#random starters are always accepted!
marsmulti · 8 months
Time slowed to an agonizing crawl. The sound of steel shattering still rang sharp and stinging in his ears, his arm burning with a bone-deep ache that promised he was not alright, but Link reached for her anyway. He struggled against the bonds of gravity, fighting time itself, urging his body to move. He was a but a breath away, his fingers brushing heart-breakingly close, before she was suddenly snatched away, vanished into light and cast into the unknown.
In the same second, he was yanked hard in the other direction, wrenched from her side, kicking and screaming against the hand of fate, but it was as useless as fighting the tide in a raging sea… She was gone; he knew without wishing to know. He would not see her again. Not in the flesh, not as she was. What precious time they'd shared was at last shattered like the fragile glass it always was. She was gone.
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shalotttower · 2 months
A Natural Benefit
Title: A Natural Benefit
Fandom: Death Note
Characters: L Lawliet x Reader (female)
Summary: L wants to try something new, you want to be left alone. So an offer is on the table, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement after all.
Word count: 2100+
Notes: yandere!L, kidnapped Reader, dub-con kissing, manipulation, captivity, L and Reader were together at Wammy's House
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"Would you indulge me?"
Your eyes dart up from the page to his face. L looks at you like he always does ─ an intent yet oddly distant stare that used to make goosebumps appear on your arms. Nowadays you're somewhat re-accustomed to his mannerisms. He doesn't blink much, tends to stand behind your back whenever possible, likes to play with his food and enjoys invading your personal space far too much to be deemed socially acceptable.
His habits are strange but harmless.
"No," you say, just to be contrary.
L is fond of making things sound simple, and then — snap! — the trap is shut, and you find yourself doing a completely different activity than initially expected.
"I want to kiss you."
"N-" You blink and lower your book down, not bothering to mark it. "What?"
"Kissing is an act of physical intimacy between individuals," he says like it's an obvious fact and you're merely slow on the uptake. L's expression doesn't change, neutral despite this being anything but a normal conversation starter even by your standards ─ admittedly low.
"Thank you for enlightening me about the definition," you lean back against the cushions, "still no."
"Why not?" He asks after a momentary pause.
"Because I don't want to."
A simple answer to a weird request. You try to resume reading, but there're other things currently occupying your brain ─ namely the attempts to understand what prompted such inquiry.
L never asked for physical contact before; platonic or otherwise. Sure he tried to entice you into spending time with him through bargain and manipulation, and you pretended to be oblivious enough to earn an Oscar for your acting skills. However, there never was any talk of kissing involved. Any kind of touching, actually.
He hums. "Would you like me to explain my reasons?"
Sometimes you think that the sole cause of L's existence is just so he could annoy people for kicks. His questions are always peculiar, and you've learned that every single one of them is designed to lead towards some specific conclusion, preferably the one he wants. You have a feeling that if you say 'yes', L will proceed to list a hundred points about why kissing is good. And then another hundred why kissing him specifically is beneficial.
He looks at you. You look at him and raise the book higher.
"Indulging me would benefit both of us," L says, undeterred. "You're very curious by nature and I find it quite fascinating that you're able to deny your curiosity in this particular case."
Has a more obvious bait ever existed anywhere in human history? Probably not, and you'll bet your entire life savings on it too.
"I'm not curious," you lie, "now leave me alone. I want to read."
He leans forward. "You haven't focused on the book since I asked my question."
Smartass. You purse your lips and pretend that the characters are suddenly so interesting, that it's hard to look away from the intricacies of the plot unfolding inside this fictional world. At least things there make sense; no need to figure out the hidden meanings behind other people's words, because they are mostly transparent when there's a whole paragraph dedicated to the protagonist's feelings.
He reminds you of those spider-like creatures from documentaries ─ their actions seem random at first glance, yet upon further scrutiny prove to be anything but. Instead, they're meticulously crafted and executed to obtain maximum results.
L studies you for a little while longer, and eventually pads towards the kitchenette. The kettle whistles soon after as he makes himself tea; mint flavored, judging by the aroma wafting through the air.
You should have known that he won't give up ─ L is just as persistent as you are stubborn. If anything, you've set a challenge before him, and he tends to fixate on those until they are solved: a fact well-known and accepted among those who ever had a (dis)pleasure of interacting with him.
He doesn't outright ask you again, not the next day or the one after that. No. Accidentally, the only type of movies you're able to watch now are rom-coms or dramas with lots of kissing scenes sprinkled here and there between the banter bordering on cringe; sweet confessions spoken over candlelit dinners; passionate declarations whispered during sunsets... Clichés, amore, and kisses galore.
"I'm not sure this is the best movie for the evening," you say, as the screen flickers with images of two leads gazing into each other's eyes like they found the answers to every single question asked.
"The reviews are quite positive," L replies, munching on caramel popcorn.
"Reviews can be faked. And the trailer was misleading. I thought it was going to be an action movie."
"It is an action movie. The genres are listed right there," he points at the screen, and the words 'romance and action' stare back at you.
You frown and settle deeper into the couch cushions. It's uncomfortable ─ watching romantic scenes with L in the same room. His presence doesn't feel oppressive or demanding, yet you can't shake off the squirmy, twisty feeling. The kind when you enter an elevator with someone else and get slightly agitated for no reason. And so you try to slow down your breathing, but it only makes things worse. Your heart beats faster, palms start sweating and the hypothetical elevator stranger inevitably thinks that you're weird.
L isn't an elevator stranger. He's the owner of the elevator, and the entire building, and the city.
"He's going to die in the next ten minutes," you mutter.
"No, he won't."
"Yes, he will."
L hums. "Want a bet?"
Your eyes narrow.
"If he survives past the fifteen minute mark," L says slowly, "you indulge me."
"And if he doesn't?"
"I leave you alone for two days."
There's no hesitation on his side. None whatsoever, which proves suspicious immediately ─ L never offers something unless certain about the outcome beforehand, whether by logical deduction or calculated gamble. Probability factors run inside his brain instead of blood cells and grey matter, calculating risk vs return ratio quicker than any computer ever could.
You glance at the screen. It's a simple plot. There were a twist or two earlier, sure, but overall nothing extraordinary that would require hours upon hours of critical thinking to unravel.
A man, a woman. A handsome villain who wants them dead, for various reasons. They run and fight, shoot guns, dodge punches, and kiss between those because apparently there's time for romance even when a life is on the line.
It's a very simple plot; and two days are a lot to pretend that L doesn't exist. That you got rich enough to buy this kind of apartment.
"The speakers?"
"Switched off."
"The cameras?"
"Those will stay."
Of course, they will. You wouldn't expect anything less ─ privacy issues are non-existent here in more ways than one.
L isn't always a presence. Sometimes he leaves and you're alone with nothing but books and TV to pass time, but two days sound wonderful regardless. There's something in empty spaces that's enticing, even if they're temporary. L, for all his peculiarities, isn't too bad of a company. He's quiet, and often busy with his own matters. But he also has this way of looking at you that is unnerving. Like you're interesting. Or important. Or simply fascinating.
Sometimes he wants to talk, he wants to listen, he wants to ask questions and give answers until everything blurs into an amalgamation of words. It's exhausting.
Two days sound good. His hand is dry and slender. You grasp it and shake it once.
"I'll start the timer now," L says after your hands separate.
Twelve minutes.
Three more and he's dead.
You wish that he'd just kick the bucket already, so you could spend the next forty eight hours in pure, undiluted bliss.
The male lead dies after seventeen minutes.
When the credits roll over, the apartment is silent except for the soft buzzing of electronics. You look at the screen, stubbornly, because you don't want to look at him, the owner of the elevator, and the building, and the city.
"It was close," he comments, as if trying to comfort you, which makes it even more of a sore spot.
That’s what L thrives on ─ technicalities, loopholes, small and seemingly insignificant details which are easily overlooked, yet make a great difference. You're not sure if you're annoyed, or disappointed. And what’s more important ─ at whom.
You have known for years that L tends to get his way eventually whenever there's something specific caught up in that head of his; a fixation which refuses to leave until satisfied, and sometimes even after. Snap. You can get up and head out of the living room, you know you can. Will you though is another question entirely.
L isn't a typical captor ─ he doesn't demand or force you into things. He simply presents a possibility and waits. Not aggressive or domineering, not sadistic. But oh he is a PhD of holding a grudge. Leaving now probably means waking up tomorrow and finding that every single disk has vanished without a trace, along with the bookshelves being switched for some obscure scientific texts on chemistry, physics and other things that require an advanced degree to fully understand.
Because someone decided that you don’t deserve entertainment anymore. Because someone is petty enough to deprive you of basic mental stimuli, and is stubborn enough to hold onto that decision even when reasoned with. Unsuccessfully.
It's a talent really, this particular brand of making your life miserable in many small ways, so they accumulate into something greater over time until you feel like the walls are closing in slowly but surely.
You can't back out, even though no one openly stops you from doing so. And L knows that. And he knows that you know. His lips twitch and curl upward before flattening again into neutral territory.
There's a theory that if you pull a band-aid fast enough, it won't hurt as much. The credibility behind it is questionable.
You exhale and meet L's gaze ─ his posture hasn't changed from the beginning to the end of the film, knees tucked to his chest, eyes two dark pools that stare without blinking. His fingers drum a steady rhythm, and that's probably the only sign that gives it away.
"Fine," you say finally.
His mouth opens before closing back again. L doesn't move a bit.
He wants you to do it, you realize. Wants you to initiate instead of just allowing it. What an ass.
You squish his cheeks between your palms until his lips pucker outwards. L makes a soft noise of surprise but doesn't try to fight back.
Black lashes cast a shadow across his skin. There's no perfume or cologne, no distinct smell ─ he uses plain soap and shampoo which don't have a discernible aroma.
"I believe I was promised an indulgence," L says, voice muffled a bit by your hands on his face.
