#always welcome to drop in with a disagreement
randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Yeah both Scully and Mulder suffer their fair share of traumas but the fact that Scully's (the female character) is so heavily focused on her reproductive system is absolutely misogyny, the fact that it's not malicious/intentional doesn't make that not misogyny, it's the nature of the trauma that makes it misogynistic not the amount of it
Agree to disagree, Anon! :DDD
The villains of the show view women as vessels to be hollowed out for their own nefarious purposes, not the writers-- the distinction is important. And the villains overlooked Scully's capabilities and prowess because of this, relegating her to second place after Mulder and his quest-- not the writers. From the very first episode (written by Chris Carter), Scully was given agency and equal footing with Mulder; and that continued through the series despite the executives and other busybodies trying to make Scully walk behind Mulder or do this or that because of societal expectations still lingering in the 90s.
Misogyny specifically is "hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy"; and one could argue Scully's treatment throughout the series might merit that criticism... except the show and its writers stated over and over how wrong, sick, and twisted the villains were for those actions. Moreover, those same villains inflicted trauma and dehumanizing torment on Mulder as well; and his "manhood" didn't prevent him from being used as a pawn in their game as far back as his childhood. It's messed up all around.
Furthermore, I've come across tons of literature and series featuring similar plotlines that were written by women, for women (even in the fringes of this fandom, fics taking place outside of the mytharc storyline.) Is that misogyny or an exploration of the depravity of that cruel and misogynistic mindset perpetuated by evil, twisted men (and women, lest we forget Diana Fowley)?
The problems begin when the writers felt the crunch in S7, trying to think up a way to keep the show going despite all signs leading to a conclusive ending. Thus the pregnancy arc.
Was Scully's pregnancy and motherhood arc inherently out of character? No, I don't believe so-- but as much as it reduced her to a parrot repeating "my baby" every two seconds instead of mothering little William, it also stripped Mulder of any on-screen connection with his son for the majority of S8 and all of S9. Both were robbed-- not because of misogyny (which would have viewed Scully and her personal problems and struggles as lesser than Mulder's) but because BOTH of their personal problems were less important to the writers than the mytharc (well, a few of the writers, anyway.)
It's clunky, lazy writing, that's all. I don't believe the writers have a misogynistic bone in their body; but I do believe that the storylines they pushed through stretched into absurdity because they were not properly set up, paced, fleshed out, or justified. That, however, does not make them misogynistic or bad people.
Those are my thoughts, anyway~. :))))
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hannieehaee · 9 months
i love your writing i always check your page everyday! i was wonder we can get some brat reader x scoups or dk?? like we are messing with him around the members or going out somewhere without their permission? if not i totally understand and will still continue to support your writing! :)
18+ / mdi
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content: jealous!cheol, possessive!cheol, brat!reader, afab reader, established relationship, smut, dry humping, grinding, etc.
wc: 1575
a/n: idk where i was going with this im sorry if it makes no sense T-T thank u for requesting </3
if there was one defining characteristic about your boyfriend, it was his pride.
seungcheol always thought himself to be a capable and dependable man, which were a few of the characteristics he took most pride in. as the leader of his group, he was always meant to take care of his members and provide a solid foundation for his younger brothers to rely on.
similarly to his members, he always took care of you. however, along with that also came his possessive and strict nature.
as a natural leader, seungcheol always expected instruction to be followed. he wasnt a dictator nor unfair by any means, but he expected his authority to be respected. he afforded you the same respect, but he would quickly grow frustrated whenever he felt himself be challenged by you; something that happened quite often.
it was usually just fun banter. he would ask or do something, you'd be a brat and get in the way, and he would then play along until growing too frustrated at your overly playful nature and either whine at you or punish you (it'd depend on his mood, really).
today, this dynamic was presented in the form of you popping in for a quick visit during dance practice. cheol had always told you you were welcome to stop by whenever you wanted, even letting security know that you were to be admitted in upon uttering his name when inquired for the reason of your visit. you didn't visit every day, but you made it a habit of dropping in at least once a week (specially considering your boyfriend worked seven days a week).
upon your arrival, a few of seungcheol's members dropped what they were doing to go say hi to you and engage in conversation. cheol knew them to be overly excited at times, so he always sat back for a minute or two before jumping in on the conversation. today, he did the same, waiting a bit before joining you, jeonghan and mingyu while the rest of the members continued what they'd been doing before your arrival – practicing.
usually you'd interrupt them only for a few minutes, but today was different for some reason.
cheol could read you very easily, and he was suspicions of your smile from the moment you'd walked in. it was the same smile you'd have on your face any time you challenged his patience for fun for seemingly no reason. he grew completely certain that your intent today had been to be a brat when he finally attempted to get the members to settle back down and go back to practice. you'd immediately whined in disagreement, causing the members to join in, now claiming you wanted to go get a quick snack with the members, since apparently, you had been missing them lately. now he not only had to deal with one brat, but with multiple.
"c'mon, cheollie! you guys are all sweaty, i'm sure you've been at this all day. a quick break wont hurt you," you argued, fueled by the nods in agreement coming from his friends.
"baby ... we have a schedule to follow, you know that. you can come back when it's our usual lunch time."
"okay, you don't have to come. i can just go with hannie and gyu."
he knew you were just trying to annoy him. you had at no time mentioned any wish to hang out with his friends prior to this moment.
"yeah, cheollie. we'll keep her company, dont worry."
jeonghan joining in on your brattiness was exactly what cheol needed in this moment. specially as he walked over to cuddle against you as you both smirked at cheol in defiance.
"you coming, gyu?", you looked over at mingyu, who also seemed to grasp seungcheol's annoyed disposition.
"uh, i ... sure, i'll go, i–"
"baby, can i talk to you for a moment?", he was annoyed at your stubbornness, but he still did not wish to blow up in front of all his members, knowing they'd tease him over how easy he was to rile up.
"you can say whatever you wanna say here, right y/nnie? we're all friends here", interrupted the parasite that was his best friend, swaying you back and forth as you giggled at the way he so outwardly defied his friend.
that was enough for cheol. he knew there was no way for you to have planned on having jeonghan copy your brattiness so easily, but he blamed you nonetheless.
with that, he grabbed you by the arm, ripping you away from his friend before storming out with you. he led you to the empty resting room that was connected to the practice room before turning to look at you.
"tired of being a brat yet?"
"hmm," you tapped your chin as if actually thinking it over, "nah."
he walked over to you, making you walk back as your entertained smile remained on your face. he was glad to know you found this all so entertaining; something he voiced to you immediately after.
"i'm sorry, cheollie, you're just so fun to rile up."
"did you want me to put you in your place, baby? got bored of waiting for me back home?", he got closer to you with every passing second, eventually basically pinning you against the wall.
"maybe ... so ... are you gonna?", you grinned at him.
"am i gonna what?"
"gonna put me in my place? here, where they all know what's going on behind this door?"
"oh? you think i wont? you think their presence is gonna deter me from fucking you into whatever piece of furniture is nearest?", his eyes were darker than ever, mouth just inches away from yours. he could feel your goosebumps rising from his close proximity.
"but what about practice, cheollie? i thought you were sooo bus–"
"fuck practice."
only five minutes later and you were already bent over the couch, skirt pushed over to uncover your ass as he ground his clothed crotch against you, stimulating no one but himself.
after having abused your lips with his for a few minutes, he had felt you up in every way you loved, tweaking at your nipples and even rubbing at your cunt through your clothes. he thoroughly made you believe he'd fuck the brattiness out of you, only to then flip you over and bend you to his liking, grinding his hardened cock against your ass while you whined at him to do something more.
"no, baby ... this is all for me. gonna teach you to not be a brat by giving you the barest minimum. want more? then be good next time ... now take what im giving you and be thankful."
"y– yes, cheollie ..."
"god, what a pretty baby ... if only you were just as obedient as you are pretty."
"i am! i'm good, i was just ... just wanted your attention so bad."
"yeah? couldve just told me you needed me, baby. wouldve come home running to you. didnt have to team up with hannie to piss me off."
he angled you a little higher for his cock to finally drag against your cunt rather than your ass, now giving you some friction as you began to push back against him.
"shit, just like that, baby. push it back for me like a good girl."
"didnt– didnt plan it, baby, i swear! i was gonna take you guys out to eat and then steal you away ... didnt know hannie was gonna join in on it ..."
"oh, yeah? you were being good, then? just got corrupted by hannie? hmm. that's too bad, angel. still gotta punish you for that."
"j– just please! dont stop ... feels so good ... cock feels so good against my cunt ..."
he continued to hold you by your hips, almost bruising them by the sheer force in which he forced you to grind back against him. he knew neither yours nor his orgasm would be as satisfying as could be, but he needed to make his point.
accelerating both the speed and strength of his grinding, he found himself almost at his end, deciding to show you some mercy by digging through the front of your skirt and rubbing rapidly at your clit through your panties.
"gonna cum with me, baby? gonna give it to me even if they're listening in on the other side? huh?"
"yes, cheollie! almost there, just– fuck!"
your pretty moans as you lost yourself to the pleasure were enough to get seungcheol to reach his peak too, pushing himself up against you once more as he released inside his pants. he caressed the bare skin of your ass under your skirt as he helped you stand at your full height again, kissing at your hair as he told you what a good girl you were for him, brattiness almost wiped from his mind.
"angel ...", now was time to scold you.
"im sorry, cheollie ... just felt lonely and wanted to come visit you ... i was just gonna steal you away for a bit. forgot hannie has a boner for mischief and would try and make you blow up. sorry, baby."
he couldnt help but chuckle at that. you were bratty, but you were still his obedient girl. all was good in the world.
"c'mon, angel. let me grab some clothes so we can change, yeah? then ill take you home."
"but practic-"
"you were right. i could use a break. let's go."
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Past Lives Pt. 1 - Bucky Barnes.
Time - travel. Angst. Unrequited love. Fluff. Ft. Sam Wilson.
"I think I'm in love with you." Out with it I go. James Buchanan Barnes, the former Winter Soldier, my partner, my teammate, my best friend, stares back at me, unblinking.
You could hear a pin drop fifty miles away if you tried.
I take Bucky's silence as a sign to keep going.
"We've known each other for two years now and, mission to mission, catastrophe after catastrophe, we have had each other's backs," I take a breath. Steady myself.
"It wasn't always easy, and we've had our differences and fair share of disagreements, but there's no one else I want to do this with, Bucky." I sigh, heart frozen in my chest, "You're it for me."
Bucky has the most unique set of eyes I have ever seen. The kind that pulls you in deep, leaves you frozen on the spot and inspires you to quote comically cliche poems at him in hopes of being spared a glance. Truly, Bucky is so beautiful that most days it's hard to look straight at him, but now I choose to face danger head on as I bare my heart out.
Bucky opens his mouth, but it takes him a second to collect himself enough to speak.
"Doll, I…" He's looking away, anywhere but at me, I realize.
My heart clatters inside my ribcage until I'm sure it caught on a fractured bone and exploded.
"Yes?" I say, quiet now, meek. I expected it. After all, Bucky is a go-getter - if he wants a girl, he'll go right after her. I should have known.
I'm so fucking stupid. Always over-estimating my place in other people's lives.
Bucky seems to take in big breath, but I can barely see him. My vision is hazy, blurred. I vaguely sense the burning of my eyes.
"I can't do this, doll," is all he says, "I'm sorry."
How long it takes, for one heart to trust another. How quickly it all shatters, I think.
"I-" Mortifyingly, my lower lip quivers. "Is it me?"
"No! Doll, don't be ridiculous." Bucky corrects quickly, reaching out to caress my cheek with his flesh arm. I realize he must be wiping a stray tear.
"Then why?"
"I'm just - I don't know if I'm ready."
I nod. Try to smile. Step away.
Instinctively, Bucky reaches for me, but his hand falls short at the distance between us and drops to his side instead.
"Are we…going to be okay?" He asks, wincing.
That nails the coffin. I feel my face crumble, so I tilt myself away from the man of my dreams, the man that's breaking my heart. I push through the pain and nod again.
"Dude, yeah, don't even stress it." I whisper, voice hoarse.
Bucky doesn't take the bait, doesn't laugh, just stares at me with big, sad eyes. He reaches a hand out to me again, but I roughly push it out.
"Don't you dare feel bad for me, Barnes. I don't need your pity." I snap, embarrassed.
"Doll, that's not-" he starts, but I cut him off.
"And don't fucking call me that! Don't be so condescending. This whole time I thought there was something here, that I wasn't crazy. You call me sweet names and hold me close after nightmares and look at me the way you do only to not - ." I stop myself, gesturing at the space between us. "If you were just using me for comfort and company, then it's done." I breathe hard.
I know it's not fair to my sweet, gentle Bucky. But laying your heart bare to someone and them pushing it back into your open arms is a different kind of pain. Don't judge until you try it.
Bucky's ocean eyes grow heated. I won't let him speak more, everything's said and done now.
"I'll see you Monday." I say finally, slamming Bucky's apartment door as I leave.
Bucky doesn't call out. Doesn't chase me down the street.
I can't believe I was so fucking stupid. I shake outside of Bucky's apartment complex until I'm sure all the makeup of my face has been wiped clean.
I dial the only other living friend I have left.
"What's up?" Sam's commanding voice is a welcome change from Bucky's soft and apologetic rumble.
I sob into the phone for long enough for Sam to trace my location.
"Oh, kid." He crouches by my slumped form on the floor. "Let's get you up and outta here."
I cling to Cap for dear life.
"He's the only man I've ever loved" I tell Sam, nursing the drink in my hand.
Sam stares at me with the sympathy and understanding he only ever reserves for his family - Sarah, and, more recently, Bucky.
He sighs, grimacing into the distance. I realize how this must look for him: his small team of surviving heroes - falling apart at the seams.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with this." I whisper, suddenly captivated by the bubbles fusing at the bottom of my glass.
"Hey," he says gently, head snapping back to me, "You cut that shit out, right now."
"Yes, sir."
"Smartass. You're my friend - I'll do just about anything to ease the pain you're in right now. Hell, I was just looking for a reason to beat Bucky's cyborg ass."
I snort, barely fighting a smile.
"There she is," Sam teases.
Then his face turns somber.
"Can you still work with the guy?" he asks, leaning in. "This mission we got on Monday, it's tough, Y/n."
I look up but don't respond.
In all my drama I overlooked how deep the lines in Sam's forehead had been etched there for a while. I don't remember the last time he relaxed, or even took a break from being Captain America.
"We need all hands on deck," he insists. "Which is just three pairs of hands but it's still something."
I let myself contemplate for a minute longer despite already knowing the answer.
"Yeah, 'course, Sam. I'll be there."
To say the atmosphere in the room is tense is a grave understatement.
"So, I'll start," says Sam, taking the lead of the mission brief. He eyes Bucky and me with careful measure. Bucky stares straight ahead, and I try similarly to concentrate on the copy of the files printed and carefully laid out in front of me. In the time that it took me to read and re-read my copy, Bucky kept his untouched.
I pretend not to see the deep dark circles that blossomed under his eyes when we exchanged equally cold "good mornings".
"We're time-traveling, now?" I ask, unamused by the idea in light of recent events.
"This is a very high-profile mission," explains Sam, devoid of his warmth from a few nights ago. This was Captain America speaking.
"There's been a breach at the base - some high-tech equipment from Tony's lab has mysteriously disappeared. We have reason to believe that Tony's time machine has been activated last week, sending one or possibly several armed suspects back into the 40s. The mission is to find and bring them back to this timeline, where they will be dealt with by our laws and regulations without causing more trouble."
"What makes you think they're hiding out in the 40s?" Bucky speaks up for what feels like the first time today. I dig my nails into my clothed thigh, trying hard not to think about how deep and smooth Bucky's voice is.
Bucky is figuratively perfect, it's hard to believe that he's walking around like this without a girl on his arm. Or maybe he already has someone - which would justify him turning me down.
I tell myself it would hurt less if he was already taken.
"I'm not actually sure," says Sam. "That kid - Spiderman - or whatever kids like to call themselves these days - pretty much handles all of Stark's leftover equipment and labs. He says that's where they're at." Sam finishes with a shrug.
"So, let me get this straight," I clear my throat. "You want us to undergo this incredibly dangerous mission in completely uncharted territory just because some kid's got a hunch?"
From the corner of my eye, I can almost see Bucky nodding along with my words, equally displeased.
"It's not uncharted - our team has done this before to bring everybody back." argues Sam.
"And how many of them came back?" I snap, remembering red hair. Ballerina slippers. Knowing green eyes.
I feel both men flinch beside me.
"That was different." rumbles Bucky from the far end of the table.
That wound is too fresh, too deep.
"Don't." I retort. "My best friend didn't die just for us to use that goddamn machine like a toy." Of course, we all know who I'm talking about. Plus, Yelena will kick both of their asses if she hears about this, which makes me wonder if that's why she isn't included in this mission.
"Not us," Sam quips.
"What was that?"
"Not "us"," Sam repeats again, voice loud and clear the second time. "Just you."
"Absolutely not." Bucky interrupts, sitting up and fixating Sam with a glare harboring the force of a thousand suns.
Sam ignores Bucky, taking a seat across from me, "I can't go, things are still too tender for me to just disappear for days on end. They'll appoint a new Captain America and storm in to put us all in prison again if they think we're weak," he goes on, taking a gentle hold of my other arm extended across the table.
"Bucky would get recognized by someone within minutes, it's too complicated." Sam continues.
"Sam," Bucky warns from the other end of the room.
"You're our only option." Sam finishes with another sigh. He did that a lot lately, I noted.
"It's not happening. Y/n, tell him you're not going to do it." Bucky's authoritative voice echoes around the conference room. A sense of urgency I can't begin to analyze is there too.
I contemplate.
"Y/N." Bucky speaks again, something that was beginning to get on my nerves.
"How dangerous is this equipment again?" I ask Sam, ignoring the forceful sigh from the other end of the room. I didn't care what Bucky thought about me in that moment. Who was he to choose for me, anyway?
"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't serious." Sam affirms. I know this too, Sam is above all things reliable.
"Well, let's see," I pretend to draw a score board in the air with my finger, "In the event of my death, my family will be heavily compensated. That's one." I shrug.
Bucky's chair scrapes against the floor as he crosses the room to where Sam and I are sitting. "Tell me you're not actually considering this."
Under different circumstances I would have believed that he was pleading.
"I've got nothing to do this week and no one waiting for me at home. Two and three," I drop two more points in the imaginary "pros" side of the board.
"Guess I'm in." I flash Sam my signature grin, one he did not return.
"Y/N, No." Bucky orders.
"No one's talking to you!" I snap, whipping my head around to face him directly for the first time today.
He had let a strong stubble grow over the weekend and now looked disheveled on the whole - I quickly push away thoughts of him waking from nightmares, alone and shivering, too stubborn to call me.
His gorgeous blue eyes widen and freeze over as he takes a step toward me.
"Are you doing this to get back at me?"
"Not everything's about you, Barnes." I say, "Sam, I'm in. Let's fuckin' do this."
Let me know what you think & if you want pt2 with 40s Bucky :)
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marksbear · 1 year
haii !! i really loved the ghost x tattoo artist!m reader you did and i was wondering if you could do one for a nail artist? like the reader has a successful nail salon and the reader loves to practice on ghost's natural nails which results in ghost walking around the base with glittery nails LOL the other guys teases the hell outta him but ghost doesn't gaf bc its makes the reader happy :33
love ur works btw !!
