#aly writes things
haas-been · 6 months
not me being completely stuck on this life as we know it rewrite idea where daniel comes into shared possession of a child (thanks to the unfortunate demise of his friends, rip) with someone his absolute polar opposite and then having to struggle with being a parent not the cool fun uncle while also falling in love.
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lihhelsing · 9 months
(i'll hold on to you)
Gone were the days when Steve would be excited for a party. 
It used to make him feel alive and reckless and independent. It made him feel like he was the king of the world. King fucking Steve. 
It felt like a big fuck you to his parents who never gave a fuck. 
He threw parties because it made him feel likable. 'No, you don't need to bring booze, there'll be plenty there' he would say as he and Tommy hit the store before a party, giving money and free beers to whoever agreed to buy them alcohol. They never left empty-handed. 
Now, everything just felt wrong. 
Now he knew people liked the idea of Steve Harrington. Not so much the person he was. 
Despite being in a weird place with Tommy and Carol, Tommy had asked him about Harrington's New Year's rager and how could Steve say no to that? Especially when it felt like one more chance. One more try. 
Steve had promised himself he would try more. Convinced that the reason why things between him and Tommy felt weird was because he wasn't trying enough and not because he had been feeling some type of way about his best friend for a while now. 
And not because Tommy had kissed him and things had never been the same again. 
So yeah, Steve was desperate to grab whatever piece of normalcy he could have. If he pretended long enough, maybe things would eventually be ok again. 
The party was… What parties at the Harrington's always were. Loud, crazy, bursting with people. Everyone who knew anyone was there and Steve barely paid attention to who they were. It didn't matter. He was just hoping the loud noises would be enough to drown his self-pity. 
They weren't. Amongst the music and the yelling it wasn't even midnight and Steve's head already felt like it was about to split open. He thought maybe a beer would help. Thought maybe he would grab one and go hang with Tommy and Carol and just tried.
As he approached them, though, Tommy seemed to sense he was coming as he grabbed Carol by the waist and pulled her into a sloppy kiss. Steve stopped where he was, feeling his stomach in knots. 
It was just coincidence, was what he told himself even as Tommy detached his mouth from hers and pulled her body close, his hand curling on her ass, fingers brushing right at the hem of her skirt. 
It would be nothing more than a coincidence if Tommy wasn't looking straight at Steve as he let Carol kiss his neck. As he let his fingers dip under her skirt. 
Steve turned around, refusing to look. 
He went back to his room at almost midnight and he drank his beer all alone, the lingering feeling of not belonging swimming inside his aching head. 
Steve listened as everyone shouted a countdown for the new year and he listened as the party went on. No one to notice he was gone from it. 
The doorbell rang at 10 am the next morning. 
It couldn't be his parents because they wouldn't dare come back a day early from their vacation to the Bahamas.
The scariest part was that Steve couldn't think of anyone who would be ringing his doorbell at that hour on January 1st, 1984. 
He thought about ignoring it but the idea of not saying a single word out loud that day scared him enough to make him move. He pushed himself from the bed, threw on a shirt, and combed his fingers through his hair to try and not look so disheveled. 
Downstairs he tried to ignore the absolute mess the house was in. He still had a few days before his parents got back and even if they didn't care enough about Steve to worry about him throwing parties, they did care about finding the house spotless. Almost as if it had never been lived on. 
At least that meant Steve would have two days' worth of chores to keep him busy. 
He swung the front door open, ready to send away whatever salesman was standing there - wondering if there could be a girl's scout selling leftover cookies because Steve could definitely go for a pack of Thin Mints - just to be taken aback by a familiar face. 
One he wouldn't expect to see standing in his front door in a million years. 
"Eddie Munson," Steve let the name roll off of his tongue as he looked Eddie up and down. 
He couldn't say he knew Eddie. He knew of him because who the hell didn't? The guy walked on tables and was loud as fuck. He was also always throwing daggers at Steve. 
But in broad daylight, Eddie looked almost out of place. He was wearing all-black, as usual, with his hair tied up in a bun. His cheeks were flushed from the cold and even though it was January, for fuck's sake, he wasn't wearing any gloves. Steve let his eyes linger on the way Eddie kept playing with one of his rings, sliding it in and out of his index finger. 
"Hey, Harrington," Eddie said. Or purred was more appropriate. When Steve looked back up, Eddie was smirking at him as if he had noticed the way Steve's eyes drank him in. 
"Did you need anything?" Steve asked, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice. His head hurt and now that he had talked he wished he didn't because it made the pounding even worse. 
"Why? Am I interrupting something?" Eddie said, angling his body so he could look at the dark, empty house. Steve could lie, of course. Say that there was a girl upstairs waiting for him to come back. He could even add some crass detail about it to see if it would get a rise out of Eddie. 
But for some reason, he didn't.  
"Look, Munson, I'm not in the mood for your little games. Either you say what you want or you get the hell out of my face."
Eddie batted his eyelashes at Steve. "Oh, someone's touchy. Would that have something to do with the way those two friends of yours were ignoring you all night yesterday?"
Steve felt his head spinning. Was Eddie Munson at his party yesterday? Had he not noticed him even though Eddie seemed to have noticed a lot of things? 
"Whatever," Steve said, pushing the door closed. He didn't have the time for that anyway. A lot of cleaning to do. 
"Wait!" Eddie said, moving his body so he could stop the door from closing. Steve was beginning to feel very annoyed. "Sorry. My uncle says I never know when to shut up."
Steve frowned at that piece of information. "Well?"
"I, uh… I think I left my lunchbox in here somewhere. Did you happen to find it?"
Steve had to fight his immediate urge to just say no and close the door in his face. It wasn't his problem if Eddie couldn't hold on to his shit at a party. But he could see the anxiousness bleeding on his expression, his hand going back to pick at his ring almost as if he was unaware of doing it. 
"Haven't really looked," Steve said, shrugging. "I'll let you know if I do."
There was no reason for Steve to be nice to Eddie but he couldn't find a reason to not be nice. Now that he was looking at him, Eddie looked almost distressed. 
"Shit. Look, man. It's, uh, important. It's my-"
"Drug lunchbox. I know. I'm not dumb."
Eddie's eyes widened and he rushed his words out. "I don't think you're dumb. Just didn't take the King for someone to know things about his subjects."
Steve crossed his arms, refusing to acknowledge the way the nickname stung. 
"Whatever. I haven't started cleaning, but I'll let you know when I find it. Don't want my parents finding that shit here anyway."