He looks like a fish this way. A silly, ridiculous image that would make you snort if not for the situation at hand.
Band-aids and ripping them off.
You sigh, lean forward, and press your mouth to his.
He tastes like caramel popcorn.
Mint tea.
The angle is awkward, and L doesn't move an inch to accommodate the position. He stays still like a block of solid rock, not a single muscle twitches, and doesn't even attempt to reciprocate. You have half a mind to think that maybe he's mocking you, but then his fingers lightly curl on the fabric of his jeans. L's eyelids flutter half-closed when your noses bump, then open again right after. Another oddity added to the pile.
It lasts no longer than ten seconds before you pull away. L blinks. Touches his lower lip with the tip of a finger and rubs it like searching for traces left by the contact.
"You were promised an indulgence," you remind him, trying to sound calm, collected, but your ears and neck feel hot, "not a make-out session."
Technicalities and loopholes.
L has that look you can't quite pinpoint yet know far too well. You've seen it many times before. When he thinks about something but keeps it to himself for now.
"You look more lively," he remarks eventually. "Healthy complexion suits you."
You don't need to hear what he says next, because the words already ring through your head.
"I told you it would benefit us both."
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jupiter-letters · 5 months
Dating Clark Kent would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: None
A/N: Felt like writing for clark lately, I'm down horrifically for this man. This can be for any incarnation of Superman but I based it off the comics and my adventures with superman
It all started with a random encounter at the library while he was researching an old historical site in Metropolis(aka busy work for the new guy). He saw you with a couple of books in your hand, eyes browsing the shelves. 
He worked up the nerve to start a conversation with you and actually managed to get your number. He left the library with butterflies in his stomach and an angry call from Perry asking his whereabouts. 
A good starter date for him was obviously coffee. He spends hours deciding where to meet up with you, trying to find reasonably priced coffee with a good atmosphere. He tries to come up with a bunch of different outfit combinations, making the attempt to look nice but not too dressed up. This proved difficult since his wardrobe is 90% dress shirts and slacks, he’s still gotta look casual. Clark is such an overthinker, he just wants things to go well ; v; 
Of course the date goes well cause he’s so perfectly himself and he charms you so naturally. He’s surprised when you ask to see him again, the whole time he was sweating bullets praying you didn’t notice. After that the second, third, and fourth date all are perfect. Well not perfect but the time spent together makes up for the hiccups. 
Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty: early days of dating Clark still tries to be perfect, he hasn’t become totally comfortable with you, yet ;)  I think for him he wants to wow his partner in the early stages, he feels like trying to get a city slicker like you he has to bring his A-game. 
When he sees you he tries to bring you little trinkets and flowers, he likes to spoil you every now and again. 
Touching! He likes to be touching you when you’re near, a hand on your waist, brushing his pinky against your hand, pressing his knee next to yours when you’re sitting together. His love language is acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch. He loves doing things for the people close to him. This includes: Taking out your trash, watering your plants, making your bed, putting a pot of coffee on in the morning, and fixing any holes in your clothes. 
Now when you're really in it with him he tells you about the Superman stuff, he feels like he can trust you but there’s still the risk of you knowing that’ll get you hurt. He doesn’t underestimate your autonomy but there are very powerful forces out there that want him gone, and you are very precious to him. 
Once you can convince him that you are willing to accept the risks and tell him how much you care about him, the last of the walls come down. You’re stuck with him forever now and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
When it’s a quiet summer afternoon he’ll take you flying just before sunset, he’ll go right above the clouds so you can see what he gets to see. However if you’re afraid of heights he won’t force you lol. He’ll make sure you’re properly dressed when he takes you to visit the fortress of solitude(He tries is the key phrase). You always underestimate how cold it’ll be and he has to go all the way back to metropolis to get your favorite jacket while you sit by a heater.
 Looking after him when he gets kryptonite poisoning from fighting bitch ass Lex Luthor, seeing him sweat for the first time with dark circles under his eyes. It’s more painful than what he’s feeling at that moment, and he still tries to tell you it’s not that bad. Once he’s feeling better he has to talk you down from murdering Luthor.
“Honey don’t-” “Nuh-uh call Bruce, I want a bazooka.” “You don’t need a bazooka sweetheart, I'm fine.” “No way I’m coming for his bald ass.” “Baby I’m fine, please calm down.”
Of course you’re not serious but you still want to protect him. Nobody messes with Clark and gets away with it. You and his friends will see to that, yes sir!
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Welcome to Tumblr BL Fandom - Here’s Your Primer
memes, insider trading & obsession meta post
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The Death Stairs 
They haunt us. These same stairs constantly pop up in Thai BLs and we worry that someone is going to die on them (or fuck on them, or both).
BL origin = unknown, we only recently started tracking them (but the actual origin of the death stairs is 99 Home Studio117, RPC6+JM3 ซอย รามอินทรา 117 Min Buri, Bangkok 10510, Thailand. It appears to be a house rented out for filming. Honestly? They should AirBnB that level of fame. I’d rent it, buy a cactus and a chili plant, just for the photo op.)  
Rain Makes BL Boys Sick
For which the only solution is a sponge bath administered by another boy with a bowl of water and a damp white towel.
We don’t make the rules, the BL gods do. 
origin of the rain=fever = cultural
BL origin for the sponge bath = 2014′s Love Sick
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The gayest bridge in Thailand
The Rama VII Bridge has appeared in so many Thai BLs - boys kiss on it and in front of it... A LOT. 
BL origin = SOTUS 2016  
Honor the Crumbs
Side dishes given very little screen time always end up being everyone’s favorites (especially in the pulps). Also falls under side dish syndrome. This is mostly a Thai BL thing, since they’re usually the BLs featuring more than one couple. (Taiwan is getting there, tho.)  
BL origin = @heretherebedork
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The Engineering Department is Gay (also Pink Milk) 
The hot Thai boy in the engineering smock (red or blue) is either gay or a chaos bisexual. There are no exceptions. 
BL origin = SOTUS 2016 
Korea’s BL bubble 
A world where queer is simply accepted and a hostile society doesn’t exist. ​
Origin, probably Strongberry’s 2017-2018 shorts, but best known starters are 2020′s Mr Heart & Wish You
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Namgoong award for best wingman 
Supportive straight(ish) besties! Appear throughout BL history, but really reached peak awesome with Namgoong, so a collection of us just started saying “thank you, Namgoong” whenever this archetype shows up. 
BL origin, Light on Me 
Korea’s BL formula 
(1 short Kpop idol + 1 tall actor / random separation in the last half of the final episode) x a small cast = KBL (usually 6-8 episodes totaling under 2 hrs)
BL origin, 2015′s The Lover 
Korean male beauty ideals here. 
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Korea figured out boys can kiss 
To be fair Strongberry always knew this and Just Friends? gave it to us in 2005, it’s just they forgot for a while. A long while. 
origin = Korean 2022 BL
speaking of... 
Dead fish kisses
This tradition carried for years by Japan’s light BL, early Thai BL like Love Sick, & then Korea. It took Thailand’s 2016 BL (specifically elder gods KarnNut & MaxTul) to start breaking this curse. Could be argued that Ohm in 2016′s Make it Right also paved the way (while BoomPeak exemplify dead fish kissing). 
origin = early 2000s JBL when it was still known as Live Action Yaoi 
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Taiwan = the kings of high heat 
Taiwan always serves up the most consistent and authentic chemistry, kisses, and higher heat. Thailand has it as well, but isn’t as consistent about it. 
BL origin = 2017 HIStory franchise and every Taiwanese BL since (although Eternal Summer probably started it in 2006) 
Taiwan’s marriage equality 
Taiwan was the first to feature sanctioned gay marriage in a BL, the first to depict queer engagements - and they regularly like to remind us that it’s legal there. As they should. 
BL origin = HIStory 2: Right or Wrong 2017 
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Thailand’s food = love
Lovers cook, serve, feed, and/or eat together. Always. At least something along these lines in every Thai BL. 
origin, well just Thailand in general (and Asia to be fair), but probably SOTUS & Love Sick 
Vietnam’s domesticity
Vietnam always depicts at least some of their characters in a home environment, with family life, adopted kids, and more.
BL origin = Tein Bromance Extra
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Cactus baby (and chili plant younger sibling) 
Hilariously a cactus plant was deployed as a courting gift, spy device, and blooming representation of sexual awakening in MaxTul vehicle Manner of Death. Tumblr adopted that cactus baby. 
BL origin = Manner of Death 2021
What China Did 
Massive wholesale censorship curtailed/abruptly cut short multiple shows in progress in 2016-2017. Also resulted in rewriting and reshooting of those in production, and more weird and invidious things. This also showed up as a purge (and likely persecution) of Chinese queer vloggers on YouTube, the imprisonment of several danmai authors, and eventually the censored bromances we now get today. 
BL origin victim = Addicted, Advance Bravely, etc...
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Japan’s lanes 
Japan’s propensity to lean in favor of either
sweet, campy, and very low heat live action yaoi shot in a manga style with HEA, or 
dark, gritty high heat queer cinema and pinks shot in an atmospheric style with tragic endings 
BL origin, Boys Love 2006 & Takumi-kun 2007 
History of Japanese BL here and the weeds of Japanese BL here. 
#In Strongberry We Trust 
Small, queer, Korean production house Strongberry had been producing short form pro-queer KBL successfully for years, long before larger studios picked BL up. But when they transitioned to long form in 2022, we were a little scared they wouldn’t stick the landing. #InStrongberryWeTrust became our mantra.
BL origin = Choco Milk Shake 2022 
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Faen Fatal(e) 
A side character, usually an ex-girlfriend but occasionally an ex-boyfriend, whose sole purpose is as a plot device to drive a wedge between the leads, or cause jealousy. 