Thank you for loving my works and my tattoo reader fic it means a lot to me! This is such a cute idea and fic!
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-Ghost had to swallow down his pride when you first asked him if you could practice on his nails.
-The more you started to beg he grumbled disagreements until he finally had enough and said “okay fine.”
-Ever since then it has became a regular thing for the two of you.
-Kinda like a bonding and trust experience for the two of you.
-At first he preferred the more dark colors and shorter nails, but as he became more comfortable he warmed up to the longer nails and bright colors.
-Having matching nails almost every week.
-He secretly loved that one time you painted your initials on his nails and you did the same, but with his on your hands.
-He spends a lot of money for your supplies. Buys you the latest kits and everything else you need.
-Stops by at your nail salon a lot. Leaves huge tips without even getting anything. Some of your regulars thinks he’s your sugar daddy from all the stuff he gives you.
-He made himself a cozy little spot next to your desk so he can watch you work and make sure your safe.
-You taught him how to do his own nails.
-There’s moments where he’s alone in the base and he has nothing to do so he digs in his bags and gets out a little nail kit you bought for him and starts to paint his own nails.
-Soap and Gaz almost walked in on him doing it but he hid the stuff so fast.
-He likes to kiss and cuddle you while he waits for his nails to dry.
-For the last night together before he had to go back to the military you paint his nails bright and glittery while he’s asleep and when he wakes up you run for your life.
-Price was the first one to notice the glittery nails on him. Price was welcoming him back sticking his hand out for Ghost to shake. Ghost shakes his hand and walks past not noticing the raised eyebrow that Price had.
-Gaz was next cause in his corner of his eye he saw something glittery and bright so he turns to look and see it was Ghost hands. He turns back around not thinking much of it before whipping his head around back at Ghost with wide eyes.
“Got your nails done?” Gaz asks with a teasing smile.
“Shut up before I kill you.” Simon snaps back.
-And Soap was the one to notice them last. The team were around the round table talking about their newest mission until Soaps eyes lingered around stopping once he saw glitter. He slowly looked up to see who hands they were and his mouth dropped once he was meant with Ghost.
“L.T has glittery nails!” He blurts out in a laugh while Gaz is in the chair next to him dying.
-Even price couldn’t hold back his laughter.
-As the boys laugh their asses off Ghost just roles his eyes and let out a sigh.
-Ever since then the boys have been on Simon’s ass but his nails. Always wanting to see them if he gets them painted something new. It’s like their his biggest supporters and haters in the same time.
Back with the two of you!
-He will paint your own nails if your too tired to do them yourself.
-He will also do your customers while you watch over him helping him if he needs it or messes up but that isn’t often.
-Simon’s in the salon so often people began to think that he worked there. So just for laughs and giggles you gave him a name tag.
-He’s a bit nosy so when a customer is telling you about there life or some drama is going on in their life he’s also listening and reacting in the back.
-People mistake him as a boyfriend that’s waiting patiently for his girlfriends nails to be done but that isn’t the case.
-So he will just straight up and tell him that he’s waiting for his boyfriend to be done with his clients and close shop.
-Once a month you give him long acrylic nails and you give yourself some two and for weeks your just messing and annoying each other for weeks. When he finally had enough he bit off one of them because you had them in his face.
-You got revenge by covering his gun in bright glitter.
So you two are even for now.
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eloisesvalentine · 2 months
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Better Than Any Book
pairing: eloise bridgerton x female! reader
word count: 2558
summary: eloise is jealous of the girl her best friend is secretly seeing until they have a heart-to-heart and feelings are revealed.
on ao3 here!
After Francesca and John’s wedding, Eloise decided to spend the summer with them at John’s estate in Scotland. Nestled amidst rolling hills and serene lochs, the estate provided a tranquil escape from the bustling yet suffocating life she had known. However, Eloise’s departure was clouded by a bitter farewell with her closest and bestest friend.
Your friendship had always been strong, built on trust and shared secrets, including your preference for women—a secret Eloise had vowed to protect to shield you from the Ton’s harsh judgment. Yet, the bond was strained by jealousy and misunderstanding. Just before Eloise left, you both had a heated argument about a woman you had been seeing in secret. Eloise didn’t truly dislike the woman; she was just envious, unable to admit her feelings even to herself. The argument left a lingering bitterness between them, and their parting words were sharp and unresolved.
As Eloise approached your residence, her heart pounded in her chest. The months of silence and the unresolved disagreement hung heavily over her, threatening to turn this reunion into a painfully awkward encounter. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves, and knocked on the door.
The door swung open almost immediately, revealing you in an elegant purple dress, as if you were about to go out. The sight of you, more beautiful than she remembered, made her heart skip a beat.
“H-hello,” Eloise stammered awkwardly, her voice barely above a whisper. She felt a rush of emotions—relief, anxiety, and a glimmer of hope.
“El? You’re back?!” you exclaimed, a broad smile spreading across your face. The disbelief in your eyes was quickly replaced with joy and warmth.
“I’m back,” Eloise confirmed, her timid smile mirroring her relief. Seeing your welcoming reaction eased some of the tension she had been carrying. “May I come in?”
“Of course,” you replied, stepping aside to let her in. “I was about to head out, but that can wait.” Your gesture was accompanied by a reassuring smile, the kind that always made Eloise feel at home.
As she stepped inside, the familiar scent of your home comforted her. She glanced around, taking in the warmly lit living room that held so many memories of shared laughter and deep conversations. You closed the door behind her, and for a moment, the silence between you was filled with unspoken words and lingering emotions.
Eloise hesitated, then looked at you with an unreadable expression. “You’re going out?” she asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Yes, uh, with Elizabeth,” you replied hesitantly, the name hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge. Elizabeth was the same woman Eloise had fought with you about before she left for her summer in Scotland.
Eloise’s heart felt like it dropped at the mention of Elizabeth. She tried to keep her expression neutral, though. “Ah, I see,” she said, struggling to hide the pang of jealousy that surged through her at the mention of the woman’s name.
“Yeah… how was everything? In Scotland?” you asked, eager to change the subject as you sat down on one of the living room couches.
Eloise took a seat across from you, still wrestling with the jealousy that burned inside her. “Oh, it was wonderful,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. “The scenery was breathtaking, and the people were lovely.”
“You’re lucky, El. I wish I could’ve gone with you,” you said wistfully, a hint of longing in your voice.
Eloise’s eyes softened slightly. “I wish you could have, too,” she admitted. “It was beautiful, but I missed having you there to share it with.” She paused, searching for the right words. “I know things were tense when I left. I… I regret how we parted. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, but I didn’t think you would miss me after everything…”
Eloise felt a twinge of guilt at your words. She regretted the argument you both had had before she left, but her jealousy had gotten the better of her. “Of course I missed you,” she said softly. “I was an idiot.”
“I’m glad you agree,” you laughed, a lightness returning to your voice.
Eloise chuckled, feeling the tension between you start to melt away. “I suppose I deserved that,” she said, a small smile forming on her lips.
“How are Frannie and John?” you asked with a small smile, curious about her summer with the newlyweds.
“Oh, they’re great,” Eloise gushed, seizing the chance to steer the conversation to safer ground. “They’re enjoying their married life and are very much in love. I spent most of my time as the third wheel, tagging along on their romantic outings.”
“Then you must’ve desperately missed me and my company, huh?” you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
“More than you know,” Eloise replied with a rueful smile. “It was a lovely time, but I longed for intelligent conversations and witty banter. No one could provide that like you do.”
“Glad to hear you believe me to be intelligent,” you responded with a grin.
Eloise laughed, the sound light and genuine. “Of course I do. You always know how to keep things interesting. Without you, I felt like I was missing a piece of myself. Francesca and John are great, but there’s no substitute for our deep talks and your sharp wit. You’re one of the smartest people I know, I do not know why you do not believe it yourself.”
“You flatter me, El,” you blushed, the warmth in your cheeks matching the softness in your eyes.
“I only speak the truth,” Eloise replied, a soft smile playing on her lips. Hearing the familiar nickname come from your lips specifically, made her heart flutter, bringing back a flood of cherished memories between you two.
“Thank you,” you smiled, the sincerity in your eyes unmistakable. “You’re the most intelligent person I know.”
Eloise’s heart skipped a beat at your words. She knew she might be reading too much into it, but the feeling of being praised by you made her giddy. “Even more than Elizabeth?” she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity, hope and that familiar feeling of jealousy.
You tilted your head with an arched eyebrow. “I take it you still are not fond of her?”
Eloise’s expression soured. “No,” she said bluntly. “I still do not think she is worthy of you.” She crossed her arms defiantly, her jealousy flaring up again.
“Please, I do not wish to argue about her again. I like her, Eloise. She is kind, caring, funny and pretty. She cares for me.”
Eloise felt her heart ache with each word you spoke about Elizabeth. She knew she had no right to feel this way, but she couldn’t help it. “Perhaps she is all those things, but I still do not trust her,” she said, stubbornly clinging to her view of Elizabeth.
You got up from your seat on the couch and stepped towards Eloise, looking down at her. “And why is it that you feel this way?”
Eloise looked up at you, feeling flustered at how close you suddenly were. “I just… I have a feeling that Elizabeth is not as genuine as she appears. I do not trust her to truly care for you. You are naive and too kind for your own good.”
You raised an eyebrow, a hint of challenge in your gaze. “If I’m so naive, do you truly believe I wouldn’t know that there is more to the way you are acting, Eloise?”
Eloise’s eyes widened at your comment, her heart racing. She knew you were aware of her true motives now. “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stammered, averting her gaze, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.
You gently lifted her chin, forcing her to meet your eyes. “Eloise, we’ve been friends for too long for you to hide your feelings from me. I always thought you to be honest, yet right now you are not being honest with me.”
Eloise was torn. She wanted to be honest with you, but admitting the truth would reveal the depth of her feelings. Fear and uncertainty gripped her. “Please don’t do this…” she pleaded softly, her voice trembling.
You sat down next to Eloise, your proximity close enough that she could feel the warmth of your body. “I don’t understand,” you said, your tone gentle yet firm.
Eloise’s heart pounded in her chest, the proximity of your bodies making her feel both nervous and excited. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. “I… I was jealous. I didn’t want to lose you. And I’m sorry but I don’t want you to spend time with her,” she blurted out, unable to keep the truth hidden any longer.
“What?” you asked breathlessly. “You know you’d never lose me, El…. We are best friends.”
“I know,” Eloise said, frustration evident in her voice. “But when you started spending more time with her, it made me realize… I don’t want you to spend time with anyone else. I want all your time to be mine.” Her words dripped with possessiveness and longing, her true feelings laid bare.
“Eloise…” you trailed off, your eyes searching hers. You looked directly into Eloise’s bright blue eyes, a mix of confusion and realization dawning on your face. “What are you implying?”
Eloise swallowed nervously, her heart racing as she met your gaze. She couldn’t back out now. Taking a deep breath, she spoke up, her voice trembling with emotion. “I… I think, no. I know that I’m in love with you. I have been for a long time. I know it’s a sin, us being women, but I cannot help how I feel.”
Your breath hitched in your throat at the revelation, and your hand came up to cup Eloise’s cheek. “Oh, Eloise,” you mumbled, gazing at her lovingly.
Eloise’s heart skipped a beat at your touch, a wave of emotion washing over her. “Please don’t hate me,” she pleaded softly, her eyes searching your face for any sign of rejection.
“I could never hate you, Eloise,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “Because… I love you too.”
Eloise’s eyes widened in surprise and relief, her breath catching in her throat. “W-what?”
“I’ve loved you for so long that I don’t know who I’d be now if I didn’t,” you added in a whisper, your thumb gently grazing Eloise’s cheek. The tenderness in your touch made her heart swell with hope and happiness.
Eloise’s heart nearly leaped out of her chest at your words. “You… you truly love me too?” she whispered in disbelief, her eyes wide with hope and joy. She reached up to cover your hand with her own, holding it against her cheek as if to anchor herself, grounding herself in the reality of the moment.
“Eloise, I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. How did you not ever see it?”
Eloise felt a mixture of surprise and regret wash over her. She had been so focused on hiding her own feelings that she had missed the hints you had given. “I… I don’t know,” she admitted, a touch of shame in her voice. “I was so blind, focusing on everything else but the truth right in front of me. Why did you never tell me?”
Your voice trembled as you responded, the vulnerability raw in your words. “I couldn’t… I did not want to ruin our friendship. I feared the rejection, the possibility of losing you entirely.”
Eloise’s eyes filled with tears, the depth of your emotions breaking her heart and mending it at the same time. “I’m so sorry. I should have seen it. I should have known,” she said, her voice cracking. “But now, knowing that you feel the same, it changes everything.”
You nodded, your own eyes misting with tears.
Eloise’s heart ached at the thought of wasting so much time because they had both been too scared to speak up. “We’ve been so foolish!” she exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face, a mixture of frustration and joy in her voice. “All this time, we could have been together…”
Eloise’s voice trailed off, her mind reeling with the lost moments and missed opportunities. The weight of unspoken feelings and hidden glances felt like a heavy burden now lifted.
You gently took her hands in yours, your eyes locking onto hers with a deep, unwavering intensity. “Let’s not dwell on the past,” you said softly but firmly. “What’s important is the present and the future we can have together. I love you, Eloise Bridgerton, and that is all that matters now.”
“And I love you… I love you more than anything in this world,” Eloise spoke softly, her misty blue eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race.
“Even more than your books?” you teased, a soft smile playing on your lips as you leaned in closer to her.
“Even more than my books,” Eloise affirmed, a grin spreading across her face. “No book could ever compare to you.” She reached up and gently ran her fingers through your hair, the touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Then you must truly love me,” you grinned goofily, trying to lighten the heavy emotion hanging in the air.
Eloise let out a breathless chuckle, her eyes glittering with affection and unshed tears. “I do,” she whispered, her voice trembling with sincerity. “I love you… I am so, so utterly in love with you.” She leaned in closer, your faces now just inches apart.
The world around you seemed to fade away as Eloise’s confession sank in, filling your heart with a warmth you had never known. “Eloise,” you murmured, your voice thick with emotion. “I’ve dreamed of hearing those words from you for so long. I love you more than I can ever express.”
Eloise’s eyes welled up with tears, but she held your gaze. She moved even closer, her breath intermingling with yours. Pressing her forehead against yours, your noses touched lightly as her eyes fluttered shut.
Time seemed to stand still as you savored each other’s presence. Your noses gently brushed against one another, a tender and affectionate touch that conveyed more than words ever could. You could feel the warmth of her breath, the softness of her skin, and the quiet intensity of her heartbeat. Each second stretched into eternity as you cherished the moment.
“Then show me,” Eloise finally whispered, her voice barely audible but carrying the weight of all her hopes and dreams. “Show me how much you love me.”
You tilted your head slightly, and as if drawn by an invisible force, your lips met hers in a sweet, heartfelt kiss. It was a kiss filled with unspoken promises and deep affection, a kiss that spoke of your shared past and the future you dreamed of together. Eloise’s lips were soft and warm, moving gently against yours in a perfect, loving rhythm. The world outside ceased to exist; all that mattered was this moment, this connection, this bond between you two.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other once more. Her eyes fluttered open, sparkling with joy and love. “Now that,” she whispered, her smile positively radiant, “was better than any book.”
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tonight-i-may-see · 5 months
A Drop of Blood (Spencer Reid x Male!Reader)
Chapter 1
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(Note: Welcome to the first chapter of A drop of blood! I've been really excited to finish and post this so I hope you all like it :3)
AO3: x
CW: Descriptions of gore, mentions of addiction, combination of real world and fantasy elements, mdni.
Word count: 2.1k
Dividers by: @cafekitsune x x
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“Four bodies, all male, all drowned and missing their hearts.” 
“That’s a new one.” Derek’s brow furrowed as he looked over the pictures JJ had distributed. Waterlogged corpses with holes just under the ribs, the same on each body. 
“It looks like the hearts were pulled out…” It’s a terrifying thought, but from the silence that falls over the room it would seem Emily was right as she squinted in disgust, suppressing a shudder. “These bodies were found weeks apart, why weren’t we called in sooner?” 
JJ had no answer, neither did Hotch, both just shaking their heads with clear disapproval towards the actions of the coastal town’s sheriff. The silence, however, wasn’t kept for long. “The heart is usually seen as a symbol of emotion- particularly love and affection…the victims all being male means it’s likely the unsub was betrayed by a former love,” Spencer rambled, gesturing at different aspects of the images.
“A woman scorned…” Rossi added, nodding slowly, but a frown of disagreement settled on the younger profiler’s features. 
“Actually, with the strength it would take to drown some of these men, it’s more likely we’re looking for another man.”
This time, Emily disagreed. “Sure, but that doesn’t mean we should completely rule out a woman. I mean, tearing out the heart? You said it yourself, that’s revenge. It’s more common for female killers.” 
The sound of a sudden phone ringtone tore the focus from the group. “Hotchner.” It must be serious, because Hotch stood up quite abruptly, shuffling pictures back into folders. “And he’s alive?” That shook the room, and everyone else followed suit, packing up the papers and getting ready to leave the office. He ended the call with a muttered ‘We’ll be there as soon as possible.’ then turned to the team, “There’s a fifth victim, he’s alive. I want you all ready to go in twenty.” 
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One eighty minute flight later, the jet landed and the team made their way to a small coastal town in New Hampshire. JJ and Rossi went to the beach where the bodies were washing up, Morgan and Prentiss stayed at the station to learn more about the victims, and Hotch and Spencer were taken to the hospital to meet the fifth one…the living one.
The stark white walls and loud machinery in the room were overwhelming to most people, and it’s clear whatever trauma the poor guy had endured was making it much worse for him to listen to. It was almost like he was afraid of it all as they watched him through the window into his room. “He’s pretty much unharmed,” The doctor explained, shaking his head in disbelief. “No water in his lungs and all of his wounds are superficial.” 
“That doesn’t account for his mental state.” Hotch pointed out quietly. It was worrying, seeing a young man seemingly so panicked by his surroundings. “Do we know his name?”
“No…” He’s told with a sigh. “The poor boy is so shaken up he barely understands what I’m sayin’ half the time.” That wasn’t exactly a hard feat, the doctor was an older guy with a voice that would probably be best described as muffled. Spencer was struggling a bit even with an attempt to lip read. 
“Can we speak with him?” Another sigh escaped the doctor. Small town cases always had this, the people (usually men) who just didn’t trust an outside source intruding on their community. Both agents suppressed the urge to roll their eyes, just as their colleagues were likely doing too.
“Try not to stress him out.” He warned as he let them in, guiding them over to the bed where the victim silently stared at them, his eyes wide. “Son, these men are with the FBI, alright? They’re gonna help you out.” And with that, the doctor walked out, clearly having had enough of dealing with his mute patient for the time being.
Hotch spoke first, gently and slow enough that the young man could follow along if things were too overwhelming. “I’m Agent Hotchner…this is Doctor Reid…do you know why you’re here?” 
There was a long pause, and he just stared at the two of them, blinking almost too slowly. Spencer noted that despite being submerged in saltwater less than three hours ago, his eyes weren’t bloodshot. 