Steve was pretty sure his voice sounded final. He didn't care about the lunchbox, had no reason to fuck with Eddie about it because who would bring weed to his parties if he did? But Eddie was still standing there looking like a kicked puppy. 
"What is it?" Steve asked, exasperated. 
Eddie chewed on his lip and looked down. "I really need it. It has all my inventory and my money in it. Do you mind if I… Can I look for it?"
Steve stared at him but Eddie wouldn't meet his eyes. He wanted to say no, just send him away with the promise that he would give it back when he found it. But seeing Eddie that anxious was doing things to Steve. It was making him want to fix it. 
"Please," Eddie said again, almost a whisper. "I'll help you clean if you want."
Eddie finally looked back at him. His eyes were shining in a way that made Steve uncomfortable. He wanted to push him away. Whatever. He didn't need the freak helping him clean the house, even if he had ulterior motives for doing it. 
But his mind wandered to the empty house. To the quiet, suffocating house. To how pathetic it was for him to be all alone, cleaning the house after a party he didn't want to be at, thinking about whatever shit his ex-best friend and his girlfriend were doing without him. Feeling sorry for himself. 
"Shit. Fine. Come on in, Munson."
Steve wondered if he was going to regret that. 
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keerysfreckles · 9 months
breaking the silence — steve harrington
Tumblr media
pairing: steve harrington x nurse!fem!reader
warnings: s4 spoilers, canon s4 events, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of death, long fic (i got carried away oopsies)
a/n: thanks to my wifey @keerysbrowneyes for the idea :) <3
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
"can we go to the cafeteria?"
"what if she wakes up soon?"
"can we play dnd now?"
steve groans for the hundredth time today. the kids were on his last nerve.
"guys!" steve interjects all their questions. "yes, you all can go to the cafeteria. i'll stay with max in case she wakes up. and no will, you can't play dnd."
dustin smiles, along with lucas and erica, as will frowns. the party makes their way out of the room and down the hall, all will empty stomachs.
steve can finally relax as he sits in one of the chairs placed in the room. he stares at max. her eyes are still shut, the blood has now faded to a light pink color around her eyes. she still had all the casts on her body.
steve couldn't stare at her for long, or else he'd breakdown right then and there. instead, he chose to fiddle with his calloused fingers.
however his head picked up once the door opened, revealing a nurse he hasn't seen before.
usually the nurse was male, who was much older with his grey hair. this nurse looked younger, and was a woman.
"oh hi, i didn't think anyone would be in here right now," the nurse explains.
steve stands from the chair, "i can leave if you want?"
the nurse only smiles, "don't be silly. i'm just checking her vitals."
steve nods, before sitting back down. "do you know how much longer she'll be like this?" he asks.
"well she's taking all the medicine nicely, and getting the rest she needs. so i'd say give her one more month at most."
steve runs his fingers through his hair. it's been two months since the upside down incident. all he hoped for was for max to get better as quick as possible.
"are you her primary care-taker?" the nurse asks.
steve shakes his head.
"i just figured since you're here everyday to see her," the nurse explains.
"no uh- her mom checks on her sometimes. at least that's what she tells me."
the nurse nods, as she finishes taking max's vitals, and writing down any changes.
"thank you," steve gestures towards max, "for doing all this?"
the nurse laughs, "for doing my job? you're welcome," she puases, not knowing the man's name.
the nurse smiles, "steve."
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
twenty four hours pass and steve finds himself in the hospitals visiting max again. the only difference being robin sitting next to him.
keith agreed to let robin go with steve, as family video wasn't busy on tuesdays.
robin was in the middle of telling steve about her and vickie's date from last week, until a knock on the door interrupted the girl.
steve noticed the nurse that walked in. it was the same nurse as yesterday, and today she had a cart filled with medical supplies.
"oh hi steve," the nurse smiles, "who's this?" she gestures to robin.
robin waves, "i'm robin, steve's friend."
steve nods, "yeah she agreed to come with me today, instead of the kids."
"you knew those kids in the cafeteria yesterday?" the nurse asks.
steve nods again, "well they were friends with max before me, but yeah i guess i-" robin hits steve's shoulder. "we look after them now."
"that's sweet of you guys," the nurse smiles.
robin turns to steve once the nurse starts checking on max. steve turns to robin as well, confused once he gets a look from her.
robin gestures her head towards the nurse. steve on the other hand just dismisses it. she was totally asking about it later.
robin's seen steve with this same look on his face before. whenever he looked at a breathtaking girl walking into scoops or family video. it was the same way he looked at nancy.
robin smirked to herself while getting out of her chair, "do you want anything from the vending machine?" she asks steve.
he shakes his head, and sends her a narrow look, knowing why she was leaving the room so suddenly.
in five seconds, it was just steve and the nurse in max's room again.
"i never got your name yesterday," steve breaks the silence.
"it's y/n," she looks over at steve.
"that really suits you," he smiles, and notices her cheeks turning pink.
the very sweet moment was cut short when robin re-entered the room, with three bags of chips in hand. steve gave her a look.
"what? i'm hungry," robin answered, before sitting back down in the seat next to steve.
y/n finished filling out the paperwork for max, and took the iv out of her arm she put in earlier.
she then walked over to steve with a few papers in her hand. she first hands him two papers, "these are the improvements she's made since last week, and the negatives."
steve gets handed another paper, and tries to ignore how his fingers touched y/n's.
"this is for her care-taker, so either for you, or if you're lucky to find a legal guardian."
steve and robin both look over the papers, happy once they read max is finally starting to have bigger improvements.
a device on the medical cart beeps twice, making y/n have to leave the room quickly to get to another patient. once steve and robin are alone, robin's curiosity gets the best of her.
"you like her don't you?"
steve whips his head to face robin, "what kind of question is that? we just met yesterday."
"i'm not hearing a no steven."
"rob, come on, don't be ridiculous."
"all i'm saying is, maybe it's good that you finally moved on from nancy. she's with jonathan in california anyways. maybe it's time to hop off that train."
steve shakes his head, "gee thanks for reminding me robin."
steve knew robin had a point. all the unnecessary pining for a girl he couldn't have. it just weighed him down most of the time.
an announcement was emitted over the speakers of the hospital, stating that visiting hours were over. steve and robin get their belongings before leaving the room. they pass the cafeteria, making steve stop in his tracks.
"do you want to get food before we head home?" steve points to the food court like area.
