#especially in the third episode
graveyarrdshift · 7 months
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me every time i wake up
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genderqueerpond · 1 month
this is literally my favorite bit of metatextual doctor who canon
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lilydvoratrelundar · 1 year
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"We deal with the odd, the unexplained, anything on Earth, or even beyond." "Alien invaders? Little blue men with three heads?"
Giffing Pertwee Who - Spearhead from Space: Episode 1
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mipexch · 2 years
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forgot to post this but here’s the devil & his malewife
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isagrimorie · 5 months
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Captain Kathryn Janeway as a Brilliant Tactician, part 1, 2, 3 (version 1) (version 2)
Star Trek Voyager, 7x10 -Flesh and Blood II (version 1)
Hirogen ships wildly outclassed Voyager and the first time Voyager seriously went up against the Hirogen, the crew lost control of the ship and they were forced to participate in various Hirogen hunting games.
The crew barely took back Voyager and Janeway had to give Hirogen the Hologram tech to get them off her ship.
And then in season 7, after the EMH Doctor betrayed Voyager and thoroughly sabotaged the ship. The Engine room was a mess and the only reason Voyager didn't explode is because B'Elanna reinforced the Warp core. And then the holograms kidnap B'Elanna.
Voyager, battered and limping was on a mission to retrieve their two lost crew members. So Janeway decided to use the Hirogen's hunting skill for their benefit and had the best tactic to deal with the Hirogen while Voyager was in no condition for a firefight.
And despite limping all the way while tailing the Hirogen ships, in the end Voyager fought against two Hirogen ships and won.
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evolutionsbedingt · 5 months
I just realised that this is the perfect song for Li Lianhua, hiding himself from the jianghu and, later, Fang Duobing in particular, not planning on coming out until the time is right!
(Original, German lyrics and their English translation by me under the cut)
Du hast mich gesucht, heute Morgen am Meer
You have searched for me, this morning at the sea
Im Seetang und zwischen den Steinen
Among  the seaweed and between the stones
Doch fandest du nur einen silbernen Fisch
Yet you only found a silvery fish
Sein Tod ließ dich bitterlich weinen
His death made you weep bitterly
Du hast mich gesucht, in dem Haus auf dem Fels
You have searched for me, in the house on the cliff
Im Keller, in Zimmern und Kammern
In the cellar, in the rooms and nooks
Du fandest nur Staub, doch keinerlei Grund
You found only dust, no reason at all
Dich an deine Hoffnung zu klammern
To cling to your hope
Du kannst mich nicht finden, ich hab mich versteckt
You cannot find me, I have hidden myself
Ich hab deine Augen mit Schatten bedeckt
I have covered your eyes with shadows
Du kannst mich nicht finden, du kannst mich nicht sehen
You cannot find me, you cannot see me
Schließ deine Augen, zähl noch mal bis zehn
Close your eyes, count up to ten again
Du hast mich bei Freunden und Feinden gesucht
You have searched for me at friends' and foes'
Hast Dichter und Richter bestochen
Have bribed poets and judges
Doch diese und jene waren ratlos wie du
But these and those, like you, were at a loss
Nun zählst du die Tage und Wochen
Now you're counting the days and weeks
Du hast alle Hexen und Magier befragt
You have asked all witches and magicians,
Sie lasen in Kugeln und Sternen
They studied orbs and stars
Doch falsche Propheten die finden mich nie
But false prophets will never find me
Solange sie das Suchen nicht lernen
As long as they don’t learn to seek
Du kannst mich nicht finden, ich hab mich versteckt
You cannot find me, I have hidden myself
Ich hab deine Augen mit Schatten bedeckt
I have covered your eyes with shadows
Du kannst mich nicht finden, du kannst mich nicht sehen
You cannot find me, you cannot see me
Schließ deine Augen, zähl noch mal bis zehn
Close your eyes, count up to ten again
Such in allen Ecken, such hinter den Hecken
Look in all corners, look behind the hedges
Ich werd mich verstecken und schweigen
I will hide myself and keep quiet
Schau über die Schulter, vielleicht bin ich da
Look over your shoulder, maybe I’ll be there
Zur rechten Zeit will ich mich zeigen
At the right time, I shall show myself
Du kannst mich nicht finden, ich hab mich versteckt
You cannot find me, I have hidden myself
Ich hab deine Augen mit Schatten bedeckt
I have covered your eyes with shadows
Du kannst mich nicht finden, du kannst mich nicht sehen
You cannot find me, you cannot see me
Schließ deine Augen, zähl noch mal bis zehn
Close your eyes, count up to ten again
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Why do the characters who are awful awful people always have the most spectacular designs
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wholesome-cryptid · 1 year
Hey y'all!!! to those here who follow the asterales dub: i'm very excited to announce we are finally fully finished with editing the third episode and it's going to be posted on the first of september!!!!! we all worked very hard on this and we're all very excited to share it with you! as always i will be voicing Avalon E. Ranger!!
Of course give love to the original comic and it's artist @sularu-draws
and check out the first two episodes if you haven't seen them yet!! this has been a really big passion project for everyone involved from the very start!
