#alyson is so relatable
graveyarrdshift · 7 months
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me every time i wake up
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clonepa · 13 days
sorry if this is like. a stupid question but i’ve been following you for the last few years and it’s gotten me interested in sexuality/gender studies, so for my first semester of college i decided to to take a WGS class (which i’m enjoying). and as a person who is biracial and nonbinary i was intrigued if you knew any reading black and nonbinary authors who write about feminist theory/gender/sexuality in relation to those things. i’ve been looking at the school library a few times but haven’t really seen anything :(
Of course!! heres a few :D
The Gender Binary Is a Tool of White Supremacy by Kravitz Marshall
Nonbinary Identity is a Radical Stance Against Gender Segregation by Robin Dembroff edited by Sally Davies
Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto by Alyson Escalante
Hope you enjoy these :D lmk if none of these links are accessible and i could probably give you pdf versions of these.
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classicanalyzer · 1 month
The Raven House - Premise
This take isn't exactly a swap AU, though there are swaps. The story's elements end similarly to the plot in the main timeline.
William is drawn to the world of the Boiling Isles to find his family and escape the awful grip of his uncle. He never believed that his parents were killed and believes somewhere in this new world his parents are here. However, he finds that the entire Demon Realm is ruled by a ruthless Empress...with an anti-human policy. Using a Concealment Stone, William attends Hexside and explores the Boiling Isles. However, he finds out that the past is heavily intricated with the present of the Demon Realm and even the human realm's relation to the Realm. From encountering the Realm's Nine Barons and Baronesses to confronting the Empress herself, William "Hunter" Wittebane faces the joys and absolute horrors of this strange new world.
The tone is darker given the nature of the BI in this timeline but it still has a lot of heart for this dysfunctional misfit family.
This is just a fun project to explore something I thought of when I first got into the Owl House. It's funny to see how some of the guesses I had pre-S3 via this AU came true.
Also somewhat off-topic but related, I totally see Jonathan Case (FF16's older Joshua VA and it's just so perfect alongside Philip's Alex Lawther voice) voicing Caleb, Alyson Stoner (To name the most notable ones, PnF's Isabella, LoK's Opal, and KH's Kairi and Xion) voicing Evelyn, and Sam Vincent (Ninjago's post-S7 Lloyd, his voice is literally so perfect for an older Collector) voicing an older Collector.
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sapphire-weapon · 2 months
Hey so... Capcom hates unions, right? If this is the case... I'm kinda wondering if Stephanie even works with them any more.
See, the past couple of years she's been posting stuff on her Instagram stories about strikes and picketing. Not even just with the recent video game VA ones. The SAG-AFTRA stuff. IIRC she even stopped promoting Death Island stuff for a little while there. This is all good, don't get me wrong... all the AI bullshit needs to stop and I'm ecstatic she's being vocal about it.
As far as I've seen, other RE VAs haven't been posting anything about any of that. I could be wrong about this however.
But this could explain why she's been a little more bold with her statements about stuff lately. And when people asked if Claire was going to be in RE9 she said something like, "Oh they're making that?" Like, she maybe legitimately didn't know they were.
Isn't this the reason why they stopped using the last VA for Claire too? Or am I wrong?
Plus, even if she was replaced, we wouldn't know until the next game or movie comes out or is close to coming out since this seems to be the pattern recently.
Again, I'm probably looking too much into this but I just saw someone else talking about Capcom and unions and IDK... got me thinking.
so... this is something that's been lost to time in a game of telephone. it's something i've even been guilty of perpetuating and only just now realized that i fucked up by perpetuating it when i looked it up to refresh myself on what happened.
alyson court came out in 2017 and said that she would not be returning as claire for RE2make and said that capcom had decided to go with non-union actors instead. paul mercier then also came out and backed up her statement -- that he would not be returning as leon. alyson then made a follow-up video stating that this was NOT related to the recent voice actors strike. it was simply about contracting. basically, capcom shopped around until they found actors they liked that were willing to work at a price that capcom was willing to pay. alyson said that it was extremely disappointing that capcom wasn't willing to pay actors a working wage.
but despite alyson's clarifications, the damage had already been done. what was intended as "i was union-protected to ask for a certain amount of money, and capcom wasn't willing to pay it" morphed into "CAPCOM WILL NO LONGER WORK WITH UNION ACTORS."
but that's patently untrue.
because they kept on matt mercer for both vendetta and DI despite him having always been in the union.
capcom also pays top dollar for union actors in devil may cry. reuben langdon (dante), dan southworth (vergil), and johnny young bosch (nero) are all union actors.
hirabayashi has come out and told us that RE2make was built on a very tight budget due to capcom's lack of faith in the project, so it makes sense that they decided to cut costs where they could -- including when it came to voice acting.
so, really, capcom is willing to work with union actors... but only when they see the cost benefit for doing so.
if steph is no longer voicing claire, it won't be because she's in a union. it'll be because capcom doesn't feel she's worth the money anymore.
but her lack of knowledge of RE9 has nothing to do with her still being in capcom's good graces. as far as we know from leaks, claire isn't in RE9. and if claire isn't in RE9, why the fuck would steph know about its existence? game companies don't contact every single main cast actor in a series and update them every single time a new project is underway. only people who are working on the project know about it.
so, unfortunately, the likeliest explanation remains: stephanie panisello is just an asshole.
good question, tho. good ask.
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blind-rats · 1 year
The Quiet Misogyny of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”
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When accusations that Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, abused his power on multiple sets, few fans of his work seemed surprised. According to actor Charisma Carpenter, who had a recurring lead role as Cordelia Chase on Buffy and starred in its spinoff series Angel, Whedon created a toxic work environment and repeatedly harassed her on set. In a statement posted across the actress’s social media accounts, Carpenter revealed that the traumatizing experience of working with Whedon caused her anxiety and a chronic physical condition that she still struggles with today.
Carpenter’s statement comes directly on the heels of WarnerMedia’s investigation into workplace misconduct allegations levied against Whedon after he was hired as a replacement director on Justice League (2017) following Zack Snyder’s departure. In July 2020, actor Ray Fisher, who played Cyborg and worked with Whedon during post production on the film and its subsequent reshoots, wrote on Twitter, “[Whedon’s] on set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable.” As a show of support for Fisher, Carpenter revealed that she had participated in WarnerMedia’s investigation, stating, “Despite my fear about its impact on my future, I can no longer remain silent. This is overdue and necessary. It is time.” 
In December 2020, WarnerMedia shared that they had concluded the investigation and claimed they had taken “remedial action.” Prior to the investigation’s conclusion, Whedon voluntarily stepped down from his role as showrunner for the upcoming WarnerMedia-owned HBO series, The Nevers, due to the pandemic, so it remains unclear what so-called remedial action was actually taken against him.
The allegations against the director and former Hollywood sweetheart—or whatever the male nerd equivalent of that is—span nearly the entirety of his onscreen career. While some fans of Whedon may struggle to understand how a man whose work has been lauded for its depiction of Strong Female CharactersTM and themes of empowerment could perpetuate the abuse he outwardly condemned, other fans were less shocked. 
