#omega shield
torveiglyart · 6 days
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Chapter One is UP!
Everyone give a HUGE THANKS to Aralinedelia for writing this!!
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Keith hums. “Yeah, Lance?”
Lance doesn’t answer right away. Keith can hear his breathing, quicker than everyone else’s, if only slightly. After all they’re the only ones awake. Everyone else is conked right out, curled up around the low-burning embers of their campfire. He’s quiet long enough that Keith is half-convinced that he isn’t actually awake, and only called out for Keith in his sleep.
(Keith couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face if he tried. He doesn’t try, though. The idea of Lance dreaming about him is a nice one.)
There’s a sharp intake of breath from beside him, confirming Lance is not asleep, then a beat of hesitation.
“Do you ever wonder what happens when we die?”
Keith blinks. He opens his mouth to answer, but stops himself. He looks up at the unfamiliar stars, tracing random constellations. There’s a sword, where Orion usually is during Earth summers. And a lick of flame, replacing the Big Dipper.
The brightest star in the sky shines red.
“No,” Keith says softly. “It’s — dangerous. Letting myself think about that. We’re too close, you know? I don’t want my last thought to be panicking about what’s to come. I want it to be — not that. I don’t know.”
Keith waits for Lance to offer an explanation, a reason for his curiosity, or even a subject change. When nothing comes Keith shifts, propping himself up on his elbow and glancing over at the red paladin.
“Why do you ask? Just curious?”
It’s a long time, again, until Lance answers, but this time Keith knows he’s not asleep. He’s tense, lying ramrod straight, head centred on his pillow and arms hooked over his blanket. His brown eyes — almost black in the dark night — stare straight up, but there’s something off about his expression, something fixed and plastic.
“I was surprised, is all. It was — nothing like I expected.”
It takes a moment for Keith to process what Lance said. He almost wishes he hadn’t, when it finally clicks. Never in his life has cold dread seeped through his bones so quickly.
“…What?” He can barely hear his own voice. He can’t at all, actually, the hoarse shock of it swallowed up by the crackling of the coals and cooing of nocturnal insects and wildlife.
Lance, though, must have heard him anyway, or been expecting his shock, because the plastic stiffness melts from his expression as he shoots straight up, scrambling to his feet and pacing back and forth barely paces away from the small flames. Bizarrely, Keith chokes down the urge to warn Lance about the uneven ground that he might trip on.
“I — I was never religious, you know?” One of his hands tugs at his hair, making the dark curls frizzy the more he messes with it. The other waves frantically back and forth, faster with every word. “None of us really were. But Mamá dragged us to church anyway. Every Sunday. Maybe to give us something to be bored about, I don’t know. She never really explained herself. I didn’t ask.” Lance stops abruptly, loud hands freezing, marching back to his bedroll and standing on it for a moment, looking lost. “I don’t — it’s not that I liked it. It was boring as hell. But I — I guess I believed some of it. I dunno.” Before Keith can blink he collapses on top of his blankets, like his strings have been cut. Both hands slide in his hair, now, dark strands clenched between his fingers, elbows resting on his knees. “It was just…dark, though,” he says softly. “Empty.”
Keith feels as if he’s encased in ice. His heart pounds, galloping against his chest, rushing blood through his ears so quickly he can hardly hear anything else. Part of him hopes Lance is playing some kind of cruel joke, but he knows he isn’t.
“When did you —” he doesn’t even know how to phrase it. Hell, he doesn’t know what he’s phrasing, really. “What —” He trails off again, lost. He looks at Lance blankly. Something bitter floods his mouth.
He imagines, for a moment, making this trek home without Lance. It’s not something he’s allowed himself to think about before. Even with Shiro missing, he’d stubbornly refused to even entertain the idea that Shiro was gone for good. The only time he’d let himself think about it was — was Naxzela. And even then, he was the one sure would be going.
They come to him now, unbidden, thoughts. About life — without Lance. Without his loud teasing and big smiles and quiet kindness, without his begrudging but unwavering support, his steady hands and clear voice as he says we’re all behind you, Keith, we’ve got you. I’ve got you.
