#always feel free to reply to memes i answer for you as well
thunderbringer · 2 years
i’m just saying that i have a mess of open starters here that you could reply to. 
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kittybroker · 9 months
Intro post!
I'll reblog cat pictures and value the kitty.
Now I'm sure you're all saying kitties are all valuable, and while that's true one cannot simply dismiss the importance of proper accounting in today's economy.
If you want to submit a picture of a cat you can use either the ask function or send in a post submission and value it yourself. Feel free to tag me into any kitty post you want.
Please make sure to read the FAQ below before sending in any questions.
While I am mostly a joke blog, please be wary when sending overly personal/strange asks, particularly when I do not know who you are. Absolutely do not ship this blog with other blogs, and particularly do not make comments to me about this.
Tagging system: I'll tag all the cats here with #crazy kitty, as I do over on my main. The pricing of kitties is set into one of five categories:
#free bin - $0 kitties #bargain bin - Under $5 #discount kitty - Under $20 #valuable kitty - Under $50 #premium kitty - Anything over $50
#alt currency is used for any kitty not using kitty dollars.
Note that kitties from before 27/01/24 may not include the #bargain bin or #premium kitty tag as those tags were introduced after the blogs creation.
#set deal - For pairs kitties sold together #collection - For collections of different kitties in a collection
#silly kitty - For memes and humorous kitties #art - For drawings of kitties or kitties with art attached #fake kitty - For kitties that aren't really actually kitties at all
#text post - For posts that aren't actually evaluations #asks - Posts that are sent via ask #tagged - Posts sent via tagging #in the replies - Tags from the replies of a post
I'll probably post my own cat a bit here as well and tag that with #my cat.
Submission: You can submit kitties by tagging me in posts or sending asks (when the inbox is open). I will not always get around to tags as sometimes there is too many to get to or I have already evaluated the post. I prefer people tag me into a post over DMing, and will not evaluate a kitty sent in DMs. I would also ask you to not send too many asks or tags in a row simply to avoid too many posts being sent in at a time and allowing others to send stuff in. If you are unsure on how to tag me please refer to the FAQ, do not message me asking how to tag me into posts.
Rules for submission: Please no real people or anthropomorphized cats. Anything that is pretty much just human is a big no go zone for evaluation (particularly evaluating real people). As long as it's clearly an animal I don't really care. Do not tag me into more than 2-3 posts at a time.
Why hasn't my ask been answered? I get a lot of asks, and I can't answer everything. It usually takes a few days to a week to get around to answering an ask. Sometimes the ask may also contain a submission that cannot be posted, ie you submitted a real person, a cat in the harmful situation or with wounds. For text based asks I cannot get to everything and am frequently inundated with comments. Not all will get a response. If you ask a question answered in the FAQ I will not answer.
How do you evaluate the kitties? The economy guides my hand, I merely see the truth of what is already there.
I tagged you into a post, but you never responded? I get a lot of tags, and often a lot of the same post. I will try to avoid responding to the same post multiple times (sometimes I forget!). Sometimes I just have so many tagged posts to get to I have to cut some out. I do see every tagged post though so you're post will still be seen, even if not answered.
What is the most valuable kitty ever? Our current estimates would put Intergalactic Shiro, now at an impressive 720000000000
What currency are the kitties evaluated in? They are all in Kitty Dollars. I've never heard of this "USD" or "Euro" stuff. None of it is real.
I want to tag you in a post, but I don't know how? To tag me into a post you will need to reblog the post and add the tag into the text field of the post (no the tags!). If you type @kittybroker you should see this blog appear in a dropdown menu. Select kittybroker and then reblogging the post. You can also tag me into the replies of posts by opening the notes, heading to the replies section and tagging me there with the same method.
Who runs this blog? This blog is run by @autistic-autumn!
Can I submit myself? Many before have attempted this perilous feat. Yet I remain strong. No real people will be evaluated!
Kittybroker, you reblogged a bad post! Sometimes I reblog posts that I should by mistake. Please notify me if this is the case, ie. the cat is in danger, the video is not safe or harmful. I do my best to try educate myself on what the best, but I still miss stuff. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO FANDOM DRAMA/PROBLEMATIC USERS. DO NOT MESSAGE ME ABOUT THIS.
Do you have a cat? I do, although I rarely post it out of both privacy concerns and the sheer number of other kitties sent in. The rare occasion I do however they will all be tagged. His name is Boris and he is around nine years old. He is very crazy.
That is all for now! Remember to stay crazy and kitty!
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teaspoonnebula · 4 months
Hullo, I am so sorry if this ask is a weird one but. You are in the fandom for a long time, and I need to know, is it me or is the ACD SH fandom *not* insane?? Everywhere else where I've been, I see people turning on each other, fighting over characters and the morality of liking them and not liking them, telling people to go kill themselves and here. I have been in this corner of Tumblr for a few months now, and everybody seems normal? Am I just not deep enough yet to sew the drama, or is this really just a place where people hang out to enjoy something together??? Are we just too old of a fandom to do this?
(feel free not to answer if this is too weird or anything)
Sorry my reply got really long. I've broken it up with memes in the hope that it makes it more readable.
I've been in the fandom for a few years now, and I don't have much to compare against because I've generally avoided fandom spaces because they seem pretty intense (and I've not had a piece of media grab me quite like this before) but yeah it seems pretty chill?
I think there are lots of possible reasons why.
It might be that the fandom skews a little older, with lots of people who have enough life experience to know how to de-escalate tension when they encounter it, and when to walk away from the keyboard.
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It might be that there's a century-old understanding that we're all playing a silly tongue-in-cheek game with characters from magazine stories that were never supposed to be analysed this way. Remember the term "canon" as used in fandom circles was invented by Sherlock Holmes fans (specifically my boy Ronald Knox) as a joke, a deliberate cute misapplication of a term used for discussing the Bible to something frivolous. Not taking yourself too seriously is very baked into Sherlockian culture.
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I sometimes get glimpses from other fandoms of this puritanical attitude that to like or not like a character or a piece of work is somehow a moral act, and I find that... bewildering. A bit scary. To be a fan of Sherlock Holmes is inherently to love something dearly which also contains things which should be hated: racism, sexism, imperialism. I think that fans tend to be people well used to approaching literature with the level of nuance required to process that dichotomy. To acknowledge it rather than hide from it.
It might also be because it's public domain. A big blockbuster movie or pastiche by a celebrated writer is precisely as legitimate as every fanfic on Ao3. Or the CGI movie where they're gnomes. Or a slightly wonky point and click game someone is obsessively making in their spare time (...coughcougheveryonewishlist 'The Beekeepers' Picnic' onsteam) Sherlock Holmes belongs to everyone equally regardless of how much money and power they have, which is why I love it.
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Like, I love him as a character, I love the Victoriana, I love the mysteries, but the #1 reason I've gone gaga over Sherlock Holmes these past few years is the joy of loving a thing which isn't controlled by a corporation and which does not exist to make money (anymore).
I'm not saying there's zero drama because I think when you get a bunch of people passionate about something there will always be a little drama. I'll see things like the jostling of people who are very protective of asexual readings of Holmes and people who are very protective of gay readings of Holmes, things like that. Feelings can run high when personal identity is involved. But I've never seen anything got too vicious.
Errrr yeah idk if you wanted an essay as a response but you got one!