In addition to accusations by Whedon’s ex-wife Kai Cole, who wrote a scathing essay for the Wrap in 2017 about her ex-husband’s faux feminism and predatory affairs, rumors have swirled for years about Carpenter’s untimely departure from Angel. However, feminists who are familiar with Whedon’s shows, including Buffy, Firefly, and Dollhouse, as well as his first two Avengers films, have long-since recognized the quiet (and not-so-quiet) misogyny directly embedded within his filmography. 
To understand Whedon’s nerdy repackaging of entitlement toward women and their bodies, one must look no further than the subtext of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the series that initially launched him to success.
During Buffy’s seven-season run from 1997 to 2003, and even still today, comedic sidekick Xander Harris (Nicholas Brendon) became a frequent target of feminist ire. There are countless think pieces, forums, blog posts, and Reddit threads dedicated to fans’ burning hatred of the character, and the show’s insistence on framing him as morally correct when he’s quite clearly in the wrong. From the very first episode, Xander is positioned as the “nice guy” of the friend group—the wisecracking, lovable nerd who reads X-Men comics and doesn’t get a second glance from most women. 
As the everyman, Xander caters to an audience of men and boys who might relate to his average looks, inability to entice women, and his literal powerlessness up against the superpowered women he fights alongside. His friends and allies have varying degrees of usefulness in the fight to protect Sunnydale, which sits on a demon hellmouth: Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), Xander’s best friend and unrequited love interest, is imbued with vampire slaying abilities, and Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan), his other best friend and briefly-requited love interest, has ’90s-esque computer hacking skills and eventually becomes a powerful witch. Additionally, at any given time, he is surrounded by allies that range from friendly vampires and ex-demons to superstrong government soldiers and werewolves.
In any room he’s in, Xander is never the strongest, smartest, bravest, best looking, or even the most charming—he is utterly average in every way. In an early Season 1 episode, Xander sums up his character archetype perfectly when he says, “I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away.” Despite Xander’s mediocrity and inherent powerlessness in comparison to the women he surrounds himself with, one of his key character traits is his sexual entitlement. He regularly makes references to his perpetual horniness and sexualizes almost every beautiful woman he encounters. 
When he first meets Buffy, he immediately develops a crush on her, and despite her repeated rejections over the course of several seasons, he continues to wait for an opportunity to be with her. Xander pining over his best friend might not necessarily make him bad, but it’s concerning that he also harbors resentment toward every guy Buffy dates or shows interest in, occasionally even lashing out at her for daring to choose other men over him.
Worse, he views himself as a “nice guy” who is entitled to sexual and romantic relationships with the beautiful women he fawns over. Except Xander isn’t really a nice guy at all—his entire self-identification as a nice guy isn’t actually supported by his interpersonal relationships or behavior, and in fact, is often directly contradicted by them. 
Interestingly, Xander doesn’t simply act as a stand-in for sexually frustrated nerd boys in the audience who want to fuck women like Buffy; he is also, quite literally, Whedon’s self-insert character. Fans of the show had initially speculated about this, and Whedon confirmed it when he was interviewed by NPR in 2000, stating, “Xander is obviously based on me.” This was also reconfirmed during a panel at the 2011 Emerald City Comic Con when actor James Marsters, who played the vampire Spike, said, “[Xander] is Joss. That’s the way he sees himself.” As Buffy fans gain a clearer picture of Whedon’s behavior behind the scenes, it’s ironic that a man with a track record of abusing his power over women and people of color on set would align himself with a character whose primary character trait is powerlessness. 
Why does a director and showrunner who weaponizes his power over his cast members to control them—and in the case of Charisma Carpenter, attempt to literally control her body and reproductive choices by pressuring her to get an abortion—get to hide behind a fictional facade of helplessness? Because he likes comics and wasn’t popular with girls in high school? Perhaps the most unlikely indictment of Whedon comes from the series itself, in a Season 6 arc that flips the concept of the harmless nerdy misogynist on its head. In the sixth season of Buffy—which notably featured the least involvement from Whedon, as he stepped down to an executive producing role to focus on other projects—a new group of villains called the Trio is introduced. The Trio features three socially inept, Star Wars-loving and comic book-obsessed boys who attempt to neutralize Buffy and take over Sunnydale. The group of seemingly harmless nerds evolves into a major threat over the course of the season.
After creating a mindless sex robot and being dumped by his girlfriend Katrina (Amelinda Embry), Warren Mears (Adam Busch), the leader and most malicious member of the group, creates a device to render his ex-girlfriend into a state of submission so he can force her to be his sex slave. However, before he is able to rape her, the device malfunctions, and when she tries to escape, Warren hits her over the head with a champagne bottle and kills her. Later in the season, Warren also fatally shoots Tara, a fan favorite and one of the few queer women characters in the series. 
Despite their inability to adhere to a traditionally idealized version of smooth-talking and muscled masculinity, the Trio’s proximity to nerd culture does not exempt them from causing harm. In fact, their self-identification as geeky underdogs is what provides them cover and their desire to acquire social power is what fuels their violence.
In an oft-cited acceptance speech for the “Men on the Front Lines” award presented by Equality Now, Whedon recalled a common question he received from reporters: “So, why do you write these strong female characters?” In response, he said, “Because you’re still asking me that question.” 
Though the response offers an empowering sentiment and makes for a highly quotable soundbite, he betrays his real motivations for writing fictional women within the same speech. He says, “When I created Buffy, I wanted to create a female icon, but I also wanted to be very careful to surround her with men who not only had no problem with the idea of a female leader, but, were in fact, engaged and even attracted to the idea.” He then went on to “jokingly” say that he writes characters like Buffy “‘cause they’re hot.” 
Whedon’s acceptance speech unwittingly reveals the contradictions, and similarities, within both his work and interpersonal relationships. Though he may have spent decades fooling Hollywood and his fanbase with his performative brand of feminist allyship, Whedon’s public persona was always a ruse to disguise the fact that he never actually respected strong women. He simply wanted to fuck them.
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mareastrorum · 10 months
WIP Wednesday: The Fool and the Soldier, Ch. 9 (Cowards)
The Fool and the Soldier is now up on AO3, updated every other Friday (usually). Unfortunately, I had to bump this next update to next Friday, 12/22 because of work. Like before, I don't want to rush and get something half-assed posted.
For the new readers: This is a Mighty Nein AU exploring the plot Matt pitched in the Campaign 2 Wrap Up that -- had Molly survived the Iron Shepherds -- Lucien returned as a body-hopping spirit to hunt down his own body. This fanfic began with the events of episode 26 and has continued since then.
See the directory for other TF&TS posts.
Darktow was smaller in the daylight, once Beau could see the actual layout. The city seemed massive the night before because it was built into the cliffs, so the broad scattering of lantern light dotting the cliffside presented an imposing image. However, it only took a while to explore because of the long, winding stairs and slopes to ascend to each layer. Few buildings dug into the cliffside itself; most were simple wooden structures built along the edge, a few of the nicer looking ones with clay tile roofs. The winding road up was slightly concave, with a sturdy wooden grate over a drainage gutter in the center—judging by the lack of stench, probably for rain rather than sewage.
