#always had problems with this question
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I honestly don't know what people mean when they talk about "having dreams" in the sense of like aspirations and ambitions. People talk about it like EVERYONE obviously has one. And I don't. I just kind of hang out and try not to die.
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megumi-fm · 1 month
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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viviennelamb · 5 months
Meditation is the way out of this illusion. It's the Pill of Divinity.
If you don't meditate, you will be a slave to your genitals.
If you don't meditate, you will be a slave to your stomach.
If you don't meditate, you will be a slave to money.
If you don't meditate, you will be a slave to what men and wives think.
Meditation requires discipline. If you don't pro-actively add this discipline in your life, other hardships will enter your life so that you do gain discipline.
Meditation strengthens your willpower so that you won't need any of the crutches you have right now that will surely destroy your mind and body in the long run. Bad habits will naturally fall away as your mind becomes clean. There is a scientific process to finding the Present Moment that has already been discovered by the Masters of Yoga, anything else is a waste of time. Everybody else wants your attention because they're parasites with an agenda.
If you want to live a life free from worldliness, you have to meditate. There's no other way. Hopefully you can see the correlation between what I've posted recently and Scientific Meditation. It's the only path to true liberation and it is the only way to truly rebel against depravity.
Ultimately, this is a world that depends on your emotionality and your lack of self control so they can swoop in, profit from it and tell you that you need a dick in your face to keep you happy and braindead: the modern day lobotomy.
Whatever you think meditation is in your ignorant and brainwashed state of mind, you're wrong.
How do I know? I thought like that too and I've tried everything before concentrating on one object or thought. I've tried everything but having a dedicated routine to my soul and God. But it's your choice to be confused and confusing. I'm just letting you know you have options.
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t1d-culture-is · 9 months
T1D culture is...
"where the fuck do I put my pump to sleep"
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cnl0400 · 6 months
Man, opening Twitter and the first thing I see Is Mephistopheles discourse again... We are really going to do this everytime Mephisto appears??
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caliburn-the-sword · 9 months
other than the entire adultery plotline, the only thing i would retcon in the entire season 1 of ouat is the fairies are cursed to become nuns in storybrooke. WHAT EVEN WAS THAT??? so many characters became their exact opposites, so why was blue the exact same stuffy woman both as a fairy and in storybrooke? in my mind, the fairies became a giant lesbian commune (so essentially what they already were in the enchanted forest) living on the outskirts of town. and because storybrooke shouldn't have any contact with the outside world, the fairies collectively own a farm that sources most of the food for all of storybrooke. when the curse broke they were like hey actually this is pretty good. and kept being a giant lesbian commune.
#ouat#once upon a time#ouat season 1#seriously why would regina make them devoted to a religion that doesn't/shouldn't even exist in her realm??#i always thought it was SO random and out of place#anyway other random minor headcanons i associate with this:#when emma was briefly homeless in between getting kicked out of granny's and moving in with snow#the lesbian farmer commune would have reached out and housed her so she wouldn't be sleeping in her car no questions asked#regina obviously has trauma with horses but she still would have sent henry over to the lesbian farmer commune#to replicate summer camp for him within storybrooke and let him learn the value of Hard Work and whatever because she IS a good mum#ruby would have been very good friends with them cause she would probably have to do pickup of their deliveries#and would strongly consider moving in with them whenever she had a big fight with her granny#david is their favourite cishet white guy in canon. otherwise it's just wlw mlm solidarity#btw the disney abc explanation for it would've been that they're feminist celibates#which would get retconned in season 5 when ruby was revealed to be queer#also in this perfect world. mulan came to storybrooke WITH the merry men. and then she joined the lesbian commune#ideally WITH aurora but idc. all the fairies would have loved to see mulan toss haybales (even if they all could do it)#mary margaret would have been blissfully unaware of the fact it's a lesbian commune#so after her relationship problems with david in season 1 she considers joining#and comedically. emma spends the entire rest of season 1 thinking that david was so bad he turned mary margaret gay#and is not corrected until surprise!! they're both her parents
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bardicious · 3 months
AI is an abomination because now every time I see a picture of something that looks "off" or just bizarre, my instinct is to figure out if it's AI. And sometimes it's not! It's really fucking annoying that I have to do that.