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elleloquently · 1 year
invisible string [4] : ellie williams
part three
| college!ellie x female!reader - thank you guys so much for patiently (and excitedly) waiting for this update! school is absolutely so busy it's sickening, so it's hard to write as often as i want, but i really want to aim for at least one update per week! writing this chapter was so much fun so please let me know what you think... as always thank you for your love, requests are open, and reblogs and comments are always loved and appreciated! love ya <3 (p.s shout out to a creepy owner irl who inspired part of this fic)
| c/w - anxious reader, swearing, mention of weed, alcohol, men!
studying was very dull compared to texting a pretty girl.
ellie entered your life in a whirlwind, notes filling up your once empty walls and endless texts and pictures cluttering up your phone.
the texts came in slowly at first, maybe a few short conversations every other day, mostly complaining about how much homework the professor of your shared class was packing in before finals week hit. then entered stupid memes, random pictures... and suddenly you were staying up until 3am learning about each other, despite your 8am class.
it had only been a few days, and you knew that you were getting too attached.
it was a feeling that made your stomach sink, the realization of how much your mood improved with a simple text. you were happiest in class, sitting next to ellie, even when your hand cramped from filling out pages of study guides.
sighing, you turned your music up louder and crashed back onto your bed, cushioned by a multitude of throw pillows and blankets. you weren't getting much studying done anyway.
the song grew quiet as your phone chimed, music to your ears.
Zero progress.
attached was a photo of the study guide, the amount of completed questions matching those of your own packet.
you quickly typed out a response to ellie, short and to the point.
literally sickening
it was only a few seconds before she replied:
There goes my weekend!
you replied in agreement before forcing yourself back up to glance over your textbook. you've been lingering on the same chapter for over an hour. if you were truly honest with yourself, you probably only read about two paragraphs... you were distracted.
you hardly had time to even daydream due to how busy you were, but it's not like it mattered. you gaze lingered to the collaboration of drawings made by yourself and ellie, still sticking to the wall. your phone sounded once again, pulling you out of a sleepy daze. figuring it was ellie again, you closed your textbook in an act of resignment.
the smile that appeared once you heard the text notification slowly faded upon closer inspection.
it wasn't ellie. it was a friend, one you admittedly haven't spoken to much as of recent. you hadn't really meant to ghost her, but your schedules didn't really align much. this time of year you were so busy with assignments and work, and she was busy with... well, literally anything else.
her message consisted of only two words, call me. it was short and vague so you immediately obliged, worry taking over your senses.
she answered on the second ring, speaking before you had even opened your mouth.
"please tell me you don't have plans tonight," she urged.
you wince, already preparing an excuse. "i'm studying..." you start. it wasn't a complete lie, you really had been making an effort.
her disappointment is obvious by the way she sighs your name into the phone speaker. "i've barely seen you all semester," she argues.
you start to chip your nail polish on your free hand, holding your phone to your ear with the other one. "what's up?" you ask.
"come out with me tonight? please. you've hardly come out this semester and let's be real, once finals start there's no chance i'll be able to convince you to come out," your friend pleads. her desperation is heavy and you rub at your eyes.
you want to immediately tell her no, but you really hadn't seen her in awhile yet the other day you skipped class for a chance to hangout with someone you hardly even knew. granted, it was ellie, but still.
a pit of guilt planted itself in your stomach, forcing your next words.
"what time?"
yelping in excitment, the girl on the other end of the line gushes out all of the information to you. "i'll pick you up around eleven, okay?"
a rushed end to a quick call, with promises to text more and texting outfit options for the night.
you were nervous about the change of pace. it caused you a strange feeling of obligation, to get out of your bubble and do something different every once in awhile. during college, people were promised four years of finding their forever friends and partying, making the memories that will last their entire lifetime.
you tried to partake, but it felt forced.
with a demanding major and even more demanding coursework, it was hard to maintain friendships by finding the time to actually go out. any spare time you had was replaced with shifts at work.
you felt like you were doing college… wrong.
your music resumed, the volume increasing to drown out any anxious thoughts that would prompt you to cancel last minute.
with no new texts from ellie, you decided to give your study guide one last try.
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by the time you were supposed to get picked up, you were already yawning. you had dedicated the last hour to getting ready and picking an outfit that was deemed cute enough to make you feel good but still comfortable enough that you felt secure.
though it felt like a sleepy time of year, students were nearly restless. the pressures of exams were relieved on weekends, places around the college town open all night for people to blow off steam.
it happened quickly so you didn't have a moment to reconsider or backtrack, a text of 'here!' and shoving your feet into shoes before dashing to meet your friend in the parking lot.
the car ride was a catch up session, your friend talking about her new friends but you made a quick decision not to tell her about ellie. you weren't exactly sure why, but it was almost like you wanted to keep ellie to yourself. you checked your phone mindlessly and couldn't help but feel let down when nothing new presented on your screen.
the streets were alive and busy, girls huddled together to stay warm despite the lack of coats. the outside was an indication of how busy each bar and club would be, warm with heat and bodies packed inside.
you arrived at your friend's favorite establishment, the environment a stark difference from the comfortable evening you were having in your dorm just a few short hours ago. you pressed your way through a thick crowd, hanging loosely onto the arm of your friend so you wouldn't split up.
drinks were overpriced but you ordered one anyway, something to hold onto but you knew you would probably only finish a little more than half of it if you were dedicated enough.
"i'm gonna meet up with some people, my friends and their friends," your friend explained over the music, quickly resulting in your growing concern.
you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, you always did, but other people getting involved meant you would be inevitably ditched within the hour. the look on your face gave away your feeling and the girl standing opposite of you had a short patience.
"i wish you would've told me," you tried to reason, not wanting to look or sound pathetic.
"it doesn't matter," she shook her head. "they're nice, it'll be fun."
'fun' ended up being the act of standing awkwardly in the back because they wouldn't make enough room for you in the circle. 'fun' apparently was listening to them tell the same story over and over, yet talk over you every time you tried to speak too.
forced to be a wallflower, you stood with your back against the wall as you observed other people dancing. you could almost be content like this... the music was loud and the lighting was dark. the combination seemed like it would be an anxiety nightmare, but it was actually the opposite. you could stand there, completely unnoticed, hidden by the atmosphere.
you really could've been okay with it, until your eyes were drawn to your friend pointing at you. you stood up straight, thinking she was beckoning over, until you realized exactly what she was doing. she had been dancing with a guy that night, and that guy seemingly had a friend. she was pointing you out to the friend, pushing him to join you. he started walking in your direction and your stomach filled with dread. you didn't want to be in this situation, and you certainly didn't want to make small talk with some guy.
you tried to look busy, quickly pulling out your phone and looking anywhere else. against your silent praying, the guy stood over you.
"hey," he said, leaning too close to your ear and you ducked your head away. he smelled like alcohol and cologne that was sprayed too many times. you tried a polite smile but it came out like a wince.
"can i buy you a drink?"
you answered his question by holding up your cup, hand tightly covering the opening of the top. you had only taken a few sips of it, not able to stand the taste.
"how many?" he pressed, pointing to your cup.
"what?" your face scrunched in confusion.
"how many drinks have you had?" he clarified with a laugh that you didn't return.
"one. this is my first," you informed him flatly.
he made a face like he was pretending to be let down and your stomach turned. "only one? come on girl, you need more than that."
you outwardly groaned, rolling your eyes as you pushed yourself off of the wall. "i'm going to the bathroom. bye."
"want me to hold your drink?" he called after you, agitated and loud.
you ignored him and stepped carefully through the crowd, not wanting to stand too closely to any men or accidently bump any dancing girls. you were hyper focused on the restroom sign and the way the music pounded in your ears, muttering to yourself when you felt a hand wrap around your arm.
you immediately tensed, your blood running cold but your body feeling hot simultaneously. was this guy seriously grabbing you right now?
short tempered and fuming, you loudly spat "fuck off," as you angrily whipped around, only to be met with horrified green eyes, freckles, and auburn hair.
letting go as quickly as she had reached for you, ellie dropped her hand. "shit, sorry, i-"
you quickly cut her off, apologizing profusely.
"ellie, oh my god, i am so sorry," you stressed, heart sinking when she took a step away from you.