BL origin = Love Sick
The Thai BL Pulps
Very low budget BL with terrible sound, crazy soapy plots, and earnest acting.
BL origin = Make It Right 2016 (term coined by @heretherebedork​ & self) 
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The Mame effect 
AKA #oh mame must you? 
The mameverse features great characters, killer actor chemistry, and higher heat combined with terrible damaging tropes and non-sensical plot devices.
BL origin = TharnType (although technically started in Love By Chance) 
The 2 Moons Curse 
When a popular BL franchise struggles to survive over one season and keeps having to recast the leads. 
BL origin = 2Moons original 2017 
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Dread Episode 11 
AKA Doom of Ep 11
Explained here. 
Golden Rules of BL 
Never trust: 
a Thai trailer, 
a Viki Category, 
a Vietnamese sub, 
an MDL description, 
a Taiwanese title, 
or a BL made before 2014.
Origin = me over the years 
BLoundary Test: has the seme ever respected a single boundary?
BLechdel Test. 2 ukes discuss something that is not their seme(s). Also uke indicates actual interest in sex in a relationship.
okay what did I forget? 
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Most small towns have a museum. Sure, they might not be ornate, enormous buildings filled with art. Once you pass a certain amount of people there's going to be some kind of hoard of historical items. We just naturally want to be able to tell future folks that we were here, that the things we did mattered, and here's where we came from, as evidenced by this old plaque, and a blurry photograph of the lady who got mysteriously murdered on this very night exactly 100 years ago.
One thing that almost all of them are lacking is a suit of armour. See, suits of armour are a big thing in museums in cartoons. Whenever you see Scooby-Doo investigating someone stealing t-rex bones, those crazy teens always somehow manage to end up over in Late English Medieval History and hide in a suit of armour. This is probably because suits of armour are fun for cartoonists to draw, and extremely time consuming for local, small-town cranks to fabricate.
Me, I live in a big city, and that means the museum has some very strict standards for what it accepts into its collection. Items have to be "historically significant," or at least not some random garbage that I welded together. They've got a suit of armour. It doesn't come from here: the museum has it because the queen gave us one when she visited. It's part of our history, sure, but only by accident, in the same way that you can't throw away an ugly vase from your mother-in-law because she expects to see it every time she visits on Thanksgiving.
A couple miles outside of the city limits, though, is a small town that I frequently visit. There's many reasons: it's close to affordable rural junkyards, the people are generally friendly to random folks showing up and pretending to have been invited to the barbecue, and the sheriffs are too busy ripping by on the highway to stop in and write exhaust tickets. Their museum fucking sucks, though. It absolutely rots. For starters, it's more of a "drinking hall" than a museum. Any mementoes of the town's last couple of centuries are just loosely nailed to the wall, without even an explanatory label stuck into the picture frame explaining who these ancient folks are. They needed a docent.
All this is to say that it really wasn't that hard to weld together a suit of armour. I had a lot of leftover bicycle fenders from the big internet company that went bankrupt. Burying the suit of armour, waiting a few weeks, and then digging it up was way more work, especially since I had to work silently so as not to arouse the suspicions (and indirect fire) of the good townspeople I was about to scam. Scam them I did, however. If you're in the area, come on down to the local museum. You can tell which one it is by the old, leaking Plymouth parked out front, in the "reserved for docent" 24/7 parking space.
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Web-Warriors x gn!reader headcanons please? How would they react when they'd befriend reader and then realize they have a crush on them?
Peter met you in school
He got assigned to sit next to you in history
You were drawing,not really paying attention to the class
He kinda was just tapping his pen awkwardly trying to think of a good conversation starter
Ends up blurting out something really randome like:
'Hey, did you know that barnacals have the largest dicks relative to their size?'
He practically dies inside
He hurriedly tries to back track,stumbling over his words
Then you just look up from your drawing,raising an eyebrow at him, nodding slowly
Peter just stays quiet for half the period then he decides to ask what your drawing
You turn the sketch book around to show him Darth Vader
Cue to both of you fangirling over Star Wars
After a while you guys started hanging out at breaks with Harry and MJ
The both of you have the kind of friendship where you'll say randome facts about stuff completely out of then blue
Finally the team gets so annoyed with the constant yapping that they don't bother asking Peter if he likes you, they tell him
You already knew you like him but was just waiting for the right time to ask him out
The next day after class you both confess at the same time
It was really awkward but wholsome
So you start dating
He met you at the gym
You were doing weights and he offered to spot for you
You gladly accepted his offer and you guys clicked instantly
At first he thought it would be a one time thing, but the next time he was there he saw you and instantly came over
Soon you both were sharing opinions of different artists to listen to,and walking home together
Soon he asked you out
You went out for smoothies
You were from the Red Room and was recently taken into SHIELD
SHIELD had given you some Red Dust so you were free from the Red Room
Miles had come over to hangout with you in the cafeteria and was currently talking your ear off about Ghostbusters
As annoying as his constant banter was the plot was quite interesting
You were always getting into fights with everyone but you found him just that little bit more tolerable
Miles also liked hanging out with you even though you frightened him a bit
But after awhile he began to not really be bothered by you
Soon he decided to ask Peter for some advice on what he was feeling
Peter wasn't quite his best decision to go to cos Peter is practically clueless in that category
But after a lot of researching and Google saying he was going to die of a heart condition, both of them found the answer
Ge was in love with you
Ot was a very sweet confection, the poor boy was so nervous
You had no idea about dating
But everything eventually worked out
He met you at SHIELD
And yes you were 13 the same age as Amadeus
You were a botanist like your parents so you were able to work in the labs
Amadeus might be the 7th smartest person in the world but plants were just not his thing
So when he found some new plant based material on patrol he asked you for help
It turns out he wasn't as much as a prick as everyone else said he was
But he was still annoying
After a couple of days he was becoming a bit less of a dick then before
After a couple of weeks the prodject was finished
He kept on finding reasons to go back to your lab and the relationship began
None of you guys actually said it, it kinda just happened
So like who knows you could just be really good friends who shares a lab and custody of a goldfish
Scarlet was on patrol when he saw a creepy dude with a gun go into the cafe you were working at
By the time he got there he saw you judo flip the guy
So he just sat back and watched the show
Once you were done with him, he webbed the guy up, staring at you suspiciously
'What? Did ya think I couldn't protect myself just because I have no powers?' You asked
'Did I say that, punk?' He muttered, glaring harder
You rolled your eyes at his attitude, giving him a hot chocolate
Once he left he had to say you peeked his interest
So when aunt May was having a bit of trouble finding where to go to for lunch he suggested the cafe you worked at
May noticed that he was staring at you more than he did at other people so made sure to go there more often
Sometimes he even goes there without May
He begins to go there almost every day so that he can see you
He starts to talk to you and and become somewhat friends
After awhile he confide in May
She was so excited that he was interested in someone
So when he decided to confess he was a blushing mess
You got what he was getting at and said yes
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esoterium · 6 months
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@qapsiel || random inbox starter! || always accepting!
"dean, there's a cowboy movie on tv."
there's not much going on. the hotel's in one of those tiny towns that's right out of some sorta horror novel. one stoplight to break up the monotony of nothing on the road but white dotted lines and tumbleweeds for days. sam's lucked out, though. with no one in sight for weeks, the weird owner with half his teeth in his front pocket gave them two rooms for the price of one. sure..it was a little shady of a deal and dean wondered if splitting them up was some sorta tactic out of hills have eyes but they had no idea who they were messing with if that was the case. or the arsenal that'd be greeting them if they tried to drag them off to their nuclear bunker full of messed up.
they've faced worse. let 'em have their space.
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course cas showing up and being there? dean doesn't mind the company. he's hunched over the small two seater table by the window. hoagie from the truckstop (the only other open and functional business in town far as dean could tell) shoved in his mouth when cas points out the movie on the old enough for disco to still be king television. his ears perk up. few bites later and a swallow from his drink, dean's hopping up from the chair with a metallic clank and an arched brow shot back over his shoulder at the noise.
then with a toss of his body weight down on the bed, socked feet cross over one another and he huffs at his companion. "cowboy movie? this is more than a cowboy movie," a lowbrow look is given to the angel, "this is the good, the bad and the ugly. one of the best movies ever made. see that guy? that's clint eastwood. if we had him around? damn. our jobs would be so much easier," he muses shooting cas one of those little grins. "c'mon. take a load off and learn.."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
A raggedy Ann/Andy reader sounds fun with some characters from the Barbie movie! A rag doll is a doll after all they just have more things they can do like being very flexible
Ohh I love raggedy ann! Tbh I've had a hc that other dolls/action figures can also inhabit Barbieland if their owner played with them alongside their Barbie toys.
They're rare but they do coexist with the Barbies and Kens!
Stereotypical Barbie (Ann!Reader)
At first, learning that a new type of doll was living in Barbieland bewildered her.
You're not like any Barbie she's ever seen before, with you being made entirely of cloth with yarn hair and a triangular nose.
Given how you've been around since 1915, you're stunned by how far dolls have evolved since then.
You're well-liked among the Barbies, although of course many of them had questions about what you could do as a rag doll.
For starters, your plastic-free body gives you more flexibility and freedom they couldn't even imagine having.
You never have to worry about breaking anything!
While you're susceptible to tearing, you know how to sew yourself back up.
Does it scare Stereo!Barbie sometimes when you suddenly produce a needle to fix a loose stitch in your arm? Sure.
But she's extremely accepting and welcoming.
She even invites you to sleepovers during girls' night where you learn more about the Barbies and listen to their gossip.
When she starts having her existential problems, you let her hug you and reassure her she's still the prettiest doll you've ever had the honor of meeting.
Beach Ken (Andy!Reader)
He doesn't usually pay much attention to other dolls aside from Stereotypical Barbie (and occasionally his buddy Allan).
But seeing a new non-Mattel doll enter the scene did pique his interest! Especially since you were the first to ask him why he was staring at her.