“Do you know your name..?” Hotch tried instead, raising an eyebrow. There’s another long silence, but this time the victim hesitantly nodded. “Can you tell us your name, please?” This time he shook his head, and Spencer almost did a double take, his mind going at a million miles a minute to figure out why that was the answer they’d received- perhaps he couldn’t talk, or was deaf, he was staring directly at them when they spoke- or maybe the unsub threatened him, told him he’d hurt him or someone else if he made a sound. 
“What do you want us to call you?” Spencer asked, just in case he was correct to think the latter. The young man looked around the room, still not uttering a single word.
“I’ve been calling him Five.” Hotch tried his hardest not to swing around as soon as he heard that damn doctor’s grating mumble again. He had appeared at the door to listen in on the questioning, folding his arms. Obviously, Hotch wasn’t about to allow that, it was awful to call someone the victim number they were.
“Absolutely not-” 
“...Five.” The strange man repeated, silencing the room. 
Just from that, the two profilers gathered plenty. His voice was raw, potentially from shouting, or potentially from swallowing salt water… and his accent was almost impossible to place. The poor thing had clearly suffered. Hotch wants to refuse again, but this was the first thing he’d said at all if the doctor was to be believed, and maybe he’d share his actual name once he trusted them.
“Five…alright, can you tell us what happened to you?” 
He doesn’t tell them. Mainly because he’s insistent that nothing happened to him, but that was incredibly hard to believe when he legally didn’t exist. No prints on the system, he won’t give them his name- hell, the blood test results came back unreadable. Truly, he was an anomaly, and they couldn’t help the powerful feeling of sympathy that overcame the two of them- it was honestly a little alarming how much they felt the need to protect him.
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“Can I ask why we weren’t called in sooner?” It’s more than obvious that Emily had been waiting to ask the chief of police this since they first shook hands. The chief didn't look her in the eye as he sighed and wiped his face wearily.  
“It happens every year. A couple guys turn up dead when the waters get rough, and then it ends and we move on. Different time every year, but always like that.” He pointed to the photos of the bloated corpses, seemingly unphased by the deep holes in each dead man’s chest. “But it’s never more than three…this is five.”
Hotch looked like he wanted to kill someone, his signature frown paired with slightly wider eyes than usual. “You have a serial killer in your town, and you just left it?” 
“You really think something human did this?” The chief asked, causing the whole team to roll their eyes, this happened in so many small town cases- everyone knew everyone and there couldn’t possibly be a murderer, so it must be some urban legend or myth killing all these people.
Unless there was an outsider.
Derek suggested it first. After reconvening at the police department and hearing Hotch talk about the fifth victim, he only had one thing to ask: “How do we know this guy isn’t our unsub?”
The two that had visited him were taken aback for a moment, normally that was right up there with their first assumptions, but it was like their minds had blanked the moment he’d looked at them. “We don’t.” Hotch said firmly, trying to recover from a pretty embarrassing oversight. 
Spencer, however, still seemed a little iffy on it. “There’s no way he’d be strong enough to do that to those men…he’s innocent.”
Everyone froze, looking at him like he’d grown a second head, that was awfully conclusive for Reid, especially with little to no evidence. “And how do you know that?” Rossi asked, a little unnerved by how out of character that was. He wanted to give Spencer the benefit of the doubt, expecting a long winded ramble proving this fifth…victim’s innocence.
“He…I don’t know. I just have a feeling.” He contested, a small frown of frustration on his face. 
“Well, a feeling won’t find who’s killing these men, so let's get to work.” Hotch instructed, giving the others a look to confirm they’ve also noticed Spencer’s odd behaviour. It was worrying, to say the least, seeing as the last time he was this brash and abrasive he was deep in the throes of addiction.
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Nothing. There was absolutely no evidence on the bodies or information from the victims to prove anything about the unsub. All that they knew so far was that every victim had spent a lot of time at the local beach in the weeks leading up to their deaths. There was no history of abuse or antisocial behaviour from any of them, no one who would want to harm them. Nothing. 
Hotch was beginning to grow frustrated by the end of the day, and decided if he wanted to get more information from ‘Five’, he’d need to go and see him without Spencer. From this point onwards, the younger profiler had been marked as biased, and he wasn’t going to allow him anywhere near the victim if he could help it. 
Once the rest of the team were settled in their hotel rooms for the evening, Hotch took the opportunity to go back to the hospital, finding his way back to the room where Five was being kept. The whole ward had an odd feeling to it that he couldn’t quite place…the nurses seemed like they weren’t all there behind the eyes and Five’s doctor was nowhere to be found. The young man was certainly different than when they had first met- he’d been allowed to put the clothes he’d been found in back on, clothes that gave Hotch more questions than answers. They were old…not vintage, old. A cotton shirt and trousers that looked worn enough to need patches on the knees, the once white fabric covering his torso now yellowing to a beige-brown. The question on his tongue was held in place when Five looked up at him, and he felt his blood run cold. Something was freezing him in place as Five slowly tilted his head, there was a dip in the top of his pupils- just for a moment but he knew what he saw- 
Five didn’t speak. He didn’t have to, he saw the horrified expression on Hotch’s face and slowly reached forward, grasping his hand tightly.
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Reflections, 1987…the book feels heavy in Aaron’s hand as he walks down the hallway, headed to find his friends so they can all laugh at the photos and sign each other's back pages. They’d agreed to meet in one of the empty classrooms, but he couldn’t remember which one, so he hazarded a guess and pushed open the door to what he thought was his friends’ muffled conversation. 
‘Pour, O pour the pirate sherry;
  Fill, O fill the pirate glass;
And, to make us more than merry
  Let the pirate bumper pass.’
A girl stands on one of the tables among the group, the only one not wearing a paper-mache pirate hat, her blonde hair shining in the fluorescent lights. His heart stills a moment, his eyes going wide as he takes a deep breath…that was her. He’d never felt so sure of anything in his whole life- and he sure as hell didn’t believe in fate, but this was something so visceral that he couldn’t question it. He was going to marry her.
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Five yelped and cowered away from Hotch, a look of anger and betrayal in his eyes that was as confusing as it was startling. “What did you do to those men?” Hotch hissed before he could even think about the consequences of an accusation like that. No answer was given, but for a moment he swore he could taste saltwater as he tore his eyes away from the supposedly frail man on the bed. Something was very, very wrong here, and that something had definitely already gotten to Spencer.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: @ralvezfanatic @samsgoddess @pisceslovrr @noelslibrary
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thezombieprostitute · 8 months
Dream Come True - Epilogue
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Summary: The “Garbage Men” are the guys in the mob who get the dirt on others and clean up after the higher ups. They have many different ways of gathering intel by running legitimate businesses. One such business is Jefferson/Jensen’s cyber cafe where you regularly go to work. You’ve actually become good friends with Jefferson’s daughter and Jensen’s niece. You even volunteered as their after-school tutor. One day, there’s a robbery attempt where you get hurt protecting the girls. This is how you are introduced to Curtis Everett, the guy in charge of the “Garbage Men”.
A/N: Reader is plus sized, afab. No other descriptors used.
Warnings: Insecure reader. Smut. Violence referenced but not written.
Part 10
Series Masterlist
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You took another look at yourself in the mirror. You were starting to second guess this lingerie you bought on a whim. You’d just felt so confident in the moment, but now you’re wondering if it was actually a good idea. The past few months with Curtis had done wonders for your self-esteem; the fact that you could even look in the mirror this long was proof of that. It seemed like his desire for you would never fade. You weren’t complaining but it still took some getting used to. 
There were a lot of things to get used to these past few months. Understandably impressed with your work Rogers and Barnes had made sure you were given a place in the Family. Officially you were a HR Consultant, complete with the oversized checks. What that translated to was, every time there was a disagreement within the Family, a roadblock in their internal functioning, you were called in. Barnes reasoned that, if you could get Curtis to do things differently, you could get anyone to do so. There were some chuckles at that, mainly from Mace who continued to rib Curtis about “being right”. The guys would sometimes try to talk you into talking to Curtis for them but you promised to only do that if a conversation was warranted. Hal needing upgraded pool cleaning supplies? Sure. Jake needing upgraded computers for the cybercafe so he could own the leader-boards for his games? No.
Ransom was finally released from the hospital a couple weeks ago. Apparently he didn’t give you up right away and ended up with some scars for his trouble. He was absolutely doted on by a few nurses who were fans of his books so he didn’t complain much. Because everything happened at his home he was allowed to come up with the official story for the police. Sheriff Bodecker reported that Ransom was the victim of a small group of super fans; when he tried to turn them away they attacked him and destroyed his home. 
The door to the apartment opened up and you heard Curtis calling for you. You wrap your robe around you, regretting getting the crotchless lingerie, and step out to welcome him. He wraps you up in his strong arms and covers your face in little kisses. 
“Been such a crappy day,” he grumbles. “So glad I get to come home to you.”
You giggle at the affection before breaking the hug, “come on, I’ve got dinner keeping warm. Just need to dish it up.”
“Mmmm. Smells so good.”
“Are you talking about the dinner or me?”
“Yes,” he smiles.
You gently scoff and playfully slap his chest, “just promise you’ll be honest about the food? It’s a new recipe.”
“Always,” he confirms. “May I ask about the robe?”
“Oh,” you falter, “I was…um…I bought myself a little something, but I’m…I’m not so sure…”
“Can I see?”
You gently chew your lip before looking at him and opening your robe. You think you hear Curtis growl as he takes in the visual of you in the skimpy lingerie. 
“Angel, we’re gonna need to delay dinner.”
“But, I-” you’re cut off by Curtis closing the space between you and kissing you, fully removing your robe before letting his hands wander to all of your favorite spots. You moan as he kisses down your jawline, “bed or couch?” 
Curtis pulls away, “right here.” He drops to his knees and lifts one of your legs over his shoulder before attaching his mouth to your pussy. 
You use his strong shoulders to steady yourself as you enjoy his tongue’s expert movements. You look down and see his eyes are beautifully darkened with lust. You’re a little worried about falling but trust Curtis to catch you. Just like with your life, this position is an adjustment, but damn worth it.
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Part 10
Series Masterlist
Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would. 
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mjoffic · 1 year
red velvet cake - bf!eddie munson x fem!reader x brother!steve harrington
Summary: Your relationship continues to blossom with Eddie, however your older brother Steve isn’t the biggest fan and lines are tested
Warnings: swearing, smoking, tense situations, angst, fight fight fight, let me know if I miss anything!
Word count: 5.3k
a/n: Hey, all! Welcome to my first official post! If you enjoy, please like, reblog, etc! This was just a lil blurb, but I have other things in the works, so I’m hoping this goes well and I can continue to share with you all!
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               “I need you and your big hair to calm down.”
           Your brother looked to you quickly from the bathroom mirror, his face scrunched up at your comment.  “My hair is not big.”
           “You say that and yet you’ve gone through your second can of hair spray this month,” you retorted, grabbing the can quickly in your hand.
           Steve snatched for it but you held it behind you, ceasing any attempt of him grabbing it.  He sighed with a comb still lodged in his brown tuffs and leaned back against the counter.  Another disagreement between the two of you.  Nothing was new seeing as that was the typical way a brother and sister relationship stemmed.  From the time you were born, only a short year after Steve, you were at each other’s throats constantly and could never come to an agreement on anything.  Steve would steal your favorite toy that day from the toybox, so you’d steal the TV remote and sit on it to his disdain when your parents allowed you both to pick the nightly movie after dinner.  You’d spread gossip in the middle school of your older brothers crush on Tammy Thompson (before the singing career), and somehow most girls still believed in cooties, so he’d steal your clothes from your locker before gym class was over.  Today’s topic of conversation once again revisited your current dating life and now you were stealing his most prized possession.  This was the never ending, vicious, and annoying cycle only those who had a sibling could understand at the end of the day.
           “I really don’t see what the big deal is,” you said, crossing your arms.  “Eddie and I have been seeing each other for almost a year now and you still refuse to hang out with him.”
           “Yeah, it’s Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson.  He runs that club Dustin and Mike are in, huge nerd, and he’s in a band that plays at the Hideout” he grumbled.  “Also, he’s way older than you.”
           “He’s twenty, Steve.  It’s not like I’m a kid anymore,” you replied.  “Also, he’s a senior.  I’m a senior.  And Hellfire is actually really cool if you’d take up the invites I’ve extended.”
           Steve shook his head, wagging his finger.  “No, no, you’re a senior.  This is his third time being a senior.”
           “And he’s gonna graduate!  He finally has a C in Mrs. O’Donnell’s!”
           “It’s still weird.  And just because you date him doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
           A groan escaped you and your arms dropped from their defensive position.  “But the least you could do is be civil with him.  I can’t bring him over because you make everything so uncomfortable, and now with Nancy’s party coming I’d just like the two of you to get along for once!”
           Steve looked to you after your minor outburst and his eyes traveled your face.  He couldn’t help but be a little annoyed by you but he hated that in a sense, you were right.  He’d only based his opinions on Eddie off of what he knew from when he went to Hawkins High and what he heard around town.  You’d always dealt with his on and off again flings that never worked out and continued to accept each one as they came through the door so why couldn’t he do the same for you?  It might be the older sibling in him screaming at him to watch out for his baby sister but you were getting older and dating was just naturally right behind.  The thought ran a chill down Steve’s spine.
           “Fine,” he sighed, standing straight.  “I’ll…  I’ll try. Just this once.  But I’m not going to the board game nights, though.”
           You squealed and the jump that came with it shocked your brother.  You could get past his comments this once.  “Thank you, thank you!  Oh, Steve, I could hug you!”  You made a face realizing what just came out of your mouth and you shook your head.  “But I won’t.  Gross.  Here’s your even grosser hairspray, I have to go call Eddie!”
           You shoved the can back in his hand and spun on your heels, now ready to face your boyfriend and his dislike for Steve.  Steve, however, felt a small smile creep up on his face at your antics.  His head snapped up at ‘hairspray’ and he groaned.
           “It’s not just hair spray!” he yelled after you, before looking to himself in the mirror.  “It’s Farrah Fawcett spray.”
                                            ●          ●          ●          ●
             Eddie had come to pick you up for your nightly drive together as soon as you had called, and you couldn’t help the excitement that buzzed in you.  He took note of this and turned down the head pounding sounds of Motley to focus in as soon as you had climbed in the passenger seat.  “What’s got you riled up, sweetheart?  Missed me that much?”
           You smirked, looking to the doe eyed boy. “You’re so full of it, Eds.”
           He tossed his hand to his heart, making those big eyes of his twinkle in the light of the dashboard.  “Only full of my love for you.”
           You couldn’t help the laugh that bustled out and Eddie soon joined in, his hand now grabbing yours in his.  He squeezed gently and you squeezed back, the cold of his rings sending goosebumps up your arm.  “Now come on, spill.  You sounded way too excited on the phone.”
You nodded.  “While yes, I definitely missed you, I talked to Steve today about Nancy’s party.”
           His hand lost a little grip to yours and you looked to him quickly, the smile on his face slowly disappearing and you frowned in response.  “Eddie, it was a good conversation.  He didn’t even say much in the negative category.”
           “Much?” Eddie scoffed.  “So I’m guessing we’re gonna talk about it.”
           “Well, yeah.  I mean, I would just really like you both to get along,” you shrugged.  
           Eddie made a face.
           “For one night.”
           An eyebrow raised as he looked at you.            “For me.”
           That was it.  Right there.  Eddie was caught.  How could he say no to you?  Your relationship had been nothing but perfect, and there was a happy balance of entertaining each others interests.  You’d attend Hellfire meetings with him and watch Corroded Coffin practice, he’d come to your piano recitals and help you finish your notes for book club.  You’d share musical interests with each other and watch every movie under the sun, and you’d both agree Sixteen Candles would never been an option.  His Uncle Wayne had taken an immense liking to you as soon as you and Eddie became friends, he’d even tag along to your piano recitals sometimes when work didn’t have him in a chokehold.  
           “I know you two have never really liked each other, but you’re my boyfriend, he’s my brother.  At the end of the day I don’t want to have to pick between the two of you, and Steve has agreed to set aside all of it for the party.  I just want you to be in the same boat.”
           “Is it just one night?” Eddie questioned, his eyes searching yours.
           “If I can get one night of civil between you two, I can die happy,” you smiled softly.  “And besides, it’ll be fun.  Everyone will be there, the kids, Nancy, Robin, Jonathon, and I’m making your favorite.”
           “Stop,” he gasped, the twinkle coming back and he grinned. “Please tell me it’s your red velvet cake.”
           “With the homemade icing,” you nodded, watching him throw the theatrics back on and he fanned himself.  “Mrs. Wheeler has been asking for the recipe since I made it at Holly’s birthday last year, figured the party would be a good time to make it.”
           “It’s always a good time for anything you cook,” Eddie praised, making you shift in your seat.  “Now I’m really looking forward to this party.”
           “Well,” you sighed, adjusting yourself in your seat and turning your full body towards him.  “I know something that might help the wait.”
           He noticed the change in your tone and his eyes didn’t lose the glimmer, just a different glimmer now displayed and he double checked the gear and threw it in park, having turned into the high school parking lot. “Oh?  Did you make something else for me?”
           “I brought only the best for you,” you smiled, leaning up and across the console separating you.  
           Eddie bit his lower lip and his hand grabbed lightly at your face.  “Show me, princess.”
           Immediately obliging, you pressed your lips to his and he quickly pulled you over the console, resting in his lap.  He seemed to take all of this better than Steve. Maybe the party would work out in your favor, hell, maybe they could even be friends by the end of it? Maybe?  Right?
                                           ●          ●          ●          ●
             “I think it’s nice you’re setting aside your differences for your sister,” Nancy said, pouring a bag of chips into a large serving bowl.  Robin and Steve were helping her with last minute food prep as they awaited everyone to arrive.  Pizza was already there, sodas were in the cooler, Robin even brought movies from Family Video and Steve dug out the old board games your parents had stored away.
           “It’s just for tonight,” Steve retorted, grabbing a Coke and quickly opening it.  He could feel his usual nerves heightened with the agreement between you and him. He’d never admit it, but having his little sister genuinely involved with someone was a huge thing for him (but also it being Eddie didn’t exactly please him either).  “I told her I’d try for tonight.”
           “Why don’t you, I dunno, try everyday?” Robin said, raising an eyebrow.  “You’re missing out on future brother in law bonding time.”
           Steve winced, groaning out and waved his hands. “No, no, no, don’t say that.  You don’t know that.”
           “Ah, but you don’t know either,” the short haired fiend quipped and shrugged.  “Also it wouldn’t kill you to maybe get to know Eddie and form your own opinion. He’s sat with us at lunch a few times, he’s not so bad.”
           Steve looked to Nancy, his face stressed.  “Can you believe this?”
           Nancy pursed her lips, finishing up last touches. “I don’t think it’s honestly a big deal.”
           “What?  You agree?” Steve said.  “You’ve seen Munson and-“
           “And,” Nancy interrupted.  “-nothing.  I don’t have an opinion on Eddie because I don’t know him that well.”
           Robin gestured in support, throwing her arms out in front of her.  “See?”
           “Well he doesn’t make the effort either,” Steve defended.  “So why should I?”
           “One of you has to, or you both have the chance of losing y/n,” Nancy responded, raising her eyebrow at him.  “It takes effort from both of you.”
           The sound of shouting and laughing came from the front room and Nancy looked at him once more.  “Behave.”
           Steve sighed as the kids piled in the kitchen, scurrying over each other and grabbing what their hands could before Nancy shooed them.  “We have more people coming, guys, come on!”