"sorry, i really shouldn't have done that," ellie mumbled, wincing. you nearly didn't hear her, the music was too loud.
she had on a loose flannel, unbuttoned down the middle and her converse. you were sure that her horrified expression matched your own, and you wanted nothing more than to sink into the floor.
"i'm so sorry," you repeated. "i thought you were someone else and-"
"i'm sorry, i called your name but-"
you kept talking over each other, rushing awkward apologies. ellie shifted on her feet, her cheeks red.
"sorry," you mentioned again, defeated. "there was this guy, and..."
"a guy," ellie repeated quietly, her expression unreadable.
"yeah," you pushed on, glancing over ellie's shoulder. he was watching you now, remaining where you left him. gross. "i was trying to get away from him and i didn't hear you, i had no idea, i'm so sorry ellie."
she laughed dryly as she recovered but your face still stung with embarrassment. "it's alright," ellie reassured you, turning her head to briefly spot the guy you had glanced at. "are you here with him?" she asked curiously.
you quickly shook your head, rolling your eyes to express your disgust. "no," you emphasized. "i'm here with my friend but... i don't know," you laughed bitterly, finally taking a moment to let it sink in that you had ran into ellie here.
"i don't know why i'm here," you felt the need to say.
ellie nodded with a short laugh. "tell me about it."
you raised an eyebrow but didn't press it, still feeling like you needed to collect yourself. you could stand and talk with ellie forever, but you seriously needed to regroup.
"hey, um, i'm gonna run to the bathroom," you explained.
"come find me when you're done?" ellie offered, green eyes scanning your face. she pointed to an area by the bar, showing you where you could find her.
your nerves didn't stand a chance, overpowered by the overwhelming desire to be close to her. you nodded, your smile genuine for the first time that night.
before you could return on your path to the bathroom, ellie spoke again. "do you want me to hold onto that for you?" she offered, gesturing to the drink in your hand.
"oh, yeah, thanks ellie." you passed it over and she covered the top with her hand automatically, a simple thing that made your heart swell.
"i'll be there, alright?" she guaranteed, her eyes never leaving yours. you nodded once and parted ways, quickly heading to the bathroom.
you dashed for an empty sink, running cold water over your hands as you stared at your reflection. you couldn't figure out why, but you felt weird about running into ellie here. you suddenly wondered who she was here with, or was she here alone?
pushing out a deep breath, you turned off the water and dried them with a paper towel. you felt dizzy, like you were in a state in between sleeping and being awake.
"this," you mumbled to your reflection, "this is why you don't go out."
once you had worked up the courage, you emerged from the bathroom and scanned your surroundings. the girl you came with was dancing with the guys and her friends. feeling secure in the fact that you wouldn't be missed, you went to look for ellie but you didn't have to search for long.
ellie was exactly where she had said she would be, leaning against the bar with her hand protectively covering your drink. she seemed to be keeping an eye out for you because when your eyes locked, she waved you over.
you didn't bother to try and contain your grin as you made your way over, but your confidence was short lived when a pretty girl with dark hair leaned over, talking in ellie's ear.
whatever the girl said had made ellie laugh, and you faltered in your step. of course she was here with someone. of course she had other friends, (a girlfriend?) other people that she actively talked to and hung out with. you would've been stupid for thinking otherwise, you just hadn't thought about it much.
you didn't want to interrupt, but ellie caught your eye again. she raised her eyebrows, curiously, waiting. taking a deep breath, you pressed on, slowly coming to her side.
ellie handed your cup over and you accepted, taking a drink for courage.
"welcome back," ellie mused, a small smile gracing her lips.
you glanced at the girl standing on the other side of ellie, the liquid in her cup a vibrant color. ellie followed your eyes and made a face of realization, pulling the girl into the conversation.
almost sounding sheepish, she introduced her. "this is my friend dina, and... jesse," ellie craned her neck around but 'jesse' was elsewhere. you nodded anyway, smiling in dina's direction.
"hi, it's nice to meet you," you said, genuinely, despite your heart pounding in your chest.
"likewise! i've heard so much about you," dina replied, eyes bright and smiling.
ellie's eyes widened and your eyebrows shot up, taken aback by dina's introduction. you glanced at ellie but she was already composed.
"really?" you asked, truly surprised.
dina laughed and changed the subject. "jesse complains about coming but yet it's impossible to keep an eye on him," she expresses in response. "it was so nice meeting you," dina smiles at you once more and quickly squeezes ellie's shoulder before disappearing, presumably to find 'jesse.'
you take another drink and ellie clears her throat, music filling the silence. "where's your friend?" ellie questions.
you hum thoughtfully and scan the faces of all of the dancing people until your eyes land on her group. "there," you nod in their direction, trying not to sound bitter.
"are they all your friends? do you want me to go meet them?" ellie asks, watching them for a moment before gazing at you, eyes flickering over your face.
"no," you reply quickly, flatly.
"okay then," ellie laughs, tilting her head to peer at your expression. she brushes a strand of hair out of her face and it's hard not to watch, to not be entranced by every slight movement and expression she makes.
once again, you're thankful for the lighting, or lack thereof, and for the music. for some reason it feels like less pressure, which you appreciate.
"oh god," ellie mumbles, drawing your attention. she wraps her tattooed arm around your waist, gently pulling you closer to her side. your breath hitches and you tense up, but her arm is then back by her side, the ghost of her touch electrocuting your senses. "watch out," she says, nodding to an older man making his way to the bar.
your eyebrows draw together in confusion as ellie watches the man in disgust, but you're more focused on the fact that her arm was just around you for about three seconds.
you take a slow drink, watching as the man leans down to talk to several girls crowded around the bar. it seems nearly harmless though a little odd, he's definitely the oldest person in the room as everyone else is college aged. you turn to ellie, confused, but she nudges your arm to keep watching.
he puts his arms around the girls, his hands going way too low, signaling the bartender to give them drinks with a flick of his hand.
you face ellie, eyes wide and mouth agape. she nods in disgust, but slightly amused at your expression.
"he's the owner," she explains. "he's so gross... people flirt with him because if he likes you, you're set with free drinks. he's just... gross."
"why are you here?" you question, frowning.
"dina likes to dance," ellie says simply.
"and you?"
"no," ellie laughs quickly.
"i definitely wasn't expecting to run into you here," you admit, running your finger along the rim of your plastic cup.
"yeah? i wasn't expecting you either." ellie watches you carefully, thoughtful in expression but casual in demeanor.
"excuse me ladies," a gruff voice cuts through. you snap your head up and meet the eyes of the owner, chewing your bottom lip nervously as his eyes drag across you and ellie. he contemplates ellie for a moment before setting his gaze on you, frowning.
"aren't you warm in that, sweetheart?" he slurs out, indicating to the sweater you're wearing. ellie places a gentle hand on your shoulder, making a face at the man from over your shoulder.
"i'm just fine," you remark.
he doesn't like your answer, but you didn't say anything rude so he can't lecture you. he stares at you, unmoving, and decides to give you one last chance.
"what're you drinking there?" he questions, shuffling closer to get a better look. he makes like he's expecting you to bat your eyelashes at him, and ellie tugs you backwards into her.
"let's go dance," she murmurs into your ear. your face gets hot and her hands are on your shoulders, walking behind you and guiding you away from the bar. you leave your drink on the counter, unwanted.
once you're far enough away, she gently halts you to a stop. your skin is burning from the contact and you turn to face her, trying to be lighthearted. "i thought you don't like to dance?"
the corners of her mouth turn up and you give in, absolutely folding in her presence. you leave about a foot of space in between your bodies, but loosely and awkwardly wrap your arms around her shoulders. it makes ellie nervously laugh, and she hesitates before carefully placing her hands at your waist. it's your turn to laugh now, fully aware of how ridiculous you must look. you obnoxiously sway to the side, putting your weight onto one foot and then the other, threatening to make each other fall over with the abrupt movements. it's a stark contrast to the way everyone else is moving to the music, but you're both genuinely laughing so you leave it be.
you can see your previous group in the corner of your eye and nerves wash over you again, feeling shy at ellie's playful touch. suddenly you feel guilty for harboring a secret crush on the girl, feeling as if you've crossed some sort of boundary. you steady yourself but it's hard to breathe with ellie so close, staring at your eyes and your lips and your eyes again... or did you imagine it? obviously not, but certainly you're reading into it? making something out of nothing?
ellie coughs, flustered. you both stop 'dancing,' dropping your arms and facing each other straight on.