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lixenn · 2 months
Can someone please explain to me why my OCs keep multiplying like bunnies??? This is getting ridiculous...
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lovsome · 6 months
am i so hard to care about?
#i need to vent and i know u guys cant stand me because i can feel it (and certainly from the anon hate) but i think im gonna have an ulcer#if i dont put this out somewhere#SH s*icide tw !!!!!#i need some advice or opinions because i feel like im losing it#i dont understand why my friends cant care about me#i know !!! i know i seem out of touch and insane because i say this so often and the question to someone reading would come natural: maybe#it is just ur perception…. maybe u suck ass as a friend too#and i do ponder about that!!!!!! i take those possibilities into consideration i do. and i genuinely dont think i suck as a friend. i always#check in. if they seem off i ask how they feel. i ask updates on their stuff. i dont think i deserve this tbh#but especially when i am struggling they just disappear#like even when i reach out and let them know im doing bad. they clearly read my measages and choose to ignore them#these are supposed to be my best friends#these days ive been so bad. and trigger warning again#i just feel so suicidal and i have been hurting myself in the desperate attempt to cope and manage these thoughts#and i dont tell them these things#i dont share the details because 1) it is too much to dump on someone and 2) they dont show any interest even on the surface level of my#problems so i just wouldnt tell them the deeper issues#i am just in so much pain. and i also feel a lot of anger because of their behavior. i feel so so hurt by it. so many years of this going on#of them just not even acknowledging my struggles while i was in the midst of them and trying still to support them and be there for e#whatever they had going on. and getting nothing in return#i hate that i feel so angry but i do. and ive been swallowing this anger and pain for so long i feel it eating my insides#even my therapist doesnt understand why i am friends with people that dont care about me#i dont know what i should do#i want to say something#actually i already talked about this to one of them one year ago exactly and i told her all these things and she just said she didnt know#why i was ignored. and then still kept being a part of it#the thing is i am so upset and my mental health is so so so bad. i am supposed to spend new years eve with them in two days but i dont know#how i can do that feeling like this#but if i speak to them about it i think it will also ruin the mood#if someone has any thoughts or advice it would be very welcome….
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
I’ve seen people talking about Wednesday shaking/threatening Thing and calling her parents “evil puppet masters” in the one promo clip and I have Thoughts.
Firstly, I don’t think the “evil puppet masters” line is OOC, and I think the posting about it without sharing the clip has taken it out of context somewhat. IN context, Gomez and Morticia have sent Thing to Wednesday’s school to keep an... eye??...on her because they’re worried about her, but Wednesday interprets that as them trying to control her and says that line.
I KNOW people always worry that a new adaptation will forget that the Addamses are a generally healthy and always loving family. I know some adaptations in the past HAVE had issues: e.g. the animated films portraying Gomez as not understanding Pugsley’s love of inventions and explosives because it’s non-traditional, when the 60s show had established that the Mad Inventor traits are something Pugsley probably got FROM Gomez. Or the musical having some completely pointless lines from Morticia that portray her as not liking Grandmama, which was never the case before.
But the writers in interviews have established multiple times that this show is, indeed, about a healthy and loving family, they’ve talked about how Gomez and Morticia want the best for Wednesday and how the family have each other’s back no matter what. It sounds like there’s just some temporary strain on their relationship as Wednesday wants to be more independent and feels like her parents are being too protective...which is totally realistic and normal even for the most loving family. It sometimes feels like this fandom thinks a loving family, or a healthy relationship, can only be one that never disagrees on anything ever, and that’s just...not true. At some point a family will encounter problems no matter how much they love each other and I think an interesting story can be made out of these issues being resolved happily (which I’m pretty confident they will be). And as far back as the 60s show several plots involved some kind of issue or misunderstanding, that would of course then be resolved. Including some of the most liked episodes.
