#although there are little variations in the lyrics
bookendsguy · 5 months
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misskattylashes · 3 months
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The Ballad of Miles Peter Kane
I’m writing this because 80% of the speculation in the AM/TLSP/MK fandom is about Alex – ‘he shags groupies, he’s gay, he’s bi, he’s autistic, he’s an arrogant bastard’....the list is endless. Because he is our master of deception and subterfuge, he opens himself up to speculation.
But on the surface Miles is so different. Happy, smiley, seemingly open Miles, sharing his home and his dog and his family on social media. Chatting away in interviews like a little bird. People think he has it together.
But dig a little deeper and read between the lines, and I get a completely different picture of Miles from the Rascal of 2008 to our One Man Band of 2024.
I have been watching some early interviews with Miles recently and he shoehorns the topic of women and girls into them far more often than Alex ever has. A simple question about if he likes meat is met with a ‘not in a gay way’. At a time when Alex was being photographed looking like Alexa’s little brother or Arielle’s hot gay pal, Miles was being ‘papped’ with his tongue down the throat of the latest hot model or Page Three Girl. There was a sexy girl in every video. And before you say it, yes there were in AM’s videos, but find me one where Alex interacts with them. There was also Miles’ relationship with Suki Waterhouse which I find hard to believe wasn’t real, unless he is far better than Alex at faking a relationship.
Controversial as this may be, but in my opinion, early videos of baby Al flirting openly with Andy, and pressing himself up against Miles, and a bit later on, even AM Alex flirting with that hunky male interviewer, does not point to someone battling too much with their inner homophobia. I think Alex – as ever – has two personalities. The Alex known to the inner circle is out and has been for many years. But Mr Schwartz - the public facing Alex, struggles with his sexuality and the effect it will have on his career and that of his three ‘brothers’.
But read between the lines of their lyrics from the AM/Don’t Forget Who You Are era. AM is filled with longing, of someone who doesn’t know where they stand with this secret - keeping lover who treats them differently at night than during the day. DFWYA is still full of ‘she’ and ‘her’ songs, although ironically the lyrics to Out of Control are so Milex coded it’s funny. I will always maintain Give Up is about Alex (I think ‘stand so tall’ is a figure of speech rather than literally lol) lyrics like ‘you’re pretty good looking but I’m looking for a way out’ and ‘stop tainting my soul’ scream Alex. Don’t forget both albums will have been written around the same time, so I am guessing that they were going through the conflict of Miles not knowing what to do, and him somehow blaming Alex for his confusion, but at the same time unable to keep away from him.
So we reach 2015 and the recording of EYCTE. Something happens. Once on stage and once in an interview, Alex talks about them falling in love whist recording the album. Traditionalists will choose to think he means with their ‘girlfriends’ at the time, but once on tour it is obvious there has been a change in the dynamics. Alex is coquettish and sexy, but his stage personas have all been a variation on this since Humbug, but Miles is different. Miles can’t keep his hands off Alex, Miles follows Alex around the stage like a lovesick puppy. In interviews gone are the playful lusty looks of TAOTU era, instead Miles gazes at Alex like he’s the most beautiful and wondrous thing he’s ever seen.
I think Miles had finally seen the light and realised he was in love with his best mate/casual fuck buddy. He could no longer go on treating Alex like some dirty little secret, and he could no longer deny his sexuality.
What happened afterwards? Who knows, I guess they’re the only ones who know the full truth. But they both came out of EYCTE depressed (the two interviews recently posted on here show this), but Miles admitted to having a mental breakdown, and all I can do is speculate why I think this happened. Imagine being a young man fighting inner demons about your sexuality, you finally realise you’re in love with your best friend and promises are made (see Someone to Rely On and Wrong Side of Life) and he leaves you to go off to France to record an album and keep up his ‘relationship’ with his girlfriend. You have laid yourself on the line and taken a huge step for him and he's gone.
In Alex’s defence, he probably had years of Miles letting him down and also the responsibility of AM etc, but this isn’t about Alex.
But time is a great healer and I think Miles came out of the whole period a different person. By Change the Show, we lose the ‘she’ pronouns (just one ‘girl’, and Suzie and Caroline) and sexy girls in videos. Gone are the models and page three girls. There is a brief ‘romance’ with Nadya Duke, but that is it.
So we come to One Man Band. Apart from one ridiculous tongue in cheek podcast with his friend James Buckley, where he goes on about women (incidentally just before the Ireland gigs with AM), Miles has changed. In early interviews, his childhood heroes are Lennon and Oasis…no mention of Baggio. With One Man Band we suddenly get Baggio and in interviews he talks of how eight year old Miles thought Baggio and the Italian football team were sexy. Old Miles would have followed that up with something like ‘the sort of sexy that pulled birds’, but there was nothing like that, instead he was admitting that part of his sexual awakening was admiring Italian men.
The video for The Wonder had a sexy woman, his friend Didem, but somehow the dynamic felt different, the general vibe was more two mates mucking about.
His stage persona is more ‘fruity’, he is using ‘she’ pronouns but to address himself, and whilst he isn’t ‘out’ - he may never come out publicly, it is entirely his choice - there is definitely a change in Miles, he seems more settled and happy in his own skin. He said he had therapy during the bad period and hopefully that helped. Interestingly he has posted songs about difficult relationships with fathers, and without casting aspersions on Miles’ dad, I wonder if part of his earlier issues were about him trying to please him. Liverpool has quite a macho culture – especially 20-30 years ago. Let’s not forget Miles liked and commented on that beautiful poem about men who know they are gay even when they are children. Maybe it resonated….
Miles story is a fascinating one, a look at a young man fighting his inner demons to get to a point where he knows his true self. I always think Troubled Son is the counter to Body Paint. But Troubled Son is about Miles coming to terms with who he is and accepting his own faults, Body Paint is Alex keeping on his costume, which he doesn’t look like taking off any time soon. Hopefully private Alex is as happy as Miles, and it’s just that public face that looks as though their world is ending.
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crustaceousfaggot · 1 year
Hob Gadling traditional folk music collection.
Been thinking about a sort of Hob Gadling character playlist composed entirely of British folk music. Songs he might have listened to throughout his life and resonated with. This is also just a little excuse for me to share some of my favorite folk songs from across the history of the British Isles :) Most of these are British in origin, but a couple are Scottish.
Some of these choices are loosely based on the fic And In The Waking World We Want And Wait by @qqueenofhades because at this point it's basically canon to me and has considerably influenced my perception of the character. Furthermore, I'm writing this with Dreamling in mind because... Well because I want to.
I'm attaching recordings for each piece, but keep in mind that, by the nature of folk music, songs (both melody and lyrics, as well as accompaniment and performance choices) are intrinsically altered in every performance and there is no single correct interpretation of a piece. If you don't like the recordings I picked, I encourage you to seek out your own :)
I am not a music historian, just a classical singer with a love of traditional folk and a cursory education on music history.
Lastly, keep in mind that folk music in the Late Medieval and Early Modern music exists in a much different form than it does today, both in its lyrical and melodic content. Of the songs surviving from that period, the majority are liturgical in nature. Those that aren't are generally about farming, changing seasons, and (of course) drinking. I've done my best, but most of these pieces aren't perfect fits. Still, what character playlist is?
Arranged in rough chronological order.