"hey," you say, your face scrunching in confusion, "i thought you were working on the study guide tonight."
your comment makes ellie recover and she breathes out a laugh in surprise, even though you were being serious.
"i thought you were working on the study guide tonight."
you frown and ellie rolls her eyes, shaking her head at you in pretend disappointment. "work on it with me tomorrow then," she tells you, nearly surprising herself with how quickly it came out.
her voice is like honey, making it impossible to pull away from her, even mentally.
"really?" you eye her suspiciously.
she nods and shrugs, and you promise to think it over. standing this close to ellie felt dangerous to the small amount of confidence you tried to build up. she smelled almost earthy, a warm deep scent, maybe a touch of vanilla and... weed?
a hand brushed your waist but it wasn't ellie's, the body stepping into view. the guy from earlier that your friend had sent over came around to stand next to ellie, his eyelids heavy.
"what the fuck, dude?" ellie questioned sharply.
"i was watching you dance," he mused, glancing at you and then ellie. it was hardly even dancing, you were just making each other laugh, so your skin crawled with the idea of that guy watching with ill intent.
"okay, go watch someone else," ellie shot back, her tongue sharp.
you glanced around, catching sight of your friend from earlier. she was watching the interaction, as if it were encouraged, and gave you a thumbs up. you exhaled in disbelief, turning your attention back to ellie. she was staring the guy down, brows furrowed.
"you ladies wanna dance with me or what?" he was cocky, drunk, and standing way too close.
"fuck off," ellie spat, a lot like how you did earlier when you thought that he was the one who grabbed your arm.
he stood in disbelief, unmoving, so you grabbed ellie's hand and dragged her away.
"they should be banned from public places," you grumble. ellie snorts, features immediately softening as she turns to you.
"this is ridiculous. do you wanna get out of here?"
at her proposition, your heart leaps. you definitely do, but the idea terrifies you nonetheless. despite yourself, you automatically nod.
"let me go find dina and jesse, see if they're gonna leave or stick around longer. wanna come with?"
you almost say yes but shake your head instead. "i should go tell the person i came with that i'm leaving, just in case."
ellie nods in understanding. she starts to turn away but stops short, eyes boring into your own. "meet me right by the entrance, okay? i'll be quick."
it's your turn to signal your understanding now, and you head back through the crowd to find your... friend. it's pretty easy to spot her but not to gain her attention.
"hey. hey, i'm gonna go, alright?"
she whips around at you, confused. "you're leaving?"
"are you gonna be safe?"
despite being ignored and ambushed with a creepy guy, you smile at her concern. it's the bare minimum, really, but it's appreciated.
"yeah," you repeat. "it's... a friend from class. she's good. safe," you express.
you say your goodbyes and head straight for the doors like you agreed with ellie. you’re only waiting alone for a moment before she joins you, car keys in hand. dina and jesse aren’t following, and instantly you feel like an idiot.
“oh my god, ellie, i totally sabotaged your night.”
“what? no you didn’t,” ellie disagrees.
you push through the doors together, greeted by harsh winds. the cold evening air was shocking as it hit your face, self doubt washing over you.
"you were just trying to have a fun night with your friends and i... i'm such an idiot," you mutter.
"whoa, hey, you're alright," ellie presses softly. she stops walking to look at you, but looks as though she has to work up the courage before she continues speaking. "i'm glad you here were, alright? dina and jesse are fine."
your face is burning and she hesitates again, but the worry expressed on your face causes ellie to continue on.
"honestly i was getting ready to leave before i saw you," she admits, looking in any direction away from you.
you beg and plead with yourself not to read into it, but why did she hesitate? why would you be nervous to tell that to someone who's just a friend? are you reading too much into it, or are you friendzoning yourself?
"ellie," you breathe, and she finally brings her attention back to you. the wind howls through the night, whipping your hair across your cheeks. your heart beats quicker but ellie grows reserved, adjusting her weight on her feet.
"i'll drive you to your dorm," she tells you as she beings walking once more. you quickly follow behind, in a trance of wondering and wanting.
it felt different from before, different from sitting next to her in class and different from studying together. what was usually light hearted jokes and easy conversation was replaced by a thick cloud of nerves, a tension that conjured itself out of nowhere and you desperately wanted to crack a joke but you felt shy.
you were texting a lot lately, you had some serious late night conversations about your families, stressors, lives, anything to get to know each other but this was different. ellie seemed almost solemn now, guarded, and you were worried that you had gotten too comfortable too quickly.
you worried as you walked to the car and you worried as she drove. ellie did exactly as she said she would and you arrived safely to your building, but your feet were glued to the ground as you reached the door and you desperately wanted to selfishly stay with her, just a little longer.
"thanks for pretty much saving me tonight," you stated earnestly. "it sucked before you found me, i'm glad you did."
ellie's smile was crooked and sincere and a wave of relief washed over you. "see you tomorrow?" she asked, her eyebrows drawing up to her forehead.
"the study guide will be completed," you affirm, grinning back at the auburn haired girl.
you heave open the door to your building and ellie steps back to the car, but you call after her one final time. "text me when you're home safe," you urge her, and you can't see the smile that graces her face.
"i will," ellie promises, and she did.
after cleaning up you fall into bed, exhausted, but your mind is racing. you turn to your side, facing the wall that is decorated with two sticky notes. you lightly trace ellie's drawings with your finger, willing yourself to go to sleep so you won't be absolutely miserable with a lack of sleep by the morning.
you were seeing her again, tomorrow, and nothing else at that moment mattered.
not your endless piles of homework, or the way you were ditched tonight. not the fact that the weather was getting colder by the day and you still couldn't find your earmuffs, or that one of your finals was going to take place at 7am.
nothing else mattered... just ellie.
[ part five ]
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loremaster · 3 months
What do you think the master detectives music tastes are? I see Yuma listening to pop rock but what do you think? (You can include the train detectives if you want lol)
yuma: doesn't really know music well enough to be picky. every now and again a song will play on the radio and he'll say "oh this is a nice song" and desuhiko or whoever will groan and say "REALLY? this is the most generic vanilla pop song ever" and yuma will say "i dunno... i thought it was pretty good" ...he doesn't like explicit lyrics though.
desuhiko: keeps up with the latest coolest pop hits and is always trying to learn the choreography. it doesn't count as a good song if it doesn't have choreography! he likes boy bands and girl groups and uplifting power anthems.
fubuki: she knows the tunes to classic hits but somehow it's always the wrong lyrics. one day yakou puts on lola by the kinks and she sings along very loudly to "Y-O-D-A YODAAAAA" how she learned it we'll never know but she always sings from the heart.
halara: claims to dislike music, especially music with singing because the lyrics are distracting. smooth jazz is passable as background music... techno is okay sometimes... the embarrassing truth is their favorite songs are funny little songs about kitty cats. or songs that have been featured in popular pet video memes.
vivia: similar to his tastes in books, he doesn't actually prefer any specific genre of music as long as the lyrics are interesting. it's like poetry with a melody... he loves songs that tell stories - or even better, whole albums. but most of the time it's easier to read the stories (visual learner feels)... so he's also just content to listen to whatever someone else puts on.
yakou: is not a master detective but I'M ANSWERING FOR HIM ANYWAY #1 DAD ROCK LIKER. he gets mad when desuhiko calls his music taste "butt rock." to his chagrin, halara was able to pinpoint his exact age based on his favorite classic albums ("b-but i thought you didn't even like music!!!" "i don't have to like something to gather information about it.") he's not great at singing or dancing so he only does so when he thinks he's alone. yuma has caught him in the act before. (vivia also has but will never tell a soul.)