And it’s...very much in-character for Wednesday to react overdramatically to something minor and clearly well-intentioned that her parents did. Remember, this is the same character who came up with “Dear mother and father, I hate you. Love, Wednesday.” when she ran away from home, and insisted that her parents didn’t love her and claimed to want to see them suffer--over something pretty minor, and by the end of the episode everything’s fine. Then in the films, her and Pugsley become worried that Gomez and Morticia love Pubert more than they love them, and try to kill Pubert--yes, death isn’t quite so serious for an Addams (and I STRONGLY disagree with the people who claim that this behaviour is proof that Wednesday is totally evil and heartless), but it’s still clearly a problem given that Gomez and Morticia have to step in and try to prevent it. I almost feel like she’s inherited some of Gomez’s tendency for overreacting but is just much more deadpan in the way she expresses it. Describing her parents as “evil puppet-masters” who want to control her when the reasonable description would be “loving parents who are maybe being a little too protective” is...fairly on-brand for Wednesday when she’s annoyed about something. I’m sure she KNOWS it’s not TRUE, but that’s not going to stop her from saying it.
I’m not worried by this because people working on the show have made it very clear in their interviews etc that the show IS going to depict the family as healthy and loving. Christina Ricci has also given her approval to the portrayal of Wednesday and she had quite a bit of influence on the depiction of Wednesday in the films, she understands the character.
We’ve also SEEN that Wednesday does love her family in this show through how happy she is to see Fester--and that she has an odd way of expressing how much she cares at times, because it’s already been established in this show that she cares about Pugsley and is extremely protective of him/goes after anyone who bullies him but also takes a “tough love” attitude to him where she tells him he needs to show less emotion so as not to come across as weak and become a target for bullies... This version of Wednesday does seem to have some issues from her experiences in school, but I don’t feel like that’s necessarily OOC either--I’ve had my own headcanons in this regard for a while, and I am a little bit nervous about the idea of the show doing it wrong, but also feel like it could be really good if done right.
Wednesday being so harsh with Thing...I have more mixed feelings on. On the one hand (hand. I’m hilarious.), it’s not inherently OOC for Wednesday to be threatening towards one of the family--whether that’s her “games” with Pugsley/constant talk of killing him (I do not for one second think her and Pugsley actually dislike each other or that she genuinely wants him dead--but it doesn’t stop her SAYING she wants to kill him) or the more actual-dislike-motivated behaviour towards Pubert (which I do think was only temporary...it’s a pity that no later adaptation has ever been an actual sequel to the films or shown Pubert when he’s older and can have an actual character dynamic with Wednesday). I do think it would be completely OOC for her to follow through on those threats in this particular case--it’s just too far, especially for Thing who she generally gets on very well with and is usually polite to day-to-day--but I don’t think she has any intention of doing so.
As for grabbing him and shaking him...it’s harsher than we’ve seen her be towards him before, yeah, but I don’t think it’s as serious as it might seem to a non-Addams. None of them are easily seriously harmed, and Gomez pulling out Fester’s teeth/Fester removing Gomez’s brain/them constantly judo-throwing each other about and throwing knives at each other is seen as ultimately non-serious sibling rivalry/bickering/practical jokes (and Gomez and Fester clearly love each other despite the occasional dramatic proclamation of hating each other...hm, while Wednesday’s similarities to Morticia are obvious, I do feel like her similarities to Gomez sometimes get overlooked...). She’s clearly annoyed with him but I wouldn’t necessarily see her behaviour to him as expressing anything more serious than that she is currently not in a good mood with him. Considering her scary threats involve threatening him with not being able to keep his skin perfectly smooth, I’m not sure she’s even being 100% serious.
