#always on all fours with your face practically in his crotch
kaeyx · 3 months
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He could keep me chained to his desk I wouldn't mind
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bunny584 · 4 months
A/N: Quarterback Itadori with #20 on his jersey realizes he has a little (big) problem with a certain cheerleader turned Chem tutor (who also happens to be just a little bit older 🤭). Anon this one is for you! I hope you enjoy 💋
S/N: I’ve never giggled so much writing a piece. This one was so funny to me.
C/W: Aged up characters (19+), college AU, Mature, 18+
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Oh for fucks sake.
Yuji can’t drag away from the pyramid of cheerleaders right of center field.
His teammates erupt in a chorus of laughter. Coach Yaga is an ass.
But he is also living, breathing, comedic relief.
“I would coach, but they aren’t my type!”
Yuji yells back, eyes still lasered to your back. He knows it’ll sear Yaga’s skin right off the bone.
What’s a few more seconds, right?
You are just so…hot.
In a mind-bending kinda way. An optical illusion. Or desert mirage.
A fresh water oasis in a destitute wasteland. Always just a few more steps away. No matter how long he’s been crawling on his knees.
His knees.
He’d kill to be on his knees for you. Diving head first into—
“Yes sir!” Times up.
“Dude, she’s a smoke show.”
The team’s starting running back (#14) rests his arm on Yuji’s shoulder. Just as four bodies fling you so far against gravity it is questionable whether you’ll come down.
“She’s perfect.”
“And a junior.” #14 reminds him, tugging his helmet back over his head.
“Okay, freshmeat. Someone’s got mommy issues.”
Yuji bursts into full belly laughter. Stealing one last glance at you before pulling his helmet on.
His teammates never fail to remind him that he’s the only freshman in Tokyo University history to make starting lineup.
Not to mention quarterback.
Yuji promptly takes position at center field. He knows better than to push his luck. Two-a-days are already brutal enough, he has no intention of making his life harder than it is.
But you do.
You are setting flames to the hoops Yuji has to jump through to get through study hall and afternoon practice.
Why else would you wear those yoga pants?
They’re a second skin, for Christ’s sake.
Might as well be body paint. Outlining every tantalizing, serpentine curve. Pretty, full hips. Plump, tight ass. The mouthwatering, puffy rose between your legs just begging to be watered. By his tongue.
Yuji’s palm digs into his crotch. Trying to force his pulsating length from tenting up into the table. Cursing himself for changing out of his compression shorts.
“Hello? Yuji?”
Your dulcet voice echoes between his ears and curls around his dick. Jerking him back down to earth.
“Y-yeah? Hi.”
Yuji forces an acknowledgement through the sharp edges of his voice box. Sitting fully erect in his seat. Scrambling to find the pencil that was supposed to be mirroring your work on the whiteboard.
Because not only are you a perfect 10 on and off the field; you are a prodigy when it comes to chemistry.
And currently in the middle of trying to diffuse some of your excess knowledge into his very deficient head.
You toss your head back. Your laughter is definitely why tales of fishermen being lost at sea exists.
Soprano crescendo that’s rutting against the few folds in his brain.
“Why are you so distracted today, Yu?”
“Distracted?” His voice cracks.
“Ha—no, I’m not distracted. Sorry, walk me through it again.”
But before Yuji can retreat back into his daydream, you catch him in the Venus fly trap of your gaze. Tilting your head slightly.
Yuji swallows thickly. Frozen in place. Hand pushing down on his cock with all his might. As if you could see through the table.
Did you know he was staring at your ass? Can you tell how hard he is? Is there drool on his face? Shit, there must—
“Woah, the way the sun is catching your eyes right now, Yu.”
You take a half step to the side, allowing the full beam of light to caress Yuji’s already hot face.
A shaky hand swipes along the back of his neck.
“Your eyes are so pretty. Warm. Like hot chocolate with cinnamon.”
Your full lips curl into a soft smile. And Yuji bites down a pitiful whine.
“I—thanks.” You don’t hear him. Because he whispers through a wired shut jaw.
Yuji lets his erection tent up, grazing the table. He fists his base through his athletic pants. Ears fiery hot with embarrassment. His hand glides up and down his clothed cock without his permission.
Did you know?
That you snapped his self-control in half?
And shoved him into the darkest recesses of his mind?
Where his most depraved thoughts (and the King of Curses) lives?
Because all Yuji can see is the way your ass ripples and bounces while you scribble hieroglyphics on the whiteboard.
His mind’s eye is currently picturing him fucking you dumber than he is.
Fist full of hair in one hand. Both of your wrists behind your back in another. Mesmerized by the way your plump, fleshy mounds slam against his hips.
Maybe he’ll fuck you in front of a mirror?
So he can make you repeat how pretty you think his eyes are while he brands the shape of his cock into you.
Then he’ll tell you how pretty you are. Creaming all around his length. Drool raining down from your lips in sync with his thrusts.
Maybe he’ll stick a dildo on the mirror so he can watch your mouth get stuffed while he violates your insides?
You’ll look so pretty. When he fills you up with something warm. A little thicker than ‘hot chocolate with cinnamon.’
“Yu? Are you okay?” Genuine concern knocks his lust-drunk thoughts loose.
Yuji blinks himself back to this dimension. Chest heaving. Cramps blooming from his fingertips to his biceps from grasping his sex so hard. He doesn’t need a mirror to know he’s stained blood red. From chin to hairline.
“I-uh. Sick. I’m—I feel sick. Be right back.” He takes off to the male locker room at inhuman speed.
Yuji nearly doubles over the porcelain sink, glaring at his blown out pupils. Olive skin flushed like he just finished a marathon.
He can’t believe he was just groping himself like that in public. In plain sight.
All because you complimented his eyes?!
Who the hell is he?
“Sukuna, give it a rest.”
Yuji hisses poison at his curse. Because he surely wasnt responsible for those lewd actions.
“Oh, I’ll rest you PERMANENTLY you asinine little b—“
“I’m serious. Quit it.”
Yuji darts around the empty locker room. Accidentally raising his voice.
“Quit what, brat?”
“Quit…making me think..things like that.”
Sukuna’s bellowing laughter sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Deafening between Yuji’s ears.
“That’s all you kid. I’m only 10 fingers in. Don’t have that power…yet.”
Sukuna retreats to Yuji’s subconscious. Leaving him stunned. Disbelief crashing into him like tornado winds.
Yuji has never been a pervert.
Sure, he’s had crushes. But he knows how to control his impulses.
He might be dumb like one, but he’s not an actual dog…right?
Yuji dives into an empty stall while his teammates file in. Study hall is complete and afternoon warm-ups are starting soon.
And his neglected, weeping sex is clamoring for attention.
Missing it’s muse — your soft, curvy frame and the ways he wants to fill you.
One hand clamps over his mouth. While the other one tugs his pants down. Thick, heavy length springing free. Sticky and slick with his precum.
His head meets the cool wall. Hips thrusting against his fist. Broken whimpers pushing through the web spaces of his fingers that are digging into his cheek. Choking himself quiet so no one hears his pathetic hormone driven state.
“Mnnhgh f—fuck.” Muffled curses slip past his hand.
His cock is red and engorged. Angry from his abuse. But his hips can’t stop rutting into his hand. Picturing abusing your pretty, swollen cunt.
A hot tear rolls along his cheek, between his fingers. Salty on his tongue.
Curtains start to shade his vision and Yuji’s hands move to cup his bulbous tip. His muscular core tenses and strings of warm, thick seed fills his hands.
The world slowly starts to piece together. His heart rattling in its cage comes to a normal pace. Choppy, incomplete breaths gradually replaced with deep, relaxed ones.
He’s in trouble.
Because he needs to pass chemistry to play football. And he needs you to pass.
But he can’t ever look you in the eye again after this display.
After one measly compliment.
How will he act if you bend over in front of him?
Or lean over a little too far?
God forbid you touch his arms or brush against him.?
Then a lightbulb goes off.
Yuji has the perfect solution.
He scrambles to clean up. Putting on his street clothes. Ignoring the quizzical looks from his teammates. He’s going to fix his little problem.
“Coach Yaga?” Yuji is met with an open office door and his coach’s nostrils flaring. Vein along his temple pulsing.
He draws in a steadying breath.
“I can’t play football anymore coach. I quit.”
“….YOU WHAT?!?!”
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joyaphoria · 1 year
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"it's 10:15 pm," sakusa groans, squinting his eyes at the outline of a figure making a poor attempt at crawling in through his bedroom window.
the best course of action would probably have been to jump out of bed and shove the intruder back out the window, but after the first few times it's happened, sakusa learned to simply accept that you're just never going to be normal.
he only rolls his eyes annoyingly when you get tangled up in your own limbs, leaving you to tumble onto the floor. "omi!" you exclaim as you quickly recover, kicking off your shoes as you throw yourself onto his bed. "i missed you soo much!"
"i was only away for a day," he sighs, biting his tongue before he could add 'clearly not long enough'.
"and still it felt like forever," you whine, sprawling out on his bed. "i was all alone at lunch, it was horrible."
sakusa doesn't bother to point out the fact that you could've eaten lunch with your other friends, because he knows how you feel about them already. 'you know how they are,' you'll say, disapointement clouding your usually cheerful eyes, 'you know what they say about me.'
and although sakusa has always been a straightforward realist, never one to beat around the bush, he'd rather keep his mouth shut than to bring up a topic that he knows would ruin your mood.
"did you eat?" he asks instead, leaning over to flick on the lamp on his bedside table, the tiny bulb lighting up the room.
you nod cheerfully, before pulling out a container of oreos from behind your back. "i brought these for us today, but when i couldn't find you i decided i would just bring them to you instead!"
he doesn't bother to tell you that he’s never liked oreos, the filling far too sweet for him to enjoy. he takes one anyways, carefully pulling apart the cookie and plopping the part without the filing into his mouth.
“no eating on my bed,” he scolds, watching as you freeze, two of the overly sugary treats already stuffed in your mouth. he absently shudders at the thought of micro sized cookie crumbs sprinkled under his sheets, too small to fish out, but just big enough to drive his sensory issues through the roof.
you nod apologetically and finish chewing the cookies in your mouth, placing the plastic container on his bedside table. then, you lie flat on your stomach, plop up your chin on your arms, and stare at him.
“what?” he bites out, pulling his bedsheets up higher to cover his chest, all of a sudden aware of the fact that he was only in his boxers.
you notice the subtle gesture however, and when your eyes quickly dart down to catch his bare shoulders, the corner of your mouth twitches up. 
“omi,” you purr, as your eyes narrow to slits and the smirk he’s unknowingly grown weak for appears.
“you’re absolutely insufferable,” he huffs, picking up one of his pillows and launches it at your head, though you dodge it with your arm.
you push yourself up on all fours, slowly crawling towards him with that same look in your eye, the one that knocks all the air out of kiyoomi’s lungs and leaves him shuddering. still, he refuses to back up or turn away as you reach him, leaning in closer until you’re practically sharing the same air as him.
his heart pounds rapidly as he wills himself to hold out, to keep a straight face even though you’re so, so close, your hands on either side of his hips, your knees between his legs, and your mouth, your mouth—
your eyes dart down to his lips. his eyes dart down to yours.
he shoves you off quickly, scoffing as he lays on his side and yanks the covers up to his neck. “time to go,” he dismisses you, ignoring the way you’re laughing as the heat creeps up his neck and, well, his crotch.
recovering from your fit of giggles, you move to lie on your side to face him, but he interrupts you before you can crawl under the sheets. “no outside clothes under my sheets,” he hisses, shuddering at the thought of all you dirt you would be dragging into his bed, especially considering you came in through his window.
you arch your eyebrow playfully, and just as he’s realizing what he said, you lift your arms and pull your hoodie over your head, revealing the thin — oh so thin — fabric of your tank top, and the fact that you aren’t wearing a bra. kiyoomi doesn’t notice he’s been staring until you pull off your sweatpants in one swift motion, revealing a hidden pair of boxers underneath.
oh my god.
if he was red earlier, he must’ve been a dark shade of purple by now. 
he turns onto his other side, taking in a deep, silent inhale. his best friend. you’re his best friend. “i said to go home,” he repeats, but his head is screaming, begging you to touch him, to hold him, to run your fingertips up and down his arm, to wrap your hand around his pulsing, aching d—
“i can’t,” you sigh, and kiyoomi curses the name of every single one of his ancestors watching over him when he feels your body press against him from behind, and he has to bite hard into his bottom lip to stop himself from groaning.
what the fuck. grow a fucking pair, kiyoomi.
“then go sleep on the side of the road,” he mutters, inhaling sharply when your hands snakes across his waist, the cool skin of your arm shocking the warmness of his chest.
“oh but you’d much rather me here, wouldn’t you?”
kiyoomi curses once again. in his head, of course. or was it out loud?
“don’t play games with me,” he warns, squeezing his eyes shut when your hand snakes dangerously low.
“but you’re just so much fun,” you coo against the tenderness of his neck, your hand tracing down the fine lines of his chest, down to his v-line, then thumbing at the waistband of his boxers.
“y/n,” he bites out. your hand slips under his boxers. his hips jerk.
in less than two seconds you’re pinned beneath him on his mattress as he hovers over you, chest heaving and a knee between your thighs.
“what’s this, omi?” you call out playfully, lifting your hand between your faces and you spread apart your fingers, the stickiness of a substance stretching along with it.
he’s going to hell.
he pushes his knee upwards, firmly, and you gasp, gripping onto his forearm and your hips jolt and you whimper.
his dick jumps in his boxers.
he watches as you try to subtly grind against his knee, desperate for any kind of friction, the sultry facade fallen.
this is going to be a long night.
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januaryembrs · 19 days
trouble almost all my life chapter seven teaser.
“Practice run, I see,” Spencer said with a chuckle, shoving his hands in his pockets, and watching her scramble to set the ball back on the marker, “So out of interest, how many of these practice runs are you getting,”
“Just the one,” She said, hitting the plastic globe again, though this time it barely made it half way up the incline before it rolled right back down again, “Two, I get two. This one’s the real one, starting now,”
“The real one? So this one’s really the one that counts, right?” He teased, and she glared thinly at him over her shoulder. He stepped closer, a look of the cat that got the cream smeared all across his face as he took a stance behind her, wrapping his arms around hers with the oldest trick in the book, “Why don’t you let your dearest husband help you out, huh?”
“I have a masters and half a degree in medicine, I think I know what I’m doing,” She hummed, though the feeling of his hands resting over hers soone quietened down whatever fire was stoked in her belly from losing their game. Spencer was so close she could feel him breathing down her neck, feel his chest on her shoulder blades, and worst and most heinous of all, feel his crotch pressing against her tailbone.
“Alright, alright. Just humour me,” He murmured, a new found confidence in him that he only seemed to get whenever they were playing the part of being other people. He gave her a salacious lick of his lips, smiling at her with a pink parted mouth, his eyes dark in this light like he knew what she was thinking as well, and he couldn’t help but think she looked so pretty when he flirted with her a little. He’d always thought that when she was stunned into that quiet tone, the mousy look she got on her face was rather cute.
His hands engulfed hers with a mesh of pornographic veins and sadistically handsome knuckles, his mouth at her ear as they lined up the shot together.
It was as if a murmuration of birds had flocked together in her chest, dipping and diving and creating all manner of shapes in her stomach as she felt it flip three or four times, his body so entirely pressed against hers she never wanted to move a muscle. She’d had the odd thought pop into her head about what sex with Spencer Reid might feel like, and yet all she could think about in the haze of the putter and fake grass beneath their feet was how delicious he felt pressing into her like that.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear as she looked forward again, and she could have sworn she held back a moan when he breathed out down her spine.
this is a little teaser for the 15k chapter that is on its way as an apology for delaying it so many times. My mom has broken her nose so I’m really trying to help her out since it’s just the two of us, and as much as I try to cram writing into my days, I’m struggling to manage everything at once so take this as a sign that a big chapter is on its way!!
hope you guys can forgive <3
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medusavsviperz · 7 days
Hiiii i hope your having a good day/morning/afternoon! I love your writings !