....i will have to think about the train crew some more bc other than pucci liking classical music (based) i'm not really sure... feel free to drop ideas in the replies. or drop examples of songs you think anyone would like haha
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freckliedan · 6 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to talk about how Dan and Phil as a brand is so relatable to neurodivergents in the way that they've been treated recently. So DnP built their careers off of being "weird" and "quirky" and socially awkward. That was Their Thing. Dan spoke for years about being violently bullied (quotes such as "being punched in the head by dickheads" stand out as a pre-BIG example of just how violent it got at times), Phil had the Why I Was a Weird Kid series, they both were frequently talked about as being "weird" and "awkward" by other YouTubers - they WERE the "weird" ones of the vlog group. The ones that awkward teens could relate to. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the #imsoquirky crowd who talks like they're experiencing all of these things while also being the same people who would mock me for my autism.
And that's the crowd now saying Dan is too old to be posting catboy photos or saying that the two of them "give the ick now, idk why." And I just can't help but notice how much I relate to that as an autistic and ADHD person. So many times over the years, I've made "friends" who were slightly into my interests, but then got weirded out by how hard I went into them. I think what we're seeing is the same thing happening to Dan and Phil. Drawing cat whiskers on your face to answer questions? Well that's "so cute and quirky"!! (/s). But actually playing as Catboys in JRPGs, dressing up in cat ears, making animal noises (which the two of them always did but ig this group overlooked), etc? Well that's "too far" and "so weird."
I think Dan especially got hit with this because he has more subscribers. When he talks about being bullied, most people can relate to that. But then when he goes and honks a horn in a game repeatedly (which tbh I've done before myself, very ADHD coded of him) or talks about hiding behind vending machines to avoid talking to people, that is suddenly "too annoying/weird" for some of the audience that got into him for his "relatably weird" content.
Sorry this is such a long ramble, but basically Dan and Phil have accidentally become the perfect examples of how kids with autism/ADHD/social pragmatic disorder/nvld/dyspraxia *insert other neurodivergencies that can cause atypical socialization* are treated. People might find your initial "quirkiness" relatable because everyone feels awkward or socially anxious at times, but it's when they see that you are Actually Just Like That and it's not to be #relatable that they turn on you and start saying that you're "too much" and "too weird."
Dan and Phil were the "weird" ones of the British vlog scene, and those of us who tuned into the younows or watched their older videos knew this, but someone who only subbed after watching a meme review or the two of them playing undertale might have assumed that they were the "right" kind of quirky/weird.
This is probably incoherent, but I hope you get what I mean.
this isn't incoherent! just such a well thought out ask i don't have anything to add. there's really specific ways i'm comfortable talking abour dnp + neurodivergence & neurodivergence in general so it's not something i've ever done super in depth posts abt!
i've actually gotten a few really lengthy asks like this over the last few weeks, so this is to you and to my other askers: i really appreciate that folks want to share their ideas with me but sometimes i genuinely don't have enough to contribute in response to add on to what's being said! and that makes it pretty impossible to answer asks like this.
so this is to everyone: feel free to @ me in the replies on your posts! (doing that leaves things cleaner than @ ing in the body of a post, which in my experience means folks are more likely to engage, if that's what you're looking for). especially loop me in about dnp + neurodivergene or dnp + gender!
this isn't a promise i'll rb or even see things, this website's functionality is shit, but like. it's actually way easier for me to see and support than if yall are sending me essay length anons, and this way i + others can find more people who share the same opinions as us! make ur own posts & ppl will follow u i prommy
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
okay this might sound a little brash but please stay with me, and im sorry if i say anything offensive, i honestly don't mean to harm anyone
what is the thing with furries? like why are they so hated? from where i stand it seems like they're (yall? sorry im not sure if you id as a furry, and if i check ill lose this ask) just a cosplaying community with kinky/fetish elements, is that right? is it that its a meme to hate on furries or like its just kinkshamers kinkshaming?
we've (system) had bad/uncomfy experiences with a furry in the past, ill call him tom and heres one example
at one point he asked to draw one of my ex (he asked me for permission not my ex who they also knew) and if its a kink thing that seems wrong to me, like to ask someone else for permission to do something sexual for another person? my ex and i had just broken up at the time and also we were minors (all about 16 i belive)
what have furries done? we see a lot of posts like "thank a furry for their services" etc what are those about?
sorry this is really rambly, one more thing, what is a fursona? i understand that its like, who you are as a furry, is it a cosplay thing? or like a representation of who you are as an animal?
anyway yeah im sorry if any of this is rude or harmful, please feel free not to answer if it is
hello! I'm late replying to this but i actually love this question!
hatred for furries has always been a thing, but what really made the hatred boil over was that people were noticing that most of furries were gay or some other type of queer, and a l o t of furries are autistic.
people caught on to this and associated furries with being queer and neurodivergent in a negative way. people also focused on the fact that many furries use their community and identity as a way to express sexuality, which again- many of these sexual relationships being depicted were gay, bisexual, lesbian, and very often transgender or intersex.
many furries use their identity to express kink as well, sexual and nonsexual kink, and this has been weaponized against us, despite there being nothing inherently harmful about consentual kink relationships, and having a safe avenue and vessel to express that is healthy. people look for anything they can to weaponize against us, anything "weird" or shocking
people got the wrong impression about furriness being tied to sexual expression and began assuming that all furries are attracted to real life animals which is a false equivalence, but it didnt matter, the hatred just kept piling on and people would go out of their way to find dangerous and toxic furries to "prove" we are all bad. people have also accused furries of dressing up as cute characters to harm children which is also ridiculous
at the end of the day, a lot of the hatred of furries boils down to queerphobia, hatred of kink, and ableism. many furries are autistic or nonhuman and identify more with animals than humans and have a complicated identity. some furries are roleplayers. being a furry is not inherently harmful but these are the reasons why the en masse hatred of furries is such a big deal
hope that clears things up! take care, have a great day!
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historiavn · 20 days
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◈ NAME  ⋯  callie
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she / they
VALORUMS: Shi’al Valorum (Star Wars)
HISTORIAVN: Agatha Morrible (Wicked), Ophelia Chronsturn (Fandomless), Anastasia Andrews-Ismay / RMS Titanic (Historical), Sarah Phillips (Liberty’s Kids / Historical), Abraham Lincoln (Historical), Cassandra Fatesworth (Bridgerton), Ethan Clay (Historical), Robert Todd Lincoln (Historical). I blame my Lincoln family muses on FINALLY getting to have free time for making Actual Progress with the musical that I’ve been developing about his presidency 😭
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  &.
People who conflate the muse with the writer. I run into this problem ALL THE TIME with my historical fiction centric muses (ESPECIALLY my historical figures, for obvious reasons), and as I always say in my rules, if someone can’t separate the writer and the muse, then they are not mature enough to write with me. For the MILLIONTH TIME — just because the old dead white guys that I write as hold problematic views doesn’t that I endorse or have those views myself <33333333
Forgetting that plotting is collaborative, and expecting me to do all the work. If you want to interact with me, make an honest effort to match my energy and my contributions during the plotting process. Suggest some ideas and concepts of your own; I don’t bite!
◈ EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯   I am pretty sure that I've been roleplaying since 2016, which was my freshman year of high school. The musical Hamilton was starting to become popular at that time, so that — as well as the adjacent American Revolution community — was my first RPC. George Washington and John Adams were my very first muses, and Celeste Franklin became my first ever original character created for roleplay. Since then, l've written on Instagram, Discord, and Twitter. Tumblr is probably my favorite platform for roleplay.