           Jonathon followed in, shouting after Will and Dustin as they brushed past him into the living room.  He smiled kindly to Steve and soon took to the tension that radiated from the older boy.  “You alright?”
           Steve nodded, taking a quick drink of his Coke. “Yeah, just being scolded by women. Again.”
           Jonathon laughed briefly before Steve spoke up once more.  “Is my sister here yet?”
           “Uh, I think her and Eddie weren’t too far down the road,” he replied.  “I passed them on the way here.”
“Good, good,” he nodded. “Great, wonderful, terrific.”
           Steve continued on a tangent of positive words and Jonathon glanced between the two girls, pointing to Steve with an eyebrow raised.  Nancy rolled her eyes and shook her head.  Robin shrugged, sipping exceptionally loud on her drink.  Jonathon made a face at both of them and could only anticipate what to expect going into tonights events.
           The same thought had been crossing Eddie’s mind all day. He knew that despite how he felt, he needed to try his best for you.  That meant setting aside how he felt about your brother, how Steve made him feel all those years in school, every single time Steve laid the ‘freak’ bit on thick – Eddie was preparing himself to leave it all at the door as soon as you arrived to the party.  He could only hope Steve was on the same page and tonight would move rather seamlessly.  If all went according to plan, maybe they could continue hating each other again bright and early tomorrow morning.
           “Whoa!” you yelped, almost bumping into Eddie who had stopped in front of you.  The cake in your hands was fragile cargo and you swerved, saving it from meeting it’s demise with the pavement.  “Jeez, Eds, if you want any of this cake I would appreciate if you kept both feet moving or a heads up would be greatly appreciated.”
           He turned abruptly and made a face, scratching the back of his head.  “Um, yeah, sorry, sweetheart.  Just lost in thought."
           You couldn’t help but smile softly at him.  His nerves were on full display and you knew Steve was most likely in the same boat.  You’d do whatever you could to ease both of the boys tensions, to prevent anything from escalating, and you hoped they both knew you were on their sides and not against them.  It would be beneficial not just for you but the group, too, if there was common ground and structure and not the constant state of tension so thick, of awkward conversations, of debating if it should be both Steve and Eddie invited or one or the other.  Not only was it hard for you, but your friends who were also in the same predicament you were with two of the group members holding it out for one another.
           “It’s gonna be fine, Eds,” you said as you stepped up the small step to the door.  “Deep breaths, like I taught you.”
           He snorted, pushing the door open for you.  “Aye, aye, captain.”
           The eye roll that followed had Eddie pinching at your hips, causing you to yelp and laugh, trying to escape the attack.  “Eddie, stop!  I have a cake in-“
           Your back met with a firm surface and you gasped, hands gripping the dish even tighter.  You wobbled slightly, your feet finding an uneven surface and hands gripped your arms to keep you from tripping even further.  The eyes of Steve looked back at yours when you glanced back and you sighed, standing straighter after regaining your footing.  “I almost dropped the cake, Steve.”
           “Maybe Eddie shouldn’t goof off as much, then,” he stated plainly, removing his hands and making eye contact with Eddie who had set his lips in a fine, tight line at the statement.
           “Come on, Steve,” Nancy quipped, stepping in the room. “He was just being a little silly, that’s all.  Y/n, Eddie, there’s food and drinks in the kitchen!  Come on, I’ll help you get that cake in a safer spot.”
           You smiled to Nancy, looking back at Eddie and raised an eyebrow.  He shook his head and held up his pack of cigarettes, slipping past the three of you and towards the back doors.  A frown soon replaced the former smile and you slipped pass Steve into the kitchen. Nancy gave him a stern look and hustled behind you.  This would be a long night.
                                         ●          ●          ●          ●
             Eddie had rejoined the festivities shortly after his two cigarettes, his nerves only escalating at Steve and his comment.  Right off the bat, he had thought, he just had to jump into an accusatory stance.  He bit his tongue in your defense, but how long could he keep that up?  Jonathon and him had gotten into conversation you had overheard, and watched quietly from a distance.  Nancy and Robin chitchatted next to you, and the kids were already causing Steve’s inner mother to kick in.  Lucas and Mike were tossing a ball back and forth in the living room, Dustin and Will had turned on their favorite radio station and were singing much off tune to Madonna (much to everyone’s surprised enjoyment, even Eddie who only ever consumed that of every heavy 80’s metal or hairband), and Max and El were currently in a contest of who could crush a soda can the fastest: Max against her forehead, or El with her actually head?  Steve was in the current stages of trying to prevent possible brain damage, to both.  Erica was continuously bugging you for a slice of cake, to which you turned her down everytime.
           “Nerd,” she’d grumble.
           “Don’t you agree?” Robin asked, bumping her hip into yours and you quickly looked to her, eyebrows raised.  You waited and she glanced to Nancy, then back.  “Have you really not been listening?  Babes, this is the impending doom of the possibility of not getting new band uniforms.”
           “Oh, no,” you breathed, the end of ‘no’ hitching slightly in question and you couldn’t help the giggle that followed when Robin groaned.  Nancy joined in the laughter and Robin threw her hands up in exasperation.  
           “Fine!  I’ll go complain to Steve!”
           “That might be good, actually,” you suggested, watching Steve stumble by with Dustin on his back and attempting to smack his hands away. “Looks like he could use the help.”
           “Dustin!  Dustin, Steve is not a piñata!” Robin hollered, following after them as you and Nancy watched in amusement.
           “So,” Nancy started in, refilling your cups and returning her gaze to the events taking place in the room next to you.  “They haven’t fought.”
           “Ssh!” you snapped quickly, looking to her.  “Nance, you’ll jinx it!  This is the most I’ve seen them not go at each other, even if they are just keeping to themselves.  It’s a start and I’d like to keep it that way.”
           “How long do you think it’ll keep up, though?” she asked honestly.  When you frowned at her question she set a hand on your arm.  “I want you happy, you’re my friend.  Knowing those two bone heads, though, I just worry they’ll drop the façade when you aren’t looking.”
           Your frown creased even further into your face.  “I don’t know what I’m gonna do, Nance.  It’s my brother and my boyfriend.  I love them both, but I don’t wanna lose either of them.”
           “I know,” Nancy sighed, before perking up.  “What if-“
           “Watch it!” Steve shouted, and all eyes directed into the living room.  
           Eddie dusted Dustin’s shoulders off, before looking to Steve.  “You almost crashed the kid into the bookshelf, man, you should be the one watchin’ it.”
           Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “Like earlier when you nearly pummeled my sister into the ground?”
           “Goddammit, Nancy,” you mumbled before stepping up a ways. “Steve, it was-“
           His eyes cast to you and he scoffed.  “An accident?  Like anytime y’all horse around?”
           “Hey,” Eddie snapped, stepping up to your side. “I’ve never laid a hand on her like that.”
           “Like what?” Steve retorted.
           “You know exactly what you mean,” Eddie said.
           Jonathon stepped up now, followed by Dustin.  “Come on, guys, everyone just caught up in the moment.  Everyone’s good.”
           Steve shook his head.  “I’ll be good when he’s gone.”
           “Steve!” Nancy said, shaking her head.
           “Like hell!” Eddie laughed.  “I was invited!”
           You sat a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, looking to him. “Eddie, calm down.”
           “Fine!  Then I’ll go!” Steve said, and he looked to you.  “Come on, Y/N, we’re leaving.”
           Everyone stared, Robin trying to talk quietly to Steve who was having none of it.  Nancy looked to Jonathon with a worried expression and the kids clamored to the other side of the room, just watching.  You stared at your brother in disbelief and shook your head.  “Steve, we just all need a break, please!  Let’s just all breathe a second!”
           “We can breathe at home.”
           Steve stepped up and grabbed your arm, causing Eddie to grab the other.  You squeaked at the force of the two boys, looking to Nancy with wide eyes.  They had never escalated to protectiveness with you involving each other in the same moment, it had never gotten this heated before and the worry crept in the pit of your stomach, causing bile to slowly rise in the back of your throat.  You swallowed it down, the panic on your face evident and Nancy immediately jumped in.
           “Boys!” Nancy yelled, grabbing onto Steve and Jonathon grabbing Eddie.
           “Come on, guys, this is stupid,” Jonathon added and patted Eddie on his back.
           “She doesn’t wanna go,” Eddie snarled, staring Steve right in the face.
           “I’m her brother, older might I add, so what I say goes,” Steve responded, Nancy tugging on his belt loop.
           “Guys, please stop!” you cried, wiggling in their grips.  “You said you’d try!  Just break it up!”
           Dustin and Max came up, prying the older boys grips and Robin stepped up to pull you aside, her arm slipping around your shoulders. Eddie shook his head, chuckling to himself and turned away from Steve which caused Jonathon to loosen his grip. Nancy kept a petite finger interloped in Steve’s belt loop for safe keeping.  
           “Steve, why don’t we go outside for a minute?”  Nancy mumbled, tugging lightly.
           Steve broke his gaze on Eddie, wiping a hand down his face. He nodded slowly and turned towards her. “Yeah… yeah anything to get away from that freak.”
           The words slipped out without a second thought. Steve froze, as did everyone else, and eyes landed on Eddie.  The panic that set in was worse than the first time and you pulled away from Robin, going to Eddie immediately.  As soon as the words were out, Eddie’s shoulders tightened and his back went straight. Jonathon could see his face and he watched every emotion cross over it – shock, realization, anger, guilt, sadness, absolute rage.  Eddie couldn’t register who was near him and his hearing went into a high frequency pitch.  His eyes darkened and the only thing you felt was the shove, a rush of air, and your back hitting the counter of the island.  “Eddie, no!”
           Eddie swung first.  His fist connected quickly with Steve’s jaw and the elder boy stared stone cold at him as Steve stumbled to the ground.  
           “Shit,” Dustin muttered and everyone was quick in action.
           Steve jumped up from the ground, Will and Mike trying to hold him back while Jonathon and Dustin grabbed for Eddie.  Lucas moved Max and Erica out of the way and Robin and Nancy stepped up to your side.
           “Let me go!” Steve yelled.  “Let me go!”
           “Knock it off!” Mike snapped, stumbling at the tug Steve attempted away from the younger boys.
           “Come on!” Eddie cackled.  “Let pretty boy get a nice swing in!”
           “Don’t push it!” Jonathon snapped.
           “I’m slipping!” Dustin yelled, his palms clammy and his upper arm strength nonexistent in the pull Eddie had.
           “Eddie, Steve, stop!” you shouted.  “Stop right now!”
           “I’ll never understand what my sister sees in you!” Steve shouted, glaring.  “She could do so much better!”
           Eddie scoffed and licked his lips.  “Like I haven’t heard that before!  At least I can land a gal, you strike out on every chance you get!  So much for being the Hawkins King!”
           “Shut up!” you again yelled.  
           “Maybe you should listen to your girlfriend!  She’s clearly got the brains in this relationship!” Steve smirked.  “Third times a charm right?”
           “It’s no wonder she hates being at home!” Eddie started, and you froze.  “I wouldn’t want to be around someone as idiotic, full of themselves, and a kiss ass like you!”
           “Bullshit she doesn’t want to be at home!  It’s better than that trailer trash park you’re in! I’m surprised she hasn’t brought home bed bugs or lice!”
           “Ask her then!  You don’t even try to get to know her anyway, so what does it matter!”
           “I know my sister!”
           “Like hell!”
           Tears began to well in your eyes and you tried your best to swallow them down.  The adrenaline was suffocating, everyone getting their own taste of it.  Dustin’s grip slowly lost and Eddie pulled free the rest of the way, Steve finding his way out from Will and Mike.  Everyone started yelling all at once when the two got ahold of each other, causing mass chaos to ensue.  Fists flying, Eddie landed another blow to Steve’s eye – it would definitely be swollen in the next hour and shut completely by the end of the night.  Steve tumbled around with Eddie, landing two good blows into his ribs causing the metalhead to yell out – they weren’t broken but there would definitely be major bruising and tender for a while.  You attempted your own chance at pulling them apart, but the force of the two sent you stumbling and Nancy shouted, anger setting in for her at the two acting this way in her home.  “Knuckleheads, break it up or I’ll call Hopper!”
           The two continued their dance, nearly tumbling into the three of you and Steve slammed Eddie against the counter top.  Eddie flailed beneath him and Steve sent a blow to his jaw, causing Eddie to yelp in pain.  He glared up at Steve and reached around him for anything that would help him gain some traction.
           His hand landed in something mushy, his fingers feeling a heavy, thick, consistency on them but he went with it.  Eddie grabbed a fist full and landed a blow into Steve’s face, causing him to gasp and lose his hold.  Steve wiped his face, red crumbs and white icing coating his hand. He stared at it before looking up and it was on before you could stop them.  Steve grabbed his own fist full and the two went back to it, cake and icing flying in every which direction.  Food and drinks came with it and everyone yelled as soon, the entire party was coated in carbonation, crumbs of chips, and icing being flung every which direction.  Nancy tried to block herself, screaming out in anger.  Oh, how much trouble she was going to be in for this later.
           You felt the tears brimming, pushing, and soon tumbling over your waterline.  They were heavy, hot, and quickly cascading down your face.  Your chest heaved as you struggled to catch your breath and everything moved in slow motion in front of you.  The cake was destroyed, demolished, gone, as were any chances of your two favorite people reconciling and putting any differences behind them.  There went any chances of family dinners, trips, any chances of enjoying a Corroded Coffin show, any chances of a future that was healthy with either one.  You watched as they continued their antics, neither one of them sparing any glance to check on you, to see your reaction, for any sign or confirmation that you were okay.  In this moment, it was about Steve and Eddie.  It was always about Steve and Eddie.  Reflecting and looking back, even when it was you and only one of them, it turned around to discuss the other.
           Steve always wanted to know what Eddie was doing, who he was hanging out with, where you were going with him, if Eddie was trying to sell you weed, if you two were drinking.  Anything he could get dirt on for your parents.  Eddie always wanted to know what Steve was doing, if he was working, when he was working, and when he’d be home so he could plan exactly to come get you at the worst time just to annoy him.  It was little things, it was spiteful, and the two couldn’t leave high school behind.  Where did you even fit in to the equation?  At that point it’d be better for them to just date each other.
           Making your way to the now empty cake platter, a splash of Coke greeting you in the face on your trek, you grabbed the glass dish firmly in your hands.  The porcelain was completely clean, smooth, no crumbs of what had been.  This is what your life would be now; clean, smooth, no crumbs of what had been.  The surface, slipping back and forth in your hands, would not survive this fight either. Arms raising above your head, you could hear your pulse in your ears, not even the shout from Robin when she saw what you were doing, it was so loud.  Even when you screamed out in frustration, you couldn’t hear how actually loud you were, how it was almost deafening as the realization set over the situation in front of you.  Most everyone covered their ears with their hands, wide eyed and cowering back from what was to come.  With your screaming, you quickly brought the plate crashing down to the kitchen tile and shards of glass went flying.  The small pieces grazed your bare calves, probably not the best time to be wearing shorts.  Steve and Eddie were the two closest to the line of fire, both of them turning away and blocking their faces.  When the glass had calmed, that’s when your screaming did, and the deafening silence that followed felt louder.
           Everyone looked around, food and drink covering every surface in the kitchen and half of the living room.  The glass had spread from the bottom of your feet into the line of the living room, down the tile of the kitchen, and even some had managed to bounce to the countertop.  All eyes slowly landed on you, Eddie and Steve both finally taking in the mass destruction of what they had caused.  Tears continued to stream down your face, mixed with the icing slabbed on your cheek and the stain of Coke all along the collar and upper shoulders of your shirt. Eddie looked to your legs and saw the thin lines of blood from the shards, before meeting your face again.  Steve watched as your shoulders shook from the sobs held in, your face as red as the cake you had made.  
           Oh shit, the cake.
           “Oh, baby,” Eddie started.
           “Kiddo, I-“ Steve added at the same time.
           “No!” you sobbed.  The room grew quiet again.  All eyes were on you.  This was your time.
           “I-“ you started, taking a deep breath to try and align yourself.  “I didn’t want to lose- to lose either of you.  I wanted th-this to work.  Just once!”
           Guilt began creeping over the boys, disappointment settled in Steve’s bones as he knew he let you down, Eddie feeling his own tears start to grow at the state you were in.  They didn’t want this.
           “But now,” you chuckled, causing both boys to go rigid in fear.  “Now I realize you’re losing me.”
           You looked to each of them, a sob tight in your chest and you choked it back.  With shaking hands, you wiped the remaining food from your face, and brushed past the two of them and everyone else.  The sobs finally racked your chest as you quickly made your way out the door, slamming it shut behind you.  
           Steve and Eddie looked around before looking at each other.  They both were fucked up.  And they had fucked up.  Big time.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
What led you to decide conversion to Judaism was "for you"?
I'll preface this post by saying that you are, essentially, asking to open a Pandora's box - this is an inherently huge question to ask, and I only request that you keep this in mind when I talk about this. I'm completely open to this discussion, though! I am absolutely happy to talk about my journey because it is so deeply personal and fulfilling,
I was raised in a Lutheran family - I was baptized, but I was never really... required to go to church. We'd gone before, my dad and I, but I don't remember this because I was young. However, what I do remember is just not believing in any of it. I never truly believed in Jesus, I'd only said I did. Despite having little pressure put on me in a religious aspect, I'd always just assumed that I should please my family. I went to Jesus camp (a moniker for the religious camp I'd gone to a few times), and I went to a handful of confirmation classes. As I understand it, Lutherans practice confirmation in order to educate young adults about the religion, and by the end, the person decides if this is right for them. I dropped out completely, and honestly, it was simply due to "I believe none of this besides g-d."
Once I had consciously admitted to myself that I really could not reconcile my disbelief, I decided to disconnect completely from all forms of xtianity. I mostly kept to myself and didn't even interrogate my feelings about g-d or religion at all.
After a while, I realized that I truly knew nothing else besides xtianity. I always thought it was my duty as a person to learn about others to accept them. I started throwing myself into education about other religions. Now that I think about it, I think part of myself really did want to connect with something that felt right in my soul. For a while, I didn't find that. Once I started learning about what were the true basics of Judaism, I felt a strange and indescribable feeling, really for the first time ever.
My journey into Judaism really began on an intellectual level. I truly jived with what I was learning - I remember one of my big issues with xtianity was the idea of "spreading the Good News," or proselytizing. I think learning that about judaism was what made me realize that there was something out there that I could logically understand. I loved the cultural understanding of disagreement - that you can even disagree with g-d and not be sent to Hell For All Eternity. I loved that observing mitzvot wasn't really a strict dogma. It was a process we all undertake on some level. I'd say that the common attitude held in the xtain spaces I was exposed to all my life (that is - "all of this is strict dogma, and no questions are deemed acceptable.") really made me appreciate the intellectualism that judaism often fulfills. By nature, I want to disagree with others, explain, agree, and ultimately learn, and I loved the culture of education.
I'd say much of the emotional attachment I now have to judaism came later. There is only so much you can appreciate about judaism from the sidelines, and once I got involved in my community, I truly learned this. Much of my love for judaism is simple - it's everyday life, really.
I think what made me decide so soon that judaism was right is because I am trans. I am no stranger to this feeling, I just had never felt it about religion. It's a deep, soul-level understanding of belonging. It's a feeling you can never do justice to through word alone. I've felt this before, and I know this is a feeling that I cannot simply ignore. It's something you can only grab hold of and never let go. It is a primal understanding within your entire being - at least it is for me.