Can i request a dogday x fem reader smut where the reader was teasing dogday alot like rubbing and backing her ass against dogdays crotch while they were playing sports with the other smiling critters (like football or basketball) and dogday roughly fucks her when they get home and orgasm denials her and teases her the same way she was teasing him
warnings: smut, cussing, orgasm denial, slightly angry dogday, dogday is so cunty, KNOTTING
relationships: dogday x fem!reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
an: YALL ARE SO SWEET I WANNA CRY OML also this one is short too 😭 I LOVE YOU TOO <33 art by my pookie @kima-s
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it was a hot and sweaty day, you, along with everyone else decided it would be fun to play basketball! a few games went by, and god... you couldnt help but watch as Dogdays muscles rippled every time he threw the ball. therefore, you came up with a plan. (hehe 😈) Dogday was on the opposing team, and he had to try to get the ball from you. you knew very well he was gonna let you win as always, but you figured you would put on a little show. Dogday came up behind you, and reached around you to grab the ball, ultimately 'failing'. as playful as you were, you decided to tease him. bumping your hips backwards, your ass smacks him in the crotch, emitting a groan of pleasure from Dogday. he doesn't let up though, continuing to try and grab the ball from you to score a point. So you make the move again. Bumping your hips backwards once more, this time emitting a whimper out of him. 
after a few points were scored between teams, it was halftime. Dogday was standing in a corner with a rag and a water bottle, doing the usual. you prance your way over to him, a knowing smirk on your face and giggles coming out of your mouth. he sighs softly and shakes his head, a smile on his face. "dont even think about it angel." you ignore him and walk closer, pressing your chest against his, and running your hand up his thigh. "angel." he warns, clearly getting harder by the moment. the moment you grabbed his crotch it was over for you. he slings you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carries you off, leaving the others to wonder where you went. Dogday bursts through his front door, quickly pacing to his room and throwing you on the bed with a force that had your panties SOAKED. you had never seen his this aggressive before. he practically rips off yours and his clothing, discarding it to another part of the room, before pouncing on you. he had you flipped on all fours, ass in the air, tits on the mattress. you close your eyes in anticipation, when suddenly you feel a wet, rough, round, tongue on your slit. Dogday starts ravaging you from behind, paying attention to both of your holes, and circling your clit with his tongue and lips. just as you are about to cum he pulls away. "Dogday.. please" you whine pathetically. he laughs and lightly swats your ass. "not now angel." he does this four more times until you cant take it anymore and he has you a begging whimpering mess. "so pretty.. i need to do this more often." he laughs when you whine out a 'NO!'. wiggling your hips backwards, Dogday gives you no time to adjust before hes pounding your needy hole into oblivion, his nuts smacking just right on your clit. "i get it now, you just wanted to be punished didnt you? thats why you teased me, hm?" he laughs at your pity, lightly smacking your ass again, his large veiny hands reaching around to rub on your needy clit.
after about an hour of constant orgasm denial, he finally let you cum. and when you came, you came HARD. with one final thrust from him, he had you spilling over the edge like crazy. you squirted, leaving his thighs soaked, and a white ring around his cock from where you came. he attempts to pull out, ultimately failing due to a thick knot he had inside of you. "dogday.. pull out.." you whine. he sighs softly, shaking his head. "cant. knot." you sigh and prepare for however long it takes that you will be stuck with him. still attached and inside of you, he lays by your side and spoons you. "dont tease me again angel."
"no promises."
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made by medusavsviperz, art by @kima-s
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byunbun01 · 1 year
Challenge accepted | Lee Juyeon & Eric Sohn
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Pairing : Juyeon x Gender Neutral Reader + Eric ♡
Explicit, 2000 words.
Summary: You’ve always been a bit of a hot-head and Juyeon always uses it to his advantage. Because you’ll never stand down from a challenge to prove you’re right.
Content warnings: blowjob, stubborn reader, voyeurism, handjob, messy, drool/spit, masturbation, eric is such a cute subby baby ngl , reader is lowkey a dom.
Juyeon has always known the right buttons to press when it comes to you, call it what is, he has you completely wrapped around his finger. He’s had you completely figured out since high school. Always teasing you or setting you up with challenges you couldn’t resist. Like the first time you both kissed, he was going off on how he thought you were probably shit at it and that’s why you were always single. And like clockwork you were always losing yourself in the heat of the moment, so consumed with your stubborn personality– always needing to prove yourself. 
So you did what you always did. You proved your point. Shutting up Juyeon and his taunting by kissing him, all to prove that you were good at it. And like a fool, you fell for his tricks every single time. 
That’s why you are here now. Sitting in between Juyeon’s thighs with one of his best friends watching, Eric. They were both teasing you. Everyone at the dance studio had already gone home for the night but you were all practicing a little longer when things took a turn for the worst. Suddenly once again you were proving another point. 
The teasing had you seeing red, blindly accepting the challenge but now here you were nervous as fuck, swallowing hard as they both watched you with sickening anticipation. You and Juyeon had never done more than kiss. 
If only you had kept your damn mouth shut. You wouldn’t be in this situation. 
Eric and Juyeon had been talking about how foreplay was boring, mutually agreeing that neither of them had cum from receiving oral before. But of course, you couldn’t hold your tongue,  immediately chiming in about how you’ve never had anyone bored while you were going down on them. 
Of course, it sparked both of their curiosities. Juyeon’s lips pulled into a tight smirk, his eyes flashing with excitement. 
He knew exactly how to play you, how to urge you to prove that you weren’t lying. But wasn’t this a little too far? 
Juyeon yawned, feigning his boredom as he sat back with both of his palms flat against the floor and behind him, “You look nervous, you sure you’ve actually done this before?” 
“Shut up,” You hissed. 
God. He always knew how to stoke the fire. 
You crawled forward, on all fours. If you hadn’t been staring Juyeon down searching for a change in body language, you might have been a little embarrassed by the way you crawled like some bitch on all four, your ass up in the air as you pressed your face into his crotch.
It was time to swallow your pride. 
The pacing was everything, you had to make your first movement slow and teasing, building the tension… You look up at Juyeon. Blinking softly as you creep your hands up his thighs… You watch the way his expression falters, and the way his lips part slightly. It’s noticeable in the way that Eric stirs… He’s watching every move, forgetting to breathe, and the silence is making everything inside of him twist with anticipation. 
You brush your hand over Juyeon’s cock, palming him through his jeans as you tilt your head, looking down at the erection that was growing in your hand. It felt big… God, even the suspense was beginning to hurt you. Feeling your own desire between your thighs. 
Juyeon was hot. 
Like. Really fucking hot and Eric? Fuck, you were finally starting to feel small with their eyes watching your every move, but you pushed forward. Leaning your head in and brushing your nose against Juyeon’s length. Your lip dragged over the fabric as your hands traveled further upwards, your fingers tracing the waistband of his pants before slipping up his shirt. 
Juyeon jerks a bit. Your fingers cool against his sweaty skin. You kiss his cock through his jeans and look up at him through your eyelashes. You wiggle your hips, swaying back and forth. 
It was just for dramatics, putting on a show. But it seemed to do the trick. Juyeon exhaled sharply.
Poor thing was trying so hard to keep his act together. 
“Bored?” You tease, blinking softly. 
“Yeah,” Juyeon breathes… But it’s an obvious lie that only encourages you more. 
You continue to kiss him through his jeans while you undid them, purposely fumbling with the button and pulling down the zipper slowly. He lifts himself enough for you to pull his jeans and boxers past his hips. 
His cock is bigger than you expected. It was both thick and long, he reached for his shirt with one hand, still leaning back on the other. You admired the way his cock rested just below his belly button.
 God, his hands were so attractive… His forearms were littered with thick veins and his palm was flat against his stomach to stop his shirt from falling down. He knew you were staring. It was so obvious. But you couldn’t help it, fuck… 
You curled your hand around his cock, running your tongue over your lips to wet them before guiding the head to your mouth. You start slowly. Only wrapping your lips around his head, your tongue gliding over the slit… You can’t help but notice how much Eric is fidgeting now. 
“Are you bored, Eric? You can leave if you want?” You question while lowering your head to lick a stripe up Juyeon’s cock, “We might be here awhile and you can’t seem to sit still.” 
Juyeon glances over at Eric and his eyes fell to the obvious tent in Eric’s pants. 
“I-I’m good,” Eric answers quickly. His cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink, like a child using blush for the first time. 
You didn’t think you’d ever be able to fluster Eric so easily… It made you feel confident… 
After a few more teasing licks, you let the drool that had accumulated in your mouth leak from your lips. The spit dripped down the length of Juyeon’s cock and seeped between the cracks of your fingers. You pumped your hand, smearing the spit until his cock was wet. You wrapped your fingers around his head and lowered yourself, taking his entire length… Your eyes never leaving his… And it was worth the build-up. Watching the way his lips parted and his eyes fluttered. You pulled back up again. Pumping your first. Your fingers are tight, creating friction at the base while you take your time dragging your tongue over every vein. 
“Just touch yourself already,” Juyeon says roughly. His hand clenched his shirt tightly. He’s become annoyed with how much Eric has begun to squirm around. 
You lift your head, dazed eyes looking at Eric. He’s practically tearing his pants off just to touch himself. You can’t believe he even waited so long for permission… But then it hits you, it was because Eric was waiting for someone to tell him what to do. 
“Want some help baby?” You coo sweetly. 
Juyeon doesn’t seem to like the idea though. Dropping his shirt and reaching for your face, he holds your cheeks between his thumb and index fingers tightly. 
You almost swoon at the motion. 
“I didn’t tell you to stop,” Juyeon says, his eyes washing over your lips. His thumb smearing over your bottom lip, “You know, you’re kind of pretty like this y/n” 
“Fuck off,” You say slowly, circling your palm over the tip of head cock, “If you don’t help him, I will.” 
Juyeon seems a little taken aback. Glancing between Eric and you… But he does it, pulling back his hand and spitting into his palm before reaching to grab Eric's cock. He begins to pump his cock slowly and you feel satisfied watching the way Eric’s brows furrow and his lips part, soft moans filling the air. 
It turns you on, and more than you would ever like to admit. 
You can feel your face getting hot, your eyes following the slow drag of Juyeon’s hand wrapped around Eric’s cock, the moans that made your stomach twist. You tried to focus on Juyeon but it was hard to keep your eyes off Juyeon’s hands and the way they worked Eric over… His movements were so slow, each pump of his fist so teasing… 
Eric must have been in heaven. 
It was so hard to not think about Juyeon’s hands touching you in the same way, how good the pressure would feel between your thighs. You shook the thought out of your head. You haven't won yet. 
The goal was to make him cum. 
And you would make him choke on his words. 
Your full focus was now between Juyeon’s thighs. Fingers tight around the base of his cock and your lips stretched around his thick girth. It was the sloppiest and messiest head that you had ever given. Pushing the tip of his cock so deep into the back of your throat and holding it there as your drool dripped in thick slobbery strands down his length, pooling in his pubes. 
Juyeon moaned. Biting down on the inside of his cheek as he began to pant out a slurred melody of fucks. He couldn’t hold back anymore, moaning so beautifully…
The wet sounds were so loud and obnoxious, each bob of your head getting louder and louder… Juyeon’s cock twitched against your tongue. The bitter taste of pre-cum was a victorious taste, one that made you work even harder. 
You were so close. 
Looking up at Juyeon through teary eyes. You took him so deep, your hands pressing into his thighs… 
Juyeon grabbed onto your hair, trying to pull your head up, grunting out a messy, “Gonna cum.” 
You let him pull your head up, your hand taking over and working his cock over until your hand white globs of cum were dripping down your first. Juyeon’s grip on your hair weakened. Panting hard as he leaned back. You looked up at Eric, your chin dripping in drool…. You brought your hand up to your mouth. 
You made sure they were both watching as you licked the cum off your hand, cleaning up the mess you had made. 
“You’re amazing,” Eric coos, drunken eyes falling to the mess of cum that was on his thighs and the back of Juyeon’s hand that had long forgotten Eric after he came. 
You reach for Juyeon’s wrist. Tugging on it until he sits up, leaning into you. You take his hand, your tongue licking from his wrist to his middle finger. Cleaning up the mess on the back of his hand. He watched you, blinking slowly and taking in what you had just done. 
“You win,” Juyeon hummed. Lowering his head to press a quick kiss to your lips. 
Even though you had just given him head, it startled you. The slight hint of intimacy was new and you weren’t sure if it was something you liked. 
Things seemed to go on like normal. Eric and Juyeon began to pack up their belongings and were saying their goodbyes. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit awkward, everyone joked and laughed, but you couldn’t shake this feeling as you all walked to the bus stop together. Your thighs were uncomfortable and you were feeling this strange sensation every time you caught a glimpse of Juyeon smiling at something Eric said. 
Eric was the first to say his farewells, smiling and waving as he got onto his bus. 
Leaving you and Juyeon alone together… 
“It’s late,” Juyeon yawns, “I’ll walk you home at our stop” 
“Mm,” You nod. 
You felt like it was more, but it wasn’t abnormal for Juyeon to walk you home. Maybe you were just imagining this tension… After all, it was just a challenge it didn’t mean anything. 
“Are you cold?” Juyeon questioned, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into him. He hugged you tightly, “Don’t think I didn’t forget about you. I just don’t want to share you with Eric, yet.”
Your stomach drops and all you can do is stand there with your head buried into Juyeon’s chest, your world completely spinning out of control. 
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prettyiwa · 1 year
Miyuki Kazuya x AFAB!Reader Content Tags: Domestic Sex, Sleepy Sex, Sleepy Kazuya's a Fuckin SAP!~, Hints of Orgasm Denial, Hints of Overstimulation, Creampie Word Count: 850
@princesskazuya, @no1frogfan
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Kazuya doesn't like how late you work. It's not too bad, considering you do most of your work at home—you're always out of the office by four each afternoon—but the time he gets to see you is so limited as it is. He doesn't like the long hours of practice that keep him away, even in the off season, and he doesn't like the long hours of work that keep you busy in the time that remains. He loves each of his games, though he hates that they mean he's away for three to six days depending on the schedule.
When he's home, he wants to spend that time with you.
Lately, you've been tasked big projects, one right after the other, ones that will help rocket you to the top if done right, so he often finds himself going to bed without you. You try to remind him that he wakes up beside you each morning, but that doesn't stop him from being greedy.
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With all his bemoaning aside, he's found something he quite likes in this new (annoying) schedule of yours.
You come to bed close to one or two each morning, a few hours after he's already been asleep, always trying to remain quiet for him. You'll slip under the covers beside him, warm like the furnace you are, and, without fail, he'll wrap his arms around you until you're pressed firmly back to chest. Most nights that you do this, you'll come to bed in your underwear and one of his pullovers. Once or twice you've come to bed in just your underwear.
When your ass is pressed against his crotch and you squirm against him to get comfortable, it's nearly impossible for sleepy Kazuya to stop himself from getting hard. His hands will start wandering, mapping out the body he knows almost as well as his own. You almost always push your ass into him, almost always give him a sharp inhale when you feel how much he needs you. There've only been a few times wherein you've stopped him when his fingers slip past the band of your underwear.
So hungry, just like him.
You get wet for him so easily, legs parting to let him roam, to gather your slick before he rubs your clit. It's a little lazy, but it always does the job.
By the time you get close to cumming for him, he's completely awake. His grip on you is sure, though his movements are still conservative. Without fail, you whine for him when he pulls away, though you know he'll be inside you in just a moment.
He tells you it's because he's tired while you tell him it's because he's impatient (both are equally true), but he only undresses so far until he's free, only pushes your underwear to the side as much as he needs. Some days you feel like heaven, perfectly made for him like he's sure he's made for you. Some days, sinking into you feels like coming home, like he's been gone too long and this is an irreplaceable comfort he's needed. (You can blame the sleep for his sappiness, but you never do). Regardless, the sounds you make are always just what he needs to continue.
So luscious, your keens. So wonderful, the quiet moans that escape your parted lips. A lovely, breathy sound, kept low to keep quiet, something he only hears at this time of night.
He fucks you with slow, disjointed thrusts, but you always meet them, chasing after your own end after he's robbed you of it. Some nights, he cums as soon as you do, unable to keep going because you feel too fucking good and his control's fucking shot. You don't mind when he fills you up before slowly pulling out, feeling his cum leak out of you before excusing yourself to the bathroom.
Other nights, you're too much and he can't get enough, pushing past the sleep that clings to the back of his mind. He'll grab a condom from the nightstand drawer and you'll roll until you're ass up, face down, waiting for him to fuck you into the mattress. It's a little game you two play—how quiet can you keep to avoid waking the neighbors while he gives you rolling orgasms, one right after the other, pushing past his limit.
On occasion, sleep's hold is too great, but he's no less hard and you're no less wet. You'll climb on top and ride him nice and slow, more in it for prolonging your pleasure than for either of you to climax, not that he's ever going to complain. Being close and intimate with you like this is enough.
This time of night brings out a side of you he doesn't get to see in the light of day. These moments feel intimate, like whispered secrets between the two of you, well enough away from the world that no one can dare steal.
He hates to admit it, but he's grown rather fond of your late night returns to bed.
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Daiya no Ace Masterlist
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eddieismissing · 2 years
fangs. part two. thursday night. // steddie x reader
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part one. || part three. || part four.
plot: eddie wasn’t dead. He could never leave his girl to face the world without him, and he would make sure of it. even if he was a little bit different. 
pairing: steddie x fem!reader, eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 10.4k
warnings: 18+, dark!eddie, perv!eddie, stalker!eddie, vampire!eddie, kaz!eddie, porn with plot, dark content, rough sex, p in v, choking, dirty talk, degradation, markings, obsessive behavior, violence, masterbation, jealousy, intrusive thoughts, slapping, hair pulling, cum in v, croptop!steve, daddy!steve, cuck!steve oversharing, spanking, biting. slight cnc. established consent.
a/n: hi guys! i hope you’re liking my series so far. this part is just pure gross smut and the smallest bit of fluff and plot. it also takes place from where part one left off! i hope you enjoy! 
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work. minors do not read. eighteen plus only. please be kind and reblog or comment if you enjoyed!
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eddie would always go to your house after his hellfire club disbanded for the night. however, tonight was different. eddie had moved this weeks meeting to thursday so it didn’t clash with his band practice on friday. he called the shots so what did it matter?? after all he was feeling a little pent up after watching you in a skimpy skirt all day. he saw the way you blushed when he came to your rescue, and he wanted to see more of that pretty pink color on your cheeks.