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  Out of these three, I like writing a perfect blend of them all. However, my favorite type of roleplay is a secret fourth genre — hurt / comfort.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  Askbox memes all the way! They are a GREAT way to get interactions going, test the waters of a new dynamic, and start new threads! I also like using them as a springboard for the plotting process. When it comes to “plotting”, I perceive it as an umbrella term that encompasses exchanging headcanons about our muses or discussing character dynamics in detail, so to me it is an ongoing process that begins the moment I reach out to you OOC and continues throughout our roleplays. Plotting only ends when interactions between us end.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  My replies tend to vary in length, and oftentimes these lengths will match your own. It is the substance that matters to me the most — you just have to give me something to work with by having some form of interaction with my character in your response, and I won’t bat an eye about how long it is.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  I try to get my responses done throughout the entire day, but the majority of my writing is typically finished in the afternoon, early evening, and right before I go to bed.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES  ⋯  As a writer with multiple muses, the answer is naturally “it depends on the muse”. I’d say that the ones I relate to the most are Shi’al Valorum, Abraham Lincoln (literally why I’m writing a whole entire musical about his struggle with mental health), Sarah Phillips, Emmeline Eisenhower, and maybe Ophelia???
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TAGGED BY no one; stolen from @storiesbreathed <333
TAGGING @bijoupreciieux, @honorhearted, @audaciiae, @vyrulent, @redbraid, @greaterfinds, @peculiarbeauty, @frxncaise, @fallesto, @unwaivering, @bloodiedsails, @misfittcd, @0brighta, AND YOU. All tags on dash games are no pressure, so feel free to ignore this if you want! I like to use tags on dash games as a way to let my mutuals know that I see them even if I’ve been quiet or slow to reach out. Please let me know if you do not want me to tag you in dash games.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
kang yeosang sfw alphabet
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genre: fluff
word count: 2.2k
warnings: mild cursing, mentions of being drunk
song rec: some - bol4
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
he's a subtle guy
he's not very good with words and his shyness holds him back a bit, at first
the type to gaze at you lovingly when you're not looking
writes little notes for you and leaves them around the house when you have had a rough week and need cheering up
sends you memes and things that remind him of you <3
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
he's the sarcastic friend
he may be quiet but with you, he comes out of his shell and expresses himself more freely
so expect a lot of sass and sarcasm!!
as a friend, he doesn't see that much of you. so when you guys do meet up there's always something to talk about and catch up on
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
... okay
okay, you asked for this!
this is confidential information but-
he loves cuddles
of course, he does. he's a very soft boy. but he will never think to ask for cuddles. for some reason, in his mind, it's not in his place to ask you? but there are different things he does without even realising he is doing it, that will tell you that he wants to cuddle
and it's only simple things like being more touchy with you, nuzzling his face into your neck or reaching for your hand gently to hold in his
he's so cute, bye
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
the phrase 'settle down' sends him into panic mode
but that actual concept, he likes
idk he's a strange one
he just has to know he has found the right person for him before he makes a full commitment. which could take quite a long time for him to figure out
in terms of cooking and cleaning... well...
you'll have to make him. because there's no way he's gonna think about hoovering off his own volition
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
as a person he doesn't often use his word to express his emotions, he will hate the thought of breaking up
because he knows you will want answers. you will want reasons. and you will want to understand why. but explaining this would require a part of him he simply does not have
he might even resort to breaking up with you over text. he knows there are much better, productive ways to do it and he will regret it afterwards
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
same in the 'domestic' section, settling down and committing to someone takes a long time for him
i feel out of all the members, he would wait a long time to get married to someone. just because he needs to make sure his special someone is right for him
and he's an over-thinker so that slows down the process too same babe
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
very gentle
yeosang has little reason to not be gentle, yk?
sure he's sarcastic at times and teases you tremendously, but he knows where to draw the line and has limits. he's not one to overstep his boundaries, in any case
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
he likes hugs, but like i said, he would never 'ask' for physical affection verbally
and he doesn't really need to. if he wants to hug you he will usually scoop you up in his arms and snuggle his head on top of your shoulder
he doesn't hug you too often himself. and if you were to initiate the hug he might tease you and say how you can't get enough of him, but he secretly loves it
he just feels so soft having you in his arms
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
as suspected, he doesn't do this for a whileeee
he might actually consult his dear members, probably seonghwa or wooyoung
"hey, when should you say i love you to your partner?"
and they both reply back with the same thing: whenever you feel like it
yeosang has to do a lot of soul-searching to figure out if he is actually in love, but on one occasion, he realises that he is. maybe it's at the end of a beautiful date or something cute you just said. but something will trigger this overwhelming sensation inside him, as he realises that you are the one
and then, the three magic words follow
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
not really jealous
or if he is, you would never know about it
if he notices you are giving someone an awful lot of undeserved attention, he is likely just to watch on hopelessly. and when you are back with him, he will link arms with you, his grip a bit tighter than usual
but this rarely happens
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
short and sweet
he's a cinnamon bun. his cheeks tend to heat up even with the slightest bit of affection
he melts if you give him forehead or cheek kisses. he acts like he is nonchalant to affection but as soon as you do that he can't help but smile at the cuteness
i can also see him being into slow and passionate kisses if the moment is slightly more heated. he loves taking his time with these types of kisses, and it makes him feel closer to you
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
sort of treats them like mini-adults no matter what their ages are
he prefers older kids to younger ones. any toddlers are babies are a nope, he can't deal with that. but early teens? that's better territory for him. he feels he can at least connect with them on some level and try and engage with them in a conversation
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with yeosang feels like everything is in slow motion
you will wake up together and just lie there with each other, talking for like 30 minutes about all sorts of nonsense
then he will drag himself out of bed to do his usual morning routine with like zero energy in him
can barely keep his eyes open
it's actually quite funny to watch
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
will want to watch something with you whilst eating dinner
as a way to unwind and calm down after a long day
and he'll most likely fall asleep on your shoulder
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
there are times when you question if he will ever fully open up about himself and reveal things that are personal to him
he appreciates your patience so much. these things just take time and if you're willing to wait then it'll be worth it
similarly, he doesn't mind you being slow to be vulnerable with him. he doesn't expect much. all he is expecting, for now, is good companionship and a person that wants him to be himself
once he feels secure in that idea, then opening up to you is much more easier than he thought
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
yeosang is never angry
sure sometimes he gets a bit annoyed by something someone has said. or maybe he's getting frustrated at how bad he is in a video game
but true anger? that's a rare occurrence for him
if someone is rude to him, he tends to be more disheartened and sad emotions rather than aggressive ones
anger isn't really an underlying factor in yeosang's life
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
more than you'd think
he just might not mention these things as much as others
but he is very good at remembering even the little details
the sparkle in your eyes when he gave you a surprise gift. the fits of laughter the two of you were in that one saturday night when you were drunk for no reason. the caring texts messages you sent to him when you knew he was having a bad week
he remembers all of it
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
there's no defining moment that sticks out to him because he realises that when interacting with you makes him all the more happier
the start of your relationship was filled with fuzzy feelings and cute moments
he will never forget the time when you and him were texting back and forth, up until the early hours of the morning, sending memes and tiktoks to each other and ranting about something stupidly funny
he never forgets the time he caught himself smiling like an idiot when reading your responses to him
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he doesn't think about being protective really
i think the last occasion when he was protective was when you both went to a festival for a date, decided to go inside a haunted house, and he was holding you for the whole time
whether that was to reassure him or you, you'll never know 😭
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
since he prefers more casual dates, like having the traditional movie night where each week you both take it in turns to choose a movie, you would think he doesn't put too much effort in