"no, vickie's actually picking me up for a date," robin nonchalantly answers.
steve's eyes widen, "wow, and you didn't tell me?" he laughs.
robin shoves him, before she starts walking to the lobby, "i was going to tell you eventually."
the pair shares a wave, knowing they were probably going to see each other again by the end of the week.
steve was quick to grab food, knowing exactly what he was in the mood for. a sandwich, a drink and a chocolate chip cookie were on the white tray.
he turned, and look around the tables. some were filled with parents. others had just one person, and some were empty with a few crumbs littered on top. steve however noticed on table in particular.
he recognized the purple scrubs of the nurse who he saw less than thirty minutes ago.
several thoughts flooded his mind as he walked over to the table y/n was sitting at.
what if she doesn't want to see me again? maybe she can't sit with visitors. what if she wants to eat alone?
however the thoughts don't stop him from standing in front of the table.
y/n picks her head up from her food, and sees a familiar grey jacket. her eyes reach the eyes of the person standing in front of her. she smiles, once she notices it's steve.
"hi steve," her smile never falters.
steve points to the empty chair across from her, "can i sit?"
y/n nods, "be my guest. i was feeling kind of lonely anyway."
steve and y/n both smile as he sits down across from her. they both eat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before steve breaks the silence for the second time today.
"what made you become a nurse?"
y/n takes in a short breath, which doesn't go unnoticed by steve. she wasn't sure why she was about to tell him the real reason, but she felt like she could trust him.
"before my dad passed away, i felt like i wasn't doing enough when he was in the hopsital. so when he passed, i made this like, promise to myself to help everyone else since i couldn't help him."
steve's heart breaks for the girl in front of him, "i'm so sorry y/n."
y/n can tell his voice is nothing but sincere. she only smiles, her own voice now feeling lost.
steve, trying his best to change the subject, asks another question.
"is this your first job?"
y/n nods, "yeah, i was going to work at the mall after high school, but decided this is what i want to do for a while."
"i used to work at the mall," steve laughs, making y/n gasp slightly.
"seriously? which store did you work at?"
"scoops ahoy, you know it?"
y/n nods, "i walked by it probably hundreds of times while me and my friends were out shopping," she laughs, now remembering seeing steve in that stupid sailor uniform whenever she passed by.
"but then the mall got destroyed from that fire," steve continued, "so now i work at family video. next to the arcade."
"i've been meaning to get some movies from there. but with school and work i've just been too busy," y/n sighs. don't get her wrong, she loves everything about her job, and the opportunities she's been given at such a young age. she only misses the amount of free time she used to have.
"i have a shift tomorrow, if you want to stop by whenever your shift ends, i can recommend some great movies," steve offers, in hope to be able to see her again tomorrow.
"i'll have to see how late i'm working tomorrow. i'd love to see you again," y/n catches onto to what she just said, which made steve raise his eyebrows and laugh quietly.
"i mean, i'd love to see you recommend me some movies. not that i won't be happy to see you again."
steve chuckles again at y/n's rambling, which instantly reminds him of robin.
"i know what you mean y/n, don't worry."
y/n's shoulder relax, as her and steve both finish their meals.
y/n takes both her and steve's white trays to the trash bins, and dumps the containers inside. steve grabs his car keys and wallet, along with y/n's jacket draped over the back of the chair and her purse.
y/n thanks steve while putting on her jacket. the two of them walk down the hallway together, and make their way through the lobby and out into the parking lot.
"you know you didn't have to walk me to my car right?" y/n lets out a giggle, which steve finds adorable.
"i know, just thought it'd be the chivalrous thing to do," steve chuckles, as he remembers dustin using that word a lot.
"well thank you steve," y/n sends him a smile, before reaching in her pockets, looking for her car keys.
steve realizes he's still holding her purse. he lets out a small 'oh' before handing it to her, making her thank him again.
steve waves to her as she turns her car on. he makes sure she leaves the parking lot safely, before he starts walking over to his own.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
steve's shift at family video the next day was uneventful and slow. only three customers have come in since steve's shift started. was it slow because he wanted to leave? maybe. did he want to leave only so he could see y/n again? absolutely.
robin noticed how bored steve looked as he played with the slinky on the counter.
"keith won't care if you leave ten minutes early ya know?" robin states, "we've been slow all day."
"you're telling me this why?" steve turns to face robin, who's stocking one of the shelves.
"you and i both know you just want to see that hot nurse from yesterday, who you obviously have chemistry with."
"i did not call her hot," steve dismisses.
"no, but you're thinking it," robin smirks.
steve just sends her a look, which makes robin laugh as she continues working.
steve contemplates on leaving early. he knew keith wouldn't care, just like robin said a moment ago.
"screw it."
steve walks into the small break room in the back of the store and clocks out. he grabs his keys and wallet, and a can of coke for the drive there, then jogs slightly through the store to get to his car.
"bye romeo!" robin yells as the store door closes.
steve's thankful the hopsital is close to fanily video, making him only have to deal with a twenty three minute drive.
he's lucky to find a parking spot. he takes notice of all the cars in the parking lot, knowing how busy it must be inside.
steve walked in and his assumption was correct. the lobby was almost filled to the brim with visitors, incoming patients, and doctors coming in and out through every door.
he walked to the front desk, and was surprised how quick he got his visitor sticker.
while walking through the hallway to get down to max's room, steve was passed by many doctors, nurses and patients. one nurse he wasn't expecting to see run by was y/n.
y/n, two doctors, and two others nurses were running by steve at the same time. he heard a certain code from the speakers as they all ran by, as well as calls from their moniters.
steve stopped walking for a moment, as he turned to see the group of five running back with a little girl on a stretcher. she looked maybe six or seven, and was as white as a ghost. her cries could be heard throughout the lower level of the hospital, even with the mask on her face.
steve got back to his original task, once the hallway had calmed down. he finally made it to max's room. he smiled when he saw the familiar room number.
"what are you guys doing here?" steve thinks out loud, as he's met with the whole party in max's room.
lucas, erica, will, mike and eleven all stood beside the bed near the window, while nancy and jonathan sat in the seats.
"mike, nancy and jonathan all came back from california this morning. we thought they should come see max," will explains.
just as steve is about to ask another question, a knock on the door makes him turn. a nurse comes in, who isn't y/n.