The docks were more than a third of the town, hosting all the ship-related businesses, the one tavern, and trade posts for whatever the pirates brought in. A few places of business dotted the residential area, many of them either tiny markets, bars, or restaurants with extremely limited fare. Barely any vegetation, mostly kept in pots and jars, with one snooty merchant in bright robes watering some building-high palms in front of his shop.
The actual population didn’t look to be more than a few thousand. A decent place to stop over, maybe, but not the best place to live unless someone loved the sea and everything in it. Which made sense for a pirate haven. If the Nein hadn’t come to Darktow because they’d been forced to join a cultist pirate crew, Beau would have probably enjoyed exploring the place. Unfortunately, they had, and there was work to do.
The night before, Jester and Nott had snuck in and out of Avantika’s quarters thanks to Caleb’s invisibility spell and Jester’s new dimension door teleport. Beau had coached them where to look—after all, the Lionett family had numerous stashes hidden throughout their home, thanks to her father’s paranoia about losing his fortune. Not that she’d told anyone that part. The rest assumed Beau had experience stealing from the rich, which wasn’t untrue; it just happened that they were also family. Regardless, the duo found a few potential hiding places: a fake back in a cabinet, false bottoms in the desk, and a few locked drawers. Thankfully, Jester had kept Nott from peeking, and they returned to the Bloated Cup without incident.
The plan was loose at best. First, they needed to be sure that Avantika wasn’t planning to leave that day. She’d estimated 48 hours the night before, but there was always the chance she’d want to leave early, and there was no guarantee she wouldn’t have them tailed. As her quartermaster, Fjord was accompanying her to purchase something special, with a sending stone in hand to warn the Nein of any problems. Predictably, Vera had been so distrusting of him that she insisted on joining as well. So that was one less set of eyes that might spy on them, and most of the rest of the crew were taking rotating shifts to guard the ship or accompanying Avantika to carry her shopping or something. Apparently, Avantika didn’t trust any of the Nein enough to assign them as well, but that was a blessing all the same.
Next, the Nein needed to find a scapegoat and convince them that they should take whatever proof there was of Avantika’s treachery to the Plank King. With so little time, they had split into groups. Caduceus and Nott were looking for Alyson Paij, the human captain who seemed to have a grudge against Avantika. Jester, Molly, and Yasha were after Sabian or Cadmus, each of whom were now recognizable thanks to Fjord assuming their appearances as a demonstration. Beau and Caleb were searching for Jamedi Cosko.
Finally, assuming they got a proper scapegoat, the Nein then needed to steal whatever evidence they could find from the ship, get it to the scapegoat, and ensure they actually took it to the Plank King, all before the Squalleater left port. If Fjord did his job well, they had until the following morning. Winter had just begun, so the days were as short as they were going to get (“It is 9:17,” Caleb had said a few minutes back), and it seemed unlikely that Avantika would try to navigate out of that reef in the dark. Just one more factor in their favor.
In a way, the lack of details wasn’t much of a problem. If they couldn’t get a scapegoat, they could forge a message from Vera and send that to the Plank King. If they couldn’t get good evidence, they could forge some traitorous message, maybe like trying to recruit captains for mutiny. If the plan didn’t work out at all, the Nein could turn on Avantika once they got the next crystal or at the next temple, and without any witnesses, there would be no repercussions at Darktow. Not that they ever planned on returning. Not having pirates after them on the open sea was one just less thing to worry about.
Despite that Caleb didn’t have a spell to track people like Jester and Caduceus did, the duo did alright getting information. They both asked around The Bloated Cup in the early morning, before any of Avantika’s crew were around, and got a mess of directions to a bar Jamedi frequented a few levels up. Beau couldn’t track all of them—the town did not have a consistent structure in the least—but Caleb repeated it word for word and led the way.
“So what’s our angle when we find him?” Beau asked as she kept her head on a swivel while they walked. They seemed to be passing through a primarily residential area, with normal townsfolk going about their day. That didn’t mean there wouldn’t be trouble or that they wouldn’t run into someone.
Caleb didn’t answer at first, but eventually spoke up, using the code names they had the night prior, “I do not think he would willingly report Tiffany to the Cat Prince. The others are better options. However, perhaps we should be honest about the apricots and Tiffany’s plan. He could vouch for us that we were unwilling pawns, just as he was. After all, the Cat Prince would find out that he joined her on that last excursion, and he would need someone to vouch for him as well.”
Beau crossed her arms as she thought it over. If Jamedi had been willing to rat Avantika out, he would have probably done it based on what he saw at the temple, unless he felt he lacked proof. But maybe he didn’t know the Plank King was looking for a reason to get rid of Avantika.
“I think it’s worth testing the waters on that, just in case,” Beau replied. “Maybe he’s biding his time before he snitches on her with what he already knows. Maybe he’d do it sooner with something juicy to prove it.”
Caleb was momentarily silent before he responded, “He would be valuable either way, but he is a coward. I do not believe he is willing to stick his neck out. Rather, it may be better to convince him that his neck is already on the chopping block, unless he is willing to cooperate.”
“You seem pretty sure about him,” Beau noted with a raised brow.
“Well, I am a coward, too, Beauregard. I know how they think.” Caleb tapped the side of his head.
Beau snorted, but didn’t argue the point. They’d had their discussions about that, but the man seemed thoroughly attached to his depreciated self-image. She knew it arose from the fact that he’d killed people when ordered to, even his own parents, and then fled once he roused from a decade-long catatonia. But he’d been a stupid kid, and everyone had been a stupid kid at some point, eager to prove themselves and easily roped into horrible ways to do it. That didn’t make a kid a coward for wanting to make someone proud. In addition, cowards didn’t follow their friends on quests to uncover their past on the Lucidian Ocean, delve into snake-people-infested temples to betrayer gods, and go to a pirate island to find a way to backstab a pirate captain.
They’d also had their disagreements about whether the Nein were achieving any good out here, and at the moment, that was more concerning. Caleb thought the Nein had done just fine by stealing The Mist and massacring the pirates that held it, but they hadn’t actually known they were pirates until after the fact. And sure, that crew had attacked them first, but the Nein could have run. They were only there to spy on Marius LePual. There hadn’t been any plan or benefit to killing anyone and taking a ship.
Those weren’t acts of cowardice. That didn’t make them better.
The shitty part was that all of the Nein had done it. Beau had done it, and it wasn’t until the rush of battle wore off and the ship had fled the harbor that she felt like she’d dived head first into slime. This wasn’t about keeping just Caleb in check like he’d asked. They stooped that low just because they were, what, riled up from the fight earlier that day? Riding a high of praise and gratitude from the Ruby? Felt like they had to be right because they’d sent a corrupt jackass packing to Marquet?
It felt too much like the same shit the Empire authorities, the aristocracy, these Revelry pirates did: crush people in the way first and justify it afterwards, once anyone started to question. Even Molly had insisted it was fine to lash back even with the option to get out. Caduceus and Jester were the only ones that seemed to agree with Beau, though Yasha at least showed some discomfort when she wasn’t sure.
They needed to be better than this.