A tear burns hot down his cheek, startling him back to the stillness of the night, the cool air and quiet noise. Another follows, and another, and then he’s swallowing the giant lump in his throat and holding back a sob.
“You nearly…when?” He can’t bring himself to say the word, to ask directly. To ask would make it real, concrete.
“The Omega Shield,” Lance whispers. He has yet to look up, but has stopped pulling so harshly on his hair. “A blast just —” he shudders. “Right through me an’ Red. You know when — when it’s cold out, and you walk a while without gloves? And your hands get so cold they burn?”
“Yeah,” Keith says softly. His lips taste of salt.
Lance glances at him. His eyes are big and brown and desperate, aching. Glassy, wet and ready to break. “It was like that. All over. Like every molecule was tearing itself apart, like I was unravelling. I was almost grateful when it stopped.”
“And when it stopped?” Keith chokes out.
“Nothing. Endless, nothingness. For a thousand eternities. I lived and grew and died for the rest of time, alone.” Lance heaves, like he’s about the sob or throw up or both.
The first tear finally drips down Lance’s face, tracing from the corner of his eye down his nose, pausing at the tip of it before dropping, finally, into his lap. It springs Keith into action, and before he can even think he surges forward, gathering him in his arms and pulling him into his lap, squeezing tightly and rocking them back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Lance doesn’t so much as twitch, crying great hiccuping sobs into Keith’s chest.
“I’m afraid to sleep,” he chokes out. “I haven’t in days. Every time I do I’m terrified I won’t wake up.”
“I’ve got you,” Keith assures, at a total loss. He lays his hand on the back of Lance’s head, holding him tightly. He can feel Lance’s heartbeat where their chests are pressed together, stuttering and sprinting.
“I don’t want to die.”
“You’re not gonna die.”
Lance only sobs again. Keith is aghast, terrified to hold him any tighter but unsure of what else to do. Lance has never been fragile, to him. He’s more stubborn than an ox, a streak of fire lighting up his spine, dark eyes shining with fury every time his forehead’s pressed to Keith’s, screeching ‘till he’s blue in the face that he’s right and Keith’s wrong and he’s gonna show it to him, just you wait and see. He’s seen Lance angry, seen him annoyed, seen him golden with the fire of competition and glowing with the brightness of his laughter. He’s seen Lance worn and insecure. Never, not once in the years Keith has known him and fought with him and led with him, has he seen Lance fragile.
But he is, right now. Now, quivering in Keith’s arms, sobs shaking his frame, Keith feels like he’s holding him together, like if he lets go Lance will shatter to shards on the floor.
So Keith holds him. He holds him until his arms ache, and past that. He holds him until his shirt is soaked and cold in the chilly air, until his knees burn from the tiny bumps of the ground. He holds him until Lance’s sobs peter out, until the orange sun of the system they’re stopping in peeks out from the horizon, stars blinking out of sight.
Hours later, Lance shifts, pulling away slightly. Keith holds tighter, refusing to let him pull away too far.
“Don’t,” Keith says, before Lance can apologize.
That cracks a smile on Lance’s face, to his own surprise. “No?” His voice is wrecked, throat no doubt raw.
“Save your apologies for when you actually do something stupid,” Keith affirms. He hesitates a second, then reaches out, brushing the frazzled curls from Lance’s forehead and wiping the tears from his cheeks. Lance winces slightly as Keith’s thumb brushes his cheekbone.
Keith pulls away. “Sorry. Rough hands.”
But Lance’s hand darts out and grabs Keith’s. “No, it’s — I don’t mind it.” He places it back on his face, shutting his eyes, breath shuddering. His sleeve falls down his arm.
Keith narrows his eyes. Criss-crossing Lance’s arms are dozens of jagged white scars, like lightning bolts across his skin.
“I wake up with more every day,” Lance explains, noticing Keith’s expression. “I was — I died, Keith.”
Keith flinches. Lance swallows, carrying on.
“I felt my heart stop. I don’t know how long, but it was…there was a severance. Something permanent. I felt it.” He runs his hands through his hair again, but much gentler this time. A fidget instead of a panicked tugging. The roots are white, like Shiro’s. “Allura did her best, I think. But I was gone so long. And she’d never done it before.”