1200s: "Sumer is icumen in" (composer unknown) (Note: This song is the oldest recorded English language folk song. I think that's pretty neat.)
Sumer is icumen in Loude sing cuccu (cuckoo) Groweth sed (seed) and bloweth (bloometh) med (meadow) and springeth the worlde new
(Full text)
~1450: "Tappster, Drinker" (unknown composer)
Tappster, Drinker, fill another ale, Anonn God sende us good sale. Avale the stake, avale, here is good ale y founde. Drynke to me and y to the and lette the cuppe goe rounde.
(This is, as far as I can tell, the full text)
~1513: "Pastime with Good Company" (King Henry VIII)
Youth must have some dalliance Of good or ill some pastance Company methinks then best All thoughts and fancies to digest. For idleness Is chief mistress Of vices all Then who can say. but mirth and play Is best of all.
(Full text)
1500s: "The Ballad of Tamlin" (composer unknown) (Note: Yes this one is @landwriter 's fault. Go read Oaths. Also, I'm using one of many translations of the original ballad, but there's also an excellent folk punk adaptation by The Forgetmenauts which you should listen to if you like the story. Generally, I'm not doing this ballad any justice with my little 2-line snippet and I encourage you to look into it more yourself.)
"For if my love were an earthly knight as he is an elfin grey, I'd not change my own true love for any knight you have."
(Full text)
~1580-1650: "Greensleeves" (composer unknown)
Alas, my love you do me wrong To cast me off discourteously And I have loved you so long Delighting in your company
I have been ready at your hand to grant whatever you would crave; I have both wagered life and land Your love and good will for to have
(Full text)
1700s: "A Maid in Bedlam" (composer unknown)
My love he'll not come near me To hear the moan I make, And neither would he pity me If my poor heart should break, But, though I've suffer'd for his sake, Contented will I be, For I love my love Because I know he first loved me.
(Full Text)
1800s: Black is The Colour of My True Love's Hair (composer unknown) (Note: although the most famous variations of this piece are from 20th century America, the piece is believed to have originated in Scotland some time in the 19th century.)
Black, black, black is the color of my true love's hair, His lips are something rosy fair, The fairest face and the gentlest hands I love the grass wheron he stands.
(Full text)
1813: "The Last Rose of Summer" (Thomas Moore) (Note: I was a bit conflicted about adding this one. The song is about the pain of losing those you love to time, and the loneliness that comes from outlining your companions, both of which are sentiments I feel are very applicable to Hob. However, the song also implies that death is a mercy in the face of such loneliness, which obviously doesn't align with Hob's worldview.)
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone. All her lovely companions are faded and gone. No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes and give sigh for sigh.
(Full text)
1902: "Whither Must I Wander" (Ralph Vaughan Williams, from the song cycle "Songs Of Travel") (Note: This is technically not a true folk song but shhhhh. This was the song that inspired this whole list because I absolutely adore Vaughan Williams and particularly this cycle.)
Home was home then, my dear, full of kindly faces, Home was home then, my dear, happy for the child. Fire and the windows bright glittered on the moorland; Song, tuneful song, built a palace in the wild. Now, when day dawns on the brow of the moorland, Lone stands the house, and the chimney-stone is cold. Lone let it stand, now the friends are all departed, The kind hearts, the true hearts, that loved the place of old.
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1904: "In Dreams" (Ralph Vaughan Williams, from "Songs of Travel") (Note: I will not apologize for using two pieces from the same cycle. Y'all don't understand I'm so autistic about these songs. Also, I had to pick at least one song with "Dream" in the title haha.)
In dreams unhappy, I behold you stand As heretofore: The unremember'd tokens in your hand Avail no more. [...] He came and went. Perchance you wept awhile And then forgot. Ah me! but he that left you with a smile Forgets you not.
(Full text)
1946: "Come you not from Newcastle?" (Arr. Benjamin Britten, original composer unknown) (Note: Although the text of the song itself doesn't necessarily have any strong Hob Vibes, the most widely known arrangement of this piece was done by Benjamin Britten, one of the country's most famed composers and also a fairly open homosexual. This, combined with the text of the song and the time that this arrangement was written, gives the song a distinctly queer vibe, at least to me, and so it makes the list. The recording attached is by Britten's life partner, Peter Pears.)
Why should I not love my love? Why should not my love love me? Why should I not speed after him, Since love to all is free?
(Full Text)
And that's all of them! Please let me know if you have any traditional folk songs you know that fit the bill, as I'm always looking for more good traditional folk music. It holds a special place in my heart :)
Consider reblogging if you got anything out of this post, since I did spend quite awhile on it and I'd love it if it got out to the wider Sandman fandom.
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fluentisonus · 1 year
Hello, sorry if you’ve already said this before, but where are you finding your folk songs? like a specific book or website? (i’m always looking to expand my collection and i have never heard of long lankin before)
thanks in advance :D
So originally I just got folk songs from ones I heard growing up, because my dad was fond of folk music & played me a number of bands I'm still fond of. A lot of ones I come across now are still basically from rabbit holes of songs I fell down with these.
However! If you're looking for more thorough catalogues of folk songs, the main ones you come across are:
Child Ballads -- These are only ballads. They were collected by Francis James Child in the 19th century, and they're all numbered, so if you've seen songs mentioned as like "Child 93" that's why, especially because a lot of these songs don't have consistent names. They're primarily collected in his 5 Volume book The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5), linked there to where you can read it for free. The great thing about these is it will list all the variations of the songs he found as well as where he found them, with a little scholarly discussion of the song and its history on each. As someone that loves like. the process of transmission & the context of songs this is very appealing to me personally. It is old fashioned in its scholarship etc though.
Roud Folk Song Index -- This is a Much larger more modern index of songs: for comparison there are only 305 child ballads, whereas the Roud Index has nearly 25,000 songs (including all the Child ones). These also have numbers, so you'll often see something like "Child 93; Roud 6" where they overlap, or "Roud 2989" where they don't. Obviously because it's so big there's no book for them all, and likewise not as much commentary on individual songs. You can search them by number here, or by subject (!!!) here. The fact that this index exists is really cool, and especially that you can search it like that, although sometimes I find it a bit hard to get what I want, or have it layed out as clearly as in Child, I think just because it's so big.
This isn't really a major index like Child and Roud so you won't get it cited anywhere, but Mainly Norfolk is an index of folk songs mainly focusing on more modern recordings of the songs and their different variations. So for example you'll get a page for a songs and it'll tell you all the bands that have recorded it, and the differences in their lyrics, and what they said about the song on the back of the CD, etc. Which is fun for me particularly because I'm often accessing them through having listened to modern recordings and I'm curious about that.
You can also find various collections of broadsides and things (Roud includes a lot of broadsides I believe but if you want to look at them specifically), one of my favorites is the Bodleian Libraries online collection, which even has images of a lot of them I believe. This is fun if you like print sources.
And then a lot of these I'm just searching in Youtube as well, haha. You never know what old man recording a song he heard from his grandmother with 10 views and 2 likes you might find.
I hope this was helpful & answered the question! I will say I don't have any sort of expertise in this, it's entirely based on me just fooling around, so if anyone more knowledgeable than me has anything to add or any corrections to make feel free!