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he sat outside your window at the perfect time. he knew you would be getting out of the shower soon. a guttural moan left his lips a little louder than he expected when he was peeking through your windows. you walked into the room draped in just a towel with damp hair. he palmed himself as his stomach turned. really he could just jump through the window. take advantage of you. he wonders how you would react. he was indifferent. watching you squirm under him sounded like a dream, but maybe if you somehow reciprocated the feelings he shared for you. eddie would want to make your first time perfect. gracefully, you dropped your towel and slowly got dressed. he pulled his jeans down just past his crotch so he could slide them back on at a fast pace if anyone caught him. the thought excited him. pulling his cock out of the slit in his boxers. his eyes rolled back as he gripped himself. you would be putting on your pajamas soon so his pace increased. desperately trying to get off before your perfect body would be hidden from him. you put on a ugly green hawkins high t-shirt you had cut into a crop top and a simple black thong. if only you knew eddie was watching you a few feet away. he choked back a loud moan and watched you slowly pull the thin fabric over your cunt. he gripped his cock tighter, and slowed his pace. he tried so hard to hold it, but prematurely he finished. ropes of cum decorated his jeans. him imagining how easy it would be to rip those panties off  pushed him over the edge. he bit his shirt collar to muffle any moans as you turned off the lights and got into bed. he cleaned himself up with his black handkerchief as he watched you slide into bed.
to his surprise, you turned on your bedside lamp. it dimly illuminated your room.
‘shit, shit, shit, shitshitshit.’
eddie whispered as he cleaned himself up faster. just then, he realized you didn’t seem interested in what was creeping outside your window. you were  just softly rutting your hips against your mattress. you wanted to make it quick. to you it was just a little stress relief. for him, you were blowing his mind. and you had absolutely no idea. he gasped and watched you stir. you pulled the blanket off of you. your knees were up and your legs were spread. eddie bit his tongue. hard. he was standing up now to get a better view. his mind raced as he clasped his hands together, he looked towards the sky and said,
‘oh thank you god for blessing me tonight.’ he kissed his knuckle and pointed it towards the sky.
he had just finished. yet, seeing you in such a vulnerable position got him hard again. jeans tight around the waist as he hummed sweet whimpers. he dug his fingernails into your windowsill trying to get a better look. you were so pretty. he wanted to ruin you. wondering what you were thinking about. needing to see your facial expressions as you moaned out his name. desperately wanting to corrupt you. he could touch you so much better. he could really show you how to take care of yourself. he so desperately wanted you to let him show you. his head lolled back while griping his knees. your hand snaked down and touched your clit gently. a moan left your lips. eddie sat back down and pulled his cock out. quicker than he’d like to admit. he felt like such a fucking virgin. hearing your soft voice tremble made his cock unbearably sore. he was still sensitive though. he was quite happy when he watched you set the pace to be slow and steady. following your lead he did the same. studying your movements and watching intently. he could really use this to his advantage. if he ever got the chance. your left hand grabbed your nipples and teased them. moaning a little louder now. eddie’s eyes didn’t know where to look, he was so overwhelmed. thoughts of your pursed lips and how he would kiss you filled his head. listening to you whimper and beg for him to touch you while he played with your soft lips. through breathless kisses, you would beg him,
‘please eddie? need you... please?’ he imagined your soft voice.
he would use his big fingers to slowly tease up and down your wet slit while he softly bit your neck. he wanted to bite hard. leaving marks all over you. knowing very well that being to rough with you would scare you away. he hid that part of his personality away from you. only because the metalhead had a serious soft spot for you. he promised himself that if he had the chance he would be so caring and gentle at first. or at least try the best he could. however, the mental image of purple and blue marks draped up and down your neck, crowded his mind. that would show those jocks not to mess with you. he imagined the look on steve and tommy’s face. that thought really turned him on. you moaned loudly holding your blankets up to your mouth to muffle your moans. like clockwork his legs started to shake. hand gripping the bottom of his shaft. realizing how close he was. he growled as he bit his lip not able to contain himself, and coming to another orgasm. he cleaned himself up while he watched you reach your climax. he would save that as a mental image. cursing at himself for finishing before you. you huffed out your chest and covered yourself up.
‘goodnight, eddie’ he froze.
he turned quietly back to your window, he watched you grab a bear that was missing an eye and had a silly white shirt on. you hugged it tightly and turned off your lamp and went to sleep. the way his name danced off of your lips was blissful.
‘jesus h christ’ his tone was stressed.
he threw his head back and whimpered. a deep sigh left his lungs while he was clutching his chest. in that moment he thought you had caught him. the thrill made his heart flutter before he walked away from your window. he whispered,
‘goodnight, sweetheart.’ he whispered.
then next thursday came. eddie was gripping his knees through his jeans, just like he had from outside your window. you were sitting in the cafeteria a few tables across from eddie. wearing the cutest outfit he had ever seen on you. he swore by it. eddie fidgeted with the rings on his knuckles. lunch couldn’t keep his already faulty attention span. images of you touching yourself in your bed ran through his head. all damn day. he just watched silently as you at your lunch. his eyes were lustful and his pupils were heavily dilated. he just stared. you took a bite out of your lunch, and his eyes focused in on your lips. the members of the hellfire glanced at him. making sure not to make direct eye contact to upset him. eddie had noticed this of course, but he was to entranced by your posture, looks, and those god damn lips. he could admit though. the snickering and giggles that came from the freshmen sat at his table annoyed him. after he so graciously invited to sit with him and his band of misfits. it was beginning to piss him off.
‘what?’ eddie finally snapped
he didn’t move his eyes off of you and his jaw staying clenched.
‘it’s j-just that you, well, you haven’t mentioned if we were meeting to do hellfire club… and last week you moved the day, s—‘
the boy speaking got cut off by the sound of eddie’s fist hitting the table. the sudden noise coming from the other end of the cafeteria made you jump. you turned your head to face the noise. startled at your sudden movement, eddie dropped his gaze from you. instead he looked towards the boy who just spoke. you didn’t pay much attention to him but you knew how to read his body language. eddie had become obviously very nervous after bringing your attention to him. you gave him a confused look. that was different. eddie never looked away from your eye contact. from you perspective you couldn’t quite place what had changed. god, if only you knew. eddie’s lips moved but you couldn’t quite hear him.
‘oh my dear liege. you’re right.’ he says to the boy.
he uses all the confidence in his body to direct his eyes back towards you while speaking. the dumb look thats all over your face drives eddie up the wall. you were really so precious. his eyes glittered in your direction. you could barely hear what he was saying to the boys on his left but you were so curious in what was being shared now. eddie talked like he was always in theater. frailing his arms around in big gestures to match his speech. you tried reading his lips but got a little distracted when his tongue flipped out against his top lip. you divereted your stare and focused on your food instead. eddie caught that. from the other side of the cafeteria the conversation continued to boom,
‘im sorry but…’ eddie trails off,
risking another glance you lifted your chin. he sent you a wink from across the cafeteria. did he just wink at you? that was new. you blushed but his eyes never left yours.
‘tonight...? well.’
there was a pause. eddie lost in thought trying to come up with any excuse to postpone hellfire so he could be outside your window tonight.
‘im busy!’ he yells so the rest of the cafeteria could hear him now.
eddie jumped on the table and walking towards the edge. the boys awkwardly chuckle as he does his routine. he began with yelling at the jocks, the preps, then the smartasses, and finally those in between. people always viewed eddie as someone that would be bullied in highschool. truth was. he was feared. not by you, of course you knew he was all bark. no bite. growing up in hawkins as a nerdy boy that had different interests than his peers was a problem. it was more of a problem because it turned eddie cold. no one seemed to be interested in the character that he tried to conform to. he had a hard time making friends in junior high. after his freshman year he decided to start dressing how he wanted to. non-conforming to the current times or trends. he would wear dark ripped clothes and large rings and chains. this had it’s own problems though. eddie develop a bad boy demeanor because of his fashion sense. people would blame anything on him just because of his visual appearance. no one ever gave him the time of day. except you. passing notes, freshman year. eddie thought back to that time a lot. maybe if he was less cold you both could’ve really been friends. it was harder for to make friends. that’s why he started his after school club. people that judged his character thought he was ‘mean and scary’ but it really was just self expression. he was the softest person ever. he was good with younger students. not really on anyones bad side, but no one was his number one fan either. well, maybe steve was. he acted like eddie’s existence was gonna be the death of him. was that a good thing? or a bad thing? however, back to the scene at hand. eddie being viewed as a ‘freak’, in the end, turned him into one. he learned to abuse and use his scary façade to his advantage. he would bicker with the popular kids, and always show off. not one of them dared to actually throw a punch or really threaten him. you share a few more glances with him while he parades ontop of the cafeteria table. giggling at his antics. he blushes and sticks his tongue out at you. he makes little horns with his fingers and sticks them to his temples. he looks back towards the club members as he says,
‘harrington has a sweet party tonight and i have to uhh work.’
eddie knows he’s not going to be selling anything tonight. he also doesn’t know steve’s party schedule. he figured he could peak your interest in him if he talked about how ‘busy’ he was with his ‘plans’. eddie he was known as a dirtbag around school for slinging drugs, and needed an excuse for postponing hellfire anyways. he feels your eyes on him as he makes sure to talk louder so you overhear.
‘let’s move it to tomorrow. i’ll be busy till later tonight and don’t wanna be distracted during the big campaign.’ he huffed.
he hopes you heard that. the bell rings dismissing everyone back to their classes, he was walking out towards the hall when you stood up suddenly. he turns around purposefully shoving himself into you. it totally looked like an accident. you’re almost knocked over as he tumbles into your back. he grabs you by the waist making sure to accidentally push his hips up against your ass to catch you. you let out a small whimper, surprised by the sensation. you turn quickly to face him.
‘w-woah, woah, hey.’ he stutters.
he chuckles biting his bottom lip, he wanted nothing more to spin you back around and grind against you till he got himself off. in front of everyone. eddie could tell you were embarrassed. instead, he loosed his grip to make you more comfortable. you jumped at the sensation and turned around with bright red cheeks. to any normal person it looked like you meant to grind against him, but it was an accident. your cluelessness got the better of you when you started apologizing immediately. you were talking in rushes and overthinking the situation. you were so in your head you didn’t notice his evil smirk. you didn’t know why he was grunting while slipping his hands into his front pockets. he took a deep breath. he was adjusting his cock so you didn’t see him pitch a tent in his tight jeans. his heart was fluttering. this was perfect? how did he get so lucky with the timing of it all?
‘sorry. didn’t mean to scare you.’ he giggled.
eddie cut your rambling off as he began to apologize now. he pulled his hands out of his pockets and back onto your hips. the urge to touch you was to strong he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. you look at him in awe. never realizing how pretty his eyes were till now. deep dark chocolate irises and soft white eyes. you could get lost in them.
‘e—eddie im s-so sorry. i just… uhm.. well, i was trying. y—you know get to class? i didn’t mean to uuhm. i mean..’ you stuttered. 
‘no it’s okay! really. that was soooooo my fault!’ he put his heart over his chest and bowed to you.
you blush reminded of the feeling of his groin up against you. head bowed in embarrassment. he removes his hands from your hips. he was just as bashful. he didn’t even know what was possessing him right now to talk to you this close. you smelled like strawberries. your eyes were sparkly like you had stars in them. his eyes traced up your neck. 
‘pretty necklace.’ he spoke out loud.
‘what was that?’ you asked.
you didn’t catch his comment because you were lost in your own thoughts. his bones jumped out of his skin he stared at you with his mouth open. palms clammy now. the tension between you was rough. this was so awkward. you hadn’t talked to him since freshmen year! what was happening! you clear your throat,
‘so’ you start, ‘harrington has a party tonight?’ you bat your eyelashes at him.
eddie realizes ths is still a very real conversation he has to attend to. all the blood in his body rushed south. shaking out his nerves like a dog he stutters.
‘y-y-yea- sure h-he does, isn’t he always up to no good?’ he makes a jab at him with this small remark. 
you smile at his witty comment. eddie begins thinking of ways that he’s going to get himself out of this white lie. keep steve off of your mind. his heart raced. did steve have a party tonight? oh, what to say? what is he supposed to say? he felt like a little kid around you. you looked up at him with your arms crossed now. awaiting an answer. how could he not be nervous? your cheeks looked so kissable. they were all blushed with a cute cherry color and he tries to play it cool but fails miserably. he stutters,
‘m—maybe ill give him a call. im always looking for a reason to talk to my best friend stevie!’ he joked.
you let out a small giggle, everyone at school knew they were enemies. it was quite entertaining for the students at hawkins to watch how the two boys clashed. your soft laugh that you produced listening to eddie’s remarks about the preppy boy sent chills up his spine. it gives him the confidence he needs for the moment.
‘yeah, i was thinking about crashing it? causing some trouble? i can think of better things to do with my time though.’
he was closer to you than before you realized but you didn’t mind. you were just two acquaintances talking about after school plans. you thought. eddie on the other hand was a man that was scheming. he licked his bottom lip like a predator watching his prey. you purr at his comment, smiling cluelessly,
‘what kind of trouble does eddie munson usually get in to on thursday nights?’ you quizzed him.
if only you knew. it’s getting harder for him to keep himself together. his fingers grab the hem of your shirt. following his fingers your eyes watch his next move. he thinks back to last week and the dirty things he caught you doing. eddie starts talking but his voice slowly trails off almost like he’s breathless and embarrassed to say his next few lines,
‘i'm more curious about what you do on thursday nights, any plans tonight? sweetheart?’ he questioned.
sweetheart. there it is again. your cheeks get hot and you're flustered. he moves in even closer. you have butterflies in your tummy. he’s never flirted with you this much before. that’s also new. his soft attitude warms you. you have to say something. say anything. 
‘are you asking me to hang out with you, munson?’ you choke out.
he chuckles at your shyness. wits and comebacks were easy for eddie. he always had a smart mouth even when he’s under pressure. it makes his next sentence sound like velvet to your ears.
‘oh sweetheart. i’d love to hangout with someone as pretty as you. you wanna? your place? tonight? say eight works for me.’
he was demanding almost. he has dark eyes and a heavy smirk on his lips. knowing you take a shower around eight. thinking of how he caught you touching yourself soon after. his plan is perfect. you smile and nod. eddie moves close to your ear, it reminds you of how steve would tease you.
‘sure you want to be around a freak like me, pretty girl?’ he whimpered the words into your ear.
your heart jumps into your throat. a beat passes.
‘yeah.. e—eight works for me too, eddie.’ you say.
he moves away from you quickly and seems to disappear into the halls. you shrug, collecting your books. you’re looking forward to hanging out with the misunderstood senior. you swore what you heard about him being a “freak” was all rumors. you had no idea that he had to move away from you so he could adjust himself in his pants before cumming at the thought of you screaming his name later.
you rushed home in a hurry. quickly you cleaned up your room and your belongings around the house to make things look presentable. eddie was the first boy you had ever invited over. besides that, he was totally eye candy now and so hot. he had really grown into a teenage dream. you were also excited to maybe catch up with him. after freshman year the both of you grew distant due to him building up his walls. giving everyone a cold shoulder. you weren’t sure why he put a wedge between your blossoming friendship. admittedly, when he stoped paying attention to you it stung a bit.
eddie showed up to your house right at eight. hoping that maybe you would be getting out of the shower to answer the door. he knocked and hummed some guitar riff he was just listening to in his van on the way to your house. you didn’t answer right away. rustling though his pockets in his battle vest he located joint. he pulled it out of his vest pocket and held his lighter to the tip. as it danced against his lips he took a long drag. eagerness overtook him and he knocked again. you answered this time,
‘one second!’ your voice was muffled behind the door.
his chest was full of smoke. you opened the door. he made sure to turn away from you. careful not to blow any into your face. you smiled and started talking to the boy with an inviting tone. you were a lot less nervous now in your own home.
‘so what they say is true? you are a pothead.’ you joked.
you looked fantastic. he wasn’t even sure that a little his joint he pre-rolled could calm him down now. he was a goner. he giggled at your snarky remark letting himself into your cozy home. he didn’t answer you yet he just took in his surroundings and took another drag from his joint.
‘you wanna share that, eddie?’ you asked.
chills washed over his body as you said his name, he would never get sick of that. it was sickly sweet falling from your lips. if only harrington could see him now. about to share a joint with the girl they had been fighting over for years. the perfect girl next door. eddie figured he would be fuming.
‘s-sure. you smoke?’ he paused.
eddie watched you become flustered and fidget with your fingers. he thought his heart was gonna explode just watching you twiddling your thumbs dressed in nothing but your pjs. he was on cloud nine. take that, harrington. god, why was he thinking about steve right now?
‘well no, i never have. my friends do! they buy from you a lot and you seem like you know your stuff.’ you rambled.
he smirked, ‘i can show you a few things, sure.’
looking at you he raised his eyebrow before taking another drag. he blew the cloud that sat in his chest in your face. you threw your hand up. swatting the musty smoke out of your face.
‘you don’t seem you sure, sweetheart.’ he teased.
he moved in closer totally invading your personal space. the denim vest he was wearing hosted pleanty of pins and patches. his pretty silver enamel pins clinged together as he walked. the action was comparable to a cat that always wore a bell. eddie grabbed your face gently. he spoke softly to not scare you away before he took another puff from his joint.
‘open up?’ he said.
obedience flooded over you. your jaw extended at the feeling of just his palm against your chin. you were forced out of your daze when he gripped you tighter. needing you to pay attention to him. his grip was a little harsher than he had planned. you didn’t mind. instead you just stood still. awaiting the boys next move. eddie was so eager to get his hands on you. get closer. could you really blame him? he brought your chin to his. he groaned into your throat. you could feel his hot breath mixed with the smoke against your mouth. your cupids bow grazed his top lip. just barely. you couldn’t tell if you had really touched your lips together or if it was just the anxiety. he snaked his index finger between your lips while his thumb brought your chin down lower and he exhaled. he was blowing smoke into your throat with his cute lips in an ‘O’ shape. the burning sensation reeked of weed. as he neared the end of his breath you were more forgiving when the foul smell mixed with a pleasant minty fragrance. was that what eddie tasted like? your tummy turned as he gently let go of your chin, he took a step back and you coughed.