Because of this, there is so much that I have not touched upon here, but I think I've been rambling for long enough. Again, I welcome any and (almost) all questions that may be remaining. So much of my decision about judaism came down to exposing myself to conversion stories and thoughts about judaism from jews, and if there is a chance I might be even a little like that, I will always welcome it!
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
‘I Want Him’ 
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x pre-established relationship reader - callsign ‘Angel’
Summary: After saving an orphaned baby from a hostage situation, you realize how much of your heart had fallen in love with him. You really want to keep him as your own, but what will Ghost say?
Warnings: mentions of hostage situations, mentions of horrible past, an argument between Ghost and Reader ‘Angel’, FLUFF in the end!
5 weeks had passed ever sense the 141 Task Force had emerged into a mission and came out successful. Laswell had sent them to rescue hostages that were being kept hidden by the Cartels. Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley and his partner Y/n ‘Angel’ Y/l/n were the first to run inside the abandoned building, they had been tight partners for the past 2 years, and did everything together, one another’s shadow. Though the pair weren’t married or gave their ‘relationship’ a name, everyone knew that they were for one another and no one else, their actions towards each other spoke enough about the untold and undeniable love they had. Simon always made sure Angel was in sight, not because he didn’t trust her (for he trusted her wholly and had told and showed her many things he had never done with another soul) but he didn’t trust the world that revolved around her. Angel was a gentle person at heart, and still had a lot of good in her, and Simon feared that the dark world that couldn’t penetrate her light, might want to take it instead. He was the one that chose to shield her burning light, as she warmed and brightened up his cold and dark heart. But though they loved each other and respected one another’s wishes, sometimes they had their disagreements, like when Simon had seen Angel grow close to a baby boy they had rescued along with the other hostages, he didn’t like that. Not because he didn’t like seeing Angel happy, cause boy you better believe that he lived off her smile and rare giggles, but he thought that keeping the little baby wouldn’t be a good idea, concerning the lives they lived. The little baby named Noah was the only one left behind, for no one claimed him as their own, hence leaving him to stay with the 141 Task Force until someone could pick him up. And it had been 5 weeks and still no one got him, but Angel was the first to welcome Noah and get him used to be around all the men that were rowdy and loud, she always fed him and kept him company. But Simon didn’t like how much she enjoyed being with Noah, he could already imagine the never ending fountain of tears she’d cry when Noah had to go. And the last thing he hated seeing on Angel, was blood and tears. So right now little Noah was laying asleep in a quiet room, while Simon and Angel argued with one another after he caught her for the 6th time in the day carrying him and playing with him, after Simon warned her to stop because he didn’t want the baby to grow close to her, and her to him. 
 Angel held onto Noah’s blue baby blanket as she sat on the floor surrounded by handmade puppets she created out of Simon’s socks, crying as Simon explained to her for the 100th time it seemed,
  “Angel, love.. I told you I didn’t want you with him, he’s fine on his own, alone. Yet here you are making a mess for him.”
  Angel picked up the puppets as she sniffed,
  “I wasn’t making a mess, I was trying to make him happy-“
 “But that’s not your job, you’re job is to be looking for a family-“
  Standing up abruptly with a growing anger Angel shouted,
 “And I’ve done everything I can!!”
Simon bit back how he wanted to yell back at her, but he knew it wouldn’t make the situation better, so instead he calmly said,
 “I don’t think so Angel... its been 5 weeks-“
Angel huffed,
 “5 weeks of looking and I haven’t found a home for him-“
 Simon ended her rant when he asked a serious question, knowing Angel’s answer damn well,
 “Because you want to keep him right?”
 Angel’s face dropped, she was caught. Yes, she had been looking for a home for Noah, or a safer place for him to stay. But deep, deep down she really hoped that she could have one more day with him, to see his little smile and hear his cheerful giggles. Simon read Angel’s quiet expression, and only grew more upset as he realized he was right. Sighing with disappointment he crossed his arms,
“You know our lives don’t promise anything good or safe for him!!”
 Clutching the soft, baby blue blanket closer to her chest, Angel began to cry,
 “And if we leave him out there, or-or anywhere else he won’t be safe either!! Please! He’s just a baby Simon!!”
  A heavy sob left Angel’s pink lips as her eyes grew swollen from the painful tears that continued to fall from her beautiful eyes. Ghost looked down at his feet and held his face in his large hand, unwilling to face Angel’s teary face and expression of hurt. It pained his heart to see her like this and to know he might make it worse, because he didn’t want to keep little Noah. Not because he didn’t love him or like him, (for his heart swooned for the beautiful baby boy) but Simon felt that he’d be totally incapable of being a father and protecting him as much as he should be present. Simon’s father was never there for him, and when he was on the few occasions, he left Simon wounded and scarred for life. After living through all the hurt his father put him through, Simon promised himself he’d be a better father than his own, but right now, he feared that he was no where ready to complete that promise. Simon turned to walk out of the room to clear his head, from the haunting flashbacks he was beginning to see at the thought of his own father. He didn’t want Angel to face him when he was going through them, sometimes he would worry that he might lash out on her without meaning it, so instead he’d keep distance until he was calm. But in the moment, Angel wasn’t ready for him to walk away, and leave her in the mess of her own heart that had fallen for a motherless baby. She reached out and grabbed his arm unexpectedly before he could walk out of the room, and whimpered,
  “Simon please just listen to me-“
Although it was one simple sentence, in the world of Simons mind that raced through millions of haunting things, that one thing was enough for him to snap. Yanking his arm away from her harshly, Simon then practically screamed in her face with a pointing finger,
 Angel gasped and jumped back at his actions, cowering from his screams, not intentionally wanting to show him that he had definitely scared her, for this was a first. At seeing this, Simon froze in place, with his hand in mid air, slowly taking into count how he had just unintentionally scared Angel, finally doing what he had feared most, lashing his anger on her for things he couldn’t stop thinking about and couldn’t control. Simon immediately dropped his hand when he saw her stand up fully, looking like she was about to walk away from him, another nightmare he never wanted to come true. All bad thoughts and angered feelings left him when it was replaced with guilt and fear as he called out worriedly with panicked eyes,
  “Please don’t go, I’m so sorry love, I swear-“
 Angel took in his tone and words, and stood still for a couple of seconds with growing tears in her eyes, then walked up to him with purpose and raised her hand towards his face. Simon could only figure that she might either slap him or something along that line, but was so wrong when she instead grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down into a hug as she wrapped her both arms around his neck, grasping tightly. Simon gasped under his breath, then let out a sigh of relief to know that she’d never leave him, no matter how many times his mind told him that she would because he believed that he didn’t deserve her. Simon quickly wrapped his strong arms around her tiny form and pushed her impossibly closer to his chest, cradling his face into her neck, inhaling what smelled like comfort and home on Angel’s body. 
 Angel ran a hand through his short hair as she cried to him in between sniffles and little escaping sobs,
  “I’m sorry for pushing you about this baby, I should’ve considered how you felt first. I know you’re childhood wasn’t easy, and your father didn’t make it better. I’m so sorry my love.”
 Simon squeezed her sides warmly, it was his way of saying that he forgave her. But even though Simon wasn’t a man of a lot of words, he couldn’t let this slip by without his share of words, so he then kissed Angel’s neck as he softly said,
  “It’s not your fault, my life and everything that is involved in it, isn’t your fault. I’m sorry for lashing out on you, no matter what’s going on between us, you should never fear me hurting you, and if I ever do, you pick up my personal gun and shoot me clean, understood?”
  Angel let out a sweet chuckle at his dramatics, but she knew that he was dead serious, so she nodded, 
  “I understand love, and I also... though it stings like a bitch... I know letting Noah go is ours and his safest bet.”
 After confessing such, she let a heart wrecking sob escape her lips, letting him know that making this decision was tough for her, but she held onto him tighter and kissed his head, showing him that she’d be ok with it, as long as she had him by her side. Simon pulled away and gently held onto Angel’s face before planting a sweet kiss to her lips, ignoring how they were wet and tasted salty from her tears. Angel clutched onto his strong arms as Simon promised her comfortingly,
  “One day, when we are settled down, and are no longer a part of this life, I’ll let you have as many kids as you desire, I’ll give you the big family you want.”
  Angel pouted adorably as she asked innocently,
  “Can we have 12 babies?”
 Simon’s eyes grew a little wide at the double digits, but nonetheless he nodded with a smile,
  “Of course, you can have your 12 babies.”
  “All girls?”
Chuckling softly at the thought of having 12 little Angels running around in little dresses made him smile,
  “All girls is perfect for me.”
Angel beamed at him lovingly before tiptoeing to kiss his pointed nose then lips,
  “Thank you my love... now I need to go, and get Price to help me find a place for the little one.”
 With a kiss to her forehead Simon let her go,
  “Alrighty then, let me know if you need anything, I promise I’ll be right here.”
Angel then walked away, opening the door and stepping out of the room after sending him a sweet smile and a wave goodbye.
A couple of hours had passed when Simon realized that Angel hadn’t returned,
 ‘Perhaps she’s quiet busy.. maybe I’ll get a small dinner started for her.’
Ghost slipped on his balaclava and left his infamous Skull behind, believing that he’d be just fine without it. He walked out of their shared room and went down the hall to head down to the kitchen to grab some dinner for themselves. Until a soft baby cry made him stop in his tracks, right in front of a closed door. Simon didn’t move again, thinking to himself that maybe he heard wrong, but the silence made the baby’s next cry sound even louder and more clearer. Hesitant to engage and help the baby, fearing he might scare it or might not be able to know how to help him, Simon then decided to go look for Angel after all. But a soft, adorable whimper from the baby’s mouth made its way to Simon’s ears, which guided him to him sudden move, which was to open the door and walk in. There the baby stood in his makeshift crib in the dark, only a little light shone from a flashlight that was taped on the wall of the crib, which was built by Gaz and Soap, so you can imagine how terrible it looked, but it was durable. His little pouty lips and round teary eyes made Simon’s heart melt immediately, and even more when his mini chubby hands did grabby signs towards him as the whimpers continued to leave his toothless little mouth. Simon was more than ready to back off, but a subtle flash came across him, he saw his little sled reaching for his father, who only walked away and never came back, after he wounded his wife brutally. Simon shook the painful thought off, and sighed to himself as he walked closer to little Noah, debating whether or not he should walk out and find Angel, or just pick up the little baby. Simon chose the latter, and used his large, calloused hands to grab onto the sides of Noah, and lifted him carefully out of the crib. Once he had picked him up fully, Simon held him up and stretched out,  taking into view his little features and large clothing. Simon recognized the long, red shirt the baby wore, it was Angels, that fit largely on little Noah, but Simon heartily believed he looked adorable. The baby silenced it cries and look deeply into Simon’s eyes, trying to see his face through the thick, black balaclava he wore, but Noah didn’t show signs of fear, he was actually more curious than anything when he started to stretch his hands to towards it, wanting to touch it. Simon caught onto Noah’s intentions immediately and slowly brought him closer to his face as he cooed softly, worried again that he might he scare him with his tough and deep accent, 
 “Hey little one.. you like my balaclava?”
Noah cooed back and sent him a bright smile when he heard Simon’s voice, letting out a little shriek once his soft hands touch Simon’s covered cheeks. Through the balaclava Simon was still able to smell how sweet and fresh Noah was, also a little bit of vanilla hit his nose from Angels shirt that was worn on Noah. Simon could feel his heart pound and beat with a growing, warm feeling. Simon’s observant eyes caught onto how perfect Noah was, his beautiful ocean blue eyes, his little button nose, his toothless but adorable smile, even the baby noises of excitement that left his pink tiny lips. Noah’s hands still traveled up and down Simon’s face, liking the way the balaclava felt against his mini fingers and tiny palms. Simon then felt a pinch in his heart, realizing he was liking this a little too much, but before he could pull Noah away, Noah threw himself onto Simon’s face, and hugged it tightly with his baby arms. The baby was so small, he practically covered Simon’s entire face, his little tummy was against Simon’s nose, as he laid chubby face on Simon’s head, cuddling closer than before. Standing completely still from shock, Simon thought for a moment, as he felt Noah’s tummy moving as he took in his little breaths,
 ‘What an adorable little one... no wonder Angel wanted him so badly... he’s so loving.. even in a world that has given him nothing.’
 And suddenly a wave of emotion hit Simon, making him clutch the baby tighter, feeling his innocent love pour into his heart that didn’t always know how to love in the bad times. Angel had been the one to bring that back in Simon, sense the first day he saw her, it was like an electric shock sparked in him the minute she laid her eyes on him, giving him a chance to open up to her, no matter how scared and hard he was at first. Soon Simon felt that he couldn’t breathe without her, needing to always be by her side, which caused him to express his feelings and desperation for her. He didn’t use words though, no... he wrote a meaningful letter and sat in front of Angel as she read it to herself. Angel let him in when she tucked the folded letter into her shirt, and opened her arms for him to receive, and sense that day, he had learned to love and was inseparable from her. But now, as he felt Noah’s little fingers move as he patted his covered head, Simon felt a new kind of love seep into his heart, a love of an innocent child. He never felt that he could ever feel such, but Noah made all the difference, the minute he was in Simon’s arms. In that moment, a missing puzzle piece connected itself in Simon’s heart, and that when he knew what he wanted,
  ‘I want him..’
Simon immediately but gently pulled Noah away from his face as he said,
  “Little one... I want you. I really do, son. I just don’t know if I can keep you now, but I don’t want to ever let you go.”
 Noah didn’t understand what Simon was saying, so he just smiled happily and babbled incoherent words, expressing how he was liking Simon and his soothing voice, still trying to reach out and touch his balaclava again. Simon then moved Noah into one arm, and securely held him before walking out, leaning his head down a little so Noah’s reaching hands could still touch the bottom of his balaclava. Soap was the first to catch Simon with Noah as he walked down the hall, with a raised brow he asked confused while pointing at Noah,
  “Ay LT... What is this?”
Simon turned to Soap as he bounced Noah a little,
  “This is Noah... meet your Uncle Soap, little one.”
 Soap approached the pair and brushed the back of his hand gently against Noah’s soft hair while looking at Simon,
  “LT will they let you keep him?”
Noah leaned into Soap’s touch but still clung tightly onto Simon’s black shirt,
“They have to... I don’t want him to go.. he’ll be safe here with us. He has a bunch of badass Uncles and a strong mother.”
 Soap stepped away and smiled at Simon approvingly, it was quite a new look on him, strong and huge in every way, holding onto a tiny bundle of joy that only sported sweet smiles. 
  “They ya better get ya ass to Price, they were still looking for a place to take him in.” 
  Walking away Simon replied while cooing at Noah,
 “I know.. but you’re not going any where now. Huh little one? I know right?”
 Once Simon was out of sight, Soap chuckled to himself and thought it was hilarious to see the big, bad, murder machine Ghost swooning over a baby, he even pitched his voice as he communicated with him, while to the rest he barked loudly and meanly. But deep down Soap was happy to see Ghost this way, at times it did hurt him to see his pal Simon so closed off and cold, but now, he knew things would take a turn, for his little one. Angel sat on Price’s office crisscrossed as she laid a phone book in front of her, calling every number possible that could probably take in Noah. But every person on the other line said that they didn’t have room, or that they couldn’t take babies, hence leaving Angel very frustrated as she took in her next call and argued with the secretary on the line,
 “Listen, he’s just one baby, you have to have room.... what do you mean no?!..... No, Please I’ve tried everywhere else and all of them have used the same excuse!!..... You know what, I hope you rot in hell! There’s a child in need of a home and you’re being impossible! Thank you for being a bitch!!”
 Slamming the telephone on the desk Angel then covered her face and sighed loudly, trying to keep herself together so she could make the next call. And just then she heard the office door open behind her, right away Angel thought it was Price as she began to explain,
 “Believe me Price, I’ve tried for the last 2 and a half hours and NO ONE wants to take him in!! It’s not fair!”
 She expected Price’s gruffly voice to come through, but instead she was met with a sweet noise, a little coo that made her whip her head around so quick she was surprised her head had not snapped.
  “Noah?- Simon? Oh Simon I’m so sorry was he crying?!”
Angel jumped off the desk and was ready to get Noah out of Simon’s hands, worried that Noah might of irritated him with his cries which is why he brought him to her, but Simon only held onto Noah tighter as he put forth,
  “He’s ok... I think he likes me.”
Angel’s face dropped as she took in Simon’s words, not ever expecting to hear those words come from him. But she was able to see how happy Simon was, his eyes glistened brighter. Walking up to Simon she looked at Noah who was happily chewing on his fingers, she then felt a large warm hand grab onto hers, which made her look up at Simon who was already looking down at her with love,
  “I want him...”
Angel awed in sympathy as she cupped Simon’s cheek,
“Aww sweetheart. I want him too... but I don’t know if-“
Placing his finger on Angel’s lips Simon insisted,
 “Shh shh... we’ll keep him. No buts, he’s not going anywhere. We have a strong fortress here, a good family. I can’t imagine him anywhere else in this world that isn’t in my sight.”
 Tears welled up in Angel’s eyes as she placed her hand on Noah’s head as she ran her delicate fingers through his hair,
 “Are you serious? You really want to do this Simon?”
 Simon nodded,
 “Only if you do.”
“Of course! I really do!!”
 Angel placed a kiss on Simon’s lips over the balaclava before cooing at Noah excitedly,
  “Did you get that Noah? You’re staying!!-“
 “What in the bloody hell is going on?”
Now that was Price, who stood at his door with a face of confusion, looking at his 6’4 giant coldblooded soldier clutching a happy baby to his chest, along with his other less coldblooded soldier who was holding onto little Noah’s hands. Angel stepped away as she clear her throat,
 “Umm Price... I think you know what’s going on.”
 Price stayed utterly silent, only looking at Noah as he watched him now entertain himself with Simon’s fingers. Simon grew internally worried that Price might say no and have them give up Noah, but was wrong when Price lifted a small smile, as he told Angel,
  “I told ya he would break, of course we can keep him here with us, and he can be yours.”
 Simon let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and sighed as he lifted Noah in the air,
  “My little one... I guess Uncle Price took a liking to you too eh?”
Angel ran to Price and gave him an appreciative but unexpected hug, squeezing him tightly as she thanked him,
  “Thank you Price, means everything to me.”
 Price returned the hug as he kissed Angel’s head,
  “You’re welcome, I’ve prepared a safe place for you to be at, for your family. A good home.”
 Simon’s ears perked up at that,
  “But what about work? I’ll still be showing up no?”
Chuckling at Simon’s usual loyalty to his job no matter what, Price settled the issue as he said,
  “Of course, you’ll be in your regular schedule, but instead of coming back here, you go to your safe house to be with your boy and wife. And as for Angel, things will be different for you, you’ll help me run the mechanics for me, along with the technical parts. You’ll still be a big help, you’re one of our better technicians for the military equipment.”
 Angel nodded approvingly,
 “Thank you Captain.”
Price sent Angel a warm smile before walking out,
 “No problem, get your things and go home.”