"oh wow, a lot of visitors in here," she smiles.
the nurse starts to take max's vitals, just like any other day. with all of the people in the room, steve's face grows hot as he starts to feel claustrophobic. he tells nancy he'll be outside the room if any of them need him.
less than ten minutes pass as everyone walks out of max's room, besides the nurse.
they all walk past steve and go down the hallway, after nancy tells steve that all the kids are getting antsy and need to get out of the hospital. steve nodded in understanding, knowing they could only handle it for so long.
steve debates on going back inside to check on max, but decides not to.
whenever he goes into that room, all he can think of is it being his fault for her condition. he always feels as if he could've done more to protect her from vecna.
steve stands from the chair and starts walking to the cafeteria. might as well get free food before i leave.
his plans change however, once he turns the corner and sees y/n sitting on the floor. her elbows are resting on her bent knees while her hands are in her hair. steve hears the soft cries coming from the girl.
he jogs towards her, before kneeling down besides her.
"hey hey, are you okay?" his voice is gentle, as he rests his hand on her shoulder.
y/n's head turns. she definitely wasn't expecting to see steve at the hospital today. "what are you doing here?" her voice was raspy.
"i was visiting max, but then was going to get food, and i found you here. are you alright?"
y/n only shakes her head, after sniffling and wiping her eyes. "a little girl passed away, not long after she came in from an ambulance."
steve listens, keeping a hand on her shoulder as he rubs his thumb along the bone.
"i've dealt with patients passing before, but this one felt so different. her parents were in the room," y/n hiccups as she tries to catch her breath, "they were in the room while her time of death was announced."
steve didn't say anything in return. he simply stood up and held his hand out, which y/n instantly took. he helped her stand up, and was quick to open his arms. of course y/n complied.
steve's arms were wrapped loosely around her neck, while her own were around his waist. the action only made her break down more, making her grip onto steve's grey jacket. he gently swayed the two back and forth, in efforts of calming y/n down.
steve kissed the top of y/n's head once he heard her cries starting to die down.
"how would french fries and milkshakes make you feel right now?" steve asks, not moving from his current position.
y/n giggles before sniffling again, "i wouldn't hate it."
steve reluctanly pulls away from the hug, "when does your shift end?"
y/n checks her watch and chuckles, "two minutes ago actually. let me grab my things and i'll meet you in the lobby?"
steve nods, watching y/n walk away from him.
just as promised, steve's waiting in the lobby when y/n walks through the double doors.
they both walk out to the parking lot, and before y/n can walk to her own car, steve grabs y/n's shoulder.
she turns with her eyebrows furrowed.
"we can just take my car," steve offers, "we can go to the diner, and if you want to you can stay at mine for the night."
y/n's heart melts at steve's offer, as he starts to ramble.
"i mean you've probably had a long day, and i know if i were you i wouldn't want to be alone right now. i know we just met so it-"
"steve," y/n cuts him off.
"i'd love to," she smiles, making steve send one back to her.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
steve stuck to his word as he took himself and y/n to the diner nearby. they got a large order of fries, as steve got a chocolate milkshake and y/n got a strawberry one.
now the pair was at steve's house. his parents were out of town, which didn't surprise steve. which meant they had the house to themselves.
steve noticed y/n was still in her purple scrubs, which prompted him to ask, "do you want some comfortable clothes to change into?" he chuckles.
y/n nods, "if you don't mind, that'd be great."
steve motions for her to follow him up the stairs, which she does.
y/n looks around steve's room once they both enter, as steve goes over to his dresser. y/n sees the different trophies placed around the room, as well as multiple picture frames of what seems to be of himself and friends.
steve comes back to the girl, and hands her an old t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
"bathroom's right across the hall," he smiles. he hears a small 'thank you' as y/n walks out of his room.
he takes the time to change out of his jeans and polo shirt, and into a pair of pajama pants and old high school t-shirt.
he turns once he hears the bathroom door opening, and smiles at the sight of y/n wearing his own clothes.
"thank you steve," she places her old clothes by the wall, before standing in front of steve.
"thank you for everything actually," she admits.
"you're very welcome," steve smiles, "i just want to make sure you're okay after today."
y/n nods, "yeah, i think i'll be okay."
after a moment, steve breaks the silence, "do you want to go downstairs and watch a movie? or we could go outside and just talk?"
"i'm okay with a movie."
once y/n and steve make their way back downstairs and into the living room, a thought pops into y/n's head.
"do you mind if i call my mom first? just in case she calls and i'm not home, i'll tell her why."
steve points in the direction of the phone, "yeah of course, phone's in the kitchen by the fridge."
steve chuckles to himself when he hears another 'thank you' coming from y/n before she's in the kitchen.
steve can't help but look at the girl from the living room. he's able to see from her waist up, and still think she looks perfect in his clothes.
y/n hangs up the phone after a short conversation with her mom. she puts her head in her hands and takes in a deep breath. the last thing she wanted to do was breakdown in front of steve again.
"are you okay?"
speak of the devil. y/n saw steve standing right outside the kitchen. she simply nodded before walking over to him.
"today was just a lot," she sighs.
"i get that," steve agrees.
just by the look on y/n's face, he can tell a million different thoughts are going through her mind. he grabs her chin in his hand to make her look up at him, and then moves his hand to cup her cheek.
"are you sure your okay?" his voice is softer than before.
once again, y/n only nods.
steve and y/n mantain their eye contact, completely getting lost in each other's eyes.
y/n noticed how soft and gentle his eyes look. she believes there's a whole story underneath his eyes, but decided against asking.
as steve is doing the same thing to y/n, the girl leans up and kisses him on the lips quickly.
her heartbeat only picked up once he didn't say anything. she feared she had messed up the relationship the two had just started.
steve didn't move his hand from y/n's cheek, and he smirked slightly.
before y/n could start profusely apologizing, steve beat her to it.
"why'd you stop?"
the question immediately caught y/n off gaurd, "what?"
"why'd you stop kissing me?" steve asks again.
y/n can only stutter in response and before a full sentence can be formed, steve pulls her to him and kisses her on the lips.
his other hand moves to her waist, gripping at the skin peaking out from under the shirt.
y/n quickly responds by kissing him back, as both of her hands go to his waist.
y/n gasps slightly as steve turns to hold her against the wall that he was previously leaning on. the gasp gives steve the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, making the two's tongues have to fight for dominance.