He always wonders what your job is...even though you're constantly reminding him you're just a kid.
When he eventually gets it, he'll try to show you the ropes of Beach, trying to act like a cool older brother figure(tm).
Part of him hopes that Barbie will see how sweet he is with kids and another hopes it'll make the other Kens jealous that they're not friends with a cool doll like yourself.
However like Film!Andy you do have a feisty attitude, always rolling your eyes when you see him gushing over her and making a fool out of himself.
Sometimes you think he's trying too hard to impress her.
Yet you have a softer side that comes out after Barbieland is taken back by the girls, and you comfort Ken by saying you did like all the cowboy stuff he brought back (and only the cowboy stuff).
You made the mistake of asking him about horses as he just infodumps random facts for the next ten minutes.
But you finally accepted him as your brother.
Weird Barbie (Ann!Reader)
When you first appeared in Barbieland, you were confused as to why all the dolls here weren't made of cloth like you.
You felt like you were misplaced, and eventually learned about Weird Barbie and sought advice from her.
She explains that your owner in the real world must've either played with you alongside their Barbie toys or shelved you in a collection of them.
Regardless, she assures you it's not a rare phenomenon and it's nothing to freak out over.
You just so-happened to be closer to Barbieland society than most non-Mattel dolls.
She lets you crash at her place anytime you want, and you get to meet all the other outcasted/discontinued dolls who lived with her.
They're curious about you and love how you're flexible enough to do just about anything!
If any of them are feeling sad, you'll give them hugs that help them feel better instantly.
Weird Barbie thinks you're cool 100%.
Plus, you're nice and clearly had manners as you didn't call her "weird" behind her back or to her face.
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masterangst · 3 months
General Headcanons that play a part in Post!game long fic of mine
This could also could just be seen as random headcanons I have of the characters based on my playthrough
For starters, Wyll became a Paladin in my playthrough, and I actually think it fits his character very well. Oath of the Ancients, to be exact.
He's in the Hells with Karlach in the beginning, but he still comes and checks on things above
He has no problem living up to the Ancients tenants, and the powers he gained are quite helpful to him in the Hells.
The reason I chose to do this, is because Wyll embodies what a Paladin does. He strives to inspire others and beat back against despair and to help others. He preaches hope and wishes to inspire it in others. He loves his friends and cares deeply about his father and his city and isn't afraid to voice it/do what it takes to protect them.
Though, he struggles with his belief that because he's still tied to Mizora, that he's unworthy of the position, but believes he can do more good than he could before. Considering it's a very powerful combo.
He's also come to accept being a warlock under Mizora, deciding to see the powers given to him because of it as a gift instead of curse.
He's main focus is helping Karlach at the beginning and may develop into something more 👀
Him and my Tav, Axel, have become bounty hunters of sorts. It's a great way for Astarion to find people to kill and drink from. "Nobody actually cares about murder, as long as you murder the right people"
He's grown a lot more comfortable with his body and with sex. He still likes to enchant people with his charm, but now he does it cus its fun sometimes
He forces Axel to sleep in luxury and not in a bedroll every night. Also, it is the one that keeps Axels' appearance in check and repairs both of their clothes if they get damaged.
They created a technique together to take down their enemies. Sometimes treating it like a dance as seeing themselves in battle turns them both on. (I can make another post that goes into their relationship a bit more)
Now that he's not malnourished, his eyes have turned less red and his teeth are now not constantly pointy. In other words he appears more human/elfish to others now. He uses that to his advantage
He also has discovered a few abilities that spawn have that Cazador hid from him. Such as spider climbing, though he struggled with it at first. Only Axel knows of this.
Bg3 has almost it's own rules than just normal DnD. Because of this, and based on what is stated and shown in the palace. There is no evidence that the spawn were bound by their coffin like normal dnd. So in my story, that isn't a thing. And I stick with the notion that Astarion isn't forced to sleep during the day, but must at least trance once a day
He also is not the best as writing letters to everyone, but he's always watching over Axels shoulder and butting in to make corrections or add something
She has a little cottage where she homes Scratch and the Owlbear.
She's not very good at gardening but she's trying. She's determined to have a small garden by the beginning of spring (story is set in winter)
Also went on a few trips to find her connection with Selune
She struggles with overcoming her trauma with her parents and with Shar and feeling worthy of being a follower of Selune
Mostly been traveling and learning more about her parents for now. Has evaded Shar assassins and has a small map of locations she's knowledgeable about of Shars followers. She intends to use it someday, but not yet.
I imagine she gets lonely and wishes to be with the others again. Though she sleeps with Scratch every night and the Owlbear sleeps on the floor by her bed.
Scratch accompanies her on her travels and makes sure she's eaten and lifts her spirits when she's sad
Her and Axel write to each other all the time and she sees him like an older brother even though hes younger (she's 48, he's 39)
The only other person she's spent time with is Gale. She stayed with him when she went to the temple of Selune in Waterdeep. They also write occasionally.
Gale is quite content with being a professor. He feels like he doesn't have that dying need to prove himself all the time anymore
Though he still wishes to be recognized by his peers at the academy
Also has tried to rekindle his relationship with Elminster, but hasn't seen him in person yet
He still feels very lonely, however, and frustrated he's having to rebuild his career in a sense. He misses being on adventures and the people he considers his real friends
He keeps in regular contact with Wyll and Axel the most. Gale helps keep Wyll informed of upstairs news and gives him new things to read to keep him company. Also has decided that Wyll must be his invite to the Blackstaff ball.
Wyll forces Gales to practice his dancing and they exchange recipes as well
Gale considers Wyll his best friend, but won't say it aloud or admit to it. It's like a mother who says she doesn't have a favorite child but clearly does.
Wyll also considers him a best friend, but also besides Karlach
She didn't want to go back to the Hells. She was terrified and was ready to die, but having someone there helps.
She's tired of constantly fighting, I mean it's fun and all, but it's also tiring
She wants to settle down in Baldur’s Gate and have a place big enough for all her friends to visit her
The reunion party reminded her why she's still fighting. So she can come home and go on adventures again
Her and Axel are the closest. Axel was the first leader Karlach ever fully admired and didn't grow to regret it. She's also the only one who knows things others do not about him, and she takes pride in that.
She loves the color Pink and she can't wait to wear pretty dresses at the Blackstaff Ball no one tell Gale she's coming too
Sneaks away to relieve her sexual tension and lies about it. She lives with the guilt.
Is much like Astarion when it comes to letter writing. She looks over Wylls shoulder and makes comments about what he should write and how dumb the companions are sometimes.
She won't be in my story very much, because she's off trying to fight/negotiate a war, since Orpheus was sacrificed.
To be frank, Lae'zels arc is my my favorite one. Especially if you choose the route to go against her queen. She's a beautiful character. Anyways.
She's a bit busy with the rebel forces but she holds onto a memento given to her by Axel to remind her that peace sometimes works better than violence.
She misses her friends on the Material plane and fully intends on seeing them in the flesh once her battle is done.
Also checks in a lot with the hatchling Xan
She can't write to her friends, but she knows they are rooting for her
By the end of the game, her and Shadowheart had made up their differences and actually became friends
In terms of everyone together. I like to imagine that a permanent side effect of the worm is that now everyone must rebuild their stats.
I'm sure I have more, so maybe I will make another post. But I was thinking of the things that play into my long fic as well.
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odiesbun · 1 year
♡...After Argument...♡
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There may be errors in the text, as my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes and your request!
genre: fluff
warning: fighting, grudges against each other, mentions of food and drinks, mentions of other memebers (including Changbin, Chan, Felix and Lee Know). Mentions of flirting in the beginning.
w.c: 0.9k
a/n: I thought I'd dilute the slutty atmosphere a bit, so now you have fluff with Hyunjin :]
You turn the page of the book, sighing.
A few hours ago, you and Hyunjin got into an argument over nothing. He vehemently claimed that your friend was definitely hitting on you and wanted to take you away from Hyunjin, but you, being stubborn, denied it. Then you clung more and more to each other's faults, recalling even the slightest awkwardness and even things you had previously vowed not to mention anymore. For example, the incident when Hyunjin decided to make you flirt and so started flirting with some random hottie from a bar near your neighborhood where you lived. Or the way a bouquet from a secret admirer addressed to you ended up under your apartment door, but you had no idea who it was. Now you reminded each other of all that.
And it's been hours since your fight. Usually you apologized within an hour, admitting fault on both sides, but this time your fight was really big and so neither of you wanted to reconcile so quickly. By the way, after your quarrel, Hyunjin went out to get some fresh air to cool down.
- „I don't know what to do... I've said so many unnecessary things to her...“ - Hyunjin sobbed, burying his fingers in his hair. Changbin, Chan, and Minho, whom he came to see at the dormitory, sighed, looking at each other.
- „For starters, you two need to cool down and calm down.“ - Chan gently rubbed his friend on the shoulder, sitting down on the couch beside him. Hyunjin blinked, wiping away the tears that came up, his eyes reddening and his lips already bitten with nerves.
- „And then you'll buy her favorite food, some present, and come to her with an apology, saying, here, I was wrong, all that.“ - Changbin joined in the conversation, gesticulating vigorously and circling the room once more. They weren't really experts at fighting, but they definitely gave Hyunjin a seed of confidence and a little hope.
- „What if she won't accept me?“ - Hyunjin clasped his hands together, staring furtively at his elders. They shrugged.
- „Don't worry bro, it'll be alright!“ - Minho chuckled, then went into his room and grabbed a towel. - „Well, who's going where, I'm going to fuck off. I'm going to take a shower.“
Everyone nodded. Hyunjin sat silent and motionless for a while, pondering his elders' words, and then abruptly burst out of his seat, grabbing a couple of his things he'd brought earlier and quickly putting on his jacket.