As Beau walked into a bar behind Caleb, he stopped and weakly tapped her shoulder, snapping her out of her reverie. She side-eyed him, noting his slight nod to the left before he walked toward the bar, pretending he hadn’t done anything. She followed his lead, waiting until she reached the counter to lean back against it and fold her arms while he ordered some drinks.
Jamedi was at a table in the corner, nursing a tankard while he wrote in a leather journal. He didn’t even look up, but he’d spot them easily if he ever did. They could grab drinks, then pull up some chairs for a chat.
At the table not ten feet from him, a half-elf man with tanned skin, sun-brightened brown hair, brown eyes, and a cigarette in his mouth sat with three others, playing poker. His clothes were worn like any other sailor’s, but he wore a red scarf around his neck, loose in the front like the world’s laziest cravat.
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girl4music · 11 months
“We have to talk a little bit about last season and the finale and all that good stuff. Last season was unique. Still Season 5 is my ultimate favourite season but Season 6 is in some ways so special and it’s because I relate to it the most. I relate to all the ideas that were explored in this season. Yes, it’s painful and sad but it might be the realist season so far. The Big Bad this season was the Gang themselves. Everybody was their own worst enemy and everyone in the real world can relate to that. This season we got a real and unfiltered look through our characters’ very psyche. It deepened each character to a whole new other level. All the pain, all the heartbreak, all the depression, all that darkness, all that drama. It wasn’t for shock value. It was for a harsh and yet meaningful heartfelt story, and I love the show for that. So yeah, for all its sadness, I really really love this season. It showed that Buffy wasn’t just a witty, happy show with some sad episodes here and there. It can go to a really dark place and keep it there constantly. It made sense making life the villain of the season because Buffy struggled just with the idea of living and it’s such a real thing. Each character’s problems were real life situations that everyone can relate to. It felt like a carry over from ‘The Body’ episode. Like seriously.
The darkness and depression - most shows would have solved it in an episode or two. But this show shows that realistic path that this thing can take so long. Grief, depression, addiction cannot be easily curved over night. It takes time. And it makes this show so much more than just a typical fantasy/supernatural show. The fact that this season started with Buffy crawling out of her own grave only to end with her crawling out into the light. This symbolised how she overcome her depression. I loved how the whole season didn’t go with their traditional Big Bad of the season. There hasn’t been a huge villain conflict since Glory and most all of the baddies of the week were either the Trios schemes or self-inflicted by the main characters. But when we finally had a proper Big Bad, it was so complicated because it was Willow. And when you look back and you see the episodes with the Trio, you can also see that they also focused on issues with Willow. Like always hidden in plain sight. What a great way to hide the real Big Bad. The very fact that one of the Gang becomes the Big Bad is so fantastic. All the build-up of the last 4 episodes, 3 of which have jaw-dropping cliffhangers - amazing stuff.
Xander rejecting Anya at the wedding; magical drug addictions; Buffy handling her depression in a destructive way; Spike dealing with the chip, his demon side, his William side and the fact of what he almost did to Buffy; Willow turning into Dark Willow; Giles’ appearance - what the hell? What the hell? By the way, Alyson acted her entire ass off in those last 3 episodes. Only she can pull off being diabolically evil while she’s still simultaneously being Willow. A big theme that I thought was extremely profound is the idea of consent. Willow struggled with it many times during the season. She did magical spells on Tara and all her friends without their consent. The Trio of course - Jonathan didn’t even realize that having a sex slave was rape. Then Spike assaulting Buffy with the justification that she needed to feel him to be reminded of his love. Amy giving magic to Willow without her consent. They all violated someone in one way or another. And it was an interesting concept. And it was interesting that the fact that they tried to touch on that aspect, you know?
For me, I really didn’t like the Trio this season. They were a bit one-dimensional. Usually Big Bads are but in this season particularly it didn’t work. But I do understand why it was necessary to have them - if it makes sense. The only interesting part about them is how they started being just nerdy boys playing games, trying to be Big Bads even though they suck at that until they became men who committed evil crimes. Jonathan got it out of the 3. He was the most mature. He understood the weight of what they did. Yes, he kept quiet but he did realize that Warren was dangerous. Andrew - Andrew man is just a simp minion willing to blindly be loyal to him.
The thing that kinda bothered me a bit - I’m not sure ‘bothered me’ is the right words - but I didn’t like the fact that we didn’t really have the time to digest Tara’s death because immediately we went to Dark Willow. I love the scene between Xander and Willow not only because he was the one to pull Willow back, but it was also a moment for the grief or pain that Willow has gone through with the loss of Tara. The impact of Tara’s death was finally dealt with when Willow collapsed with Xander on the bluff. But as I said - it really made sense that Xander was the one who pulled her back because Xander more than anyone holds a special place in Willow’s heart. He’s her first love. Her best friend since childhood. I can’t think of anyone else who could’ve penetrated her wall of grief enough to remind her of her humanity. This season Xander spent time doubting himself, letting his fears take control of himself. He doubted his ability to do good by the people he loves. And it wasn’t just in a relation with Anya, it was in a relation with everyone else that is close to him. He doubted himself. He thought that he was incapable of doing anything for his loved ones. And for me in that scene, he overcome his fears. His love for Willow was strong enough that he overcome his fears even in the face of death - which was so beautiful to see. The greatest thing about seeing Anya’s reaction to hearing Xander’s the one to save the world this time is that realization that she spent all this time trying to hurt him that if she did he wouldn’t even be able to, you know, save the world. It was so subtle that I really really loved it. I would’ve never imagined a story’s arc that ended with both Buffy and Giles out of commission and leaving it to Xander to save the world from Willow. I mean, who would’ve thought? Willow always thought that she was a nobody and it was a constant thing since Season 1. But before Tara, before Oz, she always had Xander. He loves her even though she feels like she’s a nobody. But nevertheless he loved her the way she is and the way she was back then. And Xander is that constant reminder that old Willow was worth something, you know? And it’s such a beautiful thing to see. Also the fact that Willow and Xander’s relationship isn’t romantic - it is what makes this whole thing way better. I appreciate so much this show for giving us a platonic relationship. They put friendship at center and not romance. And God, I love this show for this, like seriously. Like in this whole Buffyverse I feel like there’s 3 characters who had the most character development of all the other characters. Willow, Cordelia and Wesley. Cordelia also did a total 180 and became a woman to be proud of in the end like Willow. And Wesley - this guy was a literal geek in every sense possible - and yet in a few years he became such a dark and bad ass character. And Willow - like from this sweet, genuine nerdy girl that lacks confidence to dark veiny Willow - like what?
Spike - they had us in the end. Like, seriously had us. Like I really thought he was talking about his chip. But it turned out to be not the case. I was played perfectly even though I noticed how it was weird that he was there looking to take his chip from out of his head to hurt Buffy when we already established that the chip doesn’t work on her in the first place. So yeah, I was like what? But they really did play me. But it makes sense knowing his existential crisis, and his feelings for Buffy are a huge part of that. And he has been struggling with himself non-stop this season. And I feel like what happened with Buffy was the final tipping point that spelled him. I remember his words being like ‘What have I done? What did I do? Why did I not do it? Why do I feel this way?’ But then it came to him and he sets out to get his soul back. He wants to go back to being William. A man that he thinks is worthy of Buffy. But we all know that getting your soul back after centuries of torturing, killing and mayhem doesn’t mean happiness and rainbows once you get it back. But this is only going to make Spike worthy to have a redemption arc, you know, just like Angel. And it’s interesting to know that the difference between Angel and Spike is that Angel didn’t choose to have a soul, Spike had. He chose on his own accord to get his soul back. So I’m not sure how it’s going to work with him, you know? So both Willow and Spike got their souls back at the end of Season 6 - which is interesting.”