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Huh, I just realized that:
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In “Protection” Adrien revealed (to both us AND his father) that Emilie herself told him under which circumstances she and Gabriel met years ago. Rewatching “Passion” today, I realized that this explains Adrien’s shocked expression after Nathalie told him about how falling in love in her youth was... difficult for her:
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While Nathalie most likely came into Gabriel’s and Emilie’s lives after Adrien’s parents met for the first time, I see no reason why Emilie would have told Adrien about her and Gabriel having come from two different worlds but never EVER would have spoken a single word of the adventures they went on with Nathalie. At the very least as exciting tales to tell for when her sheltered and lonely 5 year old son came up to her and asked to hear a story about “Maman’s and Papa’s adventures!”
Anyway. Where I’m getting with this is that after the reveal in “Protection” that thanks to Emilie Adrien knows about certain important things of his parents past of which even GABRIEL wasnt aware that Adrien knew of it (maybe never WANTED him to know?)
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And that leads to the conclusion that Emilie told him about their adventures too hence why Nathalie was being so casual about her having been a treasure huntress and fighting snakes, but only in “Passion” would Adrien have found out that Nathalie has been in love with his father for THIS long already:
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That’s what shocked him.
What other domino effects take place from these two moments is as for now still up to everyone’s own interpretation, but I’m definitely looking forward to see the rest of the season play out to find out what other subtle reveals - but with MASSIVE implications for the Agreste’s - are yet to come x3
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
Dee's the writer and director... stepping into the leader position she naturally gravitates towards... she's casting the roles. She cast wrong in dee day, but this will change.
She always wanted the lead role before, which got in-between mac and dennis, but if she steps back (behind the scenes), she won't be their buffer anymore and then...
I rewatched aluminum monster vs fatty magoo and noticed how bad mac is at being controlling and manipulative (he follows exactly what frank says, doing things that he's still trying to apply to this day, like announcing dennis' announcement), how dennis can only ever see himself as filling the role perfectly, and how dee naturally stages a strike and everyone listens to her.
I also rewatched gets held hostage and noticed how it heavily features frank's will and how his gun saves the day, both elements that are coming back in tandem in ep2 of s16... and hostage is a very interesting ep in analyzing the group dynamics and how they interact with each or betray each other. It's also like... its talk of stockholm syndrome, because due to dee's monologue I feel like "why are you doing this to me?" will be a theme, in s16. Because it's like... well ok, no only is it also in gets whacked p2, but it implies that you fell in love with the other person because they did something to you...
look, I'm being rambly (as usual), but what I'm saying is that I feel like s16 will pull a lot from s3 specifically... I guess we will see more clearly when it airs, but I wanted to put it out there. It's not just THAT season tho there's like, season 9 too. and 14.
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wtf do fury and talos have the old men hots for each other or what
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thevalleyisjolly · 7 months
It's impossible to describe the experience of watching Total Forgiveness to people, like how do I explain that this is one of the most compelling shows I've ever watched and it's even one of my comfort rewatch shows but also I cannot rewatch a good third of the series because it makes me so viscerally uncomfortable and this would absolutely never be greenlit by the Dropout of today but it's also essential viewing for understanding not only the development of the company but the public personas of many of the key people involved in Dropout. It's funny and then it's painfully dark and then at the last minute it's hopeful and heartwarming again but damn if it isn't raw all the way through. From the crushing pressure of living under late-stage capitalism to the severe toll on personal relationships that the very premise of the show enables. Also there's a jaunty little soundtrack. 11/10 will rewatch again and again. Except the MLM challenge. I am psychologically unable to watch that again for any sum of money on this planet.
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youremyonlyhope · 1 year
I forgot to watch Survivor tonight and instead watched a 60 minute long video essay called Martha Jones Deserved Better (And Other Correct Doctor Who Takes)
I regret nothing.
#martha jones#doctor who#forgot to watch survivor is a strong way of putting it by the way#it was more i didn't feel like sitting through commercials so i'm just gonna watch it tomorrow instead.#the first 2/3-ish of this video are about RTD and Martha and then the last half is about Moffat era mostly River#anyway. i have 2 small complaints about this video:#1) the angel sending amy to the same time as rory had canonical precedent from billy shipton in blink landing in 1969 too#so i get it seems very 'oh of COURSE she conveniently will end up in the same time'#because prior to that point there was the complaint of weeping angels going from scary to stupid#but that aspect of the angels was there from the beginning#2) i adore clara so i'm sad the video creator has 'avoid-Clara-itis' or however she worded it#but i get it.#a small third minor complaint is that the creator said she has been wary of properly watching Bill's season#and also Jodie's seasons because she is scared of more mistreatment of companions of color#and she seems to not be aware of the existence of Ruth!Doctor at all. i hope she'll like her.#but i hope that she does watch it eventually. especially because Bill was a definite improvement.#almost purposefully meant to be like 'yes Martha had a scene like this but this time Bill gets a better outcome'#and she also says she wanted to know who was in the writing room for Jodie's era and that's one of the best things about Chibnall#that for episodes like Rosa and Demons of the Punjab the co-writers were people of color from the specific cultures#anyway besides those small things i was watching this video like girl you are preaching to the choir#highly recommend for all my fellow Martha Jones Defense Squad members#Youtube
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You know, every time I think the new episode of Neverafter can’t get more wild than the last, I am immediately proven incorrect
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youssefguedira · 4 months
being a predominantly movies only incidentally tv person is very funny sometimes. finally got through episode 4 of ripley last night, a limited series with only like 6 or so episodes, that i started watching over a month ago
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purrfectlycontent · 1 year
so… what happened to the order of the clocktower?
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