- „Where are you going?“ - Chan raised his eyebrows in surprise, indignant. Changbin was standing on the other side, so he clapped Chris on the shoulder, smirking.
- „Home. I came up with a plan of action.“ - Hyunjin excitedly and quickly muttered it, then said goodbye to the guys and thanked them for their friendly, sound advice and walked out.
His route was through a small convenience store that was always quiet and peaceful, so it was your favorite. When you first started dating, your first most awkward date was here.
- „Oh, Hyunjin!“ - The pretty saleswoman behind the cash register smiled at Hyunjin. She had long remembered such a handsome boy, especially since he often came here to buy ramen and other things.
- „Hello.“ - Hyunjin nodded respectfully, removing the black mask from his face and smiling as he did so. The wall clock behind the grown woman showed the time: it was already 10:31 p.m., which meant that Hyunjin was rather late.
- „We had moved the noodle shelf, so it was now next to the shelf of foreign sweets.“ - The woman pointed to the shelf she was talking about. Hengjin thanked her, and in a few steps he was next to the shelf.
In addition to two packets of ramen, he also bought chocolate, cocoa, cookies, and marshmallows, for he was planning to try to apologize with food and try to make the hot chocolate Felix's recipe had been telling him about for two weeks straight.
The keys in the keyhole turned, letting Hyunjin in. With red eyes, disheveled hair, and a tired look, but with a bag of sweets just for you. The door to the bedroom was unlocked, so Hwang literally flew into the room, but his confidence immediately deflated when he saw you. Sweet, small, and wrapped in a blanket, with red cheeks and eyes, which argued that you were crying. Hyunjin placed the bag awkwardly by the door, stepping closer and running his hand through your hair.
- „I apologize for starting this argument. And I'm sorry for saying a lot of unnecessary things to you today... I'm sorry for everything.“ - He whispered, his eyes filling with tears again. You smiled, nodding and opening your arms for a hug, letting Hyunjin calm down.
- „I'm not angry. I was just a little upset. And I'm sorry, too. We were both good at this fight.“ - You ran your hand through Hwang's hair, running strands of it one by one and watching your boyfriend blissfully close his eyes. Hyunjin sighed, nestling comfortably against your chest.
You sat in utter silence until you noticed the full bag by the bedroom door.
- „Were you at the store?“ - You raised your eyebrows in surprise, chuckling.
- „Oh, yeah... On my way back from the boys' dorm, I bought something for you. Two packs of ramen, one spicy and one not, marshmallow, cocoa, cookies, and chocolate... Is that okay with you?“ - He pouted innocently, looking up at you and smiling innocently. You laughed.
- „Decided to rob the poor aunt's entire store? Interesting. Yes, of course. But why do we need cocoa and marshmallows?“ - You raised your eyebrows. It wasn't usually the kind of product you used to eat a lot.
- „I thought I'd try Felix's hot chocolate recipe, which he's been boasting about for two weeks now... But I'd like to try making it with you, would you mind?“
- „Oh, Hyunnie, of course!“
You, having completely made up, went hand in hand to the kitchen to create a culinary masterpiece, after which you will have to clean the kitchen for several days, for because of your fun something will definitely go wrong as it was intended.
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aliceindaisychains999 · 4 months
Heya, Maddie!
It's random as hell, but I was wondering if you had any COD Zombies LGBTQ headcanons? Just curious :)
Good evening, Bee! I do have several! Here goes!🌷
For starters:
Takeo Masaki is asexual. He has interest in romance, but other affairs just don’t really interest him.
Dr. Schuster is gay. Peter McCain was too (that’s what the whole “Phoebe” incident was about)
It’s more canon that Samantha Maxis is lesbian (*cough* SamGrey *cough*)
Misty is definitely bi and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Primis Dempsey is more likely to be openly bi (thanks to a certain Samurai), and he was by Blood of the Dead. Ultimis Dempsey is too full of anger and internalized feelings to ever explore it, which is what he told Peter after those loving letters ended up not being “Phoebe”. He would hopefully come around if things hadn’t hit the fan. I still hate Tag Der Toten.
I remember someone having the headcanon that Marlton is trans and I think I do too! As if the poor guy doesn’t have enough anxiety, he worries sometimes if he won’t be accepted if he was ever open about it. Misty reassures that nothing could ever change what an amazing man he is. Perhaps she’s a little rough about defending him, but she’s always being the best supportive gf she can be.
Richtofen goes by no label if you asked him, but he is in my eyes pansexual (between the obvious mlm quotes and the few quotes said about women + Director having a wife). Primis never had the time to truly pursue any of the crushes he had. Ultimis did! He actually dated his college roommate. Due to wanting different career paths, they broke up. Ultimis’ quote about how “all American women do is play games” is in reference to a not-so nice woman he pursued short term in the Illuminati. There was a lot of passion. Alas, his poor little heart loved her more than she deserved.
To add to this, Ultimis Richtofen and Dr. Schuster actually had feelings for each other! But the two were shyly pining their feelings thanks to how awful the 1940s was. It’s without a doubt those late evenings performing “overtime” lab work there was just an excuse to grow closer. Before the 115-induced delusions warped Richtofen’s mind, it was actually endearing to see the softness between each other blossom. Maybe in another timeline, things went better than what we had to see.
Samuel Stuhlinger is gay, but he’s heavily closeted about it. It’s no help when a voice in your head knows about your secret daydreams and teases you about it.
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I can still hear his voice… YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE
BALLS! 🤪🤪🤭
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pengweng-quack · 4 months
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 2/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
Posting is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Word Count: 4609 words
TW for this chapter: SA mentions, blood mentions
Timeline: First Twilight to Start of New Moon
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“So, you’re telling me that Edward saved this girl, showing his vampiric speed to her? And his first thought into not revealing the Cullens was to gaslight her into thinking that it’s not true?” Stella asked Carlisle as he reads more about what happened in the report
“According to Alice, that’s what happened.” Carlisle calmly answered as the confident witch with him started thinking of ways to back Edward up on that one
“You think Edward did that due to other reasons?” Stella asked as she rested her head on Carlisle’s chair, reading the report behind her vegetarian vampire
“What are you thinking?” Carlisle asked her
“I don’t know, the possibility that the girl is Edward’s mate maybe.” Stella suggested, earning an understanding nod from Carlisle “It’s not the first time that a human was deemed to be a vampire mate. What’s your term for that, blood singer?”
“Edward will deny that, we have to ask Alice for a vision.” Carlisle agreed with her “And yes, you’re called blood singers.”
“Me included?” Stella asked, resting her hand on the chair to play with his hair
“Anyone that has a beating heart can be a vampire’s blood singer. That includes you.” Carlisle answered plainly, getting a whiff of Stella’s blood despite holding his breath
‘She’s so close.’
‘Very intoxicating.’
‘So, so, perfect.’
His thoughts were yelling at him, no amount of holding his breath could help when his blood singer was just behind him. She was addictive, and Carlisle had to do everything in him to stop his desires from taking her and offering her to be his mate then and there.
“So, like, if a vampire found their blood singer, does that make the blood singer the vampire’s mate?” Stella asked curiously
“Always.” Carlisle answered “Though it doesn’t work like that for witches though.”
“How’d you know?” Stella teased “Considered me to be your blood singer?”
Stella knew that her question was dangerous. Of course, she was Carlisle’s blood singer, there was a reason why he was so devoted to her despite thousands of humans and vampires alike that were throwing themselves to him. How he managed to have lived with her for so long despite being his blood singer still baffles her.
Would she have to change to a vampire for him?
Would he have to change into a witch for her?
She didn’t know.
“Well, for starters.” Carlisle pondered before answering her question “Your blood only leads to three scenarios; first, it could drive the vampire mad. The second one is that you will calm them, and you’ve seen how your blood calms us. The third one is rare, no one has lived to tell the tale, or so I’ve heard.”
“What is it?” Stella asked
“The vampire offers the witch to be their mate.” Carlisle answered “No one has ever told a story where the witch accepts the vampire’s offering. They always end in the vampire’s demise.”
“Where do you lie then?” Stella asked quietly, so quiet that if Carlisle didn’t have his vampiric senses, he wouldn’t have heard her
“For what it’s worth.” Carlisle answered in the same quiet tone “I would never pressure you into being my mate.”
At that moment, Stella wanted nothing more but for Carlisle to be lying. She wasn’t gonna be his demise.
She was gonna accept it with her whole heart.
She was gonna accept him with her whole heart.
She’s accepted him with her whole heart.
“You’re really smart, have I told you that?” Carlisle asked after a long silence, moving his head to the side and looking at her
He was so close to her face, he acknowledged to himself. One move and his lips would be touching hers…not that he wants that, right? His mind was confused, Carlisle knew that if he had a heart at that time, it would be thumping hard.
“Oh my god.” Stella said, rolling her eyes at him “You always tell me whenever I get any idea.”
“Well, all of your ideas are smart anyways.” Carlisle teased, leaving a small peck on Stella’s temple as a sense of assurance
“Edward’s having Bella over today.” Alice announced. Stella and Carlisle exchanged glances, acknowledging that there was a good chance they were correct with their assumptions about the reasons why Edward had done what he had done for Bella.
“Then we must prepare something.” Carlisle invited to everyone “About time that someone else other than dear Stella over here uses the kitchen.”
“Not my fault that I’m the only one that could cook.” Stella said with a fake frown on her face
“Not our fault that we really don’t need to eat.” Carlisle said back, mocking the fake frown on Stella’s face
“Will they just date already?” Jasper whined quietly; it would be a shock if the two hadn’t heard what he said “We’ve dealt with this for far too long now.”
“Imagine what me and Edward had to deal with?” Rosalie asked him, rolling her eyes at their two coven leaders
“No wonder Edward is desperate for a mate.” Emmett joked
“Come on, enough with the teasing.” Stella lightly scolded to everyone “Anyone willing to go to the store to get some ingredients?”