‘oh I'm sorry, sweetheart, was that too strong? we can practice some more.’ he giggled deeply.
‘that really hurt my throat, eddie.’ you cried.
‘uhmm, i—im sorry.’ he said with his back stiffened.
you were choking on coughs. as if he wasn’t already tense from the situation. he was burning up now. you were precious. eddie wanted to get out of his jeans and into yours. his cock grew harder hearing you say those words. you were more of an airhead than he thought. your composure was cool and calm. eddie couldn’t believe it. shrugging it off as normal pothead behavior. but eddie? he was stunned. jaw on the floor. drooling like a dog. completely ran up the wall. those simple words you had said went straight to his chest. his heart beating rapidly and his jeans getting uncomfortably tight. dirty thoughts filled his mind. he wanted to hear you say that while he fucked his cock into your mouth. he wanted to hear you say that when he choked you with his big hands. he wanted to hear you say that after he was done leaving deep purple bite marks all over your soft throat. he promised himself to keep it cool. however, he saw how you twitched under his touch. he heard your little whimpers when he had grazed your top lip with his. did you feel the same way about him after all? he shoved those thoughts down. surely if anything happened you wouldn’t wanna have any strings attached. like he even had a chance. he knew he could take care of you though. he desperately wanted to. after he was done fucking your brains out he knew that soft spot in him would resurface. he would be sure to kiss you on your cheeks and rub your neck softly with the pads of his thumbs. he would need you to promise him that you were okay. you would assure him that he didn’t hurt you. even if your body ached from his grips and bites.
‘that really hurt my throat, eddie.’ it played back in his head.
he wanted to hear you say it again, so desperately.
‘eddie?? ed’s???’ you questioned.
you waved your hand infront of his face and giggled when he apologized for spacing off. you turned away and motioned for eddie to follow you. the two of you moved to your bedroom. you didn't want your family den to totally reek of pot if your siblings came home later. eddie stood in the doorway against the frame as he watched you sit on your bed. his dark visual appearance clashed heavily with your room. eddie walked into your room and acted like he was snooping. truth was, he already knew the layout. every wall he had studied like the back of his hand. really he wasn’t interested in snooping around either. he had snuck in countless times to steal your panties or the pretty necklaces you wore. he especially favored the one you were wearing today. he spun around on his heels and plopped onto your soft bed. instead of prying more he turned all his attention to the bear that sat on your bed. the same one you said goodnight to after pleasing yourself. he took one more drag of his joint before putting it out. he licked his fingers and pinched the tip. the joint made a sizzling sound.
‘doesn’t that burn your fingers?’ you asked.
‘not really? i guess im just used to the pain now. sorry for smoking in your room. just nervous.’ he replied.
you looked at him with soft eyes.
‘you okay? can i do anything to make you more comfortable?’ you questioned.
he tucked the joint into the chest pocket of his denim vest before shedding a few layers. he ran his hands through his hair before taking a deep breath. he now looked a little more comfortable next to you now. he wore a def leppard t-shirt that had cigarette burn holes in it and his token black jeans with rips laid across his knees. the handcuff belt he had on broke up the outfit well. it clashed less this way. your eyes lingered on the cuffs for a little longer than you’d like but you were in a trance. eddie was locating a coat hook in your room to put his vest and jacket onto. he took a mental note of where he left his joint in his pocket. he was saving it for later. his eyes turned back to you. he smirked as he realized you were staring at his crotch. eddie cleared his throat trying to hide his nerves. blush crawled up his face when you both met eyes. he immediately spoke.
‘so… uhhh what’s this guy's name?’ he grabbed your little bear.
rushing to make conversation to get perverted thoughts out of his head. did you like the cuffs? were you intrigued? eddie wondered. eddie was dramatic with his movements when he hugged your stuffed friend tightly. he was just making sure his scent was going to be on it for the rest of the week. you laughed as he tossed the bear into the air. he asked the bear,
‘hey little dude? what’s your name?’
you giggled and he smiled a big toothy grin at you. he looked like a cheshire cat. he loved making you laugh. your giggles were so sweet. he pushed to hear more. awaiting your answer of what the bears name was.
‘oh him? he doesn’t really have a name. i just call him whatever i feel like.’ you said.
eddie’s chest tightened. the words hung in the air for a bit. there was silence. did you call this nameless bear eddie after thinking about him? he stiffed his whole body. while he was lost in thoughts again you huffed.
‘you space off so much! what is your deal!’ you laughed at him pushing his chest so he was laid on your bed. you adjusted your pillows and blankets that were sprawled out on your bed. you looked up at him confused, he was so pale all of the sudden. you spoke softly,
‘what? to harsh?’ you giggled.
his eyes snapped to meet yours. he watched you. there was a dark look on his face now. something was wrong with him. seriously. he could be the first to admit. he was far gone now. you thought of him after he had helped you in the hall when tommy slapped your ass. he was dizzy.
‘lets watch a movie?’ you suggested.
he just nodded but your suggestion instantly cut the tension. he cleared his throat. sitting the nameless bear between the two of you. eddie watched you turned on ‘sixteen candles’. both of you watched with purpose as the movie played. well. you did. eddie couldn’t keep his gaze off of you. you wore the cutest and comfiest pj set. the shorts barely covered your thighs when you sat against him. oh my god! you were sitting against him! he huffed. he was going to keep it cool and not act like a fucking loser. a complete virgin. you thought maybe you were leaning on his arm a bit to hard so you shifted your body weight. he watched you adjust and this new angle gave him a view of your perfect tits. you were braless. he was checked out mentally. his whole body was thrown into overdrive as he begged himself not to get harder than he already was. he was going insane. after a few scenes eddie started getting handsy. his fingers gently danced up and down your thigh. he would pull away when you would shiver under him. sometimes you would push your thighs into his hands so he would grip harder. he understood. he moved his pinky so close to the hem of your shorts. gripped hard and then ran his hand back down to your knee. it was antagonizing slow. he whispered in your ear while you watched the movie.
‘like that?’ he giggled.
he watched your ears turn red. your eyes stayed watching the screen out of embarrassment. as soon as the words left his mouth he turned away like nothing had even happened. he wanted you to be comfortable. not forcing anything onto you but part of him wanted to be selfish. your skin was so soft and sensitive. you moved closer now. putting your hand on his shoulder and your pinky brushed against his neck. chills danced up and down his body as he bit his lip to muffle any of his whimpers. you were leaning on him! he wanted to throw himself onto you. if you had gave him any more attention he would have a hard time controlling himself. this was dangerous. a recipe for disaster. you leaned your head on his arm giving him perfect access to your neck. fuck. thoughout the second half of the movie eddie was stiff. you readjusted because he wasn’t as soft as your pillows. for some reason he would turn to you and breathe cold air against your neck too. you weren’t sure why he was doing it other than to be funny. he would laugh to himself and say,
‘what sweetheart? are you cold?’ he asked while giggling.
it really was annoying you. eddie enjoyed himself though. he knew what he was doing. your nipples peeked at him through the fabric of your thin tank top. he grabbed you a blanket to wrap yourself up with. after burying yourself into your pillows your body was shielded from eddie now.
‘stop teasing eddie.’ you gave him a glare.
he couldn’t help but groan.
‘sorry sweetheart. ill be good i promise’ he laughed throwing his hands up.
after you got cozy the both of you were surrounded in comfortable silence. eddie would squirm, adjust his seating position, or fidget with his fingers but you paid no mind. you were wrapped up in the last scene. the movie came to an end with samantha and jake kissing.
‘i’ve never been kissed.’ you confessed.
eddie jumped at the sudden sound coming from your lips. you were sleepy now. the movie running longer than you remembered. you watched the scene with interest. eddie stared at you his eyes locked on your face. you spoke softly,
‘i thought you were going to kiss me earlier, you know?’ you joked.
you had no idea what your words were doing to him. he couldn’t take it anymore. if he had a breaking point this was it. he wanted to ruin you. you were going to be his. he wanted to see you begging him on your knees. needing to show you more of the dark side that consumed him daily. he was going to. right now. he grabbed your cheek softly, turning your head. his eyes were dark. jet black.
‘can i kiss you now? let me have a taste.’ he asked politely.
his tone sounded demanding. as if you couldn’t really say no. not that you wanted to. it was just all very new. you nodded. your eyes fluttered as he cupped your cheeks in his hands. as he kissed you he softly placed his cupids bow between your top and bottom lip. when he pulled away he grunted. he sucked on your bottom lip. pulling it outward and nibbling it with his teeth. you cheeks were flushed red, your eyes sparkled. it was slow but hard. he was a damn good kisser. you had nothing to compare to but you knew this was good. it felt so natural. a knot grew in your tummy as he went back in for more. he was less gentle this time. your teeth clashed a bit and you opened your mouth for him more. submitting to his touch. you were so damn easy for him. his mind was racing. what is happening? eddie shared his first kiss with you. he couldn’t believe it until your lips pulled him in for more. the tension that had been building throughout the night finally having a place to release. he sucked on your bottom lip and bit it again. this time harder. eddie waited to gauge your reaction. his bottom lip was trembling when he pulled away. you moaned and gasped as he teased you with his teeth on your sensitive lip. this kiss was soft and loving. it was so kind and everything you wanted your first kiss to be. eddie enjoyed it too. you could tell that eddie really did care for you. your body released any tension it previously held when he danced his fingertips up your leg to grab onto your hip. he promised he would be gentle. promised himself. however, finally having the opportunity hit him he lost himself. watching your eyes sparkle, eddie groaned. he needed to see them rolled back in your head. he gripped your hip tighter. he wanted you to be fucked dumb and under him in a pitiful crying mess. he would treat you like he didn’t love you. fucking you like a whore before he finally finished and took care of your limp body while regaining your thoughts. he couldn’t do that could he? would you like it? his line of morals blurred as he thought he wouldn’t even care if you liked it or not. he needed you. truthfully, eddie did care for you so much. you were his soft spot. his weakness and the best part of his day wrapped into one. loving you hurt, especially when his longtime crush felt one sided. eddie kissed you harder. his tongue brushing against your swollen lips. he pulled away from you to look into your eyes. not wanting to get ahead of himself. he didn’t know if he could stay as gentle anymore.
‘you’re welcome.’ he said smugly.
he wasn’t done. he knew you were feeling a little high and your senses were heightened by the after effects of the weed. he pushed you against the bed so he was over you. his guitar pick necklace dangling in your face along with his curls. you bit your lip as he looked at you and nodded quickly letting him know you were okay and he kissed you again. this time it was hot and wet, you didn’t care how messy it was. you needed more of him. he was intoxicating. he pulled away from your lips and he kissed your neck.
‘pretty girl.’ he groaned against your neck.
‘always thought about this. you’re a fucking dream.’ he bit your neck gently.
you tensed up at his confession. he thought about this? you felt less guilty for thinking of him last week after he saved you. that was just a one time thing. or so you thought. feelings of desire to be his partner ran through your head. he went to work on the nape of your neck. if it wasn’t obvious now. eddie adored your neck. he would stare at it and imagine burying his face in the soft skin that grazed against your most important nerve endings while in class. imagined how you would squirm if he kissed you there. he loved the cute necklaces you wore and imagined decorating it with pretty, dark, bruises. so he did, he left one, then two, then five, and then six. he was getting close to your chest now. he tried not to be rough with you just yet. getting ahead of himself though he slightly stretched out your tanktop as he tugged on it to desperately get lower.
‘eddie!’ you yelped at the sudden tug.
‘i—im sorry! sorry!’ he gasped.
he moved his hand up the outside of your tank top, it was so slow. almost torturous. he was being good. to the best of his ability. he grabbed your tits and grunted in your ear feeling your hard nipples against his palm. you whimpered sheepishly at the new sensation. eddie paused for just a second. he looked at you with his dark brown eyes to watch you.
‘please. p—please just… say my name again?’ he begged.
he sounded so pathetic. stooping to your level almost. he was surprised when you obeyed. the sounds coming from you was the sweetest music he’s ever heard. he wanted to bottle it up and save it for later. record it on one of his blank tapes so he could play the cassette in his van. blasting it as he drove down the street. he let out a feverish moan and trembled. his touch was so heavy. you could tell he was holding back. he rubbed your body with his hands while he watched your cute lewd expressions. his eyes rolled back as he bit your cheek and his hand dressed in his cold steel rings gripped your throat.
‘look so pretty with my hand around your neck.’ he said.
he growled as you whimpered. eddie wedged himself between your legs. grinding down onto your warm wet spot that was growing at your center.
‘you okay? just say the word sweetheart. ill try to stop.’ he gasped.
ill try. the words danced in your head. he pushed his hips into your clothed cunt. you just nodded quickly and gasped. he tightened his grip around your neck.
‘you’re a mess for me already. i know you feel good right now. i feel good too baby. just let me take care of you. im trying to… fuck… go as slow as possible.’
he was shaking now, every part of him was trying not to bust in his jeans. he had you in his hands and he was trying to last as long as possible. everything moved so fast for you. how did you end up underneath eddie munson on a normal thursday night? was this really happening? you moaned loudly as you felt his rough jeans grind against your thin pajama shorts. your moans let him know he was pleasing you just as much as you were pleasing him.
‘yeah baby? am i making you feel good right there?’ he grunted in your ear.
the last ‘y’ in ‘baby’ was dragged out. the way he said it was so attractive. the hand that was once on your throat slowly moved down your center. his hand grazed the waist band of your shorts. you grinded against his palm. your reaction scared him a bit. he really had no idea what he was doing. he smacked your thigh to warn you. he wanted to take this at his own pace. he got an instant reaction from you. you moaned his name.
‘eddie… please, keep doing that… more? it feels s’good.’ you whined.
he huffed and gripped your thigh hard, you winced at the pain knowing you would be sensitive there tomorrow. eddie froze over you with his head down. you began to think you did something wrong.
‘fuck—‘ his whole body shook over you.
‘you made me fucking ruin my jeans, sweetheart.’ he could barely speak.
he lifted himself up, you were still on your back but not for long, he grabbed your waist and flipped you over so you were on your tummy. he was sitting on top of your legs focused on your ass. he took his shirt off as he pulled down your shorts revealing that same simple black thong you wore last week. he growled,
‘jesus. fucking. christ.’
he leaned down and bit your ass. he left big teeth marks and smirked as you tried to pull away from him. smacking your ass and tugging you closer. he sucked deep into your skin. keeping you still. he smacked your ass and kept his mouth on you putting more hickies on you. he kept at it for a few more moments. he gave you everything as much as he thought you could take. your ass was already covered in marks. he was good at that, he thought. leaving marks on you was his specialty. you whimpered. he pulled away. eddie lifted your hips so your ass was in the air and he placed a pillow under your hips so you’d be more comfortable. your face was almost buried in your pillow. he kissed the marks he left on you and softly spoke,
‘you’re okay, baby. i promise. let me show you. ill take good care of you when im through.’
you gave him an assuring moan that he could continue, you couldn't form words. you were so filled with lust and that gave him so much confidence. his cock grew even bigger at the thought of this being the first time anyone has ever touched you. you couldn’t tell, but this was his first time he had every touched anyone too. it was a sweet sediment, sharing his first time with the girl he absolutely adored. how was this real? he thought. he knew it wouldn’t matter, really. he just liked that he was in control and you both would figure it out together. eddie was a perverted son of a bitch, and he enjoyed using you to fulfill his sexual fantasies. his tongue was then buried against the thin black fabric that hid your cunt from him. he thought about ripping them, but decided against his better judgment that it would scare you. he remembered to go slow and steady, just so he could please you.
‘that.. whatever you’re doing feels… s—s-so good, ed’s’ you moaned.
that encouraged him. he got rougher. his hands gripped your hips as you bucked your hot cunt into his mouth. his tongue flicked against your clit and he spat on your pussy, groaning against you. the vibration made you grip the sheets. he kept a slow pace that you loved. you always dreamed of being touched and teased slowly by your lover, and that’s exactly what he was doing. hearing you whimper made his stomach knot up, his cock pulsed against his jeans and he grabbed the thin black fabric and ripped it off of you finding himself lost in his sexual desire. he should’ve known. his better judgment never won the fight against his desire. that’s why he had been watching you for years outside your window. he unbuckled his jeans and pulled out his cock, he grinded just the tip against your cunt, his hips weren’t moving with a rhythm and it was sloppy but he would bump your clit and the feeling was electric. your body trembled under him, he figured you were close. eddie gripped your hips with anticipation. his right hand slapped your soaked cunt.
‘you’re all wet for me. your pussy wants me now baby?’ he questioned.
there was a beat that passed. he slowly leaned over you. pushing his chest against your back. covered in a thin layer of sweat. he groaned in your ear,
‘or have you always wanted me? pretty girl?’
you moaned. your back arched for him. he grabbed your shoulder. rutting his dick between your thighs just enough to kiss your clit with the head of his cock.
‘tell me. please. tell me. tell me you want me. tell me you think of me while your hands between your thighs. tell me.’ eddie begged.
his pathetic little whines filled the room. a bit or insecurity was laced in that statement. eddie was really trying his best to be good for you. you begged while he teased you. he was doing all the right things. saying all the right words. you were a mess. your head was so cloudy. you thought back to how good it felt to touch yourself thinking about eddie protecting you. how did he know? that was your secret. he couldn’t ever make you confess, but your desperate need to be satisfied was growing more than your embarrassment. the begging continued and you called out for him to give you something, you gasped softly,
‘th—thought about it. i thought about you.’ you confessed.