but you realise these casual dates mean a lot more to him than you would've originally thought. he doesn't feel he needs to make a special effort to have a good time with you because he's always having a good time with you
saying that, he is one to spontaneously spend a tone of money on you, getting you all kinds of expensive gifts, and not even for any particular occasion
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he has no real, stand-out bad habits
sometimes his lack of communication is frustrating, mainly because in order for a relationship to fully work, you need to understand each other's wants and needs
which takes yeosang a bit of time to learn that
but if you're an open communicator from the get-go, i think it'll be much easier for him to follow suit
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he feels insecure at times, especially due to certain comments people have said about the way he looks
which is crazy because he looks so ethereal and angelic and perfect
but most of the time he's pretty contented with the way he looks anyway
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
at the early stages of the relationship, perhaps not
once he has become comfortable and started to build a strong sense of trust and connection with you, there is more of a feeling of loss when he finds himself without you
he does notice the little empty feeling he has when you're not there by his side
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them)
he's an amazing listener, and while verbalising his own feelings can be difficult, he seems to know his mind quite well, and therefore can use his empathy and understanding to help you
gives great, sound advice and gives his non-biased opinion
he really appreciates it when you do say what's on your mind or what's bothering you, because he does sense when you are upset and he doesn't want you to have to go through something by yourself
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
yeosang can tolerate a lot of things
considering he's quite mild-tempered and doesn't get angry too often, there are very few things he actually hates
but i think one thing he does dislike is when someone lacks basic respect
especially if he doesn't know them that well and he can't decide whether someone is teasing him when they are rude or whether they are just being an asshole
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he snores softly, its adorable
likes to be wrapped up in a fluffy blanket in the wintertime so he can be warm and cuddly
kind of a light sleeper. so if you were to cuddle into him in your sleep or move his hand out of the way, he will know about it there and then
and love it <3333
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mckinleyrp · 4 months
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𝒎𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒍𝒆𝒚𝒓𝒑 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 #01 🎤 ( credits to meme post here )
due to interest, welcome to our first meme day, mckinley/dalton/carmel students. since many of us are still getting used to one another... why not take this opportunity to send in some asks/prompts? you can reblog this post or even just reference back to this while sending it to other players. sending memes will go on from the beginning of saturday, feb 24 until the end of sunday, feb 25 ( EXTENDED UNTIL FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST! ). if you still happen to have some ask prompts in your inbox the day after sunday, you're completely free to still answer them whenever you can! please try and send a prompt to each character, just so everyone can get involved. you're not required to answer everything right away, you can always save it for later. feel free to use these ask prompts for one on one threads/conversations. you're able to reply to these either as a simple dash chat, or even a para type style.
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❝ I am engorged with venom and triumph. ❞ ❝ Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks? ❞ ❝ You're the most talented person I know. ❞ ❝ Are you questioning my badassness? ❞ ❝ Have you ever liked someone so much you just wanna lock yourself in your room, turn on sad music and cry? ❞ ❝ Wait. Let's pray. ❞ ❝ I don't know why I find [your/his/her/their/its] stupidity charming. ❞ ❝ Yep. I'm gay. 100% gay. ❞ ❝ I'm gonna say this as nice as I possibly can, but you look like a sad clown hooker. ❞ ❝ Sex is not dating. ❞ ❝ You know how hard long distance relationships can be, we both saw the Notebook. ❞ ❝ I'd say 'bye' but I wouldn't want to make you angry.  ❞ ❝ I know I’m sorry. I always go to the yelling place I have rage.  ❞ ❝ I can’t believe what you’ve done to my body I used to have abs!.  ❞ ❝ You used to be just sort of unlikable. But now I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth.  ❞ ❝ They can't touch us, or what we have. ❞ ❝ You know my coffee order? ❞ ❝ I'd choose you over everyone. ❞ ❝ You're irritating most of the time, but don't take that personally. ❞ ❝ Look, I don't mean to be a bitch... well actually I do. ❞ ❝ They say it takes more certainty than talent to be a star. ❞ ❝ I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picturing birds laying sulfurous eggs in there and I find it disgusting. ❞ ❝ Every time I light a fire in my life, you find a way to make sure it burns the forest down. ❞ ❝ I won my first dance competition when I was three months old. ❞ ❝ I just want somebody to love me. ❞ ❝ Who cares what happens when we get there, when the getting-there has been so much fun? ❞ ❝ Prejudice is just ignorance. ❞ ❝ I came here for me, because I can't stand to be apart from the person I love. ❞ ❝ You always zig when I think you're about to zag. ❞  ❝ You can refuse to be the victim. ❞ ❝ Why is your boyfriend's bare ass on one of my vintage flea market chairs? ❞ ❝ Guys can be divas too. ❞  ❝ Is this me feeling enough for you? ❞ ❝ How can you relate to what I'm going through? ❞ ❝ Being a part of something special makes you special. ❞
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orangeshinigami · 6 months
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit: RIDLEEY / Icons credit: THE-CURSED-ICONS & LOCKEDTOWERS / icon border credit: TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers & @familiarache / @glacialdeath / @toomanydamnmuses
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, I’m 25 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, I’ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still haven’t finished reading the manga (I’m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But I’ll eventually finish it, I swear… Or I’ll at least watch the anime bc I’m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But don’t worry, depending on what we choose to write, I’ll do my reasearch!! &lt;3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and I’m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply – this doesn’t mean I’m not interested in writing with you / don’t like your character or anything, I’m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AU’s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!! 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, it’s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I won’t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please don’t insist. 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so don’t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, I’ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since I’m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything that’s triggering to you that you believe I didn’t properly tag, send me a message and I’ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
That’s about it!! I’m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! I’ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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dnangelic · 4 months
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Exclusive ( ^ idc for any of these labels for myself tbh whats below is more important🏃‍♂️ )
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals ( if you have a sideblog that's fine! )
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free (it's a 30 year old series nobody pays attn to anymore though??? dark's been dead for over 10 slutty slutty years 😭 laksjlkdjg)
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms (there are a few i'm uncomfortable with!)
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom (aslkdjf all five of them?? 🥺)
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text (i get very bored of single one-liner exchanges very fast!)
*Action* (dark will text like this. errybody watch out for teh glompz XD sorry)
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply ( i'll usually match paragraph structure + text size of my partner but very rarely i can't be bothered alsdkjlg. )
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (this goes for dark x daisuke, not just dai x dai (or dark+dark) too. i don't do any of that romantically ever ❌)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in its content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC (i love ppl who can't stop talking ooc abt their muses actually, but i don't like too much random irrelevant content, esp if it's untagged)
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC (i'm very very spotty and slow/negligent with ooc messages due to my bad eye health/short free time timeframes so it helps to skip small talk if you message me specifically through ims or discord!)
Message me IC (i try to at least get my inbox completely free and clean asap, so asks are always your best bet if u want the fastest response to something!)
Make a starter (as long as we're mutuals, random starters are completely ok! tag me in whatever whenever. )
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call (i don't usually reblog memes or make starter calls! i do try to like others' calls though and sometimes send in memes or random unprompted asks! i often respond IC-ly a lot to replies on my posts! if you reply to a reply i make on your post IC-ly, (or otherwise tbh) i will probably turn it into a proper interaction thread!)
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more
I am multi-muse (i kind of am, kind of am not, but i don't reaaaally consider myself one due to the bizarre way dark and daisuke.... well. work. 'i don't get it' appearances and superficials aside they're genuinely the same character, have the same motivations, conflicts and inner feelings about themselves, bonding with one is bonding with the other, relationships or dynamics can potentially end up repeating if you treat them separately as a duo instead of a whole single unit, which is ehhh to me. if that makes sense!)