“For what?” Jasper asked
“Is Bella Italian?” Stella asked, which was answered with shrugs from everyone “She’s Italian now. We’re cooking Carbonara.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Carlisle teased, mocking a salute at her
“You love me.” Stella teased, blowing a kiss at him
Stella was certain that everyone was hearing how hard her heart was beating. Part of her didn’t enjoy it when Carlisle flirted with her, it panics her because she fears that Carlisle has figured out what she feels for him. Though, some part in her enjoys when he’s flirty with her, it gives her some hope that maybe things would be like that for them in the future.
“Rosie, stay here.” Stella ordered to Rosalie, who nodded in agreement as she quickly flees away from the Swan’s house. She had just gotten a call from James, and that he had Bella held hostage already.
With the help of her magic, she quickly made it to where Bella was. She was confident with her skills, but there was a high chance that she was outnumbered. So, she prepared for the worst
“And the witch came.” James taunted, seeing as she gets so defensive, preparing her magic
“Drop your defenses and I’ll let the girl go.” He added, his grip on Bella’s hair was painfully tight. With one gulp, one sign of her nervousness, she lowered her hands. She watched as James threw Bella in a further distance and moved to her with his speed
“I’ve always wondered what a witch would taste like, and now I have the chance to know.” He taunted. And just as he was to attack her, Stella casted a protection spell, throwing him a distance away from both him and Bella
“Bella, run!” Stella ordered, blasting spells at James and keeping him knocked down on the floor
It all happened too fast, James had gotten to Bella, biting her with the intention of drinking all her blood. But before he could even get a full taste, he was tackled down by Edward
“I’ll handle him!” Stella told Edward, using her magic to hold him back “Go get Bella!”
“You know I can’t—
James had used his speed to attack Stella, knocking the both of them down the wooden floor. And before Edward could tackle him away from her, Stella used all her strength to yell at Edward to attend Bella instead of helping her.
If she was bitten by a vampire, she would live, but it would weaken her at the time, maybe even causing her to pass out. She understood the stake of the venom being left in her body, but she also knew that if Bella was left alone, she would change. And the prospect of being transformed without Bella’s permission was bound to haunt Stella. Especially when she made the attempt to save her.
(TW: SA Mentions)
She was using all her physical strength to push James away off her. James did a bite on her neck, and another on her shoulder, and another on her arm, and another on her thighs. She felt the venom in her blood, causing her to yelp out in pain. James kept biting her, feeding on his desire to feast on a witch’s blood. She was trying to push James off her, tears starting to stream down her face as he continued to rip off parts of her clothes just to feed off her.
“So much for being the savior.” James taunted, ripping her top off fully before going and biting her again, this time, doing much deeper bites to where blood was dripping out of Stella’s body every time James pulls away “Now, you’ve just granted me to be the first to taste a witch and live to tell the tale.”
“You get close to her and I will feed off your human, go make your decision.” James quickly yelled, noticing that Edward was gonna rush him
“Edward, stay there!” Stella yelled at him; it was obvious that he was having a conflict in his thoughts “Bella needs you more!”
Stella lost count on how many bites James did on her, her head was spinning from all the venom in her. She was growing weaker, she felt that already. She couldn’t use her magic to help Edward and Bella as she was using it to keep herself awake from passing out
She felt at ease when James’ weight was removed of hers, she could faintly see Carlisle’s figure near her. She could see from her peripheral vision that Jasper and Emmett were dealing with James and Alice was with Bella and Edward, trying to see what she could help with
“Stella.” Carlisle called, shaking her lightly, removing his scarf and covering her bloodied torso
Carlisle’s dead heart broke when he saw Stella so bruised and battered up. He was internally panicking, seeing his confident witch crying in pain from what a monster like him did to her
Her whole torso had some sort of bite marks in it, some deeper than the others. James focused by her chest, where her heart rested. Some of her pants were ripped too, bite marks evident on her legs. James violated her, in more ways than one. He took his time on her, feasting on her as if she was a full-course meal.
And for that, he deserves a place deeper than hell.
(End of SA Mentions)
“Attend Bella.” She muttered, gathering strength to continue talking as Carlisle removed his coat to cover more of Stella’s bloodied body “N-needs its m-more.”
Carlisle wanted to argue, but he could only see one thing in Stella’s pleading eyes: Bella’s human, I’m not.
“Emmett, look out for her.” Carlisle ordered, knowing that if she didn’t listen to Stella’s order that it could lead to Bella’s end as human
Stella couldn’t fully understand the next few events as she too was struggling to keep her yells lowered. She was hearing Bella moan in pain, and Carlisle trying to help Edward find the will to stop from sucking Bella’s blood. She felt Emmett move her body to rest her in his lap. He was playing with her hair, whispers of ‘you’re so strong’ and ‘don’t give up’ was coming out of his mouth.
“Carlisle, you have to attend Stella now!” Emmett yelled, not knowing what to do with Stella’s cries of pain
“Stella, dear, are you hearing me right now?” Carlisle called, shaking her lightly, he rested her hand on her cheek, trying to shake her to get some kind of response from her
She could feel him shake her body, but the pain was too much to let out any way of response.
Carlisle felt Stella’s eyes on him. He looked back, her eyes said nothing other than pleading. She was pleading, no, begging, him to make the pain stop.
“You have to suck the venom out. You’re the most capable of keeping your control among all of us.” Jasper said, sensing the pain in Stella’s feelings “There’s too much venom in her; you have to act now.”
Stella couldn’t formulate words, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt the anguish. Carlisle's lips were on her neck in an instant, attempting to suck out all the venom that had flowed through her veins, which frightened her. When Carlisle knew that it became too much for Stella, his hands made their way to hers.
Carlisle backed away after he had a tiny taste of Stella's blood, telling him that all of the venom had been drained out. He felt in peace that he got to stop, only to find his confident witch unconscious. The image made his lifeless heart skip a beat. He quickly rested his head on her chest, seeking to hear some kind of heartbeat, even if it was a feeble one, to hold on and believe that she’s still alive. He started doing chest compressions on her, hoping that it will be enough to at least get her heart to start again
“She survives, Carlisle.” Alice assured him instantly “We have to take them both to the hospital, now.”
They quickly took both Bella and Stella to the hospital, Carlisle not once wanting to be separated from Stella. Emmett has called Rosalie as well and told her what happened, causing an angry Rosalie barging into Stella’s room.
“She’s resting.” Carlisle warned her
“And she’s acting reckless!” Rosalie argued. Rosalie and Stella had formed an unbreakable friendship as a result of her being the lady who helped her with her vengeance years ago.
“You think I haven’t acknowledged that?” Carlisle asked calmly. Rosalie, on the other hand, noticed that he was just as frightened as she was, if not more so.
“What happened?” Rosalie asked, calmer than how she was earlier
“She must have used herself as bait to allow Edward to save Bella.” Carlisle guessed
“Emmett told me—
“She forced me to attend to Bella’s aid first.” Carlisle continued “She begged me to.”
“Why did you listen to her?” Rosalie hissed angrily
“Vampire blood reacts differently with witch's blood. It wouldn't turn her into a vampire since the venom in a witch’s blood is stronger than a vampire’s venom. Vampire venom just makes her weak, but she's our strong witch, and we'll have her back in no time.” Carlisle said. Rosalie could see that he wasn't saying it to console her, but rather to persuade himself
“We’ll have her back.” Rosalie agreed, before sitting in silence with him
“Can I ask a question?” Rosalie asked after few minutes of silence
“I’m listening.” Carlisle answered
“Did she— did she suffer the same way that I did before you turned me?” Rosalie asked quietly
Carlisle kept quiet; he did not know how to respond, Rosalie’s death before being a vampire was a sensitive topic. Carlisle’s silence itself was an answer for Rosalie.
“Why— why did you let her?” Rosalie asked, a betrayed look on her face “I thought James wanted Bella, what changed?”
“James also wanted Bella at first.” Carlisle answered, vividly remembering how violated Stella looked after James has taken his time in feasting her
“Had a change of plans. Stella instructed Edward through mind that whatever happens, to not leave Bella because she was much more fragile than she was.” He continued as Rosalie covered her mouth in shock and disgust from what James did “Thought he would be able to be the first one to taste a witch’s blood and live to tell the tale.”
“Stella’s kind were considered myths among vampires, no one has lived to tell the tale of what a witch tastes like.” Carlisle said, opening another story to Rosalie
“Or the tale of being a witch’s mate, all witches have denied a vampire. Stella said that she’d denied multiple before being with me.” He continued
“What happens when a witch denies a vampire?” Rosalie asked
“It’s like a ritual, fully offering yourself to a witch.” Carlisle explained “When a witch denies a vampire, their magic takes all of the vampire. An exchange, as what she’ll say.”
“Has anyone ever lived to know what happens if a witch does accept the offering?” She asked quietly
“No one knows, all the vampires that we’re courageous enough to pursue a witch were all denied.” He answered
“No one except you.” Rosalie corrected “You’ll live to know because she’s your blood singer. And you know she’ll accept you if you ever ask.”
“How’d you know?” Carlisle asked quietly
“No one needed telepathy to know that you two were mates.” Rosalie answered cooly
“Rosie, you know what a witch’s blood could do to us.” Carlisle said back quietly
“You said that the third one was up to the witch.” Rosalie immediately argued “How sure are you that Stella would not accept your offering?”
“How sure are you that I would be able to offer?” Carlisle asked her “Anyone who knows how to offer could offer to be her mate, especially the Volturi.”
“But she has to accept the offering.” She argued, acting as if she knew everything about what it means to being a witch
“She will accept yours wholeheartedly, Carlisle. You two didn’t spend 300 years for nothing.” Rosalie added
‘She made a great point’ Carlisle thought to himself. Stella could decline anyone’s offer to be their mate and it would be like nothing for her too.