‘oh yeah, pretty girl?’
‘yeah.’ you gasped.
his next words humiliated you.
‘maybe you can elaborate on that for me? what do you think about when you touch yourself?’
he placed the pad of one of his fingers on your clit and moved it in slow antagonizing circles. he applied just enough pressure. it was better than anything you’ve ever done for yourself. you couldn’t bear it anymore and begged him to take you.
‘ah ahh ah, eager. we need to stretch you out a bit.’
he slowly filled you up with his middle finger and you tightened around him. your breathe hitched and you trembled. you were so warm your gut felt like it was on fire. he was so good at that. how was he so good at that? pressure built in your stomach. you became a whining mess for him just after he had barely touched you. you bucked your hips with the rhythm of his palm. edging you to the finish line. eddie breathless spoke. you looked so pretty with his fingers buried inside you.
‘are you close? cum for me. cum.’
he curled his finger upward hitting a spot you had never reached before. you came instantly at his words. his fingers thrusted inside of you, he held you down as you moaned and screamed his name. you were incoherent. it was embarrassing, but eddie was on top of the world. he didn’t expect to have you already screaming and crying underneath him with just his fingers. tears began to form and fall down your cheeks. he didn’t stop. you never told him to stop, so why should he? he wanted to hear more.
‘baby, don't cry... i’ve got you just let it out. let me hear those pretty pretty moans, sweetheart.’ he pleaded.
he needed to stretch you out so he wouldn’t do any serious damage. eddie didn’t have the biggest cock in hawkins, but he was girthy and slightly above average. your cunt gripped onto his finger tightly. he groaned, he couldn’t wait to have your walls swallowing him. he was going to feel every inch of you pussy wrapped around his cock. pushing another finger in, you tightened. he was speechless. the more he stuffed into you the more your cunt clenched for him. he went on a soft spoken tangent as you tried to recover from your first big orgasm.
‘your … so pretty baby. so tight... all for me? can this little hot cunt be my play thing? i know no one’s made you feel this good before huh, pretty girl?’ he whimpered.
he kept slowly moving his middle and now index finger in and out of you, he palmed himself through his jeans. the top of his rings hit the lips of your pussy. he continued this steady pace, but you moaned like someone was fucking you relentlessly. you both were already so fucked out. drunk with each others looks. each others touch, smell, taste, emotions. eddie was forsure in over his head. he reached over you and shoved your head into your pillow. he couldn’t take it anymore he needed you to shut up, stop whining like a dog in heat or he was gonna take you right there, and fast. he needed to pace himself.
he growled in your ear deeply, more serious than before. he lifted your head up against his neck using your hair as a nice grip. he pushed his waist into your ass.
‘you’re gonna have to quiet down if you want me to be nice. those sweet noises you make— makin’ m’loose my mind.’
he gripped your hair tighter as you whimpered again. he praised you even more.
‘your moans are so pretty, baby— i wanna hear more… but you don’t want your neighbors to hear how much of a slut you are, do you?’
he had a point. he wanted you to scream, but maybe if your neighbors heard a commotion. they might tell your parents. but really eddie just needed to pace himself and the sounds leaving your lips was to much. he was already close. again? already? fuck, what a loser. he hated that he had to shut you up.
‘god, never stop making those sweet sounds.’ he whispered to himself.
he wanted to be inside you so he had an excuse for busting early again. he struggled with getting his jeans all the way off. his belt buckle was cold against your thighs as it clang together. he finally ripped them off. his boxes going with them. he hopped off the bed to get the fabric unwrapped from his ankles. he positioned his cock at your entrance from behind. he had wet dreams about this moment. pausing to soak it all in a second longer. he slapped your ass, making sure to rub that one into the skin. it was a loud smacking sound that echoed the room and he knew it hurt you. he hit you so he had the chance to slowly push his thick cock all the way into you without you wincing and running from the pain.
‘fffuck– you’re everything i’ve imagined’
he bottomed out inside of you, and you tightened around him. he was going to be ruthless now. poor boy was already pussy drunk.
‘y-your’re such a slut. teasing me all the time. teasing that fucker steve. you know what you’re doing don’t you? you wanted this d—didn’t y-you? wanted it as b—ba-bad as me? baby. say it.’
it was so hard for eddie not to cum with you wrapped around him. he gasped as you tightened again at his words this time. you loved his dirty words. he wrote his own music so he was very articulate with his speech. he knew just what to say to you. not only did he possess that trait, but it seemed like he never shut up.
‘sweetheart, say you want me.’ he begged.
‘i want you ed’s, please.’
it was the first sentence that had left your mouth in the past half hour. he moved his hips slightly letting you adjust. you gave him the okay as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and he began fucking you hard and slow, he was deep and filled you up so good. you both could’ve sworn this was a perfect fit. he smacked your ass a few more times. he was telling you how good you were doing for him. he bent down at the waist to spit on and claw at your back, leaving even more marks on you. your skin burned when his nails broke your skin. he saw that you were flinching at the pain, but he could tell you liked it. you tightened around him when he scratched you, and eddie being the gentleman that he is, leaned down and kissed the broken flesh. his pace began to quicken but he wasn’t shallow. he kept hitting the perfect spot until you moaned louder and louder. he pulled your head up off of your pillow using your hair and you screamed his name. there was that feeling again. your tummy was hot as he thrusted into you faster. he was relentless. hitting that soft spongey spot deep inside of you and in an instant you were cumming all over his on his cock. the sensation of you pulsing around him made him whine. he cursed hoping that maybe steve heard you, hell he was fine with letting all of hawkins know you were his girl. his release came directly after yours. he couldn’t bear it any longer feeling you get his dick wet pushed him over the edge.
‘shit– baby im c-cumm-c-‘ he moaned.
he couldn’t even say the words. he gripped onto your hips harder than before and dug his nails into your skin, leaving crescent moon shaped marks on your sides. he filled you up till you were dripping with cum. you both rolled over in exhaustion and eddie giggled, he grabbed you and brought you close to his chest. you were still unable to speak, there were no thoughts in your head, and your body twitched as eddie’s soft skin engulfed you.
‘my girl… you’re gonna be mine right?’
he growled in your ear, a husky, possessive, tone left his throat. your eyes rolled back and your eyes closed as he began kissing your neck.
steve walked out of the pool to grab a drink from the cooler. he smiled smugly at a girl that walked by him. his trunks were drenched in chlorinated water and didn’t leave much to the imagination. he was hosting another pool party tonight after he got a call from one of the senior cheerleaders asking what time his party was going to be.
‘party? what party?’
he thought to himself. he still invited people over nonetheless. who was he to turn down some trouble?
he leaned down to grab a drink and a shiver was sent up his spine. he stood up and stiffened.
‘that’s weird.’ he was talking out loud, like always.
he shrugged, shotgunning his beer to impress anyone that might’ve looked his way. he walked back in the direction of the pool before grabbing another drink.  
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we see the two boys sitting in the trailer together again, the memory eddie was sharing with steve is fading out into the present.
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steve was still sitting on eddie’s couch as he listened to eddie talk about your first time together. eddie kept a few things to himself. especially the parts that he thought about steve during sex. harrington didn’t need the ego boost. he was drying his hair after the shower. the remains of water dripped down his stomach and back as the story left his lips. it was so vulgar. steve’s cock twitched at eddie’s words while he stared at the man in front of him. he only had a towel wrapped around his waist and his chest looked colder and pale. his dark inky tattoos contrasted intensely on his pretty pale complexion. eddie’s injuries had been healed almost into complete scars. it was as if he was never attacked by the bats. instead it looked like he was born with some weird birthmarks. eddie pulled on a shirt, breaking steve’s gaze. steve’s face got hot when he realized eddie had caught him staring. blushed at the thought of eddie doing all of these dirty things to you while watching him. it was a lot for him to digest. he loved hearing about the crazy shit eddie was into. it made him curious. maybe steve would like that stuff too if eddie showed him the ropes. steve’s mouth was wide open as he listened to eddie tell him how he used you, again and again. he failed to mention the stalker part. he would soon enough, he had to be able to trust steve.
‘that’s why all those girls called my house, that day, was because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, munson?’ steve chuckled.
‘i mean it was a good white lie! who knew you’d help me get with that whore.’
eddie said pulling on his jeans. steve didn’t like when eddie called you a ‘whore’ or his ‘slut’, but who was he to judge. apparently. you were into that.
eddie was dressed and ready to head to your house, it had been two days without having you by his side, and he was determined to have you back in his arms soon, and maybe even on your knees. it started to rain, the pitter-patter of the drops loud against the tin roof of the trailer. eddie turned and stuck his tongue out at steve. laughing at steve’s confused look on his face. lighting struck and the thunder rumbled in tune with eddie’s laugh. his new pearly white teeth were very visible to steve. his eyes widened as they were fixated on the boys mouth.
‘fangs.’ steve whispered.
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thank you so much for reading! i really want to continue writing this out and seeing where it goes. if you have any opinions or request please share with me and ill be sure to use and save ideas! thank you!
— peace and blessings, kid! 
part three. || masterlist.  || taglist. 
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725 notes · View notes
duffslut · 2 years
Like I would
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Modern Axl Rose x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 882
Requested by: @pari5
Warnings: Smut! Oral Sex, Deepthroat, Dacryphilia. Minors Dni.
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- I don't know what you're talking about. - Axl said, trying once again to end the discussion.
- You do know what I'm talking about! These bitches ain't your fans they wanna take advantage of you! - You spoke already tired of the subject, but decided not to end the discussion until Axl finally accepted that he was wrong, which for him was practically impossible.
Axl finally seemed to have had enough of the argument when he took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, simply walking out of the room.
- Really? How mature of you! - You complained, following him around the house, but you gave up going after him when he walked to one of his cars and drove off, without even saying where he was going.
Hours passed and Axl didn't even bother to show any signs of life, it was getting dark and you couldn't be more bored being at home alone on a Saturday night, then you remembered that Slash was at a hotel near where you and Axl were, and you knew you could always count on him, so you called him and asked him to see a movie with you.
Slash arrived at your hotel door less than an hour later, you and he settled on the couch, Obviously, Slash forced you to let him choose the movie, and as usual, he chose the most bizarre horror movie he could find.
You obviously weren't paying much attention to the movie, your mind was still thinking about Axl and your argument with him.
- I'm serious! He's so... convinced! - You complained to Slash, who had his eyes fixed on yours as you spoke.
- He don't deserve you Y/n. - Slash said. - You know you can have someone way better than Axl. - Slash carefully approached your face as he spoke.
You rolled your eyes and threw your head back.
- Who? - You asked, even though you knew you would never trade Axl for someone else.
- You're an amazing woman, you can have whoever you want. - He said, and you locked in place for a few seconds watching Slash place his hand on your face.
It wasn't news that Slash had a crush on you, of course he was very good looking, but he was also your best friend, and he had a girlfriend, and you a boyfriend.
- You're my best friend, Slash. - You said, and then kissed him on the cheek.
As soon as Slash left your house, you threw yourself on the bed in the bedroom, and Axl appeared at the door minutes later.
- "You're an amazing woman"? Do you think he says that to Meegan too? - Axl asked before walking over to the bed, his face serious and his arms crossed.
- You're back! - You exclaimed, getting on your knees on the bed and wrapping your arms around Axl's neck, kissing his shoulders, and not even paying attention to what Axl said, which meant he had overheard your conversation with Slash. - Jealous? - You asked just to tease him. - Now you know how I feel.
Axl remained silent for a few seconds, you couldn't stand the way he was acting with you anymore, you literally couldn't stand a day without his full attention being focused on you, so you just started doing what you did best, you sat next to him on the bed and laid your hand on his thick thighs, his bright, clear eyes looked into your face as your hand went up until it reached his crotch.
Axl's serious and quiet expression made you believe you could move on, you massaged his dick through his tight jeans until it was hard enough for you to suck it.
You unzipped his pants and his big hard cock popped out, you took a quick look at Axl before getting on all fours on the bed and swallowing his dripping-precum cock.
Axl couldn't contain himself for too much time, he started moaning as soon as you started sucking him, he pulled out some hairs that stuck in your sweaty face and held your head to his body until he decided it was time for you to stop, and when he did, you were already choking with his cock hitting your throat. Shortly after, Axl had already taken control, he fucked your mouth so fast you barely had time to breathe, his dick was deep in your throat the whole time, and you did your best to satisfy him, sticking your tongue out to make it easier for his cock to enter your mouth.
- I bet Slash couldn't fuck you like that could he? - He asked, as your eyes dropped to tears and your lips spurted pre-cum and drool, his hand holding tight in your hair, preventing you from moving.
You shook your head in denial, and coughed in gasp as you felt Axl's hot cum trickle down your throat, you had no choice but to swallow it. You were finally able to breathe again only after Axl came in your mouth, and he looked satisfied as you breathed heavily.
- How do you say? - Axl asked, running his fingers down your face and wiping the tears that had leaked from your eyes.
- I bet he couldn't. - You said, jerking the tip of Axl's cock that there was still some cum. - Thank you.
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foolforharrry · 2 years
Where Were We?
Summary: Harry has been couped up in his office with meetings all day and you're craving attention
Word Count: 1.5k words
Warnings: Smut, oral sex (male receiving), teasing, orgasm denial
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any requests, I'd be more than happy to try and write them
Let me know if you want a part 2
Thank you to @harryistheonlyoneforme for the idea :)
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Harry had been busy with meetings for the past four hours. Holed up in the office with his computer out as he was discussing various topics regarding his new album. Which he still won’t tell you the name of.
The little tease.
You’ve tried busying yourself with scrolling through tiktok. But that gold old pretty fast. Now the laundry is handled and you’ve run out of excuses to peak your head through the open door to get a sneak peak of what your husband is working on.
Harry had woken you up this morning with soft kisses all over your face before telling you that he had a lot of meetings he had to attend for his upcoming album.
Important meetings, he’d said.
After standing in the doorway for about three minutes, Harry finally notices your presence, smiling softly at you before redirecting his attention to the man he is talking to, snaping back in the conversation immediately.
His brown curls are pinned away from his forehead by one of the small clips he is always carrying around with him. His upper body covered in a knitted lilac sweater. But since the only thing in view is pretty much from his chest and up, he didn’t feel it necessary to put on anything other than a pair of black briefs.
His long, tan legs completely bare underneath the desk. His knees pointing outwards from how he is crossing his ankles.
The sight of his tiger tattoo inked across the powerful muscles gives you an idea.
The desk is pretty tall and lucky for you doesn’t have any drawers. So with Harry’s voice in your ears talking about things you don’t really understand, you make you way over to the edge of the desk before you drop to your knees.
You can practically feel Harry’s eyes bore into you when you crawl underneath the furniture. The carpet is definitely going to be uncomfortable against your bare knees, but you couldn’t give five fucks about it as you situate yourself on your knees right in front of him. His lap is at eye level with you.
Harry swallows audibly when you make eye contact with him, making you blink innocently at him.
When you lean the side of your face against the inside of his left thigh, he clears his throat, “I’ll mute myself for a second, mate.” You hear him push a button. Then another. Likely turning off his microphone and camera as you slide your hand from his knee and to the bottom of his briefs, lifting it up before letting it smack back against his thigh.
“Am I interrupting anything, my love?”, you ask. Knowing damn well that you are.
Harry tilts his head back, inhaling a deep, controlled breath before he suddenly grabs your wrist, pushing your hand away from his crotch. “What do you think you’re doing, y/n. I’m in a fucking meeting.” He hisses in an attempt to sound bothered. But the way his pupils are blown to the point where there is hardly any green left in his irises and his briefs are tightening significantly tells you that he is anything but.
Plus. The idea of getting caught has always been a major turn on for the both of you. Whether it’s having sex in the bathroom stall of a packed restaurant or Harry answering the phone and making you hold up a conversation while eating you out like his life depends on it.
“Do you want me to stop?” You kiss the soft skin on the inside of thigh, watching as the wheels turn in his head. “Cause I could get up and wait for you to finish. Or I can make you finish right here. Up to you.”
Harry smirks at you. That devious smirk that means you’re gonna be in big trouble. “You better get started then, princess. I’ve probably only got a couple minutes left before I can find an excuse to hang up.”
“Better get to work then, big boy.” Harry shakes his head at you, bending far enough to press his lips against yours, murmuring ‘I love you’ before straightening up. Without waiting for you to say it back, he clicks the buttons again.
“Sorry about that, Dean. My wife needed help with something. Where were we?”, he speaks effortlessly as he slips back into the conversation.
You give him almost a minute, not moving a muscle as you watch him discuss the track list for his new album. Gesturing with his hands as he talks the same way he always does. But when you do move, palming him over his briefs, you notice how he stops mid-sentence. His eyes flicking down to meet yours momentarily before he is able to collect himself again.
He is already rock hard, his cock straining against the cotton material of his underwear. The thought of you getting him off when one slip up would expose what you two are doing to his colleague had excited him more than you thought it would.
And you can’t lie and say that you’re not throbbing yourself.
“So you’re sure about switching out Sunny Dream for Cinema?”, Dean double checks something they seem to already have discussed. Harry nods, humming in agreement with a sly smile on his face.
He better not be planning some stunt to make you cry like a newborn baby the way he did when he was working on Fine Line.
You tap his hip, tugging on the waistband of his briefs to get him to lift them off the chair so you can get them off him. And he does, trying his best to be discrete about it changing positions entirely. He scoots the chair back just a little bit, folding his arms on his desk as you drag his brief down his legs. His erection hard and red at the tip from the blood flowing through the veins running along the sides of his dick.