"screw the movie," steve mumbles against y/n's lips, making her giggle before she wraps both of her arms around steve's neck.
y/n giggles again after steve grabs her hand, and pulls her back upstairs to his bedroom.
to say robin would be getting a very interesting call from steve the next morning would be an understatement.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
It is finally the weekend after a full on month of exams. Steve knew paramedic training would be hard but the intensity of tests between gruelling placements is proving to be a lot to handle. Right now that doesn't matter, its a Friday night and his course mates decided that they should congratulate themselves for getting through the semester by going to a bar, drinking and try to be average college students instead of college students who regularly attend medical emergencies with no clue of how to help for 8 weeks blocks at a time. They've all seen their share of tragedies but they've witnessed the joys of the job too. The happy tears on the eyes of loved ones proves to Steve time and time again that he absolutely chose the right profession to study.
Robin isn't part of the course but she's come to every social event they have, just like Steve going to all of hers with her psychology friends. They are both honorary members of each other's course and are kind of expected to turn up at these things. So this is how they end up at a ridiculously busy bar with shots being shoved at them by Ali, an amazing paramedic in training but absolutely terrifying in her determination. She half arm hugs Steve and Robin, squeezing them tight.
'I love you guys. BUT you fucking cockblock each other and I'm sick of it', they start to protest in unison but are shushed by a finger to the lips.
'I just want to see you both Happy. That would make me happy. So Robin, you gotta go get that girl's number, okay?' Ali points to a girl by the stage, strawberry blonde and a toothy grin in conversation with a fluffy brown haired boy. Both of them in deep conversation, clearly excited about whatever they are talking about, pointing at the small stage and the girl bouncing on her heels. They chose this bar for their night out for the famed wild band that plays semi-regularly who draw a loyal crowd. And by the looks of things, this girl is a big fan.
'And Steve? I know a man who's perfect for your pretty boy ways. Lead singer of the band, trust me, you'll see him and not be able to stop yourself. Now drink up guys, I'm buying you your first round of bravery in a glass.' She's slurring her words a little bit but her heart is in the right place. So, with a heavy hit to their backs from Ali, they clink the tiny shot glasses together and down them.
'Guess we better get moving dingus' Robin says with a odd mix of determination and uncharacteristic confidence. She's off before Steve can reply, fluffing up her hair and rubbing any non-existent lipstick off her teeth.
Steve turns back to the bar, the whole room is dimly lit and rumbling with loud conversations and that's before the band even starts. He feels at a loss without Robin at his side but knows he'd just have to make eye contact and she'd be back. He braces himself against the bar top, wondering if he can pre-plan his attack on the front man of the band he is yet to see. The years of team sports in high school means that Steve is never one to back down from a challenge and he's been wanting to flex his old reputation of 'King Steve' for a while now so why not?
He's contemplating where the best place in the room is for ogling the band and ensuring the, apparently irresistable, lead singer sees him that Steve notices somebody has slid into the empty space next to him. Steve casts his eye over the stranger, taking in the full length of him and is pleasantly surprised. The man next to him is all long legs in black denim, big leather boots and shirt that has been so thoroughly cut at the sides he may as well just left it at home. Steve's eyes keep roaming though, over the light trail of hair left exposed from the way the man's shirt has risen that leads to his waistband. And there is jewellery, so many long chains that would be perfect to pull somebody in by, to get somebody close and under control. Steve briefly stops on the man's hands, long lithe fingers with heavy, dangerous rings that would probably feel incredible against Steve's skin now that the club has become hot and stuffy, nothing to do with the stranger in front of him of course. Steve finally raises his eyes to his face and nothing could have prepared him for the sinful smirk playing over his mouth aimed out towards the room or the deep, deep brown eyes that he really does get lost in for a second. To top it all off there's a wild mane of fluffy hair that would be perfect for Steve's hands to pull.
Steve knows he's supposed to be looking for the lead singer but who's to say he can't set his own challenge instead. The other man nods and Steve takes his chance;
'You here for the show?' Its not his finest work when trying to get in somebody's pants but its a start. The man swivels to fully face Steve and leans in like he has a secret to tell
'Sweetheart I am the show.' Its an awful line, truly and the guy clearly knows it from the way he's holding back a laugh by the end of the statement. Steve should be turned off, should walk away and tell Ali that as much as the singer may look like God's gift, his charm leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is, Steve has never wanted a person more in his life. So he tries to give a bitchy side eye but can't stop the smile tugging at his lips
'Is that right? Better tell me what name I've got to scream tonight if I'm going to have to compete with a few fans.' it is an equally pitiful line, but it makes the man raise and eyebrow in amusement and blush rise from his neck to cheeks. Steve might be wondering how far down it goes and if he could make it go further.
Steve stands his ground as the singer grabs his hand and raises it to his lips, kissing his knuckles, 'It’s Eddie, and don't worry, you'll be the only one I'm looking for on stage'
It is all so silly but it makes Steve's stomach swoop, sure he's been flirted with before but this feels like courtship from a poorly aged romcom and he can't get enough. He considers the possibility of Ali spiking that first shot. He can't help it, Steve is swaying into Eddie’s space, feels himself doing so and does nothing to stop it, waiting to see what reaction is causes in Eddie. He’s rewarded when Eddie’s gaze lingers on his lips, he still hasn’t let go of his hand, still running his thumb over Steve’s knuckles. Steve takes a step forward, his empty hand starting to rise with all intentions of cupping Eddie’s jaw and pulling him in. He see’s Eddies eyes start to slide almost shut, showing his own desire.
‘EDDIE, MAN C’MON! ITS SHOW TIME!’ Steve manages to bite back a groan of frustration but Eddie’s is loud and clear as they untangle.
‘Stick around after the set, yeah?’ it’s quiet, barely audible of the growing noise in the bar but Steve nods and Eddie is heading to the stage, a bounce in his step. Steve almost feels like an idiot for watching him go but then Eddie turns and starts to walk backwards, shouting at Steve;
‘Fair maiden! I never got your name!’ Steve laughs at the childishness of it all but shouts his response back. In return Eddie holds both his hands to his chest over his heart and lets his back hit against the stage door as if stunned by a name. The door is suddenly opened from behind, Eddie stumbling backwards and picked up by his bandmates, he manages to send a wink to Steve before the door closes again.
Steve is on his own, at the makeshift half-assessed barrier only possible at tiny bar gigs. In all honesty it would probably be safer to just take them away. He gets lost in this thought as the lights all but cut out and the band makes it to the stage. Suddenly he understands that the barrier might be more for the band than the fans. There’s a rush of people to the front of the barrier as expands and hands reach over, trying to touch Eddie. This is all before the lights even go up but seeing as the venue is tiny the lights from the bar are illuminating the stage. The fluffy haired boy from the start of the night is on drums and two other guys, pick up the instruments that were left on stage. Steve only has eyes for Eddie though, notably smiling down at his guitar.