“Is everything…working alright?” It’s an awkward way to say it. But Keith doesn’t know how else to say am I going to lose you? Later? Are you here to stay?
Lance shrugs. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
“I don’t want to hear her tell me it’s not.”
“I don’t want to wake up one day and find out — find out, Lance.”
Lance swallows. “I know. I don’t — what do I —”
“We’ll talk to her,” Keith promises. “We’ll figure it out. I’ve got you, Lance.”
Lance’s chin trembles, but he slumps forward, exhausted. “Promise?”
“Okay.” He’s silent for a moment, face tucked in Keith’s neck. The muffled sounds of the team waking up starts to fill the air. “I’m tired, Keith.”
“I’ll watch for you. I’ll make sure you wake up.”
“Okay,” Lance whispers again. Keith feels his eyelashes flutter closed, feels his heartbeat slow, his breathing even. “I trust you.”
As Lance starts to grow heavier in his arms, Keith tightens his hold. He presses a kiss to the top of Lance’s head.
“I’ve got you.”
I won’t let you fade away.
part two
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klance-dreams · 7 months
Omega Shield / Keith finds out Lance died while he was gone
How do i not have a dedicated little rec list for this this yet! wtf??? Also! I will not rec fics where lance stays dead / ( NO permanent major character death fics here, safe reading!) xoSee Also: Coda (Missing Scenes) all my love for the sweetness of his laughter // he is the tear that hangs inside my soul forever by: KaterinaRiley, Word Count: 7,157, Rating: Mature, Summary: The story of how…
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icypantherwrites · 11 months
Fic Update: Sword and Shield, Chapter Seven (FINAL)
Chapter snippet: Keith was at the bedside within a few steps, just in time to see Lance slowly blink open his eyes, staring at the ceiling.
He blinked again.
And then he sat up with a yelp followed by a groan and his body tipped sideways.
Keith caught him by the arm before he could fall off the bed and that drew another breathless shout, Lance’s head whipping around so fast Keith winced.
“Keith,” he gasped, eyes wide. “I… you… Red…wh-what?”
“Breathe,” Keith instructed as Lance floundered for both words and breath. And he said the words he hadn’t allowed himself to promise yet. “You’re okay.”
And at that Lance slumped forward and for a second Keith feared he’d passed out but Lance only brought a hand up to press against his heart, trembling and, as Keith had instructed, breathing.
He didn’t interrupt, letting Lance collect himself, and stepping back to give him space.
He still didn’t know how to say what needed said.
Reckless, he’d been called.
Instinctual, Keith preferred.
And hopefully that would be enough for what came next.
A few moments later Lance looked up, dark ocean plagued with none of the fever or haziness meeting Keith’s. “You saved me,” he whispered. “You… you and Red. I… th-thank you. I…”
But Keith didn’t want gratitude.
That wouldn’t keep Lance safe.
“You almost died,” Keith said, and apparently blunt was the direction he was going to take. And he didn’t regret it.
Lance flinched at that.
Keith didn’t let himself stop.
“But that wouldn’t be the first time, would it?”
Read it here
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dusty-cobweb · 11 months
i think it would be interesting to explore lance’s death from the omega shield as not just his soul returning to his body and everything is exactly the same but kind of like a Quaritch avatar situation. he has all the memories of his past life— his family, the garrison, voltron, his personality and values, and yet he’s still different. at that point in time, he is not really lance anymore, just the memories of him placed into a his body. that doesn’t mean lance no longer has an emotional/personal attachment to these memories, but he can certainly be a lot more retrospective. he sees keith and respects him in a different light now, gets pisses off a lil bit at Allura and Shiro, and just is less inhibited in everything. yeah….
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ethereance · 5 months
Au whereupon reviving Shiro and Lance through the power of Altean alchemy, a side effect of Allura’s ability is that they end up bright pink. Everything is the same except they’re just. Bright pink.
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milkywayes · 10 months
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Archangel [prints]
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crimson-cassowaries · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!! Drew some ships that were requested and or I personally wanted to draw, hope y'all have a wonderful day!