You scoot further between his legs as you wrap your hand around his massive dick, barely putting any pressure. Swiping your thumb over his sensitive tip, you use it as lubricant when you start stroking him more firmly.
Harry struggles more and more to stay focused. His face starts to gain a more colour when you go from chaste kisses to the smooth skin on inside of his thigh to leaving small love bites for your eyes only.
With a smug grin on your face you lick a stripe from the base of his shaft, along the velvety skin before swirling your tongue around his tip.
Instead of taking him in your mouth immediately, you decide to tease him some more.
Fondling his balls in your small hands as you press light kiss from the head of his cock and back down the length of him again. You notice how Harry’s hands are starting to get more fidgety until they eventually drift into your hair to pull your head back up. His fingers pull at your hair hard enough for a delicious, sharp sting to travel from your scalp and down your spine.
You comply with what he wants you to do, wrapping your lips around his tip, relaxing your jaw as you slide your mouth further down his shaft.
The effect you have on Harry is making it difficult to not moan out loud, not wanting to make Dean aware of what’s happening just outside of the camera’s view.
Just Harry’s wife with her mouth on his dick. No biggie. No biggie at all.
After working him with your mouth for a couple of minutes, the words they’re speaking not registering in your mind, you pull off him, the string of saliva connecting you breaks after a few seconds.
The muscles in Harry’s thighs twitch as his free hand grabs your jaw to part your lips again, his fingers digging into the hollows of your cheeks.
You take that as a sign that he is starting to get frustrated with your teasing. Which means that he is exactly where you want him to be.
To rile him up even more, you completely retract your touch from his skin. Sitting back on your ankles so you can start crawling from out under the desk without a word.
Harry stops mid conversation, his hard stare burning into the back of your head as you saunter out of his office, making sure to sway your hips for him.
“Do you have everything you need?”, Harry asks Dean, a new sense of urgency in his tone that wasn’t there before.
The second he has the confirmation that he needed, Harry is saying his goodbyes and thank you faster than you’ve ever heard him speak before.
You slam the door shut behind you, your heart suddenly beating faster in your chest as the nerves start settling in. Quick footsteps down the stairs and for the front door, heavier, steady footsteps behind you.
Now why the fuck did you think this was a good idea?
You gasp when you’re being dragged backwards by your wrist. Your back collides with something solid as Harry’s hissing in your ear, “Where the fuck do you think you’re going, darling?”
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karasunotebook · 2 years
It's the Bokutos! (3/4)
warnings: timeskip!haikyuu, cursing, pregnancy, childbirth, eventual smut, not proofread, MDNI
one • two • masterlist • four
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He was true to his words.
Whenever the baby starts crying at night, he’d be the first to volunteer to get up and take care of the child. He doesn’t want you getting up from your sleep especially after going through the traumatic process of the birth. He insisted that you rest up.
After five months, you tell him that you felt recovered. But at this point, he’s gotten used to talking and singing to the baby during those nights.
You woke up late at night once, not because of the baby, but because of an empty bed. Wondering where your husband was, you lazily make your way to the nursery where a soft humming sound was emitting from.
There, you see the familiar owl-hair, but a little more messy, next to a crib.
He sat on the sofa next to it, humming the tune of his favorite lullaby which also happens to be her favorite lullaby.
He had his face resting in his palms, his eyes closed in a peaceful manner. You felt your heart squeeze at the sight.
Walking quietly over to your calm-looking husband, you peek over the crib to watch your baby, who’s peacefully sleeping, mouth slightly parted, reminding you of someone you know.
You chuckle quietly at the cuteness of your baby when that someone’s arms engulf you, bringing you close to a hard chest and sitting on top of his lap.
“Sorry,” he murmurs an apology for leaving you in bed. “She got up a little while ago. I’ve gotten her to calm down.”
You turn around to face your husband. “I can see that.” You boop his nose, like you always do when you sit together like this. “Thank you,” you say, softly, awarding him with a kiss.
“Please, babe. You don’t need to thank me. I love doing this,” he says, but the dark circles under his eyes seem to argue against his statement.
He must be exhausted, you wonder. Your hands cup both his cheeks. “I love you,” you suddenly say. “Your the best husband, best lover, best father. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” Your eyes a bit teary because of how much work he’s doing since getting the child.
Becoming a father has changed him. And even his friends could see that. He was much more responsible, more mature, more careful in everything he does.
Bokuto leans his forehead against yours. “And your the strongest, bestest, beautifulest, prettiest mother slash wife. I love you,” he whispers. You smile as he places a lingering kiss on your cheek. His lips move to your ear. “Why don’t we go back to bed, darling?” He says in a low voice, making sure not to wake the baby.
He had no other intentions than cuddling. But the way he whispered in your ear got you a little fired up.
As he carried you back to the bed, you can’t help but place kisses all over his face, making him chuckle.
“Look at you. Getting all kissy-kissy.” He lays with you, his chest pressing against your back as his arms wrap around your waist. “I love you.”
You couldn’t sleep for some reason. Your mind lingered somewhere else, but you didn’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get his sleep, so you just snuggle against his neck, adjusting yourself, but in doing so cause you to accidentally grind your ass against on his crotch.
Now, the man is fully awake. But he doesn’t do a thing because he doesn’t want to hurt you after all the pain he witnessed you went through during the birth. What he doesn’t understand is that, you wouldn’t mind at this point. And that you practically feel healed ‘down there’.
“Kou,” you breathe, wondering if he’s asleep. He hums in response, his breath tickling your neck. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah.” His hands roam over your silky skin beneath your pajama top, knuckles teasing the underside of your boob.
“Not gonna sleep?” You ask, now turning around. “Aren’t you sleepy?”
“No.” He looks at you, his eyes a darker shade.
You weren’t gonna lie, Koutarou looks kinda hot with this tired look. Scruffed up hair, eyes drooped, and tiny stubble on his chin.
“Are you sure?” you ask, caressing his cheek. And that is enough to make him dive down, his lips molding over yours.
He continues to kiss you, his hands now moving higher to your bare breasts.
“I-is this okay? You’re not hurt?” He asks, hesitating with his movements as he rolls a nipple with his thumb.
You shake your head. “No, love. I’m okay now. Nothing hurts,” you say now breathless, taking his other hand and moving it down below your stomach. “Please, Kou.”
“Are you sure?” he breathes, eyes filled with worry. “We could just—” You grind your pelvis against his, making him groan.
“Touch me now, or never touch me again,” you threaten. Hearing your request, he lets out a hearty chuckle.
“Alright, babe.” With that, he moves a hand to your bottom lips, inserting a finger. “Let me know if you get uncomfortable.” A kiss is placed on your cheek, before dragging his lips down your neck, the same time he pushes a thick finger deep inside you eliciting a moan.
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
“Need a hand?”
This could be Maglias or maybe Wrick?
I went ahead and did both. Smutty snippets beneath the cut!
It had been a long day when he spread out across the sofa. Tension permeated in his shoulders when one large hand drifted to the crotch of black slacks.
Wren was his on his mind, lithe and beautiful. It had been nearly a week since he'd been intimate with either she or Bianca, leaving the criminal lonely and rather insatiable.
Swiftly flicking open the button of his pants, Rick pulled out a half hard erection. The cool air made him grit his teeth, enveloping himself in a warm hand. Head tipping back against the sofa, he felt little moans escape his lips hungrily as the thought of those bright green eyes returned.
She was mesmerizing, his plaything made for corrupting. Though could she be anymore corrupted? That was unlikely considering how much Wren had already been initiated into his dark world. Cock jumping, Rick picked speed as he imagined the woman knelt between his knees, eagerly sucking.
Lost in a lusty stupor, the sound of bare feet on tile was unheard as Wren approached. Wearing nothing but a silk robe, she carefully traipsed down the stairs, observing him quietly.
Continuing to pump, a sharp jaw was ajar as clear blue eyes were glazed over in pleasure. She smirked playfully, excited by the scene unfolding. Climbing down the last few stairs, Wren cleared her throat.
Rick paused, looking up at the intrusion. A sleazy grin split wide lips as he drank her in.
“Need a hand?” it was a shy proposition, accentuated by the fact that a shaking hand nervously clutched at her robe.
"Always..." Rick cooed, reaching to pull her closer. In an instant, the swathe of fabric was being removed from a small form before she was being brought down upon his lap, "Your timing is impeccable."
"Prove it." Wren challenged, enjoying the way one hand wrapped roughly in chestnut waves while his lips assaulted her throat.
Sweet little mewls echoed from the bedroom, sneaking into the cracked door of the bathroom. Elias grinned as he dried himself off, deciding to forgo his pajamas completely. If the hungry sounds in the other room were any indication he wouldn't be wearing them long anyways.
Long fingers combed through damp tresses as he assessed himself briefly in the steamy mirror. Eyes closed for a moment as Maggie moaned again, louder this time. He could only imagine what she was doing to make herself cry out so desperately. She didn't partake in self pleasure often, but made quite the scene when she did.
His cock jumped at all of the possible positions she'd gotten herself into. Was she on all fours, easy for the taking as freckled legs shook? Or was she languidly lounging on her back, spread open for him to enjoy?
"Let's find out." Winking at himself in the mirror, Elias hobbled into the bedroom to get an eyeful. Maggie lay spread across the mattress, wearing one of his flannels. Every button was undone, exposing an ivory chest as several fingers were buried up to the knuckle again and again.
"Oh, Elias..." she sighed, completely unaware that her lover currently stood in the doorway, stroking himself lazily at the sight. Orange curls framed a round face as she shook and twitched.
"Need a hand?" he piped up suddenly, making the woman jump, "Easy. I just got out of the shower. Sounded like you were having a good time on your own."
"I got bored waiting," she shrugged shyly, face a bright red. Knees were splayed awkwardly as she attempted to cover herself. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Not long. But there's no need to cover up, sugar. I've got a bit of a situation myself. Think we might be able to help each other out?"
"Yeah," she nodded excitedly, covering her face with her hands as Elias practically jumped into bed. Wedging himself between her thighs, the two giggled amount before sharing a passionate kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, wild child."
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redheadloverr · 2 years
Xiao waiting for you to finish work
AN: just a cute idea i came up with, sorry if it’s bad this is my first time writing something like this >•<
nsfw warning :)
Xiao x fem!reader
cw: markings, praise kink
Although Xiao may not express his emotions in the same way others do, one of his favorite ways to express his feelings is waiting for you to finish work at home. He sits on your bed as you work at your desk besides your bed, he tends to play with a rubik’s cube or watches what ever is on the tv as he waits for you to finish. Today, however, he was feeling a bit needy and kept playing with strands of your hair or poking your thigh every once in a while. He’s not very fond of physical touch so his actions seem abnormal to you.
“Xiao?” you say as he plays with your hair.
“Hm?” he’s too busy focusing on your hair.
he finally looks at you and you ask him why he’s being so weird
“Weird? How am I being weird?” he asks with a face of confusion
oh how you love his confused expression.
“You’ve been playing with my hair and poking my thigh ever since I got off of work, what’s up with you?”
his confused expression goes away and turns more into an “oh shit have I really been doing that?” expression. Also one of your favorite expressions.
“I didn’t even realize, I’m sorry love I didn’t mean to disturb you.” oh Xiao, he’s always been so sweet and soft towards you. he knows how much you love him calling you love too, it’s almost as he’s saying “sorry but i’m not sorry” that adorable bastard.
You giggle as you go to sit next to him on the bed. “Xiao,” you hold his hand as you lay your head on his shoulder. “why do you always have to be so adorable, makes it hard to put my work above you hun.” your comment makes his cheeks a bit pink. he turns his head and whispers “I don’t mean to be..” but it’s audible enough for you to hear it and giggle at it.
You move your head up off his shoulder which makes him look over to you. you lay down, still sitting next to him. his eyes watch you and he does the same. you moved to lay on your side and you start playing with his hair. you play with his hair a bit longer before moving your hand away. he turns to you.
has his eyes always been that pretty? and has he always been that muscular? it’s almost like all the armor hid his muscles, or maybe you just hadn’t noticed them before. you place your hand on his chest without a second thought. he looks down at your hand then at you. he says nothing but his look alone makes you quickly move your hand and get up. “IM SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO—“ you say as you cover your face, fully red btw, with your hands and legs. “I DIDN’T REALIZE WHAT I WAS DOING IM SO S—“ he moves your hands from you face, that’s when you realized that he was also bright red. “It’s okay, I’m your boyfriend after all.” you look at him, then at his chest, and back up at him. he pulls you in by the waist, lifting your chin and pulling you in for a kiss. damn did you love when he’d get bold and initiate the kiss.
One kiss turns into two, then three, then four and soon enough you guys are forehead to forehead trying to catch your breathes. he moves his head down to your neck leaving kisses until he gets to your collarbone. fuck. if he keeps up with this soon enough you won’t be able to hold back your moans. he continues kissing your collarbone leaving marks, a lot of marks. he moves away from your collarbone, you were practically crying holding back your moans but he only makes it harder for you to hold them back. “Love, were you holding back your adorable voice? That’s not fair now is it.” he’s teasing you, how rude. you get up and sit on his lap, this was your way of getting back at him for teasing you but it only makes things worse for you. you sat directly under this crotch and although the fabric of his pants can cover it a bit, you can still feel the bulge.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck you think to yourself. he goes to kiss you, now you’re definitely fucked. all those moans you had previously held back basically escaped the moment he kissed you. to make the situation worse, Xiao starts undoing your bra as he kissed you, he starts taking off his shirt as well as yours and throwing them on the ground. finally your lips are apart and you guys are both panting. “I love you.” although your boyfriend says it often, something was different this time. this I love you was more sincere, soft, and full of lust. “I love you too.” you reply as you start pulling his pants down. he lifts you off his lap and quickly undresses to only his underwear, you follow him and remove your pants quickly. he sits and basically waits for you to sit on his lap again, and the moment you do he goes straight to your chest leaving more marks all over you. this time, you let your moans out. there was no point in hiding them, he’d force them out of you eventually. you play with his hair as he leaves marks on you, once he’s satisfied with the amount of marks on your body he goes to kiss your lips.
his hands are on your thighs, you can tell he wants to play with you already but he holds back. what a good and obedient boyfriend you have. when you guys finally separate your lips you start to remove your underwear and he just watches as you do it. he blushes and you start to tug on his underwear basically asking him to remove them so he does. you were about to go down on him when he suddenly flips you onto the bed and starts going down on you “X-xiao—“ you start but are interrupted by a moan. you grab onto his hair which is secretly his favorite part of going down on you. you moan more as he continues, when you’re about to reach your limit you start whimpering “x-xiao im s-so close” but before you can reach it he stops and goes to kiss you. his tongue feels amazing no matter what he’s doing. “You’re so wet, love” he teases but your heads all over the place so you don’t even acknowledge that he’s teasing you. “Xiao p-please” you whine as you reach for his cock. “Please let me taste you” you ask but no matter what he responds with you’re still going to do it. he just places his hand behind your head as a response with a soft pant. you start by licking and then soon enough you have his cock stuffed down your throat. “You feel amazing love, keep going.” he praises you. “You’re doing so good, you’re taking me so well love.” he strokes your hair while he praises you. “I’m close” he pants, hearing him like this makes you go crazy.
you quickly stop before he reaches his climax, he continues panting but he brings you in for a kiss. you’re once again on his lap, his cock is right in front of your entrance, if he were to move up even the slightest bit he’d be in you. you both pant before he lays you down. “Xiao..” he looks at you waiting for you to continue. “can i be on top today?” although this isn’t the first time you guys have been intimate, it’ll be the first time you top. he’s as bright as a tomato now but his voice is so steady. “Of course you can.” such simple words yet they make you go wild. you kiss him as a thank you before letting him lay down. you’ve never topped someone so you don’t really know how to properly do it but you’re both each other’s firsts so it doesn’t really matter… right? “Tell me if it’s too much, okay?” there xiao goes being the over protective boyfriend. god. you hate and love it.
“It’ll be fine” you reassure him with a smile before holding his cock in place as you’re about to fit it in yourself. you get the tip in and he already looks like he’s about to come. “Don’t cum yet Xiao, can’t have you giving up on me that quickly” you tease but he’s too focused on you trying to fit him inside of you to care. he places his hands on your thighs as support, you slowly move him deeper and deeper inside you until he’s fully in. damn it hurts, he’s a lot bigger then i remember him being.. maybe it’s the angle. you quietly let out a moan as you start to use his dick. you place your hands on his chest for support as you pick up the pace. the faster you go the louder your moans get. “S-slow down—“ xiao tries telling you but you cant hear him over the sound of your own pleasure. your moans getting louder and louder, he starts moaning too. this feeling is amazing, you keep going faster and faster, your boobs moving so much makes it even harder for xiao to not cum. “Baby p-please slow d-down” he says. “It feels so good Xiao, you feel so good.” you say as you start panting and slowing down.
Xiao’s panting with you. you start moving slow for a bit to reach down and kiss him. “I’m so close” you whisper to him. “Me too. You feel so good, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up” he pants. he looks so helpless, it’s not often you get to see him like this, maybe you should top more often. you start picking up the pace once again but this time you won’t stop. “Let’s come together, Xiao.” He moans in response. his moans only makes you go faster causing you both to moan more and more. “m so close… keep going plea—” he can’t even finish his sentence before he starts cumming. both of you moaning as you cum.
You lay down on top of him and you pant, both of your hearts racing. he strokes your hair and kisses your forehead. “Good job, you did great today.” such simple words yet they make you so warm. “Let’s go get cleaned up, baby.” he says before placing another kiss on your forehead “mkay.” you reply too tired to even move. somehow though he always manages to get you cleaned up and in a new pair of comfortable clothing before letting you rest. he makes sure to keep you warm within his arms all night long as you both sleep. “I love you.”