The lights go up, Eddie leans in close to the mic, manic smile on his face and lets out a shout of ‘ALL ABOARD!’ followed by a laugh and a heavy guitar riff. From then on out it Eddie really is a show, Steve couldn’t put it better if he tried, The whole band clearly in love with what they do. There’s calls and response with the audience, jumping around the set and laughter from all of them as they clearly ride the high. Eddie engages them all in conversations during the breaks between songs, showcasing the relationship between them, making everyone wish they were part of the band too. Steve isn’t a fan of heavy music. If it had been anyone else he’d worry the gig would amount to him suffering through a set list begging for the end. But this? This is different. In Steve’s opinion these guys are destined for the big time.
Through set Eddie is never far, he prowls the stage but somehow is always paying attention to Steve, sending smiles his way. He gets really into a particular solo, fingers moving over the neck of the guitar, Steve is captivated for reasons that may include his mind wandering to what else Eddie might be able to do with his hands. Then Eddie /grinds/ against the body of the guitar and Steve feels his eyes widen his fists clench at his sides, stock still in the crowd of moving bodies. Eddie then has the audacity to make direct eye contact with Steve as he sinks to his knees and continues to play. Its safe to assume Steve doesn’t remember much else after that.
The gig wraps up to applause and foot stomping after a well received encore that Eddie threatens to stage dive in but stops himself after riling the crowd up. The band hop off stage, not needing to breakdown the stage, they have a three day stint at the bar and this is their second night according to the posters around the place. Steve turn’s to survey the area as Eddie talks with fans that descended on the band when they finished. He’s thinking about going to the bar, grabbing a drink when he sees Robin making out with the girl that was suggested to her. He averts his eyes, he loves his best friend but somethings he does not need to see. Just as he turns to make his way to the aforementioned bar Steve feels a hand on his shoulder, turning him around. Eddie is standing close and slides his hand from Steve’s shoulder to his neck, up to the back of his head.
‘Like what you saw Stevie?’ the nickname might be overly familiar in the setting but Steve really doesn’t care
‘You weren’t lying when you said you were the show’ Steve tilts his head ever so slightly to side, hinting at his wants. He can feel Eddie’s breath on his lips, almost touching and the thought is maddening. Just as Eddie pulls Steve’s face closer he murmurs ‘Could give you a private one if you ask nicely’.
Steve pushes forward, pressing his lips to Eddie’s chasing what he’s been after all night, lets his hands slide onto Eddie’s hips and under his tshirt, trailing up his back. Eddie’s hands are in Steve’s hair and one on his ass, pulling him close. Breathing hard they break apart to hear a very drunk Ali shouting
‘SEE STEVE??? ROBIN?? I KNOW YOUR TYPES!!! I KNOW ‘EM!!!’ She’s maybe been a bit too heavy handed with the shots. Without thinking Steve detaches from Eddie, walks up to Ali and ask the bartender for a glass of water. Ali slings an arm around Steve slurring her words slightly as she asks again, wanting to make sure that she was right, that she knows Steve’s type.
‘Yup, yeah you do Ali, you do. Don- Ali don’t throw the water!’ He can hear Eddie chuckling behind him, muttering something about 'Sir Steve saving the day'. Ali eyes him and whisper shouts to Steve
‘You should thank me, you’d never find him without me. Robin too. You should allllll thank me’ She’s out of it and will live to regret it in the morning. Which will be precisely when Steve will let her know that he’s actually been engaged to Eddie for coming up to a year now and Robin and her girl, Chrissy, are in talks of adopting a cat.
But that can wait, he has a boy at his back, begging to be taken home.
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scooprtroopr · 8 months
9 and 28 with steve if you ever get around to it, love you bestie 🫶
Parker, thank you for being so patient with me well I worked out how I wanted this one to go. I hope you like 🖤💕🖤💕
9. Falling in and out of sleep holding each other and admiring the other while they sleep.
28. “Oh my god, your such a cuddle bug.”
It had been a long day and between hauling boxes up to your new apartment and attempting to begin unpacking you and Steve were beyond tired. Even with boxes strewn across your would be bedroom and only a mattress to lie on, the bedframe would be delivered tomorrow, you couldn’t help the swell in your chest as you looked around. Sure the walls may be bare and things you had a lot of work to do in the coming days but you and Steve finally had a home together. Thinking about this you couldn’t help the smile the crept its way onto your face as you lay in bed. Steve’s strong arms were wrapped around your waist, an empty pizza box lay at your feet, a reminder of the celebratory dinner you had shared before the exhaustion of a fully day hit you both. 
You tried nudging the empty box with your foot in an attempt to gently move it from the bed. At your movement Steve’s arms tightened around your waist a tired, “where are you going?” leaving his lips. 
“Nowhere love, just trying to get the pizza box off the bed, didn’t mean to wake you,” you begin to roll over in Steve’s arm so you can face him, but again your movement only leads to his grip tightening, pulling you closer into him. Finally finishing rotating in his arms you can’t help but giggle, “oh my god, you’re such a cuddle bug!”
At this Steve peeks out at you with one eye, a lazy smile on his all too perfect face before he sticks his tongue out at you. “ ‘m sorry I love you so much, you can go if my cuddles are keeping you from defeating the evil pizza box” Even as exhausted as he sounds, his voice is laced with the sound of a smile. HIs one open eye closes as you snuggle in closer to him, a content sigh leaving both of you. 
It’s not long before Steve falls back asleep, and your breathing syncs with his. Up close you can’t help but look at all his delicate features. The way his eyes are gently closed, lashes fluttering every once in a while, making you wonder what he could be dreaming about. You follow the curve of his nose with your eyes, count the freckles on his face and neck, reaching out you stroke the soft skin of his cheeks. Eventually you're drawn to his lips. Lips so soft and pillowy, slightly parted as his even breaths leave his body. Lips that curve in the sweetest way when he laughs or tells you he loves you. Lips that have been the source of more pleasure than you ever thought possible. Lips that you have kissed countless times. Your mind begins to wander to all the places you and Steve have shared kisses, and to all the kisses you’ll share in this new home you get to build together. It’s with these thoughts of soft lips on yours that eventually your own eyes flutter closed, falling asleep still tangled in Steve’s arms.