A few hours later, Simon and Angel were settled in their new safe house. It was small but incredibly cozy, a cute little nursery was built in their shared room, it had a nice living area and a kitchen. On the outside it looked like a little cottage in the woods. But it was hidden deep in the woods where no one could find it. The cottage faced a small lake and some mountain sides, giving the perfect view for a sunrise. Simon sat on the loveseat that was in front of the fireplace that was lit up by him. He had discarded his balaclava and shirt, hence only leaving him in his cargo pants and boots while sitting on the chair. With little Noah resting on his bare, muscled chest as Simon patted his back gently. Noah let out calm breaths as he slept away, sooth by Simon’s chest moving up and down slowly, and by the warmth of his skin. Noah only wore his little diaper, that came from a box of things for him that Price and Laswell had put together for him. Small footsteps could be heard as Angel walked into the living room in Simon’s long socks and black long sleeved shirt, she patted towards where he sat and awed at the adorable sight. Simon looked up from where he had his eyes on Noah, and locked his loving gaze on Angel as she grabbed his hand with a small pout,
  “He stole my spot.”
Simon’s chest rumbled with a light chuckle, but he nonetheless moved Noah carefully up his chest and more to his right side, then patted his lap as he offered,
  “There’s still room, take my lap, c’mon love.”
 Angel sent him a beaming smile before carefully situating herself onto his lap, cuddling into his embrace as he used his free hand to hold her against him. Angel planted a soft kiss on his lips before laying her head on his chest, facing Noah who was still sleeping peacefully, she ran her fingers through his hair gently, smoothing it out, then laying her hand over Simon’s chest. Simon hummed to himself, leaning his head down to kiss Angels head, feeling happy and protective as he held two of the most precious treasures of the world. Outside of his house he’d still be himself, cold killer and always serving in the most crucial missions, but here in his home, in the safety of his family, he could be free, and he could be himself, a best friend, husband, a father, and overall... happy.
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
Bath Time
Black Mask/Reader AN: Someone requests aftercare with Roman, but tumblr seems to have misplaces the ask, and I can't recall exactly what you wanted. So if that was you, I'm sorry if this isnt quite what you wanted, and I hope you enjoy it regardless.
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≈900 words CWs: Mentions of sex, mentions of slapping/spanking, swearing, nudity, bathing, dom/sub dynamic, sub-drop, petnames: doll, baby. GN!Reader.
The sight before you is somewhat comical, and often aids in reliving some of your sub-drop tensions. A large freestanding marble bathtub, filled to the brim with hot water, sweet eucalyptus and lavender-scented bubbles threaten to spill over the edge, and smack dab in the centre of it all, the dark and sinister mask of Roman Sionis pokes out, like a shark fin in a jacuzzi.
Something about seeing one of Gotham’s elite underworld bosses, relaxing amongst a sea of bubbles tickles you, not that it was uncommon, in fact, it was near routine, and usually never failed to fill you with mirth. He sits back, making space for you, and you catch a welcome glimpse of his tanned upper body. His chest is adorned with a delightful smattering of salt and pepper chest hair, disturbed only by a handful of scars. You’d spent nights in this very bathtub tracing every scar with your fingertips, asking for every associated story. A bullet wound in his right shoulder from a ‘disagreement’ with Red Hood, a surgery scar over his pacemaker, a knife wound from his father, and so on. It’s all so familiar, yet for some reason everything feels so far away, like you’re not really there, just looking in on an old memory.
“Are you just gonna watch me all night?” His gravelly voice breaks through your trance. The sound of splashing backs his question as he reaches one hand out from beneath the water, offering it to you. “Or are you going to join me so we can get you cleaned up?”
“I’m coming, Romy.” You reply, pushing off the tile and taking his hand as you climb into the tub. The combination of dead sea salts and hot water on your skin stings, especially in the places where Roman had gotten a little slap-happy. But that’s okay, later once you’re both dried off, Roman will relish in massaging cocoa butter on those very parts. He loves the soft feel of your body under his in more ways than one, loves the little mewls of repose that slip through your lips, and he especially loves the way your skin gleams under the butter’s moisture, loves the way the light catches as your ass jiggles when he gives it a playful tap to signify a job well done.
He doesn't like the way you’d been stood alone, naked, silent and staring at him with the most vacant expression until he’d prompted you to join him.  
“There’s my best doll.” He hums against your shoulder, gently positioning you close to him. “I was beginning to think I really fucked you dumb this time.”
It’s a joke, a cheesy one at that, one he’d made many times before, but tonight you can’t bring yourself to laugh. It strikes a nerve you didn’t know was sensitive.
Before you can respond his hands are on your face, guiding you to look up at him with a gentleness he only uses in these moments, intimate and personal. You peer up at him, looking past the hardness of his mask, focusing as best you can on his obstructed eye. His lids are low, and his steely irises appear to tremble as they dart around your face, examining your expression in the same way you’re doing to him, only you're not sure what you're searching for.
“Are you still with me?” He asks and you respond instantly, the answer ingrained in you. “Always.”
“Not what I meant. You’re shaking, are you okay?” He re-words his question, and the notice that your body is quivering, even within the torrid water has you more aware of yourself than you have been since Roman had led you to the bedroom hours earlier.  
“I just don’t feel like myself.” You admit, acknowledging the abnormal melancholy and malaise.
He presses the false lips of his mask to your forehead in a show of comfort. There’s nothing soft about it, the way ridged wood presses near painfully against your skin, but it is reassuring; made tender by the intention behind it.
“Tell me what you need.” It’s not a question, nor an instruction. Roman always promised that as long as you’re good to him, all of your needs would be met, this is an extension of that.
“Can you just stay with me?” You ask, “All night.”
“Of course.” He repeats the false motion of kissing you once more, this time to your soft spot where your shoulder meets your chest.
“No calls, no emails, no business?” It feels like such a demanding request, perhaps it’s because of your sub-crashing, or perhaps because Roman is so often glued to his work that it feels like an extension of himself, so you speak it quietly. As the words leave your mouth, you realise whats really going on, what your body is craving. Unwarrented insecuritiess that can't be prevented, but can be ebbed with the ressurance of your dom.
“What’s the use in making money if I don’t got you to spoil with it?” You laugh this time, and Roman soaks it up, your ease fuelling his own until he laughs too, the shaking of his chest making the water ripple. When you come back down from your shared amusement Roman reaches for the nearest bottle of body lotion, he cracks the lid, and the familiar smell of almonds and jasmine fills your nose. He squeezes a generous amount into the palm of his hand and begins to lather it against your back, his strong fingers working against the knots and kinks in your muscles, easing the stiffness in your body and soothing your mind. “Anything for you, baby, whatever you want.”
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judewrld · 2 years
ultimate betrayal [kylian mbappe]
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: it’s the quarter finals of the world cup, normally you would root for your boyfriend kylian at all his games but this one is different. he’s playing against your home team,,,and your brother marcus.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: boyfriend!kylian x f!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 1.2k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: england being sent home + saka being abused on the pitch
⏤ 𝑎/n: me personally, home team all the way.
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“ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the quarter finals, please join us in welcoming france and england to the pitch!” the announcer says over the loudspeakers. the crowd erupts into cheers as both teams walk out onto the pitch with children by their side. you make eye contact with your brother marcus and send him a little smile with a thumbs up. he returns the smile before looking away.
the commentator begins to go over the lineup for both teams and you nervously survey the field to try and find your boyfriend kylian. usually, you would be all decked out in his kit screaming his name to cheer him on but today’s game is different. this would be the deciding match for who goes on to play in the semifinals before making it to the final and your boyfriend is playing against not only your home team, but your older brother as well.
kylian had made the mistake of asking you to sit in his section and wear his jersey, it was a simple request really but you took major offense. you knew how much this game meant to your brother and how much was on the line for england. it felt a little insulting that he would ask you to cheer for the enemy.
kylian, at first, didn’t understand why you were being so harsh. all he wanted was for you to cheer him on like you always did and what should have been a simple disagreement turned into a full blown argument resulting in you giving kylian the cold shoulder and silent treatment. it’s stupid, you know, but having to watch your brother constantly be bashed online for things out of his control made you a bit protective. you can only imagine the amount of hate he would receive if england loses tonight.
the crowd erupts in more cheers as the singing of the national anthems comes to a close and the game finally begins. the crowd is split evenly, half of them cheering on france and the other half booing.
the ball is placed in the center of the field and the referee blows the whistle to signify the start of kickoff. france gets possession of the ball first and makes quick work of kicking the ball down the pitch towards the goal. jude intercepts the ball and he kicks it to harry who plays the ball forward with foden and mason following him to the other side of the field. harry kicks the ball past france’s two attackers only to lose the ball to kylian who sweeps it away and starts bolting down the field. saka follows closely behind trying to kick it away but he’s pushed down forcefully by tchouameni before he kicks the ball and sends it straight into the goalkeeper's net. the ref blows the whistle and the scoreboard is updated, 1-0.
the game continues on in this fashion and before you know it it’s the final half of the game and france is in the lead, 2-1. you’re on the edge of your seat, it’s clear at this point that the ref is biased. there had been so many fouls against england but not a single one was called, saka has been kicked around almost as if he were the ball but no cards nor penalty kicks were given whereas the france team was gifted fouls left and right if an england player so much as took a step near them. 
the game is now in extra time and it’s looking rather slow for england. the ball is dropped into the center and the whistle is blown, the ball is turned over to england and maguire kicks the ball back to harry and runs forward to play defense. harry stalls for a second allowing dembele to move forward and kick the ball away from him and play it forward. jude steps up and pushes against the boys chest and steals the ball before kicking it to the other side of the field and far away from the england goal. you follow the ball with your eyes and watch it land at foden’s feet. he moves up to make a pass to mason but is forcefully pushed by a midfielder on the opposing team. you cringe when you see foden fall forward right onto his face before tumbling over and over. you expect the ref to call a foul and grant your team a free kick but the call never comes. you stand up in shock, “that’s a foul!” you shout causing other england fans to yell their agreement as well. but the referee only shakes his head and blows his whistle, “no foul. the game is still live.”
“that’s bullshit!” you curse, beyond frustrated.
you clasp your hands together and pray that england can make one more goal. england holds down their own and puts up a good defense, not allowing france to score again. you watch as england makes quick work of getting the ball down the field to france’s side once more. maguire is in possession of the ball and goes to make a pass but gets tripped by a french player.
“foul! that’s a foul!” you yell and thankfully, the ref agrees granting england one last free kick. you watch as the england team debates on who should make the goal and you smile proudly when you notice they gave it to marcus. you watch with bated breath as he does a run up before striking the ball but to your disappointment it hits the bar rather than going into the net. your eyes close and you hang your head. england has been knocked out of the world cup.
the crowd erupts in cheers for france as the team holds a group hug in the center of the field.
you want to be happy for kylian but a part of you is upset for england and your brother. choosing to be a good sport, you languidly clap for france as you look onto the pitch. kylian looks up at you with a bright smile on his face. you don’t return it.
you leave the stands to head down to the france locker room, knowing your brother would want his space and at some point you would need to congratulate your boyfriend on his win.
“mon amour!” kylian says when he enters the locker room to find you pouting. he tries to reel in his excitement, knowing this win was rather painful for you.
you slowly make your way to him and wrap your arms around his waist, “you know that i love you and i’ll always be proud of you right?” you question.
he returns your hug and hums, “of course, i love you more.”
you sigh into his chest before pulling away. “good. with that being said, you’re sleeping in the guest room indefinitely.”
kylian lets out a choked laugh, “you can’t be serious?” you huff, “i am! england deserved to win that match!” kylian doesn’t argue, he knows deep down you’re proud of him for winning just a little hurt that your home team was being sent home. “fine. let’s see how well you sleep without your personal heater beside you.”
you gasp, “wait, i take it back.”
kylian shrugs. “too late.”
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cloveroctobers · 4 days
FAMILIAR — Guero [September Prompts] 🩶
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A/N: because I kinda miss him + idk what’s going on in the Mayans tag since I haven’t checked it in awhile and this song appeared on my shuffle—that I forgot that I loved lol—and I don’t think I’ve written anything messy surrounding Guero so here you go…don’t tell my therapist 🤪
S/N: Gave Guero a government name like in one my other fics for him but switched the first name this time—I think I saw this name drop from another writer before as well so if you’re reading this please let me know lol! Also let me know which one you’re feeling better for him, Javier or Gustavo?
PROMPT ADDED FROM HERE & I’m using: ²⁸⁾ dark lipstick smeared on a cheek.
WARNINGS: language ofc + underlining innuendos?
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Doing a double take a few spaces away from the front desk, lets you know that your eyes were in fact not deceiving you. It was like the buzzing in your ear overshadowed the low sad 80s track that belonged to Dionne Warwick. The overdone ringing on the bell snapped you out of it, hands tightening onto the set of papers that were already in your hands. The obnoxious ringing of the bell, made you quickly close your eyes and take a deep inhale before you put on your professional face.
You step closer to the front desk, placing the papers down and shot your hand out to rest on top of the man’s to stop his assault on the bell. “Good afternoon,” you gave your award winning smile that would make anyone weak in the knees, “welcome to The Monolith, are we checking in?”
Guero’s face abruptly pulled away from the woman that was nuzzling the tip of her button nose right against his. Once his eyes settled on your hand on his and then attached it to your face, you watched him gulp and flicked your eyes back to the girl who looked awfully familiar.
Like looking in the mirror really.
“Uh yeah, it should be under—
“Bardales or Guero?” You quizzed, almost snatching your hand back from on top of his and shifting to find his reservation on the computer down below.
He clears his throat, “Guero.”
You nod, a smirk playing on your lips as you went to work wanting this to be over and fast. He’s awkwardly glancing back at your mini you, who’s also staring at him oddly with his sudden change in moods; with her hand still intertwined with his before she turns her attention back to you.
“Excuse me, I know this is a long shot but did you ever live in Tucson?” The woman asks you as you move your eyes back to her.
She really did look like she could be related to you with just a few minor physical changes…which almost made you want to laugh. It was really funny because the bitch—sorry—the girl was some type of influencer. How did you know that? Well let’s just say she’s liked a lot of your pictures on the gram when you and Guero were either going through your disagreements and even when you both officially called it quits! The other version of you even liked a tiktok of yours before you put it right on private. After that? She later filmed a tiktok of herself getting her hair done just like yours!
It was borderline creepy once you had the time to connect the dots.
“You know what?” You place a hand on your hip, “I actually did. Even grew up there!”
Guero exhaled, just waiting for you to expose your history but you were playing right along. There was no way this woman was that much of airhead and didn’t recognize you. You had suspicions whenever you and Guero had your disagreements, he was always venturing off to some party to get wasted until he was ready to have a solid conversation that didn’t involve yelling. Staying out all night was his answers to coping and he knew how much it irritated you because the last thing you wanted was if something bad happened to the other, you didn’t want the last memory to be a shitty one you know?
“Wooow! See I knew it, babe! She just gives that vibe you know?” She grinned up at Guero who just hummed and forced a smile on his face.
You laugh with a shake of your head before turning your attention back to the computer to finish the process of checking the two in. They were staying for the weekend and unfortunately you were working this entire weekend, filling in for a co-worker who was a brand new dad and the other who normally worked weekends was down with the flu. Being understaffed was the norm these days but you really had to give props to the restaurant workers and bartenders in this hotel, the locals were a different breed that’s for sure. And not many people came out here to this copper mining town so you often had to take in the strange like a shot of tequila.
“Why Jerome?” Guero wonders.
Jerome, Arizona wasn’t your first choice—your friends tried to talk you out of it—nearly begged— but honestly you didn’t have a first choice yet you knew you wanted to stay in Arizona and thanks to a generator brought you here permanently.
You sigh, “I got tired of a lot of things in Tucson …the scorpions started to almost be infested where I lived and I didn’t want another scare but that’s a story for another time!” You winked at the tatted man before continuing, “Also I dropped out of school and living off savings wasn’t cutting it anymore so I got a job…far enough away where the job opportunities are somewhat better. That’s all I wanted, change and I got it.”
Guero didn’t have to read very hard between the lines to get where you were coming from. It wasn’t easy by any means, he loved a good chase and you happened to be his best one, yet not every relationship was going to be a walk in the park. Your father didn’t like him whereas his mother loved you. Guero or as you knew him—Gustavo—always felt like something was missing from his life so when he reconnected with his father, that’s unfortunately where your relationship started to falter even more.
Yes you had disagreements before Guero began to rebuild his relationship with his father. You wouldn’t point the finger at just that, you actually got along with his dad well. He always said you’re the one that would take Guero’s (yes he joked that once Guero had his eyes set on anything and decided to stick with it, he turned into the exorcist) spinning head and keep it on straight. Mostly your fights were over stupid little petty things, Guero was more independent when it came to financials being a stable tattoo artist before he got sworn into the Tucson charter whereas you always had backup from your own parent(s). Guero felt like you picked his mother’s side in his decision to be part of the club but his confidence in the club and his father made him boastful. Guero loved a good argument but once you weren’t trying to hear anymore, he was definitely going out to party with or without you.
He’s never cheated on you regardless of how it looked right now, he absolutely believed in a faithful union and although you said you needed a change…you weren’t exactly thrilled for him to be part of this brotherhood. With his new girl, who was very flashy online but sickeningly sweet in personality she wasn’t down his neck about what he did because she had her own shit to focus on. Not that you didn’t, considering you’ve been in school for what felt like forever but he wasn’t down to hear your disapproval.
It felt controlling at times.
“So…you’ll be staying with us for two nights and checking out on Sunday. You’ll be staying in the king guest room number five which is located on the upper floor. Here are some brochures that explain a little bit of the history of this hotel and town along with things to do.” You hold out the pamphlet which the woman happily takes and begins flipping through like it’s a vogue magazine, “I’ll just need your ID since we already have your payment on file and then I’ll send you two lovebirds off to enjoy the romantic getaway you booked.”
The woman sighs dramatically as she loops her arm with Guero’s as he digs through his back jeans pocket for said ID, “it’s her birthday and I thought it would be a nice change of scenery.”
“Yeah everyone’s looking for that lately.” You pluck the ID from Guero’s fingertips to input into the computer.
Guero huffs, “can’t be mad at that right?”
“Course not,” you mutter before putting your famous smile back on as you hand him back his card, “You two are all set, we hope you enjoy your stay here with us at the monolith. If there’s anything else we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to ask any of our staff.”
He notices how you didn’t mention them asking you for help but he bites back saying that out loud.
Guero’s new girl bounces on her toes, “oh this is going to be so cutie! Thanks girlie!”
You try not to cringe and manage to keep that smile on your face, even when Guero burns his dark eyes into your frame. Once they turn to leave with Guero’s duffel bag and her handful of bags that he’s mostly carrying, you let the smile drop with a roll of your eyes. Putting your back to the front desk you turn to see your manager peeking out from the back office ajar door.
He asks just based on the expression on your face, “Everything okay?”
“Peachy.” You say but thanks to having a good work relationship with your manager, who surprisingly wasn’t an asshole—although he looked like it with his magician mustache, waves you in to talk about it if you wanted.
It had to be about thirty minutes when you’re hearing the bell ring obnoxiously again. You knew you should have went out to enjoy your lunch because when your manager came back in to tell you that Guero wanted your, “assistance,” no matter which way he tried to persuade that you were busy and wouldn’t deal with him hounding his staff, you picked up on Guero’s irritation quickly once he let this drop from his mouth:
“What’re you her fucken sugar daddy or something? I wouldn’t think so with that shitty mustache. Trust me, she prefers facial hair much lower.”