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chateautae · 4 years
here i come | jjk. (m)
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➵ summary :  tipsy hide-and-seek turns into more when you and jeon jungkook choose the same closet to hide in.
➵ pairing : jungkook x reader
➵ genre :  college!au, smut, pwp
➵ rating : 18+
➵ word count : 3k
➵ warnings : sexual content, teasing, swearing, mentions of alcohol, tipsy but both parties are able to consent, dirty talk, breast fondling, fingering, bigdick!jungkook cause wbk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up lovelies) mentions of oral, slight name kink, begging, creampie
➵ a/n: i’ve always wanted to try this idea with jungkook and i finally have!! he just seems so perfect for this scenario. as always, your comments and feedback are appreciated! enjoy :)
↳ *read the second part!*
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Dammit, you had 30 seconds left and had just made it to the second floor, cheeks flushed from running around and the slight buzz of alcohol making your insides giddy.
Rushing towards the first room that came into sight, you barge in panicked as Taehyung reaches 25 seconds.
You’re welcomed to a bedroom with such a damn open floor concept you’re cursing the architect of this entire fraternity house. There was absolutely no place for you to hide, not even under the bed where its four sides directly met the floor to accommodate for drawers. 
Your eyes dart around the space for almost too long, searching for anywhere to hide once Taehyung shouts 16 from downstairs, sending you into complete over drive. You couldn’t even leave knowing the scarce time you had and virtually no room to abandon your spot. 
You then noticed the relatively small closet, tucked away into the corner of the room and rejoiced with eternal gratitude.
You bolted for the single, measly door and swung it right open, only to land your eyes on a shocked Jeon Jungkook staring back at you like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Jungkook? What are you doing here?!” you hissed in a whisper. 
“I’m hiding. What are you doing here?” Jungkook whispered back, scrutinizing you. 
“I’m trying to hide-” 
“Fuck! Okay I’m sorry, I’ll leave-” you had just began shutting the closet door, almost succeeding until Jungkook stopped you in your tracks and suddenly grabbed you by your waist, pulling you flush against him as his other hand shut the door behind you. 
“What are you-!”
“Shh, you can’t hide anywhere in 8 seconds, and if you’re caught first you’ll have to drink all the jello shots downstairs. You’ll black out.” Jungkook whispered with near concern, doe eyes innocently looking down at you as he spoke.
You then became suddenly aware of just how close you were to him. You could feel the breaths he took against your skin, chests pressing against each other so tight that if Jungkook peered any further than your face he’d undoubtedly be welcomed by your cleavage. 
It was then you registered just how small this closet was. All the clothes behind Jungkook cut off the length by half and other belongings limited the width, leaving just enough space between yourself and the door; that space only existing due to Jungkook clutching you to him.
Your eyes faltered from his gaze realizing the invasion of all personal space, looking at his chest instead to hide your heated cheeks. “But the closet.. it’s too small-”
“Don’t worry, I’d rather have you here than blacked out on the kitchen floor.” Jungkook lightly chuckled and flashed you his pretty smile, the vibration of his laugh running throughout your entire body.
You acquiesced and settled into his hold, swallowing shallowly as you looked anywhere but at him, and he also diverted his vision. Your hands were situated on his firm chest and you couldn’t help but remember how ripped he was underneath. You could feel his arm wrapped around your lower back, hovering just before the curve of your ass as his other held the closet door shut. 
You tried to distract yourself until you suddenly heard the door outside swinging open, someone’s laboured footsteps quickly stalking into the room. 
You panicked and almost exclaimed until Jungkook planted his hand over your mouth, silencing you with a mouthed ‘shh.’
“Man what the fuck, when did you people get good at hiding?!” Taehyung’s loud voice shouted in the room, scared if he actually had half a brain to check the closet. 
“I swear to God if I don’t find anyone in the next 10 minutes, I’m knocking the fuck out!” You could hear Taehyung cursing under his breath as his voice grew quieter, the room’s door slamming shut as his footsteps faded. 
You instantly loosened up, thanking the heavens Taehyung was too drunk to check the only possible hiding place in what you could tell was his own room. 
Jungkook’s hand faltered from your mouth as he seemed relieved too, letting go of your waist. Hating that you oddly missed his hold, you took half a step back before you knocked into the door and felt the doorknob jab you.
“Ouch, this closet is small as fuck, who makes a closet this small?” You complained, pouting and rubbing at the inflicted area.
“It is, I think it’s actually better if I hold you..” Jungkook didn’t even let you protest before he was pulling you in, his arms practically hugging you to him and your hands landed on his taut chest again, peering up at him in surprise. 
“You know, so you don’t hit the door.” 
“Right, the door..” You agreed and broke your gaze with him. A moment of silence passed before he spoke.
“Where’d the knob hit you?”
“The doorknob, where’d it hit you?” Jungkook looked at you considerately, gently sliding his hands up and down your back.
“O-oh. My lower back..” You admitted shyly, feeling your cheeks blushing at his sudden concern.
Jungkook then glided his hands to your lower back, beginning to rub pacifyingly with his deft hands. “Here?”
You barely nodded, mind malfunctioning at the way he was massaging you slowly. He was stroking against the small of your back and you gripped his jacket leaning into him, looking away.
Great, now he was rubbing you with those veiny hands and you couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not to mention the alcohol slightly buzzing in your veins and Jungkook’s cologne flooding your nose so intoxicatingly that electricity shot throughout your body.
You were already pressed so close to him that it made you feel hotter than you should be, the cool leather of his jacket calming your skin and suddenly remembering he has an arm full of tattoos tucked away under his sleeve. 
You’ll be honest, you always found Jungkook attractive. He was gorgeous, no doubt. His doe-eyes, pretty lips, smile that captured anyone’s attention and his innocent, yet sexy charm that reeled any and everyone in. Not to mention his personality, he initially gave off the complete fuckboy vibe, dressed in his combat boots, jackets and even sported tattoos, yet he was sweet, considerate and introverted. 
But even if you found him attractive, you always drilled it into your head Jungkook probably wouldn’t think the same about you. Good-looking people attract good-looking people, they flock together and you found yourself always coming up short when comparing yourself to the line up of people ready to get on their knees for him. 
It essentially made you friendzone him, convincing yourself friends was as far as you’d get and he seemed to treat you the similarly.
But when you could feel your boobs squishing against his rock hard chest, his arms wrapped firmly around you and his breath fanning the top of your head as you leaned into him, you could think of him as anything but a friend. 
Your core was beginning to alight with the constant feeling of his chest breathing against yours, arms snug around you, your face tucked into his neck to avoid eye contact. But you weren’t stupid, even if you couldn’t see his line of sight, you could feel his eyes darting down towards your chest once in awhile, even tensing at your every micro-movement.
“I..um.. I think we should switch positions.” you swallowed dryly, looking off to the side. 
“Uh.. yeah.. good idea.” Jungkook coughed out, loosening his grip. 
He released you and gave you enough to space to turn around, your back now to his chest and Jungkook quickly pulled you in when you nearly bumped into the door again. 
You knew you were tipsy from the result of alcohol, having done a few shots before your friends all stumbled off for hide-and-seek. But what was more intoxicating and had your breath hitching was the way Jungkook slowly ducked his head into your neck, resting it there as his strong arms held you by your waist just around your stomach. His breaths now fanned the exposed skin of your chest, able to hear his every expire crystal clear.  
What made you feel utterly drunk, though, was the lewd way your ass was pressed against Jungkook’s crotch, so close that if you moved any further back, you’d be practically dry humping him. 
Jungkook seemed fairly calm this way, his breathing relaxed until the alcohol in your blood made you want to move. You shifted, your backside rubbing against Jungkook’s crotch area closer than you predicted, and it was your first mistake. 
You instantly heard Jungkook’s breath hitch, his hold tightening for a millisecond before he settled.
Curiosity took over the decision-making part of your brain and you experimentally pushed a little further back, feeling just the slightest bulge of his dick tucked away in his constricting jeans. 
Jungkook immediately breathed out at the contact, his body tensing as he seemed to be holding back. You grew bold and chose to go big or go home, arching yourself further and rolling your ass so promiscuously against him he audibly puffed out air, balling his fists against your body. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m not doing anyth-”
“Don’t lie, stop it or else I won’t be able to hold myself back.” He scolded you darkly. 
You folded your arms as you snapped back, “I’m not even asking you to.” Your cleavage was now making an even larger guest experience, your outfit doing little to conceal and Jungkook was reaching his limit.
He was already trying his damn hardest to not look at your chest when you were pressed against him, and even when he had an all-access view with your back to him, but now? He couldn’t help himself any longer.  
He swallowed hard, using every nerve in his body to ensure he wasn’t getting turned on to suppress a boner from poking your ass. He didn’t want to make you more uncomfortable than you already seemed, but then he thought about it; an uncomfortable person wouldn’t purposefully push their ass into his crotch. He then became hyper aware he was buzzed with your body in his hands, your outfit raking his brain and your ass rubbing against his cock. 
Considering your last remark, he slightly lowered the placement of his arms around you, scaling just a centimeter down your body. He felt your breath hitch a little, hating that his eyes kept naturally falling to the exposed top of your chest as you leveled your breathing. 
He experimentally lowered his hold, resting just on your abdomen and you felt your opening clench, clench. Your gaze wondered down to his arms holding you, eyes landing on his tattooed hand and suddenly pondering what it would look like touching your most intimate parts. 
The thought made you just audibly breathe out a moan, instinctively pushing against Jungkook’s crotch again and feeling his bulge a little more generously.
Jungkook let out a slight curse under his breath, his broad chest rising and falling faster as his hands now rested in between your pelvic bone and your abdomen. Your mind jumped to the possibility he was trying something, your thoughts answered when Jungkook spoke. 
“Y/N... can I?..” He trailed as his fingers inched further down your body sparingly, careful of his movements. 
You immediately nodded and Jungkook’s hand darted down to your core, tentatively making contact with your cunt through your dress and your panties nearly soaked, leaning your head against his chest for reprieve.  
“Fuck..” Jungkook cursed more audibly, feeling drunk off the feeling of your ass on his dick.
Jungkook’s hand began rubbing at your folds slowly, teasingly. His other came up to rightfully fondle one of your breasts, eliciting small moans and groans from your lips it made him clutch you tighter against him.
“Shit, you’re so hot.” Jungkook breathed out. 
With a clear view of your chest as he palmed a tit, Jungkook slid his hand down your leg and hiked your dress up. Finding your panty-clad core, Jungkook pressed his thick fingers against your netherlips and you instantly gushed, aching for his fingers to touch you more intimately. 
You gripped the wrist of his hand that continued to play with your boobs, the feeling of Jungkook’s cock now stuffed between your cheeks and his fingers on your cunt driving your high. 
Jungkook began sliding against your slit, enjoying the feeling of your now wet panties staining his fingers, all telling by the way he breathed hard against you. You moaned out louder at the sensation, desperately wanting him to slide his fingers inside of you. 
“Fuck, the way you say my name..” He breathed shallower as he pushed your underwear aside and found your soaking heat, rubbing circles onto your bare pussy and you exclaimed breathlessly. You nearly leapt back into him, the feeling of his cock maximizing your craving for him to be inside you. 
He began spreading your slick all over yourself, the sliding of his veiny hands making you clench your walls until he suddenly went for your clit. He was playing with it, teasing it, profusely attacking it and it made you lean against his chest in full force, failing to suppress your whimpers.
Jungkook couldn’t hide how hard he was now, surprised at how wet you were when he hadn’t even been inside you. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.” The pet name paired with his deeper voice made your knees weak, grasping onto his jacket to ground yourself.
Jungkook then plunged a finger into your cunt with ease and you groaned out loud, habitually pressing into him again.
“Fuck.. Jungkook..” 
“You like that? Can you take more?” Jungkook’s dark tone rang in your ears and you flashed your vision to the side, his lips just at eye-level and you looked up at him. You nodded as a whimper escaped you, biting your lips as you darted between his mouth and his eyes.
Jungkook took immediate notice and pressed his mouth to yours, shoving a second a finger into you simultaneously. You reacted but Jungkook swallowed all your exclamations, kissing you fervently as his hand worked wonders on your cunt and the other held a handful of your breast.
You began gyrating your hips to every pump of his fingers, craving his touch deeper while moaning into his mouth. Jungkook was losing his mind feeling you grind against him, in desperate need of fucking you right now in this closet.
“Shit, Y/N... I’ve been wanting this to happen for so long.” Jungkook unexpectedly revealed, feeling the reigns on his control snapping. 
“I find you so fucking hot, but you treated me like a friend so I didn’t do anything.”
Jungkook’s tongue poked into your mouth, opening up to welcome him and your tongues entangled passionately, your walls clenching around his fingers. He tasted absolutely divine and you became greedy, wanting more of him after registering his confession. 
“I find you fucking hot too, Jungkook. I just.. thought you wouldn’t want me.” You breathed heavily between deepened kisses, reeling at his fingers beginning to pump you harder, faster, his other hand fiddling with your nipple through your dress. 
“I want you, Y/N, fucking badly.” Jungkook practically growled and you felt your insides stir, sucking more of him in. 
“Jungkook, please..don’t wait.” You didn’t know exactly why you were begging Jungkook, but it seemed natural to beg him; beg him for more, beg him for him.
“You’re dripping. Want another finger? Want me to stretch you out?” Jungkook’s lust-filled voice made you hornier as he pumped you quicker, a little harder, his hand never letting up his unforgiving pace as he begin curling them inside you.
“N-no, Jungkook, fuck me..” Your voice was small and weak, but it was laden with pure desire and the moans leaving you were evident of that.
Jungkook’s eyes instantly blew out, quickening the pace of his hand before speaking.
“I’m big, princess, can you take me?” You could hear the smirk in Jungkook’s voice and knew his dirty talk was revving you up, ready to take anything inside you.
“I can, Jungkook, please.” You whined breathlessly, opening your legs further to feel his fingers deeper.
Jungkook didn’t think twice, pulling his fingers out before turning you around abruptly, forcing you against the door and crashing his lips onto yours fiercely.
He grew rough with his kiss, licking into your mouth as his hands travelled to the hem of your dress and pulled it up, harshly tugging your panties down and you helped them off.
Your arms grappled around his neck naturally, letting your tongue explore his mouth as your fingers inched into his hair. Jungkook momentarily cupped your ass before he slid his hands to the back of your thighs, disconnecting from your lips to breathe, “c’mere.”
You lightly jumped up into his hold as he forced you back up against the door, laving into your mouth as his hand began fumbling with the button of his jeans.
You stopped him, “No, let me do it.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows shot up seeming impressed, watching as your hands unzipped the constricting fabric of his jean and your eyes met his cock protruding from his boxers. You took him in greedily, biting your lip as you jutted out to palm him, wishing you could feel him in your mouth.
“Fuck, I wanna suck you off.”
Jungkook chuckled, “And I wanna eat you out, but I’m not letting anyone walk into this room and stop me from fucking you.” Jungkook brought his hand to yours palming him, guiding you to the band of his boxers.
You immediately dove in and pushed the fabric lower, exposing his dick and running your hand all over him, feeling the veins of his thick cock.
“Fuck, don’t...I’ll blow like that.” Jungkook protested weakly, grabbing your hand and throwing it onto his shoulder as he drew closer, aligning himself with your entrance.
His cock prodded your slit and you both moaned at the sensation, gripping onto him tightly, moving your hips forward for better contact until Jungkook finally pushed against your opening. You felt the delicious pierce of his tip and he sank in, walls sucking him inside of you deliciously.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so fucking tight, shit.” Jungkook leaned his forehead against yours as he watched himself enter you, moaning at the added view of your tits and somehow growing harder. 
You gripped around his neck and moaned against his mouth, adjusting to the invasion of his size which now that he was inside you, was big.
“J-Jungkook, fuck, you’re so big.” You whimpered, entire body alight with flames.
“I told you, princess, but you can take it, take it like a good girl.” Jungkook pressed his lips against yours as he began thrusting softly, feeling your walls flutter open for him and trying his best to contain his load.
Jungkook buried himself to the hilt inside you and kissed your cervix, groaning at the satisfying feeling. He slowly drew out, feeling the drag of his cock stuffed inside your velvet walls and began fucking into you rythmically. 
Every sound you made was audible, but couldn’t be heard as Jungkook swallowed each and every one, his tongue wrestling with yours the faster he fucked you and you could already feel an orgasm approaching from his previous rakings on your pussy.
Your bodies were rutting against one another, yours reacting to his every stroke and it did wonders for your clit, the more he sped up edging you to salvation.
“Fuck, Jungkook, harder.” You begged, your walls clenching around him and savouring the drag of his delectable length, wanting him deeper.
“I will, I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t walk for days.” Jungkook swore breathlessly, thrusting with more precision as he felt your walls pulsing around him. He knew you were close and pressed a hand to your clit, rubbing vigorously as you moaned louder.
He fucked you harder the louder you groaned, snapping purposefully into your gut with a merciless pace. He continued his onslaught, gripping your thigh tighter as you pulled him closer, taking his every thrust as your chest bounced against his.
“Jungkook, I’m gonna-ah! I’m gonna come!”
“Come all over my cock, princess. All over me.” He demanded with growl against your mouth, fucking you faster in response.
Jungkook delivered a perfectly deep thrust and you felt yourself snap, his abuse on your clit driving you over the edge. You released with a mix of curses and Jungkook’s name, riding out your climax with him.