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alitherandom · 6 months
I have nothing better to do and I'm trying to distract myself from the extreme anxiety season three is giving me so I'm just thinking about how kind and accepting Omega is towards Echo even when she didn't see him get created in Nala Se's lab like she did the original four batchers. I actually wonder how she knew who he was at first, whether or not the batch went back to Kamino before season 1, or if Nala Se told her he'd joined them. Either way, Omega’s a good kid and I really like how she loves each of her brothers for their differences.
On that note I wonder how much she knows about Echo’s experiences, and how similar they might be to hers (I feel like ‘lab assistant’ is basically just a red flag for experimentation and trauma, but anyway.) I like the parallel in season one of her checking up on him in the medbay in the first episode and then him doing the same for her when they were heading to the lab on Kamino in the last episode.
I like their dynamic especially with regards to how open he is with her, in contrast to how he seems to usually internalise things in front of the batch. The two of them definitely have older sibling vibes and we haven't seen enough of them. We haven't seen enough of Echo in season three full stop, but that's another post for another time (I'll probably post a really long rant if he's not back by the next episode)
But yeah Echo is a good brother and he deserves better where is he
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daenerysoftarth · 2 months
Tbh hotd s2 was mid. I’m really disappointed that they didn’t focus on any of Jace’s escapades in the north,,,, only like 2 scenes with any starks whatsoever. no scene of aemond returning to kings landing w the news that he killed Luke + the reactions of the council once they realized war was inevitable (a scene I was personally looking forward to). even the side plot of alicent defecting—while not in the books and imo a good choice on the parts of the hotd writers—was very underwhelming and didn’t live up to the potential that it had. completely wasted gayle rankin’s talent, turned alys into just a generic goth girl who whispers riddles without her own development or independent scenes,,,,,, daemon spending allllll that fucking time in harrenhal, only to end up going back to rhaenyra in the end,,, it threw the pacing of the whole show off and felt like a complete waste of time,, AND NO NETTLES
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fatedroses · 9 months
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Poor Emmanellain sending this relatively new, silent, stoic adventurer off on a delivery only to realize its going to take twice as long as just delivering it himself.
Zenos gets to deal with both the pain of not being able use Aetherytes and being dramatically stubborn of doing a job he was given regardless of it.
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darklingnights · 2 months
people have been so conditioned to fear forced heterosexual relationships in media that some seriously think alys psychosexually torturing daemon is grounds for a romance plot. and now they're mad at something they made up. sigh
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year
Little Place In The Back Of Your Mind
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Character: George Karim x Gn!reader
Type: Fluff/comfort
Length: 656 words
Summary: You’ve always been clumsy and slow. You feel so bad for keeping the group behind and you feel especially bad for how George always saves your ass. One early morning it finally gets to you and George reassures you that it’s okay.
Trope: Friends to lovers (Honestly could be read as platonic)
A/N: Here's a shorter Drabble one-shot thing to tide you guys over until I finally post some of those requests very soon!!!
I dropped my bag of supplies by my bed in the shared space me and Lucy had. This had been a disaster of a case. The Type 2 somehow snuck up on me and if it wasn't for George I would have been ghost-locked in a instant. I was being reckless and I could have gotten George hurt during this or even the others.
I let the angry and guilty tears flow as I sat on my bed. Lucy was showering downstairs, Lockwood was in the kitchen and George could be anywhere in this house. I was glad to be alone.
I felt like an embarrassment to them. I'm constantly tripping, daydreaming and god knows what else. I pressed my hands to my face trying to get those harsh tears to stop. God, I'm such a wreck.
No matter what I do, I always manage to get in the way.
I heard a knock on the door making my head snap up. I figured it was Lucy coming back from her shower so I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up.
"Come in," I called out. I sat there staring at the floor. I heard gentle footsteps patter up the staircase. Then when they reached the top they stopped.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" I heard no other than George's voice ring out. I looked at him and smiled softly. His face was puzzled.
"Yeah, I'm fine what's up?" George had a tray of tea in his hands but he put it on a small table in our shared space.
"No, you're obviously not. Your nose is red and your eyes look glassy. What's wrong?" I felt bad for getting him to worry about me like he always does.
"Really It's nothing I wouldn't want to bother you." He sighed.
"If it really had bothered me I wouldn't have started this interaction. So tell me what's wrong." He said firmly. He proceeded to sit next to me and wait for me to talk. He had his full attention on me and I love him for that.
"I just feel like I'm keeping you all behind. I'm constantly messing up on our cases and I feel like a liability to our team." I stared down at my roughed-up shoes I hadn't taken off yet. “I always mess everything up.”
"You know you make this team stronger?" He spoke truthfully. "I've seen you use your powers. Sometimes me and Lockwood aren't even capable of doing what you can do." I slowly started to look at him. He was so serious and I could tell it was all genuine. "You're always the first one to cheer someone up after a hard blow for a mission. You're constantly asking to help with any chore around the house. Whether it be cooking or oiling chains you're always willing to help the team and I admire that."
His face was soft and calm. A way that I haven't seen many times before. He's always so invested in something.
"Yes, I can admit that sometimes you're a little wobbly on the battlefield but you have other strengths besides combat. So many other qualities that make you amazing. You're so insanely smart and kind. So don't think about yourself like that. Or I will be mad and I'll have to talk some more sense into you." I chuckled softly. A ghost of a smile emerged on his lips.
"Thank you, George." Then I felt his arms around me. For a boy who isn't into "Touchy-feely" things this is a pretty touchy-feely situation. I soon melted into his touch and hugged him back.
"Is George Casper Karim hugging me right now or am I going crazy?" I joked. He groaned at my comment.
"Do not mention it. If you tell Lockwood I'll never hear the end of it." He hissed out. "Just enjoy the kindness I'm returning to you."
"Yeah, okay." I playfully rolled my eyes.
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confusionmeisss · 7 months
luke hemmings just sounds absolutely ethereal when he sings & writes , like i don’t think u understand how much i love his voice & writing style.
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high-voltage-rat · 1 month
Giving your OCs scars is actually so fun and fleshes them out so well. I've seen so much writing and character design "advice" that, in an unfortunate attempt to discourage edginess*, tells you most people don't have many scars, but the truth is, they often do- and you (and they) just may not notice at first glance.