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going absolutely batshit insane at the way the melody of the verses in 'the point of no return' function as a leitmotif symbolizing power/sexuality within the phantom and christine's relationship throughout the musical.
i mean, LISTEN. the first time we encounter this melody is in 'little lotte', where the string section is playing it throughout, but it is only heard sung in christine's verse:
No, what I love best, Lotte said, Is when I'm asleep in my bed And the angel of music sings songs in my head The angel of music sings songs in my head
the next time is the phantom's verse at the end of the title track:
I have brought you to the seat of sweet music's throne To this kingdom where all must pay homage to music You have come here for one purpose and one alone Since the moment i first heard you sing, i have needed you with me to serve me, to sing for my music...
christine again in 'why have you brought me here':
Raoul, I've been there, to his world of unending night To a world where daylight dissolves into darkness... Raoul, I've seen him! Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face, so distorted, deformed, it was hardly a face in that darkness...
and again in 'twisted every way'
What I once used to dream I now dread If he finds me it won't ever end And he'll always be there singing songs in my head He'll always be there singing songs in my head
so this leitmotif appears four times before it is used as the main melody in 'the point of no return'. up until then, it is used as a sort of bridge within the structures of the other songs: a verse which is sung with a different melody than the rest of the song, which makes it stand out.
this is interesting in itself, but what REALLY gets me insane is once you realize what this melody is representing. for each variation of this melody, the lyrics are discussing the phantom and christine's power over each other and the connection they have. christine's 'singing songs in my head' line is recurring, and although the phantom only sings this melody once before 'the point of no return', in it he admits that he needs christine, which is in sharp contrast to the rest of the title track where he is establishing dominance over her and putting her under a sort of trance.
AND THEN. during 'the point of no return', they EACH get a verse sung in this melody, not as a bridge but simply the verses of this song. in other words, these short pieces of melody we've been hearing in earlier songs have all been to the tune of 'the point of no return'-- everything was leading up to this, this song which is as much an externalization of sexual feelings as it is a power play between these two characters.
sorry for the ramble i'm just losing my shit right now i REALLY hope someone gets what i'm saying here
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ericmicael · 1 year
CAMPFIRE SCENE - Definitive Edition
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I already made some posts in the past listing curiosities or differences involving the “campfire scene” between Elsa and Honeymaren, but since I hadn't made a post yet gathering everything in one place and we are in Lesbian Visibility Week, I decided to do it.
(the original text is from the Novelization, but I adapted it to match 100% with the movie)
 Honeymaren and Elsa are sitting by a fire, a baby reindeer is lying next to Elsa getting a cuddle, Iduna's scarf is draped over Elsa's thighs. Honeymaren just tasted the soup from the wooden bowl.  “I want to show you something. May I?” Honeymaren asked. Elsa nodded. Honeymaren reached for one end of the beautiful burgundy scarf that had belonged to Elsa’s mother and gesture to the snowflakes on it. She identified the symbols on the points of one snowflake. “You know air, fire, water, earth.”  “Yes,” Elsa said. “But look.” Honeymaren touched a diamond in the center of the snowflake, a symbol Elsa had never noticed before. “There’s a fifth spirit.” Honeymaren smiled at the surprised expression on Elsa’s face. “Said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature.”  Elsa was shocked. “A fifth spirit?”  “Some say they head it call out the day the forest fell,” Honeymaren said. She had Elsas full attention.  “My father heard it,” said Elsa. “Do you think that’s who’s calling me?” Elsa asked.  “Maybe.” Honeymaren smiled. “Alas, only Ahtohallan knows”.  Elsa smiled back, recalling that her mother had said the same thing to Anna and herself when they were children. “Ahtohallan-” With the scarf over her thighs, Elsa remembered the words of her mother's lullaby that she had sung to her and Anna when they were little. She half sang and half spoke the words aloud.
                                              “Dive down deep
                                                into her song”
 Honeymaren smiled again, recognizing the song and singing along with Elsa.
                                              “But not too far
                                           or you’ll be downed”
 “Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?” Honeymaren asked once they had finished.
 “I wonder that all the time,” Elsa said.
 Suddenly, the ground shook from a distant boom like thunder. But no lightning followed to electrify the sky.
 “Earth Giants,” Honeymaren said.
The “campfire scene” for anyone who watched the “Frozen 2” documentary or saw this tweet knows that it was one of the moments in the film that were changed.
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And that at least three shots were cut.
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We don't have confirmation of what they were and honestly I don't even believe that one day we will, and although I like fanfics imagining they were important I believe in the justifications given in the documentary for the cuts in the film: making the plot more dynamic for all audiences although I don't know how some phrases could be considered non-dynamic, but whatever.
The official book of the film states that this scene has only 3 differences: it does not specify in the book if Honeymaren was eating the soup or not, the position of the scarf in the book is on the shoulders while in the film it is on the thighs (this change in the position of the scarf happens almost everywhere from the movie to the books), and there are no lyrics for the duet though it does happen.
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 Honeymaren and Elsa walked over to the logs around a campfire and sat down. A baby reindeer ran up, nuzzling and rubbing its head on them. Elsa stroked the little reindeer’s back as she thought about everything that had happened since they’d entered the forest.
 “I want to show you something. May I?” Honeymaren asked. Elsa nodded. Honeymaren reached for one end of the beautiful burgundy scarf that had belonged to Elsa’s mother and gesture to the snowflakes on it. She identified the symbols on the points of one snowflake. “You know air, fire, water, earth.”
 “Yes,” Elsa said.
 “But look.” Honeymaren touched a diamond in the center of the snowflake, a symbol Elsa had never noticed before. “There’s a fifth spirit.” Honeymaren smiled at the surprised expression on Elsa’s face. “Said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature.”
 Elsa was shocked. “A fifth spirit?”
 “Some say they head it call out the day the forest fell,” Honeymaren said. She had Elsas full attention.
 “My father heard it,” said Elsa. “Do you think that’s who’s calling me?” Elsa asked.
 “Maybe.” Honeymaren smiled. “Alas, only Ahtohallan knows”.
 Elsa smiled back, recalling that her mother had said the same thing to Anna and herself when they were children. “Ahtohallan-“ She drew the scarf tightly around her shoulders, remembering the words to the words to the lullaby her mother had soothed them with. She half sang and half spoke the words aloud.
 Honeymaren smiled again, recognizing the song and singing along with Elsa.
 “Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?” Honeymaren asked once they had finished.
 “I wonder that all the time,” Elsa said.
 Suddenly, the ground shook from a distant boom like thunder. But no lightning followed to electrify the sky.
 “Earth Giants,” Honeymaren said.
Although small this book is one of the most interesting versions of the film having several differences or additions to the plot of “Frozen 2″ and obviously the “campfire scene” is one of those moments. Could those extra phrases shared between Elsa and Honeymaren be among the cut moments? Well, this book could be an early script for the movie, but anyway, I don't logically believe that it would be every moment for the descriptions.
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 Anna smile she glanced up when Elsa walked by talking with Honeymaren.
 The campfire cracked and pop as Honeymaren and Elsa sat here it’s warm glow.
 “Tell me about the voice.” Honeymaren said as she petted a baby reindeer that had wandered over looking for attention. “What makes you so sure they have the answers?”
 “Because they speak to a part of me that no one’s ever been able to reach,” Elsa resonded, holding her hand out for the reindeer to sniff.
 Honeymaren looked intrigued. “What part is that?” she asked.
 “The part of me that’s magic,” Elsa said.