Your entire recap/review of Season 6. Wow. I had to quote the whole thing.
You are so insightful. Holy shit.
I fucking love you!
Yeah, Season 6 is very special. And you’ve explained precisely why and how just like that. I’m in awe. 😮
“So both Willow and Spike got their souls back at the end of Season 6 - which is interesting.”
I swear I thought I was the only one who picked up on this parallel. The fact Dark Willow and Spike don’t interact. Of course they don’t. They’re one in the same thematically. They are the parallel characters in Season 6 and that’s why Spike was so wary of Willow. Because he recognized in her what he can’t stand in himself. He intentionally kept away from her because he didn’t want to be reminded of who he is out of a desperate need to be worthy and feel belonged. There is some striking parallels between Willow and Spike yet they barely interact. But I do believe that this season it’s very intentional that they don’t.
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Ok, no one asked, but here are my thoughts / impressions of the DWTS 32 cast, and I’m going to be honest, I had to google more people on this cast than any other season before so 😬:
Excited for:
Ariana Madix: I am obsessed with all things Bravo and the #Scandoval was literally my entire life for about for 4 months. She has dance and performing experience, and I think she’s going to be really good. Plus, having Pasha as a pro, the choreography he is going to give her 😍 (not to be morbid, but this is actually the couple I’m most sad that Len won’t get to see 😢)
Alyson Hannigan: I was a Buffy fan and loved HIMYM (until that god awful finale 🤮) so I am so happy (but very surprised tbh) to see her on the cast. Idk how much of a natural mover she’ll be, but I think she’s going to have a really great attitude and just enjoy the experience. I am expecting typical Sasha so…yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jason Mraz: I’m mostly excited for him because he’s with Daniella tbh 😂 she always does such great work with her partners and is able to pull the very best out of them. I can see him being a good performer and them being a very strong team. Also, yay to new mommy, Daniella! 💗
Mira Sorvino: Romy! I know she has had a rough time (fuck you H*rvey W*instein🖕🏻) and I hope this journey brings her happiness and joy and she sees how much support she has and why, oh why did they have to partner her with Gleb 😩
Intrigued by:
Tyson Beckford: Wow. He is 😍 isn’t he? And apparently his only dance experience is a guest performance with Chippendales (shocking 😂) which will be interesting because we all know how Jenna is as a teacher 😬. I predict a lot of shirts being taken off 🙄 (but also 😏) And again, yay to new mommy, Jenna! 💗
Matt Walsh: Seen him guest star on almost every sitcom ever 😂 and I see his trajectory going one of two ways: he’s terrible and voted out early, or he’s the lovable guy the GP falls in love with because of his dedication and journey. He’s either low hanging fruit or a dark horse and with Koko as his partner, I would lean towards dark horse.
Mauricio Umansky: So…(separated?) husbands of Real Housewives are stars now? Whatever 🙄 and honestly out of all the House Husbands, I am unbelievably grateful this is the one they chose. (istg if it was any of those misogynistic animals from RHONJ, I would not have watched this season) but anyway, I think he’ll work hard but not take it too seriously (not in a bad way) and he’ll have fun with it. Plus, it will be a cold day in hell before I don’t support Emma Slater. And aren’t they both single? 😏 I want an entanglement in the ballroom! 😂
Barry Williams: I’m only intrigued because we’ll probably get some sweet Florence Henderson mentions / memories because of him 😢. And Peta is definitely the designated first out partner atp. But it probably works for her so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and yay to mommy x2 Peta! 💗
Have heard of them, but don’t know them:
Charity Lawson: I know she was the Bachelorette but other than that, I got nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I always root for Artem, and he’s pretty consistent with his partners and choreography. That combined with Bachelor Nation, very possible they make the Finals unless she is absolutely, undeniably terrible (which I doubt) or if shenanigans happen
Xochitl Gomez: I’ve heard her name before, but I always thought she was a singer 🥴 my bad 😂 I haven’t watched anything Marvel related in almost two years, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’ll probably go far especially because of the Disney / ABC connection as well as Val being the most production assisted pro in DWTS history (sorry, but y’all know how I feel about Val 🤮 😂) but I do think she’s going to be fun to watch and actually be a good dancer, I just don’t have faith her partner will give her good choreography. We’ll see how (or if) that effects things (probably not)
Had absolutely no idea who they were:
Lele Pons: Influencer? I guess? She seems nice and I love how excited she is to be on the show. I think she’s going to be a lot of fun and maybe this can be a breakthrough season for Brandon🤞🏻
Harry Jowsey: Reality Star? Dating show? Youtuber? I have no idea tbh. And, not to go all Karen Smith, but if he’s British, why isn’t he on Strictly? 🤨 But very much looking forward to Rylee as a pro. I always enjoyed Lindsay as a teacher / choreographer, so let’s see if it runs in the family 😂
Adrian Peterson: I WISH I STILL DIDN’T KNOW WHO HE WAS. WTF 🤬 Poor Britt. To go from Daniel to this? The ultimate downgrade 😔
Don’t give one single fuck about:
Jamie Lynn Spears: I have made my feelings on this vile creature known 🤮 Apologies and best of luck to Alan (not really tho because I want her foul ass eliminated asap)
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tuiyla · 1 year
Just saw a gifset you reblogged and the gears in my head started turning and I remembered some stuff from when I was googling timelines and the like and frok watching stuff, you get it. So here's some things that I find kinda fun
Season 1 btvs aired in March and in the same month Scream 2 was also greenlit. Scream 2 started filming in June, the month season 1 btvs finished airing. Which is fun to me because Sarah Michelle Gellar is in both btvs and Scream 2 (apparently she signed onto Scream 2 without reading the script because of the success of the first scream film but I've not seen the interview so can't confirm). She also stars in 2 live action scooby-Doo films (Scooby-Doo (2002) and Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004)) along with Matthew Lillard who played Stuart in the first scream film. In Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Seth Green plays plays Patrick; Seth also played oz in btvs. And this is all very fun to me you see.
Also, only tangibly related, in Scream (2021) (AKA scream 5) and Scream 6 Jasmin Savoy Brown plays Mindy. In Yellowjackets Jasmin plays Tai and Christina Ricci plays Misty. Christina played Wednesday Adams in 2 Adams family films (The Addams Family and Addams Family Values). She was also in netflix's Wednesday where the tituler character (who is the same Wednesday that Christina played in the 2 previously mention Addams family movies) is played by Jenna Ortaga. Jenner Ortaga stars alongside Jasmin in scream 5 and 6. Again this is just very fun to me.