Jungkook slowed down until you relaxed, mindful of your sensitivity and breathing labourly until he picked up again, cum aching his balls as he began pumping into your soaked walls again.
“Shit, Jungkook come inside me, please...” You groaned out trying to coax his orgasm, his delicious cock dragging inside you divine as you began kissing and sucking at his neck.
Jungkook’s moaning heightened at your words and lips, his fingers boring into your flesh as you purposefully clenched around him until his cock finally gave out, releasing inside you. Spurts of his cum painted your walls, the feeling of his seed filling you beyond hot, stuffed, full.
You both breathed against each other’s bodies heavily, coming down from your highs. His cock was still buried inside you, so utterly blissful you were slowly grinding yourself against him again, needy for more.
“That’s it, I’m fucking you on Taehyung’s bed.”
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im-a-gaymess · 3 years
How do I tell him?
Young!Tom Riddle x Male Reader.
7th Year.
Angsty Fluff? Contains suggestive/smut scenes.
Slight mention of violence (Just Tom wanting to punch the stupid out of people).
Summary: You and Tom are in love with each other, always were, though you only realize it after ending a pretty toxic relationship.
Word Count: 1786
A/N: I thought of this while listening to Strawberries & Cigarettes thought I'd share
[1:42 AM]
"Look, I'm not saying that I want their attention 24/7, it's just that, well, they don't ever try to make time for me. Even when I need them, they're never here. But I'm expected to be there for them at all times. I'm just so tired of it. I don't know what to do anymore." You sighed, lowering your head as your eyes wander around the ground.
You've lost sense of time, place even. Only once you stopped to take a breath did you note how late it became. As you raised your head you saw how dark it really was there. The clouds over the stars making their light nearly non existent, and the moon half hidden behind some trees.
And as your eyes travel all over the quiet, dark yet beautiful sky, Tom's attention is strictly fixed on you.
If only you knew how much that man felt at the moment. Really, he was almost overwhelmed with the amount of different emotions.
For one, how badly he wanted to punch your partner for how deeply they hurt you. He knew, from your previous vents, that there was so much more than them just having no time that bothered you. He wanted to make them cry out apologies with regret guilt for how they made you feel.
But also, he couldn't help but feel the need to hold you, keep you close to him, tell you how everything's going to be alright. How all he wants to do is protect you from all of the world's evil, to keep you from anything that could cause you harm.
Without you even noticing, Tom gently put his hand over yours, rubbing circles with his thumb on your hand. How can someone be so,, so endearing,, so loveable and be treated this way? How could someone ever look at him and want to use him? he thought, not brave enough to bring himself to tell you what he truly thinks of you.
"You know you deserve better, right, my love?" he asked, and you, all too familiar with the pet name reply with a little smile. "Would you be surprised if I said yes?" you chuckled, turning to face him, the sight of the boy in front of you making your smile grow a little bigger, causing the other to look at you with loving eyes.
"I still love them, though, I don't even know why, but I do. I still hope they're going to change, even when I know they won't" you continued, a short, awkward laugh leaving your lips.
"Believe me, sweetheart, I know exactly how that feels." he smiled at you, gently stroking your face with his free hand as the two of you continued to talk about everything, and anything, enjoying the company you gave each other.
[Following day, 4:27 PM]
Who knew that drawing in the library's restricted section would be so relaxing? Sketching animals, book covers, objects and even some random fellow housemates. It wasn't so bad, right?
But let's be honest, you were only using it as a means of distraction, trying to get yourself to forget about the fact that you're going to break up with your s/o. You don't even know how Tom managed to convince you.
Of course, it's for the best, you know that. Doesn't change the fact that you feel so damn guilty about it. I mean, why do you even? It's not like they value you, it's not like they won't have other people lined up to take their bullshit right the moment you decide to leave.
Okay, that's it. You're doing it, you're definitely doing it. You mumbled to yourself. After, of course, another art session in your little distraction place.
[5:54 PM]
What's the worst that can happen if I confess? I mean, it's not like the world would end, not like the world would explode and I'd be buried underneath layers of rock and lava.
You had him feeling something he's never even imagined he'd feel; he was nervous. His forehead full of sweat, causing his hair to stick on to him. What are you putting him through?
Friendship...That's all I am to him. I'm just a friend to [Y/N]. He only sees me as a friend. Nothing more than that. Maybe I shouldn't. I probably shouldn't.
[6:11 PM]
To his surprise, Tom heard a knock on his door. He most definitely wasn't in the mood to see, yet even talk to anyone.
"Tommy? My love, are you in there?" You questioned quite loudly, making sure to be heard from across the wall.
That petname, you have no idea what it made him want to do. Did he want to have you underneath him, touch every little bit of your body? Did he want to show you that you're his? Hear you whine and beg for him to kiss you; and so, so much more than you could imagine.
It's not the time to get lost in such sinister thoughts, Tom, he mumbled to himself, finally walking over the room to let you in.
"Hello, darli―" before he could finish, you rushed into his arms. Wrapping your hands around your friend's waist as your head rested under his own. "I missed you all day, dummie" you spoke quietly, finally happy to spend time with him.
He was quite surprised to say the least, you weren't the type to enjoy going for any type of physical affection of any type, unless it was under certain circumstances. Especially the hug being so long.
He wasn't complaining, he adored it, but he couldn't help but worry. Was something wrong? Were you hurt?
"Love, as much as I enjoy moments like this, is there anything you need to tell me? Should I kick anyone's arse?" he raised his brow, looking down at you.
You shook your head, never letting go of the taller man, a smile appearing on your face. How cute he is when he's worried, you thought.
That's pretty much how the rest of the day night went. The two of you in each other's embrace, spending it in utter silence, just glad to be in your own little world together.
You told him, before going back to your dorm, about how you finally broke up with that douchebag, and was your man proud.
The couple next days, weeks even, went by quickly. You and Tom would hang by the library after classes to complete and give help with what the other might have been stuck on.
Tom walks towards you, so dangerously close, you can practically feel his lips on yours. A hand's glued on the wall next to you, right above your head. Your body pressed against a door, his knee right in between your legs, brushing against your crotch. His other hand pulling you closer by your waist, soon planting kisses all over your jaw and neck. You can't help but melt into his touch, his lips- you just want more, more of him.
You gasp, practically jumping up your bed. It was only a dream, wasn't it you thought, sighed in slight disappointment. You wouldn't like to admit it to yourself, but you've been thinking about Tom in a certain way lately.
That only made things worse for you. Because according to you, he would never see you that way. Because the way you saw it, Tom only ever thought of you as a friend.
And so thought he. He was just as disappointed every time he'd dream of the two of you being intimate, romantically, sexually, it didn't matter. He was just as devastated when he woke up. Always went back to sleep hoping those wonderful dreams would go on.
Both of you had a few dreams like those. Some were a whole lot sweeter. Dates together, just the two of you softly making out with the sound of classical music in the background. All of this causing the two of you a bittersweet feeling, thinking that all of this was just hopeless dreams, impossible to come true.
Starry night, you and him, the lake, the full moon shining bright. There's nothing that could ruin this delightful night. It feels like a dream, so much that you even question the reality of what's going on.
"Is this...real?" you ask Tom, not taking your eyes off the sky you so dearly loved. He raised a brow at you, looking at you in a clearly confused expression.
"If it wasn't, we'd be doing more than just stargazing, love" he chuckled, really hoping you'd take it as a joke.
"What would we be doing then, darling?" you question once again, mocking the way he calls you petnames while at it, a visibly evil smile painted on your face.
Tom takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, turning to face his pretty boy. "Do you really want to know, [Y/N]?"
The usage of your name kind of, just a little bit, frightened you. Not in a necessarily bad way, more like in a 'I have no idea what to expect next' way.
"What would you do if I kissed you?" he smirked at you, feeling oddly confident, though your silence and shocked face slowly faded. He was about to mutter apologies 'till you let out a mumble. "I'd like that" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
"What was that, my prince? Would you kindly repeat that for me?" he told you with a straight face, making you wonder if he truly didn't hear you. If only you knew the amount of pride he felt at that moment, barely four words and his mind wandering to so, so many things he knew the both of you would like.
The shade of your cheeks changed a bit, was it from embarrassment? Or from the idea that he may actually like you back. Either way, you did repeat what you had told him, blushing even harder as there was an ever-growing smile on your face.
Soon enough, Tom sat up, leaned against a tree nearby. Motioning on his lap, he asked you to sit there, and happily you did.
You've never seen him smile like that. He looked at you like you're the only person in the world. His hands firmly on your cheeks, slowly pulling you in.
Your arms instinctively went around his neck, tilting your head to the side in order to deepen the kiss.
Once you pulled away to take a breath, his hands rested on your lower waist, his eyes staring at you lovingly as they always did.
"You know I'm no good with words." you looked at him exactly the way he was looking at you; you were truly each other's everything. "I know, my prince" his hand wandered around his loverboy's hair, soon pulling him in yet another kiss.
He knew he loved you, and now he was sure you loved him too. Only thing is, he wasn't sure how to ask you to take over the world with him, but for now, he was happy with what you had, and so were you.
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babyboy-cody · 3 years
Literally your Grayson smut has me GONE 😵‍💫😵‍💫 can I ask for like anything that has to do with Gray fingering reader with his arm across the back of the couch and his lips against your ear with dirty talk???? Love you!
okay you’ve officially KILLED ME 😮‍💨
It had been Kristina and yours idea to have a movie night/fort. While the twins were reluctant, seeing the excitement on their girls’ faces was enough for them to help create the giant fort in the living room. Kristina and Ethan chose their spot on the floor in front of yours and Grayson’s spot on the couch. The four of you had your own assortment of snacks so that there wasn’t the continuous interruption of the movie when one of you needed to get up and get another snack.
The layout of the separate forts were quite simple. For Ethan and Kristina’s fort, couch cushions were placed behind and on either side of them with a large blanket covering the top. The cushions were big enough for them to sit underneath without their heads touching the blanket. Yours and Grayson’s fort had tall cushions on either side with a bigger blanket covering the top, sides, as well as the back of the couch. The lights were all off and the sun had already set - the only source of light being from the huge television hung on the wall above the fireplace.
Halfway through the movie, Grayson had gotten a little bored and started getting distracted by his own thoughts. He subtly turned his head to look down at you, his thoughts suddenly being overcome by you. The soft hues of light coming from the television made you look angelic that it nearly took his breath away. With your beautifully curled eyelashes, the soft slope of your nose, your parted lips as your entire focus was on the movie playing - every single thing about you enticed him. He couldn’t stop himself from lowering his head until his lips were at your ear to huskily whisper, “You’re so pretty.”
Almost immediately, your attention was pulled away from the movie and was focused on the handsome man beside you. You felt your cheeks warm up as your breathing stuttered. “Pay attention to the movie,” you softly whispered and nudged him with your elbow. Grayson loved how shy you got when you were complimented, especially when it came from him. He was obsessed with the effect he had on you.
“How could I when you’re sitting next to me?” He whispered in your ear again, watching closely when you squirmed closer to him. “You don’t understand how hard it is not to fuck you right here.”
You muffled your gasp and looked up at him in shock at how vulgar he was being, especially with company around. He has a smug grin on his face as he licks his lips. Under the blanket splayed across both your laps, he placed his right hand on your inner thigh and slowly spreads them.
“Think you can keep quiet for me, pretty girl?” He huskily asked in your ear, lightly nipping your earlobe and relishing in the way you shivered. You frantically nodded and bit your lip as you gripped the blanket to make sure it doesn’t slide down. There was a lump in your throat and a rush of butterflies in your stomach. It dawned on you that Grayson was seriously going to finger you while Ethan and Kristina were a few feet away.
He applied the slightest pressure against the crotch of your shorts. He rubbed agonizingly slow circles, hard enough for you to feel those sparks of pleasure. Your lips part to let out a choked and soft gasp. Grayson chuckles quietly in your ear before whispering, “That feel good?” And you nod frantically while eagerly spreading your thighs more open. It was embarrassing how desperate you seemed, but every little thing Grayson did always made you desperate. “If I slide my hand down these little shorts, are you gonna be wet for me?”
“M-Maybe..” you let out a shy giggle, barely flinching when a loud explosion erupts from the movie. “Why don’t you see for yourself?”
He immediately slides his large and veiny hand under the waistband of your shorts, pressing his fingers back against the crotch of your panties this time - the fabric so damp and sticking to your dripping pussy. Grayson lets out a muffled groan that he hides in your hair. Somehow, the thought of getting caught didn’t scare you anymore. It just amped up the excitement.
“You’re dripping through these fucking panties,” he huffs a small laugh of disbelief, his hot breath hitting your ear and making you shiver once again. “Take off your shorts.” To your dismay, he pulls his hand out and gets himself comfortable - legs spread, body slouched, left arm never once moving from behind your shoulders on the back of the couch. Hastily pulling off your shorts, you readjusted the blanket until it covered yours and Grayson’s lap, as well as spreading your thighs to its original position. His hand goes right back between them and nestles against your clothed cunt. He can feel the outline of your pussy lips against the thin fabric and the small button of your clit beginning to swell.
Kristina and Ethan suddenly let out boisterous laughter after a particular funny scene, briefly scaring you at the possibility if one or both of them coming out if their fort and catching you and Grayson. His long fingers start rubbing your clit a little faster, now applying harder pressure for you to feel that tingly sensation. You rest your head back on his arm, your hips barely twitching against his hand. He whispers a small “fuck” in your ear, very slowly and finally sliding his hand into your panties to gain perfect access to your bare pussy.
Your brows furrowed and bitten lips parted, your face contorting into one of relief. Grayson couldn’t believe how wet you were until he dipped his fingers down to scoop some of your slick. He can almost here the obscene wet noises of his fingers rubbing all over your click to spread your wetness. You hastily grabbed onto his wide wrist, nails digging into his tanned and hairy skin.
With his lips against your ear, in a husky and gruff voice, he mumbles, “Just lay back and let daddy do what he does best.” Almost instantly, he began rubbing frantic circles on your swollen clit, applying just the right amount of pressure that has your eyes rolling back and pussy clenching around nothing. He’s rubbing you just right - it’s almost too much but not enough. The hood of your clit just barely pulled back until your bundle of nerves was fully exposed. The pads of Grayson’s fingers pressed down against it and it has your stomach bursting with butterflies. More slick pools out of you as you fight back your moans. With one hand around his moving wrist, the other clamps down over your mouth.
“I can’t wait to fuck you nice and hard when this movie ends,” Grayson cockily tells you, pulling away to look at your expression. His pupils have expanded from arousal. He never once let up the speed of his fingers on your inflamed cunt. He rubs much faster and harder, loving how hard it is for you not to let out your pleasure filled squeals and moans. Your hips began bucking more freely against his hand. “You want my fingers inside, pretty girl?”
“Yes yes yes yes,” you quietly babbled incoherently as your clit throbbed erratically, the tingles spreading like a wildfire throughout your lower-half. Your toes curled when Grayson roughly shoves his middle and ring fingers inside your cunt, the burning stretch making your eyes cross as you let out a pretty loud gasp that was thankfully silenced by a couple arguing on the screen. He starts fucking your pussy with his fingers, crooking them and rubbing your g-spot perfectly. The palm of his hand presses and rubs your clit. Both sensations has your mind turning to mush.
“You’re just soaking all over my fingers, aren’t you?” He softly asks in a condescending way. You can now hear the sopping wet noises of his fingers fucking your insides. You didn’t realize how loud it was.
“Yo, can you both stop making out please?” Ethan shouted from his spot in his own fort, immediately making your eyes open and thighs shutting around Grayson’s hand and wrist. “It’s loud as fuck! And gross!”
“My bad, bro,” Grayson lets out a full belly laugh and doesn’t stop the come hither motions of his fingers. He looks down at you with a grin wide enough for you to see the jewel on his canine tooth. He silently raised his brows at you as if challenging you to say something. He pulls his fingers out from your tightening cunt, just as you’re on the cusp of a strong orgasm, and he goes back to rubbing your clit at a fast pace. Your mouth falls open and your head falls back against his arm again. You’re holding onto his arm with both hands now to ground yourself. He leans in close to your face, his floppy hair brushing against your temple. “Are you gonna cum, angel?”
At the sight of your frantic nodding and heavy panting, he rubs faster and harder. And then you felt it. The wave getting higher and higher and higher. Your toes curled as you practically humped his hand like a dog in heat. When that wave finally crashed down, you had to bury your face in Grayson’s neck. He gruffly groans and shoves his middle and ring fingers back inside your pussy, feeling your walls contracting around them to keep your orgasm going. He slows his fingers to a stop before gently rubbing your overstimulated clit with his thumb. When you let out a small whimper against neck, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead and pulls his fingers out of you.
“You still wanna fuck later?” He bluntly asks you, staring at his pruned fingers coated in your cum.
You elbowed him with a quiet laugh. “How could I refuse that offer?”
He side eyes you - a gesture he always does because it makes you blush - and slowly licks his fingers into his mouth, letting out a deep moan only you can hear. Suddenly, the movie pauses and Ethan announced, “I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” You quickly grabbed the couch pillow and held it against your chest to hide your still fast breathing. You always shut your thighs and move them into a criss-cross position, stifling a gasp at the ache in and around your pussy. Grayson licks his lips and subtly wipes his mouth with the back of his wrist just as Ethan stands and looks at you both.
“No more making out!” He points at you both.
You and Grayson look at each other, both of you hiding a smirk before looking at Ethan. When you both nod in agreement, watching as he leaves to the bathroom, you lean over to whisper in Grayson’s ear, “Can I suck your dick?”
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