However I AM more concerned about how they’ll depict Wednesday’s relationship with Thing than about how they’ll depict Wednesday’s relationship with Gomez and Morticia, because...well, the writers, actors, etc have made it very clear that Wednesday and Gomez and Morticia care about it each other. I don’t think there’s much chance of the show NOT depicting Gomez and Morticia as loving Wednesday and vice versa. But Thing...hasn’t been talked about much, and there HAVE been previous adaptations that depicted Thing in ways that aren’t to my liking, where he’s seemingly depicted more like a servant or pet than part of the family/Gomez’s childhood friend. (The 90s live action reboot show having him playing with a ball in a seemingly rather doglike way in one scene weirded me out...that’s a person not a pet). And I DO think a scene where Wednesday is angry with Thing and is being harsh towards him needs to be balanced out by plenty of scenes showing that they do USUALLY get on well...the question is whether we will get that.
That being said, we have seen Thing behaving in friendly ways with her in other clips, and the official Wednesday Addams twitter claims that he carved her a coffin-shaped chair as a gift. So I am reasonably confident that they’re still going to mostly have a good relationship.
I DO think it was the wrong choice of clip to promote the show. Netflix chose a clip that emphasised that some of the relationships in the family are currently strained--which is not a new thing in Addams media by ANY means, but is not the best way to promote a series when some people are already worried that it might take that too far--I think both out of wariness after years of non-fans interpreting 90s Wednesday as completely evil/constantly miserable/hating everyone with no exceptions (90s Wednesday is NOT remotely like that!), and out of Tim Burton’s reputation (which I kind of think is overstated because some of his work, like The Nightmare Before Christmas, is fairly lighthearted? but I can understand the wariness nonetheless as someone who has always been rather annoyed with him having Batman kill people)?
But I also think some people in this fandom have a nostalgia-filtered idea of what the Addamses being a loving family looks like, where no-one ever disagrees on anything or has the slightest misunderstanding, even though that wasn’t the case even in the 60s show and also...isn’t what a loving/healthy family necessarily always looks like at all (and to my mind the relationships can end up coming across as stronger if they occasionally work through issues together). And also that people who watched the 60s show first are sometimes...very attached to the idea of Wednesday as a cute 6-year-old and seem to want her to stay that way forever, whereas I’m interested in seeing how her character develops as she grows up.
On the whole I’m still cautiously optimistic about the show since the comments from the writers seem quite promising about the characterisation/character dynamics within the family/etc, I don’t mind that it’s not a sitcom or not exactly like the 60s show given that the 60s show wasn’t even the original (the comics were--though I wouldn’t want an adaptation to be exactly like the comics, either, as the characters were less likeable in them--but I do think the show was TOO toned down in some ways) and the 90s films are my personal overall favourite (I also don’t think the 90s characterisation is as drastically different from the 60s characterisation as some people seem to think...Wednesday in particular is just...older. And has spent the past few years going to school with a bunch of people she has nothing in common with and doesn’t get on with. Of course she acts more cynical.) I don’t think I’ll ever get the takes about how it’s not The Addams Family if it’s not set in the 60s (but then, I’m still not sure I get the one about how the piranhas-in-the-swimming-pool scene is villainising POC either...what is villainous about setting piranhas on a bully? I was definitely cheering her on) or if it’s not a sitcom or if it doesn’t follow the formula of the Addamses having a different normal person visit their house and get terrified of them each episode. As long as it tells a good story with the characters I love.
(The thing that actually does worry me is Gomez’s actor apparently being credited as a guest star because I KNOW from interviews etc that there’s a lot of focus on Wednesday’s relationship with Morticia but Gomez is important too!)
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celecaster · 1 month
I wish I had a job cleaning up dead bodies because it feels like the only job I might fidn tolerable long-term. No need to do much thinking, minimal socialising and I'm not spooked by dead bodies so it wouldn't weight down on me.