So, what difference did he have from the others for Rosalie to think that Stella will wholeheartedly accept him?
It was Bella’s birthday. Everyone was indulging Alice into throwing a party for her. It made Stella giggle that even Bella wasn’t into the idea of it.
“Do we have to join?” Rosalie asked as she was getting ready
“Oh hush,” Stella scolded lightly “It’s just a day. And I promised to get you that new car that you’ve been eyeing.”
“She doesn’t want this just as much as I do.” Rosalie whined quietly, looking at herself at mirror in Stella and Carlisle’s room.
Why do they have such a wonderful room when only one of them needed to sleep? Rosalie questions
“You ready girls?” Carlisle asked, knocking softly and opening the door
“Yeah, about to go out now.” Rosalie answered “And for the love of god, please get Stella to dress you up.”
“I know, I know.” Carlisle said, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat as Rosalie leaves the room
“She doesn’t want to join the party, does she?” Carlisle asked, getting ready as Stella stays in the room to accompany him
“She’ll warm up.” Stella said with a soft smile “She just needs time.”
“Do I look good?” Carlisle asked, facing Stella
“You always do, don’t listen to the kids.” Stella answered earnestly
‘You’re the most divine being that has graced this world.’ She wanted to say. She knew that Carlisle was scared of even thinking that they were mates in fear that she would deny him if he ever offered.
Not once has she thought of denying his offer.
The party looked wonderful, Rosalie gifted Bella a necklace (though it was actually Alice, she just wanted her sister to look good to Bella), Emmett gifted her a sound system for her truck. While Stella and Carlisle gifted her plane tickets, teasing that she’s turned a bit paler.
All hell broke loose when Bella opened the (unofficial) couple’s gift, having gotten a papercut, which triggered Jasper. Edward pushed Bella to the wall, causing her to get a deeper wound and trigger Jasper some more
Watching all of this, Stella broke one of the vases near her and wounded herself on her palm, causing the room to calm down because of her blood.
“Take Jasper out,” Carlisle ordered to Emmett, soon everyone followed the two
“Stay,” Carlisle asked to Stella who was following behind Edward “Let me just wrap up Bella.”
“I’ll be just fine,” Stella comforted “The kids need me outside.”
Stella didn’t hear what Carlisle said next, having walked outside to where the others were.
“You’ll have to patch that up.” Edward quietly pointed out as Rosalie rips off the edge of her dress as a makeshift bandage, passing the cloth to Edward for him to do the wrapping
“I’ll be fine.” Stella comforted them “Are you alright?”
“I didn’t see this in my vision,” Alice said with a frown, she was beating herself up because she hadn’t look long enough to see that something like that would happen
“Don’t do this Alice,” Rosalie comforted “You’re not to blame here.”
“I-I think I can handle now.” Jasper stuttered out, getting Emmett to slowly remove his hand off Jasper
“Let’s go hunt, I think you need it.” Emmett invited, pulling Jasper with him. Alice followed slowly behind while Stella, Edward, and Rosalie stayed by the house
“What now?” Rosalie asked “I told you—
“No one expected this. Do not even think of blaming Bella.” Edward answered almost immediately, the tension was increasing between the two, with Rosalie’s resentment of Bella and Edward being overly protective of her clashing
“Rosie,” Stella called “Go join the others, I’ll go check on them.”
Rosalie begrudgingly stood up and went to catch up where the others are. Stella went inside the house and to Carlisle’s office.
Bella was clutching Carlisle’s shirt by his waist. The sight itself made Stella’s blood boil in jealousy. She stayed just outside the room, her bandaged hand balled up in a fist as she listens to the two of them
“Carlisle, you couldn’t be damned.” Bella argued to Carlisle “You couldn’t. It’s impossible.”
“Thank you, Bella.” Carlisle answered, Stella hated how such a simple interaction Carlisle had with Bella had such a big effect on her “You’ve always been very…gracious about us.”
‘Of course, she would be, you’re stitching her up right now’ Stella thought to herself. She was tuning Bella and Carlisle out, listening more to her thoughts. She saw how Carlisle softly pinched Bella’s chin.
That was her last straw. She wanted to blast Bella’s head then and there. Stella knew that Bella’s loyalty was with Edward, yet her jealousy was blinding her from thinking straight. She had to leave.
Stella walked out the house, but not before grabbing another vase and throwing it to the floor but this time with frustration. Stella knew Carlisle heard that, anyone near the house would have, but she couldn’t be damned. Her jealousy was blinding her thoughts, she knows that her squeezing her hand was forcing more blood to come out, but she couldn’t care less.
“Stella! How dare you think of that?!” Edward yelled. Stella knew she was fucked, her jealousy was overwhelming his thoughts, and it consisted of her antagonizing Bella too
“How dare you yell at her like that?!” Rosalie yelled, rushing to be in front of Stella in a protective sense. Emmett, Alice, and Jasper were behind, confused with the sudden outburst between the two
“Go on,” Edward taunted, an amused yet demented smile on his face “Tell her what you were filling your thoughts with. Tell them.”
“Rosie,” Stella hushed quietly “Drop it. Edward has every right to get mad at me.”
“Doesn’t mean he could yell at you like that.” Rosalie said back, glaring at Edward “Frankly, it’s his fault for continuing to listen to your thoughts.”
“Drop it.” Stella repeated, Rosalie let out a huff before going to be next to Emmett, not before glaring at Edward
“Your jealousy is too overwhelming. What happened?” Jasper asked, hinting what has gotten Edward so riled up. Stella had forgotten that Jasper could feel emotions, now she was deeply fucked
“J-just drop it. Edward has every right to get mad at me.” Stella assured to everyone, sending an apologetic look to Edward
“Stella?” Carlisle called from inside the house, Bella behind him like a lost child “Come, let me check that out. Edward, she’s all patched up, take her home.”
“I’m fine.” Stella answered, not having the confidence to face Carlisle. He knew.
Of course, he knew.
“Please.” Carlisle pleaded, walking out to where she was. Edward grabbed Bella and left without bidding a goodbye to anyone, he was furious.
“Edward and Rosie did good with patching me up. I’ll be fine.” Stella denied again, her heart pounding heavily
“Let me just check, please?” Carlisle asked again, softly holding her bandaged hand with such gentleness that Stella felt worse than how she did earlier
Stella didn’t answer with words. And Carlisle took that as an answer, pulling her to his office with such care that she was getting more guilty with every step.
“What happened?” Carlisle asked, unwrapping the bandage on her hand
“You heard it.” Stella murmured quietly, not having the guts to look at Carlisle in the eyes
“I know.” He answered, softly grabbing Stella’s face for her to face him “I want to hear it from you.”
“Why?” She asked him, watching as he prepares what he needs to patch her up
“I’ve been with you for 300 years; you’ve welcomed them all with open arms. Not once have the kids, especially Edward, been that angry towards you.” Carlisle answered in a matter-of-fact tone “Annoyed? Probably. But never that angry. Add the part that your blood is out in the open as he was mad at you. It meant that he was furious.”
“Never mind that.” Stella answered quietly “Edward has every right to be mad at me.”
“I would like to hear what happened from you.” He said, his tone was gentle yet firm
“I was just infuriated.” She lied. Carlisle grabbed her chin, softly making her face him
“With what?” Carlisle asked “With how close Bella was to me earlier?”
Stella didn’t say a word in response. He had caught her, and she did not want to deal with whatever he will say next.
Carlisle let out a chuckle, shaking his head and finding the situation amusing. Stella was jealous of her son’s mate because of how close Bella had been to him.
“You have nothing to worry about, mi amor.” Carlisle whispered lowly, moving his face closer to hers “Bella is with Edward. Just as I’m yours.”
Carlisle didn’t let her say another word, but instead left a soft kiss on her forehead, before burning the makeshift bandage and cottons.
“You know,” Carlisle said, a teasing smile on his face “You’ll have to pay for the vase that you broke.”
“Fuck off.” Stella said, hiding the smile forming on her face “You don’t get the kids to pay when they break anything.”
“Well, they are our kids.” Carlisle replied, the same teasing smile from earlier.
“But you, my dear wife, still needs to pay for the damages. No matter how tempting it is to give you a pass.” He continued, pinching her chin lightly
Stella figured out what Carlisle was doing. He was trying to calm her down with little jokes. There was a glint of happiness in Carlisle’s eyes, it was working good on her. His efforts made her blush, all anger she had from earlier disappearing into thin air.
“Damn, don’t they say ‘happy wife, happy life’ anymore?” She teased him back, a smile on her face
Carlisle was happy that his little jokes was working on her like a charm. He didn’t understand what had gotten her so riled up with him patching Bella up earlier. But all he cared now was that she was smiling and giggling again
Happy wife, happy life indeed.
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pnshandpull · 4 days
hi, it's me. i'm the problem it's me ! hello everyone, 'tis i, sun :') (@its-creed) back here with the second muse i SWORE up and down i wasn't going to bring but like — give me a good premise and pair it with too much muse and TADA! you get this guy!
here is my quick intro to ex-aetnernal now turned figher at daemon, CHA RYEONG !
as with reed — full disclosure with age i have become slow at plotting and in general so if you just want a random starter feel free to throw an emoji in the replies and i'll throw something up! if you are cool with turtle pace plotting feel free to drop a like on this and i will widdle waddle my way into your dms as soon as i can!