 Honeymaren throught for a moment, “I want to show you something. May I?”
 The queen nodded. Honeymaren showed her a part of her mother's scarf. She pointed to the snowflakes that adorned it. She showed Elsa the symbols on the flakes.
 “You know air, fire, water, earth,” observed Honeymaren, then pointed to the diamond in the center that connected them all.  “But look. There’s a fifth spirit. Said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature.”
 “A fifth spirit?” Elsa asked, intrigued.
“Some say they head it call out the day the forest fell”.
The queen's eyes sparkled.
“Do you think that’s who’s calling me?”
“Maybe. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows”.
 “Ahtohallan”, Elsa repeated with a smile. She remembered her mother saying the same thing when she and her sister were children, asking a thousand questions: Only Ahtohallan knows.
 When she put them to sleep at night, Anna and Elsa's mother would sing them a lullaby about Ahtohallan. It was about a mysterious river that had all the answers about the past.
 As a child, Elsa wanted to find the river and ask questions. For as long as she could remember, she wanted to learn more about herself and her magic. Why does she have powers? Were there others like her? And if so, would Ahtohallan know them? At that moment, in front of the bonfire, she realized that... it was strange, but being in the Enchanted Forest made her think that she would soon get some of the answers she so desired.
 She brought the scarf up to her chest and squeezed it tight. She could almost hear her mother's lullaby. She started to sing and Honeymaren joined in with a smile. The Northuldra woman was surprised that Elsa knew the melody.
 “Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?” Honeymaren asked.
 “I wonder that all the time,” admitted Elsa with a giggle.
 Suddenly, a BOOM was heard in the distance which interrupted their laughter and caused the queen to shudder.
“What was this?” Elsa asked.
 BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The ground under everyone's feet began to shake violently with each bang.
Honeymaren paled, she rose quickly and said:
“Earth Giants”.
Another representation of the “campfire scene” that skips the duet moment.
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The differences with the manga are one of the most interesting for including a feeling in the scene that the original didn't explicitly have.
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Arina Tanemura at various points in this manga included or expanded on the feelings of certain scenes. That's not to say it didn't exist in the original, Elsa very well could have those feelings at the beginning of the duet with "All is Found", but the film prefers to express a more fun and joking feeling that happens at the end of the lyrics as the manga addresses the feelings that are at the beginning. But as I said Arina Tanemura really liked to make the moments more sentimental like Elsa at the end giving a sign to Honeymaren and Ryder that in the manga it really seems that Honeymaren has an expression of being in love or at least enchanted with the Snow Queen.
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There are at least four descriptions that I know of the “campfire scene” where they put the image and some text. The fourth description is not included here, the only difference being that it refers to Honeymaren only as "Northuldra woman".
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Elsa and Honeymaren become friends. They talk about the spirits.
At the campfire, Honeymaren showed Elsa the spirits of nature symbolized on her mother’s scarf. Elsa was surprised to learn about a fifth spirit called the bridge. It was said to connect the magic of nature to humans and it disappeared when people stopped listening.
A young Northuldra woman named Honeymaren showed Elsa the spirits of nature on Elsa’s mother’s scarf. Elsa was surprised to discover there was a fifth spirit: ‘the bridge’. It was said to connect the magic of nature to humans, but it had disappeared when people stopped listening.
And the “campfire scene” was technically split into two parts: "Forest Expedition" which has Honeymaren and "Campfire Friend" which has everything else in the Campfire Scene including another Elsa. So if you recreate this scene you have to buy two sets instead of one.
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There is no “campfire scene”, as this is one of the skipped moments and after the conversation with Yelana already placing the Earth Giants moment. But I include more here to show this adaptation of the visual, and that at the end they put together “You Belong Up Here” with the moment of Elsa riding the Nokk and waving to the Nattura brothers.
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BONUS 1 - The Campfire Scene Prologue
This is completely speculative, but this theory makes so much sense to me that I can't help but talk about it.
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I believe this concept art by Jim Kim is also part of the “campfire scene”, or as theorized in a fanfic, is the reason for it to happen. But this is purely theory as there is other concept art imagining moments of interactions between the Arendelle delegation and the Northuldras that are more difficult to fit into the passage of time. But of all the post-Bruni conversations, Elsa and Honeymaren's campfire conversation is the only one that doesn't actually have a prior introduction or reason for happening. You can even mention that Honeymaren talked about the scarf and that was the motivation, but to be honest the reason the women approach doesn't seem to have anything to do with the scarf, the conversation about the scarf happened on Honeymaren's idea. If Elsa wanted information about the Northuldras, Iduna or the scarf she probably would have gone to talk to Yelana, but in the movie she seems to have only decided to sit down with Honeymaren because she wanted to talk to her alone and the conversation about the scarf happened by accident, if Anna had gotten scarf the conversation about Fifth Spirt would not have happened and the two women would have just talked about other things.
Now, the reason why my theory about concept art is the connection point: Honeymaren is officially called a big fan of magic due to having some knowledge on the subject, so in my opinion, she asked Elsa to show a little bit of her magic and the Snow Queen, seeing how enthralled she was by it (Jim Kim's concept art) decided to go sit down with her to have a private conversation, whether or not it was about magic. I'm a self-confessed ElsaMaren shipper, but I can't help thinking that there must have been one more reason why a serious and focused person like Elsa decided to talk to Honeymaren instead of the tribe leader who was the person she was talking to earlier and who probably has a lot more knowledge.
A beautiful recreation of this scene by Kelly Erosen (https://twitter.com/kellyerosen/status/1645807089481297925).
BONUS 2 – The Campfire Scene was maybe recreated in “Raya and the Last Dragon”
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It may or may not be a coincidence, but:
Two girls sitting close together with something between them
A meal near them
A pet close to women
Their conversation involves interacting with items that have stories related to the plot of the movie.
And if you want to consider this too: there are many similar camera angles with Namaari playing Honeymaren and Raya playing Elsa
The only big difference is that there isn't a duet moment between the girls, but even the pace of the conversation is pretty similar with the more relaxed air. Peter Del Vecho and Kim Hazel herself, who was responsible for the “campfire scene”, also worked on this film, so this theory of inspiration being confirmed would be no surprise.
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If you have any more items to add, please add them.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
What songs do you associate with the general feel/theme of the game, with characters and MC/certain types of MC? Do you maybe have a playlist? Quite curious about this. Like for example for some reason I associate Imagine Dragons - Bones with MC (yeah I know a lot of people hate this band, but some of their song are decent). This song got a little bit of feeling of restlessness and one line fits well - 'walking the path so many paced a million times'. Or nothing is safe by clipping. for obvious reasons fits the general theme/Morozov family, especially the tragedy with Viktor and etc. Dunno will you agree, but nevertheless I'm curious to see your song association (no explanation needed if you don't want to)
Ooh, just heard the song and it's good! They might be a guilty-pleasure band, but I actually like quite a number of their songs, especially their older ones, the album that also contained Radioactive and Demons (I actually don't know the name of the album 😅). Somehow, I also get the vibe of Vengeful MC from the song.
Also, I'm glad you're interested in the music I associated with the world because I love associating songs I listen to characters and stuff! And because of that, this post might be a little long 😂
As for your question about playlists, yes! I do have those. Right now, I have ones for MC, Luka, and Ash (although Ash's is still Work-in-Progress). I'll add more songs into them over time as I discover more songs that fit, or just old songs in my playlists that I rediscover (I have like close to 1.5K songs in total 😆).