#d#I'm doing this thing again where I'm posting but I can't get myself to look at the dash#I'm really antsy over other people#I always am but more than usual#I feel like even though my circumstances are better now than before#I feel worse than I've ever been#I can neither move on from the few relationships I botched and the lack of 'subtitute' worsens things#I just feel a different form of suicidal#Neither antsy and impulsive nor passive in the background#It feels like an active looming suicidality but one of resignation#A verh definite feeling of wanting to give up because nothing's going to improve#I cannot make the people I look up to even recognise I exist#And I have nothing going on for myself in isolaion#I just can't think of a reason to live and nobody's giving me any or answering my questions and pleas#It's like my frantic resentment is just a small sort of gloominess#One where it's difficult to resist the impulse for dying because it makes no meaningful difference#My life isn't valuable to the people I like so it's evident it makes no difference when I die#I've become too weak to sustain myself so I'm dependent on people who ignore me no matter how directly I try to ask for them to help#And I feel sick that I still feel like people think my problem is just that I'm too stubborn to 'ask for help'#As if there's anything subtle about how I feel and what I want#It may simply be pointless to ask and I disappoint myself by holding hope for anything#What a loathsome existence... years of effort to find I have never done anything meaningful or good is haunting me forever#At the very least I would die with a little more contentment if I could feel like my existence and actions were valuable#Not in the half-hearted 'everyone is intrinsically valuable' way#I want merit for something I chose to put effort in#Not because I want 'merit' alone but because I want the choice itself to matter#Because it just feels too much like it doesn't matter what I choose because everything I do is pointless and ineffectual#Knowing an action I did had the desired consequence makes me feel like there is still a 'point' to actively choosing and doing and changing#But because nothing comes out of my attempts despite the amount of effort suicide does not merely feel 'simple'#It feels inevitable in the way that the sun must always set at night
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angelsaxis · 4 months
whyyyy are editors so expensive
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thekimspoblog · 3 days
Demon trying to feed on my insecurities: "You're a bad driver"
Me: "Of course I am. I hate driving. Going 80 mph surrounded by tons of metal is nerve-wrecking. I try to do it as little as possible. Of course I'm bad at it"
Demon: "You're a bad writer"
Me: "Well that part's simply not true. I never claimed I was the greatest author of my generation, but when I put pen to paper I know what I want to communicate and I usually do it well. If someone isn't impressed with my work, that's unfortunate but they're entitled to their opinion"
Demon: "You're a bad leader"
Me: "Well I don't know about that! I mean there was that one time when... Ok look just because people don't see me as an authority figure doesn't mean... 😠 You know you can be a real asshole, demon!"
#joking aside the reason I suck at helping people is probably not dissimilar from why I'm bad at driving#the joke is “having good ideas which would work if people let you boss them around” and#“having enough charisma to persuade people to let you boss them around” are two different skills and I don't have nearly enough patience#for the latter#but no really it makes me deeply insecure seeing sycophants rally around the most transparently incompetent and self-interested POS people#and meanwhile I'm getting called shrill and presumptuous for pointing out that the left-wing is poorly organized and I could do it better#can we agree it's at least a little bit because I have aspergers and no penis?#like I realize what I'm doing is the political equivalent of “but I'm such a nice guy!” and I'm literally complaining that no one#respects ma authoritah#but just saying: maybe I wouldn't come off as such a petulant misanthrope#if I wasn't constantly being asked to fix problems that could have been avoided if everyone listened to me in the first place#“nobody likes an i-told-you-so” yeah that's why democracies keep falling to fascism cus you want someone pleasant over someone correct#at the same time sooner or later you have to look in the mirror#and I can count the group projects I've successfully headed on one hand; maybe it's me#if it was just that people don't listen to me than yeah this would just mean I have an ego#but there are plenty of women the left could be rallying around and it doesn't because of minor scandals and anarchist ideals#it's stupid and I'm becoming a tankie just because i'm sick of the idea#that political goals can be accomplished without a clear chain of commmand#i don't need to be the leader but WE NEED A LEADER#the hatian revolution succeeded because Toussaint Louverture organized random slave rioting into an actual army#and I just wish I had that kind of magic myself but I might already be too bitter#ftr this isn't in response to anything that happened recently I'm just still mad thinking about an anarchist group I tried to join#on facebook five years ago where I asked point blank what the marching orders were and got blocked for being “obviously a cop”#and the mod comes at me with “anarchists don't have leaders IDIOT”#yeah well you're the guys always saying you only oppose UNJUST hierarchies idiot!#excuse me for thinking you guys had a plan beyond perpetual infighting#not everyone asking blunt questions about the anarchist platform are feds you guys are just paranoid and ableist#and when you block people for asking what game plan is it really sounds like you just plain don't have one (which is depressing)#I don't care how many books there are about how anarchism is more than just “wanting a free-for-all”#if you attack anyone who tries to impose a hierarchy just to get shit done it really seems like that first impression of