Also also in a previous ask you said how you kinda enjoy monster of the week and me too!!! like some times an all-consuming overarching plot is just a headach and sometimes it's nice just to have a different random dude doing a kinda different thing each week while still getting a bit of character development for the main girlys.
Also also also I've only seen a few early episodes of btvs (it's been on my 'to watch' list for like a decade now) but I couldn't remember who Xander was until I saw you calling him annoying and then I instantly remembered, which isn't great for his character in the first, and maybe quite possibly second, season I don't think...
Anyways sorry this is long as shit and may not make sense, love ya xoxo💖
Heya bestie, sorry it took me a while to get to this. I loved reading your message! These sort of thought trains are exactly my kind of deal haha. Very fun to me too. I started thinking about how to tie Buffy and Glee together and the best I could come up with was through Veronica Mars because Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter were both recurring on there and Jane Lynch and Dianna Agron guest starred. Boom!
Now that I'm further along with BtVS I do think its overaching stories are done well and make for better episodes than the Monster of the Week formula but I'm glad they don't completely abandon it because it is fun. I see what people say about s1 in terms of it being different than the rest of the series but I still look back on it as entertaining and I don't find the episodes people consider to be tedious bad. I actually really liked The Pack and even the puppet one. The character development is overall strong on BtVS so as long as we have that I don't mind if a lot of episodes aren't about the given Big Bad of the season. So yeah that is to say I think Buffy is probably up your alley! It was on my to watch list for a looooong while too but I'm very glad I finally got around to it.
And yeah Xander lmao, well to be fair I think people expected me to loathe him and I kinda don't? I have a well overdue ask about him but being halfway through the series I maintain that he is annoying but have gotten better and I can appreciate aspects of his ch. If anything I think his douchebagery peaked (so far) in late s2/very early s3 and now he's rightfully taken his place as Just Some Guy. I might eat my words later on if he becomes Finn Hudson levels of annoying. I doubt it though. (Unless he outs Willow and acts as the hero afterward in which case I hope he perishes <3)
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forgedroyalseal · 2 years
Not Just a Crush
(This is a part of my Fatherhood series, if you haven’t read that yet, I’d recommend doing so prior to reading this)
A/N: What if Cassandra and Horace had twins instead of just Maddie? This is a fic about the relationship Will’s daughter Alyson would have with their son.
It had started with a comment from Jenny over dinner.
“Ally’s got it bad for Ronan huh?” She teased, bumping Will’s shoulder with her own. All of the former ward mates (the surviving ones Will couldn’t help but think), had traveled to Castle Araluen for a bit of a reunion. Jenny had spent the entire day doting on her nieces and nephew, thrilled to have one on one time with them.
“Got what?” Will tried to pretend he didn’t understand her meaning. She rolled her eyes.
“She likes him Will, as more than a friend.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, they are like sibling.”
“That’s what’s people could have said about you and Alyss. In fact, I’m quite certain some did.”
“That was completely different.”
“It really wasn’t.”
“And anyway, how can you possibly know what she’s feeling, did she tell you?”
“No,” Jenny shrugged, “but an aunt knows. I’m surprised you didn’t realized it Will, your ranger skills of detection are fading. Try paying closer attention.”
So he did.
And it didn’t take long for him to realize that Jenny was right. As usual.
“I hope you know that this is completely unacceptable.”
Horace looked away from where the kids were practicing their fencing with Gilan and turned to his friend, trying to figure out if he was being genuine or if he was making a bad joke. Will’s blank expression didn’t lend a single clue. “No, I don’t know that.”
Will sighed. “Horace, she’s a child. She can’t- she isn’t- it’s just- no.”
“Will, they are the same age. Actually that’s not true, Alyson is 6 months older than Ronan.”
“That’s not the point. 16 year old boys are the worse. Remember when we were 16?”
Horace cocked an eyebrow, “Yes, and if they come across any bridges I’ll start to worry.”
“You’ve spent too much time with Halt.” Will muttered.
Horace laughed, “It’s a crush Will, let them be. Besides, Alyson could do worse.”
Will didn’t respond. It was true, the only boy Will would even consider worth his daughter’s interest was Ronan. In fact, years ago, when the children were toddlers still stumbling around, Will, Horace and Cassandra would offen joke about arranging Alyson and Ronan’s marriage so that Will and Horace could be officially related. Now he was starting to wonder how he could ever joke about such a matter.
Later that evening, once everyone else had gone to bed, Will walked the halls of Castle Araluen. He hadn’t slept through the night since Alyss had died, the feeling of waking up covered in his wife’s blood never leaving his skin, and being in an unfamiliar bed had only made his insomnia worse.
He noticed a flicker of light coming from the crack under Ronan’s door. Pausing, he leaning in and heard muted voices. He was able to make out Ronan’s clearing, but there was another voice. A female one. One that he knew better than his own.
Flinging open the door, Will stormed inside. There on the bed sat his daughter and Ronan, a blanket draped across them both, their lips pressed together.
“What is going on?” He shouted.
“Dad!“ Alyson leapt up from the bed. Seeing that was still wearing her night clothes, Will let a tiny, minuscule part of himself relax.
“Alyson, go to your room.” His voice shook as he tried to reign in his emotions.
“Dad let me explain,” She begged as she tugged her dressing robe tighter around her.
Will’s eyes remind glued to Ronan. “Is he dying? Is he experiencing some kind of psychological torment? Are you the only person in this entire castle who help him?”
Alyson sighed, “No but-“
“I thought not. Save your explanation for the morning. Now, Go. To. Bed.” His voice was deep and solid, and Alyson knew there would be no arguing with her father. Without another word, she left, shooting one last glance over to Ronan, who was too focused on Will to notice.
Once Alyson left the room, Will took a moment to take a deep breath and think. Ronan sat on the bed, nervously fidgeting with his hands. Will was happy to see that he also had his clothes on. So things hadn’t gone that far tonight. But there’s nothing to say they wouldn’t have if Will hadn’t interrupted.
Finally unable to stand the silence for any longer, Ronan said, “Uncle Will please don’t be mad at Alyson.”
Will raised his hand, cutting him off. “You have one chance to tell me the truth. If you lie to me, I’ll know. Now, why was my daughter in your bed in the middle of the night?”
Ronan had heard countless stories of Ranger Will Treaty, the bravest and smartest of them all (or at least that’s what his dad said), but to Ronan, he was always just Uncle Will, quick with a joke and always ready to listen. He had never understood how the loving and kind man he had grown up with could be the same, larger than life hero his father described him as.
Now he saw it.
He saw the steely expression, the dark eyes, the clenched jaw. He saw The Ranger.
“She came in to talk.” Ronan saw the immediate disbelief on Will’s face and continued in a hurry. “No really. We hadn’t had a moment alone since you two arrived. We were always either with Maddie or our parents or someone else. We just, we just wanted some time. To catch up.”
“And how did “catching up” turn into you shoving your tongue down my 16 year old daughter’s throat?”
Ronan blushed so deeply that even in the dim light Will could see it from across the room, “It just sorta happened.” He mumbled.
Will shook his head, “No, it didn’t. You don’t just kiss someone like that for the hell of it. Have you planing this?”