I listened to a lot of songs while writing and depends on what kind of scenes I'm writing. When I need to write sad and emotional scenes, I listen to sad and melancholic instrumental music. But if I need to write brutal action scenes like the ones in Chapter 3, I put on aggressive Phonk songs 😂
For MC's playlist, I tried to fit as many different variations of MC, but I think most of them are fitting for Vengeful MCs in general. Some are also perfect for Ruthless MCs as well. Some of them have fitting lyrics, some just fit the vibes I am picturing.
For example: [Venger by Perturbator] and [Dead Man Walking by WAR*HALL] are really fitting for Vengeful MCs because of the lyrics. [I Chose Violence by iamjakehill] and [vendetta! by Sadfriendd] are fitting for Ruthless and more unhinged MCs mostly because of the aggressive vibes of the songs.
For Luka, it's more of songs that fit his vibes and songs that he will definitely listen to while driving 😁 He loves Electronic music, especially those with heavy basses and Phonk music in general too.
This one's for Ash. There are fewer songs in it because I'm actually still not really done with it (Haven't even made the playlist cover 😅). But the songs there are those whose lyrics I think fit Ash, or songs that they would listen to.
As a bonus, I'll also share two songs that I think fit The Killer 😉
Enemy - Imagine Dragons x J.I.D
Good in Red - The Midnight
For the Morozov Family, I immediately think of the theme song for GTA IV (still the best GTA theme song imo 😆) It sounds kinda solemn and melancholic, especially the violins in 2:42 😩Feels kinda fitting for all the deaths and tragedies that the family has gone through.
For the Aikawa Family, I think this song kinda fits, doesn't it? The beat just goes hard 😁
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vivisols · 10 months
like with everything related to mers, courtship traditions vary from pod to pod! different pods have slightly different variations on their traditions and preferred gifts.
as mentioned in prior chapters, shells are a superrrr common gift for mates, although they can also be gifts for friends. it'd be pretty hard to find a pod that didn't have the exchanging of shells as a tradition in some way, especially as a courtship tradition! mers choose shells based on size, texture, color, and shape! small, smooth shells are considered most romantic, as they can easily be used as a scale polisher or made into jewelry. they also just make a nice decoration in general. intact venus comb shells are also considered romantic because of their rarity!
plants (of the uprooted and easily replantable variety) are also a common gift! it's not unheard of for a mer to find a plant pretty and for their mate to come back with it the next day for them to plant in or nearby their den. picked flowers or leaves on their own are considered gifts for your "first crush as a pup", as most mers grow out of picking apart plants for no reason and see it as a bit reckless and disrespectful to both the ocean and the gods. pups, however, don't really care for that. they just grab what they think looks pretty!
some pods have dances for courtship, some do not! a typical courtship dance involves very little use of the arms and a lot of use of the tail unless it's a partner dance. it involves a lot of circling and spiraling and a whole bunch of fin waving! so think of it as like… a waltz! somewhat! bioluminescent mers also incorporate flashes of their bioluminescence. really, it's all about controlled swimming and pretty looking patterns! partner dances involve a lot of twirling and circling, too!
pearls are a very, very special item in mer culture. they're often made into jewelry such as necklaces or bracelets and, because of their rarity, are considered extremely romantic. they're highly sought after! if a mer gets another mer a pearl then theyre basically saying "hey. i love you so much i would die for you". however, its like getting someone an extremely expensive piece of jewelry. it's good if both parties love each other a lot, but at the same time a bit risky to give just anyone. one mer might end up with no pearl, no mate, and a broken heart….
songs and melodies are considered the MOST romantic form of courtship. coming up with a song with or for your mate is considered incredibly romantic. each courtship song is completely unique to those mers! they can either have lyrics or not, with many opting for the latter in order to make it easier to remember. then again, they could also opt for an ever changing, always unique song with a similar melody each time, showing their ever changing and adapting love for each other!
sharing food is common as well! one mer might go out to hunt and bring back another a particularly hard to catch piece of food, such as an octopus or crab. mers prefer larger catches that can be easily shared as opposed to smaller ones that they would eat separately. mer courtship is also based a lot on physical touch, too. holding hands, curling their tail around each other, traditional kissing, and snout nuzzling are very common to see in mates! mers love physical contact! verbally flirting is a bit on the rarer side, but flirting by getting gifts or food to share is incredibly common.
in order to court each other, mers would get each other more gifts and engage in a lot more physical contact. bringing back food to share is especially common! all in all, it depends on the pod and the mer. one mer might really like shells as a gift, and another might prefer to watch a dance. and when two mers are absolutely sure they want to become mates, they will get each other a shell that the other would like and verbally tell each other of their wishes! and after that, well, they're mates! mers mate for life! :Dc
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ummm errr heres my NiGHTS playlist
tbf its just meant to be songs that feel magical and NiGHTS was the best character i thought i could assign to a playlist of that theme but whatever. explanations under cut
1. Gate of Your Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
hurrrr hurrr NiGHTS into dreams song fits NiGHTS' character
2. Peaceful Moment SEGA SOUND TEAM
yeah this is pretty magic and from NiGHTS hurrrr
3. Fragmented Nights SEGA SOUND TEAM
guess the explanation
4. Introduced Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
5. Paternal Horn SEGA SOUND TEAM
6. After The Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 1 - 5
7. Star Light Zone Masato Nakamura
8. Special Stage (Sonic 1) Masato Nakamura
mysterious and surreal... some may say dreamlike... and also sonic team
9. Duel in Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
like the first one but instead of NiGHTS into dreams its journey of dreams
10. Peaceful Moment SEGA SOUND TEAM
if i include the NiD version i may as well include the JoD version. i didnt do this with gate of your dream because the JoD version sounds so bad
11. Merry Memory Go Round SEGA SOUND TEAM
this is getting exhausting
12. Eloquent Echo: River Rescue SEGA SOUND TEAM
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god ive gotta get out of here or ill have another word to sell another story to tell another time piece ringing the bell' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end no you know it must be neverending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool although youre only a man so give it up and smile
13. Dreams Dreams - Located Link Mix (Instrumental) SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 9 - 12
14. Collision Chaos - "G" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
yeah this feels like NiGHTS
15. Tidal Tempest - "G" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
these are also obviously sonic team, yeah, you get it
16. Zone Clear SEGA SOUND TEAM
17. Sky Chase Zone Masato Nakamura
i think you get the point
18. Special Stage (Sonic 2) - Demo Masato Nakamura
i recently got into the sonic 1&2 demos. some of them are bangers, such as this one
19. Special Stage (Sonic 1) - Demo Masato Nakamura
see above, with the additional bonus of me adding the mega drive version before
20. Vanilla Jack Stauber
and i just realised its instrumental. great. if it helps, its sort of like a lullaby.
21. dancing around in circles until my little feet fall off spellcasting
22. Dream Sweet in Sea Major Miracle Musical
i think less about the lyrics and more about the fact this sounds vaguely magic and a little christmassy (because, yk, christmas NiD)???