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born to a long generation of aeternals, it was only fitting (and expected) that cha ryeong would follow in the footsteps of literally each of his ancestors and family members in becoming an aeternal.
for some reason, the cha family always received a little more glory than usual. most chalk it up to the fact that the family lineage has been a strong one with generation after generation of successful aeternals who have served with fantastic results through each of their time.
nowadays, the cha family lives with high prestige and are akin to celebrities with how well-known they've become even amassing a global audience for the work they've done nationally and international when lending assistance to nearby countries in times of need.
cha ryeong's abilities manifest around the typical age that powers are seen and recognized in the cha family around 10 years of age. it does come as a surprise when he shows abilities reminiscent of his great-great-great grandfather who had been one of the more renowned family members for the legacy he left behind.
following the first show of his abilities, cha ryeong is thrust head on into the world of training to become an aeternal. his parents keep him from the spotlight until he makes his debut into society passing the selections of the few trainees that get accepted every year at the academy.
his entire time at the academy and training goes smoothly and is attributed to him being a cha – all family members having displayed extraordinary control over their powers from a young age and succeeding naturally at anything to put their minds to.
two months following his 24th birthday – into the new year – with his exceptional performance and a few words of influence from his family, cha ryeong is accepted as a recruit to become part of the field combat team.
ryeong goes above and beyond the expectations that everyone seems to have. the only problem that seems to arise is that he's aggressively too independent when it comes to getting the job done because of his need to be on top (where he could probably do better with teamwork). regardless, he's compliant at best when it comes to making sure he doesn't get in the way of the overall mission and thus gets away with it a little more than he should due to the results he produces.
things go awry in cha ryeong's second year however when a mission goes wrong. during an evacuation taking place when a villain creates earthquakes, something devastating happens however no one present at that time steps forward to tell the true and full story.
the public is left to come to their own conclusions and speculations when the academy suddenly announces the withdrawal of cha ryeong while disclosing the death of an aeternal who had been present at the scene — the details kept private for the sake of their family.
many people believed that the cha family had a hand in shutting down all news outlets before they could release any articles that would harm their reputation while believing they sued any publishers that had released something before going completely silent.
what others find even more strange is the fact that the other two aeternals who had been present at the scene still haven't stepped up to make any statements about what truly happened that unfateful day. however, whenever asked about cha ryeong their aversion at the mere mention of his name was enough for people to begin with wild speculations again.
with the amount of limelight the cha family already receives on the usual, this situation only pushed ryeong further into the eye of the public. the attention quickly and controversially put him on the map as a hot celebrity topic as long as the full story continued to remain unknown.
currently the public is split between giving ryeong a second chance while the other half has stuck to villainizing him for something they're not even sure of. this has led to a barrage of paparazzi and media outlets looking to get information from ryeong.
cha ryeong's dismissal from the force is seen as the biggest disgrace the family lineage has faced in decades considering everyone had expected him to follow in the steps of the legacy his great great great grandfather left behind.
unable to deal with the overall change in treatment from his family, cha ryeong took it upon himself to move from his family home and into the silverline apartments where he knew his family would have no influence over the second chance collective at monitoring his every move.
with the amount of internalized and unprocessed anger ryeong still has, he's learned how to channel and use the fights at daemon as his outlet while he tries to figure out what his next steps are and to find a new start.
plots and connections
ryeong highkey despises his family and the academy right now. utter one word to him and he'll probably have you pinned where you stand on the ground using his ability.
paparazzi keep flooding the entrance of building and it's making it so annoying for you whenever you're coming or going. you've had too many reporters asking you about cha ryeong and either a) you know him and confront him about it or b) have no idea who he is but hear him in the lobby by chance and air your grievances then and there
you're aware of ryeong's self sustenance ability so when you find him knocked out cold on a bench in the middle of a street it's lowkey concerning
anyone from daemon?
people that ryeong trained with at the academy
possibly someone related to the aeternal that had passed away involved in ryeong's scandal (? i'm still working out the kinks in general for this part of his background but open for brainstorming!)
someone ryeong was close to before the situation but then cut off afterwards within the past few months
someone that/related to someone that ryeong has saved before
a sibling? lmao
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atombonniebaby · 10 months
Atom Bonnie Baby's Rat Man Starter Pack
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The Playlist.
A mix of songs that I listen to when writing! Some remind me of Mac, some are songs I think he'd listen to, and some are HC and Fic specific!
Rat-Man Garbs:
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A MacCrady Profile
Name: Robert Joseph MacCready
Occupation: Gun for Hire
Experience: Gunner (don't hold it against him) Mayor (from 10-16) self proclaimed 'ruthless little bastard' (still applicable)
Nickname(s): RJ, Bobby-Joe, Mac, Sasshole, Mac n Cheesy, MacGreedy, MacSneezy, MacSleepy, MacWeepy, MacEaty, SnarkCready
Age: 22 years old (no really)
Height: 5'8'' (Short King)
Build: Scrawny (130 lbs.)
Eyes: Bright Blue (pwetty)
Hair: Light Brown, choppy (hella cute)
Features: All sharp edges and angles, rat-like (but in a sexy kinda way)
The best ways to annoy/piss him off:
-Trying to make him carry your junk.
-Leaving him in the dark about what is going on and not letting him have a say in important decisions
-Being irresponsible and not taking the situation seriously.
-Using chems in front of him, knowing he disapproves of them.
-Not taking proper care of yourself (i.e., not wearing armor, getting enough food and water, etc.)
Molerats (anything that looks, walks, or sounds like one)
Murdering Innocents and sadistic behavior.
Abuse of Power (this is probably the thing he hates the most)
What he likes:
Wit, sarcasm, and smart-assness (loves it!).
Making MacCready smile and laugh.
Playfulness (MacCready can't resist).
Cuddling and being held (He'd never admit it).
A good listener.
Surprising facts about MacCready:
His guilty pleasure is Sugar Bombs and Nuka Cola.
He started drinking when he was six years old.
He has a high level of intelligence and enjoys learning new things (he likes to spout out random facts)
Named all the dogs in Little Lamplight: Muttface, Pete, Hooligan, Ginger, Bandit, and Rex.
If there were one word he'd use to describe himself, it would be hardy. He's used to pushing himself to do whatever it takes to survive, even when doing things that others consider crazy. MacCready is sarcastic, stubborn, and guarded—he doesn't trust easily.
He affectionately refers to his rifle as 'Baby' (but only in private).
He is surprisingly insightful and observant, noticing details that others overlook.
MacCready's past has left scars on him emotionally and physically, and some days are worse than others.
When MacCready is ill, it the more clingy and needy he becomes.
Hates being cold, so bundling him in warm blankets helps make him feel better. Will accept hot soup (but NOT cave fungus)
Self-consciously hates how his knees knock together and his ribs poke under his shirt. (due to having rickets as a kid)
When genuinely happy, he's all toothy smiles until he thinks someone might notice, and then he reverts back to his usual stoic self. (doesn't like his teeth)
MacCready is always smoking, his cigarettes resting between his lips as he goes through one pack after another.
His guilty pleasures are Sugar Bombs and Nuka Cola. He loves sweet things but doesn't have time for much food.
His mind is full of cuss words.
He also has a habit of tapping his fingers against the side of his rifle whenever he's nervous.
MacCready and intimacy:
He misses physical intimacy and closeness and longs for that connection again but struggles to communicate it. Insecurity eats at MacCready; he feels guilty about moving on with his life and letting go of Lucy.
When MacCready does allow himself to get close to someone, the things that draw him to you aren't lost on him. How your presence brings him a sense of peace and makes him forget about all the problems in his life, if only for a while, how you make him smile when he wants nothing more than to cry, and how you somehow always manage to look at him with such kindness, even when he feels he doesn't deserve it.
MacCready finds sleep with a new partner extremely difficult. After losing Lucy the way he did, having trouble falling asleep is now a side effect of his traumatic experiences. He often wakes up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep, and if his companion stirs, he's instantly wide awake, unable to keep his eyes off them.
He tells himself it's because he's trying to protect them, but he knows deep down that part of him can't stop wondering what it would be like to lose another loved one in a heartbeat. To find himself alone yet again... and being alone scares the heck out of him.
MacCready can be very vulnerable at night, especially after a nightmare. When he comes back to his senses, it takes a moment for the memories to fade away. Once they do, he gets flustered and tries to push his nightmares out of his head. He doesn't want his partner to see him as weak and break down.
As MacCready starts trusting you, he eventually reveals his troubles. He's more willing to seek support rather than deal with everything alone. He may still shy away from physical contact or withdraw after the initial breakdown. Once MacCready starts opening up, he slowly becomes more comfortable, allowing you to show affection and comfort him.
An ongoing conflict with himself is his attraction to men, which he has repressed for many years, believing that acknowledging it would question his marriage to Lucy. In MacCready's eyes, you either like women or men and not both. So, the fact that he harbors these feelings of attraction to men makes him feel guilty, ashamed, and, most of all, confused about his identity.
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redemn · 4 months
in case all of you are not already aware by the massive 'accepting' and link to the meme every single time i answer an ask , my inbox is always open and i am always accepting memes , regardless of how long ago i reblogged the meme . i don't reblog them often as is to keep it manageable for myself , and i write them with the intention of keeping them open as possible starters for people to respond to . in fact , i encourage people to respond back to any memes i respond to . please don't be afraid to send me any random ask , even if we're new mutuals !!!
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hymemena · 1 year
Random Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Murder Mention
"Cat! There's a cat!"
"I need a drink."
"Did you really think that was a good idea?"
"I wish I could be you."
"We should do a mind meld!"
"Do you want a reading?"
"I didn't know you couldn't swim."
"Woah, since when can you cook?"
"I always thought it was easier to just accept your fate and go the long way."
"I've been multitasking!"
"I'm some kind of magic. I can multitask and procrastinate at the same time!"
"What did I come in here for?"
"Did you need something?"
"He has a little heart nose!"
"Come here, where's my cuddles?"
"If you win, I'll kiss you."
"How's your day going?"
"What is it?"
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
"What's your favorite color?"
"I forgot."
"You just coughed on it!"
"You're quite literally the murderer of fun."
"Just because you have long hair that bounces doesn't mean your moves are good."
"I'm reminded."
"I have footage of that."
"That's going to stain."
"Get a clue."
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