That’s when you pushed the rolling chair back, the chair slammed against the wall as you dusted off the crumbs from your fingertips. The noise caught Guero’s attention as he craned his neck to try to see you.
“I knew she was back there, fucken bozo.”
You stepped out, running your tongue over your teeth as you gently placed a hand on your manager’s shoulder, “Mr. Bardales, I’d really appreciate it as much as my manager would, if you would refrain from making a scene.”
“I wouldn’t have to if this motherfucker wouldn’t have lied to my face.” Guero points at your manager who just sighs.
Your older manager already deemed Guero as being one of those difficult customers after learning just a little of what you shared.
You pat his shoulder, meeting his eyes to let him know you were fine and would handle this but that didn’t stop him from glaring at Guero on his way by, which made Guero raise his middle finger at him in response.
“Are you finished?” You clip, “you don’t think I get a break here?”
“Clearly you need a break dealing with a whack place like this.” Guero shrugs while he moves to rest his elbows on the counter.
Yet he picked this whack place to bring his new fling for the weekend? Make it make sense!
You roll your fingers around, “so what? What can I do for you since you’re down here showing your ass? Want to upgrade to the penthouse suite, which is on the adjacent building—
“No,” Guero interrupts with a shake of his head as he picked up a pen to rack against the counter, “I came down here to see what’s up with you?”
“Cut the shit,” Guero says your name with a scowl, “what’re you really doing out here?”
You start to feel your blood simmer, “where do you get off questioning me? You want to start shit, well let me talk my shit. How long did it take you to find my look alike, huh?”
“What?” Guero sucks his teeth, “she doesn’t look anything like you.”
“That bitch looks like she could be my half sister, stop it.”
You tried to cut back on using that word but sometimes old habits die hard.
Guero laughs with a drop of his head, “listen to yourself, sounding like you’re jealous that I’ve moved on.”
Did he though?
“Please, I doubt you’re truly happy. I never thought you would have gone for an influencer type of chick but…to each their own.” You start shuffling some papers.
Guero glared at you now, “that would make you happy huh? Me being fucking miserable.”
Your eyes burn into his now, slightly turning to see the dark lipstick that’s smeared on his cheek, “I meant what I said when we last saw each other, that I hope you get whatever you’re looking for and I thought that wasn’t me.”
“Are you serious? Once we finally got together…I never pictured anyone else. I wanted you, only you and I had you but I guess it just wasn’t enough then.” Guero shrugged, his shoulders then slumping just a bit but his jaw was still set.
Puffing out a breath you respond, “well now you got it…for however long this time. If there’s nothing else I can help you with in this moment then…I wish you both well.”
“Wait,” Guero grips your wrist, which your eyes peek down at before meeting his face once more, “…I just need to let you know…it’s probably always going to be you but in order for me to get that out of my head—
“You need to accept the things you can’t change?”
Just like you did. You think to yourself.
“Who says I can’t?” Guero argues with a furrow of his thick brows.
You pull out his first name with a scrunch of your nose, “I’m not fucking you Gustavo, uh uh that’s out.”
He laughs, running his thumb over your skin, “as much as I love your enthusiasm about spending a hot steamy afternoon with me that you’ll never forget…I just needed to be honest and ask…is there someone else for you?”
You blink but lean forward with Guero letting his eyes trail to your lips for a split second, “There could be. Maybe he’s in this whack town somewhere, who knows? Do you want me to let you know when I find them?”
“Fuck you, didn’t you block my number?”
“I did.”
“…why am I feeling like we’re not gonna cool?”
You tilt your head to the side, “I’ll say this, fuck you too and this will be the last time I think it or say it. You want to take up so much space in my mind but the thing is…you haven’t since I left. Clearly I’m still on yours rent free and forever got your heart according to you, so maybe I should be flattered?”
Guero’s eyes tighten at your words but he can’t lie and say his boy below wasn’t feeling something. You step back but Guero yanks on your wrist so that you’re almost bending towards him, “say what you want but I know you miss me.”
Cackling with your head thrown back, you wipe at the dampness by the corner of your eye, “What’s there for me to miss? It’s over. Oh and tell my twin that she needs to aim behind your ear next time, that was always your favorite spot right?”
Guero let’s go of your wrist and you move to fix your blazer just as he’s jumping over the counter to grip both sides of your face to smash his soft plump lips right against yours. His hips dig into yours as he shoved you back against the wall, mouth battling against yours followed by moans.
That’s what he thought about doing but by your words and body language, he knows if he pulled that, he would probably have to catch your hands first. So he’s stuck watching you walk away this time, that professional smile on your lips was deadly but he didn’t just watch you leave without chunking the pen at the wall once you’re no longer in his view.
Leaving a mark that contrasted against the paint and matched what he felt in his chest.
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(Possibly) continue with my September anthology prompts here.
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
MAATHP Masterlist
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2 : Y O U N E E D T O C A L M D O W N
Getting called into the president’s office is never a good thing. Getting called into your father’s office is never a good thing. But when the president is your father and the PR manager AND Secret Service escort you to his office, you know that you royally fucked up this time, but Meri would never let her father know that she knew that.
“Hi daddy!” Meredith smiles innocently when she enters the Oval Office.
“Sit.” Meri drops into the couch immediately, waiting for her father to look up from his desk. He’s reading on Bernie’s iPad and Meri just has a feeling that he’s looking at the article published this morning about her. “Sweetheart, you know that I love you.”
“Well, I love you too.” Meri replies, smiling, hoping he’ll ignore the news of her outburst. 
“But what in God’s name were you thinking!” His volume makes her smile falter. “I have been on the phone all day with the King of England because you decided to scream at the heir to the throne! Have you lost your mind?”
“Well I can explain–”
“Oh you are going to explain. And you’ll explain until your face turns blue about how they took this… this…” Pete groans before he continues, “this disagreement, out of context and you two are actually great friends.”
“No buts.” He glares, and Meri immediately stops talking. “You are going to be on the next flight to London. Today! And you better fix this.”
“Yes sir.” Meri sighs as he dismisses her. 
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“Miss Mitchell, welcome back to Kensington Palace.” Bob Floyd greets Meri as she exits the car. 
“It's great to see you, Bob.” Meri smiles politely. “Where is the prince?” She questions, moving to help the driver unload her bags.
“Jake’s running a little behind today.”
“As usual.” She groaned, turning back to the prince’s best friend and courtier. “Then I will be going to my room and if the prince decides he wants to show up for his affairs then I will gladly make an appearance.”
“I expect nothing less from you, Meri.” Bob laughs, leading her to the guest wing. 
“Oh, Nat is going to be joining me next week.”
“Did I hear something about Natasha?”
“Meri, you remember Javy Machado?” Bob reintroduces him. 
“Yes, the self proclaimed best friend to the heir who has an unhealthy obsession with my best friend.” Meri replies sarcastically as she shake Javy’s hand. 
“Oh look is the little Miss Americana who can have any man and still acts like a hoe.” Javy laughs, unable to keep up in their usual game. 
“It's great to see you, Jav. And yes, Nat’s going to be here next week, maybe ask her out this time?” The American asks, dropping her bags to the couch in the room. 
Javy groans and drops to the bed. 
Natasha Trace and Javy Machado have bounced around the idea of being a couple for all of 3 years now. Meredith and Bradley have been telling Nat to just ask him out while Bob and even Jake have been trying to convince Javy to ask her. 
“How about you, Meri?” Bob perks up. “Any men catching your eye?”
“No,” She answers simply. “Now shoo. I need a relaxing bath before I deal with your best friend.” Meredith pushes both men out the door, shutting it behind them before making her way to the connected bathroom. 
“They’re so going to get married.” Javy laughs, he and Bob walking towards the study where Jake currently resides.
“I don’t know man, she seems pretty set in her feelings about him.”
“About who?” Jake perks up as his friends enter.
“Nothing.” Bob says. “Do you plan on making an appearance with your guest or should I send the reporters home?”
“Interviews are at 3, I have a few hours to enjoy myself.” Jake shrugs, closing the folders he was previously flipping through. 
“No, they’re at 1 and you have 45 minutes to change and meet Meri out front for pictures.” Bob corrects. “So please, do not piss her off anymore and just play nice, okay?”
Jake flashes a smirk at Bob’s request as he chuckles. “I’m always nice.”
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Every interview that evening started with the same question, “So you two have been friends since her father’s Inauguration Ball?” 
Jake laughs at the notion. The two had both met at a charity gala a few weeks after the election and hadn’t even spoken to each other. Then when the inauguration ball came around, Meredith Mitchell told him he could ‘suck his own royal dick’ and to leave her alone.The President did not like hearing her say that.
“We got off to a rocky start, that's for sure. Meri was still new to being center stage in everything and she only knew me as the playboy I’m depicted as online, but by the end of the night we quickly realized we weren’t much different. Plus our dad’s are actually old friends.” Jake answers.
Meri went to answer as well but the reporter quickly asked another question. 
“What was your first opinion of the President’s daughter?”
“I thought she was,” Jake paused, glancing over at her as she began to intently listen to what he was saying, “is.. I think she is absolutely beautiful.” He says, eyes never leaving hers. “She has the most amazing laugh, and her smile, well it’s infectious really.”
“Have you ever thought of being anything more with her, your highness?”
“Do you plan on asking me any questions while you're here?” Meri interrupts, turning away from Jake’s stare. 
“Excuse me, I was speaking to the prince.”
“No, you were just ignoring me. Do you have any questions for me in your little journal?” The reporter stutters as he flips through the pages. “We’re done here.” Meredith stands and walks to the door.
“But I still have questions!”
“Ask me one question about anything but my outfit, diet, or workout plan and I will actually take you seriously.” Meri glares at the reporter who sits stunned.  “Exactly, I’m leaving.”
“Hey Meri, wait up!” Jake follows after her. 
Meredith storms through Kensington Palace mumbling to herself. Jake silently follows behind her, patiently waiting for her to stop. 
Meri couldn’t believe the audacity the reporter had to ignore her and surely every other reporter took her comments and scrapped them as soon as they left. 
“No good, son of a bitch.”
“Hey Meri?”
“Shut up.” She growls, throwing open the door to her room.
“I said shut up!” She screams, facing the prince. “You don’t get it do you?”
“He was just asking some questions. I don’t see the big deal.” He shrugs, leaning against the doorway.
“Big… I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”
“Well Meri? What do you want me to think? You yelled at the poor guy for asking a question.”
“To the world I’m nothing more than a girl on a pedestal. Who designed my dress, what makeup brands am I wearing, what kind of diet of rabbit food am I on! It's the same thing every time!” Meri explains to Jake. She’d gotten used to the misogyny over the years but it still irks her to the bone. “And then, that reporter asks if we’d be more than friends, I’m just some piece of arm candy aren't I?”
“No! Meri you are so much more than the bullshit questions people ask you.” Jake defends. “If anyone doesn’t see that then they’re an idiot.”
“Like you know shit about me.” She brushes off his comments. After all, in Meredith’s mind, Prince Jake doesn’t care about her, or any girl. Never has, never will. 
“People can change, Meri. Especially when people believe they can’t.”
Taglist : @mayhemmanaged @sarahsmi13s @kmc1989 @dempy @atarmychick007 @sarahjoestewy-blog @fangirlvibez @princess76179 @averyhotchner @multifandomgirl-us @lynnevanss @beautifulandvoid @djs8891 @imaginecrushes @els-marvelvsp @daisydaisygoose @missymisha @ems-alexandra @rogersbarnesxx @good-night-starlight
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eaps-discussions · 4 days
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Heyy.. My name's Moon..
Or Moonstone, Moonlight..
Whatever name you pick.
I opened this blog with my.. other half?
Everybody seems to be doing it so I thought..
Why nothhh .... whaaa...hhh
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🌙 RULE 1 :
Discriminating behavior towards anyone in the blog will NOT be tolerated. Regardless of their Opinion, Headcanon or Ship. If we see any insult, slur or indication of malicious intentions, only then, will there be consequences. All TSBS confessions are welcome, we don't do EAPS only!
🌙 RULE 2 :
People, misunderstandings happen all the time, there is no need to get so defensive. If you feel like something is not of your taste, just block the person or tag. IF the problem is rooted rather in actions and not taste, make sure to contact the blog so we can interfere.
🌙 RULE 3 :
No matter what, do not share sensitive media of yourself or anyone to us. We are strangers on the internet, regardless of everything, there's always danger and we can't prevent it. Even if you actively avoid/dislike said individual, it gives you no right to call them out and name drop them in public websites because of a disagreement.
🌙 RULE 4 :
This blog is not connected to the TSBS confessionverse. It is inspired by it, but since we don't have contact with the rest, we can't claim the blog canon to theirs! If they ever wish to contact and welcome us in their confession family however, we would be more than happy to join!
🌙 RULE 5 :
We are open to roleplays of all sorts, but we can't promise we would be actively doing that. There's not much to add here, simply when seeing a roleplay happen on this blog don't intrude randomly without asking for permission.
(Side Note: This blog is run by two people, Vin'nyl as Moonstone and Ruby as Sunshine. We are MINORS so please avoid confessing suggestive content to us.)
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#eaps discussions
Our submissions from you sillies!
#sunshine responds
Sunny's answers to everything and anything provided!
#moonstone responds
The same as Sun's, just Moony answering instead!
#the owners' respond
If we ever have to break character, Vin uses pink and Ruby uses red when writing.
#the eaps roleplays
Just the tag we'll use when rp happens (can be blocked)
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14 notes · View notes
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― pairing : Seungmin x fem! reader ― content warnings : angst, fluff, smut, royals au, Seungmin is a Prince, reader is his most trusted knight, medieval settings, unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all), fantasy au ― word count : 5.480
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix part one | part two // Jeongin
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Kim Seungmin, a name you knew far too well.
Kim Seungmin, the soon to be King; but also, Kim Seungmin, your beloved bestfriend.
You and him knew each other since you were little, both your parents deciding that the two of you should grow up together in order to develop a strong bond based on friendship and loyalty which would definitely come in hand as soon as you’d be proclaimed his personal bodyguard- since your family had always served the Royal family like that. Truth to be told, your parents expected to give birth to a boy, but nonetheless, the King decided that even if you were a girl, you would have been trained for the same purpose.
Days turned into years, and the two of you gradually grew up, overcoming together even the most embarrassing stages of your adolescence, and completely becoming inseparable. People at the King’s court did not fail to express their disagreement with the fact that the personal guard of the only heir to the throne was a woman, but anytime it happened, both the King and Seungmin stood up for you.
«She comes from a well-respected family,» the King would answer, «I have good faith in her.»
«You have no idea of what she can do!» Seungmin would answer instead.
Eventually you proved your capabilities and your talent, deciding to spend most of your free time training yourself, and so, in your twenties, you proved yourself enough in battle to being assured both the title of Seungmin’s personal bodyguard, but also the Royal army’s Commander.
The rumours of a woman being not enough qualified for the job disappeared, and people respected you, the only complain being about your too-stoic behaviour.
What they did not know, is that Seungmin was the only one to see both sides of the coin. Seungmin’s behaviour – and therefore yours, immediately changed as soon as you were alone, and you’d spend your time laughing together until your stomachs hurt, sharing blankets, cuddles, and everything a couple of friends that had known each other for their own life would do. When you were alone, you and Seungmin would often lose yourselves in your own little world, where the two of youwere the only inhabitants.
Growing up, however, you could not help but notice that your feelings for Seungmin were slowly changing, constantly transforming until they finally took the shape of a crush, which sadly, quickly developed into love.
Spending your whole day with him didn’t help you suppress your feelings at all, and so you gradually grew attached to Changbin, your attractive and witty second in command, and finding yourself seeking for comfort in his wise words of advice. «You should never, ever, tell him.» Changbin had told you one night, while pouring you a glass of wine while you were discussing important matters in his private chambers; and of course, with “important matters”, you clearly meant “Seungmin”.
«Doll, don’t get me wrong,» Changbin quickly added, dropping any time of formality when the two of you were alone; his brows furrowed as you kept staring at your glass with a dejected expression. «I honestly wish for your love to become true but, we’re soldiers.» Your eyes met his over the table, and you quickly understood what he was about to say. «Unless we suddenly adopt the Vikings mindset – which would be extremely cool by the way, our hands are soaked with blood. Seungmin’s - the King’s or the Queen’s, are not, they’ll never be. At least, not directly.» Changbin’s words did not surprise you, since you have been thinking about the same things for a while, but you had to admit that hearing them out loud from someone which wasn’t the voice of reason in your head, actually hurt.
«We’re like the Sun and the Moon,» you sighed, finally sipping from your cup of wine. «How could I bring together two worlds when they’re so different?»
Changbin’s eyes locked with yours, a drunken smile on his face. «An eclipse.»
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«Why are you so unfocused today?» you questioned, as you effortlessly planted both Seungmin’s hands on the floor rather roughly, your body hovering above his.
Training together was a daily habit, over the years you both memorized the other’s technique so that it was actually a challenge to win against each other, but today Seungmin was definitely not himself. He let you disarm him during the first ten minutes, and even let you pin him on the floor without a fight. «What’s wrong?»
Seungmin sighed, the cloud of thoughts that enveloped his mind dissipating at your softer tone. He rolled the two of you around, so that he’d be the one to pin you on the floor. «Battle strategy, I won.»
You narrowed your eyes, «Seungmin,» you warned, and his hand hovered above your cheek, the ghostly touch sending shivers on your skin. Something was definitely wrong; it wasn’t unusual for the two of you to cuddle or hug, but if was definitely unusual for Seungmin to run his fingertips along your cheekbone as if he was almost scared to touch you, as if such a simple act was actually forbidden. Seungmin’s gaze bore into yours with an intensity you’ve never felt, your heart picked up pace as his face imperceptibly drew closer, and you instinctively tensed up.  
«My father wants me to get married, soon.» he mumbled with a strained voice, looking as if he was totally opposed to the idea for a moment.
«Oh.» was all you managed to answer. Seungmin arched his brows, definitely not used to his bestfriend being so quiet about important matters like this, especially regarding him. «What do you think about it?»
Despite the feeling of Seungmin’s body pressed flush against yours, your heart sank in your stomach, and you repeatedly tapped his side as soon as you managed to sneak one of your hands out of his strong hold, «Come on, buddy, training’s over.»
Seungmin’s confused expression only deepened, but he let you move him off you, so that you could stand up and gather your things as quickly as you could; you felt his eyes bore into your shoulders, since he probably was still waiting for an answer.
«You knew that it would have happened, sooner or later.» you answered, more to yourself than to him, hoping not to burst in tears since it would have been rather inconvenient to explain why you were crying.
With quick steps, you walked out of the training room, leaving a confused – and hurt, Seungmin calling for your name.
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A month had passed rather quickly, and you hated to admit that Seungmin’s fiancée was unquestionably beautiful, charming and adorable. The worst thing was that you could not bring yourself to hate her, since she had only been kind and respectful to you; even if you didn’t know it, yet, the two of you were more alike than you could originally have thought.
In fact, both you and the Princess would have given anything to be born with a different social status.
«I admire you so much,» she confessed with a tiny voice after she had approached you – standing on the side of the room, during a ball. «You’re a warrior! You must be so strong and elegant, too!» her eyes became as wide as child’s which was talking about her favourite tale. «I’d love to be in your place, even for a day.» you couldn’t help but sigh at her words, as she gently linked her arms with yours.