23. A Lady Tally Hall
idk its kinda calm ig. if you ignore the 'lady' bit (although NiGHTS probably wouldnt mind being called that) i suppose you could say theyre good and evil? idk
24. 13 Tally Hall
i probably should have added ruler of everything afterwards but idk why i feel i shouldnt
25. Spring Yard Zone Masato Nakamura
this is my favourite stage in sonic 1!!! so much so that i made up loads of lore about it having homes just so that i could make an oc be from there!!! anyway yeah the usual. its sonic team. sounds vaguely magical.
26. Temptation Stairway (Waltz Variation) Metaroom
when i got into ena temptation stairway was the latest episode, or really anything to do with ena. maybe the first teaser for dream bbq was out??? before we knew it was a game??? idk. point is, ena is absolutely bafflingly surreal, and i could sort of imagine this in a NiGHTS game. sonic team please contact metaroom for any future NiGHTS projects please please please 🙏🙏🙏
27. Fancam RYL0, Aron Enoch
the lyrics dont fit even slightly ❤️ but it sounds cute
this is such a silly happy song from a game that references NiGHTS! also ive literally gone bankrupt from buying stuff in the chao garden black market in sadx lol
29. Isle Unto Thyself Miracle Musical
to me, this DEFINITELY fits the magical theme, as well as the sensation of flying. i have absolutely no idea what any of the lyrics mean.
30. Black Rainbows Miracle Musical
it also feels kinda magical and follows isle unto thyself
31. White Ball Miracle Musical
see above only less because it feels magical and more because it follows black rainbows. i didnt add murders because that's definitely a stretch to say it fits NiGHTS
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bvannn · 8 months
Weekly Update February 2, 2024
I think I’m mostly better. The medicine I take is once a week, and it’s supposed to last me all week. Last week it brought me through about Tuesday, this week I was good until Wednesday, hopefully next week it’ll last the full week. I’m doing fine today too because Fridays are when I administer it. I think I’ll be fine real soon. Unfortunately I am swamped with homework, but I can manage it pretty soon.
This week as far as art projects was mainly me messing with music. I found the trick to getting good electronic instruments, and that is a little free plugin called Krush. I don’t know why music software companies like mortal kombat so much that they spell everything like that, but the ones that do make nice stuff so I won’t judge. I also started fiddling with Melodies for some instrumental themes for OCs, Shaun and Romeo are first up for that, planning to make progress tonight. Cleaned up my other project files as well and found a nice bass and drum line I must’ve made while I was delirious on medicine after surgery bc I don’t remember making it but it sounds nice so I’ll keep it. I’m the process of cleaning up a Zelda medley, I’ll probably post the piano version of that alongside the full instrumental. Finally, another one that’s set for vocals even though I technically haven’t finished the first one. I’m impulsive. The first one is just missing vocals and lyrics really so once I’m in a good headspace I’ll try to lyric out both of these in one go and fiddle with vocaloid after I know what words I want.
I also finally started prodding at Vocaloid 5. I’m going with v5 over v4 because it has a more user friendly UI and I’m under the impression that the attack and release feature is unique to v5, although I may be wrong on that. I’m still not sure exactly which voicebanks I’ll want to use, obviously the Kagamines would be a good choice because having a male and female option packaged together is cool, but the Zolas are also a package deal and have a bit more variation amongst them. I’m not sure how well they do English though, since they’re not built for it. I mean I guess people won’t really care, people still seem to be big fans of the Vflower English songs even though she’s also not built for english *or the genre most of those songs are* and they eat them up anyway. The Zolas are also less marketable than the Kagamines or Vflower, though. Also I guess Miku is an option and probably an inevitability if I do start making vocaloid music but I don’t need to start with her, you know? Idk maybe I’ll keep working on song stuff and consider which vocal fits the best, maybe I’ll draw them a bit too, see how much demand there is.
I haven’t been doing any comic work because I’ve still been sick, plus now I’m waffling since I don’t have a big animation project anymore and I guess I could fill the void by making that project an animation, but I’m still unsure. It might be smart to do both, and at a minimum my thumbnailing out the comic makes sure that everything is paced correctly and the dialogue flows. Tonight I’m hoping to pick back up where I left of before I got sick: I had finished the first third of the first ‘episode’, and was moving on to act 2.
Today especially I’ve been bit by the TTRPG bug again and kinda want to write out and draw stuff for that, but normally I do my best conceptual writing while I’m delirious in bed after my sleep medicine is kicked in but before I fall asleep. I stayed up late last night alternating between chemistry homework and playing ghost trick so tonight should be a good night for writing. Maybe I’ll get more comic outline writing done too, who knows.
And finally I also just really need to get more drawings done. I posted those epithet challenge ones the other day, which people seem to like. And I really want to do a drawing of Lynne, I like her because she reminds me of an OC of mine, can’t say which one or why though because that’s a spoiler for both characters. I really need to do more art in general, so I threw together a wheel of small little doodles to do, but all that still relies on me having free time, which is a lot scarcer now that I’m working. Still, if I get back into the habit of chugging out those comic pages, I can probably do a little more.
I’m still not sure what to do tonight. I keep flipping back and forth over whether I want to do music or drawing, and end up with little in the way of posting. I did find out that I can post audio to tumblr easy now, so I’ll try to do that more often. Idk. I’m exhausted from today specifically, and this past week has been busy, but I’m hoping it’ll die down and I can do more this upcoming week.
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th3-0bjectivist · 2 years
     Sometimes I’ll post a tune by a band I don’t particularly care for because they have a single song that is outstanding. This is one of those times, dear listener. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike Dubstar, I just think their overall catalog is as boring as granola. I’m not talking about the kind of granola that’s infused with berries, chocolate, and tons of sugar. No. I’m talking plain old healthy granola infused with just a little honey to slightly enhance the flavor. If you like their albums more power to you because there’s certainly nothing wrong with them in the vocal, lyrical, instrumental, or compositional departments. Their music is quite good, I’m just personally not that into it. That said, this week I gave myself the Herculean task of perusing through their catalog to find something to post, and after nearly falling asleep several times, Stars from 1995’s Disgraceful chimed in and energized me like a splash of cold water to the face in an arid desert. This is a good example of a combined band’s talents taken to its absolute zenith. This song is all about escapism and they provide it for the listener with a hybridized style of rock, dance and trip-hop that are blended JUST ENOUGH to make this track a thing of real ethereal beauty. Founded in Newcastle upon Tyne, England this Brit-pop act certainly did have a run of semi-success during their time together, especially early on. They’re also one of the very few bands I know of that took a nearly two-decade hiatus (2000-2018) only to come back and try their hand at making music together again. Although I’m not a fan of the albums or the group, I still must give this tune respect for being the single work of staggering genius that it is. So next time you want to make out with your significant other, date or partner under the stars… go out far away from the city, put this baby on repeat, look up, and enjoy! Oh, I nearly forgot, the band Lacuna Coil did a gothic metal variation of this song, it’s worth a listen, and you can find it here. 
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Circa the mid 90′s, image credit: https://sandimental.livejournal.com/103023.html
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lethalfragmentation · 10 months
HI!!! I’m really glad to find someone who also appreciates this MV series, it definitely deserves more recognition!
Idk if I have too many specific thoughts on them but I’ll give it a shot!
Disclaimer: While the lyrics are very literal my understanding of Japanese is minimal, so for things that don’t have an EN translation I’ve been using Google Translate + going off things that JP fans on Twitter have mentioned about it (also using Google Translate…..OTL). If anything is inaccurate feel free to correct me!