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months
Tumblr media
I’m always paranoid of my tumblr being deleted or malfunctioning or something like that someday, so here’s other places to find me/follow me, just in case lol
~ instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lucalicatte/
~ main youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/LucaLiCatte
~ games/sims youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@cloudycatte
~ facebook page (I rarely use this because I hate facebook but.. it at least allows text posts better than instagram does, so idk maybe I’d use it more if tumblr went away? lol) - https://www.facebook.com/cloudycatteart/
~ Other Links (stuff I don’t use often/isn’t Main enough to list here, like twitter, neopets, other tumblr sideblogs, youtube channels, etc.) are here - http://icewindandboringhorror.tumblr.com/otherlinks )
#An updated version of this since some of the links on the old one are no longer the same lol#I might make a website website one day (not with a custom domain since I'm not paying for that/dont have the money lol#but like a 'my name.weebly.com type thing lol) but I haven't had the time recently. If I ever get around to it I'll update the post and#reblog that version. ANYWAY.. I just like to have one of these written out to reblog every once in a while. During the once ever few months#when poeple are like 'tumblr is failing again! it wont survive!' which has happened like 80 times but I'm still always like :0c what if!#also love the ms paint art done with a mouse ghhj#ANYWAY.. also if you want to see the stinky game I made that's not actually related to my own worldbuilding really (why I have never#posted anything about it publilcy because it's like.. how do I talk about it lol) I have my itch.io linked in the 'other links' page#as well as my General Projects blog. which talks about all the ongoing and upcoming projects I want to do that are#actually set in my world and can give you previews of some of the things I'm working on. Currently resuming my Game after abandoning it#basically for the entire pandemic and a little before that - as mentioned before - so that's OUgh.. in terms of A Lot Of Work#Especially since while kind of 'revamping and updating' I want to add a few features which are mostly easy but every once in a while#I don't understand something and it's like....... hGGhh...... Ironically despite Blogging I just hate talking to people in public open foru#.. I love privacy and security lol.. and I always feel that ONE day I am going to have a question that has not already been asked on a foru#somewhere and I am going to have to post myself and.. no.. I shan't even imagine it.. It's not even really social anxiety it's just like..#efficiency.. instead of wating like days to get an accurate response and resolve the problem with the general public I would rather just ha#e a one time 30min conversation with an expert and resolve it quickly. PLUS then I also only interact with One stranger instead of Many Of#Them lol.. any 6+ yrs of experience Ren'py experts hmu so I can pay you like $50 to have a single 45min conversation#with me over an insanely simple question and then never talk to you again until a year later when I have a second question. hhjb#ANYWAY.. I still really don't like instagram or it's layout and I never understood how it works like.. if I should be tagging photos or wha#or how you really use it and I just... euGH... stimky.. but it is one of the most popular so I feel obligated to link it. I wish facebook w#sn't such a nasty poo poo because I do actually like the variety of posts you can make and how Pages on facebook operate. In the scense of#it being similar to tumblr that you can make a VARIETy of styles of post. not just Only Post Photos or Only Short Text or Only Video which#is still like.. how the funk does sutff like that even get popular lol.. the Limited nature.. hewwo.. but alas.. and NO way I'm touching#fucking Threads please do not make an account on there and don't let your friends do it and don't let that shit catch on lol.#BUT YEahg... links...... just in case.. i hope tumblr stays aroundin it's current format forever though lol..#I'm pretty sure even facebook doesn't have audio posts. or tags the way this does. or CHRONOLOGICAL FEED. custom html for pages.. aaaaa
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j-esbian · 22 days
sometimes i really do want to study the flavor of intense misogyny from older folks, especially when it comes from older women, that assumes all women and girls are sluts and deviants because (checks notes) fashion trends, which the individual consumer has no control over, means that most people’s only options, especially in summer, are to wear somewhat revealing clothing. because it’s hot.