«Me too, Princess.» you admitted, your eyes scanning the room and immediately glancing at Seungmin, busy laughing with his friends; you and the Princess kept talking for most of the night, and she never failed to notice you and Seungmin stealing glances to each other.
The Princess started scheming an intricate plan that same night, her pretty doe eyes narrowed and a smug smile adorning her lips as she held your still linked arms closer to her frame in the same moment she saw her soon to be husband looking at his personal guard with the same adoration you’d look at your lover.
Contrarily to what you expected, you and the Princess became friends. She was easily entertained, and loved to hear the stories you have experienced on the battlefield; you also became friends with her lady in waiting, following her Princess like a shadow and you had to admit, sometimes you brought yourself to wonder about the bond the two of them shared.
Despite the fact that you were technically befriending your enemy on the unforgiving battlefield of love, you knew that you could never win and so, you gradually started to find happiness in the fact that for the first time in your life, you had a friend that wasn’t a boy.
Seungmin, however, started giving you mixed signals. He was happy that you and the princess got along, but he also felt extremely dejected; the realization that he’d have to get married, made him realize that the only woman he wanted to give his heart to, the only woman he wanted to be faithful to, was you.
There were days where Seungmin would run away from his meetings in order to spend time with you next to the river, pretend to be a fortune teller and reading your hand.
«A majestic Prince will swipe you off from your feet, one day.» he’d say, refraining from the instinct of intertwining his fingertips with yours and never let go.
«Seungmin,» you laughed, «I’m not qualified enough.» you mocked the words you’ve been hearing for years but this time, they held every bit of truth. As you were about to retreat your hand from Seungmin’s, he tightened his hold, falling silent as he silently held your hand and wordlessly stared into the water, his jaw clenched and looking somehow as if your words managed to hurt him.
Other times, Seungmin would treat you as your relationship was strictly business related; talking to you only when it was strictly needed or coldly dismissing you as soon as the both of you reached his personal’s chambers room. You silently went along with him, loving and cherishing every moment of kindness he showed you, but also hoping for your feelings to definitely dissipate into thin air before the engagement was officially announced.
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Another month had passed, and for your Kingdom, things dramatically changed; the King sadly announced you that you would lead the army in order to suppress a riot, which had quickly turned into a guerrilla, and consequently, couldn’t be solved peacefully anymore. The nearest Kingdom was attacking; declaring war to yours and taking advantage of these riots to furtherly increase the number of their soldiers.
«No.» Seungmin interrupted you; as you were about agree on the mission. Both yours and Changbin’s head turned to him at the speed of light, and your gaze locked with Seungmin’s intense one. «It’s too dangerous for her.» he spoke, his eyes never faltering from yours with such a desperation that almost made it difficult for you to breathe.
With a hammering heart, you furrowed your brows, confused by Seungmin’s strange attitude; you knew the possibilities to come back alive were almost inexistent but they have always been, and still, Seungmin never objected, not once. At least, not during an official meeting.
Changbin’s knee softly bumped against yours under the table, and you snapped out of your thoughts, noticing how everyone was staring at you.
«It’s my job, your Majesty.» you tried to keep a composed voice despite the whirlwind of emotions running into your soul, referring to Seungmin by using  his title, like every other time you were in public. Seungmin’s eyes widened in surprise and his brows furrowed; he wanted so desperately to convince you not to go, but the words died in his throat.
«The meeting is dismissed.» the King nodded at you and Changbin, «You’ll leave tomorrow in the morning.» he dismissed the both of you, but asked Seungmin to remain.
«The hell was that?» Changbin whispered at you, tightly gripping your elbow as soon as you were outside the council room.
«No idea.» you mumbled back, watching Changbin sneakily placing his ear against the heavy wooden door in order to hear what they were saying.
«They’re yelling!» he mouthed, aggressively pointing towards the door. The guards standing at the sides curiously glanced at him, but then decided to remain silent, knowing better not to get on Changbin’s bad side. «I can’t understand anything, for fuck’s sake.» he furrowed his brows, bending his knees as to try a better angle.
«Maybe near the keyhole…» he whispered, and you shook your head before grabbing his ear and starting to walk away, ignoring his pained whines.
Seungmin asked to meet you in his private chambers few hours later, and you gladly accepted, always preferring to stay away from the busy preparations of war; Changbin would have done everything superbly anyways. Seungmin didn’t tell you what he and his father talked about, and you did not ask, knowing that he would have eventually told you as soon as he was ready.
The two of you laid together on his big mattress as you did every time you’d be about to leave, Seungmin holding you impossibly close to his strong chest at the point where your breathing synchronized, and probably did your hearts, too.
«Promise you’ll come back,» Seungmin’s quiet mumble broke the peaceful silence of the room.
«I always do.» you mumbled back immediately, unaware that you’d cut Seungmin’s sentence halfway.
«To me. Come back to me, please.» Seungmin’s arms tightened around you, and you widened your eyes, confused; your heart picked up pace, and you shuffled, removing from his tight hold in order to sit on the bed and face him instead.
«Seungmin,» your heart was hammering in your chest at the point you felt it was getting hard to breathe, but you proceeded; you knew better than anyone that, despite your promises, your return was never granted, and with an imminent war coming up, you would rather face the enemy with a furious broken heart instead of a heavy heart full of unconfessed feelings. «I… Love you.» you mumbled, suddenly unable to look at him in the eyes.
«I love you, too.» you felt the bed shuffle, and Seungmin sat in front of you, mirroring your pose and reaching out to hold one of your hands; with a breathless chuckle, you shook your head, a lump forming in your throat.
«Not like that, Minnie.» you tenderly looked at him, calling him by the nickname you used when you were still kids. «I love you in the way I’m not supposed to, like a woman loves a man.» you finally managed to lock your gaze with Seungmin, which was looking at you like he had seen a ghost; his eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted. Seungmin remained silent, and your heart sank deeper by each passing seconds, until you closed your eyes, sighing loudly.
«It’s okay, your Majesty.» you politely smiled at him, your walls building up by themselves, «I knew that, already.» you reached out to affectionately ruffle his hair, before climbing down the bed and taking your leave.
That night, Seungmin’s and the Princess’ engagement was publically confirmed.
Needless to say, being his bodyguard, you had to be there too, a fake smile plastered on your face as you congratulated them, Seungmin’s eyes looking anywhere but you.
That night, you broke down crying in Changbin’s arms, which remained silent, patiently caressing your hair and wiping your wet cheeks as you cried yourself to sleep.
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The following morning, you and Changbin sat on your horses, leading the army as the Royal Family and the villagers were ready to wish you good luck, accompanying you all the way through the city’s gates.
No matter how many times Seungmin tried to make eye contact with you; you kept your gaze strictly in front of yourself, your eyes swollen and your heart heavy.
«That was hot.» Changbin told you once you were far enough from the Capital. «Cool, but also hot.» you scoffed, sad smile on your face.
«It wasn’t. I’ve been an idiot.» you sighed, shaking your head at the thought of what happened the day before.
«I don’t think so,» he shrugged. «You didn’t look at him, but I did. And let me say that-»
«Changbin,» you turned towards him, and he immediately shut up at the sight of your teary eyes, mimicking to close his mouth with a lock and throwing away the key. «I’d rather talk about our upcoming duties.»
For the following three weeks and two days, Seungmin did not show up in your thoughts, not even once; the situation on the battlefield was alarming, and to say that the problem had been underestimated was a euphemism.
The enemy’s soldiers outnumbered yours, and you had spent your days restlessly fighting and protecting the small watch out defensive forts you managed to occupy. Both you and Changbin had been changing up strategies day by day, and the both of you grew stressed easily, also noticing that the soldier’s morale definitely weakened due to the unbalanced situation.
«If we get back alive, I’ll start a riot myself.» Changbin said, putting all his effort into keeping a calm surface when he probably wanted to set fire to the whole Castle out of spite. «That bastard of a King sent us out here on our funeral.» he spoke, his hands balled in fists and his knuckles almost white; you chuckled, humourlessly, agreeing with him.
It was indeed a suicide mission, and you allowed yourself thinking about Seungmin’s strong arms holding you close, one last time, before gathering your things and getting ready to join your soldiers on the battlefield. You were glad you and Changbin were on the same page: today’s battle would have been decisive for the decision regarding your retreat.
Swinging your sword, you managed to neutralize yet another one of your opponents, helping one of the soldiers that had been surrounded by enemies. Deep in your heart, you knew you would never win today’s battle; the soldiers were too tired, and the enemy clearly outnumbered you. As much as you hated declaring loss, the options were simple: retreat and have a small chance to get back home, or die on the battlefield. Your sword effortlessly sank in the stomach on another man, and you kicked him to the floor with a strained groan.
«Fall back!» you shouted at the top of your lungs, glad that the soldiers near you immediately repeated your command, and so you all quickly retreated. Hastily, you glanced around one last time, and Changbin appeared next to you with a worried shout, which did not reach your ears, as it should have.
Everything started to get blurry, and you gradually got dizzy; your grip around the sword’s handle loosened, and you glanced down to see a short blade perfectly lodged into your abdomen. Pain and darkness surrounded your senses and you collapsed, aware that Changbin was ready to catch you once again.
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Seungmin essentially spent the majority of his days staring outside of the window, waiting to see you coming back with a triumphant smile on your face as you leaded the army back home, as you always did every time. Once again, he shifted his position on his chair, before he heard one of the guards outside his door announcing that his fiancée was about to enter the room.
«Seungmin, we have to talk.» she told him, an unusual distressed tone in her voice, and he shifted his gaze on her. «I know you don’t have feelings for me.» she reached out, placing her hand above his on the chair’s handles.
Seungmin scoffed, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips as he threw his head back on the chair. «And?»
«And I don’t love you, either.» she finished with a polite smile as his head shot back and their gaze locked. «I’m in a relationship with my lady in waiting.» she carefully whispered her confession. «I’ve been cheating on you even before meeting you!» she smiled widely, and he faintly returned her smile. «I came here to tell you I want to help you, as soon as she comes back. We don’t love each other, but we’re still friends.»
«Thank you.» Seungmin said, placing his hand on top of hers, gratitude evident in his eyes. Seungmin couldn’t wait for you to come back home to confess his love for you, and so, he and his fiancée spent the entire morning creating a plan that could allow their Kingdoms to maintain the newfound peace, but also allow them to realize their love without suffering any further. She was about to answer, when a guard entered the room, informing you that the army was now crossing the castle gates, and Seungmin ran.
Seungmin rushed through the castle’s corridors like a mad man, and as soon as he was almost at the Castle’s gates, he was met with Changbin, riding on top of his horse and staring ahead with a dark look on his face. Seungmin’s eyes shifted on your white horse, pain squeezing his heart in a tight grip, as he did not catch any sight of you. You were not riding your horse, you were not walking among the few remaining soldier, and you were nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly, a small, wooden carriage that both yours and Changbin’s horse were pulling along caught his attention; an arm was dangling from the wooden surface, and Seungmin petrified.
Even if that person’s identity was hidden thanks to a blanket placed over their shape, Seungmin would recognize that armour anywhere, since he gave it to you as a present.
«Move.» Changbin’s tone was rough. It did not show empathy, nor respect. Seungmin could feel the pent up rage that was boiling in the boy’s blood.
«Is she-»
«I said move,» Changbin repeated, as if he was talking to a captured enemy soldier and not to the future King, the dark circles under his eyes now more evident as he finally returned Seungmin’s gaze. «Or she might as well be dead.»
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You woke up feeling as if a whole army had been using your body as a carpet to walk on; you couldn’t entirely remember what happened on the battlefield, but there was a white bandage covering up you abdomen, and the pain you were feeling was almost unbearable.
«You’re lucky you’re alive.» Changbin said as soon as he heard the news that you woke up. «That blade was poisoned.» he said, squeezing your hand as he sat on the small, wooden chair next to the bed.
«Well, that was an adventure.» you muttered, still feeling weak and already hating the feeling of the bandage around your abdomen.
«Adventure? I was so worried for you, I almost got fired!» Changbin whined, and you giggled.
«I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to almost die.» you sighed, and your friend simply leaned in to quickly kiss your forehead.
The second visit you received was Seungmin’s. Cowardly, you pretended to be asleep for half of the time he had been there, until he sighed, and hesitantly reached out to hold your hand.
«I can’t wait for you to wake up,» his voice gently said, as his thumb caressed your knuckles. Even if your first instinct was to intertwine your fingers with his as you always did, you prevented yourself from doing so, settling for enjoying the feeling of Seungmin’s warm hands holding yours. «So that I can confess to you properly, hoping to be still on time for you to say yes.» your heart picked up pace at his words, but you still kept your eyes closed.
«Truth was, you caught me completely off guard that time, and I had been talking with my father about annulling the engagement, because I love you. The marriage… It won’t be cancelled, but me and the Princess found a way to make everyone happy, guess how?» he chuckled, «The Princess has-no, I want to see your expression as I tell you but, long story short, we both love someone else.» you had to bite the inside of your cheeks not to smile. «And now, you can’t stop pretending to be asleep.»
Your eyes shot open with a groan, «I was good at acting!»
«You’ve always been terrible at it.» Seungmin smiled at you, tightening his hold around your hand.
«Tell me about the Princess.» you eyed him curiously, as your fingers finally interlocked together.
«Oh! She has a girlfriend.» he said, smiling at your eyes widening while an incredulous smile spread on your face. «Her lady in waiting.»
«No way!» you exclaimed, excited and happy with the news. «Now help me up, and tell me everything.» With gentle hands, Seungmin helped you in a sitting position, and told you that he and the Princess both decided to get married, but live their own sentimental life behind closed doors.
«I guess me and her maid will sink our sorrows in the wine that will be served at the wedding, then.» you sighed, and Seungmin held your hand a little bit tighter.
«Is that a yes?» he asked, hopeful eyes searching for yours.
«Yes, Seungmin.» you smiled, with a nod. «A thousand times yes.» Seungmin leaned in, kissing your lips with a soft peck, before smiling widely and mumbling a sweet «I love you.»
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One long year passed since that day; your wound totally recovered, and in exchange, you got yet another scar adorning your body. Seungmin saw you naked a countless times by now, and yet, he’d still take his time to kiss every scar on your skin, his gentle and soft lip making you shiver in reflex.
The guerrilla had been won thanks to the Princess’ Reign landing you their military forces, and you and Changbin came back from the battlefield with wide smile on your faces. Needless to say, as soon as you told Changbin about Seungmin’s plan, he couldn’t stop talking about it.
«What did I tell you back then?» Changbin smiled, hugging you close and spinning you around few times. «You needed an Eclipse!»
«Changbin!» you laughed, «It makes no sense, and you were drunk back then!»
«Tipsy. And still a genius.» you were glad to have Changbin as your friend, since sometimes you felt like he was happier than you were about it. Truth was, deep inside you knew that you risked your life on a daily basis, and the thought of not coming back to Seungmin made your heart sink in your stomach.
Seungmin and the Princess got married approximatively seven month after you came back injured, and you couldn’t help but giggle as the Princess’ lady in waiting gently elbowed you as they swore each other fidelity. Seungmin managed to glance at you as he spoke his vows, and you rolled your eyes at him, tilting your head and hiding a smile from unwanted eyes.
Seungmin and the Princess both insisted to re-arrange the dispositions of the rooms, so that yours and her lady in waiting’s would be at each side of their shared chambers; meaning that they both could sneak out to meet their lover without anybody knowing. Therefore, that’s how you spent your time. During the day, you would be occupying your position as Seungmin’s personal bodyguard, ignoring Changbin’s knowing gazes as you were trying to maintain a stoic posture, while at night, you were Seungmin’s lover.
Seungmin was both a gentle, passionate Prince as much as he was a gentle and passionate lover; whatever he did, he always made sure not to hurt you, and he always put your pleasure before his. At first, his hand would be draped over your mouth to muffle your too loud moans, but eventually, the King found out about your secret relationship as one day, a loud cough interrupted your make out session behind one of the Castle’s columns in the hallways. Seungmin had you pinned against the wall, one legs between yours, and you couldn’t be more embarrassed about it. Of course, the Princess had been called up immediately, and they both decided to confess.
The King’s face paled for a minute, before dismissing you all with a wave of his hand. «I want an heir. I don’t care how, but at least make me become a grandfather before you make me die of heart attack.» since then, he never said anything else about the situation, but indeed, he had been paying a little more attention to the four of you, finding a new source of entertainment among the court.
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Your nightgown danced around your legs as you walked over to Seungmin’s desk chair, his eyes travelling on your body since the nightgown’s fabric did not hide almost anything. With attentive hands, you grabbed Seungmin’s crown, admiring the precious stones adorning it, before placing it on top of your head and turning around to meet Seungmin’s gaze, still looking at you while leaning against the doorframe which connected your rooms.
«Does it suit me?» you asked, smiling at how Seungmin was looking at you. Seungmin was indeed taken aback, utterly dumb at the sight – at the sheer insolence of it, at the impossible beauty. His crown suited you perfectly, he thought. With slow steps, Seungmin moved closer to you, and you furrowed your eyebrows at his lack of answer. Seungmin’s careful fingers adjusted the crown on top of your head, and as you met your gaze, you felt almost devoured by the sheer lust and love you saw in them.
«Don’t ever let anyone but me see you like this.» Seungmin mumbled, as he admired once again the girl he has loved for his whole life wearing his crown and looking definitely too insolent, too beautiful – and entirely his.
Standing on your tiptoes, your hands sneaked around Seungmin’s neck as you hastily captured his lips in a passionate kiss, and he quickly held your waist, turning you around so that you would partially sit on his desk. Seungmin’s hands travelled along your legs, lifting your nightgown as they reached higher, and quickly scooped you up in his arms, causing you to squeal in surprise against his collarbone, which you were busy marking up. Seungmin effortlessly walked to your room with you in his arms, blindly closing the door behind the two of you. 
Seungmin laid you on the bed as your open-mouthed kisses set the pace for the rhythm of taking off each other closes, and that night, Seungmin let you ride him while wearing his crown on top of your head. Seungmin was sitting on the bed, balancing his weight with his left hand stretched out behind him, as his right one occasionally gripped your thigh, strained moans accompanied by nails sinking into your skin, or either to cup your jaw to connect your lips as the feeling of you moving so perfectly on top of him and leaving scratches along his back and his chest made him feel on cloud nine.
Needless to say, you felt the same; Seungmin’s hooded eyes would follow every move, looking at you like you were some sort of goddess, while his hands caressed your body, fondling your breasts or gripping your hair just to roughly connect your lips. Seungmin’s gaze went downwards, and you followed it; your wetness was spreading all over Seungmin’s hipbones, and you could not help but let out a moan at the sight of his length continuously disappearing inside of you at the pace you set.  
«So perfect,» Seungmin mumbled against your neck, voicing a strained moan as your orgasm unexpectedly washed over you as now both his hands were playing with your breasts. You sank down on his length, your head falling in the crook of his neck as you hugged him tightly, his crown falling on the mattress. The continuous feeling of you clenching around Seungmin triggered his orgasm as well, and he came with a low moan.
«Let’s use your crown every night from now on.» you panted, reaching out to toy with the jewel as both of you were still recovering from your post orgasm state. Seungmin chuckled over the sweaty skin of your neck, and you shivered.
«Give me ten minutes,» he mumbled, lifting his head to bite your earlobe. «And we can use it again.» your answer came under the form of a breathy, needy whine, as his hands roughly pulled your body against his.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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