I don’t think the characters formally have names (Bakui’s wavebox had multiple people asking but nothing was ever confirmed…?) so I’ll just refer to them by titles.
The Thief/Writer/Young Man: Headcanons… He gives me the impression of having a reserved and somewhat finicky personality even prior to his spiral into sin. For some reason he struck me as the kind of person to try to write a mystery novel, but since he ends up mired in the crime and underworld business that he once thought of for fiction, it eventually loses its charm and becomes the source of his writer’s block. Although the lyrics in 斑紋胡蝶譚 seem to indicate that he’s reached the end of the road, I like to think someone found some of his manuscripts once he fled and at least preserved them so they didn’t just end up in the trash… 
I’m also a little curious about the specifics regarding his family history since the songs drop hints here and there… In Romance in Full Bloom, he mentions that the heiress is out of his league and that he doesn’t know much about dancing and wine, and in Cheap Visionary, he’s obviously struggling financially, saying that the money that he took from his parents before leaving has dried up. But in 狂犬夜行譚 it looks like he was part of a wealthy family prior to his entanglement with his boss… maybe this is why he’s so good at keeping a mask and performing thievery? Also, it seems like his boss had a hold on those associated with the young man’s history, so I’m not sure if he’d been a target/accomplice the whole time or was just particularly unlucky.
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^ I really like this shot for some reason... I think his forehead is a charm point lol
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^ I also love this sequence in Cheap Visionary/狂犬夜行譚 a lot! The variations he rotates though are really fun and it's really effective at portraying his struggle with his sense of self
Unrelated but I think he and Narou (from For Dear Life) should meet since they both embody the struggling artist archetype haha
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The Heiress/Young Woman: Despite growing up in such a stifled environment she gives me the impression of having an assertive and crafty personality when allowed to express it. Although it isn’t the first time someone has gotten close to her with the intention to steal her inheritance, it’s been a long while since she’s made the mistake of letting her guard down. The young man considers his soul stained from all the crimes he’s committed, but I feel like if they met again, she would be pretty understanding aside from forgiving him for stealing.
Also, it’s kind of subtle but she doesn’t seem at all surprised when she enters the dream in 斑紋胡蝶譚 unlike the young man, who seems a little disoriented to me (well, he did just kill a man). Maybe it’s because she’s used to dreaming and imagining scenarios to escape the current cage of her life...?
I'm glad she got a larger role in the series! Her design is really simple but cute... My post-MV cope is that the young man follows the railroad tracks to where the young woman's train is going, eventually meeting in real life and helping him change his identity/sponsoring his writing endeavors. He is similarly familiar with the workings of upper class dealings and how easily they can coexist with underworld business, so I think he could help her navigate affairs once she inherits the company from her family. At the very least, he would be able to alleviate the boredom by weaving the stories that were unable to escape his pen while he was selling his soul.
For some reason 御涙頂戴 by Miyuu/Teniwoha makes me think of them too… but it might be because they're close together on one of my playlists.
Random thoughts about the 斑紋胡蝶譚 MV:
Although it’s bittersweet, I think it’s a perfect place to end on. I’m not sure if Makabe-san has any more plans for this series, but I hope he and Bakui-san work together again in the future!
Nene’s vocals complement the dreamy mood and Makabe-san’s vocals so well! <3 I like the softer direction this song took compared to the previous three, which were high energy and chaotic.
The butterfly motif… people mentioned how butterflies are associated with the departed (especially given the lyrics), but I couldn’t help but think about how the use of dreams reminded of me Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Dream, esp in regards to the two characters’ regrets finally resolving despite not actually meeting in person 🥹
My favorite part is at 3:13 where the action has a rotoscoped feeling to it… it’s totally different from Bakui’s usual animation style which makes it more impactful to me! I love the color scheme as well, the limited color palette is reminiscent of the dream sequences in THINGS SO FAR and DIE IN THE SEA.
I was saying this earlier but this series is a really good showcase of Bakui-san’s growth as an animator/artist and I’m really glad Makabe-san lets them have a noticeable amount of freedom when handling the MVs…(me pointing at the first mural in 斑紋胡蝶譚: nunokami sighting ⁉️👆) 
Like... they’ve been trapped in the Nilfruits basement for part of this year (lol) and since he’s really popular there are probably stricter guidelines for the MVs and promo material? So it's nice they can exercise their own flair outside of their original works. I remember Bakui saying they like drawing characters’ angry faces the most, and it really looks like they had fun portraying the young man’s inner turmoil and the MVs in general for this series!
...I did not mean to write this much... But thanks for reading my disorganized thoughts, I hope they're to your liking :-]
If you have any headcanons/etc I'd love to hear them as well! Thank you for the ask! :'D
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windynebula · 1 year
Trying to find out which songs Voyager tried to get into Eurovision with is. A challenge because nowhere lists them all neatly and clearly.
I recall hearing in an interview that Embrace the Limitless was one of them, I'm guessing it's the first one since it was released in 2014 and Australia started attending in 2015.
As an Eurovision song, it's really nice, it starts with a lot of energy, although it doesn't catch my attention as well as other songs might. The bubbly synths create a nice bright texture that fits well in ESC. As a Voyager song, it's... kind of subdued? Like, after hearing their discography, the line "this is all we have to give" feels like a blatant lie lol. They have so much more in them.
Their 2016 and 2017 entries might also be from the album V, but I don't know which ones. 2017 entry could also be from the album Ghost Mile, which came out in May 2017. I also don't know which songs they entered in 2018 and 2019, but they might have also been from Ghost Mile.
In 2020, they entered the song Runaway, from the album Colours in the Sun:
As an Eurovision song, it starts very slowly, which can be a huge weakness for me personally, but when it starts, it starts. The vibe is so flight-like, so bright, it's like driving in a convertible with the roof down. And the synth solo is really good, it creates a really nice, bright contrast to the guitars.
As a Voyager song, it's a good example of what they can offer, but it feels a little... toned down? Like they toned down the guitars and rough vocals and upped the synths to make themselves more mainstream palatable for Eurovision. It's not a bad thing, necessary, though, it's a very good song. It's just Voyager lite.
I can't find what they entered in 2021, but it's probably something from Colours in the Sun.
In 2022, they entered Dreamer, from the album Fearless in Love:
As an Eurovision song, it starts really slowly again. "I won't be wasting your time", my brother in Christ, then start the song already lmao. The synths are now a little more toned down in comparison to Runaway, now they just appear as little ear candy in Emphasis Points. Very good. Excellent details.
As a Voyager song, it actually flew under my radar at first. I didn't think much of it from the first listen, but it really grew on me! The guitar bits at the end are really nice and Emphasis. This could make really good background song for a dramatic scene.
Then, in 2023, they entered Promise, from Fearless in love, and made it to Liverpool:
As an Eurovision song, it has almost everything I want: sentimental lyrics, that sentimental bit in the middle, a banger chorus you can sing along to, enough variation to not be boring at any point and the FINISH! It's a miracle that they could fit all of that in THREE MINUTES. I swear, the first time I heard it, I had to scrape my brains off the wall for a while. It was love at first listen. The only thing that it didn't have what I want from an Eurovision song is a weird, batshit insane stage show, but the car and Daniel's bouncing-all-over-the-stage energy and the sheer insane degree that the song slaps to made up for it. Like I cannot overstate how much of a banger this song is lol
As a Voyager song, it's the Platonic ideal. It's the perfect encapsulation of what Voyager can offer musically. It has a guitar solo AND a synth solo, Daniel's clear vocals and Alex's rough and growled vocals. It grabs you by the throat like "Hey. This is our thesis statement of what we do. Enjoy." and won't let go until the song is done. It's like a CV in musical form. The perfect intro to Voyager. It slaps.