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (you can also just drop stuff whenever forever! i dont mind at all. alternatively if there's something you want to see moved along, feel free to tell me you're dying to continue a certain thread/scenario and i'll push it to the top of my priorities✨)
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sussoro · 6 months
hello!! please tell me more about your detective for M who’s gonna freak out when they say ily because that reaction and the aftermath is going to be so so good 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️
hello to you too! hope you're doing well 💕 i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply, but i needed to sort through my very confusing thoughts to give them some sort of consistency, sjksjks. if you guys ever find yourselves curious about any of my ocs (which you can easily find here) please, do not hesitate to ask! i just love talking aimlessly about them and receiving these types of questions makes my heart all fuzzy and warm, so thank you for taking an interest in one of my wayhaven detectives!
okay, you didn't ask for my stupid rambles (and i swear one day i'll stop — *insert the 'today is not that day' meme*) so here are some facts:
‘the wayhaven chronicles’ canon
personality stats: sarcastic, easygoing & charming (also: not really a stickler for the rules and authority in general);
professional skills: deduction, science & combat — no matter what she's doing or how many times she's done it, the results will always be perfect and spot on;
rebecca → relationship status: not overly bad. honestly? could be better, but it could be much, much worse (personal note #1: rebecca is not my favourite character in the series and i'd probably be happier if she had died already — fingers crossed for book5, sorry-not-sorry, becky — or, at least, if the narrative/characters would stop forcing the readers/mc to forgive her);
tina & verda → relationship status: best pals. her ride-or-die squad;
felix → relationship status: best friend. she found a mischievous kindred soul to relate with and if you ever encounter them together... run (there's this scene at the beginning of book3, where adam/ava asks why the werewolves attacked them and rue answered with: "i may have made one teeny sarcastic comment", causing adam's/ava's soul to leave their body, lol);
bobby → relationship status: ex-boyfriend (personal note #2: i've always hated that the mc's gender/sexuality is what determines the ros' and bobby's gender) — she's not bothered by him at all, but since her responses are very sarcastic, well... rest in peace, robert marks;
mason → relationship status: a big, bright question mark;
personal canon
if i have to choose a few words to describe her, i'd say: naturally talented, wild card & big dick energy;
hyperactive little kid — couldn't stay still at all. always exploring the world around her, climbing up some tree/furniture or hiding somewhere in the house/backyard to play (the sitters tasked with keeping an eye on her went batshit crazy all. the. time);
as i said here, rue is extremely smart, often prone to boredom if something is not mentally challenging/stimulating enough (which can also be applied to her romantic relationships);
if you ever need someone to cut out some tension (or spike it up even more), she is the right gal for you. unfortunately, 99% of the time, the saying 'taking things seriously' is not part of her vocabulary (e.g. in book3, when finding out about the trappers' bounty, she says: "how much am i worth?"). what can i say, she really likes to have a good time;
sarcasm is her default mode, plus she always downplays her feelings/emotions by either ignoring them or making badly-timed jokes;
rarely bothered by anything (e.g. in book3, during the 'fight' with mason/morgan at the bakery, rue replies with: "me being naked is way more important to you") plus, not a jealous person ever (alima included, when she'll make her appearance);
was in an on-again/off-again relationship with bobby. after a while, though, she got exceedingly bored by the monogamous lifestyle and decided to dump his ass;
never had serious relationships/fell in love before — this is partly because: a) she's a free-spirited person & b) she's scared shitless of commitment (mostly caused by rook's death and seeing what that did to rebecca). in a sense, she and mason are quite similar;
just thinking about the word 'love' has her panicking really bad (i.e. after the 'date' at the antique shop), so when mason will inevitably confess his feelings to her... the only way i can see this going is with rue assuming it's all some kind of prank but, once her huge brain will catch on the fact that mason is not exactly the joking type, she will get cold feet and blearily say: "uhh, thank you, i guess?". after realizing what she has said/done, she will skedaddle so fast that the only thing people are going to see is an indistinctive, blurry form (later, she will definitely wish for an asteroid to hit her);
likes to sing everywhere: in the shower, at her workplace, inside the car, you name it (and she's also very good at hitting those high notes too — while she was attending the police academy, 'the karaoke incident' happened and no one beside her and tina knows the truth about it. verda is still trying to unsuccessfully bribe them to know what took place);
excellent chef — loves to cook/bake when she has some free time (she just thinks the entire process is pretty neat, starting with a few ingredients to achieve a full-on meal);
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sasori-rp · 1 month
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Sasori RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in red font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Sasori's reaction to.
The short-term interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact with.
Don't forget, that Sasori is an impatient, rarely polite rogue who turns people into puppets for fun. He'll likely not be nice.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Sasori, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 1 month
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Shisui RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in blue font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Shisui's reaction to.
The short-term character interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Shisui, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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deathfavor · 6 months
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ADDRESSING COMMON QUESTIONS because even though I've said and state this in my rules, i want to make it clear by actually writing it out myself.
HOW MANY MEMES CAN I SEND? I genuinely mean it when I say send as many as you want. I've had several people send me 20+ memes at once and i sit there Delighted to see them every time. More memes often means multiple dynamics and different situations, and can give me a lot more to work with if i'm feeling a certain genre of writing. The question is how often do you want to see me in your notifs because i do try to answer all the memes I get. So it's a challenge. You spam me, I spam you. mutual exchange. ( and 4 is NOT spamming okay, you gotta hit at least 8 before you can call it spamming in this establishment. )
YOU REBLOGGED THIS MEME AGES AGO, CAN I STILL SEND SOMETHING IN? My memes don't have any time limits on them. I could have reblogged it back in January and if you want to send it in, go for it. The only ones might be like the 'next ten asks' memes since those are for 10 but the common, typical meme? Go wild.
IS IT OKAY TO TURN THIS INTO A THREAD? I literally write my meme replies with the intention of making it easier for people to continue if they want to. New post, and i try to end my meme responses in a way that lets people continue them with ease. I LOVE threads, I've legitimately had 15+ threads with just one person ( not including all my threads with others). So please, if you want to turn something into a thread, literally just take it and run. I'm genuinely thrilled every time someone is inspired or liked a response enough to continue it.
SOMEONE ALREADY ANSWERED THIS OPEN - CAN I STILL ANSWER IT? Yes! This isn't a lottery ticket or first come first serve. If you see an open and you want to answer it, go for it! I encourage it! People can take one open and make them vastly different and its so fun to see how people interpret or build the scenario or how different characters and dynamics lead to different things even from the same open!
I WANT TO WRITE WITH [MUSE] BUT I DON'T KNOW THEM. CAN I STILL? / DO YOU WRITE CROSSOVERS ? Yes! I'll be honest here. I am FAR, FAR more prone to straight up crossovers than making fandom specific AUs. Sure, I sometimes might. But I love straight up crossovers way more, whether its your muse coming to my world or mine going ot yours. Most of my muses come from sources where ending up in another universe could genuinely happen as well so its not hard to do. I'm always happy to discuss who goes to what world. I think its fun ; plus it makes muse interactions all the more genuine for me in a way since if I don't know the muse, it doesn't somehow influence my muse either. And I'm always happy to share any relevant information to them!
DO YOU WRITE WITH OCS / CANON DIVERGENT / ETC. I do! I genuinely love writing with OCs and I know sometimes it can be hard. I've personally dropped all my OCs because of that. So I try my best to give them attention and build bonds between the characters. And same goes for Canon Divergent! It might need some discussion depending if it effects my muse somehow, but I am genuinely absolutely here for it !
I hope some of this might offer relief to you guys who might have been wondering about these things. I tried to think up common questions / sources of anxiety that people have in the RPC and really write it out here. I'm sure I've missed some and you can feel free to write in the comments or send an ask if there's a question / topic you're wondering about. I definitely feel like i'm missing some pretty obvious ones, but I think these are ones that I've had come up most frequently when interating with new people so maybe this will offer
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