evil isn't as clear as they once thought. Words: 12617, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of SSKW24, Part 2 of Keith is NOT half-human au Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), The Blade of Marmora, Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron) Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Allura & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Allura & Keith (Voltron), Keith's Father/Krolia (Voltron), Keith & Krolia (Voltron), Keith & Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz & Voltron Paladins, Antok/Kolivan (Voltron) Additional Tags: Shiro Saves Keith (Voltron), Soulmates, BAMF Keith (Voltron), Fantasy and Fictional Setting Racism, Allura (Voltron) Being Racist, Allura (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Keith (Voltron) was Raised by the Blade of Marmora, Galra Keith (Voltron), Altean Keith (Voltron), Altean Culture (Voltron), Galran Culture (Voltron), Quintessence-Sensitive Keith (Voltron), Quintessence (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron) Lives, Soul Bond, Shapeshifter Keith (Voltron), Altean Alchemy (Voltron), Mentioned Lotor (Voltron) via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org May 31, 2024 at 08:26PM
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butterfly-writer · 4 months
Payback LOTOR X MALE!READER TW: NONE Contents: Reader is a mechanic and Allura’s brother - FLUFF Summary: After eliminating Zarkon, thanks to Lotor’s feat, Allura and Lotor try to find the birthplace of all Altean Alchemy, Oriande. To help quicken the progress, Allura wanted to introduce her brother to Lotor.
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discordiansamba · 4 months
some more spitballing about that AU but in a new post since that one was getting kind of long:
From Coran, Allura figures out that it may be possible to get someone's memory of the previous reality to return by having them come in contact with a specific trigger. For Coran, it was his control panel on the Castle of Lions.
Which means... she just has to figure out what each paladin's trigger is. Clearly it is not their lions. Keith is proof enough of that. But maybe she can even use it to disrupt Honerva's brainwashing.
Speaking of Keith, it is... deeply weird to see him as an Altean. But also fortunate, because it seems he has a spark of alchemical talent! Which means they can move the Castle of Lions, as soon as they get it in order.
Keith and Romelle are just confused. Why do these two- what did they call themselves again? Humans? Know so much about this ancient Altean ship?
Allura only sort of lies. She tells them she has memories from a past life, as does Coran. Technically very true! She has lived nineteen years as a human. It does make her life as an Altean princess feel a bit like a 'past life'.
Keith's a little wary, but Kosmo seems to trust them, so he decides to trust them both.
local half-Galra turned local Altean born with a lingering sense of something being off, but unable to determine what. He grows up wary and naturally suspicious. except for Romelle. he trusts Romelle implicitly.
(ironically, it was this same wariness that prompted him to never be around whenever Honerva visited. he was under her nose the entire time, and she never knew)
Keith and Romelle out on their own in the universe. What will they do? (acquire a cosmic wolf, an ancient Altean superweapon, and stumble upon an ancient Altean castle. they're keeping themselves busy.)
Pidge is Olkari and Hunk is Balmeran. These are obvious. If we had confirmation that the merpeople could get legs, I would make Lance one of them, but we don't so I feel like he's Puigian? I think Shiro's just Galra again. He gets to be fuzzy this time.
Coran gets to speedrun the sense of strangeness that Allura has lived with all her life, of being one thing and then suddenly another. It's fun!
(Allura overhears Keith and Romelle whispering to each other about their 'weird ears'. oh. now she knows how Lance felt.)
Allura is going to have to somehow teach Keith at least the fundamentals of Altean alchemy without being able to do it herself. That... shouldn't be hard, right?
(it very much is)
Their luck runs out eventually, and Honerva becomes aware that the Castle of Lions is active again. And onboard is a human girl who resembles Princess Allura far too closely for her comfort...
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Future Voltron Multiverse fic plans
There are many tropes that I love in fanfiction. However one of my favorites is dimension travel, So, I was stoked when VLD introduced the rifts and multiverse...and then I was severally disappointed when they didn't dig into that further. So! I'm doing it myself!!!
The fic will be taking place a year post-canon, but Allura will still be alive, because she deserves a happy ending with her goofy red paladin. Yes, I'm keeping Allurance, I'm giving the ship the chance it deserves, and I don't care what anyone thinks, this is a canon-ship, and I'm tired of Klance trying to snuff out any other possible ships in this fandom. Ships, I will also include will, be Kacxa, Krolia/Keith's Father (I'll be naming him Kenneth in this, as that is what Keith's father was named in other continuties of voltorn), Hunk/shay (minor), Ezor/Zethrid, Shiro/Adam (maybe I'm still working on how to fit in their storyline), Kolivon/Antok (only in flashbacks so far cause Antok is still dead)...and will see what else happens, This is most going to be focusing on the Gen Relationships (AKA Friendships/Family relationships) in the story.
The main plot will be kicked off after two blade agents from another, dying reality end up traveling to the main one. After the fact the two realities, the main one and scrapes of whatever was left of the dying one, merge, destabilizing space. Now rifts to other realites are opening and shutting at random, and letting things from other worlds in, the timeline is shifting, bringing people back form the dead, and sending our heroes to other ones.
Currently I'm planning on three different main travel archs, One to the Voltron Force universe, one to the 80s Voltron universe, and one to a universe where voltron is newly created and the orginal VLD paladins are still in control.
This fic will also include, Blade/Good!Lotor, Keith grows fangs, Humans are f-ing weird, Blade!Acxa, Blade!Ezor, Blade!Zethrid, Krolia has claimed Shiro as her own even if no one else realizes it, BlackPaladin!Keith, Galra head-canons, Trying to understand what the heck is Altean Alchemy, Altean!Vince?, Pidge being a master of Chaos, Good sibling relationships!, Minor/Major OCs, There's going to be a lot of head-canons in this, Coran gets to be a Pop-pop in the epilogue, Awkward as f Zarkon, Mild Themes of Racism towards Half-breeds, The holts take no sh*t from anyone, Voltron teams interacting with their dobblegangers, Garret makes an appearance, the rift creatures will try to kill everyone, Nerdy!Lotor, Pidge, hunk and Lotor are bros, Shenajens and Hijinks, ShortHaired!Allura, Team Voltron sticks together, laughs together, and fights together, Cultural differences, some parts will be funny, some parts are super sad.
Let me know if your interested in this future work, and I will post a link when I upload the first chapter
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