“No! Not really. I mean,” Ronan rubbed the back of his neck, clearly unsure how to explain what he was feeling to the father of the girl he had just been caught kissing in his bed.
Will sighed and said, “Ok, why don’t you try to tell me about it like you would if it was any other girl? Tell me as Uncle Will, not Alyson’s dad.”
Ronan nodded. He used to tell Will everything. Every fight he had with his parents, every crush, every fear. He could do this. “She’s my best friend. There is no one like her. She’s incredible. Brave and smart and strong. I’ve never known life without her. And the older we get, I don’t- it’s like I’m starting realize I don’t even know if I could live without her. I know I wouldn’t want to. It feels like something has changed, a shift in the wind. I told her that tonight, and she said she feels the same way. Then we just… you know, kissed.”
Ronan couldn’t read Will’s face. He didn’t look angry, he looked sort of, sad? “I’m sorry Uncle Will.” He wasn’t quiet sure what he was apologizing for, but he felt like it was the right thing to say.
“I would have thought you’d be old enough to realize this, but apparently not.” Sighing heavily, Will pull a chair over to the bed and seat besides Ronan. “People do not treat men and women the same. They don’t hold them to the same standards. If someone else where to discover Alyson and you… together, she would be ruined. Her reputation, her future, it would all be tarnished. She would be shunned by society. Whereas you, would be fine. Frankly, your reputation would benefit. You’d be admired by your peers. And anyone who disapproved of your actions would be told “He’s a teenage boy, what do you expect?” Do you understand?”
Ronan swallowed, “I’m not sure. Why is it so different?”
“I don’t know. I wish I could change it. I hate that I need to raise my daughter in a world that will never respect her as much as it will me, but that is the way of the world. For now. So if you truly care about Alyson-“
“I do!”
“-Then you need to respect her, and understand that the choices you make will have greater consequences for her than for you.”
Ronan looked down in deep thought. “I didn’t think about it like that.”
“I know you didn’t Ro. I know you wouldn’t hurt Alyson. I probably shouldn’t have come charging in here like a hellhound. But she’s my little girl. Someday you’ll understand what that means. How it clouds your judgement and causes you to act irrational.” Will stood up and squeezed Ronan’s shoulder. “In the morning, we are all going to sit down and have a chat. If you and Alyson genuinely want to peruse a relationship with one another, then there need to be ground rules. Starting with no more midnight rendezvous.” Ronan nodded.
“Alright then, get some rest kiddo.” Will started to leave the room when Ronan called out after him.
“I love you Uncle Will.”
Will smiled, “Love you too Ro.” He shut the door softly as he stepped into the hall.
“Looks like we’re going to be brothers after all.”
Will startled at the sound of Horace’s voice. He turned to his friend, “How long have you been standing out here?”
“Long enough to figure out what was happening. I’m pretty sure you just gave Ronan the fright of his life.”
“I’m not going to apologize for it.”
“And I’m not expecting you too. In fact, I have half the mind to go in there and scold him myself. He should know better. Cassie will have a fit.”
Will laughed, “She shouldn’t go too hard on him, I don’t think he meant harm.”
“No, but like you said, this isn’t just about him. Had anyone else found them, we’d be planing a wedding for the spring.”
Will shuttered at the thought. “Believe me, I know. And we are definitely bring that up when we talk with them.”
“I can’t say I’m looking forward to that conversation.”
“Neither am I. I’m not ready for this Horace. I knew parenting would be hard. That there would be sleepless nights and fights and fear. I knew there would be nappies to clean and busies to kiss and sacrifices to make. But this, this never even crossed my mind.”
“Tell me about it. If I’m not up worrying about one kid, I’m worrying about the other. I assumed things would get easier as they got older, but I’m realizing that was ignorant thinking. It seems to get harder every day.”
“But it’s worth it, isn’t it?” Will grinned.
Slinging his arm over Will’s shoulders, Horace says, “Yeah brother, it is so worth it.”
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graveyarrdshift · 7 months
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tell me why (2020)
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blessedcrow · 5 days
beef ask game. 3 9 15 23 25 26 and like maybe 20
From this ask game: Beef Tenderloin Tobin - The Great North.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
On occasion, Beef can be shown to be slightly overbearing/overprotective of his kids. Obviously, this relates to his deep-rooted trauma of everyone he loves leaving him - his parents, his brother, now his wife - and it definitely has an impact, whether consciously or not, on his approach to parenting and his wish for his family to stay close to home.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I would love it of course, but I don't think he would appreciate it very much.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Okay, well... I have two canon ships, and one crackship that I am very invested in. I'm very torn between Beef/Carissa and Beef/Alyson, but I think after season 4, Carissa may edge it out slightly due to how she's a good influence on Beef and is comforting to him and affirming of his feelings. I'd really like to see more of her interacting with his kids next season, I think it'd be really sweet.
And now the crackship: Beef x his cruise ship captain pen pal. As a wise man once said, it's #yaoilicious...
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Either the aforementioned pen pal, Alyson if he stays with Carissa and just needs a friend to talk to, or Jerry because, well, it's Jerry.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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I already said this on twitter, but he's so soft and fluffy and about to explode with excitement here, I love it so much.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Then: Hot and very cute and caring.
Now: Still hot and very cute and caring. But I would also now like to put him into a woodchipper (affectionately).
26. Freebie Question: Anon, you missed out the question 😭
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spikemd · 1 month
The Blu-Ray Project: American Pie
Because we’ve unsubscribed to most streaming services this year, my wife and I are watching every disc on our shelves in alphabetical order. It’s a journey.
Okay, for some context about my particular experience of this movie, I feel it’s helpful for people to know I was raised very conservatively Catholic (I’m obviously far from that now). I grew up on a diet of old movies and PBS, and even though I was a teen in the 2000s, I’ve never seen any part of this series (or really even watched any of this style of movie). I was pretty nervous about it because I don’t tend to find raunchy movies that fun, but honestly, it was overall tamer than I expected. I mostly felt a lot of secondhand embarrassment at all of the awkward interactions and a vague sense of surprise at how slowly the plot progressed. The pie scene was even more painful than I’d expected, the webcam scene was just upsetting, and Alyson Hannigan’s repeated delivery of “this one time? At band camp?” was perfect. I didn’t realize Eugene Levy was in it and he couldn’t have been more perfectly cast as he gave his repeated sex talks to his horny son. Seeing the movie as a full adult also adds to the feeling of not being able to relate at all to the sex-obsessed teen hijinks, not that I would have related as a teen either. But now I’ve seen another piece of (weird) American culture I missed, so that’s something, I guess?
@dr-brittbritt owns a four disc set of this series, so the next three movie nights are going to continue the theme. I really can’t wait until we reach the B section.
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hersummerskin · 2 months
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Alexis bday 6.26.24:
HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY BITCHH!!!! Everyday i am so grateful that you are in my best friend in the entire world and alive and still in new york when you could be anywhere in this world and work two blocks away from me <3 <3 Could you imagine telling our 18 year old selves that we would be forensic social workers in BROOKLYN (WE HATE BROOKLYN!!!) and standing on the sidewalk outside your office as m*** walks by and avoids eye contact with both us…actually yeah tbh sounds pretty predictable LMFAO. There is no one I’d rather drink smoothies with on an empty stomach in the 90 degree heat two blocks from court while you frame suicide as an acceptable option and I beg you to reconsider as you make the most lawyer-esque, matter-of-fact argument. BUT SERIOUSLY, there is no one like you anywhere. 