This character used to be really reckless as a teenager and wiped out on their skateboard trying to do a trick or ride down too steep a hill, getting a deep scrape. This character has shaky hands and once cut their thumb chopping fruit. This character slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk going to class and scraped up their hands catching themself. This character was a bored teenager who thought it would be funny to shoot something that wasn't an arrow from their archery bow and lost a chunk of skin where it got snagged when they let their not-arrow fly. This character had a minor laparoscopic procedure. This character tried and failed to slide down the firefighter pole on the playground and put their teeth through their lip. This character was really intense about their favourite sport or game and got a giant scrape/cut making a glorious play to win the match. This character just kept picking at that acne spot over and over.
There are so many mundane ways one can get scars, and they tell such interesting stories about one's life. This is not to say that scars from life-changing incidents are all that rare or edgy: I know plenty of folks with those, too. But almost everyone has some little scars- and when you're writing, it can be fun to think about little, almost insignificant details like these that add depth to your characters.
* - friendly reminder to do whatever you want forever with your characters. Edginess is the coward's invention and you should free yourself from its restrictive bonds.
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the-heartlines · 7 months
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sapphic helysmond — woodland witchy vibes feat. manipulative alys and helaemond twins { with a jealous aemma (fem!aemond) } — slightly explicit
Alys Rivers' talons were wrapped tight around the sisters. It had been easy after their mother's tragic, untimely, and unfortunate death. Alicent Hightower was still a young and vivacious vibrant woman and it was a mystery of how she died so suddenly, the breath ripped from her lungs, the life torn from the very beat of her blood-red heart. 
The sisters were distraught afterwards, yet Alys was there the moment they buried Alicent six feet under, taking the twins under her wing, becoming their mother’s replacement. She took the religion their mother instilled in them and replaced it with a religion of her own, teaching them the ways of the witches like her very own mother had taught her. The woods with its eeriness and strangeness became their refuge everyday onward. 
Aemma, the youngest of the two, was very overprotective of her elder twin, and took more time to warm up to Alys. Her lone lilac eye was always watching her closely and how she would interact with her sister, who was always muttering nonsensical riddles. Aem’s slender and slim figure reminded her of skeletal winter trees, her skin even white like freshly fallen snow. She was mere steps behind Alys at all times, haunting her, and it made Alys’ cunt ache each and every time, and she wished the silver haired sister would step closer to her, hear her heart thrum faster than a beating drum, chase her through the forest—hunt her.
And Helaena. Helaena was the link between the two, tethering them to one another. An oddity full of sweet strangeness and charm, also melancholy, a sadness Alys was kin to. And so Alys began to pay closer attention to the younger of the two sisters, taking one step at a time to make Helaena just as much hers as she was her twin’s. For Alys saw the unbridled lust in Aemma’s one eye, the love that spilled from every one of her pores for her older twin. She could even smell how much Aemma ached for her sister and it only made Alys’ obsession with these two grow. And she could use the sister’s love and lust to her advantage, manipulate and mold their loving relationship into one that would benefit her.
So Alys doted on Helaena constantly, finding her unique gifts, rare creatures and insects she could add to her collection. She gifted her old antique spell books that would reveal and give more insight into the prophetic premonitions the young witch had been having her whole life. Alys even picked flowers for her, decorating her hair in them. And Aemma kept her lips sealed tight, into a harsh single line, never taking her eye off them, only clenching her hands into tight fists when Alys would make Helaena laugh, truly laugh. For Alys knew that was always Aemma’s job, to make her sister happy, to utter those little sounds just for her. 
Alys’ clit always throbbed seeing her get so upset, so angry to the point where when Helaena had kissed Alys on the lips in gratitude and innocently, for the first time, that Aemma had stomped off like a petulant little child who had gotten her toy stolen from her, running from them to sulk in her misery. 
Helaena had wanted to chase after her sister, worried about her, but Alys had shushed her lips with another sweet kiss, this time slipping her tongue into her mouth, quieting her woes. And the sweet dreamer had moaned into her mouth as Alys stole her first kiss from the sister, one she knew wasn’t supposed to be hers, but she would continue to take and take from these girls. For Alys wanted to take everything they would offer.
And so she did, finger fucking her on the forest floor, taking each of her large breasts into her mouth and leaving her teeth marks upon them. And then Alys worshiped the silver haired witch’s cunt with her lips and tongue, commanding her to cum all over her. And Helaena came hard and fast, mind spiraling and head spinning, and shouting her twin sister’s name loud enough to break through the canopy of trees, to make the birds scatter. 
When Alys Rivers finished eating the sweet girl’s cunt, with her virgin blood stained upon her fingers, she rose up and spied her. And as Alys licked her lips of her sister’s slick, she eyed Aemma’s fingers moving swiftly beneath her underclothes at her core. And the younger twin’s eye was on Helaena’s sleeping form, not daring to look away from her sister’s nakedness until she was cumming and screaming her name. 
And Alys just smiled wickedly, her powers swirling inside her once again, awakening for the first time in years. For with these two sisters by her side, they were her shield and she was invulnerable and unassailable.
For they were hers as much as she was theirs.
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
Last line tag
Rules: show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Thank you @onyxsboxes @joeyalohadream and @amiserableseriesofevents for the tag ❤️ Since I've been tagged three times, here are three sentences from my writing spree last night 😁
“I am not having sex with Meatball in the room.” However shaky and deep with arousal his voice is, Bucky must sense how serious he is because he looks first confused then appalled, though if it’s by the idea of having sex with their dog in the room or the fact that he’s just been cockblocked by said dog is unclear to Gale. Knowing Bucky, he highly doubts it’s the first.
I don't know who to tag, I feel like pretty much everyone I'm moot with has been tagged already 😅 so if you feel like sharing a bit of your wip, consider this your tag! ❤️
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theghoulboysblog · 5 months
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OH THAT IS SOOO US @thatonegeekygirl WITHOUT A DOUBT!!! 🫶🫶🫶
i am indeed very insanely ryan bergara coded (anxious, talkative, overthinking, easily distracted, and interest-driven!), while you are SO extremely shane madej coded in my opinion lmao. (gentle, creative, accepting, comforting, and also interest-driven!)
SO YES! in summary, we make the best duo ever aurora! <3
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ihavetoomanythoughts3 · 10 months
Y’all. I just wrote a first draft of an essay where I went off on Netflix and had to delete an entire line where I basically said “Netflix executives are idiots who don’t know what they’ve lost.”
… I then proceeded to insinuate it instead of just flat out saying it.
I don’t think I get more passionate than when I’m talking about Lockwood & Co.
Should I post the essay once it’s finished?
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