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skoulsons · 8 months
See that’s the thing about daisy and coulson. My girl lived in a VAN. She pretty much believed she had zero purpose. She was a lost kid desperately looking for her parents. A self taught expert hacker who moved from house to house and family to family, never staying for more than two years anywhere
And she hacks into the government because she wants to find her parents. Find out why she was just… left. Why she never had a steady household. Why she had no mother or father involved in her life. She just wanted to find her family
They catch her and she’s taken in for questioning and Coulson calls her an asset
And then he’s A.C. to her
And then he agrees to help her try and find her parents
And she feels, knows, she’s valued by him
And they don’t really find the answers, but she hugs him anyway and tells him thank you
And then SHIELD starts to change and things start happening and there’s trust issues and an uncertain future. But he’s right there.
He’s there when they’re laying low
He’s there when they’re out in public, saving civilians
He’s there in their vulnerable moments. When she’s grieving. When she’s angry. When she hates and when she’s frustrated and when she’s happy. When she’s confident and when she’s broken
And she’s there. When he doubts his capabilities. When he’s angry. When he’s happy and frustrated and uncertain.
They’re there. Even in an alternate universe. Across time. When Coulson really isn’t the same man that he used to be.
It’s in the ‘shes more than just some asset to him’
‘She’s like a daughter to you’
‘We’re her family’
‘She’s not my daughter but she’s as close to family as I’ve got’
‘She’s the closest thing I have to a daughter’
‘that’s my girl’
It’s the ‘you’re the closest thing I have to family and I just hope that deep down you feel it too’
‘You are what I believe in’
‘There are a… few things I’ve missed’
‘I love you’
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eternallovers65 · 3 months
The wrestling world is held together by three very powerful entities and they are
Ambrollins (the father)
Zowens (the son)
Golden Lovers (the Holy Spirit)
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codypunk · 2 months
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fic rec friday 12
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Hands Held Higher by @glassaliceart /orphan_account
For most of his life Lance has dealt with a confusing and hard to pronounce name. It all started in Elementary school with a mix up and now he can't seem to shake the name McClain no matter how hard he tries.
this fic is so underrated fr. yall know how much i love a good hunk & lance fic, and this one especially was so awesome. AND its hunk pov and hunk-centric, which is truly a treat. it’s also the source of my acronym-name lance headcanon!
2. Courting Your Pants Off by @bleusarcelle
The Prince takes a bite of the pastry and melts under the taste, eyes closed in pleasure as he chews. Being childhood friends with the town’s baker is not bizarre, if Keith has a say on it, especially when he gets these kinds of bonuses.
“Amazing, right?” Lance says, his grin turning into a soft happy smile, eyes softening as they stare right at Keith and Keith might choke on his favorite pastry if Lance doesn’t look away the next two seconds.
Being in love with the town’s baker, though? Now, that’s tricky in Keith’s opinion.
[Or the one where Prince Keith's finally gathers up the courage to start a courtship with the person he has known since he was five years old and prays that his feelings are returned from said baker best friend.]
friends to lovers my beloved. prince keith my beloved. bleusarcelle my beloved. all of this fic is truly my beloved like everything about it is so sweet and fun and flirty i just UGH i love it so much. i also love it when everyone knows keith and lance are in love except for lance its so so funny
3. beautiful and blue by spartana (faveour)
Allura frowns, her brow furrowing. “Shiro wasn’t the first person I brought back to life.” Everyone in the rooms turns silent, watching the Queen of Altea. “Did...did you not know this?”
Lance feels his throat go dry.
Pidge is the one to break the silence, their curiosity finally getting the better of them. “So...who was?”
The Altean blinks. “Lance.”
omega shield fics. yall know im obsessed with them like!! i will never ever understand why that was brushed over!! it is an unbelievably important scene. this fic does such a good job of addressing it honestly
4. His Prince In Chains by @bangbangbeefkeef [EXPLICIT]
Prince Lance's secret rendezvous with his bodyguard mean everything to him. Tonight, he wants to make a deeper connection, in more ways that one.
i will never get over galtean klance w prince lance and bodyguard keith like i am so obsessed with them. genuinely a peak dynamic. i love how smushy this one is and the royal speak and the devotion it just gets to me
5. Patience Yields Pleasure by @sleepea [EXPLICIT]
Lance looks Keith over, appraises the sight of him with a pleased smirk. Then, he presses the pad of his thumb into the soft skin of Keith’s lip, draws it down. Keith parts his lips in response, opening his mouth just so.