#how have you gotten to this age and gone clothes shopping and not realized the landscape#like i first became aware of this problem at age 12#i didn’t want to wear short shorts and honestly COULDNT bc of school dress code. but it was hard to find another option#enter those plaid bermuda shorts#and i can only imagine it’s 100x worse now in an instagram tiktok age than it was when i was that age#bc god knows I was embarrassed to wear those. felt like they were actively trying to be as ugly as possible#but for swim suits it’s a whole other can of worms#i currently do not own one bc i don’t want to get a wedgie every 30 seconds#two piece bottoms are all advertised as Cheeky. and i already know i have more ass than expected for my waist size#and the other option is. board shorts#but you’re going to blame the 14 year old for wanting to go to the pool??#‘and then they wonder why guys keep staring at them. where are their mothers i can’t believe they’re allowed out like that’#be so for real right now. they’re kids. they should be allowed to have fun and go outside without being creeped on#i always try to meet them halfway with ‘yeah it sucks that there’s not a lot of modest styles of clothes available’ and they’re just like#‘well EYE spent $100 at a specialty online store’ but these kids are going to forever 21 with cash from babysitting or whatever. try again#your single solution does not apply to everyone#like a LOT of it feels like projection. ‘i acted out as a teen so my daughter will do the same’#just not a lot of self awareness. combined with internalized sexism they’re not willing to question#sometimes when my coworker goes on one of her rants about how she’s glad she never had daughters bc of the Way Teenaged Girls Are#i want to be like. i wasn’t like that. your granddaughter isn’t like that.#i genuinely want to study these people. how did you get to this point
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ereborne · 1 month
Song of the Day: May 10
"The Ghosts of Beverly Drive” by Death Cab for Cutie
#song of the day#lovely rain today and exactly the right amount of cool and windy to get the smell of it in my room#spent my morning performing excel magic tricks for a /very/ appreciative audience I must say#one of my coworkers is very much in demand for help with identifying poorly-labeled fields in our oldest query structures#she's been around for a million billion years and can glance at a column and effortlessly expand its useless acronym title#I tapped her for a question and she was answering me on what I did not realize was an open zoom call in the conference room by her office#and then when she finished answering me she asked me for help with an excel formula in exchange#and I helped her (an easy fix. she is /not/ good at logic structures. always goes for OR when she needs AND and vice versa)#and then I was teasing her and said how she didn't have to hold onto her questions until she had something to barter with#that I like fixing things and I'll help for free#and then her laptop was physically wrenched around by another coworker farther down the table#(not as disorienting as actually being grabbed by the head and bodily turned but even over zoom it was still an Experience)#and the accosting coworker asked if that went for everybody. could anyone ask me for excel formula fixing help. please /please/#and I was like yes? can't guarantee I can do anything but sure? how much help could you need?#y'all I gotta say. like battling an enthusiastic and especially unthreatening hydra. chibi excel hydra.#it was incredibly satisfying after so many days of intense frustration to have problems I could so easily solve and for such grateful folks#and some of their formulas were pretty fun to set up. always love the little glimpses of behind-the-scenes in special exceptions#any time you put in conditional formatting for if a single specific person's ID is in the 'comment entered by' cell#there's a story there#anyway I heard so many people say 'I don't know why' this morning and then it was such a perfect cool gray day#I've been humming Ghosts of Beverly Drive all evening#'I don't know why I don't know why / I return to the scenes of these crimes#where the hedgerows slowly wind / through the ghosts of Beverly Drive'
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