You are still the most caring, selfless person even as your own world is turned upside down. I am sorry this past year was filled with so much grief, shock, sadness, and painful transitions, but I am hoping this next year will be the most beautiful one yet. I wish Alyson was here to say happy birthday and make fun of you for going to anything pride-related, but I know she is somewhere in a place like Central Park without any pain, surrounded by sunflowers and rescue dogs. 
Thank you for all of your perfectly curated Spotify playlists, cups of tea in your apartment on your couch, insane film photographs, Mayday Parade concerts, forcing me to leave my apartment, entertaining my mentally ill reddit theories, sharing your WELL-RESEARCHED AND DOCUMENTED PSYHCOLOGICAL THEORIES THAT CAN NOT BE SPOKEN INTO EXISTENCE, exploring the world (aka chagrin falls and portugal) with me, and showing me what true unconditional love is!!! You are seriously the other half of my soul forever.
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Review: Out of Character ☕
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Rating: 4/5
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This book had a lot to love, but no book is perfect, so let's get into the likes and dislikes: LIKES:
It's an excellent audiobook! It got me through several long drives
Complex parent relationships: the characters have moments where they love their parents, are annoyed by them, don't know how they feel about them, etc. It felt realistic and relatable
Online roleplay/fandom life: take me back to my 2015 Supernatural roleplay era. Simpler times, man
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Virtual friends: love a good internet friendship!
Gay gay gay
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A girl with a male best friend and the friendship is utterly supportive and platonic: I am HERE for non-toxic guy friends
Positive fat rep: and nary a speck of fatphobia in sight?? Pop off, Jenna Miller
Flawed characters who learn from their mistakes: I don't need my characters to be perfect; in fact, I want them to be messy. But boy do I love a character who can be messy AND learn to do better
Unnecessary miscommunication: just talk to each other, bro. Please. I'm begging you
Like . . . a lot of lying: this is just a personal hang-up for me because ✨trauma✨, but so much of the lying (much like the miscommunication) was unnecessary. I get that they're teenagers and they functioned much like people with underdeveloped brains often function, but I don't think a lot of these lies can or should be blamed on that
Addiction could have been handled with more nuance: the times addiction did come up more obviously, it felt thrown in rather than carefully discussed. It seemed like a convenient plot point more than anything
Unrealistic parenting lol: even a "cool dad" is not going to let his teenage daughter do half the things she did. And this dad wasn't written as being particularly neglectful or clueless, he was just way too okay with some things
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
played the first two episodes of Tell me Why today. damn. still wanna know the context behind why they call her by her first name. and also i kept calling Tyler gay in my mind and i kept reprimanding myself for that because its not a good habit to call literally every dude gay. but also...was i wrong. see if you call every single dude "gay as fuck" you'll be right some of the times at least. world philosophy right there. i have no idea what "world philosophy" means. i just say shit and hope it sounds right most of the times. oh and also i feel bad cuz i dont remember alyson's friend's name, like i somehow mi.....its michael isnt it. yeah theyre name is michael. at least i hope so. anyways so their vibe is so me. like we are on the same wavelenght vibe-wise. except i dont got game like him. man has rizz not gonna lie. smooth mother fucker. i did blush at those dialogues. you know the ones if youve played ep2. my mans got rizz like no other. also he's hot. and has a septum piercing. and i did call him gay as well just out of habit. tbh i really missed the opportunity to call alyson gay. i need to get on that tomorrow when i continue the game. to be honest i think its because i call attractive people gay. i dont know why really, but if i see an attractive person, i will call them gay as fuck. ig because in those moments i myself feel gay? idk. and sorry alyson, ig youre just not my type. girl's real pretty but i like my women with a bit more moustache ya know. and that isnt a way to say that i dont like women. i mean that whole heartedly: i lfind women who have moustaches attractive. mostly just because facial hair looks good on about anyone. clean shaven face aint my thing just in general. which is why im so fucking sad that i cant grow shit on my face. like bro cmon i have testosterone in me. atleast some amount. give me a fucking moustache.
anyways yeah i forgot to say that tyler is hot too. and also one thing is specific: theres one scene where i got this vibe that he wasnt angry at a person because there was a reason to be angry at them, but because, well,, when youve been angry at someone for so long, and people confront you about it, sometimes you just get stuck on like, defending yourself. defending your anger. even if there isnt a reason for it anymore. you dont want to feel like all the time youve been angry at them, you were wrong to be so. and when you get riled up, its hard to calm down and regocnise that forgiving someone in the present, doesnt invalidate the feelings you had of them in the past. and you just get stuck having this tunnel vision where you are angry at this person. doesnt matter why, you just are. because youve always been angry at them.
yeah so, i was probably just reading into that scene a bit too much, but i just related real hard alright. its the one with tyler and alyson talking to brown for the second time. it just fucking hit me. and then there was that later scene with tessa. and,, the vibes were just different. it was much calmer, and no one said anything that would've made him feel the need to be defensive. they had a conversation. and i think, if tyler and brown could manage to let out their steam, and then have a calm conversation, tyler would probably forgive him.
i just. i know that feeling so well. being mad at someone just because, well, you hate them. and you dont even remember why, but wouldnt you be such an asshole if this whole time youve been angry at them for no reason. so you double down. think that whatever it is that made you hate them, it was bad enough to warrant your grudge. and you nitpick all of their actions to find little things that annoy you, or something about their behaviour you didnt like, or maybe you didnt like the tone of voice they used that one time. and when your anger is running out of steam, you remind yourself of all those little things. and its hard to talk to anyone about it, because everytime you do, you find that there isnt really a reason for your feelings. and confronting that is hard, especially if youre doing with the person you are angry at. and the smallest of things they say or do in that calm moment can feel like an attack on your character. belittling you. or maybe they just laugh. and you dont like how lightly they seem to be taking this conversation. they arent taking it seriously. they arent taking you seriously. and you go quiet and add that conversation into the pile of reasons to hate them.
another media post that turned into venting. sorry. and yes that was about my mother, surprise surprise. though ive got testimony from third parties(mys sister), about how my mother sucks, and that evidence will last me for a while. im not even trying to forgive her at this point, im just trying to save myself.
she likes to say that im stubborn and resiliant. when adults ask what kind of person i am. i guess sometimes i feel stubborn in my anger, but that does not last for good things. i have no patience for myself, and no resilience to keep trying. i am pretty stubborn when it comes to proving people wrong. but most of the time im just trying to prove them that im not as good or smart as they think. showing that i dont have "potential for anything, if you set your mind to it". showing that i dont have the strenght to get out of bed. proving that "only a week of school" isnt easy for me.
god okay i dont want a repeat of yesterdays whole ordeal so im forcing myself to cut this now. sorry for the typos, i cant dwell on this longer.
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