“Tell me what you want, baby,” Lance breathes, punctuates it with a roll of his hips. Keith moans, low and rough and desperate. “And you can have it.”
i LOVE bossy lance. seriously hes so everything to me. i love bossy and cocksure lance and soft whipped flustered keith. its everything to me honestly 
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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pastelxapple · 9 months
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Decided to draw each of my favorite pokémon trainers for wach type!!! I counted Fairy Miku since she's part of Project Voltage, otherwise my favorite fairy trainers would be Bede and Ortega! 🩷🤍
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cl0wncakez · 2 months
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bilightningwhumper · 4 months
Whump Writing Intro
Whump writing side blog to @bilightningwriter
Generic writing blog is @bilightningwriter-writing
Masterlists for my whump lists here. Will update with links as they are written. Titles without links are in progress.
My works are majority labeled as Mature or 18+. If you're a minor and interact anyway, on your own head be it.
If you want to be on a taglist, feel free to dm/pm me or comment on the post, as I don't update on a schedule (just whenever they're finished).
Ask box is open, but if you do anything with a prompts list, please link it for me because I share a lot that inspire me randomly. Questions about my WIPs are also welcome!
Main writing whump tropes used:
institutional whump (partially inspired by the BBU community)
nsfw (majority of my noncon scenes are kept to whumpee's perspective only, not the whumper), more explicit in consensual situations, but I am a descriptive writer regardless
male and female whump
captive whump
creepy/intimate whumpers
torture whump (more mental and emotional than physical but I do write all of these)
Conditioning whump
Nonhuman whump
What I don't write:
main character death (unless it's a whumper)
explicit underage (try not to, anyway)
I also write LGBT+ and/or neurodiverse characters. I enjoy happy endings, so hurt/comfort is big for me. Basically a lot of whump eventually followed with a lot of fluff.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of yet another AI scraper, I put all of my fics on Ao3 as user-readers only. I know omegaverse messes with some AI generators, but this one is new to me, so better safe than sorry. Remember, you can make an account for free on Ao3 (it's not subscription based either, it's just free) with your email. So they're not gone, just user-readers only.*
My Ao3 Psueds
Main works-
The New Eden Institution series: Omegaverse institutional/nonhuman-adjacent/conditioning whump, retelling Fairy Tales in a Medieval-Modern mixed Dystopia AU with LGBT+ and neurodivergent characters (more modern than medieval, but you'll see why as stories go on)
TNEI Tumblr Masterlist
Ao3 link to series
TNEI Ao3 link Masterlist
Mangst 2024 Masterlist with this series
Shadow of a Shield: Omegaverse AU with alternate ending to Endgame where some Avengers had unknown children
SoaS Series Masterlist
Ao3 link to series (in the process of being rewritten)
SoaS Ao3 link Masterlist
Temptations of Fate: Sapphic Romeo and Juliet-inspired angels/demons story
- In progress
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hainethehero · 10 months
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Fluffy hair, plush pink lips, a permanent pout, gorgeous tits and a peachy ass...
The first time he topped, he cried and made Bucky promise never to do it again!
He likes soft, cosy blankets, hot cocoa and snuggles dammit!
He likes when Bucky sings him to sleep!
Natasha holds his hands sometimes on missions when his anxiety gets too much!
Tony keeps lil Ty beanie boo plushies around Avengers tower just for Steve when he gets bored or lonely.
Bruce watches Bluey with him because he finds modern children's animation and TV MINDBLOWING!
Rumlow lets him doodle on his hand when they're being debriefed for missions at SHIELD.
Rollins lets him put his head on his lap during breaks on missions.
Thor answers all his questions about Asgard and takes him there to draw and paint!
Clint brings Steve along with his family when it's movie night!
Fury plays boardgames with him!
And Sam takes him for ice-cream and coffee and long walks in the park!
This man is soft! This man is adorable! And MCU has taken all that away from him. He is not always in charge, he does not like war, he hates the government and he just wants to be seen as a person.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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