TL;DR: Good sounds. The sounds are very good. I like these sounds.
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7-dreamers · 2 years
12 Oct 2022 Xportsnews “Dreamcatcher “World Tour → Comeback preparation, ‘Is this possible’ to achieve…”  ①
Dreamcatcher were preparing for a comeback in the midst of their world tour, excitedly preparing for it with the energy from their first win.
Dreamcatcher (JiU, SuA, Siyeon, Yoohyeon, Dami, Handong, Gahyeon) made their comeback after 6 months with their seventh mini-album ‘Apocalypse : Follow us’.
Dreamcatcher, who returned from a world tour in 8 U.S. cities and Mexico starting in June, were preparing for the comeback in such a tight schedule that made them wonder “Could we do it in such a short period of time?” but added “We can do what we set our minds to.” And JiU said, “We prepared this album with a good mood,” referring to their first win on music shows with their last album’s title.
This album tells us the second part of Dreamcatcher’s Apocalypse view on the world. It’s an extension of their second full-length album, which focused on the Earth’s destruction. ‘VISION’ is a desperate declaration to reverse the destruction of our environment. Dreamcatcher has sent the public a message using their signature ‘rock metal’ sound. Although familiar, each song has its own unique variation.
This album has also showcased a different kind of charisma. JiU stated that “There are various kinds of charisma. It really depends on what you see and think. This time, it’s more of a firm charisma”. Siyeon said, “We can show a more in-depth concept as it is linked to ‘Maison’ (previous little track).”
The ‘Dystopia’ series was spreading a message, criticising the society for its guiltless witch hunts. This time, they bring   environmental problems to the table with the ‘Apocalypse’ series. SuA stated that “the company decides on the story” but, “it’s the members’ acting that bring life to the decided concept, you know?”
Speaking of heavy topics, Dreamcatcher also has a sense of responsibility. For example, during their last comeback, they held the ‘Save Us Challenge’ to certify environmental protection practices and donated 50 million won through cooperation with environmental companies.
In addition, Yoohyeon practices plastic reduction by purchasing items from a refill station store that allows one to purchase shampoo and detergent in the form of solids as well as reusing old plastic containers. JiU, who used a tumbler at the interview said, “I’m using a tumbler because I want to reduce the use of plastic. It was good to have the coffee with me,” revealing the efforts she’s making in her life.
Dreamcatcher has also revealed that they are taking initiative to protect the environment. In particular, they have progressed from their debut song ‘Chase Me’ to their current ‘Follow us’, and are more focused on the meaning of being together. JiU said “When we debuted, we had to promote our group, and we had a concept for it. Now, we’re blending our will to do good together with the public into our lyrics and concepts. I hope that we can do good things together with the public.”
Source: xportsnews Translation by 7-Dreamers Hec, Carrot & HojuneTL Please do not take translation without credit
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flowerliker · 2 years
(@eartheats) savage spin-out, shattered psyche, and oceanic operetta?
Savage Spin-Out - Do your pokémon have any accessories? i crochet for soleil and for all the pokémon that come into my care!! 🧶 soleil has lots of sweaters and scarves and things for when the weather is colder, and i have all sorts of accessories in all kinds of sizes and colors for when i foster. everyone who is going back to a shelter or a trainer though gets to keep at least one item hehe! i made a bunch of warm accessories for bouton especially because he evolved in the middle of the winter and it is so important for him to keep warm... i still need to make some things for buckwheat though!!!
Shattered Psyche - What is the worst take you've heard? i try to have patience for these sorts of things i really really do but i was talking yesterday about why i do not hang out in local vegan community groups anymore 😓 everyone always has some sort of bad take but oh my gosh eating a shroomish is not vegetarian!!! they may be grass-types but they are still little guys!!! why is this the hill you want to die on so badly!!!!
Oceanic Operetta - Do you like music? What is your favourite genre? i am not very good at naming genres but i think a lot of the bands i like get qualified as some variation of folk? i did make a playlist of songs i like a little while ago!!! i mostly like music that is i guess softer and more gentle, or maybe builds up over time. a few energetic tunes with happy lyrics are always good to have around though so i can dance to them!!! 💃 i like to have music playing while i garden to keep things lively although i try not to sing if i am in the yard and not the plant nursery because i am not very good at it and i do not want to bother my poor neighbors at 6 in the morning belting out regina spektor lyrics out of tune 🙇‍♀️
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Raised and cultured with the caressing hands of my grand mother and grand father, life has a slight variations from the disciplinary upbringing to the modest yet courageous face off with the challenges of the world. These had filled the emptiness of my childhood. From the frightening look of an annoyed Lolo for the little girl’s agile state of being. Well, upon those scary big round eyes is a father figure that I have longed for. Accompanied with my Lola’s warm hugs and gentle kisses a child’s day has always been energetic that I consider myself lucky and blessed.
Although there has been a couple of deploring moments where I question our Almighty God about my whole existence, still the enduring and constant brace from them has been the source of inspiration to life as a whole.
Professing to the fact that some deportment has been influenced by them still I enfold to it, from the abiding hair style which makes me look like a pompous tomboy, always short with a perfectly trimmed baby bangs well this makes every summer a very refreshing one. Also their ascendancy has also been part of my social life eschewing the circles of male friends as much as possible distancing yourself from them. Well, that technique has been quite effective, for I am reaping the seeds of obedience these days by letting them indulge with the comforts of life. Their command has also been the key to unlocking some superstitions in this vast universe, from the howling of dogs during wee hours which according to them signifies death, to the supernatural beings like aswang and tiklabang to the avoidance of trimming your nail during night time or even sweeping the floor as well, for all of these brings bad luck and bad karma. Well, you should never be unsentimental for elderly should be respected and attended to. These has been the one of the structure of my continuance but music has been the most exceptional of them all.
The festive and cheerful tones of kuracha music has been one of the healing therapies I usually do in times of desolation and grief. Waray- waray kuracha drives weariness into a blithe moment- gleeful and heart warming as it is as my Lolo tries to move to the beat with a half- paralyzed body, although struggling, still it is the most satisfying instant to catch sight of.
It was Christmas and in the whole world is in whole peril with pandemic, but the nonstop Waray- waray Kuracha has put a genuine smile of our faces. Eclipsing the fear and sorrow of the world may bring any minute from now. As the melody and lyrics provides felicity to the household or even to the vicinity where some neighbors dance with glee and with variations as the loud kuracha music resonates to the whole neighborhood, joyously sweating as they sway their body.
It sure is a contrasting celebration of Christmas and new year ,yet the bliss and hope of a content nation will always rest in our custom and attitude as how we foresee the world. Well, for my Lolo it is a nonstop Kuracha, so we must dance to every rhythm like a Kuracha dancer who sways the hands and body with glee. After all life is a nonstop dance all we have to do is embrace to every melody with our heart and let our body moves to live and survive.
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